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						                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


          2013 Semi-annual Report

                August 2013

                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

             I. Important Reminders, Contents & Explanation

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors,
supervisors and senior management staff of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as ―the Company‖) warrant that this report is factual, accurate
and complete without any false record, misleading statement or material omission.
And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report except the
 Name           Position          Reason for not attending the session in           Name of the proxy

 Ye zaiyou      Director          ON business                                       Liu xingming

The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital
reserve into share capital.
The financial report for the first half of 2013 has not been audited by a CPAs firm.
Pan Jie, company principal, Liu Xingming, chief of the accounting work, and Yin
Jianchun, chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the
Financial Report enclosed in this report is factual, accurate and complete.
This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy
between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
The future plans and some other forward-looking statements involved in this report
shall not be considered as virtual promises of the Company to investors. And
investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to possible risks.

                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


2013 Semi-annual Report .................................................................................................................. 1

I. Important Reminders, Contents & Explanation ......................................................................... 2

II. Company Profile ........................................................................................................................... 5

III. Accouonting & Business Highlights ........................................................................................... 7

IV. Report of the Board of Directors .............................................................................................. 10

V. Significant Events ........................................................................................................................ 22

VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders ........................................................................................... 34

VII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff ............................................................. 39

VIII. Financial Report ..................................................................................................................... 43

IX. Documents Available for Reference ....................................................................................... 162

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                  Term                    Refers to                                Contents

CSRC                                      Refers to China Securities Regulation Commission
SZSE, the Stock Exchange                  Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company, the Company, our company,
                                          Refers to Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                      Board of Directors of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,
Board of Directors                        Refers to
                                                      Shareholders‘ General Meeting of Foshan Electrical and
Shareholders‘ General Meeting            Refers to
                                                      Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                      Supervisory Committee of Foshan Electrical and Lighting
Supervisory Committee                     Refers to
                                                      Co., Ltd.
Yuan, Thousand Yuan, Ten thousand                     RMB Yuan, RMB Thousand Yuan, RMB Ten thousand
                                          Refers to
Yuan, One Hundred Million Yuan                        Yuan, RMB One Hundred Million Yuan
Reporting period, this reporting period   Refers to 1 Jan. 2013-30 Jun. 2013

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                            II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation               FSZM/YZMB                          Stock code                  000541/200541
Stock exchange listed with       Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name of the Company 佛山电器照明股份有限公司
Abbr. of the Chinese name of
the Company (if any)
English name of the Company
                            FOSHAN ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING CO.,LTD
(if any)
Abbr. of the English name of
the Company (if any)
Legal representative of the
                            Pan Jie

II. For Contact

                                            Company Secretary                  Securities Affairs Representative
Name                            Lin Yihui                                 Huang Yufen
                                No. 64, Fenjiang North Road,              No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng
Contact address                 Chancheng District, Foshan City,          District, Foshan City, Guangdong
                                Guangdong Province, P.R.China             Province, P.R.China
Tel.                            (0757)82966062       82810239           (0757)82966028
Fax                             (0757)82816276                          (0757)82816276
E-mail                          fsl-yh@126.com                            fslhyf@163.com

III. Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email
address of the Company during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the Company
did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2012 Annual Report.

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The newspapers designated by the Company for information disclosure, the website designated by CSRC for
disclosing this report and the location where this report is placed did not change during the reporting period. The
said information can be found in the 2012 Annual Report.

3. Change of the registered information

Did any change occur to the registered information during the reporting period?

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The registration date and place of the Company, its business license No., taxation registration No. and
organizational code did not change during the reporting period. The said information can be found in the 2012
Annual Report.

4. Other relevant information

Did any change occur to other relevant information during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                               III. Accounting & Business Highlights

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of the
accounting policy or correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                                   Reporting period             Same period of last year          YoY +/-(%)

Operating revenues (RMB Yuan)                            1,208,260,446.06                1,064,337,124.25                         13.52%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           153,047,291.37                  134,522,943.15                         13.77%
the Company (RMB Yuan)
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the Company after extraordinary gains and                  146,663,823.95                  135,668,742.77                          8.10%
losses (RMB Yuan)
Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                            11,712,252.61                  234,485,514.83                        -95.01%
(RMB Yuan)

Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                               0.16                          0.14                       14.29%

Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share)                                             0.16                          0.14                       14.29%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                            5.63%                            4.62%                         1.01%

                                                  As at the end of the
                                                                                As at the end of last year        YoY +/-(%)
                                                    reporting period

Total assets (RMB Yuan)                                  3,516,955,055.58                3,448,274,301.82                          1.99%

Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                         2,795,996,703.55                2,950,106,976.17                         -5.22%
the Company (RMB Yuan)

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the        Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                       Company                                                Company

                                    Reporting period      Same period of last year          Closing amount           Opening amount

According to Chinese
                                        153,047,291.37                 134,522,943.15         2,795,996,703.55          2,950,106,976.17
accounting standards

Items and amounts adjusted according to international accounting standards

According to international              153,047,291.37                 134,522,943.15         2,795,996,703.55          2,950,106,976.17

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

accounting standards

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and
Chinese accounting standards

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the     Net assets attributable to shareholders of the
                                                    Company                                          Company

                                 Reporting period      Same period of last year      Closing amount            Opening amount

According to Chinese
                                      153,047,291.37              134,522,943.15        2,795,996,703.55         2,950,106,976.17
accounting standards

Items and amounts adjusted according to overseas accounting standards

According to overseas
                                      153,047,291.37              134,522,943.15        2,795,996,703.55         2,950,106,976.17
accounting standards

3. Explain reasons for the differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting


III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                              Item                                                 Amount                     Explanation
Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including
the offset part of asset impairment provisions)
Tax rebates, reductions or exemptions due to approval
beyond authority or the lack of official approval documents
Government grants recognized in the current period, except
for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or
granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the
country‘s unified standards
Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that
recorded into current gains and losses
Gains due to that the investment costs for the Company to
obtain subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower
than the enjoyable fair value of the identifiable net assets of
the investees when making the investments
Gain/loss on non-monetary asset swap                                                             0.00
Gain/loss on entrusting others with investments or asset

                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Asset impairment provisions due to acts of God such as
natural disasters
Gain/loss on debt restructuring                                                           0.00
Expenses for business reorganization, such as expenses for
staffing, reorganization etc.
Gain/loss on the part over the fair value due to transactions
with distinctly unfair prices
Current gains and losses of subsidies acquired from business
combination under the same control as from period-begin to                                0.00
combination date
Gain/loss on contingent events irrelevant to the Company‘s
normal business
Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable
financial assets and tradable financial liabilities, as well as
investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets
and tradable financial liabilities and financial assets available
for sales except for effective hedging related with normal
businesses of the Company
Reversal of provision for impairment that made impairment
test independently
Gain/loss on loans obtained by entrusting others                                          0.00
Gain/loss on change of the fair value of investing real estate
of which the subsequent measurement is carried out adopting                               0.00
the fair value method
Effect on current gains/losses when a one-off adjustment is
made to current gains/losses according to requirements of                                 0.00
taxation, accounting and other relevant laws and regulations
Custody fee income when entrusted with operation                                          0.00
Other non-operation income and expenses other than the
Other gain/loss items that meet the definition of an
extraordinary gain/loss
Less: Income tax effects                                                          988,964.58
        Minority interests effects (after tax)                                            0.00
Total                                                                           6,383,467.42                --
Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an extraordinary gain/loss according to the definition in
the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public—Extraordinary Gains and Losses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said
explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                           IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Overview

The reporting period witnessed a complex and changeable international economy. The peak of the
European Crisis had passed, but economic recession seemed inevitable and the U.S. economy was
also in a slow recovery. China‘s economy was under increasing downward pressure with the
economic growth slowing down at a marked pace. Meanwhile, boosted by various stimulus
industrial policies of the government, the production capacity of the industry expanded quickly and
thus market competition became increasingly fierce. With such an economic environment and
industrial background, the Company, according to the policies set at the beginning of the year,
worked hard to increase its strength, product quality and operating efficiency by promoting lean
manufacturing and optimizing internal management. Meanwhile, it input more efforts in brand and
channel development, as well as R&D and market expansion. As a result, the Company achieved a
stable growth in its main business.
For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB 1,208,260.4 thousand,
up 13.52% over the same period of last year; total profit of RMB192,598.8 thousand, up20.85%
over the same period of last year; and net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company of
RMB 153,047.3 thousand, representing a year-on-year growth of 13.77%.

II. Main business analysis

For the reporting period, the Company achieved a sales income of RMB 1,182,317.6 thousand from
its main business, up 12.26% over the same period of last year, of which the domestic sales income
stood at RMB 854,494.3 thousand, up 17.40% on the year-on-year basis, and the export income
stood at RMB 327,823.3 thousand, down 3.92% on the year-on-year basis. The gross profit rate was
23.11%, down 2.01% over the same period of last year.

YoY change of major financial data:
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Reporting period      Same period of last year       YoY +/-%            Main reasons for change

Operating revenues           1,208,260,446.06          1,064,337,124.25                  13.52%

Operating costs                925,675,209.12            792,978,460.81                  16.73%

Selling expenses                44,431,240.08             46,953,881.19                   -5.37%

Administrative expenses         77,932,401.53             75,564,365.47                   3.13%

                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Financial expenses            -3,963,817.89        -7,159,594.18                  44.64% Increase of exchange loss

R&D input                    33,914,703.00        35,236,168.02                    -3.75%

                                                                                            Profit increased and the
Income tax expenses                               25,616,659.61                   54.64% taxable amount increased

Net cash flows from                                                                         Increase of cash paid for
                              11,712,252.61      234,485,514.83                  -95.01%
operating activities                                                                        goods and labor services

                                                                                            Increase of cash received
Net cash flows from
                             25,328,242.59           879,254.59                2,780.65% from investment
investing activities

                                                                                            Cash dividends were
                                                                                            distributed in the
Net cash flows from
                            -284,036,742.40          -26,780.81           -1,060,498.03% reporting period while
financing activities
                                                                                            they were not in the same
                                                                                            period of last year.

                                                                                            The cash dividends for
Net increase in cash and
                            -249,046,824.08      235,575,364.17                 -205.72% 2012 were distributed in
cash equivalents
                                                                                            the reporting period.

Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
No major changes occurred to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting

Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the
Company such as share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports,
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
The Company did not mention any future planning for the reporting period in its disclosed
documents such as share-soliciting prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports,

Review the progress of the previously disclosed business plan in the reporting period:
In the reporting period, according to its operating plan for 2013, the Company made rational and
careful arrangements and planning. The operation as a whole showed a steady development and the
operating plan for the first half of the year was excellently fulfilled. In the coming 6 months, the
Company will continue to push forward relevant work at a steady pace.

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                 Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                                                                                   of operating      of operating costs     of gross profit
                          Operating                          Gross profit rate
                                         Operating costs                         revenues over the    over the same       rate over the same
                          revenues                                 (%)
                                                                                  same period of period of last year period of last year
                                                                                   last year (%)            (%)                  (%)

Classified by industry:

Lighting fixtures
                    1,182,317,613.69      909,136,643.67               23.11%             12.26%               15.27%                -2.01%
and lamps

Classified by product:

Lighting fixtures
                    1,182,317,613.69      909,136,643.67               23.11%             12.26%               15.27%                -2.01%
and lamps

Classified by region:

Domestic                854,494,345.56    669,777,009.94              21.62%              17.40%               21.15%                -2.42%

Overseas                327,823,268.13    239,359,633.72              26.99%                3.92%                 4.75%              -0.58%

IV. Core competitiveness analysis

In the reporting period, the Company continued to give play to its leading competitive edges in
channel building, scale & cost, brand recognition, technological R&D, etc. Meanwhile, it input
more efforts in R&D, protected its intellectual properties such as patents and trademarks, improved
the management of intangible assets and proactively brought in professional technical personnel.
There was no such a case where the core competitiveness of the Company was severely damaged by
core technicians leaving their posts or expiration of important intellectual properties and intangible

V. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

(1) Investments in external parties

                                                    Investments in external parties

Investment amount in the reporting period       Investment amount in the same period of
               (RMB Yuan)                                  last year (RMB Yuan)

                                         0.00                                          0.00                                            0.00%

                                                      Particulars about investees

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                      Proportion of the Company‘s investment in
             Name of investee                             Main business
                                                                                                        the investee‘s total equity interests (%)

Qinghai     Fozhao       Lithium   Energy Integrated development and utilization of
Exploitation Co., Ltd.                    salt lake brine resource.

Guangdong     Fozhao     Guoxuan   Power R&D, production, installation and sales of
Battery Co., Ltd.                         lithium ion battery and its control system

                                          R&D, production and sale of lithium ion
                                          batteries and materials, solar, wind and
                                          other     renewable         energy         application
                                          products,     equipment           and          systems,
                                          energy-saving          optoelectronic                and
Hefei Guoxuan High-tech Power Energy      electronic    products,          equipment           and
Co., Ltd.                                 systems, and lithium power emergency
                                          supply, power-driven tools, transportation
                                          tools and chargers; operation and agent
                                          service of import and export of products
                                          and technologies; design and construction
                                          of lighting projects for cities and roads

                                          Investment, operation and management of
Guangzhou Zhujiang Asset Management
                                          self-owned      funds;       project        planning;                                             15.38%
Company Limited
                                          investment management consulting service

                                          Electronic      products,         communication
                                          devices, household appliances, furniture,
                                          speakers, paper, paper products, chemicals
                                          for daily use, shoes, hats and garment;
Shenzhen Zhonghao (Group) Ltd.                                                                                                        Less than 5%
                                          domestic commerce, material supply and
                                          marketing (excluding goods operated, sold
                                          and     controlled     by     special          entities);
                                          supervision of the self-developed projects

                                          Production      and       sale       of        tungsten,
                                          molybdenum,      nickel       and         clad      metal
                                          products, diamond die, thin steel strips,
                                          electric light source products, power
                                          supply products, industrial gas and special
                                          equipment; production, installation, sale,
Chengdu Hongbo Industrial Co., Ltd.       mechanic     processing,         vehicle         repair,                                           6.94%
                                          consulting     service,       sale        of      goods
                                          (excluding     those      prohibited           by     the
                                          government from circulating), export of
                                          products produced by it or its member
                                          companies; import of needed mechanic
                                          equipment, components, raw and auxiliary

                                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                   materials; processing and compensation

Xiamen Bank                                        Banking services                                                                                                 7.99%

China Guangfa Bank Co., Ltd.                       Banking services                                                                                    Less than 5%

Foshan Fochen Road Development                     Building and operation of the Fochen
Company Limited                                    (Foshan Chencun) Road

                                                   Investment into hi-tech and innovative
                                                   businesses, trusteeship management and
Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital                   operation of venture capital of other
Company Limited                                    venture capital companies; investment
                                                   consulting service (excluding restricted

(2)Equity-holdings in financial enterprises

                            Initial        Opening         Opening           Closing          Closing           Closing           in the
Enterprise Enterprise investment equity-hol equity-hol equity-hol equity-hol book value reporting Accountin                                                       Equity
  name         variety    cost (RMB          dings         ding ratio          dings         ding ratio          (RMB             period         g title          source
                            Yuan)           (share)             (%)            (share)            (%)            Yuan)            (RMB

             Commerci 30,828,816                                                                               67,343,756 1,365,712. or-sale                    Additional
Everbright                               23,546,768             0.06% 23,546,768                  0.06%
             al bank               .00                                                                                   .48               54 financial         issue

Xiamen       Commerci 208,574,21 109,714,17                                 109,714,17                         292,574,13                                       Additional
                                                                7.99%                             7.99%                                       equity
Bank         al bank             7.00                 6                                  6                              3.00                                    issue

China                                                                                                                                         Long-term
             Commerci                                      Less than                          Less than                                                         Additional
Guangfa                  500,000.00          229,792                            229,792                        500,000.00                     equity
             al bank                                                  5%                                5%                                                      issue
Bank                                                                                                                                          investment

                                         239,903,03 133,490,73                               133,490,73                         360,417,88 1,365,712.
Total                                                                            --                                --                                               --
                                                   3.00                 6                                6                            9.48                 54

(3)Securities investments

                                         Initial      Number Sharehold Number Sharehold Closing Gain/loss
                                      investmen of shares               ing           of shares         ing             book          for
Variety of Code of       Name of                                                                                                                 Accounti Source of
                                         t cost       held at     percentag            held at     percentag            value      reporting
securities securities securities                                                                                                                  ng title         stock
                                       (RMB          period-be          e at          period-en         e at        (RMB            period
                                       Yuan)              gin         period-be          d         period-en        Yuan)           (RMB

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                          gin                     d                       Yuan)

                                    5,000,000                                                 3,943,027 -69,701.4
Fund                                                                                                                  financial
                                          .00                                                       .30           5

Other securities investments
                                         0.00      0       --               0     --               0.00        0.00       --           --
held at the period-end

                                    5,000,000                                                 3,943,027 -69,701.4
Total                                                                                                                     --           --
                                          .00                                                       .30           5

Disclosure date of the board
announcement on approval of         25 Nov. 2010
the securities investment

Shareholdings in other listed companies:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

(1)Wealth management entrustment


(2)Derivative investments


(3)Entrustment loans

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                        Loan       Interest                              Use of funds by
                         Borrower                       party or                                 Guarantor or pawn
                                                                       amount          rate                                the borrower

Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. Yes                  4,332          5.6% Naught
                                                                                                                       working funds

Total                                                       --            4,332         --                --                      --

                                                       According to the ―Proposal on Providing Financial Support for a Joint
                                                       Stock Company‖ reviewed and approved at the 1 st Special Shareholders‘
                                                       General Meeting on 8 Jan. 2013, the entrustment loan would become due
                                                       after 4 months since the date when the Company, the relevant commercial
                                                       bank and Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.
Extension, overdue loans or lawsuits (if any)
                                                       (―QFLEE‖ for short) signed the entrustment loan contract, i.e. on 20 May
                                                       2013. Due to various reasons, QFLEE failed to repay the loan to the
                                                       Company in time, but it promised to repay all the loan and interest before 1
                                                       Sept. 2013 (for details, see the Announcement No. 2013-020 disclosed on
                                                       www.cninfo.com.cn on 8 Jun. 2013).

                                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Concerning the overdue loan to QFLEE, the Company has sent multiple
                                                                 reminders and staff to QFLEE to try to collect the loan in time. Up to 26
                                                                 Aug. 2013, Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. still
Countermeasures for extension overdue loans or
                                                                 hadn’t pay off the arrearage. In order to ensure the capital safety and
lawsuits (if any)
                                                                 protect its legal rights and interests from harms, the Board of Directors of
                                                                 the Company has agreed to bring an action against Qinghai Fozhao
                                                                 Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.

Disclosure date of the board announcement approving
                                                                 18 Dec. 2012
the entrustment loan (if any)

Disclosure date of the general meeting announcement
                                                                 9 Jan. 2013
approving the entrustment loan (if any)

3. Use of raised funds


4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

Main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Main            Registered
 Company        Company                                                                                  Operating   Operating
                                Industry   products/ser          capital     Total assets   Net assets                              Net profit
   name          variety                                                                                 revenues      profit
                                                 vices         (0,000)

                                           operation of
                            Manufactur ballasts,                             14,033,186. 7,330,167.4 20,123,729. 1,447,915.8 1,076,612.8
Electronic     Subsidiary                                      RMB 100
                            e              electronic                                  86            6          25              8                9
Ballast Co.,
                                           s             and

                                           Producer of
Foshan                                     electric
Chanchang                                  lighting
Electric                    Manufactur products                              130,067,191 95,487,727. 77,650,098. 9,401,093.8 7,050,820.3
               Subsidiary                                      RMB 7,278
Appliances                  e              and related                                .19           55          53              4                8
(Gaoming)                                  fittings,
Co., Ltd.                                  providing

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                         and sales of
Foshan                                   lamps,
Taimei                                   household
                            Manufactur                                  140,813,551 33,243,022. 120,407,762 7,706,880.5 5,773,182.0
Times          Subsidiary                appliances         RMB 50
                            e                                                    .05          99           .34           3            5
Lamps Co.,                               and fittings,
Ltd.                                     and        other

                                         ng lighting
                                         lamps       and
Nanjing                                  equipments;
Fozhao                                   lighting
Lighting                                 projects;
                            Manufactur                      RMB         92,687,556. 72,338,863. 23,650,560.
Component Subsidiary                     energy-savi                                                             215,096.31 357,258.73
                            e                               4168.32               62          07           20
s                                        ng
Manufacturi                              technology
ng Co., Ltd.                             developmen
                                         t           and
                                         of relevant
                                         fittings; sale
                                         d products

                                         R&D         and
Foshan                                   of lamps of
Lighting                    Manufactur electric                         8,083,568.0 8,083,823.7
               Subsidiary                                   RMB 500                                      0.00     12,492.72    9,203.79
Lamps Co.,                  e            light source                              0            5
Ltd.                                     and related
                                         metal       and

                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                           and sale of
                                           products of
                                           light source;
                                           and sale of
(Xinxiang)                    Manufactur                                  12,606,415. 6,362,871.7
                 Subsidiary                of      electric RMB 1000                                    0.00 -461,278.31 -463,546.31
Lighting                      e                                                   83           8
                                           light source,
Co., Ltd.
                                           , lamps and

                                           and selling
Lithium Ion
                              Manufactur lithium ion                      35,428,636. 22,258,493.              -7,217,769. -8,528,914.
Battery          Subsidiary                                   RMB 5000                                  0.00
                              e            battery                                54          73                       52           77
Co., Ltd.

                                           lease, lease,
Guangdong                                  guaranty,
Fozhao                                     financing
                                                                          208,674,922 208,592,537              2,824,123.3 2,118,092.5
Financing        Subsidiary   Finance      lease              RMB 20000                                 0.00
                                                                                  .50         .07                       9            4
Lease     Co.,                             service      for
Ltd.                                       new-energy
                                           &          main

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                  ng lighting
                                  products &

                                  R&D         and
                                  of      electric
                                  light source
                                  ,         home
FSL                               socket
Lighting                          outlets,
                                                                15,005,784. 15,001,257.
Equipment Subsidiary   manufacture power             RMB 1500                                  0.00     1,676.88     1,257.66
                                                                        88          66
Co., Ltd.                         switches,
                                  on products,
                                  import and
                                  export       of
                                  and goods

5. Significant projects invested with non-raised funds


VI. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Sept. 2013

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the
period-begin to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations

                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

on the reasons:
□Applicable √Inapplicable

VII. Explanation of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee on the
 “Non-standard Audit Report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period


VIII. Explanation of the Board of Directors on the issues mentioned in the “Non-standard
Audit Report” issued by the CPAs firm for last year


IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the reporting period

Profit allocation plan implemented during the reporting period, especially execution and adjustment
of the cash dividend plan and the plan for turning capital reserve into share capital:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
On 28 May 2013, the ―Preplan for Profit Allocation for 2012‖ was reviewed and approved at the
2012 Annual Shareholders‘ General Meeting held by the Company. As the profit allocation plan for
2012, the Company, based on the total 978,563,745 shares as at the end of 2012, distributed a cash
dividend of RMB 3.10 (tax included; dividends for B-share holders paid in HKD) for every 10
shares held by its shareholders of A share and B share. On 8 Jun. 2013, the Company disclosed the
―Announcement of the Implementation of Profit Allocation for 2012‖ and determined that A shares‘
date of record was on 18 Jun. 2013, ex-dividend date on 19 Jun. 2013, the last trading date of B
shares on 18 Jun. 2013 and the ex-dividend date on 19 Jun. 2013. B shares‘ date of record was on
21 Jun. 2013. At the end of the reporting period, the implementation of profit allocation plan for
2012 was completed.

X. Pre-plan for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital for the
reporting period

During the reporting period, the Company did not distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn
capital reserve into share capital.

                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

XI. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

                                                                                         Main discussion and
                        Place of      Way of
 Time of reception                                  Visitor type          Visitor        materials provided by
                       reception     reception
                                                                                            the Company
                                                                                     The operation and
                                                                    China Securities
16 Jan. 2013         The Company Field research Institution                          production of the
                                                                    Co., Ltd.

                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                Section V Significant Events

I. Corporate governance

In the reporting period, in strict accordance with applicable laws, regulations and regulatory
documents such as the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Code of Corporate Governance of
Listed Companies and the Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company kept
improving the corporate governance structure, optimizing the internal management and control
system and enhancing the standardized operation. At the same time, according to the Basic Rules
for Internal Control of Enterprises and the Mating Guidelines for Internal Control of Enterprises,
etc., the Company actively carried out internal control improvement. In addition to the Audit
Department, the Company has also set up an internal control leading team to establish and improve
the internal control system and effectively implement the system. In the reporting period, the actual
situation of the Company‘s governance did not differ from the Company Law and the relevant
CSRC requirements.

II. Significant litigations and arbitrations

□Applicable √Inapplicable
The Company was not involved in any significant lawsuit or arbitration during the reporting period.

III. The media’s doubts

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
There was no such a case in the reporting period where most of the media raised the same doubt
about the Company.

IV. Bankruptcy and reorganization


                                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

V. Asset transaction

1. Purchase of assets


2. Sale of assets

                                                                     Ratio of                          ship
                                             profit                                                              Whether
                                                                     the net                         between
                                            contribu                                                               or not Whether
                                                                      profit                           the
                                             ted by                                                                  the     or not
                                 Transact                 Influenc contribu                          transacti                the
                                            the asset                                                            ownersh creditor‘
                                   ion                    e of the    ted to                Related- on party
                                            from the                                                             ip of the s right
Transact                          price                   sale on      the       Pricing     party   and the                  and             Disclos
               Asset   Date of              period-b                                                                asset liabilitie Disclos
  ion                             (RMB                         the   Compan principl transacti Compan                                           ure
                sold     sale               egin to                                                               involve       s    ure date
 party                             Ten                    Compan y by the              e     on or      y                  involved            index
                                            the date                                                               d has     have
                                 thousan                  y (note     asset                   not    (applica
                                             of sale                                                                been     been
                                    d)                         3)    sale to                          ble for                fully
                                             (RMB                                                                   fully transferr
                                                                     the total                       related-
                                              Ten                                                                transferr     ed
                                                                      profit                          party
                                            thousan                                                                 ed
                                                                       (%)                           transacti

                                                          The sale                                                                           Name
                                                          of the                                                                             of
                                                          18.5%                                                                              announc
                                                          equity                                                                             ement:
                                                          of                                                                                 Announ
           18.5%                                          Shenzhe                                                                            cement
           equity                                         n                                                                                  on
Shenzhe                                                                          With the
           of                                             Liangke                                                                            Complet
n Meilu                                                                          assessm
           Shenzhe                                        Venture                                                                            ion     of
Trade                                                                            ent
           n           28 Jun.                            Capital                                    Inapplic                      23 Aug. the
Develop                            2,220              0                   0% result as No                        Yes       Yes
           Liangke 2012                                   Co.,                                       able                          2013      Transfer
ment                                                                             the
           Venture                                        Ltd. has                                                                           of
Co.,                                                                             pricing
           Capital                                        no                                                                                 Equity-
Ltd.                                                                             base
           Co.,                                           influenc                                                                           holdings
           Ltd.                                           e on the                                                                           in        a
                                                          business                                                                           Former
                                                          continui                                                                           Shareho
                                                          ty and                                                                             lding
                                                          manage                                                                             Compan
                                                          ment                                                                               y;

                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                     stability                                                            Announ
                                     of the                                                               cement
                                     Compan                                                               No.:
                                     y, and                                                               2013-02
                                     has no                                                               5;
                                     direct                                                               Disclos
                                     impact                                                               ure
                                     on the                                                               website:
                                     financia                                                             www.cn
                                     l                                                                    info.co
                                     position                                                             m.cn
                                     g results

Explanation on the sale of assets:

On 28 Jun. 2012, the 18th Session of the 6th Board of Directors was convened, at which the
“Proposal on Transferring Equities of Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Co., Ltd.” was reviewed
and approved. Up to 1 Jul. 2013, the transferee had paid all the equity transfer amount and delay
charges to the Company; On 22 Aug. 2013, the transfer of the 18.5% stake that the Company had
held in Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Company Limited was completed, generating a gain
about RMB 8.97 million.

3. Business combination


VI. Implementation and influence of any equity incentive plan of the Company


                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VII. Significant related-party transactions

1. Related-party transactions arising from routine operation

                                                                                                                 e market
                                                                                         n in the
                                                                            Transacti                            price for
                                                                Transacti                 total
                             Type of   Contents                                on                                   the
 Related                                                        on price                amounts
                               the          of the    Pricing                amount                  Mode of transactio Disclosur Disclosur
transactio Relation                                              (RMB                      of
                         transactio transactio principle                     (RMB                    settlement n of the      e date      e index
 n party                                                           Ten                  transactio
                               n              n                               Ten                                  same
                                                                thousand)               ns of the
                                                                            thousand)                            kind(RM
                                                                                        same kind
                                                                                                                  B Ten

             acting in
Hangzhou                 products
             with a
Times                    and
             legal                     Purchase
Lighting                 receiving                   Market                                          Remittanc                           www.cnin
             person                    of                       0.65             0.65           0%               0.65        2013.4.26
Electric                 labor                       price                                           e                                   fo.com.cn
             that held                 material
Co., Ltd.                service
             over 5%
                         from the
             shares of

             acting in
             with a
Prosperity               and
             legal                     Purchase
Electrical               receiving                   Market                                          Remittanc                           www.cnin
             person                    of                       1,482.70     1,482.70      1.43%                 1,482.70 2013.4.26
(China)                  labor                       price                                           e                                   fo.com.cn
             that held                 material
Co., Ltd.                service
             over 5%
                         from the
             shares of

             Person      Purchasin
OSRAM acting in g
(China)      concert     products                    Market                                          Remittanc                           www.cnin
                                       of                       6.24             6.24      0.01%                 6.24        2013.4.26
Lighting with a          and                         price                                           e                                   fo.com.cn
Co., Ltd. legal          receiving
             person      labor

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

           that held service
           over 5%     from the
           shares of related
           the         party

Prosperity person
Lamps & that held                   Purchase
                       receiving               Market                                     Remittanc                        www.cnin
Compone over 5%                     of                  212.44        212.44       0.2%               212.44   2013.4.26
                       labor                   price                                      e                                fo.com.cn
nts        shares of                material
Limited    the
                       from the

           acting in
Prosperity concert
(Xinxiang with a
)          legal                    Purchase
                       receiving               Market                                     Remittanc                        www.cnin
Electro-O person                    of                  2.97             2.97       0%                2.97     2013.4.26
                       labor                   price                                      e                                fo.com.cn
ptical     that held                material
Machiner over 5%
                       from the
y Co., Ltd shares of

           A           g
Siteco     company products
Prosperity which has and
Lighting a related     receiving               Market                                     Remittanc            Inapplica Inapplica
                                    of                  135.20                   0.13%                135.20
(Langfan individual labor                      price                                      e                    ble         ble
                                    material                          135.20
g) Co.,    sharehold service
Ltd.       er as its   from the
           director    related

Prosperity Person      Selling
(Hangzho acting in products
u)         concert     and
                                    Sales of   Market                                     Remittanc                        www.cnin
Lighting with a        providing                        251.17        251.17     0.15%                251.17   2013.4.26
                                    products price                                        e                                fo.com.cn
and        legal       labor
Electrical person      service to
Co., Ltd. that held the

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

             over 5%   related
             shares of party

             acting in Selling
             concert   products
             with a    and
             legal     providing
Electrical                          Sales of   Market                                    Remittanc                        www.cnin
             person    labor                            50.78          50.78     0.03%               50.78    2013.4.26
(China)                             products price                                       e                                fo.com.cn
             that held service to
Co., Ltd.
             over 5%   the
             shares of related
             the       party

             acting in Selling
             concert   products
             with a    and
             legal     providing
(China)                             Sales of   Market                                    Remittanc                        www.cnin
             person    labor                            557.75        557.75     0.34%               557.75   2013.4.26
Lighting                            products price                                       e                                fo.com.cn
             that held service to
Co., Ltd.
             over 5%   the
             shares of related
             the       party

             Legal     products
Prosperity person      and
Lamps & that held providing
                                    Sales of   Market                                    Remittanc                        www.cnin
Compone over 5%        labor                            2,329.87    2,329.87     1.44%               2,329.87 2013.4.26
                                    products price                                       e                                fo.com.cn
nts          shares of service to
Limited      the       the
             Company related

             Person    Selling
             acting in products
Osram        concert   and
Asia         with a    providing Sales of      Market                                    Remittanc            Inapplica Inapplica
                                                        1.30             1.30    0.00%               1.30
Pacific      legal     labor        products price                                       e                    ble         ble
Ltd.         person    service to
             that held the
             over 5%   related

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

             shares of party

Prosperity er who
                         and         Purchase
Lamps & held over
                         receiving of            Market                                    Remittanc                        www.cnin
Compone 5%                                                134.04        134.04     3.44%               134.04   2013.4.26
                         labor       equipmen price                                        e                                fo.com.cn
nts          shares of
                         service     t
Limited      the
                         from the

             acting in
Prosperity               products
             with a
(Xinxiang                and         Purchase
) Lighting               receiving of            Market                                    Remittanc                        www.cnin
             person                                       72.06          72.06     1.85%               72.06    2013.4.26
Machiner                 labor       equipmen price                                        e                                fo.com.cn
             that held
y Co.,                   service     t
             over 5%
Ltd.                     from the
             shares of

Guangdo                  products
ng                       and
Fozhao       Associate providing
                                     Collectio Market                                      Remittanc            Inapplica Inapplica
Guoxuan d                labor                            22.21          22.21     2.85%               22.21
                                     n of rent   price                                     e                    ble         ble
Power        enterprise service to
Energy                   the
Co., Ltd.                related

Guangdo                  products
ng                       and         Collectio
Fozhao       Associate providing n of water
                                                 Market                                    Remittanc            Inapplica Inapplica
Guoxuan d                labor       &                    4.27             4.27    0.99%               4.27
                                                 price                                     e                    ble         ble
Power        enterprise service to electricity
Energy                   the         fee
Co., Ltd.                related

Total                                                --      --       5,263.65      --         --         --          --          --

                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Details of large-amount sales returns               Naught

                                                    On 28 May 2013, the Company convened the 2012 Annual Shareholders‘ General
Where    the   total     amount      of   routine
                                                    Meeting, at which the ―Proposal on the Routine Related-party Transactions for 2013‖
related-party transactions to occur in the
                                                    was reviewed and approved. It was estimated that the amount of routine transactions
reporting period had been predicted by
                                                    with related parties in 2013 would stand at RMB 135.60 million. In the reporting
type, give the actual execution in the
                                                    period, the actual amount of purchase from related parties was RMB 20,463
reporting period (if any)
                                                    thousand and that of sale to related parties was RMB 31,908.7 thousand.

Explanation    on      significant    difference
between the transaction price and the Inapplicable
market price (if any).

2. Related-party transactions arising from acquisition and sale of assets


3. Significant related-party transactions arising from joint investment in external parties


4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

Was there any credit or liability with any related party for non-operating purpose?
□ Yes √ No

5. Other significant related-party transactions
On 8 Jan. 2013, the Company held the First Special Shareholders‘ General Meeting in 2013, at
which the ―Proposal on Providing Financial Support for a Stock-participating Company‖ was
reviewed and approved. The Company provided the related enterprise Qinghai Fozhao Lithium
Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. with a financial support of RMB 43.32 million.

Index for the interim reports on significant related-party transactions disclosed on the relevant
     Title of the interim announcement                            Disclosure date                       Disclosure website
Announcement on Resolutions Made at
the First Special Shareholders‘ General                  9 Jan 2013                        www.cninfo.com.cn
Meeting for 2013

                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VIII. Significant contracts and their fulfillment

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

During the reporting period, the Company did not have any trust, contracting or leasing event.

2. Guarantees provided by the Company
During the reporting period, the Company and its controlled subsidiaries did not provide any
guarantee for any external party.

3. Other significant contracts

During the reporting period, there was no other significant contract.

4. Other significant transactions


IX. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of
the Company’s shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried
down into the reporting period
There were no commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the
Company‘s shares in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the reporting

X. Engagement and disengagement of the CPAs firm
Has the semi-annual financial report been audited?

□ Yes √ No

XI. Punishment and rectification

                                                     Type of
  Name of the       Type of the                   punishment or                               Disclosure
                                      Reason                         Conclusion (if any)                   Disclosure index
       punished      punished                     investigation                                  date

Foshan Electrical                 Illegal       Administrative    On 6 Mar. 2013,                          Announcement
and Lighting Co., Company         information   punishment by     Guangdong CSRC issued 7 Mar. 2013        title:
Ltd.                              disclosure    Guangdong CSRC the ―Administrative                        Announcement

                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                Punishment Decision‖,                     on Receiving the
                                                                ordering the Company to                    Administrative
                                                                make rectification, giving                 Punishment
                                                                a warning and imposing a                   Decision by
                                                                fine of RMB 0.4 million.                   Guangdong
                                                                                                           No.: 2013-004

                                                                On 6 Mar. 2013,
                                                                Guangdong CSRC issued                      Announcement
                                                                the ―Administrative                       title:
                                                                Punishment Decision‖,                     Announcement
Zhong Xincai,                                                   giving a warning to and                    on Receiving the
Zou Jianping,                                                   imposing a fine of RMB                     Administrative
Zhao Yong, Liu                   Responsible                    150,000 on Zhong Xincai;                   Punishment
Xingming, Xie       Senior       for illegal                    giving a warning to and a                  Decision by
                                               punishment by
Qing, Wei Bin       management   information                    fine of RMB 100,000 on       7 Mar. 2013   Guangdong
                                               Guangdong CSRC
( Zhong Xincai,     staff        disclosure                     Zou Jianping; giving a                     CSRC;
Zou Jianping and                                                warning to and a fine of                   Announcement
Zhao Yong had                                                   RMB 30,000 on Zhao                         No.: 2013-004
left their posts)                                               Yong; giving a warning to                  Disclosure
                                                                and a fine of RMB 30,000                   website:
                                                                on Liu Xingming; and                       www.cninfo.com.
                                                                giving a warning to Xie                    cn
                                                                Qing and Wei Bin.

Notes to rectification

√Applicable □ Inapplicable
On 4 Jul. 2012, the Company received the Written Decision of Guangdong CSRC on Administrative
Regulatory Measures (2012) No. 9— Decision on Ordering Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
to Adopt Rectification Measures. The Company later disclosed relevant announcements on 13 Jul.
2012 and 2 Aug. 2012 respectively. Meanwhile, it engaged the Shenzhen Branch of Albright Law
Offices (hereinafter referred to as ―Albright Law Offices‖) as the special legal advisor on the
rectification & standardization of the related-party transactions & information disclosure of the
Company, and engaged GP Certified Public Accountants (hereinafter referred to as ―GP‖) to check
the authenticity and fairness of transactions regarding the Company selling products to and

                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

purchasing goods from as well as paying processing fee to the related parties. And GP issued the
Report on Executing Agreed Proceedings for relevant Transaction Facts of Foshan Electrical and
Lighting Co., Ltd.
After receiving the Administrative Punishment Decision from Guangdong CSRC on 6 Mar. 2013,
The Company paid special attention to preventing such events from happening again. It learned
lessons from the case and adopted the measures as follows:
1. It perfected the system on registration & update for related parties and reinforced the
management on the files of related parties as well as combed relevant information, so as to obtain
detailed information of the related parties of the Company and update it in time, and further ensure
the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information of related parties.
2. It conducted special training on current directors, supervisors and senior management staff of the
Company, so as to make them systematically know the contents of securities laws, rules and
standardized documents, and get familiar with the basic knowledge of the securities market, as well
as strengthen the awareness of standardized operation.
3. It standardized corporate governance, improved the decision-making procedures, strictly
enforced relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents and strengthened organization and
management over the information disclosure work so as to prevent these events from happening
4. It reinforced improvement of internal control rules, especially financial management, on its
controlled subsidiaries and important shareholding companies, and established a more effective
control mechanism for them.

XII. Explanation on other significant events
The Company convened the 3rd Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 13 Jul. 2010, at which the
―Investment Proposal on the Formal Acquisition of 20% Equity Interests of Hefei Guoxuan Hi-tech
Power Energy Co., Ltd. Held by Hefei Guoxuan Marketing Planning Co., Ltd. was reviewed and
approved. On 15 Jul. 2010, the Company disclosed the ―Investment Announcement on the Formal
Acquisition of 20% Equity Interests of Hefei Guoxuan Hi-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. Held by
Hefei Guoxuan Marketing Planning Co., Ltd.‖ and the ―Progress Announcement on the Intention of
Accepting Equity Interests of Hefei Guoxuan Hi-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd.‖ According to the
―Equity Transfer Agreement‖ signed between the transferor and the transferee, if Hefei Guoxuan
Hi-tech Power Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Hefei Guoxuan‖) fails to achieve the
predicted annual average profit of RMB 100 million for the three consecutive years ended 30 Jun.
2013, the transferor shall refund the corresponding equity transfer amount with the interest (at the
loan interest rate prescribed by the People‘s Bank of China at the time) to the Company according

                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

to the decrease ratio of the actually achieved annual average profit of Hefei Guoxuan in the three
years to the predicted annual average profit. And the shareholding percentages of both parties shall
remain the same. The profit evaluation period for Hefei Guoxuan is from 1 Jul. 2010 to 30 Jun.
2013 and the average annual profit for the three years shall be RMB 100 million (for details, please
refer to the Announcement No. 2010-023 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn dated 15 Jul. 2010). At
present, Huapu Tianjian Certified Public Accountants is carrying out an audit on Hefei Guoxuan.
After the audit, the Company will, according to the audit report, decide whether the target of an
annual average profit of RMB 100 million for the three years from 1 Jul. 2010 to 30 Jun. 2013 is
fulfilled or not and disclose the information in time.

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                               VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders

I. Change in shares

                               Before the change                      Increase/decrease (+, -)                    After the change

                                                       Issuance                ion of
                                          Proportion               Bonus                                                     Proportio
                              Amount                   of new                 public       Others     Subtotal   Amount
                                             (%)                   shares                                                     n (%)
                                                        shares                reserve

                              137,192,6                                                                          136,215,4
                                            14.02%                                         -977,140   -977,140                 13.92%
I. Restricted shares                15                                                                                 75

3. Shares held by other
                              4,286,189       0.44%                                       -1,228,271 -1,228,271 3,057,918       0.31%
domestic investors

Among which: shares held
                              3,733,593       0.38%                                        -675,675   -675,675 3,057,918        0.31%
by domestic corporations

Shares held by domestic
                               552,596        0.05%                                        -552,596   -552,596          0          0%
natural persons

4. Shares held by foreign 131,815,6                                                                              131,815,6
                                            13.47%                                                                             13.47%
investors                           85                                                                                 85

Among which: Shares held 131,815,6                                                                               131,815,6
                                            13.47%                                                                             13.47%
by foreign corporations             85                                                                                 85

5. Share held by senior
                              1,090,741       0.11%                                         251,131    251,131 1,341,872        0.14%
management staff

                              841,371,1                                                                          842,348,2
                                            85.98%                                          977,140    977,140                 86.08%
II. Non-restricted shares           30                                                                                 70

1.   Renminbi        ordinary 616,150,0                                                                          617,127,2
                                            62.96%                                          977,140    977,140                 63.06%
shares                              93                                                                                 33

2.   Domestically      listed 225,221,0                                                                          225,221,0
                                            23.02%                                                                             23.02%
foreign shares                      37                                                                                 37

                              978,563,7                                                                          978,563,7
III. Total shares                             100%                                                                              100%
                                    45                                                                                 45

Reason for the change in shares:

√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
(1)The previously restricted 1,228,271 shares (including 675,675 shares held by domestic
corporations and 552,596 shares held by domestic natural persons) became non-restricted on 8 Mar.

                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(2)Because of re-election of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee, the former
board chairman Zhong Xincai, the former supervisor Yang Xudong and the former financial
manager Wang Shuqiong stepped down from their posts. As a result, the non-restricted shares held
by the said three persons became restricted in the statutory period.
(3)Due to his position as a supervisor, 75% of the shares held by Zhang Xuequan were locked up
as required.
(4)Due to (2) and (3) above, the restricted shares held by senior management staff increased by
(5)Because it had been over 6 months since the resignation of the former vice GM Zhao Yong, his
previously restricted 8,700 shares all became non-restricted.
(6)Thus, 251,131 restricted shares increased to the shares held by senior management staff in the
reporting period.

Approval of the change in shares
√Applicable □Inapplicable
Upon the review and approval of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen branch of China
Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd., the previously restricted 1,228,271 shares became
tradable on 8 Mar. 2013 (for details, see the ―Suggestive Announcement No. 2013-003 on
Unlocking Restricted Shares‖ disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn dated 6 Mar. 2013).

Transfer of share ownership
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Effects of the change in shares on the basic EPS, diluted EPS, net assets per share attributable to
common shareholders of the Company and other financial indexes over the last year and last period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Other contents that the Company considered necessary or were required by the securities regulatory
authorities to disclose
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Change of the total shares, shareholder structure, asset structure and liability structure
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

II. Total number of shareholders and their shareholdings
                                                                                                                                    Unit: share

Total number of shareholders at the
end of the reporting period

                       Particulars about shares held by shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5%

                                                                      Increase/de                                      Pledged or frozen shares
                                                                                                      Number of
                                      Shareholdin    Total shares       crease      Number of
     Name of          Nature of                                                                       non-restricte
                                      g percentage   held at the      during the     restricted                         Status of   Number of
    shareholder      shareholder                                                                        d shares
                                          (%)        period-end        reporting    shares held                          shares       shares

OSRAM Holding
Company                                   13.47%      131,815,685 0                 131,815,685                    0

Prosperity Lamps
&     Components                            10.5%     102,751,648 0                               0 102,751,648

(HONK KONG) Foreign
                                            1.61%      15,721,395 1,162,901                       0    15,721,395
LTD A/C            corporation

SECURITIES         Foreign
                                            0.97%        9,527,080 0                              0     9,527,080
COMPANY            corporation

Company                                     0.97%        9,495,511 -1,010,701                     0      9,495,511

Zhuang Jianyi      Foreign natural
                                            0.85%        8,324,132 0                              0     8,324,132

Prosperity Lamps
                   non-state-owne           0.57%        5,586,815 0                              0     5,586,815
&     Components
                   d corporation
Trade Co., Ltd.

Zhang Yuan                                   0.5%        4,900,000 -4,700,001                     0     4,900,000
                   natural person

BBH A/C            Foreign
                                            0.47%        4,592,770                                0     4,592,770
VANGUARD           corporation

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


Qiu Shijie          Domestic
                                                  0.4%       3,880,000                            0   3,880,000
                    natural person

Strategic    investor    or    general
corporation becoming a top ten
shareholder due to placing of new
shares (if any) (see Note 3)

                                         Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited and
Explanation       on      associated
                                         Zhuang Jianyi were related parties and acting-in-concert parties. Apart from that, it‘s unknown
relationship or/and persons acting
                                         whether there was any associated relationship among other shareholders of the top ten
in     concert         among       the
                                         shareholders, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them regarding to Administrative
above-mentioned shareholders
                                         Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies.

                        Particulars about shareholdings of the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted shares

                                               Number of non-restricted shares held at the                     Type of shares
          Name of shareholder
                                                                period-end                                Type                  Number

Prosperity Lamps & Components
                                                                                   102,751,648 RMB ordinary share               102,751,648

DBS VICKERS (HONK KONG)                                                                           Domestically listed
                                                                                    15,721,395                                   15,721,395
LTD A/C CLIENTS                                                                                   foreign shares

EAST ASIA SECURITIES                                                                              Domestically listed
                                                                                      9,527,080                                   9,527,080
COMPANY LIMITED                                                                                   foreign shares

Taifook Securities Company                                                                        Domestically listed
                                                                                      9,495,511                                   9,495,511
Limited-Account Client                                                                            foreign shares

Zhuang JianYi                                                                                     Domestically listed
                                                                                      8,324,132                                   8,324,132
                                                                                                  foreign shares

Guangzhou Prosperity Lamps &
                                                                                      5,586,815 RMB ordinary share                5,586,815
Components Trade Co., Ltd.

Zhang Yuan                                                                            4,900,000 RMB ordinary share                4,900,000

                                                                                                  Domestically listed
EMERGING MARKETS STOCK                                                                4,592,770                                   4,592,770
                                                                                                  foreign shares

Qiu Shijie
                                                                                      3,880,000 RMB ordinary share                3,880,000

Hou Chunhu                                                                                        Domestically listed
                                                                                      3,813,717                                   3,813,717
                                                                                                  foreign shares

Explanation        on          associated Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

relationship or/and persons acting in and Zhuang Jianyi were related parties and acting-in-concert parties. Apart from that, it‘s
concert among the top ten tradable unknown whether there was any associated relationship among other shareholders of the top
shareholders and between the top ten ten shareholders, or whether there is any action-in-concert among them regarding to
tradable shareholders and the top ten Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies.

Explanation      on      shareholders
participating in the margin trading Naught
business (if any) (see Note 4)

Did any shareholder of the Company carry out an agreed buy-back in the reporting period?
□ Yes √ No

III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Change of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

Change of the actual controller in the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

            VII. Directors, Supervisors & Senior Management Staff

I. Shareholding changes of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

 √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                          Shareholdin Shareholdin                          Restricted
                                                                                                                            shares        Restricted
                                         Shareholdin g increase            g decrease Shareholdin shares held
                                                                                                                           granted        shares held
                           Current/for     g at the       during this during this           g at the         at the
     Name     Position                                                                                                    during this       at the
                              mer        period-begi       reporting       reporting       period-end       period-
                                                                                                                          reporting       period- end
                                          n (share)         period          period          (share)          begin
                                                                                                                            period          (share)
                                                            (share)         (share)                         (share)

Pan Jie                    Current                    0                0               0               0              0               0               0
            of the Board

Liu         Chairman
                           Current          351,280                    0               0      351,280                 0               0               0
Xingming    and General

            Director       Current                    0                0               0               0              0               0               0

            Director       Current                    0                0               0               0              0               0               0

Yang Jianhu Director       Current                    0                0               0               0              0               0               0

Ye Zaiyou   Director       Current                    0                0               0               0              0               0               0

Liu         Independent
                           Current                    0                0               0               0              0               0               0
Zhenping    Director
Dou         Independent
                           Current                    0                0               0               0              0               0               0
Linping     Director

Xue         Independent
                           Current                    0                0               0               0              0               0               0
Yizhong     Director

Jiao        of the
                           Current            22,880                   0               0       22,880                 0               0               0
Zhigang     Supervisory

            Supervisor Current                20,560                   0               0       20,560                 0               0               0

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

               Supervisor Current                 6,400            0           0        6,400             0             0            0

               Supervisor Current                    0             0           0            0             0             0            0

               Supervisor Current                    0             0           0            0             0             0            0

Lin Yihui                     Current                0             0           0            0             0             0            0

Xie Qing       Vice GM        Current         12,950               0           0      12,950              0             0            0

Wei Bin        Vice GM        Current         15,684               0           0      15,684              0             0

               CFO            Current                0             0           0            0             0             0            0

Zhong          Chairman
                              Former         876,206               0           0     876,206
Xincai         of the Board

Jean-paul      Director       Former                 0             0           0            0             0             0            0

               Supervisor Former                  3,900            0           0        3,900

Wang           Financial
                              Former         140,013               0           0     140,013              0             0            0
Shuqiong       Manager

Zhou           Company
                              Former                 0             0           0            0             0             0            0
Xiangfeng      Secretary

Total                                       1,449,873              0           0   1,449,873              0             0            0

II. Appointment, resignation and dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior management
staff of the Company

        Name               Position         Type                Date                                  Reason

                     Chairman of the                                       Elected as the Chairman for the 7th Board of Directors on
Pan Jie                                 Elected           28 May 2013
                     Board                                                 re-election of the board

                                                                           Elected as the Vice Chairman for the 7th Board of
                     Vice Chairman
Liu Xingming                            Elected           28 May 2013      Directors on re-election of the board and appointed as the
                     and GM
                                                                           GM at the same time

                                                                           Elected as a director for the 7th Board of Directors on
Wu Shengbo           Director           Elected           28 May 2013
                                                                           re-election of the board

Werner Jrgen                                                               Elected as a director for the 7th Board of Directors on
                     Director           Elected           28 May 2013
Dietrich                                                                   re-election of the board

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                                                        Elected as a director for the 7th Board of Directors on
Yang Jianhu        Director          Elected           28 May 2013
                                                                        re-election of the board

                                                                        Elected as a director for the 7th Board of Directors on
Ye Zaiyou          Director          Elected           28 May 2013
                                                                        re-election of the board

                   Independent                                          Elected as an independent director for the 7th Board of
Liu Zhenping                         Elected           28 May 2013
                   director                                             Directors on re-election of the board

                   Independent                                          Elected as an independent director for the 7th Board of
Dou Linping                          Elected           28 May 2013
                   director                                             Directors on re-election of the board

                   Independent                                          Elected as an independent director for the 7th Board of
Xue Yizhong                          Elected           28 May 2013
                   director                                             Directors on re-election of the board

                   Chairman of the
                                                                        Elected as the Chairman for the 7th Supervisory
Jiao Zhigang       Supervisory       Elected           28 May 2013
                                                                        Committee on re-election of the committee

                                                                        Elected as a supervisor for the 7th Supervisory Committee
Ye Zhenghong       Supervisor        Elected           21 May 2013
                                                                        on re-election of the committee

                                                                        Elected as a supervisor for the 7th Supervisory Committee
Zhang Xuequan Supervisor             Elected           21 May 2013
                                                                        on re-election of the committee

                                                                        Elected as a supervisor for the 7th Supervisory Committee
Zhuang Rujia       Supervisor        Elected           28 May 2013
                                                                        on re-election of the committee

                                                                        Elected as a supervisor for the 7th Supervisory Committee
Zhang Yingqi       Supervisor        Elected           28 May 2013
                                                                        on re-election of the committee

                   Company                                              Appointed as the Company Secretary after the re-election
Lin Yihui                            Employment 28 May 2013
                   secretary                                            of the Board of Directors

                                                                        Appointed as a vice GM after the re-election of the Board
Xie Qing           Vice GM           Employment 28 May 2013
                                                                        of Directors

                                                                        Appointed as a vice GM after the re-election of the Board
Wei Bin            Vice GM           Employment 28 May 2013
                                                                        of Directors

                                                                        Appointed as the CFO after the re-election of the Board
Yin Jianchun       CFO               Employment 28 May 2013
                                                                        of Directors

                   Chairman of the upon                                 Left the post as his office term in the Board of Directors
Zhong Xincai                                           28 May 2013
                   Board             expiration of                      expired
                                     the office term

Michel Jean-paul
                                     upon                               Left the post as his office term in the Board of Directors
Henri ( Mr. Ming Director                              28 May 2013
                                     expiration of                      expired
                                     the office term

Yang Xudong        Supervisor        Departure         21 May 2013      Left the post as his office term in the Supervisory

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                              upon                               Committee expired
                              expiration of
                              the office term

                Financial     upon
Wang Shuqiong                                   28 May 2013      Left the post as her office term expired
                manager       expiration of
                              the office term

                Vice GM and
Zhou Xiangfeng Company                          28 May 2013      Left the post as his office term expired
                              expiration of
                              the office term

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                              VIII. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Has this semi-annual report been audited?
□ Yes √ No
The semi-annual financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Currency unit for the statements in the notes to these financial statements: RMB Yuan

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                  Item                                 Closing balance                           Opening balance

Current Assets:

  Monetary funds                                                    736,404,066.66                              985,450,890.74

  Settlement reserves

  Intra-group lendings

  Transactional financial assets                                          3,943,027.30                             4,012,728.75

  Notes receivable                                                  150,179,224.30                              175,907,019.08

  Accounts receivable                                               550,624,462.21                              334,006,892.19

  Accounts paid in advance                                               83,522,308.86                           12,383,426.98

  Premiums receivable

  Reinsurance premiums receivable

  Receivable      reinsurance      contract

  Interest receivable                                                      780,921.73                               530,542.81

   Dividend receivable

  Other accounts receivable                                              70,243,222.42                           56,196,390.54

  Financial assets purchased under
agreements to resell

  Inventories                                                       499,825,772.83                              434,541,386.19

  Non-current assets due within 1 year

  Other current assets                                                   16,477,687.08                             2,935,179.47

                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total current assets                         2,112,000,693.39                            2,005,964,456.75

Non-current assets:

  Loans by mandate and advances

  Available-for-sale financial assets           67,343,756.48                               71,817,642.40

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term accounts receivable

  Long-term equity investment                  517,382,658.15                              519,693,431.95

  Investing property

  Fixed assets                                 511,767,056.50                              539,145,022.38

  Construction in progress                      83,846,379.25                               95,684,569.86

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets

  Intangible assets                            162,446,457.07                              150,424,391.76

  R&D expense


  Long-term deferred expenses

  Deferred income tax assets                    18,868,854.20                               23,003,056.72

  Other non-current assets                      43,299,200.54                               42,541,730.00

Total of non-current assets                  1,404,954,362.19                            1,442,309,845.07

Total assets                                 3,516,955,055.58                            3,448,274,301.82

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Borrowings from Central Bank

  Customer bank deposits and due to
banks and other financial institutions

  Intra-group borrowings

  Transactional financial liabilities

  Notes payable

  Accounts payable                             461,746,849.65                              246,652,513.45

  Accounts received in advance                  61,854,798.34                               19,632,316.50

  Financial assets sold for repurchase

  Handling charges and commissions

                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


  Employee‘s compensation payable                     44,224,504.68                               63,086,369.68

  Tax payable                                          52,471,741.72                               58,992,047.62

  Interest payable

  Dividend payable

  Other accounts payable                               28,837,844.99                               37,085,568.58

  Reinsurance premiums payable

  Insurance contract reserves

  Payables     for    acting    trading   of

  Payables for acting underwriting of

  Non-current liabilities due within 1

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                             649,135,739.38                              425,448,815.83

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

  Long-term payables

  Specific payables

  Estimated liabilities

  Deferred income tax liabilities                       5,597,742.01                                 6,268,824.89

  Other non-current liabilities                        19,191,441.69                               19,353,441.69

Total non-current liabilities                          24,789,183.70                               25,622,266.58

Total liabilities                                     673,924,923.08                              451,071,082.41

Owners‘     equity    (or     shareholders‘

  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                  978,563,745.00                              978,563,745.00

  Capital reserves                                    621,792,954.03                              625,595,757.07

  Less: Treasury stock

  Specific reserves

  Surplus reserves                                    622,494,531.96                              622,494,531.96

  Provisions for general risks

  Retained profits                                    573,145,472.56                              723,452,942.14

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Foreign exchange difference

Total equity attributable to owners of
                                                                       2,795,996,703.55                               2,950,106,976.17
the Company

Minority interests                                                           47,033,428.95                               47,096,243.24

Total owners‘(or shareholders‘) equity                               2,843,030,132.50                               2,997,203,219.41

Total   liabilities     and   owners‘    (or
                                                                       3,516,955,055.58                               3,448,274,301.82
shareholders‘) equity

Legal representative: Pan Jie            Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming          Chief of the accounting organ: Yin Jianchun

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                                 Closing balance                               Opening balance

Current Assets:

  Monetary funds                                                         429,905,060.78                                 699,511,754.78

  Transactional financial assets                                              3,943,027.30                                 4,012,728.75

  Notes receivable                                                       146,279,224.30                                 167,509,926.71

  Accounts receivable                                                    605,078,759.91                                 362,956,611.71

  Accounts paid in advance                                                   73,534,280.53                               12,705,111.19

  Interest receivable

  Dividend receivable

  Other accounts receivable                                                  97,807,543.73                               82,043,309.37

  Inventories                                                            455,395,530.41                                 389,680,405.66

  Non-current assets due within 1 year

  Other current assets                                                        3,518,940.04                                 2,935,179.47

Total current assets                                                   1,815,462,367.00                               1,721,355,027.64

Non-current assets:

  Available-for-sale financial assets                                        67,343,756.48                               71,817,642.40

  Held-to-maturity investments

  Long-term accounts receivable

  Long-term equity investment                                            882,866,195.38                                 880,176,969.18

  Investing property

  Fixed assets                                                           406,314,341.24                                 443,001,716.36

  Construction in progress                                                   68,440,869.35                               66,216,618.10

                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Engineering materials

  Disposal of fixed assets

  Production biological assets

  Oil-gas assets

  Intangible assets                            142,327,674.27                              130,800,094.82

  R&D expense


  Long-term deferred expenses

  Deferred income tax assets                    16,682,635.50                               20,724,220.91

  Other non-current assets                      43,524,515.59                               41,783,700.00

Total of non-current assets                  1,627,499,987.81                            1,654,520,961.77

Total assets                                 3,442,962,354.81                            3,375,875,989.41

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Transactional financial liabilities

  Notes payable

  Accounts payable                             495,625,286.36                              265,603,565.11

  Accounts received in advance                  61,721,134.62                               19,586,999.28

  Employee‘s compensation payable              44,204,138.68                               63,084,499.68

  Tax payable                                   44,491,476.88                               58,950,265.18

  Interest payable

  Dividend payable

  Other accounts payable                        30,498,209.50                               38,631,089.33

  Non-current liabilities due within 1

  Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                      676,540,246.04                              445,856,418.58

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

  Long-term payables

  Specific payables

  Estimated liabilities

  Deferred income tax liabilities                5,597,742.01                                 6,268,824.89

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Other non-current liabilities                                                 10,133,941.75                                10,218,441.73

Total non-current liabilities                                                   15,731,683.76                                16,487,266.62

Total liabilities                                                           692,271,929.80                                 462,343,685.20

Owners‘      equity      (or     shareholders‘

  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                        978,563,745.00                                 978,563,745.00

  Capital reserves                                                          618,692,127.09                                 622,494,930.13

  Less: Treasury stock

  Specific reserves

  Surplus reserves                                                          622,494,531.96                                 622,494,531.96

  Provisions for general risks

  Retained profits                                                          530,940,020.96                                 689,979,097.12

  Foreign exchange difference

Total owners‘ (or shareholders‘) equity
                                                                          2,750,690,425.01                               2,913,532,304.21

Total     liabilities    and     owners‘    (or
                                                                          3,442,962,354.81                               3,375,875,989.41
shareholders‘) equity

Legal representative: Pan Jie               Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming          Chief of the accounting organ: Yin Jianchun

3. Consolidated income statement

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                        Item                                   Jan.-Jun. 2013                                Jan.-Jun 2012

I. Total operating revenues                                               1,208,260,446.06                               1,064,337,124.25

Including: Sales income                                                   1,208,260,446.06                               1,064,337,124.25

          Interest income

          Premium income

          Handling             charge       and
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                                  1,075,626,585.36                                 919,922,209.19

Including: Cost of sales                                                    925,675,209.12                                 792,978,460.81

          Interest expenses

          Handling             charge       and
commission expenses


                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

          Net claims paid

          Net amount withdrawn for the
insurance contract reserve

          Expenditure on policy dividends

          Reinsurance premium

          Taxes and associate charges                   13,697,631.32                               10,426,957.03

          Selling and distribution expenses             44,431,240.08                               46,953,881.19

          Administrative expenses                       77,932,401.53                               75,564,365.47

          Financial expenses                            -3,963,817.89                                -7,159,594.18

          Asset impairment loss                         17,853,921.20                                 1,158,138.87

Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                            -69,701.45                                   64,722.78
value (―-‖ means loss)

        Gain/(loss) from investment (―-‖
                                                          -945,061.26                               16,484,342.95
means loss)

Including: share of profits in associates
                                                        -2,310,773.80                                -1,218,791.19
and joint ventures

Foreign exchange gains (―-‖ means

III. Business profit (―-‖ means loss)                131,619,097.99                              160,963,980.79

        Add: non-operating income                       71,680,160.17                                  883,683.34

        Less: non-operating expense                     10,700,438.83                                 2,481,216.29

Including: loss from non-current asset
                                                           908,276.06                                  119,256.76

IV. Total profit (―-‖ means loss)                    192,598,819.33                              159,366,447.84

        Less: Income tax expense                        39,614,342.25                               25,616,659.61

V. Net profit (―-‖ means loss)                       152,984,477.08                              133,749,788.23

        Including: Net profit achieved by
combined         parties       before     the                     0.00                                        0.00

        Attributable to owners of the
                                                       153,047,291.37                              134,522,943.15

        Minority shareholders‘ income                      -62,814.29                                 -773,154.92

VI. Earnings per share                          --                                          --

        (I) Basic earnings per share                              0.16                                        0.14

        (II) Diluted earnings per share                           0.16                                        0.14

Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes                         -3,802,803.04                                  -200,147.53

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes                                             149,181,674.04                                 133,549,640.70

        Attributable to owners of the
                                                                            149,244,488.33                                 134,322,795.62

        Attributable          to      minority
                                                                                   -62,814.29                                   -773,154.92

Legal representative: Pan Jie               Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming          Chief of the accounting organ: Yin Jianchun

4. Income statement of the Company

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                                    Jan.-Jun. 2013                                Jan.-Jun 2012

I. Total sales                                                            1,223,393,705.32                               1,052,015,761.72

Less: cost of sales                                                         960,725,666.05                                   795,594,113.34

Business taxes and surcharges                                                   11,627,281.00                                  9,134,465.77

Distribution expenses                                                           43,727,705.08                                 45,486,876.29

Administrative expenses                                                         73,053,854.25                                 62,956,801.15

Financial costs                                                                   -621,497.90                                 -3,130,496.10

Impairment loss                                                                 16,165,237.79                                   902,614.65

Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair
                                                                                   -69,701.45                                    64,722.78
value (―-‖ means loss)

Gain/(loss) from investment (―-‖ means
                                                                                -2,324,333.77                                 16,886,055.17

Including: income form investment on
                                                                                -2,310,773.80                                 -1,218,791.19
associates and joint ventures

II. Business profit (―-‖ means loss)                                      116,321,423.83                                 158,022,164.57

Add: non-business income                                                        71,489,414.54                                   777,963.24

Less: non-business expense                                                       9,340,695.22                                  2,426,866.10

Including: loss from non-current asset

III. Total profit      (―-‖ means loss)                                   178,470,143.15                                 156,373,261.71

Less: income tax expense                                                        34,154,458.36                                 23,262,776.08

IV. Net profit      (―-‖ means loss)                                      144,315,684.79                                   133,110,485.63

V. Earnings per share                                                --                                            --

(I) Basic earnings per share

(II) Diluted earnings per share

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

VI. Other comprehensive income                                                  -3,802,803.04                                   -200,147.53

VII. Total comprehensive income                                             140,512,881.75                                 132,910,338.10

Legal representative: Pan Jie               Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming          Chief of the accounting organ: Yin Jianchun

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Item                                     Jan.-Jun. 2013                                 Jan.-Jun 2012

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash       received        from    sale     of
                                                                          1,172,739,056.38                               1,088,693,196.26
commodities and rendering of service

  Net      increase     of    deposits      from
customers and dues from banks

  Net increase of loans from the central

  Net increase of funds borrowed from
other financial institutions

  Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts

  Net cash received from reinsurance

  Net increase of deposits of policy
holders and investment fund

  Net increase of disposal of tradable
financial assets

  Cash received from interest, handling
charges and commissions

  Net        increase        of     intra-group

  Net increase of funds in repurchase

  Tax refunds received                                                           4,267,457.30                                 31,631,469.58

  Other cash received relating to
                                                                                31,153,008.64                                 10,048,037.45
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                                          1,208,159,522.32                               1,130,372,703.29

  Cash paid for goods and services                                          736,896,903.91                                 563,256,522.79

                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Net increase of customer lendings
and advances

  Net increase of funds deposited in the
central bank and amount due from

  Cash for paying claims of the original
insurance contracts

  Cash for paying interest, handling
charges and commissions

  Cash for paying policy dividends

  Cash paid to and for employees                       207,027,929.97                              166,066,086.16

  Various taxes paid                                   145,930,301.44                              103,675,839.11

  Other cash payment relating to
                                                       106,592,134.39                               62,888,740.40
operating activities

Subtotal    of     cash    outflows       from
                                                     1,196,447,269.71                              895,887,188.46
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities                11,712,252.61                              234,485,514.83

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from withdrawal of

  Cash     received       from   return    on
                                                         1,365,712.54                               17,703,134.14

  Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other               24,189,200.00
long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units

     Other cash received relating to
investing activities

         Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                        67,264,912.54                               17,703,134.14
investing activities

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                   41,936,669.95                               16,823,879.55

  Cash paid for investment

  Net increase of pledged loans

  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

   Other cash payments relating to
investing activities

Subtotal        of     cash   outflows     from
                                                                             41,936,669.95                                16,823,879.55
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities                                     25,328,242.59                                   879,254.59

III.     Cash        Flows    from    Financing

       Cash      received      from       capital

       Including:      Cash    received    from
minority shareholder investments by

       Cash received from borrowings

       Cash received from issuance of

       Other cash received relating to
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing

       Repayment of borrowings

       Cash paid for interest expenses and
                                                                            284,036,742.40                                    26,780.81
distribution of dividends or profit

        Including: dividends or profit paid
by subsidiaries to minority shareholders

        Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Sub-total       of     cash    outflows    from
                                                                            284,036,742.40                                    26,780.81
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities                                   -284,036,742.40                                    -26,780.81

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                              -2,050,576.88                                  237,375.56
changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                           -249,046,824.08                               235,575,364.17

        Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                                            985,450,890.74                               690,691,751.15
cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                            736,404,066.66                               926,267,115.32

Legal representative: Pan Jie               Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming        Chief of the accounting organ: Yin Jianchun

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan

                    Item                               Jan.-Jun. 2013                              Jan.-Jun 2012

I. Cash flows from operating activities:

  Cash       received      from    sale      of
                                                                  1,158,623,534.80                            1,056,475,585.78
commodities and rendering of service

  Tax refunds received                                                   4,267,457.30                              31,631,469.58

  Other cash received relating to
                                                                        27,298,534.13                               7,305,933.03
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                                  1,190,189,526.23                            1,095,412,988.39

  Cash paid for goods and services                                  796,901,956.65                              570,370,649.60

  Cash paid to and for employees                                    169,614,592.87                              145,150,128.43

  Various taxes paid                                                123,599,675.65                                 80,361,997.07

  Other cash payment relating to
                                                                    104,395,965.90                                 95,924,424.54
operating activities

Subtotal     of    cash    outflows        from
                                                                  1,194,512,191.07                              891,807,199.64
operating activities

Net cash flows from operating activities                                -4,322,664.84                           203,605,788.75

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Cash received from retraction of

  Cash       received     from    return    on
                                                                         1,365,712.54                              17,703,134.14

  Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                               24,189,200.00
long-term assets

  Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries or other business units

     Other cash received relating to
investing activities

         Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                                        75,885,640.03                              17,703,134.14
investing activities

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                                   40,082,349.91                              12,988,432.60

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

   Cash paid for investment                                                  15,000,000.00

   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units

   Other cash payments relating to
investing activities

Subtotal        of     cash   outflows     from
                                                                             55,082,349.91                                  12,988,432.60
investing activities

Net cash flows from investing activities                                     20,803,290.12                                   4,714,701.54

III.     Cash        Flows    from    Financing

       Cash      received      from       capital

       Cash received from borrowings

       Cash received from issuance of

       Other cash received relating to
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                                                         0.00                                         0.00

       Repayment of borrowings

       Cash paid for interest expenses and
distribution of dividends or profit

        Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Sub-total       of     cash    outflows    from
financing activities

Net cash flows from financing activities                                   -284,036,742.40

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                              -2,050,576.88                                    237,353.63
changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                           -269,606,694.00                                 208,557,843.92

        Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                                            699,511,754.78                                 412,626,723.50
cash equivalents

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                            429,905,060.78                                 621,184,567.42

Legal representative: Pan Jie               Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming          Chief of the accounting organ: Yin Jianchun

                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                    Jan.-Jun. 2013

                                                      Equity attributable to owners of the Company

                Item                   capital                                                                           Minority
                                                              Less:                        General
                                                  Capital               Specific Surplus             Retaine                          owners‘
                                         (or                 treasury                       risk                Others   interests
                                                  reserve               reserve reserve              d profit                          equity
                                        share                 stock                        reserve

I. Balance at the end of the 978,563 625,595,                                    622,494             723,452,            47,096,24 2,997,203,
previous year                          ,745.00     757.07                        ,531.96              942.14                  3.24       219.41

  Add: change of accounting

  Correction        of   errors   in
previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning of 978,563 625,595,                                 622,494             723,452,            47,096,24 2,997,203,
the year                               ,745.00     757.07                        ,531.96              942.14                  3.24       219.41

III. Increase/ decrease in the                    -3,802,8                                           -150,30             -62,814.2 -154,173,0
period (―-‖ means decrease)                       03.04                                            7,469.58                    9        86.91

                                                                                                     153,047,                        152,984,47
  (I) Net profit                                                                                                                 9
                                                                                                      291.37                               7.08

  (II)     Other     comprehensive                -3,802,8                                                                           -3,802,803.
incomes                                             03.04                                                                                       04

                                                  -3,802,8                                           153,047,                        149,181,67
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                                       9
                                                    03.04                                             291.37                               4.04

  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners

     1. Capital paid in by

     2. Amounts of share-based
payments           recognized     in
owners‘ equity

     3. Others

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   -303,35                         -303,354,7
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                                                   4,760.95                             60.95

     1.      Appropriations      to
surplus reserves

     2.      Appropriations      to
general risk provisions

     3.      Appropriations      to                                                                -303,35                         -303,354,7
owners (or shareholders)                                                                           4,760.95                             60.95

     4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward of
owners‘ equity

     1. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from capital
public reserves

     2. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from surplus

     3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses

     4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

     1.    Withdrawn      for   the

     2. Used in the period

(Ⅶ) Other

                                      978,563 621,792,                         622,494             573,145,            47,033,42 2,843,030,
IV. Closing balance
                                      ,745.00     954.03                       ,531.96              472.56                  8.95      132.50

Jan.-Dec. 2012
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                  Jan.-Jun. 2012

                                                     Equity attributable to owners of the Company

                Item                  capital                                                                          Minority
                                                            Less:                        General
                                                 Capital              Specific Surplus             Retaine                          owners‘
                                        (or                treasury                       risk                Others   interests
                                                 reserve              reserve reserve              d profit                         equity
                                       share                stock                        reserve

I. Balance at the end of the 978,563 622,193,                                  583,537             606,584,            47,467,03 2,838,345,
previous year                         ,745.00     249.09                       ,290.22              375.02                  3.17      692.50

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

  Add:                   retrospective
adjustment due to business
combination under the same

  Add: change of accounting

  Correction        of     errors   in
previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning of 978,563 622,193,                     583,537           606,584,           47,467,03 2,838,345,
the year                                 ,745.00    249.09           ,290.22            375.02                 3.17      692.50

III. Increase/ decrease in the                     3,402,50          38,957,           116,868,           -370,789. 158,857,52
period (―-‖ means decrease)                          7.98           241.74            567.12                   93        6.91

                                                                                       400,466,           -236,885. 400,229,85
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                         745.11                  85        9.26

  (II)     Other     comprehensive                 3,402,50                                                           3,402,507.
incomes                                                7.98                                                                  98

                                                   3,402,50                            400,466,           -236,885. 403,632,36
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                       7.98                              745.11                  85        7.24

  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners

     1. Capital paid in by

     2. Amounts of share-based
payments           recognized       in
owners‘ equity

     3. Others

                                                                     38,957,            -283,59           -133,904. -244,774,8
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                      241.74           8,177.99                  08       40.33

     1.      Appropriations         to                               38,957,           -38,957,
surplus reserves                                                      241.74            241.74

     2. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from surplus

     3. Surplus reserves for                                                            -244,64           -133,904. -244,774,8
making up losses                                                                       0,936.25                  08       40.33

     4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

     1. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from capital
public reserves

     2. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from surplus

     3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses

     4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

     1.    Withdrawn     for     the

     2. Used in the period

(Ⅶ) Other

                                       978,563 625,595,                         622,494          723,452,              47,096,24 2,997,203,
IV. Closing balance
                                        ,745.00      757.07                     ,531.96               942.14                3.24     219.41

Legal representative: Pan Jie            Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming            Chief of the accounting organ: Yin Jianchun

8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Jan.-Jun. 2013
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                    Jan.-Jun. 2013

                                                                      Less:                                 General                 Total
                 Item                   capital (or      Capital                 Specific    Surplus                  Retained
                                                                     treasury                                  risk                owners‘
                                           share         reserve                 reserve     reserve                    profit
                                                                      stock                                 reserve                equity

I. Balance at the end of the 978,563,74 622,494,93                                          622,494,53                689,979,09 2,913,532,
previous year                                  5.00           0.13                                   1.96                   7.12     304.21

  Add: change of accounting

  Correction       of   errors     in
previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning of 978,563,74 622,494,93                                       622,494,53                689,979,09 2,913,532,
the year                                       5.00           0.13                                   1.96                   7.12     304.21

III. Increase/ decrease in the                         -3,802,803.                                                    -159,039,0 -162,841,8

                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

period (―-‖ means decrease)                  04                                                    76.16        79.20

                                                                                               144,315,68 144,315,68
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                      4.79         4.79

  (II)     Other     comprehensive     -3,802,803.                                                           -3,802,803.
incomes                                        04                                                                    04

                                       -3,802,803.                                             144,315,68 140,512,88
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                               04                                                     4.79         1.75

  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners

     1. Capital paid in by owners

     2. Amounts of share-based
payments recognized in owners‘

     3. Others

                                                                                                -303,354,7 -303,354,7
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                                                     60.95        60.95

     1. Appropriations to surplus

     2. Appropriations to general
risk provisions

     3. Appropriations to owners                                                                -303,354,7 -303,354,7
(or shareholders)                                                                                    60.95        60.95

     4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward of
owners‘ equity

     1. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from capital
public reserves

     2. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from surplus

     3.    Surplus    reserves   for
making up losses

     4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

     1. Withdrawn for the period

     2. Used in the period

(Ⅶ) Other

                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                            978,563,74 618,692,12                           622,494,53                530,940,02 2,750,690,
IV. Closing balance
                                                  5.00         7.09                                  1.96                   0.96      425.01

Jan.-Dec. 2012
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                    Jan.-Jun. 2012

                                                                       Less:                                General                  Total
                 Item                       capital (or    Capital               Specific    Surplus                   Retained
                                                                      treasury                               risk                   owners‘
                                              share        reserve                reserve     reserve                   profit
                                                                       stock                                reserve                 equity

I. Balance at the end of the 978,563,7 619,092,4                                            583,537,2                 584,004,8 2,765,198
previous year                                   45.00         22.15                              90.22                    57.71      ,315.08
  Add: change of accounting

  Correction         of      errors    in
previous periods


II. Balance at the beginning of 978,563,7 619,092,4                                         583,537,2                 584,004,8 2,765,198
the year                                        45.00         22.15                              90.22                    57.71      ,315.08
III. Increase/ decrease in the                            3,402,507                         38,957,24                 105,974,2 148,333,9
period (―-‖ means decrease)                                   .98                               1.74                    39.41        89.13

                                                                                                                      389,572,4 389,572,4
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                                          17.40        17.40
  (II)     Other      comprehensive                       3,402,507                                                                3,402,507
incomes                                                         .98                                                                       .98

                                                          3,402,507                                                   389,572,4 392,974,9
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)
                                                                .98                                                       17.40        25.38
  (III)    Capital        paid   in   and
reduced by owners

     1. Capital paid in by owners

     2. Amounts of share-based
payments recognized in owners‘

     3. Others

                                                                                            38,957,24                 -283,598, -244,640,
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                                                                  1.74                   177.99       936.25
     1. Appropriations to surplus                                                           38,957,24                 -38,957,2
reserves                                                                                          1.74                    41.74

     2. Appropriations to general

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

risk provisions

     3. Appropriations to owners                                                                            -244,640, -244,640,
(or shareholders)                                                                                              936.25      936.25
     4. Other

  (V) Internal carry-forward of
owners‘ equity

     1. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from capital
public reserves

     2. New increase of capital
(or share capital) from surplus

     3.    Surplus    reserves   for
making up losses

     4. Other

(Ⅵ) Specific reserve

     1. Withdrawn for the period

     2. Used in the period

(Ⅶ) Other

                                       978,563,7 622,494,9                          622,494,5               689,979,0 2,913,532
IV. Closing balance
                                          45.00       30.13                              31.96                  97.12     ,304.21

Legal representative: Pan Jie          Chief of the accounting work: Liu Xingming       Chief of the accounting organ: Yin Jianchun

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(Ⅲ) Company Profile

Company history

Foshan Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―the Company‖), a joint-stock limited company
jointly founded by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Company, Nanhai Wuzhuang Color Glazed Brick Field, and
Foshan Poyang Printing Industrial Co. on Oct. 20, 1992 by raising funds under the approval of YGS (1992) No.
63 Document issued by the Joint Examination Group for Experimental Enterprises in Stock System of Guangdong
Province and the Economic System Reform Commission of Guangdong Province, is an enterprise with its shares
held by both the corporate and the natural persons. As approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission with
Document (1993) No. 33, the Company publicly issued 19.3 million shares of social public shares (A shares) to
the public in Oct., 1993, and was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange for trade on Nov. 23, 1993. The Company
was approved to issue 50,000,000 B shares on Jul. 23, 1995. And, as approved to change into a foreign-invested
stock limited company on Aug. 26, 1996 by (1996) WJMZEHZ No. 466 Document issued by the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People‘s Republic of China. On Dec. 11, 2000, as approved by
China Securities Regulatory Commission with ZJGS Zi [2000] No. 175 Document, the Company additionally
issued 55,000,000 A shares. At approved by the Shareholders‘ General Meeting 2006, 2007 and 2008, the
Company implemented the plan of capitalization of capital reserve, after the transfer, the registered capital of the
Company has increased to RMB 978,563,745.00 Yuan. And the registration code for corporate business license is
QGYZZ No. 002889.
Legal representative: Mr. Pan Jie
Address: No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Foshan, Guangdong Province

Business scope of the Company

R&D and production of electro-optical source products, electro-optical source equipment and electro-optical
accessories, electro-optical materials, lamps and components, electrical engineering materials, accessories for
motor vehicles, household appliances, electrical switches, outlet, fire fighting products, ventilation equipment,
LED products, lithium-ion battery and other materials, sale of those products on both the domestic and overseas
markets, and the relevant engineering consultation service. The main products of the Company include all kinds of
electro-optical source products.

Basic organizational structure of the Company

Shareholders‘ General Meeting is the highest authority organ of the Company, Board of Directors is an executive
organ to carry out the provisions formulated by the Shareholders‘ General Meeting, Board of supervisors is an
internal supervision organ of the Company, and the General Manager is responsible for routine operation and
management. Up till the end of the reporting period, the Company owns nine actually controlled subsidiaries, i.e.
Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.,
Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Co., Ltd., FSL (Xinxiang)
Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode
Materials Co., Ltd., Foshang Lighting Components Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd..

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

( Ⅳ ) Main accounting policies, accounting estimates and corrections of prior
accounting errors

1. Basis for preparation of financial statements

With going-concern assumption as the basis, the Company prepares its financial statement in light of the actual
transactions and matters, as well as the accounting standard for business enterprise-basic standard promulgated by
the Ministry of Finance of PRC in 15 Feb. 2006, other specific accounting standards, and the relevant provisions
of application guide and interpretation, as well as the following primary accounting policies and accounting

2. Statement of compliance with Corporate Accounting Standards

The financial statements prepared by the Company is in compliance with the requirements of Accounting Standard
for Business Enterprises, which gives a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as for the
financial status and operating results & cash flows.

3. Accounting period

A fiscal year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 Dec. according to the Gregorian calendar.

4. Recording currency

Renminbi is the recording currency for the Company.

5. Measurement method for the business combination under the same control and business combination not
under the same control

(1) Business combination under the same control

In a business combination under the same control, the assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a
business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the
combining date. As for the balance between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party
and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it, the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the
additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

(2) Business combination not under the same control

In a business combination not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the fair values, on the
acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the
acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree. The positive balance between the combination costs and the
fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree shall be recognized as goodwill. The negative
balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree
shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period after the reexamination.

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

6. Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

(1) Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements shall include the Company and all its subsidiaries.
The operating outcomes and financial status of the subsidiaries shall be included in the consolidated financial
statements from start date of the control to end date of the control.

The subsidiaries that the Company obtains due to business combination under the same control shall be included
into the scope of consolidation when preparing the consolidated financial statements of the current period, and the
beginning balance in the consolidated financial statement and prior comparison sheet shall be adjusted

As for the subsidiaries that the Company obtains due to business combination not under the same control, their
financial statements shall be adjusted based on the fair value of each identifiable asset and liability determined on
the combining date when preparing the consolidated financial statements of the current period. Such combined
subsidiaries shall be included into the scope of consolidation from the combining date.

If the accounting period and accounting policies adopted by a subsidiary are different from those adopted by the
Company, when preparing the consolidated financial statement, necessary adjustments shall be made to the
financial statements of the subsidiary under the accounting period and accounting policies adopted by the
Company. Within the scope of consolidation, all significant transactions between the enterprises, balance and
unrealized profits and losses shall be offset when preparing the consolidated financial statement. As for the
unrealized losses occurred in the internal transaction, if there is an evidence shows that such loss is impairment
loss on relevant assets, it shall not be offset. The equity and profits & losses attributable to minority shareholders
of the subsidiary shall be particularly presented in the item of ―shareholder‘s equity‖ in the consolidated balance
sheets and in the item of ―net profit‖ in the consolidated income statement respectively.

(2) Relevant accounting method shall be revealed for the equity of a same subsidiary purchased and sold in
successive two fiscal years


7. Recognition standards for cash and cash equivalents

The term ―cash equivalents‖ refers to short-term ( within 3 months from the purchase date) and highly liquid
investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of
change in value.

8. Foreign currency and accounting method for foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency

Foreign currency shall be recognized by employing systematic and reasonable methods, and shall be translated
into the amount in the functional currency at the exchange rate which is approximate to the spot exchange rate of
the transaction date. On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot
exchange rate. The balance of exchange arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the balance

                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or prior tot the balance sheet date shall be
recorded into the profits and losses at the current period except that the balance of exchange arising from foreign
currency borrowings for the purchase and construction or production of qualified assets shall be capitalized. The
foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the historical cost shall still be translated at the spot exchange
rate on the transaction date.

(2) Accounting method for foreign currency


9. Financial instruments

Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.

(1) Category of financial instruments

Financial assets shall be classified into the following four categories when they are initially recognized: Financial
assets measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period,
loans and the account receivables, financial assets available for sale and the investments which will be held to
their maturity.

Financial liabilities shall be classified into the following two categories when they are initially recognized: (1) the
Trading financial liabilities; and (2) other financial liabilities.

(2) Recognition and Measurement of Financial Liabilities

Financial assets, at their initial recognition, shall be measured at fair value. As for financial assets measured at fair
value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period, the relevant trading
expenses shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; for other categories of
financial assets, the transaction expenses thereof shall be included into the initially recognized amount.

Financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the
current period refer to financial assets held by the Company for the purpose of selling in the near future, including
trading financial assets, or financial assets designated by the management in the initial recognition to be measured
at fair value with variations recorded in the gains and losses for the current period. Financial assets measured at
fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period are subsequently
measured at their fair values. Interest or cash dividends arising from such assets during the holing period are
recognized as investment gains. Gains or losses arising from fair value changes are recorded in the gains and
losses for the current period at the end of the reporting period. When such assets are disposed, the difference
between their fair values and initially recognized amounts is recognized as investment gains and the gains and
losses arising from fair value changes are adjusted accordingly.

Loan and accounts receivable: The non-derivative financial assets for which there is no quoted price in the active
market and of which the recoverable amount is fixed or determinable shall be classified as loan and accounts
receivable. The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its loan and accounts receivable on the basis of
the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate, from which gains and losses, when loan and

                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

accounts receivable are terminated from recognizing, or are impaired or amortized, shall be recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period.

Available-for-sale financial assets: the non-derivative financial assets which are designated as available-for-sale
financial assets when they are initially recognized as well as the non-derivative financial assets other than loans
and accounts receivables, investments held until their maturity; and transaction financial assets. The Company
shall make subsequent measurement on available-for-sale financial assets at fair value, and the profits and losses
arising from the change in the fair value shall be directly recorded into the owner‘s equity, until the said financial
assets shall be transferred out when they are terminated from recognizing or are impaired, which shall be recorded
into the profits and losses of current period. Where the intention of holding or the ability to hold changes, or the
fair value can not be reliably measured any more, or the term of holding has exceeded "two complete accounting
years", which makes it no longer suitable to measure the available-for-sale financial assets at its fair value, the
Company concerned may measure the said financial assets on the basis of post-amortization cost. And such
post-amortization cost at the re-classification day shall be the carrying amount of the financial assets. The gains or
losses that are related to the said financial assets and that are directly included in the owner‘s equity shall be dealt
with according to the following provisions: ① Where such financial asset has a fixed date of maturity, it shall be
amortized within the remaining period of the said financial asset by adopting the actual interest rate method and
be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The gap between the post-amortization cost of the
financial asset and the amount on the maturity date shall also be amortized within the remaining period of the said
financial asset by adopting the actual interest rate method and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period. If, during the subsequent accounting period, the financial asset is impaired, the relevant profits and losses
that were included in the owner‘s equity shall be transferred out and be recorded into the current profits and losses.
② Where such financial asset does not have a fixed date of maturity, it shall remain in the owner‘s equity. Where
such financial asset is transferred out when it is impaired or determined from recognizing during the remaining
period of accounting that follows, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period

Held-to-maturity Investments: non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of maturity, a fixed or determinable
recoverable amount and which the Company‘s management holds for a definite purpose or the Company‘s
management is able to hold until its maturity. The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its
Held-to-maturity Investments on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate, from
which gains and losses, when loan and accounts receivable are terminated from recognizing, or are impaired or
amortized, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. Where part of the held-to-maturity
investment is sold or the re-classified amount thereof is considerably large, so that the remainder of the said
investment is no longer suitable to be classified as a held-to-maturity investment, the Company shall re-classify
the remainder of the said investment as an available-for-sale financial asset, and shall make subsequent
measurement on it according to its fair value on the re-classification day, and no longer re-classify the said
financial asset as held-to-maturity investment in the current fiscal year and the subsequent two complete
accounting years. The gap between the carrying amount of the said remnant part of the investment at the
re-classification day and the fair value shall be computed into the owner‘s equity. And when the said
available-for-sale financial asset is terminated from recognition or transferred out when it is impaired, it shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

The financial liabilities initially recognized by the Company shall be measured at their fair values. For the Trading
financial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period; for other categories of financial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof shall be included into
the initially recognized amount.

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Trading financial liabilities: such financial liabilities held by the Company for the purpose for repurchasing at the
fair value in the near future, and financial liabilities formed a part of combination of financial instruments which
are managed by way of short-term profit making in the near future, and derivative financial liabilities (the
designated derivative instruments which are effective hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial
guarantee contracts, and the derivative instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investment for
which there is no quoted price in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which shall
be settled by delivering the said equity instruments) shall be classified as trading financial liabilities. Subsequent
measurement of transaction financial liabilities shall be measured at fair value, and the profits and losses arising
from the change in the fair value shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

Other financial liabilities: The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its other financial liabilities on
the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate, from which gains and losses, when
other financial liabilities are terminated from recognizing or amortized, shall be recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period.

Determination of the Fair Value of Financial Instruments
—As for the financial instruments for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the active market shall
be used to determine the fair values thereof. Where there is no active market for a financial instrument, the
Company concerned shall adopt value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value. The value appraisal
techniques mainly include the prices adopted by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest
market transaction upon their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial
instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing model, etc.

(3) Recognition and Accounting Method for Transfer of Financial Assets

Where transfer of financial assets occurs in the Company, if the Company has transferred nearly all of risks and
rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset.
If it retained nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset, it shall not stop
recognizing the financial asset. When the Company makes a judgment about whether the transfer of a financial
asset satisfies all the above conditions to stop the recognition, the Company adopts the code of ―Rather substantial
than superficial‖. The Company differentiates the transfer of financial asset into the entire transfer and the partial
transfer of financial assets. If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping
recognition, the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall be recorded in the profits and
losses of the current period: (1)The book value of the transferred financial asset; (2)The sum of consideration
received from the transfer, and the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in the
owner's equities (in the event that the financial asset involved in the transfer is a financial asset available for sale).
If the transfer of partial financial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the entire book value of the
transferred financial asset shall, between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose
recognition has not been stopped (under such circumstance, the service asset retained shall be deemed as a portion
of financial asset whose recognition has not been stopped), be apportioned according to their respective relative
fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following 2 items shall be included into the profits and
losses of the current period : (1) The book value of the portion whose recognition has been stopped; (2) The sum
of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and the portion of the accumulative amount of
the changes in the fair value originally recorded in the owner's equities which is corresponding to the portion
whose recognition has been stopped (in the event that the financial asset involved in the transfer is a financial
asset available for sale). If the transfer of a financial asset doesn‘t satisfy the conditions to stop the recognition,

                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

the Company shall continue to recognize the financial asset and shall recognize the consideration it receives as a
financial liability.

(4) Recognition Conditions for Termination of Financial Liabilities

When the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in part may the recognition of the
financial liability be terminated in all or partly. If the Company enters into an agreement with creditor so as to
substitute the existing financial liabilities by way of any new financial liability, and if the contractual stipulations
regarding the new financial liability is substantially different from that regarding the existing financial liability,
the Company shall terminate the recognition of the existing financial liability, and shall at the same time recognize
the new financial liability. Where the Company makes substantial revisions to some or all of the contractual
stipulations of the existing financial liability, it shall terminated the recognition of the existing financial liability or
part of it, and at the same time recognize the financial liability after revising the contractual stipulations as a new
financial liability. Where the recognition of a financial liability is totally or partially terminated, the Company
shall include into the profits and losses of the current period the gap between the carrying amount which has been
terminated from recognition and the considerations it has paid (including the non-cash assets it has transferred out
and the new financial liabilities it has assumed). If the Company buys back part of its financial liabilities, it shall
distribute, on the report day, the carrying amount of the whole financial liabilities in light of the comparatively fair
value of the part that continues to be recognized and the part whose recognition has already been terminated and
carries out distribution of the overall book value of the financial liability. The gap between the carrying amount
which is distributed to the part whose recognition has terminated and the considerations it has paid (including the
non-cash assets it has transferred out and the new financial liabilities it has assumed) shall be recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period.

(5) Recognition of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities

As for the financial assets and financial liabilities that the Company measured by fair value, they all refer to the
quoted prices in the active market.

(6) Withdrawal of Impairment Provision for Financial Assets (excluding Accounts Receivable)

Except for financial assets measured at fair value and of which the alterations charged to the profits and losses in
the current period, the Company conducts check on book value of financial assets at the Balance Sheet Date. If
there is any objective evidences proving that a specific financial asset is impaired, an impairment provision shall
be made. (1) Impairment provision for available-for-sale financial assets: as at the end of the reporting period, if
there is a relatively large reduce on fair value of available-for-sale financial assets, or it is estimated that the trend
of reduce is temporarily with a comprehensive consideration of various relevant ingredients, the available-for-sale
financial assets is recognized as impaired, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value of
the owners‘ equity which was directly included shall be transferred out and recognized as impairment. As for
available-for-sale debt instruments whose impairment-related losses have been recognized, if, within the
accounting period thereafter, the fair value has risen and are objectively related to the subsequent events that occur
after the originally impairment-related losses were recognized impairment-related losses shall be reversed and be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. The impairment-related losses incurred to an
available-for-sale equity instrument investment shall not be reversed through profit and losses. (2) As for
impairment provision of hold-to-maturity investment: the measurement of impairment on hold-to-maturity

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

investment shall be treated according to measurement of impairment on accounts receivable.

(7) Notes on Basis of Hold-to-Maturity Investment undue that reclassified into Available-for-Sales
Financial Assets


10. Recognition and Withdrawal Method for Bad-debt Provisions for Accounts Receivable

Accounts receivable of the Company mainly including accounts receivable and other receivables. The Company
conducts a check to the book value of accounts receivable at the Balance Sheet Date, if there is any objective
evidence proving that the accounts receivable is impaired, it shall be recorded into provision for bad debts.

(1) Provisions for Bad-debt Accounts Receivable with a significant single amount

                                                                     Accounts receivable with a significant single amount refer to
Definition or amount criteria for an account receivable with a the top five accounts receivable with the largest balances or
significant single amount                                            accounts accounting for over 10% of the total balance of

                                                                     Where there is objective evidence proving that the Company
                                                                     is not able to recover the full amount of an account receivable
                                                                     according to the original terms in relation to the account, an
                                                                     independent impairment test is carried out on the account
                                                                     receivable and the bad-debt provision is made according to
Making individual bad-debt provisions for accounts receivable with
                                                                     the difference between the present value of the account‘s
a significant single amount
                                                                     future cash flows and the account‘s carrying amount. If the
                                                                     independent impairment test shows that the account
                                                                     receivable has not been impaired, the balance of the account
                                                                     is put into the corresponding group and the bad-debt
                                                                     provision is made using the balance percentage method.

 (2) Accounts receivable for which bad-debt provisions are made on the group basis

           Group name                  Withdraw method                              Basis for recognition of group

                                                                Accounts receivable arising from other common transactions
Common transaction group          Balance percentage method
                                                                than internal transactions are classified according to credit risk


                                                                Accounts receivable arising from internal transactions within the
Internal transaction group        Other methods
                                                                scope of the consolidation statements are classified according to

                                                                credit risk features.

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

In the groups, those adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□Applicable √Inapplicable
In the groups, those adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                       Withdrawing proportion of           Withdrawing proportion of other
                Name of the group
                                                         account receivables (%)               account receivables (%)
Ordinary business group                                                             6%                                      6%

In the groups, those adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                Name of the group                                                      Notes

                                                    Withdrawing bad debt provision according to the discrepancy between
Internal business group
                                                    present value of future cash flow and book value.

(3) Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad debt provision is made

Reason of individually withdrawing bad debt When there is conclusive evidence proving that obvious difference exists in the
provision:                                  recoverability.

                                            As for other receivables (including notes receivable, prepayments, interest
Method for making bad-debt provisions for   receivable, long-term receivables, etc.), bad-debt provisions are made according to
the said accounts receivables:              the differences between the present values of their future cash flows and their
                                            carrying amounts.

11. Inventory

(1) Category of Inventory

Category: raw materials, products in processing, materials for consigned processing, finished products,
semi-manufactured semi-finished products, and low-value consumption goods.

(2) Pricing method for distributed inventories

Method: others
Accounting of inventory: raw materials and finished products shall be measured at actual cost, while weighted
average method shall be adopted when receiving or outgoing.

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(3) Recognition basis of net realizable value of inventories and withdrawal method for impairment
provision of inventories

Recognition of provision for falling price of inventory and withdrawal: The Company shall make provision for
falling price of inventory on the basis of each item of inventory at the balance that net realizable value is lower
than carrying cost. For finished goods, merchandise inventories, and available for sale materials which are applied
directly for sales of stock inventory, the amount after deducting the estimated sale expense and relevant taxes
from the estimated sell price of the inventory shall be recognized as the net realizable value. For material
inventories which need to be processed, the amount after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated
sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of produced finished goods shall be recognized as
the net realizable value.

(4) Inventory system of inventories

Inventory system: perceptual inventory system

(5) Amortization method of low-value consumption goods and packages

Low-value consumption goods
Amortization method: one time method
Amortization method: one time method

12. Long-term equity investment

(1) Recognition for initial cost

Pricing of long-term equity investment

— Long-term equity investment for the corporate combination

——For the merger of enterprises under the same control, it shall, on the date of merger, regard the share of the
book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment,
and the direct relevant expenses occurred for the merger of enterprises shall be included into the profits and losses
of the current period.

——For the merger of enterprises not under the same control, The combination costs shall be the fair values, on
the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the
Company in exchange for the control on the acquiree, and all relevant direct costs incurred to the acquirer for the
business combination. Where any future event that is likely to affect the combination costs is stipulated in the
combination contract or agreement, if it is likely to occur and its effects on the combination costs can be measured
reliably, the Company shall record the said amount into the combination costs.

——The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the purchase cost
which is actually paid. The cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtainment of the long-term
equity investment, taxes and other necessary expenses.

                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

——The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities shall be the fair
value of the equity securities issued.

——The cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the investment
contract or agreement except the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement.

——The cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets (having commercial
nature) shall be recognized base on taking the fair value and relevant payable taxes as the cost of the assets

——The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be recognized at the
fair value.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gains and losses

—The long-term equity investment of the Company that is able to control the invested enterprise and which of the
Company that does not do joint control or does not have significant influences on the invested entity, and has no
offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be reliably measured, it shall be measured by employing the
cost method. Except for the declared but not distributed cash dividends or profits included in the price or
consideration actually paid when an investment is obtained, the dividends or profits declared to distribute by the
invested entity shall be recognized as the current investment income.

(3) Recognition basis of jointly control and significant influence in invested units

—A long-term equity investment of the Company that does joint control or significant influences over the
invested entity shall be measured by employing the equity method. If the cost of a long-term equity investment is
more than the Company‘s attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the
investment, the cost of the long-term equity investment may not be adjusted. If the cost of a long-term equity
investment is less than the Company‘s attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity‘s identifiable net
assets for the investment, the difference shall be included in the current profits and losses and the cost of the
long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously. The Company shall recognize the net losses of the
invested enterprise until the book value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and
interests which substantially form the net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero, unless the
investing enterprise has the obligation to undertake extra losses. The Company shall, on the ground of the fair
value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains the investment, recognize the attributable
share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity.

(4) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision

—The Company shall conduct inspection to long-term investment item by item at the end of reporting period. If
the market price of long-term investment falls into sustained decline or the invested enterprise‘s operation status
grow worse, which will cause that the recoverable amount is lower than carrying value, moreover, such reduced
value will not be restored in predicted future period, then the negative balance between the recoverable amount
and carrying value of long-term investment shall be measured as provision for impairment of long-term
investment. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair
value of the long-term equity investment minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the expected future

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

cash flow of the long-term equity investment. Once any loss of impairment of the long-term investment is
recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods.

13. Investment real estate

The Company doesn‘t have investment real estate.

14. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition of fixed assets

Recognition of fixed assets: Fixed assets of the Company refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess
the features as follows: they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or
business management; and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year and unit price is higher.

Category of fixed assets: housing and building, machinery equipment, transportation vehicle and other.

(2) Recognition basis and pricing method for fixed assets acquired under finance lease

The "finance lease" shall refer to a lease that has transferred in substance all the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of an asset. The Company shall recognizes the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the
present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as cost of fixed assets of finance lease.
In calculation of the depreciation of a leased fixed asset, the Company adopts a depreciation policy for leased
assets consistent with that for depreciable assets. If it is reasonable to be certain that the Company will obtain the
ownership of the leased asset when the lease term expires, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over its
useful life. If it is not reasonable to be certain that the Company will obtain the ownership of the leased asset at
the expiry of the lease term, the leased asset shall be fully depreciated over the shorter one of the lease term or its
useful life.

(3) Depreciation method of various fixed assets

Measurement of fixed assets and depreciation method: fixed assets shall be measured at actual cost. Depreciation
rate shall be recognized by employing the straight-line method and in accordance with appraisal economical
useful life and predicated net residuals
           The categories      Estimated useful life (years)        Residual value (%)          Annual depreciation rate (%)

Houses and buildings                      3—25                             5%                         31.67%-4.75%

Machineries                               2—8                              5%                         47.50%-11.88%

Electronic equipment                      5—10                             5%                           19%-9.50%

Vehicles                                  2—8                              5%                         47.50%-11.88%

(4) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of fixed assets

Provision for impairment of fixed assets: The Company shall carry out inspection to fixed assets item by item
every year. If the recoverable amount is lower than carrying value due to sustained decline of market price of

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

fixed assets or technological obsolescence, damage or long-term idle, then the provision for impairment of fixed
assets shall be withdrawn on the basis of the balance hereof. Once any loss of impairment of the fixed assets is
recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods. The recoverable amount shall be
determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair value of the fixed assets minus the disposal
expenses and the current value of the expected future cash flow of the fixed assets. The current value of future
cash flow of assets shall be recognized based on the amount after the predicated future cash flow occurred in the
process of continuous services and when the final disposal is discounted by adopting proper discount rate.

(5) Other explanation


15. Construction in Progress

(1) Categories of construction in process

Categories of construction in process refer to the newly establishment, amendment or expansion of fixed assets
of the Company, or project expenses on unaccomplished project such as technology innovation, equipment
updating and major repair projects, etc.,

(2) Standards and time of transferring construction in process into fixed asset

Construction in progress shall be measured at actual cost. Constructions in progress shall be carried down to fixed
assets by adopting provisional estimate when bringing to the expected conditions for use. After completion and
settlement procedures, the Company shall adjust the carrying value of fixed assets at the actual cost. As for
interests on borrowings incurred to special-borrowing loans or general borrowing for the acquisition and
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization and the ancillary expense incurred to
special-borrowing loans, those incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction or production is
ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized into capitalized cost, while those incurred after a qualified
asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be included into
the profits and losses of the current period.

(3) Impairment test method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of construction in process

Provision for impairment of construction in progress: the Company shall carry out overall inspection to the
construction in progress at the end of the reporting period. If the construction in progress has been stopped for a
long time and cannot be continued restarting in the coming three years, and such construction in progress has
already fallen behind, whatever in performance or in technology, resulting in an uncertainty to economic benefit
of the Company, and there is an obvious evidence shows that the construction in progress has been impaired, then
provision for impairment of the construction in progress shall be withdrawn based on the negative balance
between the recoverable amount of single construction in progress and carrying value. Once any loss of
impairment of the construction in progress is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

16. Borrowing costs

(1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs

The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements: (1)
The asset disbursements have already incurred, which shall include the cash, transferred non-cash assets or
interest bearing debts paid for the acquisition and construction or production activities for preparing assets
eligible for capitalization; (2) The borrowing costs has already incurred; and (3) The acquisition and construction
or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started.

(2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs

The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements: (1)
The asset disbursements have already incurred; (2) The borrowing costs have already incurred and (3) The
acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use
or sale have already started. And then it shall be recorded into assets costs that satisfied conditions of
capitalization. When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the
intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased; borrowing costs incurred thereafter
shall be recognized as expenses at the incurred amount when they are incurred.

(3) Period for suspending capitalization of borrowing costs

Suspension of capitalization: Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is
interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the
borrowing costs shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as
expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, till the acquisition and
construction or production of the asset restarts. If the interruption is a necessary step for making the qualified asset
under acquisition and construction or production ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the
borrowing costs shall continue.

 (4) Calculation method of capitalized amount of borrowing costs

To-be-capitalized amount of interests of borrowing: As for interests of borrowing occurred special-borrowing
loans or general borrowing for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization,
those incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction or production is ready for the intended use
or sale shall be capitalized based on the following methods:

—As for special-borrowing loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the actual cost incurred of
the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing
loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment.

—Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, the Company shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general
borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The
capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general

17. Biological assets


18. Oil gas assets


19. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing method of intangible assets

—The cost of outsourcing intangible assets shall be measured at actual expenditures occurred for reaching the
expected use purpose.

—The research expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be recorded
into the profit or loss for the current period. The development expenditures for its internal research and
development projects of the Company may be confirmed as cost of intangible assets when they satisfy
capitalization conditions.

—The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the conventional value in
the investment contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in the contract or agreement.

—The intangible assets received by the Company through accepting debtor‘s non-cash assets for compensation
for debts, or by receivables, shall be measured at the fair value of the intangible assets received.

—The cost invested into intangible assets by non-monetary transaction shall be determined according to the fair
value of non-monetary assets and relevant payable taxes.

(2) Estimated useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life

For intangible assets of limited useful life, the Company adopts straight-line method for amortization in useful life
term. The Company shall, at the end of each year, recheck the estimated useful life and amortization method and
makes suitable adjustment.
           Item               Estimated useful life                                  Basis
Land use right              50 years                   Statutory use right
Patent                      10 years                   Estimated term of making profit

(3) Judgment basis of intangible assets with uncertain useful life

The Company doesn‘t have intangible assts with uncertain useful life.

                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(4) Withdrawal of impairment provision of intangible assets

Provision for impairment of intangible assets: the Company shall made overall inspection to the intangible asset
at the end of reporting period. If the intangible assets have already been replaced by other new technologies,
resulting in the Company‘s ability to create economic benefits suffering materials adverse influence, or a
sustained decline of market price of intangible assets and impossible to be recover within the residual
amortization years, or certain intangible asset has exceeded the term protected by law but still part of useful
value is remained, or there is an obvious evidence shows that the intangible assets has been impaired, then
provision for impairment of the intangible assets shall be withdrawn based on the balance between the
recoverable amount of single intangible assets and carrying value. Once any loss of impairment of the intangible
assets is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods.

(5) Criteria of dividing the research phase and development phase of internal R&D project

The expenditures for its internal research phase and development phase of the Company discriminate into research
expenditures and development expenditures. The term ―research‖ refers to the creative and planned investigation
to acquire and understand new scientific or technological knowledge; the term ―development‖ refers to the
application of research achievements and other knowledge to a certain plan or design, prior to the commercial
production or use, so as to produce any new material, device or product, or substantially improved material,
device and product.

(6) Calculation of the expenditures of internal R&D project

The expenditures for its internal research phase and development phase of the Company discriminate into research
expenditures and development expenditures:
1) The research expenditures for its internal research and development phases of the Company shall be recorded
into the profit or loss for the current period.
2) The research expenditures for its internal research and development phases of the Company may be confirmed
as intangible assets when they satisfy the following conditions simultaneously:
① It is feasible technically to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
② It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible assets;
③ The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits shall be proved, including being
able to prove that there is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or
there is a potential market for the intangible assets itself or the intangible assets will be used internally;
④ It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets, with the
support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources; and
⑤ The expenditures on development phase of the intangible assets can be reliably measured.

20. Amortization method of long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year (one year
excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods. Long-term deferred expense shall
be recoded into book in the light of the actual expenditure, and amortized averagely within benefit period. In
case of no benefit in the future accounting period, the amortized value of such project that fails to be amortized

                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

shall be transferred into the profits and losses of the current period.

21. Assets transfer with repurchasing conditions


22. Estimated liabilities

(1) Criteria of estimated liabilities

Recognition of estimated debts: The obligation such as external guaranty, pending litigation or arbitration, product
quality assurance, layoff plan, loss contract, restructuring and disposal of fixed assets, pertinent to a contingencies
shall be recognized as an estimated debts when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: ① That
obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise; ② It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the
enterprise as a result of performance of the obligation; and ③ The amount of the obligation can be measured in a
reliable way.

(2) Measurement of estimated liabilities

Measurement of estimated debts: The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best
estimate of the necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation. To determine the best estimate,
the Company shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors
pertinent to the Contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the best estimate shall be
determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. If there is a sequent range for the necessary
expenses and if all the outcomes within this range are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be
determined in accordance with the middle estimate within the range. In other cases, the best estimate shall be
conducted in accordance with the following situations, respectively: ① If the Contingencies concern a single
item, it shall be determined in the light of the most likely outcome. ② If the Contingencies concern two or more
items, the best estimate should be calculated and determined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the
relevant probabilities. ③ When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of an estimated debts of
an enterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation should be separately recognized
as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be obtained. The Company shall check
the book value of the estimated debts on the balance sheet date. The Company shall, subject to change, make
adjustment to carrying value to reflect the current best estimate.

23. Share-based payment and equity instruments

(1) Categories of share-based payment

The Company doesn‘t have share-base payment and equity instruments.

(2) Recognition method of fair value of equity instruments


                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(3) Recognition basis of the best estimate of the vested equity instruments


(4) Accounting treatment relevant to implement, revise and terminate share-based payment plan


24. Repurchase of shares of the Company


25. Revenue

(1) Criteria for recognition time of revenue from sale of goods

No revenue shall be realized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously: a. The significant risks and
rewards of ownership of the goods or products have been transferred to the buyer by the enterprise; b. The
Company retains neither management right nor effective control over the sold goods or products; c. The relevant
revenue has been received or valid evidence has been obtained, d. relevant cost related to sales of goods and
products can be measured in a reliable way. The principle of affirmation of revenue from ―domestic sales and
export sales‖: (a) Affirmation method of domestic sales: qualified products would be delivered to buyers in line
with the requirements of the buyers; invoice for sales shall be opened when the receivable accounts are
determined, receive payment or estimate payment receivable. (b) Affirmation method of export sales: products
would be produced according to the requirements of the buyers stipulated in contracts. After examination,
customers clearing procedure for export would be arranged. Transport companies would ship the products.
Invoice for sales shall be opened when the receivable accounts are determined; receive payment or estimate
payment receivable.

(2) Recognition basis of revenue from transferring use rights of assets

Revenues from providing others to use company assets shall be affirmed when meeting the following conditions:
the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the Company; the amount of revenues can be measured in a
reliable way. Royalty revenues from providing others to use company assets can be calculated and affirmed in
line with chargeable time and methods stipulated in relevant contracts, treaties.

(3)Recognition basis of revenue from providing services

Revenue from providing services shall be recognized by adopting the percentage-of-completion method when
following conditions shall be met simultaneously: The amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; The
relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; The schedule of completion under the transaction
can be confirmed in a reliable way; and the costs incurred or to be incurred in the transaction can be measured in a
reliable way. If the Company can not measure the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor
services in a reliable way, and the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from
the providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of labor services

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

incurred. If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate in full, the revenue shall be
recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of labor service can be compensated; if all cost of labor
services incurred is not expected to compensate and no revenue from the providing of labor services may be

(4) Recognition basis and method for the schedule of contracted project when recognizing the revenue from
providing labour services and construction contract by percentage-of-completion method

The Company doesn‘t have revenue from providing labour services and contraction contracted by
percentage-of-completion method.

26. Government grants

(1) Types

No government subsidy may be recognized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously: (1) The
Company can meet the conditions for the government subsidies; and (2) The Company can obtain the government

(2) Accounting treatment method

Government subsidy shall be confirmed when meeting the following standards: meeting the sub conditions of
government subsidy; enabling to receive government subsidy.

If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or receivable
amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value. If its fair value
cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal amount.

The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within
the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. But the government
subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included in the current profits and losses. The
government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated respectively in accordance with the circumstances as
follows: (1) Those subsidies used for compensating the related future expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be
recognized as deferred income and shall included in the current profits and losses during the period when the
relevant expenses are recognized; or (2) Those subsidies used for compensating the related expenses or losses
incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

27. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities

(1) Recognition basis of deferred income tax assets

The Company shall record a temporary difference into deferred income tax to the extent of the amount of the
taxable income which it is most likely to obtain in future period and which can be deducted from the deductible
temporary difference.

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(2) Recognition basis of deferred income tax liabilities

As for taxable temporary differences, the Company shall record into deferred income liabilities except for special

28. Operating lease and finance lease

(1) Accounting treatments of operating lease

The rents from operating leases shall be recorded by the Company in the relevant asset costs or the profits and
losses of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term.

(2) Accounting treatments of finance lease (3) Accounting treatments of leaseback

On the lease beginning date, the Company shall record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the
present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the entering value in an account,
recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering value in an account of long-term account
payable, and treat the balance between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the long-term account payable
as unrecognized financing charges.

(3) Accounting treatments of leaseback


29. Assets held for sale

(1) Recognition criteria of available-for-sale assets

The Company doesn‘t have any available-for-sale assets.

(2) Accounting treatments of the assets held for sale

The Company doesn‘t have any available-for-sale assets.

30. Capitalization of assets business

The Company doesn‘t have any capitalization of assets business.

31. Hedging accounting

The Company doesn‘t have any hedging business.

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

32. Changes in main accounting policies and estimates

Were the main accounting policies or estimates changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √ No

(1) Change of accounting policies

Were the main accounting policies changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √ No

(2) Change of accounting estimates

Were the main accounting estimates changed during the reporting period?
□Yes √ No

33. Correction of previous accounting errors

Was any accounting error made in previous periods discovered in the reporting period?
□Yes √ No

(1) Retrospective restatement method

Was any previous accounting errors adopting retrospective restatement method discovered in the reporting period?
□Yes √ No

(2) Prospective application method

Was any previous accounting errors adopting prospective application method discovered in the reporting period?
□Yes √ No

34. Other main accounting policies, accounting estimates as well as compilation method of financial


(Ⅴ) Taxation

1. Main taxes and tax rate

              Category of taxes                         Tax basis                               Tax rate

                                         VAT on sales is calculated based on 17%
                                         of sales revenue. VAT is calculated and
VAT                                                                                17%
                                         paid based on the difference of VAT on
                                         sales deducting deductible input VAT.

                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                         Tax    on     exports    managed     by   the
                                         Company, as approved by the taxation
                                         departments, is paid by adopting the
                                         policy of ―tax exemption, tax deduction
                                         and tax rebate‖ since 1 Jan. 2002

Consumption tax                                                                          5%

Business tax                             Taxable service income                          5%、7%

Urban maintenance and construction tax   Taxable VAT and business tax                    15%

                                         The Company was identified as a
                                         high-tech enterprise in Dec. 2008, and
                                         passed the re-examination for the First
                                         Batch High-tech Enterprise in 2011 on
                                         23 Aug. 2011, as well as won the
                                         ―Certificate of High-tech Enterprise‖
                                         with serial number GR201144000059
                                         after approval by Department of Science
                                         and Technology of Guangdong Province,
                                         Department of Finance of Guangdong
                                         Province, Guangdong Provincial Bureau
Enterprise income tax                                                                    3%
                                         of    State   Taxation    and   Guangdong
                                         Provincial Bureau of Local Taxation. In
                                         accordance with relevant provisions in
                                         Corporate Income Tax Law of the
                                         People's Republic of China and the
                                         Administration           Measures         for
                                         Identification of High-tech Enterprises
                                         promulgated in 2007, the Company paid
                                         the corporate income tax based on a tax
                                         rate of 15% within three years since 1
                                         Jan. 2011.

Education expenses surcharge             Current turnover tax in current                 2%

The income tax rates adopted by each subsidiary and branch factory

The subsidiaries of the Company, including Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., and Foshan
Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd., Nanjing
Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co., Ltd.,
Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd.,
Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd., whose
enterprise income tax rate is 25%.

2. Tax preference and official documents

The Company has been certified as a high-tech enterprise in December 2008, and passed the re-examination for

                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

the First Batch High-tech Enterprise in 2011 on 16 January 2011, as well as won the ―Certificate of High-tech
Enterprise‖ with serial number GR201144000059 after approval by Department of Science and Technology of
Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Bureau of State
Taxation and Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Local Taxation. In accordance with relevant provisions in
Corporate Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administration Measures for Identification
of High-tech Enterprises promulgated in 2007, the Company paid the corporate income tax based on a tax rate of
15% within three years since 1 Jan. 2011.

3. Other explanation


(Ⅵ) Business combination and consolidated financial statements

1. Subsidiaries

(1) Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                 amount                 The      The      Include
                                                                                                                                             g the
                                                                   of         Other   proporti proporti     d in                Deducti
                                           Register                                                                  Minorit                differen
Subsidia               Register Busines               Busines investm essential        on of    on of     consolid                ble
                Type                         ed                                                                         y                   ce that
     ries              ed place s nature              s scope    ents at investm holding voting             ated                minority
                                           capital                                                                   interest               loss of
                                                                   the         ent    shares    rights    stateme               interests
                                                                 period-e             (%) (%)            nt

Foshan                                                Producti
Chanshe                        Manufa      1,000,0 on of         750,000                                             1,832,5
            compan Foshan                                                                75%      75% Yes
ng                             cture              00 ballast,           .00                                            41.86
Electron                                              electron

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

ic                                               ic
Ballast                                          transfor
Co.,                                             mers
Ltd.                                             and

                                                 on and
                                                 n of
Electric Limited
                                Manufa    72,780, and         50,940,                                      28,646,
Applian compan Foshan                                                             70%      70% Yes
                                cture     000.00 accessor     000.00                                       318.27
ce         y
ng) Co.,
                                                 on of
                                                 ing and

Foshan                                           producti
Taimei                                           on and
Times      Limited                               sales of
Lamps      liability            Manufa 500,000 lighting, 350,000                                           9,972,9
                       Foshan                                                     70%      70% Yes
and        compan               cture    .00     househo          .00                                       06.90
Lantern y                                        ld
s Co.,                                           applianc
Ltd.                                             es and
                                                 ies and

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                                   on       of
Foshan                                             lamp
Lighting                                           products
Lamps                                              and
           liability            Manufa   5,000,0                 5,070,0
and                    Foshan                      relevant                         100%     100% Yes
           compan               cture     00.00                   00.00
Lantern                                            electric
s Co.,                                             engineer
Ltd.                                               ing
                                                   s, metal

                                                   on      and
                                                   sales of
                                                   nt      and
           Limited                                 light
al &
           liability Xinxian Manufa      10,000, source          10,000,
Lighting                                                                            100%     100% Yes
           compan g             cture       000 products         000.00
           y                                       ,     sales
ng) Co.,
                                                   ies      of

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                     ies     for
                                                     , lamps

           Limited                                   selling
Ion                                                                                                             6,581,6
           liability             Manufa    50,000, lithium         25,500,
Battery                Qinghai                                                         51%      51% Yes          61.92
           compan                cture     000.00 ion               000.00
           y                                         battery
s Co.,

                                                     ng lease
Fozhao Limited
Financia liability                        200,000                  200,000
                       Foshan Lease                  main                             100%     100% Yes
l          compan                             ,000                 ,000.00
Leasing y

Foshan Limited                                       Researc
                                 Manufa 15,000,                    15,000,
lighting liability Foshan                            h,                               100%     100% Yes
                                 cture    000.00                    000.00
applianc compan                                      develop

                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

e Co.,   y                              ment,
Ltd.                                    manufac
                                        , LED
                                        , etc.
                                        c trade,
                                        of goods

Particulars about subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment

Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., who is the Sino-foreign joint venture invested and
established by the Company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd, had obtained license for business

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

corporation on 23 Aug. 2005 through approval by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming
District, Foshan with document ―MWJMY Zi [2005] No. 79‖. The Company holds 70% equities of the said
company, therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since
date of the foundation.

Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., who is the Sino-foreign joint ventures invested and
established by the Company and Reback North America Investment Limited, had obtained license for Business
Corporation on 5 Dec. 2005 through approval by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming
District, Foshan with document ―MWJMY Zi [2005] No. 97‖. The Company holds 70% equities of the said
company, therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since
date of foundation.

Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. is limited liability company, which is invested and established by
the Company together with Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading Co., Ltd., Shanghai Liangqi Electric Co., Ltd,
Changzhou Sanfeng Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Henan Xingchen Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan
Hongbao Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Hebei Jinfen Trading Co., Ltd., obtaining its license for Business
Corporation on 27 Mar. 2009. The Company holds 60% equities of this company. Therefore the said subsidiary
was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of the foundation. The said
company had put into production in May 2009.

On 25 Sep. 2009, the equity transfer agreement was signed between the Company and Foshan Haozhiyuan
Trading Co., Ltd., in which Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading Co., Ltd. transferred 10% equities of Foshan Lighting
Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. to the Company. After transfer, the Company holds 70% equities of Foshan
Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd.. On 19 Dec. 2010, the Company signed Equity Transfer Contract with
Shanghai Liangqi Electric Co., Ltd, Changzhou Sanfeng Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Henan Xingchen
Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Hongbao Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., and Taizhou Luqiao Hengyu
Lighting Equipment Trading Company. Since then, the above said minority shareholder respectively transferred
6% of their holding equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. to the Company, the Company held
100% equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. after the transfer.

Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company with the registered capital of
RMB 10 million, which is invested and established by the Company, obtaining its license for Business
Corporation on 17 Apr. 2009. The holds 100% equities of the said company, therefore the said subsidiary was
included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.

Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. is limited liability company, which is invested
and established by the Company together with Hefei Lixin Energy Material Co., Ltd., Qinghai Power New Energy
Material Co., Ltd., Lithium Energy Holdings, Ltd. and Jianagsu Guogang Communication Engineering Co., Ltd.
On 25 Oct. 2010, Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. received Business License for Enterprise
as a Legal Person, of which the Company holds 51% equities of the Company, and it was included into the scope
of the consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.

Guangdong Fozhao Leasing Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company, which is invested and established by the
Company, obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 31 May 2011. And the Company holds 100% equities
of this company. Therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements
since date of foundation.

                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd. is the limited liability company invested by the Company, getting its
business licenses on 8 May 2013 with 100% of stock rights and being included into the scope of consolidated
statements from the day it setting up.

(2) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control


(3) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                             amount               The      The      Include
                                                                                                                                       g the
                                                               of       Other   proporti proporti     d in                Deducti
                                       Register                                                                Minorit                differen
Subsidia           Register Busines               Busines investm essential       on of    on of    consolid                ble
            Type                         ed                                                                       y                   ce that
  ries             ed place s nature              s scope    ents at investm holding voting           ated                minority
                                       capital                                                                 interest               loss of
                                                               the        ent    shares    rights   stateme               interests
                                                             period-e            (%) (%)           nt

                                                  on of
Compon Limited
                            Manufa     41,683, photoele 72,000,
ents       Compan Nanjing                                                          100%     100% Yes
                            cture       200.00 ctric          000.00
Manufa y
                                                  , lamps

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                         ment of
                                         on of
                                         sales of

Other notes to subsidiaries obtained by business combination not under same control:
In accordance with the equity transfer agreement signed between the Company and Prosperity Lamps and
Components Ltd on 27 Aug. 2008, Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. transferred 100% equities of Nanjing
Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(used to known as ―Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting
Components Co., Ltd.‖, and changed name to ―Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.‖
on 15 Nov. 2010.) to the Company. Therefore, Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting Components Co., Ltd. became the
wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company. The said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated
financial statements since merger date.

2. Special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease


3. Explanation on changes in consolidated scope

Explanation on changes in consolidated scope:
√ Applicable □Inapplicable
Comparing to last year, this year increased one consolidation unit, because

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Foshan Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd. is the limited liability company invested by the Company, getting its
business licenses on 8 May 2013 with 100% of stock rights and being included into the scope of consolidated
statements from the day it setting up.
Comparing to last year, this year decreased one consolidation unit, because

On June 2012, the Company reached an agreement on dismissing Guangding Fozhao New Light Source
Technology Co., Ltd. by the contract ―Termination of Cooperation Agreement‖ with Hong Kong Lijiakechuang
Co., Ltd. The cancellation procedure was completed on March 2013. So this company was excluded the scope of
consolidated statement.

4. Subsidiaries that newly combined into consolidation scope in the reporting period

The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or
lease that newly included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                      Name                                 Closing net assets              Net profit in current period

        Foshan Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd.                         15,001,257.66                        1,257.66

The subsidiaries, special purpose entities and operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or
lease that not longer included in the consolidated scope
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                          Net profit from year-begin to
                      Name                            Net asset at the disposal date
                                                                                                  disposal date

Guangding Fozhao New Light Source Technology Co.,
                                                                      8,605,375.65                       5,617.32

5. Business combination under same control during the reporting period


6. Business combination not under same control during the reporting period


7. Subsidiaries reduced by selling equities without control right during the reporting period


8. The counter purchases in the reporting period


                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

9. Mergers in the reporting period


10. Exchange rates of major items in financial statements for foreign entities


(Ⅶ) Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company

1. Monetary funds

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                           Closing balance                                       Opening balance
            Item          Amount in          Exchange                           Amount in         Exchange
                                                         Amount in RMB                                        Amount in RMB
                        foreign currency       rate                           foreign currency       rate

Cash:                          --               --                11,528.77          --               --                 4,646.82

RMB                            --               --                11,528.77          --               --                 4,646.82

Bank deposit:                  --               --           720,577,207.59          --               --           980,371,648.14

RMB                            --               --           699,285,964.35          --               --           972,782,849.67

HKD                                 0.00 0.7966                        0.00               93.15 0.8109                     75.53

USD                        3,409,454.71 6.1787                21,065,997.82      1,152,484.15 6.2855                 7,243,939.12

EUR                           27,968.29 8.0536                  225,245.42          41,452.32 8.3176                  344,783.82

Other monetary funds:          --               --            15,815,330.30          --               --             5,074,595.78

RMB                            --               --            15,815,330.30          --               --             5,074,595.78

Total                          --               --           736,404,066.66          --               --           985,450,890.74

Special explanation shall be made for the accounts limited by being mortgaged, pledged or frozen, deposited
overseas or with potential collecting risks:
Monetary capitals decreased RMB 249,046,824.08 in the period-end compared to year-begin, accounting to a
decrease of 25.27%. it is mainly because the Company distributed cash bonus of the year 2012 in this period.
Bank deposits in the name of the Company and subsidiaries in the consolidated statement are kept in bank or other
relevant financial organizations.
Other monetary funds in the name of the Company are deposited in refundable deposit and long-term cash deposit
with settlement of exchange cash deposit of the security company.

                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

2. Trading financial assets

(1) Trading financial assets

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                           Item                              Closing fair value                 Opening fair value

The financial assets which are measured at their fair
values and the variation of which is recorded into the                      3,943,027.30                      4,012,728.75
profits and losses of the current period

Total                                                                       3,943,027.30                      4,012,728.75

((2) Trading financial assets with realizable limit


(3) Hedging instruments and notes to relevant hedging transaction


3. Notes receivable

(1) Category of notes receivable

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Category                           Closing balance                      Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill                                                150,179,224.30                         175,907,019.08

Total                                                               150,179,224.30                         175,907,019.08

(2) Notes receivable pledged at period-end


(3) Notes transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the contract or
agreement, and undue notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period


4. Dividends receivable


                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

5. Interest receivable

(1) Interest receivable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                             Increase in current         Decrease in current
            Item                   Opening balance                                                                      Closing balance
                                                                   period                      period

Interests of fixed time
                                           530,542.81                 1,530,877.28                1,280,498.36                     780,921.73

Total                                      530,542.81                 1,530,877.28                1,280,498.36                     780,921.73

(2) Overdue interest


6. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable listed by categories

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                  Closing balance                                         Opening balance

                                      Book balance             Bad debt provision            Book balance             Bad debt provision
                                               Proportion                  Proportion                Proportion                   Proportion
                                  Amount                      Amount                     Amount                     Amount
                                                  (%)                         (%)                       (%)                          (%)

Accounts receivable with
significant single amount
and                individually         0.00            0%          0.00            0%        0.00            0%           0.00            0%
withdrawn          bad    debt

Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

                                  585,770,70                 35,146,242.                 355,326,4                 21,319,588.8
Common business group                                100%                           6%                    100%                             6%
                                        4.48                         27                     81.06                            7

                                  585,770,70                 35,146,242.                 355,326,4                 21,319,588.8
Subtotal of the groups                               100%                           6%                    100%                             6%
                                        4.48                         27                     81.06                            7

Accounts receivable with
insignificant            single
amount and individually                 0.00            0%          0.00            0%        0.00            0%           0.00            0%
withdrawn          bad    debt

                                  585,770,70                 35,146,242.                 355,326,4                 21,319,588.8
Total                                              --                          --                        --                           --
                                        4.48                         27                     81.06                            7

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision
√ Applicable□ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                            Closing balance                                                 Opening balance

                                  Book balance                                                   Book balance
         Aging                                                   Provision for bad                                              Provision for bad
                                               Proportion                                                         Proportion
                              Amount                                  debts                  Amount                                   debts
                                                  (%)                                                                (%)

Including:                       --                --                   --                       --                   --                --

Subtotal of within
                              507,029,056.45      86.55%              30,421,743.39         347,188,347.90           97.71%         20,831,300.88
1 year

1-2 years                      75,089,755.39      12.82%                4,505,385.32          6,915,023.55            1.95%            414,901.41

2-3 years                       3,428,388.03       0.59%                 205,703.28           1,150,735.43            0.32%              69,044.13

Over 3 years                     223,504.61        0.04%                     13,410.28           72,374.18            0.02%                  4,342.45

Total                         585,770,704.48       --                 35,146,242.27         355,326,481.06            --            21,319,588.87

(2) Accounts receivable reversed or collected in the reporting period


(3) The write-off accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                Whether arising
                        Nature of accounts
   Name of entity                                  Write-off time            Write-off amount         Write-off reason         from related party
                                                                                                                               transaction or not?

Write-off of small                                                                               Expected
                       Payment for goods        10 June 2013                             39.82                             No
amount                                                                                           non-receivable

Total                                 --                    --                           39.82               --                        --

Notes to write off of accounts receivable:
Write-off of small amount expected non-receivable.

4) Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                        Closing balance                                      Opening balance
             Name of entity
                                            Book balance            Withdrawal amount            Book balance              Withdrawal amount

Prosperity Lamps & Components
                                                  7,885,885.66                 473,153.14                9,094,765.88                  545,685.95

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total                                         7,885,885.66              473,153.14               9,094,765.88            545,685.95

(5) Information of top 5 accounts receivable:

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                           The relationship with the
        Name of entity                                         Amount                     Aging                    Proportion

            Unit 1         Non-related relationship       73,556,455.20               Within 1 year                 12.56%

            Unit 2         Non-related relationship       26,354,116.07                 1-2 years                    4.5%

            Unit 3         Non-related relationship       16,120,137.94                 1-2 years                    2.75%

            Unit 4         Non-related relationship       15,521,693.50                 1-2 years                    2.65%

            Unit 5         Non-related relationship       11,573,235.00               Within 1 year                  1.98%

            Total                     --                 143,125,637.71                     --                      24.44%

(6) The amounts due from related parties

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   The relationship with the
          Name of entity                                                      Amount                            Proportion

Hangzhou Youchang Lighting Corporate acting in concert and
                                                                                      2,478,190.94                              0.42%
Appliance Co., Ltd.            holding 5 % of shares

China Youchang Lighting        Corporate acting in concert and
                                                                                       501,380.72                               0.09%
Appliance Co., Ltd.            holding 5 % of shares

China OSRAM Lighting           Corporate acting in concert and
                                                                                      4,313,398.37                              0.74%
Appliance Co., Ltd.            holding 5 % of shares

Prosperity Lamps &
                               Corporate holding 5 % of shares                        7,885,885.66                              1.35%
Components Limited

OSRAM Lighting Appliance       Corporate acting in concert and
                                                                                          6,613.24                              0.00%
Co., Ltd.                      holding 5 % of shares

Total                                          --                                    15,185,468.93                              2.6%

(7) Information of accounts receivable that terminated recognition


(8) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount of
assets and liabilities arising from further involvement


                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

7. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable disclosed by type:

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                              Closing balance                                           Opening balance

                                                          Provision for doubtful                                        Provision for doubtful
                                    Balance                                                     Balance
         Category                                                 debts                                                           debts
                                              Proportio                  Proportio                      Proportion
                               Amount                      Amount                         Amount                          Amount          n (%)
                                               n (%)                      n (%)                            (%)

Other           accounts
receivable     that      is
                              17,190,000.00     23.31%                                  41,710,000.00      72.88%
significant            and
provisions     for     bad
debts individually

Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad debts by group

Common          business
                              56,439,598.32     76.54% 3,386,375.90              6% 15,411,053.78          26.93% 924,663.24                    6%

Subtotal of group             56,439,598.32     76.54% 3,386,375.90              6% 15,411,053.78          26.93% 924,663.24                    6%

Other accounts
receivable that is
                                106,552.50       0.15%     106,552.50       100%          106,552.50         0.19% 106,552.50              100%
insignificant but
provisions for bad
debts individually

Total                         73,736,150.82      --       3,492,928.40      --          57,227,606.28       --                             --

Other closing accounts receivable that is individually significant and provisions for bad debts individually.
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

        Other accounts                                                                   Withdrawing proportion
                                    Book balance              Bad-debt amount                                                    Reason
          receivable                                                                            (%)

Foshang Gaoming
                                                                                                                      Cash deposit of bidding
District Tendering and                  17,190,000.00                            0.00                            0%
                                                                                                                      for land
Bidding Trading Center

Total                                   17,190,000.00                            0.00              --                              --

In the group, other account receivable adopting balance percentage to withdraw bad-debt provision
 √Applicable □Inapplicable

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                               Period-end                                             Period-begin

                                   Book balance                Provision for bad         Book balance              Provision for bad
                                                    Proporti        debts                             Proporti           debts
                                 Amount                                                Amount
                                                      on                                                 on


Subtotal of within 1 year          51,275,676.67 90.85%             3,076,540.60       9,546,737.79 61.95%                    572,804.27

1-2 years                           4,697,868.16     8.32%           281,872.09        5,133,212.60 33.31%                    307,992.76

2-3 years                              29,660.02     0.05%              1,779.60         373,909.63     2.43%                   22,434.58

Over 3 years                          436,393.47     0.78%             26,183.61         357,193.76     2.32%                   21,431.63

Total                              56,439,598.32       --           3,386,375.90      15,411,053.78      --                   924,663.24

Other closing individually insignificant but provisions for bad debts individually accounts receivable:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

           Content              Book balance           Provision for bad debts     Withdrawal proportion              Reason

Fangcheng County Yuli                                                                                         Estimated to be
                                        106,552.50                   106,552.50                    100%
Glass Tube Co., Ltd.                                                                                          unrecoverable

             Total                      106,552.50                   106,552.50             --                           --

(2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period


(3) Information of other accounts receivable written off in the reporting period


(4) Other accounts receivable is due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company


(5) Nature or details of other significant accounts receivable


(6) Information of top five other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

        Name of entity      Relationship with the              Amount                     Aging                Proportion of the total

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                Company                                                                            (%)

          Unit 1          Related relationship          43,320,000.00            Within one year                58.75%

          Unit 2               Non-related              17,190,000.00            Within one year                23.31%

          Unit 3               Non-related               5,301,751.19            Within one year                7.19%

          Unit 4               Non-related               1,810,595.17                1-2 years                  2.46%

          Unit 5               Non-related               1,568,550.00                1-2 years                  2.13%

          Total                     --                  69,190,896.36                   --                      93.84%

(7) Information of the amounts due from related parties

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

        Name of entity        Relationship with the Company                Amount                  Proportion of the total (%)

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan
                              Associated enterprises                                614,853.41                            0.83%
Power Energy Co., Ltd.

Qinhai Fozhao Li Energy
                              Associated enterprises                             43,320,000.00                           58.75%
Exploration Co., Ltd.

               Total                          --                                 43,934,853.41                           59.58%

(8) Information of other accounts receivable that terminated recognition


(9) If securitization is carried out on other accounts receivable as the underlying assets, please list amount
of assets and liabilities arising from further involvement


8. Prepayment

(1) List by aging analysis:

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB Yuan

                                    Closing balance                                          Opening balance
     Aging                                                   Proportion                                             Proportion
                                Amount                                                   Amount
                                                                (%)                                                      (%)

Within 1 year                                66,230,033.62       79.30%                            10,364,024.71         83.69%

1 year to 2
                                             11,277,125.67       13.50%                             1,140,000.00          9.21%

2 years to 3
                                              5,792,353.30        6.94%                               831,986.27          6.72%

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Over 3 years                                       222,796.27         0.26%                                   47,416.00          0.38%

Total                                         83,522,308.86          --                                   12,383,426.98        --

(2) Information of the top 5 prepayment

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                            Relationship with the
        Name of entity                                          Amount                      Aging              Reason for unsettled

                                                                                                             Advance           material
            Unit 1        Related-party supplier                   13,464,000.00       Within one year

                          Non-related-party                                                                  Advance           material
            Unit 2                                                  9,332,881.99       Within two years
                          supplier                                                                           payment

                          Non-related-party                                                                  Advance           material
            Unit 3                                                  6,836,736.00       Within two years
                          supplier                                                                           payment

                          Non-related-party                                                                  Advance           material
            Unit 4                                                  6,018,649.20       Within one year
                          supplier                                                                           payment

                          Non-related-party                                                                  Advance           material
            Unit 5                                                  5,003,950.00       Within one year
                          supplier                                                                           payment

            Total                    --                            40,656,217.19              --                          --

(3) Information about amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in prepayment


(4) Notes of prepayment

Balance of prepayment in the period-end increased RMB 71,138,881.88 compared with the year-begin,
accounting to a increase of 574.47%, because of the increase of advanced material payment.

9. Inventory

(1) Category

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan

                                          Closing balance                                           Opening balance
          Item                             Impairment of                                             Impairment of
                         Book balance                           Book value         Book balance                           Book value
                                              inventories                                             inventories

Raw materials            108,658,417.43         178,720.29      108,479,697.14      83,862,206.49         178,720.29      83,683,486.20
                            5,561,158.27      1,956,888.21        3,604,270.06       1,956,894.15         391,372.89       1,565,521.26
contract assets

                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Inventory goods               275,625,127.32                         275,625,127.32     248,832,503.39                        248,832,503.39

semi-finished                  110,236,672.45                        110,236,672.45      98,555,279.40                         98,555,279.40

                                 2,010,697.84        130,691.98        1,880,005.86       2,035,287.92          130,691.98       1,904,595.94
consumption goods

Total                         502,092,073.31       2,266,300.48      499,825,772.83     435,242,171.35          700,785.16    434,541,386.19

(2) Impairment of inventories

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                      Provision for this                    Decrease
         Category              Opening balance                                                                            Closing balance
                                                            period              Switch back          Written off

Raw materials                         178,720.29                                                                                  178,720.29

Construction contract
                                      391,372.89             1,565,515.32                                                        1,956,888.21

                                      130,691.98                                                                                  130,691.98
consumption goods

Total                                 700,785.16             1,565,515.32                                                        2,266,300.48

(3) Details of provision for falling price of inventories

                                                                                                                Proportion of the reversed
                                      Basis for the inventory falling         Reason for reversal of the
                Item                                                                                           amount in the closing balance
                                                price provision            inventory falling price provision
                                                                                                                   of the inventory (%)

                                     The lower between the cost and
Products in process
                                     the net realizable value

According to the Ferrous Phosphate Lithium Test Report No. KL-E13085 issued by the No. 18 Research Institute
of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, the Company made a falling price provision for the stock of
ferrous phosphate lithium of Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd.

10. Other current assets

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                       Item                                       Closing balance                              Opening balance

Pending deduct VAT on purchase                                                    16,477,687.08                                  2,935,179.47

                       Total                                                      16,477,687.08                                  2,935,179.47

Notes of other current assets:
Other current assets apply pending deduct VAT on purchase.

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

11. Available-for-sale financial assets

(1) Information of available-for-sale financial assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                             Item                                    Closing fair value                 Opening fair value

Others                                                                            67,343,756.48                          71,817,642.40

Total                                                                             67,343,756.48                          71,817,642.40

In the reporting period, the Company reclassified the held-to-maturity investment into available-for-sale financial
assets, a total of RMB0.00 was reclassified, which takes 0% of total matured investment before reclassification.

Notes of available-for-sale financial assets
On 18 August 2013, China Everbright Bank Co., Ltd. issued its stocks at Shanghai Security Trading Center. The
Company obtained 23,546,768.00 shares of China Everbright Bank with fair value in period-end of RMB
67,343,756.48, a decrease of RMB 4,473,885.92 comparing to the year-begin. The Company decreased deferred
income tax liability of RMB 671,082.88 and cut RMB 3,802,803.04 of capital reserve.

(2) Long-term liability investment of available-for-sale financial assets


12. Held-to-maturity investment


13. Long-term accounts receivable


14. Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                    Percentage of          Voting
   Name of          Nature of       Registration        Legal         Nature of       Registered    holding shares      percentage of
    investee        enterprises        place        representative    business            capital       of the          the Company
                                                                                                      Company            in investee

I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises

Qinghai FSL
                             38%               38% 124,640,260.34 43,720,000.00 80,920,260.34                    0.00    -5,152,157.72

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

Guoxuan                      50%               50%     2,743,727.58     -7,894,516.14 10,638,243.72                  0.00      -705,907.74
Power Energy
Co., Ltd

Notes if significant differences exist between the important accounting policies and accounting estimations of
joint ventures, associated enterprises and the Company:

15. Long-term equity investment

(1) List of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                on for
                                                                        Share                  between                             Cash
                                                                                    Voting                           impairme
             Accounti    Initial                                       holding                 the share Impairme                bonus in
                                    Opening Increase/d Closing                     percentag                            nt
 Investee       ng      investmen                                      percentag                holding     nt                     the
                                    balance    ecrease      balance                  e in                            provision
              method      t cost                                         e in                  percentag provision               reporting
                                                                                   investee                           in the
                                                                       investee                  e and                            period
                                                                                                  e in

             Equity     38,000,00 25,351,61 -1,957,81 23,393,79
Energy                                                                      38%         38% In accord
             method          0.00       7.99         9.93       8.06
on Co.,

             Equity     12,600,00 5,672,075 -352,953. 5,319,121
Guoxuan                                                                     50%         50% In accord
             method          0.00        .73          87         .86
Co., Ltd

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Venture     Cost     13,718,88 13,718,88             13,718,88
                                                                  18.5%      18.5% In accord
Capital     method        2.66      2.66                  2.66
Asset    Cost        10,000,00 10,000,00             10,000,00                                     3,298,904
                                                                 15.38%     15.38% In accord
Managem method            0.00      0.00                  0.00                                           .81
Zhonghao Cost        5,850,000 5,850,000             5,850,000 Less than Less than                 5,850,000
                                                                                       In accord
(Group) method             .00       .00                   .00         5%         5%                     .00
Co., Ltd.

Hongbo     Cost      6,000,000 6,000,000             6,000,000
                                                                  6.94%      6.94% In accord
Industrial method          .00       .00                   .00
Co., Ltd.

            Cost     208,574,2 292,574,1             292,574,1
Bank Co.,                                                         7.99%      7.99% In accord
            method      17.00     33.00                 33.00

Guangfa Cost         500,000.0 500,000.0             500,000.0 Less than Less than
                                                                                       In accord
Bank Co., method            0         0                     0          5%         5%

            Cost     20,757,60 9,175,627             9,175,627
Develop                                                           7.66%      7.66% In accord
            method        0.00       .38                   .38

High-tech Cost       160,000,0 160,000,0             160,000,0
                                                                  14.9%      14.9% In accord
Power     method        00.00     00.00                 00.00
Co., Ltd.

                     476,000,6 528,842,3 -2,310,77 526,531,5                                       9,148,904
Total          --                                                 --         --            --
                        99.66     36.76       3.80      62.96                                            .81

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(2) Information of the limitation on the capability to transfer capital to investee


16. Investment property


17. Fixed assets

(1) Fixed assets details

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan

                                   Opening book                                                Decrease in the       Closing book
               Item                                      Increase in the reporting period
                                      balance                                                  reporting period         balance

I. Total original book value       1,697,741,571.70                           38,470,301.42        63,942,023.01    1,672,269,850.11

Including:      Property     and
                                    549,704,909.97                            13,253,806.91        10,776,182.28      552,182,534.60

Machineries                        1,109,628,117.57                           23,888,071.34        52,807,611.57    1,080,708,577.34

Vehicles                             19,830,236.32                               269,179.86           252,000.00       19,847,416.18

Other equipment                      18,578,307.84                             1,059,243.31           106,229.16       19,531,321.99

                                                                                                                     Closing book
                                   Opening book       Increase in the    Withdrawal in the     Decrease in the
                --                                                                                                     balance in
                                      balance         reporting period    reporting period     reporting period
                                                                                                                    currency period

II.                  Accumulated
                                   1,157,308,382.29                           43,344,540.90        41,438,296.61    1,159,214,626.58

Including:      Property     and
                                    305,093,103.58                            12,593,303.67         6,417,094.42      311,269,312.83

Machineries                         827,678,477.59                            29,160,995.01        34,682,386.49      822,157,086.11

Vehicles                             14,086,027.51                               624,843.85           239,400.00       14,471,471.36

Other equipment                      10,450,773.61                               965,398.37            99,415.70       11,316,756.28

                                   Opening book                                                                    Closing balance in
                --                                                                 --
                                      balance                                                                        current period

III. The net book value of
                                    540,433,189.41                                 --                                 513,055,223.53
fixed assets

Including:      Property     and
                                    244,611,806.39                                 --                                 240,913,221.77

Machineries                         281,949,639.98                                 --                                 258,551,491.23

Vehicles                              5,744,208.81                                 --                                   5,375,944.82

                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Other equipment                     8,127,534.23                                   --                                      8,214,565.71

IV.      Total      impairment
                                    1,288,167.03                                   --                                      1,288,167.03

Including: Property and
                                            0.00                                   --                                              0.00

Machineries                         1,288,167.03                                   --                                      1,288,167.03

Vehicles                                    0.00                                   --                                              0.00

Other equipment                             0.00                                   --                                              0.00

V. Total book value of fixed
                                  539,145,022.38                                   --                                    511,767,056.50

Including:       Property   and
                                  244,611,806.39                                   --                                    240,913,221.77

Machineries                       280,661,472.95                                   --                                    257,263,324.20

Vehicles                            5,744,208.81                                   --                                      5,375,944.82

Other equipment                     8,127,534.23                                   --                                      8,214,565.71

Depreciation amount of this reporting period was RMB43,344,540.90.RMB 34,422,105.09 was transferred into
fixed assets from construction project.

(2) Fixed assets leased out from operation lease


(3) Information of fixed assets failed to accomplish certification of property


(4) Notes of fixed assets

By 30 June 2013, the Company obtained not financial leasing and possessed fixed assets for sales.

18. Construction in progress

(1) Situation of construction in progress

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                  Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                 Item                               Impairment                                          Impairment
                                  Book balance                        Book value        Book balance                     Book value
                                                     provision                                           provision

Fuwan Lighting Industrial
                                  20,019,575.22                      20,019,575.22 29,903,597.80                          29,903,597.80

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Furnace                           10,941,970.41                   10,941,970.41 12,042,118.83                             12,042,118.83

Standard C Workshop                        0.00                                0.00 10,764,104.61                         10,764,104.61

Fuwan Industrial Park
Lithium Battery                    8,431,663.63                    8,431,663.63      7,931,663.63                             7,931,663.63
Manufacturing Workshop

Production lines of T8 and
                                   8,601,701.21                    8,601,701.21      7,033,225.95                             7,033,225.95
metal-halide lamps

The second Workshop of LED         3,325,155.84                    3,325,155.84      1,625,986.42                             1,625,986.42

LED devices                        1,184,908.18                    1,184,908.18        880,532.13                              880,532.13

Rebuilding of liya line             263,330.13                       263,330.13        263,330.13                              263,330.13

Production line of lithium iron
                                  16,765,264.44     2,103,083.08 14,662,181.36 16,765,264.44          2,103,083.08        14,662,181.36

Other                             16,415,893.27                   16,415,893.27 10,577,829.00                             10,577,829.00

Total                             85,949,462.33     2,103,083.08 83,846,379.25 97,787,652.94          2,103,083.08        95,684,569.86

(2) Significant changes in construction in progress

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                  Project                      g:
                                Transferr          input          Capitaliz capitaliz                                Source
Name of        Opening            ed to   Other           Project                                       ation of                  Closing
        Budget         Increase                  percenta         ation of ation of                                      of
project        balance            fixed decrease          process                                       interest                  balance
                                                   ge of          interest interest                                 funding
                                 assets                                                                 rate (%)
                                                  budget                      this

Fuwan                                                                    Later
Lighting 30,152,0 29,903,5 6,777,89                 16,661,9             period of                                               20,019,5
                                                                 66.4%                                              ed
Industria     00.00       97.80     4.32               16.90             the                                                        75.22
l Park                                                                   project

            11,500,0 12,042,1 14,183,3 15,283,5                          period of                                               10,941,9
                                                                95.15%                                              ed
              00.00       18.83    57.92    06.34                        the                                                        70.41
Furnace                                                                  project

                                                                         Project                                    Self-own
C           11,301,6 10,764,1 537,500. 11,301,6
                                                               100.00% completi                                     ed               0.00
Worksho       04.61       04.61       00    04.61
                                                                         on                                         capital

Fuwan                                                                    Later                                      Self-own
            9,966,00 7,931,66 500,000.                                                                                           8,431,66
Industria                                                        84.6% period of                                    ed
               0.00        3.63       00                                                                                             3.63
l Park                                                                   the                                        capital

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Lithium                                                                   project

on lines
of T8                              2,166,59                                                                    Self-own
               9,746,56 7,033,22              598,116.                    period of                                       8,601,70
and                                    1.46                      88.25%                                        ed
                  5.12      5.95                   20                     the                                                 1.21
metal-ha                                                                                                       capital

second                                                                                                         Self-own
               4,139,29 1,625,98 1,699,16                                 period of                                       3,325,15
Worksho                                                          80.33%                                        ed
                  8.95      6.42       9.42                               the                                                 5.84
p of                                                                                                           capital

LED            1,385,00 880,532. 1,171,89 867,521.                        period of                                       1,184,90
                                                                 85.55%                                        ed
devices           0.00       13        7.39        34                     the                                                 8.18

Rebuildi 5,000,00 263,330.                                                period of                                       263,330.
                                                                 5.27%                                         ed
ng        of      0.00       13                                           the                                                   13
liya line                                                                 project

on      line
of                                                                                                             Self-own
               20,000,0 16,765,2                                          period of                                       16,765,2
lithium                                0.00                      83.83%                                        ed
                 00.00    64.44                                           the                                                64.44
iron                                                                                                           capital

               37,612,9 10,577,8 13,520,5 6,371,35 1,311,14               period of                                       16,415,8
Other                                                            43.64%                                        ed
                 50.45    29.00      66.12       6.60     5.25            the                                                93.27

               140,803, 97,787,6 40,556,9 34,422,1 17,973,0                                                               85,949,4
Total                                                             --            --                       --         --
                419.13    52.94      76.63      05.09    62.15                                                               62.33

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(3) Impairment provision of construction in progress

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                             Increase in the         Decrease in the                               Reason for
          Item            Opening amount                                                  Closing balance
                                             reporting period       reporting period                               withdrawal

lithium iron
                              2,103,083.08                 0.00                   0.00         2,103,083.08
production line

Total                         2,103,083.08                 0.00                   0.00         2,103,083.08            --

(4) Information of procedures of significant construction in progress

                   Item                                 Project process                                     Note

Fuwan Lighting Industrial Park                      Later period of the item

Furnace                                             Later period of the item

Standard C Workshop                                     Item complete

Fuwan Industrial Park Lithium Battery
                                                    Later period of the item
Manufacturing Plants

Production lines of T8 and metal-halide
                                                    Later period of the item

LED No. 2 workshop                                  Later period of the item

LED instruments                                     Later period of the item

Rebuilding of liya line                             Early period of the item

Production line of lithium iron phosphate           Later period of the item

 (5) Notes of construction in progress

— None of each item of the construction in progress has to grant the capitalization of interest and exchange gains
and losses.
—Mainly of other decreased items in this period are due to the land costs which had carried forward.

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

19. Engineering materials


20. Clearance of fixed assets


21. Productive biological assets


22. Oil and gas assets


23. Intangible assets

 (1) Information

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB yuan

             Item                Opening balance      Increase in this period   Decrease in this period   Closing balance

I. Total original book value         187,934,496.31            16,661,916.90              4,209,700.00        200,386,713.21

Land use right                       187,734,496.31            16,661,916.90              4,209,700.00        200,186,713.21

Patent                                   200,000.00                                                               200,000.00

II. Total accrued amortization        37,510,104.55             1,796,063.59              1,365,912.00         37,940,256.14

Land use right                        37,333,437.53             1,786,063.57              1,365,912.00         37,753,589.10

Patent                                   176,667.02                 10,000.02                                     186,667.04

III. Total net book value of
                                     150,424,391.76            14,865,853.31              2,843,788.00        162,446,457.07
intangible assets

Land use right                       150,401,058.78            14,875,853.33              2,843,788.00        162,433,124.11

Patent                                    23,332.98                -10,000.02                      0.00             13,332.96

IV. Total impairment
                                               0.00                      0.00                      0.00                     0.00

Land use right


V. Total book value of
                                     150,424,391.76            14,865,853.31              2,843,788.00        162,446,457.07
intangible assets

Land use right                       150,401,058.78            14,875,853.33              2,843,788.00        162,433,124.11

                                                           2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Patent                                         23,332.98         -10,000.02                    0.00                 13,332.96

Amortization is of RMB 1,796,063.59 in the reporting period.

24. Goodwill


25. Long-term amortization expense


26. Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not listed as the net value after offset

Deferred tax assets and liabilities that already recognized
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan

                        Item                               Closing balance                       Opening balance

Deferred income tax assets:

Provision for assets impairment                                         7,168,211.32                            4,819,079.54

Deductible losses                                                       2,032,351.34                            2,032,351.34

Depreciation of fixed assets                                            5,840,153.26                            9,501,888.63

Payroll payable                                                         3,669,592.37                            6,501,646.52

Changes in fair value of trading financial asse
                                                                             158,545.91                            148,090.69

Subtotal                                                               18,868,854.20                          23,003,056.72

Deferred income tax liabilities:

Fair value changes on available-for-sale financial
                                                                        5,597,742.01                            6,268,824.89
assets that recognized into capital reserves

Subtotal                                                                5,597,742.01                            6,268,824.89

List of taxable differences and deductible differences
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                      Amount of temporary differences
                                                            Closing balance                       Opening balance

Taxable difference items

Property depreciation preparation                                        47,788,075.48                        31,469,905.02

Depreciation of fixed assets                                             38,934,355.04                        63,345,924.23

Payroll payable                                                          24,463,949.15                        43,344,310.15

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Changes in fair value of trading financial assets                                 1,056,972.70                                  987,271.25

Undistributed deficit                                                             8,129,405.37                                8,129,405.37

Subtotal                                                                        120,372,757.74                             147,276,816.02

Deductible temporary differences

Fair value changes on available-for-sale financial
                                                                                 37,318,280.04                               41,792,165.96

Subtotal                                                                         37,318,280.04                               41,792,165.96

 (2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are listed as the net value after offset

Notes of deferred income tax assets and liabilities
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                                    Deferred deductible
                                                                     Deferred deductible
                                           Deferred income tax                              Deferred income tax or taxable temporar
                                                                     or taxable temporar
                                           assets and liabilities                           assets and liabilities y differences at the
                       Item                                          y differences at the
                                           at the end of the                                at the opening of the    opening of the per
                                                                      end of the period
                                           period                                                  period           iod

Deferred income tax assets                           18,868,854.20                                23,003,056.72

Deferred income tax liabilities                       5,597,742.01                                  6,268,824.89

27. List of provision for assets impairment

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan

                                                         Increase in this           Decrease in this period
                Item              Opening balance                                                                         Closing balance
                                                             period              Reversal           Written off

I. Provision for bad debt             22,350,804.61         16,288,405.88                                     39.82          38,639,170.67

II. Provision for inventory
                                         700,785.16           1,565,515.32                                                    2,266,300.48
falling price

III. Impairment provision of
                                       9,148,904.81                                                                           9,148,904.81
long-term equity investment

IV. Impairment provision of
                                       1,288,167.03                                                                           1,288,167.03
fixed assets

V. Impairment provision of
                                       2,103,083.08                                                                           2,103,083.08
construction in progress

Total                                 35,591,744.69         17,853,921.20                                     39.82          53,445,626.07

                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Assets impairment increased is due to provision for accounts receivable and other bad debts preparation of
accounts receivable.

28. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB yuan

                       Item                         Closing balance                        Opening balance

Land purchase and the ownership implicit of
                                                                41,755,700.00                            41,755,700.00
 relevant items

Prepayments for business facilities                               1,543,500.54                               786,030.00

Total                                                           43,299,200.54                            42,541,730.00

Notes of other non-current assets
Other non-current assets are mainly composed of land purchasing, the ownership implicit of relevant items and
prepayments for business facilities.

29. Short-term loan


30. Trading financial liabilities


31. Notes payable


32. Accounts payable

 (1) Information

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB yuan

                       Item                         Closing balance                        Opening balance

Accounts payable                                               461,746,849.65                           246,652,513.45

Total                                                          458,090,616.25                           246,652,513.45

 (2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the

                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan

                Name of company                           Closing balance                             Opening balance

Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited                                    1,431,345.53                                          0.00

Total                                                                    1,431,345.53                                          0.00

 (3) Notes of the large amount of accounts payable aging over one year:

The large amount of accounts payable aging over one year mainly is the materials unpaid accounts.

33. Advance from customers

 (1) Information

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan

                        Item                                 Closing balance                          Opening balance

Advance from customers                                                   61,854,798.34                             19,632,316.50

Total                                                                    61,854,798.34                             19,632,316.50

 (2) Advanced from customers from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares
of the Company


 (3) Notes of significant advance from customers aging over one year:

Significant advance from customers aging over one year mainly is the advances on sales.

34. Payroll payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan

        Item             Opening balance       Increase in this period      Decrease in this period          Closing balance

I. Salary, bonus,
                                   1,870.00             156,863,629.78                  156,845,133.78                  20,366.00
allowance, subsidy

II. Employee welfare                    0.00              5,973,865.15                    5,973,865.15

III. Social insurance                   0.00             23,707,422.07                   23,707,422.07

Including: Medical
                                                          8,590,381.97                    8,590,381.97
insurance premiums

Basic endowment i
                                                         12,025,954.58                   12,025,954.58

                                                            739,188.67                     739,188.67

                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Work-related injury
                                                   1,249,816.78                     1,249,816.78

Maternity insurance                                1,102,080.07                     1,102,080.07

IV. Housing fund                         0.00          785,160.00                    785,160.00

V. Redemption for
terminations of labor                    0.00

VI. Others                     63,084,499.68           835,987.97                  19,716,348.97          44,204,138.68

Including: Equity in
                               63,030,499.68           311,017.00                  19,191,378.00          44,150,138.68
centive fund

Labour union
                                                       524,970.97                    524,970.97

Risk authoritarian
                                   54,000.00                                                                   54,000.00

Total                          63,086,369.68     188,166,064.97                  207,027,929.97           44,224,504.68

The amounts in arrears of payroll payable are RMB 0.
The labor union budget and employee education budget is RMB 524,970.97, and the non-monetary benefits are
RMB 0, s well as the compensation for terminating the labor contract is RMB 0.

35. Taxes payable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB yuan

                        Item                               Closing balance                     Opening balance

Value-added tax                                                         7,024,983.95                      11,124,036.95

Business tax                                                                 83,272.61                       494,827.27

Corporate income tax                                                   31,782,290.15                      37,238,233.41

Personal income tax                                                    10,240,110.43                         102,401.34

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                  1,277,334.86                        1,724,940.48

Other taxes and fares                                                   2,063,749.72                        8,307,608.17

Total                                                                  52,471,741.72                      58,992,047.62

36. Interest payable

37. Dividends payable

                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

38. Other accounts payable

(1) Information
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                     Item                          Closing balance                        Opening balance

Other accounts payable                                           28,837,844.99                        37,085,568.58

Total                                                            28,837,844.99                        37,085,568.58

(2) Other accounts payable from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company


 (3) Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aging over one year.

The other large amount accounts payable aging over one year mainly is the material margin paid by the

39. Estimated liabilities

40. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

41. Other current liabilities

42. Long-term loan

43. Bonds payable

44. Long-term payable

45. Specific payable

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

46. Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB yuan

                       Item                                       Closing balance                         Opening balance

Governmental subsidy

Including: Governmental subsidy related to profits                                     0.00                                         0.00

Governmental subsidy related to assets.                                      19,191,441.69                               19,353,441.69

Total                                                                        19,191,441.69                               19,353,441.69

Notes of other non-current liabilities, including each government grants relevant to assets and income received in
the reporting period and their closing amounts:

Notes of government subsidy listed as follows:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan
Item                   Closing balance               Opening balance                 Note
Government subsidy
Including:             9,852,274.95                  9,852,274.95                    No 3174 document of Fa-Gai-Tou-Zi (2008) ―Nat
Incandescent lamps                                                                   ional Development and Reform Commission on 2
convert electronic                                                                   009 Ten Major Energy Conservation Projects, Cir
energy saving lamps                                                                  cular Economy and Industrial Pollution Treatmen
items                                                                                t Projects in Key Watersheds and Investment Plan
                                                                                      of New Add Central Budget 2008‖
Lithium iron           4,400,000.00                  4,400,000.00                    No.62 document of Ning Kainan Administration
phosphate items                                                                      and Finance [2011] ―Notice on the loan with
                                                                                     discount interest and investment subsidies of the
                                                                                     second batch of the double hundred‘ project and
                                                                                     industrial restructuring projects in 2011 issued in
                                                                                     Qinghai Province‖

Lithium battery        2,000,000.00                  2,000,000.00                    No.534     document     of    Qingdao     Economic
cathode material of                                                                  Investment [2011]
2,750 tons annual
Energy-saving          1,007,499.94                  1,084,999.96                    Government grant for pointed industry investmen
fluorescent lamps of                                                                 t besides ―4 plus 8‖ industries in 2010 issued by
50 million annual                                                                    Nanjing Financial Bureau
Lithium iron           1,000,000.00                  1,000,000.00                    No.136 document of Qingdao Planning and
phosphate industry                                                                   Development [2011]
of 2,000 tons annual
Furnace                281,666.80                    366,166.78                      No. 689 document of NanFuFu
desulphurization and                                                                 [2009] of government of Nanhai District
dust removal system                                                                  ―specific subsidy for the desulfurization project‖

                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

555a/t Lithium             500,000.00                  500,000.00                          No.12 document of Ning Kainan Administration
ferrous sulfate                                                                            and Finance [2011] ―Notice on the development
production items                                                                           funds issued in Qinghai province for the
                                                                                           medium-sized and small enterprises with local
                                                                                           characteristics in 2011‖

Lithium ferrous            150,000.00                  150,000.00                          No.56 document of Ning Kainan Administration
sulfate production                                                                         and Finance [2011] ―Notice on the capital budget
technology research                                                                        for the first patch of research and development of
                                                                                           the applications and industrial technology‖

Total:                     19,191,441.69               19,353,441.69

47. Share capital
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                    Increase/Decrease (+/-)
                         Opening                                        Capitalization                                           Closing
                                        Issuing new
                         balance                       Bonus shares        of public             Other          Subtotal         balance

Total shares        978,563,745.00                                                                                           978,563,745.00

48. Treasury stock

49. Special reserves

50. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB yuan

                  Item                    Opening balance        Increase in this period        Decrease in this period    Closing balance

Capital premium (share
                                               582,653,147.29                                                                582,653,147.29
capital premium)
Other capital reserves                          42,938,095.35                                            3,802,803.04          39,135,292.31

Provision for equity investment                       4,514.43                                                                      4,514.43

Total                                          625,595,757.07                            0.00            3,802,803.04        621,792,954.03

—On 18 Agu. 2010, the shares of China Everbright Bank co., LTD listed in Shanghai Securities Trading Center.
The Company held 23,546,768.00 shares of Everbright Bank and its closing fair value is RMB 67,343,756.48,
decreased in an amount of RMB 4,473,885.92 when compared to the opening fair value. According to the relevant
rules, The Company decreased deferred income tax liability of RMB 671,082.88 and cut RMB 3,802,803.04 of
capital reserve.

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

51. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

              Item                    Opening balance           Increase in this period   Decrease in this period   Closing balance

Legal surplus reserves                       485,607,963.60                                                            485,607,963.60

Discretional surplus reserves                136,886,568.36                                                            136,886,568.36

Total                                        622,494,531.96                                                            622,494,531.96

52. Provision for general risk


53. Retained profits
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                            Withdrawal or distributed
                         Item                                               Amount

Opening balance of retained profits before
                                                                                          723,452,942.14                --

Opening balance of retained profits after
                                                                                          723,452,942.14                --

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                          153,047,291.37                --

Dividend of common stock payable                                                          303,354,760.95

Closing retained profits                                                                  573,145,472.56                --

List of adjustment of opening retained profits:
1) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
2) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected by changes on accounting policies.
3) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
4) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
5) RMB000 opening retained profits was affected totally by other adjustments.

54. Revenue and Cost of Sales

 (1) Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                     Item                                     Reporting period                       Same period of last year

Sales of main business                                                   1,182,317,613.69                             1,053,241,246.58

Other operating income                                                      25,942,832.37                                11,095,877.67

                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Cost of sales                                                      925,675,209.12                             792,978,460.81

 (2) Main business (Classified by industry)

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB yuan

                                             Reporting period                              Same period of last year
                                 Revenue of sales         Costs of sales            Revenue of sales        Costs of sales

Lighting components and lamps      1,182,317,613.69             909,136,643.67        1,043,293,038.07        781,366,213.55

Revenue of hotels                                                                         9,948,208.51           7,316,095.61

Total                              1,182,317,613.69             909,136,643.67        1,053,241,246.58        788,682,309.16

 (3) Main business (Classified by product)

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB yuan

                                             Reporting period                              Same period of last year
                                 Revenue of sales         Costs of sales            Revenue of sales        Costs of sales

Lighting components and lamps      1,182,317,613.69             909,136,643.67        1,043,293,038.07        781,366,213.55

Revenue of hotels                                                                         9,948,208.51           7,316,095.61

Total                              1,182,317,613.69             909,136,643.67        1,053,241,246.58        788,682,309.16

 (4) Main business (Classified by area)

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB yuan

                                             Reporting period                              Same period of last year
                                 Revenue of sales         Costs of sales            Revenue of sales        Costs of sales

Lighting components and lamps:

Domestic sales                       854,494,345.56             669,777,009.95          727,821,911.07        552,853,906.65

Export sales                         327,823,268.13             239,359,633.72          315,471,127.00        228,512,306.90

Revenue of hotels

Domestic                                                                                  9,948,208.51           7,316,095.61

Total                              1,182,317,613.69             909,136,643.67        1,053,241,246.58        788,682,309.16

 (5) The revenue of sales from the top five customers
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB yuan

                Customer              Main business revenue                  Proportion of total business revenue (%)

            Customer 1                    36,306,125.75                                         3.00%

            Customer 2                    28,636,251.38                                         2.37%

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

            Customer 3                         23,298,724.88                                       1.93%

            Customer 4                         19,978,405.61                                       1.65%

            Customer 5                         17,452,839.47                                       1.44%

               Total                           125,672,347.09                                      10.39%

55. Contract project incomes


56. Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                   Item                    Reporting period       Same period of last year    Calculation and payment standard

Business tax                                         409,637.15                 531,867.02 5% of taxable income

Urban maintenance and construction
                                                   7,714,158.28               5,748,365.40 7% of turnover tax
Education surtax                                   5,573,835.89               4,111,763.41 3-5% of turnover tax

Others                                                                           34,961.20

Total                                             13,697,631.32              10,426,957.03                      --

57. Selling expenses

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                     Item                               Reporting period                        Same period of last year

Traffic expenses                                                         21,153,629.91                               17,878,656.24

Energy saving product promotion services
                                                                            832,380.00                                3,824,428.36

Wages                                                                    12,193,767.40                                9,037,350.15

Advertising, business costs                                                4,688,044.76                               7,668,942.23

Commission                                                                 1,127,337.29                               1,356,104.15

Travel expenses                                                            1,423,080.88                               1,585,873.35

Others                                                                     3,012,999.84                               5,602,526.71

Total                                                                    44,431,240.08                               46,953,881.19

58. Administration expenses

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                     Item                               Reporting period                        Same period of last year

                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

The worker wages and salaries                                    13,261,609.74                             14,423,324.60

Depreciation expenses                                                7,942,950.50                            7,060,459.58

Tax fees                                                             5,905,536.61                          12,988,961.62

Administrative expenses                                              2,924,002.32                            2,844,735.16

Depreciation on intangible assets                                    1,796,063.59                            2,263,962.06

R&D expenses                                                         1,944,808.32                             500,000.00

Testing expense                                                       849,289.88                             1,322,108.76

Others                                                         43,308,140.57                               34,160,813.69

Total                                                            77,932,401.53                             75,564,365.47

59. Financial expenses

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB yuan

                    Item                          Reporting period                      Same period of last year

Interest expenses                                                -8,345,219.86                              -6,953,693.08

Exchange losses                                                      3,317,882.75                             -540,017.49

Others                                                               1,063,519.22                             334,116.39

Total                                                            -3,963,817.89                              -7,159,594.18

60. Gains and losses from changes in fair value

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB yuan

                        Source                          Reporting period                  Same period of last year

Trading financial assets                                                  -69,701.45                            64,722.78

Total                                                                     -69,701.45                            64,722.78

61. Investment income

 (1) List of investment income

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB yuan

                           Item                         Reporting period                  Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income accounted by
cost method
Long-term equity investment income accounted by
                                                                       -2,310,773.80                        -1,218,791.19
equity method

Investment income received from holding of
                                                                        1,365,712.54                         3,131,720.14
available-for-sale financial assets

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                           -945,061.26                            16,484,342.95

 (2) Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                       Same period of last
           Name of investee                Reporting period                                       Reason for increase/decrease

                                                                                              Haven‘t receive the dividend payme
Xiamen Bank Inc.                                                             14,571,414.00
                                                                                               nt of the Bank in this period

Total                                                         0.00           14,571,414.00                       --

 (3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                       Same period of last
           Name of investee                Reporting period                                       Reason for increase/decrease

Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy
                                                  -1,957,819.93                 124,436.84 Loss in this period
Development Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power
                                                    -352,953.87               -1,343,228.03 Loss decreased in this period
Battery Co., Ltd.

Total                                             -2,310,773.80               -1,218,791.19                      --

62. Impairment losses
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB yuan

                              Item                                   Reporting period                  Same period of last year

I. Loss on bad debts                                                           16,288,405.88                            1,158,138.87

Asset impairment loss on inventories                                            1,565,515.32                                          0

Total                                                                          17,853,921.20                            1,158,138.87

63. Non-operating gains

 (1) List of non-operating gains

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                          Included in the amount of
                       Item                    Reporting period             Same period of last year     the non-recurring gains and
                                                                                                         losses of the current period

Total gains from disposal of non-current
                                                      16,786,499.21                                                    16,786,499.21

Including:Gains from disposal of fixed               10,337,873.72                                                    10,337,873.72

                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

         Gains from disposal of intangible
                                                                6,448,625.49                                             6,448,625.49

Government grants                                          54,481,517.78                         382,000.00               302,499.98

Others                                                           412,143.18                      501,683.34               412,143.18

Total                                                      71,680,160.17                         883,683.34            17,501,142.37

 (2) List of government grants

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                 Item                        Reporting period         Same period of last year                 Notes

Province energy-saving special
funds in 2011

Guangdong Province special funds
for exploiting international market                                                  71,000.00
in 2010

Special funds for transformation
and upgrading of processing trade

Foshan special funds for promoting
the development of processing                                                        30,000.00
trade in 2011

Special funds for transformation
and upgrading of processing trade
(Project on increasing domestic

Foshan special funds for exploiting
international market in 2011

Award for major taxpayer                                                            100,000.00

Financial subsidies of efficient
lighting products promoting project

Foshan project funding of
supporting relevant economic                           200,000.00
development items

Incentive subsidy funds of No.36
 groups of early retirement incen                       18,000.00
tive of yellow label car

Furnace desulphurization system i

Total                                               54,481,517.78                   382,000.00                   --

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Notes of non-operating gains: ―Financial subsidies of efficient lighting products promoting project‖ in this
 period increased in great amount was mainly due to the reference of the affirm income of government
energy subsidies of the No.3 Document of State Administration of Taxation (2013).

64. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                        Included in the amount
                                                                                                         of the non-recurring
                       Item                           Reporting period       Same period of last year
                                                                                                        gains and losses of the
                                                                                                            current period

Loss on disposal of non-current assets                          908,276.06                119,256.76                 908,276.06

Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                     908,276.06                119,256.76                 908,276.06

External donation                                             5,600,000.00                                         5,600,000.00

Others                                                        4,192,162.77              2,361,959.53               2,881,017.52

Total                                                        10,700,438.83              2,481,216.29               9,389,293.58

65. Income tax expense

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB yuan

                              Item                                   Reporting period               Same period of last year

Current income tax expense accounted by tax and relevant
                                                                                 37,895,236.07                   25,994,129.93

Adjustment of income tax                                                          1,719,106.18                      -377,470.32

Total                                                                            39,614,342.25                   25,616,659.61

66. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
(1) Basic EPS =P0÷S
S= S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0– Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk(= total number of shares at the period-begin + the number of shares
increased due to transferring capital reserve into share capital + number of shares increased due to issuance of new
shares * the next month for increase of shares/the number of months during the reporting period)
Of which: P0 refers to net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares or net profit attributable to
shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses; S weighted average number
of ordinary shares issued out; S0 refers to total number of shares at the period-begin; S1 refers to the number of
shares increased due to transferring capital reserve into share capital or dividend distribution of shares during the
reporting period; Si refers to the number of shares increased due to issuance of new shares or debt for equity swap
during the reporting period; Sj refers to the number of shares decreased due to stock repurchase during the
reporting period; Sk refers to the number of split-share during the reporting period; M0 refers to the number of
months during the reporting period; Mi refers to the number of months from the next month to the end of the
reporting period for increase of shares; Mj refers to the number of months from the next month to the end of the
reporting period for decrease of shares

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Denominator of EPS for 2012 and 2011 being: S= 978,563,745 shares

(2) Diluted EPS =P1/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+ weighted average amount of ordinary shares increased
due to subscription warrant, stock options, convertible bonds, etc.)

Of which, P1 refers to net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares or net profit attributable to
shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses. The Company considered all
influence of dilutive potential ordinary share against net profit and made adjustment according to the provisions of
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise. When the Company calculated diluted EPS, it shall consider all
influence of dilutive potential ordinary share against net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares
or net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses,
till to minimum diluted EPS.

67. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB yuan

                               Item                                      Reporting period              Same period of last year

1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                         -4,473,885.92                     -235,467.68

Less: Effects on income tax generating from available-for-sale
                                                                                      -671,082.88                       -35,320.15
financial assets

                             Subtotal                                                -3,802,803.04                     -200,147.53

                               Total                                                 -3,802,803.04                     -200,147.53

68. Notes of Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB yuan

                                        Item                                                         Amount

Equity transfer in advance                                                                                          17,200,000.00

Interests on deposit                                                                                                  8,337,902.92

Scrap revenues                                                                                                        2,552,937.61

Property and rental income                                                                                             812,350.42

Interest on deposits                                                                                                   930,000.00

Others                                                                                                                1,319,817.69

                                       Total                                                                        31,153,008.64

                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 (2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan

                                      Item                                                   Amount

Offering the grants in aid to the joint ventures                                                             43,320,000.00

Transportation fees                                                                                          27,848,017.59

Advertising fees                                                                                               4,688,044.76

Energy-saving promotion fees                                                                                    832,380.00

Office expenses                                                                                                3,387,890.98

Travel expenses                                                                                                1,423,080.88

Commissions                                                                                                    1,127,337.29

Donations, punishment and compensations                                                                        8,501,933.32

Margins                                                                                                        1,860,660.00

Spare parts, maintenances, and service charges                                                                 2,956,475.14

Audit fees, legal fees, appraisal fees, inspection fees                                                        4,017,433.22

Others                                                                                                         6,628,881.21

                                     Total                                                                  106,592,134.39

 (3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities


 (4) Other cash paid relevant to investment activities


 (5) Other cash received relevant to financing activities

 (6) Other cash paid relevant to financing activities

69. Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Supplemental information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB yuan

                   Supplemental information                    Reporting period               Same period of last year

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated
                                                                              --                                 --
from operations:

 Net profit                                                                        152,984,477.08                     133,749,788.23

 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                              17,853,921.20                       1,158,138.87

 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets and productive
                                                                                    43,344,540.90                      47,683,848.31
biological assets

 Amortization of intangible assets                                                   1,796,063.59                       2,163,962.06

 Losses/gains on disposal of property, intangible asset and
                                                                                   -15,475,353.96                         119,256.76
other long-term assets (gains: negative)
 Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets               (gains:

 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                            69,701.45                         -64,722.78

 Financial cost (income: negative)                                                   2,050,576.88                        237,375.56

 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                    945,061.26                      -16,484,342.95

 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                4,134,202.52                        594,502.96

 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                         -65,284,386.64                       4,800,612.27

 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                     -243,976,257.07                       -13,839,413.51

 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
                                                                                   112,361,429.34                      74,366,509.05
(increase: negative)

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                  11,712,252.61                     234,485,514.83

2. Significant investing and financing activities without
                                                                              --                                 --
involvement of cash receipts and payments

3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                        --                                 --

 Closing balance of Cash                                                           736,404,066.66                     926,267,115.32

 Less: opening balance of cash                                                     985,450,890.74                     690,691,751.15

The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                   -249,046,824.08                       235,575,364.17

(2)Relevant information of acquisition or disposal of subsidiaries and other operation entities in the
reporting period

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB yuan

                    Supplemental information                           Reporting period               Same period of last year

I. Relevant information on acquisition of subsidiaries and
                                                                              --                                 --
other operation entities:

 Cash and cash equivalents paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other operation entities

II. Relevant information on disposal of subsidiaries and
                                                                              --                                 --
other operation entities

                                                                  2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 Cash and cash equivalents received for disposal of
subsidiaries and other operation entities 物

(3)Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan

                             Item                                          Closing balance                         Opening balance

I. Cash                                                                             736,404,066.66                           985,450,890.74

Including: Cash on hand                                                                   11,528.77                                  4,646.82

 Bank deposit on demand                                                             720,577,207.59                           980,371,648.14

 Other monetary funds on demand                                                      15,815,330.30                               5,074,595.78

II. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                    736,404,066.66                           985,450,890.74

70. Notes to statement of changes in owners’ equity


VIII. Accounting treatment of assets securitization business


IX. Related Parties and Related-party Transactions

1. Information of the parent company of the Company


2. Information of subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan

                                                          Legal                                                     Percentage
                             Business    Registered                    Business     Registered          of                       Organizatio
 Full name        Type                                 representati                                                  of voting
                               type            place                       nature       capital   Shareholdin                        n code
                                                           ve                                                        right (%)
                                                                                                       g (%)

Foshan                                                                ng
Chansheng                               64 Fenjiang                   electronic
               Controlled   Limited                                                 1,000,000.0
Electronic                              North Road, Pan Jie           ballasts,                              75%           75% 75207544-3
               subsidiary   company                                                 0
Ballast Co.,                            Foshan                        electronic
Ltd.                                                                  transformer
                                                                      s and

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


                                                              operation of
Foshan                                Cangjiang
                                                              light source
Chanchang                             Industrial
Electric       Controlled   Limited   Park,        Zhong                     72,782,944.
                                                              and                              70%          70% 77920377-5
Appliance      subsidiary   company   Gaoming      Xincai                    00
(Gaoming)                             District,
Co., Ltd.                             Foshan
                                                              and related

Foshan                                Cangjiang
                                                              and sales of
Taimei                                Industrial
Times          Controlled   Limited   Park,        Zhong
                                                              household      500,000.00        70%          70% 78203558-1
Lamps and subsidiary        company   Gaoming      Xincai
Lanterns                              District,
Co., Ltd.                             Foshan
                                                              and other

Nanjing                                                       ng
Fozhao                                Honglan                 photoelectri
Lighting                              Town,                   c source
               Controlled   Limited                Zhong                     41,683,200.                          74539880-
Component                             Lishui                  products,                       100%         100%
               subsidiary   company                Xincai                    00                                   X
s                                     County,                 lamps and
Manufacturi                           Nanjing                 lanterns,
ng Co., Ltd.                                                  light source

                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                               t of
                                                               ng and
                                                               of relevant
                                                               ; sales of
                                                               ion products

                                                               R&D and
                                                               of electric
                                      Hefu Road                light source
                                      E.,                      lamp
                                      Cangjiang                products
               Controlled   Limited   Industrial    Zhong      and relevant 5,000,000.0
Lamps and                                                                                      100%         100% 68638090-8
               subsidiary   company   Park,         Xincai     electric        0
                                      Gaoming                  engineering
Co., Ltd.
                                      District,                materials,
                                      Foshan                   metal
                                                               material and

                                                               and sales of
                                                               light source
                                                               and electric
                                      428, Office
                                                               light source
Foshan                                Building,
Electrical &                          Managemen
               Controlled   Limited                 Zhong      sales of        10,000,000.
Lighting                              t Board,                                                 100%         100% 68818685-0
               subsidiary   company                 Xincai     accessories 00
(Xinxiang)                            Xinxiang
                                                               of electric
Co., Ltd.                             Industrial
                                                               light source,
                                      Park, Henan
                                                               light source

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                for motor
                                                                lamps and

                                     4/F, 26
                                     Chuangye                   Production
                                     Road,                      and sales of
Lithium Ion
              Controlled   Limited   Nanchuan      Zhong         lithium ion 42,000,000.
Battery                                                                                          51%          51% 69854199-1
              subsidiary   company   Industrial    Xincai       battery         00
                                     Park                       cathode
                                     District,                  materials
Co., Ltd

                                                                lease, lease,
                                                                guarantee of
                                                                lease of
Fozhao                               64 Fenjiang
              Controlled   Limited                 Liu          mobile and 200,000,000
Financial                            North Road,                                                100%         100% 57641298-0
              subsidiary   company                 Xingming     main            .00
Leasing                              Foshan
Co., Ltd.
                                                                , lighting
                                                                ng products,
                                                                as well as

                                                                R&D and
                                     Foshan                     production
                                     Nanhai                     of electric
Foshan                               District                   light source
Lighting      Controlled   Limited   Luocun        Liu           lamp prod 15,000,000.
                                                                                                100%         100% 06851850-0
Equipment subsidiary       company   Town          Xingming     ucts and el 00
Co., Ltd.                            Business                   ectric light
                                     Industrial                  source pro
                                     Zone                       ducts, sales
                                                                 of accesso

                                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                        ries of elec
                                                                        tric light s
                                                                        ource, elect
                                                                        ric light so
                                                                        urce materi
                                                                        als, electric
                                                                        g materials,
                                                                         sales of li
                                                                        ghting and
                                                                         electric en
                                                                        materials, a
                                                                        ccessories f
                                                                        or motor v
                                                                        ehicles, ho
                                                                        usehold ap
                                                                        pliances, el
                                                                        ectrical soc
                                                                        ket and sw
                                                                        itch, fire fi
                                                                        ghting prod

3. Information of joint ventures and associated enterprises

  Name of       Business     Registered                   Business       Registered                    of        Relationshi Organizatio
                                          representati                                  Currency
  investee          type      address                       nature         capital                 shareholdin       p         n code
                                                                                                     g (%)

I. Joint ventures

II. Associated enterprises

Qinghai                                                  Comprehen
FSL                                                      sive develo
Lithium        Limited                    Zhong          pment and
                           Qinghai                                      100,000,000          38%            38% company     69918800-2
Energy         company                    Xincai         utilization
Exploitation                                             of salt lake
Co., Ltd.                                                 resources

                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                      and sales of                                          Share
Guoxuan       Limited
                            Foshan        Li Zhen     lithium-ion 50,000,000               50%          50% company         57787827-2
Power         company
                                                      battery and
Energy Co.,
                                                      its control

4. Information of other related parties of the Company

         Name of other related party                         Relationship                               Organization code

Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and           Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Electrical Co., Ltd.                         person acting in concert

Hangzhou Times Lighting and Electrical       Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Co., Ltd.                                    person acting in concert

                                             Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                                                    60136020-4
                                             person acting in concert

                                             Shareholder holding more than 5%
Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited                                                      250727
                                             equity of the Company
Zhejiang Youchang Lighting Appliance         Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Co., Ltd.                                    person acting in concert

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical        Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Machinery Co., Ltd                           person acting in concert

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Co., Ltd.                                    person acting in concert

Prosperity Lewanli (Hangzhou) Metal          Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Products Co., Ltd.                           person acting in concert

Jinzhou Youxin Electronic Materials Co.,     Related natural person as a director of the
Ltd.                                         Company

                                             Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Fuyu Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                  220562
                                             person acting in concert

                                             Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Gengduoliang Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                            293573
                                             person acting in concert

Jinzhou Changhua Carbon Products Co.,        Related natural person as a director of the
Ltd.                                         Company

                                             Related natural person as a director of the
Prosperity Nanlong Co., Ltd.                                                               561342

                                             Related natural person as a director of the
Nanlong Investment Co., Ltd.                                                               147431

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
Xiangguang Appliance Co., Ltd.                                                            06585123

                                            Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
OSRAM Holdings Limited                                                                    909380

                                            Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                          61763873-3
                                            person acting in concert

                                            Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
OSRAM (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.                                                               1098945
                                            person acting in concert

                                            Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
OSRAM (Asia-Pacific) Co., Ltd.                                                            1022109
                                            person acting in concert

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM (Youchang) Co., Ltd.                                                                530385

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
Guangzhou Zhongde Electronic Co., Ltd.                                                    61878662-3

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM Electronic Co., Ltd.                                                                408480

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM (Taiwan) Inc.                                                                       23060514

Prosperity Xiteke Lighting (Langfang) Co., Related natural person as a director of the
Ltd.                                        Company

OSRAM Opto Semiconductor (China) Co., Related natural person as a director of the
Ltd.                                        Company

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM Opto Semiconductors Asia Ltd.                                                       1161648

                                            Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
OSRAM Australia pty., Ltd.                                                                ACN 050 103 181
                                            person acting in concert

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM India Pvt. Ltd.                                                                     U31501HR1993PTC034712

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM Korea Co Ltd.                                                                       110111-0546072

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.                                                                  491867-X

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM Thailand Co Ltd.                                                                    0105537083620

OSRAM Opto Semiconductors(Malaysia) Related natural person as a director of the
Sdn Bhd.                                    Company

                                            Related natural person as a director of the
Siteco Lighting(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd                                                         315345-A

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                             Related natural person as a director of the
OSRAM Pte Ltd.                                                                             198900394M

                                             Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Prosperity Electric Corporation                                                            49296
                                             person acting in concert

                                             Holding 5% or more shares of a legal
Leigh Co., Ltd                                                                             58986
                                             person acting in concert

Shanghai Beiyi Lighting Equipment Co.,       Company affected by related natural
Ltd.                                         person

Shanghai Haiyue Screen Co., Ltd.             Associated natural control of the Company 75318366-5

Shanghai Zhuowang International Trade
                                             Associated natural control of the Company 69878181-3
Co., Ltd.

Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium
                                             Subsidiary of associated enterprises          78143985-9
Industry Co., Ltd.

Swanki (Foshan) Electric Corporation         Associated natural control of the Company 66984855-6

Zlamp (Foshan) Enterprise Co., Ltd.          Associated natural control of the Company 71470205-5

Qinghai Power New Energy Material Co., Company affected by related natural
Ltd.                                         person

(HK) Qinghai Tianji Rare Elements            Company affected by related natural
Technology Development Co., Ltd.,            person

Shanghai Liangqi Electrical Appliance Co.,
                                             Associated natural control of the Company Canceled

Foshan Nanhai Guangming Electric
                                             Associated natural control of the Company X1765759-4
Appliance Co., Ltd.

Foshan Gaoming District Ruibeike Electric Company affected by related natural
Lighting Source Materials Co., Ltd.          person

                                             Company affected by related natural
Foshan Feidelun Electric Co., Ltd.                                                         56082515-8

Xiamen Jiandawei Optoelectronics
                                             Associated natural control of the Company 57502784-5
Technology Co., Ltd

Nanjing Kaixiang Electric Lighting Source Company affected by related natural
Co., Ltd.                                    person

Haolin Lighting & Electrical Department      Company affected by related natural
of Foshan Chancheng District                 person

Foshan Hongbang Electrical & Lighting        Company affected by related natural
Co., Ltd.                                    person

Foshan Gaoming Shijia Lighting Co., Ltd. Associated natural control of the Company 66496642-2

Foshan Nanhai District Luocun
                                             Associated natural control of the Company 74997476-3
 TuoxiangPlastic Hardware Lighting

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


Foshan Gaoming District Liangqi
                                             Associated natural control of the Company 66496641-4
Appliance Co., Ltd.

Ruibeike North American Investment Co.,
                                             Associated natural control of the Company
Ltd. (Canada)

Shenyang Zhongzhou Shenghua Financial
                                             Associated natural control of the Company 78874823-2
Management Ltd.

                                             Associated natural person as executives
Liaoning Huize CPA Limited                   of the Company                               24333962-3

5. Related-party transactions
(1) Purchase of goods and acceptance of service
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB yuan

                                                Pricing method            Reporting period             Same period of last year
                            Content of the
    Related party                               decision-making                           Proportio                       Proportio
                             transaction                                 Amount                          Amount
                                               procedures for the                           n (%)                           n (%)


Hangzhou Times
Lighting and            Purchase of materials Market price                     6,495.72         0%
Electrical Co., Ltd.

Prosperity Electrical
                        Purchase of materials Market price                14,826,972.16      1.43%         1,325,908.88       0.2%
(China) Co., Ltd.

OSRAM (China)
                        Purchase of materials Market price                    62,400.00      0.01%
Lighting Co., Ltd.

Prosperity Lamps &
                        Purchase of materials Market price                 2,124,394.74       0.2%         3,538,731.82      0.54%
Components Limited

                        Purchase of materials Market price                    29,709.50         0%
Machinery Co., Ltd.

XitekeLighting          Purchase of materials Market price                 1,352,030.73      0.13%
(Langfang) Co., Ltd.

(Xinxiang) Lighting Purchase of materials Market price                                                        73,525.00      0.01%
Machinery Co., Ltd

Zlamp (Foshan)
                        Purchase of materials Market price                                                    42,706.50      0.01%
Enterprise Co., Ltd.

                                                                 2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Kaixiang
Electric Lighting       Purchase of materials Market price                                                 3,042,565.63      0.46%
Source Co., Ltd.

Foshan Feidelun
                        Purchase of materials Market price                                                11,485,828.88      1.75%
Electric Co., Ltd.

Xiamen Jiandawei
Optoelectronics         Purchase of materials Market price                                                 2,667,038.80      0.41%
Technology Co., Ltd

Foshan Nanhai
Guangming Electric Purchase of materials Market price                                                      1,604,717.74      0.24%
Appliance Co., Ltd.

Prosperity Lamps & Purchase of
                                              Market price                 1,340,388.53      3.44%
Components Limited equipments

                        Purchase of
Electro-Optical                               Market price                                                   122,913.12      0.02%
Machinery Co., Ltd.

                        Purchase of
(Xinxiang) Lighting                           Market price                   720,598.29      1.85%
Machinery Co., Ltd

Sales of goods and rendering of service
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB yuan

                                                Pricing method            Reporting period             Same period of last year
                            Content of the
    Related party                              decision-making                            Proportio                       Proportio
                              transaction                                Amount                          Amount
                                              procedures for the                            n (%)                           n (%)


(Hangzhou) Lighting
                        Sales of products     Market price                 2,511,662.66      0.15%           200,536.41      0.02%
and Electrical Co.,

Prosperity Electrical
                        Sales of products     Market price                   507,807.33      0.03%           915,636.05      0.09%
(China) Co., Ltd.

OSRAM (China)
                        Sales of products     Market price                 5,577,548.29      0.34%         8,061,088.70      0.76%
Lighting Co., Ltd.

Prosperity Lighting
                        Sales of products     Market price                23,298,724.88      1.44%        31,828,850.58      2.98%
Equipment Co., Ltd.

(Asia-Pacific) Co.,     Sales of products     Market price                    13,026.17      0.00%

Swanki (Foshan)         Sales of products     Market price                                                 1,330,543.30      0.12%

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Electric Corporation

Zlamp (Foshan)
                        Sales of products        Market price                                                1,512,785.15       0.14%
Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Foshan Hongbang
Electrical & Lighting Sales of products          Market price                                                5,326,231.90        0.5%
Co., Ltd.

Foshan Feidelun
                        Sales of products        Market price                                                6,123,165.25       0.57%
Electric Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Kaixiang
Electric Lighting       Sales of products        Market price                                                2,155,057.53        0.2%
Source Co., Ltd.

Haolin Lighting &
Department of           Sales of products        Market price                                                  200,564.03       0.02%
Foshan Chancheng

 (2) Information of related party trust/contract

 (3) Information of related-party lease
Rental situation of the Company
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                                      Rental income
                                         Category of the                                         Pricing basis for
 Name of lessor        Name of lessee                           Initial date     Ending date                         recognized in the
                                            leased assets                                        the rental income
                                                                                                                     reporting period

Foshan Electrical
                     Fozhao Guoxuan
and Lighting Co.,                       Plants              1, Apr, 2012       31, Mar, 2013    Negotiated price           122,005.78
                     Power Energy
                     Co., Ltd.

Lease situation of the Company

 (4) Information of related-party guarantee

 (5) Related-party call loan

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 (6) Information about assets transfer, debt reorganization of related parties

 (7) Other related-party transaction

—Sales commission paid
The Company signed a Product Sales Commission Agreement with Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited,
paying the relevant commissions with a certain ratio (3%~5%) of the actual amount of goods purchased by
Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited from it, and the total commission paid by the Company in the first half
year of 2013stood at RMB 952,980.69.

—Power charge
The Company collected a power charge of RMB 42,678.62 from Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co.,
Ltd. in the first half year of 2012.

6. Amounts due from/to related parties
   Amount due from related parties
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB yuan

                                                            Closing balance                        Opening balance
          Name                     Related party                      Provision for bad                       Provision for bad
                                                    Book balance                            Book balance
                                                                           debts                                   debts

                            (Hangzhou) Lighting
Accounts receivable                                    2,478,190.94           148,691.46        806,749.31            48,404.96
                            and Electrical Co.,

                            Prosperity Electrical
Accounts receivable                                     501,380.72             30,082.84        456,177.84            27,370.67
                            (China) Co., Ltd.

                            OSRAM (China)
Accounts receivable                                    4,313,398.37           258,803.90       3,488,281.07          209,296.86
                            Lighting Co., Ltd.

                            Prosperity Lamps &
Accounts receivable                                    7,885,885.66           473,153.14       9,094,765.88          545,685.95
                            Components Limited

Accounts receivable         (Asia-Pacific) Co.,           6,613.24                 396.79

                            Guangdong Fozhao
Other accounts receivable   Guoxuan Power               614,853.41             36,891.20        342,799.42            20,567.97
                            Energy Co., Ltd.

                            Qinghai FSL Lithium
Other accounts receivable   Energy Exploitation      43,320,000.00         2,599,200.00
                            Co., Ltd.

                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Amount due to related parties
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB yuan

              Name                       Related party               Closing balance               Opening balance

                                Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan
Other amounts payable                                                                  300.00                        300.00
                                Power Energy Co., Ltd.

                                F1, No.13 Shop, No.18 of
Other amounts payable            Fenjiang North Road (Zhong                         2,100.00

                                Zlamp (Foshan) Enterprise
Accounts payable                                                                       262.39                    26,272.39
                                Co., Ltd.

                                Foshan Nanhai Guangming
Accounts payable                                                                                                 23,686.61
                                Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.

                                Hangzhou Times Lighting and
Accounts payable                                                                    6,495.72
                                Electrical Co., Ltd.

                                Prosperity Electrical (China)
Accounts payable                                                               7,814,530.49
                                Co., Ltd.

                                OSRAM (China) Lighting
Accounts payable                                                                  62,400.00
                                Co., Ltd.

                                Prosperity Lamps &
Accounts payable                                                               1,431,345.53
                                Components Limited

                                Prosperity (Xinxiang)
Accounts payable                                                                  11,179.50
                                Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.

                                Foshan Feidelun Electric Co.,
Advance from customer                                                             34,444.42

                                Nanjing Kaixiang Electric
Advance from customer                                                               1,307.74
                                Lighting Source Co., Ltd.

                                Prosperity Electrical (China)
Advance from customer                                                         13,464,000.00
                                Co., Ltd.

                                Prosperity (Xinxiang)
Advance from customer                                                            472,419.00
                                Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.

(X) Share-based Payment

1. Overview of share-based payment

2. Information of equity-settled share-based payment

                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

3. Information of cash-settled share-based payment

4. Information of share-based payment service

5. Modification, termination of share-based payment

(XI) Contingency

(XII) Commitments

(XIII)Events after the Balance Sheet Date
According to the “Proposal on Transferring Equity-holdings in Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Company
Limited” reviewed and approved at the 18th Session of the 6th Board of Directors on 28 Jun. 2012, up to 1 Jul.
2013, the Company had received all the transfer payment. On 22 Aug. 2013, the transfer of the 18.5% stake that
the Company had held in Shenzhen Liangke Venture Capital Company Limited was completed, generating a gain
about RMB 8.97 million.

(XIV)Notes of other significant events
1. Exchange of non-monetary assets

2. Debt reorganization

3. Business combination

4. Lease

5. Closing financial instruments that externally issued and convertible into shares

                                                                     2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

6. Fair value of assets and liabilities

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                           Included in the rig
                                                    Gains and losses of hts and interests o       Provision for
            Item                 Opening amount         fair value in this f the cumulative c impairment in this     Closing amount
                                                            period         hanges in the fair        period

Financial assets

1.Financial assets
recognized into current
gains and losses by
                                     4,012,728.75             -69,701.45                                                   3,943,027.30
calculated in fair value
(excluded derivative
financial assets)

2. Available-for-sale
                                    71,817,642.40                                -4,473,885.92                          67,343,756.48
financial assets

Subtotal     of      financial
                                    75,830,371.15             -69,701.45         -4,473,885.92                          71,286,783.78

Subtotal                            75,830,371.15             -69,701.45         -4,473,885.92                          71,286,783.78

Financial liabilities                        0.00                                                                                  0.00

7. Foreign financial assets and liabilities


8. Main content of pension plans and significant changes


(XV) Notes of main items in the financial statements of the parent Company

1. Accounts receivable

 (1) Accounts receivable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                                              Closing balance                                        Opening balance

                                   Book balance           Provision for bad debts        Book balance         Provision for bad debts
           Category                           Propo
                                                                           Proporti                Proporti                    Proporti
                                   Amount     rtion          Amount                    Amount                     Amount
                                                                            on (%)                  on (%)                     on (%)

                                                                          2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Accounts receivable with
significant single amount
and individually                       0.00             0%                 0.00           0%              0.00        0%                  0.00        0%
withdrawn bad debt

Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

Ordinary business group      570,079,691.16                       34,204,781.47           6% 342,362,672.46 89.27%               20,541,760.35        6%

Internal business group       69,203,850.22                                                     41,135,699.60 10.73%

Subtotal of the groups       639,283,541.38 100%                  34,204,781.47      5.35% 383,498,372.06          100%          20,541,760.35      5.36%

Accounts receivable with
insignificant single
amount but individually                0.00             0%                 0.00           0%              0.00        0%                  0.00        0%
withdrawn bad debt

Total                        639,283,541.38 --                    34,204,781.47 --             383,498,372.06 --                 20,541,760.35 --

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB yuan

                                    Closing balance                                                         Opening balance

                            Book balance                                                           Book balance
                                             Proporti Bad debt provision                                              Proporti Bad debt provision
                          Amount                                                                 Amount
                                             on (%)                                                                   on (%)

Including:      --                           --              --                      --                               --           --

Within 1 year               492,667,223.74 86.42%                  29,560,033.42                    334,314,599.78 97.65%                20,058,875.99

1-2 years                    73,911,455.26 12.97%                   4,434,687.32                      6,889,843.55         2.01%            413,390.61

2-3 years                     3,501,012.16        0.61%               210,060.73                      1,109,827.23         0.32%             66,589.63

Over 3 years                          0.00        0.00%                      0.00                         48,401.90        0.01%                 2,904.12

Total                       570,079,691.16         --              34,204,781.47                    342,362,672.46          --           20,541,760.35

In the groups, accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB yuan

             Name of the groups                                     Book balance                                    Bad debt provision

Internal business group                                                              69,203,850.22                                                   0.00

Total                                                                                69,203,850.22                                                   0.00

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 (2) Information of accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period

 (3) Information of accounts receivable that written off in the reporting period
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                                   Whether arising
 Name of company                Nature                 Date                Amount                   Reason        from related-party
                                                                                                                  transaction or not

                                                                                            Estimated to be
Small verification        Payment for goods   10 June. 2013                         39.82                        No

          Total                   --                     --                         39.82             --                    --

The small verification had been estimated to be irrecoverable.

(4)Information of shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company in
accounts receivable in reporting period
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB yuan

                                                     Closing balance                                  Opening balance
           Name of entity                                      Withdrawal amount                               Withdrawal amount of
                                          Book balance                                   Book balance
                                                                  of bad debts                                        bad debts

Prosperity Lamps & Components
                                              7,885,885.66             473,153.14               9,094,765.88                545,685.95

                  Total                       7,885,885.66             473,153.14               9,094,765.88                545,685.95

 (5) Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount

 (6) Top five accounts receivable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB yuan

   Name of company                 Relationship                  Amount                      Term                 Proportion (%)

       Company 1                 Non-related party            73,556,455.20           Within one year                   11.51%

       Company 2                 Non-related party            26,354,116.07           Within two years                  4.12%

       Company 3                 Non-related party            15,521,693.50           Within two years                  2.43%

       Company 4                 Non-related party            13,562,625.79           Within two years                  2.12%

       Company 5                 Non-related party            11,573,235.00           Within one year                   1.81%

            Total                        --                   140,568,125.56                   --                       21.99%

                                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

 (7) Accounts receivable due from related parties
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB yuan

       Name of company                      Relationship                         Amount                           Proportion (%)

Prosperity (Hangzhou)
                                  Holding 5% or more shares of a
Lighting and Electrical Co.,                                                              391,234.22                               0.06%
                                  legal person acting in concert

Prosperity Electrical (China)     Holding 5% or more shares of a
                                                                                          501,380.72                               0.08%
Co., Ltd.                         legal person acting in concert

OSRAM (China) Lighting            Holding 5% or more shares of a
                                                                                         4,313,398.37                              0.67%
Co., Ltd.                         legal person acting in concert

Prosperity Lamps &                Holding 5% or more shares of a
                                                                                         7,885,885.66                              1.23%
Components Limited                legal person

OSRAM (Asia-Pacific) Co.,         Holding 5% or more shares of a
                                                                                             6,613.24                              0.00%
Ltd.                              legal person acting in concert

              Total                              --                                     13,098,512.21                              2.04%


RMB0.00 was transferred from the accounts receivable not meeting the conditions of termination

 (9) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief on the
     arrangement of relevant transactions.

2. Other accounts receivable

   (1) Other accounts receivable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB yuan

                                                   Closing balance                                      Opening balance

                                                                                                                     Provision for bad
                                       Book balance           Provision for bad debts       Book balance
                                                      Propo                    Propo                      Propo                    Propo
                                      Amount          rtion        Amount       rtion      Amount         rtion       Amount       rtion
                                                      (%)                       (%)                        (%)                      (%)
Other accounts receivable
with     significant     single
amount      and    individually      17,190,000.00     17%                                41,710,000.00
withdrawn         bad     debt

                                                                         2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Other accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are made on the group basis

                                                             52.57                                                    13.82
Ordinary business group                53,148,772.55                   3,188,926.35         6%     11,445,824.68                       686,749.49      6%
                                                                  %                                                         %

Internal business group                30,657,697.53                                               29,574,234.18 35.7%

                                                             82.89                                                    49.52
Subtotal of the groups                 83,806,470.08                   3,188,926.35                41,020,058.86                       686,749.49 1.67%
                                                                  %                                                         %

Other accounts receivable
with     insignificant    single
amount       but    individually          106,552.50 0.11%               106,552.50 100%             106,552.50 0.13%                  106,552.50 100%
withdrawn          bad     debt

Total                                 101,103,022.58 --                3,295,478.85 --             82,836,611.36 --                    793,301.99 --

Other accounts receivable with significant single amount and individually withdrawn bad debt provision at
In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB yuan

Content of other accounts
                                    Book balance                  Bad debts provision        Withdrawal proportion               Withdrawal reason

Foshan Gaoming District
 Trading Center for                      17,190,000.00                               0.00                             0% Land tender deposit
 Tendering and Bidding

Total                                    17,190,000.00                               0.00              --                                  --

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting balance percentage method to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB yuan

                                         Closing balance                                                    Opening balance

                              Book balance                                                       Book balance
                                                Proporti Bad debt provision                                      Proporti            Bad debt provision
                            Amount                                                           Amount
                                                on (%)                                                           on (%)

Including:          --                          --           --                      --                          --             --

Within 1 year                 50,638,016.07 95.28%                    3,038,280.96                8,445,314.98 73.79%                           506,718.90

1-2 years                      2,066,872.99          3.89%             124,012.38                 2,496,171.43 21.81%                           149,770.29

2-3 years                           14,735.02        0.03%                 884.10                   170,809.63        1.49%                      10,248.58

Over 3 years                       429,148.47        0.80%              25,748.91                   333,528.64        2.91%                      20,011.72

Total                         53,148,772.55           --              3,188,926.35               11,445,824.68         --                       686,749.49

In the groups, other accounts receivable adopting other methods to withdraw bad debt provision:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                  Name of the groups                               Book balance                         Bad debt provision

Internal business group                                                          30,657,697.53                                     0.00

Total                                                                            30,657,697.53                                     0.00

Other accounts receivable with insignificant single amount but individually withdrawn bad debt provision at
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

Content of other accounts
                                Book balance             Bad debts provision      Withdrawal proportion         Withdrawal reason

Fangcheng County Yuli                                                                                        Estimated to be
                                            106,552.50              106,552.50                        100%
Glass Tube Co., Ltd.                                                                                         irrecoverable

Total                                       106,552.50              106,552.50              --                          --

 (2) Information of other accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period

 (3) Information of the write-off other accounts receivable

 (4) The other accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
     shares of the Company in the reporting period

 (5) Nature or content of other accounts receivable with significant amount

 (6) Top five other accounts receivable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

   Name of company              Relationship                  Amount                      Term                    Proportion (%)

        Company 1               Joint venture              43,320,000.00              Within 1 year                  42.85%

        Company 2             Non-related party            17,190,000.00              Within 1year                     17%

        Company 3             Non-related party             5,301,751.19              Within 1 year                   5.24%

        Company 4             Non-related party             1,568,550.00               1 to 2 years                   1.55%

        Company 5               Joint venture                614,853.41               Within 1 year                   0.61%

          Total                        --                  67,995,154.60                    --                       67.25%

 (7) Other account receivable due from related parties
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                        2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

       Name of company                        Relationship                                 Amount                            Proportion (%)

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan
                                    Joint venture                                                    614,853.41                                0.61%
Power Energy Co., Ltd.

Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy
                                    Joint venture                                                 43,320,000.00                               42.85%
Exploitation Co., Ltd.

             Total                                      --                                        43,934,853.41                               43.46%


   RMB 000 was transferred from the other accounts receivable not meeting the conditions of termination

 (9) If securitization is carried out on accounts receivable as the underlying asset, please brief on the
     arrangement of relevant transactions.

3. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                                                       ons on
                                                                                                                               al amount
                                                                                                      s between
                                                                                                                                   of         Cash
                                                                               Sharehold    Voting    sharehold Provision
            Accounti      Initial                                                                                              impairme bonus in
    The                                 Opening Increase/        Closing          ing       right        ing        for
               ng        investmen                                                                                                 nt          the
 investee                               balance       decrease   balance       Proportio Proportio proportio impairme
             method        t cost                                                                                              provision reporting
                                                                                  n           n         n and      nt loss
                                                                                                                                 in the       period


g           Cost         750,000.0 750,000.0                     750,000.0
                                                                                    75%        75% In accord
Electroni method                    0             0                        0
c Ballast
Co., Ltd.

Chanchan Cost            42,000,00 42,000,00                     42,000,00
                                                                                    70%        70% In accord
g Electric method             0.00          0.00                      0.00

                                                      2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

) Co.,

                Cost     350,000.0 350,000.0   350,000.0
Lamps                                                        70%        70% In accord
                method          0         0           0
Co., Ltd.

    Equipm Cost          72,000,00 72,000,00   72,000,00
                                                            100%       100% In accord
    ent         method        0.00      0.00        0.00
    Co., Ltd.

                Cost     10,000,00 10,000,00   10,000,00
Lighting                                                    100%       100% In accord
                method        0.00      0.00        0.00
) Co.,

Lamps           Cost     5,077,000 5,077,000   5,077,000
                                                            100%       100% In accord
and             method         .00       .00         .00
Co., Ltd.

Ion             Cost     25,500,00 25,500,00   25,500,00                                5,193,462
                                                             51%        51% In accord
Battery         method        0.00      0.00        0.00                                       .77
Co., Ltd

Guangdo Cost             200,000,0 200,000,0   200,000,0
                                                            100%       100% In accord
ng              method      00.00     00.00       00.00

                                                               2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Co., Ltd.

             Cost     10,000,00 10,000,00 -10,000,0
Light                                                               54.95%    54.95% In accord
             method        0.00      0.00      00.00
gy Co.,

             Cost     15,000,00             15,000,00 15,000,00
Lighting                                                             100%       100% In accord
             method        0.00                  0.00        0.00
nt Co.,


             Equity   38,000,00 25,351,61 -1,957,81 23,393,79
Energy                                                                38%        38% In accord
             method        0.00      7.99        9.93        8.06
on Co.,

             Equity   12,600,00 5,672,075 -352,953. 5,319,121
Guoxuan                                                               50%        50% In accord
             method        0.00       .73         87          .86
Co., Ltd.


             Cost     13,718,88 13,718,88               13,718,88
Liangke                                                              18.5%     18.5% In accord
             method        2.66      2.66                    2.66

                                                            2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.


Asset       Cost     10,000,00 10,000,00             10,000,00                                     3,298,904
                                                                 15.38%     15.38% In accord
Managem method            0.00      0.00                  0.00                                           .81

Zhonghao Cost        5,850,000 5,850,000             5,850,000 Less than Less than                 5,850,000
                                                                                       In accord
(Group)     method         .00       .00                   .00         5%         5%                     .00

Hongbo      Cost     6,000,000 6,000,000             6,000,000
                                                                  6.94%      6.94% In accord
Industrial method          .00       .00                   .00
Co., Ltd.

            Cost     208,574,2 292,574,1             292,574,1
Bank Co.,                                                         7.99%      7.99% In accord
            method      17.00     33.00                 33.00

Guangfa Cost         500,000.0 500,000.0             500,000.0 Less than Less than
                                                                                       In accord
Bank Co., method            0         0                     0          5%         5%

Highway Cost         20,757,60 9,175,627             9,175,627
                                                                  7.66%      7.66% In accord
Develop     method        0.00       .38                   .38
ment Co.,

Hi-Tech     Cost     160,000,0 160,000,0             160,000,0
                                                                  14.9%      14.9% In accord
Power       method      00.00     00.00                 00.00

                     856,677,6 894,519,3 2,689,226 897,208,5                                       14,342,36
Total          --                                                 --         --            --
                        99.66     36.76        .20      62.96                                           7.58

                                                             2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

4. Revenue and Cost of Sales

  (1) Revenue, Cost of Sales
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan

                 Item                           Reporting period                             Same period of last year

Main business revenue                                        1,174,388,755.76                                  1,045,092,362.29

Other business revenue                                             49,004,949.56                                    6,923,399.43

Total                                                        1,223,393,705.32                                  1,052,015,761.72

Cost of sales                                                    960,725,666.05                                  795,594,113.34

 (2) Main business (Classified by industry)
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan

                                              Reporting period                               Same period of last year
                                Revenue of sales            Cots of sales           Revenue of sales           Cots of sales

Lighting components and
                                      1,174,388,755.76           929,420,937.18         1,045,092,362.29         791,274,939.98

Total                                 1,174,388,755.76           929,420,937.18         1,045,092,362.29         791,274,939.98

 (3) Main business (Classified by product)
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan

                                              Reporting period                               Same period of last year
                                Revenue of sales            Cots of sales           Revenue of sales           Cots of sales

Lighting components and
                                      1,174,388,755.76           929,420,937.18         1,045,092,362.29         791,274,939.98

Total                                 1,174,388,755.76           929,420,937.18         1,045,092,362.29         791,274,939.98

 (4) Main business (Classified by area)
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan

                                              Reporting period                               Same period of last year
                                Revenue of sales            Cots of sales           Revenue of sales           Cots of sales

Domestic                               846,565,487.63            690,061,303.46           729,621,235.29         562,762,633.08

Overseas                               327,823,268.13            239,359,633.72           315,471,127.00         228,512,306.90

Total                                 1,174,388,755.76           929,420,937.18         1,045,092,362.29         791,274,939.98

 (5) Revenue of sales from the top five customers
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB yuan

                          Customers                                      Total revenue of sales            Proportion of total

                                                              2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                              revenue of sales (%)

                            Customer 1                                      36,306,125.75                           2.97%

                            Customer 2                                      28,636,251.38                           2.34%

                            Customer 3                                      23,644,387.62                           1.93%

                            Customer 4                                      23,298,724.88                            1.9%

                            Customer 5                                      19,978,405.61                           1.63%

                               Total                                        131,863,895.24                          10.77%

5. Investment income

 (1) List of investment income
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                              Item                                   Reporting period                Same period of last year

Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost
Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity
                                                                                   -2,310,773.80                      -1,218,791.19
Investment income arising from disposal of long-term equity

Investment income received from holding of
                                                                                   1,365,712.54                        3,131,720.14
available-for-sale financial assets

Total                                                                              -2,324,333.77                      16,886,055.17

(2) Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                     Same period of last
              Name of investee                Reporting period                                Reason for increase/decrease YoY

                                                                                           No dividends distributed in the
Xiamen Bank Co., Ltd.                                         0.00        14,571,414.00
                                                                                           reporting period

Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co.,                                                   No dividends distributed in the
                                                              0.00           401,712.22
Ltd.                                                                                       reporting period

Total                                                         0.00        14,973,126.22                        --

(3) Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                                                                     Same period of last
              Name of investee                Reporting period                                Reason for increase/decrease YoY

Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation
                                                    -1,957,819.93            124,436.84 Losses in this period
Co., Ltd.

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy
                                                             -352,953.87        -1,343,228.03 Losses decreased in this period
Co., Ltd.

Total                                                    -2,310,773.80          -1,218,791.19                    --

6. Supplemental information of Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB yuan

                       Supplemental information                                Reporting period            Same period of last year

 1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
                                                                                      --                              --

 Net profit                                                                            144,315,684.79                 133,110,485.63

 Add: Provision for assets impairments                                                     16,165,237.79                     902,614.65

 Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and productive
                                                                                           37,192,578.90                   41,059,107.81
biological assets

 Amortization of intangible assets                                                          1,690,549.45                    2,058,447.92

 Losses/gains on disposal of property, intangible asset and other
                                                                                       -16,786,499.21                        119,256.76
long-term assets (gains: negative)

 Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets     (gains: negative)                              908,276.06

 Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                  69,701.45                       -64,722.78

 Financial cost (income: negative)                                                          2,050,576.88                     237,353.63

 Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                          2,324,333.77               -16,886,055.17

 Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                       4,041,585.41                     556,174.33

 Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                            -65,715,124.75                      12,014,019.79

 Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (increase:
                                                                                      -260,165,830.11                  -20,997,983.18
 Increase in accounts payable from operating activities (decrease:
                                                                                       129,586,264.73                      51,497,089.36

 Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                        -4,322,664.84              203,605,788.75

 2. Significant investing and financing activities without
                                                                                      --                              --
involvement of cash receipts and payments

3. Change of cash and cash equivalent:                                                --                              --

 Closing balance of cash                                                               429,905,060.78                 621,184,567.42

 Less: opening balance of cash                                                         699,511,754.78                 412,626,723.50

 Plus: closing balance of cash equivalent                                                           0.00

The net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                         -269,606,694.00                 208,557,843.92

7. Information of assets and liabilities recognized by evaluation value from the counter purchase

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

(XVI) Supplemental information

1. List of non-recurring gains and losses in the period
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB yuan

                                Item                                            Amount                           Total

Loss and gains on disposal of non-current assets (Including
write-off part of the provision for asset impairment)

Tax rebates and cuts of ultra vires approval or without formal

Governmental subsidy included in the current profits and losses(is
closely related with the business event, except for the
governmental subsidy that according to the national unity
standard quota or the quantitative regal assets)

Tax for the possession of funds from the non-financial business
Included in the current losses and gains

The quota of the Company receives from the subsidiaries, joint
ventures and cooperative enterprises of the costs of investment is
less than that of the gains produced from the investment which
enjoys net assets of fair value that recognized by the investee.

Exchange gains and losses of non-monetary assets                                              0.00

Gains and losses of committing others of investment or managing

Withdrawing impairment of assets owning of force majeure
factors, including suffer from natural disasters

Gains and losses of debt restructuring                                                        0.00

Enterprise restructuring charges, for example, staffing costs of

Gains and losses produced when exchanging prices
unconscionable at the fair that exceed the fair value

The current net profits and losses produced when the subsidiaries
combine under the same control from the beginning to the                                      0.00
combining date

Gains and losses produced from the contingency which have
 nothing to do with the Company‘s normal business operatio                                   0.00

In addition to the valid hedging activity associated with the
normal operation of the Company, the changes in fair value
through gains or losses which arising from the holding trading                        1,296,011.09
financial assets and the trading financial liabilities as well as the
investment income that earning from the disposal of trading

                                                                   2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

financial assets, trading financial liabilities and available-for-sale
financial assets

The reversal of impairment of receivables of the individual
impairment test

Gains and losses from the external entrusted loans                                                 0.00

Gains and losses for changes in fair value of investment property
resulting from the subsequent measure through the fair value                                       0.00

The impact of a one-time adjustment of current gains and losses
according to the laws and regulations of tax, accounting and                                       0.00
others on current gains and losses

Trustee fee income earning from the entrusted management                                           0.00

Income and expenses of the other operation except for the
mentioned above

The other items of gains and losses conforming the definition of
non-recurring gains and losses

Less:the effect of income tax                                                              988,964.58

the effect of minority interest (after tax)                                                        0.00

Total                                                                                     6,383,467.42                  --

The Company, who defines the gains and losses as the non-recurring items according to the definition outlined in
the "Public Company's Information Disclosure Explanatory Notice No. 1 – Extraordinary Items Gains and
Losses" and as the recurrent gains and losses which are listed in the "Public Company's Information Disclosure
Explanatory Notice No. 1 – Extraordinary Items Gains and Losses" as non-recurring gains and losses, should
explain the reason.
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Accounting data differences according to the domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Different situations of the net profits and net assets in the financial disclosure reports in accordance wit
h the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards at the same time

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan

                                  Net profits belongs to the shareholders of the listed     Net assets belongs to the shareholders of the
                                                      companies                                           listed companies

                                  Current period amount        Last period amount            Closing balance          Opening balance

According to Chinese
                                          153,047,291.37                 134,522,943.15         2,795,996,703.55         2,950,106,976.17
accounting standards

                                                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

     Items and amounts adjusted in accordance with international accounting standards

     According to the internation
                                                153,047,291.37              134,522,943.15        2,795,996,703.55          2,950,106,976.17
     al accounting standards

     (2) Different situations of the net profits and net assets in the financial disclosure reports in accordance
     with the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards at the same time

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB yuan

                                      Net profits belongs to the shareholders of the listed   Net assets belongs to the shareholders of the
                                                           companies                                         listed companies

                                       Current period amount        Last period amount          Closing balance           Opening balance

     According to Chinese
                                                 153,047,291.37             134,522,943.15        2,795,996,703.55          2,950,106,976.17
     accounting standards

     Items and amounts adjusted in accordance with foreign accounting standards

     According to the foreign
                                                153,047,291.37              134,522,943.15        2,795,996,703.55          2,950,106,976.17
     accounting standards

     (3)Notes of the reasons of the differences between the accounting data according to the domestic and
     foreign accounting standards


     3. Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB yuan

                                                          The weighted average ROE                              EPS
               Profit in the reporting period
                                                                      (%)                       Basic EPS                 Diluted EPS
     Net profit attributable to the Company's
                                                                                5.63%                         0.16                       0.16
     common stock shareholders
     Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
     Company's common stock after deducting                                     5.40%                         0.15                       0.15
     non-recurring gains and losses

     4. Particulars on the abnormal conditions of main items in the financial statements of the Company and
     relevant reasons

     Item              Closing balance            Opening balance                 Change rate                               Reason

Accounts                                                                                                    Mainly due to the loans receivables
                      550,624,462.21               334,006,892.19                                64.85%
receivable                                                                                                   increased.

Prepayments            83,522,308.86                  12,383,426.98                             574.47%     Mainly due to the advance payment

                                                    2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                                                                                      for materials increased.

Other current                                                                        Mainly due to the deductible input tax
                   16,477,687.08     2,935,179.47                        461.39%
assets                                                                               increased.

Accounts paya                                                                        Mainly due to the advance payment for
                  461,746,849.65   246,652,513.45                          87.21%
ble                                                                                  materials increased.

Advance                                                                              Mainly due to the loans receivables
                   61,854,798.34    19,632,316.50                        215.07%
Receipts                                                                              increased.

                                                                                     Mainly due to the amount of
Business tax a                                                                        Sales increased and the accordingly
                   13,697,631.32    10,426,957.03                          31.37%
nd surcharges                                                                        increase of the provision of taxes and
Financial                                                                            Mainly due to the exchange losses
                   -3,963,817.89    -7,159,594.18                          44.64%
expenses                                                                             increased.
                                                                                     Mainly due to the amount of provision
Impairment         17,853,921.20     1,158,138.87                       1441.60%
                                                                                     for bad debts increased in this period.
                                                                                     Mainly due to the dividends received
                     -945,061.26    16,484,342.95                       -105.73%     decreased when compared to the
                                                                                     previous period.
                                                                                     Mainly due to the confirmed
                   71,680,160.17       883,683.34                       8011.52%      government energy subsidies
                                                                                      increased in this period.

Non-business e                                                                       Mainly due to the foreign donations
                   10,700,438.83     2,481,216.29                        331.26%
xpenditure                                                                           increased.

                                                                                     Mainly due to the profits increased in
Income tax
                   39,614,342.25    25,616,659.61                          54.64%      this period, and the accordingly
                                                                                       increased of the meter tax.
Net cash flow
                                                                                     Cash paid for purchase of goods and
generated from
                   11,712,252.61   234,485,514.83                        -95.01%     acceptance of labor service increased
                                                                                     in the reporting period.
Net cash flow
generated from                                                                       Mainly due to the cash received from
                   25,328,242.59       879,254.59                       2780.65%
invest mental                                                                        the return on investment increased.
Net cash flow
                                                                                     Mainly due to the dividend cash bonus
generated from
                 -284,036,742.40       -26,780.81                  -1060498.03%        in this period and the ones that
                                                                                       haven‘t divided in the last period.

                                       2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

                      IX. Documents for Reference

Investors and the relevant departments could refer to the following information in
secretary office in the board office building:
 1.Financial statements signed and sealed by legal representative, principal of
     accounting work, and manager of finance department;
 2. Originals of all documents and announcements of the Company ever
     disclosed on CSRC designated disclosure media in the reporting period.
 3. Text of the 2013 Semi-annual Report with the signature of the Chairman of
     the Board of Directors.

                           FOSHAN ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING CO., LTD.
                                        The Board of Directors
                                                27 Aug. 2013

2013 Semi-annual Report of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
