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江 铃B:2011年半年度报告摘要(英文版)2011-08-22  

						   Share’s name:    Jiangling Motors    Share’s code:    000550      No.:     2011-028
                     Jiangling B                           200550
                             Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
                            Extracts From 2011 Half-year Report

                                     §1       Important Note
   1.1 The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its members, and
   the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the truthfulness, accuracy and
   completeness of the information disclosed in the report and confirm that the information
   disclosed herein does not contain false statements, misrepresentations or major omissions.
   These extracts are extracted from the original of half-year report, and the original is
   published at web site http://www.cninfo.com.cn. Investors should carefully read the original
   for details.

   1.2 None of the directors states that he can not ensure the truthfulness, accuracy and
   completeness of the information disclosed in the report, or he had the dissentience to this

   1.3 Nine Directors shall attend this Board meeting and eight Directors were present.
   Director Howard D. Welsh did not attend this meeting, and he authorized Director
   Yuan-Ching Chen to represent him at this meeting.

   1.4 The Half-year Financial Statements have not been audited.

   1.5 Chairman Wang Xigao, President Yuan-Ching Chen, CFO Michael Joseph Brielmaier
   and Chief of Finance Department, Ding Ni, confirm that the Financial Statements in this
   Half-year Report are truthful and complete.

   1.6 The Half-year Report is prepared in Chinese and English. In the event of any
   discrepancy, the Chinese version will prevail.
   All financial data in this report are prepared under International Financial Reporting
   Standards unless otherwise specified.

   §2      Brief Introduction
   2.1 Brief introduction
Shares name         Jiangling Motors    Jiangling B
Shares code         000550              200550
Place of listing    Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                               Board Secretary                  Securities Affair Representative
Name                             Wan Hong                                     Quan Shi
Telephone                     86-791-5235675                            86-791-5266178
Fax                                                   86-791-5232839
E-mail                                           relations@jmc.com.cn
Contact address     No. 509, Northern Yingbin Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, P.R.C

     2.2 Operating Highlight
     2.2.1 Main accounting data and financial ratios                  Unit: RMB000
                                          At the end of        At the end of the     Change (%)
                                        reporting period*       previous year
Total assets                                    11,616,231            11,237,715                  3.37
Shareholders equity Attributable
to the Equity Holders of the                      6,520,355            6,127,276                  6.42
Share Capital                                      863,214               863,214                    0
Net Assets Per Share Attributable
to the Equity Holders of the                            7.55                7.10                  6.42
Company (RMB)
                                        Reporting period
                                                                 Same period         Change (%)
                                                                  last year*
                                        (2011 first half)*
Revenue                                           9,221,540            7,675,817              20.14
Operating Profit                                  1,203,418            1,192,587                  0.91
Profit Before Income Tax                          1,286,509            1,237,702                  3.94
Profit Attributable to the Equity                 1,075,018            1,039,512                  3.42
Holders of the Company
Basic Earnings Per Share (RMB)                          1.25                1.20                  3.42
Diluted Earnings Per Share (RMB)                        1.25                1.20                  3.42
                                                                                         Down 3.30
Weighted Average Return on Net                         16.13               19.43
Asset Ratio (%)
                                                                                   percentage points
Net    Cash    Generated       From                149,377             1,499,490             -90.04
Operating Activities
Net Cash Flow Per Share from                            0.17                1.74             -90.04
Operating Activities (RMB)
     *Unaudited financial indexes

     2.2.2 Non-recurring items
     □Applicable     □√Not Applicable

          2.2.3 Difference between profit for the period per China Generally Accepted Accounting
          Principles (“China GAAP”) and per International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
          □√Applicable □Not Applicable

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB000
                                                                      Shareholders equity         Profit Attributable to
                                                                      Attributable to the Equity  the Equity Holders of
                                                                      Holders of the Company      the Company
                                                                             June 30, 2011            2011 First Half
          As Prepared under the China GAAP**                                            6,524,048              1,078,711
          Adjustment per IFRS:
          Staff bonus and welfare fund appropriated                     -3,693                 -3,693
          from net profit of a subsidiary
          As Restated in Conformity with IFRS                        6,520,355              1,075,018
          ** Based on the financial statements prepared by Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
          (JMC”) under the China GAAP.

                                     §3       Share Capital Changes and Shareholders
          3.1 Table on shares changes
          □√Applicable         □Not Applicable
                          Before the change                              Change (+, -)                            After the change
                                      Proportion                      Reserve-                                               Proportion
                                                     New     Bonus
                         Shares         of total                      converted      Others     Subtotal         Shares        of total
                                                    shares   Shares
                                      shares (%)                        shares                                               shares (%)
I. Limited tradable                                      -        -            -
                         2,905,620         0.34%                                        1,170       1,170        2,906,790       0.34%
   A shares
1.State-owned                    -              -        -        -           -
                                                                                            -              -             -            -
2. State-owned legal                                     -        -           -
                                 -              -                                           -              -             -            -
   person shares
3. Other domestic                                        -        -           -
                         2,901,000         0.33%                                            -              -     2,901,000       0.33%
Domestic legal           2,781,000                       -        -           -
                                           0.32%                                            -              -     2,781,000       0.32%
   person shares
Domestic natural                                         -        -           -
                          120,000          0.01%                                            -              -      120,000        0.01%
   person shares
4. Management                4,620         0.01%         -        -           -
                                                                                       1,170        1,170            5,790       0.01%
II. Unlimited
                       860,308,380         99.66%                                      -1,170      -1,170      860,307,210       99.66%
   tradable shares
1. A shares            516,308,380         59.81%        -        -           -        -1,170      -1,170      516,307,210       59.81%
2. B shares            344,000,000         39.85%        -        -           -             -           -      344,000,000       39.85%
III. Total             863,214,000          100%         -        -           -             -           -      863,214,000        100%

          3.2 Total shareholders, top ten shareholders, and top ten shareholders holding unlimited
          tradable shares
   Total shareholders                                          JMC had 21,833 shareholders, including 15,854 A-share
                                                             holders and 5,979 B-share holders, as of June 30, 2011.
   Top ten shareholders

                                               Shareholding                                    Shares
                                                                                Shares with
                               Shareholder      Percentage                                     Due to
    Shareholder Name                                                Shares       Trading
                                  Type            (%)                         Restriction
                                                                                              or Frozen
Jiangling Motor Holding          State-owned
                                                       41.03      354,176,000               -          -
Co., Ltd. (“JMH”)               legal person
Ford Motor Company                   Foreign
                                                          30      258,964,200               -          -
(Ford)                            legal person
Shanghai Automotive Co.,         State-owned
                                                        1.51        13,019,610              -          -
Ltd.                             legal person
Bosera Thematic Sector        Domestic non
Equity Securities              -state-owned             1.51        12,999,900              -          -
Investment Fund                   legal person
                              Domestic non
National Social Security
                               -state-owned             1.16        10,030,098              -          -
Fund- Portfolio 102
                                  legal person
Dragon Billion China                 Foreign
                                                        1.07         9,202,496              -          -
Master Fund                       legal person
                              Domestic non
Huaan Tactical Select
                               -state-owned             0.85         7,374,087              -          -
Securities Investment Fund
                                  legal person
Jpmblsa Re Ftif Templeton            Foreign
                                                        0.54         4,632,763              -          -
China Fund Gti 5497               legal person
                              Domestic non
Harvest Stable Open
                               -state-owned             0.52         4,463,714              -          -
Securities Investment Fund
                                  legal person
                              Domestic non
National Social Security
                               -state-owned             0.51         4,436,560              -          -
Fund- Portfolio 103
                                  legal person
   Top ten shareholders holding unlimited tradable shares
                Shareholder Name                    Shares without Trading Restriction     Share Type
Jiangling Motor Holding Co., Ltd.                                          354,176,000          A share
Ford Motor Company                                                         258,964,200          B share
Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd.                                               13,019,610          A share
Bosera Thematic Sector Equity Securities
                                                                            12,999,900          A share
Investment Fund
National Social Security Fund- Portfolio 102                                10,030,098          A share
Dragon Billion China Master Fund                                             9,202,496          B share
Huaan Tactical Select Securities Investment Fund                             7,374,087          A share
Jpmblsa Re Ftif Templeton China Fund Gti 5497                                4,632,763          B share
Harvest Stable Open Securities Investment Fund                               4,463,714          A share
National Social Security Fund- Portfolio 103                                 4,436,560          A share
Notes on association among above-mentioned          Bosera Thematic Sector Equity Securities Investment
shareholders                                        Fund and National Social Security Fund- Portfolio
                                                    102 are in custody of Bosera Fund Management Co.,

       3.3 Change of controlling shareholder or actual controller
       □Applicable      □√Not Applicable
                               §4 Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
         4.1 Change of share holding of directors, supervisors and senior management
         □Applicable          □√Not Applicable

                                    §5      Management Discussions and Analysis
         5.1 Core business by industry or product
         □√Applicable □Not Applicable                                          Unit: RMB000
                                                                     Turnover       Costs in core     Gross margin
                                                                   change from    business change    change from the
                                     Cost in core   Gross Margin
     Product         Turnover                                        the same      from the same     same period last
                                      business          (%)
                                                                    period last   period last year     year (points)
                                                                     year (%)           (%)
I. Vehicles           8,459,434        6,463,287          23.6%            19.2              22.8                  -2.3
II. Components            661,816         477,255         27.9%            34.3              32.4                   1.1
Total                 9,121,250        6,940,542          23.9%            20.2              23.4                  -2.0
related party             618,693         505,285         18.3%            53.5              66.3                  -6.3
Pricing principle
of related party    Market Price

         5.2 Details pertaining to core business classified according to region
         □√Applicable        □Not Applicable                                   Unit: RMB000
                                                               Turnover change from the same
                                           Turnover                 period last year (%)
          North-east China                        448,574                                 15.4
            North China                           917,396                                 24.3
             East China                         4,505,544                                 18.4
            South China                         1,419,644                                 15.1
           Central China                          745,437                                 25.7
          North-west China                        462,507                                 39.3
          South-west China                        622,148                                 24.1

         5.3 Causes and explanations of major changes on core business and its structure
         □Applicable          □√Not Applicable

         5.4 Causes and explanations of major changes on profitability (margin) of core business
         compared with that of last year
         □√Applicable        □Not Applicable
         In the first half of 2011, gross margin was 23.9%, down 2 percentage points from the same

period last year, primarily reflecting tactical price reductions and raw material cost

5.5 Causes and explanations of major changes on profit structure compared with that of last
□√Applicable    □Not Applicable
Sales tax in the first half of 2011 increased by RMB 131 million, or 100%, from the same
period last year, primarily reflecting higher consumption tax generated from volume growth
and the levy of construction and education taxes.

5.6 Raised fund use
5.6.1 Raised fund use
□Applicable      □√Not Applicable

5.6.2 Changed projects
□Applicable     □√Not Applicable

5.7 The Boards adjustment on the business plan for the second half
□Applicable      □√Not Applicable

5.8 Warning and explanations to the situation that accumulated net profit during the period
from year beginning to the end of next reporting period may be negative or, compared with
same period last year, may have a substantial change
□Applicable     □√Not Applicable

5.9 Explanations of the Board of the Company to abnormal audit report for the reporting
period from accounting firms
□Applicable      □√Not Applicable

5.10 Explanations of the Board of the Company to the changes and settlement of the items
involved by abnormal audit report for last year from accounting firms
□Applicable      □√Not Applicable

                                  §6      Major Events
6.1 Acquirement, sales and restructure of operation
6.1.1 Acquirement of operation
□Applicable      □√Not Applicable

6.1.2 Sales of operation
□Applicable      □√Not Applicable

6.1.3 After the Operation Restructure Report or Announcement on Acquirement or Sales of
Operation was published, the progress of the items and its impact on operating results and
financial conditions in the reporting period are as follows
□Applicable       □√Not Applicable

6.2 Guarantees
□Applicable       □√Not Applicable

6.3 Non-operating creditors rights, liabilities between JMC and related parties
□Applicable       □√Not Applicable

6.4 Major litigation or arbitration items
□Applicable       □√Not Applicable

6.5 Analysis and Explanations on other major events & its impact and settlement
□√Applicable     □Not Applicable
6.5.1 Securities Investments
□Applicable       □√Not Applicable

6.5.2 Equity in other listed companies
□Applicable       □√Not Applicable

6.5.3 Non-operating account receivable by major shareholder and its subsidiaries
□Applicable       □√Not Applicable
Independent Director Shi Jiansan, Vincent Pun Fong Kwan and Wang Xu expressed their
opinions on the Companys account receivables by related parties as follows:

We are aware of the cash flow occurring between the Company and its controlling
shareholders and other related parties, and believe that: cash flow occurring between the
Company and its controlling shareholders and other related parties resulted from normal
business transactions. There was no illegal embezzlement of company funds.

      6.5.4 Commitments of the Company, shareholder and actual controller
      □√Applicable      □Not Applicable
                                  Promisor     Content of
               Item                                                 Implementation of commitments
                                                              In the reporting period, JMH exercised its
Share reform                           JMH                  * commitments sincerely and did not breach
                                                              the promise.
Acquisition report or Statement
                                                        None                                             N/A
of changes in equity
Major asset restructuring                               None                                             N/A
Initial Public Offering                                 None                                             N/A
Other commitments                                       None                                             N/A

      *JMH, which holds 41.03% of JMC total shares, issued letters of commitment, and declared
      and promised the following:
      (1) according to the requirements of Rules on Implementing the Full Tradable Share
          Reform of the Listed Companies, legal commitments will be fulfilled in accordance
          with provisions of the stock exchange laws and regulations;
      (2) the promisor ensures that it will compensate losses resulting from partial or complete
          non-fulfillment of its promises to other shareholders; and
      (3) the promisor will fulfill its commitments faithfully and accept relevant legal
          responsibility, and it will not transfer its shares unless the transferee agrees and accepts
          liability to undertake the responsibility of the promise.

      JMH promises specifically to pay the consideration on behalf of the unlisted-share holders
      who oppose the Share Reform or did not express their opinions. The above-mentioned
      unlisted-share holders should repay the consideration paid by JMH and the interest, or
      obtain written consent from JMH, if they want to list their shares.

      6.5.5 The proposals on 2011 half-year profit distribution and transferring capital surplus
      reserve to share capital
      □Applicable        □√Not Applicable

      6.5.6 Other comprehensive income
      □Applicable        □√Not Applicable

      6.6 External research and media interviews with the Company in the reporting period
    Date          Place     Communication                  Object              Information discussed and
                                 Method                                             sources offered
 January 17, In the         Oral                Two analysts from              JMC Operating highlights
 2011        Company        Communication       Hengtai Securities Co.,
                                                Ltd., Value Star Asset
                                                Management Co., Ltd.
 January 19, In the         Oral                Three analysts from            JMC Operating highlights
 2011        Company        Communication       Minsheng Royal Fund
                                                Management Co., Ltd.,

                                      Orient Fund Management
                                      Co., Ltd., Great Wall
                                      Securities Co., Ltd.
January 26, In the    Oral            Two analysts from           JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Everbright Securities
                                      Company Limited, Shanxi
                                      Securities Co., Ltd.
February    In the    Oral            Ten analysts from China     JMC Operating highlights
17, 2011    Company   Communication   Securities Co., Ltd.,
                                      Changsheng Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Everbright Pramerica
                                      Fund Management Co.,
                                      Ltd., Bank of
                                      Communication Schroders
                                      Fund Management Co.,
                                      Ltd., Galaxy Asset
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Taikang Asset
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Franklin Templeton
                                      Sealand Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      GF Fund Management
                                      Co., Ltd.
February    In the    Oral            An analysts from China      JMC Operating highlights
18, 2011    Company   Communication   Re Asset Management
                                      Company Ltd.
February    In the    Oral            An analysts from Great      JMC Operating highlights
23, 2011    Company   Communication   Wall Fund Management
                                      Co., Ltd.
March 4,    In the    Oral            An analysts from China      JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Securities Co., Ltd.
March 7,    In the    Oral            Two analysts from           JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Shenyin & Wanguo
                                      Securities Co., Ltd,
                                      Yinhua Fund Management
                                      Co., Ltd.
March 10,   In the    Oral            Six analysts from Beijing   JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Hongdao Investment
                                      Company, GF Securities
                                      Co., Ltd., Huatai Asset
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Guotai Junan Securities
                                      Co., Ltd., Ping An
                                      Insurance (Group)
                                      Company of China, Ltd.
March 16,   In the    Oral            Five analysts from BOC      JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   International (China)
                                      Limited, Bosera Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.
March 17.   In the    Oral            An analyst from Nanjing     JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Securities Co, Ltd.
March 29,   In the    Oral            Two analysts from           JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Taikang Asset
                                      Management Co., Ltd.
March 31,   In the    Oral            An analyst from China       JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company                   Merchants Securities Co.,
                      Communication   Ltd.
April 12,   In the    Oral            Four analysts from          JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Manulife Teda Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Manulife Asset
                                      Management (Hong
                                      Kong) Limited
April 19,   In the    Oral            Two analysts from           JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Everbright Securities
                                      Company Limited, Shanxi
                                      Securities Co., Ltd.
April 21,   In the    Oral            An analyst from             JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Huachuang Securities Co.,
April 26,   In the    Oral            Three analysts from BNP     JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Paribus Securities (Asia)
                                      Limited, Goldman Sachs
                                      (Asia) Company Limited,
                                      Capital Research
May 4,      In the    Oral            Three analysts from GF      JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Securities Co., Ltd.,
                                      Harvest Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.
May 10,     In the    Oral            Seven analysts from         JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Xiaoniu Asset
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Chongyang Investment
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Invesco Great Wall Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      HFT Investment
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      China Post & Capital
                                      Fund Management Co.,
                                      Ltd., Sunshine Insurance
                                      Group Corporation
                                      Limited, China Securities
                                      Co., Ltd.
May 13,     In the    Oral            Eight analysts from China   JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   International Capital
                                      Corporation Limited, E
                                      Fund Management Co.,
                                      Ltd., New China Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Citic-Prudential Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Hualong Securities Co.,
                                      Ltd., CCB Principal Asset
                                      Management Co., Ltd.,
                                      Fuanda Fund
                                      Management Co., Ltd.
May 24,     In the    Oral            An analyst from PICC        JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Asset Management
                                      Company Limited
June 9,     In the    Oral            An analyst from Galaxy      JMC Operating highlights
2011        Company   Communication   Securities Co., Ltd.
June 15     In the    Oral            Five analysts from Bosera   JMC Operating highlights
             Company      Communication      Fund Management Co.,
                                             Ltd., Manulife Teda Fund
                                             Management Co., Ltd.
June 23,     In the       Oral               Five analysts from China   JMC Operating highlights
2011         Company      Communication      Life Insurance (Group)
                                             Company, GoldenFaith
                                             Asset Management Co.,
                                             Ltd., Greenwoods Asset
                                             Management Co., Ltd.,
                                             Essence Securities Co.,
                                             Ltd., Ping An Insurance
                                             (Group) Company of

                                  §7      Financial Statements
     7.1 The Financial Statements have not been audited.


AS AT 30 JUNE 2011
 (All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                        As at
                                           30 June 2011#    31 December 2010
                                                RMB’000            RMB’000

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                 2,817,293            2,630,524
Lease prepayment                                274,608              277,870
Intangible assets                                25,073               31,302
Investments in associate                         21,157               17,928
Deferred income tax assets                      156,609              205,063
                                              3,294,740            3,162,687
Current assets
Inventories                                    1,235,399           1,436,492
Trade and other receivables                    1,487,791             825,374
Trading financial assets                             180                   -
Cash and cash equivalents                      5,598,121           5,813,162
                                               8,321,491           8,075,028
Total assets                                  11,616,231          11,237,715

Capital and reserves attributable to the
  Company’s equity holders
Share capital                                   863,214              863,214
Share premium                                   816,609              816,609
Other reserves                                  457,650              457,650
Retained earnings                             4,382,882            3,989,803
                                              6,520,355            6,127,276

Non-controlling interests
                                                138,701              115,319
Total equity                                  6,659,056            6,242,595

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings                                        6,569               6,939
Retirement benefit obligations                   47,170              54,569
Warranty provisions                             135,872             171,789
                                                189,611             233,297

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                       4,692,048           4,628,421
Current income tax liabilities                    63,004              96,310
Borrowings                                           424              25,004
Retirement benefit obligations                    12,088              12,088
                                               4,767,564           4,761,823
Total liabilities                              4,957,175           4,995,120

Total equity and liabilities                  11,616,231          11,237,715


(All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                Six months ended 30 June
                                                   2011#              2010#
                                                RMB’000           RMB’000

Revenue                                          9,221,540        7,675,817
Sales tax                                         (262,719)        (131,399)
Cost of sales                                   (6,992,497)      (5,675,348)
Gross profit                                     1,966,324        1,869,070
Distribution costs                                (402,393)        (381,236)
Administrative expenses                           (361,193)        (291,368)
Other (expense)/income                                 679           (3,879)
Operating profit                                 1,203,417        1,192,587

Finance income                                     80,433            42,363
Finance costs                                        (570)             (845)
Finance income-net                                 79,863            41,518

Share of profit of associates                       3,229             3,597

Profit before income tax                        1,286,509         1,237,702
Income tax expense                               (188,109)         (182,882)
Profit for the period                           1,098,400         1,054,820

Profit attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company                   1,075,018         1,039,512
Non-controlling interests                          23,382            15,308
                                                1,098,400         1,054,820

Other comprehensive income                              -                 -
Total comprehensive income for the period       1,098,400         1,054,820

Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company                   1,075,018         1,039,512
Non-controlling interests                          23,382            15,308
                                                1,098,400         1,054,820

Earnings per share for profit attributable to
  the equity holders of the Company
   (expressed in RMB per share)
- Basic and diluted                                   1.25             1.20

#Unaudited financial indexes


(All amounts in RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                         Six months ended June 30
                                                             2011#              2010#
                                                           RMB’000           RMB’000

Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                              322,759          1,601,655
Interest paid                                                  (422)                 (711)
Income tax paid                                            (172,960)          (101,454)
Net cash generated from operating activities                149,377          1,499,490

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of held-to-maturity investments                   (314,968)                    -
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (“PPE”)        (399,262)          (129,580)
Proceeds from disposal of PPE                                 1,239                 1,566
Interest received                                            58,410             31,367
Proceed from repayment of held-to-maturity investments      315,338                     -
Net cash used in investing activities                      (339,243)           (96,647)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from borrowings                                          -             25,019
Repayments of borrowings                                    (24,668)           (25,224)
Dividends paid to the Company’s shareholders                  (276)                  (65)
Other cash paid relating to financing activities               (231)                 (205)
Net cash used in financing activities                       (25,175)                 (475)

Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents     (215,041)         1,402,368
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year            5,813,162          3,913,823
Effects of exchange rate changes                                  -                     4
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                5,598,121          5,316,195

#Unaudited financial indexes

Board of Directors
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
August 23, 2011
