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江 铃B:2011年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2011-10-26  

						Share’s name:   Jiangling Motors   Share’s code:   000550   No.:   2011-033
                 Jiangling B                         200550

                  Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
                      2011 Third Quarter Report

                            §1    Important Note
1.1 The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its
members, and the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed in the
report and confirm that the information disclosed herein does not contain false
statements, misrepresentations or major omissions.

1.2 The Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management undertake and have
no objection to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of
the Third Quarter Report.

1.3 All the Directors were present at the Board meeting.

1.4 The financial statements in this Quarterly Report are not audited.

1.5 Chairman Wang Xigao, President Yuan-Ching Chen, CFO Michael Joseph
Brielmaier and Chief of Finance Department, Ding Ni, confirm that the financial
statements in this Quarterly Report are truthful and complete.

1.6 All financial data in this Quarterly Report are prepared under International
Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) unless otherwise specified.

                                §2      Brief Introduction
       2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                           Unit: RMB’000
                                  At the end of         At the end of the         Change (%)
                                reporting period         previous year
Total Assets                            11,126,710              11,237,715                    -0.99
Shareholder’s equity
Attributable to the Equity              6,920,246                  6,127,276                 12.94
Holders of the Company
Share Capital                             863,214                   863,214                      0
Net Assets Per Share
Attributable to the Equity
                                                 8.02                   7.10                 12.94
Holders of the Company
                                                          Beginning of
                                Reporting                   year to
                                             Change (%)     end of     Change (%)
                               (2011 third                 reporting
                                 quarter)                   period
Revenue                            4,087,971         3.08   13,309,511       14.33
Profit Attributable to the
Equity Holders of the                 399,891             -2.50        1,474,909              1.74
Net Cash Generated From
                                             -                 -         432,995             -77.83
Operating Activities
Net Cash Flow Per Share
from Operating Activities                    -                 -               0.50          -77.83
Basic Earnings Per Share
                                         0.46             -2.50                1.71           1.74
Diluted Earnings Per Share
                                         0.46             -2.50                1.71           1.74
                                                    Down 1.24                         Down 4.51
Weighted Average Return on
                                         6.38       percentage             21.97      percentage
Net Asset Ratio (%)
                                                         points                            points

      2.2 Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders holding unlimited
      tradable shares as at the end of reporting period
Total shareholders at the JMC had 25,727 shareholders, including 19,409 A-share
end of reporting period     holders and 6,318 B-share holders, as of September 30, 2011.
Top ten shareholders holding unlimited tradable shares
                       Name                             Shares as of        Share Type
                                                       September 30,
Jiangling Motor Holding Co., Ltd. (”JMH”)               354,176,000      A share
Ford Motor Company                                          258,964,200      B share
Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd.                                13,019,610      A share
National Social Security Fund- Portfolio 102                 10,030,098      A share
Huaan Tactical Select Securities Investment Fund               9,912,299     A share
Bosera Thematic Sector Equity Securities
                                                               9,500,000     A share
Investment Fund
Dragon Billion China Master Fund                               8,969,196     B share
Rongtong New Blue-chip Securities Investment
                                                               5,415,930     A share
Jpmblsa Re Ftif Templeton China Fund Gti 5497                  4,827,483     B share
National Social Security Fund- Portfolio 103                   4,099,149     A share

                                   §3     Major Events
      3.1 Causes and explanations of major changes of financial indicators
      compared with those of previous reporting period
      □√Applicable □Not Applicable
      In the first nine months of 2011, the Company achieved a sales volume of
      149,352 units, including 53,666 JMC-brand trucks, 51,913 JMC-brand pickups
      and SUVs, and 43,773 Ford-brand commercial vehicles. Total sales volume
      was up 12% from the same period last year. Under IFRS, revenue and net
      profit for the first nine months of 2011 were RMB 13,310 million and RMB
      1,475 million, up 14% and 2% respectively from the same period last year.

      In the third quarter of 2011, net profit was RMB 400 million, down 2.5% from
      the same period last year. Gross profit margin was 24.8%, down approximately
      0.7 percentage points from the same period last year, primarily reflecting
      pricing actions for selected products and raw material cost increase.

      Trade and other receivables at the end of the reporting period increased by
      RMB 676 million, up 82% from the end of 2010, primarily reflecting increased
      credit support to dealers.

      Current income tax liabilities at the end of the reporting period decreased by
      RMB 35 million, down 37% from the end of 2010, primarily reflecting tax
      payment recalendarization.

      Borrowings in current liabilities at the end of the reporting period decreased by

RMB 25 million, down 98% from the end of 2010, primarily reflecting
repayment of bank loan.

Sales tax in the third quarter increased by RMB 55 million, up 79% compared
with the same period last year, primarily reflecting higher consumption tax
generated from volume growth and a new levy of construction and education

Financial income in the third quarter increased by RMB 17 million, up 79%
compared with the same period last year, primarily reflecting increase of
interest income on bank deposits and improved cash management.

2011 year-to-date net cash generated from operating activities was RMB 433
million, RMB 1,520 million lower than 2010, down 78% compared with the
same period last year, primarily reflecting working capital changes.

2011 year-to-date net cash used in investing activities was RMB 490 million,
RMB 270 million higher than 2010, up 123% compared with the same period
last year, primarily reflecting investments related to the new Xiaolan assembly

2011 year-to-date net cash used in financing activities was RMB 734 million,
RMB 290 million higher than 2010, up 65% compared with the same period
last year, primarily reflecting an increased cash dividend payment.

3.2 Analysis of major events, their impacts and resolutions
3.2.1 Abnormal audit report
□Applicable     □√Not Applicable

3.2.2 Funds provided for the controlling shareholder and its related parties, or
outside guarantee in breach of the laws and regulations
□Applicable    □√Not Applicable

3.2.3 Signature and implementation of major contract regarding routine
operation activities
□Applicable       □√Not Applicable

3.2.4 Others
□Applicable     □√Not Applicable

            3.3 Implementation of commitments made by the Company, shareholders or
            actual controlling parties
                Item                   Promisor                   Implementation of commitments
                                                               In the reporting period, JMH
Share reform                                 JMH            * exercised its commitments sincerely
                                                               and did not breach the promise.
Acquisition report or Statement
                                            None        None                                   N/A
of changes in equity
Major asset restructuring                   None        None                                   N/A
Initial Public Offering                     None        None                                   N/A
Other commitments (including
                                            None        None                                   N/A
additional commitments)

          *JMH, which holds 41.03% of JMC total shares, issued letters of commitment,
          and declared and promised the following:
          (1) according to the requirements of Rules on Implementing the Full Tradable
              Share Reform of the Listed Companies, legal commitments will be fulfilled
              in accordance with provisions of the stock exchange rules, regulations
              and laws;
          (2) the promisor ensures that it will compensate losses resulting from partial or
              complete non-fulfillment of its promises to other shareholders; and
          (3) the promisor will fulfill its commitments faithfully and accept relevant legal
              responsibility, and it will not transfer its shares unless the transferee
              agrees and accepts liability to undertake the responsibility of the promise.

          JMH promises specifically to pay the consideration on behalf of the
          unlisted-share holders who opposed the Share Reform or did not express their
          opinions. The above-mentioned unlisted-share holders should repay the
          consideration paid by JMH and the interest, or obtain written consent from
          JMH, if they want to list their shares.

          3.4 Warning and explanations as to the situation that accumulated net profit
          during the period from year beginning to the end of next reporting period may
          be negative or, compared with the same period last year, may have a
          substantial change
          □Applicable □√Not Applicable

          3.5 Explanations on other major events
          3.5.1 Securities investments
          □Applicable      □√Not Applicable

      3.5.2 External research and media interviews with the Company in the
      reporting period
    Date        Place     Communication              Object               Information discussed
                              Method                                       and sources offered
July 7, 2011   In the    Oral              Three analysts from           JMC Operating
               Company   Communication     Shanghai Heqi Investment      highlights
                                           Company, Value Star Asset
                                           Management Co., Ltd.
July 13,       In the    Oral              Five analysts from First      JMC Operating
2011           Company   Communication     Shanghai Securities Co.,      highlights
                                           Ltd., Shenzhen Pingshi
                                           Investment Company,
                                           Beijing Hongdao Investment
                                           Company, TF Securities
                                           Co., Ltd.
July 20,       In the    Oral              An analyst from Shanghai      JMC Operating
2011           Company   Communication     Wisdom Investment             highlights
                                           Management Co., Ltd.
September      In the    Oral              Two analysts from             JMC Operating
2, 2011        Company   Communication     Everbright Securities         highlights
                                           Company Limited,
                                           Huatai-PineBridge Fund
                                           Management Co., Ltd.
September      In the    Oral              Eight analysts from China     JMC Operating
27, 2011       Company   Communication     International Capital         highlights
                                           Corporation Limited, Orient
                                           Securities Company
                                           Limited, New Tongfang
                                           Investment Company,
                                           Fortune SG Fund
                                           Management Co., Ltd.,
                                           Baoying Fund Management
                                           Co., Ltd., HuaAn Fund
                                           Management Co., Ltd.,

      3.6 Securities derivates investment
      □Applicable     □√Not Applicable
      3.6.1 Balance of securities derivates at the end of reporting period
      □Applicable     □√Not Applicable

      Board of Directors
      Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
      October 27, 2011


Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
 (All amounts in RMB thousands)          30 September          31 December
                                                  2011*               2010

 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment               2,927,474            2,630,524
 Lease prepayment                              272,978              277,870
 Intangible assets                              22,144               31,302
 Investments in associates                      15,776               17,928
 Deferred income tax assets                    152,775              205063
                                             3,391,147            3,162,687

 Current assets
 Inventories                                 1,212,702            1,436,492
 Trade and other receivables                 1,500,877              825,374
 Cash and cash equivalents                   5,021,984            5,813,162
                                             7,735,563            8,075,028
 Total assets                               11,126,710           11,237,715

 Capital and reserves
 attributable to the Company’s
 equity holders
 Share capital                                 863,214              863,214
 Share premium                                 816,609              816,609
 Other reserves                                457,650              457,650
 Retained earnings                           4,782,773            3,989,803
                                             6,920,246            6,127,276
 Non-controlling interests                     116,479              115,319
 Total equity                                7,036,725            6,242,595

 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                                     6,450                6,939
 Retirement benefit obligations                43,982               54,569
 Warranty provisions                          140,628              171,789
                                              191,060              233,297

 Current liabilities
 Trade financial liabilities                     1,692                    -
 Trade and other payables                    3,823,634            4,628,421
 Current income tax liabilities                 61,095               96,310
 Borrowings                                        416               25,004
 Retirement benefits obligations                12,088               12,088
                                             3,898,925            4,761,823
 Total liabilities                           4,089,985            4,995,120

 Total equity and liabilities               11,126,710           11,237,715

*: Unaudited financial indexes

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Consolidated Income Statement

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
(All amounts in RMB thousands)        2011.7.1-        2010.7.1-        2011.1.1-        2010.1.1-
                                     2011.9.30*       2010.9.30*       2011.9.30*       2010.9.30*

Revenue                                4,087,971        3,965,946        13,309,511     11,641,763
Sales tax                              (125,137)          (70,022)        (387,856)       (201,421)
Cost of sales                        (3,074,365)      (2,954,385)      (10,066,862)     (8,629,733)
Gross profit                             888,469          941,539         2,854,793       2,810,609
Distribution costs                     (270,320)        (280,321)         (672,713)       (661,557)
Administrative expenses                (188,552)        (196,941)         (549,745)       (488,309)
Other income/(expenses)                    1,954           (2,438)            2,633          (6,317)
Operating profit                         431,551          461,839         1,634,968       1,654,426

Finance income                           38,978           22,126           119,411          64,489
Finance costs                            (1,276)          (1,051)           (1,846)         (1,896)
Finance income -net                      37,702           21,075           117,565          62,593

Share of profit of associates              1,728            1,480            4,957           5,077
Profit before income tax                470,981          484,394         1,757,490       1,722,096
Income tax expense                      (64,928)         (68,314)        (253,037)       (251,196)
Profit for the period                   406,053          416,080         1,504,453       1,470,900

Profit attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company           399,891          410,127         1,474,909       1,449,639
Non-controlling interests                 6,162            5,953            29,544          21,261
                                        406,053          416,080         1,504,453       1,470,900

Other comprehensive income                        -                -                -                -
Total comprehensive income for
the period                              406,053          416,080         1,504,453       1,470,900

Total comprehensive income
attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company           399,891          410,127         1,474,909       1,449,639
Non-controlling interests                 6,162            5,953            29,544          21,261
                                        406,053          416,080         1,504,453       1,470,900

Earnings per share for profit
attributable to the equity holders
of the Company
(expressed in RMB per share)
- Basic and diluted                        0.46              0.48             1.71             1.68

*: Unaudited financial indexes

       Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
       Consolidated cash flow statement

       (Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
(All amounts in RMB thousands)
                                                     2011.7.1-2011.9.30*    2011.1.1-2011.9.30*

Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                                  346,423                 669,182
Interest paid                                                          -                  (422)
Income Tax paid                                                 (62,805)              (235,765)

Net cash generated from operating activities                    283,618                432,995

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of held-to-maturity investments                               -              (314,968)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment(“PPE”)             (217,893)              (617,155)

Proceeds from disposal of PPE                                         53                  1,292
Interest received                                                 60,135                118,557
Proceed from repayment of held-to-maturity
                                                                        -              315,326
Dividends received                                                 7,109                   7,109

Net cash used in investing activities                          (150,596)              (489,839)

Cash flows from financing activities
Repayments of borrowings                                               -               (24,668)
Dividends paid to the Company’s shareholders                  (707,962)              (708,238)
Other cash paid relating to financing activities                 (1,196)                (1,427)

Net cash used in financing activities                          (709,158)              (734,333)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents                                                    (576,136)              (791,177)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                        -             5,813,162
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2011                      5,598,121                       -
Effects of exchange rate changes                                      (1)                    (1)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                     5,021,984              5,021,984

       *: Unaudited financial indexes
