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江 铃B:2013年第一季度报告全文(英文版)2013-04-26  

						Share’s name:   Jiangling Motors   Share’s code:   000550   No.:   2013-015
                 Jiangling B                         200550

                  Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
                      2013 First Quarter Report

                            §1    Important Note
1.1 The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its
members, and the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed in the
report and confirm that the information disclosed herein does not contain false
statements, misrepresentations or major omissions.

1.2 The Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management undertake and have
no objection to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of
the First Quarter Report.

1.3 Director Howard D. Welsh did not attend this meeting in person, and he
authorized Vice Chairman David L. Schoch to represent him at this meeting.
Other Directors were present at the Board meeting in person.

1.4 The financial statements in this Quarterly Report are not audited.

1.5 Chairman Wang Xigao, President Yuan-Ching Chen, CFO Dennis Leu and
Chief of Finance Department, Ding Ni, confirm that the financial statements in
this Quarterly Report are truthful and complete.

1.6 All financial data in this Quarterly Report are prepared under International
Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) unless otherwise specified.

                                     §2       Brief Introduction
       2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                                Unit: RMB’000

                                          2013                2012
                                                                                 Change (%)
                                      First Quarter       First Quarter
    Revenue                              4,900,875              4,493,960                    9.05
    Profit Attributable to the
    Equity Holders of the                    499,879              475,479                    5.13
    Net Cash Generated
                                             886,373              746,616                   18.72
    From Operating Activities
    Basic Earnings Per Share
                                                0.58                   0.55                  5.13
    Diluted Earnings Per
                                                0.58                   0.55                  5.13
    Share (RMB)
    Weighted Average Return                                                          Down 0.30
                                                6.00                   6.30
    on Net Asset Ratio (%)                                                      percentage point
                                          March 31,       December 31,
                                                                                 Change (%)
                                            2013             2013
    Total Assets                          13,658,323         13,111,354                      4.17
    Shareholders’ Equity
    Attributable to the Equity             8,581,211            8,082,872                    6.17
    Holders of the Company

       2.2 Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders at the end of
       reporting period
                          JMC had 25,355 shareholders, including 19,313 A-share holders and 6,042
Total shareholders
                          B-share holders as of March 31, 2013.
  Top ten shareholders
                                                                                            Shares due
                                             Shareholding     Shares at the   Shares with
                            Shareholder                                                          to
 Shareholder Name                             Percentage      End of 2013      Trading
                               Type                                                          mortgage
                                                 (%)          First Quarter   Restriction
                                                                                             or frozen
Jiangling         Motor   State-owned
                                                    41.03      354,176,000              0            0
Holding Co., Ltd.         legal person
Ford Motor Company        Foreign legal
                                                    30.40      262,436,947              0            0
Shanghai Automotive       State-owned
                                                       1.51     13,019,610              0            0
Co., Ltd.                 Legal person
National       Social     Domestic
Security       Fund-      non-state-owned              1.30     11,234,091              0            0
Portfolio 102             legal person
Huaan Tactical Select     Domestic                     0.84      7,262,451              0            0

Securities Investment    non-state-owned
Fund                     legal person
Jpmblsa      Re   Ftif
                         Foreign legal
Templeton China Fund                               0.70         6,071,850       0             0
Gti 5497
National        Social  Domestic
Security        Fund-   non-state-owned             0.68        5,856,528       0             0
Portfolio 418           legal person
Guotai Jinma Stable
                        non-state-owned             0.57        4,907,787       0             0
Return Equities Fund    legal person
New China Select Domestic
Securities Investment non-state-owned               0.56        4,804,583       0             0
Fund                    legal person
                        Foreign legal
Invesco Funds Sicav                                 0.54        4,698,109       0             0
  Top ten shareholders holding unlimited tradable shares
           Shareholder Name                 Shares without Trading          Share Type
Jiangling Motor Holding Co., Ltd.                          354,176,000                   A share
Ford Motor Company                                         262,436,947                   B share
Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd.                               13,019,610                   A share
National Social Security Fund- Portfolio
                                                            11,234,091                   A share
Huaan     Tactical   Select   Securities
                                                             7,262,451                   A share
Investment Fund
Jpmblsa Re Ftif Templeton China Fund
                                                             6,071,850                   B share
Gti 5497
National Social Security Fund- Portfolio
                                                             5,856,528                   A share
Guotai Jinma Stable Return Equities Fund                     4,907,787                   A share
New China Select Securities Investment
                                                             4,804,583                   A share
Invesco Funds Sicav                                          4,698,109                   B share
Notes on association among
above-mentioned shareholders

                                   §3    Major Events
       3.1 Causes and explanations of major changes of financial indicators
       compared with those of previous reporting period
       □√Applicable □Not Applicable
       In the first quarter of 2013, JMC sold 56,420 vehicles, including 17,230
       JMC-brand trucks, 19,565 JMC-brand pickups (including 1,845 Yuhu Pickups),
       2,689 Yusheng-brand SUVs, 16,704 Ford-brand commercial vehicles, and 232
       heavy trucks. Total sales volume increased by 7.1% compared with the same
       period last year. Revenue and net profit during the reporting period were RMB

4,901 million and RMB 500 million, up 9.05% and 5% respectively compared
with the same period last year.

In the first quarter of 2013, JMC achieved 26% gross profit margin, an increase
of 2 percent compared with the same period last year, mainly attributed to the
continuous cost control and improvement of product line mix.

Lease prepayment at the end of the reporting period increased by RMB 281
million, up 106% from the end of 2012, primarily reflecting the inclusion of the
land property of JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd. (“JMCH”)

Intangible assets at the end of the reporting period increased by RMB 88
million, up 498% from the end of 2012, primarily explained by the goodwill
increase from the acquisition of Taiyuan Changan Heavy Truck Company

Other non-current assets at the end of the reporting period were down by RMB
81 million from the end of 2012, as the advanced payment for acquisition of
TCHT was included in prior period.

Held-to-maturity investment at the end of the reporting period were increased
by RMB 100 million from the end of 2012, primarily reflecting increase of
central bank note

Non-controlling interests at the end of the reporting period were down by RMB
106 million from the end of 2012, primarily because the Company transferred
the equity of Jiangling-Isuzu Motors Company Limited to Jiangling Motors
Company (Group).

Deferred income tax liabilities at the end of the reporting period increased by
RMB 31 million from the end of 2012, primarily reflecting the deferred income
tax liabilities derived from the assets evaluation of JMCH.

Administrative Expenses in the first quarter of 2013 increased by RMB 136
million, up 80% compared with the same period last year, primarily reflecting
the growth of product development costs.

Finance income -net in the first quarter of 2013 decreased by RMB 19 million,

down 37% compared with the same period last year, primarily reflecting lower
payment for the use of the Company’s funds from dealers and interest
expense of JMCH.

Other income in the first quarter of 2013 decreased by RMB 16 million, down
98% compared with the same period last year, mainly reflecting the decrease
of government subsidy funds compared with the same period last year.

2013 year-to-date net cash used in investing activities was RMB 393 million,
increased by RMB 146 million, up 59% compared with the same period of
2012, primarily reflecting the payment for acquiring TCHT equity.

2013 year-to-date net cash used in financing activities was 550 million,
increased by RMB 550 million compared with the same period of 2012,
primarily reflecting the repayment of borrowing of JMCH.

3.2 Analysis of major events, their impacts and resolutions
1. On January 8, 2013, Taiyuan Changan Heavy Truck Company (“TCHT”)
completed its industrial and commercial registration changes and its company
name was changed as JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd. (“JMCH”). JMC paid
off the remaining of RMB 189,000,000 for acquiring 100% equity of TCHT in
January 2013 (total consideration concerning TCHT equity transfer was RMB
270 million, and prepayment of RMB 81 million was paid off in 2012). Upon the
completion of the equity transfer, JMCH is a whole-owned subsidiary of the
Company to manufacture heavy duty trucks. In the reporting period, JMCH has
been added into the consolidated scope of JMC financial statements.

2. Jiangling Motors Company (Group) had paid off RMB 318,499,168 to the
Company as a consideration of the equity transfer of Jiangling-Isuzu Motors
Company, Ltd. (“Jiangling-Isuzu”). The relevant government approval and
industrial and commercial registration changes concerning the equity transfer
has been completed. Jiangling-Isuzu has been deleted from the consolidated
scope of JMC financial statements.

Jiangling-Isuzu was a subsidiary of JMC in the past, and JMC held 75% equity
of Jiangling-Isuzu.

3.3 Commitments made by the Company or the shareholder holding 5% or
more of the Company shares during the reporting period
□Applicable   □√Not Applicable

3.4 Forecast on 2013 first half-year operating performance

   Warning and explanations as to the situation that accumulated net profit during
   the period from year beginning to the end of next reporting period may be
   negative or, compared with the same period last year, may have a substantial
   □Applicable    □√Not Applicable

   3.5 Securities investments
   □Applicable      □√Not Applicable

   3.6 Securities derivates investment
   □Applicable     □√Not Applicable
   3.6.1 Balance of securities derivates at the end of reporting period
   □Applicable     □√Not Applicable

   3.7 External research and media interview to the Company in the reporting
  Date       Place     Communication             Object             Information discussed
                           Method                                    and sources offered
January    In the     Oral                An analyst from          JMC Operating highlights
7, 2013    Company    Communication       Harvest Fund
                                          Management Co., Ltd.
January    In the     Oral                An analyst from China    JMC Operating highlights
9, 2013    Company    Communication       International Capital
                                          Corporation Limited.
January    In the     Oral                Four analysts from       JMC Operating highlights
10, 2013   Company    Communication       Guotai Junan
                                          Securities Co., Ltd.
January    In the     Oral                An analyst from Tianli   JMC Operating highlights
16, 2013   Company    Communication       Investment Singapore
                                          (Private) Company
January    In the     Oral                An analyst from BOC      JMC Operating highlights
18, 2013   Company    Communication       International (China)
January    In the     Oral                Eleven analysts from     JMC Operating highlights
24, 2013   Company    Communication       Sun Life Everbright
                                          Asset Management
                                          Co., Ltd., Essence
                                          Fund Management
                                          Co., Ltd, SMC China
                                          Fund, CITIC Securities
                                          Co., Ltd., Huashang
                                          Fund Management
                                          Co., Ltd.,
                                          Fund Management
                                          Co., Ltd., New Times
                                          Securities Co., Ltd.,
                                          Juntai Consulting
                                          Company, Keywise
                                          Capital Management
                                          Co., Ltd.
February   In the     Oral                An analyst from          JMC Operating highlights

20, 2013    Company   Communication     Changjiang Securities
                                        Co., Ltd.
March 29,   In the    Oral              Four analysts from        JMC Operating highlights
2013        Company   Communication     China Fortune
                                        Securities Company,
                                        ABC-CA Fund
                                        Management Co., Ltd.,
                                        Haitong Securities Co.,

   Board of Directors
   Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
   April 27, 2013

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
March 31, 2013
                    (Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
(All amounts in RMB thousands unless otherwise stated)
                                                              31 March 2013*    31 December 2012
                                                                     RMB’000           RMB’000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                     4,534,660          4,139,276
 Lease prepayment                                                    546,051            264,824
 Intangible assets                                                   105,719             17,678
 Investments in associate                                             25,536             22,319
 Other non-current assets                                                   -            81,000
 Deferred income tax assets                                          166,117            181,515
                                                                   5,378,083          4,706,612

 Current assets
 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                      -               322
 Inventories                                                       1,161,478           1,194,811
 Trade and other receivables                                       1,515,416           1,649,916
 Held-to-maturity investment                                         100,000                   -
 Cash and cash equivalents                                         5,503,346           5,559,693
                                                                   8,280,240           8,404,742
 Total assets                                                     13,658,323          13,111,354

 Capital and reserves attributable to the pany’s
 Company’s equity holders
 Share capital                                                       863,214             863,214
 Share premium                                                       816,609             816,609
 Other reserves                                                      456,110            457,650
 Retained earnings                                                 6,445,278          5,945,399
                                                                   8,581,211          8,082,872
 Non-controlling interests                                                 -            106,378
 Total equity                                                      8,581,211          8,189,250

 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                                                            5,747              5,762
 Deferred income tax liablities                                       31,275                 -
 Retirement benefit obligations                                       47,532             50,592
 Warranty provisions                                                 159,733            152,467
 Other non-current liabilities                                         5,620                 -
                                                                     249,907            208,821

 Current liabilities
 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss              676                  -
 Trade and other payables                                          4,814,401          4,669,878
 Current income tax liabilities                                            -             31,276
 Borrowings                                                              411                412
 Retirement benefits obligations                                      11,717             11,717
                                                                   4,827,205          4,713,283
 Total liabilities                                                 5,077,112          4,922,104

 Total equity and liabilities                                     13,658,323          13,111,354
*: Unaudited financial indexes
  Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
  Consolidated Income Statement
  2013 First quarter
                            (Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
  (All amounts in RMB thousands unless otherwise stated)
                                                    2013 first quarter*   2012 first quarter*
                                                              RMB’000              RMB’000

Revenue                                                      4,900,875             4,493,960
Sales tax                                                    (165,247)             (145,268)
Cost of sales                                              (3,635,962)           (3,409,213)
Gross profit                                                 1,099,666               939,479
Distribution costs                                           (231,767)             (272,955)
Administrative expenses                                      (306,221)             (170,450)
Other income                                                       239                15,513
Operating profit                                               561,917               511,587

Finance income                                                  38,861                54,346
Finance costs                                                   (4,569)                (240)
Finance income -net                                             34,292                54,106

Share of profit of associates                                    3,218                 1,577
Profit before income tax                                      599,427               567,270
Income tax expense                                            (80,288)              (88,725)
Profit for the period                                         519,139               478,545

Profit attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company                                  499,879              475,479
Non-controlling interests                                       19,260                3,066
                                                               519,139              478,545

Other comprehensive income                                           -                    -
Total comprehensive income for the period                      519,139              478,545

Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company                                  499,879              475,479
Non-controlling interests                                       19,260                3,066
                                                               519,139              478,545

Earnings per share for profit attributable to
the equity holders of the Company
(expressed in RMB per share)
- Basic and diluted                                               0.58                  0.55

  *: Unaudited financial indexes

     Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
     Consolidated cash flow statement
     2013 First Quarter
                              (Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
     (All amounts in RMB thousands unless otherwise stated)
                                                          2013 first quarter*   2012 first quarter*
                                                                    RMB’000              RMB’000

Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                                     1,030,289               764,711
Interest paid                                                         (5,165)                (220)
Income tax paid                                                    (138,751)              (17,875)

Net cash generated from operating activities                         886,373              746,616

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of held-to-maturity investments                           (100,000)                    -
Purchase of property, plant and equipment(“PPE”)                 (220,865)             (299,837)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired                  (166,168)                    -
Other cash paid relating to investing activities                          -                  (328)
Proceeds from disposal of PPE                                          1,142                   350
Interest received                                                     92,901                52,867
Other cash received from investing activities                            153                   508

Net cash used in investing activities                              (392,837)             (246,440)

Cash flows from financing activities
Repayments of borrowings                                           (424,000)                       -
Dividends paid to minority shareholders of a subsidiary            (125,638)                       -
Other cash paid relating to financing activities                       (245)                    (145)

Net cash used in financing activities                              (549,883)                    (145)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                 (56,347)              500,031
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                     5,559,693             5,384,977
Effects of exchange rate changes                                            -                    -
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                         5,503,346             5,885,008

     *: Unaudited financial indexes
