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江 铃B:2013年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2013-10-28  

						Share’s name:   Jiangling Motors   Share’s code:   000550   No.:   2013-038
                 Jiangling B                         200550

                  Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
                      2013 Third Quarter Report

                            §1    Important Note
1.1 The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its
members, and the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed in the
report and confirm that the information disclosed herein does not contain false
statements, misrepresentations or major omissions.

1.2 The Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management undertake and have
no objection to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of
the Third Quarter Report.

1.3 All the Directors were present at the Board meeting.

1.4 The financial statements in this Quarterly Report are not audited.

1.5 Chairman Wang Xigao, President Yuan-Ching Chen, CFO Dennis Leu and
Chief of Finance Department, Ding Ni, confirm that the financial statements in
this Quarterly Report are truthful and complete.

1.6 All financial data in this Quarterly Report are prepared under International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) unless otherwise specified.

                                §2      Brief Introduction
       2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                          Unit: RMB000
                                  At the end of      At the end of the           Change (%)
                                reporting period      previous year
Total Assets                            14,863,517           13,111,354                     13.36
Shareholders equity
Attributable to the Equity              8,736,151                 8,082,872                  8.08
Holders of the Company
                                                         Beginning of
                                Reporting                  year to
                                             Change (%)    end of     Change (%)
                               (2013 third                reporting
                                 quarter)                   period
Revenue                            5,124,475       27.34   14,795,232       16.08
Profit Attributable to the
Equity Holders of the                 321,566          -3.95          1,259,069              7.28
Net Cash Generated From
                                             -                -       2,143,711             71.43
Operating Activities
Basic Earnings Per Share
                                         0.37          -3.95                  1.46           7.28
Diluted Earnings Per Share
                                         0.37          -3.95                  1.46           7.28
                                                 Down 0.54                           Down 0.50
Weighted Average Return on
                                         4.19    percentage               14.68      percentage
Net Asset Ratio (%)
                                                       point                               point

       2.2 Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders at the end of
       reporting period
                          JMC had 23,889 shareholders, including 18,743 A-share holders and 5,146
Total shareholders
                          B-share holders as of September 30, 2013.
  Top ten shareholders
                                                                                          Shares due
                                            Shareholding     Shares as of   Shares with
                            Shareholder                                                        to
 Shareholder Name                            Percentage       September      Trading
                               Type                                                        mortgage
                                                (%)            30, 2013     Restriction
                                                                                           or frozen
Jiangling         Motor   State-owned
                                                  41.03       354,176,000             0            0
Holding Co., Ltd.         legal person
Ford Motor Company        Foreign legal
                                                  31.83       274,759,441             0            0
Shanghai Automotive       State-owned
                                                    1.51       13,019,610             0            0
Co., Ltd.                 Legal person
Canada Pension Plan       Foreign legal
                                                    0.92        7,923,990             0            0
Investment Board          person
National        Social    Domestic
Security        Fund-     non-state-owned           0.91        7,850,000             0            0
Portfolio 418             legal person
Jpmblsa      Re   Ftif
                          Foreign legal
Templeton China Fund                                0.70       6,071,850              0            0
Gti 5497
New China Select          Domestic
Securities Investment     non-state-owned           0.70        6,048,627             0            0
Fund                      legal person
Invesco Funds Sicav       Foreign legal
                                                    0.54        4,698,109             0            0
Templeton       Dragon    Foreign legal
                                                    0.46       3,985,917              0            0
Fund, Inc.                person
Templeton Gbl Invstmt
                          Foreign legal
Trst-Tmpltn   Emgng                                 0.38       3,300,966              0            0
Mkts Small Cap Fd
  Top ten shareholders holding unlimited tradable shares
             Shareholder Name                Shares without Trading              Share Type
Jiangling Motor Holding Co., Ltd.                       354,176,000                           A share
Ford Motor Company                                         274,759,441                        B share
Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd.                               13,019,610                        A share
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board                         7,923,990                        A share
National Social Security Fund- Portfolio
                                                             7,850,000                        A share
Jpmblsa Re Ftif Templeton China Fund
                                                            6,071,850                         B share
Gti 5497
New China Select Securities Investment
                                                             6,048,627                        A share
Invesco Funds Sicav                                          4,698,109                        B share

Templeton Dragon Fund, Inc.                          3,985,917                        B share
Templeton Gbl Invstmt         Trst-Tmpltn
                                                     3,300,966                        B share
Emgng Mkts Small Cap Fd
Notes on association among
above-mentioned shareholders

                                   §3    Major Events
      3.1 Causes and explanations of major changes of financial indicators
      compared with those of previous reporting period
      □√Applicable □Not Applicable
      In the first nine months of 2013, JMC sold 165,196 vehicles, including 57,633
      JMC-brand trucks, 50,988 JMC-brand pickups (including 6,537 Yuhu Pickups),
      7,181 Yusheng-brand SUVs, 49,055 Ford-brand commercial vehicles and 339
      heavy trucks. Total sales volume increased by 12% compared with the same
      period last year. Under IFRS, revenue and net profit for the first nine months of
      2013 was RMB 14,795 million and RMB 1,259 million up 16.08% and 7.28%
      respectively from the same period last year.

      In the first nine months of 2013, JMC achieved 26% gross profit margin, an
      increase of 1 percentage point from the same period last year, primarily
      reflecting the continuing and effective cost control and favorable sales mix of
      the Company.

      Lease prepayment at the end of the reporting period increased by RMB 275
      million, up 104% from the end of 2012, primarily reflecting the inclusion of the
      land property of JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd. (“JMCH”).

      Other non-current assets at the end of the reporting period decreased by RMB
      81 million from the end of 2012, as the advanced payment for acquisition of
      JMCH was included in prior period.

      Intangible assets at the end of the reporting period increased by RMB 88
      million, up 496% from the end of 2012, primarily reflecting the goodwill
      increasing by the acquisition of JMCH.

      Deferred income tax liabilities at the end of the reporting period increased by
      RMB 31 million from the end of 2012, primarily reflecting the deferred income
      tax liabilities derived from the assets evaluation of JMCH.

      Current income tax liabilities at the end of the reporting period increased by
      RMB 34 million, up 108% from the end of 2012, primarily reflecting the
      repayment of income tax increased.

            Sales tax in the third quarter increased by RMB 50 million, up 50% compared
            with the same period last year, primarily reflecting the volume increasing and
            higher mixes of SUV and Transit vehicle.

            Distribution costs in the third quarter increased by RMB 156 million, up 61%
            compared with the same period last year, primarily reflecting the growth of
            product volume and expense relating to new mode launch.

            2013 year-to-date net cash used in operating activities was RMB 2,144 million,
            increased by RMB 893 million, up 71% compared with the same period last
            year, primarily reflecting the changes of operating activities.

            2013 year-to-date net cash used in financing activities was RMB 1,153 million,
            increased by RMB 377 million, up 49% compared with the same period last
            year, primarily reflecting the repayment of borrowing of JMCH.

            3.2 Analysis of major events, their impacts and resolutions
            □Applicable     □√Not Applicable

            3.3 Commitments of the Company or the shareholder holding 5% or more of
            the Company shares
            □√Applicable □Not Applicable
                             Promisor    Content of       Time        Term of           Implementation of
                                        Commitments                 Commitments           commitments
Share reform                                   None          None            None                           N/A
Acquisition report or
Statement of changes                           None          None            None                           N/A
in equity
Asset restructuring                            None          None            None                           N/A
Initial Public Offering or
                                               None          None            None                           N/A
                                 Ford                   April 16, within 6 months
                                                             2013 as of the       In the reporting period, Ford
                                                                  completion date exercised its commitments
Other commitments                                     *
                                                                  of this         sincerely and did not breach
                                                                  Shareholding                     the promise.

            * Ford undertakes that the additional shares acquired by it within 12 months as
            of the First Shareholding Increase Date (January 21, 2013) will not exceed 2%
            of the aggregate issued shares of the Company, and it will not reduce the
            shares it acquires in this Shareholding Increase within 6 months as of the
            completion date of this Shareholding Increase.

             3.4 Forecast on 2013 operating performance
             Warning and explanations as to the situation that accumulated net profit during
             the period from year beginning to the end of next reporting period may be
             negative or, compared with the same period last year, may have a substantial
             □Applicable □√Not Applicable

             3.5 Securities investments
             □Applicable      □√Not Applicable

             3.6 Securities derivates investment
             □Applicable     □√Not Applicable

             3.7 External research and media interviews with the Company in the reporting
    Date         Place    Communication      Type of               Object              Information discussed
                               Method         Object                                    and sources offered
July 11,      In the      Oral             Institution   Four analysts from Dacheng   JMC Operating
2013          Company     Communication                  Fund Management Co., Ltd.,   highlights
                                                         Mingsheng Securities
                                                         Company Limited, Manulife
                                                         Teda Fund Management
                                                         Co., Ltd., Owl Creek Asset
                                                         Management Lp.
July 25,      In the      Oral             Institution   Six analysts from UBS,       JMC Operating
2013          Company     Communication                  China Merchant Securities    highlights
                                                         Company Limited,
                                                         Chongyang Investment
                                                         Consulting Company,
                                                         Huachuang Securities
                                                         Company Limited
August 28,    In the      Oral             Institution   An analyst from Taikang      JMC Operating
2013          Company     Communication                  Asset Management Co., Ltd.   highlights
September     In the      Oral             Institution   An analyst from Chongyang    JMC Operating
11, 2013      Company     Communication                  Investment Consulting        highlights
September     In the      Oral             Institution   Two analysts from Bank of    JMC Operating
17, 2013      Company     Communication                  Communications Schroder      highlights
                                                         Fund Management Co., Ltd.
September     In the      Oral             Institution   Two analysts from Hanlun     JMC Operating
17, 2013      Company     Communication                  Investment Consulting        highlights
September     In the      Oral             Institution   An analyst from Owl Creek    JMC Operating
26, 2013      Company     Communication                  Asset Management Lp.         highlights
September     In the      Oral             Institution   An analyst from GF           JMC Operating
27, 2013      Company     Communication                  Securities Company Limited   highlights

             Board of Directors
             Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
             October 29, 2013

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
 (All amounts in RMB thousands)            30 September        31 December
                                                   2013*              2012

 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                 5,078,374          4,139,276
 Lease prepayment                                539,640            264,824
 Intangible assets                               105,390             17,678
 Investments in associates                        31,286             22,319
 Other non-current assets                              -             81,000
 Deferred income tax assets                      195,194            181,515
                                               5,949,884          4,706,612
 Current assets
 Financial assets at fair value
 through profit or loss                              124                322
 Inventories                                   1,498,551          1,194,811
 Trade and other receivables                   1,599,796          1,649,916
 Cash and cash equivalents                     5,815,162          5,559,693
                                               8,913,633          8,404,742
 Total assets                                 14,863,517         13,111,354

 Capital and reserves attributable
 to the Company’s equity holders
 Share capital                                   863,214            863,214
 Share premium                                   816,609            816,609
 Other reserves                                  456,110            457,650
 Retained earnings                             6,600,218          5,945,399
                                               8,736,151          8,082,872
 Non-controlling interests                             -            106,378
 Total equity                                  8,736,151          8,189,250

 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                                        5,435             5,762
 Deferred income tax liabilities                  30,749                 -
 Retirement benefit obligations                   42,616            50,592
 Provisions for warranty and other
 liabilities                                     188,718           152,467
 Other non-current liabilities                     5,580                 -
                                                 273,098           208,821
 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                      5,777,041          4,669,878
 Current income tax liabilities                   65,107             31,276
 Borrowings                                          403                412
 Retirement benefits obligations                  11,717             11,717
                                               5,854,268          4,713,283
 Total liabilities                             6,127,366          4,922,104

 Total equity and liabilities                 14,863,517         13,111,354
*: Unaudited financial indexes

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Consolidated Income Statement

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
(All amounts in RMB thousands)        2013.7.1-        2012.7.1-        2013.1.1-        2012.1.1-
                                     2013.9.30*       2012.9.30*       2013.9.30*       2012.9.30*

Revenue                                5,124,475        4,024,256        14,795,232     12,745,785
Sales tax                              (151,846)        (101,409)         (423,992)       (357,379)
Cost of sales                        (3,809,076)      (3,008,147)      (10,964,003)     (9,599,166)
Gross profit                           1,163,553          914,700         3,407,237       2,789,240
Distribution costs                     (410,820)        (254,949)         (978,387)       (806,530)
Administrative expenses                (411,336)        (322,404)       (1,086,910)       (697,595)
Other income/(expenses)                   11,096           (1,580)           17,276           6,869
Operating profit                         352,493          335,767         1,359,216       1,291,984

Finance income                           51,604           46,597           144,575         162,259
Finance costs                            (1,187)          (1,443)           (5,956)         (1,951)
Finance income -net                      50,417           45,154           138,619         160,308

Share of profit of associates              3,056            2,451            8,967           5,863
Profit before income tax                405,966          383,372         1,506,802       1,458,155
Income tax expense                      (84,400)         (44,501)        (228,473)       (264,997)
Profit for the period                   321,566          338,871         1,278,329       1,193,158

Profit attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company           321,566          334,774         1,259,069       1,173,672
Non-controlling interests                         -         4,097           19,260          19,486
                                        321,566          338,871         1,278,329       1,193,158

Other comprehensive income                        -                -                -                -
Total comprehensive income for
the period                              321,566          338,871         1,278,329       1,193,158

Total comprehensive income
attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company           321,566          334,774         1,259,069       1,173,672
Non-controlling interests                         -         4,097           19,260          19,486
                                        321,566          338,871         1,278,329       1,193,158

Earnings per share for profit
attributable to the equity holders
of the Company
(expressed in RMB per share)
- Basic and diluted                        0.37              0.39             1.46            1.36

*: Unaudited financial indexes

       Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
       Consolidated cash flow statement

       (Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)
(All amounts in RMB thousands)
                                                     2013.7.1-2013.9.30*   2013.1.1-2013.9.30*

Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                                  705,561              2,345,644
Interest paid                                                          -                  (5,211)
Income Tax paid                                                 (50,044)             (196,722)
Net cash generated from operating activities                    655,517              2,143,711

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of held-to-maturity investments                               -             (200,000)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment(“PPE”)             (275,179)             (718,804)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired                      -             (166,169)
Other cash paid relating to investment activities                  (374)                   (805)
Proceeds from disposal of PPE                                      1,241                   2,885
Proceed from repayment of held-to-maturity
investments                                                            -              200,524
Interest received                                                 25,552              147,305
Other cash received from investing activities                          -                  154
Net cash used in investing activities                          (248,760)             (734,910)

Cash flows from financing activities
Repayments of borrowings                                               -             (424,202)
Dividends paid to the Companys shareholders                    (601,194)             (602,039)
Dividends paid to minority shareholders of a
subsidiary                                                             -             (125,638)
Other cash paid relating to financing activities                 (1,098)                  (1,453)
Net cash used in financing activities                          (602,292)           (1,153,332)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents                                                    (195,535)              255,469
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                       -             5,559,693
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2013                      6,010,697                        -
Effects of exchange rate changes                                       -                     -
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                     5,815,162             5,815,162

       *: Unaudited financial indexes
