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江 铃B:2019年年度报告(英文版)2020-03-26  

						Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.

       2019 Annual Report
Chapter I           Important Notes, Contents and Abbreviations

Important Note
The Board of Directors and its members, the Supervisory Board and its members,
and the senior executives are jointly and severally liable for the truthfulness,
accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed in the report and confirm
that the information disclosed herein does not contain any false statement,
misrepresentation or major omission.

Chairman Qiu Tiangao, CFO Li Weihua and Chief of Finance Department, Ding
Ni, confirm that the Financial Statements in this Annual Report are truthful and

All Directors were present at the Board meeting to review this Annual Report.

The prospective description regarding future business plan and development
strategy in this report does not constitute virtual commitment. The investors shall
pay attention to the risk.

All financial data in this report are prepared under International Financial
Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) unless otherwise specified.

The Annual Report is prepared in Chinese and English. In case of discrepancy,
the Chinese version will prevail.

The year 2019 profit distribution proposal approved by the Board of Directors is
as follows:
A cash dividend of RMB 0.70 (including tax) will be distributed for every 10
shares held based on the total share capital of 863,214,000 shares, and there is
no stock dividend. The Board decided not to convert capital reserve to share
capital this time.


Chapter I      Important Notes, Contents and Abbreviations ............................... 1
Chapter II     Brief Introduction and Operating Highlight .................................... 3
Chapter III    Operating Overview ...................................................................... 7
Chapter IV     Management Discussion and Analysis .......................................... 9
Chapter V      Major Events ............................................................................... 21
Chapter VI     Share Capital Changes & Shareholders ...................................... 33
Chapter VII    Preferred Shares.......................................................................... 38
Chapter VIII   Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Employees ...... 39
Chapter IX     Corporate Governance Structure ................................................. 52
Chapter X      Corporate Bond............................................................................ 52
Chapter XI     Financial Statements ................................................................... 59
Chapter XII    Catalog on Documents for Reference ........................................ 128

JMC or the Company                      Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
JIC                                     Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.
Ford                                    Ford Motor Company
CSRC                                    China Securities Regulatory Commission
JMCG                                    Jiangling Motors Group Co., Ltd.
JMCH                                    JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.
EVP                                     Executive Vice President
CFO                                     Chief Financial Officer
VP                                      Vice President

Chapter II         Brief Introduction and Operating Highlight

1. Company’s Information

Share’s name         Jiangling Motors, Jiangling B Share’s Code   000550, 200550
Place of listing      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company’s Chinese
English name          Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
Abbreviation          JMC
Company legal
                      Qiu Tiangao
                      No. 509, Northern Yingbin Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi
Registered Address
                      Province, P.R.C
Postal Code of
Registered Address
Headquarters          No. 509, Northern Yingbin Avenue, Nanchang City, Jiangxi
Address               Province, P.R.C
Postal Code of
Headquarters          330001
Website               http://www.jmc.com.cn
E-mail                relations@jmc.com.cn

2. Contact Person and Method

                        Board Secretary                Securities Affairs Representative
Name          Wan Hong                              Quan Shi
              No. 509, Northern Yingbin Avenue,     No. 509, Northern Yingbin Avenue,
Address       Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province,      Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province,
              P.R.C                                 P.R.C
Tel           86-791-85266178                       86-791-85266178
Fax           86-791-85232839                       86-791-85232839
E-mail        relations@jmc.com.cn                  relations@jmc.com.cn

3. Information Disclosure and Place for Achieving Annual Report

Newspapers for information            China Securities, Securities Times, Hong Kong
disclosure                            Commercial Daily
Website designated by CSRC for
publication of JMC’s Annual Report
                                      Securities Department, Jiangling Motors
Place for Achieving Annual Report
                                      Corporation, Ltd.

4. Changes of Registration

 Organization Code            913600006124469438
 Changes in the Main
                              No change.
 Business since the Listing
                              On December 1, 1993, JMC A shares were listed on
                              Shenzhen Stock Exchange, while JMCG, the founder-
                              member, was the controlling shareholder of the Company.
                              On September 29, 1995 and November 12, 1998, JMC
                              issued additional 344 million B shares totally, while, after the
                              additional B share issuance, JMCG and Ford were the
                              controlling shareholders of the Company. On December 8,
                              2005, the 354.176 million JMC shares held by JMCG, the
                              former controlling shareholder, were transferred to Jiangling
 Changes of Controlling
                              Motor Holdings Co., Ltd. After the transference, Jiangling
                              Motor Holdings Co., Ltd. and Ford were the controlling
                              shareholders of the Company.
                              In 2019, Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd., the former
                              controlling shareholder, was divided and separated into
                              Jangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd. and Nanchang Jiangling
                              Investment Co., Ltd., and transferred the 354.176 million
                              JMC shares it held to Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co.,
                              Ltd. Presently, Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd. and
                              Ford are the controlling shareholders of the Company.

5. Other Information

Accounting Firm Appointed by JMC for Audit
                        PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP
                        (‘PwC Zhong Tian’)
                        11/F, PricewaterhouseCoopers Center Link Square 2,202 Hu
 Headquarters address
                        Bin Road, Huangpu District Shanghai 200021, PRC
 Names of Signed
                        Lei Fang, Ye Dan

    6. Main accounting data and financial ratios
                                                                    Unit: RMB’ 000
                                2019            2018        Change (%)        2017

Revenue                      29,173,636    28,249,340              3.27%    31,345,747
Profit Attributable to the
Equity Holders of the           147,812            91,833         60.96%       690,938
Net Cash Generated
                              2,733,963         -101,808        2785.41%       674,588
From Operating Activities
Basic Earnings Per Share
                                    0.17             0.11         60.96%              0.8
Diluted Earnings Per
                                    0.17             0.11         60.96%              0.8
Share (RMB)
Weighted Average Return
                                  1.42%            0.83%           0.59%        5.51%
on Equity Ratio
                             End of Year End of Year                       End of Year
                                                            Change (%)
                                2019        2018                              2017

Total Assets                 24,298,529    23,396,529              3.86%    26,383,761

Shareholders’ Equity
Attributable to the Equity   10,496,564    10,384,498              1.08%    12,572,402
Holders of the Company

    7. Accounting data difference between China GAAP and IFRS

    I. Differences in net profit and net assets in financial statements between in
    accordance with international accounting standards and Chinese accounting
    □Applicable □√Not Applicable

    II. Differences in net profit and net assets in financial statements between in
    accordance with overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting
    □Applicable □√Not Applicable

8. Main accounting data quarterly
                                                                 Unit: RMB’ 000
                               Q1              Q2          Q3            Q4
 Revenue                      6,506,386       7,215,568   6,686,321     8,765,361
 Profit Attributable to the
 Equity Holders of the          25,158          33,704      98,811        -9,861
 Net Cash Generated
 From Operating                -191,400       1,626,602    -151,987    1,450,748

Chapter III          Operating Overview

1. Company’s Core Business during the Reporting Period

JMC’s core business is production and sales of commercial vehicles, SUV and
related components. JMC’s major products include JMC series light truck, heavy
truck, pickup and light bus; Yusheng SUV; Ford-brand light bus, MPV and Ford
SUV. The Company also produces and sells engines, castings and other
components for sales to domestic and overseas markets.

2. Major Change of Main Assets

I. Major Change of Main Assets

There’s no major change of main assets during the reporting period.

II. Main Overseas Assets
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

3. Core Competitiveness Analysis

JMC is a sino-foreign joint venture auto company with R&D, manufacturing and
sales operations. With leading position and advanced technology of commercial
vehicles, JMC is a China auto industry pioneer providing excellent products and
solutions to smart logistics, which is certificated as a national high-tech enterprise,
national innovative pilot enterprise, national enterprise technology centre,
national industrial design centre, national intellectual property demonstration
enterprises and national automobile export base; and had been ranked among
the top 100 most valuable global brands for consecutive years.

On traditional business, with the support from Ford's advanced technology and
management experience, JMC's influence over auto industry is improving
steadily, making considerable progress both in new product development and
technical equipment. With the implementation of the national phase six emission
standards, JMC as the "bellwether" of the commercial vehicle market, rapidly
responds to the national policy to upgrade the emission of vehicle products by
virtue of its advanced product research and development technology and high-
quality manufacturing capacity. The JMC brand light truck EVI, Ford brand light
bus EVI and other series of products were successively launched. The new Ford
Territory SUV, based on deep insights into Chinese consumers, not only has
leading space and size at the same level, but also takes the lead in introducing
domestic technologies such as the Miller cycle engine, 48V micro-hybrid power,
and Feiyu Intelligent Voice Control System. Respond quickly to market demands,
increase comfort, intelligent network connectivity and assisted driving, including
16 all-standard 28-class leading configurations, which have been widely
recognized by the market and customers since launched. High standard Xiaolan

manufacturing site continues to expand modern plants of vehicle, engine and
frame, which will further ensure JMC's product production and quality
improvement. With the construction of Fushan new energy base, JMC will deliver
more new energy vehicles in the future which will lay a solid foundation for JMC’s
sustainable and healthy growth.

While continuous consolidating the traditional advantages, JMC has been
developing new business areas and innovative business models in response to
the new trend of overseas and domestic industries. In the new business field of
intelligent driving, as one of the first demonstration companies certified by the
vehicle networking product of China's self-developed global satellite positioning
system Beidou system, based on 5G and vehicle networking technology
application, the Company has researched and developed the first domestic
intelligent driving pure electric TeShun light bus product with autonomous driving
technology on the mass production model, achieve multiple functions such as
high-speed automatic formation, automatic remove formation, automatic obstacle
avoidance, automatic pull over, etc. The Company cooperated with Jiangxi
provincial Department of Transportation, China mobile, Huawei and other leading
enterprises to complete the Changjiu intelligent high-speed formation
autonomous driving demonstration project, Yingtan international IoT conference
collaboration and presentation project, 2019 World VR industry conference
collaboration and presentation project, etc. Based on the Company's new energy
light truck platform, cooperated with partners to build a full series of large-
tonnage autonomous special vehicles for environmental sanitation,the vehicles
will be used in municipal environmental sanitation and other demonstration
projects. Combining with the above intelligent driving cooperation projects, the
Company has become a member of National Science and Technology Major
Project, , joint National Science and Technology Major Project -- "Zhi Gan Xing"
subject research. In the field of new energy technology, based on the commercial
scenario, the Company vigorously promotes the research and sales of pure
electric vehicle, and develops hydrogen fuel and methanol fuel vehicle
technology with advantageous partners. In the new business ecology field, the
Company participates in the construction of the automobile business ecosystem,
and creates a new ecology of cross-industry intelligent service for commercial
vehicles with domestic financial enterprises, communication enterprises, logistics
enterprises and mobile travel operating enterprises.

Chapter IV          Management Discussion and Analysis

1. Summary

In 2019, China’s economic growth is slowing, so as its auto market. Total sales
volume was 25.72million units, decreased 7.51% compared with last year.

During the reporting period, to cope with more severe competition, more stringent
regulatory requirement and intensifying cost pressures, the Company focused on
quality improvement, new product development, operating cost control and
production efficiency enhancement. Simultaneously, the Company introduced
series of sales policy to respond the market risk. In 2019, JMC achieved sales
volume of 290,058 units, increased 1.75% compared with last year, achieved
revenue of RMB 29.17 billion, increased 3.27% compared with last year,
achieved net profit of RMB 148 million, increased 60.96% compared with last
year. It mainly reflects the rise in sales and the improvement of profitability
resulted from the Company has taken positive measures to reduce cost and
increase efficiency.

2. Core Business Analysis

I. Summary

In 2019, JMC sales volume achieved 290,058 units, increased 1.75% compared
with last year, including96,915 units JMC series truck, 59,486 units JMC series
pickup, 52,056 units SUV, 45,974 units Transit series commercial vehicle, and
35,627 units JMC branded light bus.

2019 total production volume was 288,074 units, increased 0.44% compared with
last year, including 96,513 units JMC series truck, 58,368 units JMC series
pickup, 51,881 units SUV, 45,735 units Transit series commercial vehicle, and
35,577 units JMC branded light bus.

JMC total sales revenue in 2019 was RMB 29.17 billion, increased 3.27%
compared with last year.

II. Revenue and Cost

        (a) Composition of Sales Revenue

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                   2019 FY                         2018 FY
                                                                                     YOY change
                                         Proportion                       Proportion
                             Amount                          Amount                     (%)
                                            (%)                              (%)
Revenue                   29,173,636,262   100.00%         28,249,339,672   100.00%        3.27%
By Industry
Automobile Industry    29,173,636,262        100.00%       28,249,339,672        100.00%         3.27%
By Products
Vehicle                26,252,631,564        89.99%        25,178,859,631         89.13%         4.26%
Components              2,351,979,223         8.06%         2,696,240,006          9.55%       -12.77%
Automobile Maintenance
                          103,582,678         0.36%               71,798,771       0.25%
services                                                                                        44.27%
                          465,442,797         1.60%              302,441,264       1.07%
& Others                                                                                        53.90%
By region
China                  29,173,636,262        100.00%       28,249,339,672        100.00%         3.27%

        (b) Reach to 10% of Revenue or Profit by Industry, Product or Region
        □√Applicable □Not Applicable

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                      Y-O-Y                   Y-O-Y gross
                                                                                 Y-O-Y Cost
                                                        Gross       turnover                    margin
                   Turnover           Cost                                        Change
                                                        Margin       change                     change
                                                                       (%)                      (points)
By Industry
                 29,173,636,262   24,530,857,150        15.91%        3.27%           0.50%            2.32%
By Products
Vehicle          26,252,631,564   22,303,937,803        15.04%        4.26%           0.72%            2.99%
By Region
China            29,173,636,262   24,530,857,150        15.91%        3.27%           0.50%            2.32%

        If the Company’s core business scope is adjusted during the reporting period, the
        Company’s core business data of last year need to be adjusted per the scope in
        this year
        □Applicable □√Not Applicable

        (c) Whether Company’s Goods Revenue Higher Than Service Revenue
        □√Yes □No

            Industry           Item             Unit         2019              2018    Change (%)
                       Sales volume              unit        290,058           285,066     1.75%
                       Production volume         unit        288,074           286,808     0.44%

           Explanation on YOY change of over 30%
           □Applicable □√Not Applicable

           (d) Execution of Company’s Signed Major Sales Contract
           □Applicable □√Not Applicable

           (e) Composition of Operating Cost
                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                            2019 FY                       2018 FY
Product                                             Proportion                  Proportion      change
                                        Cost                          Cost
                                                       (%)                         (%)          (%)
Vehicle                         22,303,937,803         90.92% 22,143,813,493        90.72%        0.72%
Components                       1,696,042,274          6.92% 1,921,477,490          7.87%      -11.73%
Automobile Maintenance services     98,395,291          0.40%     69,559,583         0.29%       41.45%
Material & Others                  432,481,782          1.76%    274,696,188         1.12%       57.44%

           (f) Whether Consolidated Scope was Changed During the Reporting Period
           □Yes □√No
           Xiamen Fujiang New Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. was cancelled on
           December 16, 2019.

           (g) Major Change or Adjustment on Business, Products or Services During the
               Reporting Period
           □Applicable □√Not Applicable

           (h) Main Customers and Suppliers

           Top 5 Customers:
           Total sales value to top 5 customers(RMB)                         3,239,393,170
           Accounted for the proportion of JMC’s total annual turnover              11.11%
           Included related party transaction accounted for the
           proportion of JMC’s total annual turnover

                                                                           Percentage of
                                                              Sales Value
No.                  Name of the Customer                                   JMC’s Total
                                                                           Turnover (%)
 1       Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.      1,093,233,543         3.75%
 2       Zhejiang Jiangling Motors Sales Company             1,075,100,487         3.69%
         Hunan Transit Jiangling Motors Sales
 3                                                             399,887,905          1.37%
 4       Shanghai Keda Zhoupu Auto Sales Company               335,775,073          1.15%
 5       Beijing Jinglingshun Auto Sales Company               335,396,162          1.15%
Total                                                        3,239,393,170         11.11%

  Other introduction to main customers
  □√Applicable □Not Applicable
  Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. is a related party of the Company.
  VP Li Xiaojun holds the position of Director of Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. &
  Exp. Co., Ltd.

  Top 5 Suppliers:
  Total purchase value from top 5 suppliers(RMB)                          3,732,511,710
  Accounted for the proportion of JMC’s total annual purchase
  Included related party transaction accounted for the proportion of
  JMC’s total annual purchase amount

                                                                         Percentage of
                                                       Purchase           JMC’s Total
  No.               Name of the Supplier
                                                      Value (RMB)       Annual Purchase
                                                                          Amount (%)
          Nanchang Baojiang Steel Processing
     1                                                    809,328,079              3.68%
          Distribution Co., Ltd.
          Nanchang Jiangling HuaXiang Auto
     2                                                    751,247,981              3.41%
          Components Co., Ltd.
          Bosch Auto Diesel System (Wuxi)
     3                                                    739,472,213              3.36%
     4    Jiangxi Jiangling Chassis Co., Ltd.             719,674,742              3.27%
          Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose
     5                                                    712,788,695              3.24%
          Vehicle Co., Ltd.
 Total                                               3,732,511,710                16.96%

  Other introduction to main suppliers
  □√Applicable □Not Applicable
  Except Bosch Auto Diesel System (Wuxi) Company, the other four suppliers are
  related parties of the Company.

III. Expense Analysis
                                                                         Unit: RMB’ 000
                                                              YOY           Major Changes
                                 2019            2018
                                                             Change            Explanation
 Distribution Expenses         1,525,883        1,202,382      26.91%
 Administrative Expenses       2,731,887        2,460,259      11.04%
 Finance Income-net              195,644          182,587       7.15%

IV. Research & Development
In 2019, JMC continued to focus on development of new product programs.
Product related spending centered at future product development and
compliance with regulatory requirements, including new model, increased
payloads, new styling, and improved power, ensuring the Company is compliant
with stringent environmental and safety regulations. The competitive R&D will
ensure the Company’s volume and profit growth in the future. Development
expenditure in 2019 was 1,937 million, representing 18.45% of net assets, or
6.64% of revenue.

                                                2019             2018      Change (%)
R&D Staff (person)                               2,758               2,692      2.45%
R&D Staff as % of total employees              18.65%              16.28%       2.37%
R&D Investment (RMB)                     1,937,077,557       1,735,368,721     11.62%
R&D Investment as % of revenue                  6.64%               6.14%       0.50%
Capitalization of R&D investment           160,756,911          71,814,337    123.85%
Capitalization of R&D investment
                                                    8.30%             4.14%          4.16%
as % of R&D Investment

Major change of R&D Investment as % of revenue
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

Major change of capitalization of R&D investment
□√Applicable □Not Applicable
Please refer to the Note 15 Intangible Assets of the notes to the consolidated
financial statements in the Chapter XI Financial Statements for details.

V. Cash Flow Analysis
                        Item                            2019          2018
Net cash generated from operating activities            2,733,963      -101,808   2,785.41%
Net cash used in investing activities                  -1,365,093    -1,138,924     -19.86%
Net cash used in financing activities                      -47,813   -2,280,111      97.90%
Net (decrease)/increase cash and cash equivalents        1,321,057   -3,520,843     137.52%

Explanation on the major factors regarding major change of related data

             □√Applicable □Not Applicable
             Increase of the net cash generated from operating activities compared with the
             same period mainly reflected the increase of sales revenue and the decrease of
             inventory level, as well as the increase of operating payables.

             Decrease of the net cash used in investing activities compared with the same
             period mainly reflected the increase in cash paid for the purchase and
             construction of fixed assets.

             Decrease of the net cash used in financing activities compared with the same
             period mainly reflected the payment of 2017 interim special dividends in 2018.

             Increase of the net cash and cash equivalents compared with the same period
             mainly reflected the increase of net cash generated from operating activities and
             the payment of 2017 interim special dividends in 2018.

             Explanation on significant difference between net cash generated from operating
             activities and net profit during the reporting period.

             □Applicable □√Not Applicable

             3. Non- core business analysis
             □√Applicable □Not Applicable
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                               Proportion                                   Sustainability
                Item             Amount                                Explanation
                                                of PBT                                        (Y/N)
                                                         Government subsidies to
                                222,840,220      212.26% support the Company’s                     Y

             4. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities
             I. Major changes
                                                                                          Unit: RMB’ 000
                                   December 31, 2019             December 31, 2018                  Major Changes
         Asset item                                                                    Proportion
                                                                                        Change       Explanation
                                   Amount      Proportion        Amount   Proportion    (Points)
Property, plant and equipment      7,212,614     29.68%      6,941,292       29.67%         0.01
Inventories                       1,946,869       8.01%      2,522,354       10.78%         -2.77
Trade and other receivables
                                  3,900,585      16.05%      4,678,284       20.00%         -3.95
and prepayments
Cash and cash equivalents          8,937,937     36.78%      7,616,880       32.56%         4.22
Trade and other payables          12,826,996     52.79%     12,195,966       52.13%         0.66

II. The fair value of the assets and liabilities (not applicable).

III. Restriction on Assets Rights as of the End of the Reporting Period
There was no major restriction on assets rights as of the end of the reporting

5. Investment

I. Summary
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

II. Obtained Major Equity Investment during the Reporting Period
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

III. Ongoing Major Non-Equity Investment during the Reporting Period
□√Applicable □Not Applicable

             Investment     Fixed         Spending
  Project                                                Actual
               Method/      Assets         in 2019                   Progress      Index
  Name                                                 Investment
               source        (Y/N)       (RMB mils)
                                                       (RMB mils)
Fushan             Self-
                                     Y           489         861             42%           *
Plant            funded
Total                                            489         861        --          --
**The announcement (No. 2017-044) was published on the website:

IV. Financial Assets Investment
(a) Stock Investment
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

(b)Derivative Investment
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

V. Usage of Raised Fund
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

6. Sales of Major Assets and Equity
I. Sale of Major Assets
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

II. Sales of Major Equity
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

               7. Operating Results of Main Subsidiaries and Joint-Stock Companies whose
               impact on JMC’s net profit more than 10%
                                                                                            Unit: RMB’000
   Name of        Type of         Main        Registered                   Net                    Operating
                                                             Assets                  Turnover                 Net Profit
  Companies      Companies      Business       Capital                    Assets                   Profit
Motors Sales
                 Subsidiary   vehicle,            50,000    3,261,398     231,472    26,527,567     -23,853     -18,125
                              service parts
JMC Heavy
                              vehicle ,
Duty Vehicle     Subsidiary                      281,793    2,789,891     -980,202     332,808     -305,397    -304,345
Co., Ltd.
                              and related

               Acquisition and disposal of the subsidiaries
               □√Applicable □Not Applicable

                                                 Acquisition and disposal of
                   Name of Companies                                                            Influence
                                                      the subsidiaries
               Xiamen Fujiang New Energy                   Cancellation                           None
               Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.

               8. Structured Entities Controlled by JMC
               □Applicable □√Not Applicable

               9. Outlook
               I. Industry Competition and Development Trend

               At present China is still in the stage of industrial and urbanization development.
               China's economic operation is remaining at a reasonable level, its macro-control
               targets are well achieved, its imports and exports are stable, and its balance of
               payments is basically balanced. Domestic demand is stable, innovation is
               encouraged, and the combination of Internet and industry is further deepened.
               The long-term fundamentals of the Chinese economy have not changed, but
               short-term growth is expected to slow due to the COVID-19. Due to the impact of
               the COVID-19, the delayed resumption of work across the country will affect the
               normal operation of automobile OEMs, component companies, and logistics
               companies in the short term. There will be certain matching difficulties between
               supply and demand in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain,
               thereby reducing the industry overall capacity utilization. At the same time,
               because the automotive industry is a labor-intensive industry, the epidemic will
               inevitably lead to a short-term rise in the industry's overall labor costs, raw
               material costs, and logistics costs.

From the demand side, due to the epidemic, it is expected that car sales in the
first quarter will be larger decrease in amplitude. In addition, in the context of the
outbreak of the COVID-19, the online car-hailing service has been greatly
impacted. As new energy vehicles are important models of the online car-hailing
vehicle, the epidemic will inevitably lead to a sharp decline in demand for new
energy vehicles in the short term.

Along with the epidemic's impact on the country's production and operation, the
state level is also reviving the vitality of SMEs through measures such as tax
reductions and low interest rate loans, and using monetary policy to promote the
construction of a number of key projects, while expanding domestic consumption
and overseas trade, these measures will help reduce the negative impact of the
epidemic on the automotive industry.

Meanwhile, China's Car Parc per capita is still lower than world’s average level
indicating a strong auto market potential in the future. Currently automobile
industry development is affected by the urban traffic congestion, environment
pollution, purchase tax incentive cancellation and new energy vehicle incentive
cancellation gradually. However, as the economic progressing steadily, the
consumption level and purchasing power improved, domestic automobile sales
volume is expected to achieve higher level. In 2020, sales volume is still
expected to continue to grow slightly. The production, sales and use of
automobile is significantly changed by the combination of technology revolution
characterized by electrification, digital, network and smart and innovative
business model featured by platform and sharing. The pattern has continued for
several hundred years of auto industry is facing great changes, new energy
vehicles and smart internet is becoming a clear direction of auto industry to lead
its upgrade, transformation and structure adjustment.

II. Corporation Strategy

The company has formulated a new development strategy, with the vision of
“becoming a leader in the light commercial vehicle industry and a supplier of
cost-effective products for Ford”, we uphold the values of “integrity, dedication,
innovation and cooperation”. The company's commercial vehicles are positioned
as a supplier of comprehensive solutions for urban and mainline logistics
products and services, and passenger cars have made breakthroughs and large
developments in the small and medium-sized markets. In the future, the
company will focus on innovation and services, promote structural adjustment,
continue to vigorously implement product innovation-driven development,
integrate resources to strengthen technological innovation, and promote product
innovation in the market; deepen transformation and adjustment, adhere to
business model innovation; and comprehensively enhance product core
competitiveness. The company will focus on core business, focus on intensive
cultivation in segmented areas, take customers as the center, improve market
awareness of the entire value chain, and actively build the company's products

into market segment leaders. The company will also aim at the new trends in the
automotive industry, and promote the implementation of the "new four
modernization" development strategy of "electrification, intelligent networking,
sharing, and autonomous driving". In the core of new energy vehicles, intelligent
connected vehicles, and autonomous driving, etc. The field has been laid out,
and through the overall coordination and integration of the four modernizations,
the construction of a future-oriented and globally competitive business
ecosystem is accelerated.

III. 2020 Business Plan

The Company is targeting 2020 sales volume level at 331 thousand units and
revenue level at RMB 32 billion, increases of 14% and 10% vs. 2019 respectively.
To enhance profitability, the company is committed to the following plans in 2020:

(1) Continue to consolidate and enhance the company's leading advantage in the
    field of light commercial vehicles, and vigorously increase the popularity of
    passenger vehicle products and sales; continue to promote the layout of the
    "new four modernization" development strategy;

(2) Continue to strengthen the company's sales network and channels, actively
    lay out network channels in low-tier cities, establish flexible marketing
    programs to achieve sales and market share targets, strengthen the capacity
    building of dealer channels, and improve dealer channel performance;

(3) High-quality production and launch of new models of Ford Territory, Ford
    Everest EVI models, and light bus all models upgraded to national phase six
    emission standards and other new products, perfecting light truck and pickup
    truck lineages;

(4) Promote cost reduction and efficiency, further reduce structural risks, and
    improve the overall operating efficiency of the company;

(5) Continue to promote new fuel economy and emission adaptation projects to
    meet the further requirements of national regulations on energy conservation
    and environmental protection;

(6) Strengthen cooperation with technology partners to continuously promote
    future product development and R & D capabilities;

(7) Expand finished vehicle exports and OEM components sales business.

(8) Actively explore and try innovative business.

IV. Potential Challenges and Solutions

Affected by the epidemic in 2020,the company faces huge growth tests,
increased industry competition, stricter regulatory requirements, rising cost
pressures, and slowing economic growth. To maintain steady growth, the
company will continue to focus on the following areas:

(1) Based on the prevention and control of the epidemic, steadily promote the
    resumption of production and production at the factory;

(2) Insight into customer needs, design and release customer-oriented products,
    improve channel performance, and achieve customer-centric business growth;

(3) Accelerate product platform, redefine product portfolio, enrich pedigree and
    network connection configuration to better meet customer needs; promote the
    development of modified vehicle business, and improve market performance
    and industrial share in special modified vehicle fields such as medical rescue,
    logistics and transportation;

(4) Continue to optimize JMC's lean production, improve production efficiency
    and product quality level;

(5) Improve supplier capabilities and component quality, and continue to reduce
    component procurement costs;

(6) Strengthen corporate governance, strictly follow national laws and regulations,
    and improve risk assessment and control mechanisms;

(7) Continuous expense management and control to optimize business structure;

(8) Through the established process optimization team, create a lean and
    efficient organization to respond flexibly to market changes.

The Company will focus on light commercial vehicle with the support of SUV,
maximize its own advantage and fully take advantage of shareholders resource
to realize sustainable profit. Strengthen channel coverage, improve financing
service ability; promote new products development and R&D ability improvement,
to accelerate the progress of launching new competitive products to the market;
develop more proactive cost reduction plan to improve the company’s profit
ability. The company will accelerate the development and cultivation of the heavy
truck market and increase the company's influence in the field of commercial
vehicles. Guided by the new strategy, the company will continuously implement
all the specific initiatives to accelerate the strategic target achievement.

10. External research and media interview to the Company

I. Table of external research, communication and media interviews with the
    Company in the reporting period
□√Applicable □Not Applicable

           Date          Communication     Type of      Information Discussed
                             Method         Object       and Materials offered
        July 11,        On-the-spot      Other         JMC Operating highlights
        2019            research
        July 18,        On-the-spot      Institution   JMC Operating highlights
        2019            research
        Reception times                                                      2
        Visiting institution number                                         31
        Visiting person number                                              20
        Other objects                                                        4
        Whether to disclose, reveal or divulge the                        None
        undisclosed material information

Chapter V             Major Events

1. Profit distribution and capital reserve conversion regarding common stock
Establishment, implementation or adjustment of profit distribution policy, esp. cash
dividend distribution policy, regarding common stock during the reporting period
□√Applicable □Not Applicable

In accordance with the requirements of laws, regulations and the Articles of
Association of the Company, the Company's profit distribution policy maintains
continuity and stability, and the Company pays attention to the reasonable return to
investors. The Company gives priority to cash dividend, and subject to the
provisions of laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company, the
Board of Directors can put forward a mid-term or special profit distribution proposal.
The Company's profit distribution policy is in line with the CSRC's guidance on
encouraging cash dividends for listed companies.

                            Special Explanation on Cash Dividend Policy
 Whether to comply with the requirements of the Articles of Association of JMC or
 resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting (Y/N)
 Whether the standards and proportion of dividends on profit distribution are clear
 Whether the procedures are valid and legal (Y/N)                                      Y
 Whether the Independent Director fulfil their duties (Y/N)                            Y
 Whether middle and small shareholders have opportunities to claim their appeals and
 their legal rights and interests are completely protected (Y/N)
 Whether the condition and procedure are reasonable and transparent when the cash
 dividend policy is being changed (Y/N)

Profit distribution plan or proposal in the recent three years
(1) Proposal on 2019 Year Profit Distribution
Details on the profit available for appropriation of the Company in 2019 prepared
in accordance with the China GAAP and International Financial Reporting
Standard (‘IFRS’) are as follows:
                                                                      Unit: RMB’000
                                                       China GAAP         IFRS
 Retained earnings at Dec. 31, 2018                        8,260,412      8,257,203
 2019 net profit                                             147,812        147,812
 Allocation of dividend for 2018                              34,529         34,529
 Retained earnings at Dec. 31, 2019                        8,373,695      8,370,486

The upper limit of profit available for distribution was based on the lower of the un-
appropriated profit calculated in accordance with the China GAAP and that
calculated in accordance with IFRS. Therefore, the Company’s retained earnings
available for distribution as of December 31, 2019 were RMB 8,370,486 thousand.

The Board approved to submit to the 2019Annual Shareholders’ Meeting the
following proposal on year 2019profit distribution:
(i). to appropriate for the dividend distribution from the profit available for
      distribution, which shall be equal to RMB 0.07 per share and shall apply to the
      Company’s total share capital; and
(ii). to carry forward the un-appropriated portion to the following fiscal year.

Profit distribution proposal: a cash dividend of RMB 0.7 (including tax) per 10
shares will be distributed to shareholders. Based on the total share capital of
863,214,000 shares as of December 31, 2019, total cash dividend distribution
amounts shall be RMB 60,424,980.

The cash dividend on B share shall be paid in Hong Kong Dollars and converted
at the middle rate of the HK dollar’s exchange rate against RMB quoted by the
People’s Bank of China on the first working day following the relevant resolution
adopted by the Company’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

The Board decided not to convert the capital reserve to the share capital this time.

(2) 2018 Year Profit Distribution Plan

a cash dividend of RMB 0.4 (including tax) per 10 shares will be distributed to
shareholders. Based on the total share capital of 863,214,000 shares as of
December 31, 2018, total cash dividend distribution amounts shall be RMB

The cash dividend on B share shall be paid in Hong Kong Dollars and converted
at the middle rate of the HK dollar’s exchange rate against RMB quoted by the
People’s Bank of China on the first working day following the relevant resolution
adopted by the Company’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

The Board decided not to convert the capital reserve to the share capital this time.

(3) 2017 Year Profit Distribution Plan
A cash dividend of RMB 3.2 (including tax) was distributed for every 10 shares
held. Based on the total share capital of 863,214,000 shares as of December 31,
2017, the total cash dividend distribution amounts were RMB 276,228,480.

B share dividend was paid in Hong Kong Dollars and converted based on the
HKD-to-RMB standard exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China on
the first working day following the approval on the profit distribution proposal by
the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company.

The Board decided not to convert capital reserve to share capital this time.

(4) 2017 Interim Special Dividend Distribution Plan
A cash dividend of RMB 23.17 (including tax) was distributed for every 10 shares
held. Based on the total share capital of 863,214,000 shares as of September 30,
2017, the total cash dividend distribution amounts were RMB 2,000,066,838.

B share dividend was paid in Hong Kong Dollars and converted based on the
HKD-to-RMB standard exchange rate published by the People’s Bank of China on
the first working day following the approval on the profit distribution proposal by
the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company.

The Board decided not to convert capital reserve to share capital this time.

Table of cash dividend in the recent three years

                                                                                       Unit: RMB’000
                                Profit attributable to the           Cash dividend as % of profit
             Cash dividend
                                 equity holders of the         attributable to the equity holders of the
             (Including tax)
                                 Company in that year                          Company
                       60,425                        147812                                     40.88%
2018                   34,529                         91,833                                   37.60%
2017                2,276,295                        690,938                                  329.45%

    The Company made a profit during the reporting period and the profit of the parent
    company distributable to the common shareholders is positive, but a distribution
    plan of cash dividends for the common shares is not put forward
    □Applicable □√Not Applicable

    2. Proposal on 2019 Year Profit Distribution Plan or Capital Reserve Conversion
    □√Applicable □Not Applicable
    Please refer to Article 1, Chapter V of this Report.

    3. Commitments
    3.1 Commitments of the Company, the shareholder, the actual controlling party,
    the acquirer, the Director, the Supervisor, the senior executive or other related
    party of the Company
    □Applicable □√Not Applicable

    3.2 Earnings forecast of the assets or project and the explanations
    □Applicable □√Not Applicable

    4. Non-operating funding in the Company occupied by controlling shareholder and
    its affiliates
    □Applicable □√Not Applicable
    There was no non-operating funding in the Company occupied by controlling
    shareholder and its affiliates.

    5. Explanation of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Independent
    Directors to abnormal opinions from accounting firm
    □Applicable □√Not Applicable

    6. Explanation on the changes of accounting policy, accounting estimates,
    estimation method compared with that of last year
    □√Applicable □Not Applicable
    Please refer to the Note 2 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies of the notes
    to the consolidated financial statements in the Chapter XII Financial Statements
    for details.

    7. Explanation on major accounting errors that shall be restated during the
    reporting period
    □Applicable □√Not Applicable
    There was no major accounting error that shall be restated during the reporting

8. Explanation on consolidated scope change compared with that of last year
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

9. Appointment or Dismissal of Accounting Firm
Current accounting firm
 Name                                            PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP
 Compensation (RMB’000)                                                             2,000
 Consecutive years offering audit services                                              18
 Names of signed accountants                                              Lei Fang, Ye Dan
 Consecutive years offering audit services of
                                                              Lei Fang 3 year, Ye Dan 2 year
 signed accountants

Dismissal of accounting firm
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

Appointment of C-SOX auditor, financial consultant or sponsor
□√Applicable □Not Applicable
Upon the approval of 2017 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, JMC agreed to appoint
PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP as JMC’s 2019 to 2021 C-SOX auditor.
In 2019, JMC paid RMB 550 thousand to PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian
LLP for the C-SOX audit.

10. Suspension and Termination of Listing after Annual Report Disclosed
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

11. Related Matters regarding Bankruptcy
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no matter involving bankruptcy during the reporting period.

12. Major Litigation or Arbitration
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no major litigation or arbitration during the reporting period.

13. Punishment
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
Neither JMC nor its Directors or senior management were punished by regulatory
authorities during the reporting period.

14. Honesty and credit of JMC and its controlling shareholder or actual controlling
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

15. Implementation of Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan and
Other Employee Incentive Method
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was neither equity incentive plan or ESOP, nor other employee incentive
method during the reporting period.

16. Major Related Transactions
I. Routine related party transactions

  Please refer to the Note 32 related party transactions of the notes to the
  consolidated financial statements in the Chapter XII Financial Statements for

  II. Major related party transaction concerning transfer of assets or equity
  □Applicable □√Not Applicable
  There was no major related party transaction concerning transfer of assets or
  equity in the reporting period.

  III. Related party transaction concerning outside co-investment
  □Applicable □√Not Applicable
  There was no outside co-investment in the reporting period.

  IV. Related credit and debt
  □√Applicable □Not Applicable
  Is there non-operating related credit and debt?
  □Yes □√No
  The Company had no non-operating related credit and debt in the reporting period.

  V. Other major related party transactions
  □√Applicable □Not Applicable

  The announcement on Related Party Transactions
                Name                  Disclosure Date                  Index
Public Announcement on the 2019                         The announcement (No: 2019-014)
Forecast Routine Related Party     March 28, 2019       was published in the website
Transactions                                            www.cninfo.com.cn.
Public Announcement on Related
                                                        The announcement (No: 2019-017)
Party Transactions of the Eighth
                                   April 2, 2019        was published in the website
Session of the Ninth Board of
                                                        The announcement (No: 2019-028)
Public Announcement on Related
                                   June 1, 2019         was published in the website
Party Transactions
Public Announcement on Related
Party Transactions of the Ninth                         The announcement (No: 2019-034)
                                   June 29, 2019
Session of the Ninth Board of                           was published in the website
                                                      The announcement (No: 2019-051)
Public Announcement on Related
                                   September 28, 2019 was published in the website
Party Transactions
                                                      The announcement (No: 2019-059)
Public Announcement on Related
                                   November 13, 2019 was published in the website
Party Transactions
Public Announcement on the 2020                       The announcement (No: 2020-0XX)
Forecast Routine Related Party     March 26, 2020     was published in the website
Transactions                                          www.cninfo.com.cn.

  17. Major Contracts and Execution
  I. Entrustment, contract or lease
  a. Entrustment

□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no entrustment in the reporting period.

b. Contract
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no contract in the reporting period.

c. Lease
□√Applicable □Not Applicable
Please refer to the note14 Lease Prepayment of the notes to the consolidated
statements in the Chapter XI Financial Statements for detail.

Project with more than 10% of net profit
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no lease project with more than 10% of net profit in the reporting period.

II. Major guarantee
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
The Company had no outside guarantee in the reporting period.

III. Entrustment on cash asset management
a. Trust investment
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no trust investment in the reporting period.

b. Entrusted loan
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no entrusted loan in the reporting period.

IV. Other major contract
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

18. Corporation Social Responsibilities
I. Corporation Social Responsibilities
JMC always consciously undertake social responsibility and create brand public-
benefit “Jiangling Xiqiao Project” with the aim of “green, love, and safe”. By 2019,
387 bridges have been donated in 24 provinces, benefiting nearly 600,000 people.
After JMC had been awarded China Poverty Alleviation Ambassador Prize, China
Responsible Public Partners Prize and China Social Responsibility Excellent
Brand Prize, the video work "Bridge" recording the development process of
"Jiangxi Xiqiao Project" won the "2019 Public Welfare Image Award". JMC has
won the "China Charity Festival" award for many years.

During the reporting period, the Company operated according to law and
regulations, upheld the interest of the shareholders, especially small & medium-
sized shareholders, protected the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and
treated suppliers, customers and consumers sincerely. Simultaneously, JMC paid
attention to environmental protection, energy saving and consumption reduction,
fully reduced energy consumption and pollutant discharge, and actively fulfilled
corporate social responsibility.

 JMC 2019 Corporation Social Responsibilities Report can be downloaded from
 JMC official website: www.jmc.com.cn or the website: www.cninfo.com.cn.

 II. Targeted Measures in Poverty Alleviation
 a. Plan on poverty alleviation
 The Company joined the one-to-one poverty alleviation, depending on JMCG, in
 Qianmo Village, Dai Jiapu Township, Suichuang County, Jiangxi Province and
 Xianting Village, Songhu Town, Xinjian District, Nanchang City in accordance with
 the working arrangement of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial
 Government. The overall goal is: to help the poor village to achieve a well-off
 standard of living before 2020 by cooperating with the local government.

 b. Summary of poverty alleviation in 2019
 The Company regards the realization of precision poverty relief as the basic
 strategy of precision poverty alleviation. The Company continued to consolidate
 efforts of one-to-one poverty alleviation in 2019.

 c. Status of targeted measures in poverty alleviation
                            Item                                Unit       Amount/Progress
I.      Brief Introduction                                     ——            ——
including:1. Funding                                        RMB (’000)              2,859.9
            2. Sum converted from the materials              RMB (’000)                 30.8
            3. Persons get rid of poverty                     Persons                       3
II.     Investments                                            ——            ——
1. Anti-poverty depending on industry development              ——            ——
including:1.1 Type                                            ——
            1.2 Projects                                      Number
            1.3 Investment amount                            RMB (’000)
            1.4 Persons get rid of poverty                    Persons             3
2. Anti-poverty depending on employment transfer               ——             ——
including:2.1 Investments on vocational skills              RMB (’000)
         2.2 Training persons regarding vocational skills     Persons
         2.3 Employment Persons                               Persons
3. Anti-poverty depending on relocation                        ——             ——
including:3.1 Employment persons among relocated
4. Anti-poverty depending on education                         ——             ——
including:4.1 Grants in aid to poor students                RMB (’000)                 36.9
            4.2 Poor students in aid                          Persons
            4.3 Investments on the improvement of
                                                             RMB (’000)                 800
                educational source in poverty-stricken are
5. Health Anti-poverty                                          ——            ——
Including: 5.1 Investments on medical and health
                                                             RMB (’000)
services in poverty-stricken area
6. Ecological protection anti-poverty                          ——             ——
including:6.1 Project type                                    ——
            6.2 Investment amount                            RMB (’000)
7. Miscellaneous provisions                                    ——             ——
including:7.1 Investments on stay-at-home children,
                                                             RMB (’000)                 53.8
               women and elderly
            7.2 Number of stay-at-home children, women
                and elderly in aid

                    7.3 Investments on poor & disable people               RMB (’000)
                    7.4 Number of poor & disable people in aid              Persons
        8. Social anti-poverty                                               ——                     ——
        including:8.1 Investments on cooperation between
                                                                           RMB (’000)
                       West China and East China
                    8.2 Investments on one-to-one anti-poverty             RMB (’000)
                    8.3 Investments from anti-poverty charity fund         RMB (’000)                        2,000
        9. Other                                                             ——                     ——
        including:9.1.Project                                              Number
                    9.2.Investment amount                                  RMB (’000)
                    9.3. Persons getting rid of poverty                     Persons
        III.     Awards                                                      ——                     ——
           2019 listed companies Social responsibility award
           (the 9th China public welfare festival)

         d. On-going plan regarding targeted measures in poverty alleviation
         The year 2020 will be a decisive year in the fight against poverty, JMC will make
         unremitting efforts to implement the strategy of precise poverty alleviation,
         strengthen the combination of poverty alleviation, ambition and wisdom, and
         contribute to the fight against poverty.

         III. Environmental protection
         Whether the Company and affiliates is the key pollution discharge unit published
         by environmental protection administration?
         □√Yes □No

  Name of
                                                                            Applicable                     Total
  principal               Number of
               Mode of               Distribution of     Discharge         standard for    Total amount amount of   Excessive
pollutant and             discharge
              discharge             discharge outlet    concentration        pollutant     of discharge discharge   discharge
  specific                  outlet
                                                                            discharge                    audited
                                    3 in Mainsite, 1
Wastewater continuous               in Xiaolan Site,   "COD:145.4mg/L                      COD:        COD≤841.
                                                                      Discharge                                    Meet
(COD, NH-N) discharge 6             1 in Cast Plant     NH-                                113.615t; N 68t; NH-
                                                                      Standard”(GB                                Standard
                                    and 1 in Axle      N:12.64mg/L"                        H-N: 3.401t N≤83.1414t
                                                                         "The Emission
                                                       SO2: 13mg/m3;
Exhaust gas                                                              Standard of Air
                                    51 in Mainsite,    NOx :111mg/m3;
(SO2,NOx,sm                                                              Pollutants”,     SO2:
                                    58 in Xiaolan      smoke:
oke,toluol,  continuous                                                  "Emission         17.195t;     NOx≤37.6 Meet
                        148         Site, 33 in Cast   20mg/m3; toluol
dimethylbenz discharge                                                   Standard of Air   NOx :       9t         Standard
                                    Plant and 6 in     :1.913mg/m3;
ene,                                                                     Pollutants for    24.935t
                                    Axle Plant         dimethylbenzene
NMHC)                                                                   Boiler”(GB

         The construction and operation of pollutant preventive and control facilities
         In 2019, JMC built Wastewater Treatment Station and Solid Waste Storage
         Station at Fushan Plant. Fushan Plant mainly contained Stamping workshop,
         welding workshop, painting workshop and final assembly workshop. The plant
         produced industrial wastewater including phosphating wastewater and
         comprehensive wastewater, and domestic sewage. Industrial wastewater was
         categorized, collected and pre-treated through two physicochemical treatment
         systems respectively. Comprehensive wastewater after pre-treatment, together
         with domestic sewage, was transported to biochemical treatment system. At

present, wastewater to be discharged outside must reach Level 1 national
standard. At second stage, wastewater after biochemical treatment will be all
reused by the plant. Solid Waste Storage Station was nicely designed, and its
exterior look was consistent with the overall plant outlook standard. Normal solid
waste and hazardous solid waste were separated in the Station, according to the
strict legitimate requirements.

In 2019, JMC introduced an organic system for exhaust gas treatment in Fushan
Plant, including one set of zeolite roller equipment and one set of regenerative
thermal oxidizer equipment (RTO). Exhaust gas from solvent spray paint and paint
mixing was collected and condensed through zeolite roller system and finally burnt
in RTO system. Exhaust gas from electrical coating-drying, PVC glue drying, paint
drying, and solvent recollection was collectively burnt in RTO.

The zeolite roller system can condense a big amount of low-density exhaust gas
to a small amount of high-density enriched gas, by conducting three temperature-
changing procedures of absorption and desorption. The system is especially
designed for treating large amounts of low-density exhaust gas with various

JMC Fushan Plant, dubbed as a smart plant with green and energy-efficient
technologies, introduced several energy-saving and emission-reducing measures.
The plant used LEDs for all the lighting in the plant, and an energy management
system to monitor energy use and consumption in the plant. The air supply in the
Paint workshop can achieve 75% recycling of the air. The Paint Drying Furnace/
RTO smoke residue heat was recollected to heat up the pre-treatment system and
air conditioning for cooling or heating. Broad Air Conditioning system with
comprehensive energy-conservative technology was introduced. Photovoltaic
power generation equipment was installed in the Vehicle Shipyard and employees’
vehicle parking lot. BIM technology was adopted to help build a digitalized plant.

In 2019, JMC Casting Plant introduced electrical furnace dust collector in the large
workshop. After this action, the outdoor dust density and indoor post area dust
density could meet the national standard, which effectively improved indoor
working environment and outdoor air quality.

EIA on construction project and other administrative permits for environmental
The Company strictly implements the construction project environmental impact
assessment system. With respect to new construction, expansion and
reconstruction, JMC comprehensively planned environmental protection and
evaluated the “Three Simultaneities”. From the source of design, JMC carried out
the philosophy of energy saving and low carbon all the time. The Company carries
on the environmental monitoring every year according to the requirements,
ensures the pollutant discharge meeting the requirements of discharge permit,
formulates the stricter internal control target, and strives to reduce the impact of
environmental pollution to the minimum. In 2019, the Company completed the
environmental inspection and acceptance of the new energy vehicle
transformation project of Xiaolan Plant, New energy laboratory project and the
intelligent equipment center, and obtained the environmental assessment approval
of Vehicle production expansion project and the project of expanding the capacity
of 300 thousand vehicle parts and components per year (Phase II).

Emergency plan on emergency environmental incidents
In order to dilute or prevent environmental risks, JMC established an emergency
preparation and response procedure and specific environmental emergency plans,
so as to formulate corresponding control methods for potential accidents and
emergences occurred or that may probably occur, and has been filed with the
environmental protection bureau.JMC organize various emergency drills to the
effectiveness of the plan.

Environmental self-monitoring scheme
In 2019, JMC’s Qingyunpu Main Plant Area and Xiaolan Plant Areawere listed as
a key pollutant discharging organization of wastewater/hazardous wastes, and its
monitored by itself in strict accordance with the Method for Self-monitoring and
Information Disclosure of State Key Monitoring Enterprises (Trial). Its self-
monitoring schemes, monitoring results and annual monitoring reports on pollution
sources were disclosed on the “pollution source self-monitoring reporting platform
of Jiangxi Province”.

Other information related to environmental protection
JMC paid high attention to environmental protection and pollution source control,
taking resource saving and cost reduction as the primary task. Moreover, the
Company also took full advantage of 6sigma, and controlled from the source, so
as to achieve the effect of environmental improvement. In the new expansion and
reconstruction projects, JMC laid emphasis on improving the environmental
performance, strictly implemented the system of “Three Simultaneities”, transacted
the EIA procedure according to national standards, stipulated the preventive and
control measures for environmental pollution, and reported to competent
administrative departments on environmental protection for approval.

19. Other Major Events
□√Applicable □Not Applicable

JMC received government incentives of approximate RMB 441 million
appropriated by Nanchang County Xiaolan Economy Development Zone, and
Shanxi Transformation and Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone in 2019,
which is to support JMC’s development.

20. Major event of JMC subsidiary
□√Applicable □Not Applicable

Xiamen Fujiang New Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Company established in 2018 with a cash investment of RMB 10
million, was cancelled on December 16, 2019.

               Chapter VI              Share Capital Changes & Shareholders
               1. Changes of shareholding structure
               I. Table of the changes of shareholding structure
                        Before the change                           Change (+, -)                       After the change
                                    Proportion    New              Reserve-                                        Proportion
                        Shares       of total    share             converted     Others   Subtotal     Shares        of total
                                   shares (%)      s                 shares                                        shares (%)
I. Limited tradable
                         786,840        0.09%        -        -             -   -35,925    -35,925      750,915        0.09%
    A shares
1. Other domestic
                         786,840        0.09%        -        -             -   -35,925    -35,925      750,915        0.09%
Domestic legal
                         785,940        0.09%        -        -             -   -36,000    -36,000      749,940        0.09%
    person shares
Domestic natural
                             900        0.00%        -        -             -        75         75          975
    person shares
II. Unlimited
                      862,427,160      99.91%        -        -             -    35,925    35,925    862,463,085      99.91%
    tradable shares
1. A shares           518,427,160      60.06%        -        -             -    35,925    35,925    518,463,085     60.06%
2. B shares           344,000,000      39.85%        -        -             -         -         -    344,000,000     39.85%
III. Total            863,214,000     100.00%        -        -             -         -         -    863,214,000    100.00%

               Causes of shareholding changes
               □√Applicable □Not Applicable
               JMC did not issue shares or derivative securities during the past three years as of
               December 31, 2019. JMC’s total shares remained unchanged in 2019, and the
               change in shareholding structure was caused by the trading restriction on limited A
               shares of 36,000 shares held by 17 natural persons, Huang Weiqing and others,
               were relived on December 30, 2019.

               Approval of changes of shareholding structure
               □Applicable □√Not Applicable

               Shares Transfer
               □Applicable □√Not Applicable

               Impact on accounting data, such as the latest EPS, diluted EPS, shareholders’
               equity attributable to the equity holders of the Company, generated from shares
               □Applicable □√Not Applicable

               Others to be disclosed necessarily or per the requirements of securities regulator
               □Applicable □√Not Applicable

         II. Changes of limited A shares
         □√Applicable □Not Applicable

         2. Securities Issuance and Listing
         I. Securities issuance (not including preferred shares) in the reporting period
         □Applicable □√Not Applicable

         II. Explanation on changes of shares, shareholding structure, assets and liabilities
         □Applicable □√Not Applicable

         III. Current staff shares
         □Applicable □√Not Applicable

         3. Shareholders and actual controlling parties
         I. Total shareholders, top ten shareholders, and top ten shareholders holding
         unlimited tradable shares

Total shareholders as     JMC had 27,891 shareholders, including 22,479 A-share holders, and 5,412 B-share
of the end of the         holders, as of December 31, 2019.
reporting period
Total shareholders as     JMC had 29,711 shareholders, including 24,112 A-share holders, and 5,599 B-share
of the last month-end     holders, as of February 29, 2020.
prior to the disclosure
date of the Report
Top ten shareholders
                                                                                        Shares        Shares
                                           Shareholding     Shares at
                           Shareholder                                  Change (+,-       with        due to
  Shareholder Name                          Percentage     the End of
                              Type                                          )           Trading      mortgage
                                               (%)            Year
                                                                                       Restriction   or frozen
Nanchang Jiangling        State-owned
                                                  41.03   354,176,000   354,176,000             0            0
Investment Co., Ltd.      legal person
Ford Motor Company        Foreign legal
                                                     32   276,228,394              0            0            0
China Securities          Domestic non-
Corporation Limited       State-owned              2.72    23,458,066              0            0            0
                          legal persons
Shanghai Automotive       State-owned
                                                   1.51    13,019,610              0            0            0
Co., Ltd.                 legal person
Central Huijin            State-owned
                                                   0.83     7,186,600              0            0            0
Investment Ltd.           legal person
Harvest Environmental
Protection Low Carbon
                          Other                    0.74     6,420,188     4,070,159             0            0
Stock Investment
                          Foreign legal
GAOLING FUND, L.P.                                 0.63     5,453,086              0            0            0
INVESCO FUNDS             Foreign legal
                                                   0.56     4,841,889      -193,857             0            0
SICAV                     person
Hong Kong
                          Foreign legal
Central Clearing                                   0.54     4,664,502     3,959,166             0            0
National Social
Security Fund             Other                    0.52     4,488,212     2,706,312             0            0
602 Portfolio

Notes on association among above-mentioned                None.
  Top ten shareholders holding unlimited tradable shares
           Shareholder Name                    Shares without Trading Restriction          Share Type
Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.                                 354,176,000                A share
Ford Motor Company                                                      276,228,394                B share
China Securities Corporation Limited                                     23,458,066                A share
Shanghai Automotive Co., Ltd.                                            13,019,610                A share
Central Huijin Investment Ltd.                                             7,186,600               A share
Harvest Environmental Protection Low
                                                                           6,420,188                 A share
Carbon Stock Investment Fund
GAOLING FUND, L.P.                                                         5,453,086                 B share
INVESCO FUNDS SICAV                                                        4,841,889                 B share
Hong Kong Central Clearing Limited                                         4,664,502                 B share
National Social Security Fund
                                                                           4,488,212                 A share
602 Portfolio
Notes on association among above-          None.
mentioned shareholders
        Stock buy-back by top ten shareholders or top ten shareholders holding unlimited
        tradable shares in the reporting period
        □Applicable □√Not Applicable

        II. Controlling Shareholders
        Nature of controlling shareholders: Central/Local government holdings,
                                            foreign holdings
        Type: Legal person
                                   Legal        Establishe Organization
                Name                                                            Main scope of business
                               representative    d Date       code
                                                                       investment management, industrial
         Nanchang Jiangling                     May 28,     91360125MA
                              Qiu Tiangao                              investment, asset management
         Investment Co., Ltd.                   2019        38LUR91F
                                                                       and other business.
                                                                       to design, manufacture, market,
                                                                       and service a full line of Ford cars,
                                                                       trucks, sport utility vehicles
                                                                       (“SUVs”), electrified vehicles, and
         Ford Motor           William Clay Ford, January 1,            Lincoln luxury vehicles, provide
         Company              Jr.                1903                  financial services through Ford
                                                                       Motor Credit Company LLC, and
                                                                       be pursuing leadership positions in
                                                                       electrification, autonomous
                                                                       vehicles, and mobility solutions.

        Change of controlling shareholders
        □√Applicable □Not Applicable

         New Controlling Shareholders                      Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.
         Change Date                                       July 26, 2019
         Index                                             http://www.cninfo.com.cn
         Disclosure Date                                   July 27, 2019

        III. Actual Controlling Parties
        Nature of controlling shareholders: Central/Local State-owned Assets Supervision
                                            and Administration
        Type: Legal person

                 Legal      Established Organization
   Name                                                          Main scope of business
             representative    Date        code
                                                        manufacturing of automobiles, engines,
                                                        chassis, specialty vehicle, transmission,
                                                        other products, automotive quality testing,
                                                        sales of self-produced products and raw
                                                        materials, equipment, electronic products,
 JMCG          Qiu Tiangao July 27, 1991                parts and others, as well as related after-
                                                        sales services and maintenance services;
                                                        development of products derived from JMC
                                                        brand light vehicle; overseas auto project-
                                                        contracting, export equipment, material and
                                                        related labour services.
                                                        development, manufacturing, sales, import &
                                                        export business of auto (including sedan),
 Changan                      October 31, 9150000020
               Zhang Baolin                             engine, automotive components, die, tools,
 Automobile                   1996           286320X6
                                                        installation of machinery, technological
 Co., Ltd.
                                                        consultant services.
 Equity of listed company in domestic and aboard
 market held by the entity controlled by the actual     None
 controlling party during the reporting period

Change of actual controlling parties
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
There was no change of actual controlling parties in the reporting period.

Ownership and control relations between the Company and the actual controlling
parties are shown as follows:

                                            Nanchang State-owned Assets
                                            Supervision and Administration
                        43.11%                               100%

Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd.                   JMCG
                             50%                     50%

     Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.               Ford Motor Company
                                   41.03%                    32%

                       Jiangling Motors Co., Ltd.

Actual controlling parties control the Company by the way of trust or other assets
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

IV. Other legal person shareholder holding more than 10% of total equity of the
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

V. Shareholding reducing restriction to controlling shareholders, actual controlling
parties, restructuring parties and other commitment-making entities
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

Chapter VII         Preferred Shares
□Applicable □√Not Applicable
JMC had no preferred shares in the reporting period.

  Chapter VIII              Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and

  1. Changes of Shares held by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
    Name              Position    Gender   Age         Term of      Shares       Share     Shares
                                                        Office       at the     Change      at the
                                                                    period-      in the    period-
                                                                   beginning   reporting     end
Qiu Tiangao      Chairman           Male   53                             0            0         0
Anning Chen      Vice Chairman      Male   58                             0            0         0
Wan Jianrong     Director           Male   54                             0            0         0
Thomas Peter                                         2019.09.23-
                 Director           Male   42                             0            0         0
Hilditch                                             2020.06.28
                 Director &                          2019.06.28-
Manto Wong                          Male   57                             0            0         0
                 President                           2020.06.28
Jin Wenhui       Director & EVP     Male   52                             0            0         0
                 Independent                         2017.06.29-
Lu Song                             Male   62                             0            0         0
                 Director                            2020.06.28
                 Independent                         2017.06.29-
Wang Kun                          Female   43                             0            0         0
                 Director                            2020.06.28
                 Independent                         2017.06.29-
Li Xianjun                          Male   52                             0            0         0
                 Director                            2020.06.28
                 Chief                               2018.12.05-
Xiao Hu                             Male   51                             0            0         0
                 supervisor                          2020.06.28
Alvin Qing Liu   Supervisor         Male   62                             0            0         0
Zhang Jian       Supervisor         Male   50                            40            0        40
Ding                                                 2017.06.28-
                 Supervisor         Male   50                            20            0        20
Zhaoyang                                             2020.06.28
Chen Guang       Supervisor         Male   46                             0            0         0
Xiong                                                2017.06.29-
                 EVP              Female   55                         1,200            0     1,200
Chunying                                             2020.06.28
Li Weihua        CFO              Female   42                             0            0         0
                 VP & Board                          2017.06.29-
Wan Hong                            Male   58                             0            0         0
                 Secretary                           2020.06.28
Li Xiaojun       VP                 Male   44                             0            0         0
Ding Wenmin      VP                 Male   47                             0            0         0
Milton Wong      VP                 Male   45                             0            0         0
Liu Shuying      VP               Female   57                             0            0         0
Mike Chang       VP                 Male   53                             0            0         0
Wu Xiaojun       VP                 Male   45                             0            0         0
Luo Xiaofang     VP               Female   41        2019.05.01-          0            0         0

Yu Jianbin      VP                   Male    51                                0           0             0
David                                                  2017.06.29-
                Ex-Director          Male    49                                0           0             0
Johnston                                               2019.09.06
                Ex-Director &                          2017.06.29-
Thomas Fann                          Male    57                                0           0             0
                President                              2019.03.01
Yuan Mingxue    Ex-Director          Male    51                                0           0             0
Xiong                                                  2017.06.29-
                Ex-Director        Female    55                           1,200            0      1,200
Chunying                                               2019.03.29
Tim Slatter     Ex-VP                Male    45                                0           0             0
Christian                                              2017.06.29-
                Ex-VP                Male    47                                0           0             0
Chen                                                   2019.03.29
Andy Ball       Ex-VP                Male    54                                0           0             0
                Total                                                      1260            0       1260

   2. Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
     Name              Position          Status        Date                         Reason
David Johnston Director                Leave     2019.09.06          Work rotation
Thomas Fann     Director & President Leave       2019.03.01          Work rotation
Yuan Mingxue Director                  Leave     2019.09.06          Work rotation
Xiong Chunying Director                Leave     2019.03.29          Work rotation
Tim Slatter     VP                     Leave     2019.03.01          Work rotation
Christian Chen VP                      Leave     2019.03.29          Work rotation
                                                                     Resign from the vice president
Andy Ball       VP                   Leave     2019.05.01
                                                                     position for the personal reasons

   3. Particulars about working experience of Directors, Supervisors and senior

   Mr. Qiu Tiangao, born in 1966, holds a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical
   Manufacturing and a Master Degree in Industrial Engineering from Huazhong
   University of Science and Technology, and is the Chairman of JMCG, Chairman of
   Nanchange Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd., and Chairman of JMC. Mr. Qiu
   Tiangao held various positions including General Manager, Chairman of
   Nanchang Gear Co., Ltd., Chairman of Jiangxi JMCG Gear Co., Ltd., Vice
   President of Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd., and Director & General Manager
   of JMCG.

   Mr. Anning Chen, born in 1961, holds a Ph.D. in Engineering from the University
   of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. and MBA from the University of Michigan Ross Business
   School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S., and is a Group Vice President and President
   of Ford China for Ford Motor Company, President and CEO of Ford Motor (China)
   Ltd., and Vice Chairman of JMC. Mr. Anning Chen first began his distinguished
   career at Ford Motor Company in 1992, and during his seventeen years at Ford,
   he held various executive management roles. Most recently, Mr. Anning Chen was
   CEO of Chery Automobile LTD, China as well as Chairman of the Board of
   Directors for Chery Jaguar Land Rover Automotive, China.

Mr. Wan Jianrong, born in 1965, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical
Manufacturing from Central China Engineering College and a MBA from Jiangxi
University of Finance & Economics. He is Director and General Manager of JMCG,
Director of Nanchange Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd. and Director of JMC. Mr.
Wan Jianrong has held various positions including Deputy Manager and Manager
for Engineer Plant of JMC, Assistant to the President and Vice President of JMC,
Deputy General Manger of JMCG, and Executive Deputy General Manager and
General Manager of Jiangxi Isuzu Automobile Co., Ltd.

Mr. Thomas Peter Hilditch, born in 1977, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry
from University of London and a Master’s Degree in Management Accounting from
the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, and is Director and Chief
Financial Officer of Ford Motor (China) Ltd. and Director of JMC. Mr. Hilditch held
various positions including Controller of Ford Otosan, Purchasing Controller of
Ford Asia Pacific, Chief Financial Officer of Ford Sollers, and Chief Operating
Officer of Ford Sollers.

Mr. Manto Wong, born in 1962, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer
Engineering and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University
of Michigan, U.S.A., and is Director and President of JMC. Mr. Manto Wong held
various positions including Manger of U.S. Market Analysis Department of Ford,
Chief Financial Officer of JMC, Chief Financial Officer of Ford Japan operations,
Director of Business Strategy for Asia Pacific of Ford, Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer for Ford Motor (China) Ltd., and Vice President of Finance for
Changan Ford.

Mr. Jin Wenhui, born in 1967, senior engineer, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Mechanical Manufacturing, a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from
Huazhong University of Science and Technology and an EMBA Degree in China
Europe International Business School, and is Director & First Executive Vice
President of JMC, in charge of marketing sales & service, manufacturing, IT and
assist the President to manage the Company. Mr. Jin Wenhui held various
positions including Chief of Manufacturing Department, Assistant to the President,
Vice President of JMC, Director, General Manager of JMCG Jingma Motors Co.,
Ltd., and Executive Vice General Manager of Jiangxi-Isuzu Motors Co., Ltd., and
Executive Vice President of JMC.

Mr. Lu Song, born in 1957, professor and arbitrator, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Law from Peking University and a Master’s Degree in Law from China Foreign
Affairs University (“CFAU”) and Free University of Brussels respectively, and is a
professor of CFAU and the arbitrator of international arbitral institutions, Vice
President of the Chinese Society of Private International Law, Executive Council of
the Chinese Society of International Law, and an Independent Director of JMC. Mr.
Lu Song held various positions including Director of International Law Institute of
CFAU and Secretary General of the Chinese Society of International Law.

Ms. Wang Kun, born in 1976, associate professor, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Administration from Nankai University and a Doctor’s Degree in Accounting from
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and is the Assistant to Dean of
School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, Deputy Director of
Corporate Governance Center of Tsinghua University, and an Independent

Director of JMC. Ms. Wang Kun held position of lecturer in School of Economics
and Management of Tsinghua University.

Mr. Li Xianjun, born in 1967, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Management
from Jilin University of Technology and a MBA, a Doctor’s Degree in Political
Economy from Jilin University, and is Head and Academic Director of School of
Automotive Engineering of Tsinghua University, and an Independent Director of
JMC. Mr. Li Xianjun has held various positions including Planner of Engine Plant
of FAW, Secretary of General Manager of Jilin Province Agricultural Machine
Corporation, General Manager of Planning Department of Jilin Province Feed
Company, and Lecturer of School of Business of Jilin University.

Mr. Xiao Hu, born in 1968, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Radio from Information
Science & Electronic Engineering Department of Zhejiang University, and is a
member of the Standing Committee of the CPC, the secretary of Discipline
Inspection Commission and Chairman of Supervisory Board for JMCG, and Chief
Supervisor of JMC. Mr. Xiao Hu has served as a cadre in the General Office of the
Nanchang Municipal People's Government, deputy director of the Office of the
Working Committee of the Nanchang Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, deputy
director of the Software Industry Office of the Nanchang Hi-tech Industry
Development Zone Administrative Committee, deputy head of the Organization
Department of the Working Committee of Nanchang Hi-tech Industry Development
Zone, deputy director of the Personnel and Labor Bureau of the Nanchang Hi-tech
Industry Development Zone Administrative Committee, Head of the Organization
Department of the Working Committee of Nanchang Hi-tech Industry Development
Zone, and the Director of the Personnel Bureau of the Nanchang Hi-tech Industry
Development Zone Administrative Committee.

Mr. Alvin Qing Liu, born in 1957, holds a Master’s Degree in International
Economics and a Jurisprudence Doctor’s Degree from Marquette University,
U.S.A, and is a Director of Ford Motor (China) Ltd, and a Supervisor of JMC. Mr.
Liu was a practicing attorney at Ruder, Ware and Michler Law Firm, U.S.A.,
counsel of Asia Pacific Region, Chrysler Corporation, U.S.A., counsel of Mergers
and Acquisitions Group and Northeast Asia Operations, Daimler-Chrysler A.G.,
Germany, an International Counsel in the Office of General Counsel, Ford Motor
Company, and Vice President & General Counsel of Ford Motor (China), Ltd.

Mr. Zhang Jian, born in 1969, holds a College Degree in Secretarial Professional
from North China University of Technology, and is Chairman of JMCG Labor
Union, Chairman of Supervisor Board of Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd.,
and a Supervisor of JMC. Mr. Zhang Jian held various positions including
Secretary of Chairman and Deputy Director of Office for JMC, Director of Office,
Director of Communist Party Office, Chief of Publicity Department for JMCG,
Assistant to General Manger of JMCG, and Senior Vice Chairman of JMCG Labor

Mr. Ding Zhaoyang, born in 1969, holds a MBA Degree from Université de Poitiers,
France, and is a Supervisor of JMC and Chief of Public & legal Affair Department
for JMC. Mr. Ding Zhaoyang held various positions including Deputy Chief, Chief
of Public Relationship Department of JMC.

Mr. Chen Guang, born in 1973, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Automobile
Engineering from Hunan University, and is a Supervisor of JMC and a Vice
General Manager of JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd. Mr. Chen Guang held
various positions including Deputy Chief of Quality Management Department,
Deputy Plant Manager of Assembly Plant for Jiangling-Isuzu Motors Company
Limited, and Plant Manager of Assembly Plant for JMC.

Senior management:
Mr. Manto Wong, please refer to the part of Directors for his resume.

Mr. Jin Wenhui, please refer to the part of Directors for his resume.

Ms. Xiong Chunying, born in 1964, senior engineer, holds a Bachelor Degree in
Automobile Engineering from Jiangsu Engineering College, a Master Degree in
Industrial Economics from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics and an
EMBA Degree from China Europe International Business School, and is Executive
Vice President of JMC, in charge of the Company's product research and
development. Ms. Xiong Chunying held various positions including Chief of
Quality Management Department, Assistant to the President, Vice President, and
a Director for JMC.

Ms. Li Weihua, born in 1977, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in International Economic
Law from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and a MBA from
Canada York University Schulich School of Business, and is the CFO of JMC, in
charge of the Company’s financial management. Ms. Li Weihua has held various
positions including Finance Analyst of Ford China, Finance Analyst, and Finance
Manager of Ford Motor Research & Engineering (Nanjing) Co., Ltd., MFG Finance
Manager, PD Finance Manager, MFG Finance Controller, and PD Finance
Controller for C and C SUV of Ford AP, and CFO of Ford Lioho.

Mr. Wan Hong, born in 1961, holds a Master of Business Administration Degree
from Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics, and is the Vice President &
Board Secretary of JMC, in charge of the Company’s human resources and
relevant duties of Board Secretary. Mr. Wan Hong held various positions including
Chief of Labour and Personnel Department, and Assistant to the President for

Mr. Li Xiaojun, born in 1975, senior engineer, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Mechanical Design & Manufacturing from Jiangxi University of Science and
Technology and a Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, and is a Vice President of JMC, in charge
of the Company’s quality, manufacturing management and strategic planning. Mr.
Li Xiaojun held various positions including Chief of JMC Quality Management
Department, Plant Manager of Assembly Plant and Assistant to the President for

Mr. Ding Wenming, born in 1972, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Automobile
Exertion from Wuhan University of Technology, and is a Vice President of JMC, in
charge of the Company's product research and development. Mr. Ding Wenming
held various positions including Deputy Chief of Product Development Center,

Chief of Product Planning & Program Management Department, and Assistant to
the President for JMC.

Mr. Milton Wong, born in 1974, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical
Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a Master’s Degree in
Automotive Engineering from University of Michigan and a Master of Business
Administration from Harvard University, USA, and is a Vice President of JMC, in
charge of the Company's product research and development. Mr. Milton Wong
has held various positions in Ford including Global Program Supervisor, Assistant
Chief Project Engineer, Chief Project Engineer for multiple product projects, and
Lincoln Segment Chief Project Engineer of Ford AP.

Ms. Liu Shuying, born in 1962, senior engineer, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Mechanical Manufacturing from Jiangxi University of Technology, and is a Vice
President of JMC, in charge of the Company's product research and development.
Ms. Liu Shuying held various positions including Chief of Quality & Supervision
Department of Jiangling-Isuzu Motors Company Limited, Director of Product
Development Center and Assistant to the President of JMC.

Mr. Mike Chang, born in 1966, holds a Bachelor Degree in Naval Architecture
Engineering from National Taiwan University, China Taiwan and a Master Degree
in Manufacturing Engineering from University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.,
and is a Vice President of JMC, in charge of Xiaolan Plant and Engine Plant. Mr.
Mike Chang held various positions including Paint Area Manger, Final Assembly
Plant Area Manager, Manufacturing Director, Board member of Ford Lio Ho, Vice
General Manager of BinXin Paper Company for Ting Hsin International Group,
Manufacturing Director of Nam Chow Foods Co., China, General Manager of
Tianjin Chuan Shun Foods Co., LTD, Tianjin Ting Fung Starch Development Co.,
LTD, and Hangzhou StarPro Starch Co., LTD for Ting Hsin International Group,
and General Manager of Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd. Harbin Branch.

Mr. Wu Xiaojun, born in 1974, holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Wuhan University
of Technology and a MBA from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, and
is a Vice President of JMC and General Manager of JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co.,
Ltd., in charge of the Company’s heavy duty truck business. Mr. Wu Xiaojun held
various positions including Chief of Quality Department, Assistant to the President
for JMC, and Executive Deputy General Manager of JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co.,

Ms. Luo Xiaofang, born in 1978, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from
Central South University, China and a MBA from Maastricht University,
Netherlands, and is a Vice President of JMC, in charge of the Company’s
purchasing business. Ms. Luo Xiaofang held various positions including Raw
Materials Purchasing Supervisor for Irving Schweizer Asia, and Senior Purchasing
Manager for Ford AP.

Mr. Yu Jianbin, born in 1968, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Forging from Xi’an
Jiaotong University, and is a Vice President of JMC, in charge of the Company’s
Safety and Environmental Protection Department, Logistics Department and
Qingyunpu Plant. Yu Jianbin has held various positions including Manager for the
Engineering Department, Manager for the Manufacturing & Logistics Department

for Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd., Assistant to General Manager of Jiangxi
Fire-fighting Vehicle Plant, Deputy General Manager of Jiangxi-Isuzu Motors Co.,
Ltd., and Deputy General Manager of JMCG Jingma Motors Co., Ltd.

Positions at the shareholder entities
□√Applicable □Not Applicable
       Name              Shareholder                Title               Term of       Compensation Paid
                           Entity                                        Office         by Shareholder
                                                                                          Entity (Y/N)
Qiu Tiangao             JIC             Chairman                   2019.05.28-        N
                                        Group Vice President and   2018.10.24-        Y
Anning Chen             Ford
                                        President, Ford China
Wan Jianrong            JIC             Director                   2019.05.28-        N
Thomas Peter                                                       2019.08.01-        Y
                        Ford            CFO, Ford China
Zhang Jian              JIC             Chairman of Supervisor     2019.05.28-        N

Particulars about positions and concurrent positions in other entities other than
shareholder entities
□√Applicable □Not Applicable
    Name                            Entity                         Title           Paid by Other
                                                                                   Entities (Y/N)
                 JMCG                                        Chairman             Y
                 Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd.          Vice Chairman        N
                 JMCG Jingma Motors Co., Ltd.                Chairman             N
                 Jiangling Dingsheng Investment Co., Ltd.    Chairman             N
Qiu Tiangao
                 JMCG New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd.           Chairman             N
                 Jiangxi ISUZU Co., Ltd.                     Chairman             N
                 GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission Company       Director             N
                 JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.            Chairman             N
                 Ford Motor (China) Ltd.                     President & CEO      N
Anning Chen      Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.           Vice Chairman        N
                 Fordshuttle Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.    Chairman             N
                 JMCG                                        Director             Y
                 Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd.          Director             N
                 Jiangxi ISUZU Co., Ltd.                     Director             N
Wan              JMCG New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd.           Director             N
Jianrong         JMCG Jingma Motors Co.                      Director             N
                 Jiangling Dingsheng Investment Co., Ltd.    Director             N
                 Jiangxi Yizhizhingxing Automobile                                N
                 Operation Service co. LTD
                 Ford Motor (China) Ltd.                     Director             N
Peter Hilditch   Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.           Director             N
                 Fordshuttle Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.    Director             N
Manto Wong       JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.            Director             N
                 Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle                          N
                 Co., Ltd.
                 Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle                        N
                 Co., Ltd.
Jin Wenhui
                                                             Legal                N
                                                             Representative &
                 Jiangling Motor Sales Co., Ltd.

             JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.            Director             N
             Hanon Systems (Nanchang) Co., Ltd.          Director             N
             Shenzhen Fujiang New Energy Automobile      Legal                N
             Sales Co., Ltd.                             Representative
                                                         Legal                N
             Guangzhou Fujiang New Energy                Representative &
             Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.                  Executive
Lu Song      China Foreign Affairs University            Professor            Y
                                                         Assistant to Dean    Y
                                                         of School of
                                                         Economics and
                                                         Management &
Wang Kun     Tsinghua University
                                                         Deputy Director
                                                         of Corporate
                                                         Head and             Y
Li Xianjun   Tsinghua University                         Director of School
                                                         of Automotive
             JMCG                                        Chief supervisor     Y
             JMCG Jingma Motors Co., Ltd.                Supervisor           N
             Jiangling Dingsheng Investment Co., Ltd.    Supervisor           N
Xiao Hu      Jiangxi Jiangling Real Estate Co., Ltd.     Chief supervisor     N
             Jiangxi Jiangling Chassis Co., Ltd.         Supervisor           N
             Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle                          N
             Co., Ltd.
             Ford Motor (China) Ltd.                     Director             N
             Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.           Director             N
Alvin Qing   Ford Motor Research (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.     Supervisor           N
Liu          Ford Motor Research Test (Nanjing) Co.,                          N
             Fordshuttle Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.    Supervisor           N
                                                         Chairman of the      Y
                                                         Labor Union
             Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd.          Chief supervisor     N
             JMCG New Energy Automobile Co. Ltd.         Supervisor           N
             Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle                        N
             Co., Ltd.
             Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd.   Supervisor           N
             Nanchang Gear Co., Ltd.                     Chief supervisor     N
Zhang Jian
             JMCG Finance Co., Ltd.                      Chief supervisor     N
             Jiangxi Lingrui Renewable Resources                              N
             Development Co., Ltd.
             Jiangxi Jiangling Real Estate Co.,Ltd       Supervisor           N
             Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co.,                        N
                                                         Chief supervisor
             Jiangxi Yizhizhixing Automobile Operation                        N
                                                         Chief supervisor
             Service Co., Ltd.
Xiong                                                                         N
             JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.            Director
             Jiangling Motors Sales Co., Ltd.            Supervisor           N
             JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.            Director             N
Li Weihua
             Hanon Systems (Nanchang) Co., Ltd.          Director             N
             Shenzhen Fujiang New Energy Automobile      Supervisor           N

              Sales Co., Ltd.
              Guangzhou Fujiang New Energy                                   N
              Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.
                                                           Independent       Y
Wan Hong      Jiangxi Hongdu Aviation Industry Co., Ltd.
              Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co.,                      N
Li Xiaojun                                                 Director
Ding                                                                         N
              JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.             Director
                                                           Director &        N
Wu Xiaojun    JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.
                                                           General Manager
                                                           Vice General      Y
Chen Guang    JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Penalties from securities regulator to the present and resigned Directors,
Supervisors and senior executives in the recently three years
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

4. Compensation of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

Decision-making procedure, determination of basis, and actual payment regarding
the compensation of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives

Directors and Supervisors who did not concurrently hold other management
positions in JMC were not paid by JMC. Director Qiu Tiangao, Wan Jianrong,
Supervisors Xiao Hu and Zhang Jian were paid by JMCG. Directors Anning Chen,
Thomas Peter Hilditch and Supervisor Alvin Qing Liu were paid by Ford.

(1) In accordance with JMC Executive Compensation Scheme approved by the
Board of Directors, the compensation for the Chinese-side senior management
consists of base salary and floating bonus. The base salary level is determined
according the grade of the senior executives, and the floating bones shall be paid
according to the operating performance. 70% of the bonus will be distributed in
this year, and the rest 30% will be distributed in the next three years. In 2019, the
Company paid annual compensation before tax of approximately RMB 1,570
thousand to EVP Jin Wenhui, paid approximately RMB 1,640 thousand to EVP
Xiong Chunying, paid approximately RMB 1,190 thousand per person to VP &
Board Secretary Wan Hong, VP Liu Shuying, paid approximately RMB 1,180
thousand to VP Li Xiaojun, paid approximately RMB 1,170 thousand to VP Ding
Wenming, paid approximately RMB 1,370 thousand to VP Wu Xiaojun, paid
approximately RMB 170 thousand to VP Yu Jianbin. Two employee-representative
supervisors, Mr. Ding Zhaoyang and Mr. Chen Guang, were paid annual
compensation before tax of about RMB 520 thousand and RMB 660 thousand
respectively. The total compensation before tax paid by JMC for the aforesaid
persons was about RMB 10.66 million in the reporting period, including the long-
term incentive of RMB 0.84 million deferred from the previous years.

(2) JMC pays annual compensation for Ford-seconded senior management
personnel to Ford in accordance with the Personnel Secondment Agreement
signed between JMC and Ford & Ford Affiliates. In 2019, JMC should pay US$ 90
thousand to Ford for Ex Director & President Thomas Fann, pay RMB 250
thousand for Ex VP Christian Chen, pay US$ 60 thousand for Ex VP Tim Slatter,

pay US$ 125 thousand for Ex VP Andy Ball, pay US$ 325 thousand for President
Manto Wong, pay RMB 786 thousand for CFO Li Weihua, pay US$ 200 thousand
for VP Milton Wong, pay US$ 376 thousand for VP Mike Chang, pay RMB 530
thousand for VP Luo Xiaofang. These payments made by JMC to Ford do not
reflect the actual salaries earned by Ford-seconded senior management.

(3) Pursuant to the resolutions of JMC 2011 Annual Shareholder’s Meeting, the
annual compensation for the JMC Independent Directors is RMB 100 thousand
per person, and JMC bears their travel-related expenses associated with JMC’s

Table on compensation of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives in the
reporting period
                                                                                         Unit: RMB’ 000
                                                                    Compensation       Compensation
     Name            Position       Gender     Age                 Before Tax Paid     Paid by Related
                                                                       by JMC            Party (Y/N)
Qiu Tiangao      Chairman               Male   53              Y                     0                Y
Anning Chen      Vice Chairman          Male   58              Y                     0                Y
Wan Jianrong     Director               Male   54              Y                     0                Y
Thomas Peter
                 Director               Male   42              Y                     0                 Y
                  Director &
Manto Wong                              Male   57              Y                     *                 Y
Jin Wenhui       Director & EVP         Male   52              Y              1,570                    N
Lu Song                                 Male   62              Y               100                     N
Wang Kun                              Female   43              Y               100                     N
Li Xianjun                              Male   52              Y               100                     N
Xiao Hu          Chief supervisor       Male   51              Y                  0                    Y
Alvin Qing Liu   Supervisor             Male   62              Y                  0                    Y
Zhang Jian       Supervisor             Male   50              Y                  0                    Y
Ding Zhaoyang    Supervisor             Male   50              Y                520                    N
Chen Guang       Supervisor             Male   46              Y                660                    N
Xiong Chunying    EVP                 Female   55              Y              1,640                    N
Li Weihua        CFO                  Female   42              Y                  *                    Y
                 VP & Board
Wan Hong                                Male   58              Y              1,190                    N
Li Xiaojun       VP                     Male   44              Y              1,180                    N
Ding Wenmin      VP                     Male   47              Y              1,170                    N
Milton Wong      VP                     Male   45              Y                  *                    Y
Liu Shuying      VP                   Female   57              Y              1,190                    N
Mike Chang       VP                     Male   53              Y                  *                    Y
Wu Xiaojun       VP                     Male   45              Y              1,370                    N
Luo Xiaofang     VP                   Female   41              Y                  *                    Y
Yu Jianbin       VP                     Male   51              Y                170                    N
David Johnston   Ex Director            Male   49              N                  0                    Y
Yuan Mingxue     Ex Director            Male   51              N                  0                    Y
                 Ex Director &
Thomas Fann                             Male   57              N                     *                 Y
Tim Slatter      Ex-VP                  Male   45              N                     *                 Y
Christian Chen   Ex-VP                  Male   47              N                     *                 Y
Andy Ball        Ex-VP                  Male   54              N                     *                 Y

 Total               --            --       ----      --               10,960        --
* Please refer to the relevant statement in the Article 4 Compensation of Directors,
Supervisors and Senior Executives of this Chapter.

Granted equity incentive to the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives in the
reporting period
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

5. Employees
i. Employees, Professional Structure and Educational Level
 Employees in parent company (persons)                                                    13,492
 Employees in subsidiaries (persons)                                                       1,296
 Total employees (persons)                                                                14,788
 Total employees paid compensation (persons)                                              15,654
 Retired employees bore retirement benefits in parent company and its subsidiaries           754
                                     Professional Structure
                        Type                                   Employees (Persons)
 Production Worker                                                                     9,467
 Sales Personnel                                                                         646
 Technical Personnel                                                                   3,600
 Finance Personnel                                                                       201
 Administrative Staff                                                                    874
 Total                                                                                14,788
                                       Educational Level
                        Type                                   Employees (Persons)
 Master degree and higher                                                              1,066
 Bachelor degree                                                                       3,793
 Polytechnic school degree                                                             2,308
 Below polytechnic school degree                                                       7,621
 Total                                                                                14,788

ii. Compensation Policy
The Company strictly complies with the relevant requirements of national labor
laws and regulations, provides a safe and environmentally friendly workplace, and
continuously establishes and improves the salary management mechanism that
matches the employees’ income with the Company’s performance, position value,
employees’ individual ability and performance, and effectively link organizational
performance and individual performance, strengthen the incentive guiding role of
compensation, and precisely motivate high-performing backbone talents. At the
same time, the employees’ welfare policies are constantly improved to meet the
diverse personal needs of employees and to enhance employees’ experience and

iii. Training
In the current new normal of the industry, closely follow the Company's strategy
and business needs, strengthen the training and construction of the talent team,
and consolidate the training system to establish an "online + offline" diversified
learning method, to provide employees’ career development with a steady stream
of knowledge support and diverse learning options. With HR vision and mission as
the goal, it provides talent retention and training solutions for the Company's
business goals and strategic transformation.

Continue to optimize the career development channels for employees, build and
improve a management and professional dual-channel career development
system starting from the comprehensive development of new employees, so that
employees with different specialties and career development have more
professional choice and growth opportunities. Please refer to 2019 JMC
Corporation Social Responsibility Report for more details on 2019 training plan

iv. Labour outsourcing
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

Chapter IX          Corporate Governance Structure

1. Status of the Corporate Governance in JMC
Difference between actual situation of corporate governance in JMC and that of
requirements of listed company corporate governance promulgated by CSRC
□Applicable □√Not Applicable

During the reporting period, the Company strictly abided by the Company Law, the
Securities Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China,
the Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as well as
relevant laws and regulations, to carry out corporate governance activities and
continued to improve its corporate governance.

2. Separation between JMC and the Controlling Shareholders in respect of
Personnel, Assets and Finance, and Independence concerning Organization and
(1) With respect to personnel matters, the positions of chairman and president are
held by different individuals; JMC’s senior management do not hold positions other
than director positions with its controlling shareholders; JMC senior management
personnel are paid by JMC; labor, personnel matters and compensation
management of JMC are completely independent.

(2) With respect to assets, JMC assets are complete. The assets utilized by JMC,
including production system, supporting production system and peripheral facilities,
and non-patent technology, are owned and/or controlled by JMC.

(3) With respect to finance, JMC has an independent finance department and
independent accounting system, and has a uniform and independent accounting
system and financial control system for its branches and subsidiaries. JMC has its
own bank accounts, and there are no bank accounts jointly owned by JMC and its
controlling shareholders. JMC pays taxes independently in accordance with
relevant laws.

(4) With respect to organization, JMC’s organization is independent, complete and
scientifically established with a sound and efficient operating mechanism. The
establishment and the operation of JMC’s corporate governance are strictly
carried out per the Articles of Association of JMC. Production and administrative
management are independent from the controlling shareholders. JMC has
established an organization structure that meets the need for ongoing

(5) With respect to business, JMC has independent purchasing, production and
sales systems. The purchasing, production and sales of main materials and
products are carried out through its own purchasing, production & sales functions.
JMC is independent from the controlling shareholders in respect to its business,
and has independent and complete business and self-sufficient operating

3. Horizontal Competition

   □Applicable □√Not Applicable

   4. Introduction to the Shareholders’ Meeting
   I. Index to the Shareholders’ Meeting in the reporting period
                                                     Convening Disclosure
         Meeting          Meeting Type Participation                                  Index
                                                       Date       Date
                                                                            The announcement
    2019 First Special Special                                              (No: 2019-007) was
    Shareholders’     Shareholders’          77.45% 2019.02.20 2019.02.21 published in the
    Meeting            Meeting                                              website
                                                                            The announcement
    2018 Annual           Annual                                            (No: 2019-032) was
    Shareholders’        Shareholders’       76.86% 2019.06.28 2019.06.29 published in the
    Meeting               Meeting                                           website
                                                                            The announcement
    2019 Second
                          Special                                           (No: 2019-049) was
                          Shareholders’       76.68% 2019.09.23 2019.09.24 published in the
                          Meeting                                           website

   II. Special Shareholders’ Meeting convened by preferred shareholders whose
       voting rights were restored
   □Applicable □√Not Applicable

   5. Independent Directors’ Performance of Duty
   I. Particulars about the directors’ attendance to the Board meeting and the
      Shareholders’ Meeting
                                                                               Not to      Presence at
                                                                             present in        the
              Required                                                       person in    Shareholders’
                              Presence      in Form    Presence
  Name          Board                                             Absence       two          Meeting
                              in Person    of Paper    by Proxy
             Attendance                                                     consecutive
Lu Song              20           3          16            1        0            N              1
Wang Kun             20           3          16            1        0            N              0
Li Xianjun           20           2          16            2        0            N              0

   II. Dissent from Independent Directors
   □Yes □√No
   The Independent Directors of the Company had no dissent to the relevant
   proposal of the Company in the reporting period.

   III. Other introduction to Independent Directors’ Performance of Duty
   □√Yes □No
   JMC has appointed three Independent Directors so far. The Independent Directors
   exercised their fiduciary duties on routine work and major decision-making of the
   Board of Directors. They studied every proposal reviewed by the Board of
   Directors thoroughly and raised their opinions, inquired about major events which
   required opinions from the Independent Directors and issued their written opinions,
   and actively engaged in the affairs of the Compensation Committee and the Audit

Committee in the reporting period, to protect the interests of the Company and all
the shareholders.

6. 2019 Diligence Report of the Committees under the Board of Directors
I. Work of the Audit Committee
A. Work Summary Report of the Audit Committee
According to its Working Rules, the Audit Committee diligently executed its duties
and delivered guiding opinions. The primary tasks completed during the reporting
period were as follows.
i. The Audit Committee reviewed the Company’s internal control work plan and
     internal control implementation results regularly.
ii. The Audit Committee reviewed the Assets Impairment Provisions and Write-off
     proposal and submitted it to the Board for review and approval.
iii. The Audit Committee reviewed the independent auditor’s audit plan, letter of
     engagement and risks and controls.
iv. The Audit Committee has coordinated with the independent auditor to allow the
     audit and associated financial report can be submitted within the appointed
v. The Audit Committee reviewed the financial statements before the certified
     auditor’s on-site audit, after receiving the certified auditor’s initial and final audit
     opinions. The Committee communicated with auditors face to face over
     important events and major accounting estimations, audit adjustment items and
     important accounting policies which potentially affect the financial statements,
     and believes that the financial statements are truthful, accurate and fully reflect
     the Company’s actual status.
vi. The Audit Committee has submitted the 2019 Independent Auditor Summary
     Report to the Board for review.
vii. The Audit Committee reviewed the Internal Control Self-assessment Report
     and agreed to submit this to the Board for approval.

B. Written Opinions on JMC Financial Statements
The Audit Committee reviewed the unaudited financial statements prepared by the
Company and issued its written opinions as follows on January 15, 2020: the Audit
Committee reviewed the financial statements compiled by JMC and believes that
the financial statements have in all material aspects reflected the actual status of
the Company. The Audit Committee would continue to keep in close contact with
the external auditor. After receiving the auditor’s initial audit comments, the
committee would review the financial statements once again.

The Audit Committee reviewed the financial statements prepared by JMC after the
external auditor issued its initial audit opinions and issued written opinions as
follows on February 21, 2020: the financial statements have been prepared
according to China GAAP and the Company’s financial policies; and, the financial
statements reported gives a true, accurate and fair view of the financial position of
the Company as at December 31, 2019, and of its financial performance and its
cash flows for the year then ended, in all material respects.

The Audit Committee made resolutions on the audited 2019 financial statements
as follows on March 5, 2020: the Audit Committee reviewed the financial
statements after the certified public auditor issued its final audit opinion, and the
Audit Committee believed that the financial statements reported, including the

Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow, give a true, accurate and fair
view of the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2019, and of its
financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended, in all material
respects. The Audit Committee concurred to submit for Board approval.

C. 2019 Independent Audit Work Summary Report

The Audit Committee reviewed the 2019 Audit Work Plan submitted by the
independent auditing firm PwC Zhong Tian via communications with the PwC
Zhong Tian leading auditor. Agreement was achieved regarding timing and
content and both parties believe that the plan ensures a comprehensive
completion of the 2019 audit tasks.

The independent auditor thoroughly communicated with the management and the
Audit Committee Members regarding: accounting policies implementation,
revenue recognition, significant accounting estimates related to accrued expenses,
accounting treatment for eight Provisions, Impairment of long term assets, and
research and development expenses, related party transaction recognition and
fairness and information disclosure. They have also discussed about issues
identified and the corrective actions. As a result, all parties have a more in-depth
understanding of the business status, financial status and internal control.
Therefore, a solid foundation was laid for a fair audit conclusion issued by the
independent auditor.

The Audit Committee believed that the external certified auditor had executed the
audit work consistently with the requirements of China Certified Auditor
Independent Audit Principles. The audit period was adequate and the allocation of
personnel resources was sufficient to deliver an audit report which accurately
reflects the Company’s financial position as at December 31, 2019, and the
financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended. The audit
conclusion fairly reflects the Company’s actual status.

II. 2019 Diligence Report of the Compensation Committee
In the reporting period, the Compensation Committee exercised its duties as
i. reviewed and approved the Proposal on 2018 Year-end Bonus for the
    Company’s senior executives;
ii. Reviewed and approved the adjustment of the annual total cash income target
    of the Company’s senior executives in 2019;
iii. Reviewed and approved the 2019 Due Diligence Report of the Compensation
iv. Reviewed and approved the KPIs for the Company’s senior executives in 2019.

The Compensation Committee’s opinions on the annual compensation of the
Directors, Supervisors and senior management disclosed in this Report are as
The 2019 annual compensation for the Chinese-side senior management was
paid upon the principles promulgated in the JMC Executive Compensation
Scheme. The 2019 annual compensation for Ford-seconded senior management
personnel was paid in accordance with the Personnel Secondment Agreement
signed between JMC and Ford & Ford Affiliates. The annual compensation for the

Director and Supervisor that the Company paid abided by JMC salary
management system.

In the reporting period, the annual compensation of the Directors, Supervisors and
senior executives disclosed in this Report was complied with JMC salary
management system, and there was neither breach nor inconsistency of this

7. Works of Supervisory Board
Risks found by the Supervisory Board in the reporting period
□Yes □√No
The Supervisory Board had no dissent on inspection items in the reporting period.

8. Compensation & Incentive Mechanism for Senior Management in the Reporting
The Compensation Committee of the Company approved the 2019 year-end
bonus plan for the senior executive based on the actual performance of the key
performance indicators for the senior executives, which is set out in JMC
Executive Compensation Scheme approved by the Board of Directors of the
Company, and approved the KPIs for the Company’s senior executives in 2020
and to adjust the Year 2020 total income target of the senior executives based on
market conditions. These plans are applicable only to the Chinese-side senior

9. Internal Control
I.    Major defect of internal control in the reporting period
□Yes □√No

II.   Internal Control Self-assessment Report
 Issuance date                                                                             March 26, 2020
 Index                                                                                 www.cninfo.com.cn
 Total value of assets of the entities in scope counts as % of that disclosed in the
 consolidated financial statements
 Total value of operating revenue of the entities in scope counts as % of that
 disclosed in the consolidated financial statements
                                     Deficiency Determination Criteria
          Type                        Financial Report                       Non-financial Report
                        Material Weakness: An error that            Material Weakness: Unscientific
                        changes the trend of results, changes          decision making process such as
                        profit to loss or loss to profit Ineffective   incorrect decisions that result in
                        anti-fraud process or any fraud                unsuccessful mergers and
                        involving senior                               acquisitions; Major regulatory
                        management       Ineffective control over      compliance issues; Frequent media
                        accounting policies Ineffective oversight reports harmful to the Company’s
 Qualitative Criteria
                        by the Audit Committee Significant        reputation; A lack of control within key
                        Deficiency; Errors in management               business processes or systematic
                        reporting systems or Corporate                 breakdown of control policies
                        accounting records that could lead to
                        incorrect management decisions;                Material weakness identified in the
                        Actions inconsistent with Company              self-assessment without any action
                        values, policies and other Corporate           plan implemented       Significant

                        guidelines that are likely to significantly   Deficiency; control deficiency, or
                        impact cost, quality, customer                combination of control deficiencies,
                        satisfaction, reputation, or competitive      that does not meet the criteria for
                        advantage; Control issues in IT               material weakness but deserves the
                        infrastructure or applications that may       concerns of the Audit Committee and
                        lead to impairment of Company                 the Board of Directors. Minor
                        operations. Any actions indicating fraud      Deficiency Any control deficiencies that
                        or theft that is significant in value Minor   do not meet the criteria for material or
                        Deficiency; Any control deficiencies that significant.
                        do not meet the criteria for material or
                        Material Weakness Misstatement in the
                        Income Statement is more than 5% of
                        the annual profit before taxation;
                        Misclassification in the Income
                        Statement is more than 0.4% of the
                        annual sales revenue
                        Adjustment of net assets in the Balance
                        Sheet is more than 1% of the
                        shareholders' equity Adjustment of
                        asset or liability in the Balance Sheet is
                        more than 0.6% of the total assets;
                        Adjustment in the Cash Flow
                        Statement      is more than 3% of the total
                        net cash flow in the operating activities.
                                                              Please refer to internal control
                        Significant Deficiency                deficiency over financial reporting for
Quantitative Criteria
                      Misstatement in the Income Statement is the criteria for non-financial reporting
                                                              internal control.
                      more than 2.5% of the annual profit
                        before taxation; Misclassification in the
                        Income Statement is more than 0.2% of
                        the annual sales revenue; Adjustment of
                        net assets in the Balance Sheet is more
                        than 0.5% of the Shareholders’ equity;
                        Adjustment of asset or liability in the
                        Balance Sheet is more than 0.3% of the
                        Total assets; Adjustment in the Cash
                        Flow Statement      is more than 1.5% of
                        the total net cash flow from the operating
                        activities. Minor Deficiency All the
                        deficiencies that do     not meet the
                        quantitative criteria for significant.
Number of Material
Weakness in                                                                                                      0
financial report
Number of Material
Weakness in non-                                                                                                 0
financial report
Number of Significant                                                                                            0

 Deficiency in financial
 Number of Significant
 Deficiency in non-                                                                   0
 financial report

10. Internal Control Audit Report
□√Applicable □Not Applicable
                        Opinions in the Internal Control Audit Report
 Internal Control Audit Report Disclosed or not        Disclosed
 Issuance Date                                         March 26, 2020
 Index                                                 www.cninfo.com.cn
 Type of Opinion                                       Standard and unqualified opinions
 Major Defect Regarding Non-financial Report or no No

Abnormal opinion issued by the accounting firm
□Yes □√No
Opinion issued by the accounting firm keeps the same with that of self-assessment
report made by the Board
□√Yes □No

Chapter X Corporate Bond
Whether the Company owns the corporate bond that it lists in the securities
exchange and is undue or is not paid in full although it’s due

Chapter XI Financial Statements
Type of Audit Report           Standard and Unqualified Opinion
Signature date                 March 24, 2020
Name of Auditor                PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP
Document No. of Audit Report   2020/SH-0178

                                                                                         (Page 1 of 5)

Independent Auditor’s Report
To the Shareholders of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
 (incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

What we have audited

The consolidated financial statements of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (the “Company”) and its
subsidiaries (the “Group”) set out on pages 62 to 140, which comprise:

      the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2019;

      the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the year then ended;

      the consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year then ended;

      the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended; and

      the notes to the consolidated financial statements, which include a summary of significant
      accounting policies.

Our opinion

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the
consolidated financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2019, and its consolidated financial
performance and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”).

Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (“ISAs”). Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the
Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements section of our report.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis
for our opinion.


We are independent of the Group in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“CICPA Code”), and we have fulfilled our
other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the CICPA Code

Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in
our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were
addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in
forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

Key audit matters identified in our audit are summarised as follows:
      Research and development expenditures
      Impairment of long term assets

                                                - 57 -
                                                                                         (Page 2 of 5)

Key Audit Matter                      How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter
Research and development              We obtained a breakdown, by value, of all individual
expenditures                          research and development projects and reconciled this to
                                      the amounts of research and development expenses and
Refer to note        15    to the     capitalised research and development projects, which were
consolidated              financial   recorded in the general ledger, identifying no reconciling
statements.                           differences.

We focussed on this area due to       We tested the projects where research and development
the incurred amount of research       expenses were in excess of RMB23,000,000, together with
and development expenditures          a sample of randomly selected immaterial projects from the
(RMB1,937,078,000 in 2019), the       remaining population, as follows:
amount of the development costs        We obtained the lists of expenses by nature on selected
capitalised (RMB160,757,000 in            projects and inspected contracts and underlying invoices
2019), and the fact that there is         which were directly related to those projects. We also
management’s           judgement         checked the reasonableness of the indirect expenses
involved in assessing whether the         attributable to relevant projects, including employment
criteria set out in the accounting        costs and depreciation expenses, by understanding the
policies (note 2.10(2)) required          allocating method and inspecting the supporting for the
for    capitalisation    of  such         assembling and allocating process of those indirect
development costs had been met,           expenses.
particularly:                          We also checked the recorded research and development
 The technical feasibility of the         costs of those projects with budgeted amounts and
  project.                                discuss with project manager regarding to the status of
 The likelihood of the project            selected projects.
  generating sufficient future
  economic benefits.                  We found no material issues arising from the above
 The        timing     to     start   procedures.
                                      We obtained the lists of capitalised projects and tested those
We had particular regard to the       projects      with     the     capitalised    amounts      over
fact that the Group has continued     RMB21,000,000. We obtained explanations from
to invest in the technical            management of why those projects were considered to be
improvements for its automobile       capital in nature, in terms of how the specific requirements
products, and therefore we            of the relevant accounting standards, most notably of IAS
focussed on the accuracy and          38 were met. We also conducted interviews with individual
completeness      of     recorded     project managers responsible for those projects selected to
research      and    development      corroborate these explanations, which enabled us to
expenditures and whether the          independently assess whether the projects met all the
economic benefits of the projects     criteria for capitalisation set out in accounting standards. In
under development supported           addition, we reviewed the selected projects’ inspection
the amounts capitalised.              reports at different phases including the reports which
                                      indicated that the subject projects entered into
As part of our work we also           developmental stage and related management and board
focused       on     management’s    meeting minutes. We found the information we gathered
judgements regarding whether          from those documents to be consistent with explanations
capitalised costs were of a           obtained from individual project managers and to be in line
development stage rather than         with management’s assessment that the costs met the
research stage (which would result    relevant      capitalisation     criteria.   We      considered
in the costs being expensed rather    management’s judgements on whether those selected
than capitalised), and whether        projects should be capitalised were appropriate.
costs,    including    employment
(payroll) costs, were directly
attributable to relevant projects.

                                                                                     (Page 3 of 5)

Key Audit Matter                    How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter
Impairment of long term             We evaluated management’s impairment calculations
assets                              assessing the future cash flow forecasts used in the models,
                                    and the process by which they were drawn up, including
Refer to note 2.11, note 4.1(2)     comparing them to the latest Board approved budgets, and
and note 12 to the consolidated     testing the underlying calculations. We found that
financial statements.               management had followed their clearly documented process
                                    for drawing up future cash flow forecasts, which was subject
We focused on this area because     to timely oversight and challenge by the directors and which
JMC Heavy Duty Vehicle Co.,         was consistent with the Board’s approved budgets.
Ltd. (“JMCH”), the subsidiary
of the Group has incurred           We challenged:
accumulated         losses     of    the key assumptions for revenue growth rate, sales growth
RMB1,495,092,000 as at 31             rate, discount rate and long-term growth rate in the
December         2019,      which     forecasts by comparing them to historical results, and
indicates     there    may     be     economic and industry forecasts;
impairment on its long term          the discount rate by assessing the cost of capital for the
assets,     mainly      including     CGU and comparable organisations.
property, plant and equipment       We considered the key assumptions used were reasonably
with      the      amount      of   set in place.
RMB1,524,790,000.            The
determination of whether or not     We discussed the action plans in place and evaluated the
an impairment charge for long       reasonableness of those plans, by comparing those action
term assets for JMCH is             plans with the performance in prior years, automobile
necessary to involve significant    industry developing trends and existing market player’s
judgements of management            performance. We considered those action plans were
about the future results of the     reasonably set in place.
business and assessment of
future plans of the JMCH’s         We also tested whether the required CGU performance
operations.                         improvement had ever been attained by the relevant CGU
                                    historically. We compared the current year actual results
Management considers JMCH           with the prior year forecast to evaluate whether the
to be a cash generating unit        assumptions used in the prior year forecast were over
(“CGU”) and has calculated the    optimistic. We found that the comparison analysis made by
fair value less costs of disposal   management between the actual results and forecasted
as the recoverable amount of        figures were reasonable.
this CGU. The fair value less
costs of disposal is based on       We challenged management on the adequacy of their
discounted future cash flow         sensitivity calculations over the recoverable amount of the
forecasts over which the            CGU. We determined that the calculations were most
management make judgements          sensitive to assumptions for revenue growth rate, sales price
on certain key inputs including     growth rate, discount rate and long term growth rate. We
revenue growth rate, sales price    calculated the degree to which these assumptions would
growth rate, discount rate and      need to move before an impairment conclusion was
long term growth rate.              triggered. We discussed the likelihood of such a movement
                                    with management and agreed with their conclusion that it
                                    was unlikely.

                                    Based on the procedures we performed, management’s
                                    judgements and assessments relating to the impairment of
                                    long term assets are supported by the evidence we gathered.

                                                                                         (Page 4 of 5)

Other Information
Management of the Company is responsible for the other information. The other information
comprises all of the information included in the annual report other than the consolidated financial
statements and our auditor’s report thereon.

Our opinion on the consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we
do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read
the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially
inconsistent with the consolidated financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or
otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this
other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Responsibilities of Management and the Audit Committee for the
Consolidated Financial Statements
Management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these
consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRSs, and for such internal control as
management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial
statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the
Group’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going
concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to
liquidate the Group or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

The Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the Group’s financial reporting process.

Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial
statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to
issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. We report our opinion solely to you, as a body,
and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other
person for the contents of this report. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a
guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered
material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain
professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also:

                                                                                        (Page 5 of 5)

        Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial
        statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive
        to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
        basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
        fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery,
        intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
        Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit
        procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing
        an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control.
        Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of
        accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management.
        Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of
        accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty
        exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability
        to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are
        required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the
        consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our
        opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our
        auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to
        continue as a going concern.
        Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial
        statements, including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements
        represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair
        Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the
        entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated
        financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of
        the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.

We communicate with the Audit Committee regarding, among other matters, the planned scope
and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in
internal control that we identify during our audit.

We also provide the Audit Committee with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other
matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable,
related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with the Audit Committee, we determine those matters that were
of most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period and
are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or
regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances,
we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse
consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of
such communication.

The engagement partner on the audit resulting in this independent auditor’s report is Lei Fang.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP

Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China

24 March 2020



31 DECEMBER 2019


(All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                            Notes              2019               2018

Revenue from contracts with customers                          5         29,173,636         28,249,340
Taxes and surcharges                                                       (744,695)          (687,133)
Cost of sales                                                  6        (24,597,898)       (24,463,198)
Gross profit                                                              3,831,043          3,099,009

Distribution costs                                            6           (1,525,883)       (1,202,382)
Administrative expenses                                       6           (2,731,887)       (2,460,259)
Net impairment losses on financial assets                   3.1(2)          (131,701)           (1,089)
Net impairment losses on non-financial assets                                (25,355)           (7,143)
Other income                                                   8             492,301           426,678
Operating loss                                                               (91,482)         (145,186)

Finance income                                                 9            203,950             188,436
Finance costs                                                  9             (8,306)             (5,849)
Finance income-net                                             9            195,644             182,587

Share of profit of investments accounted for using the
  equity method                                              17b                823               2,238
Profit before income tax                                                    104,985              39,639
Income tax credit                                             10             42,827              52,194
Profit for the period                                                       147,812              91,833

Profit attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company                                                  147,812             91,833

Other comprehensive income/(loss)
Item that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
- Remeasurements of retirement benefits obligations                           (1,623)            (4,590)
- Income tax relating to remeasurements of retirement
   benefit obligations                                                           406              1,148
Other comprehensive loss for the period, net of tax                           (1,217)            (3,442)

Total comprehensive income for the period                                   146,595              88,391

Total comprehensive income attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company                                                 146,595              88,391

Earnings per share for profit attributable to the
shareholders of the Company for the period
  (expressed in RMB per share)
- Basic and diluted                                           11                0.17               0.11

The notes on pages 68 to 140 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

                                                  - 63 -

(All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                            Notes        2019         2018

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                                12      7,212,614    6,941,292
Right-of-use assets                                          14         36,040           —
Lease prepayment                                             13        719,695      601,260
Intangible assets                                            15        354,203      246,026
Deferred income tax assets                                   18        860,607      743,096
Investments accounted for using the equity method           17b         40,935       40,112
Total non-current assets                                             9,224,094    8,571,786

Current assets
Inventories                                                  19      1,946,869    2,522,354
Trade and other receivables and prepayments                  20      3,900,585    4,678,284
Derivative financial instruments                             3.3             -          979
Financial assets at fair value through other
  comprehensive income                                       3.3       289,044        6,246
Cash and cash equivalents                                    21      8,937,937    7,616,880
Total current assets                                                15,074,435   14,824,743

Total assets                                                        24,298,529   23,396,529

                                               - 64 -

(All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                            Notes             2019                    2018

Share capital                                                22           863,214                  863,214
Share premium                                                             816,609                  816,609
Other reserves                                               23           446,255                  447,472
Retained earnings                                                       8,370,486                8,257,203
Total equity                                                           10,496,564               10,384,498

Non-current liabilities
Contract liabilities                                          5            61,714                  38,382
Borrowings                                                   24             3,198                   3,595
Leaseliabilities                                             14            22,592                      —
Deferred income tax liabilities                              18            25,340                  26,024
Retirement benefit obligations                               25            63,685                  63,425
Provisions for statutory warranty                            26           166,687                 151,492
Other non-current liabilities                                              34,470                  60,160
Total non-current liabilities                                             377,686                 343,078

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                     27        12,826,996               12,195,966
Contract liabilities                                          5           268,170                  266,702
Current income tax liabilities                                             75,019                      179
Borrowings                                                  24                457                      449
Lease liabilities                                           14             13,387                       —
Derivative financial instruments                            3.3               546                         -
Retirement benefit obligations                              25              4,756                    4,595
Provisions for statutory warranty                           26            234,948                  201,062
Total current liabilities                                              13,424,279               12,668,953

Total liabilities                                                      13,801,965               13,012,031

Total equity and liabilities                                           24,298,529               23,396,529

The notes on pages 68 to 140 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

                                               - 65 -

 (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                           Share        Share         Other     Retained
                                  Notes   capital    premium       reserves     earnings           Total

Balance at 1 January 2018                 863,214        816,609    450,914    10,441,665    12,572,402

Profit for the period                            -             -          -       91,833          91,833
Other comprehensive income
- Remeasurements of retirement
    benefit obligations, net of
    tax                                         -              -     (3,442)            -        (3,442)
Dividends relating to 2017                      -              -          -    (2,276,295)   (2,276,295)
Balance at 31 December 2018               863,214        816,609    447,472     8,257,203    10,384,498

Balance at 1 January 2019                 863,214        816,609    447,472     8,257,203    10,384,498

Profit for the period                            -             -          -      147,812         147,812
Other comprehensive income                       -             -          -             -              -
- Remeasurements of retirement
    benefit obligations, net of
    tax                                         -              -     (1,217)            -        (1,217)
Dividends relating to 2018         28           -              -          -       (34,529)      (34,529)
Balance at 31 December 2019               863,214        816,609    446,255     8,370,486    10,496,564

 The notes on pages 68 to 140 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

                                                - 66 -

(All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

                                                            Notes              2019                   2018

Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations                               29           2,737,046                 (4,180)
Interest paid                                                                (2,904)                  (218)
Income tax paid                                                                (179)               (97,410)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities                       2,733,963               (101,808)

Cash flows from investing activities
Payment for property, plant and equipment (“PPE”)                      (1,616,841)             (1,385,315)
Purchase of financial assets at fair value through profit
    or loss                                                              (9,200,000)            (10,353,000)
Other cash paid relating to investing activities                            (12,942)                (16,321)
Proceeds from disposal of PPE                                                 3,888                   2,773
Proceeds from disposal of financial assets at fair value
   through profit or loss                                                 9,200,000             10,353,000
Investment income from financial assets at fair value
   through profit or loss                                                    47,386                  18,191
Interest received                                                           209,561                 232,627
Other cash received from investing activities                                 3,855                   9,121
Net cash outflow from investing activities                               (1,365,093)             (1,138,924)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from borrowings                                                    200,000                       -
Repayments of borrowings                                                   (200,454)                   (434)
Principal elements of lease payments                                        (12,831)                      —
Dividends paid to shareholders of the Company                               (34,509)             (2,278,417)
Other cash paid relating to financing activities                                (19)                 (1,260)
Net cash outflow from financing activities                                  (47,813)             (2,280,111)

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                      1,321,057             (3,520,843)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                            7,616,880             11,137,723
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                     21           8,937,937              7,616,880

The notes on pages 68 to 140 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.

                                               - 67 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

 1    General information

      Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (the “Company”) was established in the People’s Republic
      of China (the “PRC”) under the Company Law of the PRC and according to the approval of
      Hongban (1992) No. 005 of Nangchang Revolution and Authorisation Group of Company’s
      Joint Stock as a joint stock limited company to hold certain operational assets and liabilities of
      the automotive manufacturing business of Jiangxi Motors Manufacturing Factory, which was
      owned by Jiangling Motors Group Co., Ltd (“JMCG”). The legal representative’s operating
      license of the Company is No.913600006124469438.

      The address of the Company’s registered office is No.509, Northern Yingbin Avenue,
      Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, the PRC.

      In December 1993, the Company issued 494,000,000 domestic ordinary shares (“A share”).
      In addition, the Company issued 25,214,000 A shares as bonus shares to the existing
      shareholders in 1994. The bonus shares were issued by utilisation of the Company’s retained

      In 1995, the Company issued 174,000,000 domestically listed foreign shares (“B share”) and
      the Company issued 170,000,000 additional B shares in 1998.

      As at 31 December 2019, the total number of issued shares of the Company is 863,214,000
      shares, which are all listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the PRC.

      The Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are principally engaged in the development,
      manufacturing and selling of automobiles, engines and automobile related parts, dies and

      These consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors
      24 March 2020.

 2    Summary of significant accounting policies

      This note provides a list of the significant accounting policies adopted in the preparation of
      these consolidated financial statements. These policies have been consistently applied to all
      the years presented, unless otherwise stated. The financial statements are for the Group
      consisting the Company and its subsidiaries.

2.1   Basis of preparation

      The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with all
      applicable International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The consolidated financial
      statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for certain financial assets
      and liabilities (including derivative instruments and financial assets at FVOCI) are measured at
      fair value.

                                              - 68 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies(continued)

2.1    Basis of preparation (continued)

(1)    New and amended standards adopted by the Group

       The Group has applied the IFRS 16 Leases for the first time for their annual reporting period
       commencing 1 January 2019. The Group had to change its accounting policies as a result of
       adopting IFRS 16. There is no retrospective adjustment recognised in prior periods. The
       impact of adopting the following standards are disclosed in Note 2.2.

(2)    New standards and interpretations not yet adopted

       Certain new accounting standards and interpretations have been published that are not
       mandatory for reporting period ended 31 December 2019 and have not been early adopted by
       the Group. These standards are not expected to have a material impact on the entity in the
       current or future reporting periods and on foreseeable future transactions.

2.2    Changes in accounting policies

       This note explains the impact of the adoption of IFRS 16 Leases on the Group’s financial

       As indicated in note 2.1 above, the Group has adopted IFRS 16 Leases from 1 January 2019,
       but has not restated comparatives for the 2018 reporting period, as permitted under the
       specific transition provisions in the standard. No cumulative effect of the initial adoption need
       to be recognised in retained earnings on 1 January 2019. While the reclassifications arising
       from the new leasing rules are recognised in the opening balance sheet on 1 January 2019.
       The new accounting policies are disclosed in note 2.28.

       On adoption of IFRS 16, the Group recognised lease liabilities in relation to leases which had
       previously been classified as ‘operating leases’ under the principles of IAS 17 Leases.These
       liabilities were measured at the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted
       using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate as of 1 January 2019. The weighted average
       lessee’s incremental borrowing rate applied to the lease liabilities on 1 January 2019 was

       For leases previously classified as finance leases the entity should recognise the carrying
       amount of the lease asset and lease liability immediately before transition as the carrying
       amount of the right of use asset and the lease liability at the date of initial application. The
       measurement principles of IFRS 16 are only applied after that date. The Group has no finance
       lease arrangement.

(i)    Practical expedients applied

       In applying IFRS 16 for the first time, the Group has used the following practical expedients
       permitted by the standard:
        applying a single discount rate to a portfolio of leases with reasonably similar
       characteristics, and
        accounting for operating leases with a remaining lease term of less than 12 months as at 1
       January 2019 as short-term leases.

       The Group has also elected not to reassess whether a contract is, or contains a lease at the
       date of initial application. Instead, for contracts entered into before the transition date the
       Group relied on its assessment made applying IAS 17 and Interpretation 4 Determining
       whether an Arrangement contains a Lease.

                                              - 69 -

        (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2        Summary of significant accounting policies(continued)

2.2      Changes in accounting policies (continued)

(ii)     Measurement of lease liabilities


        Operating lease liabilities as at 31 December 2018                                                  30,662
        Discounted using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate of at the date of initial application     27,326
        (Less): short-term leases not recognised as a liability                                             (4,176)
        Lease liability recognised as at 1 January 2019                                                     23,150

        Of which are:
           Current lease liabilities                                                                         3,913
           Non-current lease liabilities                                                                    19,237

(iii)    Measurement of right-of-use assets

         Right-of use assets were measured at the amount equal to the lease liability, adjusted by the
         amount of any prepaid or accrued lease payments relating to that lease recognised in the
         balance sheet as at 31 December 2018.

(iv)     Adjustments recognised in the balance sheet on 1 January 2019

         The change in accounting policy affected the following items in the balance sheet on 1
         January 2019:

             Right-of-use assets – increase by RMB23,150,000
             Lease liabilities – increase by RMB23,150,000

         No impact on retained earnings on 1 January 2019.

(v)      Lessor accounting

        The Group did not need to make any adjustments to the accounting for assets held as lessor
        under operating leases as a result of the adoption of IFRS 16.

                                                   - 70 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies(continued)

2.3    Subsidiaries

       Subsidiaries are all entities (including structured entities) over which the Group has control.
       The Group controls an entity when the Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns
       from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns through its power
       over the entity. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date on which control is
       transferred to the Group. They are deconsolidated from the date that control ceases.

       The acquisition method of accounting is used to account for business combinations by the

       Intercompany transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions between Group
       companies are eliminated. Unrealised losses are also eliminated unless the transaction
       provides evidence of an impairment of the transferred asset. Accounting policies of
       subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies
       adopted by the Group.

2.4    Associates

       An associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence but not control,
       generally accompanying a shareholding of between 20% and 50% of the voting rights.
       Investments in associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting, after
       initially being recognised at cost.

       The Group's share of post-acquisition profit or loss is recognised in profit or loss, and its share
       of post-acquisition movements in other comprehensive income is recognised in other
       comprehensive income with a corresponding adjustment to the carrying amount of the
       investment. Dividends received or receivable from associates are recognised as a reduction in
       the carrying amount of the investment. When the Group's share of losses in an associate
       equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, including any other unsecured receivables, the
       Group does not recognise further losses, unless it has incurred legal or constructive
       obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate.

       The Group determines at each reporting date whether there is any objective evidence that the
       investment in the associate is impaired. If this is the case, the Group calculates the amount of
       impairment as the difference between the recoverable amount of the associate and its
       carrying value and recognises the amount adjacent to ‘share of profit of investments
       accounted for using equity method’ in profit or loss.

       Profits and losses resulting from upstream and downstream transactions between the Group
       and its associate are recognised in the Group’s financial statements only to the extent of
       unrelated investor’s interests in the associates. Unrealised losses are eliminated unless the
       transaction provides evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred. Accounting policies of
       associates have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency with the policies
       adopted by the Group.

       Gains or losses on dilution of equity interest in associates are recognised in profit or loss.

                                              - 71 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2     Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.5   Separate financial statements

      Investments in subsidiaries are accounted for at cost less impairment. Cost includes direct
      attributable costs of investment. The results of subsidiaries are accounted for by the Company
      on the basis of dividend received and receivable.

      Impairment testing of the investments in subsidiaries is required upon receiving a dividend
      from these investments if the dividend exceeds the total comprehensive income of the
      subsidiary in the period the dividend is declared or if the carrying amount of the investment in
      the separate financial statements exceeds the carrying amount in the consolidated financial
      statements of the investee’s net assets including goodwill.

2.6   Segment Reporting

      Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided
      to the chief operating decision-maker. The chief operating decision-maker, who is responsible
      for allocating resources and assessing performance of the operating segments, has been
      identified as the executive committee that makes strategic decisions.

2.7   Foreign currency translation

(1)   Functional and presentation currency
      Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group’s entities are measured using
      the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (the “functional
      currency”). The consolidated financial statements are presented in Renminbi (“RMB”), which is
      the Company’s functional and the Group’s presentation currency.

(2)   Transactions and balances
      Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange
      rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions or valuation where items are remeasured.
      Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and
      from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities
      denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in profit or loss, except when deferred in
      equity as qualifying cash flow hedges and qualifying net investment hedges.

      Foreign exchange gains and losses are presented in profit or loss within other

      Non-monetary items that are measured at fair value in a foreign currency are translated using
      the exchange rates at the date when the fair value was determined. Translation differences on
      assets and liabilities carried at fair value are reported as part of the fair value gain or loss. For
      example, translation differences on non-monetary assets and liabilities such as equities held
      at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in profit or loss as part of the fair value gain
      or loss and translation differences on non-monetary assets such as equities classified as fair
      value through other comprehensive income are recognised in other comprehensive income.

                                              - 72 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2     Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.8   Property, plant and equipment

      Property, plant and equipment is stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and
      any impairment losses. Historical cost includes expenditure that is directly attributable to the
      acquisition or construction of the items.

      Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognised as a separate
      asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with
      the item will flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The carrying
      amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All other repairs and maintenance are charged to
      profit or loss during the financial period in which they are incurred.

      Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate their cost to their residual
      values over their estimated useful lives, as follows:

      Buildings                                                                            35-40 years
      Plant and machinery                                                                  10-15 years
      Motor automobiles                                                                     6-10 years
      Moulds                                                                                   5 years
      Electronic and other equipment                                                         5-7 years

      The assets’ residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at the end
      of each reporting period.

      An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s
      carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount (Note 2.11).

      Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing the proceeds with the carrying
      amount and are recognised within other income/(expense) - net in profit or loss.

      Assets under construction represent buildings under construction and plant and equipment
      pending installation, and are stated at cost. Costs include construction and acquisition costs. No
      provision for depreciation is made on assets under construction until such time as the relevant
      assets are completed and ready for intended use. When the assets concerned are brought into
      use, the costs are transferred to property, plant and equipment and depreciated in accordance
      with the policy as stated above.

2.9   Lease prepayment

      Lease prepayment represents upfront prepayment made for the land use rights, and is
      expensed in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease or when there is
      impairment, the impairment is expensed in profit or loss.

                                              - 73 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.10   Intangible assets

(1)    Goodwill

       Goodwill arises on the acquisition of subsidiaries represents the excess of the consideration
       transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquiree and the acquisition-
       date fair value of any previous equity interest in the acquiree over the fair value of the
       identified net assets acquired.

       For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination is allocated
       to each of the cash-generating units (“CGUs”), or groups of CGUs, that is expected to benefit
       from the synergies of the combination. Each unit or group of units to which the goodwill is
       allocated represents the lowest level within the entity at which the goodwill is monitored for
       internal management purposes.

       Goodwill impairment reviews are undertaken annually or more frequently if events or changes
       in circumstances indicate a potential impairment. The carrying value of the CGU containing the
       goodwill is compared to the recoverable amount, which is the higher of value in use and the fair
       value less costs of disposal. Any impairment is recognised immediately as an expense and is
       not subsequently reversed.

(2)    Research and development

       Research expenditure is recognised as an expense as incurred. Costs incurred on
       development projects (relating to the design and testing of new or improved products) are
       recognised as intangible assets when the following criteria are fulfilled:

       (a) it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or
       (b) management intends to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
       (c) there is an ability to use or sell the intangible asset;
       (d) it can be demonstrated how the intangible asset will generate probable future economic
       (e) adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use
           or sell the intangible asset are available; and
       (f) the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development can be reliably

       The development cost of an internally generated intangible asset is the sum of the expenditure
       incurred from the date the asset meets the recognition criteria above to the date when it is
       available for use. The development costs capitalised in connection with the intangible asset
       include costs of materials and services used or consumed and employee costs incurred in the
       creation of the asset.

       Capitalised development costs are recorded as intangible assets and amortised from the point
       at which the asset is ready for use on a straight-line basis over its useful life.

       Other development expenditures that do not meet these criteria are recognised as an expense
       as incurred. Development costs previously recognised as an expense are not recognised as an
       asset in a subsequent period.

                                                - 74 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.10   Intangible assets (continued)

(3)    Computer software

       Acquired computer software licences are capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire
       and bring to use the specific software. These costs are amortised over their estimated useful
       lives of 5 years.

(4)    Non-patent technology

       Non-patent technology is capitalised from the development cost. These costs are amortised over
       their estimated useful lives of 5 years.

2.11   Impairment of non-financial assets

       Goodwill is not subject to amortisation and are tested annually for impairment, or more
       frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicate that they might be impaired. Other
       assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
       carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by
       which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is
       the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs of disposal and value in use. For the purposes of
       assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately
       identifiable cash inflows which are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or
       groups of assets (cash-generating units). Non-financial assets other than goodwill that suffered
       an impairment are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at the end of each reporting

2.12   Non-current assets held-for-sale

       Non-current assets are classified as held for sale when their carrying amount is to be recovered
       principally through a sale transaction and a sale is considered highly probable. They are
       measured at the lower of their carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell, except for
       assets such as deferred tax assets, assets arising from employee benefits, financial assets
       and investment property that are carried at fair value and contractual rights under insurance
       contracts, which are specifically exempt from this requirement.

       An impairment loss is recognised for any initial or subsequent write-down of the asset to fair
       value less costs to sell. A gain is recognised for any subsequent increases in fair value less
       costs to sell of an asset, but not in excess of any cumulative impairment loss previously
       recognised. A gain or loss not previously recognised by the date of the sale of the non-current
       asset is recognised at the date of derecognition.

       Non-current assets are not depreciated or amortised while they are classified as held for sale.
       Interest and other expenses attributable to the liabilities of a disposal group classified as held
       for sale continue to be recognised.

       Non-current assets classified as held for sale and the assets of a disposal group classified as
       held for sale are presented separately from the other assets in the statement of financial

                                               - 75 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.13   Investments and other financial assets

(1)    Classification

       The Group classifies its financial assets in the following measurement categories:
        those to be measured subsequently at fair value (either through OCI or through profit or
          loss), and
        those to be measured at amortised cost.

       The classification depends on the entity’s business model for managing the financial assets
       and the contractual terms of the cash flows.

       For assets measured at fair value, gains and losses will either be recorded in profit or loss or
       OCI. For investments in equity instruments that are not held for trading, this will depend on
       whether the Group has made an irrevocable election at the time of initial recognition to
       account for the equity investment at fair value through other comprehensive income

       The Group reclassifies debt investments when and only when its business model for
       managing those assets changes.

(2)    Recognition and derecognition

       Regular way purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on trade-date, the date
       on which the Group commits to purchase or sell the asset. Financial assets are derecognised
       when the rights to receive cash flows from the financial assets have expired or have been
       transferred and the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership.

(3)    Measurement

       At initial recognition, the Group measures a financial asset at its fair value plus, in the case of
       a financial asset not at fair value through profit or loss, transaction costs that are directly
       attributable to the acquisition of the financial asset. Transaction costs of financial assets
       carried at FVPL are expensed in profit or loss.

       Financial assets with embedded derivatives are considered in their entirety when determining
       whether their cash flows are solely payment of principal and interest.

       Debt instruments

       Subsequent measurement of debt instruments depends on the Group’s business model for
       managing the asset and the cash flow characteristics of the asset. There are three
       measurement categories into which the Group classifies its debt instruments:

           Amortised cost: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows where those
           cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest are measured at amortised
           cost. Interest income from these financial assets is included in finance income using the
           effective interest rate method. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition is recognised
           directly in profit or loss and presented in other income/(expense)-net together with foreign
           exchange gains and losses. Impairment losses are presented as separate line item in the
           statement of profit or loss.

                                               - 76 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.13   Investments and other financial assets (continued)

(3)    Measurement (continued)

           FVOCI: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the
           financial assets, where the assets’ cash flows represent solely payments of principal and
           interest, are measured at FVOCI. Movements in the carrying amount are taken through OCI,
           except for the recognition of impairment gains or losses, interest income and foreign
           exchange gains and losses which are recognised in profit or loss. When the financial asset is
           derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in OCI is reclassified from
           equity to profit or loss and recognised in other income/(expense)-net. Interest income from
           these financial assets is included in finance income using the effective interest rate method.
           Foreign exchange gains and losses are presented in other income/(expense)-net and
           impairment expenses are presented as separate line item in the statement of profit or loss.

           FVPL: Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortised cost or FVOCI are measured at
           FVPL. A gain or loss on a debt investment that is subsequently measured at FVPL is
           recognised in profit or loss and presented net within other income/(expense)-net in the
           period in which it arises.

       Equity instruments

       The Group subsequently measures all equity investments at fair value. Where the Group’s
       management has elected to present fair value gains and losses on equity investments in OCI,
       there is no subsequent reclassification of fair value gains and losses to profit or loss following the
       derecognition of the investment. Dividends from such investments continue to be recognised in
       profit or loss as other income when the Group’s right to receive payments is established.

       Changes in the fair value of financial assets at FVPL are recognised in other income/(expense)-
       net in the statement of profit or loss as applicable. Impairment losses (and reversal of impairment
       losses) on equity investments measured at FVOCI are not reported separately from other
       changes in fair value.

(4)    Impairment

       The Group assesses on a forward looking basis the expected credit losses associated with its
       debt instruments carried at amortised cost and FVOCI. The impairment methodology applied
       depends on whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk. For trade receivables,
       the Group applies the simplified approach permitted by IFRS 9, which requires expected lifetime
       losses to be recognised from initial recognition of the receivables, see Note 3.1 for further details.

                                               - 77 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.14   Offsetting financial instruments

       Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the statement of
       financial position where the Group currently has a legally enforceable right to offset the
       recognised amounts, and there is an intention to settle on a net basis or realise the asset and
       settle the liability simultaneously. The Group has also entered into arrangements that do not
       meet the criteria for offsetting but still allow for the related amounts to be set off in certain
       circumstances, such as bankruptcy or the termination of a contract.

2.15   Derivatives and hedging activities

       Derivatives are initially recognised at fair value on the date a derivative contract is entered into
       and are subsequently remeasured to their fair value at the end of each reporting period. The
       accounting for subsequent changes in fair value depends on whether the derivative is
       designated as a hedging instrument, and if so, the nature of the item being hedged. No
       derivative is designated as a hedging instrument by the Group, changes in the fair value of
       derivatives are recognised immediately in profit or loss and included in other income/(expense)-

2.16   Inventories

       Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of finished goods and
       work in progress comprises raw materials, direct labour, other direct costs and related production
       overheads, the latter being allocated on the basis of normal operating capacity. Cost excludes
       borrowing costs. Costs are assigned to individual items of inventory on the basis of weighted
       average costs. Costs of purchased inventory are determined after deducting rebates and
       discounts. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business
       less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale.

2.17   Trade and other receivables

       Trade receivables are amounts due from customers for merchandise sold or services performed
       in the ordinary course of business. If collection of trade and other receivables is expected in one
       year or less (or in the normal operating cycle of the business if longer), they are classified as
       current assets. If not, they are presented as non-current assets.

       Trade and other receivables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at
       amortised cost using the effective interest method, less allowance for impairment. See Note 3.1
       for further information about the Group’s accounting for trade receivables and a description of
       the Group’s impairment policies.

                                               - 78 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.18 Cash and cash equivalents

       In the consolidated statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand,
       deposits held at call with banks and other short-term highly liquid investments with original
       maturities of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and
       which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, and bank overdrafts. Bank
       overdrafts are shown within borrowings in current liabilities in the statement of financial position.

2.19   Share capital

       Share capital consists of “A” and “B” shares.

       Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares are shown in equity as a
       deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds.

       Where any group company purchases the Company’s equity share capital (treasury shares), the
       consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental costs (net of income taxes) is
       deducted from equity attributable to owners of the Company until the shares are cancelled or
       reissued. Where such shares are subsequently reissued, any consideration received, net of any
       directly attributable incremental transaction costs and the related income tax effects, is included in
       equity attributable to the Company’s shareholders.

2.20   Trade and other payables

       These amounts represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Group prior to the end
       of financial year which are unpaid. The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within 30
       days of recognition. Trade and other payables are presented as current liabilities unless payment
       is not due within 12 months after the reporting period. They are recognised initially at their fair
       value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

2.21   Borrowings

       Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred. Borrowings are
       subsequently carried at amortised cost. Any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction
       costs) and the redemption value is recognised in profit or loss over the period of the borrowings
       using the effective interest method. Fees paid on the establishment of loan facilities are
       recognised as transaction costs of the loan to the extent that it is probable that some or all of the
       facility will be drawn down. In this case, the fee is deferred until the draw down occurs. To the
       extent there is no evidence that it is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down,
       the fee is capitalised as a prepayment for liquidity services and amortised over the period of the
       facility to which it relates.

                                                  - 79 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.21   Borrowings (continued)

       Borrowings are removed from the statement of financial position when the obligation specified in
       the contract is discharged, cancelled or expired. The difference between the carrying amount of a
       financial liability that has been extinguished or transferred to another party and the consideration
       paid, including any non-cash assets transferred or liabilities assumed, is recognised in profit or
       loss as other income/(expense)-net or finance costs.

       Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer
       settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the end of the reporting period.

2.22   Borrowing costs

       General and specific borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or
       production of qualifying assets, which are assets that necessarily take a substantial period of
       time to get ready for their intended use or sale, are added to the cost of those assets, until such
       time as the assets are substantially ready for their intended use or sale.

       Investment income earned on the temporary investment of specific borrowings pending their
       expenditure on qualifying assets is deducted from the borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation.

       All other borrowing costs are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

       Borrowing costs include interest expense, finance charges in respect of finance lease and
       exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that they are
       regarded as an adjustment to interest costs. The exchange gains and losses that are an
       adjustment to interest costs include the interest rate differential between borrowing costs that
       would be incurred if the entity had borrowed funds in its functional currency, and the borrowing
       costs actually incurred on foreign currency borrowings. Such amounts are estimated based on
       interest rates on similar borrowings in the entity’s functional currency.

       When the construction of the qualifying assets takes more than one accounting period, the
       amount of foreign exchange differences eligible for capitalisation is determined for each annual
       period and are limited to the difference between the hypothetical interest amount for the
       functional currency borrowings and the actual interest incurred for foreign currency borrowings.
       Foreign exchange differences that did not meet the criteria for capitalisation in previous years
       should not be capitalised in subsequent years.

2.23   Current and deferred income tax

       The income tax expense or credit for the period is the tax payable on the current period’s taxable
       income based on the applicable income tax rate for each jurisdiction adjusted by changes in
       deferred tax assets and liabilities attributable to temporary differences and to unused tax losses.

(1)    Current income tax

       The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted or substantively
       enacted at the end of the reporting period in the countries where the company and its
       subsidiaries and associates operate and generate taxable income. Management periodically
       evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax
       regulation is subject to interpretation. It establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of
       amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities.

                                               - 80 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.23   Current and deferred income tax (continued)

(2)    Deferred income tax

       Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences
       arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the
       consolidated financial statements. However, deferred tax liabilities are not recognised if they
       arise from the initial recognition of goodwill. Deferred income tax is also not accounted for if it
       arises from initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a business
       combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither accounting nor taxable profit nor
       loss. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or
       substantially enacted by the end of the reporting period and are expected to apply when the
       related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax liability is settled.

       Deferred tax assets are recognised only if it is probable that future taxable amounts will be
       available to utilise those temporary differences and losses.

       Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to offset
       current tax assets and liabilities and when the deferred tax balances relate to the same taxation
       authority. Current tax assets and tax liabilities are offset where the entity has a legally
       enforceable right to offset and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and
       settle the liability simultaneously.

       Current and deferred tax is recognised in profit or loss, except to the extent that it relates to
       items recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity. In this case, the tax is also
       recognised in other comprehensive income or directly in equity, respectively.

2.24   Employee benefits

       Employee benefits refer to all forms of consideration or compensation given by the Group in
       exchange for service rendered by employees or for termination of employment relationship,
       which include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and
       other long-term employee benefits.

(1)    Short-term employee benefits

       Short-term employee benefits include wages or salaries, bonus, allowances and subsidies, staff
       welfare, premiums or contributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity
       insurance, housing funds, union running costs and employee education costs, short-term paid
       absences and etc. The short-term employee benefits actually occurred are recognised as a
       liability in the accounting period in which the service is rendered by the employees, with a
       corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of relevant assets.
       Non-monetary benefits are measured at fair value.

                                               - 81 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.24   Employee benefits (continued)

(2)    Post-employment benefits

       The Group classifies post-employment benefit plans as either defined contribution plans or
       defined benefit plans. Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under
       which the Group pays fixed contributions into a separate fund and will have no obligation to
       pay further contributions; and defined benefit plans are post-employment benefit plans other
       than defined contribution plans. During the reporting period, the premiums or contributions on
       basic pensions and unemployment insurance belong to defined contribution plans; the
       premiums or contributions on supplementary retirement benefits belong to defined benefit

(i)    Defined contribution plans

       Basic pensions

       The Group’s employees participate in the basic pension plan set up and administered by local
       authorities of Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security. Monthly payments of
       premiums on the basic pensions are calculated according to the bases and percentage
       prescribed by the relevant local authorities. When employees retire, the relevant local
       authorities are obliged to pay the basic pensions to them. The amounts based on the above
       calculations are recognised as liabilities in the accounting period in which the service has been
       rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current
       period or the cost of relevant assets.

(ii)   Defined benefit plans

       The Group provides employees with some supplementary retirement benefits belong to
       defined benefit plans in addition to the social security policy prescribed by the State. The
       liability recognised in the statement of financial position in respect of defined benefit pension
       plans is the present value of the defined benefit obligation at the end of the reporting period
       less the fair value of plan assets. The defined benefit obligation is calculated annually by
       independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method. The present value of the defined
       benefit obligation is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using
       interest rates of national debt that are denominated in the currency in which the benefits will
       be paid, and that have terms approximating to the terms of the related obligation.

       The net interest cost is calculated by applying the discount rate to the net balance of the
       defined benefit obligation and the fair value of plan assets. This cost is included in employee
       benefit expense in the statement of profit or loss.

       Remeasurement gains and losses arising from experience adjustments and changes in
       actuarial assumptions are recognised in the period in which they occur, directly in other
       comprehensive income. They are included in retained earnings in the statement of changes in
       equity and in the statement of financial position.

       Changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation resulting from plan amendments
       or curtailments are recognised immediately in profit or loss as past service costs.

                                               - 82 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.24   Employee benefits (continued)

(3)    Termination benefits

       The Group provides compensation for terminating the employment relationship with
       employees before the end of the employment contracts or as an offer to encourage employees
       to accept voluntary redundancy before the end of the employment contracts. The Group
       recognises a liability arising from compensation for termination of the employment relationship
       with employees, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss for the current period at the
       earlier of the following dates: 1) when the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw an employment
       termination plan or a curtailment proposal; 2)when the Group recognises costs or expenses
       for a restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits.

(4)    Early retirement benefits

       The Group offers early retirement benefits to those employees who accept early retirement
       arrangements. The early retirement benefits refer to the salaries and social security
       contributions to be paid to and for the employees who accept voluntary retirement before the
       normal retirement date prescribed by the State, as approved by the management. The Group
       pays early retirement benefits to those early retired employees from the early retirement date
       until the normal retirement date. The Group accounts for the early retirement benefits in
       accordance with the treatment for termination benefits, in which the salaries and social
       security contributions to be paid to and for the early retired employees from the off-duty date to
       the normal retirement date are recognised as liabilities with a corresponding charge to the
       profit or loss for the current period. The differences arising from the changes in the respective
       actuarial assumptions of the early retirement benefits and the adjustments of benefit standards
       are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they occur.

       The termination benefits expected to be settled within one year since the balance sheet date
       are classified as current liabilities.

2.25   Provisions

       Provisions, mainly warranty costs, are recognised when: the Group has a present legal or
       constructive obligation as a result of past events; it is probable that an outflow of resources will
       be required to settle the obligation; and the amount has been reliably estimated. Provisions are
       not recognised for future operating losses.

       Where there are a number of similar obligations, the likelihood that an outflow will be required in
       settlement is determined by considering the class of obligations as a whole. A provision is
       recognised even if the likelihood of an outflow with respect to any one item included in the same
       class of obligations may be small.

       Provisions are measured at the present value of the expenditures expected to be required to
       settle the obligation using a pre-tax rate that reflects current market assessments of the time
       value of money and the risks specific to the obligation. The increase in the provision due to
       passage of time is recognised as interest expense.

                                               - 83 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.26   Revenue recognition

       The Group manufactures and sells a range of automobiles and automobile parts to dealers and
       ending customers. Besides, the Group also provides automobile maintenance and additional
       warranty services. The Group recognises revenue when the customer obtains control of the
       goods and services. The revenue is recognised based on the consideration to which the Group
       expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring promised goods or services to customers.

(1)    Sales of goods – Automobile and automobile parts

       The Group manufactures and sells a range of automobiles and automobile parts to dealers and
       ending customers. Sales are recognised when control of the products has transferred, being
       when the customer has the ability to direct the use of and obtain substantially all of the
       remaining benefits from the products. Control of automobiles is transferred when automobiles
       are delivered out of warehouse, being when customer has accepted the products. Control of
       automobile parts is transferred when the products out of warehouse or shipped to designated
       destination, being when customer has accepted the products.

       When the contracts include two performance obligations, selling automobiles and providing
       shipping services, the transaction price will be allocated to each performance obligation based
       on the stand-alone selling prices. Where these are not directly observable, they are estimated
       considering market information, expected cost plus margin.

       No element of financing is deemed present as the sales are made with a credit term within one
       year, which is consistent with market practice. The Group’s obligation to repair or replace faulty
       products under the statutory warranty terms prescribed by the industry law and regulations is
       recognised as a provision, see Note 2.25. For additional warranty, it is considered as a separate
       performance obligation under IFRS 15, see Note 2.26(2).

       Revenue from these sales is recognised based on the price specified in the contract, net of the
       estimated discounts. Accumulated experience is used to estimate and provide for the discounts,
       using the expected value method, and revenue is only recognised to the extent that it is highly
       probable that a significant reversal will not occur.

(2)    Rendering of services

       The Group provides service of automobile maintenance and additional warranty. Revenue is
       recognised on the basis of inputs to the satisfaction of the performance obligation relative to the
       total expected inputs to the satisfaction of that performance obligation.

       Trade receivables are recognised when the Group recognised revenue according to the
       completion process and has an unconditional right to consideration. Contract assets are
       recognised when the Group satisfies a performance obligation but does not have an
       unconditional right to consideration. The provision of trade receivables and contract assets are
       subject to expected credit loss model. Contract liabilities are recognised when the consideration
       received before the Group satisfies the performance obligation. The contract assets and
       liabilities are presented on a net basis for the some contract.

                                               - 84 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.27   Earnings per share

(1)    Basic earnings per share

       Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing: the profit attributable to owners of the
       company, excluding any costs of servicing equity other than ordinary shares by the weighted
       average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the financial year, adjusted for bonus
       elements in ordinary shares issued during the year and excluding treasury shares.

(2)    Diluted earnings per share

       Diluted earnings per share adjusts the figures used in the determination of basic earnings per
       share to take into account:
        the after income tax effect of interest and other financing costs associated with dilutive
       potential ordinary shares, and
        the weighted average number of additional ordinary shares that would have been
       outstanding assuming the conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.

2.28   Leases

       As explained in note 2.2 above, the Group has changed its accounting policy for leases where
       the Group is the lessee. The new policy is described below and the impact of the change in note

       Until 31 December 2018, leases in which a significant portion of the risks and rewards of
       ownership were not transferred to the Group as lessee were classified as operating leases.
       Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from the lessor) were
       charged to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. The Group has
       no financial leases arrangements.

       From 1 January 2019, leases are recognised as a right-of-use asset and a corresponding
       liability at the date at which the leased asset is available for use by the Group.

       Assets and liabilities arising from a lease are initially measured on a present value basis.
       Lease liabilities include the net present value of the following lease payments:

           fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), less any lease incentives
           variable lease payment that are based on an index or a rate, initially measured using the
           index or rate as at the commencement date;
           amounts expected to be payable by the Group under residual value guarantees;
           the exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise that
           option, and
           payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Group
           exercising that option.

       Lease payments to be made under reasonably certain extension options are also included in
       the measurement of the liability.

       The lease payments are discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. If that rate
       cannot be readily determined, which is generally the case for leases in the Group, the lessee’s
       incremental borrowing rate is used, being the rate that the individual lessee would have to pay
       to borrow the funds necessary to obtain an asset of similar value to the right-of-use asset in a
       similar economic environment with similar terms, security and conditions.
                                               - 85 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.28   Leases (continued)

       To determine the incremental borrowing rate, the Group:

           where possible, uses recent third-party financing received by the individual lessee as a
           starting point, adjusted to reflect changes in financing conditions since third party
           financing was received;
           uses a build-up approach that starts with a risk-free interest rate adjusted for credit risk for
           leases held by the Group, which does not have recent third party financing, and
           makes adjustments specific to the lease, eg term, country, currency and security.

       There is no variable lease payments based on the lease contracts.

       Lease payments are allocated between principal and finance cost. The finance cost is
       charged to profit or loss over the lease period so as to produce a constant periodic rate of
       interest on the remaining balance of the liability for each period.

       Right-of-use assets are measured at cost comprising the following:

           the amount of the initial measurement of lease liability
           any lease payments made at or before the commencement date less any lease incentives
           any initial direct costs, and
           restoration costs.

       Right-of-use assets are generally depreciated over the shorter of the asset's useful life and
       the lease term on a straight-line basis. There is no purchase option included in the lease

       Payments associated with short-term leases of equipment and vehicles and all leases of low-
       value assets are recognised on a straight-line basis as an expense in profit or loss. Short-term
       leases are leases with a lease term of 12 months or less. Low-value assets comprise IT
       equipment and small items of office furniture.

       Lease income from operating leases where the Group is a lessor is recognised in income on a
       straight-line basis over the lease term. Initial direct costs incurred in obtaining an operating
       lease are added to the carrying amount of the underlying asset and recognised as expense
       over the lease term on the same basis as lease income. The respective leased assets are
       included in the balance sheet based on their nature. The Group did not need to make any
       adjustments to the accounting for assets held as lessor as a result of adopting the new
       leasing standard.

2.29   Dividend distribution

       Dividend distribution to the Company’s shareholders is recognised as a liability in the Group’s
       financial statements in the period in which the dividends are approved by the Company’s
       shareholders, where appropriate.

                                               - 86 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

2.30   Government grants

       Government grants refer to the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained by the Group from
       the government, including tax return, financial subsidy and etc.

       Government grants are recognised when the grants can be received and the Group can
       comply with all attached conditions. If a government grant is a monetary asset, it will be
       measured at the amount received or receivable. If a government grant is a non-monetary
       asset, it will be measured at its fair value. If it is unable to obtain its fair value reliably, it will be
       measured at its nominal amount.

       Government grants related to assets refer to government grants which are obtained by the
       Group for the purposes of purchase, construction or acquisition of the long-term assets.
       Government grants related to income refer to the government grants other than those related
       to assets.

       Government grants related to assets will be recorded as deferred income and recognised
       evenly in profit or loss over the useful lives of the related assets.

       Government grants related to income will be recorded as deferred income and recognised in
       profit or loss in the period in which the related expenses are recognised if the grants are
       intended to compensate for future expenses or losses, and otherwise recognised in profit or
       loss for the current period if the grants are used to compensate for expenses or losses that
       have been incurred.

2.31   Interest income

       Interest income from financial assets at FVPL is included in other income/(expense)-net, see
       Note 8 below.

       Interest income on financial assets at amortised cost and financial assets at FVOCI calculated
       using the effective interest method is recognised in the statement of profit or loss as part of
       finance income. Interest income is presented as finance income where it is earned from
       financial assets that are held for cash management purposes, see Note 9 below. Any other
       interest income is included in other income/(expense)-net.

       Interest income is calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying
       amount of a financial asset except for financial assets that subsequently become credit-
       impaired. For credit-impaired financial assets the effective interest rate is applied to the net
       carrying amount of the financial asset (after deduction of the loss allowance).

                                                  - 87 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

2      Summary of significant accounting policies (continued)

3      Financial risk management

       The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including foreign
       exchange risk and interest rate risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Group’s overall risk
       management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to
       minimise potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance.

       The Group’s risk management is predominantly controlled by Finance Department under
       policies approved by the Board of Directors. Group Finance Department identifies, evaluates
       and hedges financial risks in close co-operation with the Group’s operating units. The board
       provides written principles for overall risk management, as well as policies covering specific
       areas, such as foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk and credit risk, use of derivative
       financial instruments and non-derivative financial instruments, and investment of excess

3.1    Financial risk factors

(1)    Market risk

(i)    Foreign exchange risk

       The Group operates domestically and is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from various
       currency exposures, primarily with respect to other payables dominated in US dollar (“USD”)
       and Euro.

       Management has set up a policy to require the Group to manage their foreign exchange risk
       against their functional currency, including the use of foreign currency forwards. Foreign
       exchange risk arises when future commercial transactions or recognised assets or liabilities
       are denominated in a currency that is not the Company’s functional currency.


       The Group’s exposure to foreign currency risk at the end of the reporting period, expressed in
       RMB, was as follows:

                                              31 December 2019                     31 December 2018
                                                                      Other                              Other
                                            USD         EUR        currency      USD         EUR      currency
                                         RMB’000    RMB’000      RMB’000   RMB’000    RMB’000    RMB’000

      Derivative financial instruments
        Foreign exchange forwards            (546)         -             -         979          -            -
      Trade and other receivables               -         30             -           -        265            -
      Borrowings                           (3,655)         -             -      (4,044)         -            -
      Trade and other payables           (260,962)   (42,659)       (5,574)   (164,599)   (100,450)     (4,045)
                                         (265,163)   (42,629)       (5,574)   (167,664)   (100,185)     (4,045)

                                                - 88 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors (continued)

(1)    Market risk (continued)

(i)    Foreign exchange risk (continued)


       As shown in the table above, the Group is primarily exposed to changes in USD/RMB and
       Euro/RMB exchange rates. The Group’s exposure to other foreign exchange movements is
       not material.

       As at 31 December 2019, if RMB had strengthened/weakened by 10% against USD with all
       other variable held constant, the Group’s net profit for the year then ended would have been
       approximately RMB22,553,000 (2018: RMB14,187,000) higher/lower.

       As at 31 December 2019, if RMB had strengthened/weakened by 10% against Euro with all
       other variable held constant, the Group’s net profit for the year then ended would have been
       approximately RMB4,000,000 (2018: RMB8,626,000) higher/lower.

(ii)   Interest rate risk

       The Group’s income and operating cash flows are substantially independent of changes in
       market interest rates. As at 31 December 2019, a large portion of its bank deposits were at
       variable rates and all of its borrowings were at fixed rate. The Group has not used any interest
       rate swaps to hedge its exposure to interest rate risk.

       As at 31 December 2019, if the interest rate of the Group’s bank deposits had been
       increased/decreased by 10% and all other variables were held constant, the Group’s net profit
       for the year then ended would have been increased/decreased by approximately RMB16,235 ,
       000(2018: RMB14,174,000 ).

       As at 31 December 2019, the difference between the fair value and book value of the Group’s
       borrowings with fixed rate is immaterial.

                                               - 89 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors (continued)

(2)    Credit risk

       Credit risk arises from cash and cash equivalents, contractual cash flows of other financial
       instruments at fair value through comprehensive income and at fair value through profit or
       loss, favourable derivative financial instruments and deposits with banks and financial
       institutions, as well as credit exposures to customers, including outstanding receivables.

(i)    Risk management

       Credit risk is managed on a group basis. Risk control assesses the credit quality of the
       customer, taking into account its financial position, past experience and other factors.
       Individual risk limits are set based on internal or external ratings in accordance with limits set
       by the board. The compliance with credit limits by customers is regularly monitored by line

(ii)   Impairment of financial assets

       The Group has four types of financial assets that are subject to the expected credit loss
        trade receivables for sales of inventory and from the provision of services, and
          notes receivables carried at FVOCI
           other financial assets at amortised cost
           cash and cash equivalents.

       Trade receivables

       The Group applies the IFRS 9 simplified approach to measuring expected credit losses which
       uses a lifetime expected loss allowance for all trade receivables. If the credit losses of a signal
       trade receivable can be assessed at a reasonable cost, the credit losses of those trade
       receivables are assessed separately. If not, to measure the expected credit losses, trade
       receivables have been grouped based on shared credit risk characteristics and the days past

       The expected loss rates are based on the payment profiles of sales over a period of 24 month
       before 31 December 2019 or 1 January 2019 respectively and the corresponding historical
       credit losses experienced within this period. The historical loss rates are adjusted to reflect
       current and forward-looking information on macroeconomic factors affecting the ability of the
       customers to settle the receivables. The Group has identified the GDP and the unemployment
       rate of China in which it sells its goods and services to be the most relevant factors, and
       accordingly adjusts the historical loss rates based on expected changes in these factors.

       On that basis, the loss allowance as at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018 was
       determined as follows for trade receivables:

                                               - 90 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors (continued)

(2)    Credit risk (continued)

(ii)   Impairment of financial assets (continued)

(a)    As at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018,receivables with amounts are subject to
       separate assessment for impairment as below:

                                                                  More than   More than More than
                                                  1-30 days         30 days     60 days  90 days
       31 December 2019                   Current past due         past due    past due past due        Total

       Expected loss rate                   100%              -           -           -      100%
       Gross carrying amount – trade
         receivables from the sales of
         automobiles i)                    81,020             -           -           -     8,633      89,653
       Gross carrying amount – trade
         receivables from the
         government subsidy of new
         energy vehicles ii)               20,411             -           -           -          -     20,411
       Loss allowance                    (101,431)            -           -           -     (8,633) (110,064)

       i) As the above debtors involved in several lawsuits, the Group does not expect to collect the
       amount under the original terms, a full provision were made to those trade receivables.
       ii) As the above new energy vehicles cannot meet the mileage required within two years for the
       receiving of government subsidy, the Group does not expected to receive the amount under the
       original terms, a full provision were made to those government subsidy for the sales of new
       energy vehicles.

                                                                  More than   More than   More than
                                                  1-30 days         30 days     60 days     90 days
       31 December 2018                   Current past due         past due    past due    past due     Total

       Expected loss rate                        -            -           -           -       100%
       Gross carrying amount – trade
         receivables i)                          -            -           -           -      8,633      8,633
       Loss allowance                            -            -           -           -      (8,633)   (8,633)

       i) As the above debtors involved in several lawsuits, the Group does not expected to collect the
       amount under the original terms, a full provision were made to those trade receivables.

                                                     - 91 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors (continued)

(2)    Credit risk (continued)

(ii)   Impairment of financial assets (continued)

(b)    As at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018, trade receivables have been grouped onthe
       basis of shared credit risk characteristics and the days past due for the measurement of
       expected credit losses:

i)     Notes receivables group

       As at 31 December 2019, all the notes receivables are bank acceptance bills of
       RMB85,816,000(2018: RMB626,509,000), which will be accepted mainly by large state-owned
       banks or national commercial banks. The Group believes that there is no significant credit
       losses due to the bank default.

ii)    General group of automobiles

                                                                   More than    More than   More than
                                                   1-30 days         30 days      60 days     90 days
       31 December 2019               Current       past due        past due     past due    past due        Total

       Expected loss rate                0.05%         0.05%          1.20%        1.97%       4.63%
       Gross carrying amount –
         trade receivables          1,152,288         15,981          2,840          323      31,805     1,203,237
       Loss allowance                     (558)              (8)         (34)         (6)      (1,473)      (2,079)

                                                                   More than    More than   More than
                                               1-30 days             30 days      60 days     90 days
       31 December 2018                Current past due             past due     past due    past due        Total

       Expected loss rate                0.38%         0.38%         10.59%       10.78%      10.93%
       Gross carrying amount –
         trade receivables          1,202,896         28,827         10,253          420      16,305     1,258,701
       Loss allowance                   (4,574)            (110)      (1,085)        (45)      (1,782)      (7,596)

                                                  - 92 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors (continued)

(2)    Credit risk (continued)

(ii)   Impairment of financial assets (continued)

(b)    As at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018, trade receivables have been grouped on
       the basis of shared credit risk characteristics and the days past due for the measurement of
       expected credit losses (continued):

iii)   Group of new energy vehicles

                                                                  More than    More than   More than
                                                1-30 days           30 days      60 days     90 days
       31 December 2019                 Current past due           past due     past due    past due      Total

       Expected loss rate                5.53%                -            -           -            -
       Gross carrying amount –
         trade receivables             476,963                -            -           -            -   476,963
       Loss allowance                   (26,383)              -            -           -            -   (26,383)

                                                          More than            More than   More than
                                                1-30 days  30 days               60 days     90 days
       31 December 2018                 Current past due past due               past due    past due      Total

       Expected loss rate                0.43%                -           -            -           -
       Gross carrying amount –
         trade receivables             728,555                -           -            -           -    728,555
       Loss allowance                    (3,125)              -           -            -           -     (3,125)

iv)    Group of other automobiles

                                                                  More than    More than   More than
                                                1-30 days           30 days      60 days     90 days
       31 December 2019                 Current past due           past due     past due    past due      Total

       Expected loss rate                5.88%        6.49%         26.08%       28.14%      30.07%
       Gross carrying amount –
         trade receivables              40,410       17,873          5,836        1,202      28,183      93,504
       Loss allowance                    (2,377)     (1,161)         (1,522)       (338)      (8,474)   (13,872)

                                                                  More than    More than   More than
                                                1-30 days           30 days      60 days     90 days
       31 December 2018                 Current past due           past due     past due    past due      Total

       Expected loss rate                0.50%        0.50%                -           -            -
       Gross carrying amount –
         trade receivables             334,154       51,253                -           -            -   385,407
       Loss allowance                    (1,671)          (256)            -           -            -    (1,927)

                                                 - 93 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors (continued)

(2)    Credit risk (continued)

(ii)   Impairment of financial assets (continued)

(b)    As at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018, trade receivables have been grouped on
       the basis of shared credit risk characteristics and the days past due for the measurement of
       expected credit losses (continued):

v)     Group of automobiles parts

                                                                   More than     More than    More than
                                                1-30 days            30 days       60 days      90 days
       31 December 2019                 Current past due            past due      past due     past due      Total

       Expected loss rate                0.30%        0.30%           0.50%         0.60%        5.00%
       Gross carrying amount –
         trade receivables             437,011       29,418           4,208         2,823        5,083     478,543
       Loss allowance                    (1,297)           (88)         (21)          (17)        (254)     (1,677)

                                                                    More than More than       More than
                                                1-30 days             30 days   60 days         90 days
       31 December 2018                 Current past due             past due  past due        past due      Total

       Expected loss rate                 0.30%           0.30%        0.50%         0.60%        5.00%
       Gross carrying amount –
         trade receivables              313,028            614           484           485        1,021    315,632
       Loss allowance                       (939)            (2)           (2)          (3)         (51)      (997)

                                                 - 94 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors (continued)

(2)    Credit risk (continued)

(ii)   Impairment of financial assets (continued)

(b)    As at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018, trade receivables have been grouped on the
       basis of shared credit risk characteristics and the days past due for the measurement of
       expected credit losses (continued):

       The loss allowances for trade receivables and contract assets as at 31 December reconcile to
       the opening loss allowances as follows:

                                                                        Trade receivables
                                                                            2019             2018
                                                                        RMB’000          RMB’000

       Opening loss allowance at 1 January                                 22,278             21,016
       Increase in loss allowance recognised in profit or loss
         during the year                                                  131,797              2,052
       Receivables written off during the year as uncollectible                 -                (42)
       Unused amount reversed                                                   -               (748)
       Closing loss allowance at 31 December                              154,075             22,278

       Trade receivables are written off when there is no reasonable expectation of recovery.
       Indicators that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery include, amongst others, the
       failure of a debtor to engage in a repayment plan with the Group, and a failure to make
       contractual payments.

       Impairment losses on trade receivables are presented as net impairment losses within
       operating profit. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited against
       the same line item.

                                               - 95 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors (continued)

(2)    Credit risk (continued)

(ii)   Impairment of financial assets (continued)

       Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

       Notes receivables carried at FVOCI are considered to have low credit risk, and the loss
       allowance recognised during the period was therefore limited to 12 months expected losses.
       Management considers ‘low credit risk’ for the instruments that the issuer has a strong
       capacity to meet its contractual cash flow obligations in the near term. The notes receivables
       held by the Group for endorsement are presented as FVOCI at the statement of financial
       position. All the notes receivables are bank acceptable bills and considered as low credit risk
       financial instruments without significant credit risk because the banks have a strong capacity to
       meet its contractual cash flow obligations in the near term.

       Other financial assets at amortised cost

       Other financial assets at amortised cost include bank interest receivables and other
       receivables. The loss allowances for other financial assets at amortised cost as at 31
       December reconciles to the opening loss allowances as follows:

                                                                Bank interest        Other
                                                                 receivables    receivable        Total
                                                                    RMB’000      RMB’000      RMB’000

       Closing loss allowance as at 1 January 2018                          -         658            658
       Increase in the allowance recognised in profit or loss
         during the period                                                  -         113            113
       Reverse of the allowance recognised in profit or loss
         during the period                                                  -        (328)          (328)
       Closing loss allowance as at 31 December 2018                        -         443            443
       Increase in the allowance recognised in profit or loss
         during the period                                                  -          20             20
       Reverse of the allowance recognised in profit or loss
         during the period                                                  -       (116)          (116)
       Closing loss allowance as at 31 December 2019                        -         347           347

       All the bank interest receivables are considered as low credit risk financial instruments without
       significant credit risk because the banks have a strong capacity to meet its contractual cash
       flow obligations in the near term.

                                                   - 96 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management(continued)

3.1    Financial risk factors(continued)

(2)    Credit risk (continued)

(ii)   Impairment of financial assets (continued)

       Net impairment losses on financial assets recognised in profit or loss

       During the year, the following losses were recognised in profit or loss in relation to impaired
       financial assets:

                                                                               2019              2018
                                                                            RMB’000          RMB’000
       Impairment losses
       - movement in loss allowance for trade receivables                   (131,797)           (2,052)
       Impairment losses on other financial assets                               (20)             (113)
       Reversal of previous impairment losses                                    116             1,076
       Net impairment losses on financial and contract assets               (131,701)           (1,089)

       Cash and cash equivalents

       While cash and cash equivalents are also subject to the impairment requirements of IFRS 9,
       the identified impairment loss was immaterial.

(3)    Liquidity risk

       Cash flow forecasting is performed in the operating entities of the Group and aggregated by
       Finance Department. Finance Department monitors rolling forecasts of the Group's liquidity
       requirements to ensure it has sufficient cash to meet operational needs while maintaining
       sufficient headroom on its undrawn committed borrowing facilities (Note 24) at all times so that
       the Group does not breach borrowing limits or covenants (where applicable) on any of its
       borrowing facilities.

       The tables below analyse the Group’s financial liabilities into relevant maturity groupings
       based on their contractual maturities for:
       (a) all non-derivative financial liabilities, and
       (b) net settled derivative financial instruments.

       The amounts disclosed in the table are the contractual undiscounted cash flows. Balances
       due within 12 months equal their carrying balances as the impact of discounting is not

                                               - 97 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3     Financial risk management(continued)

3.1   Financial risk factors(continued)

(3)   Liquidity risk (continued)

      Contractual maturities of financial          Less than        Between 1     Between 2         Over
      liabilities                                     1 year       and 2 years   and 5 years     5 years
                                                    RMB’000         RMB’000      RMB’000     RMB’000

      At 31 December 2019
      Bank borrowings
       - Principals                                       457             458         1,370        1,370
       - Interests                                         53              46            98           36
      Trade and other payables
      (exclude payroll and welfare payables,
        other tax payables related)               12,292,836                 -            -            -
      Lease liabilities                               13,387             6,987       15,605            -
      Derivative financial instruments                   546                 -            -            -
                                                  12,307,279             7,491       17,073        1,406

      At 31 December 2018
      Bank borrowings
       - Principals                                       449             449         1,348         1,798
       - Interests                                         59              52           116            61
      Trade and other payables
      (exclude payroll and welfare payables,
        other tax payables related)              11,658,259                 -             -             -
                                                 11,658,767               501         1,464         1,859

3.2   Capital risk management

      The Group’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue
      as a going concern in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other
      stakeholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital.

      In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the amount of
      dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets
      to reduce debt.

      Consistent with others in the industry, the Group monitors capital on the basis of the gearing
      ratio. This ratio is calculated as borrowings divided by total capital. Total capital is calculated
      as equity, as shown in the consolidated statement of financial position, plus borrowings. The
      Group aims to maintain the gearing ratio at a reasonable level.

      The gearing ratios at 31 December 2019 and 2018 were as follows:

                                                       31 December 2019              31 December 2018

      Total borrowings                                                 3,655                        4,044
      Total equity                                                10,496,564                   10,384,498
      Total capital                                               10,500,219                   10,388,542

      Gearing ratio                                                   0.03%                        0.04%

                                              - 98 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

3      Financial risk management (continued)

3.3    Fair value estimation

(1)    Fair value hierarchy

       This section explains the judgements and estimates made in determining the fair values of the
       financial instruments that are recognised and measured at fair value in the financial
       statements. The Group has classified its financial instruments into the three levels prescribed
       under the accounting standards:

      As at 31 December 2019                            Level 1    Level 2     Level 3             Total
      Financial assets
       Financial assets at FVOCI
         Notes receivables                                    -          -     289,044          289,044
      Total financial assets                                  -          -     289,044          289,044
      Financial liabilities
         Foreign exchange forwards                            -       546            -                546
      Total financial liabilities                             -       546            -                546

      As at 31 December 2018                            Level 1    Level 2     Level 3             Total
      Financial assets
         Foreign exchange forwards                            -       979            -                979
      Financial assets at FVOCI
         Notes receivables                                    -         -        6,246             6,246
      Total financial assets                                  -       979        6,246             7,225

      There were no transfers between levels 1 and 2 for recurring fair value measurements during
      the year.

      The Group’s policy is to recognise transfers into and transfers out of fair value hierarchy levels
      as at the end of the reporting period.

      Level 1: The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets (such as publicly traded
      derivatives, and equity securities) is based on quoted market prices at the end of the reporting
      period. The quoted market price used for financial assets held by the Group is the current bid
      price. These instruments are included in level 1.

      Level 2: The fair value of financial instruments that are not traded in an active market (for
      example, over-the-counter derivatives) is determined using valuation techniques which
      maximise the use of observable market data and rely as little as possible on entity-specific
      estimates. If all significant inputs required to fair value an instrument are observable, the
      instrument is included in level 2.

      Level 3: If one or more of the significant inputs is not based on observable market data, the
      instrument is included in level 3. This is the case for unlisted equity securities.

                                               - 99 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

 3    Financial risk management (continued)

3.3   Fair value estimation (continued)

(2)   Valuation techniques used to determine fair values

      Specific valuation techniques used to value financial instruments include:

          for foreign currency forwards - the present value of future cash flows based on forward
          exchange rates at the balance sheet date
          for other financial instruments - discounted cash flow analysis.

(3)   Fair value measurements using significant unobservable inputs (level 3)3)

      The following table presents the changes in level 3 items for the periods ended 31 December
      2019 and 31 December 2018:

                                   Financial assets  Financial assets Financial assets
                                          at FVPL-           at FVPL- at FVOCI-notes                Total
                                     monetary fund Structured deposit     receivables

      Opening balance
      1 January 2018                              -                        -              -             -
      Acquisitions                       10,353,000                        -       102,802     10,455,802
      Disposals                         (10,353,000)                       -       (96,556)   (10,449,556)
      Closing balance
      31 December 2018                             -                       -         6,246         6,246

      Opening balance
      1 January 2019                               -                        -        6,246          6,246
      Acquisitions                         3,300,000               5,900,000     1,654,757     10,854,757
      Disposals                           (3,300,000)             (5,900,000)   (1,371,959)   (10,571,959)
      Closing balance
      31 December 2019                             -                       -       289,044        289,044

      There is no unrealised gains or losses recognised in profit or loss attributable to balances held
      at the end of the reporting period. The gains or losses arising from the holding of the financial
      assets measured at fair value during the financial period are recognised in other

                                              - 100 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

4     Critical accounting estimates and judgements

      Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and based on historical experience and
      other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under
      the circumstances.

      The Group makes estimates and assumptions concerning the future. The resulting accounting
      estimates will, by definition, seldom equal the related actual results. The estimates and
      assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying
      amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are addressed below.

4.1   Critical accounting estimates

(1)   Measurement of expected credit losses

      The Group calculates expected credit losses according to the default risk exposure and
      expected credit loss rate, and determines the expected credit loss rate based on default
      probability and default loss rate. In determining the expected credit loss rate, the Group uses
      data such as internal historical credit loss experience, etc., and adjusts historical data based
      on current conditions and forward-looking information. When considering forward-looking
      information, the indicators used by the Group include the risk of economic downturn, the
      expected increase in unemployment rate, the external market environment, the technological
      environment and changes in customer conditions. The Group regularly monitors and reviews
      assumptions related to the calculation of expected credit losses. In 2019, there was no
      significant change in the above estimation techniques and key assumptions.

(2)   Impairment of long term assets

      The Group assesses whether there are indicators that the long term assets except for financial
      assets are impaired at each balance sheet date. When there are indicators that the carrying
      amounts of those long term assets are unrecoverable, an impairment test will be performed.

      When the carrying amount of the long term assets except for financial assets or the cash
      generating unit (“CGU”) is higher than its recoverable amount, which is the higher of an
      asset’s or CGU’s fair value less costs of disposal and its value in use, the impairment

      The Group determines the fair value less costs of disposal based on discounted future cash
      flow forecasts. The Group use the medium and long-term budgets of the business
      development plan approved by the management as a starting point when applying the present
      value technique, adjusting for market conditions.

      Key judgements are made on revenue growth rate, sales price growth rate, discount rate and
      long term growth rate when estimate the discounted future cash flow forecasts. The Group
      uses relevant accessible information, including the production and sales volumn, relevant
      market information which are based on the reasonable and supportable assumptions, to
      estimate the recoverable amount of those long term assets.

                                              - 101 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

4     Critical accounting estimates and judgements (continued)

4.1   Critical accounting estimates (continued)

(3)   Taxation

      The Group is subject to various taxes in the PRC, including corporate income tax, value added
      tax and consumption tax. Significant judgement is required in determining the provision for
      these taxes. There are many transactions and calculations for which the ultimate tax
      determination is uncertain during the ordinary course of business. The Group recognises
      liabilities for anticipated tax issues based on estimates of whether additional taxes will be due.
      Where the final tax outcome of these matters is different from amounts that were initial
      recorded, such differences will impact the tax provisions in the period of final tax outcome.

      Deferred income tax assets relating to certain temporary differences are recognised as
      management considers it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which
      the temporary differences can be utilised. Where the expectation is different from the original
      estimate, such differences will impact the recognition of deferred tax assets and tax in the
      periods in which such estimate is changed.

      As at 31 December 2019, the Group recorded deferred tax assets of approximately
      RMB860,607,000. To the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against
      which the deductible temporary differences will be utilised, deferred tax assets are recognised
      mainly for temporary differences arising from accrued expenses and retirement benefit

(4)   Provisions

      The Group provides statutory warranties on automobile and undertakes to repair or replace
      items that fail to perform satisfactorily based on certain pre-determined conditions.
      Management estimates the related warranty claims based on historical warranty claim
      information including level of repairs and returns as well as recent trends that might suggest
      that past cost information may differ from future claims.

      Factors that could impact the estimated claim information include the success of the Group’s
      productivity and quality controls, as well as parts and labour costs. Any increase or decrease
      in the provision would affect profit or loss in future years.

(5)   Write-down of inventory

      Inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost and the net realisable value. The net
      realisable value is estimated sales price less estimated cost to finish goods, estimated
      distribution expenses and related taxes in the daily operation.

      If management revises estimated sales price, estimated cost to finish goods, distribution
      expenses and related taxes, and revised sales price is lower than current sales price, or
      revised cost to finish goods, distribution expenses and related taxes are higher than those
      current estimation, the Group needs to consider increasing the write-down provision of the

      If the actual sales price, the cost to finish goods, distribution expenses and related taxes are
      higher or lower than the estimation of management, the Group will recognise the relevant
      influence in profit or loss in the relevant accounting period.

                                              - 102 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

4      Critical accounting estimates and judgements (continued)

4.2    Critical accounting judgements

(1)    Classification of financial assets

       Significant judgements made by the Group in the classification of financial assets include
       business model and analysis on contractual cash flow characteristics.

       The Group determines the business model for financial assets management on the group
       basis, and factors to be considered include the methods for evaluating of the financial assets
       performance and reporting the financial assets performance to key management personnel,
       the risks relating to the financial assets performance and corresponding management
       methods, the ways in which related business management personnel are remunerated, etc.

       When assessing whether contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets are
       consistent with basic lending arrangement, key judgements made by the Group include: the
       possibility of changes in time schedule or amount of the principal during the lifetime due to
       reasons such as repayment in advance; whether interest only include time value of money,
       credit risks, other basic lending risks and considerations for costs and profits; whether the
       repayment in advance reflects the principal outstanding and corresponding interest and
       reasonable compensation paid for early termination of the contract.

(2)    Judgement on significant increase in credit risk

       Judgement made by the Group for significant increase in credit risk is mainly based on
       whether the overdue days exceed 30 days, or whether one or more of the following indicators
       change significantly: business environment of the debtor, internal and external credit rating,
       significant changes in actual or expected operating results, significant decrease in value of
       collateral or credit rate of guarantor, etc.

       Judgement made by the Group for the occurrence of credit impairment is mainly based on
       whether the overdue days exceed 90 days (i.e., a default has occurred), or whether one or
       more of the following conditions is/are satisfied: the debtor is suffering significant financial
       difficulties, the debtor is undergoing other debt restructuring, or the debtor probably goes
       bankrupt, etc.

(3)    Capitalisation of development costs

       Development costs are capitalised when the criteria in Note 2.10(2) are fulfilled. The
       assessments on whether the criteria for capitalisation of development have been met
       involves the judgements of the Group, including the technical feasibility of the project, the
       likelihood of the project generating sufficient future economic benefits and the timing to start
       capitalisation particularly. The Group makes the judgements on the capitalisation of
       development costs and recorded the process in meeting minutes based on feasibility analysis
       and regular review on the development project phase etc.

                                              - 103 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

4      Critical accounting estimates and judgements (continued)

4.2    Critical accounting judgements (continued)

(4)    Timing of revenue recognition

       The Group sells automobiles and automobile parts to distributors and ending customers. As
       prescribed in the contract, control of automobiles is transferred to the customers when the
       good are out of the warehouse, while control of automobile parts is transferred when the
       parts are out of the warehouse or shipped to the designate destination based on the contract
       terms. The distributors and ending customers sign the delivery documents after they accept
       the products. Thereafter, the distributors or ending customers control the products and have
       the right to set the price, bear the risks of any obsolescence and loss of the products. The
       distributors and ending customers have obtained the control of the products after accepting
       the products. Therefore, the Group recognises the sales revenue of the products at the time
       when the delivery documents have been signed.

(5)    Sales with product warranties

       The Group provides statutory warranty for automobiles and automobile parts, and the period
       and terms of such warranty comply with the requirements of laws and regulations related to
       the products. The Group does not provide any significant additional service for this purpose,
       thus this kind of warranty does not identified as a separate performance obligation. In
       addition, the Group also offers additional warranty other than the requirements of laws and
       regulations, which identified as a separate performance obligation. The Group recognises the
       revenue of the additional warranty over time during the period when services are rendered.

                                              - 104 -

    (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

5    Revenue and segment information

     The Group principally derives its turnover from the manufacture, assembly and sale of
     automobiles, related spare parts and components, and sales are made principally in the PRC.
     Revenue represents the total invoiced value of goods supplied to customers, net of value-added
     tax, returns and allowances.

     Management has determined the operating segment based on the reports reviewed by the
     strategic executive committee that are used to make strategic decisions. The committee
     considers the business from the product perspective as all the Group’s sales are made in the
     PRC. Since the Group principally derives its turnover from the sale of automobiles, the
     committee considers the automobile business as a whole in allocating resources and assessing
     performance. Accordingly, no segment information is presented.

    The revenue by product of the whole business as follows:

                                 Automobiles      Automobile Maintenance Materials            Total
                                                       parts     services and others

    Main business income          26,252,632          2,351,979    103,583         -    28,708,194
     -Recognition at a
         point in time            26,252,632          2,351,979          -         -    28,604,611
     -Recognition      over
      time                                 -                  -    103,583         -       103,583
    Other business income                  -                  -          -   465,442       465,442
                                  26,252,632          2,351,979    103,583   465,442    29,173,636

                                 Automobiles      Automobile Maintenance Materials            Total
                                                       parts     services and others

    Main business income          25,178,860          2,696,240     71,799         -    27,946,899
       -Recognition at a
          point in time           25,178,860          2,696,240          -         -    27,875,100
      -Recognition      over
       time                                -                  -     71,799         -        71,799
    Other business income                  -                  -          -   302,441       302,441
                                  25,178,860          2,696,240     71,799   302,441    28,249,340

    As at 31 December 2019, the expected revenue of unsatisfied performance obligations from
    signed contract is RMB102,110,000. The Group will recognise the revenue from 2020 to 2025.

                                            - 105 -

    (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

5   Revenue and segment information (continued)

    The Group has recognised the following assets and liabilities related to contracts with customers:

                                                                31 December 2019    31 December 2018

    Contract liabilities
       Automobiles and automobile parts                                  227,774              212,246
       Maintenance services and additional warranty                      102,110               92,838
    Total contract liabilities                                           329,884              305,084
    Less: non-current liabilities                                        (61,714)             (38,382)
    Total current contract liabilities                                   268,170              266,702

    During 2019, the amount of the Group's contract liabilities which was recorded at the opening
    balance and have been recognised as revenue was RMB257,892,000 (2018: RMB135,928,000),
    in which RMB212,246,000 (2018: RMB110,470,000) from automobiles and automobile parts, and
    RMB45,646,000 (2018: RMB25,458,000) from maintenance services have been recognised in
    revenue in 2019.

6    Expenses by nature

                                                                          2019                   2018

     Changes in inventories of finished goods and
       work in progress                                                 185,846              (197,140)
     Raw materials and consumables used                              21,393,300            21,532,654
     Employee benefit expense (Note 7)                                2,333,270             2,233,351
     Depreciation of PPE (Note 12, 29)                                  969,479               925,888
     Repairs and maintenance expenditure on PPE                         149,051               160,692
     Transportation expenses                                            699,933               656,297
     Amortisation of lease prepayment (Note 13, 29)                      16,250                15,574
     Amortisation of intangible assets (Note 15, 29)                     73,930                55,737
     Amortisation of right-of-use assets (Note 14, 29)                   12,770                    —
     Provision of statutory warranty (Note 26)                          383,568               291,471
     Design fees                                                        578,196               469,174
     Sales promotion expenses                                           276,225               326,215
     Advertising and new product planning expenses                      404,920               194,932
     Provision for inventories write-down (Note 19)                      67,041                53,651
     Others                                                           1,311,889             1,407,343
     Total cost of sales, distribution expenses and
       administrative expenses                                       28,855,668            28,125,839

                                            - 106 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

7      Employee benefit expense

                                                                       2019                     2018

       Wages and salaries                                         1,665,646               1,577,058
       Social security costs                                        240,658                 225,163
       Pension costs  defined contribution plans                    247,078                 267,737
       Pension costs  defined benefit plans (Note 25)                 3,400                   9,200
       Others                                                       176,488                 154,193
                                                                  2,333,270               2,233,351

       The employees of the Group participated in a retirement benefit plan organised by the
       municipal and provincial governments under which the Group was required to make defined
       contributions monthly to this plan.

       In addition, the Group also paid certain pension subsidies to certain retired employees. In
       accordance with the Group’s early retirement programs, the Group was also committed to
       make periodic benefit payments to certain early-retired employees until they reach their legal
       retirement ages.

8      Other income

                                                                       2019                    2018

       Government grants (a)                                        466,818                 398,427
       Net fair value (losses)/ gains on derivative
         financial instruments                                        (1,525)                  9,472
       Net loss on disposal of derivative financial
         instruments                                                 (9,087)                 (7,200)
       Others                                                        36,095                  25,979
                                                                    492,301                 426,678

(a)    In 2019, the Group received grants of approximately RMB466,818,000 mainly from
       Economic Development District Administrative Commission of Xiaolan and the Finance
       Bureau of Economic, Transformation and Comprehensive Reform Demonstration Zone
       Administrative Commission of Shanxi. Those grants were income related government grants
       to support the Group’s operation.

9      Finance income and expenses

                                                                        2019                    2018
       (a) Finance income

       Interest income on bank deposits                             193,072                 169,036
       Interest income on credit sales                               10,878                  19,400
                                                                    203,950                 188,436

       (b) Finance expenses

       Interest expense on bank loans                                  (947)                   (217)
       Interest for lease liabilities                                (1,957)                     —
       Bank charges and others                                       (5,402)                 (5,632)
                                                                     (8,306)                 (5,849)
       Net finance income                                           195,644                 182,587

                                              - 107 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

10    Taxation

(1)   Corporate income tax (“CIT”)

      As the Company is qualified as a high-tech enterprise and approved by the relevant tax
      authorities in 2018, the Company is entitled to a preferential CIT rate of 15% from 2018
      to2020 (2018: 15%). The CIT rates of JMCH, Jiangling Motor Sales Co., Ltd. (“JMCS”),
      Shenzhen Fujiang New Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. (“SZFJ”), Guangzhou Fujiang New
      Energy Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. (“GZFJ”)and Xiamen Fujiang New Energy Automobile
      Sales Co., Ltd. (“XMFJ”), the subsidiaries of the Company, are 25%.

      The amounts of income tax expense charged to profit or loss represented:

                                                                                2019                   2018

      Current tax                                                              74,962                    213
      Deferred tax (Note 18)                                                 (117,789)               (52,407)
                                                                              (42,827)               (52,194)

      The difference between the actual income tax charge in profit or loss and the amounts which
      result from applying the enacted tax rate to profit before income tax can be reconciled as

                                                                                2019                   2018

      Profit before tax                                                      104,985                 39,639

      Tax calculated at tax rates applicable to profits in
        the respective companies                                              (18,226)               (29,654)
      Tax concessions                                                              (9)                   (69)
      Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                    588                    561
      R&D costs deduction                                                    (151,181)              (151,581)
      Income not subject to tax                                                  (984)                  (336)
      Effect of different tax rates applied for the periods in
        which the temporary differences are expected to
        reverse                                                               37,703                 32,929
      Utilisation of previously temporary differences for
        which no deferred income tax asset was recognised                     (17,341)                     -
      Temporary differences for which no deferred income
        tax asset was recognised                                                    -                29,948
      Tax losses for which no deferred income tax asset
        was recognised                                                       106,623                  66,008
      Tax credit                                                             (42,827)                (52,194)

      The tax credit relating to other comprehensive income is as follows:

                                                        2019                              2018
                                            Before          Tax      After       Before      Tax        After
                                               tax        credit      tax           tax    credit        tax

      Actuarial loss on retirement
       benefit obligations                  (1,623)         406    (1,217)      (4,590)    1,148      (3,442)
      Other comprehensive income            (1,623)         406    (1,217)      (4,590)    1,148      (3,442)
      Current tax                                             -                                -
      Deferred tax (Note 18)                                406                            1,148

                                              - 108 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

10    Taxation (continued)

(2)   Value-added tax (“VAT”)

      Pursuant to the “Notice on policies about deepening the VAT reformation” (Cai Shui [2019]
      39) jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and General
      Administration of Customs, the Group's taxable products sales income applicable VAT rate is
      13% from 1 April 2019, while the VAT rate was 16% before then. The VAT rate applicable to
      the Group's transportation business is 9% from 1 April 2019, while the VAT rate was 10%
      before then.

(3)   Consumption Tax (“CT”)

      The Group’s automobile sale is subject to CT at 3%, 5% or 9% on the selling price of goods.

11    Earnings per share

      Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to shareholders of the
      Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

                                                                          2019                   2018

      Profit attributable to shareholders of the
       Company                                                         147,812                 91,833
      Weighted average number of ordinary shares in
        issue (‘000)                                                  863,214                863,214
      Basic earnings per share (RMB)                                      0.17                   0.11

      Diluted earnings per share equals to basic earnings per share as there were no dilutive
      potential ordinary shares outstanding during the year ended 31 December 2019.

                                              - 109 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

12   Property, plant and equipment

                                                                  Plant and          Motor                       Electronic and    Assets under
                                                   Buildings     Machinery      Automobiles        Moulds      other equipment     constructions          Total

     At 1 January 2018
     Cost                                          2,084,217      3,954,028           280,071     2,411,080          3,137,100          678,684      12,545,180
     Accumulated depreciation and impairment        (414,792)    (1,935,093)         (144,009)   (1,608,649)        (1,727,441)           (1,108)    (5,831,092)
     Net book amount                               1,669,425      2,018,935           136,062       802,431          1,409,659          677,576       6,714,088
     Year ended 31December 2018
     Opening net book amount                       1,669,425      2,018,935          136,062        802,431          1,409,659           677,576      6,714,088
     Additions                                              -             -                -               -                 -         1,214,241      1,214,241
     Transfers                                       101,202         97,601           21,936        176,549            199,671          (596,959)             -
     Disposals                                           (56)        (1,164)          (1,188)        (5,986)              (688)                (7)       (9,089)
     Reclassification                                  2,965       (143,415)          29,462           3,871           107,117                  -              -
     Other deductions                                       -       (10,119)               -               -            (2,647)           (32,151)      (44,917)
     Impairment charge(Note29)                              -        (2,832)            (478)              -            (3,478)              (355)       (7,143)
     Depreciation charge (Note 6,29)                 (51,781)      (246,570)         (37,514)      (252,144)          (337,879)                 -      (925,888)
     Closing net book amount                       1,721,755      1,712,436          148,280        724,721          1,371,755         1,262,345      6,941,292
     At 31 December 2018
     Cost                                          2,188,306      3,837,053           326,799     2,556,744           3,376,670        1,263,392     13,548,964
     Accumulated depreciation and impairment        (466,551)    (2,124,617)         (178,519)   (1,832,023)         (2,004,915)           (1,047)   (6,607,672)
     Net book amount                               1,721,755      1,712,436           148,280       724,721           1,371,755        1,262,345      6,941,292
     Year ended 31December 2019
     Opening net book amount                       1,721,755     1,712,436           148,280       724,721           1,371,755         1,262,345      6,941,292
     Additions                                             -             -                 -             -                   -         1,438,059      1,438,059
     Transfers                                       108,106        76,241            35,369       495,716             327,340        (1,042,772)             -
     Disposals                                          (902)       (5,091)           (2,555)             -               (638)               (10)       (9,196)
     Other deductions                                       -       (6,387)                 -             -               (285)         (159,497)      (166,169)
     Impairment charge(Note29)                              -      (19,164)             (114)              -            (2,615)                  -      (21,893)
     Depreciation charge (Note 6,29)                 (54,239)     (241,534)          (35,027)     (287,690)           (350,989)                  -     (969,479)
     Closing net book amount                       1,774,720     1,516,501           145,953       932,747           1,344,568         1,498,125      7,212,614
     At 31 December 2019
     Cost                                          2,294,038      3,820,738          350,351      3,030,591          3,672,244         1,498,816     14,666,778
     Accumulated depreciation and impairment        (519,318)    (2,304,237)        (204,398)    (2,097,844)        (2,327,676)             (691)    (7,454,164)
     Net book amount                               1,774,720      1,516,501          145,953        932,747          1,344,568         1,498,125      7,212,614

                                                                               - 110 -

        (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

12      Property, plant and equipment (continued)

        For the year ended 31 December 2019, depreciation expense of approximately
        RMB790,993,000 (2018: RMB761,189,000) has been charged in cost of sales, RMB3,260,000
        (2018: RMB3,099,000) in distribution costs and RMB175,226,000 (2018: RMB161,600,000) in
        administrative expenses.

(i)     Temporarily idle property, plant and equipment

        As at 31 December 2019, property, plant and equipment with book value of approximately
        RMB6,377,000 (cost of RMB155,508,000) (31 December 2018: book value of approximately
        RMB2,497,000 (cost of RMB56,727,000)) were temporarily idle due to product process
        adjustment. The specific analysis is as follows:

                                                                 Accumulated                                Net
                                                Cost             depreciation      Impairment       book amount

        Plant and Machinery                 122,154          -      (102,459)     -     (15,052)    -      4,643
        Motor Automobiles                     2,658          -        (2,171)     -        (120)    -        367
        Electronic and other equipment       30,696          -       (26,676)     -      (2,653)    -      1,367
                                            155,508          -      (131,306)     -     (17,825)    -      6,377

(ii)    Property, plant and equipment not yet obtained proper certificate

                        Net book amount                             Reasons for not completing proper certificate

        Buildings                961,428                                              Procedure not yet completed

(iii)   Impairment assessment on the cash generating unit ("CGU”)

        The subsidiary of the Company JMCH has incurred accumulated losses which indicates there
        may be impairment on the long term assets. The management considers JMCH as a CGU to
        perform the impairment testing. Please refer to note 15 for the testing method and key
        assumptions. Based on the testing result, no impairment recognised on the property, plant and
        equipment of JMCH.

13      Lease prepayment

        Lease prepayment represents the Group’s interests in land which are held on leases of 50
        years. The movement is as follows:

                                                                    31 December 2019          31 December 2018

        Opening net book amount                                                 601,260                  616,834
        Additions                                                               134,685                        -
        Amortisation charge (Note 6,29)                                         (16,250)                 (15,574)

        Closing net book amount                                                 719,695                  601,260

        Cost                                                                     886,310                 751,626
        Accumulated amortisation                                                (166,615)               (150,366)

        Net book amount                                                         719,695                  601,260

        Amortisation expense was charged in administrative expenses.

                                                   - 111 -

        (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

14      Leases

        This note provides information for leases where the group is a lessee.

(i)     Amounts recognised in the balance sheet

        The balance sheet shows the following amounts relating to leases:

                                                                    31 December 2019      1 January 2019
        Right-of-use assets
        Buildings                                                                36,040           23,150

        Lease liabilities
        Current                                                                  13,387            3,913
        Non-current                                                              22,592           19,237
                                                                                 35,979           23,150

        The Group has land lease arrangement with Chinese government as disclosed in Note 13.

        Additions to the right-of-use assets during the 2019 financial year were RMB25,660,000.

(ii)    Amounts recognised in the statement of profit or loss

        The statement of profit or loss shows the following amounts relating to leases:

                                                            Notes             2019                 2018
        Depreciation charge of right-of-use assets
        Buildings                                                           12,770                    —

        Interest expense (included in finance cost)            9             1,957                    —
        Expense relating to short-term and low-value
        assets leases (included in cost of goods sold and
        distribution expenses)                                               6,093                    —

        The total cash outflow for leases in 2019 was RMB20,881,000.

(iii)   The Group’s leasing activities and how these are accounted for

        The Group leases various offices, warehouses and apartments. Rental contracts are typically
        made for fixed periods of 12 months to 5 years without extension or termination options. Lease
        terms are negotiated on an individual basis. The lease agreements do not impose any
        covenants in relation to security interests in the leased assets that are held by the lessor.
        Leased assets are not used as security for borrowing purposes. The Group did not provide any
        residual value guarantees in relation to lease assets.

                                                     - 112 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

15    Intangible assets

                                                          Non-patent                                      After-sale
                                                          technology     Software      Goodwill    management model     Other        Total

      Year ended 31December 2018
      Opening net book amount                                146,556        47,842        3,462                    -         -    197,860
      Addition                                                71,814        32,152            -                    -         -    103,966
      Disposals                                                    -           (63)           -                    -         -        (63)
      Amortisation charge (Note 6, 29)                       (38,952)      (16,785)           -                    -         -    (55,737)
      Closing net book amount                                179,418        63,146        3,462                    -         -     246,026

      At 31 December 2018
      Cost                                                   254,412      152,014        89,028               36,978     1,649     534,081
      Accumulated amortisation and impairment                (74,994)     (88,868)      (85,566)             (36,978)   (1,649)   (288,055)
      Net book amount                                        179,418        63,146        3,462                    -         -    246,026

      Year ended 31December 2019
      Opening net book amount                                179,418        63,146        3,462                    -         -    246,026
      Addition                                               160,757        24,812            -                    -         -    185,569
      Impairment charge                                            -               -     (3,462)                   -         -     (3,462)
      Amortisation charge (Note 6, 29)                       (53,500)      (20,430)           -                    -         -    (73,930)
      Closing net book amount                                286,675        67,528            -                    -         -    354,203

      At 31 December 2019
      Cost                                                   415,169      176,542        89,028               36,978    1,649     719,366
      Accumulated amortisation and impairment                (128,494)    (109,014)     (89,028)             (36,978)   (1,649)   (365,163)
      Net book amount                                        286,675        67,528            -                    -         -    354,203

                                                                         - 113 -

        (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

15      Intangible assets (continued)

(i)     For the year ended 31 December 2019, amortisation expense of approximately
        RMB73,088,000 (2018: RMB54,860,000) was charged in administrative expenses,
        RMB502,000 (2018: RMB537,000) in cost of sales and RMB340,000 (2018: RMB340,000) in
        distribution costs.

(ii)    Development cost of approximately RMB160,757,000(2018: RMB71,814,000) were capitalised
        by the Group during the year ended 31 December 2019.

(iii)   Impairment test for goodwill

        Goodwill arises on the acquisition of a subsidiary, and is monitored by the management at the
        cash generating unit level. The goodwill is allocated to the CGU:

                    31 December 2018            Addition            Impairment        31 December 2019

        JMCH                       3,462                 -             (3,462)                            -

        The recoverable amount of the CGU is determined based on fair value less costs of disposal.
        These calculations use after-tax cash flow projections based on financial budgets approved by
        management covering a seven-year period according to the medium and long-term budgets for
        the business development plan approved by the management. Adjustments for market
        conditions are also considered for the forecast. Cash flows beyond the seven-year period are
        extrapolated using the estimated long term growth rate stated below. The long term growth rate
        does not exceed the average growth rate for the heavy duty automobile business in which the
        CGU operates.

        The key assumptions used for calculations in 2019 are as follows:

        Item                                                                                       JMCH
        Revenue growth rate                                                                          61%
        Sales price growth rate                                                                       0%
        Long term growth rate                                                                         3%
        Discount rate                                                                             16.50%

        The key assumptions used for calculations in 2018 were as follows :

        Item                                                                                        JMCH
        Revenue growth rate                                                                           84%
        Sales price growth rate                                                                        0%
        Long term growth rate                                                                          3%
        Discount rate                                                                              19.10%

        The key assumptions used and forecast period are consistent with the heavy duty automobile

        The discount rates used are after-tax and reflect specific risks relating to the relevant operating

        The fair value measurement is categorised in level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.

                                                   - 114 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

16   Financial instruments by category

     The Group holds the following financial instruments:

     Financial assets                                Notes    31 December 2019   31 December 2018

     Financial assets at amortised cost
       Trade receivables                                 20          2,208,236             2,674,650
       Notes receivables                                 20             85,816               626,509
       Other receivables                                 20             83,890                84,588
       Interest receivables                              20             32,093                37,923
       Cash and cash equivalents                         21          8,937,937             7,616,880
     Financial assets at fair value through
       other comprehensive income
       Notes receivables                                               289,044                 6,246
     Financial assets at fair value through
       profit or loss
       Derivative financial instruments                                      -                  979
                                                                    11,637,016           11,047,775

     Financial liabilities                           Notes    31 December 2019   31 December 2018

     Liabilities at amortised cost
       Trade and other payables(exclude
          payroll and welfare payables, other
          tax payables related)                          27         12,292,836           11,658,259
       Borrowings                                        24              3,655                4,044
       Lease liabilities                                 14             35,979                   —
     Financial liabilities at fair value through
       profit or loss
       Derivative financial instruments                                    546                    -
                                                                    12,333,016           11,662,303

     The Group’s exposure to various risks associated with the financial instruments is discussed in
     Note 3. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the end of the reporting period is the carrying
     amount of each class of financial assets mentioned above.

                                                   - 115 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

17a    Subsidiaries

       As at the date of this report, the Group has the following subsidiaries:

                             Place and date of           Percentage of
       Entity                    incorporation      equity interest held             Principal activities

       JMCH                      Taiyuan, PRC                                    Manufacture and sale of
                               /8 January 2013                     100%      automobiles and spare parts
       JMCS                    Nanchang, PRC                                     Sale of automobiles and
                              /11 October 2013                     100%                      spare parts
       SZFJ                    Shenzhen, PRC                                     Sale of automobiles and
                                   /3 May 2018                     100%                      spare parts
       GZFJ                   Guangzhou, PRC                                     Sale of automobiles and
                                 /15 June 2018                     100%                      spare parts
       XMFJ                       Xiamen, PRC                                    Sale of automobiles and
                                 /20 June 2018                     100%                      spare parts

       In October 2019, the Group has closed XMFJ according to the Board Meeting on 15 October

17b    Investments accounted for using the equity method

(i)    Summarised financial information for immaterial associate

       The amount recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position was as follow:

                                                            31 December 2019         31 December 2018

       Associate                                                       40,935                     40,112

       The amount recognised in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income was as follow:

                                                                           2019                     2018

       Share of profit                                                      823                    2,238

       The Company holds 19.15% interest of Hanon Systems (Nanchang) Co., Ltd. (“Hanon
       Systems”) and the investment is accounted for using the equity method of accounting.

(ii)   Reconciliation of summarised financial information of the associate

                                                                           2019                     2018

       At beginning of the year                                        209,460                   197,774
       Profit for the year                                               4,298                    11,686
       At end of the year                                              213,758                   209,460
       Interest in associate                                            19.15%                    19.15%
       Carrying value                                                   40,935                    40,112

                                                  - 116 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

18   Deferred income tax

                                                                 31 December 2019            31 December 2018

     Deferred tax assets                                                     1,128,122                    926,630
     Deferred tax liabilities-can be offset                                   (267,515)                  (183,534)
     Deferred tax liabilities-cannot be offset                                 (25,340)                   (26,024)

     Deferred tax assets-net                                                   860,607                       743,096
     Deferred tax liabilities-net                                              (25,340)                      (26,024)

     The gross movement on the deferred income tax account is as follows:

                                                                 31 December 2019            31 December 2018

     At beginning of the year                                                  717,072                       663,517
     Credited to profit or loss(Note 10(i))                                    117,789                        52,407
     Credited to other comprehensive income
      (Note 10(i))                                                                 406                         1,148
     At end of the year                                                        835,267                       717,072

     The movement in deferred income tax assets and liabilities during the year, without taking into
     consideration the offsetting of balances within the same tax jurisdiction, is as follows:

                                                                     and Amortization
                                   Provision for Retirement     provision     of non-
                                  impairment of    benefits for statutory   patented          Tax
     Deferred tax assets                 assets obligation      warranty  technology       losses   Others       Total

     At 1 January 2018                  12,149         13,543    723,387          4,505         -    4,293    757,877
     Credited/(charged) to
       profit or loss                    4,549          1,405    (18,816)         4,869   178,791   (3,193) 167,605
     Credited to other
       comprehensive income                  -          1,148          -              -         -      -        1,148
     At 31 December 2018                16,698         16,096    704,571          9,374   178,791  1,100      926,630
     Credited to profit or loss         22,770            135     98,327          6,688    59,704 13,462      201,086
     Credited to other
       comprehensive income                  -            406          -              -         -      -       406
     At 31 December 2019                39,468         16,637    802,898         16,062   238,495 14,562 1,128,122

                                       of intangible           PPE          Fair value
     Deferred tax liabilities                assets     depreciation             gains       Others              Total

     At 1January2018                        (3,545)         (64,079)         (26,736)               -         (94,360)
       profit or loss                         (841)        (114,922)             712            (147)        (115,198)
     At 31 December 2018                    (4,386)        (179,001)         (26,024)           (147)        (209,558)
     (Charged)/credited to
       profit or loss                       (2,582)         (81,406)             684               7          (83,297)
     At 31 December 2019                    (6,968)        (260,407)         (25,340)          (140)         (292,855)

                                                       - 117 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

18   Deferred income tax (continued)

     The analysis of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities is as follows:

                                                            31 December 2019       31 December 2018

     Deferred tax assets:
     –Deferred tax asset to be recovered after
        more than 12 months                                          272,129                203,802
     –Deferred tax asset to be recovered
        within 12 months                                             855,993                722,828
                                                                   1,128,122                926,630

                                                            31 December 2019       31 December 2018

     Deferred tax liabilities:
     –Deferred tax liabilities to be recovered
        after more than 12 months                                    (245,492)              (182,373)
     –Deferred tax liabilities to be recovered
        within 12 months                                              (47,363)               (27,185)
                                                                     (292,855)              (209,558)

     Deductible temporary differences and tax losses which no deferred income tax assets were
     recognised were as follows:

                                                            31 December 2019       31 December 2018

     Deductible temporary differences                                 165,068               234,433
     Tax losses                                                     1,006,172               603,033
                                                                    1,171,240               837,466

     The expiry years of the tax losses are as follows:

                                                            31 December 2019       31 December 2018

     2020                                                              72,470                72,470
     2021                                                             115,820               115,820
     2022                                                             150,713               150,713
     2023                                                             240,678               264,030
     2024                                                             426,491                     -
                                                                    1,006,172               603,033

                                                  - 118 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

19   Inventories
                                                           31 December 2019    31 December 2018

     Raw materials                                                1,164,301               1,553,135
     Work in progress                                               158,083                 211,490
     Finished goods                                                 624,485                 757,729
                                                                  1,946,869               2,522,354

     For the year ended 31 December 2019, the cost of inventories recognised as expenses and
     included in cost of sales amounted to approximately RMB21,579,146,000 (2018:

     Movement on the provision for inventories write-down is as follows:

                                                          31 December 2019     31 December 2018

     At beginning of the year                                      (76,815)                (45,130)
     Provision for inventories write-down (Note
       29)                                                         (67,041)                (53,651)
     Inventories written off during the year as
       uncollectible                                                60,533                  21,966
     At end of the year                                            (83,323)                (76,815)

20   Trade and other receivables and prepayments

                                                           31 December 2019    31 December 2018

     Trade receivables                                            2,362,311               2,696,928
     Less: Provision for impairment of trade
              receivables                                          (154,075)                (22,278)
     Trade receivables – net                                     2,208,236               2,674,650
     Notes receivables                                               85,816                 626,509
     Other receivables                                               84,237                  85,031
     Less: Provision for impairment of other
              receivables                                              (347)                   (443)
     Other receivables – net                                        83,890                  84,588
     Prepayments                                                  1,311,667               1,158,303
     -Material payment in advance                                   517,124                 525,777
     -Advance payment of taxes and surcharges                       794,543                 632,048
     -Others                                                              -                     478
     Deductible VAT input tax                                       178,883                  96,311
     Interest receivables                                            32,093                  37,923
                                                                  3,900,585               4,678,284

     Refer to Note 32 for details of receivables from related parties.

     The carrying amounts of trade and other receivables approximate their fair values.

                                                - 119 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

20    Trade and other receivables and prepayments (continued)

      Movement on the provision for impairment of trade and other receivables is as follows:

                                                           31 December 2019       31 December 2018

      At beginning of the year                                      (22,721)                   (21,674)
      Net Provision for receivables impairment
        (Note 29)                                                  (131,701)                    (1,089)
      Receivables written off during the year as
        uncollectible                                                     -                         42
      At end of the year                                           (154,422)                   (22,721)

      For the year ended 31 December 2019, the creation of provision for impaired receivables was
      included in ‘Net expected credit losses on financial assets’ (2018: ‘Net expected credit losses
      on financial assets’) in profit or loss.

      The other classes within trade and other receivables do not contain impaired assets.

      The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying value of each class of
      receivable mentioned above. The Group does not hold any collateral as security.

21    Cash and cash equivalents

                                                           31 December 2019        31 December 2018

      Cash at bank and in hand                                     6,887,937                 2,016,859
      Short-term bank deposits (a)                                 2,050,000                 5,600,021
                                                                   8,937,937                 7,616,880

      As at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018, all bank deposits arein RMB.

      As at 31 December 2019, the Group had cash of approximately RMB967,750,000 (2018:
      RMB833,617,000) deposited in Jiangling Motor Group Finance Company (“JMCF”) (Note 32
      (ix)). The interest rates range from 0.455%-3.30% per annum (2018: 0.455%-2.25%). JMCF, a
      non-bank financial institution, is a subsidiary of JMCG.

(a)   Short-term bank deposits can be withdrawn at the discretion of the Group without any

                                                 - 120 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

22   Share capital

                                     Number of                      Tradable shares
                                        shares              “A” shares               “B” shares     Total
                                    (thousands)      Restricted       Non-restricted

     Year ended 31 December 2018
     Balance at 1 January 2018          863,214              907            518,307       344,000     863,214
     Transfer                                 -             (120)               120             -            -
     Balance at 31 December 2018        863,214             787             518,427       344,000     863,214

     Year ended 31 December 2019
     Balance at 1 January 2019          863,214             787             518,427       344,000     863,214
     Transfer                                 -             (36)                 36             -            -
     Balance at 31 December 2019        863,214             751             518,463       344,000     863,214

     All the “A” and “B” shares are registered, issued and fully paid shares of RMB1 each.

     All the “A” and “B” shares rank pari passu in all respects.

     After the implementation of the share reform scheme on 13 February 2006, 751,000 shares
     were still restricted as at 31 December 2019.

                                                  - 121 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

23    Other reserves

                                            surplus reserve
                                                    fund (a)      Reserve fund     Others          Total

      At 1 January 2018                             431,607            18,627         680       450,914
      Other comprehensive income
      -Remeasurements of retirement
        benefit obligation , net of tax                     -                -     (3,442)       (3,442)

      At 31 December 2018                           431,607            18,627      (2,762)      447,472
      Other comprehensive income
      -Remeasurements of retirement
        benefit obligation, net of tax                      -                -     (1,217)       (1,217)

      At 31 December 2019                           431,607            18,627      (3,979)      446,255

(a)   In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in the PRC and Articles of Association of
      the Company, it is required to appropriate 10% of its annual net profit, after offsetting any prior
      years’ losses as determined under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises in the
      PRC, to the statutory surplus reserve fund before distributing the net profit. When the balance
      of the statutory surplus reserve fund reaches 50% of the Company’s share capital, any further
      appropriation is at the discretion of shareholders. The statutory surplus reserve fund can be
      used to offset prior years’ losses, if any, and may be converted into share capital by issuing
      new shares to shareholders in proportion to their existing shareholding or by increasing the par
      value of the shares currently held by them. The fund is non-distributable except for liquidation.

      As the balance of the statutory surplus reserve fund has reached 50% of the Company’s share
      capital, no further appropriations to the statutory surplus reserve fund were provided for the
      years ended 31 December 2018 and 2019.

24    Borrowings

                                                          31 December 2019          31 December 2018

      Bank borrowings - guaranteed (a)                                     457                      449

      Bank borrowings - guaranteed (a)                                    3,198                   3,595

      Total borrowings                                                    3,655                   4,044

(a)   Bank borrowings of USD524,000 (equivalent to approximately RMB3,655,000 (2018:
      USD589,000 (equivalent to approximately RMB4,044,000)) were guaranteed by JMCF (Note
      32 (iii)).

      The interest rate of bank borrowings is 1.50% per annum (2018: 1.50%).

      The fair value of borrowings approximates their carrying values.

                                                - 122 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

24   Borrowings (continued)

     The maturity of non-current borrowings is as follows:

                                                           31 December 2019        31 December 2018

     Between 1 and 2 years                                               458                       449
     Between 2 and 5 years                                             1,370                     1,348
     Over 5 years                                                      1,370                     1,798
                                                                       3,198                     3,595

     The Group has the following undrawn borrowing facilities:

                                                           31 December 2019        31 December 2018
     Fixed rate
     - Expiring within one year                                     1,989,507                2,270,784

25   Retirement benefits obligations

     The amount of early retirement and supplemental benefit obligations recognised in the
     consolidated statement of financial position is as follows:

                                                             31 December 2019       31 December 2018

     Present value of defined benefits obligations                     68,441                    68,020

     The movement of early retirement and supplemental benefit obligations for the year ended31
     December 2019 is as follows:

                                                             31 December2019        31 December2018

     At beginning of the year                                          68,020                    59,184
     For the year
     -Current service cost                                              1,203                     1,315
     -Interest cost                                                     2,300                     2,410
      -Payment                                                         (4,602)                   (4,954)
      -Past service cost from the change of plan                       (1,523)                    2,386
      -Actuarial loss                                                   3,043                     7,679
     At end of the year                                                68,441                    68,020

     Current                                                            4,756                    4,595
     Non-current                                                       63,685                   63,425
                                                                       68,441                   68,020

     The material actuarial assumptions used in valuing these obligations are as follows:

     (i) Discount rate adopted: 3.5% (2018: 3.5%)
     (ii) Inflation rate adopted: 2.0% (2018: 2.0%)
     (iii) The salary and supplemental benefits inflation rate of retiree, early-retiree and employee at
           post:0% to 6% (2018: 0% to 6% )

                                               - 123 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

25   Retirement benefits obligations (continued)

     Based on the assessment and IAS 19, the Group estimated that, at 31 December 2019, a
     provision of RMB68,441,000 is sufficient to cover all future retirement-related obligations.

     Obligation in respect of retirement benefits of RMB68,441,000 is the present value of the
     unfunded obligations, of which the current portion amounting to RMB4,756,000 (2018:
     RMB4,595,000) has been included under current liabilities.

     The sensitivity of the overall pension liability to changes in the weighted principal assumptions is:

                                       Change in assumption                    Impact on overall liability

     Discount rate                   Increase/decrease by 0.5%         Decrease/increase by 5.6%/6.3%
     Inflation rate                  Increase/decrease by 0.5%         Increase/decrease by 2.4%/2.1%

     For the year ended 31 December 2019, approximately RMB3,400,000 (2018: RMB9,200,000)
     were charged in ‘administrative expenses’ and RMB1,623,000 (2018: RMB4,590,000) were
     charged in other comprehensive income.

26   Provisions for statutory warranty

     The movement on the statutory warranty provisions and other liabilities is as follows:

                                                         31 December 2019             31 December 2018

     At beginning of the year                                       352,554                       374,981
     Charged for the year (Note 6)                                  383,568                       291,471
     Utilised during the year                                      (334,487)                     (313,898)
     At end of the year                                             401,635                       352,554

     Analysis of total provisions:

                                                         31 December 2019             31 December 2018

     Non-current                                                    166,687                      151,492
     Current                                                        234,948                      201,062
                                                                    401,635                      352,554

     The                                      above                                     represents
     ecustomer. The statutory warranty is estimated based on prior years’ experience on the
     occurrence of such cost.

                                               - 124 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

27   Trade and other payables

                                                         31 December 2019              31 December 2018

     Notes payables(i)                                               31,400                           -
     Trade payables                                               8,116,170                   7,824,908
     Payroll and welfare payables                                   380,791                     304,322
     Dividend payables                                                6,790                       6,790
     Other tax payables related                                     153,369                     233,385
     Payables of sales rebates                                    1,848,584                   1,714,485
     Payables of R&D expenses                                     1,016,588                     828,807
     Others                                                       1,273,304                   1,283,269
                                                                 12,826,996                  12,195,966

     (i) A book value of RMB31,400,000 bank notes payables was pledged by a book value of
     RBM34,197,000 bank notes received.

     Refer to Note 32 for details of amount due to related parties.

28   Dividends

     A final dividend for 2018 of RMB34,528,560 (RMB0.04 per share) was paid in 2019.

29   Cash generated from operations

                                                                              2019                 2018

     Profit before tax                                                   104,985                  39,639
     Depreciation of PPE (Note 6, 12)                                    969,479                 925,888
     Amortisation of lease prepayment (Note 6, 13)                        16,250                  15,574
     Amortisation of intangible assets (Note 6, 15)                       73,930                  55,737
     Amortisation of right-of-use asset                                   12,770                      —
     Impairment charges of PPE (Note 12)                                  21,893                   7,143
     Impairment charges of goodwill (Note 15)                              3,462                        -
     Net provision for receivables impairment (Note 20)                  131,701                   1,089
     Provision of inventories (Note 19)                                   67,041                  53,651
     Loss/(gain)on disposals of PPE                                        4,213                 (26,953)
     Finance expenses (Note 9)                                             7,420                   5,111
     Finance income (Note 9)                                            (203,950)               (188,436)
     Net foreign exchange transaction loss                                 6,138                  18,921
     Share of profit from investment accounted for using
        equity method (Note 17b)                                            (823)                 (2,238)
     Investment gain of finance asset investment                         (47,386)                (18,191)
     Investment loss of forwards exchange contracts                        9,087                   7,200
     Changes on fair value of forwards exchange
        contracts                                                              1,525              (9,472)
     Net provisions for statutory warranty                                    49,081             (22,427)
     Changes in working capital:
      - Decrease/(Increase) in inventories                               464,079                (289,820)
      - Decrease/(Increase) in trade and other receivables               226,027                (233,475)
      - Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables                  821,326                (347,367)
      - (Decrease)/increase in pensions and other
          retirement benefits                                              (1,202)                 4,246
     Cash generated from operations                                     2,737,046                 (4,180)

                                               - 125 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

30   Contingencies

     At 31 December 2019, the Group did not have any significant contingent liabilities.

31   Commitments

     Capital commitments

     Capital expenditure contracted for at the balance sheet date but not recognised in the financial
     statements are as follows:

                                                           31 December 2019      31 December 2018

     Contracted but not provided for:
     Purchases of buildings, plant and machinery                    701,817                1,095,333

                                               - 126 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32   Related party transactions

     Related parties are those parties that have the ability to control the other party or exercise
     significant influence in making financial and operating decisions. Parties are also considered to
     be related if they are subject to common control.

     In 2019, Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “JMH”), one of the major
     shareholders of the Company, divided into two companies, Nanchang Jiangling Investment
     Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “JIC”) and Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd. (JMH as the
     existing company). After the division, JMH transferred all the shares of the Company to JIC,
     JIC became the new shareholder of the Company and owns 41.03% of the Company’s shares.

     JIC, which owns 41.03% of the Company’s shares, and Ford Motor Company (“Ford”), which
     owns 32% of the Company’s shares, are major shareholders of the Company as at 31
     December 2019. The shareholders of JIC are Chongqing Changan Automobile Corporation
     Ltd. and JMCG, and both of them hold 50% equity interest of JIC, respectively.

     The following is a summary of the significant transactions carried out between the Group, its
     associates, JMCG and its subsidiaries, JIC and its subsidiaries and joint venture, Ford and its
     subsidiaries and joint venture in the ordinary course of business during the year ended 31
     December 2019.

     For the year ended 31 December 2019, related parties, other than the subsidiary, and their
     relationship with the Group are as follows:

     Name of related party                                                                Relationship

     JMCG                                                                          Shareholder of JIC
     Nanchang Baojiang Steel Processing Distribution Co., Ltd.                     Associate of JMCG
     GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission Company                                         Associate of JMCG
     Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies (Nanchang) Co.,                       Associate of JMCG
     Nanchang JMCG Mekra-Lang Vehicle Mirror Co., Ltd.                             Associate of JMCG
     JMH                                                                           Associate of JMCG
     Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.                             Associate of JMCG
     Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd.                                     Associate of JMCG
     Nanchang Hengou Industry Co., Ltd.                                            Associate of JMCG
     Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.                                Associate of JMCG
     Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Sales Corporation, Ltd.                       Associate of JMCG
     Jiangxi Jiangling Overseas Automobile Sales and Service                       Associate of JMCG
       Co., Ltd.
     Jiangxi Lingyun Automobile Industry Technology Co.,Ltd                       Associate of JMCG
     Jiangxi JMCG Motorhome Co., Ltd.                                             Associate of JMCG
     Nanchang Jiangling HuaXiang Auto Components Co., Ltd.                    Joint venture of JMCG
     Jiangxi Jiangling Lear Interior System Co., Ltd.                         Joint venture of JMCG
     Nanchang Unistar Electric & Electronics Co., Ltd.                        Joint venture of JMCG
     Nanchang Yinlun Heat-exchanger Co., Ltd.                                 Joint venture of JMCG
     Jiangxi ISUZU Engine Co., Ltd.                                           Joint venture of JMCG
     Jiangxi ISUZU Co., Ltd.                                                  Joint venture of JMCG
     Dali Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                     Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Yunan Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                    Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Beijing Beifang Changfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.        Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     China Changan Group Hefei Investing Co., Ltd.                    Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Chongqing Anfu Vehicle Marketing Co., Ltd.                       Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Guizhou Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                  Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder

                                               - 127 -

     (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32   Related party transactions (continued)

     Chengdu Wanxing Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.           Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Chongqing Anbo Vehicle Sales Co., Ltd.                      Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Beijing Baiwang Changfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.   Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Honghe Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.              Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     China Changan Group Tianjin Sales Co., Ltd.                 Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Chengdu Wanyou Vehicle Trade & Service Co., Ltd.            Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Chongqing Wanyoulongrui Vehicle Sales & Service Co.,        Subsidiary of JIC’s shareholder
     Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.                                     Joint venture of Ford
     Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd.                    Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangling Material Co., Ltd.                                           Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangxi JMCG Industry Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of JMCG
     Nanchang Gear Co., Ltd.                                                Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangxi Lingrui Recycling Resources Development                        Subsidiary of JMCG
     JMCG Property Management Co.                                           Subsidiary of JMCG
     JMCG Jingma Motors Co., Ltd.                                           Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangxi Jiangling Chassis Co., Ltd.                                    Subsidiary of JMCG
     Nanchang JMCG Shishun Logistics Co., Ltd.                              Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangxi Lingge Non-ferrous Metal Die-casting Co., Ltd.                 Subsidiary of JMCG
     Nanchang JMCG Xinchen Auto Component Co., Ltd.                         Subsidiary of JMCG
     JMCF                                                                   Subsidiary of JMCG
     Nanchang JMCG Liancheng Auto Component Co., Ltd.                       Subsidiary of JMCG
     Nanchang Lianda Machinery Co., Ltd.                                    Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangling Aowei Automobile Spare Part Co., Ltd.                        Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangxi Biaohong Engine Tappet Co., Ltd.                               Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangxi JMCG Boya brake system Co., Ltd                                Subsidiary of JMCG
     NC.Gear Forging Factory                                                Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangxi JMCG Shangrao Industrial Co., Ltd.                             Subsidiary of JMCG
     JMCG Jiangxi Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.                        Subsidiary of JMCG
     Nanchang JMCG Frame Co., Ltd                                           Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangling Motor Electricity Vehicle Sales Co.,Ltd                      Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiujiang Fuwantong Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                   Subsidiary of JMCG
     Jiangxi Fuxiang Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                      Subsidiary of JMCG
     Yichun Xinfu Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                         Subsidiary of JMCG
     Ji'an Qingyuan District Yongfuda Vehicle Co., Ltd.                     Subsidiary of JMCG
     Ford Global Technologies,LLC                                            Subsidiary of Ford
     Ford Motor (China) Co., Ltd.                                            Subsidiary of Ford
     Ford Motor Research & Engineering (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.                   Subsidiary of Ford
     Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.                                               Subsidiary of Ford
     Auto Alliance (Thailand) Co., Ltd.                                      Subsidiary of Ford
     Ford Vietnam Limited                                                    Subsidiary of Ford

                                               - 128 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32    Related party transactions (continued)

(i)   Purchases and sales of goods, provision and purchases of services

      Purchase of goods                                                   2019     2018

      Nanchang Baojiang Steel Processing Distribution Co., Ltd.      809,328     922,454
      Nanchang Jiangling HuaXiang Auto Components Co., Ltd.          751,248     515,419
      Jiangxi Jiangling Chassis Co., Ltd.                            719,675     864,932
      Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd.            712,789     782,403
      GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission Company                          707,209     791,365
      Jiangxi Jiangling Lear Interior System Co., Ltd.               525,146     454,604
      Ford                                                           485,394     623,631
      Nanchang JMCG Liancheng Auto Component Co., Ltd.               372,578     418,722
      Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies (Nanchang) Co., Ltd.   313,890     195,453
      Nanchang Unistar Electric & Electronics Co., Ltd.              245,138     298,128
      Nanchang JMCG Shishun Logistics Co., Ltd.                      236,929      10,097
      Hanon Systems                                                  188,064     250,486
      JMCG                                                           112,289     110,093
      Nanchang JMCG Mekra-Lang Vehicle Mirror Co., Ltd.               98,454      91,976
      Jiangxi Lingge Non-ferrous Metal Die-casting Co., Ltd.          67,682      63,649
      Nanchang Lianda Machinery Co., Ltd.                             64,025      69,827
      Nanchang Yinlun Heat-exchanger Co., Ltd.                        63,097      53,976
      JMH                                                             46,379      12,484
      Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.                                       28,954     128,341
      Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.               27,249      42,967
      Jiangling Material Co., Ltd.                                    27,155      30,399
      Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd.                       26,778     192,509
      Jiangling Aowei Automobile Spare Part Co., Ltd.                 23,172      26,464
      Jiangxi JMCG Industry Co., Ltd.                                 22,175      17,581
      Auto Alliance (Thailand) Co., Ltd.                              22,015     106,035

                                                - 129 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32    Related party transactions (continued)

(i)   Purchases and sales of goods, provision and purchases of services (continued)

      Purchase of goods (continued)                                         2019           2018

      Nanchang JMCG Xinchen Auto Component Co., Ltd.                      16,109         18,297
      Jiangxi Lingyun Automobile Industry Technology Co.,Ltd              13,910              -
      Jiangxi ISUZU Engine Co., Ltd.                                      13,362         49,911
      Nanchang Gear Co., Ltd.                                             12,368         15,420
      Jiangxi Lingrui Recycling Resources Development Corporation          8,692          4,378
      Jiangxi Biaohong Engine Tappet Co., Ltd.                             6,483          6,649
      Jiangxi JMCG Boya brake system Co., Ltd                              6,005              -
      Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.                                    5,574         10,993
      NC.Gear Forging Factory                                              3,296         13,240
      Jiangxi JMCG Shangrao Industrial Co., Ltd.                           3,083          4,235
      Nanchang JMCG Skyman Auto Component Co., Ltd. (a)                        -         50,852
      Others                                                                 150            211
                                                                       6,785,844      7,248,181

      (a) In December 2018, JMH absorbed Nanchang JMCG Skyman Auto Component Co.,Ltd.

      The Group purchased goods from related parties classified as two types: import parts and
      home-made parts.
          Purchase import parts from Ford or Ford’s suppliers, based on agreed price;
          Purchase home-made parts from other related parts, based on quotation, cost accounting
          and negotiation.

                                                - 130 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32    Related party transactions (continued)

(i)   Purchases and sales of goods, provision and purchases of services (continued)

      Purchase of services                                                            Natures of transaction       2019      2018

      Nanchang JMCG Shishun Logistics Co., Ltd.                                      Truckage/Transportation     277,648   247,762
      Ford Global Technologies,LLC                                                                 Royalty fee   239,856   186,454
      Ford                                                                    Engineering service and design     217,224   183,983
      Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.                                   Channel fee/Design fee/Labor costs     114,469    16,509
      Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.                                                Engineering service and design     49,341    42,734
      Jiangxi JMCG Industry Co., Ltd.                                         Accommodation fee/dinning fee       29,240    35,249
      Ford                                                                                 Secondments costs      29,161    36,965
      Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.                                                                    Royalty fee    17,862    24,868
      Nanchang Hengou Industry Co., Ltd.                                                    Packing/Truckage      11,649    47,407
      Ford Motor (China) Co., Ltd.                                                   Regional personnel costs      8,271     9,572
      JMH                                                                       Secondments costs/Labor fee        8,248     2,054
      Ford Motor Research & Engineering (Nanjing) Co., Ltd.                          Regional personnel costs      7,906     3,508
      Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.                             Agent business/software cost      7,683     4,431
      Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.                                                            Secondments costs       5,829    13,396
      JMCG Jiangxi Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.               Engineering construction and maintenance       4,683    16,830
      JMCG Property Management Co.                                                      Property management        2,413     2,100
      Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Sales Corporation, Ltd.                                       Promotion      2,278         -
      GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission Company                                     Design fee/Experimental costs        753     9,546
      Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                             Promotion          -     6,968

                                                                      - 131 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32    Related party transactions (continued)

(i)   Purchases and sales of goods, provision and purchases of services (continued)

      Purchase of services (continued)                                                 Natures of transaction       2019      2018

      Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies (Nanchang) Co., Ltd.                                 Design fee           -     3,256
      Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                          Promotion            -     2,304
      Jiangxi JMCG Motorhome Co., Ltd.                                                             Promotion            -     1,855
      Others                                                                                                        4,413     2,667
                                                                                                                1,038,927   900,418

      The Group purchased the service from related parties based on agreement price.

                                                                          - 132 -

      (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32    Related party transactions (continued)

(i)   Purchases and sales of goods, provision and purchases of services (continued)

      Sales of goods                                                           2019         2018

      Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.                       1,093,234    1,228,471
      Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd.                    142,293       94,214
      Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Sales Corporation, Ltd.                133,144      155,313
      Jiangxi Lingrui Recycling Resources Development Corporation             81,514       69,005
      Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd.                               75,666      102,068
      Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.                       60,985       85,326
      Jiangxi Jiangling Chassis Co., Ltd.                                     51,280       74,362
      Dali Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                            50,109            -
      JMCG Jingma Motors Co., Ltd.                                            49,619       66,197
      Nanchang JMCG Liancheng Auto Component Co., Ltd.                        38,951       51,945
      Yunan Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                           26,020            -
      Beijing Beifang Changfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.               25,576            -
      China Changan Group Hefei Investing Co., Ltd.                           24,232            -
      Nanchang JMCG Shishun Logistics Co., Ltd.                               23,967          671
      Chongqing Anfu Vehicle Marketing Co., Ltd.                              20,914            -
      Guizhou Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                         18,766            -
      Chengdu Wanxing Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                       16,965            -
      Jiujiang Fuwantong Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                    16,960            -
      Chongqing Anbo Vehicle Sales Co., Ltd.                                  16,564            -
      Beijing Baiwang Changfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                9,564            -
      Jiangxi Jiangling Overseas Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd.        9,235          912
      Nanchang Hengou Industry Co., Ltd.                                       8,984       28,878
      Nanchang Jiangling HuaXiang Auto Components Co., Ltd.                    7,689       14,071
      Jiangxi JMCG Yichehang Second-hand Motors Sales Co.,Ltd. (a)             7,640        9,487
      Honghe Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                           6,723            -
      China Changan Group Tianjin Sales Co., Ltd.                              5,758            -
      Nanchang JMCG Frame Co., Ltd                                             4,933            -
      Jiangxi JMCG Industry Co., Ltd.                                          4,386        5,537
      Jiangxi Jiangling Lear Interior System Co., Ltd.                         4,276        5,516
      Jiangxi Fuxiang Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                        4,176            -
      Yichun Xinfu Vehicle Co., Ltd.                                           3,806            -
      Chengdu Wanyou Vehicle Trade & Service Co., Ltd.                         3,516            -
      Chongqing Wanyoulongrui Vehicle Sales & Service Co., Ltd.                3,228            -
      Ji'an Qingyuan District Yongfuda Vehicle Co., Ltd.                       3,067            -
      Jiangxi ISUZU Co., Ltd.                                                  1,768        1,806
      Nanchang Lianda Machinery Co., Ltd.                                      1,429        1,157
      JMH                                                                        732       35,107
      JMCG Property Management Co.                                               203        6,470
      JMCG Jiangxi Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.                              -        1,974
      Jiang ling Motor Electricity Vehicle Sales Co.,Ltd                           -        5,139
      Others                                                                   1,205          789
                                                                           2,059,077    2,044,415

      (a) In July 2019, the Jiangxi JMCG Yichehang Second-hand Motors Sales Co.,Ltd. has not been
      the Group’s related party

      The Group sold goods to related parties, based on agreement price.

                                                - 133 -

        (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32      Related party transactions (continued)

(ii)    Rental

        Rental income

        Lessee                                  Category        Rental income of         Rental income of
                                                                            2019                     2018

        Jiangling Material Co., Ltd.              Building                  121                      120
        Jiangxi ISUZU Co., Ltd.                   Building                   53                        -
        GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission
           Company                                Building                    8                        3
        JMH                                       Building                    3                        3
                                                                            185                      126

        Right of use asset recognized as lessee

        Lessor                                   Category                  2019                     2018

        Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. &
          Exp. Co.,Ltd.                           Building                 5,803                       —
        JMCG                                      Building                 3,201                       —
                                                                           9,004                       —

        Interest expense amortised from lease liability as lessee

        Lessor                                   Category                  2019                     2018

        JMCG                                      Building                  736                        —
        Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. &
          Exp. Co.,Ltd.                           Building                  177                        —
                                                                            913                        —

(iii)   Guarantee

        As at 31 December 2019, bank loans of USD524,000 (equivalent to approximately
        RMB3,655,000) (2018: USD589,000 (equivalent to approximately RMB4,044,000)) were
        guaranteed by JMCF (Note 24).

(iv)    Sales ofPPE

                                                                               2019                 2018

        Nanchang JMCG Shishun Logistics Co., Ltd.                                  299                 -
        Jiangxi JMCG Industrial Co., Ltd.                                            1                 1
                                                                                   300                 1

                                                  - 134 -

         (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32       Related party transactions (continued)

(v)      Purchase of PPE

                                                                          2019               2018

         Nanchang Jiangling HuaXiang Auto Components Co.,
         Ltd.                                                            28,497              5,548
         Hanon Systems                                                    3,821
         Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd.              1,200              6,424
         Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd.                          435                  -
         Nanchang JMCG Liancheng Auto Component Co., Ltd.                     -                677
         JMH                                                                  -                534
                                                                         33,953             13,183

(vi)     Provide technique sharing

                                                                       2019                  2018

         Ford                                                         72,282                    -
         Ford Vietnam Limitied                                        40,034               10,780
         Ford Motor Research & Engineering (Nanjing)
           Co., Ltd.                                                  17,990                    -
         JMH                                                               -                3,606
                                                                     130,306               14,386

(vii)    Payment for fuel consumption credits

                                                                       2019                  2018

         JMH                                                           8,747                5,911

(viii)   Key management remuneration

         Key management includes directors (executive and non-executive), members of the Executive
         Committee, the Company Secretary and members of the Supervisory Board. During the year
         ended 31 December 2019, the total remuneration of the key management was approximately
         RMB10,962,000 (2018: RMB11,591,000).

                                                   - 135 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32     Related party transactions (continued)

(ix)   Interest received from cash deposit in related parties

                                                               31 December 2019   31 December 2018

       JMCF                                                              12,883             17,323

       In 2019, the interest rates range from 0.455% to 3.30%per annum (2018: 0.455% to 2.25%).

(x)    Balances arising from sales/purchases of goods/services

       Trade receivables from related parties                 31 December 2019    31 December 2018

       Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.                   272,986            251,236
       Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd.                         58,148                237
       Ford                                                              21,554                  -
       Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Sales                             19,329             32,940
         Corporation, Ltd.
       Jiangxi Jiangling Chassis Co., Ltd.                               13,054              9,803
       Nanchang JMCG Liancheng Auto Component                            12,767                  -
         Co., Ltd.
       Ford Motor Research & Engineering (Nanjing)                        9,529                   -
         Co., Ltd.
       Nanchang JMCG Shishun Logistics Co., Ltd.                          6,279                  -
       Ford Vietnam Limited                                               5,980              5,104
       Jiang ling Motor Electricity Vehicle Sales Co.,Ltd                 5,961              5,961
       Nanchang JMCG Frame Co., Ltd                                       5,574                   -
       JMCG Jingma Motors Co., Ltd.                                       5,563              6,162
       Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle Co.,                     2,132                   -
       Nanchang Jiangling HuaXiang Auto Components                        2,128              1,899
         Co., Ltd.
       Jiangxi Jiangling Lear Interior System Co., Ltd.                   1,083                  -
       Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.                      -              5,727
       Others                                                             1,359                121
                                                                        443,426            319,190

       Other receivables from related parties                  31 December 2019   31 December 2018

       Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co.,Ltd.                     35,208             35,027
       Others.                                                               42                 11
                                                                         35,250             35,038

                                                 - 136 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32     Related party transactions (continued)

(ix)   Balances arising from sales/purchases of goods/services (continued)

       Prepayments for purchasing of goods                     31 December 2019     31 December 2018

       Nanchang Baojiang Steel Processing Distribution
        Co.,Ltd.                                                          492,605            496,146

       Notes receivables from related parties                      31December2019    31December2018

       JMCG Jingma Motors Co.,Ltd.                                              -             41,418

       Financial assets at fair value other                    31 December 2019     31 December 2018
       comprehensive income

       Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.                      32,000                 —
       JMCG Jingma Motors Co., Ltd.                                        17,148                 —
                                                                           49,148                 —

       Prepayments for construction in progress                31 December 2019     31 December 2018

       Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd.                                -               500

       Prepayments for mould lease                             31 December 2019     31 December 2018

       Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.                                        -               478

       Cash deposit in related parties                         31 December 2019     31 December 2018

       JMCF (Note 21)                                                     967,750            833,617

                                                 - 137 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32     Related party transactions (continued)

(ix)   Balances arising from sales/purchases of goods/services (continued)

       Trade payables to related parties                      31 December 2019   31 December 2018

       Nanchang Jiangling HuaXiang Auto Components
          Co., Ltd.                                                    468,878            316,174
       Jiangxi Jiangling Lear Interior System Co., Ltd.                275,328            214,139
       Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle Co.,
          Ltd.                                                         269,635            336,126
       Jiangxi Jiangling Chassis Co., Ltd.                             247,904            333,431
       GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission Company                           241,934            275,275
       Ford                                                            145,686            151,749
       Nanchang JMCG Shishun Logistics Co., Ltd.                       135,344             10,113
       Nanchang JMCG Liancheng Auto Component
       Co., Ltd.                                                       133,716            148,483
       Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies
         (Nanchang) Co., Ltd.                                          127,516             58,966
       Hanon Systems                                                    86,209             91,656
       Nanchang Unistar Electric & Electronics Co., Ltd.                81,835             96,905
       Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.                                57,563             67,622
       JMCG                                                             41,122             68,159
       Nanchang JMCG Mekra-Lang Vehicle Mirror
          Co., Ltd.                                                     38,644             48,200
       JMH                                                              23,805             26,349
       Nanchang Yinlun Heat-exchanger Co., Ltd.                         23,002             24,756
       Jiangxi Lingge Non-ferrous Metal Die-casting
         Co., Ltd.                                                      22,459             19,850
       Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd.                        20,671            138,209
       Nanchang Lianda Machinery Co., Ltd.                              20,460             28,325
       Jiangling Aowei Automobile Spare Part Co., Ltd.                  14,675             14,533
       Jiangxi JMCG Industry Co., Ltd.                                   9,408              7,830
       Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.                 8,984             28,944
       Jiangxi ISUZU Engine Co., Ltd.                                    5,958              9,956
       Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.                                         5,716              1,031
       Jiangxi Lingrui Recycling Resources
         Development Corporation                                         5,038              1,736
       Jiangxi Lingyun Automobile Industry Technology
         Co.,Ltd                                                         5,019                  -
       Nanchang JMCG Xinchen Auto Component Co.,
         Ltd.                                                            3,207              6,355
       Jiangxi JMCG Boya brake system Co., Ltd                           2,918                  -
       Nanchang Gear Co., Ltd.                                           2,601              6,179
       Jiangxi Biaohong Engine Tappet Co., Ltd.                          1,983              2,037
       Jiangling Material Co., Ltd.                                      1,505              1,372
       Jiangxi JMCG Shangrao Industrial Co., Ltd.                        1,139              1,693
       Auto Alliance (Thailand) Company Limited                            797              2,151
       NC.Gear Forging Factory                                              12              4,173
       Others                                                                -                 16
                                                                     2,530,671          2,542,493

                                                 - 138 -

        (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32     Related party transactions (continued)

(ix)   I Balances arising from sales/purchases of goods/services (continued)

        Other payables to related parties                      31 December 2019    31 December 2018

        Ford                                                             188,390             92,310
        Ford Global Technologies, LLC                                     67,275             41,203
        Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.S.                                         47,912            115,254
        Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.                                 26,537              9,776
        Jiangxi JMCG Specialty Vehicles Sales
        Corporation, Ltd.                                                 25,677             31,946
        Nanchang Jiangling HuaXiang Auto Components
        Co., Ltd.                                                         22,080              7,222
        GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission Company                             13,132             14,216
        JMCG Jiangxi Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.                   10,408             30,166
        Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies
           (Nanchang) Co., Ltd.                                            7,617             13,584
        Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle Co., Ltd.                  6,984              6,921
        Nanchang JMCG Shishun Logistics Co., Ltd.                          6,916              7,736
        Hanon Systems                                                      4,362                 45
        Jiangxi Jiangling Special Purpose Vehicle Co.,
          Ltd.                                                             4,064              1,403
        Ford Motor (China) Co., Ltd.                                       3,326              4,803
        Ford Motor Research & Engineering (Nanjing)
          Co., Ltd.                                                        2,519                607
        Jiangxi JMCG Industry Co., Ltd.                                    2,503              3,504
        Nanchang Baojiang Steel Processing Distribution
        Co., Ltd.                                                          2,087                187
        Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.                     1,779                  -
        Nanchang Unistar Electric & Electronics Co., Ltd.                  1,327                  -
        Jiangxi Jiangling Lear Interior System Co., Ltd.                   1,207              4,612
        Nanchang JMCG Mekra-Lang Vehicle Mirror
           Co., Ltd.                                                       1,062                881
        Jiangxi JMCG Motorhome Co., Ltd.                                     481              1,905
        JMH                                                                    -             15,641
        Nanchang Hengou Industry Co., Ltd.                                     -             10,211
        Others                                                             2,115              2,344
                                                                         449,760            416,477

        Contract liability                                      31 December 2019   31 December 2018

        Jiangxi Jiangling Group Special Vehicle Co.,
        Ltd.                                                               2,682                  -
        Yunan Wanfu Vehicle Sales & Service Co.,
        Ltd.                                                               1,213
        Others                                                               919               536
                                                                           4,814               536

        Lease liability                                         31 December 2019   31 December 2018

        JMCG                                                              12,673                 —
        Jiangxi Jiangling Motors Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd.                     2,343                 —
                                                                          15,016                 —

                                                  - 139 -

       (All amounts in thousands of RMB unless otherwise stated)

32     Related party transactions (continued)

(ix)   Balances arising from sales/purchases of goods/services (continued)

       Capital commitments                                     31 December 2019       31 December 2018

       JMCG Jiangxi Engineering Construction Co.,
         Ltd.                                                             23,175                    29,456

33     Events after the balance sheet date

(i)    Description of profit distribution

       According to the resolution of the Board of Directors as at 24 March 2020, the board of directors
       proposed that the Company distribute cash dividends to all shareholders at RMB0.07 per share.
       Based on the issued shares of 863,214,000, totalled amount of proposed dividend is

(ii)   The assessment of the impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019

       Since the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) in January 2020, the prevention
       and control of the COVID-19 has been going on throughout the country. The Group will continue
       to earnestly implement the requirements on the sufficient of key medical supplies for the
       supporting of the epidemic prevention and control.

       The COVID-19 has certain impacts on the business operation and overall economy in some
       areas or industries, including in Hubei Province. This may affect the risk of financial instruments
       and the operation performance of the Group in a degree, and the degree of the impact depends
       on the situation of the epidemic preventive measures, the duration of the epidemic and the
       implementation of regulatory policies.

       The Group will keep continuous attention on the situation of the COVID-19, assess and react
       actively to its impacts on the financial position and operating results of the Group. As at the date
       on which this set of financial statements were authorised for issue, the Group was not aware of
       any material adverse effects on the financial statements as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Chapter XII Catalog on Documents for Reference

1. Originals of 2019 financial statements signed by legal representative and Chief
   Financial Officer.
2. Originals of the Independent Auditor’s Reports signed by Independent
   accountants and stamped by the accounting firm.
3. Originals of all the documents and public announcements disclosed in
   newspapers designated by CSRC in 2019.
4. The Annual Report in the China GAAP.

Board of Directors
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
March 24, 2020

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