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                        ADAMA Reports Results for Third Quarter and First Nine Months of 2020
   Strong business growth moderated by global currency weakness against the USD

    Record Q3 Sales of $978 million, +12% at constant exchange rates (CER), +3% in USD
    (RMB: +2%)
     Driven by 11% volume growth, led by continued growth in emerging markets
     Sales in US dollar terms impacted by an estimated $88 million due to weaker currencies

    Record 9M Sales of $2,987 million, +8% in CER terms, +1% in USD (RMB: +3%)
     Continued strong 8% volume growth despite ongoing global COVID-19 constraints
     Sales in US dollar terms impacted by an estimated $222 million due to weaker currencies

    Q3 EBITDA of $130 million (Q3’19: $144 million); impacted by estimated $71 million in
    currency headwinds
     Strong Q3 volume growth and reduced procurement costs more than offset by significant
      currency weakness
     Reduced operating expenses, despite inclusion of recent acquisitions

    9M EBITDA of $436 million (9M’19: $509 million); impacted by estimated $164 million in
    currency headwinds
     Significant currency weakness more than offsetting continued volume growth, lower
      procurement costs and reduction in operating expenses

    Q3 Net Income of $21 million (Q3’19: $42 million); estimated FX impact of approximately
    $81 million
     Reflects lower operating income, higher financial expenses

    9M Net Income of $95 million (9M’19: $173 million); estimated FX impact of approximately
    $201 million
     Reflects lower operating income, higher tax expenses due to BRL weakness in Q1

BEIJING, CHINA and TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, October 29, 2020 – ADAMA Ltd. (the “Company”)
(SZSE 000553), today reported its financial results for the third quarter and nine-month period
ended September 30, 2020.
Ignacio Dominguez, President and CEO of ADAMA, said, “In these unprecedentedly challenging
and concerning times, and despite the widespread constraints on, and changes in, how we do
business all over the world, our Company continues to deliver record business growth, both in the
third quarter and over the nine-month period. However, while global currencies recovered somewhat
against the US Dollar in the third quarter, when compared to the prior year currencies remained
generally weaker, especially in emerging markets where our growth is strongest, which continued to
restrain our sales growth and has severely impacted our profitability in USD terms. Despite this, our
underlying business remains strong, with continued robust business growth and market share gains
in certain key markets, combined with lower procurement costs and reduced operating expenses,
while we remain focused on helping farmers worldwide to do what they do best, feed the world.”

Table 1. Financial Performance Summary
                                                                           %                                                  %
                             Q3         Q3        %           FX                    9M          9M        %        FX
Adjusted, USD (m)                                                        Change                                             Change
                            2020       2019     Change      Impact                 2020        2019     Change   Impact
                                                                          CER                                                CER

Revenues                     978        953         +3%      -88         +12%          2,987    2,962    +1%       -222      +8%

Gross profit                 274        295         -7%      -75         +18%           869      968     -10%      -184      +9%
   % of sales             28.0%      31.0%                                         29.1%       32.7%
Operating income (EBIT)       70         83         -16%     -72         +70%           256      325     -21%      -164      +29%
   % of sales              7.1%       8.7%                                             8.6%    11.0%
Net income                    21         42         -50%     -81         +142%           95      173     -45%      -201      +71%
   % of sales              2.2%       4.4%                                             3.2%     5.9%
EBITDA                       130        144         -10%     -71         +40%           436      509     -14%      -164      +18%
   % of sales             13.3%      15.1%                                         14.6%       17.2%
- USD                     0.0089    0.0173          -49%                           0.0390      0.0708    -45%
- RMB                     0.0614    0.1210          -49%                           0.2740      0.4836    -43%

CER: Constant Exchange Rates
All income statement items contained in this release are presented on an adjusted basis. The number of shares used to calculate both
basic and diluted earnings per share in 2019 is 2,446.6 million shares. The number of shares used to calculate both basic and diluted
earnings per share in 2020 is 2,423.8 and 2,378.3 million shares for the 9 and 3 month periods, respectively, reflecting the buyback and
cancellation of 102.4 million shares from CNAC in July 2020.

These “Adjusted” results exclude items that are of a one-time or non-cash/non-operational nature
that do not impact the ongoing performance of the business, and reflect the way the Company’s
management and the Board of Directors view the performance of the Company internally. The
Company believes that excluding the effects of these items from its operating results allows
management and investors to effectively compare the true underlying financial performance of its
business from period to period and against its global peers.
A summary of these adjustments and a reconciliation between the Adjusted and Reported financials
appears below:
             Q3                            Adjusted                           Adjustments                       Reported
           USD (m)                   Q3 2020      Q3 2019                 Q3 2020     Q3 2019             Q3 2020      Q3 2019
Revenues                                      978            953                   0               0             978             953
Gross profit                                  274            295                   1               0             274             295
Operating income (EBIT)                        70             83                  20              15              49              68
Income before taxes                            23             48                  20              15               2              33
Net income                                     21             42                  18              13               3              29
EBITDA                                        130            144                  -7              -8             137             152
Earnings per share                       0.0089            0.0173                                            0.0012           0.1200

           9M                      Adjusted                   Adjustments               Reported
         USD (m)             9M 2020      9M 2019         9M 2020     9M 2019     9M 2020      9M 2019
Revenues                         2,987        2,962             0           0         2,987        2,962
Gross profit                       869          968             2           2           867          966
Operating income (EBIT)            256          325            68          66           188          260
Income before taxes                135          204            69          63            66          141
Net income                          95          173            63          57            32          116
EBITDA                             436          509            -3          -6           438          515
Earnings per share              0.0390       0.0708                                  0.0131       0.0476

For a detailed description of the above adjustments, please refer to the appendix to this release.

Performance in Context of Market Environment
During the third quarter of 2020, the global agrochemical market is expected to have seen moderate
growth, as the residual impact from COVID-19 continues to linger in many markets. Crop prices
have recovered in many key crops, however, for some such as cotton, planted acreage was lower
due to the lower crop prices at the time of planting during the first half of the year, impacting sales in
this segment in markets such as the US, Brazil and Turkey. Governments across the world continue
to include farmers in extensive support programs, partially offsetting lost income due to the
While global currencies recovered somewhat against the US Dollar during the third quarter, they
generally remained significantly weaker when compared to the third quarter and first nine months of
2019, especially in the emerging markets where the Company is seeing its strongest growth.
Following an extended period of industry-wide supply constraints in recent years due to the
increasingly stringent environmental regulations imposed on Chinese producers, during the first half
of the year, procurement costs of chemical raw materials and intermediates started to decline as
general levels of production and supply increased. This increase in production and supply was seen
despite some disruptions due to the initial COVID-19 outbreak in the first quarter.
The Company started to benefit from this trend in the third quarter as these lower procurement costs
have migrated through the Company’s inventory cycle. However, the lower prices have also had a
negative impact on the Company’s sales of chemical raw materials and intermediates, which form
part of its Ingredients & Intermediates business in both China and Israel.

Acquisition of Huifeng
On October [28], 2020, ADAMA announced the acquisition of a majority stake in a newly established
company that will hold the vast majority of the crop protection synthesis and formulation facilities of
Jiangsu Huifeng Bio Agriculture Co., Ltd (“Huifeng”), a leading Chinese crop protection producer and
key player in the Chinese crop protection market.
Transaction Overview:
    Phase I: as announced on November 6, 2019, ADAMA will acquire a 50% stake in Shanghai
    Dibai Plant Protection Co., Ltd. (“Dibai”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huifeng focused on the
    sale and distribution of key formulated crop protection products in China
     o Closing of Phase I is expected to occur in the coming weeks, subject to customary approvals
       and Closing conditions
    Phase II: Under the agreement now executed, ADAMA will further acquire:

    o a 51% equity stake in Jiangsu Kelinong Co., Ltd. (“Kelinong”), a newly established, wholly-
      owned subsidiary of Huifeng to which Huifeng is to transfer its key crop protection synthesis
      and formulation facilities;
    o an additional 1% in Dibai
   Following the completion of these transactions, ADAMA will hold 51% of the equity in both
   Kelinong and Dibai, providing ADAMA with a majority stake in one of China’s leading crop
   protection manufacturers, and significantly bolstering ADAMA’s commercial presence in the
   China crop protection market
   The total cash consideration for both phases of the transaction is approximately RMB 1,224
   million (approximately $175 million)
   Closing of Phase II is subject to customary Closing conditions, including regulatory and other
   corporate approvals, and is further subject to full resumption of production at the relevant
   facilities of Huifeng. Huifeng has made significant progress in the rectification of its
   environmental issues and is in the process of obtaining approvals to resume production activities.

Financial Highlights
Revenues in the third quarter grew by 12% and by 8% in the nine-month period, in CER terms,
compared to the corresponding periods last year. This growth was driven by strong increases in
volumes, up 11% in the quarter and 8% in the nine-month period.
Growth in the quarter was led by a strong performance in Latin America, driven by robust volume
growth across the region despite widespread COVID-19 related restrictions. Continued growth was
also seen in Asia-Pacific as well as in the India, Middle East & Africa region. The noteworthy growth
in the quarter in these regions more than compensated for lower sales in Europe and North America,
largely due to challenging weather conditions.
In US dollar terms, sales grew by a more moderate 3% in the quarter and 1% in the nine-month
period (2% and 3%, respectively in RMB terms), compared to the corresponding periods last year.
The lower growth in USD (and RMB) terms reflects the generally weaker currencies, especially in
the emerging markets of Latin America and the India, Middle East & Africa regions where the
Company is growing the fastest, which constrained sales in US dollar terms by an estimated $88
million and $222 million, respectively, when compared to the same periods last year.
Gross profit in the third quarter was $274 million (gross margin of 28.0%) and $869 million (gross
margin of 29.1%) in the nine-month period, compared to $295 million (gross margin of 31.0%) and
$968 million (gross margin of 32.7%) in the corresponding periods last year, respectively.
The third quarter saw the Company start to benefit from a marked drop in procurement costs which
began earlier in the year and which are now migrating through the Company’s inventory cycle. This
was partially offset by somewhat higher manufacturing costs related to the stronger Israeli shekel.
However, in both the third quarter and nine-month periods, the strong volume growth and lower
procurement costs were more than offset by the material depreciation of global currencies, which
constrained gross profit by an estimated $75 million and $184 million, respectively.
Operating expenses: Total operating expenses in the third quarter were $205 million (20.9% of
sales) and $613 million (20.5% of sales) in the nine-month period, compared to $212 million (22.3%
of sales) and $643 million (21.7% of sales) in the corresponding periods last year, respectively. The
Company continues to maintain tight control of its operating expenses, which were also naturally
constrained by the impact of COVID-19, and saw a marked decrease in expenses in both the
quarter and nine-month periods, despite the inclusion of recent acquisitions. Operating expenses in
the 2020 periods also benefited from the global currency weakness against the US dollar when

compared to prior periods, while operating expenses in the 2019 periods were net of income related
to expropriation of land recorded then.
Operating income in the third quarter was $70 million (7.1% of sales) and $256 million (8.6% of
sales) in the nine-month period, compared to $83 million (8.7% of sales) and $325 million (11.0% of
sales) in the corresponding periods last year, respectively. The global currency weakness impacted
operating income by an estimated $71 million in the quarter and $164 million in the nine-month
EBITDA in the quarter was $130 million (13.3% of sales) and $436 million (14.6% of sales) in the
nine-month period, compared to $144 million (15.1% of sales) and $509 million (17.2% of sales)
recorded in the corresponding periods last year, respectively. The global currency weakness
impacted EBITDA in the third quarter by an estimated $71 million and $164 million in the nine-month
Financial expenses and investment income: Total net financial expenses and investment income
were $47 million in the quarter and $121 million in the nine-month period, compared to $35 million
and $122 million in the corresponding periods last year, respectively. The higher financial expenses
in the quarter were due to an increase in financing costs on the NIS-denominated, CPI-linked bonds
due to a higher CPI in Israel, as well as the effect on balance sheet positions of the strengthening of
the RMB when compared to 2019.
Tax expenses: Net tax expenses in the third quarter were $2 million and $41 million in the nine-
month period, compared to $6 million and $30 million in the corresponding periods last year,
respectively. The lower tax expenses in the quarter were driven by the lower operating income,
while the comparative quarter in 2019 saw higher tax expenses due to the devaluation of the
Brazilian Real in that quarter, which resulted in non-cash tax expenses due to differences between
the functional currency (US dollar) and tax currency (BRL) with respect to the value of non-
monetary assets. The higher tax expenses in the nine-month period are largely due to the first-
quarter impact of the weakening of the Brazilian Real against the US dollar, which resulted once
again in an increase in non-cash tax expenses.
Net income in the third quarter was $21 million (2.2% of sales) and $95 million (3.2% of sales) in
the first nine months compared to $42 million (4.4% of sales) and $173 million (5.9% of sales) in the
corresponding periods last year. The Company estimates the net impact of the global currency
headwinds on Net Income to be approximately $81 million in the third quarter and $201 million in the
nine-month period.
Trade working capital at September 30, 2020 was $2,332 million compared to $2,143 million at the
same point last year. The Company is holding somewhat higher inventory levels due to a change in
geographic and portfolio sales mix, as well as due to the anticipation of further volume growth in
coming quarters. The Company also saw an increase in trade receivables, driven largely by its
strong growth over the last year in emerging markets, most notably in Latin America and Brazil,
where customer credit terms are generally longer. These increases were partially offset by higher
trade payables.
Cash Flow: Operating cash flow of $23 million was generated in the quarter and $196 million over
the nine-month period, compared to $57 million and $10 million generated in the corresponding
periods last year, respectively. The lower operating cash flow in the quarter reflects the lower
operating income alongside higher levels of working capital compared to the parallel period last year.
The higher operating cash flow generated in the first nine months of 2020 mainly reflects a more
moderate increase in working capital levels this year than the increase seen in the first nine months
of 2019, which was more significantly affected by the inclusion of the working capital of companies
acquired during that period.

Net cash used in investing activities was $84 million in the third quarter and $200 million in the nine-
month period, compared to $42 million and $245 million in the corresponding periods last year,
respectively. The increase in cash used in investing activities in the quarter mainly reflects the
Company’s acquisition in Greece and somewhat higher investment in fixed assets, while the parallel
period in 2019 saw the receipt of proceeds from expropriation of land. Over the nine-month period,
although the Company increased its investment in fixed assets compared to the same period last
year, the overall decrease in cash used in investing activities largely reflects the relatively higher
spend in the same period in 2019 due to the acquisition made in that period.
Free cash flow of $68 million was consumed in the third quarter and $56 million in the nine-month
period compared to $7 million generated and $290 million consumed in the corresponding periods
last year, respectively, reflecting the lower operating cash flow and higher investment spend in the
third quarter of this year, contrasted with the higher working capital build-up and acquisitions seen
over the nine-month period in 2019.
Leverage: Balance sheet net debt at September 30, 2020 was $1,163 million, compared to $960
million at September 30, 2019, reflecting the acquisitions and strong working capital growth seen in
Q4 2019, as well as the free cash flow consumed in the first nine months of this year.

Table 2. Regional Sales Performance
                               Q3 2020   Q3 2019   Change   Change   9M 2020   9M 2019   Change   Change
                                 $m        $m       USD      CER       $m        $m       USD      CER
Europe                           181     188        -4.0%    -5.0%     790       816     -3.2%     -0.7%

North America                    145     160        -9.3%    -9.3%     518       560     -7.6%     -7.1%

Latin America                    335     302       +10.9%   +38.7%     714       657     +8.6%    +32.7%

Asia Pacific                     148     138       +7.0%    +5.3%      497       496      0.2%    +3.4%

Of which China                    82      76       +9.0%    +5.0%      250       255     -1.9%     -0.9%

India, Middle East & Africa      170     166       +2.8%    +7.5%      468       432     +8.3%    +14.2%

  Total                          978     953       +2.6%    +11.8%    2,987     2,962    +0.8%    +8.4%
CER: Constant Exchange Rates

Europe: Sales were lower by 5.0% in the third quarter and by 0.7% in the nine-month period, in
CER terms, compared with the corresponding periods last year.
The lower sales in the quarter were largely due to the widespread extreme drought conditions which
reduced crop protection application in key crops such as oilseed rape and winter cereals, resulting in
some delayed sales, as well as high inventories in distribution channels. During the quarter, ADAMA
completed the acquisition of the remaining 51% of Alfa in Greece, bolstering its activities in this
important market.
During the quarter, the Company obtained multiple new product registrations in the region, including
COLT, a herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and pasture, and FOLPAN
GOLD, a systemic fungicide to combat grapevine mildew, both registered in Bulgaria.
In US dollar terms, sales were lower by 4.0% in the quarter and by 3.2% in the nine-month period,
compared to the corresponding periods last year, reflecting the net impact of the relative
strengthening of European currencies against the US dollar in the quarter, contrasted with their
relative weakness over the nine-month period.
North America: Sales were lower by 9.3% in the third quarter and by 7.1% in the nine-month period,
in CER terms, compared with the corresponding periods last year.

Crop protection sales were markedly lower, largely due to disruptive weather conditions in the US
which saw windstorms damage corn fields in the mid-west, fires raging in the orchards and
vineyards of California and Oregon, and a heatwave challenging cotton farmers in Texas already
contending with reduced demand due to the COVID-19 impact on the apparel industry, alongside
low insect pressure impacting sales of insecticides. This was partially mitigated by the robust
performance of the Company’s Consumer and Professional Solutions business, which continues its
strong recovery from the COVID-19 related challenges seen earlier in the year.
The Company continued to expand its differentiated product offering in the region, following the
earlier launches in Canada of CUSTODIA, a combination fungicide controlling a wide range of
diseases in corn, soybeans and wheat, as well as ORIUS, a broad-spectrum fungicide for wheat,
barley and oat crops.
In US dollar terms, sales were lower by 9.3% in the quarter and by 7.6% in the nine-month period,
compared to the corresponding periods last year, reflecting the moderate weakening of the
Canadian Dollar seen in the first half of the year.
Latin America: Sales grew by a robust 38.7% in the third quarter and by 32.7% in the nine-month
period, in CER terms, compared to the corresponding periods last year, driven by significant volume
growth in key countries and continued price increases to partially compensate for the material
weakness of the currencies in the region, and despite widespread COVID-19 related restrictions.
The Company saw significant volume growth in Brazil, driven by strong performances from its
differentiated product portfolio including flagship product CRONNOS, the triple-action fungicide for
soybean rust, GALIL, a differentiated combination insecticide and TRIVOR, a dual-action
insecticide for rapid and extended control of sucking pests, following its successful 2019 launch.
Noteworthy performances were also recorded in Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Paraguay, as
well as in Peru, bolstered by the Company’s recent acquisition in the country.
On October 14, 2020, ADAMA acquired a majority stake in FNV S.A., its key crop protection
distributor in Paraguay, strengthening the Company’s commercial presence in this important market
and providing ADAMA with direct market access, ensuring the sustainability and growth of its key
distribution platform.
During the quarter, the Company obtained multiple new product registrations in the region, including
ARADDO, a complete solution for the management of a wide range of glyphosate-resistant weeds
in soybean, corn and wheat crops in Brazil.
In US dollar terms, sales in the region grew by 10.9% in the quarter and 8.6% in the nine-month
period, compared to the corresponding periods last year, as the robust business growth was heavily
impacted by weaker currencies in the region, in particular the significant decline in the Brazilian Real
against the US dollar.
Asia-Pacific: Sales grew by 5.3% in the quarter and by 3.4% in the nine-month period, in CER
terms, compared to the corresponding periods last year, driven by continued volume growth.
In Asia-Pacific (outside of China), the Company saw strong performance from Australia and New
Zealand, benefiting from favorable weather, and more than offsetting challenging seasonal
conditions in South East Asia.
During the quarter, the Company obtained multiple new product registrations in the region, including
ULTRO 900 (Carbetamide), a herbicide for the control of grasses in all pulse crops. This is a new
active ingredient in Australia for broadacre cropping, the country’s largest cropping segment.
In China, the Company delivered moderate growth in the quarter, with a strong performance from its
branded, formulated sales being partially offset by lower prices received for its raw materials and
intermediates due to increased supply generally from Chinese producers. The growth in the

formulated products was supported by new product launches including AN GUO XUAN, a
protective fungicide for tomatoes, and XIN TUO LONG, an effective growth regulating solution for
cotton harvesting in the Xinjiang region.
In US dollar terms, sales in the region grew by 7.0% in the third quarter but were flat over the nine-
month period, compared to the corresponding periods last year, reflecting the strengthening of the
Chinese Renminbi against the US dollar in Q3, contrasted with the generally weaker currencies over
the nine-month period.
India, Middle East & Africa: Sales grew by 7.5% in the quarter and by 14.2% in the nine-month
period, in CER terms, compared to the corresponding periods last year, driven by robust volume
The growth in the region was driven mainly by a strong performance in India, which benefited from
above-average monsoon rains and good cropping conditions.
During the quarter, the Company continued to expand its hybrid product offering in the region,
launching TRIGUS, an insecticide for use on sucking pests, in India.
In US dollar terms, sales in the region grew by 2.8% in the quarter and by 8.3% in the nine-month
period, compared to the corresponding periods last year, reflecting the impact of softer currencies,
most notably the Turkish Lira, the Indian Rupee and the South African Rand.

Table 3. Revenues by operating segment
Third quarter sales by segment

                                                      Q3 2020                                         Q3 2019
                                                                            %                                              %
                                                      USD (m)                                         USD (m)

Crop Protection                                             881            90.0%                           855            89.6%

Intermediates and Ingredients                                98            10.0%                             99           10.4%

Total                                                       978          100.0%                            953           100.0%

Third quarter sales by product category

                                                      Q3 2020                                         Q3 2019
                                                                            %                                              %
                                                      USD (m)                                         USD (m)

Herbicides                                                  345            35.2%                           375            39.3%

Insecticides                                                329            33.6%                           304            31.8%

Fungicides                                                  207            21.1%                           176            18.5%

Intermediates and Ingredients                                98              10%                             99           10.4%

Total                                                       978          100.0%                          1,002           100.0%
Note: the sales split by product category is provided for convenience purposes only and is not representative of the way the Company is
managed or in which it makes its operational decisions.

Nine-month sales by segment

                                                      9M 2020                                         9M 2019
                                                                            %                                              %
                                                      USD (m)                                         USD (m)

Crop Protection                                          2,706            90.6%                          2,669            90.1%

Intermediates and Ingredients                               280             9.4%                           292              9.9%

Total                                                    2,987           100.0%                          2,962           100.0%

Nine-month sales by product category

                                                      9M 2020                                         9M 2019
                                                                            %                                              %
                                                      USD (m)                                         USD (m)

Herbicides                                               1,231            41.2%                          1,287            43.5%

Insecticides                                                859           28.8%                            850            28.7%

Fungicides                                                  617           20.6%                            532            18.0%

Intermediates and Ingredients                               280             9.4%                           292              9.9%

Total                                                    2,987           100.0%                          2,962           100.0%
Note: the sales split by product category is provided for convenience purposes only and is not representative of the way the Company is
managed or in which it makes its operational decisions.

Further Information
All filings of the Company, together with a presentation of the key financial highlights of the period,
can be accessed through the Company website at www.adama.com.

ADAMA Ltd. is a global leader in crop protection, providing solutions to farmers across the world to
combat weeds, insects and disease. ADAMA has one of the widest and most diverse portfolios of
active ingredients in the world, state-of-the art R&D, manufacturing and formulation facilities,
together with a culture that empowers our people in markets around the world to listen to farmers
and ideate from the field. This uniquely positions ADAMA to offer a vast array of distinctive
mixtures, formulations and high-quality differentiated products, delivering solutions that meet local
farmer and customer needs in over 100 countries globally. For more information, visit us at
www.ADAMA.com and follow us on Twitter at @ADAMAAgri.
Ben Cohen                                              Zhujun Wang
Global Investor Relations                              China Investor Relations
Email: ir@adama.com                                    Email: irchina@adama.com

Abridged Consolidated Financial Statements
The following abridged consolidated financial statements and notes have been prepared as
described in Note 1. While prepared based on the principles of PRC GAAP, they do not contain all
of the information which either PRC GAAP or IFRS would require for a complete set of financial
statements and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of both
ADAMA Ltd. and Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd. as filed with the Shenzhen and Tel Aviv Stock
Exchanges, respectively.

Abridged Consolidated Income Statement for the Third Quarter
                                                             Q3 2020           Q3 2019            Q3 2020           Q3 2019
                                                             USD (m)           USD (m)            RMB (m)           RMB (m)
Revenues                                                         978               953               6,769                  6,666
Cost of Sales                                                    701               656               4,849                  4,583
Business taxes and surcharges                                      3                  3                  21                    18
Gross profit                                                     274               295               1,898                  2,064
% of revenue                                                  28.0%             31.0%               28.0%                  31.0%
     Selling & Distribution expenses                             155               148               1,071                  1,035
     General & Administrative expenses                            31                 32                213                    225
     Research & Development expenses                              13                 15                  92                   108
     Other                                                         6                 17                  39                   115
Total operating expenses                                         205               212               1,416                  1,483
% of revenue                                                  20.9%             22.3%               20.9%                  22.3%
Operating income (EBIT)                                           70                 83                482                    581
% of revenue                                                   7.1%               8.7%                7.1%                  8.7%
Financial expenses and investment income                          47                 35                325                    244
Income before taxes                                               23                 48                158                    337
Taxes on Income                                                    2                  6                  11                    41
Net income                                                        21                 42                146                    296
% of revenue                                                   2.2%               4.4%                2.2%                  4.4%
EBITDA                                                           130               144                 899                  1,010
% of revenue                                                  13.3%             15.1%               13.3%                  15.1%

Earnings per Share – Basic                                  0.0089             0.0173              0.0614                0.1210
                           – Diluted                        0.0089             0.0173              0.0614                0.1210
The number of shares used to calculate both basic and diluted earnings per share in 2020 is 2,378.3 million shares,
reflecting the buyback and cancellation of 102.4 million shares from CNAC in July. The number of shares used to calculate
both basic and diluted earnings per share in 2019 is 2,446.6 million shares.

    For an analysis of the differences between the adjusted income statement items and the income statement items as reported in the
    financial statements, see below “Analysis of Gaps between Adjusted Income Statement and Income Statement in Financial Statements”.

Abridged Consolidated Income Statement for the First Nine Months
                                                             9M 2020           9M 2019            9M 2020           9M 2019
                                                             USD (m)           USD (m)            RMB (m)           RMB (m)
Revenues                                                       2,987             2,962              20,890                20,282
Cost of Sales                                                  2,108             1,984              14,744                13,593
Business taxes and surcharges                                     10                  9                  67                    65
Gross profit                                                     869               968               6,078                  6,624
% of revenue                                                  29.1%             32.7%               29.1%                  32.7%
     Selling & Distribution expenses                             465               472               3,253                  3,230
     General & Administrative expenses                            92               101                 640                    690
     Research & Development expenses                              40                 46                281                    318
     Other                                                        16                 24                110                    164
Total operating expenses                                         613               643               4,284                  4,402
% of revenue                                                  20.5%             21.7%               20.5%                  21.7%
Operating income (EBIT)                                          256               325               1,794                  2,222
% of revenue                                                   8.6%             11.0%                 8.6%                 11.0%
Financial expenses and investment income                         121               122                 844                    833
Income before taxes                                              135               204                 949                  1,389
Taxes on Income                                                   41                 30                285                    206
Net income                                                        95               173                 664                  1,183
% of revenue                                                   3.2%               5.9%                3.2%                  5.9%
EBITDA                                                           436               509               3,048                  3,481
% of revenue                                                  14.6%             17.2%               14.6%                  17.2%

Earnings per Share – Basic                                  0.0390             0.0708              0.2740                0.4836
                           – Diluted                        0.0390             0.0708              0.2740                0.4836
The number of shares used to calculate both basic and diluted earnings per share in 2020 is 2,423.8 million shares,
reflecting the buyback and cancellation of 102.4 million shares from CNAC in July. The number of shares used to calculate
both basic and diluted earnings per share in 2019 is 2,446.6 million shares.

    For an analysis of the differences between the adjusted income statement items and the income statement items as reported in the
    financial statements, see below “Analysis of Gaps between Adjusted Income Statement and Income Statement in Financial Statements”.

Abridged Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                           September 30      September 30   September 30   September 30
                                               2020              2019           2020           2019
                                             USD (m)           USD (m)        RMB (m)        RMB (m)
 Current assets:
   Cash at bank and on hand                       842               647          5,733          4,579
   Bills and accounts receivable                1,420             1,214          9,668          8,585
   Inventories                                  1,631             1,485         11,110         10,509
   Other current assets, receivables and
                                                 323               307           2,200          2,171
   prepaid expenses
   Total current assets                         4,216             3,653         28,711         25,844
 Non-current assets:
   Fixed assets, net                            1,152             1,112          7,844          7,866
   Rights of use assets                            74                78            504            550
   Intangible assets, net                       1,441             1,447          9,815         10,235
   Deferred tax assets                            130               111            883            782
   Other non-current assets                        78               109            535            771
   Total non-current assets                     2,875             2,857         19,581         20,203
Total assets                                    7,091             6,510         48,293         46,047

  Current liabilities:
   Loans and credit from banks and
                                                 487               298            3,314          2,106
   other lenders
   Bills and accounts payable                     739               581           5,032          4,109
   Other current liabilities                      782               707           5,326          5,002
   Total current liabilities                    2,008             1,586          13,672         11,218
  Long-term liabilities:
   Loans and credit from banks and
                                                 319               141            2,169            998
   other lenders
   Debentures                                   1,234             1,206           8,402          8,533
   Deferred tax liabilities                        57                52             387            368
   Employee benefits                              102               102             693            719
   Other long-term liabilities                    147               140           1,004            989
   Total long-term liabilities                  1,859             1,641          12,657         11,607
Total liabilities                               3,866             3,227          26,329         22,825

   Total equity                                 3,225             3,283          21,964         23,222

Total liabilities and equity                    7,091             6,510          48,293         46,047

   Abridged Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the Third Quarter

                                                                 Q3 2020        Q3 2019       Q3 2020   Q3 2019

                                                                 USD (m)        USD (m)       RMB (m)   RMB (m)

Cash flow from operating activities:
    Cash flow from operating activities                                23             57          157         399

Cash flow from operating activities                                    23             57                      399

Investing activities:
    Acquisitions of fixed and intangible assets                        -72           -69         -498         -484
    Proceeds from disposal of fixed and intangible assets                  0          26           -3         151
    Acquisition of subsidiaries                                        -14                0       -96              -
    Other investing activities                                             2              1        18             41
Cash flow used for investing activities                                -84           -42         -579         -292

Financing activities:
    Receipt of loans from banks and other lenders                     149             97        1,030         680
    Repayment of loans from banks and other lenders                   -134          -146         -926       -1,020
    Interest payment and other                                             -7         -9          -50          -64
    Dividend to shareholders                                               -1        -35           -5         -237
    Acquisition via combination under common control                        -        -59            -         -415
    Other financing activities                                             0              6         0             36
Cash flow from (used for) financing activities                             7        -146           49       -1,020
Effects of exchange rate movement on cash and cash
                                                                           6          -8         -189             87
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                                -48          -139         -562         -827

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period              884            783        6,256        5,382
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                    836            644        5,694        4,555

Free Cash Flow                                                         -68                7      -471             44

   Abridged Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the First Nine Months

                                                                 9M 2020       9M 2019   9M 2020       9M 2019

                                                                 USD (m)       USD (m)   RMB (m)       RMB (m)

Cash flow from operating activities:
    Cash flow from operating activities                              196            10      1,392            94
Cash flow from operating activities                                  196            10      1,392             94

Investing activities:
    Acquisitions of fixed and intangible assets                      -186         -158     -1,301         -1,090
    Proceeds from disposal of fixed and intangible assets              3            26        18            182
    Acquisition of subsidiaries                                       -14         -123        -96           -827
    Other investing activities                                         -3           10        -15            73
Cash flow used for investing activities                              -200         -245     -1,394         -1,662

Financing activities:
    Receipt of loans from banks and other lenders                    550           391      3,852          2,668
    Repayment of loans from banks and other lenders                  -240         -214     -1,672         -1,484
    Interest payments and other                                       -57          -60       -400          -413
    Dividend to shareholders                                           -2          -43        -11           -294
    Acquisition via combination under common control                       -       -59             -        -415
    Other financing activities                                        -34          -52       -245           -347
Cash flow from (used for) financing activities                       217           -37      1,524           -285
Effects of exchange rate movement on cash and cash
                                                                       4            -9       -148            62
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                              217          -281      1,374         -1,791

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period             619           925      4,320          6,346
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                   836           644      5,694          4,555

Free Cash Flow                                                        -56         -290       -376         -1,952

Notes to Abridged Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 1: Basis of preparation

Basis of presentation and accounting policies: The abridged consolidated financial statements for the
quarters ended September 30, 2020 and 2019 incorporate the financial statements of ADAMA Ltd. and of all
of its subsidiaries (the “Company”), including Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd. (“Solutions”) and its
The Company has adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of
Finance (the "MoF") and the implementation guidance, interpretations and other relevant provisions issued or
revised subsequently by the MoF (collectively referred to as "CASBE").
The abridged consolidated financial statements contained in this release are presented in both Chinese
Renminbi (RMB), as the Company’s shares are traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as well as in United
States dollars ($) as this is the major currency in which the Company’s business is conducted. For the
purposes of this release, a customary convenience translation has been used for the translation from RMB to
US dollars, with Income Statement and Cash Flow items being translated using the quarterly average
exchange rate, and Balance Sheet items being translated using the exchange rate at the end of the period.
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of
the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.
Actual results could differ from those estimated.

Note 2: Abridged Financial Statements
For ease of use, the Financial Statements shown in this release have been abridged as follows:

Abridged Consolidated Income Statement:
        “Operating expenses” includes selling and distribution expenses; general and administrative expenses;
        research and development expenses; impairment losses; gain (loss) from disposal of assets and non-
        operating income and expenses
        “Financial expenses and investment income” includes net financing expenses; gains from changes in
        fair value; and investment income (including share of income of equity accounted investees)

Abridged Consolidated Balance Sheet:
        “Other current assets, receivables and prepaid expenses” includes financial assets held for trading;
        financial assets in respect of derivatives; prepayments; other receivables; and other current assets
        “Fixed assets, net” includes fixed assets and construction in progress
        “Intangible assets, net” includes intangible assets and goodwill
        “Other non-current assets” includes other equity investments; long-term equity investments; long-term
        receivables; investment property; and other non-current assets
        “Loans and credit from banks and other lenders” includes short-term loans and non-current liabilities
        due within one year
        “Other current liabilities” includes financial liabilities in respect of derivatives; payables for employee
        benefits, taxes, interest, dividends and others; advances from customers and other current liabilities
        “Other long-term liabilities” includes long-term payables, provisions, deferred income and other non-
        current liabilities

Analysis of Gaps between Adjusted Income Statement and Reported
Income Statement in Financial Statements

For the below tables in USD terms, please see page 2 of this release.

                          Q3                       Adjusted                      Adjustments                Reported
                      RMB(m)                 Q3 2020          Q3 2019                   Q3 2019        Q3 2020    Q3 2019
Revenues                                          6,769           6,666        0                  0       6,769         6,666
Gross profit                                      1,898           2,064        4                  1       1,894         2,063
Operating expenses                                1,416           1,483     -137               -103       1,553         1,586
Operating income (EBIT)                             482             581      141                104         341           477
Income before taxes                                 158             337      141                104          17           233
Net income                                          146             296      126                 90          20           206
EBITDA                                              899           1,010      -50                -54         950         1,064
Earnings per share                               0.0614          0.1210                                  0.0086        0.0842

                          9M                       Adjusted                      Adjustments                Reported
                      RMB(m)                9M 2020           9M 2019                  9M 2019         9M 2020    9M 2019
Revenues                                         20,890          20,282          0                 0     20,890        20,282
Gross profit                                      6,078           6,624      13                   14      6,065         6,610
Operating expenses                                4,284           4,402    -465                -433       4,749         4,835
Operating income (EBIT)                           1,794           2,222     478                  448      1,315         1,775
Income before taxes                                 949           1,389     484                  427        466           962
Net income                                          664           1,183     439                  388        225           795
EBITDA                                            3,048           3,481     -21                  -43      3,069         3,524
Earnings per share                               0.2740          0.4836                                  0.0929        0.3248

Income Statement Adjustments
                                                                                       Q3 2020   Q3 2019   Q3 2020   Q3 2019
                                                                                       USD (m)   USD (m)   RMB (m)   RMB (m)
Net Income (Reported)                                                                     3.0      29.5      20.4     206.1
  Adjustments to COGS & Operating Expenses:
1.    Amortization of Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions (non-cash)             11.5      11.5      79.2      80.1
2.    Amortization of Transfer assets received and written-up due to 2017 ChemChina-
                                                                                          7.6       7.7      52.5      53.5
      Syngenta transaction (non-cash)
3.    China Relocation & Upgrade related costs                                            0.6       1.6       4.3      11.2
4.    Long-term incentive (non-cash)                                                     -2.5      -7.8     -17.6     -54.3
5.    Amortization of acquisition-related PPA (non-cash)                                  2.2       1.9      14.9      13.4
6.    Employee early retirement expenses                                                  0.6         -       3.8         -
7.    Capital gain recognized on acquisition of control of an equity investee            -8.5         -     -59.0         -
8.    Non-core assets impairment                                                          9.0         -      62.6         -
Total Adjustments to Operating Income (EBIT)                                             20.4      14.9     140.8     103.9
Total Adjustments to EBITDA                                                              -7.3      -7.7     -50.2     -53.7
Total Adjustments to Income before Taxes                                                 20.4      14.9     140.8     103.9
  Adjustments to Taxes
1.    Tax shield on Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions                           1.9       1.9      13.5      13.6
5.    Deferred tax due to PPA                                                             0.2       0.1       1.7       0.5
Total adjustments to Net Income                                                          18.2      12.8     125.7      89.8
Net Income (Adjusted)                                                                    21.1      42.3     146.1     296.0

                                                                                       9M 2020   9M 2019   9M 2020   9M 2019
                                                                                       USD (m)   USD (m)   RMB (m)   RMB (m)
Net Income (Reported)                                                                    31.8     116.4    222.1     497.4
  Adjustments to COGS & Operating Expenses:
1.    Amortization of Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions (non-cash)             34.4      34.4     239.6     235.4
2.    Amortization of Transfer assets received and written-up due to 2017 ChemChina-
                                                                                         23.0      27.5     160.3     187.7
      Syngenta transaction (non-cash)
3.    China Relocation & Upgrade related costs                                            2.4       6.1      17.1      41.9
4.    Long-term incentive (non-cash)                                                     -7.7      -6.4     -54.4     -45.0
5.    Amortization of acquisition-related PPA (non-cash)                                  5.8       4.0      41.9      27.5
6.    Employee early retirement expenses                                                 10.0         -      70.0         -
7.    Capital gain recognized on acquisition of control of an equity investee            -8.5         -     -59.0         -
8.    Non-core assets impairment                                                          9.0         -      62.6         -
Total Adjustments to Operating Income (EBIT)                                             68.5      65.6     478.2     447.5
Total Adjustments to EBITDA                                                              -3.0      -6.1     -20.8     -43.4
  Adjustments to Financing Expenses:
9. Revaluation of non-cash adjustment related to non-controlling interest                 0.8      -3.0       5.6     -20.5
Total Adjustments to Income before Taxes                                                 69.3      62.5     483.9     427.0
  Adjustments to Taxes
1. Tax shield on Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions                              5.8       5.8      40.7      40.0
5. Deferred tax due to PPA                                                                0.6      -0.2       4.1      -1.4
Total adjustments to Net Income                                                          62.9      56.9     439.0     388.3
Net Income (Adjusted)                                                                    94.6     173.3     664.1    1,183.1

 1. Amortization of Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions (non-cash): Under PRC GAAP, the Company has inherited the historical
     “legacy” amortization charge from the first combined reporting for Q3 2017 that ChemChina previously was incurring in respect of its acquisition
     of Solutions in 2011. This amortization is done in a linear manner on a quarterly basis, most of which will be completed and removed in the
     second half of 2020.
 2. Amortization of Transfer assets received and written-up due to 2017 ChemChina-Syngenta transaction (non-cash): The proceeds from
     the Divestment of crop protection products in connection with the approval by the EU Commission of the acquisition of Syngenta by
     ChemChina, net of taxes and transaction expenses, were paid to Syngenta in return for the transfer of a portfolio of products in Europe of
     similar nature and economic value. Since the products acquired from Syngenta are of the same nature and with the same net economic value
     as those divested, and since in 2018 the Company excluded the one-time gain that it made on the divested products, the additional
     amortization charge incurred due to the written-up value of the acquired assets is also excluded to present a consistent view of Divestment and
     Transfer transactions, which had no net impact on the underlying economic performance of the Company. These additional amortization
     charges will continue until 2032 but at a reducing rate, yet will still be at a meaningful level (more than $10 million per year) until 2028.
 3. China Relocation & Upgrade related costs: These are non-cash accelerated depreciation charges related to the three-year Relocation &
     Upgrade program in China. Production assets located in the old production sites in Jingzhou and Huai’An will be relocated to the new sites in
     the coming years. Since some of the older production assets may not be able to be relocated, their economic life has been shortened and
     therefore will be depreciated over a shorter period. Since these are older assets that were built many years ago and will be replaced by newer
     production facilities at the new sites, and since the ongoing operations of the business will not be impacted thereby, the Company adjusts for
     the impact of the accelerated depreciation of these assets.
 4. Long-term Incentive (non-cash): The Company granted its employees, who are mainly non-Chinese residents, a long-term incentive (LTI) in
     the form of 'phantom' options, due to the complexity of granting Chinese-listed, equity-settled options to non-Chinese employees. As such, the
     Company records an expense, or recognizes income, depending on the fluctuation in the Company’s share price, even though the Company
     will not incur any cash impact prior to exercise of the phantom options. To neutralize the impact of such share price movements on the
     measurement of the Company’s performance and expected employee compensation and to reflect the existing phantom options, in the
     Company’s adjusted financial performance, the LTI is presented on an equity-settled basis in accordance with the value of the existing plan at
     the grant date.
 5. Amortization of acquisition-related PPA (non-cash): Related to the amortization of non-cash intangible assets created as part of the
     allocation of the purchase price (PPA) on acquisitions; has no impact on the ongoing performance of the companies acquired.
 6. Employee early retirement expenses: Provision for early retirement plan of employees at the Company’s Israeli manufacturing sites
 7. Capital gain recognized on acquisition of control of an equity investee: On 1 July 2020, ADAMA acquired the remaining 51% stake in Alfa
     Agricultural Supplies, S.A., and in so doing, gained control over the company which previously was accounted for as an equity investee. As a
     result of the change of consolidation scope, the company recognized a one-time, non-cash, capital gain.
 8. Non-core assets impairment: One-time, non-cash charge due to impairment of peripheral, non-material assets.
 9. Revaluation of non-cash adjustment related to non-controlling interest: Relates to put options issued to non-controlling interests as part
     of historical business combinations which took place before January 1, 2010. The put options are presented as a liability at the present value of
     the future exercise price. The revaluation of these put options in Solutions is recognized under IFRS to Goodwill, but due to the acquisition of
     Solutions by the Company in 2017, which is treated from an accounting perspective as a “Business Combination Under Common Control”,
     such revaluation is recorded as a profit or loss item in the financial reports of the Company. The revaluations of such put options have no
     bearing on the ongoing performance of the Company and are therefore adjusted for.

Exchange Rates of the Company's Principal Functional Currencies
                        September 30                      Q3 Average                      9M Average

                2020       2019        Change    2020        2019      Change     2020       2019      Change

EUR/USD         1.170      1.093        7.1%     1.169      1.112        5.1%     1.123     1.124       (0.1%)

USD/BRL         5.641      4.164   (35.5%)       5.380      3.974      (35.4%)    5.076     3.888       30.6%

USD/PLN         3.866      4.000        3.4%     4.096      3.885       (5.4%)    3.939     3.829       (2.9%)

USD/ZAR        16.920     15.083   (12.2%)      17.976     14.677      (22.5%)   16.747    14.367      (16.6%)

AUD/USD         0.712      0.676        5.2%     0.655      0.686       (4.5%)    0.675     0.699       (3.5%)

GBP/USD         1.282      1.229        4.3%     1.241      1.232        0.7%     1.270     1.273       (0.2%)

USD/ILS         3.441      3.482        1.2%     3.516      3.527        0.3%     3.477     3.589        3.1%

USD LIBOR 3M   0.23%       2.09%   (88.8%)      0.25%       2.20%      (88.5%)   0.80%      2.46%      (67.6%)

                        September 30                      Q3 Average                      9M Average

                2020       2019        Change    2020        2019      Change     2020       2019      Change

USD/RMB         6.810      7.073       (3.7%)    6.919      6.992       (1.0%)    6.993     6.851        2.1%

EUR/RMB         7.967      7.729        3.1%     8.086      7.774        4.0%     7.850     7.699        2.0%

RMB/BRL         0.828      0.589   (40.7%)       0.778      0.568      (36.8%)    0.726     0.567      (27.9%)

RMB/PLN         0.568      0.566       (0.4%)    0.549      0.556        1.1%     0.563     0.559       (0.8%)

RMB/ZAR         2.485      2.133   (16.5%)       2.444      2.099      (16.4%)    2.395     2.097      (14.2%)

AUD/RMB         4.845      4.783        1.3%     4.948      4.793        3.2%     4.718     4.791       (1.5%)

GBP/RMB         8.729      8.694        0.4%     8.935      8.615        3.7%     8.883     8.718        1.9%

RMB/ILS         0.492      0.492        0.0%     0.494      0.504        2.1%     0.497     0.524        5.1%
