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  • 公司公告



                                                         ADAMA Ltd.

  Independent Opinions on the Relevant Issues of the
       29th Meeting of the 8th Session of the Board of
Pursuant to the Company Law of China, Guidance on Establishing the Independent
Director System in Listed Companies and relevant laws, regulations and normative
documents as well as the Company's Articles of Association, we, as independent
directors of ADAMA Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), give the
following independent opinions on the relevant proposal of the 29th Meeting of the 8th
Session of the Board of Directors from the standpoint of independent judgement:

I.Independent Opinion on the Change of the Board Secretary

1. The nomination procedure for the Board Secretary is lawful and valid.

2. After reviewing the profile of the nominee, we don’t find there is any situation that
prohibits Mr. Guo Zhi from being the Board Secretary of the Company. Mr. Guo Zhi
has not been subject to any punishment imposed by the China Securities Regulatory
Commission and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (“SZSE”) and is not a judgement
debtor subject to enforcement. Mr. Guo Zhi has obtained the qualification certificate
of Board Secretary issued by the SZSE, and his qualification of Board Secretary has
been reviewed by the SZSE, which complies with the relevant provisions in the
Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Administrative Measures for the
Qualifications of the Board Secretary and the Securities Affairs Representative of
Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other related regulations. We are
of the opinion that Mr. Guo Zhi meets the relevant requirements for taking the above
position of a listed company.

3. We approve the nomination of Mr. Guo Zhi as the Board Secretary of the Company.

(The signature page of Independent Opinions on the Relevant Issues of the 29th
Meeting of the 8th Session of the Board of Directors)

Independent Director Signature:

   Ge Ming                                                    Xi Zhen

                                                            November 27, 2020
