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                                  Stock Code: 000553(200553)       Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A (B)       NO. 2021-6

                                          ADAMA Ltd.
     Announcement on Expected Related-Party Transactions in the Ordinary
                        Course of Business in 2021

      The Company and all members of its board of directors hereby confirm that all information
      disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete with no false or misleading statement or
      material omission.

I.         Basic Information on Related Party Transactions in the ordinary course of business

(1)        Overview of related-party transactions in the ordinary course of business

           The Company expects that the aggregated amount of related party transactions between it
           and/or its subsidiaries (together the "Group Companies") and the subsidiaries of China
           National Chemical Co., Ltd (“ChemChina”, the actual controller of the Company) in 2021
           is RMB 3,539.1 million. It consists of (1) the Group Companies will purchase raw
           materials/products, receive certain services from subsidiaries controlled by ChemChina, in
           a total amount that will not exceed RMB 2,058.04 million; and (2) the Group Companies
           will sell products and provide services, in a total amount that will not exceed
           RMB1,481.06 million, to subsidiaries controlled by ChemChina. Such transactions
           hereinafter referred as the "related-party transactions".

           Related-party transactions of the above type performed by the Company in 2020 in the
           ordinary course of business amounted to RMB 2,162.14 million.
           These estimations were performed based on the current available data and may change,
           inter alia, as a result of changes to the Group Companies’ business and/or due to market
           conditions as well as due to the strategic restructuring of ChemChina and Sinochem Group
           Co., Ltd, the alignment and cooperation between the companies of Syngenta Group Co.,
           Ltd.(“Syngenta Group”), comprising the Company, Syngenta AG and Sinochem’s
           agriculture-related activities, which will further bolster the alignment between the
           companies and capitalize on the value creation and synergy opportunities identified.

           The related-party transactions matter has been reviewed and approved at the 31st Meeting
           of the 8th Session of the Board of Directors of the Company. Among the five directors of
           the Company, there were three affirmative votes, zero negative votes and zero abstentions,
           while the two related-party directors (Mr. Erik Fyrwald and Mr. Chen Lichtenstein)
           refrained from voting.

           The related-party transactions matter shall be further approved by the Shareholders
           Meeting. Syngenta Group and Jingzhou Sanonda Holdings Co., Ltd. will refrain from


(2)      The types and amounts of expected related-party transactions in the ordinary course
         of business

                                                                     Contract      already
                                                     The pricing                                Amount
   Type of                        Content of                        amount or     occurred
                   Related                           principle of                             occurred in
related-party                    related-party                       estimated   in 2021 as
                    party                           related-party                             the previous
 transaction                      transaction                       amount not      of the
                                                     transaction                                  year
                                                                     to exceed   disclosure
                 A.G. and       Purchase of raw
                                                    Market price     132,936      29,124        96,023
                    its        materials/products

                                Purchase of raw
                Chemical                            Market price       940           0            939
                 Co., Ltd.
                  Huaihe        Purchase of raw
                                                    Market price      19,000       3,962        19,800
                Chemicals      materials/products
                 Co., Ltd.

                                Purchase of raw
                   Sinofert                         Market price       220          34            147
raw materials
and products
 from related
                   Yangnong     Purchase of raw
                                                    Market price      52,010       7,108        21,974
                   Chemical    materials/products
                   Co., Ltd.

                    Youshi      Purchase of raw
                                                    Market price       120           0            156
                   Chemical    materials/products
                   Co., Ltd.

                   Ruixiang     Purchase of raw
                                                    Market price       160          13            161
                   Chemical    materials/products
                   Co., Ltd.

                  Youjia Plant     Purchase of raw
                                                       Market price    160       100      141
                   Protection     materials/products
                   Co., Ltd.

                  Xidou Door       Purchase of raw
                                                       Market price     10        1        4
                     Film         materials/products
                   Co., Ltd.
                    Sub-total             -                  -        205,556   40,342   139,345
                   AG and its     Selling products     Market price   92,586    12,194   67,427
                                  Selling products     Market price   21,000    4,025    23,190
                     Co., Ltd.
                     Sinofert     Selling products     Market price   8, 030    1,234     2,946
                    Sino MAP      Selling products     Market price    500       115       281
                                  Selling products     Market price    300       65       264
                     Co., Ltd.
 Selling raw         Jiangsu
materials and         Youshi
  products to                     Selling products     Market price   25,000    2,647    12,927
related parties      Co., Ltd.
                                  Selling products     Market price    360       26       368
                     Co., Ltd.
                  Youjia Plant
                                  Selling products     Market price    280       59        45
                     Co., Ltd.
                      Fuling      Selling products     Market price     50        0        47
                     Co., Ltd.
                    Sub-total             -                  -        148,106   20,365   107,495

  Receiving         National
                                  Value-added OA
services from      Chemical                            Market price    128        0       246
related parties   Information

                  Design       Design services    Market price     120         0            689
                 Co., Ltd.

                  Sub-total             -                -         248         0            935
(3) Actual related-party transactions in the ordinary course of business performe d in the
    previous year

  Type of                                                                                  Difference
related-par                                  Content of related              Estimated     proportion
                     Related party                                occurred
     ty                                        transaction                    amount
                                                                   amount                   (%)
                  Syngenta AG and its         Purchase of raw
                                                                   96,023     151,940       -36.80%
                     subsidiaries            materials/products
               Bluestar (Beijing) Chemical    Purchase of raw
                                                                    939         920          2.07%
                   Machinery Co., Ltd.       materials/products
                Jiangsu Huaihe Chemicals      Purchase of raw
 Purchasing                                                        19,800     22,770        -13.04%
                         Co., Ltd.           materials/products
  materials      Zhonglan International       Purchase of raw
                                                                   2,698      3,102.7       -13.04%
    and           Chemical Co., Ltd.         materials/products
                                              Purchase of raw
from related            Sinofert                                    147            -              -
                Hangzhou (Torch) Xidou
                                              Purchase of raw
                Door Film Industry Co.,                              4             -              -
               Bluestar Engineering Co.,      Purchase of raw
                                                                    123            -              -
                           Ltd.              materials/products
                         Sub-total                    -           119,734    178,732.7       -33%
                  Syngenta AG and its
                                              Selling products     67,427     86,675.9      -22.21%
               Jiangsu Huaihe Chemicals
                                              Selling products     23,190     26,668.5      -13.04%
                         Co., Ltd.
  Selling                Sinofert             Selling products     2,946      941.85        212.79%
 products         Sinochem Agriculture        Selling products     1,219      311.65        291.14%
and goods               Sino MAP              Selling products      281       272.55         3.1%
to related       Zhonglan International
                                              Selling products      368        2,300         -84%
  parties          Chemical Co., Ltd.
                Sinochem (Hainan) Crop
                                              Selling products      67             -              -
                  Technology Co., Ltd.
                  Sinochem Chongqing
                                              Selling products      47             -              -
               Fuling Chemical Co., Ltd.
                         Sub-total                   -             95,545    117,170.45     -18.45%
                China National Chemical       Value-added OA
 Receiving                                                          246         261          -5.75%
                   Information Center             services
                   Shanghai Branch of
from related                                  Design services
                Zhonglan Lianhai Design                             689         663          3.92%
                    Institute Co., Ltd.

                       Sub-total                      -                 935           924          1.19%
                         Aggregated                                   216,214      296,827.15      -27%
                                                                    The actual total amount of related
                                                                    transactions in the ordinary business
                                                                    course in 2020 does not exceed the total
An explanation by the board of directors for the major difference   amount expected, but it is not more
between the actual occurred amount of daily related transactions
and the estimated amount                                            than 80% of the total amount. The main
                                                                    reason is due to the COVID-19
                                                                    pandemic related impacts, the changing
                                                                    market conditions and the actual needs
                                                                    of the Company.
                                                                    The gap between the actual amount and
                                                                    the estimations of the related party
                                                                    transactions in the course of routine
                                                                    business in 2020 is a reasonable and
                                                                    proper result of the COVID-19
                                                                    pandemic related impacts, the changing
An explanation by the independent directors for the major           market conditions and the actual needs
difference between the actual occurred amount of daily related
transactions and the expected amount
                                                                    of the Company. Such gap will neither
                                                                    trigger any major impact on production
                                                                    and operation, nor harm the interests of
                                                                    the Company and its minority
                                                                    shareholders, as well as will not
                                                                    compromise the independency of the

1. Please refer to the announcements on May 12, 2020 for the 2020 expected related-party
transactions of the Company (Announcement number 2020-30).

II.       Introduction to Related Parties and Their Relationships with the Company

 1. Bluestar (Beijing) Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Qiao Xiaofeng;
    registered address: No. 5, Xingye Street, Beijing Economic and Development Zone) has
    registered capital of RMB200 million and mainly undertakes the businesses related to
    production of chemical machinery and equipment, production of type III pressure vessels,
    design, maintenance and installation of chemical machinery and equipment, technical
    consultation, technical services, technical training. The main financial data as of the date
    December 31, 2020 are: operating revenue of RMB 457,773,760.76, net profit of RMB
    12,051,837.90, total assets of RMB 1,119,173,782.42, net assets of RMB 558,979,214.03.

      Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemC hina, the actual
      control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
      Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

      Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Bluestar
      (Beijing) Chemical Machinery Co., Ltd. operates normally and is in good operational and
      financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After searching on
      the website of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party
      subject to enforcement.

 2. Jiangsu Huaihe Chemical Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Xia Wenbiao; registered address:
    Yutai County, Jiangsu Province) has registered capital of RMB 24.7 million and mainly

  undertakes the businesses related to manufacturing and sale of chemical products. The main
  financial data as of December 31, 2020 are: operating revenue of RMB 746,957,721.56, net
  profit of RMB 30,810,888.84, total assets of RMB 630,130,326.05, net assets of RMB

  Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
  control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
  Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

  Analysis of performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Jiangsu Huaihe
  Chemical Co., Ltd. produces and operates normally and is in good operational and financial
  conditions and thus has a good performance capability. After searching on the website of
  disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to

3. Sinofert Holdings Limited (Executive Director & CEO: Qin Hengde; registered office:
   Clarendon House 2 Church Street Hamilton HM11 Bermuda) is a company listed on the Main
   Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (stock code:00297), which has registered capital
   of HKD 7,024,456 million and mainly undertakes the production, import and export,
   distribution and retail of fertilizer raw materials and finished products, provision of
   technological research and development and services relating to the fertilizer business and
   products, exploration and exploitation of phosphate mine, and production of
   monocalcium/dicalcium phosphate (MCP/DCP). The main financial data as of December 31,
   2020 are: operating revenue of RMB 21,483,720,760.28, net profit of RMB 655,204,485.99,
   total assets of RMB 17,109,030,096.48, net assets of RMB 8,211,979,640.39.

  Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
  control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
  Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

  Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Sinofert
  Holdings Limited produces and operates normally and is in good operational and financial
  conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After searching on the website
  of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to

4. Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Qin Hengde; registered address:
   No. 39, Wenfeng Road, Yangzhou) has registered capital of RMB 309.8989 million and mainly
   undertakes the manufacture of agrochemicals and fine chemicals. The main financial data as of
   September 30, 2020 are: operating revenue of RMB 7,956.36 million, net profit of
   RMB1,024.21 million, total assets of RMB 11,203.15 million, net assets of RMB 5,774.72
   million. Jiangsu Youshi, Jiangsu Ruixiang and Jiangsu Youjia mentioned in this announcement
   as expected related parties are subsidiaries of Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Co., Ltd.

  Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person whose shares are indirectly held by
  ChemChina, the actual control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(5) of
  the Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the

  Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Jiangsu
  Yangnong Chemical Co., Ltd. produces and operates normally and is in good operational and
  financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After searching on
  the website of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party

  subject to enforcement.

5. Hangzhou (Torch) Xidou Door Film Industry Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Wang Shougen;
   registered address: Building 2, No. 602 Shunfeng Road, Qianjiang Economic Development
   Zone, Hangzhou) has registered capital of RMB 58.24 million and mainly undertakes the
   manufacturing of water treatment equipment, technical development, technical service and
   transfer of membrane separation technology, separation membrane and water treatment
   engineering technology products, and sales of separation membrane and water treatment
   engineering technology products. The main financial data as of December 31, 2020 are:
   operating revenue of RMB 83,204,194.62, net profit of RMB 79,817.25, total assets of RMB
   69,251,119.63, net assets of RMB 51,323,448.2.

  Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
  control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
  Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

  Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company,
  Hangzhou (Torch) Xidou Door Film Industry Co., Ltd. produces and operates normally and is
  in good operational and financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance
  capability. After searching on the website of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it
  is not a dishonest party subject to enforcement.

6. Bluestar Engineering Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Bai Jianli; registered address: 4/F,
   Building 1, No.5 Anxiang Road, Zone B, Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone, Shunyi District,
   Beijing) has registered capital of RMB 110 million and mainly undertakes engineering services
   in the fields of chemical industry, rubber tires, environmental pollution prevention and energy
   conservation, providing engineering general contracting service, engineering design,
   engineering consultation, etc. The main financial data as of December 31, 2020 are: operating
   revenue of RMB 607,159,384.8, net profit of RMB 24,507,339.53, total assets of RMB
   520,461,565.87, net assets of RMB 158,150,152.91.

  Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
  control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
  Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

  Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Bluestar
  Engineering Co., Ltd. produces and operates normally and is in good operational and financial
  conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After searching on the website
  of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to

7. Syngenta AG (legal representative: n/a; registered address: Schwarzwaldallee 215 4058 Basel)
   has the registered capital of RMB 41.33 million and mainly undertakes the businesses related to
   crop protection, seeds. The main financial data as of the date December 31, 2020 are: operating
   revenue of RMB 98,588.87 million yuan, total assets of RMB 164,969.05 million yuan, net
   assets of RMB 29,296.80 million yuan, net income of RMB 9,812.65 million yuan.

  Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
  control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
  Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

  Analysis of contract performance capability: Syngenta AG and its subsidiaries produce and
  operate normally and are in good operational and financial conditions and thus have a good

    contract performance capability. After searching on the website of disclosure of enforcement
    information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to enforcement.

 8. Sinochem Agriculture Holdings (legal representative: Ying Minjie; registered address: Room
    818, No. 28 Fuxingmennei street, Xicheng district, Beijing) has registered capital of RMB
    1,000 million and mainly undertakes sales of agricultural production materials; grain purchases;
    services for agriculture; technology development and technology consultation on soil
    improvement and restoration, etc. The main financial data as of December 31, 2020 are:
    operating revenue of RMB 5,094,280,996.17, net profit of RMB -243,010,713.62, total assets
    of RMB 8,085,801,965.85, net assets of RMB 82,190,310.56.

    Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
    control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
    Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

    Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Sinochem
    Agriculture Holdings produces and operates normally and is in good operational and financial
    conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After searching on the website
    of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to

 9. Zhonglan International Chemical Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Yang Hongbin; registered
    address: No. 1205-1206, 12/F, No.62 North 4th Ring West Road, Haidian District, Beijing) has
    registered capital of RMB 100 million and mainly undertakes the wholesale chemical products,
    technology import and export, technology and information consulting services. The main
    financial data as of December 31, 2020 are: operating revenue of RMB 3,193,948,863.72, net
    profit of RMB 13,430,091.05, total assets of RMB 737,377,591.65, net assets of RMB

    Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
    control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
    Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Co mpany.

    Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Zhonglan
    International Chemical Co., Ltd. produces and operates normally and is in good operational
    conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After searching on the website
    of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to

10. Sinochem Chongqing Fuling Chemical Co., Ltd. (legal representative: Wang Ligang; registered
    address: No.2 Liming Road, Fuling, Chongqing) has registered capital of RMB 1,058 million
    and mainly undertakes the businesses related to phosphate and compound fertilizer with high
    concentration. The main financial data as of December 31, 2020 are: operating revenue of
    RMB 223,567,834.58, net profit of RMB 19,022,049.87, total assets of RMB 2,251,556,472.13,
    net assets of RMB 447,345,312.68.

    Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
    control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
    Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

    Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Sinochem
    Chongqing Fuling Chemical Co., Ltd. produces and operates normally and is in good
    operational and financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After

       searching on the website of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a
       dishonest party subject to enforcement.

11. China National Chemical Information Center (legal representative: Jie Yubin; registered
    address: No. 53 Anwai Xiaoguan Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing) has registered capital of
    RMB150 million and mainly undertakes the businesses related to chemical information
    analysis and consultation, software development and network technologies and services. The
    main financial data as of the date December 31, 2020 are: operating revenue of RMB
    208,653,494.32, net profit of RMB 27,165,950.88, total assets of RMB 851,646,043.31, net
    assets of RMB 756,207,185.71.

       Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
       control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
       Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

       Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, China
       National Chemical Information Center operates normally and is in good operational and
       financial conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After searching on
       the website of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party
       subject to enforcement.

12. Zhonglan Lianhai Design Institute Co., Ltd. (Legal Representative: Li Shourong; registered
    address: No.51, Chaoyang West Road, Haizhou District, Lianyungang) has registered capital of
    RMB128 million and mainly undertakes the businesses related to project consultation and
    evaluation, design and project management, engineering construction (excluding blasting),
    general contracting, technical services. The main financial data as of December 31, 2020 are:
    operating revenue of RMB 369,984,482.11, net profit of RMB 28,471,872.31, total assets of
    RMB 977,329,268.36, net assets of RMB 654,222,122.51.

       Relationship with the Company: It is a legal person controlled by ChemChina, the actual
       control holder of the Company. According to the Article 10.1.3(2) of the Rules of Shenzhen
       Stock Exchange for the Listing of Stocks, it is a related party of the Company.

       Analysis of contract performance capability: To the best knowledge of the Company, Zhonglan
       Lianhai Design Institute Co., Ltd. operates normally and is in good operational and financial
       conditions and thus has a good contract performance capability. After searching on the website
       of disclosure of enforcement information of China, it is not a dishonest party subject to

III.       Main Content of Related-Party Transactions

           1.   Main content

                (1) All related-party transactions between the Group Companies and the relevant
                    related parties should be carried out based on market terms and according to the
                    principles of voluntariness, equality, mutual benefit, justice and fairness and
                    without prejudice to the interests of the Company.

                (2) If there is any available state fixed price, then the state fixed price shall prevail; if
                    the state fixed price is inapplicable or not applicable any more, then the market
                    price shall prevail; if the market price is inapplicable or not applicable any more,
                    then both parties shall determine the exact and fair pricing standards they believe
                    to be based on relevant data.

       2.   Signing of transaction agreement

            The Group Companies will conclude contracts with the relevant related parties
            according to their production and operation requirements and their ordinary course
            business practices.

IV.    Purpose of Related-Party Transaction and its Impact on the Company

       These related-party transactions are necessary for the daily business operation of the Group
       Companies. They mainly aim to capitalize on the Group Companies’ unique positioning
       and profile, including as part of the Syngenta Group, achieve cost savings, increase the
       Company’s sales and market share and to drive its profitable growth. Based on the
       understanding of the related-parties’ business performance, credit status and performance
       capability, the Group Companies have selected them to conduct transactions in the
       ordinary course of business. The related-party transaction activities follow the principle of
       fairness and justice, they will not adversely affect the Company and its non-related party
       shareholders. The Board of Directors of the Company holds that the related-party
       transactions benefit the continuity and stability of the Company’s business operations and
       has a positive impact on the normal operations of the Company. Those transactions will not
       impact the independence of the Company.

V.     Independent Directors’ Opinions

       The Company’s independent directors have given separate opinions on the related party
       transactions matter: The Group's related-party transactions performed in the ordinary
       course of business are mainly to purchase or sell goods, materials and services from/to the
       related parties based on the principles of justice and fairness and the pricing standards
       consistent with those of non-related parties, in order to capitalize on the Group’s unique
       positioning and profile including as part of the Syngenta Group, achieve cost savings,
       increase the Company’s sales and market share and to drive its profitable growth. All such
       transactions shall conform to relevant national laws and regulations, as applicable, and
       market-oriented principles, and shall not influence the independence of the Company or
       damage the interests of the Group Companies and their other shareholders. The
       decision-making procedures for these related party transactions conform to the Company
       Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the
       Listing of Stocks, the Articles of Association and other laws and regulations. We agree on
       this proposal and submit it to the General Meeting of Shareholders for deliberation.

VI.   Documents for Future Reference

       1. The resolution made at the 31st Meeting of the 8th Session of the Board of Directors of
          the Company;

       2. Independent directors’ prior written approval;

       3. Independent directors’ opinions.

                                                            The Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd.

     March 31, 2021