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                                                  ADAMA Ltd.
            Assessment Report on Internal Control for 2020
All Shareholders of ADAMA Ltd.:

        We evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control for the Company as of December
31, 2020 (the base date of the internal control assessment report) in accordance with the "Basic
Standards for Enterprise Internal Control", its supporting guidelines and other internal control
regulatory requirements (hereinafter referred as the internal control system of enterprises), while
taking into consideration the internal control mechanism and assessment methods of our
Company (hereinafter referred to as “ADAMA” or the “Company") and also on the basis of daily
and special supervision.

I. Important Statement

     In accordance with the internal control system of enterprises, the board of directors of a
company holds the responsibility to establish and improve the internal control, evaluate its
effectiveness and truthfully disclose the corresponding assessment report. The board of
supervisors of a company supervises the establishment and implementation of the internal
control by the board of directors. The management team is responsible for initiating and
organizing daily activities of the enterprise internal control. The board of directors, board of
supervisors and all members thereof, including directors and supervisors, as well as the senior
management of the company, confirm that the report is true, accurate and complete, does not
contain any misleading statements or material omissions and assume joint and several legal
liability arising therefrom.

     The goal of the internal control is to ensure that the business management of a company is
legitimate and compliant, the company’s assets are secured and that its financial reporting and
related reported information are true and complete. It is also aimed at improving operational
efficiency and effectiveness, and promoting the realization of development strategies. Due to the
inherent limitations of an internal control, it can only provide reasonable assurance to achieve
those objectives mentioned above. Moreover, changes in circumstances may cause the internal
control to be inappropriate, or reduce compliance with policies and procedures. Therefore, there
is a risk in speculating the effectiveness of future internal controls based on these assessment
II. Conclusion of the Internal Control Assessment

   1. Does the company have a material deficiency in the internal control of the financial
      reporting on the base date of the internal control assessment report?
       □ Yes √ No

   2. Assessment conclusion of internal control over financial reporting
       √ Valid □ Invalid
       According to the internal control's criteria for identification of material deficiencies in the
       internal control over financial reporting, there is no such deficiency as of the base date of
       the internal control assessment report. The board of directors of the Company believes
       that the Company has managed an effective internal control of its financial report in all
       major aspects in accordance with the requirements of the internal control system and
       related regulations.

   3. Whether there is any material deficiency in the internal control over            non-financial
       □ Yes √ No
       According to the internal control's criteria for identification of material deficiencies in the
       internal control related to non-financial reporting of the Company, no such deficiency
       was found on the base date of the assessment report.

   4. Factors affecting the effectiveness of the assessment conclusion as of the base date until
      the issuance date of the assessment report of the internal control
       □ Applicable √ Not Applicable
       There are no factors affecting the effectiveness of the assessment conclusion as of the
       base date until the issuance date of the assessment report of the internal control.

   5. Whether the audit opinion for the internal control is consistent with the effectiveness
      assessment conclusion on the internal control over financial reporting
      √ Yes □ No

   6. Whether the disclosure regarding material deficiencies in the internal control audit report
      is consistent with that of the assessment report of the company’s internal control
       √ Yes □ No
III. Assessment of Internal Control

(I) Scope of Internal Control Assessment

   The Company confirms the main units, businesses, items and hi ghly risky areas to be
   included in the assessment scope according to the risk-oriented principle.
   1. Main Units within the Assessment Scope include:

       Major subsidiaries for the manufacturing, formulation, R&D and marketing.
   2. Proportion of units within the assessment scope
                                             Index                                             Proportion (%)
       Total Assets of Units within the Assessment Scope Compared to Total Assets in           68.73
       the Consolidated Statements of the Company
       Total Operating Income of Units within the Assessment Scope Compared to Total           66.99
       Operating Income in the Consolidated Statements of the Company

   3. Major businesses and items within the assessment scope
      Financial Reporting, ITGC, Sales, Assets, Payroll, Purchase, Inventory, Treasury, Entity-level
      controls, Comprehensive Budget, Research and Development, Related Parties, Contract management.

   4. Highly risky areas of major concern include:
      Sales, Assets, Purchase, Treasury (including derivatives)

   5. The above-mentioned units, businesses, items and highly risky areas within the
      assessment scope cover the main aspects of the company's operation and
      management. Is there any material omission?
       □ Yes √ No

   6. Is there a statutory waiver?
       √Yes □ No
       During 2020, the acquisition of Alfa Agricultural Supplies, S.A. (hereinafter - “Alfa”), FNV S.A.
       (hereinafter - “FNV”), and Shanghai Dibai Plant Protection Co., Ltd. (hereinafter - “Shanghai Dibai”)
       were successfully completed.

       In accordance with Section 4 of "Answers to the Questions of the Supervision of the Internal Control
       Standard System of Listed Companies" (the first edition in 2011) published by China Securities
       Regulatory Commission (CSRC), companies who have mergers and acquisitions in the reporting year
       can be exempted from the evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control in the financial statements
       of acquired entities in the same year. As such, Alfa, FNV and Shanghai Dibai were not in the scope of
       2020 assessment of internal control.

   7. Other Instructions
(II) Wo rk Basis of the internal control assessment and the identification standards of deficiencies
   The Company conducted the internal control evaluation based on the requirements of the
   internal control system and relevant external supervision regulations.

   1. Whether there is any adjustment of the specific criteria for defining the internal control
      deficiency compared to previous years
      □ Yes √ No

       The board of directors of the Company distinguishes the internal control of financial
       reporting from that of non-financial reporting based on factors such as company size,
       industry characteristics, risk preference and tolerance according to the specific criteria of
       the internal control system to identify material, significant and general deficiencies.

   2. Identification criteria for a deficiency in the internal control of the financial report

       The quantitative criteria for deficiency assessment in the internal control of the financial reports as
       was determined by the Company are as follows:

       Index           Quantitative Criteria for   Quantitative Criteria for a         Quantitative Criteria
                       a Material Deficiency       Significant Deficiency              for a General
       Misstatement    Net income related:         Net income related:                 Resulting in other
       in Financial    The corresponding           The corresponding                   misstatement related
       Report          misstatement relates to     misstatement relates to an          amounts.
                       an amount that is           amount that is greater than or
                       greater than or equal to    equal to RMB 50 million, but
                       RMB 80 million.             less than RMB 80 million.

                       Balance sheet related:      Balance sheet related:
                       The corresponding           The corresponding
                       misstatement relates to     misstatement relates to an
                       an amount that is           amount that is greater than or
                       greater than or equal to    equal to RMB 250 million, but
                       RMB 500 million.            less than RMB 500 million.
    The qualitative criteria for deficiency assessment in the internal control of the financial reports as was
    determined by the Company are as follows:

   Classification      Qualitative Criteria
   by Features
   Material            Resulting in an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, by a CPA, on the
   Deficiency          Company’s financial statements; or resulting in a material correction of the
                       Company’s publicly announced financial statements.
   Significant         Resulting in a qualified opinion, by a CPA, on the Company’s financial
   Deficiency          statements; or resulting in an adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, by a
                       CPA, on the Company’s material subsidiaries’ (i.e. Solutions) financial
                       statements; or resulting in a significant correction of the Company’s material
                       subsidiaries’ (i.e. Solutions) publicly announced financial statements.
   General             Resulting in an unqualified opinion, with an explanatory paragraph, by a
   Deficiency          CPA, on the Company’s financial statements; or resulting in a qualified
                       opinion, or unqualified opinion with an explanatory paragraph, by a CPA, on
                       the Company’s subsidiaries’ financial statements.

3. Identification criteria for a deficiency in the internal control over non-financial reporting

    The quantitative criteria for a deficiency assessment in the internal control over non-financial
    reporting as was determined by the Company are as follows:

   Index            Quantitative Criteria of    Quantitative Criteria of        Quantitative Criteria of
                    Material Deficiency         Significant Deficiency          General Deficiency
   Asset Loss       Asset Loss ≥ RMB 150       RMB 80 million ≤ Asset         Asset Loss < 80 million
                    million                     Loss < 150 million RMB          RMB

    The qualitative criteria for a deficiency assessment in the internal control over non-financial
    reporting as was determined by the Company are as follows:
Classification   Qualitative Criteria
by Features
Material         1) Fraud committed in the Company by any of its directors, supervisors and
Deficiency          senior management personnel;
                 2) The Company materially violates material laws and regulations, resulting
                    in a material effect on the Company's business;
                 3) Material design deficiencies in the Company's relevant management
                 4) The Company materially violates the decision-making process thereby
                    causing a material negative impact on the Company's business (generally
                    related to matters that need to be approved by the shareholders meeting or
                    the board of directors).
                 5) Material impact to the Company’s reputation.
Significant      1) Significant fraud committed by any department head of the Company;
Deficiency       2) Significant fraud committed by a head of any of the Company’s material
                 3) The Company violates significant laws and regulations, resulting in
                    significant fines as well as a significant effect on the Company's business ;
                 4) Significant design deficiencies found in the Company's relevant
                    management system; Material design deficiencies are found in the relevant
                    management systems of subsidiaries;
                 5) The Company violates material decision-making procedures, resulting in a
                    significant effect on the Company's business (generally referred to matters
                    subject to senior management's decision);
                 6) Material Subsidiaries violate decision-making process, thereby causing a
                    material negative impact on the Company's business (generally referred to
                    matters that need to be decided by the shareholders’ meeting or the board
                    of directors).
                 7) Significant impact to the Company’s reputation.
General          1) Fraud committed by any other personnel in the Company;
Deficiency       2) Fraud committed by any other personnel in material subsidiaries;
                 3) The Company materially violates material internal regulations or non-
                    materially violates material laws and regulations, resulting in negative
                    feedback from regulatory authorities;
                 4) There are other violations of laws and regulations or internal regulations
                    found in material subsidiaries.
                 5) There are general design deficiencies in the relevant management system
                    of the Company; other design deficiencies exist in the relevant
                    management system of the material subsidiaries;
                 6) The Company violates the decision-making process, resulting in a negative
                    impact on the Company's business;
                 7) Material Subsidiaries violate decision-making process, resulting in a
                    negative impact on the Company's business.
(III) Identification and rectification of internal control deficiencies
1. Identification and remediation of deficiencies included in the internal control deficiencies on the
financial reporting
1.1. Material Deficiency
Whether the company has a material deficiency in the internal control of the financial reporting
during the reporting period
 □ Yes √ No

1.2. Significant Deficiency
Whether the company has a significant deficiency in the internal control of the financial
reporting during the reporting period
□Yes √ No

1.3. General Deficiency
The general internal control deficiencies identified by the Company do not affect the realization of the control
objectives; the Company acknowledges with great importance the general deficiencies found during the
reporting period and has proposed remediation opinions and actively formulated corresponding plans for their

1.4. After the remediation, as of the base date of the internal control assessment report, whether the
company has a material deficiency in the internal control over financial reporting that has not been
□Yes √ No

1.5. After the remediation, as of the base date of the internal control assessment report, whether the
company has a significant deficiency in the internal control over financial reporting that has not been
□Yes √No

2. Identification and Rectification of Internal Control Deficiencies over Non-Financial Reporting
2.1. Material Deficiency
Whether the company identified any material deficiency in the internal control over non-financial reporting
during the reporting period
□Yes √ No

2.2 Significant Deficiency
Whether the company identified any significant deficiency in the internal control over non-financial reporting
during the reporting period
 □ Yes √ No
2.3. General Deficiency
The general deficiency identified by the company does not affect the realization of the control objectives; the
Company acknowledges with great importance the general deficiency found during the reporting period and
has proposed rectification opinions and actively formulated corresponding plans for implementation.

2.4. After the above rectification, as of the base date of the internal control assessment report, whether
the company has a material deficiency in the internal control not related to financial reporting that has
not been rectified
 □ Yes √ No

2.5. After the rectification, as of the base date of the internal control assessment report, whether the
company has a significant deficiency in the internal control not related to financial reporting that has
not been rectified
  □ Yes √ No

IV. Other important matters related to internal control

    1.    Rectification of internal control deficiencies in the previous year
          □ Applicable √ Not Applicable

    2. Internal Control Progress of the Current and the Next Years
         □ Applicable √ Not Applicable

    3.    Other Major Items

         □ Applicable √ Not Applicable

                                                                                        By order of the Board
                                                                                               ADAMA Ltd.
                                                                                             March 29, 2021