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                        Stock Code:000553(200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) Announcement No. 2021-37

                                    ADAMA Ltd.
         Special Report on the Deposit and Actual Usage of the Raised Funds
                               in the First Half of 2021

The Company and all members of the Company’s Board of Directors confirm that all information
disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete, with no false or misleading statement or material

This Special Report on the Deposit and Actual Usage of the Raised Funds in the First Half of 2021
was prepared in accordance with the 'Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies No.2-
Regulatory Requirements for the Management and Use of Funds Raised by Listed Companies' of
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC Notice [2012] No.44) and the 'Guidelines for the
Standard Operation of the Companies Listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange' issued by the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange. Below is an explanation regarding the deposit and actual use of the raised funds
in the first half of 2021 ( (the “Reporting Period”).

1. General information about the raised funds

(1) Amount and date of receiving the raised funds
After receiving the approval of China Securities Regulatory Commission for the issuance of
shares to China National Agrochemical Co., Ltd. acquire assets and raise supporting funds
(CSRC Permits [2017] No.1096), the Company issued 104,697,982 ordinary A shares in
December 2017, at the price of RMB14.90 per share, raising a total amount of RMB
1,559,999,931.80. After deducting the underwriting fees of RMB 28,079,998.78, the net amount
actually received was RMB 1,531,919,933.02. The net amount was received on 27 December
2017 and was verified by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountant LLP which
issued a capital verification report (De Shi Bao (Yan) Zi (17) No.00540).

(2) The used amount of the raised funds in the Reporting Period
As at 30 June 2021, the Company has utilized a cumulative amount of RMB 1,618,081,782.44 of
the raised funds, including RMB 993,372,647.40 used in previous year, and RMB 624,709,135.04
for acquisition of a 51% equity stake in ADAMA Huifeng (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. ( Former name:
Jiangsu Kelinong Agrochemical Co., Ltd. hereninafter: “Adama Huifeng”) from Jiangsu Huifeng
Agrochemical Co., Ltd. (“Huifeng”).

The balance as at 30 June, 2021, that hasn’t been used was RMB 890,781.48, According to
'Guidelines for the Standard Operation of the Companies Listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange', if
the remaining raised funds (including interest income) are less than RMB 5 million or less than 1%
of the net raised funds, they can be exempted from the corresponding examination and approval
procedures, and the use of the funds shall be disclosed in the annual report. The balance of the
raised funds (RMB 890,781.48 as of June 30, 2021, including interest income, and the actual
amount transferred out shall be subject to the balance of bank settlement on the date of transfer),
will be transferred into other general bank account of the Company when the account of the raised
funds is closed, for the permanent supplement of working capital.

2. Deposit and manage ment of the raised funds

In order to standardize the management and use of the raised funds and protect the rights of
investors, the Company made a Management and Utilization Policy for the Raised Funds in
accordance with the laws and regulations and regulatory documents, such as the Management
Measures for Initial Public Offering of Shares and Listing, the Notice on Further Standardization
of the Use of Raised Funds for Listing Companies and the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange etc. The management policy, which was approved at the 25th Meeting of the Seventh
Board of Directors, provides detailed regulations on the deposit, use, change of designated
projects and the management and supervision of the raised funds.

The Company signed the Trilateral Supervision Agreement on the Special Account of Raised
Funds with Sanwan sub-branch Jingzhou Branch China Construction Bank Co. Ltd. and Guotai
Junan Securities Co., Ltd. on 22 January, 2018, and the four party Supervision Agreement on the
Special Account of Raised Funds with Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. , Shanghai branch of
HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited, ADAMA AGAN LTD and ADAMA MAKHTESHIM
LTD on 25 June, 2018. All the parties were in strict compliance with the agreements mentioned
above during the Reporting Period.

As at 31 December 2020, the special accounts of the raised funds are as follows:

 Bank                                                     Account number             Balance (RMB)
 Sanwan sub-branch Jingzhou Branch China Construction     42050162610109000999
 Bank Co. Ltd.
 Shanghai branch of HSBC Bank(China) Company Limited      715-039582-001                             -
 Shanghai branch of HSBC Bank(China) Company Limited      715-039574-001                             -

3. Actual use of the raised funds in the Reporting Period

During the Reporting Period, the Company paid RMB 624,709,135.04 for acquisition of a 51% equity
stake in Adama Huifeng. For detailed information, please refer to Appendix 1 - Comparison Table for
the Use of Raised Funds.

4. Changes and termination of certain designated projects for the use of raised funds for

On April 10, 2019, the Annual Shareholders Meeting approved a proposal on the change of certain
designated projects included in the Project of Share Issuance for Assets Purchase and Supporting
Finance. The Company will no longer use the raised funds on the project of the construction of
Huai’an pesticide formulation center (RMB 249.80 million) and the project of fixed-assets investment-
product A 600t/a (RMB 150.28 million). Instead, the Company will use the above amount (aggregated
amount of RMB 400.08million) to pay the consideration of the equity transfer of Jiangsu Anpon
Electrochemical Co., Ltd. The Company completed the payment process on August 28, 2019.

On May 20, 2020, the Annual Shareholders Meeting approved a Proposal on the Termination of the
Use of Raised Funds for Certain Designated Projects included in the Project of Share Issuance for
Assets Purchase and Supporting Finance. The Company will no longer use of the raised funds for the
following previously designated projects: Projects of product development and registration, and fixed-
asset Investment of ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Ltd. (the “Solutions”).

The 4th Interim Shareholders Meeting on 16 November, approved a Proposal on the Use of the Raised
Funds for the Acquisition of the 51% Equity Stake in Jiangsu Kelinong Agrochemical Co., Ltd. as
well as that in Shanghai Dibai Plant Protection Co., Ltd.. In order to efficiently use the raised funds,
the Company plans to use the balance of the raised funds, in the amount of approximately RMB
893,731,302.67 (balance as at 30 September 2020, including interest income and the actual amount is
subject to the bank settlement balance on the date of transfer ), and which are no longer designated for
previously approved projects according to the resolutions of Shareholders meeting held on May 20,
2020, for the payment for the acquis itions of a 51% equity stake in Adama Huifeng (Shanghai)
Agricultural Technology Co., LTD (Formername: Shanghai Dibai Plant Protection Co., LTD.
Hereinafter: “Adama Shanghai”) and a 51% equity stake in Adama Huifeng from Huifeng.

For the detailed information of the changes of certain designated projects, please refer to the Appendix

5. Problems in the use and disclosure of raised funds

The Company has timely, truly, accurately and completely disclosed relevant information regarding
the raised funds. The management of the raised funds does not violate the regulations of China
Securities Regulatory Commission or Shenzhen Stock Exchange .

                                                                   Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                                    August 26th, 2021

Appendix 1: Comparison Table for the Use of Raised Funds
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB'0000
                                                                                                                               Total investment of raised funds for the
     Total amount of raised funds                                                                                 155,999.99
                                                                                                                               Reporting Period
     Total amount of raised funds designated to a different
     project during the Reporting Period
     Accumulated amount of raised funds designated to a                                                                        Accumulated        investment    amount    of
     different project
                                                                                                                               raised funds                                                   161,808
     Percentage of accumulated amount of raised funds
     designated to a different project
                                                                                                                investment                              Date of                Whether
     Designated fund-              Whether the                                                    Investment amount as at         Investment            projects   Realized          the   Whether the
     raising investment        project has been          Total                                    amount for the end of the    progress as at          reaching    benefits    expected    feasibility of
     projects                          changed,    committed      Total investment amount after          the     Reporting         the end of          intended       of the    benefits     the project
                             including partially   investment                       adjustment     Reporting        Period        period (%)            useable     current         are    has changed
                               changed (if any)       amount                                (1)       Period           (2)     (3) = (2) / (1)        condition      period    achieved    significantly
     Consideration of the
     acquisition of Anpon
                                     No                       -                         40,008                -       40,008           100%           2019          N/A         N/A            No

     Acquisition of 51%
     Adama Shanghai and              No                       -                                      62,471           90,071           100%            N/A          N/A         N/A            No
     51% Adama Huifeng                                                                (Note 1)
     Huai’an pesticide
     preparation center             Yes                24,980                                 -           -                -                  -        N/A          N/A         N/A           Yes
     Product development
     and registration               Yes                93,507                           13,103            -          13,103            100%        Terminated       N/A         N/A           Yes
     ADAMA fixed asset
                                    Yes                66,204                            5,913            -           5,913            100%        Terminated       N/A         N/A           Yes
     investment project
     Payment for
     transaction cost,               No                13,600                           12,713            -          12,713            100%           ——          N/A         N/A           N/A
     taxes and fees
     Subtotal of
     nonpublic offering                                                                161,110       62,471         161,808        ——               ——          ——       ——           ——
     investment project

Appendix 1: Comparison Table for the Use of Raised Funds – (cont’d)

                                                                   1.Project of the Construction of Huai’an Pesticide Formulation Center
                                                                   Since Adama Pesticide (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary company of the third-tier
                                                                   subsidiary of Solutions, is the entity to implement the construction project of
                                                                   Huai’an Pesticide Formulation Center, the Company needs to increase the capital
                                                                   of Solutions first, and then increase the capital of the subsidiaries by Solutions.
                                                                   The time and process required for the relevant approval process, such as funds
                                                                   entry and exist, is complicated. In order to avoid delays of the project, the
                                                                   Company invested its own capital into the project. After the approval of 2018 the
      Situations failing to meet the planned schedule or achieve
                                                                   Annual Shareholders Meeting, the amount of this project had been used to pay
      expected benefits and the reasons (according to the specific
                                                                   the consideration of the equity transfer of Jiangsu Anpon Electrochemical Co.,
      investment project)

                                                                     2. Projects of Products Development and Registration
                                                                     The project was planned to be implemented by ADAMA Makhteshim Ltd.,
                                                                     ADAMA Agan Ltd., and ADAMA Brazil S/A, subsidiaries of Solutions. The
                                                                     time and process required for the relevant approval process, such as funds entry
                                                                     and exist, is complicated. In order to avoid delays of the project, the Company
                                                                     invested its own capital into the project.

Appendix 1: Comparison Table for the Use of Raised Funds – (cont’d)

                                                                     3. ADAMA Fixed-Assets Investment

                                                                     (1) Capacity Expansion Project for Pesticide Product A
                                                                     Since Product A is the Company’s newly developed product, it takes time to
                                                                     develop the market. In view of this, the management made changes to the time
                                                                     schedule of original expansion plan and suspended the investment in the second
                                                                     phase after careful deliberation. While adjusting the capacity expansion of the
                                                                     first stage in accordance with the needs of the market, the process is optimized to
                                                                     further enhance the product’s market advantage. Based on the changes in the
                                                                     market environment and in order to reduce the investment risk of raised funds,
                                                                     the Company decided that the follow-up investment of this project will be carried
                                                                     out by the Company with its own capital.
      Situations failing to meet the planned schedule or achieve
      expected benefits and the reasons (according to the specific
                                                                   (2) Equipment Investment for Fungicide product B for Brazilian market & Project
      investment project)
                                                                   on Capacity Expansion Investment for New Fragrance Ingredient Product C
                                                                   The above two projects started in 2017. Both projects involve cross-border
                                                                   investment by the Company, while the local approval process for cross-border
                                                                   investment might take some time. In order to meet the increasing demand of the
                                                                   market for Fungicide product B and New Fragrance Ingredient Product C as soon
                                                                   as possible, after completing the replacement of the first raised funds, the
                                                                   Company decided that its overseas subsidiaries shall be responsible for meeting
                                                                   project investment needs through their own funds and local financing. The
                                                                   fungicide project for Brazilian market was carried out in accordance with the
                                                                   original investment plan and officially delivered for use in January 2020, and the
                                                                   fragrance ingredient product project has been completed and delivered for use in
                                                                   May 2020.

Appendix 1: Comparison Table for the Use of Raised Funds – (cont’d)

                                                                     (3) Project on the Investment of the Equipment of Liquid Product Packaging
                                                                     The project aims to increase liquid packaging capacity to cope with expected
                                                                     future incremental demand and make inventory management more flexible and
                                                                     effective. However, due to the continuous climate change in Europe and North
                                                                     America in the past two years, there has been some changes in the incremental
                                                                     demand of the market. Based on the principle of prudence, the Company
                                                                     postponed the investment progress of the project and would not to use raised
                                                                     funds on the project.

                                                                   (4) Investment for the Relocation of Beer Sheb Plant and Its Integration with
                                                                   Neot Hovav Plant in Israel
                                                                   The purpose of this project is to improve the overall production efficiency and
      Situations failing to meet the planned schedule or achieve product quality through the integration and optimization of the two plants in
      expected benefits and the reasons (according to the specific production and operation. Since the integration of the plants involves a wide
      investment project)                                          range, it will take a long time to carry out master planning procedures in Israel.
                                                                   At present, the project is in the planning and design stage. The Company believes
                                                                   that there will be some differences in the implementation time of the project and
                                                                   the schedule of use of raised funds. Therefore, the Company terminates the use of
                                                                   raised funds on this project.

                                                                     The proposal on terminating the above projects has been approved by the
                                                                     shareholders of the Company, on May 20, 2020. The Company will no longer use
                                                                     of the raised funds for the following previously designated projects: Projects of
                                                                     product development and registration and fixed-asset Investment of Solutions.

Appendix 1: Comparison Table for the Use of Raised Funds – (cont’d)

                                                                   On October 28, 2020, the 27th meeting of the 8th session of the Board of
                                                                   Directors and the 14th meeting of the 8th session of the Board of Supervisors
                                                                   approved a Proposal on the Use of the Raised Funds for the Acquisition of the
                                                                   51% Equity Stake in Jiangsu Kelinong Agrochemical Co., Ltd. as well as that in
                                                                   Shanghai Dibai Plant Protection Co., Ltd.. In order to efficiently use the raised
                                                                   funds, the Company plans to use the balance of the raised funds, in the amount of
                                                                   approximately RMB 893,731,302.67 (balance as at 30 September 2020, including
                                                                   interest income and the actual amount is subject to the bank settlement balance on
                                                                   the date of transfer ), and which are no longer designated for previously approved
      Situations failing to meet the planned schedule or achieve projects according to the resolutions of the Company’s Board and Shareholders
      expected benefits and the reasons (according to the specific meeting held on April 27, 2020 and May 20, 2020 respectively, for the payment
      investment project)                                          for the acquisitions of a 51% equity stake in Adama Shanghai and a 51% equity
                                                                   stake in Adama Huifeng from Huifeng. This proposal had been approved by the
                                                                   4th Interim Shareholders Meeting on 16 November, 2020. As of December 31,
                                                                   2020, the Company has paid RMB 276 Million and already obtained 51% equity
                                                                   interests in Adama Shanghai and has completed corresponding procedures with
                                                                   competent administration for market regulation on the 51% Adama Shanghai
                                                                   Transaction. As of May 28, 2021, the Company has already obtained 51% equity
                                                                   interests in Adama Huifeng and has completed corresponding procedures with
                                                                   competent administration for market regulation on the 51% Adama Huifeng

Appendix 1: Comparison Table for the Use of Raised Funds – (cont’d)

      Explanation of projects whose feasibility changed Please refer to the explanations of situations failing to meet the planned schedule
      significantly                                                or achieve expected benefits above.
      Amounts, usage and progress of the excess-raised funds                                               N/A
      Changes of location of investment programs                                                           N/A
      Changes of implementation of the investment programs                                                 N/A
                                                                   The company held the fifth session of the eighth meeting of the Board of
                                                                   Directors on June 25th, 2018. During the session, it reviewed and approved the
                                                                   Proposal on the Use of a Part of the Raised Funds to Replace the Self-Financed
      Internal funds previously invested and replacement from the
                                                                   Fund Pre-invested into the Fund-raising investment Project. Therefore, the
      funds raised
                                                                   company was allowed to replace its self-financed investment at the primary stage
                                                                   with RMB276.53 million from the raised fund. As of June 30th, 2018, the
                                                                   replacement was completed.
      Use of idle funds to temporarily supplement working funds                                            N/A
      Balance amount of raised funds and the reasons                                                       N/A
                                                                   According to 'Guidelines for the Standard Operation of the Companies Listed in
                                                                   Shenzhen Stock Exchange', if the remaining raised funds (including interest
                                                                   income) are less than RMB 5 million or less than 1% of the net raised funds, they
                                                                   can be exempted from the corresponding examination and approval procedures,
                                                                   and the use of the funds shall be disclosed in the annual report. The balance of the
      Purpose and hereabouts of unused funds
                                                                   raised funds (RMB 890,781.48 as of June 30, 2021, including interest income,
                                                                   and the actual amount transferred out shall be subject to the balance of bank
                                                                   settlement on the date of transfer), will be transferred into other general bank
                                                                   account of the Company when the account of the raised funds is closed, for the
                                                                   permanent supplement of working capital.
      Other issues in the usage and disclosure of the raised funds                                         N/A

     Note 1: On October 28, 2020, the 27th meeting of the 8th session of the Board of Directors and the 14th meeting of the 8th session of the Board of
     Supervisors approved a Proposal on the Use of the Raised Funds for the Acquisition of the 51% Equity Stake in Jiangsu Kelinong Agrochemical Co.,
     Ltd. as well as that in Shanghai Dibai Plant Protection Co., Ltd.(announcement No. 2020-61). Approved the Company use the balance of the raised
     funds, in the amount of approximately RMB 893,731,302.67 (balance as at 30 September 2020, including interest income and the actual amount is
     subject to the bank settlement balance on the date of transfer ), for the payment for the acquisitions of a 51% equity stake in Adama Shanghai and a
     51% equity stake in Adama Huifeng, with the gap to be filled by the Company’s own funds and bank loans.
Note 2: The Company intends to raise funds of no more than 198,291 RMB’0000 in the supporting finance program, while the actual funds raised
was 155,999.99 RMB’0000 on December 27, 2017.

Appendix 2: Detailed Information of Changes in the Use of the Funds for certain designated Project

                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB'0000
                                                          Total                        Accumulated                       Date of projects                                    Whether the
                                                                     Investment                        progress as at                         Realized        Whether the
                                                    committed                   investment amount                           reaching                                         feasibility of
New Designated         Original designated                           amount for                        the end of the                       benefits of the    expected
                                                    investment                  as at the end of the                        intended                                          the project
projects               project                                    the Reporting                            Reporting                          Reporting       benefits are
                                                       amount                     Reporting Period                           useable                                         has changed
                                                                         Period                           Period (%)                           Period          achieved
                                                            (1)                                 (2)                        condition                                         significantly
                                                                                                        (3) = (2)/ (1)
                       Huai’an pesticide
                       formulation center
Consideration of the   project                         40,008                 -             40,008             100%           2019               N/A             N/A             N/A
acquisition of Anpon
                       ADAMA fixed asset
                       investment project
                       Product development and
Acquisition of 51%
                       registration project                                                 90,071
Adama Shanghai and
                       ADAMA fixed asset
                                                       89,373           62,471                                100%            N/A                N/A             N/A             N/A
51% Adama Huifeng
                       investment project
Total                             ——                129,381           62,471            130,079        ——                 ——              ——             ——           ——
                                                 Consideration of the acquisition of Anpon

                                                 1.Project of the Construction of Huai’an Pesticide Formulation Center

                                       Adama (Jiangsu) Agricultural Solutions Co., Ltd, which is an entity to implement the construction project
The reason for changes, decision-
                                       of Huai’an Pesticide Formulation Center, a third-tier subsidiary of Adama Agricultural Solutions LTD., a
making procedure, and disclosure of
                                       subsidiary of the Company (hereinafter referred to as “Solutions”). The Company needs to make capital
information (according to the specific
                                       injection to Solutions first, and further capital increase to the subsidiaries needs to be made by Solutions.
investment project)
                                       The time and process required for the relevant approval process, such as two-way cross-border funds
                                       transfers, is complicated. Besides, the actually raised funds is less than the planned amount. In order to
                                       avoid delays of the project, the Company invested its own capital into the project.

Appendix 2: Detailed Information of Changes in the Use of Funds for Fund-Raising Investment Project – (cont’d)

                                       2. Fixed Assets Investment-Product A 600t/a

                                       The project also needs to be carried out through the Company’s capital injection to its subsidiaries,
                                       involving the relevant approval process for outbound funds transfer, which takes a long time. Product A is
                                       an innovative product. It takes a while for the market to accept innovative products. Additionally, due to
                                       the extreme weather in the European market, the project has been delayed. Therefore, the Company
                                       intends to replace this original designated project.

                                       Decision-making procedure: The change of certain designated projects has been approved on the 12t h
                                       meeting of the 8th session of the Board of Directors and the 2018 Annual Shareholders Meeting. The
                                       independent Directors, the Board of Supervisors and sponsor institution have issued clear opinion.

                                       Information disclosure of the Company: The detailed information please refer to Adama Announcement on
The reason for changes, decision- the Change of Certain Designated Projects, published on the Cninfo (http://www.cninfo.com.cn), 21st,
making procedure, and disclosure of March, 2019.
information (according to the specific
investment project) – (cont’d)       Acquisition of 51% Adama Shanghai and 51% Adama Huifeng

                                       On May 20, 2020, Annual Shareholding Meeting approved a Proposal on Terminating the Use of Raised
                                       Funds on Certain Designated Projects Included in the Project of Share Issuance for Assets Purchase and
                                       Supporting Finance. The Company plans to stop using the raised funds on the projects of products
                                       development and registration, and fixed-asset Investment of ADAMA. After the termination of the use of
                                       the raised funds for the certain designated projects, the remaining unused raised funds (including the
                                       resulting interest) will continue to be deposited in the corresponding raised funds account. The Company
                                       will actively deliberate on new investment projects which the remaining raised funds can be used for.
                                       Under the premises of ensuring the good market prospects of new investment projects and being able to
                                       effectively manage investment risks, the Company will perform the corresponding approval procedures
                                       for use of the remaining raised funds in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Appendix 2: Detailed Information of Changes in the Use of Funds for Fund-Raising Investment Project – (cont’d)

                                         Decision-making procedure:

                                       On October 28, 2020, the 27th meeting of the 8th session of the Board of Directors and the 14th meeting
                                       of the 8th session of the Board of Supervisors approved a Proposal on the Use of the Raised Funds for the
                                       Acquisition of the 51% Equity Stake in Jiangsu Kelinong Agrochemical Co., Ltd. as well as that in
                                       Shanghai Dibai Plant Protection Co., Ltd.. In order to efficiently use the raised funds, the Company plans
                                       to use the balance of the raised funds, in the amount of approximately RMB 893,731,302.67 (balance as at
                                       30 September 2020, including interest income and the actual amount is subject to the bank settlement
The reason for changes, decision- balance on the date of transfer ), and which are no longer designated for previously approved projects
making procedure, and disclosure of according to the resolutions of the Company’s Shareholders meeting held on May 20, 2020, for the
information (according to the specific payment for the acquisitions of a 51% equity stake in Adama Shanghai and a 51% equity stake in Adama
investment project) – (cont’d)       Huifeng from Huifeng. This proposal had been approved by the 4th Interim Shareholders Meeting on 16
                                       November, 2020.

                                         Information disclosure of the Company: The detailed information please refer to Announcement on the
                                         Use of the Raised Funds for the Acquisition of the 51% Equity Stake in Jiangsu Kelinong Agrochemical
                                         Co., Ltd. as well as that in Shanghai Dibai Plant Protection Co., Ltd., published on the Cninfo
                                         (http://www.cninfo.com.cn), 29, Octomber, 2020.

Situations failing to meet the planned
schedule or achieve expected benefits
and the reasons (according to the
specific investment project)
Explanation of changed projects
whose         feasibility      changed                                                    N/A
