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安道麦B:关于全资子公司收购Agrinova New Zealand Limited公司100%股权的公告(英文版)2022-12-06  

                        Stock Code: 000553 (200553) Stock Abbreviation: ADAMA A(B) Announcement No. 2022-31

                                    ADAMA Ltd.
     Announcement on the Acquisition of 100% Equity of
     Agrinova New Zealand Limited by a Wholly Owned

     The Company and all members of the Company’s Board of Directors confirm that
     all information disclosed herein is true, accurate and complete, with no false or
     misleading statement or material omission.

    I. Overview of the Transaction

    1. On December 5th, 2022. ADAMA New Zealand Ltd., (hereinafter referred to as

    “Adama New Zealand”), an indirectly wholly-owned subsidiary of ADAMA Ltd.

    (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) signed the Equity Purchase Agreement with

    George William McHardy, Iain Stuart Latter, Toddington Investments Limited and

    Farm Road Trust to acquire 100% equity interest they jointly hold in Agrinova New

    Zealand Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Agrinova" or “the target company”) at an

    estimated price of NZ$37.5 million (hereinafter referred to as “the Transaction”). The

    purchase price shall be finalized in accordance with the Equity Purchase Agreement.

    Upon completion of the Transaction, Adama New Zealand will hold 100% of the equity

    interest in Agrinova.

    2. According to Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules, Self-Regulatory

    Guidelines for Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 1 - the Standard

    Operation of Listed Companies on the Main Board, Articles of Association and

    Management Measures for the Delegation of Certain Powers of the Board of Directors

    to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Company, the Transaction is within the
scope of the CEO’s authority and does not need to be submitted to the Board of

Directors and the general meeting of shareholders for consideration.

3. The Transaction constitutes neither a related-party transaction nor a material asset

restructuring under the Measures for the Administration of Major Assets

Reorganization of Listed Companies.

4. The Transaction has been approved by Sinochem Holdings Corporation Ltd.

(hereinafter abbreviated as “Sinochem Holdings”) and the relevant procedures for asset

appraisal and filing of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration

Commission have been completed.

II. Basic Information of the Counterparties

(I) George William McHardy

1. Name: George William McHardy

2. Address: Hastings, New Zealand

3. Place of Employment: Agrinova

(II) Iain Stuart Latter

1. Name: Iain Stuart Latter

2. Address: Levin, New Zealand

3. Place of Employment: Agrinova

(III) Toddington Investments Limited

1. Name: Toddington Investments Limited

2. Type of Enterprise: Investment Company

3. Chairman: George William McHardy

4. Place of Registration: New Zealand
5. Headquarter: Darvill Mellors & Co, level 1, 2-12 Allen Street, Wellington, New


6. Main Business: Investment of Family Assets

7. Major Shareholders:
     No.               Name of Shareholders             Shareholding Proportion

    1.              G W McHardy Family Trust                       100%

8. Related Party Relations: Toddington Investments Limited is not a related party of

the company and it has no other relationships with the Company and its top ten

shareholders in terms of property rights, business, assets, debts and liabilities or

personnel, etc., which may cause or have caused the Company to favor their interests.

There is no business relationship between the Company and Toddington Investments

Limited prior to this transaction.

9. Integrity Status: It has been verified that Toddington Investments Limited is not a


(IV) Farm Road Trust

1. Company Name: Farm Road Trust

2. Type of the Enterprise: Trust

3. Chairman: Iain Latter

4. Place of Registration: New Zealand

5. Headquarter: Darvill Mellors & Co, level 1, 2-12 Allen Street, Wellington, New


6. Main Business: Investment of Family Assets

7. Major Shareholders:
    No.                Name of Shareholders                 Shareholding Proportion

      1                       Iain Latter                               50%
      2                       Emily Buck                                50%

8. Related-party Relations: Farm Road Trust is not a related party of the company. It

has no other relationships with the Company and the top ten shareholders in terms of

property rights, business, assets, debts and liabilities or personnel, etc., which may

cause or have caused the Company to favor their interests.

There is no business relation between the Company and Farm Road trust prior to this


9. Integrity Status: It has been verified that Farm Road Trust is not a defaulter.

III. Basic Information of the Transaction Target

1. Overview of the Target Assets

(1) Name of the Assets: 100% equity interest of Agrinova New Zealand Limited

(2) Asset Category: Equity investment

(3) Encumbrance: No mortgage, pledge or any other third-party claim on the Target

Equities. The transferred equity is not involved in any major disputes, lawsuits,

arbitrations, freeze or other judicial measures.

(4) Location of the Assets: New Zealand

2. Overview of the Target Company

(1) Name of the Enterprise: Agrinova New Zealand Limited

(2) Time of Establishment: 1993

(3) Location of Registration: 15 Sunlight Grov, Kenepuru, Porirua city, New Zealand

(4) Main Business: to develop, produce and sell plant protection products, growth
regulators, bio-solutions and plant nutrients for the horticultural market

(5) Shareholding Structure

The shareholding structure of the Target Company prior to this transaction is as follows.
    No.                 Name of Shareholders                     Shareholding Proportion
    1.             Toddington Investments Limited                            72.39%
    2.                       Farm Road Trust                                 27.59%
    3.                George William McHardy                                 0.01%
    4.                       Iain Stuart Latter                              0.01%

(6) Target Company’s Key Financial Figures of the Last Year and the Last Period:

                                                                                 (1,000 NZD)
                                           March 31st, 2022                Sep 30th, 2022
   Key Financial Indicators
                                       (for the year of 2021*)          (April to Sep, 2022)

            Total Assets**                        13,836                         18,985

           Total Liabilities                       4,994                           8,385

   Total Account Receivables                        673                            6,908

            Net Assets**                           8,842                         10,600

              Revenue                             22,790                         16,223

          Operating Income                         6,913                           4,629

             Net Income                            4,883                           3,333

         Net Cash Flow from
                                                   4,019                          1,205
         Operating Activities
* The fiscal year of 2021 for Agrinova started on April 1st, 2021 and ended on March 31st, 2022.
**The numbers of total assets and net assets listed above are the book values and include debt that
will not be carried over after Closing, and not economic value of Agrinova, including the economic
values of its registrations, customer/supplier relations, brand value of GroChem in the local market,
Note: all the financial results listed above are unaudited.

(7) Integrity Status: It has been verified that Agrinova is not a defaulter.

(8) Restriction: There is no restriction on the shareholders’ rights in the Articles of
Association and other relevant documents of Agrinova other than which has been

stipulated in the applicable laws and regulations.

(9) Appraisal Status: PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Ltd. issued an asset appraisal

report for the Transaction. The benchmark date is March 31st, 2022, and both the

income and market approaches were applied for the valuation. As the result of the

income approach was recognized, the appraisal value supports the Transaction

consideration agreed in the Equity Purchase Agreement.

(10) Upon completion of the Transaction, Agrinova will be included within the scope

of the consolidated financial statement of the Company. As of the date of this

announcement, the Company and any of its subsidiaries do not provide any guarantee,

financial assistance to or entrust Agrinova for any financial management. Agrinova

never used the Company’s capital.

As of the date of this announcement, Agrinova does not provide any guarantee and

financial assistance to any other party and there is no operating business transaction

between Agrinova and the Company. Agrinova does not provide any financial

assistance to any other party in the form of operating business transaction after

completion of this Transaction.

(11) Operating Business Transactions

Agrinova leases land from a company controlled by Toddington Investments Ltd for

production at a rent of $127,000 NZD per annum, and the lease contract is valid for

three years. A further two rights of renewal for a term of three years have been agreed.

The land lease is a normal operational act for Agrinova to engage in production

activities and has no significant impact on the Company.

IV.   Key Terms of the Transaction Agreement

1. Parties of the Transaction
The Buyer: ADAMA New Zealand Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company

The Sellers: George William McHardy、 Iain Stuart Latter 、 Farm Road Trust 、

Toddington Investments Limited

2. Purchase Price: the preliminary purchase price of Agrinova on a cash-free and debt-

free basis is NZ$37.5 million and the purchase price for 100% of its equity should be

determined based on its preliminary purchase price of Agrinova and be limited by the

amount of net debt and net working capital of the target business as of the date of


3. Payment: Cash Payment

4. Payment Arrangement: Lump-sum payment of the purchase price on the closing date

5. Effectiveness: The Agreement is effective upon the signing of both the buyer and

the seller.

6. Date of Effectiveness: the signing date of the Equity Purchase Agreement

7. Period of Validity: valid for four calendar months after the effective date of the

Agreement or such later date as may be agreed by the Buyer and the Sellers in writing.

8. Pricing Basis: The Company contracted an appraiser to conduct appraisal of the

target assets and relevant procedures for asset appraisal and filing of the State-owned

Assets Supervision and Administration Commission have been completed. The

purchase price was determined based on the appraisal results and by mutual agreement

of the transaction parties.

9. Source of Funds: Self-owned Funds

10. Delivery Status of the Target Asset: Normal Operation

11. Restructuring: By consensus between the Company and the counterparties,

Agrinova will restructure after the Equity Purchase Agreement becomes effective,

mainly by divesting Agrinova's holdings in Grochem Australia Pty Limited, Gro-Chem
Horticulture Limited and Freshtec NZ Limited. Among them, Grochem Australia Pty

Limited, currently a related-party customer of Agrinova, will re-enter into a supply

agreement with Agrinova on the basis of ADAMA’s consent prior to the closing of the

transaction and will continue to purchase products from Agrinova at market price after

the closing of the transaction. Gro-Chem Horticulture Limited and Freshtec NZ Limited

do not have specific operating businesses and assets.

12. Main Closing Precedents:

(1) No material adverse event occurs to Agrinova.

(2) Agrinova completes restructuring.

(3) George William McHardy and Iain Stuart Latter sign employment contracts with


(4) Relevant parties agree to change the actual controller of Agrinova.

(5) Agrinova re-enters into a land lease agreement with a company controlled by the

counterparty of the Transaction and re-enters into supply agreements with Grochem

Australia Pty Limited.

13. Closing: The closing shall take place after the satisfaction or waiver of all the

conditions precedent set forth the EPA (“Closing Date”).

14. Attribution of Economic Benefits During the Transition Period: Before the closing

date, all and any economic benefits, profits, interests and losses generated by the Target

Business corresponding to the Agrinova Equities shall be attributed to the sellers.

15. Earnout Payment: Provided that the Closing of the Agrinova Transaction is

completed, the Company may pay the sellers an earn-out payment capped at NZD 13.2

million depending on Agrinova’s actual EBITDA performance for the three-year period.

V. Other Arrangements in the Transaction

1. Employee Settlement: The Transaction does not include any employee settlement

2. Land Lease: Agrinova will keep leasing lands for production from a company

controlled by a transaction counterparty after the closing.

3. Potential Related-Party Transaction after Closing: The Transaction does not include

any potential related-party transaction.

VI. Purpose of the Transaction and the Effects on the Company

As its main business, Agrinova develops, manufactures and sells crop protection

products, plant growth regulators, biosolutions and plant nutritional’s primarily in the

horticulture segment. This Transaction will enable the Company to grow its product

portfolio in the New Zealand market and pave its expansion into the complimentary

segments of biologicals, plant nutrition and Plant Growth Regulators (PGR). Agrinova's

product portfolio targets the horticulture market, complementing the Company's focus

in New Zealand on row crops and fodder markets, and opening up a new, important

market segment for the Company. Agrinova's expertise in biologicals plant nutrition

and PGR is in line with Company's aim to increase its activities in the emerging market

of biological products, increasing its offering that supports sustainable food production.

VII. Filling Documents

1. The Equity Purchase Agreement

It is hereby announced.

                                                    Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                     December 6th, 2022