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                                  ADAMA Reports Full Year and Fourth Quarter 2022 Results
                             Record Sales & EBITDA in Full Year 2022

Full Year 2022 Highlights:
    Sales up 16% to a record-high of $5,570 million (+20% in RMB terms; +19% in CER1 terms),
    driven by 16% higher prices and 4% volume growth
    Improvement of Opex/Sales ratio of 19.9% vs. 20.5% in 2021; Adjusted operating income up 8%
    to $458 million (RMB: +11%)
    Adjusted EBITDA up 10% to $740 million (RMB: +14%) vs. $671 million in the full year of 2021
    Adjusted net income amounted to $118 million; Reported net income nearly tripled to $96 million

Fourth Quarter 2022 Highlights:
    Sales down 2% to $1,312 million (+9% in RMB terms; +1% in CER terms), 6% higher prices and
    6% decrease in volume
    Adjusted EBITDA amounted to $129 million vs. $207 million in Q4 2021
    Adjusted net loss of $42 million; Reported net loss of $22 million

BEIJING, CHINA and TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, March 20, 2023 – ADAMA Ltd. (the “Company”) (SZSE
000553), today reported its financial results for the fourth quarter and twelve-month period ended
December 31, 2022.
Ignacio Dominguez, President and CEO of ADAMA, said, "As we enter the year of 2023, we reflect
on the remarkable year that was 2022. This was a year in which the crop protection market
experienced exceptional growth, both in volumes, and especially in prices largely aimed to offset
increases in costs. I am happy to say that ADAMA grew with the market reaching record sales and
EBITDA in 2022.
"As 2022 proceeded, crop commodity prices came down from their peak, maintaining historically
elevated levels. This has continued into 2023, while fertilizer and energy prices declined at a slower
pace, leading to lower but still historically high farmer profitability. With high inventories in the market,
we anticipate a gradual return to normalization in the crop protection market towards the second half
of 2023.
"We believe that in 2023 farmers will continue to invest in crop protection products that bring them
incremental value. In 2022 ADAMA introduced many differentiated products to the market, optimizing
its offering to farmers around the globe while maintaining simplicity in doing business, and intends to
continue to do so in 2023."


Table 1. Financial Performance Summary

                                                   As Reported                     Adjustments                          Adjusted
                USD (m)                    Q4          Q4                          Q4           Q4           Q4           Q4
                                                                 % Change                                                            % Change
                                          2022        2021                        2022         2021         2022         2021
Revenues                                  1,312         1,337         (2%)          -            -            1,312        1,337          (2%)
Gross profit                                304           343       (11%)          36           69              341          412        (17%)
   % of sales                            23.2%         25.6%                                                 26.0%        30.8%
Operating income (EBIT)                      26           110       (76%)          28           33                 55        143        (62%)
   % of sales                             2.0%          8.2%                                                  4.2%        10.7%
Income before taxes                         (20)            47                    (18)          34              (39)            81
   % of sales                            (1.6%)         3.5%                                                 (2.9%)        6.0%
Net income                                  (22)            25                    (19)          29              (42)            54
   % of sales                            (1.7%)         1.9%                                                 (3.2%)        4.0%
   - USD                               (0.0096)        0.0108                                              (0.0178)       0.0231
   - RMB                               (0.0681)        0.0692                                              (0.1265)       0.1476
EBITDA                                      127           188       (33%)          2            19              129          207        (38%)
   % of sales                             9.6%         14.1%                                                  9.8%        15.5%

                                                   As Reported                     Adjustments                          Adjusted
                USD (m)
                                          2022       2021        % Change         2022         2021         2022         2021        % Change

Revenues                                  5,570       4,813         +16%            -            -            5,570        4,813        +16%
Gross profit                              1,403       1,183         +19%          162           229           1,565        1,412        +11%
   % of sales                            25.1%       24.6%                                                   28.1%        29.3%
Operating income (EBIT)                     389         291         +34%           68           129             458          425         +8%
   % of sales                             7.0%        6.0%                                                    8.2%         8.8%
Income before taxes                         118          85         +40%           25           134             144          219        (34%)
   % of sales                             2.1%        1.8%                                                    2.6%         4.6%
Net income                                   96          25        +292%           21           115             118          139        (15%)
   % of sales                             1.7%        0.5%                                                    2.1%         2.9%
   - USD                                 0.0413        0.0106                                                0.0505       0.0596
   - RMB                                 0.2616        0.0676                                                0.3177       0.3843
EBITDA                                      731         593         +23%           9            79              740          671        +10%
   % of sales                            13.1%       12.3%                                                   13.3%        13.9%
    “As Reported” denotes the Company’s financial statements according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and t he
    implementation guidance, interpretations and other relevant provisions issued or revised subsequently by the Chinese Ministry of
    Finance (the “MoF) (collectively referred to as “ASBE”). Note that in the reported financial statements, as a result of recent changes in
    the ASBE guidelines [IAS 37], certain items as of Q4 2021 (specifically certain transportation costs and certain idleness charges) have
    been reclassified from Operating Expenses to COGS. Please see the appendix to this release for further information.
    Relevant income statement items contained in this release are also presented on an “Adjusted” basis, which exclude items that are of
    a transitory or non-cash/non-operational nature that do not impact the ongoing performance of the business, and reflect the way the
    Company’s management and the Board of Directors view the performance of the Company internally. The Company believes that
    excluding the effects of these items from its operating results allows management and investors to effectively compare the tr ue
    underlying financial performance of its business from period to period and against its global peers . A detailed summary of these
    adjustments appears in the appendix below.
    The number of shares used to calculate both basic and diluted earnings per share in both Q4 and FY 2021 and 2022 is 2,329.8 million
    In this table and all tables in this release numbers may not sum due to rounding.

The general crop protection market environment 2
Crop prices reached record levels in May 2022, driven by tight stocks, adverse weather conditions
and the Ukraine-Russia conflict which disrupted the supply of commodities. Prices have since declined
but are expected to remain above pre-pandemic levels3. The high crop prices drove strong farmer
income, despite the higher cost environment (fertilizer, chemicals, labor, energy) faced by farmers. As
a result, crop protection demand stayed strong in 2022 and farmers were able to absorb crop
protection price increases. Going into 2023, crop protection channel inventories in some regions are
above average, which may dampen demand in the near future.
The cost environment has improved throughout the second half of 2022, as raw material and active
ingredient prices in China continued to decline, logistic prices normalized and energy prices eased.
However, costs are still higher than pre-pandemic levels, with some areas still experiencing especially
high costs, like European co-formulants and inland transportation.

            Promoting sustainability in agriculture by providing a solution that enables farmers to switch to
            a crop that requires less water:
            Double Team Sorghum Cropping Solution provide farmers with FirstAct, a post-emergent
            grass weed control and a herbicide-tolerant DT trait hybrid seed, providing them the tools to
            switch to Sorghum, a drought tolerant crop that requires less water, enabling regenerative
            farming practices.
            The Double Team Sorghum Cropping Solution is a joint effort between ADAMA US and
            S&W Seed Co.
            Sustainability in Products:
            ADAMA's high-load formulations in Australia have led to substantial savings in energy/water
            consumption, usage of co-formulants, amount of packaging used, storage and accompanying
            materials as well as transportation.
            ADAMA's new proprietary high-load formulation technology platform Sesgama, has been
            granted a patent.
            Sustainability in manufacturing:
            Carbon footprint reduction of a high-margin leading insecticide by lowering energy usage and
            reducing CO2 emissions, while increasing production output and capacity.

Portfolio Development Update
Formulation Mastery progress:
           Araddo, a dual mode herbicide for use in soybean won the award for “Best Formulation
           Innovation” in the IHS Markit's 2022 Crop Science Forum & Awards, November 2022. Araddo 
           is the first product to combine ACC'ase Inhibition and Auxin herbicidal modes of action,
           overcoming the chemical degradation between the two active ingredients.
            Patent granted for Sesgama, a proprietary formulation technology platform for high-load and
            other challenging formulations, enabling less use of co-formulants, transport and packaging

2Sources: Rabobank, Agri Commodity Markets Research, Dec 2022; AgbioInvestor-Quarterly-B riefing-Service-PLUS_Q4-2022;
JPM: Global Economic Research, Global Data Watch, Dec 2022; JPM: Agricultural Markets Weekly, Dec 2022

3   Source: AgbioInvestor-Quarterly-B riefing-Servic e-PLUS_Q4-2022

       materials per acre treated with a resulting improved product sustainability profile. First products
       expected to be launched in the coming year.
Product Launches & Registrations:
During 2022 ADAMA continued to register and launch multiple new products in markets across the
globe, adding on to its differentiated product portfolio. Differentiated products may also be based on
recently off-patented active ingredients (AI's) that have been classified as high commercial potential -
"Core Leap" AI's and include a variety of product characteristics such as (i) unique proprietary
formulations, (ii) products with more than one mode of action, and (iii) biologicals. Among these were:
Launch of 18 new differentiated products during 2022 in select countries including the following
products during the fourth quarter of 2022:
       Launch in Brazil of Protege , a microbial based biological nematicide and fungicide (based on
       a triple microbe combination) for sugarcane and soybean that also increases productivity.
       Launch in Brazil of Emerge , a bio-stimulant based on an enriched fermented Seaweed
       Extract, promoting root/vegetative growth and nutrient uptake in the establishment phase,
       targeted for Soybean, Cotton and Corn.
       Launch in several central American countries of ADAMA's sustainable offering of biological
       products including Expert Grow .

       Launch in Ecuador of Custodia Active, a broad-spectrum dual action systemic fungicide for
       use in Rice and Corn that also increases productivity.
       Label Extension of Folpan 500 SC in Germany a multi-site contact mode-of-action fungicide,
       for use on Barley against leaf spot diseases. (during Q2 2022 this product was granted
       "Nationwide emergency registration for FOLPAN 500 SC against Ramularia collo-cygni in
       Barley" allowing it to be used only for this specification.)

       Launch in Panama and El Salvador of Trivor, a dual action insecticide for use in Vegetables.
       Launch in several central American countries of Banjo Forte 400 SC, a dual mode foliar
       fungicide for use in Fruit, Vegetables and specialty crops.

       Launch in Russia of Cormoran, a dual mode insecticide that includes ADAMA's proprietary
       AI Novaluron.
       Pre-launch in Paraguay of Araddo, an innovative dual mode herbicide and Plethora, a
       broad spectrum, dual mode insecticide that includes ADAMA's proprietary AI Novaluron and
       Indoxacarb produced in-house.
       Launch in France of Helanov , a differentiated herbicide for use in Sugar Beets.

Registration of 10 new differentiated products during 2022 in select countries including the following
products during the fourth quarter of 2022:
       Registration in India for "Core Leap" insecticide AI, Chlorantraniliprole (CTPR).
       Registration in the USA of Fullscript, a dual mode herbicide for rice, part of the FullPage 
       rice cropping solution, in collaboration with Rice Tech.

       Registration in Paraguay of Apresa, a pre-emergent dual mode herbicide, powered by
       ADAMA’s proprietary T.O.V. Formulation Technology.

Financial Highlights
Revenues in the fourth quarter declined by approximately 2% (+9% in RMB terms; +1% in CER terms)
to $1,312 million, reflecting an increase of 6% in prices and a decrease of 6% in volumes mainly due
to advancement of sales in Brazil from the fourth quarter in 2022 to the third quarter, a decline in raw
material, fine chemicals and intermediates sales in China and the depreciation of the Euro in
comparison to the US Dollar. Despite the shift of sales in Brazil from the fourth quarter to the third
quarter, the Company's sales grew in constant exchange rates across most regions.
In the full year 2022, sales reached a record-high of $5,570 million, an increase of 16% (+20% in RMB
terms; +19% in CER terms), driven by a 16% increase in prices and a 4% growth in volume. The
increase in sales in the full year period reflected the strong demand in the market for crop protection
products, led by sales in Brazil and China.

Table 2. Regional Sales Performance
                              Q4 2022   Q4 2021   Change   Change    2022      2021     Change    Change
                                $m        $m       USD      CER       $m        $m       USD       CER
Europe                          254     247         3%       12%      1,115     1,072       4%       11%

North America                   291     289         1%       2%       1,027      917       12%       12%

Latin America                   431     456        (5%)     (9%)      1,592     1,276      25%       22%

Asia Pacific                    208     221        (6%)      0%       1,166      898       30%       34%

Of which China                  130     133        (2%)      1%        735       513       43%       45%

India, Middle East & Africa     127     125         2%       14%       669       650        3%       16%
  Total                        1,312    1,337      (2%)      1%       5,570     4,813      16%       19%

* As of 2023, the India, Middle East & Africa (IMA) region has been reorganized such that the countries
formerly included in this region will now be included in the Europe region (renamed EAME) or in the
Asia Pacific region. Proforma regional sales will be provided in the quarterly 2023 financial results
press releases.
     Europe: Excluding Ukraine based sales, the sales in Europe grew by a double-digit percentage
     in the fourth quarter and full year period. This growth was achieved by gaining market share over
     the year in some key countries such as France, Italy, Romania and Greece and was also
     supported by the introduction of the product Soratel , which includes ADAMA’s proprietary
     Asorbital formulation technology. The growth was achieved despite drought mainly in the south
     of Europe, supply challenges and high channel inventories in some countries.
     North America: In the US Ag market, sales increased in the full year period despite adverse
     weather conditions mainly in the second half of the year, impacting the California Fruit &
     Vegetable market and the Cotton market across Texas and the southwest regions, both important
     markets for the Company.
     Very strong growth in sales achieved in Canada in the full year period and fourth quarter in all
     categories: herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. The Company's new in-house production at
     Huifeng of cereal herbicides supported sales against the backdrop of supply shortages in the
     market, while broadening of the fungicide portfolio and increased insect pressure drove fungicide
     and insecticide sales, respectively.
     The Consumer & Professional business grew nicely over the full year period following robust
     demand, while in the second half of the year there was a slowdown in this growth due to

    inflationary pressure on consumer demand and a slowdown in the professional market mostly
    due high levels of inventory in the channel and expectation for price decreases.
    Latin America: In the full year period the Company achieved very strong growth in sales in Brazil,
    driven by prices, volume and new innovative formulation product launches, such as fungicide
    ARMERO and herbicide ARADDO. Slowdown in sales in Brazil in the fourth quarter was due to
    advancement of sales from the fourth quarter in 2022 to the third quarter.
    In other LATAM countries higher sales were achieved in the full year period despite adverse
    weather conditions. In the fourth quarter the sales remained stable. During 2022 the Company
    continued with the rollout of biological products in this region, which is a key market for Fruit &
    Vegetable crops for export.

    Asia-Pacific (APAC): During the full year period of 2022 the Company’s significant growth in
    Asia Pacific was led by the strong sales of raw material, intermediates and fine chemicals in China.
    In the fourth quarter, a decline was recorded in such sales following the softening of demand in
    the Chinese market and an overall decline in market prices. The sales in China of ADAMA's
    branded portfolio also continued to grow nicely during the full year period despite the strong
    competition in the market, and also included the contribution of a company acquired in 2021.

    In the wider APAC region growth in sales in the full year period was supported by the positive
    impact of a rare 3rd consecutive year of La Nia and despite strong competition from China. In the
    fourth quarter, sales were negatively impacted by excessive rain and flooding in some key areas
    of the region. The slowdown in sales in the fourth quarter in the Pacific region was also due to
    advancement of sales from the fourth quarter in 2022 to the third quarter.
    India, Middle East & Africa: Sales grew moderately in USD terms and nicely in constant
    exchange rates in 2022 and in the fourth quarter. In the full year period the growth was led by
    Middle Eastern countries, as 2021 was a very strong year in India. In the fourth quarter the sales
    in India also grew nicely due to positive weather conditions.
Gross Profit reported in the fourth quarter declined by 11% to $304 million (gross margin of 23.2%)
compared to $343 million (gross margin of 25.6%) in the same quarter last year and increased by 19%
to $1,403 million (gross margin of 25.1%) in the full year of 2022 compared to $1,183 million (gross
margin of 24.6%) in 2021.
    Adjustments to reported results: The adjusted gross profit includes all idleness costs,
    inventory impairment and taxes and surcharge and excludes certain transportation costs
    (classified under operating expenses).
    Additionally, in the fourth quarter and full year of 2021 certain extraordinary charges
    related largely to a temporary disruption of the production of certain products were
    adjusted. These charges have significantly declined since the first quarter of 2022, as the
    relocation and upgrade of the manufacturing Jingzhou site in China has been completed
    and is now at a high level of operation.
Excluding the impact of the abovementioned extraordinary items, adjusted gross profit in the fourth
quarter was down 17% to $341 million (gross margin of 26.0%) compared to $412 million (gross
margin of 30.8%) in the same quarter last year and was up 11% to $1,565 million (gross margin of
28.1%) in the full year of 2022 compared to $1,412 million (gross margin of 29.3%) in 2021.
The decline in gross profit in the fourth quarter was due to the decline in sales, as described above,
exchange rates and higher procurement, production and logistics costs, which were impacted
amongst other factors by higher inflation. Likewise, during the quarter, the Company recorded certain
non-recurring expenses attributed to implementation of sustainable manufacturing practices.

For the full year period, the higher gross profit was mainly driven by the markedly higher prices,
complemented by volume growth, which offset the higher logistic, procurement and production costs,
as well as the negative impact of exchange rates.
Operating expenses reported in the fourth quarter were $278 million (21.2% of sales) and $1,013
million (18.2% of sales) in the full year of 2022, compared to $233 million (17.4% of sales) and $892
million (18.5% of sales) in the corresponding periods last year, respectively.
    Adjustments to reported results: please refer to the explanation regarding adjustments to
    the gross profit in respect to certain transportation costs, idleness, taxes and surcharges
    and inventory impairment.
    Additionally, the Company recorded certain non-operational charges within its reported
    operating expenses amounting to $26 million in Q4 2022 in comparison to $1 million in Q4
    2021 and $57 million in the full year of 2022 in comparison to $33 million in 2021. These
    charges include mainly (i) non-cash amortization charges in respect of Transfer Assets
    received from Syngenta related to the 2017 ChemChina-Syngenta acquisition, (ii) charges
    related to the non-cash amortization of intangible assets created as part of the Purchase
    Price Allocation (PPA) on acquisitions, with no impact on the ongoing performance of the
    companies acquired, (iii) provision for asset impairment in one of its subsidiaries and (iv)
    incentive plans - share-based compensation. For further details on these non-operational
    charges, please see the appendix to this release.
Excluding the impact of the abovementioned non-operational charges, adjusted operating expenses
in the fourth quarter and full year of 2022 were $286 million (21.8% of sales) and $1,107 million (19.9%
of sales), compared to $269 million (20.1% of sales) and $986 million (20.5% of sales) in the
corresponding periods last year, respectively.
The higher operating expenses in the fourth quarter reflected inflationary pressures. In the full year of
2022, the higher operating expenses also reflected the strong growth of the business, which included
higher transportation and logistics costs, an increase in expenses attributed to company success-
based employee compensation, the contribution of a company acquired in 2021, a doubtful debt
provision for trade receivables in Ukraine moderated by the positive impact of exchange rates.
Operating income reported in the fourth quarter amounted to $26 million (2.0% of sales) compared
to $110 million (8.2% of sales) in the same quarter last year and was up 34% to $389 million (7.0% of
sales) in the full year of 2022 compared to $291 million (6.0% of sales) last year.
Excluding the impact of the abovementioned non-operational items, adjusted operating income in
the fourth quarter amounted to $55 million (4.2% of sales) compared to $143 million (10.7% of sales)
in the same quarter last year and was up 8% to $458 million (8.2% of sales) in the full year of 2022
compared to $425 million (8.8% of sales) in 2021.
EBITDA reported in the fourth quarter amounted to $127 million (9.6% of sales) compared to $188
million (14.1% of sales) in the same quarter last year and was up 23% to $731 million (13.1% of sales)
in the full year of 2022 compared to $593 million (12.3% of sales) last year.
Excluding the impact of the abovementioned non-operational items, adjusted EBITDA in the fourth
quarter amounted to $129 million (9.8% of sales) compared to $207 million (15.5% of sales) in the
same quarter last year and was up 10% to $740 million (13.3% of sales) in the full year of 2022
compared to $671 million (13.9% of sales) in 2021.
Financial expenses reported amounted to $47 million in the fourth quarter and $271 million in the full
year of 2022, compared to $63 million and $207 million in the corresponding periods last year,

      Adjustments to reported results: The adjusted financial expenses have been adjusted for
      a non-recurring, non-cash, income due to revaluation of put options attributed to minority
Adjusted financial expenses were $94 million in the fourth quarter and $314 million in the full year
of 2022, compared to $62 million and $206 million in the corresponding periods last year, respectively.
The higher financial expenses were mainly driven by (i) the net effect of the high Israeli CPI on the
ILS-denominated, CPI-linked bonds and (ii) higher hedging costs on exchange rates mainly due to
volatility in the ILS/Dollar exchange rate. In the full year period, these expenses also included put
options attributed to minority stakes acquired in 2021.
Adjusted Taxes on income in the fourth quarter were $3 million and $26 million in the full year of
2022, compared to $27 million and $79 million in the corresponding periods last year, respectively.
In the fourth quarter of 2022 the taxes were significantly lower due to recording a loss before tax in
comparison to a profit before tax in the fourth quarter of 2021 and due to the impact of the stronger
BRL that led to lower tax expenses; impacts which were moderated by a one-time tax expense electing
to apply for temporary relief available in 2022 and reducing tax exposure in Israel going forward.
In the full year of 2022, the company also recognized a higher deferred tax asset, related to inter-
group sales, that led to a decline in the tax on income.
Net income attributable to the shareholders of the Company, in the fourth quarter the Company
reported a net loss of $22 million and in the full year of 2022 a net income of $96 million (1.7% of
sales), compared to a net income of $25 million (1.9% of sales) and a net income of $25 million (0.5%
of sales) in the corresponding periods last year, respectively.
Excluding the impact of the abovementioned extraordinary and non-operational charges, adjusted
net income (loss) in the fourth quarter was a loss of $42 million and an income of $118 million (2.1%
of sales) in the full year of 2022, compared to an income of $54 million (4.0% of sales) and $139
million (2.9% of sales) in the corresponding periods last year, respectively.
Trade working capital as of December 31, 2022, was $2,634 million compared to $2,210 million at
the same point last year. The increase in working capital was due to an increase in the value and
levels of inventory held by the Company to support the sales in light of supply shortages, logistic
challenges and inventory costs increases. In the fourth quarter the procurement of inventory declined
in comparison to the third quarter of 2022. The increase in inventory levels was moderated by higher
trade payables. Trade receivables increased slightly despite the strong growth in sales, reflecting good
collections across the board.
Cash Flow: Operating cash flow of $352 million was generated in the fourth quarter and $106 million
generated in the full year of 2022, compared to $372 million and $710 million generated in the
corresponding periods last year, respectively. The lower cash flow generated in the full year of 2022
was primarily due to higher payments to suppliers to support the procurement of inventory.
Net cash used in investing activities was $96 million in the fourth quarter and $396 million in the full
year of 2022, compared to $136 million and $525 million in the corresponding periods last year,
respectively. The cash used in investing activities in the fourth quarter of 2022 largely related to
investments new production facilities in ADAMA Anpon and investments in intangible assets relating
to ADAMA's global registrations. In the full year of 2022, cash was also used for investing in "Core
Leap" manufacturing capabilities in Israel and Brazil (Multi-Purpose Production Site).
In the full year of 2021, cash was also used for the completion of the payment and acquisition of
Huifeng’s domestic commercial crop protection business and manufacturing site, as well as for the
relocation and upgrade of the manufacturing Sanonda Jingzhou site, both completed towards the end
of the second quarter of 2021.

Free cash flow of $204 million was generated in the fourth quarter and $417 million consumed in full
year of 2022 compared to $190 million generated and $75 million generated in the corresponding
periods last year, respectively, reflecting the aforementioned operating and investing cash flow

Table 3. Revenues by operating segment

Sales by segment

                          Q4 2022                     Q4 2021                      2022                         2021
                                            %                           %                           %                            %
                          USD (m)                     USD (m)                     USD (m)                      USD (m)

Crop Protection             1,207          92%          1,197           90%            5,032          90%          4,349            90%
Intermediates and
Ingredients                   105            8%           140           10%              538          10%            464            10%
Total                       1,312         100%          1,337          100%            5,570         100%          4,813         100%

Sales by product category

                         Q4 2022                     Q4 2021                        2022                       2021
                                           %                            %                            %                          %
                         USD (m)                     USD (m)                       USD (m)                    USD (m)

Herbicides                   546          42%            582            44%             2,479          45%        1,972           41%
Insecticides                 382          29%            359            27%             1,505          27%        1,425           30%
Fungicides                   279          21%            256            19%             1,048          19%          952           20%
Intermediates and
Ingredients                  105            8%           140            10%               538          10%          464           10%
Total                      1,312         100%          1,337           100%             5,570        100%         4,813          100%

Note: the sales split by product category is provided for convenience purposes only and is not representative of the way the Company is
managed or in which it makes its operational decisions. Numbers may not sum due to rounding.

Further Information
All filings of the Company, together with a presentation of the key financial highlights of the period,
can be accessed through the Company website at www.adama.com.

About ADAMA
ADAMA Ltd. is a global leader in crop protection, providing solutions to farmers across the world to
combat weeds, insects and disease. ADAMA has one of the widest and most diverse portfolios of
active ingredients in the world, state-of-the art R&D, manufacturing and formulation facilities,
together with a culture that empowers our people in markets around the world to listen to farmers
and ideate from the field. This uniquely positions ADAMA to offer a vast array of distinctive mixtures,
formulations and high-quality differentiated products, delivering solutions that meet local farmer and
customer needs in over 100 countries globally. For more information, visit us at www.ADAMA. co m
and follow us on Twitter at @ADAMAAgri.

Rivka Neufeld                             Zhujun Wang
Global Investor Relations                 China Investor Relations
Email: ir@adama.com                       Email: irchina@adama.com

Abridged Adjusted Consolidated Financial Statements
The following abridged consolidated financial statements and notes have been prepared as described in Note 1 in this
appendix. While prepared based on the principles of Chinese Accounting Standards (ASBE), they do not contain all of the
information which either ASBE or IFRS would require for a complete set of financial statements, and should be read in
conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of both ADAMA Ltd. and Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd. as filed
with the Shenzhen and Tel Aviv Stock Exchanges, respectively.
Relevant income statement items contained in this release are also presented on an “Adjusted” basis, which exclude items
that are of a one-time or non-cash/non-operational nature that do not impact the ongoing performance of the business, and
reflect the way the Company’s management and the Board of Directors view the performance of the Company internally.
The Company believes that excluding the effects of these items from its operating results allows management and investors
to effectively compare the true underlying financial performance of its business from period to period and against its global

Abridged Consolidated Income Statement for the Fourth Quarter
                                                                     Q4 2022            Q4 2021           Q4 2022            Q4 2021
                                                                     USD (m)            USD (m)           RMB (m)            RMB (m)
Revenues                                                                  1,312            1,337              9,304             8,550
Cost of Sales                                                               948              918              6,724             5,870
Other costs                                                                  23                7                165                46
Gross profit                                                                341              412              2,415             2,634
% of revenue                                                             26.0%            30.8%              26.0%             30.8%
    Selling & Distribution expenses                                        198              198               1,402             1,265
    General & Administrative expenses                                        60               45                426               289
    Research & Development expenses                                          23               25                162               161
    Other operating expenses                                                  5                1                 36                 5
Total operating expenses                                                   286              269               2,026             1,719
% of revenue                                                             21.8%            20.1%              21.8%             20.1%
Operating income (EBIT)                                                      55              143                389               915
% of revenue                                                              4.2%            10.7%               4.2%             10.7%
Financial expenses and investment income                                     94               62                664              398
Income before taxes                                                        (39)               81              (274)              517
Taxes on Income                                                               3               27                 21               173
Net Income                                                                 (42)               54              (295)               344
Attributable to:
 Non-controlling interest                                                     0                0                  0                 0
 Shareholders of the Company                                               (42)               54              (295)               344
% of revenue                                                             (3.2%)           (4.0%)            (3.2%)               4.0%
Adjustments                                                                 (19)              29              (136)               183
Reported Net income attributable to the
                                                                           (22)               25              (159)               161
shareholders of the Company
% of revenue                                                             (1.7%)            1.9%             (1.7%)              1.9%
Adjusted EBITDA                                                             129             207                913              1,324
% of revenue                                                              9.8%            15.5%               9.8%             15.5%
Adjusted EPS5             – Basic                                   (0.0178)             0.0231          (0.1265)             0.1476
                          – Diluted                                 (0.0178)             0.0231          (0.1265)             0.1476
Reported EPS2             – Basic                                   (0.0096)             0.0108          (0.0681)             0.0692

  For an analysis of the differences between the adjusted income statement items and the income statement items as reported in the financial
   statements, see below “Analysis of Gaps between Adjusted Income Statement and Income Statement in Financial Statements”.
  The number of shares used to calculate both basic and diluted earnings per share in both Q4 and FY 2021 and 2022 is 2,329.8 million

                          – Diluted                                  (0.0096)            0.0108           (0.0681)            0.0692

Abridged Consolidated Income Statement for the Full Year 2022
                                                                       2022               2021                2022              2021
                                                                     USD (m)             USD (m)             RMB (m)           RMB (m)
Revenues                                                                  5,570              4,813              37,382            31,039
Cost of Sales                                                             3,915              3,377              26,293            21,779
Other costs                                                                  90                 24                 607               156
Gross profit                                                              1,565              1,412              10,482             9,103
% of revenue                                                             28.1%              29.3%                28.0%             29.3%
    Selling & Distribution expenses                                         805               743                 5,409             4,793
    General & Administrative expenses                                       206               171                 1,388             1,100
    Research & Development expenses                                          86                 78                  578               502
    Other operating expenses                                                 11                (5)                   68               (33)
Total operating expenses                                                  1,107               986                 7,442             6,362
% of revenue                                                             19.9%              20.5%                19.9%             20.5%
Operating income (EBIT)                                                     458               425                 3,040             2,742
% of revenue                                                              8.2%                8.8%               8.1%               8.8%
Financial expenses and investment income                                   314                 206               2,126              1,328
Income before taxes                                                        144                 219                 914              1,414
Taxes on Income                                                             26                  79                 174                511
Net Income                                                                 118                 140                 740                903
Attributable to:
 Non-controlling interest                                                    0                   1                   0                  7
 Shareholders of the Company                                               118                 139                 740                895
% of revenue                                                              2.1%                2.8%                2.0%              2.9%
Adjustments                                                                  21                114                 131               738
Reported Net income attributable to the
                                                                            96                   25                609                157
shareholders of the Company
% of revenue                                                              1.7%                0.5%                1.6%              0.5%
Adjusted EBITDA                                                            740                 671               4,940              4,328
% of revenue                                                             13.3%              13.9%                13.2%             13.9%
Adjusted EPS7             – Basic                                       0.0505             0.0596              0.3177            0.3843
                          – Diluted                                     0.0505             0.0596              0.3177            0.3843
Reported EPS2             – Basic                                       0.0413             0.0106              0.2616            0.0676
                          – Diluted                                     0.0413             0.0106              0.2616            0.0676

  For an analysis of the differences between the adjusted income statement items and the income statement items as reported in the financial
   statements, see below “Analysis of Gaps between Adjusted Income Statement and Income Statement in Financial Statements”.
  The number of shares used to calculate both basic and diluted earnings per share in both Q4 and FY 2021 and 2022 is 2,329.8 million

Abridged Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                           December 31 December 31   December 31   December 31
                                              2022        2021          2022          2021
                                             USD (m)     USD (m)       RMB (m)       RMB (m)
 Current assets:
  Cash at bank and on hand                       616         913          4,291         5,819
  Bills and accounts receivable                1,433       1,423          9,980         9,071
  Inventories                                  2,430       1,843         16,927        11,750
  Other current assets, receivables and
                                                279         274           1,943         1,748
  prepaid expenses
  Total current assets                         4,758       4,453         33,141        28,389
 Non-current assets:
   Fixed assets, net                           1,711       1,599         11,914        10,192
   Rights of use assets                           80          73            556           464
   Intangible assets, net                      1,457       1,527         10,148         9,736
   Deferred tax assets                           193         113          1,347           723
   Other non-current assets                      126         115            875           732
   Total non-current assets                    3,567       3,427         24,840        21,847
Total assets                                   8,325       7,879         57,980        50,235

  Current liabilities:
   Loans and credit from banks and other
                                                805         419            5,605         2,671
   Bills and accounts payable                  1,241       1,065           8,642         6,788
   Other current liabilities                     929         773           6,468         4,929
   Total current liabilities                   2,974       2,257          20,715        14,387
  Long-term liabilities:
   Loans and credit from banks and other
                                                526         549            3,663         3,499
   Debentures                                  1,056       1,223           7,354         7,797
   Deferred tax liabilities                       45          60             316           380
   Employee benefits                             114         124             792           792
   Other long-term liabilities                   290         361           2,017         2,304
   Total long-term liabilities                 2,030       2,317          14,141        14,773
Total liabilities                              5,005       4,574          34,856        29,160

   Total equity                                3,320       3,306          23,125        21,075

Total liabilities and equity                   8,325       7,879          57,980        50,235

  Abridged Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the Fourth Quarter
                                                                 Q4 2022       Q4 2021       Q4 2022       Q4 2021
                                                                 USD (m)       USD (m)       RMB (m)       RMB (m)
Cash flow from operating activities:
    Cash flow from operating activities                               352           372          2,499         2,380
Cash flow from operating activities                                   352           372          2,499         2,380

Investing activities:
    Acquisitions of fixed and intangible assets                       (99)         (123)         (699)         (786)
    Proceeds from disposal of fixed and intangible assets                  2             1         13                7
    Other investing activities                                             0        (15)               2        (93)
Cash flow used for investing activities                               (96)         (136)         (684)         (872)

Financing activities:
    Receipt of loans from banks and other lenders                      79            81           559           516
    Repayment of loans from banks and other lenders                  (142)         (159)       (1,006)       (1,015)
    Interest payment and other                                        (53)          (47)         (379)         (302)
    Other financing activities                                        (47)           30          (336)          193
Cash flow from (used for) financing activities                       (164)          (95)       (1,163)         (609)
Effects of exchange rate movement on cash and cash
                                                                           2             1        (70)          (80)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                                94           142           582           819

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period              513           762          3,643         4,940
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                    607           903          4,225         5,759

Free Cash Flow                                                        204           190          1,445         1,212

  Abridged Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the Full Year 2022
                                                                  2022          2021          2022          2021
                                                                 USD (m)       USD (m)       RMB (m)       RMB (m)
Cash flow from operating activities:
    Cash flow from operating activities                               106           710           941          4,562
Cash flow from operating activities                                   106           710           941          4,562

Investing activities:
    Acquisitions of fixed and intangible assets                      (397)         (402)       (2,667)       (2,589)
    Proceeds from disposal of fixed and intangible assets              13                4         85            27
    Acquisition of subsidiaries                                            0       (101)               0       (655)
    Other investing activities                                        (12)          (26)          (78)         (166)
Cash flow used for investing activities                              (396)         (525)       (2,660)       (3,383)

Financing activities:

    Receipt of loans from banks and other lenders                     669           756          4,468         4,885
    Repayment of loans from banks and other lenders                  (342)         (570)       (2,331)       (3,670)
    Interest payment and other                                        (137         (117)         (933)         (755)
    Dividends to shareholders                                          (3)           (6)          (19)          (37)
    Other financing activities                                       (187)           64        (1,242)          414
Cash flow from (used for) financing activities                         (0)          128           (56)          837
Effects of exchange rate movement on cash and cash
                                                                       (7)               2        241           (91)
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                              (297)          316        (1,534)         1,925

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period              903           588          5,759         3,835

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                    607           903          4,225         5,759

Free Cash Flow                                                       (417)           75        (2,593)          467

Notes to Abridged Consolidated Financial Statements
Note 1: Basis of preparation

Basis of presentation and accounting policies: The abridged consolidated financial statements for the
quarters ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 incorporate the financial statements of ADAMA Ltd. and of all of
its subsidiaries (the “Company”), including Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd. (“Solutions”) and its subsidiaries.
The Company has adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (ASBE) issued by the Ministry
of Finance (the "MoF") and the implementation guidance, interpretations and other relevant provisions issued
or revised subsequently by the MoF (collectively referred to as “ASBE”). Note that in the reported financial
statements, as a result of recent changes in the ASBE guidelines (IAS 37), certain items as of Q4 2021
(specifically certain transportation costs and certain idleness charges) have been reclassified from Operating
Expenses to COGS. See the notes to the financial statements for more details in this regard.
The abridged consolidated financial statements contained in this release are presented in both Chinese
Renminbi (RMB), as the Company’s shares are traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, as well as in United
States dollars ($) as this is the major currency in which the Company’s business is conducted. For the purposes
of this release, a customary convenience translation has been used for the translation from RMB to US dollars,
with Income Statement and Cash Flow items being translated using the quarterly average exchange rate, and
Balance Sheet items being translated using the exchange rate at the end of the period.
The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect
the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual
results could differ from those estimated.

Note 2: Abridged Financial Statements
For ease of use, the financial statements shown in this release have been abridged as follows:

Abridged Consolidated Income Statement:
     “Gross profit” in this release is revenue less costs of goods sold, taxes and surcharges, inventory
       impairment and other idleness charges (in addition to those already included in costs of goods sold);
       part of the idleness charges is removed in the Adjusted financial statements
     “Other operating expenses” includes impairment losses (not including inventory impairment); gain (loss)
       from disposal of assets and non-operating income and expenses
     “Operating expenses” in this release differ from those in the formally reported financial statements in
       that in the reported financial statements, as a result of recent changes in the ASBE guidelines (IAS 37),
       certain items as of Q4 2021 (specifically certain transportation costs and certain idleness charges) have
       been reclassified from Operating Expenses to COGS.
     “Financial expenses and investment income” includes net financing expenses; gains from changes in
       fair value; and investment income (including share of income of equity accounted investees)

Abridged Consolidated Balance Sheet:
     “Other current assets, receivables and prepaid expenses” includes financial assets held for trading;
       financial assets in respect of derivatives; prepayments; other receivables; and other current assets
     “Fixed assets, net” includes fixed assets and construction in progress
     “Intangible assets, net” includes intangible assets and goodwill
     “Other non-current assets” includes other equity investments; long-term equity investments; long-term
       receivables; investment property; and other non-current assets
     “Loans and credit from banks and other lenders” includes short-term loans and non-current liabilities
       due within one year
     “Other current liabilities” includes financial liabilities in respect of derivatives; payables for employee
       benefits, taxes, interest, dividends and others; advances from customers and other current liabilities
     “Other long-term liabilities” includes long-term payables, provisions, deferred income and other non-
       current liabilities

  Income Statement Adjustments
                                                                                              Q4 2022   Q4 2021   Q4 2022   Q4 2021
                                                                                              USD (m)   USD (m)   RMB (m)   RMB (m)
Net Income (Reported)                                                                          (22.4)     25.8    (158.8)    165.0
  Adjustments to COGS & Operating Expenses:
1. Amortization of Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions (non-cash)                        0.3       0.3       1.8       1.6
2. Amortization of Transfer assets received and written-up due to 2017 ChemChina-                                             27.2
                                                                                                 5.9       4.3
    Syngenta transaction (non-cash)                                                                                  41.6
3. Upgrade & Relocation related costs                                                             1.8      29.6      12.9     189.7
4. Incentive plans                                                                                1.1      -6.0       7.8     -38.2
5. Amortization of acquisition-related PPA (non-cash), other acquisition-related costs            4.4       5.2      31.3      33.7
6. ASBEs classifications COGS impact                                                           (33.7)    (36.7)   (239.1)   (234.4)
7. ASBEs classifications OPEX impact                                                             33.7      36.7     239.1     234.4
8. Asset impairment in subsidiary                                                                15.0         -     106.4         -
Total Adjustments to Operating Income (EBIT)                                                     28.5      33.4     201.8     213.9
Total Adjustments to EBITDA                                                                       2.3      19.1      16.0     122.3
Adjustments to Financing Expenses
Revaluation of non-cash adjustment related to non-controlling interest                            0.6      0.5        3.7      3.4
Put option revaluation                                                                         (47.3)        -    (335.4)        -
  Adjustments to Taxes
1. Tax shield on Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions                                     0.0       0.0       0.3       0.3
3. Taxes related to Upgrade & Relocation related costs                                           0.1       5.0       0.5      32.3
5. Deferred tax on amortization of acquisition-related PPA, other acquisition-related costs      0.8       0.9       5.3       5.8
Total adjustments to Net Income                                                                (19.1)     29.0    (136.0)    178.9
Net Income (Adjusted)                                                                          (41.5)     53.7    (294.8)    343.8
Total adjustments to Net Income attributable to the shareholders of the Company                (19.1)     28.5    (136.0)    182.5

                                                                                                   2022          2021            2022              2021
                                                                                                  USD (m)       USD (m)         RMB (m)           RMB (m)
Net Income (Reported)                                                                                 96.3         25.5             609.4             163.3
  Adjustments to COGS & Operating Expenses:
1. Amortization of Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions (non-cash)                              1.0          1.0               6.7               6.5
2. Amortization of Transfer assets received and written-up due to 2017 ChemChina-                                                                     149.2
                                                                                                      22.9         23.1             154.3
    Syngenta transaction (non-cash)
3. Upgrade & Relocation related costs                                                                  7.3         96.5              48.7             622.1
4. Incentive plans                                                                                     2.8         (4.5)             18.2             -28.5
5. Amortization of acquisition-related PPA (non-cash), other acquisition-related costs                19.5         16.6             130.5             106.7
6. ASBEs classifications COGS impact                                                               (150.0)      (128.0)         (1,005.3)           (825.6)
7. ASBEs classifications OPEX impact                                                                 150.0        128.0           1,005.3             825.6
8. Provisions in respect of prior years’ legal- and tax-related costs                                   -           1.6                -              10.3
9. Asset impairment in subsidiary                                                                     15.0             -            106.4                 -
Total Adjustments to Operating Income (EBIT)                                                          68.5        134.3             464.9             866.3
Total Adjustments to EBITDA                                                                            8.9         78.5              59.3             507.0
Adjustments to Financing Expenses
Revaluation of non-cash adjustment related to non-controlling interest                                 4.2          0.5              27.5                3.4
Put option revaluation                                                                              (47.3)            -           (335.4)                  -
  Adjustments to Taxes
1. Tax shield on Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions                                           0.1          0.2               1.1               1.1
3. Taxes related to Upgrade & Relocation related costs                                                 0.3         16.9               1.8             109.4
5. Deferred tax on amortization of acquisition-related PPA, other acquisition-related costs           3. 5          2.7              23.2              17.6
8. Provisions in tax expenses in respect of prior years’ legal- and tax-related costs                   -          0.4                 -               2.5
Total adjustments to Net Income                                                                       21.5        114.6             130.9             739.4
Net Income (Adjusted)                                                                               117.8         140.1             740.2              902.7
Total adjustments to Net Income attributable to the shareholders of the Company                       21.5        114.4             130.8              738.0
   1. Amortization of Legacy PPA of 2011 acquisition of Solutions (non-cash): Under ASBE, since the first combined reporting for Q3 2017, the
        Company has inherited the historical “legacy” amortization charge that ChemChina previously was incurring in respect of its a cquisition of
        Solutions in 2011. This amortization is done in a linear manner on a quarterly basis, most of which will have been completed by the end of 2020.
   2. Amortization of Transfer assets received and written-up due to 2017 ChemChina-Syngenta transaction (non-cash): The proceeds from
        the Divestment of crop protection products in connection with the approval by the EU Commission of the acquisition of Syngenta by ChemChina,
        net of taxes and transaction expenses, were paid to Syngenta in return for the transfer of a portfolio of products in Europe of similar nature and
        economic value. Since the products acquired from Syngenta are of the same nature and with the same net economic value as thos e divested,
        and since in 2018 the Company adjusted for the one-time gain that it made on the divested products, the additional amortization charge incurred
        due to the written-up value of the acquired assets is also adjusted to present a consistent view of Divestment and Transfer transactions, which
        had no net impact on the underlying economic performance of the Company. These additional amortization charges will continue until 2032 but
        at a reducing rate, yet will still be at a meaningful level until 2028.
   3. Upgrade & manufacturing facilities relocation-related costs: These charges all relate to the multi-year Upgrade & Relocation program in
        China. As part of this program, production assets located in the old production sites in Jingzhou and Huai’An were relocated to new sites in 2020,
        2021 and in the coming years. Since some of the older production assets may not be able to be relocated, some of these assets which are no
        longer operational are being written off (or impaired), while for others, their economic life has been shortened and therefore will be depreciated
        over a shorter period. Since these are older assets that were built many years ago and will be replaced by newer production faci lities at the new
        sites, and since the ongoing operations of the business will not be impacted thereby, the Company adjusts for the impact of all charges related
        to the China Upgrade & Relocated program, which include mainly: (i) excess procurement costs incurred as the Company continued to fulfill
        demand for its products, in order to protect its market position, through replacement sourcing at significantly higher costs from third-party suppliers
        (ii) elevated idleness charges largely related to suspensions at the facilities being relocated These charges have significantly declined since the
        first quarter of 2022, as the relocation and upgrade of the manufacturing Jingzhou site in China has been completed and is now at a high level
        of operation.
   4. Incentive plans: ADAMA granted certain of its employees, a long-term incentive (LTI) in the form of 'phantom' awards linked to the Company’s
        share price. As such, the Company records an expense, or recognizes income, depending on the fluctuation in the Company’s sha re price,
        regardless of award exercises. To neutralize the impact of such share price movements on the measurement of the Company’s performance
        and expected employee compensation and to reflect the existing phantom awards, in the Company’s adjusted financial performanc e, the LTI is
        presented on an equity-settled basis in accordance with the value of the existing plan at the grant date.

5. Amortization of acquisition-related PPA (non-cash) and other acquisition-related costs: Related mainly to the non-cash amortization of
   intangible assets created as part of the Purchase Price Allocation (PPA) on acquisitions, with no impact on the ongoing performance of the
   companies acquired, as well as other M&A-related costs.
6. ASBE classification COGS & OPEX impact – according to the ASBE guidelines, certain expenses, which the company views as COGS, are
   classified under OPEX. Additionally, as a result of recent changes in the ASBE guidelines [IAS 37], certain items as of Q4 2021 (specifically
   certain transportation costs and certain idleness charges) have been reclassified from Operating Expenses to COGS.
8. Provisions in tax expenses related to prior years’ activities - Provisions in respect of tax expenses related to activities of prior years.
9. Asset impairment in subsidiary - non-cash, non-recurring provision for asset impairment and income due to revaluation of put options attributed
   to minority stake in a subsidiary.

Exchange Rate Data for the Company's Principal Functional Currencies
                        December 31                       Q4 Average                       12M Average

                2022      2021      Change        2022       2021       Change     2022       2021       Change

EUR/USD         1.067     1.132        (5.8%)     1.019     1.144      (10.9%)     1.052      1.183      (11.1%)

USD/BRL         5.218     5.581         6.5%      5.256     5.584        5.9%      5.165      5.395        4.3%

USD/PLN         4.402     4.060        (8.4%)     4.646     4.040      (15.0%)     4.458      3.862      (15.4%)

USD/ZAR        16.949    15.924        (6.4%)    17.618    15.739      (11.9%)    16.367     14.864      (10.1%)

AUD/USD         0.680     0.727        (6.5%)     0.657     0.729       (9.9%)     0.694      0.751       (7.6%)

GBP/USD         1.204     1.351       (10.9%)     1.171     1.348      (13.1%)     1.234      1.376      (10.3%)

USD/ILS         3.519     3.110       (13.2%)     3.493     3.155      (10.7%)     3.358      3.231       (3.9%)

USD LIBOR 3M   4.77%     0.22%                   4.51%      0.16%                 2.41%      0.16%

                        December 31                       Q4 Average                       12M Average

                2022       2021       Change      2022       2021      Change      2022       2021       Change

USD/RMB         6.965       6.376        9.2%     7.092      6.395       10.9%     6.721       6.451        4.2%

EUR/RMB         7.428       7.216        2.9%     7.225      7.315      (1.2%)     7.071       7.630      (7.3%)

RMB/BRL         0.749       0.875       14.4%     0.741      0.873       15.1%     0.768       0.836        8.1%

RMB/PLN         0.632       0.637        0.7%     0.655      0.632      (3.7%)     0.663       0.599     (10.8%)

RMB/ZAR         2.434       2.498        2.6%     2.484      2.461      (0.9%)     2.435       2.304      (5.7%)

AUD/RMB         4.733       4.633        2.2%     4.656      4.659      (0.1%)     4.663       4.844      (3.7%)

GBP/RMB         8.387       8.617       (2.7%)    8.307      8.623      (3.7%)     8.292       0.836     891.4%

RMB/ILS         0.505       0.488       (3.6%)    0.492      0.493        0.2%     0.500       0.501        0.2%

RMB LIBOR 3M    2.42%      2.50%        (8) bp    2.03%     2.47%       (44) bp    2.07%      2.52%       (45) bp
