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                        ADAMA Ltd.

Special Report on Deposits/Loans Related Party
Transaction Relating to Finance Company

For the year ended December 31, 2022
Note: The Special Repot on Deposits/Loans Related Party Transaction Relating to Finance Company will be
issued in Chinese. This special explanation is English translation prepared for the Company's management
review purpose only and cannot be provided to third parties for other purpose. If there is any conflict between
the Chinese and English version, the Chinese version shall prevail.

Special Report on Deposits/Loans Related Party Transaction Relating to Finance Company for the
                               Year ended December 31, 2022 of
                                          ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                      De Shi Bao (Han) Zi (23) No. Q00372

To the Board of Directors of ADAMA Ltd.:

We are entrusted to audit the financial statements of ADAMA Ltd. (the "ADAMA Company"), which
comprise consolidated and the ADAMA Company's balance sheets as at 31 December 2022, and
consolidated and the Company's income statements, consolidated and the ADAMA Company's
statements of changes in shareholders' equity and consolidated and the Company's cash flow
statements and notes to the relevant financial statements for the year then ended, and have issued the
auditor's report with unqualified opinion (De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (23) No. P01721) on March 19, 2023.

The ADAMA Company has prepared the accompanying Summary Statement of Deposits/Loans
Related Party Transaction Relating to Finance Company for the year of 2022 (the “Summary
Statement”) in accordance with the Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies on the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 7 - Transactions and Related Party Transactions (SZSE [2022] No.

The management of the ADAMA Company is responsible for the faithful preparation and disclosure
of the Summary Statement that give a true, legal and complete view. We have compared the Summary
Statement and the accounting information reviewed by us in the audit of the ADAMA Company’s
financial statements for the year of 2022 along with the audited financial statements, and found that
no discrepancies, in all material aspects, were identified. We have not performed additional audit
procedures against the information stated in the Summary Statement except those relevant to the
related party transactions in the audit of the Company’s financial statements for the year of 2022 in
accordance with China Standards on Auditing.

The accompanying Summary Statement shall be read with the audited financial statements as a whole
for a better understanding of Deposits/Loans Related Party Transaction Relating to Finance Company
for the year of 2022.

The explanation is used for the presentation of Deposits/Loans Related Party Transaction Relating to
Finance Company for the year of 2022 to the securities regulator only, and for no other purpose.

     Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA LLP                     Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Ji Yuting
           Shanghai, China

                                                    Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Zhao Jingyuan

                                                                                     March 19, 2022

                                  Summary Statement of Deposits/Loans Related Party Transaction Relating to Finance Company
                                                                  for the year 2022 of ADAMA Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB '000
                                                                                                                                                             Interest amount
                                 Relationship with Listed    Accounts of Listed   Beginning of       Increasing in        Decreasing in   Ending of                                  Category of
     Name of Related Party                                                                                                                                included in increases
                                         Company                Company              2022                2022                2022           2022                                  Financial Service
                                                                                                                                                                 of 2022

                                Legal person controlled by
ChemChina Finance Corporation
                                 controlling shareholder
                                                               Cash at bank            358,881                       90         358,971               -                     90        Deposit

                                Legal person controlled by
Sinochem Finance Co., Ltd
                                 controlling shareholder
                                                               Cash at bank                      -         979,968              562,307       417,661                   3,372         Deposit

Summary Statement has been signed by the followings on 19 March 2023:

   Legal representative                                                       Chief of accounting work                                                      Chief of accounting organ
