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                August 2021

I Independent Auditor’s Report

Are these interim financial statements audited by an independent auditor?
□ Yes √ No
These interim financial statements have not been audited by an independent auditor.

II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
                                                           30 June 2021
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                     Item                               30 June 2021                     31 December 2020

Current assets:

   Monetary assets                                                 12,144,304,489.85                 5,971,212,569.66

   Settlement reserve

   Interbank loans granted

   Held-for-trading financial assets                                    209,115,157.91                203,877,915.51

   Derivative financial assets

   Notes receivable

   Accounts receivable                                                   65,349,125.90                 67,933,735.91

   Accounts receivable financing                                    2,003,302,090.64                 1,673,510,794.51

   Prepayments                                                          113,375,594.34                 55,575,543.21

   Premiums receivable

   Reinsurance receivables

   Receivable     reinsurance    contract
   Other receivables                                                     86,173,732.22                 33,451,121.48

     Including: Interest receivable

                  Dividends receivable
   Financial assets purchased under
resale agreements

   Inventories                                                      3,969,932,350.43                 3,416,880,808.96

   Contract assets

   Assets held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                            56,469,996.22      97,412,681.26

Total current assets                         18,648,022,537.51    11,519,855,170.50

Non-current assets:

  Loans and advances to customers

  Investments in debt obligations

  Investments in other debt obligations

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments                     4,975,862.87        4,915,575.83

  Investments in other equity
                                                  54,910,856.74               0.00

  Other non-current financial assets

  Investment property                              4,234,372.30        4,392,943.54

  Fixed assets                                1,829,551,984.09     1,797,789,271.62

  Construction in progress                       425,876,594.64     279,169,201.60

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Right-of-use assets                             50,181,080.29               0.00

  Intangible assets                           1,023,016,905.08      934,711,977.79

  Development costs

  Goodwill                                       538,969,677.36     478,283,495.29

  Long-term prepaid expense                       65,781,236.57      64,591,933.65

  Deferred income tax assets                     126,821,441.54      96,972,421.95

  Other non-current assets                         2,007,300.00        5,943,717.02

Total non-current assets                      4,126,327,311.48     3,666,770,538.29

Total assets                                 22,774,349,848.99    15,186,625,708.79

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings                           72,231,000.00      70,665,500.00

  Borrowings from the central bank

  Interbank loans obtained

  Held-for-trading financial liabilities

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                                   17,730,000.00     140,614,535.60

  Accounts payable                               469,238,592.62     505,206,561.86

  Advances from customers

  Contract liabilities                               2,213,592,055.02     1,206,573,886.26
  Financial      assets          sold     under
repurchase agreements
  Customer deposits and interbank
  Payables     for     acting      trading   of
  Payables      for      underwriting        of
  Employee benefits payable                              362,172,696.63    498,129,114.76

  Taxes payable                                          549,835,380.19    349,142,692.10

  Other payables                                     1,794,127,565.68     1,396,599,161.14

     Including: Interest payable

                  Dividends payable
  Handling charges and commissions
  Reinsurance payables
  Liabilities directly associated with
assets held for sale
  Current      portion      of     non-current
  Other current liabilities                              675,219,788.39    320,792,383.03

Total current liabilities                            6,154,147,078.53     4,487,723,834.75

Non-current liabilities:

  Insurance contract reserve

  Long-term borrowings                                   150,125,972.22     60,117,638.89

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

                 Perpetual bonds

  Lease liabilities                                       47,677,911.46              0.00

  Long-term payables
  Long-term           employee          benefits


  Deferred income                                         95,344,263.32     75,111,997.53

  Deferred income tax liabilities                        159,346,410.21    114,821,451.24

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                         452,494,557.21                             250,051,087.66

Total liabilities                                                6,606,641,635.74                              4,737,774,922.41

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                                       528,600,000.00                             503,600,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                               6,224,747,667.10                              1,295,405,592.25

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income                                             477,971.52                                         0.00

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                                    256,902,260.27                             256,902,260.27

  General reserve

  Retained earnings                                              8,610,783,989.67                              7,987,380,161.21
Total equity attributable to owners of
                                                                15,621,511,888.56                             10,043,288,013.73
the Company as the parent

Non-controlling interests                                             546,196,324.69                             405,562,772.65

Total owners’ equity                                           16,167,708,213.25                             10,448,850,786.38

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                           22,774,349,848.99                             15,186,625,708.79

Legal representative: Liang Jinhui                                           The Company’s chief accountant: Zhu Jiafeng

Head of the Company’s financial department: Zhu Jiafeng

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                     Item                              30 June 2021                              31 December 2020

Current assets:

  Monetary assets                                                8,863,352,312.80                              4,287,808,756.66

  Held-for-trading financial assets                                   209,115,157.91                             203,877,915.51

  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable

  Accounts receivable                                                   1,179,822.50                                 494,976.27

  Accounts receivable financing                                  1,171,454,770.74                              1,399,214,331.97

  Prepayments                                    65,827,793.88       11,737,580.47

  Other receivables                             278,778,850.21     141,378,010.40

     Including: Interest receivable

                 Dividends receivable

  Inventories                                3,197,095,753.40     2,976,360,208.66

  Contract assets

  Assets held for sale

  Current portion of non-current assets

  Other current assets                           10,395,729.97        9,734,249.41

Total current assets                        13,797,200,191.41     9,030,606,029.35

Non-current assets:

  Investments in debt obligations

  Investments in other debt obligations

  Long-term receivables

  Long-term equity investments               1,312,692,241.38     1,118,213,665.32

  Investments in other equity

  Other non-current financial assets

  Investment property                             4,234,372.30        4,392,943.54

  Fixed assets                               1,250,097,272.57     1,322,818,855.86

  Construction in progress                      211,265,074.95     139,865,487.21

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Right-of-use assets                            46,286,878.62               0.00

  Intangible assets                             403,977,549.81     369,163,089.18

  Development costs


  Long-term prepaid expense                      46,153,493.43      44,072,241.78

  Deferred income tax assets                     24,343,790.14      30,716,488.80

  Other non-current assets                                              75,999.80

Total non-current assets                     3,299,050,673.20     3,029,318,771.49

Total assets                                17,096,250,864.61    12,059,924,800.84

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Held-for-trading financial liabilities

  Derivative financial liabilities

  Notes payable                                                  0.00         74,535.60

  Accounts payable                                     358,440,748.35    397,554,006.51

  Advances from customers

  Contract liabilities                             1,169,598,913.91     1,130,074,436.39

  Employee benefits payable                             88,167,585.28    127,974,331.78

  Taxes payable                                        336,741,977.34    200,876,134.49

  Other payables                                       441,176,218.39    524,000,730.59

     Including: Interest payable

                    Dividends payable
  Liabilities directly associated with
assets held for sale
  Current      portion      of   non-current
  Other current liabilities                            161,917,575.75    160,738,917.51

Total current liabilities                          2,556,043,019.02     2,541,293,092.87

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

  Bonds payable

     Including: Preferred shares

                    Perpetual bonds

  Lease liabilities                                     43,739,404.14              0.00

  Long-term payables
  Long-term          employee         benefits


  Deferred income                                       29,654,139.35     31,601,732.51

  Deferred income tax liabilities                       18,296,746.56     19,407,895.89

  Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                           91,690,290.05     51,009,628.40

Total liabilities                                  2,647,733,309.07     2,592,302,721.27

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                        528,600,000.00    503,600,000.00

  Other equity instruments

     Including: Preferred shares

                 Perpetual bonds

  Capital reserves                                     6,176,504,182.20                 1,247,162,107.35

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other comprehensive income

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                                          251,800,000.00               251,800,000.00

  Retained earnings                                    7,491,613,373.34                 7,465,059,972.22

Total owners’ equity                                 14,448,517,555.54                 9,467,622,079.57

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                 17,096,250,864.61             12,059,924,800.84

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                     Item                        H1 2021                      H1 2020

1. Revenue                                                 7,007,496,467.74             5,519,621,000.62

  Including: Operating revenue                             7,007,496,467.74             5,519,621,000.62

              Interest income

              Insurance premium income
              Handling       charge       and
commission income
2. Costs and expenses                                      5,170,893,817.52             4,162,705,858.66

  Including: Cost of sales                                 1,653,818,347.31             1,313,925,592.48

              Interest expense
              Handling       charge       and
commission expense


              Net insurance claims paid
              Net amount provided as
insurance contract reserve
              Expenditure       on      policy
              Reinsurance            premium

              Taxes and surcharges                         1,069,811,252.05              887,997,040.72

              Selling expense                              2,028,265,595.93             1,618,049,637.27

              Administrative expense                        467,727,393.70               395,687,673.15

                 R&D expense                                19,961,346.26     15,254,382.98

                 Finance costs                             -68,690,117.73     -68,208,467.94
                   Including:             Interest
                                                             4,457,905.49     28,973,275.97
                                                            72,689,006.99     96,891,173.45

Add: Other income                                           34,701,412.82     14,974,353.66

         Return on investment (“-” for loss)              -5,122,111.50     18,485,972.20
            Including: Share of profit or loss
                                                                60,287.04         -53,631.34
of joint ventures and associates
              Income          from            the
derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost (“-” for loss)
         Exchange gain (“-” for loss)

         Net gain on exposure hedges (“-”
for loss)

         Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
                                                             5,237,242.40      -3,596,160.61
for loss)
         Credit impairment loss (“-” for
                                                             1,945,965.69       -388,444.57
         Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)              2,464,519.26      -5,693,185.77
         Asset disposal income (“-” for
                                                             1,014,902.90         77,867.25

3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                   1,876,844,581.79     1,380,775,544.12

Add: Non-operating income                                   25,707,115.31     20,575,161.54

Less: Non-operating expense                                  3,255,078.91     24,273,656.49

4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                  1,899,296,618.19     1,377,077,049.17

Less: Income tax expense                                   478,730,726.66    370,635,522.24

5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                     1,420,565,891.53     1,006,441,526.93

  5.1 By operating continuity

        5.1.1 Net profit from continuing
                                                       1,420,565,891.53     1,006,441,526.93
operations (“-” for net loss)

        5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)

  5.2 By ownership
        5.2.1 Net profit attributable to
                                                       1,378,803,828.46     1,024,936,604.36
owners of the Company as the parent
        5.2.1 Net profit attributable to
                                                            41,762,063.07     -18,495,077.43
non-controlling interests
6. Other comprehensive income, net of
                                                                  796,619.20               0.00
  Attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                  477,971.52               0.00
as the parent
      6.1     Items     that       will     not   be
                                                                  477,971.52               0.00
reclassified to profit or loss
         6.1.1    Changes            caused       by
remeasurements          on        defined    benefit
         6.1.2        Other         comprehensive
income that will not be reclassified to
profit or loss under the equity method
         6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of
                                                                  477,971.52               0.00
investments in other equity instruments
         6.1.4 Changes in the fair value
arising from changes in own credit risk
         6.1.5 Other
      6.2 Items that will be reclassified to
profit or loss
         6.2.1        Other         comprehensive
income that will be reclassified to profit
or loss under the equity method
         6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other debt obligations
         6.2.3        Other         comprehensive
income arising from the reclassification
of financial assets
         6.2.4         Credit             impairment
allowance for investments in other debt
         6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow
         6.2.6 Differences arising from the
translation                  of              foreign
currency-denominated                        financial
         6.2.7 Other

  Attributable          to         non-controlling
                                                                  318,647.68               0.00
7. Total comprehensive income                                1,421,362,510.73   1,006,441,526.93
  Attributable to owners of the Company
                                                             1,379,281,799.98   1,024,936,604.36
as the parent

                                                        ~ 10 ~
  Attributable          to     non-controlling
                                                                        42,080,710.75                              -18,495,077.43
8. Earnings per share

  8.1 Basic earnings per share                                                   2.74                                        2.04

  8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                                 2.74                                        2.04

Legal representative: Liang Jinhui                                            The Company’s chief accountant: Zhu Jiafeng

Head of the Company’s financial department: Zhu Jiafeng

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                     Item                                  H1 2021                                     H1 2020

1. Operating revenue                                                 3,596,233,135.46                            3,297,117,172.49

Less: Cost of sales                                                  1,388,312,451.57                            1,317,059,263.62

        Taxes and surcharges                                           912,790,380.44                             826,730,898.61

        Selling expense                                                 26,922,520.17                              22,901,348.42

        Administrative expense                                         274,336,727.36                             287,708,363.27

        R&D expense                                                     12,595,670.28                               9,137,959.37

        Finance costs                                                  -33,519,413.78                              -44,796,771.26

          Including: Interest expense                                    1,102,140.59                              28,288,982.29

                        Interest income                                 34,468,139.72                              73,155,252.32

Add: Other income                                                        4,448,910.21                                4,622,731.11

         Return on investment (“-” for
                                                                        -3,772,871.47                              12,434,590.21
            Including: Share of profit or
loss of joint ventures and associates
              Income          from         the
derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost (“-” for loss)

         Net gain on exposure hedges (“-”
for loss)

         Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
                                                                         5,237,242.40                               -3,596,160.61
for loss)
         Credit impairment loss (“-” for
                                                                         1,815,211.93                                 540,745.12
         Asset impairment loss (“-” for
                                                                         2,968,599.03                               -5,693,185.77

                                                              ~ 11 ~
         Asset disposal income (“-” for
                                                            1,217,988.71        60,176.99
2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                  1,026,709,880.23     886,745,007.51

Add: Non-operating income                                  17,347,810.40    15,201,396.26

Less: Non-operating expense                                 1,424,712.54    20,488,855.01

3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                 1,042,632,978.09     881,457,548.76

Less: Income tax expense                                  260,679,576.97   232,611,329.35

4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                        781,953,401.12   648,846,219.41

  4.1 Net        profit   from continuing
                                                          781,953,401.12   648,846,219.41
operations (“-” for net loss)

  4.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)
5. Other comprehensive income, net of
  5.1 Items that will not be reclassified
to profit or loss
        5.1.1    Changes       caused      by
remeasurements on defined benefit
        5.1.2 Other comprehensive income
that will not be reclassified to profit or
loss under the equity method
        5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other equity instruments
        5.1.4 Changes in the fair value
arising from changes in own credit risk
        5.1.5 Other
  5.2 Items that will be reclassified to
profit or loss
        5.2.1 Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method
        5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other debt obligations
        5.2.3 Other comprehensive income
arising from the reclassification of
financial assets
        5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance
for      investments      in      other   debt
        5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges

                                                 ~ 12 ~
     5.2.6 Differences arising from the
translation                of               foreign
currency-denominated                    financial
     5.2.7 Other

6. Total comprehensive income                                     781,953,401.12              648,846,219.41

7. Earnings per share

    7.1 Basic earnings per share                                            1.55                        1.29

    7.2 Diluted earnings per share                                          1.55                        1.29

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                        Item                          H1 2021                      H1 2020

1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Proceeds from sale of commodities
                                                                8,064,793,672.94             6,336,568,642.45
and rendering of services
  Net increase in customer deposits and
interbank deposits
  Net increase in borrowings from the
central bank
  Net increase in loans from other
financial institutions
  Premiums          received       on    original
insurance contracts
  Net proceeds from reinsurance
  Net        increase      in     deposits     and
investments of policy holders
  Interest,        handling       charges      and
commissions received
  Net increase in interbank loans
  Net      increase      in     proceeds      from
repurchase transactions
  Net proceeds from acting trading of
  Tax rebates                                                       3,388,614.96                3,020,222.21
  Cash generated from other operating
                                                                1,598,870,662.08             1,323,750,535.31
Subtotal      of    cash        generated     from
                                                                9,667,052,949.98             7,663,339,399.97
operating activities

                                                         ~ 13 ~
  Payments          for        commodities     and
                                                          1,273,004,707.79      733,871,614.50
  Net increase in loans and advances to
  Net increase in deposits in the central
bank and in interbank loans granted
  Payments for claims on original
insurance contracts

  Net increase in interbank loans
  Interest,        handling        charges     and
commissions paid

  Policy dividends paid

  Cash paid to and for employees                          1,492,074,698.56     1,250,084,349.76

  Taxes paid                                              2,121,640,018.53     1,853,009,320.89
  Cash       used      in       other   operating
                                                          4,516,366,392.84     1,484,736,014.18
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                          9,403,085,817.72     5,321,701,299.33
Net    cash        generated       from/used    in
                                                              263,967,132.26   2,341,638,100.64
operating activities
2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestment                                 396,849,809.53    309,070,000.00

  Return on investment                                          1,258,176.12     18,539,603.54
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                       1,570,219.30         92,400.01
long-lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal      of     cash       generated    from
                                                              399,678,204.95    327,702,003.55
investing activities
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                           285,092,874.96    220,906,338.24
long-lived assets

  Payments for investments                                    404,900,000.00     44,800,000.00

  Net increase in pledged loans granted

  Net payments for the acquisition of
                                                               65,186,333.10              0.00
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash       used         in    other   investing

                                                     ~ 14 ~
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                                  755,179,208.06               265,706,338.24
Net    cash        generated     from/used       in
                                                                  -355,501,003.11               61,995,665.31
investing activities

3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received                                4,962,827,169.81                         0.00
      Including: Capital contributions by
                                                                    5,280,000.00                         0.00
non-controlling interests to subsidiaries
  Borrowings raised                                               130,330,000.00                50,094,500.00
  Cash generated from other financing
Subtotal      of     cash      generated       from
                                                                5,093,157,169.81                50,094,500.00
financing activities
  Repayment of borrowings                                         228,437,703.59

  Interest and dividends paid                                     759,464,406.09                   290,708.33
      Including:       Dividends        paid    by
subsidiaries to non-controlling interests
  Cash       used      in     other     financing
                                                                    8,235,784.88                         0.00
Subtotal of cash used in financing
                                                                  996,137,894.56                   290,708.33
Net    cash        generated     from/used       in
                                                                4,097,019,275.25                49,803,791.67
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                4,005,485,404.40              2,453,437,557.62
Add: Cash           and     cash      equivalents,
                                                                5,636,903,693.74              2,944,749,918.09
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                                9,642,389,098.14              5,398,187,475.71

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                       Item                           H1 2021                       H1 2020

1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Proceeds from sale of commodities
                                                                7,096,307,729.01              3,777,524,502.26
and rendering of services
  Tax rebates                                                               0.00

                                                         ~ 15 ~
  Cash generated from other operating
                                                          2,341,213,371.64       936,783,738.07
Subtotal      of     cash       generated    from
                                                          9,437,521,100.65      4,714,308,240.33
operating activities
  Payments          for        commodities     and
                                                          1,352,698,829.10      1,149,042,873.79

  Cash paid to and for employees                              501,300,793.46     450,118,968.16

  Taxes paid                                              1,342,951,770.60      1,415,720,556.26
  Cash       used      in       other   operating
                                                          7,545,117,742.35       508,102,703.30
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                        10,742,069,135.51       3,522,985,101.51
Net    cash        generated       from/used    in
                                                         -1,304,548,034.86      1,191,323,138.82
operating activities
2. Cash flows from investing activities:

  Proceeds from disinvestment                                 386,849,809.53     276,900,000.00

  Return on investment                                            438,267.56      12,434,590.21
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                        1,475,459.30         68,000.00
long-lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
                                                                 3,123,346.37              0.00
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal      of     cash       generated    from
                                                              391,886,882.76     289,402,590.21
investing activities
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other                           203,961,053.06     160,840,403.43
long-lived assets
  Payments for investments                                    394,900,000.00      21,800,000.00
  Net payments for the acquisition of
                                                              205,920,000.00               0.00
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash       used         in    other   investing
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                              804,781,053.06     182,640,403.43
Net    cash        generated       from/used    in
                                                              -412,894,170.30    106,762,186.78
investing activities
3. Cash flows from financing activities:

  Capital contributions received                          4,957,547,169.81                 0.00

  Borrowings raised

                                                     ~ 16 ~
  Cash generated from other financing
Subtotal      of     cash      generated    from
                                                         4,957,547,169.81                0.00
financing activities

  Repayment of borrowings

  Interest and dividends paid                                755,225,623.63              0.00
  Cash       used      in    other     financing
                                                               7,335,784.88              0.00
Subtotal of cash used in financing
                                                             762,561,408.51              0.00
Net    cash        generated     from/used     in
                                                         4,194,985,761.30                0.00
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                         2,477,543,556.14     1,298,085,325.60
Add: Cash           and     cash     equivalents,
                                                         4,087,808,756.66     2,079,818,830.20
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                         6,565,352,312.80     3,377,904,155.80

                                                    ~ 17 ~
7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

H1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                              H1 2021

                                                                Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

                                     Other equity
      Item                                                                                                                      Gener
                                     instruments                              Less:      Other      Specifi                                                                          Non-controlli   Total owners’
                                                               Capital                                          Surplus           al       Retained        Othe
                Share capital                                                 Treasur comprehensi     c                                                              Subtotal         ng interests      equity
                                Preferre             Othe     reserves                                          reserves        reserv     earnings         r
                                             al                               y stock   ve income reserve
                                d shares              r                                                                           e
1. Balance as
at the end of 503,600,000.                                  1,295,405,592.                                    256,902,260.               7,987,380,161.           10,043,288,013. 405,562,772. 10,448,850,786.
the period of             00                                             25                                                27                         21                        73              65               38
prior year
for change in

correction of


                                                                                                     ~ 18 ~
for business
2. Balance as
at               the
beginning of 503,600,000.             1,295,405,592.                         256,902,260.   7,987,380,161.   10,043,288,013. 405,562,772. 10,448,850,786.
the                             00               25                                   27               21                73            65               38
3.       Increase/
decrease          in
                       25,000,000.0   4,929,342,074.                                        623,403,828.4    5,578,223,874.8 140,633,552. 5,718,857,426.8
the        period                                      477,971.52
                                 0               85                                                     6                 3            04                7
(“-”           for
     3.1     Total
                                                                                            1,378,803,828.   1,379,281,799.9 42,080,710.7 1,421,362,510.7
comprehensi                                            477,971.52
                                                                                                       46                 8             5                3
ve income
                       25,000,000.0   4,929,342,074.                                                         4,954,342,074.8 98,552,841.2 5,052,894,916.1
                                 0               85                                                                       5             9                4
and reduced
by owners
                       25,000,000.0   4,929,342,074.                                                         4,954,342,074.8                4,954,342,074.8
                                 0               85                                                                       5                              5

                                                                    ~ 19 ~
increased by
increased by
holders of
other equity
included in

       3.2.4                                                   98,552,841.2
Other                                                                    9

 3.3      Profit            -755,400,000.0
                                             -755,400,000.00                  -755,400,000.00
distribution                            0
n to surplus
n to general

       3.3.3                -755,400,000.0
                                             -755,400,000.00                  -755,400,000.00
Appropriatio                            0

                   ~ 20 ~
n to owners
Increase        in
capital        (or
share capital)
from capital
Increase        in
capital        (or
share capital)
from surplus
Loss       offset
by        surplus
Changes         in

                     ~ 21 ~
transferred to
ve         income
transferred to
Increase       in
the period
Used in the
     3.6 Other

4. Balance as
at the end of 528,600,000.   6,224,747,667.                         256,902,260.   8,610,783,989.   15,621,511,888. 546,196,324. 16,167,708,213.
the                    00               10                                   27               67                56            69             25
                                                           ~ 22 ~

H1 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                      H1 2020

                                                            Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

      Item                           Other equity                                                                          Gener
                                                                          Less:       Other     Specifi                                                                        Non-controlli Total owners’
                                     instruments           Capital                                          Surplus          al       Retained        Othe
                Share capital                                             Treasur comprehensi     c                                                            Subtotal         ng interests        equity
                                Preferre Perpetu Othe     reserves                                         reserves        reserv     earnings         r
                                                                          y stock   ve income   reserve
                                d shares al bonds   r                                                                        e

1. Balance as
at the end of 503,600,000.                              1,295,405,592.                                    256,902,260.              6,888,203,911.           8,944,111,764. 488,042,947.3 9,432,154,711.
the period of              00                                        25                                               27                         92                       44                   0             74
prior year
for change in

correction of

for business
                                                                                                ~ 23 ~
2. Balance as
at               the
beginning of 503,600,000.   1,295,405,592.            256,902,260.   6,888,203,911.   8,944,111,764. 488,042,947.3 9,432,154,711.
the                    00              25                      27               92               44               0               74
3.       Increase/
decrease          in
the        period                                                    269,536,604.36   269,536,604.36                   251,041,526.93
(“-”           for
     3.1     Total
                                                                     1,024,936,604.   1,024,936,604. -18,495,077.4 1,006,441,526.
                                                                                36               36               3               93
ve income
     3.2 Capital
and reduced
by owners
increased by

                                             ~ 24 ~
increased by
holders of
other equity
included in
 3.3      Profit            -755,400,000.0   -755,400,000.0   -755,400,000.0
distribution                            0                0                0
n to surplus
n to general
                            -755,400,000.0   -755,400,000.0   -755,400,000.0
n to owners
                                        0                0                0

                   ~ 25 ~
Increase       in
capital        (or
share capital)
from capital
Increase       in
capital        (or
share capital)
from surplus
Loss      offset
by       surplus
Changes        in
transferred to

                     ~ 26 ~
ve         income
transferred to
Increase       in
the period
Used in the
     3.6 Other

4. Balance as
at the end of
                    503,600,000.   1,295,405,592.            256,902,260.   7,157,740,516.   9,213,648,368. 469,547,869.8 9,683,196,238.
                             00               25                      27               28               80             7             67

                                                    ~ 27 ~
8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

H1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                         H1 2021

                                              Other equity instruments                        Less:       Other
          Item                                                                                                        Specific      Surplus        Retained                 Total owners’
                              Share capital Preferred Perpetual           Capital reserves   Treasury comprehensive                                                Other
                                                                  Other                                               reserve       reserves        earnings                   equity
                                              shares   bonds                                  stock      income

1. Balance as at the
end of the period of 503,600,000.00                                       1,247,162,107.35                                       251,800,000.00 7,465,059,972.22           9,467,622,079.57
prior year
Add: Adjustment for
change in accounting
  Adjustment            for
correction of previous
  Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the
beginning        of     the 503,600,000.00                                1,247,162,107.35                                       251,800,000.00 7,465,059,972.22           9,467,622,079.57
Reporting Period
3. Increase/ decrease
in the period (“-” for 25,000,000.00                                    4,929,342,074.85                                                        26,553,401.12            4,980,895,475.97
  3.1                 Total
                                                                                                                                                 781,953,401.12             781,953,401.12
comprehensive income
  3.2             Capital
                              25,000,000.00                               4,929,342,074.85                                                                                 4,954,342,074.85
increased and reduced

                                                                                                ~ 28 ~
by owners
     3.2.1 Ordinary
shares increased by          25,000,000.00   4,929,342,074.85                              4,954,342,074.85
     3.2.2 Capital
increased by holders of
other equity
     3.2.3 Share-based
payments included in
owners’ equity
     3.2.4 Other
  3.3              Profit
                                                                         -755,400,000.00   -755,400,000.00
Appropriation           to
surplus reserves
Appropriation           to
                                                                         -755,400,000.00   -755,400,000.00
owners                 (or
     3.3.3 Other
  3.4 Transfers within
owners’ equity
     3.4.1 Increase in
capital      (or     share
capital) from capital

                                                                ~ 29 ~
     3.4.2 Increase in
capital      (or    share
capital) from surplus
     3.4.3 Loss offset
by surplus reserves
     3.4.4 Changes in
defined            benefit
schemes transferred to
retained earnings
     3.4.5          Other
comprehensive income
transferred to retained
     3.4.6 Other

  3.5 Specific reserve
     3.5.1 Increase in
the period
     3.5.2 Used in the

  3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the
end of the Reporting 528,600,000.00   6,176,504,182.20                      251,800,000.00 7,491,613,373.34   14,448,517,555.54

H1 2020
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

           Item                                                   H1 2020

                                                         ~ 30 ~
                                           Other equity instruments                       Less:       Other
                                                                                                                 Specific      Surplus        Retained                 Total owners’
                           Share capital Preferred Perpetual           Capital reserves Treasury comprehensive                                                Other
                                                               Other                                             reserve       reserves        earnings                    equity
                                          shares    bonds                                 stock       income
1. Balance as at the
end of the period of 503,600,000.00                                    1,247,162,107.35                                     251,800,000.00 6,397,131,020.62           8,399,693,127.97
prior year
Add: Adjustment for
change in accounting
  Adjustment         for
correction            of
previous error

  Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the
beginning     of    the 503,600,000.00                                 1,247,162,107.35                                     251,800,000.00 6,397,131,020.62           8,399,693,127.97
Reporting Period
3. Increase/ decrease
in the period (“-” for                                                                                                                   -106,553,780.59            -106,553,780.59
  3.1              Total
comprehensive                                                                                                                               648,846,219.41             648,846,219.41
  3.2            Capital
increased           and
reduced by owners
     3.2.1 Ordinary
shares increased by

                                                                                             ~ 31 ~
     3.2.2 Capital
increased by holders
of other equity
payments included in
owners’ equity
     3.2.4 Other
  3.3              Profit
                                     -755,400,000.00   -755,400,000.00
Appropriation         to
surplus reserves
Appropriation         to
                                     -755,400,000.00   -755,400,000.00
owners               (or

     3.3.3 Other
  3.4          Transfers
within owners’ equity
     3.4.1 Increase in
capital      (or   share
capital) from capital
     3.4.2 Increase in
capital      (or   share
capital) from surplus

                            ~ 32 ~
     3.4.3 Loss offset
by surplus reserves
     3.4.4 Changes in
defined         benefit
schemes      transferred
to retained earnings
     3.4.5        Other
income transferred to
retained earnings
     3.4.6 Other
  3.5          Specific
     3.5.1 Increase in
the period
     3.5.2 Used in
the period
  3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the
end of the Reporting 503,600,000.00   1,247,162,107.35            251,800,000.00 6,290,577,240.03   8,293,139,347.38

                                                         ~ 33 ~
                         Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited
                          Notes to Financial Statements for H1 2021
                    (Currency Unit Is RMB Unless Otherwise Stated)

1.1 Corporate Information
Authorized by document WGZGZ (1996) No.053 of Anhui Administrative Bureau of State-owned Property,
Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited (“the Company”) was established as a limited liability company with
net assets of RMB377,167,700 and state-owned shares of 155,000,000 shares and considered Anhui Gujing
Company as the only promoter. The registration place was Bozhou Anhui China. The Company was established
on 5 March 1996 by document of WZM (1996) No.42 of Anhui People’s Government. The Company set up
plenary session on 28 May 1996 and registered in Anhui on 30 May 1996 with business license of 14897271-1.
The Company has issued 60,000,000 domestic listed foreign shares (“B” shares) in June 1996 and 20,000,000
ordinary shares (“A shares) on September 1996, ordinary shares are listed in national and par value is RMB1.00
per share. Those A shares and B shares are listed in Shenzhen Stock exchange.
Headquarter of the Company is located in Gujing Bozhou Anhui. The Company and its subsidiaries (the Company)
specialize in producing and selling white spirit.
Registered capitals of the Company were RMB235,000,000 with stocks of 235,000,000, of which 155,000,000
shares were issued in China, B shares of 60,000,000 shares and A shares of 20,000,000 shares. The book value of
the stocks of the Company was of RMB1 per share.
On 29 May 2006, a shareholder meeting was held to discuss and approval a program of equity division of A share,
the program was implement in June 2006. After implementation, all shares are outstanding share, which include
147,000,000 shares with restrict condition on disposal, represent 62.55% of total equity, and 88,000,000 shares
without restrict condition on disposal, represent 37.45% of total equity.
The Company issued 
on 27 June 2007, 11,750,000 outstanding shares with restrict condition on disposal are listed in stock market on 29
June 2007. Up to that day, outstanding shares with restrict condition on disposal are 135,250,000, representing
57.55% of total equity, the share without restrict condition are 99,750,000, representing 42.45% of total equity.
The Company issued 
on 17 July 2008, 11,750,000 outstanding shares with restrict condition on disposal are listed in stock market on 18
July 2008. Up to that day, outstanding shares with restrict condition on disposal are 123,500,000, representing
52.55% of total equity, the share without restrict condition are 111,500,000, representing 47.45% of total equity.
The Company issued 
on 24 July 2009, 123,500,000 outstanding shares with restrict condition on disposal are listed in stock market on
                                                        ~ 34 ~
29 July 2009. Up to that day, the Company’s all shares are all tradable.
Approved by the CSRC Document Zheng-Jian-Xu-Ke [2011] No. 943, the Company privately offered 16,800,000
ordinary shares (A-shares) to special investors on 15 July 2011, with a par value of RMB1 and the price of
RMB75.00 per share, raising RMB1,260,000,000.00 in total, the net amount of raised funds stood at
RMB1,227,499,450.27 after deducting RMB32,500,549.73 of various issuance expenses. Certified Public
Accountants verified the raised capital upon its arrival and issued the Capital Verification Report Reanda-Yan-Zi
[2011] No. 1065. After private issuance, the share capital of the Company increased to RMB251.8 million.
Pursuant to the Resolution of The 2011 Annual General Meeting, the Company that considered 251,800,000
shares as base number on 31 December 2011 transferred capital reserve into share capital at a rate of “10 shares
for per 10 shares” accounting for 251,800,000 shares and implemented in the year of 2012. Upon the transference,
the registered capitals increased to RMB503,600,000.
In April 2016, the Company entered a strategic cooperation agreement with Wuhan Tianlong Yellow Crane Tower
Co., Ltd., creating a new age for cooperation related to Chinese famous spirit. As the only Chinese famous spirit
in Hubei Province, it features unique mellow taste, elegant appearance and tempting smell. Moreover, Yellow
Crane Tower White Spirit won the Golden Prize respectively in 1984 and 1989 National White Spirit Appraisal
Competition as one of the business card representing Hubei Province’s economy. At present, the Company has
established three major bases in Wuhan, Xianning and Suizhou, of which, Xianning Base has integrated
modernism, ecologism and high technology as a new spirit-making base, known as “the most beautiful chateau in
China”. In 2016, Yellow Crane Tower Spirit won “2015 Top 10 Star Product in Hubei Province”.
In January 2021, the Company and Mingguang Distillery signed a strategic cooperation agreement. The unique
mung bean flavor adds to the famous liquor family of Gujing. This makes Gujing become a famous Chinese liquor
maker with "three brands", "four flavors" and "three production areas".
By 30 June 2021, the Company issued 528,600,000 shares.
The Company is registered at Gujing Town, Bozhou City, Anhui Province.
The approved business of the Company including procurement of grain (operating with business license),
manufacture of distilled spirits, wine distilling facilities, packaging material, bottles, alcohol, grease (limited to
byproducts from wine manufacture), and research and development of high-tech, biotechnology development,
agricultural and sideline products deep processing, as well as sale of self-manufacturing products.
The Company as the parent and the final company as the parent is Anhui Gujing Company Co., Ltd in China.
Financial statement of the Company will be released on 27 August 2021 by the Board of Directors.
1.2 Scope of Consolidation and Changes Thereof
(1) Incorporated subsidiaries of the Company
                                                                     Proportion of Shareholding (or similar equity interest)
                        Name of Subsidiaries                                                  (%)

                                                                              Direct                      Indirect
                                                        ~ 35 ~
                                                                     Proportion of Shareholding (or similar equity interest)
                          Name of Subsidiaries                                                (%)

                                                                              Direct                      Indirect

Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd.                                                           100.00                -

Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd                                                            100.00                -

Bozhou Gujing Waste Reclamation Co., Ltd. (cancelled)                                   100.00                -

Anhui Jinyunlai Culture & Media Co., Ltd.                                               100.00                -

Anhui Ruisiweier Technology Co., Ltd.                                                   100.00                -

Shanghai Gujing Jinhao Hotel Management Co., Ltd.                                       100.00                -

Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd                                                            100.00                -

Anhui Yuanqing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.                                       100.00                -

Anhui Gujing Yunshang E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                              100.00                -

Anhui Zhenrui Construction Engineering Co., Ltd                                               -                       52.00

Anhui RunAnXinKe Testing Technology Co., Ltd.                                           100.00                -

Anhui Jiudao Culture Media Co., Ltd.                                                    100.00                             -

Anhui Jiuan Mechanical Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.                                   100.00

Anhui Jiuhao China Railway Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.                            52.00

Anhui Mingguang Wine Co., Ltd.                                                           60.00

Mingguang Tiancheng Ming Wine Sales Co., Ltd.                                                                         60.00

Fengyang Xiaogang Village Ming Wine Distillery Co., Ltd.                                                              42.00

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery Co., Ltd.                                                  51.00                             -

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Xianning)     Co., Ltd.                           -                                    51.00

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery (Suizhou)     Co., Ltd.                            -                                    51.00

Hubei Junlou Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.                                          -                                    51.00

Hubei Yellow Crane Tower Beverage Co., Ltd.                                      -                                    51.00

Wuhan Yashibo Technology Co., Ltd.                                               -                                    51.00

Hubei Xinjia Testing Technology Co., Ltd.                                        -                                    51.00

Wuhan Tianlong Jindi Technology Development Co., Ltd                             -                                    51.00

Xianning Junhe Sales Co., Ltd                                                    -                                    51.00

                                                                                 -                                    51.00
Wuhan Junya Sales Co., Ltd

                                                            ~ 36 ~
                                                                   Proportion of Shareholding (or similar equity interest)
                         Name of Subsidiaries                                               (%)

                                                                            Direct                      Indirect

                                                                               -                                    51.00
Suizhou Junhe Commercial Co., Ltd.

For details of the subsidiaries mentioned above, please refer to Note 7 INTEREST IN OTHER ENTITIES
(2) Change of the scope of consolidation

Compared with the previous period, the newly incorporated subsidiaries during the reporting period were Anhui

Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd., Mingguang Tiancheng Ming Wine Sales Co., Ltd., Fengyang Xiaogang Village

Ming Wine Distillery Co., Ltd., Anhui Jiuhao China Railway Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., Anhui Jiuan

Mechanical Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., and one subsidiary Bozhou Gujing Waste Reclamation Co., Ltd. was

2.1 Basis for Preparation
On the basis of continuous operations, the Company shall confirm and measure actual transactions and events in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its Application Guidelines and
Interpretation of the Standards, and prepare financial statements. Besides, the Company also discloses relevant
financial information in accordance with the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) Rules No. 15 on
the Compilation and Reporting of Corporate Information on Public Offerings -- General Provisions on Financial
Reports (2014 Revision).
2.2 Continuation
The Company has assessed its ability to continually operate for the next twelve months from the end of the
reporting period, and no any matters that may result in doubt on its ability as a going concern were noted.
Therefore, it is reasonable for the Company to prepare financial statements on the going concern basis.
3. Important Accounting Policies and Estimations
The following important accounting policies and estimates of the Company shall be formulated in accordance
with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. The business not mentioned shall be carried out in
accordance with the relevant accounting policies in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.
3.1 Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
The financial statements prepared by the Company are in compliance with in compliance with the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises, which factually and completely present the Company’s financial positions on
30 June 2021, changes of owners’ equity, business results and cash flows and other relevant information for H1
3.2 Fiscal Period
                                                      ~ 37 ~
The accounting year of the Company is from January 1 to December 31 in calendar year.
3.3 Operating Cycle
The normal operating cycle of the Company is one year.
3.4 Currency Used in Bookkeeping
The Company's functional currency is RMB, and its overseas subsidiaries are operated in the currency of the main
economic environment in which they operate.
3.5 Accounting Treatment of Business Combinations under and not under Common Control
(a) Business combinations under common control
The assets and liabilities that the Company obtains in a business combination under common control shall be
measured at their carrying amount of the acquired entity at the combination date. If the accounting policy adopted
by the acquired entity is different from that adopted by the acquiring entity, the acquiring entity shall, according to
accounting policy it adopts, adjust the relevant items in the financial statements of the acquired party based on the
principal of materiality. As for the difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained by the
acquiring entity and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it, the capital reserve (capital premium or
share premium) shall be adjusted. If the capital reserve (capital premium or share premium) is not sufficient to
absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.
For the accounting treatment of business combination under common control by step acquisitions, please refer to
Note 3.6 (6).
(b) Business combinations not under common control
The assets and liabilities that the Company obtains in a business combination not under common control shall be
measured at their fair value at the acquisition date. If the accounting policy adopted by the acquired entity is
different from that adopted by the acquiring entity, the acquiring entity shall, according to accounting policy it
adopts, adjust the relevant items in the financial statements of the acquired entity based on the principal of
materiality. The acquiring entity shall recognise the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair
value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquired entity as goodwill. The acquiring entity shall,
pursuant to the following provisions, treat the negative balance between the combination costs and the fair value
of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquired entity:
(i) It shall review the measurement of the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
it obtains from the acquired entity as well as the combination costs;
(ii) If, after the review, the combination costs are still less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets it
obtains from the acquired entity, the balance shall be recognised in profit or loss of the reporting period.
For the accounting treatment of business combination under the same control by step acquisitions, please refer to
Note 3.6 (f).
(c) Treatment of business combination related costs

                                                         ~ 38 ~
The intermediary costs such as audit, legal services and valuation consulting and other related management costs
that are directly attributable to the business combination shall be charged in profit or loss in the period in which
they are incurred. The costs to issue equity or debt securities for the consideration of business combination shall
be recorded as a part of the value of the respect equity or debt securities upon initial recognition.
3.6 Method of Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements
(a) Scope of consolidation
The scope of consolidated financial statements shall be determined on the basis of control. It not only includes
subsidiaries determined based on voting power (or similar) or other arrangement, but also structured entities under
one or several contract arrangements.
Control exists when the Company has all the following: power over the investee; exposure, or rights to variable
returns from the Company’s involvement with the investee; and the ability to use its power over the investee to
affect the amount of the investor’s returns. Subsidiaries are the entities that controlled by the Company (including
enterprise, a divisible part of the investee, and structured entity controlled by the enterprise). A structured entity
(sometimes called a Special Purpose Entity) is an entity that has been designed so that voting or similar rights are
not the dominant factor in deciding who controls the entity.
(b) Special requirement as the parent company is an investment entity
If the parent company is an investment entity, it should measure its investments in particular subsidiaries as
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss instead of consolidating those subsidiaries in its consolidated
and separate financial statements. However, as an exception to this requirement, if a subsidiary provides
investment-related services or activities to the investment entity, it should be consolidated.
The parent company is defined as investment entity when meets following conditions:
a. Obtains funds from one or more investors for the purpose of providing those investors with investment
management services;
b. Commits to its investors that its business purpose is to invest funds solely for returns from capital appreciation,
investment income or both; and
c. Measures and evaluates the performance of substantially all of its investments on a fair value basis.
If the parent company becomes an investment entity, it shall cease to consolidate its subsidiaries at the date of the
change in status, except for any subsidiary which provides investment-related services or activities to the
investment entity shall be continued to be consolidated. The deconsolidation of subsidiaries is accounted for as
though the investment entity partially disposed subsidiaries without loss of control.
When the parent company previously classified as an investment entity ceases to be an investment entity,
subsidiary that was previously measured at fair value through profit or loss shall be included in the scope of
consolidated financial statements at the date of the change in status. The fair value of the subsidiary at the date of
change represents the transferred deemed consideration in accordance with the accounting for business

                                                         ~ 39 ~
combination not under common control.
 (c) Method of preparing the consolidated financial statements
The consolidated financial statements shall be prepared by the Company based on the financial statements of the
Company and its subsidiaries, and using other related information.
When preparing consolidated financial statements, the Company shall consider the entire group as an accounting
entity, adopt uniform accounting policies and apply the requirements of Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprises related to recognition, measurement and presentation. The consolidated financial statements shall
reflect the overall financial position, operating results and cash flows of the group.
(i) Like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows of the parent are combined with those
of the subsidiaries.
(ii) The carrying amount of the parent’s investment in each subsidiary is eliminated (off-set) against the parent’s
portion of equity of each subsidiary.
(iii) Eliminate the impact of intragroup transactions between the Company and the subsidiaries or between
subsidiaries, and when intragroup transactions indicate an impairment of related assets, the losses shall be
recognised in full.
(iv) Make adjustments to special transactions from the perspective of the group.
(d) Method of preparation of the consolidated financial statements when subsidiaries are acquired or
disposed in the reporting period
(i) Acquisition of subsidiaries or business
Subsidiaries or business acquired through business combination under common control
When preparing consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of the consolidated balance
sheet shall be adjusted. Related items of comparative financial statements shall be adjusted as well, deeming that
the combined entity has always existed ever since the ultimate controlling party began to control.
Incomes, expenses and profits of the subsidiary incurred from the beginning of the reporting period to the end of
the reporting period shall be included into the consolidated statement of profit or loss. Related items of
comparative financial statements shall be adjusted as well, deeming that the combined entity has always existed
ever since the ultimate controlling party began to control.
Cash flows from the beginning of the reporting period to the end of the reporting period shall be included into the
consolidated statement of cash flows. Related items of comparative financial statements shall be adjusted as well,
deeming that the combined entity has always existed ever since the ultimate controlling party began to control.
Subsidiaries or business acquired through business combination not under common control
When preparing the consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of the consolidated
statements of financial position shall not be adjusted.
Incomes, expenses and profits of the subsidiary incurred from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting

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period shall be included into the consolidated statement of profit or loss.
Cash flows from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included into the consolidated
statement of cash flows.
(ii) Disposal of subsidiaries or business
When preparing the consolidated statements of financial position, the opening balance of the consolidated
statements of financial position shall not be adjusted.
Incomes, expenses and profits incurred from the beginning of the subsidiary to the disposal date shall be included
into the consolidated statement of profit or loss.
Cash flows from the beginning of the subsidiary to the disposal date shall be included into the consolidated
statement of cash flows.
(e) Special consideration in consolidation elimination
(i) Long-term equity investment held by the subsidiaries to the Company shall be recognised as treasury stock of
the Company, which is offset with the owner’s equity, represented as “treasury stock” under “owner’s equity” in
the consolidated statement of financial position.
Long-term equity investment held by subsidiaries between each other is accounted for taking long-term equity
investment held by the Company to its subsidiaries as reference. That is, the long-term equity investment is
eliminated (off- set) against the portion of the corresponding subsidiary’s equity.
(ii) Due to not belonging to paid-in capital (or share capital) and capital reserve, and being different from retained
earnings and undistributed profit, “Specific reserves” and “General risk provision” shall be recovered based on the
proportion attributable to owners of the parent company after long-term equity investment to the subsidiaries is
eliminated with the subsidiaries’ equity.
(iii) If temporary timing difference between the book value of the assets and liabilities in the consolidated
statement of financial position and their tax basis is generated as a result of elimination of unrealized
inter-company transaction profit or loss, deferred tax assets of deferred tax liabilities shall be recognised, and
income tax expense in the consolidated statement of profit or loss shall be adjusted simultaneously, excluding
deferred taxes related to transactions or events directly recognised in owner’s equity or business combination.
(iv) Unrealised inter-company transactions profit or loss generated from the Company selling assets to its
subsidiaries shall be eliminated against “net profit attributed to the owners of the parent company” in full.
Unrealized inter-company transactions profit or loss generated from the subsidiaries selling assets to the Company
shall be eliminated between “net profit attributed to the owners of the parent company” and “non-controlling
interests” pursuant to the proportion of the Company in the related subsidiaries. Unrealized inter-company
transactions profit or loss generated from the assets sales between the subsidiaries shall be eliminated between
“net profit attributed to the owners of the parent company” and “non-controlling interests” pursuant to the
proportion of the Company in the selling subsidiaries.

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(v) If loss attributed to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary in current period is more than the proportion of
non-controlling interest in this subsidiary at the beginning of the period, non-controlling interest is still to be
written down.
(f) Accounting for Special Transactions
(i) Purchasing of non-controlling interests
Where, the Company purchases non-controlling interests of its subsidiary, in the separate financial statements of
the Company, the cost of the long-term equity investment obtained in purchasing non-controlling interests is
measured at the fair value of the consideration paid. In the consolidated financial statements, difference between
the cost of the long-term equity investment newly obtained in purchasing non-controlling interests and share of
the subsidiary’s net assets from the acquisition date or combination date continuingly calculated pursuant to the
newly acquired shareholding proportion shall be adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share premium).
If capital reserve is not enough to be offset, surplus reserve and undistributed profit shall be offset in turn.
(ii) Gaining control over the subsidiary in stages through multiple transactions
Business combination under common control in stages through multiple transactions
On the combination date, in the separate financial statement, initial cost of the long-term equity investment is
determined according to the share of carrying amount of the acquiree’s net assets in the ultimate controlling
entity’s consolidated financial statements after combination. The difference between the initial cost of the
long-term equity investment and the carrying amount of the long -term investment held prior of control plus book
value of additional consideration paid at acquisition date is adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share
premium). If the capital reserve is not enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against
surplus reserve and undistributed profit in turn.
In the consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities acquired during the combination should be
recognized at their carrying amount in the ultimate controlling entity’s consolidated financial statements on the
combination date unless any adjustment is resulted from the difference in accounting policies. The difference
between the carrying amount of the investment held prior of control plus book value of additional consideration
paid on the acquisition date and the net assets acquired through the combination is adjusted into capital reserve
(capital premium or share premium). If the capital reserve is not enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall
be adjusted against retained earnings.
If the acquiring entity holds equity investment in the acquired entity prior to the combination date and the equity
investment is accounted for under the equity method, related profit or loss, other comprehensive income and other
changes in equity which have been recognised during the period from the later of the date of the Company
obtaining original equity interest and the date of both the acquirer and the acquiree under common control of the
same ultimate controlling party to the combination date should be offset against the opening balance of retained
earnings at the comparative financial statements period respectively.

                                                         ~ 42 ~
Business combination not under common control in stages through multiple transactions
On the consolidation date, in the separate financial statements, the initial cost of long-term equity investment is
determined according to the carrying amount of the original long-term investment plus the cost of new
In the consolidated financial statements, the equity interest of the acquired entity held prior to the acquisition date
shall be re-measured at its fair value on the acquisition date. Difference between the fair value of the equity
interest and its book value is recognised as investment income. The other comprehensive income related to the
equity interest held prior to the acquisition date calculated through equity method, should be transferred to
current investment income of the acquisition period, excluding other comprehensive income resulted from the
remeasurement of the net assets or net liabilities under defined benefit plan. The Company shall disclose
acquisition-date fair value of the equity interest held prior to the acquisition date, and the related gains or losses
due to the remeasurement based on fair value.
(iii) Disposal of investment in subsidiaries without a loss of control
For partial disposal of the long-term equity investment in the subsidiaries without a loss of control, when the
Company prepares consolidated financial statements, difference between consideration received from the disposal
and the corresponding share of subsidiary’s net assets cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date or
combination date shall be adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share premium). If the capital reserve
is not enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be offset against retained earnings.
(iv) Disposal of investment in subsidiaries with a loss of control
Disposal through one transaction
If the Company loses control in an investee through partial disposal of the equity investment, when the
consolidated financial statements are prepared, the retained equity interest should be re-measured at fair value at
the date of loss of control. The difference between i) the fair value of consideration received from the disposal
plus non-controlling interest retained; ii) share of the former subsidiary’s net assets cumulatively calculated from
the acquisition date or combination date according to the original proportion of equity interest, shall be recognised
in current investment income when control is lost.
Moreover, other comprehensive income and other changes in equity related to the equity investment in the former
subsidiary shall be transferred into current investment income when control is lost, excluding other
comprehensive income resulted from the remeasurement of the movement of net assets or net liabilities under
defined benefit plan.
Disposal in stages
In the consolidated financial statements, whether the transactions should be accounted for as “a single transaction”
needs to be decided firstly.
If the disposal in stages should not be classified as “a single transaction”, in the separate financial statements, for

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transactions prior of the date of loss of control, carrying amount of each disposal of long-term equity investment
need to be recognized, and the difference between consideration received and the carrying amount of long-term
equity investment corresponding to the equity interest disposed should be recognized in current investment
income; in the consolidated financial statements, the disposal transaction should be accounted for according to
related policy in “Disposal of long-term equity investment in subsidiaries without a loss of control”.
If the disposal in stages should be classified as “a single transaction”, these transactions should be accounted for
as a single transaction of disposal of subsidiary resulting in loss of control. In the separate financial statements, for
each transaction prior of the date of loss of control, difference between consideration received and the carrying
amount of long-term equity investment corresponding to the equity interest disposed should be recognised as
other comprehensive income firstly, and transferred to profit or loss as a whole when control is lost; in the
consolidated financial statements, for each transaction prior of the date of loss of control, difference between
consideration received and proportion of the subsidiary’s net assets corresponding to the equity interest disposed
should be recognised in profit or loss as a whole when control is lost.
In considering of the terms and conditions of the transactions as well as their economic impact, the presence of
one or more of the following indicators may lead to account for multiple transactions as a single transaction:
(a) The transactions are entered into simultaneously or in contemplation of one another.
(b) The transactions form a single transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect.
(c) The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction.
(d) One transaction, when considered on its own merits, does not make economic sense, but when considered
together with the other transaction or transactions would be considered economically justifiable.
(v) Diluting equity share of parent company in its subsidiaries due to additional capital injection by the
subsidiaries’ minority shareholders.
Other shareholders (minority shareholders) of the subsidiaries inject additional capital in the subsidiaries, which
resulted in the dilution of equity interest of parent company in these subsidiaries. In the consolidated financial
statements, difference between share of the corresponding subsidiaries’ net assets calculated based on the parent’s
equity interest before and after the capital injection shall be adjusted into capital reserve (capital premium or share
premium). If the capital reserve is not enough to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against
retained earnings.
3.7 Classification of Joint Arrangements and Accounting for Joint Operation
A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. Joint arrangement of the
Company is classified as either a joint operation or a joint venture.
(a) Joint operation
A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights
to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement.

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The Company shall recognise the following items in relation to shared interest in a joint operation, and account
for them in accordance with relevant accounting standards of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises:
(i) its assets, including its share of any assets held jointly;
(ii) its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;
(iii) its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;
(iv) its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation; and
(v) its expenses, including its share of any expenses incurred jointly.
(b) Joint venture
A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to
the net assets of the arrangement.
The Company accounts for its investment in the joint venture by applying the equity method of long-term equity
3.8 Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash equivalents include
short-term (generally within three months of maturity at acquisition), highly liquid investments that are readily
convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.
3.9 Foreign Currency Transactions and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements
(a) Determination of the exchange rate for foreign currency transactions
At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction, the amount in the foreign currency shall be
translated into the amount in the functional currency at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date, or at an
exchange rate which is determined through a systematic and reasonable method and is approximate to the spot
exchange rate of the transaction date (hereinafter referred to as the approximate exchange rate).
(b) Translation of monetary items denominated in foreign currency on the balance sheet date
The foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The
balance of exchange arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the
spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or prior to the balance sheet date shall be recorded into the
profits and losses at the current period. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the historical cost
shall still be translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date; for the foreign currency non-monetary
items restated to a fair value measurement, shall be translated into the at the spot exchange rate at the date when
the fair value was determined, the difference between the restated functional currency amount and the original
functional currency amount shall be recorded into the profits and losses at the current period.
(c) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
Before translating the financial statements of foreign operations, the accounting period and accounting policy
shall be adjusted so as to conform to the Company. The adjusted foreign operation financial statements

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denominated in foreign currency (other than functional currency) shall be translated in accordance with the
following method:
(i) The asset and liability items in the statement of financial position shall be translated at the spot exchange rates
at the date of that statement of financial position. The owners’ equity items except undistributed profit shall be
translated at the spot exchange rates when they are incurred.
(ii) The income and expense items in the statement of profit and other comprehensive income shall be translated at
the spot exchange rates or approximate exchange rate at the date of transaction.
(iii)Foreign currency cash flows and cash flows of foreign subsidiaries shall be translated at the spot exchange rate
or approximate exchange rate when the cash flows are incurred. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is
presented separately in the statement of cash flows as an adjustment item.
(iv) The differences arising from the translation of foreign currency financial statements shall be presented
separately as “other comprehensive income” under the owners’ equity items of the consolidated statement of
financial position.
When disposing a foreign operation involving loss of control, the cumulative amount of the exchange differences
relating to that foreign operation recognised under other comprehensive income in the statement of financial
position, shall be reclassified into current profit or loss according to the proportion disposed.
3.10 Financial Instruments
Financial instrument is any contract which gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability
or equity instrument of another entity.
(a) Recognition and derecognition of financial instrument
A financial asset or a financial liability should be recognised in the statement of financial position when, and only
when, an entity becomes party to the contractual provisions of the instrument.
A financial asset can only be derecognised when meets one of the following conditions:
(i) The rights to the contractual cash flows from a financial asset expire
(ii) The financial asset has been transferred and meets one of the following derecognition conditions:
Financial liabilities (or part thereof) are derecognised only when the liability is extinguished—i.e., when the
obligation specified in the contract is discharged or cancelled or expires. An exchange of the Company (borrower)
and lender of debt instruments that carry significantly different terms or a substantial modification of the terms of
an existing liability are both accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the
recognition of a new financial liability.
Purchase or sale of financial assets in a regular-way shall be recognised and derecognised using trade date
accounting. A regular-way purchase or sale of financial assets is a transaction under a contract whose terms
require delivery of the asset within the time frame established generally by regulations or convention in the
market place concerned. Trade date is the date at which the entity commits itself to purchase or sell an asset.

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(b) Classification and measurement of financial assets
At initial recognition, the Company classified its financial asset based on both the business model for managing
the financial asset and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset: financial asset at amortised
cost, financial asset at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL) and financial asset at fair value through other
comprehensive income (FVTOCI). Reclassification of financial assets is permitted if, and only if, the objective of
the entity’s business model for managing those financial assets changes. In this circumstance, all affected
financial assets shall be reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after the changes in business
model; otherwise the financial assets cannot be reclassified after initial recognition.
Financial assets shall be measured at initial recognition at fair value. For financial assets measured at FVTPL,
transaction costs are recognised in current profit or loss. For financial assets not measured at FVTPL, transaction
costs should be included in the initial measurement. Notes receivable or accounts receivable that arise from sales
of goods or rendering of services are initially measured at the transaction price defined in the accounting standard
of revenue where the transaction does not include a significant financing component.
Subsequent measurement of financial assets will be based on their categories:
(i)Financial asset at amortised cost
The financial asset at amortised cost category of classification applies when both the following conditions are met:
the financial asset is held within the business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect
contractual cash flows, and the contractual term of the financial asset gives rise on specified dates to cash flows
that are solely payment of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. These financial assets are
subsequently measured at amortised cost by adopting the effective interest rate method. Any gain or loss arising
from derecognition according to the amortization under effective interest rate method or impairment are
recognised in current profit or loss.
(ii)Financial asset at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)
The financial asset at FVTOCI category of classification applies when both the following conditions are met: the
financial asset is held within the business model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash
flows and selling financial assets, and the contractual term of the financial asset gives rise on specified dates to
cash flows that are solely payment of principle and interest on the principal amount outstanding. All changes in
fair value are recognised in other comprehensive income except for gain or loss arising from impairment or
exchange differences, which should be recognised in current profit or loss. At derecognition, cumulative gain or
loss previously recognised under OCI is reclassified to current profit or loss. However, interest income calculated
based on the effective interest rate is included in current profit or loss.
The Company make an irrevocable decision to designate part of non-trading equity instrument investments as
measured through FVTOCI. All changes in fair value are recognised in other comprehensive income except for
dividend income recognised in current profit or loss. At derecognition, cumulative gain or loss are reclassified to

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retained earnings.
(iii)Financial asset at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)
Financial asset except for above mentioned financial asset at amortised cost or financial asset at fair value through
other comprehensive income (FVTOCI), should be classified as financial asset at fair value through profit or loss
(FVTPL). These financial assets should be subsequently measured at fair value. All the changes in fair value are
included in current profit or loss.
(c) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
The Company classified the financial liabilities as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL),
loan commitments at a below-market interest rate and financial guarantee contracts and financial asset at
amortised cost.
Subsequent measurement of financial assets will be based on the classification:
(i)Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL)
Held-for-trading financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and financial liabilities
designated at FVTPL are classified as financial liabilities at FVTP. After initial recognition, any gain or loss
(including interest expense) are recognised in current profit or loss except for those hedge accounting is applied.
For financial liability that is designated as at FVTPL, changes in the fair value of the financial liability that is
attributable to changes in the own credit risk of the issuer shall be presented in other comprehensive income. At
derecognition, cumulative gain or loss previously recognised under OCI is reclassified to retained earnings.
(ii)Loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts
Loan commitment is a commitment by the Company to provide a loan to customer under specified contract terms.
The provision of impairment losses of loan commitments shall be recognised based on expected credit losses
Financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the Company to make specified payments to reimburse the
holder for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make payment when due in accordance with the
original or modified terms of a debt instrument. Financial guarantee contracts liability shall be subsequently
measured at the higher of: The amount of the loss allowance recognised according to the impairment principles of
financial instruments; and the amount initially recognised less the cumulative amount of income recognised in
accordance with the revenue principles.
(iii)Financial liabilities at amortised cost
After initial recognition, the Company measured other financial liabilities at amortised cost using the effective
interest method.
Except for special situation, financial liabilities and equity instrument should be classified in accordance with the
following principles:
(i) If the Company has no unconditional right to avoid delivering cash or another financial instrument to fulfill a

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contractual obligation, this contractual obligation meet the definition of financial liabilities. Some financial
instruments do not comprise terms and conditions related to obligations of delivering cash or another financial
instrument explicitly, they may include contractual obligation indirectly through other terms and conditions.
(ii) If a financial instrument must or may be settled in the Company's own equity instruments, it should be
considered that the Company’s own equity instruments are alternatives of cash or another financial instrument, or
to entitle the holder of the equity instruments to sharing the remaining rights over the net assets of the issuer. If the
former is the case, the instrument is a liability of the issuer; otherwise, it is an equity instrument of the issuer.
Under some circumstances, it is regulated in the contract that the financial instrument must or may be settled in
the Company's own equity instruments, where, amount of contractual rights and obligations are calculated by
multiplying the number of the equity instruments to be available or delivered by its fair value upon settlement.
Such contracts shall be classified as financial liabilities, regardless that the amount of contractual rights and
liabilities is fixed, or fluctuate totally or partially with variables other than market price of the entity’s own equity
(d) Derivatives and embedded derivatives
At initial recognition, derivatives shall be measured at fair value at the date of derivative contracts are signed and
subsequently measured at fair value. The derivative with a positive fair value shall be recognized as an asset, and
with a negative fair value shall be recognised as a liability.
Gains or losses arising from the changes in fair value of derivatives shall be recognised directly into current profit
or loss except for the effective portion of cash flow hedges which shall be recognised in other comprehensive
income and reclassified into current profit or loss when the hedged items affect profit or loss.
An embedded derivative is a component of a hybrid contract with a financial asset as a host, the Company shall
apply the requirements of financial asset classification to the entire hybrid contract. If a host that is not a financial
asset and the hybrid contract is not measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognised in profit or loss,
and the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to the economic
characteristics and risks of the host, and a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative
would meet the definition of a derivative, the embedded derivative shall be separated from the hybrid instrument
and accounted for as a separate derivative instrument. If the Company is unable to measure the fair value of the
embedded derivative at the acquisition date or subsequently at the balance sheet date, the entire hybrid contract is
designated as financial assets or financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.
(e) Impairment of financial instrument
The Company shall recognise a loss allowance based on expected credit losses on a financial asset that is
measured at amortised cost, a debt investment at fair value through other comprehensive income, a contract asset,
a lease receivable, a loan commitment and a financial guarantee contract.
(i) Measurement of expected credit losses

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Expected credit losses are the weighted average of credit losses of the financial instruments with the respective
risks of a default occurring as the weights. Credit loss is the difference between all contractual cash flows that are
due to the Company in accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the Company expects to receive,
discounted at the original effective interest rate or credit- adjusted effective interest rate for purchased or
originated credit-impaired financial assets.
Lifetime expected credit losses are the expected credit losses that result from all possible default events over the
expected life of a financial instrument.
12-month expected credit losses are the portion of lifetime expected credit losses that represent the expected credit
losses that result from default events on a financial instrument that are possible within the 12 months after the
reporting date (or the expected lifetime, if the expected life of a financial instrument is less than 12 months).
At each reporting date, the Company classifies financial instruments into three stages and makes provisions for
expected credit losses accordingly. A financial instrument of which the credit risk has not significantly increased
since initial recognition is at stage 1. The Company shall measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument
at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses. A financial instrument with a significant increase in credit
risk since initial recognition but is not considered to be credit-impaired is at stage 2. The Company shall measure
the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses. A
financial instrument is considered to be credit-impaired as at the end of the reporting period is at stage 3. The
Company shall measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime
expected credit losses.
The Company may assume that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial
recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have low credit risk at the reporting date and measure the
loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit losses.
For financial instrument at stage 1, stage 2 and those have low credit risk, the interest revenue shall be calculated
by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset. For financial instrument at
stage 3, interest revenue shall be calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the amortised cost after
deducting of impairment loss.
For notes receivable, accounts receivable and accounts receivable financing, no matter it contains a significant
financing component or not, the Company shall measure the loss allowance at an amount equal to the lifetime
expected credit losses.
For the notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts receivable financing and long-term
receivables which are demonstrated to be impaired by any objective evidence, or applicable for individual
assessment, the Company shall individually assess for impairment and recognise the loss allowance for expected
credit losses. If the Company determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for notes receivable,

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accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts receivable financing and long-term receivables, or the expected
credit loss of a single financial asset cannot be assessed at reasonable cost, such notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, accounts receivable financing and long-term receivables shall be divided into
several groups with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively calculated the expected credit loss. The
determination basis of groups is as following:
Determination basis of notes receivable is as following:
Group 1: Commercial acceptance bills
Group 2: Bank acceptance bills
For each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and the lifetime expected
credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit losses and considering current condition and
expectation for the future economic situation.
Determination basis of accounts receivable is as following:
Group 1: Accounts receivables due from the company within the scope of consolidation
Group 2: Accounts receivables due from other customers
For each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through preparing an aging analysis schedule with
the lifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit losses and considering
current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.
Determination basis of other receivables is as following:
Group 1: Other receivables due from the company within the scope of consolidation
Group 2: Other receivables due from others
For each group, the Company calculates expected credit losses through default exposure and the 12-months or
lifetime expected credit losses rate, taking reference to historical experience for credit losses and considering
current condition and expectation for the future economic situation.
Debt investment and other debt investment
For debt investment and other debt investment, the Company shall calculate the expected credit loss through the
default exposure and the 12-month or lifetime expected credit loss rate based on the nature of the investment,
counterparty and the type of risk exposure.
(ii) Low credit risk
If the financial instrument has a low risk of default, the borrower has a strong capacity to meet its contractual cash
flow obligations in the near term and adverse changes in economic and business conditions in the longer term may,
but will not necessarily, reduce the ability of the borrower to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations.
(iii) Significant increase in credit risk
The Company shall assess whether the credit risk on a financial instrument has increased significantly since initial
recognition, using the change in the risk of a default occurring over the expected life of the financial instrument,

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through the comparison of the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the reporting date with
the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition.
To make that assessment, the Company shall consider reasonable and supportable information, that is available
without undue cost or effort, and that is indicative of significant increases in credit risk since initial recognition,
including forward-looking information. The information considered by the Company are as following:
     Significant changes in internal price indicators of credit risk as a result of a change in credit risk since
     Existing or forecast adverse change in the business, financial or economic conditions of the borrower that
     results in a significant change in the borrower’s ability to meet its debt obligations;
     An actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the borrower; An actual or expected
     significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological environment of the borrower;
     Significant changes in the value of the collateral supporting the obligation or in the quality of third-party
     guarantees or credit enhancements, which are expected to reduce the borrower’s economic incentive to make
     scheduled contractual payments or to otherwise have an effect on the probability of a default occurring;
     Significant change that are expected to reduce the borrower’s economic incentive to make scheduled
     contractual payments;
     Expected changes in the loan documentation including an expected breach of contract that may lead to
     covenant waivers or amendments, interest payment holidays, interest rate step-ups, requiring additional
     collateral or guarantees, or other changes to the contractual framework of the instrument;
     Significant changes in the expected performance and behaviour of the borrower;
     Contractual payments are more than 30 days past due.
Depending on the nature of the financial instruments, the Company shall assess whether the credit risk has
increased significantly since initial recognition on an individual financial instrument or a group of financial
instruments. When assessed based on a group of financial instruments, the Company can group financial
instruments on the basis of shared credit risk characteristics, for example, past due information and credit risk
Generally, the Company shall determine the credit risk on a financial asset has increased significantly since initial
recognition when contractual payments are more than 30 days past due. The Company can only rebut this
presumption if the Company has reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue cost or
effort, that demonstrates that the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition even though
the contractual payments are more than 30 days past due.
(iv) Credit-impaired financial asset
The Company shall assess at each reporting date whether the credit impairment has occurred for financial asset at
amortised cost and debt investment at fair value through other comprehensive income. A financial asset is

                                                         ~ 52 ~
credit-impaired when one or more events that have a detrimental impact on the estimated future cash flows of that
financial asset have occurred. Evidences that a financial asset is credit-impaired include observable data about the
following events:
Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or the borrower;a breach of contract, such as a default or past due
event; the lender(s) of the borrower, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the borrower’s financial
difficulty, having granted to the borrower a concession(s) that the lender(s) would not otherwise consider;it is
becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganisation;the disappearance of
an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties;the purchase or origination of a financial
asset at a deep discount that reflects the incurred credit losses.
(v) Presentation of impairment of expected credit loss
In order to reflect the changes of credit risk of financial instrument since initial recognition, the Company shall at
each reporting date remeasure the expected credit loss and recognise in profit or loss, as an impairment gain or
loss, the amount of expected credit losses addition (or reversal). For financial asset at amortised cost, the loss
allowance shall reduce the carrying amount of the financial asset in the statement of financial position; for debt
investment at fair value through other comprehensive income, the loss allowance shall be recognised in other
comprehensive income and shall not reduce the carrying amount of the financial asset in the statement of financial
(vi) Write-off
The Company shall directly reduce the gross carrying amount of a financial asset when the Company has no
reasonable expectations of recovering the contractual cash flow of a financial asset in its entirety or a portion
thereof. Such write-off constitutes a derecognition of the financial asset. This circumstance usually occurs when
the Company determines that the debtor has no assets or sources of income that could generate sufficient cash
flow to repay the write-off amount.
Recovery of financial asset written off shall be recognised in profit or loss as reversal of impairment loss.
(f) Transfer of financial assets
Transfer of financial assets refers to following two situations:
     Transfers the contractual rights to receive the cash flows of the financial asset;
     Transfers the entire or a part of a financial asset and retains the contractual rights to receive the cash flows of
     the financial asset, but assumes a contractual obligation to pay the cash flows to one or more recipients.
(i) Derecognition of transferred assets
If the Company transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset, or neither
transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset but has not retained
control of the financial asset, the financial asset shall be derecognised.
Whether the Company has retained control of the transferred asset depends on the transferee’s ability to sell the

                                                          ~ 53 ~
asset. If the transferee has the practical ability to sell the asset in its entirety to an unrelated third party and is able
to exercise that ability unilaterally and without needing to impose additional restrictions on the transfer, the
Company has not retained control.
The Company judges whether the transfer of financial asset qualifies for derecognition based on the substance of
the transfer.
If the transfer of financial asset qualifies for derecognition in its entirety, the difference between the following
shall be recognised in profit or loss:
     The carrying amount of transferred financial asset;
     The sum of consideration received and the part derecognised of the cumulative changes in fair value
     previously recognised in other comprehensive income (The financial assets involved in the transfer are
     classified as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance with Article 18
     of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial
If the transferred asset is a part of a larger financial asset and the part transferred qualifies for derecognition, the
previous carrying amount of the larger financial asset shall be allocated between the part that continues to be
recognised (For this purpose, a retained servicing asset shall be treated as a part that continues to be recognised)
and the part that is derecognised, based on the relative fair values of those parts on the date of the transfer. The
difference between following two amounts shall be recognised in profit or loss:
     The carrying amount (measured at the date of derecognition) allocated to the part derecognised;
     The sum of the consideration received for the part derecognised and part derecognised of the cumulative
     changes in fair value previously recognised in other comprehensive income (The financial assets involved in
     the transfer are classified as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income in accordance
     with Article 18 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22 - Recognition and Measurement
     of Financial Instruments).
(ii) Continuing involvement in transferred assets
If the Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a transferred
asset, and retains control of the transferred asset, the Company shall continue to recognise the transferred asset to
the extent of its continuing involvement and also recognise an associated liability.
The extent of the Company’s continuing involvement in the transferred asset is the extent to which it is exposed to
changes in the value of the transferred asset
(iii) Continue to recognise the transferred assets
If the Company retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the transferred financial asset, the
Company shall continue to recognise the transferred asset in its entirety and the consideration received shall be
recognised as a financial liability.

                                                           ~ 54 ~
The financial asset and the associated financial liability shall not be offset. In subsequent accounting period, the
Company shall continuously recognise any income (gain) arising from the transferred asset and any expense (loss)
incurred on the associated liability.
(g) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
Financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the statement of financial position and
shall not be offset. When meets the following conditions, financial assets and financial liabilities shall be offset
and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position:
The Company currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts; The Company intends
either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.
In accounting for a transfer of a financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition, the Company shall not
offset the transferred asset and the associated liability.
(h) Determination of fair value of financial instruments
Determination of financial assets and financial liabilities please refer to Note 3.11
3.11 Fair Value Measurement
Fair value refers to the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly
transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
The Company determines fair value of the related assets and liabilities based on market value in the principal
market, or in the absence of a principal market, in the most advantageous market price for the related asset or
liability. The fair value of an asset or a liability is measured using the assumptions that market participants would
use when pricing the asset or liability, assuming that market participants act in their economic best interest.
The principal market is the market in which transactions for an asset or liability take place with the greatest
volume and frequency. The most advantageous market is the market which maximizes the value that could be
received from selling the asset and minimizes the value which is needed to be paid in order to transfer a liability,
considering the effect of transport costs and transaction costs both.
If the active market of the financial asset or financial liability exists, the Company shall measure the fair value
using the quoted price in the active market. If the active market of the financial instrument is not available, the
Company shall measure the fair value using valuation techniques.
A fair value measurement of a non-financial asset takes into account a market participant’s ability to generate
economic benefits by using the asset in its highest and best use or by selling it to another market participant that
would use the asset in its highest and best use.
     Valuation techniques
The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are
available to measure fair value, including the market approach, the income approach and the cost approach. The
Company shall use valuation techniques consistent with one or more of those approaches to measure fair value. If

                                                             ~ 55 ~
multiple valuation techniques are used to measure fair value, the results shall be evaluated considering the
reasonableness of the range of values indicated by those results. A fair value measurement is the point within that
range that is most representative of fair value in the circumstances.
When using the valuation technique, the Company shall give the priority to relevant observable inputs. The
unobservable inputs can only be used when relevant observable inputs is not available or practically would not be
obtained. Observable inputs refer to the information which is available from market and reflects the assumptions
that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability. Unobservable Inputs refer to the information
which is not available from market and it has to be developed using the best information available in the
circumstances from the assumptions that market participants would use when pricing the asset or liability.
     Fair value hierarchy
To Company establishes a fair value hierarchy that categorises into three levels the inputs to valuation techniques
used to measure fair value. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to Level 1 inputs and second to the
Level 2 inputs and the lowest priority to Level 3 inputs. Level 1 inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active
markets for identical assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date. Level 2 inputs are
inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly
or indirectly. Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.
3.12 Inventories
(a) Classification of inventories
Inventories are finished goods or products held for sale in the ordinary course of business, in the process of
production for such sale, or in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the
rendering of services, including raw materials, work in progress, semi-finished goods, finished goods, goods in
stock, turnover material, etc.
(b) Measurement method of cost of inventories sold or used
Inventories are initially measured at the actual cost. Cost of inventories includes purchase cost, processing cost,
and other costs. Cost of the issue is measured using the weighted average method.
(c) Inventory system
The perpetual inventory system is adopted. The inventories should be counted at least once a year, and surplus or
losses of inventory stocktaking shall be included in current profit and loss.
(d) Provision for impairment of inventory
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value. The excess of cost over net realizable value of
the inventories is recognised as provision for impairment of inventory, and recognised in current profit or loss.
Net realizable value of the inventory should be determined on the basis of reliable evidence obtained, and factors
such as purpose of holding the inventory and impact of post balance sheet event shall be considered.
(i) In normal operation process, finished goods, products and materials for direct sale, their net realizable values

                                                         ~ 56 ~
are determined at estimated selling prices less estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges; for
inventories held to execute sales contract or service contract, their net realizable values are calculated on the basis
of contract price. If the quantities of inventories specified in sales contracts are less than the quantities held by the
Company, the net realizable value of the excess portion of inventories shall be based on general selling prices. Net
realizable value of materials held for sale shall be measured based on market price.
(ii) For materials in stock need to be processed, in the ordinary course of production and business, net realisable
value is determined at the estimated selling price less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated selling
expenses and relevant taxes. If the net realisable value of the finished products produced by such materials is
higher than the cost, the materials shall be measured at cost; if a decline in the price of materials indicates that the
cost of the finished products exceeds its net realisable value, the materials are measured at net realisable value and
differences shall be recognised at the provision for impairment.
(iii) Provisions for inventory impairment are generally determined on an individual basis. For inventories with
large quantity and low unit price, the provisions for inventory impairment are determined on a category basis.
(iv) If any factor rendering write-downs of the inventories has been eliminated at the reporting date, the amounts
written down are recovered and reversed to the extent of the inventory impairment, which has been provided for.
The reversal shall be included in profit or loss.
(e) Amortization method of low-value consumables
Low-value consumables: One-off writing off method is adopted

Package material: One-off writing off method is adopted

3.13 Contract assets and contract liabilities

Effective from 1 January 2020

Contract assets and contract liabilities are reocgnised on the basis of fulfilment of performance obligations and
payment received from clients. A right to receive a promised consideration from a client resulting from goods
transferred to or services provided to the client (where the right to consideration is dependent on factors other than
the passage of time) is reocgnised a contract asset. A payment received from a client for which goods shall be
transferred to or services shall be provided to the client is recognised as a contract liability.

See Note 3.10 for the determination method and accounting treatment method of impairment of contract assets.

Contract assets and contract liabilities are presentd as line items on the statement of financial position. A contract
asset and contract liability arising from one contract are presented in net; while the net amount is a debit balance,
it is presented in contract assets or other non-current assets depending on liquidity; while the net amount is a
credit balance, it is presented in contract liabilities or other non-current liabilities depending on liquidity. Contract
assets and contract liabilities arising form different contracts are not be offset.

3.14 Contract costs
                                                          ~ 57 ~
Effective at 1 January 2020

Costs for a contract include costs to fulfill the contract and costs to obtain the contract.

An asset is recognised for the costs incurred to fulfill a contract on if those costs meet all of the following criteria:

     I. the costs are directly associated with a contract or an anticipated contract, explicitly chargeable to the client
     under the contract, incurred only for the contract;
     II. the costs generate or enhance resouces of the Company that will be used in satisfying performance
     obligations in the future; and
     III. the costs are expected to be recovered.

An asset is recognised for the costs incurred to obtained a contract with a client if those costs are expected to be

An asset recognised for the costs of a contract are amortised on a systematic basis that is consistent with
recognition of revenue arising from the contract. Where the costs incurred to obtain a contract would be amortised
for a period less than one year should they be recognised as an asset, the costs are recognised in the current profit
or loss as incurred.

An impairment is recognised for an asset recognised for the costs of a contract to the extent that the carrying
amount of the asset exceeds:

    I. the remaining amount of consideration that is expected to be received in exchange for the goods or services
    to which the asset relates; less

    II. the costs that relate directly to providing those goods or services and that have not been recognised as

Upon recognition of the impairment, further consideration is given for provision for an onerous contract, in

A reversal of some or all of an impairment loss previously recognised for an asset for the costs of a contract when
the impairment conditions no longer exist or have improved. The increased carrying amount of the asset is
cappted by the amount that would have been determined (net of amortisation) if no impairment loss had been
recognised previously.

An asset recognised for the costs to fulfill a contract is presented in inventories if its amortisation is not longer
than 1 year or an operating cycle upon initial recognition; otherwise, it is presented in other non-current assets.

An asset recognised for the costs to obtain a contract is presented in other current assets if its amortisation is not

longer than 1 year or an operating cycle upon initial recognition; otherwise, it is presented in other non-current

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3.15 Long-term Equity Investments
Long-term equity investments refer to equity investments where an investor has control of, or significant influence
over, an investee, as well as equity investments in joint ventures. Associates of the Company are those entities
over which the Company has significant influence.
(a) Determination basis of joint control or significant influence over the investee
Joint control is the relevant agreed sharing of control over an arrangement, and the arranged relevant activity must
be decided under unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. In assessing whether the Company has joint
control of an arrangement, the Company shall assess first whether all the parties, or a group of the parties, control
the arrangement. When all the parties, or a group of the parties, considered collectively, are able to direct the
activities of the arrangement, the parties control the arrangement collectively. Then the Company shall assess
whether decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties that collectively
control the arrangement. If two or more groups of the parties could control the arrangement collectively, it shall
not be assessed as have joint control of the arrangement. When assessing the joint control, the protective rights are
not considered.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but
is not control or joint control of those policies. In determination of significant influence over an investee, the
Company should consider not only the existing voting rights directly or indirectly held but also the effect of
potential voting rights held by the Company and other entities that could be currently exercised or converted,
including the effect of share warrants, share options and convertible corporate bonds that issued by the investee
and could be converted in current period.
If the Company holds, directly or indirectly 20% or more but less than 50% of the voting power of the investee, it
is presumed that the Company has significant influence of the investee, unless it can be clearly demonstrated that
in such circumstance, the Company cannot participate in the decision-making in the production and operating of
the investee.
(b) Determination of initial investment cost
(i) Long-term equity investments generated in business combinations
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, if the Company makes payment in cash,
transfers non-cash assets or bears liabilities as the consideration for the business combination, the share of
carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controlling party is recognised as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment on the combination date. The
difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of cash paid, non-cash assets transferred
and liabilities assumed shall be adjusted against the capital reserve; if capital reserve is not enough to be offset,
undistributed profit shall be offset in turn.

                                                       ~ 59 ~
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, if the Company issues equity securities
as the consideration for the business combination, the share of carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the
acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party is recognised as the initial cost
of the long-term equity investment on the combination date. The total par value of the shares issued is recognised
as the share capital. The difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of the total par
value of the shares issued shall be adjusted against the capital reserve; if capital reserve is not enough to be offset,
undistributed profit shall be offset in turn.
For business combination not under common control, the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed and the fair
value of equity securities issued to obtain the control of the acquiree at the acquisition date shall be determined as
the cost of the business combination and recognised as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. The
audit, legal, valuation and advisory fees, other intermediary fees, and other relevant general administrative costs
incurred for the business combination, shall be recognised in profit or loss as incurred.
(ii) Long-term equity investments acquired not through the business combination, the investment cost shall be
determined based on the following requirements:
For long-term equity investments acquired by payments in cash, the initial cost is the actually paid purchase cost,
including the expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly related to the acquisition of long-term
equity investments.
For long-term equity investments acquired through issuance of equity securities, the initial cost is the fair value of
the issued equity securities.
For the long-term equity investments obtained through exchange of non-monetary assets, if the exchange has
commercial substance, and the fair values of assets traded out and traded in can be measured reliably, the initial
cost of long-term equity investment traded in with non-monetary assets are determined based on the fair values of
the assets traded out together with relevant taxes. Difference between fair value and book value of the assets
traded out is recorded in current profit or loss. If the exchange of non-monetary assets does not meet the above
criterion, the book value of the assets traded out and relevant taxes are recognised as the initial investment cost.
For long-term equity investment acquired through debt restructuring, the initial cost is determined based on the
fair value of the equity obtained and the difference between initial investment cost and carrying amount of debts
shall be recorded in current profit or loss.
(c) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
Long-term equity investment to an entity over which the Company has ability of control shall be accounted for at
cost method. Long-term equity investment to a joint venture or an associate shall be accounted for at equity
(i) Cost method
For Long-term equity investment at cost method, cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted when

                                                         ~ 60 ~
additional amount is invested or a part of it is withdrawn. The Company recognises its share of cash dividends or
profits which have been declared to distribute by the investee as current investment income.
(ii) Equity method
If the initial cost of the investment is in excess of the share of the fair value of the net identifiable assets in the
investee at the date of investment, the difference shall not be adjusted to the initial cost of long-term equity
investment; if the initial cost of the investment is in short of the share of the fair value of the net identifiable assets
in the investee at the date investment, the difference shall be included in the current profit or loss and the initial
cost of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.
The Company recognises the share of the investee’s net profits or losses, as well as its share of the investee’s
other comprehensive income, as investment income or losses and other comprehensive income respectively, and
adjusts the carrying amount of the investment accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be
reduced by the share of any profit or cash dividends declared to distribute by the investee. The investor’s share of
the investee’s owners’ equity changes, other than those arising from the investee’s net profit or loss, other
comprehensive income or profit distribution, shall be recognised in the investor’s equity, and the carrying amount
of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly. The Company recognises its share of the
investee’s net profits or losses after making appropriate adjustments of investee’s net profit based on the fair
values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the investment date. If the accounting policy and accounting
period adopted by the investee is not in consistency with the Company, the financial statements of the investee
shall be adjusted according to the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period, based on which,
investment income or loss and other comprehensive income, etc., shall be adjusted. The unrealized profits or
losses resulting from inter-company transactions between the company and its associate or joint venture are
eliminated in proportion to the company’s equity interest in the investee, based on which investment income or
losses shall be recognised. Any losses resulting from inter-company transactions between the investor and the
investee, which belong to asset impairment, shall be recognised in full.
Where the Company obtains the power of joint control or significant influence, but not control, over the investee,
due to additional investment or other reason, the relevant long-term equity investment shall be accounted for by
using the equity method, initial cost of which shall be the fair value of the original investment plus the additional
investment. Where the original investment is classified as investments in other equity instrument, difference
between its fair value and the carrying value, in addition to the cumulative gains or losses previously recorded in
other comprehensive income, shall be transferred from other comprehensive income and recorded in retained
earnings during the current period using equity method.
If the Company loses the joint control or significant influence of the investee for some reasons such as disposal of
equity investment, the retained interest shall be measured at fair value and the difference between the carrying
amount and the fair value at the date of loss the joint control or significant influence shall be recognised in profit

                                                          ~ 61 ~
or loss. When the Company discontinues the use of the equity method, the Company shall account for all amounts
previously recognised in other comprehensive income under equity method in relation to that investment on the
same basis as would have been required if the investee had directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities.
(d) Equity investment classified as held for sale
Any retained interest in the equity investment not classified as held for sale, shall be accounted for using equity
When an equity investment in an associate or a joint venture previously classified as held for sale no longer meets
the criteria to be so classified, it shall be accounted for using the equity method retrospectively as from the date of
its classification as held for sale. Financial statements for the periods since classification as held for sale shall be
amended accordingly.
(f) Impairment testing and provision for impairment loss
For investment in subsidiaries, associates or a joint venture, provision for impairment loss please refer to Note
3.16 Investment Properties
(a) Classification of investment properties
Investment properties are properties to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, including:
(i)Land use right leased out
(ii)Land held for transfer upon appreciation
(iii)Buildings leased out
(b) The measurement model of investment property
The Company adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties. For provision for
impairment please refer to Note 3.21.
The Company calculates the depreciation or amortization based on the net amount of investment property cost less
the accumulated impairment and the net residual value using straight-line method.
3.17 Fixed Assets
Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets with higher unit price held for the purpose of producing commodities,
rendering services, renting or business management with useful lives exceeding one year.
(a) Recognition criteria of fixed assets
Fixed assets will only be recognised at the actual cost paid when obtaining as all the following criteria are
(i) It is probable that the economic benefits relating to the fixed assets will flow into the Company;
(ii) The costs of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.
Subsequent expenditure for fixed assets shall be recorded in cost of fixed assets, if recognition criteria of fixed
assets are satisfied, otherwise the expenditure shall be recorded in current profit or loss when incurred.

                                                         ~ 62 ~
(b) Depreciation methods of fixed assets
The Company begins to depreciate the fixed asset from the next month after it is available for intended use using
the straight-line-method. The estimated useful life and annual depreciation rates which are determined according
to the categories, estimated economic useful lives and estimated net residual rates of fixed assets are listed as
                                 Depreciation        Estimated useful life    Residual           Annual depreciation rates
                                    method                  (year)            rates (%)                    (%)

Buildings and constructions   straight-line-method             8.00-35.00            3.00-5.00                   2.70-12.10

Machinery equipment           straight-line-method             5.00-10.00            3.00-5.00                   9.50-19.40

Vehicles                      straight-line-method                     4.00               3.00                        24.25

Office equipment and others   straight-line-method                     3.00               3.00                        32.33

For the fixed assets with impairment provided, the impairment provision should be excluded from the cost when
calculating depreciation.
At the end of reporting period, the Company shall review the useful life, estimated net residual value and
depreciation method of the fixed assets. Estimated useful life of the fixed assets shall be adjusted if it is changed
compared to the original estimation.
(c) Recognition criteria, valuation and depreciation methods of fixed assets obtained through a finance
If the entire risk and rewards related to the leased assets have been substantially transferred, the Company shall
recognise the lease as a finance lease. The cost of the fixed assets obtained through a finance lease is determined
at the lower of the fair value of the leased assets and the present value of the minimum lease payment on the date
of the lease. The fixed assets obtained by a finance lease are depreciated in the method which is consistent with
the self-owned fixed assets of the Company. For fixed assets obtained through a finance lease, if it is reasonably
certain that the ownership of the leased assets will be transferred to the lessee by the end of the lease term, they
shall be depreciated over their remaining useful lives; otherwise, the leased assets shall be depreciated over the
shorter of the lease terms or their remaining useful lives.
3.18 Construction in Progress
(a) Classification of construction in progress
Construction in progress is measured on an individual project basis.
(b) Recognition criteria and timing of transfer from construction in progress to fixed assets

The initial book values of the fixed assets are stated at total expenditures incurred before they are ready for their

intended use, including construction costs, original price of machinery equipment, other necessary expenses

incurred to bring the construction in progress to get ready for its intended use and borrowing costs of the specific
                                                              ~ 63 ~
loan for the construction or the proportion of the general loan used for the constructions incurred before they are

ready for their intended use. The construction in progress shall be transferred to fixed asset when the installation

or construction is ready for the intended use. For construction in progress that has been ready for their intended

use but relevant budgets for the completion of projects have not been completed, the estimated values of project

budgets, prices, or actual costs should be included in the costs of relevant fixed assets, and depreciation should be

provided according to relevant policies of the Company when the fixed assets are ready for intended use. After the

completion of budgets needed for the completion of projects, the estimated values should be substituted by actual

costs, but depreciation already provided is not adjusted.
3.19 Right-of-use assets
The Company initially measures right-of-use assets at cost, which includes:
(1) The initial measurement amount of the lease obligation.
(2) If a lease incentive exists for lease payments made on or before the commencement date of the lease term, the
amount related to the lease incentive already taken is deducted.
(3) Initial direct costs incurred by the Company.
(4) Costs expected to be incurred by the Company to disassemble and remove the leasehold property, restore the
site where the leasehold property is located, or restore the leasehold property to the condition agreed upon under
the terms of the lease (excluding costs incurred to produce inventory). Subsequent to the commencement date of
the lease term, the Company uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of right-of-use assets.
If it is reasonably certain that ownership of the leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the
Company depreciates the leasehold property over its remaining service life.
If it may not be reasonably ascertained that ownership of the leasehold property can be obtained at the end of the
lease term, the Company will depreciate the leasehold property over the shorter of
the lease term or the remaining service life of the leasehold property. Right-of-use assets for which depreciation
reserves have been made are depreciated in future periods at their carrying amounts net of depreciation reserves,
with reference to the above principles.
3.20 Borrowing Costs
(a) Recognition criteria and period for capitalization of borrowing costs
The Company shall capitalize the borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or
production of qualifying assets when meet the following conditions:
(i) Expenditures for the asset are being incurred;
(ii) Borrowing costs are being incurred, and;
(iii) Acquisition, construction or production activities that are necessary to prepare the assets for their intended use

                                                         ~ 64 ~
or sale are in progress.
Other borrowing cost, discounts or premiums on borrowings and exchange differences on foreign currency
borrowings shall be recognized into current profit or loss when incurred.
Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production
of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3
Capitalization of such borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying assets being acquired, constructed or produced
become ready for their intended use or sale. The expenditure incurred subsequently shall be recognised as
expenses when incurred.
(b) Capitalization rate and measurement of capitalized amounts of borrowing costs
When funds are borrowed specifically for purchase, construction or manufacturing of assets eligible for
capitalization, the Company shall determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation as the actual
borrowing costs incurred on that borrowing during the period less any interest income on bank deposit or
investment income on the temporary investment of those borrowings.
Where funds allocated for purchase, construction or manufacturing of assets eligible for capitalization are part of a
general borrowing, the eligible amounts are determined by the weighted-average of the cumulative capital
expenditures in excess of the specific borrowing multiplied by the general borrowing capitalization rate. The
capitalization rate will be the weighted average of the borrowing costs applicable to the general borrowing.
3.21 Intangible Assets
(a) Measurement method of intangible assets
Intangible assets are recognised at actual cost at acquisition.
(b) The useful life and amortisation of intangible assets
(i) The estimated useful lives of the intangible assets with finite useful lives are as follows:

               Category            Estimated useful life                                 Basis

    Land use right                               50 years                              Legal life

                                                             The service life is determined by reference to the period that
    Patent right                                 10 years
                                                                     can bring economic benefits to the Company

                                                             The service life is determined by reference to the period that
    Software                                    3-5 years
                                                                     can bring economic benefits to the Company

                                                             The service life is determined by reference to the period that
    Trademark                                    10 years
                                                                     can bring economic benefits to the Company

For intangible assets with finite useful life, the estimated useful life and amortisation method are reviewed
annually at the end of each reporting period and adjusted when necessary. No change incurred in current year in
the estimated useful life and amortisation method upon review.
                                                            ~ 65 ~
(ii) Assets of which the period to bring economic benefits to the Company are unforeseeable are regarded as
intangible assets with indefinite useful lives. The Company reassesses the useful lives of those assets at every year
end. If the useful lives of those assets are still indefinite, impairment test should be performed on those assets at
the balance sheet date.
(iii) Amortisation of the intangible assets
For intangible assets with finite useful lives, their useful lives should be determined upon their acquisition and
systematically amortised on a straight-line basis over the useful life. The amortisation amount shall be recognized
into current profit or loss according to the beneficial items. The amount to be amortised is cost deducting residual
value. For intangible assets which has impaired, the cumulative impairment provision shall be deducted as well.
The residual value of an intangible asset with a finite useful life shall be assumed to be zero unless: there is a
commitment by a third party to purchase the asset at the end of its useful life; or there is an active market for the
asset and residual value can be determined by reference to that market; and it is probable that such a market will
exist at the end of the asset’s useful life.
Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives shall not be amortised. The Company reassesses the useful lives of
those assets at every year end. If there is evidence to indicate that the useful lives of those assets become finite,
the useful lives shall be estimated and the intangible assets shall be amortised systematically and reasonably
within the estimated useful lives.
(c) Criteria of classifying expenditures on internal research and development projects into research phase
and development phase
Preparation activities related to materials and other relevant aspects undertaken by the Company for the purpose
of further development shall be treated as research phase. Expenditures incurred during the research phase of
internal research and development projects shall be recognised in profit or loss when incurred.
Development activities after the research phase of the Company shall be treated as development phase.
(d) Criteria for capitalization of qualifying expenditures during the development phase
Expenditures arising from development phase on internal research and development projects shall be recognised
as intangible assets only if all of the following conditions have been met:
(i) Technical feasibility of completing the intangible assets so that they will be available for use or sale;
(ii) Its intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
(iii) The method that the intangible assets generate economic benefits, including the Company can demonstrate
the existence of a market for the output of the intangible assets or the intangible assets themselves or, if it is to be
used internally, the usefulness of the intangible assets;
(iv) The availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and to use
or sell the intangible asset; and
(v) Its ability to measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset.

                                                            ~ 66 ~
3.22 Impairment of Long-Term Assets
Impairment loss of long-term equity investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, investment
properties, fixed assets and constructions in progress subsequently measured at cost, intangible assets, shall be
determined according to following method:
The Company shall assess at the end of each reporting period whether there is any indication that an asset may be
impaired. If any such indication exists, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount of the asset and test
for impairment. Irrespective of whether there is any indication of impairment, the Company shall test for
impairment of goodwill acquired in a business combination, intangible assets with an indefinite useful life or
intangible assets not yet available for use annually.
The recoverable amounts of the long-term assets are the higher of their fair values less costs to dispose and the
present values of the estimated future cash flows of the long-term assets. The Company estimate the recoverable
amounts on an individual basis. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the
Company estimates the recoverable amount of the groups of assets that the individual asset belongs to.
Identification of an group of asset is based on whether the cash inflows from it are largely independent of the cash
inflows from other assets or groups of assets.
If, and only if, the recoverable amount of an asset or a group of assets is less than its carrying amount, the carrying
amount of the asset shall be reduced to its recoverable amount and the provision for impairment loss shall be
recognised accordingly.
For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination shall, from the acquisition
date, be allocated to relevant group of assets based on reasonable method; if it is difficult to allocate to relevant
group of assets, good will shall be allocated to relevant combination of asset groups. The relevant group of assets
or combination of asset groups is a group of assets or combination of asset groups that is benefit from the
synergies of the business combination and is not larger than the reporting segment determined by the Company.
When test for impairment, if there is an indication that relevant group of assets or combination of asset groups
may be impaired, impairment testing for group of assets or combination of asset groups excluding goodwill shall
be conducted first, and calculate the recoverable amount and recognize the impairment loss. Then the group of
assets or combination of asset groups including goodwill shall be tested for impairment, by comparing the
carrying amount with its recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, the
Company shall recognise the impairment loss.
The mentioned impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent accounting period once it had been recognised.
3.23 Long-term Deferred Expenses
Long-term deferred expenses are various expenses already incurred, which shall be amortised over current and
subsequent periods with the amortisation period exceeding one year. Long-term deferred expenses are evenly
amortised over the beneficial period

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3.24 Employee Benefits
Employee benefits refer to all forms of consideration or compensation given by the Company in exchange for
service rendered by employees or for the termination of employment relationship. Employee benefits include
short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term employee
benefits. Benefits provided to an employee's spouse, children, dependents, family members of decreased
employees, or other beneficiaries are also employee benefits.
According to liquidity, employee benefits are presented in the statement of financial position as “Employee
benefits payable” and “Long-term employee benefits payable”.
(a) Short-term employee benefits
(i) Employee basic salary (salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy)
The Company recognises, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, actually occurred
short-term employee benefits as a liability, with a corresponding charge to current profit except for those
recognised as capital expenditure based on the requirement of accounting standards.
(ii) Employee welfare
The Company shall recognise the employee welfare based on actual amount when incurred into current profit or
loss or related capital expenditure. Employee welfare shall be measured at fair value as it is a non-monetary
(iii) Social insurance such as medical insurance and work injury insurance, housing funds, labor union fund and
employee education fund
Payments made by the Company of social insurance for employees, such as medical insurance and work injury
insurance, payments of housing funds, and labor union fund and employee education fund accrued in accordance
with relevant requirements, in the accounting period in which employees provide services, is calculated according
to required accrual bases and accrual ratio in determining the amount of employee benefits and the related
liabilities, which shall be recognised in current profit or loss or the cost of relevant asset.
(iv) Short-term paid absences
The company shall recognise the related employee benefits arising from accumulating paid absences when the
employees render service that increases their entitlement to future paid absences. The additional payable amounts
shall be measured at the expected additional payments as a result of the unused entitlement that has accumulated.
The Company shall recognise relevant employee benefit of non-accumulating paid absences when the absences
actually occurred.
(v) Short-term profit-sharing plan
The Company shall recognise the related employee benefits payable under a profit-sharing plan when all of the
following conditions are satisfied:
(i) The Company has a present legal or constructive obligation to make such payments as a result of past events;

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(ii) A reliable estimate of the amounts of employee benefits obligation arising from the profit- sharing plan can be
(b) Post-employment benefits
(i) Defined contribution plans
The Company shall recognise, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, the contribution
payable to a defined contribution plan as a liability, with a corresponding charge to the current profit or loss or the
cost of a relevant asset.
When contributions to a defined contribution plan are not expected to be settled wholly before twelve months
after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render the related service, they shall be
discounted using relevant discount rate (market yields at the end of the reporting period on high quality corporate
bonds in active market or government bonds with the currency and term which shall be consistent with the
currency and estimated term of the defined contribution obligations) to measure employee benefits payable.
(ii) Defined benefit plan
The present value of defined benefit obligation and current service costs
Based on the expected accumulative welfare unit method, the Company shall make estimates about demographic
variables and financial variables in adopting the unbiased and consistent actuarial assumptions and measure
defined benefit obligation, and determine the obligation period. The Company shall discount the obligation arising
from defined benefit plan using relevant discount rate (market yields at the end of the reporting period on high
quality corporate bonds in active market or government bonds with the currency and term which shall be
consistent with the currency and estimated term of the defined benefit obligations) in order to determine the
present value of the defined benefit obligation and the current service cost.
The net defined benefit liability or asset
The net defined benefit liability (asset) is the deficit or surplus recognised as the present value of the defined
benefit obligation less the fair value of plan assets (if any).
When the Company has a surplus in a defined benefit plan, it shall measure the net defined benefit asset at the
lower of the surplus in the defined benefit plan and the asset ceiling.
The amount recognised in the cost of asset or current profit or loss
Service cost comprises current service cost, past service cost and any gain or loss on settlement. Other service cost
shall be recognised in profit or loss unless accounting standards require or allow the inclusion of current service
cost within the cost of assets.
Net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset) comprising interest income on plan assets, interest cost on
the defined benefit obligation and interest on the effect of the asset ceiling, shall be included in profit or loss.
The amount recognised in other comprehensive income

                                                          ~ 69 ~
Changes in the net liability or asset of the defined benefit plan resulting from the remeasurements including:
     Actuarial gains and losses, the changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligation resulting from
experience adjustments or the effects of changes in actuarial assumptions;
     Return on plan assets, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit liability or asset;
     Any change in the effect of the asset ceiling, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined
benefit liability (asset).
Remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability (asset) recognised in other comprehensive income shall not be
reclassified to profit or loss in a subsequent period. However, the Company may transfer those amounts
recognised in other comprehensive income within equity.
(c) Termination benefits
The Company providing termination benefits to employees shall recognise an employee benefits liability for
termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss of the reporting period, at the earlier of the
following dates:
(i) When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an employment
termination plan or a curtailment proposal.
(ii) When the Company recognises costs or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the payment of
termination benefits.
If the termination benefits are not expected to be settled wholly before twelve months after the end of the annual
reporting period, the Company shall discount the termination benefits using relevant discount rate (market yields
at the end of the reporting period on high quality corporate bonds in active market or government bonds with the
currency and term which shall be consistent with the currency and estimated term of the defined benefit
obligations) to measure the employee benefits.
(d) Other long-term employee benefits
(i) Meet the conditions of the defined contribution plan
When other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to the employees satisfies the conditions for
classifying as a defined contribution plan, all those benefits payable shall be accounted for as employee benefits
payable at their discounted value.
(ii) Meet the conditions of the defined benefit plan
At the end of the reporting period, the Company recognised the cost of employee benefit from other long-term
employee benefits as the following components:
     Service costs;
     Net interest cost for net liability or asset of other long-term employee benefits
     Changes resulting from the remeasurements of the net liability or asset of other long-term employee benefits

In order to simplify the accounting treatment, the net amount of above items shall be recognised in profit or loss

                                                        ~ 70 ~
or relevant cost of assets.
3.25 Lease Liabilities
The Company initially measures the lease obligation at the present value of the lease payments outstanding at the
commencement date of the lease term. When calculating the present value of lease payments,
the Company uses the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of discount. If the interest rate implicit in lease
cannot be determined, the Company's incremental lending rate is used as the rate of discount. Lease payments
(1) The amount of fixed payments, net of amounts related to lease incentives, and the amount of substantive fixed
(2) Variable lease payments that depend on indexation or ratio.
(3) The lease payment amount includes the exercise price of the purchase option if the Company is reasonably
certain that the option will be exercised.
(4) Where the lease term reflects that the Company will exercise the option to terminate the lease, the lease
payment amount includes the amount required to be paid to exercise the option to terminate the lease.
(5) Estimated amount payable based on the residual value of the guarantee provided by the Company.
The Company calculates the interest expense on the lease obligation for each period of the lease term at a fixed
rate of discount and includes it in the current profit or loss or cost of the related assets. Variable lease payments
that are not included in the measurement of the lease obligation should be charged to current profit or loss or the
cost of the related assets when they are actually incurred.
3.26 Estimated Liabilities
(a) Recognition criteria of estimated liabilities
The Company recognises the estimated liabilities when obligations related to contingencies satisfy all the
following conditions:
(i) That obligation is a current obligation of the Company;
(ii) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the Company as a result of performance of the
obligation; and
(iii) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.
(b) Measurement method of estimated liabilities

The estimated liabilities of the Company are initially measured at the best estimate of expenses required for the

performance of relevant present obligations. The Company, when determining the best estimate, has had a

comprehensive consideration of risks with respect to contingencies, uncertainties and the time value of money.

The carrying amount of the estimated liabilities shall be reviewed at the end of every reporting period. If

conclusive evidences indicate that the carrying amount fails to be the best estimate of the estimated liabilities, the
                                                        ~ 71 ~
carrying amount shall be adjusted based on the updated best estimate.

3.27 Revenue Recognition Principle and Measurement

3.25.1 General principle

Revenue is the total inflow of economic benefits formed in the company's daily activities that will increase
shareholders' equity and does not relate to the capital invested by shareholders.

The Company has fulfilled the performance obligation in the contract, that is, the revenue is recognised when the
customer obtains the control right of relevant goods. To obtain the control right of the relevant commodity means
to be able to dominate the use of the commodity and obtain almost all the economic benefits from it.

If there are two or more performance obligations in the contract, the Company will allocate the transaction price
to each performance obligation based on the relative proportion of the separate selling price of the goods or
services promised by each performance obligation on the start date of the contract, and measure the income based
on the transaction price allocated to each single performance obligation.

The transaction price refers to the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be entitled to receive
due to the transfer of goods or services to customers, excluding payments collected on behalf of third parties.
When determining the transaction price of the contract, the Company determines the transaction price according
to the terms of the contract and in combination with its historical practices. When determining the transaction
price, the Company takes into account the influence of variable considerations, significant financing elements in
the contract, the non-cash considerations, the considerations payable to customers and other factors. The
Company determines the transaction price including variable consideration at an amount that does not exceed the
amount at which the accumulated recognized income is unlikely to have a significant reversal when the relevant
uncertainty is eliminated. If there is a significant financing component in the contract, the Company will
determine the transaction price based on the amount payable in cash when the customer obtains the control right
of the commodity. The difference between the transaction price and the contract consideration will be amortised
by the effective interest method during the contract period. If the interval between the control right transfer and
the customer's payment is less than one year, the company will not consider the financing component.

If one of the following conditions is met, the performance obligation shall be fulfilled within a certain period of
time; otherwise, the performance obligation shall be fulfilled at a certain point of time:

  (a) The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the Company's fulfillment of contract
  when the Company performs the obligations;

  (b) The customer can control the commodities under construction during the Company's execution of the

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  (c) The commodities produced by the Company during the performance of the contract have irreplaceable uses,
  and the Company has the right to collect payment for the cumulative performance part that has been completed
  so far during the entire contract period.

For performance obligations fulfilled within a certain period of time, the Company recognises revenue in
accordance with the performance progress during that period, except where the performance progress cannot be
reasonably determined. The Company determines the progress of the performance of services in accordance with
the input method (or output method). When the progress of the contract performance cannot be reasonably
determined, if the cost incurred by the Company is expected to be compensated, the revenue shall be recognised
according to the amount of the cost incurred until the progress of the contract performance can be reasonably

For performance obligations fulfilled at a certain point in time, the Company recognises revenue at the point when
the customer obtains control of the relevant commodities. The Company considers the following signs when
judging whether a customer has obtained control of goods or services:

  (a)The Company has the current right to receive payment for the goods or services, that is, the customer has the
  current obligation to pay for the goods;

  (b) The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the customer has the
  legal ownership of the goods;

  (c) The Company has transferred the goods in kind to the customer, that is, the customer has possessed the
  goods in kind;

  (d) The company has transferred the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods to the customers, that
  is, the customers have obtained the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods;

      (e) The customer has accepted the goods or services.

      (f) Other indications that the customer has obtained control of the product

3.25.2 Specific methods

The specific methods of the Company's revenue recognition are as follows:

(a) Revenue from sale of goods

Revenue from sale of goods shall be recognised when the following criteria are satisfied:

(i)     Significant risks and rewards related to ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer;

(ii) The Company retains neither continuous management rights associated with ownership of the goods sold nor
effective control over the goods sold;

                                                           ~ 73 ~
(iii) Relevant amount of revenue can be measured reliably;

(iv) It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow into the Company; and

(v) Relevant amount of cost incurred or to be incurred can be measured reliably.

Revenue arising from domestic sales of goods is recognized when goods are dispatched and delivered to the buyer,
when significant risks and rewards attached to the ownership of the goods sold are passed to the buyer, when
neither continual involvement in the rights normally associated with the ownership of the goods sold nor effective
control over the goods controls are retained, when revenue arising from the goods sold is reliably measurable,
when inflow of future economic benefits is probable, and when cost incurred or to be incurred associated with the
goods sold is reliably measurable. Revenue arising from non-domestic sales of goods is recognized when goods
are loaded on board and when the export clearance with the custom is completed.

(b) Revenue from rendering of services

When the outcome of rendering of services can be estimated reliably at the balance sheet date, revenue associated
with the transaction is recognised using the percentage of completion method. Percentage of completion is
determined based on the measurement of the work completed

The outcome of rendering of services can be estimated reliably when all of the following conditions are satisfied: i)
the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; ii) it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow
to the Company; iii) the percentage of completion of the transaction can be measured reliably; iv) the costs
incurred and to be incurred for the transaction can be measured reliably.

The Company shall determine the total revenue from rendering of services based on the received or receivable
price stipulated in the contract or agreement, unless the received or receivable amount as stipulated in the contract
or agreement is unfair. At the end of the reporting period, the Company shall recognise the revenue from
rendering of the services in current period, based on the amount of multiplying the total amount of revenues from
rendering of the services by the percentage of completion then deducting the accumulative revenues from
rendering of the services that have been recognised in the previous accounting periods. At the same time, the
Company shall recognise the current cost incurred for rendering of the services based on the amount of
multiplying the total estimated cost for rendering of the services by the percentage of completion and then
deducting the accumulative costs from rendering of the services that have been recognised in the previous
accounting periods.

If the outcome of rendering of services cannot be estimated reliably at the balance sheet date, the accounting
treatment shall be based on the following circumstances, respectively:

(i) When the costs incurred are expected to be recovered, revenue shall be recognised to the extent of costs

                                                       ~ 74 ~
incurred and charge an equivalent amount of cost to the profit and loss;

(ii) When the costs incurred are not expected to be recovered, revenue shall not be recognised and the costs
incurred are recognised into current profit or loss

(c) Revenue from alienating the right to use assets

When it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow into the Company and
amount of revenue can be measured reliably, the Company shall recognise the amount of revenue from the
alienating of right to use assets based on the following circumstances, respectively:

(i) Interest revenue should be calculated in accordance with the period for which the enterprise's cash is used by
others and the effective interest rate; or

(ii) The amount of royalty revenue should be calculated in accordance with the period and method of charging as

stipulated in the relevant contract or agreement.
3.28 Government Grants
(a) Recognition of government grants
A government grant shall not be recgonised until there is reasonable assurance that:
(i) The Company will comply with the conditions attaching to them; and
(ii) The grants will be received.
(b) Measurement of government grants
Monetary grants from the government shall be measured at amount received or receivable, and non-monetary
grants from the government shall be measured at their fair value or at a nominal value of RMB 1.00 when reliable
fair value is not available.
(c) Accounting for government grants
(i) Government grants related to assets
Government grants pertinent to assets mean the government grants that are obtained by the Company used for
purchase or construction, or forming the long-term assets by other ways. Government grants pertinent to assets
shall be recognised as deferred income, and should be recognised in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the
useful lives of the relevant assets. Grants measured at their nominal value shall be directly recognised in profit or
loss of the period when the grants are received. When the relevant assets are sold, transferred, written off or
damaged before the assets are terminated, the remaining deferred income shall be transferred into profit or loss of
the period of disposing relevant assets.
(ii) Government grants related to income
Government grants other than related to assets are classified as government grants related to income. Government
grants related to income are accounted for in accordance with the following principles:

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If the government grants related to income are used to compensate the enterprise’s relevant expenses or losses in
future periods, such government grants shall be recognised as deferred income and included into profit or loss in
the same period as the relevant expenses or losses are recognised;
If the government grants related to income are used to compensate the enterprise’s relevant expenses or losses
incurred, such government grants are directly recognised into current profit or loss
For government grants comprised of part related to assets as well as part related to income, each part is accounted
for separately; if it is difficult to identify different part, the government grants are accounted for as government
grants related to income as a whole.
Government grants related to daily operation activities are recognised in other income in accordance with the
nature of the activities, and government grants irrelevant to daily operation activities are recognised in
non-operating income.
(iii) Loan interest subsidy
When loan interest subsidy is allocated to the bank, and the bank provides a loan at lower-market rate of interest
to the Company, the loan is recognised at the actual received amount, and the interest expense is calculated based
on the principal of the loan and the lower-market rate of interest.
When loan interest subsidy is directly allocated to the Company, the subsidy shall be recognised as offsetting the
relevant borrowing cost.
(iv) Repayment of the government grants

Repayment of the government grants shall be recorded by increasing the carrying amount of the asset if the book

value of the asset has been written down, or reducing the balance of relevant deferred income if deferred income

balance exists, any excess will be recognised into current profit or loss; or directly recognised into current profit

or loss for other circumstances.
3.29 Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities
Temporary differences are differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the statement of
financial position and its tax base at the balance sheet date. The Company recognise and measure the effect of
taxable temporary differences and deductible temporary differences on income tax as deferred tax liabilities or
deferred tax assets using liability method. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities shall not be discounted.
(a) Recognition of deferred tax assets
Deferred tax assets should be recognised for deductible temporary differences, the carryforward of unused tax
losses and the carryforward of unused tax credits to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be
available against which the deductible temporary differences, the carryforward of unused tax losses and the
carryforward of unused tax credits can be utilised at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the
asset is realised, unless the deferred tax asset arises from the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a

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transaction that:
(i) Is not a business combination; and
(ii) At the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (tax loss)
The Company shall recognise a deferred tax asset for all deductible temporary differences arising from
investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, only to the extent that, it is probable that:
(i) The temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future; and
(ii) Taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilised.
At the end of each reporting period, if there is sufficient evidence that it is probable that taxable profit will be
available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the Company recognises a previously
unrecognised deferred tax asset.
The carrying amount of a deferred tax asset shall be reviewed at the end of each reporting period. The Company
shall reduce the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient
taxable profit will be available to allow the benefit of part or all of that deferred tax asset to be utilised. Any such
reduction shall be reversed to the extent that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.
(b) Recognition of deferred tax liabilities
A deferred tax liability shall be recognised for all taxable temporary differences at the tax rate that are expected to
apply to the period when the liability is settled.
(i) No deferred tax liability shall be recognised for taxable temporary differences arising from:
     The initial recognition of goodwill; or
     The initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which: is not a business combination; and at the
time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (tax loss)
(ii) An entity shall recognise a deferred tax liability for all taxable temporary differences associated with
investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures, except to the extent that both of the following
conditions are satisfied:
     The Company is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference; and
     It is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.
(c) Recognition of deferred tax liabilities or assets involved in special transactions or events
(i) Deferred tax liabilities or assets related to business combination
For the taxable temporary difference or deductible temporary difference arising from a business combination not
under common control, a deferred tax liability or a deferred tax asset shall be recognised, and simultaneously,
goodwill recognised in the business combination shall be adjusted based on relevant deferred tax expense
(ii) Items directly recognised in equity
Current tax and deferred tax related to items that are recognised directly in equity shall be recognised in equity.

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Such items include: other comprehensive income generated from fair value fluctuation of investments in other
debt obligations; an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings resulting from either a change in
accounting policy that is applied retrospectively or the correction of a prior period (significant) error; amounts
arising on initial recognition of the equity component of a compound financial instrument that contains both
liability and equity component.
(iii) Unused tax losses and unused tax credits
Unsused tax losses and unused tax credits generated from daily operation of the Company itself
Deductible loss refers to the loss calculated and permitted according to the requirement of tax law that can be
offset against taxable income in future periods. The criteria for recognising deferred tax assets arising from the
carryforward of unused tax losses and tax credits are the same as the criteria for recognising deferred tax assets
arising from deductible temporary differences. The Company recognises a deferred tax asset arising from unused
tax losses or tax credits only to the extent that there is convincing other evidence that sufficient taxable profit will
be available against which the unused tax losses or unused tax credits can be utilised by the Company. Income
taxes in current profit or loss shall be deducted as well.
Unsused tax losses and unused tax credits arising from a business combination
Under a business combination, the acquiree’s deductible temporary differences which do not satisfy the criteria at
the acquisition date for recognition of deferred tax asset shall not be recognised. Within 12 months after the
acquisition date, if new information regarding the facts and circumstances exists at the acquisition date and the
economic benefit of the acquiree’s deductible temporary differences at the acquisition is expected to be realised,
the Company shall recognise acquired deferred tax benefits and reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill
related to this acquisition. If goodwill is reduced to zero, any remaining deferred tax benefits shall be recognised
in profit or loss. All other acquired deferred tax benefits realised shall be recognised in profit or loss.
(iv) Temporary difference generated in consolidation elimination
When preparing consolidated financial statements, if temporary difference between carrying value of the assets
and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements and their taxable bases is generated from elimination of
inter-company unrealized profit or loss, deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities shall be recognised in the
consolidated financial statements, and income taxes expense in current profit or loss shall be adjusted as well
except for deferred tax related to transactions or events recognised directly in equity and business combination.
(v) Share-based payment settled by equity

If tax authority permits tax deduction that relates to share-based payment, during the period in which the expenses

are recognised according to the accounting standards, the Company estimates the tax base in accordance with

available information at the end of the accounting period and the temporary difference arising from it. Deferred

tax shall be recognised when criteria of recognition are satisfied. If the amount of estimated future tax deduction

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exceeds the amount of the cumulative expenses related to share-based payment recognised according to the

accounting standards, the tax effect of the excess amount shall be recognised directly in equity.
3.30 Leases
(1) Accounting treatment of operating leases
a) When the Company acts as a lessee under an operating lease, the rental expense of the operating lease is
charged to current profit or loss on a straight-line basis or based on the usage of the leasehold property in each
period of the lease term. If the lessor provides a rent-free period, the Company apportions the total rent on a
straight-line basis or by other reasonable method over the entire lease term without deducting the rent-free period,
and recognizes the rental expense and the corresponding liability during the rent-free period. If the lessor bears
certain expenses of the lessee, the Company apportions the balance of the rental expense over the lease term after
such expenses are deducted from the total rental expense.
The initial direct costs are included in current profit or loss. If the agreement agrees to contingent rentals, they are
included in current profit or loss when they are actually incurred.
b) When the Company acts as a lessor under an operating lease, the rent received is recognized as income over the
lease term using the straight-line method. If the lessor provides a rent-free period, the lessor allocates the total
rentals over the entire lease term without deducting the rent-free period by the straight-line method or other
reasonable method, and the lessor also recognizes rental income during the rent-free period. If certain expenses of
the lessee are borne, the Company allocates the balance of rental income over the lease term after such expenses
are deducted from the gross rental income.
The initial direct costs are included in current profit or loss. Larger amounts are capitalized and recognized in
current profit or loss on the same basis as rental income throughout the term of the operating lease. Contingent
rentals, if agreed, are recognized in current income when they are actually incurred.
(2) Accounting treatment of finance leases
a) When the Company is a lessee under a finance lease, the lower of the fair value of the leasehold property and
the present value of the minimum lease payments at the commencement date of the lease is recorded as the value
of the leasehold property, and the minimum lease payments are recorded as the value of the long-term account
payable, and the difference is recorded as unrecognized financing expense. The effective interest rate method is
used to apportion the amount over each period of the lease term and is recognized as current financing expenses,
which are included in financial expenses.
The initial direct costs incurred are included in the value of the leasehold property.
When depreciating financing leasehold property, the Company adopts a depreciation policy consistent with that of
its own depreciable assets, and the depreciation period is determined by the lease contract. If it may be reasonably
ascertained that the Company will obtain ownership of the leasehold property at the end of the lease term, the life
of the leasehold property at the commencement date of the lease term is used as the depreciation period; if it is not
                                                         ~ 79 ~
reasonably certain that the Company will obtain ownership of the leasehold property at the end of the lease term,
the shorter of the lease term and the life of the leasehold property is used as the depreciation period.
b) When the Company acts as a financing lessor, the sum of the minimum lease receivable and the initial direct
costs as of the lease commencement date is recorded as the recorded value of the finance lease receivable in the
long-term receivables on the balance sheet, and the unguaranteed residual value is also recorded. The difference
between the sum of the minimum lease receivable, the initial direct costs and the unguaranteed residual value and
the sum of their present values is recognized as unrealized financing income and recognized as rental receipt using
the effective interest method in each period of the lease term.
3.31 Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

(1) Changes in accounting polices

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Contents of changes in accounting policies
                                                             Approval procedures                                  Note
               and reasons thereof

On 7 December 2018, the Ministry of
Finance revised and issued the Accounting
Standards       for     Business      Enterprises
No.21-Leases                  (CK(2018)No.35)
(hereinafter     referred to as        the   new
standards governing leases) and required
those enterprises both listed in domestic                                                     For     details,   please   refer   to   the
and aboard and those enterprises overseas Reviewed and approved on the 7 Meeting announcement on changes in accounting
listed    with        International     Financial of the 9th Board of Directors and the 5th   policies             disclosed           on
Reporting       Standards      or     Accounting Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 30 April
Standards for Business Enterprises for                                                        2021.
preparation of financial statements to
implement it since 1 January 2019,
required other enterprises carrying out the
Accounting       Standards      for     Business
Enterprises to implement it since 1 January

(2) Changes in Accounting Estimates
□Applicable √Not applicable

(3) Adjustments to the Financial Statements at the Beginning of the First Execution Year of any New

Standards Governing Leases since 2021


Whether items of balance sheets at the beginning of the year need adjustment

√ Yes □ No

                                                                     ~ 80 ~
Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

             Item                   31 December 2020               1 January 2021           Adjusted

Current assets:

  Monetary assets                          5,971,212,569.66              5,971,212,569.66

  Settlement reserve

  Interbank loans granted
  Held-for-trading financial
                                            203,877,915.51                203,877,915.51
  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable

  Accounts receivable                        67,933,735.91                  67,933,735.91
  Accounts             receivable
                                           1,673,510,794.51              1,673,510,794.51

  Prepayments                                55,575,543.21                  51,399,808.11         -4,175,735.10

  Premiums receivable

  Reinsurance receivables
  Receivable         reinsurance
contract reserve
  Other receivables                          33,451,121.48                  33,451,121.48

     Including: Interest

  Financial assets purchased
under resale agreements
  Inventories                              3,416,880,808.96              3,416,880,808.96

  Contract assets

  Assets held for sale
  Current         portion      of
non-current assets

  Other current assets                       97,412,681.26                  97,412,681.26

Total current assets                      11,519,855,170.50             11,515,679,435.40         -4,175,735.10

Non-current assets:

  Loans and advances to

  Investments in debt

                                                          ~ 81 ~

  Investments in other debt

  Long-term receivables
  Long-term               equity
                                        4,915,575.83             4,915,575.83
  Investments in other equity

  Other non-current financial

  Investment property                   4,392,943.54             4,392,943.54

  Fixed assets                      1,797,789,271.62         1,797,789,271.62

  Construction in progress           279,169,201.60           279,169,201.60

  Productive living assets

  Oil and gas assets

  Right-of-use assets                          0.00            57,402,412.53    57,402,412.53

  Intangible assets                  934,711,977.79           934,711,977.79

  Development costs

  Goodwill                           478,283,495.29           478,283,495.29
  Long-term             prepaid
                                      64,591,933.65            64,591,933.65

  Deferred income tax assets          96,972,421.95            96,972,421.95

  Other non-current assets              5,943,717.02             5,943,717.02

Total non-current assets            3,666,770,538.29         3,724,172,950.82   57,402,412.53

Total assets                       15,186,625,708.79        15,239,852,386.22   53,226,677.43

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings               70,665,500.00            70,665,500.00
  Borrowings       from      the
central bank
  Interbank loans obtained

  Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative           financial

  Notes payable                      140,614,535.60           140,614,535.60

  Accounts payable                   505,206,561.86           505,206,561.86

  Advances from customers

                                                   ~ 82 ~
  Contract liabilities               1,206,573,886.26        1,206,573,886.26
  Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements
  Customer      deposits      and
interbank deposits
  Payables for acting trading
of securities
  Payables for underwriting
of securities
  Employee benefits payable           498,129,114.76          498,129,114.76

  Taxes payable                       349,142,692.10          349,142,692.10

  Other payables                     1,396,599,161.14        1,396,599,161.14

     Including: Interest

  Handling      charges       and
commissions payable
  Reinsurance payables

  Liabilities             directly
associated with assets held
for sale
  Current         portion      of
non-current liabilities
  Other current liabilities           320,792,383.03          320,792,383.03

Total current liabilities            4,487,723,834.75        4,487,723,834.75

Non-current liabilities:

  Insurance contract reserve

  Long-term borrowings                 60,117,638.89           60,117,638.89

  Bonds payable
     Including:       Preferred

  Lease liabilities                             0.00           53,226,677.43    53,226,677.43

  Long-term payables
  Long-term           employee
benefits payable

                                                    ~ 83 ~
  Deferred income                                75,111,997.53                     75,111,997.53
  Deferred          income      tax
                                                114,821,451.24                    114,821,451.24
  Other               non-current
Total non-current liabilities                   250,051,087.66                    303,277,765.09                     53,226,677.43

Total liabilities                             4,737,774,922.41                  4,791,001,599.84                     53,226,677.43

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                 503,600,000.00                    503,600,000.00

  Other equity instruments

       Including:       Preferred
  Capital reserves                            1,295,405,592.25                  1,295,405,592.25

  Less: Treasury stock
  Other         comprehensive

  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                              256,902,260.27                    256,902,260.27

  General reserve

  Retained earnings                           7,987,380,161.21                  7,987,380,161.21
Total equity attributable to
owners of the Company as                     10,043,288,013.73                 10,043,288,013.73
the parent

Non-controlling interests                       405,562,772.65                    405,562,772.65

Total owners’ equity                        10,448,850,786.38                 10,448,850,786.38
Total liabilities and owners’
                                             15,186,625,708.79                 15,239,852,386.22                     53,226,677.43

The Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases (C.K. [2018] No. 35) in 2018, and
the Company implemented the new leasing standard since 1 January 2021, and adjusted the amounts of relevant items in the financial
statements at the beginning of the year of first implementation based on the cumulative effect of the first implementation of the new
leasing standard, without adjusting the information of the comparable period. The above policy change increased right-of-use assets
by RMB57,402,412.53, increased lease liabilities by RMB53,226,677.43 and decreased prepayments by RMB4,175,735.10.
Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

              Item                    31 December 2020                   1 January 2021                       Adjusted

Current assets:
                                                               ~ 84 ~
  Monetary assets                   4,287,808,756.66        4,287,808,756.66
  Held-for-trading financial
                                     203,877,915.51          203,877,915.51
  Derivative financial assets

  Notes receivable

  Accounts receivable                    494,976.27              494,976.27
  Accounts             receivable
                                    1,399,214,331.97        1,399,214,331.97

  Prepayments                         11,737,580.47            7,561,845.37    -4,175,735.10

  Other receivables                  141,378,010.40          141,378,010.40

     Including: Interest


  Inventories                       2,976,360,208.66        2,976,360,208.66

  Contract assets

  Assets held for sale
  Current        portion       of
non-current assets
  Other current assets                 9,734,249.41            9,734,249.41

Total current assets                9,030,606,029.35        9,026,430,294.25   -4,175,735.10

Non-current assets:

  Investments in debt

  Investments in other debt

  Long-term receivables
  Long-term                equity
                                    1,118,213,665.32        1,118,213,665.32

  Investments in other equity

  Other non-current financial

  Investment property                  4,392,943.54            4,392,943.54

  Fixed assets                      1,322,818,855.86        1,322,818,855.86

  Construction in progress           139,865,487.21          139,865,487.21

  Productive living assets

                                                   ~ 85 ~
  Oil and gas assets

  Right-of-use assets                            0.00            52,729,370.65    52,729,370.65

  Intangible assets                    369,163,089.18           369,163,089.18

  Development costs

  Long-term               prepaid
                                        44,072,241.78            44,072,241.78
  Deferred income tax assets            30,716,488.80            30,716,488.80

  Other non-current assets                  75,999.80                75,999.80

Total non-current assets              3,029,318,771.49         3,082,048,142.14   52,729,370.65

Total assets                         12,059,924,800.84        12,108,478,436.39   48,553,635.55

Current liabilities:

  Short-term borrowings

  Held-for-trading financial
  Derivative             financial

  Notes payable                             74,535.60                74,535.60

  Accounts payable                     397,554,006.51           397,554,006.51

  Advances from customers

  Contract liabilities                1,130,074,436.39         1,130,074,436.39

  Employee benefits payable            127,974,331.78           127,974,331.78

  Taxes payable                        200,876,134.49           200,876,134.49

  Other payables                       524,000,730.59           524,000,730.59

     Including: Interest

  Liabilities             directly
associated with assets held
for sale
  Current       portion        of
non-current liabilities
  Other current liabilities            160,738,917.51           160,738,917.51

Total current liabilities             2,541,293,092.87         2,541,293,092.87

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term borrowings

                                                     ~ 86 ~
  Bonds payable
       Including:       Preferred
  Lease liabilities                                        0.00                    48,553,635.55                     48,553,635.55

  Long-term payables
  Long-term            employee
benefits payable


  Deferred income                                31,601,732.51                     31,601,732.51
  Deferred          income      tax
                                                 19,407,895.89                     19,407,895.89
  Other               non-current
Total non-current liabilities                    51,009,628.40                     99,563,263.95                     48,553,635.55

Total liabilities                             2,592,302,721.27                  2,640,856,356.82                     48,553,635.55

Owners’ equity:

  Share capital                                 503,600,000.00                    503,600,000.00

  Other equity instruments
       Including:       Preferred
  Capital reserves                            1,247,162,107.35                  1,247,162,107.35

  Less: Treasury stock

  Other         comprehensive
  Specific reserve

  Surplus reserves                              251,800,000.00                    251,800,000.00

  Retained earnings                           7,465,059,972.22                  7,465,059,972.22

Total owners’ equity                         9,467,622,079.57                  9,467,622,079.57
Total liabilities and owners’
                                             12,059,924,800.84                 12,108,478,436.39                     48,553,635.55

The Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases (C.K. [2018] No. 35) in 2018, and
the Company implemented the new leasing standard since 1 January 2021, and adjusted the amounts of relevant items in the financial
statements at the beginning of the year of first implementation based on the cumulative effect of the first implementation of the new
leasing standard, without adjusting the information of the comparable period. The above policy change increased right-of-use assets

                                                               ~ 87 ~
by RMB52,729,370.65, increased lease liabilities by RMB48,553,635.55 and decreased prepayments by RMB4,175,735.10.

(4) Retroactive Adjustments to Comparative Data of Prior Years when First Execution of any New
Standards Governing Leases since 2021
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Taxation
4.1 Main Taxes and Tax Rate

   Category of taxes              Basis of tax assessment                                       Tax rate

                         VAT are paid on added value of
VAT                                                               13%, 9%, 6%
                         product sales

                         Consumption taxes are paid Sales of wine RMB1 per 1000 ml or per kg to calculate the amount of
Consumption tax          onsales      volume     of   taxable consumption tax, a flat rate, 20% of the annual turnover to calculate the
                         consumer goods                           amount of consumption tax at valorem.

                         Urban          maintenance         and
Urban maintenance and
                         construction taxes are paid on 7%、5%
construction tax
                         turnover taxes

Education expenses       Educational surcharges are paid
surcharge                on turnover taxes

Local education          Local educational surcharges are
surcharge                paid on turnover taxes

                         Business taxes are calculated
Enterprise income tax                                             25%
                         and paid on taxable revenues

The basic income tax rate of the company is 25%, and the effective income tax rate of some subsidiaries is other
tax rates, as shown in the table below:

                                  Name of the entities                                                     Income tax rate

Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd                                                                                    15%

Anhui Ruisiweier Technology Co., Ltd                                                                            15%

Wuhan Yashibo Technology Co., Ltd                                                                              2.5%

Bozhou Gujing hotel Co., Ltd                                                                                   2.5%

                                                                                         The portion of the taxable income which does
                                                                                         not exceed RMB1 million: 2.5%
Hubei Junlou Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.                                                  The portion of the taxable income which is more
                                                                                         than RMB1 million but not more than RMB3
                                                                                         million: 10%

Hubei Yellow Crane Tower Beverage Co., Ltd.                                                                    2.5%

                                                                       ~ 88 ~
                                                                          The portion of the taxable income which does
                                                                          not exceed RMB1 million: 2.5%
Hubei Xinjia Testing Technology Co., Ltd.                                 The portion of the taxable income which is more
                                                                          than RMB1 million but not more than RMB3
                                                                          million: 10%

4.2 Tax Preference

(1) According to Response Letter for the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises to be put on record in Anhui
Province for 2019 (guokehuozi [2019] No.216) issued by Department of Science and Technology of Anhui
province, Department of Finance of Anhui province, and Anhui Provincial Taxation Bureau of State
Administration of Taxation, the subsidiary Longrui Glass was identified as a high-tech enterprise in 2019,
therefore was given High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate Number: GR201934001625) which is valid for 3
years. According to Enterprise Income Tax Law and other relevant regulations, the company is subject to a
national high-tech enterprise income tax rate at 15% for three years from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021.

(2) According to Response Letter for the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises to be put on record in Anhui
Province for 2019 (guokehuozi [2019] No.216) issued by Department of Science and Technology of Anhui
province, Department of Finance of Anhui province, and Anhui Provincial Taxation Bureau of State
Administration of Taxation, the subsidiary Ruisiweier was identified as a high-tech enterprise in 2019, therefore
was given High-tech Enterprise Certificate (Certificate Number: GR201934000355) which is valid for 3 years.
According to Enterprise Income Tax Law and other relevant regulations, the company is subject to a national
high-tech enterprise income tax rate at 15% for three years from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021.

(3) According to the Announcement of the State Taxation Administration and the Ministry of Finance on the
Implementation of Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small- and Micro-sized Enterprises and Individual
Industrial and Commercial Entities (No. 12 of 2021), from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022, the portion of
the annual taxable income of small- and micro-sized enterprises not exceeding RMB1 million, the taxable income
shall be reduced by 12.5% and subject to enterprise income tax at a rate of 20%. For the portion of annual taxable
income exceeding RMB1 million but not exceeding RMB3 million, the taxable income shall be reduced by 50%
and subject to enterprise income tax at a rate of 20%. Subsidiaries Gujing Hotel, Junlou Culture, Yellow Crane
Tower Beverage, Xinjia Testing and Yashibo shall observe the relevant provisions of the preferential income tax
policy for small micro-profit enterprises.

5. Notes to Major Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company
5.1 Monetary Assets

                   Item                           Ending balance                          Beginning balance

Cash on hand                                                       175,509.59                                 178,127.77

Cash in bank                                              12,139,953,541.32                             5,936,406,199.84

                                                      ~ 89 ~
                     Item                                 Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Other monetary assets                                                   4,175,438.94                                 34,628,242.05

                     Total                                         12,144,304,489.85                              5,971,212,569.66

At 30 June 2021, the structural deposits that cannot be withdrawn in advance amounted to RMB2,498.00 million,

and security deposit that cannot be withdrawn in advance in other monetary funds amounted to RMB3.9154

million. Except for that, no other monetary funds are restricted to use or in some potential risks of recovery due to

the mortgage, pledge or freezing.

Liquor manufacturing enterprises shall disclose whether there exists special interest arrangements such as establishing a joint fund

account with related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5.2 Trading Financial Assets

                        Item                                Ending balance                          Beginning balance

Financial assets at fair value through profit or
                                                                        209,115,157.91                             203,877,915.51

Including: bank financial products                                                                                                -

            Fund investment                                             209,115,157.91                             203,877,915.51

                       Total                                            209,115,157.91                             203,877,915.51

The ending balance as of 30 June 2021 has increased RMB5,237,200 compared with that as of 1 January 2021,
mainly due to the increase in the market value of the Company's fund investments.
5.3 Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by aging

                     Aging                                   Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Within one year                                                               65,490,049.59                          64,157,166.51

Of which:1-6 months                                                           53,061,182.15                          61,367,773.81

7-12 months                                                                   12,428,867.44                           2,789,392.70

1-2 years                                                                       876,218.55                            4,953,687.55

2-3 years                                                                       445,069.62                              142,796.00

Over 3 years                                                                    980,982.55                                        -

                    Subtotal                                                  67,792,320.31                          69,253,650.06

Less: Bad debt provision                                                       2,443,194.41                           1,319,914.15

                                                              ~ 90 ~
                      Aging                          Ending balance                                   Beginning balance

                      Total                                              65,349,125.90                               67,933,735.91

(2) Disclosure by withdrawal method of bad debt provision

①Ending balance

                                                                        Ending balance

                                      Carrying amount                          Bad debt provision
                                                                                                Withdrawal         Carrying value
                                  Amount           Proportion (%)           Amount
                                                                                               proportion (%)

Bad debt provision withdrawn

Bad debt provision withdrawn by
                                  67,792,320.31            100.00          2,443,194.41                     3.60
group                                                                                                                65,349,125.90

Of which: Group 1

         Group 2                  67,792,320.31            100.00          2,443,194.41                     3.60     65,349,125.90

              Total               67,792,320.31            100.00          2,443,194.41                     3.60     65,349,125.90

②Beginning balance

                                                                    Beginning balance

                                       Carrying amount                          Bad debt provision
                                                                                               Withdrawal          Carrying value
                                  Amount           Proportion (%)           Amount
                                                                                              proportion (%)

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                               -                    -                    -                     -                    -

Bad debt provision withdrawn by
                                   69,253,650.06            100.00         1,319,914.15                     1.91     67,933,735.91

Of which: Group 1                              -                    -                    -                     -                    -

         Group 2                   69,253,650.06            100.00         1,319,914.15                     1.91     67,933,735.91

              Total                69,253,650.06            100.00         1,319,914.15                     1.91     67,933,735.91

On 30 June 2021, Accounts receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

                                                                            Ending balance
                    Aging                                                                                    Withdrawal proportion
                                           Carrying amount                    Bad debt provision

Within one year                                      65,490,049.59                           1,152,055.19                     1.76

Of which:1-6 months                                  53,061,182.15                            530,611.82                      1.00
                                                       ~ 91 ~
                                                                                    Ending balance
                       Aging                                                                                       Withdrawal proportion
                                                Carrying amount                       Bad debt provision

7-12 months                                              12,428,867.44                             621,443.37                        5.00

1-2 years                                                     876,218.55                               87,621.86                    10.00

2-3 years                                                     445,069.62                           222,534.81                       50.00

Over 3 years                                                  980,982.55                           980,982.55                      100.00

                       Total                             67,792,320.31                            2,443,194.41                       3.60

On 31 December 2020, Accounts receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

                                                                                   Beginning balance
                       Aging                                                                                       Withdrawal proportion
                                                Carrying amount                       Bad debt provision

Within one year                                          64,157,166.51                             753,147.38                        1.17

Of which:1-6 months                                      61,367,773.81                             613,677.74                        1.00

7-12 months                                                  2,789,392.70                          139,469.64                        5.00

1-2 years                                                    4,953,687.55                          495,368.77                       10.00

2-3 years                                                     142,796.00                               71,398.00                    50.00

Over 3 years                                                               -                                   -                           -

                       Total                             69,253,650.06                            1,319,914.15                       1.91

(3) Changes of bad debt provision during the Reporting Period

                                                                  Changes in the Reporting Period
             Category                             Business                           Recovery or                          Ending balance
                                 amount                            Withdrawal                             Write-off
                                                combination                            reversal

Accounts receivable with
insignificant amount but bad
                                            -                 -                -                   -                  -                    -
debt provision withdrawn


Group 2: Bad debt provision
                                1,319,914.15 1,166,733.53                               43,453.27                            2,443,194.41
withdrawn by aging group

               Total            1,319,914.15 1,166,733.53                               43,453.27                            2,443,194.41

(4) Top five ending balances by entity

                                                                          Proportion to total ending balance          Ending balance of
                  Entity name                   Ending balance
                                                                               of accounts receivable (%)             bad debt provision

                                                             ~ 92 ~
                                                                             Proportion to total ending balance      Ending balance of
                   Entity name                        Ending balance
                                                                                of accounts receivable (%)           bad debt provision

No. 1                                                        11,747,565.00                               17.33               117,475.65

No. 2                                                        10,243,957.73                               15.11               493,138.43

No. 3                                                         4,766,144.95                                7.03                 47,661.45

No. 4                                                         2,784,090.69                                 4.11                27,840.91

No. 5                                                         2,498,381.20                                3.69                 24,983.81

                      Total                                  32,040,139.57                               47.27                711,100.25

(5) The ending balance has decreased by 3.80% compared to the beginning balance, mainly due to the decline of

accounts receivable of the subsidiary Gujing Yunshang.

5.4 Accounts Receivable Financing

                                         Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
    Category                              Bad debt                                                   Bad debt
                      Carrying amount                     Carrying value       Carrying amount                         Carrying value
                                          provision                                                  provision

Bank acceptance
                      2,003,302,090.64                    2,003,302,090.64      1,673,510,794.51                 -      1,673,510,794.51

                                                                                                 -               -                           -
acceptance bills

        Total         2,003,302,090.64                    2,003,302,090.64      1,673,510,794.51                 -      1,673,510,794.51

(1) The Company's pledged notes receivable as of 31 December 2021

                                 Items                                                        Pledged amount

 Bank acceptance bills                                                                                                    24,300,000.00

                                 Total                                                                                    24,300,000.00

(2) The Company’s notes receivable discounted or endorsed to third parties but not yet matured as of 31

December 2021

                     Items                             Amount of derecognition                        Amount of recognition

                                                                           1,348,049,640.36                                              -
 Bank acceptance bills

                                                                           1,348,049,640.36                                              -

The issuing bank of the bank acceptance bill of the Company for endorsement or discount are commercial banks

with higher credit. Therefore, when the bank acceptance bills are mature, they are likely to get paid. The interest

rate risk related to the bill has been transferred to the bank, so it can be judged that the main risks and rewards of
                                                                 ~ 93 ~
the bill ownership have been transferred, so need to be derecogised.

(3) The company has no notes receivable transferred to accounts receivable due to drawers’ inability of fulfillment

at 31 December 2021

(4) Notes receivable by bad debt provision method

                                                                           Ending balance

                                          Carrying amount                        Bad debt provision
                                                                                             Withdrawal              Carrying value
                                       Amount            Proportion (%)       Amount
                                                                                            proportion (%)

 Bad           debt       provision
                                                     -                 -               -                     -                         -
 withdrawn separately

 Bad           debt       provision
                                      2,003,302,090.64         100.00                                                2,003,302,090.64
 withdrawn by group

 Of which: Group 1

               Group 2                2,003,302,090.64         100.00                                                2,003,302,090.64

                 Total                2,003,302,090.64         100.00                                                2,003,302,090.64

①On 30 June 2021, notes receivable with provision for bad debt recognised by group 1


②Notes receivable with provision for bad debt recognised by group 2

On 30 June 2021, the Company measured provision for bad debt of bank acceptance bill according to the lifetime

expected credit loss. The Company believes that no significant credit risk exists in the bank acceptance bills and

no significant losses arise from default risk of banks or other issuer’ failure of fulfillment.

(5) Changes of bad debt provision during the Reporting Period


5.5 Prepayment

(1) Disclosure by aging

                                                  Ending balance                                   Beginning balance
                                         Amount                Proportion (%)                Amount                   Proportion (%)

Within one year                           112,456,597.78                      99.19            50,894,162.75                      99.02

1 to 2 years                                  912,996.56                       0.80               505,645.36                          0.98

2 to 3 years                                     6,000.00                      0.01                              -                         -

Over 3 years                                             -                         -                             -                         -

                                                              ~ 94 ~
                                               Ending balance                                Beginning balance
                                      Amount               Proportion (%)                Amount             Proportion (%)

               Total                  113,375,594.34                    100.00            51,399,808.11                  100.00

(2) Top five ending balances by entity

                                                                                             Proportion of the balance to the
                        Entity name                             Ending balance
                                                                                                  total prepayment (%)

No. 1                                                                        24,114,779.80                                21.27

No. 2                                                                         8,655,660.98                                 7.63

No. 3                                                                         5,336,595.80                                 4.71

No. 4                                                                         4,342,303.58                                 3.83

No. 5                                                                         3,700,289.11                                 3.26

                           Total                                             46,149,629.27                                40.70

5.6 Other Receivables

(1) Listed by category

                    Item                           Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Interest receivable                                                              -                                              -

Dividends receivable                                                             -                                              -

Other receivables                                                   86,173,732.22                                33,451,121.48

                  Total                                             86,173,732.22                                33,451,121.48

(2) Other Receivables

①Disclosure by aging

                        Aging                            Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Within one year                                                          83,426,906.55                           31,014,800.18

Of which:1-6 months                                                      76,350,461.06                           29,186,461.60

7-12 months                                                               7,076,445.49                            1,828,338.58

1-2 years                                                                 3,406,781.00                            2,842,287.06

2-3 years                                                                 1,596,075.56                             523,089.00

Over 3 years                                                             43,189,137.94                           42,535,188.41

                       Subtotal                                         131,618,901.05                           76,915,364.65

Less: Bad debt provision                                                 45,445,168.83                           43,464,243.17

                                                          ~ 95 ~
                       Aging                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance

                       Total                                              86,173,732.22                              33,451,121.48

②Disclosure by nature

                       Nature                               Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Investment in securities                                                  38,857,584.88                              40,807,394.41

Deposit and guarantee                                                     47,596,554.26                               5,266,477.91

Borrowing for business trip expenses                                          300,260.03                                795,646.51

Rent, utilities and gasoline charges                                         8,820,226.93                             8,962,876.17

Other                                                                     36,044,274.95                              21,082,969.65

                     Subtotal                                            131,618,901.05                              76,915,364.65

Less: Bad debt provision                                                  45,445,168.83                              43,464,243.17

                       Total                                              86,173,732.22                              33,451,121.48

③Disclosure by withdrawal method of bad debt provision

A. As of 30 June 2021, bad debt provision withdrawn based on three stages model:

                    Stage                    Carrying amount             Bad debt provision                  Carrying value

                  Stage 1                           92,761,316.17                     6,587,583.95                   86,173,732.22

                  Stage 2

                  Stage 3                           38,857,584.88                    38,857,584.88                                 -

                    Total                          131,618,901.05                    45,445,168.83                   86,173,732.22

A1. As of 30 June 2021, bad debt provision at stage 1:

                                                               12-month expected
                 Category                 Carrying amount       credit losses rate      Bad debt provision        Carrying value

Bad debt provision withdrawn separately

Bad debt provision withdrawn by group         92,761,316.17                    7.10            6,587,583.95          86,173,732.22

Of which: Group 1

          Group 2                             92,761,316.17                    7.10            6,587,583.95          86,173,732.22

                    Total                     92,761,316.17                    7.10            6,587,583.95          86,173,732.22

On 30 June 2021, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

               Aging                                                     Ending balance

                                                            ~ 96 ~
                                                                                                               Withdrawal proportion
                                               Carrying amount                     Bad debt provision

Within one year                                           83,426,906.55                      1,117,315.00                             1.34

Of which:1-6 months                                       76,350,461.06                        763,492.73                             1.00

7-12 months                                                7,076,445.49                        353,822.27                             5.00

1-2 years                                                  3,406,781.00                        340,678.10                            10.00

2-3 years                                                  1,596,075.56                        798,037.79                            50.00

Over 3 years                                               4,331,553.06                      4,331,553.06                           100.00

                Total                                     92,761,316.17                      6,587,583.95                             7.10

A2. As of 30 June 2021, bad debt provision at stage 3:

                                                                   12-month expected
                  Category                    Carrying amount        credit losses rate    Bad debt provision         Carrying value

Bad debt provision withdrawn separately            38,857,584.88                 100.00          38,857,584.88                           -

Bad debt provision withdrawn by group                                                                                                    -

Of which: Group 1                                                                                                                        -

            Group 2                                                                                                                      -

                      Total                        38,857,584.88                 100.00          38,857,584.88                           -

On 30 June 2021, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

                                                                            Ending balance
               Name                                                                    Withdrawal
                                  Carrying amount         Bad debt provision                                  Withdrawal reason
                                                                                     proportion (%)

 Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                           The enterprise enters the
                                          28,966,894.41            28,966,894.41              100.00 bankruptcy liquidation


 Jianqiao Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                          The enterprise enters the
                                           9,890,690.47             9,890,690.47                        bankruptcy liquidation


               Total                      38,857,584.88            38,857,584.88              100.00                   --

B. As of 31 December 2020, bad debt provision withdrawn based on three stages model:

                       Stage                     Carrying amount              Bad debt provision                Carrying value

                                                                 ~ 97 ~
                   Stage 1                          36,107,970.24                      2,656,848.76                   33,451,121.48

                   Stage 2                                           -                            -                                 -

                   Stage 3                          40,807,394.41                     40,807,394.41                                 -

                      Total                         76,915,364.65                     43,464,243.17                   33,451,121.48

B1. On 31 December 2020, bad debt provision at stage 1:

                                                                12-month expected
                  Category                Carrying amount        credit losses rate       Bad debt provision       Carrying value

Bad debt provision withdrawn separately

Bad debt provision withdrawn by group         36,107,970.24                      7.36            2,656,848.76         33,451,121.48

Of which: Group 1

            Group 2                           36,107,970.24                      7.36            2,656,848.76         33,451,121.48

                      Total                   36,107,970.24                      7.36            2,656,848.76         33,451,121.48

On 31 December 2020, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

                                                                         Beginning balance
               Aging                                                                                       Withdrawal proportion
                                          Carrying amount                      Bad debt provision

Within one year                                       31,014,800.18                          383,281.55                        1.24

Of which:1-6 months                                   29,186,461.60                          291,864.62                        1.00

7-12 months                                            1,828,338.58                           91,416.93                        5.00

1-2 years                                              2,842,287.06                          284,228.71                       10.00

2-3 years                                               523,089.00                           261,544.50                       50.00

Over 3 years                                           1,727,794.00                        1,727,794.00                      100.00

                Total                                 36,107,970.24                        2,656,848.76                        7.36

B2. As of 31 December 2020, bad debt provision at stage 3:

                                                                12-month expected
                  Category                Carrying amount        credit losses rate       Bad debt provision       Carrying value

Bad debt provision withdrawn separately       40,807,394.41                    100.00          40,807,394.41                        -

Bad debt provision withdrawn by group                       -                         -                        -                    -

Of which: Group 1                                           -                         -                        -                    -

                                                            ~ 98 ~
                                                                         12-month expected
                  Category                         Carrying amount        credit losses rate       Bad debt provision          Carrying value

          Group 2                                                    -                         -                         -                        -

                      Total                            40,807,394.41                  100.00            40,807,394.41                             -

On 31 December 2020, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

                                                                                   Beginning balance
              Name                                                                          Withdrawal
                                      Carrying amount         Bad debt provision                                     Withdrawal reason
                                                                                          proportion (%)

Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                                   The      enterprise     enters   the
                                           28,966,894.41                 28,966,894.41                100.00   bankruptcy               liquidation

Jianqiao Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                                  The      enterprise     enters   the
                                           11,840,500.00                 11,840,500.00                100.00   bankruptcy               liquidation

               Total                       40,807,394.41                 40,807,394.41                100.00                    --

④Changes of bad debt provision during the Reporting Period

                                                                  Changes in the Reporting Period

       Category                 Beginning balance                                Recovery or                                 Ending balance
                                                            Withdrawal                                Write-off

Bad    debt      provision
                                      40,807,394.41                            - 1,949,809.53                                        38,857,584.88
withdrawn separately

Bad debt provision
                                       2,656,848.76             3,930,735.19                                                          6,587,583.95
withdrawn by group

         Total                        43,464,243.17             3,930,735.19 1,949,809.53                                            45,445,168.83

⑤Top five ending balances by entity

                                                                                                     Proportion of the
                                                                                                    balance to the total
         Entity name                   Nature             Ending balance            Aging                                    Bad debt provision
                                                                                                     other receivables


                                       Deposit               42,020,000.00         Within 6                       31.93                420,200.00
              No. 1

                                      Securities             28,966,894.41                                        22.01              28,966,894.41
              No. 2
                                                                                Over 3 years
                                                                     ~ 99 ~
                                                                                               Proportion of the
                                                                                              balance to the total
        Entity name              Nature            Ending balance               Aging                                 Bad debt provision
                                                                                               other receivables

                               Securities              9,890,690.47                                           7.51          9,890,690.47
             No. 3
                                                                            Over 3 years

                                 Other                 6,534,593.50                                           4.96             65,345.94
             No. 4                                                            Within 6


                                 Other                 6,147,036.14                                           4.67             61,470.36
             No. 5                                                            Within 6


             Total                 --                 93,559,214.52                                          71.08         39,404,601.18

(1) The ending balance of other receivables has increased by 157.61% compared to the beginning balance, which

was mainly due to the increase in prepaid land deposit for smart part.

5.7 Inventories

(1) Category of inventories

                                                                             Ending balance
                                   Carrying amount                   Falling price reserves                     Carrying value

Raw materials and package
                                              154,374,930.07                         18,882,888.72                        135,492,041.35

Semi-finished goods and work
                                            3,310,434,002.43                                       -                    3,310,434,002.43
in process

Finished goods                                534,600,583.37                         10,594,276.72                        524,006,306.65

              Total                         3,999,409,515.87                         29,477,165.44                      3,969,932,350.43


                                                                            Beginning balance
                                   Carrying amount                       Falling price reserves                    Carrying value

Raw materials and package
                                             191,873,650.49                          13,274,081.73                        178,599,568.76

Semi-finished goods and work
                                            2,861,343,683.53                                       -                     2,861,343,683.53
in process

Finished goods                               387,506,042.80                          10,568,486.13                        376,937,556.67

                                                               ~ 100 ~
                Total                           3,440,723,376.82                        23,842,567.86                     3,416,880,808.96

(2) Falling price reserves of inventories

                                                         Increase                          Decrease
        Items           Beginning balance                                                                            Ending balance
                                                                    Business         Reversal or
                                                Withdrawal                                            Other
                                                                   combination        recovery

Raw materials and
                             13,274,081.73                                           2,525,395.40                             18,882,888.72
package materials

                             10,568,486.13          23,183.00           2,607.59                                              10,594,276.72
Finished goods

                             23,842,567.86          23,183.00       8,136,809.98 2,525,395.40                                 29,477,165.44

5.8 Other Current Assets

                        Item                                         Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Pledge-style repo of treasury bonds                                                  10,000,000.00                                          -

Deductible tax                                                                       35,885,171.92                            77,848,744.83

Accrued Interests on deposits                                                        10,584,824.30                            19,563,936.43

                        Total                                                        56,469,996.22                            97,412,681.26

The ending balance of other current assets has decreased by 42.03% compared to the beginning balance, which

was mainly due to the decrease of deductible tax.

5.9 Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                             Changes in the Reporting Period

                                                                                      Profit and loss on      Adjustment of
       Investees            Beginning balance     Additional         Reduced             investments              other        Changes in
                                                 investments       investments       confirmed according comprehensive other equity
                                                                                        to equity law            income

I. Associated enterprises

Beijing Guge Trading
                                 4,915,575.83                  -                 -               60,287.04                -                 -
Co., Ltd.

            Total                4,915,575.83                  -                 -               60,287.04                -                 -


       Investees                             Changes in the Reporting Period                          Ending balance          Balance of

                                                                   ~ 101 ~
                             Declaration of cash         Withdrawal of
                                 dividends or             impairment                Other

                             distribution of profit        provision

I. Associated enterprises

Beijing Guge Trading
                                                   -                     -                       -       4,975,862.87                       -
Co., Ltd.

            Total                                  -                     -                       -       4,975,862.87                       -

5.10 Other Equity Instrument Investment

                        Item                                           Ending balance                          Beginning balance

Anhui Mingguang Rural Commercial Bank Co.,
                                                                                     54,910,856.74                                          -

Total                                                                                54,910,856.74                                          -

Disclosure of non-trading equity instrument investment by items

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Reason for
                                                                                                       assigning to
                                                                                 Amount of other                        Reason for other
                                                                                                      measure in fair
                                                                                    comprehensive                        comprehensive
                     Dividend income        Accumulative       Accumulative                           value and the
        Item                                                                            income                              income
                        recognized               gains             losses                            changes included
                                                                                    transferred to                       transferred to
                                                                                                         in other
                                                                                 retained earnings                      retained earnings
                                                                                                       Assigned to
                                                                                                      measure in fair
                                                                                                      value and the
        Anhui                                                                                        changes included
 Mingguang Rural                                                                                         in other
                        809,860.62           809,860.62
    Commercial                                                                                        comprehensive
  Bank Co., Ltd.                                                                                     income according
                                                                                                      to the holding
                                                                                                      purpose of the

5.11 Investment Property

(1) Investment property adopting cost measurement mode

                        Items                                 Building and plants            Land use rights               Total

I. Original carrying value

                                                                   ~ 102 ~
                           Items                          Building and plants           Land use rights            Total

1. Beginning balance                                                8,680,555.75              2,644,592.00          11,325,147.75

2. Increase during the Reporting Period                                           -                        -                       -

3. Decrease during the Reporting Period                                           -                        -                       -

4. Ending balance                                                   8,680,555.75              2,644,592.00          11,325,147.75

II. Accumulated depreciation and amortization:

1. Beginning balance                                                6,176,477.79                755,726.42              6,932,204.21

2. Increase during the Reporting Period                                  130,557.96              28,013.28               158,571.24

(1) Withdrawal or amortization                                           130,557.96              28,013.28               158,571.24

3. Decrease during the Reporting Period

4. Ending balance                                                   6,307,035.75                783,739.70              7,090,775.45

III. Impairment provision

1. Beginning balance                                                              -                        -                       -

2. Increase during the Reporting Period                                           -                        -                       -

3. Decrease during the Reporting Period                                           -                        -                       -

4. Ending balance                                                                 -                        -                       -

IV. Carrying value

1. Ending carrying value                                            2,373,520.00              1,860,852.30              4,234,372.30

2. Beginning carrying value                                         2,504,077.96              1,888,865.58              4,392,943.54

5.12 Fixed Assets

(1) Listed by category

                   Item                                 Ending balance                              Beginning balance

Fixed assets                                                        1,829,551,984.09                             1,797,789,271.62

Disposal of fixed assets                                                                                                           -

                   Total                                            1,829,551,984.09                             1,797,789,271.62

(2) Fixed assets

①General information of fixed assets

                                   Buildings and       Machinery                            Office equipment
          Items                                                              Vehicles                                   Total
                                   constructions      equipments                               and other

I. Original carrying value

1. Beginning balance               2,110,023,036.54   1,137,831,234.61      63,055,889.31     202,211,609.80     3,513,121,770.26

2. Increase during the              106,966,334.19      67,167,821.39       10,037,666.02       40,438,838.52     224,610,660.12
Reporting Period

                                                               ~ 103 ~
                            Buildings and       Machinery                             Office equipment
          Items                                                     Vehicles                                   Total
                            constructions      equipments                                and other

(1) Acquisition                  395,492.59      12,587,735.69      1,687,942.42          7,692,169.96        22,363,340.66

(2) Transfer from
                                        0.00      7,829,813.95                 0.00        7,611,275.72       15,441,089.67
construction in progress

(3) Enterprise
                             106,180,428.27      41,102,879.77      8,269,210.78          7,457,866.91       163,010,385.73
combination increase

(4) Other increase               390,413.33       5,647,391.98        80,512.82          17,677,525.93        23,795,844.06

3. Decrease during the        49,046,254.38      24,000,847.17      2,070,578.87          7,298,861.18        82,416,541.60
Reporting Period

(1) Disposal or scrap         37,622,502.94      12,586,744.17      2,070,578.87          1,200,943.05        53,480,769.03

(2) Other decrease            11,423,751.44      11,414,103.00                 0.00       6,097,918.13        28,935,772.57

4. Ending balance           2,167,943,116.35   1,180,998,208.83    71,022,976.46        235,351,587.14      3,655,315,888.78

II. Accumulated

1. Beginning balance         887,885,451.17     652,893,081.63     54,246,302.02        115,239,124.54      1,710,263,959.36

2. Increase during the        58,432,549.95      74,926,291.05      9,315,451.02         35,157,392.56       177,831,684.58
Reporting Period

(1) Withdrawal                40,853,347.04      54,410,088.52      2,991,694.26         17,872,169.15       116,127,298.97

(2) Enterprise
                              17,200,513.98      15,123,646.39      6,249,135.23          4,805,171.31        43,378,466.91
combination increase

(3) Other increase               378,688.93       5,392,556.14        74,621.53          12,480,052.10        18,325,918.70

3. Decrease during the        39,415,962.42      18,989,073.56      1,766,170.03          6,954,931.84        67,126,137.85
Reporting Period

(1) Disposal or scrap         35,345,372.01      10,573,387.77      1,766,170.03           1,115,289.34       48,800,219.15

(2) Other decrease             4,070,590.41       8,415,685.79                 0.00       5,839,642.50        18,325,918.70

4. Ending balance            906,902,038.70     708,830,299.12     61,795,583.01        143,441,585.26      1,820,969,506.09

III. Impairment provision

1. Beginning balance           2,804,324.86       1,674,420.09          7,047.07            582,747.26         5,068,539.28

2. Increase during the
                                        0.00                0.00               0.00                  0.00              0.00
Reporting Period

(1) Withdrawal                          0.00                0.00               0.00                  0.00              0.00

3. Decrease during the
                                        0.00        232,441.13          7,047.07             34,652.48           274,140.68
Reporting Period

(1) Disposal or scrap                   0.00        232,441.13          7,047.07             34,652.48           274,140.68

4. Ending balance              2,804,324.86       1,441,978.96                 0.00         548,094.78         4,794,398.60

                                                        ~ 104 ~
                                Buildings and            Machinery                               Office equipment
           Items                                                                 Vehicles                                          Total
                                constructions            equipments                                    and other

IV. Carrying value

1. Ending carrying value       1,258,236,752.79          470,725,930.75          9,227,393.45          91,361,907.10         1,829,551,984.09

2. Beginning carrying
                               1,219,333,260.51          483,263,732.89          8,802,540.22          86,389,738.00         1,797,789,271.62

②Idle fixed assets

                              Original carrying         Accumulated
           Item                                                               Impairment provision       Carrying value              Note
                                   value                depreciation

Buildings              and
                                   8,137,031.10                5,246,394.21           2,804,324.86                 86,312.03

Machinery equipments               9,269,447.36                7,694,093.44           1,441,978.96             133,374.96

Vehicles                                    0.00                       0.00                     0.00                      0.00

Office equipment and
                                     791,758.54                 216,525.51             548,094.78                  27,138.25

           Total                  18,198,237.00            13,157,013.16              4,794,398.60             246,825.24

③Fixed assets without certificate of title

                    Items                                 Carrying value                                           Reason

Buildings and constructions                                               649,916,416.61                       In process

                   Total                                                  649,916,416.61                             --

④There are no fixed assets with limited on use such as mortgage at the end of the reporting period.

5.13 Construction in Progress

(1) Listed by category

                   Item                                    Ending balance                                   Beginning balance

                                                                          425,876,594.64                                         279,169,201.60
Construction in progress

Engineering materials

                                                                          425,876,594.64                                         279,169,201.60

(2) Construction in progress

①General information of construction in progress

                                                    Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
            Item                                   Depreciation                                                Depreciation
                              Carrying amount                        Carrying value         Carrying amount                      Carrying value
                                                     reserve                                                       reserve
                                                                   ~ 105 ~
Suizhou new plant project    211,480,987.42             -          211,480,987.42         135,930,812.66                - 135,930,812.66

Smart park project            98,042,609.99             -           98,042,609.99          54,494,827.90                - 54,494,827.90

Brewing automatization                                                                                                  -
                              66,427,530.42             -           66,427,530.42          42,832,649.99                     42,832,649.99

Liquid filling                                                                                                          -
line renovation               14,835,486.72             -           14,835,486.72          14,835,486.72                     14,835,486.72

Gujing plant                                                                                                            -
area 11#                      19,382,788.21             -           19,382,788.21          11,166,144.14                     11,166,144.14
liquor warehouse

Experience                                                                                                              -
                               2,219,508.43             -             2,219,508.43          8,064,287.27                      8,064,287.27
center project

Gujing academy project         6,441,931.82             -             6,441,931.82          5,538,005.31                -     5,538,005.31

Other individual project       7,045,751.63             -             7,045,751.63          6,306,987.61                -     6,306,987.61

           Total             425,876,594.64             -          425,876,594.64         279,169,201.60                - 279,169,201.60

②Changes in significant projects of construction in progress

                                                                Increase during
                              Budget                                                Amount transferred     during the
           Project                          Beginning balance the Reporting                                                 Ending balance
                            (RMB’0,000)                                              to fixed asset       Reporting

Suizhou new plant project       60,000.00     135,930,812.66 75,550,174.76                         0.00           0.00 211,480,987.42

Smart park project             828,965.74       54,494,827.90 44,923,928.88               1,376,146.79            0.00 98,042,609.99

Brewing automatization
                                27,430.00       42,832,649.99 31,294,651.73               7,699,771.30            0.00 66,427,530.42

Liquid filling
line renovation                  4,000.00       14,835,486.72                0.00                  0.00           0.00 14,835,486.72

Gujing plant
area 11#                         9,000.00       11,166,144.14     8,216,644.07                     0.00           0.00 19,382,788.21
liquor warehouse

                                 2,950.00        8,064,287.27     7,123,208.78                     0.00 12,967,987.62         2,219,508.43
center project

                                                            ~ 106 ~
Gujing academy project          49,900.00         5,538,005.31        903,926.51                       0.00               0.00    6,441,931.82

Other individual project         2,994.65         6,306,987.61      8,214,735.67            6,365,171.58 1,110,800.07             7,045,751.63

             Total             985,240.39       279,169,201.60 176,227,270.40              15,441,089.67 14,078,787.69 425,876,594.64


                                                                   Cumulative        Of which: Interest
                            Proportion of                                                                   capitalization
                                                                    amount of        capitalized during
           Project          project input to     Schedule (%)                                                 during the       Source of funds
                                                                      interest         the reporting
                             budgets (%)                                                                      Reporting
                                                                   capitalization         period
                                                                                                              Period (%)

Suizhou new plant project               35.25              35.25     833,750.01             833,750.01                 3.45-      fund and

Smart park project                       1.20               5.00                 -                      -                  - fund and raised

Brewing automatization
technological                                                                                                                    Self-owned
                                        82.27              97.00                 -                      -                  -
improvement                                                                                                                         fund

Liquid filling
line renovation                         38.83              95.00                 -                      -                  -

Gujing plant
area 11#                                21.54              97.00                 -                      -                  -
liquor warehouse

Experience                                                                                                                       Self-owned
                                        66.96              91.00                 -                      -                  -
center project                                                                                                                      fund

Gujing academy project                   1.29               2.00                 -                      -                  -

Other individual project                88.00              88.00                 -                      -                  -

             Total                 --                 --                 --                  --                   --                 --

(3) The carrying amount of construction in progress on 30 June 2021 has increased by 52.55% compared to that

on 1 January 2021, which was mainly due to the increasing investment in Suizhou new plant project, Smart park

project and brewing automatization technological improvement project.
                                                              ~ 107 ~
5.14 Right-of-use Assets

               Items               Buildings and constructions         Machinery equipments           Total

I. Original carrying value

1. Beginning balance                              56,071,482.96                    1,330,929.57           57,402,412.53

2. Increase during the Reporting

3. Decrease during the
Reporting Period

4. Ending balance                                 56,071,482.96                    1,330,929.57           57,402,412.53

II. Accumulated depreciation

1. Beginning balance

2. Increase during the Reporting
                                                   6,999,510.76                      221,821.48               7,221,332.24

(1) Withdrawal                                     6,999,510.76                      221,821.48               7,221,332.24

3. Decrease during the
Reporting Period

(1) Disposal

4. Ending balance                                  6,999,510.76                      221,821.48               7,221,332.24

III. Impairment provision

1. Beginning balance

2. Increase during the Reporting

(1) Withdrawal

3. Decrease during the
Reporting Period

(1) Disposal

4. Ending balance

IV. Carrying value

1. Ending carrying value                          49,071,972.20                    1,109,108.09           50,181,080.29

2. Beginning carrying value                       56,071,482.96                    1,330,929.57           57,402,412.53

5.15 Intangible Assets

(1) General information of intangible assets

                                                                                        Patents and
                 Item                     Land use rights         Software                                    Total

                                                             ~ 108 ~
                                                                                     Patents and
                  Item                Land use rights            Software                                Total

I. Original carrying value

1. Beginning balance                    846,743,730.35           125,206,832.57      215,006,066.19    1,186,956,629.11

2. Increase during the Reporting          98,580,103.19               2,468,867.94     38,039,080.00    139,088,051.13

(1) Acquisition                           53,623,208.85               2,468,867.94                 -     56,092,076.79

(2) Transfer from construction in

(3) Enterprise combination increase       44,956,894.34                          -     38,039,080.00     82,995,974.34

3. Decrease during the Reporting                                      2,640,707.04                 -      2,640,707.04

(1) Disposal                                                                     -                 -                  -

(2) Other decrease                                                    2,640,707.04                 -      2,640,707.04

4. Ending balance                       945,323,833.54           125,034,993.47      253,045,146.19    1,323,403,973.20

II. Accumulated amortization:

1. Beginning balance                    158,016,689.40            48,008,475.16        46,219,486.76    252,244,651.32

2. Increase during the Reporting          13,291,667.01           11,529,765.44        23,320,984.35     48,142,416.80

(1) Withdrawal                             9,959,352.12           11,529,765.44            31,904.35     21,521,021.91

(2) Enterprise combination increase        3,332,314.89                          -     23,289,080.00     26,621,394.89

3. Decrease during the Reporting                                                 -                 -

(1) Disposal

4. Ending balance                       171,308,356.41            59,538,240.60        69,540,471.11    300,387,068.12

III. Impairment provision

1. Beginning balance                                    -                        -                 -                  -

2. Increase during the Reporting
                                                        -                        -                 -                  -

3. Decrease during the Reporting
                                                        -                        -                 -                  -

4. Ending balance                                       -                        -                 -                  -

IV. Carrying value

1. Ending carrying value                774,015,477.13            65,496,752.87      183,504,675.08    1,023,016,905.08

2. Beginning carrying value             688,727,040.95            77,198,357.41      168,786,579.43     934,711,977.79

                                                            ~ 109 ~
(2) No Intangible Assets used for mortgage or guarantee at 30 June 2021

(3) No Land use rights without certificate of title at 30 June 2021

5.16 Goodwill

(1) Original carrying value of goodwill

                                                                   Increase                        Decrease
       Investees or matters that
                                      Beginning balance     Formed by                                                         Ending balance
        goodwill arising from
                                                             business             Other       Disposal        Other

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery
                                         478,283,495.29                       -        -                 -            -        478,283,495.29
Co., Ltd.

Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co.,
                                                             60,686,182.07                                                      60,686,182.07

                Total                    478,283,495.29      60,686,182.07             -                 -            -        538,969,677.36

5.17 Long-term Deferred Expenses

                                          Beginning                                            Decrease
                 Item                                       Increase                                                          Ending balance
                                                                                  Amortization       Other decrease

Experience center                         25,368,080.45    12,967,987.62            5,672,214.27             317,922.04         32,345,931.76

Sewage treatment project                   2,844,754.10                               461,311.48                          -       2,383,442.62

Yellow Crane Tower chateau and                                                      1,709,659.36                          -       6,227,619.36

Gujing party building cultural                                                        590,909.09                          -       2,954,545.46

Yantai wine museum project                   937,109.64                               244,463.38                          -        692,646.26

Other individual project with                                                       6,945,396.06                          -     21,177,051.11
                                          23,959,256.19      4,163,190.98
insignificant amounts

                 Total                    64,591,933.65    17,131,178.60           15,623,953.64             317,922.04         65,781,236.57

5.18 Deferred Tax Assets and Deferred Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets before offsetting

                                                  Ending balance                                          Beginning balance

              Item                 Deductible temporary                                    Deductible temporary
                                                           Deferred tax assets                                        Deferred tax assets
                                       differences                                             differences

Asset impairment provision                34,271,564.04                8,567,891.01               28,911,107.14                   7,211,407.41

Credit impairment provision               47,888,363.24              11,972,177.58                44,784,157.32                 11,179,541.79

                                                               ~ 110 ~
                                                  Ending balance                                       Beginning balance

              Item                 Deductible temporary                                  Deductible temporary
                                                            Deferred tax assets                                     Deferred tax assets
                                       differences                                           differences

Unrealized intergroup profit              38,407,786.77                9,601,946.69             31,616,173.72                7,904,043.43

Deferred income                           95,344,263.32               23,836,065.83             75,111,997.53               18,270,618.94

Deductible losses                         23,924,111.57                5,981,027.89             43,272,801.87               10,777,899.23

Carry-over        of    payroll
payables deductible during                                                                      21,874,338.70                5,468,584.68
the next period

Accrued expenses                         267,449,330.17               66,862,332.54            144,731,955.22               36,160,326.47

             Total                       507,285,419.11              126,821,441.54            390,302,531.50               96,972,421.95

(2) Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting

                                                 Ending balance                                         Beginning balance

          Item                    Taxable temporary                                        Taxable temporary
                                                          Deferred tax liabilities                                  Deferred tax liabilities
                                     differences                                              differences

Difference in accelerated
depreciation      of   fixed             64,071,828.33                16,017,957.08                 73,753,668.04           18,438,417.01

Assets         appreciation
arising from business
                                        563,136,495.64               140,784,123.91              381,654,221.40             95,413,555.35
combination not under
the same control

Changes in fair value of
investments       in   other              1,062,158.94                      265,539.74
equity instruments

Changes in fair value of
                                          9,115,157.91                 2,278,789.48                  3,877,915.51               969,478.88
trading financial assets

          Total                         637,385,640.82               159,346,410.21              459,285,804.95            114,821,451.24

3.19 Other Non-current Assets

                         Item                                      Ending balance                           Beginning balance

Prepayments for equipment and constructions                                          2,007,300.00                            5,943,717.02

                         Total                                                       2,007,300.00                            5,943,717.02

3.20 Short-term Borrowings

                        Category                                    Ending balance                           Beginning balance

                                                                  ~ 111 ~
                     Category                            Ending balance                        Beginning balance

Credit borrowings                                                                                             70,665,500.00

Mortgage borrowings                                                      72,000,000.00

Accrued interest                                                           231,000.00

                         Total                                           72,231,000.00                        70,665,500.00

3.21 Notes Payable

(1) Listed by nature

                     Category                            Ending balance                        Beginning balance

Bank acceptance bills                                                    17,730,000.00                       140,540,000.00

Commercial acceptance bills                                                             -                          74,535.60

                         Total                                           17,730,000.00                       140,614,535.60

(2) At the end of the reporting period, there is no notes payable matured but not yet paid.

(2) The ending balance of notes payable has decreased by 87.39% compared with that the beginning balance,

which was mainly due to the payment for bank acceptance bills at maturity.

5.22 Accounts Payable

(1) Listed by nature

                        Item                            Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Payments for goods                                                 324,028,348.71                            299,936,875.62

Payments for constructions and equipment                            95,487,400.59                            135,720,442.04

Other                                                               49,722,843.32                             69,549,244.20

                        Total                                      469,238,592.62                            505,206,561.86

(2) Significant accounts payable aging over one year

                        Item                            Ending balance                              Reason

No. 1                                                                    2,902,005.29            Final payment

No. 2                                                                    2,252,093.02            Final payment

No. 3                                                                    2,116,587.78            Final payment

No. 4                                                                     490,485.32        Quality guarantee deposit

No. 5                                                                     244,551.74         Payment for equipment

                        Total                                            8,005,723.15                  --

5.23 Contract Liabilities

(1) General information of contract liabilities
                                                       ~ 112 ~
                           Item                                  Ending balance                             Beginning balance

Payment for goods                                                            2,213,592,055.02                         1,206,573,886.26

                        Total                                                2,213,592,055.02                         1,206,573,886.26

5.24 Employee Benefits Payable

(1) List of employee benefits payable

                Item                   Beginning balance              Increase               Decrease               Ending balance

                                            496,473,581.57          1,353,623,407.43       1,488,413,900.62             361,683,088.38
I. Short-term employee benefits

                                                                       62,083,389.53            63,249,314.47               489,608.25
II. Post-employment
benefits-defined contribution plans

III. Termination benefits                                    -

IV. Other benefits due within one

                Total                        498,129,114.76         1,415,706,796.96       1,551,663,215.09             362,172,696.63

(2) List of short-term employee benefits

                   Item                  Beginning balance             Increase                  Decrease            Ending balance

I. Salaries, bonuses, allowances and
                                             418,034,813.69          1,185,787,528.46        1,322,087,726.77          281,734,615.38

II. Employee benefits                                        -             48,058,819.80          48,058,819.80                     0.00

III. Social insurance                            486,019.58                27,203,382.29          27,186,976.35            502,425.52

Of which: Health insurance                       486,019.58                26,186,276.42          26,173,119.43            499,176.57

             Injury insurance                                -              1,017,105.87           1,013,856.92                 3,248.95

IV. Housing accumulation fund                  4,342,621.32                41,362,968.43          41,031,668.65          4,673,921.10

V. Labor union funds and employee
                                              70,812,311.30                16,128,670.23          14,960,192.03         71,980,789.50
 education funds

VI. Enterprise annuity                         2,797,815.68                35,082,038.22          35,088,517.02          2,791,336.88

                   Total                     496,473,581.57          1,353,623,407.43        1,488,413,900.62          361,683,088.38

(3) Defined contribution plans

                Item                   Beginning balance              Increase              Decrease               Ending balance

 1. Basic endowment insurance                 1,655,533.19            60,103,063.02             61,303,035.87              455,560.34

                                                                 ~ 113 ~
                   Item              Beginning balance             Increase                  Decrease              Ending balance

 2. Unemployment insurance                               -          1,980,326.51                  1,946,278.60             34,047.91

                   Total                    1,655,533.19           62,083,389.53                 63,249,314.47            489,608.25

5.25 Taxes Payable

                            Item                              Ending balance                               Beginning balance

VAT                                                                       142,144,490.50                                93,836,793.23

Consumption tax                                                           180,631,030.63                               144,069,975.35

Enterprise income tax                                                     173,355,594.61                                78,334,425.91

Individual income tax                                                          6,960,546.44                              2,966,503.37

Urban maintenance and construction tax                                        16,625,998.59                             12,449,531.95

Stamp duty                                                                     3,381,966.09                                909,983.20

Educational surcharge                                                         16,137,203.65                             11,829,108.81

Other                                                                         10,598,549.68                              4,746,370.28

                            Total                                         549,835,380.19                               349,142,692.10

5.26 Other Payables

(1) Listed by category

                            Item                              Ending balance                               Beginning balance

Interest payable                                                                             -                                         -

Dividends payable                                                                            -                                         -

Other payables                                                          1,794,127,565.68                             1,396,599,161.14

                            Total                                       1,794,127,565.68                             1,396,599,161.14

(2) Other payables

①Listed by nature

                           Item                              Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Security deposit and guarantee                                          1,672,608,979.39                              1,280,042,883.26

Warranty                                                                  44,076,391.82                                 41,210,694.26

Personal housing fund paid by company                                         4,673,921.10                                4,342,621.32

Other                                                                     72,768,273.37                                 71,002,962.30

                           Total                                        1,794,127,565.68                              1,396,599,161.14

②Significant other payables aging over one year
                                                              ~ 114 ~
Other payables balance aging over one year are mainly security deposit and warranty not yet matured.

5.27 Other Current Liabilities

                           Item                                      Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Accrued expenses                                                                     387,541,979.94                           164,008,324.26

The VAT tax liability has not yet occurred and                                       287,677,808.45
needs to be recognized as the value-added tax of                                                                              156,784,058.77
the output tax in the subsequent periods

                           Total                                                     675,219,788.39                           320,792,383.03

5.28 Long-term Borrowings

                           Item                                      Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Credit Loan                                                                           80,000,000.00                            60,000,000.00

Accrued interest                                                                         125,972.22                                  117,638.89

Guarantee loan                                                                        70,000,000.00                                           -

                           Total                                                     150,125,972.22                             60,117,638.89

5.29 Lease Liabilities

                           Item                                      Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Lease liabilities                                                                     47,677,911.46                            53,226,677.43

                           Total                                                      47,677,911.46                            53,226,677.43

5.30 Deferred Income

(1) General information of deferred income

       Item            Beginning balance           Increase               Decrease           Ending balance                Reason

Government                                                                2,839,284.13             95,344,263.32 Grants received from
                               75,111,997.53      23,071,549.92
grants                                                                                                             government

      Total                    75,111,997.53      23,071,549.92           2,839,284.13             95,344,263.32                --

(2) Items involved with government grants:

                                                                              Recognized in
                                                           Increase during other income                                          Related to
                                           Beginning                                              Other
                    Item                                      the Reporting     during the                  Ending balance assets/related to
                                               balance                                            changes
                                                                 Period         Reporting                                            income


Subsidy for Suizhou new factory            35,338,000.00                                                      35,338,000.00
                                                                                                                              Related to assets

Refund of Land payment                     22,032,186.60 22,208,000.00               265,135.86               43,975,050.74 Related to assets

                                                                    ~ 115 ~
Funds for strategic emerging industry   2,375,360.02                311,359.98   2,064,000.04
                                                                                                 Related to assets
agglomeration development base

Comprehensive subsidy fund for air      2,379,469.47                145,928.39   2,233,541.08
                                                                                                 Related to assets
pollution prevention and control

Instrument subsidy                      1,681,178.20                119,531.68   1,561,646.52 Related to assets

Subsidy funds for strong                1,558,837.69                155,581.14   1,403,256.55
manufacturing province and private
                                                                                                 Related to assets
economy development projects in

Anhui province subsidy of innovative    1,217,575.00                365,272.50    852,302.50
province construction capacity for                                                               Related to assets
independent innovation

Funds for research projects of          1,130,000.00                         -   1,130,000.00
                                                                                                 Related to assets
koji-making Technology

Subsidy for technical transformation     981,481.48                 111,111.12    870,370.36
                                                                                                 Related to assets
of No.2 boiler

Equipment subsidy                        795,911.83                 144,706.83    651,205.00 Related to assets

Gujing Zhangji wine cellar               787,708.47                  23,749.98    763,958.49
optimization and reconstruction                                                                  Related to assets

Subsidy for key technical cooperation    600,000.00                 600,000.00               -
project on the authenticity of                                                                   Related to assets
important food isotopes

Subsidy for food safety improvement      551,724.25                  68,965.50    482,758.75
                                                                                                 Related to assets

Anhui province development of            502,439.24                 146,341.44    356,097.80
                                                                                                 Related to assets
direct funds of service industry

Specific funds for side management       372,000.00                  72,000.00    300,000.00
                                                                                                 Related to assets
of power demand

Automation of check and storage,         171,875.00                  46,875.00    125,000.00
                                                                                                 Related to assets
on-line monitoring of product quality

Motor and boiler energy-saving           137,500.28                  68,749.98      68,750.30
                                                                                                 Related to assets
technical transformation project

Wine production system technical        2,410,208.51                114,743.94   2,295,464.57
                                                                                                 Related to assets

Intelligent solid brewing technology      88,541.49                  15,625.02      72,916.47
                                                                                                 Related to assets
innovation project

Specific funds for transformation of                   232,500.00    20,000.00    212,500.00 Related to assets

                                                         ~ 116 ~
gas-fired boilers in 2017

Recognition awards for Industrial                                   631,049.92                43,605.77                              587,444.15
enterprise technical transformation                                                                                                                   Related to assets

                   Total                     75,111,997.53 23,071,549.92                 2,839,284.13                     -      95,344,263.32             ——

5.31 Share Capital

                                                            Changes during the Reporting Period (+,-)

         Item            Beginning balance                           Bonus            Capitalization                                           Ending balance
                                                    New issues                                             Others        Subtotal
                                                                        issues          of reserves

The sum of
                               503,600,000.00 25,000,000.00                      -                     -            -                -                528,600,000.00

5.32 Capital Reserves

                 Item                     Beginning balance                          Increase                 Decrease                       Ending balance

Capital premium (share
                                                 1,262,552,456.05           4,929,342,074.85                                     -                   6,191,894,530.90

Other capital reserves                                 32,853,136.20                               -                             -                     32,853,136.20

                Total                            1,295,405,592.25           4,929,342,074.85                                     -                   6,224,747,667.10

5.33 Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                     Reporting Period

                                                            Less:                    Less:
                                                         Recorded in        Recorded in
                                                            other                    other                      Attributable
                                          Income        comprehensive comprehensive                                 to owners
                                                                                                                                         Attributable to
                            Beginning      before         income in          income in                Less:             of the                               Ending
           Item                                                                                                                          non-controlling
                             balance     taxation in     prior period       prior period Income tax Company                                                  balance
                                                                                                                                         interests after
                                        the Current and transferred and transferred expense                             as the
                                           Period        to profit or        to retained                         parent after
                                                          loss in the      earnings in the                               tax
                                                           Current               Current
                                                           Period                    Period

I. Other comprehensive
income that may not
subsequently be                         1,062,158.94                                             265,539.74 477,971.52                     318,647.68      477,971.52
reclassified to profit or

Of which: Changes

                                                                        ~ 117 ~
caused by
remeasurements on
defined benefit

comprehensive income
that will not be
reclassified to profit or
loss under the equity

             Changes in
fair value of other
                               1,062,158.94             265,539.74 477,971.52   318,647.68 477,971.52
equity instrument

             Changes in
the fair value arising
from changes in own
credit risk

II. Other
comprehensive income
that may subsequently
be reclassified to profit
or loss

Of which: Other
comprehensive income
that will be reclassified
to profit or loss under
the equity method
             Changes      in
the   fair      value     of
investments in other
debt obligations
comprehensive income
arising       from      the
reclassification          of
financial assets
impairment allowance
for   investments         in
other debt obligations
            Reserve      for

                                              ~ 118 ~
cash flow hedges

arising from translation
of foreign
financial statements

Total        of      other
                                       1,062,158.94                                    265,539.74 477,971.52         318,647.68 477,971.52
comprehensive income

5.34 Surplus Reserves

             Item                     Beginning balance            Increase              Decrease                 Ending balance

Statutory surplus reserve                    256,902,260.27                     -                      -                   256,902,260.27

             Total                           256,902,260.27                     -                      -                   256,902,260.27

5.35 Retained Earnings

                               Item                                         Reporting Period                  Same period of last year

Beginning balance of retained earnings before adjustments                           7,987,380,161.21                      6,888,203,911.92

Total beginning balance of retained earnings before
adjustment (increase+, decrease-)

Beginning balance of retained earnings after adjustments                            7,987,380,161.21                      6,888,203,911.92

Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as the
                                                                                    1,378,803,828.46                      1,854,576,249.29

     Dividend of ordinary shares payable                                              755,400,000.00                           755,400,000.00

Ending retained earnings                                                            8,610,783,989.67                      7,987,380,161.21

5.36 Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                            Reporting Period                                        Same period of last year
                             Operating revenue            Costs of sales                Operating revenue              Costs of sales

Main operations                  6,962,693,789.52              1,637,770,675.38             5,495,370,627.67              1,301,529,714.81

Other operations                      44,802,678.22              16,047,671.93                 24,250,372.95                    12,395,877.67

         Total                   7,007,496,467.74              1,653,818,347.31             5,519,621,000.62              1,313,925,592.48

5.37 Taxes and Surcharges

                        Item                                    Reporting Period                           Same period of last year

Consumption tax                                                                879,116,923.82                              731,743,604.96

Urban maintenance and construction tax and                                     159,895,059.56
educational surcharge

Land use tax                                                                        9,091,340.70                                 6,984,861.27

                                                                  ~ 119 ~
                      Item          Reporting Period               Same period of last year

Property tax                                       9,172,552.52                       8,847,804.72

Stamp duty                                         5,877,488.03                       4,724,705.33

Other                                              6,657,887.42                       5,735,777.86

                      Total                     1,069,811,252.05                    887,997,040.72

5.38 Selling Expense

                      Item          Reporting Period                Same period of last year

Employment benefits                               385,703,329.21                    269,309,951.20

Travel fees                                        79,727,177.78                     55,722,038.26

Advertisement fees                                467,467,773.39                    453,767,973.19

Transportation charges                                      0.00                     24,048,795.64

Comprehensive promotion costs                     685,618,164.57                    475,881,977.13

Service fees                                      359,748,787.06                    299,367,311.62

Other                                              50,000,363.92                     39,951,590.23

                      Total                     2,028,265,595.93                  1,618,049,637.27

5.39 Administrative Expenses

                       Item          Reporting Period               Same period of last year

Employee benefits                                 284,582,789.99                    253,062,668.21

Office fees                                        25,800,540.36                     22,537,545.08

Maintenance expenses                               33,180,815.29                     26,618,712.24

Depreciation                                       41,487,748.11                     36,411,144.00

Amortization of intangible assets                  17,277,135.76                     12,940,993.85

Pollution discharge                                10,238,085.66                       7,786,943.40

Travel expenses                                     5,959,737.83                       3,183,652.98

Water and electricity charges                       3,949,046.33                       3,790,246.91

Other                                              45,251,494.37                     29,355,766.48

                       Total                      467,727,393.70                    395,687,673.15

5.40 Development Costs

                      Item          Reporting Period               Same period of last year

Labor cost                                        13,713,853.14                      11,741,116.01

Direct input costs                                 2,156,217.53                         383,301.13

                                      ~ 120 ~
                        Item                        Reporting Period                         Same period of last year

Depreciation expense                                                 1,666,681.97                               1,658,315.10

Other                                                                2,424,593.62                               1,471,650.74

                        Total                                       19,961,346.26                              15,254,382.98

5.41 Finance Costs

                        Item                        Reporting Period                         Same period of last year

                                                                     4,457,905.49                              28,973,275.97
Interest expenses

                                                                    72,689,006.99                              96,891,173.45
Less: Interest income

                                                                    -68,231,101.50                            -67,917,897.48
Net interest expenses

                                                                      -171,646.25                                    13,095.11
Net foreign exchange losses

                                                                      -287,369.98                                   -303,665.57
Bank charges and others

                                                                    -68,690,117.73                            -68,208,467.94

5.42 Other Income

                                                                           Same period of last
                         Item                    Reporting Period                                   Related to assets /income

I. Government grants recorded to other income

Of which: Government grant related to deferred            2,839,284.13
                                                                                     2,264,012.84       Related to assets

          Government grant recorded to current           31,862,128.69
                                                                                 12,710,340.82         Related to income
profit or loss

                         Total                           34,701,412.82           14,974,353.66                 --

5.43 Investment Income

                        Item                        Reporting Period                         Same period of last year

 Investment income from long-term equity                                  60,287.04                                 -53,631.34
 investments under equity method

 Dividend income from holding of other equity
 instrument investments

 Investment income from disposal of financial
 assets at fair value through other                                   -6,415,106.49
 comprehensive income

 Investment income from holding of trading
 financial assets

 Other                                                                   421,221.91                            18,539,603.54

                                                      ~ 121 ~
                       Total                                                      -5,122,111.50                            18,485,972.20

5.44 Gains on Changes in Fair Values

                               Sources                                        Reporting Period                 Same period of last year

Trading financial assets

Of which: Changes in fair value of designated as trading                                   5,237,242.40
financial assets

Total                                                                                      5,237,242.40                     -3,596,160.61

5.45 Credit Impairment Loss

                                  Item                                       Reporting Period                Same period of last year

Bad debt of notes receivable                                                                                                      -14,753.46

Bad debt of accounts receivable                                                             34,837.84                         -414,861.96

Bad debt of other receivables                                                            1,911,127.85                             41,170.85

                                Total                                                    1,945,965.69                         -388,444.57

5.46 Asset Impairment Loss

                                  Item                                       Reporting Period                Same period of last year

I. Inventory falling price loss                                                          2,464,519.26                       -5,693,185.77

II. Impairment loss of fixed assets

                                  Total                                                  2,464,519.26                       -5,693,185.77

5.47 Gains on Disposal of Assets

                                  Item                                       Reporting Period                Same period of last year

Gains/losses from disposal of fixed assets, construction in
progress, productive biological assets and intangible assets not                          1,014,902.90                            77,867.25
classified as held for sale

Of which: Fixed assets                                                                    1,014,902.90                            77,867.25

                                  Total                                                   1,014,902.90                            77,867.25

5.48 Non-operating Income

(1) Details of non-operating income

                                                                                                                  Recognized in current
                    Item                           Reporting Period               Same period of last year        non-recurring profit or

Gains from damage or scrapping of
non-current asset

                                                                   ~ 122 ~
                                                                                                                 Recognized in current
                     Item                           Reporting Period            Same period of last year         non-recurring profit or

Government grants irrelevant to daily                            14,857.64                                                         14,857.64
operation activities

Income from penalties and compensation                       17,701,583.38                    14,641,373.42                17,701,583.38

Sales of wastes                                               3,289,554.24                     3,144,859.28                     3,289,554.24

Other                                                         4,701,120.05                     2,781,962.69                     4,701,120.05

                     Total                                   25,707,115.31                    20,575,161.54                25,707,115.31

(2) Government grants irrelevant to daily operation activities

                                                                                                              Related to assets/related to
                     Item                          Reporting Period            Same period of last year

Other rewards                                                   14,857.64                        6,377.80         Related to income

                   Total                                        14,857.64                        6,377.80                  --

5.49 Non-operating Expenses

                                                                                                                Recognized in current
                     Item                          Reporting Period            Same period of last year
                                                                                                              non-recurring profit or loss

Loss from damage or scrapping of
                                                             3,132,257.94                    2,296,765.56                       3,132,257.94
non-current assets

Other                                                          122,820.97                 21,976,890.93                           122,820.97

                   Total                                     3,255,078.91                 24,273,656.49                         3,255,078.91

5.50 Income Tax Expenses

(1) Details of income tax expenses

                       Item                                 Reporting Period                          Same period of last year

Current tax expenses                                                        464,320,327.02                                405,227,638.33

Deferred tax expenses                                                        14,410,399.64                                 -34,592,116.09

                       Total                                                478,730,726.66                                370,635,522.24

(2) Reconciliation of accounting profit and income tax expenses

                               Item                                                           Reporting Period

Profit before taxation                                                                                                  1,899,296,618.19

Current income tax expense accounted at applicable tax rate of the                                                        474,824,154.55
Company as the parent
Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries                                                                   -4,370,924.92

                                                                ~ 123 ~
Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                                      10,929,022.12

Influence of non-taxable income

Influence of non-deductable costs, expenses and losses                                                           1,183,384.24

Influence of deductable losses of unrecognized deferred income
tax at the beginning of the Reporting Period

Influence of deductable temporary difference or deductable
losses of unrecognized deferred income tax in the Reporting

Influence of development expense deduction                                                                      -3,834,909.33

Tax rate adjustment to the beginning balance of deferred income
tax assets/liabilities

Income tax credits

                                 Total                                                                        478,730,726.66

5.51 Notes to the Statement of Cash Flows

(1) Other cash received relating to operating activities

                         Item                                 Reporting Period                Same period of last year

Security deposit, guarantee and warranty                                  101,445,152.98                      118,873,747.83

Government grants                                                          51,606,278.86                        11,109,436.15

Interest income                                                            81,668,119.12                       88,199,155.94

Release of restricted monetary assets                                    1,331,277,878.92                   1,085,000,000.00

Other                                                                      32,873,232.20                       20,568,195.39

                         Total                                           1,598,870,662.08                   1,323,750,535.31

(2) Other cash payments relating to operating activities

                         Item                                 Reporting Period                Same period of last year

Cash paid in sales and distribution expenses and
                                                                          856,443,548.71                    1,031,070,499.98
general and administrative expense

Security deposit, guarantee and warranty                                   90,125,562.91

Time deposits or deposits pledged for the
                                                                                 884,394.71                    30,000,000.00
issuance of notes payable

Structured time deposits that cannot be
                                                                         3,498,000,000.00                     400,000,000.00
withdrawn in advance

Others                                                                     70,912,886.51                       23,665,514.20

                         Total                                           4,516,366,392.84                   1,484,736,014.18

(3) Other cash payments relating to financing activities

                                                               ~ 124 ~
                        Item                                       Reporting Period                   Same period of last year

 Rental fee                                                                      8,235,784.88

                        Total                                                    8,235,784.88

 5.52 Supplementary Information to the Statement of Cash Flows

 (1) Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows

                        Supplementary information                                 Reporting Period          Same period of last year

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
operating activities:

Net profit                                                                             1,420,565,891.53               1,006,441,526.93

Add: Provisions for impairment of assets                                                   -4,410,484.95                  6,081,630.34

Depreciation of fixed assets, investment properties, oil and gas assets
                                                                                         116,285,870.21                107,774,202.21
and productive biological assets

Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                                        7,221,332.24

Amortization of intangible assets                                                         21,521,021.91                  17,144,478.37

Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                               15,623,953.64                  12,662,778.88

Losses from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                           -1,014,902.90                    -77,867.25
long-term assets (gains: negative)

Losses on scrapping of fixed assets (gains: negative)                                      3,132,257.94                   2,296,177.21

Losses on changes in fair value (gains: negative)                                          -5,237,242.40                  3,596,160.61

Finance costs (gains: negative)                                                             -171,646.25                     290,708.33

Investment losses (gains: negative)                                                        5,122,111.50                 -18,485,972.20

Decreases in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                    -29,849,019.59                 -31,454,590.26

Increases in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                                44,524,958.97                  -3,137,525.83

Decreases in inventories (increase: negative)                                           -553,051,541.47                  88,585,890.97

Decreases in operating receivables (increase: negative)                                 -437,729,347.99                -350,818,607.86

Increases in operating payables (decrease: negative)                                   1,829,040,435.66                415,739,110.19

Amortization of deferred income

Other*1                                                                                -2,167,606,515.79              1,085,000,000.00

Net cash flows from operating activities                                                 263,967,132.26               2,341,638,100.64

2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of
cash receipts and payments

                                                                    ~ 125 ~
                        Supplementary information                          Reporting Period              Same period of last year

Conversion of debt into capital                                                                                                         -

Current portion of convertible corporate bonds                                                                                          -

Fixed assets acquired under finance leases                                                                                              -

3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash equivalents:

Ending balance of cash                                                          9,642,389,098.14                  5,398,187,475.71

Less: Beginning balance of cash                                                 5,636,903,693.74                  2,944,749,918.09

Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                       4,005,485,404.40                  2,453,437,557.62

 *1: Refer to impact of restricted funds on net cash flow generated from operating activities of the reporting period.
 (2) Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries

  Cash or cash equivalents paid during the Reporting Period for the
  business combination occurring during the Reporting Period

  Including:                                                                                    --

  Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the
  purchase date

  Including:                                                                                    --

  Add: Cash or cash equivalents paid during the Reporting Period for
  the business combination occurring during previous period

  Including:                                                                                    --

  Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries                                                                    65,186,333.10

 (3) The components of cash and cash equivalents

                                   Item                                    Reporting Period              Same period of last year

 I. Cash                                                                         9,642,389,098.14                5,398,187,475.71

 Including: Cash on hand                                                               175,509.59                      254,747.79

            Bank deposit on demand                                               9,641,953,541.32                5,397,660,747.68

            Other monetary assets on demand                                            260,047.23                      271,980.24

 II. Cash equivalents

 Of which: Bond investments maturing within three months

 III. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                                9,642,389,098.14                5,398,187,475.71

 Of which: cash and cash equivalents with restriction to use in the                                  -                              -

                                                                 ~ 126 ~
                                   Item                                            Reporting Period              Same period of last year

subsidies of the Company as the parent or Group

5.53 Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use

                    Item                                   Ending carrying value                                  Reason

                                                                                                Structured deposit which cannot be
Cash and cash equivalents                                                    2,501,915,391.71 withdrawn in advance as well as security

                                                                                                Pledged for issuance of bank acceptance
Accounts receivable financing                                                  24,300,000.00

                    Total                                                    2,526,215,391.71                         --

5.54 Government Grants

(1) Government grants related to assets

                                                            Item         Recognized in current profit or loss or as
                                                                                                                             Presented item
                                                         presented in              deduct of related cost
                                                                                                                           recorded to current
              Item                         Amount                                                                          profit or loss or as
                                                         statement of
                                                                        Reporting Period Same period of last year           deduct of related

Suizhou new plant infrastructure      35,338,000.00       Deferred                      -                             -
                                                                                                                             Other income
subsidy                                                    income

                                      43,975,050.74       Deferred            265,135.86                    275,103.09
Refund for land payment                                                                                                      Other income

Funds for strategic emerging              2,064,000.04                        311,359.98                    111,360.00
industry agglomeration                                                                                                       Other income
development base

Comprehensive subsidy fund for            2,232,287.08                        145,928.39                    131,500.02
air pollution prevention and                                                                                                 Other income

                                          1,561,646.52    Deferred            119,531.68                     76,329.89
Equipment subsidy                                                                                                            Other income

Subsidy funds for strong
manufacturing province and                                Deferred
                                      1,404,510.55                            155,581.14                    156,208.20       Other income
private economy development                                income
projects in 2019

Subsidy for the construction of
independent innovation capacity           852,302.50                          365,272.50                    365,272.50       Other income
of Anhui Province

                                                                   ~ 127 ~
Research funds of intelligent koji       1,130,000.00   Deferred                    -              -
                                                                                                       Other income
making technology                                       income

Subsidy for technical                     870,370.36    Deferred           111,111.12              -
                                                                                                       Other income
transformation of No.2 boiler                           income

                                          651,205.00    Deferred          144,706.83     102,807.24
Equipment subsidy                                                                                      Other income

Optimization and reconstruction           763,958.49                       23,749.98      23,749.98
project of Gujing Zhangji liquor                                                                       Other income

Subsidy for key technology
cooperation project of important                    -                     600,000.00               -   Other income
food isotope authenticity

Subsidy for food safety                   482,758.75    Deferred           68,965.50      68,965.50
                                                                                                       Other income
improvement project                                     income

Anhui province development of             356,097.80    Deferred          146,341.44     146,341.44
                                                                                                       Other income
direct funds of service industry                        income

Specific funds for side                   300,000.00    Deferred           72,000.00      72,000.00
                                                                                                       Other income
management of power demand                              income

Whole process online monitoring
of hook and store automation and          125,000.00                       46,875.00      46,875.00    Other income
product quality

Electric motor and boiler energy           68,750.30                       68,749.98      68,749.98
saving technology transformation                                                                       Other income

Wine production system technical         2,295,464.57   Deferred          114,743.94      31,249.98
                                                                                                       Other income
transformation                                          income

Intelligent solid brewing                  72,916.47    Deferred           15,625.02      15,625.02
                                                                                                       Other income
technology innovation project                           income

                                                    -   Deferred                          15,000.00
Enterprise development funds                                                                           Other income

Internet of things traceability                     -   Deferred                         556,875.00
                                                                                                       Other income
system project                                          income

Specific fund for transformation          212,500.00    Deferred           20,000.00               -
                                                                                                       Other income
of gas-fired boilers in 2017                            income

Recognition awards for industrial         587,444.15    Deferred           43,605.77               -
enterprise                  technical                   income                                         Other income
transformation investments

                 Total                  95,344,263.32              -     2,839,284.13   2,264,012.84        --

(2) Government grants related to income
                                                               ~ 128 ~
                                                                         Recognized in current profit or loss or       Presented item
                                                                                as deduct of related cost               recorded to
                                                 Item presented in the
                                                                                                                       current profit
             Item                 Amount             statement of
                                                                                               Same period of           or loss or as
                                                  financial position     Reporting Period
                                                                                                   last year             deduct of

                                                                                                                        related cost

Tax refund                        4,775,517.47      Other income             4,775,517.47          2,937,700.91        Other income

Hubei University of
Science and Technology            9,541,000.00      Other income             9,541,000.00                          -   Other income
Industrialization Funds

Manufacturing            Power
Province       Construction
Fund and Digital Economy          1,000,000.00      Other income             1,000,000.00                          -   Other income
Development              Policy

2020                Provincial
High-Quality                      1,000,000.00      Other income             1,000,000.00                          -   Other income
Development           Projects
Special Fund of Suizhou

Relocation     Project     Tax
Incentives      of        State
Treasury      Section        of
                                  6,946,300.00      Other income             6,946,300.00                          -   Other income
Finance Bureau of the
High-tech Industrial Park
of Suizhou

Wuhan Financial Special
Fund to Work for Training          664,500.00       Other income               664,500.00                          -   Other income

Financial      Contribution
                                   500,000.00       Other income               500,000.00                          -   Other income
Progress Award

2021         Standardization
Incentives     of     Bozhou
Municipal             Market       400,000.00       Other income               400,000.00                          -   Other income
Supervision                and
Administration Bureau

Wuhan        2021     Special
Funds for Technological
                                   400,000.00       Other income               400,000.00                          -   Other income
Transformation of Science
and     Technology         and

                                                            ~ 129 ~
Economic           Information
Bureau        of     Hanyang

VAT add-on deduction                  2,615,664.17           Other income             2,615,664.17            2,539,581.56        Other income

Financial Support from the
State Treasury Collection
                                                   -         Other income                           -         2,364,000.00        Other income
and Payment Center in
Hanyang District, Wuhan

Unemployment Insurance
                                                             Other income                                     2,314,709.05        Other income
Premium Refunds

Subsidy from the Social
Security       Bureau      for                     -         Other income                           -            910,749.30       Other income
Stabilization of Jobs

2019           Manufacturing
Power       Province      and
Private             Economic                       -         Other income                           -            600,000.00       Other income
Development             Policy
Award Funds

Others                                4,019,147.05           Other income             4,019,147.05            1,043,600.00        Other income

Other not related to daily                                Non operating                                                         Non operating
                                         14,857.64                                        14,857.64                        -
operation                                                      income                                                                income

Discounted loans                         94,491.13       Finance expense                  94,491.13                        -

            Total                    31,971,477.46                --                 31,971,477.46           12,710,340.82             --

6. Changes of Consolidation Scope

6.1 Business Combination Not under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination Not under the Same Control in the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                     Net profits of
                     Time and                                                                                       Income of
                                                                                               Recognition                           acquiree from
   Name of           place of     Cost of gaining Proportion Way to gain         Purchase                         acquiree from
                                                                                                 basis of                            the purchase
   acquiree         gaining the     the equity     of equity      the equity       date                          the purchase date
                                                                                              purchase date                             date to
                      equity                                                                                      to period-end

    Anhui                                                                                    transfer of share
 Mingguang                                                                                     ownership,
                    2021.1.10     200,200,000.00       60%        Purchase       2021.1.10                       137,448,767.50      6,887,903.80
  Distillery                                                                                 transfer of right
   Co., Ltd.                                                                                  to administer

                                                                       ~ 130 ~
(2) Combination Cost and Goodwill

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                            Combination cost                                         Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.

Combination cost

—Cash                                                                                                                200,200,000.00

Total combination cost                                                                                                200,200,000.00

Less: share of fair value of gained identifiable net assets                                                           139,513,817.93

Amount that the goodwill/combination cost is lower than the share
of fair value of gained identifiable net assets

(3) The Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of Acquiree on Purchase Date
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                       Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co., Ltd.
                                                       Fair value on purchase date                Carrying value on purchase date

Monetary assets                                                           135,013,666.90                               135,013,666.90

Accounts receivable                                                         10,711,363.41                               10,711,363.41

Prepayments                                                                  1,596,899.47                                   1,596,899.47

Other receivables                                                            6,122,501.16                                   6,122,501.16

Inventories                                                               281,633,786.01                               211,852,592.58

Other current assets                                                             2,546.37                                       2,546.37

Investments in other equity instruments                                     53,848,697.80                               14,530,000.00

Fixed assets                                                              119,631,918.83                                72,638,969.35

Construction in progress                                                       557,987.45                                    557,987.45

Intangible assets                                                           56,327,165.76                                   9,123,081.42

Long-term prepaid expense                                                    2,929,439.00                                   2,929,439.00

Deferred income tax assets                                                   3,498,516.13                                   3,498,516.13

Short-term borrowings                                                       94,000,000.00                               94,000,000.00

Accounts payable                                                            43,654,530.85                               43,654,530.85

Advances from customers                                                     53,061,162.81                               53,061,162.81

Employee benefits payable                                                    4,147,589.59                                   4,147,589.59

Taxes payable                                                               38,825,770.24                               38,825,770.24

Other payables                                                            141,767,461.40                               141,767,461.40

Other current liabilities                                                   12,000,000.00                               12,000,000.00

Deferred income                                                                807,082.92                                    807,082.92

Deferred income tax liabilities                                             50,824,231.26                                           0.00

                                                                ~ 131 ~
Net assets                                                             232,786,659.22                             80,313,965.43

Non-controlling interests                                               93,272,841.29                             32,283,763.77

Gained net assets                                                      139,513,817.93                             48,030,201.66

6.2 Changes in Combination Scope for Other Reasons

Compared with the previous period, the Company added subsidiaries Anhui Jiuhao China Railway Construction

Engineering Co., Ltd. and Anhui Jiuan Mechanical Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., and cancelled one subsidiary

Bozhou Gujing Waste Reclamation Co., Ltd.

7. Equity in Other Entities

7.1 Equity in Subsidiaries

(1) Composition of corporate group

                                   Main operating    Registration       Nature of     Holding percentage (%)
              Name                                                                                              Way of gaining
                                       place            place           business        Directly   Indirectly

                                                                       Commercial                                Investment
Bozhou Gujing Sales Co., Ltd.      Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou                          100.00       -
                                                                          trade                                 establishment

Anhui Longrui Glass Co., Ltd       Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou      Manufacture         100.00       -

Bozhou Gujing Waste Reclamation                                                                                  Investment
                                   Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou      Waste recycle       100.00       -
Co., Ltd. (Cancelled)                                                                                           establishment

Anhui Jinyunlai Culture & Media                                       Advertisement                              Investment
                                    Anhui Hefei     Anhui Hefei                           100.00       -
Co., Ltd.                                                               marketing                               establishment

Anhui Ruisiweier Technology Co.,                                        Technical                                Investment
                                   Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou                          100.00       -
Ltd.                                                                    research                                establishment

Shanghai Gujing Jinhao Hotel                                              Hotel                                  combination
                                     Shanghai         Shanghai                            100.00       -
Management Co., Ltd.                                                  management                                under common

Bozhou Gujing Hotel Co., Ltd       Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou Hotel operating          100.00       -
                                                                                                                under common

Anhui Yuanqing Environmental                                             Sewage                                  Investment
                                   Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou                          100.00       -
Protection Co., Ltd.                                                    treatment                               establishment

Anhui Gujing Yunshang                                                  Electronic                                Investment
                                    Anhui Hefei     Anhui Hefei                           100.00       -
E-commerce Co., Ltd                                                    commerce                                 establishment

Anhui Zhenrui Construction                                                                                       Investment
                                   Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou      Construction                      52.00
Engineering Co., Ltd                                                                                            establishment

                                                            ~ 132 ~
                                       Main operating   Registration       Nature of     Holding percentage (%)
                 Name                                                                                                  Way of gaining
                                           place           place           business       Directly    Indirectly

Anhui RunAnXinKe Testing                                                                                                 Investment
                                       Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou      Food testing      100.00        -
Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    establishment

Anhui Jiudao Culture Media Co.,                                          Advertisement                                   Investment
                                        Anhui Hefei     Anhui Hefei                         100.00                 -
Ltd.                                                                       marketing                                    establishment

Anhui Jiuan Mechanical Electrical                                        Construction                                    Investment
                                       Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou                        100.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                       installation                                  establishment

Anhui       Jiuhao   China   Railway                                                                                     Investment
                                       Anhui Bozhou     Anhui Bozhou     Construction         52.00
Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                                                      establishment

Anhui Mingguang Distillery Co.,            Anhui           Anhui                                                       combination not
                                                                         Manufacture          60.00
Ltd.                                     Chuzhou         Mingguang                                                     under common

Mingguang Tiancheng Ming Wine              Anhui           Anhui          Commercial                                   combination not
Sales Co., Ltd.                          Chuzhou         Mingguang           trade                                     under common

Fengyang Xiaogang Village Ming             Anhui           Anhui                                                       combination not
                                                                         Manufacture                       42.00
Wine Distillery Co., Ltd.                Chuzhou         Fengyang                                                      under common

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery                                                                                          combination not
                                       Hubei Wuhan      Hubei Wuhan      Manufacture          51.00                -
                                                                                                                       under common
Co., Ltd.

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery              Hubei           Hubei                                                       combination not
                                                                         Manufacture         -             51.00
(Xianning)     Co., Ltd.                 Xianning         Xianning                                                     under common

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery                                                                                          combination not
                                       Hubei Suizhou Hubei Suizhou       Manufacture         -             51.00
(Suizhou) Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    under common

Hubei Junlou Cultural Tourism              Hubei           Hubei          Advertising                                  combination not
                                                                                             -             51.00
Co., Ltd.                                 Wuhan            Wuhan           marketing                                   under common

Hubei Yellow Crane Tower                   Hubei           Hubei                                                         Investment
                                                                         Manufacture         -             51.00
Beverage Co., Ltd                        Xianning         Xianning                                                      establishment

                                                               ~ 133 ~
                                        Main operating        Registration           Nature of         Holding percentage (%)
               Name                                                                                                                    Way of gaining
                                              place               place              business            Directly      Indirectly

Wuhan Yashibo Technology Co.,                                                     Technology                 -                           Investment
                                         Hubei Wuhan          Hubei Wuhan                                                    51.00
Ltd.                                                                              development                                          establishment

Hubei Xinjia Testing Technology               Hubei              Hubei                                       -                           Investment
                                                                                  Food testing                               51.00
Co., Ltd.                                    Xianning           Xianning                                                               establishment

Wuhan Tianlong Jindi Technology                                                   Commercial                                          combination not
                                         Hubei Wuhan          Hubei Wuhan                                    -               51.00
Development Co., Ltd                                                                   trade                                           under common

                                              Hubei              Hubei            Commercial                                          combination not
Xianning Junhe Sales Co., Ltd                                                                                -               51.00
                                             Xianning           Xianning               trade                                           under common

                                                                                  Commercial                 -                           Investment
Wuhan Junya Sales Co., Ltd               Hubei Wuhan          Hubei Wuhan                                                    51.00
                                                                                       trade                                           establishment

Suizhou Junhe Commercial Co.,                                                     Commercial                 -                           Investment
                                         Hubei Suizhou Hubei Suizhou                                                         51.00
Ltd.                                                                                   trade                                           establishment

(2) Significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                               The profit or loss              Declaring dividends                   Balance of
                                    proportion of
             Name                                              attributable to the                 distributed to            non-controlling interests
                                                            non-controlling interests non-controlling interests                   at the period-end

Yellow Crane Tower
                                                    49.00             44,387,465.24                                                     449,950,237.89
Distillery Co., Ltd.

(3) Main financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                             Ending balance
       Name                                  Non-current                                        Current             Non-current
                       Current assets                              Total assets                                                        Total liabilities
                                               assets                                          liabilities            liability

Yellow Crane
Tower Distillery       750,411,154.65     924,490,280.52         1,674,901,435.17        449,940,812.14             306,694,831.42      756,635,643.56
Co., Ltd.


                                                                              Beginning balance
            Name                                Non-current                                     Current          Non-current
                            Current assets                           Total assets                                                     Total liabilities
                                                     assets                                    liabilities           liability

                                                                      ~ 134 ~
                                                                 Beginning balance
            Name                          Non-current                           Current          Non-current
                        Current assets                    Total assets                                              Total liabilities
                                             assets                             liabilities        liability

Yellow Crane Tower
                        633,542,317.24 868,332,173.16 1,501,874,490.40 482,603,067.57 191,592,294.97                  674,195,362.54
Distillery Co., Ltd.


                                                                         Reporting Period
              Name                                                              Total comprehensive Cash flows from operating
                                  Operating revenue         Net profit
                                                                                        income                     activities

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery
                                         690,959,858.06      90,586,663.75               90,586,663.75                196,719,144.40
Co., Ltd.


                                                                    Same period of last year
              Name                                                                Total comprehensive           Cash flows from
                                  Operating revenue          Net profit
                                                                                          income               operating activities

Yellow Crane Tower Distillery
                                         181,381,939.34       -37,745,055.98              -37,745,055.98             -107,245,907.79
Co., Ltd.

7.2 Equity in joint ventures or associated enterprises

There was no significant joint venture or associated enterprise.

8. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

Risks related to the financial instruments of the Company arise from the recognition of various financial assets

and financial liabilities during its operation, including credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk.

Management of the Company is responsible for determining risk management objectives and policies related to

financial instruments. Operational management is responsible for the daily risk management through functional

departments. Internal audit department is responsible for the daily supervision of implementation of the risk

management policies and procedures, and report their findings to the audit committee in a timely manner.

Overall risk management objective of the Company is to establish risk management policies to minimize the risks

without unduly affecting the competitiveness and resilience of the Company.

8.1 Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk of one party of the financial instrument face to a financial loss because the other party of the

financial instrument fails to fulfill its obligation. The credit risk of the Company is related to cash and equivalent,

notes receivable, accounts receivables, other receivables, and long-term receivables. Credit risk of these financial
                                                          ~ 135 ~
assets is derived from the counterparty’s breach of contract. The maximum risk exposure is equal to the carrying

amount of these financial instruments.

Cash and cash equivalent of the Company has lower credit risk, as they are mainly deposited in such financial

institutions as commercial bank, of which the Company thinks with higher reputation and financial position.

Notes receivable held by the Company are mainly bank acceptance bills, which have strong liquidity. The

Company has formulated corresponding bill management and control procedures and has been effectively

implemented, which greatly ensures the safety of bill storage and use to ensure the low credit risks. The Company

only conducts business with customers with good credit rating, and will continue to monitor the balance of

accounts receivable to ensure that the Company avoids the risk of major bad debt losses. The company's largest

credit risk exposure is the book value of each financial asset (including derivative financial instruments) in the

balance sheet, and the overall credit risk evaluation is low.

8.2 Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is the risk of shortage of funds when fulfilling the obligation of settlement by delivering cash or

other financial assets. The Company is responsible for the capital management of all of its subsidiaries, including

short-term investment of cash surplus and dealing with forecasted cash demand by raising loans. The Company’s

policy is to monitor the demand for short-term and long-term floating capital and whether the requirement of loan

contracts is satisfied so as to ensure to maintain adequate cash and cash equivalents.

8.3 Market Risk

The market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of financial

instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market prices. Market risks mainly include foreign exchange risk and

interest rate risk.

(1) Foreign currency risk

Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk of loss due to exchange rate fluctuations generally. The core business of

the Company is on the mainland of China and trading with CNY. Foreign exchange risk is minimal.

(2) Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows will fluctuate due

to changes in market interest rates. The Company's interest rate risk mainly comes from long-term and short-term

bank borrowings. As of 30 June 2021, the Company has no liabilities calculated with floating interest rates.

(3) Other price risk

                                                         ~ 136 ~
The Held-for-trading financial assets of the Company are measured by fair value. As a result of that, the Company

bears the risk of the change of security market. To decrease the risk, the management decided that the Company

held a combination of several equities and securities.

9. The Disclosure of Fair Value

The inputs used in the fair value measurement in its entirety are to be classified in the level of the hierarchy in

which the lowest level input that is significant to the measurement is classified:

Level 1: Inputs consist of unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities

Level 2: Inputs for the assets or liabilities (other than those included in Level 1) that are either directly or

indirectly observable.

Level 3: Inputs are unobservable inputs for the assets or liabilities

1. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on 30 June 2021

                                                            Fair value on 30 June 2021
                                Level 1                  Level 2                 Level 3                    合计

一、Recurring fair value
                                   --                      --                       --                       --

financial assets

1. Financial assets at fair
value through profit or                                   209,115,157.91                                209,115,157.91

(1)Debt instruments

(2)Bank financial

(3)Fund investment                                      209,115,157.91                                209,115,157.91

2. Financial assets
designated to be measured
at fair value through profit
or loss

(1)Debt instruments

(2)Equity instrument

                                              -                         -       2,003,302,090.64       2,003,302,090.64

(三)Investment in other
                                                         54,910,856.74                                  54,910,856.74
equity instruments

                                                         ~ 137 ~
Total assets measured at
fair value on a recurring                       -           264,026,014.65            2,003,302,090.64         2,267,328,105.29

The fair value of financial instruments traded in an active market is based on quoted market prices at the reporting

date. The fair value of financial instruments not traded in an active market is determined by using valuation

techniques. Specific valuation techniques used to value the above financial instruments include discounted cash

flow and market approach to comparable company model. Inputs in the valuation technique include risk-free

interest rates, benchmark interest rates, exchange rates, credit spreads, liquidity premiums, discount for lack of


9.2 Valuation Technique(s), Qualitative and Quantitative Information about the Significant Inputs Used for

Fair Value Measurement in Level 2 on a Recurring or Nonrecurring Basis

The second level fair value measurement items of the company are mainly fund investment and other equity

instrument investment. For fund investment, the company shall recognize the corresponding profit and loss from

changes in fair value and the value of trading financial assets according to the securities investment fund valuation

statement provided by the asset management company; For other equity instrument investment, the company

recognizes the corresponding fair value of other comprehensive income and other equity instrument investment

according to the book net assets provided by the invested company.

9.3 Valuation Technique(s), Qualitative and Quantitative Information about the Significant Inputs Used for

Fair Value Measurement in Level 3 on a Recurring or Nonrecurring Basis

The items of fair value measurement in Level 2 of the Company are mainly about received notes. Since the

maturity of the received notes is mostly shorter than one year, and the cash is expected to be recovered at the

denomination when due, we determine its fair value based on the denomination.

10. Related Party and Related-party Transactions

Recognition of related parties: The Company has control or joint control of, or exercise significant influence over

another party; or the Company is controlled or jointly controlled, or significant influenced by another party.

10.1 General Information of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                 Proportion of
                                                                                         Proportion of share
                                                                                                                 voting rights
                                                                                             held by the
                        Registration                                                                             owned by the
        Name                           Nature of business        Registered capital        Company as the
                            place                                                                              Company as the
                                                                                          parent against the
                                                                                                               parent against the
                                                                                            Company (%)
                                                                                                                Company (%)

                                                            ~ 138 ~
                                                                                                                         Proportion of
                                                                                               Proportion of share
                                                                                                                         voting rights
                                                                                                    held by the
                         Registration                                                                                    owned by the
        Name                                Nature of business         Registered capital        Company as the
                            place                                                                                      Company as the
                                                                                                parent against the
                                                                                                                       parent against the
                                                                                                  Company (%)
                                                                                                                        Company (%)

                                        Beverages,    construction
Anhui Gujing Group         Anhui
                                        materials, manufacturing           1,000,000,000.00                   53.89                 53.89
Co., Ltd.                  Bozhou
                                        plastic production

The ultimate controller of the Company: The ultimate controller is State-owned Assets Supervision and

Administration Commission of the Government of Bozhou City, Anhui Province.

10.2 General Information of Subsidiaries

Refer to Note 7.1 Equity in joint ventures or associated enterprises for details.

10.3 Joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company

(1) General information of significant joint ventures and associates

Refer to Note 7.2 Equity in joint ventures or associated enterprises for details.

10.4 Other Related Parties of the Company

                             Name                                                   Relationship with the Company
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Hengxin Pawn Co., Ltd.
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Huixin Finance Investment Group Co., Ltd
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.Hefei Gujing          An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Holiday Hotel                                                        shareholder
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Gujing International Development Co., Ltd.
                                                                     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism Management Co., Ltd.

                                                                 ~ 139 ~
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Ruixin Pawn Co. Ltd.
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Shenglong Commercial Co., Ltd.
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Youxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Zhongxin Finance Leasing Co. Ltd.
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Bozhou Anxin Micro Finance Co., Ltd.
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Hefei Longxin Business Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Anhui Lixin E-commerce Co., Ltd.
Dazhongyuan Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development Co.,     An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Ltd.                                                         shareholder
                                                             An affiliate of the actual controller and controlling
Shanghai Beihai Hotel Co., Ltd
                                                             Enterprise controlled by Zhang Guiping, who is an
Nanjing Suning Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
                                                             independent director of the Company

10.5 Related Party Transactions

(1) Purchases or sales of goods, rendering or receiving of services

Purchases of goods, receiving of services:

                                                                                               Reporting         Same period of
                      Related party                                   Content
                                                                                                 Period              last year

                                                           Catering and accommodation           526,809.78
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.                                                                               121,508.00
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.                        Purchase of materials                                     8,757,860.85
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.                        Purchase of assets                   135,398.23
                                                           Catering and accommodation
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.                                                             272,361.80             884,017.40
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.                        Labor service                      1,252,375.80             991,145.50
Anhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.    Consultation and assurance         1,762,765.33
                                                           Catering and accommodation
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.                                                 251,426.22
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.            Purchase of materials                 46,390.00             525,535.82

                                                          ~ 140 ~
                                                          Catering and accommodation
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.                                                                     2,767,466.43           1,439,005.95
                                                          Catering and accommodation
Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.                                               1,016,638.00             416,771.00
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.Hefei
                                                          Purchase of materials             511,520.21              149,618.90
Gujing Holiday Hotel
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.Hefei      Catering and accommodation
                                                                                              79,499.36              63,570.78
Gujing Holiday Hotel                                      service
Anhui Gujing International Development Co., Ltd.          Labor service                                             103,773.58

Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                              Purchase of materials                                      56,952.00
Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd.                    Purchase of materials                                     191,893.81
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.                  Labor service                                                 3,413.21
Dazhongyuan Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development       Purchase of materials and
Co., Ltd.                                                 labor service
                                                          Purchase of materials and
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism Management Co., Ltd.                                                                        99,546.43
                                                          labor service
                          Total                                            --                                   14,005,756.86

Sales of goods and rendering of services:

                                                                                                          Same period of last
                         Related party                              Content       Reporting Period
                                                               Catering and
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                                   accommodatio               64,573.00                  28,125.00
                                                               n service
                                                               Sales of small
Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                                                              17,892.09                  35,549.10
Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd.                         Sales of liquor          -690,974.69               5,738,435.24
                                                               Catering and
Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd.                         accommodatio                                             1,250.00
                                                               n service
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.                       Sales of liquor          104,830.09                   94,938.00
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.                       Utilities                117,827.75
Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.                            Sales of liquor            19,115.04                  48,584.08
Anhui Hengxin Pawn Co., Ltd.                                   Sales of liquor             5,925.67                     6,244.25
Anhui Huixin Finance Investment Group Co., Ltd                 Sales of liquor            20,692.03                  21,225.67
                                                               Catering and
Anhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.        accommodatio
                                                               n service
Anhui Jiuan Engineering Management Consulting Co., Ltd.        Sales of liquor             3,568.14
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism Management Co., Ltd.                  Utilities                   3,433.85                  51,180.85
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism Management Co., Ltd.                  Sales of liquor             4,890.26                     4,539.82
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.                Catering and               38,145.75

                                                          ~ 141 ~
                                                                 accommodatio                                                600.00
                                                                 n service
Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.                  Sales of liquor              587,517.41                251,495.58
Anhui Ruixin Pawn Co. Ltd.                                       Sales of liquor                 3,703.54                  3,512.39
                                                                 Catering and
Anhui Shenglong Commercial Co., Ltd.                             accommodatio                    2,470.00                  3,800.00
                                                                 n service
Anhui Shenglong Commercial Co., Ltd.                             Sales of liquor               624,187.6               1,450,295.22
Anhui Youxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.                       Sales of liquor                 1,712.39                  3,122.12
Anhui Zhongxin Finance Leasing Co. Ltd.                          Sales of liquor                 8,147.79                  8,115.92
Bozhou Anxin Micro Finance Co., Ltd.                             Sales of liquor                 7,407.08                  8,506.19
Bozhou Hotel Co., Ltd.                                           Sales of liquor               32,973.46                  50,575.23
Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.                     Sales of liquor               30,106.20                  68,654.87
Hefei Gujing Holiday Hotel Co., Ltd.                             Sales of liquor               44,442.47                  14,336.28
Hefei Longxin Business Management Consulting Co., Ltd            Sales of liquor                  509.73
Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd.                           Labor service                                          232,430.19
                                                                 Sales of small
Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                     1,314.60
Anhui Lejiu Home Tourism Management Co., Ltd.                    Labor service                                             7,620.00
Anhui Lixin E-commerce Co., Ltd.                                 Sales of liquor                                           7,461.93
Bozhou Ruineng Thermal Power Co., Ltd.                           Sales of liquor                                          74,150.45
Dazhongyuan Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development Co.,         Sales of small
Ltd.                                                             materials
                                                                 Catering and
Dazhongyuan Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development Co.,
                                                                 accommodatio                                                420.00
                                                                 n service
Dazhongyuan Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development Co.,
                                                                 Labor service                                             2,889.91
Dazhongyuan Wine Valley Culture Tourism Development Co.,
                                                                 Sales of liquor                                          88,799.29
Shanghai Beihai Hotel Co., Ltd                                   Sales of liquor                                           8,601.77
                                                                 Sales of small
Anhui Gujing International Development Co., Ltd.                                                                           5,437.89
                                                                 Catering and
Anhui Gujing International Development Co., Ltd.                 accommodatio                                              2,820.00
                                                                 n service
Anhui Gujing International Development Co., Ltd.                 Sales of liquor                                       1,700,563.88
                              Total                                      --                  1,053,726.65            10,028,226.85

(2) Related-party leases

The Company as lessor:

                                           Category of leased   The lease income confirmed in      The lease income confirmed in
             Name of lessee
                                                   assets             the Reporting Period           the same period of last year

                                                            ~ 142 ~
Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd. Houses and buildings                      543,941.93                         417,153.83

                  Total                            --                              543,941.93                         417,153.83

The Company as lessee:

                                                  Category of leased The lease fee confirmed in the The lease fee confirmed in
                 Name of lessor
                                                           assets           Reporting Period         the same period of last year

Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                     Houses and buildings                   594,333.78                    749,786.08

Nanjing Suning Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Houses and buildings                 1,290,102.21                               -

                      Total                                  --                       1,884,435.99                    749,786.08

10.6 Receivables and Payables with Related Parties

(1) Payables

       Item                           Related party                           Ending balance              Beginning balance

                  Anhui Gujing Health Industry Co., Ltd.                                608,339.50                    658,339.50

                  Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.                       600,828.67                    342,484.96

                  Anhui Gujing International Development Co., Ltd.                      186,083.60                    186,083.60

                  Bozhou Gujing Huishenglou Catering Co., Ltd.                                                         15,300.00

                  Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      4,804,012.50

                  Anhui Haochidian Catering Co., Ltd.                                 2,723,533.27                  2,479,131.69

Accounts payable Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.                         86,129.55                               -

Other payables    Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd.                                           98,817.71                  1,050,004.75

Other payables    Anhui Ruijing Business Travel (Group) Co., Ltd.                       115,533.60                    114,660.00

Other payables    Anhui Gujing Hotel Development Co., Ltd.                              100,000.00                    100,000.00

11. Commitments and Contingency

11.1 Significant Commitments

As of June 30, 2021, the company has no important commitments to be disclosed.

11.2 Contingencies

As of 30 June 2021, The Company has no contingencies need to be disclosed.

12. Events after Balance Sheet Date

Approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission under CSRC Permit [2021] No. 1422, the Company
                                                              ~ 143 ~
issued RMB25,000,000 ordinary shares (A shares) to specific targets on 23 June 2021 at an issuing price of

RMB200.00 per share, raising total proceeds of RMB5,000,000,000.00. After deducting the expenses related to

the issue of RMB45,657,925.15 (excluding VAT), the actual net proceeds raised were RMB4,954,342,074.85.

RSM (special ordinary partnership) has audited the availability of the funds raised from the non-public offering of

shares of the Company on 29 June 2021 and issued Capital Verification Report R.C.Y.Z [2021] No. 518Z0050.

The above shares were registered with the Shenzhen Branch of CSDC on 12 July 2021 and listed on the Shenzhen

Stock Exchange on 22 July 2021.

13. Other Significant Events

Segment Information

The Company did not determine the operating segment in accordance with the internal organizational structure,

management requirements, and internal reporting system, so there was no need to disclose segment information

report based on the operating segments.

14. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

14.1 Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by aging

                       Aging                              Ending balance                         Beginning balance

Within one year                                                       1,179,822.50                               494,976.27

Of which:1-6 months                                                   1,179,822.50                               494,976.27

7-12 months                                                                                                                -

1-2 years                                                                                                                  -

2-3 years                                                                                                                  -

Over 3 years                                                                                                               -

                      Subtotal                                        1,179,822.50                               494,976.27

Less: Bad debt provision                                                                                               0.00

                       Total                                          1,179,822.50                               494,976.27

(2) Disclosure by withdrawal method of bad debt provision

                                                                   Ending balance

                                      Carrying amount                      Bad debt provision
                                                                                                          Carrying value
                                   Amount         Proportion (%)      Amount           proportion

                                                        ~ 144 ~
Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                                          -                 -                   -                -                       -

Bad debt provision withdrawn                   1,179,822.50                                                                   1,179,822.50
by group

Of which: Group 1                              1,179,822.50          100.00                                                   1,179,822.50

           Group 2

                Total                          1,179,822.50          100.00                                                   1,179,822.50


                                                                                Beginning balance

                                                Carrying amount                        Bad debt provision
                                                                                                                        Carrying value
                                           Amount             Proportion (%)         Amount         proportion

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                                          -                 -                   -                -                       -

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                                494,976.27           100.00                     -                -             494,976.27
by group

Of which: Group 1                               494,976.27           100.00                     -                -             494,976.27

           Group 2                                        -                 -                   -                -                       -

                Total                           494,976.27           100.00                     -                -             494,976.27

On 30 June 2021, accounts receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 1

                                                                                       Ending balance
                        Aging                                                                                        Withdrawal proportion
                                                        Carrying amount                  Bad debt provision

Related      parties    within   the   scope   of
                                                                   1,179,822.50                                  -                       -

                        Total                                      1,179,822.50                                  -                       -

On 31 December 2020, accounts receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 1

                                                                                      Beginning balance
                        Aging                                                                                        Withdrawal proportion
                                                        Carrying amount                  Bad debt provision

Related      parties    within   the   scope   of
                                                                     494,976.27                                  -                       -

                        Total                                        494,976.27                                  -                       -

                                                                  ~ 145 ~
On 30 June 2021, there was no account receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2.

On 31 December 2020, there was no account receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2.

(3) Changes of bad debt provision during the Reporting Period

On 30 June 2021, there was no change of bad debt provision.

(4) On 30 June 2021, top five ending balances by entity

                                                               Proportion of the balance to the total
               Entity name                Balance                                                       Bad debt provision
                                                                     accounts receivable (%)

No. 1                                          1,179,822.50                                    100.00                        -

No. 2                                                                                                                        -

No. 3                                                                                                                        -

No. 4                                                                                                                        -

No. 5                                                                                                                        -

                  Total                        1,179,822.50                                    100.00                        -

14.2 Other Receivables

(1) Listed by category

                    Item                       Ending balance                                Beginning balance

Interest receivable                                                          -                                               -

Dividends receivable                                                         -                                               -

Other receivables                                             278,778,850.21                                 141,378,010.40

                  Total                                       278,778,850.21                                 141,378,010.40

(2) Other receivables

①Disclosure by aging

                             Aging                              Ending balance                     Beginning balance

Within one year                                                          278,055,345.82                      140,143,887.64

Of which:1-6 months                                                      275,854,845.98                      139,805,782.01

7-12 months                                                                 2,200,499.84                          338,105.63

1-2 years                                                                   1,060,089.23                         1,322,306.20

2-3 years                                                                     650,079.20                          244,089.00

Over 3 years                                                              38,863,584.88                       41,333,188.41

                             Subtotal                                    318,629,099.13                      183,043,471.25

                                                     ~ 146 ~
                                Aging                                           Ending balance                       Beginning balance

Less: Bad debt provision                                                                   39,850,248.92                        41,665,460.85

                                 Total                                                    278,778,850.21                       141,378,010.40

②Disclosure by nature

                        Nature                                        Ending balance                            Beginning balance

Related parties within the scope of consolidation                                   231,295,793.74                             133,696,578.89

Security investment                                                                  38,857,584.88                              40,807,394.41

Security deposit and guarantee                                                       43,727,658.09                               1,879,230.29

Rent, water, electricity and gas                                                        1,363,672.14                             1,275,238.93

Other                                                                                   3,384,390.28                             5,385,028.73

                        Total                                                       318,629,099.13                             183,043,471.25

③Disclosure by withdrawal method of bad debt provision

A. As of 30 June 2021, bad debt provision withdrawn based on three stages model:

              Stage                            Carrying amount                      Bad debt provision                   Carrying value

                                                           279,771,514.25                         992,664.04                   278,778,850.21
             Stage 1

             Stage 2

             Stage 3                                           38,857,584.88                    38,857,584.88

                                                           318,629,099.13                       39,850,248.92                  278,778,850.21

A1. As of 30 June 2021, bad debt provision at stage 1:

                                                                 12-month expected credit
             Category                    Carrying amount                                        Bad debt provision         Carrying value
                                                                      losses rate (%)

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                                           -                                -                        -                      -

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                            279,771,514.25                              0.35             992,664.04            278,778,850.21
by group

Of which: Group 1                           231,295,793.74                                                                     231,295,793.74

           Group 2                           48,475,720.51                              2.05             992,664.04             47,483,056.47

              Total                         279,771,514.25                              0.35             992,664.04            278,778,850.21

On 30 June 2021, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

                        Aging                                                              Ending balance

                                                                      ~ 147 ~
                                                                                                            Withdrawal proportion
                                                    Carrying amount              Bad debt provision

Within one year                                             46,759,552.08                   555,615.51                            1.19

Of which:1-6 months                                         44,559,052.24                   445,590.52                            1.00

7-12 months                                                  2,200,499.84                   110,024.99                            5.00

1-2 years                                                    1,060,089.23                   106,008.93                          10.00

2-3 years                                                      650,079.20                   325,039.60                          50.00

Over 3 years                                                       6,000.00                    6,000.00                        100.00

                        Total                               48,475,720.51                   992,664.04                            2.05

A2. As of 30 June 2021, bad debt provision at stage 3:

                                                      12-month expected credit
             Category           Carrying amount                                      Bad debt provision          Carrying value
                                                           losses rate (%)

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                    38,857,584.88                        100.00             38,857,584.88                            -

Bad debt provision withdrawn                                                                                                         -

by group

Of which: Group 1                                                                                                                    -

            Group 2                                                                                                                  -

               Total                38,857,584.88                        100.00             38,857,584.88                            -

On 30 June 2021, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

                                                                              Ending balance

                                     Carrying amount      Bad debt provision       proportion             Withdrawal reason

                                                                                                  The enterprise enters the
Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.             28,966,894.41          28,966,894.41           100.00
                                                                                                  bankruptcy liquidation procedure

                                                                                                  The enterprise enters the
Jianqiao Securities Co., Ltd.             9,890,690.47           9,890,690.47
                                                                                                  bankruptcy liquidation procedure

                  Total                  38,857,584.88          38,857,584.88           100.00                    --

B. As of 31 December 2020, bad debt provision withdrawn based on three stages model:

               Stage                  Carrying amount                    Bad debt provision                   Carrying value

                                                  142,236,076.84                       858,066.44                      141,378,010.40
              Stage 1

                                                           ~ 148 ~
               Stage                  Carrying amount                     Bad debt provision                      Carrying value

                                                                  -                                  -                                   -
              Stage 2

                                                      40,807,394.41                    40,807,394.41                                     -
              Stage 3

                                                  183,043,471.25                       41,665,460.85                    141,378,010.40

B1. On 31 December 2020, bad debt provision at stage 1:

                                                        12-month expected credit
             Category           Carrying amount                                        Bad debt provision            Carrying value
                                                             losses rate (%)

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                                  -                                -                        -                            -

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                   142,236,076.84                               0.60           858,066.44               141,378,010.40
by group

Of which: Group 1                  133,696,578.89                                  -                        -           133,696,578.89

             Group 2                 8,539,497.95                              10.05           858,066.44                 7,681,431.51

               Total               142,236,076.84                               0.60           858,066.44               141,378,010.40

On 31 December 2020, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn by group 2

                                                                                 Beginning balance
                        Aging                                                                                   Withdrawal proportion
                                                      Carrying amount             Bad debt provision

Within one year                                                6,447,308.75                  77,997.31                                1.21

Of which:1-6 months                                            6,109,203.12                  61,092.03                                1.00

7-12 months                                                      338,105.63                  16,905.28                                5.00

1-2 years                                                      1,322,306.20                 132,230.63                              10.00

2-3 years                                                        244,089.00                 122,044.50                              50.00

Over 3 years                                                     525,794.00                 525,794.00                             100.00

                        Total                                  8,539,497.95                 858,066.44                              10.05

B2. As of 31 December 2020, bad debt provision at stage 3:

                                                        12-month expected credit
             Category           Carrying amount                                        Bad debt provision            Carrying value
                                                             losses rate (%)

Bad debt provision withdrawn
                                    40,807,394.41                          100.00           40,807,394.41                                -

Bad debt provision withdrawn                      -                                -                        -                            -

                                                             ~ 149 ~
                                                                 12-month expected credit
               Category                   Carrying amount                                         Bad debt provision             Carrying value
                                                                      losses rate (%)

by group

Of which: Group 1                                            -                              -                          -                           -

              Group 2                                        -                              -                          -                           -

                 Total                        40,807,394.41                          100.00              40,807,394.41                             -

On 31 December 2020, other receivables with bad debt provision withdrawn separately:

                                                                                     Beginning balance

                                                Carrying amount      Bad debt provision         proportion             Withdrawal reason

Hengxin Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                                    The enterprise enters the
                                                    28,966,894.41          28,966,894.41             100.00     bankruptcy liquidation


Jianqiao Securities Co., Ltd.                                                                                   The enterprise enters the
                                                    11,840,500.00          11,840,500.00             100.00     bankruptcy liquidation

                    Total                           40,807,394.41          40,807,394.41             100.00                       --

④Changes of bad debt provision during the Reporting Period

                                                                             Changes in the Reporting Period
                Category                     Beginning balance                              Reversal or                          Ending balance
                                                                        Withdrawal                            Write-off

Bad debt provision withdrawn                        40,807,394.41                       -   1,949,809.53                               38,857,584.88


Bad debt provision withdrawn by                       858,066.44             134,597.60                                                  992,664.04


                  Total                             41,665,460.85            134,597.60     1,949,809.53                               39,850,248.92

⑤ On 30 June 2021, top five ending balance by entity

                                                                                                              Proportion of
                                                                                                              the balance to
                                                                                                                                       Bad debt
        No.                      Nature                     Ending balance                  Aging             the total other

     No. 1               Related party within the                  90,000,000.00     Within 6 months                     28.25                     -

                                                                      ~ 150 ~
                                                                                                                 Proportion of
                                                                                                               the balance to
                                                                                                                                           Bad debt
       No.                     Nature                       Ending balance                      Aging          the total other


                       scope of consolidation

                       Related party within the
       No. 2                                                         79,101,073.03       Within 6 months                   24.83                         -
                       scope of consolidation

                       Related party within the
       No. 3                                                         50,469,478.21       Within 6 months                   15.84                         -
                       scope of consolidation

       No. 4                Cash deposit                             42,020,000.00       Within 6 months                   13.19             420,200.00

       No. 5            Securities Investment                        28,966,894.41           Over 3 years                   9.09          28,966,894.41

       Total                      --                                290,557,445.65                                         91.20          29,387,094.41

14.3 Long-term Equity Investments

                                                   Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
           Item                                     Depreciation                                                  Depreciation
                             Carrying amount                         Carrying value          Carrying amount                            Carrying value
                                                       reserve                                                       reserve

Investment in
                             1,312,692,241.38                        1,312,692,241.38         1,118,213,665.32                  -       1,118,213,665.32

          Total              1,312,692,241.38                        1,312,692,241.38         1,118,213,665.32                  -       1,118,213,665.32

(1) Investments in subsidiaries

                                                       Increase during                                               provision           Provision for
                                       Beginning                            during the
           Investees                                    the Reporting                           Ending balance       during the impairment at 30
                                        balance                             Reporting
                                                            Period                                                   Reporting             June 2021

Bozhou Gujing Sales Co.,
                                       68,949,286.89                    -                -         68,949,286.89

Anhui Longrui Glass Co.,
                                       85,267,453.06                    -                -         85,267,453.06

Shanghai Gujing Jinhao

Hotel Management Co.,                  49,906,854.63                    -                -         49,906,854.63


                                                                        ~ 151 ~
                                               Increase during                                           provision       Provision for
                               Beginning                           during the
            Investees                          the Reporting                        Ending balance       during the impairment at 30
                                balance                            Reporting
                                                   Period                                                Reporting        June 2021

BozhouGujing Hotel Co.,
                                 648,646.80                    -                -        648,646.80

Anhui Ruisiweier
                              40,000,000.00                    -                -      40,000,000.00
Technology Co., Ltd.

Anhui Yuanqing

Environmental Protection      16,000,000.00                    -                -      16,000,000.00

Co., Ltd.

Anhui Gujing Yunshang
                               5,000,000.00                    -                -       5,000,000.00
E-commerce Co., Ltd.

Anhui Zhenrui

Construction Engineering      10,000,000.00                    - 10,000,000.00                       -               -

Co., Ltd.

Yellow Crane Tower
                             816,000,000.00                    -                -    816,000,000.00                  -
Distillery Co., Ltd.

Anhui Jinyunnlai Cultural
                              15,000,000.00                    -                -      15,000,000.00                 -
Media Co., Ltd.

Bozhou Gujing Waste
                               1,441,423.94                    -   1,441,423.94                      -               -
Recycling Co., Ltd.

Anhui RunanXinke Testing
                              10,000,000.00                    -                       10,000,000.00                 -
Technology Co., Ltd.

Anhui Mingguang
                                           - 200,200,000.00                     -    200,200,000.00                  -
Distillery Co., Ltd.

Anhui Jiuhao China
Railway Construction                       -     5,720,000.00                   -       5,720,000.00                 -
Engineering Co., Ltd.

             Total          1,118,213,665.32 205,920,000.00 11,441,423.94           1,312,692,241.38                 -

14.4 Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

        Item                         Reporting Period                                        Same period of last year

                                                               ~ 152 ~
                            Operating revenue             Cost of sales              Operating revenue                  Cost of sales

                                 3,545,448,721.46            1,360,995,592.21            3,264,418,953.05                 1,298,189,995.07
Main operations

                                     50,784,414.00              27,316,859.36                  32,698,219.44                 18,869,268.55
Other operations

          Total                  3,596,233,135.46            1,388,312,451.57             3,297,117,172.49                1,317,059,263.62

14.5 Investment Income

                                   Item                                          Reporting Period              Same period of last year

Investment income from long-term equity investments under cost

Gains on disposal of financial assets at fair value through other
                                                                                          -6,415,106.49                                   -
comprehensive income

Investment income from trading financial assets during the holding

Other investment income                                                                        411,771.02                    12,434,590.21

                                   Total                                                  -3,772,871.47                      12,434,590.21

15. Supplementary Materials

15.1 Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

                        Item                                        Amount                                       Note

 Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current

 Government grants recognised in current
 profit or loss

 Gain/loss from change of fair value of
 trading financial assets and liabilities, and
 derivative financial assets and liabilities, and
 investment gains from disposal of trading
 financial assets and liabilities, and derivative                              6,470,100.21
 financial assets and liabilities, and
 investment in other debt obligations, other
 than valid hedging related to the Company’s
 common businesses

 Depreciation reserves returns of receivables
 and contract assets with separate                                             1,949,809.53
 depreciation test

 Other non-operating income and expense
 other than the above

 Less: Income tax effects                                                     16,593,381.40

                                                                    ~ 153 ~
       Non-controlling interests effects                                   9,476,312.99

                     Total                                                40,518,567.47                                          --

15.2 Return on Net Assets and Earnings Per Share

                                                           Weighted average ROE                       EPS (Yuan/share)
             Profit as of Reporting Period
                                                                   (%)                    EPS-basic               EPS-diluted

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
                                                                           12.85                       2.74                     2.74

Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
Company after deduction of non-recurring profit and                        12.47                       2.66                     2.66

                                     Chairman of the Board:                                             (Liang Jinhui)

                                                          Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Limited

                                                                          27 August 2021

                                                                ~ 154 ~