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						                                         Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2020 Midyear Report Abstract

Stock ID:Wazhou B                                         Stock code:200706                                    Announcement No.2020-21

                                       Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited
                                                   2020 Midyear Report Abstract
I.Important Notes
This semi-annual report abstract is from the full text of the semi-annual report. In order to fully understand the company's business
results, financial situation and future development plan, investors should read the full text of the semi-annual report carefully in the
designated media of CSRC.
Statement of objection of directors, supervisors and senior managers
In addition to the following directors, the other directors attended the board meeting in person to review the semi-annual report
    Names of directors not present          Not present himself as a           Reason for not attending the
                                                                                                                          Name of principal
             in person                              director                       meeting in person

Non-standard audit opinion presentation

The profit distribution plan of common stock or the plan of accumulation fund to increase share capital during the reporting period
reviewed by the board of directors

The company plans not to distribute cash dividends, not to send red shares, not to increase the share capital accumulation fund.
Preferred stock profit distribution plan adopted by the board of directors during the reporting period

II.Basic Information of the company
1. Brief Information of the company
Abbreviated name of the stock                        Wazhou B                    Stock code:                       200706
Listing location of the Company’s stock:            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contacts                                             Secretary of the Board                        Representative of Stock Affairs
Name                                                 Sun Najuan                                     Ke Xin
                                                     No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City,      No. 1 Beigongji Street, Wafangdian City, Liaoning
Correspondence address
                                                     Liaoning Province, China.                     Province, China.
Consulting telephone                                 0411-39116369                                 0411-39116731
E-mail                                               zwz2308@126.com                              zwz2308@126.com

2.Main financial data and indicators

Whether the company needs to retroactively adjust or restate previous accounting data
□ yes √ no
                                                             current period              previous period        +/-comparing with the previous period
Operating income                                                  999,645,101.91            957,539,400.42                                    4.40%
Net profit available for shareholders of listing
                                                                     3,647,082.19                7,771,067.43                              -53.07%
Net profit available for shareholders of listing
                                                                     -4,526,512.88               6,193,570.78                             -173.08%
company with abnormal incomes deducted
Net cash flows from operation activities                            72,521,427.05               57,453,880.86                               26.23%

                                          Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2020 Midyear Report Abstract

Basic gains on per share                                                      0.01                      0.02                               -50.00%
Diluted gains on per share                                                    0.01                      0.02                               -50.00%
Net returns on assets                                                       0.30%                    0.01%                                   0.29%
                                                            2020.06.30                     2019.12.31          +/-comparing with the end of last year
Total assets                                                   3,137,722,613.98           2,961,477,469.55                                   5.95%
Owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity)                        1,197,880,498.57           1,226,441,398.45                                   -2.33%

3.The number and shareholding of the company's shareholders

                                                                                 Total number of shareholder at
Total number of shareholder at the end of
                                                                           6,216 the end of report period with                                     0
report period
                                                                                 preferred stock
                                                          Top 10 shareholders holdings
                                                                                                                     Impawned or Frozen Shares
      Name                 Nature            Ratio     Total shares held         Non-current shares held
                                                                                                                        Status          Amount
Bearing Group                                  60.6%        244,000,000                            244,000,000
                                              19.70%         79,300,000
ET SKF     shareholder
China Merchants
Securities Hong                                1.90%           7,655,492
Kong Co., Limited
Huang Junyue                                   1.66%           6,672,268
Hu Xiaofeng                                    0.47%           1,879,277
                                               0.34%           1,365,900
NGKONG)       shareholder
SECURITIES                                     0.33%           1,310,000
Jin Yunhua                                     0.19%             750,000
Meng Qingliang                                 0.18%             734,548
MAN,KWAI WING Foreign private
                                               0.18%             713,101
文贵荣        shareholder
                                Among the top 10 shareholders of the company, there is no association or consistent action
A statement of the above between the largest shareholder and other shareholders or top 10 shareholders of tradable shares,
shareholders'    association or and it is unknown whether there is any association or consistent action between other
concerted action                shareholders, top 10 shareholders of tradable shares or top 10 shareholders of tradable shares and
                                other shareholders.

4. Change of controlling shareholders or actual controllers

Change of controlling shareholder during the reporting period
The controlling shareholders have not changed during the reporting period.
The actual controller changes during the reporting period

                                    Wafangdian Bearing Company Limited 2020 Midyear Report Abstract

The actual controller of the company during the reporting period has not changed.

5. The total number of preferred shareholders and the shareholding status of the top 10 preferred
shareholders of the company
No preferred stock ownership during the reporting period.

6. Corporate bonds
Does the company have corporate bonds which are publicly issued and listed on the stock exchange and which are not due on the
date of approval of the semi-annual report or which are not redeemed in full at maturity
III. Discussion and analysis of business conditions
1. Brief introduction of operation during the reporting period
Whether companies are required to comply with specific industry disclosure requirements
During the reporting period the company by the outbreak of the new champions league, the influence of market demand and market
competition facing uncertainty continues to increase, competitors' market power is full of uncertainty, and product pricing for the
market and the production and operation of the company to bring greater risk; Company's artificial cost rising; Raw material price is
high; Company profits space is still grim.
During the reporting period, the company business income is 999.64 million yuan, up 4.4% from a year earlier. Net profit of 3.65
million yuan. Down 53.07% from a year earlier. By reporting period, the company's total assets of 3.138 billion yuan, is at the end of
last year's growth of 5.95%, attributable to shareholders of listed companies with a net worth of $1.198 billion, fell 2.33% at the end
of the year.

2.Related matters related to financial reports
(1)Changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods compared with the financial reports of the previous
accounting period
The company during the reporting period without accounting policies and accounting estimate change and accounting methods.

(2)Material accounting error correction during the reporting period requires retroactive restatement.
Company reporting period without major accounting errors correction need retroactive restatement.

(3)compared with the financial report of the previous accounting period, the scope of consolidated statements has changed
No changes in the scope of consolidated statements during the reporting period.