YANTAI CHANGYU PIONEER WINE COMPANY LIMITED The 3rd Quarter Report of 2010 1. Important 1.1 The Board of Directors, board of Supervisors, senior managers of the Company collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this report and confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement herein misleading. 1.2 No directors, supervisors or senior managers can not ensure the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness, or have any dissidence to this report. 1.3 All directors attended the Board of Directors’ meeting to deliberate this report. 1.4 The 3rd quarter report of 2010 has not been audited. 1.5 The chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Sun Liqiang, the chief accountant Mr. Leng Bin and the chief of accounting department Mr. Jiang Jianxun assure the truth and integrity of the financial and accounting statement in this report.2. THE BASIC INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY 2.1 Main accountant data and Financial index Unit: CNY Sep. 30, 2010 Dec.31, 2010 More or less (%) Total assets 5,208,747,950.00 5,364,160,798.00 -2.90% Owner’s equity attributed to shareholders of listing company 3,296,891,746.00 3,038,226,013.00 8.51% Share capital (share) 527,280,000.00 527,280,000.00 0.00% Net asset per share attributed to shareholders of listing company 6.25 5.76 8.51% July to Sep., 2010 More or less compared with same period of last year (%) Jan. to Sep., 2010 More or less compared with same period of last year (%) Total operation revenue 1,088,726,941.00 10.95% 3,570,612,075.00 21.01% Net profit attributed to shareholders of listing company 298,823,242.00 9.86% 891,401,733.00 22.58% Net cash flow from operating activities - - 878,250,217.00 -17.60% Net cash flow per share from operating activities - - 1.67 -17.33% Basic earnings per Share 0.57 9.62% 1.69 22.46% Diluted earnings per Share 0.57 9.62% 1.69 22.46% Weighted average rate of net assets return 9.13% -1.18% 27.23% -0.34% Weighted average rate of net assets return after deducting irregualr profit and loss 9.13% -0.95% 27.10% 0.00% Item for irregular profit and losss Item for irregular profit and loss From Jan. 1st 2010 to end of report period Remark Profit and loss on entrusting others to invest or manage assets 523,547.00 - profit and loss from other non-business activities 7,729,934.00 - Effect index for the income tax -2,063,370.00 - effect index for minority shareholders’ equity -1,829,735.00 - Total 4,360,376.00 -2.2 The total number of the shareholders and top 10 shareholders with unlimited shares at the end of the report period Unit:share Total number of shareholders Totally 11501 shareholders, including 6745 shareholders for A share, 4756 shareholdesr for B share The top 10 shareholders with unlimited shares Name of Shareholders Number of unlimited shares Type of shares YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP CO.,LTD. 265,749,120 A share HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG FIRST STATE CHINA GROWTH FD 21,019,204 B share GAOLING FUND,L.P. 13,719,554 B share BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FD 8,246,082 B share GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV. CORP.- A/C "C" 5,377,239 B share UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A. 4,504,590 B share MIRAE ASSET CHINA SOLOMON EQUITY INVESTMENT TRUST 1 3,974,716 B share CHINA UNIVERSAL GROWTH FOCUS SECURITIES-ORIENTED CAPITAL FUND 3,765,883 A share HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND 3,579,270 B share TAIKANG LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD. 3,539,335 A share 3. MAJOR ISSUES 3.1 The great change and reasons on main accountant data and financial Index (√ ) applicable At end of report period, the Company’s prepayments increased by 169.40% mainly due to the prepayment on grape purchase, other accounts receivable increased by 139.71% mainly due to the imprest growth on staff for business trip. During report period, the sales tax and surcharges increased by 30.07% compared with same period of last year, mainly caused by the growth on principal business income, the investment proceeds dropped by 57.22% because the investment proceeds from IPO share decreased compared with last report period. 3.2 Analysis and explanation on the situation, impact and solution of other major issues 3.2.1 non-standard comment ( √ ) not applicable3.2.2 The information about the Company to offer capital to its controlling shareholder or any related party, or privide any guarantee outside in violation of regulations ( √ ) not applicable 3.2.3 The signing and fulfillment of major contracts for daily operations ( √ ) not applicable 3.2.3 Others ( √ ) applicable During report period, approved by the 3rd preliminary shareholders’ meeting of 2010, the Company stopped the investment to Evergrowing Bank with own fund for CNY1.02 billion. 3.3 The execution of promised issues by the company, shareholders and actual controller ( √ )applicable Promisted issue Promisee Promised content Execution Promise for capital reform Changyu Group In addition to the statutory minimum commitments, Changyu Group also made special promises as following: (1) The shares of the Company held by Group Company will not be listed and transferred within 36 months from the date for obtaining the listing right. (2) Within 12 months at the expiration of the guaranteed period mentioned above, the proportion for shares sold out as non-listed shares initially through stock exchange in total shares of Group Company is less than 5%, and 10% for that within 24 months at the expiration of the guaranteed period. (3) Group Company also promised to submit the proposal in its shareholders’ meeting 2005, 2006 and 2007 which suggest the cash dividends proportion as more than 65% of distributable profits made in same year, and guarantee to approve of the proposal during the meeting. Changyu Group has already voted for the annual profit distribution plan in shareholder s’ meeting 2005,2006 and 2007. Promise in acquisition report or equity change report - - - Promise for significant assets reform - - - Promise on shares issuing Changyu Group Changyu Group will not engage in any business leading to any industry competition with the Company. Yantai Group is strictly abiding by its promise. Other promises including Changyu Group Changyu Group has acknowledged all related rules and regulations in Securities Law, Acquisition Changyu Group hasadditional promises management practices of listed companies, guidance on transfer of releasing shares on sale restrictions of listed companies and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and will strictly abide by all related rules and regulations in accordance with above documents when the limited shares are released and sold in the future. The Changyu Group will faithfully fulfill all the promises mentioned above, and bear the legal responsibilities correspondingly. already abided by its promises. 3.4 Warning and explanation for the estimation on the possible loss of total net profit in the period from the beginning of this year to the end of the next report period or the great change comparing with same period of last year. ( √ ) not applicable 3.5 Other major issues 3.5.1 Securities investment ( √ ) applicable item type Code Ab. Initial investment (CNY) Share quantity (share) Book value at end of report period Proportion on total securities investiment(%) Profit and loss during report period 1 - - - 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other securities investment by end of report period 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 Profit and loss on securites sold during report period - - - - 52.35 Total 0.00 - 0.00 100 52.35 Information on securities investment During report period, the Company gained the yield of CNY523,500 from selling the alloted IPO shares. In addition, the Company did not hold any share equity of other listed company, nor invest in any financial enterprise such as commercial bank, securities company, insurance company, trust company or futures company. 3.5.2 The Company’s Receptions, Studies and Visits during report period Reception date Reception place Reception way Visitor Main topic and material provided July 1, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey GTJA Allianz Funds Principal operation, future development July 1, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey CITIC-PRUDENTIAL FUND Principal operation, future development July 1, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Penghua Fund Principal operation, future development July 1, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Galaxy Asset Management Principal operation, future developmentJuly 5, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Wanjia Asset Management Principal operation, future development July 5, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey UBS SDIC Principal operation, future development July 10, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Guanya Investment Principal operation, future development July 10, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Shibei Capital Principal operation, future development July 10, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey China Capital Investment Principal operation, future development July 10, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Guotai AMC Principal operation, future development Aug. 1, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Fortune SGAM Fund Principal operation, future development Aug.10,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Principal operation, future development Aug.21,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey CITIC Securites International Principal operation, future development Aug.25,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Heqi Investment Principal operation, future development Aug.25,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey HFT Investment Principal operation, future development Sep.2,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Changjiang Securities Principal operation, future development Sep.7,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey COMGEST Principal operation, future development Sep.8,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey China Merchants Fund Principal operation, future development Sep.9,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Zhonghai Fund Principal operation, future development Sep.10,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Western Securities Principal operation, future development Sep.13,2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Hua An Funds Principal operation, future development Sep.17, 2010 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Rongtong Fund Principal operation, future development 3.6 Investment on financial derivatives ( √ ) not applicable 3.6.1 Investment on financial derivatives at end of report period ( √ ) not applicable 4. appendix4.1 Balance Sheet Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. 2010.09.30 Unit: CNY Amount at the end of the report period Amount at the beginning of the year Item Consolidated amount Parent company amount Consolidated amount Parent company amount Current assets: Monetary fund 2,252,055,903.00 1,654,490,781.00 2,545,210,286.00 1,701,195,926.00 Settlement provisions Placements Financial assets for trade Notes receivable 45,305,302.00 14,247,386.00 38,107,831.00 12,294,221.00 Account receivable 94,108,109.00 12,261,439.00 98,022,443.00 13,163,722.00 Advance money 85,899,712.00 66,875,724.00 31,885,027.00 19,918,724.00 Premiums receivable Reinsurance receivables Reinsurance contract reserve Interest receivalbe 8,126,310.00 8,126,310.00 8,969,343.00 8,969,343.00 Dividend receivable 447,429,274.00 Other account receivable 53,753,665.00 460,299,800.00 22,424,303.00 633,416,634.00 Financial assets purchased under resale Inventories 942,118,592.00 433,589,486.00 1,131,240,892.00 467,402,171.00 Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets 1,435,747.00 1,104,453.00 Total current assets 3,482,803,340.00 2,649,890,926.00 3,876,964,578.00 3,303,790,015.00 Non-current assets: Loans and advances Financial assets for sale Investment held to expiration Long-term account receivable Long-term equity investment 10,000,000.00 339,755,678.00 10,000,000.00 229,077,178.00 Real estate for investment Fixed assets 1,089,380,015.00 310,882,554.00 996,792,865.00 331,281,278.00 Construction in progress 185,105,727.00 16,991,042.00 109,372,318.00 2,234,216.00 Project material 395,114.00 Liquidation of fixed assets Biological assets for production 39,541,773.00 11,004,467.00 39,717,396.00 11,444,646.00 Oil and gas assets Intangible assets 161,918,626.00 94,173,920.00 147,509,555.00 90,579,308.00 Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 106,251,518.00 38,956,022.00 Assets of deferred income tax 128,651,705.00 25,112,956.00 139,267,274.00 26,315,465.00 Other non-current assets 4,700,132.00 5,052,421.00 5,580,790.00 5,544,630.00 Total non-current assets 1,725,944,610.00 802,973,038.00 1,487,196,220.00 696,476,721.00 Total assets 5,208,747,950.00 3,452,863,964.00 5,364,160,798.00 4,000,266,736.00Current liabilities: Short-term loan 224,500,000.00 220,000,000.00 The central bank borrowings Deposits and interbank deposit Borrowing money Financial liabilities for trade Notes payable Accounts payable 231,644,672.00 138,224,004.00 343,079,052.00 232,881,603.00 Advance money 287,911,284.00 371,221,002.00 Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Handling charges and commission Wage payable 115,641,379.00 121,289,087.00 176,980,999.00 112,116,156.00 Tax payable 517,562,618.00 104,145,925.00 556,959,447.00 115,867,141.00 Interest payable 605,030.00 605,030.00 Dividend payable 2,353,107.00 Other accounts payable 577,104,621.00 589,676,581.00 477,048,092.00 219,943,753.00 Due to reinsurers Insurance contract Acting trading securities Securities underwriting agent Non-current liabilities due within one year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 1,732,217,681.00 953,335,597.00 2,150,393,622.00 901,413,683.00 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loan 10,500,000.00 Bond payable Long-term accounts payable Special accounts payable Estimated liabilities Liabilities of deferred income tax 5,336,115.00 5,336,115.00 Other non-current liabilities 23,250,000.00 13,350,000.00 23,250,000.00 13,350,000.00 Total non-current liabilities 28,586,115.00 13,350,000.00 39,086,115.00 13,350,000.00 Total liabilities 1,760,803,796.00 966,685,597.00 2,189,479,737.00 914,763,683.00 Shareholder rights and interests: Capital stock 527,280,000.00 527,280,000.00 527,280,000.00 527,280,000.00 Capital reserve 557,222,454.00 557,222,454.00 557,222,454.00 557,222,454.00 Less: treasury stock Special Reserve Surplus reserve 295,942,630.00 295,942,630.00 295,942,630.00 295,942,630.00 General risk reserve Undistributed profit 1,916,446,662.00 1,105,733,283.00 1,657,780,929.00 1,705,057,969.00 Currency translation differences Total shareholder rights and interests of parent company 3,296,891,746.00 2,486,178,367.00 3,038,226,013.00 3,085,503,053.00 Minority shareholder rights and interests 151,052,408.00 136,455,048.00 Total shareholder rights and interests 3,447,944,154.00 2,486,178,367.00 3,174,681,061.00 3,085,503,053.00 Liabilites and total shareholders rights and interests 5,208,747,950.00 3,452,863,964.00 5,364,160,798.00 4,000,266,736.004.2 Profit Statement for Report Period Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. July-September 2010 Unit: CNY Amount of the report period Amount of the last period Item Consolidated amount Parent company amount Consolidated amount Parent company amount 1. Total operating income 1,088,726,941.00 324,178,221.00 981,241,847.00 350,972,907.00 Business income 1,088,726,941.00 324,178,221.00 981,241,847.00 350,972,907.00 Interest income Earned premiums Fee and commission income 2. Total operating costs 669,062,708.00 311,177,549.00 631,566,435.00 349,379,129.00 Operating costs 315,882,520.00 261,728,743.00 292,745,406.00 265,401,112.00 Interest expense Fee and commission expense Surrender payment Net claims paid Net provisions for insurance contract Policyholder dividends Reinsurance costs Business tax and associate charges 73,281,353.00 37,194,718.00 60,205,889.00 44,427,748.00 Sales expenses 259,583,989.00 252,965,274.00 Management expenses 33,933,757.00 28,320,816.00 32,356,195.00 47,758,463.00 Financial expenses -13,618,912.00 -16,066,727.00 -6,706,329.00 -8,208,194.00 Assets depreciation loss Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with "-") Investment profit (loss is listed with "-") 94,440.00 94,440.00 1,223,734.00 9,723,734.00 Including: investment profit for joint-run business and joint venture Exchange gains (loss is listed with "-") 3. Operating profit (loss is listed with "-") 419,758,673.00 13,095,112.00 350,899,146.00 11,317,512.00 Add: Non-operating income 3,329,938.00 57,468.00 8,239,032.00 339,275.00 Less: non-operating expenditures 51,756.00 5,186.00 115,478.00 65,143.00 Including: non-current assets disposing loss 4. Total profit ( total loss is listed with "-") 423,036,855.00 13,147,394.00 359,022,700.00 11,591,644.00 Less: income tax expenses 109,885,157.00 777,948.00 84,721,205.00 656,437.00 5. Net profit (net loss is listed with "-") 313,151,698.00 12,369,446.00 274,301,495.00 10,935,207.00 Net profit of parent company's owners 298,823,242.00 12,369,446.00 271,992,830.00 10,935,207.00 Minority shareholder profit and loss 14,328,456.00 2,308,665.00 6. EPS Basic EPS 0.57 0.02 0.52 0.02 Diluted EPS 0.57 0.02 0.52 0.02 7. Other comprehensive income 0.00 0.00 8. Total comprehensive income 313,151,698.00 12,369,446.00 274,301,495.00 10,935,207.00 Total comprehensive income attributed to the equity holders of parent company 298,823,242.00 12,369,446.00 271,992,830.00 10,935,207.00 Total comprehensive income attributed to the minority shareholders 14,328,456.00 2,308,665.004.3 Profit Statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the report Period Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. January-September 2010 Unit: CNY Amount of the report period Amount of the last period Item Consolidated amount Parent company amount Consolidated amount Parent company amount 1. Total operating income 3,570,612,075.00 1,070,586,358.00 2,950,668,008.00 820,379,148.00 Business income 3,570,612,075.00 1,070,586,358.00 2,950,668,008.00 820,379,148.00 Interest income Earned premiums Fee and commission income 2. Total operating costs 2,376,585,939.00 1,015,250,570.00 2,003,461,069.00 795,008,029.00 Operating costs 1,013,786,924.00 815,856,293.00 882,157,615.00 617,772,048.00 Interest expense Fee and commission expense Surrender payment Net claims paid Net provisions for insurance contract Policyholder dividends Reinsurance costs Business tax and associate charges 217,235,900.00 121,483,072.00 167,008,419.00 100,302,787.00 Sales expenses 1,020,496,402.00 837,306,257.00 Management expenses 144,155,917.00 103,650,022.00 138,817,469.00 104,388,709.00 Financial expenses -19,089,205.00 -25,738,816.00 -21,828,691.00 -27,455,515.00 Assets depreciation loss Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with "-") Investment profit (loss is listed with "-") 523,547.00 523,547.00 1,223,734.00 161,440,793.00 Including: investment profit for joint-run business and joint venture Exchange gains (loss is listed with "-") 3. Operating profit (loss is listed with "-") 1,194,549,683.00 55,859,335.00 948,430,673.00 186,811,912.00 Add: Non-operating income 8,353,880.00 266,922.00 16,663,786.00 1,008,519.00 Less: non-operating expenditures 623,946.00 10,418.00 161,831.00 85,913.00 Including: non-current assets disposing loss 4. Total profit ( total loss is listed with "-") 1,202,279,617.00 56,115,839.00 964,932,628.00 187,734,518.00 Less: income tax expenses 296,280,524.00 22,704,525.00 234,346,678.00 7,534,691.00 5. Net profit (net loss is listed with "-") 905,999,093.00 33,411,314.00 730,585,950.00 180,199,827.00 Net profit of parent company's owners 891,401,733.00 33,411,314.00 727,228,121.00 180,199,827.00 Minority shareholder profit and loss 14,597,360.00 3,357,829.00 6. EPS Basic EPS 1.69 0.06 1.38 0.34 Diluted EPS 1.69 0.06 1.38 0.34 7. Other comprehensive income 0.00 0.00 8. Total comprehensive income 905,999,093.00 33,411,314.00 730,585,950.00 180,199,827.00 Total comprehensive income attributed to the equity holders of parent company 891,401,733.00 33,411,314.00 727,228,121.00 180,199,827.00 Total comprehensive income attributed to the minority shareholders 14,597,360.00 3,357,829.004.4 Cash Flow Statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the report Period Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co., Ltd. January-September 2010 Unit: CNY Amount of the report period Amount of the last period Item Consolidated amount Parent company amount Consolidated amount Parent company amount 1. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services 4,091,023,274.00 1,251,535,157.00 3,576,476,173.00 958,818,493.00 Net increase of customer deposits and interbank deposit Net increase in borrowings from the central bank Net increase of capital borrowed from other financial institutions Cash received from the original insurance contract Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase in insured deposits and investments Net increase in disposal of financial assets Interest charges, fees and commissions Net increase in capital borrowed Net increase in repurchase operations funds Tax refund received 33,952,254.00 17,233,683.00 6,904,140.00 3,264,140.00 Other cash received related to operating activities 161,601,597.00 543,116,584.00 171,904,016.00 479,768,745.00 Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities 4,286,577,125.00 1,811,885,424.00 3,755,284,329.00 1,441,851,378.0 0 Cash paid for goods and services 1,286,066,891.00 920,237,925.00 1,146,173,905.00 704,364,443.00 Net increase in loans and advances Net increase on central bank and interbank Cash payments on the original insurance contract Cash on payment of interest, fee and commissions Cash dividends paid to policyholders Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 253,054,341.00 148,846,328.00 175,665,303.00 73,901,001.00 Cash paid for taxes and expenses 1,038,949,523.00 243,163,188.00 795,405,370.00 166,860,556.00 Other cash paid related to operating activities 830,256,153.00 19,802,466.00 572,175,715.00 39,931,149.00 Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities 3,408,326,908.00 1,332,049,907.00 2,689,420,293.00 985,057,149.00 Net cash flow from operating activities 878,250,217.00 479,835,517.00 1,065,864,036.00 456,794,229.00 2. Cash flow from investing activities: Cash received from return of investment Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months 379,819,840.00 357,819,840.00 Cash received from obtaining investment profit 523,547.00 447,952,821.00 1,223,734.00 161,440,793.00 Cash received from interest income 8,995,699.00 8,995,699.00 27,307,980.00 27,256,230.00 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of branch and other business unit Other cash received related to investing activities Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities 9,519,246.00 456,948,520.00 408,351,554.00 546,516,863.00 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 315,401,701.00 22,986,608.00 247,253,352.00 7,803,577.00 Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months 5,829,054.00 10,829,054.00 Cash for investment 106,000,000.00 Net increase in secured loans Net cash paid to acquire branch and other business unit 57,789,176.00Other cash paid related to investment activities Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities 321,230,755.00 139,815,662.00 247,253,352.00 65,592,753.00 Net cash flow from investing activites -311,711,509.00 317,132,858.00 161,098,202.00 480,924,110.00 3. Cash flow from financing activites Cash received from acquiring investment Including: cash received from acquiring minority shareholders investment by branch Cash received from acquiring loans Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received related to finaning activities Subtotal cash flows of financing activities Cash paid to pay debts 224,500,000.00 220,000,000.00 Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest 641,034,421.00 634,514,850.00 632,736,000.00 632,736,000.00 Including: dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders by branch Other cash paid related to financing activities Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities 865,534,421.00 854,514,850.00 632,736,000.00 632,736,000.00 Net cash flow from financing activites -865,534,421.00 -854,514,850.00 -632,736,000.00 -632,736,000.00 4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash equivalents 5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents -298,995,713.00 -57,546,475.00 594,226,238.00 304,982,339.00 Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and cash equivalents 1,998,681,278.00 1,159,666,918.00 792,724,722.00 265,694,858.00 6. Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash equivalents 1,699,685,565.00 1,102,120,443.00 1,386,950,960.00 570,677,197.00 4.5 Audit Report Not audited Yantai Changyu Wine Poineer Co., Ltd. Board of Director October 28th , 2010