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张 裕B:2011年半年度报告摘要(英文版)2011-08-08  

						      Shares: 000869;200869, Abbreviation of Shares: Changyu A ;Changyu B
                   Announcement Number: 2011- Ding 03


 Summary of 2011 Semi-annual Report
                              1. Important

1.1 The Board of Directors,Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors
and senior managers of the Company collectively and individually,
accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the information contained in this report and confirm
that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are no other facts
the omission of which would make any statement herein misleading.

The summary of semi-annual report is abstracted from the 2011
semi-annual report, which is published on www.cninfo.com.cn. The
investors shall read carefully the whole text of 2011 semi-annual report
to get more details.

1.2 No directors, supervisors or senior managers declare to have
dissidence to this report.

1.3 All directors attended the Board of Directors’ meeting to deliberate
this semi-annual report.

1.4 The 2011 Semi-annual Financial Report has not been audited.

1.5 The chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Sun Liqiang, the
accounting director Mr. Leng Bin and the finance principal Mr. Jiang
Jianxun assure the truth and integrity of the financial and accounting
statement in this semi-annual report.

  2.The Basic Information of the Company

  2.1 Brief introduction to the company
  Abbreviation of the Shares:                Changyu A, Changyu B
  Code Number of the Shares:                 000869, 200869
  Place of listing of the Shares             Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                             Secretary to the Board of      Authorized Representative
                                             Directors                      of the Securities Affairs
  Name                                       Qu Weimin                      Li Tingguo
  Contact Address                            56, Dama Road, Yantai          56, Dama Road, Yantai
                                             City, Shandong Province        City, Shandong Province
  Telephone                                  0086-535-6633658               0086-535-6633656
  Fax                                        0086-535-6633639               0086-535-6633639
  E-Mail                                     quwm@changyu.com.cn            stock@changyu.com.cn

  2.2 The main accounting and financial information

  2.2.1 Main accountant and Financial data
  √ applicable  not applicable
                                                                               Unit: CNY
                                        At the end of the      At the end of last     more or less
                                           report period               year             (%)
Total assets                                 6,125,215,014          5,983,377,253         2.37%
The owners’ equity attributed to
                                            3,978,491,136          3,839,708,341           3.61%
   shareholders of listed company
Capital stock                                 527,280,000            527,280,000              0%

Net assets per share attributed to
                                                        7.55                 7.28          3.71%
    shareholders of listed company

                                        at the report          the same period       more or less
                                        period (Jan.—June)    of last year          (%)
Total Revenue                                3,090,021,567          2,481,885,134         24.50%
Business profit                              1,159,441,095             774,791,010        49.65%
Total profit                                 1,162,514,940             779,242,762        49.19%
Net profit attributed to shareholders
                                              876,955,116            585,674,479         49.73%
of listed company
Net profit attributed to shareholders
of listed company after deducting the         874,766,673            582,953,418         50.06%
irregular profit and loss
Basic earnings per share (CNY)                          1.66                 1.11        49.55%
Diluted earnings per share (CNY)                        1.66                 1.11        49.55%
Return on net assets (%)                             21.21%               17.04%          4.17%
Weighted average returns on
net assets after the irregular profit                21.16%               16.97%           4.19%
and loss
Net cash flows from operating
                                            1,018,887,265            639,706,842         59.27%
Net cash flows per share from
                                                        1.93                 1.21        59.50%
operating activities

                2.2.2 Items of irregular profit and loss
                √ applicable   not applicable
                                                                                                    Unit: CNY
                    Item                                                                            Amount         Remarks
                                                                                                                   if necessary
            Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets                                         -99,865
            Tax return or relief ultra vires approved, without formal
            documented or occasionally happened, or sporadic tax return or                                   0
            Government grant accounted in current profit and loss (except for
            those that closely related to the operation, under national unified                 2,137,979
            standards with certain amount or quantity continuously )
            Gain or loss on fair value change of trading financial assets and
            trading financial liabilities, and investment income from disposal of
            trading financial liabilities and financial assets available for sale,                   52,122
            except available hedging operations related to the Company’s daily
            Other non-operating income and expenses                                             1,035,730
            Amount affected on income tax                                                        -931,274
            Amount affected on minority interests (after tax)                                      -6,249
            Total                                                                               2,188,443

                2.2.3 Differences between the PRC Accounting Standards and the
                International Accounting Standards
                applicable √ not applicable

                3. Changes in Share Capital and Substantial Shareholders

                3.1 Changes in Share Capital
                √ applicable not applicable
                                                                                                         Unit: ’0000Share
                        Before this change                        Change (+, -)                                                After this change
                        Amount        Percentag    Allot   Distribute    Transfer                          Sub               Amount           Percen
                                      e            new     bonus share other          others               total                              tage
                                                   share                 capital to
Limited Shares            213,021,120     40.40%                                          -213,021,120        -213,021,120

1.State share
2.State legal person
3.Other     domestic      213,021,120     40.40%                                          -213,021,120        -213,021,120
corporate share
Including:                213,021,120     40.40%                                          -213,021,120        -213,021,120

Domestic        legal
person share
Domestic      natural
person share
Overseas       legal
person share
Overseas     natural
person share

5. Top management
Unlimited Shares         314,258,880     59.60%                                        213,021,120     213,021,120       527,280,000        100%

1.CNY         common     135,774,600     25.75%                                        213,021,120     213,021,120       348,795,720   66.15%
2.Foreign       share    178,484,280     33.85%                                                                          178,484,280   33.85%
listed in PRC
3.Foreign       share
listed overseas
Total shares             527,280,000      100%                                                                           527,280,000        100%

                3.2 The shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders
                without limited conditions
     Total number at the end of report period                        The Company had 18,004 shareholders. There were
                                                                     12,529 shareholders with A shares, and 5,475
                                                                     shareholders with B shares
     The top 10 shareholders
     Name of Shareholders                         The character      Percentage    Number of         Number      of      Lien or
                                                  Of the               (%)          shares           limited             frozen
                                                  shareholders                                       shares              shares
     YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP COMPANY                                                      265,749,120                   0                 0
                                                           A share        50.40%
                                                           B share         3.63%        19,154,622                   0                 0
     GAO-LING FUND,L.P.                                    B share         3.43%        18,102,298                   0                 0
                                                           B share         1.97%        10,373,597                   0                 0
                                                           B share         1.20%         6,324,903                   0                 0
     A/C "C"
     UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A.                                 B share         0.86%         4,543,836                   0                 0
                                                           B share         0.85%         4,499,786                   0                 0
                                                           A share         0.78%         4,100,582                   0                 0
     SECURITIES-ORIENTED                                   A share         0.72%                                     0                 0
     CAPITAL FUND                                                                        3,814,835
                                                           A share         0.64%         3,349,024                   0                 0

     The share holding of top 10 unlimited shareholders
     shareholders                                                                  Number of unlimited shares            Share Type
     YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP CO.,LTD.                                                                     265,749,120                A share
     HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG FIRST STATE CHINA GROWTH FD                                                    19,154,622                B share
     GAO-LING FUND,L.P.                                                                                 18,102,298                B share
     BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FD                                                           10,373,597                B share
     GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV. CORP.- A/C "C"                                                         6,324,903                B share
     UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A.                                                                               4,543,836                B share
     BBH LUX-FIDELITY FUNDS-EMERGING MARKETS FUND                                                        4,499,786                B share
     GREAT WALL EASE RETURN HYBRID SECURITIES INVESTMENT FUND                                            4,100,582                A share
                                                                                                                                  A share
     CAPITAL FUND                                                                                        3,814,835
                                                                                                         3,349,024                A share
     The explanation for the relationship and action of              There is no relationship or concerted action between
     the top 10 shareholders                                         Changyu and the other 9 circulating shareholders. The
                                                                     information about relationship or concerted action among
                                                                     other circulating shareholders is unknown.

3.3 The changes of the controlling shareholder and actual controller
applicable √ not applicable

4. The Introduction for the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

4.1 The changes on share holding by the directors, supervisors and
senior management team
applicable √ not applicable

5. The Board of Directors’ Report

5.1 Principal Business
                                                                                         Unit: CNY’0000
                                   Principal business sorted by industry
Product          Principal         Principal       Gross Profit More or less         More or less     More or less
                 sales             Cost            Ratio(%)         than    same     than    same     than    same
                                                                    period of last   period of last   period of last
                                                                    year of the      year of the      year of the
                                                                    principal        principal        profit
                                                                    sales(%)         cost(%)          ratio(%)
Alcohol    and
beverage                309,002          74,924          75.75%          24.50%            7.36%            3.87%
                          Principal business sorted by product
Wine                    256,795          54,347        78.84%            25.71%            2.25%            4.86%
Brandy                   38,938          15,099          61.22%          16.43%           18.03%            -0.53%
Total                   295,733          69,446          76.52%          24.40%            5.31%            4.26%
Among which:
related                      465            113          75.70%

5.2 Principal Business Situation Assorted by Territory Distribution
                                                         Unit: CNY’0000
District                           Principal Sales                    More or less than last year (%)
In domestic market                              306,672                                                      24.59%
In foreign market                                  2,330                                                     14.48%
Other                                           309,002                                                      24.50%

5.3 The explanation of the great change in principal business and its
structure comparing
applicable         √     not applicable

5.4 The explanation of the great change in profit earning ability(gross
profit ratio) of principal business compared with last year
applicable         √     not applicable

5.5 The analysis of the great change in profit structure compared with
last year

applicable    √   not applicable

5.6 The Uses of the Collected capital

5.6.1 The exertion comparison of collected capital
applicable √ not applicable

5.6.2 The situation of the variational item
applicable  √ not applicable

5.7 Modification for the business plan of the Board of Directors in the
next half year
applicable   √ not applicable

5.8 Caution and explanation for forecasted loss on accumulated net
profit from the beginning of this year to the end of the next report
period or any significant change compared with same period of last year
applicable  √ not applicable

5.9 The explanation of the Company’s Board of Directors for the non
standard advice to the report of the accountant affairs office
applicable  √ not applicable

5.10 The explanation of the Company’s Board of Directors for the
change and disposal of any issue involved in the non standard advice of
the accountant affairs office in last year
applicable  √ not applicable


6.1 Material Acquisition, Sales or Merger on Assets
6.1.1 Material Assets Acquisition
applicable    √ not applicable

6.1.2 Material Assets Sales
applicable  √ not applicable

6.1.3 The related process and impact on business achievements and
financial situation during report period after the disclosure of assets
merger report or announcement about acquisition, sales on assets
applicable   √ not applicable

6.2 Material Warranty
applicable   √ not applicable

6.3 The Non-operative Related Creditor’s Right and Liability
applicable  √ not applicable

6.4 Material Litigation and arbitration
applicable   √ not applicable

6.5 The Analysis and Explanation on Other Major Issues, Related
Influence and Solutions
applicable  √ not applicable

6.5.1 Securities Investment
  √ applicable   not applicable
item    type      Code        Ab.   Initial         Share       Book    value   Proportion    on     Profit and loss
                                    investment      quantity    at end of       total securities     during   report
                                    (CNY)           (share)     report period   investment(%)        period
1        Stock    -       -                 0.00            0            0.00              0.00                 0.00
Other securities investment
                                             0.00           -           0.00               0.00                0.00
by end of report period
Profit and loss on securities
                                                -           -               -                  -              52,122
sold during report period
 Total                                       0.00           -           0.00                100               52,122
Information for securities investment
During report period, the Company subscribed IPO shares and obtained investment
proceeds for CNY52122 totally.

6.5.2 Share Holding of Other Listed Company
applicable  √ not applicable

6.5.3 The Non-operating Capital Occupied and Withdrawn from Majority
Shareholder and Its Subsidiary Company During Report Period
applicable  √ not applicable

6.5.4 The Execution of Commitments by the Company, Shareholders,
and Actual Controller
√ applicable not applicable
Commitment              Committe       Commitment content                                          Performance
items                   d person                                                                   situation
Share reform            Yantai         1. From the day of being granted the right of               It has already
commitment              Changyu        circulation on stock market as March 21st,2006,             been fulfilled.
                        Group          Changyu Group will not transact or transfer its
                        Co. Ltd.       shareholding in the Company within 36 months
                                       2.Within 12 months as from the day of the expiry of
                                       the afore-said promising period, the amount of the
                                       former non-circulating stock that Changyu Group
                                       may list for transaction at Stock Exchange can’t be
                                       over 5% of its total and within 24 months after that,
                                       can’t be over 10% of its total.
                                       3. Changyu Group also promised to propose over the
                                       shareholders’ meetings 2005, 2006 and 2007 to
                                       distribute the Company’s profit in cash no less than
                                       65% of the distributable profit realized in the same
                                       year and ensure to vote for aye for this proposal.
Commitments        in   No.            No.                                                         No.
the      acquisition
report or report of
changes in equity
Commitments when        No.            No.                                                         No.
making        major
assets restructuring
Issuance                Yantai         Non-horizontal competition                                  It is always in
Commitments             Changyu                                                                    strict
                        Group                                                                      performance.
                        Co. Ltd.

   Other commitments       Yantai         The Company has well noted the Securities Law,             Under
   (including              Changyu        Administration Methods of Takingover Listed                performance.
   additional              Group          Companies, Guidance on Releasing the Limited
   commitments)            Co. Ltd.       Shares Transfer of the Listed Companies and the
                                          relative business rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
                                          and will strictly obey the relevant provisions of above
                                          documents, faithfully carry out the commitments and
                                          bear the corresponding legal responsibility, when in
                                          the future reducing the holding of the shares with
                                          releasing restrictions on sale price in this time.

   6.5.5 The Board of Directors’ Profit Distribution Plan for Report Period
   applicable  √ not applicable

   6.5.6 Other Comprehensive Incomes
   √ applicable not applicable
                                                                                                 Amount in      Amount in
                                                                                                 this period    last period
1.Gains or losses on financial assets available for sale
Less: Income tax affected by financial assets available for sale
Net amount transferred from other Comprehensive income of last period to current profit                    0
and loss account
2.Sharing the other Comprehensive income of invested company by equity method
Less: Income tax affected by sharing the other comprehensive income of invested
company by equity method
Net amount transferred from other Comprehensive income of last period to current Profit                    0              0
and loss account
                                                                                                           0              0
3.Gains or losses from cash flow hedging instruments
                                                                                                           0              0
Less: income tax affected on gains or losses from cash flow hedging instruments
Net amount transferred from other comprehensive income of last period to current Profit                    0              0
and loss account
                                                                                                           0              0
Transferred as the adjusted amount of initial recognition of hedging items
                                                                                                           0              0
                                                                                                           0              0
4. Converting gains and losses on the financial statements in foreign currency
Less:Net amount transferred from disposal of overseas operation into current gains and                    0              0
                                                                                                           0              0
                                                                                                           0              0
                                                                                                           0              0
Less:Income tax affected by other comprehensive income
Net amount transferred from other comprehensive income of last period to current Profit                    0              0
and loss account
                                                                                                     19,679               0

   6.6 The Reception of Investigation, Visit and Communication
   Reception date          Reception place        Reception way          Visitor                     Main topic and
                                                                                                     material provided
                            Meeting room of           Field survey           Wells Fargo Funds
                             the Company
                            Meeting room of           Field survey        Wanlifuda Investment
                             the Company
                            Meeting room of           Field survey         Industrial Securities
                             the Company
                            Meeting room of           Field survey             Ping An asset
                             the Company                                       management

              Meeting room of   Field survey        ChinaAMC                Principal
               the Company                                              operation and the
              Meeting room of   Field survey       Xinhua assets             future
               the Company                                               development of
              Meeting room of   Field survey      Soochow Fund            the company
2011.02.28     the Company

2011.03.05    Meeting room of   Field survey      Hua An Fund
               the Company                        Management
2011.03.08    Meeting room of   Field survey     Shenyin Wanguo
               the Company                          Securities
              Meeting room of   Field survey      CLSA Limited
               the Company
2011.04.18    Meeting room of   Field survey       China Jianyin
               the Company                     Investment Securities
2011.04.19    Meeting room of   Field survey      Shangya Fund
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey   Global Industrial Fund
               the Company                         Management
              Meeting room of   Field survey    Bank of China Fund
               the Company                         Management
              Meeting room of   Field survey      Heqi Investment
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey   Zhongding Investment
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey    Bangde Investment
               the Company                         Management
              Meeting room of   Field survey      Bosera Funds
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey   Hong Yuan Securities
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey      Leading Funds
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey      Guofu Property
               the Company                       Investment Fund
              Meeting room of   Field survey      Da Cheng Fund
               the Company                         Management
              Meeting room of   Field survey   Changjiang Securities
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey     Jinyuan Securities
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey   Citic China Securities
               the Company
              Meeting room of   Field survey      Penghua Funds
               the Company


7.1 Audit Opinion
Financial report                       Unaudited

         7.2 Financial Statement

         7.2.1 Consolidated And Parent Company’s Balance Sheet (1)
                                                 30/6/2011                             31/12/2010
                     Assets           Consolidated      Parent company       Consolidated      Parent company
Cash and bank                           2,575,302,305        1,937,453,170     2,489,804,162        1,898,488,544
Trading financial assets                   21,200,000          21,200,000
Bills receivable                           56,026,700          24,607,165        31,447,207           12,871,415
Trade receivables                          95,255,224          10,357,520       100,113,271           11,708,820
Advances to suppliers                      70,742,936          61,392,268        74,728,756           40,352,558
Interest receivable                        18,216,011          18,094,085         9,519,721            9,519,721
Dividends receivable                                         1,765,637,074                          1,765,637,075
Other receivables                          62,383,999        1,613,571,335       30,686,838         1,155,602,622
Inventories                             1,079,415,696         383,689,771      1,294,406,406         481,049,315

Non-current asset expire in a year
Other current assets
Total current assets                    3,978,542,871        5,836,002,387     4,030,706,362        5,375,230,070
Available for sale financial assets
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments                5,000,000         712,783,083         5,000,000          331,907,113
Investment Real Estate
Property, plant and equipment           1,222,721,665         321,960,105      1,188,081,245         325,016,812
Construction in progress                  353,576,695          25,326,123       242,107,575           13,603,659
Construction materials
Fixed assets disposal
Biological assets                          38,539,812           9,683,931        37,773,638           10,270,836
Oil and gas assets
Intangible assets                         274,070,448          91,219,294       208,847,847           87,521,064
Development expenditure
Long-term prepaid expense                 104,839,398                           106,233,673
Deferred tax assets                       143,853,616          28,462,210       160,275,366           27,019,769
Other non-current assets                    4,070,510           4,257,410         4,351,547            4,538,447
Total non-current assets                2,146,672,143        1,193,692,156     1,952,670,890         799,877,700
    Total assets                        6,125,215,014        7,029,694,543     5,983,377,253        6,175,107,770

Consolidated And Parent Company’s Balance Sheet (2)
                                                         30/6/2011                         31/12/2010
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                         Consolidated    Parent company     Consolidated   Parent company
Short-term loan
Trading of financial liabilities
Bills payable
Trade payables                                   234,251,383       152,527,756     259,022,075      165,884,293
Advances from customers                          290,340,844                       309,481,976
Employee benefits                                165,097,207       117,825,347     186,915,812      114,351,323
Taxes payable                                    486,594,616       126,920,299     649,365,259      122,920,579
Interest payable
Dividends payable                                           0                0
Other payables                                   689,337,237     2,598,527,785     476,897,721     1,768,065,889
 Total current liabilities                       1,865,621,287    2,995,801,187    1,881,682,843    2,171,222,084

Deferred tax liabilities                           5,316,436                          5,336,115
Other non-current liabilities                    120,110,000         8,027,000     100,213,000        8,027,000
Total non-current liabilities                     125,426,436         8,027,000     105,549,115        8,027,000
Total liabilities                                1,991,047,723    3,003,828,187    1,987,231,958    2,179,249,084
Share capital                                    527,280,000       527,280,000     527,280,000      527,280,000
Capital surplus                                  557,242,133       557,222,454     557,222,454      557,222,454
Less treasury stock
Surplus reserve                                  295,942,630       295,942,630      295,942,630      295,942,630
Retained earnings                              2,598,026,373     2,645,421,272    2,459,263,257    2,615,413,602
Equity attributable to equity holders of the
company                                          3,978,491,136    4,025,866,356    3,839,708,341    3,995,858,686
Minority interests                               155,676,154                       156,436,954
Total equity                                     4,134,167,291    4,025,866,356    3,996,145,295    3,995,858,686
Total liabilities and equity                     6,125,215,014    7,029,694,543    5,983,377,253    6,175,107,770

      7.2.2 Consolidated And Parent Company’s Profit Statement

                                                     Six months ended 30 June 2011      Six months ended 30 June 2010

                      Item                           Consolidated     Parent company    Consolidated    Parent company
                                                      3,090,021,567       881,120,226   2,481,885,134       746,408,137
Less Cost of sales                                      749,237,629       681,420,169     697,904,404       554,127,550
Taxes and surcharges                                    175,702,733        99,160,797     143,954,547        84,288,354
Selling expenses                                        869,894,366                       760,912,413
Administrative expenses
                                                        157,485,167        66,569,261     110,222,160        75,329,206
Financial expenses                                      -21,687,300       -23,747,128      -5,470,293        -9,672,089
Loss for impairment of assets
Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with

Investment profit ((loss is listed with "-")                52,122        723,374,683        429,107            429,107
Including: investment profit for joint-run
business and joint venture
Operating profit
                                                      1,159,441,095       781,091,810     774,791,010        42,764,223
Add: Non-operating income                                 4,062,176         1,574,281       5,023,942           209,453
Less: Non-operating expenses                                988,331           245,922         572,190             5,231
Including: losses on disposal                  of
non-current assets

Profit before tax                                     1,162,514,940       782,420,169     779,242,762        42,968,445
Less: Income tax                                        286,320,623        14,220,498     186,395,367        21,926,577

Profit for the year                                     876,194,317       768,199,671     592,847,395        21,041,868
Attributable to equity holders of the
company                                                 876,955,116       768,199,671     585,674,479        21,041,868
Minority interests                                         -760,800                         7,172,916
Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share                                       1.66              1.46            1.11              0.04
Diluted earnings per share                                     1.66              1.46            1.11              0.04
Other Comprehensive Income                                19,679.11
Comprehensive Income                                    876,213,996       768,199,671     592,847,395        21,041,868
Attributable to equity holders of the
company                                                 876,974,795       768,199,671     585,674,479        21,041,868

Attributable to minority interests                         -760,800                         7,172,916

7.2.3 Consolidated and Parent Company’s Cash Flow Statement (1)
                                        Six months ended 30 June 2011     Six months ended 30 June 2010
               Item                                    Parent company     Consolidated      Parent company
                                        Consolidated       amount           amount              amount
 1. Cash flows from operating
Cash received from sales of goods
and rending of services
                                        3,615,239,260     1,023,172,610     2,871,056,257        876,676,704
Tax refund received
                                           31,895,583       17,931,445          4,117,244
Other cash received related to
operating activities                       74,339,353       78,314,429         17,298,076        506,068,946
Subtotal of cash flows of operating
activities                              3,721,474,196     1,119,418,484     2,892,471,577      1,382,745,650
 Cash paid for goods and services
                                          782,258,636      662,332,168        733,563,534        637,851,952
 Cash paid to and on behalf of
employees                                 199,782,598       74,164,408        174,512,763         85,341,019
 Cash paid for taxes and expenses
                                        1,141,618,275      245,261,179        764,530,299        176,043,602
 Other cash paid          related to
operating activities                      578,927,423       51,618,902        580,158,139         20,391,456
 Sub-total of cash outflows of
operating activities                    2,702,586,931     1,033,376,657     2,252,764,735        919,628,029
 Net cash flow from operating
activities                              1,018,887,265       86,041,827        639,706,842        463,117,621
 2. Cash flow from investing
  Cash received from return of
investment                                                                     64,671,946         59,671,946
 Fixed deposit with the term of over
3 months
Cash received from obtaining
investment profit                             52,122       723,374,683          7,943,364        455,372,638
Cash received from interest income
                                           21,630,697       21,630,697
Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and
other long-term assets                       519,304           519,204
   Net cash received from disposal of
branch and other business unit
  Other cash received related to
investing activities
  Subtotal of cash        flows   of
investment activities
                                           22,202,123      745,524,584         72,615,310        515,044,584
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term
assets                                    217,541,724       23,390,203        189,217,153          9,221,963
   Fixed deposit with the term of
over 3 months                              71,437,507       71,437,507
   Cash for investment
                                                           199,688,120                           106,000,000
 Net cash paid to acquire branch and
other business unit

  Other cash paid related to
investment activities
  Subtotal of cash outflows of
investment activities                     288,979,231      294,515,830        189,217,153        115,221,963
  Net cash flow from investing
activities                               -266,777,108      451,008,754       -116,601,843        399,822,621
 3.Cash flow from financing

   Cash received from acquiring
   Including: cash received from
acquiring minority shareholders
investment by branch
   Cash received from acquiring
loans                                                    256,026,059
   Other cash received related to
financing activities                                               0
  Subtotal cash flows of financing
activities                                               256,026,059
   Cash paid to pay debts
                                                          87,500,000     224,500,000     220,000,000
  Cash paid to distribute dividend,
profit or pay interest
                                          738,192,000    738,192,000     153,384,471     151,778,850
   Including: dividend and profit paid
to minority shareholders by branch

   Other cash paid related to
financing activities
   Subtotal of cash outflows of
financing activities                      738,192,000    825,692,000     377,884,471     371,778,850
  Net cash flow from financing
activities                               -738,192,000    -569,665,941   -377,884,471    -371,778,850
  4. Influences of exchange rate
fluctuation on cash and cash
  5. Net Increase in cash and cash
equivalents                                13,918,157     -32,615,360    145,220,528     491,161,392
   Add: balance at the beginning of
the period of cash and cash
equivalents                               998,934,824    407,619,206    1,998,681,278   1,159,666,918
  6.Balance at the end of the period
of cash and cash equivalents
                                         1,012,852,981   375,003,846    2,143,901,806   1,650,828,310

   7.2.4 Consolidated Statement of Shareholders’ Equity Changes

                                                                                                  Six months ended 30 June   2011
                                                                                                                                                   Minority         shareholders'
                                                                         Shareholders' equity of parent company                              stockholders' Equity       equity
                                                   Capital stock   Capital       Less: Treasury      Surplus      Undistributed     Others
                                                                   reserves      stock              reserves      profits
 1.Banlance at the end of last year
                                                     527,280,000   557,222,454                     295,942,630    2,459,263,257                     156,436,954     3,996,145,295
 Plus: Accounting policies changing
     Previous error correction
2.Banlance at the beginning of this year             527,280,000   557,222,454                     295,942,630    2,459,263,257                     156,436,954     3,996,145,295
3.Increasing or reducing amount of this year
(reducing amount is listed with "-")                                   19,679                                       138,763,116                         -760,800      138,021,996
3.1 Net profits                                                                                                     876,955,116                         -760,800      876,194,317
3.2 Other Comprehensive Income                                         19,679                                                                                              19,679
Subtotal of above 3.1 and 3.2                                          19,679                                       876,955,116                         -760,800      876,213,996
3.3 Owners' invested and reduced capital
3.3.1 Owners' invested capital
3.3.2 Amount of shares paid and reckoned in
owners' equity
3.3.3 Others
3.4 Profit distribution                                                                                            -738,192,000                                      -738,192,000
3.4.1Drew surplus reserves
3.4.2 Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                                                     -738,192,000                                      -738,192,000
3.4.3 Others
3.5 Internal transfer of owners' equity
3.5.1 Capital reserves transferred and increased
capital (or capital stock)
3.5.2 Surplus reserves transferred and increased
capital (or capital stock)
3.5.3 Surplus reserves covering deficit
3.5.4 Others
4.Banlance at the end of this year                   527,280,000   557,242,133                     295,942,630    2,598,026,373                     155,676,154     4,134,167,291

                      Item                                                                                 Year 2010

                                                                                                                                                    Minority         shareholders'
                                                                             Shareholders' equity of parent company                           stockholders' Equity       equity
                                                   Capital stock     Capital         Less:            Surplus       Undistributed    Others
                                                                     reserves        Treasury         reserves      profits
  1.Banlance at the end of last year                   527,280,000     557,222,454                      295,942,630  1,657,780,929                   136,455,048     3,174,681,061
 Plus: Accounting policies changing
     Previous error correction
2.Banlance at the beginning of this year               527,280,000     557,222,454                   295,942,630    1,657,780,929                    136,455,048     3,174,681,061
3.Increasing or reducing amount of this year
(reducing amount is listed with "-")                                                                                  801,482,328                     19,981,906       821,464,234
3.1 Net profits                                                                                                     1,434,218,328                     19,981,906     1,454,200,234
3.2 Other Comprehensive Income
Subtotal of above 3.1 and 3.2                                                                                       1,434,218,328                     19,981,906     1,454,200,234
3.3 Owners' invested and reduced capital
3.3.1 Owners' invested capital
3.3.2 Amount of shares paid and reckoned in
owners' equity
3.3.3 Others
3.4 Profit distribution                                                                                              -632,736,000                                     -632,736,000
3.4.1Drew surplus reserves
3.4.2 Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                                                       -632,736,000                                     -632,736,000
3.4.3 Others
3.5 Internal transfer of owners' equity
3.5.1 Capital reserves transferred and increased
capital (or capital stock)
3.5.2 Surplus reserves transferred and increased
capital (or capital stock)
3.5.3 Surplus reserves covering deficit
3.5.4 Others
4.Banlance at the end of this year                     527,280,000     557,222,454                   295,942,630    2,459,263,257                    156,436,954     3,996,145,295

7.2.5 Statement of Equity Changes for Parent Company’s Shareholders
                                                                                                    Six months ended 30 June 2011
                                                                                                                                                    Total shareholders'
                                                                                 Shareholders' equity of parent company                                   equity
                                                   Capital stock     Capital       Less: Treasury Surplus reserves        Undistributed    Others
                                                                    reserves           stock                                profits
 1.Banlance at the end of last year
                                                    527,280,000    557,222,454                           295,942,630       2,615,413,602                      3,995,858,686
 Plus: Accounting policies changing
     Previous error correction
2.Banlance at the beginning of this year            527,280,000    557,222,454                           295,942,630       2,615,413,602                      3,995,858,686
3.Increasing or reducing amount of this year
(reducing amount is listed with "-")                                                                                          30,007,670                        30,007,670
3.1 Net profits                                                                                                              768,199,670                       768,199,670
3.2 Other Comprehensive Income
Subtotal of above 3.1 and 3.2                                                                                                768,199,670                       768,199,670
3.3 Owners' invested and reduced capital
3.3.1 Owners' invested capital
3.3.2 Amount of shares paid and reckoned in
owners' equity
3.3.3 Others
3.4 Profit distribution                                                                                                     -738,192,000                      -738,192,000
3.4.1Drew surplus reserves
3.4.2 Distribution to owners (or shareholders)
                                                                                                                            -738,192,000                      -738,192,000
3.4.3 Others
3.5 Internal transfer of owners' equity
3.5.1 Capital reserves transferred and increased
capital (or capital stock)
3.5.2 Surplus reserves transferred and increased
capital (or capital stock)
3.5.3 Surplus reserves covering deficit
3.5.4 Others
4.Banlance at the end of this year                  527,280,000    557,222,454                           295,942,630       2,645,421,272                      4,025,866,356

                                                                                                        Year 2010
                                                                                                                                             Total shareholders'
                                                                            Shareholders' equity of parent company                                 equity
                                                   Capital stock     Capital     Less: Treasury Surplus reserves  Undistributed     Others
                                                                    reserves         stock                          profits
  1.Banlance at the end of last year                527,280,000    557,222,454                     295,942,630      1,705,057,969                      3,085,503,053
 Plus: Accounting policies changing
     Previous error correction
2.Banlance at the beginning of this year            527,280,000    557,222,454                     295,942,630      1,705,057,969                      3,085,503,053
3.Increasing or reducing amount of this year
(reducing amount is listed with "-")                                                                                  910,355,633                        910,355,633
3.1 Net profits                                                                                                     1,543,091,633                      1,543,091,633
3.2 Other Comprehensive Income
Subtotal of above 3.1 and 3.2                                                                                       1,543,091,633                      1,543,091,633
3.3 Owners' invested and reduced capital
3.3.1 Owners' invested capital
3.3.2 Amount of shares paid and reckoned in
owners' equity
3.3.3 Others
3.4 Profit distribution                                                                                              -632,736,000                      -632,736,000
3.4.1Drew surplus reserves
3.4.2 Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                                                       -632,736,000                      -632,736,000
3.4.3 Others
3.5 Internal transfer of owners' equity
3.5.1 Capital reserves transferred and increased
capital (or capital stock)
3.5.2 Surplus reserves transferred and increased
capital (or capital stock)
3.5.3 Surplus reserves covering deficit
3.5.4 Others
4.Banlance at the end of this year
                                                    527,280,000    557,222,454                     295,942,630      2,615,413,602                      3,995,858,686

7.3 The Appendix to Financial Statement

7.3.1 The related information, reason and the effect index if there is
any changes on accounting policies, accounting estimates or
alteration of accounting error
applicable   √ not applicable

7.3.2 The reason and effect index if there is any significant changes
on consolidating scope for financial statement
applicable  √ not applicable

7.3.3 The related appendix for concerned items if the unstandard
audit report is issued.
applicable   √ not applicable

                      Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Company Limited
                                          Board of Directors
                                         August 9th, 20
