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张 裕B:2012年第一季度报告全文(英文版)2012-04-26  


                     The 1st Quarter Report of 2012

1. Important

1.1 The Board of Directors, board of Supervisors, senior managers of the

      Company collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the

      truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in

      this report and confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief there

      are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement herein


1.2 No directors, supervisors or senior managers have any dissidence.

1.3 All directors personally attended the Board of Directors’ meeting to

       deliberate this report.

1.4 The 1st quarter report of 2012 has not been audited.

1.5     The chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Sun Liqiang, the chief

       accountant Mr. Leng Bin and the chief of accounting department Mr. Jiang

       Jianxun assure the truth and integrity of the financial and accounting

       statement in this report.
2.1 Main accountant data and financial index
                                                                                             Unit: CNY
                                                     At end of the          At end of last          More or
                                                     report period              year               less (%)
Total assets(CNY)                                    7,562,703,758.00        7,295,944,221.00         3.66%
Owner’s equity attributed to
                                                       5,617,927,029.00        5,013,641,661.00        12.05%
shareholders of listing company(CNY)
Total share capital (share)                              527,280,000.00          527,280,000.00         0.00%
Net asset per share attributed to shareholders of
                                                                  10.65                     9.51       11.99%
listing company (CNY/share)
                                                      During the            1st quarter of          More or
                                                     report period            last year            less (%)
Total operation revenue (CNY)                        1,912,443,670.00        2,090,018,976.00         -8.50%
Net profit attributed to shareholders of listing
                                                         604,285,368.00          562,581,659.00         7.41%
Net cash flow from operating activities(CNY)           497,140,869.00        1,084,182,965.00        -54.15%
Net cash flow per        share   from    operating
                                                                   0.94                     2.06       -54.37%
Basic Earnings per Share(CNY/share)                                1.15                     1.07        7.48%
Diluted Earnings per Share (CNY/share)                             1.15                     1.07        7.48%
Weighted average rate of net assets return                      11.08%                    12.01%        -0.93%
Weighted average rate of net assets return after
                                                                11.14%                    12.01%        -0.87%
deducting irregular profit and loss

Details of irregular profit and loss

(√) applicable □not applicable

                                                                                        Unit: CNY
                                                                          From beginning           Notes
                                                                          of year to end
                                                                          of report period
Gain on disposal of non-current assets                                    -1,171,257.00
Tax refund or exemption that is either non-recurring or without
proper approval
Government grants credited in profit and loss (except for those
recurring government grants that are closely related to the entity's
operation, in line with related regulations and have proper basis of
Other non-operating income and expenses                                   782,925.00
Corporate income tax                                                      -942,304.00
Total                                                                     3,103,292.00             -
   2.2     The total number of the shareholders and top 10 shareholders
           with unrestricted shares at the end of the report period

                                                                               Unit: share
Total number of shareholders                             15,297shareholders, including 10,030
                                                          shareholders with A shares, 5,267
                                                          shareholders with B shares
The top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares
Name of Shareholders                                     Number of                   The Type of shares
                                                         unrestricted shares
                                                         at   end   of     report
YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP CO. LTD.                                       265,749,120      A shares
GAO-LING FUND, L.P.                                                  18,676,716      B shares
HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG            FIRST    STATE    CHINA                               B shares
BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD-CHINA FOCUS FD                               10,373,597      B shares
GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV. CORP. –A/C “C”                           7,819,045   B shares
BBH    LUX-FIDELITY    FUNDS-EMERGING          MARKETS                               B shares
UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A                                                     4,297,636   B shares
NORGES BANK                                                              4,264,083   B shares
CHINA    UNIVERSAL      GROWTH         FOCUS    EQUITY                               A shares
HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND                                           3,556,383   B shares

   3.1 The Great Change and Reasons on Main Accountant Data and
   Financial Index
At end of report period, the notes receivable increased by 83.32% compared with beginning of report
period, mainly due to the growth on bank acceptances from the clients. The non-current liabilities
due within one year increased by 69.04%, while other non-current liabilities dropped by 51.43%
compared with beginning of report period, mostly because part of other non-current liabilities which
will due within one year was listed in the non-current liabilities due within one year. During report
period, compared with same period of last year, the managerial expenses fell by 39.80% because of
decrease of afforestation expenses, the non-operating income increased by 515.33%, mostly
contributed by growth on governmental subsidy, the non-operating expenditures increased by
176.14% mainly because of retirement of part of fixed assets, and other cash paid related to
operating activities increased by 81.90% mostly due to the growth on advertisement expenditure
and freight paid.
3.2 Analysis and explanation on the progress, impact and solution of
   major issues

3.2.1 Non-standard opinions
 (√)not applicable

3.2.2 The situation on the company providing funds to the controlling
shareholders or its affiliates and acting against the prescribed
procedures to provide external guarantees
 (√)not applicable

3.2.3 The situation on the signature and performance on the major
contracts in the daily operations
(√)not applicable

3.2.4 Others
(√) not applicable

3.3 The Execution of Promised Issues by the Company, Shareholders
and Actual
The promised issues from the Company, its directors, supervisors and senior
officers, or its shareholders with shares over 5% or its actual controller during
the report period or such promised issues carried out to the report period.
(√) applicable

Commitment        Committed    Commitment content                            Performance
items             person
Share reform      Yantai       1. From the day of being granted the          It has already
commitment        Changyu      right of circulation on stock market as
                                                                             been fulfilled.
                  Group        March 21st,2006, Changyu Group will
                  Co. Ltd.     not transact or transfer its shareholding
                               in the Company within 36 months
                              2.Within 12 months as from the day of the
                              expiry of the afore-said promising period,
                              the amount of the former non-circulating
                              stock that Changyu Group may list for
                              transaction at Stock Exchange can’t be
                              over 5% of its total and within 24 months
                              after that, can’t be over 10% of its total.
                               3. Changyu Group also promised to
                               propose over the shareholders’ meetings
                               2005, 2006 and 2007 to distribute the
                               Company’s profit in cash no less than 65%
                               of the distributable profit realized in the
                               same year and ensure to vote for aye for
                               this proposal.
Commitments in    No.          No.                                           No.
the acquisition
report or report
of changes in
Commitments         No.               No.                                             No.
when     making
major      assets
Issuance            Yantai            Non-horizontal competition                      It is still in
Commitments         Changyu
                    Co. Ltd.
Other               Yantai            The Company has well noted the Securities       Under
commitments         Changyu           Law, Administration Methods of Takingover
(including          Group             Listed Companies, Guidance on Releasing
additional          Co. Ltd.          the Limited Shares Transfer of the Listed
commitments)                          Companies and the relative business rules
                                      of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and will
                                      strictly obey the relevant provisions of
                                      above documents, faithfully carry out the
                                      commitments and bear the corresponding
                                      legal responsibility, when in the future
                                      reducing the holding of the shares with
                                      releasing restrictions on sale price in this
3.4 Warning and explanation for the estimation on the possible loss of
cumulative net profit in the period from the beginning of this year to
the end of the next report period or the great change comparing with
same period of last year.
 ( √ ) not applicable

3.5 Other major issues
3.5.1 Securities investment
( √ ) not applicable

3.5.2 The Company’s Receptions, Studies and Visits during report
Reception date      Reception place     Reception way      Visitor              Main topic and
                    Meeting room of     Field survey                            Principal operation,
Jan.10, 2012                                               Orient Securities
                    the Company                                                 future development
                    Meeting room of     Field survey                            Principal operation,
Jan.10,2012                                                Hengtai Securities
                    the Company                                                 future development
                    Meeting room of     Field survey       Yuren Chuangxin      Principal operation,
Jan. 16, 2012
                    the Company                            Investment           future development
                    Meeting room of     Field survey       Pacific Investment   Principal operation,
Feb.9, 2012
                    the Company                            Management           future development
                    Meeting room of     Field survey                            Principal operation,
Feb.15, 2012                                               CITIC Securities
                    the Company                                                 future development
                    Meeting room of     Field survey       Zhongzai Assets      Principal operation,
Feb.15, 2012        the Company                                                 future development
                    Meeting room of     Field survey                            Principal operation,
Feb.17, 2012        the Company                            UBS Securities       future development
                      Meeting room of   Field survey                                 Principal operation,
Feb.17, 2012          the Company                             Qilu Securities        future development

                      Meeting room of   Field survey          CITIC-Prudential       Principal operation,
Feb.17, 2012          the Company                                                    future development
                                                              Fund Management
                      Meeting room of   Field survey                                 Principal operation,
Feb.20, 2012          the Company                             Qilu Securities        future development

                      Meeting room of   Field survey          GF Fund                Principal operation,
Feb.20, 2012          the Company                                                    future development

3.6 Investment on financial derivatives
( √ ) not applicable

3.6.1 Investment on financial derivatives at end of report period
( √ ) not applicable

4. Annex
4.1 Balance Sheet

  Yantai Changyu Wine Poineer Co., Ltd.                March 31, 2012                                 Unit: CNY
                                              At 31 March       2012                  At 31 December 2011
                                          Consolidated         company           Consolidated           Parent
                 Assets                     amount             amount              amount         company amount
 Current assets:
      Monetary fund                       2,889,593,997      2,200,327,359       2,532,967,197        1,568,184,564
       Financial assets for trade
      Notes receivable                     103,153,851          50,892,391         56,268,482               25,779,768
      Account receivable                   150,777,482          14,669,261        126,906,526               20,977,065
      Advance money                         88,821,251          78,144,435         77,252,611               45,090,601
      Interest receivable                   15,469,150          15,469,150         15,763,431               15,763,431
      Dividend receivable                                    1,827,258,629                            1,866,646,179
      Other account receivable              80,735,344       2,446,279,519         75,423,614         1,685,950,766
      Inventories                         1,538,461,221        569,610,073       1,755,964,582          579,452,383
      Non-current assets due within
 one year
      Other current assets
      Total current assets                4,867,012,296      7,202,650,817       4,640,546,443        5,807,844,757

 Non-current assets:
      Financial assets for sale
      Investment held to expiration
       Long-term account receivable
       Long-term equity investment           5,000,000         598,299,363          5,000,000           598,299,363
       Real estate for investment
     fixed assets                         1,596,680,131      351,385,469     1,609,111,868         365,152,521
      Construction in progress             483,681,742        64,891,987      406,353,081           42,040,898
      Project material
 Liquidation of fixed assets
      Biological assets for
production                                  41,996,191          9,537,205      42,355,441            9,683,931
     Oil and gas assets
      Intangible assets                    262,860,386        88,923,822      263,838,087           89,684,756
      Development expenditure
      Long-term deferred expenses          146,218,964                        148,429,436
      Assets of deferred income tax        154,609,537        27,179,918      175,528,938           31,337,829
      Other non-current assets               4,644,511          3,746,724       4,780,927            3,854,796
               Total non-current assets   2,695,691,462     1,143,964,488    2,655,397,778       1,140,054,094

     Total assets                         7,562,703,758     8,346,615,305    7,295,944,221       6,947,898,851

 Yantai Changyu Wine Pioneer Co., Ltd.          March 31,2012                                 Unit: CNY
                                               At 31 March      2012             At 31 December 2011
                                                                Parent                             Parent
   Liabilities, rights and interests of     Consolidated       company        Consolidated       company
              shareholders                    amount            amount          amount            amount
Current liabilities:
      Short-term loan
    Financial liabilities for trade
    Notes payable
     Accounts payable                         177,425,120       87,573,323      229,920,729      134,893,846
     Advance money                            311,307,100                       293,655,222
     Wage payable                             159,862,579       76,029,511      188,274,937       97,418,899
     Tax payable                              500,683,603       51,261,164      698,459,857      115,489,659
     Interest payable
      dividend payable
     Other accounts payable                   459,485,531   3,435,668,735       536,059,000    1,918,592,985
     Non-current liabilities due within
one year                                      137,061,180                        81,081,000
     Other current liabilities                  4,617,301         807,300         4,744,074         828,000
     Total current liabilities              1,750,442,414   3,651,340,033     2,032,194,819    2,267,223,389
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loan
Bond payable
Long-term accounts payable
Special accounts payable
Estimated liabilities
 Liabilities of deferred income tax                5,336,115                             5,336,115
 Other non-current liabilities                    52,679,713           13,731,700      108,453,139        13,918,000
Total non-current liabilities                     58,015,828           13,731,700      113,789,254        13,918,000
       Total liabilities                        1,808,458,242     3,665,071,733       2,145,984,073     2,281,141,389

Shareholder rights and interests:
  Capital stock                                  527,280,000       527,280,000         527,280,000       527,280,000
 Capital reserve                                 562,139,042       557,222,454         562,139,042       557,222,454
  Less: treasury stock
  Surplus reserve                                295,942,630       295,942,630         295,942,630       295,942,630
        Undistributed profit                    4,232,565,357     3,301,098,488       3,628,279,989     3,286,312,378
 Total shareholder rights and interests
of parent company                               5,617,927,029     4,681,543,572       5,013,641,661     4,666,757,462
Minority shareholder rights and
interests                                        136,318,487                           136,318,487
        Total shareholder rights and
interests                                       5,754,245,516     4,681,543,572       5,149,960,148     4,666,757,462

 Liabilities and total shareholders
rights and interests                            7,562,703,758     8,346,615,305       7,295,944,221     6,947,898,851

4.2 Profit statement
 Yantai Changyu Wine Pioneer Co., Ltd.             January 2012 to March 2012                             Unit: CNY
                                                Three months ended 31 March              Three months ended 31
                                                                2012                          March      2011
                                                                          Parent                            Parent
                                                  Consolidated          company        Consolidated        company
                           Item                     amount               amount           amount           amount
 Business income                                  1,912,443,670         404,260,334     2,090,018,976    506,563,827
       Less: business cost                          483,121,287         331,806,568       543,222,709    388,453,744
              Business tax and associate
charges                                              89,023,294          39,229,753       105,983,152     57,861,944
              Sales expenses                        467,673,517                           571,748,034
            Management expenses                      82,064,961          25,141,469       136,323,637     52,042,387
              Financial expenses                    -12,168,537         -12,559,844       -12,843,351     -10,831,676
               Assets depreciation loss
Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed
with "-")
  Investment profit ((loss is listed with
"-")                                                                                           52,122           52,122
    Including: investment profit for
joint-run business and joint venture
 Operating profit                            802,729,149      20,642,389      745,636,917    19,089,549
      Add: Non-operating income                5,465,391         591,179          888,203       421,480
    less: non-operating expenditures           1,419,796       1,402,751          514,157           2,050
       Including: non-current assets
disposing loss
 Total profit                                806,774,744      19,830,817      746,010,963    19,508,979
 Less: income tax expenses                   202,489,376       5,044,707      183,464,223      4,918,150
Net profit                                   604,285,368      14,786,110      562,546,740    14,590,829
             Net profit of parent
company's owners                             604,285,368      14,786,110      562,581,659    14,590,829
                  Minority shareholder
profit and loss                                                                    -34,918
 Basic EPS                                          1.15      0.03                    1.07     0.03
 Diluted EPS                                        1.15      0.03                    1.07     0.03
Other Comprehensive Income
Comprehensive Income                         604,285,368      14,786,110      562,546,740    14,590,829
Comprehensive Income of parent
company                                      604,285,368      14,786,110      562,581,659    14,590,829
Comprehensive Income of minority
shareholders                                                                       -34,918

4.3 Cash Flow Statement
 Yantai Changyu Wine Pioneer Co., Ltd.       January 2012 to March 2012                      Unit: CNY

                                               Three months ended 31           Three months ended 31
                                                    March    2012                   March    2011
                      Item                   Consolidated       Parent                          Parent
                                               amount          company       Consolidated      company
                                                               amount          amount          amount
 1. Cash flows from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of goods and
rending of services                          2,146,275,218    473,515,732    2,450,730,868    506,217,511
  Tax refund received                           5,987,075       1,270,642        4,506,575      1,765,890
  Other cash received related to operating
activities                                     44,629,783     652,498,777       39,581,571    934,283,827
  Subtotal of cash flows of operating
activities                                   2,196,892,076   1,127,285,151   2,494,819,014   1,442,267,229
 Cash paid for goods and services             433,187,773     254,307,853      443,608,869    384,955,700
 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees      131,779,247      48,627,342      105,863,409     38,684,926
 Cash paid for taxes and expenses             751,723,834     137,093,345      650,575,171     98,939,301
 Other cash paid      related to operating    383,060,353      82,972,445      210,588,599    128,055,339
 Sub-total of cash outflows of operating
activities                                      1,699,751,208   523,000,984   1,410,636,049   650,635,266
 Net cash flow from operating activities         497,140,868    604,284,166   1,084,182,965   791,631,963
 2. Cash flow from investing activities:
  Cash received from return of investment
                   Fixed deposit with the
term of over 3 months
  Cash received from obtaining investment
profit                                                           39,387,550         54,515       7,180,727
  Cash received from interest income              12,800,291     12,800,291
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-term
assets                                                55,100
  Net cash received from disposal of
branch and other business unit
  Other cash received related to investing
  Subtotal of cash flows of investment
activities                                        12,855,391     52,187,841         54,515       7,180,727
  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term assets     148,057,248     24,017,000     98,995,305     10,207,563
  Fixed deposit with the term of over 3
months                                            90,999,893     90,999,893    129,086,026    129,086,026
  Cash for investment
 Net cash paid to acquire branch and other
business unit
  Other cash paid related to investment
  Subtotal of cash outflows of investment
activities                                       239,057,140    115,016,893    228,081,331    139,293,589
  Net cash flow from investing activities       -226,201,750    -62,829,052   -228,026,816    -132,112,862
 3.Cash flow from financing activities
  Cash received from acquiring investment
  Including: cash received from acquiring
minority shareholders investment by branch
  Cash received from acquiring loans
  Other cash received related to financing
 Subtotal cash flows of financing
  Cash paid to pay debts
  Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or
pay interest

  Including: dividend and profit paid to
minority shareholders by branch
  Other cash paid related to financing
  Subtotal of cash outflows of financing
 Net cash flow from financing activities
 4. Influences of exchange rate
fluctuation on cash and cash equivalents
 5. Net Increase in cash and cash
equivalents                                 270,939,118    541,455,114    856,156,149     659,519,101
  Add: balance at the beginning of the
period of cash and cash equivalents        1,256,517,873   296,735,240   2,489,804,162   1,898,488,544
 6.Balance at the end of the period of
cash and cash equivalents                  1,527,456,991   838,190,354   3,345,960,311   2,558,007,645

4.4 Audit Report
    Not audited