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张 裕B:2012年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2012-10-25  

						                   YANTAI CHANGYU PIONEER WINE

                                      COMPANY LIMITED

                        The 3rd Quarter Report of 2012

1. Important
The Board of Directors, board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company
collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the
information contained in this report and confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are

no other facts the omission of which would make any statement herein misleading.

All directors personally attended the Board of Directors’ meeting to deliberate this report.

The chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Sun Liqiang, the chief accountant Mr. Leng Bin
and the chief of accounting department Mr. Jiang Jianxun assure the truth and integrity of
the financial and accounting statement in this report.

2.1 Main accounting data and Financial index

Whether the financial statements of previous reporting periods has been retroactively adjusted or
( √ ) applicable               (   ) not applicable

                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                                                                                  More or less for this period
                                    Sep. 30, 2012          Dec.31, 2011
                                                                                 compared with last year(%)
Total assets                         7,369,539,416.00         7,295,944,221.00                             1.01%

Owner’s equity attributed to
shareholders of listing              5,374,934,143.00         5,013,641,661.00                             7.21%
Share capital (share)                 685,464,000.00            527,280,000.00                            30.00%

Net      asset   per   share
attributed to shareholders of                   7.84                      9.51                           -17.53%
listing company
                                                            More or less                      More or less
                                    July to Sep.,          compared with     Jan. to Sep.,   compared with
                                        2012             same period of last    2012       same period of last
                                                             year (%)                          year (%)
Total operation revenue              1,111,274,005.00                 -16.05% 4,123,858,094.00            -6.57%

Net profit attributed to
shareholders  of    listing           241,614,605.00                  -37.53% 1,162,758,082.00            -7.99%
Net cash flow from operating
                                                    --                      --   621,351,067.00          -47.69%

Net cash flow per share from
                                              --                     --             0.91              -59.56%
operating activities
Basic earnings per Share                    0.35               -52.05%              1.70              -29.17%

Diluted earnings per Share                  0.35               -52.05%              1.70              -29.17%

Weighted average rate of net
                                          4.60%                 -4.67%           21.82%               -9.03%
assets return
Weighted average rate of net
assets return after deducting             4.53%                 -4.64%           21.66%               -9.04%
irregular profit and loss

Item for irregular profit and loss

(√     ) applicable
                                                                Unit: CNY

Item for irregular profit and loss                            Amount from Jan.1             Remark
                                                              till Sep.30,2012

Profit and loss on non-current assets disposing                             -1,822,242.00

Tax refund or exemption that is either non-recurring or
without proper approval
Government grant accounted in profit and loss this year
(except for those that closely related to the operation,                    6,372,646.00
under national laws or in accordance with certain criteria)
Other non-operating income and expenses                                     1,644,847.00

Corporate income tax                                                        -2,112,668.00

Total                                                                       8,580,801.21        -

2.2        The total number of the shareholders and top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares
           at the end of the report period
                                                             Unit: share
 Total number of shareholders                        Totally 37614 shareholders, including 29442
                                                     shareholders for A share, 8172 shareholders for B
 The top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares
 Name of Shareholders                                 Number of                  Type and number of
                                                      unrestricted shares        shares
                                                      at end of report period    Type       Number
 YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP CO.,LTD.                                  345,473,856      A share     345,473,856
 GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                24,279,731     B share      24,279,731
                                                                  23,365,418     B share      23,365,418
 BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FD                         14,598,207     B share      14,598,207
                                                                  14,337,330     B share      14,337,330
                                                                   5,261,692     B share       5,261,692
 GSIC A/C MONETARY AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE                          4,997,042     B share       4,997,042
 UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A.                                             4,903,235     B share       4,903,235
 DACHENG FUND MANAGEMENT 2020 LIFECYCLE                            4,585,222     A share       4,585,222

 HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND                                         4,540,765       B share            4,540,765
 Explanation for shareholders                                                                                      No

3.1 The great change and reasons on main accounting data and
financial Index
(√ ) applicable
Compared with beginning of report period, the Company’s notes receivable increased by 105.24% mainly
due to the growth of bank acceptance received from clients, such as distributors. The accounts receivables
increased by 51.16% because of the rise of payment payable by clients. The advance payment increased
by 136.91% mainly due to the growth of advance payment for raw materials. The construction in progress
increased by 102.21% because of the growth of investment on construction in progress. The account
payable increased by 50.64% due to payment growth of raw materials including grapes. The payment
received in advance dropped by 34.68% because of the decrease of payment for product by the client. The
share capital increased by 30% due to the implementation of 2011 profit distribution plan of stock dividend
in the proportion of 3 shares per 10 shares.
From Jan. till Sep.2012, the financial net income decreased by 39.83% mainly due to reduction of bank
deposit and then related interest. The net cash flow from operating activity
dropped by 47.69% because of the decrease of cash received for sales & labor service and also increase of
cash paid for period expenses including all taxes and sales expenses.
During the report period, the operation revenue decreased by 16.05% due to media negative reports, and
the company therefore increased the promotion efforts which lead to 16.08% down for sales expenses, so
the net profit attributed to shareholder of parent company dropped by 37.53% due to two reasons
mentioned above.

3.2 Analysis and explanation on the situation, impact and solution of
major issues
3.2.1 non-standard comment
 ( √ ) not applicable

3.2.2 The information about the Company to offer capital to its controlling
shareholder or any related party, or provide any guarantee outside in violation of
( √ ) not applicable

3.2.3 The signing and fulfillment of major contracts for daily operations
( √ ) not applicable

3.2.4 Others
( √ ) not applicable

3.3 The execution of promised issues by the company, shareholders
and actual controller
 ( √ )applicable
                         Committed       Commitment                        Committed      Performance
  Commitment item                                        Committed time
                            party            content                           period

Share reform           —               —               —               —              —

Assets replacement     —               —               —               —              —

                       Yantai Changyu
                                        Non-horizontal                                    It is always in strict
Issuance Commitments   Group                             May 18, 1997     Forever
                                        competition                                       performance.
                       Co. Ltd.

                                                The company will                                          It is always in strict
Commitments to other                            strictly obey the                      Till all the       performance.
                            Yantai Changyu
 small and medium-sized                         regulations and                        restricted
                            Group                                   March 23, 2009
 shareholders of the                            reduce the                             shares is sold
                            Co. Ltd.
 company                                        released                               out
                                                restricted shares

whether commitment is
                            √ yes
timely performed

Reason and future plan
for commitment              —

Any commit for any
horizontal competition
                            √ non applicable
and related transaction

Solution period for         —

Solution                    —

Performance about           —

3.4 Estimation on business performance in 2012

Warning and explanation for the estimation on the possible loss of total net profit from the
beginning of this year to the end of the next report period or the great change comparing with
same period of last year.
 ( √ ) not applicable

3.5 Other major issues
3.5.1 Securities investment
( √ ) not applicable

3.5.2 Investment on derivatives
( √ ) not applicable

3.5.3 Investment on derivatives at end of report period
( √ ) not applicable

3.5.4 The Company’s Receptions, Studies and Visits during report period

Reception date           Reception place         Reception way         Visitor                   Main topic and
August 16,2012           Meeting room of         Field survey          China International       Recent     business
                         the Company                                   Fund Management           circumstance    and
                                                                                                 other problem

August 22,2012           Meeting room of         Field survey          Zhonghai Fund             Recent     business
                         the Company                                                             circumstance    and
                                                                                                 other problem

August 28, 2012          Meeting room of         Field survey          Genertec                  Recent     business
                         the Company                                   Investment, Huatai        circumstance    and
                                                                       Securities                other problem

August 30, 2012          Meeting room of         Field survey          Guosen     Securities,    Recent     business
                         the Company                                   UBS        Securities,    circumstance    and

                                                            Hongta        Securities,   other problem
                                                            Investment, Central
                                                            Fund,              China

Sept. 7,2012           Meeting room of   Field survey       Qianyang                    Recent    business
                       the Company                          Investment                  circumstance    and
                                                                                        other problem

Sept.19, 2012          Meeting room of   Field survey       Bank     of     Norway,     Recent    business
                       the Company                          HFT       Investment,       circumstance    and
                                                            OWL GREEK, Taiping          other problem
                                                            Asset Management,
                                                            Shanghai           Heng
                                                            Investment, Orient
                                                            Securities,         SMC
                                                            China Fund

3.5.5 Issuance of corporate bonds
Whether any corporate bond is issued
( √ ) not applicable


4.1 Financial statement
Whether it is necessary for consolidated financial statements:
 ( √ ) Yes
4.1.1、Consolidated Balance Sheet
Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd.
                           Item                         At 30 September 2012                     At 31 December 2011
Current assets:
     Monetary fund                                                  1,853,385,412.00                           2,532,967,197.00
     Financial assets for trade
     Notes receivable                                                  115,486,469.00                            56,268,482.00
     Account receivable                                                191,826,356.00                           126,906,526.00
     Advance money                                                     183,022,322.00                            77,252,611.00
     Interest receivalbe                                                  15,946,892.00                          15,763,431.00
     Dividend receivable
     Other account receivable                                             91,918,644.00                          75,423,614.00
     Inventories                                                    1,852,555,141.00                           1,755,964,582.00
     Non-current assets due within one year
     Other current assets
     Total current assets                                           4,304,141,236.00                           4,640,546,443.00
Non-current assets:
     Financial assets for sale
     Investment held to expiration
     Long-term account receivable
     Long-term equity investment                                           5,000,000.00                           5,000,000.00
     Real estate for investment

     Fixed assets                                  1,603,950,261.00   1,609,111,868.00
     Construction in progress                       821,684,241.00     406,353,081.00
     Project material
     Liquidation of fixed assets
     Biological assets for production                50,507,097.00      42,355,441.00
     Oil and gas assets
     Intangible assets                              259,157,251.00     263,838,087.00
     Development expenditure
     Long-term deferred expenses                    149,325,669.00     148,429,436.00
     Assets of deferred income tax                  171,404,972.00     175,528,938.00
     Other non-current assets                         4,368,689.00       4,780,927.00
     Total non-current assets                      3,065,398,180.00   2,655,397,778.00
Total assets                                       7,369,539,416.00   7,295,944,221.00

Current liabilities:
     Short-term loan
     Financial liabilities for trade
     Notes payable
     Accounts payable                               346,349,354.00     229,920,729.00
     Advance money                                  191,810,819.00     293,655,222.00
     Wage payable                                   166,144,667.00     188,274,937.00
     Tax payable                                    356,816,083.00     698,459,857.00
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable
     Other accounts payable                         679,664,492.00     536,059,000.00
     Non-current liabilities due within one year     57,403,688.00      81,081,000.00
     Other current liabilities                        4,363,757.00       4,744,074.00
     Total current liabilities                     1,802,552,860.00   2,032,194,819.00
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loan
     Bond payable
     Long-term accounts payable
     Special accounts payable
     Estimated liabilities
     Liabilities of deferred income tax                5,336,115.00       5,336,115.00
     Other non-current liabilities                   50,397,811.00     108,453,139.00
     Total non-current liabilities                   55,733,926.00     113,789,254.00
Total liabilities                                  1,858,286,786.00   2,145,984,073.00

Shareholder rights and interests:
     Capital stock                                  685,464,000.00     527,280,000.00
     Capital reserve                                562,139,042.00     562,139,042.00
     Less: treasury stock
      Surplus reserve                               295,942,630.00     295,942,630.00
      Undistributed profit                         3,831,388,471.00   3,628,279,989.00

Total shareholder rights and interests of parent
                                                                   5,374,934,143.00                   5,013,641,661.00
Minority shareholder rights and interests                            136,318,487.00                    136,318,487.00
Total shareholder rights and interests                             5,511,252,630.00                   5,149,960,148.00
Liabilites and total shareholders rights and
                                                                   7,369,539,416.00                   7,295,944,221.00
Legal representative: Sun Liqiang               Person in charge of accounting :Leng Bin
Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4.1.2、Balance Sheet of Parent Company
Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd.
                           Item                         At 30 September 2012               At 31 December 2011
Current assets:
     Monetary fund                                                   855,095,320.00                   1,568,184,564.00
     Financial assets for trade
     Notes receivable                                                  7,400,000.00                     25,779,768.00
     Account receivable                                               60,407,114.00                     20,977,065.00
     Advance money                                                   155,711,866.00                     45,090,601.00
     Interest receivalbe                                              15,946,892.00                     15,763,431.00
     Dividend receivable                                             254,845,772.00                   1,866,646,179.00
     Other account receivable                                      2,083,731,618.00                   1,685,950,766.00
     Inventories                                                     735,900,310.00                    579,452,383.00
     Non-current assets due within one year
     Other current assets
     Total current assets                                          4,169,038,892.00                   5,807,844,757.00
Non-current assets:
     Financial assets for sale
     Investment held to expiration
     Long-term account receivable
     Long-term equity investment                                   1,038,649,363.00                    598,299,363.00
     Real estate for investment
     Fixed assets                                                    359,401,943.00                    365,152,521.00
     Construction in progress                                         19,298,958.00                     42,040,898.00
     Project material
     Liquidation of fixed assets
     Biological assets for production                                 13,832,250.00                       9,683,931.00
     Oil and gas assets
     Intangible assets                                                76,362,091.00                     89,684,756.00
     Development expenditure
     Long-term deferred expenses
     Assets of deferred income tax                                    19,454,792.00                     31,337,829.00
     Other non-current assets                                          3,523,966.00                       3,854,796.00
     Total non-current assets                                      1,530,523,363.00                   1,140,054,094.00
Total assets                                                       5,699,562,255.00                   6,947,898,851.00

Current liabilities:
     Short-term loan
     Financial liabilities for trade
     Notes payable
     Accounts payable                                                180,075,466.00                        134,893,846.00
     Advance money
     Wage payable                                                     52,413,795.00                         97,418,899.00
     Tax payable                                                      21,802,114.00                        115,489,659.00
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable
     Other accounts payable                                        1,235,219,602.00                      1,918,592,985.00
     Non-current liabilities due within one year
     Other current liabilities                                          786,600.00                             828,000.00
     Total current liabilities                                     1,490,297,577.00                      2,267,223,389.00
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loan
     Bond payable
     Long-term accounts payable
     Special accounts payable
     Estimated liabilities
     Liabilities of deferred income tax
     Other non-current liabilities                                    13,359,100.00                         13,918,000.00
     Total non-current liabilities                                    13,359,100.00                         13,918,000.00
Total liabilities                                                  1,503,656,677.00                      2,281,141,389.00

Shareholder rights and interests:
     Capital stock                                                   685,464,000.00                        527,280,000.00
     Capital reserve                                                 557,222,454.00                        557,222,454.00
     Less: treasury stock
      Surplus reserve                                                295,942,630.00                        295,942,630.00
      Undistributed profit                                         2,657,276,494.00                      3,286,312,378.00
Total shareholder rights and interests                             4,195,905,578.00                      4,666,757,462.00
Liabilites and total shareholders rights and
                                                                   5,699,562,255.00                      6,947,898,851.00
Legal representative: Sun Liqiang               Person in charge of accounting :Leng Bin
Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4.1.3、Consolidated Profit Statement for the report period
Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd.
                                 Item                              In the report period 2012   In the report period 2011
Total business income                                                       1,111,274,005.00           1,323,654,951.00
      Business income                                                       1,111,274,005.00           1,323,654,951.00
Total business cost                                                         1,905,229,273.93           2,128,159,078.43
      Business cost                                                           276,233,799.00             338,905,314.00
      Business tax and associate charges                                       68,962,518.00              92,179,444.00
       Sales expenses                                                         412,650,736.00             355,503,448.00

        Management expenses                                                        38,820,937.00                   27,672,927.00
        Financial expenses                                                          -2,712,721.00                  -9,757,005.00
        Assets depreciation loss
Operating profit                                                                  317,318,736.00                  519,150,823.00
        Add: Non-operating income                                                       4,692,830.00                6,374,452.00
        Less: non-operating expenditures                                                 500,012.00                     510,121.00
        Including: non-current assets disposing loss
Total profit                                                                      321,511,554.00                  525,015,154.00
        Less: income tax expenses                                                  79,896,949.00                  135,767,854.00
Net profit                                                                        241,614,605.00                  389,247,300.00
        Net profit of parent company's owners                                     241,614,605.00                  386,784,180.00
        Minority shareholder profit and loss                                                                        2,463,121.00
EPS                                                                               --                               --
        Basic EPS                                                                              0.35                           0.73
        Diluted EPS                                                                            0.35                           0.73
Other Comprehensive Income                                                                                          3,136,318.00
Total Comprehensive Income                                                        241,614,605.00                  392,383,618.00
Comprehensive Income of parent company                                            241,614,605.00                  389,920,497.00
Comprehensive Income of minority shareholders                                                                       2,463,121.00
Legal representative: Sun Liqiang               Person in charge of accounting :Leng Bin
Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4.1.4、Profit Statement of Parent Company for the report period
Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd.
                             Item                           In the report period 2012             In the report period 2011
Business income                                                             459,716,272.00                        482,852,156.00
       Less: Business cost                                                  368,745,000.00                        359,214,065.00
             Business tax and associate charges                              41,883,964.00                         50,117,124.00
             Sales expenses
             Management expenses                                             23,869,940.00                         26,681,117.00
             Financial expenses                                              -2,378,704.00                         -8,256,523.00
           Assets depreciation loss
       Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with
        Investment profit ((loss is listed with "-")                        280,249,888.00                        294,848,566.00
     Including: investment profit for joint-run
business and joint venture
Operating profit                                                            307,845,960.00                        349,944,939.00
        Add: Non-operating income                                              501,270.00                               143,213.00
        Less: non-operating expenditures                                       299,635.00                               132,019.00
        Including: non-current assets disposing loss
Total profit                                                                308,047,595.00                        349,956,133.00
        Less: income tax expenses                                             6,953,523.00                         14,733,986.00
Net profit                                                                  301,094,072.00                        335,222,147.00
EPS                                                                    --                                    --

        Basic EPS                                                                          0.44                        0.64
        Diluted EPS                                                                        0.44                        0.64
Other Comprehensive Income                                                                 0.00
Total Comprehensive Income                                                       301,094,072.00          335,222,147.00
Legal representative: Sun Liqiang               Person in charge of accounting :Leng Bin
Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4.1.5、Consolidated Profit Statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the report
Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd.
                           Item                             Nine months ended 30 Sep 2012 Nine months ended 30 Sep 2011
Total business income                                                           4,123,858,094.00             4,413,676,519.00
       Business income                                                          4,123,858,094.00             4,413,676,519.00
Total business cost                                                             2,585,751,043.00             2,735,136,722.00
       Business cost                                                            1,004,067,272.00             1,088,142,943.00
       Business tax and associate charges                                        218,986,378.00               267,882,176.00
        Sales expenses                                                          1,233,795,194.00             1,225,397,814.00
        Management expenses                                                      148,161,243.00               185,158,094.00
        Financial expenses                                                        -18,919,402.00               -31,444,305.00
       Assets depreciation loss                                                     -339,642.00
       Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with
        Investment profit ((loss is listed with "-")                                       0.00                    52,122.00
     Including: investment profit for joint-run
business and joint venture
Operating profit                                                                1,538,107,050.00             1,678,591,919.00
        Add: Non-operating income                                                 13,526,392.00                10,436,628.00
        Less: non-operating expenditures                                           2,832,923.00                 1,498,452.00
        Including: non-current assets disposing loss
Total profit                                                                    1,548,800,519.00             1,687,530,095.00
        Less: income tax expenses                                                386,042,437.00               422,088,477.00
Net profit                                                                      1,162,758,082.00             1,265,441,618.00
        Net profit of parent company's owners                                   1,162,758,082.00             1,263,739,296.00
        Minority shareholder profit and loss                                                                    1,702,321.00
EPS                                                                        --                           --
        Basic EPS                                                                            1.7                          2.4
        Diluted EPS                                                                          1.7                          2.4
Other Comprehensive Income                                                                 0.00                 3,155,997.00
Total Comprehensive Income                                                      1,162,758,082.00             1,268,597,615.00
Comprehensive Income of parent company                                          1,162,758,082.00             1,266,895,293.00
Comprehensive Income of minority shareholders                                                                   1,702,322.00
Legal representative: Sun Liqiang                      Person in charge of accounting :Leng Bin
Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4.1.6、Profit Statement of Parent Company from the beginning of the year to the end of the
report period
Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd.
                             Item                             Nine months ended 30 Sep 2012 Nine months ended 30 Sep 2011
Business income                                                                   1,231,574,682.00                     1,363,972,382.00
       Less: Business cost                                                         999,715,052.00                      1,040,634,234.00
             Business tax and associate charges                                    113,389,718.00                       149,277,921.00
             Sales expenses
             Management expenses                                                    89,302,037.00                        93,250,378.00
             Financial expenses                                                     -19,771,946.00                       -32,003,650.00
            Assets depreciation loss                                                  -339,642.00
       Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with
         Investment profit ((loss is listed with "-")
     Including: investment profit for joint-run
business and joint venture
Operating profit                                                                   341,529,350.00                      1,131,036,749.00
         Add: Non-operating income                                                   1,486,820.00                         1,717,494.00
         Less: non-operating expenditures                                            2,374,970.00                           377,941.00
         Including: non-current assets disposing loss
Total profit                                                                       340,641,200.00                      1,132,376,302.00
         Less: income tax expenses                                                  10,027,484.00                        28,954,484.00
Net profit                                                                         330,613,716.00                      1,103,421,818.00
EPS                                                                          --                                   --
         Basic EPS                                                                           0.48                                 2.09
         Diluted EPS                                                                         0.48                                 2.09
Other Comprehensive Income
Total Comprehensive Income                                                         330,613,716.00                      1,103,421,818.00
Legal representative: Sun Liqiang                        Person in charge of accounting :Leng Bin
Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4.1.7、Consolidated Cash Flow Statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the
report period
Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd.
                                                                            Nine months ended 30           Nine months ended 30
                                                                                  Sep 2012                 Sep 2011
 1. Cash flows from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services                              4,612,636,039.00          4,920,595,256.00
 Tax refund received                                                                       45,180,110.00               41,557,598.00
 Other cash received related to operating activities                                      156,173,256.00           133,851,070.00
 Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities                                         4,813,989,405.00          5,096,003,924.00
 Cash paid for goods and services                                                       1,315,184,362.00          1,314,943,260.00
 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                  316,408,591.00           273,280,810.00
 Cash paid for taxes and expenses                                                       1,630,673,705.00          1,490,785,472.00
 Other cash paid       related to operating activities                                    930,371,680.00           829,089,136.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities                                     4,192,638,338.00          3,908,098,678.00
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                                  621,351,067.00          1,187,905,246.00
 2. Cash flow from investing activities:
 Cash received from return of investment
 Cash received from obtaining investment profit                                                                            52,122.00

 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                        175,146.00         519,564.00
and other long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of branch and other business
 Other cash received related to investing activities                                 628,613,811.00    243,487,869.00
 Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities                                     628,788,957.00    244,059,555.00
 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                     516,976,433.00    471,230,763.00
long-term assets
 Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities                                  516,976,433.00    471,230,763.00
 Net cash flow from investing activites                                              111,812,524.00   -227,171,208.00
 3.Cash flow from financing activites
 Cash received from acquiring investment                                                                14,288,361.00
 Including: cash received from acquiring minority shareholders
investment by branch
 Cash received from acquiring loans
 Other cash received related to finaning activities
 Subtotal cash flows of financing activities                                                   0.00     14,288,361.00
 Cash paid to pay debts
 Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest                            801,465,600.00    738,192,000.00
 Including: dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders by
 Other cash paid related to financing activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities                                   801,465,600.00    738,192,000.00
 Net cash flow from financing activites                                             -801,465,600.00   -723,903,639.00
 4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash
 5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents                                        -68,302,009.00    236,830,399.00
 Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and cash
                                                                                   1,256,517,873.00    998,934,825.00
 6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash
                                                                                   1,188,215,864.00   1,235,765,224.00
Legal representative: Sun Liqiang                      Person in charge of accounting :Leng Bin
Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4.1.8、Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company from the beginning of the year to the end of
the report period
Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Nine months ended 30 Sep Nine months ended 30
                                                                              2012            Sep 2011
 1. Cash flows from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services                       1,320,094,653.00     1,537,935,335.00
 Tax refund received                                                               17,273,468.00        21,324,431.00
 Other cash received related to operating activities                              366,305,302.00       115,430,574.00
 Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities                                  1,703,673,423.00     1,674,690,340.00
 Cash paid for goods and services                                                1,122,843,024.00     1,092,998,349.00
 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                          116,826,101.00       153,344,175.00
 Cash paid for taxes and expenses                                                 345,514,705.00       327,912,380.00
 Other cash paid     related to operating activities                             1,462,655,140.00      229,601,960.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities                              3,047,838,970.00     1,803,856,864.00
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                       -1,344,165,547.00              -129,166,524.00
 2. Cash flow from investing activities:
 Cash received from return of investment
 Cash received from obtaining investment profit                                 1,908,074,482.00               988,297,873.00
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                      78,926.00                       519,204.00
assets and other long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of branch and other
business unit
 Other cash received related to investing activities                             624,589,624.00                243,487,869.00
 Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities                                2,532,743,032.00             1,232,304,946.00
 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                  53,921,352.00                172,055,526.00
long-term assets
 Cash for investment                                                             440,000,000.00                200,258,004.00
 Net cash paid to acquire branch and other business unit
 Other cash paid related to investment activities
 Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities                              493,921,352.00                372,313,530.00
 Net cash flow from investing activites                                         2,038,821,680.00               859,991,416.00
 3.Cash flow from financing activites
 Cash received from acquiring investment
 Cash received from acquiring loans                                                                80,162,653.00
 Other cash received related to finaning activities
 Subtotal cash flows of financing activities                                               0.00                    80,162,653.00
   Cash paid to pay debts                                                                                      106,500,000.00
   Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest                      801,465,600.00                738,192,000.00
   Other cash paid related to financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities                                801,465,600.00                844,692,000.00
Net cash flow from financing activites                                           -801,465,600.00              -764,529,347.00
 4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and
cash equivalents
 5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    -106,809,467.00                   -33,704,455.00
 Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and
                                                                                 296,735,240.00                407,619,205.00
cash equivalents
 6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash
                                                                                 189,925,773.00                373,914,750.00
Legal representative: Sun Liqiang                     Person in charge of accounting :Leng Bin
Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

4.2 Audit Report
Audit Advice                   Unaudited.

                                                                           Yantai Changyu Wine Poineer Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    Board of Director
                                                                                      October 26th , 2012
