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张 裕B:2013年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2013-10-21  

						                2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

     2013 the Third Quarter Report


               OCT 2013

                                             2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                    I. Important Notice
The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors & senior
management of the Company confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are
no unfaithful facts, significant omissions or misleading statements in this quarterly report,
and collectively and individually accept full legal responsibility.

All the directors have personally attended the Board of Directors’ meeting for this quarterly

Mr. Sun Liqiang (Chairman of the Company), Mr. Leng Bin (Chief Financial Officer) and Mr.
Jiang Jianxun (Financial Manager) assure the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the
financial report in the quarterly report.

                                                                 2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                    II、Key financial data and shareholders changing

1. Key accounting data and financial indicators

Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustments or restates the accounting data of previous
fiscal years because of changes of accounting policy and/or accounting errors.
□Yes      V No

                                                                                                                    More or less than
                                       At the end of the report period          At the end of last year
                                                                                                                    the end of last year

Total assets (CNY)                                    7,938,843,753.00                   8,123,134,580.00                               -2.27%

Net Assets attributed to the
shareholders of the listed company                    6,027,879,703.00                   5,913,104,178.00                                 1.94%

                                                                                                                        More or less than the
                                                                   More or less than         The beginning of the       same period from the
                                        In the report period     the same period of last year to the end of the          beginning of the year
                                                                         year(%)                 report period          to the end of the report

Business revenue (CNY)                        809,128,064.00                      -27.19%         3,348,506,298.00                      -18.8%

Net profit attributed to the
shareholders of the listed company            128,211,704.00                      -46.94%          868,785,925.00                      -25.28%
Net profit attributed to the
shareholders of the listed company
                                              125,190,182.00                      -47.43%          861,904,605.00                      -25.32%
after deducting the irregular profit
and loss (CNY)
Net cash flows from the operating
                                                 --                        --                      657,198,343.00                         5.77%
activities (CNY)

Basic earnings (CNY) per share                            0.19                    -45.71%                        1.27                  -25.29%

Diluted earnings (CNY) per share                          0.19                    -45.71%                        1.27                  -25.29%

Weighted average return on net
                                                        2.02%                      -2.58%                   13.73%                      -8.09%

Details of irregular profit and loss
V Yes □ No

                                                              2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                                                                                                          Unit: CNY

                                                                       Amount from the beginning
                               Item                                     of the year to the end of          Explanation
                                                                             report period

Gain on disposal of non-current assets, including the reversal of
                                                                                       -389,419.00                       -1,822,242
accrued impairment provision

Tax refund or exemption that is either non-recurring or without
                                                                                               0.00                      4,498,219
proper approval

Government grants credited in profit and loss (except for those
recurring government grants that are closely related to the entity's
                                                                                      7,404,700.00                       6,372,646
operation, in line with related regulations and have proper basis of

Other non-operating expense and income                                                1,309,455.00                       1,644,847

Less: Income tax effect                                                               1,443,416.00                       2,112,668

Total                                                                                 6,881,320.00                               --

The reasons shall be made clear and definitely as to the non-recurring profit and loss that the Company
has defined by virtue of the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure
No.1 - Non-recurring Profit and Loss and as to regarding the non-recurring profit and loss as recurrent
profit and loss as specified in the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information
Disclosure No.1 - Non-recurring Profit and Loss.
□Available          V Not available

                                                              2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

2.The total number of the shareholders and top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares at
the end of the report period
                                                                                                                          Unit: share

                                      49,422 shareholders, including 36,482 shareholders with A shares, 12,940
Total number of shareholders
                                        shareholders with B shares

                                 The top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares
                                                                                     Number of               Pledged or frozen
                          Character      of
Name of Shareholders                          Percentage(%)     Shares held           restricted       Share status     Amount

                          non-state-owne                50.4%         345,473,856                  0       ?              ?
                          d legal person

GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                       3.53%          24,176,997                  0       ?              ?

SINGAPORE INV.                                          2.71%          18,569,016                  0       ?              ?
CORP.- A/C "C"

FIDELITY FD - CHINA                                     2.35%          16,106,326                  0       ?              ?

FSGUFP-CMG FIRST          Foreign
                                                        1.84%          12,599,929                  0       ?              ?
STATE CHINA               shareholder

AUTHORITY OF                                            0.87%            5,957,159                 0       ?              ?

HTHK-MANULIFE             Foreign
                                                        0.77%            5,272,277                 0       ?              ?
CHINA VALUE FUND          shareholder

EMERGING MARKETS                                        0.72%            4,934,566                 0       ?              ?

SERVICES SINGAPORE                                      0.65%            4,431,632                 0       ?              ?

UBS (LUXEMBOURG)          Foreign
                                                        0.57%            3,923,180                 0       ?              ?
S.A.                      shareholder

                                                            2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                   The top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares
Name of Shareholders                       Number of unrestricted shares held                             Type of share

                                                                                                Type of share            Amount

YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP CO. LTD                                                     345,473,856             A share         345,473,856

GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                                                 24,176,997             B share          24,176,997

GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV.                                                                             B share
                                                                                  18,569,016                              18,569,016
CORP.- A/C "C"

BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA                                                                          B share
                                                                                  16,106,326                              16,106,326

HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG FIRST                                                                                B share
                                                                                  12,599,929                              12,599,929

GSIC A/C MONETARY AUTHORITY                                                                              B share
                                                                                   5,957,159                               5,957,159

HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE                                                                                B share
                                                                                   5,272,277                               5,272,277

BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING                                                                                B share
                                                                                   4,934,566                               4,934,566

UBS CUSTODY SERVICES                                                                                     B share
                                                                                   4,431,632                               4,431,632

UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A.                                                              3,923,180             B share           3,923,180

The   explanation     for   the   associated Among the top 10 shareholders, Yantai Changyu Group Company Limited has no
relationship and accordant action of the associated relationship or accordant action relationship with the other 9 listed
top 10 shareholders                        shareholders, and the relationship among the other shareholders is unknown.

Explanation for the shareholders who
involved in financing activities and stock No
trading business(if yes)

Whether or not to be agreed to buy back trading by Company shareholders during the report period

□ Yes √ No

                                                          2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                                       III Major Issue

1. The great changes and reasons on main accountant data and financial index during the
   report period

Compared the end of the report period with the beginning of the year, interest receivable of the
Company is increased by 50.88%, main reason for changes is due to increasing deposit interest
receivable; construction in process is increased by 49.94%, it is mainly because of increasing
project investment during the report period; productive biological asset is increased by 111.95%,
main reason for the change is due to expending the scale of proprietary vineyard; advance receipt is
decreased by 50.15%,it is mainly because of decreasing advance loan from customers.

From January to September 2013, cash received relating to other operating activities for the
Company is increased 72.20% compared with the same period of last year, it is mainly because of
receiving more government subsidies; cash paid for goods purchased and labor services received is
decreased 33.48% compared with with the same period of last year, main reason for the change is
due to decreasing raw materials procurement cost; cash payment relating to other operating
activities is decreased by 33.06%, it is mainly because of decreasing marketing cost.

From July to September 2013, Company is affected by the national related policy, sales volume of
high-end wine from the Company’s chateaus has been greatly declined, which caused the operating
revenue decreased by 27.19% comparing with the same period of last year; therefore, the Company
has reinforced cost control, which caused selling expenses decreased by 30.81% compared with the
same period of last year, net profit attributed to the parent company’s shareholders decreased by

2. The commitments of the Company or shareholders of the Company holding more than 5%
   in the report period or until the report period

                                             Commitment     Commitment           Commitment Commitment
Commitments                                                                                                  Implementation
                                             party          content              time         period

                                                                                                             has been
Commitments at share reform                  -                                   2006.03.11   3 years

Commitments made in acquisition report
or equity changes report

Commitments at asset restructuring           -

Commitments at the initial public offering
or refinancing                               Yantai Changyu According       to 1997.05.18     Forever        In-process
                                             Group Co., Ltd "Trademark                                       performed
                                                            License Contract",
                                                            the Company will                                                  7
                                                           2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                                            pay          trademark
                                                            royalty      for     the
                                                            s       of      Yantai
                                                            Changyu         Group
                                                            Co.,      Ltd      every
                                                            year,           Yantai
                                                            Changyu         Group
                                                            Co., Ltd will use
                                                            trademark              to
                                                            advertise Changyu
                                                            trademarks and the
                                                            Contract products.

                                           Yantai Changyu Intra-industry                                                   Has been
                                                                                        1997.05.18      Forever
                                           Group Co, Ltd    competition                                                    performed

Commitments made to the minority
shareholders of the Company

Commitment under timely implementation
or not

Specific reasons of not completing the
implementation and the next step

3. Operating performance’s forecast in 2013
Warning and explanation for the estimation on the possible loss of cumulative net profit in the
period from the beginning of this year to the end of the next report period or the great change
comparing with same period of last year.
□ Yes V No

4.   The Company’ s Receptions, Studies and Visits during report period
Reception date      Reception place      Reception way Type              of Visitor                             Reception date

                                                                            Guangzhou                Changjin
                                                                            Investment        Management
                                                                            Co., LTD. Zheng Youfeng,
                                                                            JingLin Asset Management
                                                                                                                current business operation
2013.09.17                                                 Institution      Co.,      LTD.    Gao      Xiang,
                    Meeting room of Field survey                                                                situation and other issues
                                                                            Everbright Pramerica Fund
                    the Company
                                                                            Management Co., Ltd.Shi
                                                                            Xingtao,       Anbang       Asset
                                                                            Management Co., LTD Li

                                                  2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.


                                          Ⅳ Financial Statements

1.、Financial statements

1)、Consolidated balance sheet

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.                                                                      Unit: CNY

                             Item                       At 30 September 2013             At 31 December 2012
 Current assets:
      Monetary fund                                                 1,791,798,246                    2,227,470,828
       Financial assets for trade
      Notes receivable                                                  84,237,982                      92,635,701
      Account receivable                                               131,709,140                     135,217,384
      Advance money                                                     55,516,784                      44,294,482
      Interest receivable                                               10,887,535                       7,215,854
      Dividend receivable
      Other account receivable                                          34,190,814                      28,462,945
      Inventories                                                   2,041,571,067                    2,268,621,441
      Non-current assets due within one year
      Other current assets
      Total current assets                                          4,149,911,568                    4,803,918,635
 Non-current assets:
      Financial assets for sale
      Investment held to expiration
       Long-term account receivable
       Long-term equity investment                                       5,000,000                       5,000,000
       Real estate for investment
       fixed assets                                                 1,846,113,389                    1,823,983,721
       Construction in progress                                     1,248,778,040                      832,828,689
       Project material
 Liquidation of fixed assets
       Biological assets for production                                 84,106,300                      39,681,580
       Oil and gas assets
       Intangible assets                                               289,643,372                     278,293,922
       Development expenditure
       Long-term deferred expenses                                     158,897,803                     160,871,860
       Assets of deferred income tax                                   128,524,559                     150,376,138
       Other non-current assets                                         27,868,722                      28,180,035

                                                            2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                Total non-current assets                                      3,788,932,185                    3,319,215,945
 Total assets                                                                 7,938,843,753                    8,123,134,580

 Current liabilities:
     Short-term loan                                                              243,170,674
     Financial liabilities for trade
     Notes payable
     Accounts payable                                                             365,323,117                    324,881,168
     Advance money                                                                224,429,315                    450,172,253
     Wage payable                                                                 100,225,359                    140,484,927
     Tax payable                                                                  120,995,452                    444,084,576
     Interest payable                                                               1,081,585
     Dividend payable
     Other accounts payable                                                       495,753,193                    470,650,111
     Non-current liabilities due within one year
                                                                                   97,014,768                    150,945,000
     Other current liabilities                                                     12,359,580                      8,090,382
     Total current liabilities                                                1,660,353,043                    1,989,308,417
 Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term loan
 Bond payable
 Long-term accounts payable
 Special accounts payable
 Estimated liabilities
  Liabilities of deferred income tax                                                5,336,115                      5,336,115
  Other non-current liabilities                                                    82,534,113                     69,004,861
 Total non-current liabilities                                                     87,870,228                     74,340,976
     Total liabilities                                                        1,748,223,271                    2,063,649,393
 Shareholder rights and interests:
   Capital stock                                                                  685,464,000                    685,464,000
  Capital reserve                                                                 562,139,042                    562,139,042
   Less: treasury stock
   Surplus reserve                                                                342,732,000                    342,732,000
   Undistributed profit                                                       4,437,544,661                    4,322,769,136
 Total shareholder rights and interests of parent
 company                                                                      6,027,879,703                    5,913,104,178
 Minority shareholder rights and interests
                                                                                  162,740,779                    146,381,009
  Total shareholder rights and interests                                      6,190,620,482                    6,059,485,187
  Liabilities and total shareholders rights and interests
                                                                              7,938,843,753                    8,123,134,580

Legal representative:Sun Liqiang      Person in charge of accounting: Leng Bin

                                                      2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

2)、Balance sheet of parent company
Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.                                                                          Unit: CNY

                             Item                           At 30 September 2013             At 31 December 2012
 Current assets:
      Monetary fund                                                     1,167,977,411                    1,090,260,851
        Financial assets for trade
      Notes receivable                                                     40,343,242                        1,450,000
      Account receivable                                                    2,201,464                          710,080
      Advance money                                                        30,706,628                       26,131,908
      Interest receivable                                                  10,889,933                        7,215,854
      Dividend receivable                                                394,533,237                       993,614,383
      Other account receivable                                          2,429,708,265                    2,194,219,753
      Inventories                                                        883,420,915                       893,442,758
      Non-current assets due within one year
      Other current assets
      Total current assets                                              4,959,781,095                    5,207,045,587
 Non-current assets:
      Financial assets for sale
      Investment held to expiration
        Long-term account receivable
        Long-term equity investment                                     1,010,192,893                    1,006,492,893
        Real estate for investment
        fixed assets                                                     362,214,947                       354,789,743
        Construction in progress                                           22,678,880                       24,640,660
        Project material
  Liquidation of fixed assets
        Biological assets for production                                   55,470,520                       16,866,437
      Oil and gas assets
        Intangible assets                                                  80,375,579                       81,512,908
        Development expenditure
        Long-term deferred expenses
        Assets of deferred income tax                                      13,791,255                       19,517,202
        Other non-current assets                                            2,265,198                        2,502,630
                Total non-current assets                                1,546,989,272                    1,506,322,473
      Total assets                                                      6,506,770,367                    6,713,368,060

 Current liabilities:
     Short-term loan                                                     243,170,674

                                                            2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

     Financial liabilities for trade
     Notes payable
     Accounts payable                                                          227,623,688                       164,815,117
     Advance money
     Wage payable                                                                63,990,972                       80,144,533
     Tax payable                                                                -17,416,427                       17,995,089
     Interest payable                                                             1,081,585
     dividend payable
     Other accounts payable                                                   1,554,113,067                    1,432,464,297
     Non-current liabilities due within one year

     Other current liabilities                                                    1,807,214                        1,856,337
     Total current liabilities                                                2,074,370,773                    1,697,275,373
 Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term loan
 Bond payable
 Long-term accounts payable
 Special accounts payable
 Estimated liabilities
  Liabilities of deferred income tax
  Other non-current liabilities                                                  18,643,180                       19,905,019
 Total non-current liabilities                                                   18,643,180                       19,905,019
     Total liabilities                                                        2,093,013,953                    1,717,180,392
 Shareholder rights and interests:
    Capital stock                                                              685,464,000                       685,464,000
  Capital reserve                                                              557,222,454                       557,222,454
    Less: treasury stock
    Surplus reserve                                                            342,732,000                       342,732,000
      Undistributed profit                                                    2,828,337,960                    3,410,769,214
 Minority shareholder rights and interests

 Total shareholder rights and interests                                       4,413,756,414                    4,996,187,668

  Liabilities and total shareholders rights and interests
                                                                              6,506,770,367                    6,713,368,060

Legal representative:Sun Liqiang

Person in charge of accounting: Leng Bin

Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

                                                          2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

3)、Consolidated profit statement during the report period

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.                                                                                 Unit: CNY

                                                           Three months ended 30 Sep              Three months ended 30 Sep
                                                                        2013                                2012
1. Business income                                                              809,128,064.00                1,111,274,005.00

                Business income                                                 809,128,064.00                1,111,274,005.00

2.Business cost                                                                 642,214,194.00                    793,955,269.00

                Business cost                                                   265,940,847.00                    276,233,799.00

                Business tax and associate charges                               49,909,259.00                     68,962,518.00

                Sales expenses                                                  285,508,961.00                    412,650,736.00

                Management expenses                                              43,843,045.00                     38,820,937.00

                Financial expenses                                                -2,987,918.00                    -2,712,721.00

                Assets depreciation loss                                                  0.00                              0.00

Including: investment profit for joint-run business and
                                                                               2,201,078,766.00                             0.00
joint venture

3. Operating profit                                                             166,913,870.00                    317,318,736.00

     Add: Non-operating income                                                    3,822,737.00                      4,692,830.00

      Less: non-operating expenditures                                               34,077.00                       500,012.00

4. Total profit                                                                 170,702,530.00                    321,511,554.00

     Less: income tax expenses                                                   42,490,826.00                     79,896,949.00

5. Net profit                                                                   128,211,704.00                    241,614,605.00

     Net profit of parent company's owners                                      128,211,704.00                    241,614,605.00

     Minority shareholder profit and loss                                                 0.00                              0.00

6. EPS                                                                    --                                 --

     Basic EPS                                                                            0.19                              0.35

     Diluted EPS                                                                          0.19                              0.35

8. Comprehensive Income                                                         128,211,704.00                    241,614,605.00

Comprehensive Income of parent company                                          128,211,704.00                    241,614,605.00

Comprehensive Income of minority shareholders                                             0.00                              0.00

Legal representative:Sun Liqiang

Person in charge of accounting: Leng Bin

Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

                                                       2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

4)、Profit statement of parent company during the report period

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.                                                                            Unit: CNY

                                                      Three months ended 30 Sep          Three months ended 30 Sep
                                                                 2013                                 2012
1. Business income                                                      284,834,446.00                       459,716,272.00

          Less: Business cost                                           234,730,834.00                       368,745,000.00

                Business tax and associate charges                       25,459,913.00                        41,883,964.00

                Sales expenses                                                    0.00                                 0.00

                Management expenses                                      28,839,226.00                        23,869,940.00

                Financial expenses                                       -5,164,576.00                        -2,378,704.00

                Assets depreciation loss                                          0.00                                 0.00

Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with
   Investment profit ((loss is listed with "-")                         141,356,045.00                       280,249,888.00

   Including: investment profit for joint-run
                                                                                  0.00                                 0.00
business and joint venture
2. Operating profit                                                     142,325,094.00                       307,845,960.00

       Add: Non-operating income                                            698,629.00                          501,270.00

       less: non-operating expenditures                                         200.00                          299,635.00

       Including: non-current assets disposing loss                               0.00                                 0.00

3. Total profit                                                         143,023,523.00                       308,047,595.00

 Less: income tax expenses                                                  348,556.00                         6,953,523.00

4. Net profit                                                           142,674,967.00                       301,094,072.00

5. EPS                                                             --                                   --

 Basic EPS                                                                        0.21                                 0.44

 Diluted EPS                                                                      0.21                                 0.44

7. Comprehensive Income                                                 142,674,967.00                       301,094,072.00

Legal representative:Sun Liqiang

Person in charge of accounting: Leng Bin

Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

                                                      2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

5)、Consolidated profit statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the report period

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.                                                                             Unit: CNY

                                                       Nine months ended 30 Sep               Nine months ended 30 Sep
                                                                    2013                               2012
1. Business income                                                         3,348,506,298.00              4,123,858,094.00

             Business income                                               3,348,506,298.00              4,123,858,094.00

2. Business cost                                                           2,201,078,766.00              2,585,751,044.00

             Business cost                                                 1,025,632,936.00              1,004,067,272.00

             Business tax and associate charges                             173,511,236.00                    218,986,378.00

             Sales expenses                                                 869,789,591.00               1,233,795,194.00

             Management expenses                                            148,739,974.00                    148,161,244.00

             Financial expenses                                              -16,594,971.00                   -18,919,402.00

             Assets depreciation loss                                                                            -339,642.00

3. Operating profit                                                        1,147,427,532.00              1,538,107,050.00

    Add: Non-operating income                                                 9,498,231.00                     13,526,392.00

    less: non-operating expenditures                                          1,173,496.00                      2,832,923.00

    Including: non-current assets disposing loss                                392,956.00                      2,049,999.00

4. Total profit                                                            1,155,752,267.00              1,548,800,519.00

     Less: income tax expenses                                              286,966,342.00                    386,042,437.00

5. Net profit                                                               868,785,925.00               1,162,758,082.00

    Net profit of parent company's owners                                   868,785,925.00               1,162,758,082.00

    Minority shareholder profit and loss

6. EPS                                                                --                                 --

 Basic EPS                                                                            1.27                               1.7

 Diluted EPS                                                                          1.27                               1.7

7. Other Comprehensive Income

8. Comprehensive Income                                                     868,785,925.00               1,162,758,082.00

Comprehensive Income of parent company                                      868,785,925.00               1,162,758,082.00

Comprehensive Income of minority shareholders

Legal representative:Sun Liqiang

Person in charge of accounting: Leng Bin

Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

                                                        2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

6) Profit statement of parent company from the beginning of the year to the end of the report period

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.                                                                              Unit: CNY

                                                        Three months ended 30 Sep          Three months ended 30 Sep
                                                                   2013                                2012
1. Business income                                                        999,917,582.00                      1,231,574,682.00

       Less: business cost                                                819,840,102.00                       999,715,052.00

             Business tax and associate charges                            86,892,698.00                       113,389,718.00

             Sales expenses

           Management expenses                                             88,086,362.00                        89,302,037.00

             Financial expenses                                           -18,358,158.00                        -19,771,946.00

              Assets depreciation loss                                                                            -339,642.00

Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with
   Investment profit ((loss is listed with "-")                           152,496,487.00                       292,249,888.00

        Including: investment profit for joint-run
business and joint venture
2. Operating profit                                                       175,953,065.00                       341,529,350.00

        Add: Non-operating income                                           1,803,022.00                         1,486,820.00

       less: non-operating expenditures                                        86,389.00                         2,374,970.00

         Including: non-current assets disposing loss                        392,956.00                          2,049,999.00

3. Total profit                                                           177,669,698.00                       340,641,200.00

 Less: income tax expenses                                                  6,090,552.00                        10,027,484.00

4. Net profit                                                             171,579,146.00                       330,613,716.00

5. EPS                                                               --                                  --

 Basic EPS                                                                          0.25                                 0.48

 Diluted EPS                                                                        0.25                                 0.48

6. Other Comprehensive Income

7. Comprehensive Income                                                   171,579,146.00                       330,613,716.00

Legal representative:Sun Liqiang

Person in charge of accounting: Leng Bin

Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

                                                        2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

7) Consolidated cash flow statement from the beginning of the year to the end of the report period

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.
                                                                                                                Unit: CNY

                                                             Nine months ended 30 Sep Nine months ended 30 Sep
                                                                         2013                            2012
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sales of goods and rending of
                                                                            3,517,257,411.00               4,733,220,564.00
  Tax refund received                                                         25,335,492.00                   45,180,110.00

  Other cash received related to operating activities                         61,284,645.00                   35,588,731.00

  Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities                           3,603,877,548.00                4,813,989,405.00

 Cash paid for goods and services                                            874,873,154.00                1,315,184,362.00

 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                     284,568,860.00                 316,408,591.00

 Cash paid for taxes and expenses                                          1,164,415,256.00                1,630,673,705.00

 Other cash paid    related to operating activities                          622,821,935.00                 930,371,680.00

 Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities                        2,946,679,205.00                4,192,638,338.00

 Net cash flow from operating activities                                     657,198,343.00                 621,351,067.00

 2. Cash flow from investing activities:
  Cash received from return of investment

  Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months                               825,524,719.00                 606,320,001.00

  Cash received from interest income                                          14,353,847.00                   22,293,810.00

 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                                    4,000.00                     175,146.00
intangible assets and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal of branch and other
business unit
  Other cash received related to investing activities

  Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities                            839,882,566.00                 628,788,957.00

  Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                             612,825,121.00                 516,976,433.00
other long-term assets
    Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months                           1,018,392,728.00

  Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities                       1,631,217,849.00                 516,976,433.00

  Net cash flow from investing activities                                   -791,335,283.00                  111,812,524.00

 3.Cash flow from financing activities
  Cash received from acquiring investment                                     16,359,770.00

  Including: cash received from acquiring minority                            16,359,770.00

                                                        2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

shareholders investment by branch

   Cash received from acquiring loans                                        243,170,674.00

Subtotal cash flows of financing activities                                  259,530,444.00

  Cash paid to pay debts

  Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest                   754,010,400.00                 801,465,600.00

   Including: dividend and profit paid to minority
shareholders by branch

   Other cash paid related to financing activities

   Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities                         754,010,400.00                 801,465,600.00

 Net cash flow from financing activities                                    -494,479,956.00                 -801,465,600.00

 4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash
and cash equivalents

 5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents                               -628,616,896.00                  -68,302,009.00

   Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash
                                                                           1,562,294,026.00                1,256,517,873.00
and cash equivalents

 6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash
                                                                             933,677,130.00                1,188,215,864.00

Legal representative:Sun Liqiang

Person in charge of accounting: Leng Bin

Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

                                                              2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

8) Cash flow statement of parent company from the beginning of the year to the end of the report period

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Unit: CNY

                                                                        Nine months ended 30 Sep        Nine months ended 30
                                                                                   2013                       Sep 2012

  1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services
                                                                                        890,924,099               1,320,094,653
   Tax refund received                                                                     8,688,878                 17,273,468
   Other cash received related to operating activities                                    24,398,649                366,305,302
   Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities                                       924,011,626               1,703,673,423
  Cash paid for goods and services                                                      564,718,954               1,122,843,024
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                 87,522,822                116,826,101
  Cash paid for taxes and expenses                                                      166,330,184                 345,514,705
  Other cash paid related to operating activities                                       215,322,702               1,462,655,139
  Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities                                  1,033,894,662               3,047,838,970
  Net cash flow from operating activities                                              -109,883,036              -1,344,165,547
  2. Cash flow from investing activities:
   Cash received from return of investment
                    Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months                        825,524,719                 606,320,001
   Cash received from obtaining investment profit                                       765,931,480               1,926,344,105
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
 and other long-term assets                                                                    4,000                     78,926
   Net cash received from disposal of branch and other business
   Other cash received related to investing activities

   Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities
                                                                                      1,591,460,199               2,532,743,032
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
 long-term assets                                                                         63,872,462                 53,921,352
   Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months                                       1,006,392,728
   Cash for investment                                                                     3,700,000                440,000,000
  Net cash paid to acquire branch and other business unit

   Other cash paid related to investment activities
   Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities                                 1,073,965,190                 493,921,352
   Net cash flow from investing activities                                              517,495,009               2,038,821,680
  3.Cash flow from financing activities
   Cash received from acquiring investment
   Including: cash received from acquiring minority shareholders
 investment by branch

                                                              2013 the Third Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

   Cash received from acquiring loans                                                   243,170,674
   Other cash received related to financing activities
  Subtotal cash flows of financing activities                                           243,170,674
   Cash paid to pay debts
   Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest
                                                                                        754,010,400                 801,465,600
   Including: dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders by
   Other cash paid related to financing activities
   Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities                                    754,010,400                 801,465,600
  Net cash flow from financing activities                                              -510,839,726                -801,465,600
  4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash
  5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents                                         -103,227,753                -106,809,467
   Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and cash
 equivalents                                                                            425,084,049                 296,735,240
  6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash
 equivalents                                                                            321,856,296                 189,925,773

Legal representative:Sun Liqiang

Person in charge of accounting: Leng Bin

Person in charge of accounting organ: Jiang Jianxun

2. Audit Report

Whether or not to audit the 3rd quarter report.
□ Yes     √ No.
The 3 quarter report of the company has not been audited.

                                                                             Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                                                                             Board of Directors

