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张 裕B:2014年第一季度报告正文(英文版)2014-04-28  

						               2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

       2014First Quarter Report

              2014-Final 02

             April 2014

                                            2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                    I. Important Notice

The board of directors,the board of supervisors,directors, supervisors & senior managers
of the Company collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the truthfulness,
accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this report and confirm that to the
best of their knowledge and belief there are no unfaithful facts, significant omissions or
misleading statements.

Except the following directors, other directors all personally attended the meeting for
deliberating the annual report.

Absent directors         Directors’ post       Absent reason               Authorized person
Mr. Augusto Reina        Director               Due to working              Mr. Aldino Marzorati
Mr. Jean Paul Pinard     Director               Due to working              Mr. Sun Liqiang

Mr. Sun Liqiang (Chairman of the Company), Mr. Leng Bin (Chief Financial Officer) and Mr.
Jiang Jianxun (Financial Director) assure the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the
financial report in the annual report.

                                             2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

              II、Key financial data and shareholders changing
1. Key financial data

Whether the Company makes retroactive adjustments or restates the accounting data of previous
fiscal years.
□ Yes V No

                                                       The same period of          More or less than
              Item                The report period
                                                            last year               last year(%)
Business income (CNY)               1,508,515,994.00       1,848,564,099.00                          -18.4%
Net profit attributed to the
shareholders of the listed            457,522,651.00          570,638,033.00                       -19.82%
company (CNY)
Net profit attributed to the
shareholders of the listed
                                      454,655,351.00          568,038,508.00                       -19.96%
company after deducting the
irregular profit and loss (CNY)
Net cash flows from the
                                      706,507,223.00          523,571,540.00                        34.94%
operating activities (CNY)
Basic earnings per share
                                                0.67                      0.83                     -19.28%
Diluted earnings per share
                                                0.67                      0.83                     -19.28%
Weighted average for earning
                                              6.64%                     8.99%                        -2.35%
rate of the net assets
                                   The end of the                                  More or less than
                                                       The end of last year
                                   report period                                    last year(%)
Total assets (CNY)                  8,527,529,718.00       8,001,532,444.00                           6.57%
Net Assets attributed to the
shareholders of the listed          6,665,802,356.00       6,208,279,705.00                           7.37%
company (CNY)

                                               2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Details of irregular profit and loss
V Yes □ No

                                                      From beginning of year
                        Item                                                                Explanation
                                                      to end of report period
Gain on disposal of non-current assets, including
the reversal of accrued impairment provision
Government grants credited in profit and loss
(except for those recurring government grants
that are closely related to the entity's operation,                   3,228,950.00
in line with related regulations and have proper
basis of calculation)
Other non-operating income and expenses                                 184,193.00

Less: Income tax effect                                                 542,880.00

Total                                                                 2,867,300.00                 --

The reasons shall be made clear and definitely as to the irregular profit and loss that the Company has
defined by virtue of the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure No.1
- Irregular Profit and Loss and as to regarding the irregular profit and loss as recurrent profit and loss as
specified in the Explanatory Announcement on Public Company’s Information Disclosure No.1 -
Irregular Profit and Loss.
□Available V Not available

                                              2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

2.The total number of the shareholders and top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares at
the end of the report period
                                                                                          Unit: share
                                                                                   Total 51,856
Total number of shareholders                                     36695 Shareholders of A shares
                                                                 15161 Shareholders of B shares
                         The top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares
                                                                                 Numb Pledged or
                                                                                 er of frozen
                                      Character of Percentage                    restric Shar
        Name of Shareholders                                      Shares held
                                      shareholders (%)                           ted      e      Amo
                                                                                 shares statu unt
YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP CO. LTD.                              50.4% 345,473,856            0            0
                                      owned legal
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                          3.53%      24,176,997        0            0
GIC PRIVATE LIMITED                                        2.88%      19,721,200        0            0
                                                           2.35%      16,106,326        0            0
FOCUS FD                              shareholder
                                                           0.91%       6,242,128        0            0
SINGAPORE                             shareholder
BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING             Foreign
                                                           0.67%       4,585,066        0            0
MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND              shareholder
                                                           0.67%       4,579,982        0            0
CARE                                  shareholder
                                                           0.62%       4,280,146        0            0
FUNDS                                 shareholder
UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A.                                      0.57%       3,908,889        0            0
                                                           0.55%       3,779,202        0            0
PLC                                   shareholder
                         The top 10 shareholders with unrestricted shares
Name of Shareholders                                 Number of         Type of share
                                                     unrestricted      Type of         Amount
                                                     shares held       share
YANTAI CHANGYU GROUP CO. LTD.                             345,473,856        A share 345,473,856
GAOLING FUND,L.P.                                           24,176,997       B share        24,176,997
GIC PRIVATE LIMITED                                         19,721,200       B share        19,721,200
BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FD                    16,106,326       B share        16,106,326
GSIC A/C MONETARY AUTHORITY OF SINGAPORE                     6,242,128       B share         6,242,128
BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK                                      B share
                                                             4,585,066                       4,585,066
BBH S/A FIDELITY FUNDS SICAV-HEALTH CARE                           4,579,982           B share          4,579,982
VALUE PARTNERS HIGH-DIVIDEND STOCKS FUNDS                          4,280,146           B share          4,280,146
UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A.                                              3,908,889           B share          3,908,889

                                             2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

FIDELITY CHINA SPECIAL SITUATIONS PLC                             3,779,202    B share      3,779,202
                                   Among the top 10 shareholders, Yantai Changyu Group
The explanation for the associated
                                   Company Limited has no associated relationship or accordant
relationship and accordant action
                                   action relationship with the other 9 listed shareholders, and the
of the top 10 shareholders
                                   relationship among the other shareholders is unknown.
Explanation for the shareholders
who involved in financing
activities and stock trading
business(if any)

Whether or not the Company’s shareholders promise to buy back trading during the report period
□ Yes √ No

                                                2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

                                              III Major Issue

   1. The Great Change and Reasons on Main Accountant Data and Financial Index
Item                   At 31st March At 31st December Changes % Reasons for changes
                           2014            2013
Monetary fund            1,872,746,726    1,367,818,182         36.91% Mainly due to receiving the cash from
                                                                         distributed products.
Notes receivable          284,073,362       79,702,753         256.42% Mainly due to the growth of
                                                                         distributed products on bank
                                                                         acceptances from the clients.
Notes payable               7,635,694        5,765,694          32.43% Mainly due to the growth of payable
                                                                         bank acceptances.
Interest payable            3,209,852        2,152,059          49.15% Mainly due to the growth of payable
                                                                         on bank loan interest.
Item                     The report Last periodamount Changes % Reasons for changes
                       period amount
Operating revenue        1,508,515,994    1,848,564,099        -18.40% Mainly due todecline of sales volume.
Operating cost            469,058,043      517,458,892           -9.35% Mainly due todecline of sales volume.
Sales expense             298,441,169      431,460,151         -30.83% Mainly due toreduction of advertising
                                                                         expense and transport cost.
Management                 58,147,083       67,841,905         -14.29% Mainly due todecrease of landscaping
expense                                                                  expense.
Financial expense          -11,647,090      -10,456,523        -11.39% Mainly due to increase of
                                                                         depositinterests income .
Net profit of             457,522,651      570,638,033         -19.82% Mainly due todecline of sales income.
parent company's
Cash paid for             213,166,230      324,388,078         -34.29% Mainly due to decline cash payment
goods and services                                                       for purchasing raw materials etc.
Other cash paid           217,033,835      344,504,698         -37.00% Mainly due to decline of cash
related to                                                               payment for sales expenses.
operating activities
Subtotal for cash         430,200,065      668,892,776         -35.68% Mainly due to decline of cash
outflows of                                                              payment for purchasing commodities
operating activities                                                     and payment for expenses.
Cash paid to              207,206,059      151,585,839          36.69% Mainly due to increase of cash
acquire fixed                                                            investment of investment projects.
assets, intangible
assets and other
long-term assets
Fixed deposit with         21,097,760      317,116,506         -93.35% Mainly due to decrease of fixed

                                                  2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

the term of over 3                                                          deposit.
Subtotal for cash       228,303,819         468,702,345          -51.29% Mainly due to decrease of fixed
outflow of                                                                  deposit and increase of cash paid for
investment                                                                  investment projects.
Net Increase in         623,140,298         220,190,303          183.00% Mainly due to receiving cash from
cash and cash                                                               distributed products.

   2. The commitments of the Company or shareholders of the Company holding more than 5%
      in the report period or until the reportperiod

                                      Commitment Commitment            Commitment Commitment
   Commitments                                                                               Implementation
                                      party      content               time       period
   Commitments at share reform        -            -                 -               -               -
   Commitments made in                -            -                 -               -               -
   acquisition report or equity
   changes report
   Commitments at asset               -            -                 -               -               -
                                      Yantai        According to      18th May                           In-process
                                      Changyu       "Trademark        1997                               performed
                                      Group Co.     License
                                      Ltd.          Contract", the
                                                    Company will
                                                    pay trademark
                                                    royalty for the
                                                    ucts of Yantai
   Commitments at the initial                       Changyu Group
   public offering or refinancing                   Co., Ltd every
                                                    year, Yantai
                                                    Changyu Group
                                                    Co., Ltd will use
                                                    trademark to
                                                    trademarks and
                                                    the Contract

   Commitments made to the            Yantai
                                      Changyu       Intra-industry     18th May                          Has been
   minority shareholders of the       Group Co.     competition        1997
   Company                            Ltd.
   Commitments at middle and
   small shareholders of the

                                             2014the First Quarter Report of Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.

Commitment under timely
implementation or not
Whether or not to have specific
reasons of the unimplemented
commitment and next steps(if
Commitments                      Commitment party
Commitments at share reform      -

3. Forecast on the operatingperformance from January to June in 2014
Warning and explanation for the estimation on the possible loss of cumulative net profit in the
period from the beginning of this year to the end of the next report period or the great change
comparing with same period of last year.
□Yes V No

                                                              Yantai Changyu Pioneer Wine Co. Ltd.
                                                                                Board of Directors
                                                                                   25th April 2014
