YANTAI CHANGYU PIONEER WINE COMPANY LIMITED The 1st Quarter Report of 2009 1. Important 1.1 The Board of Directors, board of Supervisors, senior managers of the Company collectively and individually accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this report and confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are no other facts the omission of which would make any statement herein misleading. 1.2 No directors or senior managers have any dissidence on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information contained in this report. 1.3 All directors attended the Board of Directors’ meeting. 1.4 The 1st quarter report of 2009 has not been audited. 1.5 The chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Sun Liqiang, the chief accountant Mr. Leng Bin and the chief of accounting department Mr. Jiang Jianxun assure the truth and integrity of the financial and accounting statement in this report.2 2. THE BASIC INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY 2.1 Main accountant data and Financial index Unit: CNY At the end of the report period at the end of last year More or less (%) Total assets 4,347,819,641 4,060,932,580 7.06 owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity) 2,842,135,148 2,543,633,170 11.74 Capital stock 527,280,000 527,280,000 0.00 Net assets per Share 5.39 4.82 11.83 During the report period 1st quarter of last year More or less (%) Business income 1,257,455,017 1,264,760,221 -0.58 Net profit 298,501,978 271,637,866 9.89 Net cash flow from operating activities 465,241,339 862,849,632 -46.08 Net cash flow per share from operating activities 0.88 1.64 -46.34 Basic Earnings per Share 0.57 0.52 9.62 Diluted Earnings per Share 0.57 0.52 9.62 Rate of return of net assets 10.50% 10.86% -0.36 Rate of return of net assets after deducting irregualr profit and loss 10.49% 10.81% -0.32 Item for irregular profit and losss Unit: CNY Item for irregular profit and losss From Jan. 1st 2009 to end of report period Profit and loss on disposal of non-liquid assets Investment income Net income from other non-business activities 597,167 Effect index for the income tax of irregular profit and loss -149,292 effect index for irregular profit and loss attributed to minority shareholders -2,712 Total 445,163 2.2 The total number of the shareholders and top 10 shareholders with unlimited shares at the end of the report period Unit; share Total number of shareholders 19532, including 12453 shareholders for A share, 7079 shareholders for B share The top 10 shareholders with unlimited shares Name of Shareholders Number of unlimited shares The Type of shares HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG FIRST STATE CHINA GROWTH FD 18,087,722 B shares GAO-LING FUND,L.P. 11,144,726 B shares HUITIANFU VALUE-ADDED SECURITIES- ORIENTED CAPITAL FUND 7,074,658 A shares3 HUITIANFU GROWTH FOCUS SECURITIES- ORIENTED CAPITAL FUND 6,507,938 A shares GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV. CORP.- A/C "C" 6,493,758 B shares BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD - CHINA FOCUS FD 5,900,534 B shares JF ASIA DOMESTIC OPPORTUNITIES FUND 5,699,983 B shares GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES(HONGKONG) LIMITED 5,685,052 B shares MIRAE ASSET CHINA SOLOMON EQUITY INVESTMENT TRUST 1 4,012,950 B shares UBS (LUXEMBOURG) S.A. 3,193,216 B shares 3. MAJOR ISSUES 3.1 The Great Change and Reasons on Main Accountant Data and Financial Index ( √ )applicable ( ) not applicable UNIT: CNY Item March 31st,2009 Dec.31st,2008 More or less (%) compared with end of last year Monetary capital 2,152,559,189 1,748,573,840 23.10 Construction in progress 197,403,495 154,490,715 27.78 Advance money 240,019,874 188,709,167 27.19 Other accounts payable 489,680,426 412,923,817 18.59 Item 1st quarter of 2009 1st quarter of 2008 More or less (%) compared with end of last year Sale expenses 362,400,303 372,999,937 -2.84 Financial expenses -10,362,785 -10,859,335 -4.57 Net cash flow from operating activities 465,241,339 862,849,632 -46.08 Net profit attributed to owner of parent company 298,501,978 271,637,866 9.87 The reasons for such great change are stated as following: a. During the report period, the large increase on advance money was attributed to more advance payment by the distributors. The increase on monetary capital was contributed by good cash flow due to the strict performance of sales policy as delivery after payment. And the increase of other accounts payable was caused by the Company to get more deposits from distributors. b. During the report period, the Company accelerated the construction speed on investment projects, which caused large increase on capital expenditure and also construction in progress compared with the same report period of last year. c. During the report period, the Company strengthened the expenditure management which caused certain decrease on sales expenses. d. During the report period, the large decrease on net cash flow from operating activities was contributed by the decrease on cash received from sales and increase on cash payment for tax. e. during the report period, the net profit was increased due to the decrease on business tax,4 associate charge and sales expenses of the Company. 3.2 Analysis and explanation on the situation, impact and solution of other major issues ( )applicable ( √ ) not applicable 3.3 The Execution of Promised Issues by the Company, Shareholders and Actual Controller ( √ )applicable ( ) not applicable When the Company was launching the share structure reform in March 2006, the controlling shareholder - Yantai Changyu Group Co., LTD made the promises in 2006 as following: The shares of the Company held by Group Company will not be listed and transferred within 36 months from the date for obtaining the listing right. Within 12 months at the expiration of the guaranteed period mentioned above, the proportion for shares sold out as non-listed shares initially through stock exchange in total shares of Group Company is less than 5%, and 10% for that within 24 months at the expiration of the guaranteed period. Group Company also promised to submit the proposal in its shareholders’ meeting 2005, 2006 and 2007 which suggest the cash dividends proportion as more than 65% of distributable profits made in same year, and guarantee to approve of the proposal during the meeting. The Group Company has kept its promise and voted for the Distribution Plan in 2005, 2006 and 2007 Shareholders’ meeting, agreed to distribute no less than 65% distributable profit realized in those years by cash dividend. The Company and its shareholders with 5% more shares (5% included ) did not make any other promise in previous and this report period, which might greatly influence the operation achievements and financial situation of the Company. 3.4 Warning and explanation for the estimation on the possible loss of total net profit in the period from the beginning of this year to the end of the next report period or the great change comparing with same period of last year. ( )applicable ( √ ) not applicable 3.5 Other major issues 3.5.1 Securities investment ( √ ) not applicable 3.5.2 Holding share equity of other listed company ( )applicable ( √ ) not applicable 3.5.3 The Company’s Receptions, Studies and Visits during report period Reception date Reception place Reception way Visitor Main topic and material provided Feb.17,2009 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Morgan Stanley Principal operation, future development Feb.19, 2009 Meeting room of Field survey China Galaxy Principal5 the Company Investment operation, future development Feb.21, 2009 Meeting room of the Company Field survey Huitianfu Funds Principal operation, future development March 7, 2009 Meeting room of the Company Field survey NOMURA SECURITIES Principal operation, future development March 10, 2009 Meeting room of the Company Field survey China International Capital Principal operation, future development March 14, 2009 Meeting room of the Company Field survey nomura international Principal operation, future development 4. appendix 4.1 Balance sheet Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd. Unit:CNY At 31 March 2009 At 31 December 2008 Assets Consolidated amount Parent company amount Consolidated amount Parent company amount Current assets: Monetary fund 2,152,559,189 1,568,129,077 1,748,573,840 1,199,543,976 Financial assets for trade Notes receivable 57,652,223 25,438,503 13,378,706 5,215,800 Account receivable 106,004,756 4,432,015 82,343,029 13,271,136 Advance money 4,833,793 182,159 5,278,985 2,942,070 Interest receivalbe 13,346,737 13,346,737 19,176,250 19,176,250 Dividend receivable 406,972,236 Other account receivable 2,830,885 416,246,280 23,713,826 361,305,380 Inventories 809,545,288 421,263,676 997,942,600 438,936,622 Non-current assets due within one year 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 Other current assets 253,935 Total current assets 3,161,772,871 2,464,038,447 2,905,661,171 2,462,363,470 Non-current assets: Financial assets for sale Investment held to expiration Long-term account receivable6 Long-term equity investment 10,000,000 169,077,178 10,000,000 169,077,178 Real estate for investment Fixed assets 716,186,354 345,434,365 728,229,135 351,548,553 Construction in progress 197,403,495 10,866,210 154,490,715 8,263,910 Project material Liquidation of fixed assets Biological assets for production 40,726,708 11,738,099 40,675,990 11,738,099 Oil and gas assets Intangible assets 122,614,747 92,881,115 101,426,926 93,648,384 Development expenditure Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 26,650,697 21,452,595 Assets of deferred income tax 65,751,582 14,592,040 91,950,794 14,950,351 Other non-current assets 6,713,187 6,469,535 7,045,254 6,747,847 Total non-current assets 1,186,046,770 651,058,542 1,155,271,409 655,974,322 Total assets 4,347,819,641 3,115,096,989 4,060,932,580 3,118,337,792 Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd. Unit: CNY At 31 March 2009 At 31 December 2008 Liabilites, rights and interests of shareholders Consolidated amount Parent company amount Consolidated amount Parent company amount Current liabilities: Short-term loan Financial liabilities for trade Notes payable Accounts payable 195,955,876 102,889,893 220,708,265 169,592,563 Advance money 240,019,874 188,709,167 Wage payable 137,916,583 100,662,856 151,849,547 105,145,026 Tax payable 356,129,953 50,734,759 457,714,254 68,218,327 Interest payable Dividend payable Other accounts payable 489,680,426 332,549,502 412,923,817 266,834,580 Non-current liabilities due within one year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 1,419,702,712 586,837,010 1,431,905,050 609,790,496 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loan Bond payable7 Long-term accounts payable Special accounts payable Estimated liabilities Liabilities of deferred income tax Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities 1,419,702,712 586,837,010 1,431,905,050 609,790,496 Shareholder rights and interests: Capital stock 527,280,000 527,280,000 527,280,000 527,280,000 Capital reserve 557,222,454 557,222,454 557,222,454 557,222,454 Less: treasury stock Surplus reserve 295,942,630 295,942,630 295,942,630 295,942,630 Undistributed profit 1,461,690,064 1,147,814,895 1,163,188,086 1,128,102,212 Total shareholder rights and interests of parent company 2,842,135,148 2,528,259,979 2,543,633,170 2,508,547,296 Minority shareholder rights and interests 85,981,781 85,394,360 Total shareholder rights and interests 2,928,116,929 2,528,259,979 2,629,027,530 2,508,547,296 Liabilites and total shareholders rights and interests 4,347,819,641 3,115,096,989 4,060,932,580 3,118,337,792 4.2 Profit statement Yantai Changyu Poineer Wine Co., Ltd. Unit: CNY January to March 2009 January to March 2008 Item Consolidated amount Parent company amount Consolidated amount Parent company amount Business income 1,257,455,017 216,025,080 1,264,760,221 392,127,759 Less: business cost 374,685,634 166,437,027 381,490,609 298,443,281 Business tax and associate charges 63,253,395 28,779,095 82,059,305 53,272,151 Sales expenses 362,400,303 372,999,937 169,008 Management expenses 72,852,027 30,607,121 74,944,814 37,969,002 Financial expenses -10,362,785 -10,302,755 -10,859,335 -10,365,666 Assets depreciation loss Add: fair value charge profit (loss is listed with "-") Investment profit ((loss is listed with "-") 18,907,2718 Including: investment profit for joint-run business and joint venture Operating profit 394,626,443 19,411,863 364,124,891 12,639,983 Add: Non-operating income 616,227 500,800 1,883,385 106,898 Less: non-operating expenditures 19,060 13,930 104,488 100,000 Including: non-current assets disposing loss Total profit 395,223,610 19,898,733 365,903,788 12,646,881 Less: income tax expenses 96,134,211 186,050 93,693,749 3,213,613 Net profit 299,089,399 19,712,683 272,210,039 9,433,268 Net profit of parent company's owners 298,501,978 19,712,683 271,637,866 9,433,268 Minority shareholder profit and loss 587,421 572,173 EPS Basic EPS 0.57 0.04 0.52 0.02 Diluted EPS 0.57 0.04 0.52 0.02 4.3 Cash Flow Statement Yantai Changyu Wine Poineer Co., Ltd. Unit: CNY January to March 2009 January to March 2008 Item Cosolidated amount Parent company amount Cosolidated amount Parent company amount 1. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods and rending of services 1,522,433,676 296,665,429 1,713,246,269 560,510,771 Tax refund received Other cash received related to operating activities 24,224,574 422,108,997 29,863,227 352,514,463 Subtotal of cash flows of operating activities 1,546,658,250 718,774,426 1,743,109,496 913,025,234 Cash paid for goods and services 387,281,963 267,506,303 360,799,272 237,503,684 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 79,278,018 31,241,061 65,257,735 46,880,080 Cash paid for taxes and expenses 396,193,072 61,817,936 291,785,545 61,540,598 Other cash paid related to operating activities 218,663,858 10,539,637 162,417,312 14,181,371 Sub-total of cash outflows of operating activities 1,081,416,911 371,104,937 880,259,864 360,105,733 Net cash flow from operating activities 465,241,339 347,669,489 862,849,632 552,919,5019 2. Cash flow from investing activities: Cash received from return of investment 84,096,641 84,096,641 Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months 156,419,840 139,419,840 Cash received from obtaining investment profit 18,907,271 10,214,680 10,214,680 Cash received from interest income 6,623,722 6,571,972 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of branch and other business unit Other cash received related to investing activities Subtotal of cash flows of investment activities 163,043,562 164,899,083 94,311,321 94,311,321 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 67,931,426 4,615,345 44,334,406 7,945,492 Fixed deposit with the term of over 3 months 382,500,000 382,500,000 Cash for investment 4,000,000 Net cash paid to acquire branch and other business unit Other cash paid related to investment activities Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities 67,931,426 4,615,345 426,834,406 394,445,492 Net cash flow from investing activites 95,112,136 160,283,738 -332,523,085 -300,134,171 3.Cash flow from financing activites Cash received from acquiring investment Including: cash received from acquiring minority shareholders investment by branch Cash received from acquiring loans Other cash received related to finaning activities Subtotal cash flows of financing activities Cash paid to pay debts Cash paid to distribute dividend, profit or pay interest10 Including: dividend and profit paid to minority shareholders by branch Other cash paid related to financing activities Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities Net cash flow from financing activites 4. Influences of exchange rate fluctuation on cash and cash equivalents 5. Net Increase in cash and cash equivalents 560,353,475 507,953,227 530,326,547 252,785,330 Add: balance at the beginning of the period of cash and cash equivalents 792,724,722 265,694,858 856,534,631 608,642,980 6.Balance at the end of the period of cash and cash equivalents 1,353,078,197 773,648,085 1,386,861,178 861,428,310 4.4 Audit Report Not audited Yantai Changyu Wine Poineer Co., Ltd. Board of Directors 24th April, 2009