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中 鲁B:2020年半年度财务报告(英文版)2020-08-28  

						          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)


    2020 年半年度财务报告


                                            山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                             Financial Report
I. Audit reports
Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not

□ Yes √ No
The financial report of this semi-annual report was unaudited

II. Financial statements
Units in Notes of Financial Statements is RMB

1. Consolidate balance sheet
Prepared by: Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic Fisheries Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                   In RMB

                     Item                                   2020-6-30                           2019-12-31

 Current assets:

      Monetary funds                                                    177,396,987.64                       186,011,644.29

      Settlement provisions

      Capital lent

      Tradable financial assets                                          10,000,000.00

      Derivative financial assets

      Note receivable

      Account receivable                                                 83,980,551.58                        70,003,394.30

      Receivable financing

      Accounts paid in advance                                           21,701,284.51                        17,350,069.13

      Insurance receivable

      Reinsurance receivables

      Contract reserve of reinsurance

      Other account receivable                                            2,633,719.57                         4,343,207.56

           Including: Interest receivable

                   Dividend receivable

      Buying back the sale of financial

      Inventories                                                       394,334,010.87                       375,744,116.36

          Contractual assets

      Assets held for sale

      Non-current asset due within one

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)


       Other current assets                                       14,911,213.92                           32,027,587.58

Total current assets                                             704,957,768.09                          685,480,019.22

Non-current assets:

       Loans and payments on behalf

       Debt investment

       Other debt investment

       Long-term account receivable

       Long-term equity investment

       Investment in other equity

       Other non-current financial

       Investment real estate                                     32,098,047.77                           32,761,086.11

       Fixed assets                                              531,275,969.26                          551,167,599.49

       Construction in progress

       Productive biological asset

       Oil and gas asset

         Right-of-use assets

       Intangible assets                                          13,139,705.70                           13,196,284.54

       Expense on Research and


       Long-term expenses to be
                                                                     237,229.61                              435,134.13

       Deferred income tax asset                                   1,845,872.82                            1,845,872.82

       Other non-current asset                                     2,394,857.06                            3,640,847.49

Total non-current asset                                          580,991,682.22                          603,046,824.58

Total assets                                                   1,285,949,450.31                     1,288,526,843.80

Current liabilities:

       Short-term loans                                           45,739,352.83                           51,662,365.00

       Loan from central bank

       Capital borrowed

       Trading financial liability

       Derivative financial liability

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

     Note payable

     Account payable                                               89,424,677.12                           94,725,231.68

     Accounts received in advance                                                                          18,477,646.54

       Contractual liability                                       21,552,546.54

     Selling financial asset of

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                                                  34,116,025.64                           49,149,654.32

     Taxes payable                                                  3,784,227.59                            3,597,925.54

     Other account payable                                         10,681,034.80                            8,634,438.40

          Including: Interest payable

                     Dividend payable

     Commission charge and
commission payable

     Reinsurance payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due
within one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                         205,297,864.52                          226,247,261.48

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

          Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

       Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long-term wages payable                                        1,286,394.42                            1,378,471.70

     Accrual liability

     Deferred income                                               15,126,638.86                           15,764,480.48

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

      Deferred income tax liabilities

      Other non-current liabilities

 Total non-current liabilities                                         16,413,033.28                        17,142,952.18

 Total liabilities                                                    221,710,897.80                       243,390,213.66

 Owner’s equity:

      Share capital                                                   266,071,320.00                       266,071,320.00

      Other equity instrument

         Including: Preferred stock

                      Perpetual capital

      Capital public reserve                                          284,054,997.75                       284,054,997.75

      Less: Inventory shares

      Other comprehensive income                                        2,010,664.87                           707,156.17

      Reasonable reserve

      Surplus public reserve                                           21,908,064.19                        21,908,064.19

      Provision of general risk

      Retained profit                                                 330,596,151.51                       314,460,431.58

 Total owner’ s equity attributable to
                                                                      904,641,198.32                       887,201,969.69
 parent company

      Minority interests                                              159,597,354.19                       157,934,660.45

 Total owner’ s equity                                           1,064,238,552.51                    1,045,136,630.14

 Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                           1,285,949,450.31                    1,288,526,843.80

Legal Representative: Lu Lianxing

Person in Charge of Accounting: Fu Chuanhai

Person in Charge of Accounting Department: Lei Lixin

2. Balance Sheet of Parent Company
                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Item                                 2020-6-30                           2019-12-31

 Current assets:

      Monetary funds                                                   22,710,239.22                        56,205,332.78

      Trading financial assets                                         10,000,000.00

      Derivative financial assets

      Note receivable

                                           山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

     Account receivable                                              15,424,953.61                           29,071,151.64

     Receivable financing

     Accounts paid in advance                                         4,449,452.87                            4,729,985.40

     Other account receivable                                       191,745,933.66                          181,768,872.70

          Including: Interest receivable

                                                                     94,566,287.92                           94,566,287.92

     Inventories                                                     56,905,427.51                           34,787,467.34

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current assets maturing
within one year

     Other current assets                                             2,202,025.15                            2,079,593.94

Total current assets                                                303,438,032.02                          308,642,403.80

Non-current assets:

     Debt investment

     Other debt investment

     Long-term receivables                                            5,630,080.88                            5,196,204.31

     Long-term equity investments                                   232,189,455.23                          232,189,455.23

     Investment in other equity

     Other non-current financial

     Investment real estate                                          32,098,047.77                           32,761,086.11

     Fixed assets                                                    58,558,777.31                           58,708,493.74

     Construction in progress

     Productive biological assets

     Oil and natural gas assets

     Right-of-use assets

         Intangible assets                                              940,669.14                              846,324.29

     Research and development costs


     Long-term deferred expenses                                                                                 88,996.85

     Deferred income tax assets

     Other non-current assets                                           394,857.06                            1,279,247.49

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Total non-current assets                                        329,811,887.39                          331,069,808.02

Total assets                                                    633,249,919.41                          639,712,211.82

Current liabilities

     Short-term borrowings

     Trading financial liability

     Derivative financial liability

     Notes payable

     Account payable                                              5,937,041.52                            6,504,914.36

     Accounts received in advance                                                                         2,161,006.77

     Contractual liability                                        3,649,086.27

     Wage payable                                                12,905,578.65                           16,431,213.09

     Taxes payable                                                  256,786.40                              452,563.73

     Other accounts payable                                      85,870,394.98                           88,931,206.55

        Including: Interest payable

                Dividend payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due
within one year

     Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                                       108,618,887.82                          114,480,904.50

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loans

     Bonds payable

        Including: preferred stock

                Perpetual capital

     Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long term employee
                                                                    892,489.40                              984,566.68
compensation payable

     Accrued liabilities

     Deferred income

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                       892,489.40                              984,566.68

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 Total liabilities                                                 109,511,377.22                          115,465,471.18

 Owners’ equity:

      Share capital                                               266,071,320.00                           266,071,320.00

      Other equity instrument

         Including: preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

      Capital public reserve                                       279,115,900.17                          279,115,900.17

      Less: Inventory shares

      Other comprehensive income

      Special reserve

      Surplus reserve                                               19,184,672.34                           19,184,672.34

      Retained profit                                              -40,633,350.32                          -40,125,151.87

 Total owner’s equity                                            523,738,542.19                           524,246,740.64

 Total liabilities and owner’s equity                            633,249,919.41                           639,712,211.82

3. Consolidated Profit Statement
                                                                                                In RMB

                       Item                          Semi-annual of 2020                  Semi-annual of 2019

 I. Total operating income                                         375,590,835.67                          515,468,659.14

      Including: Operating income                                  375,590,835.67                          515,468,659.14

               Interest income

               Insurance gained

               Commission charge and
 commission income

 II. Total operating cost                                          384,483,261.23                          483,700,588.70

      Including: Operating cost                                    353,368,335.26                          437,867,047.13

               Interest expense

               Commission charge and
 commission expense

      Cash surrender value

      Net amount of expense of

      Net amount of withdrawal of
 insurance contract reserve

      Bonus expense of guarantee slip

               Reinsurance expense

                                           山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                Tax and extras                                        1,261,394.12                           1,485,273.60

                Sales expense                                         8,387,357.40                          11,996,385.92

                Administrative expense                               21,578,117.77                          29,199,215.47

                R&D expense                                             49,775.28

                Financial expense                                      -161,718.60                           3,152,666.58

                     Including: Interest
                                                                      1,290,415.47                           2,382,040.26

                                                                       375,178.04                             541,927.78

         Add: other income                                           19,034,020.39                            433,292.74

             Investment income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

             Including: Investment
income on affiliated company and joint
                     The termination of
income recognition for financial assets
measured by amortized cost(Loss is
listed with “-”)

             Exchange income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

             Net exposure hedging
income (Loss is listed with “-”)

             Income from change of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)
             Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)
             Losses of devaluation of
                                                                     -1,151,903.20                              -3,302.88
asset (Loss is listed with “-”)

             Income from assets disposal
                                                                        55,893.20                               -1,399.00
(Loss is listed with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                                      7,930,225.87                          32,196,661.30

         Add: Non-operating income                                   10,122,538.63

         Less: Non-operating expense                                   693,969.08                              24,200.00

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                         17,358,795.42                          32,172,461.30

         Less: Income tax expense                                      597,651.69                             662,058.68

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with                               16,761,143.73                          31,510,402.62

                                             山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)


   (i) Classify by business continuity

         1.continuous operating net profit
                                                                       16,761,143.73                          31,510,402.62
(net loss listed with ‘-”)

         2.termination of net profit (net
loss listed with ‘-”)

   (ii) Classify by ownership

         1.Net profit attributable to
                                                                       16,135,719.93                          28,420,094.20
owner’s of parent company

         2.Minority shareholders’ gains
                                                                         625,423.80                            3,090,308.42
and losses

VI. Net after-tax of other
                                                                        2,340,778.64                             -44,875.62
comprehensive income

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of parent                                 1,303,508.70                             -35,906.51

         (I) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

                 1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

                 2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that
cannot be transfer to gain/loss

                 3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

                 4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

                 5. Other

          (ii) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified                                        1,303,508.70                             -35,906.51
subsequently to profit or loss

                 1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

                 2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

                 3.Amount of financial
assets re-classify to other

                                            山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 comprehensive income

                4.Credit impairment
 provision for other debt investment

                5.Cash flow hedging

                6.Translation differences
 arising on translation of foreign                                      1,303,508.70                                  -35,906.51
 currency financial statements


   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
 income attributable to minority                                        1,037,269.94                                   -8,969.11

 VII. Total comprehensive income                                       19,101,922.37                               31,465,527.00

           Total comprehensive income
 attributable to owners of parent                                      17,439,228.63                               28,384,187.69

      Total comprehensive income
                                                                        1,662,693.74                                3,081,339.31
 attributable to minority shareholders

 VIII. Earnings per share:

       (i) Basic earnings per share                                             0.06                                        0.11

      (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                           0.06                                        0.11

Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0 Yuan before
combination, and realized 0 Yuan at last period for combined party

Legal Representative: Lu Lianxing

Person in Charge of Accounting: Fu Chuanhai

Person in Charge of Accounting Department: Lei Lixin

4. Profit Statement of Parent Company
                                                                                                        In RMB

                    Item                               Semi-annual of 2020                      Semi-annual of 2019

 I. Operating income                                                   32,245,432.56                               90,518,493.12

      Less: Operating cost                                             29,487,279.57                               63,255,773.62

             Taxes and surcharge                                         373,646.54                                  355,604.14

             Sales expenses                                              164,061.94                                 5,438,557.64

             Administration expenses                                   11,215,607.85                               14,109,200.60

             R&D expenses

                                               山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

              Financial expenses                                           -534,611.85                           -571,940.04

                     Including: interest

                             Interest income                                51,639.77                            209,935.62

         Add: other income                                                8,237,896.28

              Investment income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

              Including: Investment
income on affiliated Company and
joint venture
                     The termination of
income recognition for financial
assets measured by amortized cost
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Net exposure hedging
income (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Changing income of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)
              Losses of devaluation of
asset (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income on disposal of
assets (Loss is listed with “-”)

II. Operating profit (Loss is listed
                                                                            -83,529.74                          7,927,994.28
with “-”)

         Add: Non-operating income                                              30.00

         Less: Non-operating expense                                       290,132.05                             24,200.00

III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with
                                                                           -373,631.79                          7,903,794.28

         Less: Income tax                                                  134,566.66

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                                           -508,198.45                          7,903,794.28

         (i)continuous operating net
                                                                           -508,198.45                          7,903,794.28
         profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)

         (ii) termination of net profit (net
loss listed with ‘-”)

V. Net after-tax of other
comprehensive income

                                           山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

        (I) Other comprehensive income
 items which will not be reclassified
 subsequently to profit of loss

               1.Changes of the defined
 benefit plans that re-measured

               2.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that
 cannot be transfer to gain/loss

               3.Change of fair value of
 investment in other equity instrument

               4.Fair value change of
 enterprise's credit risk

               5. Other

         (II) Other comprehensive
 income items which will be
 reclassified subsequently to profit or

               1.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that can
 transfer to gain/loss

               2.Change of fair value of
 other debt investment

               3.Amount of financial
 assets re-classify to other
 comprehensive income

               4.Credit impairment
 provision for other debt investment

               5.Cash flow hedging

               6.Translation differences
 arising on translation of foreign
 currency financial statements


 VI. Total comprehensive income                                        -508,198.45                          7,903,794.28

 VII. Earnings per share:

         (i) Basic earnings per share

        (ii) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                  In RMB

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                 Item                              Semi-annual of 2020                   Semi-annual of 2019

I. Cash flows arising from operating

     Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                                  345,543,772.43                           516,354,870.14

     Net increase of customer deposit
and interbank deposit

       Net increase of loan from
central bank

     Net increase of capital borrowed
from other financial institution

     Cash received from original
insurance contract fee

     Net cash received from
reinsurance business

     Net increase of insured savings
and investment

     Cash received from interest,
commission charge and commission

     Net increase of capital borrowed

     Net increase of returned business

     Net cash received by agents in
sale and purchase of securities

     Write-back of tax received                                    27,911,364.58                           18,156,060.52

     Other cash received concerning
                                                                   29,222,982.06                           23,261,940.06
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                                  402,678,119.07                          557,772,870.72
operating activities

     Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor                                  310,458,279.86                           417,495,100.29

     Net increase of customer loans
and advances

     Net increase of deposits in
central bank and interbank

     Cash paid for original insurance

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

contract compensation

     Net increase of capital lent

     Cash paid for interest,
commission charge and commission

       Cash paid for bonus of
guarantee slip

     Cash paid to/for staff and
                                                                  65,604,976.15                           63,172,046.67

     Taxes paid                                                    6,133,273.62                            8,042,420.72

     Other cash paid concerning
                                                                  32,653,377.25                           73,304,150.34
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                                 414,849,906.88                          562,013,718.02
operating activities

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                                 -12,171,787.81                           -4,240,847.30

II. Cash flows arising from investing

     Cash received from recovering

     Cash received from investment

     Net cash received from disposal
of fixed, intangible and other                                    22,055,057.42
long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
investing activities

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                                   2,145,070.00                           15,487,389.84
intangible and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment                                     10,000,000.00

     Net increase of mortgaged loans

     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units obtained

     Other cash paid concerning
investing activities

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                    12,145,070.00                           15,487,389.84
 investing activities

 Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                                     9,964,118.43                          -15,487,389.84

 III. Cash flows arising from financing

      Cash received from absorbing

        Including: Cash received from
 absorbing minority shareholders’
 investment by subsidiaries

      Cash received from loans                                      16,971,420.99                           65,683,927.18

      Other cash received concerning
 financing activities

 Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                    16,971,420.99                           65,683,927.18
 financing activities

      Cash paid for settling debts                                  23,170,050.24                           53,222,974.42

      Cash paid for dividend and
                                                                     1,304,694.91                            2,068,206.58
 profit distributing or interest paying

      Including: Dividend and profit
 of minority shareholder paid by

      Other cash paid concerning
 financing activities

 Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                    24,474,745.15                           55,291,181.00
 financing activities

 Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                                    -7,503,324.16                           10,392,746.18

 IV. Influence on cash and cash
 equivalents due to fluctuation in                                   1,096,336.89                           -1,611,685.44
 exchange rate

 V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                    -8,614,656.65                          -10,947,176.40

      Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                   184,603,638.72                          182,767,125.48
 equivalents at the period -begin

 VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                   175,988,982.07                          171,819,949.08
 equivalents at the period -end

6. Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company
                                                                                                 In RMB

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                   Item                            Semi-annual of 2020                   Semi-annual of 2019

I. Cash flows arising from operating

     Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                                    22,978,886.95                           74,442,966.97

     Write-back of tax received                                            2,000.54

     Other cash received concerning
                                                                   11,946,999.88                           24,878,328.23
operating activities

Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                                   34,927,887.37                           99,321,295.20
operating activities

     Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor                                    16,522,497.80                           25,971,148.25

     Cash paid to/for staff and
                                                                   17,342,332.23                           15,978,127.46

     Taxes paid                                                      768,741.55                             1,146,367.73

     Other cash paid concerning
                                                                   13,337,016.38                           76,293,284.88
operating activities

Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                                   47,970,587.96                          119,388,928.32
operating activities

Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                                  -13,042,700.59                          -20,067,633.12

II. Cash flows arising from investing

     Cash received from recovering

     Cash received from investment

     Net cash received from disposal
of fixed, intangible and other                                           57,000.00
long-term assets

     Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries and other units

     Other cash received concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                         111,131.01                                 0.00
investing activities

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                                     264,360.00                               71,454.89
intangible and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment                                      10,000,000.00

     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units obtained

     Other cash paid concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                   10,264,360.00                              71,454.89
investing activities

Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                                  -10,153,228.99                              -71,454.89

III. Cash flows arising from financing

     Cash received from absorbing

     Cash received from loans

     Other cash received concerning
financing activities

Subtotal of cash inflow from
financing activities

     Cash paid for settling debts

     Cash paid for dividend and
profit distributing or interest paying

     Other cash paid concerning
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from
financing activities

Net cash flows arising from financing

IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in                                     33,965.99                                  121.41
exchange rate

V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                  -33,495,093.56                          -20,138,966.60

     Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                   56,205,332.78                          58,180,225.27
equivalents at the period -begin

VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                   22,710,239.22                          38,041,258.67
equivalents at the period -end

                                      山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

7. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)
Current Period

                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                              Semi-annual of 2020

                                        Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company
                                                           Othe                                                              Tota
                             instrument             Less
                                                             r                      Prov                             Min       l
                                 Per                  :            Reas
      Item         Sha                      Capi           com             Surp     ision    Reta                    ority   own
                                 pet                Inve           onab
                    re    Pre                tal           preh             lus       of     ined    Othe     Subt   inter    ers’
                                  ual               ntor             le
                   cap    fer               reser          ensi            reser    gene     profi    r       otal   ests    equit
                                 cap Ot               y            reser
                   ital   red                ve             ve              ve        ral      t                               y
                                 ital her           shar            ve
                          sto                              inco                      risk
                                 sec                 es
                          ck                                me
                                            284,                            21,9             314,             887,   157,    1,04
 I. Balance at     ,07                                      707,
                                            054,                            08,0             460,             201,   934,    5,13
 the end of the    1,3                                      156.
                                            997.                            64.1             431.             969.   660.    6,63
 last year         20.                                        17
                                              75                               9               58               69     45    0.14
 Changes    of

 correction of
 the last period

  under     the
  same control

                                            284,                            21,9             314,             887,   157,    1,04
 II. Balance at    ,07                                      707,
                                            054,                            08,0             460,             201,   934,    5,13
 the beginning     1,3                                      156.
                                            997.                            64.1             431.             969.   660.    6,63
 of this year      20.                                        17
                                              75                               9               58               69     45    0.14
 III. Increase/
 Decrease in                                                                                 16,1             17,4           19,1
                                                            1,30                                                     1,66
 this      year                                                                              35,7             39,2           01,9
                                                            3,50                                                     2,69
 (Decrease is                                                                                19.9             28.6           22.3
 listed   with                                              8.70                                                     3.74
                                                                                                3                3               7
   (i)    Total
                                                            1,30                             16,1             17,4   1,66    19,1

                   山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

e income                             3,50                       35,7         39,2   2,69   01,9
                                     8.70                       19.9         28.6   3.74   22.3
                                                                  3             3            7
  (ii) Owners’
devoted and
invested by
2.     Capital
invested by
holders     of
other equity
3.    Amount
reckoned into
owners equity
4. Other
(III)     Profit
1. Withdrawal
of     surplus
2. Withdrawal
of     general
for owners (or
4. Other
(IV) Carrying
1.      Capital
conversed to
capital (share
2.     Surplus
conversed to
capital (share

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 3. Remedying
 loss       with
    from the
 earnings from
 e income
 6. Other
 1. Withdrawal
 in the report

 2. Usage in
 the        report


                                               284,                             21,9                330,            904,     159,    1,06
 IV. Balance at       ,07                                      2,01
                                               054,                             08,0                596,            641,     597,    4,23
 the end of the       1,3                                      0,66
                                               997.                             64.1                151.            198.     354.    8,55
 report period        20.                                      4.87
                                                 75                                   9              51               32       19    2.51

Last Period
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                 Semi-annual of 2019

                                          Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company
                                 equity                      Othe
                                                      Less                                                                          Total
                               instrument                      r                          Prov                             Mino
                                                        :             Reas                                                          owne
       Item          Sha           Pe         Capi           com              Surp        ision   Reta                      rity
                            Pr                        Inve            onab                                                           rs’
                      re           rpe         tal           preh              lus          of    ined     Othe    Subt    intere
                            efe                       ntor              le                                                          equit
                     cap           tua        reser          ensi             reser       gene    profi     r      otal      sts
                            rre         Oth             y             reser                                                           y
                     ital            l         ve             ve               ve           ral     t
                             d           er           shar             ve
                                    ca                       inco                          risk
                            sto                        es
                                   pit                        me

                              山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                  284,                       21,9         232,        803,
I. Balance at     ,07                          -675                                            140,3   943,8
                                  054,                       08,0         148,        507,
the end of the    1,3                          ,743.                                           69,31   76,75
                                  997.                       64.1         801.        440.
last year         20.                            05                                             2.43    2.67
                                    75                         9           35           24
Changes of

correction of
the       last

 under    the

                                  284,                       21,9         232,        803,
II. Balance at    ,07                          -675                                            140,3   943,8
                                  054,                       08,0         148,        507,
the beginning     1,3                          ,743.                                           69,31   76,75
                                  997.                       64.1         801.        440.
of this year      20.                            05                                             2.43    2.67
                                    75                         9           35           24
III. Increase/
Decrease in                                                               28,4        28,3
                                                -35,                                           3,085   31,47
this      year                                                            20,0        84,1
                                               906.                                            ,831.   0,019
(Decrease is                                                              94.2        87.6
listed   with                                    51                                              75      .44
                                                                             0           9
                                                                          28,4        28,3
 (i)    Total                                   -35,                                           3,085   31,47
                                                                          20,0        84,1
comprehensi                                    906.                                            ,831.   0,019
                                                                          94.2        87.6
ve income                                        51                                              75      .44
                                                                             0           9
  (ii) Owners’
devoted and
invested by

                  山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

2.     Capital
invested by
holders     of
other equity
3.    Amount
reckoned into
equity with
4. Other
(III)    Profit
of     surplus
of     general
for owners
4. Other
(IV) Carrying
1.      Capital
conversed to
capital (share
2.     Surplus
conversed to
capital (share
loss      with

                                      山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

    from the
 from other
 ve income
 6. Other
 in the report

 2. Usage in
 the      report


 IV. Balance                                 284,                            21,9            260,           831,
                   ,07                                        -711                                                    143,4     975,3
 at the end of                               054,                            08,0            568,           891,
                   1,3                                        ,649.                                                   55,14     46,77
 the     report                              997.                            64.1            895.           627.
 period            20.                                          56                                                     4.18       2.11
                                              75                               9              55                93

8. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Parent Company)
Current Period

                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                  Semi-annual of 2020
                                  Other equity
                                  instrument                              Other
                                     Perp                         Less:   compr     Reaso    Surplu     Retai
       Item        Share                                l                                                                       Total
                                     etual                       Invent   ehensi    nable       s        ned
                   capit    Prefe                    public                                                      Other        owners’
                                     capit    Othe                 ory      ve      reserv   reserv     profi
                    al       rred                    reserv                                                                    equity
                                       al      r                 shares   incom        e        e         t
                            stock                       e
                                     secur                                   e
 I. Balance at     266,0                             279,11                                  19,184
                                                                                                         25,1                 524,246,
 the end of the    71,32                             5,900.                                   ,672.3
                                                                                                         51.8                  740.64
 last year           0.00                                17                                         4
 Changes    of

                             山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)


correction of
the last period

II. Balance at       266,0              279,11                           19,184
                                                                                   25,1         524,246,
the beginning        71,32               5,900.                           ,672.3
                                                                                   51.8          740.64
of this year          0.00                  17                                4
III. Increase/
Decrease       in                                                                  -508,
this        year                                                                   198.
(Decrease is                                                                         45
listed with “-”)

  (i)   Total                                                                      -508,
comprehensive                                                                      198.
income                                                                               45
 (ii) Owners’
devoted and
invested     by
2.      Capital
invested     by
holders      of
other    equity
3.     Amount
reckoned into
owners equity
4. Other
(III)     Profit
1. Withdrawal
of      surplus
2. Distribution
for owners (or
3. Other
(IV) Carrying

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 owners’ equity
 1.       Capital
 conversed to
 capital (share
 2.       Surplus
 conversed to
 capital (share
 3. Remedying
 loss        with
 surplus reserve
 earnings from
 the defined
 benefit plans
 earnings from
 6. Other
 1. Withdrawal
 in the report

 2. Usage in the
 report period


 IV. Balance at     266,0                            279,11                                  19,184
                                                                                                        33,3             523,738,
 the end of the     71,32                             5,900.                                 ,672.3
                                                                                                        50.3               542.19
 report period        0.00                                  17                                    4

Last Period

                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                 Semi-annual of 2019
                                Other equity       Capit              Other
                    Shar                                      Less:                      Surpl
      Item                      instrument           al               compr    Reason                                     Total
                      e                                      Invent                        us     Retaine
                             Pref   Perp           public             ehensi     able                            Other   owners’
                    capit                   Othe               ory                       reserv   d profit
                             erre   etual          reserv               ve     reserve                                    equity
                     al                      r               shares                         e
                              d     capit             e               incom

                                    山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                         stoc     al                           e
                           k    secu
I. Balance at                                 279,1                          19,18
                  071,                                                               -64,310         500,061,
the end of the                                15,90                          4,672
                  320.                                                               ,165.40          727.11
last year                                      0.17                            .34
Changes of

correction of
the       last

II. Balance at                                279,1                          19,18
                  071,                                                               -64,310         500,061,
the beginning                                 15,90                          4,672
                  320.                                                               ,165.40          727.11
of this year                                   0.17                            .34
III. Increase/
Decrease in
this     year                                                                        7,903,7         7,903,79
(Decrease is                                                                           94.28             4.28
listed   with
  (i)    Total
                                                                                     7,903,7         7,903,79
                                                                                       94.28             4.28
e income
  (ii) Owners’
devoted and
invested by
2.     Capital
invested by
holders     of
other equity
3.    Amount
reckoned into
owners equity

                  山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

4. Other
(III)    Profit
of     surplus
for    owners
3. Other
(IV) Carrying
1.     Capital
conversed to
capital (share
2.     Surplus
conversed to
capital (share
3. Remedying
loss      with
earnings from
the defined
benefit plans
earnings from
e income
6. Other
in the report

                                  山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 2. Usage in
 the      report


 IV. Balance at                              279,1                             19,18
                   071,                                                                -56,406        507,965,
 the end of the                              15,90                             4,672
                   320.                                                                ,371.12         521.39
 report period                                0.17                               .34

III. Company profile
1. Enterprise registration place, Organization form and Headquarters address
Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic Fisheries Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company” or “the
Company”), registration address: No. 29 Miaoling Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao Shangdong,
headquarter locates at No. 65 Haier Road, Qingdao Shangdong, was incorporated as a joint stock
limited company in the People’s Republic of China on 30 July 1999 according to the
documentation of Lu Ti Gai Zi [1999] No.85 issued by Shandong Development and Reform
Commission, and the holding company of the Company is Shandong Fisheries Enterprise Group
General Corporation, the main sponsor. On 26 June 2000, being approved by the documentation
of Zheng Jian Fa Xing Zi [2000] No.82 issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission,
the Company’s B-share, stock ID “Zhonglu B”, stock code “200992” are listing for trading on
Shenzhen Stock Exchange dated 24 July 2000.
Basic organization structure of the Company: Shareholder General Meeting, BOD, Supervisory
Committee, Office of the GM (Office of the Party Committee), Departments of HR(Organization
Dept.), Financial Management Dept. (Capital Operation Dept.), Enterprise Development Dept.,
Auditing Dept., Oceanic Management Dept., Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission,
Party-Masses Relationship Dept. and Risk Control Dept. (Legal Affairs Dept.).

2. Business nature and main business activities of Enterprise
Corporate industry: ocean-going fisheries
Corporate major products: tuna and its products
Operating scope: general management projects: sales and processing of aquatic products;
merchandise import and export business within approved scope; ice machine manufacture and sale;
refrigeration equipment manufacturing, installation, maintenance; refrigeration; load and unload
services; housing lease.
Pre-license operation: offshore fishing and distant fishing.

3. Person approves the financial report for disclosed and date for report
The financial report has been approved for report by the Board dated 26 August 2020.
Ended as 30 June 2020, consolidation scope of the Company including 4 secondary enterprises, 4

                                      山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

three-tier enterprises and one operation entity with controlling rights obtained through operating

4 secondary enterprises: Shandong Zhonglu Fishery Shipping Co., Ltd., Shandong Zhonglu
Shandong Zhonglu Haiyan Deep-sea Fishery Co., Ltd; 4 three-tier enterprises: LAIF FISHERIES
COMPANY LIMITED, Shandong Zhonglu Ocean Refrigerated Co., Ltd., AFRICA STAR
with controlling rights obtained through operating lease: YAW ADDO FISHERIES COMPANY
LIMITED. Entity of the consolidate scope found more in Note IX- Equity in Other entity
IV. Preparation basis of Financial Statements
1. Preparation basis
Preparation basis: Base on the running continuously and actual transactions and events, in line
with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise – Basic Standards and specific principle of
accounting standards issued by the Ministry of Finance, the Company prepared and formulate the
financial statement lies on the followed important accounting policy and estimation.

2. Going concern
The Company have the ability to continue as a going concern within 12 months at least since end
of the reporting period, there are no major events that impact the ability to continue as a going

V. Important accounting policy and estimation
Notes on specific accounting policies and accounting estimation:

According to actual production and operation characteristics and regulation of relevant accounting
standards for enterprises, the Company and its subsidiaries, formulated a variety of specific
accounting policies and estimations in aspect of the transaction and events such as provision for
bad debts of the receivable, valuation method of inventory, depreciation of the fixed assets,
amortization of intangible assets, revenue recognition etc.
1. Declaration of obedience to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise
The Financial Statements of the Company are up to requirements of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprise and also a true and thorough reflection to the relevant information as the
Company’s financial position dated 30th June 2020 and the operation results as well as cash flow
from January to June in 2020.
2. Accounting period
The Company’s accounting year is Gregorian calendar year, namely from 1 st January to 31st
December of every year.

                                   山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

3. Business cycle
The Company’s business cycle is one year (12 months) as a normal cycle, and the business cycle
is the determining criterion for the liquidity of assets and liabilities of the Company.
4. Bookkeeping standard currency
The Renminbi (RMB) is taken as the book-keeping standard currency
5. Accounting methods for consolidation of enterprises under the same control or otherwise
(1) Consolidation of enterprises under the same control
Where the Company for long term equity investment arising from business combination under
common control satisfies the combination consideration by payment of cash, transfer of non-cash
assets or assumption of debt, the carrying value of the net assets of the acquire in combined
financial statement of the ultimate controller shared by the Company as at the combination date
shall be deemed as the initial investment cost of such long term equity investment. If the equity
instrument issued by combining party are consider as the combination consideration, than the total
value of the issuing shares are consider as the share capital. The difference between the initial cost
of long-term equity investment and book value of consideration (or total face value of the shares
issued) paid, capital surplus adjusted; if the capital surplus not enough to written down, than
retained earning adjusted.

(2) Business combination not under common control
As for business combination not under common control, combination costs refer to the sum of the
fair value of the assets paid, liabilities occurred or assumed as well as equity securities issued by
the acquirer to obtain control over the acquire as at the acquisition date. As for acquiree that
obtained by consolidation not under the same control, the qualified confirmation of identified
assets, liability and contingency liabilities should calculated by fair value on day of purchased. If
the consolidation cost larger than the fair value amount of identified net assets from acquiree’s, the
differences should be recognized as goodwill. If the consolidation cost less than the fair value
amount of identified net assets from acquiree’s, the differences should reckoned into current
gains/losses after re-examination.
6. Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
(1) Consolidation financial statement range
The Company includes all the subsidiaries (including the separate entities controlled by the
Company) into consolidated financial statement, including companies controlled by the Company,
non-integral part of the investees and structural main body.

(2) Centralize accounting policies, balance sheet dates and accounting periods of parent and
As for the inconsistency between the subsidiaries and the Company in the accounting policies and
periods, the necessary adjustment is made on the subsidiaries’ financial statements in the

                                    山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

preparation of the consolidated financial statements according to the Company’s accounting
policies and periods.

(3) Set-off of consolidated financial statement
The consolidated financial statements shall be prepared on the basis of the balance sheet of the
parent company and subsidiaries, which offset the internal transactions incurred between the
parent company and subsidiaries and within subsidiaries. The owner’s equity of the subsidiaries
not attributable to the parent company shall be presented as minority equity under the owner’s
equity item in the consolidated balance sheet. The long term equity investment of the parent
company held by the subsidiaries, deemed as treasury stock of the corporate group as well as the
reduction of owners’ equity, shall be presented as “Less: treasury stock” under the owners’ equity
item in the consolidated balance sheet.

(4) Accounting for acquisition of subsidiary through combination
For subsidiaries     acquired      under     enterprise     merger      involving   enterprises      under
common control,         the assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flows of the subsidiaries are
included in the consolidated financial statements from the beginning of the financial year
in which the       combination took        place. When      preparing     the   consolidated      financial
statements,    for      the subsidiaries    acquired      from   business combination not involving
entities under common control, the identifiable net assets of the subsidiaries are adjusted on the
basis of their fair values on the date of acquisition.

(5) Accounting treatment of disposal of subsidiaries
In the case of partial disposal of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries without loss of
control, in the consolidated financial statements, the difference between the disposal cost and the
subsidiary’s share of net assets continuously calculated from the date of purchase or consolidation
corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investments adjusts the capital reserve (capital
premium or equity premium), if the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, adjust the retained

If the control of the investee is lost due to the disposal of part of the equity investment, when
preparing the consolidated financial statements, the remaining equity shall be remeasured at its
fair value on the date of loss of control. The balance after subtracting the share of the original
subsidiary’s net assets calculated continuously from the date of purchase or combination according
to the original shareholding ratio from the sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of
the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity is included in the current investment income
of loss of control right, and offsets goodwill. Other comprehensive income related to the equity
investment of the original subsidiary will be transferred to the current investment income when the

                                   山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

control is lost.
7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operation
(1) Classification of joint arrangements
Joint arrangements are divided into joint operations and joint ventures. Joint arrangements
achieved not through separate entities are classified as joint operations. Separate entities refer to
the entities with separate identifiable financial architecture including separate legal entities and
legally recognized entities without the qualification of legal entity. Joint arrangements achieved
through separate entities are generally classified as joint ventures. In case of changes in rights
entitled to and obligations undertaken by the parties of joint venture under a joint arrangement due
to the changes in relevant facts and circumstances, the parties of joint venture will re-assess the
classification of joint arrangements.

(2) Accounting treatment for joint operations
As a parties of joint operation, the Company should recognize the following items in relation to
their share of interest in joint operation, and proceed with accounting in accordance with the
relevant provisions under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises: to recognize their
separate assets or liabilities held, and recognize the assets or liabilities jointly held according to
their respective shares; to recognize the income from the disposal of their output share under joint
operation; to recognize the income from the disposal of output under joint operation according to
their respective shares; to recognize the expenses incurred separately, and recognize the expenses
incurred under joint operation according to their respective shares.

As a parties of a joint operation not under common control, if they are entitled to relevant assets
and undertake relevant liabilities of the joint operation, accounting will be carried out with
reference to the provisions of the parties of joint operation; otherwise, it should be subject to
relevant Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

(3) Accounting treatment for joint ventures
The parties of a joint venture should perform accounting for investments by the joint venture in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2 – Long-term Equity
Investments. The parties not under common control should carry out accounting depending on
their influence on the joint venture.
8. Determination criteria of cash and cash equivalent
The cash recognized in the preparation of the cash flow statements, is the Company’s storage cash
and deposits available for payment anytime. The cash equivalents recognized in the preparation of
the cash flow statements refers to the investment held by the Company with characteristic of
short-term, strong mobility, easy transfer to known sum cash and has slim risk from value

                                   山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

9. Foreign currency exchange and the conversion of foreign currency statements
(1) Foreign currency exchange
The foreign currency exchange is booked on the current exchange rate on the transaction day and
converted in the bookkeeping standard currency. On the balance sheet day, the monetary items are
converted on the current rate on the balance sheet day, concerning the exchange differences
between teh spot exchange rate on that date and initial confirmation or the sport exchange rate on
previously balance sheet date, should reckoned in to current gains/losses except the capitalizing on
exchange differences for foreign specific loans, which was reckoned into cost for capitalizing.
The non-monetary items measured on the historic cost are still measured by the original
bookkeeping rate with the sum of the bookkeeping standard currency unchanged. Items of
non-monetary foreign currency which was calculated by fair value, should converted by spot
exchange rate on the confirmation day of fair value, difference between the converted amount of
bookkeeping currency and original amount of bookkeeping currency, was treated as changes of fair
value (including exchange rate changed) reckoned into current gains/losses or recognized as other
consolidated income.

(2) Conversion of foreign currency financial statements
Upon the conversion of the foreign currency financial statements of the controlling subsidiaries,
joint enterprises, and the affiliated enterprises on the bookkeeping standard currency different
from the Company’s, the accounting check and preparation of the consolidated financial
statements are made. Assets and liabilities items in the balance sheet, are converted on the current
rate on the balance sheet day; owners’ equity items besides the “retained profit” item, the other
items are converted on the actual rate. Incomes and expenses items in the profit statement are
converted on the current rate. The conversion difference of the foreign currency financial
statements is listed specifically in the owners’ equity in the balance sheet. The foreign currency
cash flow is converted on the current rate on the cash flow actual day. The cash influenced by the
rate fluctuation is listed specifically in the cash flow statement. As for the foreign operation, the
conversion difference of the foreign currency statement related to the foreign operation is
transferred in proportion into the disposal of the current loss/gain.
10. Financial instruments
(1) Category and re-classification of financial instrument
Financial instrument is the contract that taken shape of the financial asses for an enterprise and of
the financial liability or equity instrument for other units.
①Financial asset

The financial assets meet the following conditions simultaneously are classified as financial assets
measured by amortized cost: a-The Company's business model for managing financial assets
measured at amortized cost is to collect contractual cash flows; and b- according to the contract
regulations, the cash flows generated on a specific date are only the payment for the principal and

                                    山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

the interest based on the outstanding principal amount.

The financial assets meet the following conditions simultaneously are classified as financial assets
measured on fair value and with its variation reckoned into other comprehensive income:a-The
Company's business model for managing such financial assets is to target at both the collection of
contractual cash flows and the sale; and b-according to the contract regulations, the cash flows
generated on a specific date are only the payment for the principal and the interest based on the
outstanding principal amount.

For non-trading equity instrument investments, the Company irreversibly designates them as the
financial assets that are measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other
comprehensive income in the initial recognition. The designation is made based on a single
investment and the relevant investment is in line with the definition of equity instruments from the
issuer's perspective.

Except for financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assets measured at fair value
and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income, the Company classifies the
financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current
profit and loss. At the initial recognition, if the accounting mismatch can be eliminated or reduced,
the Company can irrevocably designate the financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value
and whose changes are included in current profit and loss.

When the Company changes its business model of managing financial assets, it will reclassify all
affected financial assets on the first day of the first reporting period after the business model
changes, and adopt the future applicable method from the date of reclassification for relevant
accounting treatment, and will not make retrospective adjustments to previously recognized gains,
losses (including impairment losses or gains) or interest.

②Financial liability
At initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities measured by fair
value with changes counted into current gains/losses; and the financial liabilities measured at
amortized cost. All financial liabilities are not reclassified.

(2) Measurement of financial instrument
The initial recognition of the Company's financial instruments is measured at fair value. For
financial assets and financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in
current profit and loss, the related transaction expenses are directly recognized in current profit and
loss. For other financial assets or financial liabilities, the related transaction expenses are included
in the initial recognition amount. For the accounts receivable or notes receivable arising from the
sale of products or the provision of labor services that do not contain or consider significant

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financing components, the Company shall use the consideration amount that is expected to be
received as the initial recognition amount. Subsequent measurement of financial instruments
depends on their classification.

①Financial assets
a.Financial assets measured at amortized cost: After initial recognition, such financial assets are
measured at amortized cost by using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from
financial assets which are measured at amortized cost and are not a component of any hedging
relationship are included in current profit or loss when being derecognized ,re-classified and
amortized by effective interest method, or impaired.

b. Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive
income: After initial recognition, such financial assets (part of the financial assets belonging to
hedging relationship excluded) are subsequently measured at fair value. The gains or losses
(interest and dividend revenue included) are reckoned into current gains/losses.

c.Debt instrument investment measured at fair value and with its variation reckoned into other
comprehensive income: After initial recognition, such financial assets are subsequently measured at
fair value. The interest calculated by using the effective interest method, the impairment loss or
gains and the exchange gains and losses are recognized in the current profit and loss, other gains or
losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. When being derecognized, the accumulated
gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred from other
comprehensive income and recognized in current profit and loss.

②Financial liability
a. Financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profit and
loss: Such financial liabilities include transactional financial liabilities (including derivatives that
are financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated to be measured at fair value and whose
changes are included in current profit and loss. After the initial recognition, such financial liabilities
are subsequently measured at fair value, in addition to relevant to the hedge accounting, the gains or
losses (including interest expenses) arising from changes in the fair value of the financial liabilities
are included in current profit and loss. If the financial liabilities are designated to be measured at fair
value and whose changes are included in current profit and loss, the changes in the fair value of the
financial liabilities caused by the changes in the enterprise’s own credit risks are included in other
comprehensive income, and other changes in fair value are included in current profit and loss. If the
effect of the change in the credit risk of the financial liability being included in other comprehensive
income shall cause or expand the accounting mismatch in profit or loss, the Company will include
the entire gains or losses of the financial liability in the current profit and loss.

b.Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost: After initial recognition, such financial liabilities
are measured at amortized cost by using the effective interest method.

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(3) How the Company recognizes the fair value of financial instruments
If the financial instrument has an active market, its fair value is determined by the quoted price in
the active market; if the financial instrument doesn’t have an active market, its fair value is
determined by the valuation technique. Valuation techniques mainly include market approach,
income approach and cost method. In limited circumstances, if the recent information used to
determine the fair value is insufficient, or the possible estimated amount of fair value is widely
distributed, and the cost represents the best estimate of the fair value within the range, the cost may
represent the appropriate estimates of fair value within this distribution. The Company uses all the
information about the performance and operations of the investee that can be obtained after the
initial recognition date to judge whether the cost can represent the fair value.

(4) Confirmation basis and measurement method for transfer of financial assets and financial
① Financial assets
If the financial asset of the Company meets one of the following conditions, it shall be derecognized:
a. the contractual right to receive the cash flow of the financial asset is terminated; b.the financial
asset has been transferred, and the Company has transferred almost all the risks and remuneration of
ownership of the financial assets; c.the financial asset has been transferred., although the Company
has neither transferred nor retained almost all remuneration of the financial assets, it does not retain
control over the financial asset.

If the Company neither transfers nor retains almost all remuneration of the financial asset, and does
not retain control over the financial asset, the relevant financial asset is recognized according to the
extent of continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset, and the related liabilities are
recognized accordingly.

If the financial asset transfer generally meets the conditions for derecognition, the difference
between the following two amounts is included in the current profit and loss: a. the book value of
the transferred financial asset on the date of derecognition; b. the sum of the consideration received
due to the transfer of financial asset and the amount (the financial asset involving transfer is
classified as the financial asset measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other
comprehensive income)corresponding to the derecognition portion in cumulative amount of
changes in fair value originally and directly included in other comprehensive income.

If partial transfer of financial asset meets the conditions for derecognition, the whole book value of
the transferred financial asset will be apportioned between the derecognition portion and the
non-derecognition portion according to the respective fair value at the transfer date, and then
include the difference of following two amounts in profit and loss for the current period: a. the book
value of the derecognized portion on the date of derecognition; b. the sum of the consideration

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received from the derecognized portion and the amount (the financial asset involving transfer is
classified as the financial asset measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other
comprehensive income) corresponding to the derecognition portion in cumulative amount of
changes in fair value originally included in other comprehensive income.

②Financial liabilities
If the current obligation of a financial liability (or part of it) has been discharged, the Company
derecognizes the financial liability (or part of the financial liability). If a financial liability (or a part
of it) is derecognized, the Company includes the difference between the book value and the
consideration paid (including the transferred non-cash assets or liabilities assumed) in current profit
and loss.

(5) Methods for determining expected credit losses and accounting treatment methods

①Methods for determining expected credit losses
Based on the expected credit losses, the Company conducts accounting for impairment and
confirms loss provisions for financial assets (including receivables) measured at amortized cost,
debt investments measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive
income (including receivables financing) ), and lease receivables.

On each balance sheet date, the Company assesses whether the credit risk of relevant financial
instrument has increased significantly since the initial recognition. The process of credit impairment
of financial instrument is divided into three stages, and there are different accounting treatment
methods for the impairment of financial instrument at different stages: 1) In the first stage, if the
credit risk of financial instrument has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, the
Company measures the loss provisions according to the expected credit losses of the financial
instrument in the next 12 months, and calculate the interest income according to its book balance
(i.e., not deducting provision for impairment) and effective interest rate. 2)In the second stage, if the
credit risk of financial instrument has increased significantly since the initial recognition but no
credit impairment has occurred, the Company measures the loss provisions according to the
expected credit losses of the financial instrument for the entire duration, and calculate the interest
income according to its book balance and effective interest rate. 3) In the third stage, if the credit
risk has credit impairment, the Company measures the loss provisions according to the expected
credit losses of the financial instrument for the entire duration, and calculate the interest income
according to its book balance (book balance impairment has made provisions for impairment) and
effective interest rate.

1) Method for measuring loss provisions for financial instruments with lower credit risk
For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company can directly
make the assumption that the credit risk of the instrument has not increased significantly since the
initial recognition without comparing with the credit risk at the initial recognition.

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If the default risk of financial instruments is low, the debtor has a strong ability to fulfill its
contractual cash flow obligations in the short term, and even if there are unfavorable changes in
the economic situation and operating environment in a long period of time, it may not necessarily
reduce the borrower’s ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations, and the financial
instrument shall be deemed to have low credit risk.

2) Methods for measuring the loss provisions of receivables
The Company adopts the simplified method for receivables formed by transactions regulated by the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue (whether or not it contains
significant financing components), that is, the loss provisions are always measured according to the
expected credit loss for the entire duration.

According to the nature of financial instruments, the Company assesses whether the credit risk has
increased significantly on the basis of individual financial assets or a combination of financial
assets. The Company divides notes receivable and accounts receivable into a number of
combinations based on credit risk characteristics, and calculates expected credit losses on the basis
of the combination.

A. For accounts receivable among companies within the scope of the Company's consolidated
statements, the Company judges that there is no expected credit loss, and no credit loss provision
is made.

B. For accounts receivable outside the enterprises within the scope of the consolidated statements of
the Company, the Company makes reference to the historical credit loss experience, combines with
the current situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, prepares the accounts
receivable aging and the expected credit loss rate comparison table for the entire duration, and
calculates the expected credit loss.

C. If the Company obtains sufficient evidence of a significant increase in credit risk on a single
account receivable, the expected credit loss of the account receivable is determined based on the
difference between the book value of the receivable and the present value of the cash flow expected
to be received, and provisions for loss are made.

3)Method for measuring loss provisions of other financial assets
For financial assets other than those mentioned above, such as debt investment, other debt
investment, other receivables, long-term receivables other than lease receivables, etc., the Company
measures loss provisions according to the general method, namely the “three-stage” model.

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②Accounting treatment methods of expected credit losses
In order to reflect the changes in the credit risk of financial instruments since the initial
recognition, the Company re-measures the expected credit losses on each balance sheet date, and
the increase or reversal amount of the loss provisions resulting from this shall be treated as
impairment losses or gains and included in the current profit and loss, and according to the type of
financial instruments, the book value of the financial assets listed in the balance sheet is deducted
or included in the estimated liabilities (loan commitments or financial guarantee contracts) or
included in other comprehensive income (debt investments measured at fair value and whose
changes are included in other comprehensive income).

11. Account receivable

Found more in Note V-10 Financial instrument

12. Other account receivable
Determination and accounting treatment on expected credit loss of other account receivable

Found more in Note V-10 Financial instrument

13. Inventory
(1)Classification of inventory
Inventory means finished goods and merchandise that are ready for sale, work-in-progress, or
material used in the process of production or provision of service in the ordinary course of
business. Inventory includes raw materials, revolving materials (packaging, low-value
consumables), merchandise in warehouse and goods in transit.

Inventories, when delivered, would be determined the actual cost under moving weighted average

(3)Provision for impairment of inventory
At the balance sheet date, inventory is recorded at the lower of cost and net realizable value on an
individual basis. For items with significant quantity and low values, provision is made based on
their categories.

Net realizable value of inventories is determined as follows: ① net realizable value of finished
goods is the estimated selling price less relevant tax and selling expenses. The inventories of the
Company mainly refer to long-line fishing tuna. The ending net realizable value is determined at
the quotation of Qingshui Fishery Ground of Japan on the date which is the most close to the
balance sheet date less the relevant expenses that would occur to realize product sales; ② for
materials held for production, net realizable value equals the cost if the net realizable value of the

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finished goods produced from the materials exceeds the cost; when the price of raw materials
decreases indicating that the net realizable value of the relevant finished goods would be lower
than cost, the net realizable value is the estimated selling price less costs to completion, selling
expenses and relevant tax; and ③ net realizable value of materials held for sale is the market

(4)Inventory stocking system
The Company adopts perpetual inventory system for stocking.

(5)Amortization of low value consumables and packing materials
The Company adopts fifty amortization method for low value consumables and packing materials.

14. Contract assets
The Company lists the right to receive consideration (and this right depends on factors other than
the passage of time) due to transfer of goods or services to customers as contract assets. Contract
assets are provided for impairment based on expected credit losses.

For the determination method and accounting treatment method of the Company to expected
credit loss of contract assets, please refer to the related content of "financial instruments" in
accounting policies and accounting estimates.

15. Contract cost
The Company’s contract costs include incremental costs incurred to obtain contracts and contract
performance costs. The incremental costs incurred to obtain the contract ("contract acquisition
costs") refer to the costs that would not be incurred without obtaining the contract. If the cost is
expected to be recovered, the Company will recognize it as an asset as the contract acquisition

The cost incurred by the Company for the performance of the contract that does not fall within the
scope of other business accounting standards such as inventory and meets the following conditions
at the same time is recognized as an asset as the contract performance cost:

(1) The cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct
materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costs clearly borne by the user, and other
costs incurred solely due to the contract;
(2) The cost increases the Company's future resources for fulfilling contract performance
(3) The cost is expected to be recovered.

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The Company amortizes the assets recognized for contract acquisition costs and contract
performance costs (hereinafter referred to as "assets related to contract costs") on the same basis as
the recognition of commodity revenue related to the assets and includes in the current profits and
losses. If the amortization period of the asset formed by the incremental cost of obtaining the
contract does not exceed one year, it shall be included in the current profits and losses when it

When the book value of the asset related to the contract cost is higher than the difference between
the following two items, the Company will make provisions for impairment for the excess part and
recognize it as an asset impairment loss:
(1) Remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of commodities related to
the asset;
(2) Cost estimated to incur for the transfer of the relevant goods.
16. Long-term equity investments
(1) Recognition of initial investment cost
Initial investment cost of long term equity investment obtained by corporate consolidation: in the
case of the consolidation of enterprises under the same control, recognized as the initial cost is the
book value of the owners’ equity obtained from the consolidated party; in the case of the
consolidation of enterprises not under the same control, recognized as the initial cost is the
recognized consolidation cost on the purchase day. As for the long term equity investment
obtained by cash payment, the initial investment cost is the actual purchase payment. As for the
long term equity investment obtained by the equity securities offering, the initial investment cost
is the fair value of the equity securities. As for the long-term equity investment obtained by debt
reorganization, initial investment cost of such investment should determine by relevant regulation
of the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.12- Debt Reorganization”; As for the
long term equity investment obtained by the exchange of the non-monetary assets and the debts
restructuring, the initial investment cost is recognized on the relevant rules of “Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprise No.7- Exchange of the Non-monetary Assets”.

(2) Subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition
Where the investor has a control over the investee, long-term equity investments are measured
using cost method. Long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures are measured
using equity method. Where part of the equity investments of an investor in its associates are held
indirectly through venture investment institutions, common fund, trust companies or other similar
entities including investment linked insurance funds, such part of equity investments indirectly
held by the investor shall be measured at fair value through profit or loss according to relevant
requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22—Recognition and

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measurement of Financial Instruments regardless whether the above entities have significant
influence on such part of equity investments, while the remaining part shall be measured using
equity method.

(3) Basis of conclusion for common control and significant influence over the investee
Joint control over an investee refers to where the activities which have a significant influence on
return on certain arrangement could be decided only by mutual consent of the investing parties
sharing the control, which includes the sales and purchase of goods or services, management of
financial assets, acquisition and disposal of assets, research and development activities and
financing activities, etc.; Significant influence on the investee refers to that: significant influence
over the investee exists when holding more than 20% but less than 50% of the shares with voting
rights or even if the holding is below 20%, there is still significant influence if any of the
following conditions is met: there is representative in the board of directors or similar governing
body of the investee; participation in the investee’s policy setting process; assign key management
to the investee; the investee relies on the technology or technical information of the investing
company; or major transactions with the investee.
17. Investment real estate
Measurement for investment real estate

Cost method

Depreciation or amortization method
Investment real estate of the Company refers to the leased buildings. The investment real estate of
the Company is initially measured by cost and conducting follow-up measures by cost mode.

Accrued on the year averaging is the depreciation of the lease buildings in the Company’s
investment property. The detailed check principle is same as that of the fixed assets. The rented
land use rights and land use rights held for transfer after appreciation owned by the Company was
adopted line amortization method. Detail calculation policy was similar to intangible assets.
18. Fixed assets
(1) Recognition
The fixed assets are tangible assets held for the goods production, labor supply, lease or operation
& management, and with above one-accounting-year service life; meanwhile as up to the
following conditions, they are recognized: The economic interest related to the fixed assets
probably flow into the Company; The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.
(2) Depreciation method
                                                                                                    Annual depreciation
        Category            Depreciation method   Depreciation life (year)          Salvage rate

 House and building                               20-40                      0-10                  2.25-5.00

 Vessel and netting gear   Straight-line          5-30                       3-5                   3.17-19.40

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 Machine equipment                                     8-20                       0-10                       4.5-12.50

 Transportation              Straight-line
                                                       5                          0-10                       18.00-20.00
 equipment                   depreciation

 Furniture and office        Straight-line
                                                       5                          0-10                       18.00-20.00
 equipment                   depreciation
The Company's fixed assets mainly include housing and buildings, vessels and netting, machinery and equipment,
transportation equipment, furniture and office equipment; and the depreciation method adopts the straight-line
depreciation. The useful life and estimated net residual value of fixed assets are determined by the nature and use
condition of various types of fixed assets. The useful life, estimated net residual value, and depreciation method of
fixed assets are rechecked at the end of the year, if there is difference with the former estimated number,
corresponding adjustments should be made. In addition to the fixed assets that have been accrued depreciation and
still continue to use and the land that has been separately valued and recorded, the Company counts and draws the
depreciation of all fixed assets.

(3) Recognition, evaluation and depreciation of the fixed assets under finance lease
Recognition of fixed assets under finance lease: the nature of this kind of lease is a transfer of all
risk and rewards related to the ownership of assets. Measurement of fixed assets under finance
lease: the initial amount of a fixed asset under finance lease should be recorded as the lower of fair
value of the leased asset at the beginning date of lease term and the present value of minimum
lease payment. Subsequent measurement of fixed assets under finance lease should be in
accordance with the accounting policies adopted for self-owned fixed assets in respect of
provision of depreciation and impairment.
19. Construction in progress
Construction in progress of the Company divided as self-run construction and out-bag
construction. The Construction in progress of the Company carried forward as fixed assets while
the construction is ready for the intended use. Criteria of the expected condition for use should
apply one of the follow conditions: The substance construction (installation included) of the fixed
assets has completed all or basically; As the projects have been in test production or operation, and
the results show that the assets can operate properly and produce the qualified products stably, or
the test operation result shows the assets can operate or open properly. The expenditure of the
fixed assets on the construction, is a little or little. The fixed assets of the project constructed have
been up to the requirements of the design or contract, or basically up to.
20. Borrowing expenses
(1) Recognition principle on capitalization of borrowing expenses
As for the Company’s actual borrowing expenses directly attributable to the assets construction or
production, it is capitalized and reckoned into the relevant assets cost; as for other borrowing
expenses, it is recognized on the actual sum and reckoned into the current loss/gain. The assets up
to the capitalization are assets as the capital assets, investment real estate, and inventory reaching
the expectant availability or sale ability.

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(2) Calculation of the capitalization
Capitalization term: the period from the time starts to capitalization to the time the capitalization
ends. The period of capitalization suspended is not included. The capitalization of borrowing
expenses should be suspended while the abnormal interrupt, which surpass three months
continuously, in the middle of acquisition or construction or production.

As for the borrowing of the specific borrowing,          the capitalization sum is recognized on the
current actual interest expenses less the interest income of the borrowing capital not utilized but
deposited in the bank or the return of the temporary investment; As for the appropriation of the
general borrowing, the capitalization sum is recognized on the weighted average of, the
accumulative assets expenditure above the specific borrowing, and times the capitalization rate of
the appropriation; As for the discount or premium of the borrowing, the discount or premium to be
diluted in every accounting period is recognized in the actual rate method.
The effective interest method is the method for the measurement of the diluted discount or
premium or interest expenses on the actual interest rate; and the actual interest rate is the interest
rate used in the discount of the future cash flow in the expectant duration period as the current
book value of the borrowing.
21. Intangible assets
(1) Accounting method, service life and impairment test

① Accounting method for intangible assets
The Company’s intangible assets are measured initially on cost. The intangible assets purchased in
are taken as the actual cost on the actual payment and relevant expenditure. As for the intangible
assets invested in by the investors, the actual cost is recognized on the value stipulated in the
contract or agreement; however, if what is stipulated in the contract or agreement is not fair value,
the actual cost is recognized on fair value. As for the self-developed intangible assets, their cost is
the actual total expenditure before reaching the expectant purpose.

The follow-up measurements of the Company’s intangible assets respectively are: the line
amortization method is taken on the intangible assets of finite service life, and at the yea-end, the
check is taken on the service life and dilution of the intangible assets, and the corresponding
adjustment is made if there is inconsistency with the previous estimate ones. As for the intangible
assets of uncertain service life, it is not diluted, however, the service life is checked at year-end; If
there is solid evidence to its finite service life, its service life is estimated and diluted in straight
line method.

Amortization of intangible assets with limited life:

               Category                        Service life (Year)                Amortization method

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Land use rights                                       42                            Straight-line method
Patent                                                10                            Straight-line method
② Recognition principle of intangible assets with uncertain service life
Recognized as the intangible assets of uncertain service life is refers to those intangible assets of
un-expectable period of economic benefits brought into the Company, or of the uncertain service
period. Recognition principle of uncertain service life: from contract right or other legal rights, the
uncertain service period is stipulated in the contract or law; after the integration of the situations
and relevant expertise argumentation in the same trade, the period of the economic interest
brought into the Company by the intangible assets still cannot be recognized.

At every year-end, the check is taken on the intangible assets of uncertain service life, mainly in
bottom-up way, namely the basic check is taken by the department relevant to the assets utilization,
to assess whether there is change in the recognition principle of the uncertain service life.
(2) Accounting policy of the internal R&D expenditure
Expenditures in the research phase of internal research and development projects shall be included
in the current profits and losses when incurred; expenditures in the development phase shall be
recognized as intangible assets if the following conditions are met at the same time: (1)
Completing the intangible asset so that it can be used or sold and has technical feasibility; (2) With
the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it; (3) The method of intangible asset
generating economic benefits, including the ability to prove that the product produced by the
intangible asset exists in the market or the intangible asset itself exists in the market, if the
intangible asset will be used internally, its usefulness can be proved; (4) Sufficient technical,
financial resources and other resource support are available to complete the development of the
intangible asset and have the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; (5) The expenditures vested
in the development stage of this intangible asset can be reliably measured.

The specific criteria for dividing the research phase and the development phase of internal
research and development projects: the planned investigation phase for acquiring new technology
and knowledge should be determined as the research phase, which has the characteristics of
planning and exploratory nature; before commercial production or use, the stage of applying
research results or other knowledge to a certain plan or design to produce new or substantially
improved materials, devices, products, etc. should be determined as the development stage, which
has the characteristics of pertinence and greater possibility of forming results.

22. Long-term assets impairment
Long-term equity investments, investment properties measured at cost and long-term assets such
as fixed assets, construction in progress, productive biological assets at cost method, oil and gas
assets, intangible assets and goodwill are tested for impairment if there is any indication that an
asset may be impaired at the balance date. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the

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recoverable amount of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment and an
impairment loss are recognized for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its
recoverable amount.

The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value
of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is
determined and recognized on the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the
recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which
the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to
generate independent cash inflows.

Goodwill arising from a business combination is tested for impairment at least at each year end,
irrespective of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. For the purpose of
impairment testing, the carrying amount of goodwill acquired in a business combination is
allocated from the acquisition date on a reasonable basis to each of the related asset groups; if it is
impossible to allocate to the related asset groups, it is allocated to each of the related set of asset
groups. If the carrying amount of the asset group or set of asset groups is higher than its
recoverable amount, the amount of the impairment loss first reduced by the carrying amount of the
goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then the carrying amount of other
assets (other than the goodwill) within the asset group or set of asset groups, pro rata based on the
carrying amount of each asset.

Once the impairment loss of such assets is recognized, it is not be reversed in any subsequent
23. Long-term deferred expenditure
The Company’s long-term deferred expenditure are expenses paid out and with one year above
(1-year included) benefit period. The long-term unamortized expenses are diluted by periods
according to the benefit period. As the long-term unamortized expenses cannot enable the
accounting period’s beneficiary, all dilution values of the project undiluted yet, are transferred into
the current loss/gain.
24. Contractual liabilities
The obligations to transfer the goods or provided the services to customers after receiving or
receivable consideration from the customers are listed as contractual liabilities.
The contractual assets and liabilities under the same contract are listed by net amount.
25. Employees benefits
(1) Accounting for short-term benefits
In the period of employee services, short-term benefits are actually recognized as liabilities and
charged to profit or loss, or if otherwise required or allowed by accounting standards of the
enterprise, to the related costs of assets for the current period. At the time of actual occurrence,

                                     山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

The Company’s employee benefits are recorded into the profits and losses of the current year or
assets associated costs according to the actual amount. The non-monetary employee benefits are
measured at fair value. Regarding to the medical and health insurance, industrial injury insurance,
maternity insurance and other social insurances, housing fund and labor union expenditure and
personnel education that the Company paid for employees, the Company should recognize
corresponding employees benefits payable according to the appropriation basis and proportion as
stipulated by relevant requirements and recognize the corresponding liabilities and include these
expenses in the profits or losses of the current period or recognized as respective assets costs.
(2) Accounting for post-employment benefits
During the accounting period in which an employee provides service, the amount payable
calculated under defined contribution scheme shall be recognized as a liability and recorded in
profit and loss of the current period or in assets. In respect of the defined benefit scheme, the
Company shall use the projected unit credit method and attribute the welfare obligations
calculated using the formula stipulated by the defined benefit scheme to the service period of the
employee, and record the obligation in the current profit and loss or related assets cost.
(3) Accounting for termination benefits
The Company recognizes a liability and expenses in the current profit or loss for termination
benefits at the earlier of the following dates: when the Company can no longer withdraw the offer
of those benefits; and when the Company recognizes costs for restructuring involving the payment
of termination costs.
(4) Accounting for other long-term employee benefits.
The Company provides other long-term employee benefits to its employees. For those falling
within the scope of defined contribution scheme, the Company shall account for them according to
relevant requirements of the defined contribution scheme. In addition, the Company recognizes
and measures the net liabilities or net assets of the other long-term employee benefits according to
relevant requirements of the defined contribution scheme.

26. Revenue
Accounting policies for recognition and measurement of revenue

The Company has fulfilled the performance obligations in the contract, that is, when the customer
obtains control of the relevant goods or services, the revenue is recognized at the transaction price
allocated to the performance obligation. Obtaining control rights of related commodities means
being able to lead the use of the commodities and obtain almost all economic benefits from them.
Performance obligations refer to the Company's commitment to transfer clearly distinguishable
products to customers in the contract. The transaction price refers to the amount of consideration
that the Company expects to be entitled to receive due to the transfer of goods to the customer,
excluding the amount collected on behalf of a third party and the amount that the Company
expects to return to the customer.

                                   山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Whether the performance obligation is performed within a certain period of time or at a certain
point in time depends on the terms of the contract and relevant legal provisions. If the
performance obligation is performed within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes
revenue according to the performance progress. Otherwise, the Company recognizes revenue at a
certain point when the customer obtains control of the relevant assets.

For the Company's purse seine fish sold at overseas bases, generally, the income is recognized
after obtaining the vast majority of payment from the customers and after the delivery of the fish.
In the case of export sales by the local country, the income is recognized when the shipping order
and bill of lading are obtained.

Most of the Company's longline fishing goods are shipped back to domestic sales, the sales
department refers to the transaction price of Japanese Shimizu for external sales, and both parties
confirm the change of the cargo rights based on the signing of the sales contract and the value
decision table. The company confirms sales revenue based on the sales contract and the value
decision table.

Domestic sales of the Company's aquatic products processing: Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic
(Yantai) Foods Co., Ltd. issues a delivery confirmation according to the fax or mail order from
domestic customers, and the sales staff arrange the warehouse management department to stock up
and deliver the goods by air, long-distance bus or other means of delivery, the company issues the
sales invoice and confirms the sales revenue according to the delivery confirmation issued by the
sales department and signed by the warehouse management department.

Foreign sales of the Company's aquatic products processing: After the international trade
department obtains the purchase orders of foreign customers, it issues an export delivery
confirmation form and arranges the storage and transportation department to stock up. After the
export goods are packed and sent out, the warehouse management department sign on the delivery
confirmation issued by the international trade department, and obtain the export documents such
as packing list and bill of lading issued by the transportation department after shipment, and obtain
the export declaration form issued by the customs. The company issues the sales invoice and
confirms the sales revenue according to the export documents such as delivery confirmation,
packing list and customs declaration.

The Company's vessel rental income: The transportation vessel leasing of Shandong Zhonglu
Aquatic Marine Co., Ltd. and HABITAT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION's adopts the time

                                   山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

charter, the company leases the ships equipped with operators to others for a certain period of time,
and waits for the dispatch of the leasee during the lease term. Regardless of whether it is operated
or not, the rental fee is charged to the lessee on a daily basis, and the company is responsible for
the occurrence of fixed expenses (such as personnel salaries, maintenance costs, etc.). During the
term of the lease, the customer settles accounts regularly and the revenue is recognized according
to the number of lease days confirmed by the customer.

27. Government subsidy
(1) Types of government subsidy and accounting treatment
government subsidy refer to monetary assets or non-monetary assets that the Company obtains
from the government without compensation (but excluding the capital invested by the government
as the owner). If the government grant is a monetary asset, it shall be measured according to the
amount received or receivable. If the government grant is a non-monetary asset, it shall be
measured at fair value; if the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it is measured at the nominal

government subsidy related to daily activities are included in other income in accordance with the
economic business. government subsidy not related to daily activities are included in the
non-operating income and expenditure.

government subsidy that the government documents clearly stipulate for acquisition and
construction or forming long-term assets in other ways are recognized as government subsidy
related to assets. If the government documents do not clearly specify the grant target, government
subsidy that can form long-term assets, of which the part corresponding to the asset value is used
as the government subsidy related to the assets, and the rest is used as the government subsidy
related to the income; if it is difficult to distinguish, the whole government subsidy will be used as
a government grant related to income. government subsidy related to assets are recognized as
deferred income. The amount recognized as deferred income is included in the current profit and
loss in a reasonable and systematic manner within the useful life of the relevant asset.

government subsidy other than government subsidy related to assets are recognized as government
subsidy related to income. If a government grant related to the income is used to compensate the
relevant expenses or losses of the enterprise in the future period, it is recognized as deferred
income and is included in the current profit and loss during the period of recognizing related
expenses; the government grant used to compensate the occurred relevant expenses or losses of
the enterprise is directly included in the current profit and loss.

                                   山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

The Company obtains the policy preferential loan interest subsidy, and the government allocates
the interest subsidy funds to the loan bank. If the loan bank provides loans to the Company at a
policy preferential interest rate, the actually received loan amount will be used as the entry value
of the loan, and the relevant borrowing costs will be calculated according to the loan principal and
the policy preferential interest rate. If the government directly allocates the interest subsidy to the
Company, the Company will offset the corresponding interest subsidy against                   relevant
borrowing costs.

(2) Confirmation time-point of government subsidy
government subsidy are recognized when they meet the conditions attached to government
subsidy and can be received. government subsidy measured in accordance with the amount
receivable are recognized when there is conclusive evidence at the end of the period that they
conform to relevant conditions stipulated in the financial support policy and are expected to
receive financial support funds. Other government subsidy other than government subsidy
measured in accordance with the receivable amount are recognized when the grant is actually

28. Deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liability
(1) Where there is difference between the carrying amount of the assets or liabilities and its tax
base, (as for an item that has not been recognized as an asset or liability, if its tax base can be
determined in light of the tax law, the tax base shall recognized as the difference) the deferred
income tax and deferred income tax liabilities shall be determined according to the applicable tax
rate in period of assets expected to recover or liability expected to pay off.
(2) The deferred income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent of the amount of the taxable
income which it is most likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary
difference. On balance sheet date, if there have concrete evidence of obtaining, in future period,
enough taxable amounts to deduct the deductible temporary difference, the un-confirmed deferred
income tax assts in previous accounting period shall be recognized. If there has no enough taxable
amounts, obtained in future period, to deducted the deferred income tax assets, book value of the
deferred income tax assets shall be kept in decreased.
(3) The taxable temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies and
associated enterprises shall recognized as deferred income tax liability, unless the Company can
control the time of the reverse of temporary differences and the temporary differences are unlikely
to be reversed in the expected future. As for the deductible temporary difference related to the
investment of the subsidiary companies and associated enterprises, deferred income tax assets
shall be recognized while the temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the expected future
and it is likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that may be used for making up the
deductible temporary differences.

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

29. Leasing
(1) Accounting treatment for operating lease
Operating lease payments are recognized on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant
lease, and are either included in the cost of related asset or charged to profit or loss for the period.
(2) Accounting treatment for finance lease
At the commencement of the lease term, the Group records the leased asset at an amount equal to
the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease
payments. The difference between the recorded amounts is accounted for as unrecognized finance
charge, using the effective interest method amortization during the lease term. Minimum lease
payments deducting unrecognized financing charges are listed as long-term account payable.
30. Changes of other important accounting policy and estimation
(1) Changes in important accounting policies
√Applicable   □Not applicable
  Content and causes of accounting policy
                                                        Approval procedures                                 Note

 Change the accounting policy according
 to the “Accounting Standards for
 Business Enterprises No.14- Revenue”        Approved by the BOD
 revised and issued by Ministry of
 Finance in July 2017
The company implements the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14- Revenue " (CK [2017] No.
22) revised and issued by the Ministry of Finance. Other unaltered parts are still implemented in accordance with
the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standards" promulgated by the Ministry of Finance in
the previous period and the various specific accounting standards, the application guide of the accounting
standards for business enterprises, the interpretation announcement of the accounting standards for business
enterprises and other relevant regulations.
The company has implemented the above revised standards from January 1, 2020, and adjusted the relevant
content of accounting policies.
According to the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue" revised by the Ministry of
Finance, incorporates the current revenue and construction contract standards in a unified revenue recognition
model; use the transfer of control rights instead of risk reward transfer as the judgment standard for the point in
time of revenue recognition; provides clearer guidance for the accounting treatment of contracts that include
multiple transaction arrangements; gives clear regulations for the revenue recognition and measurement of certain
specific transactions (or events).
According to the convergence regulations, the cumulative impact number of the first implementation of this
standard is used to adjust the amount of retained earnings at the beginning of the period and the amount of other
related items in the financial statements, and no adjustment is made to the information during comparable period.
This change of accounting policy is made by the company in accordance with the relevant regulations and
requirements issued by the Ministry of Finance. After the change, the accounting policy can objectively and fairly
reflect the company's financial status and operating results, and comply with relevant laws and regulations and the
actual situation of the company. This accounting policy change only adjusts the retained earnings at the beginning
of the period and other related items in the financial statements, and will not have a significant impact on the
company's financial status, operating results and cash flow, and there is no harm to the company and the

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

shareholders' interests.

Item of consolidate statement             2019-12-31                        2020-01-01              Impact amount

        Account received in                       18,477,646.54                                             -18,477,646.54

        Contractual liability                                                      18,477,646.54            18,477,646.54

(2)Change of important accounting estimates
□Applicable √Not applicable

(3) Adjust relevant items of financial statements at beginning of the year of fist
implementation of the new revenue standards and new leasing standards since 2020

Whether need to adjust the items of balance sheet at the beginning of the year
√Yes     □No
Consolidate balance sheet

                                                                                                   In RMB

                 Item                     2019-12-31                        2020-01-01               Adjustment

 Current assets:

         Monetary fund                          186,011,644.29                   186,011,644.29

         Settlement provisions

         Capital lent

         Trading financial

         Derivative financial

         Notes receivable

         Account receivable                      70,003,394.30                    70,003,394.30

         Receivables financing

         Accounts paid in
                                                 17,350,069.13                    17,350,069.13

         Insurance receivable


         Contract reserve of
 reinsurance receivable

         Other account
                                                  4,343,207.56                     4,343,207.56

                              山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

        Including: interest


     Buying back the sale
of financial assets

     Inventories                    375,744,116.36              375,744,116.36

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current asset due
within one year

     Other current assets            32,027,587.58               32,027,587.58

Total current assets                685,480,019.22              685,480,019.22

Non-current assets:

     Loans and payments
on behalf

     Creditors’ investment

     Other creditor’s

     Long-term account

     Long-term equity

     Other equity
instrument investment

     Other non-current
financial assets

     Investment real estate          32,761,086.11               32,761,086.11

     Fixed assets                   551,167,599.49              551,167,599.49

     Construction in

     Productive biological

     Oil and gas asset

     Right-of-use asset

     Intangible assets               13,196,284.54               13,196,284.54

     Expense on Research

                                 山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

and Development


       Long-term prepaid
                                           435,134.13                  435,134.13

       Deferred income tax
                                         1,845,872.82                1,845,872.82

       Other non-current
                                         3,640,847.49                3,640,847.49

Total non-current asset                603,046,824.58              603,046,824.58

Total assets                          1,288,526,843.80            1,288,526,843.80

Current liabilities:

       Short-term loans                 51,662,365.00               51,662,365.00

       Loan from central

       Capital borrowed

       Trading financial

       Derivative financial

       Notes payable

       Accounts payable                 94,725,231.68               94,725,231.68

       Accounts received in
                                        18,477,646.54                                             -18,477,646.54

       Contractual liability                                        18,477,646.54                 18,477,646.54

       Selling financial asset
of repurchase

       Absorbing deposit and
interbank deposit

       Security trading of

       Security sales of

       Wage payable                     49,149,654.32               49,149,654.32

       Taxes payable                     3,597,925.54                3,597,925.54

       Other accounts
                                         8,634,438.40                8,634,438.40

         Including: interest

                                 山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)



      Commission charge
and commission payable

      Reinsurance payable

      Liability held for sale

      Non-current liabilities
due within one year

      Other current

Total current liabilities              226,247,261.48              226,247,261.48

Non-current liabilities:

      Insurance contract

      Long-term loans

      Bonds payable

          Including: preferred

capital securities

      Lease liability

      Long-term account

      Long-term wages
                                         1,378,471.70                1,378,471.70

      Accrual liability

      Deferred income                   15,764,480.48               15,764,480.48

      Deferred income tax

      Other non-current

Total non-current liabilities           17,142,952.18               17,142,952.18

Total liabilities                      243,390,213.66              243,390,213.66

Owners’ equity:

      Share capital                    266,071,320.00              266,071,320.00

      Other equity

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)


          Including: preferred

 capital securities

        Capital reserve                         284,054,997.75                     284,054,997.75

        Less: treasury stock

        Other comprehensive
                                                     707,156.17                        707,156.17

        Reasonable reserve

        Surplus reserve                          21,908,064.19                      21,908,064.19

        Provision of general

        Retained profit                         314,460,431.58                     314,460,431.58

 Total owner’s equity
 attributable to parent                         887,201,969.69                     887,201,969.69

        Minority interests                      157,934,660.45                     157,934,660.45

 Total owner’s equity                        1,045,136,630.14                   1,045,136,630.14

 Total liabilities and
                                              1,288,526,843.80                   1,288,526,843.80
 owner’s equity

The company has implemented the new revenue standard from January 1, 2020.According to the convergence
regulations, the cumulative impact number of the first implementation of this standard is used to adjust the amount
of retained earnings at the beginning of the period and the amount of other related items in the financial statements,
and no adjustment is made to the information during comparable period. This change of accounting policy is made
by the company in accordance with the relevant regulations and requirements issued by the Ministry of Finance.
After the change, the accounting policy can objectively and fairly reflect the company's financial status and
operating results, and comply with relevant laws and regulations and the actual situation of the company. This
accounting policy change only adjusts the retained earnings at the beginning of the period and other related items
in the financial statements, and will not have a significant impact on the company's financial status, operating
results and cash flow, and there is no harm to the company and the shareholders' interests.

Balance sheet of parent company
                                                                                                             In RMB

              Item                        2019-12-31                         2020-01-01                         Adjustment

 Current assets:

        Monetary fund                            56,205,332.78                      56,205,332.78

                               山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

     Trading financial

     Derivative financial

     Notes receivable

     Account receivable               29,071,151.64               29,071,151.64

     Receivables financing

     Accounts paid in
                                       4,729,985.40                4,729,985.40

     Other account
                                     181,768,872.70              181,768,872.70

         Including: interest

                                      94,566,287.92               94,566,287.92

     Inventories                      34,787,467.34               34,787,467.34

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current asset due
within one year

     Other current assets              2,079,593.94                2,079,593.94

Total current assets                 308,642,403.80              308,642,403.80

Non-current assets:

     Creditors’ investment

     Other creditor’s

     Long-term account
                                       5,196,204.31                5,196,204.31

     Long-term equity
                                     232,189,455.23              232,189,455.23

     Other equity
instrument investment

     Other non-current
financial assets

     Investment real estate           32,761,086.11               32,761,086.11

     Fixed assets                     58,708,493.74               58,708,493.74

     Construction in

                               山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)


     Productive biological

     Oil and gas asset

     Right-of-use asset

     Intangible assets                   846,324.29                  846,324.29

     Expense on Research
and Development


     Long-term prepaid
                                          88,996.85                   88,996.85

     Deferred income tax

     Other non-current
                                       1,279,247.49                1,279,247.49

Total non-current asset              331,069,808.02              331,069,808.02

Total assets                         639,712,211.82              639,712,211.82

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans

     Trading financial

     Derivative financial

     Notes payable

     Accounts payable                  6,504,914.36                6,504,914.36

     Accounts received in
                                       2,161,006.77                                             -2,161,006.77

     Contractual liability                                         2,161,006.77                 2,161,006.77

     Wage payable                     16,431,213.09               16,431,213.09

     Taxes payable                       452,563.73                  452,563.73

     Other accounts
                                      88,931,206.55               88,931,206.55

        Including: interest


     Liability held for sale

                                山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

      Non-current liabilities
due within one year

      Other current

Total current liabilities             114,480,904.50              114,480,904.50

Non-current liabilities:

      Long-term loans

      Bonds payable

         Including: preferred

capital securities

      Lease liability

      Long-term account

      Long-term wages
                                          984,566.68                  984,566.68

      Accrual liability

      Deferred income

      Deferred income tax

      Other non-current

Total non-current liabilities             984,566.68                  984,566.68

Total liabilities                     115,465,471.18              115,465,471.18

Owners’ equity:

      Share capital                   266,071,320.00              266,071,320.00

      Other equity

         Including: preferred

capital securities

      Capital reserve                 279,115,900.17              279,115,900.17

      Less: treasury stock

      Other comprehensive

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

       Reasonable reserve

       Surplus reserve                            19,184,672.34                     19,184,672.34

       Retained profit                           -40,125,151.87                    -40,125,151.87

 Total owner’s equity                           524,246,740.64                    524,246,740.64

 Total liabilities and
                                                 639,712,211.82                    639,712,211.82
 owner’s equity

The company has implemented the new revenue standard from January 1, 2020.According to the convergence
regulations, the cumulative impact number of the first implementation of this standard is used to adjust the amount
of retained earnings at the beginning of the period and the amount of other related items in the financial statements,
and no adjustment is made to the information during comparable period. This change of accounting policy is made
by the company in accordance with the relevant regulations and requirements issued by the Ministry of Finance.
After the change, the accounting policy can objectively and fairly reflect the company's financial status and
operating results, and comply with relevant laws and regulations and the actual situation of the company. This
accounting policy change only adjusts the retained earnings at the beginning of the period and other related items
in the financial statements, and will not have a significant impact on the company's financial status, operating
results and cash flow, and there is no harm to the company and the shareholders' interests.

(4) Retrospective adjustment of early comparative data for the first implementation of new
financial standards and new lease standards since 2020
□Applicable √Not applicable

VI. Taxes
1. Major tax and tax rate
                    Taxes                                    Taxation basis                                  Tax rate

                                               Output tax minor the deductible input
 VAT                                                                                          13%, 9%, 6%, 5%

 Urban maintenance and construction tax        Turnover taxes payable                         7%

 Corporate income ax                           Taxable amount                                 Exemption, 25%, 8%

Explain the different taxation entity of the enterprise income tax

                            Taxation entity                                                    Income tax rate

                                                                     Imposing no tax on distant fishing, and 25% for the house
 Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic Fisheries Company Limited

 Shandong Zhonglu Haiyan Deep-sea Fishery Co., Ltd.                  Exemption

 AFRICA STAR FISHERIES LIMITED                                       8% for export parts, 25% for domestic sales

 HABITAT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION                                   Exemption

 LAIF FISHERIES COMPANY LIMITED                                      25%

 ZHONG GHA FOODS COMPANY LIMITED                                     25%

 Shandong Zhonglu Fishery Shipping Co., Ltd.                         25%

 Shandong Zhonglu Ocean Refrigerated Co., Ltd.                       Imposing no tax on aquatic product processing, and 25% for

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                                                     refrigeration service

                                                                     Imposing no tax on aquatic product processing, and 25% for
 Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic (Yantai) Foods Co., Ltd.
                                                                     refrigeration service

2. Preferential tax
(1) VAT tax preference:
According to the relevant provisions of the Circular About the Provisional Management Method of Not Levying the
Tax on the Aquatic Products Directly Caught by Ocean Fishery Enterprises (SS No. [2000] 260), China's ocean
fishery enterprises stipulate on the high seas or in accordance with the relevant agreements that the aquatic products
caught in foreign sea areas and sent back for domestic sales should be regarded as the domestic products and
should not be levied the import duties and import VAT. If the corresponding domestic sales business is the primary
agricultural products sales, exempt from the VAT according to the provisions of VAT rules. The Company's sales
revenue from ocean-going fishing operations is exempt from VAT.
(2) Income tax preference:
According to relevant regulation of Circular of the Preferential Policies Concerning Corporate Income Tax (CSZ
No.[1994]001), the Letter About Relevant Issue About Accelerating the Development of China's Ocean Fisheries
(CN No. [2000] 104) of the Ministry of Finance, the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China
(PRC Presidential Decree No. [2007] 63), the Enforcement Regulations of Enterprise Income Tax Law of the
People's Republic of China (PRC State Council Decree No. 512), Notice About Issuing the Preliminary Processing
Scope (Trial) of Agricultural Products that Enjoy the Preferential Policy of Enterprise Income Tax of Ministry of
Finance and State Administration of Taxation (CS No. [2008]149), the Supplement Notice About the Preliminary
Processing Scope of Agricultural Products that Enjoy the Preferential Policy of Enterprise Income Tax of Ministry
of Finance and State Administration of Taxation (CS No. [2011] 26) and the Notice About the Preferential
Problems of Corporate Income Tax for Implementation of Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Fishery of Ministry
of Finance and State Administration of Taxation (Notice of the State Administration of Taxation 2011 No. 48), as
for the initial processing of agricultural products and the commissioned initial processing of an agricultural product,
as well as the processing fees it charges, may be handled in accordance with the tax-free items for initial
processing of agricultural products. The Company's income obtained from the ocean-going fishing business and the
preliminary processing of agricultural products is exempted from corporate income tax. The Company's income
obtained from the business except for the ocean-going fishing and the preliminary processing of agricultural
products should pay the enterprise income tax at 25%.

VII. Notes to main items in consolidated financial statement
1. Monetary fund
                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Item                                   Closing balance                               Opening balance

Cash on hand                                                                 2,524,076.65                                   4,956,965.73

Bank deposit                                                              173,464,905.42                                  179,646,672.99

Other monetary fund                                                          1,408,005.57                                   1,408,005.57

Total                                                                     177,396,987.64                                  186,011,644.29

  Including: Total amount save aboard                                      24,056,156.78                                   32,175,289.98

2. Trading financial assets
                                                                                                              In RMB

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                       Item                                       Closing balance                               Opening balance

 Financial assets measured by fair value
 and with variation reckoned into current                                      10,000,000.00


 Structured deposits                                                           10,000,000.00

 Total                                                                         10,000,000.00

5. Account receivable
(1) Category
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                               Closing balance                                           Opening balance

                              Book balance        Bad debt provision                    Book balance         Bad debt provision
        Category                                                           Book
                                                             Accrual                                                      Accrual Book value
                          Amount       Ratio      Amount                  value       Amount     Ratio       Amount
                                                                 ratio                                                      ratio


Account receivable
with bad debt             95,248,2                11,267,7               83,980,55 80,013,69                10,010,30                 70,003,394.
                                      100.00%                  11.83%                            100.00%                    12.51%
provision accrual by          57.99                  06.41                    1.58        9.94                     5.64                        30


                          95,248,2                11,267,7               83,980,55 80,013,69                10,010,30                 70,003,394.
Total                                 100.00%                  11.83%                            100.00%                    12.51%
                              57.99                  06.41                    1.58        9.94                     5.64                        30

Accrual of bad debt provision on portfolio: 11,267,706.41
                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                    Closing balance
                                                Book balance                      Bad debt provision                      Accrual ratio

 Provision for bad debts by
                                                       95,248,257.99                        11,267,706.41                                 11.83%

 Total                                                 95,248,257.99                        11,267,706.41     --

If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit
losses, please refer to the disclosure of other account receivable to disclose related information about bad-debt
□Applicable √Not applicable
By account age

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                              Account age                                                             Closing balance

Within one year (one year included)                                                                                                 88,360,770.57

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

1-2 years                                                                                                                       571,159.46

2-3 years                                                                                                                           52,493.07

Over three years                                                                                                               6,263,834.89

  3-4 years                                                                                                                     574,816.88

  Over five years                                                                                                              5,689,018.01

Total                                                                                                                        95,248,257.99

(2) Bad debt provision accrual, collected or reversal in the period
Accrual of bad debt provision in the period:

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                      Current changes
                        Opening                                                                                                Closing
    Category                                                 Collected or
                         balance           Accrual                                   Charge-off             Other              balance

 Provision for
 bad debts based       10,010,305.64      1,701,273.33           444,052.56                                                 11,267,526.41
 on age

 Total                 10,010,305.64      1,701,273.33           444,052.56                                                 11,267,526.41

(3) Top five account receivables collected by arrears party at ending balance
                               Ending balance of accounts          Proportion in total receivables          Bad debt preparation ending
                                        receivable                          at ending balance                        balance
 Hong Kong Luen Thai
                                                12,923,568.42                                13.57%                            646,178.42

                                                10,303,013.91                                10.82%                            515,150.70

                                                 9,431,153.10                                   9.90%                          471,557.66

                                                 6,496,248.05                                   6.82%                          523,807.55

 Shenzhen SZY Trading
                                                 5,610,741.89                                   5.89%                          561,074.19
 Co., Ltd.

 Total                                          44,764,725.37                                47.00%

4. Accounts paid in advance
(1) By account age
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                               Closing balance                                           Opening balance
         Account age
                                    Amount                        Ratio                         Amount                      Ratio

Within one year                        20,384,990.92                        93.93%                16,715,518.41                       96.34%

1-2 years                               1,245,498.59                         5.74%                  564,788.72                         3.26%

2-3 years                                  70,795.00                         0.33%                   69,762.00                         0.40%

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Total                                  21,701,284.51               --                          17,350,069.13               --

(2) Top 5 account paid in advance collected by objects at ending balance
                     Name                            Closing balance       Ratio in total account paid       Note
                                                                           in advance at period-end
China Fisheries Association - access fishing fee            5,927,047.49                      27.31%
Dongyi Sea Transportation Personal Company                  3,786,318.86                      17.45%
FISHERIES COMMISSION( GHANA)                                1,478,801.71                        6.81%
Dalian Chuanyang International Co., Ltd.                    1,170,000.00                        5.39%
Yantai Aowei Refrigeration Equipment Co.,                   1,000,000.00                        4.61%
          Total                                            13,362,168.06                      61.57%

5. Other account receivable
                                                                                                                In RMB

                    Item                                    Closing balance                                Opening balance

Other account receivable                                                      2,633,719.57                                   4,343,207.56

Total                                                                         2,633,719.57                                   4,343,207.56

(1) Other account receivable
1) By nature
                                                                                                                In RMB

                   Nature                                Closing book balance                            Opening book balance

 Margin                                                                        156,311.70                                    571,699.92

 Intercourse funds and other                                                 7,472,019.37                                 8,838,749.39

 Less: bad debt provision                                                   -4,994,611.50                                 -5,067,241.75

 Total                                                                       2,633,719.57                                 4,343,207.56

2) Accrual of bad debt provision
                                                                                                                In RMB

                                   Phase I                   Phase II                        Phase III

                                Expected credit      Expected credit losses for    Expected credit losses for
   Bad debt provision                                                                                                     Total
                            losses over next 12     the entire duration (without    the entire duration (with
                                    months          credit impairment occurred) credit impairment occurred)

Balance on Jan. 1, 2020                627,212.45                                                 4,440,029.30               5,067,241.75

Balance of Jan. 1, 2020
                                    ——                       ——                           ——                        ——
in the period

Current accrual                        102,717.52                                                                               102,717.52

Current reversal                       175,347.77                                                                               175,347.77

Balance on Jun. 30, 2020               554,582.20                                                 4,440,029.30               4,994,611.50

Change of book balance of loss provision with amount has major changes in the period
□Applicable √Not applicable

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

By account age
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                            Account age                                                         Closing balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                                                                      2,225,130.93

 Including within six months                                                                                                 66,544.39

 Six months - one year                                                                                                    2,158,586.54

 1-2 years                                                                                                                  655,419.82

 2-3 years                                                                                                                  412,815.58

 Over three years                                                                                                         4,334,964.74

    3-4 years                                                                                                                54,274.66

    4-5 years                                                                                                                35,798.26

  Over 5 years                                                                                                            4,244,891.82

 Total                                                                                                                    7,628,331.07

3) Bad debt provision accrual, collected or reversal in the period
Accrual of bad debt provision in the period:

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                       Current changes
                         Opening                                                                                           Closing
    Category                                                 Collected or
                          balance            Accrual                              Written off            Other             balance

 Provision for
 bad debts based         5,067,241.75          102,717.52          175,347.77                                             4,994,611.50
 on age

 Total                   5,067,241.75          102,717.52          175,347.77                                             4,994,611.50

4) Top 5 other account receivable collected by arrears party at ending balance
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                            Proportion in total
                                                                                                 other account       Ending balance of
        Enterprise             Nature            Closing balance          Account age
                                                                                                receivables at      bad debt provision

 Qingdao Anning
 Ship Engineering        Intercourse funds             809,272.83      Over three years                  10.61%             809,272.83
 Co., Ltd.

 Bocheng Jingwei
                         Intercourse funds             299,000.00      Within one year                    3.92%              14,950.00
 Technology Co.,

 Japan Daihatsu
                         Intercourse funds             288,896.39      Over 5 years                       3.79%             288,896.39
 Co., Ltd.

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                       Intercourse funds                 207,072.50    Over 5 years                         2.71%                207,072.50

 Wende Ship
                       Intercourse funds                 200,000.00    Over 5 years                         2.62%                200,000.00
 Repair Company

 Total                            --                    1,804,241.72            --                        23.65%               1,520,191.72

6. Inventories
Whether implemented the new revenue standards


(1) Category
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                          Closing balance                                             Opening balance

                                           Provision for                                               Provision for
                                             inventory                                                   inventory
                                          depreciation or                                             depreciation or
         Item                                contract                                                     contract
                     Book balance                               Book value           Book balance                              Book value
                                           performance                                                 performance
                                               cost                                                        cost
                                            impairment                                                  impairment
                                            provision                                                    provision

 Raw materials        98,497,048.59         1,067,265.00       97,429,783.59     139,142,998.02         1,506,520.94         137,636,477.08

 Inventory          298,812,210.70          3,942,499.54      294,869,711.16     236,151,661.21          3,116,468.80        233,035,192.41

                            28,628.50                              28,628.50            989,692.35                               989,692.35

 Goods in transit                                                                     3,279,215.85                             3,279,215.85

 Low value
                       2,005,887.62                             2,005,887.62            803,538.67                               803,538.67

 Total              399,343,775.41          5,009,764.54      394,334,010.87     380,367,106.10         4,622,989.74         375,744,116.36

(2) Provision for inventory depreciation or contract performance cost impairment provision
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                  Current increased                        Current decreased
         Item       Opening balance                                              Switch back or                              Closing balance
                                             Accrual              Other                                   Other

Raw materials          1,506,520.94                                                      439,255.94                             1,067,265.00

Inventory                  3,116,468.80      1,151,903.20                                325,872.46                             3,942,499.54

Total                  4,622,989.74          1,151,903.20                                765,128.40                             5,009,764.54

7. Other current assets
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                    Item                                      Closing balance                              Opening balance

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 Input VAT ready for deduction                                             14,911,213.92                                     31,837,201.31

 Income tax prepaid                                                                                                             177,922.66

 Prepay other taxes                                                                                                              12,463.61

 Total                                                                     14,911,213.92                                     32,027,587.58

8. Other equity instrument investment
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Item                                   Closing balance                                Opening balance

 Southern Securities

Itemized the non-tradable equity instrument investment in the period

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                   Causes of those
                                                                                                   that designated
                                                                              Retained earnings measured by fair Cause of retained
                                                                                transfer from     value and with its earnings transfer
                     Dividend income                          Cumulative
         Item                            Cumulative gains                           other                variation            from other
                           recognized                           losses
                                                                               comprehensive           reckoned into        comprehensive
                                                                                   income                 other                income

Other explanation:
On April 29, 2005, China Southern Securities Co., Ltd. was issued an administrative penalty of canceling the
securities business license and being ordered to close down by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. On
August 16, 2006, Southern Securities Co., Ltd. was declared bankruptcy by the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s
Court. The company made a provision for impairment of the 33 million yuan of investment cost in full of Southern
Securities Co., Ltd. held by the company based on the book balance.

9. Investment real estate
(1) Measured at cost
√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                      Construction in
            Item                 House and building         Land use rights                                                  Total

 I. Original book value

 1.Opening balance                      51,308,578.35                                                                        51,308,578.35

 2.Current increased

 (1) Outsourcing

 (2)     Inventory\fixed
 assets\construction in
 process transfer-in

                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

(3) Increased by

3.Current decreased

(1) Disposal

(2) Other transfer-out

4.Closing balance        51,308,578.35                                                     51,308,578.35

II. Accumulated
depreciation and

1.Opening balance        17,660,980.18                                                     17,660,980.18

2.Current increased        663,038.34                                                        663,038.34

(1) Accrual or
                           663,038.34                                                        663,038.34

3.Current decreased

(1) Disposal

(2) Other transfer-out

4.Closing balance        18,324,018.52                                                     18,324,018.52

III. Impairment

1.Opening balance          886,512.06                                                        886,512.06

2.Current increased

(1) Accrual

3. Current decreased

(1) Disposal

(2) Other transfer-out

4.Closing balance          886,512.06                                                        886,512.06

IV. Book value

1.Ending book value      32,098,047.77                                                     32,098,047.77

2.Opening book value     32,761,086.11                                                     32,761,086.11

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

(2) Measure on fair value
□Applicable √Not applicable

(3) Investment real estate without property certificate completed
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Item                                        Book value                                     Reasons

 Houses and buildings                                                         31,988,486.56    See the notes

Other explanation
Pursuant to the Debt Compensation Opinion entered into between the Company and Shandong Aquatic Products
Group in April 2006 and the civil verdict issued by People Court of Lixia district of Jinan city (2005 LZZDi-1299),
the comprehensive office building owned by Shandong Aquatic Products Group at No.43, Heping road, Lixia
District, Jinan was ruled to be vested to the Company, so as to compensate the relevant debts. Building ownership
transfer has not been registered yet; management of the Company is in the process of making active coordination
among various parties seeking for early completion of such registration.

10. Fixed assets
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Item                                      Closing balance                             Opening balance

Fixed assets                                                                  531,275,969.26                                 539,678,865.42

Fixed assets liquidation                                                                                                      11,488,734.07

Total                                                                         531,275,969.26                                 551,167,599.49

(1) Fixed assets
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                        House and         Vessel and netting      Machine          Transportation     Furniture and
         Item                                                                                                                   Total
                           building             gear             equipment          equipment        office equipment

I. Original book

                      114,235,599.27        678,939,803.12       47,695,910.53        9,147,146.26      11,927,233.82        861,945,693.00

                              16,269.75      16,249,673.91        1,483,320.55           60,400.17         121,588.17         17,931,252.55

                                              7,974,371.01        1,482,515.55                             112,580.27          9,569,466.83

Construction in
                                              5,582,844.05                                                                     5,582,844.05

     (3) Increased
by combination

                              16,269.75       2,692,458.85              805.00           60,400.17             9,007.90        2,778,941.67
Fluctuations in

                                    山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)


                                       4,252,342.53    1,316,249.33     296,298.34                      5,864,890.20

    (1) Disposal
                                       4,252,342.53    1,316,249.33     296,298.34                      5,864,890.20
or scrapping

                   114,251,869.02    690,937,134.50   47,862,981.75   8,911,248.09   12,048,821.99    874,012,055.35

II. Accumulative

                    31,952,258.72    253,213,522.57   22,766,284.17   5,324,327.47    8,852,861.15    322,109,254.08

                     1,405,794.67     21,888,337.09    1,858,551.25     599,498.78     198,551.58      25,950,733.37

    (1) Accrual      1,405,794.67     21,888,337.09    1,858,551.25     599,498.78     198,551.58      25,950,733.37

                                       4,039,725.40    1,150,251.12     291,498.34                      5,481,474.86

    (1) Disposal
                                       4,039,725.40    1,150,251.12     291,498.34                      5,481,474.86
or scrapping

                    33,358,053.39    271,062,134.26   23,474,584.30   5,632,327.91    9,051,412.73    342,578,512.59

III. Impairment

                                         157,573.50                                                       157,573.50


    (1) Accrual


    (1) Disposal
or scrapping

                                         157,573.50                                                       157,573.50

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

IV. Book value

  1.Ending book
                        80,893,815.63       419,717,426.74         24,388,397.45          3,278,920.18             2,997,409.26       531,275,969.26

                        82,283,340.55       425,568,707.05         24,929,626.36          3,822,818.79             3,074,372.67       539,678,865.42
book value

(2) Fixed assets without property certificate obtained
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                      Item                                         Book value                                            Causes

 Houses and buildings                                                            2,005,587.41        See the notes

Other explanation
Pursuant to the Debt Compensation Opinion entered into between the Company and Shandong Aquatic Products
Group in April 2006 and the civil verdict issued by People Court of Lixia district of Jinan city (2005 LZZDi-1299),
the comprehensive office building owned by Shandong Aquatic Products Group at No.43, Heping road, Lixia
District, Jinan was ruled to be vested to the Company, so as to compensate the relevant debts. Building ownership
transfer has not been registered yet; management of the Company is in the process of making active coordination
among various parties seeking for early completion of such registration.

(3) Disposal of fixed assets
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                      Item                                       Closing balance                                    Opening balance

 Adjust the pending "Xin Maoxing" to
 disposal of fixed assets

 Total                                                                                                                                11,488,734.07

Other explanation

11. Construction in progress
                                                                                                                         In RMB

(1) Construction in progress
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                           Closing balance                                                 Opening balance

         Item                                Impairment                                                          Impairment
                       Book balance                                Book value         Book balance                                     Book value
                                             provision                                                           provision

 Atlantic Seine
                         4,077,658.55        4,077,658.55                     0.00        4,077,658.55           4,077,658.55                  0.00

 Total                   4,077,658.55        4,077,658.55                                 4,077,658.55           4,077,658.55

(2) Changes of major Construction in progress
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                                Propor                   Accum        Includi
                        Openi    Curren      Transf      Other       Closin                  Work                                 Capital   Capital
  Item                                                                          tion of                  ulative       ng:
             Budget      ng           t       er to      decrea        g                    progre                                 izing     resour
  Name                                                                          project                  amoun        interes
                        balanc   increas      fixed       sing       balanc                   ss                                     rate     ces
                                                                                 invest                   t of           t

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                          e          ed      assets                  e         ment                 interes    capital
                                                                                in                     t       ization
                                                                              budget                capital      in
                                                                                                    ization    Period

 e 2"
                                    5,372,   5,372,                                       Compl
 round                    0.00                                       0.00                                                          Other
                                   721.96    721.96                                       eted

                                    5,372,   5,372,
 Total                                                               0.00       --          --                                        --
                                   721.96    721.96

12. Intangible assets
(1) Intangible assets
                                                                                                                  In RMB

          Item            Land use rights             Patent right                               Computer software            Total

I. Original book

                                 17,154,729.00                                                         1,950,771.84           19,105,500.84

                                                                                                           292,216.61           292,216.61

                                                                                                           292,216.61           292,216.61

          (2) Internal

          (3) Increased
by combination


          (1) Disposal

                                 17,154,729.00                                                         2,242,988.45           19,397,717.45

II. Accumulated

                                  5,221,512.65                                                             687,703.65          5,909,216.30

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                191,935.08                                                         156,860.37            348,795.45

          (1) Accrual           191,935.08                                                         156,860.37            348,795.45


          (1) Disposal

                              5,413,447.73                                                         844,564.02           6,258,011.75

III. Impairment



          (1) Accrual


     (1) Disposal


IV. Book value

     1.Ending book
                             11,741,281.27                                                       1,398,424.43          13,139,705.70

     2.Opening book
                             11,933,216.35                                                       1,263,068.19          13,196,284.54

The proportion of intangible assets form by internal R&D in total book value of intangible assets at period-end

13. Long-term prepaid expenses
                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                       Amortized in
          Item           Opening balance      Current increased                            Other decreased        Closing balance

 Office building
                               435,134.13                                   197,904.52                                  237,229.61

 Total                         435,134.13                                   197,904.52                                  237,229.61

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Other explanation

14. Deferred income tax asset /Deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Deferred income tax assets without offset
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                             Closing balance                                              Opening balance

             Item          Deductible temporary             Deferred income tax         Deductible temporary             Deferred income tax
                                   differences                      asset                       differences                       asset

 Asset impairment
                                         957,359.10                     239,339.79                    957,359.10                      239,339.79

 Deferred income                       6,426,132.12                   1,606,533.03                  6,426,132.12                   1,606,533.03

 Total                                 7,383,491.22                   1,845,872.82                  7,383,491.22                   1,845,872.82

(2) Amount of deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liability after trade-off
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                             Ending balance of          Trade-off between the            Opening balance of
                           Trade-off between the
                                                            deferred income tax          deferred income tax             deferred income tax
             Item           deferred income tax
                                                          assets or liabilities after   assets and liabilities at      assets or liabilities after
                            assets and liabilities
                                                                   off-set                   period-begin                         off-set

Deferred income tax
                                                                       1,845,872.82                                                  1,845,872.82

(3) Deferred income tax asset without recognized
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                    Item                                       Closing balance                                     Opening balance

Deductible temporary differences                                                25,349,741.00                                      22,820,836.58

Total                                                                           25,349,741.00                                      22,820,836.58

15. Other non-current asset
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                               Closing balance                                     Opening balance

                    Item                           Book          Impairment                          Book            Impairment
                                                                                  Book value                                         Book value
                                                  balance         provision                         balance           provision

                                                 2,000,000.                        2,000,000.      2,000,000.                         2,000,000.
 Account for lands paid in advance
                                                          00                               00                 00                               00

 Advance payment for construction in                                                               1,640,847.                         1,640,847.
                                                 394,857.06                       394,857.06
 progress and equipment                                                                                       49                               49

                                                 2,394,857.                        2,394,857.      3,640,847.                         3,640,847.
                                                          06                               06                 49                               49

16. Short-term loans
(1) Category
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                     Item                               Closing balance                                Opening balance

Mortgage loan                                                           34,097,398.73                                   28,038,983.33

Credit loan                                                             11,641,954.10                                   23,623,381.67

Total                                                                   45,739,352.83                                   51,662,365.00

17. Accounts payable
(1) Accounts payable
                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Item                               Closing balance                                Opening balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                   84,061,580.47                                   89,503,027.66

 Over one year                                                          5,363,096.65                                    5,222,204.02

 Total                                                                 89,424,677.12                                   94,725,231.68

18. Accounts received in advance
(1) Accounts received in advance
                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Item                               Closing balance                                Opening balance

19. Contract liability
                                                                                                              In RMB

                     Item                               Closing balance                                Opening balance

 Within one year (one year included)                                   20,823,713.27                                   17,765,800.17

 Over one year                                                               728,833.27                                  711,846.37

 Total                                                                 21,552,546.54                                   18,477,646.54

20. Wage payable
(1) Wage payable
                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                       Increase during the         Decrease during this
          Item                Opening balance                                                                    Closing balance
                                                             period                       period

I. Short-term
                                       45,730,031.58           66,120,706.88               79,904,872.03                31,945,866.43

II. Post-employment
welfare- defined                        3,351,602.54            2,982,030.63                4,193,500.46                 2,140,132.71
contribution plans

III. Dismissal welfare                    34,622.89                                            34,622.89

IV. Other welfare due
                                          33,397.31                                                3,370.81                 30,026.50
within one year

Total                                  49,149,654.32           69,102,737.51               84,136,366.19                34,116,025.64

(2) Short-term compensation
                                                                                                              In RMB

                                      山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                                     Increase during the         Decrease during this
               Item            Opening balance                                                              Closing balance
                                                           period                       period

1. Wages ,bonuses,allowances
                                     44,272,818.76           59,891,724.08               73,904,414.17            30,260,128.67

2. Welfare for workers
                                                              2,038,323.37                2,027,992.46                  10,330.91
and staff

3. Social insurance                                           1,776,021.97                1,776,021.97

       Including: Medical
                                                              1,721,083.81                1,721,083.81

                Work injury
                                                                 40,213.80                   40,213.80

                                                                 14,724.36                   14,724.36

4. Housing accumulation
                                                              2,172,863.03                1,971,623.03                 201,240.00

5. Labor union
expenditure and
                                      1,457,212.82              241,774.43                  224,820.40                1,474,166.85
personnel education

Total                                45,730,031.58           66,120,706.88               79,904,872.03            31,945,866.43

(3) Defined contribution plans
                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                     Increase during the         Decrease during this
               Item            Opening balance                                                              Closing balance
                                                           period                       period

 1. Basic endowment
                                                             1,504,626.66                1,504,626.66

 2. Unemployment
                                                                65,442.50                   65,442.50

 3. Enterprise annuity               3,351,602.54            1,229,460.27                2,440,930.10             2,140,132.71

 Social security and
 subsidies for retired                                         182,501.20                  182,501.20

 Total                               3,351,602.54            2,982,030.63                4,193,500.46             2,140,132.71

21. Taxes payable
                                                                                                         In RMB

                      Item                            Closing balance                               Opening balance

 VAT                                                                       218,413.26                                 239,608.16

 Corporate income ax                                                  1,397,032.33                                1,802,946.98

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 Individual income tax                                                     128,441.98                                 399,027.16

 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                       6,506.01                                        9,769.37

 House property tax                                                        172,610.65                                 207,304.90

 Land use tax                                                              105,577.84                                 133,639.72

 Educational additional                                                       2,788.29                                        4,186.87

 Other tax                                                             1,752,857.23                                   801,442.38

 Total                                                                 3,784,227.59                                3,597,925.54

22. Other accounts payable
                                                                                                        In RMB

                   Item                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance

Other accounts payable                                                 10,681,034.80                                  8,634,438.40

Total                                                                  10,681,034.80                                  8,634,438.40

(1) Other accounts payable
1) By nature
                                                                                                        In RMB

                   Item                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance

 Cash deposit                                                          2,835,788.51                                1,270,350.00

 Employee cost                                                         2,396,697.59                                1,409,892.00

 Other                                                                 5,448,548.70                                5,954,196.40

 Total                                                                10,681,034.80                                8,634,438.40

23. Long-term wages payable
(1) Long-term wages payable
                                                                                                        In RMB

                   Item                                  Closing balance                            Opening balance

I. Post-employment welfare- net liability of
                                                                            448,146.54                                   448,146.54
defined contribution plans

III. Other long-term benefits                                               838,247.88                                   930,325.16

Total                                                                      1,286,394.42                               1,378,471.70

24. Deferred income
                                                                                                        In RMB

                                               Increase during     Decrease during
         Item             Opening balance                                                 Closing balance          Causes
                                                 the period           this period

                             15,764,480.48                                 637,841.62        15,126,638.86   subsidies related
                                                                                                             to assets

 Total                       15,764,480.48                                 637,841.62        15,126,638.86               --

Item with government subsidy concerned:

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                     Amount         Amount
                                                    reckoned        reckoned
                                     Subsidy                                              Cost                                          Assets-rela
                                                      into             into
                    Opening        increase                                          reduction          Other           Closing               ted/
  Liability                                        non-operati    non-operati
                     balance      during this                                          in the          changes           balance        Income-rel
                                                   on revenue      on revenue
                                     period                                           period                                                  ated
                                                      in the         in the
                                                     Period          period

                    10,043,559                                                                                         9,505,406.       Assets-rela
 n special                                                         538,153.62
                           .84                                                                                                   22     ted

 ship-buildi        5,720,920.                                                                                         5,621,232.       Assets-rela
 ng subsidy                 64                                                                                                   64     ted

25. Share capital
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                   Changes in the Period (+,-)

                       Opening                                           Shares transfer                                                    Closing
                                       Issuing new
                        balance                         Bonus shares          from public          Other             Subtotal               balance

Total shares        266,071,320.00                                                                                                    266,071,320.00

26. Capital reserve
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                               Increase during the            Decrease during this
             Item                 Opening balance                                                                             Closing balance
                                                                     period                          period

Capital premium (equity
                                        189,093,492.79                                                                                189,093,492.79

Other capital reserve                    94,961,504.96                                                                                 94,961,504.96

Total                                   284,054,997.75                                                                                284,054,997.75

27. Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                                       Current Period

                                                                    Less: written      Less:
                                                        Account       in other       written in                   Belong to     Belong to
                                         Opening         before     comprehensi           other                                                Closing
                Item                                                                              Less : income    parent       minority
                                         balance       income tax ve income in comprehe tax expense                                            balance
                                                                                                                  company shareholders
                                                          in the    previous     nsive                            after tax     after tax
                                                         period      period and      income in
                                                                       carried       previous

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                                                 forward to     period and
                                                                 gains and        carried
                                                                  losses in     forward to
                                                                   current       retained
                                                                   period       earnings in

II.   Other comprehensive income
                                                    2,340,778.                                         1,303,508. 1,037,269. 2,010,66
items which will be reclassified      707,156.17
                                                            64                                                   70            94       4.87
subsequently to profit or loss

        Differences of conversion
                                                    2,340,778.                                         1,303,508. 1,037,269. 2,010,66
of foreign currency financial         707,156.17
                                                            64                                                   70            94       4.87

                                                    2,340,778.                                         1,303,508. 1,037,269. 2,010,66
Total other comprehensive income      707,156.17
                                                            64                                                   70            94       4.87

28. Reasonable reserve
                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                          Increase during the          Decrease during this
             Item                Opening balance                                                                      Closing balance
                                                                 period                       period

Safety production fee                                               1,041,311.57                 1,041,311.57

Total                                                               1,041,311.57                 1,041,311.57

29. Surplus reserve
                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                          Increase during the          Decrease during this
             Item                Opening balance                                                                      Closing balance
                                                                 period                       period

Statutory surplus
                                       21,908,064.19                                                                          21,908,064.19

Total                                  21,908,064.19                                                                          21,908,064.19

30. Retained profit
                                                                                                                In RMB

                        Item                                       Current period                               Last period

Retained profits at the end of last period before
                                                                                314,460,431.58                              232,148,801.35

Retained profits at the beginning of the period
                                                                                314,460,431.58                              232,148,801.35
after adjustment

Add: net profit attributable to owners of parent
                                                                                 16,135,719.93                                28,420,094.20

Retained profit at period-end                                                   330,596,151.51                              260,568,895.55

Details about adjusting the retained profits at the beginning of the period:

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

1) The retroactive adjustments to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its relevant new regulations
affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan.
2) The changes in accounting policies affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0
3) The major accounting error correction affects the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0
4) Merge scope changes caused by the same control affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period
amounting to 0 Yuan.
5) Other adjustments affect the retained profits at the beginning of the period amounting to 0 Yuan

31. Operating income and cost
                                                                                                               In RMB

                                               Current Period                                          Last Period
                                     Income                       Cost                     Income                          Cost

Main operating                        371,657,778.07              352,538,006.84              511,543,286.14              437,069,263.62

Other operating                         3,933,057.60                  830,328.42                3,925,373.00                  797,783.51

Total                                 375,590,835.67              353,368,335.26              515,468,659.14              437,867,047.13

                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                                                    Offset between
     Category           Branch 1           Branch 2             Branch 3           Branch 4                                   Total

 Product Types       122,634,986.10       52,623,995.34     226,997,325.56         2,911,099.36     -29,576,570.69        375,590,835.67


 Main business
                     122,634,986.10       52,623,995.34     225,726,490.08          248,877.24      -29,576,570.69        371,657,778.07

 Other operating
                                                                1,270,835.48       2,662,222.12                             3,933,057.60

 Total               122,634,986.10       52,623,995.34     226,997,325.56         2,911,099.36     -29,576,570.69        375,590,835.67
Information relating to performance obligations:

The company handled the payment, transfer of goods and other business activities related to the performance
obligations in accordance with the contract, and the performance obligations related to the current operating
income have been completed.
Information related to the transaction price apportioned to the remaining performance obligations:

The amount of income corresponding to the performance obligations that have been signed at the end of this
reporting period but have not yet been fulfilled or have not done with fulfillment is 0.00 yuan, among them, yuan
of revenue is expected to be recognized in YEAR,       yuan of revenue is expected to be recognized in YEAR, and
yuan of revenue is expected to be recognized in YEAR.
Other explanation

32. Tax and surcharges
                                                                                                               In RMB

                                     山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                     Item                            Current Period                       Last Period

 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                162,268.12                         231,486.42

 Educational surtax                                                     69,543.49                          99,208.47

 House property tax                                                    657,114.81                         635,618.75

 Land use tax                                                          209,306.34                         267,724.88

 Vehicle and vessel tax                                                 25,531.00                          25,967.68

 Stamp tax                                                              79,677.45                         142,593.66

 Local education surcharge                                              46,362.33                          66,138.99

 Local water conservancy construction
                                                                         11,590.58                         16,534.75

 Total                                                                1,261,394.12                       1,485,273.60

33. Sales expenses
                                                                                            In RMB

                     Item                            Current Period                       Last Period

 Port surcharge                                                       2,052,570.48                       2,817,934.66

 Payroll payable                                                       902,930.92                        1,132,222.24

 Freight and miscellaneous charges                                    4,303,346.96                       5,754,382.37

 Business publicity expenses                                              6,664.26                        345,900.76

 Travelling charge                                                      70,294.27                         288,835.76

 Depreciation                                                           35,797.78

 Communication fee                                                      10,899.77

 Customs clearance and agency fees                                     602,583.25                        1,312,910.64

 Terminal charges                                                         6,842.93                           6,571.71

 Other                                                                 395,426.78                         337,627.78

 Total                                                                8,387,357.40                      11,996,385.92

34. Administrative expenses
                                                                                            In RMB

                     Item                            Current Period                       Last Period

 Payroll payable                                                 14,217,069.57                          18,665,326.51

 Accumulated depreciation and
                                                                       881,433.10                         943,319.56

 Travelling charge                                                     297,366.94                        1,078,933.34

 Business entertainment                                                187,367.59                         582,445.48

 Vehicles charge                                                       335,320.60                         559,567.32

 Intermediary service fee                                              209,291.81                        1,380,153.61

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 Office allowance                                                           200,158.31                          267,236.85

 Property water and electricity                                             457,671.82                          547,474.71

 Other                                                                     4,792,438.03                        5,174,758.09

 Total                                                                21,578,117.77                          29,199,215.47

35. R&D expenses
                                                                                                 In RMB

                    Item                                  Current Period                       Last Period

 Material                                                                    49,775.28

 Total                                                                       49,775.28

36. Financial expenses
                                                                                                 In RMB

                    Item                                  Current Period                       Last Period

 Interest costs                                                            1,290,415.47                        2,382,040.26

 Less: interest income                                                      375,178.04                          541,927.87

 Exchange loss                                                         -1,666,414.96                            608,195.72

 Handing expense                                                            512,619.81                          635,318.65

 Other expense                                                               76,839.12                           69,039.82

 Total                                                                      -161,718.60                        3,152,666.58

37. Other income
                                                                                                 In RMB

                  Sources                                 Current Period                       Last Period

 Subsidy for exploitation and utilization
 of international fishery resources

 Shipbuilding financial discount                                             99,688.00                           14,188.00

 Financial subsidies for special
 construction funds of the Blue Economic                                    369,133.74                          419,104.74

 Special funds for cold chain logistics                                     169,019.88

 Tax rebate on individual                                                    33,747.74

 Job stabilization subsidy                                                  128,018.47

 Total                                                                19,034,020.39                             433,292.74

38. Investment income
                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Item                                    Current Period                      Last Period

Investment income of trading financial assets
during the holding period

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Total                                                                                  54,131.01

39. Credit impairment loss
                                                                                                                In RMB

                      Item                                     Current Period                                 Last Period

 Credit impairment losses on accounts

 Credit impairment losses on other

 Total                                                                      -1,169,489.97

40. Assets impairment loss
                                                                                                                In RMB

                      Item                                     Current Period                                 Last Period

II. Loss of inventory depreciation and loss
                                                                                -1,151,903.20                                    -3,302.88
of contract performance cost impairment

Total                                                                           -1,151,903.20                                    -3,302.88

41. Income from assets disposal
                                                                                                                In RMB

                  Sources                                      Current Period                                 Last Period

 Gains/losses of fixed assets disposal                                            55,893.20                                     -1,399.00

42. Non-operating income
                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                            Amount reckoned in current
               Item                           Current Period                      Last Period
                                                                                                            non-recurring gains/losses

 Gains from disposal of fixed
                                                     10,111,783.13                                                          10,111,783.13

 Other                                                   10,755.50                                                             10,755.50

 Total                                               10,122,538.63                                                          10,122,538.63

43. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                            Amount reckoned in current
               Item                           Current Period                      Last Period
                                                                                                            non-recurring gains/losses

 Donate to outsiders                                    278,200.00                                                            278,200.00

 Loss from scrapped fixed
                                                        351,124.43                                                            351,124.43

 Other                                                   64,644.65                              24,200.00                      64,644.65

 Total                                                  693,969.08                              24,200.00                     693,969.08

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

44. Income tax expenses
(1) Statement of income tax expense
                                                                                                      In RMB

                    Item                                 Current Period                              Last Period

Current income tax expense                                                  597,651.69                                662,058.68

Total                                                                       597,651.69                                662,058.68

(2) Adjustment on accounting profit and income tax expenses
                                                                                                      In RMB

                               Item                                                      Current Period

Total profit                                                                                                       17,358,795.42

Income tax based on statutory/applicable rate                                                                       4,339,698.86

Impact on different tax rate applicable for subsidiary                                                              -3,742,047.17

Income tax expense                                                                                                    597,651.69

45. Other comprehensive income
See Note XI (VII) 27.

46. Items of cash flow statement
(1) Other cash received in relation to operation activities
                                                                                                      In RMB

                    Item                                 Current Period                              Last Period

 Financial expenses-interest income                                        375,178.04                                541,927.78

 Government subsidy and other
                                                                      18,395,368.37                                 1,000,000.00
 non-operating income

 Cash deposit for L/C                                                                                                360,798.05

 Intercourse funds and other                                          10,452,435.65                                21,359,214.23

 Total                                                                29,222,982.06                                23,261,940.06

(2) Other cash paid in relation to operation activities
                                                                                                      In RMB

                    Item                                 Current Period                              Last Period

 Sales expenses paid in cash                                              7,718,987.80                              2,354,341.12

 Expenses of management cash paid                                         8,673,236.81                             19,099,534.64

 Pay cash for R&D expenses                                                    8,195.00

 Cash deposit for L/C                                                                                               4,655,500.00

 Intercourse funds and other                                          16,252,957.64                                47,194,774.58

 Total                                                                32,653,377.25                                73,304,150.34

47. Supplementary information to statement of cash flow
(1) Supplementary information to statement of cash flow
                                                                                                      In RMB

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

             Supplementary information                      This Period                        Last Period

1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow of
                                                                --                                 --
operation activities:

Net profit                                                                16,761,143.73                       31,510,402.62

Add: Asset impairment provision                                            2,321,393.17                            3,302.88

Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption of
oil assets and depreciation of productive                                 25,950,733.37                       23,902,779.42
biology assets

Amortization of intangible assets                                           348,795.45                           322,215.89

Amortization of long-term retained expense                                  197,904.52                           148,462.80

Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets(gain is                                    -55,893.20                            1,399.00
listed with “-”)

Loss from scrapping of fixed assets (gain is
listed with “-”)

Financial expenses (gain is listed with “-”)                              -375,999.50                        2,382,040.26

Investment loss (gain is listed with “-”)                                  -54,131.01

Decrease of inventory (increase is listed with
                                                                      -19,741,797.71                         -78,123,499.51

Decrease of operating receivable accounts
                                                                          -4,337,407.33                       -7,409,603.52
(increase is listed with “-”)

Increase of operating payable accounts
                                                                      -23,425,870.60                          23,021,652.86
(decrease is listed with “-”)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                                      -12,171,787.81                          -4,240,847.30

2. Material investment and financing not
                                                                --                                 --
involved in cash flow

3. Net change of cash and cash equivalents :                    --                                 --

Balance of cash at period end                                         175,988,982.07                         171,819,949.08

Less: Balance of cash equivalent at
                                                                      184,603,638.72                         182,767,125.48

Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                               -8,614,656.65                      -10,947,176.40

(2) Constitution of cash and cash equivalent
                                                                                                 In RMB

                        Item                              Closing balance                    Opening balance

I. Cash                                                               175,988,982.07                         184,603,638.72

Including: Cash on hand                                                    2,524,076.65                        4,956,965.73

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

         Bank deposit available for payment
                                                                         173,464,905.42                                 179,646,672.99
at any time

III. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at
                                                                         175,988,982.07                                 184,603,638.72

48. Assets with ownership or use right restricted
                                                                                                           In RMB

                       Item                                Ending book value                        Restriction reasons

 Monetary fund                                                            1,408,005.57    Cash deposit for L/C

 Fixed assets                                                            30,033,251.77    Mortgage loan

 Intangible assets                                                        5,388,512.23    Mortgage loan

 Total                                                                   36,829,769.57                       --

49. Item of foreign currency
(1) Item of foreign currency
                                                                                                           In RMB

                                     Closing balance of foreign                                           Ending RMB balance
                Item                                                      Rate of conversion
                                              currency                                                           converted

 Monetary fund                                   --                               --                                   138,105,337.72

 Including: USD                                   18,458,231.31      7.0795                                            130,675,048.49

          EUR                                          293,366.22    7.9610                                              2,335,488.48


 JPY                                              12,262,316.00      0.0658                                                806,958.50

 CEDI                                                 3,427,507.92   1.2491                                              4,281,134.47

 XOF                                                   554,000.00    0.0121                                                  6,707.79

 Account receivable                              --                               --                                    64,209,187.18

 Including: USD                                       6,631,174.48   7.0795                                             46,945,399.70



 JPY                                             209,011,355.00      0.0658                                             13,754,619.43

 CEDI                                                 2,563,482.89   1.2491                                              3,201,922.57

 XOF                                              25,375,569.00      0.0121                                                307,245.48

 Long-term loans                                 --                               --

 Including: USD



Other explanation:

                                      山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

(2) Explanation on foreign operational entity, including as for the major foreign operational
entity, disclosed main operation place, book-keeping currency and basis for selection; if the
book-keeping currency changed, explain reasons
√Applicable □Not applicable

     Major foreign operation entity      Foreign main operation place                                      Basis
HABITAT INTERNATIONAL                                Panama                       CNY           The                economic
CORPORATION                                                                                     environment        in      the
                                                                                                operation sites
LAIF FISHERIES COMPANY                               Ghana                        USD           The                economic
LIMITED                                                                                         environment        in      the
                                                                                                operation sites
YAW ADDO FISHERIES COMPANY                           Ghana                        USD           The                economic
LIMITED                                                                                         environment        in      the
                                                                                                operation sites
ZHONG GHA FOODS COMPANY                              Ghana                        USD           The                economic
LIMITED                                                                                         environment        in      the
                                                                                                operation sites
AFRICA STAR FISHERIES LIMITED                        Ghana                        USD           The                economic
                                                                                                environment        in      the
                                                                                                operation sites

50. Government subsidy
(1) Government subsidy
                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                                                   Amount reckoned into current
            Category                       Amount                          Item presented

 Subsidy for exploitation and
 utilization of international                   18,234,412.56     Other income                                          18,234,412.56
 fishery resources

 Individual tax procedure
                                                      33,747.74   Other income                                             33,747.74

 Job stabilization subsidy                           128,018.47   Other income                                            128,018.47

(2) Government subsidy refund
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other explanation:

VIII. Changes of consolidation scope
There was no change in the company's consolidation scope during the reporting period.
IX. Equity in Other entity
1. Equity in subsidiary
(1) Constitute of enterprise group
    Subsidiary       Main operation     Registered       Business nature            Share-holding ratio                Acquired way

                               山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                       place        place                        Directly       Indirectly

                  Qingdao      Qingdao        Refrigerated
 Fishery                                                           100.00%                         Investment
                  Shandong     Shandong       transport
 Shipping Co.,

                  Yantai       Yantai         Food
 Oceanic                                                             74.23%          25.77%        Investment
                  Shandong     Shandong       processing
 (Yantai) Foods
 Co., Ltd.

 Haiyan           Qingdao      Qingdao
                                              Pelagic fishing        59.05%                        Investment
 Deep-sea         Shandong     Shandong
 Fishery Co.,

 NAL              Panama       Panama                              100.00%                         Investment

                  Ghana        Ghana          Pelagic fishing                       100.00%        Investment

 FISHERIES        Ghana        Ghana          Pelagic fishing                       100.00%        Investment

                  Ghana        Ghana          Pelagic fishing                       100.00%        Investment

 Zhonglu Ocean    Yantai       Yantai         Refrigeration
                                                                                    100.00%        Investment
 Refrigerated     Shandong     Shandong       service
 Co., Ltd.

                  Ghana        Ghana          Pelagic fishing                                      Operating lease

(2) Important non-wholly-owned subsidiary
                                                                                       In RMB

                                               山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                                                                Gains/losses                 Dividend announced to
                                   Share-holding ratio of                                                                                          Ending equity of
            Subsidiary                                                  attributable to minority             distribute for minority
                                         minority                                                                                                         minority
                                                                                in the Period                    in the Period

 Shandong Zhonglu
 Haiyan Deep-sea                                     40.95%                            625,423.80                                                         159,597,354.19
 Fishery Co., Ltd.

(3) Main finance of the important non-wholly-owned subsidiary
                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                      Closing balance                                                                       Opening balance

                                                   Curren          Non-c                                                               Curren         Non-c
 Subsid                   Non-c                                                    Total                      Non-c                                                   Total
               Curren                  Total           t           urrent                         Curren                     Total        t           urrent
     iary                 urrent                                                   liabilit                    urrent                                                liabiliti
               t assets               assets       liabilit        liabilit                       t assets                   assets    liabilit       liabilit
                          assets                                                     ies                       assets                                                   es
                                                      y                 y                                                                 y                y

               262,15     246,63      508,79       113,44                          119,07         250,89      247,53        498,42     107,04                        112,76
 Haiyan                                                                5,621,                                                                         5,720,
                8,605.    8,895.       7,501.        9,853.                        1,085.          7,851.      1,784.        9,636.    2,602.                         3,522.
 Deep-s                                                            232.64                                                                             920.64
                    40         67         07               04                           68             01            99          00           15                             79
 y Co.,

                                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                          Current Period                                                                        Last Period

                                                             Total               Cash flow                                                    Total            Cash flow
  Subsidiary        Operation                          comprehen                    from             Operation                          comprehen                  from
                                      Net profit                                                                          Net profit
                      Income                                    sive             operation            Income                                  sive               operation
                                                            income                activity                                                income                 activity

 Haiyan             91,427,317        1,527,286.           4,060,302.            -18,770,67          101,916,14           7,546,540.     7,524,638.            13,225,049
 Deep-sea                   .45                 45                      18                 1.72               5.57                71                  11                  .38
 Co., Ltd.

X. Risks related to financial instrume nts
The financial assets of the Company include accounts receivable and other receivables. The financial liabilities of
the Company include accounts payable, other account payable and short-term loans. For details of each financial
instrument, please refer to the relevant items in Note V. The Company is faced with the risks of various financial
instruments in its daily activities, mainly including credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The board of directors
is responsible for establishing and supervising the risk management structure of the Company and developing and
monitoring the Company's risk management policies.

                                            山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Risk management objectives and policies: the Company's goal of risk management is to strike a proper balance
between risks and profits, minimize the negative impacts of the risks on the Company's operating results and
maximize the benefits of shareholders and other equity investors.
1. Credit risk
If the customer or the other party involving in the financial instruments cannot fulfill the obligations under the
contract and cause financial losses to the Company, that is credit risk. Credit risk is mainly from the customer
receivables. The book value of account receivables and notes receivable and other receivables is the maximum credit
risk of the Company for financial assets.
2. Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk of the shortage of funds when the Company is fulfilling its obligations related to financial
liabilities. In the case of normal and tense funds, the Company needs to ensure that there is sufficient liquidity to
meet its due debts and negotiate with financial institutions for financing so as to maintain a certain level of reserve
credit line to reduce the liquidity risk.
3. Market risk
(1) Foreign exchange risk
Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or the future cash flows fluctuate
due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The foreign exchange risk faced by the Company mainly comes from the
financial assets valued in US dollars, and the amount of foreign currency financial assets converted into RMB is
listed as described in VII. 49 foreign currency monetary items.
(2) Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows fluctuate due to
changes in market interest rates. The interest rate risk faced by the Company mainly comes from the long-term bank
loans, the Company’s loans are floating interest rate, and there is risk of RMB benchmark interest rate change.

XI. Disclosure of fair value
1. Ending fair value of the assets and liabilities measured by fair value
                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                          Ending fair value
                                      First-order             Second-order                 Third-order                     Total

 I. Sustaining measured
                                            --                      --                          --                          --
 by fair value

 (I) Transactional
                                                                                              10,000,000.00                10,000,000.00
 financial assets

 (1) Investment in debt
                                                                                              10,000,000.00                10,000,000.00

 II. Non-persistent
                                            --                      --                          --                          --
 measured by fair value

2. Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques and important
parameters used for continuous and non-continuous third-level fair value measurement
According to Article 44 of the new financial instrument standard "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments", enterprises’ investments in equity instruments

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

and contracts related to such investments should be measured at fair value. However, in limited circumstances, if
the recent information used to determine the fair value is insufficient, or the possible estimated amount of the fair
value is distributed in a wide range, and the cost represents the best estimate of the fair value with in the range, the
cost can represent the appropriate estimation of fair value within this distribution range. There is no active market
quotation for structured deposits and insufficient information to determine the fair value, so the acquisition cost of
the asset is used to represent the fair value of the trading financial asset.

XII. Related party and related transactions
1. Parent company of the enterprise
                                                                                                    ratio on the        Voting right ratio
   Parent company           Registered place      Business nature        Registered capital
                                                                                                   enterprise for        on the enterprise
                                                                                                 parent company

                                                 Investment      and
                                                 management      and
                                                 operation         of
 Assets Investment       Jinan Shandong                                 4500 million Yuan                   47.25%                 47.25%
                                                 assets,     managed
 Holding Company

Explanation on parent company of the enterprise

Ultimate controller of the Company is Shandong State-owned Assets Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiary of the Enterprise
Found more in Note IX.” Equity in subsidiary”

3. Other related party
                         Other related party                                              Relationship with the Enterprise

 Inspur General Software Co., Ltd.                                      Control by same parent company

 Bank of Dezhou Co., Ltd.                                               Control by same parent company

4. Related transaction
(1) Remuneration of key manager
                                                                                                                    In RMB

                     Item                                      Current Period                                  Last Period

 Total                                                                          701,126.00                                     596,225.56

(2) Other related transactions
① Deposit monetary funds of related parties
           Name                       Related party                     Closing balance                Opening balance
      Bank deposit          Bank of Dezhou Co., Ltd                                 95,059.30                       3,201,870.61
           Total                                                                    95,059.30                       3,201,870.61

② Other
           Name                       Related party                     Closing balance                Opening balance

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Deposit interest income Bank of Dezhou Co., Ltd                                     751.00                     1,027.29
          Total                                                                     751.00                     1,027.29

5. Receivable/payable items of related parties
(1) Receivable item
                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                           Closing balance                           Opening balance
      Item Name           Related party
                                                 Book balance        Bad debt provision      Book balance      Bad debt provision

                       Inspur General
 Prepayments                                          394,857.06                                 394,857.06
                       Software Co., Ltd.

XIII. Share-based payme nt
1. Share-based payment
□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Share-based payment settled by equity
□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Share-based payment settled by cash
□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Amendment and termination of the share-based payment

XIV. Commitment or contingency
1. Important commitment
Important commitment on balance sheet date
No commitments that need to released ended as the reporting period
2. Contingency
(1) If the Company has no contingency need to disclosed, explain reasons
The Company has no important contingency that need to disclosed

XV. Event occurring after balance sheet date
1. Other explanation on events after balance sheet date
No events after balance sheet date need to released up to reporting period
XVI. Other important event
1. Pension plan
In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies, the Company has established an
enterprise annuity system, and on the basis of participating in basic pension insurance in
accordance with the law, it pays supplementary pension insurance (i.e., enterprise annuity) for
employees. Each year, according to the actual operating conditions, the operating efficiency
coefficient is set, and the total amount of corporate contributions is calculated according to the
operating efficiency coefficient; the expenses to be assumed by the company in the enterprise
annuity have been disclosed in the employee compensation payable - defined contribution plans,
and the individual payment of employees is withheld and paid from employee wages by the

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

2. Segment information
(1) Determination basis and accounting policy for segment
Main operation of the Company including pelagic fishing, cold storage processing trade of aquatic
products, vessel leasing and other operations. Segment disclosure is released by the business
(2) Financial information of the segment
                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                           Cold storage
                                                          processing trade                    Offset between
       Item           Pelagic fishing   Vessel leasing                          Other                                  Total
                                                             of aquatic                          segment

I. Main operating
                       122,634,986.10     52,623,995.34    225,726,490.08        248,877.24    -29,576,570.69       371,657,778.07

II. Main
                       120,620,754.64     37,760,278.70    223,569,371.83        164,172.36    -29,576,570.69       352,538,006.84
operating cost

III. Assets
                                                             1,151,903.20                                             1,151,903.20
impairment loss

IV. Depreciation
                        18,054,496.45      4,666,115.42      3,419,146.63        357,674.84                          26,497,433.34
and amortization

V. Total profit          7,627,809.09     23,986,745.92      -7,312,838.39    -6,942,921.20                          17,358,795.42

VI. Income tax                               398,085.03          65,000.00       134,566.66                             597,651.69

VII. Net profit          7,627,809.09     23,588,660.89      -7,377,838.39    -7,077,487.86                          16,761,143.73

VIII. Total assets     845,274,298.71    333,172,303.58    384,095,946.44     80,640,653.12   -357,233,751.54 1,285,949,450.31

IX. Total liability    228,968,749.87     34,000,178.65    177,353,594.29    142,165,631.83   -360,777,256.84       221,710,897.80

3. Other
On December 20, 2019, Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic Fisheries Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
the "Company") released the"Announcement of Important Matters" (Announcement No.: 2019-37)
about the maritime distress of Panamanian "SEA MARK" vessel ("Xinmaoxing" vessel) owned by
its wholly-owned subsidiary HABITAT INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, the company has
also explained the follow-up related situation in the "Annual Report 2019" and "First Quarter
Report of 2020". As of the date of this announcement, the subsidiary has received compensation of
USD 3,000,000.00 from the Qingdao Branch of the People's Insurance Company of China and
compensation of USD 118,672.66 from the China Shipowners Mutual Insurance Association. The
insurance claim settlement of this matter has been closed. The company has carried out
corresponding accounting treatments for these insurance claims in accordance with the
"Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises" and other relevant regulations, and the final
results confirmed by the audit agency shall prevail.

XVII. Principle notes of financial statements of parent company

                                        山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

1. Account receivable
(1) Category
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                             Closing balance                                           Opening balance

                           Book balance         Bad debt provision                    Book balance        Bad debt provision
        Category                                                         Book
                                                            Accrual                                                   Accrual Book value
                        Amount       Ratio      Amount                  value      Amount      Ratio      Amount
                                                               ratio                                                    ratio


Account receivable
with bad debt           21,911,7                6,486,82               15,424,95 35,605,16               6,534,010                   29,071,151.
                                    100.00%                  29.60%                            100.00%                  18.35%
provision accrual by        79.19                    5.58                   3.61        1.90                    .26                           64


                        21,911,7                6,486,82               15,424,95 35,605,16               6,534,010                   29,071,151.
Total                               100.00%                  29.60%                            100.00%                  18.35%
                            79.19                    5.58                   3.61        1.90                    .26                           64

Accrual bad debt provision on portfolio:

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                 Closing balance
                                              Book balance                      Bad debt provision                    Accrual ratio

 Accrual of bad debt provision
                                                     21,911,779.19                        6,486,825.58                                  29.60%
 by portfolio

 Total                                               21,911,779.19                        6,486,825.58                        --

If the provision for bad debts of account receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit
losses, please refer to the disclosure of other account receivable to disclose related information about bad-debt

□Applicable √Not applicable
By account age
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                           Account age                                                             Closing balance

Within one year (one year included)                                                                                                16,222,761.18

Over three years                                                                                                                    5,689,018.01

    Over 5 years                                                                                                                    5,689,018.01

Total                                                                                                                              21,911,779.19

(2) Bad debt provision accrual, collected or reversal in the period
Accrual of bad debt provision in the period:

                                                                                                                 In RMB

    Category            Opening                                         Current changes                                             Closing

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                            balance                              Collected or                                                     balance
                                              Accrual                                 Charge-off              Other

 Provision for
 bad debts based         6,534,010.26                                  47,184.68                                                 6,486,825.58
 on age

 Total                   6,534,010.26                                  47,184.68                                                 6,486,825.58

(3) Top five account receivables collected by arrears party at ending balance
                                       Ending balance of accounts         Proportion in total receivables     Bad debt preparation ending
                                               receivable                     at ending balance (%)                        balance

 Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic
                                                        7,032,330.82                               32.09%
 (Yantai) Foods Co., Ltd.

 AFKO CO.,LTD                                           4,936,163.27                               22.53%                            461,404.16

 PNADA CO.,LTD                                          3,600,962.12                               16.43%                        3,600,962.12

 HAIXINSHEN CO.,LTD                                     1,913,254.70                                8.73%                             95,662.74

 MARGARET CO.,LTD                                        610,167.59                                 2.78%                             30,508.38

 Total                                              18,092,878.50                                  82.56%

2. Other account receivable
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                     Item                                      Closing balance                                Opening balance

Dividend receivable                                                              94,566,287.92                                   94,566,287.92

Other account receivable                                                         97,179,645.74                                   87,202,584.78

Total                                                                           191,745,933.66                                  181,768,872.70

(1) Dividend receivable
1) Category
                                                                                                                  In RMB

          Item (or invested company)                           Closing balance                                Opening balance

 Subsidiary dividend                                                            94,566,287.92                                   94,566,287.92

 Total                                                                          94,566,287.92                                   94,566,287.92

2) Major dividend receivable with over one year aged
                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                                           Whether has
    Item (or invested                                                                    Causes of failure for        impairment occurred
                                  Closing balance                Account age
          company)                                                                               collection            and determination

                                                                                       In order to meet the
                                                                                       capital needs of the
 Subsidiary dividend                    91,841,262.03       1-2 year                                                  No
                                                                                       subsidiary's production
                                                                                       and operation, no

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

                                                                                     payment has been
                                                                                     requested temporarily

 Total                                 91,841,262.03                --                          --                         --

3) Accrual of bad debt provision
□Applicable √Not applicable
Other explanation:

(3) Other account receivable
1) By nature
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Nature                               Closing book balance                           Opening book balance

 Intercourse funds between internal                                         96,732,665.19                                 86,430,396.31

 Petty cash and other                                                        4,187,035.85                                  4,494,160.35

 Less: bad debt provision                                                   -3,740,055.30                                 -3,721,971.88

 Total                                                                      97,179,645.74                                 87,202,584.78

2) Accrual of bad debt provision
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                    Phase I                   Phase II                      Phase III

                                 Expected credit      Expected credit losses for    Expected credit losses for
   Bad debt provision                                                                                                     Total
                               losses over next 12   the entire duration (without   the entire duration (with
                                     months          credit impairment occurred) credit impairment occurred)

Balance on Jan. 1, 2020                 218,936.05                                                   3,503,035.83           3,721,971.88

Balance of Jan. 1, 2020
                                     ——                       ——                          ——                        ——
in the period

Current accrual                          18,083.42                                                                               18,083.42

Balance on Jun. 30, 2020                237,019.47                                                   3,503,035.83           3,740,055.30

Change of book balance of loss provision with amount has major changes in the period

□Applicable √Not applicable
By account age

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                              Account age                                                      Closing balance

Within one year (one year included)                                                                                        15,973,419.78

1-2 years                                                                                                                  18,699,381.72

2-3 years                                                                                                                  32,546,210.64

Over three years                                                                                                           33,700,688.90

  3-4 years                                                                                                                     382,578.15

   4-5 years                                                                                                                     72,121.25

   Over 5 years                                                                                                            33,245,989.50

                                       山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

Total                                                                                                                     100,919,701.04

3) Bad debt provision accrual, collected or reversal in the period
Accrual of bad debt provision in the period:

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                   Current changes
                        Opening                                                                                             Closing
    Category                                               Collected or
                        balance             Accrual                               Written off            Other              balance

 Provision for
 bad debts based       3,721,971.88            18,083.42                                                                   3,740,055.30
 on age

 Total                 3,721,971.88            18,083.42                                                                   3,740,055.30

4) Top 5 other account receivable collected by arrears party at ending balance
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                                            Proportion in total
                                                                                                other account        Ending balance of
        Enterprise            Nature            Closing balance         Account age
                                                                                                receivables at      bad debt provision

 FISHERIES              Intercourse funds          19,401,923.58   2-3 years                             19.23%

 Shandong Zhonglu
 Fishery Shipping       Intercourse funds          19,271,921.60   Over 3 years                          19.10%
 Co., Ltd.

 Shandong Zhonglu
 Haiyan Deep-sea        Intercourse funds          13,518,875.11   Within one year                       13.40%
 Fishery Co., Ltd.

 COMPANY                Intercourse funds          12,096,513.59   Within one year                       11.99%

 FISHERIES CO           Intercourse funds          10,581,948.91   Over 5 years                          10.49%

 Total                            --               74,871,182.79            --                           74.19%

3. Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                       Closing balance                                             Opening balance

         Item                            Impairment                                                   Impairment
                     Book balance                           Book value           Book balance                             Book value
                                            provision                                                  provision

Investment for       232,189,455.23                        232,189,455.23        232,189,455.23                           232,189,455.23

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)


Total                  232,189,455.23                         232,189,455.23      232,189,455.23                        232,189,455.23

(1) Investment for subsidiary
                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                        Changes in the period (+,-)                                        Ending
                       Opening                                                                         Closing
  The invested                                                           Accrual of                                       balance of
                       balance         Additional        Capital                                        balance
        entity                                                          impairment        Other                          impairment
                     (Book value)      investment       reduction                                    (Book value)
                                                                         provision                                        provision

                     12,476,145.6                                                                    12,476,145.6
                                  0                                                                                0

                     22,869,513.3                                                                    22,869,513.3
                                  8                                                                                8
 Shipping Co.,

                     55,448,185.2                                                                    55,448,185.2
                                  4                                                                                4
 (Yantai) Food
 Co., Ltd.

 Haiyan              141,395,611.                                                                    141,395,611.
 Deep-sea                        01                                                                               01
 Fishery Co.,

                     232,189,455.                                                                    232,189,455.
                                 23                                                                               23

4. Operating income and cost
                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                 Current Period                                      Last Period
                                       Income                        Cost                  Income                        Cost

Main operating                          29,583,210.44                28,656,951.15           88,187,164.39               62,457,990.11

Other operating                          2,662,222.12                   830,328.42            2,331,328.73                  797,783.51

Total                                   32,245,432.56                29,487,279.57           90,518,493.12               63,255,773.62

Information relating to revenue:
                                                                                                             In RMB

          Category                    Branch 1                     Branch 2                                             Total

                                          山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 Product Types                        29,334,333.20              2,911,099.36                                          32,245,432.56


 Main business income                 29,334,333.20                248,877.24                                          29,583,210.44

 Other operating
                                                                 2,662,222.12                                           2,662,222.12







 Total                                29,334,333.20              2,911,099.36                                          32,245,432.56

Information relating to performance obligations:
The company handled the payment, transfer of goods and other business activities related to the performance
obligations in accordance with the contract, and the performance obligations related to the current operating
income have been completed.
Information related to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations:
At the end of the reporting period, the amount of revenue corresponding to the performance obligations that have
been signed but not yet performed or not yet completed is 0.00 yuan, of which,    yuan is expected to be recognized
as revenue in ,    yuan is expected to be recognized as revenue in , and     yuan is expected to be recognized as
revenue in .

Other explanation:

5. Investment income
                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                                   Current Period                               Last Period

Investment income of trading financial assets
during the holding period

Total                                                                           54,131.01

XVIII. Supple mentary Information
1. Current non-recurring gains/losses
√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                                      Amount                                       Note

 Gains/losses     from   the     disposal    of
 non-current asset

 Governmental      subsidy     reckoned     into
 current gains/losses (not including the

                                         山东省中鲁远洋渔业股份有限公司 2020 年半年度财务报告(英文版)

 subsidy enjoyed      in quota      or ration
 according to national standards, which are
 closely relevant to enterprise’s business)

 Other       non-operating      income     and
 expenditure except for the aforementioned                               9,428,569.55

 Total                                                                  10,284,070.58                          --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for
Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring
profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain

√Applicable □Not applicable

                     Item                               Amount involved (yuan)                               Reason

                                                                                          The subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration
 Subsidy for exploitation and utilization of                                              according to national standards, which
 international fishery resources                                                          are closely relevant to enterprise’s

2. REO and earnings per share
                                                                                                 Earnings per share

    Profits during report period                 Weighted average ROE                                                Diluted EPS
                                                                                 Basic EPS (RMB/Share)

Net profits attributable to common
                                                                        1.80%                         0.06                         0.06
stock stockholders of the Company

Net profits attributable to common
stock stockholders of the Company
                                                                        0.66%                         0.02                         0.02
after deducting nonrecurring gains
and losses

3. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China
(1) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS
(International Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting
□Applicable √Not applicable

(2) Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both
foreign accounting rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
□Applicable √Not applicable
