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        ANNUAL REPORT 2019

         Date of disclosure: 16 April 2020
China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                   Annual Report 2019

                                       Chairman’s Statement

Dear shareholders,

I hereby present to you the annual report of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
(the “Company”) for the year ended 31 December 2019. On behalf of the Board, I would like to
express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your long-term support to the Company.
The Company is a crucial vehicle for CMG to implement the “Belt and Road” Initiative promoted by
China and the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” strategy. The Company is also the
headquarters of CMG’s port sector and the operating and management platform for the port assets
and tier one capital of CMG which plays a key role in the consolidation and synergistic development
of CMG’s port assets, and has become the world’s leading port investor, developer and operator.
Looking ahead, the Company will take actions and strive to be a world-class comprehensive port
service provider. While expanding the port ecosystem with a focus on core port businesses and
promoting the construction of “Intelligent Port” under the guidance of technology innovation; it will
proactively take part in international port investment, development and operation, so as to optimize
the port network system on a continuous basis and achieve balanced development on a regional level.
By offering professional top-notch solutions, it will become customers’ partner of choice for
cooperation, which will create greater value for the Company, enhance return for shareholders and
contribute to the healthy development of the port industry and the continuous growth of the global

Review for the year

In 2019, the global economy sustained a slow growth in general with weakened momentum in the
manufacturing industry and global trade, and unilateralism and trade protectionism continued to bring
uncertainties to the global trade, posing challenges to the daily operation of enterprises. Confronted
with the complex and turbulent external environment, the Company firmly adhered to the strategic
principle of “leveraging on its long-term strategy, tapping the current edges, driving through
technology and embracing changes”. The Company also pursued various tasks in a steady manner
with a focus on the governance of the listed company, the construction of homebase port, merger and
acquisitions, comprehensive development, operation management and business innovation,
successfully accomplishing its strategic goals and various operational objectives of the year.
In terms of port operation, changes in global trade situation have affected the port industry, but the
overall operating performance of the Company was satisfactory. In 2019, the container port business
delivered a container throughput totaled 112.93 million TEUs, up 2.9% year-on-year. Looking into
the regional performance, container throughput handled by the Company’s ports in Mainland China
totaled 84.88 million TEUs, up 4.3% year-on-year. Ports in Hong Kong and Taiwan handled a
combined container throughput of 7.21 million TEUs, down 6.1% year-on-year, while overseas
operations handled a total bulk cargo volume of 20.84 million TEUs, up 0.9% year-on-year. Bulk
cargo volume handled by the Company’s ports decreased by 8.9% year-on-year to 490 million tonnes,
among which the Company’s ports in Mainland China handled a total bulk cargo volume of 480
million tonnes, representing a decrease of 9.3% year-on-year, which was mainly affected by factors
such as the international trade friction, the African Swine Fever and the adjustment of the supply
structure of certain enterprises, while that of overseas port projects increased by 26.1% to 6.29 million
tonnes, which was mainly benefited from the business growth in PDSA in Djibouti and HIPG in Sri

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report 2019

Lanka. Among the major ports, container throughput handled in West Shenzhen Port Zone in China
was 11.42 million TEUs, up 0.7% year-on-year. SIPG handled a container throughput of 43.30
million TEUs, representing a year-on-year increase of 3.1%. For overseas projects, CICT in Sri Lanka
delivered a year-on-year growth of 7.4% by handling a container throughput of 2.88 million TEUs.
LCT in Togo handled a container throughput of 1.13 million TEUs, representing a growth of 7.7%
year-on-year. Kumport in Turkey handled a container throughput of 1.28 million TEUs, representing
a growth of 1.9% year-on-year. Terminal Link SAS (TL) handled a container throughput of 13.25
million TEUs in the year, down 2.8% year-on-year. TCP in Brazil handled an annual container
throughput of 0.92 million TEUs, up 32.0% as compared to that of March to December in 2018.
In terms of key priorities, firstly, the development of the governance system of the listed company
has been pushed forward in an orderly manner. In order to continually optimize the governance
system of the listed company and consolidate the anchor role of standardized operation, we
capitalized on the ancillary financing opportunity to introduce two strategic investors, namely, China-
Africa Development Fund and Shenzhen Infrastructure Investment Fund, and thus effectively
improved such system and contributing to increasingly improving corporate governance system.
Secondly, the construction of domestic and overseas homebase ports has been steadily pushed
forward. In order to step up the efforts in promoting the construction of a world-class domestic
homebase port, we promoted the steady improvement in the competitiveness of West Shenzhen Port
Zone through channels dredging, the integration of operations and the optimization of the customs
clearance procedures in West Shenzhen Port Zone. In addition, we worked aggressively on promoting
overseas homebase ports construction and leading regional port construction in South Asia by
accelerating the output of management experience and improving the comprehensive service
capabilities of both CICT and HIPG. Thirdly, the consolidation of domestic ports has achieved
remarkable progress. In line with the national strategy, we not only capitalized on the restructure and
consolidation of domestic and overseas ports to obtain effective control over Zhanjiang Port upon
completion of capital injection, but also facilitated the robust progression of management tasks
entrusted by Liaoning Port Group and thus built a north-south port connection system. Fourthly,
substantial progress has been achieved in terms of overseas expansion. Adhering to the “Belt and
Road” initiative promoted by China, we kept abreast of new changes in international trade landscape,
capitalized on opportunities presented by the restructuring of competitive landscape in global port
and shipping industry and devoted great efforts to facilitate the merger and acquisition of overseas
projects with a view to optimizing our global layout. Furthermore, we entered into formal agreements
with CMA CGM for the acquisition of equity interests in up to 10 quality terminals under CMA CGM
through TL and successfully introduced two strategic investors for TCP in Brazil. Fifthly, the
comprehensive development has been pushed forward steadily. With dedication to explore innovation,
the Company deepened the development of the comprehensive development model of “Port-Park-
City”, and hence realized preliminary progress in Djibouti International Free Trade Zone and HIPG
and other comprehensive development projects. Sixthly, fruitful results have been achieved in
innovative development. The Company actively implemented the “digitalisation strategy” and
constantly promoted the establishment of “CM ePort” platform. Mawan Intelligent Port project and
the automatic loading and unloading project at large bulk and general cargo terminal in Zhanjiang
Port were well underway. Blockchain electronic invoices have been successfully promoted and
applied. The “5G intelligent port innovation laboratory” was established with concerted efforts of
leading enterprises such as China Mobile, Huawei and others. The Company officially established
the “Development and Research Center of CMPort”, which marked the completion of the industry
development platform empowered by technology. The industrial fund, which focuses on investments
in innovative development of ports, will be launched in the near term.


China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                    Annual Report 2019

Looking forward into 2020, factors such as trade friction and geopolitical disputes, coupled with the
spread of COVID-19 epidemic, will cast uncertainties to global economic and trade prospects. The
momentum of global economic recovery remains weak and global economic growth will face the
pressure of slowdown in general. The developed economies will continue to experience a slowdown
of economic growth. Emerging economies are expected to see a rebound in economic growth in 2020,
despite the increasing uncertainties arising from the global pandemic. China’s economy will face
pressure in the short run due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Nonetheless, as the epidemic is being
effectively controlled and enterprises have been successively resuming operations and production in
an orderly manner, the impact on China’s economy will be limited in the mid-to-long term and
China’s economy is projected to maintain growth momentum at a reasonable pace in 2020. Driving
factors such as the globalization of the financial market, opening-up of the service sector, and the
upgrading of consumption will bring opportunities to both China and the global economy. At the
same time, industry consolidation will create opportunities, and digitization and technological
innovation will also bring opportunities for industrial development. The Company will firmly adhere
to the overall operation philosophy of “making progress amid stability”, consistently implement the
new development concepts and insist on the strategic principle of “leveraging on its long-term
strategy, tapping the current edges, driving through technology and embracing changes” and adhere
to the dual core driving force of “marketization + digitization”, while taking the initiatives to respond
actively and making breakthroughs on key missions, exploring potential in the process of reform and
innovation and launching new territories in a positive and aggressive manner so as to consistently
strengthen the organic momentum for corporate development with an aim to sustain quality growth
and strive to create better return for shareholders. In 2020, the Company will focus on the following
Firstly, we will facilitate the building of domestic and overseas homebase ports. Regarding the
domestic West Shenzhen homebase port, we will step up our efforts in marketing and commerce. The
Company will actively expand ocean-going routes and stabilize near-ocean routes so as to maintain
healthy growth of domestic export business and strive to increase import volume. We will enhance
our marketing efforts in shipping companies and cargo owners by providing customized services and
products. The Company will improve the standard of its feeder services, promote paperless
waterborne customs transit and optimize the platform for the “Western Pearl River Delta Strategy”.
Also, the Company will establish an innovative intelligent corridor of Mawan Intelligent Port. CTOS
will be upgraded to enable the introduction of big data mechanism and cloud storage. We will also
optimize the channels in West Shenzhen Port Zone. To support the transformation plan of Haixing
Port, the Company will complete the delivery and acceptance of section 2 and 3 of the Public Channel
outside West Shenzhen Port Zone, realise regular night services of Tonggu Channel and expedite the
construction of phase II of the seaward channel of West Shenzhen Port Zone. With regard to the
overseas homebase ports in Sri Lanka, we will analyze customer values on an on-going basis and
improve the synergies between CICT and HIPG business, push forward work in relation to quality
and efficiency enhancement and explore potential competitiveness of production capacity of various
terminals, thereby improving the competitiveness of regional markets. It will also optimize the
incentive mechanism for innovation to encourage all staff to participate in innovation and expand the
channels for innovation. The Company will provide value-added port services to facilitate work in
relation to the induction of investment for the port’s logistics park. While promoting the localization
of projects, we will facilitate the development of various businesses based on the industrial layout
alongside the ports.
Secondly, we will optimize the port layout and improve the operating management and control
capability of overseas ports. The Company will continue to capitalize on the opportunities arising
from the “Belt and Road” initiative promoted by China and the international industrial transfers, at
the same time adapting to the trend of deploying mega-vessels and forming shipping alliances. The

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report 2019

Company will grasp opportunities in port, logistics and related infrastructures investment for the on-
going enhancement of its global port network. The Company will enhance the development of
overseas system and cultivate teams of overseas talent with a focus on improving the operational
performance and management capability of overseas ports.
Thirdly, the Company will strengthen the technology-driven approach to create a port ecosystem for
technological innovation. Through the Development and Research Center of CMPort and with the
“empowerment of technology”, the Company will integrate the port ecosystem with technological
innovation to optimise, complement and improve its comprehensive port service model, thereby
supporting the development of the Company in the long run. We will extend our business to the
upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and value chain through innovation of business
model with a view to cultivating ports to support new business. We will also enhance the operating
effectiveness and efficiency of inventory assets through technological and management innovation,
improve the internal intelligent production and operation of ports and terminals via the “CM Chip”
platform and provide high-caliber customer services in ports and terminals via the “CM ePort”
platform, thus building a world-class information team through integrating CMPort’s information
resources and leveraging both internal and external efforts, so as to consolidate our information
Fourthly, we will promote comprehensive port development and implement the “Port-Park-City”
business model at home and abroad. Regarding the HIPG, the Company will explore and carry out
value-added port services, expand its oil and gas business, container business and maritime services,
as well as facilitate the work in relation to the introduction of investment and capital for the port’s
logistic park and the localization of the projects. Regarding the Djibouti comprehensive development
project, we will devote greater efforts in the cultivation of the market development team to enhance
market development. The Company will establish high-quality management system to vigorously
improve operational efficiency, deepen strategic coordination and innovate financing model so as to
establish a first-class free trade zone in Africa. Regarding Zhanjiang Port, we will build a bulk
commodity trading center and adopt new business models such as import of frozen goods and bonded
transfer of crude oil futures.
Fifthly, the Company will strive to develop an operation management system for sustainable value
creation. Through benchmarking against the leading enterprises in the world, the Company will
analyze the major issues and weaknesses in operation management and formulate targeted
benchmarking measures to gradually enhance various operation management indictors, thereby
promoting the establishment a world-class operation management system. The Company will
systematically push forward the “Project of Improving Quality and Efficiency” in full swing with a
focus on enhancing operational efficiency and deepening refined corporate management, so as to
facilitate the release of potential of the companies and thus realise high-quality corporate development.
The Company will also proactively promote the optimization of control measures by reinforcing the
headquarters’ strategic leadership to empower the subsidiaries in full swing and thus improve
operating efficiency, gain better understanding and strengthen collaboration, and, at the same time,
provided appropriate authorization for enterprises at different levels based on the principle of
maintaining risks under control to enhance their flexibility and hence increase their efficiency of
management and control.


Mr. Fu Gangfeng ceased to be the Chairman of the Board and the Executive Director of the Company
since 31 January 2020 and I was appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company as the Chairman
of the Board with effective on 3 February 2020. During his tenure, Mr. Fu Gangfeng has devoted
great efforts and commitment to the Company’s development and made significant contributions. On

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                               Annual Report 2019

behalf of the Board, I would like to express the sincere gratitude to Mr. Fu Gangfeng and wish him
great success in the new position.
In 2019, facing with the complex environment and various risks and challenges, the Company
adhered to its strategic directives and took the initiatives to embrace changes, and thus recorded
positive results for various tasks and its operating results have been growing steadily. All of those
could not be accomplished without the dedication from all of our staff and the support from our
shareholders and investors, business partners and those in the society who have taken to heart the
Company’s interest. For this, I would like to extend my most sincere appreciation and deepest

                                                                                       Deng Renjie

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                          Annual Report 2019

            Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of
the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
Bai Jingtao, the Company’s legal representative, Wen Ling, the Company’s Chief Financial
Officer, and Sun Ligan, the person-in-charge of the accounting organ hereby guarantee that the
financial statements carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete.
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report and
its summary.
Any forward-looking statements such as future plans or development strategies mentioned
herein shall not be considered as the Company’s promises to investors. And investors are
reminded to exercise caution when making investment decisions. Possible risks faced by the
Company and countermeasures have been explained in “Part IV Operating Performance
Discussion and Analysis” herein, which investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to.
Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK) and www.cninfo.com.cn have been designated by the
Company for information disclosure. And all information about the Company shall be subject
to what’s disclosed on the aforesaid media. Investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to.
The Board has approved a final dividend plan as follows: based on 1,922,365,124 shares, a cash
dividend of RMB4.60 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is to be distributed to shareholders, with no
bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves.
This Report and its summary have been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there
be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese versions shall

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Annual Report 2019

                                           Table of Contents

Chairman’s Statement ................................................................................................ 2

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions .................................... 7

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information .......................... 11

Part III Business Summary ...................................................................................... 17

Part IV Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis .................................... 24

Part V Significant Events .......................................................................................... 51

Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information .......................................... 89

Part VII Preferred Shares......................................................................................... 99

Part VIII Convertible Corporate Bonds ............................................................... 100

Part IX Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff ......................... 101

Part X Corporate Governance ............................................................................... 113

Part XI Corporate Bonds........................................................................................ 128

Part XII Financial Statements (See attached) ...................................................... 129

Part XIII Documents Available for Reference ...................................................... 130

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                           Annual Report 2019


                        Term                                               Definition
                                        China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd., formerly known as “Shenzhen Chiwan
The “Company”, “CMPort” or “we”
                                        Wharf Holdings Limited”
                                        Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited (stock name: Chiwan Wharf, Chiwan
Chiwan Wharf
                                        Wharf-B; stock code: 000022, 200022)
CMG                                     China Merchants Group Co., Limited
                                        China Merchants Group (H.K.) Limited, a CMG wholly-owned subsidiary in
CMG Hong Kong
                                        Hong Kong
CMID                                    China Merchants Investment Development Company Limited
CMPort Holdings                         China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (00144.HK)
Broadford Global                        Broadford Global Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMG Hong Kong
                                        China Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a Broadford
                                        Global majority-owned subsidiary in Shenzhen
CWH (H.K.)                              Chiwan Wharf Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited
Sinotrans Guangdong                     Sinotrans Guangdong Co., Ltd.
Zhanjiang Infrastructure Investment     Zhanjiang Infrastructure Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.
CND Group                               China Nanshan Development (Group) Inc.
CMB                                     China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
Lac Assal                               Lac Assal Investment Holding Company Limited
CMSK                                    China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.
Malai Storage                           Shenzhen Malai Storage Co., Ltd.
KFEL                                    Keen Field Enterprises Limited
CM Qianhai Industrial                   Shenzhen China Merchants Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
CMI                                     China Merchants Investment Limited
SZPL                                    Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resources Committee
Antongjie                               Antongjie Terminal Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Ansujie                                 Ansujie Terminal Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
CM Chidi                                Shenzhen China Merchants Qianhai Chidi Industrial Co., Ltd.
Qianhai Investment Holdings             Shenzhen Qianhai Development Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
Qianhai Hongyu                          Shenzhen Qianhai Hongyu Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.
Shekou Asset Management                 Shenzhen China Merchants Shekou Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Qianhai Free Trade                      Shenzhen Qianhai Free Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Cheer Signal                            Cheer Signal Investment Limited
SIPG                                    Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.
Zhanjiang Port                          Zhanjiang Port Group Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Port                             Zhangzhou China Merchants Xiamen Port Affairs Co., Ltd.
                                        Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd., a majority-owned subsidiary of the
Kumport                                 Kumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim irketi
Port of Newcastle                       Port of Newcastle
TCP                                     TCP Participaes S.A

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Annual Report 2019

CICT                                         Colombo International Container Terminals Ltd.
PDSA                                         Port de Djibouti S.A.
HIPG                                         Hambantota International Port Group
Haixing Harbor                               Shenzhen Haixing Harbor Development Co., Ltd.
Dalian Port                                  Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited
                                             Chiwan Wharf’s purchase of 1,313,541,560 ordinary CMPort Holdings shares
The “Assets Purchase via Share Offering”
                                             from CMID via share offering
                                             The transaction plan includes three parts: (1) Chiwan Wharf intends to issue A-
                                             shares to CMID for the acquisition of the 1,313,541,560 CMPort Holdings
                                             ordinary shares that CMID holds (approximately 39.51% of CMPort Holdings’
                                             outstanding ordinary shares). (2) CMG Hong Kong and Chiwan Wharf signs an
                                             Acting in Concert Agreement. According to the agreement, upon the completion
                                             of the assets purchase via share offering, CMG Hong Kong shall vote according
The “Transaction” or “Restructuring”     to Chiwan Wharf’s opinion unconditionally on matters to be voted on at CMPort
                                             Holdings’ general meetings in regard with the voting right of the 753,793,751
                                             CMPort Holdings ordinary shares (approximately 22.67% of CMPort Holdings’
                                             outstanding ordinary shares) that CMG Hong Kong has been entrusted to
                                             exercise. (3) Chiwan Wharf intends to raise matching funds of no more than
                                             RMB4 billion from no more than 10 certain investors via an offering of no more
                                             than 128,952,746 A-shares through enquiry.
                                             State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State
SASAC of the State Council
CSRC                                         China Securities Regulation Commission
Shenzhen CSRC                                Shenzhen Bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE                                         Shenzhen Stock Exchange
The “Company Law”                          The Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
The “Securities Law”                       The Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China
The “Articles of Association”              The Articles of Association of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.
The “Stock Listing Rules”                  The Stock Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
The cninfo website                           www.cninfo.com.cn
RTG                                          Rubber Tyre Gantry
CM ePort                                     The wharf e-commerce platform, i.e. the unified customer service platform
EDI                                          Electronic Data Interchange
TEU                                          Twenty Foot Equivalent Unit
                                             Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi
                                             Expressed in tens of thousands of Renminbi
                                             Expressed in hundreds of millions of Renminbi
                                             (unless otherwise specified)

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                            Annual Report 2019

        Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

                                       CM Port Group/
Stock name                                                    Stock code                   001872/201872
                                       CM Port Group B
Stock exchange for stock listing       Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Company name in Chinese                招商局港口集团股份有限公司
Abbr.                                  招商港口
Company name in English (if any)       China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.
Abbr. (if any)                         CMPort
Legal representative                   Bai Jingtao
                                       23-25/F, China Merchants Port Plaza, 1 Gongye 3rd Road, Zhaoshang
Registered address
                                       Street, Nanshan, Shenzhen, PRC
Zip code                               518067
                                       23-25/F, China Merchants Port Plaza, 1 Gongye 3rd Road, Zhaoshang
Office address
                                       Street, Nanshan, Shenzhen, PRC
Zip code                               518067
Company website                        http://www.cmp1872.com
Email address                          Cmpir@cmhk.com

II Contact Information

                                                  Board Secretary                 Securities Representative
Name                                   Huang Chuanjing                       Hu Jingjing
                                       24/F, China Merchants Port Plaza, 1 24/F, China Merchants Port Plaza, 1
Address                                Gongye 3rd Road, Zhaoshang Street, Gongye 3rd Road, Zhaoshang Street,
                                       Nanshan, Shenzhen, PRC              Nanshan, Shenzhen, PRC
Tel.                                   +86 755 26828888                      +86 755 26828888
Fax                                    +86 755 26886666                      +86 755 26886666
Email address                          Cmpir@cmhk.com                        Cmpir@cmhk.com

III Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report Is Lodged

Newspapers designated by the Company for information
                                                     Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao
Website designated by CSRC for publication of this Report     http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Place where this Report is lodged                             Board Office

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                             Annual Report 2019

IV Change to Company Registered Information

Unified social credit code 91440300618832968J

                           On 14 December 2018, the Company changed its business scope registered with the
                           industrial and commercial administration. The new business scope includes:
                           construction, management and operation of ports and wharves; bonded warehousing
                           of various goods for import and export; development, construction and operation of
                           supporting parks in ports; loading, unloading, transshipment, warehousing and
                           transportation of international and domestic goods and processing of goods; devanning
                           and LCL operations, cleaning, repair, manufacturing and leasing of containers;
                           international freight forwarding; vehicle and ship leasing; the provision of ship and
                            port services including the provision of fuels, supplies and daily necessities for ships;
Change      to   principal
activity of the Company ship towing (no operation using foreign ships); leasing and repair services of port
since going public (if any) facilities, equipment and machinery; import and export of various goods and

                           technologies on a self-operation or agency basis, excluding the goods and technologies
                           restricted or forbidden for import and export by the state; port logistics and port
                           information technology consulting services; technical development and services in
                           respect of modern logistics information systems; supply chain management and related
                           services; design of logistics plans; engineering project management; development,
                           research and consulting services in respect of port engineering technologies. (In
                           respect of any operations that require approval according to law, the approval must be
                           obtained before operation).

                           1. On 8 June 2018, as the ownership of 209,687,067 Chiwan Wharf shares formerly
                           held by CND Group and 161,190,933 Chiwan Wharf shares formerly held by Malai
                           Storage was officially transferred to CMGD, CMGD, holding 57.52% of the
                           Company’s outstanding share capital, became the controlling shareholder of the
                        Company. Meanwhile, CMG remains the actual controller of the Company.
Every      change    of
controlling shareholder 2. On 26 December 2018, the Company issued RMB-denominated ordinary shares (A-
since incorporation (if shares) at RMB21.46/share to CMID for the acquisition of the 1,313,541,560 CMPort
                        Holdings ordinary shares that it held. Upon the Acquisition, the Company’s total share
                           capital has become 1,793,412,378 shares. Meanwhile, as Broadford Global controls
                           an 87.81% aggregated voting right in the Company (direct interests and interests
                           through CMID and CMGD), it is the direct controlling shareholder of the Company.
                           Meanwhile, CMG remains the actual controller of the Company.

V Other Information

The independent audit firm hired by the Company:

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Annual Report 2019

 Name                              Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
 Office address                    30/F, 222 Yan An Road East, Huangpu District, Shanghai, P.R.C.
 Accountants writing
                                   Li Weihua and Zhang Min

The independent sponsor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company
in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The independent financial advisor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the
Company in the Reporting Period:
            Name                      Office address            Participant representative      Period of supervision
                            19/F, CITIC Securities
                            Tower, 8 Zhongxin 3rd Chen Jianjian, Yang Jun and From 26 December 2018 to
 CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.
                            Road, Futian District, Huang Zihua                31 December 2019
                            Shenzhen, China

VI Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

□ Yes √ No

                                       2019                  2018                                           2017
                                                                                 2018 change
Operating revenue (RMB)           12,123,829,423.74      9,703,394,622.58                    24.94%     7,544,635,284.96
Net profit attributable to the
listed            company’s       2,898,192,168.84      1,090,418,910.77                165.79%        2,365,214,907.45
shareholders (RMB)
Net profit attributable to the
listed            company’s
shareholders           before      1,037,766,875.23       516,155,803.81                 101.06%          498,373,377.67
exceptional gains and losses
Net       cash   generated
from/used in operating             5,501,873,415.94      4,288,575,424.84                    28.29%     3,475,037,036.28
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share
                                               1.59                     0.61             160.66%                     1.32
Diluted earnings per share
                                               1.59                     0.61             160.66%                     1.32
Weighted average return on
                                              8.71%                   3.88%                  4.83%                 10.24%
equity (%)
                                                                           Change of 31
                                                                        December 2019 over
                                 31 December 2019      31 December 2018                    31 December 2017
                                                                         31 December 2018

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                             Annual Report 2019

Total assets (RMB)            156,696,917,845.87 128,018,084,415.68                     22.40% 109,135,164,260.01
Equity attributable to the
listed          company’s     35,972,804,419.42      30,760,475,412.93                 16.94%    28,474,748,165.25
shareholders (RMB)
The total share capital at the end of the last trading session before the disclosure of this Report:
Total share capital at the end of the last trading session
before the disclosure of this Report (share)
Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest total share capital above:
Fully diluted earnings per share based on the latest total
share capital above (RMB/share)

VII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign
Accounting Standards

1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS

No difference for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

No difference for the Reporting Period.

3. Reasons for Accounting Data Differences Above: Not applicable

VIII Key Financial Information by Quarter

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                          Q1                      Q2               Q3                  Q4
Operating revenue                  2,702,894,522.99      3,131,458,898.34     3,178,406,039.64    3,111,069,962.77
Net profit attributable to the
                                     814,944,249.12      1,484,237,081.49      171,091,424.23      427,919,414.00
listed company’s shareholders
Net profit attributable to the
listed company’s shareholders
                                     262,409,245.18          306,996,084.91    155,647,010.17      312,714,534.97
before exceptional gains and
Net cash generated from/used
                                   1,148,963,121.64      1,407,898,793.88     1,399,691,070.83    1,545,320,429.59
in operating activities
Indicate by tick mark whether any of the quarterly financial data in the table above or their
summations differs materially from what have been disclosed in the Company’s quarterly or interim
□ Yes √ No

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Annual Report 2019

IX Exceptional Gains and Losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                  Item                         2019              2018            2017             Note
Gain or loss on disposal of non-current
assets (inclusive of impairment 4,794,562,782.79                6,512,480.64     324,387.87                 -
allowance write-offs)
Government subsidies charged to
current profit or loss (exclusive of
government subsidies given in the
Company’s ordinary course of               162,587,042.38    14,050,544.16     1,843,431.75                -
business at fixed quotas or amounts as
per the government’s uniform
Capital occupation charges on non-
financial enterprises that are charged to    19,571,040.36                 -               -                -
current profit or loss
Current profit or loss on subsidiaries
obtained in business combinations
involving enterprises under common                       - 2,685,592,888.44 4,928,289,403.49                -
control from the period-beginning to
combination dates, net
Gain or loss on fair-value changes in
held-for-trading      and     derivative
financial assets and liabilities &
income from disposal of held-for-
trading and derivative financial assets
                                             66,075,363.30                 -               -                -
and liabilities and other investments in
debt obligations (exclusive of the
effective portion of hedges that arise in
the Company’s ordinary course of
Reversed portions of impairment
allowances for accounts receivable and
                                                         -                 -    4,238,993.78                -
contract assets which are tested
individually for impairment
Non-operating income and expense
                                            482,165,418.73     -3,767,817.73    1,002,589.66
other than the above
                                                                                             As the Company
                                                                                             gained control
                                                                                             of Zhanjiang
                                                                                             Port in the year
                                                                                             under review,
                                                                                             the long-term
Other gains and losses that meet the                                                         equity
                                            732,644,357.06   -121,311,211.59               -
definition of exceptional gain/loss                                                          investment in
                                                                                             Zhanjiang Port
                                                                                             measured under
                                                                                             the equity
                                                                                             method was
                                                                                             recognized in

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                     Annual Report 2019

                                                                                              return on
                                                                                              investment at
                                                                                              the fair value
Less: Income tax effects               1,504,203,995.96     3,010,149.89        802,116.53                     -
       Non-controlling interests effects
                                         2,892,976,715.05 2,003,803,627.07 3,068,055,160.24                    -
(net of tax)
Total                                  1,860,425,293.61   574,263,106.96 1,866,841,529.78                      --
For the Reporting Period, the Company does not reclassify as recurrent any exceptional gain/loss item
defined or listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                           Annual Report 2019

                                  Part III Business Summary

I Principal Activity of the Company in the Reporting Period

1. Main business scope and business models

The Company is principally engaged in the handling, warehousing and transportation of containers
and bulk cargoes, as well as the provision of other ancillary services. It principally operates 24
container berths and 15 bulk cargo berths in the ports in West Shenzhen, 9 container berths, 2 bulk
cargo berths, 10 general cargo berths and 1 berth dedicated to handling coal in Shantou Port, 2
container berths and 33 bulk cargo berths in Zhanjiang Port, 4 multi-purpose berths in Shunde Port,
2 container berths and 6 bulk cargo berths in Zhangzhou Port, 4 container berths in CICT, Sri Lanka,
4 multi-purpose berths, 2 oil berths and 4 container berths in HIPG, 3 container berths in LCT, Togo,
and 4 container berths in TCP, Brazil. Moreover, the Company invests in container hubs in Shanghai
and Ningbo and expands its layout to ports in South Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and Oceania.
The major business segments of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. are as follows:

 Business Segments                                            Applications
                        Container handling and warehousing: the Company provides ship berthing, loading
                        and unloading services to ship companies, offers container storage service to ship
                        companies and cargo owners and provides overhead box services to tractor
 Cargo handling and     companies. The Company also engages in the businesses of division or merger of
 warehousing            cargoes in containers, container leasing and container maintenance;
                        Bulk cargo handling and warehousing: the Company is engaged in bulk cargo
                        handling and transportation in port zones, as well as storage services in yards. The
                        major types of cargoes handled include food, steel, woods and sandstones.
                        The ancillary port-related services of the Company mainly include tugboat berthing
 Ancillary port-
                        assistance and barge services at the arrival of ships to the ports, tallying in the course
 related services
                        of cargo handling, and supply of shore power and freshwater for vessels.
                        The Company provides various services for clients (including logistics companies,
                        trading companies or cargo owners), for example, warehouse/yard leasing, loading
 Bonded logistics
                        and unloading in warehouses/yards, customs clearance and division or merger of
                        cargoes at terminals. It also provides documentation services for tractors arriving or
                        leaving the bonded logistics parks.

2. Development stage and cyclical characteristic of the industry in which the Company operates
and its industry position during the reporting period

The port industry is a crucial cornerstone industry for national economic and social progress, and is
closely linked to global economic and trade development. In 2019, the global economy was on a
growing trend in general, but the growth momentum was unstable. The Company faced challenges
due to many factors including the trade frictions in various countries aggravated by the protectionism
and unilateralism, which impact the international trade order; the slowdown in growth of global
container shipping and the downshift of domestic port business continuously intensify market
competition; the increasing severe competition for investment in emerging markets overseas,

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2019

technology advancement in the port and shipping industry and emerging of new business models. .
Affected by the sluggish economic and trading conditions, the demand in the global container
shipping market was volatile in 2019. As forecasted in the Clarkson Report, despite the overall
weakening demand in the container shipping market in 2019, the competition further intensified. In
order to secure better competitive advantages, various shipping companies continued to carry forward
fleet expansion, hence market capacity continued to grow steadily. At the same time, due to the impact
of ship reforms brought by the International Maritime Organization's 2020 Sulphur Limitation Order,
the scale of idle capacity in 2019 increased significantly year-on-year.
The growth rate of global port container throughput declined in 2019. According to data from
Alphaliner, the global container port throughput amounted to 837 million TEUs in 2019, up by 2.5%
year-on-year. In terms of market share by container throughput, the top 3 regions in order are China
(including Hong Kong), Southeast Asia and North Europe, and the top 3 fastest growing regions in
order are South Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia. Driven by the global economy and trade, the
global port business declined in general in 2019. The growth rate of global port container throughput
reached 2.5% in 2019, lower than that of 5.2% in 2018. According to the information published by
the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China, the accumulated port container
throughput in China amounted to 261 million TEUs in 2019, representing a year-on-year increase of
The Company is the largest global leading port developer, investor and operator in the PRC, with a
comprehensive port network at major hub locations along coastal China. It has also successfully
established presence in South Asia, Africa, Europe, Mediterranean, Oceania and South America. By
its proactive, sound and efficient operating style, the Company capitalises on its global port portfolio,
professional management experience, the self-developed state-of-the-art terminal operation system
and integrated logistics management platform for exports and imports, thereby providing its
customers with timely and efficient port and maritime logistics services along with comprehensive
and modern integrated logistics solutions. In addition, the Company also invests in bonded logistics
operation and launches integrated park development business to facilitate the transformation and
upgrade of port industry, develop port-related industries and increase industry efficiencies, which
allows it to create greater value through the synergies of the existing terminal network.

II Significant Changes in Major Assets

1. Significant Changes in Major Assets

   Major assets                                Main reason for significant changes

 Equity assets     1. On 2 January 2019, the Proposal on the Signing of the Agreement on the Transfer of Shares
                   in Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. between the Company and Sinotrans Guangdong was
                   approved at the 1st Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors of the Company in
                   2019. By the signing of the Agreement on the same day, the Company was given 201,034,549
                   ordinary shares in Zhanjiang Port by Sinotrans Guangdong, which accounted for 5% of the
                   total issued shares of Zhanjiang Port as at the date of signing the Agreement, for a
                   consideration of RMB375,334,490. The announcement (No. 2019-002) on the external
                   investment and the related-party transaction has been disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn on 3

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                             Annual Report 2019

                   January 2019.
                   2. The Proposal on a Capital Increase by a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary to Zhanjiang Port
                   (Group) Co., Ltd. was approved at the 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of
                   Directors held by the Company on 8 January 2019 and the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting
                   of 2019 held on 24 January 2019 respectively. The wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                   CWH (H.K.) signed in Zhanjiang on 8 January 2019 the Agreement on a Capital Increase to
                   Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. with Zhanjiang Infrastructure Investment and Zhanjiang
                   Port (hereinafter referred to as the “Capital Increase Agreement”). According to the provisions
                   of the Capital Increase Agreement, Zhanjiang Port issued 1,853,518,190 additional ordinary
                   shares at the price of RMB1.867 per share or the equivalent in the foreign currency (based on
                   the exchange rate at the time of payment) to increase its registered capital to
                   RMB5,874,209,145. CWH (H.K.) subscribed for 1,606,855,919 such ordinary shares,
                   accounting for 27.3544% of the issued shares of Zhanjiang Port as at the date of issuance of
                   such shares, at a total price of RMB3,000,000,000.77 or the equivalent in the foreign currency
                   (based on the exchange rate at the time of payment) (hereinafter referred to as "the
                   Transaction"); and Zhanjiang Infrastructure Investment subscribed for 246,662,271 shares,
                   accounting for 4.1991% of the issued shares of Zhanjiang Port as at the date of issuance of
                   such shares, at a total price of RMB460,518,459.96. As of 3 February 2019, the registration
                   and filing procedures of the Transaction for business change was finished, and the capital
                   increase to Zhanjiang Port by the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary CWH (H.K.) was
                   completed. Upon the completion of the Transaction, the Company’s interest in Zhanjiang Port
                   has increased to 58.3549%. Therefore, Zhanjiang Port has since been included in the scope of
                   the Company’s consolidated financial statements. For details of the Transaction, please refer
                   to the Announcement No. 2019-005 on an External Investment and the Related-Party
                   Transaction by a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary disclosed by the Company on
                   www.cninfo.com.cn dated 9 January 2019 and the Announcement No. 2019-018 on the
                   External Investment and The Related-Party Transaction disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn on
                   12 February 2019.
                   3. On 24 December 2018, the Company signed the Agreement on Land Readjustment with
                   Shenzhen Urban Planning and Land Resources Committee (“SZPL”), The Authority of
                   Qianhai Shenzhen-Hongkong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone of Shenzhen
                   (“SZQH”) and CMG, and CMG, Shenzhen Qianhai Development Investment Holdings Co.,
                   Ltd. (“Qianhai Investment Holdings”), and CM Qianhai Industrial and other relevant parties
                   signed the Joint Venture Cooperation Agreement, to clarify the implementation plans for land
                   readjustment and the joint venture cooperation in Qianhai. To realize the implementation
                   plans of land readjustment and the joint venture cooperation in Qianhai, SZQH recovered all
                   the land use rights under the original plan of 19 land-holding companies within the scope and
                   in accordance with the Agreement on Land Readjustment, and evaluated the land
                   compensation amount of about RMB43.21 billion by calculation (the base date of evaluation
                   is 1 January 2015); and then SZQH replaced the land-use rights under the new plan whose
                   value equals the compensation value of the land mentioned above with CM Chidi (with 14%
                   of shares held by Ansujie and Antongjie) (the base date of evaluation is 1 January 2015,
                   hereinafter referred to as the “land for replacement with China Merchants”); SZQH invested
                   part of the land invested by Qianhai into Qianhai Investment Holdings to become one of its
                   shareholders, and then the land use right were invested into Qianhai Hongyu by Qianhai
                   Investment Holdings, who became a shareholder of Qianhai Hongyu; according to the Capital
                   Increase Agreement signed among CM Qianhai Industrial, Qianhai Investment Holdings and
                   Qianhai Free Trade, Qianhai Free Trade would acquire, by way of capital increase, the 100%
                   equity interests of CM Chidi and the 100% equity interests of Qianhai Hongyu respectively
                   held by CM Qianhai Industrial and Qianhai Investment Holdings. Meanwhile, CM Qianhai
                   Industrial would carry out a capital increase (partially in the form of cash) to Qianhai Free
                   Trade. In order to harmonize the economic interest relationships between CM Chidi and the
                   19 land-holding companies due to the acquisition of land for investment replacement, CM
                   Chidi signed on 1 January 2019 the Agreement on Confirmation of Compensation for
                   Creditor’s Rights with the 19 land-holding companies to determine the amount and proportion
                   of land compensation for creditor’s rights of the 19 land-holding companies. Ansujie and

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                           Annual Report 2019

                   Antongjie will receive about RMB5.693 billion from CM Chidi as compensation for the land
                   use rights of about 471,800 square meters, accounting for 13.1758% of the total amount of
                   land compensation for creditor’s rights. In order to keep the proportion of land compensation
                   for creditor's rights in line with the proportion of 14% equity held indirectly by CMPort
                   Holdings, Antongjie, Shekou Asset Management and CM Chidi signed on 11 January 2019
                   the Agreement on Transfer of Creditor’s Rights, to stipulate that Antongjie will purchase
                   0.8242% of land compensation for creditor’s rights from Shekou Asset Management, with an
                   amount of creditor's rights up to about RMB356 million. In addition, 55% of the total area of
                   T102-0166 and T102-0167 plots owned by Ansujie and Antongjie and the corresponding
                   shorelines (about 531,300 square meters of land area) are replaced to Phase II of Dachanwan
                   Port Area according to the principle of equal area (including corresponding shorelines).
                   Ansujie and Antongjie no longer enjoy the compensation of land value under the new and
                   original planning conditions for the above-mentioned land area. The specific replacement
                   scheme shall be determined by SZPL, CMG, Antongjie and Ansujie after further consultation
                   with relevant departments. In order to pay off the above-mentioned land compensation debts,
                   CM Qianhai Industrial signed on 11 January 2019 the Agreement on Capital Increase to CM
                   Qianhai Industrial with 19 land-holding companies, to stipulate that the former 19 land-
                   holding companies will increase their investment to CM Qianhai Industrial by about
                   RMB43.21 billion in cash, of which about RMB6.049 billion would be raised by Ansujie and
                   Antongjie. With these increased capital funds, CM Qianhai Industrial will increase its
                   investment in cash to its wholly-owned subsidiary CM Chidi, who will pay off the land
                   compensation debts to the 19 land-holding companies with such increased capital funds. In
                   addition, in order to raise funds for cooperative cash consideration, the 19 land-holding
                   companies will increase their investment to CM Qianhai Industrial by no more than RMB15
                   billion with the same proportion of cash, of which, the incremental funds of Ansujie and
                   Antongjie will not exceed RMB2.1 billion. CM Qianhai Industrial will increase investment
                   to its wholly-owned subsidiary CM Chidi with such increased capital funds to pay for the cash
                   consideration for the joint venture (including but not limited to advance payment and sincerity
                   deposit, etc.), or pay the joint venture cash consideration directly to Qianhai Free Trade
                   (including but not limited to advance payment and sincerity deposit, etc.). The cash
                   consideration for the joint venture shall be determined by the evaluation agency entrusted by
                   CM Qianhai Industrial and Qianhai Investment Holdings, who will evaluate the 100% equity
                   of CM Chidi and Qianhai Hongyu in accordance with the Joint Venture Cooperation
                   Agreement. Among the 19 land-holding companies, CMSK and its majority-owned
                   subsidiary, Shekou Asset Management and the Company are all under the same actual
                   controller, CMG. As per the Stock Listing Rules, the deal mentioned in the Proposal on a
                   Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of the Company’s Majority-Owned Subsidiary Participating in
                   a Land Readjustment in Qianhai constitutes a related-party transaction, but not a major asset
                   restructuring as defined in the Methods for the Administration of Major Asset Restructurings
                   by Listed Companies. The Proposal was approved at the 3rd Extraordinary Meeting of the
                   Company’s 9th Board of Directors of 2019 on 11 January 2019 and then at the 2nd
                   Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company of 2019 on 25 February 2019. For details,
                   see Announcements No. 2019-007 and 2019-008 as well as 2019-020 disclosed by the
                   Company on 12 January and 26 February 2019 respectively.
                   4. On 22 January 2019, the Company's majority-owned subsidiary CMPort Holdings signed
                   with CMI, Cheer Signal Investment Limited and Lac Assal the Supplementary Agreement II
                   on Shareholder Agreement of Lac Assal (hereinafter referred to as the “Capital Increase
                   Agreement”) to stipulate that the ports of CMPort Holdings, CMI and Cheer Signal
                   Investment Limited shall increase the capital of Lac Assal by means of cash contribution
                   according to the proportion of their shareholder’s equity. The total amount of capital to
                   increase is USD30,000,000, including USD12,000,000 to be increased by CMPort Holdings,
                   USD12,000,000 to be increased by CMI and USD6,000,000 to be increased by Cheer Signal
                   Investment Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “capital increase”). After the capital
                   increase, the registered capital of Lac Assal will increase to USD60,060,000. The proportion
                   of shares of CMPort Holdings, CMI and Cheer Signal Investment Limited will remained
                   unchanged as 40%, 40% and 20% respectively. The Company, CMI and Cheer Signal are all
                   under the same actual controller, CMG. Therefore, as per the Stock Listing Rules and other

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                          Annual Report 2019

                   regulations, this deal constitutes a related-party transaction. The Proposal on Joint Capital
                   Increase by Majority-owned Subsidiary and Related Parties to Lac Assal was deliberated and
                   approved by the 4th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors held by the Company
                   on 22 January 2019. For details, see Announcements No. 2019-011 and 2019-012 disclosed
                   by the Company on 23 January 2019.
                   5. On 29 April 2019, the Company's majority-owned subsidiary CMPort Holdings signed with
                   CMI, Cheer Signal Investment Limited and Lac Assal the Supplementary Agreement III on
                   Shareholder Agreement of Lac Assal (hereinafter referred to as the “Capital Increase
                   Agreement”) to stipulate that the ports of CMPort Holdings, CMI and Cheer Signal
                   Investment Limited shall increase the capital of Lac Assal by means of cash contribution
                   according to the proportion of their shareholder’s equity. The total amount of capital to
                   increase is USD84,750,000, including USD33,900,000 to be increased by CMPort Holdings,
                   USD33,900,000 to be increased by CMI and USD16,950,000 to be increased by Cheer Signal
                   Investment Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “capital increase”). After the capital
                   increase, the registered capital of Lac Assal will increase to USD144,810,000. The proportion
                   of shares of CMPort Holdings, CMI and Cheer Signal Investment Limited will remained
                   unchanged as 40%, 40% and 20% respectively. The Proposal on Joint Capital Increase by
                   Majority-owned Subsidiary and Related Parties to Lac Assal was deliberated and approved
                   by the 6th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors held by the Company on 26
                   April 2019. For details, see Announcements No. 2019-041 and 2019-043 disclosed by the
                   Company on 30 April 2019.
                   The net value of construction in progress of the Company was RMB6.318 billion as at 31
                   December 2019, up by RMB0.819 billion from the year-beginning amount of RMB5.499
                   billion. The increment was primarily because the new inclusion of Zhanjiang Port in the
Construction    in
                   consolidation scope of the Current Period contributed an increase of RMB1.536 billion; Haixing
                   Harbor an increase of RMB0.642 billion, Shantou Port an increase of RMB0.15 billion, TCP a
                   decrease of RMB0.978 billion; Xiamen Port a decrease of RMB0.727 billion; and other
                   consolidated subsidiaries saw minor ups and downs.

2. Major Assets Overseas

                                                                Control    Return As % of the Material
                         Asset value
                                                              measures to generated Company’s impairment
   Asset        Source   (RMB’0,00 Location       Operations
                                                                protect (RMB’0,00 net asset       risk
                                                              asset safety   0)       value      (yes/no)
                                              Port             director,
Equity                  13,073,595.           investment       supervisor
              via share             Hong Kong                             742,148.50        86.13% No
assets                  46                    and              and senior
                                              operations       manageme

III. Core competitiveness analysis

1. Active implementation of the key “Belt and Road” initiative to facilitate the development of
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area leveraging its global port network

As an important carrier for domestic and overseas port investment and operation of CMG, the
Company seized the significant policy opportunities of the key “Belt and Road” initiative and

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                     Annual Report 2019

building the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area to actively build a global port network,
make investment in the allocation of global resources and strivingly build a mutually-beneficial port
ecosystem. In recent years, through mergers, acquisitions and restructuring, along with the renovation
of old ports and building of new ports, the Company has been consistently improving its modern port
chain with global coverage, enhancing value of the port industry and pushing forward balanced
regional development. The Company actively responded to the “Belt and Road” initiative and
provided a comprehensive logistic platform for the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau
Greater Bay Area.
After years of overseas development, CMPort has developed the port industries across Southeast Asia,
South Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, etc. Among which, its port network spreads over 26 countries.
Adhering to the principle of “extensive consultation, joint development and shared benefits”, CMPort
will form a community of shared future with stakeholders from countries and regions along the “Belt
and Road” initiative to explore development opportunities with concerted efforts.
The Company aims at increasing its global presence with shipping routes across five continents. As
both the shipping and port sectors gradually shifted to forming alliances, the Company actively
integrated its domestic and overseas port assets and capitalised on its relatively complete global port
network to provide customers with comprehensive port logistics service solutions, which created its
unique competitive strength. At the same time, the diversified investment and operation of port assets
have also effectively enhanced its capabilities to resist risks of industry fluctuations and trade fictions.

2. Sound shareholder background

CMG is a key state-owned enterprise under the direct administration of the PRC central government.
Headquartered in Hong Kong, it is an integrated enterprise with diversified businesses and one of the
four major Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong. Currently, CMG is mainly engaged in three core
industries namely transportation, finance and real estate, while focusing on four key sectors including
infrastructure and equipment manufacturing, logistics and shipping, integrated finance and
comprehensive development of cities and parks. CMG has been rated as a Grade A enterprise in the
Operating Results Assessment of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission of the State Council for 15 consecutive years and is a central state-owned enterprise that
owns two Fortune 500 companies.
Being a crucial player and facilitator of the national “Belt and Road” initiative, CMG has accelerated
its international development and preliminarily formed a relatively complete network of overseas port,
logistics, finance and park business. The sound shareholder background and ample domestic and
overseas resources of CMG have provided strong support to CMPort for creating a global port
cooperation platform with international vision and global expansion capabilities and ultimately
becoming a world-class comprehensive port service provider.

3. Innovative business development model

Taking port business as the core and leveraging the synergy of different port zones as well as city-
industry integration, the Company is actively exploring and facilitating the comprehensive port
development model of “Port-Park-City”. Based on the traditional loading and unloading and ancillary

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                   Annual Report 2019

services for ports, the Company further expanded various value-added port services to the ports and
port cities in which it operates. By gathering talents, information, funds and commodities, the
Company provided economic support for urban development, continued to innovate industry
development model and expand regional coverage and influence, thereby driving urban upgrade and
Currently, the Company has participated in promoting the regional comprehensive development and
construction with the port-oriented approach in various overseas regions, and has achieved phased
results. At the same time, the innovative business development model introduces CMPort elements
to urban development and helps foster new profit growth points for the Company.

4. Extensive experience in professional port management with sound and efficient operating

By adhering to the proactive, sound and efficient operating style and capitalising on its global port
asset and resource portfolio, the Company is committed to provide customers with timely and
efficient port and maritime logistics services as well as professional and first-class solutions, and has
become preferred partners for customers and an important gateway for the country’s foreign trade,
thereby making due contributions to the country’s foreign trade development. At the same time, the
Company also made an extensive investment in bonded logistics business to expand its port value
chain and enhance industrial value. Taking advantages of the synergies of its existing terminal
network, the Company created values for both its customers and shareholders.
The Company has earned itself good reputation across the industry by leveraging the professional
management experience accumulated for years, its self-developed global leading terminal operating
system and integrated logistics management platform for import and export, its extensive maritime
logistics support system with all-rounded modern integrated logistics solutions and its high-quality
engineering management and reliable service offerings.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                   Annual Report 2019

           Part IV Operating Performance Discussion and Analysis

I Overview

1. External Environment Analysis

According to the “World Economic Outlook” update report published by the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) in January 2020, the global economic growth rate of 2019 was expected to be 2.9%,
down by 0.7 percentage point year-on-year, among which, developed economies grew by 1.7% while
emerging markets and developing economies grew by 3.7%, down by 0.5 percentage point and 0.8
percentage point as compared to those of 2018, respectively. Total global trade volume (including
goods and services) grew by 1.0%, representing a decrease of 2.7 percentage points as compared to
that of 2018.
Despite the complex and challenging internal and external environment, the Chinese economy
maintained steady growth in 2019. The annual GDP growth was 6.1%, representing a decrease of 0.5
percentage point over the previous year. The long-term positive trend of China’s economy remained
unchanged. Facing the new normal of the economy, China continued to deepen the supply-side
structural reform and strengthen the countercyclical adjustments with a view to achieve high-quality
economic development. In 2019, the economic development witnessed a number of positive changes
with continuous enhancement and upgrade of economic structure, substantial outcomes achieved in
terms of optimization of industrial structure and significant benefits brought by tax cut and fee
reduction policies as well as steady implementation of control targets of “three stabilizations” in the
real estate market. Meanwhile, the economic growth continued to be exposed to downward pressure
as affected by unfavorable factors such as ongoing US-China trade frictions, stable but slowing
industry development, insufficient investment demand and unstable consumption demand. According
to the statistics published by the General Administration of Customs, China’s total import and export
value amounted to RMB31.54 trillion in 2019, representing an increase of 3.4% as compared to that
of 2018, among which the export value was RMB17.23 trillion, representing an increase of 5%; while
import value was RMB14.31 trillion, representing an increase of 1.6% year-on-year. Trade surplus
amounted to RMB2.92 trillion, representing an increase of 25.4%.

2. Port Business Review

In 2019, the Company’s ports handled a total container throughput of 112.93 million TEUs, up by
2.9% year-on-year, among which the ports in Mainland China contributed container throughput of
84.88 million TEUs, indicating an increase of 4.3% year-on-year, which was mainly driven by steady
development of the Mainland China’s economy and consistent growth momentum of import and
export trade. The Company’s operations in Hong Kong and Taiwan contributed an aggregate
container throughput of 7.21 million TEUs, representing a decrease of 6.1% as compared with the
same period of the previous year. Benefited from the growth of the terminal operation of CICT in Sri
Lanka, LCT in Togo and PDSA in Djibouti, a total container throughput handled by the Company’s

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report 2019

overseas ports grew by 0.9% year-on-year to 20.84 million TEUs. Bulk cargo volume handled by the
Company’s ports decreased by 8.9% year-on-year to 409 million tonnes, of which the Company’s
ports in Mainland China handled a total bulk cargo volume of 480 million tonnes, representing a
decrease of 9.3% year-on-year, which was affected by, among others, international trade friction,
African Swine Fever and adjustment of cargo source structure of certain enterprises; the Company’s
overseas ports handled a total bulk cargo volume of 6.29 million tonnes, representing an increase of
26.1% year-on-year, which was mainly attributable to the business growth in PDSA in Djibouti and
HIPG in Sri Lanka.
Pearl River Delta region
The Company’s terminals in the West Shenzhen Port Zone handled a container throughput of 11.42
million TEUs, up by 0.7% year-on-year; bulk cargo volume amounted to 13 million tonnes, down by
27.9% year-on-year, mainly affected by the change in international trade conditions, African Swine
Fever and changes in cargo source structure. Chu Kong River Trade Terminal Co., Ltd. handled a
total container throughput of 1.09 million TEUs, down by 6.6% year-on-year while bulk cargo
volume amounted to 3.53 million tonnes, up by 43.1% year-on-year. Dongguan Machong Terminal
handled bulk cargo volume of 12.27 million tonnes, down by 7.2% year-on-year. Guangdong Yide
Port Co., Ltd. handled a total container throughput of 0.3 million tonnes, up by 33.5% year-on-year
while bulk cargo volume amounted to 2.26 million tonnes, up by 55.7% year-on-year, mainly
benefited from the expansion of new customers and new routes and further release of terminal
production capacity.
Yangtze River Delta region
SIPG handled a container throughput of 43.30 million TEUs, up by 3.1% year-on-year. Bulk cargo
volume handled declined by 23.4% year-on-year to 120 million tonnes, which was mainly attributed
to the decrease in coal unloaded amount after adjustments made against the structure of bulk cargo
source by SIPG. Ningbo Daxie China Merchants International Terminals Co., Ltd. handled a
container throughput of 3.29 million TEUs, representing an increase of 4.1% year-on-year.
Bohai Rim region
Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd. handled a total container throughput of 7.92
million TEUs, representing an increase of 14.3% year-on-year, driven by the growth of containers of
new international and domestic routes; Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Terminal Co., Ltd.
handled bulk cargo volume of 15.59 million tonnes, representing an increase of 0.3% year-on-year;
Qingdao Port Dongjiakou Ore Terminal Co., Ltd. handled bulk cargo volume of 59.90 million tonnes,
indicating an increase of 4.4% year-on-year. Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited handled a
container throughput of 10.22 million TEUs, down by 8.0% year-on-year. Bulk cargo volume handled
declined by 2.5% year-on-year to 130 million tonnes. Laizhou Harbour Affairs (莱州港务) handled
bulk cargo volume of 22.72 million tonnes, representing a decrease of 0.1% year-on-year. With the
successful completion of consolidation of Tianjin Port’s container segment, Tianjin Five Continents
International Container Terminals Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Container Terminal Co., Ltd. contributed a
total container throughput of 4.47 million TEUs during the year. The Company’s business volume in
relation to Tianjin Project recorded an increase of 64.5% year-on-year.
South-East region of Mainland China

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                               Annual Report 2019

Zhangzhou China Merchants Port Co., Ltd. (“Zhangzhou Port”), located in Xiamen Bay Economic
Zone, handled a container throughput of 0.42 million TEUs, decreased by 7.7% year-on-year, while
its bulk cargo volume handled decreased by 43.2% year-on-year to 8.14 million tonnes, which was
mainly affected by African Swine Fever and the environmental policies. Xiamen Bay China
Merchants Terminals Co., Ltd., which officially commenced operation in May 2019, handled a bulk
cargo volume of 0.27 million TEUs. Shantou China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. handled a
container throughput of 1.34 million TEUs, up by 3.5% year-on-year, and a bulk cargo volume of
7.09 million tonnes, down by 23.2% year-on-year, which was mainly due to the impact of “bulk
cargoes to containers” and the decrease in domestic demand on coal business as well as the fact that
expansion of sandstone business was restricted by environmental policies.
South-West region of Mainland China
Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. handled a container throughput of 1.11 million TEUs, up by 12.6%
year-on-year, mainly attributable to the development of premium domestic routes in the southern and
northern regions as well as regional water-to-water transshipment and the expansion of cold chain
services business. It also handled a bulk cargo volume of 91.17 million tonnes, down by 0.8% year-
Hong Kong and Taiwan
Modern Terminals Limited and China Merchants Container Services Limited delivered an aggregate
container throughput of 5.57 million TEUs, down by 6.1% year-on-year. Kao Ming Container
Terminal Corp. in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, handled a total container throughput of 1.64 million TEUs,
representing a decrease of 6.3% year-on-year.
Overseas operation
In 2019, a total container throughput handled by the Company’s overseas operations increased by
0.9% year-on-year to 20.84 million TEUs, among which container throughput handled by CICT in
Sri Lanka rose by 7.4% year-on-year to 2.88 million TEUs. The wheeled and bulk cargo business in
HIPG progressed well with a bulk cargo volume amounting to 0.50 million tonnes, indicating an
increase of 183.8% year-on-year. Container throughput handled by LCT in Togo increased by 7.7%
year-on-year to 1.13 million TEUs. Container throughput handled by Tin-Can Island Container
Terminal Limited (referred to as TICT) in Nigeria was 0.47 million TEUs, representing a decrease of
2.5% year-on-year, mainly affected by vessels stranded at the terminals. Container throughput
handled by PDSA in Djibouti amounted to 0.92 million TEUs, up by 6.8% year-on-year while bulk
cargo volume amounted to 5.68 million tonnes, up by 20.2% year-on-year, mainly attributed to the
continuous substantial GDP growth as well as increase in volume of food, steel and vehicles in
Ethiopia, its main hinterland. TL handled container throughput of 13.25 million TEUs, representing
a decrease of 2.8% year-on year. Container throughput handled by Kumport in Turkey increased by
1.9% year-on-year to 1.28 million TEUs; while bulk cargo volume handled was 0.10 million tonnes
up by 19.8% year-on-year. TCP in Brazil contributed an annual container throughput of 0.92 million
TEUs, up by 32.0% as compared to that from March to December of the previous year and up by
12.5% as compared to that of the full year of the previous year, mainly attributable to the growth in
trading of domestic produce and vehicles parts and components.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2019

3. Implementation of business plan during the reporting period

During the reporting period, the Company adhered to its strategic directives and the general operation
philosophy of “enhancing core capability, insisting on both quality and efficiency, capitalizing on
opportunities of this era and striving to become a world’s leading enterprise” with an unwavering
aspiration to reinforce its foundation and made innovation with a pragmatic attitude. Striving to
achieve breakthroughs in five key aspects, namely the building of homebase port, port consolidation,
overseas expansion, comprehensive development and innovative development, the Company actively
pushed forward the implementation of various key tasks and optimized and upgraded its core ports
operation over the past year, successfully accomplishing various operational objectives.
Regarding the development of its homebase ports, the Company continued to promote the building
of West Shenzhen homebase port into a world-class leading port in China and CICT and HIPG
overseas into regional leading ports in South Asia. In terms of West Shenzhen homebase port in China,
the Company proactively advanced key projects such as berth upgrade, shore and bridge heightening
and channel dredging in a view to solving the bottleneck encountered in the development of West
Shenzhen Port Zone and hence upgrading the hardware environment of the port. The Company
facilitated continuous improvement in the customs environment and further reduction of operational
costs to optimize the software environment of ports. The Company also promoted vertical
development of integrated operation to enhance the overall influence and competitiveness of West
Shenzhen homebase port, at the same time adhering to the technology-driven development approach
to steadily advance the development of Mawan Intelligent Port. In terms of the building of overseas
homebase port, leveraging the advantage of synergy between CICT and HIPG, the Company strived
to develop its South Asia port network with Sri Lanka as the center.
In terms of port consolidation, the Company has established a strategic layout “with a focus on
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, connecting regions along Belt and Road Initiatives
with a broad global network coverage” through strategic reconstruction. It has also completed the
capital injection in Zhanjiang Port Group and steadily pushed forward work in relation to the entrusted
management of Liaoning Port Group and achieved preliminary results.
As for overseas expansion, by seizing the opportunities arising from the major national initiative of
the “Belt and Road” and international industries migration, the Company has proactively grasped the
investment opportunities in ports, logistics and related infrastructure. In respect of the transaction
regarding the acquisition of interests of no more than 10 quality terminals under CMA CGM through
TL, a formal agreement has been executed with the cooperating parties, which will further improve
the global port network and hence enhance the Company’s core competitiveness and influence. The
Company has also successfully introduced two strategic investors for TCP Terminal in Brazil, which
is the Company’s new attempt to optimize the allocation of its overseas inventories.
In respect of comprehensive development, the Company actively explored and promoted the “Port-
Park-City” comprehensive development model and achieved preliminary progress. As the business
volume of the comprehensive development project in Djibouti increased steadily, the Company will
devote greater efforts in the cultivation of its market development team to enhance market
development. The Company has completed the revision on the overall planning for the future
development of HIPG in Sri Lanka, confirming the business development direction of the port zone.
The one-stop service center for introduction of business and investment officially commenced

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Annual Report 2019

With regard to innovative development, the Company pushed forward the “digitalisation strategy”
and continued to promote the establishment of “CM ePort”. Mawan Intelligent Port project and the
automatic loading and unloading project at large bulk and general cargo terminal in Zhanjiang Port
were well underway. West Shenzhen Port Zone issued the first blockchain electronic invoice in
China’s port sector, and launched the pilot program of its self-developed blockchain electronic
DO/EIR and documentation function for domestic container business. The Company collaborated
with 11 enterprises such as China Mobile and Huawei in promoting and establishing the “5G
intelligent port innovation laboratory”, and realised the first RTG Remote Control operation under
5G network at Mawan Port, which optimized and enhanced the informationization level of ports
comprehensively. The establishment of “Development and Research Center of CMPort” marked
the completion of the industry development platform empowered by technology. The industrial fund,
which focuses on investments in innovative development of ports, will be launched and implemented
in the near term. Looking forward, the Company will leverage the financial platforms to facilitate the
synergy of resources among various port groups and industries with a view to building up a port
ecosystem to support the projects of startup companies and grasp the opportunities arising from the
rapid growth of emerging industries, so as to promote the transformation and upgrade of the port
industry to expand the rooms for development and improve the development quality, which will bring
new vitality into the traditional core port operation.

II Core Business Analysis

1. Overview

Changes in key financial indicators in the Reporting Period are as follows:
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
        Item                2019             2018          Change (%)       Reason for the change
                                                                       The adding of entities to the
Operating revenue    12,123,829,423.74 9,703,394,622.58         24.94% consolidated          financial
                                                                       statements for the current year
                                                                       The adding of entities to the
Cost of sales          7,648,920,919.71 5,739,241,395.87        33.27% consolidated          financial
                                                                       statements for the current year
                                                                       The adding of entities to the
                       1,509,520,581.66 1,251,865,675.45        20.58% consolidated          financial
                                                                       statements for the current year
                                                                       A higher interest expense as a
                                                                       result of more interest-bearing
                                                                       debt, as well as the adding of
Finance costs          1,936,269,737.53 1,643,418,102.95        17.82%
                                                                       entities to the consolidated
                                                                       financial statements for the
                                                                       current year
Asset disposal                                                         Transfer of land to the
income                 4,794,562,782.79   19,258,495.33      24795.83% government in the current
Net cash generated     5,501,873,415.94 4,288,575,424.84        28.29%
from/used in

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                  Annual Report 2019

operating activities

2. Revenue and Cost Analysis

(1) Breakdown of Operating Revenue

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                       2019                                   2018
                                            As % of total                           As % of total        Change (%)
                          Operating                               Operating
                                          operating revenue                       operating revenue
                           revenue                                 revenue
                                                 (%)                                     (%)
Total                                                  100% 9,703,394,622.58                 100%               24.94%
By operating division
Port operations                                       95.24% 9,184,527,309.09              94.65%               25.72%
Bonded logistics
                      411,410,069.19                   3.39%     386,269,027.02              3.98%               6.51%
development and          165,347,168.69                1.36%     132,598,286.47              1.37%              24.70%
By operating segment
Mainland China,
Hong Kong and          8,872,027,132.24               73.18% 6,635,924,788.34              68.39%               33.70%
Other countries
                       3,251,802,291.50               26.82% 3,067,469,834.24              31.61%                6.01%
and regions

(2) Operating Division, Product Category or Operating Segment Contributing over 10% of
Operating Revenue or Operating Profit

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                        YoY change in YoY change in YoY change in
                       Operating                       Gross profit
                                      Cost of sales                        operating   cost of sales gross profit
                        revenue                          margin
                                                                         revenue (%)       (%)       margin (%)
By operating division
                 11,547,072,18 7,185,667,723.
Port operations                                                37.77%         25.72%          35.49%            -4.49%
                          5.86            72
By operating segment
China, Hong       8,872,027,132. 5,968,372,275.
                                                               32.73%         33.70%          41.53%            -3.72%
Kong and                     24             68
Other countries 3,251,802,291. 1,680,548,644.
                                                               48.32%          6.01%          10.40%            -2.05%
and regions                50             03
Core business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Annual Report 2019

Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Whether Revenue from Physical Sales Is Higher than Service Revenue

□ Yes √ No

(4) Execution Progress of Major Signed Sales Contracts in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(5) Breakdown of Cost of Sales

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                               2019                               2018
   Operating                                              As % of                          As % of
                     Item                                                                                Change (%)
    division                       Cost of sales        total cost of   Cost of sales    total cost of
                                                         sales (%)                        sales (%)
                Loading and
Port operations unloading   7,185,667,723.72                93.94% 5,303,286,893.31          92.40%           35.49%
logistics                     240,230,706.61                    3.14%   214,495,776.55         3.74%          12.00%
development Properties                 223,022,489.38           2.92%   221,458,726.01         3.86%           0.71%
and investment
Total                             7,648,920,919.71         100.00% 5,739,241,395.87         100.00%           33.27%

(6) Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Reporting Period

√ Yes □ No
Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. was added to the consolidated financial statements of the Company
for the Reporting Period due to the business combination of the Company and Zhanjiang Port which
are not under common control; and Guangdong Zhanjiang Port Longteng Shipping Co., Ltd. was
added due to the business combination of Zhanjiang Port and Zhanjiang Port Longteng which are not
under common control.

(7) Major Changes to the Business Scope or Product or Service Range in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Major Customers and Suppliers

Major customers:

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                              Annual Report 2019

Total sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                            3,323,123,237.53
Total sales to top five customers as % of total sales
of the Reporting Period (%)
Total sales to related parties among top five
customers as % of total sales of the Reporting                                                                0.00%
Period (%)
Top five customers:
                                                    Sales revenue contributed
    No.                  Customer                    for the Reporting Period      As % of total sales revenue (%)
1                       Customer A                              1,451,102,824.60                             11.97%
2                       Customer B                               667,871,118.65                               5.51%
3                       Customer C                               524,934,804.25                               4.33%
4                       Customer D                               351,823,025.24                               2.90%
5                       Customer E                               327,391,464.79                               2.70%
Total                        --                                 3,323,123,237.53                            27.41%
Other information about major customers:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major suppliers:
Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                        641,738,196.19
Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of
total purchases of the Reporting Period (%)
Total purchases from related parties among top
five suppliers as % of total purchases of the                                                                 7.19%
Reporting Period (%)
Top five suppliers:
                                                    Purchase in the Reporting
    No.                   Supplier                                                  As % of total purchases (%)
                                                         Period (RMB)
1                        Supplier A                              205,219,353.89                               6.69%
2                        Supplier B                              127,560,658.82                               4.16%
3                        Supplier C                              123,731,164.49                               4.03%
4                        Supplier D                               93,221,039.90                               3.04%
5                        Supplier E                               92,005,979.09                               3.00%
Total                         --                                 641,738,196.19                             20.91%
Other information about major suppliers:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expense

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                  2019              2018             Change (%)    Reason for any significant change

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                    Annual Report 2019

                                                                        The adding of entities to the
                        1,509,520,581.66 1,251,865,675.45        20.58% consolidated financial statements
                                                                        in the Reporting Period
                                                                        A higher interest expense as a
                                                                        result of more average interest-
                                                                        bearing debt and the adding of
Finance costs           1,936,269,737.53 1,643,418,102.95        17.82%
                                                                        entities to the consolidated
                                                                        financial statements in the
                                                                        Reporting Period
                                                                          Higher expenses on various R&D
R&D expense               123,853,344.29      121,989,097.82      1.53%
                                                                          projects in the Reporting Period

4. R&D Expense

In 2019, adhering to the strategic principle of “Have a Long-Term Vision and Grasp Current
Opportunities, Lead with technology and Embrace the changes”, the Company evolves to changes by
overcoming the contingency and the leading of the technology to grasp the innovative development
opportunity, and sticks to build the intelligent ports with China Merchants’ characteristics.
During the Reporting Period, major R&D projects completed by the Company include: establishing
CMPort Scientific and Technological Innovation Development Research Institute in a bid to develop
new driving forces for innovation-driven transformation and upgrading of the Company; setting up
the first 5G smart port innovation lab in the port industry, making the Company a pioneer that had
entered the actual implementation stage for the application of 5G technology in smart ports; taking
the lead to issue the first blockchain e-invoice in the port industry, which veritably realized the whole-
process regulation of ports, credit account customers and tax regulatory authorities in invoicing, and
issuing a total of more than 18,000 e-invoices with a total amount of nearly RMB500 million; building
the first “1+2” finance sharing center under CMG and connecting all the 55 domestic enterprises to
the center. In addition, the Company has launched and proactively promoted a number of other
innovation and R&D projects, including “CM ePort”, Zhanjiang Port Intelligent Bulk Cargo Terminal,
“Hongzhang” Supercomputing Cluster and Port AI Modeling System.
Details about R&D expense:
                                       2019                    2018                    Change (%)
Number of R&D personnel                             611                    428                      42.76%
R&D personnel as % of
                                                  4.29%                 4.47%                       -0.18%
total employees
R&D expense (RMB)                      155,131,267.35           121,989,097.82                      27.17%
R&D expense as % of
                                                  1.28%                 1.26%                       0.02%
operating revenue
Capitalized R&D expense
                                           31,277,923.06                   0.00                     0.00%
Capitalized R&D expense
                                                 20.16%                 0.00%                       20.16%
as % of total R&D expense
Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of R&D expense in operating revenue:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Reason for any sharp variation in the percentage of capitalized R&D expense and rationale:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                               Annual Report 2019

5. Cash Flows

                                                                                         Unit: RMB
           Item                          2019                 2018                Change (%)
Subtotal of cash generated
                                       13,483,810,093.83    10,551,620,379.77                  27.79%
from operating activities
Subtotal of cash used in
                                        7,981,936,677.89     6,263,044,954.93                  27.44%
operating activities
Net cash generated
from/used in operating                  5,501,873,415.94     4,288,575,424.84                  28.29%
Subtotal of cash generated
                                       11,616,175,588.24     1,989,829,350.62               483.78%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in
                                       13,553,166,249.84    17,138,391,838.98               -20.92%
investing activities
Net cash generated
from/used in investing                 -1,936,990,661.60    -15,148,562,488.36                 87.21%
Subtotal of cash generated
                                       18,233,144,655.78    36,557,170,707.26               -50.12%
from financing activities
Subtotal of cash used in
                                       19,466,847,993.77    27,681,971,449.91               -29.68%
financing activities
Net cash generated
from/used in financing                 -1,233,703,337.99     8,875,199,257.35              -113.90%
Effect of exchange rate
                                        2,340,876,491.12     -2,356,178,578.00              199.35%
fluctuations on cash
Explanation of why any of the data above varies significantly on a year-on-year basis:
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities rose 483.78% year-on-year, primarily driven by
the higher proceeds from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets or other investing activities.
Net cash generated from investing activities rose 87.21% year-on-year, primarily driven by the
increase year-on-year in subtotal of cash generated from investing activities and the decrease year-
on-year in subtotal of cash used in investing activities.
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities declined 50.12% year-on-year, primarily driven
by a smaller amount of borrowings obtained.
Net cash generated from financing activities declined 113.90% year-on-year, primarily driven by a
smaller amount of net inflow calculated by borrowings obtained minus repayments of borrowings.
The net increase of cash and cash equivalents rose 199.35% year-on-year, primarily driven by the
comprehensive influence of each activity of cash flows.
Explanation of why net cash generated from/used in operating activities varies significantly from net
profit of the Reporting Period:
For the Reporting Period, net cash generated from operating activities was RMB5,501,873,415.94,
while net profit was RMB8,166,917,273.20. The gap was primarily caused by the influence of the
recognized income of Qianhai land readjustment in 2019.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2019

III. Analysis of Non-main Businesses

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                      As % of total
                              Amount                                         Main source/reason           Exceptional or recurrent
                                                                      Share of the profit of
Investment                                                            joint    ventures   and
                           4,619,173,755.42                    42.74%                                              Recurrent
income                                                                associates,       mainly
                                                                      Shanghai Port
Gain/loss on                                                              Compensation income of
                           4,794,562,782.79                    44.36%                                            Exceptional
disposal of assets                                                        land readjustment

IV. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition

The Company executed and adjusted the Financial Statements at the beginning year of any New
Standard Governing Financial Instruments, Revenue or Leases in 2019
                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                         31 December 2019                   1 January 2019           Change in
                                      As % of total                    As % of total percentag     Reason for any significant change
                       Amount                           Amount                         e (%)
                                         assets                           assets
                         2,129,378                        766,518,0                              The increase of compensation
Other receivables                            1.36%                           0.59%      0.77%
                           ,252.50                            78.72                              receivable of containers and land
Current portion of       808,893,0                        25,952,95                              The reclassification of advance from
                                             0.52%                           0.02%      0.50%
non-current assets           13.06                             6.76                              shareholders due within one year
                                                                                              The newly adding of structural
                                                                                              deposits, the adding of new
Other current            2,298,792                        1,195,421,
                                             1.47%                           0.93%      0.54% subsidiaries to the consolidated
assets                     ,661.70                            189.12
                                                                                              financial statements and recovery of
                                                                                              related-party borrowings provided
                                                                                              The adding of new subsidiaries to the
Long-term                1,098,831                        793,046,2                           consolidated financial statements and
                                             0.70%                           0.61%      0.09%
receivables                ,799.90                            40.11                           the reclassification of advance from
                                                                                              shareholders due within one year
                                                                                              The adding of new subsidiaries to the
                         27,519,96                        17,575,54                           consolidated financial statements and
Fixed assets                               17.56%                           13.62%      3.94%
                          2,529.29                         1,665.89                           the transfer of construction to fixed
                                                                                              The increase of prepaid expense in
Long-term                711,911,0                        235,706,4
                                             0.45%                           0.18%      0.27% public channel of Western Port and
prepaid expense              11.67                            37.21
                                                                                              Tonggu Channel
Deferred income          300,435,5                        66,708,15                              The deferred income tax assets
                                             0.19%                           0.05%      0.14%
tax assets                   02.27                             7.19                              generated from land readjustment
                                                                                              The compensation of Dachan Bay and
Other non-current        2,082,965                        395,191,4
                                             1.33%                           0.31%      1.02% the adding of new subsidiaries to the
assets                     ,467.04                            85.98
                                                                                              consolidated financial statements
                                                                                              The adding of new subsidiaries to the
Short-term           9,439,099,793.                   3,427,365,512.
                                             6.02%                           2.66%      3.36% consolidated financial statements and
borrowings                      47                               21
                                                                                              increase of short-term bank loans
Tax payable                                  1.21% 345,183,422.42            0.27%      0.94% The income from land readjustment

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2019

Long-term          1,935,245,003.                1,252,860,200.                          The adding of new subsidiaries to the
                                         1.24%                       0.97%       0.27%
payables                      21                            23                           consolidated financial statements
                                                                                       The adding of new subsidiaries to the
                   1,147,752,857.                                                      consolidated financial statements and
Deferred income                          0.73% 228,658,214.64        0.18%       0.55%
                              17                                                       increase in expense of public channel
                                                                                       of Western Port and Tonggu Channel

2. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                Gain/loss on Cumulative
                                 fair-value   fair-value                Purchased in     Sold in the
                  Beginning                              allowance for                                      Other      Ending
     Item                      changes in the  changes                 the Reporting     Reporting
                   amount                                the Reporting                                     changes     balance
                                 Reporting    charged to                   Period          Period
                                   Period       equity
1. Financial
measured by
fair value and 2,087,872,081 452,557,609.                                 58,087,016.0                               2,385,363,5
                                                        -                                              - 213,153,170
the changes              .94           68                                            1                                     37.39
be included in
the current
gains and
Other equity                                                                                                       -
               247,848,314.3                                                                                         163,561,272
instrument                                 - 4,891,535.00                            -                 - 89,178,577.
                           0                                                                                                 .00
investment                                                                                                       30
Subtotal of                                                                                                        -
               2,335,720,396 452,557,609.                                 58,087,016.0                               2,548,924,8
financial                                 4,891,535.00                                                 - 302,331,747
                         .24           68                                            1                                     09.39
assets                                                                                                           .54
Total of the   2,335,720,396 452,557,609.                                 58,087,016.0                               2,548,924,8
                                          4,891,535.00                                                 - 302,331,747
above                    .24           68                                            1                                     09.39
                        0.00               -                          -              -                 -                    0.00

Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:
□ Yes √ No

3. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End

The cash deposit of restricted monetary assets is RMB15,648,978.15. The carrying value of fixed
assets as bank loan mortgages was RMB349,612,960.23. The carrying value of construction in
progress as bank loan mortgages was 23,840,920.42; and the carrying value of intangible assets as
bank loan mortgages was RMB345,131,760.52. The carrying value of equities and interests as bank
loan mortgages was RMB2,391,137,628.00.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                            Annual Report 2019

V. Investments Made

1. Total Investment Amount

                                         Amount in 2019 (RMB)                   Amount in 2018 (RMB)                            Change (%)

        Equity investment                            7,898,674,384.09                    13,015,203,804.01                                     -39.31%

   Non-equity investment                             3,515,540,735.97                      2,437,080,643.74                                    44.25%

2. Major Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                                 Investmen    Anti Return on                     Index to
                                                    The                                                                        legal
                           Way of                          Fundin                        Type of t progress   cipat investment       Disclosur disclosed
             Principal            Investment      Compa                Joint    Term of                                        matte
Investee                  investm                            g                           product as at the     ed      in the        e date (if informati
              activity              amount          ny’s            investor investment                                         r
                            ent                            source                           s      balance    inco Reporting           any)       on (if
                                                  interest                                                                     invol
                                                                                                 sheet date    me     Period                       any)
                                                                 Sinotrans                                                                      www.cni
                                                                 Guangdon                                                                       nfo.com.
                                                                 g,                                                                  9          cn
Zhanjian Port                                                    Zhanjiang                                                                      (Announ
                                      37,533.44            owned             Permanent Equity Completed                         No   January
g Port   operations                                              Infrastruct                                                                    cement
                                                           funds                                                                     2019
                                                                 ure                                                                            No .
                                                                 Investmen                                                                      2019-
                          Acquisi                                t                                                                              003)
                                                  58.35%                                                      0.00   7,572.07
                          tion                                                                                                                  www.cni
                                                                                                                                     9          cn
Zhanjian Port                                              Bank                                                                                 (Announ
                                     300,000.00                     ure         Permanent Equity Completed                      No   January
g Port   operations                                        loans                                                                                cement
                                                                    Investmen                                                        2019       No .
           (exclusive of                                               30 years
           restricted                                                  of
           projects);                                                  business
                                                             17                                                                                 cn
CM         industrial park                             Self-           term,                                                         12
                           Acquisi                           companies                                                                          (Announ
Qianhai management;                  604,941.28 14.00% owned           which can Equity Completed 0.00                -551.41 No     January
                           tion                              including                                                                          cement
Industrial corporation                                 funds           be                                                            2019
                                                             CMSK                                                                               No .
           management                                                  renewed
           consultant                                                  after the
           (exclusive of                                               expiration
           Holding the
            equity in                                                                                                                           www.cni
            project of                                                                                                                          nfo.com.
            Djibouti Free                                                                                                                       cn
                                                           Self- CMI,                                                                23
Lac         Trade Zone                                                                                                                          (Announ
                                       8,067.36            owned Cheer        Long term Equity Completed 0.00                   No   January
Assal       and 30%                                                                                                                             cement
                                                           funds Signal                                                              2019
            equity in                                                                                                                           No .
            KHOR                                                                                                                                2019-
            AMBADO                                                                                                                              012)
            FZCO          Capital                                                                                      726.90
                          increas                 40.00%
           Holding the    e
           equity in                                                                                                                            www.cni
           project of                                                                                                                           nfo.com.
           Djibouti Free                                                                                                             30         cn
                                                           Self- CMI,
Lac        Trade Zone                                                                                                                           (Announ
                                      22,790.29            owned Cheer        Long term Equity Completed 0.00                   No   April
Assal      and 30%                                                                                                                              cement
                                                           funds Signal                                                              2019
           equity in                                                                                                                            No .
           KHOR                                                                                                                                 2019-
           AMBADO                                                                                                                               043)

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                 Annual Report 2019

Total           --        --          973,332.37    --     --        --           --       --         --           0.00   7,747.56   --      --          --

3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                           Reason for
                        Fixed                                         Accumulative                                  Estimated             not reaching
             Way of                                Input amount in                                                              realized
                        assets        Industry                         actual input        Capital                   return on            the schedule
  Item     investmen                                the Reporting                                          Progress            revenues
                     investmen        involved                       amount as of the     resources                 investmen                  and
                t                                       Period                                                                  as of the
                       t or not                                        period-end                                        t                 anticipated
Port                              activities of
Guangao                           water
         Self-build     Yes                         499,044,891.68 1,404,239,786.63 funds and               79.51%           0.00         0.00     N/A
                                  transportatio                                     loans
Phase II
project                           n

                                  activities of                                          Self-owned
          Self-build    Yes       water             234,308,909.02        234,308,909.02 funds and          31.75%           0.00         0.00     N/A
                                  transportatio                                          loans
project of
                                  activities of                                     Self-owned
           Self-build   Yes       water             641,663,530.85 1,058,989,758.99 funds and               37.14%           0.00         0.00     N/A
                                  transportatio                                     loans
Port of
TCP                               activities of
expansion Self-build    Yes       water             186,832,285.10 1,156,332,572.94                        100.00%           0.00         0.00     N/A
project                           transportatio
Project of
berth in
                                  activities of                                          Self-owned
           Self-build   Yes       water              25,740,216.89          6,296,208.38 funds and          98.00%           0.00         0.00     N/A
                                  transportatio                                          loans
Cargo                             Support
project of                        activities of                                          Self-owned
Zhanjiang Self-build    Yes       water             254,545,729.28        254,545,729.28 funds and          28.12%           0.00         0.00     N/A
Port                              transportatio                                          loans
Donghai                           n
Total          --        --               --       1,842,135,562.82 4,114,712,965.24            --            --             0.00         0.00      --

4. Financial Investments

(1) Securities Investments

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2019

                                                                                         Cumulativ Purchas
                                                                            Gain/loss on                    Sold in
Variety                                                                                     e fair    ed in         Gain/loss                                                             Capit
         Code of                         Initial      Accounting Beginning    fair value                      the                                                   Ending         Accoun
   of             Name of                                                                   value      the           in the                                                                 al
         securiti                      investment     measureme carrying     changes in                     Reporti                                                carrying         ting
securiti          securities                                                              changes Reporti           Reporting                                                             resou
           es                             cost         nt model    value   the Reporting                      ng                                                     value          item
  es                                                                                      recorded     ng            Period                                                                rces
                                                                                Period                      Period
                                                                                         into equity Period
                                                                                                                                                                      Trading Self-
                      Ningbo           592,183,095. Fair value       1,361,414,47 154,574,350.                                                 38,963,83 1,548,914,67
Stock     601018                                                                                                    -       0.00      0.00                            financia owne
                      Port                      14 method                    4.58          85                                                       0.39         1.20
                                                                                                                                                                      l assets d
                                                                                                                                                                      Trading Self-
                      Qingdao          124,405,138. Fair value       190,401,045.                                                              15,816,32 204,263,917.
Stock     06198                                                                   9,452,564.63                      -       0.00      0.00                            financia owne
                      Port                      80 method                     90                                                                    1.98           11
                                                                                                                                                                      l assets d
                                                                                                                                                                      Trading Self-
                      Qingdao          331,404,250. Fair value       413,280,000. 202,720,000.                                                 42,526,40 616,000,000.
Stock     601298                                                                                                    -       0.00      0.00                            financia owne
                      Port                      30 method                     00           00                                                       0.00          00
                                                                                                                                                                      l assets d
                 Jiangsu                                                                                                                                                  Self-
                                        Fair value                                                        1,065,000.                       460,000.0 11,220,000.0 instrum
Stock     600377 Expresswa 1,120,000.00                              9,800,000.00                     -                     0.00      0.00                                owne
                                        method                                                                   00                                0            0 ent
                 y                                                                                                                                                        d
                      Petrochem              Fair value                                                                                                                       instrum
Stock     400032                3,500,000.00                              382,200.00                  -                     0.00      0.00                 -       382,200.00         owne
                      ical A1                method                                                                                                                           ent
                      Guang                           Fair value                                                                                                                 instrum
Stock     400009                         27,500.00                         17,000.00                  -                     0.00      0.00                 -           17,000.00         owne
                      Jian 1                          method                                                                                                                     ent
                                       1,052,639,98                  1,975,294,72 366,746,915. 1,065,000.                                      97,776,55 2,380,797,78
              Total                                        --                                                               0.00      0.00                                           --        --
                                               4.24                          0.48          48         00                                            2.38         8.31

(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB'0,000


                                                                                                                                                           Endi investmen

                           Related-                                                                                                                         ng         t amount
                                                                                                                Purchased                     Impairm                                 Actual
              Relationsh       party                            Initial                        Beginning                       Sold in the                 inves        as % of
Counterpa                                   Type of                           Start    End                        in the                         ent                                gain/loss in
              ip with the transacti                        investment                          investment                      Reporting                   tmen           the
    rty                                    derivative                         date     date                     Reporting                     allowanc                             the Reporting
              Company          on or                            amount                          amount                           Period                        t       Company’
                                                                                                                 Period                       e (if any)                              Period
                               not                                                                                                                         amo         s ending

                                                                                                                                                           unt         net asset


                                            Forward                                      28
                Not a                                                             9
Financial                                   foreign                                   Februa
                related        Not                               4,961.18 March                      4,961.18              0       4,961.18            -           0       0.00%           -332.39
institution                                 currency                                      ry
                party                                                          2018
                                            purchase                                   2019

Financial       Not a                                                            29      26
                               Not       Currency swap          20,177.33                           20,177.33              0     20,177.33             -           0       0.00%          -1,496.24
institution     related                                                      March March

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                          Annual Report 2019

                party                                                      2018      2019

               Not a                                                                   26
Financial                               foreign                           4 April
               related      Not                                173.63               March          173.63    0      173.63          -     0      0.00%                -
institution                            currency                            2018
                party                                                                2019

               Not a                                                          15       21
Financial                               foreign
               related      Not                                 42.88       June March              42.88    0       42.88          -     0      0.00%                -
institution                            currency
                party                                                      2018      2019

               Not a                                                          15
Financial                               foreign                                     8 May
               related      Not                               4,885.98      June                  4,885.98   0     4,885.98         -     0      0.00%          -292.64
institution                            currency                                      2019
                party                                                      2018

                         Total                                30,241.00        --      --        30,241.00   0    30,241.00         -     0      0.00%        -2,121.27

Funding source                                          Self-funded

Legal matters involved (if applicable)                  N/A

Disclosure date of the announcement on the

board’s approval of the derivative investment (if -


Disclosure date of the announcement on the

general meeting’s approval of the derivative -

investment (if any)

Analysis of risks         and     control measures
                                                        In order to reduce the risks resulted from changes in the exchange rate of foreign currency loans, the
associated with the derivative investments held
                                                        Company’s subsidiary Zhanjiang Port locked the exchange rate of the principal and interest on US$46.65
in the Reporting Period (including but not
                                                        million of foreign currency loans. Within the time limit and scope of foreign currency loans, risks of exchange
limited to market, liquidity, credit, operational
                                                        rate changes can be reduced by locking the forward exchange rate.
and legal risks, etc.)

Changes in market prices or fair value of

derivative investments in the Reporting Period

(fair value analysis should include measurement Gains and losses on forward financial contracts were RMB-21.2127 million in the Reporting Period.

methods       and   related      assumptions      and


Significant changes in accounting policies and
                                                        No such significant changes
specific accounting principles adopted for

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                     Annual Report 2019

derivative investments in the Reporting Period

compared to the last reporting period

Opinion of independent directors on derivative
investments and risk control

5. Use of Funds Raised

(1) Overall Usage of Funds Raised

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                                         The usage Among of
                                    Total funds                        Accumulati     of
                                                Accumulati Total funds                                       and        funds
           Way of       Total funds used in the                         ve funds accumulati Total unused
 Year                                            ve fund with usage                                      destination raised idle
           raising        raised     Current                           with usage ve funds     funds
                                                   used     changed                                      of unused for over
                                      Period                            changed with usage
                                                                                                           funds     two years
     Private                                                                                                    in funds
2019                    221,282.91 213,408.73 213,408.73 18,599.73 18,599.73                   8.41% 127,984.00                                0
     placement                                                                                                  raising
Total         --        221,282.91 213,408.73 213,408.73 18,599.73 18,599.73                   8.41% 127,984.00            --                  0
                                                   Explanation of overall usage of funds raised
As approved in the document “ZJXK [2018] No. 1750” of CSRC, CMPort issued 128,952,746 RMB ordinary shares (A Share) at
RMB 17.16 per share through private placement on Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The total fund raised was RMB2,212,829,121.36,
and after deducting fees associated with the issuance of shares, the net fund raised was RMB2,186,275,171.90. As of 22 October
2019, the aforementioned fund was fully paid, which was verified by BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accounts LLP with
a capital verification report (XKSBZ [2019] No. ZI10673). As of 31December 2019, a total of RMB2,134,087,334.98 in the
Company’s fund account had been used, including: (1) RMB582,722,414.48 for replacing the self-funding spent on fundraising
investment projects in advance; (2) RMB324,533,139.29 as raised fund invested after the fund was paid; (3) RMB26,831,781.21 for
paying issue fees; (4) RMB1,200,000,000.00 for purchasing structured deposits. The net amount of interest income generated from
the fund account is RMB784,159.99 after deducting surcharges; the amount of structured deposits redeemed is RMB100,000,000.00;
the amount of income from structured deposits is RMB302,465.75; as of 31 December 2019, the balance amount deposited in the
fund-raising account is RMB1,279,840,027.27.

(2) Commitment Projects of Fund Raised

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                     Investment                                   Whether
                                Changed              Investment Investment    ive                Date of   Realized
                                                                                      schedule                        Whether occurred
  Committed investment            or not Committed amount amount in investment                  reaching income in
                                                                                       as the                         reached significant
  project and super raise      (including investment    after       the    amount as period-end intended      the
                                                                                                                     anticipated changes in
    fund arrangement             partial    amount adjustment Reporting      of the             use of the Reporting
                                                                                        (3)=                          income      project
                                changes)                 (1)      Period period-end              project    Period
                                                                                       (2)/(1)                                   feasibility
Committed investment project
Supporting transformation                                                                                     N/A
                          Yes             18,599.73           -          -          -          -          -               No         No
project of Han Port                                                                                           (Note 1)
                                                                                                31       N/A
Transformation project of
                          No                200,000 218,599.73 90,725.55 90,725.55       41.50% December                  No         No
Haixing Harbor (Phase II)                                                                                (Note 2)
Subtotal of committed
                                  --     218,599.73 218,599.73 90,725.55 90,725.55        --         --                         --        --
investment project
Super raise fund arrangement

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                       Annual Report 2019

Subtotal of super raise
                                --                -           -           -           -     --           --               0      --          --
fund arrangement
Total                           --     218,599.73 218,599.73 90,725.55 90,725.55            --           --               0      --          --
                          Notes: 1. Based on the estimated construction progress of supporting transformation project of Han Port, US$ 79 million
                          and USD281 million were planned to be used to build an oil wharf and a tank area respectively in 2019 and 2020;
                          USD12.48 million and 179.6 million were planned to be used to acquire quay cranes, yard cranes and other operating
Condition and reason for
                          equipment respectively in 2019 and 2020. The funds were estimated to be fully spent by 2020. So far the project has been
not reaching the schedule
                          delayed. According to its overall development planning, to further optimize its internal resource allocation, increase the
and anticipated income
                          utilization efficiency of funds and safeguard shareholders’ rights and interests, the Company used RMB185,997,300 of
(by specific items)
                          the fund raised in transformation project of Haixing Harbor (Phase II). As of 31 December 2019, a total of RMB0 had
                          been invested in supporting transformation project of Han Port. 2. Transformation project of Haixing Harbor (Phase II) is
                          currently under construction and thus has not generated income.
Notes of condition of
significant changes
occurred in project

Amount, usage and
schedule of super raise                                                              N/A

Changes in
implementation address of                                                            N/A
investment project

Adjustment of
implementation mode of                                                               N/A
investment project

                            On 22 November 2019, the 11th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2019 reviewed and approved the
Upfront investment and
                            Proposal on the Replacement of Fund Raised to Self-owned Fund Invested in Advance, which all directors agreed to
transfer of investment
                            replace fund raised to self-owned fund invested in advance for RMB582,722,414.48. On 13 December 2019, the Company
                            has completed the replacement.

Idle fund supplementing
the current capital                                                                  N/A

Amount of surplus in
project implementation                                                               N/A
and the reasons

Usage and destination of
                            Unused fund was deposited in the fund-raising account.
unused funds
                          On 22 November 2019, the 11th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2019 reviewed and approved the
                          Proposal on the Implementation of Cash Management by the Usage of Idle Fund, which agreed the Company to manage
Problems incurred in fund
                          cash flow by using idle fund with not more than RMB1.2 billion. As of 31 December 2019, the Company has purchased
using and disclosure or
                          structural deposits with RMB1.2 billion at CMBC Shenzhen New Times Sub-branch, among which RMB100 million has
other condition
                          been redeemed with financing income of RMB302,465.75, and the residual RMB1.1 billion was still deposited in the
                          structural deposits account.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                            Annual Report 2019

(3) Changes in Items of Funds Raised

                                                                                                Unit: RMB’0,000
                                              Accumul         Investme                                     occurre
                        Amount of               ative             nt                                          d
             Correspond             investme                             Date of Realized
                          planned             investme        schedule                       Whether      significa
                 ing                    nt                              reaching income in
 Items after               funds                  nt            as the                        reached        nt
              original               amount                             intended      the
   changes               invested              amount          period-                       anticipate   changes
             committed                in the                            use of the Reporting
                            after               as the           end                         d income        in
               items                Reporting                            project    Period
                        changes (1)            period-       (3)=(2)/(1                                    project
                                               end (2)             )                                      feasibili
tion project                                                          31
of Haixing                 218,599.73 90,725.55 90,725.55      41.50% December              0 No          No
               ion project
Harbor                                                                2020
               of Han Port
(Phase II)
Total              --      218,599.73 90,725.55 90,725.55       --          --              0      --          --
                                       The usage of unused fund of RMB185.9973 million in supporting
                                       transformation project of Han Port was changed to the construction of
                                       transformation project of Haixing Harbor (Phase II). The matters of partial
Notes of reasons for changes,          changes in fund raised investment has been approved by the Proposal on
decision-making procedures and         Partial Changes in Usage of Fund Raised, which was reviewed and
information disclosure (by specific    approved on the 11th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in
items)                                 2019 on 22 November 2019. The Announcement of Partial Changes in
                                       Usage of Fund Raised (Announcement No. 2019-85) has been disclosed on
                                       website www.cninfo.com.cn on 26 November 2019. As of 31 December
                                       2019, the amount with usage changed was RMB185.9973 million.
Condition and reason for not
                                      The transformation project of Haixing Harbor (Phase II) was under
reaching the schedule and anticipated
                                      construction with not income generated.
income (by specific items)
Notes of condition of significant
changes occurred in project                                               N/A
feasibility after changes

VI. Sale of Major Assets and Equity Interests

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Sale of Major Equity Interests

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Major Subsidiaries

Major fully/majority-owned subsidiaries and those minority-owned subsidiaries with an over 10%

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      Annual Report 2019

effect on the Company’s net profit
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
           hip with Principal
  Name               activity Registered capital          Total assets        Net assets    Operating revenue Operating profit       Net profit
s Port                                     HKD
         Subsidiary logistics                    130,735,954,605.62 81,817,505,637.49         7,845,242,646.62   9,077,943,319.13 7,421,484,985.59
Holdings                       40,614,228,170.92
                         related to
           Joint stock   port,
nal Port                              23,173,674,650.00 142,177,295,917.96 90,788,857,656.04 36,101,631,985.21 11,869,077,426.37 9,925,845,382.34
           company       container
Co., Ltd.

Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the Reporting Period
                                           How subsidiary was obtained or disposed in                Effects on overall operations and
                                                     the Reporting Period                                 operating performance
                                                                    Control realization to Zhanjiang Port
                                                                    and investment income recognized
Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Business combination not under the same
                                                                    of long-term equity investment at
Ltd.                        control
                                                                    fair value under the original equity
Guangdong Zhanjiang Port Business combination not under the same
                                                                 Port tug business newly added
Longteng Shipping Co., Ltd. control
Notes of major holding companies and joint stock companies
There is no information on major holding companies and joint stock companies for the Company to
disclose during the Reporting Period.

VIII. Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Outlook of the Future Development of the Company

1. Layout and trends of the industry

Looking into 2020, the growth of the global economy is expected to slow down due to the heightening
trade barriers, rising geopolitical uncertainties, slow productivity growth, structural problems caused
by aging population, as well as the impact of the spread of COVID-19 epidemic worldwide. Dragged
by the prolonged sluggishness of the manufacturing industry, the economic growth of developed
economies will narrow in 2020. Emerging markets and developing economies will face the
uncertainties caused by the COVID-19 epidemic. The social and political turmoil in certain emerging
economies, notably in regions such as the Middle East and North Africa, will drag economic growth.
According to the forecast of IMF in January, the growth of global economy will be 3.3% in 2020,
slightly up 0.4 percentage point as compared to that of 2019. In particular, the developed economies
will grow at 1.6%, down 0.1 percentage point as compared to that of 2019; and the emerging markets

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report 2019

and developing economies will grow at 4.4%, up 0.7 percentage point as compared to that of 2019.
Global trade volume (including goods and services) will grow by 2.9%, up 1.9 percentage points as
compared to that of 2019. However, considering the impact from the global pandemic, IMF expected
to cut the above forecast.
The year of 2020 marks the conclusion of the general development of a moderately prosperous society
and the “13th Five-Year” Plan. The Chinese economy will maintain reasonable growth rate and steer
towards the direction of high-quality development. The Chinese government will continue to
implement active fiscal policy in 2020, and the effect of maintaining basically stable leverage ratios
of the macro-economy will be gradually revealed with domestic consumption, high-tech industries
and service industries continue to grow at a relatively fast pace.
Despite the lingering uncertainties over Sino-US economic and trade frictions, the agreement reached
between the US and China on a first-phase trade deal will help to boost confidence in the global
market and hence stabilize market expectation. It should be noted that, although the outbreak of novel
coronavirus will bring impact to the Chinese economy in the short run, the epidemic will have limited
impact on the Chinese economy in the mid-to-long term.
In 2020, the global container shipping market will benefit from the restrained capacity growth while
at the same time, face the uncertainties brought by the spread of novel coronavirus. With the epidemic
being gradually brought under effective control in China and enterprises resuming production in an
orderly manner, China’s container shipping market has recovered rapidly. Benefitted from favorable
factors such as the de-escalation of US-China trade friction, the demand for seaborne freight volume
of the major East-West routes is expected to rise. It is expected that a rebound will be seen in the
growth rate of seaborne freight volume of the non-major East-West routes and the South-North routes.
Currently, with a determination to support economic globalization, China further opens up the
nation’s gates for foreign trading, continues to roll out policies with equal emphasis on import and
export, loosens the restriction on market entry and further lowers import tariff. Through organizing
Import Expo and other measures, China strengthens its alliance with trading partners, and hence
increases import volume of consumer goods. The new landscape of the fully open-up China that is
all-rounded and multi-dimensional with diversified sectors will be conducive to both import and
export, and will in turn benefit the port industry. Furthermore, port business will welcome new
development opportunities presented by the continuous advancement of policies in relation to the
building of world-class leading port, free trade port and marine center city. Under the new
development trend of domestic and overseas economy and trade as well as the port and shipping
industry, the Company as a leading global comprehensive port service provider will be playing an
increasingly important role in the global supply chain.

2. Development strategies of the Company

The Company is striving to become a world-class comprehensive port service provider. The Company
will firmly adhere to the strategic principle of “leveraging on its long-term strategy, tapping the
current edges, driving through technology and embracing changes” and the goal of quality
development to accelerate the technology-powered innovation, thereby realizing a scientific global
layout with balanced development, providing first-class professional solutions and seeking more
returns for shareholders, which will in turn support the development of local economy and industries

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                   Annual Report 2019

and promote positive development of the port industry.
Firstly, in respect of domestic strategies, the Company will, by seizing the opportunity arising from
the supply-side reform and based on “regional consolidation and enhancement of synergy”, seek for
opportunities for consolidation and cooperation on an ongoing basis across the five main coastal
regions, with a view to further expanding and improving its port network layout within China. The
Company will lead a new direction for the consolidation of regional ports with a key focus on
constantly improving the quality of port development with its best efforts.
Secondly, in respect of overseas strategies, the Company will continue to capitalize on the
opportunities arising from the “Belt and Road” initiative promoted by China and the international
industrial transfers, at the same time adapting to the trend of deploying mega-vessels and forming
shipping alliances. Emphasis will be placed on the development of global major hub ports and
gateway ports as well as areas with high market potential, fast-growing economy and promising
development prospect. The Company will grasp opportunities in port, logistics and related
infrastructures investment for the on-going enhancement of its global port network.
Thirdly, in respect of innovation strategies, adhering to the principle of “driving through technology
and embracing changes”, the Company will continuously increase its investment in innovation and
establish a foothold in the technology high ground to support the future port development. By means
of technological innovation and innovative management, it will significantly enhance the efficiency
and effectiveness of port operation and become a leading enterprise in the automation transformation
of traditional ports. It will also enrich the comprehensive port services through business model

3. Business plans for 2020

In 2020, firmly adhering to the strategic principle of “leveraging on its long-term strategy, tapping
the current edges, driving through technology and embracing changes”, the Company will
consistently develop new approaches to promote sustainable and high-quality development with a
focus on stabilizing growth, improving quality and efficiency, enhancing capability, promoting
reform, strengthening innovation, controlling risks and recruiting talents, striving to be “a world-class
comprehensive port service provider”.
Regarding the development of homebase port, the Company will strive to establish world-class
leading ports. The Company will strengthen its business-related work in the West Shenzhen Port Zone
and, in tandem with the optimization of channels and other resources, actively facilitate the
development of ocean-going routes, promote paperless waterborne customs transit, improve the
standard of its feeder services and establish a platform for the Western Pearl River Delta strategy.
Also, the Company will establish an innovative intelligent corridor of Mawan Intelligent Port. CTOS
will be upgraded with standardized operation systems, servers and databases to support automation
and intelligence as well as enable the introduction of big data mechanism and cloud storage. To
support the transformation plan of Haixing Port, the Company will complete the delivery and
acceptance of section 2 and 3 of the Public Channel outside West Shenzhen Port Zone, realise regular
night services of Tonggu Channel and expedite the construction of phase II of the seaward channel
of West Shenzhen Port Zone. In terms of overseas homebase port, CICT will deepen its reform on
management of repair and maintenance service providers to enhance the efficiency and quality of

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report 2019

repair and maintenance and thus guarantee smooth operation and production. Customer values will
also be analyzed on an on-going basis to adopt appropriate business strategies. In addition, it will
follow the development strategy of HIPG to promote their synergistic business development with
CICT. It will also optimize the incentive mechanism for technological innovation to encourage all
staff to participate in innovation and expand the channels for innovation. HIPG will expand its oil
and gas business, container business and maritime services, and facilitate the work in relation to the
introduction of investment and capital for the port’s logistic park simultaneously.
As for overseas operation, the Company will improve the management system for global operation.
Based on the overseas layout of “East-West routes, South-North routes, regions along the Belt and
Road Initiative”, the Company will work diligently on the overall development plan of overseas
projects. It will also strengthen the work in relation to research on various segments of the global
market to proactively capture investment opportunities in emerging market overseas. Moreover, it
will devote greater efforts in the cultivation of its market development team to enhance market
development, at the same time optimizing its management mechanism to further promote the
establishment of a quantitative management system with a view to improving its operation
management efficiency. The Company will also establish overseas talent team and improve the
performance evaluation and incentive mechanism.
In respect of comprehensive development, the Company will deepen the promotion of the “Port-Park-
City” model. Capitalising on the opportunities arising from industries upgrade and migration, the
Company will achieve the value extension of its core port operation and deeply explore its potential.
Regarding the Djibouti comprehensive development project, the Company will continue to make
efforts for the construction and development of the Djibouti International Free Trade Zone and
promote the implementation of projects such as the transformation of old ports. Regarding the HIPG
project, the Company will thoroughly carry out the work in relation to the introduction of investment
and capital, at the same time deepening the promotion of relevant businesses such as containers, oil,
energy and gas, and maritime affairs in accordance with the overall planning for future development.
With regard to innovative development, the Company will adhere to the “technology-driven”
principle to enhance its competitiveness. The Company has established the Development and
Research Center of CMPort, through which it will be committed to the building of a technology
innovation ecosystem of CMPort and exporting of port technology innovation programmes, with an
aim to become the link between industry, education and research. The “CM Chip” platform will
mainly develop leading products for the three major industries, including CTOS (Container Terminal
Operation System), BTOS (Bulk Cargo Terminal Operation System) and LPOS (Logistic Park
Operation System), striving to realise intelligent production and operation within the terminals. The
“CM ePort” platform will innovate the service models through improvement of the information
service system of port zones and the “Port+Internet” approach, with an aim to develop competitive
customer services for ports and terminals.
Regarding operation management, the Company will strive to establish an operation management and
control system for sustainable value creation. The Company will carry on and enhance the “Project
of Improving Quality and Efficiency”, improve the quality of its measures and promote the integration
of its measures for improving quality and efficiency with its strategic goals, daily work and actual
business, which will help to realise high-quality development. The Company will streamline the
governance structure and operation management and control system for the global operation

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2019

headquarters. An intelligent operation management platform will be developed to digitalise the
production process of and gather data from various business units so as to restructure the refined
management system for ports and develop a supporting system for intelligent decision-making of the
management members of headquarters and at different levels of the Company.

With regard to marketing and commerce, the Company will strengthen its client-oriented
management mechanism for marketing and commerce. A sound interaction mechanism will be
established for marketing and commerce-related matters between the headquarters and the terminals
managed by the Company. The Company will devote more efforts in guiding and coordinating with
its subsidiaries in order to deliver efficient headquarters function in terms of marketing and commerce.
It will also deepen the cooperation with shipping companies and carry out commercial planning for
ports by regions, and strengthen its cooperation with major cargo owners to expand its hinterland.
Moreover, the Company will strengthen its relationship with customers with extending its influence
in the industry as its key priority.
In respective of capital expenditure plans, in 2020, the Company will formulate capital expenditure
plans according to business development needs. Key investment projects include Haixing Harbor
upgrading and reconstruction project, Machong Port Bulk Grain Phase III Project, Zhanjiang Port
Xiashan Port General Terminal Project, Shantou Port Guangao Port Phase II project and the
construction of HIPG container terminal in Sri Lanka, etc.

4. Possible risks and counter measures

(1) External risks
External risks are mainly attributable to the uncertainties brought by the spread of the novel
coronavirus worldwide, volatile global economic environment and political turmoil to the market
environment. On the international front, the global pandemic will cast a great impact on the global
economy, and the degree of impact is subject to the duration and scope of the epidemic. Global
economic and trade frictions have resulted in escalated trade barriers, while trade protectionism may
further dampen global business sentiment, leading to sluggish economic recovery in various
economies. The geopolitical tension maybe affect the already tentative confidence in commercial
trading and investment. All these uncertainties and risks will subdue the demand for global trading,
container shipping and bulk cargo businesses, and hence pose challenges to the overseas operation of
the Company. Domestically, Chinese economy has suffered from short-term repercussions brought
by the outbreak of novel coronavirus. The extended suspension of factories may affect China’s import
of raw materials, as well as export of finished products. In addition, the economic environment in
China is still under the influence of Sino-US trade friction, weak investment sentiment in the
manufacturing industry, rising inflationary pressure and other uncertain factors, which will bring
uncertainties to the relevant business operations and revenue of the Company.
In response to the potential external risks, in particular, the uncertainties and risks looming over
foreign trading and import and export caused by the Sino-US trade friction and the outbreak of novel
coronavirus, the Company will take the initiative to adopt responsive measures. Firstly, the Company
will devote utmost effort into winning the battle against the epidemic, and simultaneously strive to

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                       Annual Report 2019

minimize the negative impact brought by it. Secondly, strategies pertaining to the national “Belt and
Road” initiative and the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will be
carried out proactively. Thirdly, the Company will capitalize on the opportunities presented by a new
round of high-level opening-up policy to pursue “improvement in quality and efficiency” of relevant
port operations. Fourthly, the Company will continue to enhance its capability in risk identification,
warning and resolution, follow and study the industrial development and trading movements in
upstream and downstream industries, as well as timely adjust its business operation strategies to
ensure effective prevention, control and mitigation of external risks.
(2) Internal risks
The internal risks of the Company are mainly attributable to credit default of customers, labour
shortage and compliance risk of overseas investment projects. During the Reporting Period, negative
news in respect of bankruptcy, heavy indebtedness and illegal operation of various shipping
companies were being circulated in the market, subjecting the Company to a considerable risk of
customer default. Some of the subsidiaries are still facing a significant labour shortage. Factors such
as staff turnover, aging staff and low skill level have impaired the productivity of and created
operational hurdles for such subsidiaries, thereby bringing uncertain risks to the Company's
sustainable development. As the Company’s overseas projects were gradually put into operation, the
legal and policy compliance requirements of countries and regions where our investments are located
will pose uncertain risks and challenges to the Company's global operations.
In light of the potential internal risks, the Company will attach great importance to the development
of the internal control system of its subsidiaries in a bid to prevent and control internal risks. With
regard to the risk of customer default, on the one hand, risk identification and warning will be
strengthened through application of the warning system on receivables; on the other hand, prevention
and control measures will be formulated and implemented to ensure the effective control of risks and
safeguard the interests of the Company. As for the issue of labour shortage of the subsidiaries, the
Company will expedite technological upgrade for advancement of the automated operation level at
the terminals, so as to facilitate the optimization of personnel structure. Regarding the compliance
risks of overseas investment projects, the Company will step up its efforts in the establishment and
enforcement of compliance management system with reference to the regulatory requirements of the
places where its projects are located, as well as reinforce the management and control throughout the
process of overseas project investment and operations, with a view to strictly preventing legal
compliance risks.

X. Communications with the Investment Community such as Researches, Inquiries and

1. During the Reporting Period

                                          Type of
                     Way of
      Date                             communication        Index to basic information of researches

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                        Annual Report 2019

                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
                    One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
14 May 2019                            Institution
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
                    One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
22 May 2019                            Institution
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
                    One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
29 May 2019                            Institution
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
                    One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
5 June 2019                            Institution
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
                    One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
11 June 2019                           Institution
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
                    One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
18 June 2019                           Institution
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
                    One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
10 July 2019                           Institution
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
4 September         One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
2019                 meeting
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
5 September         One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
2019                 meeting
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                     Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                     financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
25 September        One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
2019                 meeting
                                                     Index: SZSE EasyIR

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                              Annual Report 2019

                                                      Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                      financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
 28 November         One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
 2019                 meeting
                                                      Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                      Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
                                                      financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
 5 December          One-on-one                       brochure of the Company;
 2019                 meeting
                                                      Index: SZSE EasyIR
                                                      Main discussion: basic business condition, investments and
 1 January 2019 By phone, EasyIR                      financial condition of the Company; Materials provided:
 to 31 December platform of SZSE        Individual    brochure of the Company;
 2019               and e-mail                        Index: SZSE EasyIR
 Times of communications                                                                                         160
 Number       of         institutions
 communicated with
 Number       of         individuals
 communicated with
 Number of other communication
 Tip-offs or leakages of substantial
 information                 during

2. Period-end to Disclosure Date

                                              Type of
                         Way of
       Date                                communication              Index to main information communicated
                                                                Main discussion: basic business condition, investments
                  By phone or written                           and financial condition of the Company; Materials
1 January 2020 to                                               provided: brochure of the Company;
                   inquiry (EasyIR            Individual
15 April 2020
                  platform of SZSE)                             Index: SZSE EasyIR
Times of communications                                                                                            39

Number of institutions communicated with                                                                               0

Number of individuals communicated with                                                                            39

Number of other communication parties                                                                                  0
Tip-offs or leakages of substantial supposedly-confidential
information during communications

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Annual Report 2019

                                          Part V Significant Events

I. Profit Distributions to Ordinary Shareholders (in the Form of Cash and/or Stock)

Formulation, execution or adjustments of profit distribution policy for ordinary shareholders,
especially cash dividend policy, in Reporting Period
Pursuant to the CSRC Guideline for Listed Companies No.3-Cash Dividends of Listed Companies
and the Notice of CSRC on Further Implement ting Matters Related to Cash Dividends of Listed
Companies, the Articles of Association clarifies the specific profit distribution policy, decision-
making procedures and mechanism, adjustment of profit distribution policy, implementation of profit
distribution plan and profit distribution for foreign shares. During the Reporting Period, the Company
executed the profit distribution policy in strict compliance with the Articles of Association.
                                          Special statement about the cash dividend policy
In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and
resolution of general meeting
Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                                               Yes
Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                                             Yes
Independent directors faithfully performed their duties and played
their due role
Non-controlling interests are able to fully express their opinion
and desire and their legal rights and interests are fully protected
In case of adjusting or changing the cash dividend policy, the
conditions and procedures involved are in compliance with                                    Yes
applicable regulations and transparent

The profit distributions to ordinary shareholders, either in the form of cash or stock, in the past three
years (including the Reporting Period)

1. Dividend Payout Plan for 2017

As audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, the net profit of the
Company as the parent for 2017 stood at RMB731,510,588.25 and the cumulative distributable profit
at RMB1,046,473,178.03.

(1) According to the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company, the Company
may stop making statutory surplus reserve when its accumulative amount reaches 50% of the
registered capital. The accumulative statutory surplus reserve of the Company as the parent stood at
RMB520,074,434.56 for 2017, equal to 80.66% of the registered capital. Therefore, the Company
intends not to draw surplus reserve from retained earnings for 2017.

(2) Based on the total 644,763,730 shares as at the end of 2017, a cash dividend of RMB13.19 (tax
included) was to be distributed for every 10 shares, with a total of RMB850,443,359.87 being
China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report 2019


The Board of Directors of the Company published the implementation announcement on dividend
payout for 2017 on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao (HK) dated 16 May 2018, and completed the
dividend payout for the A-share and B-share holders on 23 May 2018 and 25 May 2018 respectively.

2. Dividend Payout Plan for 2018

As audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, the consolidated net
profit attributable to the Company as the parent for 2018 stood at RMB1,090,418,910.77 and the net
profit of the Company as the parent at RMB71,014,741.10.

(1) According to the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company, the Company
withdrew RMB7,101,474.11 of profit as statutory reserve. The accumulative distributable profit of
the Company as the parent at the end of 2018 was RMB259,943,085.16.

(2) Base on the total 1,793,412,378 shares as at the end of 2018, a cash dividend of RMB1.14 (tax
included) is to be distributed for every 10 shares, totaling RMB204,449,011.09.

After the above-mentioned distribution, the retained earnings of the Company as the parent will be

The Board of Directors of the Company published the implementation announcement on dividend
payout for 2018 on Securities Times and Ta Kung Pao (HK) dated 3 July 2019, and completed the
dividend payout for the A-share and B-share holders on 10 July 2019 and 12 July 2019 respectively.

3. Dividend Payout Plan for 2019

As audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, the consolidated net
profit attributable to the Company as the parent for 2018 stood at RMB2,898,192,168.84 and the net
profit of the Company as the parent at RMB1,031,693,987.55.

(1) According to the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company, the Company
shall withdraw 10% of profit as statutory reserve when the Company distributed the profit. The
Company intended to withdraw RMB103,169,398.76 of profit as statutory reserve. The accumulative
distributable profit of the Company as the parent at the end of 2019 was RMB983,693,068.62.

(2) Base on the total 1,922,365,124 shares as at the end of 2019, a cash dividend of RMB4.60 (tax

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2019

included) was to be distributed for every 10 shares, totaling RMB884,287,957.04.

After the above-mentioned distribution, the retained earnings of the Company as the parent will be

The above profit distribution plan still needs to be submitted to the 2019 Annual General Meeting for

Cash dividend for ordinary shareholders in the past three years (including the Reporting Period)
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                       Net profit
                                     attributable to
                                        ordinary                        Cash dividends                   Total cash
                                 shareholders of the     A as % of B     in other forms C as % of B       dividends       D as %
    Year        dividends (tax
                                  listed company in          (%)         (such as share     (%)       (including other   of B (%)
                inclusive) (A)
                                      consolidated                      repurchase) (C)                  forms) (D)
                                  statements for the
                                        year (B)
2019            884,287,957.04      2,898,192,168.84           30.51%                 0.00    0.00%     884,287,957.04    30.51%
2018            204,449,011.09      1,090,418,910.77           18.75%                 0.00    0.00%     204,449,011.09    18.75%
2017            850,443,359.87      2,365,214,907.43           35.96%                 0.00    0.00%     850,443,359.87    35.96%

The net profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the listed company in the 2018 and 2019
consolidated statement is the data of the Company after the retrospective adjustment for business
combination under the same control. The net profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the
listed company in the 2017 consolidated statements is the data of the Company before the
retrospective adjustment for business combination under the same control.
The Company was profitable in the Reporting period and the positive profits of the Company as the
parent attributable to ordinary shareholders while the distribution plan of cash dividend for ordinary
shareholders was not proposed.
□ Applicable √Not applicable

II. Final Dividend Plan for the Reporting Period

Bonus shares/10shares (share)                                                                                                   0

Cash dividend/10 shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                                 4.6

Bonus issue from capital reserves (share/10 shares)                                                                             0

Share base (share)                                                                                                 1,922,365,124

Total cash dividends (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                        884,287,957.04
Cash dividends in other forms (such as share
repurchase) (RMB)
Total cash dividends (including other forms)

Distributable profits (RMB)                                                                                     1,081,244,306.00

Cash dividends (including other forms) as % of total                                                                        100%
profits to be distributed (%)
                                                      Details of the cash dividends

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2019

As the Company is in the mature stage of development with significant capital expenditures arrangement, when distributing profits,
the proportion of cash dividends in this profit distribution shall be 40% at least.
                                         Details of final dividend plan for the reporting period
As audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, the consolidated net profit attributable to the Company
as the parent for 2018 stood at RMB2,898,192,168.84 and the net profit of the Company as the parent at RMB1,031,693,987.55.
1. According to the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company distributed the profit, 10% of the profit shall be
withdrawn as statutory reserve. RMB103,169,398.76 of the profit is planned to be withdrawn as statutory reserve of the Company.
The accumulative distributable profit of the Company as the parent at the end of 2019 was RMB983,693,068.62;
2. Base on the total 1,922,365,124 shares as at the end of 2019, a cash dividend of RMB4.60 (tax included) is to be distributed for
every 10 shares, totaling RMB884,287,957.04.
After the dividends distribution, the retained earnings of the Company as the parent will be RMB99,405,111.58.
The above profit distribution plan still needs to be submitted to the 2019 Annual General Meeting for approval.

III. Fulfillment of Commitments

1. Commitments of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and
Acquirers, as well as the Company Itself and other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or
Ongoing at the Period-end

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                Type of                                                                               Date of   Term of
Commitm Promiso                                                                                                         Fulfill
                commit                                 Details of commitment                        commitment commitme
  ent      r                                                                                                            ment
                 ment                                                                                 making       nt
                                                                                                                nt       on
                                                                                                                nce       of
                                                                                                                CMPort is
                                                                                                                for a long
                                                                                                                time; the
                     ments on
                                                                                                                nt       on
Commitm              al
ents made CMGD competit          Commitment on safeguarding independence of CMPort made by
in                   ion,        CMGD and its person acting in concert Broadford Global: to
            and                                                                                      15   March party         Ongoi
acquisitio Broadfor related-     safeguard the independence of finance, institutions, business and
                                                                                                     2018       transaction ng
n                    party       personnel of CMPort as well as independence and integrity of assets
            d Global                                                                                            s          is
document             transacti   of CMPort.
s        or          on and
                                                                                                                during the
shareholdi           capital
ng                   occupati
alteration           on
document                                                                                                        and       its
s                                                                                                               persons
                                                                                                                acting in
                                                                                                                over the

           CMGD       Commit     Commitment on regulating related-party transaction made by                    The
           and        ments on   CMGD and corresponding persons acting in concert- Broadford 15          March commitme Ongoi
           Broadfor   horizont   Global: 1. CMGD/Broadford Global will make a great effort to 2018             nt      on ng
           d Global   al         reduce related-party transaction between CMGD/Broadford Global                safeguardi
                      competit   and its related parties as well as CMPort. Inevitable business dealings       ng

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2019

                   ion,         or transactions shall be conducted as per marketization principle and         independe
                   related-     fair price and the obligation of information disclosure shall be              nce       of
                   party        fulfilled pursuant to provisions; 2. CMGD/Broadford Global and its            CMPort is
                   transacti    related parties ensure they will strictly observe related stipulations of     effective
                   on and       laws, regulations, normative documents and Articles of Association            for a long
                   capital      of CMPort and equally execute shareholders' rights and fulfill                time; the
                   occupati     shareholders' obligations together with other shareholders in line            commitme
                   on           with legal program as well as won't seek improper interest with               nt       on
                                actual controller's status or damage legitimate interest of CMPort and        regulating
                                other shareholders; 3. The above commitment is continuously                   related-
                                effective during the period when CMGD/Broadford Global has the                party
                                right to control CMPort. In case of losses incurred by                        transaction
                                CMGD/Broadford Global failing to fulfill the above commitment to              s          is
                                CMPort, CMGD will bear corresponding compensation                             effective
                                responsibility.                                                               during the
                                                                                                              and       its
                                                                                                              acting in
                                                                                                              over the
                                Commitment on regulating related-party transaction: 1. China
                                Merchants Group will try its best to reduce related-party transaction
                                between it and its related parties and CMPort. Inevitable business
                                dealings or transactions shall be conducted as per marketization
                   ments on
                                principle and fair price and the obligation of information disclosure
                                shall be fulfilled pursuant to provisions; 2. China Merchants Group           Effective
                                ensure they will strictly observe related stipulations of laws,               until no-
                                regulations, normative documents and Articles of Association of               longer to
                                CMPort and equally execute shareholders' rights and fulfill 15          March be      the Ongoi
          CMG      related-
                                shareholders' obligations together with other shareholders in line 2018       actual      ng
                                with legal program as well as won't seek improper interest with               controller
                                actual controller's status or damage legitimate interest of CMPort and        of      the
                   on and
                                other shareholders; 3. The above commitment is continuously                   Company
                                effective during the period when China Merchants Group has the
                                right to control CMPort. In case of losses incurred by China
                                Merchants Group failing to fulfill the above commitment to CMPort,
                                China Merchants Group will bear corresponding compensation
                                1. CMPort shares obtained by purchasing assets with shares issued
                                this time are forbidden to be transferred or transacted in the market
                                before the latter one between the date arising 36 months after the date
                                when CMPort shares gained by CMID based on this transaction are
                                registered under the name of CMID and the date when fulfillment of
                                compensation obligations set forth in the Impairment Compensation
                                Agreement for Issuing Shares To Purchase Assets signed by and
Commitm            Commit       between CMID and CMPort, separately and its supplementary
ents made          ment on      agreement (if any) is over (except for repurchasing or presenting
in time of         restrictio   shares pursuant to Impairment Compensation Agreement for Issuing 26           25   June Ongoi
            CMID                Shares To Purchase Assets and its supplementary agreement (if December
asset              n      on                                                                                  2022      ng
restructuri        share        any)); 2. In case of closing price of CMPort stocks being lower than 2018
ng                 trading      issue price for consecutive 20 transaction days within 6 months after
                                completion of the transaction or such closing price being lower than
                                issue price at the end of the 6th month after completion of the
                                transaction, the lockup period of CMPort stocks held by CMID will
                                be automatically lengthened for at least 6 months; 3. CMPort shares
                                which derive from consideration shares obtained by CMID based on
                                the transaction during the lockup period due to CMPort distributing
                                stock dividend and capital reserve converted into increased capital
                                shall be subject to the commitment regarding the above restricted

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2019

                                  stock trade period; 4. In case that the transaction is placed on file for
                                  investigation and prosecution by judiciary authorities as well as
                                  registered and investigated by CSRC because false record,
                                  misleading statement or important omission happens to provided or
                                  disclosed information, CMID won't transfer its shares with rights and
                                  interests at CMPort before case investigation conclusion is drawn; 5.
                                  In case that lockup period set forth in the commitment is inconsistent
                                  with regulatory opinions from securities market supervision
                                  department or lockup period required by related provisions, CMID
                                  shall adjust the above lockup period pursuant to regulatory opinions
                                  from relevant securities market supervision department and related
                                  provisions. 6. After the above lockup period expires, CMID Port
                                  shall observe provisions of laws and regulations, related rules of
                                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange as well as Articles of Association of
                                  CMPort in case of reducing shares held by it.
                                  1. Before completion of the transaction, CMPort shares held by
                                  CMGD and Broadford Global (include increased shares because
                                  allotment of shares, giving bonus and capital reserve converted into
                                  increased capital occurs to CMPort) shall not be transferred within
                                  12 months as of the date when the transaction is over (the registration
                                  date of new shares by purchasing assets with shares issued this time);
                                  2. In case that lockup period set forth in the commitment is
                                  inconsistent with regulatory opinions from securities market
                     Commit       supervision department or lockup period required by related
          CMGD       ment on      provisions, CMGD shall adjust the above lockup period pursuant to 26                 25
          and        restrictio   regulatory opinions from relevant securities market supervision December                      Comp
          Broadfor   n      on    department and related provisions. 3. In case that the transaction is 2018                    leted
          d Global   share        placed on file for investigation and prosecution by judiciary
                     trading      authorities as well as registered and investigated by CSRC because
                                  false record, misleading statement or important omission happens to
                                  provided or disclosed information, CMGD and Broadford Global
                                  won't transfer its shares with rights and interests at CMPort before
                                  case investigation conclusion is drawn.
                                  In case of losses incurred by CMGD and Broadford Global violate
                                  fulfill the above promise to CMPort, CMGD will bear corresponding
                                  compensation responsibility.
                                  Commitment on avoiding horizontal competition: 1. CMID and other
                                  enterprise controlled by CMID fail to engage in or participate in
                                  business or activity which is similar with and constitutes or likely
                                  constitutes competitive relation with main business conducted by
                                  CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it now; 2. CMID will try its
                                  best to promote CMID and other enterprise controlled by CMID not
                                  to directly or indirectly engage in or participate in or assist to engage
                                  in or participate in any business or activity which constitutes or likely
                     Commit       constitutes competitive relation with main business conducted by
                     ments on     CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it now and in the future
                     horizont     independently or together with others; 3. In case of discovering any
                                  new business opportunity which constitutes or likely constitutes                     Effective
                                  direct or indirect competitive relation with main business of CMPort                 until no-
                                  or the enterprise controlled by it, CMID or CMID and other                           longer to
                                  enterprise controlled by it will immediately notify CMPort in written 26 July 2018   be      the Ongoi
          CMID       related-
                                  as well as make a great effort to promote such business opportunity                  largest     ng
                                  to be provided to CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it firstly                  shareholde
                                  according to reasonable and fair terms and conditions; 4. In case of                 r of the
                     on and
                                  CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it waiving such competitive                   Company
                     occupati     new business opportunity and CMID or/and other enterprise
                     on           controlled by it engaging in such competitive business, CMPort or
                                  the enterprise controlled by it will have the right to purchase any
                                  stock rights, assets or other rights and interests in the above
                                  competitive business from CMID or/and other enterprise controlled
                                  by it once or several times at any moment, or CMPort will select
                                  entrusted operation, leasing or contract operation of assets or
                                  businesses of CMID or/and other enterprise controlled by it in the
                                  above competitive business as per the mode permitted by national
                                  laws and regulations; 5. When CMID and other enterprise controlled
                                  by it plans to transfer, sell, rent out, conduct licensed use of or

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2019

                              transfer or allow to use assets and businesses which constitutes or
                              likely constitutes direct or indirect competitive relationship with
                              main business of CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it in other
                              way, CMID and other enterprise controlled by it will provide the
                              right of priority assignment to CMPort or the enterprise controlled
                              by it and promise to make a great effort to promote other enterprise
                              controlled by CMID provide CMPort or the enterprise controlled by
                              it with the right of priority assignment under the above situation; 6.
                              As of the date when the commitment letter is provided, CMID
                              promises to compensate all actual losses, damages and expenses
                              arising from violation of any clause in the commitment letter by
                              CMID or the enterprise controlled by it to CMPort or the enterprise
                              controlled by it.
                              Commitment on regulating related-party transaction: 1. CMID and
                              other enterprise controlled by it will make a great effort to avoid and
                              reduce related-party transaction between CMPort and economic
                              entity controlled by it; 2. CMID and other enterprise controlled by it
                              will exercise stockholder's rights in accordance with related
                              provisions of relevant laws and regulations as well as Articles of
                  Commit      Association of CMPort and fulfill the obligation of vote avoidance
                  ments on    at the moment of voting for related-party transactions involved by
                  horizont    CMID and other enterprise controlled by it at the stockholders'
                  al          meeting; 3. As for related-party transaction which is inevitable or
                                                                                                                  until no-
                  competit    occurs due to reasonable reason, CMID will carry out transaction
                                                                                                                  longer to
                  ion,        pursuant to the principle of openness, fairness and justice for market
                                                                                                                  be      the Ongoi
          CMID    related-    transaction and based on fair and reasonable market price, perform 26 July 2018
                                                                                                                  largest     ng
                  party       related-party transaction decision-making process and legally fulfill
                  transacti   information disclosure obligation to safeguard benefits of CMPort
                                                                                                                  r of the
                  on and      and other shareholders of CMPort in line with provisions of laws,
                  capital     regulations, normative documents and Articles of Association of
                  occupati    CMPort; 4. It's ensured that no legitimate interest of CMPort and
                  on          other shareholders of CMPort is damaged by related-party
                              transaction based on status and influence of CMPort; 5. CMID will
                              promote other enterprise controlled by it to observe the commitment
                              of Subparagraph 1-4; 6. In case of CMID and other enterprise
                              controlled by it violating the above commitment, causing rights and
                              interests of CMPort and its shareholders are damaged, CMID will
                              take corresponding compensation responsibility according to law.
                              Commitment about keeping independence of CMPort: 1. After the
                              transaction is completed, CMID will strictly observe related
                              provisions regarding independence of listed Companies from CSRC
                              and won't violate standard operating procedures of CMPort based on
                  Commit      the first majority shareholder, conduct excessive intervention of
                  ments on    operation and management activities of CMPort and its subsidiary,
                  horizont    embezzle benefits of CMPort and its subsidiary or damage legitimate
                  al          interest of CMPort and other shareholders; 2. CMID will ensure
                                                                                                                  until no-
                  competit    CMPort is independent from CMID and related parties in the aspects
                                                                                                                  longer to
                  ion,        of business, asset, finance, personnel and institution; 3. CMID
                                                                                                                  be      the Ongoi
          CMID    related-    ensures independence of CMPort, CMID and other enterprise 26 July 2018
                                                                                                                  largest     ng
                  party       controlled by it fail to occupy capitals and resources of CMPort
                  transacti   based on violation in any way and will strictly observe provisions of
                                                                                                                  r of the
                  on and      rules and regulations for avoiding occupation of related party funds
                  capital     from CMPort as well as related laws, regulations and normative
                  occupati    documents; 4. The commitment letter takes effect as of the signature
                  on          date of CMID as well as is legally binding upon CMID. CMID
                              ensures it will strictly fulfill various commitments in the
                              commitment letter and will take corresponding legal responsibility
                              for losses incurred to CMPort due to violation of related
                  Commit      Commitment on avoiding horizontal competition: 1. China                             Effective
                  ments on    Merchants Group and the enterprise controlled by it (excluding                      until no-
                  horizont    CMPort Holdings and the enterprise controlled it) fail to engage in                 longer to Ongoi
          CMG     al          or participate in any business or activity which is similar with and 26 July 2018   be      the ng
                  competit    constitutes or likely constitute direct or indirect competitive                     actual
                  ion,        relationship with main business conducted by CMPort and the                         controller
                  related-    enterprise controlled by it now; 2. China Merchants Group will try                  of      the

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2019

                  party       its best to promote enterprises controlled by it(except for CMPort                 Company
                  transacti   and the enterprise controlled by it) not to directly or indirectly engage
                  on and      in or participate in or assist to engage in or participate in any business
                  capital     or activity which constitutes or likely constitutes competitive relation
                  occupati    with main business conducted by CMPort and the enterprise
                  on          controlled by it now and in the future independently or together with
                              others; 3. In case of discovering any new business opportunity which
                              constitutes and likely constitutes direct or indirect competitive
                              relation with main business of CMPort or the enterprise controlled
                              by it, China Merchants Group or enterprise controlled by it(except
                              for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) will immediately
                              notify CMPort in written as well as make a great effort to promote
                              such business opportunity to be provided to CMPort or the enterprise
                              controlled by it firstly according to reasonable and fair terms and
                              conditions; 4. In case of CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it
                              waives such competitive new business opportunity and China
                              Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled by it (except for
                              CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) engaging in such
                              competitive business, CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it will
                              be entitled to purchase any equities, assets and other rights and
                              interests in the above competitive business from China Merchants
                              Group or the enterprise controlled by it (except for CMPort and the
                              enterprise controlled by it) once or several times at any moment or
                              CMPort will select entrusted operation, leasing or contract operation
                              of assets or businesses of China Merchants Group or the enterprise
                              controlled by it (except for CMPort and the enterprise controlled by
                              it) in the above competitive business according to the mode
                              permitted by national laws and regulations; 5. When China
                              Merchants Group and the enterprise controlled by it (except for
                              CMPort and the enterprise controlled by it) plans to transfer, sell,
                              lease, allow to use or transfer or allow to use asset and business
                              which constitutes or likely constitutes direct or indirect competitive
                              relationship with main business of CMPort or the enterprise
                              controlled by it in other way, China Merchants Group and the
                              enterprise controlled by it (except for CMPort and the enterprise
                              controlled by it) will provide the right of priority assignment for
                              CMPort or the enterprise controlled by it and promise to make a great
                              effort to promote the enterprise controlled by China Merchants
                              Group to provide the of priority assignment for CMPort or the
                              enterprise controlled by it under the above situation; 6. As of the date
                              when the commitment letter is provided, China Merchants Group
                              promises to compensate all actual losses, damages and expenses
                              arising from violation of any clause in the commitment letter by
                              China Merchants Group or the enterprise controlled by it to CMPort
                              or the enterprise controlled by it.
                              Commitment on regulating related-party transaction: 1. China
                              Merchants Group and other enterprise controlled by it will make a
                              great effort to avoid and reduce related-party transaction between
                              CMPort and economic entity controlled by it; 2. China Merchants
                  Commit      Group and other enterprise controlled by it will exercise
                  ments on    stockholder's rights in accordance with related provisions of relevant
                  horizont    laws and regulations as well as Articles of Association of CMPort                  Effective
                  al          and fulfill the obligation of vote avoidance at the moment of voting               until no-
                  competit    for related-party transactions involved by CMID and other enterprise               longer to
                  ion,        controlled by it at the stockholders' meeting; 3. As for related                   be      the Ongoi
          CMG     related-    transaction which is inevitable or occurs due to reasonable reason, 26 July 2018   actual      ng
                  party       China Merchants Group will carry out transaction pursuant to the                   controller
                  transacti   principle of openness, fairness and justice for market transaction and             of      the
                  on and      based on fair and reasonable market price, perform related-party                   Company
                  capital     transaction decision-making process and legally fulfill information
                  occupati    disclosure obligation to safeguard benefits of CMPort and other
                  on          shareholders of CMPort in line with provisions of laws, regulations,
                              normative documents and Articles of Association of CMPort; 4. It's
                              ensured that no legitimate interest of CMPort and other shareholders
                              of CMPort is damaged by related-party transaction based on status
                              and influence of CMPort; 5. China Merchants Group promotes other

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2019

                              enterprise controlled by it to observe the commitment set forth in
                              Subparagraph 1-4 above; 6. In case of China Merchants Group and
                              other enterprise controlled by it violating the above commitment,
                              causing rights and interests of CMPort and its shareholders are
                              damaged, China Merchants Group will take corresponding
                              compensation responsibility according to law.
                              Commitment about keeping independence of CMPort: 1. After the
                              transaction is completed, China Merchants Group will strictly
                              observe related provisions regarding independence of listed
                              companies from CSRC and won't violate standard operating
                              procedures of CMPort based on actual controller's status, conduct
                  Commit      excessive intervention of operation and management activities of
                  ments on    CMPort and its subsidiary, embezzle benefits of CMPort and its
                  horizont    subsidiary or damage legitimate interest of CMPort and other
                  al          shareholders; 2. China Merchants Group will ensure CMPort is
                                                                                                                until no-
                  competit    independent from China Merchants Group and related parties in the
                                                                                                                longer to
                  ion,        aspects of business, asset, finance, personnel and institution; 3. China
                                                                                                                be      the Ongoi
          CMG     related-    Merchants Group ensures independence of CMPort, China 26 July 2018
                                                                                                                actual      ng
                  party       Merchants Group and other enterprise controlled by it fail to occupy
                  transacti   capitals and resources of CMPort based on violation in any way and
                                                                                                                of      the
                  on and      will strictly observe provisions of rules and regulations for avoiding
                  capital     occupation of related party funds from CMPort as well as related
                  occupati    laws, regulations and normative documents; 4. The commitment
                  on          letter takes effect as of the signature date of China Merchants Group
                              as well is legally binding upon China Merchants Group. China
                              Merchants Group ensures it will strictly fulfill various commitments
                              in the commitment letter and will take corresponding legal
                              responsibility for losses incurred to listed Company due to violation
                              of related commitment.
                              1. Before completion of the transaction, CMPort shares held by or
                              indirectly controlled by China Merchants Group (include increased
                              shares because allotment of shares, giving bonus and capital reserve
                              converted into increased capital occurs to CMPort) shall not be
                              transferred within 12 months as of the date when the transaction is
                              over (the registration date of new shares by purchasing assets with
                              shares issued this time); 2. In case that lockup period set forth in the
                              commitment is inconsistent with regulatory opinions from securities
                              market supervision department or lockup period required by related
                              provisions, China Merchants Group shall adjust the above lockup
                  ments on
                              period pursuant to regulatory opinions from relevant securities
                              market supervision department and related provisions. 3. In case that
                  of shares                                                                                         25
                              the transaction is placed on file for investigation and prosecution by                         Comp
          CMG     and                                                                                  26 July 2018 December
                              judiciary authorities as well as registered and investigated by CSRC                           leted
                  sharehol                                                                                          2019
                              because false record, misleading statement or important omission
                              happens to provided or disclosed information, China Merchants
                              Group won't transfer its shares with rights and interests at listed
                  n plan
                              Company before case investigation conclusion is drawn; 4. During
                              the period from the date of resumption of trading of the transaction
                              to the date when the transaction is over, China Merchants Group has
                              no share reduction plan. The above shares include original CMPort
                              shares directly held or indirectly controlled by China Merchants
                              Group as well as derivative shares of original shares directly held or
                              indirectly controlled during the above period due to participation in
                              profit and presenting shares by CMPort as well as capital reserve
                              converted into increased capital.
                         Commitment letter about perfecting the property ownership
                         certificate for land and house property of CMPort Holdings and the                     Effective
                         enterprise subordinate to it: 1. China Merchants Group will spare no                   until no-
                         effort to assist, promote and drive CMPort Holdings and the                            longer to
                  Other  enterprise subordinate to it to standardize, perfect and solve                         be      the Ongoi
          CMG     commit ownership defects of properties such as land and house property; 2. 26 July 2018
                                                                                                                actual      ng
                  ment   The following situations happen to CMPort Holdings and the                             controller
                         enterprise subordinate to it before completion of the transaction: (1)                 of      the
                         Land use right of ownership certificate which is being handled, the                    Company
                         house property failing to be timely handled (except for results
                         incurred by force majeure, law, policy, government administration

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     Annual Report 2019

                           behavior and change in planned use of the land instead of CMPort
                           Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it); Or (2) Land use right
                           of ownership certificate, the property ownership certificate failing to
                           be handled (except for results incurred by force majeure, law, policy,
                           government administration behavior and change in planned use of
                           the land of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it); Or
                           (3) In case of nonstandard other land use right and house property
                           (except for results incurred by force majeure, law, policy,
                           government administration behavior and change in planned use of
                           the land instead of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate
                           to it) and encountering actual losses (including but not limited to
                           compensation, fine, expenditure and benefit lost), China Merchants
                           Group will timely and fully compensate CMPort.
                         Commitment letter about real estate leased by CMPort Holdings and
                         the enterprise subordinate to it: In case of nonstandard situation of
                         the leased property significantly influencing use of CMPort Holdings
                         and the Company subordinate to it to engage in operation of normal
                         business, China Merchants Group will actively take effective
                         measures (including but not limited to arranging to provide the
                         property with identical or similar conditions to be used for operation                Effective
                         of related Company) to promote business operation of related                          until no-
                         Company to be conducted normally and alleviate or eliminate                           longer to
                         adverse effect; In case of nonstandard of the leased property causing                 be      the Ongoi
          CMG     commit                                                                        26 July 2018
                         CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it produce actual                   actual      ng
                         additional expenditures or losses (such as third-party compensation),                 controller
                         China Merchants Group will actively coordinate and negotiate with                     of      the
                         other related party to support normal operation of CMPort Holdings                    Company
                         and the enterprise subordinate to it to the great extent and avoid or
                         control continuous enlargement of the damage; At the same time,
                         China Merchants Group agrees compensate CMPort Holdings and
                         the enterprise subordinate to it in cash for actual losses incurred to
                         CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate to it for this reason
                         to relieve or eliminate adverse effect.
                         Commitment letter about allotted land of the enterprise subordinate
                         to China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited from China
                         Merchants Group: In case that the above allotted land is withdrawn
                         or needs to be translated into assignment land due to policy
                         adjustment in the future after the transaction is completed, China
                         Merchants Group will actively coordinate with CMPort and related
                                                                                                               until no-
                         companies such as China Merchants Group International Port
                                                                                                               longer to
                  Other  (Qingdao) Co., Ltd. and Shantou CMPort Group Co., Ltd. to handle
                                                                                                               be      the Ongoi
          CMG     commit the transfer procedure or take other feasible countermeasures. In case 26 July 2018
                                                                                                               actual      ng
                  ment   of any actual loss (excluding land-transferring fees or rent, fees paid
                         for taking rural land, ownership registration fees, taxes and dues and
                                                                                                               of      the
                         other related expenses to be paid by Chiwan Wharf or above-
                         mentioned related companies according to provisions of laws and
                         regulations) incurred to CMPort or above-mentioned related
                         companies for this reason, China Merchants Group will timely and
                         fully compensate actual loss incurred to CMPort or above-mentioned
                         related companies.
                         Commitment letter about undertaking the accreditation fees of
                         property ownership certificate for the perfection of the land and
                         house property of CMPort Holdings and the enterprise subordinate
                         to it: In case of defective land use right and house property involved
                                                                                                               until no-
                         by the Company subordinate to CMPort Holdings on account of
                                                                                                               longer to
                  Other  operation (namely land use right and house property of the Company 14
                                                                                                               be      the Ongoi
          CMG     commit subordinate to CMPort Holdings without complete ownership September
                                                                                                               actual      ng
                  ment   certificate existing before the transaction is completed), incurring 2018
                         registration fees such as taxes and dues, compensation and fine in the
                                                                                                               of      the
                         process of perfecting legal procedures of defective land use right and
                         house property by the subordinate to CMPort Holdings, China
                         Merchants Group will timely and fully compensate to the Company
                         subordinate to CMPort Holdings for undertaking.

          CMG     Other  Commitment letter about related matters of CMPort after the 30                        Three to Ongoi
                  commit transaction is completed: After the transaction is completed, Chiwan September        five years ng

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                               Annual Report 2019

                  ment    Wharf will become port business asset management headquarters 2018         and CMG
                          and domestic capital operation platform of China Merchants Group,          is      the
                          deeply participate in integration of domestic regional port assets and     actual
                          enlarge the scale of domestic listed assets to make net profit of          controller
                          CMPort Holdings (00144.HK) enjoyed as per the rights and interests         of      the
                          in the consolidated statement of listed Company in recent one fiscal       Company
                          year fail to exceed 50% net profit of consolidated statement of the
                          listed Company and net asset of CMPort Holdings (00144.HK)
                          enjoyed in light of rights and interests in the consolidated statement
                          of listed Company in recent one fiscal year fail to exceed 30% net
                          asset in the consolidated statement of the listed Company within 3-5
                          years after the transaction is completed.
                         China Merchants Group and all its directors, supervisors and
                         administrative officers ensure the transaction report, its abstract,
                         other information provided for the transaction and application
                         document are true, accurate and complete without false record,
                         misleading statement or important omission as well as take
                         individual and joint legal liability for false record, misleading
                         statement or important omission. If the information provided or
                         disclosed by this transaction is suspected of false records, misleading
                         statements or major omissions, and is investigated by the judicial
                         authorities or investigated by the China Securities Regulatory
                         Commission (CSRC), the directors, supervisors or senior managers
                         of China Merchants Group do not transfer the shares that have
                         interests in listed Company, and submit the written application and
                         stock account of the suspension of the transfer to the Board of
                         Directors of the CMPort within two trading days after receiving the
                  Other  filing inspection notice, and the Board of Directors shall apply for      Effective
          CMG     commit lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the Stock Exchange 26 July 2018 continuous
                  ment   and Registration and Settlement Company. In case of failing to file       ly
                         a locking application within two transaction days and after the Board
                         of Directors is authorized for verification, identity information and
                         account information on directors, supervisors or administrative
                         officers of China Merchants Group will be directly submitted to
                         Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company with
                         locking applied; In case of Board of Directors failing to submit
                         identity information and account information on directors,
                         supervisors or administrative officers of China Merchants Group to
                         Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company, Stock
                         Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company will be
                         authorized to directly lock related shares. In case that the situation of
                         violating laws and rules is found upon investigation conclusion,
                         directors, supervisors or administrative officers of China Merchants
                         Group promise locked shares are voluntarily used for compensating
                         related investors.
                         1. CMG Hong Kong ensures related information provided for the
                         transaction is true, accurate and complete without false record,
                         misleading statement or important omission; 2. CMG Hong Kong
                         ensures the data provided to CMPort and all intermediary organs
                         participating in the transaction is true, accurate and complete original
                         written data or data copy. Data copy is consistent with original data
                         and signature and seal of all the documents are true. The signatory of
                         such documents is legally authorized and effectively signs such
                         documents without any false record, misleading statement or
          CMG     Other  important omission; 3. CMG Hong Kong ensures descriptions and               Effective
          Hong    commit confirmations issued for the transaction is true, accurate and 26 July 2018 continuous
          Kong    ment   complete without false record, misleading statement or important            ly
                         omission; 4. CMG Hong Kong ensures that statutory disclosure and
                         report obligation has been performed, and no contracts, agreements,
                         arrangements or miscellaneous that should have been disclosed
                         exists; 5. The CMG Hong Kong made the commitment that if the
                         information provided or disclosed by this transaction is suspected of
                         false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and is
                         investigated by the judicial authorities or investigated by the China
                         Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), it does not transfer the
                         shares that have interests in listed Company, and submit the written

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   Annual Report 2019

                           application and stock account of the suspension of the transfer to the
                           Board of Directors of the CMPort within two trading days after
                           receiving the filing inspection notice, and the Board of Directors
                           shall apply for lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the
                           Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company. In case
                           of failing to file a locking application within two transaction days
                           and after the Board of Directors is authorized for verification,
                           identity information and account information on CMG Hong Kong
                           will be directly submitted to Stock Exchange and Registration and
                           Settlement Company with locking applied; In case of Board of
                           Directors failing to submit identity information and account
                           information on CMG Hong Kong to Stock Exchange and
                           Registration and Settlement Company, Stock Exchange and
                           Registration and Settlement Company will be authorized to directly
                           lock related shares. If the investigation finds that there is a violation
                           of the law, CMG Hong Kong committed to lock the shares
                           voluntarily for the relevant investor compensation; 6. If CMG Hong
                           Kong promises to related document, data and information provided
                           in the reorganization process aren't true, accurate or complete or are
                           with false record, misleading statement or important omission, CMG
                           Hong Kong is willing to legally bear corresponding legal
                           responsibility; 7. In case of CMG Hong Kong violating the above
                           promise, incurring losses to CMPort, CMG Hong Kong will take
                           corresponding compensation responsibility.
                         1. CMID ensures related information provided for the transaction is
                         true, accurate and complete without false record, misleading
                         statement or important omission; 2. CMID ensures the data provided
                         to CMPort and all intermediary organs participating in the
                         transaction is true, accurate and complete original written data or
                         data copy. Data copy is consistent with original data and signature
                         and seal of all the documents are true. The signatory of such
                         documents is legally authorized and effectively signs such
                         documents without any false record, misleading statement or
                         important omission; 3. CMID ensures description and confirmation
                         provided for the transaction are true, accurate and complete without
                         any false record, misleading statement or important omission; 4.
                         CMID ensures that statutory disclosure and report obligation has
                         been performed, and no contracts, agreements, arrangements or
                         miscellaneous that should have been disclosed exists; 5. The CMID
                         made the commitment that if the information provided or disclosed
                         by this transaction is suspected of false records, misleading
                         statements or major omissions, and is investigated by the judicial
                         authorities or investigated by the China Securities Regulatory
                  Other  Commission (CSRC), it does not transfer the shares that have                   Effective
          CMID    commit interests in CMPort, and submit the written application and stock 26 July 2018 continuous
                         account of the suspension of the transfer to the Board of Directors of                    ng
                  ment                                                                                  ly
                         the CMPort within two trading days after receiving the filing
                         inspection notice, and the Board of Directors shall apply for lock-up
                         on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the Stock Exchange and
                         Registration and Settlement Company. If the application for lock-up
                         is not submitted within two transaction days, the Board of Directors
                         is authorized to verify and submit the identity information and
                         account information of CMID directly to the Stock Exchange and
                         Registration and Settlement Company and apply for lock-up; If the
                         Board of Directors fails to submit the identity information and
                         account information of the CMID to the Stock Exchange and
                         Registration and Settlement Company, then the Stock Exchange and
                         Registration and Settlement Company shall be authorized to directly
                         lock the relevant shares. If the investigation finds that there is a
                         violation of the law, CMID committed to lock the shares voluntarily
                         for the relevant investor compensation; 6. If CMID promises to
                         related document, data and information provided in the
                         reorganization process aren't true, accurate or complete or are with
                         false record, misleading statement or important omission, CMID is
                         willing to legally bear corresponding legal responsibility; 7. In case
                         of CMID violating the above commitment, incurring losses to

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   Annual Report 2019

                           CMPort, CMID         will   take        corresponding   compensation
                         1. CMPort Holdings ensures related information provided for the
                         transaction is true, accurate and complete without false record,
                         misleading statement or important omission; 2. CMPort Holdings
                         ensures the data provided to CMPort and all intermediary organs
                         participating in the transaction is true, accurate and complete original
                         written data or data copy. Data copy is consistent with original data
                         and signature and seal of all the documents are true. The signatory of
                         such documents is legally authorized and effectively signs such
                         documents without any false record, misleading statement or
                         important omission; 3. CMID ensures description and confirmation
          CMPort Other   provided for the transaction are true, accurate and complete without          Effective
          Holding commit any false record, misleading statement or important omission; 4. 26 July 2018 continuous
          s       ment   CMPort Holdings ensures that statutory disclosure and report                  ly
                         obligation has been performed, and no contracts, agreements,
                         arrangements or miscellaneous that should have been disclosed
                         exists; 5. CMPort Holdings made the commitment that if the
                         information provided or disclosed by this transaction is suspected of
                         false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and is
                         investigated by the judicial authorities or investigated by the China
                         Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC); CMPort Holdings
                         committed that if CMPort Holdings violated the above promise,
                         incurring losses to CMPort, CMPort Holdings will take
                         corresponding compensation responsibility.
                         1. China Merchants Group ensures related information provided for
                         the transaction is true, accurate and complete without false record,
                         misleading statement or important omission; 2. China Merchants
                         Group ensures the data provided to CMPort and all intermediary
                         organs participating in the transaction is true, accurate and complete
                         original written data or data copy. Data copy is consistent with
                         original data and signature and seal of all the documents are true. The
                         signatory of such documents is legally authorized and effectively
                         signs such documents without any false record, misleading statement
                         or important omission; 3. China Merchants Group ensures
                         descriptions and confirmations issued for the transaction is true,
                         accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or
                         important omission; 4. China Merchants Group ensures that statutory
                         disclosure and report obligation has been performed, and no
                         contracts, agreements, arrangements or miscellaneous that should
                         have been disclosed exists; 5. China Merchants Group made the
                         commitment that if the information provided or disclosed by this
                         transaction is suspected of false records, misleading statements or
                         major omissions, and is investigated by the judicial authorities or
                  Other  investigated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission                          Effective
          CMG     commit (CSRC), it does not transfer the shares that have interests in CMPort, 26 July 2018 continuous
                  ment   and submit the written application and stock account of the                         ly
                         suspension of the transfer to the Board of Directors of the CMPort
                         within two trading days after receiving the filing inspection notice,
                         and the Board of Directors shall apply for lock-up on behalf of the
                         CMG Hong Kong to the Stock Exchange and Registration and
                         Settlement Company. In case of failing to file a locking application
                         within two transaction days and after the Board of Directors is
                         authorized for verification, identity information and account
                         information of China Merchants Group will be directly submitted to
                         Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company with
                         locking applied; In case of Board of Directors failing to submit
                         identity information and account information of China Merchants
                         Group to Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company,
                         Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company will be
                         authorized to directly lock related shares. If the investigation finds
                         that there is a violation of the law, China Merchants Group
                         committed to lock the shares voluntarily for the relevant investor
                         compensation; 6. If China Merchants Group promises to related
                         document, data and information provided in the reorganization
                         process aren't true, accurate or complete or are with false record,

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2019

                                   misleading statement or important omission, China Merchants
                                   Group is willing to legally bear corresponding legal responsibility;
                                   In case of China Merchants Group violating the above promise,
                                   incurring losses to CMPort, China Merchants Group will take
                                   corresponding compensation responsibility.
                             Chiwan Wharf and all its directors, supervisors and administrative
                             officers ensure the transaction report, its abstract, other information
                             provided for the transaction and application document are true,
                             accurate and complete without false record, misleading statement or
                             important omission as well as take individual and joint legal liability
                             for false record, misleading statement or important omission. If the
                             information provided or disclosed by this transaction is suspected of
                             false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and is
                             investigated by the judicial authorities or investigated by the China
                             Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the directors,
                             supervisors, or senior managers of Chiwan Wharf do not transfer the
            Chiwan           shares that have interests in listed Company, and submit the written
            Wharf            application and stock account of the suspension of the transfer to the
            and all          Board of Directors of the CMPort within two trading days after
            directors        receiving the filing inspection notice, and the Board of Directors
                      Other                                                                                       Effective
            ,                shall apply for lock-up on behalf of the CMG Hong Kong to the                                   Ongoi
                      commit                                                                         26 July 2018 continuous
            supervis         Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement Company. In case                                 ng
                      ment                                                                                        ly
            ors and          of failing to file a locking application within two transaction days
            senior           and after the Board of Directors is authorized for verification,
            manage           identity information and account information on directors,
            ment             supervisors or administrative officers of Chiwan Wharf will be
                             directly submitted to Stock Exchange and Registration and
                             Settlement Company with locking applied; In case of Board of
                             Directors failing to submit identity information and account
                             information on directors, supervisors or administrative officers of
                             Chiwan Wharf to Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement
                             Company, Stock Exchange and Registration and Settlement
                             Company will be authorized to directly lock related shares. In case
                             that the situation of violating laws and rules is found upon
                             investigation conclusion, directors, supervisors or administrative
                             officers of Chiwan Wharf promise locked shares are voluntarily used
                             for compensating related investors.
                                   China Nanshan Development(group) Incorporation will irrevocably
            China                  and unconditionally agrees it will ensure transferee of such land use
            Nanshan                right and its successor and assignee will be fully exempted from
                    Other                                                                                           Effective
            Develop                responsibility for the above matters in case of CMPort encountering 20 March                Ongoi
                    commit                                                                                          continuous
            ment                   losses, needing to bear expenses and liabilities, undergoing claim for 2001                 ng
                    ment                                                                                            ly
            (Group)                compensation or needing to file a lawsuit due to any actual or
            Inc.                   potential illegal and unenforceable issues incurred by land use
                                   agreement and relevant documents signed and to be signed by it.
                                   1. The Company has agreed not to transfer the shares subscribed
                                   within twelve months from the end date of the issue (which refers to
Other                              the listing date of the stock issued) by CMPort. It has requested the
commitm                            Board of CMPort to apply with the Shenzhen Branch of China
ents made                          Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. (CSDC) for locking the
            China-      ment of
to                                 shares subscribed by the Company to make sure that the
            Africa      shares
minority                           aforementioned shares held by the Company will not be transferred                 3
            Develop     lock-up                                                                           4 November          Ongoi
sharehold                          within twelve months from the end date of the issue. 2. Except for                November
            ment        and                                                                               2019                ng
ers                                the sell permitted by regulatory authorities that does not constitute             2020
            Fund        share
                                   nonperformance or incomplete performance of the aforementioned
            Co., Ltd.   reductio
                                   commitment, the Company undertakes that it will authorize CSDC
                        n plan
                                   to transfer the fund from the sell into its account to be owned by all
                                   its shareholders if it violates the aforementioned commitment. 3. The
                                   Company declares that it will faithfully fulfill its commitment and
                                   bear corresponding legal liabilities.
            Shenzhe     Commit     The Company has agreed not to transfer the shares subscribed within
            n           ment of    twelve months from the end date of the issue (which refers to the 4 November 3        Ongoi
            Infrastru   shares     listing date of the stock issued) by CMPort. It has requested the 2019       November
            cture       lock-up    Board of CMPort to apply with the Shenzhen Branch of China                   2020
            Investm     and        Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. (CSDC) for locking the

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                Annual Report 2019

            ent Fund share    shares subscribed by the Company to make sure that the
            Partners reductio aforementioned shares held by the Company will not be transferred
            hip (LP) n plan within twelve months from the end date of the issue. 2. The Company
                              committed that as not fulfilling nonperformance or incomplete
                              performance of the aforementioned commitment, the Company shall
                              compensate the direct economic loss of other shareholders. The
                              Company undertakes that if it violates the aforementioned
                              commitment, it will authorize CSDC to transfer the fund from the
                              sale into its account to be owned by all shareholders. 3. 3. The
                              Company declares that it will faithfully fulfill its commitment and
                              bear corresponding legal liabilities.
fulfilled   Yes
on time
for failing
to fulfill
ents     on
time and
plans for
next step
(if any)

2. Where there Had Been an Earnings Forecast for an Asset or Project and the Reporting
Period Was still within the Forecast Period, Explain why the Forecast Has Been Reached for
the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or Its Related Parties
for Non-Operating Purposes

During the Reporting Period, the controlling shareholder or its related parties did not occupy capital
or repay for non-operating purposes. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
issued the Special Report on Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder
and Other Related Parties, and refer to www.cninfo.com.cn for details.

V. Explanations Given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Independent
Directors (if any) Regarding the Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on the Financial
Statements of the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. YoY Changes to Accounting Policies, Estimates and Methods

The Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21 – Lease (hereinafter referred to as “New
lease standard”) revised and issued by Ministry of Finance on 7 December 2018 required that
enterprises listed both domestically and overseas and enterprises listed overseas who prepare the
financial statements by International Financial Reporting Standards or Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises shall implement it form 1 January 2019, and other enterprises implementing the

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report 2019

Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises shall implement it from 1 January 2021. According
to the requirements of Ministry of Finance, enterprises whose subsidiaries are listed overseas and
prepare the financial statements by International Financial Reporting Standards or Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises can implement the new lease standard in advance. The Company,
in accordance with the requirements of Ministry of Finance, implemented the new lease standard
from 1 January 2019. Refer to Announcement on Changes of Accounting Policy (Announcement No.
2019-031) on www.cninfo.com.cn. disclosed on 30 March 2019. In accordance with the regulations
of new standards governing financial instrument, the Company shall not adjust the information
between the comparable periods, and the accumulative influence in the first execution of the new
standards shall be adjusted to the retained earnings at the period-begin and the amount of other
relevant item in the financial statements.
On 30 April 2019, the Format of 2019 General Enterprises Financial Statement was revised and
printed by the Ministry of Finance, making partial amendments to the format of financial statements.
The changes of format of financial statements were implemented from the interim financial reports
on 30 June 2019. Refer to Announcement on Changes of Accounting Policy (Announcement No.
2019-063) on www.cninfo.com.cn. disclosed on 31 August 2019.
On 19 September 2019, the Format of 2019 Consolidated Financial Statement was revised and printed
by the Ministry of Finance, making partial amendments to the format of financial statements on the
basis of the Format of 2019 General Enterprises Financial Statement and the Format of 2018 Financial
Enterprises Financial Statement. The changes of format of financial statements were implemented
from the third quarter financial statements on 30 September 2019. Refer to Announcement on
Changes of Accounting Policy (Announcement No. 2019-076) on www.cninfo.com.cn. disclosed on
31 October 2019.
For further information, please refer to (III) Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates in
Part XI Financial Statements for details.

VII. Retrospective Restatements due to Correction of Material Accounting Errors in the
Reporting Period

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VIII. YoY Changes to the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements

On 31 December 2018, the subsidiary of the Company, China Merchants International Terminal
(Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd. held 1,620,000,000 ordinary shares of Zhanjiang Port, accounting for 40.2916%
of the total shares issued by Zhanjiang Port. On 2 January 2019, the Company signed the Agreement
of Share Transfer of Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. with Sinotrans Guangdong Co., Ltd., which
transferred 201,034,548 shares of Zhanjiang Port held by Sinotrans Guangdong Co., Ltd., accounting
for 5% of total shares issued on the signing date with the consideration of transfer of
The wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company CWH (H.K.) signed in Zhanjiang on 8 January 2019
the Agreement on a Capital Increase to Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. with Zhanjiang
Infrastructure Investment and Zhanjiang Port (hereinafter referred to as the “Capital Increase
Agreement”). According to the provisions of the Capital Increase Agreement, Zhanjiang Port issued

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2019

1,853,518,190 additional ordinary shares at the price of RMB1.867 per share or the equivalent in the
foreign currency (based on the exchange rate at the time of payment) to increase its registered capital
to RMB5,874,209,145. CWH (H.K.) subscribed for 1,606,855,919 such ordinary shares, accounting
for 27.3544% of the issued shares of Zhanjiang Port as at the date of issuance of such shares, at a
total price of RMB3,000,000,000.77 or the equivalent in the foreign currency (based on the exchange
rate at the time of payment) (hereinafter referred to as "the Transaction"); and Zhanjiang
Infrastructure Investment subscribed for 246,662,271 shares, accounting for 4.1991% of the issued
shares of Zhanjiang Port as at the date of issuance of such shares, at a total price of
As of 3 February 2019, the registration and filing procedures of the Transaction for business change
was finished, and the capital increase to Zhanjiang Port by the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary
CWH (H.K.) was completed. Upon the completion of the Transaction, the Company’s interest in
Zhanjiang Port has increased to 58.3549%. Therefore, Zhanjiang Port has since been included in the
scope of the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

IX. Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Current independent auditor
Name of the domestic independent auditor                              Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
The Company’s payment to the domestic independent auditor
How many consecutive years the domestic independent auditor
has provided audit service for the Company
Names of the certified public accountants from the domestic
                                                                                                              Li Weihua, Zhang Min
independent auditor writing signatures on the auditor’s report
How many consecutive years the certified public accountants
have provided audit service for the Company
Name of the overseas independent auditor (if any)                                                         Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
The Company’s payment to the overseas independent auditor
(RMB’0,000) (if any)
How many consecutive years the overseas independent auditor has
provided audit service for the Company (if any)
Names of the certified public accountants from the overseas
independent auditor writing signatures on the auditor’s report (if                                                  Zhong Zhiwen
How many consecutive years the certified public accountants
have provided audit service for the Company (if any)

Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor was changed for the Reporting Period.
□ Yes √ No
Independent auditor, financial advisor or sponsor engaged for the audit of internal controls:
Approved by the 5th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2019 and 2018 Annual General Meeting
of the Company, the Company was allowed to continuously engage Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Certified Public Accountants LLP as the 2019 independent auditor for the audit of annual financial
statements and internal control in the current year. The audit price for 2019 annual financial
statements was RMB9.22 million and the price for internal control was RMB0.28 million. The total
expense on aforesaid two audit work was RMB9.5 million.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report 2019

X. Possibility of Listing Suspension or Termination after Disclosure of this Report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XII. Major Legal Matters

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII. Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIV. Credit Quality of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XV. Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures for

The Company had completed registration for the grant of stock option (the first grant) under the Stock
Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) as at March 13, 2020. Review and approval procedures carried out in
connection with the Stock Option Incentive Plan are as follows:
At the 2nd non-scheduled meeting of the Nomination, Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the
ninth session of the Board of 2019 held on October 10, 2019, the following proposals were considered
and approved, including Stock Option Incentive Plan of CMPort (Draft) (hereinafter referred to as
the “Stock Option Incentive Plan (Draft)”) and its summary, Stock Option Incentive Plan of CMPort
(Phase I) (Draft) (hereinafter referred to as the “Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) (Draft)”) and
its summary, Management Measures for the Stock Option Incentive Plan of CMPort (hereinafter
referred to as the “Management Measures for the Stock Option Incentive Plan”), Appraisal Measures
for Implementing the Stock Option Incentive Plan and Implementation Appraisal Measures of Stock
Option Incentive Plan by China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
“Implementation Appraisal Measures of Stock Option Incentive Plan”)
(2) At the 9th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board in 2019 held on 11 October 2019, the following
proposals were reviewed and approved, including Stock Option Incentive Plan (Draft) and its
summary, Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) (Draft) and its summary, Management Measures for
the Stock Option Incentive Plan, Appraisal Measures for Implementing the Stock Option Incentive
China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report 2019

Plan and Proposal on Requesting the General Meeting to Authorize the Board of Directors to Go
Through Share Incentive Procedures, and independent directors expressed independent opinions. At
the 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee in 2019 held on the same day, the
following proposals were reviewed and approved, including Stock Option Incentive Plan (Draft) and
its summary, Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) (Draft) and its summary, Management Measures
for the Stock Option Incentive Plan and Appraisal Measures for Implementing the Stock Option
Incentive Plan, and List of Incentive Objects under the Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) was
reviewed with opinions expressed.
(3) On 3 January 2020, the Company received Approval on the Implementation of Stock Incentive
Plan of CMPort (GZKF [2019] No. 748) issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and
Administration Commission of the State Council from China Merchants Group, the actual controller
of the Company. In principle, approval was given to the Company for its implementation of the Stock
Option Incentive Plan and performance appraisal goals under the Plan.
(4) At the 1st Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2020 held on 9 January 2020,
Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) (Revised Draft) and its summary were reviewed and approved
and independent directors expressed independent opinions. At the 1st Extraordinary Meeting of the
9th Supervisory Committee in 2020 held on the same day, Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I)
(Revised Draft) and its summary were reviewed and approved and List of Incentive objects under the
Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) (After Adjustment) was reviewed with opinions expressed.
(5) On 20 January 2020, the Company disclosed the List of Incentive Objects of Stock Option
Incentive Plan (Phase I) China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. The Company published the names
and positions of the incentive objects for the first grant of the stock option in its internal OA system
from 10 January to 19 January 2020. By the end of the publicity, the Company’s Supervisory
Committee had not received any objection against the incentive objects for the first grant. The
Supervisory Committee reviewed the list of incentive objects for the first grant, and disclosed Notes
of the Supervisory Committee on the Review and Publicity of the List of Incentive Objects under the
Stock Option Plan (Phase I) on 20 January 2020.
(6) At the 1st non-scheduled shareholders’ meeting of 2020 held on 3 February 2020, the following
proposals were considered and approved, including Stock Option Incentive Plan (Draft) and its
summary, Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) (Revised Draft) and its summary, Management
Measures for the Stock Option Incentive Plan, Appraisal Measures for Implementing the Stock
Option Incentive Plan and Proposal on Requesting the General Meeting to Authorize the Board of
Directors to Go Through Share Incentive Procedures. The Company’s Stock Option Incentive Plan
was approved and the Board of Directors was authorized to determine the grant date, grant stock
option to the incentive objects when they meet the conditions and go through all procedures required
for the grant. On the same day, the Company disclosed Self-inspection Report on the Trading of the
Company’s Shares by Insiders and Incentive Objects of the Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I)
according to its verification of the trading engaged by the insiders and incentive objects.
(7) At the 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2020 and the 2nd Extraordinary
Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee in 2020 held on 3 February 2020, Announcement on the
Grant of Stock Option (the First Grant) to Incentive Objects of the Stock Option Incentive Plan of the
Company was considered and approved respectively. The Company’s Board of Supervisors reviewed

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                        Annual Report 2019

the list of incentive objects under the Stock Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) on the grant date and
expressed opinions, and independent directors expressed independent opinions.
The Company had completed registration for the grant of stock option (the first grant) under the Stock
Option Incentive Plan (Phase I) as at 13 March 2020. On the next day, it published Announcement
on Completion of the Grant of Stock Option (the First Grant) under the Stock Option Incentive Plan
(Phase I) of the Company (Announcement No. 2020-020).

XVI. Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

                                                                        As % of                                Obtainable
                                                                                             r the
                                                                           total   Approved                   market price        Index to
         Relations                                Transacti                                  appr
                    Type of Specific Pricing                            value of transaction        Method      for same- Disclos disclose
 Related hip with                                 on price                                    ove
                   transactio transactio princip            Total value all same-    line               of         type    ure       d
  party     the                                  (RMB’0,0                                     d
                       n          n         le                             type   (RMB’0,00       settlement transactions date informat
         Company                                     00)                                     line
                                                                        transacti     0)                      (RMB’0,000           ion
                                                                            ons                                      )
Qingdao                                                                                                                                 www.cni
Qianwa                                                                                                                                  nfo.com.
n United                                                                                                                                cn
         Affiliated               memo                                                                                            30
Contain             Render                 Market                                                          Settled                      (Announ
           legal                  fee,                 5,497.69     5,497.69     9.21%      6,500.00 No                  5,497.69 March
er                  service                price                                                           monthly                      cement
          person                  office,                                                                                         2019
Termina                                                                                                                                 No.
l Co.,                                                                                                                                  2019-
Ltd.                                                                                                                                    032)
                                  Labor                                                                                                 nfo.com.
nts        Under the
                        Render    cost, lease                                                                                           cn
Shekou     control of                                                                                                             30
                        service   expense Market                                                           Settled                      (Announ
Industri   ultimate                                    4,113.85     4,113.85     6.53%      5,000.00 No                  4,113.85 March
                        and       of land     price                                                        monthly                      cement
al Zone    sharehold                                                                                                              2019
                        leasing   and                                                                                                   No.
Holding    er
                                  houses                                                                                                2019-
s Co.,
China                                                                                                                                   nfo.com.
Nanshan                           Office,                                                                                               cn
        Affiliated                                                                                                                30
Develop                           container Market                                                         Settled                      (Announ
          legal Leasing                             14,948.42      14,948.42    15.71%     11,000.00 Yes                14,948.42 March
ment                              yard, staff price                                                        monthly                      cement
         person                                                                                                                   2019
(Group)                           dormitory                                                                                             No.
Inc.                                                                                                                                    2019-
Total                                           --        --       24,559.96          --   22,500.00 --       --           --         --       --
Large-amount sales return in detail           None
                                              The Proposal on Recognition of 2018 Daily Related-party Transaction and the Forecast of 2019 Daily
                                              Related-party Transaction was reviewed and approved on the 5th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on
                                              28 March 2019, which allowed the Company and subsidiaries to conduct daily business transaction
Give the actual situation in the Reporting
                                              including office leasing, software procurement and labor coast. The amount of daily related-party
Period (if any) where an estimate had been
                                              transactions in 2019 is estimated to be RMB575 million. The actual amount of the above related-parties
made for the total value of continuing
                                              daily transactions was RMB246 million. Due to the requirements of actual market and business
related-party transactions by type to occur
                                              development, there was difference existed which belonged to the normal management adjustment, without
in the Reporting Period
                                              major influences to the daily operation and performance of the Company. Refer to Announcement on
                                              Recognition of Daily Related-party Transactions in 2019 and the Forecast of Daily Related-party
                                              Transactions in 2020 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn dated 16 April 2020.
Reason for any significant difference
between the transaction price and the N/A
market reference price (if applicable)

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   Annual Report 2019

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests

                                                     Carrying Estimated
          Relations                                   value of    value of    Transfer Method                      Index to
                     Type of Specific                                                                on
  Related hip with                         Pricing transferring transferring   price        of           Disclosur disclosed
                    transactio transactio                                                        transa
   party     the                          principle    assets      assets    (RMB’0,00 settleme          e date informati
                        n          n                                                              ction
          Company                                   (RMB’0,00 (RMB’0,00        0)         nt                        on
                                                         0)          0)
                              the equity
          The same                                                                                                n
Sinotrans                     of
          ultimate Assets                                                                 Settled       5 January (Announc
Guangdo                       Zhanjiang Fair value    24,255.07 37,533.44     37,533.44               0
          actual     purchase                                                             by times      2019      ement
ng                            Port held
          controller                                                                                              No .
                              , CWH
           Senior             (H.K.)
           manager            subscribe
Zhanjiang                                                                                                         nfo.com.c
           of the             d
Infrastruc                                                                                                        n
           Company Assets     27.3544%                                               Settled            9 January
ture                                     Fair value 193,868.92 300,001.97 300,000.00                  0           (Announc
           holds the purchase of shares                                              by times           2019
Investme                                                                                                          ement
           position           on issued
nt                                                                                                                No .2019-
           the                date
           director           issued by
                              Port by
Reason for any significant difference
between the transfer price and the carrying                                     None
value or estimated value (if applicable)
Influence to the business performance and
financial condition
The realization of the performance in the
Reporting Period if relevant transaction                                         N/A
involved in performance commitment

3. Related Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Credits and Liabilities with Related Parties

Whether there are credits and liabilities with non-operating related parties
√Yes □ No

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2019

Credits receivable with related parties
                                                                Increased in                       Interest in
                                          there is
                                                                    the      Recovered in              the       Ending
                                         occupatio Beginning
   Related      Related       Forming                            Reporting the Reporting Interest Reporting      balance
                                         n on non-   balance
    party     relationship     reason                              Period       Period     rate      Period    (RMB’0,000
                                         operating (RMB’0,000)
                                                                (RMB’0,000 (RMB’0,000)          (RMB’0,00        )
                                         capital or
                                                                     )                                  0)
 China     company
 Merchants under the
 Group     same                          No             49,413.12     829,195.99    789,602.59    2.04%        781.47     89,006.52
 Finance   control of
 Co., Ltd. controlling
 China     controlling
                             deposits and
 Merchants shareholder                    No           127,453.65 2,081,203.62     1,910,572.47   1.90%      2,607.43   298,084.80
 Bank      has major
           on it
 Effects of credits with
 related parties on the
                          The above credits receivable with related parties were mainly deposits in financial institutions which has
 Company’s     operating
                          no major influence on the Company’s operating results and financial conditions.
 results and financial

Liabilities payable with related parties
                                                             Increased in Recovered in                  Interest in
                                                Beginning                                                             Ending
                   Related         Forming                  the Reporting the Reporting               the Reporting
 Related party                                   balance                                Interest rate                 balance
                 relationship       reason                      Period        Period                      Period
                                               (RMB’0,000)                                                         (RMB’0,000)
                                                            (RMB’0,000) (RMB’0,000)                 (RMB’0,000)
              under the
              same control Borrowing                77,500 196,456.34 152,200.00              4.50%        4,041.1 121,756.34
Group Finance
Co., Ltd.
              The ultimate
Merchants                  Borrowing                      -    9,009.30               -       4.00%         361.83       9,009.30
              has major
              influence on
Effects of liabilities with
related parties on the The above liabilities payable with related parties were mainly financial institution loans which had no
Company’s operating results major influence on the Company’s operating results and financial conditions.
and financial conditions

5. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

(1) 17 companies have invested in CM Qianhai Industry, including CMPort Holdings and CMSK,
holding subsidiaries of the Company. On 1 January 2019, CM Chidi, a subsidiary of CM Qianhai
Industry, entered into Confirmation of Compensation for Creditors’ Rights with the 19 land-holding
companies to determine the amount and proportion of land compensation for creditors’ rights of the
19 land-holding companies. Ansujie and Antongjie, wholly-owned subsidiaries of CMPort Holdings,
will receive about RMB5.693 billion from CM Chidi as compensation for the land use rights of about

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                    Annual Report 2019

471,800 square meters, accounting for 13.1758% of the total amount of land compensation for
creditor’s rights. In order to keep the proportion of land compensation for creditor's rights in line with
the proportion of 14% equity held indirectly by CMPort Holdings, Antongjie, Shekou Asset
Management and CM Chidi signed on 11 January 2019 the Agreement on Transfer of Creditor's
Rights, to stipulate that Antongjie will purchase 0.8242% of land compensation for creditor's rights
from Shekou Asset Management, with an amount of creditor’s rights up to about RMB356 million.
(2) CWH (H.K.), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, signed Agreement on a Capital Increase
to Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. with Zhanjiang Infrastructure Investment and Zhanjiang Port.
According to the Agreement, Zhanjiang Port issued 1,853,518,190 additional ordinary shares at the
price of RMB 1.867 per share or the equivalent in the foreign currency (based on the exchange rate
at the time of payment) to increase its registered capital to RMB5,874,209,145. CWH (H.K.)
subscribed for 1,606,855,919 such ordinary shares, accounting for 27.3544% of the issued shares of
Zhanjiang Port as at the date of issuance of such shares, at a total price of RMB3,000,000,000.77 or
the equivalent in the foreign currency (based on the exchange rate at the time of payment); and
Zhanjiang Infrastructure Investment subscribed for 246,662,271 shares, accounting for 4.1991% of
the issued shares of Zhanjiang Port as at the date of issuance of such shares, at a total price of RM
(3) The controlling subsidiary of the Company, CMPort signed the Supplemental agreement (II) of
the Shareholder Agreement of Lac Assal Investment Holding Company Limited and Supplemental
agreement (III) of the Shareholder Agreement of Lac Assal Investment Holding Company Limited
with CMI on 22 January 2019 and Cheer Signal on 29 April 2019 respectively. The agreements agreed
that CMPort, CMI and Cheer Signal increased capital jointly to Lac Assal by cash according to the
equity ratio in Lac Assal held by CMPort, CMI and Cheer Signal, totaling USD30,000,000 and
USD84,750,000 respectively, among which CMPort increased capital of USD12,000,000 and
USD33,900,000 respectively. After two-time capital increase, the registered capital of Lac Assal was
increased to USD144,810,000 with no changes in equity ratio held by CMPort, CMI and Cheer Signal
(40%, 40% and 20% respectively)
(4) The Company and subsidiaries opened the accounts at China Merchants Bank. In 2019, the
maximum outstanding of deposits at China Merchants Bank f the company and subsidiaries is planned
not to be more than RMB5 billion and the maximum loan balance not over RMB10 billion.
(5) The wholly-owned subsidiary of the controlling subsidiary CMPort, CMHD signed LAND
LEASE AGREEMENT with joint-stock subsidiary of CMPort, KHOR AMBADO FZCO on 28
March 2019, which appointed CMID to lease the land located in B06/B07 Parcel of Djibouti
international free trade zone with the coverage area of 137,801.63 square meters and the rental of
USD27,756,004.31. The lease term is from the effective date of LAND LEASE AGREEMENT to 14
August 2116.
(6) The Company or its holding subsidiaries would use self-owned funds to provide shareholder loans
of no more than RMB50 million to the participating subsidiary CM Antong with a loan term of no
more than two years (inclusive).
To complete the equity assets transfer between the Company’s holding subsidiary CMPort Holdings
and CMA, CMPort Holdings or its controlled companies would provide TL with a financing of no
more than USD968 million, including guaranteed long-term loans of no more than USD500 million
with a term of eight years and mandatory convertible securities of no more than USD468 million for
the subscription of TL. At the maturity of the long-term loans, CMA would provide the cash required

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    Annual Report 2019

for repaying the loans by injecting capital in TL and all the convertible securities held by CMPort
Holdings would be converted into TL’s equity on a mandatory basis.
CM International Investment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of CMPort Holdings, would use self-owned
funds to provide financial aid of RMB34.3 million for Tianjin Haitian, a participating subsidiary of
CMPort Holdings, in the form of entrusted loans. Tianjin Port Holdings Co., Ltd., the controlling
shareholder of Tianjin Haitian, would provide financial aid of the same conditions according to the
contribution proportion with a loan term of three years.
Information on the disclosure website for current announcements on significant related-party
                Name of provisional reports                      Disclosure date                   Website
Announcement on Outward Investment and Related-party                               www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
                                                              9 January 2019
Transaction by the Wholly-owned Subsidiary                                         2019-005)
Announcement on Qianhai Land Readjustment and Related-
                                                                                   www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
party Transaction by the Wholly-owned Subsidiary of the 12 January 2019
Controlling Subsidiary
Announcement on Related-party Transaction by the                                   www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
                                                              13 February 2019
Controlling Subsidiary                                                             2019-012)
Announcement on Related-party Transaction by the                                   www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
                                                              30 April 2019
Controlling Subsidiary                                                             2019-043)
Announcement on Deposit and Loan of Related-party                                  www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
                                                              30 March 2019
Transaction in 2019 at China Merchants Bank                                        2019-026)
Announcement on Signing the Land Lease Agreement and
                                                                                   www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
Related-party Transaction by the Wholly-owned Subsidiary 30 March 2019
of the Controlling Subsidiary
Announcement on Financial Assistance and Related-party                             www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
                                                              7 September 2019
Transaction by Joint-stock Subsidiary                                              2019-067)
Announcement on Financial Assistance and Outward
                                                                                   www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
Investment to the Joint-stock Subsidiary by the Controlling   26 November 2019
Announcement on Adjustment of Deposit and Credit Limit
with China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd. and Signing                           www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
                                                         26 November 2019
the Supplemental Agreement (II) of Financial Service                               2019-089)
Agreement and Related-party Transaction
Announcement on Financial Assistance and Related-party                             www.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.
                                                              25 December 2019
Transaction by Controlling Subsidiary                                              2019-098)

XVII. Major Contracts and Execution thereof

1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

(1) Entrustment

Details of entrustment
On 13 December 2018, the Company held the 10th Extraordinary Meeting of the 9th Directors of the
Board, on which the Proposal on Signing Custody Agreement of Equity of Liaoning Port Group Co.,
Ltd. between the Company and China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co., Ltd. was
reviewed and approved. The Company was allowed to sign the Custody Agreement of Equity of
Liaoning Port Group Co., Ltd. with China Merchants (Liaoning) Port Development Co, Ltd., the
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of CMG, and made an appointment that China Merchants (Liaoning)

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2019

Port Development entrusted all 49.9% shares of Liaoning Port Group Co., Ltd. held by it as of 13
December 2018 to the Company for management.
Project which generates profit or loss reaching over 10% of total profits of the Company during the
Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Leases

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Major guarantees

(1) Guarantees

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB’0,000
        Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries for external parties (exclusive of those for subsidiaries)
                      date of the
                                                                     Actual                                    Having     e for a
                       guarantee   Line of           Actual                          Type of      Term of
       Obligor                                                      guarantee                                  expired    related
                         line     guarantee      occurrence date                    guarantee    guarantee
                                                                     amount                                     or not   party or
                                                                                     General    About 6
CMA CGM SA            N/A                     - 11 June 2013                    0                             Yes        No
                                                                                    guarantee   years
                                                                                     General    About 20
CMA CGM SA            N/A             8,030.52 11 June 2013            8,030.52                               No         No
                                                                                    guarantee   years
PORT DE DJIBOUTI                                                                 General        About 3
                      N/A                     - 14 June 2016                    -                             Yes        Yes
S.A.,                                                                           guarantee       years
KHOR AMBADO           30 March                                                Joint liability   About 13
                                     20,091.46 24 May 2019         11,839.84                                  No         Yes
FZCO                  2019                                                      guarantee       years
Total approved line for such                                   Total actual amount of such
guarantees in the Reporting Period                   20,091.46 guarantees in the Reporting                               20,091.46
(A1)                                                           Period (A2)
Total approved line for such                                     Total actual balance of such
guarantees at the end of the                           28,121.98 guarantees at the end of the                            19,870.36
Reporting Period (A3)                                            Reporting Period (A4)
                                       Guarantee between the Company to its subsidiaries
                      date of the
                                                                     Actual                                    Having     e for a
                       guarantee   Line of           Actual                          Type of      Term of
       Obligor                                                      guarantee                                 expired or related
                         line     guarantee      occurrence date                    guarantee    guarantee
                                                                     amount                                      not     party or

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Annual Report 2019

Chiwan Wharf
                      30 March                                                Joint liability
Holdings (Hong                     400,000.00 31 July 2019       300,000.00                    About 1 year No                           No
                      2019                                                    guarantee
Kong) Limited
China Merchants Port
                      30 March
(Zhoushan) RoRo                     12,800.00                -              -                -             -                         -             -
Logistics Co., Ltd
Total approved line for such                                   Total actual amount of such
guarantees in the Reporting Period                  412,800.00 guarantees in the Reporting                                           300,000.00
(B1)                                                           Period (B2)
Total approved line for such                                     Total actual balance of such
guarantees at the end of the                          412,800.00 guarantees at the end of the                                        300,000.00
Reporting Period (B3)                                            Reporting Period (B4)
                                           Guarantees provided between subsidiaries
                        date of the
                                                                        Actual                                             Having         e for a
                         guarantee   Line of         Actual                               Type of           Term of
       Obligor                                                         guarantee                                           expired        related
                           line     guarantee    occurrence date                         guarantee         guarantee
                                                                        amount                                              or not       party or
China Merchants
                       30 March
International Terminal               70,000.00                     -               -                 -                 -             -             -
(Qingdao) Co., Ltd.
China Merchants
                       30 March
International Terminal               10,000.00                     -               -                 -                 -             -             -
(Qingdao) Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Jinyu
Rongtai Investment                                                                     Joint liability About 10
                        N/A          80,000.00 12 January 2017          76,000.00                                            No               No
Development Co.,                                                                       guarantee       years
Shenzhen Jinyu
Rongtai Investment      30 March
                                 100,000.00                        -               -                 -                 -             -             -
Development Co.,        2019
China Merchants
                                                                                       Joint liability About 10
International (China)   N/A           2,500.00 30 June 2016              2,500.00                                            No               No
                                                                                       guarantee       years
Investment Co., Ltd.
China Merchants
                        4 May                                                          General           About 10
Finance Company                    348,810.00 4 May 2012               348,810.00                                            No               No
                        2012                                                           guarantee         years
China Merchants
                        3 August                                                       General           About 10
Finance Company                    348,810.00 3 August 2015            348,810.00                                            No               No
                        2015                                                           guarantee         years
China Merchants
                        3 August                                                       General           About 5
Finance Company                    139,524.00 3 August 2015            139,524.00                                            No               No
                        2015                                                           guarantee         years
CMHI Finance (BVI) 6 August                                                            General           About 5
                                   627,858.00 6 August 2018                        v                                         No               No
Co., Ltd           2018                                                                guarantee         years
CMHI Finance (BVI) 6 August                                                            General           About 10
                                   418,572.00 6 August 2018            418,572.00                                            No               No
Co., Ltd           2018                                                                guarantee         years
                                                 16 September                          General           About 13
CONTAINER               N/A        244,097.24                            8,677.55                                            No               No
                                                 2012                                  guarantee         years
                                                 16 September                          General
CONTAINER               N/A          10,464.30                          10,464.30                        Infinite            No               No
                                                 2012                                  guarantee

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2019

                                                    16 September                      General
CONTAINER              N/A              17,440.50                         17,440.50                    Infinite       No          No
                                                    2012                              guarantee
Colombo International
                      30 March
Container Terminals                    200,000.00                  -              -                -              -         -           -
Lome Container                                                                        General          About 9
                       N/A               7,815.50 June 2015                1,695.96                                   No          No
Terminal Co., Ltd.                                                                    guarantee        years
Lome Container                                                                        General          About 9
                       N/A               7,815.50 June 2015                1,695.96                                   No          No
Terminal Co., Ltd.                                                                    guarantee        years
Lome Container                                                                        General          About 9
                       N/A               7,815.50 June 2015                1,695.96                                   No          No
Terminal Co., Ltd.                                                                    guarantee        years
China Merchants Port
                                                                                      Joint liability About 5
Development          N/A               320,000.00 31 July 2017           154,000.00                                   No          No
                                                                                      guarantee       years
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
China Merchants Port
                     30 March
Development                   100,000.00                           -              -                -              -         -           -
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 2019
DE CONTElNERES                                                                        General          About 6
                       N/A              52,122.00 19 April 2018           46,909.80                                   No          No
DE PARANAGUA                                                                          guarantee        years
DE CONTElNERES                                      7 November                        General          About 6
                       N/A              74,368.89                         74,368.89                                   No          No
DE PARANAGUA                                        2016                              guarantee        years
Shenzhen Haixing
                       30 March                                                       Joint liability About 3
Harbor Development                     219,090.00 26 June 2019            16,150.08                                   No          No
                       2019                                                           guarantee       years
Co., Ltd.
Zhanjiang Port        30 March                                                Joint liability About 2
                                    80,000.00 23 August 2017        7,000.00                                          No          No
(Group) Co., Ltd.     2019                                                    guarantee        years
                      30 March
HIPG, etc.                         419,500.00 -                             -                -                    -         -           -
Total approved line for such                                   Total actual amount of such
guarantees in the Reporting Period                1,198,590.00 guarantees in the Reporting                                  219,090.00
(C1)                                                           Period (C2)
Total approved line for such                                        Total actual balance of such
guarantees at the end of the                           3,906,603.43 guarantees at the end of the                           2,302,173.00
Reporting Period (C3)                                               Reporting Period (C4)
                               Total guarantee amount (total of the three kinds of guarantees above)
                                                                    Total   actual guarantee
Total guarantee line approved in the
                                                       1,631,481.46 amount in the Reporting                                 539,181.46
Reporting Period (A1+B1+C1)
                                                                    Period (A2+B2+C2)
                                                                       Total   actual   guarantee
Total approved guarantee line at the
                                                                       balance at the end of the
end of the Reporting Period                            4,347,525.41                                                        2,622,043.36
                                                                       Reporting           Period
Total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4) as % of the
Company’s net assets
Of which:
Balance of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controller
and their related parties (D)
Balance of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for
obligors with an over 70% debt/asset ratio (E)
Amount by which the total guarantee amount exceeds 50% of the
Company’s net assets (F)

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2019

Total of the three amounts above (D+E+F)                                                            3,165,357.34
Joint responsibilities possibly borne in the Reporting Period for
undue guarantees (if any)
Provision of external guarantees in breach of the prescribed
procedures (if any)

Particulars of guarantees adopting complex methods
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Irregularities in Provision of Guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Cash Entrusted to Other Entities for Management

(1) Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Entrusted Loans

Overview of entrusted loans in the Reporting Period
                                                                                            Unit: RMB’0,000
          Amount                      Capital resources             Undue balance          Overdue amount
           3,430                      Self-owned funds                 3,430                     -
Particulars of cash entrusted for wealth management with single significant amount or low security,
bad liquidity, and no capital preservation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Other Major Contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVIII. Corporate Social Responsibilities

1. Fulfillment of Social Responsibilities

As an advocate and practitioner fulfilling the social responsibilities proactively, the Company
leverages its own professional strengths to participate in charitable activities such as environmental
protection, urban renewal, targeted poverty alleviation and reconstruction assistance to disaster-
stricken areas, with an aim to safeguarding the rights and interests of its employees, attaching

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2019

importance to occupational health development, promoting urban and rural economic development
and improving people’s living standards. We also actively participate in various social organizations
and political parties and strengthen our communication with the government and the industries to
make use of our well-earned influence in the practice of enterprise social responsibilities.
The Company is always committed to take on historical missions and has a strong sense of social
responsibilities. During our journey of growth and development, we never steer away from the
original goal. We take the lead to address social problems, continue to seek for the matching point for
mutual development with the society and explore appropriate models for conducting charitable
business that meets the needs of the current generation. By leveraging our core strengths to launch
professional charitable activities, support regional development and preserve fine cultures, we will
incorporate social development needs into our daily operation activities and join hands with even
more partners to create a harmonious society and promote social progress. Refer to Social
Responsibility Report of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. in 2019 for the fulfillment of social
responsibilities in the Reporting Period for details.

2. Measures Taken for Targeted Poverty Alleviation

(1) Plan of Targeted Poverty Alleviation

In 2019, the Company undertook the poverty alleviation thinking and requirements from China
Merchants Group Co., Limited, cooperated and participated actively in the investment of China
Merchants Group Co., Limited such as educational poverty alleviation, industrial poverty alleviation
and     infrastructure      construction,   dedicating     to   make      contributions        to   build
a moderately prosperous society in 2020 in all respects.

The subsidiary of the Company, Zhanjiang Port Co., Ltd. carried out the targeted poverty alleviation
in Mingli Village, Wuchuan, Guangdong Province. The plan is as follows:

Efforts have been made in the following aspects: First, in accordance with local government’s plans
on poverty alleviation, carry out poverty alleviation, cooperate in the building of new socialist
countryside, work towards industrial prosperity, ecological livability, effective governance and well-
off society, improve rural environments and gradually promote rural revitalization. Second,
strengthen party building in Mingli Village, beef up position building and promotion under party
building, strive to enhance the political theory level of party cadres, and drive the implementation of
poverty alleviation. Third, guarantee the spending in poverty alleviation, expand the size of planting

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2019

and farming industries, drive the increase of project returns, raise the income of villagers and rural
collectives, and strengthen poverty alleviation effects. Fourth, help impoverished households to find
jobs and get rid of poverty in multiple respects. Fifth, help impoverished households in house
renovation and repair and achieve the goal of building prosperous life. Sixth, continue charity works
for Mingli Primary School and assist in the building of educational facilities. Seventh, guarantee the
basic living needs of impoverished households. Eighth, promote consumption-based poverty
alleviation and increase the income of impoverished households by buying their products instead of
direct donation. Ninth, carry out condolence and other poverty alleviation work.

(2) Overview of Annual Targeted Poverty Alleviation

The subsidiary of the Company, Zhanjiang Port Co., Ltd. carried out the targeted poverty alleviation
in Mingli Village, Wuchuan, Guangdong Province. The overview is as follows:

As of 31 December 2019, of the 127 persons in 47 impoverished households in Mingli Village, except
for one person in one new household enjoying the five guarantees in the year, 126 in 46 of the
households reached the “Eight Haves” goal and completed the task of casting off poverty,
representing a poverty alleviation rate of 100% (The lowest annual household per capita income is
RMB9,000 and the highest is RMB29,000). In 2019, the annual per capita income of the impoverished
population of Mingli Village reached RMB13,292.23 (compared with RMB3,500 when the Company
entered the Village for poverty alleviation in 2016), which had basically reached the 10 indicators for
being excluded from relative impoverished villages. A number of projects have been completed and
put to use, leading to substantial improvements to the appearance of the Village, delivering the
achievements of building new socialist countryside to the villagers and further enhancing their sense
of well-being.

(3) Results of Targeted Poverty Alleviation

                                             Unit of
                   Index                                           Amount/implementation
I. Overall situation                                     -                                           -
Of which: 1. Fund                             RMB’0,000                                        124.56
          2. Materials converted to cash      RMB’0,000                                           126
II. Subitem investment                                   -                                           -

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           Annual Report 2019

   1. Industrial development poverty
                                                                      -                                                             -
Of which: 1.1 Type of plan of industrial                                  Agriculture and forestry industrial poverty
development poverty alleviation                                           alleviation
             1.2 Number of plan of
industrial development poverty                                   Unit                                                              1
            1.3 Number of persons out of
  poverty which were helped to set up file                    Person                                                            126
   2. Transfer employment poverty
                                                                      -                                                             -
           2.1 Number of persons of
                                                              Person                                                              49
vocational training
      3. Relocation poverty alleviation                               -                                                             -
      4. Educational poverty alleviation                              -                                                             -
                4.1 Number of poor students
                                                              Person                                                               2
      5. Healthcare poverty alleviation                               -                                                             -
   6. Ecological protection poverty
                                                                      -                                                             -
      7. Basic living standard guarantee                              -                                                             -
Of which: 7.1 Investment amount for
                                                        RMB’0,000                                                              2.65
three kinds of left-behind person
              7.2 Assistant number of three
                                                              Person                                                               9
kinds of left-behind person
      8. Social poverty alleviation                                   -                                                             -
            8.1 Investment amount of
                                                        RMB’0,000                                                              100
targeted poverty alleviation
      9. Other plans                                                  -                                                             -
III. Awards received (content, level)                                 -                                                             -

3. Issues Related to Environmental Protection

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a major polluter by the environmental protection

The Company has made efforts to build green ports, formulate rules and policies on the management
of energy conservation and environmental protection, further specify the content and mechanism for
comprehensive monitoring and management of energy conservation and environmental protection,
identify and deal with climate risk and beef up environmental risk assessment and management. The
Company has continued to develop and apply new energy-efficient and eco-friendly technologies and
products, further expand the application of a number of such technologies and products, such as “ship
shore-based power supply” and “oil-to-electricity technology for reach stackers and stackers”, and
perform monitoring, regulation and legal and conforming disposal of general and hazardous waste,

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2019

air pollution, dust pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. While promoting the concept of
green office and carrying out diverse green public welfare activities, the Company has advanced the
building of green supply chains and continuously enhanced its level of energy conservation, emission
reduction and environmental management. Refer to 2019 Social Responsibilities Report of CMPort
for detail on the Company’s environmental protection during the Reporting Period.

XIX Other Significant Events

1. Major Equity Acquisitions

During the Reporting Period, the Company included Zhanjiang Port into its consolidation scope. The
detailed information is as follows:
On 31 December 2018, China Merchants International Terminals (Zhanjiang) Limited, a subsidiary
of the Company, obtained 1,809,310,930 shares of A common stock shares of the Zhanjiang Port
representing approximately 40.2916% of the total issued shares of the Zhanjiang Port.
On 2 January 2019, the Company signed the Share Transfer Agreement on Zhanjiang Port (Group)
Co., Ltd. with Guangdong Sinotrans Co., Ltd., which stipulated to transfer the ordinary shares of
201,034,548 of Zhanjiang Port held by Sinotrans Guangdong Co., Ltd. to the Group which take
account 5% of the total shares issued by Zhanjiang Port at the agreement signing date at the
consideration of RMB375,334,390.00. For more information, refer to the Announcement on the
Resolution of the 1st Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2019 (Announcement No.: 2019-
001) disclosed on the cninfo website on 3 January 2019.
The subsidiary of the Company CWH (H.K.) signed in Zhanjiang on 8 January 2019 the Agreement
on a Capital Increase to Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. with Zhanjiang Infrastructure Investment
and Zhanjiang Port (hereinafter referred to as the “Capital Increase Agreement”). According to the
provisions of the Capital Increase Agreement, Zhanjiang Port issued 1,853,518,190 additional
ordinary shares at the price of RMB1.867 per share or the equivalent in the foreign currency (based
on the exchange rate at the time of payment) to increase its registered capital to RMB5,874,209,145.
CWH (H.K.) subscribed for 1,606,855,919 such ordinary shares, accounting for 27.3544% of the
issued shares of Zhanjiang Port as at the date of issuance of such shares, at a total price of
RMB3,000,000,000.77 or the equivalent in the foreign currency (based on the exchange rate at the
time of payment); and Zhanjiang Infrastructure Investment subscribed for 246,662,271 shares,
accounting for 4.1991% of the issued shares of Zhanjiang Port as at the date of issuance of such shares,
at a total price of RMB460,518,459.96. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions
of the 2nd Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2019 (No.: 2019-004), Announcement of
China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. on External Investments by the Wholly-owned Subsidiary and
Related-party Transactions (No.: 2019-005) disclosed on Cninfo on 9 January 2019 and
Announcement on Resolutions of the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019 (No.: 2019-013)
disclosed on Cninfo on 25 January 2019.
As of 3 February 2019, the above transaction was finished. Since then, the total ordinary shares in
Zhanjiang Port held by the Company were 3,427,890,467 shares accounting for 58.3549% of total
issued shares of Zhanjiang Port. The Company has the control power over Zhanjiang Port and may
enjoy unfixed returns through engaging in its relevant activities. Therefore, the Company included

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                          Annual Report 2019

Zhanjiang Port in the scope of the Company’s consolidated financial statements.

2. Introduction of Strategic Investors and Fundraising Projects

During the Reporting Period, the Company successfully introduced two strategic investors and
fundraising projects. It has effectively improved the governance structure of the Company as a listed
company and vigorously promoted the implementation of its strategies, bearing great significance to
the long-term development of the Company.
The issue price of the private placement of stocks for the fund raised this time was RMB17.16 per
share, which was no less than 90% of the average stock trading price of CMPort for the 20 trading
days prior to the date of pricing benchmark (RMB15.99/share) and no less than the audited net assets
per share of the Company at the end of the last reporting period (RMB17.15 per share). After the
fundraising through the private placement of stocks, the Company had 128,952,746 additional shares
with a total raised fund of RMB2,212,829,121.36. The initial listing date of the aforementioned new
shares was 4 November 2019. (Announcement No.: 2019-078)
The Company had a total share capital of 1,793,412,378 shares before the registration of the new
shares. After the private placement, its total share capital increased to 1,922,365,124 shares. The new
shares of the fundraising through private placement are restricted tradable shares. Related specific
investors who have subscribed the shares are not allowed to transfer within twelve months upon the
date of listing.
The issue target of the financing is Shenzhen Infrastructure Investment Fund Partnership (Limited
Partnership) and China-Africa Development Fund Co., Ltd. The details are as follows:
  No.                     Name of issue target                            Shares            Amount (RMB)
   1    Shenzhen Infrastructure Investment Fund Partnership                 64,850,182        1,112,829,123.12
        (Limited Partnership)
   2    China-Africa Development Fund Co., Ltd.                             64,102,564          1,099,999,998.24
                              Total                                        128,952,746          2,212,829,121.36

The Articles of Association has made according adjustments for above changes of registered capital
which has been reviewed and approved by the 11th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in
2019 held on 22 November 2019 and the 4th Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019 held on 11
December 2019.

3. Information Disclosure Index

In the Reporting Period, the Company disclosed the following significant events on Securities Times,
Ta Kung Pao (HK) and www.cninfo.com.cn:
                      Date                                               Title
 ment No.
 2019-001       3 January 2019         Announcement on Resolutions of the 1st Special Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                       Directors in 2019
 2019-002       3 January 2019         Announcement on the Related-party Transaction regarding Assets
 2019-003       5 January 2019         Announcement on the Progress of the Related-party Transaction

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                           Annual Report 2019

                                       regarding Assets Acquisition
 2019-004       9 January 2019         Announcement on Resolutions of the 2nd Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-005       9 January 2019         Announcement on the Related-party Transaction regarding Foreign
                                       Investments by the Wholly-owned Subsidiary
 2019-006       9 January 2019         Reminder of Convening the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019
 2019-007       12 January 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 3rd Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-008       12 January 2019        Announcement on a Wholly-Owned Sub-subsidiary of a Majority-Owned
                                       Subsidiary Participating in a Land Readjustment in Qianhai and the Related-
                                       Party Transaction
 2019-009       16 January 2019        Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of December 2018
 2019-010       19 January 2019        Announcement on the Due Payment of 2018 Phase I Super-short-term
                                       Financing Bonds
 2019-011       23 January 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 4th Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-012       23 January 2019        Announcement on a Related-Party Transaction of a Majority-Owned
 2019-013       25 January 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of
 2019-014       28 January 2019        Announcement on the Extension of the Share Lock-up Period by the
                                       Controlling Shareholder
 2019-015       30 January 2019        2018 Annual Performance Forecast
 2019-016       2 February 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 5th Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-017       2 February 2019        Reminder of Convening the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019
 2019-018      12 February 2019        Announcement on Progress of Related-party Transaction regarding Foreign
                                       Investments by the Wholly-owned Subsidiary
 2019-019      16 February 2019        Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of January 2019
 2019-020      26 February 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of
 2019-021       16 March 2019          Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of February 2019
 2019-022       19 March 2019          Announcement on the Change of the Company’s Registered Information
                                       with the Industrial and Commercial Administration
 2019-023       30 March 2019          Announcement on Resolutions of the 5th Meeting of the 9th Board of
 2019-024       30 March 2019          Announcement on Resolutions of the 5th Meeting of the 9th Supervisors
                                       of Committee
 2019-025       30 March 2019          Abstract of Annual Report 2018
 2019-026       30 March 2019          Announcement on the Related-Party Transaction Regarding Making
                                       Deposits in and Obtaining Loans from China Merchants Bank in 2019

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2019

 2019-027       30 March 2019          Announcement on the External Guarantee Progress of a Majority-Owned
                                       Subsidiary of the Company in 2018 and the Expected New External
                                       Guarantee Line in the Next 12 Months
 2019-028       30 March 2019          Announcement on the Provision of Guarantee by a Majority-Owned
                                       Subsidiary for Its Minority-Owned Subsidiary
 2019-029       30 March 2019          Announcement on a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of a Majority-Owned
                                       Subsidiary Entering into a Land Lease Agreement and the Related-Party
 2019-030       30 March 2019          Announcement on the Adjusted Limits of Deposits in and Loans from and
                                       Entering into a Supplementary Agreement to the Financial Service
                                       Agreement with China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd. and the Related-
                                       Party Transaction
 2019-031       30 March 2019          Announcement on Changes to the Accounting Policies
 2019-032       30 March 2019          Announcement on the Confirmation of the Continuing Related-Party
                                       Transactions in 2018 and the Estimation of Such Transactions in 2019
 2019-033       30 March 2019          Reminder of Convening the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019
 2019-034       30 March 2019          Announcement on the Disclosure of the 2018 Annual Results by a Majority-
                                       Owned Subsidiary
 2019-035       30 March 2019          Announcement on the Online Investor Communication on the 2018 Annual
                                       Results to Be Held
 2019-036       30 March 2019          Announcement on Changes to the Office Address, Telephone Number and
                                       Other Corporate Information
 2019-037        13 April 2019         Announcement on an Estimated Growth in the Q1 2019 Results
 2019-038        16 April 2019         Announcement on Resolutions of the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of
 2019-039        16 April 2019         Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of March 2019
 2019-040        26 April 2019         Announcement on the Related-Party Transactions of a Majority-Owned
 2019-041        30 April 2019         Announcement on Resolutions of the 6th Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-042        30 April 2019         The Text of the First Quarter Report 2019
 2019-043        30 April 2019         Announcement on the Related-Party Transactions of a Majority-Owned
 2019-044        30 April 2019         Announcement on the Provision of Financial Aid by a Majority-Owned
                                       Subsidiary to Its Majority-Owned Subsidiary
 2019-045        30 April 2019         Reminder of Convening the 2018 Annual General Meeting
 2019-046        30 April 2019         Announcement on the Changed Name and Business Scope of a Wholly-
                                       Owned Subsidiary
 2019-047         9 May 2019           Announcement on Additional Proposals for the 2018 Annual General
                                       Meeting and the Updated Notice of the 2018 Annual General Meeting
 2019-048        16 May 2019           Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of April 2019
 2019-049        21 May 2019           Announcement on Resolutions of the 2018 Annual General Meeting
 2019-050        31 May 2019           Reminder of Issuance of 2019 Phase I and Phase II Super-short-term

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2019

                                       Financing Bonds

 2019-051        11 June 2019          Announcement on Issue Results of 2019 Phase I and Phase II Super-short-
                                       term Financing Bonds
 2019-052        15 June 2019          Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of May 2019
 2019-053        28 June 2019          Announcement on Resolutions of the 7th Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-054         3 July 2019          Announcement on 2018 Equity Distribution Implementation
 2019-055         11 July 2019         Announcement on an Estimated Growth in the H1 2019 Results
 2019-056         16 July 2019         Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of June 2019
 2019-057       16 August 2019         Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of July 2019
 2019-058       16 August 2019         Announcement on Resignation of Securities Affairs Representative
 2019-059       30 August 2019         Voluntary Announcement on Signing Strategic Cooperative Framework
 2019-060       31 August 2019         Announcement on the 6th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors
 2019-061       31 August 2019         Announcement of the 6th Meeting of the 9th Supervisory Committee
 2019-062       31 August 2019         Abstract of Interim Report 2019
                31 August 2019         Abstract of Interim Report 2019 (English Version)
 2019-063       31 August 2019         Announcement on Changes of Accounting Policies
 2019-064       31 August 2019         Announcement on the Disclosure of the 2019 Interim Results by a Majority-
                                       Owned Subsidiary
 2019-065       31 August 2019         Announcement on the Online Investor Communication on the 2019 Interim
                                       Results to Be Held and Participation of 2019 Online Collective Reception
                                       Activity for Investors of Shenzhen Listed Companies
 2019-066      7 September 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 8th Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-067      7 September 2019        Announcement on Providing Financial Aid for Sharing Companies and
                                       Related-party Transactions
 2019-068     16 September 2019        Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of August 2019
 2019-069       11 October 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 9th Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-070       11 October 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 2nd Special Meeting of the 9th
                                       Supervisory Committee in 2019
 2019-071       11 October 2019        Announcement on an Estimated Growth in the Q3 2019 Results
 2019-072       15 October 2019        Announcement on the Due Payment of 2016 Phase I Medium Term Note
 2019-073       17 October 2019        Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of September 2019
 2019-074       31 October 2019        Announcement on Resolutions of the 10th Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-075       31 October 2019        The Text of the Third Quarter Report 2019

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                         Annual Report 2019

                31 October 2019        The Text of the Third Quarter Report 2019 (English Version)
 2019-076       31 October 2019        Announcement on Changes of Accounting Policies
 2019-077      1 November 2019         Asset Acquisition and Supporting Fund Raising by Share Issuance and
                                       the Related-party Transaction Regarding the Report on Result of Private
                                       Placement of Stocks and the Abstract of the Listing Announcement
 2019-078      1 November 2019         Asset Acquisition and Supporting Fund Raising by Share Issuance and
                                       the Related-party Transaction Regarding the Report on Result of Private
                                       Placement of Stocks for Raising Supporting Funds
 2019-079      1 November 2019         Announcement on Changes in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and
                                       Senior Executives
 2019-080      1 November 2019         Report on Commitments of Parties Related to Raised Supporting Funds
 2019-081     16 November 2019         Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of October 2019
 2019-082     22 November 2019         Announcement on Signing the Three-party Supervision Agreement on
                                       Raised Funds
 2019-083     26 November 2019         Announcement on Resolutions of the 11th Special Meeting of the 9th Board
                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-084     26 November 2019         Announcement on Resolutions of the 4th Special Meeting of the 9th
                                       Supervisory Committee in 2019
 2019-085     26 November 2019         Announcement on Changes in Use of Some Raised Funds
 2019-086     26 November 2019         Announcement on Providing Borrowings for the Majority-owned
                                       Subsidiary with Raised Funds for Implementing the Equity Investment
                                       Project and Related-party Transactions
 2019-087     26 November 2019         Announcement on Replacement of Self-raised Funds Previously Input
                                       with Raised Funds
 2019-088     26 November 2019         Announcement on Cash Management with Idle Raised Funds
 2019-089     26 November 2019         Announcement on Adjusting Quotas of Deposits and Loans and Signing
                                       the Supplementary Agreement II of Financial Service Agreement as
                                       well as Related-party Transactions with China Merchants Group Finance
                                       Co., Ltd.
 2019-090     26 November 2019         Announcement on Providing Financial Aid by the Majority-owned
                                       Subsidiary to its Sharing Subsidiary and Related-party Transactions
                                       regarding External Investments
 2019-091     26 November 2019         Reminder of Convening the 4th Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019
 2019-092     27 November 2019         Announcement on Approval of Public Issuance of Corporate Bonds
 2019-093     27 November 2019         Announcement on Approval of Registration of Issuing Super-short-term
                                       Financing Bonds and Medium Term Notes
 2019-094      5 December 2019         Announcement on the Due Payment of 2019 Phase I Super-short-term
                                       Financing Bonds
 2019-095     12 December 2019         Announcement on Resolutions of the 4th Extraordinary General Meeting of
 2019-096     14 December 2019         Announcement on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Business Volume
                                       Data of November 2019
 2019-097     25 December 2019         Announcement on Resolutions of the 12th Special Meeting of the 9th Board

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                            Annual Report 2019

                                       of Directors in 2019
 2019-098      25 December 2019        Announcement on Providing Financial Aid by Majority-owned
                                       Subsidiaries and Related-party Transactions
 2019-099      25 December 2019        Announcement on Resignation of Vice President

XX Significant Events of Subsidiaries

On 25 November 2019, CMPort Holdings signed a memorandum of agreement with CMA, according to which,
CMA intended to transfer the equity assets of 10 ports it held to Terminal Link (TL). To complete the transfer,
CMPort Holdings would provide TL with a financing of no more than US$968 million, including guaranteed long-
term loans of no more than US$500 million with a term of eight years and mandatory convertible securities of no
more than US$468 million for the subscription of TL. At the maturity of the long-term loans, CMA would provide
the cash required for repaying the loans by injecting capital in TL and all the convertible securities held by CMPort
Holdings would be converted into TL’s equity on a mandatory basis. On 26 March 2020, CMPort Holdings
completed the acquisition of Phase I eight target ports, with the subscription of mandatory convertible securities
and prepayment of the loans amounting to approximately US$815 million.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                            Annual Report 2019

                 Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I. Share Changes

1. Share Changes

                                                                                                                                              Unit: share
                                    Before                 Increase/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-)                            After

                                             Percenta                    dividend                                                             Percentag
                               Shares                   New issues                     converte      Other       Subtotal        Shares
                                             ge (%)                      converte                                                               e (%)
                                                                                       d from
                                                                         d from
I. Restricted shares         1,148,860,804    64.06%     128,952,746               0             0   -42,554 128,910,192 1,277,770,996           66.47%
1. Shares held by state                 0      0.00%                 0             0             0           0              0             0       0.00%
2. Shares held by state-
                                        0      0.00%     128,952,746               0             0           0 128,952,746      128,952,746       6.71%
owned legal person
3. Shares held by other
                                  212,156      0.01%                 0             0             0   -42,554        -42,554         169,602       0.01%
domestic investors
Including: Shares held
by domestic legal                       0      0.00%                 0             0             0           0              0             0       0.00%
     Shares held by
                                  212,156      0.01%                 0             0             0   -42,554        -42,554         169,602       0.01%
domestic natural person
4. Shares held         by
                             1,148,648,648    64.05%                 0             0             0           0              0 1,148,648,648      59.75%
foreign investors
Including: Shares held
                        1,148,648,648         64.05%                 0             0             0           0              0 1,148,648,648      59.75%
by foreign legal person
      Shares held by
                                        0      0.00%                 0             0             0           0              0             0       0.00%
foreign natural person
II. Unrestricted shares       644,551,574     35.94%                 0             0             0    42,554        42,554      644,594,128      33.53%
1. RMB ordinary shares        464,855,324     25.92%                 0             0             0     3,000         3,000      464,858,324      24.18%
2. Domestically listed
                              179,696,250     10.02%                 0             0             0    39,554        39,554      179,735,804       9.35%
foreign shares
3. Overseas         listed
                                        0      0.00%                 0             0             0           0              0             0       0.00%
foreign shares
4. Other                                0      0.00%                 0             0             0           0              0             0       0.00%
III. Total shares            1,793,412,378 100.00%       128,952,746               0             0           0 128,952,746 1,922,365,124        100.00%

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report 2019

Reasons for share changes:
1. Raising supporting funds through share issuance; 2. Changes in directors, supervisors, and senior
executives of the Company in December 2018.

Approval of share changes:
On 19 June 2018, the Company’s 5th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors in 2018 reviewed
and approved the Proposal on Raising Supporting Funds by the Company.
On 28 June 2018, SASAC issued the Reply to the Issues in Respect of the Private Placement of A-
Shares by Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited (GZCQ [2018] No. 360). In principle, this plan
of raising supporting funds was approved.
On 26 July 2018, the Company held the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018 and approved the
Proposal on Raising Supporting Funds by the Company.
On 9 October 2018, the Commission for Reviewing M&A of Listed Companies under China
Securities Regulatory Commission approved the Company’s issue of shares by asset acquisition and
raising of supporting funds and related-party transactions.
On 31 October 2018, the Company received the Reply on the Approval of the Issue of Shares by
Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited to China Merchants Investment Development Company
Limited for Asset Acquisition and Raising of Supporting Funds (ZJXK [2018] No. 1750) from China
Securities Regulatory Commission which approved this transaction.

Transfer of share ownership:
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company received the Confirmation of Acceptance of Share Registration Application issued by
China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. on 28 October 2019 which confirmed that the
increased shares issued by the listed company for raising supporting funds was 128,952,746
(restricted public shares). The first trading day of above increased shares was 4 November 2019.

Progress on any share repurchases:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to
the Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior
accounting period, respectively:
The total shares in this private placement were 128,952,746, and the total share capital after the
issuance was 1,922,365,124. The net asset value per share and earnings per share before and after this
issuance calculated on the basis of financial data of 2018 and January to September in 2019 were as

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                   Annual Report 2019

                     Item                                      Before                                      After
                                           January-September       2018/31 December         2019/31 December    2018/31 December
                                           2019/30 September             2018                     2019                2018
       Net asset value per                                 18.4                     17.15               18.71                  17.14
       share(RMB per share)
       EPS (RMB per share)                                 1.38                      0.61                1.51                    0.57

Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

                                                                                                                                  Unit: share
                         Number of
                                              Number of             Number of          Number of
      Name of         restricted shares                                                                  Reason for             Date of
                                               increased             released      restricted shares
    shareholders        at the period-                                                                   restriction      restriction release
                                           restricted shares     restricted shares at the period-end
                                                                                                     According to
China Merchants
                                                                                                     relevant laws and
                         1,148,648,648                     0                    0      1,148,648,648 regulations and June 2022
                                                                                                     the shareholder
Company Limited
                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      Articles of
Yuan Yuhui                        10,530                   0                    0              10,530 Association and -
                                                                                                      the relevant laws
                                                                                                      and regulations
                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      Articles of
Ni Keqin                          21,909                   0                    0              21,909 Association and -
                                                                                                      the relevant laws
                                                                                                      and regulations
                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      Articles of
Zheng Shaoping                     9,496                   0                    0               9,496 Association and -
                                                                                                      the relevant laws
                                                                                                      and regulations
                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      Articles of
Zhang Jianguo                     74,282             18,570                     0              55,712 Association and December 2020
                                                                                                      the relevant laws
                                                                                                      and regulations
                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      Articles of
Zhao Chaoxiong                    64,954             16,238                     0              48,716 Association and December 2020
                                                                                                      the relevant laws
                                                                                                      and regulations
                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      Articles of
Wang Yongli                        4,985               1,246                    0               3,739 Association and December 2020
                                                                                                      the relevant laws
                                                                                                      and regulations
                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      Articles of
Yao Shenglan                      26,000               6,500                    0              19,500 Association and December 2020
                                                                                                      the relevant laws
                                                                                                      and regulations

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                           Annual Report 2019

Total                    1,148,860,804              42,554                  0       1,148,818,250         --               --

II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

1. Securities (Exclusive of Preferred Shares) Issued in the Reporting Period

Name of stock and                                                                                Approved
                                       Issuing price (or                                                         Expiry date of the
  its derivative       Issuing date                          Numbers            Listing date    numbers for
                                         interest rate)                                                               trading
    securities                                                                                    trading
Private placement                 RMB17.16 per                              4 November
                  28 October 2019                             128,952,746                           128,952,746 4 November 2019
of A shares                       share                                     2019
Convertible corporate bonds, separate bargaining convertible corporate bonds and corporate bonds
Other derivative securities
Explanation for securities (exclusive of preferred shares) issued in the Reporting Period

On 28 October 2019, the 128,952,746 A shares issued by the Company was registered on Shenzhen
Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited. Those shares were traded
on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 4 November 2019.

2. Changes to Total Shares, Shareholder Structure and Asset and Liability Structures

At the beginning of the Reporting Period, the total share capital of the Company was 1,793,412,378
shares. During the Reporting Period, shares through private placement for raising supporting funds
were 128,952,746 shares. After the registration of the increased shares, the total share capital of the
Company was changed into 1,922,365,124 shares. There is no case in which other shareholders
became the controlling shareholders of the Company through subscribing the shares in this private
placement which will not cause any changes in the control power over the Company. After this
issuance, the listed company still conforms to the listing conditions of stock trading.

3. Existing Staff-Held Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III Shareholders and Actual Controller

1. Shareholders and Their Shareholdings at the Period-End

                                                                                                                           Unit: share

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2019

                                                                                                           Number of
                                   Number          of                                                      shareholders
                                   ordinary                         Number of preferred                    with resumed
Number of
                                   shareholders at                  shareholders with                      voting rights
                            34,398 the    month-end          35,454 resumed voting rights                0 at the month-            0
shareholders at
                                   prior    to    the               at the period-end (if                  end prior to
the period-end
                                   disclosure of this               any) (see note 8)                      the disclosure
                                   Report                                                                  of this Report
                                                                                                           (if any) (see
                                                                                                           note 8)
                                           5% or greater shareholders or top 10 shareholders
                              Sharehol                      Increase/decr
                                            Total shares
   Name of         Nature of    ding                         ease in the     Restricted       Unrestricted
                                             held at the                                                   Shares in pledge or frozen
  shareholder     shareholder percenta                        Reporting     shares held       shares held
                                 ge                            Period
           legal                 59.75%     1,148,648,648               0   1,148,648,648                0                          0
DEVELOPME                        19.29%      370,878,000                0                 0    370,878,000                          0
SHENZHEN          Fund and
INFRASTRUC        wealth
                                  3.37%        64,850,182     64,850,182      64,850,182                 0                          0
TURE              manageme
INVESTMENT        nt products
CHINA-            State-
AFRICA            owned
                                  3.33%        64,102,564     64,102,564      64,102,564                 0                          0
DEVELOPME         legal
NT FUND           person
GLOBAL                            2.88%        55,314,208               0                 0     55,314,208                          0
FTIF        Foreign
TEMPLETON legal                   1.56%        29,976,596    -13,468,608                  0     29,976,596                  Unknown
ASIAN GRW person
FD GTI 5496
                  legal           0.15%         2,802,863               0                 0      2,802,863                  Unknown

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                     Annual Report 2019

SECURITIES                    0.13%        2,513,355      -127,665                 0     2,513,355                    Unknown
(HK) CO.,
                natural       0.12%        2,376,747        15,700                 0     2,376,747                    Unknown
                natural       0.08%        1,519,849     1,519,849                 0     1,519,849                    Unknown
Strategic    investors    or
general     legal     person
becoming             top-ten
shareholders due to placing
of new shares (if any) (see
note 3)
                             China Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary of
Related or acting-in-concert
                             Broadford Global Limited, and Broadford Global Limited is the controlling shareholder of China
parties     among        the
                             Merchants Investment Development Company Limited. The Company does not know whether the other
shareholders above
                             unrestricted shareholders are related parties or not.
                                              Top 10 unrestricted shareholders
                                                                                                          Shares by type
   Name of shareholder                    Unrestricted shares held at the period-end
                                                                                                        Type          Shares
                                                                                       370,878,000 ordinary         370,878,000
BROADFORD        GLOBAL                                                                            Domestically
                                                                                        55,314,208 listed foreign    55,314,208
CMBLSA RE FTIF                                                                                     Domestically
TEMPLETON ASIAN                                                                         29,976,596 listed foreign    29,976,596
GRW FD GTI 5496                                                                                    share
NORGES BANK                                                                              2,802,863 listed foreign     2,802,863
CHINA    MERCHANTS                                                                                 Domestically
SECURITIES (HK) CO.,                                                                     2,513,355 listed foreign     2,513,355
LTD.                                                                                               share

MAI SHUQING                                                                              2,376,747 ordinary           2,376,747
SHEN HUAILING                                                                            1,519,849 listed foreign     1,519,849
VANGUARD EMERGING                                                                                  Domestically
MARKETS STOCK                                                                            1,262,936 listed foreign     1,262,936
INDEX FUND                                                                                         share
                                                                                         1,260,101 ordinary           1,260,101

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                 Annual Report 2019

CHEN ZEHONG                                                                                         1,240,000 ordinary           1,240,000
Related or acting-in-concert
parties among top 10
unrestricted          public China Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary of
shareholders, as well as Broadford Global Limited. The Company does not know whether the other unrestricted shareholders
between top 10 unrestricted are related parties or not.
public shareholders and top
10 shareholders
Top        10       ordinary
shareholders involved in
securities margin trading (if
any) (see note 4)
Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders of the Company
conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.
□ Yea √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Controlling Shareholder

Nature of the controlling shareholder: Controlled by a central state-owned legal person
Type of the controlling shareholder: legal person
      Name of controlling                                                             Unified social credit
                                    representative/person Date of establishment                                     Principal activity
         shareholder                                                                         code
                                          in charge
                                                                                                              Port    services,  bonded
BROADFORD              GLOBAL                                                                                 logistic and cold chain
                                    Deng Weidong           27 November 2017         68550019-000-11-17-2      services,         property
                                                                                                              development           and
Shareholdings       of      the
controlling shareholder in
other listed companies at home                                                        N/A
or abroad in this Reporting
Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Actual Controller and Its Acting-in-Concert Parties

Nature of the actual controller: Central institution for state-owned assets management
Type of the actual controller: legal person
    Name of actual                                 Date of      Unified social
                           representative/p                                                          Principal activity
      controller                                establishment    credit code
                           erson in charge
                                                                                 Lease and agency of water/land passenger-cargo
                                                                                 transportation, water/land conveyance and facilities;
China          Merchants                                                         investment and management of port and storage business;
                           Li Jianhong        14 October 1986   10000522-0
Group                                                                            salvage, refloatation and tugboat; industrial production;
                                                                                 construction, repairing, checking and marketing of
                                                                                 shipping, offshore petroleum drilling equipment;

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                       Annual Report 2019

                                                                       repairing and checking of drilling platform and drilling
                                                                       container; overall contracting of water/land construction
                                                                       projects and the related offshore petroleum development
                                                                       projects, and their construction organization and logistic
                                                                       services; procurement, supply and sale of water/land
                                                                       communication and transportation equipment; export and
                                                                       import business of transportation; investment and
                                                                       management of finance, insurance, trust, securities,
                                                                       futures business; investment and management of tourism,
                                                                       hotels, catering services and relevant service; real estate
                                                                       development, management and consultancy of property;
                                                                       investment and management of petroleum and chemical
                                                                       industry; investment and operation of infrastructure of
                                                                       communication;       overseas      assets      management.
                                                                       Development and management of Shenzhen Shekou
                                                                       Industrial Zone and Fujian Zhangzhou Development
                                                                       Zone. (The company shall independently choose business
                                                                       items and carry out business activities according to law.
                                                                       For items requiring approval according to law, the
                                                                       company must obtain approval from related authorities
                                                                       before carrying out the business activities. The company
                                                                       shall not engage in business activities that are banned and
                                                                       restricted in the municipal industrial policies.)
                        China Merchants Group holds:
                        62.77% shares of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited;
                        54.39% shares of China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd;
                        74.35% China Merchants Land Limited;
                        68.72% shares of China Merchants Expressway Network &Technology Holdings Co., Ltd;
                        56.34% shares of Sinotrans Limited;
                        64.08% shares of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.;
                        44.09% shares of China Merchants Securities Co. Ltd.;
                        29.94% shares of Anhui Expressway Company Limited;
                        29.97% shares of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd;
                        27.59% shares of China Merchants China Direct Investments Limited;
                        26.77% shares of Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd;
                        24.56% shares of China International Marine Containers (Group) Ltd;
                        24.72% shares of Sichuan Expressway Company Limited;
                        75.01% shares of Dalian Port (PDA) Company Limited;
                        17.75% shares of Fujian Expressway Development Co., Ltd;
Shareholdings of the
                        16.52% shares of Heilongjiang Transport Development Co., Ltd;
actual controller in
                        16.02% shares of Shandong Hi-speed Co., Ltd;
other          listed
                        15.43% shares of Henan Zhongyuan Expressway Co., Ltd;
companies at home
                        15.53% shares of Hubei Chutian Expressway Co., Ltd;
or abroad in this
                        14.04% shares of Jilin Expressway Co., Ltd;
Reporting Period
                        13.86% shares of Guangxi Wuzhou Communications Co., Ltd;
                        11.69% shares of Jiangsu Expressway Company Limited;
                        7.04% shares of Xiandai Touzi Co., Ltd;
                        4.02% shares of Shenzhen Expressway Co., Ltd;
                        3.09% shares of Ningbo Zhoushan Port Company Limited;
                        2.54% shares of Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd;
                        1.20% shares of Oriental Times Media Co., Ltd;
                        0.37% shares of Hunan Sunward Intelligent Machine Co., Ltd;
                        0.16% shares of CMMB Vision Holdings Limited;
                        6.03% shares of S.F. Holding Co., Ltd.;
                        27.02% shares of Nanjing Tanker Corporation;
                        1.28% shares of Sinotrans & CSC Phoenix Co., Ltd.;
                        0.53% shares of China Shipbuilding Industry Company Limited;
                        19.08% shares of Jinzhou Port Co., Ltd.;
                        78.29% shares of Yingkou Port Services Co., Ltd.;
                        51.16% shares of China Merchants Property Operation & Service Co., Ltd.
Change of the actual controller during the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2019

Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company:

Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset management.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders

   Name of corporate      representative  Date of
                                                        Registered capital          Business scope or management activities
     shareholders           /person in establishment
China Merchants
Investment                             15 November
                          Hu Jianhua               HKD28,287,989,241 Investment management of equities and others
Development                            2013
Company Limited
                                                                             Provision of management services for ports (without
                                                                             involving special administrative measures on the access
                                                                             of foreign investment); port information inquiries,
                                                                             economic information consultation, economic
                                                                             information consultation, corporate management
                                                                             consultation, business information consultation, brand
                                                                             management consultation and logistics information
China       Merchants                                                        consultation (excluding restricted items in each case);
Gangtong              Deng             16   January                          technical development and sales of ship machinery and
                                                    RMB9,446 million
Development           Weidong          2018                                  equipment; technical services in respect of port loading
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                         and unloading equipment; supporting businesses in
                                                                             respect of the design, sales, import and export of
                                                                             loading and unloading tools, mechanical and electrical
                                                                             products and non-ferrous metal products (excluding
                                                                             precious metals) (Commodities that involve state
                                                                             trading, quota, license and special administrative
                                                                             regulations shall be operated through the application
                                                                             pursuant to related state regulations); technical

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2019

                                                                               development and technical services in respect of
                                                                               modern logistics information systems; supply chain
                                                                               management and related supporting services; design of
                                                                               logistics plans; planning of corporate image; planning
                                                                               of cultural exchange activities (without involving
                                                                               special administrative measures on the access of foreign
                                                                               investment); marketing planning; and planning of brand
                                                                               image. (In each case, any item forbidden by laws,
                                                                               administrative regulations and the State Council shall
                                                                               be excluded and restricted items shall be operated upon
                                                                               the attainment of the permission)

5. Limitations on Shareholding Decrease by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder, Actual Controller,
Reorganizer and Other Commitment Makers

For details, see III. Fulfillment of commitments in Part V Significant Events of this report

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                 Annual Report 2019

                                         Part VII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No preferred shares in the Reporting Period.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                  Annual Report 2019

                              Part VIII Convertible Corporate Bonds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No convertible corporate bonds in the Reporting Period.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                    Annual Report 2019

          Part IX Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Staff

I Change in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

                                                                        Beginnin Increase Decrease
                                                                                                         Other    Ending
                                                                            g       in the    in the
            Office    Incumbent/                  Start of     End of                                 increase/d sharehold
  Name                           Gender    Age                          sharehold Reporting Reporting
             title      Former                    tenure       tenure                                   ecrease     ing
                                                                           ing     Period    Period
                                                                                                        (share)   (share)
                                                                         (share)   (share)   (share)
Deng                                             December
           of the   Incumbent     Male     50             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0
Renjie                                           2018
Bai                                              Septembe
           of the   Incumbent     Male     54             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0
Jingtao                                          r 2017
           and CEO
Yan Shuai Director    Incumbent   Male     47             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0
           Director                              December
Su Jian               Incumbent   Male     48             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0
Song       Director                              December
                      Incumbent   Male     57             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0
Dexing                                           2018
           ent      Incumbent     Male     69    June 2017 June 2020      14,040          0         0          0    14,040
Su Qiyun ent      Incumbent       Male     56    June 2017 June 2020            0         0         0          0         0
Li       Independ
Changqin ent      Incumbent       Male     51    June 2017 June 2020            0         0         0          0         0
g        director
           of the
Liu        Superviso                             December
                     Incumbent    Male     48             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0
Yingjie    ry                                    2018
           Superviso                             December
Hu Qin     r         Incumbent    Female   53             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0

Yang       Superviso                             December
           r         Incumbent    Male     53             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0
Yuntao                                           2018
Ni Keqin r         Incumbent      Female   55    June 2017 June 2020       29,211         0         0          0    29,211

Zheng      Superviso
           r         Incumbent    Male     49    June 2017 June 2020            0         0         0          0         0
           COO and                               December
Zhang Yi           Incumbent      Male     49             June 2020             0         0         0          0         0
           GM                                    2018
Zheng                                            December
         Vice GM Incumbent        Male     57             June 2020       12,661          0         0          0    12,661
Shaoping                                         2018

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                             Annual Report 2019

Huang    GMand
Chuanjin Secretary Incumbent           Male       37               June 2020          0          0           0          0        0
g        of the
Lu                                                        December
           Vice GM Incumbent           Male       50               June 2020          0          0           0          0        0
Yongxin                                                   2018
Li Yubin Vice GM Incumbent             Male       48               June 2020          0          0           0          0        0
Wen Ling CFO            Incumbent      Female     54               June 2020          0          0           0          0        0
Fu       Chairman                                         December January
                  Former               Male       53                                  0          0           0          0        0
Gangfeng of the                                           2018     2020
           Former                                         December December
Yan Gang           Former              Male       47                                  0          0           0          0        0
           vice GM                                        2018     2019
Total           --           --          --       --         --         --      55,912           0           0               55,912

II Change of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

        Name            Office title     Type of change    Date of change                    Reason for change
                     Chairman of the
Fu Gangfeng                          Left                 31 January 2020                       Job change
                                        Left              23 December
Yan Gang             Vice GM                                                                    Job change

III Biographical Information

Professional backgrounds, major work experience and current duties in the Company of the incumbent directors, supervisors and senior

Deng Renjie, Chairman of the Board, graduated from Beijing Electronic Science&Technology
Institute, majoring in computing, and obtained a bachelor degree, later graduated from Dalian
Maritime University, majoring in international economic law, and obtained master’s degree. Deng
Renjie now holds the post of the Executive Vice President of China Merchants Group Company
Limited, President of Liaoning Port Group Co., Ltd., the Company’s Chairman of the Board, Vice
President of the 8th Council of China Highway and Transportation Society & Vice President of the 7th
Council of China Transportation Association. Deng Renjie has successively held the posts of
Researcher of General Office of Ministry of Communications, Deputy Director of General Office of
Hunan Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Secretary General of Hunan Provincial Party Committee,
Deputy Secretary General of Party Committee of Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Assistant President
of China Merchants Group Company Limited, Director of General Manager’s Office, and Chairman
of the Board of China Merchants Expressway Network & Technology Holdings Co., Ltd. Deng Renjie
has been being the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company from December 2018 to January
2020, and has been being the Chairman of the Board of the Company since February 2020.
Bai Jingtao, Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Professor Level Senior
Engineer, graduated from Department of Water Conservancy of Tianjin University and obtained
bachelor’s degree in port and waterway engineering. Later Bai Jingtao studied at Graduate School of

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                               Annual Report 2019

Wuhan University of Technology, Graduate School of Shanghai Maritime University and obtained
master’s degree in management science and engineering, doctor’s degree in transportation planning
and management respectively. Bai Jingtao now holds the post of the Company’s Vice Chairman of
the Board, CEO and Party Secretary, Managing Director of China Merchants Port Holdings Company
Limited (CM Port Holdings). Bai Jingtao has successively held the posts of Assistant Engineer of
CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd, Principal Staff of Division of Engineering
Management and Division of Infrastructure Management of Ministry of Communications, Deputy
Director and Director of Division of Infrastructure Management and Division of Water Transport of
Ministry of Communications, Vice President of China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co.,
Ltd and Director of Zhangzhou Port Authority, Deputy Director of Xiamen Port Authority and
Executive Deputy Commander of Construction Headquarters of Xiamen Haicang Bonded Port Area,
Deputy President of China Merchants International Company Limited, Secretary of the Party
Committee of China Merchants Zhangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone and
Executive Deputy Director of Management Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee and
President of China Merchants Zhangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Company
Limited. Bai Jingtao has been being the Director of the Company since September 2017 and the
Director and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since December 2018, and has been being the
Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since April 2020.
Yan Shuai, Director, graduated from Harbin Engineering University, majoring in industrial
automation, and obtained bachelor’s degree in engineering. Later Yan Huai obtained master’s degree
in management at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Yan Shuai now holds the posts
of Director of Human Resources Department. Yan Shuai has successively held the posts of Deputy
Researcher of General Office of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Second
Secretariat, Vice President of China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd., Deputy Director (principal
person) of Human Resources Department of China Merchants Group Company Limited. Yan Shuai
has been being the Director of the Company since December 2018.
Su Jian, Director, Non-Practicing Member of The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants,
Intermediate Accountant, graduated from Department of Economics of Shanghai University of
Finance and Economics, and obtained bachelor’s degree in economics. Li Jian now holds the post of
Director of Finance Department (Property Right Department) of China Merchants Group Company
Limited. Li Jian has successively held the post of Financial Manager of China Merchants International
Travel Co., Ltd., Senior Manager of Finance Department of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone,
Senior Manager of Finance Department, Assistant Director of Finance Department, Deputy Director
of Finance Department, Deputy Director of Human Resources Department, Deputy Director of Party
Committee Office, Deputy Director of Organization Department of Party Committee, Deputy
Director of Finance Department (Property Right Department) (principal person) in China Merchants
Group Company Limited, Secretary of Party Committee, Secretary of Committee for Discipline
Inspection, Vice President of China Merchants Industrial Group Company Limited. Su Jian has been
being the Director of the Company since December 2018.
Song Dexing, Director, Senior Engineer, graduated from Department of Mechanics of Wuhan
University of Technology (former name is Wuhan Institute of Water Transportation Engineering), and
obtained bachelor’s degree in engineering. Later Song Dexing obtained master’s degree, majoring in
transportation planning at Wuhan University of Technology and doctor’s degree in management,

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report 2019

majoring in administrative management at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Song
Dexing now holds the posts of Business Director of Transportation & Logistics, Minister of
Transportation & Logistics Business Department/Beijing Headquarters of China Merchants Group
Company Limited, President, Secretary of Party Committee of SINOTRANS&CSC. Song Dexing
has successively held the posts of Secretary of Youth League Committee, Engineer of Water Transport
Planning & Design Institute of Ministry of Communications, Principal Staff of Division of Transport
of Ministry of Communications, Deputy Director, Director of Container Office of Division of Water
Transport of Ministry of Communications, Deputy Mayor of Luoyang Municipal People’s
Government (temporary post), Deputy Director of China Waterborne Transport Research Institute,
Deputy Director, Director of Yangtze Three Gorges Navigation Administration, Deputy Director,
Director of Division of Water Transport of Ministry of Communications, Director of Bureau of Water
Transport of Ministry of Transport (Director of Taiwanese Affairs Office of the ministry), Vice
Chairman of the Board, Member of Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Party Committee,
Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection of SINOTRANS&CSC, General Manager of
SINOTRANS&CSC, Director of Department of Comprehensive Logistics Business of China
Merchants Group Company Limited. Song Dexing has been being the Director of the Company since
December 2018.
Yuan Yuhui, Independent Director, MBA, now acts as the Director of Shenzhen Riland Industrial
Co., Ltd. He once acted as the Vice GM, Vice Director of China Nanshan Development (Group)
Incorporation and the Director of the Company. And he has been being the Independent Director of
the Company since August 2015.
Su Qiyun, Independent Director, graduated from Xiamen University of Department of Law with a
master degree of Civil and Commercial Law and a doctor degree of Wuhan University of Law. He
now is the founding partner of Beijing Deheng Law Office. He used to serve as Manager of
Investment Department of Ping An Insurance Company of China, as Cadres of Shenzhen Industry
and Commerce Administration. And he has been an Independent Director of the Company since May
Li Changqing, Independent Director, graduated from Xiamen University with a doctor degree of
Accounting, and also is a CPA, an excellent talent of new century of Ministry of Department, a
prominent talent of Xiamen as well as a guide tutor of Postdoctoral Center of SSE. He now is the
Director of Senior Business Administration Education Center, professor and doctoral supervisor of
Xiamen University. And he has been being an Independent Director of the Company since May 2014.
Liu Yingjie, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, graduated from Capital University of
Economics and Business, majoring in accounting, and obtained bachelor’s degree in economics. Liu
Yingjie now holds the post of Director of Risk Control Department/Law and Compliance Department
of China Merchants Group. Liu Yingjie has successively held the posts of Deputy Director, Director
of Division of Comprehensive Audit of Supervision Department of COSCO, Director of Division of
Computer Audit, Assistant Director, Deputy Director of Risk Control Department/Audit Department
of China Merchants Group. Liu Yingjie has been being the Chairman of the Supervisory Committee
of the Company since December 2018.
Hu Qin, Supervisor, graduated from Peking University, majoring in international law, and obtained
master’s degree in law. Later Hu Qin studied at NUS Business School and obtained master’s degree
in management. Hu Qin now holds the post of Deputy Director of Risk Control Department/Law

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                              Annual Report 2019

&Compliance of China Merchants Group. Hu Qin has successively held the posts of Deputy General
Manager of Planning Department of China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Company Limited,
General Manager and General Counsel of Department of Legal Affairs, General Counsel of China
Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd., Deputy Director of Risk Control Department
of China Merchants Group, Deputy Director of Legal Department. Hu Qin has been being the
Supervisor of the Company Since December 2018.
Yang Yuntao, Supervisor, graduated from Jilin University, majoring in international law, and
obtained bachelor’s degree in law. Later Yang Yuntao studied at School of Law, University of
International Business and Economics, and obtained doctor’s degree in law. Yang Yuntao now holds
the posts of Deputy Director of Transportation & Logistics Business Department/Beijing
Headquarters of China Merchants Group Company Limited, Deputy General Manager and General
Counsel of SINOTRANS&CSC, Member of Party Committee. Yang Yuntao has successively held
the posts of Deputy General Manager of Port Business Department of Sino-Trans China National
Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation, General Manager of Law Department, Director, Deputy
President (principal person) of SINOTRANS (Hong Kong) Group Company Limited, Non-Executive
Director of SINOTRANS Limited, General Manager of Law Department of Sino-Trans China
Foreign Trade Transportation (Group) Corporation, General Manager, Deputy General Counsel,
General Counsel of Law Department of SINOTRANS & CSC. Yang Yuntao has been being the
Supervisor of the Company since December 2018.
Ni Keqin, Supervisor, is the Deputy GM of Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd. now. She took the
positions of Manager Assistant, Deputy Manager as well as Manager of the Operation Department
and GM Assistant of CCT successively. She has been being the Supervisor of the Company since
May 2008.
Zheng Linwei, Supervisor, graduated from NJAU, with a bachelor degree of Agricultural Foreign
Trade and graduated from Shanghai Maritime University with MBA in 2004. He now serves as Vice
GM of the Harbor Division, Dongguan Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited and Dongguan
Shenzhen Chiwan Terminal Co., Ltd. He has been being worked at the Harbor Division of the
Company from August 1993. He once acted as Director of Operation Room of Department II of
Commercial Freight of the Harbor Division of the Company, Manager Assistant, Vice Manager, and
Manager of Department II of Commercial Freight. And he has been being the Supervisor of the
Company since May 2014.
Zhang Yi, President and Chief Operational Officer, graduated from Wuhan Institute of Water
Transportation Engineering and obtained bachelor’s degree in transportation management
engineering. Later Zhang Yi obtained doctor’s degree in engineering at Wuhan University of
Technology. Zhang Yi now holds the post of the GM & COO of the Company, Deputy General
Manager of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CM Port Holdings). Zhang Yi has
successively held the posts of Planner of Planning Division of Zhanjiang Port Authority, Deputy
Director of Planning Development Division of Zhanjiang Port Authority, Assistant Director of
Zhanjiang Port Authority, Director, President, Secretary of Party Committee of Zhanjiang Port Group
Company Limited. Zhang Yi has been being the President&COO of the Company since December
Zheng Shaoping, Vice President, graduated from Dalian Maritime University for postgraduate,
majoring in international maritime law. Later Zheng Shaoping obtained master’s degree in business

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report 2019

administration at The University of Wales. He now acts as the Vice President of the Company, the
Executive Director and Vice General Manager of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited.
He once acted as the Vice General Manager of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited & General
Manager of Chiwan Wharf Container Company, Vice General Manager and Director of Shenzhen
Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited, General Manager and Director of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf
Holdings Limited, General Manager and Vice Chairman of the Board of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf
Holdings Limited, General Manager and Chairman of the Board of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf
Holdings Limited, Vice General Manager of China Nanshan Development (Group) Inc., Vice General
Manager and Executive Director of China Merchants Holdings (International) Company Limited,
Vice General Manager (General Manager Level) and Executive Director of China Merchants
Holdings (International) Company Limited. He has been being the Vice President of the Company
since December 2018.
Huang Chuanjing, Vice President and Board Secretary, graduated from the English Department
of Shandong University of Science and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in arts. Later, he obtained
a master’s degree in business administration at The University of Wales. Now he holds the post of the
Vice President & Board Secretary of the Company. He once was the Director of Wharf Operation
Department of China Merchants International Qingdao Wharf Company Limited, Assistant of
General Manager’s Office, Director of Administration Department of China Merchants International
Company Limited, Assistant Director of General Office of China Merchants Group, Senior Manager,
Assistant General Manager of General Office of China Merchants Group Company Limited, Assistant
Director of General Office and secretary of the board of China Merchants Group Company Limited,
Assistant Director of Board of Directors Office, Chief of Board Secretariat of General Office, Deputy
Director of General Office and Deputy Director of Board of Directors Office in China Merchants
Group Company Limited. Huang Chuanjing has been acting as the Vice President of the Company
since December 2018.
Lu Yongxin, Vice President, graduated from Dalian University of Technology, and obtained
bachelor’s degree in English for science and technology. Later Lu Yongxin graduated from Curtin
University and obtained master’s degree in project management. Lu Yongxin now holds the post of
Deputy GM of the Company, Deputy General Manager of China Merchants Port Holdings Company
Limited (CM Port Holdings). Lu Yongxin has successively held the posts of Assistant General
Manager of Zhenhua Construction Co. Ltd., Deputy Director of CHEC (Beijing) Head Office, Deputy
General Manager of Research & Development Department of China Merchants Port Holdings
Company Limited (CM Port Holdings), General Manager of Overseas Business Department,
Assistant General Manager. Lu Yongxin has been dispatched to Terminal Link in France to act as
CFO and Senior Vice President. Lu Yongxin has been as the Vice President of the Company since
December 2018.
Li Yubin, Vice President, graduated from Tianjin University, majoring in Harbor and Cannel
Engineering with the bachelor of engineering degree, Tianjin University, majoring in engineering
management, and obtained master’s degree. Later Li Yubin graduated from The University of Hong
Kong and obtained doctor’s degree in real estate and construction. Li Yubin now holds the post of
Deputy President of the Company and Deputy General Manager of China Merchants Port Holdings
Company Limited (CM Port Holdings). Li Yubin has successively held the posts of Deputy General
Manager of Road and Bridge Project of China Harbor Company in Bangladeshi Office, Project

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                        Annual Report 2019

Director of Overseas Business Department of CHEC, Assistant General Manager of Planning and
Commerce Department of China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited (CM Port Holdings),
General Manager, Deputy General Economist of Strategy and Operation Management Department,
General Manager, Deputy General Economist of Strategy and Operation Department, General
Manager of China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd. and the Chief Representative of
Representative Office of China Merchants Group in Djibouti. Li Yubin has been acting the Vice
President of the Company since December 2018.
Wen Ling, Chief Financial Officer, graduated from Finance Dept. in Southwestern University of
Finance and Economics with a master degree. Wen is now the CFO of the Company, the CFO of
China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited. Wen was once the Deputy Financial Manager of
China Merchants Port Service (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., the Financial Manager of Shenzhen Mawan Port
Services Co., Ltd. and the Vice Financial Manager, Senior Vice Financial Manager, and GM of Capital
Operation Dept. in China Merchants Port Holdings Company Limited. And Wen has been acting as
the CFO of the Company since December 2018.

Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Offices held concurrently in other entities:
                                                              Office held in the                                    or allowance
      Name                         Other entity                                     Start of tenure   End of tenure
                                                                    entity                                            from the
Deng Renjie       China Merchants Group Co., Limited         Vice President        March 2015                           Yes
                                                             Chairman of the
Deng Renjie       Liaoning Port Group                                              November 2018                        No
                                                             Chairman of the
Deng Renjie       Yingkou Port Group Co., Ltd.                                     April 2019                           No
                                                             Chairman of the
Deng Renjie       China Merchants Steamship Co., Ltd.        Supervisory           June 2017                            No
Deng Renjie       China Merchants Group (H.K.) Limited       Director              December 2015                        No
                                                             Chairman of the
Deng Renjie       Dalian Port Group Corporation Limited                            May 2019                             No
Bai Jingtao       Liaoning Port Group                        Director, GM          April 2019                           No
                                                             Vice Chairman of
Bai Jingtao       DaLian Port (PDA) Company Limited                                June 2017          March 2019        No
                                                             the Board
Bai Jingtao       Terminal Link                              Director              June 2017                            No
                  Shanghai International Port (Group) Co.,   Vice Chairman of
Bai Jingtao                                                                        June 2016                            No
                  Ltd.                                       the Board
                  China Merchants Group (Beijing) Co.,
Yan Shuai                                                    Director              July 2016                            No
                  China Merchants Group (Shanghai) Co.,
Yan Shuai                                                    Director              July 2016                            No
Yan Shuai         Liaoning Port Group                        Director              August 2019                          No
                  China Merchants Chongqing
Su Jian           Communications Technology Research &       Director              December 2018                        No
                  Design Institute Co., Ltd.
Su Jian                                         Director                           September 2017                       No

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                   Annual Report 2019

Su Jian        China Merchants Zhangzhou                   Director            September 2017                    No
Su Jian                                                    Director            September 2017                    No
               China Merchants Expressway Network &
Su Jian                                                    Director            July 2017                         No
               Technology Holdings Co., Ltd.
Su Jian        China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd. Director              August 2017      January 2019     No
Su Jian                                                    Director            July 2017                         No
Su Jian        DIVERSE SUCCESS LIMITED                     Director            August 2019                       No
Su Jian                                                    Director            September 2017                    No
Su Jian        China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd                             July 2017                         No
Su Jian        Liaoning Port Group                         Director            September 2019                    No
Su Jian        Sinotrans Limited                           Director            March 2019                        No
Song Dexing    SINOTRANS&CSC                               GM                  June 2016                         Yes
                                                           Chairman of the
Song Dexing    Nanjing Port (Group) Co., Ltd.                                  October 2017                      No
                                                           Vice Chairman of
Song Dexing    China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd.                       August 2018                       No
                                                           the Board
Song Dexing    Liaoning Port Group                         Director            September 2019                    No
                                                           Vice Chairman of
Song Dexing    Sinotrans Limited                           the Board, Executive June 2018                        No
                                                           Chairman of the
Liu Yingjie    Sinotrans Limited                           Supervisory         March 2019                        No
                                                           Chairman of the
Liu Yingjie    China Merchants Group Finance Co., Ltd.     Supervisory         August 2019                       No
Liu Yingjie    China Merchants Energy Shipping Co., Ltd.                       August 2017      June 2019        No
                                                           Chairman of the
Liu Yingjie    China Yangtze Shipping Group Co., Ltd.      Supervisory         November 2017                     No
               Shenzhen China Merchants Shekou Asset
Hu Qin                                                     Supervisor          May 2015                          No
               Management Co., Ltd.
               China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone
Hu Qin                                                     Supervisor          May 2017                          No
               Holdings Co., Ltd.
               China Merchants Hainan Development &
Hu Qin                                                     Supervisor          December 2018                     No
               Investment Co., Ltd.
Yang Yuntao    SINOTRANS&CSC                               Vice GM             June 2016                         Yes
Yang Yuntao    China Yangtze Shipping Group Co., Ltd.      Director            December 2018                     No
               China Merchants Hainan Development &
Zhang Yi                                                   Director            December 2018                     No
               Investment Co., Ltd.
               DaLian Port (PDA) Company Limited           Director            June 2017        March 2019       No
Zheng          Ningbo Daxie China Merchants
                                                           Director            April 2014                        No
Shaoping       International Container Terminal
               Ningbo Zhoushan Port Company Limited        Director            April 2015                        No
Zheng          Tianjin Five International Container
                                                           Director            April 2014       August 2019      No
Shaoping       Terminal Co., Ltd.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                            Annual Report 2019

                  Tianjin Port Container Terminal Co., Ltd.     Director              August 2019                            No
Zheng             Qingdao Qianwan United Container
                                                                Director              March 2016                             No
Shaoping          Terminal Co., Ltd.
Zheng             Qingdao Qianwan New United Container
                                                                Director              March 2016                             No
Shaoping          Terminal Co., Ltd.
Zheng             Qingdao Port Dongjiakou Ore Terminal Co.,
                                                            Director                  March 2017                             No
Shaoping          Ltd.
Zheng             Shanghai International Port (Group) Co.,
                                                                Director              May 2014                               No
Shaoping          Ltd.
Zheng             Shenzhen China Merchants Qianhai
                                                                Director              August 2016                            No
Shaoping          Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
Zheng                                                           Chairman of the
                  Antong Holdings Co., Ltd.                                           August 2016      March 2020            No
Shaoping                                                        Board
Zheng             China Merchants Antong Logistics              Chairman of the
                                                                                      September 2019                         No
Shaoping          Management Co., Ltd.                          Board
Zheng             Quanzhou Shanghangtong Logistics
                                                                Executive director    October 2019                           No
Shaoping          Management Co., Ltd.
                  Kumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik          Chairman of the
Lu Yongxin                                                                            December 2019                          No
                  Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim ?irketi              Board
                                                                Vice Chairman of
Lu Yongxin        Tin-can Island Container Terminal Ltd                               July 2019                              No
                                                                the Board
Li Yubin          MODERN TERMINALS LIMITED                      Director              March 2015                             No
Li Yubin          Shenzhen Lianyongtong Terminal Co., Ltd. Director                   January 2014                           No
                  Cofco China Merchants (Shenzhen) Grain        Vice Chairman of
Li Yubin                                                                              August 2017      May 2019              No
                  Electronic Trading Center Co., Ltd.           the Board
                  Silk Road Yishang Information Technology Chairman of the
Li Yubin                                                                              January 2019                           No
                  Co., Ltd.                                Board
                  Shanghai International Port (Group) Co.,
Wen Ling                                                        Supervisor            July 2019                              No
Wen Ling          China Nanshan Development (Group) Inc.        Supervisor            July 2019                              No
                  Offices of directors, supervisor, and senior management held concurrently in other entities exclude offices held in
                  the Company and subsidiaries within the consolidation scope.
Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulator on the incumbent directors, supervisors and senior
management as well as those who left in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payments of remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior

Decision-making procedure for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management:
Remunerations for the Company’s directors, supervisors and senior management shall be nominated
by the Board of Directors and determined upon review of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee.
Allowance for Independent Directors is RMB150,000/year (tax included), which has been approved
at the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2018.
Determining basis for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management: The modes
and amounts of the remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior management are determined
according to the market levels with the post value, responsibilities, etc. taken into account.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                         Annual Report 2019

Actual payment for the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management: Salaries and
independent director allowances were paid to directors, supervisors and senior executives on a
monthly basis. And the other bonuses were paid all at one time according to the performance of each
of them.

Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management for the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB'0,000
                                                                                             Total before-tax          Any
        Name              Office title           Gender     Age          Incumbent/Former remuneration from the    remuneration
                                                                                                Company         from related party
Deng Renjie       Chairman of the Board          Male        50          Incumbent                             0        Yes
                  Vice Chairman of the
Bai Jingtao                                      Male        54          Incumbent                           461        No
                  Board, CEO
Yan Shuai         Director                       Male        47          Incumbent                             0        Yes
Su Jian           Director                       Male        48          Incumbent                             0        Yes
Song Dexing       Director                       Male        57          Incumbent                             0        Yes
Yuan Yuhui        Independent director           Male        69          Incumbent                            15        No
Su Qiyun          Independent director           Male        56          Incumbent                            15        No
Li Changqing      Independent director           Male        51          Incumbent                            15        No
                  Chairman of the
Liu Yingjie                                      Male        48          Incumbent                             0        Yes
                  Supervisory Committee
Hu Qin            Supervisor                     Female      53          Incumbent                             0        Yes
Yang Yuntao       Supervisor                     Male        53          Incumbent                             0        Yes
Ni Keqin          Supervisor                     Female      55          Incumbent                           134        No
Zheng Linwei      Supervisor                     Male        49          Incumbent                           119        No
Zhang Yi          COO and GM                     Male        49          Incumbent                           276        No
Zheng Shaoping Vice GM                           Male        57          Incumbent                           378        No
Huang             Vice GM          and   Board
                                                 Male        37          Incumbent                           191        No
Chuanjing         Secretary
Lu Yongxin        Vice GM                        Male        50          Incumbent                           276        No
Li Yubin          Vice GM                        Male        48          Incumbent                           342        No
Wen Ling          CFO                            Female      54          Incumbent                           164        No
                  Former Chairman of the
Fu Gangfeng                                      Male        53          Former                                0        Yes
Yan Gang          Former vice GM                 Male        47          Former                              298        No
Total                             --               --         --                  --                       2,684         --
Note: Total before-tax remuneration for senior management includes the deferred bonus of Three-year (from 2016 to 2018) Strategic
Assessment cashed by the Company in the Reporting Period.
Equity incentives for directors, supervisors and senior management in the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Employees

1. Number, Functions and Educational Backgrounds of Employees

Number of in-service employees of the Company as the parent                                                                     299
Number of in-service employees of major subsidiaries                                                                          14,761

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                     Annual Report 2019

Total number of in-service employees                                                                 15,060
Total number of paid employees in the Reporting Period                                               15,060
Number of retirees to whom the Company as the parent or its
major subsidiaries need to pay retirement pensions
                             Function                                        Employees
Production                                                                                            8,005
Sales                                                                                                  570
Technical                                                                                             3,343
Financial                                                                                              543
Administrative                                                                                        2,599
Total                                                                                                15,060
                                                   Educational backgrounds
                     Educational background                                  Employees
Master’s degree and above                                                                             451
Bachelor’s degree                                                                                    3,449
Junior college                                                                                        3,509
Technical secondary school and below                                                                  7,651
Total                                                                                                15,060

2. Employee Remuneration Policy

Through its remuneration management system that is oriented by its strategies and based on the three
core elements of internal consistency, staff contribution and external competition, the Company
performs dynamic management of its remuneration strategy, remuneration level and remuneration
components. In 2019, the Company improved its remuneration and incentive system, aligned at
international leading comprehensive port operators and domestic excellent listed port groups, and
teased out the benchmark for incentive optimization to enhance market competitiveness. Based on
the concept of delicacy management of talents, the Company allocated more resources to its core
talents and high-performance personnel and enhanced the effectiveness of resource allocation through
precise incentive.
The Company innovated its incentive mechanism and combined long-term incentive and short-term
incentive to guide focus on its long-term development. It has successfully introduced the stock option
incentive plan to form a mechanism for sharing of profits and risks among itself and its shareholders
and staff. The plan will help to increase shareholder values, safeguard owners’ rights and interests,
assist the management to balance between short-term and long-term goals, support the Company’s
implementation of strategies and long-term sustainable development, fully mobilize the enthusiasm
of its middle and senior management personnel and core technical talents, and attract and retain
excellent management talents and key personnel.

3. Employee Training Plans

The Company is dedicated to creating a platform for the development and promotion of global port
professionals, provides domestic and foreign employees with learning opportunities, opens channels

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                   Annual Report 2019

for global career development and helps employees to keep improving themselves with the
development of the Company. Meanwhile, it provides its peers with opportunities of coming to China
for exchange to share knowledge and values. In 2019, the Company further optimized the training
system, integrated internal and external training resources, and established a series of key training
projects at different levels with different categories, including the project series for senior executive
on International situation, industrial transfer and safety training, the project series on enhancement of
global management and financial capability of middle-level key leaders through internal training
courses, open class and network courses cooperating with professional institutions and the projects
on the enhancement of professional and general abilities for junior employees. The Company made
vigorous efforts to create the network platform Zhi-niao and develop and upload online courses. and
share training resources openly, enlarging the learning timely and effectively. Strengthening the
communications and collaboration between various units, it shall achieve the comprehensive
integration of talents training under the guidance of the Company. The Company actively fulfilled
the social responsibility, carrying out the “Co-creating Blue Dream-21th Century Maritime Silk Road
Talents Plan” of China Merchants Port, which cultivate professionals of port and shipping for
countries along the One Belt and One Road. As of the end of 2019, the project had cultivated 163
young backbone talents from 21 countries on 4 continents. In September 2019, it designed the “C-
Blue Elite Program” sailing class for overseas excellent undergraduates majored in port and shipping.
Through the program, the Company aimed to attract excellent young people to China and develop
more innovation talents with international vision, international awareness, international
communication abilities and cross-cultural communication competence. Meanwhile, the Company
participated in “Zhangqian project” of Hongkong sea silk association and other practical projects for
students, providing Hongkong university students with meaningful overseas internship opportunity,
and actively promoting the cooperation of the university and enterprises.

4. Labor Outsourcing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

 China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report 2019

                                Part X Corporate Governance

 I General Information of Corporate Governance

 Ever since its establishment, the Company has been in strict compliance with the company law
 and securities law, as well as relevant laws and regulations issued by CSRC. And it has timely
 formulated and amended its relevant management rules according to the Code of Corporate
 Governance for Listed Companies, which are conscientiously and carefully executed. An
 effective system of internal control has thus taken shape in the Company. Details about
 corporate governance within the reporting period are set out as below:
 1. During the Reporting Period, the Company revised the Articles of Association in accordance with
 the changes of registered capital and adjustment of setting up of senior management based on demand
 for operating and management. The revision has been reviewed and approved on the 1 st Special
 Meeting of the 9th Board of Director held on 2 January 2019 and the 1st Extraordinary General
 Meeting of 2019 later held on 24 January 2019.
 2. The Company’s shareholder structure, assets size, governance structure and strategic planning have
 all changed due to its completion of material assets restructuring on 26 December 2018. In
 consideration of the Company’s actual situation, according to the Guidelines on Bylaws of Listed
 Companies, Rules for General Meetings of Listed Companies, Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock
 Exchange for Standard Operations of Listed Companies, Code of Corporate Governance for Listed
 Companies, Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Stock Listing, Company Law of the People’s
 Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, and in accordance with the requirements
 of state-owned assets management authorities for fully promoting the building of law-based central
 government-owned enterprises and the running and regulation of companies according to laws and
 regulations, the Company during the Reporting Period amended 24 systems including the Articles of
 Incorporation, and established six new systems, including Working Instructions for Board Secretary.
 The detailed information is as follows:
            Name of system                                     Review                         Disclosure
                                           Revised systems
Articles of Association                  Has been reviewed on the 6th Meeting of the 9th Has been
Rules of Procedures for the Board of     Board of Directors held on 29 August 2019 and the disclosed
Directors                                11th Special Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on Cninfo
                                         held on 22 November 2019 and approved on the in time
                                         4th Extraordinary General Meeting of 2019 held on
                                         11 December 2019.
Rules of Procedures for the Annual    Has been reviewed on the 6th Meeting of the 9th
General Meeting                       Board of Directors held on 29 August 2019 and
Work Policy for Independent Directors approved on the 4 Extraordinary General
                                      Meeting of 2019 held on 11 December 2019.
Management Policies for Related-party

 China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                           Annual Report 2019

Management Policies for Raised Funds
Specific System for Engaging
Rules of Procedures for the Supervisory Has been reviewed on the 6th Meeting of the 9th
Committee                               Supervisory Committee held on 29 August 2019
                                        and approved on the 4th Extraordinary General
                                        Meeting of 2019 held on 11 December 2019
Working Articles of Audit Committee of Has been reviewed and approved on the 6th
the Board of Directors                 Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors held on 29
Working Rules of Annual Report for     August 2019
Audit Committee of the Board of
Working Articles for Nomination,
Remuneration and Evaluation
Committee of the Board of Directors
Working Articles of Strategy Committee
of the Board of Directors
Working Rules of Annual Report for
Independent Directors
Working Articles of Chief Executive
Management Policies for the Shares of
the Company Held by Directors,
Supervisors and Senior Management
and the Changes
Management Rules on Information
Management System on Inside
Information and Insiders
Rules of Accountability for Significant
Mistakes in Annual Report Information
Information Disclosure Management
Rules for the Inter-bank Debt Financing
Management System of Foreign
Management Method of Financial Tools
Management System on Person in
Charge of Finance and CFO
Rules on the Management of Investors

 China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2019

Internal Audit System
                                          Established systems
Management System of External            Has been reviewed on the 6th Meeting of the 9th Has been
Guarantees                               Board of Directors held on 29 August 2019 and disclosed
                                         approved on the 4th Extraordinary General on Cninfo
                                         Meeting of 2019 held on 11 December 2019.       in time
Working Articles of Board Secretary      Has been reviewed and approved on the 6th
Management System of Securities          Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors held on 29
Investments                              August 2019

Management system of Subsidiaries
Management Method of Donations
Rules of Procedures for Office Meeting

 3. Shareholders and shareholders’ general meeting: the Company ensures that all the shareholders,
 especially minority shareholders, are equal and could enjoy their full rights. The Company called and
 held shareholders’ general meeting strictly in compliance with the Rules for Shareholders’ General
 4. Relationship between the controlling shareholder and the Company: controlling shareholder of the
 Company acted in line with rules during the reporting period, did not intervened the decisions,
 productions or operations of the Company directly or indirectly in exceeding the authority of the
 shareholders’ general meeting, and did not appropriate any funds of the Company.
 5. Directors and the Board of Directors: the Company elected directors in strict accordance with the
 Articles of Association. Number and composition of members of the Board were in compliance with
 relevant laws and regulations; all Directors attend Board meetings and shareholders’ general meeting
 in a serious and responsible manner and participated enthusiastically relevant training so as to know
 better about laws and regulations as well as the rights, obligations and liabilities of Directors. The
 Company The Company set up the Audit Committee as approved by The 1st Extraordinary General
 Meeting of 2004 and the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee and Strategy
 Committee as approved by the 2005 Annual General Meeting, with a view to ensuring the efficient
 operation and scientific decision-making of the Board of Directors.
 6. Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee: number and composition of the members of the
 Supervisory Committee were in compliance with the requirements of laws and regulations. The
 supervisors diligently and seriously performed their duties and obligations, took responsible attitudes
 to all shareholders and supervised the financial affair as well as the performance by the Company’s
 Directors, managers and other senior executives of their duties in compliance with the laws and
 7. Stakeholders: the Company fully respected and safeguarded the legal rights and interests of the
 banks and other creditors, staff, clients and other stakeholders so as to develop the Company in a
 consistent and healthy way.
 8. Information disclosure and transparency: As the department for the management of information
 disclosure, the Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for managing the information

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                               Annual Report 2019

disclosure matters of the Company. Chairman of the Board assumes a central role in managing the
information disclosure matters of the Company while the Board Secretary is responsible for
organizing and coordinating such matters. The Board Secretary of the Company is responsible for the
management of investor relationships. Unless expressly authorized and trained, other directors,
supervisors, senior management members and staff members of the Company should avoid speaking
on behalf of the Company in investor relationship activities. The Company disclosed relevant
information in a true, accurate, complete and timely way in strict accordance with the requirements
of laws, regulations and the Articles of Association, formulated the Management Rules on
Information Disclosure, the Management System on Inside Information and Insiders and the Rules
on the Management of Investors Relations, and designated Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao and
http://www.cninfo.com.cn as its newspaper and website for information disclosure, so as to ensure all
shareholders have equal opportunity to obtain the information.
9. Corporate governance mechanisms and rules that the Company already established:
Articles of Association of the Company, Rules of Procedure for General Meetings, Working Articles
of Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, Working Rules of Annual Report for Audit Committee
of the Board of Directors, Working Articles for Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation
Committee of the Board of Directors; Working Articles of Strategy Committee of the Board of
Directors, Working System for Independent Directors, Working Rules of Annual Report for
Independent Directors, Rules of Procedure for Supervisory Board, Working Articles of Chief
Executive Officer, Management System for Company Shares held by Directors, Supervisors and
Senior Executives and Its Changes, Management System of Foreign Investment, Management
System of Related Transactions, Management System of Fund-raising, Management Rules on
Information Disclosure, Rules of Accountability for Significant Mistakes in Annual Report
Information Disclosure, Management System on Inside Information and Insiders, Internal Audit
System, Management System of Investors’ Relations, Specific System for Engaging Accountants,
Management Method of Financial Tools, Management System on Person in Charge of Finance and
CFO, Information Disclosure Management Rules for the Inter-bank Debt Financing Instrument,
Management System of External Guarantees, Working Articles of Board Secretary, Management
System of Securities Investments, Management System of Subsidiaries, Management Method of
Donations, Rules of Procedures for Office Meeting etc. There isn’t difference between the actual
circumstances of the Company and all established systems.
Since the foundation, the Company was consistently in strict accordance with Company Law and
relevant laws and regulations to make a standard operation, continued business-running in line with
relevant requirements of Corporate Governance Principle for Listed Companies and earnestly made
effort to protect profit and interests of shareholders and stakeholders.

Indicate by tick market whether there is any material incompliance with the regulatory documents
issued by the CSRC governing the governance of listed companies.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      Annual Report 2019

II The Company’s Independence from Its Controlling Shareholder in Business, Personnel,
Asset, Organization and Financial Affairs

The Company is absolutely independent in business, personnel, assets, finance and organization from
its controlling shareholder. Details are set out as follows.
Separation in business: The Company has its own assets, personnel, qualifications and ability to carry
out operating activities and is able to operate independently in the market. Separation in personnel:
The Company has basically separated its staff from its controlling shareholder. No senior management
staff of the Company holds positions at controlling shareholder of the Company. Separation in assets:
The Company possesses its own self-governed assets and domicile. Separation in organization: The
Company has established and improved the corporate governance structure according to law and has
an independent and complete organizational structure. Separation in finance: The Company has set
up its own financial department as well as normative accounting system and the financial
management system on its subsidiaries. The Company has its own bank accounts and does not share
the same bank account with its controlling shareholder. The Company has been paying tax in
accordance with the laws and regulations on its own behalf.

III Horizontal Competition

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV Annual and Special General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

                                             Investor                                                    Index to disclosed
      Meeting             Type                              Date of the meeting    Disclosure date
                                        participation ratio                                                 information
                                                                                                     For the resolution
The 1st Extraordinary
                       Extraordinary                                                                 announcement (No. 2019-
General Meeting of                                90.28% 24 January 2019          25 January 2019
                      General Meeting                                                                013), see
The 2nd                                                                                            For the resolution
Extraordinary         Extraordinary                                                                announcement (No. 2019-
                                                  22.16% 25 February 2019         26 February 2019
General Meeting of   General Meeting                                                               020), see
2019                                                                                               http://www.cninfo.com.cn
The 3rd                                                                                              For the resolution
Extraordinary         Extraordinary                                                                  announcement (No. 2019-
                                                  90.05% 15 April 2019            16 April 2019
General Meeting of   General Meeting                                                                 038), see
2019                                                                                                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                                                                                     For the resolution
The 2018 Annual      Annual General                                                                  announcement (No. 2019-
                                                  89.91% 20 May 2019              21 May 2019
General Meeting         Meeting                                                                      049), see
The 4th                                                                                              For the resolution
Extraordinary         Extraordinary                                                                  announcement (No. 2019-
                                                  90.52% 11 December 2019         12 December 2019
General Meeting of   General Meeting                                                                 095), see
2019                                                                                                 http://www.cninfo.com.cn

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2019

2. Special General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting Rights

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V Performance of Duty by Independent Directors in the Reporting Period

1. Attendance of Independent Directors at Board Meetings and General Meetings

                             Attendance of independent directors at board meetings and general meetings
                   Total number of                                       Board             Board          The independent
                    board meetings                  Board meetings     meetings         meetings the      director failed to   General
  Independent                          meetings
                   the independent                attended by way of    attended        independent          attend two        meetings
    director                          attended on
                      director was                telecommunication    through a       director failed   consecutive board     attended
                   eligible to attend                                    proxy            to attend      meetings (yes/no)
Yuan Yuhui                        14            2                 12               0                 0          No
Su Qiyun                          14            2                 12               0                 0          No                        5
Li Changqing                      14            2                 12               0                 0          No
Why any independent director failed to attend two consecutive board meetings:
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Objections Raised by Independent Directors on Matters of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any independent directors raised any objections on any matter of the Company.
□ Yes √ No
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Other Information about the Performance of Duty by Independent Directors

Indicate by tick mark whether any suggestions from independent directors were adopted by the Company.
√ Yes □ No
Suggestions from independent directors adopted or not adopted by the Company:

During the reporting period, all independent directors of the Company probity and self-discipline,
fulfill their duties in line with their expertise and experience; earnestly and diligently perform their
duties. The independent directors actively known about the Company’s business and operation,
protected the interests of minority shareholders, brought their roles as independent directors into full
play by participating in discussions on reports reviewed at board sessions and other issues of the
Company, and proposed professional suggestions on standard governance and production operation
which had been adopted by the Company. They carefully reviewed and issued independent opinions
in written form on significant events such as material related-party transactions in accordance with
relevant requirements and had play a important role in scientific decision-making of the Board. In
accordance with the requirements of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the “Working Rules for
Independent Directors” and the “Working Rules for Independent Directors Concerning Annual
Reports, they performed their obligations with due diligence and fully oversaw the preparation and
disclosure of the Annual Report of the Company. For details of performance by independent directors
of their duties, please refer to the work report of independent directors for 2019 as disclosed at

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report 2019


VI Performance of Duty by Specialized Committees under the Board in the Reporting Period

(I) Performance of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors
The members of Audit Committee include independent director Li Changqing (convener), director
Su Jian, and independent director Su Qiyun. During the Reporting Period, the Audit Committee of
the Board in line with the requirements of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Articles of
Association, Working Rules for the Audit Committee of the Board and the Working Practices for the
Audit Committee of the Board on Annual Report performed their duties, and give full play to their
expertise and experience, earnestly examine the Company's annual audit, reviewing of financial
statement, internal control, and other significant financial information, providing the Board of
Directors’ scientific and efficient decision-making with professional support.
1. Particulars about the Meetings
During the Reporting Period, the Audit Committee of the Board held a total of five meetings, with
details as follows:
(1) The 1st Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9th Board of Directors for 2019
On 27 March 2019, it was held at Conference Room 25A, China Merchants Port Plaza, Shekou
Industry 3rd Road, Shenzhen, at which the following proposals were reviewed and approved
Proposal on Work Report of Accounting Firm for 2018
Proposal on Financial Report of 2018
Proposal on Renewal of Appointment of Accounting Firm for 2019
Proposal on Internal Auditing Report for 2018
Proposal on Internal Control and Audit Office’s Auditing Report No. 3 for 2018
Proposal on Anti-fraud Risk Assessment Report for 2018
Proposal on Internal Auditing Plan for 2019
Proposal on Working Report of the Audit Committee of the Board in 2018
(2) The 2nd Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9th Board of Directors for 2019
On 26 April 2019, it was held by communication meeting at which the Proposal on Internal Auditing
Report for the First Quarter of 2019 was reviewed and approved unanimously.
(3) The 3rd Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9th Board of Directors for 2019
On 29 August 2019, it was held by communication meeting at which the following proposals were
reviewed and approved unanimously:
Proposal on Interim Financial Report for 2019
Proposal on Internal Auditing Report for the Second Quarter of 2019
Proposal on Internal Control and Audit Office’s Auditing Report for 2019 No. 1 on Qingdao Project

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                 Annual Report 2019

Proposal on Internal Control and Audit Office’s Auditing Report for 2019 No. 2 on KUMPORT
(4) The 4th Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9th Board of Directors for 2019
On 29 October 2019, it was held by communication meeting at which the following proposals were
reviewed and approved unanimously:
Proposal on Internal Auditing Report for the Third Quarter of 2019
Proposal on Internal Control and Audit Office’s Auditing Report for 2019 No. 3
Proposal on Internal Control and Audit Office’s Auditing Report for 2019 No. 4
Proposal on Internal Control and Audit Office’s Auditing Report for 2019 No. 5
Proposal on Internal Control and Audit Office’s Auditing Report for 2019 No. 6
(5) The 5th Meeting of the Audit Committee of the 9th Board of Directors for 2019
On 30 December 2019, it held at Conference Room 25A, China Merchants Port Plaza, Shekou
Industry 3rd Road, Shenzhen, at which the Audit Report on the Company’s Finance and Internal
Control by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP for 2019 were debriefed by
the Committee members.
2. Performance of Duties to the Audit Work of Financial Statements of the Company
In accordance with relevant requirements of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the specific
working rules and procedure for the Audit Committee, during the reporting period, the Audit
Committee of the Board of the Company oversaw the audit work of Financial Statements of the
Company for 2018 with due diligence, details of which are as follows:
(1) Before the auditors started their work, the Audit Committee discussed with the principal auditor
of the accounting firm and determined, inter alia, the timing schedule for the auditing work of the
financial statements for the year.
(2) The Audit Committee expressed its audit opinions two times on the financial statements of the
Company for 2018.
During the reporting period, the Audit Committee expressed its audit opinions two times on the
financial statements of the Company for 2018 in accordance with relevant requirements from CSRC.
The Audit Committee reviewed the Financial Statements prepared by the Company and issued the
following opinions before the Auditors started their work: the Company was in full compliance with
relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company, the units and items of the
Company's financial statements to be consolidated were complete, and the consolidation basis thereof
was accurate and the information included in the Financial Statements submitted by the Company
was objective, comprehensive and true. The Company's accounting policies were properly adopted
and the accounting estimates made were reasonable. No significant mistake or omission has been
identified so far. Due to the time-lag between this review of Financial Statements and the dates of the
Auditors' Report, we suggest the Finance Department focus on and deal with subsequent events
properly in accordance with the New Enterprises Accounting Standards to ensure the fairness,
truthfulness and completeness of the Financial Statements.

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                  Annual Report 2019

After the Auditors issued their preliminary audit opinions, the Audit Committee reviewed the
Financial Statements again and issued the following opinions: the Company prepared the Financial
Statement in full compliance with the New Enterprise Accounting Standards and relevant provisions
of the financial control system of the Company, the procedures for the preparation of the Financial
Statements were reasonable and proper, which gave a true and fair view of the Company's assets,
liabilities, equity interests and operation results as at 31 December 2018. Information included in the
Financial Statements was objective and complete. Financial Statements for 2018 which was
preliminarily audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP may be
submitted for review at the 5th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors.
(3) Supervision over the Auditing Work of the Accounting firm
During the Reporting Period, the Audit Committee issued two letters to Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu
Certified Public Accountants LLP to urge them to produce their audit recommendation on the
financial statements and the summary statement of adjusting events in a timely manner to help our
financial staff finish the preparation of financial statements and related notes for 2018 as soon as
possible, so as to ensure the annual audit and information disclosure proceed as scheduled.
(4) Opinions on the Auditing Work Performed by the Accountants for the previous year
During the auditing period, the Audit Committee of the Board focused on the problems discovered in
process of audit, urged auditors to finish the preparation of their report within a prescribed period of
time and ensured the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the annual report. The Certified
Public Accountants issued a standard unqualified audit report on 29 March 2019. The Audit
Committee considered that the Certified Public Accountants conducted the audit work of 2018 in
accordance with China’s Independent Auditing Standards, the audit time was sufficient, the
deployment of the auditors was appropriate and their practicing capability was excellent, and that the
audit report issued sufficiently reflected the Company's financial condition as at 31 December 2018
and its operation results and cash flows for the year 2018 and the audit conclusion made was in line
with the actual situation of the Company.
3. Paying attention to the Internal Control and Internal Audit Work of the Company
During the reporting period, the Audit Committee made standards and requirements to the Audit
Office's report submitted, fully understood the sound establish and implementation of internal control
system, focused on problems and suggestions provided by the Audit Office. In addition, the Audit
Committee advised on the improvement for the work of the Audit Department and the Company
relating to internal control for the next year.
(II) Performance of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee
The members of Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee include independent director
Yuan Yuhui (Convener), director Yan Shuai, and independent director Su Qiyun During the
Reporting Period, the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee earnestly performed
their duties, investigated the equity incentive plan and examined the remuneration of directors,
supervisors and senior executives in term of the requirements and stipulations of CSRC, Articles of
Association, Working Rules of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee and
responsibilities and obligations empowered by the Board of Directors.
During the Reporting Period, the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee under the

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                Annual Report 2019

Board of Directors held a total of two meetings, details of which are as follows:
1. On 27 March 2019, the 1st Meeting of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee
of the 9th Board of Directors for 2019 was held at Conference Room 25A, China Merchants Port Plaza,
Shekou Industry 3rd Road, Shenzhen, at which the following proposals were reviewed and approved
Proposal on Working Report of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee of the
Board for 2018
Proposal on Report on the Remuneration of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Staff
for 2018
2. On 11 October 2019, the 2nd Meeting of the Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committee
of the 9th Board of Directors for 2019 was held by communication meeting at which the following
proposals were reviewed and approved unanimously:
Proposal on Stock Options Incentive Plan of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (Draft) and its
Proposal on Stock Options Incentive Plan of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. (Phase I) (Draft)
and its Abstract
Proposal on Management Method for Stock Options Incentive Plan of China Merchants Port Group
Co., Ltd.
Proposal on Examination Method for Implementation of Stock Options Incentive Plan of China
Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.
(III) Performance of the Strategy Committee
The members of Strategy Committee include Chairman of the Board Deng Renjie (Convener), Vice
Chairman of the Board and CEO Bai Jingtao, director Song Dexing, independent director Yuan Yuhui,
and independent director Li Changqing. During the Reporting Period, members of the Strategy
Committee in line with the requirements of CSRC, Article of Association, and the stipulation of
Working Rules of the Strategy Committee earnestly performed their duties, conducted research and
advised on the investment plans and assets operation projects related to the medium to long term
development strategy of the Company.
During the Reporting Period, the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors held a total of
three meetings, details of which are as follows:
1. On 2 January 2019, the 1st Meeting of the Strategy Committee of the 9th Board of Directors for
2019 was held by communication meeting at which the Proposal on Signing the Agreement on
Transfer of Shares in Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd. by the Company with Sinotrans Guangdong
Co., Ltd. was reviewed and approved unanimously:
2. On 8 January 2019, the 2nd Meeting of the Strategy Committee of the 9th Board of Directors for
2019 was held by communication meeting at which the Proposal on Capital Increase in Zhanjiang
Port (Group) Co., Ltd. by the Wholly-owned Subsidiary was reviewed and approved unanimously.
3. On 27 March 2019, the 3rd Meeting of the Strategy Committee of the 9th Board of Directors for
2019 was held at Conference Room 25A, China Merchants Port Plaza, Shekou Industry 3rd Road,

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                          Annual Report 2019

Shenzhen, at which the following proposals were reviewed and approved unanimously:
Proposal on Working Report of the Strategy Committee of the Board in 2018
Proposal on Five-Year Strategic Plan of the Company from 2019 to 2023

VII Performance of Duty by the Supervisory Committee

Indicate by tick mark whether the Supervisory Committee found any risk to the Company during its supervision in the Reporting Period.
□ Yes √ No
The Supervisory Committee raised no objections in the Reporting Period.

VIII Appraisal of and Incentive for Senior Management

The Company has a mature assessment mechanism and system covering all senior management
personnel. The annual comprehensive assessment combines qualitative and quantitative methods with
the dimensions including performance, competence, self-discipline, etc. The assessment results of
senior management serve as an important basis for appointment and motivation. The Company
adjusts and determines the post salary of senior managers based on the factors including operation
status, position served and assessment results, and determines the performance bonus of managers
through the factors including annual comprehensive ability assessment, annual key performance
indicators appraisal and three-year strategic appraisal results.
The Company implements a featured performance-oriented system of “outperforming the market
performance and surpassing peers” for the appraisal of and bonus distribution to its senior
management. Through year-on-year comparison vertically and comparison with benchmark peers
transversely, the appraisal coefficient gives a more comprehensive and objective reflection of the
actual performance level and links more closely with performance bonuses. Through the three-year
strategic appraisal mechanism and the introduction of medium- and long-term incentive and short-
term incentive combined, the Company defers a portion of the performance bonuses to senior
management until the end of the three-year strategic appraisal cycle. By doing so, the Company makes
its senior management focus not only on short-term performance yearly but also on medium- and
long-term development of the Company. To motivate senior management personnel more effectively,
the Company has successfully introduced the stock option incentive plan to form a mechanism for
the sharing of profits and risks and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of senior management personnel. It
is beneficial to the Company’s long-term sustainable development and enhancement of shareholder

IX Internal Control

1. Material Internal Control Weaknesses Identified for the Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                             Annual Report 2019

2. Internal Control Self-Evaluation Report

Disclosure date of the internal control self-evaluation report                                         16 April 2020
                                                                                         For     details,         see
Index to the disclosed internal control self-evaluation report
Evaluated entities’ combined assets as % of consolidated total assets                                         97.6%
Evaluated entities’ combined operating revenue as % of consolidated operating
                              Identification standards for internal control weaknesses
              Weaknesses in internal
    Type      control over financial         Weaknesses in internal control not related to financial reporting
             If a defect or defect             Great defect           Significant defect          Common defect
             group give rise to the
                                        Development direction Development direction Development direction
             following events which substantially        deviates partly deviates from the slightly deviates from
             cannot be prevented or from the strategic goals, strategic               goals, the strategic goals,
             found       and      made investment       direction, investment     direction, investment     direction,
             rectification, the defect  and business structure, and business structure, and business structure,
                                        commercial      modeled. commercial        modeled. commercial       modeled.
             or defect group are which                completely which unable to support which completely can't
             recognized              as unable to support the the         realization     of fully     support     the
             significant defects:       realization of strategic strategic goals at a larger realization of strategic
                                        goals                      extent                    goals
             (1) Malpractices of
             directors, supervisors Strategy implementation Strategy implementation Strategy implementation
             and                 senior is blocked, almost all is blocked, most of is blocked, part of
             management:                indicators of strategy indicators of strategy indicators of strategy
                                        implementation cannot implementation cannot implementation cannot
             (2) The Company make
                                        completed as planned completed as planned completed as planned
             correction       to    the
Nature       financial report issued; Lead to break off of Lead to break off of Some daily business is
standard     (3) Certified Public common                           common                    influenced, lead to break
             Accountant find that business/service or it business/service or it off                   of     common
             there is a significant takes half year or above takes three months or business/service or it
             error in the financial to recover the break off half year below              to takes three months
             report, however, the of                     common recover the break off of below to recover the
             internal control did not business/service             common                    break off of common
             discover      it     when                             business/service          business/service
             conducting       internal
             (4)      The    Audit
             Committee under the
             Board and Internal
             Audit        Service's
             supervision to the
             internal control is

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                            Annual Report 2019

                                       Badly     damage     the In a large extent, damage damage the working
                                       working enthusiasm of the working enthusiasm enthusiasm of all the
                                       all the employees, will of all the employees, employees, reduce work
                                       give rise to large scale reduce work efficiency, efficiency, have some
                                       group events or heavy have greatly adverse adverse           effect  to
                                       damage to enterprises effect to enterprises enterprises culture and
                                       culture and enterprises culture and enterprises enterprises cohesion
                                       cohesion                 cohesion
                                       The employee's ability The employee's ability The employee's ability
                                       and professional skills and professional skills in and professional skills in
                                       universally cannot meet some significant fields some fields cannot meet
                                       the           enterprise cannot      meet the the                enterprise
                                       development needs by a enterprise development development
                                       large margin             needs
                                       Negative news spread in Negative news spread in Negative news spread in
                                       the field of the entire the field of the entire the field of the entire
                                       business       (including business, or was paid business, have small
                                       extending to industry attention or reported by damage to the reputation
                                       chain),or    was     paid the local media the of the enterprise, the
                                       attention by the national recovery of reputation recovery of reputation
                                       media or public media, will take three to six will take three months
                                       the      recovery      of months                 below
                                       reputation will take more
                                       than six months
                                       The enterprise's internal The enterprise's internal The enterprise's internal
                                       confidential information confidential information confidential information
                                       leakage which badly leakage which affect the leakage which affect the
                                       affect the enterprise's enterprise's competitive enterprise's competitive
                                       competitive capacity in capacity in the market, capacity in the market,
                                       the market, or affect the or affect the competitive or affect the competitive
                                       competitive capacity in capacity in management capacity in management
                                       management                in a large extent         in a general extent
                                     The judging standard was the net profits attributable to the parent Company's
             The judging standard
                                     shareholders in the consolidated financial statements audited in last year.
             was the net profits
             attributable to the           Great defect           Significant defect           Common defect
             parent       Company's
             shareholders in the Have         a    significant Have a greater adverse Have an adverse impact
             consolidated financial  adverse impact on the impact on the asset on the asset turnover
             statements audited in asset turnover ability, turnover ability, which ability, which lead to
             last year. Misstatement which lead to total asset lead to total asset total asset turnover rate
             amount ≥ 5% above of
             judging standard was turnover rate lowed 20% turnover rate lowed10% lowed10% below
             great     defect;   5% above          (Including to    20%       (Including
             judging standard >1% 20%)                      10%)
             misstatement amount
             was significant defect; Had significant adverse Had larger adverse Had adverse impact to
             misstatement amount impact to the annual impact to the annual the annual operation

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                            Annual Report 2019

             <1% below of judging operation profits or operation profits or profits or cause decrease
             standard was general cause decrease of annual cause decrease of annual of annual operation
             standard.             operation profits when at operation profits when at profits when at 1%
                                       5% (including 5%) 1% (including 1%) to below      of                 judging
                                       above    of  judging 5% judging standard standard
                                       Had significant adverse Had larger adverse Had adverse impact to
                                       impact to decrease of impact to decrease of decrease of inflow of
                                       inflow of total cash flow inflow of total cash flow total cash flow or
                                       or increase of outflow or increase of outflow increase of outflow total
                                       total cash flow when at total cash flow when at cash flow when at 5%
                                       10% (including 10%) 5% (including 5%) to below               of  judging
                                       above      of     judging 10% above of judging standard
                                       standard                  standard
                                       Great         investment Larger      investment Great         investment
                                       mistake incurred which mistake incurred which mistake incurred which
                                       cause direct economy cause direct economy cause direct economy
                                       losses when at 5% losses when at 1% losses when at 1% below
                                       (including 5%) above of (including 1%)to 5% of of judging standard or
                                       judging standard or the judging standard or the the return on investment
                                       return on investment return on investment less less than 30% lower than
                                       more than 40% lower than 30%(including 30% expected
                                       than expected            to 40%) lower than
                                       10 death or above , or 50 3 deaths above to 10 less than 3 deaths or
                                       people serious injury, or deaths below , or more above , or less than 10
                                       direct economy losses than 10 people but less people serious injury, or
                                       when at 5% (including than 50 people serious direct economy losses
                                       5%) above of judging injury, or direct economy when at 1% below of
                                       standard                  losses when at 1% judging standard
                                                                 (including 1%) to 5% of
                                                                 judging standard
                                       Asset integrity cannot be Asset integrity cannot be Asset integrity cannot be
                                       ensured, when assets ensured, when assets ensured, when assets
                                       losses at 5% (including losses at 1% (including losses at 1% below of
                                       5%) above of judging 1%)to 5% of judging judging standard
                                       standard                  standard
                                       A large number of great Several        commercial Irreconcilable
                                       commercial      disputes, disputes, civil lawsuits, commercial     disputes,
                                       civil   lawsuits     and and     had     obviously civil lawsuits happened
                                       negative influences can't influence in a certain sometimes, cause a
                                       eliminate in a short area and period, may pay certain influences in
                                       period of time, may pay compensation at 1% local,             may       pay
                                       compensation at 5% (including 1%) to 5% of compensation              at 1%

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                              Annual Report 2019

                                               (including 5%) above of judging standard                       below    of       judging
                                               judging standard                                               standard
                                               A serious violation of A serious violation of Violation of laws and
                                               laws and regulations, laws and regulations, regulations, investigated
                                               investigated         by investigated        by by          government
                                               government department government department department and legal
                                               and legal department, and legal department, department, may pay
                                               cause prosecution and may pay compensation compensation at 0.5%
                                               class action, may pay at       0.5% (including below    of    judging
                                               compensation     at 2% 0.5%) to 2% of judging standard
                                               (including 2%) above of standard
                                               judging standard

Number of material weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting                                                             0

Number of material weaknesses in internal control not related to financial reporting                                                   0

Number of serious weaknesses in internal control over financial reporting                                                              0

Number of serious weaknesses in internal control not related to financial reporting                                                    0

X Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control

                                 Opinion paragraph in the independent auditor’s report on internal control
We believe that China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd. has maintained effective internal control over financial reporting in all material
respects as of 31 December 2019 as per the Basic Rules for Enterprise Internal Control and relevant regulations.
Independent auditor’s report on
internal control disclosed or not
Disclosure date                         16 April 2020
Index to such report disclosed          For details, see www.cninfo.com.cn
Type of the auditor’s opinion          Unmodified unqualified opinion
Material weaknesses in internal
control not related to financial None
Indicate by tick mark whether any modified opinion is expressed in the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control.
□ Yes √ No
Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control is consistent with the internal control
self-evaluation report issued by the Company’s Board.
√ Yes □ No

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                                      Annual Report 2019

                                          Part XI Corporate Bonds

Does the Company have any corporate bonds publicly offered on the stock exchange, which were outstanding before the date of this
Report’s approval or were due but could not be redeemed in full?

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                                      Annual Report 2019

                        Part XII Financial Statements (See attached)

I Independent Auditor’s Report

Type of the independent auditor’s opinion    Standard and unqualified auditor's report
Date of signing this report                   15 April 2020
Name of the independent auditor               Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP
Reference number of Audit Report              De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (20) No. P02283
Name of the certified public accountants      Li Weihua, Zhang Min

China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.                                          Annual Report 2019

                    Part XIII Documents Available for Reference

I. Financial Statements carrying the signatures and stamps of the Company Principal, the Chief
Financial Officer and the person in charge of accounting firm;

II. Original copy of the Auditor's Report stamped by the accounting firm and signed and
stamped by registered accountants;

III. Original copies of all documents and the announcements thereof disclosed in the reporting
period on “Securities Times” and “Ta Kung Pao”;

                                                         For and on behalf of the Board

                                                                     Bai Jingtao

                                                               Legal representative of

                                                     China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                 Dated 16 April 2020




CONTENTS                                                 Pages

AUDITOR'S REPORT                                         1-6




SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                    15 - 18

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                       19 - 177
                                        AUDITOR'S REPORT

                                                                 De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi(20) No. P02283
                                                                                    (Page 1, 6 pages)
To the Shareholders of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.:

I.   Audit Opinion

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), which comprise the consolidated and company balance
sheets as at 31 December 2019, and the consolidated and company income statements, the
consolidated and company cash flow statements and the consolidated and company statements of
changes in shareholders' equity for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements.

In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements of the Company present fairly, in all material
respects, the consolidated and company's financial position as of 31 December 2019, the consolidated
and company's results of operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

II. Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for the Chinese Certified Public
Accountants. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's
Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of
the Company in accordance with the Auditing Standards for the Chinese Certified Public Accountants,
and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the standards. We believe
that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our

III. Key Audit Matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in
our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context
of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not
provide a separate opinion on these matters. We determine the followings are key audit matters that
need to be addressed in our report.

1.   Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment in associates and joint ventures

As disclosed in Notes (V) 11 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company has made equity
investment in several enterprises, over which the Company exercises joint control or has significant
influence. In 2019, the Company's income from investment in associates/joint ventures under equity
method amounts to RMB 3,727,850,763.22. As at 31 December 2019, the carrying amount of long-
term equity investment of the Company in associates/joint ventures amounts to RMB
57,916,539,383.26. Since the investment income from long-term equity investment in associates/joint
ventures is significant, with its accuracy depending on the investee's financial status and operation
results, we identified the aforesaid subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment in
associates/joint ventures as a key audit matter of the consolidated financial statements.
     Principal audit procedures we performed for key audit matters are as follows:

                                  AUDITOR'S REPORT- continued

                                                                 De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi(20) No. P02283
                                                                                    (Page 2, 6 pages)
III. Key Audit Matters - continued

1.   Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment in associates and joint ventures -

(1) Understood the major associates/joint ventures and their environment, and identified whether the
    major associates/joint ventures were significant components in terms of financial importance and
    business nature;

(2) Understood the certified public accountants of major associates/joint ventures and evaluated their
    independence and professional competence;

(3) Identified and assessed the risk of material misstatement in the financial statements of the major
    associates/joint ventures from the perspective of auditing the consolidated financial statements of
    the Company by reading the financial statements of the major associates/joint ventures and
    discussing with the management the financial performance of the major associates/joint ventures
    and the significant judgments and estimates made in the preparation of the financial statements;

(4) Discussed with the component certified public accountants of the major associates/joint ventures
    their assessment of the component audit risk, the identification of key audit areas and the
    implementation of the corresponding audit procedures to evaluate whether the audit of the
    component certified public accountants was appropriate;

(5) Evaluated whether the audit evidence obtained by the component certified public accountants was
    sufficient and appropriate by reviewing the audit documents of the component certified public
    accountants of the major associates/joint ventures when we deemed necessary.

(6) Verified whether the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the associates/joint
    ventures were consistent with the Company's. If not, checked whether the financial statements of
    the associates/joint ventures have been adjusted according to the accounting policies and
    accounting period of the Company, and recognized the amount of investment income under equity
    method on that basis.

                                  AUDITOR'S REPORT- continued

                                                                De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (20) No. P02283
                                                                                    (Page 3, 6 pages)
III. Key Audit Matters - continued

2.   Goodwill impairment

As disclosed in Notes (V) 21 to the consolidated financial statements, as at 31 December 2019, the
goodwill in the consolidated financial statements of the Company was RMB 8,023,659,694.81. The
management of the Company used the net amount of fair value less costs of disposal or the present
value of the estimated future cash flows to determine the recoverable amount of the relevant asset
group when testing the goodwill for impairment, of which the fair value assessment is based on the
market approach, and the forecast of future cash flows and the calculation of the present value
included key assumptions, such as income growth rate, gross profit margin, discount rate, etc. We
identified the goodwill impairment as a key audit matter of the consolidated financial statements due to
the significant amount of goodwill and that the management needs to make significant judgments and
estimates when conducting goodwill impairment testing.

Principal audit procedures we performed for key audit matters are as follows:

(1) Assess reasonability of division of asset group and combination of asset group management made
    by management;

(2) Referred to industry practice to assess whether the management's approach in cash flows forecast
    is appropriate and whether the assumptions used are reasonable;

(3) Compared the data used in cash flow forecast with historical data and budget data approved by the
    management, and assessed the reasonableness of the data used;

(4) Compared the growth rate of the business volume in the forecast period with the growth rate of
    the historical business volume and evaluated its appropriateness.

(5) Compared the gross profit margin of the forecast period with the actual gross profit margin of
    previous years to assess its appropriateness in combination with the business plan and industry
    development trend;

(6) Understood the basis for management to determine the growth rate of the business in the
    subsequent forecast period and assessed its appropriateness;

(7) Assessed the appropriateness of the discount rate adopted by the management in combination with
    market risk-free interest rates, risk factors, etc.;

(8) Reviewed whether the calculation of the present value of future cash flows was correct.

(9) Reviewed whether the method to assess the fair value less costs of disposal was appropriate.

                                   AUDITOR'S REPORT- continued

                                                                 De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi (20) No. P02283
                                                                                     (Page 4, 6 pages)

IV. Other Information

The Company is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises the
information included in the annual report, but does not include the consolidated financial statements
and our auditor's report.

Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express
any form of assurance conclusion.

In combination with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other
information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially

If, based on the audit work performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

V. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial

The Company is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that give a true and fair
view in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for the design,
performance and maintenance of such internal control that is necessary to enable the preparation of
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company's
ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and
using the going concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate the
Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

These charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company's financial reporting

                                   AUDITOR'S REPORT- continued

                                                                   De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi(20) No. P02283
                                                                                      (Page 5, 6 pages)

VI. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes an
audit opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit
conducted in accordance with Auditing Standards for the Chinese Certified Public Accountants will
always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and
are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could expected influence the
economic decisions taken based on these financial statements by reasonable users.

As part of an audit in accordance with Auditing Standards for the Chinese Certified Public
Accountants, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the
audit. We also:

(1)   Identified and assessed the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether
      due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain
      audit evidence that was sufficient and appropriate to form our opinion. The risk of not detecting
      a material misstatement resulting from fraud was higher than for one resulting from error, as
      fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override
      of internal control.

(2)   Understood audit related internal control in order to design audit procedures that were
      appropriate in the circumstances.

(3)   Evaluated the appropriateness of accounting policies applied and the reasonableness of
      accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the management.

(4)   Concluded on the appropriateness of the directors' application of the going concern basis of
      accounting. Based on audit evidence obtained, concluded on whether the material uncertainty of
      events or conditions that may cause cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue
      as a going concern existed. If we concluded that a material uncertainty existed, we were required
      to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or to
      modify our opinion, if such disclosures were inadequate. Our conclusions were based on the
      audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or
      conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

(5)   Evaluated the overall presentation (including the disclosures), structure and content of the
      financial statements, and whether the financial statements represented the underlying
      transactions and events in a manner that achieved fair presentation.

(6)   Obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities
      or business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We
      were responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remained
      solely responsible for our audit opinion.

                                             AUDITOR'S REPORT- continued

                                                                                      De Shi Bao (Shen) Zi(20) No. P02283
                                                                                                         (Page 6, 6 pages)

VI. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements - continued

We communicated with those charged with governance over audit scope, time arrangement and
significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies of internal control that we identified
through audit.

We also provided the those charged with governance with a statement that we had complied with
relevant ethical requirements of independence, and communicated with those charged with governance
over all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence,
and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determined those matters
that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and were
therefore the key audit matters. We described these matters in our auditor's report unless law or
regulation precluded public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we
determined that a matter should not be addressed in our report because the adverse consequences of
doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA LLP                                                 Chinese Certified Public Accountant
                                                                                       (Engagement Partner)
                Shanghai, China
                                                                                                  Li Wei Hua

                                                                                 Chinese Certified Public Accountant

                                                                                                   Zhang Min

                                                                                                April 15, 2020

The auditor’s report and the accompanying financial statements are English translations of the Chinese auditor’s report and statutory
financial statements prepared under accounting principles and practices generally accepted in the People’s Republic of China. These
financial statements are not intended to present the financial position and results of operations and cash flows in accordance with
accounting principles and practices generally accepted in other countries and jurisdictions. In case the English version does not
conform to the Chinese version, the Chinese version prevails.



                                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Opening balance
                     Item                           Notes         Closing balance
Current assets:
 Cash and bank balances                              (V)1            7,734,948,210.26      7,077,396,895.72
 Notes receivable                                    (V)2               38,192,250.02         11,608,669.43
 Accounts receivable                                 (V)3            1,356,460,129.90      1,109,230,503.08
 Accounts receivable financing                       (V)4              260,760,537.45                     -
 Prepayments                                         (V)5               55,034,019.81        124,404,862.87
 Other receivables                                   (V)6            2,129,378,252.50        766,518,078.72
 Inventories                                         (V)7              163,980,192.08        108,567,270.02
 Assets held for sale                                (V)8              188,404,228.34        115,356,162.94
 Non-current assets due within one year              (V)9              808,893,013.06         25,952,956.76
 Other current assets                               (V)10            2,298,792,661.70      1,195,421,189.12
Total current assets                                                15,034,843,495.12     10,534,456,588.66
Non-current Assets:
 Long-term receivables                              (V)11            1,098,831,799.90        793,046,240.11
 Long-term equity investments                       (V)12           57,916,539,383.26     50,176,577,263.40
 Other investments in equity instruments            (V)13              163,561,272.00        247,848,314.30
 Other non-current financial assets                 (V)14            2,385,363,537.39      2,087,872,081.94
 Investment properties                              (V)15            5,760,262,674.40      5,890,146,989.51
 Fixed assets                                       (V)16           27,519,962,529.29     22,994,190,880.43
 Construction in progress                           (V)17            6,334,141,441.88      5,499,426,090.06
 Right-of-use assets                                (V)18            9,633,325,390.46
 Intangible assets                                  (V)19           19,693,715,554.10     20,761,018,044.54
 Research expenditure                               (V)20               37,399,092.28                     -
 Goodwill                                           (V)21            8,023,659,694.81      8,335,895,842.35
 Long-term prepaid expenses                         (V)22              711,911,011.67        235,706,437.21
 Deferred tax assets                                (V)23              300,435,502.27         66,708,157.19
 Other non-current assets                           (V)24            2,082,965,467.04        395,191,485.98
Total non-current assets                                           141,662,074,350.75    117,483,627,827.02
TOTAL ASSETS                                                       156,696,917,845.87    128,018,084,415.68



                                       Consolidated Balance Sheet - continued
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Opening balance
                       Item                              Notes          Closing balance
 Current liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                 (V)25            9,439,099,793.47         3,427,365,512.21
   Notes payable                                         (V)26               76,455,949.01                        -
   Accounts payable                                      (V)27              591,112,466.39           429,120,690.97
   Receipts in advance                                   (V)28               28,826,687.37            29,170,709.86
   Contract liabilities                                  (V)29               85,831,002.52            49,993,895.50
   Employee benefits payable                             (V)30              634,718,784.64           433,489,555.40
   Taxes payable                                         (V)31            1,898,076,342.74           345,183,422.42
   Other payables                                        (V)32            2,223,754,677.96         1,690,124,901.29
   Non-current liabilities due within one year           (V)33            6,104,339,856.79         2,896,971,014.97
   Other current liabilities                             (V)34              885,956,581.63           609,009,584.80
 Total current liabilities                                               21,968,172,142.52         9,910,429,287.42
 Non-current Liabilities:
   Long-term borrowings                                  (V)35            6,313,735,540.33         6,971,479,842.18
   Bonds payable                                         (V)36           20,930,681,967.19        22,097,467,096.40
   Including: Preferred shares                                                           -                        -
               Perpetual bonds                                                           -                        -
   Lease liabilities                                     (V)37            1,647,129,968.61
   Long-term payables                                    (V)38            1,935,245,003.21         1,294,190,118.18
   Projected benefits obligation                         (V)39              471,482,138.63           375,325,127.65
   Provisions                                            (V)40               76,242,559.95            34,951,392.27
   Deferred income                                       (V)22            1,147,752,857.17           228,658,214.64
   Deferred tax liabilities                              (V)41            3,961,752,749.17         2,911,074,941.27
   Other non-current liabilities                         (V)42            3,254,515,306.85         3,777,582,522.86
 Total non-current liabilities                                           39,738,538,091.11        37,690,729,255.45
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                       61,706,710,233.63        47,601,158,542.87
   Share capital                                         (V)43            1,922,365,124.00         1,793,412,378.00
   Capital reserve                                       (V)44           22,296,485,467.35        19,426,912,957.05
   Other comprehensive income                            (V)45            (355,944,565.91)            88,925,978.57
   Special reserve                                       (V)46               12,386,734.70             8,231,080.43
   Surplus reserve                                       (V)47              630,345,307.43           527,175,908.67
   Unappropriated profit                                 (V)48           11,467,166,351.85         8,915,817,110.21
 Total shareholders' equity attributable to equity
                                                                         35,972,804,419.42        30,760,475,412.93
 holders of the parent
 Minority interests                                                      59,017,403,192.82        49,656,450,459.88
 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                              94,990,207,612.24        80,416,925,872.81
 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND                                                  156,696,917,845.87       128,018,084,415.68

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

The financial statements on pages 7 to 177 were signed by the following:

       Bai Jingtao                                   Wen Ling                                Sun Ligan

     Legal Representative                     Chief Financial Officer          Head of Accounting Department



                                            Balance Sheet of the Company
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Opening balance
                         Item                              Notes       Closing balance
Current Assets:
  Cash and bank balances                                                     690,685,211.42       389,876,753.95
  Accounts receivable                                                                     -        23,444,175.65
  Other receivables                                        (XIV)1            805,534,763.27       651,015,334.06
  Inventories                                                                             -           165,553.46
  Other current assets                                                     1,107,292,458.33         1,563,111.61
Total current assets                                                       2,603,512,433.02     1,066,064,928.73
Non-current Assets:
  Long-term receivables                                                    61,004,284.75           11,004,284.75
  Long-term equity investments                             (XIV)2      30,266,376,582.23       28,544,261,576.96
  Other investments in equity instruments                                 155,688,635.00          151,746,700.00
  Investment properties                                                                -           12,685,959.06
  Fixed assets                                                                672,842.27          190,804,655.63
  Construction in progress                                                  5,803,169.37            2,500,843.87
  Intangible assets                                                        54,692,581.18           57,755,603.44
  Long-term prepaid expenses                                                           -            3,785,801.32
  Deferred tax assets                                                         928,465.21                       -
Total non-current assets                                               30,545,166,560.01       28,974,545,425.03
TOTAL ASSETS                                                           33,148,678,993.03       30,040,610,353.76



                               Balance Sheet of the Company - continued
                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Opening balance
                       Item                          Notes      Closing balance
 Current Liabilities:
   Short-term borrowings                                            300,378,812.50      378,615,990.56
   Accounts payable                                                              -       13,125,624.29
   Contract liabilities                                                          -           92,003.00
   Employee benefits payable                                          6,000,000.00       26,605,190.52
   Taxes payable                                                    209,282,889.78       18,826,587.50
   Other payables                                                   628,013,119.77      708,309,782.90
   Non-current liabilities due within one year                       35,832,000.00      301,508,794.53
   Other current liabilities                                        715,766,708.20      206,349,863.00
 Total current liabilities                                        1,895,273,530.25    1,653,433,836.30
 Non-current Liabilities:
   Long-term payables                                                            -      151,710,000.00
   Deferred tax liabilities                                          35,164,858.75       34,179,375.00
 Total non-current liabilities                                       35,164,858.75      185,889,375.00
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                1,930,438,389.00    1,839,323,211.30
   Share capital                                                  1,922,365,124.00    1,793,412,378.00
   Capital reserve                                               27,576,242,527.73   25,517,647,180.04
   Other comprehensive income                                       105,594,576.25      102,638,125.00
   Special reserve                                                               -          470,465.59
   Surplus reserve                                                  630,345,307.43      527,175,908.67
   Unappropriated profit                                            983,693,068.62      259,943,085.16
                                                                 31,218,240,604.03   28,201,287,142.46
                                                                 33,148,678,993.03   30,040,610,353.76

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

                                                                                                 - 10 -


                                               Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in
                                    Item                                        Notes
                                                                                        the current period     the previous period
 I.   Operating income                                                          (V)49     12,123,829,423.74        9,703,394,622.58
      Less: Operating costs                                                     (V)49      7,648,920,919.71        5,739,241,395.87
              Business taxes and levies                                         (V)50        172,556,579.92          235,953,803.51
              Administrative expenses                                           (V)51      1,509,520,581.66        1,251,865,675.45
              Research and development expenses                                              123,853,344.29          121,989,097.82
              Financial expenses                                                (V)52      1,936,269,737.53        1,643,418,102.95
              Including: Interest expense                                                  2,089,837,594.54        1,634,101,331.80
                 Interest income                                                             252,060,018.58          272,453,293.86
       Add: Other income                                                        (V)53        162,101,113.10           56,180,127.64
             Investment income                                                  (V)54      4,619,173,755.42        3,967,828,149.48
            Including: Income from investments in
                                                                                (V)54      3,727,850,763.22       3,913,864,538.60
            associates and joint ventures
                  Gains (losses) from changes in fair value                     (V)55         66,483,266.48      (1,074,406,837.68)
             Gains (losses) from impairment of credit                           (V)56       (50,249,409.77)           (7,528,580.60)
             Gains from impairment of assets                                    (V)57             25,051.16                        -
             Gains on disposal of assets                                        (V)58      4,794,562,782.79            19,258,495.33
 II. Operating profit                                                                     10,324,804,819.81        3,672,257,901.15
       Add: Non-operating income                                                (V)59        553,103,360.41            67,128,689.98
       Less: Non-operating expenses                                             (V)60         70,452,012.40          125,031,298.57
 III. Gross profit                                                                        10,807,456,167.82        3,614,355,292.56
       Less: Income tax expenses                                                           2,640,538,894.62          728,440,538.60
 IV. Net profit                                                                            8,166,917,273.20        2,885,914,753.96
       (I) Categorization by continuity of operation
       1. Net profit of continued operation                                                8,166,917,273.20       2,885,914,753.96
       2. Net profit of discontinued operation                                                            -                      -
       (II) Categorization by attribution of ownership
       1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent                             2,898,192,168.84      1,090,418,910.77
       2. Profit or loss attributable to minority shareholder                               5,268,725,104.36      1,795,495,843.19
 V. Amount of other comprehensive net income after tax                          (V)63     (1,096,285,894.51)        204,602,785.68
       Amount of other comprehensive net income after tax attributable to
                                                                                            (443,076,984.15)         41,778,087.02
       equity holders of the parent
       (I) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit
                                                                                               9,090,184.52         (48,671,312.79)
       or loss
       1. Change as a result of remeasurement of the net defined benefit plan                  1,069,722.83          (7,943,999.30)
       2. Other comprehensive income under the equity method that will not
                                                                                               4,830,921.62         (46,138,662.23)
       be reclassified to profit or loss
       3. Fair value changes of other investments in equity instruments                        3,189,540.07           5,411,348.74
       (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified
                                                                                            (452,167,168.67)         90,449,399.81
       subsequently to profit or loss
       1. Other comprehensive income under the equity method that will be
                                                                                             (59,050,164.54)         (7,952,099.73)
       reclassified to profit or loss
       2. Translation differences of financial statements denominated in
                                                                                            (393,117,004.13)         98,401,499.54
       foreign currencies
       Amount of other comprehensive net income after tax attributable to
                                                                                            (653,208,910.36)        162,824,698.66
       minority shareholders
 VI. Total comprehensive income attributable to:                                           7,070,631,378.69       3,090,517,539.64
       Shareholders of the parent                                                          2,455,115,184.69       1,132,196,997.79
       Minority shareholders                                                               4,615,516,194.00       1,958,320,541.85
 VII. Earnings per share
       (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                    1.59                    0.61
       (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                                 1.59                    0.61

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

                                                                                                                              - 11 -


                                               Income Statement of the Company
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in
                                   Item                                     Notes
                                                                                     the current period     the previous period
 I.     Operating income                                                    (XIV)3          92,042,598.05         243,899,253.07
        Less: Operating costs                                               (XIV)3          76,084,023.73         160,065,451.42
             Taxes and levies                                                                1,839,217.71          47,542,310.81
             Administrative expenses                                                        60,487,851.03         122,905,018.75
             Research and development expenses                                                          -             742,954.48
             Financial expenses                                                             41,936,976.49          34,174,062.13
             Including: Interest expense                                                    42,810,942.02          36,872,089.57
                        Interest income                                                     15,909,363.66          20,843,903.27
        Add: Other income                                                                      955,987.32             271,927.46
             Investment income                                              (XIV)4       1,306,222,961.66         193,138,161.44
              Including: Income from investments in associates and
                                                                            (XIV)4          70,092,131.84          63,015,142.10
                        joint ventures
                        Gains (losses) on disposal of assets                                            -           (937,948.47)
 II.    Operating profit                                                                 1,218,873,478.07          70,941,595.91
        Add: Non-operating income                                                               57,049.23           1,336,230.70
        Less: Non-operating expenses                                                            81,092.18             867,312.18
 III.   Gross profit                                                                     1,218,849,435.12          71,410,514.43
        Less: Income tax expenses                                                          187,155,447.57             395,773.33
 IV.    Net profit                                                                       1,031,693,987.55          71,014,741.10
 V.     Amount of other comprehensive net income after tax                                   2,956,451.25           3,377,145.00
        (I) Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified                         2,956,451.25           3,377,145.00
        subsequently to profit or loss
        1. Change as a result of remeasurement of the net defined benefit                               -                      -
        2. Other comprehensive income under the equity method that                                      -                      -
        will not be reclassified to profit or loss
        3. Fair value changes of other investments in equity instruments                     2,956,451.25           3,377,145.00
        (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to                                    -                      -
        profit or loss
        1. Other comprehensive income under the equity method that                                      -                      -
        will be reclassified to profit or loss
        2. Translation differences of financial statements denominated in
                                                                                                        -                      -
        foreign currencies
 VI.    Total comprehensive income                                                       1,034,650,438.80          74,391,886.10

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

                                                                                                                           - 12 -


                                          Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in
                               Item                                      Notes
                                                                                     the current period     the previous period
I.   Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
     Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services                       12,294,529,982.73       9,581,481,387.06
     Receipts of tax refunds                                                               23,569,265.92           6,203,721.12
     Other cash receipts relating to operating activities              (V)64(1)         1,165,710,845.18         963,935,271.59
     Sub-total of cash inflows                                                         13,483,810,093.83      10,551,620,379.77
     Cash payments for goods purchased and services received                            3,593,786,248.69       2,647,715,026.47
     Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                                        2,621,068,087.09       1,808,824,527.76
     Payments of all types of taxes                                                       957,382,790.97         762,131,488.97
     Other cash payments relating to operating activities              (V)64(2)           809,699,551.14       1,044,373,911.73
     Sub-total of cash outflows                                                         7,981,936,677.89       6,263,044,954.93
     Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                          (V)65(1)         5,501,873,415.94       4,288,575,424.84
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
     Cash receipts from disposals and recovery of investments                                          -             200,000.00
     Cash receipts from investments income                                              1,804,725,809.65       1,813,166,370.38
     Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                        6,274,482,747.66          19,846,988.10
     assets and other long-term assets
     Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiary and other
                                                                       (V)64(5)             1,000,000.00                       -
     operating units
     Other cash receipts relating to investing activities             (V)64(3),(4)      3,535,967,030.93         156,615,992.14
     Sub-total of cash inflows                                                         11,616,175,588.24       1,989,829,350.62
     Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                        3,515,540,735.97       2,437,080,643.74
     assets and other long-term assets
     Cash payments to acquire investments                                               7,898,674,384.09       4,084,107,008.20
     Net cash payment to acquire subsidiary and other operating
                                                                                                        -      8,931,096,795.81
     Other cash payments relating to investing activities              (V)64(6)          2,138,951,129.78       1,686,107,391.23
     Sub-total of cash outflows                                                        13,553,166,249.84       17,138,391,838.98
     Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                                          (1,936,990,661.60)    (15,148,562,488.36)
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
     Cash receipts from capital contributions                                           2,213,530,171.90         296,363,615.57
     Including: cash receipts from capital contributions from
                                                                                           27,255,000.00          40,100,000.00
     minority owners of subsidiary
     Cash receipts from borrowings                                                     14,306,287,000.87      21,763,411,408.42
     Cash receipts from issue of bonds                                                                 -      10,621,000,000.00
     Other cash receipts relating to financing activities              (V)64(7)         1,713,327,483.01       3,876,395,683.27
     Sub-total of cash inflows                                                         18,233,144,655.78      36,557,170,707.26
     Cash repayments of borrowings                                                     15,402,220,794.12      23,593,666,839.99
     Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit or
                                                                                        4,022,043,402.10       3,942,108,074.86
     Including: Payments for distribution of dividends or profit to
                                                                                        1,745,724,195.29       1,929,962,094.72
     Other cash payments relating to financing activities              (V)64(8)             42,583,797.55        146,196,535.06
     Sub-total of cash outflows                                                        19,466,847,993.77      27,681,971,449.91
     Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                          (1,233,703,337.99)      8,875,199,257.35
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and
                                                                                            9,697,074.77       (371,390,771.83)
     Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                                 2,340,876,491.12      (2,356,178,578.00)
     Add: Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                 (V)65(2)         5,373,281,504.75        7,729,460,082.75
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                       (V)65(2)         7,714,157,995.87        5,373,281,504.75

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

                                                                                                                          - 13 -


                                      Cash Flow Statement of the Company
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                           Amount incurred in Amount incurred in
                             Item                                  Notes
                                                                           the current period the previous period
I.   Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
     Cash receipts from sales of goods and rendering of
                                                                               104,722,961.87     229,302,378.14
     Other cash receipts relating to operating activities                      246,055,628.30       29,331,866.91
     Sub-total of cash inflows                                                 350,778,590.17      258,634,245.05
     Cash payments for goods purchased and services received                    36,211,750.68       74,086,330.85
     Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                                85,120,511.18      121,661,642.64
     Payments of all types of taxes                                             20,158,391.66        9,401,709.94
     Other cash payments relating to operating activities                       53,795,218.14      279,797,604.56
     Sub-total of cash outflows                                                195,285,871.66      484,947,287.99
     Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities                                  155,492,718.51    (226,313,042.94)
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
     Cash receipts from investments income                                      57,727,526.33     445,875,054.92
     Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                             -        766,830.38
     assets and other long-term assets
     Other cash receipts relating to investing activities                      612,722,414.48      635,013,754.63
     Sub-total of cash inflows                                                 670,449,940.81    1,081,655,639.93
     Cash payments to acquire or construct fixed assets,
                                                                                 8,035,563.48      12,539,040.21
     intangible assets and other long-term assets
     Cash payments to acquire investments                                        8,000,000.00                   -
     Net cash payments for acquisitions of subsidiaries and
                                                                               386,159,390.00     149,709,800.00
     other business units
     Other cash payments relating to investing activities                     2,060,171,330.96    374,513,229.40
     Sub-total of cash outflows                                               2,462,366,284.44    536,762,069.61
     Net Cash Flows from Investing Activities                               (1,791,916,343.63)    544,893,570.32
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
     Cash receipts from capital contributions                                2,186,275,171.90      256,263,615.57
     Cash receipts from borrowings                                           2,160,000,000.00      566,016,000.00
     Cash receipts from issue of bonds                                                      -      200,000,000.00
     Other cash receipts relating to financing activities                                   -                   -
     Sub-total of cash inflows                                               4,346,275,171.90    1,022,279,615.57
     Cash repayments of borrowings                                           2,167,116,843.58      300,000,000.00
     Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit or
                                                                               239,800,502.62     873,011,086.61
     Other cash payments relating to financing activities                        1,593,549.44        1,497,344.37
     Sub-total of cash outflows                                              2,408,510,895.64    1,174,508,430.98
     Net Cash Flows from Financing Activities                                1,937,764,276.26    (152,228,815.41)
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash and
                                                                                 (497,294.65)      (6,549,202.77)
Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents                        300,843,356.49     159,802,509.20
     Add: Opening balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                         389,841,854.93     230,039,345.73
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash Equivalents                               690,685,211.42     389,841,854.93

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

                                                                                                            - 14 -


                                                                       Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Attributable to shareholders of the parent
                     Item                                                                            Other                                                                                                       Total shareholders'
                                                                                                                                                                                        Minority interests
                                                   Share capital        Capital reserve          comprehensive                                                     Unappropriated                                       equity
                                                                                                    income            Special reserve        Surplus reserve           profit
I. Closing balance of the preceding year           1,793,412,378.00    19,426,912,957.05            88,925,978.57          8,231,080.43        527,175,908.67       8,915,817,110.21      49,656,450,459.88          80,416,925,872.81
Add: Changes in accounting policies                               -                    -                        -                     -                     -        (41,018,077.68)        (80,367,183.77)           (121,385,261.45)
              Corrections of prior period errors                  -                    -                        -                     -                     -                      -                      -                          -
       Business combination involving
                                                                   -                      -                      -                      -                      -                    -                        -                         -
              enterprises under common control
             Others                                               -                    -                         -                    -                     -                      -                      -                          -
II. Opening balance of the year                    1,793,412,378.00    19,426,912,957.05             88,925,978.57         8,231,080.43        527,175,908.67       8,874,799,032.53      49,576,083,276.11          80,295,540,611.36
III. Changes for the year                            128,952,746.00     2,869,572,510.30          (444,870,544.48)         4,155,654.27        103,169,398.76       2,592,367,319.32       9,441,319,916.71          14,694,667,000.88
      (I) Total comprehensive income                              -                    -          (443,076,984.15)                    -                     -       2,898,192,168.84       4,615,516,194.00           7,070,631,378.69
      (II) Owners' contributions and reduction
                                                    128,952,746.00      2,869,572,510.30                         -                      -                      -                    -      6,867,048,857.78           9,865,574,114.08
      in capital
1.Capital contribution from
                                                    128,952,746.00      2,058,595,347.69                         -                      -                      -                    -         27,255,000.00           2,214,803,093.69
2.Capital contribution from other equity
                                                                   -                      -                      -                      -                      -                    -                        -                         -
            investment holder
3.Share-based payment recognized in
                                                                   -                      -                      -                      -                      -                    -                        -                         -
           shareholders' equity
4.Business combination involving
                                                                   -                      -                      -                      -                      -                    -                        -                         -
           enterprises under common control
      5.Others                                                    -      810,977,162.61                         -                      -                   -                      -       6,839,793,857.78            7,650,771,020.39
      (III) Profit distribution                                    -                   -                         -                      -      103,169,398.76       (307,618,409.85)     (2,040,721,489.06)          (2,245,170,500.15)
      1.Transfer to surplus reserve                               -                   -                         -                      -      103,169,398.76       (103,169,398.76)                      -                           -
      2.Transfer to general reserve                               -                   -                         -                      -                   -                      -                      -                           -
      3.Distributions to shareholders                             -                   -                         -                      -                   -       (204,449,011.09)     (2,040,721,489.06)          (2,245,170,500.15)
      4.Others                                                    -                   -                         -                      -                   -                      -                      -                           -
      (IV) Transfers within shareholders'
                                                                   -                      -         (1,793,560.33)                      -                      -        1,793,560.33                         -                         -
      1.Capitalization of capital reserve                        -                    -                         -                    -                     -                      -                      -                          -
      2.Capitalization of surplus reserve                        -                    -                         -                    -                     -                      -                      -                          -
      3.Loss made up by surplus reserve                          -                    -                         -                    -                     -                      -                      -                          -
      4.Others                                                   -                    -            (1,793,560.33)                    -                     -           1,793,560.33                      -                          -
      (V) Special reserve                                         -                    -                         -         4,155,654.27                     -                      -           (523,646.01)               3,632,008.26
      1.Withdrawn in the period                                  -                    -                         -       108,062,435.41                     -                      -         115,436,394.98             223,498,830.39
      2.Utilized in the period                                   -                    -                         -     (103,906,781.14)                     -                      -       (115,960,040.99)           (219,866,822.13)
      (VI) Others                                                 -                    -                         -                    -                     -                      -                      -                          -
IV. Closing balance of the year                    1,922,365,124.00    22,296,485,467.35          (355,944,565.91)        12,386,734.70        630,345,307.43      11,467,166,351.85      59,017,403,192.82          94,990,207,612.24

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - 15 -


                                                              Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity - continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Attributable to shareholders of the parent
                     Item                                                                            Other                                                                                                           Total shareholders'
                                                                                                                                                                                            Minority interests
                                                                                                 comprehensive                                                        Unappropriated                                        equity
                                                    Share capital       Capital reserve             income             Special reserve          Surplus reserve           profit
I. Closing balance of the preceding year             644,763,730.00       167,480,381.24             19,800,344.49          4,767,373.45            520,074,434.56     3,566,083,142.17        1,644,073,503.71         6,567,042,909.62
Add: Changes in accounting policies                               -                    -          (722,556,561.97)                     -                         -       816,323,338.17            6,484,493.08           100,251,269.28
              Corrections of prior period errors                  -                    -                         -                     -                         -                    -                       -                        -
      Business combination involving enterprises
      under common control
                                                                    -   18,678,418,974.96          (26,864,990.92)                       -                        -    4,900,224,775.30      43,870,482,449.58         67,422,261,208.92
          Others                                                   -                    -                        -                     -                         -                    -                      -                         -
II. Opening balance of the year                       644,763,730.00    18,845,899,356.20         (729,621,208.40)          4,767,373.45            520,074,434.56     9,282,631,255.64      45,521,040,446.37         74,089,555,387.82
III. Changes for the year                           1,148,648,648.00       581,013,600.85           818,547,186.97          3,463,706.98              7,101,474.11     (366,814,145.43)       4,135,410,013.51          6,327,370,484.99
      (I) Total comprehensive income                               -                    -            41,778,087.02                     -                         -     1,090,418,910.77       1,958,320,541.85          3,090,517,539.64
      (II) Owners' contributions and reduction in
                                                    1,148,648,648.00      581,013,600.85           776,769,099.95                        -                        -                     -      3,092,504,057.82         5,598,935,406.62
1.Capital contribution from
                                                    1,148,648,648.00                      -                      -                       -                        -                     -      1,594,806,295.50         2,743,454,943.50
2.Capital contribution from other equity
                                                                    -                     -                      -                       -                        -                     -                        -                         -
            investment holder
3.Share-based payment recognized in
                                                                    -                     -                      -                       -                        -                     -                        -                         -
           shareholders' equity
4.Business combination involving
                                                                    -    (583,183,507.54)          776,769,099.95                        -                        -                     -                        -        193,585,592.41
           enterprises under common control
 5.Others                                                         -     1,164,197,108.39                       -                      -                         -                      -     1,497,697,762.32          2,661,894,870.71
      (III) Profit distribution                                    -                    -                       -                      -              7,101,474.11    (1,457,233,056.20)      (920,434,015.30)        (2,370,565,597.39)
      1.Transfer to surplus reserve                               -                    -                       -                      -              7,101,474.11         (7,101,474.11)                    -                         -
      2.Transfer to general reserve                               -                    -                       -                      -                         -                      -                    -                         -
      3.Distributions to shareholders                             -                    -                       -                      -                         -      (850,443,359.86)                     -          (850,443,359.86)
      4.Others                                                    -                    -                       -                      -                         -      (599,688,222.23)      (920,434,015.30)        (1,520,122,237.53)
      (IV) Transfers within shareholders' equity                   -                    -                       -                      -                         -                      -                    -                         -
      1.Capitalization of capital reserve                         -                    -                       -                      -                         -                      -                    -                         -
      2.Capitalization of surplus reserve                         -                    -                       -                      -                         -                      -                    -                         -
      3.Loss made up by surplus reserve                           -                    -                       -                      -                         -                      -                    -                         -
      4.Others                                                    -                    -                       -                      -                         -                      -                    -                         -
      (V) Special reserve                                          -                    -                       -           3,463,706.98                         -                      -         5,019,429.14              8,483,136.12
      1.Withdrawn in the period                                   -                    -                       -          24,165,961.75                         -                      -        49,870,501.76             74,036,463.51
      2.Utilized in the period                                    -                    -                       -        (20,702,254.77)                         -                      -      (44,851,072.62)           (65,553,327.39)
      (VI) Others                                                  -                    -                       -                      -                         -                      -                    -                         -
IV. Closing balance of the year                     1,793,412,378.00    19,426,912,957.05           88,925,978.57           8,231,080.43            527,175,908.67      8,915,817,110.21     49,656,450,459.88         80,416,925,872.81

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - 16 -


                                                           Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                  Item                                                                 Other comprehensive                                                                          Total shareholders'
                                             Share capital        Capital reserve             income            Special reserve       Surplus reserve      Unappropriated profit           equity
I. Closing balance of the preceding year       1,793,412,378.00    25,517,647,180.04           102,638,125.00            470,465.59       527,175,908.67          259,943,085.16       28,201,287,142.46
Add: Changes in accounting policies                           -                    -                        -                     -                    -            (325,594.24)             (325,594.24)
             Corrections of prior period
                                                              -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
             Others                                          -                     -                       -                      -                    -                        -                      -
II. Opening balance of the year               1,793,412,378.00     25,517,647,180.04          102,638,125.00             470,465.59       527,175,908.67           259,617,490.92      28,200,961,548.22
III. Changes for the year                       128,952,746.00      2,058,595,347.69            2,956,451.25           (470,465.59)       103,169,398.76           724,075,577.70       3,017,279,055.81
      (I) Total comprehensive income                         -                     -            2,956,451.25                      -                    -         1,031,693,987.55       1,034,650,438.80
      (II) Owners' contributions and
                                                128,952,746.00      2,058,595,347.69                        -                     -                    -                        -       2,187,548,093.69
      reduction in capital
      1.Capital contribution from
                                                128,952,746.00      2,058,595,347.69                        -                     -                    -                        -       2,187,548,093.69
      2.Share-based payment recognized
                                                              -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
      in shareholders' equity
      3.Others                                               -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
      (III) Profit distribution                               -                    -                        -                     -       103,169,398.76         (307,618,409.85)        (204,449,011.09)
      1.Transfer to surplus reserve                          -                    -                        -                     -       103,169,398.76         (103,169,398.76)                       -
      2.Transfer to general reserve                          -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
      3.Distributions to shareholders                        -                    -                        -                     -                    -         (204,449,011.09)        (204,449,011.09)
      4.Others                                               -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
      (IV) Transfers within shareholders'
                                                              -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
      1.Capitalization of capital reserve                   -                     -                       -                      -                    -                       -                        -
      2.Capitalization of surplus reserve                   -                     -                       -                      -                    -                       -                        -
      3.Loss made up by surplus reserve                     -                     -                       -                      -                    -                       -                        -
      4.Others                                              -                     -                       -                      -                    -                       -                        -
      (V) Special reserve                                    -                     -                       -           (470,465.59)                    -                       -             (470,465.59)
      1.Withdrawn in the period                             -                     -                       -             919,167.67                    -                       -               919,167.67
      2.Utilized in the period                              -                     -                       -         (1,389,633.26)                    -                       -           (1,389,633.26)
      (VI) Others                                            -                     -                       -                      -                    -                       -                        -
IV. Closing balance of the year               1,922,365,124.00     27,576,242,527.73          105,594,576.25                      -       630,345,307.43          983,693,068.62       31,218,240,604.03

                                                                                                                                                                                                  - 17 -


                                                   Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity of the Company - continued
                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                   Item                                                                Other comprehensive                                                                          Total shareholders'
                                              Share capital       Capital reserve             income            Special reserve       Surplus reserve      Unappropriated profit           equity
 I. Closing balance of the preceding year        644,763,730.00       240,001,254.59             6,647,500.00                     -       520,074,434.56        1,046,473,178.03        2,457,960,097.18
 Add: Changes in accounting policies                          -                    -            92,613,480.00                     -                    -                        -           92,613,480.00
              Corrections of prior period
                                                              -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
              Others                                          -                    -                       -                     -                     -                        -                      -
 II. Opening balance of the year                 644,763,730.00       240,001,254.59           99,260,980.00                     -        520,074,434.56         1,046,473,178.03       2,550,573,577.18
 III. Changes for the year                     1,148,648,648.00    25,277,645,925.45            3,377,145.00            470,465.59          7,101,474.11         (786,530,092.87)      25,650,713,565.28
       (I) Total comprehensive income                         -                    -            3,377,145.00                     -                     -            71,014,741.10          74,391,886.10
       (II) Owners' contributions and
                                               1,148,648,648.00    25,277,645,925.45                        -                     -                    -                        -      26,426,294,573.45
       reduction in capital
       1.Capital contribution from
                                               1,148,648,648.00    25,276,764,780.38                        -                     -                    -                        -      26,425,413,428.38
       2.Share-based payment
                                                              -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
       recognized in shareholders' equity
       3.Others                                              -           881,145.07                        -                     -                    -                        -             881,145.07
       (III) Profit distribution                              -                    -                        -                     -         7,101,474.11         (857,544,833.97)       (850,443,359.86)
       1.Transfer to surplus reserve                         -                    -                        -                     -         7,101,474.11           (7,101,474.11)                      -
       2.Transfer to general reserve                         -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                      -
       3.Distributions to shareholders                       -                    -                        -                     -                    -         (850,443,359.86)       (850,443,359.86)
       4.Others                                              -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                      -
       (IV) Transfers within shareholders'
                                                              -                    -                        -                     -                    -                        -                       -
       1.Capitalization of capital reserve                   -                    -                       -                      -                    -                        -                       -
       2.Capitalization of surplus reserve                   -                    -                       -                      -                    -                        -                       -
       3.Loss made up by surplus reserve                     -                    -                       -                      -                    -                        -                       -
       4.Others                                              -                    -                       -                      -                    -                        -                       -
       (V) Special reserve                                    -                    -                       -             470,465.59                    -                        -              470,465.59
       1.Withdrawn in the period                             -                    -                       -           2,621,280.84                    -                        -            2,621,280.84
       2.Utilized in the period                              -                    -                       -         (2,150,815.25)                    -                        -          (2,150,815.25)
       (VI) Others                                            -                    -                       -                      -                    -                        -                       -
 IV. Closing balance of the year               1,793,412,378.00    25,517,647,180.04          102,638,125.00             470,465.59       527,175,908.67           259,943,085.16      28,201,287,142.46

The accompanying notes form part of the financial statements.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  - 18 -



       China Merchants Port Group Company Limited was a stock limited company incorporated in
       Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, on 16 January 1993.

       The headquarters of the Company is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. The Company
       and its subsidiaries (collectively the "Group") are principally engaged in the rendering of port
       service, bonded logistics service and other business such as property development and investment.

       The Company's and consolidated financial statements have been approved by the Board of
       Directors on 14 April 2020.

       See Notes (VII) "Equity in other entities" for details of the scope of consolidated financial
       statements in the current period are subsidiaries acquired through business combination under
       common control. See Note (VI) "Changes in the consolidated scope" for details of changes in the
       scope of consolidated financial statements in the current period.


       Basis of preparation of financial statements

       The Group has adopted the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises ("ASBE") issued by
       the Ministry of Finance ("MoF"). In addition, the Group has disclosed relevant financial
       information in accordance with Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies
       Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reporting (Revised in

       Going concern

       As at 31 December 2019, the Group had total current liabilities in excess of total current assets of
       RMB 6,933,328,647.40. On 31 December 2019, the Group had available and unused line of
       credit amounting to RMB 46,602,858,550.04, which is greater than the balance of the net current
       liabilities. The Group can obtain financial support from the available line of credit when needed.
       Therefore, the financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis.

       Basis of accounting and principle of measurement

       The Group has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Except for certain financial instruments
       which are measured at fair value, the Group adopts the historical cost as the principle of
       measurement of the financial statements. Upon being restructured into a stock company, the fixed
       assets and intangible assets initially contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognized
       based on the valuation amounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department.
       Where assets are impaired, provisions for asset impairment are made in accordance with the
       relevant requirements.

                                                                                                      - 19 -



        Basis of accounting and principle of measurement - continued

        Where the historical cost is adopted as the measurement basis, assets are recorded at the amount
        of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the consideration given to acquire them at the
        time of their acquisition. Liabilities are recorded at the amount of proceeds or assets received or
        the contractual amounts for assuming the present obligation, or, at the amounts of cash or cash
        equivalents expected to be paid to settle the liabilities in the normal course of business.

        Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an
        orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, regardless of whether
        that price is directly observable or estimated using valuation technique. Fair value measurement
        and/or disclosure in the financial statements are determined according to the above basis.

        Fair value measurements are categorized into Level 1, 2 or 3 based on the degree to which the
        inputs to the fair value measurements are observable and the significance of the inputs to the fair
        value measurement in its entirety, which are described as follows:

             Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the
             entity can access at the measurement date;
             Level 2 inputs are inputs, other than quoted prices included within Level 1, that are observable
             for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and
             Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.


        All the following significant accounting policies and accounting estimates are based on
        Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises ("ASBE").

        1.     Statement of compliance with the ASBE

        The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the ASBE, and
        present truly and completely, the Company’s and consolidated financial position as of 31
        December 2019, and the Company’s and consolidated results of operations, the Company’s and
        consolidated shareholders' equity and cash flows for the year then ended.

        2.     Accounting period

        The Group has adopted the calendar year as its accounting year, e.g. from 1 January to 31

                                                                                                                 - 20 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        3.   Operating cycle

        An operating cycle refers to the period since when an enterprise purchases assets for processing
        purpose till the realization of those assets in cash or cash equivalents. The Group are principally
        engaged in the rendering of port service, bonded logistics service and other business such as
        property development and investment with an operating cycle of one year.

        4.   Functional currency

        Renminbi ("RMB") is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company
        and its domestic subsidiaries operate. Therefore, the Company and its domestic subsidiaries
        choose RMB as their functional currency. The Company's subsidiaries choose their functional
        currency on the basis of the primary economic environment in which they operate. The Company
        adopts RMB to prepare its financial statements.

        5.   The accounting treatment of business combinations involving or not involving
             enterprises under common control

        Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving enterprises under
        common control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control.

        5.1 Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

        A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in
        which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both
        before and after the combination, and that control is not transitory.

        Assets and liabilities obtained shall be measured at their respective carrying amounts as recorded
        by the combining entities at the date of the combination. The difference between the carrying
        amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the
        combination is adjusted to the share premium in capital reserve. If the share premium is not
        sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

        Costs that are directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period in
        which they are incurred.

        5.2 Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill

        A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business
        combination in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same
        party or parties before and after the combination.

                                                                                                         - 21 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        5.    The accounting treatment of business combinations involving or not involving enterprises
              under common control - continued

        5.2   Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill - continued

        The cost of combination is the aggregate of the fair values, at the acquisition date, of the assets
        given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for
        control of the acquire. Where a business combination not involving enterprises under common
        control is achieved in stages that involve multiple transactions, the cost of combination is the sum
        of the consideration paid at the acquisition date and the fair value at the acquisition date of the
        acquirer's previously held interest in the acquiree. The intermediary expenses (fees in respect of
        auditing, legal services, valuation and consultancy services, etc.) and other administrative
        expenses attributable to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss in the periods
        when they are incurred.

        The acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired by the acquirer in a
        business combination that meet the recognition criteria shall be measured at fair value at the
        acquisition date.

        When a business combination contract provides for the acquirer's recovery of consideration
        previously paid contingent on one or multiple future event(s), the Group recognises the contingent
        consideration provided in the contract as an asset, as part of the consideration transferred in the
        business combination, and includes it in the cost of business combination at the fair value at the
        acquisition date. Within 12 months after the acquisition, where the contingent consideration needs
        to be adjusted as new or further evidences are obtained in respect of the circumstances existed at
        the acquisition date, the adjustment shall be recognised and the amount originally recognised in
        goodwill or non-operating income shall be adjusted. A change in or adjustment to the contingent
        consideration under other circumstances shall be accounted for in accordance with Accounting
        Standard for Business Enterprise No. 22 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
        and Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 13 – Contingencies. Any change or
        adjustment is included in profit or loss for the current period.

        Where the cost of combination exceeds the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's
        identifiable net assets, the difference is treated as an asset and recognized as goodwill, which is
        measured at cost on initial recognition. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer's
        interest in the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets, the acquirer reassesses the
        measurement of the fair values of the acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent
        liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination. If after that reassessment, the cost of
        combination is still less than the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable
        net assets, the acquirer recognizes the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the
        current period.

                                                                                                            - 22 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        5.    The accounting treatment of business combinations involving or not involving enterprises
              under common control - continued

        5.2   Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill - continued

        If either the fair values of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired in a
        combination or the cost of business combination can be determined only provisionally by the end
        of the period in which the business combination was effected, the acquirer recognises and
        measures the combination using those provisional values. Any adjustments to those provisional
        values within twelve months after the acquisition date are treated as if they had been recognised
        and measured on the acquisition date.

        Goodwill arising on a business combination is measured at cost less accumulated impairment
        losses, and is presented separately in the consolidated financial statements.

        6.    Preparation of consolidated financial statements

        6.1 Preparation of consolidated financial statements

        The scope of consolidation in the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of
        control. Control exists when the investor has power over the investee; is exposed, or has rights, to
        variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and has the ability to use its power over
        the investee to affect its returns. The Group reassesses whether or not it controls an investee if
        facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes of the above elements of the definition of

        Consolidation of a subsidiary begins when the Group obtains control over the subsidiaries and
        ceases when the Group loses control of the subsidiary.

        For a subsidiary already disposed of by the Group, the operating results and cash flows before the
        date of disposal (the date when control is lost) are included in the consolidated income statement
        and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate.

        For subsidiaries acquired through a business combination involving enterprises not under
        common control, the operating results and cash flows from the acquisition date (the date when
        control is obtained) are included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement
        of cash flows, as appropriate.

        No matter when the business combination occurs in the reporting period, subsidiaries acquired
        through a business combination involving enterprises under common control or the party being
        absorbed under merger by absorption are included in the Group's scope of consolidation as if they
        had been included in the scope of consolidation from the date when they first came under the
        common control of the ultimate controlling party. Their operating results and cash flows from the
        date when they first came under the common control of the ultimate controlling party are included
        in the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriate.

                                                                                                         - 23 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        6.   Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

        6.1 Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

        The significant accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by the subsidiaries are
        determined based on the uniform accounting policies and accounting periods set out by the

        Where the accounting policies / accounting periods adopted by subsidiaries are inconsistent with
        those of the Company, appropriate adjustments are made to the subsidiaries' financial statements
        in accordance with the accounting policies of the Company.

        All significant intra-group balances and transactions are eliminated on consolidation.

        The portion of subsidiaries' equity that is not attributable to the parent is treated as minority
        interests and presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated balance sheet under
        shareholders' equity. The portion of net profits or losses of subsidiaries for the period attributable
        to minority interests is presented as "minority interests" in the consolidated income statement
        under the "net profit" line item.

        When the amount of loss for the period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary
        exceeds the minority shareholders' portion of the opening balance of shareholders' equity of the
        subsidiary, the excess amount is still allocated against minority interests.

        Acquisition of minority interests or disposals of interests in a subsidiary that do not result in the
        loss of control over the subsidiary are accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amounts
        of the parent's interests and minority interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative
        interests in the subsidiary. The difference between the amount by which the minority interests are
        adjusted and the fair value of the consideration paid or received is adjusted to capital reserve. If
        the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the excess are adjusted against
        retained earnings.

        For the stepwise acquisition of equity interest till acquiring control after a few transactions and
        leading to business combination not involving enterprises under common control, this should be
        dealt with based on whether this belongs to 'package deal': if it belongs to 'package deal',
        transactions will be dealt as transactions to acquire control. If it does not belong to 'package deal',
        transactions to acquire control on acquisition date will be under accounting treatment, the fair
        value of acquirees' shares held before acquisition date will be revalued, and the difference
        between fair value and book value will be recognized in profit or loss of the current period; if
        acquirees' shares held before acquisition date involve in changes of other comprehensive income
        and other equity of owners under equity method, this will be transferred to income of acquisition

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        6.   Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

        6.1 Preparation of consolidated financial statements - continued

        When the Group loses control over a subsidiary due to disposal of equity investment or other
        reasons, any retained interest is re-measured at its fair value at the date when control is lost. The
        difference between (i) the aggregate of the consideration received on disposal and the fair value of
        any retained interest and (ii) the share of the former subsidiary's net assets cumulatively calculated
        from the acquisition date according to the original proportion of ownership interests is recognized
        as investment income in the period in which control is lost, and the goodwill is offset accordingly.
        Other comprehensive income associated with investment in the former subsidiary is reclassified to
        investment income in the period in which control is lost.

        When the Group loses control of a subsidiary in two or more arrangements (transactions), terms
        and conditions of the arrangements (transactions) and their economic effects are considered. One
        or more of the following indicate that the Group shall account for the multiple arrangements as a
        'package deal': (i) they are entered into at the same time or in contemplation of each other; (ii)
        they form a complete transaction designed to achieve an overall commercial effect; (iii) the
        occurrence of one transaction is dependent on the occurrence of at least one other transaction; (iv)
        one transaction alone is not economically justified, but it is economically justified when
        considered together with other transactions. Where the transactions of disposal of equity
        investments in a subsidiary until the loss of control are assessed as a package deal, these
        transactions are accounted for as one transaction of disposal of a subsidiary with loss of control.
        Before losing control, the difference of consideration received on disposal and the share of net
        assets of the subsidiary continuously calculated from acquisition date is recognized as other
        comprehensive income. When losing control, the cumulated other comprehensive income is
        transferred to profit or loss of the period of losing control. If the transactions of disposal of equity
        investments in a subsidiary are not assessed as a package deal, these transactions are accounted
        for as unrelated transactions.

        7.   Types of joint arrangements and the accounting treatment of joint operation

        There are two types of joint arrangements - joint operations and joint ventures. The classification
        of joint arrangements under is determined based on the rights and obligations of parties to the
        joint arrangements by considering the structure, the legal form of the arrangements, the
        contractual terms agreed by the parties to the arrangement. A joint operation is a joint
        arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the
        assets, and obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement. A joint venture is a joint
        arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the net
        assets of the arrangement.

        Investments in joint ventures are accounted for using the equity method by the Group, which is
        detailed in Notes (III) 16.3.2, a long-term equity investment is subject to for using the equity

                                                                                                          - 25 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        7.   Types of joint arrangements and the accounting treatment of joint operation -

        The Group as a joint operator recognizes the following items in relation to its interest in a joint
        operation: (1) its solely-held assets, including its share of any assets held jointly; (2) its solely-
        assumed liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly; (3) its revenue from the
        sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation; (4) its share of the revenue from the
        sale of the output by the joint operation; and (5) its solely-incurred expenses, including its share of
        any expenses incurred jointly. The Group accounts for the recognized assets, liabilities, revenues
        and expenses relating to its interest in a joint operation in accordance with the requirements
        applicable to the particular assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses.

        8.   Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

        Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand. Cash
        equivalents are the Group's short-term(generally due within 3 months since the acquisition date),
        highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are
        subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

        9.   Foreign currency transactions

        9.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies

        A foreign currency transaction is recorded, on initial recognition, by applying the spot exchange
        rate on the date of the transaction.

        At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated into functional currency
        using the spot exchange rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from the
        differences between the spot exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date and those on
        initial recognition or at the previous balance sheet date are recognized in profit or loss for the
        period, except that (1) exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominated
        in foreign currency that qualify for capitalization are capitalized as part of the cost of the
        qualifying asset during the capitalization period; (2) exchange differences related to hedging
        instruments for the purpose of hedging against foreign currency risks are accounted for using
        hedge accounting; (3) exchange differences arising from changes in the carrying amounts (other
        than the amortised cost) of monetary items at fair value through other comprehensive income are
        recognised as other comprehensive income.

        When the consolidated financial statements include foreign operation(s), if there is foreign
        currency monetary item constituting a net investment in a foreign operation, exchange difference
        arising from changes in exchange rates are recognized as "exchange differences arising on
        translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies " in other comprehensive
        income, and in profit and loss for the period upon disposal of the foreign operation.

                                                                                                         - 26 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        9.     Foreign currency transactions - continued

        9.1 Transactions denominated in foreign currencies - continued

        Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are translated to the amounts in
        functional currency at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the transactions; the amounts in
        functional currency remain unchanged. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair
        value are re-translated at the spot exchange rate on the date the fair value is determined.
        Difference between the re-translated functional currency amount and the original functional
        currency amount is treated as changes in fair value (including changes of exchange rate) and is
        recognized in profit and loss or as other comprehensive income.

        9.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies

        For the purpose of preparing the consolidated financial statements, financial statements of a
        foreign operation are translated from the foreign currency into RMB using the following method:
        assets and liabilities on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the
        balance sheet date; shareholders' equity items except for unappropriated profit are translated at the
        spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items arose; all items in the income statement as
        well as items reflecting the distribution of profits are translated at the average exchange rates of
        the accounting period of the consolidated financial statements; the opening balance of
        unappropriated profit is the translated closing balance of the previous year's unappropriated profit;
        the closing balance of unappropriated profit is calculated and presented on the basis of each
        translated income statement and profit distribution item. The difference between the translated
        assets and the aggregate of liabilities and shareholders' equity items is recognized as other
        comprehensive income and included in shareholders' equity.

        Cash flows arising from a transaction in foreign currency and the cash flows of a foreign
        subsidiary are translated at average exchange rate during the accounting period of consolidated
        financial statements. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents is regarded
        as a reconciling item and presented separately in the cash flow statement as "effect of exchange
        rate changes on cash and cash equivalents".

        The closing balances and the comparative figures of previous year are presented at the translated
        amounts in the previous year's financial statements.

        On disposal of the Group's entire interest in a foreign operation, or upon a loss of control over a
        foreign operation due to disposal of certain interest in it or other reasons, the Group transfers the
        accumulated exchange differences arising on translation of financial statements of this foreign
        operation attributable to the owners' equity of the Company and presented under owners' equity,
        to profit or loss in the period in which the disposal occurs.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        9.     Foreign currency transactions - continued

        9.2 Translation of financial statements denominated in foreign currencies - continued

        In case of a disposal of part equity investments or other reason leading to lower interest
        percentage in foreign operations but does not result in the Group losing control over a foreign
        operation, the proportionate share of accumulated exchange differences arising on translation of
        financial statements are re-attributed to minority interests and are not recognized in profit and
        loss. For partial disposals of equity interests in foreign operations which are associates or joint
        ventures, the proportionate share of the accumulated exchange differences arising on translation
        of financial statements of foreign operations is reclassified to profit or loss.

        10. Financial instruments

        The Group recognizes a financial asset or a financial liability when it becomes a party to the
        contractual provisions of a financial instrument.

        All regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a trade
        date basis.

        Financial assets and financial liabilities are initially measured at fair value. For financial assets
        and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly
        recognized in profit or loss; transaction costs relating to other categories of financial assets and
        financial liabilities are included in the value initially recognized. For accounts receivable
        recognized that do not contain a significant financing component or a financing component
        included in the contracts less than one year which are not considered by the Group, which are
        within the scope of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.14 - Revenue (hereinafter
        referred to as "revenue standards"), transaction prices defined in the standards shall be adopted on
        initial recognition.

        The effective interest method is a method that is used in the calculation of the amortized cost of a
        financial asset or a financial liability and in the allocation of the interest income or interest
        expense in profit or loss over the relevant period.

        The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash flows through the
        expected life of the financial asset or financial liability to the gross carrying amount of a financial
        asset or to the amortized cost of a financial liability. When calculating the effective interest rate,
        the Group estimates future cash flows by considering all the contractual terms of the financial
        asset or financial liability (for example, prepayment, extension, call option or similar options) but
        shall not consider the expected credit losses.

        The amortized cost of a financial asset or a financial liability is the amount of a financial asset or a
        financial liability initially recognized net of principal repaid, plus or less the cumulative amortized
        amount arising from amortization of the difference between the amount initially recognized and
        the amount at the maturity date using the effective interest method, net of cumulative credit loss
        allowance (only applicable to financial assets).

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets

        Subsequent to initial recognition, the Group's financial assets of various categories are
        subsequently measured at amortized cost, at fair value through other comprehensive income or at
        fair value through profit or loss.

        If contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely
        payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding, and the financial asset is
        held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order to collect
        contractual cash flows, such asset is classified into financial assets measured at amortized cost,
        which include cash and bank balances, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables,
        debt investments, and long-term receivables and etc..

        Financial assets that meet the following conditions are subsequently measured at fair value
        through other comprehensive income ("FVTOCI"): the financial asset is held within a business
        model whose objective is achieved by both collecting contractual cash flows and selling; and the
        contractual terms of the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely
        payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. Financial assets at
        FVTOCI are presented as other debt investments. Other debt investments due within one year
        (inclusive) since the balance sheet date are presented as non-current assets due within one year.
        Other debt investments due within one year (inclusive) upon acquisition are presented as other
        current assets.

        On initial recognition, the Group may irrevocably designate non-trading equity instruments, other
        than contingent consideration recognized through business combination not involving enterprises
        under common control, as financial assets at FVTOCI on an individual basis. Such financial
        assets at FVTOCI are presented as other equity instrument.

        A financial asset is classified as held for trading if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

               It has been acquired principally for the purpose of selling in the near term; or
               On initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the
               Group manages together and there is objective evidence that the Group has a recent actual
               pattern of short-term profit-taking; or
               It is a derivative that is not a financial guarantee contract or designated and effective as a
               hedging instrument.

                                                                                                           - 29 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.1     Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets - continued

        Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss ("FVTPL") include those classified
        as financial assets at FVTPL and those designated as financial assets at FVTPL.

               Any financial assets that does not qualify for amortized cost measurement or measurement at
               FVTOCI or designated at FVTOCI are classified into financial assets at FVTPL.
               Upon initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatch
               and qualified hybrid financial instrument combines financial asset with embedded
               derivatives, the Group will irrevocably designated it as financial liabilities at FVTPL.

        Financial assets at FVTPL assets other than derivative financial assets are presented as "held-for-
        trading financial assets". Such financial assets at FVTPL which may fall due more than one year
        (or without fixed term) since the balance sheet date and will be held more than one year are
        presented as other non-current financial assets.

        10.1.1 Financial assets measured at amortized cost

        Financial assets measured at amortized cost are subsequently measured at amortized cost using
        the effective interest method. Gain or loss arising from impairment or derecognition is recognized
        in profit or loss.

        For financial assets measured at amortized cost, the Group recognizes interest income using
        effective interest method. The Group calculates and recognizes interest income through book
        value of financial assets multiplying effective interest, except for the following circumstances:

                 For purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets with credit impairment, the
                 Group calculates and recognizes its interest income based on amortized cost of the
                 financial asset and the effective interest through credit adjustment since initial recognition.

        10.1.2 Financial assets at FVTOCI

        Impairment losses or gains related to financial assets at FVTOCI, interest income measured using
        effective interest method and exchange gains or losses are recognized into profit or loss for the
        current period, except for the above circumstances, changes in fair value of the financial assets are
        included in other comprehensive income. Amounts charged to profit or loss for every period equal
        to the amount charged to profit or loss as it is measured at amortized costs. When the financial
        asset is derecognized, the cumulative gains or losses previously recognized in other
        comprehensive income shall be removed from other comprehensive income and recognized in
        profit or loss.

                                                                                                          - 30 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.1   Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets - continued

        10.1.2 Financial assets at FVTOC I - continued

        Changes in fair value of non-trading equity instrument investments designated as financial assets
        at FVTOCI are recognized in other comprehensive income, and the cumulative gains or losses
        previously recognized in other comprehensive income allocated to the part derecognized are
        transferred and included in retained earnings. During the period in which the Group holds the
        non-trading equity instrument, revenue from dividends is recognized in profit or loss for the
        current period when (1) the Group has established the right of collecting dividends; (2) it is
        probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group; and (3) the amount of
        dividends can be measured reliably.

        10.1.3 Financial assets at FVTPL

        Financial assets at FVTPL are subsequently measured at fair value. Gain or loss arising from
        changes in fair values and dividends and interests related to the financial assets are recognized in
        profit or loss.

        10.2 Impairment of financial instruments

        The Group makes accounting treatment on impairment and recognizes loss allowance for
        expected credit losses ("ECL") on financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets
        classified as at FVTOCI, lease receivables, contract assets, loan commitments that are not
        financial liabilities at FVTPL, financial liabilities not measured at FVTPL, financial guarantee
        contracts arising from transfer of financial assets which does not satisfy derecognition criteria or
        continuing involvement of transferred financial assets.

        The Group makes a loss allowance against amount of lifetime ECL of the contract assets, notes
        receivable and accounts receivable arising from transactions adopting the Revenue Standard as
        well as lease receivables arising from transactions adopting ASBE No. 21- Leases.

        For other financial instrument, other than purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets,
        the Group assesses changes in credit risks of the relevant financial asset since initial recognition at
        each balance sheet date. If the credit loss of the financial instrument has been significantly
        increased since initial recognition, the Group will make a loss allowance at an amount of expected
        credit loss during the whole life; if not, the Group will make a loss allowance for the financial
        instrument at an amount in the future 12-month expected credit losses. Except for the financial
        assets classified as at FVTOCI, increase in or reversal of credit loss allowance is included in profit
        or loss as loss/gain on impairment. For the financial assets classified as at FVTOCI, the Group
        recognizes credit loss allowance in other comprehensive income and recognizes the loss/gain on
        impairment in profit or loss, while the Group does not decrease the carrying amount of such
        financial assets in the balance sheet.

                                                                                                         - 31 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.2 Impairment of financial instruments - continued

        The Group has makes a loss allowance against amount of expected credit losses during the whole
        life in the prior accounting period. However, at the balance sheet date, the credit risk on a
        financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition; the Group will
        measure the loss allowance for that financial instrument at an amount in the future 12-month
        expected credit losses. Reversed amount of loss allowance arising from such circumstances shall
        be included in profit or loss as impairment gains.

        10.2.1 Significant increase of credit risk

        In assessing whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Group
        compares the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the reporting date with
        the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition. For
        loan commitments, the date that the Group becomes a party to the irrevocable commitment is
        considered to be the date of initial recognition in the application of criteria related to the financial
        instrument for impairment.

        In particular, the following information is taken into account when assessing whether credit risk
        has increased significantly:

        (1)    Significant changes in internal price indicators of credit risk as a result of a change in
               credit risk;
        (2)    Other changes in the rates or terms of an existing financial instrument that would be
               significantly different if the instrument was newly originated or issued at the balance sheet
               date (such as more stringent covenants, increased amounts of collateral or guarantees, or
               higher income coverage).
        (3)    Significant changes in external market indicators of credit risk for a particular financial
               instrument or similar financial instruments with the same expected life. These indicators
               include the credit spread, the credit swap prices for the borrower, the length of time or the
               extent to which the fair value of a financial asset has been less than its amortized cost and
               other market information related to the borrower, such as changes in the price of a
               borrower’s debt and equity instruments.
        (4)    Significant changes in actual or expected external credit rating for the financial
        (5)    An actual or expected internal credit rating downgrade for the borrower
        (6)    Adverse changes in business, financial or economic conditions that are expected to cause a
               significant change in the debtor’s ability to meet its debt obligations;
        (7)    An actual or expected significant change in the operating results of the debtor;
        (8)    Significant increases in credit risk on other financial instruments of the same borrower;
        (9)    Significant adverse change in the regulatory, economic, or technological environment of
               the debtor;

                                                                                                           - 32 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.2 Impairment of financial instruments - continued

        10.2.1 Significant increase of credit risk - continued

        (10)   Significant changes in the value of the collateral supporting the obligation or in the quality
               of third-party guarantees or credit enhancements, which are expected to reduce the
               debtor’s economic incentive to make scheduled contractual payments or to otherwise have
               an effect on the probability of a default occurring.
        (11)   Significant changes in circumstances expected to reduce the debtor’s economic incentive
               to make scheduled contractual payments;
        (12)   Expected changes in the loan documentation including an expected breach of contract that
               may lead to covenant waivers or amendments, interest payment holidays, interest rate
               step-ups, requiring additional collateral or guarantees, or other changes to the contractual
               framework of the financial instrument;
        (13)   Significant changes in the expected performance and behavior of the debtor;
        (14)   Changes in the entity’s credit management approach in relation to the financial instrument;
        (15)   Past due of contract payment.

        The Group assumes that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly
        since initial recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have lower credit risk at the
        balance sheet date. A financial instrument is determined to have lower credit risk if: i) it has a
        lower risk of default, ii) the borrower has a strong capacity to meet its contractual cash flow
        obligations in the near term and iii) adverse changes in economic and business conditions in the
        longer term may, but will not necessarily, reduce the ability of the borrower to fulfil its
        contractual cash flow obligations.

        10.2.2 Credit-impaired financial assets

        When the Group expected occurrence of one or more events which may cause adverse impact on
        future cash flows of a financial asset, the financial asset will become a credit-impaired financial
        assets. Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired includes but not limited to the
        following observable events:

        (1)    Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or debtor;
        (2)    A breach of contract by the debtor, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal
        (3)    The creditor, for economic or legal reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty,
               granting a concession to the debtor;
        (4)    It becoming probable that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial
        (5)    The disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial
               difficulties of the issuer or the debtor;
        (6)    Purchase or originate a financial asset with a large scale of discount, which reflects facts
               of credit loss incurred.

                                                                                                         - 33 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.2    Impairment of financial instruments - continued

        10.2.3 Determination of expected credit loss

        Lease receivables are assessed for ECL individually by the Group. In addition, the Group uses
        provision matrix to calculate ECL for notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables,
        contract assets, debt investments and other debt investments based on a portfolio basis. The Group
        classifies financial instruments into different groups based on common risk characteristics.
        Common credit risk characteristics include credit risk rating, the date of initial recognition,
        remaining contractual maturity, industry of borrower and geographical location of the borrower

        The Group determines expected credit losses of relevant financial instruments using the following

               For a financial asset, a credit loss is the present value of the difference between the
               contractual cash flows that are due to the Group under the contract and the cash flows that
               the Group expects to receive;
               For a lease receivable, a credit loss is the present value of the difference between the
               contractual cash flows that are due to the Group under the contract and the cash flows that
               the Group expects to receive;
               For undrawn loan commitments (refer to Note III, for the detail of accounting
               policies), the ECL is the present value of the difference between the contractual cash flows
               that are due to the Group if the holder of the loan commitments draws down the loan, and
               the cash flows that the Group expects to receive if the loan is drawn down. The Group's
               estimation of the ECL for loan commitments is consistent with its expection of the loan
               commitments drawn down.
               For a financial guarantee contract (refer to Note III, for the detail of accounting
               policies ), the expected losses is the present value of the expected payments to reimburse the
               holder for a credit loss that it incurs less any amounts that the Group expects to receive from
               the holder, the debtor or any other party..
               For a financial asset with credit-impaired at the balance sheet date, but not purchased or
               originated credit-impaired, a credit losses is the difference between the asset’s gross
               carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the
               financial asset’s original effective interest rate.

        The factors reflected in methods of measurement of expected credit losses include an unbiased
        and probability-weighted amount that is determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes;
        time value of money; reasonable and supportable information about past events, current
        conditions and forecasts on future economic status at balance sheet date without unnecessary
        additional costs or efforts.

                                                                                                        - 34 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.2    Impairment of financial instruments - continued

        10.2.4 Write-down of financial assets

        When the Group will no longer reasonably expect that the contractual cash flows of financial
        assets can be collected in aggregate or in part, the Group will directly write down the carrying
        amount of the financial asset, which constitutes derecognition of relevant financial assets.

        10.3    Transfer of financial assets

        The Group will derecognize a financial asset if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) the
        contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; (ii) the financial asset has been
        transferred and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset is
        transferred to the transferee; or (iii) although the financial asset has been transferred, the Group
        neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial
        asset but has not retained control of the financial asset.

        If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a
        financial asset, and it retains control of the financial asset, the Group will recognize the financial
        asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset and recognize an
        associated liability. The Group will measure relevant liabilities as follows:

               For transferred financial assets carried at amortized cost, the carrying amount of relevant
               liabilities is the carrying amount of financial assets transferred with continuing involvement
               less amortized cost of the Group's retained rights (if the Group retains relevant rights upon
               transfer of financial assets) with addition of amortized cost of obligations assumed by the
               Group (if the Group assumes relevant obligations upon transfer of financial assets). Relevant
               liabilities are not designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.

               For transferred financial assets carried at fair value, the carrying amount of relevant
               financial liabilities is the carrying amount of financial assets transferred with continuing
               involvement less fair value of the Group's retained rights (if the Group retains relevant rights
               upon transfer of financial assets) with addition of fair value of obligations assumed by the
               Group (if the Group assumes relevant obligations upon transfer of financial assets).
               Accordingly, the fair value of relevant rights and obligations shall be measured on an
               individual basis.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.3 Transfer of financial assets - continued

        For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognition criteria, the
        difference between (1) the carrying amount of the financial asset transferred and (2) the sum of
        the consideration received from the transfer and accumulated changes in fair value initially
        recorded in other comprehensive income is recognized in profit or loss. For the non-tradable
        equity instrument designated as financial assets at FVTOCI, cumulative gain or loss that has been
        recognized in other comprehensive income should be removed from other comprehensive income
        but be recognized in retained earnings.

        For a part of transfer of a financial asset that satisfies the derecognition criteria, the carrying
        amount of the transferred financial asset is allocated between the part that is derecognized and the
        part that is continuously involved, based on the respective fair values of those parts on transfer
        date. The difference between (1) the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognized
        and any cumulative gain or loss allocated to the part derecognized which has been previously
        recognized in other comprehensive income; and (2) the carrying amount allocated to the part
        derecognized on derecognition date; is recognized in profit or loss. For the non-tradable equity
        instrument designated as financial assets at FVTOCI, cumulative gain or loss that has been
        recognized in other comprehensive income should be removed from other comprehensive income
        but be recognized in retained earnings.

        For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that does not satisfy the derecognition criteria, the
        Group will continuously recognize the transferred financial asset in its entirety. Considerations
        received due to transfer of assets should be recognized as a liability upon receipts.

        10.4 Classification of financial liabilities equity instruments

        Financial instruments issued by the Group are classified into financial liabilities or equity
        instruments on the basis of the substance of the contractual arrangements and the economic nature
        not only its legal form, together with the definition of financial liability and equity instruments on
        initial recognition.

        10.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities

        On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities at FVTPL and
        other financial liabilities. Financial liabilities at FVTPL

        Financial liabilities at FVTPL consist of financial liabilities held for trading (including derivatives
        classified as financial liabilities) and those designated as at FVTPL. Except for derivative
        financial liabilities presented separately, the financial liabilities at FVTPL are presented as held-
        for-trading financial liabilities.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.4 Classification of financial liabilities equity instruments - continued

        10.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities- continued Financial liabilities at FVTPL- continued

        A financial liability is classified as held for trading if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

                It has been acquired principally for the purpose of repurchasing in the near term; or
                On initial recognition it is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that the
                Group manages together and there is objective evidence that the Group has a recent actual
                pattern of short-term profit-taking; or
                It is a derivative that is not a financial guarantee contract or designated and effective as a
                hedging instrument.

        A financial liability may be designated as at FVTPL on initial recognition when one of the
        following conditions is satisfied: (i) Such designation eliminates or significantly reduces
        accounting mismatch; or (ii) The Group makes management and performance evaluation on a fair
        value basis, in accordance with the Group's formally documented risk management or investment
        strategy, and reports to key management personnel on that basis. (iii) The qualified hybrid
        financial instrument combines financial asset with embedded derivatives.

        Transaction financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or losses
        arising from changes in the fair value and any dividend or interest expenses paid on the financial
        liabilities are recognized in profit or loss.

        The amount of change in the fair value of the financial liability that is attributable to changes in
        the credit risk of that liability shall be presented in other comprehensive income, other changes in
        fair values are included in profit or loss for the current period. Upon the derecognition of such
        liability, the accumulated amount of change in fair value that is attributable to changes in the
        credit risk of that liability, which is recognized in other comprehensive income, is transferred to
        retained earnings. Any dividend or interest income earned on the financial liabilities are
        recognized in profit or loss. If the impact of the change in credit risk of such financial liability
        dealt with in the above way would create or enlarge an accounting mismatch in profit or loss, the
        Group shall present all gains or losses on that liability (including the effects of changes in the
        credit risk of that liability) in profit or loss.

        Financial liabilities are measured at FVTPL when the financial liabilities is arising from
        contingent consideration recognized by the Group as an acquirer in a business combination not
        involving enterprises under common control.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.4 Classification of financial liabilities equity instruments - continued

        10.4.1 Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities- continued Other financial liabilities

        Except for financial liabilities, financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments arising from
        transfer of financial assets that do not meet the derecognition criteria or those arising from
        continuing involvement in the transferred financial assets, other financial liabilities are
        subsequently measured at amortized cost, with gain or loss arising from derecognition or
        amortization recognized in profit or loss.

        That the Group and its counterparty modify or renegotiate the contract does not result in
        derecognition of a financial liability subsequently measured at amortized cost but result in
        changes in contractual cash flows, the Group will recalculate the carrying amount of the financial
        liability, with relevant gain or loss recognized in profit or loss. The Group will determine carrying
        amount of the financial liability based on the present value of renegotiated or modified contractual
        cash flows discounted at the financial liability's original effective interest rate. For all costs or
        expenses arising from modification or renegotiation of the contract, the Group will adjust the
        modified carrying amount of the financial liability and make amortization during the remaining
        term of the modified financial liability. Financial guarantee contracts and loan commitments

        A financial guarantee contract is a contract that requires the issuer to make specified payments to
        reimburse the holder of the contract for a loss it incurs because a specified debtor fails to make
        payment when due in accordance with the original or modified terms of a debt instrument.
        Subsequent to initial recognition, financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as financial
        liabilities at fair value through profit or loss or financial liabilities arising from transfer of
        financial assets that do not meet the derecognition criteria or those arising from continuing
        involvement in the transferred financial assets, and loan commitments to provide a loan at a
        below-market interest rate, which are not designated at fair value through profit or loss, are
        measured at the higher of: (1) amount of loss provision; and (2) the amount initially recognized
        less cumulative amortization amount determined based on the revenue standard.

        10.4.2 Derecognition of financial liabilities

        The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) when the underlying present obligation
        (or part of it) is discharged. An agreement between the Group (the debtor) and the creditor to
        replace the original financial liability with a new financial liability with substantially different
        terms is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition
        of a new financial liability.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.4 Classification of financial liabilities equity instruments - continued

        10.4.2 Derecognition of financial liabilities - continued

        When the Group derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the difference
        between the carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial liability)
        derecognized and the consideration paid (including any non-cash assets transferred or new
        financial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss.

        10.4.3 Equity instruments

        An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Group
        after deducting all of its liabilities. Equity instruments issued (including refinanced), repurchased,
        sold and cancelled by the Group are recognized as changes of equity. Changes of fair value of
        equity instruments is not recognized by the Group. Transaction costs related to equity transactions
        are deducted from equity.

        The Group recognizes the distribution to holders of the equity instruments as distribution of
        profits, dividends paid do not affect total amount of shareholders' equity.

        10.5 Derivatives and embedded derivatives

        Derivatives include forward exchange contracts, currency swaps, interest rate swaps and foreign
        exchange options, etc. Derivatives are initially measured at fair value at the date when the
        derivative contracts are entered into and are subsequently re-measured at fair value.

        Derivatives embedded in hybrid contracts with a financial asset host are not separated by the
        Group. The hybrid contract shall apply to the relevant accounting standards regarding the
        classification of financial assets as a whole.

        Derivatives embedded in hybrid contracts with hosts that are not financial assets are separated and
        treated as separate derivatives by the Group when they meet the following conditions:

        (1) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to
            those of the host contract;
        (2) a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded derivative would meet the
            definition of a derivative.
        (3) the hybrid contracts are not measured at fair value through profit or loss.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.5 Derivatives and embedded derivatives - continued

        For the embedded derivative separated from the host contracts, the Group accounts for the host
        contracts in the hybrid contracts with applicable accounting standards. When the embedded
        derivatives whose fair value cannot be measured reliably by the Group according to the terms and
        conditions of the embedded derivatives, the fair value of such derivatives are measured at the
        difference between the fair value of the hybrid contracts and the fair value of the host contracts.
        By adopting the above method, if the embedded derivative cannot be measured on a stand-alone
        basis at the time when acquired or at subsequent balance sheet dates, the hybrid instrument is
        designated as financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss as a whole.

        10.6 Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

        Where the Group has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial
        assets and financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial
        asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shall
        be offset and the net amount is presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above
        circumstances, financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance
        sheet and shall not be offset.

        10.7 Reclassification of financial instruments

        When the Group changes the business model to manage the financial assets, the financial assets
        affected will be reclassified and no financial liabilities will be reclassified.

        The financial assets are reclassified by the Group and are accounted for prospectively since the
        date of reclassification (i.e. the first date of the initial reporting period after the business model of
        which the financial assets are reclassified by the enterprise is changed).

        Where a financial asset at amortised cost is reclassified as a financial assets at fair value through
        profit or loss ("FVTPL") by the Group, such financial asset is measured at fair value at the date of
        reclassification and the difference between the original carrying amount and the fair value is
        recognized in profit or loss for the period.

        Where a financial asset at amortised cost is reclassified as a financial asset at fair value through
        other comprehensive income("FVTOCI") by the Group, such financial asset is measured at the
        fair value at the date of reclassification, and the difference between the original amount and the
        fair value is recognized in other comprehensive income.

        Where a financial asset at FVTOCI is reclassified as a financial asset at amortised cost by the
        Group, the accumulated gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are
        transferred out and the fair value is adjusted as the fair value at the date of reclassification. The
        adjusted fair value is recognized as the new carrying amount, as if the financial asset had been
        measured at amortised cost.
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        ESTIMATES - continued

        10. Financial instruments - continued

        10.7 Reclassification of financial instruments- continued

        Where a financial asset at FVTOCI is reclassified as a financial asset at FVTPL by the Group,
        such financial asset continues to be accounted for at fair value. At the same time, the accumulated
        gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred to profit or
        loss for the period.

        Where a financial asset at FVTPL is reclassified as a financial asset at amortised cost by the
        Group, the fair value at the date of reclassification is recognized as the new account balance.

        Where a financial asset at FVTPL is reclassified as a financial asset at FVTOCI by the Group,
        such financial asset continues to be measured at fair value.

        Where a financial asset at FVTPL is reclassified, the effective interest rate is determined on the
        basis of the fair value of the financial asset at the date of reclassification.

        11. Accounts receivable

        The Group makes internal credit ratings on customers and determines expected losses rate of
        notes receivable, accounts receivable and other receivables. Basis for determining ratings and the
        expected losses rates are as follows:

                                                                                    Average expected loss
          Internal credit rating          Basis for determining portfolio
                                                                                          rate (%)
                                   Customers can make repayments within
                                   credit term and have good credit records
         A                         based on historical experience. The                     0.00-0.10
                                   probability of unpayment of due amount are
                                   extremely low in the foreseeable future.
                                   The customer may have overdue payment
         B                         based on historical experience but they can             0.10-0.30
                                   make repayments.
                                   The evidences indicate that the overdue
                                   credit risks of the customer are significantly
         C                                                                                 0.30-50.00
                                   increased and there is probability of
                                   unpayment and default.
                                   The evidences indicate that the accounts
                                   receivable are impaired or the customer has
         D                         significant financial difficulty. The amounts          50.00-100.00
                                   cannot be recovered in the foreseeable

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        12. Accounts receivable financing

        Notes receivable classified to hedging instruments for the purpose of hedging, should be listed as
        accounts receivable financing within one year (including one year). If the term above one year, it
        should be listed as other investment on bonds. Related accounting policies refer to Note 10.

        13. Inventories

        13.1 Categories of inventories

        Inventories include raw materials, merchandise and others. Inventories are initially measured at
        cost. Cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of conversion and other
        expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition.

        13.2 Valuation method of inventories upon delivery

        The actual cost of inventories upon delivery is calculated using the weighted average method.

        13.3 Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline
        in value of inventories

        At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value. If
        the cost of inventories is higher than the net realizable value, a provision for decline in value of
        inventories is made. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of
        business less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and
        relevant taxes. Net realizable value is determined on the basis of clear evidence obtained, after
        taking into consideration the purposes of inventories being held and effect of post balance sheet

        Provision for decline in value of other inventories is made based on the excess of cost of
        inventory over its net realizable value on an item-by-item basis.

        After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that
        previously caused inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net
        realizable value of inventories is higher than their cost, the original provision for decline in value
        is reversed and the reversal is included in profit or loss for the period.

        13.4 Inventory count system

        The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.

        13.5 Amortization methods for low cost and short-lived consumable items and packaging

        Packaging materials and low cost and short-lived consumable items are amortized using the
        immediate write-off method.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        14.   Contract assets

        14.1 Recognition and criteria of contract assets

        A contract asset represents the Group's right to consideration in exchange for goods or services
        that the Group has transferred to a customer, and such right depends on factors other than the
        passage of time. The Group's unconditional right (only the passage of time is required) to
        consideration from the customer is separately presented as " accounts receivable".

        14.2 Determination and accounting treatments of expected credit losses ("ECL") for contract

        Refer to Note 3, 10.2 " Impairment of financial instruments" for determination and accounting
        treatments of expected credit losses for contract assets.

        15. Assets held for sale

        When the Group withdraw the book value of certain assets or disposal group mainly through
        disposal instead of continual application, the assets should be classified as held-for-sale assets.

        Assets or disposal group classified as held-for-sale assets should meat following conditions: (1)
        The current status is available for immediate distribution according to similar transactions of this
        category of assets or disposal group; (2) The transaction is likely to occur, i.e. the Group has made
        its resolution over the distribution arrangements and acquired purchase commitment. Also the
        distribution is going to be fulfilled within a year.

        If the holding company loses control of its subsidiary for reasons like subsidiary disposal, in
        regardless of whether the holding company still keeps part of equity investment, once the
        proposed investment disposal meets the requirements of being classified as available for sale
        assets in the holding company's individual statement, all assets and liabilities of the subsidiary
        should be classified as held-for-sale in consolidated financial statement.

        The group's non-current assets and disposal group are measured at the lower of book value and
        the net value of fair value less costs to sell. Once the book value is higher than the net value of
        fair value less costs to sell, the book value should be adjusted to the net value and the excess
        should be recognized as impairment losses and provision for held-for-sale assets impairment
        should be made. A gain and a reverse in the previous provision for held-for-sale assets impairment
        can be recognized for any increase in fair value less costs to sell at subsequent balance sheet
        dates, to the extent that it is not in excess of the cumulative impairment loss that has been
        recognized. Asset impairment losses recognized before such assets are classified as held for sale
        will not be reversed.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        15.   Assets held for sale - continued

        Non-current held-for-sale assets is not subject to depreciation and amortization. The creditor
        interest and other expenses of disposal group classified as held-for-sale asset should still be

        Once the associate or joint venture equity investment is completely or partly classified as held-
        for-sale assets, the classified part of the investment is not subject to equity method measurement.

        If an asset or a disposal group has been classified as held for sale but the recognition criteria for
        non-current assets held for sale are no longer met, the Group shall cease to classify the asset or
        disposal group as held for sale. It shall be measured at the lower of (1) the carrying amount before
        the asset or disposal group was classified as held for sale, adjusted for any depreciation,
        amortisation or impairment that would have been recognised had the asset or disposal group not
        been classified as held for sale; and (2) the recoverable amount at the date of the decision not to

        For equity investments in associates or joint ventures that are classified as held for sale but the
        recognition for non-current assets held for sale are no longer met, such investments are accounted
        for retrospectively using the equity method from the date when they classified as held for sale.
        The financial statements for the held-for-sale period are adjusted accordingly.

        16. Long-term equity investments

        16.1 Basis for determining joint control and significant influence over investee

        Control is archived when the Group has the power over the investee and has rights to variable
        returns from its involvement with the investee; and has the ability to use its power to affect its
        returns. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and
        exists only when the strategic financial and operating policy decisions relating to the activity
        require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power to
        participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint
        control over those policies. When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise
        control or significant influence over an investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the
        investee (for example, warrants and convertible debts) held by the investing enterprises or other
        parties that are currently exercisable or convertible shall be considered.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        16. Long-term equity investments - continued

        16.2 Determination of investment cost

        For a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises
        under common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the attributable
        share of the carrying amount of the shareholders' equity of the acquiree at the date of combination.
        The difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying amount of cash paid, non-cash
        assets transferred and liabilities assumed shall be adjusted to capital reserve. If the balance of
        capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess shall be adjusted to retained earnings. If the
        consideration of the combination is satisfied by the issue of equity securities, the initial
        investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the share of party being absorbed of
        the owners' equity in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the
        date of combination. The aggregate face value of the shares issued shall be accounted for as share
        capital. The difference between the initial investment cost and the aggregate face value of the
        shares issued shall be adjusted to capital reserve. If the balance of capital reserve is not sufficient,
        any excess shall be adjusted to retained earnings. Where equity interests in an acquiree are
        acquired in stages through multiple transactions ultimately constituting a business combination
        involving entities under common control, the acquirer shall determine if these transactions are
        considered to be a "package deal". If yes, these transactions are accounted for as a single
        transaction where control is obtained. If no, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
        investment is the share of book value of owners' equity of the acquired entity in the ultimate
        controlling party's consolidated financial statements at the date of combination. The difference
        between the initial investment cost and the sum of carrying amount of equity investments
        previously held in the acquiree and the new investment cost is adjusted to capital reserve. If the
        balance of capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted to
        retained earnings. Other comprehensive income recognized for the previously held equity
        investments by accounting treatment of equity method or available-for-sale financial assets is not
        subject to accounting treatment temporarily.

        For a long-term equity investment acquired through business combination not involving
        enterprises under common control, the investment cost of the long-term equity investment
        acquired is the cost of acquisition.

        The absorbing party's or purchaser's intermediary expenses (fees in respect of auditing, legal
        services, valuation and consultancy services, etc.) and other administrative expenses attributable
        to the business combination are recognized in profit or loss in the periods when they are incurred.

        The long-term equity investment acquired otherwise than through a business combination is
        initially measured at its cost. When the entity is able to exercise significant influence or joint
        control (but not control) over an investee due to additional investment, the cost of long-term
        equity investments is the sum of the fair value of previously-held equity investments determined
        in accordance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.22 - Financial Instruments:
        Recognition and Measurement (ASBE No. 22) and the additional investment cost.

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        ESTIMATES – continued

        16.   Long-term equity investments - continued

        16.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

        16.3.1 A long-term equity investment accounted for using the cost method

        Long-term equity investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method in the
        Company's separate financial statements. A subsidiary is an investee that is controlled by the

        Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost.
        Additional or withdrawing investment would affect the cost of long-term equity investment.
        Investment income is recognized in the period in accordance with the attributable share of cash
        dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee.

        16.3.2 A long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method

        Except associate and joint venture investment completely or partly classified as available for sale,
        and The Group accounts for investment in associates and joint ventures using the equity method.
        An associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence and a joint venture is a
        joint arrangement whereby the parties that have joint control of the arrangement have rights to the
        net assets of the joint arrangement.

        Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment
        exceeds the Group's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of
        acquisition, no adjustment is made to the initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost
        is less than the Group's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets at the time of
        acquisition, the difference is recognized in profit or loss for the period, and the cost of the long-
        term equity investment is adjusted accordingly.

        Under the equity method, the Group recognizes its share of the other comprehensive income and
        net profit or loss of the investee for the period as other comprehensive income and investment
        income or loss respectively for the period, and the carrying amount of the long-term equity
        investment is adjusted accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment shall be reduced by the
        portion of any profit distributions or cash dividends declared by the investee that is distributed to
        the investing enterprise. The investing enterprise shall adjust the carrying amount of the long-term
        equity investment for other changes in owners' equity of the investee (other than net profits or
        losses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution), and include the corresponding
        adjustment in capital reserve. The Group recognizes its share of the investee's net profit or loss
        based on the fair value of the investee's individually identifiable assets at the acquisition date after
        making appropriate adjustments. Where the accounting policies and accounting period adopted by
        the investee are different from those of the investing enterprise, the investing enterprise shall
        adjust the financial statements of the investee to conform to its own accounting policies and
        accounting period, and recognize other comprehensive income and investment income or losses
        based on the adjusted financial statements. Unrealized profits or losses resulting from the Group's
        transactions and assets invested or sold that are not recognized as business transactions with its
        associates and joint ventures are recognized as investment income or loss to the extent that those
        attributable to the Group's, equity interest are eliminated. However, unrealized losses resulting
        from the Group's transactions with its associates and joint ventures which represent impairment
        losses on the transferred assets are not eliminated.

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        ESTIMATES – continued

        16.   Long-term equity investments - continued

        16.3 Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss - continued

        16.3.2 A long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method - continued

        The Group discontinues recognizing its share of net losses of the investee after the carrying
        amount of the long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance
        form part of its net investment in the investee are reduced to zero. Except that if the Group has
        incurred obligations to assume additional losses, a provision is recognized according to the
        obligation expected, and recorded in the investment loss for the period. Where net profits are
        subsequently made by the investee, the Group resumes recognizing its share of those profits only
        after its share of the profits exceeds the share of losses previously not recognized.

        16.4 Disposal of long-term equity investments

        On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually
        received and receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period.
        For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, if the remaining interest
        after disposal is still accounted for using the equity method, other comprehensive income
        previously recognized for using the equity method is accounted for on the same basis as would
        have been required if the investee had directly disposed of related assets or liabilities, and
        transferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis; owners' equity recognized due to
        changes in other owners' equity of the investee (other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive
        income and profit distribution) is transferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis.

        For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, if the remaining interest
        after disposal is still accounted for using the cost method, other comprehensive income previously
        recognized for using the equity method or in accordance with the standards for the recognition
        and measurement of financial instruments before obtaining the control over the investee, is
        accounted for on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had directly disposed
        of related assets or liabilities, and transferred to profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis;
        changes in other owners' equity in the investee's net assets recognized under the equity method
        (other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution) is transferred to
        profit or loss for the period on a pro rata basis.

        17. Investment properties

        Investment property is property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both. It includes
        a land use right that is leased out; a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation; and
        a building that is leased out.

        An investment property is measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred for such
        investment property are included in the cost of the investment property if it is probable that
        economic benefits associated with an investment property will flow to the Group and the
        subsequent expenditures can be measured reliably, other subsequent expenditures are recognized
        in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        17. Investment properties - continued

        The Group uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property, and adopts a
        depreciation or amortization policy for the investment property which is consistent with that for
        buildings or land use rights.

        An investment property is derecognized upon disposal or when the investment property is
        permanently withdraw from use and no future economic benefits are expected from the disposal.

        When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the Group recognizes the
        amount of any proceeds on disposal net of the carrying amount and related taxes in profit or loss
        for the period.

        18. Fixed assets

        18.1 Recognition criteria for fixed assets

        Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or
        services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes, and have useful lives of more than
        one accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized only when it is probable that economic benefits
        associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
        Fixed assets are initially measured at cost. Upon being restructured into a stock company, the
        fixed assets initially contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognized based on the
        valuation amounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department.

        Subsequent expenditures incurred for the fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset and
        if it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the
        subsequent expenditures can be measured reliably. Meanwhile the carrying amount of the
        replaced part is derecognized. Other subsequent expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in
        the period in which they are incurred.

        18.2 Depreciation of each category of fixed assets

        A fixed asset is depreciated over its useful life using the straight-line method starting from the
        month subsequent to the one in which it is ready for intended use. The useful life, estimated net
        residual value rate and annual depreciation rate of each category of fixed assets are as follows:

                                                      Estimated          Estimated                Annual
                                                     useful lives    residual value (%)    depreciation rate (%)
        Port and terminal facilities                  5-50 years            5.00                1.90-19.00
        Buildings                                    10-50 years            5.00                 1.90-9.50
        Machinery and equipment, furniture and
                                                     3-20 years            5.00                 4.75-31.67
        fixture and other equipment
        Motor vehicles and cargo ships               5-25 years            5.00                 3.80-19.00

        Estimated net residual value of a fixed asset is the estimated amount that the Group would
        currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the
        asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        18.    Fixed assets - continued

        18.3 Other explanations

        If a fixed asset is upon disposal or no future economic benefits are expected to be generated from
        its use or disposal, the fixed asset is derecognized. When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retired
        or damaged, the amount of any proceeds on disposal of the asset net of the carrying amount and
        related taxes is recognized in profit or loss for the period.

        The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the
        depreciation method applied at least once at each financial year-end, and account for any change
        as a change in an accounting estimate.

        19. Construction in progress

        Construction in progress is measured at its actual costs. The actual costs include various
        construction expenditures during the construction period, borrowing costs capitalized before it is
        ready for intended use and other relevant costs. Construction in progress is not depreciated.
        Construction in progress is transferred to a fixed asset when it is ready for intended use.

        20. Borrowing Costs

        Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of qualifying
        asset are capitalized when expenditures for such asset and borrowing costs are incurred and
        activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to
        prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced. Capitalization of borrowing costs
        ceases when the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced becomes ready for its
        intended use or sale. Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the
        acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally and when
        the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Capitalization is suspended
        until the acquisition, construction or production of the asset is resumed. Other borrowing costs are
        recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred.

        Where funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing, the amount of interest to be
        capitalized is the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank
        interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset or any
        investment income on the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed under
        general-purpose borrowings, the Group determines the amount of interest to be capitalized on
        such borrowings by applying a capitalization rate to the weighted average of the excess of
        cumulative expenditures on the asset over the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The
        capitalization rate is the weighted average of the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose
        borrowings. During the capitalization period, exchange differences related to a specific-purpose
        borrowing denominated in foreign currency are all capitalized. Exchange differences in
        connection with general-purpose borrowings are recognized in profit or loss in the period in
        which they are incurred.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        21. Intangible assets

        21.1 Valuation method and useful life of intangible assets

        An intangible asset is measured initially at cost. Upon being restructured into a stock company,
        the intangible assets initially contributed by the state-owned shareholders are recognized based on
        the valuation amounts confirmed by the state-owned assets administration department. When an
        intangible asset with a finite useful life is available for use, its original cost is amortized over its
        estimated useful life. Intangible assets with uncertain service life will not be amortize. The
        terminal operating rights are amortized using the output method, that is, amortized through
        periods according to the ratio of the estimated minimum guaranteed throughput to the estimated
        minimum guaranteed total throughput during the operation period. When the estimated minimum
        guaranteed throughput cannot be measured reliably,the straight-line method will be used for
        amortization. An intangible asset with uncertain useful life will not be amortized. The
        amortization method, useful life and estimated net residual value of various intangible assets are
        as follows:

                                                                              Useful Life
                 Category                  Amortization Method                               Residual value (%)
         Land use rights                     Straight-line method               40-50                -
         Port operating right      Units-of-production/Straight-line method     30-35                -
         Others                              Straight-line method               5-50                 -

        For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortization
        method at the end of the year, and makes adjustments when necessary.

        21.2 Research and development expenditure

        Expenditure during the research phase is recognised as an expense in the period in which it is

        Expenditure during the development phase that meets all of the following conditions at the same
        time is recognised as intangible asset. Expenditure during development phase that does not meet
        the following conditions is recognised in profit or loss for the period.

        (1)   it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or
        (2)   the Group has the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
        (3)   the Group can demonstrate the ways in which the intangible asset will generate economic
              benefits, including the evidence of the existence of a market for the output of the intangible
              asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the
              intangible asset;
        (4)   the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the
              development and the ability to use or sell the intangible asset; and
        (5)   the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be
              reliably measured.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        21.    Intangible assets - continued

        21.2 Research and development expenditure - continued

        If the expenditures cannot be distinguished between the research phase and development phase,
        the Group recognises all of them in profit or loss for the period.

        The costs of intangible assets generated by the internal research only include the total expenditure
        incurred for the period from the time point of capitalization to the intangible assets are ready for
        intended use. For the identical intangible asset, the expenditures recorded as expenses before they
        qualify for capitalization during the development process are not adjusted.

        22. Impairment of long-term assets

        The Group assesses at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication that the long-term
        equity investments, investment properties measured at cost method, construction in progress,
        fixed assets, right-of-use assets and intangible assets with a finite useful life may be impaired. If
        there is any indication that such assets may be impaired, recoverable amounts are estimated for
        such assets. Intangible assets with indefinite useful life and intangible assets not yet available for
        use are tested for impairment annually, irrespective of whether there is any indication that the
        assets may be impaired.

        Recoverable amount is estimated on individual basis. If it is not practical to estimate the
        recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group to which the
        asset belongs will be estimated. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value
        less costs of disposal and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from
        the asset.

        If the recoverable amount of an asset or an asset group is less than its carrying amount, the deficit
        is accounted for as an impairment loss and is recognized in profit or loss.

        Goodwill is tested for impairment at least at the end of each year. For the purpose of impairment
        testing, goodwill is considered together with the related assets groups, i.e., goodwill is reasonably
        allocated to the related assets groups or each of assets groups expected to benefit from the
        synergies of the combination. In testing an assets group with goodwill for impairment, an
        impairment loss is recognized if the recoverable amount of the assets group or sets of assets
        groups (including goodwill) is less than its carrying amount. The impairment loss is firstly
        allocated to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to such assets group or sets of
        assets groups, and then to the other assets of the group pro-rata basis on the basis of the carrying
        amount of each asset (other than goodwill) in the group.

        Once the impairment loss of above-mentioned asset is recognized, it shall not be reversed in any
        subsequent period.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        23. Long-term prepaid expenses

        Long-term prepaid expenses represent expenses incurred that should be borne and amortized over
        the current and subsequent periods (together of more than one year). Long-term prepaid expenses
        are amortized using the straight-line method over the expected periods in which benefits are

        24.   Contract liabilities

        A contract liability represents the Group’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer
        for which the Group has received consideration (or an amount of consideration is due) from the
        customer. A contract asset and a contract liability relating to the same contract are accounted for
        and presented on a net basis.

        25. Employee benefits

        25.1 The accounting treatment of short-term employee benefits

        Actually occurred short-term employee benefits are recognized as liabilities, with a corresponding
        charge to the profit or loss for the period or in the costs of relevant assets in the accounting period
        in which employees provide services to the Group. Staff welfare expenses incurred by the Group
        are recognized in profit or loss for the period or the costs of relevant assets based on the actually
        occurred amounts when it actually occurred. Non-monetary staff welfare expenses are measured
        at fair value.

        Payment made by the Group of social security contributions for employees such as premiums or
        contributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance, etc. and
        payments of housing funds, as well as union running costs and employee education costs provided
        in accordance with relevant requirements, are calculated according to prescribed bases and
        percentages in determining the amount of employee benefits and recognized as relevant liabilities,
        with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the period or the costs of relevant assets in the
        accounting period in which employees provide services.

        25.2 The accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

        Post-employment benefits are classified into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans.

        During the accounting period of rendering service to employees of the Group, amount which
        should be paid according to defined contribution plans is recognized as liabilities, and recognized
        in profit or loss or related costs of assets.

        During the accounting period of rendering service to employees of the Group, amount which
        should be paid according to defined contribution plans is recognized as liabilities, and recognized
        in profit or loss or related costs of assets.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        25.     Employee benefits - continued

        25.2     The accounting treatment of post-employment benefits - continued

        For defined benefit plans, the Group calculates defined benefit plan obligations using projected
        unit credit method and the service cost resulting from employee service in the current period is
        recorded in profit or loss or the cost of related assets. Defined benefit costs are categorized as

               Service cost (including current service cost, past service cost, as well as gains and losses on
               Net interest of net liabilities or assets of defined benefit plan (including interest income of
               planned assets, interest expenses of defined benefit plan liabilities and effect of asset ceiling);
               Changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans.

        Service costs and net interest of net liabilities and net assets of defined benefit plans are
        recognized in profit or loss of current period or costs of related assets. Remeasurement of the net
        defined benefit liability (asset) (including actuarial gains and losses, the return on plan assets,
        excluding amounts included in net interest on the net defined benefit liability (asset), and any
        change in the effect of the asset ceiling, excluding amounts included in net interest on the net
        defined benefit liability (asset)) are recognized in other comprehensive income.

        25.3 The accounting treatment of termination benefits

        When the Group provides termination benefits to employees, employee benefit liabilities are
        recognized for termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the
        period at the earlier of: (1) when the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination
        benefits because of the termination plan or a curtailment proposal; and (2) when the Group
        recognizes costs or expenses related to restructuring that involves the payment of termination

        26.    Provisions

        Provisions are recognized when the Group has a present obligation related with contingencies, it
        is probable that the Group will be required to settle that obligation causing an outflow of
        economic benefits, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

        The amount recognized as a provision is the best estimate of the consideration required to settle
        the present obligation at balance sheet date, taking into account the risks, uncertainties and time
        value of money surrounding the obligation. When a provision is measured using the cash flows
        estimated to settle the present obligation, its carrying amount is the present value of those cash
        flows where the effect of the time value of money is material.

        When some or all of the economic benefits required to settle a provision are expected to be
        recovered from a third party, a receivable is recognized as an asset if it is virtually certain that
        reimbursement will be received and the amount of the receivable should not exceed the carrying
        amount of provisions.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        27. Revenue

        The Group's revenue is mainly from the following business types:

        (1) Port service;
        (2) Bonded logistics service
        (3) Other business such as property development and investment.

        The Group recognizes revenue based on the transaction price allocated to such performance
        obligation when a performance obligation is satisfied, i.e. when "control" of the goods or services
        underlying the particular performance obligation is transferred to the customer. A performance
        obligation represents the commitment that a good and service that is distinct shall be transferred
        by the Group to the customer. Transaction price refers to the consideration that the Group is
        expected to charge due to the transfer of goods or services to the customer, but it does not include
        payments received on behalf of third parties and amounts that the Group expects to return to the

        If one of the following criteria is met and it is a performance obligation performed over time, the
        Group recognizes the revenue within a certain period of time according to the progress of the
        performance: (1) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the
        Group's performance as the Group performs; (2) the customer is able to control the goods under
        construction in the course of the Group's performance; (3) the goods produced by the Group
        during the performance of the contract are irreplaceable and the Group has the right to charge for
        the accumulated part of the contract that has been performed so far during the whole contract
        period. Otherwise, the Group recognizes revenue at a certain point in time when "control" of the
        goods or services is transferred to the customer.

        The Group adopts output method, i.e. the value of goods or services transferred to customers to
        determine the appropriate progress of performance. Where the progress cannot be determined
        reasonably, the revenue is recognized based on the amount of cost that is expected to be
        compensated based on the cost already incurred, until the progress of performance is reasonably

        If the contract includes two or more performance obligations, at contract inception, the Group
        allocates the transaction price to single performance obligation according to relative proportion of
        the stand-alone selling prices of the goods or services promised by single performance obligation.
        However, where there is conclusive evidence that the contract discount or variable consideration
        is only related to one or more (not all) performance obligations in the contract, the Group shall
        allocate the contract discount or variable consideration to relevant one or more performance
        obligations. The stand-alone selling price is the price at which the Group would sell a promised
        good or service separately to a customer. If a stand-alone selling price is not directly observable,
        the Group shall consider all information that is reasonably available to the Group and maximize
        the use of observable inputs and apply estimates methods consistently in similar circumstances.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        27.   Revenue - continued

        For contracts that contain variable consideration(e.g. sales discount), the Group estimates the
        amount of consideration using either the expected value or the most likely amount.

        The transaction price that includes variable consideration is only to the extent that it is highly
        probable that such an inclusion will not result in a significant revenue reversal in the future when
        the uncertainty is subsequently resolved.

        At the end of each reporting period, the Group reevaluates the variable consideration included in
        the transaction price.

        For non-cash consideration from customer, the Group recognizes the transaction price based on
        the fair value of the non-cash consideration. Where the fair value of the non-cash consideration
        cannot be reasonably estimated, the Group recognizes the transaction price indirectly by reference
        to the stand-alone price of the promised goods or services promised transferred to the customer.

        If the contract includes significant financing component, the Group determines the transaction
        price based on the amount payable under the assumption that the customer pays that amount
        payable in cash when "control" of the goods or services is obtained by the customer. The
        difference between the transaction price and the contract consideration shall be amortized within
        the contract period using effective interest rate. If the Group expects, at contract inception, that the
        period between when the Group transfers a promised good or service to a customer and when the
        customer pays for that good or service will be one year or less, the Group needs not to consider
        the significant financing component.

        The Group determines whether it is a principal or an agent at the time of the transaction based on
        whether it owns the "control" of the goods or services before the transfer of such goods or
        services to the customer. The Group is a principal if it controls the specified good or service
        before that good or service is transferred to a customer, and the revenue shall be recognized based
        on the total consideration received or receivable; otherwise, the Group is an agent, and the
        revenue shall be recognized based on the amount of commission or handling fee that is expected
        to be charged, and such amount is determined based on the net amount of the total consideration
        received or receivable after deducting the prices payable to other related parties or according to
        the established commission amount or proportion.

        Where payment is received in advance, the advance payment received shall be recorded as a
        liability and recognized as revenue when the relevant performance obligation is satisfied.

        The above amount will be recognized as revenue proportionately in accordance with the model of
        contractual rights exercised by the customer if (1) the Group's advance payment does not need to
        be returned, (2) the customer may waive all or part of its contractual rights, and (3) the Group
        expects to be entitled to the amount related to the contractual rights waived by the customer.
        Otherwise, the balance of the liabilities is recognized as revenue by the Group only when the
        possibility of the customer requesting the satisfaction of the remaining performance obligations is
        extremely remote.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        28.   Contract costs

        28.1 Costs to fulfill a contract

        If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract are not within the scope of other standard other than
        the revenue standard, the Group shall recognized an asset from the costs incurred to fulfill a
        contract only if those costs meet all of the following criteria: (1) the costs relate directly to a
        contract or to an anticipated contract that the Group can specifically identify; (2) the costs
        generate or enhance resources of the entity that will be used in satisfying performance obligations
        in the future; and (3) the costs are expected to be recovered. The asset mentioned above shall be
        amortized on a basis that is consistent with the transfer to the customer of the goods or services to
        which the asset relates and recognized in profit or loss for the period.

        28.2 Impairment of contract costs

        In determination of impairment losses of assets related to contract costs, firstly impairment losses
        of other assets related to the contract recognized based on other relevant accounting standards;
        secondly, the Group shall recognized an impairment loss to the extent that the carrying amount of
        an asset exceeds: (1) the remaining amount of consideration that the Group expects to receive in
        exchange for the goods or services to which the asset relates; (2) the estimated costs that relate to
        providing those goods or services.

        The Group shall, after the impairment has been provided, recognized in profit or loss a reversal of
        some or all of an impairment loss previously recognized when the impairment conditions no
        longer exist or have improved. The increased carrying amount of the asset shall not exceed the
        carrying amount that would have been determined if no impairment loss had been recognized

        29.   Types and accounting methods of government grants

        Government grants are transfer of monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government to
        the Group at no consideration. A government grant is recognized only when the Group can
        comply with the conditions attached to the grant and the Group will receive the grant.

        If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount
        received or receivable.

        29.1 The accounting treatment of government grants related to assets

        Government grants, such as special funds for modern logistics project and special funds for
        energy-saving and emission reduction of transportation, are government grants related to assets as
        they are all related to the construction and use of assets.

        A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized to
        profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        29. Types and accounting methods of government grants - continued

        29.2 The accounting treatment of government grants related to income

        The Group's government grant, such as financial support funds of business tax converted to VAT
        and reward for energy saving, if used to compensate the related expenses or losses to be incurred
        in subsequent periods, is determined to be government grant relating to income.

        A government grant relating to income, if used to compensate the related cost, expenses or losses
        to be incurred in subsequent periods, is determined as deferred income and recognized in profit or
        loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognized; if used to compensate the related
        cost, expenses or losses already incurred, is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the

        A government grant relating to the Group's daily activities, is recognized in other income in line
        with the nature of economic transaction. A government grant not relating to the Group's daily
        activities, is recognized in non-operating income.

        30. Deferred tax assets/ deferred tax liabilities

        The income tax expenses include current income tax and deferred income tax.

        30.1 Current income tax

        At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periods
        are measured at the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of
        tax laws.

        30.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

        For temporary differences between the carrying amounts of certain assets or liabilities and their
        tax base, or between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as assets or
        liabilities and their tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and
        liabilities are recognized using the balance sheet liability method.

        Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognized for all taxable temporary differences. Deferred
        tax assets for deductible temporary differences are recognized to the extent that it is probable that
        taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be
        utilized. However, for temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill
        and the initial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a transaction (not a business
        combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible losses) at
        the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is recognized.

        For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets are
        recognized to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against
        which the deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        30. Deferred tax assets/ deferred tax liabilities - continued

        30.2 Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities- continued

        Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences associated with
        investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint ventures, except where the Group
        is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the
        temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets arising from
        deductible temporary differences associated with such investments and interests are only
        recognized to the extent that it is probable that there will be taxable profits against which to utilize
        the benefits of the temporary differences and they are expected to reverse in the foreseeable

        At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates
        applicable in the period in which the asset is realized or the liability is settled according to tax

        Current and deferred tax expenses or income are recognized in profit or loss for the period, except
        when they arise from transactions or events that are directly recognized in other comprehensive
        income or in equity, in which case they are recognized in other comprehensive income or in
        equity, and when they arise from business combinations, in which case they adjust the carrying
        amount of goodwill.

        At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed and reduced if it
        is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available in the future to allow the
        benefit of deferred tax assets to be utilized. Any such reduction in amount is reversed when it
        becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

        30.3 Offset of income tax

        When the Group has a legal right to settle on a net basis and intends either to settle on a net basis
        or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, current tax assets and current tax
        liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

        When the Group has a legal right to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, and
        deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation
        authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend either to settle
        current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to realize the assets and liabilities simultaneously,
        in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or liabilities are expected
        to be reversed, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset and presented on a net basis.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        31.    Leases

        Lease is a contract that conveys the right to use an asset for a period of time in exchange for

        For contracts that are signed or modified after the date of initial application, at
        inception/modification of the contracts, the Group assesses whether the contract is, or contains, a
        lease. Unless the terms and conditions of the contract are changed, the Group does not reassess
        whether a contract is, or contains, a lease.

        31.1 The Group as Lessee

        31.1.1 Separating components of a lease

        If a contract contains a lease component and one or more non-lease components, the Group
        allocates the consideration in the contract to each lease component on the basis of the relative
        stand-alone price of the lease components and the aggregate stand-alone price of the non-lease

        31.1.2 Right-of-use assets

        Except for short-term leases and leases for which the underlying asset is of low value, at the
        commencement date of the lease, the Group recognises a right-of-use assets. The commencement
        date of the lease is the date on which a lessor makes an underlying asset available for use by the
        Group. The Group measures the right-of-use assets at cost. The cost of the right-of-use assets

              the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liabilities;
              any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives;
              any initial direct costs incurred by the Group;
              an estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying
              asset, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to the condition
              required by the terms and conditions of the lease.

        Right-of-use assets are depreciated by the Group in accordance with the ASBE No.4 Fixed
        Assets. If the Group is reasonably certain, that the lease will transfer ownership of the underlying
        asset to the Group by the end of the lease term, the right-of-use assets is depreciated from the
        commencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying asset. Otherwise, the right-of-
        use assets is depreciated from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life of
        the right-of-use assets or the end of the lease term.

        The Group applies ASBE No. 8 Impairment of Assets, to determine whether the right-of-use
        assets are impaired and to account for any impairment loss identified.

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        ESTIMATES - continued

        31. Leases - continued

        31.1 The Group as Lessee - continued

        31.1.3 Lease liabilities

        Except for short-term leases and leases for which the underlying asset is of low value, at the
        commencement date of the lease, the Group measures the lease liabilities at the present value of
        the lease payments that are not paid at that date. If the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be
        readily determined, the lessee shall use the lessee's incremental borrowing rate.

        The lease payments comprise the following payments by the Group for the right to use the
        underlying asset during the lease term:

        (1)     fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), less any lease incentives;
        (2)     variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate;
        (3)     the exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain to exercise that
        (4)     payments for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the Group exercising an
                option to terminate the lease;
        (5)     amounts expected to be payable by the Group under residual value guarantees.

        Variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate, are initially measured using the index
        or rate as at the commencement date. Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of
        the lease liabilities, are recognised in profit or loss, or in the cost of relevant assets, in the period
        of those payments.

        Interest on the lease liabilities in each period during the lease term is calculated by a constant
        periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the lease liabilities.

        After the commencement date, if one of the following occurs, the lease liability is remeasured by
        the Group with the adjustment to the right-of-use asset. If the carrying amount of the right-of-use
        asset is reduced to zero and there is further reduction in the measurement of the lease liability, the
        remaining remeasurement should be recognized in profit or loss.

              there is a change in the lease term, or in the assessment of an option to purchase the
              underlying asset, the Group remeasures the lease liabilities, on the basis of the revised lease
              term and the revised discount rate;
              there is a change in the amounts expected to be payable under a residual value guarantee, or
              in future lease payments resulting from a change in an index or a rate used to determine
              those payments, the Group remeasures the lease liabilities, on the basis of the revised lease
              payments and the unchanged discount rate, unless the change in the lease payments results
              from a change in floating interest rates, in which case a revised discount is applied to the
              present value.

                                                                                                           - 60 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        31. Leases - continued

        31.1 The Group as Lessee - continued

        31.1.4 Short-term leases and leases for which the underlying asset is of low value

        The Group elects not to recognise right-of-use assets or lease liabilities for short-term leases and
        leases for which the underlying asset is of low value, i.e. port and terminal facilities, buildings,
        machinery and equipment, furniture and fixture and other equipment, motor vehicles and cargo
        ships, other short-term leases and leases for which the underlying asset is of low value. A shorts-
        term lease is a lease that, at the commencement date, has a lease term of 12 months or less. A
        lease for which the underlying asset is of low value is that, the value of the underlying asset is low
        when it is new. For short-term leases and leases for which the underlying asset is of low value, the
        Group recognises the lease payments associated with those leases as an expense or cost of
        relevant asset on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

        31.1.5 Lease modifications

        A lease modification should be accounted for as a separate lease if both of the following apply:

             the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more
             underlying assets; and
             the consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-alone
             price for the increase in scope and any appropriate adjustments to that stand-alone price
             according to the circumstances of the particular contract

        For a lease medication that is not accounted for as a separate lease, at the effective date of the
        lease modification, the Group should allocate the consideration in the modified contract,
        determine the lease term of the modified lease and remeasure the lease liability by discounting the
        revised payments using a revised discount rate.

        For lease modifications that decrease the scope of the lease or narrow the term of the lease, the
        Group should decrease the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset with any gain or loss relating
        to the partial or full termination of the lease should be recognized in profit or loss. For
        remeasurement of lease liabilities from all other lease modifications, a corresponding adjustment
        is made to the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset.

        31.2 The Group as Lessor

        31.2.1 Separating components of a lease

        For a contract that contains lease and non-lease components, the Group shall allocate the
        consideration in the contract in accordance with the allocation of the transaction price under the
        revenue standard, on the basis of the relative stand-alone price of the lease components and the
        aggregate stand-alone price of the non-lease components.

                                                                                                        - 61 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        31. Leases - continued

        31.2 The Group as Lessor - continued

        31.2.2 Classification of leases

        Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the
        risks and rewards of ownership. All other leases are classified as operating leases. The Group as lessor under operating leases

        The Group recognises lease payments from operating leases as income on a straight-line basis.
        The Group capitalises initial direct costs incurred in obtaining an operating lease and recognises
        those costs as an expense over the lease term on the same basis as the lease income.

        Variable lease receipts relating to an operating lease not included in the lease receipts are
        recognized in profit or loss by the Group when incurred. The Group as lessor under finance leases

        At the commencement date, the Group recognizes a finance lease receivable at the amount equal
        to the net investment in the lease with finance lease assets derecognized. The net investment in the
        lease is the sum of any unguaranteed residual value and lease payments receivable from the
        commencement date, discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease.

        The amount of the lease payments receivable refers to the amount that the Group should collect
        from the lessee for the purpose of transferring the leased assets during the lease term, including:

             fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments) paid by the lessee, less any lease
             variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate;
             the exercise price of a purchase option, provided that it is reasonably determined that the
             lessee will exercise the option;
             the lessee exercises the amount to be paid for the termination of the lease option, provided
             that the lease term reflects the lessee's exercise of the option to terminate the lease;
             the residual value of the guarantee provided by the lessee, the party concerned with the
             lessee and the independent third party with the financial ability to perform the guarantee

        Variable payments receivable not included in the net investment in the lease are recognized in
        profit or loss when they arise.

        Interest income for each period over the lease term is recognized by the Group at the fixed
        periodic rate.

                                                                                                        - 62 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        31. Leases - continued

        31.2 The Group as Lessor - continued

        31.2.3 Subleases

        As a lessor of the sublease, the Group accounts for the original lease contract and the sublease
        contract as two separate contracts. The Group classifies the subleases based on the right-of-use
        assets generating from the original lease rather than the underlying assets of the original lease.

        31.2.4 Lease modifications

        The Group accounts for a modification to an operating lease as a new lease from the effective date
        of the modification, considering any lease advances or receivables relating to the original lease as
        the lease receipts for the new lease.

        The Group should account for a modification to a finance lease as a separate lease if both:

              the modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more
              underlying assets; and
              The consideration for the lease increases by an amount commensurate with the stand-alone
              price for the increase in scope with any appropriate adjustment to that stand-alone price

        For a modification to a finance lease that is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Group
        should account for the modification as follows:

              if the lease would have been classified as an operating lease had the modification been effect
              at the inception date, the Group should account for the lease modification as a new lease
              from the effective date of the modification, and measure the carrying amount of the
              underlying asset as the net investment in the lease before the effective date of the lease
              If the lease would have been classified as an operating lease if the modification had been in
              effect at the inception date, the Group should apply the requirements of contract
              modification and renegotiation under the ASBE No. 22 Financial Instruments: Recognition
              and Measurement.

        31.2.5 Sale and leaseback transactions The Group as the seller-lessee

        The Group applies the requirements of the revenue standard to determine whether the transfer of
        an asset is accounted for as a sale of that asset. If the transfer of an asset does not constitute a sale,
        the Group should continue to recognize the transferred assets and should recognize a financial
        liability equal to the transfer proceeds applying ASBE No. 22 Financial Instruments: Recognition
        and Measurement. If the transfer of an asset is a sale, the Group should measure the right-of-use
        asset arising from the leaseback at the proportion of the previous carrying amount of the asset that
        relates to the right of use, and recognize only the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the
        rights transferred to the lessor.

                                                                                                            - 63 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        32. Exchange of Non-Monetary Assets

        Where a non-monetary assets transaction satisfies the following conditions at the same time, it
        should calculated based on fair value. The transaction is commercial in nature and the fair value
        of the assets received or surrendered can be measured reliably. The fair value of the assets
        surrendered and relevant payable taxes shall be regarded as the transaction cost of the assets
        received. For assets surrendered, the difference between the fair value and the carrying value of
        the asset surrendered shall be recorded into the profit or loss of the current period. If any exact
        evidence showing that the fair value of the assets received is more reliable, the cost of assets
        received and surrendered shall be calculated as different way. For assets received, its cost shall be
        calculated based on fair value of assets received and relevant payable taxes. For the assets
        surrendered, the difference between the fair value of the assets received and the carrying value of
        the asset surrendered shall be recorded into the profit or loss of the current period.

        Where a non-monetary assets transaction does not meet the conditions as prescribed, the carrying
        value and relevant payable taxes of the assets surrendered shall be the cost of the assets received
        and no profit or loss is recognized.

        33. Discontinued Operation

        Discontinued operation refers to the separately identifiable components that have been disposed
        of or classified as held for sale and meet one of the following conditions:

        (1)   The component represents an independent main business or a major business area;
        (2)   This component is a part of a related plan that intends to dispose an independent main
              business or a separate main operating area;
        (3)   This component is a subsidiary acquired exclusively for resale.

        Profits or losses from discontinued operations are presented separately in the income statement
        from continuing operations. Profits and losses from operations or disposals (e.g. impairment
        losses and reversals of discontinued operations) are presented under discontinued operations. For
        discontinued operations presented in the current period, the information previously under
        continuing operations is presented under discontinued operations by the Group in the financial
        statements for the comparable accounting period.

        34. Safety Production Cost

        According to the Administrative Rules on Provision and Use of Enterprise Safety Production Cost
        jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Work Safety on 14
        February 2012 (filed as Cai Qi [2012] No. 16), safety production cost set aside by the Group is
        directly included in the cost of relevant products or recognized in profit or loss for the period, as
        well as the special reserve. When safety production cost set aside is utilized, if the costs incurred
        can be categorized as expenditure, the costs incurred should be charged against the special
        reserve. If the costs set aside are used to build up fixed assets, the costs should be charged to
        construction in progress, and reclassified to fixed assets when the safety projects are ready for
        intended use. Meantime, expenditures in building up fixed assets are directly charged against the
        special reserve with the accumulated depreciation recognized at the same amount. Depreciation
        will not be made in the future period on such fixed assets.

                                                                                                        - 64 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        35. Critical judgments in applying accounting policies and key assumptions and
            uncertainties in accounting estimates

        In the application of accounting policies as set out in Note (III), the Company is required to make
        judgments, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of items in the financial
        statements that cannot be measured accurately, due to the internal uncertainty of the operating
        activities. These judgments, estimates and assumptions are based on historical experiences of the
        Company's management as well as other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results
        may differ from these estimates.

        The Company regularly reviews the judgments, estimates and assumptions on a going concern
        basis. Changes in accounting estimates which only affect the current period should be recognized
        in current period; changes which not only affect the current but the future periods should be
        recognized in current and future periods. At the balance sheet date, key assumptions and
        uncertainties that are likely to lead to significant adjustments to the book values of assets and
        liabilities in the future are:

        Goodwill impairment

        For the purpose of impairment testing, the present value of the expected future cash flows of the
        assets group or portfolio including goodwill shall be calculated, and such expected future cash
        flows shall be estimated. Meantime, a pre-tax rate shall be determined that should reflect the time
        value of money on the current market and the specific interest risks.

        Recognition of deferred tax

        The Group calculates and makes provision for deferred income tax liabilities according to the
        profit distribution plan of subsidiaries, associates and the joint ventures subject to the related law.
        For retained earnings which are not allocated by the investment company, since the profits will be
        used to invest the company's daily operation and future development, no deferred income tax
        liabilities are recognized. If the actually distributed profits in the future are more or less than those
        expected, corresponding deferred tax liabilities will be recognized or reversed at the earlier of
        profits distribution date and the declaration date, in the profit and loss of the current period.

        Deferred tax assets are recognized based on the deductible temporary difference and the
        corresponding tax rate, to the extent that it has become probable that future taxable profit will be
        available for the deductible temporary difference. If in the future the actual taxable income does
        not coincide with the amount currently expected, the deferred tax assets resulting will be
        recognized or reversed in the period when actually incurred, in profit or loss.

                                                                                                           - 65 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        36. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

        (1)   New lease standard

        Since 1 January 2019 (the date of initial application), the Group has adopted the Accounting
        Standards for Business Enterprises No 21 – Leases (hereinafter referred to as "New Lease
        Standards") revised by MoF in 2018. The New Leases Standard improves the definition of leases;
        adds contents including identifying a lease, separating components of a lease and combination of
        leases; no longer adopts the original classification of operating leases and finance leases for
        lessees, requiring that in cases of all leases (except short-term leases and leases of low-value
        assets), a right-of-use asset and a lease liability shall be recognised at the commencement date of
        the lease; improves subsequent measurement of leases for lessors, adding accounting treatments
        for changes in the lease term or the assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset; and
        sets out relevant principles for disclosure. Moreover, additional disclosure as lessor is presented.
        The revised accounting policies of the Group as lessee and lessor for the recognition and
        measurement of leases are set out in Note III. 30.

        For the lease contracts that already existed before the application of the standard, the Group
        chooses not to reassess whether the contract was, or contained, a lease on the date of initial

        The Group As lessee

        In accordance with the New Leases Standard, during the initial application of the standard, the
        accumulative amounts affected shall be adjusted in the opening balance (i.e. balance as at 1
        January 2019) of relevant items in the financial statements, with no impacts on comparative

        Except for the leases of low-value assets, for all the leases classified as operating leases before the
        initial application of the standard, the Group chooses one or more of the following practical

              Leases for which the lease term ends within 12 months of the date of initial application are
              accounted for in the same way as short-term leases;
              application of a single discount rate to a portfolio of leases with similar characteristics on
              measuring lease liabilities;
              The measurement of right-of-use assets excludes any initial direct costs incurred;
              If the contract contains options to extend or terminate the lease, the Group determines the
              lease term based on the actual usage of the options before the date of initial application and
              As an alternative to impairment tests for right-of-use assets, assessed whether a contact
              containing a lease was an onerous contract before the date of initial application in
              accordance with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.13- Contingencies,
              and adjusted right-of-use assets based on the provision for impairment of loss recorded in
              the balance sheet before the date of initial application;
              Performance of accounting treatments subject to final arrangements of lease modification, if
              any, before the date of initial application.

                                                                                                         - 66 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        36. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - continued

        (1)     New lease standard - continued

        On the date of initial application, the Group made the following adjustments in accordance with
        the New Leases Standard:

                For leases that were classified as finance leases previously, the carrying amount of the right-
                of-use asset and the lease liability at the date of initial application shall be the carrying
                amount of the lease asset and lease liability immediately before that date;
                For a lease previously classified as an operating lease, the Group recognised a lease liability
                at the date of initial application, by measuring that lease liability at the present value of the
                remaining lease payments and discounted using the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at
                the date of initial application, and a right-of-use asset at the date of initial application, by
                measuring that right-of-use asset using the following method: -- Measured at carrying
                amounts as if the New Leases Standard were adopted since the commencement date of the
                lease term (the incremental borrowing rate of the lessor on the date of initial application is
                adopted as the discount rate).

        As at 1 January 2019, the Group has recognized lease liabilities of RMB 1,231,425,355.87 and
        right-of-use assets of RMB 8,280,694,060.88. For the leases classified as operating leases before
        the initial application, the Group recognised the lease liabilities at the date of initial application,
        by measuring that lease liability at the present value of the remaining lease payments, discounted
        by the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application. The weighted average
        of these incremental borrowing rates is 5.12%.

        Effects of applying the new lease standard on items in the consolidated balance sheet of the Group
        at 1 January 2019 are as follows:

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item               31 December 2018           Reclassification         1 January 2019
           Prepayments                          124,404,862.87           (42,559,680.57)            81,845,182.30
           Fixed assets                      22,994,190,880.43        (5,418,649,214.54)        17,575,541,665.89
           Right-of-use assets                                          8,280,694,060.88         8,280,694,060.88
           Intangible assets                 20,761,018,044.54        (1,798,568,602.15)        18,962,449,442.39
           Other payables                     1,690,124,901.29           (17,158,000.00)         1,672,966,901.29
           Non-current liabilities due
                                              2,896,971,014.97           138,227,164.89          3,035,198,179.86
           within one year
           Lease liabilities                                           1,062,562,578.13          1,062,562,578.13
           Long-term payables                 1,294,190,118.18          (41,329,917.95)          1,252,860,200.23
           Shareholders' Equity
           Unappropriated profit              8,915,817,110.21           (41,018,077.68)         8,874,799,032.53
           Minority interests                49,656,450,459.88           (80,367,183.77)        49,576,083,276.11

                                                                                                            - 67 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        36.     Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - continued

        (1)   New lease standard - continued

        The Group as the lessee - continued

        Differences between the lease liabilities recognized by the Group at 1 January 2019 and the
        significant operating lease commitments disclosed in the 2018 financial statements are as follows:

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                     Item                                                Amount
         Non-cancellable operating leases at 31 December 2018:                                           1,756,853,448.93
         Lease liabilities discounted using the incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial
         Add: Lease liabilities arising from lease modifications to existing leases(Note 1)                 18,799,241.72
              Renewal option that is reasonably certain to be exercised                                    270,731,536.32
         Less: Recognition exemption – short-term leases                                                    9,862,435.57
         Lease liabilities relating to original leases recognised under the new lease standard           1,159,459,830.08
         Add: Finance lease payable at 31 December 2018                                                     71,965,525.79
         Lease liabilities                                                                               1,231,425,355.87
         Including: Non-current liabilities due within one year                                            168,862,777.74
                    Lease liabilities                                                                    1,062,562,578.13

        Note1: The Group entered into new lease contracts for port and terminal facilities, machinery and
               equipment, furniture and fixture and other equipment, etc. As the commencement date of
               the leases is after the initial application date, the above renewal contracts are accounted for
               as modifications to the original contracts under the new lease standard.

        The carrying amount of the right-of-use asset at 1 January 2019 is detailed as follows:
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                            Item                                                    1/1/2019
         Right-of-use assets recognised under operating leases before the date of
         initial application
         Assets held under finance leases that are recognised as fixed assets under
         the former lease standard (Note 2)
         Land use right recognised as intangible assets under the former lease
         Total                                                                                           8,280,694,060.88

        The right-of-use asset disclosed by categories at 1 January 2019:

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                              Item                                                  1/1/2019
         Port and terminal facilities                                                                    5,542,541,139.16
         Buildings                                                                                         164,239,617.13
         Machinery and equipment, furniture and fixture and other equipment                                133,936,083.43
         Motor vehicles and cargo ships                                                                     10,249,287.29
         Others                                                                                          2,429,727,933.87
         Total                                                                                           8,280,694,060.88

                                                                                                                    - 68 -


        ESTIMATES - continued

        36.    Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates - continued

        (1)   New lease standard - continued

        The Group as the lessee - continued

        Note 2: The Group recognizes the fixed assets of RMB 5,418,649,214.54 still in lease as at 1
               January 2019 and classified as finance leases under the former lease standard as right-of-
               use assets.

        (2)   Exchange of Non-monetary Assets

        On 9 May 2020, the Ministry of Finance ("MoF") published the Cai Kuai (2019) No. 8.
        ( hereinafter referred to as the " New standards for Exchange of Non-monetary Assets ") which
        revised the accounting Standards for business enterprises No.7 , Exchange of Non-monetary
        Assets , and should be effective on 10 June 2019. New standards for Exchange of Non-monetary
        Assets firstly revised the definition of Non-monetary Assets and clarified the application scope. It
        secondly specified when to confirm a non-monetary assets transaction meets the conditions.
        Thirdly, It specified the different principles for non-monetary assets input and output transaction.
        Fourthly, It refined the accounting treatment and added disclosure requirements.

        The Company has adjusted the non-monetary assets transaction during 1 January 2019 and 10
        June 2019 and performed retroactive modulation for the transaction before 1 January 2019.

        (3)   Presentation of financial statements

        The Company has prepared the financial statements for the year 2019 in accordance with the
        Notice of the Revised Format of 2019 Financial Statements for General Business Enterprises (Cai
        Kuai (2019) No. 6, hereinafter referred to as the "Cai Kuai No.6 Document") released by the
        Ministry of Finance on 30 April 2019. Cai Kuai No.6 Document revised the presenting accounts
        in the balance sheet and income statement and split "Notes and accounts receivable" to be "Notes
        receivable" and "Accounts receivable", and "Notes and accounts payable" to be "Notes payable"
        and "Accounts payable". It also specified or revised the presentation of line items of "Non-current
        assets due within one year", "Deferred income", "Other equity instruments", "Research and
        development expenses", "Interest income" under "Financial expenses", "Other income", "Gains on
        disposal of assets", "Non-operating income" and "Non-operating expenses", and adjusted the
        presenting location of "Impairment losses of assets", and specified the presentation of "Capital
        contribution of holders of other equity instruments". For the above changes in presenting
        accounts, the Company has adjusted retrospectively the comparable data for the prior year.

                                                                                                       - 69 -



      1.   Major taxes and tax rates

              Taxes                                     Tax basis                                      Tax rate
                             Taxable income                                                      16.5%-34%(Note 1)
       Enterprise income tax
                             Dividend income tax                                               5%、10%、25%(Note 2)
                             Income from sale of goods (Note 4)                                        9%-16%
                             Income from transportation, loading and unloading business and
       Value-added Tax                                                                                   6%
                             part of modern service industries
       ("VAT") (Note 3)
                             Income from sale of real estate, property management, real estate
                             lease, etc.
       Social contribution
                             Income                                                                  0.65%-7.6%
       tax (Note 5)
       Deed tax              Land use right and property transfer amount                                3%-5%
       Property tax          70% of cost of property or rental income                               1.2% or 12%
       City maintenance and
                             VAT paid                                                                   1%-7%
       construction tax
       Education surtax      VAT paid                                                                    3%

      Note 1: The Group's enterprise income tax is calculated based on the current tax rate stipulated by
              local tax laws. Among them, the Company are subject to an enterprise income tax rate of
              25%, the subsidiaries set up in Hong Kong are subject to an enterprise income tax rate of
              16.5%, the majority of subsidiaries set up in China are subject to an enterprise income tax
              rate of 25% and certain others are subject to the preferential tax rate for small and micro
              enterprises of 20%, and the other overseas subsidiaries are subject to enterprise income
              tax rates between 28% and 34%.

      Note 2: Foreign investors who receive dividends of profits from Chinese subsidiaries in 2008 and
              thereafter generally shall pay withholding income tax at a rate of 10% in accordance with
              the relevant provisions of the PRC enterprise income tax. For companies incorporated in
              certain regions (including Hong Kong and Singapore), if the companies are actual owners
              holding more than 25% interest in the subsidiaries in China, they will enjoy a preferential
              tax rate of 5%.

              The Company obtains dividends distributed by overseas subsidiaries and should pay
              enterprise income tax at a rate of 25% in accordance with relevant Chinese tax laws. The
              Company obtains taxable income outside of China, and the amount of income tax that has
              been paid abroad can be offset with the current taxable amount. The credit limit is the
              taxable amount calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax

      Note3: The VAT amount is the balance of the output tax less the deductible input tax, and the
             output tax is calculated in accordance with the sales income and the corresponding tax rate
             stipulated in the relevant tax laws of China.

                                                                                                             - 70 -


(IV)   TAXES - continued

       1.     Major taxes and tax rates - continued

       Note4: Pursuant to Announcement of Customs on Relevant Policies for Deepening the Value-
              Added Tax Reform issued by the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration
              and the General Administration (Announcement No. 39 [2019] of the Ministry of Finance,
              the State Taxation Administration and the General Administration of Customs), from 1
              April 2019, the tax rate of 16% and 10% applicable to the VAT taxable sale or import of
              goods are adjusted to 13% and 9%, respectively.

       Note5: The social contribution tax is the tax paid by the overseas subsidiaries of the Group to the
              local government.

       2.   Tax preference

       Some subsidiaries of the Group in China are recognized as high-tech enterprises or encouraged
       industrial enterprises in the region and are subject to an enterprise income tax rate of 15%. The
       Group's subsidiaries outside China may be subject to enterprise income tax preference in
       accordance with relevant local tax policies.


       1.    Cash and bank balances
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Opening balance
                                     Item                            Closing balance
       Cash                                                                  331,305.65          349,650.07
         RMB                                                                 122,990.39           77,877.30
         USD                                                                  55,429.82           29,909.14
         HKD                                                                  28,354.40           57,342.60
         BRL                                                                   8,872.81           11,402.34
         Others                                                              115,658.23          173,118.69
       Bank deposit (Note1)                                            7,423,112,193.18    6,118,508,644.13
         RMB                                                           4,868,888,181.56    3,401,709,911.75
         USD                                                           1,597,545,919.28    1,326,034,833.97
         EUR                                                             528,103,576.51      359,682,134.06
         BRL                                                             310,275,686.79      539,493,644.44
         HKD                                                              76,041,665.91      432,603,546.37
         Others                                                           42,257,163.13       58,984,573.54
       Other cash and bank balances (Note 2)                             311,504,711.43      958,538,601.52
         RMB                                                             311,504,711.43      958,538,601.52
       Total                                                           7,734,948,210.26    7,077,396,895.72
       Including: The total amount of funds deposited overseas         3,511,266,717.03    2,809,011,079.47

       Note1: The bank deposits of the Group deposited overseas and restricted for remittance to China
              at the end of the year totaled RMB nil (at the end of the previous year: RMB

                                                                                                      - 71 -



     1.    Cash and bank balances - continued

     Note2: The structured deposits that can be readily withdrawn on demand totaled RMB
            294,519,101.06, the deposit totaled RMB 15,648,978.15, and the balance of the margin
            maintenance account was RMB 1,336,632.22.

     2.    Notes receivable

     (1)   Category of notes receivable
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                   Category                          Closing balance      Opening balance
      Bank acceptance                                                    13,290,478.02        11,608,669.43
      Commercial acceptance                                              24,901,772.00                    -
      Total                                                              38,192,250.02        11,608,669.43
      Less: Provision for credit losses (Note)                                       -                    -
      Carrying amount                                                    38,192,250.02        11,608,669.43

     Note: The Group believes that the acceptor of its bank acceptance and commercial acceptance
           have high credit ratings with no significant credit risks; therefore, no provision for credit
           loss is made.

     (2)   As at 31 December 2019, there are no notes receivable pledged.

     (3)   As at 31 December 2019, there are no notes receivable endorsed or discounted which are not
           yet due at the balance sheet date.
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Amount recognized
                                      Item                         derecognized at the
                                                                                       at the end of the year
                                                                     end of the year
     Bank acceptance                                                        300,000.00                      -
     Commercial acceptance                                                4,541,403.43                      -
     Total                                                                4,841,403.43                      -

     (4)   As at 31 December 2019, there are no notes reclassified to accounts receivable due to the
           drawers' inability to settle the note.

     (5)   The Group has no notes receivable written off in 2019.

                                                                                                       - 72 -



      3.     Accounts receivable

      (1)    Accounts receivable disclosed by aging
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                      Closing balance
                           Aging                              Accounts
                                                                                  Provision for credit loss       Proportion (%)
      Within 1 year                                        1,397,114,366.29                    53,712,152.09                      3.84
      More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years              12,924,655.94                     1,233,944.62                      9.55
      More than 2 years but not exceeding 3 years               1,304,475.96                      499,044.67                     38.26
      More than 3 years                                       43,951,987.53                    43,390,214.44                     98.72
      Total                                                1,455,295,485.72                    98,835,355.82

      (2)    Disclosure of accounts receivable by categories
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                Expected                        Closing balance                                   Opening balance
             credit loss rate                     Provision for                    Carrying     Provision for credit
      rating                  Carrying amount                    Book value                                               Book value
                   (%)                             credit loss                      amount              loss
      A          0.00-0.10       552,947,162.60      236,251.00 552,710,911.60   323,319,258.26           32,331.93       323,286,926.33
      B          0.10-0.30       730,397,420.98    2,106,455.92 728,290,965.06   614,037,476.13       1,144,038.38        612,893,437.75
      C         0.30-50.00        70,292,155.38    1,703,501.79  68,588,653.59   155,462,941.77       2,079,476.01        153,383,465.76
      D       50.00-100.00       101,658,746.76 94,789,147.11     6,869,599.65    59,928,872.52      40,262,199.28         19,666,673.24
      Total                    1,455,295,485.72 98,835,355.82 1,356,460,129.90 1,152,748,548.68      43,518,045.60      1,109,230,503.08

      (3)    Changes in provision for credit loss of accounts receivable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                          Lifetime expected credit loss Lifetime expected credit loss
                      Item                                                                                             Total
                                              (not credit-impaired)           (credit-impaired)
      At 1 January 2019                                    3,255,846.32                40,262,199.28                     43,518,045.60
        Carrying amount of accounts receivable at 1 January 2019
      -- Transferred to credit-impaired
                                                                      -                            -                                   -
      accounts receivables
      -- Reversed to not credit-impaired
                                                                      -                            -                                   -
      accounts receivable
      Provision for the year                               1,667,805.36                52,556,214.94                      54,224,020.30
      Reversal for the year                              (2,049,083.92)                 (296,692.00)                     (2,345,775.92)
      Transfer-out from derecognition of
      financial assets(including direct                               -                            -                                   -
       Other changes                                       1,171,640.95                 2,267,424.89                      3,439,065.84
      At 31 December 2019                                  4,046,208.71                94,789,147.11                     98,835,355.82

      (4)    The Group has no accounts receivable written off in 2019.

                                                                                                                                  - 73 -



     3.      Accounts receivable - continued

     (5)     The top five balances of accounts receivable classified by debtor
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Proportion of the
                                                                                                         Closing balance
                                                                                 amount to the total
          Name of entity      Closing balance                Aging                                       of provision for
                                                                                 accounts receivable
                                                                                                            credit loss
     Client A                      149,146,106.27 Within 1 year                                10.24          149,146.11
                                                  Within 1 year, more than 1
                                                  year but not exceeding 2
     Client B                       88,998,923.34 years, more than 2 year but                  6.12           158,176.01
                                                  not exceeding 3 years, more
                                                  than 3 years
                                                  Within 1 year, more than 1
                                                  year but not exceeding 2
     Client C                       65,719,439.09                                              4.52            65,719.44
                                                  years, more than 2 year but
                                                  not exceeding 3 years
     Client D                       61,650,252.50 Within 1 year                                4.24            61,650.25
     Client E                       48,948,830.76 Within 1 year                                3.36            48,948.83
     Total                         414,463,551.96                                             28.48           483,640.64

     4.      Accounts receivable financing

     (1)     Accounts receivable financing classification
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  Items                                         Closing balance        Opening balance
     Bank acceptance measured by fair value                                        260,760,537.45                        -

     (2)     On 31 December 2019,The Group has no pledged accounts receivable financing.

     (3)     On 31 December 2019,The Group has no pledged accounts receivable financing.
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                             Closing balance             Opening balance
                                                       Derecognized      Recognized Derecognized   Recognized
     Bank acceptance measured by fair value             129,391,886.08             -            -             -

     5.      Prepayments

     (1)     Aging analysis of prepayment
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                           Closing balance                   Opening balance
                           Aging                                        Proportion                       Proportion
                                                          Amount           (%)             Amount            (%)
     Within 1 year                                        50,341,341.46      91.47        124,276,781.51       99.90
     More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years            4,533,596.99       8.24              4,000.00            -
     More than 2 years but not exceeding 3 years                      -          -                 81.36            -
     More than 3 years                                       159,081.36       0.29            124,000.00         0.10
     Total                                                55,034,019.81     100.00        124,404,862.87      100.00

                                                                                                                    - 74 -



     5.    Prepayments - continued

     (2)    As at 31 December 2019, the Group has no significant prepayments aged more than one

     (3)    The top five balances of prepayments classified by entities
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                     Relationship with the                       Proportion of the closing balance
            Name of entity                                   31 December 2019
                                           Company                                 to the total prepayments (%)
     Saham Assurance Togo S.A.         Non-related party            6,039,892.02                             10.98
     Chubb Seguros Brasil S.A.         Non-related party            5,471,286.32                              9.94
     Fairfax Brasil Seguros
                                        Non-related party           3,038,626.22                             5.52
     Corporativos S.A.
     N-Able (Pvt) Ltd.                  Non-related party           1,824,252.09                             3.31
     Allianz                            Non-related party           1,502,286.34                             2.73
     Total                                                         17,876,342.99                            32.48

     6.    Other receivables

     6.1 Summary of other receivables
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                               Opening balance
                                      Item                                Closing balance
     Interest receivable                                                          159,794.48                    -
     Dividend receivable                                                      459,352,522.24       259,804,145.16
     Other receivables                                                      1,669,865,935.78       506,713,933.56
     Total                                                                  2,129,378,252.50       766,518,078.72

     6.2      Interest receivable

     (1)    Classification of interest receivable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                       Item                               Closing balance      Opening balance
      Interest receivable from related parties                                   159,954.43                      -
      Others                                                                              -                      -
      Total                                                                      159,954.43                      -
      Less: Provision for credit loss                                                159.95                      -
      Book value                                                                 159,794.48                      -

     (2) As at 31 December 2019, the Group has no significant overdue interest.

                                                                                                             - 75 -



     6.      Other receivables - continued

     6.3 Dividend receivable

     (1)     Presentation of dividend receivable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                Name of investee                                       Closing balance            Opening balance
      China Nanshan Development (Group) Incorporation ("Nanshan
                                                                                          313,435,420.00             175,692,500.00
      Tin-Can Island Container Terminal Ltd                                                82,625,546.31                          -
      Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Lt.                                   50,000,000.00              25,000,000.00
      Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.(" Zhanjiang Port ")                                             -               9,253,682.23
      Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.                                                    -              50,118,027.14
      Others                                                                               13,751,368.26                          -
      Total                                                                               459,812,334.57             260,064,209.37
      Less: Provision for credit loss                                                         459,812.33                 260,064.21
      Book value                                                                          459,352,522.24             259,804,145.16

     (2)     Significant dividend receivable aged more than 1 year
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  Closing balance of
          Name of investee          Closing balance                Aging              Why unrecovered               provision for
                                                                                                                     credit losses
                                                                                      Undergoing relevant
                                                             More than 1 year            formalities and
      Nanshan Group                     105,415,500.00       but not exceeding           expected to be                  105,415.50
                                                                  2 years             recovered at the end
                                                                                            of 2020

     (3)     Changes in provision for credit loss of dividends receivable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                          Stage 1                  Stage 2                   Stage 3
                                                             Lifetime expected         Lifetime expected
                  Item           Expected credit loss in                                                                Total
                                                           credit loss (not credit-    credit loss (credit-
                                       12 months
                                                                 impaired)                 impaired)
     At 1 January 2019                       260,064.21                           -                           -           260,064.21
      Carrying amount of dividends receivable at 1 January 2019
     --Transfer to Stage 2                              -                         -                           -                    -
     --Transfer to Stage 3                              -                         -                           -                    -
     -- Reverse to Stage 2                              -                         -                           -                    -
     --Reverse to Stage 1                               -                         -                           -                    -
     Provision for the year                  199,748.12                           -                           -           199,748.12
     Reversal for the year                              -                         -                           -                    -
     Transfer-out on
     derecognition of financial
                                                        -                         -                           -                     -
     assets( including direct
     Other changes                                      -                         -                           -                    -
     At 31 December 2019                     459,812.33                           -                           -           459,812.33

                                                                                                                                - 76 -



      6.    Other receivables - continued

      6.4 Other receivables

      (1)   Other receivables disclosed by aging
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                Closing balance
                          Aging                                               Provision for credit
                                                        Other receivables                            Proportion (%)
       Within 1 year                                       1,300,755,524.31               1,978.18                0.00
       More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years             14,474,718.17             46,121.93                 0.32
       More than 2 years but not exceeding 3 years             3,556,322.62             56,383.37                 1.59
       More than 3 years                                     387,443,486.16         36,259,632.00                 9.36
       Total                                               1,706,230,051.26         36,364,115.48

      (2) Disclosure of other receivables by nature
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                    Closing balance       Opening balance
       Operation compensation(Note 1)                                             669,121,539.36       176,625,857.32
       Land compensation (Note 2)                                                 521,246,000.00                     -
       Temporary payments                                                         334,617,193.32       187,153,302.95
       Compensation for profit or loss on transition( Note 3)                      35,317,035.66                     -
       Deposits                                                                    21,309,320.77        39,657,003.56
       Others                                                                     124,618,962.15       138,880,391.56
       Total                                                                    1,706,230,051.26       542,316,555.39
       Less: Provision for credit loss                                             36,364,115.48        35,602,621.83
       Book value                                                               1,669,865,935.78       506,713,933.56

      Note 1: It is the compensation paid by Global Terminal Limited, the holding company of the non-
              controlling shareholder of LoméContainer Terminal S.A.(hereinafter referred to as
              "LCT"), the non-wholly owned subsidiary of the Group for the operation of the subsidiary,
              refer to Note V, 59 for details.

      Note 2: On 5 November 2019, Shantou China Merchants Port Group Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred
              to as " Shantou Port") entered into the Contract for the Acquisition of State-Owned Land
              Use Rights in Shantou with Shantou Land Reserve Center. Pursuant to the contract, the
              land and attached buildings of approximately 370.96 mu located in Zhuchi deepwater port
              on the south of Zhongshan East Road of Shantou will be returned to Shantou Land
              Reserve Center by Shantou Port, which is amounting to RMB 1,558,032,000.00.

               As at 31 December 2019, there are land and attached buildings of approximately 183.63
               mu pending for transfer with the carrying amount of RMB 207,904,868.22 and the
               compensation of RMB 771,246,000.00. The compensation is approximately
               RMB537,635,141.78. After netting transaction expenses, the land compensation of
               RMB521,246,000.00 is not yet recovered.

               As at 31 December 2019, there are land and attached buildings of 187.33 mu pending for
               transfer, which are presented as held for sale assets by the Group.

                                                                                                                 - 77 -



      6.            Other receivables - continued

      6.4 Other receivables - continued

      (2)           Disclosure of other receivables by nature - continued

      Note 3:As stated in Note VI.1, the Company acquired Zhanjiang Port this year. According to
             relevant contract terms, Zhanjiang Infrastructure, the non-controlling shareholder of
             Zhanjiang Port, shall have the compensation for profit or loss on transition of RMB
             31,513,558.59 (calculated based on the original shareholding ratio) paid to the Company
             in the form of dividends deduction; Sinotrans Guangdong Co., Ltd., the former
             shareholder of Zhangjiang Port, shall have the compensation for profit or loss on transition
             of RMB 3,803,477.07 (calculated based on the original shareholding ratio) paid to the
             Company in the form of dividends deduction.

      (3)           Provision for credit loss on other receivables

      As part of the Group's credit risk management, the Group conducts internal credit ratings for its
      customers and determines the expected loss rate for other receivables for each rating. Such expected
      average loss rates are based on actual historical impairments and taking into account the current and
      future economic conditions.

      As at 31 December 2019, the credit risk and expected credit loss of other receivables of each
      category of customers are presented as below:
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                 Closing balance                                                              Opening balance
                                                           Lifetime                                                               expected           Lifetime
                        Expected                                            Lifetime
           Credit                     Expected credit      expected                                                Expected          credit          expected
                        credit loss                                     expected credit
           rating                       loss in 12        credit loss                              Total         credit loss in    loss (not        credit loss     Total
                         rate (%)                                         loss (credit-
                                         months          (not credit-                                             12 months         credit-           (credit-
                                                          impaired)                                                               impaired          impaired)
       A                  0.00-0.10   1,669,968,696.05              -                 -       1,669,968,696.05                -              -                  -
       B                  0.10-0.30                  -              -                 -                      -   506,719,623.66              -                  -   506,719,623.66
       C                 0.30-50.00                  -              -                 -                      -                               -
       D               50.00-100.00                  -              -     36,261,355.21          36,261,355.21                               -     35,596,931.73     35,596,931.73
       Account                                                      -                                                                        -
                                      1,669,968,696.05                    36,261,355.21       1,706,230,051.26   506,719,623.66                    35,596,931.73    542,316,555.39
       for credit                          102,760.27               -     36,261,355.21         36,364,115.48          5,690.10            -      35,596,931.73      35,602,621.83
       Book                                                         -
                                      1,669,865,935.78                                    -   1,669,865,935.78   506,713,933.56            -                    -   506,713,933.56

                                                                                                                                                                            - 78 -



      6.     Other receivables - continued

      6.4 Other receivables - continued

      (4)    Changes in provision for credit loss of other receivables
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                Stage 1                   Stage 2                   Stage 3
                                                                    Lifetime expected         Lifetime expected
                     Item                  Expected credit                                                                  Total
                                                                  credit loss (not credit-    credit loss (credit-
                                          loss in 12 months
                                                                        impaired)                 impaired)
      At 1 January 2019                              5,690.10                            -            35,596,931.73       35,602,621.83
       Carrying amount of other receivables at 1 January 2019
      --Transfer to Stage 2                                 -                            -                         -                   -
      --Transfer to Stage 3                                 -                            -                         -                   -
      -- Reverse to Stage 2                                 -                            -                         -                   -
      --Reverse to Stage 1                                  -                            -                         -                   -
      Provision for the year                        39,665.00                            -                576,181.80          615,846.80
      Reversal for the year                    (2,497,831.58)                            -                         -      (2,497,831.58)
      Transfer-out on derecognition of
      financial assets( including direct                    -                            -                            -                 -
      Other changes                              2,555,236.75                            -                  88,241.68      2,643,478.43
      At 31 December 2019                          102,760.27                            -              36,261,355.21     36,364,115.48

      (5)    The Group has no other receivables written off in 2019.

      (6)    The top five balances of other receivables classified by debtor
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        Proportion of the Provision for
                                                                                                         amount to the credit loss at
                Name of entity                 Nature           Closing balance          Aging
                                                                                                        other receivable the end of the
                                                                                                              (%)             year
                                           Operation                                 Within 1 year,
      Global Terminal Limited                                     669,121,539.36                              39.22            17,528.45
                                         compensation                               More than 3 years
      Shantou Land Reserve Center                                 521,246,000.00      Within 1 year           30.55                         -
      Shenzhen Qianhaiwan Bonded Port     Temporary
                                                                    61,317,510.00 More than 3 years            3.59             6,131.75
      Authority                            payments
      State-owned Assets Supervision and Temporary
      Administration Commission of         payments
                                                                    43,674,019.13 More than 3 years            2.56             4,367.40
      Shantou Municipal People's
      Shenzhen Qianhaiwan Bonded Port     Temporary
                                                                    43,326,181.06     Within 1 year            2.54                         -
      Area Authority                       payments
      Total                                                      1,338,685,249.55                             78.46            28,067.60

                                                                                                                                    - 79 -



      7.     Inventories

      (1)    Categories of inventories
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                Closing balance                              Opening Balance
                                                 Provision for                                  Provision for
                Item               Carrying                                       Carrying
                                                decline in value Book value                    decline in value Book value
                                    amount                                         amount
                                                 of inventories                                 of inventories
      Raw materials              147,548,980.01     1,918,890.33 145,630,089.68 89,572,663.06      2,584,953.53 86,987,709.53
      Finished goods               4,944,593.66                -   4,944,593.66   4,629,610.81                -   4,629,610.81
      Others                      13,405,508.74                -  13,405,508.74 16,949,949.68                 -  16,949,949.68
      Total                      165,899,082.41     1,918,890.33 163,980,192.08 111,152,223.55     2,584,953.53 108,567,270.02

      (2)    Provision for decline in value of inventories
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                Item                   1 January 2019           Provision                                            31 December 2019
                                                                                  Reversal         Write-off
      Raw materials                        2,584,953.53                     -       25,051.16          641,012.04          1,918,890.33

      (3)    As at 31 December 2019, the Group has no capitalized borrowing cost in the balance of

      8.     Assets held for sale
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                           Carrying amount          Fair value at closing       Estimated
                    Item                                                                                                Schedule
                                           at closing balance             balance           disposal expenses
                                                                                                                    Removal before 30
       Long-term assets held for sale            188,404,228.34           786,786,000.00        20,815,400.00
                                                                                                                       June 2020
       Less: Provision for
       impairment of assets held for                            -
       Carrying amount                           188,404,228.34

      Note: Refer to Note (V) 6.4(2) for details.

      9.     Non-current assets due within one year
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                    Opening balance
                                          Item                                         Closing balance
      Long-term receivables due within one year                                              809,702,715.78                25,986,030.98
      Less: Provision for credit loss                                                            809,702.72                    33,074.22
      Book value                                                                             808,893,013.06                25,952,956.76

                                                                                                                                   - 80 -



      10.    Other current assets

      (1)    Categories of other current assets
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                        Item                                            Closing balance              Opening balance
      Structural deposits                                                                 2,000,298,176.18                            -
      Including: Principal                                                                1,991,000,000.00                            -
              Interest receivable                                                             9,298,176.18                            -
      Prepaid taxes                                                                          31,612,381.68                 7,872,157.38
      Loans to associates of related parties                                                             -             1,029,478,047.00
      Others(Note)                                                                          266,882,103.84               159,100,462.79
      Total                                                                               2,298,792,661.70             1,196,450,667.17
      Less: Provision for credit loss – loans to associates of related
                                                                                                            -              1,029,478.05
      Book value                                                                          2,298,792,661.70             1,195,421,189.12

      Note: Refer to the VAT credits of domestic subsidiaries.

      (2)    Changes in provision for credit loss on other current assets
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                           Stage 1                   Stage 2                    Stage 3
                                                               Lifetime expected          Lifetime expected
                   Item           Expected credit loss in                                                                  Total
                                                             credit loss (not credit-     credit loss (credit-
                                         12 months
                                                                   impaired)                  impaired)
      At 1 January 2019                      1,029,478.05                           -                            -          1,029,478.05
       Carrying amount of other current assets at 1 January 2019
      --Transfer to Stage 2                               -                         -                            -                      -
      --Transfer to Stage 3                               -                         -                            -                      -
      -- Reverse to Stage 2                               -                         -                            -                      -
      --Reverse to Stage 1                                -                         -                            -                      -
      Provision for the year                              -                         -                            -                      -
      Reversal for the year                (1,029,478.05)                           -                            -         (1,029,478.05)
      Transfer-out on
      derecognition of financial
                                                          -                         -                            -                      -
      assets( including direct
      Other changes                                       -                         -                            -                      -
      At 31 December 2019                                 -                         -                            -                      -

                                                                                                                                   - 81 -



      11.   Long-term receivables

      (1)   Details of long-term receivables
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                           Closing balance                                   Opening balance (restated)
             Item                           Provision for                                           Provision for
                           Account balance                         Book value       Account balance                  Book value
                                              credit loss                                            credit loss
      Principal and
      interest of
                         1,025,631,435.87       1,025,631.44     1,024,605,804.43                    -               -                -
      receivables for
      cooperation(Note )
      Advances to
                           869,503,011.54         869,503.01      868,633,508.53       819,826,111.17      826,914.30    818,999,196.87
      Financing lease                                                                                -               -                -
                            14,500,000.00            14,500.00     14,485,500.00
      Total              1,909,634,447.41       1,909,634.45 1,907,724,812.96          819,826,111.17      826,914.30    818,999,196.87
      Less: Long-term
      receivables due      809,702,715.78         809,702.72      808,893,013.06        25,986,030.98       33,074.22     25,952,956.76
      within 1 year
      receivables due    1,099,931,731.63       1,099,931.73 1,098,831,799.90          793,840,080.19      793,840.08    793,046,240.11
      over 1 year

      Note: Refer to the land-transferring fees of cruise port project paid by Zhangjiang Port, subsidiary
            of the Company on behalf of its associate Zhanjiang China Merchants Harbor City
            Investment Co., Ltd. ("China Merchants Harbor City"); and the interest is paid by China
            Merchants Harbor City in accordance with the benchmark interest rate of the People's Bank
            of China for the same period.

      (2)   Provision for credit loss on long-term receivables
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                           Stage 1                  Stage 2                     Stage 3
                 Item                                         Lifetime expected           Lifetime expected               Total
                                  Expected credit loss in
                                                            credit loss (not credit-      credit loss (credit-
                                        12 months
                                                                  impaired)                   impaired)
      At 1 January 2019                       826,914.30                           -                             -           826,914.30
       Carrying amount of long-term receivables at 1 January 2019
      --Transfer to Stage 2                              -                         -                             -                    -
      --Transfer to Stage 3                              -                         -                             -                    -
      -- Reverse to Stage 2                              -                         -                             -                    -
      --Reverse to Stage 1                               -                         -                             -                    -
      Provision for the year                1,082,720.15                           -                             -         1,082,720.15
      Reversal for the year                              -                         -                             -                    -
      Transfer-out on
      derecognition of financial
                                                         -                         -                             -                    -
      assets( including direct
      Other changes                                      -                         -                             -                    -
      At 31 December 2019                   1,909,634.45                           -                             -         1,909,634.45

      (3)   As at 31 December 2019, there are no long-term receivables derecognized due to the
            transfer of financial assets at the end of the year.

                                                                                                                                  - 82 -



      11.        Long-term receivables - continued

      (4)        There are no assets and liabilities arising from the transfer or continuing involvement of long-term receivables at 31 December 2019.

      12.        Long-term investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                            Changes for the year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Effect of
                                                                                 Effect of
                                                                                                                                        Reconciling                                                                                 translation of                       Closing value
                                               Accounti                        changes in the                                                                                 Cash dividends                            Provisio
                                                                                                                   Investment profit     items from                                                                                    financial      31 December        of provision
                     Investees                    ng      1 January 2019          scope of                                                                Other equity           or profits                               n for
                                                                                                   Increase           or loss under         other                                                       Others                        statements          2019                for
                                               method                         consolidation(N                                                             movements            announced of                             impairm
                                                                                                                     equity method     comprehensive                                                                               denominated in                        impairment
                                                                                   ote 2)                                                                                        issuance                                  ent
                                                                                                                                           income                                                                                       foreign
      I. Joint ventures
      Euro-Asia Oceangate S.àr.l.                         2,668,860,034.32                 -                  -      71,820,758.28        (280,527.66)                  -    (147,837,530.98)                      -          -     43,205,141.32    2,635,767,875.28                   -
      Port of Newcastle(Note 1)                            2,122,353,964.75                 -     68,471,438.86       31,855,255.55     (22,634,759.93)                  -     (28,606,943.76)                      -          -     28,557,291.19    2,199,996,246.66                   -
      Qingdao Qianwan United Container         Equity
                                                           1,512,162,331.41                 -                  -     142,602,575.17                   -                  -    (150,000,000.00)                      -          -                 -    1,504,764,906.58                   -
      Terminal Co., Ltd.                       method
      Ningbo Daxie Merchants                   Equity
                                                            815,846,742.40                  -                  -     120,498,548.83                   -                  -     (82,350,000.00)                      -          -                 -     853,995,291.23                    -
      International Terminals Co., Ltd.        method
      Laizhou Laiyin Port Business Co.,        Equity
                                                            793,557,064.58                  -                  -      42,110,853.02                   -                  -     (43,605,689.02)                      -          -                 -     792,062,228.58                    -
      Ltd.                                     method
      Zhangjiang Port(Note 2)                              2,007,506,536.77                 -                  -        4,273,885.37                  -                  -                     -   (2,011,780,422.14)          -                 -                   -                   -
      Others                                               1,310,015,480.03    113,562,995.78      8,000,000.00       55,537,145.35       4,196,807.83                   -     (23,106,144.67)       (67,529,762.21)           -      4,963,495.78    1,405,640,017.89                   -
      Subtotal                                            11,230,302,154.26    113,562,995.78     76,471,438.86      468,699,021.57     (18,718,479.76)                  -    (475,506,308.43)     (2,079,310,184.35)          -     76,725,928.29    9,392,226,566.22                   -
      II. Associates
      Shanghai International Port (Group)
      Co., Ltd.                                           22,187,560,070.95                 -                  -    2,425,921,985.71    (44,041,520.45)   305,487,960.90      (955,194,576.56)                      -          -    (1,691,053.00)   23,918,042,867.55                   -
      (A Share)
      Nanshan Group                                        5,061,280,021.90                 -                  -     242,285,185.34      (9,766,075.98)    15,461,264.40      (219,122,880.00)                      -          -                 -    5,090,137,515.66                   -
      Terminal Link SAS                                    3,933,259,485.26                 -                  -     280,560,341.83      12,048,067.43                   -                     -                    -          -   (13,463,319.11)    4,212,404,575.41                   -
      Dalian Port Co., Ltd.                                3,203,881,342.67                 -                  -     148,347,321.32       5,010,696.01      2,082,698.58       (51,579,984.00)                      -          -   (14,481,518.80)    3,293,260,555.78   661,864,517.40
      Shenzhen China Merchants Qianhai
      Industrial Development Co.,
      Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as" China   Equity
                                                             72,800,000.00                  -   7,456,412,803.00      (5,514,066.49)                  -                  -                     -    (682,632,512.39)           -                 -    6,841,066,224.12                   -
      Merchants Qianhai Industrial             method
      ")(Note 3)

      Others                                               4,487,494,188.36     59,122,780.74    678,573,224.36      167,550,973.94     (78,353,158.16)    34,520,308.86      (257,058,128.22)                      -          -     77,550,888.64    5,169,401,078.52                   -
      Subtotal                                            38,946,275,109.14     59,122,780.74   8,134,986,027.36    3,259,151,741.65   (115,101,991.15)   357,552,232.74     (1,482,955,568.78)      (682,632,512.39)          -    47,914,997.73    48,524,312,817.04   661,864,517.40
      Total                                               50,176,577,263.40    172,685,776.52   8,211,457,466.22    3,727,850,763.22   (133,820,470.91)   357,552,232.74     (1,958,461,877.21)    (2,761,942,696.74)          -   124,640,926.02    57,916,539,383.26   661,864,517.40

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             - 83 -



      12.     Long-term investments - continued

      Note 1:The increase for the year is the stamp tax paid of AUD 14 million (equivalent to RMB
             68,471,438.86) due to acquisition of Port of Newcastle Investments (Holdings) Pty Limited,
             Port of Newcastle Investments (Property Holdings) Pty Limited, Port of Newcastle
             Investments (Holdings) Trust, Port of Newcastle Investments (Property Holdings) Trust
             (collectively referred to as" Port of Newcastle").

      Note 2: Refer to Note VI, 1 for details.

      Note 3: Refer to Note X,5(6) for details.

      13.     Other investments in equity instruments

      (1)     Details of Other investments in equity instruments
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                               Investees                                         Closing balance              Opening balance
      China Ocean Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                             144,069,435.00               141,547,500.00
      Lac Assal Investment Holding Company Limited                                               -               88,806,577.97
      Others                                                                        19,491,837.00                17,494,236.33
      Total                                                                        163,561,272.00               247,848,314.30

      (2)     Details of non-trading equity instruments
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                     transferred to
                                                                            transferred to
                                    Dividends income                                                                    retained
                                                         Accumulated      retained earnings    Why designated as
                 Item               recognized for the                                                               earnings from
                                                          gains/losses        from other          FVTOIC
                                          year                                                                            other
                                                                                                The intention of
      China Ocean Shipping                                                                     holding is neither
                                      10,362,585.00      130,559,435.00                  -                                N/A
      Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                             for sale nor profits
                                                                                                 in short-term
                                                                                                The intention of
      Lac Assal Investment                                                                     holding is neither     Transformed
                                                   -       6,127,068.35      6,127,068.35
      Holding Company Limited                                                                 for sale nor profits   to an associate
                                                                                                 in short-term
                                                                                                                        East Aden
                                                                                                The intention of         Holding
                                                                                               holding is neither       Company
      Others                             580,175.11        6,648,872.81     (1,742,907.19)
                                                                                              for sale nor profits
                                                                                                 in short-term       transformed to
                                                                                                                       an associate
      Total                           10,942,760.11      143,335,376.16      4,384,161.16

                                                                                                                                - 84 -



      14.   Other non-current financial assets
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                      Item                             Closing balance         Opening balance
       Financial assets at FVTPL                                        2,385,363,537.39         2,087,872,081.94
      Including: Investments in equity instruments                      2,385,363,537.39         2,087,872,081.94
             Including:Ningbo Zhoushan Port Co., Ltd.(A shares)        1,548,914,671.20         1,361,414,474.58
                     Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd.                 820,263,917.11           603,681,045.90
                     Others                                                16,184,949.08           122,776,561.46

      15.   Investment properties

      (1)   Investment properties measured under cost method
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                         Item                  Land use rights           Buildings                  Total
      I.Total original carrying amount
             1. Balance at 1 January 2019           28,632,130.84       6,292,605,806.72          6,321,237,937.56
             2.Increase in the current year         77,095,361.98           5,744,045.30             82,839,407.28
            (1) Changes in consolidation
                                                    77,095,361.98                          -         77,095,361.98
             (2) Other increase                                 -           5,744,045.30              5,744,045.30
             3.Decrease in the current year                     -           6,611,400.00              6,611,400.00
             4. Balance at 31 December 2019        105,727,492.82       6,291,738,452.02          6,397,465,944.84
       II.Accumulated depreciation and
             1. Balance at 1 January 2019           15,495,791.85         415,595,156.20           431,090,948.05
             2.Increase in the current year         15,756,720.44         190,883,555.47           206,640,275.91
             (1) Provision for the year              2,134,718.70         188,283,452.16           190,418,170.86
             (2)Changes in consolidation
                                                    13,622,001.74                          -         13,622,001.74
             (3) Other increase                                             2,600,103.31             2,600,103.31
             3. Decrease in the current year                    -             527,953.52               527,953.52
             4. Balance at 31 December 2019         31,252,512.29         605,950,758.15           637,203,270.44
       III.Impairment provision
             1. Balance at 1 January 2019                          -                       -                     -
             2. Increase in the current year                       -                       -                     -
             3. Decrease in the current year                       -                       -                     -
             4. Balance at 31 December 2019                        -                       -                     -
            IV.       Book value
             1. At 31 December 2019                 74,474,980.53       5,685,787,693.87          5,760,262,674.40
             2. At 1 January 2019                   13,136,338.99       5,877,010,650.52          5,890,146,989.51

      (2)   Investment properties without ownership certificates
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                      Item                             Closing balance         Opening balance
      Buildings and land use rights                                         40,255,588.09          43,119,291.89

                                                                                                            - 85 -



      16.     Fixed assets

      16.1 Summary of fixed assets
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                               Item                                                Closing balance               Opening balance
      Fixed assets                                                                                  27,519,109,906.41             22,994,155,151.43
      Disposal of fixed assets                                                                             852,622.88                     35,729.00
      Total                                                                                         27,519,962,529.29             22,994,190,880.43

      16.2 Fixed assets

      (1)     Details of fixed assets
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                           Machinery and
                                              Port and terminal                          equipment, furniture    Motor vehicles and
                     Item                                             Buildings                                                               Total
                                                   facilities                            and fixture and other      cargo ships
      I. Total original carrying amount
        1. Balance at 31 December 2018         21,835,237,866.98      1,148,966,435.46      10,592,156,358.16       1,368,265,652.07      34,944,626,312.67
        Add: Changes in accounting policy      (5,228,720,859.19)     (133,330,274.56)       (262,585,213.34)        (38,350,000.00)      (5,662,986,347.09)
        2. Balance at 1 January 2019           16,606,517,007.79      1,015,636,160.90      10,329,571,144.82       1,329,915,652.07      29,281,639,965.58
        3. Increase for the year               10,705,981,160.20        610,385,510.98       3,540,091,808.12         744,710,073.31      15,601,168,552.61
        (1)Purchase                                 57,330,774.88         4,509,444.69         133,011,962.46          20,136,360.22          214,988,542.25
        (2)Transfer from development
                                                                  -                  -             203,539.84                         -          203,539.84
        (3)Transfer from construction in
                                                 2,178,289,357.84       31,634,640.06          754,826,891.92          84,474,509.55       3,049,225,399.37
        (4)Transfer from other non-current
                                                                  -                  -          52,470,573.84                         -       52,470,573.84
        (5) Effect of changes in the scope
                                                 8,470,361,027.48      574,241,426.23         2,599,578,840.06        640,099,203.54      12,284,280,497.31
        of consolidation
        4. Decrease for the year                  454,021,361.06          8,842,438.62         197,980,656.97          46,814,646.40         707,659,103.05
        (1) Disposal or retirement                290,094,629.69          4,866,167.52         194,751,763.03          46,814,646.40         536,527,206.64
        (2) Transfer to investment
                                                                  -       3,976,271.10                       -                        -        3,976,271.10
        (3)Transfer to held for sale assets       163,926,731.37                     -            3,228,893.94                        -      167,155,625.31
        5. Effect of changes in foreign
                                                  (23,249,228.12)         2,513,708.28          16,395,624.54          11,405,782.06           7,065,886.76
        6. Balance at 31 December 2019          26,835,227,578.81     1,619,692,941.54      13,688,077,920.51       2,039,216,861.04      44,182,215,301.90
      II. Accumulated depreciation
        1. Balance at 31 December 2018           4,947,169,556.44      247,180,241.42         6,183,431,342.23       515,226,508.99       11,893,007,649.08
        Add: Changes in accounting policy         (79,532,929.29)       (6,255,609.41)        (130,447,881.14)       (28,100,712.71)       (244,337,132.55)
        2. Balance at 1 January 2019             4,867,636,627.15      240,924,632.01         6,052,983,461.09       487,125,796.28       11,648,670,516.53
        3. Increase for the year                 3,000,601,209.37      162,942,162.21         1,905,806,501.71       382,573,252.12        5,451,923,125.41
        (1) Provision                              779,035,162.75        55,401,978.88          749,519,583.33         97,050,501.54       1,681,007,226.50
        (2) Effect of changes in the scope
                                                 2,221,566,046.62      107,540,183.33         1,156,286,918.38        285,522,750.58       3,770,915,898.91
        of consolidation
        4. Decrease for the year                  270,361,688.78          6,129,923.93         187,507,185.22          36,724,765.35         500,723,563.28
        (1) Disposal or retirement                171,504,010.93          3,529,820.62         184,704,078.66          36,724,765.35         396,462,675.56
        (2) Transfer to investment
                                                                  -       2,600,103.31                       -                        -        2,600,103.31
        (3)Transfer to held for sale assets         98,857,677.85                    -            2,803,106.56                        -      101,660,784.41
        5. Effect of changes in foreign
                                                   (2,145,974.27)          718,710.53             4,889,844.24          2,107,868.19           5,570,448.69
        6. Balance at 31 December 2019           7,595,730,173.47      398,455,580.82         7,776,172,621.82        835,082,151.24      16,605,440,527.35
      III. Impairment provision
        1. Balance at 31 December 2018              57,419,468.96                    -              44,043.20                         -       57,463,512.16
        Add: Changes in accounting policy                       -                    -                      -                         -                   -
        2. Balance at 1 January 2019                57,419,468.96                    -              44,043.20                         -       57,463,512.16
        3. Increase for the year                                -                    -             201,355.98                         -          201,355.98
        (1) Effect of changes in the scope
                                                                  -                  -             201,355.98                         -          201,355.98
        of consolidation
        4. Decrease for the year                                -                    -                      -                         -                   -
        5. Balance at 31 December 2019              57,419,468.96                    -             245,399.18                         -       57,664,868.14
      IV. Book value
        1. Book value at 31 December 2019       19,182,077,936.38     1,221,237,360.72        5,911,659,899.51      1,204,134,709.80      27,519,109,906.41
        2. Book value at 31 December 2018       16,830,648,841.58       901,786,194.04        4,408,680,972.73        853,039,143.08      22,994,155,151.43

      (2)     The Group has no fixed assets that are temporarily idle as at 31 December 2019.

                                                                                                                                                      - 86 -



      16. Fixed assets - continued

      16.2 Fixed assets - continued

      (3)   Fixed assets leased out under operating leases
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                         Book value at 31      Book value at 31
                                                                         December 2019         December 2018
      Buildings                                                             312,602,129.37        242,804,849.53
      Port and terminal facilities                                           12,233,139.52        844,843,802.95
      Machinery and equipment, furniture and fixture and other
                                                                                  63,964.98            139,712.96
      Motor vehicles and cargo ships                                              17,754.72                     -
      Total                                                                  324,916,988.59      1,087,788,365.44

      (4)   Fixed assets without ownership certificates
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                         Book value at 31      Book value at 31
                                                                         December 2019         December 2018
      Buildings, port and terminal facilities                              1,652,483,135.07      1,590,990,468.38

      (5)   Other issues
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                 Amount                 Remark
      Cost of fixed assets fully depreciated but still in use as at 31
      December 2019
      Cost of fixed assets temporarily idle as at 31 December 2019                         -
      Fixed assets disposed and retired for the year:
      Cost of fixed assets disposed and retired                             536,527,206.64
      Net value of fixed assets disposed and retired                        140,064,531.08
      Profit or loss on disposal or retirement of fixed assets              (17,700,058.28)

      15.3 Disposal of fixed assets
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                  Closing balance       Opening balance
      Machinery and equipment, furniture and fixture and other
                                                                                848,410.93              23,079.00
      Motor vehicles and cargo ships                                              4,211.95              12,650.00
       Total                                                                    852,622.88              35,729.00

                                                                                                            - 87 -



      17.    Construction in progress

      17.1 Summary of construction in progress
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                                 Closing balance           Opening balance
      Construction in progress                                                              6,318,389,715.70          5,499,426,090.06
      Materials for construction of fixed assets                                               15,751,726.18                         -
      Total                                                                                 6,334,141,441.88          5,499,426,090.06

      17.2 Construction in progress

      (1)    Details of construction in progress
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                         Closing balance                                  Opening balance
                 Item                                     Provision for                                    Provision for
                                     Carrying amount      impairment      Book value     Carrying amount impairment         Book value
      Port and terminal facilities    5,713,564,853.28       787,181.96 5,712,777,671.32 4,104,748,962.75               - 4,104,748,962.75
      Berths and yards                  296,933,093.52                 -  296,933,093.52 1,023,331,798.30               - 1,023,331,798.30
      Infrastructure                    175,423,610.37                 -  175,423,610.37    40,000,912.00               -    40,000,912.00
      Ship under construction            80,042,167.50                 -   80,042,167.50    22,985,373.73               -    22,985,373.73
      Others                             53,213,172.99                 -   53,213,172.99   308,359,043.28               -   308,359,043.28
       Total                          6,319,176,897.66       787,181.96 6,318,389,715.70 5,499,426,090.06               - 5,499,426,090.06

                                                                                                                                    - 88 -



      17.      Construction in progress - continued

      17.2 Construction in progress - continued

      (2)      The top ten balances of construction in progress
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Proportion of                                                  Interest
                                                                                                                                                                       Effect of                             accumulated    Constr    Amount of           Including:     capitalizati
                                                                                                              Effect of changes                          Other
                                                                                       Increase for the                           Transfer to fixed                   changes in                             construction   uction   accumulated          capitalized    on rate for      Capital
                      Item                    Budget amount       1 January 2019                                 in scope of                          decreases for                    31 December 2019
                                                                                            year                                       assets                           foreign                             investment in   progre    capitalized       interest for the     the          source
                                                                                                               consolidation                            the year
                                                                                                                                                                       exchange                                 budget      ss (%)     interest              year          current
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (%)                                                      year (%)
      Reconstruction project of container,
                                               2,822,177,972.30   1,384,261,784.70                        -                   -                   -               -   22,794,017.60      1,407,055,802.30           49.86    49.86                  -                 -            - Self-funding
      oil terminal and tank area, HIPG
      Guangao project Phase II, Shantou                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Self-funding
                                               2,200,000,000.00   1,250,245,755.45       499,044,891.68                       -     342,477,489.06    2,573,371.44                 -     1,404,239,786.63           79.51    79.51   13,447,553.66                    -            -
      Port                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and loan
      Reconstruction project of Berth 1#-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Self-funding
                                               2,851,020,136.97     417,326,228.14       641,663,530.85                       -                   -               -                -     1,058,989,758.99           37.14    37.14    5,806,750.96        5,806,750.96          3.92
      4#, Haixing Wharf                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and loan
      Project of Grain Dispatch Warehouse
      at Berth2#,3# Phase III , Machong         620,000,000.00       54,800,647.68       266,398,210.78                       -                   -               -                -      321,198,858.46            51.81    51.81       16,955.56           16,955.56          4.36
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and loan
      Donghaidao port wharf project,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Self-funding
                                                905,348,400.00                     -      48,487,590.17         206,058,139.11                    -               -                -      254,545,729.28            28.12    28.12   20,489,781.20        9,105,325.34          4.79
      Zhanjiang Port                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and loan
      Xiashan port general wharf project,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Self-funding
                                                737,975,100.00                     -     169,495,671.06          64,813,237.96                    -               -                -      234,308,909.02            31.75    31.75    2,865,473.23        2,865,473.23          4.79
      Zhanjiang Port                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   and loan
      CICT Machinery equipment
                                                209,216,238.00                     -     204,067,723.49                       -                   -               -    2,006,393.85       206,074,117.34            98.50    98.50                  -                 -            - Self-funding
      procurement project
      Petrifaction old tank area
      reconstruction, Phase I, Zhanjiang        218,378,500.00                     -        1,994,027.62        176,989,605.30                    -               -                -      178,983,632.92            81.96    81.96    5,024,262.73                    -            -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and loan
      Baoman Port container wharf
      extension project, Phase I, Zhanjiang                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Self-funding
                                               2,412,810,000.00                    -      49,802,533.11         105,892,965.68                    -               -                -      155,695,498.79             6.45     6.45      964,740.46          964,740.46          4.79
      Port                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and loan

      Baoman stuffing and destuffing
      service area, Phase I Project,            606,521,505.83                     -        9,554,950.43        124,474,810.57                    -               -                -      134,029,761.00            22.10    22.10   16,689,500.56                    -            -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and loan
      Zhanjiang Port
      Total                                   13,583,447,853.10   3,106,634,415.97     1,890,509,129.19         678,228,758.62      342,477,489.06    2,573,371.44    24,800,411.45      5,355,121,854.73                            65,305,018.36       18,759,245.55

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - 89 -



      17. Construction in progress - continued

      17.3 Materials for construction of fixed assets
                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                         Closing balance                                                 Opening balance
                    Item                                  Provision for                                                   Provision for
                                          Carrying amount impairment                 Book value          Carrying amount impairment               Book value
      Materials for construction                                                                                       -               -                         -
                                                15,751,726.18               -        15,751,726.18
      of fixed assets

      18.      Right-of-use assets

      (1)      Details of right-of-use assets
                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Machinery and
                                                Port and terminal                                       Motor vehicles and
                       Item                                          Buildings          furniture and                             Others               Total
                                                     facilities                                            cargo ships
                                                                                      fixture and other
      I. Cost
             1.Balance at 31 December 2018
             Add: Changes in accounting
                                                 5,696,887,745.03   181,521,736.13      264,518,199.73        38,350,000.00   2,603,500,288.84    8,784,777,969.73
             2.Balance 1 January 2019            5,696,887,745.03   181,521,736.13      264,518,199.73        38,350,000.00   2,603,500,288.84    8,784,777,969.73
             3.Increase for the year               906,090,446.15     7,691,430.56      503,167,422.04         7,620,740.24     198,170,427.78    1,622,740,466.77
              (1) Purchase                          43,133,738.23     7,691,430.56        6,340,687.53                    -     191,746,689.11      248,912,545.43
              (2) Effect of changes in the
                                                  862,956,707.92                 -      496,826,734.51         7,620,740.24       6,423,738.67    1,373,827,921.34
                    scope of consolidation
             4.Decrease for the year                 1,707,585.07     5,202,400.95                   -                    -                  -        6,909,986.02
              (1) Termination of lease               1,707,585.07     5,202,400.95                   -                    -                  -        6,909,986.02
             5.Effect of changes in foreign
                                                   88,131,920.50      2,195,653.48           39,678.18                    -     44,408,750.58      134,776,002.74
             6.Balance at 31 December
                                                 6,689,402,526.61   186,206,419.22      767,725,299.95        45,970,740.24   2,846,079,467.20   10,535,384,453.22
       II. Accumulated depreciation
             1.Balance at 31 December 2018
             Add: Changes in accounting
                                                  154,346,605.87     17,282,119.00      130,582,116.30        28,100,712.71    173,772,354.97      504,083,908.85
             2.Balance at 1 January 2019          154,346,605.87     17,282,119.00      130,582,116.30        28,100,712.71    173,772,354.97      504,083,908.85
             3.Increase for the year              222,180,410.17     19,985,432.77      100,981,272.43         2,848,243.48     46,784,440.48      392,779,799.33
              (1) Provision                       211,794,077.31     19,985,432.77       51,419,032.74           709,088.28     44,978,579.62      328,886,210.72
              (2) Increase for changes in the
                                                   10,386,332.86                 -       49,562,239.69         2,139,155.20       1,805,860.86       63,893,588.61
                    scope of consolidation
             4.Decrease for the year                  356,556.12       447,016.56                    -                    -                  -         803,572.68
              (1) Termination of lease                356,556.12       447,016.56                    -                    -                  -         803,572.68
             5.Effect of changes in foreign
                                                     2,669,904.40      160,165.93             8,353.91                    -       3,160,503.02        5,998,927.26
             6.Balance at 31 December 2019        378,840,364.32     36,980,701.14      231,571,742.64        30,948,956.19    223,717,298.47      902,059,062.76
       III. Impairment provision
             1.Balance at 31 December 2018
             Add: Changes in accounting
             2.Balance 1 January 2019
             3.Increase for the year                            -                -                   -                    -                  -                   -
             4.Decrease for the year                            -                -                   -                    -                  -                   -
             5.Balance at 31 December 2019                      -                -                   -                    -                  -                   -
       IV. Book value
             1.Book value at 31 December
                                                 6,310,562,162.29   149,225,718.08      536,153,557.31        15,021,784.05   2,622,362,168.73    9,633,325,390.46
             2.Book value at 31 December

                                                                                                                                                          - 90 -



      18. Right-of-use assets - continued

      (2)   Amount recognized in profit or loss
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Amount incurred in the
                                                Category                                         current period
       Depreciation expenses of right-of-use assets(Note 1)                                            328,886,210.72
       Interest expenses on lease liabilities (Note 2)                                                 106,836,843.78
       Expenses for short-term leases                                                                   58,919,264.88
       Expenses for leases of low value assets                                                                       -
       Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities(Note 3)                          -
       Revenue from sublease of right-of-use assets                                                     19,572,976.50

      Note 1: No depreciation expenses of right-of-use assets is capitalized in 2019.

      Note 2: No interest expenses of lease liabilities are capitalized in 2019.

      Note 3: No variable lease payments were included in the measurement of lease liabilities in 2019.

      (3)   The total cash outflows in relation to leases for the current year amounting to RMB

      (4)   Lease assets of the Group with the lease term as follows:

                                           Category                                                 Lease term
       Port and terminal facilities                                                                          1-99 years
       Buildings                                                                                              1-5 years
       Machinery and equipment, furniture and fixture and other equipment                                     1-6 years
       Motor vehicles and cargo ships                                                                         5-9 years
       Others                                                                                                2-99 years

      (5)   The Group has an option to purchase port and terminal facilities, machinery and equipment
            and cargo ships at the end of the extension period at a rate that is below market rates.

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      19.      Intangible assets

      (1)      Summary of intangible assets
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Terminal management
                               Items                        Land use rights                                  Others               Total
       I.   Total original carrying amount
            1. Balance at 31 December 2018                    13,097,878,517.45         10,511,520,659.11    1,124,069,969.28   24,733,469,145.84
            Add: Changes of accounting policies               (1,813,694,115.71)                        -                   -   (1,813,694,115.71)
            2. Balance at 1 January 2019                      11,284,184,401.74         10,511,520,659.11    1,124,069,969.28   22,919,775,030.13
            3.Increase in the current year                      4,019,959,533.26            11,544,709.16      108,916,766.14     4,140,421,008.56
            (1) Purchase                                                       -            11,544,709.16       70,770,763.15        82,315,472.31
            (2) Effect of changes in the scope of
                                                               4,016,895,872.22                          -     36,305,792.10     4,053,201,664.32
            (3) Other increase                                     3,063,661.04                         -        1,840,210.89        4,903,871.93
            4. Decrease in the current year                    1,985,834,473.13              7,943,452.72        3,937,120.86    1,997,715,046.71
            (1) Disposal                                         931,377,542.00                         -                   -      931,377,542.00
            (2) Transfer to held-for-sale assets (Note 1)        137,535,397.65                         -                   -      137,535,397.65
            (3) Other decrease (Note 2)                          916,921,533.48              7,943,452.72        3,937,120.86      928,802,107.06
            5. Effect of changes in foreign exchange               6,364,192.81          (291,366,046.68)     (80,792,488.12)    (365,794,341.99)
            6. Balance at 31 December 2019                    13,324,673,654.68         10,223,755,868.87    1,148,257,126.44   24,696,686,649.99
       II. Accumulated amortization
            1. Balance at 31 December 2018                     2,433,897,714.42          1,268,696,311.70     269,857,075.18     3,972,451,101.30
            Add: Changes of accounting policies                 (15,125,513.56)                         -                  -      (15,125,513.56)
            2. Balance at 1 January 2019                       2,418,772,200.86          1,268,696,311.70     269,857,075.18     3,957,325,587.74
            3.Increase in the current year                       786,821,200.60            238,624,029.70      93,471,339.77     1,118,916,570.07
            (1) Accrual of amortization                          326,408,082.24            238,624,029.70      67,594,658.22       632,626,770.16
            (2) Effect of changes in the scope of
                                                                 460,413,118.36                          -     25,876,681.55       486,289,799.91
            4. Decrease in the current year                       49,669,959.62                         -          891,025.77       50,560,985.39
            (1) Disposal                                          35,043,949.41                         -                   -       35,043,949.41
            (2) Transfer to held-for-sale assets                  14,626,010.21                         -                   -       14,626,010.21
            (3) Other increase                                                -                         -          891,025.77          891,025.77
            5. Effect of changes in foreign exchange               5,228,241.48           (25,835,819.75)      (2,102,498.26)     (22,710,076.53)
            6. Balance at 31 December 2019                     3,161,151,683.32          1,481,484,521.65     360,334,890.92     5,002,971,095.89
       III. Total provision for impairment losses
            1. Balance at 31 December 2018                                     -                         -                  -                    -
            Add: Changes of accounting policies                                -                         -                  -                    -
            2. Balance at 1 January 2019                                       -                         -                  -                    -
            3.Increase in the current year                                     -                         -                  -                    -
            4. Decrease in the current year                                    -                         -                  -                    -
            5. Balance at 31 December 2019                                     -                         -                  -                    -
       IV. Total book value
            1. Book value at 31 December 2019                 10,163,521,971.36          8,742,271,347.22     787,922,235.52    19,693,715,554.10
            2. Book value at 31 December 2018                 10,663,980,803.03          9,242,824,347.41     854,212,894.10    20,761,018,044.54

      Note 1: Details are set out in Note (V) 6.4 (2).
      Note 2: Primarily the lands located in Shenzhen Qianhaiwan Logistics Park has been returned to
              government in 2019 by the Company’s subsidiaries Antongjie Terminal Services
              (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (“ATJ”) and Ansujie Terminal Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
              (“ASJ”). Details are set out in Note (X) 5 (6).

      (2)      Land use rights without ownership certificates on 31 December 2019:
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                            Item                                   Book value at this year end Book value at last year end
      Land use rights                                                                      1,163,098,978.96            1,383,494,095.83

                                                                                                                                          - 92 -



      20.      Development expenses
                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        Decrease in the current year
                                                            Changes in
                                                                           Increase in the     Transfer to                      Transfer to
                     Item                   1/1/2019        the scope of                                      Transfer to                             31/12/2019
                                                                            current year       intangible                     profit or loss for
                                                           consolidation                                      fixed assets
                                                                                                 assets                           the year
      Crude oil unit train loading
                                                       -    1,826,780.56      14,004,176.18               -               -                     -     15,830,956.74
      equipment key technology research
      CMPort terminals information
                                                       -               -       8,606,646.27               -               -        8,606,646.27                    -
      sharing platform
      Intelligent monitoring system at
                                                       -               -       8,601,073.24               -               -        8,601,073.24                    -
      Shekou Custom
      R&D of automation-based and
      intelligence-based overall IT                    -               -       6,583,130.94               -               -        6,583,130.94                    -
      solution for container terminal
      Electronic bill of lading (loaded
                                                       -               -       5,076,107.10               -               -        5,076,107.10                    -
      container from other terminals)
      Mazut, diesel, petrol, methanol
      process automatic control system                 -               -       4,834,850.03               -               -                     -      4,834,850.03
      development and application
      SCT OOG self-service access gate                 -               -       4,624,600.00               -               -        4,624,600.00                    -
      Knoe hanger supporting wheel
                                                       -               -       4,224,000.00               -               -        4,224,000.00                    -
      Automatic distribution and
                                                       -               -       4,416,000.00               -               -        4,416,000.00                    -
      identification of seals
      Onshore bridge equipment
      repairing auxiliary system based on              -               -       4,080,000.00               -               -        4,080,000.00                    -
      mobile application technology
      Others                                           -   13,141,526.26    82,871,568.99      1,434,483.16     203,539.84       77,641,786.74        16,733,285.51
      Total                                            -   14,968,306.82   147,922,152.75      1,434,483.16     203,539.84      123,853,344.29        37,399,092.28

      21.      Goodwill

      (1)      Carrying amount of goodwill
                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                       Effect of changes
                            Investee                                                Increase           Decrease            in foreign                31/12/2019
      TCP Participaes S.A. ("TCP")                         4,284,229,939.11                       -                -     (737,763,462.93)           3,546,466,476.18
      Mega Shekou Container Terminals Limited              1,815,509,322.42                       -                -                     -          1,815,509,322.42
      China Merchants Port Holdings Company
                                                             993,992,000.00                       -                -                        -        993,992,000.00
      Shantou Port                                           552,317,736.65                    -                   -                     -            552,317,736.65
      Zhanjiang Port (Note)                                               -       418,345,307.68                   -                     -            418,345,307.68
      Shenzhen Mawan Project                                 408,773,001.00                    -                   -                     -            408,773,001.00
      Others (Note)                                          281,073,843.17         7,182,007.71                   -                     -            288,255,850.88
      Total                                                8,335,895,842.35       425,527,315.39                   -      (737,763,462.93)          8,023,659,694.81

      Note: The increase in the current year mainly represent the goodwill arising from the Group's
            acquisitions of Zhanjiang Port and Guangdong Zhanjiang Port Longteng Shipping Co.,
            Ltd. ("Longteng Shipping") respectively in February 2019 and December 2019. Details are
            set out in Note (VI) 1.

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      21. Goodwill - continued

      (2)   Information of assets group or portfolio of assets group to which the goodwill belongs

            The Group takes the ability to independently generate cash inflows, manage the way of
            production and operation activities (mainly by geographic areas) and unified decision on the
            use and disposal of the assets as the criteria to determine assets group or portfolio of assets
            group, and performs impairment test of goodwill for the assets group or portfolio of assets
            group as determined. As at 31 December 2019, the assets group or portfolio of assets group
            determined by the Group include: TCP; Mega Shekou Container Terminals Limited,
            including Shekou Container Terminals Ltd., Shenzhen Lianyunjie Container Terminals Co.,
            Ltd., Anxunjie Container Terminals (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.; CMPort; Shantou Port; Zhanjiang
            port; Shenzhen Mawan Project, including Shenzhen Mawan Port Waterway Co., Ltd.,
            Shenzhen Mawan Port Services Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Magang Cangma Co., Ltd.

      (3)   Impairment test of goodwill and key parameters

            When testing the goodwill for impairment, the Group compares the carrying amount of
            related assets group and portfolio of assets group (including goodwill) with the recoverable
            amount. If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, the difference is
            included in profit or loss for the period. The Group determines the recoverable amount of
            the assets group and portfolio of assets group that generate goodwill at fair value less cost of
            disposal or at present value of expected future cash flows. The fair value is determined
            using market approach. The present value of cash flows is estimated based on the forecast of
            cash flows for five-to-ten-year detailed forecast period and subsequent forecast period. The
            estimated future cash flows for the detailed forecast period are based on the business plan
            established by the management; the expected future cash flows for the subsequent forecast
            period are determined in conjunction with the level of the final year of the detailed forecast
            period, combined with the Group's business plans, industry trends and inflation rates. The
            growth rate adopted will not exceed the long-term average growth rate of the country where
            the assets group and portfolio of assets group are located. The key assumptions used by the
            Group in estimating the present value of future cash flows include growth in business
            volume, gross profit margin and discount rate etc. The discount rate and the growth rate for
            subsequent forecasted period adopted in 2019 are around 9.40%-12.3% and 3% respectively.
            The parameters of key assumptions determined by the Group's management are in line with
            the Group's historical experience or external source of information.

      (4)   Effect of impairment test of goodwill

            After the test, the Group's management considers that any reasonable change in above
            assumptions will not result in the circumstance that the carrying amount of the assets group
            and portfolio of assets group is higher than the recoverable amount, therefore it is not
            necessary to make provision for impairment of goodwill.

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      22.    Long-term prepaid expenses
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                       Effect of
                                                                                              Amortization in
                                                     changes in the     Increase in the
                 Item                  1/1/2019                                                the current      Other decrease       31/12/2019
                                                        scope of        current period
      Tonggu channel widening
                                    164,567,384.97                -      390,445,093.47         21,333,123.01        8,163,265.59    525,516,089.84
      project (Note 1)
      Relocation project of Nanhai
                                     40,107,549.49                -                       -      1,057,781.52                    -    39,049,767.97
      Rescue Bureau
      Expenditures for the
      improvement of leased fixed    21,163,538.17                -          153,528.33          1,447,327.28        2,090,855.04     17,778,884.18
      West port area public channel
                                                 -                -       81,488,690.28          1,018,601.68                    -    80,470,088.60
      widening project (Note 2)
      Others                          9,867,964.58     2,630,870.77       43,327,480.45          6,730,134.72                  -      49,096,181.08
      Total                         235,706,437.21     2,630,870.77      515,414,792.53         31,586,968.21      10,254,120.63     711,911,011.67

      Note 1: This represent the Group's actual expenses on the Shenzhen West Port Area Tonggu
              Channel 240-270 Meters Widening Project. According to relevant resolutions of Shenzhen
              municipal government, the expenses incurred for the project are born by the enterprise and
              government on 50% to 50% principle. The Company's subsidiary has included the
              expenses on deepening the channel in the item of "long-term prepaid expenses", and
              amortized such expenses over the expected useful life of 40 years using straight-line
              method since the completion of the channel widening project on 27 February 2019.

      Note 2: This represent the Group's actual expenses on the first section of Shenzhen West Port Area
              Public Channel 240-270 Meters Widening Project. According to relevant resolutions of
              Shenzhen municipal government, the expenses incurred for the project are born by the
              enterprise and government on 50% to 50% principle. The Company's subsidiary has
              included the expenses on deepening the channel in the item of "long-term prepaid
              expenses", and amortized such expenses over the expected useful life of 40 years using
              straight-line method since the completion of the channel widening project on 1 June 2019.

      23.    Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

      (1)    Deferred tax assets without offsetting
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                                                      Deductible                                           Deductible
                                                      temporary           Deferred tax assets              temporary          Deferred tax assets
                                                      differences                                          differences
       Unrealized profit                                805,528,482.59          196,545,362.77                            -                       -
       Depreciation of fixed assets                     108,244,052.41           27,227,981.18                22,036,522.49          4,514,995.56
       Deductible losses                                 79,034,267.56           19,758,566.89                86,136,992.42         23,604,794.05
       Provision for credit loss                         71,636,378.50           17,881,386.96                32,805,128.88          8,213,219.45
       Provisions                                        60,976,862.88           16,601,394.38                19,470,820.00          6,620,078.85
       Deferred income                                   40,272,757.15            9,737,699.40                50,033,346.52         11,382,687.30
       Amortization of computer software                 13,630,227.66            3,407,556.91                16,453,443.95          4,113,360.99
       Organization costs                                10,905,997.08            2,726,499.27                14,386,394.26          3,287,938.27
       Provision for impairment losses of
                                                         1,918,890.31                479,722.58                 2,258,081.96            481,468.22
       Others                                           29,120,031.36              6,069,331.93              17,635,287.26            4,489,614.50
       Total                                         1,221,267,947.50            300,435,502.27             261,216,017.74           66,708,157.19

                                                                                                                                             - 95 -



      23. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities - continued

      (2)    Deferred tax liabilities without offsetting
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                 Closing balance                                Opening balance
                        Item                        Taxable temporary         Deferred tax          Taxable temporary        Deferred tax
                                                       differences              liabilities            differences            liabilities
       Withholding dividend income tax                24,219,415,080.67        1,735,339,232.65       17,819,027,902.41      1,138,273,886.12
       Fair value adjustment of assets acquired
                                                        7,989,044,772.81        1,812,240,254.17        6,415,001,869.22        1,431,954,458.35
       by business combination
       Changes in fair value of other equity
                                                        1,434,338,833.65          186,123,245.82          930,040,371.21          105,285,399.58
       Changes in fair value of other non-
                                                          731,584,120.16          166,830,773.03          754,359,502.42          174,592,634.60
       current financial assets
       Depreciation of fixed assets                       140,659,435.00           35,164,858.75          136,717,500.00           34,179,375.00
       Others                                             110,838,382.96           26,054,384.75          114,027,794.35           26,789,187.62
       Total                                           34,625,880,625.25        3,961,752,749.17       26,169,174,939.61        2,911,074,941.27

      (3)    Deferred tax assets or liabilities that are presented at the net amount after offsetting
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                   Offset amount of        Deferred tax assets      Offset amount of        Deferred tax assets
                                                  deferred tax assets      or liabilities after    deferred tax assets      or liabilities after
                                                   and liabilities in       offsetting in the       and liabilities in       offsetting in the
                                                  the current period        current period          the prior period           prior period
       Deferred tax assets                                            -        300,435,502.27                          -          66,708,157.19
       Deferred tax liabilities                                       -      3,961,752,749.17                          -      2,911,074,941.27

      (4)    Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                                    Closing balance                 Opening balance
       Deductible temporary differences                                                        503,037,805.60                  237,418,074.51
       Deductible losses                                                                     2,289,500,649.57                1,291,865,454.88
       Total                                                                                 2,792,538,455.17                1,529,283,529.39

      The Group recognizes deferred income tax assets to the extent of future taxable income that is
      likely to be obtained to offset the deductible temporary differences and deductible losses. For the
      excess of deductible temporary differences and deductible losses over future taxable income, no
      deferred tax assets is recognized.

      (5)    Deductible losses for unrecognized deferred tax assets will be expired in the following
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                           Year                                            Closing balance                 Opening balance
       2019                                                                                                  -                 132,642,333.11
       2020                                                                                     182,809,604.33                 110,359,740.81
       2021                                                                                     244,394,853.17                 151,793,398.29
       2022                                                                                     615,440,669.35                 320,679,566.41
       2023                                                                                     745,889,729.49                 576,351,741.67
       2024                                                                                     500,926,253.51                              -
       No expiration date                                                                            39,539.72                      38,674.59
       Total                                                                                  2,289,500,649.57               1,291,865,454.88

                                                                                                                                          - 96 -



      24.   Other non-current assets
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                      Item                               Closing balance     Opening balance
       Dachanwan port area Phase II land replacement payment (Note 1)       916,884,222.49                    -
       Advances of channel project (Note 2)                                 896,848,920.76                    -
       Prepayments of land use rights                                       132,334,704.86       175,908,026.15
       Prepayments of fixed assets                                           90,186,071.12       174,039,051.91
       Prepayments of terminal franchise                                     30,356,842.78        30,383,609.79
       Others                                                                16,354,705.03        14,860,798.13
       Total                                                              2,082,965,467.04       395,191,485.98

      Note 1: Details are set out in Note (X) 5(6).

      Note 2: This represent that the Company's subsidiary Zhanjiang Port, upon its reorganization into
              a joint stock company in 2007, signed the Channel Arrangement Agreement with State-
              owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Zhanjiang ("Zhanjiang
              SASAC") and China Merchants International Terminal (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd. According
              to the agreement, the channel belongs to Zhanjiang SASAC, therefore the Company
              included the advances of channel project that should be repaid by Zhanjiang SASAC in
              other non-current assets.

      25.   Short-term borrowings

      (1)   Classification of short-term borrowings
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Opening balance
                                  Item                                  Closing balance
      Credit loan                                                         9,439,099,793.47     3,427,365,512.21

      (2)   At 31 December 2019, the Group has no short-term borrowings that were overdue.

      26.   Notes payable
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                Category                                Closing balance      Opening balance
       Bank acceptance                                                        2,529,389.61                     -
       Commercial acceptance                                                 73,926,559.40                     -
       Total                                                                 76,455,949.01                     -

      27.   Accounts payable

      (1)   Details of accounts payable are as follows:
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                   Closing balance      Opening balance
      Construction fee                                                      173,811,112.97       115,371,240.88
      Material purchase                                                     146,969,853.48        76,365,058.49
      Service fee                                                           133,134,547.67       132,946,488.81
      Equipment payments                                                     15,947,499.80           659,317.15
      Rental fee                                                             13,897,329.66        10,564,893.93
      Others                                                                107,352,122.81        93,213,691.71
      Total                                                                 591,112,466.39       429,120,690.97

                                                                                                          - 97 -



      27. Accounts payable - continued

      (2)   Significant accounts payable aged more than one year
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                            Item                       Amount                 Reason for outstanding
                                                                     The government planning project has not
       Shenzhen Land and Resources Bureau              21,642,795.50 been completed, and the certificates of
                                                                     property rights has not been processed.

      28.   Receipts in advance

      (1)   Summary of receipts in advance
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                       Item                       Closing balance        Opening balance
      Rental fee receipt in advance                                    13,409,679.80           5,536,804.56
      Service fee receipt in advance                                   10,500,836.06          23,038,672.44
      Others                                                            4,916,171.51             595,232.86
      Total                                                            28,826,687.37          29,170,709.86

      (2)   There is no significant receipts in advance aged more than one year at the end of the year

      29. Contract liabilities

      (1)   Summary of contract liabilities
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                     Item                         Closing balance        Opening balance
       Port charges received in advance                                63,954,147.44          11,657,235.81
       Service fee received in advance                                 17,396,130.82          24,353,966.50
       Warehousing fee received in advance                                         -           8,705,589.57
       Others                                                           4,480,724.26           5,277,103.62
       Total                                                           85,831,002.52          49,993,895.50

      (2)   Items with significant change in carrying amount and reason for the change
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                       Item                      Amount of change     Reason for the change
                                                                                           Fulfilling the
                                                                                      performance obligations
                                                                                          and inclusion of
       Port charges received in advance                                 52,296,911.63
                                                                                        Zhanjiang Port in the
                                                                                       scope of consolidation

      (3)   There is no significant contract liabilities aged more than one year at the end of the year.

                                                                                                        - 98 -



      29. Contract liabilities - continued

      (4)    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of contract liabilities

             The contract liability mainly represents the amount received by the Group to provide port
             services to customers. The payment is collected according to the contractual payment time.
             The Group recognizes contract revenue based on the progress of the contract. The contract
             liabilities will be recognized as income after the Group fulfills its performance obligations.

      (5)    Revenue recognized in the current period and included in the opening carrying amount of
             contract liabilities

             An amount of RMB 39,037,511.27 included in the book value of contract liabilities at the
             beginning of 2019 has been recognized as revenue in the current year, including contract
             liabilities arising from settled but unfinished construction resulting from the contract of
             receipt of service fee in advance amounting to RMB 14,405,439.86, contract liabilities
             arising from settled but unfinished construction resulting from the contract of receipt of port
             charges in advance amounting to RMB 11,385,355.28, and contract liabilities arising from
             settled but unfinished construction resulting from the contract of receipt of warehousing fee
             in advance amounting to RMB 8,449,390.82 as well as contract liabilities arising from
             settled but unfinished construction resulting from other contracts amounting to RMB

      30.    Employee benefits payable

      (1)    Details of employee benefits payable are as follows
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                             Effect of changes
                                             1/1/2019                                Increase in the   Decrease in the    31/12/2019
                       Item                                   in the scope of
                                                                                      current year      current year
       1. Short-term benefits              431,714,138.23        74,046,373.76      2,505,176,428.76   2,380,580,326.31   630,356,614.44
       2. Post-employment benefits –
                                             2,286,649.91                       -     224,339,253.53     221,610,579.66     5,015,323.78
           defined contribution plan
       3. Termination benefits                          -                   -          14,610,713.62      14,610,713.62                -
       4. Others                             (511,232.74)                   -           6,662,872.93       6,804,793.77     (653,153.58)
       Total                               433,489,555.40       74,046,373.76       2,750,789,268.84   2,623,606,413.36   634,718,784.64

      (2)    Short-term benefits
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                            Effect of changes
                                           1/1/2019                                 Increase in the    Decrease in the    31/12/2019
                      Item                                   in the scope of
                                                                                     current year       current year
       I. Wages and salaries, bonuses,
                                          409,390,929.61       72,201,271.35        2,077,766,550.89   1,954,494,382.02   604,864,369.83
       allowances and subsidies
       II. Staff welfare                               -                    -        120,257,663.25     120,257,663.25                 -
       III. Social insurance charges        5,145,526.57                    -        115,987,499.06     111,496,252.60      9,636,773.03
          Including: Medical insurance      4,418,339.26                    -         91,570,250.51      87,671,544.82      8,317,044.95
                  Work injury insurance                -                    -          8,645,779.35       8,645,779.35                 -
                  Maternity insurance                  -                    -          5,831,448.10       5,831,448.10                 -
                  Others                      727,187.31                    -          9,940,021.10       9,347,480.33      1,319,728.08
       IV. Housing funds                               -                    -        141,006,740.13     141,006,740.13                 -
       V. Labor union and employee
                                           17,166,673.76        1,845,102.41          38,809,767.71      41,966,072.32     15,855,471.56
       education funds
       VI. Other short-term benefits           11,008.29                   -           11,348,207.72      11,359,215.99             0.02
       Total                              431,714,138.23       74,046,373.76        2,505,176,428.76   2,380,580,326.31   630,356,614.44

                                                                                                                                  - 99 -



      30. Employee benefits payable - continued

      (3)      Defined contribution plan
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                            Effect of changes
                                         1/1/2019                                Increase in the   Decrease in the        31/12/2019
                    items                                    in the scope of
                                                                                  current year      current year
       I. Basic pension                      1,620,436.89                    -    181,593,596.57    178,313,764.59         4,900,268.87
       II. Unemployment insurance              551,158.12                    -      3,229,973.30      3,781,131.41                 0.01
       III. Enterprise annuity plan            115,054.90                    -     39,515,683.66     39,515,683.66           115,054.90
       Total                                 2,286,649.91                    -    224,342,871.98    221,614,198.11         5,015,323.78

      The Company and its subsidiaries participates in the social security contributions and the
      unemployment insurance plan established by government institutions as required. According to
      such plans, the Group contributes in proportion to the local government. Except for the above-
      mentioned deposit fees, the Group have no outstanding contributions to be paid to the social
      security contributions and the unemployment insurance plan. The corresponding expenses are
      included in the current profit and loss or the cost of related assets when incurred.

      31.      Taxes payable
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                           Closing balance           Opening balance
      Enterprise income tax                                                           1,843,381,355.01            271,954,754.74
      VAT                                                                                 11,377,223.08             8,200,265.65
      Others                                                                              43,317,764.65            65,028,402.03
      Total                                                                           1,898,076,342.74            345,183,422.42

      32.      Other payables

      (1)      Summary of other payables
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                               Opening balance
                                      Item                                           Closing balance
      Interest payable                                                                                -                             -
      Dividends payable                                                                  150,286,550.81                 66,052,207.09
      Other payables                                                                   2,073,468,127.15              1,624,072,694.20
      Total                                                                            2,223,754,677.96              1,690,124,901.29

                                                                                                                                - 100 -



      32. Other payables - continued

      (2)   Dividends payable
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                  Closing balance      Opening balance
      Ordinary share dividends                                               150,286,550.81       66,052,207.09
      Including: Modern Terminals Limited                                     58,156,000.00                    -
             Yihai Kerry Arawana Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Co. Ltd.        37,402,426.09       37,402,426.09
             Sri Lanka Ports Authority                                        31,392,997.47                    -
             Soifer Participaes Societárias S.A.                             14,141,088.03                    -
             Pattac Empreendimentos e Participaes S.A.                         4,597,020.40                    -
             Tuc Participacoes Portuarias S.A.                                 4,597,018.82                    -
             Sinotrans South China Co., Ltd.                                              -       25,949,781.00
             Qingdao Port (Group) Co., Ltd.                                               -         2,700,000.00

      As at 31 December 2019, the dividend payable with aging over one year amounts to RMB
      37,402,426.09 which represents the dividends not yet received by the investor.

      (3)   Other payables

      (a)   Disclosure of other payables by nature
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                      Item                               Closing balance      Opening balance
      Amount payable for construction and quality warranty                 1,053,340,753.66       660,870,685.70
      Deposits                                                               162,460,889.01       149,705,612.54
      Customer discount                                                      117,736,418.62       128,787,894.63
      Prepaid expenses                                                       110,741,377.48       140,305,423.54
      Port construction and security fee                                      58,732,330.62        62,255,593.38
      Balance of land use rights transfer                                     14,538,738.00        93,258,350.90
      Others                                                                 555,917,619.76       388,889,133.51
      Total                                                                2,073,468,127.15     1,624,072,694.20

                                                                                                          - 101 -



      32.   Other payables - continued

      (3)   Other payables - continued

      (b)   Significant other payables with aging over 1 year
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                         Reason for being outstanding or carried
                   Company name                     Closing balance
       Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co.,                          Equipment failed to meet the acceptance
       Ltd.                                                            standards
       CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co.,
                                                       41,820,223.83   Project not yet approved by a third party
       CCCC Third Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd.         37,314,702.00   Project not yet approved by a third party
                                                                       To be paid after confirmation by mutual
       Shantou Transportation Bureau                   31,358,355.47
       Zhanjiang Transportation Bureau                 23,247,472.05   Balance of advances
       China Merchants Real Estate (Shenzhen)                          Quality warranty, the contracted settlement
       Co., Ltd.                                                       condition has not been reached
       Qingdao Maritime Bureau                         20,713,982.12   Port construction fee not yet settled
       CCCC-FHDI Engineering Co., Ltd.                 16,985,103.50   Performance of contract not yet completed
       Shenzhen Municipal Special Fund for
                                                       12,238,226.14   Collection of dividends payments etc.
       Development of Bulk Cement
       China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin)
                                                       11,250,000.00   Performance of contract not yet completed
       Co., Ltd.
                                                                       To be paid after confirmation by mutual
       Shantou Finance Bureau                          10,000,000.00
       Guangdong Hengtai Tong Industrial Co.,                          Quality warranty, the contracted settlement
       Ltd.                                                            condition has not been reached
       Shenzhen      Dongpeng       Construction                       Not yet applied or processed by the
       Supervision Co., Ltd.                                           counterparty
       China First Metallurgical Group Co., Ltd.        8,175,706.55   Performance of contract not yet completed
                                                                       The contracted settlement condition has not
       Harman Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.           5,884,632.48
                                                                       been reached
       Total                                          320,313,105.54

      33.   Non-current liabilities due within one year
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                 Opening balance
                                   Item                                 Closing balance
      Long-term loans due within one year                                  2,954,701,198.90        1,974,288,010.22
      Including: Credit loan                                               1,294,054,756.85          389,974,981.60
              Guaranteed loan                                              1,119,153,332.94        1,109,331,175.51
              Mortgage loan                                                  541,493,109.11          474,981,853.11
      Bonds payable due within one year                                    1,889,505,167.46          785,481,781.86
      Long-term payable due within one year                                   61,107,722.82           30,635,607.84
      Long-term employee benefits payable due within one year                 31,950,000.00           19,100,000.00
      Lease liabilities due within one year                                  341,240,327.95
      Other non-current liabilities due within one year                      825,835,439.66            87,465,615.05
      Total                                                                6,104,339,856.79         2,896,971,014.97

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      34.         Other current liabilities
                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                  Opening balance
                                                         Item                                                                   Closing balance
      Short-term bonds payable                                                                                                          712,345,315.07                               206,349,863.00
      Accrued professional agency fee                                                                                                   143,346,356.53                               116,064,056.75
      Joint venture loan                                                                                                                             -                               241,927,341.05
      Others                                                                                                                             30,264,910.03                                 44,668,324.00
      Total                                                                                                                             885,956,581.63                               609,009,584.80

      Changes of short-term bonds payable:
                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                 Ter                                           Effect of                               Interest       nt or
                                                                                                                                Amount issued                                       Repayment in
                                                    Date of     m of     Amount of           1/1/2019         changes in                               accrued       premi                              31/12/2019
              Name of bond        Face value                                                                                    in the current                                       the current
                                                     issue       the        issue                            the scope of                             based on         um
                                                                                                                                     year                                                year
                                                                bond                                        consolidation                             par value      amorti
      4.73%, RMB 200 million,
      Super & Short-term        200,000,000.00     24/04/2018
                                                                        200,000,000.00    206,349,863.00                    -                    -     570,191.79             -     206,920,054.79                   -
      Commercial Paper
      3.08%, RMB 700 million,
      Super & Short-term        700,000,000.00     04/06/2019
                                                                        700,000,000.00                  -                   -    700,000,000.00      12,345,315.07            -                    -   712,345,315.07
      Commercial Paper
      2.98%, RMB 300 million,
      Super & Short-term        300,000,000.00     04/06/2019
                                                                        300,000,000.00                  -                   -    300,000,000.00       4,396,721.31            -     304,396,721.31                   -
      Commercial Paper
      5.70%, RMB 300 million,
      Super & Short-term        300,000,000.00     16/05/2018
                                                                        300,000,000.00                  -   312,325,273.97                       -     324,041.10             -     312,649,315.07                   -
      Commercial Paper
      5.97%, RMB 300 million,
      Super & Short-term        300,000,000.00     04/06/2018
                                                                        300,000,000.00                  -   311,914,102.74                       -    1,334,390.41            -     313,248,493.15                   -
      Commercial Paper
      3.80%, RMB 300 million,
      Super & Short-term        300,000,000.00     18/01/2019
                                                                        300,000,000.00                  -   300,437,260.27                       -    7,995,616.45            -     308,432,876.72                   -
      Commercial Paper
      Total                     2,100,000,000.00                       2,100,000,000.00   206,349,863.00    924,676,636.98      1,000,000,000.00     26,966,276.13            -    1,445,647,461.04    712,345,315.07

      35.         Long-term borrowings

      (1)         Classification of long-term borrowings
                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                  Opening balance
                                                         Item                                                                   Closing balance
       Credit borrowings                                                                                                            3,368,772,302.71                                2,047,087,456.97
       Guaranteed borrowings (Note 1)                                                                                               2,857,916,427.61                                3,676,678,040.09
       Mortgage borrowings (Note 2)                                                                                                 3,041,748,008.91                                3,222,002,355.34
       Total                                                                                                                        9,268,436,739.23                                8,945,767,852.40
       Less: Long-term borrowings due within one year                                                                               2,954,701,198.90                                1,974,288,010.22
       Including: Credit borrowings                                                                                                 1,294,054,756.85                                  389,974,981.60
               Guaranteed borrowings                                                                                                1,119,153,332.94                                1,109,331,175.51
               Mortgage borrowings                                                                                                    541,493,109.11                                  474,981,853.11
       Long-term borrowings due after one year                                                                                      6,313,735,540.33                                6,971,479,842.18

      During the year, the annual interest rate of the borrowing ranges from 1.20% to 5.89%.

      Note1: The loan was guaranteed by China Merchants International (China) Investment Co., Ltd.,
             JYRT and China Merchants Port Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ("CMPD").

                                                                                                                                                                                                        - 103 -



      35. Long-term borrowings - continued

      (1)      Classification of long-term borrowings - continued

      Note 2: As at 31 December 2019, the Group obtained the long-term loan of RMB
             3,028,877,614.16 (31 December 2018: RMB 3,194,255,164.03) with its entire equity in
             Colombo International Container Terminals Limited and the entire equity in Thesar
             Maritime Limited, and the land with ownership, fixed assets and construction in progress
             held by Guangdong Yide Port Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yide Port"), the land
             use rights of Shenzhen Haixing Harbor Development Co., Ltd. as well as the sea area use
             rights of Dongguan Chiwan Port Service Co., Ltd. mortgaged as collaterals.

      Details of mortgage borrowings are as follows:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                      Company name                        Closing balance       balance                           Collateral
                                                                                                  The Group's entire equity in Colombo
       China Development Bank Corporation                   1,358,129,654.07   1,568,189,186.18   International Container Terminals
       International Finance Corporation                      449,103,214.20    530,954,660.44
       African Development Bank                               206,294,203.06    243,879,424.87
       Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor
                                                              169,887,745.22    200,892,936.34
        Ontwikkelingslanden N.V.
       The Opec Fund For International Development            145,656,886.91    172,142,912.47    The Group's entire equity in Thesar
       Societe de Promotion et de Participation pour la                                           Maritime Limited
                                                              145,613,216.49    172,210,289.61
        Cooperation Economique S.A.
       Deutsche Investitions-und
       Entwicklungsgesellschaft                               121,392,394.29    143,457,150.91
                                                                                                  Land use rights, fixed assets and
       China Construction Bank Shunde Branch                  184,264,872.07    190,275,794.52    construction in progress of Yide Port (see
                                                                                                  note (V) 62)
                                                                                                  Land use rights of Shenzhen Haixing
       Bank of China Qianhai Shekou Branch                    241,388,867.03                  -   Harbor Development Co., Ltd (see note
                                                                                                  (V) 62)
                                                                                                  Sea area use rights of Dongguan Chiwan
       China Merchants Bank Dongguan Branch                    20,016,955.57                  -
                                                                                                  Warf Co., Ltd. (see note (V) 62)
       Total                                                3,041,748,008.91   3,222,002,355.34

      36. Bonds payable

      (1)      Bonds payable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  Opening balance
                                             Item                                    Closing balance
      4.375%, USD 900 million corporate bond                                              6,349,018,876.27              6,235,321,752.65
      5.000%, USD 600 million corporate bond                                              4,218,874,981.43              4,145,346,424.65
      4.750%, USD 500 million corporate bond                                              3,541,255,065.51              3,481,200,658.82
      5.000%, USD 500 million corporate bond                                              3,500,281,169.59              3,437,038,919.01
      4.890%, USD 2,500 million corporate bond                                            2,585,072,602.74              2,585,072,602.74
      3.500%, USD 200 million corporate bond                                              1,414,333,247.34              1,389,033,618.74
      IPCA + 7.8164%, BRL 428 million corporate bond                                        810,150,534.24                783,774,548.64
      4.980%, RMB 400 million corporate bond                                                401,200,657.53                             -
      5.150%, RMB 500 million corporate bond                                                             -                524,651,558.48
      2.970%, RMB 300 million corporate bond                                                             -                301,508,794.53
      Total                                                                              22,820,187,134.65             22,882,948,878.26
      Less: Bonds payable due within one year                                             1,889,505,167.46                785,481,781.86
      Bonds payable due after one year                                                   20,930,681,967.19             22,097,467,096.40

                                                                                                                                    - 104 -



      36. Bonds payable - continued

      (2)      Changes of bonds payable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                 Effect of                                                                                         Effect of
                                                                          Term                                                                     Amount issued            Interest       Discount or         Repayment in
                                                              Date of                                                           changes in                                                                                        changes in         31/12/2019
              Name of bonds               Face value                      of the       Amount of issue         1/1/2019                            in the current        accrued based      premium             the current
                                                               issue                                                             scope of                                                                                           foreign
                                                                          bond                                                                          year              on par value     amortization            year
                                                                                                                               consolidation                                                                                      exchange
       4.375%, USD 900 million
                                      USD 900,000,000.00    06/08/2018   5 years     USD 900,000,000.00     6,235,321,752.65                   -                    -    272,014,148.70     9,090,007.51       272,014,148.70    104,607,116.11     6,349,018,876.27
       corporate bond
       5.000%, USD 600 million
                                      USD 600,000,000.00    06/08/2018   10 years    USD 600,000,000.00     4,145,346,424.65                   -                    -    207,248,875.20     4,177,721.93       207,248,875.20     69,350,834.85     4,218,874,981.43
       corporate bond
       4.750%, USD 500 million
                                      USD 500,000,000.00    03/08/2015   10 years    USD 500,000,000.00     3,481,200,658.82                   -                    -    164,072,026.13     2,156,660.73       164,072,026.20     57,897,746.03     3,541,255,065.51
       corporate bond
       5.000%, USD 500 million
                                      USD 500,000,000.00    04/05/2012   10 years    USD 500,000,000.00     3,437,038,919.01                   -                    -    172,707,396.00     6,040,527.71       172,707,396.00     57,201,722.87     3,500,281,169.59
       corporate bond
       4.890%, RMB 2,500 million
                                     RMB 2,500,000,000.00   21/04/2017   5 years    RMB 2,500,000,000.00    2,585,072,602.74                   -                    -    122,250,000.00                   -    122,250,000.00                  -    2,585,072,602.74
       corporate bond
       3.500%, USD 200 million
                                      USD 200,000,000.00    03/08/2015   5 years     USD 200,000,000.00     1,389,033,618.74                   -                    -     48,358,070.88     2,184,832.77        48,358,070.88     23,114,795.83     1,414,333,247.34
       corporate bond
       IPCA+7.8164%, BRL 428
                                      BRL 428,047,000.00    07/11/2016   6 years     BRL 428,047,000.00      783,774,548.64                    -                    -     95,782,430.65    11,483,036.38        64,633,265.91    (16,256,215.52)     810,150,534.24
       million corporate bond
       4.980%, RMB 400 million
                                     RMB 400,000,000.00     10/12/2018   3 years    RMB 400,000,000.00                     -   402,892,493.15                       -     18,228,164.38                   -     19,920,000.00                  -     401,200,657.53
       corporate bond
       5.150%, RMB 500 million
                                     RMB 500,000,000.00     06/02/2018   3 years    RMB 500,000,000.00       524,651,558.48                    -                    -      1,070,098.17                   -    525,721,656.65                  -                   -
       corporate bond
       2.970%, RMB 300 million
                                     RMB 300,000,000.00     11/10/2016   3 years    RMB 300,000,000.00       301,508,794.53                    -                    -      6,932,712.28      468,493.19        308,910,000.00                  -                   -
       corporate bond
       Total                                                                                               22,882,948,878.26   402,892,493.15                       -   1,108,663,922.39   35,601,280.22      1,905,835,439.54   295,916,000.17    22,820,187,134.65
       Less: Bonds payable due
                                                                                                             785,481,781.86                                                                                                                         1,889,505,167.46
       within one year
       Bonds payable due after one
                                                                                                           22,097,467,096.40                                                                                                                       20,930,681,967.19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - 105 -



      37.   Lease liabilities
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                  Category                         Closing balance      Opening balance
       Lease payment                                                 2,934,104,267.67
       Unrecognized financing cost                                   (945,733,971.11)
       Total                                                         1,988,370,296.56
       Less: Lease liabilities due within one year                     341,240,327.95
       Lease liabilities due after one year                          1,647,129,968.61

      38.   Long-term payables

      (1)   Summary of long-term payables
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                    Item                           Closing balance      Opening balance
       Long-term payables                                            1,447,802,228.74     1,285,984,226.34
       Special payables                                                548,550,497.29        38,841,499.68
       Total                                                         1,996,352,726.03     1,324,825,726.02
       Less: Long-term payables due within one year                     61,107,722.82        30,635,607.84
       Long-term payables due after one year                         1,935,245,003.21     1,294,190,118.18

      (2)   Long-term payables
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                   Item                            Closing balance      Opening balance
       Terminal management rights (Note 1)                             881,239,309.85       823,360,554.03
       Payable to minority shareholders of subsidiaries (Note 2)       407,092,971.69       390,658,146.52
       Borrowings from related parties (Note 3)                        150,000,000.00                    -
       Financing lease payments                                                     -        71,965,525.79
       Others                                                            9,469,947.20                    -
       Total                                                         1,447,802,228.74     1,285,984,226.34
       Less: Long-term payables due within one year                     61,107,722.82        30,635,607.84
       Long-term payables due after one year                         1,386,694,505.92     1,255,348,618.50

      Note 1: As at 12 August 2011, the Group reached a 35-year building, operation and transfer agreement
              through the subsidiary Colombo International Container Terminals Limited and the Sri Lanka
              Port Authority on the building, operation, management and development of the Colombo Port
              South Container Terminal (hereinafter referred to as for "BOT"). The above-mentioned
              terminal operating rights purchase amount is determined by discounting the amount to be paid
              in the future using the prevailing market interest rate according to the BOT agreement. As at
              31 December 2019, the amount is RMB 881,239,309.85.

      Note 2: It is an unsecured loan from minority shareholder of Thesar Maritime Limited, a
              subsidiary of the Company, with an annual interest rate of 4.65%.

                                                                                                    - 106 -



      38.   Long-term payables - continued

      (2)   Long-term payables - continued

      Note 3: At 9 December 2019, ZCMG, a subsidiary of the Company, and China Merchants
              Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. entered into a 72-month sale-and-leaseback agreement
              in respect of the sale-and-leaseback assets, with a consideration of RMB 150,000,000.00.
              The leased assets represent the front 80 meters hydraulic project main body assets of
              section A and section B under the Xiamen Port Houshi port area No. 3 general berth
              project. According to the agreement, after the lessee has settled all the liabilities under the
              contract, it is entitled to purchase the leased assets at the nominal price of RMB 100
              (inclusive of VAT). ZCMG is the saler and lessee of the leased assets. As China
              Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. has no control over the leased assets, the
              transfer of assets in the sale-and-leaseback transaction is not a sale and the cash receipts
              are accounted for as financial liabilities, i.e. borrowings from related parties. According
              to the agreement, the interest rate for the borrowings is 4.75% and the borrowing period
              is 72 months.

                At 9 December 2019, ZCMG and China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. as
                the beneficiary entered into a mortgage agreement with the land use rights of two plots of
                land for harbor and wharf with areas of 126,400 square meters and 172,700 square meters
                respectively as the collaterals. As of 31 December 2019, the carrying amount of the
                mortgaged land use rights is RMB 121,585,300.20.

      (3)   Special payables
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                             Effect of changes in
                                           Increase in the                          Decrease in the
              Item           1/1/2019                            the scope of                             31/12/2019       Reason
                                            current year                             current year
       Refunds of Harbor
                           36,061,435.67         78,708.90       510,107,118.35          900,794.60       545,346,468.32   Note 1
       Construction Fee
       Employee housing
                            2,780,064.01        423,964.96                     -                      -     3,204,028.97   Note 2
       Total               38,841,499.68        502,673.86       510,107,118.35          900,794.60       548,550,497.29

      Note 1: This represents the refund of the construction fee received by the Group from the
              Ministry of Transport, Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau. According to the
              "Port Construction Fee Management Measures" promulgated by the Ministry of Finance,
              this payment is dedicated to the construction of water transport infrastructure.

      Note 2: This represent the repairing fund for public areas and public facilities and equipment
              established after the Group's selling the public-owned house on the collectively allocated
              land to employees. The fund is contributed by all the employees having ownership of the
              house according to the rules, and is specially managed and used for specific purpose.

                                                                                                                            - 107 -



      39.    Long-term employee benefits payable

      (1)    Long-term employee benefits payable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                    Closing balance        Opening balance
       Post-employment benefits - net liabilities of defined benefits plan
                                                                                  454,383,940.25          385,323,310.21
       Termination benefits                                                        49,048,198.38            9,101,817.44
       Total                                                                      503,432,138.63          394,425,127.65
       Less: Long-term employee benefits payable due within one year               31,950,000.00           19,100,000.00
       Long-term employee benefits payable due after one year                     471,482,138.63          375,325,127.65

      (2)    Changes of defined benefits plan

      Present value of defined benefits plan obligation:
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                          2019                   2018
       I. Opening balance                                                        385,323,310.21         358,010,123.90
       II. Defined benefits cost included in profit or loss for the
                                                                                  25,714,051.83          10,313,678.43
       1. Current service cost                                                    10,244,780.50            2,163,678.43
       2. Past service cost                                                        (180,000.00)          (7,460,000.00)
       3. Interest adjustment                                                     15,649,271.33           15,610,000.00
       III. Defined benefits cost included in other comprehensive
                                                                                  (1,513,131.31)         34,693,502.67
       1. Actuarial gains (losses)                                                 (1,552,580.61)         34,562,392.88
       2. Effect of exchange rate changes                                               39,449.30            131,109.79
       IV. Other changes                                                            44,859,709.52       (17,693,994.79)
       1. Benefits paid                                                          (31,910,290.48)        (17,693,994.79)
       2. Changes in the scope of consolidation                                     76,770,000.00                     -
       V. Closing balance                                                         454,383,940.25         385,323,310.21

      The Company's subsidiaries provide the registered retirees and in-service staff with
      supplementary post-employment benefit plans.

      The Group hired a third-party actuary to estimate the present value of its above-mentioned
      retirement benefit plan obligations in an actuarial manner based on the expected cumulative
      welfare unit method. The Group recognizes the Group's liabilities based on the actuarial results.
      The relevant actuarial gains or losses are included in other comprehensive income and cannot be
      reclassified into profit or loss in the future. Past service costs are recognized in profit or loss for
      the period in which the plan is revised. The net interest is determined by multiplying the defined
      benefit plan net debt or net assets by the appropriate discount rate.

                                                                                                                 - 108 -



      40.     Provisions
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                               Item                                                     Closing balance             Opening balance                     Reason
      Estimated expenses on Shangtou Port land
                                                                                            45,897,100.00                                      -
      acquisition and reservation
      Sales discount                                                                        15,265,697.07                  15,480,571.55
      Pending litigation (Note)                                                             15,079,762.88                  19,470,820.72                  Note
      Total                                                                                 76,242,559.95                  34,951,392.27

      Note: This represent the estimated compensation amount that the Company's subsidiary TCP
            may need to pay due to the pending litigation.

      41.     Deferred income
                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Effect of changes
                                                                  Increase in the                   Decrease in the
                    Item                           1/1/2019                        in the scope of                                                  31/12/2019
                                                                   current year                      current year
      Government grants                            228,658,214.64 503,152,280.00     452,418,582.19   37,903,296.88                                1,146,325,779.95
      Unrealized sale-and-
                                                                     -                      -         1,902,769.80           475,692.58                 1,427,077.22
      leaseback income
      Total                                        228,658,214.64 503,152,280.00                   454,321,351.99          38,378,989.46           1,147,752,857.17

      Items involving government grants are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Recognized in
                                                                                  Effect of changes
                                                      1/1/2019                                           Other               31/12/2019             Related to assets
                      Liabilities                                    Increase      in the scope of
                                                                                                     comprehensive                                 /related to income
      Refund from marine reclamation land                        -              - 392,906,557.65 17,736,737.26               375,169,820.39         Related to assets
      Tonggu channel widening project (Note)                     - 282,311,343.28                  -   5,881,486.48          276,429,856.80         Related to assets
      West port area public channel widening
                                                                 - 217,588,656.72                      -     967,832.04      216,620,824.68         Related to assets
      project (Note)
      Modern logistics special funds                115,360,000.04                  -                  -      639,999.96     114,720,000.08         Related to assets
      Terminal subsidy                               47,775,000.00                  -                  -    1,224,999.96      46,550,000.04         Related to assets
      Appropriation for harbor dues on cargo                     -                  -      22,819,438.96      504,043.87      22,315,395.09         Related to assets
      Port construction subsidy                                  -       1,000,000.00      20,946,639.06      847,305.47      21,099,333.59         Related to assets
      Qianwan Bonded Logistics Park Project          15,304,301.08         200,000.00                  -    1,077,251.84      14,427,049.24         Related to assets
      Subsidized grain transfer project subsidy       8,142,857.12                  -                  -      285,714.29       7,857,142.83         Related to assets
      Central budgetary support for bulk grain
                                                      7,472,916.67                  -                  -     212,500.00         7,260,416.67        Related to assets
      transfer terminal projects
      Refund of land transfer charges                            -                  -       6,680,000.00              -         6,680,000.00        Related to assets
      AMP project                                     6,748,036.42                  -                  -     961,620.72         5,786,415.70        Related to assets
      Oil to electricity project                      6,017,089.67                  -                  -     784,837.92         5,232,251.75        Related to assets
      War readiness tug special fund                             -                  -       4,425,000.00     206,250.00         4,218,750.00        Related to assets
      Bonded logistics center industry
                                                                 -                  -       2,690,000.00     110,000.00         2,580,000.00        Related to assets
      informatization development special fund
      Automated terminal operation and
                                                      5,162,470.31                  -                  -    2,915,508.74        2,246,961.57        Related to assets
      dispatching system special support project
      War readiness portal crane subsidy              1,855,895.24                  -                  -     262,008.73         1,593,886.51        Related to assets
      Bulk cargo production business
                                                                 -       1,500,000.00                  -               -        1,500,000.00        Related to assets
      management system
      Research and development of fully
      automated intelligent terminal information
                                                      2,737,023.07                  -                  -    1,679,085.80        1,057,937.27        Related to assets
      investment based on cloud platform
      Green low carbon port project                   1,403,900.02              -                      -      421,170.00          982,730.02        Related to assets
      Others                                         10,678,725.00     552,280.00           1,818,226.52    1,184,943.80       11,997,007.72
      Total                                         228,658,214.64 503,152,280.00         452,418,582.19   37,903,296.88    1,146,325,779.95

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      41.    Deferred income - continued

      Note: According to the reply from Ministry of Transportation, Shenzhen West Port Area Tonggu
            Channel 240-270 Meters Widening project, Shenzhen West Port Area West Public
            Channel Section I 240-270 Meters Widening Project and Shenzhen West Port Area West
            Public Channel Section II and III 240-270 Meters Widening Project have been included in
            the National "13th Five-year Plan for Water Transport". As of 31 December 2019, the
            Ministry of Transportation has appropriated relevant subsidies of RMB 499,900,000 to the
            Company's subsidiaries.

      42.    Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                            c                            Closing balance         Opening balance
       TCP operating rights liability (Note 1)                                3,326,952,857.86         3,260,547,002.45
       Obligation to minority shareholders due to acquisition (Note 2)          732,733,351.01           579,195,304.56
       Berth priority call right (Note 3)                                        20,664,537.64            25,305,830.90
       Total                                                                  4,080,350,746.51         3,865,048,137.91
       Less: Other non-current liabilities due within one year                  825,835,439.66            87,465,615.05
       Including: TCP operating rights liability                                 93,102,088.65            87,465,615.05
                Obligation to minority shareholders due to acquisition          732,733,351.01                        -
       Other non-current liabilities due after one year                       3,254,515,306.85         3,777,582,522.86

      Note 1: As at 23 February 2018, CMPort, a subsidiary of the Company, acquired a 90% stake in
              TCP and incorporate it into the consolidated financial statements of the Group. TCP has
              operation right the port of paranagua up to 2048. At 31 December 2019, the payment to
              acquire the port operation rights is calculated based on local comprehensive price index.

      Note 2: In February 2018, CMPort, a subsidiary of the Company, acquired a 90% stake in TCP.
              According to the agreement, minority shareholders of TCP can choose to sell their 10%
              stake in TCP to Kong Rise Development, a subsidiary of CMPort, at the market price or
              the BRL 320 million (whichever is higher) after two years. Therefore, the Group
              recognizes the total amount of obligations related to the purchase of minority interests as

      Note 3: This represents the berth priority call right as agreed in the contract entered into with the
              clients in 2003, with total amount of USD 14 million. The Group must give priority to
              the berthing requirements of the contracted customers during the contract period. The
              Group amortized the berth priority right within 20 years using straight-line method. In
              2019, the amount included in operating income is RMB 4,641,293.26.

                                                                                                              - 110 -



      43.     Share capital
                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Changes for the year
                   Item                  Opening balance        New issue of       Bonus    Capitalization of                                   Closing balance
                                                                                                                Others          Sub-total
                                                                share (note)       issue    surplus reserve
      I. Restricted tradable shares
      1. State-owned shares                               -                    -       -                  -              -                  -                     -
      2. State-owned legal person                                                      -                  -
                                                          -    128,952,746.00                                                 128,952,746.00      128,952,746.00
      3. Other domestic shares (Note)            212,156.00                 -          -                  -   (42,554.00)        (42,554.00)           169,602.00
      4. Foreign shares                    1,148,648,648.00                 -          -                  -             -                  -     1,148,648,648.00
      Total restricted tradable shares     1,148,860,804.00    128,952,746.00          -                  -   (42,554.00)     128,910,192.00     1,277,770,996.00
      II. Non-restricted tradable shares
      1. Ordinary shares denominated                                           -       -                  -
                                             464,855,324.00                                                     3,000.00             3,000.00     464,858,324.00
      in RMB
      2. Foreign capital shares listed                                         -       -                  -
                                             179,696,250.00                                                    39,554.00           39,554.00      179,735,804.00
      3. Foreign capital shares listed                                         -       -                  -              -                  -                     -
      4. Others                                           -                 -          -                  -            -                   -                    -
      Total non-restricted tradable shares   644,551,574.00                 -          -                  -    42,554.00           42,554.00       644,594,128.00
      III. Total shares                    1,793,412,378.00    128,952,746.00          -                  -            -      128,952,746.00     1,922,365,124.00
      I. Restricted tradable shares
      1. State-owned shares                               -                    -        -                 -              -                  -                     -
      2. State-owned legal person                                              -       -                  -              -                  -                     -
      3. Other domestic shares                   160,106.00                  -         -                  -    52,050.00            52,050.00          212,156.00
      4. Foreign shares                                   -   1,148,648,648.00         -                  -            -     1,148,648,648.00    1,148,648,648.00
      Total restricted tradable shares           160,106.00   1,148,648,648.00         -                  -    52,050.00     1,148,700,698.00    1,148,860,804.00
      II. Non-restricted tradable shares
      1. Ordinary shares denominated                                           -       -                  -
                                             464,859,300.00                                                    (3,976.00)          (3,976.00)     464,855,324.00
      in RMB
      2. Foreign capital shares listed                                         -       -                  -
                                             179,744,324.00                                                   (48,074.00)         (48,074.00)     179,696,250.00
      3. Foreign capital shares listed                    -                    -       -                  -              -                  -                     -
      4. Others                                           -                  -         -                  -             -                   -                   -
      Total non-restricted tradable shares   644,603,624.00                  -         -                  -   (52,050.00)         (52,050.00)      644,551,574.00
      III. Total shares                      644,763,730.00   1,148,648,648.00         -                  -             -    1,148,648,648.00    1,793,412,378.00

      Note: In October 2019, the Company issued 128,952,746 shares of ordinary shares tailed for
            Shenzhen Infrastructure Investment Fund Partnership (LLP) and Sino-Africa Development
            Fund Co., Ltd. at the price of RMB17.16 per share.

                                                                                                                                                        - 111 -



      44.       Capital Reserve
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                   Opening balance         Increase         Decrease         Closing balance
      Capital premium                                                        19,429,694,090.05     2,770,861,727.22    16,957,921.94   22,183,597,895.33
      Including: Capital contributed by investors (note 1)                    4,954,397,136.25     2,058,595,347.69                -    7,012,992,483.94
            Differences arising from business combination                                                         -                -
                                                                             13,311,099,845.41                                         13,311,099,845.41
            involving enterprises under common control
             Differences arising from acquisition of minority interests                             419,130,116.03                 -
                                                                                               -                                         419,130,116.03
             (Note 2)
             Others (Note 3)                                                  1,164,197,108.39      293,136,263.50     16,957,921.94    1,440,375,449.95
      Other capital Reserve                                                      (2,781,133.00)     129,059,971.90     13,391,266.88      112,887,572.02
      Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous                                                -                 -       (2,781,133.00)
      accounting system
              Other changes of owners' equity of the investee under equity
              method other than changes in net profit or loss, profit                          -    129,059,971.90     13,391,266.88     115,668,705.02
              distribution and other comprehensive income
              Others (Note 3)                                                                -                    -                -                   -
      Total                                                                  19,426,912,957.05     2,899,921,699.12    30,349,188.82   22,296,485,467.35
      Capital premium                                                        18,848,680,489.20     1,164,197,108.39   583,183,507.54   19,429,694,090.05
      Including: Capital contributed by investors                             4,954,397,136.25                    -                -    4,954,397,136.25
            Differences arising from business combination                                                         -   583,183,507.54   13,311,099,845.41
            involving enterprises under common control
             Others                                                                          -     1,164,197,108.39                -    1,164,197,108.39
      Other capital Reserve                                                     (2,781,133.00)                    -                -       (2,781,133.00)
      Including: Transfer from capital reserve under the previous                                                 -                -       (2,781,133.00)
      accounting system
      Total                                                                  18,845,899,356.20     1,164,197,108.39   583,183,507.54   19,426,912,957.05

      Note 1: The increase in the year mainly represents the premium of the shares issued by the

      Note 2: The increase in the year mainly represents the dividends from the Company's share in
              CMPort which is obtained in the form of scrip dividends, i.e. the portion of change in
              minority interests. Details are set out in Note (VII)1(2).

      Note 3: The increase in the year primarily represents the difference between the disposal price of
              equity of Xinda Resources Limited held by the Company's subsidiary CMPort and the
              share of net assets of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal of the long-term equity
              investments continuously calculated since the date of acquisition, which is CNY
              221,549,814.91. The company Details are set out in Note (VII)2(1).

                                                                                                                                               - 112 -



      45.      Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Less: Amount
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Less: Other
                                                                                                           included in                                                                      Impact of
                                                                                                              other                                                                          business
                                                                                                                                              Post-tax income        Post-tax income                            e income
                                                                                                         comprehensive        Less:                                                       combination
                             Item                           Opening balance       Pre-tax amount for                                           attributable to        attributable to                            carried     Closing balance
                                                                                                          income in the    Income tax                                                       involving
                                                                                       the year                                                  the parent              minority                              forward to
                                                                                                          prior periods      expense                                                       enterprises
                                                                                                                                              company owner            shareholders                             retained
                                                                                                         transferred to                                                                  under common
                                                                                                          profit or loss                                                                     control
                                                                                                            this year
       I. Other comprehensive income that will not be
                                                                75,673,134.08           19,605,662.56                  -    985,483.75               9,090,184.52         9,529,994.29                   -    1,793,560.33      82,969,758.27
       reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
       Including: Changes arising from remeasurement
                                                                              -           1,552,580.61                 -                -            1,069,722.83          482,857.78                    -               -       1,069,722.83
                   of defined benefits plan
                   Other comprehensive income that
                   can't be transferred to profit or loss                     -         13,161,546.95                  -                -            4,830,921.62         8,330,625.33                   -               -       4,830,921.62
                   under equity method
                   Changes in fair value of other equity
                                                                75,673,134.08             4,891,535.00                 -    985,483.75               3,189,540.07          716,511.18                    -    1,793,560.33      77,069,113.82
       II. Other comprehensive income that will be
                                                                13,252,844.49       (1,114,906,073.32)                 -                -      (452,167,168.67)       (662,738,904.65)                   -               -    (438,914,324.18)
       reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
       Including: Other comprehensive income that
                   may be transferred to profit or loss            100,000.00         (146,982,017.86)                 -                -          (59,050,164.54)     (87,931,853.32)                   -               -     (58,950,164.54)
                   under equity method
                   Translation differences of financial
                   statements denominated in foreign            13,152,844.49         (967,924,055.46)                 -                -      (393,117,004.13)       (574,807,051.33)                   -               -    (379,964,159.64)
       Total other comprehensive income                         88,925,978.57       (1,095,300,410.76)                 -    985,483.75         (443,076,984.15)       (653,208,910.36)                   -    1,793,560.33    (355,944,565.91)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - 113 -



      45.         Other comprehensive income - continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Less: Other
                                                                                                          included in                                                                        Impact of
                                                                                                              other                                                                           business
                                                                                                                                               Post-tax income        Post-tax income                           e income
                                                                                                         comprehensi                                                                       combination
                             Item                           Opening balance       Pre-tax amount for                      Less: Income          attributable to        attributable to                           carried    Closing balance
                                                                                                         ve income in                                                                        involving
                                                                                       the year                            tax expense            the parent              minority                             forward to
                                                                                                            the prior                                                                       enterprises
                                                                                                                                               company owner            shareholders                            retained
                                                                                                             periods                                                                      under common
                                                                                                          transferred                                                                         control
                                                                                                          to profit or
                                                                                                         loss this year
       I. Other comprehensive income that will not be
                                                              (742,874,052.89)        (127,586,823.04)                -    1,125,715.00             (48,671,312.79)     (80,041,225.25)    867,218,499.76               -      75,673,134.08
       reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
       Including: Changes arising from remeasurement
                                                                              -        (20,136,880.35)                -                  -           (7,943,999.30)     (12,192,881.05)      7,943,999.30               -                     -
                   of defined benefits plan
                   Other comprehensive income that
                   can't be transferred to profit or loss                     -       (116,954,783.85)                -                  -          (46,138,662.23)     (70,816,121.62)     46,138,662.23               -                     -
                   under equity method
                   Changes in fair value of other equity
                                                              (742,874,052.89)            9,504,841.16                -    1,125,715.00               5,411,348.74         2,967,777.42    813,135,838.23               -      75,673,134.08
       II. Other comprehensive income that will be
                                                                13,252,844.49          333,315,323.72                 -                  -           90,449,399.81      242,865,923.91     (90,449,399.81)              -      13,252,844.49
       reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
       Including: Other comprehensive income that
                   may be transferred to profit or loss            100,000.00          (20,157,413.77)                -                  -           (7,952,099.73)     (12,205,314.04)      7,952,099.73               -         100,000.00
                   under equity method
                   Translation differences of financial
                   statements denominated in foreign            13,152,844.49          353,472,737.49                 -                  -           98,401,499.54      255,071,237.95     (98,401,499.54)              -      13,152,844.49
       Total other comprehensive income                       (729,621,208.40)         205,728,500.68                 -    1,125,715.00              41,778,087.02      162,824,698.66     776,769,099.95               -      88,925,978.57

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - 114 -



      46.    Special reserve
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                        Item                     Opening balance            Increase             Decrease       Closing balance
      Production safety reserve                      8,231,080.43       108,062,435.41       103,906,781.14       12,386,734.70
      Production safety reserve                      4,767,373.45         24,165,961.75       20,702,254.77        8,231,080.43

      47.    Surplus reserve
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                        Item                    Opening balance            Increase            Decrease         Closing balance
      Statutory surplus reserve                   527,175,908.67         103,169,398.76                     -    630,345,307.43
      Statutory surplus reserve                   520,074,434.56           7,101,474.11                     -    527,175,908.67

      In accordance with the Company Law of the PRC and the Company's Articles of Association, the
      Company should appropriate 10% of net profit for the year to the statutory surplus reserve, and
      may cease appropriation when the statutory surplus reserve accumulates to more than 50% of the
      registered capital. The statutory surplus reserve can be used to make up for the loss or increase the
      share capital after approval.

      The appropriation of discretionary surplus reserve is proposed by the board of directors and
      approved at the shareholders meeting. The discretionary surplus reserve can be used to make up
      for the loss or increase the share capital after approval.

      48.    Unappropriated profit
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             Proportion of
                                        Item                                            Amount              appropriation or
      Unappropriated profit at the end of prior year before adjustment                 8,915,817,110.21
      Adjustment of total unappropriated profit at the beginning of year                (41,018,077.68)          Note 1
      Unappropriated profit at the beginning of year after adjustment                  8,874,799,032.53
      Add: Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company for the year         2,898,192,168.84
      Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve                                     1,793,560.33
           Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve                                103,169,398.76
           Appropriation to general risk reserve                                                      -
           Ordinary shares' dividends payable                                            204,449,011.09          Note 2
           Ordinary shares' dividends converted into share capital                                    -
      Unappropriated profit at the end of the year                                    11,467,166,351.85

                                                                                                                          - 115 -



      48.     Unappropriated profit - continued
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Proportion of
                                       Item                                       Amount            appropriation or
      Unappropriated profit at the end of prior year before adjustment           3,566,083,142.17
      Adjustment of total unappropriated profit at the beginning of year         5,716,548,113.47
      Unappropriated profit at the beginning of year after adjustment            9,282,631,255.64
      Add: Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company for the year   1,090,418,910.77
      Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve                               7,101,474.11
           Appropriation to discretionary surplus reserve                                       -
           Appropriation to general risk reserve                                                -
           Ordinary shares' dividends payable                                      850,443,359.86
           Ordinary shares' dividends converted into share capital                              -
           Others                                                                  599,688,222.23
      Unappropriated profit at the end of the year                               8,915,817,110.21

      Note 1: As set out in Note (III)34, the Group reduced the unappropriated profit at the beginning of
              the year by RMB41,018,077.68 due to the impact of changes of accounting policies.

      Note 2: According to the resolution of shareholders meeting on 20 May 2019, the Company
              distributes cash dividends of RMB 1.14 (inclusive of tax) for every 10 shares, totaling to
              RMB204,449,011.09 on the basis of the total shares of 1,793,412,378 shares at the end of

      Note 3: Profit distribution after the balance sheet date

                 According to the profit distribution plan for 2019, approved by the 9th board of directors
                 at the 7th meeting on 14 April 2020, the Company, based on the total shares of
                 1,922,365,124 on the 31 December 2019, would distribute cash dividends at a amount of
                 RMB884,287,957.04. The above profit distribution plan has yet been approved by
                 shareholders meeting.

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      49.    Operating income and operating costs

      (1)    Operating income and operating costs
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                            Amount incurred                           Amount incurred
                                              in the current                             in the prior
                                                  period                                    period
                                      Income                  Cost              Income                  Cost
       Principal operating        11,958,482,255.05      7,425,898,430.33    9,570,796,336.11      5,517,782,669.86
       Other operating               165,347,168.69        223,022,489.38      132,598,286.47        221,458,726.01
       Total                      12,123,829,423.74      7,648,920,919.71    9,703,394,622.58      5,739,241,395.87

      (2)    Revenue from contracts
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                              Bonded logistics      Other
            Categories of contracts       Ports operation                                              Total
                                                                operation         operation
       Mainland China, Hong Kong
                                           8,310,009,620.17    396,670,343.38 165,347,168.69       8,872,027,132.24
       and Taiwan area
         - Pearl River Delta               5,196,613,368.06    267,511,586.97 165,347,168.69      5,629,472,123.72
         - Yangtze River Delta                            -                 -              -                     -
         - Bohai Rim                          65,287,182.79    129,158,756.41              -        194,445,939.20
         - Other areas                     3,048,109,069.32                 -              -      3,048,109,069.32
       Other countries                     3,237,062,565.69     14,739,725.81              -      3,251,802,291.50
       Total                              11,547,072,185.86    411,410,069.19 165,347,168.69     12,123,829,423.74

                                                                                                               - 117 -


  (3) Description of performance obligations

     The Group provides wharf service, bonded logistics service and other services. These services are
     obligations performed over a period of time. For wharf services, as the handling time for
     containers and bulk cargos is short, the management believes that it is not necessary to recognize
     revenue according to the progress towards the completion of contract and it is an appropriate
     method to recognize the fulfillment of performance obligation and revenue upon the completion
     of the service. For bonded logistics service and other services, the customers evenly obtains and
     consumes the economic benefits from the Group's performance of contract, meanwhile the
     charging rules as agreed in the contract terms usually adopt daily/month/yearly basis. During the
     process of rendering services, the Group recognizes revenue using straight-line method. Part of
     the Group's handling contracts are established with discount terms, i.e. the customers whose
     business volume reaches agreed level, are granted with preferential charge rate or discount. At the
     end of the year, as the business quantity finally realized within the contract period is uncertain, the
     contract consideration is subject to variable factors. The management included this part of
     discount in provisions. Details are set out in Note (V) 40. The Group's revenue contract does not
     have significant financing components.

  (4) At the end of the year, the variable consideration of RMB15,265,697.07 (31 December 2018:
      RMB15,480,571.55) arising from sales discount is not included in the transaction price due to the
      restriction requirements relating to variable considerations.

     50.   Taxes and levies
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                 Amount incurred        Amount incurred
                                  Item                            in the current          in the prior
                                                                       period                period
      Property tax                                                     45,998,786.01          50,993,199.89
      Land use tax                                                     32,116,936.18          15,095,001.85
      City construction and maintenance tax                             6,188,074.98           5,258,434.33
      Stamp duty                                                        4,948,743.36          45,775,414.65
      Education surcharges and local education surcharges               4,866,915.60           4,059,161.54
      Others (Note)                                                    78,437,123.79        114,772,591.25
      Total                                                           172,556,579.92        235,953,803.51

     Note: Others mainly represent (1) the tax levied by Program of Social Integration and
           Contribution for the Financing of Social Security against enterprises, amounting to
           BRL14,988,643.16 (equivalent to RMB 26,302,820.45); (2) Tax for services calculated
           based on the services rendered, amounting to BRL24,028,392.69 (equivalent to

                                                                                                     - 118 -



      51.   Administrative expense
                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                               Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                      Item      in the current         in the prior
                                                    period                period
      Employee's salary                             980,074,507.53        702,986,443.49
      Depreciation expenses                          74,954,306.82         42,634,581.68
      Amortization of intangible assets              58,414,351.33         14,013,965.69
      Fees paid to agencies                          55,258,915.07        233,972,825.17
      Others                                        340,818,500.91        258,257,859.42
      Total                                       1,509,520,581.66      1,251,865,675.45

      52.   Financial expenses
                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                               Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                      Item      in the current         in the prior
                                                     period               period
      Interest expense                           2,018,175,947.65      1,672,764,416.74
      Less: Capitalized interest expenses            35,175,196.89         38,663,084.94
      Less: Interest income                         252,060,018.58       272,453,293.86
      Exchange differences                           37,236,030.34       235,825,068.78
      Handling fee                                   56,876,221.78         37,531,206.16
      Others                                          4,379,909.45          8,413,790.07
      Interest expenses of lease liabilities        106,836,843.78
      Total                                      1,936,269,737.53       1,643,418,102.95

                                                                                  - 119 -



      53.   Other income
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                         Item                                         in the current         in the prior
                                                                                          period                period
      Allocation of deferred income                                                        37,903,296.88         9,551,510.74
      Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province - Special funds for
                                                                                          20,970,000.00                     -
      promoting economic development of Guangdong
      Shenzhen Municipal Finance Committee – Foreign trade growth incentive
                                                                                          13,850,262.00                     -
      Additional deduction of VAT                                                         13,268,318.27                     -
      Sri Lanka Hambantota Port project subsidies                                         10,278,619.72                     -
      Nanshan district modern logistics project support fund                               8,094,400.00          3,000,000.00
      Transport Bureau of Zhangzhou Development Zone port operation support
                                                                                           7,415,800.50          5,602,326.79
      Refund of withholding taxes                                                          6,903,526.71          2,334,770.36
      Shenzhen Transportation Committee – key logistics enterprises finance
                                                                                           6,019,100.00                     -
      Nanshan district independent innovation enterprise development special fund          5,561,600.00                     -
      Shenzhen Municipal Finance Committee 2019 equipment construction fee                 5,448,613.20                     -
      Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee – R&D subsidy                  4,241,000.00          5,411,000.00
      Electricity subsidy                                                                  3,307,715.28          4,040,714.30
      Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry
      Cooperation Zone Administration – the first batch of headquarter enterprise         2,375,100.00                     -
      contribution support fund for 2019
      Xiamen Port Holding Group Co., Ltd. – 2018 incentive support fund                   2,000,000.00                     -
      Steady post subsidies                                                                1,985,363.23            476,958.57
      Fujian Provincial Port and Shipping Development Special Fund                         1,864,088.00          1,029,000.00
      Special fund for foreign trade and economic development from central
      government (cross-border business management system based on big data                1,720,000.00                     -
      Fujian Development and Reform Commission – 3rd batch provincial
                                                                                           1,000,000.00                     -
      demonstration logistics park subsidy
      Special fund for promoting high-quality development of economy                       1,000,000.00                     -
      Market Supervision Bureau Of Shenzhen – China quality awards nomination
                                                                                           1,000,000.00                     -
      Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry
      Cooperation Zone Administration – Qianhai cooperation zone new trade                1,000,000.00                     -
      development special fund
      Shenzhen Municipal Finance Committee policy subsidy                                              -         5,767,400.00
      Infrastructure construction investment of Central government – TCP port
                                                                                                       -         5,161,467.89
      project (early stage work) subsidy
      Subsidy for increasing the port's capacity of handling containers for 2017                       -         3,500,000.00
      Domestic trade containers handling capacity finance subsidy from
                                                                                                       -         1,999,631.00
      Transportation Committee
      Economy, Trade and Information Commission of Shenzhen Municipality –
      Subsidy of central government for 2017 foreign economic and trade
                                                                                                       -         1,904,900.00
      development special fund (cross-border e-commerce type) (Trade clearance
      facilitation platform)
      Others                                                                               4,894,309.31          6,400,447.99
      Total                                                                              162,101,113.10         56,180,127.64

                                                                                                                      - 120 -



      54.    Investment income

      (1)    Details of investment income:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                               Amount incurred              Amount incurred
                                      Item                                      in the current                in the prior
                                                                                    period                       period
      Long-term equity investments income under equity method                       3,727,850,763.22             3,913,864,538.60
      Gains from remeasurement of previously held equity at fair value upon
                                                                                       845,432,476.22                                -
      obtaining the control (Note)
      Investment income on other non-current financial assets                          127,790,790.54                45,661,915.63
      Investment income on disposal of other non-current financial assets                (407,903.18)
      Dividend income on other equity instruments                                       10,942,760.11                 8,228,975.00
      Interest income on debt investments                                               20,352,987.67                            -
      Others                                                                         (112,788,119.16)                    72,720.25
      Total                                                                          4,619,173,755.42             3,967,828,149.48

      There is no significant restriction on the remittance of the Group's investment income.

      Note: The income is mainly generated by the acquisition of Zhanjiang Port whose original equity
            was remeasured at fair value.

      (2)    Details of long-term equity investments income under equity method
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                       Amount incurred    Amount incurred
                         Investee                       in the current      in the prior                Reason for changes
                                                            period             period
      Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.      2,425,921,985.71  2,571,370,986.64      Changes in net profit of investee
      Terminal Link SAS                                    280,560,341.83    357,885,181.99      Changes in net profit of investee
      Nanshan Group                                        242,285,185.34    220,478,175.60      Changes in net profit of investee
      Dalian Port Co., Ltd.                                148,347,321.32    112,882,708.11      Changes in net profit of investee
      Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal
                                                            142,602,575.17     141,704,248.41    Changes in net profit of investee
      Co., Ltd.
      Ningbo Daxie Merchants International Wharf
                                                            120,498,548.83     102,956,377.59    Changes in net profit of investee
      Co., Ltd.
      Euro-Asia Oceangate, S.a` r.l.                         71,820,758.28     108,552,693.45    Changes in net profit of investee
      China Overseas Harbour Affaris (Laizhou) Co.,
                                                             42,110,853.02      48,450,765.57    Changes in net profit of investee
      Port of Newcastle                                      31,855,255.55        8,870,390.98   Changes in net profit of investee
      Others                                                221,847,938.17      240,713,010.26   Changes in net profit of investee
      Total                                               3,727,850,763.22    3,913,864,538.60

      55.    Gains (losses) on changes in fair value
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                              Amount incurred              Amount incurred
                                      Item                                     in the current                in the prior
                                                                                   period                       period
      Other non-current financial assets                                           431,344,898.81             (948,440,538.45)
      Including: Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss             431,344,898.81             (948,440,538.45)
      Other non-current liabilities                                              (364,861,632.33)             (125,966,299.23)
      Including: Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or
                                                                                  (364,861,632.33)             (125,966,299.23)
      Total                                                                          66,483,266.48           (1,074,406,837.68)

                                                                                                                           - 121 -



      56.   Gains (losses) on impairment of credit
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                         Amount incurred             Amount incurred
                                     Item                                 in the current               in the prior
                                                                               period                     period
      I. Gains (losses) on impairment of credit of accounts receivable        (51,878,244.38)                3,102,192.00
      II. Gains (losses) on impairment of credit of other receivables            1,682,076.71              (9,760,870.10)
      III. Gains (losses) on impairment of credit of long-term
                                                                                (1,082,720.15)              (784,171.05)
      IV. Others                                                                 1,029,478.05                 (85,731.45)
      Total                                                                   (50,249,409.77)              (7,528,580.60)

      57.   Gains from impairment of assets
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                          Amount incurred            Amount incurred
                                     Item                                  in the current              in the prior
                                                                               period                     period
       Gains from decline in value of inventories                                   25,051.16                           -

      58.   Gains on disposal of assets
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Amount           Amount included
                                                              Amount incurred
                                                                                     incurred         in non-recurring
                              Item                             in the current
                                                                                   in the prior       profit or loss for
                                                                   period                             the current year
       Gains on disposal of non-current assets                  4,794,562,782.79   19,258,495.33        4,794,562,782.79
       Including: Gains on disposal of fixed assets                 6,759,787.47   18,151,195.97            6,759,787.47
                  Gains on disposal of intangible assets        1,108,671,001.98                -       1,108,671,001.98
                  Gains on disposal of construction in
                                                                   47,902,373.19                 -         47,902,373.19
                  Others                                        3,631,229,620.15    1,107,299.36        3,631,229,620.15

      Note: The gains on disposal of assets mainly include:

      1)      On 30 October 2019, the Company's subsidiary Shantou Port signed the "Transfer Letter"
              with Shantou Land Reserve Center, returning the land around 133.61 mu and accompany
              buildings on the east of Zhuchi deepwater port and on the south of Zhongshan East Road
              of Shantou to the municipal government. According to the legal opinion, Shantou Port
              confirmed the completion of transfer of the land of 133.61 mu and accompany buildings,
              and recognized gains on compensation of assets amounting to RMB69,324,588.03.

      2)      The Company's subsidiary Shantou Port obtained received a compensation of
              RMB537,635,141.78 by returning its land parcels of 183.63 mu and accompany buildings
              at Zhuchi deepwater port on the south of Zhongshan East Road of Shantou to government.
              Details are set out in Note (V)6.4(2).

      3)      The Company's subsidiaries Antongjie Terminal Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ("ATJ")
              and Ansujie Terminal Services (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ("ASJ") obtained compensation of
              RMB4,193,314,004.68 by returning land parcels and its accompany buildings. Details are
              set out in Note (X)5(6).

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      59.   Non-operating income
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                             Amount           Amount included in
                                                       Amount incurred
                                                                             incurred         non-recurring profit
                              Item                      in the current
                                                                           in the prior          or loss for the
                                                            period                                current year
      Compensation obtained by minority shareholders
                                                         488,492,798.26                   -        488,492,798.26
      Compensation received for contracts violation       14,444,165.81       945,809.03            14,444,165.81
      Exempted account currents                            2,026,044.81                -             2,026,044.81
      Insurance compensation received                                 -       540,000.00                        -
      Others                                              48,140,351.53    65,642,880.95            48,140,351.53
      Total                                              553,103,360.41    67,128,689.98           553,103,360.41

      Note: In August 2012, the Group acquired 50% equity of LCT held by Mediterranean Shipping
            Company S.A ("MSC") through its subsidiary Global Terminal Limited at the consideration
            of EUR150 million. According to the "Equity Acquisition Agreement", from 2014 to 2028,
            MSC provides LCT port with commitment of minimum quantity of containers through
            Global Terminal Limited, of which the performance is assessed every three years, and
            agrees on the compensation mechanism whenever the guaranteed quantity of containers is
            not satisfied. In 2019, the Group recognized compensation of RMB488,492,798.26 for the
            period from 2017 to 2019. As at 31 December 2019, the Group accumulatively recognized
            compensation of RMB866,629,494.55 of which RMB669,121,539.36 is not yet received.

      60.   Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                             Amount      Amount included in
                                                       Amount incurred
                                                                             incurred    non-recurring profit
                              Item                      in the current
                                                                           in the prior     or loss for the
                                                            period                         current period
      Donations                                           31,344,046.81    12,070,408.91       31,344,046.81
      Losses on retirement of non-current assets          24,459,845.75    32,095,701.53       24,459,845.75
      Compensation, liquidated damages and penalties       5,574,036.67    49,204,874.59         5,574,036.67
      Others                                               9,074,083.17    31,660,313.54         9,074,083.17
      Total                                               70,452,012.40   125,031,298.57       70,452,012.40

      61.   Income tax expenses
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                 Amount incurred              Amount incurred
                                     Item                         in the current                in the prior
                                                                      period                       period
      Current tax expenses                                          2,308,373,316.21               510,367,919.37
      Deferred tax expenses                                           332,165,578.41               218,072,619.23
      Total                                                         2,640,538,894.62               728,440,538.60

                                                                                                          - 123 -



      61. Income tax expenses - continued

      Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit is as follows:
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Amount incurred
                                                 Item                                                in the current
      Accounting profit                                                                               10,807,456,167.82
      Income tax expenses calculated at 25%                                                            2,701,864,041.96
      Effect of non-deductible cost, expenses and losses                                                 261,705,254.04
      Accrued income tax expenses                                                                        973,358,960.93
      Effect of deductible temporary differences and deductible losses for which the deferred tax
      assets are not recognized in current period
      Effect of tax-free income (Note)                                                                 (565,271,919.77)
      Effect of tax incentives and changes of tax rate                                                 (289,666,792.29)
      Effect of different tax rates of subsidiaries operating in other jurisdictions                   (475,302,953.37)
      Effect of utilizing deductible losses for which the deferred tax assets were not recognized
      in prior period
      Effect of adjustments to prior-year income tax                                                    (31,763,879.70)
      Changes in the opening balance of deferred tax assets/ liabilities due to tax adjustments            5,366,646.17
      Others                                                                                                  78,053.88
      Income tax expenses                                                                              2,640,538,894.62

      Note: This mainly represents the tax effect on investment income from joint venture and

      62.   Assets with restricted ownership or use right
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                      Closing balance         Opening balance
      Cash and bank balances (Note 1)                                            15,648,978.15        1,697,027,200.00
      Equity investment in Colombo International Container
                                                                               1,591,452,920.23       1,526,241,901.61
      Terminals Limited (Note 2)
      Equity investment in Thesar Maritime Limited (Note 2)                      799,684,707.77         767,331,789.70
      Fixed assets (Note 3)                                                      349,612,960.23       5,825,207,339.57
      Intangible assets (Note 3)                                                 345,131,760.52         161,408,030.71
      Construction in progress (Note 3)                                           23,840,920.42          43,352,104.93
      Total                                                                    3,125,372,247.32      10,020,568,366.52

      Note 1: Details of restricted cash and bank balances are set out in Note (V) 1.

      Note 2: Details of mortgaged equity and interests are set out in Note (V) 35.

      Note 3: Yide Port mortgaged its land with property right, fixed assets and construction in
              progress to obtain bank borrowings; Shenzhen Haixing Harbor Development Co., Ltd.
              mortgaged its land with property right to obtain bank borrowings; Dongguan Chiwan
              Warf Co., Ltd. mortgaged its sea area use right with property right to obtain bank
              borrowings; ZCMG mortgaged its land with property right to obtain related party
              borrowings. Details of mortgage borrowings are set out in Note (V) 35 and Note (V)

                                                                                                                - 124 -



      63.   Other comprehensive income

      Details are set out in Note (V) 45.

      64.   Items in cash flow statement

      (1)   Other cash receipts relating to operating activities:
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                    Item                                     in the current         in the prior
                                                                                 period                period
      Government grants                                                          614,567,707.23         50,797,838.32
      Interest income                                                            212,679,224.25        214,787,250.36
      Guarantees and deposits                                                     30,791,091.36         27,953,110.71
      Rentals                                                                     16,310,934.86         13,313,831.31
      Compensation from contracts                                                 13,860,280.30        218,843,719.69
      Insurance compensation                                                       4,565,218.67         16,320,537.80
      Harbor construction fee                                                      2,803,216.00         96,876,815.04
      Others                                                                     270,133,172.51        325,042,168.36
      Total                                                                    1,165,710,845.18        963,935,271.59

      (2)   Other cash payments relating to operating activities
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                    Item                                     in the current         in the prior
                                                                                 period                period
      Operating expenses such as operating costs and administration
                                                                                 201,645,233.00        255,069,427.76
      expense etc.
      Advance payment                                                            177,076,380.78        155,172,493.64
      Rentals                                                                     31,228,253.07         70,806,355.26
      Port construction fee                                                       26,478,534.06         83,269,723.00
      Guarantees and deposits                                                     20,638,334.19         16,514,731.00
      Port charges                                                                 8,187,025.59         53,236,125.23
      Harbour dues on cargo                                                        3,138,152.55          2,668,097.85
      Others                                                                     341,307,637.90        407,636,957.99
      Total                                                                      809,699,551.14      1,044,373,911.73

      (3)   Other cash receipts relating to investing activities
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                            Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                    Item                                     in the current         in the prior
                                                                                 period                period
      Recovery of loans                                                        1,018,695,828.48       120,500,000.00
      Recovery of deposits restricted due to acquisition of Hambantota
                                                                               1,001,472,400.00                     -
      Port project
      Net cash receipts from acquisition of subsidiaries and other
                                                                                 845,457,228.45                     -
      operating units
      Cash receipts for debt transfer                                            356,137,574.00                     -
      Recovery of principal of structured deposit that is not readily for
                                                                                 314,000,000.00                     -
      Interest of structured deposits                                                         -        36,115,992.14
      Others                                                                         204,000.00                    -
      Total                                                                    3,535,967,030.93       156,615,992.14

                                                                                                              - 125 -



         64.      Items in cash flow statement - continued

         (4)    Net cash payments for acquiring subsidiaries and other operating units
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Amount incurred
                                                     Item                                              in the current
         Cash and cash equivalents paid for business combination in the current year                        375,334,390.00
         Including: Zhanjiang port                                                                          375,334,390.00
                Longteng Shipping                                                                                         -
         Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries at the acquisition date                    1,220,791,618.45
         Including: Zhanjiang port                                                                       1,216,363,923.97
                Longteng Shipping                                                                              4,427,694.48
         Net cash payments for acquisition of subsidiaries                                                (845,457,228.45)
         Including: Zhanjiang port                                                                        (841,029,533.97)
         Longteng Shipping                                                                                   (4,427,694.48)

      (5) Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Amount incurred
                                                     Item                                              in the current
         Cash and cash equivalent received in current period for disposal of subsidiaries in prior
         Including: China Merchants Warehousing (Shenzhen) Service Co., Ltd.                                  1,000,000.00

         (6)    Other cash payments relating to investing activities
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                Amount incurred       Amount incurred
                                       Item                                      in the current         in the prior
                                                                                     period               period
         Structured deposit that is not readily for withdrawal                     1,610,000,000.00        695,000,000.00
         Debt transfer payment                                                       356,137,574.00                     -
         Related party borrowings                                                    104,390,000.00                     -
         Supplementary payment of tax on significant assets restructuring             68,423,555.78                     -
         Deposits restricted due to acquisition of Hambantota Port project                        -        965,644,000.00
         Payment of income tax on disposal of other equity instruments                            -         25,463,391.23
         Total                                                                     2,138,951,129.78      1,686,107,391.23

         (7)    Other cash receipts relating to financing activities
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                               Amount incurred        Amount incurred
                                       Item                                     in the current          in the prior
                                                                                    period                 period
         Proceeds from disposal of equity of subsidiaries by CMPort               1,713,327,483.01                      -
         Proceeds from disposal of equity of the Company by CMPort                               -       3,876,395,683.27
         Total                                                                    1,713,327,483.01       3,876,395,683.27

                                                                                                                   - 126 -



      64.      Items in cash flow statement - continued

      (8)    Other cash payments relating to financing activities
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                               Amount incurred         Amount incurred
                                      Item                                      in the current           in the prior
                                                                                    period                  period
      Bonds issuance cost                                                             6,600,000.00          104,284,657.11
      Repayment of advances of shareholders                                           1,592,783.29            1,833,400.80
      Lease payments                                                                             -           39,828,477.15
      Others                                                                         34,391,014.26              250,000.00
      Total                                                                          42,583,797.55          146,196,535.06

      65.    Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

      (1)    Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                               Amount incurred         Amount incurred
                          Supplementary information                             in the current           in the prior
                                                                                    period                  period
      1.Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating
         Net profit                                                                 8,166,917,273.20        2,885,914,753.96
         Add: Provision for impairment losses of assets                                  (25,051.16)                       -
               Provision for impairment losses of credit                               50,249,409.77            7,528,580.60
               Depreciation of fixed assets                                         1,681,007,226.50        1,298,671,209.43
               Depreciation of investment property                                    190,418,170.86          183,248,437.37
               Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                    328,886,210.72
               Amortization of intangible assets                                      632,626,770.16         526,994,590.78
               Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                              31,586,968.21          19,045,474.75
               Losses (gains) on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                  (4,794,562,782.79)         (19,258,495.33)
                     and other long-term assets
               Losses on retirement of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                      24,459,845.75           32,095,701.53
         other long-term assets
               Losses (gains) on changes in fair value                               (66,483,266.48)        1,074,406,837.68
               Financial expenses                                                   2,127,073,624.88        1,869,926,400.58
               Investment loss (income)                                           (4,619,173,755.42)      (3,967,828,149.48)
               Decrease (increase) in deferred tax assets                           (191,905,933.39)         (24,282,252.12)
               Increase in deferred tax liabilities                                   524,071,511.80          242,354,871.34
               Decrease (increase) in inventories                                    (11,704,381.63)         (25,110,483.47)
               Decrease (increase) in operating receivables                       (2,391,266,937.99)        (261,424,216.35)
               Increase in operating payables                                       3,819,698,512.95          446,292,163.57
         Net cash flows from operating activities                                   5,501,873,415.94        4,288,575,424.84
      2.Significant investing and financing activities that do not involve
         cash receipts and payments:
         Conversion of debt into capital                                                           -                       -
         Convertible bonds due within one year                                                     -                       -
         Fixed assets acquired under finance leases                                                -                       -
      3.Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
         Closing balance of cash                                                    7,714,157,995.87        5,373,281,504.75
         Less: Opening balance of cash                                              5,373,281,504.75        7,729,460,082.75
         Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents                                                  -                       -
         Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents                                                 -                       -
         Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                       2,340,876,491.12      (2,356,178,578.00)

                                                                                                                    - 127 -



      65. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement - continued

      (2)   Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                   Item                   Closing balance       Opening balance
      I. Cash                                                7,714,157,995.87      5,373,281,504.75
      Including: Cash on hand                                      331,305.65            349,650.07
              Bank deposits                                  7,422,490,058.00      5,116,481,444.13
              Other monetary funds                             291,336,632.22        256,450,410.55
      II. Cash equivalents                                                  -                     -
      III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents      7,714,157,995.87      5,373,281,504.75

                                                                                            - 128 -



      66.     Foreign currency monetary items

                                                    Closing balance of                     Closing amount in
                            Item                                         Exchange rate
                                                    original currency                            RMB
      Cash and bank balances                                                                2,254,117,370.52
      Including: HKD                                    24,556,034.06             0.8958        21,997,295.31
                 USD                                   210,842,987.16             6.9762    1,470,882,847.03
                 EUR                                    66,928,010.67             7.8155      523,075,867.39
                 RMB                                   238,161,360.79             1.0000      238,161,360.79
      Accounts receivable                                                                     134,801,300.52
      Including: HKD                                     6,121,974.82             0.8958         5,484,065.04
                 USD                                     4,590,551.69             6.9762        32,024,606.70
                 EUR                                    12,448,676.19             7.8155        97,292,628.78
      Other receivables                                                                       561,195,430.79
      Including: HKD                                    35,529,633.52             0.8958        31,827,445.71
                 USD                                     3,538,045.40             6.9762        24,682,112.32
                 EUR                                    32,766,909.72             7.8155      256,089,782.91
                 RMB                                   248,596,089.85             1.0000      248,596,089.85
      Long-term receivables                                                                      9,800,295.76
      Including: EUR                                     1,253,956.87             7.8155         9,800,295.76
      Short-term borrowings                                                                 1,304,398,148.00
      Including: HKD                                   540,743,634.74             0.8958      484,398,148.00
                 RMB                                   820,000,000.00             1.0000      820,000,000.00
      Accounts payable                                                                          30,431,392.31
      Including: HKD                                     3,086,706.06             0.8958         2,765,071.29
                 USD                                        50,041.20             6.9762           349,097.42
                 EUR                                     3,489,504.65             7.8155        27,272,223.60
                 RMB                                        45,000.00             1.0000            45,000.00
      Other payables                                                                          574,112,167.24
      Including: HKD                                    13,979,385.79             0.8958        12,522,733.79
                 USD                                    47,361,608.63             6.9762      330,404,054.12
                 EUR                                    18,525,508.27             7.8155      144,786,109.92
                 RMB                                    86,399,269.41             1.0000        86,399,269.41
      Non-current liabilities due within one year                                             261,401,461.04
      Including: EUR                                    33,446,543.54             7.8155      261,401,461.04
      Long-term borrowings                                                                  1,254,199,485.00
      Including: EUR                                   124,950,000.00             7.8155      976,546,725.00
                 USD                                    39,800,000.00             6.9762      277,652,760.00
      Bonds payable                                                                        21,212,400,200.93
      Including: RMB                                 2,500,000,000.00             1.0000    2,500,000,000.00
                 USD                                 2,682,319,916.42             6.9762   18,712,400,200.93
      Long-term payables                                                                    1,940,107,556.84
      Including: HKD                                     2,366,680.83             0.8958         2,120,072.69
                 USD                                   217,303,185.71             6.9762    1,515,950,484.15
                 EUR                                    54,000,000.00             7.8155      422,037,000.00

                                                                                                       - 129 -



      67.   Government grants
                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                          Amount included in profit
             Type            Amount                                                      Item                                              Account
                                                                                                                                                            or loss for the period
       Related to assets   282,311,343.28   Tonggu channel widening project                                                             Deferred income                             -
       Related to assets   217,588,656.72   West port area public channel widening project                                              Deferred income                             -
                                            Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province - Special funds for promoting economic                                         20,970,000.00
       Related to income   20,970,000.00                                                                                                 Other income
                                            development of Guangdong
       Related to income   13,850,262.00    Shenzhen Municipal Finance Committee – Foreign trade growth incentive fund                  Other income                  13,850,262.00
       Related to income   13,268,318.27    Additional deduction of VAT                                                                  Other income                  13,268,318.27
       Related to income   10,278,619.72    Sri Lanka Hambantota Port project subsidies                                                  Other income                  10,278,619.72
       Related to income    8,094,400.00    Nanshan district modern logistics project support fund                                       Other income                   8,094,400.00
       Related to income    7,415,800.50    Transport Bureau of Zhangzhou Development Zone port operation support subsidy                Other income                   7,415,800.50
       Related to income    6,903,526.71    Refund of withholding taxes                                                                  Other income                   6,903,526.71
       Related to income    6,019,100.00    Shenzhen Transportation Committee – Finance subsidiary for key logistics enterprises        Other income                   6,019,100.00
       Related to income    5,561,600.00    Nanshan district independent innovation enterprise development special fund                  Other income                   5,561,600.00
       Related to income    5,448,613.20    Shenzhen Municipal Finance Committee 2019 equipment construction fee                         Other income                   5,448,613.20
       Related to income    4,241,000.00    Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee – R&D subsidy                          Other income                   4,241,000.00
       Related to income    3,307,715.28    Electricity subsidy                                                                          Other income                   3,307,715.28
                                            Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone
       Related to income    2,375,100.00    Administration – the first batch of headquarter enterprise contribution support fund for    Other income                   2,375,100.00
       Related to income    2,000,000.00    Xiamen Port Holding Group Co., Ltd. – 2018 incentive support fund                           Other income                   2,000,000.00
       Related to income    1,985,363.23    Steady post subsidies                                                                        Other income                   1,985,363.23
       Related to income    1,864,088.00    Fujian Provincial Port and Shipping Development Special Fund                                 Other income                   1,864,088.00
                                            Special fund for foreign trade and economic development from central government (cross-
       Related to income    1,720,000.00                                                                                                 Other income                   1,720,000.00
                                            border business management system based on big data service)
       Related to assets    1,500,000.00    Zhanjiang port bulk cargo production business management system                             Deferred income                             -

                                                                                                                                                                              - 130 -


      67. Government grants - continued
                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                            Amount included in profit
               Type          Amount                                                    Item                                                  Account
                                                                                                                                                              or loss for the period
                                            Fujian Development and Reform Commission – 3 batch provincial demonstration
       Related to income     1,000,000.00                                                                                                  Other income                  1,000,000.00
                                            logistics park subsidy
       Related to income     1,000,000.00   Special fund for promoting high-quality development of economy                                 Other income                  1,000,000.00
       Related to income     1,000,000.00   Market Supervision Bureau Of Shenzhen – China quality awards nomination prize                 Other income                  1,000,000.00
                                            Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone Administration
       Related to income     1,000,000.00                                                                                                  Other income                  1,000,000.00
                                            – Qianhai cooperation zone new trade development special fund
       Related to assets     1,000,000.00   Port construction subsidy                                                                     Deferred income                           -
       Related to income     4,894,309.31   Others                                                                                         Other income                  4,894,309.31
       Related to income       485,929.28   Others                                                                                        Deferred income                  485,929.28
       Related to assets       752,280.00   Others                                                                                        Deferred income                           -
       Total               627,836,025.50                                                                                                                              124,683,745.50

                                                                                                                                                                               - 131 -



       68.       Lease

       Undiscounted lease receipts subsequent to the balance sheet date are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                     Maturity analysis of undiscounted lease receipts                                                                    31/12/2019
        c                                                                                                                                                   262,471,675.69
        2nd year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                                                                                       170,415,614.49
        3rd year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                                                                                       126,553,858.93
        4th year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                                                                                        94,901,695.84
        5th year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                                                                                        86,772,978.95
        Subsequent years                                                                                                                                    415,842,560.49
        Total                                                                                                                                             1,156,958,384.39

       Note 1: The operating leases where the Group as the lessor are related to port and terminal
               facilities, machinery equipment, vehicles, land and buildings, with lease terms ranging
               from 1 month to 50 years and option to renew the lease of port and terminal facilities,
               machinery equipment, land and buildings. The Group considers that as the leased assets
               are properly used, the unguaranteed balance of such assets does not constitutes material
               risk of the Group.

       Note 2: For 2019, the revenue relating to operating lease amounts to RMB260,445,597.84; there
               is no revenue relating to variable lease payment that is not included in lease receipts.


       1.        Business combination not involving enterprises under common control

       (1)       Business combination not involving enterprises under common control for the year

                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                            Acquiree's income    Acquiree's net profit
                                                                                                                           Basis for         from acquisition      from acquisition
             Name of          Date on which the                          of equity   Acquisition
                                                     Acquisition cost                              Acquisition date     determining the     date to the end of   date to the end of the
             acquiree       investment is acquired                       acquired     method
                                                                                                                        acquisition date         the year                 year
        Zhanjiang port                                                               Cash
                                 3 February 2019     6,188,148,907.97   58.3549                     3 February 2019   Transfer of control    2,306,530,651.61          75,720,720.11
        (Note 1)                                                                     payment
                                                                                     Change of
                               31 December 2019         77,485,870.00    70.00       articles of   31 December 2019   Transfer of control                   -                       -
        Shipping (Note 2)

       Note 1: At 31 December 2018, China Merchants International Terminal (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd., a
               subsidiary of the Company, holds 1,620,000,000 shares of ordinary shares of Zhanjiang
               Port, accounting for 40.2916% of the issued shares of Zhanjiang Port.

                        On 2 January 2019, the Company and Guangdong Sinotrans Co., Ltd. entered into the
                        "Share Transfer Agreement on Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.", according to which the
                        Company receives 201,034,548 shares of ordinary shares of Zhanjiang Port held by
                        Guangdong Sinotrans Co., Ltd., accounting for 5% of the total issued shares of Zhanjiang
                        Port at the date of the agreement. The consideration for the conversion is

                                                                                                                                                                          - 132 -



       1.    Business combination not involving enterprises under common control - continued

       (1)   Business combination not involving enterprises under common control for the year -

                 On 8 January 2019, Chiwan Wharf (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. ("CWHK"), a subsidiary of the
                 Company, and Zhanjiang Infrastructure and Zhanjiang Port signed the "Capital Increase
                 Agreement of Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd". According to the agreement, Zhanjiang
                 Port proposes to issue additional 1,853,518,190 shares of ordinary share at the price of
                 RMB 1.867 per share or equivalent foreign currency price (determined based on
                 exchange rate of the capital contribution) so as to increase its registered capital to RMB
                 5,874,209,145.00. CWHK proposes to subscribe for 1,606,855,919 shares ordinary
                 shares, accounting for 27.3544% of the issued shares of Zhanjiang Port at the issuing
                 date. The total subscription payment is RMB 3,000,000,000.77 or the equivalent amount
                 in foreign currency (determined based on the exchange rate of capital contribution).

                 The above transaction has been completed on 3 February 2019. Since then, the Group
                 holds total 3,427,890,467 shares of ordinary share of Zhanjiang Port, accounting for
                 58.3549% of the total issued shares of Zhanjiang Port. The Group is able to control
                 Zhanjiang Port, therefore includes Zhanjiang Port in the scope of consolidation financial

       Note 2: According to the previous articles of association of Longteng Shipping, the top authority
               of the company is the General Shareholders Meeting, and the resolution of Shareholders
               Meeting requires unanimous consent of all the shareholders. Therefore, the Company's
               subsidiary Zhanjiang Port accounts for Longteng Shipping as a joint venture.

                 At 31 December 2019, Longteng Shipping held the 2019 second extraordinary
                 shareholders meeting where the resolution of changing the articles of association was
                 approved. According to the revised articles of association, the Company's top authority is
                 the Shareholders Meeting, and the resolution of Shareholders Meeting requires consent of
                 no less one half of the shareholders having voting power. Therefore, the Company's
                 subsidiary Zhanjiang Port has control over Lengteng Shipping. So that the Group
                 included it in the scope of consolidated financial statements.

       (2)   Acquisition cost and goodwill
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                  Acquisition cost                   Zhanjiang Port         Longteng Shipping
       --Cash                                                           3,375,334,390.77                       -
       -- Fair value of previously held equity at acquisition date      2,816,617,994.27           77,485,870.00
       -- Others                                                           (3,803,477.07)                      -
       Total acquisition cost                                           6,188,148,907.97           77,485,870.00
       Less: Share of fair value of net identifiable assets             5,769,803,600.29           70,303,862.29
       Goodwill                                                           418,345,307.68            7,182,007.71

                                                                                                         - 133 -



       1.     Business combination not involving enterprises under common control - continued

       (3)    Identifiable assets, liabilities of the acquiree at acquisition date
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                         Zhanjiang Port                                   Longteng Shipping
                    Item               Fair value at acquisition Carrying amount at            Fair value at         Carrying amount at
                                                 date               acquisition date          acquisition date         acquisition date
       Current assets                        5,165,579,759.10         5,165,579,759.10             16,465,094.05            16,465,094.05
       Other non-current financial
                                                15,243,577.73            15,243,577.73                         -                          -
       Long-term receivables                   877,208,613.40           877,208,613.40                         -                        -
       Long-term equity investments            172,685,776.52           165,494,758.03                         -                        -
       Investment property                      63,473,360.24            39,760,964.41                         -                        -
       Fixed assets                          8,445,573,407.27         7,451,556,053.74             67,589,835.15            62,305,835.15
       Right-of-use assets                   1,304,452,747.69         1,304,452,747.69              5,481,585.04             5,481,585.04
       Construction in progress              1,158,968,327.74         1,158,968,327.74             19,804,885.23            19,804,885.23
       Materials for construction of
                                                13,684,316.43            13,684,316.43                         -                          -
       fixed assets
       Intangible assets                     3,566,911,864.41         2,211,115,469.85                         -                        -
       Development expenses                     14,968,306.82            14,968,306.82                         -                        -
       Goodwill                                             -             9,775,569.57                         -                        -
       Long-term prepaid expenses                2,630,870.77             2,630,870.77                         -                        -
       Deferred tax assets                      41,991,411.69            41,991,411.69                  7,500.00                 7,500.00
       Other non-current assets                875,819,471.20           875,819,471.20                         -                        -
       Current liabilities                   6,048,006,153.82         6,048,006,153.82              3,456,823.04             3,456,823.04
       Long-term borrowings                  1,762,537,800.00         1,762,537,800.00                         -                        -
       Bonds payable                           400,000,000.00           400,000,000.00                         -                        -
       Long-term payables                      510,107,118.35           510,107,118.35                         -                        -
       Deferred income                         454,321,351.99           454,321,351.99                         -                        -
       Long-term employee benefits
                                               103,174,447.59           103,174,447.59                 30,000.00                30,000.00
       Deferred tax liabilities                595,179,290.60                        -              1,321,000.00                        -
       Lease liabilities                       857,876,749.08           857,876,749.08              4,106,987.44             4,106,987.44
       Net assets                           10,987,988,899.58         9,212,226,597.34            100,434,088.99            96,471,088.99
       Less: Minority interests              5,218,185,299.29         4,401,619,250.71             30,130,226.70            28,941,326.70
       Net assets acquired                   5,769,803,600.29         4,810,607,346.63             70,303,862.29            67,529,762.29

       (4)    Operating results and net cash flows of the acquiree from the acquisition date to the end of
              the period of business combination
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                Acquisition date to the end of the period of
                                 Item                                     business combination
                                                                                       Zhanjiang port              Longteng Shipping
       Operating income                                                                   2,306,530,651.61                                -
       Operating cost and expenses                                                        2,266,290,301.90                                -
       Gross profit                                                                          70,722,673.91                                -
       Net profit                                                                            75,720,720.11                                -
       Net cash flows from operating activities                                             735,126,563.91                                -
       Net cash flows from investing activities                                           (616,817,351.55)                                -
       Net cash flows from financing activities                                         (3,934,477,407.34)                                -
       Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                        (3,816,168,194.98)                                -

                                                                                                                                 - 134 -



       1.       Business combination not involving enterprises under common control - continued

       (5)      Gains or losses from remeasurement of equity held prior to acquisition date at fair value

                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                Method of
                                                                                                                                                     transferred from
                                                                                                                             determining the
                                                                                             Gains or losses                                                other
                            Carrying amount                      Fair value of                                                 fair value of
                                                                                                  from                                                 comprehensive
                            of previously held                  previously held                                              previously held
       Name of the acquiree                                                                remeasurement of                                               income to
                               equity at the                      equity at the                                                  equity at
                                                                                             previously held                                        investment income
                             acquisition date                   acquisition date                                             acquisition date
                                                                                           equity at fair value                                       in respect of the
                                                                                                                                 and key
                                                                                                                                                   equity held prior to
                                                                                                                                                   the acquisition date
       Zhanjiang Port                    1,981,183,625.76         2,816,617,994.27                835,434,368.51                                                                 -
       Longteng Shipping                      67,487,762.29              77,485,870.00                 9,998,107.71                                                              -


       1.       Interests in subsidiaries

       (1)      Composition of the Group
                                                                                                                                     Proportion of
                                                            Principal      Place of                          Registered capital
                                                                                          Nature of                                    ownership
                     Name of the subsidiary                   place of       incorpo                        (RMB'0000, unless                           Acquisition method
                                                                                            business                                  Interest(%)
                                                              business        ration                        otherwise specified)
                                                                                                                                    Direct Indirect
       Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co.,    Shenzhen,      Shenzhen, Logistics support                                                    Established through
                                                                                                                  550.00             100.00         -
       Ltd.                                                   PRC            PRC         services                                                             investment
                                                           Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,   Investment                                                         Established through
       CWHK                                                                                                   HKD1,000,000           100.00         -
                                                              PRC            PRC         holding                                                              investment
                                                           Dongguan,      Dongguan, Logistics support                                                     Established through
       Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd.                                                                            45,000.00            85.00         -
                                                              PRC            PRC         services                                                             investment
                                                           Dongguan,      Dongguan, Logistics support                                                     Established through
       Dongguan Chiwan Terminal Co., Ltd.                                                                        40,000.00           100.00         -
                                                              PRC            PRC         services                                                             investment
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,   Logistics support
       Shenzhen Chiwan Harbor Container Co. Ltd.                                                                 28,820.00           100.00         -    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                        under common control
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,   Logistics support
       Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd.                                                                1,500.00            100.00         -    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                        under common control
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,   Logistics support
       Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd.                                                                    USD95,300,000           55.00     20.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                        under common control
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,   Logistics support
       Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd.                                                                         2,400.00            100.00         -    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                        under common control
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
                                                           Hong Kong,     Hong Kong, Logistics support
       Chiwan Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited                                                                     HKD800,000            100.00         -    involving enterprises
                                                              PRC            PRC         services
                                                                                                                                                        under common control
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
                                                           Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,      Investment
       CMPort (Note 1)                                                                                     HKD40,614,228,200.00       40.91         -    involving enterprises
                                                              PRC            PRC            holding
                                                                                                                                                        under common control
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,   Logistics support
       China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.                                                                70,000.00            40.00     60.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                        under common control
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
       China Merchants International Information           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,
                                                                                          IT service             5,000.00             23.16     76.84    involving enterprises
       Technology Co., Ltd.                                  PRC             PRC
                                                                                                                                                        under common control
                                                                                                                                                        Business combination
       China Merchants International (China) Investment    Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,      Investment
                                                                                                              USD30,000,000               -   100.00     involving enterprises
       Co., Ltd.                                             PRC             PRC            holding
                                                                                                                                                        under common control

                                                                                                                                                                    - 135 -


     1.           Interests in subsidiaries - continued

     (1)          Composition of the Group - continued
                                                            Principal       Place of       Nature of                                Proportion of
                                                                                                             Registered capital
                                                              place of        incorpo        business                                 ownership
                    Name of the subsidiary                                                                  (RMB'0000, unless                         Acquisition method
                                                              business         ration                                                Interest(%)
                                                                                                            otherwise specified)
                                                                                                                                   Direct Indirect
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                                            Qingdao,    Logistics support
      CMT                                                 Qingdao, PRC                                       USD206,300,000              -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                                              PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                          Hong Kong,       Hong Kong, Logistics support
      China Merchants Container Services Limited                                                               HKD500,000                -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC              PRC         services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      China Merchants Port (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                                  55,000.00               -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,      Engineering
      Shenzhen Haiqin Project Management Co., Ltd.                                                                300.00                 -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC          supervision
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                         Preparation for                                              Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,
      ATJ                                                                                 warehousing        HKD100,000,000              -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC
                                                                                             project                                                  under common control
                                                                                         Preparation for                                              Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,
      ASJ                                                                                 warehousing        HKD100,000,000              -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC
                                                                                             project                                                  under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
      China Merchants International Terminal (Qingdao)                      Qingdao,    Logistics support
                                                          Qingdao, PRC                                        USD44,000,000              -    90.10    involving enterprises
      Co., Ltd.                                                               PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                                                        Logistics support
      Colombo International Container Terminals Limited     Sri Lanka       Sri Lanka                        USD150,000,100              -    85.00    involving enterprises
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Shenzhen Mawan Port Services Co., Ltd.                                                                     20,000.00               -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Shenzhen Magang Cangma Co., Ltd.                                                                           33,500.00               -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Shenzhen Mawan Port Service Co., Ltd.                                                                      20,000.00               -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Zhangzhou,      Zhangzhou, Logistics support
      Zhangzhou China Merchants Tugboat Co., Ltd.                                                                1,500.00                -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                              PRC             PRC         services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Zhangzhou,      Zhangzhou, Logistics support
      Zhangzhou China Merchants Port Co., Ltd.                                                                  100,000.00               -    60.00    involving enterprises
                                                              PRC             PRC         services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Zhangzhou,      Zhangzhou, Logistics support
      ZCMG (note 2)                                                                                              44,450.00               -    31.00    involving enterprises
                                                              PRC             PRC         services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Shekou Container Terminals Ltd.                                                                        HKD618,201,200              -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Shenzhen Lianyunjie Container Terminals Co., Ltd.                                                          60,854.90               -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Anxunjie Container Terminals (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                         127,600.00               -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                         Preparation for                                              Business combination
      Anyunjie Port Warehousing Service (Shenzhen) Co.,    Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,
                                                                                          warehousing            6,060.00                -   100.00    involving enterprises
      Ltd.                                                   PRC             PRC
                                                                                             project                                                  under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Shenzhen Haixing Harbor Development Co., Ltd                                                            USD15,151,500              -    67.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Shenzhen Lianyongtong Terminal Co., Ltd.                                                                USD7,000,000               -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                                             Foshan,    Logistics support
      Yide Port                                           Foshan, PRC                                            21,600.00               -    51.00    involving enterprises
                                                                              PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                             British                                                                  Business combination
                                                          British Virgin                   Investment
      Mega Shekou Container Terminals Limited                                Virgin                             USD120.00                -    80.00    involving enterprises
                                                             Islands                         holding
                                                                             Islands                                                                  under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
      Thesar Maritime Limited                                Cyprus          Cyprus                            EUR5,000.00               -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                                                                                                                      under common control
                                                                                                                                                      Business combination
                                                           Republic of     Republic of Logistics support
      LCT                                                                                                    XOF200,000,000              -   100.00    involving enterprises
                                                             Togo            Togo          services
                                                                                                                                                      under common control

                                                                                                                                                                  - 136 -



     1.        Interests in subsidiaries - continued

     (1)       Composition of the Group - continued
                                                                Principal       Place of       Nature of                                Proportion of
                                                                                                                 Registered capital
                                                                  place of        incorpo        business                                 ownership
                     Name of the subsidiary                                                                     (RMB'0000, unless                           Acquisition method
                                                                  business         ration                                                Interest(%)
                                                                                                                otherwise specified)
                                                                                                                                       Direct Indirect
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                                                            Logistics support
      Hambantota International Port Group (Private)Limited      Sri Lanka       Sri Lanka                        USD794,000,000              -    85.00     involving enterprises
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                                                Shantou,    Logistics support
      Shantou port                                            Shantou, PRC                                           12,500.00               -    60.00     involving enterprises
                                                                                  PRC           services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                               Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,     Property lease
      JYRT                                                                                                           80,000.00               -   100.00     involving enterprises
                                                                 PRC             PRC           servce etc.
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                               Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,     Property lease
      QHW                                                                                                            20,000.00               -   100.00     involving enterprises
                                                                 PRC             PRC           servce etc.
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                               Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,       Investment
      Juzhongzhi Investment (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                                                                     4,000.00                -    75.00     involving enterprises
                                                                 PRC             PRC           consulting
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                               Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
      Shenzhen Lianda Tugboat Co., Ltd.                                                                               200.00                 -    60.29     involving enterprises
                                                                 PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                               Zhangzhou,      Zhangzhou, Logistics support
      Zhangzhou Zhongli Outer Wheel Tally Co., Ltd                                                                    200.00                 -    84.00     involving enterprises
                                                                  PRC             PRC         services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                                                            Logistics support
      China Merchants Holdings (Djibouti) FZE                   Djibouti        Djibouti                          USD38,140,000              -   100.00     involving enterprises
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                 British                                                                   Business combination
                                                              British Virgin                   Investment
      Xinda Resources Limited                                                    Virgin                              USD 1.00                -    74.95     involving enterprises
                                                                 Islands                         holding
                                                                                 Islands                                                                   under common control
                                                                                                                                                           Business combination
                                                              Hong Kong,       Hong Kong,      Investment
      Kong Rise Development Limited                                                                                  HKD 1.00                -   100.00     involving enterprises
                                                                 PRC              PRC            holding
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
                                                                                            Logistics support          BRL
      TCP                                                        Brazil          Brazil                                                      -    90.00     involving enterprises
                                                                                                services            68,851,600
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
      China Merchants Port (Zhoushan) RoRo Logistics           Zhoushan,       Zhoushan,    Logistics support
                                                                                                                     17,307.86           51.00        -      Assets acquisition
      Co., Ltd. ("RoRo Logistics" Note 3)                        PRC             PRC            services
      Shenzhen Haixing Logistics Development Co., Ltd.         Shenzhen,       Shenzhen,    Logistics support
                                                                                                                     7,066.79                -   100.00      Assets acquisition
      (Note 4)                                                   PRC             PRC            services
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
                                                               Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
      Zhanjiang Port (Note 5)                                                                                       587,420.91            3.42    54.93     involving enterprises
                                                                 PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
      Zhanjiang Port International Container Terminal Co.,     Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
                                                                                                                     60,000.00               -    80.00     involving enterprises
      Ltd. (Note 5)                                              PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
      Zhanjiang Port Petrochemical Terminal Co., Ltd. (note    Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
                                                                                                                     18,000.00               -    50.00     involving enterprises
      5)                                                         PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
      China Ocean Shipping Tally Co., Ltd., Zhanjiang          Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
                                                                                                                      300.00                 -    84.00     involving enterprises
      (Note 5)                                                   PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
      Zhanjiang Port Donghaidao Bulk Cargo Terminal Co.,       Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
                                                                                                                     5,000.00                -   100.00     involving enterprises
      Ltd. (Note 5)                                              PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
      Zhanjiang Port Bonded Service Co., Ltd., Guangdong       Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
                                                                                                                      300.00                 -   100.00     involving enterprises
      (Note 5)                                                   PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
      Guangdong Zhanjiang Port Logistics Co., Ltd. (Note       Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
                                                                                                                     10,000.00               -   100.00     involving enterprises
      5)                                                         PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
                                                               Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
      Zhanjiang Port Haichuan Trading Co., Ltd. (Note 6)                                                              200.00                 -   100.00     involving enterprises
                                                                 PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control
                                                                                                                                                          Business combination not
                                                               Zhanjiang,      Zhanjiang, Logistics support
      Longteng Shipping (Note 6)                                                                                     9,000.00                -    70.00     involving enterprises
                                                                 PRC             PRC          services
                                                                                                                                                           under common control

                                                                                                                                                                       - 137 -



     1.    Interests in subsidiaries - continued

     (1)   Composition of the Group - continued

     Note 1: On 19 June 2018, the Company and China Merchants Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
             ("CMHK") entered into "Agreement of Concerted Action on China Merchants Port
             Holdings Company Limited". According to the agreement, CMHK unconditionally keeps
             consistent with the Company when voting for the matters discussed at the general
             shareholders meeting of CMPort in respect of its 22.64% voting power of CMPort as
             entrusted, and performs the voting as per the Company's opinion. Therefore, the
             Company totally has 62.09% voting power of CMPort, and has control over CMPort.

             For July and November 2019, CMPort respectively distributed 2018 dividends and 2019
             interim dividends to shareholders. The shareholders may select to receive the interim
             dividends in cash as an alternative of entire or partial scrip dividends. The Company
             select to receive all its share of dividends from the shareholding in CMPort in the form of
             scrip dividends. Upon the completion of above distribution of CMPort, the Company's
             share in CMPort increased from 1,313,541,560 shares to 1,411,014,033 shares,
             accounting for 40.91% (previously 39.45%) of the total issued shares of CMPort. The
             proportion of shares held by CMHK changed from 22.64% to 21.86%. Therefore, the
             Company has total 62.77% voting power of CMPort and has control over CMPort.

     Note 2: The Group and China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd. entered into
             "Equity Custody Agreement", according to which China Merchants Zhangzhou
             Development Zone Co., Ltd. entrusted its 29% equity of ZCMG to the Group for
             operation and management. Therefore, the Group has 60% voting power of ZCMG and
             includes it in the scope of consolidated financial statements.

     Note 3: RoRo Logistics, a subsidiary of the Group, held a shareholders meeting on 17 September
             2019, and approved the merger agreement entered into with China Merchants Port
             (Zhoushan) RoRo Terminal Co., Ltd. ("RoRo Terminal"), another subsidiary of the
             Group, on 16 September 2019. According to the agreement, RoRo Logistics merged
             RoRo Terminal and continued to survive, while RoRo Terminal was cancelled. The
             merger was completed on 5 November 2019.

             On 18 September 2019, RoRo Logistics and RoRo Terminal, which are subsidiaries of
             the Group, respectively published announcement on "Zhoushan Daily", explaining the
             settlement of liabilities or debt guarantees of RoRo Logistics and RoRo Terminal. The
             debts of both parties before the merger will be borne by RoRo Logistics that continues to

             On 28 November 2019, the Group's subsidiary RoRo Logistics completed the industrial
             and commercial registration of changes while RoRo Terminal completed the industrial
             and commercial registration of cancellation.

                                                                                                 - 138 -



     1.      Interests in subsidiaries - continued

     (1)     Composition of the Group - continued

     Note 4: On 13 May 2019, the Company's subsidiary Shenzhen Haixing Xiaoyetian Logistics
             Development Co., Ltd. renamed to Shenzhen Haixing Logistics Development Co., Ltd.

     Note 5: Details are set out in Note (VI) 1.

     (2)     Material non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                     Proportion of        Profit or loss        Dividends          Balance of
                                       ownership         attributable to      distributed to    minority interests
          Name of the subsidiary    interest held by        minority             minority       at the end of the
                                      the minority       shareholders in     shareholders in          year
                                   shareholders (%)     the current year    the current year
      CMPort                                    59.09    4,698,967,872.72    1,632,905,377.51   53,597,183,498.95

                                                                                                           - 139 -



     1.        Interests in subsidiaries - continued

     (3)       Significant financial information of material non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                   31/12/2019                                                                                                                    31/12/2018
          Name of the
                                                                                                                 Non-current                                                                                                 Current          Non-current
          subsidiary     Current assets     Non-current assets      Total assets         Current liabilities                         Total liabilities    Current assets    Non-current assets      Total assets                                                 Total liabilities
                                                                                                                   liabilities                                                                                              liabilities         liabilities
      CMPort            11,159,452,476.24   119,576,502,129.38   130,735,954,605.62       13,858,924,526.23    35,059,524,441.90     48,918,448,968.13   9,453,546,575.26   110,694,125,429.95   120,147,672,005.21      8,017,825,679.49   37,213,240,669.92   45,231,066,349.41

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                          2019                                                                                                                      2018
           Name of the                                                                                  Total                                                                                                                     Total
                                                                                                                              Cash flows from                                                                                                            Cash flows from
            subsidiary           Operating income                   Net profit                     comprehensive                                             Operating income                     Net profit                 comprehensive
                                                                                                                             operating activities                                                                                                       operating activities
                                                                                                       income                                                                                                                    income
      CMPort                         7,845,242,646.62              7,421,484,985.59                 6,327,276,475.35               3,944,044,766.09              7,729,738,537.45                2,685,592,888.44             2,886,818,529.12              3,595,234,888.15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       - 140 -



     2.     Transactions resulting in changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries without losing
            control over the subsidiaries

     (1) Description of changes in ownership interests in subsidiaries

            During the year, the Group's ownership interests in CMPort changed from 39.45% to
            40.91%. Details are set out in Note (VII) 1 (1).

            In December 2019, the Company sold 25.05% equity of Xinda Resources Limited, a wholly-
            owned subsidiary of the Company, and related 25.05% of the shareholders' loans to an
            external third party at the consideration of USD 248,010,000.00 (equivalent to
            RMB1,713,327,483.01). After the disposal, the Company's ownership interests in Xinda
            Resources Limited decreased from 100% to 74.95%.

     (2)    Effect of the transaction on minority interests and equity attributable to owners of the
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                            Xinda Resources
       Acquisition cost
       - Cash                                                                                     -                1,713,327,483.01
       - Fair value of non-cash assets                                             1,116,813,838.52                               -
       Total acquisition cost/disposal consideration                               1,116,813,838.52                1,713,327,483.01
       Less: Share of net assets of subsidiaries calculated based
                                                                                   1,535,943,954.55                1,171,773,303.33
       on the proportion of equity acquired/disposed
       Difference                                                                  (419,130,116.03)                 541,554,179.68
       Including: Adjustment to capital Reserve                                      419,130,116.03                 541,554,179.68
               Adjustment to surplus reserve                                                      -                              -
               Adjustment to unappropriated profit                                                -                              -

     3.     Interests in joint ventures and associates

     (1)    Material joint ventures or associates
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Proportion of ownership
                                            Principal                                                              Accounting method
                                                          Place of     Nature of     interests held by the Group
                   Investee                  place of                                                               of investments in
                                                        registration   business                  (%)
                                            business                                                                    associates
                                                                                        Direct         Indirect
                                                                       Port and
      Shanghai International Port (Group)   Shanghai,    Shanghai,     container
                                                                                                -         26.77      Equity method
      Co., Ltd.                               PRC          PRC         terminal

                                                                                                                             - 141 -



     4.     Key financial information of material associates
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                  Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.
                                                                  Closing balance /          Opening balance/
                                   Item                           Amount incurred            Amount incurred
                                                                    in the current              in the prior
                                                                         period                    period
      Current assets                                                  40,399,631,516.67         47,842,620,837.32
      Including: Cash and cash equivalents                            17,900,365,675.69         27,935,157,994.83
      Non-current assets                                             101,777,664,401.29         96,524,413,178.58
      Total assets                                                   142,177,295,917.96        144,367,034,015.90
      Current liabilities                                             19,339,272,490.14         31,676,398,710.35
      Non-current liabilities                                         32,049,165,771.78         30,340,320,855.30
      Total liabilities                                               51,388,438,261.92         62,016,719,565.65
      Minority interests                                                8,732,108,869.09         6,802,318,747.82
      Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company       82,056,748,786.95         75,547,995,702.43
      Share of net assets calculated based on the proportion of
                                                                     21,966,591,650.27          20,216,643,649.97
      ownership interests
      -Goodwill                                                       2,076,585,747.12           2,076,585,747.12
      -Others                                                         (125,134,529.84)           (105,669,326.14)
      Carrying amounts of equity investments in associates           23,918,042,867.55          22,187,560,070.95
      Fair value of publicly quoted equity investments in
                                                                     35,788,783,813.22          32,129,272,123.48
      Operating income                                               36,101,631,985.21          38,042,544,621.37
      Net profit                                                      9,925,845,382.34          11,472,021,103.16
      Other comprehensive income                                      (197,209,230.86)           (954,348,960.96)
      Total comprehensive income                                      9,728,636,151.48          10,517,672,142.20
      Dividends received from associates in the current year            955,194,576.56           1,059,194,508.74

     5.     Summarized financial information of immaterial associates and joint ventures
                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                  Closing balance /       Opening balance/ Amount
                                                                  Amount incurred                 incurred
                                                                   in the current               in the prior
                                                                       period                       period
       Joint ventures:
      Total carrying amount of investments                             9,392,226,566.22         11,230,302,154.26
      Aggregate of following items calculated based on the
      proportion of ownership interest
      - Net profit                                                      468,699,021.57             429,904,250.47
      - Other comprehensive income                                      (18,718,479.76)             (5,608,904.12)
      - Total comprehensive income                                      449,980,541.81             424,295,346.35
      Total carrying amount of investments                           24,606,269,949.49          16,758,715,038.19
      Aggregate of following items calculated based on the
      proportion of ownership interest
      - Net profit                                                      833,229,755.94             912,589,301.49
      - Other comprehensive income                                      (71,060,470.70)           (31,643,724.68)
      - Total comprehensive income                                      762,169,285.24             880,945,576.81

     6.     The investees where the Group holds long-term equity investments are not restricted to
            transfer funds to the Group.

                                                                                                            - 142 -



     The Group's major financial instruments include cash and bank balances, notes receivable,
     account receivables, other receivables, long-term receivables, other equity instrument
     investments, other non-current financial assets, short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts
     payable, other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payable, long-term payables etc. Details of
     these financial instruments are disclosed in Notes (V). The risks associated with these financial
     instruments and the policies on how to mitigate these risks are set out below. Management
     manages and monitors these exposures to ensure the risks are monitored at a certain level.

     The Group adopts sensitivity analysis techniques to analyze how the entity's profit or loss and for
     the period and shareholders' equity would have been affected by changes in the relevant risk
     variables that were reasonably possible. As it is unlikely that risk variables will change in an
     isolated manner, and the interdependence between risk variables will have significant effect on
     the amount ultimately influenced by the changes in a single risk variable, the following items are
     based on the assumption that each risk variable has changes on a stand-alone basis.

     1.    Risk management objectives and policies

     The Group's risk management objectives are to achieve proper balance between risks and yield,
     minimize the adverse impacts of risks on the Group's operation performance, and maximize the
     benefits of the shareholders and other equity investors. Based on these risk management
     objectives, the Group's basic risk management strategy is to identify and analyze the industry's
     exposure to various risks, establish appropriate bottom line for risk tolerance, implement risk
     management, and monitors these exposures to ensure the risks are monitored at a certain level.

     1.1 Market risk

     1.1.1 Currency risk

     Currency risk is the risk that losses will occur because of changes in foreign exchange rates. The
     Group's exposure to the currency risk is primarily associated with HKD, USD and EUR. Except
     for part of the purchases and sales, the Group's other principal activities are denominated and
     settled in RMB. As at 31 December 2019, the balance of the Group's assets and liabilities are both
     denominated in functional currency, except that the assets and liabilities set out below are
     recorded using foreign currency. Currency risk arising from the foreign currency balance of assets
     and liabilities may have impact on the Group's performance.
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  Item                         Closing balance       Opening balance
      Cash and bank balances                                        829,827,620.81     2,134,538,905.15
      Accounts receivable                                           134,801,300.52       159,141,161.37
      Other receivables                                             558,948,223.20       574,646,768.14
      Long-term receivables                                           9,800,295.76                    -
      Short-term borrowings                                       1,304,398,148.00     1,825,358,000.00
      Accounts payable                                               30,431,392.31        45,071,940.89
      Other payables                                                261,684,252.87       512,625,788.26
      Non-current liabilities due within one year                   261,401,461.04       220,116,765.00
      Long-term borrowings                                          976,546,725.00     1,926,978,130.00
      Bonds payable                                               2,500,000,000.00    21,384,578,670.28
      Long-term payables                                            431,361,402.17       423,754,200.00

                                                                                                  - 143 -



     1.     Risk management objectives and policies - continued

     1.1 Market risk - continued

     1.1.1 Currency risk - continued

     The Group closely monitors the effects of changes in the foreign exchange rates on the Group's
     currency risk exposures. According to the current risk exposure and judgment of the exchange
     rate movements, management considers it is unlikely that the exchange rate changes in the future
     one year will result in significant loss to the Group.

     Sensitivity analysis on currency risk

     The assumption for the sensitivity analysis on currency risk is that all the cash flow hedges and
     hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation are highly effective. On the basis of the above
     assumption, where all other variables are held constant, the reasonably possible changes in the
     foreign exchange rate may have the following pre-tax effect on the profit or loss for the period
     and shareholders' equity:
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                           Closing balance                            Opening balance
                                                                         Effect on                                  Effect on
          Item      Changes in exchange rate
                                               Effect on profits       shareholders'      Effect on profits       shareholders'
                                                                           equity                                     equity
      All foreign
                    5% increase against RMB       (17,661,467.60)       (17,661,467.60)      (11,394,591.45)       (11,394,591.45)
      All foreign
                    5% decrease against RMB        17,661,467.60          17,661,467.60       11,394,591.45          11,394,591.45
      All foreign
                    5% increase against USD        (7,574,539.96)        (7,574,539.96)           17,324.20              17,324.20
      All foreign
                    5% decrease against USD         7,574,539.96           7,574,539.96          (17,324.20)           (17,324.20)
      All foreign
                    5% increase against HKD       (97,677,880.50)       (97,677,880.50)   (1,098,658,981.68)    (1,098,658,981.68)
      All foreign
                    5% decrease against HKD        97,677,880.50          97,677,880.50    1,098,658,981.68       1,098,658,981.68
      All foreign
                    5% increase against FCFA      (41,707,232.31)       (41,707,232.31)      (63,413,556.92)       (63,413,556.92)
      All foreign
                    5% decrease against FCFA       41,707,232.31          41,707,232.31       63,413,556.92          63,413,556.92

                                                                                                                          - 144 -



     1.      Risk management objectives and policies - continued

     1.1 Market risk - continued

     1.1.2 Interest rate risk - changes in cash flows

     Risk of changes in cash flows of financial instruments arising from interest rate changes is mainly
     related to bank loans with floating interest rate. (See Note (V) 24 and Note (V) 34). The Group
     continuously and closely monitors the impact of interest rate changes on the Group's interest rate
     risk. The Group's policy is to maintain these borrowings at floating rates. Presently, the Group has
     no arrangement such as interest rate swaps etc.

     Sensitivity analysis of interest rate risk

     Sensitivity analysis of interest rate risk is based on the following assumptions:

             Fluctuations of market interest rate can affect the interest income or expense of a financial
             instrument with floating interest rate;
             For a financial instrument at fair value with fixed interest rate, the fluctuations of market interest
             rate can only affect its interest income or expense;
             For a derivative financial instrument designated as hedging instrument, the fluctuations of market
             interest rate affects its fair value, and all interest rate hedging are expected to be highly effective;
             The changes in fair value of derivative financial instruments and other financial assets and
             liabilities are calculated using cash flow discounting method by applying the market interest rate at
             balance sheet date.

     On the basis of above assumptions, where the other variables held constant, the pre-tax effect of
     possible and reasonable changes in interest rate on the profit or loss for the period and
     shareholders' equity are as follows:
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                         Closing balance                          Opening balance
                               Changes in
                                                                      Effect on                                Effect on
                Item            interest
                                             Effect on profits      shareholders'      Effect on profits     shareholders'
                                                                       equity                                   equity
        borrowings and long-   1% increase    (126,905,885.92)      (126,905,885.92)    (119,061,442.29)    (119,061,442.29)
        term borrowings
        borrowings and long-   1% decrease     126,905,885.92        126,905,885.92      119,061,442.29       119,061,442.29
        term borrowings

     1.1.3 Other price risk

     The Group's price risk is mainly arising from held-for-trading equity instrument investments and
     other equity instrument investments. The Group reduces the price risk of equity instrument
     investments by holding portfolio of multiple equity securities.

                                                                                                                     - 145 -



     1.   Risk management objectives and policies - continued

     1.2 Credit risk

     As at 31 December 2019, the Group's maximum exposure to credit risk which will cause a
     financial loss to the Group due to failure to discharge an obligation by the counterparties and
     financial guarantees issued by the Group is arising from the carrying amount of the respective
     financial assets recognized in the consolidated balance sheet. For financial instruments measured
     at fair value, the carrying amount reflects the exposure to risks but not the maximum exposure to
     risks; the maximum exposure to risks would vary according to the future changes in fair value.

     In order to minimize the credit risk, the Group has delegated a team responsible for determination
     of credit limits, credit approvals and other monitoring procedures to ensure that follow-up action
     is taken to recover overdue debts. In addition, the Group reviews the recoverable amount of
     financial assets at each balance sheet date to ensure that adequate impairment losses are made for
     irrecoverable amounts. In this regard, the management of the Group considers that the Group's
     credit risk is significantly reduced.

     The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because they are deposited with banks with high credit

     The Group has adopted a policy to ensure that all sales customers have good credit records.

     The Group's risk exposure spreads over a number of counterparties and customers, therefore the
     Group has no significant concentration of credit risk. At 31 December 2019, the balance of
     accounts receivable from top five entities is RMB 368,100,117.85 (31 December 2018: RMB
     278,398,497.79), accounting for 25.29% (31 December 2018: 24.16%) of the Group's accounts
     receivable. In addition, the Group has no other significant credit risk exposure concentrated on
     single financial asset or portfolio of financial assets with similar characteristics.

     1.3 Liquidity risk

     In the management of the liquidity risk, the Group monitors and maintains a level of cash and
     cash equivalents deemed adequate by the management to finance the Group's operations and
     mitigate the effects of fluctuations in cash flows. The management monitors the utilisation of
     bank borrowings and ensures compliance with loan covenants.

     As of 31 December 2019, the Group had total current liabilities in excess of total current assets of
     RMB6,933,328,647.40. As at 31 December 2019, the Group has available unutilized loan facility
     of RMB46,602,858,550.04 which is more than current liabilities. Therefore, the Group's
     management believes that the Group has no significant liquidity risk.

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       1.       Risk management objectives and policies - continued

       1.3 Liquidity risk - continued

       The following is the maturity analysis for financial assets and financial liabilities held by the
       Group which is based on undiscounted remaining contractual obligations:
                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                    Item                 Carrying amount       Gross amount          Within 1 year         1 to 5 years             Over 5 years
        Non-derivative financial liabilities
        Short-term borrowings             9,439,099,793.47    10,355,601,387.26    10,355,601,387.26                          -                    -
        Notes payable                        76,455,949.01        76,455,949.01        76,455,949.01                          -                    -
        Accounts payable                    591,112,466.39       591,112,466.39       591,112,466.39                          -                    -
        Other payables                    2,223,754,677.96     2,223,754,677.96     2,223,754,677.96                          -                    -
        Non-current liabilities due
                                          5,339,656,505.78     6,891,154,734.34     6,891,154,734.34                          -                    -
        within one year
        Other current liabilities           885,956,581.63       889,618,828.21       889,618,828.21                     -                        -
        Long-term borrowings              6,313,735,540.33     7,053,819,598.75                    -      5,772,853,260.76         1,280,966,337.99
        Bonds payable                    20,930,681,967.19    24,531,511,141.22                    -     16,073,205,487.93         8,458,305,653.29
        Lease liabilities                 1,647,129,968.61     2,503,787,833.87                    -      1,119,187,835.33         1,384,599,998.54
        Long-term payables                1,386,694,505.92     1,405,262,255.92                    -        216,675,454.18         1,188,586,801.74
        Derivative financial liabilities
        Non-current liabilities due
                                            732,733,351.01      732,733,351.01        732,733,351.01                          -                    -
        within one year


       1.     Closing balance of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Fair value at closing balance
                                                             Level 1               Level 2               Level 3                      Total
       Measurements at fair value
       Accounts receivable financing                                     -         260,760,537.45                         -          260,760,537.45
       Other equity instrument investments                 11,220,000.00                       -        152,341,272.00              163,561,272.00
       Other non-current financial assets               1,753,178,588.31          616,000,000.00         16,184,949.08            2,385,363,537.39
       Total assets measured at fair value
                                                        1,764,398,588.31          876,760,537.45        168,526,221.08            2,809,685,346.84
       Other non-current liabilities                                     -                      -      4,059,686,208.87           4,059,686,208.87
       Total liabilities measured at fair value
                                                                         -                      -      4,059,686,208.87           4,059,686,208.87

       2.     Basis for determining the market price of items continuously measured at level 1 fair

       The market prices of other equity instrument investments and other non-current financial assets
       are determined at the closing price of the equity instrument at Shanghai Stock Exchange and
       Hong Kong Stock Exchange at 31 December 2019.

                                                                                                                                           - 147 -



       3.     Qualitative and quantitative information of valuation techniques and key parameters
              adopted for items continuously measured at level 2 fair value

                                       Fair value in the    Fair value in the
                    Item                                                         Valuation techniques            Inputs
                                        current year           prior year
       Accounts receivable financing      260,760,537.45                     -   Cash flow discounting       Discount rate
       Other non-current financial                                                 Listed company
                                           616,000,000.00                    -                                 Share price
       assets                                                                    comparison approach

       The fair value of non-listed equity instruments included in equity instruments at fair value through
       profit or loss is determined using the valuation techniques such as listed company comparison
       approach etc. During the valuation, the Group needs to make estimates in respect of market
       volatility and relevance etc., select appropriate discount rate and take into consideration of
       adjustment of discount and premium.

       4.     Qualitative and quantitative information of valuation techniques and key parameters
              adopted for items continuously measured at level 3 fair value

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                       Fair value in the    Fair value in the
                   Item                                                          Valuation techniques            Inputs
                                        current year           prior year
       Other equity instrument
                                           152,341,272.00     238,048,314.30       Net worth method         Carrying amount
       Other non-current financial
                                             2,000,000.00       2,000,000.00     Cash flow discounting       Discount rate
       Other non-current financial
                                               700,834.13         689,901.07       Net worth method         Carrying amount
       Other non-current financial                                                 Listed company
                                            13,484,114.95     533,366,660.39                                   Share price
       assets                                                                    comparison approach
       Other non-current liabilities     3,326,952,857.86   3,260,547,002.45     Cash flow discounting       Discount rate
                                                                                                           Exercising price,
       Other non-current liabilities       732,733,351.01     579,195,304.56     Option Pricing method
                                                                                                         expected volatility etc.

       The fair value of non-listed equity instruments included in equity instruments at fair value through
       profit or loss or other comprehensive income is determined using the valuation techniques such as
       cash flow discounting method, net worth method, listed company comparison approach etc.
       During the valuation, the Group needs to make estimates in respect of the future cash flows, credit
       risk, market volatility and relevance etc., select appropriate discount rate and take into
       consideration of adjustment of discount and premium.

                                                                                                                          - 148 -



       5.       Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

       The financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value mainly include: notes receivable,
       accounts receivable, other receivables, short-term borrowings, notes payable, accounts payable,
       other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payable and long-term payables etc.

       The Group's management believes that the carrying amounts of financial assets and financial
       liabilities at amortized cost in the financial statements approximate their fair values.

       The fair value of bonds payable traded in active market is determined at the quoted price in the
       active market. The fair values of long-term borrowings, long-term payables and bonds payable
       not traded in active market are determined at the present value of contractual future cash flows
       discounted using the interest rate for providing nearly the same cash flows to entity with
       comparable credit rating under the same conditions.


       1. Parent of the Company
                                                                                                                                               Proportion of the
                                                                                                                                                                  Proportion of the
                                     Related                                                                                                     Company's
                                                                              Place of       Legal        Nature of                                               Company's voting
         Name of the parent            party        Type of the entity                                                 Issued share capital   ownership interests
                                                                            registration representative   business                                                power held by the
                                   relationship                                                                                               held by the parent
                                     Parent       Private limited company                                 Investment
        Broadford Global Limited                                            Hong Kong    Deng Weidong                   HKD 21,120,986,262                  2.88        81.92 (Note)
                                    company            (share limited)                                      holding

       Note: Broadford Global Limited directly holds 2.88% equity of the Company, and indirectly
             holds 19.29% and 59.75% equity of the Company through the subsidiaries China
             Merchants Gangtong Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and China Merchants Investment
             Development Co., Ltd. respectively.

                   The ultimate controlling shareholder of the Company is China Merchants Group.

       2.       Subsidiaries of the Company

       Details of the subsidiaries of the Company are set out in Note (VII) 1.

                                                                                                                                                                        - 149 -



      3.   Associates and joint ventures of the Company

      Details of the Company's significant joint ventures and associates are set out in Note (VII) 3.

      Other joint ventures or joint ventures that occurred related party transactions and formed balances
      with the Group this year are as follows:

                            Name of joint venture or associate                Relationship with the Company
       Kumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim irketi            Joint venture
       Port of Newcastle and its subsidiaries                                          Joint venture
       Guizhou East Land Port Operation Co., Ltd.                                      Joint venture
       Longteng Shipping (Note)                                                        Joint venture
       Ningbo Daxie Merchants International Wharf Co., Ltd.                            Joint venture
       Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.                             Joint venture
       Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.                                Joint venture
       Qingdao Qianwan New United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.                         Joint venture
       Qingdao Wutong Century Supply Chain Co., Ltd.                                   Joint venture
       COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.                                           Joint venture
       China Merchants Antong Logistics Management Company                             Joint venture
       China Ocean Shipping Agency (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd                                Joint venture
       China Overseas Harbour Affaris (Laizhou) Co., Ltd.                              Joint venture
       Doraleh Multi-purpose Port                                                        Associate
       Great Horn Development Company FZCO                                               Associate
       International Djibouti Industrial Parks Operation FZCO                            Associate
       Port de Djibouti S.A.                                                             Associate
       Terminal Link SAS                                                                 Associate
       Tin-Can Island Container Terminal Ltd                                             Associate
       Guizhou Qiandongnan Continental Land Port Operation Co., Ltd.                     Associate
       Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                                                Associate
       Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.                                     Associate
       Shenzhen Baohong E-Commerce Integrated Services Co., Ltd.                         Associate
       Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.                                        Associate
       Modern Terminals Limited                                                          Associate
       China Merchants Harbor City                                                       Associate
       Zhanjiang Xiagang United Development Co., Ltd.                                    Associate
       Zhangzhou COSCO Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.                                         Associate
       Chu Kong River Trade Terminal Co. Ltd.                                            Associate

      Note: See Note (VI) 1, it is no longer a related party of the Group since 31 December 2019.

                                                                                                     - 150 -



      4.    Other related parties of the Company

                          Name of other related parties                               Relationship with the Company
       Qingdao Port (Group) Co., Ltd.                                               Minority shareholders of subsidiaries
       Yihai Kerry Arawana Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Co. Ltd.                    Minority shareholders of subsidiaries
       Zhanjiang Infrastructure                                                     Minority shareholders of subsidiaries
       Antong Holdings and its subsidiaries (Note 1)                                         Connected person
       China COSCO Shipping Group and its subsidiaries (Note 1)                              Connected person
       CMHK                                                                Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Sinotrans (NZ) Limited                                              Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Guangdong Sinotrans Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Guangdong Sinotrans Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Guangzhou International Ocean Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.             Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Company Limited                                 Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       South China Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.             Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and development Ltd.                   Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Qingdao Bonded Logistics Park Sino-foreign Transport Warehousing
                                                                           Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Logistics Co., Ltd.
       Qingdao Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.                 Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Shantou COSCO Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) Ltd.                                     Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Shenzhen Qianhai Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.        Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Landmark (Shenzhen) Co ., Ltd.                      Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants International Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Shenzhen China Merchants Shekou Assets Management Co., Ltd.         Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Real Estate (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants (Shenzhen) Power Supply., Ltd.                      Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Csc Roro Logistics Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Shenzhen Merchants Construction Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property Investment Co., Ltd.         Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Shenzhen China Merchants Property Management Co., Ltd.              Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Ocean Shipping Tally Shenzhen CO., Ltd.                       Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Marine Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. , Ltd.                    Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) Limited                                 Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited                                          Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Zhanjiang port (note 2)                                             Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       CM Houlder Insurance Brokers Limited                                Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Godown, Wharf & Transportation Company Limited Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Huanan Refrigeration Ice Making (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Hanghua Science & Technology & Trade Center
                                                                           Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Co., Ltd.
       China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited                       Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder

                                                                                                                            - 151 -



      4.    Other related parties of the Company - continued

                           Name of other related party                             Relationship with the Company
       China Merchants Steam Navigation Company Limited                  Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Life Insurance Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                 Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.         Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Food (China) Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Tongshang Finance Lease Co., Ltd.                 Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Bureau Logistics Group Qingdao Co., Ltd.          Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Logistics Shenzhen Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Property Management Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Power Supply Co.,
                                                                         Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd.              Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Bureau Zhongbai Commercial Logistics Co., Ltd.    Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Your Cellar (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                  Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.                              Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Communications Import & Export Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Ocean Shipping Agency Shenzhen                              Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Sinotrans South China Co., Ltd.                                   Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       China Outbound Air Transport Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Sinotrans Container Lines (Hong Kong) Company Limited             Controlled by the same ultimate controlling shareholder
       Shenzhen Science and Technology University Phase II Real Estate       Where the ultimate controlling shareholder has
       Management Co., Ltd.                                                               significant influence
                                                                             Where the ultimate controlling shareholder has
       Shenzhen Zhaogang Seaway Goods Trading Center
                                                                                          significant influence
                                                                             Where the ultimate controlling shareholder has
       Khor Ambado FZCo
                                                                                          significant influence
                                                                             Where the ultimate controlling shareholder has
       China Merchant Bank Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         significant influence

      Note 1: From 9 September 2019 to 31 December 2019, the Company's Chairman Fu Gangfeng
              work as the key management personnel of both the Company and China COSCO
              Shipping Corporation Limited; from 25 September 2019 to 31 December 2019, the
              Company's deputy general manager Zheng Shaoping work as the senior management
              personnel of both the Company and Antong Holdings Co., Ltd. Therefore, the related
              party transactions and balances for the period in which the aforesaid two persons were the
              director, senior management personnel of China COSCO Shipping Corporation Limited
              and Antong Holdings Co., Ltd. are disclosed.

      Note 2: See Note (VI) 1, it is no longer a related party of the Group since 3 February 2019.

                                                                                                                        - 152 -



      5.      Related party transactions

      (1)     Rendering and receipt of service
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Pricing method and decision
                        Related party                     Content of transaction    procedures of related      Closing balance       Opening balance
      Receipt of service:
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                   Service expenditure           Negotiation                59,399,028.43           1,080,269.25
      Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.     Service expenditure           Negotiation                18,116,312.14          15,358,571.88
      Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited                           Service expenditure           Negotiation                11,822,773.93          10,019,922.18
      Shenzhen Merchants       Commercial Property
                                                           Service expenditure           Negotiation                  8,063,768.58         10,707,148.03
      Investment Co., Ltd.
      COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.                Service expenditure           Negotiation                  5,302,779.67
      China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone
                                                           Service expenditure           Negotiation                  5,050,730.12          5,681,278.30
      Power Supply Co., Ltd.
      China Merchants Bureau Logistics Group Qingdao
                                                           Service expenditure           Negotiation                  4,291,294.93          3,751,785.75
      Co., Ltd.
      China Marine Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. , Ltd.     Service expenditure           Negotiation                  2,998,142.60          3,539,104.80
      China Merchants (Shenzhen) Power Supply., Ltd.       Service expenditure           Negotiation                  2,611,504.71          2,908,847.34
      Shenzhen China Merchants Property Management
                                                           Service expenditure           Negotiation                  2,496,785.30                     -
      Co., Ltd.
      CM Houlder Insurance Brokers Limited                 Service expenditure           Negotiation                  2,475,979.40          2,102,764.12
      China Merchants Your Cellar (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.     Service expenditure           Negotiation                  1,887,287.74                     -
      China Merchants Life Insurance Co., Ltd.             Service expenditure           Negotiation                  1,674,762.08                     -
      Hoi Tung (Shanghai) Company Limited                  Service expenditure           Negotiation                  1,472,835.51          3,461,147.79
      China Outbound Air Transport Co., Ltd.               Service expenditure           Negotiation                  1,178,932.56          2,199,064.60
      China Ocean Shipping Tally Shenzhen CO., Ltd.        Service expenditure           Negotiation                  1,168,331.49          1,240,537.34
      China Communications Import & Export Co., Ltd.       Service expenditure           Negotiation                  1,076,783.22                     -
      China Merchants Property Management Co., Ltd.        Service expenditure           Negotiation                   569,772.90           1,764,315.36
      China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.                 Service expenditure           Negotiation                             -         22,641,509.43
      Other related party                                  Service expenditure           Negotiation                  5,255,018.65          4,917,018.18
      Shenzhen China Merchants Property Management
                                                             Property utilities          Negotiation                19,706,450.63          13,814,358.72
      Co., Ltd.
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                     Property utilities          Negotiation                  5,923,767.12          2,052,879.52
      Other related party                                    Property utilities          Negotiation                  2,114,730.66          1,920,545.44
      China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.      Lease service fee           Negotiation                  6,447,169.81                     -
      China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited          Interest expense            Negotiation                42,581,045.29          51,574,070.78
      Port de Djibouti S.A.                                  Interest expense            Negotiation                  7,364,273.28         24,719,148.38
      China Merchant Bank Co., Ltd.                          Interest expense            Negotiation                  3,618,321.05           104,400.00
      China Merchants Steam Navigation Company
                                                             Interest expense            Negotiation                             -          3,961,479.45
      Total                                                                                                        224,668,581.80         189,520,166.64

                                                                                                                                               - 153 -



      5.     Related party transactions - continued

      (1)    Rendering and receipt of service - continued
                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                   Content of         Pricing method and decision
                           Related party                                                                                 Closing balance       Opening balance
                                                                   transaction      procedures of related transactions
      Rendering of service:
      COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.                       Service revenue              Negotiation                  142,786,686.45
      China COSCO Shipping Group and its subsidiaries             Service revenue              Negotiation                  128,551,617.88
      Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.         Service revenue              Negotiation                   54,976,948.20       59,871,312.19
      China Ocean Shipping Agency (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd            Service revenue              Negotiation                   48,467,968.01
      Guangdong Sinotrans Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.               Service revenue              Negotiation                   33,230,929.57                   -
      Antong Holdings and its subsidiaries                        Service revenue              Negotiation                   30,031,214.77
      China Ocean Shipping Agency (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd             Service revenue              Negotiation                   22,026,784.26       26,678,580.24
      Khor Ambado FZCo                                            Service revenue              Negotiation                   13,593,100.08       22,976,552.15
      Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.            Service revenue              Negotiation                    9,297,044.19       14,667,866.59
      China Marine Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. , Ltd.            Service revenue              Negotiation                    7,924,860.20       11,339,084.02
      Shenzhen Baohong E-Commerce Integrated Services Co., Ltd.   Service revenue              Negotiation                    7,624,557.93       13,954,183.68
      Huanan Refrigeration Ice Making (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.        Service revenue              Negotiation                    6,487,127.00        6,422,615.01
      Sinotrans (NZ) Limited                                      Service revenue              Negotiation                    6,191,950.42                   -
      Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) Limited                         Service revenue              Negotiation                    5,818,220.17        3,319,608.63
      Guizhou East Land Port Operation Co., Ltd.                  Service revenue              Negotiation                    5,538,484.09
      China Merchants International Shipping Agency (Shenzhen)
                                                                  Service revenue              Negotiation                    5,516,336.45        3,013,980.25
      Co., Ltd.
      International Djibouti Industrial Parks Operation FZCO      Service revenue              Negotiation                    5,109,432.57        3,054,612.36
      Guizhou Qiandongnan Continental Land Port Operation Co.,
                                                                  Service revenue              Negotiation                    4,995,026.14
      Longteng Shipping                                           Service revenue              Negotiation                    4,250,943.39
      Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd.                         Service revenue              Negotiation                    4,173,590.92       10,699,341.99
      Ningbo Daxie Merchants International Wharf Co., Ltd.        Service revenue              Negotiation                    3,973,305.23        3,929,015.11
      South China Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.     Service revenue              Negotiation                    3,574,103.34                   -
      Qingdao Qianwan New United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.     Service revenue              Negotiation                    3,165,271.40        3,411,057.43
      Great Horn Development Company FZCO                         Service revenue              Negotiation                    2,492,673.00        3,985,900.36
      Zhangzhou COSCO Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.                   Service revenue              Negotiation                    2,465,482.40        5,804,690.70
      Shenzhen China Merchants Shekou Assets Management Co.,
                                                                  Service revenue              Negotiation                    2,297,545.50                   -
      Sinotrans Container Lines (Hong Kong) Company Limited       Service revenue              Negotiation                    2,211,004.97        2,182,888.92
      Qingdao Wutong Century Supply Chain Co., Ltd.               Service revenue              Negotiation                    2,061,301.86                   -
      Shenzhen Zhaogang Seaway Goods Trading Center               Service revenue              Negotiation                    2,026,044.81                   -
      Qingdao Bonded Logistics Park Sino-foreign Transport
                                                                  Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,855,239.95        5,085,762.32
      Warehousing Logistics Co., Ltd.
      China Overseas Harbour Affaris (Laizhou) Co., Ltd.          Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,775,122.48        1,574,244.92
      Qingdao Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.         Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,643,202.86        1,071,100.78
      Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.               Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,588,035.85        1,588,035.85
      CMHK                                                        Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,412,000.00        1,600,000.00
      Terminal Link SAS                                           Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,362,717.34        1,378,437.57
      China Merchants Logistics Shenzhen Co., Ltd.                Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,267,111.56          927,269.16
      Kumport Liman Hizmetleri ve Lojistik Sanayi ve Ticaret
                                                                  Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,200,615.17        1,119,436.15
      Anonim irketi
      Sinotrans Shantou Company Limited                           Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,142,737.27          607,506.45
      Shenzhen Qianhai Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co.,
                                                                  Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,073,773.97                   -
      Doraleh Multi-purpose Port                                  Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,062,268.33          337,140.73
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                          Service revenue              Negotiation                    1,000,829.05          359,379.51
      Guangzhou International Ocean Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.     Service revenue              Negotiation                      935,982.67        1,312,017.95
      China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.   Service revenue              Negotiation                      283,404.19        2,496,490.06
      China Outbound Air Transport Co., Ltd.                      Service revenue              Negotiation                          386.55        1,993,291.26
      Zhanjiang port                                              Service revenue              Negotiation                               -        5,568,651.21
      Port de Djibouti S.A.                                       Service revenue              Negotiation                               -        4,640,763.43
      China Merchants Bureau Zhongbai Commercial Logistics Co.,
                                                                  Service revenue              Negotiation                                 -      2,484,304.00
      Other related party                                         Service revenue              Negotiation                    8,688,006.09        6,874,767.79
      Port of Newcastle and its subsidiaries                      Interest income              Negotiation                   62,584,543.33       34,416,578.56
      China Merchants Harbor City                                 Interest income              Negotiation                   48,716,656.41
      China Merchant Bank Co., Ltd.                               Interest income              Negotiation                   26,074,287.83       34,629,531.08
      Khor Ambado FZCo                                            Interest income              Negotiation                   18,187,714.88       51,599,386.03
      China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited               Interest income              Negotiation                    7,814,725.11       14,042,476.82
      Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.                  Interest income              Negotiation                    1,394,695.28        1,383,325.48
      Modern Terminals Limited                                    Interest income              Negotiation                               -        1,193,424.67
      Other related party                                         Interest income              Negotiation                       60,804.82           60,669.23
      Total                                                                                                                 761,984,416.19      373,655,280.64

                                                                                                                                                     - 154 -



      5.      Related party transactions - continued

      (2)     Leases with related parties

      The Group as the lessor:
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                       Pricing method and
                                                                                             Lease income      Lease income
                                                                       decision procedures
                Name of the lessee             Type of leased assets                       recognized in the recognized in the
                                                                             of related
                                                                                             current year       prior year
      China Merchants Food (China) Co., Ltd.       Buildings               Negotiation         5,675,752.58      3,393,457.47
      Qingdao Qianwan West Port United          Port and terminal
                                                                          Negotiation          4,571,984.36                 -
      Wharf Co., Ltd.                               facilities
      China Communications Import &
                                                    Buildings             Negotiation          3,943,926.21      2,699,223.60
      Export Co., Ltd.
      Qingdao Bonded Logistics Park Sino-
      foreign Transport Warehousing                 Buildings             Negotiation          3,816,263.45                 -
      Logistics Co., Ltd.
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries            Buildings             Negotiation          2,698,718.83      3,506,398.00
      Qingdao Sinotrans Supply Chain
                                                    Buildings             Negotiation          2,678,324.75                 -
      Management Co., Ltd.
      Yiu Lian Dockyards (Shekou) Limited           Buildings             Negotiation          2,441,075.14      2,025,218.14
      Qingdao Wutong Century Supply Chain
                                                    Buildings             Negotiation          1,082,330.31                 -
      Co., Ltd.
      China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.         Buildings              Negotiation          2,330,741.02                 -
      Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) Ltd.              Buildings              Negotiation            426,100.95      2,400,571.43
                                               Buildings, land use
      Other related party                                                 Negotiation          3,015,488.40      1,573,182.07
      Total                                                                                   32,680,706.00     15,598,050.71

                                                                                                                       - 155 -



      5.       Related party transactions - continued

      (2)      Leases with related parties - continued

      The Group as the lessee:
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                     Other significant
                                                                                                                 Lease term (disclose the period
                   Name of the lessor                        Type of leased assets               Retail (Year)                                     terms and conditions
                                                                                                                     covered by contract)
                                                                                                                                                       of the lease
      China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co.,                                                                         9 March 2018
                                                           Port and terminal facilities         108,319,079.87                                            N/A
      Ltd.                                                                                                               - 26 March 2024
      China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co.,       Machinery equipment, port and                                 30 November 2018
                                                                                                 65,715,388.88                                            N/A
      Ltd.                                                    terminal facilities                                     - 30 November 2024
                                                                                                                          1 January 2016
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries              Buildings, port and terminal facilities    56,968,753.40                                            N/A
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2018
      China Merchants Tongshang Finance     Lease                                                                        30 October 2017
                                                              Machinery equipment                46,381,918.54                                            N/A
      Co., Ltd.                                                                                                         - 27 October 2023
      China Merchants Shekou Industrial      Zone                                                                           1 July 2017
                                                           Port and terminal facilities          20,621,444.76                                            N/A
      Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                              - 31 December 2019
      China Merchants Tongshang Finance     Lease                                                                      26 December 2016
                                                              Machinery equipment                17,717,147.04                                            N/A
      Co., Ltd.                                                                                                       - 15 November 2022
      China Merchants Shekou Industrial      Zone                                                                         1 January 2018
                                                           Port and terminal facilities          14,409,799.89                                            N/A
      Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                              - 31 December 2019
      EuroAsia     Dockyard  Enterprise         and                                                                       1 January 2018
                                                           Port and terminal facilities          13,642,731.02                                            N/A
      development Ltd.                                                                                                - 31 December 2019
                                                                                                                          1 January 2016              Attached with
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                              Others                      6,397,693.72
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2018             renewal option
      China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone                                                                              1 January 2019              Attached with
                                                                      Others                      5,823,873.60
      Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                              - 31 December 2019             renewal option
      Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property                                                                              1 January 2018
                                                                    Buildings                     5,363,598.90                                            N/A
      Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                            - 31 December 2020
                                                                                                                            1 June 1998               Attached with
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                              Others                      4,858,285.68
                                                                                                                          - 31 May 2018              renewal option
      Shenzhen Science and Technology University                                                                           1 March 2017
                                                                    Buildings                     3,541,404.00                                            N/A
      Phase II Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.                                                                        - 28 February 2020
                                                                                                                          1 January 2019              Attached with
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                            Buildings                     3,101,220.22
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2019             renewal option
                                                                                                                            1 July 2019
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                            Buildings                     2,936,922.24                                            N/A
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2019
                                                                                                                          1 January 2019
      Shenzhen Nanyou (Holdings) Ltd.                               Buildings                     1,995,553.14                                            N/A
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2019
                                                                                                                          1 January 2016              Attached with
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                            Buildings                     1,817,704.08
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2018             renewal option
      China Merchants Godown,           Wharf    &                                                                       1 January 2019
                                                              Vehicles and vessels                1,457,985.47                                            N/A
      Transportation Co., LTD.                                                                                        - 31 December 2019
                                                                                                                            1 May 2015
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                              Others                      1,428,571.43                                            N/A
                                                                                                                          - 30 April 2020
      China Merchants Hanghua Science            &                                                                          1 May 2018
                                                           Port and terminal facilities            990,257.55                                             N/A
      Technology & Trade Center Co., Ltd.                                                                                 - 30 April 2021
      China Merchants Hanghua Science            &                                                                        1 January 2019
                                                                    Buildings                      750,288.73                                             N/A
      Technology & Trade Center Co., Ltd.                                                                             - 31 December 2019
                                                                                                                          1 January 2017
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                              Others                       693,151.72                                             N/A
                                                                                                                        - 25 August 2021
      Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property                                                                            1 September 2018
                                                                    Buildings                      687,796.80                                             N/A
      Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                            - 31 December 2020
                                                                                                                         25 August 2018
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                            Buildings                      658,661.84                                             N/A
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2020
                                                                                                                          1 January 2019
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                   Port and terminal facilities            639,738.84                                             N/A
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2020
                                                                                                                            1 May 2019
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                            Buildings                      500,146.74                                             N/A
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2019
                                                                                                                          1 January 2017
      Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                              Others                       461,005.72                                             N/A
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2020
                                                                                                                          1 January 2015
      Other related party                                           Buildings                     1,107,721.69                                            N/A
                                                                                                                      - 31 December 2023
      Total                                                                                     388,987,845.51

                                                                                                                                                              - 156 -



      5.      Related party transactions - continued

      (3)     Related party guarantees

      The Group as the guarantor
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             The guarantee has been
             Secured party         Credit Line      Guaranteed amount     Commencement date    Maturity
                                                                                                                completed or not
      Terminal Link SAS (note 1)    24,982,114.97         12,241,236.33       June 2013           2019                Yes
      Terminal Link SAS (note 1)    80,305,197.15         80,305,197.15       June 2013           2033                No
      Khor Ambado FZCo (note 2)    200,914,560.00        118,398,397.00      24 May 2019          2032                No
      Port de Djibouti S.A.        343,160,000.00         24,192,780.00      14 June 2016     14 June 2019            Yes
      Total                        649,361,872.12        235,137,610.48
      Terminal Link SAS (note 1)    82,195,789.24         82,195,789.24       June 2013           2033                No
      Terminal Link SAS (note 1)    24,982,114.97         12,241,236.33       June 2013           2019                No
      Port de Djibouti S.A.        343,160,000.00         24,192,780.00      14 June 2016     14 June 2019            No
      Total                        450,337,904.21        118,629,805.57

      Note 1: CMA CGM S.A. is another shareholder of Terminal Link SAS, an associate of the
              Group. The Group has made a commitment to CMA CGM S.A. that the Group will
              provides guarantee for its bank loan financing to the associate Terminal Link SAS and
              other liabilities to the extent of the Group's 49% ownership interest in the company. The
              actual guaranteed amount is RMB80,305,197.15 on 31 December 2019. If any guarantee
              liability occurs, the Group will compensate CMA CGM S.A.

      Note 2: Khor Ambado FZCo is a related company of the Group's common ultimate controlling
              shareholder. The Group provides guarantee for its bank loans and other liabilities, with
              actual guaranteed amount of RMB118,398,397.00.

                                                                                                                            - 157 -



      5.      Related party transactions - continued

      (4)     Borrowings and loans with related parties
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                  Related party                 Amount               Commencement date         Maturity date       Description
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                 300,378,812.51    2 December 2019       1 December 2020
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.1325%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                 270,548,281.28    22 April 2019         21 April 2020
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Finance Lease                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                 150,000,000.00    23 December 2019      23 December 2025
       (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                                                                                          4.7500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                 150,000,000.00    27 August 2019        26 August 2020
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.1325%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  56,483,984.71    1 July 2019           1 July 2034
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.6550%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  50,061,625.00    4 June 2019           3 June 2020
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  50,000,000.00    29 July 2019          28 July 2022
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.5125%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  47,000,000.00    14 October 2019       13 October 2024
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.7500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  33,052,804.00    22 July 2019          21 July 2020
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  29,000,000.00    18 October 2019       17 October 2023
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.7500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  28,000,000.00    15 January 2019       14 January 2024
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.7500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  23,000,000.00    10 June 2019          14 January 2024
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.7500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  10,000,000.00    28 December 2019      31 October 2023
       Company Limited                                                                                              1.2000%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                    6,000,000.00   22 July 2019          21 July 2020
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                    1,000,000.00   24 December 2019      23 December 2020
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       Total                                    1,204,525,507.50
       China Merchants Antong Logistics                                                                        Fixed interest rate of
                                                  50,000,000.00    24 September 2019     24 September 2021
       Management Company                                                                                           8.5000%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                 270,000,000.00    23 April 2018         22 April 2019
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                 220,000,000.00    17 May 2018           16 May 2019
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  80,000,000.00    11 December 2018      10 December 2028
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.8020%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  60,000,000.00    19 June 2018          20 June 2019
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  40,000,000.00    20 May 2018           21 May 2019
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  30,000,000.00    7 December 2018       6 December 2019
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  30,000,000.00    20 December 2018      19 December 2021
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.2750%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  25,000,000.00    6 December 2018       5 October 2021
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.7500%
       China Merchants Group Finance                                                                           Fixed interest rate of
                                                  20,000,000.00    17 December 2018      16 December 2019
       Company Limited                                                                                              4.3500%
       Total                                     775,000,000.00
                                                                                                               Fixed interest rate of
       Port of Newcastle and its subsidiaries    784,057,712.75    14 June 2018          29 May 2020

                                                                                                                               - 158 -



      5.    Related party transactions - continued

      (5)   Compensation for key management personnel
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                 Item                               Closing balance      Opening balance
      Compensation for key management personnel                          26,856,013.14       19,243,010.16

      (6)   Other related party transactions

      At 24 December 2018, Shenzhen Urban Planning, Land and Resources Commission, Shenzhen
      Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone Administration
      ("Qianhai Administration"), China Merchants Group, Shenzhen China Merchants Qianhai Chidi
      Industrial Co., Ltd.("China Merchants Chidi"), the Company's subsidiaries ATJ and ASJ as well
      as China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd. and its 16 subsidiaries ("previous
      19 land-holding companies") etc., totally 23 organizations, jointly signed the "China Merchants
      Group Qianhai Logistics Park Land Restructuring Agreement" (the "Land Restructuring

      According to the agreement, the previous 19 land-holding companies return the land use rights of
      the lands within the scope of restructuring to Qianhai Administration. Qianhai Administration
      replaces 55% land and corresponding shoreline (land area about 531,300 square meters) included
      in the total areas of T102-0166 and T102-0167 held by ATJ and ASJ to Dachanwan port area
      Phase II. In addition, other land use rights held by the previous 19 land-holding companies
      totaling to RMB43.21 billion (valuation benchmark date is 1 January 2015) is recovered by
      Qianhai Administration. After changing the nature of land use rights, Qianhai Administration
      return equivalent land use rights as the consideration to recover all the land use rights other than
      the Dachanwan port area Phase II that need to be replaced according to the original plan.

      As at 31 December 2019, the procedures of changing the Dachanwan port area Phase II land use
      rights are not yet completed. The corresponding original carrying amount of land use rights of
      RMB916,884,222,49 is transferred to other non-current assets.

      ATJ and China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.with its subsidiary Shenzhen
      China Merchants Shekou Assets Management Co., Ltd. jointly setup China Merchants Qianhai
      Industry in 2016, which setup China Merchants Chidi in 2017. The previous 19 land-holding
      companies jointly holds the equity of China Merchants Qianhai Industry according to the share of
      previously held land use rights, and completed the capital increase of China Merchants Qianhai
      Industry in 2019. Among the 19 companies, ATJ and ASJ totally contributed
      RMB7,456,412,803.00 and hold 14% equity of China Merchants Qianhai Industry.

                                                                                                    - 159 -



      5.    Related party transactions - continued

      (6)   Other related party transactions - continued

      According to the joint venture and cooperation arrangement relating to land restructuring, the
      previous 19 land-holding companies designate the China Merchants Chidi as the holder of the
      lands other than Dachanwan port area Phase II obtained in the above land restructuring. Qianhai
      Administration designate its wholly-owned sub-subsidiary Shenzhen Qianhai Hongyu Industrial
      Investment Co., Ltd. (the "Qianhai Hongyu") as the land holder in respect of the land use rights
      (with reimbursements deducted) obtained in above land restructuring.

      In 2016, Shenzhen Qianhai Shekou Free Trade Investment Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
      referred to as "Qianhai Free Trade") was jointly established by Shenzhen Merchants Qianhai
      Industrial Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Qianhai Development Investment Holding Co.,
      Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Qianhai Investment Holding") which is a wholly-owned
      subsidiary of Qianhai Administration Bureau, with each accounting for 50% of the equity and
      being controlled by Shenzhen Merchants Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd. through the
      Articles of Association and relevant agreements.

      In December 2019, Shenzhen Merchants Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd., Qianhai
      Investment Holding and Qianhai Free Trade jointly signed a capital increase agreement.
      According the agreement, Qianhai Free Trade, as a leading role, purchased 100% shares of China
      Merchants Chidi and 100% shares of China Merchants Chidi legally held by Shenzhen Merchants
      Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Qianhai Development Investment
      Holding Co., Ltd. respectively in the form of capital increase and share expansion. Meanwhile,
      Shenzhen Merchants Qianhai Industrial Development Co., Ltd. increased capital into Qianhai
      Free Trade with cash of RMB 8.5 billion. The above transaction was completed on December 30,
      2019. After the completion of the transaction, Shenzhen Merchants Qianhai Industrial
      Development Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Qianhai Development Investment Holding Co., Ltd. still
      hold 50% equity of Qianhai Free Trade respectively, with Shenzhen Merchants Qianhai Industrial
      Development Co., Ltd. controlling Qianhai Free Trade through the Articles of Association and
      relevant agreements.

      Except for the land use rights for replacement of Dachanwan port area Phase II, ATJ and ASJ
      returned land and its accompany buildings with a compensation of RMB4,193,314,004.68.

                                                                                                 - 160 -



      6.    Amounts due from/to related parties

      (1)   Amounts due from related parties
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
            Item                           Related party                     Closing balance    Opening balance
                      China Merchant Bank Co., Ltd.                          1,451,996,464.50   1,274,536,476.91
      Cash and bank
                      China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited            890,065,186.36     494,131,151.34
                      Total                                                  2,342,061,650.86   1,768,667,628.25
                      China COSCO Shipping Group and its subsidiaries           60,545,437.55
                      Antong Holdings and its subsidiaries                      60,112,564.13
                      COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.                      7,728,194.66
                      China Ocean Shipping Agency (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd           5,609,630.60       4,678,761.75
                      Shenzhen Baohong E-Commerce Integrated Services
                                                                                 4,643,545.31       7,222,351.10
                      Co., Ltd.
                      Qingdao Qianwan United Container Terminal Co., Ltd.        4,424,422.68       5,112,134.91
                      Guizhou East Land Port Operation Co., Ltd.                 4,043,600.57
                      Guangdong Sinotrans Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.              3,583,505.77                  -
                      Khor Ambado FZCo                                           3,113,788.09         458,050.86
                      Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.           2,986,271.27          74,485.74
                      Great Horn Development Company FZCo                        2,771,510.50       1,486,615.75
                      Guizhou Qiandongnan Continental Land Port Operation
      receivable                                                                 2,010,137.38
                      Co., Ltd.
                      China Overseas Harbour Affaris (Laizhou) Co., Ltd.         1,853,183.12       1,490,941.09
                      South China Sinotrans Supply Chain Management Co.,
                                                                                 1,808,219.75                  -
                      Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd.                        1,746,120.89       1,156,769.47
                      Port de Djibouti S.A.                                      1,689,447.85       6,387,923.40
                      China Merchants Harbor City                                1,536,503.45
                      China Marine Shipping Agency Shenzhen Co. , Ltd.           1,058,089.50       1,115,972.50
                      China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co.,
                                                                                  914,392.86        1,029,573.58
                      Other related party                                       4,216,087.14        4,106,365.60
                      Total                                                   176,394,653.07       34,319,945.75

                                                                                                         - 161 -



      6.    Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

      (1)   Amounts due from related parties - continued
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Opening balance
            Item                       Related party                    Closing balance
                        Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                  313,724,861.31        175,976,941.31
                        Tin-Can Island Container Terminal Ltd                82,625,546.31            128,428.02
                        Chu Kong River Trade Terminal Co. Ltd.               61,317,510.00         59,975,890.00
                        Qingdao Qianwan United Container
                                                                             50,000,000.00         25,000,000.00
                        Terminal Co., Ltd.
                        Tianjin Haitian Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.           33,282,119.52         34,300,000.00
                        Zhanjiang Infrastructure                             31,513,558.59
                        Port de Djibouti S.A.                                24,832,398.83         24,411,770.72
                        COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.                13,751,368.26
      Other receivables Guangdong Sinotrans Co., Ltd.                         3,803,477.07                     -
                        Csc Roro Logistics Co., Ltd.                          2,899,163.95          2,899,163.95
                        EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and
                                                                              1,514,281.82          1,481,149.51
                        development Ltd.
                        Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property
                                                                              1,068,658.39          1,051,801.58
                        Investment Co., Ltd.
                        Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd.                     -         50,118,027.14
                        Zhanjiang port                                                               9,253,682.23
                        Other related party                                   4,199,662.93           3,282,269.08
                        Total                                               624,532,606.98         387,879,123.54
      Prepayments       Other related party                                   1,414,261.04                      -
                        China Merchant Bank Co., Ltd.                     1,528,851,492.46                      -
      Other current
                        Khor Ambado FZCo                                                 -       1,029,478,047.00
                        Total                                             1,528,851,492.46       1,029,478,047.00
                        Port of Newcastle and its subsidiaries              809,702,715.78          15,858,848.40
                        Khor Ambado FZCo                                                 -           7,332,144.82
                        China Merchants Group Finance Company
      assets due within                                                                   -         2,565,333.33
      one year
                        Other related party                                              -            229,704.43
                        Total                                               809,702,715.78         25,986,030.98
                        China Merchants Harbor City                       1,025,631,435.87
                        China Merchants Antong Logistics
                        Management Company
      Long-term         China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin)
                                                                             14,500,000.00                      -
      receivables       Co., Ltd.
                        Terminal Link SAS                                     9,800,295.76          9,782,367.44
                        Port of Newcastle and its subsidiaries                           -        784,057,712.75
                        Total                                             1,099,931,731.63        793,840,080.19
      Other non-current China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone
                                                                                          -        43,472,687.00
      assets            Holdings Co., Ltd.

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      6.    Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

      (2)   Amounts due to related parties
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
            Item                             Related party                       Closing balance Opening balance
                       China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited              841,079,404.24  640,000,000.00
                       China Merchant Bank Co., Ltd.                               70,093,041.67               -
                       Total                                                      911,172,445.91  640,000,000.00
                       Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                          10,747,794.44   11,631,575.13
                       Qingdao Qianwan West Port United Wharf Co., Ltd.             7,641,839.79    5,196,134.76
                       EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and development Ltd.            2,974,168.52    3,698,897.16
      Accounts payable Yiu Lian Dockyards Limited                                   1,676,082.11    2,204,328.63
                       China Merchants Bureau Logistics Group Qingdao Co., Ltd.     1,006,844.56      928,527.51
                       Other related party                                          3,614,167.59    2,323,725.85
                       Total                                                       27,660,897.01   25,983,189.04
      Receipts in
                       Other related party                                            600,535.85       66,799.01
                       Guangdong Sinotrans Shipping Agency Co., Ltd.                3,577,148.00               -
      Contract         Zhanjiang port                                                               1,287,452.83
      liabilities      Other related party                                          2,454,025.09      803,584.16
                       Total                                                        6,031,173.09    2,091,036.99
                       Terminal Link SAS                                           88,978,919.98   46,506,416.54
                       Modern Terminals Limited                                    59,038,373.05    1,286,962.56
                       Yihai Kerry Arawana Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Co. Ltd.   37,402,426.09   37,402,426.09
                       China Merchants Real Estate (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.            20,762,053.30      951,301.52
                       China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.   11,305,700.00       10,000.00
                       China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.           11,250,000.00               -
                       Shenzhen China Merchants Property Management Co., Ltd.       9,264,823.90   18,294,814.64
                       Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property Investment Co.,
                                                                                    8,947,256.82    9,355,392.43
                       Zhanjiang Xiagang United Development Co., Ltd.               1,433,990.57
      Other payables   China Merchants Food (China) Co., Ltd.                       1,264,171.10    1,254,271.10
                       COSCO Logistics (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd.                        1,258,811.65
                       China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd.                           424,557.30   22,641,509.43
                       Shenzhen Merchants Construction Co., Ltd.                      156,590.00   28,379,667.10
                       China Merchants Zhangzhou Development Zone Co., Ltd.                    -   93,258,350.90
                       Sinotrans South China Co., Ltd.                                         -   25,949,781.00
                       Port de Djibouti S.A.                                                   -    2,951,170.40
                       Qingdao Port (Group) Co., Ltd.                                          -    2,700,000.00
                       China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited                           -    1,043,521.17
                       Other related party                                          6,257,011.91    5,375,438.53
                       Total                                                      257,744,685.67  297,361,023.41

                                                                                                         - 163 -



       6.     Amounts due from/to related parties - continued

       (2)    Amounts due to related parties - continued
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
             Item                            Related party                           Closing balance
                       China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.              145,861,850.10
                       China Merchants Tongshang Finance Lease Co., Ltd.               56,146,040.22
                       Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                              52,656,827.70
                       EuroAsia Dockyard Enterprise and development Ltd.               14,269,498.38
       Non-current     Shenzhen Merchants Commercial Property Investment Co., Ltd.      5,579,040.25
       liabilities due China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.        5,454,253.54
       within one year Shenzhen Science and Technology University Phase II Real
                       Estate Management Co., Ltd.
                       China Merchants Landmark (Shenzhen) Co ., Ltd.                   1,242,022.25
                       Other related party                                              1,770,041.27
                       Total                                                          286,243,565.82
       Other current
                       Port de Djibouti S.A.                                                        - 241,927,341.05
       Other non-
       current         Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                                1,564,380.59                  -
                       China Merchants Group Finance Company Limited                  376,483,984.71 135,000,000.00
                       China Merchant Bank Co., Ltd.                                   20,000,000.00              -
                       Total                                                          396,483,984.71 135,000,000.00
                       China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.              144,000,000.00                   -
                       China Merchants Finance Lease (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.              491,666,949.79
                       China Merchants Tongshang Finance Lease Co., Ltd.              161,829,816.02
       Lease           Nanshan Group and its subsidiaries                             167,685,128.23
       liabilities     China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd.        5,691,513.57
                       Other related party                                              1,880,637.25
                       Total                                                          828,754,044.86


       1.     Significant commitments
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                 31/12/2019                  31/12/2018
       Commitments that have been entered into but have not been
       recognized in the financial statements
       - Commitment to acquire long-term assets                             3,767,236,258.74            3,971,730,917.34
       - Commitment to invest port construction                             6,758,563,544.21                5,490,560.00
       Others                                                                 354,959,845.19               26,115,744.09
       Total                                                               10,880,759,648.14            4,003,337,221.43

                                                                                                                 - 164 -



     2.       Contingencies
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                       Item                            31/12/2019            31/12/2018
     Contingent liabilities arising from litigations (Note 1)           274,299,826.26        323,559,335.68
     Guarantees for borrowings of associates (Note 2)                   198,703,594.15        118,629,805.57
     Total                                                              473,003,420.41        442,189,141.25

     Note 1: This represents the significant contingent liabilities arising from the litigations between
             TCP and local tax authority, employee or former employee in Brazil at as the year end.
             According to the professional advice of external lawyers and the latest estimates of the
             Group's management, the possible compensation is RMB274,299,826.26 but it is not
             likely to cause outflow of economic benefits from the Group. Therefore, the contingent
             liabilities arising from the above pending litigations are not recognized as provisions.
             The counter-bonification where the Group as the beneficiary will be executed by the
             former TCP shareholder that disposed the shares of TCP. According to the counter-
             bonification agreement, the former TCP shareholder need to make counter-bonification
             to the Group in respect of the above contingent liabilities, with the compensation amount
             not exceeding pre-determined amount and specified period.

     Note 2: As at 31 December 2019, the Group made commitments to another shareholder of
             Terminal Link SAS (an associate of the Group) to provide guarantee for the borrowings
             and other liabilities of Terminal Link SAS to the extent of the Group's 49% equity in the
             company. The actual guaranteed amount is RMB80,305,197.15. If any guarantee liability
             occurs, the Group will make compensations.

                Except for the above guarantee, as at 31 December 2019, the Group also provides
                guarantee for the bank loans and other liabilities of the related party Khor Ambado
                FZCo. The guaranteed amount is 200,914,560.00. The loan amount used by Khor
                Ambado FZCo is RMB118,398,397.00. Details are set out in Note(X) 5 (3).

                At 31 December 2019, the Group's directors assessed the risk of default of above loans
                and other liabilities and considered that the risk is immaterial and the possibility to make
                compensation for the guarantees is rare.

                Except for the above contingent events, at 31 December 2019, the Group has no other
                significant guarantee or other contingencies that need to be explained.

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     1.     Profit distribution

                                            Items                                    Amount
     Profits and dividends to be distributed (Note)                                              884,287,957.04
     Profits and dividends to be declared by shareholder meeting       To be approved by shareholder meeting

     Note:Refer to Note V, 48 for details.

     2.     New coronavirus epidemic

     Since the outbreak of new coronavirus epidemic in China at the beginning of 2020, the therapy
     prophylactic has been carried out throughout the country. The Group actively responded and
     executed the regulations and requirements of the new coronavirus epidemic issued by the

     New coronavirus epidemic has temporarily affected the Groups’ production and management,
     however, the impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak on the economy depends on the progress
     and effectiveness as well as duration of our epidemic prevention and control work

     The Group has keep following the development of new coronavirus epidemic as well as
     evaluating the impact on financial status and operating results, etc. The Group will strengthen the
     prevention and control of the epidemic along with resuming production in an orderly way.

     3.     Share option incentive plan

     The Company held the extraordinary general meeting on 3 February 2020, where the Company's
     share option incentive plan was reviewed and discussed item-to-item, and approved. The total
     share options granted to the incentive objects under the incentive plan involves underlying shares
     of 17,728,000 shares, accounting for about 0.922% of the Company's total share capital which is
     1,922,365,124 shares upon the announcement of the incentive plan. The first batch (total amount
     17,198,000 shares) of incentive objects totals to 238 persons, accounting for 2.5% of total
     employee in service at the end of 2018. The registration procedures for the first batch granted
     were completed on 13 March 2020.

     Except for the above events, the Group has no other significant events after the balance sheet date.

     4.     Purchase of minority interests of TCP

     As Note V(41), the minority shareholder (hereinafter referred to as “ the seller”) acquired 10%
     stake from Kong Rise Development Limited , shareholder of the TCP, with a higher price among
     the market price and BRL320 million. On 23 February 2020, the seller asked Kong Rise
     Development Limited to exercise the option. Until approval date of financial statement, Kong
     Rise Development Limited has prepaid USD64 million to the seller on 24 February 2020.The
     above transaction has not been completed until the consolidated financial statements have

                                                                                                        - 166 -



     5.    Purchase of mandatory convertible securities and loans from company Terminal Link SAS,
           an associate company

     On November 25th, 2020, the subsidiary of the Group, China merchants port holdings company
     has signed the shareholder’s agreements with CMA CGM S.A. , shareholder of the Terminal Link
     SAS. According to this agreement, China merchants port holdings company might pay USD 468
     million for mandatory convertible securities and has authorized loans with USD500 million limits
     to Terminal Link SAS in order to support Terminal Link SAS acquire ten target ports. Terminal
     Link SAS has completed acquisition of 8 ports before March 26th, 2020. China merchants port
     holdings company has paid for mandatory convertible securities and issued loans , which total
     amounts are USD815 million.The remaining mandatory convertible securities have not been paid
     and loans have not been issued.


     1.    Segment reporting

     (1)   Basis for determining reporting segments and accounting policies

     The key management team of the Company is regarded as the CODM, who reviews the Group's
     internal reports in order to assess performance, allocate resources and determine the operating

     The CODM manages the Group's operations by divisions from both business and geographic

     In respect of business segments, management assesses the performance of the Group's business
     operations including ports operation, bonded logistics operation and other operations.

     Ports operation

     Ports operation includes container terminal operation, bulk and general cargo terminal operation
     operated by the Group and its associates and joint ventures. The Group's reportable segments of
     the ports operation are as follows:

                                                                                                - 167 -



     1.    Segment reporting - continued

     (1)   Basis for determining reporting segments and accounting policies - continued

     (a)   Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

           Pearl River Delta
           Yangtze River Delta
           Bohai Rim

     (b)   Other locations outside of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

     Bonded logistics operation

     Bonded logistics operation includes logistics park operation, ports transportation and airport cargo
     handling operated by the Group and its associates and joint ventures.

     Other operations

     Other operations mainly includes property development and investment and construction of
     modular housing operated by the Group's associates, property investment operated by the Group
     and corporate function.

     Each of the segments under ports operation include the operations of a number of ports in various
     locations within one geographic location, each of which is considered as a separate operating
     segment by the CODM. For the purpose of segment reporting, these individual operating
     segments have been aggregated into reportable segments on geographic basis in order to present a
     more systematic and structured segment information. To give details of each of the operating
     segments, in the opinion of the directors of the Company, would result in particulars of excessive

     Bonded logistics operation and other operations include a number of different operations, each of
     which is considered as a separate but insignificant operating segment by the CODM. For segment
     reporting, these individual operating segments have been aggregated according to the natures of
     their operations to give rise to more meaningful presentation.

     There are no material sales or other transactions between the segments.

     As at 31 December 2019, around 70% of The Group's non-current assets other than financial
     instruments and deferred tax assets are located in Mainland China.

                                                                                                  - 168 -



     1.      Segment reporting - continued

     (2)     Segment financial information

     Segment financial information for 2019 is as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                            Ports operation
                                             Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan                                                                  Bonded logistics                           Unallocated
              Item                                                                                                                                                          Others                                    Total
                              Pearl River      Yangtze River                                             Other locations          Sub-total          operation                                 amount
                                                                    Bohai Rim             Others
                                 Delta              Delta
      Operating income      5,196,613,368.06                  -     65,287,182.79    3,048,109,069.32    3,237,062,565.69      11,547,072,185.86     411,410,069.19       165,347,168.69                     -   12,123,829,423.74
      Operating cost        3,008,092,503.04                  -     54,620,318.87    2,442,406,257.78    1,680,548,644.03       7,185,667,723.72     240,230,706.61       223,022,489.38                     -    7,648,920,919.71
      Segment operating
                            2,188,520,865.02                  -      10,666,863.92     605,702,811.54    1,556,513,921.66       4,361,404,462.14     171,179,362.58       (57,675,320.69)                    -    4,474,908,504.03
      profit (loss)
      Taxes and levies        28,208,048.74         902,080.83        1,226,820.81      41,913,977.40      74,183,581.47         146,434,509.25       10,405,578.38        15,266,911.26           449,581.03      172,556,579.92
                             367,421,172.07       14,629,856.34      11,286,215.13     427,071,045.26     240,768,795.97        1,061,177,084.77      40,794,239.92         1,086,063.41       406,463,193.56     1,509,520,581.66
      R&D expenses           119,506,939.75                   -                   -      4,346,404.54                  -         123,853,344.29                   -                    -                    -       123,853,344.29
      Financial expenses     186,473,966.41        3,557,959.06      (1,031,714.93)    140,511,147.67     343,853,815.52         673,365,173.73       27,521,546.75        43,602,750.59     1,191,780,266.46     1,936,269,737.53
      Impairment gains of
                                  25,051.16                   -                   -                  -                     -          25,051.16                       -                 -                    -          25,051.16
      Impairment gains
                              (2,704,122.79)                             96,054.01     (47,117,070.21)       (510,363.77)        (50,235,502.76)         (13,907.01)                    -                    -     (50,249,409.77)
      (losses) of credit
      Other income            74,072,845.73        1,224,999.96         136,812.67      53,835,650.36                  -          129,270,308.72      22,545,823.25             6,361.40        10,278,619.73       162,101,113.10
      Investment income      160,825,470.54    2,569,882,989.42     415,798,097.77     772,742,553.30     439,240,848.69        4,358,489,959.72      23,454,651.74       237,229,143.96                    -     4,619,173,755.42
      Gains from changes
                                  10,933.07      154,574,350.85     297,972,325.74     (21,212,710.87)   (364,861,632.31)          66,483,266.48                      -                 -                    -       66,483,266.48
      in fair value
      Gains from disposal
                            4,172,962,308.96                  -          13,069.99     620,155,605.55         764,083.94        4,793,895,068.44          (3,047.02)                    -          670,761.37     4,794,562,782.79
      of assets
      Operating profit      5,892,103,224.72   2,706,592,444.00     713,201,903.09    1,370,264,264.80    972,340,665.25       11,654,502,501.86     138,441,518.49       119,604,459.41    (1,587,743,659.95)   10,324,804,819.81

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - 169 -



     1.       Segment reporting - continued

     (2)      Segment financial information - continued

     Segment financial information for 2019 is as follows: - continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Ports operation
                                                   Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan                                                                     Bonded logistics                         Unallocated
               Item                                                                                                                                                                Others                                     Total
                                    Pearl River      Yangtze River                                                 Other locations         Sub-total          operation                               amount
                                                                         Bohai Rim              Others
                                       Delta             Delta
      Non-operating income           15,167,367.31                  -        920,329.94        19,125,548.43         512,078,201.39       547,291,447.07           458,318.63        1,086,658.83        4,266,935.88       553,103,360.41
                                        13,328,509.27            4,069.14           8,922.44       25,023,662.84       14,345,696.95        52,710,860.64           57,151.76          50,000.00        17,634,000.00         70,452,012.40
      Gross profit                   5,893,942,082.76    2,706,588,374.86     714,113,310.59    1,364,366,150.39    1,470,073,169.69    12,149,083,088.29      138,842,685.36      120,641,118.24   (1,601,110,724.07)    10,807,456,167.82
      Income tax expenses            1,922,260,744.88      134,247,591.99      91,985,992.66      224,620,829.53       92,650,917.92     2,465,766,076.98       31,835,647.68       13,078,333.18       129,858,836.78     2,640,538,894.62
      Net profit                     3,971,681,337.88    2,572,340,782.87     622,127,317.93    1,139,745,320.86    1,377,422,251.77     9,683,317,011.31      107,007,037.68      107,562,785.06   (1,730,969,560.85)     8,166,917,273.20
      Segment assets               29,586,087,542.86    26,729,937,567.14   7,140,466,913.27   26,167,362,772.28   43,499,664,358.95   133,123,519,154.50    3,343,718,019.81   17,831,744,436.63     2,397,936,234.93   156,696,917,845.87
      Total assets in the financial statements                                                                                                                                                                           156,696,917,845.87
      Segment liabilities          10,648,908,871.15      700,175,249.44     140,580,616.21     9,017,491,838.33   11,995,283,584.80    32,502,440,159.93      757,665,748.51    1,010,340,736.41   27,436,263,588.78     61,706,710,233.63
       Total liabilities in the financial statements                                                                                                                                                                      61,706,710,233.63
      Depreciation and
                                       900,796,294.39                   -       2,052,884.92     878,442,775.96      796,377,578.73      2,577,669,534.00       92,199,834.15     174,521,673.45        20,134,304.85      2,864,525,346.45
      Interest income                   42,470,222.92          257,234.76       1,203,144.96      70,701,815.50       83,372,904.82       198,005,322.96         1,266,345.18        1,469,124.45       51,319,225.99        252,060,018.58
      Interest expense                 183,085,034.75        2,926,671.54                  -     203,657,696.95      392,724,564.47       782,393,967.71        28,245,233.91       38,016,163.44    1,241,182,229.48      2,089,837,594.54
      Investment income
      from long-term equity
                                       129,628,862.78    2,530,919,159.03    347,650,565.12        19,727,531.90     439,240,848.69      3,467,166,967.52       23,454,651.74     237,229,143.96                     -     3,727,850,763.22
      investment under
      equity method
      Long-term equity
      investment under               2,592,565,388.68   24,772,038,158.14   6,078,963,750.12     640,212,907.12    11,061,215,279.18    45,144,995,483.24      768,727,807.74   12,002,816,092.28                    -    57,916,539,383.26
      equity method
      Non-current assets
      other than long-term         21,153,911,773.00      294,462,264.01      27,181,862.66    21,955,658,532.67   28,203,528,560.52    71,634,742,992.86    2,302,277,585.20    5,405,248,897.19      455,073,380.68     79,797,342,855.93
      equity investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - 170 -



     1.      Segment reporting - continued

     (2)     Segment financial information - continued

     Segment financial information for 2018 is as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                            Ports operation
                                             Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan                                                                  Bonded logistics                           Unallocated
              Item                                                                                                                                                          Others                                    Total
                              Pearl River      Yangtze River                                            Other locations           Sub-total          operation                                 amount
                                                                    Bohai Rim             Others
                                 Delta              Delta
      Operating income      5,303,465,225.60                  -     69,907,311.12     747,571,785.87    3,063,582,986.50       9,184,527,309.09      386,269,027.02       132,598,286.47                     -    9,703,394,622.58
      Operating cost        3,093,917,475.00                  -     55,661,268.67     631,405,970.58    1,522,302,179.06       5,303,286,893.31      214,495,776.55       221,458,726.01                     -    5,739,241,395.87
      Segment operating
                            2,209,547,750.60                  -     14,246,042.45     116,165,815.29    1,541,280,807.44       3,881,240,415.78      171,773,250.47       (88,860,439.54)                    -    3,964,153,226.71
      profit (loss)
      Taxes and levies        71,372,197.96         284,627.70       1,160,781.85      10,778,344.95     112,983,856.21          196,579,808.67       32,621,484.27         6,211,213.84           541,296.73       235,953,803.51
                             390,753,695.03        3,749,372.10      9,930,005.82      97,317,524.40     193,183,913.13          694,934,510.48       36,924,775.16            28,852.77       519,977,537.04     1,251,865,675.45
      R&D expenses           118,865,768.66                  -                   -                 -                  -          118,865,768.66                   -                    -         3,123,329.16       121,989,097.82
      Financial expenses      33,812,457.43      82,614,789.19        (406,546.82)         19,344.58     419,088,994.19          535,129,038.57       38,623,819.16        51,653,121.27     1,018,012,123.95     1,643,418,102.95
      Impairment gains of
                                           -                  -                  -                  -                     -                    -                      -                 -                    -                    -
      Impairment gains
                             (10,760,473.33)                  -                  -        (10,616.21)       3,410,788.03          (7,360,301.51)        (168,279.09)                    -                    -       (7,528,580.60)
      (losses) of credit
      Other income            32,901,021.72          408,333.33        113,998.17       12,684,291.81                 -           46,107,645.03        1,411,014.72                    -         8,661,467.89        56,180,127.64
      Investment income      143,206,331.48    2,706,435,143.32    322,968,785.89     (21,733,692.03)    592,367,561.64        3,743,244,130.30       17,758,667.43       207,255,360.07         (430,008.32)     3,967,828,149.48
      Gains from changes
                                  45,351.40    (873,891,271.63)    (74,594,618.22)                  -   (125,966,299.23)      (1,074,406,837.68)                      -                 -                    -   (1,074,406,837.68)
      in fair value
      Gains from disposal
                                9,216,008.49                  -                  -      (418,481.28)      10,450,227.43           19,247,754.64            26,746.03                    -          (16,005.34)       19,258,495.33
      of assets
      Operating profit      1,769,351,871.28   1,746,303,416.03    252,049,967.44      (1,427,896.35)   1,296,286,321.78       5,062,563,680.18       82,631,320.97        60,501,732.65    (1,533,438,832.65)    3,672,257,901.15

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          - 171 -



     1.       Segment reporting - continued

     (2)      Segment financial information - continued

     Segment financial information for 2018 is as follows: - continued
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Ports operation
                                                   Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan                                                                     Bonded logistics                         Unallocated
               Item                                                                                                                                                                Others                                     Total
                                    Pearl River      Yangtze River                                                 Other locations         Sub-total          operation                               amount
                                                                         Bohai Rim              Others
                                       Delta             Delta
      Non-operating income           34,351,337.85                  -        424,231.58         1,931,244.58           24,074,268.10        60,781,082.11        1,216,591.28         943,208.69         4,187,807.90         67,128,689.98
                                        40,405,962.28            4,010.31        400,000.00         1,057,097.28       65,315,693.08      107,182,762.95         6,240,627.54         200,000.00        11,407,908.08       125,031,298.57
      Gross profit                   1,763,297,246.85    1,746,299,405.72     252,074,199.02        (553,749.05)    1,255,044,896.80     5,016,161,999.34       77,607,284.71       61,244,941.34   (1,540,658,932.83)     3,614,355,292.56
      Income tax expenses              294,544,209.66       43,364,189.75      12,909,324.23       16,064,881.66       94,332,207.91       461,214,813.21       14,785,763.43       49,933,513.49       202,506,448.47       728,440,538.60
      Net profit                     1,468,753,037.19    1,702,935,215.97     239,164,874.79     (16,618,630.71)    1,160,712,688.89     4,554,947,186.13       62,821,521.28       11,311,427.85   (1,743,165,381.30)     2,885,914,753.96
      Segment assets               24,361,542,350.83    24,738,700,129.24   6,498,939,975.26   11,975,384,175.20   43,137,915,507.68   110,712,482,138.21    2,768,799,649.68   10,986,223,834.86     3,550,578,792.93   128,018,084,415.68
      Total assets in the financial statements                                                                                                                                                                           128,018,084,415.68
      Segment liabilities            3,716,328,520.15     620,013,763.67     108,999,946.50     2,399,865,586.89   11,874,203,103.78    18,719,410,920.99      809,775,291.61    1,161,920,752.31   26,910,051,577.96     47,601,158,542.87
       Total liabilities in the financial statements                                                                                                                                                                      47,601,158,542.87
      Depreciation and
                                       777,378,984.84                   -       2,030,173.13     287,332,851.66      698,620,897.88      1,765,362,907.51       80,463,924.42     165,229,175.14        16,903,705.26      2,027,959,712.33
      Interest income                   21,954,329.37          508,539.88        438,043.11       40,225,269.81       84,159,789.64       147,285,971.81         1,052,104.99         828,268.56       123,286,948.50        272,453,293.86
      Interest expense                  44,507,286.38        1,009,944.96                 -       39,664,933.55      398,730,346.09       483,912,510.98        32,382,213.72      39,755,069.06     1,078,051,538.04      1,634,101,331.80
      Investment income
      from long-term equity
                                       134,907,307.68    2,674,327,364.23    309,435,330.98      (21,882,199.10)     592,062,707.31      3,688,850,511.10       17,758,667.43     207,255,360.07                     -     3,913,864,538.60
      investment under
      equity method
      Long-term equity
      investment under               2,629,326,400.75   23,003,406,812.98   5,696,221,052.02    2,540,719,065.34   10,818,356,531.61    44,688,029,862.70      340,969,759.95    5,147,577,640.75                    -    50,176,577,263.40
      equity method
      Non-current assets
      other than long-term         18,136,739,566.92      296,477,731.85      29,099,361.17     7,816,817,366.31   29,571,968,313.58    55,851,102,339.83    2,206,436,654.13    5,573,444,649.09      480,592,127.03     64,111,575,770.08
      equity investment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - 172 -



     1.    Segment reporting - continued

     (2)   Segment financial information - continued

     The Group's revenue by geographical areas of operations and information about its non-current
     assets other than financial instruments and deferred tax assets presented based on the geographical
     areas in which the assets are located as follows:
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                             Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in
                Revenue from external transactions                  the                    the
                                                               current period         prior period
      Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan                       8,872,027,132.24      6,635,924,788.34
        Pearl River Delta                                        5,629,472,123.72      5,705,075,363.71
        Yangtze River Delta                                                     -                      -
        Bohai Rim                                                  194,445,939.20        183,277,638.76
        Others                                                   3,048,109,069.32        747,571,785.87
      Other locations                                            3,251,802,291.50      3,067,469,834.24
      Total                                                     12,123,829,423.74      9,703,394,622.58

                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                             Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in
                      Total non-current assets                      the                   the
                                                               current period         prior period
      Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan                      96,489,027,270.44     73,602,488,004.01
        Pearl River Delta                                       43,196,515,110.55     33,618,069,629.60
        Yangtze River Delta                                     25,066,500,422.16     23,299,884,544.83
        Bohai Rim                                                6,686,470,964.43      6,316,574,360.92
        Others                                                  21,539,540,773.30     10,367,959,468.66
      Other locations                                           41,224,854,968.75     40,685,665,029.47
      Total                                                   137,713,882,239.19     114,288,153,033.48

     (3)   Degree of reliance on major customers

     The total operating income derived from the top five clients of the Group is RMB 3,234,035,638.42,
     accounting for 26.68% of the Group's total operating income.


     1.    Other receivables

     (1)   Summary of other receivables
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Opening balance
                               Item                            Closing balance
      Interest receivable                                                       -                      -
      Dividends receivable                                         207,259,421.40         329,153,465.74
      Other receivables                                            598,275,341.87         321,861,868.32
      Total                                                        805,534,763.27         651,015,334.06

                                                                                                  - 173 -



     1.    Other receivables - continued

     (2)   Dividends receivable

     (a)   Disclosure of dividends receivable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                            Company name                               Closing balance          Opening balance
      Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd.                                       103,355,370.74           103,355,370.74
      Shenzhen Chiwan Harbor Container Co. Ltd.                                         -            96,378,106.61
      Dongguan Chiwan Terminal Co., Ltd.                                    88,196,930.66            88,196,930.66
      Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd.                                                 -            21,929,842.24
      China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.                            15,707,120.00            15,707,120.00
      Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd.                                        -             3,299,252.31
      Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency Co., Ltd.                            -               286,843.18
      CMPort                                                                            -                        -
      Total                                                                207,259,421.40           329,153,465.74
      Less: Provision for credit loss                                                   -                        -
      Carrying amount                                                      207,259,421.40           329,153,465.74

     (b)   Significant dividends receivable with aging over 1 year
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                Item                  Closing balance          Reason for outstanding           Impaired or not
      Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co.,                            In processing and expected to be
                                         103,355,370.74                                                No
      Ltd.                                                         received in 2020
      Dongguan Chiwan Terminal                             In processing and expected to be
                                          88,196,930.66                                                No
      Co., Ltd.                                                    received in 2020
      Total                              191,552,301.40

     (3)   Other receivables

     (a)   Disclosure of other receivables by aging
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                           Closing balance
                       Aging                                             Provision for credit     Proportion of
                                                   Other receivables
                                                                                 loss             provision (%)
      Within 1 year                                     598,275,341.87                      -                    -
      1 to 2 years                                                   -                      -                    -
      2 to 3 years                                                   -                      -                    -
      Over 3 years                                          383,456.60            383,456.60                100.00
      Total                                             598,658,798.47            383,456.60

     (b)   Provision for credit loss of other receivables

     As part of the Company's credit risk management, the Company performs internal credit rating on
     customers, and determines the expected loss ratio of other receivables under each credit rating.
     Such expected average loss ratio is based on historical actual impairment and taking into
     consideration of current and expected future economic conditions.

                                                                                                            - 174 -



     1.        Other receivables - continued

     (3)       Other receivables - continued

     (b)       Provision for credit loss of other receivables - continued

     At 31 December 2019, the credit risk and expected credit loss of other receivables by categories of
     customers are as follows:
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                            Closing balance                                                    Opening balance
                    Expected                            Lifetime                                                                          Lifetime
          Credit                                                     Lifetime ECL                                       Lifetime ECL
                    credit loss                          ECL                                                                                ECL
          rating                   12-month ECL                          (credit-         Total        12-month ECL      (not credit-                            Total
                    ratio (%)                         (not credit-                                                                         (credit-
                                                                        impaired)                                         impaired)
                                                       impaired)                                                                         impaired)
      A                0.00-0.10    598,275,341.87                -               -   598,275,341.87   321,861,868.32              -                -      321,861,868.32
      B                0.10-0.30                 -                -               -                -                -              -                -                   -
      C               0.30-50.00                 -                -               -                -                -              -                -                   -
      D             50.00-100.00                 -                -      383,456.60       383,456.60                -              -     383,456.60            383,456.60
                                    598,275,341.87              -       383,456.60    598,658,798.47   321,861,868.32               -       383,456.60     322,245,324.92
      for credit                                  -             -       383,456.60       383,456.60                 -               -       383,456.60           383,456.60
      Book value                    598,275,341.87              -                 -   598,275,341.87   321,861,868.32               -                -     321,861,868.32

     (c)       Changes in provision for credit loss of other receivables
                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                      Stage I                        Stage II                      Stage III
                    Item                                                          Lifetime ECL                   Lifetime ECL                            Total
                                                  12-month ECL
                                                                              (not credit-impaired)            (credit-impaired)
     Balance at 1 January 2019                             -                                           -                 383,456.60                         383,456.60
     Carrying amount of other receivables at 1 January 2019
     -- transfer to stage II                               -                                           -                                -                                 -
     -- transfer to stage III                              -                                           -                                -                                 -
     -- transfer back to stage II                          -                                           -                                -                                 -
     -- transfer back to stage I                           -                                           -                                -                                 -
     Provision for the year                                -                                           -                                -                                 -
     Reversal                                              -                                           -                                -                                 -
     Transfer out due to
     derecognition of financial assets                     -                                           -                                -                                 -
     (including direct write-down)
     Other changes                                         -                                           -                           -                                 -
      Balance at 31 December 2019                          -                                           -                  383,456.60                        383,456.60

     (d)       Other receivables by nature
                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                   Item                                                            Closing balance                          Opening balance
      Amounts due from related parties                                                                 571,663,096.21                           316,567,355.24
      Advances                                                                                          26,283,930.19                             4,785,167.82
      Deposits                                                                                                      -                               372,042.31
      Others                                                                                               711,772.07                               520,759.55
      Total                                                                                            598,658,798.47                           322,245,324.92
      Less: Provision for credit loss                                                                      383,456.60                               383,456.60
      Book value                                                                                       598,275,341.87                           321,861,868.32

                                                                                                                                                                 - 175 -



     1.     Other receivables - continued

     (3)    Other receivables - continued

     (e)    There is no other receivables write-off during this year。

     (f)    The top five balances of other receivables classified by debtor
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Proportion of the     Closing balance of
             Company name                  Nature         Closing balance       Aging        amount to the total    provision for credit
                                                                                            other receivable (%)            loss
     Shenzhen Haixing Harbor        Loan to related
                                                           328,163,096.21   Within 1 year                   54.81                      -
     Development Co., Ltd           parties
     Dongguan Chiwan Terminal Co.,  Loan to related
                                                           134,500,000.00   Within 1 year                   22.47                      -
     Ltd.                           parties
                                    Loan to related
     Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd.                        109,000,000.00   Within 1 year                   18.21                      -
     Shenzhen Chiwan Port
                                    payments for            21,072,976.83   Within 1 year                    3.52                      -
     Development Co., Ltd.
                                    account current
                                    Compensation for
                                    profit and loss
     Guangdong Sinotrans Co., Ltd.                           3,803,477.07   Within 1 year                    0.64                      -
                                    over the transition
     Total                                                 596,539,550.11                                   99.65                      -

                                                                                                                                - 176 -



     2.      Long-term equity investments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                             Changes for the year                                                                               Closing
                                                      1/1/2019                                          Investment      Reconciling items from      Other         Announced          Impairm                31/12/2019         balance of
                                                                             Increase       Decrease   income under      other comprehensive        equity    distribution of cash      ent      Others                       impairment
                                                                                                       equity method            income            movements   dividends or profit    provision                                 provision
     I. Subsidiary
     Shenzhen Chiwan International Freight Agency
                                                          5,500,000.00                  -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -         5,500,000.00             -
     Co., Ltd.
     Shenzhen Chiwan Harbor Container Co. Ltd.         250,920,000.00                   -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -      250,920,000.00              -
     Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd.
                                                          7,000,000.00    199,283,811.09          -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -      206,283,811.09              -
     (Note 1)
     CWHK                                                 1,070,000.00                  -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -         1,070,000.00             -
     Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd.                   24,000,000.00                  -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -        24,000,000.00             -
     Chiwan Container Terminal Co., Ltd.                421,023,199.85                  -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -       421,023,199.85             -
     Dongguan Chiwan Warf Co., Ltd.                     186,525,000.00                  -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -       186,525,000.00             -
     Dongguan Chiwan Terminal Co., Ltd.                 175,000,000.00                  -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -       175,000,000.00             -
     Chiwan Shipping (Hong Kong) Limited                  1,051,789.43                  -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -         1,051,789.43             -
     CMPort (Note 2)                                 26,170,129,771.99   1,116,813,838.43         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -    27,286,943,610.42             -
     RoRo Logistics                                     149,709,800.00                  -         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -       149,709,800.00             -
     Zhanjiang port (Note 3)                                         -     371,530,912.93         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -       371,530,912.93             -
     Sub-total                                       27,391,929,561.27   1,687,628,562.45         -                 -                       -            -                      -           -        -    29,079,558,123.72             -
     II. Associate
     China Merchants International Information
                                                        18,274,568.38                   -         -      2,369,042.80                       -            -                      -           -        -       20,643,611.18              -
     Technology Co., Ltd.
     China Merchants Bonded Logistics Co., Ltd.        340,500,382.73                   -         -     25,355,342.22                       -            -                      -           -        -      365,855,724.95              -
     Sub-total                                         358,774,951.11                   -         -     27,724,385.02                       -            -                      -           -        -      386,499,336.13              -
     III. Joint venture
     China Overseas Harbour Affaris (Laizhou) Co.,
                                                       793,557,064.58                   -         -     42,110,853.02                       -            -       (43,605,689.02)            -        -      792,062,228.58              -
     China Merchants Antong Logistics Management
                                                                     -       8,000,000.00         -       256,893.80                        -            -                      -           -        -         8,256,893.80             -
     Sub-total                                          793,557,064.58       8,000,000.00         -     42,367,746.82                       -            -       (43,605,689.02)            -        -       800,319,122.38             -
     Total                                           28,544,261,576.96   1,695,628,562.45         -     70,092,131.84                       -            -       (43,605,689.02)            -        -    30,266,376,582.23             -

     Note 1: The Company receives 25% equity of Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd. from CWHK at the consideration of
             RMB10,825,000.00 on 19 April 2019. Since then, Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd. became the Company's wholly-owned
             subsidiary. In July 2019, the Company transferred the major operating assets, debts and employees of Chiwan port area 1-7# berth to
             Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd. The net book value of the transferred assets and liabilities at the benchmark date of the
             transfer amounting to RMB188,458,811.09 is considered as investment cost and included in the Company's long-term equity investments in
             Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development Co., Ltd.

     Note 2: Details are set out in Note (VII) 1.

     Note 3: Details are set out in Note (VI) 1.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - 177 -



     3.    Operating income and operating costs
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                       Amount incurred in                              Amount incurred in
             Item                      the current period                               the prior period
                                Revenue                  Cost                 Revenue                    Cost
      Principal operating       75,207,466.30          75,438,994.71         211,782,804.61           158,561,191.30
      Other operating           16,835,131.75             645,029.02          32,116,448.46             1,504,260.12
      Total                     92,042,598.05          76,084,023.73         243,899,253.07           160,065,451.42

     4.    Investment income

     (1)   Details of investment income
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                          Amount incurred in      Amount incurred in
                                   Item                                   the current period       the prior period
     Income from long-term equity investments under cost method              1,221,470,436.60          121,894,044.34
     Long-term equity investments income under equity method                    70,092,131.84           63,015,142.10
     Income from other equity instruments investments                           10,822,585.00            8,228,975.00
     Income from debt investments                                                3,837,808.22                       -
     Total                                                                   1,306,222,961.66          193,138,161.44

     (2)   Income from long-term equity investments under cost method
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                           Amount incurred in     Amount incurred in         Reason for changes
                    Investee               the current period      the prior period      comparing with prior year
                                                                                   -    Changes in profit distribution
      CMPort                                 1,116,334,395.76
                                                                                        of investee
      Chiwan Container Terminal Co.,                                               -    Changes in profit distribution
      Ltd.                                                                              of investee
      Shenzhen Chiwan Harbor Container                       -                          Changes in profit distribution
      Co. Ltd.                                                                          of investee
                                                             -                          Changes in profit distribution
      Shenzhen Chiwan Tugboat Co., Ltd.                                21,929,842.24
                                                                                        of investee
      Shenzhen Chiwan Port Development                       -                          Changes in profit distribution
      Co., Ltd.                                                                         of investee
      Shenzhen Chiwan International                          -                          Changes in profit distribution
      Freight Agency Co., Ltd.                                                          of investee
      Total                                  1,221,470,436.60        121,894,044.34

                                                                                                                - 178 -


                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                            Item                                             Amount         Remarks
Losses on disposal of non-current assets                                                 4,794,562,782.79
Tax refunds or reductions with ultra vires approval or without official approval
Government grants recognized in profit or loss (except for grants that are closely
related to the Company's business and are in amounts and quantities fixed in               162,587,042.38
accordance with the national standard)
Money lending income earned from non-financial institutions in profit or loss               19,571,040.36
The excess of attributable fair value of identifiable net assets over the
consideration paid for subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures
Gains or losses on exchange of non-monetary assets                                                      -
Gains or losses on entrusted investments or assets management                                           -
Provision of impairment losses for each asset due to force majeure, e.g. natural
Gains or losses on debt restructuring                                                                   -
Business restructuring expenses, e.g., expenditure for layoff of employees,
integration expenses, etc.
Gains or losses relating to the unfair portion in transactions with unfair transaction
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries recognized as a result of business combination of
enterprises under common control from the beginning of the period up to the                             -
business combination date
Gains or losses arising from contingencies other than those related to normal
operating business
Gains from changes of fair value of held-for-trading financial assets, derivative
financial assets, other non-current financial assets, held-for-trading financial
liabilities, derivative financial liabilities other than effective hedging operation
relating to the Company's normal operations, and the investment income from
disposal of the above held-for-trading financial assets/financial liabilities and
other debt investments
Reversal of provision for accounts receivable that are tested for credit loss
Gains or losses on entrusted loans                                                                      -
Gains or losses on changes in the fair value of investment properties that are
subsequently measured using the fair value model
Effects on profit or loss of one-off adjustment to profit or loss for the period
according to the requirements by tax laws and accounting laws and regulations
Custodian fees earned from entrusted operation                                                          -
Other non-operating income or expenses other than above                                    482,165,418.73
Other profit or loss that meets the definition of non-recurring profit or loss (note)      732,644,357.06
Tax effects                                                                            (1,504,203,995.96)
Effects of minority interest (after tax)                                               (2,892,976,715.05)
Total                                                                                    1,860,425,293.61

Note: This mainly represents the gains from remeasurement of previously held equity at fair value upon
      the Company's acquisition of Zhanjiang Port (Group) Co., Ltd.



The return on net assets and EPS have been prepared by Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Co., Ltd. in accordance
with Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering No. 9 -
Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings per Share (revised in 2010) issued by
China Securities Regulatory Commission.
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                             Weighted                     EPS
                            Item                           average return
                                                                              Basic EPS         Diluted EPS
                                                          on net assets (%)
 Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders                    8.7125         1.5943              1.5943
 Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders after
                                                                    3.1197          0.5709              0.5709
 deducting non-recurring profit or loss