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                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.
       Annual Report 2021


           April 2022

                                Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions

     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors,
supervisors and executives of the Company hereby warrant that the
information contained in this Annual Report is true, accurate and
complete and this Annual Report is free from any misrepresentation,
misleading statement or material omission, and agree to assume joint
and several liability for this Annual Report.
     ZHANG Huali, Principal of the Company, CFO LIANG Deping
and Chief Accountant TAO Jinyu hereby represent that the financial
statements contained in this Annual Report are true, accurate and
     All directors of the Company attended the meeting of the Board
of Directors reviewing this Report.
     This Report contains certain forward-looking statements
regarding future plans, development strategies and other projected
matters, which do not constitute any substantial covenant made by
the Company to the investors. The investors and related persons shall
be fully aware of the relevant risks, and understand the differences
among such plans, forecasts and covenants.
     The Company has stated in details the possible risks in its
operation and countermeasures in this report. Investors are advised
to refer to the Section III “Management’s Discussion and Analysis -
Prospects for future development of the Company”.
     According to the profit distribution proposal approved by the
Board of Directors, the Company will distribute a cash dividend of
RMB1.30 (inclusive of tax) per 10 shares to all shareholders on the
basis of 1,870,720,815 shares, and will not distribute any bonus
shares or transfer any capital reserve to the share capital.

                                                          Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                         Table of Contents
Section I Important Note, Table of Contents and Definitions ..................................2
Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators ...................................... 6
Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis ................................................10
Section IV Corporate Governance ........................................................................... 39
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ...............................................62
Section VI Important Events .................................................................................... 63
Section VII Share Changes and Information of Shareholders .............................. 80
Section VIII Preferred Shares ...................................................................................91
Section IX Bonds ........................................................................................................ 92
Section X Financial Report ....................................................................................... 93

                                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                       List of References

1.   Financial statements signed and chopped by the principal, CFO and Chief Accountant of the Company;
2.   Original of the auditor’s report stamped with the seal of the accounting firm and signed and chopped by the
     certified public accountants;
3.   Originals of all documents of the Company publicly disclosed on the website for information disclosure
     designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission during the reporting period and related
     announcements; and
4.   Other references.

                                               Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021


               Terms                                                  Definition
Mango Excellent Media, Company,
                                  means    Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.
we/our or the Listed Company
Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.   means    The full name of the Company in English.
MANGO                             means    the short name of the Company in English.
                                           Hunan Happy Sunshine Interactive Entertainment Media Co.,
Happy Sunshine                    means
                                           Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Listed Company.
                                           Mango Studios Culture Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Mango Studios                     means
                                           Happy Sunshine.
                                           Hunan Mango Entertainment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
Mango Entertainment               means
                                           subsidiary of Happy Sunshine.
                                           Shanghai EE-Media Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
EE-Media                          means
                                           Listed Company.
                                           Shanghai Mangofun Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
Mangofun                          means
                                           subsidiary of Happy Sunshine.
                                           Happigo Co. Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Listed
Happigo                           means
Happy Money                       means    Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd.
                                           The online video platform affiliated to the Listed Company and
Mango TV                          means
                                           operated by Happy Sunshine.
Mango Media                       means    Mango Media Co. Ltd, controlling shareholder of the Company
Hunan Broadcasting System         means    Actual controller of the Company
                                           Golden Eagle Broadcasting System Co., Ltd., an integrated
GBS                               means    company operated by the Hunan Broadcasting System (HBS),
                                           the actual controller of the Company.
                                           Hunan Broadcasting Network Holding Group Co., Ltd., a
HBNHG                             means
                                           subsidiary of GBS.
Xiaoxiang Film Group              means    Xiaoxiang Film Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of GBS.
HTBI                              means    Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co., Ltd.
China Mobile                      means    China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd.
                                           Internet protocol television, a technology integrated with
                                           internet, multimedia, communication and other technologies
IPTV                              means
                                           that provides home users with digital television and other
                                           interactive services through broadband network.
                                           Over the top, which provides a variety of video and data
OTT                               means
                                           services to users via the Internet.
                                           Intellectual properties, the property rights given to persons over
IP                                means
                                           the creations of their minds.
APP                               means    Application, mobile application program.
PAD                               means    Portable device.
PC                                means    Personal computer.
TV                                means    Television.
AR                                means    Augmented reality.
VR                                means    Virtual reality.
5G                                means    5G network.
UGC                               means    User generated content.
QM                                means    QuestMobile, a mobile web big data company
KOL                               means    Key Opinion Leader
                                                           Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

     Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators
I.    Company profile
Stock short name                            Mango                             Stock code        300413
Chinese name                                芒果超媒股份有限公司
Chinese short name                          芒果超媒
English name (if any)                       Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.
English short name (if any)                 Mango
Legal representative                        ZHANG Huali
Registered address                          Golden Eagle TV Culture City, Changsha, Hunan
Postal code of registered address           410003
History of changes in registered            None
Office address                              Golden Eagle TV Culture City, Changsha, Hunan
Postal code of office address               410003
Company website                             https://www.mgtv.com
Email                                       mangocm@mangocm.com
II. Contact person and contact information
                                    Board Secretary                             Securities Affairs Representative
Name                WU Jun                                               HUANG Jianyong
                    Golden Eagle TV Culture City, Changsha,              Golden Eagle TV Culture City, Changsha,
                    Hunan                                                Hunan
Telephone           (0731) 82967188                                      (0731) 82967188
Facsimile           (0731) 82897962                                      (0731) 82897962
Email               mangocm@mangocm.com                                  mangocm@mangocm.com
III. Information disclosure and place for keeping annual report
Website of the stock exchange              disclosing     the
Company’s annual report
                                                                The China Securities Journal, the Securities Times, the
Media and website disclosing the Company’s annual
                                                                Securities Daily, the Shanghai Securities News and
Place for keeping the Company’s annual report                  Board of Directors Office of the Company
IV. Other related information
Accounting firm engaged by the Company:
Name of accounting firm                                   Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP
                                                          6/F, No. 128, Xixi Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City,
Office address of accounting firm
                                                          Zhejiang Province
Name of accountants signing this report                   LIU Gangyue and ZHANG Hong
Sponsor institution engaged by the Company that performs the duties of ongoing supervision over the Company
during the reporting period:
√Applicable □ N/A
Name        of        sponsor    Office address      of   sponsor    Sponsor’s              Period of      continuous
institution                      institution                         representative          supervision
China            International   27 & 28/F, Block 2, China           YAO Xudong and          From August 24, 2021 to
Capital           Corporation    World    Towers,      No.     1     WANG Kun                December 31, 2023
Limited                          Jianguomenwai            Street,
                                 Chaoyang District, Beijing
Financial advisor engaged by the Company that performs the duties of ongoing supervision over the Company
during the reporting period:
                                                             Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

□ Applicable √ N/A
V. Key accounting data and financial indicators
Did the Company need to retrospectively adjust or re-state accounting data of prior accounting years?
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                        Y/Y %
                                             2021                     2020                               2019
Operating revenue (RMB)                15,355,863,482.07         14,005,534,955.36        9.64%     12,500,664,232.05
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed               2,114,090,171.85         1,982,159,476.82        6.66%      1,156,285,253.73
company (RMB)
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company after deduction of              2,059,758,151.24          1,846,203,181.73       11.57%      1,093,036,165.68
extraordinary gain or loss
Net cash flows from operating
                                          561,800,882.37           580,970,353.08        -3.30%       292,866,711.18
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings       per   share
                                                      1.17                     1.11       5.41%                   0.66
Diluted earnings per share
                                                      1.17                     1.11       5.41%                   0.66
Weighted average return on
                                                    16.25%                   20.46%      -4.21%                 15.68%
net assets
                                                                                        Y/Y %
                                         End of 2021               End of 2020                       End of 2019
Total assets (RMB)                     26,110,751,404.90         19,265,699,802.98       35.53%     17,078,206,149.68
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed             16,966,400,358.23         10,587,978,185.42       60.24%      8,783,859,219.07
company (RMB)
Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of extraordinary gain or loss in the past three
accounting years has been negative and the most recent annual auditor’s report indicates that the Company’s ability
to continue as a going concern is uncertain?
□ Yes √ No
Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of extraordinary gain or loss is negative?
□ Yes √ No

VI. Key financial indicators by quarter
                                                                                                            In RMB
                                    First quarter        Second quarter           Third quarter      Fourth quarter
Operating revenue                  4,008,953,829.13     3,844,274,956.64         3,778,078,677.52    3,724,556,018.78
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed          773,455,157.66           677,752,452.09       528,792,372.20      134,090,189.90
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company after deduction             771,179,702.79           668,842,459.86       531,484,128.95       88,251,859.64
of extraordinary gain or
Net cash flows from
                                    426,746,375.68           -24,802,517.88        -76,777,607.56     236,634,632.13
operating activities
Whether there’s any material difference between the financial indicators or aggregate amounts thereof set out
above and the corresponding financial indicators set out in any quarter report or semi-annual report of the
Company already disclosed?
□ Yes √ No

                                                        Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

VII.       Differences in accounting data arising from adoption of foreign and
        Chinese accounting standards concurrently
1.      Differences between net profit and net assets disclosed on the financial statements
        according to the international accounting standards and the Chinese accounting
        standards concurrently
        □ Applicable √ N/A
        There wasn’t any difference between net profit and net assets disclosed on the financial statements for the
        reporting period due to adoption of the international accounting standards and the Chinese accounting
        standards by us concurrently.
2.      Differences between net profit and net assets disclosed on the financial statements
        according to the foreign accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards
        □ Applicable √ N/A
        There wasn’t any difference between net profit and net assets disclosed on the financial statements for the
        reporting period due to adoption of the foreign accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards
        by us concurrently.

VIII.        Items and amounts of extraordinary gains or losses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                           In RMB
                                            The amount of        The amount of         The amount of
                  Item                                                                                     Remark
                                                2021                 2020                  2019
Gain or loss on disposal of
non-current      assets    (including
                                                 501,358.91         70,055,759.62          -253,138.65
allowance for impairment of assets
that has been written off)
Government grants recognized in
profit or loss (excluding government
grants that are closely related to the
business of the Company and are               35,999,768.69         49,700,923.82        57,599,556.19
provided in fixed amount or quantity
continuously according to the
applicable polices of the country)
Gain or loss on assets under entrusted
                                              34,265,617.23          3,906,349.28         7,344,704.18
investment or management
Reversal of impairment loss on
accounts receivable tested for                 4,843,660.00         31,747,600.00         1,800,000.00
impairment individually
Other non-operating revenue and
                                             -21,265,876.15        -18,913,395.60          -111,786.45
Less: Effect of income tax                                               1,209.77         2,138,585.88
Effect of minority interest (exclusive
                                                   12,508.07           539,732.26           991,661.34
of tax)
Total                                         54,332,020.61       135,956,295.09         63,249,088.05        --
Other items of gain or loss within the meaning of extraordinary gains or losses:
□ Applicable √ N/A
We do not have any other item of gain or loss within the meaning of extraordinary gains or losses.
Classification of any item of extraordinary gain or loss defined by the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Extraordinary Gain or Loss as recurrent
profit or loss:
□ Applicable √ N/A
We have not classified any item of extraordinary gain or loss defined by the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Publicly Offering Securities - Extraordinary Gain or Loss as recurrent
                                              Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

profit or loss during the reporting period.

                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

          Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis
I.   Situations of our industry during the reporting period
     1.   As the main arena, battlefield and forefront, the media are undergoing in-depth convergence.
           The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major Achievements
     and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century states that the Party puts heavy emphasis on
     developing and creating new means of communication; it has promoted integrated development of media,
     and worked to strengthen the penetration and credibility of the media and its ability to guide and influence;
     the Party therefore attaches great importance to the Internet as the main arena, battleground, and forefront of
     the ideological struggle; it has improved the leadership and management systems for the Internet, regulated
     the cyberspace according to the law, and strived to foster a clean online environment. Along with the
     promulgation and implementation of the Anti-trust Guidelines for Platform Economy, comprehensive
     rectification and control of the cultural and entertainment sector and launch of “Qinglang” special campaigns,
     the elements of internal and external development of the Internet industries and the cultural and
     entertainment sector have been further regulated, disorderly competitions have been effectively curbed, and
     the industry has become more orderly. Long-term development, proprietary content and innovation have
     become common understanding about the development of Internet content platforms in the new era.
     2.   The video industry enters the era of competition for existing users, and witnesses changes in market
     recognition, development pattern and underlying logics.
           According to the Annual Report on China’s Mobile Internet Development 2021 published by
     QuestMobile, as of the end of 2021, there were 1.174 billion mobile Internet subscribers in China; the
     coverage of the mobile Internet has reached the saturation point generally; the total number of subscribers
     increased slightly. The industry enters the era of competition for existing users in the number and activeness
     of subscribers and market penetration. The market recognition, development pattern and underlying logics of
     the long video industry are undergoing radical changes, the traffic-guided expansion is drawing to an end, the
     development model that gains market share through cash burning can not be cast off overnight, and the
     number of subscribers and paid members of some platforms has stopped increasing. In the context of such
     changes, the long video industry finds new opportunities of development, and it becomes critical for the new
     pattern of the long vide sector to return to the essence of content creation, increase the conversion rate of
     existing users and operate member service ecosystem meticulously.
     3.    The Internet advertising market is growing steadily and the media content marketing has become the
     core driving force for the industry.
          According to the Annual Report on China’s Mobile Internet Development 2021 and relevant data
     published by QuestMobile, the total size of the advertising and promotion market increased more than 11%
     year on year; the Internet advertising market has maintained a good momentum of development, reflected by
     the continuous increase in the duration of use of online products and frequency of interaction by users of
     video platforms and other content media, which propels the brands to attach great importance to content
     operations; the market share of content operations has been increasing continuously; and the growth rate of
     effect advertisements is close to 60%. In the field of long video streaming advertisements, the integrated
     platforms having content ecosystem covering the entire industry chain are continuously consolidating their
     market position. The integrated video platforms are enhancing their advantages in conversion rate at
     terminals of the advertising consumer market, customer adhesion, IP premiums, brand expansion and other
     areas, and major advertisers show a greater preference for leading new media platforms.
     4.    Along with the upgrading of user base, content quality and technical standards, the development of big
     screen smart IPTV is accelerating.
          According to the Communications Statistics Bulletin 2021, there were 349 million IPTV subscribers in
     China in 2021, a net increase of 33.36 million year on year; and the three major carriers had 536 million
     broadband subscribers in total, which means that the penetration of IPTV among broadband subscribers
     reaches more than 65%. According to the Asia Pacific Pay TV Forecasts issued by Digital TV Research, the
     number of IPTV subscribers in China will increase by 44 million between 2021 and 2027. The subscribers of
     big screen smart TV, mainly IPTV, have the core characteristics of high confidence of TV subscribers and
     high adhesion of paid subscribers. High quality content, rapid popularization of 4K/8K ultra HD standard,
     improved user experience realized by smart recommendation and waterfall display have become main
     driving forces behind the upgrading and accelerated development of the smart big screen sector.
     5.   The content sector is improving quality and reducing volume, and the market share of positive energy
     and central theme content is growing steadily.
          According to the 2021 Insights into Entertainment issued by Endata, the production of variety shows
     has decreased for three consecutive years. In 2021, 428 variety shows were released in total, a decrease of
     more than 5% as compared with the preceding year. The policies relating to variety shows have been further
     improved, as a result of which, the traffic hype, excessive entertainment and other adverse trends have been

                                                  Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

effectively curbed, and the positive energy works continuously guide the industry. Though long video
platforms still maintain the traditional system superiority in the field of variety shows, short video platforms
are actively making breakthroughs by releasing vertical and innovative variety shows, and a variety of
mid-form, short and micro variety shows have sprung up and become new focus of the industry. In the field
of films and TV dramas, the total number of home-made TV dramas and series decreased as compared with
the preceding year, traffic stars, hot topic hype and other development patterns of the industry in the past
began to ebb, and excellent TV dramas and series with good conception, stories and reputation and
respecting aesthetic standards of audiences become the focus of the market. TV dramas and series giving full
scope of the central theme of the times and focusing on hot topics win the market by their quality and gain
reputation and popularity; key TV dramas and series make a strong performance on the market; short TV
dramas grow rapidly; high-quality short TV dramas have become the new and main development direction
for the long video streaming platforms due to their brands, intensification and normality; and creative
network micro-dramas and IP derivate dramas grow continuously, to further satisfy the diversified demands
of market segments.
6.  Enhancing the protection of content copyright has become a common understanding of the industry,
promoting the integration and sound development of long and short videos.
     In 2021, a number of content industry associations, video platforms, film and TV companies and other
stakeholders jointly participated in the publication of the Joint Declaration on the protection of copyright in
films and TV dramas, the 2021 Whitepaper on the Protection of Copyright in Short Videos in China, and the
Standard and Detailed Rules for the Examination of Network Short Videos, appealed to the short video
platforms and public account producers and operators to respect authorship and protect copyright, so that the
practices and standards relating to short videos have been further defined and improved. To improve the
copyright protection practices of the long and short video industry has become a common understanding of
the industry, and the major market players’ awareness of copyright protection has been enhanced generally.
The long video platforms, on the basis of high-quality variety shows, dramas, series, films and other key
content IPs, actively innovate in mid-form, short and micro videos, continuously enhance commercial
incentives and traffic support, and actively promote the ecological extension of PUGC, resulting in an
increase in market share of excellent micro-shows and micro-dramas. The short video platforms continuously
increase investment in the ecosystem for professional user generated content, widen the traffic distribution
channels in a variety of ways, further exploit the lower-tier and overseas markets, and focus on monetization
of the value of “short video + e-commerce” users.
7.    The metaverse industry is on the upswing, and virtual human, VR/AR, digital collection and other
frontier metaverse technologies guide the trend of innovation of the content industry.
     Digital virtual human, VR/AR, digital twin, digital collection and other frontier metaverse technologies,
exploration of new-generation Internet patterns and other new trends of the industry have drawn wide
attention throughout the world, and more and more social media, gaming, e-commerce, advertising, and long
and short video platforms begin to set foot in this field. Creation of virtual content, copyright protection
using block chain encryption technology and digital circulation of assets have become the innovation trends
of the cultural and media industry. The industries, universities and research institutes work together to
promote the commercialization of metaverse technologies. A variety of software and hardware products
designed to cope with the demands of young people for new-pattern content have been released, promoting
innovation in high-quality content IPs, development of related frontier technologies, and rapid upgrading of
business models. New-type interaction content, 3D virtual social media, integrated virtual and real shopping,
and other kinds of metaverse-related business innovations have become hot topics of the market.
8.    The competition in content among e-commerce platforms is turning white-hot, and the construction of
vertical platform ecosystem is enhanced.
      According to the Annual Report published by QuestMobile, e-commerce shopping is growing steadily,
and the number of mobile subscribers has exceeded 1.1 billion. In the context of new market pattern, the
competition for customer traffic among all kinds of e-commerce platforms in their social media, community
and content operations is turning white-hot. The lower-tier markets have become the main source of new
customers. The new-type content e-commerce platforms further enhance their advantage in the conversion
rate of “recommendation”. The major e-commerce platforms continuously innovate in and produce
“recommendation” content, and on the basis of intelligent algorithms, access different kinds of potential
users through multiple channels, in various forms and a variety of market segments, and promote
multi-dimensional binding and in-depth linkage between audiences and content, products, brands and
platforms. Through restructuring human, goods, stores and other factors, the new-type content e-commerce
platforms continuously upgrade the past shopping environment to “social media + shopping environment”,
and create an immersive shopping experience by building diversified scenarios and using new digital
technologies, to improve the efficiency of monetization. By cooperating with leading IP and creative content
providers, professional artists and KOL talents, the platforms actively explore new e-commerce models, and
collaborate with mid- and short-form content, IP derivates, live streaming commerce and other new
e-commerce distribution channels, in order to stimulate users’ purchase intention by means of content, and
create an organic cycle of human, goods and content that co-exist and promote each other.

                                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

II. Our main business during the reporting period
   We are required to comply with the disclosure requirements applicable to “Internet video business” set forth
   in the Guide on Self-regulatory Supervision for Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 4 –
   Disclosure of Industry Information by the Companies Listed on the ChiNext Board.
        We are the first state-owned new media company listed on the A-share market that is characterized by
   integrated development, and has built a core industry chain covering all channels and the entire content
   ecosystem, and is the integrated convergence media industry and capital operation platform affiliated to GBS
   (HBC). Our main business includes Mango TV Internet video business, new media interactive entertainment
   content production and content e-commerce business. Relying on the Mango convergence media ecosystem,
   and centered on the Internet video platform operation, we have built an entire media industry chain ecosystem
   covering membership, advertising, IPTV, OTT, films and TV dramas, variety shows, artist agency, music
   copyright operation, IP derivative development and live entertainment, content e-commerce, etc.,
   characterized by synergetic development of the upstream and downstream.

         1.    Mango TV Internet video business
        Mango TV Internet video business mainly includes advertising, membership and operator business. The
   advertising business is classified into soft advertising business and hard advertising business; where the soft
   advertising business centers on content, and fully exploits the market value of high-quality content IPs, to
   provide customers with naming rights, implant and other advertising products; and hard advertising business
   provides customers with pre-roll, inserted and other advertising services. The membership business is
   classified into online membership business and offline membership business; where the online membership
   business means such business activities where we attract users to purchase member packages on line on the
   basis of our rich copyright resources and high-quality content released by us exclusively; and the offline
   membership business mainly attracts target audiences to become our members through promotional activities
   in various forms. The operator big screen business means such business activities where we enter into
   cooperation agreements with major carriers and cable TV operators, pursuant to which we provide them with
   content products and give cooperation to them in their marketing and promotional activities, and share the
   relevant revenues with them.
         2.    New media interactive entertainment content production
         Our new media interactive entertainment content production business mainly includes content
   production and operation, artist agency, music copyright, IP derivatives development and location based
   entertainment business. The content production and operation business mainly includes production of variety
   shows, films and TV dramas and content copyright operation, reflecting our core competencies. As a leading
   content producer, we produce proprietary and customized high-quality content, to publicize the positive
   energy of the society, guide the culture and values of young people, and bring social benefits as a
   state-owned cultural company. On the other hand, we use our high-quality content to attract members, serve
   advertisers or otherwise bring economic benefits. In the artist agency business, we seek and train new talents
   having great potentialities, provide artists with comprehensive services including positioning, publicity,
   modeling, commercial sponsorship, etc., build an echelon of artists at all levels and of various types, and
   create a closed loop of artist agency business by arranging the artists to take part in films, TV dramas, variety
   shows, commercial performances, branded concerts, brand sponsorship, peripheral derivatives license or
   otherwise. In the music copyright business, on the basis of music IP resources accumulated and continuously
   enriched by the artists, we grant online App licenses, overseas digital music licenses, game licenses, program
   licenses, background music licenses for films and TV dramas and other digital music licenses. In the IP
   derivative development and live entertainment business, relying on the rich IPs of Mango family, such as

                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

    Who’s the Murderer, Great Escape and other hot programs, we grant multi-dimensional IP derivatives
    licenses, carry out offline location based entertainment business around the country, and build M-CITY
          3.    Content e-commerce business
         Our content e-commerce business mainly includes Happigo, a media e-commerce platform transformed
    from traditional TV shopping, and Xiaomang, a vertical content e-commerce platform targeting youngsters
    on the basis of our rich long videos. The media e-commerce business mainly relies on TV screen, while also
    promotes interaction between big screen and IPTV, mobile App, mini program and other small screens, and
    multi-channel operations. Xiaomang e-commerce platform is designed as “a content e-commerce platform
    focusing on home-made new fashions”, puts forward a slogan of “go to Xiaomang to find home-made new
    fashions”, recommends home-made goods to young users using high-quality content, and builds a wholly
    new e-commerce model centered on “content + community + e-commerce”.

III. Analysis of core competencies
          1.    Important opportunities for in-depth integrated development of media
         The commencement of the 14th Five-year plan period and the promulgation of the Opinions on
    Accelerating the In-depth Integrated Development of Media by the General Office of CCCPC and the
    General Affairs Office of the State Council mark the integrated development of media enters a new journey
    in the second half, and the Party media and state-owned enterprises face a period of important opportunities
    for high-quality development. In this course of history full of honors and dreams, we have the sense of
    responsibility and mission that “the main forces shall enter the main arena”, and will give full play to our
    advantages as an integrated media platform, actively carry out mainstream propaganda campaigns and
    content upgrading campaigns, lay stress on talent management, cope with trade competition, through
    innovation in systems and mechanisms, build an integrated mainstream new media group and ecosystem, and
    establish new standards for stated-owned Internet companies, to make the main forces become real main
    forces and the main arena actually play its role.
         2.     Advantages of Mango convergence media in joint development of double platforms
         In conformity with the trend of in-depth integrated development of media, HBS has built the sole
    double platforms in the country, i.e. the mainstream new media platform Mango TV and the traditional media
    Hunan TV. These two platforms are committed to realizing win-win development, by building a joint
    development model characterized by co-creation and sharing, have realized content creation, advertising
    marketing, joint interview and broadcasting and other areas, and mutual supplement in product cluster and
    linkage, and actually brought benefits of reform and development through integrated development of media,
    and in iteration and symbiosis, laid a solid foundation for the building of a mainstream new media group
    with strong propagation force, guiding force, influence and credibility.
         3.     Innovation gene based on the concept of “innovate or die”
         We carry the innovation spirit of HBS, and stick to the concept of “innovate or die”; with respect to
    mechanisms, have established the open and innovative incentive system, and vigorously promoted team
    system and studio system, to create a sound external environment for the employees that bears the basic risks
    and arouses their enthusiasm; with respect to management, organized “Mango Youth Talk”, “Young CEO
    Club”, “Qingmang Internship Program” and other activities, to build innovation and creation exchange
    platforms for young people and continuously improve our innovative talent pool and echelon building system;
    with respect to business, set the goal of “do it first or be the best”, continuously enhanced content innovation
    and upgrading, and preserved our core competencies in content creation; and with respect to technology,
    accurately understood the development trend of the industry, made forward-looking arrangements for new
    technologies and new businesses, taken part in competition for future communication patterns, and
    accelerated the in-depth integration of culture and technology.
         4.     The smart mid-end matrix enables systemic production of proprietary content
         We stick to the business philosophy that “content is the king”, rely on our strong content production
    teams, secure core essential production factors, and build a high-level long video platform. As of the end of
    the reporting period, Mango TV has 26 variety show production teams, and has built a proprietary variety
    show system having strong competencies and high market value in the industry, and become the largest
    variety show producer. With respect to TV dramas and series, we now have 29 film and TV drama
    production teams and 34 strategic studios under the Xinmang Program, and in reliance on Mango ecosystem,
    actively innovate in the integration of TV station and network. In addition, we have built a smart mid-end
    matrix, and realized standardized coordination in assessment, operation, product, technology and other
    aspects of content production, in order to build a joint action mechanism with efficient processes, activated
    elements and agile operation that enables sound management, liberate the production forces of the content
    teams and continuously consolidate and improve the high-quality proprietary content with plentiful layers
    and special characteristics of Mango.
         5.     Differential positioning of “youth, metropolis and women”
                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

          We stick to the special content strategy and platform positioning of “youth, metropolis and women”, to
     ensure that our clear user base, fine content products and advertisers are linked and fit perfectly with each
     other. The overall user image of Mango TV is “vigor, fashion and quality”, among others, and its percentage
     of women users is higher than the average level of the industry. Clear user imaging and platform positioning
     will enhance our special advantages in realizing compound value of content IPs through multiple channels
     and in a variety of ways, and building membership operation system. On this basis, we will continuously
     enrich the content matrix, to acquire more diversified users.
          6.    Ecological advantage with joint actions of the upstream and downstream of the entire industry
           In reliance on our advantages in content production, we continuously build the closed loop of new
     media ecosystem covering the entire industry chain of media and Internet, where the upstream mainly
     includes artist agency and variety show, film and TV drama production business, the mid-stream is
     responsible for content operation and distribution through multiple channels provided by the online video
     platforms, in reliance on our strong content production capabilities and high-quality content matrix, and the
     downstream is responsible for adaption and development of Mango family content IPs and derivatives of
     offline location based entertainment, and on the basis of content, creates a wholly new video content
     e-commerce model centered on “video + content + e-commerce”, and realizes monetization of derivatives
     through multiple online and offline channels. All links in our industry chain coordinate and supplement with
     each other, creating integrated Mango ecosystem covering the entire industry chain with special
     characteristics in the context of media convergence.
          7.    “One cloud and multiple screens” system covering all terminals and supported by multiple
          Mango TV is the sole market player in the Internet video industry that holds both IPTV and OTT
     business licenses, and its smart big screen business has covered 31 provincial regions in China, and is an
     important supporting point for us to develop 5G and living room economy. In reliance on our complete
     licenses, our video content business covers all terminals, including mobile phone, PAD, TV, IPTV and OTT.
     We are the first video media platform that has actually built “one cloud and multiple screens” system in the
          8.    Sustainable business model
          On the basis of our attributes as a video platform and gene of content production, we have blazed a
     development path different from other Internet platforms. On the one hand, we have realized effective
     control over content production costs through accurate user positioning, strong content production
     capabilities, and effective cluster of core production factors. On the other hand, in reliance on our
     industry-leading model of monetization through “membership + advertising + operator” channels, we have
     developed multiple sources of revenue, and become the sole market player in the Internet video industry that
     has made profits and maintained profitability.

IV. Analysis of main business
1.   Overview
           The year of 2021 stood at the historical intersection of the Two Centenary Goals and was the 100th
     anniversary of the Communist Party of China and the first year of the 14th Five-year Plan, starting a new
     journey for building a modern socialist country in all respects. Guided by the spirit of series of important
     speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping, we resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements by the
     Central Government about the in-depth integrated development of media and comprehensive rectification of
     the cultural and entertainment sector, strictly perform our missions and duties as a Party media and
     state-owned company, focus on the building of a mainstream new media group in the new period of
     development, cope with the changes in the competition pattern of the industry, continuously enhance the
     values guiding role of media and innovation in proprietary content, actively deal with the repeated shocks
     brought about by COVID-19, and promote the steady and high-quality development of all lines of business.
     During the reporting period, our operating revenue totaled RMB15.356 billion, an increase of 9.64% year on
     year; and the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the Listed Company was RMB2.114 billion, an
     increase of 6.66% year on year. Our core business, Mango TV Internet video business (advertising +
     membership + operator business), has grown steadily and realized an operating revenue of RMB11.261
     billion, up 24.29% year on year.
          (1) Increase the mainstream voice and play the strong tone of the times, to celebrate the 100th
     anniversary of the Communist Party of China
          “A Party media must be absolutely loyal to the Party”. We always follow the correct political direction,
     direction of public opinions and values, innovate on the basis of what has worked in the past, and resolutely
     occupy the mainstream propaganda front. With respect to the propaganda of important themes, Mango TV
     always places “Study Time” highlighted in red on its homepage, launched the special channel “100th
     anniversary of the Communist Party of China”, and released TV dramas “Faith Makes Great” and
                                                   Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

“Refinement of Faith” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, focusing on the
historic leap achieved by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China from
standing upright to becoming prosperous and growing in strength in various forms. With respect to newsreels,
we established special documentary studios focusing on the creation of central theme works, and released 17
central theme high-quality documentaries carrying forward positive energy, including “Daughter of the
Party”, “We Are Young” and “Mundane Glory: Here Comes The Party”, of which, “Mundane Glory” was
awarded a second prize in the 31st China News Awards, which fully reflects our mission and responsibility of
the times as a mainstream new media. With respect to international communication, we upgraded the
international App of Mango TV in an all-round way, and launched “Chinese Culture”, “100th anniversary of
the Communist Party of China”, “Traditional Chinese Culture Channel” and other special sections, to build it
into an important window for Chinese culture to go global.

     (2) Innovate in the system and mechanisms, consolidate our advantages in the production of
proprietary content and enhance the values guiding role of content
     We stick to the philosophy that content is the king for a high-level long video platform, concentrate our
efforts on the creation of content that satisfy the demands of the times, reflect the social sentiment and
address the concerns of the public, resist the chaotic phenomenon of the industry through our practical
actions, and strive to guide the new-round of innovation and build a high-quality, sound and sustainable
proprietary content ecosystem.
      With respect to variety shows, Mango TV has 26 variety show production teams, and has established a
production center, and technical, director and photographic, packaging and other multi-dimensional studios,
to provide professional support to content production; established the variety show authorization committee,
to regulate the whole-course management of content production and effectively control production costs;
made continuous efforts to explore innovation mechanisms and incentive mechanisms for content products,
improve the efficiency of team cooperation, fully stimulate the creativity of content teams, and cultivate the
endogenous impetus for content innovation. During the report period, Mango TV released more than 40
variety show programs; of which, “Call Me By Fire”, “Braving Life” and other programs salute the fighting
spirit of the times; “Call Me By Fire” has become another hot program following “Sisters Who Make
Waves”; “Dawan District Brothers” marks the integration of Hong Kong and Chinese Mainland; “See You
Again” reflects the social reality from the perspective of “cooling-off period before divorce” introduced by
the new marriage law; and “Sisters Who Make Waves”, “Who’s the Murderer”, “Great Escape”, “Viva La
Romance”, “Meeting Mr. Right” and other N-generation proprietary flagship variety show programs have
become the evergreen of the industry.
      With respect to films and TV dramas, Mango TV has 29 film and TV drama production teams and 34
strategic studios under the “Xinmang Program”, and has established the film and TV drama planning
committee, responsible for overall management of planning, production and assessment of TV dramas and
series, and whole-course control over the assessment, authorization, production, broadcasting, review and
other activities, in order to effectively improve the quality of films and TV dramas, and competencies of the
platform in the field of TV dramas and series. In 2021, Mango TV released 170 films and TV dramas in total,
including 55 key films and TV dramas, and 84 micro and short dramas under the “Big Mango Program”. The
“Mango Monsoon” theater takes the lead in the industry in resisting water injection dramas, suspended
expressions, reliance on traffic and traditional broadcasting system, promotes the new pattern of the industry
and innovation and development of the film and TV industry, and has released nine high-quality innovative
short dramas, including “Hunter”, “The Lie Detective” and “Remembrance of Things Past”. “The Rational
Life”, “Unforgettable Love”, “Stand by Me”, “Love at Night”, “Love is Beautiful”, “As We Wish” and other
key films and TV dramas have also been well received by the audiences. With respect to micro and short
dramas, Mango TV has established the “Big Mango Program” to support the production of mid- and
short-form videos. “The Queen of Attack”, a hot micro and short drama of the year, has been well received
by the audiences and viewed more than 500 million times.
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    (3) Consolidate the smart mid-end, gather the momentum of development and maintain the steady
growth of the core Internet video business
     Mango TV has made continuous efforts to build a big operation system, and in reliance on the integrated
smart mid-end matrix consisting of content mid-end, technology mid-end, risk control mid-end and operation
mid-end, created business synergy in multi-screen integration, advertising membership operation and other
core business segments, and improved the market value of content IPs. Mango TV Internet video business
has realized steady growth of revenue, and increase in margin rate year on year, and constitutes an ever
increasing proportion in our total operating revenue, and its position as the core pillar of the main platform
becomes more and more prominent.

      With respect to the advertising business, in addition to ensuring high-quality content, we actively
explore the new marketing models, and exploit the advertising value of programs. During the reporting
period, we developed 118 new advertisers, more than 1,000 brands ran soft, hard, programmatic and other
advertisements on Mango TV, and our revenue from the advertising business exceeded RMB5 billion for the
first time, totaling RMB5.453 billion, an increase of 31.75% year on year. By providing one-stop marketing
services, the amount of sponsorship fees received by our major variety show programs has hit record highs
repeatedly. The amount of sponsorship fees received by “Sisters Who Make Waves S2” hit record high in the
industry. The advertising and sponsorship fees received by high-quality N-generation proprietary variety
show programs have been increasing steadily. The customized advertisements inserted in variety show
programs adopt the model of “IP & brand interaction”, and the revenues from which have grown
significantly for four consecutive years. With respect to advertisements inserted in TV dramas, we adopt the
differential strategy, and develop new soft advertising products, to expand the channels for cooperation.
     With respect to the membership business, Mango TV has overcome the adverse effect of repeated
breaks of COVID-19 on offline membership operations and production of important programs and content,
and attracted 50.4 million active members as of the end of 2021, an increase of 39.5% as compared with
2020. During the reporting period, our revenue from the membership business totaled RMB3.688 billion, an
increase of 13.3% year on year. In view of the evolution of the long video industry and the current pattern of
market competition, Mango TV has gradually enhanced channel cooperation, concentrated its efforts on
increasing the member conversion rate and user penetration rate, while maintaining the established practices
such as accurate marketing and user circle break, tried full-cycle customized operation for variety show
members, such as in “Call Me By Fire”, “Who’s the Murderer” and other major proprietary programs. While
fully upgrading the membership interest matrix, we have adjusted the membership prices since January 2,
      With respect to operator business, during the reporting period, our revenue from the operator business
totaled RMB2.12 billion, an increase of 27.17% year on year. With respect to nation-wide business, we have
entered into in-depth strategy cooperation with Migu Culture, a subsidiary of China Mobile, in big screen
business, 5G innovative business and other areas, enhanced business development in all provinces, and
realized in-depth coverage of content basic package and value-added package. With respect to the business in
                                              Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Hunan, we have realized growth of business revenue through “offline promotion + smart recommendation +
business innovation”.

                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

           (4) Optimize organization structure, gather development forces and improve the quality and
     efficiency of operation
           During the reporting period, in order to improve internal business synergy, and enhance the core
     competencies of Mango TV as our main platform, we have optimized our organization structure, by
     reorganizing Mango Studios, Mango Entertainment and Mango Fun into subsidiaries of Mango TV, focusing
     on production of programs for Monsoon theater, variety show content innovation and location based
     entertainment operation respectively. With respect to the artist agency business, management of artist always
     insists on passing on the mainstream social values and giving full scope to the central themes, actively
     promoting execution and renewal of contracts with key artists, and forming a group of nearly 100 actors,
     variety show performers, musicians, hosts and other artists represented by HUA Chenyu, OU Hao, ZHANG
     Xincheng, LI Sidani and BAI Jugang under EE-Media, YANG Shuo, WAN Qian and QI Sijun, among others
     under Happy Sunshine. With respect to music copyright business, EE-Media and Happy Sunshine have
     established a music library composed of nearly 1,700 record, film, TV and variety show music. With respect
     to media retail business, Happigo continuously optimizes the cost structure of and exploits key markets for
     the big screen TV shopping business. In addition, “Mango Revitalization Cloud Supermarket” has been
     upgraded to promote the effective linkage between consolidation of the poverty alleviation outcomes and
     rural revitalization.
          (5)   Develop new business, extend industry chain and cultivate new points of growth
          During the reporting period, we concentrated our efforts on accelerating the development of Shopmang
     App, our e-commerce platform selling and distributing new fashion home-made goods and content, and
     through Shopmang Flower Cultivation Night, Xiaomang New Year’s Shopping Festival and other large
     evening parties, successfully realized interaction by users between programs and the App. During the
     reporting period, the peak number of daily active users of Shopmang App reached 1.26 million. We have
     actively developed offline location based entertainment business, on the basis of “Who’s the Murderer”,
     “Great Escape” and other high-quality content, extended our IPs from online to offline, and created M-city, a
     wholly new brand. We focus on building offline location based entertainment complex, and establish and
     output industrial standards in respect of script creation, copyright protection, DM training, offline entity
     operation, etc.
          (6) Focus on innovation in content product patterns and promote in-depth integration of culture and
          We focus on innovation in content product patterns by using technologies, and actively explore wholly
     new approaches of integration of culture and technology. The “Guangmang” cloud production and
     broadcasting platform independently developed by us integrates “interview, edition and broadcasting”, and
     “Guangmang” ultra HD cloud production and broadcasting technology was named as a “National Typical
     Case of Integration of Radio, TV and Media”. We successfully applied 5G and VR production and
     broadcasting technologies in the Family Outing Night of “Call Me By Fire”, and created the most
     complicated application of new technologies by long video variety show platforms. We continuously follow
     AR, VR, XR and other frontier technologies, and have made series of achievements of innovation, including
     without limitation virtual host, interactive video platform, IMGO ultra HD vide reparation and augmentation
     platform, Internet 4K ultra HD production and broadcasting platform, and 3D video content reality
     augmentation system.
2.   Revenue and cost
     (1) Components of operating revenue
          Overall situation of operating revenue
                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                   2021                               2020
                                                            Proportio                        Proportio     Y/Y %
                                                               n to                             n to       change
                                           Amount                            Amount
                                                            operating                        operating
                                                             revenue                          revenue
                                       15,355,863,482.0                  14,005,534,955.
          Total operating revenue                               100%                             100%        9.64%
                                                      7                              36
          By segment
          Mango TV Internet            11,261,249,957.2                  9,060,568,867.2
                                                              73.33%                           64.69%       24.29%
          video business                              1                                7
          New media interactive                                          2,764,980,756.8
          entertainment content        1,877,457,854.82       12.23%                           19.74%      -32.10%
          production       and

                                                  Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

    Content E-business               2,157,213,530.01    14.05%                        15.03%      2.50%
    Other main business                 39,485,705.99      0.26%     61,533,468.52      0.44%     -35.83%
    Revenue      from     other
                                        20,456,434.04      0.13%     13,919,138.28      0.10%     46.97%
    By product
    Mango TV Internet                11,261,249,957.2               9,060,568,867.2
                                                         73.33%                        64.69%     24.29%
    video business                                  1                             7
    New media interactive
    entertainment content                                           2,764,980,756.8
                                     1,877,457,854.82    12.23%                        19.74%     -32.10%
    production       and                                                          3
    Content E-business               2,157,213,530.01    14.05%                        15.03%      2.50%
    Other main business                 39,485,705.99      0.26%     61,533,468.52      0.44%     -35.83%
    Revenue      from     other
                                        20,456,434.04      0.13%     13,919,138.28      0.10%     46.97%
    By region
    Hunan                            4,224,776,693.61    27.51%                        32.23%      -6.41%
                                     11,131,086,788.4               9,491,628,520.6
    Outside Hunan                                        72.49%                        67.77%     17.27%
                                                    6                             4
    By sales model
                                     15,355,863,482.0               14,005,534,955.
    Sale                                                100.00%                        100.00%     9.64%
                                                    7                           36
(2) Segments, products, regions or sales models representing more than 10% of
    operating revenue or profit
    √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                             Y/Y %
                                                                                       Y/Y %
                                                                            change                 Y/Y %
                                  Operating                        Gross       in                  change
                                                 Operating cost                           in
                                   revenue                         margin   operatin              in gross
                                                                                g                  margin
                                                                                        g cost
    By segment
    Mango           TV
                            11,261,249,957.      6,350,577,826.
    Internet      video                                            43.61%    24.29%     18.17%     2.92%
                                         21                 34
    New         media
                                         1,                 1,
    entertainment                                                  17.09%   -32.10%      -27.49    -5.26%
                             877,457,854.82     556,685,395.67
    Content                 2,157,213,530.0      1,968,834,667.
                                                                   8.73%      2.50%     17.45%    -11.61%
    E-business                            1                 67
    Others                    59,942,140.03      29,364,881.14     51.01%   -20.56%    -11.32%     -5.10%
    By product
    Mango           TV
                            11,261,249,957.      6,350,577,826.
    Internet      video                                            43.61%    24.29%     18.17%     2.92%
                                         21                 34
    New         media       1,877,457,854.8      1,556,685,395.
    interactive                           2                 67     17.09%   -32.10%    -27.49%     -5.26%

                                                Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

    Content               2,157,213,530.0      1,968,834,667.
                                                                     8.73%      2.50%     17.45%      -11.61%
    E-business                          1                 67
    Others                  59,942,140.03      29,364,881.14      51.01%       -20.56%    -11.32%      -5.10%
    By region
                          4,224,776,693.6      2,679,793,836.
    Hunan                                                         36.57%        -6.41%    -12.98%       4.13%
                                        1                 19
                          11,131,086,788.      7,225,668,934.
    Outside Hunan                                                 35.09%       17.27%     16.91%        0.21%
                                       46                 63
    By sales model
                          15,355,863,482.      9,905,462,770.
    Sale                                                          35.49%        9.64%       7.31%       1.39%
                                       07                 82
    In case of any adjustment to the statistic scale for main business data, the main business data of the
    most recent reporting period as adjusted according to the statistic scale applied at the end of the current
    reporting period:
    □ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Whether the Company’s revenue from sale of tangible goods is higher than the
    revenue from labor service?
    □ Yes √ No

(4) Performance of material sales contracts of the Company as of the end of the
    reporting period
    □ Applicable √ N/A

(5) Components of operating cost
    Classification of segments and products:
                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                  2021                             2020
                                                                                          Proportio    Y/Y %
      Segment             Item                              on to
                                                                                             n to      change
                                          Amount          operatin           Amount
    Mango      TV    Internet
                                      5,929,892,854.5                  4,841,068,825.
    Internet video   video                                 59.86%                          52.45%      22.49%
                                                    1                             32
    business         business
    Mango      TV
                     Operator                                                                           -21.05
    Internet video                     420,684,971.83       4.25%      532,836,160.11        5.77%
                     business                                                                               %
    New media
                     and                                               1,980,661,842.
    entertainment                                                                          21.45%
                     production                                                   66
    content                           1,402,186,406.7                                                   -29.21
    production                                      7      14.16%                                           %
    New media
    interactive      Employee
    entertainment    benefits and      154,498,988.90       1.56%                            1.81%     -7.39%
    content          others
    Content          Content          1,968,834,667.6                  1,676,380,697.
                                                           19.88%                          18.16%      17.45%
    E-business       E-business                     7                             52
    Other main       Other main
                                                                        26,844,714.41        0.29%
    business         business           20,199,308.10       0.20%                                      24.75%

                                              Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

    Costs of other   Costs    of
    business         other                                           6,269,482.56      0.07%
                     business           9,165,573.04      0.09%                                  46.19%
                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                2021                          2020
                                                        Proportio                    Proportio   Y/Y %
       Product           Item                              n to                         n to
                                         Amount                       Amount                     change
                                                        operating                    operating
                                                         revenue                      revenue
    Mango      TV    Internet
                                      5,929,892,854.5               4,841,068,825
    Internet video   video                               59.86%                       52.45%     22.49%
                                                    1                          .32
    business         business
    Mango      TV
                     Operator                                       532,836,160.1                 -21.05
    Internet video                    420,684,971.83      4.25%                        5.77%
                     business                                                   1                     %
    New media
                     and                                            1,980,661,842
    entertainment                                                                     21.45%
                     production                                                .66
    content                           1,402,186,406.7                                             -29.21
    production                                      7    14.16%                                       %
    New media
    interactive      Employee
    entertainment    benefits and     154,498,988.90      1.56%                        1.81%     -7.39%
    content          others
    Content          Content          1,968,834,667.6               1,676,380,697
                                                         19.88%                       18.16%     17.45%
    E-business       E-business                     7                          .52
    Other main       Other main
                                                                    26,844,714.41      0.29%
    business         business          20,199,308.10      0.20%                                  24.75%
    Costs of other   Costs    of
    business         other                                           6,269,482.56      0.07%
                     business           9,165,573.04      0.09%                                  46.19%
(6) Changes in the scope of consolidation during the reporting period
    √ Yes □ No
    During the reporting period, we established Hainan EE-Media Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Mango Universe
    Culture & Entertainment Co., Ltd., deregistered Happigo (Beijing) New Media Technology Co., Ltd.
    and Hangzhou Hemei Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd., transferred 100% shares of
    Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd., and acquired 100% shares of Shenzhen Zhonghe Boao
    Technology Development Co., Ltd. Refer to “Section X Financial Report – VIII. Changes in the
    scope of consolidation”.
(7) Material changes or adjustments in respect of business, products or services of the
    Company during the reporting period
    □ Applicable √ N/A

(8) Major customers and suppliers
    Major customers of the Company:

    Aggregate sales revenue from top 5 customers (RMB)                                 6,081,156,735.70
    Proportion of aggregate sales revenue from top 5 customers to annual sales
    Proportion of aggregate sales revenue from related parties among top 5
    customers to annual sales revenue
    Particulars of top 5 customers:

                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                                                                     Proportion to annual sales
              No.        Name of customer              Sales revenue (RMB)
          1           Customer 1                              3,289,290,336.88                           21.42%
          2           Customer 2                              1,650,532,231.02                           10.75%
          3           Customer 3                                640,648,113.21                             4.17%
          4           Customer 4                                333,268,244.86                             2.17%
          5           Customer 5                                167,417,809.73                             1.09%
          Total                    --                         6,081,156,735.70                           39.60%
          Other information of major customers:
          √ Applicable □ N/A
          The sales revenue from the largest customer reflects the aggregate sales revenue from our actual
          controller HBC and its controlled subsidiaries, and the sales revenue from the second largest customer
          reflects the aggregate sales revenue from our affiliate Migu Culture Technology Co., Ltd. and its
          controlled subsidiaries.
          Major suppliers of the Company:

          Aggregate purchase amount from top 5 suppliers (RMB)                                  1,977,207,514.01
          Proportion of aggregate purchase amount from top 5 suppliers to annual
          purchase cost
          Proportion of aggregate purchase amount from related parties among top 5
          suppliers to annual purchase cost
          Particulars of top 5 customers:

                                                                                   Proportion to annual purchase
              No.         Name of supplier            Purchase amount (RMB)
          1           Supplier 1                              1,132,617,166.53                           11.43%
          2           Supplier 2                                231,132,075.47                             2.33%
          3           Supplier 3                                224,236,501.26                             2.26%
          4           Supplier 4                                209,519,697.66                             2.12%
          5           Supplier 5                                179,702,073.09                             1.82%
          Total                    --                         1,977,207,514.01                           19.96%
          Other information of major suppliers:
          √ Applicable □ N/A
          The purchase amount from the largest supplier reflects the aggregate purchase amount from our actual
          controller HBC and its controlled subsidiaries
3.   Expenses
                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                     Y/Y %         Explanation for significant
                               2021                   2020
                                                                     change                 changes
                                                                                 Primarily due to an increase in
                          2,469,328,212.64        2,164,415,269.87   14.09%      business marketing and channel
                                                                                 development expenses
                                                                                 Primarily due to an increase in
     Administrative                                                              expenses in connection with
                            695,934,611.78         629,200,722.73    10.61%
     expenses                                                                    human        resources     and
     Financial                                                                   Primarily due to an increase in
                           -101,210,337.17          -86,619,854.07   16.84%
     expenses                                                                    interest income
                                                                                 Primarily due to an increase in
     R&D expenses          271,991,403.40          184,384,948.72    47.51%      the funding for R&D projects
                                                                                 and salaries of R&D personnel
4.   R&D expenses
                                                   Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                               Expected effect on
Description of
                                                                                                   the future
 major R&D               Purpose                  Progress                Objectives
                                                                                                development of
                                                                     The platform will
                                                                     act as a core
                                                                     technology platform
                                                                     for viewing videos,
                  Use       proprietary                              be linked with the
                  technologies       to                              Mango TV video
                  build edge cloud                                   production system
                                            Construction       of    having huge media        The project will
                  computing platform,
                                            systems such as                                   improve
Mango      TV     media convergence                                  resources on the
                                            cloud         storage                             subscribers’ viewing
cloud storage     platform,      cloud                               upstream, and with
                                            system,         cloud                             experience on the
and               production platform,                               PC, mobile, Internet
                                            distribution system,                              platform, reduce the
multi-screen      smart audio & video                                TV      and     other
                                            cloud P2P system,                                 operating costs of
broadcasting      cloud and other                                    broadcasting
                                            cloud transcoding                                 the platform, and
platform          systems, and create                                terminals on the
                                            system and cloud                                  help us maintain our
project           a cloud storage and                                downstream, help
                                            data analysis system                              core competencies
                  multi-screen                                       Mango TV realize
                                            has been completed.                               in the future.
                  broadcasting                                       storage of huge
                  platform leading in                                video      resources,
                  the country.                                       distribution       to
                                                                     subscribers through
                                                                     nearby nodes and
                                                                     extremely fast view
                                                                     and downloading.
                                                                     “1. To implement
                                                                     the requirements of
                                                                     the National Radio
                                                                     and                TV    The product fully
                                                                     Administration,          supports       signal
                                                                     build 1:1 backup         source     reception,
                                                                     system for signal        live       broadcast,
                  The            smartly
                                                                     source     reception,    broadcast
                                                                     live transcoding and     monitoring,      fault
                  broadcasting       and
                                                                     broadcast      routing   alert and location
                  control system is a
                                                                     with full coverage.      and       emergency
                  key      project     of
                                                                                              response for IPTV
                  Mango       TV for        The            related   2. To establish          in    Hunan,      and
                  ensuring secure live      infrastructure     has   standard          data   provides          data
                  broadcast          and    been improved; and       interfaces, on the       analysis and logical
                  improving        image    live     transcoding,    principle of secure      display capabilities,
Smartly           quality,     and     is   signal         source,   broadcast         and    and data system
managed           designed to build an      monitoring,              standard operation       support            for
broadcasting      IP broadcasting and       network,          data   and      maintenance,    scientific broadcast
and     control   control       platform    collection        and    use the smartly          management. The
system            using virtual, SND        analysis and other       managed                  new       distributed
                  and               other   basic resources have     broadcasting      and    broadcast         and
                  next-generation           been consolidated        control system to        control model with
                  technologies under        and would be fully       improve the security     data link logical
                  the      development      backed up.               performance       and    display + accurate
                  strategy             of                            image quality of         fault        location
                  integration        and                             Mango              TV    developed
                  intelligentization of                              broadcast system,        independently will
                  radio,     TV      and                             and enable it to         be the important
                  media.                                             cope      with     the   tool for improving
                                                                     requirements for the     the stableness of
                                                                     development         of   live broadcast of
                                                                     convergence media        Mango TV.
                                                                     in all respects at
                                                                     present and in the
Particulars of R&D personnel:

                                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                                                          2021          2020       Y/Y % change
     Number of R&D personnel                                                 595           622            -4.34%
     Proportion of R&D personnel to total number of employees            14.79%         13.91%             0.88%
     Education background of R&D personnel
     Undergraduates                                                          439           458            -4.15%
     Masters                                                                 100           102            -1.96%
     Others                                                                   56            62            -9.68%
     Ages of R&D personnel                                                       -             -                  -
     Below 30                                                                155           168            -7.74%
     30-40                                                                   415           426            -2.58%
     Others                                                                   25            28           -10.71%
     Amount of R&D expenses and proportion of R&D expenses to operating revenue in the past three years:

                                                        2021                     2020              Y/Y % change
     Amount of R&D expenses (RMB)                     369,361,905.14         319,282,521.92        280,287,866.02
     Proportion of R&D expenses to operating
                                                               2.41%                    2.28%              2.24%
     Amount of R&D expenses capitalized
                                                       97,370,501.74         134,897,573.20         40,988,534.16
     Proportion of capitalized R&D expenses
                                                               26.36%                   42.25%            14.62%
     to total R&D expenses
     Proportion of R&D expenses capitalized
                                                               4.60%                    6.82%              3.54%
     to the net profit of the current period
     Analysis of the cause and effect of significant change in the composition of R&D personnel:
     √ Applicable □ N/A
     Because Happy Money was excluded from our scope of consolidation, its R&D personnel were no longer
     included in the number of R&D personnel in 2021.
     Analysis of the cause of significant change in the proportion of R&D expenses to operating revenue
     compared with the preceding year:
     □ Applicable √ N/A
     Analysis of the cause and reasonableness of significant change in the proportion of R&D expenses
     □ Applicable √ N/A

5.   Cash flows
                                                                                                         In RMB

                      Item                           2021                      2020                Y/Y % change
     Cash provided by operating activities       14,948,148,074.05        13,357,032,896.39               11.91%
     Cash used in operating activities           14,386,347,191.68        12,776,062,543.31               12.60%
     New cash flows from operating
                                                    561,800,882.37           580,970,353.08               -3.30%
     Cash provided by investment
                                                  5,738,565,482.92           886,489,234.84             547.34%
     Cash used in investment activities           8,931,089,507.90           692,459,021.89            1,189.76%
     Net cash flows from investment
                                                 -3,192,524,024.98           194,030,212.95           -1,745.37%
     Cash provided by financing activities        4,566,523,925.07           160,436,700.00            2,746.31%
     Cash used in financing activities              339,498,633.27           662,272,824.91              -48.74%
     Net cash flows from financing
                                                  4,227,025,291.80          -501,836,124.91

                                                       Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

     Net increase in cash and cash
                                                   1,596,914,430.17               273,387,984.85              484.12%
     Analysis of the main causes of significant changes in the relevant data:
     √ Applicable □ N/A
     The cash provided by investing activities increased by 547.34%, cash used in investment activities increased
     by 1,189.76%, and new cash flows from investment activities decreased by 1,745.37%, primarily due to use
     of offering proceeds as scheduled, and purchase of structured bank deposits with unused offering proceeds.
     The cash provided by financing activities increased by 2,746.31%, primarily due to receipt of the offering
     proceeds of RMB4.487 billion.
     The cash used in financing activities decreased by 48.74%, primarily due to repayment of loans of prior
     years in the preceding year, and a decrease in cash used for repaying debts in the current year.
     The net cash flows from financing activities in the current period was RMB 4,227,025,300, as compared with
     - RMB 501,836,100 in the preceding period, primarily due to receipt of the offering proceeds.
     The net increase in cash and cash equivalents increased by 484.12%, primarily due to receipt of the offering
     proceeds of RMB4.487 billion and cash provided by operating activities.
     Analysis of the significant difference between net cash flows from operating activities during the reporting
     period and net profit in current year:
     √ Applicable □ N/A
     Primarily due to our strategic investment in copyright pool and Shopmang e-commerce during the reporting

V. Analysis of non-main business
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                                                       Whether or not
                                      Amount              to total              Main source
                                                                       Income on bank wealth
Investment income                     37,229,498.93          1.76%                                          No
                                                                       management products
                                                                       Impairment loss on
Impairment loss on assets            -112,008,261.59        -5.30%     inventories         and              No
                                                                       accounts receivable
                                                                       Income from rights
Non-operating revenue                 21,850,496.77          1.03%                                          No
                                                                       protection actions
                                                                       Expenses in connection
                                                                       with        indemnity,
Non-operating expenses                43,300,269.96          2.05%                                          No
                                                                       epidemics         and
VI. Analysis of assets and liabilities
1.   Material changes in the components of assets
                                                                                                              In RMB

                               End of 2021                    Beginning of 2021
                                                                                                           Reason of
                                          Proportion                            Proportion    Y/Y %
                            Amount          to total         Amount               to total    change
                                             assets                                assets
                                                                                                         due to
                                                                                                         receipt of the
     Monetary                                                                                            private
                     6,974,465,151.81        26.71%     5,336,319,786.70           27.39%     -0.68%
     capital                                                                                             offering
                                                                                                         proceeds of
                                                                                                         billion in the

                                                         Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                        3,113,742,914.88     11.93%       2,976,696,672.95        15.28%    -3.35%
                         903,053,743.61          3.46%       817,451,396.56        4.20%    -0.74%
     Inventories        1,689,546,700.79         6.47%    1,660,324,608.09         8.52%    -2.05%
     equity               23,882,517.37          0.09%        22,882,969.51        0.12%    -0.03%
     Fixed assets        184,450,336.98          0.71%       186,924,296.25        0.96%    -0.25%
     Right of use
                         210,304,495.42          0.81%       217,783,996.12        1.12%    -0.31%
                          39,786,903.37          0.15%        39,789,110.68        0.20%    -0.05%
                        1,327,294,063.85         5.08%    1,330,475,023.10         6.83%    -1.75%
                         169,643,622.50          0.65%       168,778,053.34        0.87%    -0.22%
     Analysis of high proportion of overseas assets:
     □ Applicable √ N/A

2.   Assets and liabilities at fair value
     □ Applicable √ N/A
                                                                                                           In RMB

                                Gain    Aggre
                                  or      gate
                                 loss   change                   Amount
                                                     loss                       Amount
                                  on      s in                 acquired in
                   Beginning                       recogni                    sold in the    Other        Ending
       Item                     chan      fair                     the
                    balance                         zed in                     reporting    changes       balance
                                 ges     value                  reporting
                                                      the                        period
                                  in    record                    period
                                 fair    ed in
                                value   equity
     Financial assets
     al assets
     held for
                                                              8,736,000,0     5,326,000,0               3,410,000,0
                                                                    00.00           00.00                     00.00
     l assets)
     l      of                                                8,736,000,0     5,326,000,0               3,410,000,0
     financia                                                       00.00           00.00                     00.00
     l assets
     bles          164,410,0                                                                26,610,0     137,800,00
     financin          00.00                                                                   00.00           0.00
     Total         164,410,0                                  8,736,000,0     5,326,000,0   26,610,0    3,547,800,0
                       00.00                                        00.00           00.00      00.00          00.00
     Financi             0.00                                                                                  0.00

                                                        Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

       Other changes:
       Other changes of receivables financing mainly refer to changes of endorsement of acceptance bill or maturity
       Whether there’s any material change in the measurement properties of main assets of the Company during
       the reporting period?
       □ Yes √ No

3.     Encumbrances on assets as of the end of the reporting period
       As of the end of the reporting period, the total amount of restricted assets was RMB 273,835,200, including
       capitals of RMB 61,822,000 frozen in litigations, third-party platform deposit RMB 1,220,200, and POS
       deposit RMB5,000; endorsed commercial bill undue RMB 210,748,000.

VII.           Analysis of investments
1.     Overall situation
       √ Applicable □ N/A

          Amount of investment in 2021           Amount of investment in 2020
                                                                                               Y/Y % change
                    (RMB)                                  (RMB)
                              43,523,517.70                        60,000,000.00                              -27.46%
2.     Major equity investments acquired during the reporting period
       □ Applicable √ N/A

3.     Major non-equity investment that have not yet been completed in the reporting period
       □ Applicable √ N/A

4.     Financial assets at fair value
       √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                              In RMB

                                  Gain    Aggre
                                    or      gate
                                   loss   change       Amount
                                                                     Amount        Aggregat
        Type       Initial cost     on      s in     acquired in                                               Sourc
                                                                   sold in the          e         Ending
          of            of        chan      fair         the                                                    e of
                                                                    reporting      investme       balance
        assets     investment      ges     value      reporting                                                funds
                                                                      period       nt income
                                    in    record        period
                                   fair    ed in
                                  value   equity
                                                                                                               ase of
       Financi                                                                                                 deposi
       al          8,736,000,0                       8,736,000,0   5,326,000,0      34,265,6    3,410,000,0    ts with
       derivat           00.00                             00.00         00.00         17.23          00.00    owned
       ives                                                                                                    funds
                   8,736,000,0                       8,736,000,0   5,326,000,0      34,265,6    3,410,000,0    -
       Total                       0.00       0.00
                         00.00                             00.00         00.00         17.23          00.00
5.     Use of offering proceeds

                                                                                                                           Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

√ Applicable □ N/A

(1) Description of use of offering proceeds
    √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                       In RMB0’000

                                                                                 amount of      Aggregate
                                                                                                                   Percentage                                    amount of
                                                Total amount                       offering     amount of
                                                                 Aggregate                                         of offering                  Purpose and        offering
                                                 of offering                    proceeds the     offering                        Total amount
                                     Total                       amount of                                        proceeds the                  whereabouts       proceeds
      Year of      Method of                      proceeds                       purpose of    proceeds the                       of unused
                                   offering                        offering                                        purpose of                    of unused         that has
      offering      offering                     used in the                     which was      purpose of                         offering
                                   proceeds                       proceeds                                         which has                      offering        remained
                                                  reporting                      changed in     which has                          proceeds
                                                                already used                                          been                       proceeds        unused for
                                                    period                            the          been
                                                                                                                    changed                                      more than
                                                                                  reporting      changed
                                                                                                                                                                 two years

                                                                                                                                                Deposited in
                  Private                                                                                                                       the    special
    2019          share            198,270.07        4,176.44      98,827.45               0                  0         0.00%       99,442.62   account     of    99,442.62
                  offering                                                                                                                      offering
                                                                                                                                                Deposited in
                                                                                                                                                the    special
                  Share                                                                                                                         account     of
                  offering to                                                                                                                   offering
    2021                           448,579.21     108,727.65      108,727.65               0                  0         0.00%     339,851.56                              0
                  specific                                                                                                                      proceeds, and
                  persons                                                                                                                       purchase cash
    Total         --               646,849.28     112,904.09       207,555.1               0                  0         0.00%     439,294.18                --    99,442.62
                                                                    Description of use of offering proceeds
    During the reporting period, the total amount of offering proceeds used by us was RMB1,129,040,900. As of December 31, 2021 during the reporting period, the aggregate

                                                                                                                                Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

       amount of offering proceeds used by us was RMB2,075,551,000. The balance of the special account of offering proceeds was RMB2,224,720,100, including
       RMB2,132,941,800 of principal and RMB91,778,300 of interest income. We have used RMB2,260,000,000 of unused offering proceeds to purchase cash management
  (2) Committed fund-raising investment projects
       √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                  In RMB0’000

                            Whether                                                                                                                                                   Whether
                                                                                      Aggregate      Progress of   Date that                                         Whether
                               the                                                                                                                                                  there’s any
                                                                                       amount        investment       the                            Aggregate      the project
                             project       Total        Total          Amount                                                        Income                                         significant
Committed investment                                                                   already         as of the   project is                       income as of        has
                            has been    committed    investment      invested in                                                  earned in the                                      change in
  project and use of                                                                invested as of    end of the   ready for                       the end of the    produced
                            changed     investment    amount as     the reporting                                                   reporting                                            the
  over-raised funds                                                                 the end of the    reporting       its                             reporting         the
                                or        amount     adjusted (1)       period                                                        period                                         feasibility
                                                                                      reporting       period (3)   intended                             period        desired
                            partially                                                                                                                                                  of the
                                                                                      period (2)       =(2)/(1)       use                                              result
                            changed                                                                                                                                                    project
Committed investment project

1.     Mango       TV
copyright         pool     No              148,674       148,674           2,600           86,150       57.95%                       -4,723.48        17,115.99     N/A             No
expansion project

2. Mango TV cloud
storage           and
                           No               49,558        49,558        1,576.44    12,677.45Note1      25.58%                             Note2
                                                                                                                                                                    N/A             No
multi-screen broadcast
platform project

1. Content resource
                           No           398,587.78    398,587.78     108,727.65       108,727.65        27.28%                      108,853.3         108,853.3     N/A             No
pool expansion project

2. Mango TV smart
audio & video media
                           No            49,991.43     49,991.43               0                0        0.00%                             Note3
                                                                                                                                                                    N/A             No
service     platform

Subtotal                   --           646,811.21    646,811.21     112,904.09        207,555.1              --           --      104,129.82        125,969.29     --              --

Use of over-raised funds

                                                                                                                                         Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021


Total                            --       646,811.21       646,811.21      112,904.09         207,555.1               --            --      104,129.82      125,969.29     --            --

                           Mango TV cloud storage and multi-screen broadcast platform project: The project was planned for in 2017 and implemented in 2019 after receipt of the relevant
Failure to meet the        offering proceeds. During the procedure of implementation, the market and technical environment of the industry also changed to certain degree within these two
scheduled progress and     years. Therefore, after receipt of the relevant offering proceeds, we adjusted the fund use plan by extending the fund use period to 2021, resulting in the difference
produce the desired        between the fund use progress and original use plan in the reporting period. The fund use plan in respect of Mango TV cloud storage and multi-screen broadcast
result   and      reason   platform project was adjusted pursuant to the Proposal for Adjusting the Fund Use Plan in Respect of Certain Fund-raising Investment Project adopted by the 29th
thereof          (please   session of the 3rd Board of Directors of the Company on April 23, 2020, and further adjusted pursuant to the Proposal for Adjusting the Fund Use Plan in Respect
describe on a project      of Certain Fund-raising Investment Project adopted by the 35th session of the 3rd Board of Directors on January 26, 2021.
by project basis)

Reason of significant
change      in    the      None
feasibility   of  the
Amount and use of
over-raised funds and      N/A
progress of use thereof
Change in the place of
the        fund-raising    N/A
investment project


Adjustment of the
                           Occurred in the reporting period.
method             of
implementation of the
fund-raising               Mango TV copyright pool expansion project: As of December 31, 2020, we purchased and released on Hunan TV 5 key TV series as scheduled. The progress of
investment project         investment and development meet expectations. The amount of actual investment being lower than the planned amount of investment was primarily due to changes
                           in industry policies, as a result of which the prices for content copyright have returned to the reasonable level, so the price for TV series per part actually paid by us
                           was lower than the estimated amount. On November 28, 2021 and December 21, 2021, the Company held the 7th session of the 4th Board of Directors and the 2nd
                           extraordinary shareholders’ meeting respectively, considering and approving The Proposal for Adjusting the Method of Implementation and Fund Use Plan in
                           Respect of Certain Fund-raising Investment Project, pursuant to which the method of implementation and fund use plan in respect of the Mango TV copyright pool

                                                                                                                                 Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                          expansion project were adjusted, and remaining offering proceeds were used to purchase exclusive Internet copyright of teleplays.


                          On September 23, 2021, the 5th session of the 4th Board of Directors and the 4th session of the 4th Board of Supervisors considered and adopted the Proposal for
                          Replacing the Funds Pre-invested in the Fund-Raising Investment Project and Self-raised Funds Used to Pay Part of the Offering Costs with the Offering
                          Proceeds, approving the replacement of the funds pre-invested in the investment project in the amount of RMB703,945,533.67 and self-raised funds used to pay
Funds pre-invested in     part of the offering costs in the amount of RMB475,471.70 (exclusive of tax) with the offering proceeds, totaling RMB704,421,025.37. The independent directors
the investment project    and the Board of Supervisors of the Company approved such proposal. The replacement has been completed as of December 31, 2021.
and        replacement
                          On September 23, 2021, the 5th session of the 4th Board of Directors and the 4th session of the 4th Board of Supervisors considered and adopted the Proposal
                          Regarding Payment by the Wholly-owned Subsidiary of Funds Invested in the Fund-Raising Investment Project with Banker’s Acceptance Bills and Replacement of
                          the Same with the Offering Proceeds, approving the payment by Happy Sunshine, our wholly-owned subsidiary, of amounts in connection with the fund-raising
                          investment project with banker’s acceptance bills (including issuance and endorsement of banker’s acceptance bills, the same below) during the period of fund
                          raising for such investment project through share offering to specific persons, and replacement of the same with the offering proceeds by transferring the amount
                          actually paid from the special account of offering proceeds to the account of owned funds of the Company. The independent directors and the Board of Supervisors
                          of the Company approved such proposal.

replenishment     of
working capital with      N/A
the unused offering
Amount of unused
offering proceeds and     N/A
reason thereof
Purpose           and     During the reporting period, we used RMB2,260,000,000 of unused offering proceeds to purchase cash management products, and deposited the balance of the
whereabouts of unused     unused offering proceeds in the special account of offering proceeds.
offering proceeds
Problems and other
matters existing in the   None
use and disclose of
offering proceeds
        Notes: 1. The planning for Mango TV cloud storage and multi-screen broadcast platform project was completed in 2017, and its implementation was commenced after raising
        supporting funds in 2019; the project construction was almost completed in 2021. On April 21, 2022, the 8th session of the 4th Board of Directors and the 7th session of the 4th Board
        of Supervisors considered and adopted Proposal on Termination of Cloud Storage and Multi-Screen Broadcast Platform Project and Applying Saved Offering Proceeding to Eternally

                                                                                                                                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                             Supplement Working Capitals, proposing to apply offering proceeds saved from this project RMB 388,899,100 (including interest incomes, and final amount is subject to balance of
                             interest-bearing bank account at the date of fund transfer) to eternally supplement working capitals; independent directors expressed independent opinions of agreeing with it. This
                             matter shall be submitted to the general meeting of the Company for consideration.
                             2. Mango TV cloud storage and multi-screen broadcast platform project: aiming at fully improving users’ experience of watching across the platform, no economic benefits will be
                             yielded directly, so it is impossible to calculate the benefits of such project separately.
                             3. Mango TV smart audio & video media service platform project: project initiation has been completed in the first quarter of 2022, and investment continues. This project aims at
                             improving overall platform-level solutions in ultra HD video, interactive video and re-consumable video in future, accelerating integration of Mango TV in aspects of resources,
                             technology, services, business and flow, no economic benefits will be yielded directly, so it is impossible to calculate the benefits of such project separately.
                      (3) Changes in the fund-raising investment projects
                             □ Applicable √ N/A
                             There has been no change in the fund-raising investment projects during the reporting period.

               VIII.         Sale of material assets and equities
               1.     Sale of material assets
                      □ Applicable √ N/A
                      No material asset has been sold during the reporting period.
               2.     Sale of material equities
                      √ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                Net profit
                                                                                                                                                                            Whether the
                                                            contributed by
                                                                                                  Ratio of the                                                               transaction
                                                             such equities
                                                                                                   net profit                                                                  has been
                                                             to the Listed                                                                                     Whether
                                                                                                  contributed                                                               completed as
                                                            Company from                                                       Whether or                       such
                                             Transaction                        Effect of the    by the sale of                                Affiliation                   scheduled,
                Equities        Date of                     the beginning                                          Pricing        not a                        equities                      Date of          Disclosure
Counterparty                                    price                            sale on the       equities to                                  with the                      and if not,
                 sold         transaction                      date of the                                        principle   related-party                   have been                     disclosure        reference
                                            (RMB0’000)                           Company          the Listed                                 counterparty                    the reason
                                                                reporting                                                      transaction                      fully
                                                                                                 Company to                                                                     and the
                                                              report to the                                                                                  transferred
                                                                                                  its total net                                                             actions taken
                                                                 date of
                                                                                                      profit                                                                    by the
 Mango              100%       May 31,                                        To improve the                      Appraised                                                                  June 25,     Announcement on
                                              30,424.97          77.07                              0.04%                         Yes           Parent           Yes             Yes
Media Co.,          shares      2021                                           efficiency of                        price                                                                      2021       the Completion of

                                                                                                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Ltd.          of                                                          resource                                                                                                 Transfer of 100%
             Happy                                                     allocation, and                                                                                               Shares of the
             Money                                                      enable us to                                                                                                Wholly Owned
                                                                        focus on our                                                                                                  Subsidiary
                                                                       main business                                                                                                 disclosed on
           IX. Analysis of major subsidiaries and associates
           √ Applicable □ N/A
           Major subsidiaries and associates representing more than 10% of the net profit of the Company:
                                                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

Company          Type of
                                        Main business               Registered capital        Total assets        Net assets       Operating revenue     Operating profit       Net profit
 name           company
Happy         Subsidiary     Internet video business, operator
Sunshine                     business and content operation            242,470,013.00      23,570,984,552.88   15,055,215,350.00    12,950,476,639.62     2,104,527,787.90    2,082,070,694.11
Happigo       Subsidiary     Media retail                              401,000,000.00       1,034,734,591.59     581,665,920.92      1,923,249,732.02        18,853,328.73      19,838,645.46
EE-Media      Subsidiary     Artist agency business, program,
                             film and TV drama production               90,000,000.00       1,145,327,685.12     491,568,431.98        534,369,650.50        73,599,373.37      73,617,020.16
                             business and copyright business

                                                       Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during the reporting period:
√ Applicable □ N/A

                         Method of acquisition or
  Company name                                              Effect on overall production, operation and results
                                                       The operating revenue of Happy Money was RMB28.3559
                                                       million and the gain or loss on disposal was RMB770,700
Happy Money            Share transfer
                                                       on a consolidated basis, so this share transfer has little effect
                                                       on our production, operation and results.
Particulars of major subsidiaries and associates:
During the reporting period, Happy Sunshine, the operating entity of our main platform Mango TV, maintained
growth of business, and its operating revenue increased by 14.93%. During the reporting period, the net offering
proceeds was RMB4.487 billion, and the total assets of Happy Sunshine increased by 40% year on year, reflecting
further improvement of our asset quality.

X. Structured entities controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √ N/A

XI. Prospects for future development of the Company
(I)   Prospects for future development
      The year 2022 is a crucial opportune year for Mango Excellent Media to pursue the high-quality
      development. Keeping in mind the mission of the party media and assuming the social responsibility as the
      listed company, the board of directors and the management of the Company made real efforts and innovation,
      maintained the main position as the main force and strived to optimize and strengthen the mainstream new
      media group, so as to celebrate the 20th National Congress of the CPC with practical achievements. Below is
      a brief description of our main tasks:
      1.   Keep in mind the mission of the party media and promote mainstream value communication
            By upholding the leadership of the Party with utter loyalty, the Company continues to enhance its
            mainstream value guidance through content innovation and upgrading. In 2022, the Company will take
            a higher political position and give full play to its advantages as the integrated media to advocate the
            20th National Congress of the CPC with the greatest investment, the best creativity and the most
            enthusiasm, and promote Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with China’s characteristics in the new era
            around the main theme of the 20th National Congress of the CPC. To this end, the Company will plan
            the theme work of “New Generation”, and release more than 20 documentary films such as These Ten
            Years and Daughter of the Party 2 and some teleplays such as China’s Long Course of History and
            Hutong, presenting the magnificent picture of the new journey in the new era with small points and big
            picture. Meanwhile, the Company will sing the Chinese voice out loud in international communication
            in the new era. We will strengthen foreign communication by optimizing Mango TV’s international
            APP and striving to carry out in-depth cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road within the
            year, and expand the overseas user base, so as to build a benchmark platform for international
      2.   Leverage on the advantages of two platforms to pursue innovative, integrated and in-depth
           development of media
            The Company proactively implements the strategy of the Party Central Committee on accelerating
            media’s integrated development and utilizes the advantages of the two platform of Mango ecosystem to
            promote the integrated and in-depth development of media with innovations in mechanism, paradigm
            and content. In 2022, in compliance with the regulatory requirements for listed companies, the
            Company will further develop the joint mechanism of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV platforms for
            content collection and broadcasting to realize the in-depth content integration from planning, operation
            to management, consolidate the upgrade from copyright-based to talent-based, and establish a new
            benchmark for the integrated development of media. On this basis, we will also explore more paths and
            methods for in-depth integration, and realize the self-evolution and iteration of the Mango integrated
            development model.
      3.   Insist on innovation and lead content upgrade in the industry
            Currently, the changing creative themes of the content sector bring new opportunities to the long video
            industry. The Company will cater to the trend of content innovation and upgrading, leverage on
            Mango’s talents and ecosystem strength, adhere to the “people-centered” creation philosophy, insist on
            self-breakthrough, catch up with the times and long-term planning, so as to pursue long-term content
            innovation and upgrading and lead the content innovation and upgrading of the industry. In 2022, the
            Company will make efforts in both film and television and variety shows for content innovation and
                                                 Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

     upgrading. In terms of film and television, the Company will focus on the “Mango Monsoon” theater,
     set higher standards and mobilize wider collaboration to sustainably produce high-quality products that
     empathize with the times and boast refreshed visual experience. In terms of variety shows, the
     Company will increase innovation and research and development efforts and strive to launch more than
     40% of innovative programs, so as to further consolidate its leading position in the variety shows
4.   Increase strategic investment to promote the iteration and upgrade of emerging businesses
     In 2022, the Company will increase strategic resources to promote stable development of emerging
     businesses. Xiaomang E-commerce will continue to strengthen its core positioning as a content
     e-commerce platform for new trendy domestic products. Taking advantage of its high-quality content
     IP resources on the two platforms within Mango ecosystem, it will iterate and upgrade the “video +
     content + e-commerce” model through IP resources operation to empower new trendy domestic
     products. Meanwhile, we will introduce strategic shareholders to push synergy between Xiaomang
     E-commerce and each business sector of the overall Mango ecosphere, and promote the faster and
     better development of Xiaomang E-commerce. The live entertainment business will expedite its
     transformation from setting a benchmark to expanding new stores.
5.   Consolidate the middle platform matrix and explore the evolutionary transformation of technology
     In 2022, the Company will further improve and consolidate the middle platform matrix in three aspects
     to further enhance the effectiveness of resource integration and facilitate our production and operation.
     Firstly, we will further upgrade our content middle platform to implement more innovative projects and
     stimulate internal content creativity. Secondly, we will strengthen the risk control and operation middle
     platforms to maximize resource allocation. We will improve large operation system to cultivate
     strategic operation talents, so as to utilize the aggregation capabilities to maximize the content value.
     Thirdly, in line with the trend of digital intelligence in the content industry, we will empower our
     business development with technology middle platform to promote symbiosis between culture and
     technology; based on 5G key lab established under authorization of The State Administration of Radio
     Film and Television, promote R&D and application of NFT, digital human production and virtual
     content production & broadcasting technology, and explore metaverse-oriented 5G+ media product
     form, technology application and business model innovation.
6.   Focus on team building to stimulate the innovative vitality of young talents
     The high threshold long video content innovation is driven by talents essentially. Talent is the most
     important resource and a company’s development cannot leave talents. The Company will further
     optimize the talent-based innovation mechanism to attract, develop, retain and utilize talents. We will
     further solidify the “Young Talent Plan”, promote the “Qingmang Internship Program” and expand the
     “Mango Youth Talk”. We will also focus on team building and invest in human capital to further
     consolidate our core competitiveness and stimulate the innovative vitality of young talents.
7.   Improve corporate governance and promote high-quality development of listed companies
     In 2022, the Company will continue to implement the relevant requirements of the Securities and
     Futures Commission to carry out special actions on the governance of listed companies, and ensure the
     quality development of the Company through multi-level and multi-dimensional development of
     corporate governance capacity. Firstly, based on the self-examination and self-correction in the
     previous year, we will further strengthen the institutionalization of the corporate governance system
     and upgrade the corporate governance capability and internal control to a higher level. Secondly, with a
     focus on high-quality information disclosure, we will further improve the operation of the mechanism
     of general meeting of shareholders, board of directors and board of supervisors of the Company, and
     enhance the ability of directors, supervisors and senior executives to perform their duties diligently, so
     as to build a long-term mechanism for the standardized operation of the Company. Lastly, we will
     define the main responsibility of the “key minority”, promote the Company to lead innovation while
     ensuring standardized operation, continuously improve the intrinsic development quality of listed
     companies and create higher corporate value, thus effectively rewarding investors.
8.   Practice the concept of “protect the investment” and strengthen the protection mechanism for minority
     As the cornerstone of the capital market, it’s the battlefield for investor protection in listed companies.
     The Company is obliged to practice the concept of “protect the investment” and protect minority
     investors. In 2022, the Company will further strengthen investor protection by enhancing the relevance
     and effectiveness of information disclosure based on investor demands, to fully protect investors’ right
     to know; establish a sound communication mechanism between the board of directors and investors
     and improve the channels and ways for institutional investors to participate in corporate governance;
     and take the initiative to understand the demands of minority investors and continuously optimize the
     investor return mechanism. Meanwhile, the Company will leverage on its advantages as a new media

                                                         Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

            platform and rely on the Mango New Media Investor Education Base to further strengthen the
            education for minority investors through developing investor-friendly and high-quality investment
            education programs, in a bid to further improve the operation of the investor education base.
(II)   Potential risks and countermeasures
       1.   Risk of macroeconomic fluctuations
            The cultural and media industry is closely related to macro-economy. Macroeconomic fluctuations will
            increase uncertainties in our operation: first, changes in macroeconomic situation will affect the
            budgets of our business customers, which could in turn result in great fluctuations in our B2B business,
            for example, during the recession of macro-economy, business customers may reduce their advertising
            budgets, which could have an adverse effect on our advertising business; second, macroeconomic
            fluctuations will affect the revenue level and structure of our end customers and in turn affect consumer
            confidence and consumer preferences. Therefore, we will give full play to the advantages of Mango
            system with the joint action of double platforms and entire industry chain, through content innovation
            and upgrading, increase the percentage of hot variety shows, films and TV dramas, attract more end
            customers, strive to improve platform brands, and provide advertisers with high-quality, effective,
            customized and integrated services, to effectively cope with the risk of macroeconomic fluctuations.
       2.   Policy and regulatory risks
            The whole business process of the cultural and media industry in which we operate is subject to
            policies and regulations. The changes in industry regulatory policies may bring uncertainties for our
            business and operation. We will produce content in strict accordance with the applicable industry
            regulatory and policy requirements, and establish sound internal quality management and control
            mechanisms, in order to avoid risks associated with policies and regulations. As a mainstream new
            media, we will insist on our attributes as a media, reject the idea of traffic first, focus on the production
            of high-quality content, assume the responsibility to guide mainstream social values, and embrace the
            new development opportunities in the current policy environment.
       3.   Risk of changes in industry competition patterns
            The video industry enters the era of competition for existing users, and witnesses changes in market
            recognition, development pattern and underlying logics. The traffic-oriented expansion of the Internet
            operations is drawing to an end, and the number of subscribers and paid members of some video
            platforms has stopped increasing. In the context of changes in industry pattern, as a mainstream new
            media, we always stick to the development strategy of focusing on high-level long videos, accurately
            catch the trends of the themes of creation in the field of long videos, fulfill the values guiding role of
            media, emphasize on the essence of content creation, and make breakthroughs in the context of
            changes in industry pattern through content innovation and upgrading.
       4.   Risk of business qualifications
            Certain businesses of us are subject to special business qualifications. If we are unable to promptly
            renew or obtain new business qualifications upon expiration of the relevant existing business
            qualifications or to comply with the updated regulatory requirements, our business development may
            be adversely affected. We will enhance business qualification management and actively communicate
            with the competent business qualifications authorities, to promptly renew business qualifications upon
            expiration thereof.
       5.   Risk of film and TV drama production
            (1)   Risk of failure of films and TV dramas to pass the relevant review. After completion of
                  production, a TV drama must pass the review by and obtain a TV Drama Release Permit from the
                  National Radio and TV Administration or the relevant provincial office. A film or TV drama
                  produced by us may fail to pass the filing procedures and obtain a production permit due to any
                  reason attributable to the artists appearing therein or otherwise; and after completion of
                  production, may fail to obtain a release permit, or to be broadcast after obtaining a release permit,
                  due to its theme or otherwise, which could affect our operating results. We will produce films and
                  TV dramas in strict accordance with the applicable policies of the country and review process of
                  the competent authorities, and ensure that both social and economic benefits are taken into
                  account in our planning for the production of films and TV dramas.
            (2)   Risk of high uncertainties of return on investment in films and TV dramas. Films and TV dramas
                  are cultural products, the reception of which by the audiences is affected by preferences, life
                  experience, public opinions and other factors, and their audience rating after being broadcast is
                  greatly uncertain. The investment in films and TV dramas has the inherent characteristics of huge
                  amount of single investment, long period of return on investment, direct linkage between revenue
                  and box office receipts or audience rating, and non-predictability of market reaction, among
                  others, so the return on investment is greatly uncertain. We have established scientific
                  pre-authorization and authorization policies, and set up special review departments, to reduce the
                                                           Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                     risks of investment in films and TV dramas.
       6.      Risk of technology upgrading
               Along with the maturity and application of 5G, cloud computing, AI, AR/VR and other technologies,
               new business patterns and business models may emerge and bring about wholly new cultural and
               entertainment experience to users. The commercial remodeling brought about by technology upgrading
               may have an adverse effect on our operation. We have established the innovation research institute, to
               enhance researches on new technologies, new models and future trends of the industry, make
               judgments and arrangements in advance, and cope with risks of technology upgrading in an unhurried
       7.      Risk of outflow of talents
               The new media business, film and TV drama production, and artist agency business conducted by us
               have high requirements for the professional levels of practitioners, so experienced professionals are of
               great importance to our business development, and outflow of core personnel could affect the conduct
               of our business. In addition, if we fail to continuously recruit outstanding talents, our business
               development may be adversely affected. We will build an ecosystem suitable for talents to give full
               play to their abilities, and continuously improve the incentive mechanisms that are competitive on the
               market, to retain and attract talents, arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of core personnel, and
               promote our business development.
       8.      Risk of infringement on intellectual property rights
               Due to the complexity of the production of films, TV dramas and audio & video products, diversified
               ways to use the works, rapid development of Internet application and complexity of copyright
               protection, the copyright purchased by us may have defects and infringe on the interests of legal right
               holders, or the licenses purchased by us may be unable to satisfy the requirements of new businesses,
               resulting in infringement damages payable by us. In addition, there may be infringing and pirating
               activities on the market in respect of films, TV dramas and audio & video products in which we have
               exclusive rights, which could prejudice our legitimate rights and interests. Therefore, we have
               established copyright protection policy and copyright purchase policy, enhanced efforts to safeguard
               our intellectual property rights, and in particular, appoint special personnel and professional institutions
               to monitor copyright infringement activities over the Internet in real time and take actions to safeguard
               our legitimate rights and interests.

XII.       Investigation, research, communication, interview and other activities
       during the reporting period
       √ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                       Main topic
                                                                                           of          Particulars of the
                                        Method of          Type of                     discussion      investigation and
        Date            Place                                             Guests
                                      communication        guests                         and           research activity
                                                                                      information          available at
       April       Meeting room       On-site            Institution    Refer to      Our             Refer     to    our
       27,         of        the      investigation      s              the           business        Record of Investor
       2021        Company            and research                      Record of     situations      Relations Activities
                                                                        Investor      and future      disclosed        on
                                                                        Relations     developmen      www.cninfo.com.c
                                                                        Activities    t strategies    n
                                                                        of Mango      and
                                                                        Excellent     prospects
                                                                        Media         for
                                                                        Co., Ltd.     industrial
                                                                        ( 2021-01     developmen
                                                                        )             t
       Augus       Teleconferenc      Communicatio       Institution    Refer to      Our             Refer     to    our
       t 18,       e                  n by telephone     s              the           business        Record of Investor
       2021                                                             Record of     situations      Relations Activities
                                                                        Investor      and future      disclosed        on
                                                                        Relations     developmen      www.cninfo.com.c
                                                                        Activities    t strategies    n
                                                                        of Mango      and
                                                                        Excellent     prospects
                                                                        Media         for
Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

         Co., Ltd.   industrial
         (2021-02)   developmen

                                                       Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                         Section IV Corporate Governance
I.   Overview of our corporate governance
During the reporting period, we have continuously improved our corporate governance structure, internal
management and control policies, intensively carried out corporate governance activities, promoted operational
compliance and continuously increased our corporate governance level in strict accordance with the requirements
of the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, the Rules
Governing the Listing of Stocks on the ChiNext Board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and other applicable laws,
regulations and normative documents. During the reporting period, we amended our Articles of Association, the
Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors and other
relevant policies and documents, to provide stronger institutional guarantee for our operational compliance. As of
the end of the reporting period, our corporate governance complies with the applicable laws, administrative
regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of the listed companies.
1.   Shareholders and shareholders’ meeting
     We convene and hold shareholders’ meetings in strict accordance with our Articles of Association, the Rules
     of Procedure of the Shareholders’ Meeting and other relevant provisions and requirements, and treat all
     shareholders fairly. We permit investors to elect to vote in person or on line at our shareholders’ meetings, so
     as to enable minority investors to fully exercise their voting rights. In considering material matters that affect
     the interests of minority investors, the votes cast by them are counted separately and disclosed on the
     relevant announcements on the resolutions of our shareholders’ meeting.
2.   Relationship with controlling shareholder
     Our controlling shareholder is strict with itself and has not directly or indirectly interfered with our
     decision-making and business activities without the authorization of the shareholders’ meeting. We conduct
     business and operate independently, and are independent of our controlling shareholder in business,
     personnel, assets, organization and finance, and each of our Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and
     internal bodies operates independently.
3.   Directors and Board of Directors
     Our Board of Directors has nine directors, including three independent directors. The number of members
     and composition of our Board of Directors comply with the requirements of the applicable laws and
     regulations and our Articles of Association. The members of our Board of Directors perform their duties in
     good faith and diligently in accordance with our Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure of the
     Board of Directors, actively participate in the related training, and are familiar with the applicable laws and
     regulations. Our Board of Directors convenes and holds meetings in accordance with the applicable
     procedures, keeps true, accurate and complete meeting minutes, securely maintain such meeting minutes, and
     disclose its resolutions in a timely manner.
4.   Supervisors and Board of Supervisors
     Our Board of Supervisors has three supervisors, including one employee supervisor. The number of members
     and composition of our Board of Supervisors comply with the requirements of the applicable laws and
     regulations. During the reporting period, our supervisors seriously performed their duties, and actively
     supervised our material matters, related-party transactions, insiders, internal controls and financial condition
     and performance of duties by our directors and executives in compliance with the applicable laws and
     regulations, pursuant to the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors.
5.   Establishment and implementation of internal audit policy
     Our Board of Directors has set up the Audit Committee, responsible for communications, supervision,
     meeting organization and examinations in respect of internal and external audits. The Audit Department
     under the Compensation and Appraisal Committee is responsible for handling day-to-day affairs, and
     examination and supervision of the establishment and implementation of internal controls, truthfulness and
     completeness of financial information of the Company.
6.   Performance appraisal and incentive and restraint mechanisms
     Our Board of Directors has set up the Compensation and Appraisal Committee, responsible for the
     establishment of compensation policies, determination of compensation plans, and performance appraisal of
     executives. We have the performance appraisal and incentive system in place, link the revenue of operators
     with our operating results, and require that the appointment of executives must be open and transparent and
     comply with the applicable laws and regulations.
7.   Information disclosure and transparency
     We truthfully, accurately, timely, fairly and completely disclose the relevant information in strict accordance
     with the applicable laws and regulations, the Information Disclosure Policy and the Investor Relations
     Management Policy, designate our Board Secretary to be responsible for making information disclosures,
                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

     coordinating our relations with investors, receiving visiting shareholders, and promptly replying inquiries of
     investors through the investors interaction platform, telephone and other channels, and
     http://www.cninfo.com.cn, the China Securities Journal, the Shanghai Securities News, the Securities Times
     and the Securities Daily as the websites and newspapers for us to disclose information, and truthfully,
     accurately, timely, fairly and completely disclose the relevant information in strict accordance with the
     applicable laws and regulations and the Information Disclosure Policy, in order to ensure that all
     shareholders have equal opportunities to access the information about us.
8.   Stakeholders
     We fully respect the legitimate rights and interests of stakeholders, and strive to coordinate and balance the
     interests of shareholders, employees, partners, the society and other stakeholders, and jointly promote our
     sustained and steady development.
Is there any significant difference between the actual circumstance of corporate governance of the Company and
the applicable laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of
the listed companies?
□ Yes √ No
There isn’t any significant difference between the actual circumstance of our corporate governance and the
applicable laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC regarding corporate governance of the
listed companies.

II. The Company’s independence of its controlling shareholder and actual
    controller in assets, personnel, finance, organization and operation
We are independent of our controlling shareholder and actual controller in operation, personnel, assets,
organization and finance. None of our controlling shareholder, actual controller or their affiliates has illegal
occupied our funds or requested us to provide any guarantee in violation of the applicable laws and regulations.
1.   Business: We are an independent corporate entity, and conduct business and operate independently.
2.   Personnel: We have an independent human resources department, and complete human resources
     management policies in place. Our General Manager, Deputy General Managers, CFO, Board Secretary and
     other executives receive remunerations from the Listed Company during their terms of office.
3.   Segregation of assets: Our assets are complete and free from any encumbrance, and we have independent
     purchasing, production and sales systems and supporting facilities.
4.   Organization: We have set up internal bodies that are suitable for our development requirements and operate
     independently, and our functional departments are independent of our controlling shareholder in their
5.   Finance: We have an independent finance department, and have established independent financial and
     accounting system and financial management policies, and opened separate bank accounts, and paid taxes

III. Horizontal competition
□ Applicable √ N/A

IV. Annual and extraordinary shareholders’ meetings held during the reporting
1.   Shareholders’ meetings held during the reporting period
                                            Parentage of
                                              investors       Date of       Date of          Resolution of the
          Session        Type of meeting
                                             attending        meeting      disclosure            meeting
                                            the meeting
     2020     annual    Annual                 78.95%       May     21,   May      22,   Refer       to       the
     shareholders’     shareholders’                      2021          2021           Announcement          on
     meeting            meeting                                                          Resolutions of the 2020
                                                                                         Annual     Shareholders’
                                                                                         Meeting disclosed on
     First              Extraordinary          76.96%       October       October        Refer       to      the
     extraordinary      shareholders’                      11, 2021      12, 2021       Announcement         on
     shareholders’     meeting                                                          Resolutions of the First
     meeting in 2021                                                                     Extraordinary
                                             Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                                                         Shareholders’ Meeting in
                                                                         2021    disclosed     on
     Second            Extraordinary    79.98%    December    December   Refer        to       the
     extraordinary     shareholders’             21, 2021    22, 2021   Announcement           on
     shareholders’    meeting                                           Resolutions     of    the
     meeting in 2021                                                     Second     Extraordinary
                                                                         Shareholders’ Meeting in
                                                                         2021     disclosed     on
2.   Extraordinary shareholders’ meetings convened on the requisition of holders of
     preferred shares whose voting rights have been restituted
     □ Applicable √ N/A

V. Arrangement for differential voting rights
     □ Applicable √ N/A

VI. Corporate governance of red-chip structured companies
     □ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                                                                          Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

VII.        Directors, supervisors and executives
1.     Particulars
                                                                                                               No. of
                                                                                                                               No. of     Changes in                   Cause of
                                                                  Beginning                                                    shares     the number                  increase or
                                                                                 End date     Beginning        shares                                     Ending
                                                                  date of the                                               disposed of    of shares                  decrease in
       Name                Title          Status   Gender   Age                 of the term   balance of    acquired in                                 balance of
                                                                   term of                                                     in the     held due to                 the number
                                                                                 of office    shares held        the                                    shares held
                                                                    office                                                   reporting       other                     of shares
                                                                                                                               period       reasons                       held
                      Chairman of the                             November
 ZHANG Huali                              Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0
                     Board of Directors                            16, 2017
      ZHONG             Independent                                June 14,
                                          Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0
     Hongming             Director                                   2017
                        Independent                               January 8,
     XIAO Xing                            Active   Female                                         0             0               0             0             0
                          Director                                  2019
                        Independent                               January 8,
     LIU Yuhui                            Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0
                          Director                                  2019
 LUO Weixiong             Director        Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0
                                                                   19, 2019
                                                                   May 25,
 ZHANG Yong               Director        Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0
                     Director & General                           September
     CAI Huaijun                          Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0
                          Manager                                  12, 2018
      LIU Xin             Director        Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0
                                                                   19, 2018
                                                                   June 1,
     TANG Liang           Director        Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0
                      Chairman of the
                                                                   June 14,
     YANG Yun            Board of         Active   Male                                         1,500           0               0             0           1,500
                                                                   June 14,
     LI Jiaochun        Supervisor        Active   Male                                           0             0               0             0             0

                                                                                                 Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                   Employee                                 August 19,
  FANG Fei                          Active    Male                                    0      0         0           0            0
                   Supervisor                                 2020
                 Deputy General                             August 16,
ZHENG Huaping                       Active    Male                                    0      0         0           0            0
                    Manager                                   2018
                 Deputy General
                                                            August 16,
LIANG Deping    Manager & Finance   Active    Male                                    0      0         0           0            0
                                                            April 27,
   WU Jun        Board Secretary    Active    Female                                  0      0         0           0            0
                 Deputy General                             August 16,   April 21,
   HE Jin                           Retired   Female                                  0      0         0           0            0
                    Manager                                   2018        2021
                 Deputy General                             August 16,   April 21,
  WANG Ke                           Retired   Male                                    0      0         0           0            0
                    Manager                                   2018        2021
    Total              --             --        --     --       --          --       1,500   0         0                      1,500          --

                                                        Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Whether any director or supervisor retired or any executive was removed during the reporting period?
√ Yes □ No
On April 21, 2021, our former deputy general managers HE Jin and WANG Ke resigned office due to transfer to
different jobs.
Changes in directors, supervisors and executives:
√ Applicable □ N/A

      Name                         Title               Type           Date                     Reason
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
ZHANG Huali             Director                    Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
ZHONG                                                                              Re-elected upon expiration of
                        Independent Director        Elected     May 21, 2021
Hongming                                                                           term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
XIAO Xing               Independent Director        Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
LIU Yuhui               Independent Director        Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
LUO Weixiong            Director                    Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
ZHANG Yong              Director                    Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
CAI Huaijun             Director                    Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
LIU Xin                 Director                    Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
TANG Liang              Director                    Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
YANG Yun                Supervisor                  Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
LI Jiaochun             Supervisor                  Elected     May 21, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                        Chairman of the Board                                      Re-elected upon expiration of
ZHANG Huali                                         Elected     July 5, 2021
                        of Directors                                               term of office
                        Chairman of the Board                                      Re-elected upon expiration of
YANG Yun                                            Elected     July 5, 2021
                        of Supervisors                                             term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
CAI Huijun              General Manager             Appointed   July 5, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
ZHENG Huaping           Deputy General Manager      Appointed   July 5, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                        Deputy General Manager                                     Re-elected upon expiration of
LIANG Deping                                        Appointed   July 5, 2021
                        & Finance Director                                         term of office
                                                                                   Re-elected upon expiration of
WU Jun                  Board Secretary             Appointed   July 5, 2021
                                                                                   term of office
                                                                                   Resigned as deputy general
HE Jin                  Deputy General Manager      Retired     April 21, 2021     manager due to transfer to a
                                                                                   different job
                                                                                   Resigned as deputy general
WANG Ke                 Deputy General Manager      Retired     April 21, 2021     manager due to transfer to a
                                                                                   different job
2.   Positions held
     Professional background and main work experience of our current directors, supervisors and executives and
     main positions held by them in the Company:
     1.     Directors
            ZHANG Huali, male, Han nationality, born in December 1964, member of the Communist Party of
            China, literary editor of first rank, graduated from the Chinese Department of Fudan University; former
                                          Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

deputy chief of the News Center, first deputy chief of the Culture and Sports Channel, director of the
Entertainment Channel and director of the Satellite Channel of Hunan TV, member of the Party
Committee, deputy controller and chief editor of HBS, and deputy secretary of the Party Committee
and general manager of GBS; is now Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of GBS (HBS),
and Chairman of Mango Media; has been our Chairman since November 2017, and Secretary of the
Party Committee since November 2018.
ZHONG Hongming, male, Han nationality, born in January 1975, graduated from the Renmin
University of China Law School, doctor of laws; is now associate research fellow at the Institute of
Law, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, member of the Executive Council of the China Securities
Law Society, member of the Executive Council of the China Commercial Law Society, and
Independent Director of FIYTA Precision Technology Co., Ltd.; and has been our Independent Director
since June 2017.
XIAO Xing, female, born in March 1971, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from
the Tsinghua University, PhD candidate of accounting; joined the Tsinghua University School of
Economics and Management in 1997, has acted as teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor,
tenured associate professor and tenured professor there, and is now professor and chief of the
Department of Accounting of the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, and
Executive Deputy Director of the Tsinghua University Global Equity Private Research Institute,
member of the National Accounting Professional Master Education Steering Committee, member of
the Accounting Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, and Independent Director
of Li Auto and Bloomage Biotechnology; and has been our Independent Director since January 2019.
LIU Yuhui, male, born in October 1970, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from the
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences majoring in quantitative economics, PhD candidate; was chief of
the Key Financing Laboratory, the Institute of Finance, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences from
August 2003 to April 2017; joined the Institution of Economics, the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences as a research fellow in April 2017; is now professor and doctoral tutor of economics at the
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, member of the Executive Council of the China Chief Economist
Forum, and member of the Annuity Council of China National Petroleum Corporation; and has been
our Independent Director since January 2019.
LUO Weixiong, male, Han nationality, born in November 1962, member of the Communist Party of
China, undergraduate, bachelor of arts, chief editor; former chief editor of the Radio and TV News
Agency, director and general manager of HTBI, general manager of HTBI Advertising Company,
director of GBS Advertising Operation and Management Center, and director of HBS Operation and
Industry Management Committee; is now member of the Party Committee and Deputy Controller of
HBS, member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of GBS, and Director of Mango
Media Co., Ltd.; and has been our Director since September 2019.
ZHANG Yong, male, born in September 1962, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated
from the Zhengzhou University of Light Industry as an undergraduate majoring in automation control,
senior engineer; former deputy director of Hunan TV Entertainment Channel, director of GBS Program
Marketing Center; assistant to controller and director of the Production Dispatch Center of Hunan TV,
assistant to controller of HBS, and chairman and chief editor of Happy Sunshine; is now Assistant to
the General Manager of GBS, and Director and General Manager of Mango Media Co., Ltd.; and has
been a Director of the Company (including Happigo Co., Ltd., the predecessor of the Company) since
May 2011.
CAI Huaijun, male, born in December 1977, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated
from the Central South University majoring in business management, PhD candidate; former planning
and statistics section chief of the Finance Department of Hunan TV, deputy chief of the Mango Media
Restructuring and Listing Office, deputy chief of the Finance Department of HBS, and deputy general
manager and strategic investment director of Mango Media Co., Ltd.; is now Secretary of the Party
Committee, Managing Director and General Manager of Happy Sunshine; and has been General
Manager of the Company since August 2018, Director of the Company since September 2018, Deputy
Secretary of the Party Committee since November 2018, and Chief Editor since April 2020.
LIU Xin, male, born in October 1971, member of the Communist Party of China, PhD candidate;
former deputy general manager and general manager of the Data Department of China Mobile; is now
Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of Migu Culture Technology Co.,
Ltd., Chairman of Migu Music Co., Ltd., Migu Video Technology Co., Ltd., Migu Digital Media Co.,
Ltd., Migu Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd. and Migu Cartoon Co., Ltd., Director of iFlyTek Co.,
Ltd., and Director of China Mobile SDIC Innovation Investment Management Co., Ltd.; and has been
our Director since September 2019.
TANG Liang, male, born in 1976, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from the
Hunan Normal University majoring in English education, undergraduate; former deputy chief of the
News Center, and chief of the Beijing Program Center of Hunan Economic TV, deputy director of the

                                                Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

     Fashion (Shopping) Channel of Hunan TV, member of the Party Committee and deputy general
     manager of Mango Media Co., Ltd., secretary of the Party Committee, director and general manager of
     Happigo Inc.; and has been our Director since August 2018, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee
     since November 2018, and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee since April 2020.
2.   Supervisors
     YANG Yun, male, born in July 1973, member of the Communist Party of China, master candidate,
     accountant; former chief of the Finance Department and deputy director of HBS Entertainment
     Channel, deputy general manager and chief of the Assets and Finance Department of Mango Media Co.,
     Ltd., and chief of the Assets and Finance Department of HBS; is now Assistant to the General Manager
     and Chief of the Assets and Finance Department of GBS, Chief of the Finance Department of HBS,
     Director and Deputy General Manager of Mango Media, and Director of HTBI, has rich experience in
     financial management and media operations; and has been our Chairman of the Board of Supervisor
     since June 2017.
     LI Jiaochun, male, born in January 1964, member of the Communist Party; has worked in the Hunan
     Provincial Party Committee for a long time as chief editor of magazine and chief of the Cultural
     Industry Office; is now Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Discipline
     Inspection Committee and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Mango Media; and has been our
     Supervisor since June 2017.
     FANG Fei, male, born in December 1985, member of the Communist Party of China, master candidate;
     former planning director of the Economic TV Advertising Department, HBS Advertising Operation and
     Management Center, assistant to the general manager of Happy Sunshine and general manager of the
     Advertising Marketing Center of Happy Sunshine; is now Deputy General Manager of Happy Sunshine,
     Managing Director and General Manager of Mangofun, Managing Director and General Manager of
     Horgos Happy Sunshine Media Co., Ltd., and Director and General Manager of Happy Sunshine
     Xingmang Interactive Entertainment Media Co., Ltd.; and has been our Employee Supervisor since
     August 2020.
3.   Executives (other than those who serve on the Board of Directors concurrently)
     ZHENG Huaping, male, born in October 1976, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated
     from the Central South University majoring in science, technology and philosophy, master candidate;
     former section chief of the Planning and Promotion Department of the Chief Editor Office of Hunan
     TV, deputy chief of Mango Media Restructuring and Listing Office, deputy chief of the Chief Editor
     Office of the Hunan Satellite TV Channel, deputy director of HBS Program Transaction Management
     Center, and chairman and general manager of Mangofun; is now member of the Party Committee,
     Chief Editor and Deputy General Manager of Happy Sunshine; and has been Deputy General Manager
     of the Company since August 2018, and member of the Party Committee since November 2018.
     LIANG Deping, male, born in February 1979, member of the Communist Party of China; MBA,
     Changsha University of Science and Technology; former assistant to the director, chief of the Finance
     Department and chief of the Production Department of the Entertainment Channel, and deputy director
     of the Entertainment Channel of Hunan TV, deputy general manager of Mango Entertainment, and
     managing director of Mangofun; is now member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager
     of Happy Sunshine, Managing Director of Happy Money, and Managing Director of Happigo; and has
     been Deputy General Manager and Finance Director of the Company since August 2018, and member
     of the Party Committee of the Company since November 2018.
     WU Jun, female, born in February 1983, member of the Communist Party of China, PhD candidate;
     since June 2007, has been reporter and editor in charge at Hunan News Network of Hunan TV, deputy
     chief of the Administration and Human Resources Department, chief of the General Manager’s Office
     and Party branch secretary of the head office of Mango Media Co., Ltd.; has been chief of the Board
     Office of Mango Excellent Media since August 2018, and our Board Secretary since April 2019.
Positions held in shareholders:
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                          Whether or not
                                                               Beginning      End date         receive
                                                               date of the      of the    remunerations
      Name              Shareholder            Position
                                                                term of        term of     and subsidies
                                                                 office         office       from such
ZHANG Huali          Mango        Media   Chairman
                     Co., Ltd.
LUO Weixiong         Mango        Media   Director

                                                  Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                      Co., Ltd.
ZHANG Yong            Mango          Media   Director      &
                      Co., Ltd.              General Manager
YANG Yun              Mango          Media   Director    &
                      Co., Ltd.              Deputy General
LI Jiaochun           Mango          Media   Deputy Secretary
                      Co., Ltd.              of    the   Party
                                             Secretary of the
                                             Committee    and
                                             Chairman of the
                                             Board          of
Positions held in other entities:
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                             Whether or not
                                                                   Beginning     End date
                                                                   date of the     of the
     Name                   Entity                Position                                   remunerations
                                                                    term of       term of
                                                                                              and subsidies
                                                                     office        office
                                                                                            from such entity
ZHANG Huali         HBS                      Secretary of the
                                             Party Committee
                                             & Chairman
ZHANG Huali         GBS                      Secretary of the
                                             Party Committee
                                             & Chairman
ZHONG               Institute of Law,        Associate
Hongming            Sichuan Academy of       research fellow &
                    Social Sciences          Chief    of    the
                                             Finance       Law
                                             Research Office
ZHONG               FIYTA (Group) Co.,       Independent
Hongming            Ltd.                     Director
XIAO Xing           Tsinghua University      professor & chief
                    School           of      of the Department
                    Economics      and       of Accounting
XIAO Xing           Tsinghua University      Executive Deputy
                    Global      Equity       Director
                    Private   Research
XIAO Xing           National Accounting      Member
                    Professional Master
                    Education Steering
XIAO Xing           Accounting               Member
                    Teaching Steering
                    Committee of the
                    Ministry       of
XIAO Xing           Li Auto                  Independent
XIAO Xing           Bloomage                 Independent
                    Biotechnology            Director
                    Corp., Ltd.
LIU Yuhui           Chinese Academy of       Professor       and
                                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                       Social Sciences         doctoral tutor of
     LIU Yuhui         TF Securities           Guest economist
     LIU Yuhui         Executive Council       Member
                       of the China Chief
                       Economist Forum
     LIU Yuhui         Annuity Council of      Member
                       China       National
     LUO Weixiong      HBS                     Member of the
                                               Party Committee
                                               &          Deputy
     LUO Weixiong      GBS                     Member of the
                                               Party Committee
                                               & Deputy General
     ZHANG Yong        GBS                     Assistant to the
                                               General Manager
     ZHANG Yong        EE-Media                Managing
     ZHANG Yong        Yize       Capital      Director
                       Management   Co.,
     LIU Xin           Migu       Culture      Secretary of the
                       Technology    Co.,      Party Committee
                       Ltd.                    & Chairman
     LIU Xin           iFlyTek Co., Ltd.       Director
     LIU Xin           China Mobile SDIC       Director
                       Management    Co.,
     YANG Yun          HBS                     Chief   of     the
     YANG Yun          GBS                     Assistant to the
                                               General Manager
                                               and Chief of the
                                               Assets       and
     YANG Yun          HTBI                    Director
     LIANG Deping      Happigo                 Managing
     Punishments imposed by the securities regulatory authorities in the past three years on the directors,
     supervisors and executives of the Company currently in office or leaving office during the reporting period:
     □ Applicable √ N/A

3.   Remunerations of directors, supervisors and executives
     Decision-making process, criteria for determination and actual amount in respect of remunerations of
     directors, supervisors and executives:
     Decision-making process: The remunerations of our directors and supervisors are decided by the
     shareholders’ meeting according to our Articles of Association and other relevant provisions; the
     remunerations of executives are decided by the Board of Directors. The remunerations and subsidies of our
     directors and supervisors are considered and approved by the Board of Directors, and then submitted to the
     shareholders’ meeting for approval.

                                                        Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

     Criteria for determination of the remunerations: The remunerations are determined according to our business
     situations, scope and importance of duties and result of performance appraisal. The subsidies of independent
     directors are determined by reference to the overall level of the listed companies in the same region and
     Amount of remunerations actually paid: The remunerations of directors, supervisors and executives holding
     posts in the Company are paid by the Company. We do not pay any additional subsidy to our directors and
     supervisors. The amount of total remunerations paid in 2021 was RMB28.98 million.
     Remunerations of directors, supervisors and executives paid in the reporting period:
                                                                                                           In RMB0’000

                                                                                                            Whether or
                                                                                                           not receiving
                                                                                            n received
             Name                    Title             Gender       Age       Status         from the
                                                                                                             s from any
                                                                                                             affiliate of
                                                                                           (inclusive of
                                                                                                           the Company
     ZHANG Huali         Director                      Male          57       Active                  0
                         Independent Director          Male          47       Active                 22
     XIAO Xing           Independent Director          Female        50       Active                 22
     LIU Yuhui           Independent Director          Male          51       Active                 22
     LUO Weixiong        Director                      Male          59       Active                  0
     ZHANG Yong          Director                      Male          59       Active                  0
                         Director     &      General
     CAI Huaijun                                       Male          44       Active                600
     LIU Xin             Director                      Male          50       Active                  0
     TANG Liang          Director                      Male          45       Active                256
                         Chairman of the Board
     YANG Yun                                          Male          48       Active                  0
                         of Supervisors
     LI Jiaochun         Supervisor                    Male          57       Active                  0
     FANG Fei            Employee Supervisor           Male          36       Active                550
     ZHENG               Deputy              General
                                                       Male          45       Active                450
     Huaping             Manager
                         Deputy              General
     LIANG Deping        Manager      &      Finance   Male          42       Active                450
     WU Jun              Board Secretary               Female        38       Active                256
                         Deputy              General
     HE Jin                                            Female        50       Retired               135
                         Deputy              General
     WANG Ke                                           Male          42       Retired               135
     Total                             -                 -            -           -               2,898          -
VIII.        Performance of duties by the directors during the reporting period
1.   Meetings of the Board of Directors held during the reporting period
               Session               Date of meeting         Date of disclosure           Resolution of the meeting
                                                                                      Refer to the Announcement on
     35th meeting of the 3rd                                                          Resolutions of the 35th meeting of
                                    January 26, 2021     January 27, 2021
     Board of Directors                                                               the 3rd Board of Directors
                                                                                      disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                                                      Refer to the Announcement on
     36th meeting of the 3rd                                                          Resolutions of the 36th meeting of
                                    April 22, 2021       April 26, 2021
     Board of Directors                                                               the 3rd Board of Directors
                                                                                      disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.

                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                                                                 Refer to the Announcement on
     1st meeting of the 4th                                                      Resolutions of the 1st meeting of
                                July 5, 2021           July 6, 2021
     Board of Directors                                                          the 4th Board of Directors
                                                                                 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                                                 Refer to the Announcement on
     2nd meeting of the 4th                                                      Resolutions of the 2nd meeting of
                                August 16, 2021        August 18, 2021
     Board of Directors                                                          the 4th Board of Directors
                                                                                 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                                                 Refer to the Announcement on
     3rd meeting of the 4th                                                      Resolutions of the 3rd meeting of
                                August 30, 2021        August 31, 2021
     Board of Directors                                                          the 4th Board of Directors
                                                                                 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                                                 Refer to the Announcement on
     4th meeting of the 4th     September       10,                              Resolutions of the 4th meeting of
                                                       September 14, 2021
     Board of Directors         2021                                             the 4th Board of Directors
                                                                                 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                                                 Refer to the Announcement on
     5th meeting of the 4th     September       23,                              Resolutions of the 5th meeting of
                                                       September 24, 2021
     Board of Directors         2021                                             the 4th Board of Directors
                                                                                 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                                                 Refer to the Announcement on
     6th meeting of the 4th                                                      Resolutions of the 6th meeting of
                                October 27, 2021       October 28, 2021
     Board of Directors                                                          the 4th Board of Directors
                                                                                 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.
                                                                                 Refer to the Announcement on
     7th meeting of the 4th     November        28,                              Resolutions of the 7th meeting of
                                                       November 29, 2021
     Board of Directors         2021                                             the 4th Board of Directors
                                                                                 disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn.
2.   Attendance of the directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders
                  Attendance of the directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and shareholders

                   No. of                                                             Whether or
                   board       No. of      No. of board      No. of                   not having
                                                                           No. of                      No. of
                  meetings      board        meetings         board                       been
                  attended    meeting       present by      meeting                      absent    shareholders’
      Director                                                            meeting
                   during     s present      means of       s present                  from two       meeting
                                                                          s absent
                     the          in      communicatio         by                     consecutiv      attended
                  reportin     person      n equipment        proxy                     e board
                  g period                                                             meetings

                     9           2              7               0            0            No              3
     Hongmin         9           1              8               0            0            No              1
                     9           0              9               0            0            No              1
                     9           0              9               0            0            No              1
                     9           2              7               0            0            No              3
                     9           2              7               0            0            No              3
                     9           2              7               0            0            No              2
     LIU Xin         9           2              7               0            0            No              1
                     9           2              7               0            0            No              3
     Explanation about absence from two consecutive meetings of the Board of Directors:
                                                       Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

3.   Objections raised by the directors regarding matters of the Company
     Whether any director has raised any objection regarding matters of the Company?
     □ Yes √ No
     No director has raised any objection regarding matters of the Company during the reporting period.
4.   Other information regarding the performance of duties by the directors
     Whether the suggestions put forward by the directors have been adopted by the Company?
     √ Yes □ No
     Explanation about the adoption or non-adoption by the Company of the suggestions put forward by the
     During the reporting period, our directors have performed their duties and obligations diligently in strict
     accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law and other applicable laws and regulations and our
     Articles of Association, actively participated in the relevant meetings, and seriously considered all proposals.
     Our independent directors have kept communications with other directors, supervisors, executives and
     related personnel by telephone, attending meetings, on-site investigations or otherwise, actively asked for
     information about our production, operation and financial conditions, put forward active suggestions
     regarding our development strategies and corporate governance, and expressed independent opinions about
     related-party transactions, profit distribution policies, remuneration management, re-election and other
     matters, to effectively ensure the fairness and objectiveness of the decisions made by the Board of Directors.
     Our directors perform their duties honestly and in good faith, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of
     the Company and all shareholders, and play an active role in promoting our operational compliance and
     healthy development.

                                                                                                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

IX. Activities of the committees of the Board of Directors during the reporting period
                                        No. of                                                                                    Important
                                                                                                                                                 Performance      Objections
    Committee          Members         meetings    Date of meeting                            Topics                             opinions and
                                                                                                                                                of other duties    (if any)
                                         held                                                                                    suggestions
                                                                     Considered and approved the Internal Audit Plan 2021,
                                                                     2020 Annual Report Audit Plan, and the Proposal
                                                                     Regarding the Auditor’s Report on the Internal Control
                                                  January 20, 2021   Policy for Monetary Capital of Happy Money; and
                                                                     reviewed the Summary Report on Audit Work 2020 and
                                                                     Work Plan 2021 prepared by the Audit Department.

                                                                     Considered and approved the Proposal Regarding the
                                                                     2020 Auditor’s Report, the Proposal Regarding the
                                                                     Self-assessment of Internal Controls in 2020, the
                                                                     Proposal Regarding the Special Report on the Deposit
                                                                     and Use of Offering Proceeds in 2020, the Proposal
                                                  April 12, 2021     Regarding the Fulfillment of Covenants Relating to
                                                                     Operating Results in 2020, the Proposal Regarding
                  XIAO          Xing                                 Amendment to the Accounting Policies and the Proposal
                  (Chairman), ZHONG                                  Regarding the Financial Report for the First Quarter of
                  Hongming,      LIU                                 2021.
Audit Committee                           6
                  Yuhui,        LUO
                                                                     Considered and approved the Proposal Regarding the
                  Weixiong and TANG
                                                                     Special Report on Offering Proceeds in the First Quarter
                                                                     of 2021, and the Proposal Regarding the Auditor’s Report
                                                                     on the Internal Control Policy for Monetary Capital of
                                                  April 20, 2021     Happigo Co. Ltd.; and reviewed the Summary Report on
                                                                     Audit Work in the First Quarter of 2021 and Work Plan
                                                                     for the Second Quarter of 2021 prepared by the Audit

                                                                     Considered and approved the Proposal Regarding the
                                                                     Financial Report for the First Half of 2021, and the
                                                                     Proposal Regarding the Special Report on the Deposit
                                                  August 6, 2021     and Use of Offering Proceeds in the First Half of 2021;
                                                                     approved the Proposal Regarding the Special
                                                                     Examination Report on the Implementation of Significant
                                                                     Events and Material Receipts and Payments in the First
                                                                     Half of 2021; and reviewed the Summary Report on Audit

                                                                                                               Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                                                Work in the Second Quarter of 2021 and Work Plan for
                                                                the Third Quarter of 2021 prepared by the Audit

                                                                Considered and approved the Proposal Regarding the
                                                                Financial Report for the Third Quarter of 2021, the
                                                                Proposal Regarding the Re-appointment of Accounting
                                                                Firm, and the Proposal Regarding the Special Report on
                                         October 22, 2021       the Deposit and Use of Offering Proceeds in the Third
                                                                Quarter of 2021; and reviewed the Summary Report on
                                                                Audit Work in the Third Quarter of 2021 and Work Plan
                                                                for the Fourth Quarter of 2021 prepared by the Audit

                                                                Considered and approved the Proposal Regarding the
                                                                2021 Annual Report Audit Plan prepared by Pan-China
                                         December         24,   Certified Public Accountants LLP, and the Internal Audit
                                         2021                   Plan 2021; and reviewed the Summary Report on Audit
                                                                Work 2021 and Work Plan 2022 prepared by the Audit

                                                                Considered and approved the Proposal Regarding Total
               LIU           Yuhui       February 9, 2021       Remunerations and Remunerations of Senior Officers for
               (Chairman), ZHONG                                2020.
               Hongming,     XIAO    2
Committee                                                       Considered and approved the Proposal Regarding
               Xing, ZHANG Yong
               and LIU Xin               April 22, 2021         Performance Appraisal of Senior Officers for 2020 and
                                                                Remuneration Proposal for 2021.

                                                                         Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

X. Activities of the Board of Supervisors
Whether the Board of Supervisors has identified any risk involving the Company in its supervisory activities during the reporting

√ Yes □ No

The Board of Supervisors has not raised any objection to the supervisory matters during the reporting period.

XI. Employees

1. Employees and their composition by specialization and education background

Employees of the parent company (person) at the end of the
Reporting Period

Employees of main subsidiaries (person) at the end of the
Reporting Period

Total of employees on active duty Period(person) at the end of
the Reporting

Total of employees receiving remuneration for the current period

Retired employees whose expense is undertaken by parent
company and main subsidiaries (person)

                                             Composition of employees by specialization

                       Areas of specialization                                               Headcounts

Production personnel                                                                                                      1,332

Sales personnel                                                                                                           1,543

Technical personnel                                                                                                         745

Finance personnel                                                                                                           118

Administrative personnel                                                                                                    284

Total                                                                                                                     4,022

                                         Composition of employees by education background

Education background                                               Headcounts

Doctorate                                                                                                                     6

Master’s degree or above                                                                                                   550

Bachelor’s degree                                                                                                        2,680

Junior college or below                                                                                                     786

Total                                                                                                                     4,022

                                                                          Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

2. Remuneration policy

In order to establish and improve the market-based salary determination mechanism and internal incentive and restraint mechanism,
and effectively promote the scientific development of the Company, the Company has formulated and promulgated the Measure of
Gross Payroll Determination Mechanism and Management of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd., which provides detailed provisions
on the method of determining the gross payroll of the Company’s employees, reasonable intervals, formula, management procedures
and supervision and inspection mechanisms. This measure strictly complies with the relevant provisions of the policy documents and
adheres to the basic principles of “strategic orientation, dual-effect unification, benefits synergy and dynamic supervision”.
According to this measure, the annual gross payrolls of employees of the Company are determined reasonably by taking the total
annual salary of prior year as the basis and considering the Company’s salary-income ratio and market and industry benchmark, the
completion of the assessment goals, the rate of value preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets, labor productivity, labor
cost production ratio and other factors in accordance with the Company’s development strategy and remuneration strategy, annual
production and operation goals, social benefits, economic benefits and other factors.

3. Training plan

The Company continuously establishes and improves a systematic employee training system and cultivation system, and carries out
training work by categories and levels to strengthen the management ability of middle and senior staff, improve the professional
ability of key personnel and the job skills of basic staff. In terms of content, based on an in-depth understanding of the training needs
of employees, the Company has developed interesting and practical courses for employees of different functions, and established a
comprehensive training system covering vocational training, theoretical education, professional training, marketing, new technology,
new media operation, etc., to support the comprehensive development of the Company’s talents and enhance the Company’s brand as
an employer and employees’ sense of belonging.

4. Outsourcing

√ Applicable □ N/A

Total working hours of outsourcing (hour                                                                                    510,409.11

Total remuneration paid for outsourcing (RMB)                                                                           23,002,981.21

XII. The Company’s Profit Distribution and Capitalization of Capital Reserve

Policies of profit distribution during the Reporting Period, especially the development, implementation, or adjustment of cash
dividend distribution.
√ Applicable □ N/A
During the Reporting Period, the Company implemented the 2020 profit distribution plan as follows: an aggregate of
RMB231,449,076.43 as cash dividends are distributed to all shareholders at RMB1.3 (including tax) per 10 shares based on the total
share capital of 1,780,377,511 shares, with 0 bonus shares and 0 capitalized shares involved.

                                            Special explanation for cash dividend policies

Do they comply with the provisions of Articles of Association or
the requirements of the resolutions of general meeting of           Yes

Are dividend standards and ratios clear and explicit?               Yes

                                                                               Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Are decision-making procedures and mechanisms complete?               Yes

Do independent directors diligently perform their duties and play
their roles?

Do minority shareholders have the opportunity to fully express
their opinions and demands? Are their legal rights and interests      Yes
fully protected?

Are conditions and procedures for adjusted or changed cash
                                                                      Cash dividend policies are not adjusted or changed
dividend policies compliant and transparent?

The Company’s proposed profit distribution plan and proposed capitalization of capital reserve during the Reporting Period are
consistent with relevant provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association and dividend management methods.
 √ Yes □ No □ N/A
The Company’s proposed profit distribution plan and proposed capitalization of capital reserve during the Reporting Period are
consistent with relevant provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association and other regulations.
Description of the profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserve

Number of bonus shares distributed for each 10 shares (unit: share)                                                                   0

Amount of dividends distributed for each 10 shares (in RMB) (including tax)                                                         1.30

Number of shares transferred from capital reserve each 10 shares (unit: share)                                                        0

Basic number of the share capital for the distribution proposal (unit: share)                                              1,870,720,815

Amount of cash dividends (in RMB) (including tax)                                                                      243,193,705.95

Amount of cash dividends through other methods (e.g., repurchase of shares) (in RMB)                                                0.00

Total cash dividends (including those distributed through other methods) (in RMB)                                     243,193,705.95

Distributable profits (in RMB)                                                                                        300,279,430.14

Proportion of total cash dividends (including those distributed through other methods) to the
total profits distributed

                                                   Cash dividends distributed this time

If the Company is at the growth period and has any major asset arrangement, then at the time of distribution of profits, its cash
dividends shall account for at least 20% of profits distributed this time.

                            Descriptions on proposal of profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserve

The profit distribution proposal which is in compliance with the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association and the
deliberation procedures, has fully protected the legitimate rights and interests of minority investors, on which the independent
directors have expressed their agreement opinion independently.

The Company puts forward no proposal for cash dividend distribution despite profitable and positive profits of its parent company
attributable to shareholders during the Reporting Period.
□ Applicable √ N/A

XIII. Implementation of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Shareholding Plan
or Other Employee Incentive Measures

□ Applicable √ N/A
                                                                           Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

The Company has no equity incentive plan, employee shareholding plan or other employee incentive measures as well as the
implementation thereof during the Reporting Period.

XIV. Construction and Implementation of Internal Control System during the Reporting

1. Construction and Implementation of Internal Control System

During the Reporting Period, the Company conscientiously complies with all laws and regulations as well as the provisions of the
Company’s internal control system to standardize operations, optimize governance and control risks. Through comprehensive
implementation of the Company’s internal control application manual, the Company makes continuous review and evaluation on the
implementation effects of the internal control system, continues to improve and optimize various important business processes in
conjunction with business changes, and revises and updates the internal control application manual, in order to ensure its internal
control management develops synchronously with businesses, and its internal control system is complete, compliant with laws and
regulations, effective and feasible. The Audit Department under the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company
carries out independent and objective supervision and evaluation within the Company pursuant to regulations and systems such as the
Basic Standards for Enterprise Internal Control, Guidelines for the Standardized Operation of Listed Companies on GEM, Internal
Audit Standards, the Company’s Audit Management System and Management Measures for Self-Evaluation of the Company’s
Internal Control. In accordance with the determination of material weaknesses in the Company’s internal control over financial
report, the Company has no material weaknesses in internal control over financial report on the benchmark date of the internal
control evaluation report, and the Company has maintained effective internal control over financial report in all material aspects
under the requirements of Standards for Enterprise Internal Control and related regulations. In accordance with the determination of
material weaknesses in the Company’s internal control over non-financial report, the Company has no material weaknesses in
internal control over non-financial report on the benchmark date of the internal control evaluation report. There are no factors
affecting the evaluation conclusion of the effectiveness of internal control from the benchmark date of the internal control evaluation
report to the issue date thereof.

2. Details of material internal control deficiencies identified during the Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

XV. Management and Control of Subsidiaries by the Company During the Reporting Period

                                          Integration     Problems met in       Resolution         Resolution         Subsequent
 Company name        Integration plan
                                              progress       integration     measures adopted         progress      resolution plan

Happy Sunshine      N/A                 N/A              N/A                 N/A                N/A                N/A

Happigo Inc.        N/A                 N/A              N/A                 N/A                N/A                N/A

EE-Media            N/A                 N/A              N/A                 N/A                N/A                N/A

                                                                               Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

XVI. Internal control evaluation report and internal control audit report

1.Internal control self-evaluation report

Disclosure date                                  April 25, 2022

Index of disclosure                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Proportion of the total assets of the entities
included in the evaluation scope to the total
assets recorded in the Company’s
consolidated financial statements

Proportion of the operating income of the
entities included in the evaluation scope to
the operating income recorded in the                                                                                                100.00%
Company’s consolidated financial

                                                   Identification Standard of Deficiencies

                  Category                                       Financial Report                           Non-financial Report

                                                 1. General deficiencies: other internal
                                                                                                  1. General deficiencies: other internal
                                                 control deficiencies under the threshold of
                                                                                                  control deficiencies under the threshold
                                                 material weakness and significant
                                                                                                  of material weakness and significant
                                                 2 Significant deficiencies: the selection and
                                                                                                  2. Significant deficiencies: general
                                                 application of accounting policies
                                                                                                  mistakes resulting from decision-making
                                                 inconsistent with the generally accepted
                                                                                                  procedures; violation of internal rules
                                                 accounting standards; the absence of
                                                                                                  and regulations, resulting in losses;
                                                 anti-fraud procedures and control measures;
                                                                                                  deficiencies in significant business
                                                 the absence of appropriate control
                                                                                                  mechanisms or systems; significant or
                                                 mechanisms, the absence of compensatory
                                                                                                  general deficiencies in internal control
                                                 controls or failure in the implementation
                                                                                                  that have not been rectified.
Qualitative standard                             thereof for the accounting treatment of
                                                                                                  3. Material weakness: significant
                                                 irregular or special transactions; the
                                                                                                  mistakes due to lack of democratic
                                                 existence of one or more deficiencies in the
                                                                                                  decision-making procedures or
                                                 control of the financial reporting process at
                                                                                                  unscientific decision-making procedures,
                                                 the end of the period and the absence of
                                                                                                  resulting in significant property losses to
                                                 reasonable assurance that the financial
                                                                                                  the Company; serious violations of
                                                 statements prepared are true and accurate.
                                                                                                  national laws and regulations; lack of
                                                 3. Material weakness: fraud acts of the
                                                                                                  significant business mechanisms, or
                                                 Company’s directors, supervisors, or
                                                                                                  ineffectiveness of implementation
                                                 officers; correction of published financial
                                                                                                  thereof; continuous or a large quantity of
                                                 reports by the Company, and material
                                                                                                  significant internal control deficiencies
                                                 misstatements in the current financial reports
                                                                                                  in the Company.
                                                 detected by the certified public accountants

                                                                         Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                           but not identified by the Company’s internal
                                           control process; ineffective supervision by
                                           the Audit Committee and the internal audit
                                           institution on internal control.

                                           1. General deficiencies: potential
                                           misstatement of total consolidated profit
                                           <3%, potential misstatement of total
                                           consolidated owner’s equity <0.5%,
                                           potential misstatement of total consolidated
                                           assets <0.5%, potential misstatement of total
                                                                                           1. General deficiencies: direct property
                                           consolidated operating income <0.5%.
                                                                                           loss subsequent to consolidation <0.5%
                                           2. Significant deficiencies, 3% ≤ potential
                                                                                           of total assets of the Company;
                                           misstatement of total consolidated profit
                                                                                           2. Significant deficiencies: 0.5% of total
                                           <5%, 0.5% ≤ potential misstatement of total
                                                                                           assets of the Company ≤ direct property
Quantitative standard                      consolidated owner’s equity <1%, 0.5% ≤
                                                                                           loss subsequent to consolidation <1% of
                                           potential misstatement of total consolidated
                                                                                           total assets of the Company;
                                           assets <3%, 0.5% ≤ potential misstatement
                                                                                           3. Material weakness: 1% of total assets
                                           of total consolidated operating income <1%.
                                                                                           of the Company ≤ direct property loss
                                           3. Material weakness, potential misstatement
                                                                                           subsequent to consolidation.
                                           of total consolidated profit ≥5%, potential
                                           misstatement of total consolidated owner’s
                                           equity ≥1%, potential misstatement of total
                                           consolidated assets ≥3%, potential
                                           misstatement of total consolidated operating
                                           income ≥1%.

Number of material weakness of financial
reports (piece)

Number of material weakness of
non-financial reports (piece)

Number of significant deficiencies of
financial reports (piece)

Number of significant deficiencies of
non-financial reports (piece)

2. Audit or assurance report of internal control


XVII. Rectification on Self-examination Problems Regarding the Special Campaign to
Improve the Governance of Listed Companies

Under relevant requirements of the Announcement on Launching a Special Campaign to Improve the Governance of Listed
Companies (Zheng Jian Hui [2020] No. 69) by China Securities Regulatory Commission (“CSRC”) and the Circular on Launching a
                                                                         Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Special Campaign to Improve the Governance of Listed Companies ( Xiang Zheng Jian Gong Si Zi [2020] No. 31) by Hunan
Regulatory Bureau of CSRC, the Company conscientiously organizes, carefully arranges and actively carries out the special
campaign to improve the governance of listed companies. Through self-examination, self-correction and self-regulation, the
Company has strengthened the endogenous power of corporate governance and improved rules of corporate governance system, thus
a good ecology of corporate governance has established, and a listed company governance structure with each department taking
accountable for their own duties and responsibilities, coordinated operation and effective balances has been further improved, so as to
solidify the foundation of the Company’s high-quality development.
     1. Change of the Board of Directors
     Problems: The Company did not fulfill the deliberation procedures for the change of the Board of Directors on the general
meeting of shareholders as of the self-examination reporting date regarding the special campaign to improve the governance of listed
companies, though the change of the Board of Directors through deliberation had been approved on the 30th meeting of the third
session of the Board of Directors of the Company due to expiration of the third session of the Board of Directors of the Company in
June 2020.
     Rectification: On May 21, 2021, the Company held the 2020 general meeting of shareholders, in which the Company elected
members of the fourth session of the Board of Directors of the Company. On July 5, 2021, the Company held the first meeting of the
fourth session of the Board of Directors, in which the Company elected the chairman of the Board of Directors, formed a new special
committee of the Board of Directors, and appointed senior management, thus completed matters of the change of the Board of
     2. Attendance on meetings including general meeting of shareholders, and meetings of the Board of Directors and the Board of
     Problems: Some directors, supervisors and executives were unable to attend all on-site general meetings of shareholders due to
objective reasons such as the COVID-19.
     Rectification plan: Directors, supervisors and executives will attend (observe) or authorize others to attend general meeting of
shareholders, and meetings of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors in strict accordance with the relevant regulations.
     3. Horizontal competition
     Problems: Mango Media Co., Ltd., acting as the Company’s controlling shareholder, and Hunan Broadcasting System, acting as
the actual controller of the Company, have no horizontal competitions between each other, and have made written commitment on
matters related to horizontal competition with the listed company to avoid horizontal competition with the listed company. However,
Xiao Xiang Film Group and Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co., Ltd., as subordinate enterprises of Golden Eagle Broadcasting
System which is the integrated operating company of the actual controller Hunan Broadcasting System, have operated similar
businesses with the listed company.
     Reasons: In accordance with relevant notices and replied approvals issued by the General Office of the CPC Hunan Provincial
Committee, the General Office of the People’s Government of Hunan Province and the Special Panel for Reform of Hunan Provincial
Cultural System from 2018, the CPC Hunan Provincial Committee and the People’s Government of Hunan Province proposed to
reorganize the CPC Committee of Golden Eagle Broadcasting System to universally lead Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, Xiao
Xiang Film Group and Hunan Broadcasting Internet Holding Group. It was agreed that Xiao Xiang Film Group and Hunan
Broadcasting Internet Holding Group were merged into Golden Eagle Broadcasting System to be its wholly-owned subsidiaries, and
all institutional assets owned by Hunan Broadcasting System were divested and transferred to Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, so
that the management system of “Two Institutions under the leadership of one CPC committee operating integratedly” can realize, and
Golden Eagle Broadcasting System can further develop. After the integration of Golden Eagle Broadcasting System, Xiao Xiang
Film Group (film and television content production business) and Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co., Ltd. (game business)
under Hunan Broadcasting Internet Holding Group have similar businesses with the listed company.
     Rectification plan: Golden Eagle Broadcasting System has issued written commitment on matters related to horizontal

                                                                       Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

competition with the listed company during the application process of the Company’s 2020 non-public offering, which clearly
describes the plan and schedule for solving the horizontal competition with key details referring to Section VI “I. Performance of

                                                                         Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                     Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Significant Environment Protection Problems

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries are in high pollution industries regulated by the State Department of Environmental
□ Yes √ No
Description of administrative penalties for environmental problems during the Reporting Period

                                                                                              Effects on
      Company or                                                                            production and        Rectification
                       Reasons for penalty     Violation cases        Penalty result
      subsidiaries                                                                         operation of the           measures
                                                                                           listed company

N/A                    N/A                   N/A                  N/A                   N/A                     N/A

Other environment information disclosed with reference to other entities engaged in high pollution industries
Measures taken to reduce its carbon emissions and their effectiveness during the Reporting Period
√ Applicable □ N/A
For details, refer to ESG Report separately disclosed by the Company at www.cninfo.com.cn at the same date.
Reasons for not disclosing other environment information
The Company and its subsidiaries are not in high pollution industries regulated by the State Department of Environmental Protection.
During the Reporting Period, the Company and its subsidiaries receives no penalties due to violation of laws and regulations related
to environment protection.

II. Description of social responsibilities

For details, refer to 2021 Social Responsibility Report separately disclosed by the Company at www.cninfo.com.cn at the same date.

III. Description of consolidating and expanding achievements of poverty eradication and
rural revitalization

For details, refer to 2021 Social Responsibility Report separately disclosed by the Company at www.cninfo.com.cn at the same date.

                                                                                   Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                               Section VI Important Events

         I. Performance of Commitments

         1. Commitments completed during the Reporting Period or not completed as of the end of the Reporting
         Period by actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, purchaser, the Company, or others relating to

         √ Applicable □ N/A

  Sources of
                  Promiser          Type                                    Content                                    Date     Deadline     Performance

made in the
Report or
Equity Change

                                              1. Within thirty-six months of the end of this offering, we will not
                                              transfer the listed company’s shares acquired by us in this
                                              restructuring in any form, including but not limited to the public
                                              transfer through securities market or transfer by agreement, nor
                                              will we entrust others with management of the listed company’s
                                              shares held by us. Within six months of completion of this
                                              restructuring, if the daily closing price of the listed company’s
                                              shares is lower than the issue price for twenty consecutive trading
                                                                                                                                           Fulfilled the
                                              days, or the daily closing price of the listed company’s shares at
                                              the end of a six-month period is lower than the issue price, then
                                                                                                                                           but listing and
Commitments                                   the lock-up period of the listed company’s shares acquired by us
                                Commitments                                                                                                circulating
made at the     Mango Media                   in this restructuring will automatically extended for six months;      July 12, July 12,
                                on Share                                                                                                   procedures for
time of assets Co., Ltd.                      2. The aforesaid share lock-up arrangements shall also apply to        2018     2021
                                Lock-up                                                                                                    restricted shares
restructuring                                 the increase in holdings of consideration shares acquired by us in
                                                                                                                                           not commenced
                                              this restructuring due to placement of shares, bonus share
                                                                                                                                           by the
                                              distribution and capitalization of capital reserve by the listed
                                              company and other reasons within the lock-up period; 3. If the
                                              aforesaid commitments on the lock-up period are inconsistent
                                              with the latest regulatory opinions issued by the securities
                                              regulatory authority, then we agree to make adjustments
                                              accordingly pursuant to the regulatory opinions issued by the
                                              competent securities regulatory authority; after the expiry of the
                                              aforesaid lock-up period, the relevant regulations of CSRC and
                                              Shenzhen Stock Exchange shall apply; 4. If we are suspected of

                                                                   Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                              providing or disclosing any information containing
                              misrepresentations, misleading statements or materials omissions
                              in this transaction and are therefore investigated by the judicial
                              authority or the CSRC, we will not transfer the beneficial interest
                              held by us in the listed company before the investigation
                              conclusion of the case is determined.

                              In order to avoid the horizontal competition with the listed
                              company, Mango Media and Hunan Broadcasting System have
                              respectively issued their own Letter of Commitments on Avoiding
                              Horizontal Competition, undertaking that, during the period of
                              acting as the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the
                              listed company, “1. We and the channels and companies
                              controlled by us are not engaged in any business or activity in any
                              form that competes or would compete with the business of the
                              listed company and/or its controlled companies, directly or
                              indirectly. 2. After completion of this restructuring, we will take
                              and procure the channels and companies controlled by us to take
                              effective measures to avoid: (1) engaging in any business or
                              activities directly or indirectly in any form that competes or
                              would compete with the business of the listed company and/or its
                              controlled companies, or holding any interests or benefits in such
                              business; (2) supporting in any form any other persons other than
                              the listed company and/or its controlled companies in
Hunan          on Avoiding
                              engagement in any business or activity that competes or would
Broadcasting   Horizontal
                              compete with the business being conducted or to be conducted by July 12,
System;        Competition,                                                                                Long-term   Ongoing
                              the listed company and/or its controlled companies. 3. If we and      2018
Mango Media Related-party
                              the channels and companies controlled by us have any
Co., Ltd.      Transactions
                              commercial opportunity to engage, join or participate in any
               and Fund Use
                              business or activity that would compete with the business of the
                              listed company and/or its controlled companies, then the listed
                              company and/or its controlled companies will have a priority with
                              respect to the aforesaid commercial opportunities. 4. If we and
                              the channels and companies controlled by us competes with that
                              of the listed company and its controlled enterprise, then we and
                              the channels and companies controlled by us will cease engaging
                              in any business similar with or identical with the principal
                              business of the listed company and/or its controlled companies to
                              avoid the horizontal competition by stopping conduct of the
                              relevant competitive business, including the relevant competitive
                              business in that of the listed company or transferring the relevant
                              competitive business to any unrelated third party. 5. We agree to
                              bear and be liable for all losses, damage and costs caused to the
                              listed company and/or its controlled companies due to breach of
                              the aforesaid commitments.”

                                                                                 Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                            In order to reduce and regulate the related-party transactions and
                                            safeguard the legal rights and interests of Happigo and minority
                                            shareholders, Hunan Broadcasting System and Mango Media
                                            have issued the Letter of Commitments on Regulating
                                            Related-party Transactions with the contents as follows: we and
                                            the channels and other public institutions or economic
                                            organizations controlled by us will take measures to avoid dealing
                                            with the related-party transactions with the listed company and its
                                            controlled companies as far as possible; regarding the
                                            related-party transactions that cannot be avoided or are definitely
                                            necessary (including but not limited to product transactions,
                             Commitments mutual offer of services/labor and etc.), we undertake that we will
             Hunan           on Avoiding    follow and urge the channels and other public institutions or
             Broadcasting    Horizontal     economic organizations controlled by us to follow the principles
                                                                                                                  July 12,
             System;         Competition,   of market fairness, justice and openness, legally sign agreements                Long-term   Ongoing
             Mango Media Related-party and perform the legal procedures in accordance with the
             Co., Ltd.       Transactions   provisions on the decision-making and abstention of related-party
                             and Fund Use transactions of the relevant laws and regulations, normative
                                            documents and the listed company to guarantee the fairness and
                                            compliance of the related-party transactions, will not harm the
                                            legitimate rights and interests of shareholders of the listed
                                            company and its controlled subsidiaries as well as shareholders of
                                            the listed company through related-party transactions, and will
                                            promptly disclose the information as required by the relevant
                                            laws and regulations and normative documents; we and the
                                            channels and other public institutions or economic organizations
                                            controlled by us will eliminate any illegal use of assets and funds
                                            of the listed company. If aforesaid commitments are breached, we
                                            are willing to assume all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.

             ial Fund
             Co., Ltd.;                     The shares purchased by the issuance target shall not be
             Zhongou                        transferred within 6 months since end of the issuance. From end
Commitments Asset                           of this issuance to expiry of lock-up period, any shares added to     August     February 24, Performance
                             on Share
made at the Management                      the shares purchased by the issuance target due to bonus issue or 24, 2021 2022              completed
time of IPO or Co., Ltd.;                   share capital converted from capital reserves shall also comply
re-financing China Mobile                   with aforesaid lock-up arrangement.
             Holding Co.,

             Mango           Other          1. During six months prior to the date of board resolution            Decemb
                                                                                                                             Long-term   Ongoing
             Excellent       Commitments concerning this issuance and till today, the Company did not             er 25,

                                                                  Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Media Co.,                   invest in any similar financial business; from the date of issuing     2021
Ltd.                         letter of commitment (December 25, 2020) to the date when the
                             capitals raised this time are totally used or during 36 months after
                             raised capitals are available, the Company undertakes to not add
                             investment in any similar financial business (including capital
                             increase, loan, security and other forms of investment); 2. As at
                             the date of this Announcement, the Company holds 100% of
                             equities of Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd.
                             (hereinafter “Happy Money”), the Company will complete
                             dispose of small loan business of Happy Money through
                             dissolution and liquidation, termination of business or
                             transferring equities to qualified entity within six months after
                             letter of commitments is issued, and the Company will no longer
                             be engaged in small loan business.

                             (1) As at the date of issuing letter of commitments, GBS and
                             channels or enterprises controlled by it have not carried out
                             horizontal competition which has material adverse effect on the
                             Issuer and/or enterprises controlled by it. (2) Within 5 years after
                             completing this Offering, GBS and channels or enterprises
                             controlled by it will settle the issue of horizontal competition
                             concerning the Issuer by various means such as entrusted
                             management, assets restructuring, business
                             adjustment/termination and assets transfer/sale, and implement
                             measures related to business integration, in accordance with laws,
                             policies, articles of association or similar organizational
                             documents of such channels or enterprise, with a view to benefit
                             business development of the Issuer and safeguard benefits of
             on Avoiding
                             shareholders of the Issuer; (3) GBS will, and procure that
             Horizontal                                                                             Septemb
                             channels and enterprises controlled by it will, adopt effective
GBS          Competition,                                                                           er 25,    Long-term   Ongoing
                             measures to: (i) avoid adding other business constituting
             Related-party                                                                          2020
                             horizontal competition with the Issuer and/or enterprises
                             controlled by it before settling existing issue of horizontal
             and Fund Use
                             competition; (ii) not to support any other person in engaging any
                             business or activities which compete or may compete with the
                             business dealt in by the Issuer and/or enterprises controlled by it
                             currently or in future. (4) If GBS and channels or enterprises
                             controlled by it have any business opportunity of carrying out,
                             participating in or holds equities in any business or activity which
                             may compete with the business dealt in by the Issuer and/or
                             enterprises controlled by it, the Issuer and/or enterprises
                             controlled by it shall have preferred rights with respect to such
                             business opportunity. (5) GBS agrees to bear and compensate all
                             losses, damages and expenses incurred by the Issuer and/or
                             enterprises controlled by it due to breach of aforesaid

                                                                    Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                              commitments by GBS.

                              (1) We commit that we will not interfere in the Company’s
                              operation and management activities beyond our authority, nor
                              will we encroach on the Company’s interests; (2) From the date
                              hereof to the completion of the Company’s issuance of A-share
                              shares to specific persons, if securities regulatory authorities such
                              as the CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange make separate
                              provisions or put forward other requirements on the recovery
Hunan                         measures for returns and the commitments thereon, and the above
Broadcasting                  commitments cannot meet such provisions, we will then make                Septemb
System;                       supplementary commitments in accordance with the latest                   er 25,    Long-term   Ongoing
Mango Media                   provisions; (3) We will effectively take relevant recovery                2020
Co., Ltd.                     measures for returns formulated by the Company and fulfill our
                              corresponding commitments on recovery measures for returns.
                              Besides, we will, in case of violating or refusing to fulfill the
                              above commitments, undertake the corresponding obligations of
                              explanation, apology and so on in accordance with the relevant
                              provisions, and will be liable for compensation as appropriate
                              according to law if losses are thus caused to the Company or its

                              (1) I will faithfully and diligently perform my duties and
                              safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and
                              all shareholders; (2) I will not to transfer benefits to other entities
CAI Huaijun;
                              or individuals free of charge or under unfair conditions, nor
HE Jin;
                              otherwise damage the Company’s interests; (3) I will restrict my
                              position-related consumption; (4) I will not use the Company’s
Deping; LIU
                              assets to engage in investing or consumption activities irrelevant
Xin; LIU
                              to performance of my duties; (5) I will procure the linkage of the
Yuhui; LUO
                              compensation system formulated by the board of directors or the
                              remuneration and appraisal assessment committee with the
TANG Liang;
                              implementation of the Company’s recovery measures for returns
WANG Ke;                                                                                                Septemb
               Other          within my legal authority; (6) if the Company subsequently
WU Jun;                                                                                                 er 25,    Long-term   Ongoing
               Commitments implements the equity incentive plan, I will procure the linkage
XIAO Xing;                                                                                              2020
                              of exercise conditions for the Company’s equity incentives to be
                              announced with the implementation of the Company’s recovery
                              measures for returns within my legal authority; (7) from the date
                              hereof to the completion of the Company’s issuance of A-share
                              shares to specific persons, if securities regulatory authorities such
                              as the CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange make separate
                              provisions or put forward other requirements on the recovery
                              measures for returns and the commitments thereon, and the above
                              commitments cannot meet such provisions, I will then make
                              supplementary commitments in accordance with the latest
                              provisions; (8) I will effectively take relevant recovery measures
                                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                 for returns formulated by the Company and fulfill my
                                 corresponding commitments on recovery measures for returns.
                                 Besides, I will, in case of violating or refusing to fulfill the above
                                 commitments, undertake the corresponding obligations of
                                 explanation, apology and so on in accordance with the relevant
                                 provisions, and will be liable for compensation as appropriate
                                 according to law if losses are thus caused to the Company or its

                                 (1) If it intends to reduce the shares of the Company held by it
                                 after expiry of lock-up period, it shall reduce according to
                                 relevant laws, and make announcement through the Company 3
                                 trading days before reducing. The total number of shares of the
                                 Company reduced by it within two years after expiry of lock-up
                                 period shall not exceed 5% of total shares held by it at the time of
                                 IPO, and the price at which shares are reduced shall not be less
Mango Media                      than 100% of price of IPO. If shares are reduced two years after         January
                 on Reducing                                                                                         Long-term   Ongoing
Co., Ltd.                        expiry of lock-up period, the price at which shares are reduced          21, 2015
                                 through call auction trading system of securities exchange shall
                                 not be less than closing price of shares in the trading day
                                 immediately preceding the share reduction announcement day. (2)
                                 The period of share reduction is six months after announcing
                                 reduction plan; if intending to continue to reduce shareholding
                                 after expiry of aforesaid period, the reduction plan shall be
                                 announced again according to aforesaid arrangement.

                                 Hongyi Investment Industry Phase I Fund (Tianjin) (L.P.)                                        Mianyang Fund
Hongyi                           (“Hongyi Investment”), Mianyang Science and Technology                                        and Hongshan
Investment                       Industry Investment Fund (L.P.) (“Mianyang Fund”), Tianjin                                    Capital
Industry Phase                   Hongshan Capital Investment Fund Center (L.P.) (“Hongshan                                      disclosed on
I Fund                           Capital”), as other existing shareholders of the Company, make                                 November 19,
(Tianjin)                        the following commitments with respect to the intention to reduce                               2016 and
(L.P.);                          shareholdings: (1) We will not transfer or entrust others with                                  Hongyi
Mianyang                         management of any pre-IPO shares of the issuer held by us, nor                                  Investment
Science and                      propose the repurchase of such shares by the Company within                                     disclosed on
Technology                       twelve months from the listing date of the issuer. (2) If we intend January January 21, December 10,
                 on Reducing
Industry                         to reduce our shareholdings in the Company after the expiry of           21, 2015 2018          2016 the
Investment                       the lock-up period of shares held by us in the Company, we will                                 Announcement
Fund (L.P.);                     legally do same, and make a public announcement within three                                    on Prompt of
Tianjin                          trading days prior to reduction through the Company. The                                        Shareholdings
Hongshan                         shareholdings of Hongyi Investment, Mianyang Fund, Hongshan                                     Reduction Plan
Capital                          Capital we reduce in aggregate within two years after the expiry                                for Shareholders
Investment                       of the lock-up period will equal to the issuer’s shares held in total                          Holding 5% or
Fund Center                      by us and the reduction price will not lower than 80% of the IPO                                More of Shares
(L.P.)                           price of the Company. The reduction period will be six months                                   Prior to IPO
                                 after the public announcement of the reduction plan, and if we                                  through the
                                                                   Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                              continue to reduce our shareholdings after expiry of the reduction                             Company, and
                              period, we will make the public announcement anew in                                           as of the end of
                              accordance with the aforesaid arrangements. During the period                                  2017, all of
                              from the listing of the Company’s shares until reduction of                                   them have
                              shareholdings, if the Company has paid dividends, given bonus                                  completed
                              shares, capitalized capital reserve, issued new shares or had other                            reduction of
                              ex-right and ex-dividend matters, the floor reduction price and                                their
                              number of reduced shares will be adjusted accordingly. If the                                  shareholdings.
                              Company’s shareholders fail to fulfill these commitments, the
                              proceeds from reduction of shareholdings in the Company will
                              belong to the listed Company.

                              The Company commits to improving the profit distribution
                              system, in particular cash dividends policy. The Company
                              improved the Articles of Associations (Draft) at the 1st
                              extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2014, stipulating
                              the Company’s profit distribution policy, the procedures of
                              decision-making and implementation of the profit distribution
                              policy, preparation and adjustment mechanism of the profit
Mango          Commitments
                              distribution policy, and the plan for shareholders’ dividend returns
Excellent      on                                                                                     January
                              in order to enhance the protection over minority shareholders.                     Long-term   Ongoing
Media Co.,     Distributing                                                                           21, 2015
                              The Articles of Associations (Draft) further defines the
Ltd.           Dividends
                              Company’s profit distribution, especially the specific conditions,
                              percentages, and forms of the cash dividend distribution as well
                              as the conditions of the bonus share distribution, and clarifies that
                              the cash dividends are superior to bonus shares; and the Company
                              prepared the Plan on Dividend Returns for the Coming Three
                              Years of Happigo Inc. to further implement the profit distribution

                              (I) Commitments on avoiding horizontal competition: 1.
                              Controlling Shareholder: Mango Media, as the controlling
                              shareholder of the Company, issued the Letter of Commitments on
                              Avoiding Horizontal Competition. (1) Mango Media and its other
                              subordinate enterprises other than the Issuer are not engaged in
                              any business or activity in any form that competes or would
Hunan          on Avoiding
                              compete with the business of the Issuer and/or its subordinate
Broadcasting   Horizontal
                              enterprises directly or indirectly. (2) Mango Media will take and       January
System;        Competition,                                                                                      Long-term   Ongoing
                              procure any enterprises controlled by Mango Media to take               21, 2015
Mango Media Related-party
                              effective measures to avoid: (A) engaging in any business or
Co., Ltd.      Transactions
                              activities directly or indirectly in any form that competes or
               and Fund Use
                              would compete with the business of the issuer and/or its
                              subordinate enterprises directly or indirectly, or holding any
                              interests or benefits in such business; (B) supporting any other
                              persons other than the Issuer and/or its subordinate enterprises in
                              any form in engagement in any business or activity that competes
                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

or would compete with the business being conducted or to be
conducted by the Issuer and/or its subordinate enterprises. (3) If
Mango Media and its subordinate enterprises have any
commercial opportunity to engage, join or participate in any
business or activity that would compete with the business of the
Issuer and/or its subordinate enterprises, then the Issuer and/ its
subordinate enterprises will have a priority with respect to the
aforesaid commercial opportunities. (4) Mango Media, as the
shareholder of the Issuer, will not engage in any business or
activity that damages or would damage the interests of the Issuer
and/or its subordinate enterprises by utilizing the status of the
shareholder, the rights to which the shareholder is entitled and the
information obtained according to the relevant laws, regulations
and the Articles of Association, including but not limited to the
trade secrets of the Issuer and/or its subordinate enterprises.
Mango Media agrees to bear and be liable for all losses, damage
and costs caused to the Issuer and its subordinate enterprises due
to breach of the aforesaid commitments. 2. Commitments on
avoiding horizontal competition and constraint measures of the
actual controller: (1) Letter of Overall Commitments issued by
Hunan Broadcasting System: On March 29, 2012, Hunan
Broadcasting System, as the actual controller of the Company,
issued the Letter of Commitments on Avoiding Horizontal
Competition, undertaking that: ① Hunan Broadcasting System
and its subordinate enterprises (excluding the Issuer) are not
engaged in any business or activity in any form that competes or
would compete with the business of the Issuer and/or its
subordinate enterprises directly or indirectly. ② Hunan
Broadcasting System will take and procure any enterprises
controlled by Hunan Broadcasting System to take effective
measures to avoid: (A) engaging in any business or activities
directly or indirectly in any form that competes or would compete
with the business of the Issuer and/or its subordinate enterprises
directly or indirectly, or holding any interests or benefits in such
business; (B) supporting any other persons other than the Issuer
and/or its subordinate enterprises in any form in engagement in
any business or activity that competes or would compete with the
business being conducted or to be conducted by the Issuer and/or
its subordinate enterprises. ③ If Hunan Broadcasting System
and its subordinate enterprises have any commercial opportunity
to engage, join or participate in any business or activity that
would compete with the business of the Issuer and/or its
subordinate enterprises, then the Issuer and/or its subordinate
enterprises will have a priority with respect to the aforesaid

                                                                               Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                          commercial opportunities. Mango Media agrees to bear and be
                                          liable for all losses, damage and costs caused to the Issuer and its
                                          subordinate enterprises due to breach of the aforesaid
                                          commitments. Hunan Broadcasting System agrees to bear and be
                                          liable for all losses, damage and costs caused to the issuer and its
                                          subordinate enterprises due to breach of the aforesaid
                                          commitments. (II) Letter of Commitments on Avoiding Fund Use:
                                          The controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the
                                          Company undertake that: they will strictly comply with the
                                          provisions of the laws, regulations, normative documents and the
                                          Company’s relevant rules and systems, not appropriate or use the
                                          Company’s assets or resources in any form, nor do anything
                                          directly or indirectly which harms or would harm the interests of
                                          the Company and other shareholders. If the rights and interests of
                                          the Company or other shareholders are harmed due to violations
                                          of the aforesaid commitments and undertakings, the controlling
                                          shareholders and actual controllers will be liable for
                                          compensation according to law.

on equity

made to the

Fulfill the
commitments Yes
on time or not

            2. Explanation of the original profit estimate with respect to the assets or projects of the Company and
            reasons for realization if the Company makes a profit estimate for its assets or projects which is still in
            progress during the Reporting Period

            □ Applicable √ N/A

            II. Appropriation of non-operating funds of the Listed Company by the controlling
            shareholder and other related parties

            √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                    In: RMB0’000

                                                                                                Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                                            New                                                               Balance as
                                                                        Proportion     Total                    Proportion
                 Type of                         Openi appropriat                                                               of the                                Estimated
                           Appropr Reason for                             of the     repayments                   of the                    Estimated    Estimated
Shareholder related                                ng     ed amount                                   Closing                 disclosure                              repayment
                            iation appropriati                            latest     during the                   latest                    repayment repayment
 s or related relations                          balanc during the                                    balance                 date of the                               time
                            period         on                           audited net Reporting                   audited net                  method       amount
     parties       hip                             e      Reporting                                                             annual                                 (month)
                                                                          assets       Period                     assets
                                                           Period                                                               report

Mamma Mia                            Borrowing
Interactive                          s for
Entertainme Others         5 years   production 262.97              0       0.00%                 0    262.97       0.02%         262.97                     262.97 May 2026
nt                                   and
Technology                           operation
Co., Ltd.

Total                                            262.97             0       0.00%                 0    262.97       0.02%         262.97        --           262.97      --

                                                 In order to support the business development of Shanghai Mamma Mia Interactive Entertainment Technology Co.,
Relevant decision procedures                     Ltd. (“Mamma Mia”) which was originally a wholly-owned subsidiary of Happy News, Mamma Mia would be
                                                 supported with liquidity from Happy News through Happy News’ internal approval and decision-making process.

Reasons for new appropriation of
non-operating funds by controlling
shareholders and other related parties and
description of the responsible persons’
accountability and proposed measures by
the Board of Directors in the current period

Reasons for failure to settle appropriated       In December 2016, Happy News transferred 70% of the equity shares of Mamma Mia externally (to noncontrolling
non-operating funds as planned, and              shareholders and their affiliates), so that Mamma Mia was no longer included in the scope of consolidation of
description of accountability and proposed       Happy News. At present, Happy News still holds 24.25% of the equity shares of Mamma Mia. In order to ensure
measures by the Board of Directors in the        stable development of Mamma Mia, Happy News and Mamma Mia signed Repayment Plan, which stipulates
current period                                   monthly repayment of RMB 50,000 since January 2022, until the loan is paid off.

                                                 Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP believes that the summary sheet prepared by management of Mango
                                                 Excellent Media complies with the provisions of Guideline No. 8 on Regulation of Listed Companies – Regulatory
Special review opinions on appropriation of Requirements on Fund Transfer and External Guarantee of Listed Companies (CSRC Announcement (2022) No.
funds given by accounting firm                   26) and Guideline No. 1 on Self-discipline Regulation of Companies Listed at the Growth Enterprise Market of the
                                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange – Business Handling (SZS (2022) No. 28) in all material aspects, truly reflecting
                                                 appropriation of non-operating funds and transfer of other related capitals of Mango Excellent Media in 2021.

Reasons for inconsistency between
appropriation of non-operating funds by the
controlling shareholder and other related        N/A
parties disclosed in the Company’s annual
report and that in the special audit opinion

                                                                          Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

III. External Guarantees in Violation of Regulations

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no external guarantees in violation of regulations during the Reporting Period.

IV. Explanations from the Board of Directors for the “Modified Auditor’s Report” Issued
Most Recently

□ Applicable √ N/A

V. Explanations from the Board, the Board of Supervisors, the Independent Directors (if any)
for the “Modified Auditor’s Report” Issued by the Engaged Accounting Firm During the
Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ N/A

VI. Explanation from the Board for Reasons and Effects of Accounting Policies and
Accounting Estimate Change and Significant Accounting Mistake Correction

√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. Reasons for changes
On December 7, 2018, the Ministry of Finance issued the Notice on Issuing the Revised Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 21 - Leases (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 35), requiring that enterprises listed concurrently at home and abroad and
enterprises that are listed abroad and prepare financial statements by adopting the International Financial Reporting Standards or the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises shall implement the revised standards as of January 1, 2019; other that adopt the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises shall implement the same as of January 1, 2021. As a domestic listed company, the
Company shall implement the said revised standards from January 1, 2020, and adjust the original accounting policies accordingly.
     2. Accounting policies before this change
Before this change, the Company implemented its accounting policies in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises - Basic Standards issued by the Ministry of Finance as well as the specific accounting standards, the application
guidelines, and interpretations to accounting standards for business enterprises and other relevant provisions.
     3. Accounting policies after this change
After this change, the Company will implement the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21
- Leases revised by the Ministry of Finance on December 7, 2018. In addition to the above accounting policy changes, the remaining
unchanged parts are still implemented in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises – Basic Standards
issued by the Ministry of Finance previously, as well as the specific accounting standards, the application guidelines, and
interpretations to accounting standards for business enterprises and other relevant provisions.
     4. Effects of Change
The Company has implemented the new leasing standard since January 1, 2021. In accordance with the provisions for the transition
from the old standard to the new standard, the Company may adjust the opening amounts of relevant items of the financial statements
based on the cumulative effect of the first implementation of the standard, and cannot make any adjustments on information for the
comparable periods. This change in accounting policies will bring no significant impacts on the Company’s financial position,
operation results and cash flows.

                                                                           Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

VII. Explanation for Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements Comparing
with Those in Prior Year

√ Applicable □ N/A
During the Reporting Period, Hainan E.E. Media Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Mango Universe Culture and Entertainment Co., Ltd. are
newly established, while Happigo (Beijing) New Media Technology Co., Ltd.and Hangzhou Hemei Interactive Entertainment
Technology Co., Ltd. are deregistered; and shares of Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd., are transferred out in 100%, while
shares of Shenzhen Zhonghe Boao Technology Development Co., Ltd. are acquired in 100%. For details, see “VIII. Changes in
Scope of Consolidation in Section X Financial Report” hereof.

VIII. Engagement and Dismissal of the Accounting Firm

Current certified public accountants

Domestic certified public accountants                                                    Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP

Remuneration paid to the domestic certified public accountants
(in RMB0’000)

Audit period of the domestic accounting firm                                                                                     6

Name of the engaged certified public accountants                                                           LIU Gangyue, ZHANG Hong

Audit period of the engaged certified public accountants                       1 year for LIU Gangyue and 4 years for ZHANG Hong

Whether the certified public accountant is changed
□ Yes √ No
Description of engaging certified public accountants, financial adviser, or sponsor for internal control
√ Applicable □ N/A
During the year, the Company engaged China International Capital Corporation Limited as its sponsor due to non-public offering of
stocks, and paid RMB14 million in total as the underwriting fees in such period.

IX. Delisting Subsequent to the Disclosure of the Annual Report

□ Applicable √ N/A

X. Bankruptcy and Reorganization

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no matters with respect to bankruptcy and reorganization during the Reporting Period.

XI. Material Litigation or Arbitration

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company involves in no material litigation or arbitration during the Reporting Period.

                                                                                        Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

         XII. Penalty and Rectification

         □ Applicable √ N/A
         The Company has no penalty and rectification during the Reporting Period.

         XIII. Integrity of the Company and Its Controlling Shareholders and actual controllers

         □ Applicable √ N/A

         XIV. Significant Related-party Transactions

         1. Related-party transactions related to daily operations

         √ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                               Approv                        Availabl
                                                                                    Proporti     ed                                e
                                                                       Amount                              the
                   Related                           Pricing                         on of     trading             Mode of market
                                                                         (in                             approve                         Disclos
Related party       party        Type     Content principl     Price                similar amount                 settleme price of                  Disclosure index
                                                                       RMB0’                              d                             ure date
                 relationship                           e                           trading      (in                    nt   similar
                                                                        000)                             amount
                                                                                    amount RMB0’                            transacti
                                                                                                         or not
                                                                                                000)                             ons

                                                                                                                                                    Published at
                 common         Accepta
Golden Eagle                                                                                                                             April      http://www.cninfo.co
                 control of     nce of    Copyrig Market 73,295.       73,295.                                     By        73,295.
Broadcasting                                                                         7.40% 70,031 Yes                                    26,        m.cn; Announcement
                 the same       labor     ht, etc.   pricing 92                92                                  transfer 92
System                                                                                                                                   2021       Titles: Announcement
                 actual         service
                                                                                                                                                    on the Occurrence of
                 Under                                                                                                                              Transactions
                 common         Renderi Advertis                                                                                                    Concerning Daily
Golden Eagle                                                                                                                             April
                 control of     ng of     ing        Market 168,414 168,414                                        By        168,414                Operations in 2020
Broadcasting                                                                        10.97% 151,200 Yes                                   26,
                 the same       labor     release, pricing .52             .52                                     transfer .52                     and Estimation of
System                                                                                                                                   2021
                 actual         service etc.                                                                                                        Related-party
                 controller                                                                                                                         Transactions
Yunhong          Company                                                                                                                            Concerning Daily
Communicatio materially                   Advertis                                                                                       April      Operations in 2021,
                                ng of                Market 76,596.        76,                                     By        76,
n Technology affected by                  ing                                        4.99% 77,900 None                                   26,        Announcement on
                                labor                pricing 83         596.83                                     transfer 596.83
(Guangzhou)      the actual               release                                                                                        2021       Increasing the
Co., Ltd.        controller                                                                                                                         Estimated Amount of
Hunan TV         Under
                                Renderi                                                                                                             transactions
Business         common                   Advertis                                                                                       April
                                ng of                Market 67,343.    67,343.                                     By        67,343.                Concerning Daily
Operation        control of               ing                                        4.39% 66,458 Yes                                    26,
                                labor                pricing 87                87                                  transfer 87                      Operations in 2021,
Development the same                      release                                                                                        2021
                                service                                                                                                             and Announcement on
Co., Ltd.        actual

                                                                                                Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                    controller                                                                                                                                Adjusting the
                                                                                                                                                              Estimated Amount of
                                   Renderi                                                                                                                    transactions
  MIGU Culture Sharing the                                                                                                                       April
                                   ng of     Operator Market 165,053 165,053                                           By           165,053                   Concerning Daily
  Technology        key                                                                     10.75% 170,000 None                                  26,
                                   labor     revenue pricing .22                      .22                              transfer .22                           Operations with
  Co., Ltd.         manager                                                                                                                      2021
                                   service                                                                                                                    MIGU Culture
                                                                                                                                                              Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                              in 2021

  Total                                                     --          --                     --    535,589     --         --           --            --                  --

  Details of return of goods in large sales              None.

  Actual performance during the reporting
  period (if any) in the event that the total
  amount of the daily related-party transactions None.
  to occur in the current period is expected by

  Reasons for the large difference between the
  trading price and the market reference price (if N/A

            2. Related-party transactions related to acquisition or disposal of assets and equities

            √ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                             Carrying Appraisal
                                                                             amount of value of      Transfer
                      Related                                                                                                profit or
                                                                 Pricing     transferre transferre     price    Mode of                       Disclosur
Related Party          party        Type        Content                                                                           loss                        Disclosure index
                                                                 principle    d assets      d assets (RMB0’0 settlement                        e date
                  relationship                                                                                              (RMB0’0
                                                                             (RMB0’0 (RMB0’0          00)
                                                                                00)          00)

                                                                                                                                                            Published at the
                                             100% equity                                                                                                    official website of
                                             shares of                                                                                                      cninfo;
Mango Media Parent                 Equity    Hunan Happy Appraisal                                              By                            June 25,      Announcement on
                                                                              30,347.9 30,424.97 30,424.97                          77.07
Co., Ltd.         company          transfer Money            value                                              transfer                      2021          Transfer of 100%
                                             Microfinance                                                                                                   Equity Shares of a
                                             Co., Ltd.                                                                                                      Wholly-owned

Reasons for significant difference between transfer
price and carrying amount or appraisal value (if any)

Impact on the Company’s operating results and               An amount of RMB770,700 was recognized for investment income from equity transfer at the
financial situation                                          level of consolidated financial statements, accounting for 0.04% of the net profit in the

                                                                                    Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                                      consolidated statements.

The performance realization during the Reporting
Period if the related party transaction involves      None.
performance agreement

         3. Related-party transactions related to joint external investment

         □ Applicable √ N/A
         The Company has no related-party transactions related to joint external investment during the Reporting Period.

         4. Credits and debits with related parties

         √ Applicable □ N/A
         Where there is any non-operating credits and debits with related parties
         □ Yes √ No
         The Company has no non-operating credits and debits with related parties during the Reporting Period.

         5. Transactions with finance companies having related-party relationship

         □ Applicable √ N/A
         The Company has no deposit, loan, credit facility or other financial business with finance companies having related-party
         relationship and related parties.

         6. Transactions between finance companies controlled by the Company and related parties

         □ Applicable √ N/A
         Finance companies controlled by the Company have no deposit, loan, credit facility or other financial business with related parties.

         7. Other significant related-party transactions

         □ Applicable √ N/A
         The Company has no other significant related-party transactions during the Reporting Period.

         XV. Significant Contracts and Performances Thereof

         1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

         (1) Trusteeship

         □ Applicable √ N/A
         The Company has no trusteeship during the Reporting Period.

                                                                           Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no contracting during the Reporting Period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no lease during the Reporting Period.

2. Significant guarantee

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no guarantee during the Reporting Period.

3. Cash asset management by others under entrustment

(1) Entrusted financing

√ Applicable □ N/A
Overview of entrusted financing during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                           In RMB0’000

                                                                                                                     Impaired amount of
                        Capital sources of    Amount of entrusted                             Amount overdue
    Specific type                                                        Undue balance                               financing overdue
                        entrusted financing         financing                                and not recovered
                                                                                                                     and not recovered

Bank financing
                       Raised funds                         182,000                178,000                       0                       0

Bank financing
                       Own funds                            163,000                163,000                       0                       0

Total                                                       345,000                341,000                       0                       0

Details of high-risk entrusted financing with significant single amount or poor security and liquidity.
□ Applicable √ N/A
Expected unavailability to recover the principal or other situations that may lead to impairment with respect to entrusted financing
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Entrusted loans

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no entrusted loan during the Reporting Period.

                                                                       Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

4. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no other significant contracts during the Reporting Period.

XVI. Description of Other Significant Matters

√ Applicable □ N/A
During the Reporting Period, 100% of the equity in Mango Studios Cultural Co., Ltd., Hunan Mango Entertainment Co., Ltd., and
Shanghai Mangofun Technology Co., Ltd., as wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company, were transferred to Hunan Happy
Sunshine Interactive Entertainment Media Co., Ltd., another wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.

XVII. Description of Significant Matters of the Company’s Subsidiaries

□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                                  Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                  Section VII Share Changes and Information of Shareholders

        I. Share changes

        1. Share changes

                                                                                                                                    Unit: share

                                  Before this change                 Increase or decrease this time (+,-)                      After this change

                                                 Proporti                Bonus
                                  Quantity                  New shares             of capital       Others   Sub-total       Quantity       Proportion
                                                   on                    shares

I. Restricted share              849,020,857 47.69%         90,343,304        0                 0        0   90,343,304      939,364,161       50.21%

1. Shareholdings by the state                0     0.00%             0        0                 0        0               0              0        0.00%

2. Shareholdings by the
                                 849,019,732 47.69%         60,228,869        0                 0        0   60,228,869      909,248,601       48.60%
state-owned legal persons

3. Other shareholdings by
                                       1,125       0.00%    30,114,435        0                 0        0   30,114,435       30,115,560         1.61%
domestic investors

Including: shareholdings by
                                             0     0.00%    30,114,435        0                 0        0   30,114,435       30,114,435         1.61%
domestic legal persons

Shareholdings by domestic
                                       1,125       0.00%             0        0                 0        0               0         1,125         0.00%
natural persons

4. Shareholdings by foreign
                                             0     0.00%             0        0                 0        0               0              0        0.00%

Including: shareholdings by
                                             0     0.00%             0        0                 0        0               0              0        0.00%
overseas legal persons

Shareholdings by overseas
                                             0     0.00%             0        0                 0        0               0              0        0.00%
natural persons

II. Unrestricted share           931,356,654 52.31%                  0        0                 0        0               0   931,356,654       49.79%

1. RMB ordinary share            931,356,654 52.31%                  0        0                 0        0               0   931,356,654       49.79%

2. Domestic listed foreign
                                             0     0.00%             0        0                 0        0               0              0        0.00%

3. Overseas listed foreign
                                             0     0.00%             0        0                 0        0               0              0        0.00%

4. Others                                    0     0.00%             0        0                 0        0               0              0        0.00%

III. Total                      1,780,377,511 100.00%       90,343,304        0                 0        0   90,343,304 1,870,720,815         100.00%

                                                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

    Reason for share changes
    √ Applicable □ N/A
    In accordance with the CSRC’s Official Reply on Approving the Registration of Share Offering to Specific Persons by Mango
    Excellent Media (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2021] No. 2105), the Company issued 90,343,304 RMB ordinary shares to three specific
    persons, namely Zhongyi Capital Holding Group Limited, Lombarda China Fund Management Co.,Ltd., and Aegon-industrial Fund
    Management Co., Ltd., for which Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP made an audit for verification and issued a Capital
    Verification Report (Tian Jian Yan [2021] No. 2-29). The above shares were listed on the GEM of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on
    August 24, 2021, with a six-month lock-up period commencing from the date of listing of the additional shares. Upon completion of
    this offering, the Company’s shares have increased from 1,780,377,511 shares to 1,870,720,815 shares.
    Approval of share changes
    √ Applicable □ N/A
    On June 24, 2021, the Company received CSRC’s Official Reply on Approving the Registration of Share Offering to Specific Persons
    by Mango Excellent Media (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2021] No. 2105), which approved: 1. it was approved the Company’s registration
    application for share offering to specific persons; 2. the Company’s shares to be issued this time shall be offered in strict accordance
    with the reporting documents and the issue plan submitted to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange; 3. this approval is valid for 12 months
    from the date of approval of registration; 4. in case of any significant matters arising from the Company between the date of approval
    of registration and date of the end of this issuance, the Company shall report to Shenzhen Stock Exchange in a timely manner and
    deal with such matters in accordance with relevant regulations.
    Description of registration of share changes
    √ Applicable □ N/A
    The Company issued 90,343,304 RMB ordinary shares to three specific persons, namely Zhongyi Capital Holding Group Limited,
    Lombarda China Fund Management Co.,Ltd., and Aegon-industrial Fund Management Co., Ltd., which were listed on the GEM of
    the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on August 24, 2021, with a six-month lock-up period commencing from the date of listing of the
    additional shares.
    Effect of share changes on financial indicators in the most recent year and the most recent period, such as basic earnings per share,
    diluted earnings per share, net assets per share attributable to the Company’s shareholders of ordinary shares
    □ Applicable √ N/A
    Other information that the Company deemed as necessary, or security regulators require to be disclosed
    □ Applicable √ N/A

    2. Restricted share changes

    √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                         Unit: share

                                              Increase in         Restricted
                              Opening          restricted       shares released                                                Date of proposed release of
 Name of shareholders                                                                 restricted     Reasons for restriction
                           restricted shares shares for the     for the current                                                         restriction
                                             current period         period

                                                                                                    Additional restricted      The lock-up period was
                                                                                                    shares in offering of      expired on July 12, 2021,
Mango Media Co., Ltd.          849,019,732                  0                     0   849,019,732
                                                                                                    shares for purchasing      but the listing and
                                                                                                    assets                     circulating procedures of the

                                                Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                                                                       restricted shares are not
                                                                                       applied for.

                                                              Additional restricted    As the lock-up period was
Zhongyi Capital                                               shares in offering of    expired on February 24,
                           0   60,228,869   0    60,228,869
Holding Group Limited                                         A-share shares to        2022, these shares have
                                                              specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.

Industrial and
Commercial Bank of
                                                              Additional restricted    As the lock-up period was
China Limited -
                                                              shares in offering of    expired on February 24,
Lombarda China Times       0    7,428,228   0     7,428,228
                                                              A-share shares to        2022, these shares have
Pioneer Stock Promoter
                                                              specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.
Securities Investment

Shanghai Pudong
Development Bank Co.,
Ltd – Lombarda China                                         Additional restricted    As the lock-up period was
Innovation Future                                             shares in offering of    expired on February 24,
                           0    4,416,784   0     4,416,784
18-month Closed                                               A-share shares to        2022, these shares have
Operation Hybrid                                              specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.
Securities Investment

China Everbright Bank
Co., Ltd.-Xingquan                                            Additional restricted    As the lock-up period was
Business Model                                                shares in offering of    expired on February
                           0    3,122,979   0     3,122,979
Preferred Hybrid                                              A-share shares to        24,2022, these shares have
Securities Investment                                         specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.
Fund (LOF)

China Merchants Bank
                                                              Additional restricted    As the lock-up period was
Co., Ltd. - Lombarda
                                                              shares in offering of    expired on February 24,
China Internet Pioneer     0    2,810,680   0     2,810,680
                                                              A-share shares to        2022, these shares have
Hybrid Securities
                                                              specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.
Investment Fund

China Merchants Bank
                                                              Additional restricted    As the lock-up period was
Co., Ltd. - Xingquan
                                                              shares in offering of    expired on February 24,
Heyi Flexible Allocation   0    2,411,981   0     2,411,981
                                                              A-share shares to        2022, these shares have
Hybrid Securities
                                                              specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.
Investment Fund (LOF)

China Merchants Bank                                          Additional restricted    As the lock-up period was
Co., Ltd. - Xingquan                                          shares in offering of    expired on February 24,
                           0    2,411,980   0     2,411,980
Herun Hybrid Securities                                       A-share shares to        2022, these shares have
Investment Fund                                               specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.

Industrial and             0    1,561,489   0     1,561,489 Additional restricted      As the lock-up period was

                                                                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Commercial Bank of                                                                                   shares in offering of        expired on February 24,
China Limited -                                                                                      A-share shares to            2022, these shares have
Xingquan Green                                                                                       specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.
Investment Hybrid
Securities Investment
Fund (LOF)

Postal Savings Bank of
China Co., Ltd.-                                                                                     Additional restricted        As the lock-up period was
Lombarda China                                                                                       shares in offering of        expired on February 24,
                                              0      1,003,814                0        1,003,814
Shuangli Debt                                                                                        A-share shares to            2022, these shares have
Securities Investment                                                                                specific persons in 2020 been Listed and circulated.

                                                                                                     4,946,500 shares are
                                                                                                     additional restricted
                                                                                                     shares in offering of        As the lock-up period of
                                                                                                     A-share shares to            4,946,500 shares was
Others                                 1,125         4,946,500                0        4,947,625 specific persons in 2020 expired on February 24,
                                                                                                     and the left 1,125 shares 2022, these shares have
                                                                                                     are restricted shares to     been Listed and circulated.
                                                                                                     directors, supervisors
                                                                                                     and executives.

Total                           849,020,857         90,343,304                0      939,364,161                 --                            --

        II. Shares issuing and listing

        1. Securities issuing during the Reporting Period (excluding preferred shares)

        √ Applicable □ N/A

  Shares and their                      Offering                                       Approved         End date
        derivative       Issue date     price (or        Quantity     Listing date    quantity for         of               Disclosure index
        securities                    interest rate)                                 listing trading transaction


                                                                                                                      For details, refer to
                                                                                                                      Announcement on Offering
 Offering A-share
                       August 3,      49.81                           August 24,                                      A-share Shares to Specific    August 19,
 shares to specific                                      90,343,304                     90,343,304
                       2021           RMB/Share                       2021                                            Persons in 2020 disclosed     2021
 persons in 2020
                                                                                                                      by the Company at

 Convertible corporate bonds, separately traded convertible corporate bonds, corporate bonds

 Other derivative securities

        Description of securities issuing during the Reporting Period (excluding preferred shares)
        In accordance with the CSRC’s Official Reply on Approving the Registration of Share Offering to Specific Persons by Mango
                                                                                      Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

       Excellent Media (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2021] No. 2105), the Company issued 90,343,304 RMB ordinary shares to three specific
       persons, namely Zhongyi Capital Holding Group Limited, Lombarda China Fund Management Co.,Ltd., and Aegon-industrial Fund
       Management Co., Ltd. at a price of RMB49.81 per share, for which Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP made an audit for
       verification and issued a Capital Verification Report (Tian Jian Yan [2021] No. 2-29). The above shares were listed on the GEM of
       the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on August 24, 2021, with a six-month lock-up period commencing from the date of listing of the
       additional shares. Upon completion of this offering, the Company’s shares have increased from 1,780,377,511 shares to

       2. Explanation for changes in the Company’s total shares, shareholder structure, and structure of assets
       and liabilities

       √ Applicable □ N/A
       On August 24, 2021, the Company issued 90,343,304 Renminbi common shares to specific targets at the Growth Enterprise Market
       of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, increasing the Company’s shares from 1,780,377,511 shares to 1,870,720,815 shares.
       Refer to following table for changes of assets and liabilities at the end of reporting period and end of previous year (Unit: RMB):

                      Item                       December 31, 2021              December 31, 2020                 Change at end of this year compared
                                                                                                                       with end of previous year

       Total assets                                     26,110,751,404.90               19,265,699,802.9                                             35.53%

       Total liabilities                                 9,113,587,160.83               8,644,478,556.28                                              5.43%

       3. Current shares subject to employee share ownership plan

       □ Applicable √ N/A

       III. Shareholders and actual controllers

       1. Description of the quantity of the Company’s shareholders and shares held by them

                                                                                                                                               Unit: share

                                                                                               Total preferred
                                ordinary                       Total
                                shareholders                   preferred
                                                                                               with recovered                        Total
Total ordinary                  as of the end                  shareholders
                                                                                               voting rights as                      shareholders
shareholders                    of the month                   with
                       42,998                         57,530                                 0 of the end of the                   0 holding                   0
as of the end                   prior to the                   recovered
                                                                                               month prior to                        special voting
of the period                   disclosure                     voting rights
                                                                                               the disclosure                        right shares
                                date of                        as of the end
                                                                                               date of annual
                                annual                         of the period

                                         Information of shareholders holding 5% or more of shares or top 10 shareholders

   Name of        Nature of     Shareholdin        Closing      Increase or    Quantity of Quantity of                         Pledged, marked or frozen
 shareholders    shareholder g percentage shareholding           decrease       restricted     unrestricted           Status                        Quantity

                                                                         Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                          quantity                 shares held   shares held

Mango Media State-owned                  1,049,300,30
                                56.09%                   0         849,019,732 200,280,569
Co., Ltd.        legal person                        1

Capital          State-owned
                                7.01% 131,188,792 +60,228,869       60,228,869   70,959,923
Holding          legal person
Group Limited

Hunan Caixin
Equity           State-owned
                                5.01%     93,647,857 +93,647,857             0   93,647,857
Investment       legal person

Hong Kong
Clearing                        2.78%     52,033,005 +8,905,437              0   52,033,005
                 legal person

Bank Co., Ltd.
- Xingquan
                 Others         1.20%     22,359,381 +12,964,835     2,411,980   19,947,401
Herun Hybrid

Bank Co., Ltd.
- Xingquan
Heyi Flexible
                 Others         0.96%     17,900,404 +4,811,180      2,411,981   15,488,423
Fund (LOF)

Industrial and
Bank of China
                 Others         0.91%     17,101,103 +14,144,130     7,428,228     9,672,875
Limited -
China Times

                                                                                   Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

Pioneer Stock

Industrial and
Bank of China
Limited -
Green             Others              0.67%     12,582,075 +9,254,137         1,561,489    11,020,586
Fund (LOF)

117 Portfolio
of the Social
                  Others              0.48%      9,049,621 +400,000                    0    9,049,621
Security Fund
of the PRC

Bank Co.,
Ltd.- Fullgoal
12-Month          Others              0.47%      8,853,835 +8,853,835                  0    8,853,835
Period Hybrid

Explanation for
                                There is no related-party relationship or concerted action relationship between the Mango Media Co., Ltd. as the
related-party relationship or
                                controlling shareholder of the Company and other top 10 unrestricted outstanding shareholders; it remains unknown
concerted actions of above
                                whether or not there is a related-party relationship or concerted action relationship among other top 10 shareholders.

Explanation for
entrusted voting rights and
waiver of voting rights
regarding above

                                                      Shareholdings of top 10 unrestricted shareholders

                                                                                   Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                   Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end of the Reporting                           Type
   Name of shareholders
                                                               Period                                            Type                 Quantity

                                                                                                        RMB ordinary
Mango Media Co., Ltd.                                                                    200,280,569                                          200,280,569

Hunan Caixin Jingguo
                                                                                                        RMB ordinary
Equity Investment                                                                          93,647,857                                            93,647,857
Partnership (LP)

Zhongyi Capital Holding                                                                                 RMB ordinary
                                                                                           70,959,923                                            70,959,923
Group Limited                                                                                           shares

Hong Kong Securities                                                                                    RMB ordinary
                                                                                           52,033,005                                            52,033,005
Clearing Company Limited                                                                                shares

China Merchants Bank Co.,
Ltd. - Xingquan Herun                                                                                   RMB ordinary
                                                                                           19,947,401                                            19,947,401
Hybrid Securities                                                                                       shares
Investment Fund

China Merchants Bank Co.,
Ltd. - Xingquan Heyi
                                                                                                        RMB ordinary
Flexible Allocation Hybrid                                                                 15,488,423                                            15,488,423
Securities Investment Fund

Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China Limited -
                                                                                                        RMB ordinary
Xingquan Green Investment                                                                  11,020,586                                            11,020,586
Hybrid Securities
Investment Fund (LOF)

Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China Limited -
                                                                                                        RMB ordinary
Lombarda China Times                                                                        9,672,875                                             9,672,875
Pioneer Stock Promoter
Securities Investment Fund

117 Portfolio of the Social                                                                             RMB ordinary
                                                                                            9,049,621                                             9,049,621
Security Fund of the PRC                                                                                shares

Industrial Bank Co., Ltd.-
Fullgoal Xingyuan Preferred
                                                                                                        RMB ordinary
12-Month Holding Period                                                                     8,853,835                                             8,853,835
Hybrid Securities
Investment Fund

Explanation for
                                There is no related-party relationship or concerted action relationship between the Mango Media Co., Ltd. as the
related-party relationship or
                                controlling shareholder of the Company and other top 10 unrestricted outstanding shareholders; it remains unknown
concerted actions between
                                whether or not there is a related-party relationship or concerted action relationship among top 10 unrestricted outstanding
top 10 unrestricted
                                                                                     Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

outstanding shareholders,     shareholders and between top 10 unrestricted outstanding shareholders and top 10 shareholders.
and between top 10
unrestricted outstanding
shareholders and top 10

       Whether the Company has made arrangement for voting right differences
       □ Applicable √ N/A
       Whether the Company’s top 10 ordinary shareholders and top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders have engaged in an agreed
       repurchase transaction during the Reporting Period
       □ Yes √ No
       The Company’s top 10 ordinary shareholders and top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders have no agreed repurchase transaction
       during the Reporting Period.

       2. The Company’s controlling shareholder

       Nature of the controlling shareholder: local state-owned holding company
       Type of the controlling shareholder: legal person

              Controlling     representative/         Date of
                                                                      Organization code                    Principal activities
              shareholder          responsible    incorporation

                                                                                           Planning, production and operation of radio and
                                                                                           television programs; investments in culture, sports,
                                                                                           entertainment, media, technology, internet and
                                                                                           other industries by self-owned funds (excluding
                                                                                           national financial supervision and financial credit
       Mango Media Co.,                                                                    businesses such as deposit absorption, fund
                              ZHANG Huali July 10, 2007           914300006707880875
       Ltd.                                                                                collection, entrusted loans, notes, and loans
                                                                                           issuance); advertising planning, production and
                                                                                           operation; multimedia technology development
                                                                                           and operation. (Projects required for legal approval
                                                                                           shall be operated on the premise of being approved
                                                                                           by relevant authorities)

       Change of the controlling shareholder during the Reporting Period
       □ Applicable √ N/A
       The Company has not changed the controlling shareholder during the Reporting Period.

       3. The Company’s actual controller and its acting-in-concert parties

       Nature of the actual controller: local state capital management institution
       Type of the controlling shareholder: legal person

               Actual controller              Legal         Date of         Organization code                   Principal activities

                                                                           Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                               representativ    incorporation

                                                                                        Broadcasting news and other information,
                                                                                        and television programs to promote social,
                                                                                        economic and cultural development; news,
                                                                                        thematic, literary, and artistic broadcasts,
                                                                                        consulting services, advertising,
                              GONG             January 25,                              broadcasting technical services,
Hunan Broadcasting System                                       12430000444877954G
                              Zhengwen         2010                                     broadcasting research, broadcast business
                                                                                        training, publishing and distribution of
                                                                                        audiovisual products, television program
                                                                                        production, television programs
                                                                                        broadcasting and rebroadcasting, television
                                                                                        industry business, and television research.

Equity of other domestic and According to the guideline of the Hunan Provincial CPC Committee and Hunan Provincial
oversea listed companies      Government for the integration and reform of Hunan Broadcasting System, despite a related
controlled by the actual      relationship between Hunan Broadcasting System and Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co.,
controller during the         Ltd., the actual controller, and its subordinate companies hold no shares in Hunan TV & Broadcast
Reporting Period              Intermediary Co., Ltd.

Change of the actual controller during the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has not changed the actual controller during the Reporting Period
Block diagram for the ownership and controlling relationship between the Company and the actual controller

                                                   Hunan Broadcasting System

                                                                     100% shares

                                                      Mango Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                      56.09 % shares

                                               Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd..

The Company is controlled by the actual controller through trust funds or other asset management methods
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                       Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

4. The controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder of the Company and its acting-in-concert parties
have pledged 80% of the number of shares held by them

□ Applicable √ N/A

5. Other legal person shareholders with more than 10% shares in the Company

□ Applicable √ N/A

6. Restriction on reduction of shares to the controlling shareholder, the actual controller, the restructuring
party, and other committed entity

□ Applicable √ N/A

IV. Practical implementation of share repurchase during the reporting period

Implementation progress of share repurchase
□ Applicable √ N/A
Progress of reducing repurchased shares by means of centralized auction trading
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                   Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                                    Section VIII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no preferred shares during the Reporting Period.

                                  Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. Annual Report 2021

                       Section IX Bonds

□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                          Section X Financial Report

I. Auditor’s Report

Audit opinion                                                         Unmodified Opinion

Signing date of audit report                                          April 21, 2022

Auditor                                                               Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP

Auditor’s report document number                                     Tian Jian Shen [2022] No. 2-191

Name of certified public accountants                                  LIU Gangyue and ZHANG Hong

                                                            Auditor’s Report
To all shareholders of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.:
     I. Audit opinion
     We have audited the financial statements of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. (“Mango Excellent Media”), which comprise the
consolidated and the parent company’s balance sheets as at December 31, 2021, and the consolidated and the parent company’s
income statements, the consolidated and the parent company’s statements of cash flow and the consolidated and the parent
company’s statements of changes in owners’ equity for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements.
     In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements are prepared in all material respects in accordance with Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and fairly present the consolidated and the parent company’s financial position as of December 31,
2021, and the consolidated and the parent company’s operating results and cash flows for the year then ended.
     II. Basis for Opinion
     We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. Our responsibilities under those standards are further
described in the “Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements” section of our report. We are independent of
Mango Excellent Media in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“the Code”),
and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have
obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
     III. Key Audit Matters
     Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, are of most significance in our audit of the financial
statements for the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and
in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not express a separate opinion on these matters.
     (I) Revenue recognition
     1. Descriptions
     Details of relevant information are disclosed in Note III (XXII), V(II)1 and XIII(II) to the financial statements.
     The operating income of Mango Excellent Media is mainly from new media platform operation, new media interactive
entertainment content production and content e-businesses, etc. In 2021, the operating income of Mango Excellent Media amounted
to RMB15,355,863,500.00, of which the operating income from the segments including new media platform operation and new
media interactive entertainment content production amounted to RMB 13,138,707,800.00, accounting for 85.56% thereof.
     As the operating income is one of Mango Excellent Media’s KPIs, there may be an inherent risk that the management of Mango
Excellent Media (hereinafter referred to as “management”) may recognize the revenue inappropriately to achieve specific objectives
or expectations. Meanwhile, revenue recognition also needs complex information systems and significant management judgement.
Therefore, we identified revenue recognition as a key audit matter.

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

     2. Audit response
     For revenue recognition, our audit procedures include, inter alia:
     (1) Understand the key internal controls related to revenue recognition, evaluate the design of those controls, determine whether
they are implemented, and test the operational effectiveness of the relevant internal controls;
     (2) Test general information system controls and application controls related to the revenue recognition process by virtue of the
work results of the in-house information technology experts;
     (3) Examine major sales contracts, understand the major provisions or conditions thereof, and evaluate whether revenue
recognition methods are proper;
     (4) Implement substantive analysis procedures for operating income and gross margin by month, product, customer, etc., to
identify whether there are significant or unusual fluctuations and to find out the causes of such fluctuations;
     (5) Sample contracts, licenses, final statements, receipts and sign-offs to make test of details according to different types of
revenues, and pay attention to the business content of the related sales and their commercial reasonableness;
     (6) In conjunction with accounts receivable confirmation procedures, send confirmation to major customers to recognize the
current sale volumes on a sample basis;
     (7) Conduct the cut-off test on the operating incomes recognized about the balance sheet date to evaluate whether the operating
incomes are recognized appropriately;
     (8) Obtain a record of sales returns after the balance sheet date to check if there is any instance that conditions for revenue
recognition were not met at the balance sheet date; and
     (9) Check whether information relating to operating income is properly presented and disclosed in the financial statements.
     (II) The carrying amount of content copyrights
     1. Descriptions
     Details of relevant information are disclosed in Note III (XI), (XVII)and Note V(I) 8 and 14 to the financial statements.
     As of December 31, 2021, the carrying amount of Mango Excellent Media’s content copyrights such as online information
dissemination rights, screenplays, and film and television series was RMB7,906,817,800; of which, intangible assets were RMB
6,296,622,200 and stocks were RMB 1,610,195,600.
     The management makes significant judgment to evaluate the carrying amount of content copyrights such as online information
dissemination rights, screenplays, and film and television series. In making such evaluation, the management considers all possible
factors that may affect the future broadcasting, production and distribution plans of the content copyrights such as the online
information dissemination rights, screenplays and film and television series, the saleable or booking prices of film and television
series, the discount rate and the current market environment to judge the expectation of obtaining future cash flows. The amount of
content copyrights such as online information dissemination rights, screenplays, and film and television series is material, and
involves significant management judgments, therefore, we identify the carrying amount of content copyrights such as online
information dissemination rights, screenplays, and film and television series as a key audit matter.
     2. Audit response
     For the carrying amount of content copyrights such as online information dissemination rights, screenplays, and film and
television series, our audit procedures include, inter alia:
     (1) Understand the key internal controls related to content copyrights such as online information dissemination rights,
screenplays, and film and television series, evaluate the design of those controls, determine whether they are implemented, and test
the operational effectiveness of the relevant internal controls;
     (2) Know and evaluate the reasonableness of amortization policies of online information dissemination rights, and implement
computer-aided audit procedure for amortization information system of online information dissemination rights;
     (3) Evaluate the reasonableness of accounting policies related to content copyrights such as online information dissemination
rights, screenplays, and film and television series by comparing relevant accounting standards and industry practice benchmarks, and
test the management’s assessment of the recoverable amount of content copyrights such as online information dissemination rights,

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

screenplays, and film and television series on a sample basis based on the materiality level of the closing balance of net value of
content copyrights such as online information dissemination rights, screenplays, and film and television series;
      (4) Inspect relevant agreements for the purchase of content copyrights such as online information dissemination rights, and
screenplays, and verify the valid period of their licenses to evaluate the reasonableness of their net realizable values. For
self-produced film and television series, select samples and discuss with the management to understand the current market
environment, their future production and distribution plans;
      (5) Inspect distribution contracts to verify the estimated selling price of content rights such as online information dissemination
rights, screenplays, and film and television series. For television series that have been produced but have not obtained broadcast
licenses, we select samples to compare their projected selling prices with the selling prices available to similar television series, so as
to assess their impairment;
      (6) Pay attention to public opinion of content rights such as online information dissemination rights, screenplays, and film and
television series, assessing their negative public opinion and discussing with the management that whether there is an expected
withdrawal or failure to complete production;
      (7) Check whether information relating to impairment and copyright amortization of content rights such as online information
dissemination rights, screenplays, and film and television series is properly presented and disclosed in the financial statements;
      IV. Other Information
      The management is responsible for other information. The other information comprises the information included in the Annual
Report, but does not include the financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon.
      Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance
conclusion thereon.
      In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so,
consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit
or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.
      If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is any material misstatement of other information, we are
required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.
      V. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements
      The management of Mango Excellent Media is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements
in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control
that is necessary to enable the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
      In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing Mango Excellent Media’s ability to continue
as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless
the management either intends to liquidate Mango Excellent Media or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do
      Those charged with governance of Mango Excellent Media (hereinafter referred to as “those charged with governance”) are
responsible for overseeing Mango Excellent Media’s financial reporting process.
      VI. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
      Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion solely to you. Reasonable
assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with China Standards on Auditing
will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,
individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of
these financial statements.
      As part of an audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing, we exercise professional judgment and maintain
professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

     (I) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and
perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as
fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
     (II) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in
the circumstances, but not for the purpose to express opinions on the effectiveness of internal control.
     (III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by the management.
     (IV) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on Mango
Excellent Media’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw
attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify
our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events
or conditions may cause the Mango Excellent Media to cease to continue as a going concern.
     (V) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure, and content of the financial statements and whether the financial statements
represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation;
     (VI) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities
within the Mango Excellent Media to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the direction,
supervision, and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
     We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit
and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
     We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements
regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on
our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
     From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance
in the audit of the financial statements for the current period and are therefore key audit matters. We describe these matters in our
audit report unless laws or regulations preclude public disclosure of the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we
determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be
expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

                                            Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP        Certified Public Accountant: LIU Gangyue
                                                                                                                    (Engagement Partner)

                                                              Hangzhou, China                Certified Public Accountant: ZHANG Hong

                                                                                                                            April 21, 2022

II. Financial Statements

Statements in notes to the financial statements are dominated in RMB.

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                            In RMB

                    Item                   December 31, 2021                        December 31, 2020

Current Assets

Cash and bank balances                                 6,974,465,151.81                           5,336,319,786.70

Balances with clearing agencies

Placements with banks and other
financial institutions

Held-for-trading financial assets                      3,410,000,000.00

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable                                         673,742,339.23

Accounts receivable                                    3,113,742,914.88                           2,976,696,672.95

Receivable financing                                     137,800,000.00                             164,410,000.00

Prepayments                                            1,834,350,013.20                           1,398,350,153.72

Premium receivable

Amounts receivable under reinsurance

Reinsurer’s share of insurance contract

Other receivables                                         40,568,403.37                              51,168,090.47

Including: dividends receivable

Dividends receivable

Financial assets purchased under resale

Inventories                                            1,689,546,700.79                           1,660,324,608.09

Contract assets                                          903,053,743.61                             817,451,396.56

Held-for-sale assets

Non-current assets due within one year

Other current assets                                     123,539,219.25                             520,087,664.20

Total current assets                                  18,900,808,486.14                          12,924,808,372.69

Non-current assets:

Loans and advances to customers

Debt investments

Other debt investments

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments                              23,882,517.37                              22,882,969.51

                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Other investments in equity instruments

Other non-current financial assets

Investment properties

Fixed assets                                184,450,336.98                            186,924,296.25

Construction in progress

Bearer biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right of use assets                         210,304,495.42

Intangible assets                          6,443,675,155.95                         5,894,454,399.68

Development expenditure                     232,522,753.24                            157,264,231.85


Long-term prepaid expenses                  113,847,481.21                             77,342,051.99

Deferred income tax assets

Other non-current assets                       1,260,178.59                             2,023,481.01

Total non-current assets                   7,209,942,918.76                         6,340,891,430.29

Total assets                              26,110,751,404.90                        19,265,699,802.98

Current liabilities:

Short term borrowings                        39,786,903.37                             39,789,110.68

Loans from the central bank

Taking from banks and other financial

Held-for-trading financial liabilities

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable                               921,504,704.91                            712,292,035.75

Accounts payable                           4,960,935,241.83                         5,217,087,330.62

Receipts in advance

Contract liabilities                       1,327,294,063.85                         1,330,475,023.10

Financial assets sold under repurchase

Customer deposits and deposits from
banks and other financial institutions

Funds from securities trading agency

Funds from underwriting securities

Employee benefits payable                   980,394,114.20                            856,712,827.84

                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Taxes payable                             123,474,589.72                            131,527,885.95

Other payables                            149,086,160.61                            160,651,194.91

Including: interest payable

Dividends payable

Fees and commissions payable

Amounts payable under reinsurance

Held-for-sale liabilities

Non-current liabilities due within one

Other current liabilities                 339,035,557.99                            138,698,825.59

Total current liabilities                8,884,609,898.52                         8,587,234,234.44

Non-current liabilities:

Insurance contract reserves

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

Lease liabilities                         169,643,622.50

Long-term payables

Long-term employee benefits payable

Provisions                                 13,815,868.00                              8,305,486.15

Deferred income                            45,517,771.81                             48,938,835.69

Deferred income tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities             228,977,262.31                             57,244,321.84

Total liabilities                        9,113,587,160.83                         8,644,478,556.28

Owner’s equity

Share capital                            1,870,720,815.00                         1,780,377,511.00

Other equity instruments

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserve                          9,244,386,503.55                         4,838,937,706.35

Less: treasury shares

Other comprehensive income                     -13,783.18                                -2,759.37

                                                                         2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Special reserve

Surplus reserve                                                     105,025,383.29                             87,139,560.14

General risk reserve

Undistributed profit                                              5,746,281,439.57                          3,881,526,167.30

Total owners’ equity attributable to
                                                                 16,966,400,358.23                         10,587,978,185.42
equity holders of the parent company

Minority interests                                                   30,763,885.84                             33,243,061.28

Total owners’ equity                                            16,997,164,244.07                         10,621,221,246.70

Total liabilities and owners’ equity                            26,110,751,404.90                         19,265,699,802.98

Legal representative: ZHANG Huali        Chief financial officer: LIANG Deping   Head of accounting department: TAO Jinyu

2. Balance sheet of the parent company

                                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Item                           December 31, 2021                          December 31, 2020

Current Assets

Cash and bank balances                                              593,199,335.20                            405,729,095.82

Held-for-trading financial assets

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable

Receivable financing

Prepayments                                                             746,648.08                                 270,000.00

Other receivables                                                   330,099,116.90                            260,068,347.20

Including: dividends receivable

Dividends receivable                                                250,000,000.00


Contract assets

Held-for-sale assets

Non-current assets due within one year

Other current assets                                                   2,989,471.09                             3,194,254.68

Total current assets                                                927,034,571.27                            669,261,697.70

Non-current assets:

Debt investments

Other debt investments

                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity investments              11,976,375,839.55                         7,780,583,738.35

Other investments in equity instruments

Other non-current financial assets

Investment properties

Fixed assets                                    852,797.16                              1,305,884.91

Construction in progress

Bearer biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right of use assets                            8,919,029.19

Intangible assets                               714,278.56                                803,907.00

Development expenditure


Long-term prepaid expenses                     4,785,543.89                             5,579,058.77

Deferred income tax assets

Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets                  11,991,647,488.35                         7,788,272,589.03

Total assets                              12,918,682,059.62                         8,457,534,286.73

Current liabilities:

Short term borrowings

Held-for-trading financial liabilities

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Accounts payable

Receipts in advance

Contract liabilities

Employee benefits payable                    39,647,064.37                             31,708,478.30

Taxes payable                                   624,511.69                                545,679.40

Other payables                                 8,598,711.22                             7,672,949.27

Including: interest payable

Dividends payable

Held-for-sale liabilities

Non-current liabilities due within one

                                                      2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                         50,395,104.90                             39,927,106.97

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

Lease liabilities                                   7,478,518.73

Long-term payables

Long-term employee benefits payable


Deferred income

Deferred income tax liabilities

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                       7,478,518.73

Total liabilities                                 57,873,623.63                             39,927,106.97

Owner’s equity

Share capital                                   1,870,720,815.00                          1,780,377,511.00

Other equity instruments

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserve                                10,584,782,807.56                          6,179,334,010.36

Less: treasury shares

Other comprehensive income

Special reserve

Surplus reserve                                  105,025,383.29                             87,139,560.14

Undistributed profit                             300,279,430.14                            370,756,098.26

Total owners’ equity                          12,860,808,435.99                          8,417,607,179.76

Total liabilities and owners’ equity          12,918,682,059.62                          8,457,534,286.73

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                   In RMB

                    Item                2021                                      2020

I. Total operating income                      15,355,863,482.07                         14,005,534,955.36

                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

including: operating income                15,355,863,482.07                        14,005,534,955.36

Interest income

Premiums earned

Fee and commission income

II. Total operating costs                  13,268,399,151.99                        12,143,647,482.17

Including: operating costs                  9,905,462,770.82                         9,230,288,644.44

Interest expenses

Fee and commission expenses


Claims and policyholder benefits (net of
mounts recoverable from reinsurers)

Charges in insurance contract reserves
(net of reinsurers’ share)

Insurance policyholder dividends

Expenses for reinsurance accepted

Taxes and levies                              26,892,490.52                             21,977,750.48

Selling expenses                            2,469,328,212.64                         2,164,415,269.87

General and administrative expenses          695,934,611.78                            629,200,722.73

Research and development expenses            271,991,403.40                            184,384,948.72

Financial expenses                           -101,210,337.17                           -86,619,854.07

   Including: interest expenses                 2,630,663.17                            13,532,130.10

              Interest income                125,145,189.95                            116,608,027.80

Add: other income                            123,334,219.55                            152,751,572.29

Investment income (Loss is indicated by
                                              37,229,498.93                             80,792,516.40

Including: income from investments in
                                                 999,547.86                             72,125,990.33
associates and joint ventures

Income from derecognition of financial
assets measured at amortized cost

Foreign exchange gains (Loss is
indicated by “-”)

Net exposure hedging income (Loss is
indicated by “-”)

Income from changes in fair value (Loss
is indicated by “-”)

Impairment losses of credit (Loss is          -43,921,867.09                           -52,586,997.38

                                                     2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

indicated by “-”)

Impairment losses of assets (Loss is
                                                 -68,086,394.50                           -36,801,884.43
indicated by “-”)

Income from disposal of assets (Loss is
                                                     -85,941.70                               354,684.48
indicated by “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is indicated by
                                               2,135,933,845.27                         2,006,397,364.55

Add: non-operating income                        21,850,496.77                             26,886,284.35

Less: non-operating expenses                     43,300,269.96                             46,535,880.99

IV. Total profit (Total losses are indicated
                                               2,114,484,072.08                         1,986,747,767.91
by “-”)

Less: income tax expense                              4,357.00                              7,411,218.58

V. Net profit (Net loss is indicated by
                                               2,114,479,715.08                         1,979,336,549.33
“-” )

(I) Categorized by the nature of
continuing operation

1. Net profit from continuing operations
                                               2,113,148,651.46                         1,975,807,519.82
(Net loss is indicated by “-”)

2. Net profit from discontinued
                                                  1,331,063.62                              3,529,029.51
operations (Net loss is indicated by “-”)

(II) Categorized by ownership:

1.Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                               2,114,090,171.85                         1,982,159,476.82
of the parent company

2.Profit or loss attributable to minority
                                                    389,543.23                             -2,822,927.49

VI. Other comprehensive income, net of
                                                     -11,023.81                                -2,759.37

Other comprehensive income attributable
to owners of the parent company, net of              -11,023.81                                -2,759.37

(I) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be subsequently reclassified to
profit or loss

1. Changes from re-measurement of
defined benefit plans

2. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

3. Changes in fair value of other
investments in equity instruments

4. Changes in fair value of enterprises’
own credit risks


(II) Other comprehensive income that
                                                                             -11,023.81                                   -2,759.37
will be reclassified to profit or loss

1. Other comprehensive income that will
be reclassified to profit or loss under the
equity method

2. Changes in fair value of other debt

3. Amounts of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive

4. Provision for credit impairment of
other debt investments

5. Reserve for cash flow hedges

6. Translation differences of financial
statements denominated in foreign                                            -11,023.81                                   -2,759.37


 Other comprehensive income
attributable to minority interests, net of

VII. Total comprehensive income                                        2,114,468,691.27                           1,979,333,789.96

Total comprehensive income attributable
                                                                       2,114,079,148.04                           1,982,156,717.45
to owners of the parent company

Total comprehensive income attributable
                                                                             389,543.23                              -2,822,927.49
to minority interests

VIII. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share                                                       1.17                                        1.11

(II) Diluted earnings per share                                                    1.17                                        1.11

For any business combination involving enterprises under common control for the current period, the net profits of the absorbed party
prior to the combination are RMB in the current period, and were RMB in prior period.

Legal representative: ZHANG Huali            Chief financial officer: LIANG Deping Head of accounting department: TAO Jinyu

                                                       2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

4. Income statement of the parent company

                                                                                                    In RMB

                      Item                  2021                                   2020

I. Operating income                                          0.00                                     0.00

Less: Total operating costs                                  0.00                                     0.00

Taxes and levies                                     1,899,087.62                                 6,923.08

Selling expenses

General and administrative expenses                 99,902,232.40                            72,126,384.06

Research and development expenses

Financial expenses                                 -25,837,827.24                           -26,287,586.49

Including: interest expenses

Interest income                                     26,073,238.54                            26,296,386.01

Add: other income                                       11,246.72                               227,348.06

Investment income (Loss is indicated
                                                   254,810,066.45                            69,864,747.18
by “-”)

Including: income from investments in
associates and joint ventures

Income from derecognition of financial
assets measured at amortized cost (Loss
is indicated by “-”)

Net exposure hedging income (Loss is
indicated by “-”)

Income from changes in fair value
(Loss is indicated by “-”)

Impairment losses of credit (Loss is
                                                          410.99                                 -1,040.99
indicated by “-”)

Impairment losses of assets (Loss is
indicated by “-”)

Income from disposal of assets (Loss is
indicated by “-”)

II. Operating profit (Loss is indicated
                                                   178,858,231.38                            24,245,333.60
by “-”)

Add: non-operating income                                    0.08                                20,000.74

Less: non-operating expenses                                                                    692,950.00

III. Total profit (Loss is indicated by
                                                   178,858,231.46                            23,572,384.34

                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Less: income tax expense

IV. Net profit (Net loss is indicated by
                                              178,858,231.46                            23,572,384.34
“-” )

(I) Net profit from continuing
                                              178,858,231.46                            23,572,384.34
operations (Net loss is indicated by “-”)

(II) Net profit from discontinued
operations (Net loss is indicated by “-”)

V. Other comprehensive income, net of

(I) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be subsequently reclassified to
profit or loss

1. Changes from re-measurement of
defined benefit plans

2. Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method

3. Changes in fair value of other
investments in equity instruments

4. Changes in fair value of enterprises’
own credit risks


(II) Other comprehensive income that
will be reclassified to profit or loss

1. Other comprehensive income that
will be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method

2. Changes in fair value of other debt

3. Amounts of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive

4. Provision for credit impairment of
other debt investments

5. Reserve for cash flow hedges

5.Translation differences of financial
statements denominated in foreign


                                                          2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

VI. Total comprehensive income:                      178,858,231.46                             23,572,384.34

VII. Earnings per share:

(I) Basic earnings per share

(II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated statements of cash flows

                                                                                                       In RMB

                   Item                     2021                                      2020

I. Cash Flows from Operating

Cash receipts from the sale of goods
                                                   14,751,013,340.67                         13,100,389,646.19
and the rendering of services

Net increase in customer deposits and
deposits from banks and other financial

Net increase in loans from the central

Net increase in taking from banks and
other financial institutions

Cash receipts from premiums under
direct insurance contracts

Net cash receipts from reinsurance

Net cash receipts from policyholders’
deposits and investment contract

Cash receipts from interest, fees and

Net increase in taking from banks and
other financial institutions

Net increase in financial assets sold
under repurchase arrangements

Net cash received from securities
trading agency

Receipts of tax refunds                                 1,996,750.43                              2,974,027.99

Other cash receipts relating to operating
                                                     195,137,982.95                            253,669,222.21

                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                            14,948,148,074.05                        13,357,032,896.39
operating activities

Cash payments for goods purchased and
                                            10,601,434,852.06                         9,520,378,278.33
services received

Net increase in loans and advances to
                                               -24,141,357.18                            11,344,610.37

Net increase in balance with the central
bank and due from banks and other
financial institutions

Cash payments for claims and
policyholders’ benefits under direct
insurance contracts

Net increase in placements with banks
and other financial institutions

Cash payments for interest, fees and

Cash payments for insurance
policyholder dividends

Cash payments to and on behalf of
                                             1,652,192,693.42                         1,280,202,698.37

Payment of various types of taxes             161,767,416.65                            176,899,520.26

Other cash payments relating to
                                             1,995,093,586.73                         1,787,237,435.98
operating activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                            14,386,347,191.68                        12,776,062,543.31
operating activities

Net cash flow from operating activities       561,800,882.37                            580,970,353.08

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Cash receipts from disposals and
recovery of investments

Cash receipts from investment income              560,366.45

Net cash receipts from disposals of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other         986,465.39                                403,685.56
long-term assets

Net cash receipts from disposals of
subsidiaries and other business entities

Other cash receipts relating to investing
                                             5,491,458,753.41                           626,406,349.28

Sub-total of cash inflows from investing     5,738,565,482.92                           886,489,234.84

                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


Cash payments to acquire or construct
fixed assets, intangible assets and other     193,602,527.81                             69,959,021.89
long-term assets

Cash payments to acquire investments

Net increase in pledged loans receivable

Net cash payments for acquisitions of
subsidiaries and other business entities

Other cash payments relating to
                                            8,736,000,000.00                            622,500,000.00
investing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                            8,931,089,507.90                            692,459,021.89
investing activities

Net Cash Flow from Investing
                                            -3,192,524,024.98                           194,030,212.95

III. Cash Flows from Financing

Cash receipts from investments by

Including: cash received by subsidiaries
from minority shareholders’

Cash receipts from borrowings                  69,731,500.00                            160,436,700.00

Other cash receipts relating to financing

Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                            4,566,523,925.07                            160,436,700.00
financing activities

Cash repayments of borrowings                  39,631,527.65                            470,057,800.00

Cash payments for distribution of
dividends or profits or settlement of         234,040,696.91                            192,215,024.91
interest expenses

Including: dividends or profit paid by
subsidiaries to minority shareholders

Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                              339,498,633.27                            662,272,824.91
financing activities

Net cash flow from financing activities     4,227,025,291.80                           -501,836,124.91

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate               612,280.98                                223,543.73

                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

changes on cash and cash equivalents

V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                          1,596,914,430.17                           273,387,984.85

Add: opening balance of cash and cash
                                                          5,314,463,484.01                         5,041,075,499.16

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                          6,911,377,914.18                         5,314,463,484.01

6. Statement of cash flows of the parent company

                                                                                                             In RMB

                    Item                           2021                                     2020

I. Cash Flows from Operating

Cash receipts from the sale of goods
and the rendering of services

Receipts of tax refunds                                      1,996,750.43

Other cash receipts relating to operating
                                                           211,758,714.55                             41,857,033.57

Sub-total of cash inflows from
                                                           213,755,464.98                             41,857,033.57
operating activities

Cash payments for goods purchased and
services received

Cash payments to and on behalf of
                                                            49,283,696.15                             33,162,880.94

Payment of various types of taxes                            1,899,087.70

Other cash payments relating to
                                                            46,516,142.78                             42,247,660.59
operating activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                            97,698,926.63                             75,410,541.53
operating activities

Net cash flow from operating activities                    116,056,538.35                            -33,553,507.96

II. Cash flows from investing activities:

Cash receipts from disposals and
                                                           304,249,700.00                            259,679,200.00
recovery of investments

Cash receipts from investment income                           560,366.45

Net cash receipts from disposals of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets

                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Net cash receipts from disposals of
subsidiaries and other business entities

Other cash receipts relating to investing

Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                              304,810,066.45                            259,679,200.00

Cash payments to acquire or construct
fixed assets, intangible assets and other         306,134.50                              2,206,642.91
long-term assets

Cash payments to acquire investments        4,495,792,101.20

Net cash payments for acquisitions of
subsidiaries and other business entities

Other cash payments relating to
investing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                            4,496,098,235.70                              2,206,642.91
investing activities

Net Cash Flow from Investing
                                            -4,191,288,169.25                           257,472,557.09

III. Cash Flows from Financing

Cash receipts from investments by

Cash receipts from borrowings

Other cash receipts relating to financing

Sub-total of cash inflows from
financing activities

Cash repayments of borrowings

Cash payments for distribution of
dividends or profits or settlement of         231,449,076.43                            178,037,751.10
interest expenses

Other cash payments relating to
financing activities

Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                              234,090,554.79                            178,037,751.10
financing activities

Net cash flow from financing activities     4,262,701,870.28                           -178,037,751.10

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
changes on cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                        2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

            V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                                                187,470,239.38                                            45,881,298.03

            Add: opening balance of cash and cash
                                                                                                405,729,095.82                                           359,847,797.79

            VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                                                593,199,335.20                                           405,729,095.82

            7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

            Amount in the current period
                                                                                                                                                                     In RMB


                                                              Equity attributable to owners of the parent company

                                         Other equity
            Item                                                                     Other
                                         instruments                      Less:                                    General                               Minority
                            Share                              Capital              compreh Special Surplus                  Undistribu Other Sub-tota                Total owners’ equity
                                                                         Treasury                                   risk                                 interests
                                     Prefer Perpet
                           capital                             reserve              ensive    reserve   reserve              ted profits   s     l
                                     ence      ual   Others               shares                                   reserve
                                     shares bonds

                                                               4,838,                                   87,139                                 10,587
I. Closing balance of     1,780,37                                                  -2,759.                                  3,881,52                     33,243,
                                                               937,70                                   ,560.1                                 ,978,1                10,621,221,246.70
the preceding year        7,511.00                                                      37                                   6,167.30                     061.28
                                                                  6.35                                         4                                85.42

Add: Changes in
accounting policies

Corrections of prior
period errors

Business combination
involving enterprises
under common control


                                                               4,838,                                   87,139                                 10,587
II. Opening balance of 1,780,37                                                     -2,759.                                  3,881,52                     33,243,
                                                               937,70                                   ,560.1                                 ,978,1                10,621,221,246.70
the current year          7,511.00                                                      37                                   6,167.30                     061.28
                                                                  6.35                                         4                                85.42

III. Changes for the                                           4,405,                                   17,885                                 6,378,
                          90,343,3                                                  -11,02                                   1,864,75                    -2,479,1
year (decrease is                                              448,79                                   ,823.1                                 422,17                 6,375,942,997.37
                             04.00                                                    3.81                                   5,272.27                      75.44
indicated by “-”)                                               7.20                                         5                                 2.81

(I) Total                                                                                                                                      2,114,
                                                                                    -11,02                                   2,114,09                    389,543
comprehensive                                                                                                                                  079,14                 2,114,468,691.27
                                                                                      3.81                                   0,171.85                          .23
income                                                                                                                                           8.04

(II) Owners’                                                  4,405,                                                                          4,495,
                          90,343,3                                                                                                                       -2,868,7 4,492,923,382.53
contributions and                                              448,79                                                                          792,10

                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

reduction in capital          04.00      7.20                                   1.20     18.67

                                       4,405,                                 4,495,
1. Ordinary shares         90,343,3                                                   -2,868,7
                                       448,79                                 792,10              4,492,923,382.53
contributed by owners         04.00                                                      18.67
                                         7.20                                   1.20

2.Capital contribution
from holders of other
equity instruments

3. Share-based
payment recognized in
owners’ equity

4. Others

                                                17,885                        -231,4
(III) Profit distribution                       ,823.1                        49,076              -231,449,076.43
                                                     5                           .43

1. Transfer to surplus                                         -17,885,
reserve                                                          823.15

2. Transfer to general
risk reserve

3. Distributions to                                            -231,449
                                                                              49,076              -231,449,076.43
owners (shareholders)                                           ,076.43

4. Others

(IV) Transfers within
owners’ equity

1. Capitalization of
capital reserve

2. Capitalization of
surplus reserve

3. Loss offset by
surplus reserve

4.Retained earnings
carried forward from
changes in defined
benefit plans

5. Retained earnings
carried forward from
other comprehensive

                                                                                            2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


(V) Special reserve

1. Transfer to special
reserve in the period

2. Amount utilized in
the period

(VI) Others

                                                         9,244,                             105,02                              16,966
IV. Closing balance of 1,870,72                                          -13,78                                5,746,28                    30,763,
                                                         386,50                              5,383.                              ,400,3              16,997,164,244.07
the current period       0,815.00                                          3.18                                1,439.57                     885.84
                                                           3.55                                   29                             58.23

           Amount in prior period
                                                                                                                                                    In RMB


                                                   Equity attributable to owners of the parent company

                                      Other equity                      Other
                                         instruments              Less: compr
             Item                                                                                                                           y         Total owners’
                                                                                   Specia Surplu Genera Undist
                          Share     Prefe Perp         Capital Treasu ehensi                                                   Sub-to
                                                                                      l       s        l risk ributed Others            interest         equity
                         capital rence etual Other reserve         ry     ve                                                    tal
                                                                                   reserve reserve reserve profits                          s
                                    share bond     s              shares incom
                                     s       s                            e

                                                        4,838,                             84,782             2,079,           8,783,
  I. Closing balance of 1,780,37                                                                                                        36,098,
                                                        937,70                             ,321.7             761,68           859,21                8,819,957,384.07
  the preceding year     7,511.00                                                                                                         165.00
                                                          6.35                                    1             0.01             9.07

  Add: Changes in
  accounting policies

  Corrections of prior
  period errors

  enterprises under
  common control


                                                        4,838,                             84,782             2,079,           8,783,
  II. Opening balance 1,780,37                                                                                                          36,098,
                                                        937,70                             ,321.7             761,68           859,21                8,819,957,384.07
  of the current year    7,511.00                                                                                                         165.00
                                                          6.35                                    1             0.01             9.07

  III. Changes for the                                                                                        1,801,           1,804,
                                                                        -2,759.            2,357,                                         -2,855,
  year (decrease is                                                                                           764,48           118,96                1,801,263,862.63
                                                                              37           238.43                                         103.72
  indicated by “-”)                                                                                           7.29             6.35

                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

(I) Total                                      1,982,         1,982,
                       -2,759.                                         -2,822,
comprehensive                                  159,47        156,71              1,979,333,789.96
                           37                                          927.49
income                                           6.82           7.45

(II) Owners’
contributions and                                                                      -32,176.23
reduction in capital

1. Ordinary shares
contributed by

contribution from
holders of other
equity instruments

3. Share-based
payment recognized
in owners’ equity

4. Others                                                                              -32,176.23

                                               -180,3         -178,0
(III) Profit                     2,357,
                                               94,989        37,751              -178,037,751.10
distribution                     238.43
                                                  .53            .10

1. Transfer to                   2,357,       -2,357,
surplus reserve                  238.43        238.43

2. Transfer to
general risk reserve

3. Distributions to                            -178,0         -178,0
owners                                         37,751        37,751              -178,037,751.10
(shareholders)                                    .10            .10

4. Others

(IV) Transfers
within owners’

1. Capitalization of
capital reserve

2. Capitalization of
surplus reserve

3. Loss offset by
surplus reserve

4.Retained earnings
carried forward

                                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

  from changes in
  defined benefit

  5. Retained earnings
  carried forward
  from other


  (V) Special reserve

  1. Transfer to
  special reserve in
  the period

  2. Amount utilized
  in the period

  (VI) Others

                                                          4,838,                              87,139               3,881,       10,587
  IV. Closing balance 1,780,37                                             -2,759.                                                          33,243,
                                                          937,70                              ,560.1               526,16        ,978,1               10,621,221,246.70
  of the current period 7,511.00                                                  37                                                        061.28
                                                               6.35                                  4               7.30         85.42

           8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the parent company

           Amount in the current period
                                                                                                                                                      In RMB


                                                Other equity
                                                instruments                       Less:
          Item             Share                                      Capital               compreh Special         Surplus Undistribute                  Total owners’
                                       Prefere Perpet                            Treasury                                                    Others
                           capital                                    reserve               ensive       reserve    reserve   d profits                      equity
                                          nce       ual   Others                  shares
                                       shares bonds

I. Closing balance of    1,780,377,5                                  6,179,33                                      87,139,5 370,756,098
the preceding year             11.00                                  4,010.36                                        60.14           .26

Add: Changes in
accounting policies

Corrections of prior
period errors


II. Opening balance of 1,780,377,5                                    6,179,33                                      87,139,5 370,756,098
the current year               11.00                                  4,010.36                                        60.14           .26

                                                     2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

III. Changes for the
                            90,343,304.   4,405,44                  17,885,8 -70,476,668.
year (decrease is                                                                                   4,443,201,256.23
                                    00    8,797.20                     23.15           12
indicated by “-”)

(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                         178,858,231.46

(II) Owners’
                            90,343,304.   4,405,44
contributions and                                                                                   4,495,792,101.20
                                    00    8,797.20
reduction in capital

1. Ordinary shares         90,343,304.   4,405,44
contributed by owners               00    8,797.20

2.Capital contribution
from holders of other
equity instruments

3. Share-based
payment recognized in
owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit distribution                                           17,885,8                         -231,449,076.43

1. Transfer to surplus
                                                                    17,885,8 -17,885,823.
                                                                       23.15           15

3. Distributions to                                                            -231,449,07
owners (shareholders)                                                                 6.43


(IV) Transfers within
owners’ equity

1. Capitalization of
capital reserve

2. Capitalization of
surplus reserve

3. Loss offset by
surplus reserve

4.Retained earnings
carried forward from
changes in defined
benefit plans

                                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

5. Retained earnings
carried forward from
other comprehensive


(V) Special reserve

1. Transfer to special
reserve in the period

2. Amount utilized in
the period

(VI) Others

IV. Closing balance of 1,870,720,8                                                                          105,025, 300,279,430
                                                                  82,807.5                                                                      12,860,808,435.99
the current period              15.00                                                                         383.29             .14

            Amount in prior period
                                                                                                                                                In RMB


                                           Other equity
                                           instruments                     Less:
         Item              Share                                Capital              compre    Special   Surplus   Undistributed                  Total owners’
                                       Prefer Perpet                      Treasur                                                      Others
                           capital                              reserve              hensive   reserve   reserve       profits                       equity
                                        ence   ual     Others             y shares
                                       shares bonds

I. Closing balance of 1,780,377,5                                                                        84,782,
                                                                34,010.                                            527,578,703.45                8,572,072,546.52
the preceding year             11.00                                                                      321.71

Add: Changes in
accounting policies

Corrections of prior
period errors


II. Opening balance      1,780,377,5                                                                     84,782,
                                                                34,010.                                            527,578,703.45                8,572,072,546.52
of the current year            11.00                                                                      321.71

III. Changes for the
year (decrease is                                                                                                  -156,822,605.19                -154,465,366.76
indicated by “-”)

(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                                       23,572,384.34                  23,572,384.34

                       2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

(II) Owners’
contributions and
reduction in capital

1. Ordinary shares
contributed by

contribution from
holders of other
equity instruments

3. Share-based
payment recognized
in owners’ equity

4. Others

(III) Profit                       2,357,2
                                             -180,394,989.53           -178,037,751.10
distribution                         38.43

1. Transfer to                     2,357,2
surplus reserve                      38.43

3. Distributions to
owners                                       -178,037,751.10           -178,037,751.10


(IV) Transfers
within owners’

1. Capitalization of
capital reserve

2. Capitalization of
surplus reserve

3. Loss offset by
surplus reserve

4.Retained earnings
carried forward
from changes in
defined benefit

5. Retained earnings
carried forward
from other

                                                                                        2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.



(V) Special reserve

1. Transfer to
special reserve in
the period

2. Amount utilized
in the period

(VI) Others

IV. Closing balance        1,780,377,5                                                                87,139,
                                                              34,010.                                           370,756,098.26             8,417,607,179.76
of the current period           11.00                                                                 560.14

           III. Basic Information

                 Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), formerly known as Happigo Inc., was established
           on the basis of the overall change of Happigo Co., Ltd. It completed the registration with the Administration for Industry and
           Commerce of Changsha City, Hunan Province on December 28, 2005, with the headquarter located in Changsha City, Hunan
           Province. In July 2018, the Company changed its name from “Happigo Inc.” to “Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd”. Currently, the
           Company holds a business license with unified social credit code numbered 91430100782875193K, with registered capital
           amounting to RMB1,870,720,815.00 and a total of 1,870,720,815 shares (with the par value of RMB 1 per share) comprising
           restricted outstanding A-share of 939,364,200 shares and unrestricted A-share of 931,356,700 shares as of December 31, 2021. The
           Company’s shares were listed for trading on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on January 21, 2015.
                 The Company is an entity engaged in the internet new media industry. Its principal operating activities can be divided into three
           parts, namely new media platform operation, new media interactive entertainment content production and media retail business.
                 These financial statements were approved by the 8th meeting of the fourth board of directors of the Company on April 21, 2022
           for issuance.
                 Twenty-seven companies including Hunantv.com Interactive Entertainment Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
           “Hunantv.com”), Shanghai EE-Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “EE-Media”), and Happigo Co., Ltd. were included in the
           scope of the consolidated financial statements for the current period. For details, please see Note VIII and Note IX to the Financial

           IV. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

           1. Basis of preparation

           The Company’s financial statements are prepared on a going-concern basis.

           2. Going-concerning

           The Company has detected no events or circumstances that may cast significant doubt upon its ability to continue as a going concern
           within 12 months from the reporting period.

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

Reminders on specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:
Notice: The Company has formulated the specific accounting policies and made the specific accounting estimates with respect to the
impairment of financial instruments, depreciation of fixed assets, depreciation of right of use assets, amortization of intangible assets,
recognition of revenues and other transactions and events according to the actual production and operation characteristics of the

1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises and truly and completely reflect the Company’s financial position, operating results, cash flows and other related

2. Accounting period

The Company’s accounting year is from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.

3. Operating cycle

The Company has a relatively short operating cycle, and determines the liquidity of assets and liabilities on the basis of 12 months.

4. Functional currency

The Company and its domestic subsidiaries adopt RMB as its functional currency, while Mgtv.com (Hong Kong) Media Company
Limited engages in overseas operations and accordingly selects the US dollar, the currency used in the main economic environment
in which it operates, as its functional currency.

5. Accounting treatment of business combinations involving enterprises under common control and
business combinations not involving enterprises under common control

1. Accounting treatment of business combination involving enterprises under common control
Assets and liabilities that are obtained by the Company in a business combination shall be measured at their carrying amounts in the
consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the combination date as recorded by the acquiree. The difference
between the carrying amount of the owners’ equity of the acquiree as stated in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controller and the carrying amount of the total consideration paid or total par value of the shares issued in connection with the
combination is treated as an adjustment to the capital reserve. In case the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the
remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings.
2. Accounting treatment of business combinations not involving enterprises under common control
Where the cost of the combination exceeds the Company’s share of the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the
difference is recognized as goodwill at the date of acquisition. Where the cost of combination is lower than the Company’s share of
the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the Company reviews the measurement of the fair value of each of the
identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired from the acquiree and the cost of combination, and if the cost of
combination as reviewed is still lower than the Company’s share of the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the
difference is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

6. Method of preparation of financial statements

The parent company includes all of its controlled subsidiaries in its consolidated financial statements. The consolidated financial
statements are prepared by the parent company in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.
33——Consolidated Financial Statements, on the basis of the respective financial statements of the parent company and its
subsidiaries, by reference to other relevant data.

7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations

1. Joint arrangements are classified into joint operations and joint ventures.
2. When the Company is a party to a joint operation, the Company recognizes the following items relating to its interest in the joint
(1) the assets individually held by the Company, and the Company’s share of the assets held jointly;
(2) the liabilities incurred individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the liabilities incurred jointly;
(3) the Company’s revenue from the sale of its share of output of the joint operation;
(4) the Company’s share of revenue from the sale of assets by the joint operation; and
(5) the expenses incurred individually by the Company, and the Company’s share of the expenses incurred jointly.

8. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash comprises cash on hand and demand deposits, and cash equivalents comprise
short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an
insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency financial statements

1. Translation of foreign currency transactions
Upon initial recognition, foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the transaction
dates. At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using the spot exchange
rates at the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from such translations are recognized in profit or loss for the current
period, except for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or
construction of qualifying assets and accrued interest. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at
historical cost are translated using the foreign exchange rates ruling at the transaction dates, without adjusting the amounts in RMB.
Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at fair value are translated using the foreign exchange rates
prevailing at the dates the fair value was determined, and exchange differences arising from such translations are recognized in profit
or loss for the current period or other comprehensive income.
2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements
The asset and liability items in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rates at the balance sheet date. The owners’
equity items other than “Undistributed profits” are translated at the spot exchange rates at the transaction dates. The income and
expense items in the income statements are translated at the spot exchange rates at the transaction dates. Exchange differences arising
from such translations are recognized in other comprehensive income.

10. Financial instruments

1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities

                                                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Upon initial recognition, financial assets are classified into: (1) financial assets at amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value
through other comprehensive income; and (3) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.
Upon initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into: (1) financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss; (2) financial
liabilities arising as a result of the transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition or continuing involvement in
the financial assets transferred; (3) financial guarantee contracts not falling under items (1) and (2), and loan commitments not falling
under item (1) and below market interest rate; and (4) financial liabilities at amortized cost.
2. Recognition, measurement and derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
(1) Recognition and initial measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, a financial asset or liability is recognized. Financial assets
and liabilities are initially measured at fair value. Transaction costs relating to financial assets or liabilities at fair value through profit
or loss are directly recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Transaction costs relating to other kinds of financial assets or
liabilities are included in their initially recognized amount. However, where the accounts that do not contain any significant financing
component or are recognized by the Company without taking into consideration the significant financing components under the
contracts with a term of less than one year upon initial recognition are initially measured at transaction price defined in the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 —Revenue.
(2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets
1) Financial assets at amortized cost
Financial assets at amortized cost are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses on
financial assets at amortized cost that do not belong to any hedging relationship are recognized in profit or loss for the current period
upon derecognition, reclassification, amortization using the effective interest method or recognition of impairment.
2) Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest,
impairment losses or gains and exchange gains or losses calculated using the effective interest method are recognized in profit or loss
for the current period, and other gains or losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, the cumulative
gain or loss previously included in other comprehensive income is removed out from other comprehensive income and included in
profit or loss for the current period.
3) Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income are subsequently measured at fair value.
Dividends received (other than those received as recovery of investment cost) are recognized in profit or loss for the current period,
and other gains or losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, the cumulative gain or loss previously
included in other comprehensive income is removed out from other comprehensive income and included in retained earnings.
4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently measured at fair value. Gains or losses thereon, including interest
and dividend income, are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except the financial assets belonging to any hedging
(3) Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities
1) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading (including derivatives classified as
financial liabilities), and financial liabilities directly designated as at fair value through profit or loss. Such financial liabilities are
subsequently measured at fair value. Changes in the fair value of financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss
arising out of changes in the Company’s credit risk are recognized in other comprehensive income, unless such treatment will result
in or increase any accounting mismatch in profit or loss. Other gains or losses on such financial liabilities, including interest expenses
and changes in fair value not arising out of changes in the Company’s credit risk, are recognized in profit or loss for the current
period, except the financial liabilities belonging to any hedging relationship. On derecognition, the cumulative gain or loss previously

                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

included in other comprehensive income is removed out from other comprehensive income and included in retained earnings.
2) Financial liabilities arising as a result of the transfer of financial assets not meeting the criteria for derecognition or continuing
involvement in the financial assets transferred
Such financial liabilities are measured in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23——Transfer of
Financial Assets.
3) Financial guarantee contracts not falling under items 1) and 2) above, and loan commitments not falling under item 1) above and
below market interest rate
Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at the higher of ① provision for impairment losses determined according to the
policy for impairment of financial instruments; and ② balance of the initially recognized amount after deduction of the accumulated
amortization determined in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 —Revenue.
4) Financial liabilities at amortized cost
Such financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses on financial liabilities at
amortized cost that do not belong to any hedging relationship are recognized in profit or loss for the current period upon
derecognition or amortization using the effective interest method.
(4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
1) Financial assets are derecognized when:
① the contractual right to receive cash flows from the financial assets has expired; or
② the financial assets have been transferred and such transfer meets the criteria for derecognition of financial assets as set forth in
the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23 -- Transfer of Financial Assets.
2) A financial liability (or part thereof) is derecognized when all or part of the outstanding obligations thereon have been discharged.
3. Determination and measurement of financial assets transferred
When a financial asset of the Company is transferred, if substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the
financial asset have been transferred, the financial asset is derecognized, and the rights and obligations incurred or retained in such
transfer are separately recognized as assets or liabilities (as the case may be). If the Company retains substantially all the risks and
rewards of ownership of a financial asset, the Company shall not derecognize the financial asset. If the Company retains substantially
all the risks and rewards of ownership of a financial asset, the Company shall not derecognize the financial asset. If the Company
neither transferred nor retained a substantial portion of all risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of the financial asset, then: (1)
if the Company does not retain control over the financial asset, the financial asset is derecognized, and the rights and obligations
incurred or retained in such transfer are separately recognized as assets or liabilities (as the case may be); and (2) if the Company
retains control over the financial asset, the financial asset continues to be recognized to the extent of the Company’s continuing
involvement in the financial asset transferred, and a corresponding liability is recognized.
If an entire transfer of a financial asset meets the criteria for derecognition, the difference between (1) the carrying amount of the
financial asset transferred at the date of derecognition; and (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and the portion
of the cumulative amount of changes in fair value directly recorded as other comprehensive income originally that corresponds to the
part derecognized (where the financial asset transferred is an investment in debt instruments at fair value through other
comprehensive income) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period. If part of a financial asset is transferred and the part
transferred entirely meets the criteria for derecognition, the total carrying amount of the financial asset immediately prior to the
transfer is allocated between the part derecognized and the part not derecognized in proportion to their relative fair value at the date
of transfer, and the difference between (1) the carrying amount of the part derecognized and (2) the sum of the consideration received
from the transfer of the part derecognized and the portion of the cumulative amount of changes in fair value directly recorded as other
comprehensive income originally that corresponds to the part derecognized (where the financial asset transferred is an investment in
debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income) is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
4. Determination of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
The Company adopts the valuation techniques applicable to the current situations and with sufficient data available and support of

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other information to determine the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities. The Company classifies the inputs used by
the valuation techniques in the following levels and uses them in turn:
(1) Level 1 inputs: quoted market price (unadjusted) in an active market for an identical asset or liability available at the date of
(2) Level 2 inputs: inputs other than inputs included within Level 1 that are observable directly or indirectly. This category includes
quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in inactive
markets, observable inputs other than quoted prices (such as interest rate and yield curves observable during regular intervals of
quotation), and inputs validated by the market;
(3) Level 3 inputs: inputs that are unobservable. This category includes interest rate or stock volatility that cannot be directly
observed or validated by observable market data, future cash flows from retirement obligation incurred in business combinations, and
financial forecasts made using own data.
5. Impairment of financial instruments
(1) Measurement and accounting treatment of impairment of financial instruments
The Company determines the impairment and assesses provision for impairment losses of financial assets at amortized cost,
investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, lease receivable, loan commitments other than
financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss, and financial guarantee contracts other than financial liabilities
designated at fair value through profit or loss and financial liabilities arising as a result of the transfer of financial assets not meeting
the criteria for derecognition or continuing involvement in the financial assets transferred, on the basis of expected credit losses.
Expected credit loss is the weighted average of credit losses on financial instruments taking into account the possibility of default.
Credit loss is the present value of the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable under the contract and estimated future
cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate, i.e., the present value of all cash shortage, wherein the Company’s
purchased or originated financial assets that have become credit impaired are discounted at their credit-adjusted effective interest
With respect to purchased or originated financial assets that have become credit impaired, at the balance sheet date, the Company
recognizes a loss allowance equal to the cumulative amount of changes in lifetime expected credit losses since initial recognition.
With respect to accounts receivable and contract assets that arise from the transactions regulated under the Accounting Standard for
Business Enterprises No. 14 —Revenue and do not contain any significant financing component or are recognized by the Company
without taking into consideration the significant financing components under the contracts with a term of less than one year, the
Company uses the simple measurement method and recognizes a loss allowance equal to the lifetime expected credit losses.
With respect to financial assets not using the measurement methods stated above, at each balance sheet date, the Company assesses
whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, and recognizes a loss allowance equal to the lifetime
expected credit losses if the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, or to the expected credit losses within the
next 12 months if the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition.With respect to financial assets not using the
measurement methods stated above, at each balance sheet date, the Company assesses whether the credit risk has increased
significantly since initial recognition, and recognizes a loss allowance equal to the lifetime expected credit losses if the credit risk has
increased significantly since initial recognition, or to the expected credit losses within the next 12 months if the credit risk has not
increased significantly since initial recognition.
The Company uses reasonable and supportable information, including forward-looking information, and compares the possibility of
default at the balance sheet date with the possibility of default upon initial recognition, to determine whether the credit risk of the
financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition.
At the balance sheet date, if the Company determines that a financial instrument has low credit risk, the Company assumes that its
credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition.
The Company assesses expected credit risk and measures expected credit losses of financial instruments individually or collectively.
When assessing the financial instruments collectively, the Company includes the financial instruments in different groups according

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to their common risk characteristics.
At each balance sheet date, the Company re-assesses the expected credit losses, with the amount of increase in or reversal of loss
allowance recognized in profit or loss for the current period as impairment losses or gains. With respect to a financial asset at
amortized cost, its carrying amount recorded in the balance sheet is written off against the loss allowance. With respect to an
investment in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes the loss allowance in
other comprehensive income, without reducing its carrying amount.
(2) Financial instruments for which expected credit risk is assessed and expected credit losses are measured collectively
Item                                                         Basis for grouping        Method for measuring expected credit losses
Other receivables - group of receivables from              Nature of receivables Calculate the expected credit losses according to
related parties controlled by the same actual                                        the default risk exposure and rate of expected
controller                                                                           credit loss within the next 12 months or lifetime
Other receivables - group of deposit and security                                    expected credit losses by reference to historic
receivable                                                                           credit loss experience, and taking into account

Other receivables - grouping by age                                Aging             the current situations and prediction of future
                                                                                     economic conditions.
(3) Accounts receivable and contract assets for which expected credit losses are measured collectively
1) Specific grouping and method for measuring expected credit losses
 Item                                            Basis for grouping                Method for measuring expected credit losses
Notes receivable - banker’s acceptance Type of notes                        Calculate the expected credit losses according to the
bills                                                                        default risk exposure and lifetime expected credit losses
Notes      receivable     -    commercial                                    by reference to historic credit loss experience, and
acceptance bills receivable                                                  taking into account the current situations and prediction

Accounts receivables - group of Group of receivables from of future economic conditions.
receivables    from       related    parties related parties controlled by
controlled    by    the       same   actual the same actual controller
Accounts receivable - grouping by age Aging                                  Prepare a comparison table of the age of accounts
                                                                             receivable and rate of lifetime expected credit loss, and
                                                                             calculate the expected credit losses by reference to
                                                                             historic credit loss experience, and taking into account
                                                                             the current situations and prediction of future economic
Other current assets - loans and Loans               and    advances     to Calculate the expected credit losses according to the
advances to customers                       customers                        default risk exposure and lifetime expected credit losses
                                                                             by reference to historic credit loss experience, and
                                                                             taking into account the current situations and prediction
                                                                             of future economic conditions.
Contract assets - group of operator Operator business                        Calculate the expected losses according to the default
business                                                                     risk exposure and rate of lifetime expected loss by
                                                                             reference to historic loss experience, and taking into
                                                                             account the current situations and prediction of future
                                                                             economic conditions.
2) Accounts receivable - comparison table of the age of accounts receivable and rate of lifetime expected credit loss

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Aging                                                                                               Accounts receivable
                                                                                              Rate of expected credit loss (%)
Group I: Mango TV Internet Video Business (Hunantv.com)
Within 1 year (inclusive, same below)                                                                                             5.00
More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years                                                                                       10.00
More than 2 years but not exceeding 3 years                                                                                      30.00
More than 3 years but not exceeding 4 years                                                                                      50.00
More than 4 years but not exceeding 5 years                                                                                    100.00
Over 5 years                                                                                                                   100.00
Group II: New media interactive entertainment production and operation, , content
e-business and others (companies other than Hunantv.com)
Within 1 year (inclusive, same below)                                                                                             1.00
More than 1 year but not exceeding 2 years                                                                                        5.00
More than 2 years but not exceeding 3 years                                                                                      10.00
More than 3 years but not exceeding 4 years                                                                                      30.00
More than 4 years but not exceeding 5 years                                                                                      50.00
Over 5 years                                                                                                                   100.00
6. Offsetting of financial assets and financial liabilities
Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet and are not offset. However, a financial asset
and a financial liability shall be offset, and the net amount presented in the balance sheet when both of the following conditions are
satisfied: (1) the Company has a legal right to set off the recognized amounts and the legal right is currently enforceable; and (2) the
Company intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial asset and settle the financial liability simultaneously.
In accounting for a transfer of a financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition, the Company do not offset the transferred
financial asset and the associated liability.

11. Inventories

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for “Internet Video Business” set forth in the Guide on Self-regulatory
Supervision for Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 4 – Disclosure of Industry Information by the Companies
Listed on the ChiNext Board.
1. Classification of inventories
Inventories include finished goods or merchandise held by the Company for sale in the ordinary course of business, or work in
progress in the process of production for such sale, or materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the
rendering of services.
2. Pricing methods of inventories transferred out
When transferring out inventories, the Company determines the actual cost of automobile, film and television drama and
consignment goods using the specific-identification method and of the remaining goods using the weighted moving average method.
3. Determination of net realizable value of inventories
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value, and the provision for decline in
value of inventories is determined on an item-by-item basis. For inventories available for sales, in the ordinary production and
operation process, their net realizable value is determined at the estimated selling price of these inventories less the estimated costs
necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes; for the inventories that need to be processed, in the ordinary production and operation
process, their net realizable value is determined at the estimated selling price of finished products less the estimated costs of

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completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. At the balance sheet date, where a part of an
inventory is subject to the contract price agreement and other parts of the same inventory has no such agreement, their net realizable
value is determined separately, and by comparing them with their corresponding cost, the amount made for or reversal of the
provision for decline in value of inventories is determined separately.
4. Inventory systems for inventories
A perpetual inventory system is adopted, among which the Company uses verification of copyright and other right documents as the
inventory system for film and television series.
5. Amortization of low-value consumables and packing materials
(1) Low-value consumables
The packing materials are amortized using immediate write-off method.
(2) Packing materials
The packing materials are amortized using immediate write-off method.

12. Contract assets

The Company presents the contract assets or liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between performance
obligations and customer payments. The Company lists the net contract assets and liabilities under the same contract after offset.
The Company presents its owned right to unconditionally (that is, only depending on the passage of time) receive consideration from
customers as the accounts receivable, and the right to receive the consideration for which the goods have been transferred to
customers (that is, depending on factors other than the passage of time) as the contract assets.

13. Contract costs

Assets related to contract costs include contract acquisition costs and contract performance costs.
If the incremental cost incurred by the Company to obtain a contract is expected to be recovered, it is recognized as an asset as the
cost of obtaining a contract. If the amortization period of the cost of obtaining a contract does not exceed one year, such cost is
directly included in the profit or loss for the current period.
The cost incurred by the Company to perform a contract is not governed by the standards on inventories, fixed assets or intangible
assets, and if meeting the following criteria, is recognized as an asset as the contract performance cost:
1. Such cost is directly related to an existing or expected contract, including expenses for direct labor, direct materials and
manufacturing (or similar expenses), costs to be clearly borne by the customer and other costs incurred only due to the contract;
2. Such cost increases the Company’s future resources for fulfilling its performance obligations; and
3. Such cost is expected to be recovered.
The Company amortizes the asset related to the contract cost on the same basis as the recognition of the revenue of the goods or
services related to the asset, and includes it in the profit or cost for the current period.
If the carrying amount of the asset related to the contract cost is higher than the remaining consideration expected to be obtained due
to the transfer of the goods or services related to the asset less the estimated cost, then the Company makes a provision for
impairment of the excess and recognizes it as an impairment loss for the asset. If the impairment factors for prior periods have
changed afterwards so that the remaining consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of the goods or services related to
the asset less the estimated cost is higher than the carrying amount of the asset, then the Company reverses the provision for
impairment originally made and include it in the profit or loss for the current period, provided that the carrying amount after reversal
shall not exceed the carrying amount the asset would have reached on the date of reversal had the provision for impairment been not

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14. Long-term equity investments

1. Judgment criteria of joint control and significant influence
Joint control is the agreed sharing of control over an arrangement, and the decision in relation to the relevant activities of such
arrangement may only be made upon the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power of the
investing enterprise to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an investee, but is not control or joint control with
other parties over the establishment of those policies.
2. Determination of investment cost
(1) In case of an equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, if the
acquirer pays consideration for the business combination by cash, transfer of non-cash assets, assumption of liabilities or issuance of
equity securities, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is the Company’s share of the carrying amount of the
owners’ equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the date of combination. The
difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the carrying amount of the consideration paid
for the combination or the total par value of the shares issued (as applicable) is treated as an adjustment to the capital reserve. In case
the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings.
In case of a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control and
through multiple transactions by steps, the Company judges whether they constitute a “package deal” or not. If they belong to a
“package deal”, the Company accounts for all transactions as one transaction to acquire control. If such transactions do not constitute
a “package deal”, the initial investment cost is the Company’s post-combination share of the carrying amount of the net assets of the
acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller at the date of combination. The difference between the
initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment at the date of combination and the sum of the carrying amount of long-term
equity investment before the combination and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for acquisition of the additional shares at
the date of combination is adjusted against the capital reserve. In case the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the
remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings.
(2) In case of an equity investment acquired through a business combination not involving entities under common control, the initial
investment cost is the fair value of the consideration paid for the combination at the date of acquisition.
With respect to a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination not involving entities under common control
that is achieved through multiple transactions by steps, the accounting treatment thereof in the separate financial statements is
different from that in the consolidated financial statements as stated below:
1) In the separate financial statements, the initial investment cost for which the Company changes to the cost method is the sum of
the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment originally held and the new investment cost.
2) In the consolidated financial statements, the Company judges whether the transactions constitute a “package deal” or not. If they
belong to a “package deal”, the Company accounts for all transactions as one transaction to acquire control. If such transactions do
not constitute a “package deal”, the Company re-measures the fair value of the equity held in the acquiree prior to the date of
acquisition, and records the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount as investment income for the current period; if
the equity held in the acquiree prior to the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income under equity method, such other
comprehensive income is transferred to the income of the period in which the date of acquisition falls, except for other
comprehensive income arising from re-measurement by the investee of changes in net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans.
(3) In case of an equity investment not acquired through business combination, the initial investment cost is the purchase price
actually paid if it is acquired by cash, or the fair value of the equity securities issued if it is acquired through issuance of equity
securities, or is determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 12——Debt Restructuring if it
is acquired through debt restructuring, or in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7——Exchange
of Non-monetary Assets if it is acquired through exchange of non-monetary assets.
3. Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

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Long-term equity investments in investees are measured using the cost method. Long-term equity investments in associates and joint
ventures are measured using the equity method.
4. Disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions by steps until loss of control over the subsidiary
(1) Separate financial statements
The difference between the carrying amount of the equity disposed of and the proceeds of disposal actually received is recognized in
profit or loss for the current period. If the remaining equity empowers the Company to exercise significant influence or joint control
over the investees, the remaining equity is accounted for using the equity method; if the remaining equity does not empower the
Company to exercise control, joint control or significant influence over the investees, the remaining equity is accounted for in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22——Recognition and Measurement of Financial
(2) Consolidated financial statements
1) Disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions by steps until loss of control over the subsidiary which do not
constitute a “package deal”
Prior to the loss of control, the difference between the proceeds from disposal and the share owned by the Company in the net assets
of the subsidiary in relation to the long-term equity investment disposed of that is calculated continuously from the date of
acquisition or combination is adjusted against the capital reserve (capital premium). In case the capital premium is not sufficient to
absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against the retained earnings.
When losing control over an original subsidiary, the remaining equity is re-measured at its fair value at the date of loss of control.
The sum of the consideration received from the disposal of the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity, net of the share
owned by the Company in the net assets of the subsidiary as calculated continuously from the date of acquisition or combination
according to the previous shareholding ratio, is recognized in the investment income for the period in which the control is lost, and
the goodwill is reduced accordingly. Other comprehensive income relating to the equity investment in the original subsidiary should
be transferred to the investment income for the period in which the control is lost.
2) Disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions by steps until loss of control over the subsidiary which
constitute a “package deal”
The Company accounts for such transactions as one transaction to dispose of and lose its control over the subsidiary, however, the
difference between the proceeds from each disposal before loss of control and the share owned by the Company in the net assets of
the subsidiary in relation to the investment disposed of is recognized in other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial
statements, which is wholly transferred to the profit or loss in the period in which the control is lost. The Company accounts for such
transactions as one transaction to dispose of and lose its control over the subsidiary, however, the difference between the proceeds
from each disposal before loss of control and the share owned by the Company in the net assets of the subsidiary in relation to the
investment disposed of is recognized in other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements, which is wholly
transferred to the profit or loss in the period in which the control is lost.

15. Fixed assets

(1) Criteria for recognition

     Fixed assets are tangible assets held for production of goods, rendering of services, lease or operation and management with a
useful life of more than one accounting year. A fixed asset is recognized if the economic benefits relating to it are very likely to flow
to the Company and its cost can be reliably measured.

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(2) Depreciation

                                                            Estimated useful life       Estimated useful life
         Category            Method of depreciation                                                                   Residual value rate
                                                                  (years)                      (years)

Buildings                   Straight line method       30                           4                           3.2

Machines and equipment Straight line method            3-8                          0-5                         11.88-33.33

                            Straight line method       5-8                          0-5                         11.88-20

Electronic equipment,
                            Straight line method       3-10                         0-5                         9.50-33.33
devices and furniture

With respect to artworks whose estimated useful life is uncertain, the Company does not assess their depreciation but performs an
impairment test on them every year.

(3) Recognition, valuation and depreciation of fixed assets leased in under finance leases

16. Construction in progress

1. A construction in progress is recognized if the economic benefits relating to it are very likely to flow to the Company and its cost
can be reliably measured. A construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred for bringing the asset to working
condition for its intended use.
2. The construction in progress shall be transferred to fixed assets at its actual construction cost when meeting working conditions for
its intended use. If a project under construction has not undergone final accounts for completion when the project meets the working
condition for its intended use, the project is transferred to fixed assets at the estimated value, and after final accounts for completion
are handled, the original value provisionally estimated is adjusted at the actual cost, but no adjustment is made to originally provided

17. Borrowing costs

1. Recognition of capitalization of borrowing costs
Borrowing costs incurred by the Company that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
asset are capitalized as part of the cost of the relevant asset. The amounts of other borrowing costs incurred are expensed when
incurred and included in profit or loss for the current period.
2. Period of capitalization of borrowing costs
(1) A borrowing cost is capitalized when all of the following conditions are satisfied: 1) the expenditures on the asset have already
been incurred; 2) the borrowing cost has already been incurred; and 3) the acquisition, construction or production activities necessary
to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already commenced.
(2) Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
asset is interrupted abnormally, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. The borrowing costs incurred
during these periods are recognized as an expense for the current period until the acquisition, construction or production activity is
(3) When the qualifying asset being acquired, constructed or produced has become ready for its intended use or sale, the
capitalization ceases.
3. Rate and amount of capitalization of borrowing costs

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If funds are borrowed under a specific-purpose borrowing for the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, the
amount of interest to be capitalized shall be the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period (including amortized
discount or premium determined using the effective interest method) less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed
funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds. If funds are borrowed
under general-purpose borrowings and are utilized for the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, the Company
shall determine the amount of interest to be capitalized on such borrowings by multiplying a capitalization rate of the utilized
general-purpose borrowings by the weighted average of the excess amounts of cumulative expenditures on the asset over and above
the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings.

18. Right of use assets

      A right of use asset is the right of the Company as the lessee to use the leased asset within the lease term. The Company
recognizes the right of use asset for leases at the commencement date of the lease term. A right of use asset is recognized if the
economic benefits relating to it are very likely to flow to the Company and its cost can be reliably measured.
      The right of use asset is initially measured at cost, which includes: 1) the initially measured amount of the lease liability; 2) the
lease payments made on or before the commencement date of the lease term less the amount related to lease incentives (if any); 3)
the initial direct costs incurred by the lessee; 4) the costs that the lessee expects to incur in order to dismantle and remove the leased
asset, restore the site where the leased asset locates, or restore the leased asset to the condition agreed upon in the lease terms.
      The Company depreciates the right of use asset on a straight-line basis. If it reasonably ensures that ownership of the leased
assets will be obtained at the expiry of the lease term, the Company will depreciate the leased assets over their remaining useful lives.
If not, the Company will depreciate the leased asset over the shorter of the lease term or the remaining useful life of the leased asset.

19. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing methods, useful lives and impairment tests

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for “Internet Video Business” set forth in the Guide on Self-regulatory
Supervision for Companies Listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 4 – Disclosure of Industry Information by the Companies
Listed on the ChiNext Board.
1. Intangible assets include film and television copyrights, land use rights, software, trademark rights and copyrights, which are
initially measured at cost.
2. Service life and amortization method
(1) Amortization and carryforwards of film and television copyrights
When a film and television copyright is recognized as an intangible asset, that copyright is amortized in the light of the following
principles during the copyright benefit period: in case of the permanent copyright with the benefit period being determined to be 5
years and the film and television series copyright with the benefit period being determined to be not less than 3 years (inclusive), they
are amortized on a 5:3:2 basis (that is, 50% of the intangible asset value is amortized evenly in the first 12 months, 30% in the second
12 months and the remaining 20% is amortized on a straight-line basis during the remaining benefit period); in case of the copyrights
with the benefit period of more than 2 years (inclusive) but less than 3 years, they are amortized on a 5:5 basis (that is, 50% is
amortized in the first 12 months and the remaining 50% is amortized in a straight line during the remaining benefit period); and in
case of the copyrights with the benefit period of not more than 2 years, they are amortized on a straight-line basis during the benefit
When the film and television copyright is used for distribution, the right to use and income right, etc. shared jointly or enjoyed
respectively by the Company and its counterparty after distribution should be transferred as the book cost of the intangible assets at

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the lower of the income amount and the amortized book value of intangible assets from the date on which they satisfy the recognition
criteria of revenue. If the amortized value after transfer is still greater than zero, they continue to be amortized using the original
amortization method during the remaining amortization period.
(2) Amortization of other intangible assets other than film and television copyright.
The depreciable amount of an intangible asset with a finite useful life is allocated on a systematic and rational basis over its useful
life in the pattern in which the asset’s economic benefits are expected to be realized. If that pattern cannot be determined reliably, the
straight line method shall be used. The specific life is shown as follows:
 Item                                                                                         Amortization period (years)
 Land use rights                                                                                           49
 Software                                                                                                 3-10
 Trademarks and domain names                                                                Trademarks and domain names
 Authorized use period                                                                                     10
 Patent license fee                                                                                         3
 Game copyright                                                                              Period granted by the contract

(2) Accounting policy on in-house research and development expenditures

The Company engages in the research and development of system software. Expenditures on research and development projects are
classified into expenditures at research phase and expenditures at development phase according to the nature of expenditures and
depending on whether it is significantly uncertain that the research and development activities will result in intangible assets.
Expenditures at research phase are expenditures at the phase of planned investigation, evaluation and selection for purpose of
software research, which are recognized in profit or loss for the period in which they are incurred. Expenditures at the phase of
design and testing for purpose of final application of the software are recorded as expenditures at development phase, which are
capitalized prior to the final application of the software when all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the development of the
software has been sufficiently validated by the technical team; (2) the management has approved the budget for the development of
the software; (3) the system functions and performance of the software to be developed can satisfy the requirements of economic
activities; (4) the technical and financial resources available are sufficient to meet the requirements of the development activities and
subsequent use of the software; and (5) the expenditures attributable to the development of the software can be reliably measured.

20. Impairment of long-term assets

With respect to long-term equity investments, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with a finite useful life, right of
use assets and other long-term assets, if there’s an indication of impairment at the balance sheet date, the Company assesses their
recoverable amount. Goodwill arising from a business combination and an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life are tested for
impairment annually, irrespective of whether there is any indication that the asset may be impaired. For the purpose of impairment
testing, goodwill is considered together with the related asset groups or sets of asset groups.
If the recoverable amount of the long-term asset above is lower than its carrying amount, the difference is measured as impairment
loss of the asset and recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

21. Long-term prepaid expenses

Long-term prepaid expenses are expenses that have already been incurred but should be amortized over a period of more than one
year (exclusive). Long-term prepaid expenses are stated as incurred and are amortized evenly by stages within the benefit period or
specified period. If an item of long-term prepaid expenses will not benefit the subsequent periods, the amortized value of the item

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that has not yet been amortized is wholly transferred to profit or loss for the current period.

22. Contract liabilities

The Company presents the contract assets or liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between performance
obligations and customer payments. The Company lists the net contract assets and liabilities under the same contract after offset.
The Company presents its obligation to transfer goods to customers for the consideration received or receivable from customers as
the contract liabilities.

23. Employee benefits

(1) Accounting treatment of short-term employee benefits

The Company recognizes the short-term benefits actually incurred during the accounting period when the employees provide services
for the Company as liabilities, and include the same in profit or loss for the current period or as part of the cost of related assets.

(2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

Post-employment benefits are classified into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans.
(1) The Company recognizes the amount contributable calculated based on the defined contribution plan during the accounting
period when the employees provide services for the Company as liabilities, and include the same in profit or loss for the current
period or as part of the cost of related assets.
(2) The accounting treatment of a defined benefit plan generally involves the following steps:
1) According to the projected unit credit method, use the unbiased and consistent actuarial assumptions to estimate demographic
variables and financial variables, measure the obligation arising from the defined benefit plan and determine the period to which the
relevant obligation belongs. Meanwhile, discount the obligation arising from the defined benefit plan, in order to determine the
present value of the benefit plan obligation and the current service cost;
2) If the defined benefit plan has assets, the deficit or surplus resulting after reducing the present value of the defined benefit plan
obligation by the fair value of the assets is recognized as a net liability or asset of the defined benefit plan. If the defined benefit plan
has a surplus, the net assets of the defined benefit plan are measured at the lower of surplus in the defined benefit plan and asset
3) At the end of the reporting period, the cost of employee benefits arising from the defined benefit plan is recorded as service cost,
net interest on the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, and changes arising from re-measurement of the net
liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, wherein the service cost and the net interest on the net liabilities or net assets of the
defined benefit plan are included in profit or loss for the current period or the cost of related assets, and the changes arising from
re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are included in other comprehensive income, which will
not be converted back to profit or loss in subsequent periods, but those recognized as other comprehensive income may be transferred
within the scope of equity.

(3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits

The Company recognizes the employment compensation liabilities generated by termination benefits and records them into the profit
or loss for the current period at the earlier of the following dates:
(1) when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the termination benefits provided as a result of the labor relationship termination
plan or layoff proposal; or

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(2) when the Company recognizes the costs or expenses related to the restructuring of the termination benefits payment.

(4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits

Other long-term employee benefits are accounted for in accordance with the provisions applicable to defined contribution plans if
they are qualified as defined contribution plans, otherwise, are accounted for in accordance with the provisions applicable to defined
benefit plans. In order to simplify the accounting treatment, the total net amount of the cost of employee benefits arising from the
defined benefit plans that is recorded as service cost, net interest on the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan,
changes arising from re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan and other components is included
in profit or loss for the current period or the cost of related assets.

24. Lease liabilities

     At the commence date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the present value of the outstanding lease payments as a lease
liability. When calculating the present value of lease payments, the interest rate in the lease is determined as the discount rate. If the
interest rate in the lease is unavailable, the Company’s incremental borrowing rate is determined as the discount rate. The difference
between the lease payments and their present value is recognized as an unrecognized financing expense, with interest expenses
recognized at the discount rate used to recognize the present value of the lease payments and charged to profit or loss for the current
period over the term of the relevant lease. The variable lease payments not measured as the lease liability are recognized in profit or
loss when they are actually incurred.
     After the commencement date of the lease term, when there is a change in the substantive fixed payments, the expected amount
of payable for the guaranteed residual value, the index or rate used to determine the lease payments, or the evaluation result or actual
exercise of the purchase option, renewal option or termination option, the Company will remeasure the lease liability at the present
value of the changed lease payments and adjusts the carrying amount of the right of use asset accordingly. If the carrying amount of
the right of use asset has been reduced to nil but the lease liability still needs to be further reduced, the remaining amount will be
recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

25. Provisions

1. An obligation arising from any external guarantee, litigation, product quality warranty, onerous contract or other contingencies is
recognized as a provision if it is a present obligation assumed by the Company, and it is probable that an outflow of resources
embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of the obligation can be reliably measured.
2. Provisions are initially measured according to the best estimates of the expenditures required to settle the related present
obligations. The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at the balance sheet date.

26. Revenue

The accounting policies adopted for the recognition and measurement of revenue
1. Revenue recognition
At the inception of the contract, the Company evaluates the contract, identifies each single performance obligation contained therein
and determine whether each single performance obligation is performed over time or at a point in time.
When meeting one of the following criteria, it belongs to the obligation performed over time, otherwise it constitutes the obligation
performed at a point in time: (1) the customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits generated by the Company’s performance
when the Company performs the contract; (2) the customer can control the products under construction in the process of the
Company’s performance; (3) the products produced in the process of the Company’s performance have irreplaceable uses, and the

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Company has the right to collect payment for the cumulative performance that has been completed up to date throughout the term of
the contract.
For the obligation performed over time, the Company recognizes the revenue based on the performance progress over time. When the
performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, and the costs incurred are expected to be recoverable, revenue is recognized
to the extent of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined. For the obligation performed at a point
in time, the revenue is recognized at the time point when the customer obtains the control of the related goods or services. When
judging whether the customer has obtained the control of goods, the Company considers the followings signs: (1) the Company has
the current right to receive payment for such goods, that is, the customer has the current obligation to make payment for such goods;
(2) the Company has transferred the legal ownership of such goods to the customer, that is, the customer has the legal ownership of
such goods; (3) the Company has transferred such goods to the customer physically, that is, the customer has taken possession of
such goods physically; (4) the Company has transferred major risks and rewards of such goods to the customer, that is, the customer
has obtained major risks and rewards of such goods; (5) the customer has accepted such goods; and (6) other signs that the customer
has obtained control of such goods.
2. Revenue measurement
(1) The Company measures revenue based on the transaction price allocated to each single performance obligation. The transaction
price is the amount of consideration to which the Company is entitled arising from the transfer of goods or services to the customer,
excluding the amount collected on behalf of a third party and expected to be returned to the customer.
(2) If there is variable consideration in the contract, the Company determines the best estimate of the variable consideration based on
the expected value or the most likely amount. However, variable consideration is included in the transaction price if, and to the extent
that, it is highly probable that its inclusion will not result in a significant revenue reversal of accumulatively recognized revenue in
the future when the uncertainty has been subsequently resolved.
(3) If there is a major financing component in the contract, the Company determines the transaction price based on the presumed
amount payable in cash when the customer obtains the control of goods or services. The difference between that transaction price and
the contract consideration is amortized over the period of the contract using the effective interest method. If at the inception of the
contract, the Company expects that the customer’s acquisition of control of goods or services is not more than one year from the
customer’s payment therefor, the major financing component in the contract will not be considered.
(4) If the contract has two or multiple performance obligations, the Company allocates the transaction price to each single
performance obligation in the contract by reference to relative standalone selling prices of goods promised thereby.
3. Specific methods for revenue recognition
(1) Revenue recognized at a point in time
The Company’s sales of TV shopping products, film and television series and other goods belong to the obligation performed at a
point in time. The revenue is recognized when goods made for domestic market meet the following criteria: the Company has
delivered the products to the customer pursuant to the contract and the customer has accepted such products, the payment for
products has been received or the receipt of payment has been obtained and it is probable that the associated economic benefits will
flow to the Company, the legal ownership of the products has been transferred, and the major risks and rewards of the products have
been transferred to the customer. The revenue is recognized when goods made for foreign market meet the following criteria: the
Company has declared the products pursuant to the contract and obtained the bill of lading, the payment for products has been
received or the receipt of payment has been obtained and it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the
Company, the legal ownership of the products has been transferred, and the major risks and rewards of the products have been
(2) Revenue recognized according to the progress of contract performance
The Company provides membership, artiste, operator and financial services, etc. As the customer obtains and consumes the
economic benefits generated by the Company’s performance when the Company performs the contract, the customer can control the
goods or services under construction in the process of the Company’s performance, the services or goods provided in the process of

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the Company’s performance have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payment for the cumulative
performance that has been completed up to date throughout the term of the contract, the Company regards it as a performance
obligation over time and recognizes revenue according to the performance progress, unless the performance progress cannot be
reasonably determined. The Company determines the progress of performance obligation using the output method/input method.
When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, and the costs incurred by the Company are expected to be
recoverable, revenue is recognized to the extent of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined.
The Company’s specific principles for the recognition and measurement of revenues earned in the following sectors and lines of
business are as follows:
(1) Revenue from sale of goods through TV channels, network channels, outbound channels, online to offline channels and other
The goods sold by the Company are mainly delivered by logistics companies to the buyers or picked by the buyers themselves. The
Company recognizes the revenue from sale of goods when the goods have been delivered by logistics companies to the buyers and
signed for by the buyers and the period for return of goods has expired.
If the customer is a group, sales revenue is recognized when the group has received the goods and signed the receipt of the goods.
If credits are offered to the customers upon sale of goods, the Company allocates the amount received or receivable from the sale of
goods between the revenue from the sale of goods and the value of the credits, and recognizes the amount received or receivable
from the sale of goods net of the value of the credits as revenue, and the value of the credits as current liabilities.
When the credits are exchanged by the customers, the portion of current liabilities originally recognized in connection with the
credits exchanged is recognized as revenue, wherein, the amount of revenue recognized is determined according to the proportion of
the amount of the credits exchanged to the total estimated amount of the credits exchangeable.
(2) Revenue from advertising service
Revenue from advertising service is recognized after the advertisements have been delivered or according to the settlement amount
during the process of service when all of the following conditions are satisfied: (i) the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;
(ii) it is probable that the economic benefits associated therewith will flow to the Company; and (iii) the costs incurred or to be
incurred for the delivery of advertisements can be measured reliably.
(3) Revenue from member service
Service revenue is recognized during the valid period of membership on a daily basis according to the top-up amount paid by the
(4) Royalty revenue
Royalty revenue includes copyright licensing revenue and revenue from joint copyright investment.
1) Copyright licensing revenue is recognized when the license has been granted to the counter party and the license fee has been
received or the right to receive the license fee has been obtained under the relevant copyright license contract.
2) Revenue from joint copyright investment
① Investment in film and television series and other programs in which the Company does not hold copyright
Applicable business: The Company participates in the production of film and television series in the capacity of a co-investor under
the relevant investment agreement which explicitly provides that the return on investment receivable by the Company shall be a fixed
income or a risk investment income wherein the Company does not hold copyright as other investors. Income from such businesses is
recognized as investment income.
② Investment in film and television series and other programs in which the Company holds joint copyright
Applicable business: The Company participates in the production of film and television series in the capacity of a co-investor under
the relevant investment agreement which explicitly provides that the Company shall participate in the income distribution or loss
sharing of the project in the capacity of a co-investor and holds copyright therein jointly with other investors in such proportion as
agreed. Revenue from release of television series is recognized when the production of the television series has been completed, the
film and television series authority has examined the television series and issued a Television Series Release License, the copies,

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tapes and other media of the television series have been delivered to the buyers and it is probable that the economic benefits
associated therewith will flow to the Company. Revenue from release of films is recognized when the production of the films has
been completed, the film and television series authority has examined the films and issued a Film Release License, the film has been
screened in theaters and the settlement statement has been received from the relevant theater chains. Revenue from release of
programs is recognized when the production of the programs has been completed, the copies, tapes and other media of the program
have been delivered to the buyers and it is probable that the economic benefits associated therewith will flow to the Company.
Such revenue is recognized in two different ways:
If the Company is responsible for release, when the criteria for recognition of revenue is met, the Company recognizes the
distribution income as agreed as operating revenue and records the share of income payable to the production partners as deductions
from revenue. If another party is responsible for release, when the Company receives the income settlement statement as agreed, the
Company recognizes the income receivable as “operating income”.
3) Specific methods for cost recognition
If the Company is responsible for the production of and accounting for film or television series, the cost actually incurred is recorded
as “inventories - production cost”. When the production fee advanced by the investors under the contract is received, such amount is
initially recorded as “contract liabilities”, and when the production has been completed and the film or television series is ready for
release, such amount is offset against the inventory cost of film or television series. If another party is responsible for the production
of and accounting for the film or television series, the production fee paid by the Company to the production partner under the
contract is initially recorded as “prepayments”, the travel expenses incurred by the Company directly in connection with the project is
recorded as “inventories - production cost”, and when the production has been completed and the film or television series is ready for
release, such amount is transferred to inventory cost. After receiving the cost or expense settlement vouchers or statements issued by
the producer and audited or confirmed by the co-investors, the assets originally recorded are adjusted according to the actual
settlement amount, by transferring the Company’s share of the cost of the film or television series investment project from
“prepayments” to “inventories - production cost”. After obtaining copyright in the film or television series under the contract, the
actual cost of the film or television series is wholly transferred to “inventories - goods on hand”, and the revenue earned is offset
against the cost using the percentage of completion method. Under the percentage of completion method, from the date the film or
TV play is granted a release permit (i.e. the date of satisfaction of the criteria for recognition of revenue), during the period of cost
transfer, the Company uses the cost transfer rate (the proportion of total cost of the film or TV play to the total planned revenue) to
calculate and determine the cost of sales to be transferred in the current period and the inventories to be recognized at the end of the
(5) Revenue from operator service
Revenue from operator service is recognized according to the relevant business settlement statements or third-party or technical
background business data provided according to the relevant cooperation agreement.
The Company recognizes the revenue according to the settlement data provided by the operator and confirmed by the Company and
the operator prior to the balance sheet date, or if the settlement data is not obtained from the operator prior to the balance sheet date,
according to the data collected by the billing platform and other data and information available to the extent that the revenue can be
measured reliably, and adjusts the same upon actual settlement.
(6) Revenue from sale of hardware
Revenue from sale of hardware is recognized on a monthly basis according to the quantity of intelligent terminal products actually
sold in the given month and their selling prices.
(7) Recognition of revenue from artiste agent service
1) Artiste performance service
The service period is relatively short. In this service, the Company mainly helps the artistes give commercial performance or concerts,
and recognizes the revenue after a contracted artiste has fulfilled his or her contractual obligations.
2) Artiste shooting service

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Shooting service includes participation by the artistes in the shooting of films and TV plays and recording of programs. The service
period is about three months generally. The Company recognizes the revenue after a contracted artiste has fulfilled his or her
contractual obligations.
3) Artiste endorsement service
The term of an artiste’s endorsement is about 1-2 years generally. During the term of endorsement, the artiste needs to be featured in
video commercials, record theme songs, and participate in public relations and other activities. The revenue is recognized according
to the specific contract terms. If the contract provides that after the performance of the obligations by the artiste, and the service fee
already received by the Company will not be refunded except for force majeure, the service fee may be wholly recognized as revenue.
If the contract provides that, in addition to indicating the force majeure, the artiste needs to give exclusive endorsement or maintain
his or her good image, the revenue is recognized in installments during the term of endorsement.
(8) Derivative revenue from films, TV plays and programs
Derivative revenue from films, TV plays and programs is recognized after the showing thereof, at such time as provided in the
relevant contract.
(9) Revenue from games
The Company’s revenue from games mainly includes revenue from game copyright, game distribution service and self-developed
games, which are recognized as follows:
1) Revenue from game copyright includes royalty revenue and minimum guarantee revenue. The royalties received by the Company
are recorded as contract liabilities upon receipt, and included in the operating revenue for the current period using the straight line
method during the term of agreement. The minimum guarantees received are recognized as revenue when all the risks and rewards
have been transferred in accordance with the schedule of payment and division of revenues as provided in the relevant contract or
2) Game distribution service is a mode of operation in which the Company obtains a license to operate an online game and then
enters into cooperation with Mango TV, 360 Game Center or other third-party channel platforms to jointly operate the game; the
players of the game need to be registered as users of the third-party channel, top up their accounts in the top-up system of the
third-party platform to obtain virtual cash, and use such virtual cash to purchase virtual props. In the mode of joint operation by a
third party, each third-party platform is responsible for the operation, promotion, charging service and management of billing system
of its channel, and the Company recognizes its share of revenue as the operating revenue as calculated according to the cooperation
agreement concluded with the third-party platform and confirmed by the Company and the third-party platform.
3) Self-developed games include online games and standalone games. In the mode of self-operation of an online game, the Company
distributes and operates the game through its own or third-party channels, and is solely responsible for the operation, promotion and
maintenance of the game; the players of the game are directly registered with such channels and then log in to the game, top up their
accounts to obtain virtual cash, and use such virtual cash to purchase virtual props; after the game props purchased by the players
have been used up, the Company recognizes the amount actually paid and consumed by the players as the operating revenue.
Standalone games are available for downloading by the players in the form of a mobile standalone game package. When a player
purchases props of the game, the embedded program generates a billing instruction; the telecom carrier or service provider sends a
billing code by text message, and then the carrier confirms the deduction of the relevant telephone charge to complete the process of
billing and payment. The deduction and payment of the information charge for the mobile standalone game is irrevocable. After the
deduction of such charge by the carrier, the risks and rewards are transferred to the users. The Company’s standalone games are
distributed jointly with third parties. After the users have downloaded and installed the games, the Company is not responsible for the
management of the games or otherwise restricts the use of the games by the users, that is, the Company does not have control over
such games. In such mode, the Company recognizes its share of revenue as the operating revenue as calculated according to the
cooperation agreement concluded with the relevant third-party platform and confirmed by the Company and the third-party platform.
(10) Revenue from H5 interaction
Revenue from H5 interaction mainly comes from H5 interactive advertisements placed by clients in the television programs of Hunan

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TV, and is recognized after the showing of the relevant programs on Hunan TV.
(11) Revenue from wireless value-added service
According to the wireless value-added service contract concluded by the Company and the relevant client, if the contract specifies the
total contract price, the contract price is allocated according to the schedule of payment during the term of license specified therein if
the contract price will be paid in installments, or wholly recognized as revenue after the delivery of service if the contract price will
be paid in one lump sum. If the contract does not specify the total contract price, the revenue is recognized according to the
settlement statements provided by the client.

Difference in the accounting policy for revenue recognition arising from adoption of different modes of operation for the same kind
of business

27. Government grants

1. Government grants are recognized if (i) the Company meets the conditions attaching to the government grants; and (ii) the
Company will receive the government grants. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, the item is
measured at the amount received or receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a non-monetary asset, the item is
measured at fair value. If fair value is not reliably determinable, the item is measured at a nominal amount.
2. Determination and accounting treatment of government grants related to assets
Government grants related to assets are government grants which are offered for purchasing, constructing or otherwise acquiring
long-term assets as provided by the applicable government documents, or in the absence of such express provision in the applicable
government documents, government grants whose primary condition is that the Company should purchase, construct or otherwise
acquire long-term assets. The government grants related to assets are offset against the carrying amount of the related assets or
recognized as deferred income. Government grants related to assets recognized as deferred income are included in profit or loss over
the service life of the relevant assets on a reasonable and systemic basis. Government grants measured at nominal amount are directly
recognized in profit or loss for the current period. In case of sale, transfer, retirement or damage of the relevant assets before the end
of intended service life, the balance of the unallocated deferred income is transferred to profit or loss for the period in which the
assets are disposed of.
3. Determination and accounting treatment of government grants related to income
Government grants related to income are government grants other than those related to assets. Government grants related to both
assets and income in which it is difficult to make a distinction between the portion related to assets and the portion related to income
are wholly classified as government grants related to income. Government grants related to income as compensation for expenses or
losses to be incurred in subsequent periods are recognized as deferred income and in the period for recognizing the relevant costs,
expenses or losses, included in profit or loss for the current period or offset against the relevant costs. Government grants related to
income as compensation for expenses or losses already incurred are directly included in profit or loss for the current period or offset
against the relevant costs.
4. Government grants related to day-to-day operations of the Company are recognized in other income or offset against the relevant
costs and expenses depending on the nature of economic business. Government grants not related to day-to-day operations of the
Company are recognized in non-operating revenues or expenses.
5. Accounting treatment of policy preferential loans and interest subsidies
(1) If the Ministry of Finance appropriates the interest subsidies to the lending bank, and then the lending bank offers a loan to the
Company at the policy-based preferential interest rate, the Company recognizes the loan amount actually received as the recorded
amount of the loan, and calculates the borrowing costs according to the loan principal and such policy-based preferential interest rate.
(2) If the Ministry of Finance directly appropriates the interest subsidies to the Company, the Company offsets the corresponding

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interest subsidy against the related borrowing costs.

28. Deferred tax assets / deferred tax liabilities

1. The difference between the tax base of an asset or liability and its carrying amount (or in case of an item not recognized as asset or
liability whose tax base can be determined according to the applicable tax law, the difference between its tax base and carrying
amount), is recognized as a deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability according to the tax rate applicable to the period in which the
asset or liability is expected to be recovered or settled.
2. Deferred income tax assets are recognized to the extent of the amount of income tax payable that will be available in future periods
against which deductible temporary differences are deductible. At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets not recognized in prior
periods are recognized if there’s conclusive evidence that it is probable that sufficient taxable income will be available in future
periods against which the deductible temporary differences are deductible.
3. At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset is reviewed. The Company reduces the carrying amount of a
deferred tax asset to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income will be available in future periods to allow
the benefit of the deferred tax asset to be utilized. Any such reduction in amount is reversed to the extent that it becomes probable
that sufficient taxable income will be available.
4. Current and deferred tax of the Company is recognized as income or an expense and included in profit or loss for the current
period, except to the extent that the tax arises from: (1) business combination; or (2) a transaction or event which is recognized
directly in owner’s equity.

29. Lease

(1) Accounting treatment for operating lease

      1. The Company as a lessee
      At the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes a lease with a lease term not more than 12 months that
include no purchase option as short-term lease; and a lease at lower value when the individually leased asset is brand-new as
low-value asset lease. If the Company subleases or expects to sublease the leased assets, the original lease is not recognized as a
low-value asset lease.
      For all short-term lease and low-value asset lease, the Company recognizes the lease payments in the cost of relevant assets or
profit or loss for the current period on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease.
      2. The Company as a lessor
      At the commencement date of the lease term, the Company classifies a lease as finance lease whenever the terms of the lease
transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to the lessee, and all other leases as operating leases.
      The Company recognizes lease receipts as rental income on a straight-line basis over the term of the relevant lease, with initial
direct costs incurred capitalized and apportioned on the same basis of recognizing rental income to include in profit or loss for the
current period separately. Variable lease payments obtained by the Company relevant to operating leases that are not included in the
lease receipts are recognized in profit or loss when they are actually incurred.

(2) Accounting treatment for finance lease

      1. The Company as a lessee
      At the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes right of use asset and lease liability for a lease, with
details referring to Right of use assets and Lease liabilities described above.
      2. The Company as a lessor

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      At the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the finance lease receivable at the net value of lease
investment (the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receipts not yet received at the
commencement date of the lease term that are discounted at the interest rate in the lease) and derecognizes the finance lease asset.
Over the term of the relevant lease, the Company calculates and recognizes interest income based on the interest rate in the lease.
      Variable lease payments obtained by the Company that are not included in the net value of lease investment are recognized in
profit or loss when they are actually incurred.

30. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

Customer credit policy
The accounting for customer credits requires an estimate of the fair value and the time and possibility of use of credits. Valuation and
recording of customer credits require judgment and estimation. If the result of re-estimation is different from the current estimation,
such difference will affect the carrying amount of contract liabilities for the period in which the estimation is changed.

31. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

√ Applicable □ N/A

  Changes in accounting policies and associated
                                                                       Approval procedure                               Remark

Changes in accounting policies caused by changes Approved by the Company at the 36th meeting of the
                                                                                                                New Lease Standard
in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises 3rd board of directors held on April 22, 2021.

      1.The Company implemented the revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21—Lease (the “New Lease
Standard”) from January 1, 2021(the “First Implementation Date”).
      (1) For contracts existing before the First Implementation Date, the Company chooses not to reassess whether they are leases or
include leases.
      (2) For lease contracts in which the Company is a lessee, the Company retrospectively adjusts the amount of retained earnings
and other related items in the financial statements at the beginning of the reporting period in accordance with the cumulative effects
arising from the implementation of the New Lease Standard comparing with the previous standard on the First Implementation Date,
with the information for the comparable period not adjusted. The details are shown as follows:
      For operating leases prior to the First Implementation Date, the Company, on the First Implementation Date, measures the lease
liability based on the present value of the remaining lease payments discounted at the Company’s incremental borrowing rate on the
First Implementation Date, and the right of use asset at an amount equal to the lease liability with necessary adjustments for prepaid
      On the First Implementation Date, the Company makes impairment tests and relevant accounting treatments for right of use
assets in accordance with Note V (20) to the Financial Statements.
      1) The main impacts of the New Lease Standard on the Company’s financial statements on January 1, 2021 are presented as
   Item                                                                           Balance Sheet
                                                  December 31, 2020         Adjustment impacts of              January 1, 2021
                                                                             New Lease Standard

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Prepayment                                              1,398,350,153.72                    -409,160.33              1,397,940,993.39
Right of use assets                                                                   217,783,996.12                   217,783,996.12
Non-current liabilities due within one                                                    48,596,782.45                  48,596,782.45
Lease liabilities                                                                     168,778,053.34                   168,778,053.34
       2) The lease liabilities included in the balance sheet on the First Implementation Date adopts 3.85% as the weighted average of
the Company’s incremental borrowing rate.
       3) Simplified treatment applied to operating leases prior to the First Implementation Date
       A. For lease contracts completed within 12 months after the First Implementation Date, the Company applies simplified
method and does not recognize right of use assets and lease liabilities.
       B. The Company adopts the same discount rate for lease contracts with similar characteristics like similar lease terms in
measuring lease liabilities.
       C. The measurement of right of use assets does not involve initial direct costs.
       D. The Company determines the lease term based on the actual exercise of the option to renew or to terminate the lease and
other latest information prior to the First Implementation Date.
       E. As an alternative of the impairment test for right of use asset, the Company assesses whether the contract including a lease is
an onerous contract prior to the First Implementation Date in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.
13 - Contingencies and adjusts the right of use asset by the amount of loss provision recorded at the balance sheet date prior to the
First Implementation Date.
       F. If a lease changes prior to the First Implementation Date, the Company will make accounting treatment in accordance with
the final arrangement of the lease change.
       The above simplified treatment has brought no significant impact on the Company’s financial statements.
       (3) For operating lease contracts related to low-value assets that have existed before the First Implementation Date, the
Company adopts simplified treatments of not recognizing right of use assets and lease liabilities, and accounting for them in
accordance with the New Lease Standard from the First Implementation Date.
       (4) For lease contracts in which the Company is a lessor, the Company will account for the lease contracts in accordance with
the New Lease Standard from the First Implementation Date.
       2. The Company implements the Interpretation No. 14 of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the
Ministry of Finance in 2021 from January 26, 2021, and changes in the accounting policy bring no impact on the Company’s
financial statements.
       3. The Company implements the “Presentation of Centralized Management of Funds” in Interpretation No. 15 of the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance from December 31, 2021, and changes in the
accounting policy bring no impact on the Company’s financial statements.

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Description of adjustments in opening balances of line items in financial statements of the year due to
first implementation of New Lease Standard since 2021

√ Applicable □ N/A
Did the opening balances of line items in the balance sheet require adjustment?

                                                           2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

√ Yes □ No
Consolidated balance sheet
                                                                                                         In RMB

               Item            December 31, 2020         January 1, 2021               Adjusted amount

Current Assets:

Cash and bank balances                5,336,319,786.70         5,336,319,786.70

Balances with clearing

Placements with banks and
other financial institutions

Held-for-trading financial

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable                   2,976,696,672.95         2,976,696,672.95

Receivable financing                    164,410,000.00           164,410,000.00

Prepayments                           1,398,350,153.72         1,397,940,993.39                    -409,160.33

Premium receivable

Amounts receivable under
reinsurance contracts

Reinsurer’s share of
insurance contract reserves

Other receivables                        51,168,090.47            51,168,090.47

Including: dividends

Dividends receivable

Financial assets purchased
under resale agreements

Inventories                           1,660,324,608.09         1,660,324,608.09

Contract assets                         817,451,396.56           817,451,396.56

Held-for-sale assets

Non-current assets due
within one year

Other current assets                    520,087,664.20           520,087,664.20

Total current assets                 12,924,808,372.69        12,924,399,212.36                    -409,160.33

Non-current assets:

                                                       2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Loans and advances to

Debt investments

Other debt investments

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity
                                      22,882,969.51          22,882,969.51

Other investments in equity

Other non-current financial

Investment properties

Fixed assets                         186,924,296.25         186,924,296.25

Construction in progress

Bearer biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right of use assets                                         217,783,996.12                  217,783,996.12

Intangible assets                   5,894,454,399.68       5,894,454,399.68

Development expenditure              157,264,231.85         157,264,231.85


Long-term prepaid expenses            77,342,051.99          77,342,051.99

Deferred income tax assets

Other non-current assets                2,023,481.01           2,023,481.01

Total non-current assets            6,340,891,430.29       6,558,675,426.41                 217,783,996.12

Total assets                       19,265,699,802.98     19,483,074,638.77                  217,374,835.79

Current liabilities:

Short term borrowings                  39,789,110.68         39,789,110.68

Loans from the central bank

Taking from banks and other
financial institutions

Held-for-trading financial

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable                        712,292,035.75         712,292,035.75

Accounts payable                    5,217,087,330.62       5,217,087,330.62

Receipts in advance

                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Contract liabilities            1,330,475,023.10       1,330,475,023.10

Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements

Customer deposits and
deposits from banks and
other financial institutions

Funds from securities trading

Funds from underwriting
securities agency

Employee benefits payable        856,712,827.84         856,712,827.84

Taxes payable                    131,527,885.95         131,527,885.95

Other payables                   160,651,194.91         160,651,194.91

Including: interest payable

Dividends payable

Fees and commissions

Amounts payable under
reinsurance contracts

Held-for-sale liabilities

Non-current liabilities due
                                                         48,596,782.45                   48,596,782.45
within one year

Other current liabilities        138,698,825.59         138,698,825.59

Total current liabilities       8,587,234,234.44       8,635,831,016.89                  48,596,782.45

Non-current liabilities:

Insurance contract reserves

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

Lease liabilities                                       168,778,053.34                  168,778,053.34

Long-term payables

Long-term employee benefits

Provisions                         8,305,486.15            8,305,486.15

Deferred income                   48,938,835.69          48,938,835.69

                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Deferred income tax

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                     57,244,321.84                    226,022,375.18                    168,778,053.34

Total liabilities                              8,644,478,556.28                  8,861,853,392.07                    217,374,835.79

Owner’s equity:

Share capital                                  1,780,377,511.00                  1,780,377,511.00

Other equity instruments

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserve                                4,838,937,706.35                  4,838,937,706.35

Less: treasury shares

Other comprehensive income                             -2,759.37                         -2,759.37

Special reserve

Surplus reserve                                   87,139,560.14                     87,139,560.14

General risk reserve

Undistributed profit                           3,881,526,167.30                  3,881,526,167.30

Total owners’ equity
attributable to equity holders               10,587,978,185.42                  10,587,978,185.42
of the parent company

Minority interests                                33,243,061.28                     33,243,061.28

Total owners’ equity                        10,621,221,246.70                  10,621,221,246.70

Total liabilities and owners’
                                             19,265,699,802.98                  19,483,074,638.77                    217,374,835.79

Descriptions of adjustments
On January 1, 2021, the Company began to implement the Notice on Revision and Issuance of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 21 - Leases (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 35) (the “New Lease Standard”), according to which the prepaid rent recognized in
prepayments was transferred to right of use assets, and leases other than short-term and low-value leases were recognized as right of
use assets and lease liabilities.
Balance sheet of the parent company
                                                                                                                              In RMB

              Item                    December 31, 2020                   January 1, 2021                  Adjusted amount

Current Assets:

Cash and bank balances                          405,729,095.82                     405,729,095.82

Held-for-trading financial

                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Derivative financial assets

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable

Receivable financing

Prepayments                        270,000.00             270,000.00

Other receivables              260,068,347.20         260,068,347.20

Including: dividends

Dividends receivable


Contract assets

Held-for-sale assets

Non-current assets due
within one year

Other current assets             3,194,254.68            3,194,254.68

Total current assets           669,261,697.70         669,261,697.70

Non-current assets:

Debt investments

Other debt investments

Long-term receivables

Long-term equity
                              7,780,583,738.35       7,780,583,738.35

Other investments in equity

Other non-current financial

Investment properties

Fixed assets                     1,305,884.91            1,305,884.91

Construction in progress

Bearer biological assets

Oil and gas assets

Right of use assets                                    10,702,835.07                   10,702,835.07

Intangible assets                  803,907.00             803,907.00

Development expenditure


                                                      2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Long-term prepaid expenses            5,579,058.77            5,579,058.77

Deferred income tax assets

Other non-current assets

Total non-current assets           7,788,272,589.03       7,798,975,424.10

Total assets                       8,457,534,286.73       8,468,237,121.80                  10,702,835.07

Current liabilities:

Short term borrowings

Held-for-trading financial

Derivative financial liabilities

Notes payable

Accounts payable

Receipts in advance

Contract liabilities

Employee benefits payable            31,708,478.30          31,708,478.30

Taxes payable                           545,679.40             545,679.40

Other payables                        7,672,949.27            7,672,949.27

Including: interest payable

Dividends payable

Held-for-sale liabilities

Non-current liabilities due
                                                              1,699,498.72                   1,699,498.72
within one year

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities            39,927,106.97          41,626,605.69                    1,699,498.72

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term borrowings

Bonds payable

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

Lease liabilities                                             9,003,336.35                   9,003,336.35

Long-term payables

Long-term employee benefits


Deferred income

                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Deferred income tax

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                                         9,003,336.35                      9,003,336.35

Total liabilities                                 39,927,106.97                     50,629,942.04                     10,702,835.07

Owner’s equity:

Share capital                                  1,780,377,511.00                  1,780,377,511.00

Other equity instruments

Including: preferred shares

Perpetual bonds

Capital reserve                                6,179,334,010.36                  6,179,334,010.36

Less: treasury shares

Other comprehensive income

Special reserve

Surplus reserve                                   87,139,560.14                     87,139,560.14

Undistributed profit                            370,756,098.26                     370,756,098.26

Total owners’ equity                          8,417,607,179.76                  8,417,607,179.76

Total liabilities and owners’
                                               8,457,534,286.73                  8,468,237,121.80                     10,702,835.07

Descriptions of adjustments
On January 1, 2021, the Company began to implement the Notice on Revision and Issuance of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 21 - Leases (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 35) (the “New Lease Standard”), according to which the prepaid rent recognized in
prepayments was transferred to right of use assets, and leases other than short-term and low-value leases were recognized as right of
use assets and lease liabilities.

(4) Description of retrospective adjustments in comparative data in prior periods due to the first
implementation of New Lease Standard from 2021

□ Applicable √ N/A

32. Others

VI. Taxes

1. Major categories of taxes and tax rates

                    Tax type                               Taxation basis                                  Tax rate

                                            VAT payable is the output tax based on the
VAT                                                                                      13%, 9%, 5%, 6%, 3%
                                            sales of goods and taxable labor income

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                             calculated pursuant to the tax law, net of
                                             the input tax that is allowed to be deducted
                                             in the current period.

Consumption tax                              Taxable sales turnover (volume)                   5%

City maintenance and construction tax        Actually paid turnover tax                        7%, 5%

                                                                                               Tax exemption, 8.25%, 12.5%, 15%,
Enterprise income tax                        Taxable income
                                                                                               16.5%, 25%

                                             If it is levied on an ad valorem basis, the
                                             tax is calculated as 1.2% of the remaining
                                             value after being deducted 20% of the
Property tax                                                                                   1.2%, 12%
                                             original value of the property; if it is levied
                                             subject to rent, the tax is calculated as 12%
                                             of the rental income.

Education surcharges                         Actually paid turnover tax                        3%

Local education surcharges                   Actually paid turnover tax                        2%

Development fee for cultural undertakings Taxable service income subject to tax laws Tax exemption

Disclosure of taxpayers with different rates of enterprise income tax:

                             Taxpayer                                                   Rate of enterprise income tax

Happigo Co., Ltd.                                                     Tax exemption

Happy Sunshine                                                        Tax exemption

Horgos Happy Sunshine Media Co., Ltd.                                 Tax exemption

Mango Studios Co., Ltd.                                               Tax exemption

Mango Entertainment Co., Ltd.                                         Tax exemption

Hunan Happy Mango Fun Technology Co., Ltd.                            Tax exemption

Hunan E.E. Media Film and Television Production Co. Ltd.              Tax exemption

Mango Fun Technology                                                  12.5%

Hainan E.E. Media Co., Ltd.                                           15%

Happy Sunshine Xingmang Interactive Entertainment Media Co.,

Dameiren Global Trading Co., Limited                                  8.25%, 16.5%

Happy Sunshine (Hong Kong) Media Company Limited                      8.25%, 16.5%

Other taxpayers excluding above ones                                  25%

2. Tax incentives

       1. Happy Sunshine, Happigo Co., Ltd., Mango Studios, Mango Entertainment, Hunan Happy Mango Fun Technology Co., Ltd.,
and Hunan E.E. Media Film and Television Production Co. Ltd. are enterprises transformed from cultural public institutions with
for-profit operations approved by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation. In accordance with the Notice of

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Continuing Implementing Several Tax Policies for the Transformation of Cultural Public Institutions with For-Profit Operations into
Enterprises During the Cultural System Reform jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, and
the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee (Cai Shui (2019) No. 16) in February 2019, cultural enterprises transformed
are qualified to be exempt from enterprise income tax within five years from January 1, 2019. This period is the third year of
exempting from enterprise income tax.
      2. Horgos Happy Sunshine Media Co., Ltd., is an enterprise within the scope defined in the Notice of the Ministry of Finance,
the State Administration of Taxation, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology on Publishing the Catalogue of Enterprise Income Tax Incentives for Industries Particularly Encouraged by
Poverty Areas of Xinjiang for Development (Trial) (Cai Shui (2011) No. 60). In accordance with the requirements in the Notice on
Enterprise Income Tax Incentive Policies for Enterprises in Two Special Economic Development Zones Including Kashgar and
Horgos Economic Development Zones in Xinjiang (Cai Shui (2011) No. 112), enterprises in such scope can be exempted from
enterprise income tax within five years consecutively, starting from the first year in which manufacturing or business operational
revenue is earned in the period from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2020. Horgos Happy Sunshine Media Co., Ltd. is exempted
from enterprise income tax within five years from 2018 as it earned its first manufacturing or business operational revenue in 2018.
This period is the fourth year of exempting from enterprise income tax.
      3. Mango Fun has been evaluated as a software enterprise in accordance with the requirements in Several Policies on Further
Encouraging the Development of the Software and Integrated Circuit Industries (Guo Fa (2011) No. 4) and the Evaluation Standard
for Software Enterprises. In accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation on
Enterprise Income Tax Policies for Further Encouraging the Development of Software and Integrated Circuit Industries (Cai Shui
[2012] No. 27), Mango Fun’s tax incentive period should commence from 2017, the first year of earning profits, which means Mango
Fun can be exempted from enterprise income tax from the first year to the second year, and is eligible for a halved tax rate (i.e. 25%)
from the third year to the fifth year until the tax incentive period expires. This period is the third year of being eligible for a halved
tax rate.
      4. Happy Sunshine Xingmang Interactive Entertainment Media Co., Ltd., Hainan E.E. Media Co., Ltd. is qualified as an
encouraged enterprise registered and substantially operating in Hainan Free Trade Port in accordance with the Notice of Income Tax
Incentive Policies for Enterprises in Hainan Free Trade Port (Cai Shui [2020] No. 31) by the Ministry of Finance and the State
Taxation Administration, thus its enterprise income tax is levied at a reduced rate of 15%.
      5. In accordance with the Announcement on Relevant Policies for Deepening the Value-Added Tax Reform (Announcement No.
39 by the Ministry of Finance, the State Taxation Administration and the General Administration of Customs in 2019), VAT taxpayers
in production and life service industry are allowed to credit the amount of input tax deductible in the current period plus 10% thereof
against the amount of taxes payable from April 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021.
      6. In accordance with the Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Relevant Policies on Adjusting Certain Government-Managed
Funds (Cai Shui [2019] No. 46), from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2024, development fees for cultural undertakings attributable to
the Central Treasury shall be reduced at 50% of the taxable income paid by the taxpayer. In accordance with the Notice of Huanan
Provincial Department of Finance on Relevant Policies on Adjusting Development Fees for Cultural Undertakings (Xiang Cai Zong
(2019) No. 11), from July 1, 2019 to December 31, 2024, local enterprises and institutions and individuals can pay the development
fees for cultural undertakings under a reduction rate of 50%.
      7. In accordance with the Announcement on Taxation Support Policies for Film and Other Industries (Announce No. 25 issued
by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation in 2020), the Company is exempted from cultural undertaking
construction fees from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. In accordance with the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and
the State Administration of Taxation on Continuing the Implementation of Certain Tax Preferential Policies Responding to the
COVID-19 Outbreak (Announce No. 21 issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation in 2021), the
Company is exempted from cultural undertaking construction fees until December 31, 2021.

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

3. Others

VII. Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Cash and bank balances

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                      Item                                 Closing balance                             Opening balance

Cash on hand                                                                    42,803.61                                86,976.40

Bank deposits                                                          6,952,751,972.39                           5,317,984,735.78

Other monetary funds                                                      21,670,375.81                              18,248,074.52

Total                                                                  6,974,465,151.81                           5,336,319,786.70

        Total amount of funds restricted in
use due to mortgage, pledge or freezing,                                  63,087,237.63                              21,856,302.69

Other descriptions
        In the closing balance of bank balances, the amount of RMB5,000.00 using as POS deposits and the amount of
RMB61,862,026.15 frozen due to litigation are restricted to use.
        In the closing balance of other monetary funds, the amount of RMB1,220,211.48 using as third-party deposits are restricted to

2. Held-for-trading financial assets

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                Item                                         Closing balance                Opening balance

Financial assets measured at fair value with any changes
accrued to the current profits and losses


Bank finance                                                                       3,410,000,000.00


Total                                                                               3,410,000,000.00

Other descriptions:

3. Notes receivable

(1) Presentation of notes receivable by category

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                      Item                                 Closing balance                             Opening balance

Bank acceptances                                                         673,742,339.23

                                                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                         673,742,339.23

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                 Closing balance                                               Opening balance

        Category                Book balance         Bad debt provision                         Book balance        Bad debt provision      Carrying
                                                                          Carrying amount
                             Amount       Proportion Amount Proportion                      Amount    Proportion Amount     Proportion      amount


Notes receivable for
which the provision
                         673,742,339.23 100.00%                           673,742,339.23
for bad debts are
made by group


Group of bank
                         673,742,339.23 100.00%                           673,742,339.23

Total                    673,742,339.23 100.00%                           673,742,339.23

Provisions for bad debts made individually:
                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                              Closing balance
                                  Book balance                Bad debt provision             Proportion             Reason for provisions

Provisions for bad debts made by group:
                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                                 Closing balance
                                               Book balance                    Bad debt provision                     Proportion

Description of basis for determining the group:
If a provision for bad debts is made for notes receivable in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses (hereinafter
referred to as “ECL”), please disclose relevant information on provisions for bad debts with reference to the disclosure method of
other receivables.
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Provisions, recovery or reversal of bad debts for the current period

Provisions for bad debts made for the current period
                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                 Changes for the current period
     Category          Opening balance                           Recovery or                                               Closing balance
                                               Provision                              Write-off            Others

Significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provision for the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

(3) Notes receivable of the Company pledged at the end of the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                Item                                            Pledged amount at the end of the period

(4) Notes receivable of the Company that have been endorsed or discounted and are not yet due as of the
balance sheet date at the end of the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                               In RMB

           Item             Balance derecognized at the end of the period       Balance not derecognized at the end of the period

Bank acceptances                                                                                                      210,748,000.00

Total                                                                                                                 210,748,000.00

(5) Notes receivable of the Company that have been transferred to accounts receivable due to the drawers'
failure of performance at the end of the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                      Amount transferred to accounts receivable at the end of the
                                                                                            Reporting Period

Other descriptions
        As it is unlikely for large state-owned commercial banks and listed joint-stock commercial banks to be unable to pay the
matured acceptance bills, the Company derecognizes the above bank acceptances that have been endorsed or discounted. However, if
these bank acceptances are not paid on maturity, the Company will still be jointly and severally liable to the holder in accordance
with the provisions of the Law on Negotiable Instruments. Except those accepted by large state-owned commercial banks and listed
joint-stock commercial banks, the Company derecognizes no other bank acceptances that have been endorsed or discounted.

(6) Notes receivable actually written off for the current period

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                Item                                                        Write-off amount

Information of significant notes receivable that are written off:
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                                                                  Whether the amount
                          Nature of notes                                                  Write-off procedures       arises from
          Entity                                Write-off amount    Reason for write-off
                             receivable                                                         performed            related-party

Description of write-off of notes receivable:

                                                                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

               4. Accounts receivable

               (1) Disclosure of accounts receivable by category

                                                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                      Closing balance                                                              Opening balance

        Category                      Book balance              Bad debt provision      Carrying         Book balance                  Bad debt provision           Carrying
                                   Amount         Proportion   Amount     Proportion     amount        Amount         Proportion       Amount        Proportion     amount

Accounts receivable for
which the provision for                                        57,616,8                38,634,67
                                  96,251,520.25      2.92%                 59.86%                   70,540,338.97       2.26% 49,824,633.16 70.63% 20,715,705.81
bad debts are made                                                47.28                     2.97


Accounts receivable for
which the provision for                                        123,522,                3,075,108 3,053,563,568.                                                   2,955,980,967
                              3,198,630,401.64       97.08%                  3.86%                                     97.74% 97,582,601.83            3.20%
bad debts are made by                                            159.73                  ,241.91                 97                                                          .14


                                                               181,139,                3,113,742 3,124,103,907.                    147,407,234.9                  2,976,696,672
Total                         3,294,881,921.89 100.00%                       5.50%                                    100.00%                          4.72%
                                                                 007.01                  ,914.88                 94                              9                           .95

               Provisions for bad debts made individually:
                                                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                                             Closing balance
                                                  Book balance             Bad debt provision                   Proportion               Reason for provisions

                                                                                                                                       Likely to be
               The first                               43,718,371.28                   16,777,045.63                       38.38%

                                                                                                                                       Likely to be
               The second                              13,605,050.00                    4,081,515.00                       30.00%

                                                                                                                                       Expected to be
               The third                               10,786,000.00                   10,786,000.00                      100.00%

                                                                                                                                       Expected to be
               The fourth                               9,701,037.77                    9,701,037.77                      100.00%

                                                                                                                                       Expected to be
               The fifth                                5,832,200.00                    5,832,200.00                      100.00%

                                                                                                                                       Expected to be
               The sixth                                3,880,651.10                    3,880,651.10                      100.00%

                                                                                                                                       Likely to be
               The seventh                              3,000,000.00                     830,187.68                        27.67%

               The eighth                               2,185,000.00                    2,185,000.00                      100.00% Expected to be

                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


                                                                                                                Expected to be
Others                                   3,543,210.10                  3,543,210.10                   100.00%

Total                                   96,251,520.25              57,616,847.28                 --                          --

Provisions for bad debts made individually:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                    Book balance           Bad debt provision             Proportion             Reason for provisions

Provisions for bad debts made by group:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                               Closing balance
                                            Book balance                     Bad debt provision                    Proportion

Aging group                                        1,769,746,844.21                    123,522,159.73                              6.98%

Group of receivables from
related parties controlled by the                  1,428,883,557.43
same actual controller

Total                                              3,198,630,401.64                    123,522,159.73                                    --

Description of basis for determining the group:
Provisions for bad debts made by group: aging group
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                               Closing balance
                                            Book balance                     Bad debt provision                    Proportion

Within 1 year                                      1,230,532,020.41                     53,572,481.28                              4.35%

1-2 years                                           239,014,294.97                      17,516,681.30                              7.33%

2-3 years                                           266,864,072.98                      39,026,384.35                             14.62%

3-4 years                                            28,617,506.47                       9,143,715.00                             31.95%

4-5 years                                               1,494,849.98                     1,038,798.40                             69.49%

Over 5 years                                            3,224,099.40                     3,224,099.40                             100.00%

Total                                              1,769,746,844.21                    123,522,159.73                   --

Description of basis for determining the group:
Provisions for bad debts made by group:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                               Closing balance
                                            Book balance                     Bad debt provision                    Proportion

Description of basis for determining the group:
If a provision for bad debts is made for accounts receivable in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

disclose relevant information on provisions for bad debts with reference to the disclosure method of other receivables.
□ Applicable √ N/A
Disclosure by aging
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                 Aging                                                           Book balance

Within 1 year (including)                                                                                              2,610,801,538.75

1-2 years                                                                                                               353,131,856.11

2-3 years                                                                                                               272,414,533.08

Over 3 years                                                                                                              58,533,993.95

        3-4 years                                                                                                         42,224,609.67

        4-5 years                                                                                                          2,251,453.78

        Over 5 years                                                                                                      14,057,930.50

Total                                                                                                                  3,294,881,921.89

(2) Provisions, recovery or reversal of bad debts for the current period

Provisions for bad debts made for the current period
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                              Changes for the current period
     Category          Opening balance                        Recovery or                                              Closing balance
                                           Provision                                Write-off            Others

Provisions for
bad debts made             49,824,633.16   19,780,592.81        4,843,660.00         7,108,378.68         -36,340.01      57,616,847.28

Provisions for
bad debts made             97,582,601.83   25,970,093.72                                                  -30,535.82    123,522,159.73
by group:

Total                    147,407,234.99    45,750,686.53        4,843,660.00         7,108,378.68         -66,875.83    181,139,007.01

Significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provision for the current period:
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                       Entity                       Amount of recovery or reversal                       Method of recovery

(3) Accounts receivable actually written off for the current period

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                 Item                                                           Write-off amount

Accounts receivable                                                                                                        7,108,378.68

Information of significant accounts receivable that are written off:

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                                    Whether the amount
                          Nature of accounts                                                 Write-off procedures        arises from
        Entity                                   Write-off amount     Reason for write-off
                              receivable                                                            performed           related-party

Description of write-off of accounts receivable:

(4) Top five closing balances of accounts receivable categorized by debtor

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                Closing balance of accounts           Proportion of total closing      Closing balance of provisions for
                                           receivable               balance of accounts receivable                  bad debts

The first                                      1,039,093,242.60                              31.54%

The second                                       345,350,543.25                              10.48%

The third                                        229,332,314.07                               6.96%                        11,444,236.34

The fourth                                         80,962,500.00                              2.46%                         8,096,250.00

The fifth                                          64,132,446.09                              1.95%                         3,330,298.62

Total                                          1,758,871,046.01                              53.39%

(5) Accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets

(6) Amount of assets and liabilities arising from transfer of accounts receivable under continuing

Other descriptions:

5. Receivable financing

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                      Item                                  Closing balance                               Opening balance

Bank acceptances                                                           137,800,000.00                                164,410,000.00

                      Total                                                137,800,000.00                                164,410,000.00

Increase or decrease of receivable financing for the current period and changes in its fair value
□ Applicable √ N/A
If a provision for impairment is made for receivable financing in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please
disclose relevant information on the provisions for impairment with reference to the disclosure method of other receivables.
□ Applicable √ N/A
Other descriptions:
 At the end of the period, bank acceptances of the Company that have been endorsed or discounted but not yet due as of the balance
sheet date amount to RMB161,846,150.00.

                                                                            2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

6. Prepayments

(1) Presentation of prepayments by aging

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                           Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                                  Amount                  Proportion                   Amount                  Proportion

Within 1 year                    1,420,518,067.67                      77.44%         1,056,202,175.77                     75.55%

1-2 years                          174,255,538.14                       9.50%           141,828,262.96                     10.15%

2-3 years                          103,322,639.16                       5.63%            95,580,817.91                      6.84%

Over 3 years                       136,253,768.23                       7.43%           104,329,736.75                      7.46%

Total                            1,834,350,013.20              --                     1,397,940,993.39                --

Reasons for overdue settlement of prepayments with significant amounts and aged more than 1 year:

   Entity                                                    Closing balance                     Reasons for unsettlement
The first                                                                  226,428,301.80 Prepayments for copyrights, pending
The second                                                                  57,816,250.00           Undelivered goods
The third                                                                   49,999,516.00           Undelivered goods
The fourth                                                                  45,283,019.04 Prepayments for copyrights, pending
The fifth                                                                   42,915,750.00           Undelivered goods
The sixth                                                                   31,733,651.04 Prepayments for copyrights, pending
   Sub-total                                                               454,176,487.88

(2) Top five closing balances of prepayments categorized by receivers

   Entity                                                           Book balance            Proportion to total prepayments (%)
The first                                                                  226,428,301.80                                   11.53
The second                                                                 142,614,624.00                                    7.27
The third                                                                   90,085,653.58                                    4.59
The fourth                                                                  83,767,619.64                                    4.27
The fifth                                                                   71,094,383.44                                    3.62
   Sub-total                                                               613,990,582.46                                   31.28

Other descriptions: refer to Note VII (31) of this Financial Statement for the difference between beginning number and ending
number of previous year (December 31, 2020).

7. Other receivables

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                      2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                      Item                          Closing balance                          Opening balance

Other receivables                                                 40,568,403.37                              51,168,090.47

Total                                                             40,568,403.37                              51,168,090.47

(1) Interest receivable

1) Category of interest receivable

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                      Item                          Closing balance                          Opening balance

2)Significant overdue interest

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                                     If impaired and the
        Borrower                  Closing balance   Overdue period          Reason for overdue
                                                                                                      judgement basis

Other descriptions:

3) Provisions for bad debts

□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Dividends receivable

1) Category of dividends receivable

                                                                                                                    In RMB

             Item (or investee)                     Closing balance                          Opening balance

2) Significant dividends receivable aging over one year

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                                     If impaired and the
    Item (or investee)            Closing balance       Aging             Reason for no recovery
                                                                                                      judgement basis

3) Provisions for bad debts

□ Applicable √ N/A
Other descriptions:

                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

(3) Other receivables

1) Category of other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                 Book balance at the beginning of the
               Nature of receivables              Book balance at the end of the period

Security deposit                                                             20,865,460.51                                 17,122,521.77

Amount due to or from related parties                                          6,905,347.81                                 3,928,869.69

Suspense payments receivable                                                   4,517,799.42                                 3,787,622.67

Petty cash                                                                     6,334,132.71                                 8,384,709.56

Receivables and payables                                                       7,369,135.72                                22,452,844.09

Total                                                                        45,991,876.17                                 55,676,567.78

2) Provisions for bad debts

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                       Stage I                Stage II                        Stage III
   Bad debt provision           Future 12-month        Lifetime ECL (without         Lifetime ECL (with credit             Total
                                        ECL             credit impairment)                 impairment)

Balance as at January 1,
                                          831,767.93                  146,161.29                   3,530,548.09             4,508,477.31

Balance as at January 1,
                                        ——                   ——                            ——                        ——
2020 transferred to

-- Stage II                               -36,005.87                     36,005.87

-- Stage III                                                          -68,767.63                      68,767.63

Current provision                        -226,560.61                  -23,389.33                   1,240,066.71               990,116.77

Current write-off                                                                                     58,099.48                58,099.48

Other change                              -17,021.80                                                                          -17,021.80

Balance as at December
                                          552,179.65                     90,010.20                 4,781,282.95             5,423,472.80
31, 2021

Changes in book balance whose loss allowance changed significantly in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A
Disclosure by aging
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                 Aging                                                            Book balance

Within 1 year (including)                                                                                                  22,643,068.31

1-2 years                                                                                                                  10,623,515.77

                                                                                    2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

2-3 years                                                                                                                       4,424,096.03

Over 3 years                                                                                                                    8,301,196.06

        3-4 years                                                                                                               1,711,684.08

        4-5 years                                                                                                                 322,093.82

Over 5 years                                                                                                                    6,267,418.16

Total                                                                                                                         45,991,876.17

3) Provisions, recovery or reversal of bad debts for the period

Provisions for bad debts made for the current period
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                              Changes for the current period
     Category                                                 Recovery or                                                 Closing balance
                         balance             Provision                              Write-off           Others

Provisions for bad
debts made             1,761,342.83             106,200.00                                                 -6,812.94            1,860,729.89

Provisions for bad
debts made by          2,747,134.48          1,228,298.72         344,381.95           58,099.48          -10,208.86            3,562,742.91

Total                  4,508,477.31          1,334,498.72         344,381.95           58,099.48          -17,021.80            5,423,472.80

Significant recovery or reversal of provisions for bad debts for the current period:
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                     Entity                              Amount of reversal or recovery                      Method of recovery

4) Other receivables actually written off for the current period

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                   Item                                                            Write-off amount

                          Other receivables                                                                                        58,099.48

Information of significant other receivables that are written off:
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                                                         Whether the amount
                              Nature of other                                                     Write-off procedures       arises from
         Entity                                     Write-off amount       Reason for write-off
                               receivables                                                             performed            related-party

Description of the write-off of other receivables

                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

5) Top five closing balances of other receivables categorized by debtor

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                               Proportion of total      Closing balance of
                         Nature of other
        Entity                                   Closing balance             Aging              closing balance of      provisions for bad
                                                                                                other receivables             debts

                      Amount due to or
The first                                              2,629,764.69 Over 5 years                             5.72%            2,629,764.69
                      from related parties

The second            Security deposit                 2,000,000.00 2-3 years                                4.35%

The third             Security deposit                 1,763,441.30 Within 1 year                            3.83%

                                                                      Within 1 year, 1-2
The fourth            Security deposit                 1,412,441.00 years, 2-3 years, and                    3.07%
                                                                      more than 5 years

The fifth             Security deposit                 1,114,955.04 1-2 years                                2.42%

Total                           --                     8,920,602.03             --                           19.39%           2,629,764.69

6) Other receivables relevant to government grants

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                                                                     Estimated date and
                            Name of government                                         Aging by the end of the
            Entity                                           Closing balance                                        amount to be received
                                     grants                                               Reporting Period
                                                                                                                      and relevant basis

7) Other receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets

8) Amount of assets and liabilities arising from transfer of other receivables under continuing involvement

Other descriptions:

8. Inventories

Did the Company need to comply with the disclosure requirements on the real estate industry?

 (1) Categories of inventories

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                         Closing balance                                             Opening balance

                                           Provision for                                               Provision for
                      Book balance       decline in value    Carrying amount         Book balance    decline in value     Carrying amount
                                         of inventories or                                           of inventories or

                                                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                           for impairment of                                         for impairment of
                                               contract                                                  contract
                                             performance                                               performance
                                                 costs                                                     costs

Raw materials           153,715,792.31                          153,715,792.31      110,321,511.87                        110,321,511.87

Work in process         739,561,476.10         7,075,138.47     732,486,337.63 1,048,703,826.21         76,390,171.65     972,313,654.56

Goods on hand           911,365,394.93       128,552,836.04     782,812,558.89      571,736,351.42         754,367.83     570,981,983.59

                            756,248.01                               756,248.01         796,365.36                            796,365.36

Goods upon
                         19,775,763.95                            19,775,763.95       5,911,092.71                          5,911,092.71

Total                  1,825,174,675.30      135,627,974.51 1,689,546,700.79 1,737,469,147.57           77,144,539.48 1,660,324,608.09

(2) Provision for decline in value of inventories and for impairment of contract performance costs

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                              Increase in the current period         Decrease in the current period
         Item          Opening balance                                              Reversal or                          Closing balance
                                              Provision             Others                                Others

Work in process          76,390,171.65         3,394,528.30                          72,709,561.48                          7,075,138.47

Goods on hand               754,367.83       128,668,778.66                             870,310.45                        128,552,836.04

Total                    77,144,539.48       132,063,306.96                          73,579,871.93                        135,627,974.51

        As to the Company’s products directly used for sale, the net realizable value was recognized by: the estimated selling price of
the inventory minus the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes. External sales have been realized with respect to the current
write-off of provision for decline in value of inventories.
        The Company’s provision for decline in value of work-in-progress was reversed mainly because the Herstory, a television
series that was released from broadcasting limitation and played in Mango TV on January 1, 2022, eliminating the factors affecting
original provision for decline in value.

(3) Description of the closing balance of inventories containing the capitalized borrowing costs

(4) Description of the current amortization amount of contract performance costs

9. Contract assets

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                   Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                Item                                provision for       Carrying                        provision for
                                 Book balance                                          Book balance                      Carrying amount
                                                     impairment          amount                          impairment

Operator business               954,735,808.95       51,682,065.34 903,053,743.61 860,346,222.69 42,894,826.13            817,451,396.56

                                                                                           2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

           Total                          954,735,808.95       51,682,065.34 903,053,743.61 860,346,222.69 42,894,826.13               817,451,396.56

       Significant changes in the carrying amount of contract assets for the current period and reasons therefor:
                                                                                                                                                In RMB

                         Item                           Changes                                          Reason for changes

       If a provision for bad debts is made for contract assets in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please disclose
       relevant information on provisions for bad debts with reference to the disclosure method of other receivables.
       □ Applicable √ N/A
       Information of the provisions for impairment made for contract assets for the period
                                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                                Write-off/elimination for
                        Item                   Provision                   Reversal                                                    Reason
                                                                                                       the period

           Operator business                       8,787,239.21                                                             Made by group

           Total                                   8,787,239.21                                                                          --

       Other descriptions:

       10. Other current assets

                                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                Item                                    Closing balance                               Opening balance

           Prepayments for internet access
                                                                                          8,462,851.39                                  19,816,194.13

           Input VAT to be deducted                                                   101,052,683.66                                    87,304,605.69

           Prepaid taxes and levies                                                       6,281,520.53                                   2,425,615.08

           Issued loans-credit loans [note]                                                                                              6,034,159.32

           Issued loans-mortgage loans [note]                                                                                          399,965,532.81

           Others                                                                         7,742,163.67                                   4,541,557.17

           Total                                                                      123,539,219.25                                   520,087,664.20

       Other descriptions:
                   [Note] The decrease for the current period is caused by disposal of a subsidiary, Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd.

       11. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                Increase or decrease for the period                                                         Closing
                    Opening                                                                                                               Closing
                                                                                                                                                           balance of
                     balance                               Investment Adjustment       Other       Declared    Provisions                 balance
Investee                         Additional Decreased                                                                                                   provision for
                    (carrying                               profit or    in other      equity         cash          for       Others     (carrying
                                investment investment                                                                                                   diminution in
                    amount)                                loss under comprehensi changes          dividends impairment                   amount)

                                                                                      2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                         equity     ve income                or profits

I. Joint ventures

II. Associates

Mamma Mia
                    22,882,969.51                      999,547.86                                                               23,882,517.37
Co., Ltd.

Sub-total           22,882,969.51                      999,547.86                                                               23,882,517.37

Total               22,882,969.51                      999,547.86                                                               23,882,517.37

              Other descriptions

              12. Investment properties

              (1) Investment properties measured at cost

              □ Applicable √ N/A

              (2) Investment properties measured at fair value

              □ Applicable √ N/A

              (3) Investment properties for which the title certificates are not completed

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                    Item                            Carrying amount                 Reason for incompletion of title certificate

              Other descriptions

              13. Fixed assets

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                    Item                            Closing balance                              Opening balance

              Fixed assets                                                         184,450,336.98                               186,924,296.25

              Total                                                                184,450,336.98                               186,924,296.25

              (1) Fixed assets

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                  Item                 Buildings   Machines and       Electronic       Transportation           Others              Total

                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                            equipment       equipment,          equipment
                                                            devices and

I. Original carrying

1. Opening balance         58,268,091.66   289,379,293.11   263,862,259.85      18,342,633.35    11,000,000.00    640,852,277.97

2. Increase in the
                                             6,851,007.50    35,209,853.33         405,462.57                      42,466,323.40
current period

(1) Purchase                                 6,851,007.50    35,209,853.33         405,462.57                      42,466,323.40

(2) Transfer from
construction in progress

(3) Increase due to
business combination

3. Decrease in the
                                             1,373,509.42    10,011,461.70       3,082,900.85                      14,467,871.97
current period

(1) Disposal or
                                             1,373,509.42     8,749,621.58       3,082,900.85                      13,206,031.85

Disposal of subsidiaries                                      1,261,840.12                                          1,261,840.12

4. Closing balance         58,268,091.66   294,856,791.19   289,060,651.48      15,665,195.07    11,000,000.00    668,850,729.40

II. Accumulated

1. Opening balance         10,689,869.24   241,076,753.84   189,960,862.55      11,802,395.27                     453,529,880.90

2. Increase in the
                            1,908,705.36    14,611,705.27    25,376,899.51       1,325,798.19                      43,223,108.33
current period

(1) Provision               1,908,705.36    14,611,705.27    25,376,899.51       1,325,798.19                      43,223,108.33

3. Decrease in the
                                             1,306,619.60     8,618,955.67       2,822,136.03                      12,747,711.30
current period

(1) Disposal or
                                             1,306,619.60     8,215,966.70       2,822,136.03                      12,344,722.33

Disposal of subsidiaries                                       402,988.97                                             402,988.97

4. Closing balance         12,598,574.60   254,381,839.51   206,718,806.39      10,306,057.43                     484,005,277.93

III. Provision for

1. Opening balance                            391,088.27          7,012.55                                            398,100.82

2. Increase in the

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

current period

(1) Provision

3. Decrease in the
                                                                   2,986.33                                                 2,986.33
current period

(1) Disposal or
                                                                   2,986.33                                                 2,986.33

4. Closing balance                            391,088.27           4,026.22                                              395,114.49

VI. Book value

1. Closing balance          45,669,517.06   40,083,863.41     82,337,818.87       5,359,137.64     11,000,000.00     184,450,336.98

2. Opening balance          47,578,222.42   47,911,451.00     73,894,384.75       6,540,238.08     11,000,000.00     186,924,296.25

     (2) Fixed assets temporarily idle

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                 Accumulated           Provision for
                 Item             Cost                                                     Carrying amount            Remark
                                                  depreciation          impairment

     (3) Fixed assets leased out under operating lease

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                  Item                                                     Closing balance

     Buildings                                                                                                        23,382,792.73

     Machines and equipment                                                                                           10,447,576.02

     Transportation equipment                                                                                            239,667.44

     Sub-total                                                                                                        34,070,036.19

     (4) Fixed assets for which the title certificates are not completed

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                          Item                              Carrying amount              Reason for incompletion of title certificate

     Other descriptions

     (5) Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                          Item                              Closing balance                           Opening balance

     Other descriptions

                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

14. Right of use assets

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Item                                       Buildings                                   Total

I. Original carrying amount:

  1. Opening balance                                                         217,783,996.12                          217,783,996.12

  2. Increase in the current period                                           46,617,118.66                           46,617,118.66

1) Lease in                                                                   46,617,118.66                           46,617,118.66

  3. Decrease in the current period                                            2,318,188.53                            2,318,188.53

                                                                               2,318,188.53                            2,318,188.53

  4. Closing balance                                                         262,082,926.25                          262,082,926.25

II. Accumulated depreciation

  1. Opening balance

  2. Increase in the current period                                           52,187,591.16                           52,187,591.16

     (1) Provision                                                            52,187,591.16                           52,187,591.16

  3. Decrease in the current period                                             409,160.33                               409,160.33

     (1) Disposal                                                               409,160.33                               409,160.33

  4. Closing balance                                                          51,778,430.83                           51,778,430.83

III. Provision for impairment

  1. Opening balance

  2. Increase in the current period

     (1) Provision

  3. Decrease in the current period

     (1) Disposal

  4. Closing balance

VI. Book value

  1. Closing balance                                                         210,304,495.42                          210,304,495.42

  2. Opening balance                                                         217,783,996.12                          217,783,996.12

Other descriptions:
       [Note] The differences between the opening balance of this year and the closing balance of the previous year (December 31,
2020) are detailed in Note V (31) to the financial statements.

                                                                                        2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                15. Intangible assets

                (1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                                                            Patent licensing
                                                                                              Trademarks       fees and
                        Land use               Non-patent Film and television                                                     Game
       Item                           Patent                                     Software     and domain       program                                Total
                         rights                technology   series copyright                                                    copyright
                                                                                                names         adaptation

I. Original
carrying amount

1. Opening                                                                      201,934,240 3,168,013.1
                      33,157,507.40                         16,948,218,630.49                                40,660,377.35      7,189,504.61   17,234,328,273.25
balance                                                                                 .24             6

2. Increase in the                                                              16,118,608.
                                                             5,319,320,806.62                  47,169.81                       19,133,746.86    5,354,620,331.92
current period                                                                          63

(1) Purchase                                                 5,319,320,806.62     80,872.78    47,169.81                       17,697,395.82    5,337,146,245.03

(2) In-house
research and                                                                                                                                      16,037,735.85

(3) Increase due to
business                                                                                                                        1,436,351.04          1,436,351.04

3. Decrease in the                                                              24,738,370.
                                                               770,291,232.08                 119,123.94                         471,698.10      795,620,425.06
current period                                                                          94

(1) Disposal                                                   770,291,232.08 879,702.28 119,123.94                              471,698.10      771,761,756.40

(2) Disposal of                                                                 23,858,668.
subsidiaries                                                                            66

                                                                                193,314,477 3,096,059.0
4. Closing balance 33,157,507.40                            21,497,248,205.03                                40,660,377.35 25,851,553.37       21,793,328,180.11
                                                                                        .93             3

II. Accumulated

1. Opening                                                                      87,298,842. 2,972,173.9
                       6,484,886.60                         11,216,976,515.56                                19,596,604.25      6,544,850.63   11,339,873,873.57
balance                                                                                 63              0

2. Increase in the                                                              19,748,018.
                        676,683.82                           4,753,940,750.04                 126,461.63       5,680,399.20 11,015,414.55       4,791,187,727.82
current period                                                                          58

(1) Provision           676,683.82                           4,753,940,750.04                 126,461.63       5,680,399.20 10,926,866.00       4,791,099,179.27

                                                                                           2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

2) Increase due to
business                                                                                                                           88,548.55              88,548.55

3. Decrease in the                                                                 10,821,267.
                                                                 770,291,232.08                  112,639.40                      183,438.21        781,408,577.23
current period                                                                              54

(1) Disposal                                                     770,291,232.08 810,717.52 112,639.40                            183,438.21        771,398,027.21

2) Disposal of                                                                     10,010,550.
subsidiaries                                                                                02

                                                                                   96,225,593. 2,985,996.1
4. Closing balance      7,161,570.42                          15,200,626,033.52                               25,277,003.45 17,376,826.97       15,349,653,024.16
                                                                                            67            3

III. Provision for

1. Opening

2. Increase in the
current period

(1) Provision

3. Decrease in the
current period

(1) Disposal

4. Closing balance

VI. Book value

1. Closing balance 25,995,936.98                                6,296,622,171.51                 110,062.90   15,383,373.90    8,474,726.40      6,443,675,155.95

2. Opening                                                                         114,635,397
                       26,672,620.80                            5,731,242,114.93                 195,839.26   21,063,773.10      644,653.98      5,894,454,399.68
balance                                                                                    .61

                Proportion of intangible assets generated from the Company’s in-house research and development to the balance of intangible assets
                at the end of the period: 0.18%.

                (2) Land use right for which the title certificate is not completed

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                      Item                               Carrying amount                Reason for incompletion of title certificate

                Other descriptions:

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

16. Development expenditure

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                         Increase in the current period            Decrease in the current period
                   Opening           In-house                                Recognized         Transfer to                        Closing
     Item                                                                                                       Disposal of
                    balance        development      Others                    intangible       current profit                      balance
                                    expenditure                                 assets            or loss

platform          151,189,987. 97,370,501.7                                  16,037,735.8                                        232,522,753.
construction                  35                4                                          5                                                 24

Smart credit
                  6,074,244.50                                                                                  6,074,244.50

                  157,264,231. 97,370,501.7                                  16,037,735.8                                        232,522,753.
     Total                                                                                                      6,074,244.50
                              85                4                                          5                                                 24

Other descriptions
        Mongo TV Cloud Storage and Multi-Screen Broadcast Platform Construction Project (“Cloud Platform Construction Project”)
is a supporting project funded by Happy Sunshine financing funds. This project, which is intended to provide enhanced platform
technology support for enterprise content production and dissemination to improve users’ experience and satisfaction, reduce
platform operating costs and enhance platform data security and reliability, is an inevitable choice for the strategic development of
enterprises in the fierce competition.
        The Cloud Platform Construction Project was planned in 2017 and implemented upon approval of the board meeting of
Hunantv.com on July 30, 2019. From September 1, 2019, the expenses related to the project that are eligible for capitalization are
included in the development expenses, and the expenses incurred in the previous research phase are directly recognized in the current
profit or loss.

17. Long-term prepaid expenses

                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                    Increase in the
          Item            Opening balance                                 Amortization            Other decrease         Closing balance
                                                    current period

Projects of
rebuilding and
                                   77,342,051.99        56,801,478.08       19,340,593.74                955,455.12            113,847,481.21
decoration for rented

Total                              77,342,051.99        56,801,478.08       19,340,593.74                955,455.12            113,847,481.21

Other descriptions

                                                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

18. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

(1) Details of deferred tax assets not offset

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                 Closing balance                                             Opening balance
          Item             Deductible temporary                                        Deductible temporary
                                                            Deferred tax assets                                         Deferred tax assets
                                   differences                                              differences

(2) Details of deferred tax liabilities not offset

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                 Closing balance                                             Opening balance
          Item              Taxable temporary                                           Taxable temporary
                                                          Deferred tax liabilities                                    Deferred tax liabilities
                                   differences                                              differences

(3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented on a net basis

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                           Closing offset amount                                      Opening offset amount
                                                            Closing balance of                                         Opening balance of
                           between deferred tax                                        between deferred tax
          Item                                             deferred tax assets or                                     deferred tax assets or
                           assets and deferred tax                                    assets and deferred tax
                                                           liabilities after offset                                    liabilities after offset
                                   liabilities                                                 liabilities

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                    Item                                     Closing balance                                    Opening balance

Deductible temporary differences                                               37,086,125.59                                     19,411,205.95

Deductible losses                                                             453,456,947.42                                   106,310,201.58

Total                                                                         490,543,073.01                                   125,721,407.53

(5) Deductible losses, for which no deferred tax assets are recognized, will expire in the following year

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

             Year                         Closing balance                       Opening balance                           Remark

2021                                                                                        390,483.62

2022                                                   16,360,098.46                     18,240,181.33

2023                                                   34,007,431.00                     34,021,526.74

2024                                                      383,268.85                      3,629,802.99

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

2025                                               40,704,936.96                       50,028,206.90

2026                                              362,001,212.15

Total                                             453,456,947.42                     106,310,201.58                    --

Other descriptions:

19. Other non-current assets:

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                           Closing balance                                Opening balance
                      Item                                  provision for      Carrying                     provision for     Carrying
                                            Book balance                                     Book balance
                                                             impairment         amount                      impairment         amount

Prepayments for equipment                    1,260,178.59                     1,260,178.59 2,023,481.01                      2,023,481.01

Total                                        1,260,178.59                     1,260,178.59 2,023,481.01                      2,023,481.01

Other descriptions:

20. Short-term borrowings

(1) Category of short-term borrowings

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                      Item                                 Closing balance                                Opening balance

Credit borrowings - principal                                                39,731,500.00                                  39,731,500.00

Credit borrowings - interest                                                     55,403.37                                     57,610.68

Total                                                                        39,786,903.37                                  39,789,110.68

Descriptions of categorization of short-term borrowings:

(2) Short-term borrowings overdue but not repaid

The short-term borrowings overdue but not repaid amount to RMB ____ at the end of the Reporting Period. Details of significant
short-term borrowings overdue but not repaid are as follows:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

        Borrower                Closing balance             Interest rate                Overdue period          Interest rate overdue

Other descriptions:

21. Notes payable

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                 Category                                  Closing balance                                Opening balance

Commercial acceptances                                                      349,649,263.65                               221,862,982.11

                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Bank acceptances                                                        571,855,441.26                              490,429,053.64

Total                                                                   921,504,704.91                              712,292,035.75

The total of notes payable due but not yet paid for the period is RMB0.00.

22. Accounts payable

(1) Accounts payable

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Item                                Closing balance                            Opening balance

Payments for purchase of engineering
                                                                      4,960,935,241.83                             5,217,087,330.62
equipment and goods

Total                                                                 4,960,935,241.83                             5,217,087,330.62

(2) Significant accounts payable aged over one year

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                         Reason for failure to be repaid or carried
                      Item                                Closing balance

The first                                                                93,447,650.88 Not yet due for settlement

The second                                                               71,520,170.79 Not yet due for settlement

The third                                                                50,943,396.23 Not yet due for settlement

The fourth                                                               50,395,471.69 Not yet due for settlement

The fifth                                                                49,111,077.45 Not yet due for settlement

The sixth                                                                37,735,848.35 Not yet due for settlement

Total                                                                   353,153,615.39                       --

Other descriptions:

23. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                      Item                                Closing balance                            Opening balance

Goods payments                                                          551,341,131.10                              663,307,479.05

Investments in film and television series
                                                                        103,960,965.03                              146,186,845.74

Membership service                                                      671,991,967.72                              520,980,698.31

Total                                                                 1,327,294,063.85                             1,330,475,023.10

Significant changes in the carrying amount during the Reporting Period and reasons therefor:

                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                             In RMB

              Item                     Changes                             Reason for changes

24. Employee benefits payable

(1) Employee benefits payable

                                                                                                             In RMB

            Item             Opening balance       Increase               Decrease              Closing balance

I. Short-term
                                  856,456,598.89   1,780,202,983.13       1,657,443,964.04           979,215,617.98

II. Post-employment
benefits-defined benefit               65,780.84     42,702,391.48           42,209,123.21               559,049.11

III. Termination benefits             190,448.11       9,655,632.30            9,226,633.30              619,447.11

Total                             856,712,827.84   1,832,561,006.91       1,708,879,720.55           980,394,114.20

(2) Short-term remuneration

                                                                                                             In RMB

            Item             Opening balance       Increase               Decrease              Closing balance

1. Wages or salaries,
bonuses, allowances and           855,078,368.08   1,687,238,449.99       1,564,375,094.76           977,941,723.31

2. Employee welfare
                                                     34,106,373.31           34,100,093.31                 6,280.00

3. Social security
                                     319,371.91      26,362,981.40           26,402,482.13               279,871.18

        Including: Medical
                                     310,028.34      20,825,143.55           20,875,943.19               259,228.70

                                        2,291.19       1,402,236.11            1,391,456.58               13,070.72
injuries insurance

                                        7,052.38        308,719.57              308,200.19                 7,571.76

                                                       3,826,882.17            3,826,882.17
commercial insurance

4. Housing funds                     324,675.23      28,408,412.49           28,547,196.72               185,891.00

5. Union running costs
                                     734,183.67        4,086,765.94            4,019,097.12              801,852.49
and employee education

                                                                          2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


Total                              856,456,598.89         1,780,202,983.13              1,657,443,964.04        979,215,617.98

(3) Defined benefit plan

                                                                                                                           In RMB

            Item             Opening balance              Increase                      Decrease            Closing balance

1. Basic pensions                       63,004.63            41,086,416.57                40,608,074.57                541,346.63

2. Unemployment
                                            2,776.21          1,615,974.91                 1,601,048.64                 17,702.48

Total                                   65,780.84            42,702,391.48                42,209,123.21                559,049.11

Other descriptions:

25. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                      Item                             Closing balance                              Opening balance

VAT                                                                   18,212,095.97                               17,317,973.41

Enterprise income tax                                                      58,276.74                                  4,183,186.13

Personal Income Tax                                                   12,409,994.97                               17,925,339.96

City maintenance and construction tax                                    1,082,825.71                                  422,228.46

Stamp duty                                                               2,101,365.54                                 2,395,805.75

Education surcharges                                                      773,440.32                                   315,577.50

Development fee for cultural undertakings                             88,789,083.88                               88,789,083.88

Other taxes                                                                47,506.59                                   178,690.86

Total                                                                123,474,589.72                             131,527,885.95

Other descriptions:

26. Other payables

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                      Item                             Closing balance                              Opening balance

Other payables                                                       149,086,160.61                             160,651,194.91

Total                                                                149,086,160.61                             160,651,194.91

(1) Interest payable

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                      Item                                Closing balance                              Opening balance

Significant interest overdue but not paid
                                                                                                                               In RMB

                   Borrower                               Overdue amount                             Reason for overdue

Other descriptions:

(2) Dividends payable

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                      Item                                Closing balance                              Opening balance

Other descriptions, including the disclosure of the reasons for failure of payment for significant dividends payable unpaid over one

(3) Other payables

1) Other payables by nature

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                      Item                                Closing balance                              Opening balance

Receivables and payables                                                 125,133,366.15                               131,046,966.11

Security deposit                                                          23,952,794.46                                29,604,228.80

Total                                                                    149,086,160.61                               160,651,194.91

2) Other significant payables aged over one year

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                                           Reason for failure to be repaid or carried
                      Item                                Closing balance

The first                                                                   3,795,949.15 Not yet due for settlement

Total                                                                       3,795,949.15                       --

Other descriptions

27. Non-current liabilities due within one years

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                      Item                                Closing balance                              Opening balance

Lease liabilities due within 1 year                                       43,098,562.04                                48,596,782.45

Total                                                                     43,098,562.04                                48,596,782.45

Other descriptions:

                                                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

        [Note] The differences between the opening balance of this year and the closing balance of the previous year (December 31,
2020) are detailed in Note V (31) to the financial statements.

28. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                         Item                                    Closing balance                           Opening balance

Logistics and distribution expenses                                              2,219,436.05                                1,909,886.62

Output tax to be transferred                                                106,144,514.31                               106,261,801.24

Expenses for internet access cooperation                                     12,861,922.09                                24,923,744.58

Notes endorsed but not derecognized [note]                                  210,748,000.00

Others                                                                           7,061,685.54                                5,603,393.15

Total                                                                       339,035,557.99                               138,698,825.59

Changes in short-term bonds payable:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                                                                Amortization Repayment
 Name of                            Term of       Issue   Opening Issue for          accrued                                     Closing
             Par value Issue date                                                               of premiums    for the
   bond                               bond       amount    balance the period based on                                           balance
                                                                                                or discounts    period
                                                                                    par value

   Total         --            --      --

Other descriptions:
        [Note] Notes endorsed but not derecognized are bank acceptances of small-sized commercial banks that have been endorsed
but not derecognize at the end of the Reporting Period.

29. Lease liabilities

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                       Item                                    Closing balance                             Opening balance

Leased houses and buildings                                                 169,643,622.50                               168,778,053.34

                       Total                                                169,643,622.50                               168,778,053.34

Other descriptions
        [Note] The differences between the opening balance of this year and the closing balance of the previous year (December 31,
2020) are detailed in Note V (31) to the financial statements.

30. Estimated liabilities

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                Item                         Closing balance                     Opening balance                    Reason

                                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                          Estimated compensation for
              Pending litigation                                     13,815,868.00                         8,305,486.15
                                                                                                                          pending litigation

              Total                                                  13,815,868.00                         8,305,486.15                  --

              Other descriptions, including important assumptions and estimation explanations related to significant estimated liabilities:

              31. Deferred income

                                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                        Item            Opening balance             Increase               Decrease            Closing balance                 Reason

                                                                                                                                     Government grants
              Governmental grants              48,938,835.69         15,550,000.00          18,971,063.88          45,517,771.81 related to assets and

              Total                            48,938,835.69         15,550,000.00          18,971,063.88          45,517,771.81                 --

              Projects involving government grants
                                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                  Amount                       Amount
                                                 Additional     recognized       Amount         offset
                                 Opening                                                                        Other                                  Related to
          Liabilities                           government          in         recognized in    against                     Closing balance
                                 balance                                                                      changes                                 assets/income
                                                   grants       non-operatin other income      costs and
                                                                 g income                      expenses

Special funds for culture
                               18,493,278.47     5,000,000.00                  3,549,291.66                                   19,943,986.81           Related to assets
industry development

Subsidy for Youth
                                7,333,333.33     3,000,000.00                  1,600,000.00                                    8,733,333.33            Related to assets
Mango Night Project

Mango Offline
Immersion Experience                             3,000,000.00                                                                  3,000,000.00            Related to assets

Happigo Supply Chain
Urban Co-Distribution           2,483,002.83                                     100,000.00                                    2,383,002.83            Related to assets
System Project

“Project Investment
Support” for Malanshan
Investment Invitation                            2,400,000.00                    107,998.94                                    2,292,001.06            Related to assets
and Industry

Special Funds for
Construction of                                  2,000,000.00                                                                  2,000,000.00            Related to assets
Innovative Province

Special Funds for
                                2,616,038.96                                   1,646,039.06                                      969,999.90            Related to assets
Development of Mobile

                                                                      2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Internet Industry

Special Funds for
Development of Modern       975,558.74                   40,229.22                                935,329.52      Related to assets

Others                      960,918.81    150,000.00    276,933.97                                833,984.84      Related to assets

Funds for Guiding
Development of
                            733,333.48                  399,999.96                                333,333.52      Related to assets
Provincial Culture

Network Audiovisual
Program Quality
                            186,000.00                   72,000.00                                114,000.00      Related to assets
Creation and
Dissemination Project

Special Funds for
Development of Modern       120,000.00                   60,000.00                                 60,000.00      Related to assets

Second Special Funds
for Development of
                             80,000.00                   60,000.00                                 20,000.00      Related to assets
Modern Services-Mango
TV App

Silk Road Film and
Television Bridge
Project of State            566,037.74                  566,037.74                                                Related to assets
Administration of Radio,
Film, and Television

Mango TV International
Media Integration and      4,000,000.00                1,940,200.00                             2,059,800.00 Related to proceeds
Communication Project

Subsidy for Guiding
Development of Hunan       1,241,333.33                 284,000.00                                957,333.33   Related to proceeds
Culture Undertakings

Mango TV Smart Home
                           1,000,000.00                 233,333.33                                766,666.67   Related to proceeds
Page Push Project

Mango TV High-tech
Interactive Video
                            150,000.00                   35,000.00                                115,000.00   Related to proceeds
Creation Platform

Second Special Funds
for Development of
                           8,000,000.00                8,000,000.00                                            Related to proceeds
Modern Services of
Hunan Province

                                                                                           2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Sub-total                   48,938,835.69 15,550,000.00                   18,971,063.88                               45,517,771.81

            Other descriptions:

            32. Share capital

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                           Increase or decrease (+,-)
                              Opening balance                                      Capitalization of                                  Closing balance
                                                 New shares    Bonus shares                              Others       Sub-total
                                                                                   capital reserve

            Total shares      1,780,377,511.00 90,343,304.00                                                        90,343,304.00 1,870,720,815.00

            Other descriptions:
                    In accordance with resolutions of the 32nd meeting and the 34th meeting of the third session of the Board of Directors, the
            resolution of the 1st Extraordinary General Meeting of 2020, and CSRC’s Official Reply on Approving the Registration of Share
            Offering to Special Objects by Mango Excellent Media (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2021] No. 2105), the Company is approved to issue
            shares to specific persons for raising funds not exceeding RMB4.5 billion. The actual total amount of funds raised by the Company is
            RMB4,499,999,972.24, with a net amount of RMB4,485,792,101.20 after deducting underwriting fees, attorney's fees, capital
            verification and other expenses (excluding tax) totaled RMB14,207,871.04, in which RMB90,343,304.00 is recognized in paid-in
            capital and RMB4,395,448,797.20 is recognized in capital reserve (equity premium). Pan-China Certified Public Accountants LLP
            has made an audit for verification of this additional capital contribution and issued a Capital Verification Report (Tian Jian Yan
            [2021] No. 2-29) on August 10, 2021.

            33. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                        Item                Opening balance                 Increase                    Decrease              Closing balance

            Capital premium (Share
                                                 4,832,673,268.51          4,405,448,797.20                                        9,238,122,065.71
            capital premium)

            Other capital reserve                   6,264,437.84                                                                       6,264,437.84

            Total                                4,838,937,706.35          4,405,448,797.20                                        9,244,386,503.55

            Other descriptions, including changes and reasons therefor:
                    1) The increase in capital premium (share capital premium) is due to the capital premium of RMB4,395,448,797.20 resulting
            from the issuance of shares by the Company to specific persons detailed in Note VII (I) 32 to the financial statements.
                    2) In 2021, the Company received a state-owned capital of RMB10,000,000.00 from cultural enterprises under provincial

            34. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                   Amount for the current period
                                       Opening                                                                                                          Closing
                Item                                  Amount        Less: Amount       Less: Amount      Less:     Attributable    Attributable to
                                       balance                                                                                                          balance
                                                   before income     included in        included in     Income     to the parent      minority

                                                                                        2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                  tax for the         other             other           tax         company         interests after
                                                 current period comprehensive comprehensive expenses                after tax            tax
                                                                 income for the income for the
                                                                  prior periods     prior periods
                                                                 and transferred and transferred
                                                                 to the profit or   to the retained
                                                                  loss for the       earnings for
                                                                 current period      the current

II. Other comprehensive
income that will be                  -2,759.37      -11,023.81                                                       -11,023.81                             -13,783.18
reclassified to profit or loss

Translation differences of
financial statements
                                     -2,759.37      -11,023.81                                                       -11,023.81                             -13,783.18
denominated in foreign

Total of other
                                     -2,759.37      -11,023.81                                                       -11,023.81                             -13,783.18
comprehensive income

        Other descriptions, including adjustment of the effective part of the cash flow hedge gains and losses transferred to initially
        recognized amount of hedged items:

        35. Surplus reserve

                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                    Item                 Opening balance                 Increase                     Decrease                  Closing balance

        Statutory capital reserves               87,139,560.14                17,885,823.15                                         105,025,383.29

        Total                                    87,139,560.14                17,885,823.15                                         105,025,383.29

        Descriptions of surplus reserve, including changes for the current period and reasons therefor: current increase of statutory capital
        reserves is accrued based on 10% of net profits of parent company.

        36. Undistributed profit

                                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                  Item                             Amount for the current period                 Amount for the prior period

        Undistributed profits at the end of prior period
                                                                                      3,881,526,167.30                             2,079,761,680.01
        before adjustment

        Undistributed profits at the beginning of the
                                                                                      3,881,526,167.30                             2,079,761,680.01
        period after adjustment

        Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                      2,114,090,171.85                             1,982,159,476.82
        parent company for the period

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve                                  17,885,823.15                           2,357,238.43

Dividends payable for ordinary shares                                          231,449,076.43                           178,037,751.10

Undistributed profits at the end of the period                                5,746,281,439.57                        3,881,526,167.30

Details of adjustments to undistributed profits at the beginning of the period:
1) Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB due to the retrospective adjustment under the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and related new regulations.
2) Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB due to changes in accounting policies.
3) Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB due to the correction of significant accounting errors.
4) Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB due to changes in the scope of consolidation resulting
from business combination involving enterprises under common control.
5) Undistributed profits at the beginning of the period were affected by RMB in total due to other adjustments.

37. Operating income and operating costs

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                           Amount for the current period                          Amount for the prior period
                                         Revenue                     Cost                      Revenue                  Cost

Principal operating activities         15,335,407,048.03          9,896,297,197.78        13,991,615,817.08           9,224,019,161.88

Other operating activities                 20,456,434.04               9,165,573.04             13,919,138.28             6,269,482.56

Total                                  15,355,863,482.07          9,905,462,770.82        14,005,534,955.36           9,230,288,644.44

Whether the lower of the net profit after non-recurring gain or loss is negative
□ Yes √ No
Information on Revenue:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

               Category of Contract                      Segment 1                 Segment 2                              Total

Commodity type


Internet video business of Mango TV                      11,261,249,957.21                                           11,261,249,957.21

New media interactive entertainment content
                                                           1,877,457,854.82                                           1,877,457,854.82
production and operation

Content E-business                                         2,157,213,530.01                                           2,157,213,530.01

Others                                                       40,799,013.60                                               40,799,013.60

By operating regions                                     15,336,720,355.64                                           15,336,720,355.64


Within Hunan province                                      4,205,633,567.18                                           4,205,633,567.18

Outside Hunan province                                   11,131,086,788.46                                           11,131,086,788.46

Type of market or customer                               15,336,720,355.64                                           15,336,720,355.64

                                                                            2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.


Type of contract


By the time of commodity transfer


Revenue recognized at a certain time point              9,206,687,860.72                                           9,206,687,860.72

Revenue recognized over a certain period of
                                                        6,130,032,494.92                                           6,130,032,494.92

By the contract term                                   15,336,720,355.64                                          15,336,720,355.64


By the selling channel



Information regarding performance obligations:
Incomes generated from contracts with customers are RMB 15,336,720,355.64.
Information regarding the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations:
The revenue corresponding to the performance obligations for which the contract has been signed but has not yet been performed or
fully performed at the end of this Reporting Period is RMB1,223,333,098.82, among which RMB is expected to be recognized as the
revenue in, RMB is expected to be recognized as the revenue in, and RMB is expected to be recognized as the revenue in.
Other descriptions

38. Taxes and levies

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                     Item                          Amount for the current period                  Amount for the prior period

Consumption tax                                                             178,896.89                                   280,585.49

City maintenance and construction tax                                    12,005,462.97                                10,756,920.01

Education surcharges                                                       8,610,998.23                                7,721,309.79

Property tax                                                                662,834.77                                   648,464.10

Land use rights                                                             294,816.00                                   294,816.00

Vehicle and vessel tax                                                       34,420.00                                    30,730.00

Stamp duty                                                                 5,092,020.91                                2,190,238.78

                                                                    2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Others                                                               13,040.75                                54,686.31

Total                                                            26,892,490.52                            21,977,750.48

Other descriptions:

39. Selling expenses

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                      Item                  Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

Employee’s benefits and labor costs                            732,215,078.75                           649,713,450.73

Depreciation and amortization                                    12,874,964.32                            11,258,434.02

Advertising costs                                             1,385,934,490.67                         1,275,774,161.48

Expenses for internet access cooperation                         50,041,434.51                           104,333,924.97

Settlement costs of logistics and service
                                                                  4,916,911.14                             6,646,826.33
charges for payment collection

Business travel expenses                                         27,363,866.16                            24,555,943.68

Program production costs                                         22,105,723.12                             4,706,447.54

Channel sales and operations development
                                                                195,904,288.97                            49,839,615.85

Others                                                           37,971,455.00                            37,586,465.27

Total                                                         2,469,328,212.64                         2,164,415,269.87

Other descriptions:

40. General and administrative expenses

                                                                                                                    In RMB

                      Item                  Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

Employee’s benefits and labor costs                            467,964,670.43                           428,389,317.79

Depreciation and amortization                                    63,382,058.67                            45,517,534.33

Legal costs                                                      11,964,048.12                            12,643,454.90

Office and administrative service                               104,503,482.74                            90,263,227.76

Agency fees                                                      13,626,103.94                             8,368,627.11

Business entertainment expenses                                   2,749,458.11                             2,567,649.76

Others                                                           31,744,789.77                            41,450,911.08

Total                                                           695,934,611.78                           629,200,722.73

Other descriptions:

                                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

41. Research and development expenses

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                      Item                 Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

Employee’s benefits and labor costs                           121,946,092.84                            78,237,277.89

Depreciation and amortization                                   15,098,549.93                            12,030,086.93

Technical service fees                                         129,004,804.77                            88,241,580.19

Others                                                           5,941,955.86                             5,876,003.71

Total                                                          271,991,403.40                           184,384,948.72

Other descriptions:

42. Financial expenses

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                      Item                 Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

Interest expenses                                                2,630,663.17                            13,770,536.66

Less: interest income                                          125,145,189.95                           116,608,027.78

Finance discount                                                                                            238,406.56

Service charge                                                  16,108,222.86                            16,999,003.73

Interest expenses from lease liabilities                         5,819,271.54

Foreign exchange gains and losses                                 -623,304.79                              -542,960.12

Total                                                         -101,210,337.17                           -86,619,854.07

Other descriptions:

43. Other income

                                                                                                                   In RMB

          Source of other income           Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

Government grants related to assets                              8,478,530.55                            20,304,477.81

Government grants related to income                             27,521,238.14                            29,158,039.45

Refund of service fees of withholding
                                                                 3,750,717.93                             6,044,849.19
personal income tax

Additional VAT deduction                                        83,583,732.93                            97,244,205.84

Total                                                          123,334,219.55                           152,751,572.29

44. Investment income

                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                              Item                                  Amount for the current period         Amount for the prior period

Income from long-term equity investments under equity
                                                                                          999,547.86                       1,742,610.53

Income from disposal of long-term equity investments                                      771,197.65                      70,437,276.18

Income from investments in film and television series without
                                                                                        1,193,136.19                       4,706,280.41

Income from wealth management products                                                 34,265,617.23                       3,906,349.28

Total                                                                                  37,229,498.93                      80,792,516.40

Other descriptions:

45. Impairment losses of credit

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                             Item                                 Amount for the current period          Amount for the prior period

Bad debt losses of other receivables                                                   -990,116.77                         -1,273,395.96

Bad debt losses of accounts receivable                                            -40,907,026.53                         -49,083,327.37

Other current assets-losses of impairment on issued loans                             -2,024,723.79                        -2,230,274.05

Total                                                                             -43,921,867.09                         -52,586,997.38

Other descriptions:

46. Impairment losses of assets

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                            Item                                 Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period

I. Bad debt losses                                                                                                       -21,417,042.28

II. Losses from decline in value of inventories and
                                                                                  -59,299,155.29                           -2,171,659.78
impairment of contract performance costs

XII. Impairment losses of contractual assets                                          -8,787,239.21                      -13,213,182.37

Total                                                                             -68,086,394.50                         -36,801,884.43

Other descriptions:

47. Income from disposal of assets

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

 Source of income from disposal of assets             Amount for the current period                   Amount for the prior period

Income from disposal of long-term assets                                       -85,941.70                                    354,684.48

Total                                                                          -85,941.70                                    354,684.48

                                                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

48. Non-operating income

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                                                                                 Amount included in the
              Item                  Amount for the current period       Amount for the prior period           non-recurring profit or loss for
                                                                                                                    the current period

Payment unable to be made                               1,994,903.35                           3,249,641.40                      1,994,903.35

Income from safeguarding legal
                                                       18,826,660.47                         21,772,303.69                     18,826,660.47

Others                                                  1,028,932.95                           1,864,339.26                      1,028,932.95

Total                                                  21,850,496.77                         26,886,284.35                     21,850,496.77

Government grants included in profit and loss for the current period
                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                             If the grants
                                                                                                  Amount for      Amount for
                                                           affect earnings or     If special                                      Related to
   Project            Issuer       Reason       Nature                                             the current     the prior
                                                             losses for the         grants                                      assets/income
                                                                                                     period         period
                                                             current year

Other descriptions:

49. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                     Amount for the                                          Amount included in the non-recurring profit or
              Item                                         Amount for the prior period
                                      current period                                                    loss for the current period

Outbound donations                          2,046,319.26                      2,576,237.35                                       2,046,319.26

Losses from damage and
                                             183,897.04                        736,201.04                                          183,897.04
retirement of non-current assets

Compensation expenditures                20,277,175.00                   26,032,164.94                                         20,277,175.00

COVID-19-related expenses                19,931,072.18                   15,627,676.21                                         19,931,072.18

Others                                       861,806.48                       1,563,601.45                                         861,806.48

Total                                    43,300,269.96                   46,535,880.99                                         43,300,269.96

Other descriptions:

50. Income tax expenses

(1) Table of income tax expenses

                                                                                                                                         In RMB

                      Item                             Amount for the current period                     Amount for the prior period

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Current income tax expenses                                                        4,357.00                              7,411,218.58

Total                                                                              4,357.00                              7,411,218.58

(2) Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                               Item                                                  Amount for the current period

Total profit                                                                                                        2,114,484,072.08

Income tax expense calculated based on statutory/applicable tax rate                                                  528,621,018.02

Effect of different tax rates of subsidiaries operating in other jurisdictions                                       -571,930,564.57

Effect of adjustment on income tax for the period                                                                            4,357.00

Effect of non-taxable income                                                                                             -249,886.97

Effect of non-deductible cost, expense and loss                                                                           281,227.53

Effect of utilizing deductible loss not recognized for deferred tax assets for prior period                             -1,179,586.42

Effect of deductible temporary difference or deductible loss not recognized for deferred tax
assets for the current period

Income tax expense                                                                                                           4,357.00

Other descriptions

51. Other comprehensive income

Refer to note for details.

52. Items in the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash receipts relating to operating activities

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Item                             Amount for the current period                Amount for the prior period

Governmental grants                                                          32,578,704.81                             72,405,901.23

Interest income                                                             125,145,189.95                            116,608,027.78

Income from safeguarding legal rights                                        18,826,660.47                             21,772,303.69

Receivables and payables and others                                          18,587,427.72                             42,882,989.51

Total                                                                       195,137,982.95                            253,669,222.21

Descriptions of other cash receipts relating to operating activities:

(2) Other cash payments relating to operating activities

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                    Item                              Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

Payments of various expenses                                            1,920,961,411.48                          1,721,402,373.87

Band service charges                                                       16,108,222.86                             16,999,003.73

Others                                                                     58,023,952.39                             48,836,058.38

Total                                                                   1,995,093,586.73                          1,787,237,435.98

Descriptions of other cash payments relating to operating activities:

(3) Other cash receipts relating to investing activities

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Item                              Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

Recovery of bank wealth management
                                                                        5,326,000,000.00                            622,500,000.00

Income from wealth management products                                     34,265,617.23                              3,906,349.28

Income from investments in copyrights
where the investor has no copyrights

Amount due to/from Happy Money                                            130,000,000.00

Total                                                                   5,491,458,753.41                            626,406,349.28

Descriptions of other cash receipts relating to investing activities:

(4) Other cash payments relating to investing activities

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Item                              Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

Purchase of wealth management products                                  8,736,000,000.00                            622,500,000.00

Total                                                                   8,736,000,000.00                            622,500,000.00

Descriptions of other cash payments relating to investing activities:

(5) Other cash receipts relating to financing activities

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Item                         Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the prior period

Descriptions of other cash receipts relating to financing activities:

(6) Other cash payments relating to financing activities

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Item                              Amount for the current period             Amount for the prior period

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Lease payment                                                              64,826,084.84

Payment of intermediary financing fees                                      1,000,323.87

Total                                                                      65,826,408.71

Descriptions of other cash payments relating to financing activities:

53. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                       Supplementary information                         Amount in the current period       Amount in prior period

1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating
                                                                                      --                              --

Net profit                                                                           2,114,479,715.08               1,979,336,549.33

Add: Provision for impairment losses of assets                                         112,008,261.59                  89,388,881.81

Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas assets,
                                                                                           43,223,108.33               44,829,216.08
depreciation of bearer biological assets

Depreciation of right of use assets                                                        52,187,591.16

Amortization of intangible assets                                                    4,791,099,179.27               4,365,366,952.18

Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses                                                 19,340,593.74               25,691,871.99

Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                               85,941.70                   -354,684.48
long-term assets (gains are indicated by “-”)

Losses on retirement of fixed assets (gains are indicated by “-”)                          183,897.04                   736,201.04

Income from changes in fair value (gains are indicated by “-”)

Financial expenses (gains are indicated by “-”)                                          7,826,629.92               13,227,576.54

Investment losses (gains are indicated by “-”)                                          -37,229,498.93             -80,792,516.40

Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase is indicated by “-”)

Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease is indicated by “-”)

Decrease in inventories (increase is indicated by “-”)                                  -88,521,247.99             253,879,071.02

Decrease in receivables from operating activities (increase is
                                                                                     -1,337,314,454.99             -1,256,428,867.09
indicated by “-”)

]Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease is
                                                                                       203,751,973.07                 500,793,311.24
indicated by “-”)

Others                                                                               -5,319,320,806.62             -5,354,703,210.18

Net cash flows from operating activities                                               561,800,882.37                 580,970,353.08

2. Significant investing and financing activities that do not involve
                                                                                      --                              --
cash receipts and payments:

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Conversion of debt into capital

Convertible corporate bonds due within 1 year

Fixed assets under financing lease

3. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:                                            --                          --

Closing balance of cash                                                               6,911,377,914.18             5,314,463,484.01

Less: opening balance of cash                                                         5,314,463,484.01             5,041,075,499.16

Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents

Less: opening balance of cash equivalents

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                             1,596,914,430.17              273,387,984.85

(2) Net cash payments for acquisition of subsidiaries in the current period

                                                                                                                              In RMB


Cash or cash equivalents paid for business combination incurred in the current period                                    1,500,000.00

Including:                                                                                                    --

Shenzhen Zhonghe Boao Technology Development Co., Ltd.                                                                   1,500,000.00

Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries at the acquisition date                                               13,019.91

Including:                                                                                                    --

Shenzhen Zhonghe Boao Technology Development Co., Ltd.                                                                     13,019.91

Including:                                                                                                    --

Net cash payment for acquisition of subsidiaries                                                                         1,486,980.09

Other descriptions:

(3) Net cash receipts for disposal of subsidiaries in the current period

                                                                                                                              In RMB


Cash or cash equivalents received from disposal of subsidiaries in the current period                               304,249,700.00

Including:                                                                                                   --

Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd.                                                                            304,249,700.00

Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries at the date of losing control                                   58,689,802.33

Including:                                                                                                   --

Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd.                                                                             58,689,802.33

Including:                                                                                                   --

Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries                                                                     245,559,897.67

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Other descriptions:

(4) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                       Item                                  Closing balance                               Opening balance

I. Cash                                                                6,911,377,914.18                                 5,314,463,484.01

Including: cash on hand                                                          42,803.61                                       86,976.40

        Bank deposit that can be paid at any
                                                                       6,890,884,946.24                                 5,296,358,510.78

        Other monetary funds that can be paid
                                                                          20,450,164.33                                    18,017,996.83
at any time

III. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                                       6,911,377,914.18                                 5,314,463,484.01

Other descriptions:

54. Notes to items in the statement of changes in owners’ equity

Description of the name of “other” item whose closing balance of the prior year has been adjusted and the amount adjusted:

55. Assets with restrictions in ownership or use right

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                       Item                                  Closing balance                            Reason for restriction

                                                                                             Frozen amounts due to litigation, POS
Cash and bank balances                                                    63,087,237.63 deposits and third-party platform account

                                                                                             Commercial notes endorsed but not
Notes receivable                                                         210,748,000.00
                                                                                             matured yet

Total                                                                    273,835,237.63                            --

Other descriptions:

56. Foreign currency item

(1) Foreign currency item

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                        Closing balance of foreign                                         Translated balance in RMB at
                Item                                                           Exchange rate
                                                currency                                                       the end of the period

Cash and bank balances                              --                              --                                       3,716,365.26

                                                                            2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Including: USD                                         582,527.63 6.376                                             3,714,196.17

          EUR                                             2,651.70 0.818                                                 2,169.09


Accounts receivable                              --                              --                                 9,178,252.00

Including: USD                                        1,439,500.00 6.376                                            9,178,252.00



Long-term borrowings                             --                              --

Including: USD



Accounts payable                                                                                                   62,493,973.73

Including: USD                                        9,801,438.79 6.376                                           62,493,973.73

Other descriptions:

(2) Descriptions of overseas operating entities, including disclosure of the main overseas business locations,
functional currency and the basis for selection of important overseas operating entities, and the reasons for
changes in functional currency (if any)

□ Applicable √ N/A

57. Government grants

(1) Basic information of government grants

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                                                   Amount included in profit or
                         Category                                  Amount             Line item
                                                                                                    loss for the current period

Special funds for the development of the cultural industry          3,549,291.66 Other income                       3,549,291.66

Youth Mango Night project subsidy                                   1,600,000.00 Other income                       1,600,000.00

Happigo Supply Chain Urban Co-Distribution System
                                                                      100,000.00 Other income                         100,000.00

“Project Investment Support” for Malanshan investment
                                                                      107,998.94 Other income                         107,998.94
attraction and industrial development

                                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Mobile internet industry development special fund           1,646,039.06 Other income                    1,646,039.06

Special funds for the development of the modern logistics     40,229.22 Other income                        40,229.22

Other                                                        276,933.97 Other income                       276,933.97

Guidance funds for provincial-level cultural industry
                                                             399,999.96 Other income                       399,999.96

Network audio-visual program quality creation and
                                                              72,000.00 Other income                        72,000.00
distribution project

Special funds for the development of modern services          60,000.00 Other income                        60,000.00

The second batch of special funds for modern services
                                                              60,000.00 Other income                        60,000.00
development - Mango TV mobile client

Silk Road Film and Television Bridge Project of the State
                                                             566,037.74 Other income                       566,037.74
Administration of Radio, Film and Television

Mango TV international convergence media
                                                            1,940,200.00 Other income                    1,940,200.00
communication project

Guidance fund subsidies for cultural business of Hunan
                                                             284,000.00 Other income                       284,000.00

Mango TV smart home page push project                        233,333.33 Other income                       233,333.33

Mango TV high-tech interactive video creation platform
                                                              35,000.00 Other income                        35,000.00

The second batch of special funds for the development of
                                                            8,000,000.00 Other income                    8,000,000.00
modern services in Hunan Province

Awards for enterprises in Malanshan Cultural and Creative
                                                            3,984,000.00 Other income                    3,984,000.00
Industrial Park

Cultural service export awards from central special funds
                                                            1,750,000.00 Other income                    1,750,000.00
for cultural industry development in 2021

Subsidy fund for training in work                           1,163,500.00 Other income                    1,163,500.00

Bonus for original creative innovation works                1,060,000.00 Other income                    1,060,000.00

Project subsidy and reward fund                             1,459,811.27 Other income                    1,459,811.27

Financial support funds                                      877,679.25 Other income                       877,679.25

Awards for economic development of Kaifu District            856,000.00 Other income                       856,000.00

Special fund for development of e-commerce industry          820,000.00 Other income                       820,000.00

Special awards from Changsha Municipal Government            690,000.00 Other income                       690,000.00

“Project Investment Support” for Malanshan investment
                                                             600,000.00 Other income                       600,000.00
attraction and industrial development

Job stabilization subsidy                                    595,328.61 Other income                       595,328.61

Special fund for service outsourcing industry                560,000.00 Other income                       560,000.00

Innovation reward                                            550,000.00 Carrying                           550,000.00

                                                                            2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  forward to the
                                                                                  current period

The sixth network original audio visual program
                                                                       405,660.38 Line item                               405,660.38
competition award

Subsidies for electricity related to outbreak                          400,886.89 Other income                            400,886.89

Guiding funds for high-quality development of business
                                                                       300,000.00 Other income                            300,000.00
economy in Chaoyang District

2020 economic development incentives                                   250,000.00 Other income                            250,000.00

Financing innovation evaluation funds                                  250,000.00 Other income                            250,000.00

Economic development incentives                                        211,000.00 Other income                            211,000.00

Other                                                                  244,838.41 Other income                            244,838.41

(2) Return of government grants

□Applicable √ N/A
Other descriptions:

58. Others

VIII. Changes in Scope of Consolidation

1. Business combination involving enterprises not under common control

(1) Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

                                                                                                                               In RMB

                                                                                                          Income of the Net profit of
                                                                                           Basis of       acquiree from the acquiree
               Timepoint of       Cost of       Ratio of    Method of                    determining           the        from the
 Name of the                                                               Acquisition
                 acquiring        equity         equity     acquiring                          the         acquisition   acquisition
   acquiree                                                                   date
                   equity       acquisition     acquired      equity                      acquisition      date to the   date to the
                                                                                               date        end of the     end of the
                                                                                                             period        period

                                                                                         The industrial
               May 18, 2021 1,500,000.00          100.00% Acquisition    May 31, 2021 procedures            186,325.12    137,300.68
                                                                                         have been
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         and the
                                                                                         payment for

                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                                              equity has
                                                                                              been made

Other descriptions:

(2) Combination cost and goodwill

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                          Combination cost

--Cash                                                                                                                    1,500,000.00

--Fair value of assets other than cash

--Fair value of debts issued or assumed

--Fair value of equity securities issued

--Fair value of contingent consideration

--Fair value of equities held before the acquisition date on the
acquisition date


Total combination costs                                                                                                   1,500,000.00

Less: Fair value of identifiable net assets acquired                                                                      1,439,370.54

Goodwill/difference between the lower combination costs and
the fair value of identifiable net assets

Descriptions of the method for determining the fair value of combination cost, contingent consideration and changes therein:
      Note: The difference of RMB60,629.46 between the combination costs and the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired
represents the amortization amount of the assets from the evaluation base date to the acquisition date, which has been included in the
current profit or loss on the date of combination.
Main reasons for the formation of substantial goodwill:
Other descriptions:

(3) Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                     Fair value on the acquisition date        Carrying amount on the acquisition date

Assets:                                                                       1,449,370.95                                   13,019.91

Cash and bank balances                                                            13,019.91                                  13,019.91

Accounts receivable


Fixed assets

Intangible assets                                                             1,436,351.04

                                                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Liabilities:                                                                       10,000.41                                      10,000.41


Accounts payable                                                                   10,000.41                                      10,000.41

Deferred tax liabilities

Net assets                                                                      1,439,370.54                                       3,019.50

Less: Minority interests

Net assets acquired                                                             1,439,370.54                                       3,019.50

Method for determining the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities:
All shareholders’ equity in Shenzhen Zhonghe Boao Technology Development Co., Ltd. acquired by the Company has been
evaluated by Carea Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. who has issued an appraisal report Kai Yuan Ping Bao Zi 2020 (No. 035) therefor.
Contingent liabilities of the acquiree undertaken in business combination:
Other descriptions:

(4) Gains or losses arising from re-measurement of equity held before the acquisition date at fair value

Whether there is a business combination realized through multiple transactions by steps with control obtained during the reporting
□ Yes √ No

(5) Descriptions of inability to reasonably determine the combination consideration or the fair value of
identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date or at the end of the corresponding

(6) Other descriptions

2. Business combination involving enterprises under common control

(1) Business combination involving enterprises under common control in the current period

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                  Basis of                                      Income of the Net profit of
                                constituting                                     combined       the combined
                                                                                                                Income of the Net profit of
                Proportion of     business                      Basis of         party from      party from
                                                                                                                 combined      the merged
 Name of the       equity       combination                   determining the beginning the beginning
                                               Combination                                                      party during party during
  combined       acquired in     involving                         the          of the period of the period
                                                   date                                                              the           the
     party        business      enterprises                   combination in which the in which the
                                                                                                                 comparison    comparison
                combination        under                           date         combination combination
                                                                                                                   period        period
                                 common                                          falls to the    falls to the
                                  control                                          date of         date of

                                                                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                combination combination

              Other descriptions:

              3. Reverse purchase

              Basic information of the transaction, basis for the transaction to constitute a reverse purchase, whether assets and liabilities retained
              by the listed company constitute businesses and the basis therefor, determination of consolidation costs, amount of adjustments to
              equity in case of equity transactions and the calculation thereof:

              4. Disposal of subsidiaries

              Whether there was any circumstance under which a single disposal of the investment in subsidiaries led to control loss
              √ Yes □ No
                                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                          between the                                                            Methods of Amount
                                                                                             Proporti Carrying
                                                                          disposal price                            Fair          Gains or       determining transferred from
                                                                                             on of      amount
                                                               Basis for and the shares of                          value of losses              fair value of other
                                                                                             remainin of
                                                               establish net assets of the                          remainin arising from remaining             comprehensive
             Proceeds       Disposal                 Time of                                 g equity remainin
Name of                                  Method of             ing the    subsidiary                                g equity re-measurem equity on              income related
             from           proportion               losing                                  on the     g equity
subsidiary                               disposal              time of    corresponding to                          on the        ent of         the date of    to initial equity
             disposal       (%)                      control                                 date of    on the
                                                               losing     disposal of                               date of       remaining      losing         investment in
                                                                                             losing     date of
                                                               control    investments in                            losing        equity at the control and the subsidiary to
                                                                                             control    losing
                                                                          the consolidated                          control       fair value     main           investment
                                                                                             (%)        control
                                                                          financial                                                              assumptions income or loss

Happy                                                          Receipt
Money         304,249,7                              May 31, of the
                             100.00% Sale                                       770,697.17      0.00%        0.00          0.00              0.00 N/A                         0.00
Microfina           00.00                            2021      transfer
nce Co.,                                                       fund

              Other descriptions:
              Whether there is a disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions by steps with loss of control over the
              subsidiary in the current period
              □ Yes √ No

              5. Changes in the scope of combination for other reasons

              Descriptions of changes in the scope of combination for other reasons (such as establishment of a new subsidiary and liquidation of a
              subsidiary, etc.) and the relevant information:
                     1. Increase in the scope of combination
                 Company name                            Method of        Timepoint of acquiring         Capital contribution                Proportion of

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                          acquiring             equity                                            contribution
Hainan E.E. Media Co., Ltd.             Establishment June 30, 2021                         30,000,000.00                  100.00%

Shanghai Mango Universe Culture Establishment December 13, 2021                             10,000,000.00                  100.00%
and Entertainment Co., Ltd.
       2. Decrease in the scope of combination
Company name                                               Method of disposing equity Timepoint of disposing equity
Happigo (Beijing) New Media Technology Co., Ltd.           Deregistration             April 12, 2021
Hangzhou Hemei Interactive Entertainment Technology Deregistration                    July 19, 2021
Co., Ltd.

6. Others

IX. Interests in Other Entities

1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of enterprise group

       Name of          Main business        Registered                               Shareholding ratio               Method of
                                                            Business nature
    subsidiary              place             address                              Direct              Indirect        acquisition

Enterprise                Shanghai            Shanghai         Commerce                               100.00%         Establishment
Development Co.,

Shanghai                                                                                                              Establishment
Advertising               Shanghai            Shanghai         Commerce                               100.00%
Co., Ltd.

Doug          Cloud                                                                                                   Establishment
Business (Hunan)
Trade        Limited      Changsha           Changsha          Commerce                               100.00%

Mango            Life                                                                                                 Establishment
E-commerce                Changsha           Changsha          Commerce                               100.00%
Limited Liability

Happigo (Hunan)           Changsha           Changsha           Storage                               100.00%           Business

                                                            2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Supply         Chain                                                                             combination
Management Co.,                                                                                   involving
Ltd.                                                                                            enterprises not
                                                                                                under common

Shanghai Meimi                                                                                  Establishment
                        Shanghai   Shanghai    Commerce                          100.00%
Trade Co., Ltd.

Dameiren Global                                                                                 Establishment
Trading          Co.,   Shanghai   Hong Kong   Commerce                          100.00%

Hunan Mango                                                                                     Establishment
Auto Automobile         Changsha   Changsha    Commerce                           51.00%
Sales Co., Ltd.

Happigo Co., Ltd.       Changsha   Changsha    Commerce         100.00%                         Establishment

Hunan         Happy                                                                                Business
Sunshine                                                                                         combination
Interactive             Changsha   Changsha      Video          100.00%                           involving
Entertainment                                                                                  enterprises under
Media Co., Ltd.                                                                                common control

                                                Film &
Mango                   Changsha   Changsha                                      100.00%          involving
Entertainment                                                                                  enterprises under
Co., Ltd                                                                                       common control

                                                Film &
                        Changsha   Changsha                                      100.00%          involving
Mango         Studios                                                                          enterprises under
Co., Ltd.                                                                                      common control

Shanghai                                                                                         combination
Mangofun                Shanghai   Shanghai      Game                            100.00%          involving
Technology Co.,                                                                                enterprises under
Ltd.                                                                                           common control

                                                Film &
Shanghai                Shanghai   Shanghai                     100.00%                           involving
EE-Media         Co.,                                                                          enterprises under
Ltd.                                                                                           common control

Zhejiang                                        Film &                                             Business
                        Zhejiang    Zhejiang                                     100.00%
Dongyang Tianyu                                Television                                        combination

                                                            2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Film            and                                                                               involving
Television                                                                                     enterprises under
Culture Co. Ltd.                                                                               common control

Hunan Tianyu                                   Film &                                              Business
Film and                                     Television                                          combination
Television            Changsha   Changsha                                        100.00%          involving
Production Co.                                                                                 enterprises under
Ltd.                                                                                           common control

Beijing Super          Beijing   Beijing       Music                             100.00%          involving
Vocal Culture Co.                                                                              enterprises under
Ltd.                                                                                           common control

Hainan E.E.
                       Hainan     Hainan    Culture media                        100.00%      Establishment
Media Co., Ltd.

Beijing Happy          Beijing   Beijing    Culture media                        100.00%          involving
Mango Culture                                                                                  enterprises under
Media Co., Ltd.                                                                                common control

                       Horgos     Horgos                                                           Business
Horgos Happy                                Culture media                        100.00%          involving
Sunshine Media                                                                                 enterprises under
Co., Ltd.                                                                                      common control

Hunan Happy                                                                                      combination
Mangofun              Changsha   Changsha      Game                              100.00%          involving
Technology Co.,                                                                                enterprises under
Ltd.                                                                                           common control

Shanghai Mango
Universe Culture
and                   Shanghai   Shanghai      Game                              100.00%        Establishment
Co., Ltd.

Happy Sunshine
Interactive            Haikou    Haikou      Commerce                            100.00%        Establishment
Media Co., Ltd.

Happy Sunshine
                      Changsha   Changsha    Commerce                            100.00%        Establishment

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Technology Co.,

                        Changsha            Changsha           Commerce                                  100.00%         Establishment
Commerce Co.,

Mgtv.com (Hong
Kong) Media            Hong Kong           Hong Kong           Commerce                                  100.00%         Establishment
Company Limited

Zhonghe Boao
Technology              Changsha            Shenzhen              Game                                   100.00%
                                                                                                                         enterprises not
Development Co.,
                                                                                                                        under common

Descriptions of the difference between the shareholding ratio and the proportion of voting rights in a subsidiary:
Basis for holding half of the voting rights or below but still controlling the investee, and holding over half of the voting right but
having no control over the investee:
Basis for controls over significant structured entities included in consolidation scope:
Basis for determining the Company as the agent or the principal:
Other descriptions:

(2) Significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                      Dividends declared for
                                                        Profit or loss attributable
                              Shareholding ratio by                                   distribution to minority     Closing balance of
   Name of subsidiary                                    to minority interests for
                              minority shareholders                                    shareholders for the        minority interests
                                                            the current period
                                                                                           current period

Hunan Mango Auto
Automobile Sales Co.,                          49.00%                  448,680.70                                          30,763,885.84

Descriptions of the difference between the shareholding ratio of minority shareholders and their proportion of voting rights in a
Other descriptions:

(3) Key financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                      Closing balance                                                                   Opening balance
 Name of                 Non-curr                             Non-curr                                  Non-curr                              Non-curr
              Current                 Total       Current                     Total       Current                     Total     Current                         Total
subsidiary                 ent                                   ent                                      ent                                    ent
              assets                  assets    liabilities                 liabilities       assets                  assets    liabilities                   liabilities
                          assets                              liabilities                                assets                               liabilities

Auto          278,910, 20,051,2 298,961, 230,291, 5,886,47 236,177, 95,213,4 13,358,8 108,572, 46,704,5
Automobil       162.12      33.70      395.82      484.49          0.82       955.31            39.53      62.09      301.62        36.01
e Sales
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                   Amount for the current period                                                Amount for the prior period

                                                                         Cash flows                                                                    Cash flows
    Name of                                              Total                                                                        Total
                   Operating                                                  from              Operating                                                   from
   subsidiary                        Net profit     comprehensi                                                    Net profit     comprehensi
                       income                                               operating            income                                                operating
                                                      ve income                                                                    ve income
                                                                            activities                                                                 activities

 Mango Auto
                  1,008,991,70                                         -50,575,124.2 735,524,869.                                                   -39,939,680.6
 Automobile                           915,674.90       915,674.90                                                 1,022,763.58 1,022,763.58
                            7.33                                                          2               05                                                        0
 Sales Co.,

 Other descriptions:

 (4) Significant restrictions on the use of enterprise group assets and settlement of enterprise group debts

 (5) Financial supports or other supports offered for the structured entities included in the scope of
 consolidated financial statements

 Other descriptions:

 2. Transactions through which the share of the owner’s equity in the subsidiary has changed and the
 control on the subsidiary is still maintained

 (1) Descriptions of changes in the share of owner’s equity in the subsidiary

 3. Interests in joint ventures or associates

 (1) Summary of financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates

                                                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                       Closing balance/Amount for the current                      Opening balance/Amount for the prior
                                                                              period                                                 period

                                                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Joint ventures                                                        --                                          --

Total of the following items calculated based
                                                                      --                                          --
on the shareholding ratio

Associates:                                                           --                                          --

Total carrying amount of investment                                            23,882,517.37                              22,882,969.51

Total of the following items calculated based
                                                                      --                                          --
on the shareholding ratio

--Net profit                                                                       999,547.86                              1,742,610.53

--Total comprehensive income                                                       999,547.86                              1,742,610.53

Other descriptions

(2) Descriptions of significant restrictions on the ability of joint ventures or associates to transfer funds to
the Company

(3) Unrecognized commitments related to investments in joint ventures

(4) Contingent liabilities related to investments in joint ventures or associates

4. Significant joint operations

    Name of joint        Principal operation                                                           Shareholding ratio/share
                                                 Registration place        Business nature
      operation                 place                                                                Direct               Indirect

Description of difference between shareholding ratio or share and voting right ratio in joint operation:
The basis for classifying a separate entity as a joint operation, if applicable:
Other descriptions

5. Interests in structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements

Descriptions of structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements:

6. Others

X. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

     The Company’s risk management objectives are to achieve a proper balance between risks and yield, minimize the adverse
impacts of risks on the Company’s operation performance, and maximize the benefits of the shareholders and other stakeholders.
Based on these risk management objectives, the Company’s basic risk management strategy is to identify and analyze its exposure to
various risks, establish an appropriate maximum tolerance to risk, implement risk management, and monitor regularly and effectively
these exposures to ensure the risks are monitored at a certain level.
     The Company is exposed to various risks associated with financial instruments in its daily routines, primarily including credit
risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The management has reviewed and approved policies to manage these risks, summarized as

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

      (I) Credit risk
     Credit risk refers to the risk that a party of the financial instrument will default on its obligations resulting in financial loss to the
      1. Management of credit risk
      (1) Evaluation of credit
     The Company assesses at each balance sheet date whether the credit risk of the underlying financial instruments has increased
significantly since initial recognition. In determining whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the
Company considers reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue cost or effort, including quantitative and
qualitative analysis based on historical data, ranking of external credit risks and forward-looking information. The Company
compares the risk of a default occurring on a financial instrument as at the balance sheet date with the risk of a default occurring on
the financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition based on individual financial instrument or a group of financial
instruments with similar credit risk characteristic, to determine the change of the risk of a default occurring on a financial instrument
over the expected life.
     The Company considers the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly when one or more of the following
quantitative and qualitative criteria are met:
     1) The quantitative criterion primarily refers to a certain percentage of increase in the probability of default over the remaining
life of the financial instruments as of the balance sheet date when comparing with that at initial recognition of the financial
     2) The qualitative criteria includes, inter alia, adverse material changes in business or financial conditions that are expected to
cause a significant decrease in the debtor’s ability to meet its debt obligations, and an actual or expected significant adverse change in
the technological, market, economic, or legal environment of the debtor that results in a significant decrease in the debtor’s ability to
meet its debt obligations;
     (2) Definition of defaulted or credit-impaired assets
     A financial asset is defined as defaulted when the financial instrument meets one or more conditions stated as below, and the
criteria of defining defaulted asset is consistent with the that of defining credit-impaired asset:
     1) significant financial difficulty of the debtor;
     2) a breach of contract terms with binding force by the debtor;
     3) it is becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;
     4) the creditor of the debtor, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty, has granted to the
debtor a concession(s) that the creditor would not otherwise consider.
      2. Measurement of expected credit loss (“ECL”)
     Key parameters to measure ECL include the probability of default, loss given default and the exposure at default. The Company
established models of the probability of default, loss given default and the exposure at default on the basis of qualitative analysis on
historical statistical data (such as counterparty ranking, guarantee methods, collateral category, and repayment way) and
forward-looking information.
      3. Details of reconciliation of the opening balance and the closing balance of provision for impairment of financial instruments
can be referred to in Note VII (I) 4, 7 and 9 to the financial statements hereof.
     4. Credit risk exposure and credit risk concentration
     The Company's credit risk is primarily from cash and bank balances and receivables. In order to control the risks associated with
aforementioned items, the Company has taken the following measures.
     (1) Cash and bank balances
     The credit risk of the Company is limited because the Company has deposited bank deposits and other monetary funds in banks
with high credit ratings.
     (2) Receivables

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

     The Company continually evaluates the creditworthiness of its customers with deals on credit, and selects to deal with approved
and creditworthy customers subject to the results of the credit assessment with monitoring the balance of its receivables, so as to
ensure that the Company is not exposed to significant risk of bad debt.
     No collateral is required since the Company only deals with third parties that are approved and creditworthy. The concentrated
credit risks are managed by customers. As of December 31, 2021, the Company is exposed to certain concentration of credit risks, as
the Company’s accounts receivable from top 5 customers have accounted for 53.39% of the total balance of accounts receivable
(December 31, 2020: 34.43%). The Company held no collateral or other credit ranking measures for the balance of accounts
     The maximum exposure to the Company is the carrying amount of each financial asset in the balance sheet.
     (II) Liquidity risk
     Liquidity risk refer to the risk that the Company is in shortage of funds in performing obligations that are settled by delivering
cash or another financial asset.
     In order to control this risk, the Company balances the continuity and flexibility of financing by using various financing
measures such as notes settlement and bank loans comprehensively and adopting both long-term and short-term financing methods to
optimize the financing structure. The Company has received credit facilities from a number of commercial banks to satisfy its
working capital requirements and capital expenditures.

     Financial liabilities classified by remaining maturity

                                                                            Closing balance
           Item                                         Undiscounted contract
                               Carrying amount                                          Within 1 year          1-3 years    Over 3 years
Bank borrowings                      39,786,903.37                   41,628,749.86             41,628,749.86
Notes payable                       921,504,704.91               921,504,704.91             921,504,704.91
Accounts payable                   4,960,935,241.83            4,960,935,241.83           4,960,935,241.83
Other payables                      149,086,160.61               149,086,160.61             149,086,160.61
Other current liabilities           210,748,000.00               210,748,000.00             210,748,000.00
Lease          liabilities          212,742,184.54               237,923,303.74                44,757,856.68 113,422,811.81 79,742,635.25
(including those due
within one year)
  Sub-total                        6,494,803,195.26            6,521,826,160.95           6,328,660,713.89 113,422,811.81 79,742,635.25
      (Continued to above table)
                                                                      Balance at the end of last year
           Item                  Carrying             Undiscounted
                                                                               Within 1 year             1-3 years         Over 3 years
                                amount           contract amount
Bank borrowings                39,789,110.68            41,159,399.06             41,159,399.06
Notes payable                 712,292,035.75           712,292,035.75            712,292,035.75
Accounts payable             5,217,087,330.62         5,217,087,330.62         5,217,087,330.62
Other payables                160,651,194.91           160,651,194.91            160,651,194.91
  Sub-total                  6,129,819,671.96         6,131,189,960.34         6,131,189,960.34

     (III) Market risk
     Market risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

market prices. Market risk mainly includes interest rate risk and currency risk.
       1. Interest rate risk
       Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in
market interest rates. Since the Company’s borrowings are at fixed interest rates, fluctuations in interest rates of borrowings will not
have a material impact on the Company’s total profits or shareholders' equity.
       2. Currency risk
       Currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in
foreign exchange rates. Since the Company mainly operates in Mainland China with its principal activities denominated in RMB, its
exposure to the currency risk due to changes in market is not material.
       The closing balance of the Company’s monetary assets and liabilities dominated in foreign currencies can be referred to in Note
VII. 56 to the financial statements hereof.

XI. Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Closing balance of the fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                      Closing balance of fair value
                                       Level 1                     Level 2                    Level 3                      Total

I. Continuous fair value
                                           --                         --                         --                          --

(I) Held-for-trading
                                                                  3,410,000,000.00                                       3,410,000,000.00
financial assets

1. Financial assets at fair
value through profit or                                           3,410,000,000.00                                       3,410,000,000.00

(3) Derivative financial
                                                                  3,410,000,000.00                                       3,410,000,000.00

(II) Receivables financing                                                                     137,800,000.00              137,800,000.00

Total liabilities
continuously measured at                                          3,410,000,000.00             137,800,000.00            3,547,800,000.00
fair value

II. Non-continuous fair
                                           --                         --                         --                          --
value measurement

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

2. Basis for determining the market price of continuous and non-continuous level 1 fair value measurement

3. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters adopted for
continuous and non-continuous level 2 fair value measurement items

       With respect to held-for-trading financial assets with similar products quotation in an active market, the fair value of them shall
be determined by the quotation of such similar products in the active market.

4. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters adopted for
continuous and non-continuous level 3 fair value measurement items

       The Company’s receivables financing refers to the bank acceptances accepted by commercial banks with higher credit rating,
without quotation in the active market. The cost thereof represents the best estimate of fair value.

5. Reconciliation between opening and closing carrying amounts and sensitivity analysis of unobservable
parameters for continuous level 3 fair value measurement items

6. In case of transfers among levels for the current period, explain the transfer reasons and policies for
determining transfer time point for continuous fair value measurement items

7. Changes in valuation techniques for the current period and reasons for changes

8. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

9. Others

XII. Related Parties and Related Party Transactions

1. Parent company of the Company

                                                                                              Proportion of the
                                                                                                                    Proportion of the
 Name of the parent                                                                                                 Company’s voting
                         Registered address      Business nature       Registered capital    ownership interest
       company                                                                                                       right held by the
                                                                                             held by the parent
                                                                                                                   parent company(%)
                                                                                                company (%)

                                              Planning, production
                                              and operation of
                                              radio and television
Mango Media Co.,                              programs; asset
                        PRC                                           2,050,000,000.00                    56.09%                56.09%
Ltd.                                          management and
                                              investment subject to
                                              laws and regulations;
                                              advertising planning,

                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                              production and

Descriptions of the Company’s parent company
     Mango Media Co., Ltd., which holds 56.09% of the shares in the Company, was established on July 10, 2007 with a registered
capital of RMB2,050,000,000 and registered address and principal place of business in Golden Eagle Studio Culture City in Kaifu
District, Changsha City. Hunan Broadcasting System holds 100% shares in Mango Media Co., Ltd. Mango Media Co., Ltd. is mainly
engaged in planning, production and operation of radio and television programs; investment in culture, sports, entertainment, media,
science and technology, internet and other industries with self-owned funds (not allowed to engage in activities under national
financial supervision and financial credit businesses such as deposit absorption, fund raising and collection, entrusted loan, bill
issuance, loan issuance, etc.); advertising planning, production and operation; and multimedia technology development and
     The ultimate controlling party of the Company is Hunan Broadcasting System.
Other descriptions:

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

For details of the subsidiaries of the Company, see the descriptions in the accompanying Note IX.

3. Associates and joint ventures of the Company

For details of the significant joint ventures or associates of the Company, see the descriptions in the accompanying Note IX.
The details of other joint ventures or associates having related party transactions and balances with the Company in the current period
or prior periods are presented as follows:

                Name of joint venture or associate                                  Relationship with the Company

Shanghai Mama Mia Mutual Entertainment Network Technology
Co., Ltd.

Tianjin Sunshine Meichuang Technology Co., Ltd.                    Associates

Other descriptions

4. Other related parties of the Company

                      Name of other related party                     Relationship between other related party and the Company

Hunan Radio and Television Advertising Corporation                 Controlled by the same actual controller

Hunan Broadcasting System Satellite TV Channel                     Controlled by the same actual controller

Subsidiaries of Hunan TV Business Operation Development Co.,
Ltd. [Note 1]

Yunhong Communication Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
[Note 2]                                                           Controlled by the same actual controller

Hunan Broadcasting and Film Group Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by the same actual controller

Subsidiaries of Hunan Broadcasting System [Note 3]                 Controlled by the same actual controller

                                                                         2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Subsidiaries of Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co., Ltd.
[Note 4]                                                        Controlled by the same actual controller

Subsidiaries of Mango Media Co., Ltd. [Note 5]                  Controlled by the same actual controller

Xiao Xiang Film Group Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by the same actual controller

MIGU Culture Technology Co., Ltd. [Note 6]                      Company materially affected by the key officers

Other descriptions
      [Note 1] Hunan TV Business Operation Development Co., Ltd. comprises Hunan EE Advertising Co., Ltd. and Hunan EE
Advertising Co., Ltd. Mango Idol Branch
      [Note 2] Yunhong Communication Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. comprises Beijing Yunhong Wanhao Advertising Co.,
Ltd. and Shanghai Yunhong Advertising Co., Ltd..
      [Note 3] The subsidiaries of Hunan Broadcasting System comprise Beijing Happywoods Culture Communication Co., Ltd.,
Hunan Innovation Entertainment Media Co., Ltd., Hunan TV Drama Media Co., Ltd., Hunan Broadcasting and Television Logistics
Management Service Co., Ltd., Hunan Broadcasting System Channel (excluding Satellite TV Channel), Hunan Broadcasting System
Broadcast Media Center, Hunan Broadcasting System Logistics Support Center, Hunan Broadcasting System International Media
Co., Ltd., Hunan International Convention and Exhibition Center Co., Ltd., Hunan Happy Avant Garde Media Co., Ltd. and Letian
Entertainment (Hunan) Co., Ltd..
      [Note 4] The subsidiaries of Hunan TV & Broadcast Intermediary Co., Ltd. comprise TIK Films, Hunan Jinyingcheng Real
Estate Co., Ltd., Hunan CATV Network Group Co., Ltd., Hunan Saint Tropez Investment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 9zhitx Technology
Co., Ltd. and Changsha Colorful World Co., Ltd..
      [Note 5] Mango Media Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries comprise] Mango Media Co., Ltd., Beijing Jinshiyatang Film & Television
Culture Communication Co., Ltd. and Hunan Mango Vision Technology Co., Ltd. and Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd.
and Golden Eagle Broadcasting System Co., Ltd.
      [Note 6] MIGU Culture Technology Co., Ltd. comprises MIGU Video Technology Co., Ltd., MIGU Cartoon Co., Ltd., MIGU
Digital Media Co., Ltd., MIGU Music Co., Ltd. and MIGU Interactive Entertainment Co., Ltd..

5. Related party transactions

(1) Sales and purchase of goods, and rendering and receipt of services

Statement of purchase of goods/ receipt of services
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                                    Whether exceeding
                      Details of related   Amount for the     Transaction quota                            Amount for the prior
   Related parties                                                                      the approved
                      party transactions    current period        approved                                        period
                                                                                    transaction amount

Technology                                   209,219,140.92        204,000,000.00 Yes                             210,676,667.48
(Guangzhou) Co.,

Hunan Radio and      Advertising,
Television           publicity and

                                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Advertising          promotion

                     Value added share
Hunan Broadcasting of operators, brand
                                             3,805,031.40                 Yes                           11,407,659.58
System               license and
                     program usage fee

                     Publicity and
                     promotion, artist
                     agency, program
Subsidiaries of      production, venue
Hunan Broadcasting exhibition and           67,038,290.39    55,340,000.00 Yes                          33,420,832.91
System               supporting
                     services, purchase
                     of goods, and
                     advertising agency

                     Publicity and
Hunan Broadcasting promotion, artist
System Satellite TV agency, accepting        1,724,905.65     2,060,000.00 No                           36,848,537.20
Channel              services and

Shanghai Mama
Mia Mutual
                     Purchase of goods       1,360,895.71     1,000,000.00 Yes                             949,171.49
Technology Co.,

MIGU Culture         copyright
Technology Co.,      purchase,              36,872,709.67    48,800,000.00 No                           62,298,481.29
Ltd.                 advertising fee and
                     goods purchase

                     Purchase of
Hunan Broadcasting
                     operator sharing,
and Film Group                             732,959,163.69   700,310,000.00 Yes                         662,114,253.82
                     publicity and
Co., Ltd.
                     promotion, and
                     advertising agency

Subsidiaries of      Operator sharing,
Hunan TV &           board and lodging
Broadcast            expenses, purchase     12,498,312.87    12,500,000.00 No                           20,277,039.13
Intermediary Co.,    of goods and site
Ltd.                 expenses

                                                                                2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Mango Media Co.,
                       Artist agency and
Ltd. and                                            24,809,356.57           8,100,000.00 Yes                           10,830,707.04
                       technical cost

Hunan TV Business Advertising
Operation              agency, internet
                                                    77,336,094.65         153,910,000.00 No                          183,877,073.47
Development Co.,       access cooperation
Ltd.                   fees

Hunan Broadcasting Artist agency,
System Broadcast       publicity and                 1,704,764.54                        Yes
Media Center           promotion

Xiao Xiang Film        Purchase of
                                                     1,769,911.50                        Yes
Group Co., Ltd.        copyrights

Statement of sales of goods/rendering of services
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                        Details of related party
           Related parties                                            Amount for the current period   Amount for the prior period

Yunhong Communication
Technology (Guangzhou) Co.,          Advertising                                    765,968,272.87                   771,483,736.91

Hunan Broadcasting and Film          Advertising, release income,
                                                                                  1,684,145,199.13                   801,900,648.11
Group Co., Ltd.                      publicity and promotion

                                     Advertising, release income,
Hunan Broadcasting System                                                               619,469.03                        354,592.45
                                     and sales of goods

Hunan Broadcasting System            Release income and rendering
                                                                                      3,069,701.06                   418,531,355.04
Satellite TV Channel                 of services

                                     Advertising, artist income,
Subsidiaries of Hunan
                                     derivatives business and sales                   5,925,945.90                     40,437,722.81
Broadcasting System
                                     of goods

Mango Media Co., Ltd. and            Artist income, sales of goods
                                                                                    156,799,987.36                   446,518,867.72
subsidiaries                         and release income

Shanghai Mama Mia Mutual
                                     Sales of goods and supplier
Entertainment Network                                                                   146,432.71                        308,159.28
Technology Co., Ltd.

Subsidiaries of Hunan TV &
Broadcast Intermediary Co.,          Operator income                                                                    2,514,681.44

                                     Operator income, advertising,
MIGU Culture Technology Co.,
                                     member benefits, and sales of                1,650,532,231.02                   826,176,362.97
                                     derivatives and goods

                                                                                         2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Hunan Broadcasting System
                                      Sales of goods                                                35,253.98
Broadcast Media Center

Hunan TV Business Operation           Advertising and sales of
                                                                                             673,438,735.02                               556,465,901.91
Development Co., Ltd.                 goods

Xiao Xiang Film Group Co.,
                                      Copyright transfer                                          185,238.06

Descriptions of related party transactions with respect to the sales and purchase of goods, as well as rendering and receipt of services

(2) Related entrusted management/contracting and entrusting management/outsourcing

Statement of the entrusted management/contracting of the Company:
                                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                            Category of assets                                                   Basis for pricing of        Trusteeship

 Name of entrusting   Name of entrusted    being entrusted with Entrusted/contracting Entrusted/contracting          trusteeship         income/contracting

  party/contractee     party/contractor       management or             start date            end date           income/contracting     income recognized in

                                            contracting assets                                                         income             the current period

Descriptions of related trusteeship/outsourcing
Statement of the entrusting management/outsourcing of the Company:
                                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                          Category of assets                                                                                 Trusteeship
                                                                                                                 Basis for pricing of
 Name of entrusting   Name of entrusted     being entrusted      Entrusting/outsourcing Entrusting/outsourcing                            fee/contracting fee
  party/contractee     party/contractor    with management             start date             end date                                    recognized in the
                                                                                                                 fee/outsourcing fee
                                          or contracted assets                                                                              current period

Descriptions of related management/outsourcing

(3) Related leases

The Company as the lessor:
                                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                               Lease income recognized in the Lease income recognized in the
         Name of lessee                   Category of leased assets
                                                                                         current period                             prior period

Mango Media Co., Ltd. and             Leasing and property
                                                                                                         561,203.27                          2,005,015.86
subsidiaries                          management

Subsidiaries of Hunan                 Leasing and property
                                                                                                    4,052,832.85                             5,229,537.88
Broadcasting System                   management

The Company as the lessee:
                                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                     Lease fees recognized in the          Lease fees recognized in the
          Name of lessor              Category of leased assets
                                                                               current period                      prior period

Subsidiaries of Hunan             Leasing and property
                                                                                         34,890,852.22                    23,335,476.32
Broadcasting System               management

Subsidiaries of Hunan TV &
                                  Leasing and property
Broadcast Intermediary Co.,                                                              13,683,059.96                    13,260,280.74

Subsidiaries of Mango Media
                                  Automobile rental                                                                           188,586.82
Co., Ltd.

Descriptions of leases with related parties

(4) Related guarantees

The Company as the guarantor:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                                Whether the guarantee
                                                                                      Maturity date of
       Guaranteed          Guarantee amount        Start date of guarantee                                       obligation has been

The Company as the guaranteed:
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                                                                Whether the guarantee
                                                                                      Maturity date of
       Guarantor           Guarantee amount        Start date of guarantee                                       obligation has been

Descriptions of guarantees with related parties

(5) Lending funds of related parties

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

       Related parties              Amount                    Start date                   Maturity date                 Note



(6) Asset transfer and debt restructuring between related parties

                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                  Details of related party        Amount for the current
        Related party                                                                                Amount for the prior period
                                        transactions                         period

                                                                          2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

(7) Compensation for key management

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                    Item                         Amount for the current period              Amount for the prior period

Compensation for key management
                                                                      28,980,000.00                             37,175,900.00

(8) Other related party transactions

     The 100% equity of Hunan Happy Money Microfinance Co., Ltd held by the Company was transferred to Mango Media Co.,
Ltd. in consideration of RMB304,249,700, the industrial and commercial change registration procedures for which were completed
on June 16, 2021.

6. Receivables from and payables to related parties

(1) Accounts receivable

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                       Closing balance                           Opening balance
        Item               Related parties    Gross carrying     Provisions for bad     Gross carrying     Provisions for bad
                                                 amount                  debts             amount                debts

                       Hunan Broadcasting
Receivable financing System Satellite TV                                                   57,000,000.00

                       MIGU Culture
Receivable financing                                                                      107,410,000.00
                       Technology Co., Ltd.

                       Hunan TV Business
Receivable financing                             12,000,000.00
                       Development Co.,

                       Hunan Broadcasting
Receivable financing and Film Group Co.,         43,200,000.00

Sub-total                                        55,200,000.00                            164,410,000.00

                       Hunan Broadcasting
Notes receivable       and Film Group Co.,       12,000,000.00

                       MIGU Culture
Notes receivable                                661,742,339.23
                       Technology Co., Ltd.

Sub-total                                       673,742,339.23

                                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                      Hunan Broadcasting
Accounts receivable                                                                    244,000.00

                      Hunan Broadcasting
Accounts receivable System Satellite TV                                            214,923,447.92

                      Hunan Broadcasting
Accounts receivable and Film Group Co.,       1,039,093,242.60                     164,336,587.00

                      Mango Media Co.,
Accounts receivable                                348,640.12                      122,610,000.00
                      Ltd. and subsidiaries

                      Tianjin Sunshine
Accounts receivable Meichuang                      766,557.10      766,557.10          766,557.10           766,557.10
                      Technology Co., Ltd.

Accounts receivable Technology                  33,794,156.81                       72,753,709.93
                      (Guangzhou) Co.,

                      MIGU Culture
Accounts receivable                            283,182,835.10    14,159,141.76      61,576,467.21         3,078,823.36
                      Technology Co., Ltd.

                      Subsidiaries of
                      Hunan TV &
Accounts receivable Broadcast                         4,503.00                        2,876,840.38
                      Intermediary Co.,

                      Subsidiaries of
Accounts receivable Hunan Broadcasting           7,618,619.30                         3,490,039.09

                      Hunan TV Business
Accounts receivable Development Co.,           347,838,043.25                      290,175,195.53
                      Ltd. and its

                      Shanghai Mama Mia
Accounts receivable Entertainment                     8,310.60         415.53
                      Network Technology
                      Co., Ltd.

                      Xiao Xiang Film
Accounts receivable                                186,352.35
                      Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

Sub-total                                   1,712,841,260.23   14,926,114.39     933,752,844.16         3,845,380.46

                    Subsidiaries of
                    Hunan TV &
Contract asset      Broadcast                                                       2,449,700.00
                    Intermediary Co.,

                    MIGU Culture
Contract asset                               520,037,950.51    26,001,897.53     462,914,088.43        23,145,704.42
                    Technology Co., Ltd.

Sub-total                                    520,037,950.51    26,001,897.53     465,363,788.43        23,145,704.42

                    Subsidiaries of
                    Hunan TV &
Prepayments         Broadcast                    160,628.95                           64,443.96
                    Intermediary Co.,

                    Subsidiaries of
Prepayments         Hunan Broadcasting         2,515,982.48                          397,107.70

                    Tianjin Sunshine
Prepayments         Meichuang                  6,014,723.96     6,014,723.96        6,014,723.96        6,014,723.96
                    Technology Co., Ltd.

                    Hunan Broadcasting
Prepayments         and Film Group Co.,             2,264.15

                    Shanghai Mama Mia
Prepayments         Entertainment                 13,399.99
                    Network Technology
                    Co., Ltd.

                    Mango Media Co.,
Prepayments                                       23,893.82                          304,789.54
                    Ltd. and subsidiaries

Sub-total                                      8,730,893.35     6,014,723.96        6,781,065.16        6,014,723.96

                    Subsidiaries of
Other receivables   Hunan Broadcasting         1,761,126.00                         1,000,105.00

                    Subsidiaries of
                    Hunan TV &
Other receivables   Broadcast                  1,412,441.00                         1,119,357.00
                    Intermediary Co.,

Other receivables   Shanghai Mama Mia          2,629,764.69     2,629,764.69        2,629,764.69        1,564,882.35

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                       Network Technology
                       Co., Ltd.

                       Hunan Broadcasting
Other receivables      and Film Group Co.,                100,000.00                                  300,000.00

                       Subsidiaries of
Other receivables      Mango Media Co.,                   921,193.47

                       Hunan Broadcasting
Other receivables                                          30,000.00

                       Xiao Xiang Film
Other receivables                                          50,822.65
                       Group Co., Ltd.

Sub-total                                            6,905,347.81            2,629,764.69         5,049,226.69          1,564,882.35

                       Subsidiaries of
                       Hunan TV &
Other current assets Broadcast                                                                    1,531,056.96
                       Intermediary Co.,

                       Hunan TV Business
Other current assets                                      707,547.16
                       Development Co.,

Sub-total                                                 707,547.16                              1,531,056.96

(2) Accounts payable

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                       Gross carrying amount at the     Gross carrying amount at the
              Item                         Related parties
                                                                            end of the period             beginning of the period

                                   Yunhong Communication
Accounts payable                   Technology (Guangzhou) Co.,                       237,264,113.11                   199,545,392.54

Accounts payable                   Hunan Broadcasting System                          20,290,566.05                    20,281,809.33

                                   Hunan Broadcasting System
Accounts payable                                                                                                         3,380,943.40
                                   Satellite TV Channel

                                   Hunan Radio and Television
Accounts payable                                                                                                       11,320,754.73
                                   Advertising Corporation

Accounts payable                   Hunan Broadcasting and Film                        97,676,655.77                    37,086,109.61

                                                      2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                       Group Co., Ltd.

                       Shanghai Mama Mia Mutual
Accounts payable       Entertainment Network                     61,546.13                     134,309.23
                       Technology Co., Ltd.

                       Tianjin Sunshine Meichuang
Accounts payable                                                 24,449.42                      25,350.00
                       Technology Co., Ltd.

                       MIGU Culture Technology Co.,
Accounts payable                                             13,758,167.93                  35,517,829.89

                       Subsidiaries of Hunan TV &
Accounts payable       Broadcast Intermediary Co.,               76,946.59                  17,725,248.79

                       Subsidiaries of Hunan
Accounts payable                                              9,404,343.82                   1,845,211.14
                       Broadcasting System

                       Subsidiaries of Mango Media
Accounts payable                                              1,055,662.29                     132,075.48
                       Co., Ltd.

                       Hunan TV Business Operation
Accounts payable                                            169,921,580.33                 176,823,442.87
                       Development Co., Ltd.

Sub-total                                                   549,534,031.44                 503,818,477.01

                       Yunhong Communication
Contract liabilities   Technology (Guangzhou) Co.,                                             855,240.83

Contract liabilities   Hunan Broadcasting System              1,886,792.45                   1,886,792.45

                       Hunan Broadcasting System
Contract liabilities                                                                       117,594,339.62
                       Satellite TV Channel

                       MIGU Culture Technology Co.,
Contract liabilities                                          2,907,212.61                      22,022.40

                       Subsidiaries of Hunan
Contract liabilities                                                                           349,943.95
                       Broadcasting System

                       Subsidiaries of Hunan TV &
Contract liabilities   Broadcast Intermediary Co.,            1,573,712.60                   1,573,712.60

                       Hunan TV Business Operation
Contract liabilities                                            358,490.58
                       Development Co., Ltd.

                       Subsidiaries of Mango Media
Contract liabilities                                             31,720.00                   1,725,283.01
                       Co., Ltd.

Sub-total                                                     6,757,928.24                 124,007,334.86

                       Hunan TV Business Operation
Other payables                                                                                 250,000.00
                       Development Co., Ltd.

Other payables         Subsidiaries of Hunan TV &               903,112.55                   1,596,991.85

                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                              Broadcast Intermediary Co.,

Other payables                Hunan Broadcasting System                 172,249.06

                              Mango Media Co., Ltd. and its
Other payables                                                        3,798,949.15                   3,784,547.60

                              Subsidiaries of Hunan
Other payables                                                        5,168,933.76                   5,788,122.23
                              Broadcasting System

Sub-total                                                            10,043,244.52                  11,419,661.68

                              Subsidiaries of Hunan TV &
Other current liabilities     Broadcast Intermediary Co.,             5,595,825.03

                              Subsidiaries of Hunan
Other current liabilities                                            12,506,214.32
                              Broadcasting System

                              MIGU Culture Technology Co.,
Other current liabilities                                           210,754,333.88

Sub-total                                                           228,856,373.23

                              Subsidiaries of Hunan TV &
Non-current liabilities due
                              Broadcast Intermediary Co.,             8,952,558.55
within one year

Non-current liabilities due   Subsidiaries of Hunan
within one year               Broadcasting System

Sub-total                                                            20,014,575.31

                              Subsidiaries of Hunan TV &
Lease liabilities             Broadcast Intermediary Co.,            11,051,946.09

                              Subsidiaries of Hunan
Lease liabilities                                                    60,992,717.01
                              Broadcasting System

Sub-total                                                            72,044,663.10

7. Commitments of related parties

8. Others

XIII. Share-Based Payment

1. Overview of shared-based payment

□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                           2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

2. Equity-settled share-based payment

□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Cash-settled share-based payment

□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Modification to and termination of share-based payment

5. Others

XIV. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Significant commitment

Significant commitments as of the balance sheet date
        1. Commitment to payments for internet access cooperation
                                                                                                                  In RMB0’000
   Payments for internet access cooperation                     Closing balance                     Opening balance

The 1st year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                 2,329.72                             3,198.95
The 2nd year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                                                          4.86
The 3rd year subsequent to the balance sheet date
Total                                                                             2,329.72                             3,203.81
Payments for internet access cooperation are charges for use that should be paid by the Company in each relevant agreement period
subject to agreements concluded by the Happigo and each local TV station with cooperation.
        2. Copyright purchase commitment
                                                                                                                  In RMB0’000
              Copyright purchase agreements                     Closing balance                      Opening balance

The 1st year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                 54,571.00                            54,571.00
The 2nd year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                 54,571.00                            54,571.00
The 3rd year subsequent to the balance sheet date                                 54,571.00                            54,571.00
Subsequent periods                                                                54,571.00                        109,142.00
Total                                                                         218,284.00                           272,855.00
     Copyright purchase agreements are concluded by and between Happy Sunshine and Hunan Broadcasting and Film Group Co.,
Ltd. for considerations that should be paid by the Company to purchase copyrights in each relevant agreement period.

2. Contingencies

(1) Significant contingencies as of the balance sheet date

        1. In August 2019, Lead Capital Management Co., Ltd.(“Lead Capital”) filed a lawsuit against Happy Sunshine with Changsha
Municipal Intermediate People’s Court, requesting to order Happy Sunshine to make relevant payments together with liquidated

                                                                              2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

damages in the amount of about RMB20.4611 million on behalf of Beijing Guolong Film Investment Co., Ltd.(“Guolong”) to Lead
Capital, and meanwhile applying to the court for property preservation, as a result of which a sum of RMB21 million in Happy
Sunshine’s account opened with the Business Department of China Zheshang Bank Changsha Branch was frozen.
     As present, the second instance has been heard by Hunan Provincial Higher People’s Court who then has made a ruling
ordering the case to be remanded to Changsha Municipal Intermediate People’s Court for retrial. In this connection, Happy Sunshine
has lodged a separate action against Guolong for contract termination, for which     Changsha Municipal Intermediate People’s Court
has rendered an effective first-instance judgment confirming the license contract on “Paris Unhappy” between Happy Sunshine and
Guolong is terminated, and determining the payment made by Happy Sunshine does not need to be returned to Guolong film, and
Guolong shall pay a sum of RMB2.98 million as liquidated damages to Happy Sunshine, finding, however, that whether the
remaining amount of the contract shall be paid shall be an issue to be addressed via a separate case. As such, whether there is still any
payment obligation on the part of Happy Sunshine shall be subject to the retrial.
     2. Protium Deuterium Tritium (Guangzhou) Industrial Operation Management Co., Ltd. (“Protium Deuterium Tritium”) sued
Happy Sunshine in the People’s Court of Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province on November 30, 2020, requesting
the court to order Happy Sunshine to pay the outstanding production fees of RMB14.36 million and bear the liquidated damages of
RMB3.19 million.
     With respect to the case, the People’s Court of Haizhu District made the first-instance judgement ordering Happy Sunshine to
pay the production fees of RMB13.16 million, while rejecting other litigation requests of Protium Deuterium Tritium. At present, the
case has entered the appeal proceedings in Guangzhou Municipal Intermediate People’s Court pending the second-instance
judgement. In addition, Happy Sunshine filed a lawsuit against Protium Deuterium Tritium for advertising fees owed to the former
with Changsha Municipal Intermediate People’s Court who rendered the first-instance judgement which has been in force obliging
Protium Deuterium Tritium to pay the advertising fees of RMB13.28295 million to Happy Sunshine, but such judgment has not yet
been enforced by Protium Deuterium Tritium for the time being.
     3. Shandong Yuquan Tianyuan Agricultural Comprehensive Development Co., Ltd. (“Shandong Yuquan”) filed a lawsuit
against Shanghai Mangofun Technology Co., Ltd. (“Mangofun”) with the People’s Court of Lanshan District, Linyi City, Shandong
Province on July 6, 2021, requesting the court to order: a cancellation of the cooperation agreement on “Happy Mango” experience
park dated January 1, 2019 between both parties; a compensation from Mangofun to Shandong Yuquan for the economic losses in
the amount of RMB6.8098 million. Meanwhile, Shandong Yuquan has applied to such court for property preservation, resulting in a
freezing of RMB1.6 million in the account under the name of Mangofun at China Merchants Bank.
     At present, the case is pending before the People’s Court of Lanshan District. Even if the contract is determined to be canceled,
the Company will seek to reduce its compensation liability given it is Shandong Yuquan who breached the contract first, subject to
the judgment of the court.
     4. On December 4, 2017, Leshi Internet Information & Technology Corp., Beijing (hereinafter “Leshi Internet”) and Happy
Sunshine concluded an Agreement on Exclusively Licensed Use of Information Network Dissemination Rights (hereinafter “Original
License Agreement”); pursuant to which, Leshi Internet assigns the exclusive information network dissemination rights of teleplay
Tears In Heaven to Happy Sunshine, and Happy Sunshine has paid the down payment of RMB 31.20 million.
     On March 20, 2021, Leshi Internet, Leshi Xinshengdai (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Xinshengdai”) and
Happy Sunshine concluded an agreement, pursuant to which, Leshi Internet transfers its rights and obligations under Original
License Agreement to Xinshengdai; the total license fee of teleplay Tears In Heaven is RMB 63.75 million, and Happy Sunshine
shall pay remaining license fee of RMB 32.55 million. Xinshengdai lodged a lawsuit to People’s Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing
for aforesaid unpaid license fee of RMB 32.55 million in December 2021, and the bank deposit RMB 34,177,500 of Happy Sunshine
was frozen. Through negotiation, Happy Sunshine and Xinshengdai concluded a new agreement, Happy Sunshine has paid the
license fee of RMB 32.55 million on January 4, 2022, and Xinshengdai has dropped the lawsuit and unfrozen the bank deposit of
Happy Sunshine.

                                                                             2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

(2) Please make corresponding clarification if the Company has no significant contingency to be disclosed

The Company has no significant contingencies to be disclosed.

3. Others

XV. Events Subsequent to the Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant non-adjustment events

                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                      Effects on financial position   Reasons for inability to estimate
               Item                            Content
                                                                         and operating results                   the effects

2. Profit distribution

                                                                                                                                In RMB

Profits or dividends to be distributed                                                                                   243,193,705.95

Profits or dividends declared for distribution after being approved                                                      243,193,705.95

3. Sales returns

4. Descriptions of other events subsequent to the balance sheet date

XVI. Other Significant Events

1. Corrections of previous accounting errors

(1) Retrospective restatement

                                                                                                                                In RMB

   Content of accounting error                                           Report items in each
                                         Accounting procedure                                                Cumulative effects
            correction                                                comparison period affected

(2) Prospective application

                                                                                                 Reasons for adopting prospective
   Content of accounting error correction                 Approval procedure

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

    2. Debt restructuring

    3. Replacement of assets

    (1) Exchange of non-monetary assets

    (2) Replacement of other assets

    4. Annuity plan

    5. Discontinued operations

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                                                                   Profit from discontinued
                                                                                  Income tax                       operation attributable to
                 Item          Income               Cost         Total profit                   Net profit
                                                                                   expense                           owners of the parent

   Hunan Happy Money
   Microfinance Co.,         28,355,903.05       14,939,256.18      560,366.45           0.00       560,366.45                 1,331,063.62

    Other descriptions

    6. Segment information

    (1) Determination basis and accounting policies of reporting segments

            The Company has established four reporting segments being Mango TV Internet video business, new media interactive
    entertainment content production, content e-business and others, which are divided based on its internal organizational structure,
    management requirements, and inner reporting system, among others, in light of the industry and product actuality. The reporting
    information on each segment is disclosed according to the accounting policies and measurement standards adopted thereby when
    reporting to the management, the measurement bases of which are in line with the accounting and measurement bases for the
    preparation of the financial statements.

    (2) Financial information of reporting segments

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                New media
                        Mango TV Internet
                                               entertainment      Content                             Inter-segment
          Item           Video Business                                               Others                                      Total
                                                  content        E-business                               offset
                                               production and

Income from              11,261,249,957.21 1,877,457,854.82 2,157,213,530.01        39,485,705.99                           15,335,407,048.03

                                                                                      2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

principal operating

Cost of principal
                           6,350,577,826.34 1,556,685,395.67 1,968,834,667.67             20,199,308.10                          9,896,297,197.78
operating activities

      (3) If the Company has no reporting segment or is unable to disclose total assets and liabilities of each
      reporting segment, please give the reason therefor

             Happy Sunshine, a subsidiary of the Company, engages in business involving three segments i.e. Mango TV Internet video,
      new media interactive entertainment content production and operation, and content e-commerce, the total assets and liabilities of
      each reporting segment of whom cannot be disclosed as its assets and liabilities cannot be divided according to the reporting

      (4) Other descriptions

      7. Other significant transactions and events affecting the investors’ decisions

      8. Others

             1. The Company as the lessee
             (1) For the relevant information of use right assets, see Note VII (I)14 to the financial statements hereof;
             (2) Current profit or loss and cash flow related to leasing
         Item                                                                                   Amount in the current period (in RMB)
      Interest expense on lease liabilities                                                                                  5,819,271.54
      Variable lease payments through profit or loss not included in the measurement of
      lease liabilities
      Income from subletting right to use assets                                                                             9,341,266.04
      Total cash outflow related to leasing                                                                                 64,826,084.84
      Relevant profit or loss arising from sale-leaseback transactions
             (4) For the maturity analysis of lease liabilities and the corresponding liquidity risk management, see Note X(II) to the financial
      statements hereof.
             2. The Company as the lessor
             Operating lease
             1. Lease income
         Item                                                                                  Amount in the current period (in RMB)
      Lease income                                                                                                          19,143,126.43
             (2) Operating lease assets
         Item                                                                                                 Closing balance (in RMB)
      Fixed assets                                                                                                          34,070,036.19
      Use right assets                                                                                                       6,884,092.38
         Sub-total                                                                                                          40,954,128.57

             For details of fixed assets leased out for operation, see Note VII(I)13 to the financial statements hereof.

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

        (3) Future undiscounted lease receipts under irrevocable leases according to the leases with the lessees
   Remaining term                                                                                      Closing balance (in RMB)
Within 1 year                                                                                                        15,399,807.10
1-2 years                                                                                                            13,592,258.70
2-3 years                                                                                                            12,598,737.80
3-4 years                                                                                                            10,176,167.90
4-5 years                                                                                                              8,561,441.20
Over 5 years                                                                                                         11,423,322.10
   Total                                                                                                             71,751,734.80

XVII. Notes to Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Parent Company

1. Other receivables

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                      Item                                   Closing balance                              Opening balance

Dividends receivable                                                       250,000,000.00

Other receivables                                                            80,099,116.90                                260,068,347.20

Total                                                                      330,099,116.90                                 260,068,347.20

(1) Interest receivable

1) Classification of interest receivable

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                      Item                                   Closing balance                              Opening balance

2) Significant overdue interest

                                                                                                                   Whether there is any
           Borrower               Closing balance             Overdue time              Overdue reasons       impairment and the basis
                                                                                                                      for judgment

Other descriptions:

3) Provision for bad debts

□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

(2) Dividends receivable

1) Classification of dividends receivable

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

             Project (or investee)                           Closing balance                               Opening balance

Shanghai EE-Media Co., Ltd.                                                 250,000,000.00

Total                                                                       250,000,000.00

2) Significant dividends receivable aged more than 1 year

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                                                                  Whether there is any
                                                                                            Reasons for
   Project (or investee)         Closing balance                  Aging                                         impairment and the basis
                                                                                                                     for judgment

3) Provision for bad debts

□ Applicable √ N/A
Other descriptions:

(3) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                  Gross carrying amount at the end of the      Gross carrying amount at the beginning of
                                                                  period                                      the period

Petty cash                                                                       100,118.08                                     69,759.37

Amount due to or from related parties
                                                                               80,000,000.00                               260,000,000.00
within the scope of consolidation

Total                                                                          80,100,118.08                               260,069,759.37

2) Provision for bad debts

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                     Stage I                   Stage II                        Stage III
 Provisions for bad debts      Future 12-month          Lifetime ECL (without       Lifetime ECL (with credit              Total
                                      ECL                 credit impairment)                impairment)

Balance as at January 1,
                                               518.95                      893.22                                                  1,412.17

                                                                                   2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

In the current period,
balance as at January 1,                 ——                      ——                              ——                     ——

Provision for the current
                                                482.23                        -893.22                                                  -410.99

Balance as at December
                                              1,001.18                                                                                1,001.18
31, 2021

Changes in gross carrying amount whose loss allowance changed significantly in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A
Disclosure by aging
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                  Aging                                                               Carrying amount

Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                                           100,118.08

2 to 3 years                                                                                                                  80,000,000.00

Total                                                                                                                         80,100,118.08

3) Provision, recovery or reversal of bad debts for the current period

Provision for bad debts made for the current period:
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                Changes for the current period
        Category                                                 Recovery or                                               Closing balance
                              balance           Provision                               Write-off            Others

Group by age                    1,412.17             -410.99                                                                          1,001.18

         Total                  1,412.17             -410.99                                                                          1,001.18

Significant recovery or reversal of provisions for bad debts for the current period:
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                     Entity                              Amount of recovery or reversal                        Method of recovery

4) Other receivables actually written off for the period

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                  Item                                                                Write-off amount

Descriptions of significant other receivables that are written off:
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                                                                            Whether the
                              Nature of other                                 Reasons for           Write-off procedures
         Entity                                      Write-off amount                                                      payments were
                                receivables                                     write-off                performed
                                                                                                                           generated from

                                                                                 2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                             related party

Descriptions of write-off of other receivables:

5) Top five closing balances of other receivables categorized by debtor

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                                                  Proportion in total     Closing balance of
         Entity                Nature              Closing balance          Aging                 closing balance of      provisions for bad
                                                                                                  other receivables             debts

Hunan Mango
                         Amount due to or
Entertainment Co.,                                     80,000,000.00 2-3 years                                99.88%
                         from subsidiaries

Total                              --                  80,000,000.00             --                           99.88%

6) Receivables involving government grants

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                               Projects supported by                                                                  Expected receipt time,
           Entity                                             Closing balance                Ending aging
                                government grants                                                                       amount and basis

7) Other receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets

8) Assets and liabilities generated by the transfer of other receivables and continuing involvement therein

Other descriptions:

2. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                            Closing balance                                             Opening balance
        Item          Gross carrying         Provision for                            Gross carrying      Provision for
                                                              Carrying amount                                               Carrying amount
                          amount              impairment                                 amount           impairment

Investments in        11,976,375,839.5                        11,976,375,839.5
                                                                                 7,780,583,738.35                           7,780,583,738.35
subsidiaries                            5                                   5

                      11,976,375,839.5                        11,976,375,839.5
Total                                                                            7,780,583,738.35                           7,780,583,738.35
                                        5                                   5

(1) Investments in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                                                                  2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

                          Opening                                Changes in the current period
                                                                                                                                Closing balance Closing balance
   Investees                                   Additional           Decreased          Provisions for                              (carrying         of provisions
                          (carrying                                                                              Others
                                               investment           investment          impairment                                 amount)           for bad debts

Hunan Happy
Money                300,000,000.0                              300,000,000.0
Microfinance                             0                                         0
Co., Ltd.

Hunan Happy
                    5,658,165,333. 5,186,884,274.                                                                               10,845,049,607
                                      48                   14                                                                                  .62
Media Co., Ltd.

Hunan Mango
                     145,185,235.6                              145,185,235.6
                                         2                                         2
Co., Ltd.

Mango Studios        211,030,100.5                              211,030,100.5
Co., Ltd.                                7                                         7

Mangofun             334,876,836.7                              334,876,836.7
Technology Co.,                          5                                         5

EE-Media Co.,                                                                                                                   535,281,326.72

Happigo Co.,         596,044,905.2
Ltd.                                     1

                    7,780,583,738. 5,186,884,274. 991,092,172.9                                                                 11,976,375,839
                                      35                   14                      4                                                           .55

(2) Investments in associates and joint ventures

                                                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                Changes in the current period
              Opening                                    Investment                                                                            Closing
                                                                       Adjustment                   Declared       Provisions                              balance of
              balance                                     profit or                      Other                                                 balance
 Investors                  Additional       Decreased                  in other                      cash            for                                  provisions
              (carrying                                  loss under                      equity                                   Others       (carrying
                           investment investment                      comprehens                    dividends     impairment                                for bad
              amount)                                      equity                       changes                                                amount)
                                                                       ive income                   or profits         s                                     debts

I. Joint ventures

                                                                       2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

II. Associates

(3) Other descriptions

3. Investment income

                                                                                                                       In RMB

                       Item                     Amount for the current period            Amount for the prior period

Income from long-term equity investments
accounted for using the cost method

Income from long-term equity investments
accounted for using the equity method

Income from disposal of long-term equity
                                                                     4,249,700.00                            70,383,379.80

Total                                                              254,810,066.45                            69,864,747.18

4. Others

XVIII. Supplementary Information

1. Statement of non-recurring profit or loss for the current period

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                       In RMB

                       Item                               Amount                                    Note

Gains or losses from disposal of non-current

Government grants recognized in profit or
loss for the current period (excluding
government grants that are closely related to
the company’s business operations and
gained at a fixed amount or quantity
according to national uniform standards)

Gains or losses from entrusting others with
investment or asset management

Reversal of impairment provision of
accounts receivable that have undergone                              4,843,660.00
impairment test alone

Other non-operating incomes and expenses
besides the above items

                                                                               2021 Annual Report of Mango Excellent Media Co., Ltd.

       Effect of minority equity                                                 12,508.07

Total                                                                       54,332,020.61                       --

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss:
□ Applicable √ N/A
The Company has no other items of profit and loss that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and loss.
Explanations for classifying non-recurring profit and loss items enumerated in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 for Public
Company Information Disclosures – Non-recurring Profits and Losses as recurring profit and loss items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Return on equity and earnings per share

                                                                                                    Earnings per share
   Profit for the reporting period      Weighted average return on equity (%)
                                                                                       Basic EPS (RMB)          Diluted EPS (RMB)

Net loss attributable to the
                                                                          16.25%                        1.17                   1.17
Company’s ordinary shareholders

Net profit attributable to the parent
company’s shareholders after
                                                                          15.83%                        1.14                   1.14
deduction of non-recurring profit or

3. Accounting data differences arising from accounting standard of the PRC and the International
Accounting Standards

(1) Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed concurrently under
international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed concurrently under overseas
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Description of the reasons for the differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting
standards, and in case of the differences being adjusted for the data audited by an overseas audit institution,
indication of the name of the overseas institution

4. Others
