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                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report


2024 Half Year Report

Announcement No.: 2024-037

     August 2024

                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

           Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions

     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and
senior managers guarantee that the information presented in this report is true,
accurate and complete without any false records, misleading statements or
material omissions, and will undertake individual and joint legal liabilities.

     The Company's legal representative, Jin Hairong, the person in charge of the
accounting work, Wang Youwu, and the person in charge of accounting institution
(accounting supervisor), Fang Li, hereby declare that the financial information in
this report is true, accurate and complete.
     All directors have attended the board meeting to review this report.

    The Company has elaborated in detail on the potential risk factors that may

occur in the future in this report. Investors are advised to refer to the full text of

this report and pay special attention to the content of "Section III Management

Discussion and Analysis" - "X. Risks Faced by the Company and


     The Company will not distribute cash dividend, distribute bonus shares, or
distribute shares from capital reserve during the current reporting period.

                                                                                                                               ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                            Table of Contents
Section I Important Notes, Contents and Definitions ........................................................................................... 2

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators .................................................................................. 7

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis .............................................................................................. 11

Section IV Corporate Governance ....................................................................................................................... 71

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ........................................................................................... 73

Section VI Significant Events................................................................................................................................ 76

Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders .............................................................. 83

Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares .................................................................................................... 89

Section IX Bonds.................................................................................................................................................... 90

Section X Financial Report ................................................................................................................................... 91

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                 Documents Available for Inspection
I. The original text of the 2024 Half Year Report signed by the Company's legal representative and stamped by the Company;

II. Financial statements affixed with official stamps and the signatures of the Company's legal representative, the person in charge of

the accounting work and the person in charge of accounting institution (accounting supervisor) of the Company.

III. All original copies of the Company's documents and the original drafts of the Company's announcements as disclosed on websites

designated by the CSRC during the reporting period.

Place for document inspection: Office of the Company's Board of Directors

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

             Terms            Refers to                                          Definitions
Company, the Company,
                              Refers to   ZKTECO CO., LTD.
                                          Shenzhen ZKTeco Times Investment Co., Ltd., a controlling shareholder of the
ZKTeco Times                  Refers to
                                          Dongguan LX Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership), a
LX Investment                 Refers to
                                          shareholder of the Company
                                          Shenzhen JYLX Consulting Enterprise (Limited Partnership), a shareholder of the
JYLX                          Refers to
Guangdong Zkteco              Refers to   ZKTECO (GUANGDONG) CO., LTD, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                          Shenzhen ZKTeco Biometric Identification Technology Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned
Shenzhen ZKTeco               Refers to
                                          subsidiary of the Company
                                          Shenzhen Zhongjiang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., a company which 51%
Shenzhen Zhongjiang           Refers to
                                          equity holding by the Company, currently in compulsory liquidation proceedings.
XIAMEN ZKTECO                 Refers to   XIAMEN ZKTECO CO., LTD., a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
                                          Shenzhen Zhongan Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd., previously a controlling
Zhongan Intelligent Control   Refers to
                                          subsidiary of the Company, with its equity in the Company transferred in 2019
Zokon Industry                Refers to   Shenzhen Zokon Industry Development Co., Ltd.
Articles of Association       Refers to   Articles of Association of ZKTECO CO., LTD.
A shares                      Refers to   RMB denominated ordinary shares
RMB, RMB '0,000               Refers to   RMB, RMB '0,000
Reporting Period              Refers to   January-June 2024
End of Reporting Period       Refers to   June 30, 2024
CV                            Refers to   Computer Vision
BioCV                         Refers to   Biometrics & Computer Vision
                                          A computer technology that utilizes the analysis of human biological characteristics
                                          to distinguish biological organisms. It is used for personal identification by a close
                                          combination of computer technology with high-tech methods such as optics,
Biometrics                    Refers to
                                          acoustics, biosensors, and biostatistics, and utilizing the inherent physiological
                                          characteristics of the human body (fingerprints, facial features, palm veins, iris, etc.)
                                          or behavioral characteristics (sound, gait, etc.)
                                          Used to simulate biological vision using cameras, computers, and related equipment;
                                          simulate human visual abilities, capture and process three-dimensional information
Computer Vision               Refers to
                                          of the scene by using optical systems and image processing tools, understand and
                                          command specific devices to execute decisions
                                          Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a wireless communication technology that
                                          can identify specific targets and read and write relevant data through radio signals
RF, RFID                      Refers to
                                          without establishing mechanical or optical contact between the identification system
                                          and specific targets
                                          Used to connect any object to the network by using information sensing devices and
                                          following agreed protocols. The object exchanges and communicates information
Internet of Things/IoT        Refers to
                                          through information dissemination media to achieve intelligent recognition,
                                          positioning, tracking, supervision, and other functions
2nd-Generation ID Card,
                              Refers to   2nd-Generation Resident ID Card
Resident ID Card
                                          Single Minute Exchange of Die, a process improvement method that minimizes the
                                          product die exchange time, production startup time, or adjustment time of the die. It
SMED                          Refers to
                                          can significantly shorten the time required for machine installation and die exchange
                                          Software as a Service, a software application model that provides software services
SaaS                          Refers to
                                          through the Internet

                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                 Cyber Trusted Identity, an authoritative network identity certificate issued to
 CTID                              Refers to     individuals by the "Internet+" trusted identity authentication platform (CTID
 ZigBee                            Refers to     A wireless network protocol for low speed short distance transmission
                                                 A protection level for electrical equipment casings against foreign object intrusion,
 IP65                              Refers to     which can completely prevent dust from entering and wash with water without any
                                                 The active push technology on the server side, enabling the timely transmission of
 PUSH                              Refers to     data updates, which is characterized by high efficiency and low terminal energy
                                                 Material Requirement Planning, the process in which a production enterprise
                                                 gradually derives the production and procurement plans for the components, raw
 MRP Mode                          Refers to     materials, and other materials required for the production of the main product based
                                                 on the production plan, the structure of the main product, and the inventories
                                                 Secure Access Module, a module used for encrypting and decrypting identity card
 SAM                               Refers to
                                                 Surface Mount Technology, a circuit assembly technology used to install surface
                                                 mounted components without pins or with short leads on the surface of printed
 SMT                               Refers to
                                                 circuit boards (PCBs) or other substrates, and then solder and assemble them through
                                                 methods such as reflow soldering or immersion soldering
 PCB                               Refers to     Printed Circuit Board, a substrate used for assembling electronic components
                                                 Printed Circuit Board Assembly, the process of soldering components onto a PCB
 PCBA                              Refers to
                                                 substrate to form a printed circuit board (PCB)
                                                 A professional industry media company under the Messe Frankfurt Exhibition
                                                 GmbH, aiming to provide market analysis, technical information, solution
 asmag                             Refers to
                                                 evaluation, industry forecasting, etc. for practitioners in smart security, smart life,
                                                 smart transportation, smart buildings, IT communication, and networking
 AI                                Refers to     Artificial Intelligence
 AIoT                              Refers to     The Artificial Intelligence of Things
 IoT                               Refers to     Internet of Things
 NB-IOT                            Refers to     Narrow Band Internet of Things, NB-IoT
                                                 The rebate the Company provides to dealers based on the rebate policy and the
 Rebate                            Refers to
                                                 completion of dealer performance
 SDK                               Refers to     Software Development Kit
                                                 Optical character recognition, the process of electronic devices (such as scanners or
                                                 digital cameras) using image processing and pattern recognition techniques to
 OCR                               Refers to
                                                 examine characters on images, bills, or certificates and translate them into computer
 WM                                Refers to     Warehouse Management
 SAP                               Refers to     System Applications and Products
 PDA                               Refers to     Personal Digital Assistant
 AGV                               Refers to     Automated Guided Vehicle
 BioCode                           Refers to     Biometric feature code, converted from encrypted biometric features
                                                 Two-dimensional barcode format: Quick Response Code, which can quickly read
 QR code                           Refers to
 Transformer                       Refers to     Deep learning model based on attention mechanism
      1.If there is a discrepancy between the total count and the sum of the sub item values in any table of this Half Year Report, it is
      due to rounding reasons.
      2. This report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancies or misunderstandings between
      the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

            Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators

I. Company Information

 Stock Abbreviation                ZKTECO                             Stock code                       301330
 Stock listing exchange            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Chinese name of the
 Chinese abbreviation of the
 Company (if any)
 English name of the Company
                                   ZKTECO CO., LTD.
 (if any)
 English abbreviation of the
 Company (if any)
 Legal representative of the
                                   Jin Hairong

II. Contacts and Contact Information

                                                         Secretary of the board                Representative on securities matters
   Name                                          Guo Yanbo                                  Wang Jia
                                                 No.32, Pingshan Industrial Road,           No.32, Pingshan Industrial Road,
   Contact address                               Tangxia Town, Dongguan, Guangdong,         Tangxia Town, Dongguan, Guangdong,
                                                 China                                      China
   Tel.                                          0769-82618868                              0769-82618868
   Fax                                           0769-82618848                              0769-82618848
   Email                                         ir@zkteco.com                              ir@zkteco.com

III. Other Information

1. Company's Contact Information

Whether the registered address, office address, postal code, website, email address, etc. of the Company changed during the reporting
□ Applicable Not applicable
The registered address, office address, postal code, website, email address, etc. of the Company have not changed during the reporting
period, as detailed in the 2023 Annual Report.

2. Information Disclosure and Place of the Report

Whether the information disclosure and place of the report changed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable Not applicable
The website and media name and website of the stock exchange where the Company disclosed its Half Year Report. The filing location
of the Company's Half Year Report remains unchanged during the reporting period, as detailed in the 2023 Annual Report.

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

3. Registration Change

Whether the registration changed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company's registration remained unchanged during the reporting period, as detailed in the 2023 Annual Report.

4. Other Relevant Information

Whether other relevant information changed during the reporting period?
Applicable □ Not applicable

During the reporting period, due to the completion of the first attribution period of the Restricted Share Incentive Plan in 2022, the
registered capital of the Company was changed from RMB 193,039,666 to RMB 194,679,508. Please refer to the "Announcement on
Completing Industrial and Commercial Change Registration" (Announcement No. 2024-003) disclosed by the Company on January
24, 2024 for details.

IV. Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Does the Company need to retroactively adjust or restate accounting data from previous years
□ Yes No

                                                                                                           YoY change during the
                                       Current reporting period          The same period last year
                                                                                                             reporting period
   Operating income (RMB)                          903,103,158.77                    937,182,670.00                            -3.64%
   Net profit attributable to
   shareholders of listed                           78,637,727.33                     88,754,335.62                          -11.40%
   companies (RMB)
   Net profit attributable to
   shareholders of listed
   companies after deducting                        67,172,205.06                     94,476,476.50                          -28.90%
   non-recurring profits and
   losses (RMB)
   Net cash flows from operating
                                                    66,632,321.85                    130,730,027.12                          -49.03%
   activities (RMB)
   Basic EPS (RMB/share)                                    0.4070                           0.4598                          -11.48%
   Diluted EPS (RMB/share)                                  0.4050                           0.4579                          -11.55%
   Weighted average return on
                                                             2.42%                             2.85%                           -0.43%
   net assets
                                                                                                         Increase or decrease at the
                                      At the end of this reporting                                       end of this reporting period
                                                                            At the end of 2023
                                                period                                                   compared to the end of the
                                                                                                                previous year
   Total assets (RMB)                            3,798,491,466.69                  3,923,900,732.70                            -3.20%
   Net assets attributable to
   shareholders of listed                        3,200,457,211.25                  3,265,413,589.20                            -1.99%
   companies (RMB)

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

V. Differences in Accounting Data between Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Differences in net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with international
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, there were no differences in net profit and net assets between the financial reports disclosed in accordance
with international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

2. Differences in net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with foreign accounting
standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, there were no differences in net profit and net assets between the financial reports disclosed in accordance
with foreign accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

VI. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Gains and Losses

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                Item                                            Amount                             Remarks
   Losses and gains from disposal of non-current assets
   (including the offsetting portion of the provision for losses                       -143,955.56
   from impairment of assets)
   Government subsidies included in current profits and losses
   (except those closely related to the normal business of the
   Company, which are in line with national policies and
   regulations, enjoyed according to determined standards,
   and have a continuous impact on the Company's profits and
   Profits and losses from fair value changes arising from the
   holding of financial assets and financial liabilities by non-
                                                                                                       Mainly due to investment income
   financial enterprises, as well as the gains and losses arising
                                                                                      6,105,510.00     and fair value changes generated
   from the disposal of financial assets and financial liabilities
                                                                                                       by financial products
   except for effective hedging business related to the normal
   operation of the Company
   Capital occupancy fees charged to non-financial enterprises
   included in current profits and losses
   Reversal of the provision on receivables with impairment
   test conducted on an individual basis
   Other non-operating income and expenses other than the
   above items
   Less: income tax impact                                                            1,278,125.03
        Minority interest impact (after tax)                                             -92,303.73
   Total                                                                             11,465,522.27

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no specific situation of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses.

                                                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Description on defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the "Explanatory Announcement for Information Disclosure
by Companies that Issue Securities to the Public No. 1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses" as recurring profit and loss items
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no situation where the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the "Explanatory Announcement for Information
Disclosure by Companies that Issue Securities to the Public No. 1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses" are defined as recurring profit
and loss items.

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Main Businesses Engaged by the Company During the Reporting Period

(I) Basic situation of the Company's main businesses and products

     The Company is an international enterprise in the field of multimodal "Computer Vision and Biometrics" (BioCV), and is a
national high-tech enterprise specializing in providing smart entrance and exit management, smart identity verification, smart office
products, smart retail products and solutions. The Company is mainly committed to integrating core multimodal biometric technologies
such as fingerprints, palm veins, palmprints, facial features, finger veins, and iris with computer vision, radio frequency, IoT, cloud
computing and other technologies. It provides smart terminals, industry application software, and platforms with object detection,
identity recognition and verification functions to multiple fields such as commerce, transportation, finance, education, healthcare,
government affairs and retail.
     Relying on the global ecosystem of R&D, manufacturing, and sales services, the Company actively deploys the field of smart
retail cloud services while deeply cultivating the three major business sectors of smart entrance and exit, smart identity verification,
and smart office, providing digital products and services for users in the public service field, enterprises, and personal users.
     From the perspective of the main application scenarios of the product, the Company's main business during the reporting period
mainly covered three major areas: smart entrance and exit management, smart identity verification, and smart office.
     The main business income obtained from the three major scenarios of the Company during the reporting period is as follows:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB '0,000
                                                    January-June 2024                               January-June 2023
                                              Amount               Proportion               Amount                   Proportion

   I. Smart entrance and exit
                                                 69,918.32                  77.75%                68,498.68                    73.34%
   management products

   II. Smart identity verification
                                                  4,590.20                   5.10%                 7,693.09                     8.24%

   III. Smart office products                    15,421.29                  17.15%                17,199.26                    18.42%

                  Total                          89,929.81                  100.00%               93,391.03                  100.00%

     1. Smart entrance and exit management

     (1) Smart terminal products and functions
     During the reporting period, the Company's smart terminal products for smart entrance and exit management mainly include
access control management, pedestrian channels, vehicle channels, security inspection products, intelligent videos, smart locks,
elevator control, charging piles, and self-service visitor services.

                                                                              ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

 Product    Product
                                     Product Description                   Product Image
 Category    Name

                         The access control is a smart terminal that
                         achieves single door access control
                         permission verification and logical judgment
                         through biometric information verification or
                         other verification methods. According to
                         different biometric verification methods, it
                         can be divided into fingerprint, facial, palm
                         vein, and palmprint recognition access
             Access      control integrated machines, equipped with
             control     RFID cards, passwords, and other verification
                         methods. The device supports unified
                         management on the software platform.
                         During the reporting period, the Company
                         launched a new generation of multimodal
                         biometrics product zFace series, which is
                         equipped with wireless doorbells and visual
                         intercom     functions,   accelerating     the
                         implementation of technology products.

                         The access controller is a smart terminal used
                         to receive data from biometrics card readers,
                         radio frequency card readers, and access
                         control, and perform access permission
Access                   verification and logical judgment. It is mainly
control                  used in large and medium-sized project
products                 locations with a large number of access points
                         and high security requirements. Accessible
             Access      collection methods include facial features,
            controller   fingerprints, RFID cards, QR codes and
                         passwords. The device has professional
                         access control function and supports unified
                         management on the software platform.
                         The Company actively deploys advanced
                         access     controllers    and    multiple-step
                         controllers and cabinet controllers for large
                         and medium-sized enterprises and public
                         sector applications.
                         The InBioP3000 series is an intelligent
                         recognition access controller launched by
                         ZKTeco, with four door and eight door
                         options available. It is used in conjunction
                         with the DM20 access control magic box. The
                         DM20 device at the front of the door only
                         requires one POE network cable to achieve
                         data transmission from the controller. At the
              Rack       same time, power can be supplied to devices
            mounted      such as the reader, electric lock, exit switch,
            controller   alarm, etc. through the DM20, without the
                         need for external power supply, resulting in
                         lower cost. The status of the controller and
                         door can be viewed in real time through the
                         device's own LED lights, PC, web, and
                         mobile devices, making installation,
                         debugging,      and      maintenance      more
                         convenient. The device is designed according
                         to the 1U standard and adopts SGCC (hot-dip

                                                                              ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Product     Product
                                     Product Description                   Product Image
Category     Name
                         galvanized low carbon steel) processing
                         technology. The body is wear-resistant and
                         durable, compact and generous, with two
                         installation methods: wall mounted and rack
                         mounted. It is easy to install, manage and
                         maintain, making it an ideal choice for many
                         enterprises. This controller is designed
                         specifically for medium to large-scale
                         projects, covering various scenarios such as
                         factories, companies, schools, buildings,
                         office buildings, apartments, etc.
                         DM20 is an access controller magic box
                         launched by ZKTeco, which is used in
                         conjunction with the InBioP3000 series
                         controllers. The controller is connected to the
                         DM20 via a PoE network cable, automatically
                         assigning an IP address to the DM20 without
                         the need for any network configuration
                         settings, greatly reducing the workload of
                         debugging personnel and significantly
                         improving work efficiency. DM20 supports
                         the access of ZKTeco products such as card
                         readers, fingerprint readers, QR code readers,
                         exit switches, electric locks, etc., and has
                         expanded auxiliary input and output
                         interfaces. DM20 provides direct power
                         supply to the connected devices without the
                         need for a separate external power source,
                         effectively reducing the construction and
                         wiring workload on the project site and
                         lowering project costs.
                         Facial recognition card readers are mainly
                         used to collect and verify facial and card
                         information of personnel, and transmit the
                         comparison results to the access controller
                         through Wiegand for access permission
                         verification and logical judgment. Dual
                         verification can greatly improve the security
                         of the control area. With a 2 million pixel
           card reader
                         binocular live detection camera, it accurately
                         resists various 2D and 3D simulation image
                         and model attacks. By outputting data through
                         Wiegand, most access controllers can be
                         directly upgraded to facial verification
                         methods, which has strong compatibility.

            RF card
                         The RF card reader is mainly used for the
                         collection and transmission of RFID
                         technologies and passwords, and can send the
                         collected data to the access controller for
                         comparison and verification. The data
           card reader
                         information whose collection is supported
             and key
                         includes RFID cards, passwords, etc.

                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

 Product      Product
                                       Product Description                    Product Image
 Category      Name
                           The elevator controller supports two modes of
                           online and offline operation, controlling a
                           maximum of 128 floors. It has multiple
                           verification methods such as face, fingerprint,
              Elevator     RFID card, QR code, etc. and can accurately
             controller    identify elevator user instructions without the
                           need for buttons, directly reaching the target
                           floor. In addition, it also supports seamless
                           integration with the visitor system, achieving
                           one code interconnection for visitors.
                           The multimodal acquisition terminal is an
Elevator                   inductive terminal used to collect information
control                    such as the cardholder's face, fingerprint, QR
                           code, RFID card, password, etc., and transmit
                           it to the access controller and elevator
                           controller. It is used in conjunction with
             Multimodal    software to achieve single or multiple door
             acquisition   access control permission verification. The
              terminal     multimodal acquisition terminal is equipped
                           with a high-definition binocular camera,
                           configured with a facial liveness algorithm,
                           which can quickly capture faces and has
                           strong anti-counterfeiting ability. The
                           dustproof and waterproof level can reach
                           The pedestrian gate is an intelligent device
                           used to control the entry and exit of personnel.
                           With the rapid development of digital
                           technology, the application of intelligent
                           pedestrian gates is becoming increasingly
                           widespread. At present, schools, high-end
                           residential areas, scenic spots, stations,
                           customs, airports, terminals, office buildings,
                           sports venues, and other places that require
                           pedestrian flow management, identity
                           recognition, and self-service fee management
                           are all provided with automated channel gates
                           instead of traditional manual ticket or
                           admission verification. The Company's
                           pedestrian gate products support the
                           integrated integration of multimodal
                           biometrics and radio frequency identification,
                           and support various infrared passage
                           detection functions for human and object,
Pedestrian   Pedestrian
                           enabling intelligent control and management
channel         gate
                           of the channel.
                           With the extension of the Company's core
                           technologies in video detection, image
                           recognition, behavior analysis, and feature
                           matching, and combined with the
                           characteristics of various scenarios in
                           pedestrian channels, the Company has
                           developed self-service settlement and passage
                           products and solutions that can meet the usage
                           needs of multiple scenarios such as libraries,
                           unmanned       supermarkets,      communities,
                           schools, airports, subways, and stations,
                           promoting convenient travel in the above
                           passage scenarios. The video passage
                           detection algorithm and device independently
                           developed by the Company use AI technology
                           to detect, alarm, and dissuade abnormal
                           behaviors such as tailgating, intrusion,
                           shoulder to shoulder, and hugging. This not

                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Product     Product
                                      Product Description                     Product Image
Category     Name
                         only reduces the work pressure of staff, but
                         also greatly improves the safety of control and
                         the accuracy of passage data.
                         During the reporting period, the Company
                         promoted the integration and application of
                         technologies such as pedestrian gates,
                         multimodal       recognition,      holographic
                         projection and smart commercial display
                         according to the needs of high-end
                         commercial scenarios.

                         The license plate recognition all-in-one
                         machine is mainly used to obtain and
                         recognize license plate information such as
                         license plate number, license plate color, and
                         license plate logo type. The Company's
                         license plate recognition all-in-one machine
             License     adopts an integrated structure of license plate
               plate     recognition camera, control panel, display
           recognition   screen, fill light, automatic barrier, etc. It can
            all-in-one   realize voice broadcasting in local language
             machine     and display information such as license plate
                         numbers. The license plate recognition
                         parking lot management system can help car
                         owners to park automatically, support various
                         mobile payment functions, and can set
                         flexible and diverse charging rules to meet the
                         needs of different scenarios.


                         The automatic barrier can be independently
                         controlled to lift and lower the pole, or it can
                         be accessed through the parking lot
                         management system to lift and lower the pole.
                         The Company's gate is composed of a
                         reducer, motor, balancing device, chassis,
                         gate pole support, gate rod and other parts.
                         According to the application location of the
                         gate, its gate poles can be divided into straight
                         poles, 90° curved arm poles, fence poles, anti-
                         collision round poles, and other pole types.
                         The gate with license plate recognition all-in-
                         one machine is suitable for entrance and exit
                         management of parking lots in different

                                                                             ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

 Product     Product
                                    Product Description                   Product Image
 Category     Name
                        New energy vehicle charging piles can be
                        fixed on the ground or walls, installed in
                        public buildings (buildings, shopping malls,
                        public parking lots, etc.), residential parking
                        lots, and dedicated charging stations to
                        provide charging and energy replenishment
                        services for electric vehicles and hybrid
                        vehicles. According to the output power of the
                        charging pile, it is generally divided into
                        various different power charging methods
                        such as AC slow charging, DC fast charging,
                        and overcharging to meet the charging needs
                        of new energy vehicles in different scenarios.
                        The Company's new energy vehicle charging
                        piles currently include 7kW AC slow
                        charging piles, 30kW/60kW/120kW/160kW
                        DC charging piles, and other series of
                        products. On this basis, the Company has
                        added 20kW and 240kW DC charging pile
                        series to improve the product array layout.
                        The main focus is on application scenarios
                        that require fast charging and energy
                        replenishment, such as administrative
                        agencies, enterprises and institutions,
                        industrial parks, shopping centers, scenic
                        spots, communities, public charging stations,
                        etc. It supports functions such as card swiping
                        charging, QR code scanning charging, mobile
                        payment, self-service, online monitoring,
                        cloud management, OTA remote upgrade, etc.
                        (integrated management and service of
                        charging and parking can be achieved with
                        the Company's smart parking business).
                        Intelligent walk through metal detector is a
                        security inspection terminal that integrates
                        identity verification, personnel access and
                        metal detection. It is applied in public places
                        with high pedestrian flow, such as stations,
                        factories, public service departments and
                        large conferences, for personnel identity
                        verification, personnel access, and inspection
                        of metal items carried by personnel.
Security                According to usage requirements, the product
inspection              integrates multiple functions such as metal
products                detection, thermal imaging temperature
                        measurement, real-time monitoring, channel
                        management, real name verification, and
                        environmental gas detection. It is equipped
                        with a 29 inch 21:9 ultra wide screen.
                        Through a brand new software UI
                        visualization platform and the integration of
                        multiple functions and visualized display of
                        data, the product has a wider range of

                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Product    Product
                                      Product Description                     Product Image
Category    Name
                         The intelligent data walk through metal
                         detector integrates weak signal detection
                         technology and intelligent classification
                         algorithm applications internally, classifying
                         and detecting metal items carried by passing
                         personnel. It integrates electronic products,
                         all-metal detection, and user-defined multiple
                         detection modes, making the product
                         versatile. Among them, in the electronic
                         product detection mode, the mobile phone can
                         be accurately detected after filtering out daily
                         metal items (such as keys, jewelry, belts,
           data walk
                         cigarettes, lighters, glasses, stationery,
                         umbrellas, water bottles, and other small
                         metal objects). The all-metal mode is the
                         basic metal detection function of the product.
                         The user defined mode selects prohibited
                         metal items for pre-set product categories to
                         meet the detection needs of different
                         locations. The walk through metal detector is
                         suitable for various entry and exit security
                         inspection places, such as campuses,
                         examination       places,      public     service
                         departments, public resource trading centers,
                         confidential entities, rail transit, scenic spots,
                         The walk through metal detector is an ultra
                         high sensitivity metal classification detector.
                         Its internal detection system adopts the latest
                         eddy current signal detection and processing
                         technology developed by ZKTeco, forming a
                         multi-energy      metal       detection     mode
                         combining non-ferrous metals and ferrous
                         metals. In the non-ferrous metal mode, the
                         product can accurately detect metal objects
                         carried by people with copper and aluminum
                         as the main materials. The detection accuracy
             Walk        can reach and exceed the level of metal
            through      detectors in the same category on the market.
             metal       It is widely suitable for manufacturers who
            detector     use copper and aluminum as raw materials for
                         production and processing, supervise and
                         eliminate personnel's carrying of such objects
                         in the premises, and protect the economic
                         interests of enterprises. The product can also
                         be freely switched in all-metal mode, giving
                         it a very high level of micro metal detection
                         capability. In this mode, it can accurately
                         detect other precision small and micro metal
                         items such as paper clips, 1 cent coins, pins,
                         etc., meeting the confidentiality requirements
                         of some high-level security inspection sites.
                         The X-Ray Scanner is a detection device used
                         to detect whether packages and other items
                         contain specific prohibited items. This series
                         of X-Ray Scanners integrates intelligent
                         recognition, people and bag association,
             X-Ray       video capture, platform management and
            Scanner      other functions, which can better solve the
                         problems of missed inspections caused by
                         low concentration of security inspection
                         personnel and excessive security inspection
                         pressure during peak hours. This series of X-
                         Ray Scanners adopts new imaging

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 Product        Product
                                        Product Description                    Product Image
 Category        Name
                            technology, with high display image
                            resolution,    stronger     penetration     and
                            resolution, and can quickly and effectively
                            detect various dangerous categories, drugs,
                            and high-density substances. It is widely used
                            in public service departments, embassies,
                            factories, schools, hospitals, sports centers,
                            exhibition halls, entertainment venues, and
                            other scenarios, and can be used for security
                            inspections of briefcases, postal parcels, hand
                            luggage, small luggage bags, etc.

                            Intelligent video cameras have advanced
                            intelligent algorithms and can use intelligent
                            analysis functions to meet the entrance and
                            exit management for people and vehicles
                            (non-motor). They can also meet meet the
                            requirements of complex modern urban scene
                            deployment, as well as the increasingly wide
                            and in-depth analysis of target objects,
                            promoting the era of visual intelligence in
                            intelligent video. They are suitable for various
                            entrance and exit scenarios such as residential
                            areas, campuses and enterprises.

Video                       Smart NVR (Network Video Recorder) is an
surveillance                advanced security device that integrates high-
                            definition video recording, intelligent
                            analysis, and remote monitoring and
                            management. It supports multiple high-
                            definition video inputs, ensuring clear and
                            smooth images. Smart NVR also has cloud
                            connectivity capabilities, supporting remote
                            viewing and control through mobile APPs,
                            allowing for real-time monitoring of
                            monitoring dynamics anytime, anywhere. Its
                            efficient data storage and retrieval function
                            makes historical video playback more
                            convenient. Smart NVR is an indispensable
                            intelligent hub in modern security systems,
                            providing powerful technical support for
                            security protection.

                            Smart locks are mainly used for opening and
                            closing control of doors in homes, hotels,
                            offices, and other areas. The Company's
                            biometrics smart lock products have the
                            function of extracting and comparing various
                            information such as fingerprints, faces, RFID
Smart lock                  cards, etc. They can be managed through
               smart lock
                            software, smart speakers, or apps, and are
                            compatible with lock bodies in line with
                            national standards, American standards,
                            European standards, and Korean standards.
                            They support WiFi, NB IoT, ZigBee, and
                            Bluetooth communication methods.

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Product         Product
                                           Product Description                                        Product Image
Category         Name
                                Cooperating with the One Card Solution
                                Cube Visitor Management System, it can
                                achieve "real name" + "real person" visitor
                                authentication; support CTID trusted identity
                Intelligent     authentication; support mobile visitor
                  visitor       appointment, dual screen display, QR code
                 terminal       and OCR certificate scanning, barcode
                                printer, and other functions. SDKs can be
                                provided for customers to conduct secondary
                                development to meet the visitor management
                                needs of users in different industries.

        (2) ZKBio Intelligent Integrated Management Platform V6600
        ZKBio V6600, based on multimodal BioCV technology, focuses on intelligent integrated entrance and exit management, and
   provides an integrated management platform that integrates "pedestrian, vehicle, and object inspection". With the help of machine
   vision intelligent analysis technology, the platform realizes intelligent analysis and safety supervision to meet the needs of users for
   diversified and fragmentation application scenarios based on facial recognition, vehicle recognition, intelligent scene algorithm and
   IoT perception technology, combined with business subsystems such as attendance, access control, visitors, consumption, patrol,
   parking, elevator control, channel, information screen, smart scenarios, and visual intercoms.
        During the reporting period, the Company released the ZKBio Intelligent Integrated Management Platform V6600 4.2.0 of
   ZKTeco, which expanded and upgraded six major functions including hybrid cloud, ZKBio APP, visual intercom, smart scenario center,
   intelligent elevator dispatching, and access control.
        (3) Shang'an Yuntong Smart Park Integrated Management Platform V8800
        The ZKBio V8800, based on multimodal BioCV technology, provides an integrated park management platform that integrates
   pedestrian, vehicle, and object inspection. The platform adopts a micro-service development framework, which has the characteristics
   of high system performance, high service availability, module scalability, high communication security, and strong third-party
   integration scalability. With the Company's long-term experience and user needs in the field of smart parks, we will comprehensively
   integrate intelligent video applications to empower entrance and exit businesses, providing comprehensive and security guarantees and
   office convenience for the production and life of the park.

        2. Smart identity verification

        (1) Smart terminal products and functions
        During the reporting period, the Company's smart terminal products of smart identity verification mainly included multimodal
   biometrics products, card recognition and reading products, and industry smart terminals.
    Product           Product
                                                 Product Description                                   Product Image
    Category           Name

                                      Fingerprint scanner has the characteristics of
                                      large capture area, high fingerprint image
                                      pixels, and good imaging effects for dry and
                                      wet     fingerprints.   It    supports     the
                  Fingerprint         development and use of systems such as
                  scanner             Windows, Android, Linux, and domestic
                                      operating systems (KylinOS, NeoKylin),
                                      and Uniontech OS (Kunpeng, Loongnix,
                                      PHYTIUM,         Hygon,      and    Zhaoxin

                                                                                ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Product       Product
                                       Product Description                    Product Image
Category       Name
                            The specialized fingerprint scanner of the
                            resident ID cards complies with the
                            "Technical Specifications for Fingerprint
                            Acquisition and Comparison of Resident
                            Identity Card" (GA/T 1012-2019) and the
                            "General Technical Requirements for
                            Fingerprint Scanner of the Resident ID
                            Card" (GA/T 1011-2012). The device is
                            small and exquisite in appearance.
           scanner of the
                            Combined         with       high-performance
           resident    ID
                            processors and international semiconductor
                            fingerprint sensors, it has the characteristics
                            of fast capture speed and excellent image
                            quality. It supports the development and use
                            of systems such as Windows, Android,
                            Linux, and domestic operating systems
                            (KylinOS, NeoKylin), and Uniontech OS
                            (Kunpeng, Loongnix, PHYTIUM, Hygon,
                            and Zhaoxin platforms).

                            It can simultaneously collect fingerprint and
                            finger vein information. Fingerprint and
                            finger vein two-factor authentication can
           Finger    vein   improve the anti-counterfeiting ability, and
           capture device   is mostly used in scenarios with high
                            security requirements. It supports the
                            development and use of systems such as
                            Windows, Android, and Linux.

                            The biometrics reader is a smart terminal
                            used to collect human biological
                            characteristics, mainly used in access
                            control systems. It can send the collected
                            biometrics information to the access
                            controller for comparison and verification.
                            The data information whose collection is
                            supported includes fingerprints, faces, RFID
                            cards, etc.

                            The palm information capture device adopts
                            high-definition near-infrared dedicated lens
                            and visible light camera, supporting near-
                            infrared fill light monocular in-vivo
                            detection and binocular in-vivo detection,
                            and can obtain clear palm print and vein
           capture device
                            images. It supports high angle visible light
                            palmprint recognition and palm vein hybrid

                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Product          Product
                                          Product Description                    Product Image
Category          Name

                               A hardware level module designed for
                               various application scenarios of CTID
                               authentication certificates and a product
                               shortlisted in the "Recommended List of QR
              QR       code    Code Modules of CTID Terminal", fully
              module     of    supporting the recognition and reading of
              CTID terminal    CTID authentication certificate QR codes,
                               mainstream QR codes, and one-dimensional
                               barcodes, with strong decoding and code
                               verification     capabilities for    CTID
                               authentication certificate.

                               The built-in ID card reader complies with
                               the "General Technical Requirements for
                               Desktop Readers of the Resident ID Card"
                               (GA 450-2013), and can support the
                               recognition and reading of the 2nd-
                               generation ID Card, Foreign Permanent
                               Resident ID Card, and Residence Card for
                               Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents.
                               In addition, it supports recognition and
                               reading of CTID authentication certificate
                               QR codes, mainstream QR codes, and one-
Card                           dimensional barcodes through docking, as
recognition                    well as SIM digital identity recognition and
and reading                    reading, with strong CTID authentication
products                       certificate decoding, code verification, and
                               other capabilities.
                               It complies with "General Technical
                               Requirements for Desktop Readers of the
                               Resident ID Card" (GA 450-2013),
                               "Technical Specifications for Fingerprint
                               Acquisition and Comparison of Resident
                               Identity Card" (GA/T 1012-2019), and
                               "General Technical Requirements for
                               Fingerprint Capture Device of the Resident
                               ID Card" (GA/T 1011-2012). It is an ID card
                               reader with fingerprint verification function,
                               and can support the recognition and reading
              ID card reader   of the 2nd-generation ID Card, Foreign
                               Permanent Resident ID Card and Residence
                               Card for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
                               Residents.     According       to    different
                               application scenarios, the ID card reader can
                               be divided into three types: desktop, built-in,
                               and handheld. Desktop ID card reader can be
                               directly connected to a computer for use,
                               built-in ID card reader can be integrated into
                               various terminal devices to achieve ID card
                               machine reading function, and handheld ID
                               card reader can be directly used offline.

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  Product         Product
                                           Product Description                                  Product Image
  Category         Name
                                A dual screen smart government terminal
                                that integrates basic functions such as ID
                                card recognition and reading, fingerprint
                                collection and verification, and facial
                                recognition. It is designed with dual screens
                                and supports handwritten electronic
                                signatures and supports optional QR code
                                and receipt printing function. Equipped with
                                a built-in high-definition camera, it supports
                                shooting up to A4 format and can capture
                                and retain documents, certificates, invoices,
                                etc., achieving paperless office.
                                A Smart Human Certificate Verification
                                Terminal that integrates functions such as
                                portrait collection, fingerprint collection,
                                and 2nd-generation ID card reading. It can
                                also support the recognition and reading of
                                various documents such as 2nd-generation
                                Resident ID Card, Foreign Permanent
                                Resident ID Card, and Residence Card for
                                Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Residents.
                                According to different application scenarios,
                                it can be divided into four types: wall
                                mounted, handheld, desktop, and floor
                                mounted.      The     Company's       Human
                                Certificate Verification Terminal is pre-
                                installed with One Card Solution Cube
                                Identity Authentication Software, which can
                                be used in conjunction with the certificate
                                One Card Solution Cube Backend
                                Management System for unified use, with
Industry                        optional      CTID        trusted    identity
Smart                           authentication function.
Terminal                        A desktop device that integrates various
                                functions such as social security card, ID
                                card reading, contact/non-contact smart card
                                recognition       and       reading,     one-
                                dimensional/QR code electronic voucher
                                recognition,      fingerprint     comparison
                                recognition, etc. The built-in ID card reader
                                meets the requirements of " General
                                Technical Requirements for Desktop
                                Readers of the Resident ID Card" (GA450-
                                2013) and supports reading smart cards such
                                as social security cards and bank cards. The
                                device supports 4 sets of PSAM cards, has a
                                multi-platform SDK, and supports USB
                                (drive free). This product is suitable for
                                scenarios in fields such as social security,
                                health, medical insurance, pharmacies,
                                industry and commerce, taxation, electricity,
                                telecommunications, hotels, transportation,
                                banking, insurance, and fast payment.
     (2) One Card Solution Cube Identity Authentication Management System
     The One Card Solution Cube Identity Authentication Management System is a "real person system" identity verification system
 independently developed by the Company based on multimodal biometric technology for "the integration of people and certificates".
 It consists of two parts: the Human Certificate One Card Solution Cube Terminal Software (APP) and the Identity Authentication
 Management Platform, integrating the Company's ZKLiveFace facial recognition algorithm and ZKFinger V15.0 ID card fingerprint
 comparison algorithm. The software can read 2nd-generation ID cards, Hong Kong and Macao resident residence permit, foreign
 permanent residence permit and other certificate information, compare the fingerprint or face of the holder on the spot for the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

"integration of people and certificates", and accurately and quickly verify user identity information. One Card Solution Cube Identity
Authentication Management Platform has functions such as intelligent device management, personnel management, and black/white
list monitoring, which can achieve real-time and comprehensive multi-dimensional monitoring and analysis of devices, personnel, and
data. Moreover, the One Card Solution Cube Identity Authentication Management System supports access to large capacity facial
recognition servers, CTID Platform (Trusted Identity Authentication Platform), and million-level large capacity facial backend
verification and trusted identity authentication capabilities, providing authoritative, reliable, stable and secure identity authentication
services for customers in different vertical fields, and providing a one-stop industry solution of "core algorithm+smart
terminal+software platform+scenario application" for the identity authentication industry chain.
     The system topology diagram is as follows:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Third party
                                                                             Visitor end

                                                                                                    Visitor appointment                                         Visitor QR code                                                         Other functions                                                    system

                                                                                                    Scan the QR code        Manual                   Scan the QR                                                                     Message
                                                                                                                                                                        QR code sign in         QR code sign off                                     Visitor's record         Account
                                                                                                     for appointment      appointment              code for passage                                                                 notification                            cancellation

              end APP
                                                                                 Management end

                                                                                                           WeChat                                                      Scan QR code for                   Scan QR code to sign                                                               Docking       ERP system
                                                                                                                                        Data dashboard
                                                                                                          invitation                                                      follow-up                               off

                                                                                                        Appointment                       Message                           Reception                         Access QR code
                                                                                                         approval                        notification                        records

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Third party
                                                                                 Data management                                                                                                                                                                                                             device
                                                                                                                                             Device management                                                            Personnel management                                                             management
                                                                                    Original               Statistical              Regional               Device          Advertising             Ordinary                                                             Department
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Whitelist           Blacklist
                                                                                    records                  report                 settings             management        management              personnel                                                            management
                                                         Application layer

                                                                                                                                   Visitor management                                                                                  Identity authentication
                                                                                    Visitor's                   Traffic            Visitor                  Visitor                     Mini program                         Human
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Large capacity                                     OA system
                                                                                     record                     records            devices                  settings                    management                                                    comparison server
              One Card Solution Cube Management System

                                                                                                                                                                            System settings

                                                                                        Basic                  Change              User                    Database              Command                Operation                  HTTPS             Dictionary                 Standard
                                                                                       settings               password          management                  backup               monitoring               log                    configuration      configuration               interface
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           API interface

                                                                                                                 Nacos                                                                    Application layer

                                                                                        Service Register                     Config Register                             Basic framework                      Business services

                                                                                                                                                Basic components
                                                         Service layer

                                                                                                  Redis                    PostgreSQL                                   MQ                         CMD Option

                                                                                                                                                    Public Service

                                                                                                       Message Push Service                                                             Scheduled Tasks Service

                                                                                                Data                              Personnel                                                                                                               Server
                                                                                                                                                                          Whitelist                                Blacklist
                                                                                             management                          management                                                                                                             connection
             Equipment                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Product
                                                                                   Authentication                                  Verification                         Advertising                                                                 Visitor function                        Adaptation
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Visitor settings
                                                                                      method                                        function                            management

     (3) Biowhois CTID Platform
     Biowhois CTID Platform is an identity authentication SaaS service platform launched by the Company based on multimodal
biometric technology and an "Internet+" CTID Platform. It can provide developers and industry users with multimodal biometrics,
online identity authentication, real name offline identity authentication and other open, scalable, cross-platform multi-dimensional

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

identity verification services. The data interconnection between Biowhois CTID Platform and "Internet+" CTID Platform can provide
users with authoritative, reliable, stable and secure online identity authentication services such as two real names, two real people, four
real names, four real people, etc., which can not only intelligently upgrade the existing offline identity authentication scenarios in
finance, medical care, government affairs, transportation, education, etc., but also is suitable for internet identity authentication
scenarios such as e-commerce, online games, social networking sites, online education, online healthcare, and online live streaming in
the digital economy.
     The system topology diagram is as follows:

     (4) Scenario solutions
     During the reporting period, based on the existing rich identity verification products, the Company deeply integrated specific
segmentation scenarios and incubated identity verification solutions for three major segmentation scenarios: "smart examination, smart
healthcare, and smart welcoming". In terms of intelligent examination, solutions based on the needs of candidate identity verification
can cover the entire business scenario of candidate information collection, candidate identity verification, and examination data analysis
before, during and after the examination. The solutions can not only be self-contained and directly implemented, but also seamlessly
connect with third-party standardized examination site construction plans, with competitive advantages such as intelligence,
convenience and flexible deployment. In the medical field, the Company has launched a smart medical identity verification solution
for identity verification scenarios such as newborn birth medical certificates and assisted reproductive management. The solution not
only meets the information collection and identity verification needs of various windows in the hospital, but also can be securely
integrated with the hospital and third-party systems to achieve the embedding of identity verification function modules, helping major
medical institutions provide patients with high-quality and caring medical services. The related products have been put into use in
hospitals in multiple provinces and cities in China, providing effective assistance for standardized hospital services. In terms of smart
welcoming, it has driven the entire process with the core business of new student enrollment and registration, and created an integrated
smart welcoming management solution that combines the new student Human Certificate Verification Terminal and the management
platform of the new student enrollment and registration. This solution comprehensively solves the vertical connection of affairs and
data between departments before, during, and after the new student enrollment in universities, improves the overall efficiency and

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

quality of the new student enrollment work, and can meet the identity verification and management needs of different universities for
new student enrollment.

     3. Smart office

     (1) Smart terminal products and functions
     During the reporting period, the Company's smart terminal products of smart office mainly included attendance products and
consumer products.
 Product         Product
                                             Product Description                                      Product Image
 Category         Name
                               A self service attendance terminal, mainly
                               registering and comparing biometrics
                               information, recording personnel attendance
                               time data, and cooperating with backend
                               software to scientifically and effectively manage
                               enterprise personnel. The Company's biometrics
                Attendance     attendance terminal can support multiple
                Smart          verification methods such as fingerprint, face,
                Terminal       palm, RFID card, and password, and has
                               personnel management functions such as self-
                               service scheduling and report generation.
                               The product has desktop and wall mounted
                               forms, combined with wireless communication
                               technology, suitable for a wide range of
                               application scenarios.
                               Support face, RFID card, QR code and other
                               verification methods; mainly used in
                               consumption scenarios such as internal canteens,
                Consumer       gyms, and schools within enterprises, supporting
                Smart          various consumption modes such as free amount
                Terminal       deduction, count deduction, and fixed value
                               deduction. The system can be equipped with
                               mini programs to achieve convenient and
                               intelligent consumption management.

     (2) E-ZKEco Pro Time & Security Refined Service Platform
     The E-ZKeco Pro Time & Security Refined Management Platform focuses on enterprise time and security management,
combining the three core elements of internet applications: time, computing, and storage. It integrates multimodal BioCV, IoT
perception technology, and connectivity into software and hardware to achieve standardization, modularization, and platformization of
functions such as personnel, attendance, consumption, access control, visitors, meetings, assets, and salaries, and assists in the digital
upgrading of enterprise management. Through the intelligent application of the E-ZKeco Pro Platform, enterprises can standardize
their management processes, significantly improving their level of time and security refined management, while reducing the burden
of tedious work such as human resources, administration, and finance, and helping enterprises reduce operating costs and improve
operational efficiency.
     ZKBioTime is an independently developed attendance management software platform that supports remote, multi-branch, and
multi-site attendance management based on the needs and characteristics of overseas markets. ZKBioTime can be stably connected to
standard attendance PUSH devices of the Company. At the same time, employees perform various self-service office operations such
as check-in, check-out, out of office check-in, leave approval, and self query reports through mobile apps and browsers. The platform
can ultimately record employee attendance status and output attendance reports based on attendance rules. In addition, the software
has gradually been localized in more than ten countries around the world, including localized language, attendance rules, attendance
reports, and payroll rules. The interface between localization and third-party social security, tax, banking, and other institutions is
seamlessly connected, greatly improving the efficiency of enterprise office operations and receiving high praise.
     (4) ZKTeco Interconnection Smart Office Digital Assistant

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

     ZKTeco Interconnection Smart Office Digital Assistant is a lightweight SaaS application for end customers in office scenes.
Mobile end is a lightweight software application based on WeChat mini programs and mobile Apps, providing small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) with functions such as venue management, personnel management, attendance management, access control
management, visitor management, device management, video management, etc. It accompanies micro and small enterprises from basic
software to standardized software development, and creates a simple and easy-to-use digital assistant for micro and small enterprises.
     The ZKTeco Interconnection Platform leverages the front-end intelligent hardware product matrix of ZKTeco, the Paas base
capability of the back-end ZKTeco IoT cloud platform MinervaIoT, and the comprehensive three-dimensional advantages of various
Saas applications to provide "business premise management, comprehensive service management" solutions for SME customers.

(II) The Company business model

     1. Procurement model

     (1) Procurement execution
     In order to fully leverage the advantages of centralized procurement, reduce procurement costs, improve operational efficiency,
and optimize procurement resources, the Company has a Procurement Center that manages the procurement of electronic materials,
structural components, and other materials required in the production process.
     The Procurement Center consists of three departments: Resource Development Department, Executive Procurement Department,
and Comprehensive Procurement Department. Among them, the Resource Development Department is mainly responsible for
developing and managing supplier resources, following up on samples, and conducting business negotiations during the sampling
period. The Executive Procurement Department is mainly responsible for executing purchase orders and following up on material
delivery and reconciliation and payment request. The Comprehensive Procurement Department is mainly responsible for administrative,
office, and fixed asset procurement, except for production materials.
     The Company mainly uses SAP system for sales forecasting and actual orders, combined with MPS/MRP calculation logic, and
based on production plans, analyzes raw material usage and formulates priority levels, allocates materials based on inventories, and
gradually deduces the raw material procurement plan required for the production of the product. For some general materials, the
Company has set up a minimum safe stocking point for inventories warning and replenishment.
     (2) Supplier selection and management
     The Company has established strict supplier selection and management measures. For newly introduced suppliers who need to
develop new products, expand supply resources, and reduce costs, after the supplier submits basic information, the Resource
Development Department of the Company's Procurement Center will organize the Material Certification Department, the Executive
Procurement Department, the Manufacturing Center, and the R&D Center to conduct on-site reviews of the supplier. For suppliers who
pass the assessment, formal certification will be carried out for storage.
     In the daily procurement process, in order to ensure the quality of the Company's raw material supply, except for the SAM (security
module) involved in the card business, which can only be purchased from Xingtang Communication Technology Co., Ltd., the only
supplier selected by the Ministry of Public Security, the Company usually selects two or more suppliers that meet the Company's
certification standards for the main raw materials for supply. The Company will also strengthen the management of suppliers by signing
relevant "Supply Quality Agreement" and conducting monthly and annual reviews. Suppliers with scores below 60 for three consecutive
months will be disqualified from being suppliers.

     2. Production model

     From the perspective of process characteristics, the Company's smart terminal products are mainly produced by the production
methods of processing and assembly. According to the different production planning methods, the production method can be divided
into two production models: Make to Stock (MTS) and Make to Order (MTO). The MTS of the Company mainly combines historical
sales data and the Company's sales strategy to predict and produce standardized products, and meets market demand in a timely manner
by maintaining a certain amount of finished product inventories. The MTO is a production method according to personalized needs

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

such as variety, model specifications, and performance based on customer orders. Once the product is produced, it can be directly sent
to customers without the need to maintain finished product inventories.
     After successful development and testing, the Company's application software and platform products are delivered to users through
CD or website distribution and download. Both the basic version software and the advanced version software and platform provide
users with free trials. The basic version software provides free activation, while the advanced version software and platform require
users to pay a software license fee before activation and use. For large-scale engineering projects, the Company will assign engineering
personnel to the user's site for installation, debugging, and training services. The application software and platforms released by the
Company are locally deployed, used, and managed by users. The Company does not provide operation services, but only provides
necessary after-sales services according to the sales contract.

     3. Marketing and management models

     The Company adopts a sales model that combines distribution and direct sales.
     (1) Distribution model
     In the distribution model, the Company's customers are mainly dealers, and the relationship between the Company and dealers
belongs to a purchase and sales relationship, adopting a buyout sales method.
     (2) Direct sales model
     The Company's direct sales customers mainly include system integrators, engineering contractors, end users, etc. On the one hand,
the Company can provide smart terminal devices and application software platforms to system integrators and engineering contractors,
which can integrate or include the aforementioned products in products, systems, or engineering services sold to downstream end users.
On the other hand, the Company can also directly sell to end users through offline direct sales or online self operated platforms.
     Normally, the Company's direct sales business can be divided into two categories based on whether installation and O&M are
required: product sales and project implementation. For project implementation related businesses, the Company will customize its
own smart terminals and application software platforms based on different engineering project requirements and provide O&M services.

(III) Market position of the Company's products during the reporting period

     The Company has been listed as one of the "Top 50 Global Security Companies" by asmag for four consecutive years from 2020
to 2023. In 2023, it ranked 14th on the list and was awarded awards such as "Top 50 Innovation", "Top 10 Brands in Smart Parks", and
"Top 10 Brands in Smart Office" in 2023 Global Industry Digital Innovation Ranking by asmag. It was selected by the organizing
committee and relevant institutions of the 19th Security China as the "DC World - Top Enterprise of the DC World Awards", "3rd China
Security Innovation Enterprise in 2023", and "11th China Intelligent Transportation Construction Recommended Brand in 2023". It
was selected by the organizing committee of the Huicong Brand Festival as the "AIoT Innovation Enterprise" and "Leading Brand in
Access Control" of the 20th China IoT Industry Conference and Brand Festival in 2023. It won the second place in the "2023 Top 10
Access Control Brands Award" awarded by Qianjia Smart Tech and other entities, It ranked first on the "Top 15 Access Control Brands"
list by the Latin American security technology media SecuriTIC in 2023. It received the "Technology Innovation Award" in the field
of physical security at the 2023 Security FESTA in South Korea. It was also selected as one of the "Top 100 Global Security Enterprises
in 2023" by BOANEWS and Security World magazines. In 2023, the Company's trusted digital identity QR code module ZKB10M
was successfully shortlisted for the "Trusted Digital Identity Ecological Product Recommendation List" of Beijing Zhongdun Security
Technology Development Co., Ltd. The Company's ZKTeco perception data gate was awarded the "Excellent Innovative Product
Award" at the 16th China International Public Safety Products Expo. Internationally, the Company has won 6 industrial design industry
awards, including 2 German Red Dot Awards and 4 iF Design Awards. In addition, since 2016, the Company has been awarded the title
of "Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises in Guangdong Province" by Guangdong Manufacturers Association and other entities for 8
consecutive years. In 2023, the Company was rated by the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China as a
"Sample Enterprise of China Customs Trade Prosperity Survey (Export)". In 2023, the Company also joined industry organizations
such as the Guangdong Chain Operations Association (GDCOA), the E-paper Industry Alliance (EPIA), and the China Chain-Store &

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Franchise Association (CCFA), becoming a new retail technology and service provider in the retail industry. Guangdong Zkteco has
been rated as a "SRDI small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)" by the Department of Industry and Information Technology of
Guangdong Province.
     During the reporting period, the Company was awarded the title of "Top 10 Brands of China's Intelligent Import and Export
Industry Channel Gates in 2023" by www.86crk.com. Guangdong Zkteco has been recognized by the Department of Science and
Technology of Guangdong Province as the Guangdong Multimodal Computer Vision and Biometric Engineering Technology Research
Center, XIAMEN ZKTECO has obtained the "ITSS Information Technology Service Standard Compliance Certificate" issued by the
China Electronics Standardization Association. The "ZKTeco Cloud IoT Platform" (Minerva IoT Platform) developed by XIAMEN
ZKTECO has been rated as "Information System Security Level Protection Filing Certificate (Level 3)". The Company has been
recognized as one of the "Top 30 Intelligent Transportation Enterprises in ITSMRS 2023" by the Shenzhen ITS Association and China
Intelligent Transportation Systems Association.

(IV) Key performance drivers

     1. Accelerated development of multimodal biometric technology
     In recent years, biometrics products have mainly focused on single biometrics recognition. In many application scenarios, a single
biometric technology (such as fingerprint recognition) can meet the needs of most customers, and many single biometric technology
products have price advantages and can be easily installed. Although the accuracy and anti-counterfeiting performance of a single
biometric technology have gradually improved, with the continuous development and evolution of deep learning algorithms and big
data technologies, the importance of information security has become increasingly prominent, and higher requirements have been
placed on the security and accuracy of identity recognition information. The development of multimodal biometric technology utilizing
multiple biometric technologies has become a new trend in the field of biometrics.
     Multimodal recognition technology has better recognition performance than single biometric technology, greatly improving
product security. Multimodal biometric technology is not a simple superposition of biometric technologies, but rather the R&D of new
algorithms based on the characteristics of different biometrics to improve computational efficiency and accuracy. This requires
enterprises to have a deep understanding of different biometric technologies and be able to innovate products through algorithm
optimization. At present, multimodal biometrics, which integrates multiple biometric technologies, will become more flexible. Suitable
fusion methods and weight decisions can be selected based on different application needs and scenario changes, which becomes a
development trend in the biometric market.
     2. The rise of non-contact biometric technology applications
     With the development of biometric technology, non-contact biometric technology has gradually matured. Due to its non-contact
characteristics, which can avoid physical contact between users and machines, and have efficient and hygienic characteristics, its
application in the global market has gradually emerged. In recent years, it has been further accepted by the market with market-oriented
     Non-contact biometric technology mainly includes facial recognition, palm recognition, and iris recognition. With the
development of big data and AI technologies, facial recognition has become increasingly mature in terms of recognition accuracy, and
is applied in many scenarios such as real name verification. Its characteristic is that it does not require active cooperation from the
recognition object, and the difficulty of information collection is low. The recognition accuracy can reach the same level as fingerprint
recognition in specific situations. The palm and finger vein recognition technology currently mainly focuses on applications in medium
and small scenes, such as ATM systems. With the development of wide dynamic image acquisition technology, the palm recognition
technology has also entered a growth period, and its non-contact and concealment characteristics can avoid the risk of information
leakage. Iris technology has the characteristics of high accuracy and high difficulty in information collection, and is generally applied
in situations with high security requirements. Due to its high accuracy, it is also suitable for unified and standardized identity
authentication and recognition at the national level.
     The Company promotes the application of non-contact palm recognition technology in financial and other fields by participating

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in the development of group standards related to non-contact palm recognition technology, and promotes the patent and technical layout
of non-contact fingerprint capture devices. Non-contact fingerprint recognition has become an important development direction of
traditional fingerprint recognition, and its non-contact characteristics will bring more security and better user experience.
     3. The rise of mobile terminal biometric technology applications
     In recent years, the application of biometric technology on mobile terminal devices has gradually emerged. For example,
fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, palm recognition, and iris recognition technologies are gradually used on mobile terminal
devices to generate BioCode from these biometric methods and are integrated into entrance and exit access control, smartphones,
tablets and other mobile devices in the form of QR codes, to provide convenient identity authentication, and improve the high security
application functions such as users' independent storage of biometric templates.
     4. National industrial policies provide a favorable development environment for industry development
     The "Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and Vision 2035 of the
People's Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan") released in March 2021 clearly states
that new types of infrastructure will be an important component of China's modern infrastructure system, and the construction of
traditional and new types of infrastructure will be promoted in a coordinated manner to create a complete, efficient, practical, intelligent,
green, safe and reliable modern infrastructure system. In the "Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan", the entire section of "Construction
of new types of infrastructure" proposes requirements for the construction and development of new types of infrastructure: With the
aim of strengthening the support for digital transformation, intelligent upgrade, and integrated innovation, we will build new types of
infrastructure in such areas as information technology, integration, and innovation, and provide guidance on the development of
industries such as intelligent home appliances, intelligent lighting, intelligent security, and intelligent video surveillance systems. In
the context of new types of infrastructure, the Company will adhere to innovation driven and long-term principles, continue to
strengthen multimodal BioCV core technology and precise investment in R&D, and enhance the core competitiveness of products and
solutions. In addition, the Company will work with partners to promote global leadership and commercial scale applications and
enhance customer value based on multimodal BioCV technology according to customer needs.
     5. Digital China construction provides new development opportunities for the Company
     On February 27, 2023, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the "Overall Layout Plan for the Construction of
Digital China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), pointing out that building a digital China is an important engine to promote
Chinese path to modernization in the digital era and a strong support to build a new competitive advantage of the country. The "Plan"
will propose to ensure capital investment, innovate funding support methods, strengthen the overall guidance of various funds, play
the role of the national industry finance cooperation platform, guide financial resources to support digital development, encourage and
guide capital in the construction of digital China in a standardized manner, and build an investment and financing system with effective
participation of social capital. By 2025, the digital economy will enter a period of comprehensive expansion, with the added value of
core industries in the digital economy accounting for 10% of GDP. According to the CAICT, the scale of China's digital economy is
expected to reach RMB 56.1 trillion in 2023 and RMB 70.8 trillion in 2025. The digital economy policies, including the "Plan", will
catalyze the further development of new smart city projects. In the wave of digital economy, the Company, as the driver and practitioner
of digitalization and intelligence, actively explores, builds and improves the computer vision field, multi-dimensional perception smart
terminals, scene interactive robots, scene cloud service software, AR digital twins, digital identity cards and other track industry chains,
forms a digital ecosystem integrating upstream, downstream and cross industries, and works with Xingniu Fund to jointly establish an
ecological innovation fund to accelerate product incubation, and assist in the ecological construction of the digital industry.
     6. The driving force of AI technology on company business development
     With rapidly changing technologies today, AI technology, with its unique charm and unparalleled potential, is causing profound
changes worldwide. The large language model represented by ChatGPT of OpenAI reveals that algorithm models with Transformer as
the core architecture are steadily moving towards the direction of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). This transformation not only
promotes the depth and breadth of AI research in theory, but also demonstrates enormous potential and value in practical applications.
Multimodal large models have become an important means for AI to perceive and understand the real world by integrating natural

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language, images, speech and various other signals. This integration approach not only improves the understanding ability of AI, but
also endows it with stronger adaptability and wider application scope. It can be used in multiple fields such as image recognition,
speech recognition, natural language processing, etc., greatly improving the practicality and efficiency of AI. Moreover, AIhas
demonstrated its important application value in fields such as smart security and smart office. It implements automatic monitoring
through image recognition technology to improve security efficiency. By using natural language processing technology, it achieves
automated office work and improves work efficiency. In addition, AI is also highly valuable for the Company's smart business scenario
based applications. By using AI technology, deep mining and analysis of business data can be achieved, thus providing more accurate
basis for company decision-making. Through speech recognition, speech synthesis and Large Language Model (LLM), Q&A robots
that interact with natural language can be developed to achieve intelligent frontend, intelligent customer service and other services.
The Company has been committed to conducting in-depth research in the field of AI and has made significant breakthroughs in multiple
directions. This includes continuous iteration and frontier tracking of the BioCV LLM and the BioCV VLM multimodal large model.
Moreover, the Company actively leverages the power of the open source technology community to maintain synchronous development
with the latest global technologies. These technological breakthroughs have provided strong impetus for the Company's new business
development. Through continuous technological innovation and business expansion, the Company will be able to achieve greater
breakthroughs in the field of AI, thus injecting stronger vitality into its development.

II. Analysis of Core Competitiveness

     1. Technological and R&D advantages

     (1) Mastering the core algorithms of biometrics, leading the industry in multimodal biometric technology
     After years of technological accumulation, the Company has built a core technology system focusing on single biometric
technology and multimodal biometric technology. In the field of single biometric recognition, the Company has successfully developed
biometric technologies such as fingerprints, palm veins, palmprints, facial features, finger veins and irises. Among them, the Company's
resident ID card fingerprint recognition algorithm has been recognized by regulatory agencies and is listed in the "Qualified List of
Quality Consistency Evaluation and Inspection of Resident ID Card Fingerprint Application Algorithms". The Company has become
one of the seven recognized manufacturers.
     In the field of multimodal biometrics, the Company continues to innovate and has launched various multimodal biometric
technologies such as "fingerprint+facial recognition", "facial+palm vein recognition", "palm+finger vein recognition",
"fingerprint+finger vein recognition", "facial+iris recognition", and "fingerprint+palm+facial recognition". It has obtained 18 invention
and utility model patents in the field of multimodal biometric technology. The Company will continue to innovate in the field of
multimodal biometrics, providing users with more innovative products.
     The Company possesses core algorithms in the field of biometrics and has a strong competitive advantage. In addition, the
Company also has a comprehensive industry incubation ability to combine various application technologies with biometric technology,
providing support for the development of various industries.
     The Company combines basic R&D of biometrics with application R&D. As of June 30, 2024, the Company has obtained a total
of 901 patents, including 160 invention patents and obtained a total of 715 computer software copyrights and 67 work copyrights.
     (2) The Company's unique ultra short delay supercomputing technology provides innovative solutions for the deployment of edge
and end devices in biometric technology, with three prominent advantages:
     Firstly, this technology is deployed on edge and end devices without being constrained by network quality and stability. This
provides a more stable environment for applications and ensures efficient operation.
     Secondly, it can run on mid to low frequency chips (such as the ARM9 with 1GHz main frequency), which can effectively reduce
power consumption and costs, and avoid high requirements for chip manufacturing processes. In the current fierce "chip war"
environment, it has achieved the freedom of independent R&D.
     Most importantly, this technology minimizes the transmission and centralized storage of sensitive information, effectively

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avoiding the risk of leakage and malicious attacks and ensuring data security.
     In summary, the Company's ultra short latency supercomputing technology provides revolutionary advantages for the practical
application of biometric technology, maximizing the performance of edge and end devices while ensuring data privacy and security.
     (3) Deep research on multimodal BioCV AI technology
     The Company has evolved from a single biometric technology to a pioneer in computer vision and biometric multimodal BioCV
AI technology. It is no longer just about identifying "I'll tell you who you are", but about combining computer vision and biometrics to
realize the multimodal AI attribute: "Who are you? What kind of service should I provide for you?" as well as the empathetic experience
ecology of scene interaction. Minerva, an AIoT platform based on smart retail scenarios and independent intellectual property rights,
has launched a ZKDIGIMAX Level 3 digital marketing solution for traditional small and medium-sized retailers. This solution provides
five core services, including Minerva IoT platform, machine vision analysis platform, big data analysis platform, AIGC platform,
advertising production and distribution platform, as well as corresponding smart terminals. Relying on the IoT, big data and cloud
computing technologies, the Company has delved into the field of smart retail and utilized machine vision analysis technology to
integrate the interactive value of people and scenarios and the empowering value of scenarios into innovative value. The Company is
committed to building a multi-dimensional intelligent business analysis platform based on the data lake, and creating a new service
provider of boundless all-round, full scene and full chain retail platform.
     (4) Technological accumulation of computer vision AI technology and smart retail scenarios
     Computer vision, as an important branch of AI, has been widely applied in various industries. In the retail industry, computer
vision technology has multiple functions such as supervising shelves, identifying and recommending products, analyzing passenger
flow density, and supporting unmanned retail stores. The Company launched the research on BioCV LLM3.0 large model project
through the research on the layout of large models, which is mainly used for the simulation and enhancement of small models and
enables the smart retail scene on the edge computing side. Large model technology has emerged in recent years as a promising field
that can be applied to smart shopping guidance, product advertising content generation, and online and offline interaction experiences.
     With the widespread application of large models in smart retail scenarios, they have gradually become an indispensable component
in the field of AI. The Company closely tracks the latest development of large model technology and has achieved key technological
reserves in lightweight and edge local deployment, which have been applied in multiple pilot projects. The Company has successfully
implemented programming and validation of algorithms such as GPT and BERT, and trained them on medium-sized open corpus data,
achieving the best level of advanced open source projects currently available. In the era of AI, the Company continuously innovates
product service interaction experiences and enhances competitiveness.
     The application of digital humans in intelligent access control products is mainly reflected in providing more intelligent and
interactive management methods. Based on advanced AI technology, digital human access control devices can recognize, verify and
manage access of personnel, while providing customized virtual images and voice interaction functions. This application makes access
control management more convenient and efficient, and provides enterprises with a more intelligent service experience. With the
continuous development of technology, the application of digital humans in intelligent access control products will continue to expand
and optimize, bringing richer functions and services to enterprises.
     (5) Advantages of R&D team and extension cooperation
     The biometric industry belongs to a technology intensive industry, and the R&D strength and industrialization ability largely
determine whether the Company can occupy a commanding position in future market competition. Therefore, the Company attaches
great importance to R&D investment. As of June 30, 2024, the Company has 1,181 global R&D and engineering technicians, with
R&D Centers in Dongguan, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Dalian, and India.
     The Company has been approved by the People's Government of Guangdong Province to establish the Guangdong Biometrics
and Security Technology Engineering Technology Research Center, strengthen the introduction and training of biometrics engineering
technicians, and improves the efficiency of technology transformation. The Guangdong Biometrics and Security Technology
Engineering Technology Research Center is the only provincial-level engineering center in the biometric industry in Guangdong
Province. Relying on the talent team and research equipment of ZKTeco, the center accelerates the transformation of scientific research

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achievements into real productivity with the goal of building a provincial-level first-class research platform for deep integration of
biometrics by researching and developing key common technologies in the industry, thereby promoting industrial technological
     The Company and Dongguan Institute of Optoelectronics, Peking University jointly established the Dongguan Key Laboratory of
Multimodal Computer Vision and Biometric Recognition. Taking advantage of the advantages of both parties in cooperation, we
actively carry out research on multimodal computer vision and biometric related technologies, timely realize the industrialization
transformation of research results, provide a platform for the development dynamics of industry technology, and cultivate talents for
     (6) Actively participate in the formulation of industry standards and norms, occupying the industry's commanding heights
     Participating in the formulation of industry standards and norms can enable the Company to grasp the forefront of industry
development direction and carry out technology development and product layout in advance. Since its establishment, the Company has
been focused on the R&D of biometric technology, and is one of the main participants in drafting and revising multiple technical
standards and specifications in the industry. As of the end of the reporting period, the Company and its related subsidiaries have
participated in the formulation of 28 national and local industry standards.

     2. Product array advantages

     The Company's products include hardware and software products, connecting different product combinations through
digitalization and intelligence, and creating diversified smart solutions to meet the needs of numerous industries. With the increasing
demand for downstream fragmentation, the Company continues to expand a rich product array, which can provide a full range of
product services in various segmentation scenarios such as smart entrance and exit management, smart identity verification, smart
office and smart retail.
     In terms of smart terminals, the Company can provide various products in the field of smart entrance and exit management, such
as access control management, pedestrian channels, vehicle channels, security inspection products, intelligent videos, smart locks,
elevator controls, charging piles, and self-service visitors; products in the field of smart identity verification, such as Human Certificate
Verification Terminal, biometrics capture devices, biometrics modules, and card readers; products such as employee attendance, smart
consumption, and smart conferences in the field of smart office. The field of smart retail focuses on chain customers in various
industries, providing smart terminal, business system development, and people, goods, and venue data analysis services for their digital
     In terms of smart retail products, the Company provides LCD and LED products of different sizes and application scenarios in
visual marketing, as well as supporting content distribution platforms and content production and design tools. It provides a full range
of e-ink screens in electronic price tags, and a matching price adjustment system that supports integration with mainstream ERP systems
to achieve real-time, fully automatic price refresh in conjunction with marketing pricing. With the support of AI and big model
technology, the Company provides customers with shopping scenario interest preference data analysis services, and provides marketing
managers with product selection, display, and activity strategy data support. Its core lies in empowering technology to improve sales
efficiency, enhance consumer experience and loyalty, reduce operating costs and risks, thereby achieving sustainable growth in the
retail industry.
     In terms of software systems and platforms, the Company has always attached great importance to the development and design of
software and hardware linkage, focusing on building an AIoT ecosystem that integrates software and hardware. The Company can
provide diversified, personalized and customized system software and platforms for different users, application scenarios, and vertical
fields. On the one hand, the Company has laid out the ZKTeco cloud IoT platform Minerva IoT based on Amazon cloud technology as
the technical foundation, providing deployment-free SaaS application products for smart office scenarios, smart entrance and exit
scenarios, and smart home scenarios. Moreover, for system integration customers, the Company can provide ZKTeco Biowhois CTID
Platform. For large park type enterprise customers, the Company can provide ZKBio Smart Park Integrated Management Platform
V8800, and ZKTeco ZKBio Intelligent Integrated Management Platform V6600. For medium to large enterprise customers, the

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Company can provide E-ZKEco Pro Time & Security Refined Service Platform. For overseas customers, the Company can provide
ZKTeco Cloud Attendance and Access Control Management System such as BioTime 8.0; on the other hand, the Company combines
the mature technical modules and software middleware of the aforementioned platforms for application, providing users with flexible
platform function customization and development services, thereby meeting their personalized needs and forming a good brand
     The Company's main products rely on multimodal BioCV technology. In the future, as the boundaries of user application scenarios
continue to expand and extend, the Company will continue to enrich and improve its diversified product array to meet the needs of
users in the field of multimodal BioCV applications and provide customers with comprehensive, professional and high-quality solutions.

     3. Global marketing service network and localized service advantages

     After years of development, the Company has accumulated rich experience in operating channel products, has a large number of
customer resources, and has established a relatively complete global marketing service network system. Sales channels and service
networks cover major cities in China and in multiple countries and regions around the world. Moreover, the Company actively expands
its online sales channels and has established a comprehensive online marketing network on major e-commerce platforms and self built
shopping malls. The integration and complementarity of international, domestic, online, and offline channels have formed a strong
marketing service network advantage.
     As of June 30, 2024, the Company has established 28 branches, 14 subsidiaries, and 193 service outlets across China mainland,
with a sales and service system covering the whole country. The Company has established a total of 49 controlling subsidiaries overseas,
located in 31 countries and regions worldwide, with product sales covering over 100 countries and regions.
     During the reporting period, the Company continued to implement regional expansion and market lead strategies in China, worked
together with core partners and distributor customers to continuously promote terminal image construction mainly focused on
lightboxes, doors, car stickers, outdoor advertising, etc., actively participated in regional industry exhibitions and forums, and expanded
precise brand coverage in multiple dimensions; accelerated the establishment of marketing service centers of ZKTeco and the
establishment of digital marketing service platforms, and accelerated the sinking of marketing and service networks to county-level
cities around the third, fourth and fifth tier cities in the region and core cities. The Company has deeply explored the innovative
marketing model of "short video+live streaming+e-commerce". In the future, the Company will continue to develop the market in the
third, fourth and fifth tier cities to build marketing and service outlets, and simultaneously promote the integration of online and offline
     The Company always adheres to the concept of localized services in the process of developing global markets. During the reporting
period, the Company continued to expand its marketing and service network to second and third tier cities in medium-sized and large
countries. The Company has resident business, technical service personnel and marketers in the global market, which can provide
customers with comprehensive pre-sales, in-sales, and after-sales support and services. The localized service system helps the Company
quickly understand the personalized needs of local users based on factors such as local economic development level, social stability,
religion, and culture, providing flexible software and hardware personalized customization services, thereby improving customer
satisfaction and brand awareness, and enhancing customer viscosity. Based on a localized service team, the Company actively guides
some overseas subsidiaries to transform from traditional channel sales to value-added development, expanding vertical and deep
projects, and thereby improving the Company's sales revenue and profit level.

     4. Production and manufacturing advantages

     (1) Integrated production process chain configuration
     The Company's rich product array benefits from its integrated production process chain and high-quality production supporting
facilities. The Company has a complete process chain for injection molding, laser cutting, optical processing, sheet metal processing,
SMT, plug-in welding, algorithm burning program, PCBA production, final assembly, testing, and packaging programs required for
various products. The complete process depth provides favorable conditions for the Company to achieve pull production based on

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market demand. The Company's various process flows are closely connected, with smooth coordination between production capacity
and production pace, and the Company has a strong competitive advantage in the industry.
     (2) Customized and flexible production capacity
     The Company can provide comprehensive product services in segmented scenarios such as smart entrance and exit management,
smart identity verification, and smart office, and has the ability to quickly respond to customized needs in mass production. The
Company's customized and flexible production capacity benefits from a professional R&D and engineering technical team, diverse
product component production capabilities, and flexible product component coupling characteristics. The Company has achieved
SMED in the production process, from SMT to injection molding, which can achieve rapid exchange of production equipment. In
addition, the refined material supply system and lean line design in the assembly workshop can meet the flexible production needs of
customers from different countries for small batches, multiple varieties, and customization.
     (3) Advantages of lean production
     The Company has achieved industry-leading lean production model in multiple production lines through overall planning of
various processes in the product production process, and optimization of process flow. The lean production model can effectively
reduce waste throughout the entire production and manufacturing process, reduce workers, improve labor productivity, improve output
and product quality, shorten delivery cycles, and quickly meet customer needs while reducing manufacturing costs.
     (4) Advantages of automation and informatization
     The Company continues to promote and improve the automation and informatization of production processes, introducing the
WM module of SAP system, achieving automatic posting of warehouse raw materials and finished products through PDA scanning,
and utilizing AGV to achieve automatic handling function. Meanwhile, automation technology on the production line has also been
widely applied, including automatic dispensing, locking screws, stacking and other processes. The combination of automation and
informatization in the entire production process improves production efficiency and can quickly meet customer delivery needs.

     5. Brand advantages

     The Company is committed to creating a high-quality brand image and always regards brand strategy as a systematic project.
After years of deep cultivation, the Company's brand has been highly recognized by customers both domestically and internationally,
and has received numerous honors both domestically and internationally.
     The Company has been listed as one of the "Top 50 Global Security Companies" by asmag for four consecutive years from 2020
to 2023. In 2023, it ranked 14th on the list and was awarded awards such as "Top 50 Innovation", "Top 10 Brands in Smart Parks", and
"Top 10 Brands in Smart Office" in 2023 Global Industry Digital Innovation Ranking by asmag. It was selected by the organizing
committee and relevant institutions of the 19th Security China as the "DC World - Top Enterprise of the DC World Awards", "3rd China
Security Innovation Enterprise in 2023", and "11th China Intelligent Transportation Construction Recommended Brand in 2023". It
was selected by the organizing committee of the Huicong Brand Festival as the "AIoT Innovation Enterprise" and "Leading Brand in
Access Control" of the 20th China IoT Industry Conference and Brand Festival in 2023. It won the second place in the "2023 Top 10
Access Control Brands Award" awarded by Qianjia Smart Tech and other entities, It ranked first on the "Top 15 Access Control Brands"
list by the Latin American security technology media SecuriTIC in 2023. It received the "Technology Innovation Award" in the field
of physical security at the 2023 Security FESTA in South Korea. It was also selected as one of the "Top 100 Global Security Enterprises
in 2023" by BOANEWS and Security World magazines. In 2023, the Company's trusted digital identity QR code module ZKB10M
was successfully shortlisted for the "Trusted Digital Identity Ecological Product Recommendation List" of Beijing Zhongdun Security
Technology Development Co., Ltd. The Company's ZKTeco perception data gate was awarded the "Excellent Innovative Product
Award" at the 16th China International Public Safety Products Expo. Internationally, the Company has won 6 industrial design industry
awards, including 2 German Red Dot Awards and 4 iF Design Awards. In addition, since 2016, the Company has been awarded the title
of "Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises in Guangdong Province" by Guangdong Manufacturers Association and other entities for 8
consecutive years. In 2023, the Company was rated by the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China as a
"Sample Enterprise of China Customs Trade Prosperity Survey (Export)". In 2023, the Company also joined industry organizations

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such as the Guangdong Chain Operations Association (GDCOA), the E-paper Industry Alliance (EPIA), and the China Chain-Store &
Franchise Association (CCFA), becoming a new retail technology and service provider in the retail industry. Guangdong Zkteco has
been rated as a "SRDI small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)" by the Department of Industry and Information Technology of
Guangdong Province.
     During the reporting period, the Company was awarded the title of "Top 10 Brands of China's Intelligent Import and Export
Industry Channel Gates in 2023" by www.86crk.com. Guangdong Zkteco has been recognized by the Department of Science and
Technology of Guangdong Province as the Guangdong Multimodal Computer Vision and Biometric Engineering Technology Research
Center, XIAMEN ZKTECO has obtained the "ITSS Information Technology Service Standard Compliance Certificate" issued by the
China Electronics Standardization Association. The "ZKTeco Cloud IoT Platform" (Minerva IoT Platform) developed by XIAMEN
ZKTECO has been rated as "Information System Security Level Protection Filing Certificate (Level 3)". The Company has been
recognized as one of the "Top 30 Intelligent Transportation Enterprises in ITSMRS 2023" by the Shenzhen ITS Association and China
Intelligent Transportation Systems Association.

     6. Advantages of management team and mechanism

     The core team of the Company has over two decades of industry experience, and has a deep understanding of the development
trends of biometrics related technologies and products. They have a clear understanding of the Company's development strategy,
product direction, technology roadmap, and marketing strategy. From user needs to solutions, from product architecture to software
and hardware development, from product trial production to standardized mass production, from large-scale production organization
to improved quality assurance system, from model market creation to global sales service network construction, the Company has
accumulated rich operational management experience, laying a solid foundation for the Company's subsequent sound and rapid
development. The core management team of the Company is stable, and currently, core team members and key employees also directly
or indirectly hold shares in the Company. The Company will combine equity incentive policies in the future to achieve coordinated
development between the Company and the management team.

     7. Quality control advantages

     Leading quality management level is an important factor for the Company to gain customer recognition. Since its establishment,
the Company has always attached great importance to product quality control, adhered to the close integration of quality management
and production management, established a complete and strict product quality control system, and formed the advantage of product
quality control. The Company has passed multiple management system certifications.
     The Company strictly adheres to the requirements of the quality system and the close integration of quality management and
production management, implements the guiding ideology of management informatization, standardized process systems, professional
personnel, and stable personnel in key positions, and comprehensively promotes quality management. The Company has established
quality management systems including the "Design and Development Management Control Procedure", "Production Process Control
Procedure", "Nonconforming Product Management Control Procedure", "Nonconformance Correction and Prevention Control
Procedure", "Continuous Improvement Control Procedure", and "Change Management Control Procedure". The Quality Management
Department strictly controls product quality throughout the entire process, including project approval review, development process,
trial production review, design verification, material selection, production process, and after-sales service, to ensure product quality
and meet customer needs.

III. Main Business Analysis

See relevant contents of "I. Main Businesses Engaged by the Company During the Reporting Period".
YoY Changes in Major Financial Data

                                                                                             ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                            Current reporting   The same period      YoY
                                                                                           Reasons for changes
                                 period            last year        change
Operating income              903,103,158.77      937,182,670.00      -3.64%
Operating cost                454,301,823.55      488,923,174.83      -7.08%
Selling expenses              216,506,500.22      196,138,701.98     10.38%
                               53,529,882.13       60,476,345.47     -11.49%
                                                                               Mainly due to a decrease in interest income
                                                                               and an increase in exchange losses for the
Financial expenses             -18,782,120.79      -34,623,511.50    45.75%
                                                                               current period (compared to exchange gains
                                                                               in the same period last year)
                                                                               A decrease in income tax for the current
                                                                               period caused by the write off of bad debts
Income tax expenses              4,902,747.31       9,350,242.66     -47.57%
                                                                               and a decrease in the total profit of some
R&D investment                105,650,008.20      100,984,101.72      4.62%
                                                                               Mainly due to the increase in cash
                                                                               payments for goods purchased and labor
Net cash flows from
                               66,632,321.85      130,730,027.12     -49.03%   services received in the current period, as
operating activities
                                                                               well as the increase in taxes and fees paid in
                                                                               the current period
                                                                               Mainly due to the payment for the
                                                                               construction project of the Multimodal
                                                                               Biometrics Digitalization Industrial Base
                                                                               Construction Project, the construction of
Net cash flows from
                             -246,130,434.93       -99,684,331.48   -146.91%   the Thai factory, and the purchase expense
investing activities
                                                                               of real estate (employee dormitories) in the
                                                                               current period, as well as the increase in
                                                                               financial management purchases in the
                                                                               current period
                                                                               Mainly due to the increase in dividend
Net cash flows from
                             -173,208,004.79       -76,269,456.65   -127.10%   distribution and payment of share
financing activities
                                                                               repurchase expenses in the current period
                                                                               Mainly due to a decrease in net cash flow
Net increase in cash
                             -350,550,464.30       -37,683,116.58   -830.26%   from investing activities and financing
and cash equivalents
                                                                               activities in the current period
Cash received from                                                             Mainly due to the high amount of interest
other operating                42,692,501.49       23,184,790.91     84.14%    received on time deposits from the previous
activities                                                                     year in the current period
Payments of all types                                                          Mainly due to the increase in overseas taxes
                               50,283,470.29       35,397,636.97     42.05%
of taxes                                                                       and fees paid in the current period
                                                                               Mainly due to the increase in investment
Cash received from
                                 3,280,492.40       1,864,089.86     75.98%    and wealth management income in the
investment income
                                                                               current period
Net cash received from
disposal of fixed assets,                                                      Mainly due to the disposal of fewer assets
                                    64,151.25         280,330.67     -77.12%
intangible assets and                                                          in the current period
other long-term assets
                                                                               Mainly due to the payment for the
Cash paid to acquire
                                                                               construction project of the Multimodal
and construct fixed
                                                                               Biometrics Digitalization Industrial Base
assets, intangible assets     122,974,400.98       54,738,953.74    124.66%
                                                                               Construction Project, the construction of
and other long-term
                                                                               the Thai factory, and the purchase of real
                                                                               estate (employee dormitories) in the current

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                           Mainly due to the expenses for absence of
 Cash paid for other
                                            0.00            2,046,795.00      -100.00%     forward foreign exchange settlement and
 investing activities
                                                                                           sales in the current period
 Cash received from                                                                        Mainly due to the absence of loans in the
                                            0.00            3,700,000.00      -100.00%
 borrowings                                                                                current period
 Cash paid for debt                                                           1,734.56     Mainly due to the repayment and payment
                                      494,458.32              26,952.47
 repayments                                                                         %      of loans and interest in the current period
 Cash paid for
 distribution of                                                                           Mainly due to the increase in dividends
                                 97,339,032.69             64,829,721.10       50.15%
 dividends and profits                                                                     distributed in the current period
 or payment of interest
 Cash paid for other                                                                       Mainly due to the payment of repurchased
                                 78,886,895.58             16,527,983.10      377.29%
 financing activities                                                                      shares in the current period
Major changes in the composition or source of profits of the Company during the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable
There have been no major changes in the composition or source of profits of the Company during the reporting period.
Products or services accounting for more than 10%
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                YoY change of                           YoY change of
                          Operating                            Gross profit                         YoY change of
                                          Operating cost                          operating                              gross profit
                           income                                margin                             operating costs
                                                                                   income                                  margin
 By products or services
 Smart office
                        154,212,896.36      57,143,168.43           62.95%               -10.34%           -22.61%               5.88%
 attendance              80,542,416.04      32,311,287.31           59.88%               -28.77%           -41.90%               9.07%
 Other products          73,670,480.32      24,831,881.12           66.29%               25.03%             36.25%              -2.78%
 Smart entrance
 and exit
                        699,183,231.38    364,622,186.25            47.85%                2.07%              -0.50%              1.35%
 access control         452,480,273.18    221,379,728.66            51.07%                6.21%               4.75%              0.68%
 Other products         246,702,958.20    143,242,457.59            41.94%                -4.73%             -7.66%              1.84%
 Smart identity
 verification            45,901,956.71      31,715,882.83           30.91%               -40.33%           -34.77%              -5.89%
 biometrics              16,104,056.56       6,936,485.58           56.93%               -41.82%           -43.65%               1.40%
 sensor products
 Card products           26,455,313.67      23,749,101.65           10.23%               -25.42%           -25.99%               0.69%
 Other products           3,342,586.48       1,030,295.60           69.18%               -75.74%           -75.62%              -0.14%
 Other products           3,805,074.32         820,586.04           78.43%                16.28%                               -21.57%
 By region
  Domestic sales        278,001,949.77    186,993,704.51            32.74%                -9.32%           -12.28%               2.27%
  Overseas sales        625,101,209.00    267,308,119.04            57.24%                -0.87%            -3.07%               0.97%
 By sales model
  Distribution          625,828,126.21    347,508,041.35            44.47%               -1.75%             -4.10%               1.36%
  Direct sales          273,469,958.24    105,973,196.16            61.25%               -7.91%            -16.27%               3.87%
  Others                  3,805,074.32        820,586.04            78.43%               16.28%                                -21.57%

                                                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

R&D investment

1. R&D investment table

                                            Amount in the Current        Amount in the Same Period of
                                              Period (RMB)                 Previous Year (RMB)
        R&D investment amount
                                                      105,650,008.20                   100,984,101.72                   4.62%
        Ratio of R&D investment to
                                                             11.70%                             10.78%                  0.92%
        operating income
        Amount of R&D expenditure
                                                                     -                                   -                    -
        capitalization (RMB)
        Ratio of capitalized R&D
        expenditure to R&D                                    0.00%                              0.00%                        -
        Proportion of capitalized R&D
        expenditure to current net                            0.00%                              0.00%                        -

2. Status of ongoing projects

                                                                                                              Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                         Project Objective         Project Progress       Proposed Objective                 Company's Future
      Project Name
                        With the rapid
                                                                           1. To ensure that the
                        development of computer
                                                                           Company remains at the            1. Enhancing the
                        vision and natural
                                                                           forefront of multimodal           Company's technological
                        language processing,
                                                                           visual model technology,          strength in the field of
                        multimodal vision model
                                                                           we will continue to track         computer vision, improving
                        has become a research
                                                                           the latest technological          the intelligence level of
                        direction of great concern
                                                                           developments in this field        products, providing
                        and one of the most
                                                                           and continuously                  customers with better and
                        promising and potential
                                                                           optimize and improve              more efficient solutions,
                        fields in recent years.
                                                                           BioCV VLM 3.0.                    and consolidating the
                        The innovative model
                                                                           2. Based on this model,           Company's competitive
                        combines computer vision
                                                                           we are committed to               advantage in the industry.
                        and natural language
                                                                           improving the accuracy            2. Promoting the
                        processing capabilities,
                                                                           of biometrics algorithms          Company's innovation and
       BioCV VLM        and can process images,
                                                                           and maintaining the               development in the field of
      3.0 Multimodal    videos and text
 1                                                       Completed         sustained competitiveness         AI, and providing strong
         Computer       information at the same
                                                                           of our products.                  technical support for the
       Vision Model     time to achieve more
                                                                           3. Based on this model,           Company's long-term
                        efficient and intelligent
                                                                           we will improve                   strategic goals.
                        image and video
                                                                           computer vision                   3. Accelerating the
                        recognition and
                                                                           algorithms to further             Company's technological
                                                                           enhance their accuracy            iteration and innovation in
                        The objective of this
                                                                           and reliability.                  the field of computer
                        project is to develop
                                                                           4. We will explore the            vision, improving the
                        advanced multimodal
                                                                           application of multimodal         application ability of
                        visual representation
                                                                           vision models in various          computer vision algorithms
                        techniques, train universal
                                                                           fields, such as security          in various scenarios, and
                        base models, track the
                                                                           monitoring, smart home,           laying a solid foundation
                        latest developments in
                                                                           office automation, etc., to       for business expansion in
                        NLP model technology,
                                                                           provide technical support         the global market.
                        and prepare relevant
                                                                           for the Company to
                        technical reserves.

                                                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                          Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                        Project Objective           Project Progress      Proposed Objective             Company's Future
      Project Name
                       We will use this model as                           expand into new business
                       a basis to improve the                              areas.
                       accuracy of current
                       computer vision
                       algorithms and biometrics
                       The Supermarket
                       Customer Flow Attribute                             1. We will implement
                       Analysis Project aims to                            counting and analysis of
                       achieve a comprehensive                             supermarket customer          1. Being expected to attract
                       understanding and                                   groups, as well as age and    more supermarkets and
                       accurate analysis of                                gender attribute analysis,    retail enterprises to adopt it,
                       supermarket customer                                optimize algorithms to        thereby helping the
                       flow through in-depth                               ensure considerable           Company expand its
                       mining of customer                                  accuracy, and reach the       market share.
                       attribute data, providing                           forefront level of similar    2. The Company can
                       strong decision support for                         products currently.           promote the system to a
      Customer Flow
                       supermarkets, optimizing                            2. We will achieve            wider range of fields by
 2      Attribute                                      Under researching
                       operational management,                             convenient and efficient      expanding into
      Analysis SDK
                       improving customer                                  customer flow statistics      international markets or
                       satisfaction, and ultimately                        and analysis for              collaborating with other
                       achieving better                                    supermarket stores,           industries.
                       performance. It achieves a                          thereby guiding them to       3. Expanding market share
                       transition from "rough" to                          develop more scientific,      can help improve the
                       "refined" management for                            reliable, and targeted        Company's profitability and
                       supermarket stores,                                 operational strategies,       make it more influential in
                       enabling users to directly                          empowering offline            the industry.
                       benefit from fierce                                 scenarios, and improving
                       commercial retail                                   business efficiency.
                       Multimodal AI intelligent                           1. We will upgrade            1. To further enhance the
                       products are the third-                             traditional single access     Company's brand image,
                       generation intelligent                              control devices to            the Company has carefully
                       device terminal products                            intelligent interactive       crafted a series of family
                       created, relying on                                 terminals to expand more      style intelligent product
                       multimodal algorithms,                              application scenarios and     terminal designs, aimed at
                       ChatGPT, audio and video,                           enhance overall               showcasing the Company's
                       artificial intelligence (AI),                       functional experience.        innovation strength and
         R&D of a      cloud services and other                            2. Multimodal AI              technological leadership.
      Communication    technologies. The product                           intelligent product series,   2. With the help of the
      Platform Based   integrates information                              covering different sizes      cutting-edge technologies
      on Multimodal    publishing, professional                            and appearances, provide      of multimode, AI, audio,
 3                                                     Under researching
       AI Audio and    access control, visual                              comprehensive solutions       video and cloud
           Video       intercom and digital                                for different levels of       broadcasting, combined
        Technology     human interaction                                   customer groups,              with the advantages of the
           Fusion      functions.                                          including low-end, mid-       IoT and the Internet, we
                       Its core purpose is to                              range, and high-end           can accelerate the
                       provide comprehensive                               markets, to meet the          deployment of the
                       scenario solutions for                              needs of a wide range of      Company's cloud strategy,
                       enterprises, leveraging                             users.                        accelerate the
                       diverse online and offline                          3. The multimodal             implementation of
                       system applications as well                         intelligent product           commercial closed-loop,
                       as intelligent hardware                             terminal uses advanced        and improve the Company's
                       devices, to promote the                             IoT and Internet              overall competitiveness.

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                          Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                        Project Objective           Project Progress      Proposed Objective             Company's Future
      Project Name
                       smooth transformation of                            technology to realize the    3. The Company's
                       enterprise users from                               seamless connection with     multimodal AI intelligent
                       traditional business models                         ZKTeco Interconnection       products can seamlessly
                       to digital business models.                         and ZKBio, and provides      integrate with the ZKBio
                                                                           convenient solutions for     platform and Minerva IoT
                                                                           various channels and         platform, providing project
                                                                           project implementation.      level solutions for different
                                                                           At the same time, the        customer groups while also
                                                                           terminal can connect with    supporting lightweight
                                                                           mobile APPs, which not       applications in the pure
                                                                           only improves the            cloud. This innovative
                                                                           efficiency of enterprise     design enables the system
                                                                           digital collaboration, but   solution to cover a wider
                                                                           also serves as a small       range of customers and
                                                                           security guard for           scenarios, creating more
                                                                           enterprises, providing       value for customers and
                                                                           comprehensive protection     further consolidating and
                                                                           for enterprise security.     enhancing the Company's
                                                                                                        leadership position in the
                       ZKBio V6600 Wide                                    1. We innovate the
                       Access IoT Perception                               traditional entrance and
                                                                                                        1. The application of the
                       Application Platform                                exit mode by utilizing
                                                                                                        platform will assist the
                       V3.0, with multimodal                               smart entrance and exit,
                                                                                                        Company in providing
                       BioCV technology as its                             intelligent video, and IoT
                                                                                                        more comprehensive and
                       core, combines years of                             intelligent perception
                                                                                                        intelligent solutions for
                       experience in entrance and                          technology, endowing it
                                                                                                        medium and large-scale
                       exit management and                                 with intelligent video
                                                                                                        security projects, accurately
                       intelligent video                                   analysis and IoT device
                                                                                                        meeting the diversified
                       technology to                                       perception capabilities.
                                                                                                        needs of customers for
                       comprehensively achieve                             This not only achieves a
                                                                                                        security management and
                       security protection and                             comprehensive upgrade
                                                                                                        monitoring, thereby
                       intelligent monitoring                              of security management,
                                                                                                        significantly enhancing the
                       management of project                               but also realizes
                                                                                                        Company's market
                       scenarios. This platform                            intelligent management of
                                                                                                        competitiveness in the
      ZKBio V6600      deeply integrates multiple                          time, fully meeting the
                                                                                                        security field.
       Wide Access     business subsystems,                                diverse and fragmented
                                                                                                        2. By effectively solving
 4    IoT Perception   including personnel,            Under researching   application needs of
                                                                                                        the problem of independent
        Application    access control, attendance,                         users.
                                                                                                        management of equipment
      Platform V3.0    consumption, visitors,                              2. We focus on
                                                                                                        by branch offices and
                       parking, elevator control,                          perception and data
                                                                                                        unified supervision of
                       patrol, channels, storage                           empowerment, and
                                                                                                        resources by the central
                       cabinets, intrusion alarms,                         through technological
                                                                                                        group in cross regional and
                       monitoring centers,                                 innovation and modular
                       intelligent scenarios, and                          design concepts, create a
                                                                                                        projects, the Company will
                       system management.                                  standardized and unified
                                                                                                        be able to integrate internal
                       Through the intelligent                             platform to continuously
                                                                                                        and external resources
                       perception capabilities of                          promote innovation and
                                                                                                        more efficiently,
                       security entrances and                              development in industry
                                                                                                        significantly improve
                       exits, intelligent video, and                       applications.
                                                                                                        operational efficiency and
                       IoT technology, the ZKBio                           3. We are committed to
                                                                                                        management level, and
                       V6600 platform can                                  continuously improving
                                                                                                        create more value for the
                       monitor, intelligently                              the base capacity of
                       identify, and analyze the                           ZKBio and integrating it
                       management of entrance                              into various industries,

                                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                      Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                       Project Objective         Project Progress      Proposed Objective            Company's Future
      Project Name
                      and exit situations in real                       providing high-quality
                      time. By utilizing big data                       services for ecological
                      analysis and AI                                   partners, and
                      algorithms, the platform                          continuously refining
                      can automatically identify                        excellent solutions to
                      abnormal behavior,                                meet the ever-changing
                      achieve pre-warning, in-                          needs of the market.
                      process handling, and post                        4. Based on the ZKTeco
                      analysis, ensuring timely                         IoT platform foundation,
                      detection and handling of                         we have built a hybrid
                      safety hazards.                                   cloud platform that solves
                      In addition, through                              the challenge of
                      seamless integration with                         independent management
                      IoT devices, the ZKBio                            of devices by branch
                      V6600 platform can                                offices and unified
                      achieve intelligent control                       supervision of resources
                      and management of                                 by the central group in
                      entrances and exits,                              cross regional and multi-
                      significantly improving the                       organizational projects.
                      operational efficiency and                        This innovative measure
                      convenience of entrances                          provides strong support
                      and exits. This innovative                        for the digital
                      platform not only enhances                        transformation of
                      the security management                           enterprises.
                      level of enterprises, but                         5. Through in-depth
                      also brings users a more                          mining and precipitation
                      intelligent, efficient, and                       of user scenario data, we
                      convenient entrance and                           provide value-added
                      exit experience.                                  services to existing
                                                                        ZKBio users and future
                                                                        project clients, achieving
                                                                        maximum conversion of
                                                                        commercial value and
                                                                        creating more business
                                                                        opportunities for
                      Based on the Company's                            1. Based on a deep           1. Based on the new
                      BioCV biometric core                              foundation of customer       integrated model of
                      technology capabilities, we                       data, we provide more        Android intelligent
                      are committed to                                  comprehensive integrated     hardware+software+cloud
                      optimizing the underlying                         support, empower             services, we aim to connect
                      infrastructure services of                        customer innovation, and     cloud business customers,
                      Android, achieving clear                          help customers quickly       promote the
        Low Code
                      separation of business                            launch localized new         implementation of more
                      functions, and providing                          products. By                 cloud intelligent solutions,
 5                    customers with more           Under researching   implementing a business      and create a new
      Platform V2.0
                      efficient and flexible                            localization strategy, we    performance growth model.
         based on
                      solutions. By providing                           aim to accurately meet       2. We assist the Company
                      rich underlying services,                         market demands,              in its efforts in the Android
                      we offer EDK services                             continuously strengthen      integration market by
                      (Embedded Development                             our close ties with          providing one-stop
                      Kit) aimed at supporting                          customers, and achieve       integration business
                      customers in achieving                            mutual growth.               support, continuously
                      efficient application                             2. Leveraging the cloud      consolidating existing
                      development on Android                            capabilities of the          customer relationships, and

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                         Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                         Project Objective         Project Progress      Proposed Objective              Company's Future
      Project Name
                        hardware.                                         Minerva IoT platform, we     attracting numerous new
                        At the same time, through                         aim to build efficient       customers to increase the
                        close integration with the                        cloud communication          Company's market share in
                        Minerva IoT platform, we                          bridges for our customers,   the integration market.
                        provide our customers                             promote the flourishing      3. In numerous cooperation
                        with ADK (Application                             development of cloud         cases, we deeply explore
                        Development Kit),                                 services, and assist in      the advantages and
                        enabling third-party                              enterprise cloud             requirements of customer
                        integration customers to                          transformation. This         products, and expand into
                        easily integrate devices                          strategy will greatly        new business areas. We
                        and related data into their                       expand the application       bring more growth
                        software, promoting the                           areas of our products and    opportunities to the
                        intelligence of 3rd                               services, provide            Company.
                        business software.                                customers with more
                        In this process, we fully                         comprehensive and
                        leverage the                                      cutting-edge solutions,
                        comprehensive advantages                          and attract more like-
                        of ZKTeco intelligent                             minded partners.
                        hardware, BioCV                                   3. By closely
                        recognition capabilities,                         collaborating with
                        and Minerva IoT platform                          integrated clients and
                        to provide powerful                               continuously
                        integrated business support                       incorporating innovative
                        for enterprises, system                           features and business
                        integrators, and solution                         concepts from third-party
                        providers. Our goal is to                         clients, we lay a solid
                        help these partners achieve                       foundation for the
                        breakthroughs and                                 development of
                        innovations in areas such                         mainstream and new
                        as smart office and smart                         projects in the Company,
                        entrance and exit                                 enhancing the overall
                        management, and jointly                           competitiveness of our
                        build a smarter and more                          products.
                        efficient business
                        Based on the Company's                            1. Based on the base         1. Assisting the Company
                        core business of "smart                           capacity of Minerva IoT,     in leveraging its customer
                        office, smart entrance and                        and focusing on the          base in the long tail market,
                        exit, and smart identity                          terminal needs of IoT        and creating a new
                        recognition", focusing on                         scenario solutions and       performance growth model
                        the SMB small and                                 SME digital and reality      focusing on the needs of
                        medium-sized enterprise                           integration, we serve as     small and medium-sized
          ZKTeco        customer group, serve the                         the SME cloud scenario       enterprise customer base
      Interconnection   long tail market, leverage                        linker.                      based on cloud service
      Cloud Scenario    the comprehensive three-                          2. Through ZKTeco            scenarios and the digital
 6                                                    Under researching
          Service       dimensional advantages of                         Interconnection (for small   and reality integration;
          Platform      ZKTeco frontend                                   and medium-sized             2. By utilizing a digital and
           V3.0.0       intelligent                                       enterprise users) and        intelligent scenario solution
                        hardware+backend offline                          ZKTeco Cloud                 of
                        smart account service                             Commerce (for                software+hardware+cloud
                        system+Minerva IoT                                intermediate service         services, laying out a new
                        Platform PaaS+SaaS                                provider users), we          track in advance to meet
                        application, provide a                            jointly establish a          the needs of the post-90s
                        "business premises                                comprehensive operation      and post-00s for enterprise
                        management                                        system for IoT product       management and business

                                                                                                  ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                       Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                      Project Objective          Project Progress      Proposed Objective              Company's Future
      Project Name
                     scenario+business                                  research, sales, operation,   management;
                     management                                         and service through end-      3. Driving the sales of
                     scenario+service scenario"                         edge-management-cloud-        hardware or scenario
                     solution for the small and                         use-service-operation;        solutions through cloud
                     medium-sized enterprise                            3. Based on the               services, and bringing
                     customer group,                                    precipitation of user         about changes in business
                     accompany SMEs in the                              scenario data, we provide     models such as operational
                     growth, and provide                                a market soil for             model validation through
                     multiple digital and                               commercial verification       cloud service subscription
                     intelligent "assistants" for                       of customer foundation        models;
                     enterprises from "rough"                           and operational               4. Through the
                     to "refined" management.                           transformation for SaaS       precipitation of user data
                                                                        subscription services.        and scenario data,
                                                                        4. Based on the dual          providing rich product
                                                                        scenario business model       R&D support for
                                                                        of "intelligent business      commercial transformation
                                                                        space+digital marketing       models.
                                                                        management", we will
                                                                        continue to promote
                                                                        product iteration and
                                                                        provide rich cloud
                                                                        scenario business
                                                                        functions for SME users.
                                                                        1. Based on the base          1. Assisting the Company
                                                                        capacity of the               in expanding its arsenal of
                                                                        Company's IoT PaaS            smart retail business,
                                                                        Platform in India, and        providing more powerful
                                                                        focusing on the smart         weapons, and creating a
                     This project aims to
                                                                        retail scenario, we           new performance growth
                     develop an information
                                                                        provide a one-stop cloud      model based on cloud
                     service software based on
                                                                        platform information          services and hosting
                     the L3 platform, with a
                                                                        publishing solution to        services around enterprise
                     SaaS business model.
                                                                        meet the terminal needs       customer groups in the
                     Users can continue to use
                                                                        of integrating data and       retail industry;
                     the software services
                                                                        reality for small and         2. By utilizing a digital and
                     through subscription. The
                                                                        medium-sized enterprises      intelligent scenario solution
                     software functions focus
                                                                        (SMEs), serving as the        of cloud software+AI
                     on the "Al+Digital
      ZKDIGIMAX                                                         SME cloud scenario            hardware+cloud hosting
                     Signage" field in the retail
         CMS                                                            linker.                       services, laying out a new
 7                   and catering industries,       Under researching
      ScreenDirect                                                      2. Integrate the rich AIoT    track in advance for smart
                     providing digital
          v3.0                                                          hardware ecosystem, AI,       retail scenarios;
                     infrastructure and smart
                                                                        big data, and cloud           3. Providing long-term
                     business cloud services for
                                                                        service capabilities of       O&M services to increase
                     front-end carriers,
                                                                        ZKTeco, and provide           the Company's service
                     accelerating the
                                                                        end/edge/cloud/server         attributes, driving the sales
                     transformation of
                                                                        one-stop smart retail         growth of hardware and
                     traditional retail industry
                                                                        scenario solutions;           scenario solutions through
                     to data-driven smart retail,
                                                                        3. Based on the               cloud hosting services, and
                     and helping global retail
                                                                        perception and labeling of    bringing about changes in
                     customers create greater
                                                                        multidimensional data in      business models and
                     commercial value.
                                                                        user scenarios, we            operational model
                                                                        provide customers with        validation through cloud
                                                                        commercial advertising        service subscription
                                                                        operation conversion          models;
                                                                        value through SaaS            4. Through the

                                                                                                  ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                        Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                      Project Objective          Project Progress      Proposed Objective              Company's Future
      Project Name
                                                                        subscription services, and    precipitation of user data
                                                                        use digital technology to     and scenario data, creating
                                                                        enhance the operational       richer product models for
                                                                        efficiency of the retail      commercial transformation
                                                                        industry.                     models.
                                                                        1. Break through the
                                                                        difficulties of on-site
                                                                        debugging: In response to
                                                                        the complexity of on-site
                                                                                                      1. The application of rack
                                                                        debugging of existing
                                                                                                      mounted controllers has
                                                                        controller device, we are
                                                                                                      significantly improved the
                                                                        committed to developing
                                                                                                      intelligence level of the
                                                                        a new type of rack
                                                                                                      device, making the
                                                                        mounted controller.
                                                                                                      Company's products more
                                                                        Through intelligent
                                                                                                      competitive in the market
                                                                        design and functional
                     This project is suitable for                                                     and meeting the growing
                                                                        optimization, it greatly
                     rack mounted controllers                                                         demand of consumers for
                                                                        simplifies the debugging
                     in the field of smart                                                            intelligent and convenient
                                                                        process, saving customers
                     entrances and exits,                                                             products.
                                                                        a lot of time and cost, and
                     supporting 4-door or 8-                                                          2. As an important part of
                                                                        achieving a convenient
                     door control and enabling                                                        technological innovation,
                                                                        plug and play experience;
                     centralized management.                                                          rack mounted controllers
                                                                        2. Real time status
                     The controller is designed                                                       not only promote the
                                                                        monitoring and
                     to be compact and can be                                                         Company's in-depth R&D
                                                                        visualization operation:
                     easily placed in computer                                                        in fields such as AI and
                                                                        Our rack mounted
                     rooms or cabinets,                                                               IoT, but also lay a solid
                                                                        controller supports real-
                     seamlessly integrated with                                                       foundation for the
                                                                        time viewing of the door
                     existing IT hardware                                                             Company to maintain its
      InBIO P3000                                                       status corresponding to
                     facilities, forming an                                                           technological leadership.
      rack mounted                                                      each device. Through an
 8                   integrated smart entrance      Under researching                                 3. With the widespread
          access                                                        intuitive visualization
                     and exit solution. We hope                                                       application of intelligent
        controller                                                      interface, customers can
                     to provide customers with                                                        controllers in various
                                                                        easily grasp the operating
                     a plug and play product                                                          industries, the Company is
                                                                        status of the equipment
                     that significantly reduces                                                       expected to further expand
                                                                        and achieve efficient
                     the workload of on-site                                                          its market share, broaden
                                                                        O&M management. This
                     wiring and installation                                                          its revenue sources, and
                                                                        intelligent management
                     debugging, thereby                                                               achieve sustained growth
                                                                        method not only
                     helping customers reduce                                                         through high-quality rack
                                                                        improves work
                     construction wiring costs,                                                       mounted controller
                                                                        efficiency, but also
                     improve engineering                                                              products.
                                                                        enhances the stability and
                     efficiency, and provide                                                          4. Rack mounted
                                                                        security of the device.
                     customers with safer and                                                         controllers, with their
                                                                        3. High performance and
                     more efficient access                                                            excellent stability and
                                                                        flexible installation
                     control services.                                                                reliability, we provide
                                                                        design: We create a high-
                                                                                                      customers with a better
                                                                        performance rack
                                                                                                      service experience,
                                                                        mounted controller for
                                                                                                      significantly improving
                                                                        our customers, which not
                                                                                                      customer satisfaction and
                                                                        only has excellent
                                                                                                      loyalty, and enhancing the
                                                                        performance, but also is
                                                                                                      brand influence of the
                                                                        easy to integrate with
                                                                        other IT hardware
                                                                        facilities, forming an
                                                                        integrated smart entrance
                                                                        and exit solution. At the

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                         Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                        Project Objective         Project Progress      Proposed Objective              Company's Future
      Project Name
                                                                         same time, the controller
                                                                         supports cabinet entry
                                                                         and wall mounted
                                                                         installation, flexibly
                                                                         adapting to various
                                                                         installation environments,
                                                                         meeting the diverse needs
                                                                         of customers, and truly
                                                                         realizing the design
                                                                         concept of easy
                                                                         integration and easy
                                                                         4. Rack mounted
                                                                         controllers have
                                                                         comprehensive security
                                                                         protection functions,
                                                                         which can effectively
                                                                         protect the core data and
                                                                         critical equipment of
                                                                         enterprises, ensure the
                                                                         security of enterprise
                                                                         information and stable
                                                                         operation of business, and
                                                                         safeguard the
                                                                         development of
                                                                                                        1. To further enhance the
                       This project aims to                                                             Company's brand image,
                       develop a recognition                                                            we have carefully crafted a
                                                                         This project aims to
                       device based on                                                                  series of family style
                                                                         develop a hybrid
                       multimodal AI technology,                                                        intelligent product terminal
                                                                         biometric device based on
                       which can achieve                                                                designs, aimed at
                                                                         multimodal AI
                       multimodal biometrics. It                                                        showcasing the Company's
                                                                         technology, which will
                       can realize palmprint and                                                        innovation strength and
                                                                         reconstruct the ZKTeco
                       palm vein hybrid                                                                 technological leadership.
                                                                         new business model of
                       recognition from multiple                                                        2. With the help of the
      R&D of Hybrid                                                      hard technology, brand
                       angles, close range, and                                                         cutting-edge technologies
        Biometric                                                        stories, and digital service
                       high precision, and support                                                      of multimode, AI, audio,
      Access Control                                                     operations. It will
 9                     RFID and QR codes. It is      Under researching                                  video and cloud
      Terminal Based                                                     comprehensively drive
                       simultaneously equipped                                                          broadcasting, combined
      on Multimodal                                                      the base capacity of
                       with digital visual                                                              with the advantages of the
           AI                                                            end/edge/cloud/service,
                       intercom function,                                                               IoT and the Internet, we
                                                                         create multimodal AI
                       supporting digital service                                                       can accelerate the
                                                                         attendance and AI access
                       operation functions such as                                                      deployment of the
                                                                         control, and drive the
                       advertising O&M, thereby                                                         Company's cloud strategy,
                                                                         overall technology and
                       driving the overall                                                              accelerate the
                                                                         product upgrade of our
                       technology and product                                                           implementation of
                                                                         entrances and exits in the
                       upgrade of our entrances                                                         commercial closed-loop,
                                                                         era of cloud networking.
                       and exits in the era of                                                          and improve the
                       cloud networking.                                                                enterprise's overall
         R&D of        The Project plans to                              The Project aims to            1. Meeting the general
10     Technology      develop an identity           Under researching   implement terminal             trend of the construction of
      and Device for   authentication terminal                           device equipment based         a digital China; 2.

                                                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                           Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                          Project Objective         Project Progress      Proposed Objective              Company's Future
      Project Name
      Authentication     device based on the CTID                          on authentication and         Improving the technical
       Application       authentication certificate                        verification methods such     gap of digital identity card
      Based on CTID      recognition technology,                           as CTID authentication        identification and
      Digital Identity   which can identify the                            certificate and physical      information security
         Card 2.0        information encrypted by                          identity card; this           transmission; 3. Improving
                         the CTID digital identity                         recognition device            the basic ability of digital
                         card and complete the                             supports both physical        identity card application
                         corresponding scenario                            and electronic identity       technology, and laying a
                         applications. The                                 cards, which not only         foundation for the
                         identification device                             ensures the convenience       subsequent development of
                         supports both the physical                        of physical identity cards,   digital identity card
                         ID card and the electronic                        but also solves the           products;
                         identity card, which can                          problems of network data      4. Giving the Company a
                         effectively guarantee the                         transmission security and     leading edge in the field of
                         network data transmission                         personal privacy of           digital identity cards.
                         security of the identity                          identity card information.
                         card information.
                         This project aims to
                         develop a device for
                         nationwide production of
                         hardware, operating
                         system, and software,
         R&D of                                                            This project aims to          1. Catering to the trend of
                         which can achieve
        Domestic                                                           develop a multimodal ID       domestication of industry
                         multimodal identity
       Multimodal                                                          authentication device that    equipment.
                         recognition and
         Identity                                                          is expected to achieve full   2. Filling the gap in the
                         authentication such as
      Authentication                                                       localization of software,     Company's domestic
11                       fingerprint, facial           Under researching
      Device Based                                                         hardware, and system,         products.
                         recognition, card swiping,
        on Smart                                                           effectively addressing        3. Establishing a
                         palm recognition, and QR
         Identity                                                          customer scenarios with       foundation for the
                         code. This device can be
       Verification                                                        high requirements for         Company in the domestic
                         widely used in identity
       Scenario 1.0                                                        localization.                 equipment industry market.
                         verification scenarios such
                         as government affairs,
                         telecommunications, and
                         This project aims to                                                            1. Leading the industry to
                                                                           This project aims to
                         develop a multimodal non-                                                       gradually promote the
                                                                           develop a multimodal,
                         contact palm acquisition                                                        application of new
                                                                           high-precision, payment
                         and recognition system,                                                         biometrics in payment,
                                                                           grade security level palm
                         which can achieve multi-                                                        smart access control, smart
       R&D of Non-                                                         recognition solution. This
                         angle, close range, high-                                                       attendance, smart channels
       contact Palm                                                        device adopts palmprint
                         precision palmprint and                                                         and other industries
       Recognition                                                         and palm vein multiple
                         palm vein hydrid                                                                through the further update
        Technology                                                         fusion recognition to
                         recognition. It                                                                 of palm recognition
12       Based on                                      Under researching   improve recognition
                         simultaneously supports                                                         technology;
        Multimodal                                                         accuracy and live
                         RFID and QR codes, etc. It                                                      2. Enriching the usage
           Palm                                                            recognition ability, solve
                         realizes cross platform                                                         scenarios of product line of
      Acquisition and                                                      the problems of user
                         system registration and                                                         biometric modules and
       Recognition                                                         height compatibility and
                         application, and adapts to                                                      panel machines, and
                                                                           twin misidentification,
                         indoor, semi-outdoor and                                                        improving the core
                                                                           and greatly improve
                         outdoor application                                                             competitiveness of the
                                                                           safety, stability, and
                         environments, mainly used                                                       products;
                         for non-contact identity                                                        3. Responding to the

                                                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                          Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                        Project Objective          Project Progress      Proposed Objective              Company's Future
      Project Name
                       recognition in various                                                           Company's strategic plan,
                       entrance and exit scenarios                                                      and launching a strategic
                       such as smart attendance                                                         deployment of intelligent
                       and smart access control.                                                        recognition terminals that
                                                                                                        meet market demand based
                                                                                                        on new platforms and
                                                                          This project aims to
                                                                          develop an attendance
                                                                          and access control system
                                                                          device based on NFC
                                                                                                        1. Strengthening the soft
                       This project aims to                               technology for Apple
                                                                                                        power of enterprise brands
                       develop an attendance and                          Wallet and Google Wallet
                                                                                                        by collaborating with
                       access control system                              virtual card technology.
                                                                                                        leading mobile and RFID
                       device based on NFC                                The device can interact
                                                                                                        enterprises such as Apple,
                       technology for Apple                               with the built-in wallet
                                                                                                        Google, HID, and Legic;
                       Wallet and Google Wallet                           applications on iPhone
                                                                                                        2. Filling in or improving
                       virtual card technology.                           and Android phones
                                                                                                        the support of attendance
                       The device can obtain user                         through NFC
                                                                                                        access control devices for
                       virtual card information                           communication and
      R&D of Apple                                                                                      identity recognition based
                       encrypted and stored in the                        advanced encryption
        Wallet and                                                                                      on mobile personal devices;
                       virtual card loaded by the                         technology to obtain
      Google Wallet                                                                                     3. Meeting the majority of
                       user in the built-in wallet                        encrypted user virtual
        Virtual Card                                                                                    users' demand for using
                       of iPhone and Android                              card information stored in
        Technology                                                                                      mobile personal devices
13                     phone systems through          Under researching   the virtual card loaded by
      Based on NFC                                                                                      instead of traditional
                       NFC communication and                              the user. After
       Technology in                                                                                    physical cards, and
                       encryption technology.                             decryption, the device can
      Attendance and                                                                                    improving the convenience
                       This can meet the needs of                         obtain the user's ID
      Access Control                                                                                    of users in identifying and
                       most customers who use                             information and achieve
      System Devices                                                                                    using attendance and access
                       their mobile phones for                            user identity recognition.
                                                                                                        control devices;
                       attendance or access                               This can meet the needs
                                                                                                        4. Realizing value-added
                       control, and can                                   of most customers who
                                                                                                        services for virtual cards,
                       effectively enhance the                            use their mobile phones
                                                                                                        such as card counting,
                       user experience by                                 for attendance or access
                                                                                                        renewal, customization,
                       recognizing personal                               control, and can
                                                                                                        and other services by
                       identities through non                             effectively enhance the
                                                                                                        implementing a virtual card
                       biometric technology, non                          user experience by
                                                                                                        issuance platform based on
                       RFID entity cards, etc.                            recognizing personal
                                                                                                        mobile personal devices.
                                                                          identities through non
                                                                          biometric technology,
                                                                          non RFID entity cards,
                       The NLP model has
                       become one of the most
                                                                          This project achieves
                       promising and potential                                                          In the era of AI, continuous
                                                                          efficient fine-tuning
                       fields in recent years. With                                                     innovation in product
                                                                          training of models based
                       its widespread application                                                       service interaction
                                                                          on application scenario
       BioCV LLM       in fields such as natural                                                        experience lays the
14                                                    Under researching   data and the research on
      4.0 NLP Model    language processing,                                                             foundation for core
                                                                          related technologies in
                       intelligent customer                                                             technology capabilities and
                       service, and intelligent                                                         enhances the Company's
                                                                          implementation of NLP
                       translation, the NLP model                                                       competitiveness.
                                                                          model applications.
                       has gradually become an
                       indispensable part of the

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                        Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                        Project Objective         Project Progress      Proposed Objective             Company's Future
      Project Name
                       field of AI. The Project
                       aims to track the latest
                       development of the NLP
                       model technology and
                       prepare relevant technical
                                                                         1. Conduct attribute
                                                                         analysis based on an open
                                                                         facial image dataset for
                                                                         refined control of various
                       In security and                                   attributes in digital
                       supermarket applications,                         human synthesis;
                       people are often the most                         2. Implement augmented
                       concerned visual targets.                         reality technologies such
                       This project aims to                              as makeup and wear            Meet the Company's
       Research on
                       explore the analysis and                          testing to serve smart        demand for digital human
                       image generation methods                          retail scenarios and          generation technology in
15      Related to                                   Under researching
                       of various facial features,                       enhance customer              smart retail scenarios, and
      Digital Human
                       in order to provide strong                        shopping experience;          better support the
      Generation 3.0
                       support for practical                             3. Research on digital        Company's basic business.
                       scenario based                                    human generation
                       applications and achieve                          technology based on
                       human-oriented computer                           AIGC;
                       vision applications                               4. Investigation and
                                                                         research on voice driven
                                                                         digital human speech
                                                                         video generation
                       By continuously iterating                         1. Improve the accuracy       1. By continuously
                       and improving the                                 of biometric technology:      improving biometric
                       biometric technology,                             By optimizing algorithms      technology, the Company
                       including facial                                  and models, we                will be able to provide
                       recognition, palm                                 continuously improve the      more accurate and reliable
                       recognition, and                                  accuracy of facial            solutions in areas such as
                       fingerprint recognition, we                       recognition, palm             security access control and
                       aim to enhance recognition                        recognition, and              payment authentication,
                       accuracy, anti-                                   fingerprint recognition to    thereby enhancing the
                       counterfeiting accuracy,                          ensure more accurate          market competitiveness of
                       and quality accuracy. For                         biometric results;            its products;
                       facial recognition, we are                        2. Strengthen anti-           2. Strengthening anti-
                       committed to improving                            counterfeiting                counterfeiting capabilities
16     Biometrics                                    Under researching
                       the accuracy of biometrics,                       capabilities: By              will effectively curb false
       SDK V3.0
                       preventing false                                  introducing advanced          authentication and
                       authentication, and                               anti-fraud technologies       fraudulent behaviors,
                       strengthening quality                             and algorithms, we            enhance product security
                       assessment. In terms of                           improve the anti-             and credibility, and help
                       palm recognition, we will                         counterfeiting capabilities   establish a good reputation
                       continue to optimize                              of identification systems,    for the Company in the
                       algorithms to improve                             and effectively curb false    industry;
                       recognition accuracy,                             authentication and            3. By promoting the
                       prevent fraud, and promote                        fraudulent behaviors;         development of
                       the development of                                3. Improve the accuracy       engineering application
                       engineering application                           of quality assessment: We     products, the Company can
                       products. At the same                             improve the quality           better meet market demand

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                          Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                        Project Objective          Project Progress      Proposed Objective              Company's Future
      Project Name
                       time, regarding fingerprint                        assessment algorithm to       and provide users with
                       recognition, we are                                ensure accurate judgment      safer and more convenient
                       concerned about the                                of the quality of biometric   application experiences,
                       development of non-                                images, thereby               thereby increasing
                       contact fingerprint                                improving the stability       customer satisfaction and
                       recognition technology,                            and reliability of the        loyalty.
                       hoping to bring higher                             overall recognition
                       security and more                                  system;
                       convenient user experience                         4. Promote the
                       through its non-contact                            development of
                       characteristics. Through                           engineering application
                       these efforts, we aim to                           products: We apply
                       promote the advancement                            optimized biometric
                       of biometric technology,                           technology to engineering
                       enhance security and user                          product development,
                       experience, and lay a solid                        including security access
                       foundation for the                                 control systems, payment
                       development of                                     authentication systems,
                       engineering application                            etc., to provide users with
                       products.                                          a safer and more
                                                                          convenient application
                                                                          5. Pay attention to the
                                                                          development of non-
                                                                          contact fingerprint
                                                                          recognition technology:
                                                                          We continuously monitor
                                                                          and research non-contact
                                                                          fingerprint recognition
                                                                          technology, and apply it
                                                                          to practical scenarios to
                                                                          enhance security and user
                       In the context of the IoE,                         1. We will build a hybrid     1. Being committed to
                       the construction of ends,                          cloud capability for          further enhancing the
                       edges, and clouds, as well                         ZKBio, which will serve       Company's professional
                       as the large-scale layout of                       as the core of the Minerva    level in the field of smart
                       points, lines, and surfaces,                       IoT platform service          entrance and exit solutions,
                       have become the core                               middleware, to achieve        we fully demonstrate the
                       melody of industry                                 efficient transmission of     Company's innovation and
       R&D of End-     development. We are                                data between the Intranet     excellent professional
       Edge-Cloud      developing service                                 ZKBio platform and            capabilities by carrying out
       Collaborative   middleware based on the                            ZKBio APP. This               comprehensive
          Hybrid       Minerva IoT platform,                              measure will not only         construction of ends, edges,
17                                                    Under researching
      Communication    aiming to seamlessly                               promote the sales of          and clouds of the IoE. We
        Application    integrate the ZKBio                                software licenses,            adhere to technology as the
       Based on IoT    platform with APP data,                            hardware devices, and         driving force, constantly
         Platform      and achieve                                        other system module           improving service quality
                       comprehensive integration                          products, but also form a     to meet the ever-changing
                       of "end, edge, and cloud"                          complete solution closed-     needs of the market;
                       by building a cloud                                loop value, providing         2. Guided by the
                       forwarding server. The                             customers with                Company's cloud strategy,
                       core goal of the project is                        comprehensive services        we fully leverage the
                       to provide a flexible,                             and value;                    powerful capabilities of the
                       efficient, and secure                              2. We are committed to        Minerva IoT platform,

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                         Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                       Project Objective          Project Progress      Proposed Objective               Company's Future
      Project Name
                      "online+offline"                                   providing mobile              combined with our years of
                      deployment solution,                               solutions for enterprise      rich experience in the field
                      further improve the smart                          management, offering          of smart entrance and exit,
                      space security                                     convenient online             to quickly respond to the
                      management solution,                               personnel registration and    needs of enterprise
                      deeply understand and                              remote control                customers. By leveraging
                      meet the needs of user                             applications for enterprise   our technological
                      scenarios, and promote the                         administrators to meet the    innovation advantages, we
                      digitalization process of                          growing management            ensure that we always
                      enterprise users in                                needs of enterprises and      maintain a leading position
                      complex multi-scenario                             improve work efficiency       in the industry;
                      management to a higher                             and security control;         3. We will quickly capture
                      level of development.                              3. We will fully utilize      the growing market of
                                                                         the advantages of the         security software APPs.
                                                                         ZKBio platform to             With the continuous
                                                                         promote the sales             expansion of the market
                                                                         conversion of products        size, our solutions and
                                                                         derived from this             products will continue to
                                                                         platform. For existing        meet the growing needs of
                                                                         customers, we will            users, ensuring that we
                                                                         actively explore              maintain a leading
                                                                         opportunities for sales       advantage in the field of
                                                                         and repurchase to achieve     smart entrance and exit
                                                                         sustained business            mobile solutions and create
                                                                         growth.                       more value for customers.
                                                                         1. Implement a content
                                                                         management business
                                                                         system with market
                                                                         supporting advanced
                                                                         layout functions, virtual
                                                                         screens, and integrated
                      This project aims to
                                                                         screen playback
                      develop a one-stop
                      management solution for                                                          Implementing the
      ZKDigimax-L3                                                       2. Provide rich external
                      enterprise level advertising                                                     Company's strategic layout
       V3.0 (Smart                                                       interfaces to easily
                      operations, content                                                              in the retail scene and
18     Retail Cloud                                  Under researching   integrate key data with
                      marketing management,                                                            providing a comprehensive
       Management                                                        POS and ERP systems;
                      product price management,                                                        smart retail solution with
        Platform)                                                        3. Realize the unified
                      and marketing data                                                               market competitiveness.
                                                                         module for managing
                      analysis based on cloud
                                                                         digital signage, electronic
                                                                         price tags and AI terminal
                                                                         4. By integrating AIGC
                                                                         technology, achieve rapid
                                                                         deployment and
                                                                         implementation of
                                                                         marketing ideas.
      R&D of Smart    The project plans to                               This project aims to          1. Connect IoT devices
          Office      develop a smart office                             develop a smart office        such as smart office
         Terminal     terminal management                                terminal management           attendance, access control,
19                                                   Under researching
      Management      platform and device based                          platform and device           visitors, and videos to
       Platform and   on the Minerva IoT cloud                           based on the Minerva IoT      provide a one-stop O2O
      Device Based    service platform, mainly                           cloud service platform.       solution for enterprise

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                            Expected Impact on the
       Main R&D
S/N                        Project Objective          Project Progress          Proposed Objective            Company's Future
      Project Name
      on Minerva IoT   combining the ZKTeco                                  This platform takes "time    smart office. It improved
       Cloud Service   Minerva IoT smart office                              management+security          the management efficiency
       Platform V2.0   cloud platform, with "time                            management" as its core      and security of the
                       management+security                                   service, providing           enterprise;
                       management" as the key                                enterprises with a more      2. Provide support for the
                       service core, cloud                                   refined smart office         Company's digital cloud
                       platform as the core,                                 management model by          platform strategic layout.
                       application as the carrier,                           integrating the ZKTeco
                       and hardware devices as                               Minerva IoT smart office
                       the foundation, archiving                             cloud platform,
                       device data on a high                                 applications, and
                       security cloud platform for                           hardware devices. It
                       management, and                                       simultaneously supports
                       providing a more refined                              intelligent O&M
                       enterprise smart office                               functions such as device
                       management mode; the                                  O&M and OTA upgrade,
                       feature is that the terminal                          while transforming from
                       device supports various                               traditional O&M methods
                       biometric (fingerprint,                               to digital O&M methods.
                       face), RFID, QR code
                       information collection, and
                       video intercom
                       capabilities, and supports
                       intelligent O&M functions
                       such as device O&M,
                       OTA upgrade, etc.,
                       connecting smart office
                       attendance, access control,
                       visitors, videos, and other
                       IoT devices, providing a
                       one-stop O2O solution for
                       enterprise smart office. It
                       is mainly used in smart
                       office scenarios.

IV. Non-main Business

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                               Proportion to
                            Amount                                           Description of Reason              Sustainable or Not
                                                Total Profit
                                                                     Mainly due to the profit and loss
                                                                     generated during the holding period of
 Investment income             2,900,142.97             3.23%                                                  No
                                                                     the financial products purchased during
                                                                     the reporting period
                                                                     Mainly due to the profit and loss
 Profits and losses
                                                                     generated during the holding period of
 from fair value               4,288,802.32             4.78%                                                  No
                                                                     the financial products purchased during
                                                                     the reporting period
 Losses from                                                         Mainly due to the provision for
                           -5,196,924.78               -5.79%                                                  No
 impairment of                                                       inventories impairment during the

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

 assets                                                                   reporting period
                                                                          Mainly due to income received during
 Non-operating                                                            the reporting period from litigation
                               2,456,249.93                 2.74%                                                   No
 income                                                                   compensation and sales of unpaid
                                                                          Mainly due to expenses such as external
 Non-operating                                                            donations, disposal of stagnant
                               1,048,561.28                 1.17%                                                   No
 expenditure                                                              materials, and scrapping of non-current
                                                                          assets during the reporting period
                                                                          Mainly due to other income generated
 Other income                  8,367,842.99                 9.32%         by government subsidies during the        No
                                                                          reporting period
                                                                          Mainly due to the provision of bad debt
 Losses from credit
                                -771,004.22                 -0.86%        reserves for accounts receivable during   No
                                                                          the reporting period
                                                                          Mainly due to income from disposal of
 Income from asset
                                  -83,513.11                -0.09%        non-current assets during the reporting   No

V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant changes of asset items

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB '0,000
                      At the end of this reporting period             At the end of 2023              Proportion
                                                                                                                      Description of
                                          Proportion to                             Proportion to     increase or
                         Amount                                Amount                                                 major changes
                                           total assets                              total assets      decrease
                                                                                                                    Mainly due to the
                                                                                                                    purchase of
                                                                                                                    financial products,
                                                                                                                    investment expenses
                                                                                                                    for construction
 Monetary funds           131,925.76             34.73%         199,092.50                   50.74%     -16.01%     implementation of
                                                                                                                    share repurchases,
                                                                                                                    and distribution of
                                                                                                                    profits (cash
                                                                                                                    dividends) from the
                                                                                                                    previous year in
                                                                                                                    current period
                           47,031.75             12.38%          47,980.33                   12.23%       0.15%     No major change
 Contract assets                28.22              0.01%                  28.22              0.01%        0.00%     No major change
 Inventories               37,522.36               9.88%         37,271.48                   9.50%        0.38%     No major change
 Investment real
                             2,232.49              0.59%             2,314.55                0.59%        0.00%     No major change
 equity                      2,907.15              0.77%             2,978.19                0.76%        0.01%     No major change
 Fixed assets              46,641.30             12.28%          47,012.18                   11.98%       0.30%     No major change
                                                                                                                    Mainly due to new
 Construction in
                           21,244.06               5.59%         13,898.65                   3.54%        2.05%     investment in the

                                                                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                                              Industrial Base
                                                                                                                              Construction Project
                                                                                                                              and the Thai factory
                                                                                                                              construction in
                                                                                                                              current period
                                          4,333.77            1.14%            3,866.97                0.99%         0.15%    No major change
                                          7,047.23            1.86%            6,533.11                1.66%         0.20%    No major change
        Long-term loan                     732.02             0.19%             781.04                 0.20%        -0.01%    No major change
        Lease liabilities                 2,288.86            0.60%            1,971.33                0.50%         0.10%    No major change
                                                                                                                              Mainly due to the
                                      54,582.50              14.37%            8,098.02                2.06%        12.31%    increase in financial
        financial asset

       2. Information on main overseas assets

       Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB '0,000
                                                                                                                          of overseas       Is there a
             Specific                                                                     measures to
                               Cause of                                     Operation                                      assets to       significant
            content of                        Asset size     Location                       ensure         Income
                              formation                                      mode                                             the         impairment
              assets                                                                         asset
                                                                                                                          Company's            risk
                                                                                                                           net assets
       ZK                    Wholly-
                                                                           Overseas       Control by
       INVESTME              owned           14,979.13      America                                            2,205.63       4.64%               No
                                                                           investment     subsidiary
       NTS INC.              subsidiary
                             Controlling                                   Overseas       Control by
       TECHNOLO                              5,139.10       America                                            3,194.97       1.59%               No
                             subsidiary                                    sales          subsidiary
       GY LLC
       ZKTECO                Wholly-
                                                                           Overseas       Control by
       CO.,                  owned           42,947.19      Hong Kong                                           371.79       13.30%               No
                                                                           sales          subsidiary
       LIMITED               subsidiary
       Other                 Note: Main overseas assets mean that the assets of overseas individual companies exceed 10% of the consolidated
       explanations          assets or the net profit of overseas individual companies exceeds 10% of the consolidated net profit of the Group

       3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

       Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                           Cumulativ     Impairm
                                           Profits and
                                                           e changes        ent
                                           losses from                                  Purchase          Sales amount
                         Beginning                            in fair    accrued                                               Other
     Item                                   fair value                                amount in the        in current                        Ending balance
                          balance                             value        in the                                             changes
                                          changes in the                              current period         period
                                                           recognize      current
                                          current period
                                                           d in equity    period
Financial assets
1. Trading
                    80,887,585.81          4,381,420.14                               506,750,115.39     46,503,814.90       309,667.83       545,824,974.27

                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

2. Derivative
financial               92,617.82        -92,617.82
Subtotal of
financial          80,980,203.63      4,288,802.32         0.00       0.00     506,750,115.39    46,503,814.90     309,667.83     545,824,974.27
Total              80,980,203.63      4,288,802.32         0.00       0.00     506,750,115.39    46,503,814.90     309,667.83     545,824,974.27
                             0.00                                                                                                             0.00

        Other changes

        Other changes mainly include changes in funds and exchange rates on the e-commerce platform Yu E Bao

        Has there been any major change in the measurement attributes of the Company's main assets during the reporting period
        □ Yes No

        4. Assets right restrictions as of the end of the reporting period

        Please refer to "Section X Financial Report VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 22. Assets with Restricted Ownership or
        Use Rights" in this report for details

        VI. Investment Analysis

        1. Overall

        Applicable □ Not applicable
                Investment in the reporting period       Investment in the same period of the
                             (RMB)                              previous year (RMB)

                                      580,797,590.58                            333,844,991.15                                     73.97%

        2. Significant equity investments obtained during the reporting period

        □ Applicable Not applicable

        3. Significant non-equity investments during the reporting period

        Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                     Accumulated      Reasons for
                                                          Investment         Actual
                                  Fixed                                                                                                Realized      Not Achieving
                                            Investment      Amount         Investment
                   Investmen      Asset                                                    Source of       Project     Expected     Income As of       Planned         Disclosure       Disclosure
 Project Name                                 Project     During the     Amount As of
                     t Mode     Assessme                                                    Funds         Progress      Income      the End of the   Progress and     Date (if any)   Index (if any)
                                             Industry      Reporting     the End of the
                                nt or Not                                                                                             Reporting        Expected
                                                            Period          Reporting
                                                                                                                                        Period         Benefits
                                                                                          Own funds,
Biometrics IoT                              Plant and
                                                                                          bank loans,   Under          Not
Intelligent        Self-built   Yes         supporting    1,062,948.60   226,374,368.92                                              24,892,555.23   Not applicable
                                                                                          and raised    construction   applicable
Industrial Base                             facilities
                                            Plant and                                     Own funds
Digitalization                                                                                          Under          Not
                   Self-built   Yes         supporting   41,840,638.72   129,258,046.42   and raised                                Not applicable   Not applicable
Industrial Base                                                                                         construction   applicable
                                            facilities                                    funds
Thai factory                                Plant and
                                                                                                        Under          Not
construction and   Self-built   Yes         supporting   31,143,887.87    57,354,675.27   Own funds                                 Not applicable   Not applicable
                                                                                                        construction   applicable
office buildings                            facilities
Total                  --             --         --      74,047,475.19   412,987,090.61        --            --                      24,892,555.23         --              --               --

                                                                                                                  ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

           4. Financial assets measured at fair value

           Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                 Profits and
                                 losses from                        Purchase       Sales amount
                  Initial                        changes in                                         Accumulated                                    Source
 Asset                             fair value                    amount during      during the                        Other          Closing
                investment                        fair value                                         investment                                      of
Category                          changes in                      the reporting      reporting                       changes         amount
                  outlay                         recognized                                            income                                      Funds
                                 the current                         period            period
                                                  in equity
Financial                                                                                                                                          Own
                         0.00      -92,617.82           0.00                0.00            0.00           0.00           0.00              0.00
derivatives                                                                                                                                        funds
Others        582,844,488.33    4,381,420.14            0.00     506,750,115.39    46,503,814.90           0.00     309,667.83   545,824,974.27    and
Total         582,844,488.33    4,288,802.32            0.00     506,750,115.39    46,503,814.90           0.00     309,667.83   545,824,974.27      --

           5. Use of raised funds

           Applicable □ Not applicable

           (1) Overall use of raised funds

           Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB '0,000

              Total amount of raised funds                                                                                           145,729.84
              Total amount of raised funds used in this period                                                                         7,291.70
              Accumulated total amount of raised funds used                                                                           60,194.71
              Total amount of raised funds with changed purposes during the
              reporting period
              Accumulated total amount of raised funds with changed
              Proportion of accumulated total amount of raised funds with
              change purposes
                                                         Description of the overall use of raised funds
              1. According to the approval of the "Reply of CSRC to Approval for the Registration of Initial Public Offering of Stocks of ZKTECO
              CO., LTD." (ZJXK [2022] No. 926), the Company has publicly issued 37,123,013 denominated ordinary shares (A shares) with a
              face value of RMB 1.00 per share, an issuance price of RMB 43.32 per share, and a total amount of raised funds of RMB
              1,608,168,923.16. After deducting the issuance expenses (excluding value-added tax) of RMB 150,870,545.46, the actual net
              amount of raised funds is RMB 1,457,298,377.70. The receipt date of the raised funds is August 12, 2022. The availability of the
              raised funds has been verified by Baker Tilly China Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) and a "Capital
              Verification Report" (TZYZ [2022] No. 38658) has been issued.
              2. All the raised funds mentioned above have been deposited in a special account for raised funds for management, and a regulatory
              agreement for raised funds has been signed with the sponsor and the commercial bank that deposited the raised funds.
              3. As of June 30, 2024, the Company has invested a total of RMB 601.9471 million in raised funds, with a total of RMB 904.4263
              million in unused raised funds (including interest income and deducting handling fees).

                                                                                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
       (2) Committed projects with raised funds
       Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB '0,000
                        Has the
                                                                                                            Investment    Date when                   Accumulated
     Committed          project                    Committed                  Investment   Accumulated                                    Benefits
                                         Net                      Adjusted                                  progress as   the project                    benefits         Have the      Has there been a
investment projects      been                         total                     Amount       investment                                  achieved
                                      amount of                     total                                    of the end   reaches its                 achieved as of      expected      major change in
and the investment     changed                     investment                 During the    amount as of                                during this
                                        raised                   investment                                    of the      expected                   the end of the    benefits been   the feasibility of
 direction of over-   (including                    amount of                  Reporting   the end of the                                reporting
                                        funds                        (1)                                       period     conditions                    reporting         achieved         the project
    raised funds        partial                   raised funds                  Period        period (2)                                   period
                                                                                                            (3)=(2)/(1)     for use                       period
Committed investment projects
1. Tangxia
Production Base                                                                                                                         Not           Not               Not
                      Yes             24,841.18     24,841.18             0            0                0        0.00%                                                                  Yes
Construction                                                                                                                            applicable    applicable        applicable
2. Hybrid
Biometrics IoT
                                                                                                                          March 31,                                     Not
Intelligent           No              43,689.94     43,689.94     43,689.94       771.64       27,329.50       62.55%                   778.64        2,489.26                          No
                                                                                                                          2026                                          applicable
Industrial Base
3. American
                                                                                                                          August 31,    Not           Not               Not
Factory               Yes             17,392.21     17,392.21     14,392.65       116.98          222.97         1.55%                                                                  No
                                                                                                                          2026          applicable    applicable        applicable
4. R&D Center
                                                                                                                          December      Not           Not               Not
Construction          Yes             18,240.58     18,240.58     14,692.19       302.71       10,577.06       71.99%                                                                   No
                                                                                                                          31, 2025      applicable    applicable        applicable
5. Global Marketing
Service Network                                                                                                           August 31,    Not           Not               Not
                      No              26,802.01     26,802.01     26,802.01       350.73        8,542.85       31.87%                                                                   No
Construction                                                                                                              2025          applicable    applicable        applicable
6. Remaining funds
after the previous
change in the                                                                                                                           Not           Not               Not
                      Yes                                          2,999.56                                                                                                             No
American                                                                                                                                applicable    applicable        applicable
                                                                                                                                                                             ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
7. Multimodal
Digitalization                                                                                                                    June 30,       Not            Not               Not
                       Yes                                           39,605.10       5,749.64         13,522.33         34.14%                                                                     No
Industrial Base                                                                                                                   2026           applicable     applicable        applicable
8. Remaining funds
after the change in
                                                                                                                                                 Not            Not               Not
the R&D Center         Yes                                            3,548.39                                                                                                                     No
                                                                                                                                                 applicable     applicable        applicable
Subtotal of
committed                    --      130,965.92      130,965.92     145,729.84       7,291.70         60,194.71         --             --             778.64         2,489.26           --                --
investment projects
Direction of over-raised fund investment direction
Undetermined                                                                                                                                     Not            Not               Not
                       Yes             14,763.92      14,763.92                                                                                                                                    No
funds                                                                                                                                            applicable     applicable        applicable
Subtotal of over-
raised fund                                                                                                                                      Not            Not
                             --        14,763.92      14,763.92                                                         --             --                                               --                --
investment                                                                                                                                       applicable     applicable
Total                        --      145,729.84      145,729.84     145,729.84       7,291.70         60,194.71         --             --             778.64         2,489.26           --                --
Describe the           On April 22, 2024, the Company held the Ninth Session of the Third Board Meeting and the Eighth Session of the Third Supervisory Board Meeting. On May 15, 2024, the Company held
situation and          2023 Annual General Meeting, and deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Adjusting the Implementation Method, Total Investment Amount and Delay of Part of the Raised Fund
reasons why the        Investment Projects". The Company agreed to postpone the scheduled date for the "Hybrid Biometrics IoT Intelligent Industrial Base Project" and the "R&D Center Construction Project"
planned progress       to reach their expected conditions for use. Based on the market environment and the actual construction situation of the investment projects, for the R&D Center Construction Project, the
and expected           scheduled date for the project to reach its expected conditions for use before the adjustment is August 17, 2024, and the scheduled date for the project to reach its expected conditions for
benefits have not      use after the adjustment is December 31, 2025. For the Hybrid Biometrics IoT Intelligent Industrial Base Project, the scheduled date for the project to reach its expected conditions for use
been achieved by       before the adjustment is August 17, 2024, and the scheduled date for the project to reach its expected conditions for use after the adjustment is March 31, 2026.
projects (including    Reason for change: (1) The R&D Center Construction Project has been affected by fluctuations in the domestic and international macroeconomic environment, changes in the market
the reason for         environment, and other factors. The Company has formed a more mature consideration for project construction. In order to control project investment risks, the procurement research,
selecting "not         equipment selection, project construction and other aspects of the investment project have gradually been carried out cautiously, resulting in a delay in the implementation progress of the
applicable" for        project compared to the original plan, and it is unable to reach the expected conditions for use within the original schedule. Therefore, the Company has postponed the scheduled date for
"whether the           the expected conditions for use of the "R&D Center Construction Project" to December 31, 2025. (2) The Hybrid Biometrics IoT Intelligent Industrial Base Project has been actively
expected benefits      promoting the implementation of the investment project since the funds were received. However, due to changes in terminal demand and external objective environmental factors, the
have been              equipment and material procurement and overall construction progress of the investment project have been delayed compared to the original plan. In order to safeguard the interests of all
                                                                                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
achieved")               shareholders and the Company, and considering the prudence of the raised funds, while ensuring the effectiveness of the investment and avoiding additional resource waste, the Company
                         will steadily promote the implementation of this project based on its medium - and long-term development strategy, without changing the investment content, total investment amount, and
                         implementation subject of the project, under the principle of gradually laying out the project. The Company reasonably arranges production capacity construction based on customer orders
                         to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. Therefore, after careful consideration, the Company has decided to extend the deadline for the project to reach its expected conditions
                         for use until March 31, 2026. This adjustment aims to ensure the effective implementation of the project and is also in line with the Company's long-term development vision. For details,
                         please refer to the "Announcement on Adjusting the Implementation Method, Total Investment Amount and Delay of Part of the Raised Fund Investment Projects" (Announcement No.
                         2024-020) disclosed by the Company on CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) on April 24, 2024.
                         The American Manufacturing Factory Construction Project and Multimodal Biometrics Digitalization Industrial Base Construction Project are in the construction stage and have not yet
                         generated benefits. The R&D Center Construction Project and Global Marketing Service Network Construction Project are pure investment projects and do not generate benefits.
Description of
significant changes      Not applicable
in project feasibility
The amount,
purpose, and
                         Not applicable
progress of the
over-raised funds
Changes in the
location of projects     Not applicable
invested with raised
Adjustment of            Occurred during the reporting period
implementation           On April 22, 2024, the Company held the Ninth Session of the Third Board Meeting and the Eighth Session of the Third Supervisory Board Meeting. On May 15, 2024, the Company held
methods for              2023 Annual General Meeting, and deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Adjusting the Implementation Method, Total Investment Amount and Delay of Part of the Raised Fund
projects invested        Investment Projects". The Company agreed to change the construction of Tangxia R&D Center in the investment project "R&D Center Construction Project" from self building to utilizing
with raised funds        existing site. Due to the adjustment of the above implementation method, the corresponding total project investment has been adjusted from RMB 182.4058 million to RMB 146.9219
                         million, a decrease of RMB 35.4839 million.
                         The Company held the 19th Session of the Second Board Meeting and the 13th Session of the Second Supervisory Board Meeting on September 29, 2022, and deliberated and approved
                         the "Proposal on Using Raised Funds to Replace Self Raised Funds for Pre-invested Raised Investment Projects and Paid Issuance Expenses". It is agreed that the Company will use the
                         raised funds to replace the self raised funds of RMB 358.6078 million invested in the raised investment project and paid issuance expenses as of August 21, 2022, as well as the pre-paid
investment and
                         issuance fees of RMB 13.8425 million (excluding value-added tax) with the self raised funds.
replacement of
raised funds for
                         On September 16, 2022, the Company held the 18th Session of the Second Board Meeting and the 12th Session of the Second Supervisory Board Meeting, and deliberated and approved
investment projects
                         the "Proposal on Using Its Own Funds and Foreign Exchange to Pay for Part of the Funds Raised for Investment Projects and Exchanging Them with the Raised Funds in Equal Amounts".
                         On January 18, 2023, the Company held the 23rd Session of the Second Board Meeting and the 17th Session of the Second Supervisory Board Meeting. On February 6, 2023, the Company
                         held the Second Extraordinary General Meeting, and deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Changing the Investment Projects of Raised Funds, Changing the Special Account for

                                                                                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
                        Raised Funds, Increasing Capital and Providing Loans to Subsidiaries to Implement Investment Projects". The salaries, social insurance premiums, housing provident fund, utilities, etc.
                        of domestic personnel of the Company in implementing the investment projects "Hybrid Biometrics IoT Intelligent Industrial Base Project", "R&D Center Construction Project", "Global
                        Marketing Service Network Construction Project" and the "Multimodal Biometrics Digitalization Industrial Base Construction Project" are planned to be paid by the Company or its
                        subsidiary implementing the investment projects in advance with their own funds. The Company collected and calculated the aforementioned advance expenses incurred by each investment
                        project on a monthly basis, and then transferred an equal amount of funds from the special account for investment to the Company's or its subsidiary's own fund account for implementing
                        the investment projects. The implementation location of the Company's investment project "American Manufacturing Factory Construction Project" is in the United States, and the
                        investment project construction funds need to be paid in USD. The Company's investment projects "Global Marketing Service Network Construction Project" and "R&D Center
                        Construction Project" include overseas construction content, and the operability of paying funds required for overseas construction directly from the special account for raised funds is
                        poor. Therefore, the Company plans to use its own foreign exchange to pay the required funds for the overseas parts of the "Global Marketing Service Network Construction Project",
                        "American Manufacturing Factory Construction Project", and "R&D Center Construction Project". Subsequently, the amount of advance payments will be calculated monthly, and equal
                        amounts will be transferred from the special account for raised funds to the Company's own fund account.

                        As of June 30, 2024, the Company has used its own funds and foreign exchange replaced with the raised funds to pay a portion of the funds raised for the investment project, totaling RMB
                        52.6348 million.
replenishment of
working capital         Not applicable
with idle raised
The amount and
reasons for the
surplus of raised       Not applicable
funds during project
The purpose and
destination of the      As of June 30, 2024, the balance of the Company's unused IPO raised funds is RMB 904.4263 million (including interest income and deducting handling fees), including RMB 128.3363
raised funds that       million of demand deposit in the special account for raised funds and RMB 776.09 million of time deposit and other financial products. The above financial products have high safety,
have not been used      meet the requirements of capital preservation, and have good liquidity, which does not affect the normal operation of the investment plan for raised funds.
Problems or other
situations in the use
                        Not applicable
and disclosure of
raised funds

        (3) Change in the use of raised funds
        Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB '0,000

                                                                                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
                                       The total amount          Actual                               Investment        Date when the         Benefits
                    Corresponding                                                accumulated                                                                  Have the            Has there been a
                                        of raised funds       investment                             progress as of     project reaches      achieved
   Changed             original                                                   investment                                                                  expected        significant change in the
                                       to be invested in    amount during                            the end of the      its expected       during this
    project          committed                                                 amount as of the                                                             benefits been     feasibility of the project
                                       the project after     this reporting                              period         conditions for       reporting
                       projects                                                end of the period                                                              achieved            after the change
                                        the change (1)           period                                (3)=(2)/(1)            use              period
R&D Center        R&D Center
                                                                                                                        December 31,       Not              Not
Construction      Construction                 14,692.19            302.71             10,577.06             71.99%                                                          No
                                                                                                                        2025               applicable       applicable
Project           Project
Total                     --                   14,692.19            302.71             10,577.06            --                 --                                   --                       --
                                                            On April 22, 2024, the Company held the Ninth Session of the Third Board Meeting and the Eighth Session of the Third Supervisory
                                                            Board Meeting. On May 15, 2024, the Company held 2023 Annual General Meeting, and deliberated and approved the "Proposal on
                                                            Adjusting the Implementation Method, Total Investment Amount and Delay of Part of the Raised Fund Investment Projects". The
                                                            Company agreed to change the construction method of the Tangxia R&D Center in the investment project "R&D Center Construction
                                                            Project" from self building to utilizing the existing site for construction. Due to the adjustment of the above implementation method, the
                                                            corresponding total project investment has been adjusted from RMB 182.4058 million to RMB 146.9219 million, a decrease of RMB
Description of reasons for changes, decision-making
                                                            35.4839 million.
procedures, and information disclosure (by specific
                                                            Reason for change:
                                                            In the implementation process of the investment project, the Company adheres to the principles of rationality, efficiency, and economy,
                                                            scientifically and prudently uses the raised funds based on the actual needs of the project, fully utilizes the existing site of the Company,
                                                            and strengthens the supervision and control of project costs while ensuring the quality of project construction and controlling risks,
                                                            effectively reducing project implementation costs. The adjustment of the above implementation methods and the reduction of the total
                                                            investment amount of the project due to the adjustment of the implementation methods will not have a substantial impact on the investment
The situation and reasons for not achieving the planned
progress or expected benefits (by specific project)
Description of major changes in project feasibility after
the change

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

6. Entrusted financial management, derivative investment and entrusted loans

(1) Entrustment of financial management

Applicable □ Not applicable
Overview of entrusted financial management during the reporting period

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB '0,000

                                                                                                                     Provision for
                            Source of funds
                                                    Amount of                                    Overdue              impairment
                             for entrusted                                 Outstanding
     Specific types                             entrusted financial                             uncollected        amount of overdue
                               financial                                    balance
                                                   management                                     amount              uncollected
                                                                                                                    financial assets
   Bank financial
                         Own funds                            3,280.01            3,280.01                     0                      0
   Bank financial
                         Own funds                            1,964.02            1,964.02                     0                      0
   Bank financial
                         Own funds                             113.75                11.45                     0                      0
   Bank financial
                         Own funds                              77.58                77.58                     0                      0
   Bank financial
                         Own funds                            3,000.00            3,000.00                     0                      0
   Other categories      Own funds                              80.39                67.15                     0                      0
   Bank financial
                         Fundraising                     37,500.00               32,965.16                     0                      0
   Bank financial
                         Own funds                             712.70              712.70                      0                      0
   Bank financial
                         Own funds                       10,000.00               10,000.00                     0                      0
   Bank financial
                         Fundraising                          2,000.00            2,000.00                     0                      0
   Total                                                 58,728.45               54,078.07                     0                      0

Specific situation of high-risk entrusted financial management with significant individual amounts, low safety, and poor liquidity
□ Applicable Not applicable
Expected inability to recover principal or other situations that may lead to impairment in entrusted financial management
□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Derivative investment

Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Derivative investments for hedging purposes during the reporting period

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB '0,000

                                               Profits and        Cumulative      Purchase         Sales                    Ratio of ending
  Types of           Initial                   losses from         changes in      amount         amount                      investment
                                 Opening                                                                       Closing
 derivative       investment                     fair value         fair value    during the     during the                  amount to the
                                 amount                                                                        amount
investments         amount                      changes in       recognized in    reporting      reporting                  Company's net
                                               the current            equity        period         period                     assets at the

                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                     period                                                                       end of the
Forward foreign
                          824.27       824.27             -9.26                 0               0         824.27           0             0.00%
settlement and
Total                     824.27       824.27             -9.26                 0               0         824.27           0             0.00%
policies and
principles for
hedging business
during the
reporting period,
as well as           No major change
description on
whether there
have been
compared to the
reporting period
Description of
actual profit and    During the reporting period, the Company obtained investment income of RMB 68,200 through forward foreign
loss during the      exchange settlement and sales, and generated profits and losses from fair value changes of RMB -92,600.
reporting period
                     In the daily operation process of the Company, foreign currency transaction is involved. In order to prevent exchange
                     rate fluctuation risks, it is necessary for the Company to carry out foreign exchange derivative trading business related
Description of       to daily operation needs according to specific circumstances to reduce the risk of exchange rate or interest rate
hedging effect       fluctuations that the Company continues to face. The Company's forward foreign exchange settlement and sales business
                     can achieve the goal of locking in business contract profits at most time points, without significant risks, which achieves
                     the purpose of hedging.
Source of
funding for
                     Own funds
                     I. Risk analysis of the Company's hedging business
                     Forward foreign exchange settlement and sales business can reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the
                     Company's production and operation in the event of significant fluctuations in exchange rates, but there are still certain
Risk analysis and
                     risks in conducting forward foreign exchange settlement and sales transactions:
control measures
                     1. Exchange rate fluctuation risk: In cases of significant fluctuations in exchange rate courses, exchange losses may occur
of derivatives
                     when the exchange rate of the forward foreign exchange settlement and sales agreed in the confirmation letter for the
positions during
                     forward foreign exchange settlement and sales is lower than the real-time exchange rate.
the reporting
                     2. Risk of payment collection prediction: Business departments make payment prediction based on customer orders and
period (including
                     expected orders. During the actual execution process, customers may adjust their own orders and predictions, resulting
but not limited to
                     in inaccurate company payment prediction and the risk of delayed delivery of forward exchange settlement.
market risk,
                     3. Internal control risk: Forward foreign exchange settlement and sales transactions are highly specialized and complex,
liquidity risk,
                     which may result in risks due to imperfect internal control systems.
credit risk,
                     4. Customer default risk: If the customer's accounts receivable are overdue and the payment cannot be collected within
operational risk,
                     the predicted payment period, it will cause a delay in forward exchange settlement and result in losses to the Company.
legal risk, etc.)
                     5. Transaction performance risk: Conducting financial derivative trading business carries the risk of default caused by
                     the inability of counterparties to perform when the contract expires.
                     II. Preparation work and risk control measures for hedging by the Company

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                    The Company follows the principle of hedging when conducting forward foreign exchange settlement and sales
                    transactions, and does not engage in speculative arbitrage transactions. The main risk control measures are as follows:
                    1. When signing forward foreign exchange settlement and sales contracts, transactions are carried out in strict accordance
                    with the Company's predicted collection amount, and all forward foreign exchange settlement and sales businesses have
                    a true trade background.
                    2. The Company has formulated the "Management System for Forward Foreign Exchange Settlement and Sales of
                    ZKTECO CO., LTD.", which clearly stipulates the amount, variety, approval authority, internal audit process, information
                    disclosure, and other aspects of forward foreign exchange settlement and sales. Moreover, the Company has strengthened
                    the business training and professional ethics of relevant personnel, improved the quality of relevant personnel, and
                    established a timely reporting system for abnormal conditions to avoid the occurrence of operational risk to the maximum
                    3. To prevent the delayed delivery of forward foreign exchange settlement and sales, the Company will attach great
                    importance to the management of foreign currency accounts receivable, avoid the phenomenon of overdue accounts
                    receivable, and strive to improve the accuracy of payment collection prediction and reduce prediction risks. Meanwhile,
                    the Company has purchased credit insurance for some export products, thus reducing the customer default risk.
                    4. To control transaction performance risks, the Company carefully selects counterparties engaged in financial derivatives
                    business. The Company only conducts financial derivative trading business with legally qualified large commercial banks
                    and other financial institutions, and carefully reviews the contract terms signed with the counterparties to prevent credit
                    and legal risks.
Changes in
market price or
fair value of
products during
the reporting
period of the
                    The Company's accounting for the fair value of derivatives mainly focuses on the unexpired contracts for forward foreign
derivatives. The
                    exchange settlement and sales transactions signed between the Company and banks during the reporting period. Trading
analysis of the
                    financial assets or trading financial liabilities are recognized based on the difference between the quoted price of the
fair value of
                    unexpired forward foreign exchange settlement and sales contract at the end of the period and the forward foreign
derivatives shall
                    exchange price.
disclose the
specific methods
used and the
setting of
assumptions and
situation (if       Not applicable

   2) Derivative investments for speculative purposes during the reporting period

   □ Applicable Not applicable
   There were no derivative investments for speculative purposes during the Company's reporting period.

   (3) Entrusted loan

   □ Applicable Not applicable
   There were no entrusted loans during the reporting period of the Company.

                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

      VII. Disposal of Significant Assets and Equity

      1. Disposal of significant assets

      □ Applicable Not applicable
      There is no disposal of significant asset for the Company during the reporting period.

      2. Disposal of significant equity

      □ Applicable Not applicable

      VIII. Analysis of Major Holding and Joint-stock Companies

      Applicable □ Not applicable
      Major subsidiaries and joint-stock companies with an impact on the Company's net profit of over 10%

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

 Company       Compan         al        Registered                                                 Operating       Operating
                                                            Total assets          Net assets                                        Net profit
  Name          y type     activiti      Capital                                                    income          profit
ZKTECO                     Sales
CO.,                       of         15,000,000.001      429,471,931.09        274,158,713.49   187,631,983.80    4,341,347.81    3,717,936.21
LIMITED                    goods
ZK                         Sales
TECHNOL                    of          Not applicable       51,390,961.41        22,559,198.67    56,247,880.47   32,407,288.67   31,949,659.82
OGY LLC                    goods
               Subsidia    ment
INVESTME                                      100.001     149,791,273.04        149,555,691.96             0.00   27,736,198.11   22,056,287.91
               ries        Busine
XIAMEN                     and
ZKTECO                     sales of   100,000,000.00      171,682,256.55        142,381,854.84    49,236,535.23    9,582,936.18    9,318,180.79
CO., LTD.                  product
                           s and
ZKTeco                     Sales
Sales Co.,                 of          50,000,000.00        32,640,266.79        15,802,546.35   144,107,886.23    1,424,637.73    1,426,142.70
Ltd.                       goods
(GUANGD        Subsidia
                           sales of   800,000,000.00     1,196,969,733.29       904,805,798.31   293,643,947.31   26,922,107.95   24,864,838.39
ONG) CO.,      ries
                           s and
      Note 1: USD.

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                   Method of acquiring and disposing of        Impact on overall production, operation,
                Company Name
                                                  subsidiaries during the reporting period                and performance
                                                                                              New establishment, with no significant
   ZKTECO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS                                                                  impact on the overall production,
                                                 New establishment
   COMPANY                                                                                    operation, and performance of the
                                                                                              New establishment, with no significant
                                                                                              impact on the overall production,
   ZKTECO EGYPT LLC                              New establishment
                                                                                              operation, and performance of the
                                                                                              With no significant impact on the overall
   Shenzhen Zhongjiang Intelligent
                                                 Liquidation                                  production, operation, and performance
   Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              of the Company.
Description of the main controlling and participating companies

Please refer to the relevant content of "Section X Financial Report - X. Equity in Other Entities" for details

IX. Structured Entities Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable Not applicable

X. Risks Faced by the Company and Countermeasures

      1. Operational risk

     (1) Market competition risk
     After years of deep cultivation in the biometric industry, the Company has formed competitive advantages in the fields of smart
entrance and exit management, smart identity verification, smart office, smart retail, and computer vision applications, including
technological and R&D strength, flexible production capacity, brand influence, and marketing service network. However, in recent
years, China's access control and management, identity authentication, office and other industries have shown an increasing number of
market entities, increased industry concentration, and increasingly fierce market competition. With a large number of domestic
competitors turning to "going global", the competitive situation in overseas markets has further intensified. The Company's main
business products are facing competition pressure from various aspects such as quality, price, service and brand. Other competitors
may compete for market share through different market positioning, strategies or cost controls, making the competition more intense.
In order to maintain the Company's leading position in the industry, the Company has continuously increased its R&D investment in
recent years, insisting on developing and optimizing single and multimodal biometrics and computer vision technology, continuously
expanding and enriching the types of biometric and computer vision products and services, and paying more attention to the overall
linkage design of product software and hardware, and strengthening competitiveness of multiple categories, thus consolidating the
Company's leading position in the industry. However, with the increasing market competition, if the Company cannot continuously
optimize product design, improve production quality, enhance brand competitiveness, expand and consolidate sales network, and
Improve market penetration, the Company's existing industry and market position will be affected, and the Company will face the risk
of declining market share and profitability.
     (2) Overseas business operational risks
     In the first half of 2024, the Company's overseas sales revenue from countries and regions was RMB 624.4464 million, accounting
for 69.44% of the Company's main business income. The Company's overseas business income accounted for a relatively large

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

     In recent years, the international market has been facing changes in trade policies of major economies, the rise of international
trade protectionism, the deterioration of local economic environments, geopolitical conflicts and maritime restrictions caused by
geopolitical conflicts, the currency depreciation of many countries due to the strong USD, insufficient maritime transport capacity
caused by the impact of the new energy industry, and rising freight rates, resulting in strong uncertainty in global trade policies. The
Company's international sales business may face international trade friction, especially the risk of Trade disputes between China and
the United States. Although China and the United States are still constantly trying to find solutions, if trade disputes between China
and the United States worsen in the future, it may have a certain adverse impact on the Company's product sales, which in turn will
affect the Company's future business performance. In addition, the Company's international business accounts for a relatively large
proportion of exports to developing countries such as India, Mexico, and Indonesia. Although the overall political, financial, and
economic systems of relevant countries are currently relatively stable, the economic development momentum is good, their
infrastructure is relatively weak, and government efficiency is relatively inefficient, compared to developed countries, which poses
potential social instability factors. If major changes occur in its political environment, economic environment, geopolitics, trade policies
with China, tariff and non-tariff barriers, and industry standards in the future, it will have a negative impact on the Company's export
     In addition to the risks of economic and political environment changes and trade frictions that the Company may face, the
multinational enterprise business model of the Company will increase the difficulty of operating, financial management, and personnel
management, and the operation will be influenced by the legal and regulatory environments and business environments of different
countries and systems. Although the Company has accumulated rich experience in international business development, if the
Company's management personnel and various systems cannot meet the requirements of global operation, cross regional management,
and standardized operation, it will also affect its operational efficiency and profitability.
     (3) Tax compliance risks caused by transfer pricing arrangements between various tax entities within the Company both
domestically and internationally
     As of June 30, 2024, the Company has a total of 49 overseas holding subsidiaries located in countries and regions such as Hong
Kong, the United States, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, and India. During the reporting period, there were cases where the
Company sold products to overseas subsidiaries and sold them locally through these subsidiaries due to business needs between the
Company and some overseas subsidiaries. There was a situation of transfer pricing in the above-mentioned transaction links. According
to the Company's self inspection, there were no cases of the Company or its overseas subsidiaries being punished by the tax department
due to transfer pricing issues during the reporting period. From the perspective of its own compliance, the Company regularly hires
professional consulting agencies to analyze and demonstrate the transfer pricing strategies involved in the operation of the Company
and some overseas subsidiaries, and issues special reports.
     If there are major changes in the tax policies of the Company in different tax jurisdictions in the future, or if the Company fails to
be correctly or timely informed of the changes in tax policies, or if there are cases of tax recovery and fines due to the re-approval of
transaction prices by the competent tax authorities, it may lead to adverse effects on the Company's operations.
     (4) Legal risks of the impact of industry regulatory policies related to personal information protection and data protection on
company operations
     Laws, regulations, and industry norms such as the "Civil Code of the People's Republic of China", the "Cybersecurity Law of the
People's Republic of China", the "Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Personal Information Protection Law of
the People's Republic of China", and the "General Data Protection Regulation" all stipulate the collection and use of personal
information by citizens, as well as the compliance obligations of personal information controllers, and emphasizes the legal liability
for violating personal information protection and data security has been strengthened. The "Provisions of the Supreme People's Court
on Several Issues concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil Cases Relating to Processing of Personal Information by
Using the Facial Recognition Technology" (FS [2021] No. 15) provides detailed provisions on the behavior and civil liability of
information processors who violate the personal rights and interests of natural persons by processing facial information in violation of

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

     In recent years, personal information protection and data security have become regulatory priorities in various countries around
the world, and regulatory policies related to them have been increasingly strengthened. If the Company fails to make timely and
effective adjustments and responses to relevant policies and regulations in its future business operations, there may be potential legal
risks in data compliance caused by changes in legislation or regulatory policies. Meanwhile, if the Company is unable to strictly comply
with the relevant laws, regulations, and industry norms mentioned above in the future, and if employees violate the Company's internal
regulations, or data collaborators, customers, etc. violate agreements or cause improper use or leakage of data due to other personal
reasons, it/they may be subject to administrative penalties from relevant departments or complaints from users, and even lead to disputes
such as litigation or arbitration, which may have adverse effects on the Company's reputation and business.

     2. Technology and product innovation risks

     Driven by market demand and technological development, biometric technology has achieved rapid development globally.
Biometric technology is gradually iterating towards non-contact and multimodal biometrics. In addition, with the development of
cutting-edge technologies such as cloud computing, the IoT, and AI, users' personalized needs for smart terminal products and even
ecological platforms are constantly increasing in the fields of biometric technology applications such as smart entrance and exit
management, smart identity verification, and smart office where the Company is located. Industry technology is updated and iterated
quickly, requiring industry enterprises to have strong technological innovation capabilities to adapt to the rapid development of the
industry. The continuous innovation ability of products and technologies is increasingly becoming an important component of the core
competitiveness of related product and solution suppliers. The Company always attaches great importance to technological innovation
and new product R&D. In the first half of 2024, the Company's R&D expenses were RMB 105.65 million, accounting for 11.70% of
operating income.
     As of June 30, 2024, the Company has obtained 901 patents, including 160 invention patents and obtained 715 computer software
copyrights and 67 work copyrights, with strong ability for continuous innovation. However, if the Company cannot keep up with the
development trends of domestic and foreign biometric technology and related application products, and fully pay attention to the diverse
individual needs of customers, and the subsequent R&D investment is insufficient, resulting in the Company's technology development
and product upgrading not being able to adapt to industry technology iterations and market demand changes in a timely manner, it will
face the risk of declining market competitiveness due to the inability to maintain sustained innovation capabilities.

     3. Internal control risk

     (1) Management risks caused by future expansion of the Company's scale
     With the construction and production of investment projects, the Company's scale has rapidly expanded, and the number of sales,
R&D, and management personnel has increased significantly, posing higher requirements for the Company's management level and
system. Although the Company has established a series of relatively complete enterprise management systems, such as clear
institutional processes in procurement, production, sales, R&D, and service, to ensure the competitiveness and reliability of the
Company's products and services, if the Company's management ability cannot be further effectively improved, it may trigger
corresponding management risks, hinder the Company's future development, and have a negative impact on the overall profitability of
the Company.
     (2) Dealer management risk
     During the reporting period, the Company mainly adopted a sales model that combines distribution and direct sales, and the
proportion of distribution was relatively high. In the first half of 2024, the Company achieved a revenue of RMB 625.8281 million
through the distribution model, accounting for 69.59% of the Company's main business income in the first half of 2024.
     Except for business cooperation, each dealer is independent of the Company, and its business plan is determined independently
based on its own business goals and risk preferences. Although the Company has established strict dealer management systems and
effective and reasonable rebate policies, and maintains good cooperative relationships with major dealers, the coverage area of
marketing and service networks will continue to expand in the future with the rapid development of the Company, and the difficulty

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

of training, organizing, and risk management for dealers will also continue to increase. If the Company is unable to improve its
management capabilities for dealers in a timely manner, and if dealers engage in disorderly management, poor management, illegal or
irregular behavior, or if the Company cannot maintain good relationships with dealers in the future, resulting in dealers ceasing to
cooperate with the Company, and the Company is unable to quickly obtain orders from other channels in the short term, or the incentive
effect of the rebate policy decreases, it may lead to a regional decline in the sales of the Company's products, and have a negative
impact on the Company's market promotion.

      4. Financial risk

     (1) Risk of bad debt losses on accounts receivable
     At the end of the reporting period, the book balance of the Company's accounts receivable was RMB 505.2424 million, accounting
for 55.95% of the current operating income. With the further expansion of the Company's business scale, the amount of accounts
receivable may continue to increase. If there are changes in the economic environment, customer operating conditions, etc., and
accounts receivable cannot be recovered in a timely manner, resulting in bad debt losses, the Company's operating results may be
adversely affected.
     (2) Inventories depreciation risk
     With the growth of the Company's business scale, the inventories scale has been increasing year by year. At the end of the reporting
period, the book value of the Company's inventories was RMB 375.2236 million, accounting for 13.35% of the total current assets at
the period end. During the reporting period, the Company comprehensively considered factors such as expected selling price and
inventories age, and made sufficient provision for inventories impairment. At the end of the reporting period, the provision ratio for
inventories impairment was 4.73%. The Company's inventories mainly consist of raw materials, inventory goods, etc. The Company
has always maintained a good cooperative relationship with raw material suppliers and customers, and reasonably arranged the
inventories of raw materials and inventory goods. However, with the further growth of the Company's sales revenue and asset size, the
Company's inventories also increase accordingly, which may lead to a decline in price, backlog, and unsold inventories due to market
changes, resulting in the risk of deteriorating financial position and declining profitability.
     (3) Risk of RMB exchange rate fluctuations
     The Company's current business layout is highly internationalized, and there are many local controlling subsidiaries and
participating companies in the overseas export market. The majority of export sales are settled in USD or EUR, resulting in significant
exchange rate fluctuations in production and operation. On the one hand, the fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate will directly affect
the sales prices of the Company's exported products, thereby affecting the price competitiveness of the Company's products; on the
other hand, fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate may also affect exchange gains and losses of the Company. If the RMB appreciates
in the future, it will have a significant adverse impact on the Company's operating performance.
     (4) Risk of exchange rate fluctuations in mainstream countries
     Due to the high degree of internationalization of the Company, with the increase in interest rates in the United States in recent
years, currencies in many countries have depreciated, and countries with weak industrial capabilities may even implement foreign
exchange controls, which will lead to longer payment collection times for downstream customers and increased risks. Although the
Company has effectively reduced this risk through measures such as Sinosure in the past year, and global expectations of a US interest
rate cut have increased, the unpredictability of future policies will still bring related collection risks to the Company.

      5. Risks related to raising funds to invest in projects

     (1) The risk of raising funds to invest in projects that do not yield expected returns
     The investment projects with raised funds are a prudent decision and planning made by the Company based on a thorough analysis
of the current market situation, development speed, industrial environment, and future development trends of the industry, as well as
the Company's existing technological level, management ability, and expected future customer needs combined with development
prospects of the biometric industry and related application fields, as well as the expected changes in the international trade environment.

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

However, if there are significant changes in the future market demand, industry structure, industrial policies or the economic and
political situation, it may prevent the smooth implementation of investment projects with raised funds as planned or prevent them from
achieving expected returns.
     (2) The risks of cross-border implementation of investment projects
     The American Manufacturing Factory Construction Project, R&D Center Construction Project, and Global Marketing Service
Network Construction Project among these investment projects with raised funds all involve overseas investment. Although the
Company has accumulated rich experience in cross-border operations and management in overseas markets, including the United States,
through various overseas subsidiaries, the construction progress of the Company's American Manufacturing Factory Construction
Project, R&D Center Construction Project, and Global Marketing Service Network Construction Project may be affected by multiple
factors considering the international market situation and the complex diversity of policies and cultures in various countries. Operations
in various countries also face certain uncertainties. In addition, during the implementation process of the overseas investment projects,
there may be a risk of delaying the implementation of the investment projects due to the need to increase or re-fulfill the filing or
approval procedures due to subsequent needs, policy changes, and other reasons. The Company reminds investors to pay attention to
the risks of cross-border investment projects.

XI. Reception of Activities including Research, Communication and Interviews During the
Reporting Period

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                         The main
                                                                                                      content of the         Index of basic
    Reception                                                     Reception          Reception
                   Reception location     Reception methods                                           discussion and         information of
      time                                                        object type         object
                                                                                                       the materials            research
                                                                                                                         m.cn, Announcement
                                                                                  participating in
                   Value Online           Online                                                     See CNINFO          date: May 7, 2024,
                                                                                  the Company's
   May 7, 2024     (https://www.ir-       Communication on        Others                             (http://www.cni     Investor Relations
                                                                                  2023 annual
                   online.cn/)            Online Platforms                                           nfo.com.cn)         Activity Record
                                                                                                                         Form of ZKTECO
                                                                                  briefing online
                                                                                                                         CO., LTD. (No.

XII. Implementation of the Action Plan for "Double Improvement of Quality and Return"

Has the Company disclosed an action plan announcement for "dual improvement of quality and return".
□ Yes No

                                                                                               ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                               Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings Convened During the
Reporting Period

1. General Meetings convened during this reporting period

                 Meeting           of        Convening    Disclosure
  Meeting                                                                            Resolution of the Meeting
                  Type       participating     Date         Date
                                                                       (I) Deliberation and approval of the "Proposal on
                                                                       Changing the Registered Capital, Amending the Articles
                                                                       of Association, and Handling the Procedures for
                                                                       Changing Industrial and Commercial Registration";
                                                                       (II) Deliberation and approval of the "Proposal on
                                                                       Revising and Adding Relevant Governance Systems"
                                                                       item by item:
                                                                       1. "Rules of Procedure for Shareholders' Meeting of
The 1st
                                                                       ZKTECO CO., LTD.";
Extraordinary   Extraordin
                                                                       2. "Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors of
General         ary                          January 8,   January 8,
                                  70.34%                               ZKTECO CO., LTD.";
Meeting of      General                      2024         2024
                                                                       3. "Independent Director System of ZKTECO CO.,
Shareholders    Meeting
in 2024
                                                                       4. "Related Party Transaction Management System of
                                                                       ZKTECO CO., LTD.";
                                                                       5. "Fundraising Management System of ZKTECO CO.,
                                                                       6. "External Guarantee Management System of
                                                                       ZKTECO CO., LTD.";
                                                                       7. "Selection System for Accounting Firms of ZKTECO
                                                                       CO., LTD.".
                                                                       (I) Deliberation and approval of the " 2023 Annual
                                                                       Report and Its Abstract";
                                                                       (II) Deliberation and approval of the "2023 Work Report
                                                                       of the Board of Directors";
                                                                       (III) Deliberation and approval of the "2023 Work
                                                                       Report of the Board of Supervisors";
                                                                       (IV) Deliberation and approval of the " 2023 Annual
                                                                       Financial Settlement Report";
                                                                       (V) Deliberation and approval of the "Proposal on the
                Annual                                                 2023 Profit Distribution Plan";
General                                      May 15,      May 15,
                General           71.15%                               (VI) Deliberation and approval of the "Proposal on
Meeting of                                   2024         2024
                Meeting                                                Applying for Comprehensive Credit Line from Banks
                                                                       and Handling Bank Loans, and Providing Guarantee
                                                                       Limit for Holding Subsidiaries";
                                                                       (VII) Deliberation and approval of the "Proposal on
                                                                       2024 Compensation Plan for Directors";
                                                                       (VIII) Deliberation and approval of the "Proposal on
                                                                       2024 Compensation Plan for Supervisors";
                                                                       (IX) Deliberation and approval of the "Proposal on
                                                                       Adjusting the Implementation Method, Total Investment
                                                                       Amount and Delay of Part of the Raised Fund

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                            Investment Projects";
                                                                            (X) Deliberation and approval of the "Proposal on Using
                                                                            Idle Self-owned Funds to Purchase Financial Products".

2. Extraordinary General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting

□ Applicable Not applicable

II. Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management of the Company

□ Applicable Not applicable
There were no changes in the Company's directors, supervisors, and senior management during the reporting period, as detailed in the
2023 Annual Report.

III. Profit Distribution and Conversion of Capital Reserve to Share Capital during the
Reporting Period

□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or distribute shares from capital reserve during the current
reporting period.

IV. Implementation of the Company's Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership
Plans, or Other Employee Incentive Plans

Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Equity incentives

The equity incentive plan currently being implemented by the Company is the 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan, which has not
made any progress during the reporting period. The specific implementation of the 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan can be found
in the 2023 Annual Report.

2. Implementation of employee stock ownership plan

□ Applicable Not applicable

3. Other employee incentive plans

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                  Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Significant Environmental Issues

Whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries should be categorized as a critical pollutant entities published by the environmental
protection department
□ Yes No
Administrative penalties for environmental problems during the reporting period

                                                                                            The impact on the
   Name of company                                                                           production and
                         Reason for penalty           Violations          Penalty results                           measures of the
     or subsidiary                                                                          operation of listed
   Company and
                         Not applicable         Not applicable          Not applicable      Not applicable        Not applicable
Refer to other environmental information disclosed by key pollutant discharge units

     The Company and its subsidiaries are not listed as key pollutant discharge units by the environmental protection department. The
Company and its subsidiaries conscientiously implement environmental protection laws and regulations such as the "Environmental
Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water
Pollution", the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution", the "Law of the
People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution", and the "Law of the People's Republic of
China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste" in their daily production and operation. The production
and operating activities of the Company and its subsidiaries comply with the relevant national environmental protection requirements,
and there are no cases of being punished for violations of laws and regulations.
     The Company has developed and implemented systems such as the "Environmental Management Manual", "Environmental Factor
Identification and Evaluation Procedure", "Environmental Operation Control Procedure", and "General Solid Waste and Hazardous
Waste Management". The Company and Guangdong Zkteco have passed ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
Certification, ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification, and ISO 9001:2015 Management
System Certification.

Measures taken to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects
□ Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information

Not applicable

II. Social Responsibilities

(I) Protection of rights and interests of investors

     The Company strictly shall fulfill its information disclosure obligations in accordance with regulatory requirements, truthfully,
accurately, completely, and timely disclosing all company information to ensure that investors can fully understand the Company's
operating conditions, financial position, risk profile, and development prospects through Shenzhen Stock Exchange, CNINFO, the
Company's official website, etc., and also release the latest company information on the Company's official website, WeChat official
account and other windows to facilitate the stakeholders to understand their concerns in a timely and comprehensive manner.

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

     The Company attaches great importance to communication with investors and has established rich communication and feedback
channels with investors. The Company responded to the concerns of investors through its official website, investor relation email,
investor hotline and other means, focusing on protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors such as the right to know and
vote, and maintaining a good trust relationship between the Company and investors.

(II) Protection of employee rights and interests

     The Company has formulated multiple management systems in strict accordance with the "Labor Law of the People's Republic of
China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Labor Law"). Adhering to the principles of "respect, fairness, and impartiality" and "efficient
identification, scientific evaluation, personnel position matching, and selective recruitment", the Company standardizes the recruitment
and entry process of employees, eliminates all forms of discrimination and prejudice, and ensures that recruitment work is fair, just and
orderly. The Company adheres to the principles of legality, compliance, and fair respect, and explicitly prohibits the transmission of
discriminatory concepts such as geography, race, and gender in the "Recruitment Behavior Operation Standards", respecting and
protecting the rights and interests of employees in all aspects.
     The Company establishes the trade union in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, regularly holds employee congresses,
facilitates communication channels, and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of employees, such as the right to know and
participate. The Company also establishes equal and democratic diverse communication methods, and sets up employee suggestion
boxes so that employees can raise questions and provide feedback in a timely manner.
     The Company focuses on employee development, formulates career development paths and promotion channels based on actual
situations, provides diversified career development directions and opportunities for employees, actively carries out employee training,
formulates the "Training Management System", creates rich and diverse online and offline learning environments and training
opportunities, establishes talent training mechanisms such as on-the-job training and professional technical training, accelerates
employee career growth, and broadens employee development channels.
     The Company adheres to the concept of "safety first, prevention first", pays attention to the occupational health of employees, and
has formulated occupational health and safety management systems such as the "Occupational Health and Safety Management Manual"
and "Occupational Disease Management System". It follows the occupational health and safety policy of "preventing, controlling, and
eliminating occupational hazards, preventing and controlling occupational diseases, and protecting the health of workers", and has
established a sound occupational health and safety management system. ZKTeco and Guangdong Zkteco have passed ISO 45001:2018
Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification. The Company has formulated the "Work Safety Responsibility
System", regularly conducts safety hazard inspections, strengthens work safety risk management, develops the "Emergency Rescue
Plan for Work Safety Accidents", and conducts work safety fire drills. In addition, the Company conducts annual occupational hazard
factor testing in the workplace, implements a rotation and job change mechanism for occupational disease risk personnel, regularly
conducts occupational health examinations, and conducts occupational health education and training.
     The Company adheres to the talent concept of "people-oriented, collaborative and win-win", pays attention to the physical and
mental health development of employees, regularly carries out rich and diverse employee activities, and strengthens humanistic care.

(III) Protection of the rights and interests of suppliers and customers

     The Company's supply chain has always adhered to the principles of "transparent procurement, honesty and trustworthiness,
integrity and self-discipline", and the Company and its suppliers have signed a "CSR Agreement" with suppliers to regulate the
requirements of both parties, including labor rights, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, business ethics and other
aspects. The Company is committed to establishing clean, fair, honest and trustworthy business cooperation relationships with suppliers,
and the Company and its suppliers have signed the "Integrity Agreement" and the "Procurement Framework Agreement", advocating
mutual supervision and creating a fair competition, honest and trustworthy, and sunny and healthy business environment. At the same
time, the Company has set up a dedicated complaint channel for accepting reports of illegal and disciplinary behaviors, encouraging

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

the reporting and exposure of behaviors that violate work integrity, such as accepting commercial bribes and transmitting improper
benefits, and protecting whistleblowers.
     The Company continues to improve its customer service management system and develop different service strategies for both
domestic and overseas markets, constantly listens to the opinions of partners and customers, strives to improve product quality and
actively implements the cooperation, openness, and win-win policy. The Company conducts customer satisfaction surveys on an annual,
quarterly, or monthly basis through telephone, WeChat, QQ, questionnaire, and other survey methods, and follows up on customer
feedback or suggestions.
     The Company attaches great importance to product quality management and requires all employees to establish the guiding
ideology of "quality first" and the service awareness of "customer first", ensuring product quality throughout the entire product life
cycle. ZKTeco, ZKTeco Dongguan Branch, and Guangdong Zkteco have all passed GB/T 19001-2016 and ISO 9001:2015 Quality
Management System Certification.

(IV) Environmental protection and sustainable development

     The Company adheres to the ecological and environmental protection concept of "Clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable
assets", continuously improves its environmental management level, establishes a sound environmental governance system, and has
passed the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Certification. The Company focuses on the management of emissions
and waste and hires a third-party organization to professionally treat the scattered wastewater produced by Tangxia Industrial Park,
ensuring proper wastewater treatment and effectively avoiding wastewater pollution to the surrounding environment.
     The Company implements the concept of sustainable development in the production and operation process, committed to reducing
resource and energy consumption and environmental costs during production and operation, and improving resource utilization
efficiency. Institutional norms have been formulated, such as the "Energy Conservation Target Management System", the "Energy
Conservation Publicity System", and the "Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Reward and Punishment System". The
Company actively responds to various environmental protection instructions issued by the environmental protection department,
cooperates with the environmental protection department's instructions, and enhances employees' awareness of environmental
protection and energy conservation.
     The Company has always been committed to integrating green technology into product R&D. According to representative
environmental requirements such as RoHS and REACH, it continuously promotes technological innovation to achieve environmental
protection and energy conservation of products. The Company has enhanced the competitiveness of products by continuously
developing energy-saving products, optimizing production processes and reducing energy consumption, contributing to the sustainable
development of society.

(V) Actively assuming social responsibility

     The Company actively fulfills its social responsibility, fully leverages its own advantages, and focuses on creating value for society.
It focuses on community development and actively carries out diversified public welfare and charity projects, giving back to society
with practical actions and conveying warmth and love to society. The Company and Guangdong Zkteco actively participated in the
2024 "630" Assistance to Rural Revitalization and Dongguan Charity Day activities in Tangxia Town and Zhangmutou Town in the
reporting period, making positive contributions to consolidating and expanding poverty alleviation achievements and rural
revitalization, and promoting common prosperity.

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                       Section VI Significant Events

I. Commitments completed by actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, purchasers, or
the Company within the reporting period and commitments not fulfilled by the end of the
reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable
There are no commitments completed by actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, purchasers, or the Company within the
reporting period and commitments not fulfilled by the end of the reporting period.

II. Non Operating Occupation of Funds by Controlling Shareholders and Other Related Parties
of Listed Company

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, there was no non-operating occupation of funds by controlling shareholders or other related parties of
the listed company.

III. Illegal Provision of Guarantees for External Parties

□ Applicable Not applicable
There were no illegal external guarantees during the reporting period of the Company.

IV. Appointment and Dismissal of Accounting Firms

Whether the half year financial report has been audited?
□ Yes No
The Company's Half Year Report has not been audited.

V. Explanation Given by the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors Regarding the "Non-
standard Audit Report" Issued by the CPA Firm for the Current Reporting Period

□ Applicable Not applicable

VI. Explanation Given by the Board of Directors regarding the "Non-standard Audit Report"
in the Previous Year

□ Applicable Not applicable

VII. Matters Related to Bankruptcy Reorganization

□ Applicable Not applicable
There were no bankruptcy or restructuring related matters during the reporting period of the Company.

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

VIII. Litigation Matters

Major litigation and arbitration matters
Applicable □ Not applicable
                               Is there    Progress
       Basic       Amount         an            of
 information of    involved    estimate     litigatio   Litigation (arbitration)      Execution of litigation        Disclosure   Disclosure
    litigation       (RMB          d            n       trial results and effects     (arbitration) judgments           Date        Index
  (arbitration)     '0,000)    liability   (arbitrati
                               formed          on)
                                                                                    The Company notified
                                                                                    Zokon Industry and its
                                                                                    attorneys in March 2024
                                                                                    and the Shenzhen
                                                                                    Intermediate People's Court
                                                                                    in April 2024 to offset the
                                                                                    debt related to the
                                                                                    trademark infringement and
                                                                                    unfair competition dispute
                                                                                    case between Zokon
                                                                                    Industry and Shenzhen
                                                                                    Xinjiacheng Intelligent                       CNINFO
                                                        The second instance         Technology Co., Ltd. by                       (http://www.
                                                        court ruled that Zokon      deducting the amount that                     cninfo.com.
 dispute filed                             Implem
                                                        Industry compensate the     the Company should pay to        April 24,    cn) "2023
 by the                 200    No          entation
                                                        Company and Shenzhen        Zokon Industry based on          2024         Annual
 Company                                   stage
                                                        ZKTeco for a loss of        the effective judgment of                     Report of
 against Zokon
                                                        RMB 2 million               the trademark infringement                    ZKTECO
                                                                                    and unfair competition                        CO., LTD."
                                                                                    dispute case between Zokon
                                                                                    Industry and Shenzhen
                                                                                    Xinjiacheng Intelligent
                                                                                    Technology Co., Ltd. from
                                                                                    the total amount payable to
                                                                                    the Company by Zokon
                                                                                    Industry in this case
                                                                                    according to the effective
                                                                                    judgment . As of the end of
                                                                                    the reporting period, this
                                                                                    case is still under execution.
                                                                                    The Company notified
 Disputes filed                                         The Company has
                                                                                    Zokon Industry and its
 by Zokon                                               suspended the
                                                                                    attorneys in March 2024
 Industry over                                          description of "Zokon"
                                                                                    and the Shenzhen
 infringement                                           on relevant platforms
                                                                                    Intermediate People's Court                   CNINFO
 of trademark                                           and compensated Zokon
                                                                                    in April 2024 to offset the                   (http://www.
 rights and                                             Industry with a total of
                                                                                    debt related to the unfair                    cninfo.com.
 unfair                        Yes, it     Implem       RMB 600,000 for
                                                                                    competition dispute              April 24,    cn) "2023
 competition             60    has been    entation     economic losses and
                                                                                    between the Company and          2024         Annual
 against the                   offset      stage        reasonable expenses for
                                                                                    Zokon Industry in this case.                  Report of
 Company and                                            rights protection; the
                                                                                    That is, the amount payable                   ZKTECO
 Shenzhen                                               judgment result has no
                                                                                    by the Company to Zokon                       CO., LTD."
 Xinjiacheng                                            significant impact on
                                                                                    Industry in this case was
 Intelligent                                            the Company's
                                                                                    fully offset against the
 Technology                                             production and
                                                                                    amount payable by Zokon
 Co., Ltd.                                              operation
                                                                                    Industry to the Company

                                                                                             ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                        based on the Company's
                                                                        lawsuit against Zokon
                                                                        Industry in the unfair
                                                                        competition dispute case.
                                                                        No judgment payment is
                                                                        required in this case.
                                                                        After the other party applied
                                                                        for compulsory execution,
                                                                        Shenzhen Zhongjiang
                                                                        entered the compulsory
Lease contract                                                          liquidation procedure.
dispute                                                                 Guizhou Yiyun Big Data
between                                                                 Service Co., Ltd. has
Guizhou                                                                 declared its creditor's rights
                                               Shenzhen Zhongjiang, a                                                cninfo.com.
Yiyun Big                         Implem                                to the liquidation team and
                                               subsidiary of the                                         August      cn) "2022
Data Service        72.89    No   entation                              received confirmation. The
                                               Company, bears joint                                      30, 2022    Semiannual
Co., Ltd. and                     stage                                 subsequent liquidation team
                                               liability.                                                            Report of
Shenzhen                                                                will distribute according to
Zhongjiang                                                              the actual property situation
                                                                                                                     CO., LTD."
and Guizhou                                                             of Shenzhen Zhongjiang in
Zhongjiang                                                              accordance with the law,
                                                                        and the specific amount
                                                                        available for distribution
                                                                        will be notified by the
                                                                        liquidation team.
ations where
the Company
(including                        The                                                                                CNINFO
subsidiary                        Compan                                                                             (http://www.
companies in                      y strictly                                                                         cninfo.com.
                                                                        The Company strictly
the                               follows                                                                April 24,   cn) "2023
                  1,541.72   No                No significant impact    follows the progress of each
consolidated                      the                                                                    2024        Annual
financial                         progress                                                                           Report of
statements) as                    of each                                                                            ZKTECO
the plaintiff                     case                                                                               CO., LTD."
fails to meet
the disclosure
standards for
major lawsuits
ations where
the Company
(including                        The                                                                                CNINFO
subsidiary                        Compan                                                                             (http://www.
companies in                      y strictly                                                                         cninfo.com.
                                                                        The Company strictly
the                               follows                                                                April 24,   cn) "2023
                   126.02    No                No significant impact    follows the progress of each
consolidated                      the                                                                    2024        Annual
financial                         progress                                                                           Report of
statements) as                    of each                                                                            ZKTECO
the defendant                     case                                                                               CO., LTD."
fails to meet
the disclosure
standards for
major lawsuits

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Other litigation matters
□ Applicable Not applicable

IX. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable Not applicable
There were no penalties or rectifications during the reporting period of the Company.

X. The Integrity of the Company, Its Controlling Shareholders, and Actual Controllers

Applicable □ Not applicable

During the reporting period, the Company, its controlling shareholders, and actual controllers were in good faith, and there were no
instances of failure to fulfill effective court judgments or outstanding debts of significant amounts.

XI. Significant Related-Party Transactions

1. Related-party transactions related to daily operations

□ Applicable Not applicable
There were no related party transactions related to daily operations during the reporting period of the Company.

2. Related-party transactions arising from the acquisition and sale of assets or equity

□ Applicable Not applicable
There were no related party transactions related to asset or equity acquisitions or sales during the reporting period of the Company.

3. Related-party Transactions Arising from Joint Investments on External Parties

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company did not engage in any related party transactions related to joint foreign investment.

4. Related Credit and Debt Transactions

□ Applicable Not applicable
There were no current associated rights of credit and liabilities during the reporting period of the Company.

5. Transactions with Related Financial Companies

□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial businesses between the Company and its affiliated financial companies, the financial
companies held by the Company and related parties.

6. Transactions between financial companies controlled by the Company and related parties

□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial businesses between the financial company controlled by the Company and its
affiliated parties.

                                                                                                                ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

       7. Other significant related party transactions

       □ Applicable Not applicable
       There were no other major related party transactions during the reporting period of the Company.

       XII. Significant Contracts and Their Performance

       1. Custody, contracting, and leasing matters

       (1) Custody

       □ Applicable Not applicable
       There was no custody during the reporting period of the Company.

       (2) Contracting

       □ Applicable Not applicable
       There was no contracting during the reporting period of the Company.

       (3) Leasing

       Applicable □ Not applicable
       Description of leasing

       During the reporting period, the Company and its subsidiaries rented offices at relevant locations for business use due to operational
       needs, and both parties have signed housing rental contracts.

       Projects that bring profits and losses to the Company that exceed 10% of the total profit during the reporting period
       □ Applicable Not applicable
       There are no leasing projects that bring profits or losses to the Company during the reporting period that exceed 10% of the total profits
       of the Company during the reporting period.

       2. Significant guarantee

       Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB '0,000

                External guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding guarantees provided to subsidiaries)
             Disclosure date
Name of                                         Actual      Actual       Type of                   Counter                     Whether it        to
              of guarantee       Guarantee                                           Collatera                  Guarantee
guarantee                                      occurren    guarantee     guarant                  guarantee                    has been     guarantee
              limit related       amount                                             l (if any)                  period
 object                                         ce date     amount         ee                      (if any)                     fulfilled   for related
                                                   Guarantee of the Company to its subsidiaries
             Disclosure date
Name of                                         Actual      Actual       Type of                   Counter                     Whether it        to
              of guarantee       Guarantee                                           Collatera                  Guarantee
guarantee                                      occurren    guarantee     guarant                  guarantee                    has been     guarantee
              limit related       amount                                             l (if any)                  period
 object                                         ce date     amount         ee                      (if any)                     fulfilled   for related

                                                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

ZKTECO                                                                     Joint
(GUANG                                                                     liability
              April 24, 2024           25,000    er 16,                0                                         15 years    No           No
DONG)                                                                      guarant
CO., LTD                                                                   ee
                                                             Total actual amount
Total approved guarantee
                                                             of guarantee for
amount for subsidiaries
                                                  100,000    subsidiaries during                                                                   0
during the reporting period
                                                             the reporting period
                                                             Total actual guarantee
Total approved guarantee
                                                             balance for
amount for subsidiaries at the
                                                  100,000    subsidiaries at the end                                                               0
end of the reporting period
                                                             of the reporting
                                                             period (B4)
                                                    Guarantee provided by subsidiaries to subsidiaries
               Disclosure date
Name of                                           Actual       Actual       Type of                  Counter                 Whether it        to
                of guarantee       Guarantee                                           Collatera                 Guarantee
guarantee                                        occurren     guarantee     guarant                 guarantee                has been     guarantee
                limit related       amount                                             l (if any)                 period
 object                                           ce date      amount         ee                     (if any)                 fulfilled   for related
                                    Total amount of company guarantee (i.e. the total of the first three major items)
                                                             Total actual amount
Total approved guarantee                                     of guarantees
amount during the reporting                       100,000    incurred during the                                                                   0
period (A1+B1+C1)                                            reporting period
                                                             Total actual guarantee
Total approved guarantee
                                                             balance at the end of
amount at the end of the                          100,000                                                                                          0
                                                             the reporting period
reporting period (A3+B3+C3)
Proportion of actual total guarantee amount (i.e.
A4+B4+C4) to the Company's net assets
Balance of guarantees provided to shareholders, actual
controllers, and their related parties (D)
Balance of debt guarantee provided directly or
indirectly for guaranteed objects with an asset liability                                                                                          0
ratio exceeding 70% (E)
Amount of the total guarantee exceeding 50% of net
assets (F)
Total amount of the above three guarantees (D+E+F)                                                                                                 0
Explanation of situations where there is a guarantee
liability or evidence indicating the possibility of
                                                             Not applicable
assuming joint and several liability for the unexpired
guarantee contract during the reporting period (if any)
Explanation of providing external guarantees in
                                                             Not applicable
violation of prescribed procedures (if any)

        Explanation of the specific situation of using composite guarantee

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

3. Significant contracts for daily operations

There were no significant contracts for daily operations during the reporting period of the Company.

4. Other significant contracts

□ Applicable Not applicable
There were no other significant contracts during the reporting period of the Company.

XIII. Explanation of Other Significant Events

□ Applicable Not applicable
There are no other significant matters that need to be explained during the reporting period of the Company.

XIV. Significant Events of the Company's Subsidiaries

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

    Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders

 I. Changes in Shares

 1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                           Unit: share
                      Before the change                Increase or decrease in this change (+, -)              After this change
                                               Issue                   transferre
                                                                                                    Subt                     Proportio
                    Quantity     Proportion     new        Bonus         d from        Others                Quantity
                                                                                                    otal                        n
                                              shares                     capital
I. Restricted
                   128,327,159     65.92%                                                                    128,327,159       65.92%
held by State
held by state-
owned legal
held by other
                   128,327,159     65.92%                                                                    128,327,159       65.92%
shares held by
                    94,284,872     48.43%                                                                     94,284,872       48.43%
domestic legal
held by
                    34,042,287     17.49%                                                                     34,042,287       17.49%
natural persons
  4. Foreign
shares held by
overseas legal
held by
overseas natural
II. Shares
without trading     66,352,349     34.08%                                                                     66,352,349       34.08%
  1. RMB
denominated         66,352,349     34.08%                                                                     66,352,349       34.08%
ordinary shares

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   2. Domestic
listed foreign
   3. Overseas
listed foreign
  4. Others
III. Total shares   194,679,508      100.00%                                                                   194,679,508      100.00%

 Reasons for changes in shares
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Approval of changes in shares
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Transfer of changes in shares
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Implementation progress of share repurchase
 Applicable □ Not applicable

 The Company held the 7th Session of the Third Board Meeting on November 10, 2023, and deliberated and approved the "Proposal on
 Repurchasing Company Shares through Centralized Bidding Trading": it plans to use its own funds to repurchase some of the
 Company's shares through centralized bidding trading, for the implementation of employee stock ownership plans or equity incentives.
 The total amount of repurchase funds is not less than RMB 30 million and not more than RMB 60 million.

 The above-mentioned share repurchase plan of the Company has been completed on February 1, 2024. The Company has repurchased
 a total of 2,230,000 shares of the Company through a dedicated securities account for share repurchases. The cumulative number of
 repurchased shares accounts for 1.1455% of the total share capital of the Company at that time, with a maximum transaction price of
 RMB 31.40 per share and a minimum transaction price of RMB 23.20 per share. The total transaction amount is RMB 59,683,228.10
 (excluding transaction costs).

 Progress in implementing centralized bidding trading to reduce holdings and repurchase shares
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 The impact of share changes on financial indicators such as basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share for the most recent
 year and period, and net assets per share attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Other contents deemed necessary by the Company or required to be disclosed by the securities regulatory authority
 □ Applicable Not applicable

 2. Changes in restricted shares

 □ Applicable Not applicable

 II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

 □ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   III. Number of Shareholders of the Company and Shareholding

                                                                                                                               Unit: share

                                                                                                             Total number
                                                             Total number of
                                                             preferred shareholders
Total number of ordinary                                                                                     shareholders
                                                             with restored voting
shareholders at the end of the                     18,381                                              0     holding                         0
                                                             rights at the end of the
reporting period                                                                                             special
                                                             reporting period (if any)
                                                                                                             voting shares
                                                             (see Note 8)
                                                                                                             (if any)
  Shareholding of ordinary shareholders holding more than 5% or particulars about the top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through
                                                             Changes                                           Pledge, marking or frozon
                                                                 in                       Number
                                             Total shares    increase                     of shares
                                                                         Number of
                                 Percenta     held at the      and                           not
  Name of          Nature of                                             shares with
                                   ge of      end of the     decrease                    subject to
 shareholder      shareholder                                              trading
                                  shares       reporting      during                       trading           Share status       Amount
                                                 period         the                      restriction
                                                             reportin                         s
                                                             g period
                  non state-
Times                             30.05%       58,500,000    0            58,500,000              0        Not applicable                    0
Co., Ltd.
Che               Domestic
                                  17.48%       34,022,300    0            34,022,300              0        Not applicable                    0
Quanhong          individual
JYSJ              Domestic
Investment        non state-
                                   7.21%       14,038,400    -69,200      10,580,700     3,457,700         Not applicable                    0
Enterprise        owned
(Limited          corporation
JYHY              Domestic
Investment        non state-
                                   7.13%       13,876,050    -45,000      10,440,787     3,435,263         Not applicable                    0
Enterprise        owned
(Limited          corporation
Dongguan LX
Investment        Domestic
Partnership       non state-
                                   5.08%        9,880,000    0             9,880,000              0        Not applicable                    0
Enterprise        owned
(Limited          corporation
JYLX              Domestic
Consulting        non state-
                                   2.39%        4,651,886    -66,024       3,561,285     1,090,601         Not applicable                    0
Enterprise        owned
(Limited          corporation
Yuanchuang        Others           0.87%        1,701,621    -40,500                0    1,701,621         Not applicable                    0

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Co., Ltd. -
                  non state-
Consulting                         0.85%          1,657,100    -74,200        1,322,100       335,000     Not applicable                      0
Co., Ltd. -       Others           0.35%           688,580     -21,000                 0      688,580     Not applicable                      0
Pearl No.1
Private Equity
Juanyong I
                  non state-
Venture                            0.34%           666,138     0                       0      666,138     Not applicable                      0
Fund (Limited
Strategic investors or general
legal persons become the top
10 shareholders due to the       Not applicable
placement of new shares (if
any) (see Note 3)
                                 Shareholder Che Quanhong is elder brother of shareholder Che Quanzhong from ZKTeco Times are
                                 brothers, and son of Che Jun, partner of LX Investment.
                                 The shareholder Che Quanhong holds 76.02% of the equity of ZKTeco Times, being the controlling
Description of the above         shareholder of ZKTeco Times. Meanwhile, Che Quanhong holds 1.18% of the property share of shareholder
shareholder's association or     LX Investment and 6.57% of the property share of shareholder JYLX.
concerted action                 Che Quanzhong, the younger brother of shareholder Che Quanhong, holds a 23.98% of the equity of
                                 ZKTeco Times.
                                 Che Jun, the father of shareholder Che Quanhong, holds 98.68% of the property share of LX Investment.
                                 In addition, there is no affiliated relationship between the other shareholders of the Company.
Description of the above
shareholders' involvement in
entrusting/entrusted voting      Not involved
rights and waiver of voting
Special description of the
                                 As of June 30, 2024, the Company's repurchase special securities account holds 2,230,000 A ordinary
existence of special
                                 shares, accounting for 1.15% of the current total share capital of the Company. As required, it is not included
repurchase accounts among
                                 in the list of the top 10 shareholders of the Company.
the top 10 shareholders (see

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Note 11)
Particulars about the top 10 shareholders not subject to trading restrictions (excluding shares lent through refinancing and executive lockup

                                  Number of shares without trading restrictions held at the end of the             Types of shares
     Name of shareholder
                                                         reporting period                                Types of shares        Amount
Shenzhen JYSJ Investment                                                                                 RMB
Enterprise (Limited                                                                        3,457,700     denominated                 3,457,700
Partnership)                                                                                             ordinary shares
Shenzhen JYHY Investment                                                                                 RMB
Enterprise (Limited                                                                        3,435,263     denominated                 3,435,263
Partnership)                                                                                             ordinary shares
Huaxin Yuanchuang
(Qingdao) Investment
Management Co., Ltd. -
                                                                                           1,701,621     denominated                 1,701,621
Qingdao Walden Zhongxiang
                                                                                                         ordinary shares
Investment Center (Limited
Shenzhen JYLX Consulting                                                                                 RMB
Enterprise (Limited                                                                        1,090,601     denominated                 1,090,601
Partnership)                                                                                             ordinary shares
Shenzhen Gohedge Fund
Management Co., Ltd. -
                                                                                             688,580     denominated                  688,580
Gohedge Pearl No.1 Private
                                                                                                         ordinary shares
Equity Fund
Shenzhen Fuhai Juanyong I                                                                                RMB
Venture Investment Fund                                                                      666,138     denominated                  666,138
(Limited Partnership)                                                                                    ordinary shares
Hong Kong Securities
                                                                                             535,761     denominated                  535,761
Clearing Company Limited
                                                                                                         ordinary shares
Changjiang Wealth Asset
Management - Bank of
Nanjing - Changjiang Wealth -
                                                                                             379,592     denominated                  379,592
ZKTeco Employee Strategic
                                                                                                         ordinary shares
Placement No.1 Collective
Asset Management Plan
Shenzhen JYQL Investment                                                                                 RMB
Consulting Enterprise                                                                        335,000     denominated                  335,000
(Limited Partnership)                                                                                    ordinary shares
Zhuo Qiugang                                                                                 299,790     denominated                  299,790
                                                                                                         ordinary shares
Explanations on the
association or concerted
action between the top 10
shareholders of outstanding
shares not subject to trading     The Company does not know whether there is a related relationship between the top 10 shareholders of
restrictions, as well as          shares without trading restrictions, as well as between the top 10 shareholders outstanding shares without
between the top 10                trading restrictions and the top 10 shareholders, or whether they belong to persons acting in concert.
shareholders of outstanding
shares not subject to trading
restrictions and the top 10
                                  As of the end of the reporting period, among the top 10 shareholders not subject to trading restrictions,
Explanations on shareholders
                                  Shenzhen Gohedge Fund Management Co., Ltd. - Gohedge Pearl No.1 Private Equity Fund held a total of
participating in margin trading
                                  688,580 A shares of the Company at the end of the reporting period, including 563,520 A shares held through

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

(if any) (see Note 4)             ordinary securities accounts and 125,060 A shares held througha margin account of CITIC Securities Co.,
                                  Ltd. At the end of the reporting period, Zhuo Qiugang held a total of 299,790 A shares of the Company,
                                  including 0 A share held through ordinary securities accounts and 299,790 A shares held through a margin
                                  account of Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.
   Participation of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of outstanding
   shares not subject to trading restrictions in the lending of shares through refinancing
   □ Applicable Not applicable
   Changes of the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of outstanding shares not subject to trading restrictions compared to
   the previous period due to reasons related to lending/repayment through refinancing
   □ Applicable Not applicable
   Does the Company have voting right difference arrangements
   □ Yes No
   Did the top 10 ordinary shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares without trading restrictions engage in agreed
   repurchase transactions during the reporting period
   □ Yes No
   The top 10 ordinary shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares without trading restrictions did not engage in any
   agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period.

   IV. The Cumulative Pledged Shares of the Company's Controlling Shareholder or the Largest
   Shareholder and Its Concerted Action Person Account for 80% of the Company's Shares Held
   by Them

   □ Applicable Not applicable

   V. Changes in Shareholding of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

   □ Applicable Not applicable
   There were no changes in the shareholding of the Company's directors, supervisors, and senior management during the reporting period,
   as detailed in the 2023 Annual Report.

   VI. Changes in Controlling Shareholders and Actual Controllers

   Changes in controlling shareholders during the reporting period
   □ Applicable Not applicable
   There was no change in the controlling shareholder of the Company during the reporting period.
   Changes in actual controller during the reporting period
   □ Applicable Not applicable
   There has been no change in the actual controller of the Company during the reporting period.

                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                       Section VIII Information of Preferred Shares

□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no preferred share in the Company during the reporting period.

                                                  ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                               Section IX Bonds

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                          Section X Financial Report

I. Audit Report

Whether the Half Year Report has been audited
□ Yes No
The Company's Half Year financial report has not been audited.

II. Financial Statements

The unit of the financial statements in the financial notes is: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: ZKTECO CO., LTD.
                                                            June 30, 2024
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  Ending Balance                  Beginning Balance
   Current assets:
     Monetary funds                                                    1,319,257,568.19                 1,990,924,954.78
     Deposit reservation for balance
      Lendings to banks and other financial
     Trading financial assets                                           545,824,974.27                     80,980,203.63
     Derivative financial assets
     Notes receivable
     Accounts receivable                                                470,317,501.31                    479,803,313.66
     Receivable financing
     Prepayments                                                            26,704,423.54                  23,457,907.24
     Premiums receivable
     Reinsurance accounts receivable
      Reserves for reinsurance contract
     Other receivables                                                      38,923,993.14                  32,744,574.20
        Including: interest receivable
               Dividends receivable
     Buying back the sale of financial
     Inventories                                                        375,223,613.19                    372,714,784.31
        Including: Data resources
     Contract assets                                                          282,186.31                         282,186.31
     Held-for-sale assets
     Non-current assets due within one year                                  9,854,312.91                  17,257,614.74
     Other current assets                                                   25,115,605.16                  25,865,809.28

                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Total current assets                          2,811,504,178.02               3,024,031,348.15
Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances to customers
  Debt investment                               36,805,244.82                   42,284,596.90
  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables                          3,407,924.97                    2,447,228.23
  Long-term equity investment                   29,071,504.20                   29,781,888.62
  Other equity instrument investments
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment real estate                        22,324,902.81                   23,145,488.85
  Fixed assets                                 466,413,000.41                  470,121,791.29
  Construction in progress                     212,440,624.60                  138,986,483.73
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                           43,337,741.86                   38,669,718.86
  Intangible assets                             89,611,548.33                   66,016,371.68
     Including: Data resources
  Development expenditures
     Including: Data resources
  Goodwill                                         507,946.85                      504,803.72
  Long-term deferred expenses                    6,992,228.92                    3,768,847.81
  Deferred income tax assets                    74,912,779.14                   67,257,559.01
  Other non-current assets                       1,161,841.76                   16,884,605.85
Total non-current assets                       986,987,288.67                  899,869,384.55
Total assets                                  3,798,491,466.69               3,923,900,732.70
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loan
  Borrowings from the Central Bank
   Borrowings from banks and other
financial institutions
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                148,568,276.33                  122,573,544.09
  Accounts payable                             171,238,426.99                  245,084,182.32
  Advances from customer
  Contract liabilities                          70,472,302.17                   65,331,106.17
  Financial assets sold for repurchase
  Deposit from customers and interbank
  Acting trading securities
  Acting underwriting securities
  Payroll payable                               41,775,200.44                   56,630,101.98
  Taxes and dues payable                        16,611,951.08                   28,892,229.44
  Other payables                                43,034,768.84                   36,735,314.36

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

       Including: interest payable
                Dividends payable
    Handling charges and commissions
     Reinsurance accounts receivable
     Liabilities held for sale
    Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                                        22,626,110.87                              21,094,682.36
     Other current liabilities                                          11,195,334.26                              16,463,934.35
  Total current liabilities                                            525,522,370.98                             592,805,095.07
  Non-current liabilities:
     Reserves for insurance contracts
     Long-term loan                                                      7,320,192.70                               7,810,405.04
     Bonds payable
       Including: preferred stock
                Perpetual bonds
     Lease liabilities                                                  22,888,617.57                              19,713,286.21
     Long-term payables
     Long-term payroll payable
     Estimated liabilities                                                                                            600,000.00
     Deferred income                                                     1,760,815.34                               1,853,549.62
     Deferred income tax liabilities                                    11,702,064.75                              10,329,053.48
     Other non-current liabilities
  Total non-current liabilities                                         43,671,690.36                              40,306,294.35
  Total liabilities                                                    569,194,061.34                             633,111,389.42
  Owner's equity:
   Share capital                                                       194,679,508.00                             194,679,508.00
   Other equity instruments
     Including: preferred stock
             Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserve                                                   2,083,108,177.74                           2,075,479,375.13
   Less: treasury stock                                                 59,683,228.10                                 784,700.00
   Other comprehensive income                                           22,278,858.00                              28,000,959.19
     Special reserve
    Surplus reserves                                                    60,455,422.50                              60,455,422.50
    General risk reserves
    Undistributed profits                                              899,618,473.11                             907,583,024.38
  Total owner's equity attributable to the
                                                                     3,200,457,211.25                           3,265,413,589.20
  parent company
    Minority interests                                                  28,840,194.10                              25,375,754.08
  Total owner's equity                                               3,229,297,405.35                           3,290,789,343.28
  Total liabilities and owner's equity                               3,798,491,466.69                           3,923,900,732.70
Legal Representative: Jin Hairong Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Youwu Person in charge of accounting institution:
Fang Li

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                    Item                   Ending Balance                 Beginning Balance
Current assets:
  Monetary funds                                      753,865,026.13                   997,496,318.79
  Trading financial assets                            121,216,474.26                          888,780.80
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                                 539,694,799.79                   674,768,619.85
  Receivable financing
  Prepayments                                          10,199,202.22                    16,580,313.51
  Other receivables                                    35,416,566.97                    59,135,419.22
     Including: interest receivable                         221,017.34                        192,033.24
               Dividends receivable                     8,000,000.00                                0.00
  Inventories                                         200,675,790.72                   220,338,772.92
     Including: Data resources
  Contract assets                                           274,794.84                        274,794.84
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within one year                    256,494.12                  11,261,761.38
  Other current assets                                  3,401,894.12                     2,221,965.93
Total current assets                                1,665,001,043.17                 1,982,966,747.24
Non-current assets:
  Debt investment
  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables                                 2,067,545.03                     1,553,576.04
  Long-term equity investment                       1,324,690,055.60                 1,273,046,481.87
  Other equity instrument investments
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment real estate
  Fixed assets                                         59,950,555.19                    62,080,079.28
  Construction in progress
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                  13,363,679.55                    11,281,532.81
  Intangible assets                                    33,331,398.37                     8,193,258.13
     Including: Data resources
  Development expenditures
     Including: Data resources
  Long-term deferred expenses                           4,963,669.77                     1,314,622.72
  Deferred income tax assets                           45,941,326.35                    39,737,047.18
  Other non-current assets                                                              15,725,991.21
Total non-current assets                            1,484,308,229.86                 1,412,932,589.24
Total assets                                        3,149,309,273.03                 3,395,899,336.48

                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Current liabilities:
  Short-term loan
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                  139,640,526.63                  114,437,751.98
  Accounts payable                               181,271,165.17                  293,594,334.82
  Advances from customer
  Contract liabilities                            33,865,218.72                   51,073,453.29
  Payroll payable                                 14,762,965.28                   26,129,332.92
  Taxes and dues payable                           1,037,578.83                    4,029,704.54
  Other payables                                  45,684,285.87                   48,521,459.02
     Including: interest payable
              Dividends payable
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one
                                                   6,562,630.53                    6,036,995.12
  Other current liabilities                        8,923,795.64                   17,818,576.02
Total current liabilities                        431,748,166.67                  561,641,607.71
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loan
  Bonds payable
     Including: preferred stock
              Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                                6,553,342.48                    4,932,540.65
  Long-term payables
  Long-term payroll payable
  Estimated liabilities                                     0.00                     600,000.00
  Deferred income                                    330,185.74                      400,966.62
  Deferred income tax liabilities                  4,829,334.45                    4,529,736.45
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                     11,712,862.67                   10,463,243.72
Total liabilities                                443,461,029.34                  572,104,851.43
Owner's equity:
 Share capital                                   194,679,508.00                  194,679,508.00
 Other equity instruments
   Including: preferred stock
           Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserve                                2,091,772,687.38               2,085,198,988.61
 Less: treasury stock                              59,683,228.10                     784,700.00
 Other comprehensive income
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserves                                 60,364,126.01                  60,364,126.01
  Undistributed profits                           418,715,150.40                 484,336,562.43
Total owner's equity                            2,705,848,243.69               2,823,794,485.05
Total liabilities and owner's equity            3,149,309,273.03               3,395,899,336.48

                                                                               ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                     Item                     Half Year of 2024                 Half Year of 2023
  I. Total operating income                                903,103,158.77                    937,182,670.00
    Including: operating income                            903,103,158.77                    937,182,670.00
             Interest income
             Premium earned
          Income from handling charges
  and commissions
  II. Total operating cost                                 824,250,410.31                    820,963,431.57
    Including: operating cost                              454,301,823.55                    488,923,174.83
             Interest expenses
            Expenses from handling
  charges and commissions
             Surrender value
             Net payments for insurance
             Net provisions for policy
             Policy dividend expenses
             Reinsurance expenses
             Taxes and surcharges                           13,044,317.00                      9,064,619.07
             Selling expenses                              216,506,500.22                    196,138,701.98
             Administrative expenses                        53,529,882.13                     60,476,345.47
             R&D expenses                                  105,650,008.20                    100,984,101.72
             Financial expenses                            -18,782,120.79                    -34,623,511.50
               Including: interest expenses                  1,576,340.90                      1,807,293.55
                       Interest income                      23,834,740.57                     31,152,457.27
    Plus: other income                                       8,367,842.99                      5,763,414.14
         Investment income (loss
                                                             2,900,142.97                      1,237,665.06
  expressed with "-")
              Including: investment
                                                                  989,323.74                   1,092,924.55
  income in associates and joint ventures
                      Gains from
  derecognition of financial assets
  measured at amortized cost
          Gains from foreign exchange
  (loss expressed with "-")
          Gains from net exposure hedging
  (loss expressed with "-")
          Gains from changes in fair value
                                                             4,288,802.32                     -7,045,482.43
  (loss expressed with "-")
         Credit impairment loss (loss
                                                              -771,004.22                     -2,759,705.20
  expressed with "-")
           Losses from impairment of assets                  -5,196,924.78                    -3,693,840.00

                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

(loss expressed with "-")
       Income from asset disposal (loss
                                                        -83,513.11                    -245,859.71
expressed with "-")
III. Operating profit (loss expressed with
                                                     88,358,094.63                 109,475,430.29
  Plus: non-operating income                          2,456,249.93                     281,042.36
  Less: non-operating expenditure                     1,048,561.28                     597,424.53
IV. Total profit (loss expressed with "-")           89,765,783.28                 109,159,048.12
  Less: income tax expenses                           4,902,747.31                   9,350,242.66
V. Net profit (loss expressed with "-")              84,863,035.97                  99,808,805.46
   (I) Classification by business
      1. Net profit from continuing
                                                     84,863,035.97                  99,808,805.46
operations (net loss expressed with "-")
      2. Net profit from discontinued
operations (net loss expressed with "-")
   (II) Classification by ownership
      1. Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the parent company (net              78,637,727.33                  88,754,335.62
loss expressed with "-")
      2. Minority shareholders' profit and
                                                      6,225,308.64                  11,054,469.84
loss (net loss expressed with "-")
VI. Other comprehensive income - after
                                                     -4,827,043.56                  24,565,469.12
   Net of tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to the owner of the              -5,722,101.19                  21,315,590.14
parent company
      Other comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred to profit or loss
         1. Changes in re-measurement of
the defined benefit plan
         2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be transferred to profit or loss
under the equity method
         3. Changes in fair value of other
equity instrument investments
         4. Changes in the fair value of the
Company's own credit risk
         5. Other
      (2) Other comprehensive income
                                                     -5,722,101.19                  21,315,590.14
that will be reclassified into profit or loss
         1. Other comprehensive income
that can be transferred to profit or loss
under the equity method
         2. Changes in fair value of other
debt investments
         3. Amount of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive
         4. Provision for credit impairment
of other debt investments
         5. Cash flow hedging reserve
         6. Translation difference of
                                                     -5,722,101.19                  21,315,590.14
foreign currency financial statements
         7. Others

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

      After-tax net amount of other
   comprehensive income attributable to the                                     895,057.63                                 3,249,878.98
   minority shareholders
   VII. Total comprehensive income                                          80,035,992.41                                124,374,274.58
      Total comprehensive income
   attributable to owners of the parent                                     72,915,626.14                                110,069,925.76
      Total comprehensive income
                                                                             7,120,366.27                                 14,304,348.82
   attributable to minority shareholders
   VIII. Earnings per share:
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                  0.4070                                        0.4598
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                               0.4050                                        0.4579
In the event of a merger of enterprise under the same control in the current period, the net profit realized by the combined party before
the merger is RMB 0.00, and the net profit realized by the combined party in the previous period is RMB 0.00.
Legal Representative: Jin Hairong Person in charge of accounting work: Wang Youwu Person in charge of accounting institution: Fang

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                      Item                                  Half Year of 2024                             Half Year of 2023
   I. Operating income                                                     647,819,547.32                                668,101,346.15
     Less: operating cost                                                  495,303,687.48                                470,747,145.91
          Taxes and surcharges                                               3,255,592.42                                  2,642,445.40
          Selling expenses                                                  75,242,858.33                                 86,562,114.29
          Administrative expenses                                           24,735,982.08                                 32,097,381.53
          R&D expenses                                                      62,060,996.17                                 68,222,616.46
          Financial expenses                                               -17,528,945.14                                -31,969,286.63
             Including: interest expenses                                       278,823.58                                    326,423.56
                     Interest income                                        13,097,924.13                                 20,391,414.57
     Plus: other income                                                      1,415,280.88                                  1,426,313.93
          Investment income (loss
                                                                            16,051,868.96                                 22,862,372.43
   expressed with "-")
             Including: investment income
   in associates and joint ventures
                    Gains from
   derecognition of financial assets
   measured at amortized cost
           Gains from net exposure hedging
   (loss expressed with "-")
           Gains from changes in fair value
                                                                                452,371.07                                -7,049,098.87
   (loss expressed with "-")
          Credit impairment loss (loss
                                                                             -2,701,198.72                                -1,004,071.90
   expressed with "-")
           Losses from impairment of assets
                                                                             -6,694,294.85                                  -449,231.75
   (loss expressed with "-")
          Income from asset disposal (loss
                                                                                -92,272.68                                  -177,330.46
   expressed with "-")
   II. Operating profit (loss expressed with                                13,181,130.64                                 55,407,882.57

                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

    Plus: non-operating income                                   2,032,935.23                           132,788.43
    Less: non-operating expenditure                                   126,963.88                        217,320.55
  III. Total profits (total losses expressed
                                                                15,087,101.99                     55,323,350.45
  with "-")
    Less: income tax expenses                                    -5,893,764.58                    -2,969,189.55
  IV. Net profit (net loss expressed with "-
                                                                20,980,866.57                     58,292,540.00
     (I) Net profit from continuing
                                                                20,980,866.57                     58,292,540.00
  operations (net loss expressed with "-")
     (II) Net profit from discontinued
  operations (net loss expressed with "-")
  V. Net of tax of other comprehensive
        Other comprehensive income that
  cannot be transferred to profit or loss
           1. Changes in re-measurement of
  the defined benefit plan
           2. Other comprehensive income
  that cannot be transferred to profit or loss
  under the equity method
           3. Changes in fair value of other
  equity instrument investments
           4. Changes in the fair value of the
  Company's own credit risk
           5. Other
        (2) Other comprehensive income
  that will be reclassified into profit or loss
           1. Other comprehensive income
  that can be transferred to profit or loss
  under the equity method
           2. Changes in fair value of other
  debt investments
           3. Amount of financial assets
  reclassified into other comprehensive
           4. Provision for credit impairment
  of other debt investments
           5. Cash flow hedging reserve
           6. Translation difference of
  foreign currency financial statements
           7. Others
  VI. Total comprehensive income                                20,980,866.57                     58,292,540.00
     (I) Basic EPS
     (II) Diluted EPS

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                     Item                         Half Year of 2024                 Half Year of 2023
  I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sale of goods and
                                                               987,598,999.46                    971,520,477.90
  rendering of services
    Net increase in deposits from

                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

customers and deposits in banks and
other financial institutions
  Net increase in borrowings from the
Central Bank
  Net increase in borrowings from banks
and other financial institutions
   Cash received from receiving
insurance premiums of original insurance
  Net cash received from reinsurance
  Net increase in deposits and
investments from policyholders
   Cash received from interest, handling
fees and commissions
   Net increase in borrowings from banks
and other financial institutions
   Net capital increase in repurchase
   Net cash received from vicariously
traded securities
  Refund of taxes and surcharges                    38,702,440.49                   33,538,290.52
  Cash received from other operating
                                                    42,692,501.49                   23,184,790.91
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                  1,068,993,941.44               1,028,243,559.33
  Cash paid for purchase of goods and
                                                   513,173,787.14                  464,265,830.40
rendering of services
  Net increase in loans and advances to
   Net increase in deposits in Central
Bank and other banks and financial
  Cash paid for original insurance
contract claims
  Net increase in lendings to banks and
other financial institutions
  Cash paid for interest, handling fees
and commissions
  Cash paid for policy dividends
   Cash paid to and for employees                  289,353,780.70                  275,369,361.95
   Payments of all types of taxes                   50,283,470.29                   35,397,636.97
   Other cash payments relating to
                                                   149,550,581.46                  122,480,702.89
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating
                                                  1,002,361,619.59                 897,513,532.21
Net cash flows from operating activities            66,632,321.85                  130,730,027.12
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
   Cash received from disinvestment                522,835,114.48                  509,707,506.64
   Cash received from investment
                                                     3,280,492.40                    1,864,089.86
   Net cash received from disposal of
                                                        64,151.25                      280,330.67
fixed assets, intangible assets and other

                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of
  subsidiaries and other business units
     Cash received from other investing
                                                                     68,155.00                              0.00
  Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                                             526,247,913.13                    511,851,927.17
     Cash paid to acquire and construct
  fixed assets, intangible assets and other                  122,974,400.98                     54,738,953.74
  long-term assets
     Cash paid for investments                               649,403,947.08                    554,750,509.91
    Net increase in pledge loans
     Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
  and other business units
     Cash paid for other investing activities                                                    2,046,795.00
  Subtotal of cash outflows from investing
                                                             772,378,348.06                    611,536,258.65
  Net cash flows from investing activities                  -246,130,434.93                    -99,684,331.48
  III. Cash flows from financing activities:
     Cash received from investors                                                                1,415,200.02
     Including: cash received by
  subsidiaries from the absorption of                                                            1,415,200.02
  minority shareholders' investments
     Cash received from borrowings                                                               3,700,000.00
     Cash received from other financing
                                                               3,512,381.80                                 0.00
  Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                               3,512,381.80                      5,115,200.02
    Cash paid for debt repayments                                   494,458.32                         26,952.47
    Cash paid for distribution of dividends
                                                              97,339,032.69                     64,829,721.10
  and profits or payment of interest
     Including: dividends and profits paid
                                                              10,655,807.14                     12,806,836.00
  to minority shareholders by subsidiaries
     Cash paid for other financing activities                 78,886,895.58                     16,527,983.10
  Subtotal of cash outflows from financing
                                                             176,720,386.59                     81,384,656.67
  Net cash flows from financing activities                  -173,208,004.79                    -76,269,456.65
  IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on
                                                               2,155,653.57                      7,540,644.43
  cash and cash equivalents
  V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                            -350,550,464.30                    -37,683,116.58
     Plus: beginning balance of cash and
                                                           1,317,020,553.02                  1,077,608,258.10
  cash equivalents
  VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                             966,470,088.72                  1,039,925,141.52

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                     Item                       Half Year of 2024                 Half Year of 2023
  I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sale of goods and
                                                             686,692,249.18                    730,327,882.57
  rendering of services
     Refund of taxes and surcharges                           20,889,299.35                     30,787,233.30
     Cash received from other operating
                                                              55,574,317.42                     13,045,527.91

                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                    763,155,865.95                  774,160,643.78
   Cash paid for purchase of goods and
                                                    454,533,033.49                  471,387,756.01
rendering of services
   Cash paid to and for employees                   118,642,728.71                  126,389,611.09
   Payments of all types of taxes                     3,888,977.04                    2,854,237.65
   Other cash payments relating to
                                                    112,488,304.96                  169,870,087.91
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating
                                                    689,553,044.20                  770,501,692.66
Net cash flows from operating activities             73,602,821.75                    3,658,951.12
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
   Cash received from disinvestment                  30,000,000.00                  406,011,800.00
   Cash received from investment
                                                       9,155,000.00                  10,743,851.37
   Net cash received from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                  3,535.05                     178,820.17
long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash received from other investing
                                                         68,155.00                            0.00
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                                     39,226,690.05                  416,934,471.54
   Cash paid to acquire and construct
fixed assets, intangible assets and other            15,884,167.26                    1,659,867.55
long-term assets
   Cash paid for investments                        215,070,884.43                  364,000,000.00
   Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
and other business units
   Cash paid for other investing activities                    0.00                   2,046,795.00
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing
                                                    230,955,051.69                  367,706,662.55
Net cash flows from investing activities            -191,728,361.64                  49,227,808.99
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
   Cash received from investors                                0.00
   Cash received from borrowings                               0.00
   Cash received from other financing
                                                               0.00                           0.00
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                               0.00                           0.00
   Cash paid for debt repayments                               0.00                           0.00
   Cash paid for distribution of dividends
                                                     86,602,278.60                   51,972,217.85
and profits or payment of interest
   Cash paid for other financing activities          63,228,099.14                    5,671,917.65
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing
                                                    149,830,377.74                   57,644,135.50
Net cash flows from financing activities            -149,830,377.74                 -57,644,135.50
IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on
                                                       3,239,301.33                   1,493,480.05
cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                    -264,716,616.30                  -3,263,895.34
   Plus: beginning balance of cash and
                                                    875,420,293.96                  731,506,487.43
cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                    610,703,677.66                  728,242,592.09

                                                                                                                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
                  7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                  Amount in current period

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                               Half Year of 2024

                                                                                         Equity attributable to owners of the parent company

                                             Other equity
         Item                                                                                                                                          Gener
                                                                                                           Other                                                                                               Minority
                                                  Per                                                                                                                                                                         Total owner's equity
                                                                                     Less: treasury                       Special         Surplus      al risk   Undistributed
                        Share capital                              Capital reserve                     comprehensiv                                                               Others       Subtotal        interests
                                         Prefe    pet       Ot
                                                                                         stock                            reserve        reserves      reserv       profits
                                         rred     ual       her                                          e income
                                         stock    bo         s

Ending balance
                        194,679,508.00                            2,075,479,375.13       784,700.00    28,000,959.19                   60,455,422.50             907,583,024.38            3,265,413,589.20   25,375,754.08     3,290,789,343.28
of previous year

Plus: changes in

Corrections of
prior period


II. Beginning
balance of this         194,679,508.00                            2,075,479,375.13       784,700.00    28,000,959.19                   60,455,422.50             907,583,024.38            3,265,413,589.20   25,375,754.08     3,290,789,343.28

III. Amount
of the current
                                                                      7,628,802.61    58,898,528.10     -5,722,101.19                                             -7,964,551.27              -64,956,377.95    3,464,440.02        -61,491,937.93
period (decrease
expressed with "-

(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                           -5,722,101.19                                             78,637,727.33              72,915,626.14     7,120,366.27        80,035,992.41

                                                                                  ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
(II) Capital
invested and
                      7,628,802.61   58,898,528.10                  0.00    -51,269,725.49    6,999,880.89       -44,269,844.60
reduced by the

1. Common
stock contributed                    58,898,528.10                          -58,898,528.10            0.00       -58,898,528.10
by owners

2. Capital
invested by
holders of other

3. Amount of
payments              7,628,802.61                                           7,628,802.61       136,509.00        7,765,311.61
recognized in

4. Others                                                                                     6,863,371.89        6,863,371.89

(III) Profit
                                                           -86,602,278.60   -86,602,278.60   -10,655,807.14      -97,258,085.74

1. Surplus

2. Withdrawal of
general risk

3. Distribution to
owners (or                                                 -86,602,278.60   -86,602,278.60   -10,655,807.14      -97,258,085.74

4. Others

(IV) Internal
carryover of
owner's equity

1. Capital surplus
transfer to capital

                                                                                                                                                              ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
(or equity

2. Surplus
reserve transfer
to capital (or
equity capital)

3. Surplus
reserve offsetting

4. Changes in
defined benefit
plans carried
forward to
retained earnings

5. Retained
income carried
forward from

6. Others

(V) Special

1. Withdrawal in
this period

2. Use in the
current period

(VI) Others

IV. Ending
balance of              194,679,508.00      2,083,108,177.74   59,683,228.10   22,278,858.00    0.00   60,455,422.50   0.00   899,618,473.11   0.00   3,200,457,211.25   28,840,194.10   3,229,297,405.35
current period

                  Amount of previous year

                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
                                                                                                                           Half Year of 2023

                                                                                     Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
         Item                           Other equity instruments                                                                                                                                                       Minority       Total owner's
                                                                                           Less:          Other                                       General
                                                                                                                          Special        Surplus                 Undistributed
                     Share capital                                     Capital reserve    treasury   comprehensive                                      risk                          Others       Subtotal            interests          equity
                                     Preferred   Perpetual
                                                             Others                                                       reserve       reserves                     profits
                                      stock       bonds                                    stock         income                                       reserves

Ending balance
                    148,492,051.00       0.00        0.00      0.00   2,061,172,912.28       0.00      5,255,222.65            0.00   53,975,085.77      0.00    788,571,917.98         0.00   3,057,467,189.68      43,025,126.30   3,100,492,315.98
of previous year

Plus: changes in
accounting                                                                                                -1,046.84                                                  254,641.11                     253,594.27          30,716.63         284,310.90

Corrections of
prior period


II. Beginning
balance of this     148,492,051.00       0.00        0.00      0.00   2,061,172,912.28       0.00      5,254,175.81            0.00   53,975,085.77      0.00    788,826,559.09         0.00   3,057,720,783.95      43,055,842.93   3,100,776,626.88

III. Amount
of the current
                     44,547,615.00       0.00        0.00      0.00     -25,540,642.17       0.00     21,315,590.14            0.00            0.00      0.00     36,782,117.77         0.00     77,104,680.74        2,939,640.76     80,044,321.50
period (decrease
expressed with "-

(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                         21,315,590.14                                               88,754,335.62                 110,069,925.76       14,304,348.82    124,374,274.58

(II) Capital
invested and
                              0.00       0.00        0.00      0.00     19,006,972.83        0.00                 0.00         0.00            0.00      0.00                  0.00     0.00     19,006,972.83        1,442,127.94     20,449,100.77
reduced by the

1. Common
stock contributed                                                                                                                                                                                             0.00    1,415,200.02       1,415,200.02
by owners

2. Capital
invested by
                                                                                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
holders of other

3. Amount of
payments                                                  18,876,651.21                                                                     18,876,651.21       26,927.92    18,903,579.13
recognized in

4. Others                                                    130,321.62                                                                        130,321.62                       130,321.62

(III) Profit                                                                                                                                                             -
                              0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00            0.00    0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00   0.00   -51,972,217.85   0.00   -51,972,217.85                   -64,779,053.85
distribution                                                                                                                                                 12,806,836.00

1. Surplus
reserves                                                                                                                     0.00                    0.00                             0.00

2. Withdrawal of
general risk

3. Distribution to
owners (or                                                                                                          -51,972,217.85          -51,972,217.85                   -64,779,053.85

4. Others

(IV) Internal
carryover of         44,547,615.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   -44,547,615.00   0.00   0.00         0.00   0.00   0.00            0.00    0.00            0.00             0.00            0.00
owner's equity

1. Capital
surplus transfer
                     44,547,615.00                        -44,547,615.00
to capital (or
equity capital)

2. Surplus
reserve transfer
to capital (or
equity capital)

3. Surplus
reserve offsetting

                                                                                                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
4. Changes in
defined benefit
plans carried
forward to
retained earnings

5. Retained
income carried
forward from

6. Others

(V) Special

1. Withdrawal in
                                 0.00      0.00       0.00     0.00              0.00         0.00            0.00         0.00            0.00   0.00             0.00    0.00                 0.00              0.00               0.00
this period

2. Use in the
current period

(VI) Others

IV. Ending
balance of             193,039,666.00      0.00       0.00     0.00   2,035,632,270.11        0.00   26,569,765.95         0.00   53,975,085.77   0.00   825,608,676.86    0.00     3,134,825,464.69     45,995,483.69   3,180,820,948.38
current period

              8. Statement of Changes in Equity of the Parent Company
              Amount in current period
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                       Half Year of 2024
                                                     Other equity instruments                                                         Other
                Item                                                                                        Less: treasury                        Special       Surplus           Undistributed                    Total owner's
                                Share capital     Preferred   Perpetual                  Capital reserve                          comprehensive                                                        Others
                                                                           Others                               stock                             reserve       reserves            profits                           equity
                                                    stock      bonds                                                                 income

        Ending balance
                               194,679,508.00                                        2,085,198,988.61          784,700.00                                    60,364,126.01    484,336,562.43                    2,823,794,485.05
        of previous year

                                                                                                ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
Plus: changes in
Corrections of
prior period
II. Beginning
balance of this     194,679,508.00   2,085,198,988.61     784,700.00    60,364,126.01   484,336,562.43          2,823,794,485.05
III. Amount
of the current
                                        6,573,698.77    58,898,528.10                   -65,621,412.03           -117,946,241.36
period (decrease
expressed with "-
(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                            20,980,866.57             20,980,866.57
(II) Capital
invested and
                                        6,573,698.77    58,898,528.10                                             -52,324,829.33
reduced by the
1. Common
stock contributed                                       58,898,528.10                                             -58,898,528.10
by owners
2. Capital
invested by
holders of other
3. Amount of
payments                                6,573,698.77                                                                6,573,698.77
recognized in
                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
4. Others
(III) Profit
                           -86,602,278.60            -86,602,278.60
1. Surplus
reserves                                                          0.00
2. Distribution to
owners (or                 -86,602,278.60            -86,602,278.60
3. Others                                                         0.00
(IV) Internal
carryover of                                                      0.00
owner's equity
1. Capital
surplus transfer
to capital (or
equity capital)
2. Surplus
reserve transfer
to capital (or
equity capital)
3. Surplus
reserve offsetting
4. Changes in
defined benefit
plans carried
forward to
retained earnings
5. Retained
income carried
forward from

                                                                                                                                                                  ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
6. Others
(V) Special
1. Withdrawal in
this period
2. Use in the
current period
(VI) Others
IV. Ending
balance of            194,679,508.00                                    2,091,772,687.38      59,683,228.10                            60,364,126.01     418,715,150.40           2,705,848,243.69
current period

    Amount of previous period
                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                                                                     Half Year of 2023
                                             Other equity instruments                             Less:        Other
            Item                                                                                                           Special     Surplus         Undistributed             Total owner's
                          Share capital   Preferred   Perpetual             Capital reserve     treasury   comprehensive                                               Others
                                                                  Others                                                   reserve     reserves          profits                    equity
                                            stock      bonds                                      stock       income

   Ending balance
                        148,492,051.00        0.00        0.00      0.00   2,073,269,021.41         0.00            0.00     0.00    53,883,789.28   478,054,103.62             2,753,698,965.31
   of previous year
   Plus: changes in
   accounting                                                                                                                                             -39,162.22                  -39,162.22
   Corrections of
   prior period
   II. Beginning
   balance of this      148,492,051.00        0.00        0.00      0.00   2,073,269,021.41         0.00            0.00     0.00    53,883,789.28   478,014,941.40             2,753,659,803.09
   III. Amount
                         44,547,615.00        0.00        0.00      0.00     -25,777,444.38         0.00            0.00     0.00             0.00      6,320,322.15              25,090,492.77
   of the current
   period (decrease
                                                                                                                  ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
expressed with "-
(I) Total
comprehensive                                                                                          58,292,540.00              58,292,540.00
(II) Capital
invested and
                              0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   18,770,170.62    0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00                              18,770,170.62
reduced by the
1. Common
stock contributed
by owners
2. Capital
invested by
holders of other
3. Amount of
payments                                                  18,770,170.62                                                           18,770,170.62
recognized in
4. Others
(III) Profit
                                                                                                       -51,972,217.85            -51,972,217.85
1. Surplus
reserves                                                                                                                                   0.00
2. Distribution to
owners (or                                                                                             -51,972,217.85            -51,972,217.85
3. Others
(IV) Internal
carryover of         44,547,615.00                        -44,547,615.00                                                                   0.00
owner's equity

                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
1. Capital
surplus transfer
                      44,547,615.00     -44,547,615.00                                                             0.00
to capital (or
equity capital)
2. Surplus
reserve transfer
to capital (or
equity capital)
3. Surplus
reserve offsetting                                                                                                 0.00
4. Changes in
defined benefit
plans carried                                                                                                      0.00
forward to
retained earnings
5. Retained
income carried
forward from
6. Others                                                                                                          0.00
(V) Special
1. Withdrawal in
this period
2. Use in the
current period
(VI) Others
IV. Ending
balance of           193,039,666.00   2,047,491,577.03         53,883,789.28   484,335,263.55          2,778,750,295.86
current period

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

III. Basic Information of the Company

1. Company registration location, organizational form and headquarters address

     ZKTECO CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "the Company"), formerly known as Dongguan Zhongkong
Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., was approved by the Dongguan Administration for Market Regulation on July 14, 2016. It was jointly
established by Shenzhen ZKTeco Times Investment Co., Ltd., Che Quanhong, and Che Jun. The Company was listed on the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange on August 17, 2022 and currently holds a business license with a unified social credit code of 914419006698651618.
     As of June 30, 2024, the Company has issued a total of 194,679,508.00 shares of share capital after years of converting into share
capital and issuing new shares, with a registered capital of RMB 194,679,508.00. The registered address is: No. 32, Pingshan Industrial
Road, Tangxia Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China. The parent company is Shenzhen ZKTeco Times Investment Co., Ltd., and the
actual controller is Che Quanhong.

2. Nature of business and main operating activities of the Company

     The Company belongs to the computer, communication and other electronic equipment manufacturing industries, mainly engaged
in the R&D, design, production, sales and services of computer vision and biometric technology and related products.

3. Scope of consolidated financial statements

     There are 62 subsidiaries incorporated in the consolidation scope of the Company in current period, as detailed in Note X "Rights
and Interests in Other Entities". Compared to the previous period, the number of entities included in the scope of consolidated financial
statements in the current period increased by 2 and decreased by 1. For specific information on the entities subject to changes in the
scope of consolidation, please refer to Note IX Changes in Consolidation Scope.

4. Approval of financial statements

     This financial statement was approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on August 28, 2024.

IV. Preparation Basis for Financial Statements

1. Basis of preparation

     Based on actual transactions and events, the Company recognizes and measures them in accordance with the "Accounting
Standards for Enterprises - Basic Standards" issued by the Ministry of Finance, specific enterprise accounting standards, application
guidelines for Accounting Standards for Enterprises, interpretations of Accounting Standards for Enterprises, and other relevant
regulations (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Accounting Standards for Enterprises"). On this basis, we prepare financial
statements in accordance with the provisions of the "Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities
to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports" (revised in 2023) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

2. Going concern

     The Company has evaluated the going-concern ability in 12 months from the end of the reporting period, and fails to find the
significant suspicious matters or situations on going-concern ability. Therefore, the Financial Statements were prepared on the basis of
going-concern hypothesis.

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

V. Important Accounting Policies and Estimates

Tips of specific accounting policies and estimates:

     The specific accounting policies and estimates formulated by the Company based on the actual production and operation
characteristics include operating cycle, recognition and measurement of bad debt reserves for accounts receivable, inventories
measurement, classification and depreciation methods of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, revenue recognition and
measurement, etc.

1. Declaration of compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

     The financial statement prepared by the Company meets the requirements of Accounting Standards for Enterprises, and
authentically and completely reflects financial position, business performance, cash flow and other relative information on the
Company during the reporting period.

2. Accounting period

     The accounting year is from January 1 to December 31 in calendar year.

3. Operating cycle

     The Company's operating cycle is 12 months.

4. Recording currency

     Renminbi is adopted as the recording currency.
     Overseas subsidiaries use the currency of the main economic environment in which they operate as the recording currency and
convert it into RMB when preparing financial statements.

5. Method for recognizing significance criteria and selection basis

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                 Item                                                         Significance criteria
                                                                         The amount of individual construction in progress exceeds 1%
   Important construction in progress
                                                                         of the total assets
                                                                         The amount of individual receivables exceeds 1% of the total
   Receivables with individual provision for significant items
   Other important payables with an aging of over one year               Other individual payables exceeding 1% of total assets
                                                                         The amount of individual accounts payable exceeds 1% of the
   Important accounts payable with an aging of over one year
                                                                         total assets
   Important partly-owned subsidiaries                                   The proportion of total revenue and total profit exceeds 10%
                                                                         The amount of individual prepayments exceeds 1% of the total
   Important prepayments with an aging of over one year
                                                                         The amount of individual contract liabilities exceeds 1% of the
   Important contract liabilities with an aging of over one year
                                                                         total assets
                                                                         The carrying amount of long-term equity investment exceeds
   Important joint ventures or associates
                                                                         5% of the total assets
   Significant cash flows from investing activities                      The amount of cash flows from individual investing activities

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                          exceeds 1% of the total assets

6. Accounting treatment methods of business merger under the common control and merger under different

          (1)The terms, conditions, and economic impact of various transactions related to the step by step implementation of
various transactions in the process of business merger in one or more of the following circumstances usually indicate that
multiple transactions shall be accounted for as a package deal

      1) These transactions were entered into simultaneously or taking into account mutual influence;
      2) These transactions as a whole can achieve a complete business result;
      3) The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;
      4) A transaction alone is not economical, but it is economic when considered with other transactions.

      (2) Business merger under the common control
      The enterprises involved in the combination are subject to the same party or ultimate parties before and after the merger,
meanwhile the control is not temporary, this business combination is under the same control.
      The assets and liabilities obtained by the Company in the business merger shall be measured according to the book value of the
assets and liabilities of the combined party (including the goodwill formed by the acquisition of the combined party by the ultimate
controller) in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller on the combination date. The stock premium in capital
reserves is adjusted according to the difference between the book value of net assets acquired through combination and the book value
of consideration paid for the combination (or total par value of shares issued). If the stock premium in capital reserves is insufficient
to cover the difference, the remaining amount will be charged against retained earnings.
      If there is a contingent consideration and an estimated liability or asset needs to be recognized, the difference between the
estimated liability or asset amount and the subsequent settlement amount of the contingent consideration shall be adjusted to the capital
reserve (capital premium or share premium). If the capital reserve is insufficient, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
      Where a business merger is ultimately achieved through multiple transactions, and it belongs to a "package deal", each transaction
shall be treated as a transaction to obtain control for accounting treatment; if it does not belong to a "package deal", on the date of
obtaining control, the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the sum of the book value
of the long-term equity investment before the merger plus the book value of the new payment for the shares obtained on the combination
date shall be adjusted to the capital reserve; if the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. For
equity investments held before the combination date, other comprehensive income recognized using the equity method or financial
instrument recognition and measurement standards will not be subject to accounting treatment until the disposal of the investment is
carried out on the same basis as the direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities by the investee; other changes in owner's equity in
the net assets of the investee recognized using the equity method, except for net profit or loss, other comprehensive income, and profit
distribution, will not be accounted for until the investment is disposed of and transferred to the current profits and losses.

      (3) Business merger not under common control
      The enterprises involved in the combination are not subject to the same party or ultimate parties before and after the merger, this
business combination is not under the same control.
      On the date of acquisition, the Company shall measure the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed as the consideration for
business combination at fair value, and the difference between the fair value and its book value shall be included in current profits and
      The difference between the merger cost and the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained from the acquiree is recognized
as goodwill by the Company. If the merger cost is less than the fair value share of the identifiable net assets obtained from the acquiree
in the merger, the fair values of the identifiable assets, liabilities, and contingent liabilities obtained from the acquiree, as well as the

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measurement of the merger cost, are first reviewed. After review, if the merger cost is still less than the fair value share of the
identifiable net assets obtained from the acquiree in the merger, the difference is included in current profits and losses.
      If the merger under different control achieved through multiple exchange transactions in steps belongs to a "package deal", each
transaction shall be treated as a transaction to obtain control for accounting treatment. For equity investments held before the
combination date that do not belong to a package deal and are accounted for using the equity method, the initial investment cost of the
investment shall be the sum of the book value of the equity investment held by the acquiree before the date of acquisition and the new
investment cost on the date of acquisition. The other comprehensive income recognized by the equity investment held on the date of
acquisition due to the equity method is used for accounting treatment on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or
liabilities by the investee when the asset is disposed of. If the equity investments held before the combination date are accounted for
using financial instrument recognition and measurement standards, the initial investment cost on the combination date shall be the sum
of the fair value of the equity investment on the combination date and the new investment cost. The difference between the fair value
and book value of the originally held equity, as well as the cumulative fair value changes originally recognized in other comprehensive
income, shall be fully transferred to the current investment income on the combination date.

      (4) Related expenses incurred for the merger
      The agency fees for auditing, legal services, evaluation and consulting, as well as other directly related expenses incurred for the
merger of enterprises, shall be included in current profits and losses at the time of occurrence; the transaction costs of issuing equity
securities for enterprise mergers can be directly attributed to equity transactions and deducted from equity.

7. Judgment criteria for control and preparation methods for consolidated financial statements

      (1) Judgment criteria for control
      Control means the investor has the power over the investee and enjoys the variable return through participating in activities
related to the investee, and has the ability to the investor's return by using the power over the investee.
      The Company makes a judgment on whether to control the investee based on comprehensive consideration of all relevant facts
and circumstances. Once changes in the related facts and circumstances have resulted in a variation to the relevant factors involved in
the aforesaid control definition, the Company shall perform reappraisal. The relevant facts and situations mainly include:
      1) The purpose of the establishment of the investee.
      2) The relevant activities of the investee and how to make decisions regarding these activities.
      3) Whether the rights enjoyed by the investor currently enable them to lead the relevant activities of the investee.
      4) Whether the investor enjoys variable returns by participating in related activities of the investee.
      5) Whether the investor has the ability to exercise the power over the investee to affect its return amount.
      6) The relationship between the investor and other parties.

      (2) Consolidation scope
      The consolidation scope of the Company's consolidated financial statements is determined based on control, and all subsidiaries
(including separate entities controlled by the Company) are included in the consolidated financial statements.

      (3) Consolidation procedure
      The Company prepares consolidated financial statements based on the financial statements of itself and its subsidiaries, and other
relevant information. The Company prepares consolidated financial statements, treating the entire enterprise group as one accounting
entity. In accordance with the recognition, measurement, and presentation requirements of relevant Accounting Standards for
Enterprises, and in accordance with unified accounting policies, we reflect the overall financial position, operating results, and cash
flows of the enterprise group.
      The accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by all subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidated financial
statements are consistent with those of the Company. If the accounting policy or accounting period of any subsidiary is different from

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that of the Company, the consolidated financial statements of the subsidiary, upon preparation, will be adjusted according to the
accounting policy and accounting period of the Company.
      When consolidating financial statements, we offset the impact of internal transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries,
as well as between subsidiaries, on the consolidated balance sheet, consolidated income statement, consolidated cash flow statement,
and consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity. If the recognition of the same transaction from the perspective of the
consolidated financial statements of the enterprise group is different from that of the accounting entity of the Company or its
subsidiaries, the transaction shall be adjusted from the perspective of the enterprise group.
      The share of owners' equity, current net profit or loss and current comprehensive income of subsidiaries attributable to minority
owners are respectively and separately presented under the owner's equity in the consolidated balance sheet, the net profit in the
consolidated income statement, and the total comprehensive income in the consolidated income statement. If the current losses shared
by a minority shareholder of a subsidiary exceed the balances arising from the shares enjoyed by the minority shareholder in the owners'
equity of the subsidiary at the beginning of the period, minority shareholders' equity will be offset accordingly.
      For subsidiaries acquired through a merger of enterprises under the same control, adjustments are made to their financial
statements based on the book value of their assets and liabilities (including goodwill formed by the ultimate controller's acquisition of
the subsidiary) in the ultimate controller's financial statements.
      1) Increase of subsidiaries or business
      During the reporting period, if a subsidiary or business is added due to a merger of enterprises under the same control, the opening
balance of the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted; the income, expenses, and profits of subsidiaries or businesses from the
beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting period are incorporated into the consolidated income statement; the cash
flows of subsidiaries or businesses from the beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting period are included in the
consolidated cash flow statement, and the relevant items in the comparative statements are adjusted, as if the merged reporting entity
has existed since the point when the ultimate controller began to control.
      If it is possible to exercise control over the investee under the same control due to additional investment or other reasons, it shall
be deemed that the parties participating in the merger have made adjustments in their current state when the ultimate controller began
to control. Equity investments held before obtaining the control over the combined party, relevant gains or losses and other
comprehensive income recognized from the later of the date when the original equity is obtained or the date when the combining party
and the combined party are under the same control to the combination date and other changes in net assets will respectively be used to
offset the retained earnings at the beginning of period for the comprehensive financial statements or the current profit or loss.
      During the reporting period, if a subsidiary or business is added due to a merger under different control, the opening balance of
the consolidated balance sheet shall not be adjusted; the income, expenses, and profits of subsidiaries or businesses from the date of
acquisition to the end of the reporting period are incorporated into the consolidated income statement; the cash flows of subsidiaries or
businesses from the date of acquisition to the end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated cash flow statement.
      If the control can be exercised over the investee not under common control as a result of additional investments and other reasons,
the equity of the acquiree held before the date of acquisition will be remeasured by the Company at the fair value of such equity on the
date of acquisition, and the difference between the fair value and book value of such equity will be included in the current investment
income. If the equity of the acquiree held before the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income accounted for under the
equity method, as well as other changes in owner's equity other than net profit and loss, other comprehensive income, and profit
distribution, the related other comprehensive income and other changes in owner's equity shall be converted into current investment
income on the date of acquisition, except for other comprehensive income arising from the remeasurement of net liability or net asset
changes of the defined benefit plan by the investee.
      2) Disposal of subsidiaries or businesses
      ① General disposal method
      During the reporting period, if the Company disposed of a subsidiary or business, the income, expenses and profits of the
subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period to the disposal date were included in the Consolidated Income Statement the

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cash flow of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period to the disposal date is included in the consolidated cash flow
      In the event the Company loses the right of control over the investee due to disposal of partial equity investment or other reasons,
the remaining equity investment shall be re-measured at the fair value on the date of loss of control. The difference by using the sum
of value received from disposal of equity and fair value of the residual equity to deduct the difference between the share of net assets
and the sum of goodwill continually counted from the acquisition date or combination date of the original subsidiary (calculated as per
original share proportion) shall be recorded into the investment income of the current period in which the control right is lost. Other
comprehensive income related to equity investments in existing subsidiaries or changes in owner's equity other than net profit or loss,
other comprehensive income, and profit distribution shall be converted into current investment income when control is lost, except for
other comprehensive income arising from the remeasurement of net liability or net asset changes in the defined benefit plan by the
      ② Disposal of subsidiaries step by step
      For the various deals for step-by-step equity investment disposal that lead to the loss of control over the subsidiary, the terms,
conditions, and economic impact of various transactions related to the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries in one or more of
the following circumstances usually indicate that multiple transactions shall be accounted for as a package deal:
      A. These transactions were entered into simultaneously or taking into account mutual influence;
      B. These transactions as a whole can achieve a complete business result;
      C. The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;
      D. A transaction alone is not economical, but it is economic when considered with other transactions.
      If all transactions involving the disposal of equity investment in subsidiaries until the loss of control right are treated as a package
deal, the Company shall treat each transaction as the one involving the disposal of subsidiaries and the loss of control right for
accounting treatment. However, the difference between each disposal price and the share of the subsidiary's net assets corresponding
to the investment disposal before the loss of control right shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated
financial statements, and shall be transferred into the current profits and losses when the control right is lost.
      If various transactions on disposal of the equity investment of the Company before the loss of control do not belong to a package
deal, before loss of control, accounting treatment shall be conducted as per the relevant policy of the disposal of part of equity
investment in subsidiaries without loss of control; for loss of control, accounting treatment shall be conducted as per the general disposal
method for subsidiaries.
      3) Purchase of minority shares of subsidiaries
      For the difference between the newly increased long-term equity investment from the acquisition of minority equity and the share
of net assets in the subsidiary calculated constantly from the date of acquisition (or combination date) as per the newly increased equity
ratio, the share premium in capital reserves in the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted; where such share premium is insufficient
to offset the difference, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
      4) Disposal of partial equity investment in subsidiaries without loss of control
      Without losing control, the difference between the disposal price obtained from the partial disposal of long-term equity investment
in subsidiaries and the share of net assets continuously calculated by subsidiaries from the date of acquisition or the combination date
corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted for the share premium in the capital reserve in the
consolidated balance sheet. If the share premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

8. Classification of joint venture arrangement and accountant treatment method of joint operation

      (1) Classification of joint venture arrangements
      The Company divides the joint venture arrangement into joint operation and joint venture based on factors such as the structure,
legal form, provisions stipulated in the joint venture arrangement, other relevant facts and circumstances. Joint operations refer to an

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arrangement that the joint party enjoys the assets related to such arrangement and bears the liabilities related to such arrangement. Joint
venture refers to a joint venture arrangement in which the joint venture party only has rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

      (2) Accounting treatment of joint operations
      The Company confirms the following items related to the share of interests in joint operations and conducts accounting treatment
in accordance with the relevant Accounting Standards for Enterprises:
      1) Recognize the assets held separately and the assets held jointly according to their shares;
      2) Recognize the liabilities assumed separately and the liabilities assumed jointly according to their shares;
      3) Recognize the income generated by the sale of its share of joint operating output;
      4) Recognize the income generated by the sale of output in the joint operation according to its share;
      5) Recognize the expenses incurred separately and the expenses incurred in joint operation according to their share.

9. Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

      When preparing the cash flow statement, the Company recognizes the cash on hand and deposits that can be used for payment at
any time as cash. Investments with short term (generally due within three months from the date of acquisition), strong liquidity, easy
conversion to known amounts of cash and little risk of value change (four conditions) are recognized as cash equivalents.

10. Foreign currency transactions and foreign currency statement translation

      (1) Foreign currency transaction
      When foreign currency transaction is initially recognized, the spot exchange rate on the transaction date is used as the conversion
rate to convert the foreign currency amount into RMB for bookkeeping.
      The foreign currency monetary items on the balance sheet date are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date;
the resulting exchange differences are included in current profits and losses, except for the exchange differences arising from special
foreign currency borrowings related to the acquisition and construction of assets eligible for capitalization, which are treated in
accordance with the principle of capitalization of borrowing costs. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost
shall still be converted at the spot exchange rate on the date of transaction, and the amount of their recording currency shall not be
      Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the date when the
fair value is determined. After conversion, the difference between the amount of recording currency and the amount of the original
recording currency shall be treated as a change in fair value (including changes in exchange rates) and included in current profits and
losses or recognized as other comprehensive income.

      (2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements
      The asset items and liability items in the balance sheet shall be translated at the exchange rate of the balance sheet date; the
owner's equity items, except for "undistributed profits", shall be translated at the spot rate when incurred. The income and expense
items in the Income Statement are translated at the average spot exchange rate. The translation difference of foreign currency financial
statements arising from the above conversion is included in other comprehensive income.
      When disposing of overseas operations, the translation difference of foreign currency financial statements related to the overseas
operations listed in other comprehensive income items on the balance sheet shall be transferred from other comprehensive income
items to the current profit and loss for disposal. If the reduction of the proportion of interests held overseas but not losing control over
overseas operations is resulted from the disposing of partial equity investment or other reasons, the translation balance of foreign
currency financial statements related to such overseas operations shall be vested in minority equity and will not be transferred to current
profits and losses. When disposing of part of the equity of an overseas operation as a joint venture or associate, the conversion difference

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of foreign currency statements related to the overseas operation shall be transferred to the disposed current profits and losses according
to the proportion of the disposal of the overseas operation.

11. Financial instruments

      A financial asset or financial liability is recognized when the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract.
      The effective interest rate method refers to the method of calculating the amortized cost of financial assets or financial liabilities
and allocating interest income or interest expenses to each accounting period.
      Actual interest rate refers to the interest rate used to discount the estimated future cash flows of a financial asset or financial
liability over its expected lifespan into the book balance of the financial asset or the amortized cost of the financial liability. When
determining the actual interest rate, it is necessary to estimate the expected cash flow based on all contract terms of financial assets or
liabilities (such as early repayment, extension, call options, or other similar options), but do not consider expected credit losses.
      The amortized cost of a financial asset or financial liability is the accumulated amortization amount formed by deducting the
repaid principal from the initial recognition amount of the financial asset or financial liability, plus or minus the difference between
the initial recognition amount and the amount on the maturity date using the effective interest rate method, and then deducting the
accumulated provision for losses (only applicable to financial assets).
      (1) Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets
      The Company categorizes financial assets into the following three categories based on their business model and contractual cash
flow characteristics:
      1) Financial assets measured at the amortized cost.
      2) Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income.
      3) Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses.
      Financial assets are measured at fair value upon initial recognition, but if the accounts receivable or notes receivable arising from
the sale of goods or provision of services do not include significant financing components or do not consider financing components for
a period not exceeding one year, they are initially measured at the transaction price.
      For financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses, the related transaction
expense is directly included in current profits and losses. For other types of financial assets, related transaction costs are included in
the initial recognition amount.
      The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification. All affected related financial assets are
reclassified only when the Company changes its business model of managing financial assets.
      1) Classified as financial assets measured at the amortized cost
      If the contract terms of a financial asset stipulate that the cash flows generated on a specific date are only payments of principal
and interest based on the unpaid principal amount, and the business model for managing the financial asset is aimed at collecting
contractual cash flows, then the Company classifies the financial asset as financial assets measured at the amortized cost. The Company
classifies financial assets as financial assets measured at the amortized cost, including monetary funds, notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, debt investments, long-term receivables, etc.
      The Company recognizes interest income for such financial assets using the effective interest rate method and subsequently
measures them at amortized cost. Any gains or losses arising from impairment or derecognition or modification are included in current
profits and losses. Except for the following situations, the Company determines interest income based on the book balance of financial
assets multiplied by the actual interest rate:
      ① For financial assets that have been purchased or generated with credit impairment, the Company determines their interest
income from initial recognition based on the amortized cost of the financial asset and the actual interest rate adjusted by credit.
      ② For the financial asset purchased or originated without credit impairment but with credit impairment in the subsequent period,
the interest income shall be calculated and determined by the Company according to the amortized cost and the effective interest rate
of the financial asset in the subsequent period. If the financial instrument no longer experiences credit impairment due to an

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improvement in its credit risk in subsequent periods, the Company will calculate and determine interest income by multiplying the
actual interest rate by the book balance of the financial asset.
      2) Classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income
      If the contract terms of a financial asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is only the payment of principal
and interest based on the unpaid principal amount, and the business model for managing the financial asset is aimed at both collecting
contractual cash flow and selling the financial asset, the Company classifies the financial asset as financial assets measured at fair value
and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income.
      The Company recognizes interest income for such financial assets using the effective interest rate method. Except for interest
income, impairment losses, and exchange differences recognized in current profits and losses, other fair value changes are recognized
in other comprehensive income. At the derecognition of the financial asset, the accumulated profits and losses previously included in
other comprehensive incomes are transferred and included in current profits and losses.
      Notes receivable and accounts receivable measured at fair value with changes recognized in other comprehensive income are
reported as receivable financing, while other such financial assets are reported as other debt investments. Other debt investments that
mature within one year from the balance sheet date are reported as non-current assets that mature within one year, and other debt
investments that originally mature within one year are reported as other current assets.
      3) Designated as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income
      At initial recognition, the Company may irrevocably designate non-trading equity instrument investments as financial assets
measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income based on individual financial assets.
      The fair value changes of such financial assets are recognized in other comprehensive income and do not require provision for
impairment. At the derecognition of the financial asset, the accumulated profits and losses previously included in other comprehensive
incomes are transferred from there to the retained earnings. During the investment period of the equity instrument held by the Company,
when the right to receive dividends has been established and the economic benefits related to dividends are likely to flow into the
Company, and the amount of dividends can be reliably measured, dividend income is recognized and included in current profits and
losses. The Company reports this type of financial asset under other equity instrument investment items.
      If equity instrument investment meets one of the following conditions, it belongs to financial assets measured at fair value and
whose changes are included in the current profits and losses: the main purpose of acquiring the financial asset is to sell it in the near
future; at initial recognition, it is a part of the identifiable financial asset instrument portfolio under centralized management, and there
is objective evidence to suggest the existence of short-term profit models in the near future; it belongs to derivative instruments
(excluding derivative instruments that meet the definition of financial guarantee contracts and are designated as effective hedging
      4) Classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses
      Financial assets that do not meet the criteria for classification as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are
included in other comprehensive income, and are not designated as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are
included in other comprehensive income, are classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in
the current profits and losses.
      Financial assets that are measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses of the Company
will be subsequently measured at fair value; and the gains or losses resulting from changes in fair value, as well as dividends and
interest income related to the financial assets, shall be included in current profits and losses.
      The Company reports such financial assets as trading financial assets and other non-current financial assets based on their
      5) Designated as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses
      At initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, the Company may irrevocably
designate financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses on
an individual financial asset basis.

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      If a mixed contract contains one or more embedded derivative instruments, and its main contract does not belong to the above
financial assets, the Company may designate it as a financial instrument measured at fair value with its changes included in current
profits and losses. Except for the following situations:
      ① Embedded derivative instruments will not cause significant changes to the cash flow of the mixed contract.
      ② When determining for the first time whether a similar mixed contract needs to be spun off, it is almost impossible to determine
      whether the embedded derivative instruments included shall not be spun off without analysis. If embedded in the early repayment
      right of a loan, the holder is allowed to repay the loan in an amount close to the amortized cost, and this early repayment right
      does not need to be split.
      Financial assets that are measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses of the Company
will be subsequently measured at fair value; and the gains or losses resulting from changes in fair value, as well as dividends and
interest income related to the financial assets, shall be included in current profits and losses.
      The Company reports such financial assets as trading financial assets and other non-current financial assets based on their
      (2) Classification, recognition and measurement of financial liabilities
      The Company classifies financial instruments or their components as financial liabilities or equity instruments at initial
recognition based on the contract terms of the issued financial instruments and the economic substance reflected, rather than solely in
legal form, combined with the definitions of financial liabilities and equity instruments. Financial liabilities are classified at initial
recognition as financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses, other financial
liabilities, and derivative instruments designated as effective hedging instruments.
      Financial liabilities are measured at fair value at initial recognition. For the financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose
changes are included in the current profits and losses, related transaction costs shall be directly included in current profits and losses.
For other financial liabilities, related transaction costs shall be recorded into the initially recognized amount.
      The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification:
      1) Financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses
      This type of financial liability includes trading financial liabilities (including derivative instruments belonging to financial
liabilities) and financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses at initial
      If one of the following conditions is met, it belongs to trading financial liabilities: the main purpose of assuming relevant financial
liabilities is to sell or repurchase them in the near future; it belongs to part of an identifiable financial instrument portfolio under
centralized management, with objective evidence indicating that the Company has recently adopted a short-term profit model; it belongs
to derivative instruments, except for derivative instruments designated as effective hedging instruments and derivative instruments that
comply with financial guarantee contracts. Trading financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) are
subsequently measured at fair value. In addition to related to hedge accounting, changes in fair value are included in current profits and
      At initial recognition, in order to provide more relevant accounting information, the Company irrevocably designates financial
liabilities that meet one of the following conditions as financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the
current profits and losses:
      ① It is possible to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches.
      ② Management and performance evaluation are conducted for the financial liability portfolio or the portfolio of financial assets
and financial liabilities based on fair value in accordance with the enterprise risk management or investment strategy specified in the
official written documents, and report to the key management personnel on this basis inside the enterprise.
      The Company adopts fair value for subsequent measurement of such financial liabilities. Except for fair value changes caused by
changes in the Company's own credit risk, which are included in other comprehensive income, other fair value changes are included in
current profits and losses. Unless fair value changes caused by changes in the Company's own credit risk are included in other

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comprehensive income, which would cause or expand accounting mismatches in profit or loss, the company will include all fair value
changes (including the amount affected by changes in its own credit risk) in current profits and losses.
         1) Other financial liabilities
         Except for the following items, the Company classifies financial liabilities as financial liabilities measured at amortized costs,
and adopts the effective interest rate method for subsequent measurement at amortized cost. Gains or losses arising from derecognition
or amortization are included in current profits and losses.
         ① Financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses.
         ② The transfer of financial assets does not meet the conditions for derecognition or continues to involve financial liabilities
formed by the transferred financial assets.
         ③ Financial guarantee contracts that do not fall under the first two categories of this article, as well as loan commitments for
loans at interest rates lower than the market rate that do not fall under the first category of this article.
         A financial guarantee contract refers to a contract in which the issuer is required to pay a specific amount to the contract holder
who has suffered losses when the specific debtor is unable to pay its debts at maturity in accordance with the terms of the original or
revised debt instrument. Financial guarantee contracts that do not belong to financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose
changes are included in the current profits and losses shall be measured at the higher of the loss provision amount or the initial
recognition amount minus the accumulated amortization amount during the guarantee period after initial recognition.
         (3) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
         1) If a financial asset meets one of the following conditions, it shall be derecognized and written off from its account and balance
         ① The contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of the financial asset are terminated;
         ② The financial asset has been transferred and the transfer meets the requirements for derecognition of financial assets.
         If the current obligation of a financial liability (or part of it) has been discharged, the recognition of the financial liability (or part
of it) shall be terminated.
         If the Company signs an agreement with the lender to replace the original financial liability by assuming a new financial liability,
and the contract terms of the new financial liability are substantially different from those of the original financial liability, or if there
are substantial modifications to the contract terms of the original financial liability (or a part of it), the recognition of the original
financial liability shall be terminated, and a new financial liability shall be recognized. The difference between the book value and the
consideration paid (including non cash assets transferred out or liabilities assumed) shall be included in current profits and losses.
         If the Company repurchases a portion of its financial liabilities, the overall book value of the financial liability shall be allocated
based on the proportion of the fair value of the continuously recognized part and the derecognized part on the repurchase date to the
overall fair value. The difference between the book value distributed to the derecognized part and the consideration paid (including
non-cash assets transferred out or liabilities undertaken) shall be included in current profits and losses.
         (4) The recognition basis and measuring method for transfer of financial assets
         When the Company transfers financial assets, it evaluates the degree of risk and reward in retaining ownership of the financial
assets, and treats them separately in the following situations:
         1) If almost all risks and rewards related to the ownership of financial assets have been transferred, the recognition of the financial
asset shall be terminated, and the rights and obligations arising or retained during the transfer shall be separately recognized as assets
or liabilities.
         2) If almost all risks and rewards related to ownership of financial assets are retained, the recognition of the financial asset will
         3) If there is neither transfer nor retention of almost all risks and rewards related to the ownership of financial assets (i.e. other
situations except for (1) and (2) of this article), the following situations shall be treated based on whether the control over the financial
assets has been retained:

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      ① If control over the financial asset is not retained, the recognition of the financial asset shall be terminated, and the rights and
obligations arising or retained in the transfer shall be separately recognized as assets or liabilities.
      ② If control over the financial asset is retained, the relevant financial asset shall be recognized based on its continued
involvement in the transferred financial asset, and corresponding liabilities shall be recognized. The degree of continued involvement
in the transferred financial assets refers to the degree to which the Company bears the risk or reward of changes in the value of the
transferred financial assets.
      The principle of "substance over form" shall be adopted in judging whether the transfer of financial assets meets the above-
mentioned conditions for derecognition. The Company divides the transfer of financial assets into entire transfer and partial transfer.
      1) If the entire transfer satisfies the derecognition condition, the difference between the following amount shall be included in
      current profits and losses:
      ① The book value of the transferred financial asset on the date of derecognition.
      ② The sum of the consideration received for the transfer of financial assets and the amount corresponding to the derecognized
part of the cumulative fair value changes originally recognized in other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the
transfer are financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income).
      2) If a financial asset is partially transferred and the transferred part as a whole meets the conditions for derecognition, the book
value of the entire financial asset before the transfer shall be apportioned between the derecognized part and the continuously
recognized part (in which case, the retained service asset shall be considered as part of the continuously recognized financial asset)
according to their respective relative fair values on the transfer date, and the difference between the following two amounts shall be
included in current profits and losses:
      ① The book value of the derecognized part on the date of derecognition.
      ② The sum of the consideration received from the derecognized part and the amount corresponding to the derecognized part of
the cumulative fair value changes originally recognized in other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer
are financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income).
      If the financial assets transferred does not meet the conditions of derecognition, the financial assets shall continue to be recognized
and the consideration received shall be recognized as a financial liability.
      (5) Determination methods for fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
      The fair value of financial assets or liabilities with an active market shall be determined based on the quoted price in the active
market, unless there is a restricted share trade period for the asset itself. For financial assets subject to restrictions on the sale of the
asset itself, the compensation amount requested by market participants for bearing the risk of not being able to sell the financial asset
in the open market within a specified period shall be determined based on the quoted price in the active market. Active market quotes
include quotes that are easily and regularly obtained from exchanges, traders, brokers, industry groups, pricing agencies, or regulatory
agencies for relevant assets or liabilities, and can represent actual and frequent market transactions on an arm's length basis.
      The fair value of initially acquired or derived financial assets or assumed financial liabilities is determined based on market
transaction prices.
      For a financial asset or financial liability without active market, its fair value shall be recognized by adopting the estimation
technique. During estimation, the Company adopts the estimation technique that is currently applicable and is supported by sufficient
available data and other information, and selects the input value with characteristics consistent with the assets or liabilities considered
by market participants in relevant transactions of assets or liabilities. The related observable input value is preferred. The non-
observable input value can be used only when it is impossible or not feasible to obtain relevant observable input value.
      (6) Impairment of financial instruments
      The Company conducts impairment accounting and recognizes loss provisions based on expected credit losses for financial assets
measured at the amortized cost, financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income,
lease receivables, contract assets, loan commitments other than financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are
included in the current profits and losses, financial liabilities other than financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes

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are included in the current profits and losses, as well as financial guarantee contracts formed by financial asset transfers that do not
meet the derecognition conditions or continue to be involved in transferred financial assets.
        Expected credit losses refer to the weighted average value of credit losses of financial instruments weighted by the risk of default.
Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable from the contract and all cash flows expected to be
received by the Company at the original effective interest rate, that is, the present value of all cash shortages. Among them, the financial
assets that have been credit-depreciated by the Company or purchased by the Company shall be discounted according to the effective
interest rate adjusted by the financial assets.
        The Company measures loss provisions for all contract assets and accounts receivable formed by transactions regulated by
revenue standards at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss over the whole duration.
        For financial assets purchased or originated by the Company that have suffered credit impairment, only the cumulative changes
in expected credit losses during the whole duration after initial recognition are recognized as loss reserves on the balance sheet date.
On each balance sheet date, the change amount of expected credit loss during the whole duration shall be included in the current profits
and losses as impairment losses or gains. Even if the expected credit loss determined on the balance sheet date for the whole duration
is less than the amount of the expected credit loss reflected in the estimated cash flow at the time of initial recognition, the favorable
change in the expected credit loss is recognized as impairment gains.
        For other financial assets other than those that have been measured using simplified measurement methods and those that have
been purchased or incurred credit impairment, the Company assesses on each balance sheet date whether the credit risk of the relevant
financial instruments has significantly increased since initial recognition, and measures the loss provision and recognizes expected
credit losses, and their changes according to the following circumstances:
        1) If the credit risk of the financial instrument has not significantly increased since initial recognition and is in the first stage, the
loss provision shall be measured at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial instrument in the next 12 months,
and interest income shall be calculated based on the book balance and actual interest rate.
        2) If the credit risk of the financial instrument has significantly increased since initial recognition but has not yet experienced
credit impairment, and it is in the second stage, the loss provision shall be measured at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss
of the financial instrument throughout its duration, and interest income shall be calculated based on the book balance and actual interest
        3) If the financial instrument has experienced credit impairment since initial recognition and is in the third stage, the Company
measures its loss provision at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss for the whole duration of the financial instrument, and
calculates interest income at amortized cost and actual interest rate.
        The increase or reversal of the provision for credit losses on financial instruments shall be included in current profits and losses
as impairment losses or gains. Except for financial assets classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are
included in other comprehensive income, the provision for credit losses is offset against the book balance of financial assets. For
financial assets classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income,
the Company recognizes their provision for credit losses in other comprehensive income without reducing the book value of the
financial asset on the balance sheet.
        The Company has already measured the loss provision in the previous accounting period at an amount equivalent to the expected
credit loss for the whole duration of the financial instrument. However, on the current balance sheet date, if the financial instrument is
no longer subject to a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, the Company measures the loss provision in the
financial instrument at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss for the next 12 months on the current balance sheet date. The
reversal amount of the resulting provision for losses is included in current profits and losses as impairment gains.
        1) Significant increase in credit risk
        The Company utilizes available and reasonable forward-looking information to determine whether the credit risk of financial
instruments has significantly increased since initial recognition by comparing the risk of default on the balance sheet date with the risk
of default on the initial recognition date. For financial guarantee contracts, when applying impairment provisions for financial

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instruments, the date on which the Company becomes the party making an irrevocable commitment shall be regarded as the initial
recognition date.
      When evaluating whether credit risk has significantly increased, the Company will consider the following factors:
      ① Whether there has been a significant change in the actual or expected operating results of the debtor;
      ② Whether there have been significant adverse changes in the regulatory, economic, or technological environment in which the
debtor is located;
      ③ Whether there has been a significant change in the value of collateral as collateral for debt collateral or the quality of collateral
or credit enhancement provided by third parties, which is expected to reduce the economic motivation of the debtor to repay within the
period stipulated in the contract or affect the probability of default;
      ④ Whether there have been significant changes in the debtor's expected performance and repayment behavior;
      ⑤ Whether there have been changes in the Company's credit management methods for financial instruments.
      On the balance sheet date, if the Company determines that the financial instrument only has a lower credit risk, the Company
assumes that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not significantly increased since initial recognition. Where the Company
determines that the default risk of financial instruments is low, the borrower has a strong ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow
obligations in a short term, and the borrower's ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations will not be necessarily reduced even
if there are adverse changes in the economic situation and operating environment for a long period of time, the financial instrument
can be regarded as having low credit risk.
      2) Financial assets that have experienced credit impairment
      When one or more events that the expected future cash flow of a financial asset has an adverse impact occur, the financial asset
becomes a financial asset with credit impairment. Evidence of credit impairment of financial assets includes the following observable
      ① Significant financial difficulties of the issuer or the debtor;
      ② The debtor violates the contract, such as default or overdue payment of interest or principal;
      ③ The creditor grants concessions that the debtor would not otherwise make for economic or contractual reasons related to the
debtor's financial difficulties;
      ④ The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring;
      ⑤ The financial difficulties of the issuer or the debtor lead to the disappearance of the active market of the financial asset;
      ⑥ A financial asset is purchased or originated at a substantial discount that reflects the fact that a credit loss has occurred.
      The credit impairment of financial assets may be caused by the joint action of multiple events, not necessarily by individually
identifiable events.
      3) Determination of expected credit losses
      The Company evaluates the expected credit losses of financial instruments based on individual and combination evaluations.
When evaluating expected credit losses, the Company considers reasonable and evidence-based information about past events, current
conditions, and future economic forecasts.
      The Company divides financial instruments into different portfolios based on common credit risk characteristics. The common
credit risk characteristics adopted by the Company include: financial instrument type, credit risk rating, aging portfolio, overdue aging
portfolio, contract settlement period, debtor's industry, etc. The individual evaluation criteria and combined credit risk characteristics
of relevant financial instruments are detailed in the accounting policies of relevant financial instruments.
      The Company determines the expected credit losses of related financial instruments using the following methods:
      ① For financial assets, credit loss is the present value of the difference between the contractual cash flows that the Company
should receive and the expected cash flows to receive.
      ② For lease receivables, credit loss is the present value of the difference between the contractual cash flows that the Company
should receive and the expected cash flows to receive.

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      ③ For financial guarantee contracts, credit loss is the present value of the difference between the expected payment amount that
the Company will make to the contract holder for the credit loss incurred and the expected amount that the Company will collect from
the contract holder, debtor, or any other party.
      ④ For financial assets that have experienced credit impairment on the balance sheet date but whose credit impairment has not
occurred upon purchase or origination, credit loss is the difference between the book balance of the financial asset and the present value
of estimated future cash flows discounted at the original effective interest rate.
      The factors reflected in the Company's method of measuring expected credit losses of financial instruments include: the unbiased
probability weighted average amount determined by evaluating a range of possible outcomes; the time value of money; reasonable and
evidence-based information about past events, current conditions, and future economic forecasts that can be obtained without
unnecessary additional costs or efforts on the balance sheet date.
      4) Write down financial assets
      Where the Company does not reasonably expect that the contract cash flow of financial assets can be recovered in whole or in
part, it shall directly write down the book balance of financial assets. This write down constitutes the derecognition of related financial
      (7) Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities
      Financial assets and financial liabilities are listed separately in the balance sheet and do not offset each other. However, if the
following conditions are met at the same time, the net amount after mutual offset shall be listed in the balance sheet:
      1) The Company has the legal right to offset the recognized amount, and this legal right is currently enforceable;
      2) The Company plans to settle at a net amount, or realize the financial assets and settle the financial liabilities at the same time.

12. Notes receivable

      The recognition method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of the Company's notes receivable are
detailed in Note V 11.6. Impairment of financial instruments.
      For notes receivable with significantly different credit risks compared to portfolio credit risks, the Company provides expected
credit losses on a single basis. The Company separately determines the credit loss of notes receivable that provide sufficient evidence
to evaluate expected credit losses at a reasonable cost at the individual instrument level.
      When there is insufficient evidence to evaluate expected credit losses at a reasonable cost at the individual tool level, the Company
divides notes receivable into several portfolios based on credit risk characteristics with reference to historical credit loss experience,
combining current conditions with judgments of future economic conditions, and calculates expected credit losses on the basis of the
portfolio. Basis for determining portfolio:

          Portfolio Name                    Basis for determining portfolio                               Accrual method
                                                                                       With reference to historical credit loss
                              The acceptor has a high credit rating, has not defaulted
                                                                                       experience, combined with the current situation
Banker's           acceptance on bills in history, has extremely low credit loss risk,
                                                                                       and the prediction of future economic
portfolio                     and has a strong ability to fulfill its cash flow
                                                                                       conditions, the Company shall measure the bad
                              obligations under payment contracts in the short term
                                                                                       debt reserve
                                                                                         With reference to historical credit loss
                                                                                         experience, combined with the current situation
                                                                                         and the forecast of future economic conditions,
Commercial         acceptance
                                According to the credit rating of the acceptor           the Company shall prepare a comparison table
bill portfolio
                                                                                         between the aging of notes receivable and the
                                                                                         expected credit loss rate to calculate the expected
                                                                                         credit loss.

      The comparison table between the aging of commercial acceptance bills and the expected credit loss rate is as follows:

                                  Aging                                          Expected credit loss rate of notes receivable (%)

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Within 1 year                                                                                                                          5.00

1-2 years                                                                                                                             10.00

2-3 years                                                                                                                             30.00

Over 3 years                                                                                                                        100.00

      The aging of notes receivable is calculated using the first in, first out method (FIFO).

13. Accounts receivable

      The recognition method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of the Company's accounts receivable are
detailed in Note V 11.6. Impairment of financial instruments.
      The Company separately determines the credit loss of accounts receivable that provide sufficient evidence to evaluate expected
credit losses at a reasonable cost at the individual instrument level.
      When there is insufficient evidence to evaluate expected credit losses at a reasonable cost at the individual tool level, the Company
divides accounts receivable into several portfolios based on credit risk characteristics with reference to historical credit loss experience,
combining current conditions with judgments of future economic conditions, and calculates expected credit losses on the basis of the
portfolio. Basis for determining portfolio:

      Portfolio Name                      Basis for determining portfolio                                 Accrual method
                                                                                  Expected credit loss rate is calculated with
                                                                                  reference to historical credit loss experience,
                              Accounts receivable from related parties within the
                                                                                  combined with the current situation and the
Related party portfolio       scope of the Company's consolidated financial
                                                                                  forecast of future economic conditions, through
                                                                                  default risk exposure and the expected credit loss
                                                                                  rate of the entire duration
                                                                                 With reference to historical credit loss
                                                                                 experience, combined with the current situation
                                                                                 and the forecast of future economic conditions,
                              Including accounts receivable other than the above
Aging portfolio                                                                  the Company shall prepare a comparison table
                                                                                 between the aging of accounts receivable and the
                                                                                 expected credit loss rate to calculate the expected
                                                                                 credit loss.

      The comparison table between the aging of aging portfolios and the expected credit loss rate is as follows:

                                Aging                                         Expected credit loss rate of accounts receivable (%)

Within 1 year                                                                                                                          5.00

1-2 years                                                                                                                             10.00

2-3 years                                                                                                                             30.00

Over 3 years                                                                                                                        100.00

The aging of accounts receivable is calculated using the first in, first out method (FIFO).

14. Receivable financing

      Notes receivable classified as measured at fair value with changes recognized in other comprehensive income, with a maturity
period of one year (including one year) from the initial recognition date, are listed as receivable financing; if the maturity period is

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more than one year from the initial recognition date, they shall be listed as other debt investments. The relevant accounting policies are
detailed in Note V 11.
      The recognition method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of the Company's receivable financing
receivable are detailed in Note V 11.6. Impairment of financial instruments.

15. Other receivables

Determination methods and accounting treatment methods of expected credit losses of other receivables
      The recognition method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of the Company's other receivables are
detailed in Note V 11.6. Impairment of financial instruments.
      For other receivables with significantly different credit risks compared to portfolio credit risks, the Company provides expected
credit losses on a single basis. The Company separately determines the credit loss of other receivables that provide sufficient evidence
to evaluate expected credit losses at a reasonable cost at the individual instrument level.
      When there is insufficient evidence to evaluate expected credit losses at a reasonable cost at the individual tool level, the Company
divides other receivables into several portfolios based on credit risk characteristics with reference to historical credit loss experience,
combining current conditions with judgments of future economic conditions, and calculates expected credit losses on the basis of the
portfolio. Basis for determining portfolio:

      Portfolio Name             Basis for determining portfolio                                  Accrual method
Aging portfolio              This portfolio takes the aging of With reference to historical credit loss experience, combined with
                             accounts receivable as the credit risk the current situation and the forecast of future economic
                             characteristics.                       conditions, the Company shall prepare a comparison table between
                                                                    the aging of other accounts receivable and the expected credit loss
                                                                    rate to calculate the expected credit loss.
Related party portfolio      This portfolio includes accounts        Expected credit loss rate is calculated with reference to historical
                             receivable from subsidiaries and        credit loss experience, combined with the current situation and the
                             other related parties within the        forecast of future economic conditions, through default risk
                             consolidation scope.                    exposure and the expected credit loss rate within the following 12
Portfolio of deposits,       This portfolio features deposits,    Expected credit loss rate is calculated with reference to historical
security deposits,           security deposits and employee loans credit loss experience, combined with the current situation and the
employee loans, etc.         as credit risk characteristics.      forecast of future economic conditions, through default risk
                                                                  exposure and the expected credit loss rate within the following 12

      The comparison table between the aging of aging portfolios and the expected credit loss rate is as follows:

                                Aging                                          Expected credit loss rate of other receivables (%)

Within 1 year                                                                                                                         5.00

1-2 years                                                                                                                            10.00

2-3 years                                                                                                                            30.00

Over 3 years                                                                                                                        100.00

      The aging of other receivables is calculated using the first in, first out method (FIFO).

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16. Contract assets

      The Company has transferred the right to receive the consideration for commodities to the customers, and such right depends on
the factors other than the passage of time shall be recognized as the contract assets. The Company's unconditional (i.e., only depending
on the time lapses) right to collect consideration from the customers shall be listed separately as receivables.
      The recognition method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of the Company's contract assets are
detailed in Note V 11.6. Impairment of financial instruments.
      The Company separately determines the credit loss of contract assets that provide sufficient evidence to evaluate expected credit
losses at a reasonable cost at the individual instrument level.
      When there is insufficient evidence to evaluate expected credit losses at a reasonable cost at the individual tool level, the Company
divides contract assets into several portfolios based on credit risk characteristics with reference to historical credit loss experience,
combining current conditions with judgments of future economic conditions, and calculates expected credit losses on the basis of the
portfolio. Basis for determining portfolio:

      Portfolio Name                      Basis for determining portfolio                               Accrual method
                                                                                 With reference to historical credit loss
                             Accounts receivable from related parties within the experience, combined with the current situation
Related party portfolio      scope of the Company's consolidated financial and the forecast of future economic conditions,
                             statements                                          the Company shall calculate the expected credit
                                                                                Expected credit loss rate is calculated with
                                                                                reference to historical credit loss experience,
                             Including accounts receivable other than the above combined with the current situation and the
Aging portfolio
                             portfolio                                          forecast of future economic conditions, through
                                                                                default risk exposure and the expected credit loss
                                                                                rate of the entire duration

17. Inventories

      (1) Inventories category, valuation method for issuing inventories, inventories taking system, amortization method for

low value consumables and packaging materials
      1) Inventories category
      Inventories refer to finished products or commodities held by the Company for sale in daily activities, products in process of
production, and materials consumed in the process of production or provision of labor services. Mainly including raw materials,
products in process, goods in stock, goods in transit, consigned processing materials, contract performance costs, etc.
      2) Valuation method for issuing inventories
      Inventories are initially measured at cost upon acquisition, including procurement costs, processing costs, and other costs.
Inventories are valued using the weighted average method when issued.
      3) Inventories taking system
      Inventories taking system of the company is a perpetual inventories system.
      4) Amortization method for low value consumables and packaging materials
      ① Low value consumables are amortized by the one-off write-off method;
      ② Packaging materials are amortized by the one-off write-off method;
      ③ Other turnover materials are amortized using the one-off write-off method.

      (2) Recognition conditions and accrual method of inventories depreciation reserves

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         After conducting comprehensive inventories at the end of the period, the provision for inventories depreciation shall be withdrawn
or adjusted based on the lower of the cost and net realizable value of the inventories. For goods inventories directly used for sale, such
as finished products, goods in stock and materials for sale, during the normal production and operation process, the net realizable value
shall be recognized by the estimated selling expenses of the inventories minus the estimated selling and distribution expenses and
related taxes; for material inventories to be processed, during the normal production and operation process, the net realizable value
shall be recognized by the estimated selling price of the finished products produced minus the estimated costs to be incurred upon
completion, estimated selling and distribution expenses and relevant taxes. The net realizable value of the inventories held for execution
of the sales contract or service contract is calculated on the basis of the contract price; if the quantity of inventories held is more than
the quantity ordered in the sales contract, net realizable value for the excess of the inventories is calculated based on the general sales
         At the end of the period, the inventories falling price reserves are accrued according to individual inventory items; however, for
the inventories with large quantity and low unit price, the inventories falling price reserves shall be accrued according to the inventories
category; and for inventories that are related to product series produced and sold in the same region, have the same or similar end use
or purpose, and are difficult to be measured separately from other items, the inventories falling price reserves shall be accrued on a
consolidated basis.

18. Held-for-sale assets

         (1) Recognition standards for classifying as held-for-sale assets
         The Company will recognize non-current assets or disposal groups that meet the following conditions as held-for-sale
         (1) In accordance with the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, they can be sold immediately
under current conditions;
         (2) The sale is highly likely to occur, as the Company has already made a resolution on a sale plan, obtained approval of regulatory
authorities, and obtained a confirmed purchase commitment. It is expected that the sale will be completed within one year.
         The determined purchase commitment refers to the legally binding purchase agreement signed between the Company and other
parties, which contains important clauses such as transaction price, time and sufficiently severe penalty for breach of contract, so that
the possibility of major adjustment or cancellation of the agreement is extremely small.
         (2) Accounting method for held-for-sale assets
         The Company does not provide depreciation or amortization for non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale. If the book
value is higher than the net amount of fair value minus selling expenses, the book value shall be written down to the net amount of fair
value minus selling expenses. The written down amount is recognized as losses from impairment of assets and included in current
profits and losses. At the same time, a provision for impairment of held-for-sale assets is made.
         For non-current assets or disposal groups that are classified as held for sale on the acquisition date, the initial measurement
amount and the net amount of fair value (assuming that they are not classified as held for sale) minus selling expenses shall be compared,
and the lower amount shall be measured at the initial measurement.
         The above principles apply to all non-current assets, but do not include Investment real estate measured using the fair value model
for subsequent measurement, biological assets measured using the net amount of fair value minus selling expenses, assets formed by
employee compensation, deferred income tax assets, financial assets regulated by accounting standards related to financial instruments,
and rights arising from insurance contracts regulated by accounting standards related to insurance contracts.

19. Debt investment

         The recognition method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of the Company's debt investment are
detailed in Note V 11.6. Impairment of financial instruments.

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20. Other debt investments

      The determination method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of other debt investments by the company
are detailed in Note 5, 11.6. Impairment of financial instruments.

21. Long-term receivables

      The recognition method and accounting treatment method for the expected credit loss of the Company's long-term receivables
are detailed in Note V 11.6. Impairment of financial instruments.

22. Long-term equity investment

      (1) Recognition of initial investment cost
      1) The specific accounting policies for long-term equity investments formed by business mergers are detailed in Note V 6.
Accounting treatment methods of business merger under the common control and merger under different control.
      2) Long-term equity investments obtained through other means
      For long-term equity investment acquired by cash payment, the actual purchase price shall be regarded as the initial investment
cost. The initial investment cost includes expenses, taxes and other necessary expenses directly related to the acquisition of long-term
equity investment.
      For the long-term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of the issued equity securities shall be
taken as the initial investment cost. The transaction costs incurred when issuing or acquiring equity instruments can be directly
attributed to equity transactions and deducted from equity.
      On the premise that the non-monetary asset exchange has commercial substance and the fair value of the assets received or
exchanged can be reliably measured, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment received from the non-monetary
asset exchange is determined based on the fair value of the exchanged assets, unless there is conclusive evidence that the fair value of
the exchanged assets is more reliable; for non-monetary asset exchanges that do not meet the above conditions, the book value of the
exchanged assets and the relevant taxes and fees payable shall be used as the initial investment cost for the long-term equity investment
      The initial investment cost of long-term equity investments obtained through debt restructuring is determined based on fair value.

      (2) Subsequent measurement and profit and loss recognition
      1) Cost method
      The long-term equity investments that the Company is able to control over the investee are accounted for using the cost method
and are valued at the initial investment cost. The cost of long-term equity investments is adjusted by adding or recovering investments.
      Except the declared but not released cash dividends or profits which are included in actual amount or consideration paid for
acquiring investments, the profit distribution or cash dividends declared by the investees are recognized as the current investment
income by the Company.
      2) Equity method
      The Company adopts the equity method to account for long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures; for equity
investments in associates indirectly held through venture capital institutions, mutual funds, trust companies, or similar entities including
investment linked insurance funds, fair value measurement is adopted and changes are included in profits and losses.
      If the cost of initial investment of long-term equity investment exceeds the difference of the identifiable fair value of net assets
of the investee sharable at investment, cost of initial investment of long-term equity investment shall not be adjusted; if the cost of
initial investment of long-term equity investment is less than identifiable fair value of net assets of the investee sharable at investment,
the difference is included in current profits and losses when it is incurred.

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      After the Company obtains the long-term equity investment, the investment income and other comprehensive income shall be
recognized respectively according to the share of net profit and loss and other comprehensive income realized by the investee that
should be enjoyed or shared, and the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted; the Company shall calculate the
attributable part according to the profits or cash dividends declared to be distributed by the investee, and reduce the book value of long-
term equity investment accordingly; the Company shall adjust the book value of long-term equity investment and include it in the
owner's equity for other changes in the owner's equity of the investee other than net profits and losses, other comprehensive income
and profit distribution.
      In recognition of the share of the net profit or loss of the investee entity by the Company, the net profit of the investee shall be
adjusted and confirmed on the basis of the fair value of the identifiable assets of the investee entity when the investment is made. The
unrealized profits or losses arising from the intra-company transactions amongst the Company and its associates and joint ventures are
eliminated in proportion to the Company's equity interest in the associates and joint ventures, and then based on which the investment
profits and losses are recognized.
      When the Company confirms that it shall share the losses incurred by the investee, it shall handle them in the following order:
firstly, offset the book value of long-term equity investments. Secondly, if the book value of long-term equity investments is not
sufficient to offset, investment losses shall be recognized to the extent of other long-term equity book values that essentially constitute
net investments in the investee, and the book value of long-term accounts receivable shall be offset. Finally, after the above processing,
if the enterprise still bears additional obligations as stipulated in the investment contract or agreement, the expected liabilities shall be
recognized based on the expected obligations and included in the current investment loss.
      If the investee realizes profits in the future period, the Company shall handle it in the opposite order after deducting the
unrecognized loss sharing, write down the book balance of the recognized expected liabilities, restore the book value of other long-
term equity and long-term equity investments that essentially constitute the net investment in the investee, and then restore the
recognition of investment income.

      (3) Conversion of accounting methods for long-term equity investments
      1) Fair value measurement to equity method accounting
      For equity investments held by the Company that do not have control, joint control, or significant impact over the investee and
are accounted for according to the financial instrument recognition and measurement standards, if they can exert significant impact or
implement joint control over the investee but do not constitute control due to additional investment or other reasons, the fair value of
the original equity investment determined in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and
Measurement of Financial Instruments" plus the additional investment cost shall be used as the initial investment cost accounted for
using the equity method.
      For the difference between the initial investment cost calculated using the equity method and the fair value share of the identifiable
net assets of the investee on the date of the additional investment, calculated based on the new shareholding ratio after the additional
investment, the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted and included in the current non-operating income.
      2) Fair value measurement or equity method accounting to cost method accounting
      For equity investments held by the Company that do not have control, joint control, or significant impact on the investee and are
accounted for according to financial instrument recognition and measurement standards, or for long-term equity investments held by
the Company in associates or joint ventures that can exert control over the investee under different control due to additional investments
or other reasons, when preparing individual financial statements, the initial investment cost calculated using the cost method is the sum
of the book value of the original equity investment held and the additional investment cost.
      The other comprehensive income recognized by the equity investment held on the date of acquisition due to the equity method
is used for accounting treatment on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee when the asset is
disposed of.
      If the equity investments held before the date of acquisition are accounted for in accordance with the relevant provisions of the
"Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments", the cumulative fair value

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changes originally recognized in other comprehensive income are transferred to the current profits and losses when the cost method is
used for accounting.
      3) Equity method accounting to fair value measurement
      Where the joint control or significant impact on the investee is lost due to the disposal of part of the equity investment or other
reasons, and the remaining equity after disposal shall be accounted for in accordance with the "Accounting Standards for Enterprises
No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments", the difference between the fair value and the book value of the
remaining equity on the date of loss of joint control or significant impact is included in current profits and losses.
      The other comprehensive income recognized by the original equity investment due to the equity method is used for accounting
treatment on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee when the equity method is terminated.
      4) Cost method to equity method
      When the Company loses control over the investee due to partial disposal of equity investment and the residual equity after
disposal can implement joint control over or significant impact on the investee at the time of preparing individual financial statements,
the equity method is adopted, and the residual equity is adjusted deeming to have been accounted for with the equity method since its
      5) Cost method to fair value measurement
      If the Company loses control over the investee due to the disposal of some equity investments or other reasons, and the remaining
equity after disposal cannot exercise joint control or have a significant impact on the investee in the preparation of individual financial
statements, the accounting treatment shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Accounting Standards for
Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments". The difference between the fair value and the book value
on the date of loss of control shall be included in current profits and losses.

      (4) Disposal of long-term equity investments
      When disposing of long-term equity investment, the balance between the book value and actual price for acquisition shall be
included in current profits and losses. For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, when disposing of the
investment, the accounting treatment for the portion originally recognized in other comprehensive income shall be carried out on the
same basis as the direct disposal of relevant assets or liabilities by the investee in a corresponding proportion.
      The terms, conditions, and economic impact of various transactions related to the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries
in one or more of the following circumstances usually indicate that multiple transactions shall be accounted for as a package deal:
      1) These transactions were entered into simultaneously or taking into account mutual influence;
      2) These transactions as a whole can achieve a complete business result;
      3) The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction;
      4) A transaction alone is not economical, but it is economic when considered with other transactions.
      If the control over the original subsidiary is lost due to the disposal of some equity investments or other reasons, which is not a
package deal, relevant accounting treatment shall be distinguished between individual financial statements and consolidated financial
      1) In individual financial statements, the difference between the book value of the disposed equity and the actual acquisition price
is included in current profits and losses. If the remaining equity after disposal can exercise joint control or have a significant impact on
the investee, it shall be accounted for using the equity method, and the remaining equity shall be adjusted as if it was accounted for
using the equity method at the time of acquisition; if the remaining equity after disposal cannot exercise joint control or have a
significant impact on the investee in the preparation of individual financial statements, the accounting treatment shall be carried out in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments". The difference between the fair value and the book value on the date of loss of control shall be included in
current profits and losses.
      2) In the consolidated financial statements, for all transactions before the loss of control over the subsidiary, the difference
between the disposal price and the corresponding share of net assets of the subsidiary calculated continuously from the date of

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acquisition or combination date for the disposal of long-term equity investments, the capital reserve (share premium) shall be adjusted.
If the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted; when losing control over a subsidiary, the remaining
equity shall be remeasured at its fair value on the date of loss of control. The difference between the sum of the consideration obtained
from the disposal of equity and the fair value of the remaining equity minus the share of the net assets of the original subsidiary
continuously calculated from the date of acquisition calculated according to the original shareholding ratio shall be included in the
investment income of the current period when the control right is lost, and the goodwill shall be offset. Other comprehensive income
related to equity investments in the original subsidiary shall be converted into current investment income when control is lost.
      If all transactions related to the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries until the loss of control belong to a package deal,
each transaction shall be treated as a transaction related to the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries and the loss of control,
and relevant accounting treatment shall be distinguished between individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements:
      1) In individual financial statements, the difference between the disposal price and the book value of the long-term equity
investment corresponding to the disposed equity before the loss of control is recognized as other comprehensive income and transferred
to the current profits and losses when the control is lost.
      2) In the consolidated financial statements, the difference between the disposal price and the net asset share of the subsidiary
corresponding to the disposal investment before the loss of control is recognized as other comprehensive income, and is transferred to
the current profits and losses when the control is lost.

      (5) Judgment standard for common control and significant impact
      If the Company collectively controls a certain arrangement with other participants in accordance with relevant agreements, and
any activity decision that has a significant impact on the return of the arrangement requires the unanimous consent of the participants
who share control, it shall be deemed that the Company and other participants jointly control a certain arrangement, which is a joint
venture arrangement.
      When a joint venture arrangement is reached through a separate entity, and it is determined based on relevant agreements that
the Company has rights to the net assets of the separate entity, the separate entity shall be treated as a joint venture and accounted for
using the equity method. If it is determined according to relevant agreements that the Company does not have the right to the net assets
of the separate entity, the separate entity shall be considered as an entity in joint operation, and the Company shall recognize the items
related to the share of joint operation interests and conduct accounting treatment in accordance with the relevant Accounting Standards
for Enterprises.
      Significant impact means that the investor has the power to participate in the decision-making of the financial and operating
policies of the investee, but is not able to control or jointly control the formulation of these policies with other parties. After considering
all facts and circumstances, the Company determines that it has a significant impact on the investee through one or more of the following
circumstances: (1) Having representatives on the Board of Directors or similar authorities of the investee; (2) Participating in the
process of formulating financial and operational policies for the investee; (3) Significant transactions occur with the investee; (4)
Dispatching management personnel to the investee; (5) Providing key technical information to the investee.

23. Investment real estate

Measurement model of investment real estate
Cost method measurement
Depreciation or amortization method
      The investment real estate refers to the properties held for earning rentals or capital appreciation or both, including the land use
right which has already been leased out, land use right which is held for transfer after its appreciation and buildings which have already
been leased out. Moreover, idle buildings owned by the Company ready for operating lease, with the written announcement from the
Board of Directors, that it has an explicit intention to hold the buildings for operating lease and such intention will not change in short-
term, are disclosed as investment real estate as well.

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      The investment real estate of the Company is used as the entry value at its cost, and the cost of purchasing investment real estate
includes the purchase price, relevant taxes, and other expenses directly attributable to the asset; the cost of self constructing investment
real estate is composed of the necessary expenses incurred before the construction of the asset reaches its expected conditions for use.
      The impairment test method and impairment provision method for investment real estate are detailed in Note V 28. Long-term
assets impairment.
      When investment real estate is converted for self-use, such real estate shall be converted into fixed assets or intangible assets
since the date of conversion. When properties for self-use are converted for earning rents or capital appreciation, the fixed assets or
intangible assets shall be converted into investment real estate since the date of conversion. When conversion occurs, the book value
prior to conversion shall be the entry value after conversion.
      When an investment real estate is disposed of, or permanently withdrawn from use and is not expected to obtain economic
benefits from its disposal, the recognition of the investment real estate shall be terminated. The amount of proceeds on sale, transfer,
retirement or damage of any investment real estate net of the book value of the investment real estate and the relevant taxes shall be
included in current profits and losses.

24. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions

      Fixed assets mean the tangible assets held for producing commodities, providing services, renting or operating management, with
a service life in excess of one accounting year. Fixed assets shall be recognized when the following the conditions are met
      1) Economic benefits associated with such fixed assets are likely to flow into the Company;
      2) Cost of such fixed assets can be measured reliably.

(2) Depreciation methods

                                                                                                                     Annual depreciation
          Category              Depreciation method          Depreciation period         Residual value rate
   Houses and buildings        Straight-line method        20-50 years                 5%                          1.90%-4.75%
   Machinery equipment         Straight-line method        5-10 years                  5%                          9.50%-19.00%
   Electronic equipment
                               Straight-line method        3-5 years                   5%                          19.00%-31.67%
   and others
   Transportation vehicles     Straight-line method        4 years                     5%                          23.75%

25. Construction in progress

      The construction in progress projects constructed by the Company are priced at actual cost, which is composed of necessary
expenses incurred before the construction of the asset reaches its expected conditions for use, including the cost of engineering materials,
labor costs, relevant taxes and fees paid, capitalized borrowing costs, and indirect expenses to be shared.
      All expenses incurred before the asset reaches its expected conditions for use in construction in progress projects shall be
recognized as the entry value of fixed assets. If the construction in progress has reached the expected conditions for use but has not yet
completed the final settlement, from the date of reaching the expected conditions for use, the estimated value shall be transferred to
fixed assets based on the project budget, cost, or actual project cost, and the depreciation of fixed assets shall be calculated according
to the Company's fixed asset depreciation policy. After completing the final settlement, the original estimated value shall be adjusted
according to the actual cost, but the depreciation amount already calculated shall not be adjusted.

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      The impairment test method and impairment provision method for construction in progress are detailed in Note V 28. Long-term
assets impairment.

26. Borrowing costs

      (1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs
      Borrowing costs of the Company which can be classified directly as expenses for the acquisition, construction or production
activities for preparing an asset eligible for capitalization, shall be capitalized and booked into cost of capital; other borrowing costs
shall be defined upon occurred as expenses on the basis of the amount and included in current profits and losses.
      The assets meeting the capitalization conditions refer to the fixed assets, investment properties and inventories that need a
substantially long period for acquisition, construction or production to be ready for their intended use or sale.
      The borrowing costs shall be capitalized when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
      1) Expenditures on an asset have been incurred, and expenditures on the asset comprise payments in cash, transfer of non-cash
assets or assumption of debts with interest for acquisition and construction or production of the asset qualifying for capitalization;
      2) The borrowing costs have already been incurred;
      3) Acquisition, construction or production activities necessary to bring the asset to reach expected conditions for use or sale are
in progress.

      (2) Period of capitalization of borrowing costs
      Period of capitalization refers to the period from the beginning time point of capitalization to the end time point of capitalization.
The suspension period of capitalization of borrowing costs shall be excluded.
      When the acquisition, construction or production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions is ready for its intended use or
sale, the capitalization of borrowing costs will cease.
      When a portion of the assets that meet the capitalization conditions are completed and can be used separately, the capitalization
of the borrowing costs for that portion of the assets shall cease.
      If each part of the purchased or produced asset is completed separately, but can only be used or sold to the outside world after
the overall completion, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be stopped when the entire asset is completed.

      (3) Suspension period of capitalization
      Where the acquisition, construction or production of eligible assets is interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for
more than 3 months, capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended; if the interruption is a necessary step for making the
eligible assets under acquisition, construction or production reach the expected conditions for use or marketing, the capitalization of
the borrowing costs shall be continued. The borrowing costs incurred during the period of cease will be determined as current profit
and loss, and the borrowing costs will continue to be capitalized after the acquisition, construction or production activities of the assets
are resumed.

      (4) Calculation methods for capitalized amount of borrowing costs
      The interest expenses of special loans (excluding interest income obtained from unused loan funds deposited in banks or
investment income obtained from temporary investments) and their auxiliary expenses shall be capitalized before the purchased or
produced assets that meet the capitalization conditions reach their expected conditions for use or sale.
      The amount of capitalization of the interest amount shall be determined by multiplying the weighted average of difference
between accumulative assets expenditure and assets expenditure of specially borrowed loans by the capitalization rate of general
borrowings. The capitalization rate is calculated and determined based on the weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.
      If there is a discount or premium on the loan, the amount of discount or premium to be amortized for each accounting period
shall be determined using the effective interest rate method, and the interest amount for each period shall be adjusted.

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27. Intangible assets

(1) Useful life and its determination basis, estimated situation, amortization method or review procedure

         Intangible assets are identifiable non-monetary assets without physical substance owned or controlled by the Company, including
land use rights, software, others, etc.
         1) Initial measurement of intangible assets
         Costs of purchased intangible assets include purchase price, related taxes as well as other expenditures directly attributable to
making such assets ready for intended use. Where the payment of the acquisition price for intangible assets is delayed beyond the
normal credit terms, for those with financing nature, the cost of intangible assets is determined at the present value of the acquisition
         For intangible assets from debt restructuring used by the debtor to offset debts, its entry value is determined based on the fair
value of the intangible asset. The difference between the book value of the restructured debt and the fair value of the intangible asset
used to offset debts is included in current profits and losses.
         On the premise that the non-monetary asset exchange has commercial substance and the fair value of the assets received or
exchanged can be reliably measured, the entry value of the intangible asset received from the non-monetary asset exchange is
determined based on the fair value of the exchanged assets, unless there is conclusive evidence that the fair value of the exchanged
assets is more reliable; for non-monetary asset exchanges that do not meet the above conditions, the book value of the exchanged assets
and the relevant taxes and fees payable shall be used as the cost for the intangible asset received, and no profit or loss shall be recognized.
         The entry value of intangible assets obtained by absorption and merger of enterprises under the same control shall be determined
according to the book value of the combined party; the entry value of intangible assets obtained by absorption and merger of enterprises
not under the same control shall be determined at fair value.
         The costs of intangible assets developed internally include: materials, service costs and registration fees consumed in the
development of the intangible assets, amortization of other patents and franchise used in the development process, interest costs that
meet the capitalization conditions, as well as other direct costs incurred before the achievement of intended use of intangible asset.
         2) Subsequent measurement of intangible assets
         The Company analyzes and determines the useful life of intangible assets when acquiring them, and divides them into intangible
assets with limited or uncertain useful lives.
         1. Intangible assets with limited useful life
         For intangible assets with limited useful lives, they are amortized using the straight-line method within the period of bringing
economic benefits to the enterprise. The estimated life and basis for intangible assets with limited useful life are as follows:

               Item                               Estimated Useful Lives                                         Basis

 Software                                                2-10 years                                         Benefit period
                                   From obtaining the land use right to the termination
 Land use rights                                                                                            Benefit period
                                               date of the land use right
         At the end of the period, the useful life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited useful life shall be reviewed,
and adjustments shall be made if necessary.
         2. Tangible assets with unclear useful life
         If it is impossible to foresee the period within which intangible assets will bring economic benefits to the enterprise, it shall be
regarded as an intangible asset with an uncertain useful life. At the end of the period, the useful life of intangible assets with uncertain
service life shall be reviewed. If there is evidence that the period of intangible assets bringing economic benefits to the enterprise is
foreseeable, the useful life shall be estimated and amortized according to the amortization policy of intangible assets with limited useful

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      The impairment test method and impairment provision method for intangible assets are detailed in Note V 28. Long-term assets

(2) The scope of R&D expenditure collection and related accounting treatment methods

      1) Specific standards for dividing the research stage and development stage of the company's internal research and
development projects
      Research stage: the stage of original planned investigation and research activities to acquire and understand new scientific or
technical knowledge.
      Development stage: the stage where research results or other knowledge are applied to a plan or design to produce new or
substantially improved materials, devices, products and other activities before commercial production or use.
      Expenditures of internal research and development projects during research stage are included in current profits and losses upon
      2) Expenditures at the development stage meet the specific standards for capitalization
      Expenses incurred during the development phase of internal research and development projects are recognized as intangible
assets when the following conditions are met:
      ① Complete such intangible asset to make it usable or salable with technical feasibility;
      ② Intention of completing such intangible asset for use or sale;
      ③ Method for intangible assets to produce economic benefits, including the ability to prove that the products from such
intangible assets exist in the market or that the intangible assets themselves exist in the market, and the ability to prove the serviceability
of the intangible asset if used internally;
      ④ There is sufficient support from technical, financial resources and other resources, to complete development of such intangible
assets, and the ability of using or selling such intangible assets;
      ⑤ The expenditures attributable to development stage of such intangible assets shall be measured reliably.
      Expenditures in the development stage that do not meet the above conditions shall be included in the current profits and losses
when incurred. If expenditure in research stage and expenditure in development stage fail to be divided, generated research expenditure
shall be concluded in current profits and losses when they are incurred. The cost of intangible assets formed by internal development
activities only includes the total expenditure incurred from the time when the capitalization conditions are met until the intangible
assets reach their intended use. Expenditures for the same intangible asset that have been expensed and included in profit or loss before
reaching the capitalization conditions during the development process will not be adjusted.

28. Long-term assets impairment

      The Company inspects long-term equity investments, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with determined
useful lives, and any signs of potential impairment on each balance sheet date. If there are signs of impairment in long-term assets, the
Company shall estimate their recoverable amount based on individual assets; if it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of a
single asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group shall be determined based on the asset group to which the asset belongs.
      The estimate of the recoverable amount of an asset is determined based on the higher of its fair value minus disposal expenses
and the present value of the expected future cash flows of the asset.
      The measurement results of the recoverable amount indicate that if the recoverable amount of an asset is lower than its book
value, the book value of the long-term asset shall be written down to the recoverable amount. The written down amount is recognized
as a loss from impairment of assets and included in current profits and losses. At the same time, a corresponding asset impairment
provision shall be made. Once the losses from impairment of assets are recognized, they shall not be reversed in subsequent accounting

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       After the loss from impairment of assets is recognized, the depreciation or amortization expenses of the impaired assets shall be
adjusted accordingly in the future, so that the adjusted book value of the assets can be systematically amortized within the remaining
useful life of the assets (deducting the expected net residual value).
       Intangible assets with uncertain goodwill and useful life formed by business mergers shall undergo impairment test annually,
regardless of whether there are signs of impairment.
       During the impairment test of the goodwill, the book value of the goodwill is divided to the asset group or portfolio of asset
groups that are expected to benefit from the business merger synergies. When conducting impairment tests on the related asset portfolio
or portfolio of asset groups that contain(s) goodwill, if there are indications of impairment, test the asset groups or groups of asset
groups that do(es) not contain goodwill firstly and calculate the recoverable amount, and compare it with the related book value to
confirm the corresponding impairment loss. Then conduct an impairment test on the asset group or asset group portfolio containing
goodwill, and compare the book value (including the book value of the apportioned goodwill) of these relevant asset groups or asset
group portfolios with their recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount of the relevant asset group or asset group portfolios is lower
than its book value, the impairment loss of goodwill shall be recognized.

29. Long-term unamortized expenses

       Long-term deferred expenses refer to all expenses which have occurred and shall be amortized by the Company in more than one
year in the current period and subsequent period. Long-term deferred expenses are amortized over the benefit period using the straight-
line method.

30. Contract liabilities

       The Company recognizes the obligation to transfer goods to customers for consideration received or receivable as contract

31. Employee compensation

(1) Accounting treatment methods for short-term compensation

       Short-term remuneration refers to the remuneration of employees that the Company needs to pay in full within 12 months after
the end of the annual reporting period for employees to provide relevant services, except for post employment benefits and termination
benefits. During the accounting period when employees provide services, the Company recognizes the short-term remuneration payable
as liabilities, and includes it in the relevant asset costs and expenses according to the beneficiary of the services provided by employees.

(2) Accounting treatment method for post employment benefits

       Post employment benefits refer to various forms of remuneration and benefits provided by the Company after the retirement of
employees or the termination of labor relations with the enterprise in order to obtain the services provided by employees, except short-
term remuneration and dismission welfare.
       The post employment welfare plan of the Company includes a defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan.
       The defined contribution plan for the post employment benefit mainly involves participating in social basic pension insurance,
unemployment insurance, etc. organized and implemented by labor and social security institutions in various regions; during the
accounting period when employees provide services to the Company, the amount of deposit payable calculated according to the defined
contribution plan will be recognized as a liability and included in current profits and losses or related asset costs.

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      After the Company regularly pays the above-mentioned funds in accordance with national standards, it has no further payment

(3) Accounting treatment method for dismissal benefits

      The dismission welfare refers to the compensation given by the Company to terminate the labor relationship with employees
before the expiration of their labor contracts, or propose compensation to encourage employees to voluntarily accept layoffs. When the
Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the termination plan or layoff proposal, or when the Company recognizes the costs and expenses
related to the restructuring involving the payment of dismission welfare, whichever is earlier, the liabilities arising from the
compensation for the termination of the labor relationship with employees are recognized and included in current profits and losses.

32. Estimated liabilities

      (1) Recognition standards for estimated liabilities
      When the obligation related to product quality assurance contingency is a current obligation undertaken by the Company, and
the fulfillment of this obligation is likely to result in the outflow of economic benefits, and the amount of this obligation can be reliably
measured, it is recognized as an estimated liability.

      (2) Measurement method for estimated liabilities
      Estimated liabilities of the Company shall be measured initially pursuant to the optimal estimate of expenditure required to
perform relevant current obligations.
      When determining the optimal estimate, the Company shall comprehensively consider such factors as relevant risks and
uncertainties related to contingencies and the time value of currency. If there is significant effect on time value of money, the best
estimate is determined by discounting the relevant future cash outflow.
      The best estimate is handled in the following situations:
      If there is a continuous range (or interval) of required expenses and the likelihood of various outcomes occurring within that
range is the same, the best estimate is determined based on the average of the upper and lower limits of the range.
      If there is no continuous range (or interval) of required expenses, or although there is a continuous range, the likelihood of various
outcomes occurring within that range is different, in the event that there is a contingency involving a single item, the best estimate shall
be determined based on the amount most likely to occur; if the contingency involves multiple items, the best estimate shall be
determined based on various possible outcomes and related probabilities.
      If all or part of the expenditures to pay off estimated liabilities by the Company are expected to be compensated by third parties,
once it is basically certain that compensation amount can be received, that amount can be recognized as asset individually but will not
exceed book value of estimated liabilities.

33. Share-based payments

      (1) Types of share-based payments

      The share-based payment of the Company is divided into equity settled share-based payment and cash settled share-based


      (2) Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments
      For equity instruments such as options granted in an active market, their fair value is determined based on the quoted price in the
active market. For equity instruments such as options granted without an active market, the fair value is determined using option pricing

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models, etc. The selected option pricing model considers the following factors: 1) The exercise price of the option; 2) The validity
period of the option; 3) The current price of the underlying shares; 4) The expected volatility of stock price; 5) The expected dividend
of the shares; 6) The risk-free interest rate during the validity period of the option.
      When determining the fair value of equity instruments on the grant date, the Company shall consider the impact of market
conditions and non-vesting conditions specified in the share-based payment agreement. If there are non-vesting conditions for share-
based payment, as long as the employee or other party meets all non-market conditions (such as service period, etc.) of the vesting
conditions, it is confirmed that the corresponding cost of the service has been received.

      (3) Basis for confirming the best estimate of exercisable equity instruments
      On each balance sheet date during the waiting period, the best estimate is made based on the latest changes in the number of
eligible employees and subsequent information, and the estimated number of eligible equity instruments is revised. On the vesting date,
the final estimated number of exercisable equity instruments is consistent with the actual number of exercisable equity instruments.

      (4) Accounting treatment method
      1) Accounting treatment for equity settlement and cash settlement of share-based payments
      The share-based payment settled by equity shall be measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees. If
the right is exercisable immediately after the grant, it shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses according to the fair value of
the equity instruments on the grant date, and the capital reserve shall be increased accordingly. If the right can be exercised only after
completing the services within the waiting period or meeting the prescribed performance conditions, on each balance sheet date within
the waiting period, the services obtained in the current period shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses and capital reserves
on the basis of the best estimate of the number of equity instruments exercisable and according to the fair value on the grant date of
equity instruments. After the exercisable date, the recognized relevant costs or expenses and the total amount of owner's equity will
not be adjusted.
      Cash-settled share-based payment will be measured according to the fair value of liabilities borne by the Company which is
calculated and recognized based on shares or other equity instruments. If the right is exercisable immediately after the grant, the fair
value of the Company's liabilities shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses on the date of grant, and the liabilities shall be
increased accordingly. For cash settled share-based payment that can be exercised only after completing the services in the waiting
period or meeting the prescribed performance conditions, on each balance sheet date in the waiting period, based on the best estimate
of the exercisable rights, the services obtained in the current period shall be included in the cost or expense and the corresponding
liabilities according to the fair value amount of the Company's liabilities. On each balance sheet date and settlement date before the
settlement of relevant liabilities, the fair value of liabilities shall be re-measured, and the changes shall be included in the current profits
and losses.
      2) Accounting treatment for modification of terms and conditions of share-based payment
      For adverse modifications, the Company considers that the change has never occurred and continues to account for the services
      For favorable modifications, the Company shall handle them in accordance with the following provisions: if the modification
increases the fair value of the equity instruments granted, the enterprise shall recognize the increase in services obtained accordingly
based on the increase in fair value of the equity instruments. If the modification occurs during the waiting period, the fair value of the
services obtained between the confirmation of the modification date and the modified vesting date shall include both the service amount
determined based on the fair value of the original equity instrument on the grant date during the remaining original waiting period and
the increase in the fair value of the equity instrument. If the modification occurs after the vesting date, the increase in the fair value of
the equity instrument shall be immediately recognized. If the share-based payment agreement requires employees to only obtain the
modified equity instrument after completing a longer period of service, the enterprise shall recognize the increase in the fair value of
the equity instrument throughout the waiting period.
      If the modification increases the number of equity instruments granted, the enterprise will recognize the fair value of the increased
equity instruments as an increase in the acquisition of services. If the modification occurs during the waiting period, the fair value of

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the services obtained between the confirmation of the modification date and the vesting date of the added equity instruments shall
include both the service amount determined based on the fair value of the original equity instrument on the grant date during the
remaining original waiting period and the increase in the fair value of the equity instrument.
      If the enterprise modifies its vesting conditions in a way that benefits its employees, such as shortening the waiting period, and
changing or canceling performance conditions (rather than market conditions), the Company shall consider the modified vesting
conditions when dealing with them.
      3) Accounting treatment for cancellation of share-based payment
      If the equity instruments granted are canceled within the waiting period, the Company shall regard cancellation of the equity
instruments granted as acceleration of exercising the rights. The amount which shall be recognized within the remaining waiting period
shall be included in current profits and losses immediately, and the capital reserve shall be recognized simultaneously. If employees or
other parties are able to choose to meet non-vesting conditions but fail to do so during the waiting period, the Company will treat them
as cancellation of equity instruments granted.

34. Revenue

Accounting policies adopted for disclosing revenue recognition and measurement according to business types

      The Company's revenue mainly comes from selling goods.
      (1) General principles for revenue recognition
      The Company has fulfilled its contractual obligations by recognizing revenue based on the transaction price allocated to the
performance obligation when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services. Performance obligation refers to the
commitment made by the Company in the contract to transfer goods or services that can be clearly distinguished to customers.
Obtaining the control power over the relevant goods means being able to dominate the use of such goods and obtain almost all economic
benefits from them.
      The Company evaluates the contract from the commencement date, identifies the individual performance obligations included in
the contract, and determines whether each individual performance obligation is to be performed within a certain period of time or at a
certain point in time. If one of the following conditions is met, it belongs to the performance obligation fulfilled within a certain period
of time, and the Company recognizes revenue within a certain period of time according to the performance progress: 1) The customer
obtains the contract at the same time as the Company fulfills the contract. Consuming the economic benefits of the Company's
performance; 2) Customers can control the goods under construction in the process of performance of the Company; 3) The goods
produced in the process of performance by the Company have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payments
for the accumulated performance so far during the whole contract period. Otherwise, the Company recognizes the revenue when the
consumer obtains the control power over relevant goods or services.
      For performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company adopts the input method to determine the
appropriate progress of performance based on the nature of goods and services. The input method is to determine the progress of
performance based on the investment made by the Company to fulfill its obligations. If the performance progress cannot be reasonably
determined and the costs incurred are expected to be compensated, the Company will recognize the revenue according to the amount
of costs incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined.
      (2) Specific methods of revenue recognition
      1) The principle for recognizing domestic offline sales revenue of products: If the Company sells its products to engineering
contractors, dealers, and end customers, and the contract is signed without installation, the Company will send the goods to the customer
or the customer will pick them up at their doorstep according to the delivery method agreed in the sales contract. The customer receives
the goods and accepts them as qualified. The revenue is recognized when the Company obtains the customer's receipt certificate.
      2) The principle for recognizing revenue from overseas offline sales of products: For domestic companies that directly export
and sell products, FOB terms are adopted. For those that declare and export through sea and air freight, the export customs declaration

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procedures are completed, the customs declaration form is obtained, and the revenue is recognized when obtaining the bill of lading.
For customs declaration and export through express delivery, revenue shall be recognized based on the date of the customs declaration.
If the overseas subsidiary sells overseas, the goods shall be delivered to the customer or picked up at the customer's doorstep according
to the agreed delivery method with the customer. Revenue shall be recognized when the customer receives the goods and the acceptance
is qualified.
      3) The principle for recognizing sales revenue through online self operation mode of products: In self operation mode, the
Company mainly sells products directly to consumers through domestic e-commerce platforms (Tmall, Taobao, JD, PDD, Suning) and
overseas e-commerce platforms (Amazon, Lazada, Shoppe). The Company confirms online self operated business revenue when
sending out goods, either directly confirmed by consumers or automatically confirmed by the system's default delivery time and
meeting the return period terms.
      4) Principle for recognizing sales revenue of system integration: The sales of company system integration products include
providing customers with supporting products, installation, debugging, and system trial operation, and other supporting services. After
passing the acceptance inspection, sales revenue is recognized.
      5) Software sales revenue recognition principle: The software is directly provided to the buyer and requires a dedicated software
authorization code to be used. After the software authorization code is provided to the buyer, the realization of software sales revenue
is recognized. If the company contract stipulates that the software needs to be installed, debugged, or inspected, the software sales
revenue will be recognized after the installation, debugging, or inspection are completed and an acceptance report is obtained.
      (3) Principles for income processing of specific transactions
      1) A contract with quality assurance clauses attached
      The Company shall assess whether the quality assurance provides a separate service beyond ensuring that the products sold meet
established standards to customers. If the Company provides additional services, it shall be treated as a single performance obligation
and subject to accounting treatment in accordance with the income standards; otherwise, the quality assurance responsibility shall be
accounted for in accordance with the accounting standards for contingencies.
      2) Main responsible persons and agents
      The Company determines whether it the main responsible person or agent when engaging in transactions based on whether it has
control over the goods or services before transferring them to customers. If the Company is able to control the goods or services before
transferring them to customers, it is the main responsible person and recognizes revenue based on the total amount of consideration
received or receivable; otherwise, the Company acts as an agent and recognizes revenue based on the expected amount of commission
or handling fees entitled to receive. This amount is determined by deducting the total amount of consideration received or receivable
from the amount payable to other relevant parties.

35. Contract cost

      (1) Contract performance cost
      If the cost incurred by the Company in performing the contract does not fall within the scope of other Accounting Standards for
Enterprises (except revenue standards), it shall be recognized as an asset as contract performance cost when the following conditions
are met simultaneously:
      1) The cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing expenses
(or similar expenses), costs clearly borne by the customer and other costs incurred solely as a result of the contract;
      2) This cost increases the resources that the enterprise will use to fulfill its performance obligations in the future;
      3) The cost is expected to be recovered.
      The asset is reported in inventories or other non-current assets based on whether its initial recognition amortization period has
exceeded a normal operating cycle.
      (2) Contract acquisition cost

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      If the incremental cost incurred by the Company for acquiring the contract is expected to be recovered, it shall be recognized as
an asset as the contract acquisition cost. Incremental cost refers to the cost (such as sales commission) that will not be incurred if the
company does not obtain the contract. For amortization periods not exceeding one year, they are included in current profits and losses
when incurred.
      (3) Amortization of contract costs
      The assets related to contract costs mentioned above are recognized on the same basis as the revenue from goods or services
related to the asset, and are amortized at the time of performance or according to the progress of performance, and are included in
current profits and losses.
      (4) Impairment of contract costs
      If the book value of the assets related to contract costs mentioned above is higher than the difference between the expected
remaining consideration for the transfer of goods related to the asset and the estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of the related
goods of the Company, the excess shall be subjected to provision for impairment and recognized as losses from impairment of assets.
      After the provision for impairment has been made, if the factors causing impairment in the previous period change, resulting in
a difference between the above two items higher than the book value of the asset, the original provision for impairment of the asset
shall be reversed and included in current profits and losses. However, the reversed book value of the asset shall not exceed the book
value of the asset on the reversal date assuming no provision for impairment.

36. Government subsidies

      (1) Type
      Government subsidies refer to monetary and non-monetary assets acquired by the Company from the government for free.
According to the subsidy target specified in the government documents, government subsidies are divided into government subsidies
related to assets and government subsidies related to income.
      For government subsidies that are not clearly defined in government documents, the Company divides them into government
subsidies related to assets or government subsidies related to income based on the actual subsidy targets. The relevant judgment basis
is explained in Note VII 35. Deferred income/48. Other income.
      Asset-related governmental subsidies refer to the governmental subsidies that are obtained by the Company and used for
constructing long-term assets, or forming the long-term assets in other ways. The government subsidies related to income refer to other
government subsidies other than those related to assets.
      (2) Recognition of government subsidies
      If there is evidence at the end of the period that the Company can meet the relevant conditions stipulated in the financial support
policy and is expected to receive financial support funds, government subsidies shall be recognized based on the receivable amount. In
addition, government subsidies are recognized upon actual receipt.
      If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured at the amount received or receivable. If government subsidies
are non-monetary assets, they shall be measured at fair value. If the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it shall be measured at the
nominal amount (RMB 1). Government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts are directly included in the current profits and
      (3) Accounting treatment method
      Based on the essence of economic transactions, the Company determines whether a certain type of government subsidy business
shall be accounted for using the gross price method or the net amount method. Normally, the Company only uses one method for
similar government subsidy businesses, and consistently applies this method for that business.

                    Item                                                          Accounting content
Government subsidy categories accounted
                                        Other government subsidies except for government interest subsidies
for using the gross price method

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Government subsidy categories accounted
                                        Government interest subsidies
for using the net amount method
      Government subsidies related to assets shall be used to offset the book value of the related assets or recognized as deferred
incomes. Government subsidies related to assets are recognized as deferred income and included in the profits and losses in stages
within the useful life of the assets constructed or purchased in a reasonable and systematic way.
      Government subsidies related to income used to compensate related costs or losses in later periods shall be recognized as deferred
income, and included in current profits and losses or to write off related costs during the period of recognition of related costs or losses.
Relevant costs or losses incurred for compensation shall be directly included in current profits and losses or to write off related costs.
      The government subsidies related to the enterprise's daily activities shall be included in other income or offset against relevant
costs; and the government subsidies unrelated to the enterprise's daily activities shall be included in non-operating income and
      Government subsidies related to policy preferential loan interest subsidies are received to offset related borrowing costs; if a
policy preferential interest rate loan provided by the lending bank is obtained, the actual received loan amount shall be used as the
entry value of the loan, and the relevant borrowing costs shall be calculated based on the loan principal and the policy preferential
interest rate.
      When confirmed government subsidies need to be returned, if the book value of the relevant assets is offset at the initial
recognition, the book value of the assets shall be adjusted; if there is a balance of related deferred income, it shall be offset against the
book balance of related deferred income, and the excess shall be included in current profits and losses; if there is no relevant deferred
income, it shall be directly included in current profits and losses.

37. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

      Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are calculated and recognized based on the differences (temporary
differences) between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their book values. On the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax
assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be measured according to the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets
are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be paid off.
      (1) Basis for recognizing deferred income tax assets
      The Company recognizes deferred income tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is likely
to obtain taxable income that can be used to offset deductible temporary differences, deductible losses that can be carried forward to
future years, and tax deductions. However, deferred income tax assets arising from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in
transactions with the following characteristics are not recognized: (1) The transaction is not a business merger; (2) At the time of
transaction, neither accounting profit nor taxable income (or deductible loss) will be affected.
      For deductible temporary differences related to the investments of associates, the corresponding deferred income tax assets are
recognized if the following conditions are met: the temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future, and the
taxable income amount used to offset the deductible temporary differences is likely to be obtained in the future.
      (2) Basis for recognizing deferred income tax liabilities
      The Company recognizes temporary differences in taxable income between the current and previous periods as deferred income
tax liabilities. But it does not include:
      1) Temporary differences formed by the initial recognition of goodwill;
      2) Transactions or events that are not formed by business mergers and do not affect accounting profits or temporary differences
in taxable income (or deductible losses) at the time of their occurrence;
      3) The temporary taxable difference related to the subsidiaries and associates, whose time of the reverse can be controlled and
which is unlikely to be reversed in the excepted future.
      (3) When the following conditions are met simultaneously, the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities shall be presented as the net amount after offsetting

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      1) The enterprise has the legal right to carry out the net settlement for the current tax assets and current tax liabilities;
      2) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to the income tax levied by the same tax collection
and management department on the same taxpayer or different taxpayers. However, in each future period in which significant deferred
income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are reversed, the involved taxpayers intend to settle current income tax assets and
current income tax liabilities at net amount or acquire assets and settle liabilities at the same time.

38. Leasing

(1) Accounting treatment method for leasing as a lessee

      On the commencement date of the lease term, except for short-term leases and low value asset leases that apply simplified
processing, the Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for leases.
      1) Short-term leases and low-value asset leases
      Short-term leases are leases with a lease term of 12 months or less, excluding the purchase option. Low value asset lease refers
to the lease with lower value when the single leased asset is a brand-new asset.
      The Company does not recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the following short-term leases and low-value
asset leases, and the relevant lease payments are included in the relevant asset costs or current profits and losses according to the
straight-line method in each period of the lease term.
      The Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and low value asset leases other than those
mentioned above.
      2) Accounting policies for right-of-use assets
      The Company initially measures the right-of-use assets at cost, which includes:
      ① The initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;
      ② For the lease payment paid on or before the commencement date of the lease term, if there is lease incentive, the relevant
amount of lease incentive enjoyed shall be deducted;
      ③ Initial direct expenses incurred by the Company;
      ④ The costs expected to be incurred by the Company to dismantle and remove the leased assets, restore the site where the leased
assets are located or restore the leased assets to the state agreed in the lease terms, but excluding the costs incurred for the production
of inventories.
      After the commencement date of the lease term, the Company adopts a cost model for subsequent measurement of the right-of-
use asset.
      If the lessee can be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained when the lease term expires,
depreciation shall be accrued by the Company during the remaining useful life of the leased asset. If it cannot be reasonably determined
that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained when the lease term expires, depreciation shall be accrued by the Company
during the shorter period of the lease term and the remaining useful life of the leased asset. For right-of-use assets with provision for
impairment, depreciation shall be calculated in future periods based on the book value after deducting the impairment provision in
accordance with the above principles.
      The Company determines whether the right-of-use assets have been impaired and accounts for any identified impairment losses
according to the "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Asset Impairment". Please refer to Note (XXVIII) Long-term assets
impairment for details.
      3) Accounting policies for lease liabilities
      Lease liabilities are initially measured by the Company according to the present value of the unpaid lease payments on the
commencement date of the lease term. In calculating the present value of the lease payment, the Company adopts the embedded interest
rate of the lease as the discount rate; if the embedded interest rate of the lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing rate of
the Company shall be used as the discount rate. Lease payments include:

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         ① The fixed payment amount and substantial fixed payment amount after deducting the amount related to lease incentives;
         ② Variable lease payments depending on index or ratio;
         ③ When the Company reasonably determines that the option will be exercised, the lease payment amount includes the exercise
price of the purchase option;
         ④ When the lease term reflects that the Company will exercise the right to terminate the lease, the lease payment amount includes
the amount that needs to be paid to exercise the right to terminate the lease;
         ⑤ The amount expected to be paid according to the residual value of the guarantee provided by the Company.
         The Company calculates the interest expenses of the lease liability in each period of the lease term according to the fixed discount
rate and records it into the current profits and losses or the cost of relevant assets.
         The amount of variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities shall be included in current profits
and losses or relevant asset costs when actually incurred.

(2) Accounting treatment method for leasing as a lessor

         1) Classification of leases
         On the lease commencement date, the Company divides the lease into financial lease and operating lease. The finance lease
means almost all leases that substantially transfer all risks and rewards related to the ownership of a leased asset, the ownership of
which may be finally transferred or may not be transferred. Operating leases refer to leases other than financial leases.
         If a lease involves one or more of the following situations, the Company usually classifies it as a financing lease:
         ① At the expiration of the lease term, the ownership of the leased asset is transferred to the lessee;
         ② The lessee has the right to choose to purchase the leased asset; the established purchase price is expected to be much lower
than the fair value of the leased asset when exercising the right of choice, and hence it can be reasonably determined that the Company
will exercise this right of choice on the lease beginning date.
         ③ Even if the ownership of the asset is not transferred, the lease term accounts for the majority of the useful life of the leased
         ④ On the lease commencement date, the present value of the lease proceeds is almost equivalent to the fair value of the leased
         ⑤ The leased asset is of a special nature. Only the lessee can use the leased asset without major transformation.
         If a lease shows one or more of the following signs, the Company may also classify it as a financing lease:
         ① If the lessee cancels the lease, the losses incurred by the lessor due to the cancellation of the lease shall be borne by the lessee.
         ② The gains or losses arising from fluctuations in the fair value of residual assets are attributable to the lessee.
         ③ The lessee has the ability to continue leasing at a rent significantly lower than the market level until the next period.
         2) Accounting treatment of financial leasing
         On the lease commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance lease receivables for the finance lease and terminates the
recognition of the finance lease assets.
         At the initial measurement of receivable financing lease payments, the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present
value of lease payments not yet received on the commencement date of the lease term discounted at the implicit interest rate of the
lease shall be used as the entry value of receivable financing lease payments. The lease receipt amount includes:
         ① The fixed payment amount and substantial fixed payment amount after deducting the amount related to lease incentives;
         ② Variable lease payments depending on index or ratio;
         ③ When it is reasonably determined that the lessee will exercise the purchase option, the lease receipt amount includes the
exercise price of the purchase option;
         ④ When the lease term reflects that the lessee will exercise the right to terminate the lease, the lease receipt amount includes the
amount that needs to be paid by the lessee to exercise the right to terminate the lease;

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       ⑤ The residual value of the guarantee provided by the lessee, the party related to the lessee, and an independent third party with
the ability to fulfill the guarantee obligation to the lessor.
       The Company calculates and recognizes interest income for each period of the lease term based on a fixed lease interest rate.
Variable lease payments that are not included in the net lease investment measurement are included in current profits and losses when
actually incurred.
       3) Accounting treatment of operating leases
       The Company adopts the straight-line method or other systematic and reasonable methods to recognize the rental income from
operating leases during each period of the lease term; the capitalization of initial direct expenses related to operating leases shall be
amortized over the lease term on the same basis as the recognition of rental income, and shall be included in current profits and losses
in installments; the variable lease payments related to operating leases that are not included in the lease income are included in current
profits and losses when actually incurred.

39. Other important accounting policies and estimates


40. Changes of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Significant accounting policy changes

□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Implementation of new accounting standards adjustment for the first time starting from 2024. Relevant project information
on financial statements at the beginning of the year

□ Applicable Not applicable

41. Others


VI. Taxation

1. Main tax types and tax rates

                     Tax Type                                       Tax Basis                                   Tax rates

                                                   Selling goods or providing taxable
   VAT                                                                                         3.00%, and applicable value-added tax
                                                                                               rate for overseas subsidiaries in their
                                                                                               registered location
   Urban maintenance and construction tax          Paid turnover tax amount                    7.00%、5.00%
                                                                                               Please refer to the explanation of income
   Enterprise income tax                           Taxable income
                                                                                               tax disclosure for details.

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   Education surcharge                         Paid turnover tax amount                      3.00%
   Local education surcharges                  Paid turnover tax amount                      2.00%
                                               Based on 70% of the original value of
   Property tax                                the property (or rental income) as the tax    1.20%、12.00%
Disclosure of information on taxpayers with different corporate income tax rates

                         Name of Taxpayer                                                     Income tax rate
   ZKTECO CO., LTD.                                                   15.00%
   Xiamen Zkteco Biometric Identification Technology Co., Ltd.        20.00%
   Shenzhen ZKTeco Biometric Identification Technology Co.,
   ZK INVESTMENTS INC.                                                21.00%
   ZK TECHNOLOGY LLC                                                  Not applicable
   ZKTeco Sales Co., Ltd.                                             25.00%
   Hangzhou ZKTeco Hanlian E-commerce Co., Ltd.                       20.00%
   ZKCserv Technology Limited Co., Ltd.                               20.00%
   Dalian ZKTeo CO., Ltd.                                             20.00%
   XIAMEN ZKTECO CO., LTD.                                            15.00%
   ZKTeco Huayun (Xiamen) Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd.                20.00%
   ZKTECO VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED                          20.00%
   ZKTECO (GUANGDONG) CO., LTD                                        15.00%
   Xi'an ZKTeco Co., Ltd.                                             20.00%
   ZKTECO CO., LIMITED                                                16.50%, 8.25%
   ZKTECO LATAM, S.A. DE C.V.                                         30.00%
   ZK SOFTWARE DE MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V.                                30.00%
   ZKTECO COLOMBIA SAS                                                35.00%
   ZKTECO (M) SDN. BHD.                                               24.00%
   ZKTECO BIOMETRICS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED                            25.00%, 15.00%
   ZKTECO EUROPE SL                                                   25.00%
   ZKTECO IRELAND LIMITED                                             12.50%
   ZKTeco Deutschland GmbH                                            31.225%
   ZKTECO ITALIA S.R.L.                                               27.90%
   ZKTECO UK LTD                                                      19.00%, 25.00%
   ZKTECO PERU SOCIEDAD ANONIMA CERRADA                               29.50%
   ZKTECO THAI CO., LTD.                                              20.00%, 15.00%,       0.00%
   ZKTeco Chile SpA                                                   27.00%
   SOLUCIONES INTEGRALES Y SISTEMAS SpA                               27.00%
   ZKTECO SECURITY L.L.C                                              0.00%
   ZKTECO ARGENTINA S.A.                                              25.00%, 30.00%,       35.00%
   Limited Liability Company "ZKTeco biometrics and security"         20.00%
   ZKTECO Investment Inc.                                             21.00%
   ZKTECO USA LLC                                                     Not applicable
   ARMATURA LLC.                                                      Not applicable
   Armatura Co., Ltd.                                                 25.00%, 22.00%,       20.00%, 10.00%
   RALVIE AI INC.                                                     38.00%
   ZKTeco Japan Co., Ltd.                                             23.20%
   PT. ZKTECO BIOMETRICS INDONESIA                                    22.00%, 11.00%
   ZK INVESTIMENTOS DO BRASIL LTDA.                                   25.00%
   ZKTECO DO BRASIL S.A.                                              25.00%
   ZKTeco Latam R&D S.A.                                              25.00%, 30.00%,       35.00%
   NGTECO CO., LIMITED                                                16.50%, 8.25%
   ZKTECO BIOMETRIC LIMITED                                           30.00%
   ZKTECO PANAMA, S.A.                                                5.00%

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   ZK INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD                                   27.00%
   ZKTECO BIOMETRICS KENYA LIMITED                                      30.00%
   ZKTECO ROMANIA S.R.L                                                 16.00%
   Hubei ZKTeco Co., Ltd.                                               20.00%
   Wuhan ZKTeco Perception Technology Co., Ltd.                         20.00%
   ZKTECO SG INVESTMENT PTE. LTD.                                       4.25%, 8.50%, 17.00%
   ZKTECO SINGAPORE PTE. LTD.                                           4.25%, 8.50%, 17.00%
   ZKDIGIMAX PTE. LTD.                                                  4.25%, 8.50%, 17.00%
   ZKDIGIMAX PANAMA, S.A.                                               25.00%
   Armatura Tech Co., Ltd.                                              20.00%, 15.00%, 0.00%
   ZKDIGIMAX (PTY) LTD                                                  27.00%
   PT. ZKDIGIMAX EXCEL NOBLE                                            22.00%, 11.00%
   ZKDIGIMAX CHINA CO., LTD.                                            20.00%
   ZKDIGIMAX COLOMBIA SAS                                               35.00%
   ZK TECHNOLOGY MOROCCO                                                30.00%
   ZKTECO EGYPT LLC                                                     22.50%
   ZKTECO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS COMPANY                                    20.00%

2. Tax incentives

      (1) Article 28 of the "Law of the People's Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax" stipulates that high-tech enterprises that
require key support from the state shall be subject to corporate income tax at a rate of 15%.
      1) In December 2021, the Company obtained a high-tech enterprise certificate (No. GR202144002274), which is valid for three
      2) In November 2022, XIAMEN ZKTECO CO., LTD. obtained a high-tech enterprise certificate (No. GR202235100737), which
is valid for three years.
      3) In December 2022, Zkteco (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. obtained a high-tech enterprise certificate (No. GR202244002616), which
is valid for three years.
      (2) According to the relevant provisions of the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on
Value-added Tax Policies for Software Products" (CS [2011] No. 100) and the "Notice on Questions of Policies on Encouraging the
Development of the Software and Integrated Circuit Industries" (CS [2000] No. 25), from January 1, 2011, for general taxpayers of
value-added tax who sell software products developed and produced by themselves, after value-added tax is levied at the applicable
tax rate, a policy of taxation and drawback has been implemented for the portion of its actual value-added tax burden exceeding 3.00%.
      (3) According to the "Announcement on Further Supporting the Development of Micro and Small Enterprises and Individual
Industrial and Commercial Households" (Announcement No. 12 of the State Administration of Taxation of the Ministry of Finance,
2023), from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2027, small-scale value-added tax taxpayers, small and micro profit enterprises, and
individual industrial and commercial households can reduce resource tax by half (excluding water resource tax), urban maintenance
and construction tax, property tax, urban land use tax, stamp duty (excluding securities transaction stamp duty), farmland occupation
tax, education surcharge, and local education surcharge. The policy of reducing the taxable income of small and micro profit enterprises
by 25% and paying corporate income tax at a rate of 20.00% will continue to be implemented until December 31, 2027. This policy is
applicable to Shenzhen ZKTeco Biometric Identification Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou ZKTeco Hanlian E-commerce Co., Ltd.,
Xi'an ZKTeco Co., Ltd., Hubei ZKTeco Co., Ltd., and Wuhan ZKTeco Perception Technology Co., Ltd., and Dalian ZKTeo CO., Ltd.,
Xiamen Zkteco Biometric Identification Technology Co., Ltd., ZKCserv Technology Limited Co., Ltd., ZKTeco Huayun (Xiamen)
Integrated Circuit Co., Ltd., and ZKDIGIMAX CHINA CO., LTD.

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

3. Others

      (1) LLC type companies are not required to pay corporate income tax, and the profits of LLC companies are summarized to C-
  corp type company shareholders or individual shareholders, and then shareholders pay income tax.
      (2) If the accumulated taxable net income of ZKTECO ARGENTINA S.A. and ZKTeco Latam R&D S.A. exceeds 5 million
  pesos, they will be taxed at a tax rate of 25.00%; those between 5 million and 50 million pesos will be taxed at a tax rate of 30.00%;
  those exceeding 50 million pesos will be taxed at a tax rate of 35.00%.
      (3) Coexistence of two types of corporate income tax of ZKTECO BIOMETRICS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED: (1) Normal Tax
  corporate income tax rate is 25.00%; (2) MAT Tax: In 2024, the MAT Tax rate was 15.00%. When the Company's tax payable is
  less than 15.00% of its book profit, the minimum alternative tax is paid, calculated as 15.00% of its book profit; Normal Tax and
  MAT Tax, whichever is higher.
      (4) The corporate income tax rate for ZKTeco Deutschland GmbH in 2024 is 31.225%.
      (5) ZKTECO THAI CO., LTD. and Armatura Tech Co., Ltd. are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that meet the
  following two conditions: 1) As of the last day of the accounting cycle, the paid in capital shall not exceed THB 5 million; 2) The
  total annual revenue from selling goods or providing services shall not exceed THB 30 million. Applicable to tax rates of 20.00%,
  15.00%, and 0.00%, specifically including: accounting profits below THB 300,000.00, with a tax rate of 0.00%; from THB
  300,000.00 to THB 3,000,000.00, with a tax rate of 15.00%; above THB 3,000,000.00, with tax rate of 20.00%. If the above two
  conditions are not met, the tax rate is applicable at 20.00%.
      (6) The corporate income tax rate of ZKTECO TURKEY ELEKTRONIK SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI for the
  year 2024 was 25%.
      (7) PT.ZKTECO BIOMETRICS INDONESIA and PT. ZKDIGIMAX EXCEL NOBLE apply the corporate income tax rate for
  the year 2024 as follows:
      1) When the total sales revenue does not exceed IDR 4.8 billion, the applicable income tax rate is 11.00%;
      2) When the total sales exceed IDR 4.8 billion and do not exceed IDR 50 billion, the taxable income of IDR 4.8 billion accounting
for the proportion of total sales shall be calculated at a tax rate of 11.00%, and the taxable income of the part exceeding IDR 4.8 billion
accounting for the proportion of total sales shall be calculated at a tax rate of 22.00%;
      3) When the total sales exceed IDR 50 billion, the applicable income tax rate is 22.00%.
      Armatura Co., Ltd. has an income tax rate of 10.00% for sales between KRW 0.00 to KRW 200 million; 20.00% for KRW 200
  million to 20 billion; 22.00% for KRW 20-300 billion, and 25.00% for over KRW 300 billion.
      (9) The applicable income tax rates for ZKTECO CO., LIMITED and NGTECO CO., LIMITED are 8.25% and 16.50%
  respectively; the tax rate is 8.25% for accounting profits of HKD 2 million, and the tax rate is 16.50% for those exceeding HKD 2
      (10) ZKTECO PANAMA, S.A. obtained the letter of authorization for the Colon Free Zone, Panama on August 30, 2021. In
  2022, export income of enterprises within the zone was exempt from corporate income tax. From January to February 2022, the
  corporate income tax rate for sales revenue in Panama was 25.00%. On March 3, 2022, they obtained the SEM license, and from
  March 2022, the corporate income tax rate for sales revenue in Panama was 5.00%.
      (11) The applicable income tax rates for ZKTECO SG INVESTMENT PTE. LTD., ZKTECO SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. and
  ZKDIGIMAX PTE.LTD in 2024 were 4.25%, 8.50%, and 17.00% respectively; the taxable income rate was 4.25% for those within
  SGD 10,000, 8.50% for those between SGD 10,000 and SGD 200,000, and 17.00% for the excess.
      (12) The applicable corporate income tax rate for ZKTECO UK LTD in 2024 is as follows: Starting from April 2023, if the profit
  exceeds GBP 250,000, the income tax rate is 25.00%; if the profit is below GBP 50,000, 19.00% still applies; if the profit is between
  GBP 50,000 and GBP 250,000, 25.00% applies, and marginal relief is implemented.
      (13) The applicable corporate income tax rate for RALVIE AI INC. in 2024 is as follows: The basic tax rate for federal income
  tax is 38.00%. After deducting the tax exemption items specified in Section 149 (1) (t) of the "Law of the People's Republic of China
  on Enterprise Income Tax", enterprises can enjoy a 10.00% federal tax credit for income obtained in various provinces (or territories)

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  of Canada, which is a preferential tax rate of 28.00%. However, for income sourced from outside Canada, the 10.00% credit policy
  is not applicable.
      (14) For income exceeding JPY 8 million, the corporation tax rate (income tax) of ZKTeco Japan Co., Ltd. is 23.20%.

VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary funds

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                       Item                                     Ending Balance                              Beginning Balance
   Cash on hand                                                                 1,289,301.50                                1,401,947.05
   Cash in bank                                                              1,249,556,930.42                           1,921,774,208.61
   Other monetary funds                                                        68,411,336.27                               67,748,799.12
   Total                                                                     1,319,257,568.19                           1,990,924,954.78
       Including: total amount deposited
                                                                              300,306,926.34                             269,209,971.66

Other explanations:

      Note 1: The funds deposited overseas mainly refer to the monetary funds of subsidiary companies ZK INVESTEMENTS INC.,
and Armatura Tech Co., Ltd., as shown in the table below:
                               Item                               Ending Balance                       Beginning Balance
      ZK INVESTMENTS INC.                                                      75,740,081.75                         50,836,806.93
      ZKTECO CO., LIMITED                                                      11,158,341.62                         21,156,346.88
      ZKTECO EUROPE SL                                                         30,514,778.30                         31,524,794.43
      ZKTECO Investment Inc.                                                   13,783,033.22                         14,446,108.58
      ZK TECHNOLOGY LLC                                                        17,156,346.71                         14,890,877.77
      ZKTECO SECURITY L.L.C                                                    31,388,959.00                         30,848,104.48
      Armatura Tech Co., Ltd.                                                  46,539,091.19                         22,185,840.84
      Total amount of funds held overseas by other
                                                                               74,026,294.55                         83,321,091.75
      overseas subsidiaries

      Total                                                                   300,306,926.34                        269,209,971.66

      Note 2: As of June 30, 2024, in the ending balance of bank deposits, the principal ending balance of the time deposit was RMB
276,154,370.28, and the unearned interest receivable amount was RMB 10,571,554.96, which does not belong to cash and cash
equivalents. Please refer to "VII. Notes to Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements Note 58. Supplementary information of cash
flow statement" for details.

      Note 3: Details of restricted monetary capital are as follows:

                                          Item                                                  Ending Balance      Beginning Balance

Margin of bank acceptance draft                                                                     46,267,829.38          46,693,268.67

Frozen litigation funds                                                                                800,000.00            800,000.00

Funds in transit                                                                                    18,993,724.85           7,461,401.81
                                          Total                                                     66,061,554.23          54,954,670.48

                                                                                                                              ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

             2. Trading financial assets

                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                       Ending Balance                                 Beginning Balance
               Financial assets measured at fair value
               and whose changes are included in the                                            545,824,974.27                                     80,980,203.63
               current profits and losses
               Financial products                                                               545,824,974.27                                     80,887,585.81
               Forward foreign exchange settlement and
               Total                                                                            545,824,974.27                                     80,980,203.63

             Other explanations:

             3. Accounts receivable

             (1) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                   Aging                                       Closing book balance                           Opening book balance
               Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                                 448,130,978.25                                    465,244,619.74
               1-2 years                                                                         44,491,273.76                                     41,128,894.34
               2-3 years                                                                          8,144,317.13                                      4,763,523.90
               Over 3 years                                                                       4,475,790.63                                      3,103,189.24
                  3-4 years                                                                       1,879,889.66                                      1,424,766.06
                  4-5 years                                                                       1,171,758.66                                          377,084.95
                  Over 5 years                                                                    1,424,142.31                                      1,301,338.23
               Total                                                                            505,242,359.77                                    514,240,227.22

             (2) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                Ending Balance                                                                Beginning Balance

                       Book balance                    Bad debt reserve                                Book balance                  Bad debt reserve
                                                                    Accrual                                                                        Accrual
                                                                                 Book value                       Proportio                                     Book value
                  Amount           Proportion        Amount         proporti                        Amount                         Amount          proporti
                                                                      on                                                                             on

individual       6,838,311.12           1.35%       5,822,311.08    85.14%       1,016,000.04      7,025,009.31       1.37%       6,009,009.31     85.54%        1,016,000.00
for bad


                                                                                                                              ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

nt single
amount              6,838,311.12       1.35%      5,822,311.08     85.14%       1,016,000.04      7,025,009.31        1.37%       6,009,009.31     85.54%        1,016,000.00
and bad
provision         498,404,048.65      98.65%     29,102,547.37      5.84%     469,301,501.27    507,215,217.91       98.63%     28,427,904.25       5.60%     478,787,313.66
for bad

                  498,404,048.65      98.65%     29,102,547.37      5.84%     469,301,501.27    507,215,217.91       98.63%     28,427,904.25       5.60%     478,787,313.66
Total             505,242,359.77     100.00%     34,924,858.45      6.91%     470,317,501.31    514,240,227.22      100.00%     34,436,913.56       6.70%     479,803,313.66

                Category name of bad debt reserve made individually:

                                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                               Beginning Balance                                                 Ending Balance
                       Name                                  Bad debt                                  Bad debt                Accrual             Reasons for
                                      Book balance                               Book balance
                                                              reserve                                   reserve               proportion            provision
                  Hainan Jialing
                                                                                                                                                 Risk in
                                        2,032,000.00        1,016,000.00           2,032,000.00        1,016,000.00                50.00%        payment
                  Co., Ltd.
                  Noble IT
                                                                                                                                                 Expected non-
                  Solutions Co.,         415,485.70              415,485.70          418,072.70          418,072.70               100.00%
                                                                                                                                                 Expected non-
                  Electronic             371,452.20              371,452.20          373,765.03          373,765.03               100.00%
                  Al Asma                                                                                                                        Expected non-
                                         353,391.81              353,391.81          355,895.35          355,895.33               100.00%
                  Technology                                                                                                                     recoverable
                  Shanghai Leqi
                  Automation                                                                                                                     Expected non-
                                         521,950.00              521,950.00          351,950.00          351,950.00               100.00%
                  Technology                                                                                                                     recoverable
                  Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                 Expected non-
                  Intelligent            334,800.21              334,800.21          334,800.21          334,800.21               100.00%
                  Co., Ltd.
                  Zhongjiang                                                                                                                     Expected non-
                                                                                     329,077.00          329,077.00               100.00%
                  Intelligent                                                                                                                    recoverable

                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   Expected non-
Information       326,350.00   326,350.00   326,350.00   326,350.00      100.00%
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   Expected non-
INFOCOM           300,723.36   300,723.36   302,595.80   302,595.80      100.00%
Gansu Fourth
                                                                                   Expected non-
Construction      224,676.00   224,676.00   224,676.00   224,676.00      100.00%
Group Co., Ltd.
COMERCIO                                                                           Expected non-
                  201,017.79   201,017.79   202,269.42   202,269.42      100.00%
INTERNACIO                                                                         recoverable
                                                                                   Expected non-
IOT               200,089.00   200,089.00   200,089.00   200,089.00      100.00%
Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Eagle
Eye                                                                                Expected non-
                  178,130.00   178,130.00   178,130.00   178,130.00      100.00%
Biotechnology                                                                      recoverable
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   Expected non-
SECURITY          167,864.95   167,864.95   168,910.15   168,910.15      100.00%
Information                                                                        Expected non-
                  165,900.00   165,900.00   165,900.00   165,900.00      100.00%
Technology                                                                         recoverable
Baoneng Urban
                                                                                   Expected non-
and               155,292.00   155,292.00   155,292.00   155,292.00      100.00%
Group Co., Ltd.
PONTO RHJ                                                                          Expected non-
                  100,061.62   100,061.62   100,684.65   100,684.65      100.00%
EIRELI - ME                                                                        recoverable
                                                                                   Expected non-
SOLUTIONS          98,224.87    98,224.87    98,836.46    98,836.46      100.00%
RT                                                                                 Expected non-
                   74,495.84    74,495.84    74,959.68    74,959.68      100.00%
TECHNOLOG                                                                          recoverable
                                                                                   Expected non-
Business           74,672.00    74,672.00    74,672.00    74,672.00      100.00%
Service Co.,

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   Technologies             62,167.12           62,167.12          62,336.90           62,336.90          100.00%
   Private Limited
   Yichang Anlian
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   Technology               56,085.00           56,085.00          56,085.00           56,085.00          100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   Security                 53,703.00           53,703.00          53,703.00           53,703.00          100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
                           244,778.11          244,778.11
   Investors LLC
   Logile                  105,108.97          105,108.97
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   Others                  206,589.76          206,589.76        197,260.77           197,260.75          100.00%
   Total                 7,025,009.31        6,009,009.31       6,838,311.12        5,822,311.08

Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                               Ending Balance
                                             Book balance                      Bad debt reserve               Accrual proportion
   Within 1 year                                     448,096,654.50                    22,404,832.97                          5.00%
   1-2 years                                          44,491,271.70                     4,449,127.28                         10.00%
   2-3 years                                           5,096,479.04                     1,528,943.71                         30.00%
   Over 3 years                                          719,643.41                       719,643.41                        100.00%
   Total                                             498,404,048.65                    29,102,547.37

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                               Ending Balance
                                             Book balance                      Bad debt reserve               Accrual proportion
   Aging portfolio                                   498,404,048.65                    29,102,547.37                           5.84%
   Total                                             498,404,048.65                    29,102,547.37

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

If the bad debt reserve of accounts receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Bad debt reserves withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period

Provision for bad debt reserves in current period:

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                         Beginning                             Current period change amount
      Category                                                                                                        Ending Balance
                          Balance            Provision          Return or         Redeem/redem          Others

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                  reversal            ption
   receivable with
   single amount
                         6,009,009.31          342,414.47          170,000.00        371,295.70           12,183.00        5,822,311.08
   and bad debt
   Aging portfolio      28,427,904.25          871,796.02                                               -197,152.90       29,102,547.37
   Total                34,436,913.56         1,214,210.49         170,000.00        371,295.70         -184,969.90       34,924,858.45

The amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in the current period is significant:

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                     The basis and
                                                                                                                     rationality for
                              Accounts recovered or                                                                 determining the
       Company name                                          Reason for reversal       Recovery method
                                transferred back                                                                   provision ratio of
                                                                                                                   original bad debt

(4) Actual verification of accounts receivable in the current period

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                         Write-off amount
   Accounts receivable actually written off                                                                                  371,295.70

Important accounts receivable verification status:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                         Whether the
                                                                                               Verification and
                                                                                                                          payment is
                         Nature of accounts                                                       cancellation
    Company name                                   Write-off amount      Write-off reason                              incurred due to
                             receivable                                                       programs that have
                                                                                                been performed

Explanation of accounts receivable verification:

(5) Accounts receivable and contract assets from top five borrowers classified based on the ending balance

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                      Ending balance of
                                                                                               Proportion in the
                                                                                                                      bad debt reserves
                                                                         Ending balance of       total ending
                          Ending balance of                                                                             for accounts
                                                   Ending balance of         accounts             balance of
    Company name              accounts                                                                                 receivable and
                                                    contract assets       receivable and           accounts
                             receivable                                                                                  impairment
                                                                          contract assets       receivable and
                                                                                                                        provision for
                                                                                                contract assets
                                                                                                                       contract assets
   Customer 1                 40,668,761.71                                  40,668,761.71                8.04%            2,033,438.16
   Customer 2                 32,853,367.73                                  32,853,367.73                6.50%            1,654,480.30
   Customer 3                 16,160,499.57                                  16,160,499.57                3.20%              808,024.98
   Customer 4                 15,235,796.47                                  15,235,796.47                3.01%              761,789.50
   Customer 5                 13,569,179.91                                  13,569,179.91                2.68%            1,156,642.18

                                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

    Total                          118,487,605.39                                           118,487,605.39                    23.43%              6,414,375.12

 4. Contract assets

 (1) Contract asset situation

                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                   Ending Balance                                                      Beginning Balance
              Item                                     Bad debt                                                             Bad debt
                           Book balance                                        Book value            Book balance                                 Book value
                                                        reserve                                                              reserve
                                  321,793.78             39,607.47               282,186.31              321,793.78            39,607.47              282,186.31
    Total                         321,793.78             39,607.47               282,186.31              321,793.78            39,607.47              282,186.31

 (2) Amount and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting period

                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                         Item                                             Change amount                                      Reasons for changes

 (3) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                 Ending Balance                                                         Beginning Balance

                          Book balance                Bad debt reserve                                 Book balance            Bad debt reserve
    Category                                                                       Book                                                                   Book
                                                                   Accrual                                                                  Accrual
                      Amount        Proportion      Amount                         value           Amount      Proportion   Amount                        value
                                                                  proportion                                                             proportion

Withdrawing bad
debt reserves by           0.00         0.00%           0.00          0.00%           0.00              0.00       0.00%         0.00         0.00%           0.00
individual item

Single item
                           0.00         0.00%           0.00          0.00%           0.00              0.00       0.00%         0.00         0.00%           0.00
Bad debt reserve
withdrawn by         321,793.78      100.00%       39,607.47        12.31%      282,186.31        321,793.78    100.00%     39,607.47        12.31%     282,186.31

Aging portfolio      321,793.78      100.00%       39,607.47        12.31%      282,186.31        321,793.78    100.00%     39,607.47        12.31%     282,186.31
Total                321,793.78      100.00%       39,607.47        12.31%      282,186.31        321,793.78    100.00%     39,607.47        12.31%     282,186.31
 Category name of bad debt reserve made individually single item provision
                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                    Beginning Balance                                                          Ending Balance
            Name                                       Bad debt                                         Bad debt             Accrual              Reasons for
                           Book balance                                      Book balance
                                                        reserve                                          reserve            proportion             provision
    Single item
                                         0.00                     0.00                     0.00                 0.00               0.00%
    Total                                0.00                     0.00                     0.00                 0.00

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Category number of bad debt reserve made by portfolio: 1
Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio: aging portfolio
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                               Ending Balance
                                             Book balance                      Bad debt reserve              Accrual proportion
   Aging portfolio                                        321,793.78                       39,607.47                          12.31%
   Total                                                  321,793.78                       39,607.47
Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

Provision for bad debt reserve based on a general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable Not applicable

5. Other receivables

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                        Item                                  Ending Balance                            Beginning Balance
   Other receivables                                                      38,923,993.14                               32,744,574.20
   Total                                                                  38,923,993.14                               32,744,574.20

(1) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables based on nature of payment

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                  Payment nature                           Closing book balance                        Opening book balance
   Current account                                                         5,291,380.30                               14,563,843.76
   Guarantee deposit                                                      14,143,817.82                               14,264,601.52
   Reserve funds and loans                                                 7,968,212.09                                5,408,335.70
   Collection and payment on behalf of
                                                                            6,092,666.14                               3,604,884.91
   Withholding and paying social security
                                                                            1,716,084.19                               1,784,200.95
   and capital reserve on behalf of others
   Export tax refund                                                        7,917,027.85                               3,537,610.99
   Others                                                                   1,460,531.19                               1,840,576.77
   Total                                                                  44,589,719.58                               45,004,054.60

2) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                       Aging                               Closing book balance                        Opening book balance
   Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                       24,517,689.86                               19,030,462.60
   1-2 years                                                                3,838,629.15                               1,949,905.24
   2-3 years                                                                4,423,923.85                               3,010,293.84
   Over 3 years                                                            11,809,476.72                              21,013,392.92
     3-4 years                                                              2,248,717.26                               1,467,967.79
     4-5 years                                                              1,133,790.62                               9,492,724.32
     Over 5 years                                                           8,426,968.84                              10,052,700.81

                                                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                Total                                                                             44,589,719.58                                        45,004,054.60

              3) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

              Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                 Ending Balance                                                                   Beginning Balance

                        Book balance                   Bad debt reserve                                   Book balance                   Bad debt reserve
                                                                      Accrual     Book value                                                                          Book value
                  Amount         Proportion          Amount                                          Amount          Proportion         Amount          proporti

ing bad
reserves         4,019,800.32           9.02%       4,019,800.32      100.00%              0.00   12,384,636.67          27.52%       10,624,147.18     85.78%        1,760,489.49


Bad debt
withdraw        40,569,919.26          90.98%       1,645,926.12        4.06%     38,923,993.14   32,619,417.93          72.48%        1,635,333.22      5.01%      30,984,084.71
n by

                 2,912,287.11           6.53%       1,645,926.12       56.52%      1,266,360.99     2,920,550.05          6.49%        1,635,333.22     55.99%        1,285,216.83
security        37,657,632.15          84.45%                                     37,657,632.15   29,698,867.88          65.99%                                     29,698,867.88
loans, etc.
Total           44,589,719.58          100.00%      5,665,726.44       12.71%     38,923,993.14   45,004,054.60          100.00%      12,259,480.40     27.24%      32,744,574.20
              Category name of bad debt reserve made individually:
                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                 Beginning Balance                                                 Ending Balance
                     Name                                          Bad debt                               Bad debt                 Accrual              Reasons for
                                         Book balance                              Book balance
                                                                    reserve                                reserve                proportion             provision
                                                                                                                                                      Expected non-
                Intelligent                                                          1,941,963.89         1,941,963.89                100.00%
                Co., Ltd.
                                          7,772,552.26            6,012,062.77                                                                        Written off
                Co., Ltd.
                Shenzhen                  2,500,000.00            2,500,000.00                                                                        Written off

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                        Expected non-
   TECHNOLOG                1,289,511.78      1,289,511.78        1,297,540.85        1,297,540.85           100.00%
   Y INC.
                                                                                                                        Expected non-
   Intelligent               397,428.70          397,428.70         397,428.70          397,428.70           100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                        Expected non-
   New bio                   375,838.74          375,838.74         333,561.69          333,561.69           100.00%
                                                                                                                        Expected non-
   Others                     49,305.19           49,305.19          49,305.19           49,305.19           100.00%
   Total                 12,384,636.67       10,624,147.18        4,019,800.32        4,019,800.32
Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio: aging portfolio
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Ending Balance
                                               Book balance                      Bad debt reserve               Accrual proportion
   Within 1 year                                          1,222,219.03                        61,110.90                            5.00%
   1-2 years                                                 83,689.25                         8,368.95                           10.00%
   2-3 years                                                 42,760.80                        12,828.24                           30.00%
   Over 3 years                                           1,563,618.03                     1,563,618.03                          100.00%
   Total                                                  2,912,287.11                     1,645,926.12

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio: deposits, security deposits, employee loans, etc.
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Ending Balance
                                               Book balance                      Bad debt reserve               Accrual proportion
   Within 1 year                                      23,250,088.78
   1-2 years                                           3,754,939.91
   2-3 years                                           2,115,930.24
   Over 3 years                                        8,536,673.22
   Total                                              37,657,632.15

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

Provision for bad debt reserve based on a general model of expected credit losses:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                       Stage 1                     Stage 2                     Stage 3
                                                              Expected credit loss      Expected credit loss
      Bad debt reserve          Expected credit loss in      within whole duration     within whole duration             Total
                                 the future 12 months        (no credit impairment     (credit impairment has
                                                                     occur)                   occurred)
   Balance as of January
                                           1,635,333.22                                         10,624,147.18            12,259,480.40
   1, 2024
   Balance as of January
   1, 2024 in the current

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   Provision in current
                                               2,420.72                                            1,941,963.89            1,944,384.61
   Canceled after
   verification in the                                                                             8,512,062.77            8,512,062.77
   current period
   Other changes                               8,172.18                                              -34,247.98               -26,075.80
   Balance as of June 30,
                                            1,645,926.12                                           4,019,800.32            5,665,726.44

Classification basis and bad debt reserve provision ratio for each stage

Changes in book balance with major changes in loss reserves during the current period
□ Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad debt reserves withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period

Provision for bad debt reserves in current period:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                 Current period change amount
      Category                                                    Return or         Write-off or                         Ending Balance
                           Balance             Provision                                                   Others
                                                                  reversal          cancellation
   bad debt
                          10,624,147.18        1,941,963.89                         8,512,062.77            -34,247.98     4,019,800.32
   reserves by
   individual item
   Bad debt
   reserve made
                           1,635,333.22            2,420.72                                                   8,172.18     1,645,926.12
   by aging
   Total                  12,259,480.40        1,944,384.61                         8,512,062.77            -26,075.80     5,665,726.44

The significant amount of bad debt reserves reversed or recovered in the current period:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                      The basis and
                                                                                                                      rationality for
                               Accounts recovered or                                                                 determining the
       Company name                                           Reason for reversal       Recovery method
                                 transferred back                                                                   provision ratio of
                                                                                                                    original bad debt

5) Other accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                          Write-off amount
   Other receivables actually written off                                                                                  8,512,062.77
Other major receivable written off:

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                       Whether the
                                                                                                Verification and
                            Nature of other                                                                             payment is
    Company name               accounts           Write-off amount         Write-off reason                          incurred due to
                                                                                               programs that have
                              receivable                                                                                  related
                                                                                                 been performed
   Shenzhen Zhongan
   Intelligent Control                                                                         Bad debt write off
                          Current account                 6,012,062.77    Nonrecoverable                                   No
   Technology Co.,                                                                             process
                                                                                               Bad debt write off
   Biometric              Current account                 2,500,000.00    Nonrecoverable                                   No
   Technology Co.,
   Total                                                  8,512,062.77

Description for writing off other receivables:

6) Other accounts receivable with the top five ending balances collected by the debtor

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Proportion to the
                                                                                                  total ending
                                                                                                                    Ending balance of
    Company name          Nature of payment        Ending Balance                Aging          balance of other
                                                                                                                     bad debt reserve
   Customer 1             Export tax refund               7,917,027.85    Within 1 year                   17.76%
   Customer 2             Guarantee deposit               4,800,000.00    Over 3 years                    10.76%
   Customer 3             Current account                 1,941,963.89    2-3 years                        4.36%         1,941,963.89
                                                                          Within 1 year, 1-2
   Customer 4             Current account                 1,660,163.97                                     3.72%         1,530,923.59
                                                                          2-3 years, more
                                                                          than 3 years
   Customer 5             Current account                 1,297,540.85    Over 3 years                     2.91%         1,297,540.85
   Total                                              17,616,696.56                                       39.51%         4,770,428.33

6. Prepayments

(1) Prepayments listed by aging

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                 Ending Balance                                      Beginning Balance
                                      Amount                      Proportion                   Amount                Proportion
   Within 1 year                        25,622,714.42                       95.94%              22,706,163.01                   96.80%
   1-2 years                             1,024,297.16                          3.84%              580,816.58                      2.48%
   2-3 years                                  36,512.95                        0.14%               20,400.64                      0.09%
   Over 3 years                               20,899.01                        0.08%              150,527.01                      0.63%
   Total                                26,704,423.54                                           23,457,907.24

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Explanation of the reasons why prepayments with an aging of over 1 year and significant amounts were not settled in a timely

(2) Prepayments of the top five ending balances collected by prepayment object

                                                                        Proportion to
                                                                                                                       Reasons for
                    Company name                  Ending Balance      total prepayment Prepayment time
Supplier 1                                               2,928,176.77             10.97 Within 1 year                Project unsettled
Supplier 2                                               2,037,124.38             7.63    Within 1 year              Project unsettled
Supplier 3                                               1,640,000.00             6.14    Within 1 year              Project unsettled
Supplier 4                                               1,084,221.85             4.06    Within 1 year              Project unsettled
Supplier 5                                                 950,518.92             3.56    Within 1 year              Project unsettled
Total                                                    8,640,041.92            32.36          ---                         ---

Other explanations:

7. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with disclosure requirements in the real estate industry

(1) Inventories classification

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                         Ending Balance                                         Beginning Balance
                                           Inventories                                                 Inventories
                                          depreciation                                                depreciation
                                           reserves or                                                 reserves or
             Item                            contract                                                    contract
                         Book balance                          Book value      Book balance                                 Book value
                                          performance                                                 performance
                                               cost                                                        cost
                                          impairment                                                  impairment
                                             reserves                                                    reserves
     Raw materials      103,807,167.91     3,566,622.78      100,240,545.13   131,431,792.72           2,989,549.95       128,442,242.77
     Products in
                         15,922,377.03              0.00      15,922,377.03      8,583,812.25                               8,583,812.25
                        263,754,845.24    14,896,839.08      248,858,006.16   238,881,580.26          12,576,970.86       226,304,609.40
     Sending goods        9,980,500.33       153,017.86        9,827,482.47      9,129,100.21           174,341.27          8,954,758.94
     processing             375,202.40              0.00         375,202.40        429,360.95                                 429,360.95
     Total              393,840,092.91    18,616,479.72      375,223,613.19   388,455,646.39          15,740,862.08       372,714,784.31

(2) Inventories depreciation reserves and contract performance cost impairment reserves

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
             Item         Beginning          Increase in current period           Decrease in current period             Ending Balance

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                            Balance                                                   Reversal or
                                              Provision            Others                                 Others
   Raw materials         2,989,549.95           603,963.29         -21,754.14             5,136.32                         3,566,622.78
   Products in
                        12,576,970.86         4,495,467.90        -242,981.32         1,932,618.36                        14,896,839.08
   Sending goods            174,341.27           97,493.59                              118,817.00                            153,017.86
   Total                15,740,862.08         5,196,924.78        -264,735.46         2,056,571.68                        18,616,479.72

Provision for inventories depreciation made by portfolio
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                           End of the period                                             Opening

   Portfolio Name                                              Provision ratio                                           Provision ratio
                                             Revaluation                              Beginning         Revaluation
                      Ending Balance                           for inventories                                           for inventories
                                               reserve                                 Balance            reserve
                                                                depreciation                                              depreciation

Provision standards for inventories depreciation reserves made by portfolio

8. Non-current assets due within one year

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                     Item                                      Ending Balance                             Beginning Balance
   Debt investment due within one year                                           9,456,009.28                             16,902,617.83
   Other creditor's right investment due
   within one yea
   Long-term receivables due within one
                                                                                  398,303.63                                  354,996.91
   Total                                                                         9,854,312.91                             17,257,614.74

(1) Debt investment due within one year

Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Information on debt investment due within one year

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                           Ending Balance                                            Beginning Balance
   Portfolio Name                            Impairment                                                 Impairment
                       Book balance                             Book value           Book balance                         Book value
                                              provision                                                  provision
   Certificates of
                                                                                     11,060,888.54                        11,060,888.54
   Deposit (CD)
   Term deposits         9,456,009.28                            9,456,009.28         5,841,729.29                         5,841,729.29
   Total                 9,456,009.28                            9,456,009.28        16,902,617.83                        16,902,617.83

Changes in provision for depreciation of debt investments due within one year in the current period

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                          Increase in the current       Decrease in the current
              Item               Beginning Balance                                                                    Ending Balance
                                                                  period                       period

(2) Other creditor's debt investment due within one year

□ Applicable Not applicable

9. Other current assets

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                      Item                                     Ending Balance                              Beginning Balance
   Income tax prepaid amount presented as
                                                                               6,109,751.61                                    6,221,029.24
   net amount after offsetting
   Value added tax deduction amount                                           17,066,412.59                                   19,249,699.10
   Other prepaid taxes                                                         1,939,440.96                                      395,080.94
   Total                                                                      25,115,605.16                                   25,865,809.28

Other explanations:

10. Debt investment

(1) Information on debt investment

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                           Ending Balance                                             Beginning Balance
           Item                              Impairment                                                  Impairment
                          Book balance                          Book value          Book balance                              Book value
                                              provision                                                   provision
   Bank CD -
                          45,654,578.12                         45,654,578.12       57,795,333.29                             57,795,333.29
   Bank CD -
                             606,675.98                            606,675.98        1,391,881.44                              1,391,881.44
   investment due         -9,456,009.28                         -9,456,009.28       -16,902,617.83                        -16,902,617.83
   within one year
   Total                  36,805,244.82                         36,805,244.82       42,284,596.90                             42,284,596.90

Changes in provision for depreciation of debt investments in the current period
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                          Increase in the current       Decrease in the current
              Item               Beginning Balance                                                                    Ending Balance
                                                                  period                       period

(2) Important debt investments at the end of the period

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                       Ending Balance                                              Beginning Balance
    Debt                                  Effective                                                     Effective
    items         Face        Coupon                    Due       Overdue       Face         Coupon                    Due        Overdue
                                           interest                                                      interest
                  value        rate                     Date      principal     value         rate                     Date       principal
                                             rate                                                          rate

                                                                                                             ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

(3) Provision for impairment

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                         Stage 1                    Stage 2                       Stage 3
                                                               Expected credit loss         Expected credit loss
      Bad debt reserve         Expected credit loss in        within whole duration        within whole duration                Total
                                the future 12 months          (no credit impairment        (credit impairment has
                                                                      occur)                      occurred)
   Balance as of January
   1, 2024 in the current

Classification basis and bad debt reserve provision ratio for each stage

(4) Actual verification of debt investments in the current period

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                                              Write-off amount
Information on important debt investment verification

Explanation of debt investment verification:

Changes in book balance with major changes in loss reserves during the current period
□ Applicable Not applicable
Other explanations:

11. Long-term receivables

(1) Information on long-term receivables
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                     Ending Balance                                        Beginning Balance
                                                                                                                                Discount rate
       Item                               Bad debt                                              Bad debt
                      Book balance                         Book value      Book balance                        Book value          range
                                           reserve                                               reserve
                      3,806,228.60                        3,806,228.60     2,802,225.14                        2,802,225.14     4.2%-4.3%
   housing loan
                       -398,303.63                         -398,303.63       -354,996.91                       -354,996.91
   due within
   one year
   Total              3,407,924.97                        3,407,924.97     2,447,228.23                        2,447,228.23

(2) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                        Ending Balance                                                Beginning Balance
                   Book balance             Bad debt reserve                          Book balance           Bad debt reserve
      y                                                  Accrual     Book                                              Accrual          Book
                             Proporti                                value                     Proporti                                 value
                Amount                     Amount        proporti                Amount                     Amount     proporti
                                on                                                                on
                                                            on                                                            on

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report


Provision for bad debt reserve based on a general model of expected credit losses
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                         Stage 1                  Stage 2                     Stage 3
                                                            Expected credit loss        Expected credit loss
      Bad debt reserve          Expected credit loss in    within whole duration       within whole duration              Total
                                 the future 12 months      (no credit impairment       (credit impairment has
                                                                   occur)                     occurred)
   Balance as of January
   1, 2024 in the current

Classification basis and bad debt reserve provision ratio for each stage

(3) Bad debt reserves withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                Current period change amount
      Category                                                   Return or          Write-off or                        Ending Balance
                             Balance           Provision                                                 Others
                                                                 reversal           cancellation

The significant amount of bad debt reserves reversed or recovered in the current period:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                      The basis and
                                                                                                                      rationality for
                                Accounts recovered or                                                                determining the
       Company name                                         Reason for reversal          Recovery method
                                  transferred back                                                                  provision ratio of
                                                                                                                    original bad debt

Other explanations:

(4) Long-term receivables actually written off in the current period
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                                          Write-off amount

Information on important long-term receivable verification:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                         Whether the
                                                                                                Verification and
                                                                                                                          payment is
    Company name             Payment nature        Write-off amount        Write-off reason                            incurred due to
                                                                                               programs that have
                                                                                                 been performed

Explanation of long-term receivable verification:

12. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report
                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                      Increase or decrease in the current period

                                       Beginning                                                 Other                                                                               Ending
                       Beginning                                               Investment                                      Cash                                   Ending
                                       balance of                                              comprehe                                                                             balance of
        Investee        balance                                               profit or loss                 Changes       dividends or                            balance (book
                                      impairment    Additional    Reduced                        nsive                                    Impairment                               impairment
                                                                               recognized                    in other         profits                   Others         value)
                      (book value)                  investment   investment                     income                                     provision
                                       provision                              under equity                   equities       declared to                                             provision
                                                                                 method                                        pay

I. Joint ventures

II. Joint venture

Silk ID SystemsInc.     274,331.88    281,599.25                              -275,151.91                                                                820.03             0.00           0.00

CV Squared,Inc.        3,741,608.66                                              -7,578.41                                                             23,272.45    3,757,302.70

                       1,765,948.08                                           -351,211.07                                                               9,861.99    1,424,599.00
Xiamen Xingniu
Yunyu Venture
Capital Partnership   24,000,000.00                                           -110,397.50                                                                          23,889,602.50
Enterprise (Limited

Subtotal              29,781,888.62   281,599.25          0.00         0.00   -744,338.89            0.00          0.00            0.00         0.00   33,954.47   29,071,504.20

Total                 29,781,888.62   281,599.25          0.00         0.00   -744,338.89            0.00          0.00            0.00         0.00   33,954.47   29,071,504.20

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount after deducting disposal expenses from fair value
□ Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined based on the present value of expected future cash flows
□ Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for significant discrepancies between the above information and the information or external information used in impairment
tests of previous years

Reasons for significant discrepancies between the information used in the Company's impairment tests of previous year and the actual
situation of that year

Other explanations: mainly due to exchange rate conversion differences.

13. Investment real estate

(1) Investment real estate adopting cost measurement model

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                    Houses and                                        Construction in
              Item                                         Land use rights                                           Total
                                     buildings                                          progress
   I. Original book value
        1. Beginning Balance          34,416,026.15                                                                  34,416,026.15
        2. Increase in current
             (1) Outsourcing
             (2) Transferred
   from inventories, fixed
   assets, and construction in
            (3) Increase in
   business merger

        3. Decrease in current
             (1) Disposal
              (2) Other
   transfers out

        4. Ending balance             34,416,026.15                                                                  34,416,026.15
   II. Accumulated
   depreciation and
   accumulated amortization
        1. Beginning Balance          11,270,537.30                                                                  11,270,537.30
        2. Increase in current
                                         820,586.04                                                                     820,586.04
             (1) Provision or            820,586.04                                                                     820,586.04

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report


        3. Decrease in current
             (1) Disposal
              (2) Other
   transfers out

        4. Ending balance             12,091,123.34                                                                  12,091,123.34
   III. Provision for
        1. Beginning Balance
        2. Increase in current
             (1) Provision

        3. Decrease in current
             (1) Disposal
              (2) Other
   transfers out

        4. Ending balance
   IV. Book value
        1. Ending book value          22,324,902.81                                                                  22,324,902.81
        2. Beginning book
                                      23,145,488.85                                                                  23,145,488.85

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount after deducting disposal expenses from fair value
□ Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined based on the present value of expected future cash flows
□ Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for significant discrepancies between the above information and the information or external information used in impairment
tests of previous years

Reasons for significant discrepancies between the information used in the Company's impairment tests of previous year and the actual
situation of that year

Other explanations:

(2) Investment real estate adopting fair value measurement model

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Converted to investment real estate and measured at fair value

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                          Accounting                                                                                   Impact on other
                                                                Conversion         Approval            Impact on
          Item           subject before         Amount                                                                 comprehensive
                                                                  reason           procedure         profit and loss
                          conversion                                                                                      income

(4) Investment real estate without completed property ownership certificate

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                               Reasons for not completing the property
                        Item                                    Book value
                                                                                                        ownership certificate

Other explanations:

14. Fixed assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                        Item                                  Ending Balance                             Beginning Balance
  Fixed assets                                                           466,413,000.41                                470,167,242.89
  Disposal of fixed assets                                                                                                   -45,451.60
  Total                                                                  466,413,000.41                                470,121,791.29

(1) Status of fixed assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                               Houses and           Machinery           Transportation
           Item                                                                                 equipment and             Total
                                buildings           equipment              vehicles
  I. Original book
      1. Beginning
                               436,302,048.48        53,924,758.04           12,969,475.15       105,042,864.86        608,239,146.53
       2. Increase in
                                 7,046,236.13            -181,383.18           107,787.61           4,936,440.56        11,909,081.12
  current period
                                 7,342,632.55            171,411.54            224,984.18           5,836,821.79        13,575,850.06
  Transferred from
  construction in
  Increase in
  business merger
  (4) Differences in
  foreign currency
                                  -296,396.42            -352,794.72           -117,196.57           -900,381.23         -1,666,768.94
       3. Decrease in
                                    64,241.59             84,615.39             55,478.61             637,397.75             841,733.34
  current period
  Disposal or                       64,241.59             84,615.39             55,478.61             637,397.75             841,733.34

                                                                                               ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

       4. Ending
                               443,284,043.02   53,658,759.47         13,021,784.15     109,341,907.67        619,306,494.31
  II. Accumulated
      1. Beginning
                                39,285,147.04   26,521,285.53          7,991,553.19       64,273,917.88       138,071,903.64
       2. Increase in
                                 6,103,618.40    2,247,228.11           597,816.45         6,498,377.09        15,447,040.05
  current period
                                 6,183,556.96    2,402,663.69           674,040.21         6,819,542.68        16,079,803.54
  Differences in
  foreign currency                 -79,938.56     -155,435.58            -76,223.76         -321,165.59          -632,763.49
       3. Decrease in
                                    46,980.10      73,259.56             92,404.97           412,805.16           625,449.79
  current period
  Disposal or                       46,980.10      73,259.56             92,404.97           412,805.16           625,449.79

       4. Ending
                                45,341,785.34   28,695,254.08          8,496,964.67       70,359,489.81       152,893,493.90
  III. Provision for
      1. Beginning
       2. Increase in
  current period

       3. Decrease in
  current period
  Disposal or

       4. Ending
  IV. Book value
      1. Ending
                               397,942,257.68   24,963,505.39          4,524,819.48       38,982,417.86       466,413,000.41
  book value
      2. Beginning
                               397,016,901.44   27,403,472.51          4,977,921.96       40,768,946.98       470,167,242.89
  book value

(2) Fixed assets without completed property ownership certificate

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                        Item                             Book value                   Reasons for not completing the property

                                                                                                ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                      rights certificate
  Houses and buildings of Hybrid
  Biometrics IoT Intelligent Industrial                               196,885,151.93   In progress
  Base Project
Other explanations:

(3) Impairment test of fixed assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

(4) Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                      Item                                 Ending Balance                            Beginning Balance
  Transportation vehicles                                                                                                  -45,451.60
  Total                                                                                                                    -45,451.60

Other explanations:

15. Construction in progress

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                      Item                                 Ending Balance                            Beginning Balance
  Construction in progress                                            212,440,624.60                                138,986,483.73
  Engineering materials
  Total                                                               212,440,624.60                                138,986,483.73

(1) Construction in progress

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                          Ending Balance                                    Beginning Balance
          Item                             Impairment                                          Impairment
                       Book balance                         Book value      Book balance                              Book value
                                            provision                                           provision
  Biometrics IoT
  Intelligent           23,675,058.84                       23,675,058.84   22,612,110.24                             22,612,110.24
  Industrial Base
                      129,258,046.42                       129,258,046.42   87,417,407.70                             87,417,407.70
  Industrial Base
  Factory                 4,171,587.64                       4,171,587.64    2,746,178.39                              2,746,178.39
  Thai factory
                        55,335,931.70                       55,335,931.70   26,210,787.40                             26,210,787.40

                                                                                  ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  and office
  Total          212,440,624.60                 212,440,624.60   138,986,483.73                 138,986,483.73

(2) Current changes in important construction in progress

                                                                                                                                                                                               ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                         on of
                                                                                                      Other                             accumul                Accumulated        Including:
                                                                                      d to fixed                                                   Engineer
                                                                      Increase in                  decreases in           Ending         ated                   amount of       current interest     Current interest
          Project Name         Budget amount     Beginning Balance                    assets in                                                       ing                                                                  Source of Funds
                                                                     current period                 the current           Balance       project                   interest        capitalized       capitalization rate
                                                                                         the                                                       progress
                                                                                                      period                            investm                capitalization       amount
                                                                                                                                         ent to
Hybrid Biometrics IoT                                                                                                                              Under
Intelligent Industrial Base    214,042,000.00        22,612,110.24    1,062,948.60         0.00            0.00         23,675,058.84   110.57%    construct    2,359,113.42               0.00                            1

Project                                                                                                                                            ion
Multimodal Biometrics                                                                                                                              Under
Digitalization Industrial      284,566,264.91        87,417,407.70   41,840,638.72         0.00            0.00     129,258,046.42      45.42%     construct             0.00              0.00                            2

Base Construction Project                                                                                                                          ion
Thai factory construction                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
                               109,095,400.00        26,210,787.40   31,143,887.87         0.00    2,018,743.57         55,335,931.70   52.57%     construct             0.00              0.00
and office buildings

Total                          607,703,664.91       136,240,305.34   74,047,475.19         0.00    2,018,743.57     208,269,036.96                              2,359,113.42               0.00

           1. Fundraising, self owned funds, and bank loans
           2. Fundraising and self owned funds
           3. Own funds

                                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

(3) Impairment test of construction in progress

□ Applicable Not applicable

16. Right-of-use assets

(1) Information on right-of-use assets

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Electronic equipment
              Item             Houses and buildings   Transportation vehicles                                   Total
                                                                                       and others
  I. Original book value
      1. Beginning
                                     104,168,448.02             2,613,027.10                23,200.93          106,804,676.05
       2. Increase in
                                      19,856,763.01                                                             19,856,763.01
  current period
  (1) Lease                           19,856,763.01                                                             19,856,763.01
       3. Decrease in
                                      23,409,302.23                 194,806.29                                  23,604,108.52
  current period
  (1) Expiration of lease             11,453,959.20                                                             11,453,959.20
  (2) Lease change                     2,363,797.94                                                              2,363,797.94
  (3) Termination of
                                       7,204,584.29                 158,523.89                                   7,363,108.18
  (4) Differences in
  foreign currency                     2,386,960.80                  36,282.40                                   2,423,243.20
  statement translation
       4. Ending balance             100,615,908.80             2,418,220.81                23,200.93          103,057,330.54
  II. Accumulated
      1. Beginning
                                      66,794,766.61             1,327,043.41                13,147.17           68,134,957.19
       2. Increase in
                                      13,944,055.20                 499,869.78               2,320.10           14,446,245.08
  current period
  (1) Provision                       13,944,055.20                 499,869.78               2,320.10           14,446,245.08

       3. Decrease in
                                      22,661,793.84                 199,819.75                                  22,861,613.59
  current period
  (1) Disposal
  (2) Expiration of lease             11,607,290.62                                                             11,607,290.62
  (3) Lease change                     3,580,782.62                                                              3,580,782.62
  (4) Termination of
                                       5,963,298.25                 115,590.32                                   6,078,888.57
  (5) Differences in
  foreign currency                     1,510,422.35                  84,229.43                                   1,594,651.78
  statement translation
       4. Ending balance              58,077,027.97             1,627,093.44                15,467.27           59,719,588.68
  III. Provision for
      1. Beginning
       2. Increase in

                                                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  current period
  (1) Provision

       3. Decrease in
  current period
  (1) Disposal

       4. Ending balance
  IV. Book value
       1. Ending book
                                          42,538,880.83             791,127.37                    7,733.66            43,337,741.86
       2. Beginning book
                                          37,373,681.41         1,285,983.69                     10,053.76            38,669,718.86

(2) Impairment test of right-of-use assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

Other explanations:

17. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
        Item            Land use rights      Patent rights                        Software            Others             Total
  I. Original book
  1. Beginning
                         71,989,469.29                                           13,302,286.08        116,032.85      85,407,788.22
  2. Increase in
                           -577,356.68                                           25,796,811.46               499.26   25,219,954.04
  current period
  (1) Purchase                                                                   25,983,215.83                        25,983,215.83
  (2) Internal
  (3) Increase in
  (4) Differences
  in foreign
  currency                 -577,356.68                                             -186,404.37               499.26     -763,261.79
  3. Decrease in
                                                                                   111,759.45                           111,759.45
  current period
  (1) Disposal                                                                        5,564.75                             5,564.75
  (2) Decrease in                                                                  106,194.70                           106,194.70

                                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  4. Ending
                      71,412,112.61                                          38,987,338.09         116,532.11    110,515,982.81
  II. Accumulated
  1. Beginning
                      11,344,981.45                                           7,995,689.88          50,745.21     19,391,416.54
  2. Increase in
                         621,076.95                                             927,262.25           7,993.86      1,556,333.06
  current period
  (1) Provision          621,076.95                                             978,473.69           7,011.38      1,606,562.02
  (2) Differences
  in foreign
  currency                                                                       -51,211.44            982.48        -50,228.96
  3. Decrease in
                                                                                 43,315.12                            43,315.12
  current period
  (1) Disposal                                                                     1,279.90                            1,279.90
  (2) Decrease in
  business                                                                       42,035.22                            42,035.22
  4. Ending
                      11,966,058.40                                           8,879,637.01          58,739.07     20,904,434.48
  III. Provision
  for impairment
  1. Beginning
  2. Increase in
  current period
  (1) Provision

  3. Decrease in
  current period
  (1) Disposal

  4. Ending
  IV. Book value
  1. Ending book
                      59,446,054.21                                          30,107,701.08          57,793.04     89,611,548.33
  2. Beginning
                      60,644,487.84                                           5,306,596.20          65,287.64     66,016,371.68
  book value

The proportion of intangible assets formed through internal research and development of the company to the balance of intangible
assets at the end of this period is: 0.00%

18. Goodwill
(1) Original book value of goodwill
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

      Name of                                  Increase in the current period        Decrease in the current period
   invested entity
                         Beginning            Formed by
     or matters                                                 Exchange rate                          Exchange rate     Ending Balance
                          Balance              business                               Disposals
      forming                                                    fluctuations                           fluctuations
      goodwill                                  merger

                           173,149.07                                  1,078.10                                               174,227.17
   SDN. BHD.
   TOS DO                  331,654.65                                  2,065.03                                               333,719.68
   Total                   504,803.72                                  3,143.13                                               507,946.85

(2) Information related to the asset group or portfolio of asset groups where goodwill is located

                                     Composition and basis of the
                                                                                                           Is it consistent with previous
               Name                   asset group or portfolio to         Operating segments and basis
                                           which it belongs
                                     It can bring independent cash
   ZKTECO (M) SDN.BHD.               flow and can be recognized as        Not applicable                  Yes
                                     a separate asset group
                                     It can bring independent cash
                                     flow and can be recognized as        Not applicable                  Yes
                                     a separate asset group
Changes in asset group or asset portfolio

                                                                                                           Objective facts and basis that
               Name                   Composition before change             Composition after change
                                                                                                                 lead to changes

Other explanations:

                                                         Asset group or portfolio of asset groups
 Book value                                                                                                             Has there been
 of goodwill      Main components           Book value                      Determination method                       any change in the
                                                                                                                         current period
                                             An asset group or portfolio of asset groups that can
                                             independently generate cash flow, taking into account the Conversion rate
174,227.17                        692,283.84 synergistic effects of business mergers and the management's changes, no other
                                             management or monitoring of production and operating changes
                                             An asset group or portfolio of asset groups that can
                                             independently generate cash flow, taking into account the Conversion rate
               ZK INVESTIMENTOS
333,719.68                      2,346,157.33 synergistic effects of business mergers and the management's changes, no other
                DO BRASIL LTDA.
                                             management or monitoring of production and operating changes

(3) Specific method for determining the recoverable amount

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount after deducting disposal expenses from fair value
□ Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined based on the present value of expected future cash flows
□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Reasons for significant discrepancies between the above information and the information or external information used in impairment
tests of previous years

Reasons for significant discrepancies between the information used in the Company's impairment tests of previous year and the actual
situation of that year

(4) Completion of performance commitments and corresponding impairment of goodwill

When goodwill is formed, there is a performance commitment and the reporting period or the previous period in the reporting period
is within the performance commitment period
□ Applicable Not applicable
Other explanations:

19. Long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                               Increase in current                             Other reduced
           Item           Beginning Balance                               amount for the                                 Ending Balance
                                                     period                                      amounts
                                                                          current period
   Decoration works            2,513,047.50            1,079,120.14            704,847.22             16,412.05              2,870,908.37
   Employee housing
   loan deferred                 641,657.60             201,307.01               98,498.32                    0.00             744,466.29
   Others                        614,142.71            3,664,089.96            899,859.25              1,519.16              3,376,854.26
   Total                       3,768,847.81            4,944,517.11           1,703,204.79            17,931.21              6,992,228.92

Other explanations: The increase in the current period is mainly due to the usage fee of SAP system software.

20. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets not offset

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                              Ending Balance                                       Beginning Balance
            Item               Deductible temporary       Deferred income tax        Deductible temporary            Deferred income tax
                                   difference                    assets                  difference                         assets
   Provision for
                                       29,193,250.62                  4,688,215.35            36,366,162.24                  5,804,206.98
   impairment of assets
   Unrealized profits from
                                       98,229,818.50              18,709,702.26               98,721,713.02                 17,452,699.91
   internal transactions
   Deductible losses                 257,616,279.59               38,528,718.35              207,081,168.58                 31,091,802.32
   Withholding rebates                  8,667,641.69                  1,188,716.84            15,007,767.78                  2,143,716.17
   Estimated liabilities                                                                         600,000.00                     90,000.00
   Share-based payments                 3,102,671.00                   478,374.37              7,866,303.64                  1,177,039.86
   Provision for
                                       13,257,659.13                  2,464,130.98            11,003,159.27                  1,906,570.77
   inventories write-down
   Deferred income                      1,760,815.34                    264,122.30             1,853,549.62                    278,032.44
   Lease liabilities                   42,683,832.34                  8,590,798.69            35,689,297.38                  7,313,490.56
   Total                             454,511,968.21               74,912,779.14              414,189,121.53                 67,257,559.01

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

(2) Non-offsetting deferred income tax liabilities

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                               Ending Balance                                      Beginning Balance
            Item               Taxable temporary          Deferred income tax         Taxable temporary       Deferred income tax
                                   difference                  liabilities                difference               liabilities
  Changes in fair value
  of trading financial                  1,772,962.85                   265,944.43               755,429.17                 113,314.37
  depreciation of fixed               21,509,519.83                  3,226,427.97            22,133,567.26              3,320,431.55
  Right-of-use asset                  41,557,512.92                  8,209,692.35            34,457,850.98              6,895,307.56
  Total                               64,839,995.60               11,702,064.75              57,346,847.41             10,329,053.48

(3) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed at net amount after offset

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                Amount of mutual                                       Amount of mutual
                                                           Ending balance of                                  Beginning balance of
                             offset between deferred                                offset between deferred
                                                          deferred income tax                                 deferred income tax
            Item              income tax assets and                                  income tax assets and
                                                          assets and liabilities                              assets and liabilities
                             liabilities at the end of                                  liabilities at the
                                                               after offset                                        after offset
                                       period                                         beginning of period
  Deferred income tax
                                                                  74,912,779.14                                        67,257,559.01
  Deferred income tax
                                                                  11,702,064.75                                        10,329,053.48

(4) Details of unconfirmed deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                      Item                                  Ending Balance                             Beginning Balance
  Deductible temporary difference                                           27,008,821.92                              12,690,171.04
  Deductible losses                                                         76,306,028.58                              67,373,596.51
  Total                                                                    103,314,850.50                              80,063,767.55

(5) The deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will expire in the following years

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
               Year                        Closing amount                     Opening amount                    Remarks
  2024                                                5,121,337.08                    15,985,752.57
  2025                                                4,520,134.11                     6,481,611.28
  2026                                                5,445,628.27                     3,921,974.11
  2027                                                8,887,116.23                    10,275,824.68
  2028                                               19,267,910.69                    14,889,082.61
  2029                                                4,581,547.40                     2,887,686.36
  2030 and beyond                                    28,482,354.80                    12,931,664.90
  Total                                              76,306,028.58                    67,373,596.51

Other explanations:

                                                                                                             ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

        21. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                  Ending Balance                                         Beginning Balance
                  Item                              Impairment                                              Impairment
                              Book balance                            Book value        Book balance                              Book value
                                                     provision                                               provision
          Prepayment for
                                    822,241.76                          822,241.76         787,973.04                 0.00          787,973.04
          equipment                 339,600.00                          339,600.00         370,641.60                 0.00          370,641.60
          Prepayment for
                                                                                        15,725,991.21                 0.00       15,725,991.21
          Total                    1,161,841.76                       1,161,841.76      16,884,605.85                 0.00       16,884,605.85

        Other explanations:

        22. Assets with restricted ownership or use right

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                        End of the period                                                     Opening
   Item                                                Restricte    Restricted                                               Restrict    Restricted
                  Book balance         Book value                                    Book balance        Book value
                                                        d type      situation                                                ed type     situation
                                                                   Bank                                                                 Bank
                                                                   acceptance                                                           acceptance
                                                                   bill margin                                                          bill margin
                                                                   of RMB                                                               of RMB
                                                                   46,267,829.                                                          46,693,268.
                                                       Deposit,                                                          Deposit,
                                                                   38, funds in                                                         67, funds in
                                                       funds in                                                          funds in
Monetary                                                           transit of                                                           transit of
                   66,061,554.23       66,061,554.23   transit,                      54,954,670.48       54,954,670.48   transit,
funds                                                              RMB                                                                  RMB
                                                       frozen                                                            frozen
                                                                   18,993,724.                                                          7,461,401.8
                                                       funds                                                             funds
                                                                   85, frozen                                                           1, frozen
                                                                   litigation                                                           litigation
                                                                   funds of                                                             funds of
                                                                   RMB                                                                  RMB
                                                                   800,000.00                                                           800,000.00
Fixed                                                  Mortgag     See other                                             Mortgag        See other
                  204,397,423.28      196,885,151.93                               204,397,423.28       199,029,492.12
assets                                                 e           explanations                                          e              explanations
Intangible                                             Mortgag     See other                                             Mortgag        See other
                   49,453,695.00       43,354,405.95                                 49,453,695.00       43,848,942.89
assets                                                 e           explanations                                          e              explanations
                                                       Mortgag     See other                                             Mortgag        See other
on in             153,098,258.15      153,098,258.15                               110,185,544.37       110,185,544.37
                                                       e           explanations                                          e              explanations
Total             473,010,930.66      459,399,370.26                               418,991,333.13       408,018,649.86

        Other explanations:

             On December 16, 2019, the subsidiary of the Company, ZKTECO (GUANGDONG) CO., LTD, signed a "Fixed Asset Loan
        Contract" with the number of DY (3100) 2019 GD Zi No. 013346 and a maximum mortgage contract with the number of DY (3100)
        2019 GD Zi No. 024957 with the Dongguan Branch of Bank of Dongguan Co., Ltd., agreeing to a loan amount of RMB 206 million
        and a loan term from December 16, 2019 to December 15, 2029, and agree that the land with the number Y (2018) DGBDCQ No.
        0259880 is used as collateral, and the Company has signed a contract with Dongguan Branch of Bank of Dongguan Co., Ltd. with the

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

number DY (3100) 2019 ZGB Zi No. 024956, with a maximum guarantee amount of RMB 250 million. Considering that the land area
of the Company's collateral has changed and a new real estate certificate has been obtained for the collateral, on October 19, 2020, the
subsidiary of the Company, ZKTECO (GUANGDONG) CO., LTD, has signed a supplementary agreement with the number
20201013001 with Dongguan Branch of Bank of Dongguan Co., Ltd., which stipulates to change the collateral to Y (2020) DGBDCQ
No. 0248681 land.

23. Notes payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Category                                 Ending Balance                              Beginning Balance
   Commercial acceptance draft                                                        0.00                                         0.00
   Bank acceptance bill                                                   148,568,276.33                                122,573,544.09
   Total                                                                  148,568,276.33                                122,573,544.09
The total amount of unpaid notes payable at the end of this period is RMB 0.00.

24. Accounts payable

(1) Listing of accounts payable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Ending Balance                              Beginning Balance
   Material payment                                                       159,200,586.62                                217,082,802.45
   Equipment payment                                                        1,456,874.59                                    932,731.16
   Service fee                                                              4,017,255.83                                  4,834,986.05
   Project payment                                                            649,193.64                                 18,294,116.38
   Others                                                                   5,914,516.31                                  3,939,546.28
   Total                                                                  171,238,426.99                                245,084,182.32

(2) Important accounts payable with aging over 1 year or overdue

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Reasons for non-repayment or carry-
                      Item                                   Ending Balance

Other explanations:

25. Other payables

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Ending Balance                              Beginning Balance
   Other payables                                                           43,034,768.84                                36,735,314.36
   Total                                                                    43,034,768.84                                36,735,314.36

(1) Other payables

1) List of other payables by nature of money

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                       Item                                     Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance
   Employee reimbursement                                                      6,011,618.61                              5,222,956.92
   Payment to be settled                                                       4,380,993.29                              3,980,996.11
   Withholding and paying social security
                                                                                 322,292.08                                  331,708.81
   and capital reserve on behalf of others
   Current account                                                             7,626,096.52                              7,424,919.78
   Collection and payment on behalf of
                                                                               2,050,273.99                                  328,337.90
   Guarantee deposit                                                           2,912,220.50                              3,653,667.64
   Others                                                                     19,731,273.85                             15,792,727.20
   Total                                                                      43,034,768.84                             36,735,314.36

(2) Important other accounts payable with aging over 1 year or overdue

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                 Reasons for non-repayment or carry-
                       Item                                     Ending Balance

Other explanations:

26. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                                     Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance
   Advances on sales                                                          70,472,302.17                             65,331,106.17
   Total                                                                      70,472,302.17                             65,331,106.17
Significant contract liabilities with an aging of over 1 year
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                 Reasons for non-repayment or carry-
                       Item                                     Ending Balance

Amount and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting period
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
     Item                                                                Reasons for changes

27. Payroll payable

(1) List of payroll payable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                           Increase in the current    Decrease in the current
             Item                Beginning Balance                                                                 Ending Balance
                                                                   period                    period
   I. Short-term
                                         56,407,899.55             252,695,306.24              267,591,817.99           41,511,387.80
   II. Post-employment
   welfare - defined                         222,202.43             15,781,463.69               15,783,253.48                220,412.64
   contribution plan
   III. Dismissal benefit                          0.00                  433,834.36               390,434.36                  43,400.00
   IV. Other welfares due                          0.00                        0.00                      0.00                      0.00

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  within one year
  Total                             56,630,101.98             268,910,604.29             283,765,505.83           41,775,200.44

(2) List of short-term compensation

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                       Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
              Item            Beginning Balance                                                              Ending Balance
                                                               period                   period
  1.Salary, bonus,
                                    54,515,552.19             235,411,908.64             250,337,369.42           39,590,091.41
  allowance and subsidy
  2. Employee benefits                 463,201.20                3,938,231.46              3,881,674.54                 519,758.12
  3.Social insurance                   196,370.08              10,194,089.20              10,250,974.66                 139,484.62
  Including: medical
                                       195,814.68                9,603,617.44              9,662,100.27                 137,331.85
  insurance premium
  Work-related injury
                                             555.40                 361,526.00               359,928.63                   2,152.77
  insurance premium
  Birth insurance
                                                0.00                228,945.76               228,945.76                       0.00
  4. Housing fund                          54,239.09             2,906,136.27              2,875,830.67                  84,544.69
  5. Labor union
  expenditure and
                                     1,178,536.99                   242,428.31               243,456.34            1,177,508.96
  personnel education
  6. Others                                                           2,512.36                 2,512.36
  Total                             56,407,899.55             252,695,306.24             267,591,817.99           41,511,387.80

(3) List of defined contribution plan

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                       Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
              Item            Beginning Balance                                                              Ending Balance
                                                               period                   period
  1. Basic endowment
                                       214,173.61              15,254,271.65              15,252,403.54                 216,041.72
  insurance expense
                                            8,028.82                527,192.04               530,849.94                   4,370.92
  Total                                222,202.43              15,781,463.69              15,783,253.48                 220,412.64

Other explanations:

28. Taxes and dues payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                       Item                               Ending Balance                            Beginning Balance
  VAT                                                                     5,998,335.30                             7,538,983.47
  Consumption tax                                                                                                        34,079.54
  Enterprise income tax                                                   5,702,942.83                            15,364,635.19
  Individual income tax                                                   1,883,569.93                             3,712,496.39
  Urban maintenance and construction tax                                    133,786.07                                  243,439.39

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   Property tax                                                                777,191.15                                496,029.92
   Land use tax                                                                 52,360.37                                  7,368.53
   Stamp duty                                                                  324,896.61                                499,102.75
   Education surcharge                                                         127,811.07                                234,127.14
   Others                                                                    1,611,057.75                                761,967.12
   Total                                                                 16,611,951.08                             28,892,229.44

Other explanations:

29. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                                 Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance
   Long-term loans due within one year                                        964,048.11                                 957,265.72
   Lease liabilities due within one year                                21,662,062.76                              20,137,416.64
   Total                                                                 22,626,110.87                             21,094,682.36

Other explanations:

30. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                                 Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance
   Sales rebates payable                                                     8,667,641.69                          15,007,767.78
   Tax to be transferred to output tax                                       2,527,692.57                           1,456,166.57
   Total                                                                 11,195,334.26                             16,463,934.35

Changes in short-term bonds payable:
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                         Amort                               Whet
                                                                                         izatio                              her it
                                                            Begin                 ing             Curre           Endin
                        Coup               Bond     Issue            Curre                n of                                is a
   Bond      Face                Issue                      ning                intere              nt              g
                         on                durati   amou               nt                excess                              breac
   name      value               Date                       Balan                st at            repay           Balan
                        rate                on        nt             issue                and                                 h of
                                                             ce                  face             ment             ce
                                                                                         discou                              contra
                                                                                           nt                                  ct


Other explanations:

31. Long-term loan

(1) Classification of long-term loans

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                                 Ending Balance                           Beginning Balance
   Credit borrowings                                                         8,276,350.81                           8,758,524.27
   Unexpired interest payable                                                    7,890.00                               9,146.49
   Long-term loans due within one year                                        -964,048.11                            -957,265.72
   Total                                                                     7,320,192.70                           7,810,405.04

Explanation of long-term loan classification:

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Other explanations, including interest rate ranges: mainly due to the technology innovation fund syndicated loan obtained by XIAMEN
ZKTECO CO., LTD., a subsidiary of the Company. The contract stipulates that the borrower shall use each fund withdrawn for the
Company's R&D investment, with a loan term of 36 months. The interest shall be paid on a quarterly basis. The ending balance of loan
principal is RMB 7.89 million.

32. Lease liabilities

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                         Item                                Ending Balance                               Beginning Balance
   Lease payment amount                                                      52,578,581.24                              43,637,253.89
   Unrecognized financing charges                                            -8,027,900.91                              -3,786,551.04
   Lease liabilities due within one year                                    -21,662,062.76                             -20,137,416.64
   Total                                                                    22,888,617.57                               19,713,286.21

Other explanations:

33. Estimated liabilities

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                  Item                      Ending Balance                   Beginning Balance                Cause of formation
   Pending litigation                                                                       600,000.00
   Total                                                                                    600,000.00

Other descriptions, including important assumptions and estimation explanations related to important estimated liabilities:

     The Company has set aside an estimated liability of RMB 600,000 for the trademark infringement and unfair competition dispute
between Zokon Industry and Shenzhen Xinjiacheng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. The court has finally ruled that the Company
shall compensate Zokon Industry for economic losses and reasonable expenses for rights protection, totaling RMB 600,000. In addition,
in the case of unfair competition dispute between the Company and Zokon Industry, the court finally ruled that Zokon Industry shall
compensate the Company and Shenzhen ZKTeco for a loss of RMB 2 million. The Company notified Zokon Industry and its attorneys
in March 2024 and the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court in April 2024 to offset the debt related to the unfair competition dispute
between the Company and Zokon Industry in this case. That is, the amount payable by the Company to Zokon Industry in this case
was fully offset against the amount payable by Zokon Industry to the Company based on the Company's lawsuit against Zokon Industry
in the unfair competition dispute case.

34. Deferred income

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                  Increase in the         Decrease in the
           Item             Beginning Balance                                                   Ending Balance     Cause of formation
                                                  current period          current period
   Government                                                                                                      Financial
                                 1,853,549.62                                    92,734.28          1,760,815.34
   subsidies                                                                                                       allocation
   Total                         1,853,549.62                                    92,734.28          1,760,815.34

Other explanations: The government subsidies of the Company are detailed in Note XI Government subsidies 2. Liability items
involving government subsidies and 3. Governmental subsidies included in current profits and losses.

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

35. Share capital

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                          Increase/decrease in this change (+, -)

                        Beginning                                           Share                                             Ending
                         Balance         Issue new                       transferred                                          Balance
                                                          Bonus                              Others          Subtotal
                                           shares                       from capital
                        194,679,508.                                                                                       194,679,508.
   Total Shares
                                  00                                                                                                 00
Other explanations:

36. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                          Increase in the current      Decrease in the current
             Item                   Beginning Balance                                                               Ending Balance
                                                                  period                      period
   Capital premium (share
                                       1,998,953,460.69                                                                 1,998,953,460.69
   capital premium)
   Other capital reserves                 76,525,914.44             7,628,802.61                                          84,154,717.05
   Total                               2,075,479,375.13             7,628,802.61                                        2,083,108,177.74

Other descriptions, including changes in current period and reasons for changes:

      The increase of capital reserve - other capital reserves in the current period is caused by the recognition of share-based payment
of Class II restricted share.

37. Treasury stock

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                          Increase in the current      Decrease in the current
             Item                   Beginning Balance                                                               Ending Balance
                                                                  period                      period
   Implementing equity
   incentives for                            784,700.00            58,898,528.10                                          59,683,228.10
   repurchasing shares
   Total                                     784,700.00            58,898,528.10                                          59,683,228.10

Other descriptions, including changes in current period and reasons for changes:

     The Company held the 7th Session of the Third Board Meeting on November 10, 2023, and deliberated and approved the "Proposal
on Repurchasing Company Shares through Centralized Bidding Trading". The Company was agreed to use its own funds to repurchase
the issued RMB denominated ordinary shares of the Company through centralized bidding trading, for employee stock ownership plans
or equity incentives.
     The total transaction amount from January 1, 2024 to February 1, 2024 is RMB 58,898,528.10 (excluding transaction costs). As
of February 1, 2024, the Company's share repurchase plan has been implemented, and the actual repurchase period is from November
30, 2023 to February 1, 2024. The Company has repurchased a total of 2,230,000 shares of the Company through a dedicated securities
account for share repurchases through centralized bidding trading. It accounts for 1.1455% of the total share capital of the Company
currently, with a maximum transaction price of RMB 31.40 per share and a minimum transaction price of RMB 23.20 per share. The
total transaction amount is RMB 59,683,228.10 (excluding transaction costs).

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

38. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                         Amount incurred in the current period
                                                                 the net
                                                                  that is
                                                      ed in
                                                                in other
                                      Amount         ehensi                  Less:
                    Beginning                                    profits                Attributable to    Attributable     Ending
    Item                          incurred before        ve                 income
                     Balance                                    of prior                    parent         to minority      Balance
                                   income tax in     incom                    tax
                                                                 period                 company after      shareholder
                                     the current       e at                 expense
                                                                    and                       tax            after tax
                                       period         early                    s
                                                                 ed into
                                                     rred in
                                                               and loss
I. Other
ve income to
be               28,000,959.19      -4,827,043.56                                        -5,722,101.19      895,057.63    22,278,858.00
into profits
and losses
difference of
foreign          28,000,959.19      -4,827,043.56                                        -5,722,101.19      895,057.63    22,278,858.00
Total of other
comprehensi      28,000,959.19      -4,827,043.56                                        -5,722,101.19      895,057.63    22,278,858.00
ve income

Other explanations, including adjusting the effective portion of cash flow hedging gains and losses to the initial recognition amount of
the hedged item:

39. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                          Increase in the current     Decrease in the current
             Item                Beginning Balance                                                                  Ending Balance
                                                                  period                     period
   Legal surplus reserve               60,455,422.50                                                                      60,455,422.50
   Total                               60,455,422.50                                                                      60,455,422.50

Description of surplus reserve, including changes in current period and reasons for changes:

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   40. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                         Item                                     Current period                              Previous period
      Undistributed profits before adjustment
                                                                                 907,583,024.38                           788,571,917.98
      at end of the previous period
      Total undistributed profits in the
      adjustment beginning period (increase in                                                                                    197,066.66
      "+", decrease in "–")
      Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                                                 907,583,024.38                           788,768,984.64
      adjustment period
      Plus: Net profits attributable to parent
                                                                                  78,637,727.33                           177,263,675.15
      company in this period
      Less: withdrawal of legal surplus
           Dividends payable on ordinary
                                                                                  86,602,278.60                               51,972,217.85
      Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                                                 899,618,473.11                           907,583,024.38

   Details of undistributed profits at the beginning of the adjustment period:
   1) Due to the retrospective adjustment of the "Accounting Standards for Enterprises" and related new regulations, the undistributed
   profit at the beginning of the period was affected by RMB 0.00.
   2) Due to changes in accounting policies, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was RMB 0.00.
   3) Due to significant accounting error correction, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was RMB 0.00.
   4) Due to changes in the scope of consolidation caused by the same control, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was
   RMB 0.00.
   5) The total impact of other adjustments on the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was RMB 0.00.

   41. Operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                        Amount incurred in the current period                 Amount incurred in the previous period
                                            Income                      Cost                      Income                      Cost
      Main business                         899,298,084.45             453,481,237.51             933,910,239.24          488,923,174.83
      Other businesses                        3,805,074.32                   820,586.04             3,272,430.76
      Total                                 903,103,158.77             454,301,823.55             937,182,670.00          488,923,174.83
   Breakdown information of operating income and operating costs:
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                        Division 1                   Division 2                                                           Total
classification   Operating      Operating    Operating     Operating      Operating                           Operating
                                                                                          Operating cost                        Operating cost
                  income          cost        income         cost          income                              income
Smart office
                                                                       154,212,896.36      57,143,168.43    154,212,896.36        57,143,168.43
Smart                                                                  699,183,231.38     364,622,186.25    699,183,231.38      364,622,186.25

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

entrance and
                                                                 45,901,956.71     31,715,882.83      45,901,956.71    31,715,882.83
                                                                   3,805,074.32      820,586.04        3,805,074.32      820,586.04
by region of
                                                                278,001,949.77    186,993,704.51     278,001,949.77   186,993,704.51
                                                                625,101,209.00    267,308,119.04     625,101,209.00   267,308,119.04
Market or
Distribution                                                    625,828,126.21    347,508,041.35     625,828,126.21   347,508,041.35
Direct sales                                                    273,469,958.24    105,973,196.16     273,469,958.24   105,973,196.16
Others                                                            3,805,074.32        820,586.04       3,805,074.32       820,586.04
Type of

by time of
transfer of

by contract

by sales

Total                                                           903,103,158.77    454,301,823.55     903,103,158.77   454,301,823.55

   Information related to performance obligations:

                                                            Nature of goods                         Expected         Types of
                            Time for
                                                                that the      Is it the main        refunds to        quality
                            fulfilling        Important
             Item                                             Company          responsible          customers        assurance
                          performance       payment terms
                                                             promises to          person           borne by the   provided by the
                                                                transfer                            Company        Company and

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report


Other explanations:

      The Company, as the main responsible person in accordance with the contract, timely fulfills the supply obligations according to
the customer's requirements for the category, standards and time. The Company provides a certain credit period of 30-90 days based
on the customer's industry status, financial strength, credit status and cooperation history. For overseas customers, the Company will
also refer to the credit report issued by Sinosure to the customer.

Information related to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations:

The corresponding income amount for performance obligations that have been signed but have not yet been fulfilled or completed at
the end of this reporting period is RMB 0.00.

Information related to variable consideration in the contract:

Significant contract changes or significant transaction price adjustments

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                       Item                            Accounting treatment method                 Amount of impact on income

Other explanations:

42. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                      Item                       Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period
 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                      1,313,026.35                              1,240,447.26
 Education surcharge                                                          774,884.49                                 728,160.52
 Property tax                                                                 790,526.59                                 804,766.17
 Land use tax                                                                  53,192.27                                  53,192.27
 Stamp duty                                                                  1,273,419.68                                561,396.18
 Local education surcharges                                                   516,589.62                                 488,667.58
 Other taxes and fees for overseas
                                                                             8,309,729.91                              5,173,139.87
 Others                                                                        12,948.09                                  14,849.22
 Total                                                                      13,044,317.00                              9,064,619.07

Other explanations:

43. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                       Item                        Amount incurred in the current period      Amount incurred in the previous period
   Employee remuneration                                                     23,903,152.68                             27,180,420.22
   Taxes                                                                        198,914.56                                201,783.21
   Office allowance                                                           1,394,754.13                              1,273,534.13
   Depreciation and amortization                                              6,046,891.71                              5,369,758.22
   Business entertainment expenses                                            1,236,467.04                                995,574.87
   Repair fee                                                                   324,653.19                                284,365.87
   Travel expense                                                             1,572,016.50                                899,595.71

                                                                                                ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  Rent and utilities                                                   1,453,580.87                               1,855,286.91
  Car expenses                                                           358,274.00                                 571,076.11
  Low-value consumables                                                  292,293.53                                 148,322.51
  Agency fees                                                          3,688,497.16                               3,274,197.97
  Communications fee                                                     298,281.74                                 758,248.80
  Depreciation and amortization of right-
                                                                        3,113,740.46                              4,496,496.02
  of-use assets
  Share-based payments                                                   719,846.67                               3,010,579.74
  Others                                                               8,928,517.89                              10,157,105.18
  Total                                                               53,529,882.13                              60,476,345.47

Other explanations:

44. Selling expenses

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                       Item                    Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
    Employee remuneration                                              128,756,323.33                            119,777,810.57
    Depreciation and amortization                                        3,487,498.16                              1,698,736.19
    Exhibition and conference fees                                       6,216,072.66                              5,477,387.25
    Transport cost                                                         842,504.06                                921,267.65
    Maintenance and testing fees                                         2,131,723.55                              2,790,387.44
    Service fees and commissions                                         8,048,945.97                              4,861,913.43
    Rental expenses                                                      3,275,034.45                              2,448,767.43
    Business entertainment expenses                                      1,833,773.74                              1,588,838.83
    Travel expense                                                      13,058,671.93                             11,115,530.61
    Office allowance                                                     5,095,135.43                              3,097,812.40
    Insurance premium                                                    2,993,136.00                              2,916,330.62
    Agency fees                                                          6,985,958.39                              6,110,506.41
    Advertising expenses                                                13,042,036.99                             11,827,049.32
    Depreciation and amortization of right-
                                                                         8,710,857.10                              7,485,296.72
    of-use assets
    Share-based payments                                                 3,741,494.90                              6,725,599.03
    Others                                                               8,287,333.56                              7,295,468.08
    Total                                                              216,506,500.22                            196,138,701.98

Other explanations:

45. R&D expenses

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                    Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
  Employee remuneration                                               81,473,986.07                              75,368,207.48
  Depreciation and amortization                                        2,581,016.27                               1,899,982.13
  Office allowance                                                       723,170.03                                 409,182.70
  Travel expense                                                       2,128,700.33                               2,607,717.68
  Business entertainment expenses                                        103,017.77                                  34,535.93
  Rental fees and utilities                                              573,529.74                                 451,336.40
  R&D material costs                                                   2,567,775.42                               2,697,441.96
  Software and technical service fees                                  4,008,763.52                               4,354,028.63
  Depreciation and amortization of right-
                                                                         882,806.79                               1,197,842.90
  of-use assets
  Share-based payments                                                 2,908,870.45                               7,403,999.48
  Others                                                               7,698,371.81                               4,559,826.43
  Total                                                              105,650,008.20                            100,984,101.72

                                                                                               ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Other explanations:

46. Financial expenses

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                      Item                    Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Interest expenses                                                    1,576,340.90                              1,807,293.55
  Less: interest income                                               23,834,740.57                             31,152,457.27
  Exchange profits and losses                                          1,741,997.79                             -6,564,554.23
  Bank charge                                                            947,989.18                              1,014,262.29
  Others                                                                 786,291.91                                271,944.16
  Total                                                              -18,782,120.79                            -34,623,511.50

Other explanations:

47. Other income

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
     Sources of other income generation       Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Government subsidies related to daily
                                                                       8,127,859.77                              5,545,156.28
  activities of the enterprise
  Other items related to daily activities                                239,983.22                                218,257.86
  Including: refund of individual income
                                                                         239,983.22                                218,257.86
  tax handling fee
  Total                                                                8,367,842.99                              5,763,414.14

48. Gains from changes in fair value

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
     Sources of gains from changes in fair
                                              Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Trading financial asset                                              4,288,802.32                                  3,616.44
       Including:gains from changes in fair
  value generated by derivative financial                                 -92,617.82
  Trading financial liabilities                                                                                 -7,049,098.87
  Total                                                                4,288,802.32                             -7,045,482.43

Other explanations:

49. Investment income

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                      Item                    Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Long-term equity investment income
                                                                         989,323.74                              1,092,924.55
  accounted by equity method
  Investment income from disposal of
  long-term equity investment
  Investment income obtained from
                                                                       2,058,736.39                              2,191,535.51
  financial products
  Forward foreign exchange settlement and                                  68,155.00                            -2,046,795.00

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  sales contract
  Total                                                                   2,900,142.97                                 1,237,665.06

Other explanations:

50. Credit impairment loss

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                      Item                       Amount incurred in the current period      Amount incurred in the previous period
  Bad debt losses on accounts receivable                                   -728,583.49                                -2,604,890.77
  Bad debt losses on other receivables                                       -42,420.73                                 -154,814.43
  Total                                                                    -771,004.22                                -2,759,705.20

Other explanations:

51. Losses from impairment of assets

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                      Item                       Amount incurred in the current period      Amount incurred in the previous period
  I. Inventories depreciation loss and
  contract performance cost impairment                                    -5,196,924.78                               -3,696,240.00
  II. Impairment losses on contract assets                                                                                  2,400.00
  Total                                                                   -5,196,924.78                               -3,693,840.00

Other explanations:

52. Income from asset disposal

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
    Source of income from asset disposal         Amount incurred in the current period      Amount incurred in the previous period
  Income from disposal of non-current
                                                                             -76,794.85                                 -266,037.65
  assets - fixed assets
  Income from disposal of non-current
                                                                              -6,718.26                                   20,177.94
  assets - right-of-use assets
  Total                                                                      -83,513.11                                 -245,859.71

53. Non-operating income

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                         Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred in the         Amount included in current
                                            current period                previous period              non-recurring profit and loss
  Gains from scrapping and
                                                          5,007.30                          290.17                          5,007.30
  damaging non-current assets
  Penalty income                                         7,840.56                                                          7,840.56
  Others                                             2,443,402.07                        280,752.19                    2,443,402.07
  Total                                              2,456,249.93                        281,042.36                    2,456,249.93

Other explanations:

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

54. Non-operating expenditure

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                        Amount incurred in the          Amount incurred in the         Amount included in current
                                           current period                 previous period              non-recurring profit and loss
  External donations                                    410,712.93                       178,252.92                      410,712.93
  Extraordinary losses                                  457,628.84                                                       457,628.84
  Non-current assets damage
                                                         65,449.79                       186,561.24                       65,449.79
  and retirement loss
  Penalty expenses                                        3,280.71                        45,606.31                        3,280.71
  Others                                                111,489.01                       187,004.06                      111,489.01
  Total                                               1,048,561.28                       597,424.53                    1,048,561.28

Other explanations:

55. Income tax expenses

(1) Income tax expenses statement

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                         Item                    Amount incurred in the current period      Amount incurred in the previous period
  Current income tax expenses                                            11,186,808.91                                17,332,087.13
  Deferred income tax expenses                                            -6,284,061.60                               -7,981,844.47
  Total                                                                   4,902,747.31                                 9,350,242.66

(2) Accounting profit and income tax expenses adjustment process

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                Item                                             Amount incurred in the current period
  Total profits                                                                                                       89,765,783.28
  Income tax expenses calculated based on statutory/applicable
  tax rates
  The impact of different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries                                                        -2,637,991.52
  The impact of adjusting previous period income tax                                                                     -14,701.99
  The impact of non-taxable income                                                                                    -5,556,260.59
  The impact of non-deductible costs, expenses, and losses                                                             3,565,651.40
  The impact of deductible losses on unrecognized deferred
  income tax assets in the prior period of use
  The impact of deductible temporary differences or deductible
  losses on unrecognized deferred income tax assets in the                                                             9,000,478.48
  current period
  Deduction of technology development expenses                                                                       -11,671,158.38
  Salary paid for the placement of disabled individuals with
  additional deductions
  The impact of tax rate changes on the beginning deferred
  income tax
  Income tax expenses                                                                                                  4,902,747.31

Other explanations:

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

56. Other comprehensive income

Please refer to Note 38. Other comprehensive income for details.

57. Cash flow statement items

(1) Cash relating to operating activities

Other cash received related to operating activities
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                      Item                         Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
   Interest income                                                         33,260,268.95                              7,396,363.00
   Government subsidies                                                     4,952,825.13                              3,269,551.83
   Current account                                                          1,844,175.02                             10,479,582.74
   Restricted funds such as restricted bill
   deposit, guarantee deposit and funds in                                    808,538.31                                 28,500.00
   Others                                                                   1,826,694.08                              2,010,793.34
   Total                                                                   42,692,501.49                             23,184,790.91

Description of other cash received relating to operating activities:

Other cash paid relating to operating activities
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                      Item                         Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
   Expense payment                                                        103,961,087.89                             97,959,328.93
   Current account                                                         26,147,972.24                             21,076,460.86
   Restricted funds such as restricted bill
   deposit, guarantee deposit and funds in                                 16,607,790.66                                 12,800.00
   Others                                                                   2,833,730.67                              3,432,113.10
   Total                                                                  149,550,581.46                           122,480,702.89

Description of other cash paid relating to operating activities:

(2) Cash relating to investing activities

Other cash received related to investment activities
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                      Item                         Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
   Expiration of forward foreign exchange
   settlement and sales
   Total                                                                        68,155.00

Significant cash received relating to investing activities
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                      Item                         Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
   Time deposit and wealth management                                     522,835,114.48                           509,707,506.64
   Total                                                                  522,835,114.48                           509,707,506.64

Description of other cash received relating to investing activities:

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Other cash paid relating to investment activities
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Item                         Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
   Investment losses on forward foreign
   exchange settlement and sales
   Total                                                                                                                   2,046,795.00

Significant cash paid relating to investing activities
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Item                         Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
   Time deposit and wealth management                                          649,403,947.08                           554,750,509.91
   Total                                                                       649,403,947.08                           554,750,509.91

Description of other cash paid relating to investing activities:

(3) Cash relating to financing activities

Other cash received related to financing activities
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Item                         Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
   Bill deposit                                                                  3,512,381.80
   Total                                                                         3,512,381.80

Description of other cash received relating to financing activities:

Other cash paid in connection with financing activities
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                       Item                         Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
   Lease liability payment amount                                               16,270,394.68                             16,527,983.10
   Share repurchase                                                             58,898,528.10
   Bill deposit                                                                  3,717,972.80
   Total                                                                        78,886,895.58                             16,527,983.10

Description of other cash paid relating to financing activities:

Information on changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                              Increase in the current period          Decrease in the current period
           Item                                                     Non cash                             Non cash       Ending Balance
                           Balance          Cash changes                             Cash changes
                                                                    changes                              changes
   liabilities due       21,094,682.36                   0.00      15,346,285.49     12,169,244.28       1,645,612.70     22,626,110.87
   within one year
   Long-term loan         7,810,405.04                   0.00          15,374.92         69,458.32         436,128.94      7,320,192.70
   Lease liabilities     19,713,286.21                   0.00      35,777,374.57      4,526,150.40      28,075,892.81     22,888,617.57

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  Total                 48,618,373.61                  0.00     51,139,034.98        16,764,853.00   30,157,634.45     52,834,921.14

(4) Description of cash flows presented as net amount

                                                                           Basis for reporting net
                 Item                           Related facts                                                 Financial impact

(5) Significant activities and financial impacts that do not involve current cash inflows and outflows but affect
the financial position of the enterprise or may affect the cash flow of the enterprise in the future

58. Supplementary information of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information of cash flow statement

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
          Supplementary information                       Amount in current period                   Amount of previous period
  1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash
  flows from operating activities:
    Net profit                                                              84,863,035.97                              99,808,805.46
    Plus: provision for asset impairment                                     5,967,929.00                               6,453,545.20
         Depreciation of fixed assets,
  consumption of oil and gas assets and                                     16,949,822.52                              14,793,934.77
  productive biological assets
          Depreciation of right of use assets                               14,446,245.08                              14,326,297.01
          Amortization of intangible assets                                  1,112,025.07                                 967,519.99
          Long-term unamortized expenses                                     1,703,204.79                                 650,496.41
           Loss from disposal of fixed
  assets, intangible assets and other long-                                     83,513.11                                 245,859.71
  term assets (gains expressed with "-")
          Loss on retirement of fixed assets
                                                                                60,442.48                                 186,271.07
  (gains expressed with "-")
          Loss from changes in fair value
                                                                            -4,288,802.32                               7,045,482.43
  (gains expressed with "-")
         Financial expenses (gains
                                                                            -2,794,360.99                              -1,746,936.23
  expressed with "-")
          Investment loss (gains expressed
                                                                            -2,900,142.90                              -1,237,665.06
  with "-")
          Decrease of deferred income tax
                                                                            -7,856,218.33                              -7,121,514.67
  assets (increase expressed with "-")
           Increases of deferred income tax
                                                                             1,572,156.78                                -461,480.54
  liabilities (decrease expressed with "-")
         Decrease of inventories (increase
                                                                           -13,366,506.95                              19,487,642.81
  expressed with "-")
         Decreases of operational
                                                                           -32,843,911.15                             -55,447,007.82
  receivables (increase expressed with "-")
         Increases of operating payables
                                                                            -3,841,421.92                              13,875,197.45
  (decrease expressed with "-")
          Others                                                             7,765,311.61                              18,903,579.13

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

           Net cash flows from operating
                                                                            66,632,321.85                            130,730,027.12
   2. Major investment and financing
   activities not relating to cash deposit and
        Conversion of debt into capital
     Convertible corporate bonds due
   within one year
        Fixed assets under financing lease
   3. Net change of cash and cash
        Ending balance of cash                                             966,470,088.72                          1,039,925,141.52
        Less: beginning balance of cash                                  1,317,020,553.02                          1,077,608,258.10
     Plus: ending balance of cash
     Less: beginning balance of cash
     Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                          -350,550,464.30                             -37,683,116.58

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                        Item                                Ending Balance                             Beginning Balance
   I. Cash                                                                 966,470,088.72                          1,317,020,553.02
   Including: Cash on hand                                                   1,289,301.50                               1,401,947.05
         Bank deposit available for
                                                                           962,031,005.18                          1,302,024,477.33
   payment at any time
          Other monetary funds available
                                                                             3,149,782.04                              13,594,128.64
   for payment at any time
   III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                           966,470,088.72                          1,317,020,553.02

(3) Monetary funds that do not belong to cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                        Amount of previous       Reasons for not being classified as
              Item                   Amount in current period
                                                                            period                   cash and cash equivalents
Principal of time deposits and
                                                                                                Not meeting the standards for cash
outstanding interest                             286,725,925.24               618,949,731.28
                                                                                                and cash equivalents
Margin of bank acceptance                                                                       Not meeting the standards for cash
                                                  46,267,829.38                 46,693,268.67
draft                                                                                           and cash equivalents
                                                                                                Not meeting the standards for cash
Frozen litigation funds                             800,000.00                    800,000.00
                                                                                                and cash equivalents
                                                                                                Not meeting the standards for cash
Funds in transit                                  18,993,724.85                  7,461,401.81
                                                                                                and cash equivalents
Total                                            352,787,479.47               673,904,401.76

Other explanations:

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

59. Notes to items in the statement of changes in owner's equity

Explain the names and adjusted amounts of "other" items that have been adjusted to the ending balance of the previous year:


60. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                       Ending foreign currency                                            Ending equivalent RMB
                Item                                                        Conversion rate
                                               balance                                                           Balance
   Monetary funds                                                                                                    619,448,214.96
   Including: USD                                  73,062,310.88                              7.1268                 520,700,477.18
          EUR                                        4,775,347.94                             7.6617                  36,587,283.31
          HKD                                        2,339,050.08                             0.9127                   2,134,804.23
   GBP                                                262,126.55                              9.0430                   2,370,410.39
   MYR                                                763,399.61                              1.5095                   1,152,336.09
   INR                                             58,105,051.11                              0.0854                   4,960,922.43
   COP                                            302,140,343.23                              0.0017                     514,864.92
   MXN                                              2,894,229.76                              0.3857                   1,116,428.70
   PEN                                                 17,934.51                              1.8586                      33,332.20
   TRL                                              1,688,966.69                              0.2175                     367,377.51
   ZAR                                             19,117,336.00                              0.3869                   7,396,632.36
   THB                                             20,473,438.29                              0.1952                   3,995,596.86
   DNS                                             12,112,266.27                              1.9462                  23,573,434.29
   IDR                                          3,837,402,227.54                              0.0004                   1,689,592.39
   CLP                                            518,442,465.28                              0.0075                   3,864,890.96
   ARS                                             41,238,125.93                              0.0078                     322,607.99
   RUB                                              1,696,491.69                              0.0841                     142,689.43
   UYU                                                    240.00                              0.1801                          43.22
   CRC                                                  8,265.00                              0.0136                         112.18
   GTQ                                                    125.00                              0.9174                         114.67
   KRW                                            213,792,895.00                              0.0052                   1,109,287.06
   BRL                                                372,603.68                              1.2955                     482,690.21
   SGD                                                501,263.49                              5.2790                   2,646,169.96
   KES                                              2,464,327.27                              0.0551                     135,882.15
   NGN                                             11,118,341.30                              0.0047                      51,959.47
   VND                                          3,771,444,171.00                              0.0003                   1,055,811.78
   AUD                                                  2,140.55                              4.7650                      10,199.72
   JPY                                             30,554,352.00                              0.0447                   1,366,940.60
   DZD                                                 11,400.00                              0.0529                         603.03
   RSD                                                    110.00                              0.0658                           7.23
   MAD                                                865,687.09                              0.7163                     620,089.33
   EGP                                                 88,623.05                              0.1484                      13,150.09
   CAD                                                197,320.47                              5.2274                   1,031,473.02
   Accounts receivable                                                                                               449,453,413.72
   Including: USD                                  45,955,972.55                              7.1268                 327,519,025.16
          EUR                                        1,713,455.72                             7.6617                  13,127,983.69
   MYR                                               1,283,446.15                             1.5095                   1,937,335.69

                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

INR                   102,085,298.79    0.0854                   8,715,890.26
COP                   699,669,318.26    0.0017                   1,192,277.67
MXN                    36,766,683.21    0.3857                  14,182,488.51
PEN                     1,924,682.93    1.8586                   3,577,121.56
TRL                     5,989,497.19    0.2175                   1,302,812.31
ZAR                    12,163,522.48    0.3869                   4,706,152.78
THB                    60,746,530.02    0.1952                  11,855,294.70
DNS                    23,226,735.13    1.9462                  45,204,910.63
IDR                   345,219,990.00    0.0004                     151,998.94
CLP                   145,960,579.00    0.0075                   1,088,108.63
ARS                     1,084,257.69    0.0078                       8,482.20
RUB                       492,000.00    0.0841                      41,381.40
KRW                 1,565,614,112.00    0.0052                   8,123,354.50
BRL                     2,611,361.81    1.2955                   3,382,894.05
SGD                       149,355.66    5.2790                     788,448.53
NGN                   344,042,392.32    0.0047                   1,607,817.26
VND                   965,464,229.00    0.0003                     270,280.68
JPY                    14,961,656.00    0.0447                     669,354.57
Long-term loan                                                     272,302.65
Including: USD
Including: MYR            85,945.68     1.5095                     129,733.24
ZAR                      368,484.91     0.3869                     142,569.41
Other receivables                                               16,509,030.01
Including: USD           878,141.34     7.1268                   6,258,337.72
EUR                      134,641.04     7.6617                   1,031,579.25
MYR                       55,460.00     1.5095                      83,715.73
INR                   16,925,356.84     0.0854                   1,445,061.67
COP                  223,529,886.28     0.0017                     380,908.07
MXN                    4,282,375.02     0.3857                   1,651,895.93
PEN                      474,329.05     1.8586                     881,564.77
TRL                      153,967.23     0.2175                      33,490.36
ZAR                      102,353.78     0.3869                      39,601.40
THB                    7,901,852.14     0.1952                   1,542,125.71
DNS                      221,795.68     1.9462                     431,668.67
IDR                   38,400,000.00     0.0004                      16,907.36
CLP                   91,538,767.00     0.0075                     682,404.27
ARS                    6,921,929.29     0.0078                      54,150.61
RUB                      921,066.87     0.0841                      77,469.58
KRW                   82,019,147.55     0.0052                     425,565.03
BRL                      342,486.71     1.2955                     443,675.12
SGD                       54,233.78     5.2790                     286,300.12
KES                      479,756.48     0.0551                      26,453.61
NGN                   16,277,790.91     0.0047                      76,071.19
VND                  314,468,182.00     0.0003                      88,035.03
JPY                    7,087,215.00     0.0447                     317,067.82
CAD                       10,050.00     5.2274                      52,535.37
PKR                    7,128,302.03     0.0256                     182,445.62
Accounts payable                                                12,918,209.70
Including: USD           326,417.93     7.1268                   2,326,315.30
EUR                      227,378.36     7.6617                   1,742,104.78
MYR                       45,735.22     1.5095                      69,036.38
INR                    6,675,108.82     0.0854                     569,910.82
COP                      567,644.80     0.0017                         967.30

                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  MXN                                      10,032,832.73                       0.3857                   3,870,094.40
  PEN                                         248,844.78                       1.8586                     462,490.74
  ZAR                                             116.00                       0.3869                          44.88
  THB                                       3,330,275.57                       0.1952                     649,936.68
  DNS                                         939,475.70                       1.9462                   1,828,449.62
  IDR                                       9,750,000.00                       0.0004                       4,292.88
  CLP                                      63,101,727.00                       0.0075                     470,411.49
  ARS                                      14,583,479.54                       0.0078                     114,087.31
  RUB                                          29,050.11                       0.0841                       2,443.36
  BRL                                         399,329.08                       1.2955                     517,311.68
  NGN                                      14,179,284.43                       0.0047                      66,264.21
  MAD                                         312,786.14                       0.7163                     224,047.87
  Other payables                                                                                        8,012,454.94
  Including: USD                              518,086.03                       7.1268                   3,692,295.53
  HKD                                          65,000.00                       0.9127                      59,324.20
  EUR                                         269,963.52                       7.6617                   2,068,379.50
  MYR                                          13,789.08                       1.5095                      20,814.33
  INR                                       1,545,378.07                       0.0854                     131,942.07
  MXN                                         281,424.50                       0.3857                     108,557.51
  PEN                                           4,324.42                       1.8586                       8,037.16
  TRL                                          70,055.87                       0.2175                      15,238.28
  ZAR                                         313,573.00                       0.3869                     121,323.61
  THB                                       1,215,036.40                       0.1952                     237,126.54
  DNS                                          18,900.00                       1.9462                      36,784.03
  CLP                                       8,023,347.00                       0.0075                      59,812.54
  ARS                                       6,031,597.47                       0.0078                      47,185.50
  KRW                                      18,684,336.68                       0.0052                      96,945.66
  BRL                                         100,000.00                       1.2955                     129,545.21
  SGD                                          22,333.96                       5.2790                     117,900.97
  KES                                          83,080.03                       0.0551                       4,581.00
  NGN                                      27,594,421.35                       0.0047                     128,957.33
  VND                                         977,645.00                       0.0003                         273.69
  JPY                                       7,291,090.00                       0.0447                     326,188.78
  MAD                                          46,800.78                       0.7163                      33,523.27
  CAD                                           2,400.00                       5.2274                      12,545.76
  EGP                                       2,560,647.41                       0.1484                     379,954.65
  PKR                                       6,845,905.87                       0.0256                     175,217.82
Other explanations:

(2) Description of overseas operating entities, including for important overseas operating entities, disclosure
of their main overseas operating location, recording currency, and selection basis. Reasons for changes in the
recording currency should also be disclosed.

Applicable □ Not applicable

Subsidiaries                                     Registered   Recording currency   Basis for adopting recording
                                                 place of                          currency
ZKTECO CO., LIMITED                              Hong Kong    US Dollar            Sales and procurement are mainly
                                                                                   priced in USD
Armatura Tech Co.,Ltd.                           Thailand     THB                  Currency used in the place of
ZKTECO SECURITY L.L.C                            Dubai        DNS                  Currency used in the place of

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

ZKTECO EUROPE SL                                           Spain           EUR                      Currency used in the place of
ZK TECHNOLOGY LLC                                          America         US Dollar                Currency used in the place of
ZKTECO USA LLC                                             America         US Dollar                Currency used in the place of
ZKTECO BIOMETRICS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED                    India           INR                      Currency used in the place of
ZKTECO PANAMA ,S.A.                                        Panama          US Dollar                Sales and procurement are mainly
                                                                                                    priced in USD
ZKTECO LATAM, S.A DE C.V.                                  Mexico          MXN                      Currency used in the place of
ZK INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD                         South Africa    ZAR                      Currency used in the place of
NGTECO CO.,LIMITED                                         Hong Kong       US Dollar                Sales and procurement are mainly
                                                                                                    priced in USD

VIII. R&D expenditures

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                        Item                     Amount incurred in the current period         Amount incurred in the previous period
     Employee remuneration                                                 81,473,986.07                                75,368,207.48
     Depreciation and amortization                                          2,581,016.27                                 1,899,982.13
     Office allowance                                                         723,170.03                                   409,182.70
     Travel expense                                                         2,128,700.33                                 2,607,717.68
     Business entertainment expenses                                          103,017.77                                    34,535.93
     Rental fees and utilities                                                573,529.74                                   451,336.40
     R&D material costs                                                     2,567,775.42                                 2,697,441.96
     Software and technical service fees                                    4,008,763.52                                 4,354,028.63
     Depreciation and amortization of right-
                                                                              882,806.79                                 1,197,842.90
     of-use assets
     Share-based payments                                                   2,908,870.45                                 7,403,999.48
     Others                                                                 7,698,371.81                                 4,559,826.43
     Total                                                                105,650,008.20                              100,984,101.72
     Including: Expensed R&D expenditures                                 105,650,008.20                              100,984,101.72

IX. Changes to the scope of consolidation

1. Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons

Description of changes in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (for example, establishing new subsidiaries, liquidating
subsidiaries, etc.) and their related situations:

                                                                                                            Shareholding    Reason for
 S/N         Company Name                      Establishment Date         Registered Capital
                                                                                                            ratio (%)       Change
             ZKTECO BUSINESS                                                                                                New
 1                                             May 15, 2024               SAR 25,000.00                     100.00
             SOLUTIONS COMPANY                                                                                              establishment
 2           ZKTECO EGYPT LLC                  January 4, 2024            USD 120,000.00                    100.00
             Shenzhen Zhongjiang Intelligent
 3                                             April 26, 2017             RMB 10,000,000.00                 51.00           Liquidation
             Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Note: ZKTECO BUSINESS SOLUTIONS COMPANY has not yet paid the investment amount as of the end of the period. ZKTECO
EGYPT LLC has received an investment of USD 118,800 and has not yet paid the investment amount as of the end of the period.

X. Equity in other entities

1. Equity in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the enterprise group

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                           Main                                        Percentage of shares
  Name of                                             Registration     Nature of                                   Acquisition
                 Registered Capital       business
 Subsidiaries                                            place         business      Direct          Indirect       method
1. Xiamen
                      38,500,000.00      Xiamen      Xiamen           developme       100.00%            0.00%    Acquisition
Co., Ltd.
2. Shenzhen
Biometric                                                             Sales of
                       1,000,000.00      Shenzhen    Shenzhen                         100.00%            0.00%    Acquisition
Identification                                                        goods
Co., Ltd.
INVESTMEN                   100.001      America     America          Established        0.00%         100.00%
                        Not applicable                                Sales of                                    by
TECHNOLO                                 America     America                             0.00%          76.92%
                                                                      goods                                       investment
3. ZKTeco
                                                                      Sales of                                    by
Sales Co.,            50,000,000.00      Dongguan    Dongguan                         100.00%            0.00%
                                                                      goods                                       investment
4. Hangzhou
                                                                      E-                                          by
Hanlian E-             2,000,000.00      Hangzhou    Hangzhou                         100.00%            0.00%
                                                                      commerce                                    investment
Co., Ltd.
5. ZKCserv
Technology                                                                                                        by
                       1,000,000.00      Shenzhen    Shenzhen         developme         51.00%           0.00%
Limited Co.,                                                                                                      investment
6. Dalian                                                             Software
ZKTeo CO.,             3,000,000.00      Dalian      Dalian           developme       100.00%            0.00%
Ltd.                                                                  nt and sales
7. XIAMEN                                                             Software
ZKTECO              100,000,000.00       Xiamen      Xiamen           developme       100.00%            0.00%
CO., LTD.                                                             nt and sales
7.1 ZKTeco
(Xiamen)                                                                                                          by
                       3,693,880.00      Xiamen      Xiamen           developme          0.00%          51.00%
Integrated                                                                                                        investment
Circuit Co.,

                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

TECHNOLO                                                         Sales of                              by
                4,550,000,000.0023   Vietnam    Vietnam                        0.00%         100.00%
GY                                                               goods                                 investment
(GUANGDO                                                                                               by
                   800,000,000.00    Dongguan   Dongguan         and sales    100.00%          0.00%
NG) CO.,                                                                                               investment
                                                                 of goods
9. Xi'an
                                                                 Sales of
ZKTeco Co.,          1,060,000.00    Xi'an      Xi'an                         100.00%          0.00%   Acquisition
10. ZKTECO                           Hong
                                                Hong Kong,       Sales of                              by
CO.,               15,000,000.001    Kong,                                    100.00%          0.00%
                                                China            goods                                 investment
LIMITED                              China
                                                                 Sales of                              by
K SANAYI            1,200,000.0017   Turkey     Turkey                         0.00%          88.09%
                                                                 goods                                 investment
                                                                 Sales                                 by
O LATAM,            4,426,000.008    Mexico     Mexico                         0.00%         100.00%
                                                                 services                              investment
S.A. DE C.V.
10.3.ZK                                                                                                Capital
SOFTWARE                                                         R&D                                   increase and
                    3,748,688.008    Mexico     Mexico                         0.00%         100.00%
DE MEXICO,                                                       services                              equity
S.A. DE C.V.                                                                                           investment
O                                                                Sales                                 by
                  968,393,000.007    Columbia   Columbia                       0.00%         100.00%
COLOMBIA                                                         services                              investment
                                                                 Sales of
O (M)              646,000.0020    Malaysia   Malaysia                       0.00%          51.00%   Acquisition
O                                                                                                      Capital
BIOMETRIC                                                        Sales of                              increase and
                 132,765,240.0016    India      India                          0.00%          99.15%
S INDIA                                                          goods                                 equity
PRIVATE                                                                                                investment
                                                                 Sales of
O EUROPE              538,500.002    Spain      Spain                          0.00%          75.69%   Acquisition
CO                                                               Sales                                 by
                       60,000.002    Ireland    Ireland                        0.00%          75.69%
IRELAND                                                          services                              investment
                                                                 Sales of                              by
o Deutschland         100,000.002    Germany    Germany                        0.00%          75.69%
                                                                 goods                                 investment
                                                                 Sales of                              by
CO ITALIA             350,000.002    Italy      Italy                          0.00%          71.37%
                                                                 goods                                 investment
10.7.4.ZKTE         1,500,000.003    UK         UK               Sales of      0.00%          75.69%   by

                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

CO UK LTD                                                         goods                                investment
SOCIEDAD           1,273,675.0022   Peru        Peru                            0.00%        100.00%   Acquisition
                                                                  Sales of
O THAI CO.,       10,000,000.005    Thailand    Thailand                        0.00%         99.80%   Acquisition
10.10.ZKTeco                                                      Sales                                by
                 146,370,000.009    Chile       Chile                           0.00%        100.00%
Chile SpA                                                         services                             investment
INTEGRALE                                                         Sales                                by
                  60,000,000.009    Chile       Chile                           0.00%        100.00%
SY                                                                services                             investment
                                                                  Sales of
O SECURITY          300,000.0014    Dubai       Dubai                           0.00%        100.00%   Acquisition
O                                                                 Sales of
                   4,000,000.0026   Argentina   Argentina                       0.00%         60.00%   Acquisition
ARGENTINA                                                         goods
Company                                                           Sales of                             by
                  17,850,554.8018   Russia      Russia                          0.00%        100.00%
"ZKTeco                                                           goods                                investment
and security"
O Investment          80,000.001    America     America           Established   0.00%        100.00%
10.14.1.ZKTE                                                      Sales of                             by
                   Not applicable   America     America                         0.00%         80.00%
CO USA LLC                                                        goods                                investment
10.14.2.Armat                                                     Sales of
                 118,960,000.0024   Korea       Korea                           0.00%         90.00%   Acquisition
ura Co., Ltd.                                                     goods
                                                                  Sales of                             by
co Japan Co.,   100,000,000.0025    Japan       Japan                           0.00%        100.00%
                                                                  goods                                investment
10.14.4.ARM                                                       Sales of                             by
                   Not applicable   America     America                         0.00%        100.00%
ATURA LLC.                                                        goods                                investment
10.14.5.RALV                                                      Sales of                             by
                     10,000.001     Canada      Canada                          0.00%        100.00%
IE AI INC.                                                        goods                                investment
                                                                  Sales of                             by
BIOMETRIC       2,657,200,000.006   Indonesia   Indonesia                       0.00%         95.00%
                                                                  goods                                investment
NTOS DO              611,440.0010   Brazil      Brazil            Established   0.00%         99.68%   Acquisition
                                                                  Sales of
CO DO              1,085,403.0610   Brazil      Brazil                          0.00%         74.76%   Acquisition

                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                     Sales of                              by
Latam R&D          2,926,000.0026      Argentina   Argentina                       0.00%          98.09%
                                                                     goods                                 investment
10.18.NGTEC                            Hong
                                                   Hong Kong,        Sales of                              by
O CO.,                10,000.004       Kong,                                       0.00%         100.00%
                                                   China             goods                                 investment
LIMITED                                China
O                                                                    Sales of                              by
                 100,000,000.0015      Nigeria     Nigeria                         0.00%          60.00%
BIOMETRIC                                                            goods                                 investment
                                                                     Sales of                              by
O PANAMA,            360,000.001       Panama      Panama                          0.00%          99.86%
                                                                     goods                                 investment
                      Not applicable   South                         Sales of                              by
T                                                  South Africa                    0.00%         100.00%
                                       Africa                        goods                                 investment
                                                                     Sales of                              by
BIOMETRIC         10,910,000.0012      Kenya       Kenya                           0.00%         100.00%
                                                                     goods                                 investment
                                                                     Sales of                              by
O ROMANIA                250.0021      Romania     Romania                         0.00%         100.00%
                                                                     goods                                 investment
O BUSINESS                             Saudi                         Sales of                              by
                      25,000.0019                  Saudi Arabia                    0.00%         100.00%
SOLUTIONS                              Arabia                        goods                                 investment
11. Hubei
                                                                     Sales of                              by
ZKTeco Co.,        10,000,000.00       Wuhan       Wuhan                          100.00%          0.00%
                                                                     goods                                 investment
12. Wuhan
                                                                     Sales of                              by
Perception          1,000,000.00       Wuhan       Wuhan                           0.00%          51.00%
                                                                     goods                                 investment
Co., Ltd.
SG                                                                   Sales of                              by
                    1,000,000.001      Singapore   Singapore                      100.00%          0.00%
INVESTMEN                                                            goods                                 investment
O                                                                    Sales of                              by
                     500,000.0011      Singapore   Singapore                       0.00%         100.00%
SINGAPORE                                                            goods                                 investment
                 602,983,200.005       Thailand    Thailand          and sales     0.00%          99.99%   Acquisition
Tech Co., Ltd.
                                                                     of goods
                                                                     Sales of                              by
MAX PTE.          20,000,000.001       Singapore   Singapore                       0.00%          80.00%
                                                                     goods                                 investment
IMAX                                                                 Sales of                              by
                      10,000.001       Panama      Panama                          0.00%          80.00%
PANAMA,                                                              goods                                 investment
13.3.2.ZKDIG      10,000,000.007       Columbia    Columbia          Sales of      0.00%          80.00%   by

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

IMAX                                                                      goods                                               investment
                                         South                            Sales of                                            by
IMAX (PTY)             Not applicable                  South Africa                             0.00%           80.00%
                                         Africa                           goods                                               investment
ZKDIGIMAX                                                                 Sales of                                            by
                  10,010,000,000.006     Indonesia     Indonesia                                0.00%           56.00%
EXCEL                                                                     goods                                               investment
ZKDIGIMAX                                                                 Sales of                                            by
                          300,000.001    Xiamen        Xiamen                                   0.00%           80.00%
CHINA CO.,                                                                goods                                               investment
TECHNOLO                                                                  Sales of                                            by
                       1,515,000.0013    Morocco       Morocco                                  0.00%          100.00%
GY                                                                        goods                                               investment
                                                                          Sales of                                            by
CO EGYPT                  120,000.001    Egypt         Egypt                                    0.00%          100.00%
                                                                          goods                                               investment
Note: 1. USD
2. EUR
3. GBP
4. HKD
5. THB
6. IDR
7. COP
8. MXN
9. CLP
10. BRL
11. SGD
12. KES
13. MAD
14. AED
15. NGN
16. Rs
17. TRL
18. RUB
19. SAR
20. MYR
21. RON
22. PEN
23. VND
24. KRW
25. JPY
26. ARS

Explanation of the fact that shareholding percentage is different from the proportion of voting rights in the subsidiaries:

                                                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report


      Basis for holding half or less of the voting rights but still controlling the investee, and holding more than half of the voting rights but
      not controlling the investee:


      For important structured entities included in the consolidation scope, the basis for control is:

      Basis for determining whether the Company is an agent or principal:

      Other explanations: ZKDIGIMAX (PTY) LTD has registered capital with paid in capital, which has not been paid as of the end of the

      (2) Important partly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Profit and loss                 Dividends declared for
                                              Minority shareholding          attributable to minority             distribution to minority              Closing balance of
          Name of Subsidiaries
                                                      ratio                  shareholders in current                shareholders in the                  minority interest
                                                                                      period                           current period
                                                               23.08%                       9,584,897.96                      10,655,807.14                            5,949,661.53
      Explanation of the fact that shareholding percentage is different from the proportion of voting rights for minority shareholders in the

      Other explanations:

      (3) Main financial information of important partly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                   Ending Balance                                                                 Beginning Balance

         Name of                                                             Non-
                                     Non-                      Current                     Total                     Non-                      Current      curre           Total
        Subsidiari    Current                      Total                   current                     Current                     Total
                                  current                     liabilitie                  liabilitie                current                    liabilitie       nt        liabilitie
             es        assets                      assets                  liabiliti                    assets                     assets
                                     assets                       s                           s                      assets                        s        liabili           s
        TECHNO        50,098,4       1,292,4      51,390,9    28,076,0     755,75         28,831,7     61,698,4      440,32       62,138,7     36,590,5                   36,590,5
        LOGY             92.78        68.63         61.41        07.15        5.59           62.74       39.58         9.48          69.06        88.71                      88.71

                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                       Amount incurred in the current period                                                  Amount incurred in the previous period
     Name of                                                     Total             Cash flow from                                                       Total              Cash flow from
                      Operating                                                                            Operating
 Subsidiaries                             Net profit         comprehensive             operating                                 Net profit       comprehensive               operating
                       income                                                                               income
                                                                income                  activities                                                     income                  activities
                     56,247,880.47      31,949,659.82         32,228,136.86            38,230,718.47     74,892,637.61         44,089,564.44        45,848,858.91            50,898,526.54

                                                                                                                ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report


      Other explanations:

      2. Transactions resulting in change of owners' equity in subsidiaries and the subsidiaries still being under

      (1) Change of owners' equity in subsidiaries

           The local registered capital of our subsidiary ZKTeco Latam R&D S.A. of the Company was originally ARS7,000,000.00, with
      98% equity of ZKTECO CO., LIMITED. However, the paid in capital ARS2,786,000.00 was not fully paid, and ZKTECO
      ARGENTINA S.A. held 2% equity and fully paid the investment ARS140,000.00. According to the Company's decision, ZKTeco
      Latam R&D S.A. completed the capital reduction procedures locally in Argentina in January 2024. The local registered capital was
      changed from ARS7,000,000.00 to ARS2,926,000.00, and the total number of shares decreased from 7,000 to 2,926, with ZKTECO
      ARGENTINA S.A. holding 140 shares and ZKTECO CO., LIMITED holding 2,786 shares. After the capital decrease, the paid in
      capital amount of ZKTeco Latam R&D S.A. remained unchanged, but the shareholding ratio of ZKTECO CO., LIMITED in ZKTeco
      Latam R&D S.A. increased from 98% to 95.22%, and the shareholding ratio of ZKTECO ARGENTINA S.A. increased from 2% to

      3. Equity in joint arrangements or associates

      (1) Important joint ventures or associates

                                                                                                Percentage of shares               Accounting
          Name of joint
                              Main business       Registration          Nature of                                                  methods for
           venture or
                                 place               place              business             Direct             Indirect         investments in
                                                                                                                                  joint ventures
                                                                                                                                   or associates
         Xinhuaxin                                                  Software and
         (Xi'an)                                                    information                                                 Long-term
         Information          Xi'an             Xi'an               technology                   19.89%                         equity
         Technology                                                 services                                                    investment
         Co., Ltd.                                                  industry
      Explanation of the fact that shareholding percentage is different from the proportion of voting rights in the joint ventures or associates:


      Basis for holding less than 20% of voting rights but having significant impact, or holding 20% or more of voting rights but not having
      significant impact:

      (2) Major financial information of important associates

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Beginning balance/amount incurred in
                                                        Ending balance/current amount incurred
                                                                                                               the previous period

         Current assets                                                                109,246.92                                  7,510,080.96
         Non-current assets                                                                                                          307,582.52
         Total assets                                                                  109,246.92                                  7,817,663.48

                                                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  Current liabilities                                                      200,000.00                               20,381,375.86
  Non-current liabilities
  Total liabilities                                                        200,000.00                               20,381,375.86

  Minority interests
  Shareholders' equity attributable to the
                                                                            -90,753.08                             -12,563,712.38
  parent company
  Net asset share calculated based on
                                                                            -18,047.52                              -2,498,470.10
  shareholding ratio
  Adjustment matters
  --Unrealized profits from internal
  Book value of equity investment in
  Fair value of equity investments in
  associates with public offers
  Operating income                                                        1,143,428.23                               2,854,572.43
  Net profit                                                            12,472,959.30                               -5,411,549.51
  Net profit from discontinued operations
  Other comprehensive income
  Total comprehensive income                                            12,472,959.30                               -5,411,549.51

  Dividends received from associates this

Other explanations:

Xinhuaxin (Xi'an) Information Technology Co., Ltd. completed its industrial and commercial deregistration on August 21, 2024.

(3) Summary financial information of unimportant joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                           Beginning balance/amount incurred in
                                               Ending balance/current amount incurred
                                                                                                   the previous period
  Joint venture:
  The total number of the following items
  calculated based on shareholding ratio
  Total investment book value                                           29,071,504.20                               29,781,888.62
  The total number of the following items
  calculated based on shareholding ratio
  -- Net profit                                                          -1,006,921.81                                -185,118.03
  -- Other comprehensive income                                              91,638.47                                 252,450.00
  --Total comprehensive incomes                                            -915,283.34                                  67,331.97

Other explanations:

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

(4) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associates

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                      Accumulated unrecognized        Unrecognized losses in the
     Name of joint venture or                                                                             Accumulated unrecognized
                                       losses accumulated in the     current period (or net profit
           associate                                                                                    losses at the end of this period
                                            previous period          shared in the current period)
  Xinhuaxin (Xi'an)
  Information Technology Co.,                      -13,015,860.32                     12,997,812.80                         -18,047.52
  ZKTECO SOLUTIONS INC.                              -716,468.40                          -34,226.03                       -750,694.43
                                                     -427,490.18                        -170,672.89                        -598,163.07
Other explanations:

Xinhuaxin (Xi'an) Information Technology Co., Ltd. completed its industrial and commercial deregistration on August 21, 2024.

XI. Government Subsidies

1. Government subsidies recognized by accounts receivable at the end of the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for not receiving the expected amount of government subsidies at the expected time point
□ Applicable Not applicable

2. Liability items involving government subsidies

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Newly added     included in       Amount of
                                       subsidy           non-        other income
   Accounting         Beginning                                                         changes in        Ending         Assets/Incom
                                      amount in       operating      transferred in
    Subject            Balance                                                          the current       Balance          e-related
                                       current       income for        the current
                                        period       the current         period
  Deferred                                                                                                               Assets-
                      1,853,549.62                                      92,734.28                       1,760,815.34
  income                                                                                                                 related
  Total               1,853,549.62                                      92,734.28                       1,760,815.34

3. Government subsidies included in current profits and losses

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
             Accounting Subject                 Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
  Value added tax is collected and
                                                                           2,163,132.04                                   2,751,057.22
  refunded immediately
  Dongguan Economic and Information
  Technology Bureau "Human                                                    29,499.54                                      29,499.58
  Replacement by Machine" Fund
  Automation Project Subsidy of
                                                                              30,298.38                                      30,298.36
  Dongguan Bureau of Industry and

                                                                   ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  Information Technology
  Industrial Support and Transformation
  and Upgrading Special Fund (Integration
  of Informatization and Industrialization)           10,982.96                       11,325.09
  of Dongguan Bureau of Industry and
  Information Technology
  Subsidy for Residency and Decoration of
  Management Committee of Xiamen
                                                      13,924.20                       13,924.20
  Torch High-Tech Industry Development
  Subsidy for Exhibition Hall Decoration
  of Management Committee of Xiamen
                                                       8,029.20                        8,029.20
  Torch High-Tech Industry Development
  Stabilization allowance                              91,619.56                      90,930.44
  Value added tax deduction                         1,174,248.07                       3,053.49
  Rewards for high-tech enterprise
  One-time job expansion subsidy                      69,500.00                       45,000.00
  Subsidies for enterprise R&D expenses                                              400,000.00
  Support Fund for Increasing R&D
  Investment of the Management
  Committee of Xiamen Torch High-Tech
  Industry Development Zone
  Singapore Employment Support Scheme                                                 94,745.70
  One-time Training Subsidy for Retention
  of Workers of Social Security Bureau
  2022 Provincial Special Fund for
  Promoting High Quality Economic
  Development of Bureau of Commerce of
  Dongguan City
  Graduates' Social Security Subsidies                32,449.14                       29,797.67
  Special Fund for 2023 Central Foreign
  Economic and Trade Development of
  Guangdong Province (Promoting Foreign               13,366.81
  Investment Cooperation) - Policy Credit
  Insurance Subsidy
  Economic Development Bureau's 100
  RMB 100 Million Enterprise Cultivation             200,000.00
  2022 National Intellectual Property
  Advantage Enterprise Award of Xiamen                                               200,000.00
  Municipal Market Supervision Bureau
  Employment Subsidies for Poverty
  Alleviation Population
  Export Credit Insurance Purchase
  Promotion Project of Provincial Special
  Fund for Promoting High Quality
  Development of Economy in 2024
  (Promoting the Development of Foreign
  Social Security Subsidies for Individuals
  Facing Employment Difficulties
  Others                                               12,325.38                      89,894.90
  Total                                             8,127,859.77                   5,545,156.28
Other explanations:

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

XII. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

1. Various risks arising from financial instruments

1. Credit risk
     Credit risk refers to the risk of financial losses incurred by the Company due to the counterparty's failure to fulfill contract
obligations. The management has established appropriate credit policies and continuously monitors the exposure to credit risk.
     The Company has adopted a policy of only trading with reputable counterparties. In addition, the Company evaluates the credit
qualifications of customers based on their financial position, the possibility of obtaining guarantees from third parties, credit records,
and other factors such as current market conditions, and sets corresponding credit periods. The Company continuously monitors the
notes receivable, accounts receivable balance, and collection. For customers with poor credit records, the Company will use written
reminders, shorten or cancel credit periods, etc. to ensure that the Company does not face significant credit losses. In addition, the
Company reviews the recovery of financial assets on each balance sheet date to ensure that sufficient provisions for expected credit
losses have been made for the relevant financial assets.
     The credit risk of other financial assets of the Company, including monetary funds, other receivables, debt investments, etc., arises
from counterparty defaults, and the maximum credit risk exposure is the carrying amount of each financial asset on the balance sheet.
The Company has not provided any other guarantee that may expose the Company to credit risk.
     The monetary funds held by the Company are mainly deposited in state-owned holding banks and other large and medium-sized
commercial banks and other financial institutions. The management believes that these commercial banks have a high reputation and
good asset status, there is no significant credit risk, and there will be no significant losses caused by the default of the counterparty.
The Company's policy is to control the amount of deposits held in deposits based on the market reputation, business scale, and financial
background of well-known financial institutions, in order to limit the credit risk amount to any individual financial institution.
     As part of the Company's credit risk asset management, the Company uses aging to assess impairment losses on accounts
receivable and other receivables. The Company's accounts receivable and other receivables involve a large number of customers, and
the aging information can reflect the solvency and bad debt risk of these customers for accounts receivable and other receivables. The
Company calculates the historical actual bad debt rate for different aging periods based on historical data, and takes into account current
and future economic forecasts, such as forward-looking information like national GDP growth rate, total infrastructure investment, and
national monetary policy, to adjust the expected loss rate. For long-term receivables, the Company takes into account the settlement
period, payment period stipulated in the contract, the financial position of the debtor, and the economic situation of the debtor's industry,
and adjusts the expected credit loss based on the forward-looking information mentioned above.
     As of June 30, 2024, the book balances and expected credit impairment losses of related assets are as follows:
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                       Item                                             Book balance            Impairment provision

   Accounts receivable                                                                       505,242,359.77               34,924,858.45

   Other receivables                                                                           44,589,719.58               5,665,726.44

   Debt investment (including debt investment due within one year)                             46,261,254.10

   Long-term receivables (including payments due within one year)                               3,806,228.60

   Total                                                                                     599,899,562.05               40,590,584.89
     Due to the fact that the Company's receivable risk points are distributed among multiple partners and customers, as of June 30,
2024, 23.43% (December 31, 2023: 22.14%) of the Company's receivables and ending balance of contract assets came from the top
five customers with outstanding balances, and the Company did not have significant credit concentration risks.
     The Company's maximum credit risk exposure is the book value of each financial asset in the balance sheet.

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

     For the bank financial products invested by the Company, the counterparty must have a credit rating higher than or equal to that
of the Company. Given the good credit rating of the counterparty, the Company's management does not anticipate that the counterparty
will be unable to fulfill its obligations.
2. Liquidity risk
     The liquidity risk refers to the risk of capital shortage of the Company taking place in the course of cash payment or settlement
via other financial assets. The policy of the Company is to ensure that there is sufficient cash for the payment of the matured debts.
Each member enterprise of the Company is responsible for its cash flow forecast. The Finance Department under the Company
continuously monitors the Company's short-term and long-term funding needs at the company level based on the cash flow forecast
results of each member enterprise, to ensure the maintenance of sufficient cash reserves; simultaneously, the Finance Department
continuously monitors whether it complies with the provisions of the loan agreement and obtains commitments from major financial
institutions to provide sufficient reserve funds to meet short-term and long-term funding needs. In addition, the Company has entered
into financing and credit agreements with major correspondent banks to provide support for the Company's obligations related to
commercial bills. As of June 30, 2024, the Company has obtained credit lines from multiple domestic banks, with a total amount of
RMB 1.4 billion, of which RMB 210.8004 million has been used.
     As of June 30, 2024, the Company's financial liabilities and off balance sheet guarantee items are presented as undiscounted
contract cash flows over the remaining term of the contract as follows:
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                           Ending Balance
                                             Within 1 year          1-5 years          Over 5 years               Total

        Notes payable                          148,568,276.33                                                    148,568,276.33

        Accounts payable                       171,238,426.99                                                    171,238,426.99
        Other payables                           43,034,768.84                                                     43,034,768.84
        Non-current liabilities due
                                                 22,626,110.87                                                     22,626,110.87
        within one year
        Other current liabilities                11,195,334.26                                                     11,195,334.26

        Lease liabilities                                            22,888,617.57                                 22,888,617.57

        Long-term loan                                                7,320,192.70                                  7,320,192.70
        Total                                  396,662,917.29        30,208,810.27                               426,871,727.56

3. Market risk
(1) Exchange rate risk
     The main business of the Company is operated within the territory of China, which is settled in RMB. However, there are still
exchange risks in the foreign currency assets and liabilities recognized and future foreign currency transactions of the Company (the
valuation currency for foreign currency assets and liabilities, as well as foreign currency transactions, is mainly USD). The Finance
Department of the Company is responsible for monitoring the scale of foreign currency transactions and foreign currency assets and
liabilities to minimize the exchange rate risk faced.
     The foreign currency financial assets and foreign currency financial liabilities of the Company at the end of the period are
presented in Note V Note 60. Foreign currency monetary items.
(2) Interest rate risk
     The Company's interest rate risk mainly arises from bank loans, etc. Floating-rate financial liabilities expose the Company to cash
flow interest rate risk while fixed-rate financial liabilities expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk. The Company determines
the relative proportion of contracts with fixed interest rate and contracts with floating interest rate according to the current market

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

     The Finance Department of the Company continuously monitors the Company's interest rate level. The increases in interest rate
will increase the costs of the new interest-bearing debts and the interest expenses of interest-bearing debts failing to be paid up by the
Company and subject to the interest calculation at floating interest rate, and will, significantly and adversely, affect the Company's
financial results; the management will make an adjustment according to the latest market conditions to reduce the interest rate risks.

XIII. Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                  Fair value at the end of the period
             Item               First level fair value    Second level fair value      Third level fair value
                                    measurement               measurement                  measurement
   I. Continuous fair value
                                          --                         --                          --                         --
   (I) Trading financial
                                                                  545,824,974.27                                         545,824,974.27
   1. Financial assets
   measured at fair value
   and whose changes are                                          545,824,974.27                                         545,824,974.27
   included in the current
   profits and losses
   (1) Debt instrument
                                                                  545,824,974.27                                         545,824,974.27
   Total assets
   continuously measured                                          545,824,974.27                                         545,824,974.27
   at fair value
   II. Continuous fair
                                          --                         --                          --                         --
   value measurement

2. Basis for determining the market value of continuous and non-continuous first level fair value
measurement items


3. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters used for
continuous and non-continuous second level fair value measurement items

       The Company divides its bank financial products into financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in
the current profits and losses, and subsequently measures them at fair value. At the end of the period, the expected income is calculated
based on the expected return rate of the bank financial products, and it is used as the fair value with the principal at the end of the

4. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters used for
continuous and non-continuous third level fair value measurement items


                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

5. Information on adjustment between beginning book value and ending book value of items subject to Level
3 on a going fair value measurement and sensitivity analysis of non-observable parameters


6. Continuous fair value measurement items that undergo conversion between different levels during the
current period, the reasons for conversion, and the policy for determining the conversion time point


7. Changes in valuation techniques and reasons for such changes during the current period


8. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

       Financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value mainly include accounts receivable, short-term loans, payables, non-
current liabilities due within one year, and long-term loans. The difference between the carrying amounts of financial assets and
liabilities not measured at fair value and fair value is very small.

9. Other


XIV. Related Parties and Related Party Transactions

1. Information of the parent company of the enterprise

                                                                                                  Share proportion     Proportion of
   Name of the parent                                                                               held by parent   voting rights of the
                           Registration place     Nature of business         Registered Capital
      company                                                                                      company in the    parent company to
                                                                                                      enterprise       the Company
   Shenzhen ZKTeco
   Times Investment       Shenzhen                Established                RMB 9 million                 30.05%                30.05%
   Co., Ltd.
Explanation of the parent company of the enterprise
The ultimate controller of this enterprise is Che Quanhong.
Other explanations:

2. Subsidiaries of the enterprise

The situation of the Company's subsidiaries is detailed in Note X 1. Equity in subsidiaries.

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

3. Information of joint ventures and associates of the enterprise

For important joint ventures or associates of the enterprise, please refer to Note X 3. Equity in joint venture arrangements or associates.
Related party transactions with the Company occurred in the current period, the information of other joint ventures or associates that
have formed balances through related party transactions with the Company in the early stage is as follows:

                  Name of joint venture or associate                                     Relationship with the enterprise
   ZKTECO SMART CITY (THAILAND) CO., LTD.                                Joint venture
   PT. ZKTECO SECURITY INDONESIA                                         Joint venture
   ZKTECO SOLUTIONS INC.                                                 Joint venture
   CV Squared, Inc.                                                      Joint venture
   Guizhou Zhongjiang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                   Joint venture
   Xinhuaxin (Xi'an) Information Technology Co., Ltd.                    Joint venture
   Xiamen Xingniu Yunyu Venture Capital Partnership Enterprise
                                                                         Joint venture
   (Limited Partnership)
   Silk ID Systems Inc.                                                  Joint venture
Other explanations:

(1) Xinhuaxin (Xi'an) Information Technology Co., Ltd. completed its industrial and commercial deregistration on August 21, 2024.
(2) Due to changes in market demand, the shareholders' meeting of Silk ID Systems Inc. has decided to liquidate and deregister the
Company. The Company completed its investment registration deregistration with the Bureau of Commerce in China in May 2024.

4. Conditions of other affiliated parties

                      Names of other related parties                      Relationship between other related parties and the enterprise
                                                                         An enterprise controlled by the minority shareholder Fernando
                                                                         Ducay Real of subsidiary ZKTECO EUROPE SL; Fernando
   PSD SECURITY, S.L.                                                    Ducay Real also holds 27.38% of the capital contribution share
                                                                         of JYLX, which holds 2.39% of the Company's shares (as of
                                                                         June 30, 2024)
   Liu Jiajia                                                            Former supervisor
   Shenzhen Huijiang Industrial Group Co., Ltd.                          A shareholder holding 49.00% equity in Shenzhen Zhongjiang
   Wu Xinke                                                              Former supervisor
   Yang Xianfeng                                                         Supervisor
   Wu Xiongxiong                                                         Supervisor of the controlling shareholder ZKTeco Times
   Shenzhen Zhongjiang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                  Subsidiaries in the process of compulsory liquidation
Other explanations: The Company acquired all the minority shareholders' equity of subsidiary ZK SOFTWARE DE MEXICO, S.A.
DE C.V. in August 2023. TVCENLINEA.COM SA DE CV was a company controlled by minority shareholders. According to the
relevant provisions of the "Rules Governing the Listing of Shares on the ChiNext Market of Shenzhen Stock Exchange", from August
2023 to August 2024, TVCENLINEA.COM SA DE CV was still be considered as a related party of the listed company. During this
period, the transactions between TVCENLINEA.COM SA DE CV and the listed company still constitute related party transactions.
Therefore, the transactions between the Company and TVCENLINEA.COM SA DE CV from January to June 2024 constitute related
party transactions.

5. Related party transactions

(1) Related party transactions for purchasing and selling goods, providing and receiving labor services

Table of Purchasing Goods/Accepting Labor Services

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                           Content of related     Amount incurred            Approved           Does it exceed the      Amount incurred
      Related party
                           party transaction       in the current         transaction limit      transaction limit       in the previous

                                                                                                           ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                          period                                                           period
                           Purchasing goods               1,903,206.24            3,500,000.00   No                        1,523,554.19
                           Purchasing goods                           0.00           10,000.00   No                            9,150.04
                           Purchasing goods                  86,270.11                    0.00                                 3,900.71
   CO., LTD.
   Xinhuaxin (Xi'an)
                           Service fee                                0.00                0.00                               559,759.24
   Technology Co.,
   SECURITY                                                           0.00                0.00                               127,473.68
Selling goods/rendering labor service

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                           Content of related party           Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred in the
           Related party
                                                transaction                      current period               previous period
   Xinhuaxin (Xi'an)
   Information Technology Co.,         Selling goods                                               0.00                    18,380.27
                                       Selling goods                                        867,424.05                    852,201.76
                                       Selling goods                                        411,149.62                  1,108,553.37
                                       Selling goods                                     38,110,767.51                 20,076,960.61
   DE CV
   PSD SECURITY, S.L.                  Selling goods                                      2,331,543.67                  1,920,743.51
                                       Selling goods                                      4,751,125.29                  2,298,463.42
Description of related party transactions for purchasing and selling goods, providing and receiving labor services

     Note: The expected daily related party transaction limit of the Company is the maximum amount that both parties may sign a
contract, and the actual amount incurred is determined based on the business development of both parties, resulting in a certain
difference between the actual amount incurred and the expected amount. The difference in amount is relatively small and does not meet
the criteria for review by the Board of Directors. The daily related party transactions of the Company in half year of 2024 were based
on the normal production and operation needs of the Company. The related party transactions comply with the principles of fairness,
openness, and impartiality, and there is a certain difference between the actual amount incurred and the expected amount. This is mainly
due to the Company's appropriate adjustments based on business conditions, and there is no situation that damages the Company and
shareholders' rights and interests, which will not affect the independence of the Company.

(2) Related party lease

The Company as lessor:

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                              Confirmed rental income in    Rental income recognized in
          Name of leasee                     Types of leased assets
                                                                                  the current period            the previous period
                                         Houses and buildings                                 140,413.28                     139,163.10

                                                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

  The Company as lessee:

                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                         Variable lease
                            Simplified rental fees       payments not
                                                                                                                    Interest expenses on
                            for short-term leases       included in the
                                                                                            Rent paid                  lease liabilities       Increased right-of-use assets
                             and low value asset        measurement of
                Types of    leases (if applicable)     lease liabilities (if
 Name of
                 leased                                   applicable)
                 assets     Amount        Amount      Amount       Amount                                           Amount        Amount                          Amount
                                                                                  Amount           Amount                                        Amount
                            incurred      incurred    incurred     incurred                                         incurred      incurred                       incurred in
                                                                                 incurred in      incurred in                                   incurred in
                             in the        in the      in the        in the                                          in the         in the                           the
                                                                                 the current     the previous                                   the current
                             current      previous    current      previous                                         current       previous                        previous
                                                                                   period           period                                        period
                             period        period     period        period                                          period         period                          period
                and              0.00         0.00        0.00          0.00     656,283.06      1,282,566.12   12,249.36         41,308.72    -4,041,291.00           0.00
(Xi'an)         Houses
Information     and         22,935.78         0.00        0.00          0.00           0.00         93,256.20           0.00      -3,501.28             0.00      -79,054.58
Technology      buildings
Co., Ltd.

  Information of related leasing situation

  (3) Compensation for key management personnel

                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                            Item                                Amount incurred in the current period                  Amount incurred in the previous period
      Remuneration of key management
                                                                                                  3,787,829.58                                             4,541,331.25

  6. Accounts receivable and payable to related parties

  (1) Accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                               Ending Balance                                        Beginning Balance
            Project Name              Related party
                                                                 Book balance               Bad debt reserve              Book balance             Bad debt reserve
                                PT. ZKTECO
                                SECURITY                            5,552,145.44                    664,536.26                  4,972,664.59                  499,062.11
                                ZKTECO SMART
      Accounts                  CITY
                                                                       271,352.47                       13,567.62               1,377,973.61                   68,898.68
      receivable                (THAILAND)
                                CO., LTD.
                                SOLUTIONS                          16,160,499.57                    808,024.98                 15,485,450.49                  859,347.75
                                Zhongjiang                             334,800.21                   334,800.21                   334,800.21                   334,800.21

                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                        Technology Co.,
  Accounts              PSD SECURITY,
                                                     1,614,196.38            80,709.80        1,196,725.73                 59,836.29
  receivable            S.L.
                        Intelligent                     329,077.00          329,077.00
                        Technology Co.,
  Other receivables     Che Quanhong                                                               131,771.27
  Other receivables     Intelligent                     397,428.70          397,428.70             397,428.70            397,428.70
                        Technology Co.,
                        Xinhuaxin (Xi'an)
  Other receivables                                                                                 31,395.00
                        Technology Co.,
  Other receivables     Yang Xianfeng                    28,208.34                                  28,208.34
  Other receivables     He Yanting                       20,000.00
  Other receivables     Wu Xiongxiong                    47,884.02
  Other receivables     Intelligent                  1,941,963.89         1,941,963.89
                        Technology Co.,

(2) Accounts payable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
    Project Name                        Related party                       Closing book balance         Opening book balance
  Accounts            ZKTECO SMART CITY (THAILAND) CO.,
  payable             LTD.
  Other payables      PSD SECURITY, S.L.                                                                                  8,079.96

  Other payables      Shenzhen Huijiang Industrial Group Co., Ltd.                                                   1,800,000.00

  Other payables      Wu Xinke                                                                                           61,071.16
  Other payables      Wu Xiongxiong                                                                                      62,109.13
  Other payables      Wu Xuejing                                                              994
                      CV Squared,Inc.                                                 1,275,140.00                   1,275,140.00
                      Silk ID Systems Inc.                                                                               53,387.06

XV. Share-based Payment

1. Overall information of share-based payment

Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

         Grant object category               Current grant       Current exercise   Unlocked in current         Expired in current

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                               period                  period
                                          Quantity   Amount      Quantity      Amount    Quantity    Amount     Quantity     Amount
   Directors, senior management,
   middle managers and core
   technology (business) backbone
   employees of the Company
   (including branches and

Outstanding stock options or other equity instruments at the end of the period
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                          Outstanding other equity instruments at the
                                    Outstanding stock options at the period end
                                                                                                         period end
    Grant object category
                                                             Remaining term of the       Range of exercise     Remaining term of the
                              Range of exercise price
                                                                   contract                   price                  contract
                                                         The remaining term of the
                              The exercise price for
                                                         share option contracts
                              the first grant of stock
   Directors, senior                                     issued by the Company for
                              options issued by the
   management, middle                                    the first time in 2022 is
                              Company in 2022 is
   managers and core                                     from January 1, 2024 to
                              RMB 14.12 per share,
   technology (business)                                 November 16, 2024. The
                              while the exercise price
   backbone employees of                                 remaining term of the share
                              for the reserved grant
   the Company                                           option contracts issued by
                              of stock options issued
   (including branches                                   the Company for the
                              by the Company in
   and subsidiaries)                                     reserved grant in 2022 is
                              2022 is RMB 14.12 per
                                                         from January 1, 2024 to
                                                         June 21, 2025.
Other explanations:

2. Equity settled share-based payments

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

   Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments on
                                                                        Determination of Fair Value Based on the Black Scholes Model
   the grant date
                                                                        On each balance sheet date during the waiting period, the
   Basis for Determining the Number of Exercisable Equity               Company predicts based on the latest number of exercisable
   Instruments                                                          rights, completion of performance indicators, personal
                                                                        assessment status, and other subsequent information
   Reasons for significant differences between the current
   estimate and the previous estimate
   Accumulated amount of equity settled share-based payments
   recognized in capital reserve
   The total amount of expenses recognized for equity settled
   share-based payments in this period

Other explanations:

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

       On November 16, 2022, the Company held the 21st Session of the Second Board Meeting, and deliberated and approved the
"Proposal on Granting Restricted Shareto Incentive Objects of 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan for the First Time". The
independent directors of the Company expressed relevant opinions on this matter, and believed that the conditions for granting
stipulated in the Company's incentive plan had been met, the determined grant date was in line with relevant regulations, the scope of
incentive objects stipulated in the Company's restricted share incentive plan, and its subject qualification as the incentive object of the
Company's restricted share incentive plan was legal and effective. The Board of Supervisors verified the list of incentive objects granted
on the grant date and issued verification opinions.
       On June 21, 2023, the Company held the Third Session of the Third Board Meeting, and deliberated and approved the "Proposal
on Adjusting the Granting Price and Quantity of 2022 Restricted Share Incentive Plan", "Proposal on Cancelling Some Granted but
Not Affiliated Restricted Shares", and "Proposal on Granting Reserved Restricted Shares to the Incentive Objects of 2022 Restricted
Share Incentive Plan". The independent directors of the Company have expressed relevant opinions on this matter, believing that the
grant date complies with the relevant provisions of the "Management Measures" and the Company's restricted share incentive plan
regarding the grant date. The Company and the incentive objects of reserved grant have not experienced any circumstances where
rights and interests cannot be granted, and the grant conditions stipulated in the Company's incentive plan have been met. The Board
of Supervisors verified the list of incentive objects granted on the grant date and issued verification opinions.

3. Cash settled share-based payments

□ Applicable Not applicable

4. Share-based payment fees in the current period

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

              Grant object category               Equity settled share-based payment fees        Cash settled share-based payment fees
   Directors, senior management, middle
   managers and core technology (business)
   backbone employees of the Company
   (including branches and subsidiaries)
                      Total                                                    7,765,311.61

Other explanations:

5. Modification and termination of share-based payment


6. Others


                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

XVI. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Significant commitments

Significant commitments on the balance sheet date

There are no significant commitments that need to be disclosed by the Company.

2. Contingencies

(1) Significant contingencies on the balance sheet date

      Contingencies arising from pending litigation or arbitration and their financial impact
      1) Lease contract dispute with Guizhou Yiyun Big Data Service Co., Ltd.
      The associate of the Company, Guizhou Zhongjiang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., has been sued for a leasing dispute with
Guizhou Yiyun Big Data Service Co., Ltd. As of the date of approval for the financial statements, this case has been adjudicated in the
second instance. The compulsory execution procedure has been terminated, and the subsidiary Shenzhen Zhongjiang Intelligent
Technology Co., Ltd. and its legal representative Tang Zhenzan have been restricted from high consumption.
      The controlling subsidiary of the Company, Shenzhen Zhongjiang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and He Siting, as a
shareholder of Guizhou Zhongjiang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., bear joint and several liability, with a litigation amount of ①
RMB 501,307.00 and the penalty for overdue payment (based on unpaid rent and calculated at an annual interest rate of 3.85%, from
April 23, 2020 to the date when the rent is fully paid); ② Pay a rent free period loss of RMB 100,000.00.
      As of the date of approval for these financial statements, the controlling subsidiary of the Company, Shenzhen Zhongjiang
Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., has become insolvent and the Company starts the compulsory liquidation. Guizhou Yiyun Big Data
Service Co., Ltd. has declared its creditor's rights to the liquidation team and received confirmation. The subsequent liquidation team
will distribute according to the actual property situation of Shenzhen Zhongjiang in accordance with the law, and the specific amount
available for distribution will be notified by the liquidation team.
      Except for the above contingencies, as of June 30, 2024, the Company has no other important contingencies that should be
disclosed but not disclosed.

(2) The Company shall also provide a description if there are no important contingencies that need to be
There are no significant contingencies that need to be disclosed by the Company.

3. Others

XVII. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Important non adjustment matters

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                             Number of impacts on       The reason for the inability to
                Item                              Content                    financial position and        estimate the number of
                                                                                operating results                 impacts

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

2. Profit distribution

3. Description of other events after the balance sheet date

XVIII. Other Important Events

1. Other important transactions and matters that have an impact on investors' decisions

     (1) ZKTECO filed a lawsuit against Zhongan Intelligent Control, Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen

regarding a loan contract dispute
     On July 31, 2019, the Company filed a lawsuit against Shenzhen Zhongan Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. (hereafter
referred to as "Zhongan Intelligent Control"), Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen in the Third People's Court of
Dongguan City, Guangdong Province regarding a loan contract dispute, requesting judgment that Zhongan Intelligent Control repay
the loan of RMB 7,757,380.00 and pay interest of RMB 262,560.75 (calculated from April 1, 2019 at an annual interest rate of 8.70%
and temporarily recorded until July 31, 2019); request judgment that Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen bear joint
and several payment responsibilities for the loan and interest; request that Zhongan Intelligent Control, Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin,
Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen pay an attorney fee of RMB 240,000.00, a guarantee fee of RMB 8,200.00, and all legal costs in this case
in the judgment.
     The cause of action was in December 2017. Zhongan Intelligent Control borrowed RMB 7,000,000.00 from the Company for
business development reasons, with a repayment deadline of May 9, 2018. Afterwards, Zhongan Intelligent Control was unable to
repay the aforementioned loan, and after negotiation, the repayment date was changed to January 10, 2019. In October 2018, due to a
shortage of working capital, Zhongan Intelligent Control proposed to advance the mold opening fee of RMB 757,380.00 to the
Company, and the Company once again provided a loan of RMB 757,380.00 to Zhongan Intelligent Control. In April 2019, the
Company signed a supplementary agreement with Zhongan Intelligent Control, stipulating that the loan and interest would be repaid
on a monthly basis starting from April 2019. Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen would bear unlimited joint and
several guarantee liability. After the contract was signed, Zhongan Intelligent Control did not repay on time.
     The case has been accepted by the Third People's Court of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. The case number is (2019) Y
1973 MC No. 12578. On October 31, 2020, Zhongan Intelligent Control was sentenced to repay the loan of RMB 7,757,380.00 and
interest (with RMB 7,757,380.00 as the principal, calculated at an annual interest rate of 8.70% from April 1, 2019 to the actual payment
date). Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen bear joint and several liability for the repayment of the above-mentioned
debt scope. At the same time, Zhongan Intelligent Control shall bear the actual attorney fee of RMB 240,000.00 and preservation and
guarantee service fees of RMB 8,200.00 in this lawsuit.
     On October 29, 2020, the People's Court of Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province accepted the bankruptcy
liquidation case of Zhongan Intelligent Control, with case number (2020) Y 0307 PS No. 33, and designated the bankruptcy
administrator for the case. According to the (2020) Y 0307 P No. 30-1 "Civil Ruling" issued by the People's Court of Longgang District,
Shenzhen on May 14, 2021, it was determined to confirm the creditor's rights recorded in the "Debt Statement of Shenzhen Zhongan
Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd.", and the amount of the Company's ordinary creditor's rights was RMB 9,150,710.78. On July
2, 2021, the People's Court of Longgang District, Shenzhen City issued the (2020) Y 0307 P No. 30-4 "Civil Ruling", declaring Zhongan
Intelligent Control's bankrupcy; on July 14, 2021, the People's Court of Longgang District, Shenzhen City issued the (2020) Y 0307 P
No. 30-5 "Civil Ruling", approving the bankruptcy property distribution plan of Zhongan Intelligent Control. After the completion of
the bankruptcy property distribution plan, the assets under the name of Zhongan Intelligent Control were insufficient to repay all of its
debts, and the Company did not receive repayment.
     On July 20, 2021, the People's Court of Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province issued the (2020) Y 0307 P No.
30-8 "Civil Ruling", ruling to terminate the bankruptcy proceedings of Zhongan Intelligent Control. As of the date of approval of the

                                                                                                        ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

financial report, Zhongan Intelligent Control has been deregistered. The balance after offsetting the original debt and credit of Zhongan
Intelligent Control has been completed according to the Company's verification process.

     (2) ZKTECO filed a lawsuit against Zhikongtaike, Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen in the case

regarding equity transfer dispute
     On July 31, 2019, the Company filed a lawsuit against Shenzhen Zhikongtaike Biometric Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as "Zhikongtaike"), Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen in a dispute over equity transfer with the Third
People's Court of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, requesting that Zhikongtaike pay the remaining equity transfer fee of RMB
2,500,000.00 and interest of RMB 84,616.44 (calculated from April 1, 2019 at an annual interest rate of 8.70% and temporarily recorded
until July 31, 2019), as well as liquidated damages of RMB 1,020,000.00 for non fulfillment of the agreement; request a judgment that
Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen bear joint and several payment responsibilities for the loan, interest, and
liquidated damages; request the judgment that Zhikongtaike, Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen pay the attorney
fee of RMB 110,000.00, the guarantee fee of RMB 3,600.00, and all legal costs in this case in the judgment.
     The cause of action was in August 2016, when the Company and Zhikongtaike jointly invested to establish Shenzhen Zhongan
Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd. with a registered capital of RMB 10,000,000.00, the Company contributed RMB 5,100,000.00,
holding 51.00% of the shares, and Zhikongtaike contributed RMB 4,900,000.00, holding 49.00% of the shares. After the establishment
of Shenzhen Zhongan Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd., due to conflicts between the Company's and Zhongan Intelligent
Control's business philosophy, after mutual consultation, the Company withdrew from Shenzhen Zhongan Intelligent Control
Technology Co., Ltd. and transferred its equity to Zhikongtaike. On April 22, 2019, both parties signed an "Equity Transfer Agreement"
and a "Guarantee Contract" regarding the transfer of equity. It was agreed that the Company would transfer its 51% equity to
Zhikongtaike for RMB 5,100,000.00, and Zhikongtaike would pay RMB 2,600,000.00 in advance. The remaining RMB 2,500,000.00
would be paid and interest calculated over 21 months, and Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen would bear unlimited
joint and several guarantee liability for the payable amount. After the contract was signed, both parties completed the equity transfer
procedures as agreed, but Zhikongtaike did not make the remaining equity transfer payment as agreed.
     The case has been accepted by the Third People's Court of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, with case number (2019) Y
1973 MC No. 12579. On October 13, 2020, the court ruled that Zhikongtaike should pay the Company an equity transfer fee of RMB
2,500,000.00 and interest, as well as liquidated damages of RMB 1,020,000. Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen
shall be jointly and severally liable for the above-mentioned debt scope. At the same time, Zhikongtaike, Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin,
Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen shall bear the attorney fee of RMB 110,000.00 in this lawsuit.
     On January 8, 2021, the Company submitted an application for compulsory execution to the Third People's Court of Dongguan
City, requesting the enforcement of the (2019) Y 1973 MC No. 12579 judgment against Zhikongtaike, Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang
Peng, and Wang Gen. They shall repay the loan of RMB 2,500,000.00 and interest to the Company (with RMB 2,500,000.00 as the
principal, calculated at an annual interest rate of 8.70% from April 1, 2019 to the actual repayment date), and pay liquidated damages
of RMB 1,020,000.00, the attorney fee of RMB 110,000.00, and the guarantee fee of RMB 3,600.00 to the Company, and double the
debt interest during the delayed performance period.
     On June 24, 2021, the Company reached an "Implementation Settlement Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Original
Agreement") with Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen, agreeing that Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and
Wang Gen shall bear joint and several liability for the equity transfer payment of RMB 2,500,000.00 and interest (with RMB
2,500,000.00 as the principal, and calculated at an annual interest rate of 8.7% from April 1, 2019) and liquidated damages of RMB
1,020,000 for Zhikongtaike to the Company within one year from the date of signing the settlement agreement. At the same time, they
shall pay the attorney fee of RMB 110,000.00 and the guarantee fee of RMB 3,600.00.
     The Company submitted an Implementation Settlement Agreement for compulsory measures against Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin,
Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen to the Third People's Court of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province. On July 21, 2021, the Company
applied to withdraw the enforcement application against Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen. On the same day, the
Third People's Court of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province issued an enforcement notice (2021) Y 1973 Z No. 3006 to the Company,

                                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

           informing that the Company had not yet discovered any other property available for enforcement in Zhikongtaike, Liu Yuntian, Yan
           Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen. The court requested the Company to provide it with property clues available for enforcement
           within three days after receiving the enforcement notice, and if it failed to provide them within the time limit and did not provide other
           opinions in writing, the execution procedure would be terminated.
                   On September 9, 2021, the Company received the (2021) Y 1973 Z No. 3006-1 document of ruling issued by the Third People's
           Court of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province on July 22, 2021, ruling to terminate this execution procedure.
                   On June 24, 2022, the Company signed a settlement extension agreement with Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang
           Gen, agreeing to extend the payment term by 6 months on the basis of the Original Agreement. Before December 24, 2022, Liu Yuntian,
           Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen shall pay all the payable amounts to the Company. The debt interest during the delayed
           performance period shall be subject to the Original Agreement. If Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen fail to fulfill
           their payment obligations on time, the Company has the right to apply to the court to resume compulsory enforcement measures against
                   On December 24, 2022, the Company signed a settlement extension agreement with Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and
           Wang Gen, agreeing to extend the payment term by 1 year on the basis of the Original Agreement. Before December 24, 2023, Liu
           Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen shall pay all the payable amounts to the Company. The debt interest during the
           delayed performance period shall be subject to the Original Agreement. If Liu Yuntian, Yan Pingjin, Zhang Peng, and Wang Gen fail
           to fulfill their payment obligations on time, the Company has the right to apply to the court to resume compulsory enforcement measures
           against them. As of the date of approval of the financial report, it has not yet been implemented. The original debt owed to Zhikongtaike
           has been written off according to the Company's verification process.

           2. Others

           XIX. Notes to Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Parent Company

           1. Accounts receivable

           (1) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Aging                            Closing book balance                          Opening book balance
              Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                        431,978,699.85                                  561,799,833.99
              Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                        431,978,699.85                                  561,799,833.99
              1-2 years                                                                 95,468,487.48                                 119,294,578.24
              2-3 years                                                                 20,525,417.36                                   2,319,840.33
              Over 3 years                                                               3,314,039.26                                   2,226,726.86
                     3-4 years                                                           1,434,508.13                                       919,305.45
                     4-5 years                                                             769,314.75                                        59,185.72
                     Over 5 years                                                        1,110,216.38                                   1,248,235.69
              Total                                                                   551,286,643.95                                  685,640,979.42

           (2) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                             Ending Balance                                                       Beginning Balance
                      Book balance                Bad debt reserve    Book value              Book balance               Bad debt reserve          Book value

                                                                                                                             ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                               Accrual                                                                          Accrual
                                 Proportio                                                                       Proportio
                  Amount                        Amount         proporti                         Amount                           Amount         proporti
                                    n                                                                               n
                                                                 on                                                                               on

e with
individu          5,415,645.40      0.98%      4,399,645.40    81.24%        1,016,000.00       5,262,403.88        0.77%       4,246,403.88    80.69%         1,016,000.00
n for bad

e with
amount            5,415,645.40      0.98%      4,399,645.40    81.24%        1,016,000.00       5,262,403.88        0.77%       4,246,403.88    80.69%         1,016,000.00
and bad
ble with
                545,870,998.55     99.02%      7,192,198.76     1.32%     538,678,799.79    680,378,575.54         99.23%       6,625,955.69     0.97%      673,752,619.85
n for bad

party           428,970,002.96     77.81%                                 428,970,002.96    566,000,672.05         82.55%                                   566,000,672.05
                116,900,995.59     21.21%      7,192,198.76     6.15%     109,708,796.83    114,377,903.49         16.68%       6,625,955.69     5.79%      107,751,947.80
Total           551,286,643.95   100.00%      11,591,844.16     2.10%     539,694,799.79    685,640,979.42        100.00%      10,872,359.57     1.59%      674,768,619.85

              Category name of bad debt reserve made individually: accounts receivable with insignificant single amount and bad debt reserve
              withdrawn separately
                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                             Beginning Balance                                                 Ending Balance
                      Name                                    Bad debt                                Bad debt                Accrual            Reasons for
                                        Book balance                           Book balance
                                                               reserve                                 reserve               proportion           provision
                Hainan Jialing                                                                                                                 Risk in
                Digital                  2,032,000.00         1,016,000.00       2,032,000.00        1,016,000.00                 50.00%       payment
                Technology                                                                                                                     collection

                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Co., Ltd.
Noble IT
                                                                                   Expected non-
Solutions Co.,    415,485.70   415,485.70   418,072.70   418,072.70      100.00%
                                                                                   Expected non-
Electronic        371,452.20   371,452.20   373,765.03   373,765.03      100.00%
Shanghai Leqi
Automation                                                                         Expected non-
                  521,950.00   521,950.00   351,950.00   351,950.00      100.00%
Technology                                                                         recoverable
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   Expected non-
Information       326,350.00   326,350.00   326,350.00   326,350.00      100.00%
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   Expected non-
Intelligent                                 315,627.00   315,627.00      100.00%
Co., Ltd.
Gansu Fourth
                                                                                   Expected non-
Construction      224,676.00   224,676.00   224,676.00   224,676.00      100.00%
Group Co., Ltd.
COMERCIO                                                                           Expected non-
                  201,017.79   201,017.79   202,269.42   202,269.42      100.00%
INTERNACIO                                                                         recoverable
Tianjin Eagle
Eye                                                                                Expected non-
                  178,130.00   178,130.00   178,130.00   178,130.00      100.00%
Biotechnology                                                                      recoverable
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   Expected non-
IOT               176,689.00   176,689.00   176,689.00   176,689.00      100.00%
Co., Ltd.
Information                                                                        Expected non-
                  165,900.00   165,900.00   165,900.00   165,900.00      100.00%
Technology                                                                         recoverable
Baoneng Urban
                                                                                   Expected non-
and               155,292.00   155,292.00   155,292.00   155,292.00      100.00%
Group Co., Ltd.
PONTO RHJ                                                                          Expected non-
                  100,061.62   100,061.62   100,684.65   100,684.65      100.00%
EIRELI - ME                                                                        recoverable
                                                                                   Expected non-
Intelligent        77,919.46    77,919.46    77,919.46    77,919.46      100.00%
Co., Ltd.
Mengku                                                                             Expected non-
                   74,672.00    74,672.00    74,672.00    74,672.00      100.00%
Business                                                                           recoverable
Service Co.,

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   RT                                                                                                                 Expected non-
                             74,495.84          74,495.84        74,959.68              74,959.68           100.00%
   TECHNOLOG                                                                                                          recoverable
   Y INC.
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   Security                  53,703.00          53,703.00        53,703.00              53,703.00           100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   AND                       37,505.80          37,505.80        37,739.33              37,739.33           100.00%
   Iss Facility
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   Services                  28,152.00          28,152.00        28,152.00              28,152.00           100.00%
   (Shanghai) Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   A GHANA                   22,911.47          22,911.47        23,054.13              23,054.13           100.00%
   Nanjing Xianji
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   Technology                15,570.00          15,570.00        15,570.00              15,570.00           100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
   Gansu Liujiaxia
   and Installation                                                                                                   Expected non-
                              6,490.00           6,490.00            6,490.00            6,490.00           100.00%
   Engineering                                                                                                        recoverable
   Co., Ltd. Linxia
                                                                                                                      Expected non-
   Pinjun Express             1,980.00           1,980.00            1,980.00            1,980.00           100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
   Total                 5,262,403.88        4,246,403.88     5,415,645.40           4,399,645.40

Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio: related party portfolio
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                Ending Balance
                                             Book balance                       Bad debt reserve              Accrual proportion
   Related party portfolio                          428,970,002.96
   Total                                            428,970,002.96

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio: aging portfolio
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                Ending Balance
                                             Book balance                       Bad debt reserve              Accrual proportion
   Aging portfolio                                  116,900,995.59                        7,192,198.76                         6.15%
   Total                                            116,900,995.59                        7,192,198.76

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

If the bad debt reserve of accounts receivable is made according to the general model of expected credit losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Bad debt reserves withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period

Provision for bad debt reserves in current period:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                               Current period change amount
      Category                                                  Return or         Redeem/redem                         Ending Balance
                          Balance             Provision                                                 Others
                                                                reversal              ption
   receivable with
   single amount
                         4,246,403.88          323,241.52         170,000.00                                              4,399,645.40
   and bad debt
   receivable with
   amounts and
   provision for
   bad debt
   receivable with
   provision for
   bad debt              6,625,955.69          566,243.07                                                                 7,192,198.76
   according to the
   credit risk
   Total                10,872,359.57          889,484.59         170,000.00                                             11,591,844.16

The amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in the current period is significant:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                     The basis and
                                                                                                                     rationality for
                              Accounts recovered or                                                                 determining the
       Company name                                         Reason for reversal        Recovery method
                                transferred back                                                                   provision ratio of
                                                                                                                   original bad debt

(4) Actual verification of accounts receivable in the current period

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                         Write-off amount
   Accounts receivable actually written off                                                                                        0.00

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Important accounts receivable verification status:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                        Whether the
                                                                                              Verification and
                                                                                                                         payment is
                            Nature of accounts                                                   cancellation
    Company name                                   Write-off amount     Write-off reason                              incurred due to
                                receivable                                                   programs that have
                                                                                               been performed

Explanation of accounts receivable verification:

(5) Accounts receivable and contract assets from top five borrowers classified based on the ending balance

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                     Ending balance of
                                                                                              Proportion in the
                                                                                                                     bad debt reserves
                                                                        Ending balance of       total ending
                            Ending balance of                                                                          for accounts
                                                   Ending balance of        accounts             balance of
    Company name                accounts                                                                              receivable and
                                                    contract assets      receivable and           accounts
                               receivable                                                                               impairment
                                                                         contract assets       receivable and
                                                                                                                       provision for
                                                                                               contract assets
                                                                                                                      contract assets
   Customer 1                   238,770,808.23                            238,770,808.23                 43.29%
   Customer 2                    38,420,428.19                             38,420,428.19                  6.97%
   Customer 3                    38,092,485.67                             38,092,485.67                  6.91%
   Customer 4                    19,061,475.13                             19,061,475.13                  3.45%
   Customer 5                    19,003,040.27                             19,003,040.27                  3.44%
   Total                        353,348,237.49                            353,348,237.49                 64.06%

2. Other receivables

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                         Item                                 Ending Balance                             Beginning Balance
   Interest receivable                                                         221,017.34                                    192,033.24
   Dividends receivable                                                       8,000,000.00                                         0.00
   Other receivables                                                        27,195,549.63                                58,943,385.98
   Total                                                                    35,416,566.97                                59,135,419.22

(1) Interest receivable

1) Classification of interest receivable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                         Item                                 Ending Balance                             Beginning Balance
   Interest on related party loans                                             221,017.34                                    192,033.24
   Total                                                                       221,017.34                                    192,033.24

2) Significant overdue interest

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  Whether impairment
           Borrower                  Ending Balance            Overdue time             Overdue reason
                                                                                                                   occurred and its

                                                                                                         ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                                      judgment basis

Other explanations:

There are no significant overdue interest situations in the current period

3) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

□ Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad debt reserves withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                 Current period change amount
      Category                                                    Return or          Write-off or                        Ending Balance
                           Balance             Provision                                              Other changes
                                                                  reversal           cancellation

The amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in the current period is significant:
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                       The basis and
                                                                                                                       rationality for
                                Accounts recovered or                                                                 determining the
       Company name                                          Reason for reversal           Recovery method
                                  transferred back                                                                   provision ratio of
                                                                                                                     original bad debt

Other explanations:

There is no provision, collection or reversal of accrued interest in the current period.

5) Interests receivable actually written off in the current period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  Item                                                          Write-off amount

Information on important interests receivable verification
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                          Whether the
                                                                                                 Verification and
                                                                                                                           payment is
     Company name             Payment nature      Write-off amount        Write-off reason                              incurred due to
                                                                                                programs that have
                                                                                                  been performed

Explanation of writing off:

There are no interests receivable actually written off in the current period.

Other explanations:

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

(2) Dividends receivable

1) Classification of dividends receivable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
             Item (or the investee)                          Ending Balance                            Beginning Balance
   XIAMEN ZKTECO CO., LTD.                                                  8,000,000.00                                          0.00
   Total                                                                    8,000,000.00                                          0.00

2) Important dividends receivable with an aging of over 1 year

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Whether impairment
    Item (or the investee)        Ending Balance                  Aging             Reasons for unrecovery        occurred and its
                                                                                                                  judgment basis

3) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

□ Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad debt reserves withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                               Current period change amount
      Category                                                  Return or         Write-off or                        Ending Balance
                          Balance            Provision                                             Other changes
                                                                reversal          cancellation


The amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in the current period is significant:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                    The basis and
                                                                                                                    rationality for
                              Accounts recovered or                                                                determining the
       Company name                                        Reason for reversal         Recovery method
                                transferred back                                                                  provision ratio of
                                                                                                                  original bad debt


Other explanations:

There are no bad debt reserves withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period.

4) Dividends receivable actually written off in the current period

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                         Write-off amount

Information on important dividends receivable verification

                                                                                                                ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                  Whether the
                                                                                                        Verification and
                                                                                                                                   payment is
      Company name              Payment nature         Write-off amount        Write-off reason                                 incurred due to
                                                                                                       programs that have
                                                                                                         been performed

 Explanation of writing off:

 There are no dividends receivable actually written off in the current period.

 Other explanations:

 (3) Other receivables

 1) Classification of other receivables based on nature of payment

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Payment nature                              Closing book balance                             Opening book balance
    Current account                                                               14,751,766.54                                      55,874,629.32
    Guarantee deposit                                                              1,861,601.75                                       1,865,135.74
    Reserve funds and loans                                                        4,682,051.50                                       3,250,242.13
    Collection and payment on behalf of
                                                                                   3,882,559.11                                       1,863,217.32
    Withholding and paying social security
                                                                                     910,969.54                                       1,032,014.38
    and capital reserve on behalf of others
    Export tax refund                                                              3,366,012.31                                       3,537,610.99
    Others                                                                           127,001.17                                         477,297.03
    Total                                                                         29,581,961.92                                      67,900,146.91

 2) Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                        Aging                                  Closing book balance                             Opening book balance
    Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                              12,814,765.31                                      41,743,089.72
    1-2 years                                                                      2,034,086.01                                      13,945,238.29
    2-3 years                                                                      9,541,667.37                                        715,606.32
    Over 3 years                                                                   5,191,443.23                                      11,496,212.58
           3-4 years                                                                 235,084.30                                        257,284.30
           4-5 years                                                                  16,925.00                                       2,637,357.00
           Over 5 years                                                            4,939,433.93                                       8,601,571.28
    Total                                                                         29,581,961.92                                      67,900,146.91

 3) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                      Ending Balance                                                        Beginning Balance
                   Book balance            Bad debt reserve       Book value            Book balance              Bad debt reserve        Book value

                                                                                                                    ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                Proporti                                                                Proporti                     l
                 Amount                       Amount        proporti                      Amount                     Amount
                                   on                                                                     on                      proport

ng bad
                2,314,538.00      7.82%     2,314,538.00    100.00%                    10,645,126.37    15.68%     8,884,636.88   83.46%      1,760,489.49
reserves by

nt single
                2,314,538.00      7.82%     2,314,538.00    100.00%                    10,645,126.37    15.68%     8,884,636.88   83.46%      1,760,489.49
and bad
Bad debt
withdrawn      27,267,423.92     92.18%        71,874.29      0.26%    27,195,549.63   57,255,020.54    84.32%       72,124.05     0.13%     57,182,896.49

party          12,386,319.55     41.87%                                12,386,319.55   45,178,889.61    66.54%                               45,178,889.61
security       14,450,618.66     48.85%                                14,450,618.66   11,640,649.93    17.14%                               11,640,649.93
loans, etc.
                 430,485.71       1.46%        71,874.29    16.70%       358,611.42       435,481.00      0.64%      72,124.05    16.56%       363,356.95
Total          29,581,961.92    100.00%     2,386,412.29      8.07%    27,195,549.63   67,900,146.91   100.00%     8,956,760.93   13.19%     58,943,385.98

     Category name of bad debt reserve made individually: other receivables with insignificant individual amounts but separate provision
     for bad debt reserves
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                        Beginning Balance                                              Ending Balance
              Name                                     Bad debt                                Bad debt             Accrual              Reasons for
                               Book balance                             Book balance
                                                        reserve                                 reserve            proportion             provision
                                7,772,552.26         6,012,062.77                  0.00                 0.00                         Written off
        Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                             ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   Biometric             2,500,000.00        2,500,000.00                  0.00                0.00                       Written off
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                          Expected non-
   Intelligent             323,268.92         323,268.92          323,268.92             323,268.92             100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                          Expected non-
   Hardware                  42,305.46          42,305.46          42,305.46              42,305.46             100.00%
   Products Co.,
   Xinyuantong                                                                                                            Expected non-
                              3,500.00           3,500.00              3,500.00            3,500.00             100.00%
   Electronics Co.,                                                                                                       recoverable
                                                                                                                          Expected non-
   Shanjing Optics            1,839.60           1,839.60              1,839.60            1,839.60             100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
   Great-island                                                                                                           Expected non-
                                456.00             456.00               456.00               456.00             100.00%
   Technology                                                                                                             recoverable
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                          Expected non-
   Wang Jinpeng                 403.18             403.18               403.18               403.18             100.00%
   Guilin Boyou
   Electronic                                                                                                             Expected non-
                                400.95             400.95               400.95               400.95             100.00%
   Technology                                                                                                             recoverable
   Co., Ltd.
   Mercedes                                                                                                               Expected non-
                                380.00             380.00               380.00               380.00             100.00%
   Technology                                                                                                             recoverable
   Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                          Expected non-
   Liu Mingyang                  20.00              20.00                20.00                20.00             100.00%
                                                                                                                          Expected non-
   Intelligent                                                  1,941,963.89           1,941,963.89             100.00%
   Co., Ltd.
   Total                10,645,126.37        8,884,636.88       2,314,538.00           2,314,538.00

Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio: related party portfolio, deposits, security deposits, employee loans and other
portfolios and aging portfolios
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Ending Balance
                                             Book balance                         Bad debt reserve                Accrual proportion
   Related party portfolio                           12,386,319.55                                    0.00                         0.00%
   Portfolio of deposits, security
                                                     14,450,618.66                                    0.00                         0.00%
   deposits, employee loans, etc.
   Aging portfolio                                        430,485.71                          71,874.29                           16.70%
   Total                                             27,267,423.92                            71,874.29

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

                                                                                                       ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                             Ending Balance
                                              Book balance                   Bad debt reserve                  Accrual proportion

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

Category name of bad debt reserve made by portfolio:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                             Ending Balance
                                              Book balance                   Bad debt reserve                  Accrual proportion

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:

Provision for bad debt reserve based on a general model of expected credit losses:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                        Stage 1                   Stage 2                   Stage 3
                                                            Expected credit loss      Expected credit loss
      Bad debt reserve          Expected credit loss in    within whole duration     within whole duration              Total
                                 the future 12 months      (no credit impairment     (credit impairment has
                                                                   occur)                   occurred)
   Balance as of January
                                             72,124.05                                          8,884,636.88             8,956,760.93
   1, 2024
   Balance as of January
   1, 2024 in the current
   Provision in current
                                                  249.76                                        1,941,963.89             1,942,213.65
   Reversals in the current
                                                  499.52                                                                        499.52
   Canceled after
   verification in the                                                                          8,512,062.77             8,512,062.77
   current period
   Balance as of June 30,
                                             71,874.29                                          2,314,538.00             2,386,412.29

Classification basis and bad debt reserve provision ratio for each stage

Changes in book balance with major changes in loss reserves during the current period
□ Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad debt reserves withdrawn, recovered or reversed in the current period

Provision for bad debt reserves in current period:
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
      Category              Beginning                           Current period change amount                           Ending Balance

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                          Balance                                Return or         Write-off or
                                             Provision                                                     Others
                                                                 reversal          cancellation
   with significant
   amounts and           6,012,062.77                                               6,012,062.77                                         0.00
   provision for
   bad debt
   with provision
   for bad debt
   reserves based           72,124.05              249.76                499.52                                                    71,874.29
   on a
   combination of
   credit risk
                         2,872,574.11        1,941,963.89                           2,500,000.00                                2,314,538.00
   amounts but
   provision for
   bad debt
   Total                 8,956,760.93        1,942,213.65                499.52     8,512,062.77                                2,386,412.29

The significant amount of bad debt reserves reversed or recovered in the current period:
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                           The basis and
                                                                                                                           rationality for
                              Accounts recovered or                                                                       determining the
        Company name                                         Reason for reversal         Recovery method
                                transferred back                                                                         provision ratio of
                                                                                                                         original bad debt
   0                                             0.00    0                           0                               0

There is no bad debt reserve reversal; or recovery amount in the current period.

5) Other accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                         Write-off amount
   Current account                                                                                                              8,512,062.77
Other major receivable written off:
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
       Company name        Nature of other       Write-off amount         Write-off reason        Verification and           Whether the

                                                                                                            ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                 accounts                                                             cancellation            payment is
                                receivable                                                        programs that have       incurred due to
                                                                                                    been performed              related
    Shenzhen Zhongan
    Intelligent Control                                                                           Bad debt write off
                            Current account                6,012,062.77     Nonrecoverable                                No
    Technology Co.,                                                                               process
                                                                                                  Bad debt write off
    Biometric               Current account                2,500,000.00     Nonrecoverable                                No
    Technology Co.,
    Total                                                  8,512,062.77

 Description for writing off other receivables:

 6) Other accounts receivable with the top five ending balances collected by the debtor

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Proportion to the
                                                                                                      total ending
                                                                                                                          Ending balance of
      Company name          Nature of payment       Ending Balance                Aging             balance of other
                                                                                                                           bad debt reserve
    Customer 1                 Current account             6,580,000.00               2-3 years                  22.24%
    Customer 2                Export tax refund            3,366,012.31           Within 1 year                  11.38%
    Customer 3                 Current account             1,941,963.89               2-3 years                   6.56%          1,941,963.89
    Customer 4                 Current account             1,780,000.00           Over 5 years                    6.02%
    Customer 5                 Current account             1,600,000.00           Over 5 years                    5.41%
    Total                                              15,267,976.20                                             51.61%          1,941,963.89

 3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                          Ending Balance                                              Beginning Balance
           Item                               Impairment                                                  Impairment
                         Book balance                             Book value          Book balance                             Book value
                                               provision                                                   provision
   Investment in
                       1,305,900,453.10       5,100,000.00    1,300,800,453.10       1,249,046,481.87                     1,249,046,481.87
   Investment in
   affiliated and         23,889,602.50                           23,889,602.50        24,000,000.00                           24,000,000.00
   joint ventures
   Total               1,329,790,055.60       5,100,000.00    1,324,690,055.60       1,273,046,481.87                     1,273,046,481.87

 (1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                      Beginning              Increase or decrease in the current period                                   Ending
                                      balance of                                                                   Ending balance        balance of
Investee            balance (book                     Additional         Reduced       Impairment
                                     impairment                                                         Others      (book value)        impairment
                        value)                        investment        investment      provision
                                      provision                                                                                          provision

                                                                                                                 ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                        12,608,518.14                                                                                     12,608,518.14
Technology Co.,
ZKTeco Hanlian
                         2,079,297.92                       13,756.73                                                      2,093,054.65
E-commerce Co.,
                       169,798,644.35                     997,440.88                                                  170,796,085.23
ZKTECO CO.,            105,554,987.20                     943,280.04                                                  106,498,267.24
(GUANGDONG)            803,657,033.72                     783,307.23                                                  804,440,340.95
ZKTeco Sales
                        21,173,920.26                     212,554.95                                                      21,386,475.21
Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Zkteco
Identification          38,986,734.80                        1,618.44                                                     38,988,353.24
Technology Co.,
Technology                510,000.00                                                                                        510,000.00
Limited Co., Ltd.
Dalian ZKTeo
                         4,008,987.32                     199,907.86                                                       4,208,895.18
CO., Ltd.
Xi'an ZKTeco
                          406,449.24                        64,198.07                                                       470,647.31
Co., Ltd.
Intelligent              5,100,000.00                                                  5,100,000.00                                         5,100,000.00
Technology Co.,
Hubei ZKTeco
                         3,516,219.44                        1,078.96                                                      3,517,298.40
Co., Ltd.
INVESTMENT              81,645,689.48                53,636,828.07                                                    135,282,517.55
Total                1,249,046,481.87                56,853,971.23                     5,100,000.00                 1,300,800,453.10        5,100,000.00

        (2) Investment in affiliated and joint ventures

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                          Increase or decrease in the current period
                                                             Invest                         Cash                                          Ending
                    Beginni                                   ment        Other     Chan    divid                                         balanc
                              balanc                                                                                         Ending
                       ng               Additi   Reduc        profit    compreh      ges     ends      Impair                              e of
         Investo               e of                                                                                          balance
                    balance              onal      ed        or loss      ensive      in      or        ment        Oth                   impair
            r                 impair                                                                                          (book
                     (book              invest   invest      recogn      income     other   profit     provisi      ers                    ment
                               ment                                                                                           value)
                     value)              ment     ment         ized     adjustme    equit      s         on                               provisi
                                                              under         nts      ies    declar                                          on
                                                             equity                         ed to

                                                                                                     ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                                                         metho                        pay
 I. Joint ventures
                 0.00      0.00
 II. Joint venture
 Capital                                                      -
            24,000,0                                                                                             23,889,6
 Partner                   0.00                          110,39
               00.00                                                                                                02.50
 ship                                                      7.50
 Subtota    24,000,0                                                                                             23,889,6
                           0.00                          110,39
 l             00.00                                                                                                02.50
            24,000,0                                                                                             23,889,6
 Total                                                   110,39
               00.00                                                                                                02.50
The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount after deducting disposal expenses from fair value
□ Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined based on the present value of expected future cash flows
□ Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for significant discrepancies between the above information and the information or external information used in impairment
tests of previous years
Reasons for significant discrepancies between the information used in the Company's impairment tests of previous year and the actual
situation of that year

(3) Other descriptions

     In the current period, the Company increased the registered capital of its overseas subsidiaries by RMB 862,570.99 through
subsidiary ZKTECO CO., LIMITED, and increased the registered capital of its overseas subsidiaries by RMB 53,636,828.07 through
subsidiary ZKTECO SG INVESTMENT PTE. LTD. The subsidiary was granted a second-class restricted share incentive of RMB
2,354,572.17 to motivate personnel.

4. Operating income and operating cost

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                      Amount incurred in the current period            Amount incurred in the previous period
                                       Income                      Cost                     Income                    Cost
   Main business                       647,059,913.82             495,303,687.48            667,441,845.59           470,747,145.91
   Other businesses                         759,633.50                                          659,500.56
   Total                               647,819,547.32             495,303,687.48            668,101,346.15           470,747,145.91

                                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

   Breakdown information of operating income and operating costs:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                      Division 1              Division 2                                                            Total
classification   Operating   Operating   Operating   Operating        Operating                         Operating
                                                                                     Operating cost                     Operating cost
                  income       cost       income       cost            income                            income
Smart office
                                                                     78,211,761.25    61,091,104.86    78,211,761.25        61,091,104.86
entrance and
exit                                                                523,031,106.98   392,179,673.87   523,031,106.98   392,179,673.87
                                                                     45,817,045.60    42,032,908.74    45,817,045.60        42,032,908.74
Others                                                                 759,633.50                         759,633.50
by region of
                                                                    354,984,316.95   317,120,179.80   354,984,316.95   317,120,179.80
                                                                    292,835,230.37   178,183,507.68   292,835,230.37   178,183,507.68
Market or
Distribution                                                        582,839,413.21   453,361,005.42   582,839,413.21   453,361,005.42
Direct sales                                                         64,220,500.61    41,942,682.06    64,220,500.61    41,942,682.06
Others                                                                  759,633.50                        759,633.50
Type of

by time of
transfer of

by contract

by sales

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report


Total                                                                647,819,547.32     495,303,687.48     647,819,547.32    495,303,687.48

   Information related to performance obligations:

                                                                                                                            Types of
                                                                Nature of goods                           Expected           quality
                             Time for
                                                                    that the         Is it the main       refunds to        assurance
                             fulfilling        Important
                Item                                              Company             responsible         customers      provided by the
                           performance       payment terms
                                                                 promises to             person          borne by the     Company and
                                                                    transfer                              Company            related

   Other explanations:


   Information related to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations:
   The corresponding income amount for performance obligations that have been signed but have not yet been fulfilled or completed at
   the end of this reporting period is RMB 0.00.
   Significant contract changes or significant transaction price adjustments
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                         Item                            Accounting treatment method                  Amount of impact on income

   Other explanations:

   5. Investment income

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                         Item                        Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
        Income from long-term equity
                                                                               16,000,000.00                                24,000,000.00
        investment accounted with cost method
        Long-term equity investment income
        accounted by equity method
        Financial products                                                          94,111.46                                 909,167.43
        Forward foreign exchange settlement and
                                                                                   68,155.00                                -2,046,795.00
        sales contract
        Total                                                                  16,051,868.96                                22,862,372.43

   6. Others

   XX. Supplementary Information

   1. Detailed statement of non-recurring profits and losses in the current period

   Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                                          ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

                         Item                                         Amount                                  Remarks
 Losses and gains from disposal of non-current
 Government subsidies included in current profits
 and losses (except those closely related to the
 normal business of the Company, which are in
 line with national policies and regulations,                                5,030,462.88
 enjoyed according to determined standards, and
 have a continuous impact on the Company's
 profits and losses)
 Profits and losses from fair value changes arising
 from the holding of financial assets and financial
 liabilities by non-financial enterprises, as well as                                         Mainly due to investment income and
 the gains and losses arising from the disposal of                           6,105,510.00     fair value changes generated by financial
 financial assets and financial liabilities except for                                        products
 effective hedging business related to the normal
 operation of the Company
 Capital occupancy fees charged to non-financial
 enterprises included in current profits and losses
 Reversal of the provision on receivables with
 impairment test conducted on an individual basis
 Other non-operating income and expenses other
 than the above items
 Less: income tax impact                                                     1,278,125.03
      Minority interest impact (after tax)                                      -92,303.73
 Total                                                                      11,465,522.27                        --

Details of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no specific situation of other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses.
Description on defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the "Explanatory Announcement for Information Disclosure
by Companies that Issue Securities to the Public No. 1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses" as recurring profit and loss items
□ Applicable Not applicable

2. Net return on assets and EPS

     Profit during the reporting        Weighted average return on                                     EPS
               period                           net assets                 Basic EPS (RMB/share)             Diluted EPS (RMB/share)
   Net profit attributable to
   ordinary shareholders of the                               2.42%                              0.4070                           0.4050
   Net profit attributable to
   ordinary shareholders of the
   Company after deducting                                    2.07%                              0.3477                           0.3460
   non-recurring profits and

                                                                                      ZKTeco 2024 Half Year Report

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Differences in net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with international
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Differences in net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with foreign accounting
standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Explanation of the reasons for differences in accounting data between domestic and foreign accounting
standards. If differences in data audited by an overseas audit institution have already been adjusted, the
name of the overseas institution shall be indicated

□ Applicable Not applicable

4. Others
