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                                                         Report for Third Quarter of 2022

Stock Code: 600057                                       Abbreviation of Stock: Xiamen Xiangyu

                   Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.
           Report for Third Quarter of 2022

  The Board of Directors and all Directors of the Company shall guarantee that there is no
  false recordation, misleading statement, or material omission in contents of this
  Announcement, and shall assume the legal liability for authenticity, accuracy and
  completeness of such contents.

Notes to Important Items:
The Board of directors, the Board of Supervisors, as well as Directors, Supervisors and Senior
Management of the Company shall guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, and completeness of
the contents of the Quarterly Report without any false recordation, misleading statement, or
material omission, and shall assume the joint and several legal liabilities.

The person in charge of the Company, the person in charge of financial affairs, and the leading
member of the accounting body (The person in charge of accounting) shall guarantee the
authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial information in the Quarterly Report.

Whether the financial statements for the third quarter are audited or not
□ Yes √ No

I. Key financial data
In the first three quarters of 2022, the Company achieves the operating income in the amount of
RMB 391.8 billion, up 13.74% YoY; achieves the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the
parent company in the amount of RMB 2.17 billion, up 31.23% YoY; achieves the return on equity
of 15.26%, up 1.91 percentage points YoY; achieves the sales gross margin of 2.28%, up 0.02
percentage points YoY; achieves the net profit margin of 0.78%, up 0.16 percentage points YoY.
The Company’s operating income and net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent
company both hit a record high in this period, and the Company continues to improve the
operation efficiency.
During the reporting period, due to the repeated outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic, the intensity
of geopolitical situation, and the fluctuation in commodity price, higher requirements are made
for the ability of the bulk supply chain enterprises to operate, manage, and control risks. In the
face of multiple challenges, the Company maintains strategic focus, continues to optimize
customer structure, enrich commodity portfolio, consolidate logistics support, improve risk

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                                  Report for Third Quarter of 2022

control system, and effectively cope with industrial cycle fluctuations and external risks. On this
basis, the Company seizes opportunities to expand market share, tap potential business
opportunities, and ensure the stability of the overall operation.
In terms of customer structure, in combination with its own strategic positioning and
characteristics of business model, the Company takes the large and medium-sized
manufacturing enterprises as its main target customer group with the service volume for them
accounting for more than 50%. Among them, the service volume for the manufacturing
enterprises of the ferrous metal supply chain accounts for more than 60%, that for the
manufacturing enterprises of the stainless steel supply chain accounts for more than 70%, that
for the manufacturing enterprises of the new energy supply chain accounts for more than 90%.
With the low risk of default, the manufacturing enterprises’ needs of diversified and stable supply
chain services lay a solid foundation for stable growth of the Company.
In terms of commodity portfolio, the Company achieves the bulk commodity business segment
in the cargo volume of 141 million tons, remaining a stable status YoY; achieves the operating
income in the amount of RMB 378.6 billion, up 12.99% YoY; achieves the gross profit in the
amount of RMB 7.18 billion, up 6.11% YoY. The Company adheres to the philosophy of “whole-
industry service”, expands high value-added products, and achieves the significant growth in
operating performance of aluminum supply chain, new energy supply chain, and soybean supply
chain, among which the operating income from new energy supply chain reaches RMB 14.7
billion, up 151% YoY; achieves the gross profit of RMB 385 million, up 245% YoY.
In terms of logistics support, the Company achieves the operating income from bulk commodity
logistics segment in the amount of RMB 5.82 billion, up 7.71% YoY; achieves the gross profit in
the amount of RMB 754 million, up 20.22% YoY. In reliance on the networked logistics service
system covering the whole country and connecting to overseas, the Company provides
customers with multimodal transportation solutions, achieving the substantial growth in freight
volume of bulk cargo in the Yangtze River Basin and the domestic coastal areas, and in the
freight volume of “China-Vietnam, China-Thailand” routes. The Company achieves the operating
income from comprehensive logistics in the amount of RMB 4.76 billion, up 14.06% YoY; and
the gross profit in the amount of RMB 450 million, up 27.61% YoY.
In terms of risk management and control, after the transformation from “traditional trader” to
“supply chain service provider”, the risk exposure of the Company is largely reduced and the risk
becomes more controllable. On this basis, by increasing the proportion of manufacturing
enterprises (from the perspective of customers), optimizing the product portfolio (from the
perspective of commodities), upgrading the business model (from the perspective of models),
and improving the risk control system (from the perspective of management and control), the
Company forms a combination of measures to manage and control risks effectively, and ensure
the stability of operation.
Looking to the future, the Company will anchor the strategic vision of “become the leading
enterprise in the bulk supply chain industry and a world-class supply chain service enterprise”,
and continue to optimize the customer structure and product portfolio mix, improve risk control
system, deepen the business model with the focus on the “whole industry chain service” and the
profitability model with the focus on the “service income”, improve the level of comprehensive
income, and strive to over-fulfil the annual operation objective for 2022.

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(1) Key accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                    Unit: million Yuan      Currency: RMB
                                                                   From beginning
                                                  Changes on
                                   Current                        of the year to end    Changes on a YoY
  Item                                            a YoY basis
                               reporting period                    of the reporting        basis (%)
  Operating income               137,607.92          8.49             391,758.58               13.74
  Net profit attributable to
  shareholders of the              807.04           55.51             2,173.45                 31.23
  listed company
  Net profit attributable to
  shareholders of the
  listed company after             990.43           67.90             2,495.82                 41.77
  deducting the non-
  recurring profit and loss
  Net cash flow from                                 Not
                               Not applicable                         -3,711.88           Not applicable
  operating activities                            applicable
  Basic earnings per share
                                    0.36            62.21                  0.96                35.21
  Diluted earnings per
                                    0.34            55.06                  0.93                30.99
  share (Yuan/share)
                                                  Increase by
  Weighted average return                             1.54                               Increase by 1.91
                                    5.67                                15.26
  on equity (%)                                   percentage                             percentage points
                                                                                       rate at the end of the
                                 At the end of
                                                       At the end of last year            reporting period
                               reporting period
                                                                                       compared to the end
                                                                                          of last year (%)
  Total assets                   123,354.80                    95,834.22                        28.72
  Owner’s equity
  attributable to the
                                 17,694.68                     17,214.26                       2.79
  shareholders of the
  listed company
Note: The “Current Reporting Period” means the period of three months from the beginning of
the current quarter to the end of the current quarter; the same as below.
In the above statement, the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in
the current reporting period includes the after-tax interest attributable to the holders of the
perpetual bonds in the reporting period in the amount of RMB 105 million; after deducting such
interest, the amount of the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company in the
current reporting period is RMB 2.07 billion. When calculating the basic earnings per share, the
diluted earnings per share, the weighted average net return on equity, and other key financial
indicators, the perpetual bonds and the interests accrued thereon are deducted.
(2) Non-recurring profit and loss items and amounts thereof
                                                          Unit: Yuan                         Currency: RMB

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                                                Amount from beginning
                            Amount in current
Item                                            of the year to the end of                Remark
                             reporting period
                                                  the reporting period
Gain or loss on
disposal of non-             20,290,868.36          27,508,476.14
current assets
The government
subsidies (except for
those closely related                                                            Including the amount of
to the Company’s                                                            government subsidies received
normal business                                                                   in previous years and
operations, in line                                                             apportioned in the current
                            252,871,489.99          349,426,340.21
with national policies,                                                           period. The amount of
and continuously                                                             government subsidies received
available at certain                                                        in the current period is RMB 336
standard quota or                                                                      million Yuan.
ration) included in the
current profit and loss
The fund possession
cost charged to the
                              4,392,338.44          13,978,006.09
enterprise and
included in the
current profit and loss
Except for the
effective hedging
business related to
the Company’s
normal business
operations, the
changes in fair value
recognized in profit or                                                      Mainly including the changes in
loss derived from                                                            fair value recognized in profit or
holding trading                                                             loss and the gains and losses on
financial assets,                                                                 disposal arising from the
derivative financial                                                          hedging against the fluctuation
assets, trading                                                                    in commodity price and
financial liabilities,                                                       exchange rate by the Company
                            -425,501,838.47        -794,307,689.54
and derivative                                                                  with futures instrument and
financial liabilities, as                                                      foreign exchange contract in
well as the income                                                               order to support the spot
from investment                                                              operation of the main business,
obtained from                                                                which are closely related to the
disposal of trading                                                           operating profit and loss of the
financial assets,                                                                      main business.
derivative financial
assets, trading
financial liabilities,
derivative financial
liabilities, and other
investments on
Reversal of the
impairment provision          4,399,611.04          12,903,794.14
for receivables and

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                                       Report for Third Quarter of 2022

 contractual assets for
 which the impairment
 tests are carried out
 Other non-operating
 incomes and
                               -20,388,108.62            89,385,507.94
 expenses than those
 above mentioned
 Other profit and loss
 items in line with the
 definition of the non-         1,346,875.37              3,934,440.72
 recurring profit and
 Less: Amount of
 income tax                    65,467,522.03             71,159,716.04
 Amount of minority
 equity consequence            -44,660,874.78            -45,965,452.58
 (after tax)
 Total                         -183,395,411.14          -322,365,387.76

Note to the fact that the non-recurring profit and loss items as set forth in the “Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the
Public – Non-Recurring Profit and Loss” as the non-recurring profit and loss items.
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable
(3) The circumstances and causes for occurrence of changes in the key accounting data and
financial indicators
√Applicable□ Not Applicable

                                 Proportion of change
  Name of item                                                                  Main cause
  Net profit attributable to
                                                              The main cause is that in the current period, the
  shareholders of the                   31.23
                                                               Company has always been anchoring the core
  listed company
                                                                 demands of the customers, optimizing the
  Net profit attributable to
                                                               commodity and business structure, seizing the
  shareholders of the
                                                            opportunity for market expansion, and improving its
  listed company after                  41.77
                                                             own supply chain service ability, so as to increase
  deducting the non-
                                                                        its profitability continuously.
  recurring profit and loss
                                                              The main cause is that in the current period, the
                                                              cash received from goods sold from the supply
  Net cash flow from
                                    Not applicable          chain business was accelerated, and the amount of
  operating activities
                                                                 withdrawal of the payment for goods was
  Basic earnings per
                                        35.21               The main cause is that the net profit attributable to
  share (Yuan/share)
                                                               the shareholders of the listed company was
  Diluted earnings per
                                        30.99                                  increased.
  share (Yuan/share)

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                                        Report for Third Quarter of 2022

II. Information on shareholders
(1) The total number of common shareholders, the number of preferred shareholders whose
voting rights are restored, and the shares held by top ten shareholder
                                                                          Unit: Shares
Total  number      of                              Total number of preferred
shareholders at the                          shareholders whose voting rights are
                              38,809                                                                 0
end of the reporting                          restored at the end of the reporting
period                                                   period (if any)
                                  Shares holding by top 10 shareholders

                                                                                         Pledge, Marking, or
                                                               Proportion   Number of
Name of                  Nature of          Number of              of       Restricted
Shareholder             Shareholder        Shares Held        Shareholdin    Shares
                                                                                         Status of
                                                                 g (%)        Held                       Quantity

Xiamen Xiangyu          State-owned
                                          1,122,603,723         49.80           0           No              0
Group Corporation       legal person.
National Social
Security Fund              Others           60,000,004           2.66           0           No              0
Portfolio 503
Xiamen CCRE             State-owned
                                            50,226,994           2.23           0           No              0
Group Co., Ltd.         legal person
China Agricultural
Industry                   Others           43,149,000           1.91           0           No              0
Development Fund
National Social
Security Fund              Others           37,899,943           1.68           0           No              0
Portfolio 114
Hong Kong
Securities Clearing                         33,933,388           1.51           0           No              0
                        legal person
Company Ltd.
Xiangyu Real Estate     State-owned
                                            30,388,100           1.35           0           No              0
Group Co., Ltd.         legal person
China Universal Asset
 Management Co. Ltd.
                           Others           16,739,139           0.74           0           No              0
 – Social Security
 Fund Portfolio 1103
National Social
Security Fund              Others           16,148,301           0.72           0           No              0
Portfolio 401
Yinhua Fund
Management Co.,
Ltd. – Social             Others           16,124,763           0.72           0           No              0
Security Fund
Portfolio 1105
                           Shares holding by top 10 unrestricted shareholders
                                                                          Class and number of shares
Name of                  Number of unrestricted outstanding shares
                                                                        Class of
Shareholder                                held                                          Number

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Xiamen Xiangyu
                                       1,122,603,723                         ordinary    1,122,603,723
Group Corporation
National Social                                                                RMB
Security Fund                            60,000,004                          ordinary     60,000,004
Portfolio 503                                                                 shares
Xiamen CCRE
                                         50,226,994                          ordinary     50,226,994
Group Co., Ltd.
China Agricultural
Reclamation                                                                    RMB
Industry                                 43,149,000                          ordinary     43,149,000
Development Fund                                                              shares
National Social                                                                RMB
Security Fund                            37,899,943                          ordinary     37,899,943
Portfolio 114                                                                 shares
Hong Kong                                                                      RMB
Securities Clearing                      33,933,388                          ordinary     33,933,388
Company Ltd.                                                                  shares
 Xiangyu Real Estate
                                         30,388,100                          ordinary     30,388,100
   Group Co., Ltd.
China Universal Asset
Management Co. Ltd.
                                         16,739,139                          ordinary     16,739,139
– Social Security Fund
Portfolio 1103
National Social                                                                RMB
Security Fund                            16,148,301                          ordinary     16,148,301
Portfolio 401                                                                 shares
Yinhua Fund
Management Co.,                                                                RMB
Ltd. – Social                           16,124,763                          ordinary     16,124,763
Security Fund                                                                 shares
Portfolio 1105
                            Xiangyu Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xiamen
Note to association
                          Xiangyu Group Corporation. The Company is not aware that whether there is any
or concerted action
                             association between the other aforesaid shareholders, or whether the other
of aforesaid
                             aforesaid shareholders are the person acting in concert as stipulated in the
                                 “Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies Procedures”.
Notes to
participation on top
10 shareholders and
top 10 unrestricted
shareholders in                                             Not applicable
securities margin
trading and
securities financing
business (if any)

III. Other reminders
Other important information on the Company’s operating conditions during the reporting period
that investors shall be reminded of

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                                   Report for Third Quarter of 2022

√Applicable□ Not Applicable

Based on the deliberation and approval at the 41st meeting of the Eighth Session of the Board
of Directors of the Company, it is agreed that Xiamen Xiangyu Logistics Group Co., Ltd.
(Hereinafter referred to as “Xiangyu Logistics”), as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company,
shall continue to implement the market-oriented debt-for-equity swap. The Bank of
Communications Financial Assets Investment Co., Ltd., the Bank of China Financial Assets
Investment Co., Ltd., and China Orient Asset Management Co., Ltd. are introduced to increase
the capital in the total amount of RMB 2.5 billion in cash. After such capital increase, such three
shareholders will hold 6.07%, 6.07% and 3.04% of the shares in Xiangyu Logistics respectively.
The funds available from the capital increase shall be used mainly to repay the financial liabilities
falling within the consolidated statements of Xiangyu Logistics, which are mainly comprised of
the bank loans. It is agreed that Heilongjiang Xiangyu Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter
referred to as “Xiangyu Agricultural Products”), as a holding subsidiary of the Company, shall
continue to implement the market-oriented debt-to-equity swap. The Agricultural Bank of China
Financial Assets Investment Co., Ltd. is introduced to increase the capital in the amount of RMB
1 billion in cash. After such capital increase, Agricultural Bank of China Financial Assets
Investment Co., Ltd. will hold 10.57% of the shares in Xiangyu Agricultural Products. The funds
available from the capital increase shall be used mainly to repay the financial liabilities falling
within the consolidated statements of Xiangyu Agricultural Products, which are mainly comprised
of the bank loans. As at the date of this Announcement, the new shareholders have made the
contributions in full, and they are going through the industrial and commercial procedures.
On July 6, 2022, the Company received the “Notice of Primary Feedback on Review of
Administrative License Program by CSRC” (No. 221427) issued by China Securities Regulatory
Commission, and made a public reply on August 3, 2022. For the feedback and reply in detail,
please refer to the “Reply on Feedback to Application Document Submitted by Xiamen Xiangyu
Co., Ltd. for Private Offering of A-Shares in 2022” disclosed by the Company on the website of
Shanghai Stock Exchange. On October 19, 2022, based on the deliberation and approval at the
43rd meeting of the Eighth Session of the Board of Directors and at the 23rd meeting of the Eighth
Session of Board of Supervisors of the Company, according to the regulatory regulations and
the prudent judgment made by the Company, the Company deducted the funds related to
financial investment in the total amount of RMB 280.24 million from the total amount of funds so
raised. Accordingly, the amount of funds so raised and the number of shares issued in this
private offering in 2022 were adjusted as follows: The total amount of fund so raised was reduced
from “RMB 3.50 billion” to “RMB 3,219.76 million”, and the amount subscribed by Xiamen
Xiangyu Group Corporation (Hereinafter referred to as “Xiangyu Group”) was reduced from
“RMB 1.50 billion” to “RMB 1,219.76 million”; whereas the implementation of the profit distribution
plan for 2021 was completed, based on the adjusted issue price of RMB 6.52 per share, the

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number of issued shares was reduced from “536,809,815 shares” to “493,828,189 shares”. The
number of shares issued to Xiangyu Group was reduced from “230,061,349” shares to
“187,079,723” shares. The other contents of the original issuance plan remained unchanged.
For details, please refer to the relevant announcements disclosed by the Company on October
20 (Announcement No.2022-087, 2022-088, 2022-089, 2022-090, and 2022-091).

IV. Quarterly financial statements
(1) Type of auditor’s opinions

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

(2) Financial statements
                                        Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                         As at September 30, 2022
Prepared by: Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.

                                             Unit: Yuan       Currency: RMB         Type of Audit: Unaudited
                           Item                               September 30, 2022       December 31, 2021
  Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                                   21,485,560,237.24        13,614,086,538.04
    Deposit reservation for balance
    Lending to Banks and Other Financial Institutions
    Held-for-trading financial assets                            2,509,684,195.31         4,750,094,750.04
    Derivative financial assets                                    565,799,665.23           274,597,786.50
    Notes receivable                                               272,179,504.46           105,918,368.37
    Accounts receivable                                         20,478,399,534.40        14,395,603,332.95
    Financing of receivables                                       479,947,189.83           189,516,446.47
    Prepayments                                                 22,922,029,380.21        16,995,820,170.44
    Premiums receivable
    Reinsurance accounts receivable
    Provision of cession receivable
    Other receivables                                            2,693,527,017.97         1,682,887,167.42
    Including: Interests receivable
           Dividends receivable
    Redemptory monetary capital for sale
    Inventories                                                 29,857,067,583.36        22,195,313,267.99
    Contract assets                                                662,218,543.10           631,218,355.82
    Held-for-sale assets
    Non-current assets due within one year                         301,390,068.51
    Other current assets                                         3,215,860,119.50         3,160,374,498.97
      Total current assets                                     105,443,663,039.12        77,995,430,683.01

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Non-current assets:
  Loan and advance in cash
  Investment in creditor’s right
  Other investments in creditor’s right
  Long-term receivables                                          1,000,000.00        1,000,000.00
  Long-term equity investment                                1,538,986,319.88    1,603,180,579.36
  Investment in other equity instruments
  Other non-current financial assets                           108,111,417.98      96,088,266.30
  Investment properties                                        786,161,259.44     816,189,270.75
  Fixed assets                                               9,780,574,309.80   10,087,004,698.74
  Construction in progress                                     846,776,361.36     880,849,893.75
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                          599,683,190.83     636,452,405.38
  Intangible assets                                          2,027,300,133.02    2,044,938,560.17
  Development expenditure                                       22,813,783.62      15,446,553.86
  Goodwill                                                      12,669,186.90      12,669,186.90
  Long-term unamortized expenses                                56,907,193.94      61,551,517.93
  Deferred income tax assets                                 1,145,455,546.00    1,016,951,185.99
  Other non-current assets                                     984,698,516.30     566,467,783.47
     Total non-current assets                               17,911,137,219.07   17,838,789,902.60
       Total assets                                        123,354,800,258.19   95,834,220,585.61
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowing                                      23,971,656,334.91    8,245,736,698.98
  Borrowings from central bank
  Loans from other banks and other financial
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities                           1,160,664,258.48     135,979,682.51
  Notes payable                                             18,630,915,998.33   15,159,439,515.62
  Accounts payable                                          12,413,570,744.80   14,085,505,718.04
  Account collected in advance                                  29,002,619.30      26,718,777.21
  Contract liabilities                                      12,558,412,328.63    8,695,441,220.14
  Financial assets sold for repurchase
  Deposits from customers and interbank
  Acting trading securities
  Acting underwriting securities
  Payroll payable                                            1,444,710,761.53    1,278,652,332.02
  Taxes payable                                                840,690,331.65    1,229,239,776.11
  Other payables                                             3,204,219,188.53    1,321,676,272.49
  Including: Interests payable
          Dividends payable                                    145,279,845.77      82,349,935.56

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    Handling charges and commissions payable
    Accounts payable for reinsurance
    Held-for-sale liabilities
    Non-current liabilities due within one year                       1,598,409,351.16     3,127,085,440.68
    Other current liabilities                                         4,443,603,684.98     3,097,489,127.32
      Total current liabilities                                      80,295,855,602.30    56,402,964,561.12
  Non-current liabilities:
    Provision for insurance contracts
    Long-term borrowings                                              3,411,881,346.72     2,857,297,083.98
    Bonds payable                                                     2,997,564,107.01     2,994,838,876.06
    Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
    Lease liabilities                                                  200,981,063.98        275,211,064.13
    Long-term payables
    Long-term payroll payable                                          575,874,086.22        590,414,647.65
    Estimated liabilities                                                17,040,721.98        85,341,806.33
    Deferred income                                                    289,920,837.71        302,820,139.38
    Deferred income tax liabilities                                    233,407,114.30        159,485,698.38
    Other non-current liabilities                                                            836,266,129.04
      Total non-current liabilities                                   7,726,669,277.92     8,101,675,444.95
         Total liabilities                                           88,022,524,880.22    64,504,640,006.07
  Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity):
    Paid-up capital (or capital stock)                                2,254,093,987.00     2,157,454,085.00
    Other equity instruments                                          3,300,000,000.00     4,300,000,000.00
    Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds                                          3,300,000,000.00     4,300,000,000.00
    Capital reserve                                                   6,022,146,745.17     5,555,015,054.06
    Less: Treasury stock                                               465,765,108.41         91,735,300.75
    Other comprehensive income                                         199,863,669.72       -122,194,349.04
    Appropriative reserve                                                                        303,204.72
    Surplus reserve                                                    473,946,056.77        473,946,056.77
    General risk reserve                                                                       2,690,089.11
    Undistributed profits                                             5,910,394,913.01     4,938,778,648.61
    Total owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity)
                                                                     17,694,680,263.26    17,214,257,488.48
  attributable to parent company
    Minority equity                                                  17,637,595,114.71    14,115,323,091.06
      Total owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity)               35,332,275,377.97    31,329,580,579.54
         Total   liabilities    and   owner’s   equity    (or
                                                                    123,354,800,258.19    95,834,220,585.61
  shareholders’ equity)

Person in charge of Company: Deng Qidong                              Person in charge of financial affairs: Qi
Weidong                 Leading member of accounting body: Lin Jing

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                                          Report for Third Quarter of 2022

                                       Consolidated Income Statement
                                            January – September 2022
Prepared by: Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.
                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Type of Audit: Unaudited
                                                              First Three Quarters        First Three Quarters
 Item                                                        (January – September)      (January – September)
                                                                     of 2022                      2021
  I. Total operating income                                      391,758,578,523.22           344,419,335,522.07
  Including: Operating income                                    391,758,578,523.22           344,419,335,522.07
            Interest income
            Insurance premium earned
            Handling charges and commissions
  II. Total operating cost                                        386,646,327,930.95          340,551,965,370.57
  Including: Operating cost                                       382,825,413,037.51          336,624,930,351.59
            Interest expense
            Handling charge and commissions
            Surrender value
            Net payment of insurance claims
            Net provision in insurance reserve
            Policy dividend
            Amortized reinsurance expenditures
            Taxes and surcharges                                        466,293,280.56            269,749,481.08
            Selling expenses                                          1,721,322,259.07          1,544,390,807.07
            Administrative expenses                                     917,861,645.09            893,422,308.70
            Research & development expense                               25,904,658.97             48,215,153.41
            Financial expense                                           689,533,049.75          1,171,257,268.72
            Including: Interest expense                               1,240,836,592.83            962,670,968.55
                    Interest income                                     161,056,886.66             77,504,583.48
      Add: Other income                                                 373,499,258.19            149,581,833.31
            Income from investment (Loss to be filled
                                                                       -172,659,152.92           -417,738,508.10
  in with “-”)
            Including: Income from investment in
                                                                       120,219,107.93              74,475,013.67
  associated enterprise and joint venture
                    Income from derecognition of
                                                                        -97,599,805.16            -81,070,533.50
  financial assets measured at amortized cost
            Profit or loss on exchange (Loss to be
  filled in with “-”)
            Net profit on exposure hedging (Loss to
  be filled in with “-”)
            Income from change in fair value (Loss to
                                                                       -721,563,230.34           -180,231,185.93
  be filled in with “-”)
            Loss on credit impairment (Loss to be
                                                                        -70,633,462.81            -14,996,518.76
  filled in with “-”)
            Asset impairment loss (Loss to be filled in
                                                                       -559,406,568.91           -455,902,855.54
  with “-”)
            Income from disposal of assets (Loss to
                                                                        23,719,537.16               8,770,280.87
  be filled in with “-”)
  III. Operating profit (Loss to be filled in with “-”)             3,985,206,972.64          2,956,853,197.35

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                                      Report for Third Quarter of 2022

     Add: Non-operating income                                  307,067,609.19      74,714,061.98
     Less: Non-operating expense                                217,387,091.06      51,240,527.37
IV. Total profits (Total losses to be filled in with
                                                               4,074,887,490.77   2,980,326,731.96
     Less: Income tax expense                                  1,017,076,343.32     841,617,066.81
V. Net profit (Net loss to be filled in with “-”)            3,057,811,147.45   2,138,709,665.15
(I) Classified by sustainable operation
           1. Net profit from sustainable operation
                                                               3,057,811,147.45   2,138,709,665.15
(Net loss to be filled in with “-”)
           2. Net profit from discontinued operation
(Net loss to be filled in with “-”)
(II) Classified by attribution of ownership
           1. Net profit attributable to the
   shareholders of the parent company (Net loss                2,173,450,380.22   1,656,175,819.17
   to be filled in with “-”)
           2. Minority interest income (Net loss to be
                                                                884,360,767.23     482,533,845.98
filled in with “-”)
VI. Net-of-tax other comprehensive income                       332,030,149.87      22,521,081.96
     (I) Net-of-tax other comprehensive income
                                                                322,058,018.76      22,889,048.62
attributable to the parent company
        1. Other comprehensive income that cannot
be reclassified as profit and loss
         (1) Amount of changes in re-measurement
   of defined benefit plans
        (2) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be transferred to profit and loss under the
equity method
        (3) Change in fair value of other investments
in equity instruments
        (4) Changes in fair value of enterprise’s own
credit risk
        2. Other comprehensive income to be
                                                                322,058,018.76      22,889,048.62
reclassified as profit and income
        (1) Other comprehensive income that can
be transferred to profit and loss under the equity                  -275,917.58
        (2) Changes in fair value of other
investments on bonds
        (3) Amount of financial assets reclassified
and included in other comprehensive income
        (4) Provision for credit impairment of other
investments in bonds
        (5) Reserve for cash flow hedge                          -13,704,450.00
        (6) Translation difference of foreign
                                                                336,038,386.34      22,889,048.62
currency financial statements
        (7) Others
     (II) Net-of-tax other comprehensive income
                                                                   9,972,131.11        -367,966.66
attributable to the minority
VII. Total comprehensive income                                3,389,841,297.32   2,161,230,747.11
     (I) Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                               2,495,508,398.98   1,679,064,867.79
the owners of the parent company
     (II) Total comprehensive income attributable
                                                                894,332,898.34     482,165,879.32
to the minority

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                                     Report for Third Quarter of 2022

  VIII. Earnings per share:
    (I) Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                              0.96                       0.71
    (II) Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                           0.93                       0.71

In case of the merger of enterprises under the same control occurring in the current period, the
net profit realized by the merged party before the merger shall be RMB 0.00 Yuan, and the net
profit realized by the merged party in the previous period shall be RMB 0.00 Yuan.
Person in charge of Company: Deng Qidong                          Person in charge of financial affairs: Qi
Weidong             Leading member of accounting body: Lin Jing

                                Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                      January – September, 2022
Prepared by: Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.
                                             Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB Type of Audit: Unaudited
                                                       First Three Quarters of      First Three Quarters of
                       Item                                     2022                         2021
                                                       January – September)        (January – September)
  I. Cash flow from operating activities:
     Cash receiving from sales of goods and
                                                               442,619,625,454.19        376,230,972,496.42
  rendering of services
     Net increase in customer deposit and deposit
  from other banks
     Net increase in borrowing from central bank
     Net increase in funds borrowed from other
  financial institutions
     Cash obtained by receipt of premiums from
  original insurance contracts
     Net cash received from reinsurance business
     Net increase in deposit of insured and
     Cash received from interests, handling
  charges, and commissions
     Net increase in loans from other banks and
  other financial institutions
     Net increase in funds for repurchase business
     Net cash received from acting trading
     Refund of tax received                                      1,073,603,152.73            496,902,790.71
     Other cash received in relation to operating
                                                                 1,751,592,485.09          9,103,247,160.30
       Subtotal of cash inflow from operating
                                                               445,444,821,092.01        385,831,122,447.43
     Cash paid for sales of goods and rendering of
                                                               440,601,153,058.48        385,087,744,833.93
     Net increase in customer loans and advances
     Net increase in deposit in the Central Bank
  and other banks
     Cash paid for claims under the original
  insurance contract

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                                       Report for Third Quarter of 2022

    Net increase in lending to banks and other
financial institutions
    Cash paid for interest, handling charges, and
    Cash paid for policy dividend
    Cash paid to and for the employees                              1,472,727,889.55     1,213,545,650.01
    Taxes paid                                                      2,566,655,467.95     1,903,436,463.21
    Other cash paid in relation to operating
                                                                    4,516,160,120.71     8,415,785,587.13
      Subtotal of cash outflow from operating
                                                                  449,156,696,536.69   396,620,512,534.28
         Net cash flow from operating activities                   -3,711,875,444.68   -10,789,390,086.85
II. Cash flow from investment activities
    Cash receiving from investment withdrawal                       7,174,804,557.11     6,519,790,938.25
    Cash receiving from return on investment                          175,587,638.87       214,758,959.44
    Net amount of cash receiving from disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-                     254,724,676.60       125,272,255.33
term assets
    Net amount of cash receiving from disposal of
                                                                     356,643,099.28         36,704,732.37
subsidiary and other business unit
    Other cash receiving related to investment
      Subtotal of cash inflow from investment
                                                                    7,961,759,971.86     6,896,626,885.39
    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible
                                                                     191,475,209.40       474,979,298.53
assets, and other long-term assets
    Cash paid to acquire investment                                 8,662,700,619.49     4,574,012,238.22
    Net increase in pledge loan
    Net amount of cash paid to acquire subsidiary
and other business unit
    Other cash paid related to investment
      Subtotal of cash outflow from investment
                                                                    8,854,175,828.89     5,143,274,898.95
         Net cash flow from investment activities                    -892,415,857.03     1,753,351,986.44
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
    Cash received from investment by others                         8,173,666,157.40     1,798,396,200.00
    Including: Cash received from subsidiary
                                                                    7,798,746,826.80     1,798,396,200.00
investments from minority shareholders
    Cash receiving from borrowings                                 93,815,076,767.06    90,466,448,845.66
    Other cash receiving related to financing
                                                                        6,040,522.65      431,865,442.14
      Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                                  101,994,783,447.11    92,696,710,487.80
    Cash paid for repayment of debt                                81,520,141,115.38    79,767,121,321.97
    Cash paid for distribution of dividend, profit or
                                                                    3,051,722,905.92     2,223,065,476.99
payment of interest
    Including: Dividend and profit paid by
                                                                     724,293,316.77       567,343,834.43
subsidiary to minority shareholders
    Other cash paid relating to financing activities                3,863,141,097.91     2,379,331,063.56
      Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                                   88,435,005,119.21    84,369,517,862.52
         Net cash flow from financing activities                   13,559,778,327.90     8,327,192,625.28

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                                  Report for Third Quarter of 2022

  IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash
                                                              409,581,640.90               3,819,636.81
  and cash equivalents
  V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents               9,365,068,667.09           -705,025,838.32
    Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash
                                                            10,635,311,053.24        10,950,257,498.82
  VI. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                            20,000,379,720.33        10,245,231,660.50

Person in charge of Company: Deng Qidong                          Person in charge of financial affairs:
Qi Weidong           Leading member of accounting body: Lin Jing

The implementation of new accounting standards or the new interpretations to the accounting
standards since 2022 involves the adjustment of the financial statements at the beginning of the
year when they are implemented for the first time.

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

    It is hereby announced.

                                                 The Board of Directors of Xiamen Xiangyu Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      October 26, 2022

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