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                                                                  Q1 Report of 2024

Stock Code: 600132                                        Stock Abbreviation: Chongqing Brewery

          Q1 REPORT OF 2024

  The board of directors and all directors of the company guarantee that this
  announcement is free of any false records, misleading statements or significant
  omissions, and that they will bear legal responsibility for the authenticity, accuracy
  and completeness of its content.

Reminder of important content:
The board of directors, board of supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior management of the
company guarantee that this quarterly report contains true, accurate and complete information and
is free of any false records, misleading statements or significant omissions, and that they will be
jointly and severally liable for the legal consequences.

The legal representative of the company, officer in charge of accounting and head of accounting
department (the chief accountant) guarantee that the financial information in the quarterly report is
true, accurate and complete.
Whether the Q1 financial statements are audited
□Yes √No

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                                           Q1 Report of 2024

I. Key Financial Information
(I) Major accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                               Monetary unit: RMB
                                                For the quarter ended
 Item                                              March 31, 2024            Rate of change (%)
                                               (“the reporting period”)
 Operating revenue                                       4,292,542,727.03                     7.16
 Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                                          451,938,986.11                     16.78
 of the Company
 Net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the Company
                                                          445,935,567.05                     16.91
 excluding non-recurring gains and
 Net cash flows from operating
                                                         1,080,755,377.22                    26.76
 Basic earnings per share                                             0.93                   16.78
 Diluted earnings per share                                           0.93                   16.78
 Weighted average return on equity (%)                               19.10   Increased by 1.90 p.p.
                                                                                        Rate of
                              As of March 31, 2024       As of December 31, 2023
                                                                                      change (%)
 Total assets                    13,032,283,189.31              12,386,911,593.95             5.21
 Net assets attributable
 to shareholders of the           2,592,041,432.60                2,140,200,619.57           21.11

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(II) Non-recurring gains and losses
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                 Monetary unit: RMB
                    Items                        For the quarter ended March 31, 2024    Remarks
 Gains or losses on disposal of non-                                      -773,609.11
 current assets, including write-off of
 provision for impairment
 Government grants included in gains                                   10,677,872.49
 or losses (excluding those closely
 related to operating activities of the
 Company, satisfying government
 policies and regulations, enjoyed based
 on certain standards, and continuously
 affecting gains or losses of the
 Gains or losses on changes in fair                                     3,702,877.36
 value of held-for-trading financial
 assets, derivative financial assets, held-
 for-trading financial liabilities and
 derivative financial liabilities, and
 investment income from disposal of
 held-for-trading financial assets,
 derivative financial assets, held-for-
 trading financial liabilities, derivative
 financial liabilities and other debt
 investments, excluding those arising
 from hedging business related to
 operating activities
 Other non-operating revenue or                                         1,540,982.50
 Less: Enterprise income tax affected                                   3,345,783.19
       Effect on non-controlling interest                               5,798,920.99
       (after tax)
                     Total                                              6,003,419.06

Note: Effect on non-recurring gains or losses for the quarter ended March 31, 2023 due to
implementation of “Interpretation Pronouncement on Information Disclosure Criteria for Public
Companies No. 1 – Non-Recurring Gains or Losses (2023 Edition)”
                                  Items                                          Amount
 Net non-recurring gains or losses attributable to the owner of the
 parent company for the quarter ended March 31, 2023
 Net non-recurring gains or losses attributable to the owner of the
 parent company calculated based on the “Interpretation                               4,769,948.68
 Pronouncement on Information Disclosure Criteria for Public

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                                          Q1 Report of 2024

 Companies No. 1 – Non-Recurring Gains or Losses (2023
 Edition)” for the quarter ended March 31, 2023
 Difference                                                                             808,436.29

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as a recurring gain/loss item, which is
enumerated as a non-recurring gain/loss in the “Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-Recurring Gains and
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(III) The conditions and reason of change for major accounting data and financial indicators
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Main Operating Conditions During the Reporting Period
(I) Main operating conditions

For the quarter ended March 31, 2024, the Company sold 0.8668 million kiloliters of beer, an
increase of 5.25% compared with 0.8236 million kiloliters over the same period of last year. The
operating revenue was RMB4.293 billion yuan, an increase of 7.16% compared with RMB4.006
billion yuan over the same period of last year. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company
for the first quarter of 2024 amounted to RMB0.452 billion yuan, an increase of 16.78% compared
with RMB0.387 billion yuan over the same period of last year. Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the Company excluding non-recurring profit or loss amounted to RMB0.446 billion yuan, an
increase of 16.91% compared with RMB0.381 billion yuan over the same period of last year.

(II) Revenue by product grade
                                                                                Monetary unit: RMB
                   For the quarter ended       For the quarter ended
 Product grade       March 31, 2024              March 31, 2023             YoY (%)
                   Main business revenue       Main business revenue
   Premium               2,571,724,307.81            2,375,111,079.58         8.28           61.56
  Mainstream             1,520,025,140.42            1,467,699,634.28         3.57           36.38
   Economy                  86,077,755.11               76,590,127.63        12.39            2.06
      Total              4,177,827,203.34            3,919,400,841.49         6.59             100
1. The Company classifies its products into three grades based on consumption price, i.e, premium
   (priced at RMB 8 yuan and above), mainstream (priced between RMB 4-8 yuan, excluding 8
   yuan), and economy (priced below RMB 4 yuan).
2. During the reporting period, the sales volume of economy beer increased by 1.69%,
   corresponding to a revenue increase of 12.39%.

(III) Revenue by marketing channel

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                                                                               Monetary unit: RMB
    Channel type         For the quarter ended            For the quarter ended       YoY (%)
                           March 31, 2024                   March 31, 2023
                         Main business revenue            Main business revenue
     Wholesale                  4,170,312,573.17                 3,910,238,281.65             6.65

(IV) Revenue by region
                                                                          Monetary unit: RMB
       Region            For the quarter ended       For the quarter ended        YoY (%)
                            March 31, 2024              March 31, 2023
                        Main business revenue        Main business revenue
    North-West                   1,159,973,539.97            1,123,709,182.58            3.23
       Central                   1,808,706,339.07            1,689,603,165.52            7.05
        South                    1,209,147,324.30            1,106,088,493.39            9.32
        Total                    4,177,827,203.34            3,919,400,841.49            6.59
Note: The administration area of the company is divided into three regions: North-West region,
Central region and Southern region.

(V) Dealers
For the quarter ended March 31, 2024, the company added 199 dealers and reduced 299 dealers,
with a total of 2,969 dealers at the end of the reporting period and a decrease of 100 compared to
December 31, 2023.

 III. Shareholders
 (I) Total number of ordinary shareholders, number of preferred shareholders with resumed
 voting power and shareholding of top 10 shareholders
                                                                                     Unit: share
                                           Total number of preferred
Total number of ordinary
                                           shareholders with resumed voting
shareholders at the end of        56,669                                                       N/A
                                           power at the end of the reporting
the reporting period
                                           period (if any)
              Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders (excluding refinancing shares lent)
                                                                                    Pledge, marking
                                                                     Number of
                             Nature of        Number of Shareholding                   or freezing
  Name of shareholder                                                 restricted
                            shareholder       shares held   (%)                      Share
                                                                     shares held            Amount
Carlsberg Brewery Hong        Overseas
                                             205,882,718         42.54          0    None
Kong Limited                legal person
Carlsberg Chongqing           Overseas
                                              84,500,000         17.46          0    None
Limited                     legal person
Hong Kong Securities        Overseas          28,908,106          5.97          0 Unknown
Clearing Co., Ltd.          legal person

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                                        Q1 Report of 2024

One-one-zero portfolio of
National Social Security      Others         2,692,138            0.56          0 Unknown
China Life Insurance
Company Limited -
Traditional-General           Others         2,543,606            0.53          0 Unknown
Insurance Product-
005L-CT001 Shanghai
China Construction Bank
Corporation - PENGHUA         Others         2,537,652            0.52          0 Unknown
Industrial and
Commercial Bank of
                              Others         2,477,213            0.51          0 Unknown
China Limited - Huatai-
PineBridge CSI 300 ETF
New China Life
Insurance Company Ltd.
- Traditional-General         Others         2,277,351            0.47          0 Unknown
Insurance Product-
018L-CT001 Shanghai
Bank of Korea - Self-
                             Others        2,056,500           0.42             0 Unknown
owned Fund
China Construction Bank
Corporation - E Fund CSI     Others        1,800,000           0.37             0 Unknown
300 ETF
                       Shareholdings of top 10 unrestricted shareholders
                                                                             Share category and
                              Number of outstanding unrestricted                  quantity
Name of shareholder
                                         shares held                      Share         Amount
Carlsberg Brewery Hong
                                                         205,882,718     ordinary      205,882,718
Kong Limited
Carlsberg Chongqing
                                                            84,500,000   ordinary        84,500,000
Hong Kong Securities
                                                            28,908,106   ordinary        28,908,106
Clearing Co., Ltd.
One-one-zero portfolio of                                                 RMB
National Social Security                                     2,692,138   ordinary         2,692,138
Fund                                                                      shares

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 China Life Insurance
 Company Limited -                                                                    RMB
 Traditional-General                                                  2,543,606      ordinary            2,543,606
 Insurance Product-                                                                  shares
 005L-CT001 Shanghai
 China Construction Bank                                                              RMB
 Corporation - PENGHUA                                                2,537,652      ordinary            2,537,652
 CSI LIQUOR ETF                                                                       shares
 Industrial and
 Commercial Bank of
                                                                      2,477,213      ordinary            2,477,213
 China Limited - Huatai-
 PineBridge CSI 300 ETF
 New China Life
 Insurance Company Ltd.                                                               RMB
 - Traditional-General                                                2,277,351      ordinary            2,277,351
 Insurance Product-                                                                  shares
 018L-CT001 Shanghai
 Bank of Korea - Self-
                                                                      2,056,500ordinary          2,056,500
 owned Fund
 China Construction Bank                                                        RMB
 Corporation - E Fund CSI                                         1,800,000 ordinary             1,800,000
 300 ETF                                                                        shares
 Remarks on related-party         Among the top 10 unrestricted shareholders, Carlsberg Chongqing
 relationships among the          Limited and Carlsberg Brewery Hong Kong Limited are both controlled
 aforesaid shareholders or        by Carlsberg Breweries A/S. It is unknown whether the other
 actions in concert               shareholders are related to each other and whether the other shareholders
                                  are acting in concert.

 Refinancing shares lent by shareholders holding more than 5% shares, the top 10 shareholders and
 the top 10 unrestricted public shareholders
 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                      Unit: share
        Refinancing shares lent by shareholders holding more than 5% shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10
                                           unrestricted public shareholders
                         Beginning shareholding Beginning refinancing Ending shareholding Ending refinancing
                         of ordinary accounts and shares lent and not yet of ordinary accounts shares lent and not
  Name of shareholder
                              credit accounts             returned          and credit accounts      yet returned
       (full name)
                           Quantity Percentage Quantity Percentage Quantity Percentage Quantity Percentage
                             Total        (%)         Total       (%)        Total        (%)     Total        (%)
China Construction
Bank Corporation -
                            2,957,302         0.61 621,400           0.13 2,537,652         0.52 490,700          0.10
Industrial and
                            1,678,213         0.35     33,400        0.01 2,477,213         0.51    2,200       0.001
Commercial Bank of

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China Limited - Huatai-
PineBridge CSI 300
China Construction
Bank Corporation - E      636,500     0.13      9,800     0.002 1,800,000      0.37   23,100     0.005
Fund CSI 300 ETF

 Changes in the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 unrestricted public shareholders due to
 refinancing lending/restitution compared with the previous period
 √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                         Unit: share
     Changes in the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 unrestricted public shareholders due to
                 refinancing lending/restitution compared with the previous period
                                                               Number of shares held by ordinary
                                 Number of refinancing shares
                    New/exiting                                    accounts/credit accounts and
      Name of                     lent and not yet returned at
                    shareholder                                 refinancing shares lent and not yet
   shareholder                       the end of the period
                     during the                                  returned at the end of the period
    (full name)
                       period                      Percentage                            Percentage
                                    Aggregate                         Aggregate
                                                       (%)                                  (%)
                   New                     23,100      0.005                 1,823,100          0.38
 Corporation - E
 Fund CSI 300

 IV. Other Reminders
 Other important information about the company’s operations during the reporting period that
 investors should be reminded of.
 □ Applicable √ Not applicable

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V. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Audit Opinion
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(II) Financial Statements

                                    Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                      As of March 31, 2024

Prepared by: Chongqing Brewery Co., Ltd.
                                                       Monetary unit: RMB Audit type: Unaudited
                 Items                          March 31, 2024           December 31, 2023
 Current assets:
  Cash and bank balances                            2,945,120,807.44          2,712,720,235.65
  Settlement funds
  Loans to other banks
  Held-for-trading financial assets                    901,642,500.00          360,202,000.00
  Derivative financial assets                            8,084,911.58            14,392,732.78
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                                  105,297,741.70            64,628,136.06
  Receivables financing
  Advances paid                                         38,567,359.12            41,831,987.46
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance accounts receivable
  Reinsurance reserve receivable
  Other receivables                                     26,427,132.86            23,987,973.67
   Including: Interest receivable
              Dividend receivable
  Financial assets under reverse repo
  Inventories                                       1,790,897,384.57          2,100,354,952.29
    Including: Data resources
  Contract assets
  Assets held for sale
   Non-current assets due within one
  Other current assets                                113,406,979.20            146,488,217.09
          Total current assets                      5,929,444,816.47          5,464,606,235.00
 Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                         153,847,165.71          140,608,195.59
  Other equity instrument investments                   17,156,286.50           16,625,962.83

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                Items                            March 31, 2024           December 31, 2023
 Other non-current financial assets
 Investment property
 Fixed assets                                        3,579,055,632.67         3,673,993,109.60
 Construction in progress                            1,152,431,743.67           783,503,734.86
 Productive biological assets
 Oil & gas assets
 Right-of-use assets                                     148,726,917.00         153,497,044.09
 Intangible assets                                       663,312,448.18         677,053,982.74
   Including: Data resources
 Development expenditures
   Including: Data resources
 Goodwill                                                699,192,456.06         699,192,456.06
 Long-term prepayments
 Deferred tax assets                                     687,152,449.61         679,012,008.03
 Other non-current assets                                1,963,273.44            98,818,865.15
    Total non-current assets                         7,102,838,372.84         6,922,305,358.95
       Total assets                                 13,032,283,189.31        12,386,911,593.95
Current liabilities:
 Short-term borrowings
 Central bank loans
 Loans from other banks
 Held-for-trading financial liabilities
 Derivative financial liabilities                         15,759,347.35          15,408,026.80
 Notes payable
 Accounts payable                                    2,796,768,259.25         2,607,629,899.17
 Advances received
 Contract liabilities                                1,677,390,760.57         1,666,791,670.83
 Financial liabilities under repo
  Absorbing deposit and interbank
  Deposit for agency security
  Deposit for agency security
 Employee benefits payable                             390,544,456.21           409,937,660.39
 Taxes and rates payable                               377,941,631.51            86,479,764.60
 Other payables                                      2,628,258,819.92         3,326,996,153.10
   Including: Interest payable
              Dividend payable
 Handling fee and commission
 Reinsurance accounts payable
 Liabilities held for sale

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                 Items                         March 31, 2024           December 31, 2023
   Non-current liabilities due within
                                                        41,548,353.97          42,382,811.96
   one year
  Other current liabilities                             14,369,907.85          26,113,341.32
      Total current liabilities                    7,942,581,536.63         8,181,739,328.17
 Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance policy reserve
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
    Including: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                                    118,772,715.51         121,370,635.09
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits payable                  149,436,720.63         150,981,389.59
  Provisions                                            25,161,793.79          25,219,093.79
  Deferred income                                      240,171,640.72         247,646,473.34
  Deferred tax liabilities                               7,480,882.91           7,806,126.04
  Other non-current liabilities
      Total non-current liabilities                    541,023,753.56         553,023,717.85
        Total liabilities                          8,483,605,290.19         8,734,763,046.02
  Share capital                                        483,971,198.00         483,971,198.00
  Other equity instruments
    Including: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                                       18,403,177.00          16,022,535.00
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income                           -18,564,257.28         -16,085,442.20
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                                      241,985,599.00         241,985,599.00
  General risk reserve
  Undistributed profit                             1,866,245,715.88         1,414,306,729.77
   Total equity attributable to the
                                                   2,592,041,432.60         2,140,200,619.57
   parent company
  Non-controlling interest                         1,956,636,466.52         1,511,947,928.36
      Total equity                                 4,548,677,899.12         3,652,148,547.93
         Total liabilities & equity            13,032,283,189.31           12,386,911,593.95
Legal representative: Joo Miguel Ventura Rego Abecasis
Officer in charge of accounting: Chin Wee Hua
Head of accounting department: Liping Liu

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                                           Q1 Report of 2024

                               Consolidated Income Statement
                             For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024

Prepared by: Chongqing Brewery Co., Ltd.
                                                       Monetary unit: RMB Audit type: Unaudited
                                              For the quarter ended        For the quarter ended
                                                 March 31, 2024               March 31, 2023
 I. Total operating revenue                          4,292,542,727.03            4,005,811,752.65
 Including: Operating revenue                        4,292,542,727.03            4,005,811,752.65
          Interest income
          Premiums earned
          Revenue from handling charges
          and commission
 II. Total operating cost                             3,198,693,094.03           3,077,537,348.79
 Including: Operating cost                            2,236,546,768.40           2,196,941,245.54
     Interest expenses
     Handling charges and commission
     Surrender value
     Net payment of insurance claims
     Net provision of insurance policy
     Premium bonus expenditures
     Reinsurance expenses
     Taxes and surcharges                                 267,727,272.93          249,505,309.99
     Selling expenses                                     563,572,398.53          518,695,636.80
     Administrative expenses                              134,406,900.84          124,532,751.47
     R&D expenses                                           4,702,443.79            1,410,077.93
     Financial expenses                                    -8,262,690.46          -13,547,672.94
     Including: Interest expenses                           1,841,440.12            1,176,188.15
             Interest income                               11,320,886.70           15,718,979.95
 Add: Other income                                         12,321,234.89           13,834,104.44
     Investment income (or less: losses)                   15,097,347.48           12,134,773.12
     Including: Investment income from
                                                           13,238,970.12            12,134,773.12
     associates and joint ventures
     Gains from derecognition of
     financial assets at amortized cost
     Gains on foreign exchange (or less:
     Gains on net exposure to hedging
     risk (or less: losses)
     Gains on changes in fair value (or
     less: losses)
     Credit impairment loss                                -2,629,954.53              -654,041.53
     Assets impairment loss                               -14,628,345.68            -3,945,698.26

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                                          For the quarter ended       For the quarter ended
                                             March 31, 2024              March 31, 2023
    Gains on asset disposal (or less:
                                                          10,480.26              -131,838.64
III. Operating profit (or less: losses)            1,105,662,895.42          949,511,702.99
Add: Non-operating revenue                             1,592,794.49              409,955.74
Less: Non-operating expenditures                         835,901.36              454,704.77
IV. Profit before tax (or less: total loss)        1,106,419,788.55          949,466,953.96
Less: Income tax expenses                            207,461,226.09          174,706,948.06
V. Net profit (or less: net loss)                    898,958,562.46          774,760,005.90
(I) Categorized by the continuity of operations
    1. Net profit from continuing
                                                     898,959,658.91          774,752,253.19
    operations (or less: net loss)
    2. Net profit from discontinued
                                                          -1,096.45                 7,752.71
    operations (or less: net loss)
(II) Categorized by the portion of equity ownership
    1. Net profit attributable to owners
                                                     451,938,986.11          387,009,759.80
    of parent company (or less: net loss)
    2. Net profit attributable to non-
    controlling shareholders (or less:               447,019,576.35          387,750,246.10
    net loss)
VI. Other comprehensive income after
                                                      -4,809,853.27             1,111,468.35
(I) Items attributable to the owners of
                                                      -2,478,815.08              578,737.83
the parent company
1.Not to be reclassified subsequently to
                                                         204,519.32              492,505.48
profit or loss
    (1) Remeasurements of the net
    defined benefit plan
    (2) Items under equity method that
    will not be reclassified to profit or
    (3) Changes in fair value of other
                                                         204,519.32              492,505.48
    equity instrument investments
    (4) Changes in fair value of own
    credit risk
2. To be reclassified subsequently to
                                                      -2,683,334.40               86,232.35
profit or loss
    (1) Items under equity method that
    may be reclassified to profit or loss
    (2) Changes in fair value of other
    debt investments
    (3) Profit or loss from
    reclassification of financial assets
    into other comprehensive income

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                                         For the quarter ended     For the quarter ended
                                            March 31, 2024            March 31, 2023
     (4) Provision for credit impairment
     of other debt investments
     (5) Cash flow hedging reserve                 -2,683,334.40               86,232.35
     (6) Translation reserve
     (7) Others
 (II) Items attributable to non-
                                                   -2,331,038.19              532,730.52
 controlling shareholders
 VII. Total comprehensive income                 894,148,709.19           775,871,474.25
     (I) Items attributable to the owners
                                                 449,460,171.03           387,588,497.63
     of the parent company
     (II) Items attributable to non-
                                                 444,688,538.16           388,282,976.62
     controlling shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per share (EPS):
 (I) Basic EPS (yuan per share)                             0.93                    0.80
 (II) Diluted EPS (yuan per share)                          0.93                    0.80
Legal representative: Joo Miguel Ventura Rego Abecasis
Officer in charge of accounting: Chin Wee Hua
Head of accounting department: Liping Liu

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                                       Q1 Report of 2024

                             Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                            For the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024

Prepared by: Chongqing Brewery Co., Ltd.
                                                   Monetary unit: RMB Audit type: Unaudited
                                            For the quarter ended       For the quarter ended
                                               March 31, 2024              March 31, 2023
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
    Cash receipts from sale of goods or
                                                  4,036,443,604.33           3,741,118,313.07
    rendering of services
    Net increase of client deposit and
    interbank deposit
    Net increase of central bank loans
    Net increase of loans from other
    financial institutions
    Cash receipts from original insurance
    contract premium
    Net cash receipts from reinsurance
    Net increase of policy-holder deposit
    and investment
    Cash receipts from interest, handling
    charges and commission
    Net increase of loans from others
    Net increase of repurchase
    Net cash receipts from agency
    security transaction
    Receipts of tax refund                                 295,858.98            2,578,768.78
    Other cash receipts related to
                                                      89,336,607.02             80,114,182.44
    operating activities
        Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                  4,126,076,070.33           3,823,811,264.29
        operating activities
    Cash payments for goods purchased
                                                  1,719,015,477.68           1,688,785,272.72
    and services received
    Net increase of loans and advances to
    Net increase of central bank deposit
    and interbank deposit
    Cash payments for insurance
    indemnities of original insurance
    Net increase of loans to others
    Cash payments for interest, handling
    charges and commission
    Cash payments for policy bonus

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                                      Q1 Report of 2024

                                             For the quarter ended      For the quarter ended
                                                March 31, 2024             March 31, 2023
  Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                       395,415,111.20          355,179,827.32
  Cash payments for taxes and rates                    467,174,303.78          536,000,992.83
  Other cash payments related to
                                                       463,715,800.45          391,236,006.72
  operating activities
      Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                   3,045,320,693.11          2,971,202,099.59
      operating activities
         Net cash flows from operating
                                                   1,080,755,377.22            852,609,164.70
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash receipts from withdrawal of
  Cash receipts from investment
  Net cash receipts from the disposal of
  fixed assets, intangible assets and                       15,601.00               67,466.95
  other long-term assets
  Net cash receipts from the disposal of
  subsidiaries & other business units
  Other cash receipts related to
  investing activities
      Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                         2,075,978.36               67,466.95
      investing activities
  Cash payments for the acquisition of
  fixed assets, intangible assets and                  311,070,673.84          176,004,254.07
  other long-term assets
  Cash payments for investments                        540,000,000.00
  Net increase of pledged borrowings
  Net cash payments for the acquisition
  of subsidiaries & other business units
  Other cash payments related to
  investing activities
      Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                       851,070,673.84          176,004,254.07
      investing activities
         Net cash flows from investing
                                                    -848,994,695.48           -175,936,787.12
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Cash receipts from absorbing
  Including: Cash received by
     subsidiaries from non-controlling
     shareholders as investments
  Cash receipts from borrowings

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                                              Q1 Report of 2024

                                                 For the quarter ended       For the quarter ended
                                                    March 31, 2024              March 31, 2023
   Other cash receipts related to
   financing activities
       Subtotal of cash inflows from
       financing activities
   Cash payments for the repayment of
   Cash payments for distribution of
      dividends or profits and for interest
   Including: Cash paid by subsidiaries
      to non-controlling shareholders as
      dividend or profit
   Other cash payments related to
                                                             7,883,299.25             6,077,533.45
   financing activities
       Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                             7,883,299.25             6,077,533.45
       financing activities
           Net cash flows from financing
                                                             -7,883,299.25           -6,077,533.45
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
 changes on cash & cash equivalents
 V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                  223,877,382.49                    670,594,844.13
    Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                2,700,076,206.04                  3,396,809,241.14
 cash equivalents
 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash
                                                2,923,953,588.53                  4,067,404,085.27
Legal representative: Joo Miguel Ventura Rego Abecasis
Officer in charge of accounting: Chin Wee Hua
Head of accounting department: Liping Liu

(III)The first adoption of new accounting standards or interpretations since 2024 that involve
adjustments to the financial statements at the beginning of the year of first adoption.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Hereby announced.

                                                   Board of Directors of Chongqing Brewery Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      April 26, 2024

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