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                        Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                              2021 Third Quarterly Report

Stock code:600380                                                                   Stock abbreviation:健康元

               Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                 2021 Third Quarterly Report

      Board of Directors (the “Board”) and all directors of the Company hereby warrant that there are no false

 representations, misleading statements or material omissions contained in the third quarterly report (the “Report”),

 and severally and jointly accept responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of

 the Report.

     The Board, the Supervisory Committee and the directors, supervisors and senior management of the

     Company hereby warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of the Report,

     and that there are no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions contained in

     the Report, and severally and jointly accept responsibility.

     The person-in-charge of the Company, the person-in-charge of the Company's accounting work and

     the person-in-charge of the accounting department (the head of the accounting department) hereby

     warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements contained in the


     Whether the third quarterly financial statements are audited

     □Applicable √N/A

     The Report is prepared in both Chinese and English. In case of any ambiguity in the understanding

     of the Chinese and English texts, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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    Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                       2021 Third Quarterly Report

   I     Principal Financial Data
         (I) Principal accounting data and financial indicators
                                                                                          Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                            From the beginning
                                 The Reporting                               of the year to the
                                     Period            Year-on-Year               end of the      Year-on-Year Change
                                (July-September        Change (%)            Reporting Period             (%)
                                      2021)                                      (January –
                                                                             September 2021)
Revenues                         4,098,276,714.19                   12.98     11,933,648,988.85                     18.12
Net profit attributable to
Shareholders of the listed         321,327,690.20                   27.91      1,008,675,184.73                          8.76
Net profit attributable to
Shareholders of the listed
company after deducting            321,676,905.90                   52.36        919,569,233.33                     14.45
the extraordinary gain or
Net cash flow from
                                             N/A                     N/A       1,621,169,704.58                     -18.31
operating activities
Basic earnings per share
                                          0.1640                    25.67               0.5154                           7.64
Diluted earnings per share
                                          0.1638                    26.49               0.5142                           7.96
Weighted average return on                             Increased by 0.47                                 Increased by 0.17
                                             2.85                                          8.89
net assets (%)                                          percentage point                                  percentage point
                                   End of the
                                                            End of the Previous Year                   Change (%)
                                Reporting Period
Total assets                    29,154,637,491.82                             28,156,977,599.07                          3.54
Owners’ equity attributable
to Shareholders of the listed   11,314,080,616.51                             11,096,125,890.51                          1.96

   Note: 1. “Reporting Period” refers to the 3rd Quarter of 2021, from July 1, 2021 to September 30, 2021.
          2. From January to September 2021, the Company recorded operating revenues of RMB 11,934
   million, representing an increase of 18.12% year-on-year; the main driver of the growth is significant
   increasing sales volume of main product categories in key specialist arenas of the Chemical drug
   preparation segment. Revenues from chemical drug preparation products amounted to RMB 6,907
   million, representing an increase of 40.96% year-on-year, of which, revenues from Inhalation products
   amounted to 274 million, representing an increase of 957.88% year-on-year; Revenues from
   anti-infective drugs amounted to RMB1,053 million, representing a decrease of 0.19% year-on-year;
   Revenues from gastroenterology products amounted to RMB 2,993 million, representing an increase of
   68.66% year-on-year; Revenues from gonadotropic hormones products amounted to RMB 1,978 million,
   representing an increase of 37.75% year-on-year; Revenues from psychiatric products amounted to
   RMB 306 million, representing an increase of 49.77% year-on-year. Revenues from APIs and
   intermediates amounted to RMB 3,441 million, representing an increase of 17.51% year-on-year.
   Revenues from traditional Chinese drug preparation products amounted to RMB 853 million,
   representing a decrease of 10.53% year-on-year. Revenues from diagnostic reagents and equipment
   products amounted to RMB552 million, representing a decrease of 52.64% year-on-year. Revenues from
   health care products amounted to RMB 86 million, representing a decrease of 20.28% year-on-year.

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  Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                        2021 Third Quarterly Report

        (Ⅱ) Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
                                                                                           Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                   Amount from the
                                                               beginning of the year to
                                           Amounts for the
                  Item                                         the end of the Reporting             Description
                                           Reporting Period
                                                                  Period (January –
                                                                   September 2021)
Gains and losses on disposal of
non-current assets (Including the                                                         Proceeds from disposal of
                                                  528,115.38             20,878,916.52
write-off part of the provision for                                                       fixed assets
impairment of assets)
Government grants included in profit
and loss for the Period (except for
government grants closely associated                                                      Government grants included
with normal corporate businesses,              45,995,421.31            175,456,418.58    in profit and loss for the
entitled at fixed amount or fixed level                                                   Period
according to national policies and
national unified standards)
Gains and losses on fair value changes
of financial assets held for trading,
derivative financial assets, financial
liabilities held for trading, derivative                                                  Gains or losses arising from
financial liabilities, and investment                                                     changes in fair value of
income generated on disposal of                                                           financial assets/liabilities held
financial assets held for trading,                                                        for trading, and investment
                                              -48,806,320.50               6,742,628.05
derivative financial assets, financial                                                    gains from holding and
liabilities held for trading, derivative                                                  disposal of financial
financial liabilities and other debt                                                      assets/liabilities held for
investments, except for effective                                                         trading
hedging activities related to the
ordinary operating business of the
                                                                                          Other non-operating
Other non-operating revenues and
                                                                                          Revenues and non-operating
non-operating expenditures apart from         -12,046,187.71             -13,444,794.44
                                                                                          expenditures apart from the
the above items
                                                                                          above items
                                                                                          Effect of the above items on
Less: Effect on income tax                      3,376,118.90              29,574,335.32
                                                                                          income tax
                                                                                          The portion of the above
      Effect on minority interests after
                                              -17,355,874.72              70,952,881.99   items to which minority
                                                                                          shareholders are entitled
                  Total                          -349,215.70              89,105,951.40

 The explanation on the recognitions of the items of extraordinary gains and losses as set out in the

 “Interpretative Announcement for Information Disclosure of Companies that Issue Securities to the

 Public No. 1 – Extraordinary Gains or Losses” as items of recurring gains and losses

        □Applicable √N/A

        (Ⅲ) Changes and the reasons for changes in principal accounting data and financial indicators

        √Applicable □N/A

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         Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                               2021 Third Quarterly Report

                                                   Change in proportion(%)
                   Name of item                                                                           Explanation
                                                 (2021Q3 compared with 2020 Q3)
        Net profit attributable to
                                                                                           Mainly due to the significant growth of
        Shareholders of the listed
                                                                                           the sales revenues from the chemical
        company after deducting the                                              52.36
                                                                                           drugs, which is the main driver of the
        extraordinary gain or loss
                                                                                           growth of the net incomes.
        (2021 Q3 )

                (IV) Substantial changes of other items in the Financial Statements and financial indicators and

        reasons thereof

                                                                                                          Unit Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                                       Change in
    Balance Sheet            2021/09/30              2020/12/31        proportion                           Main Reason
                                                                                         Mainly due to the fact that the subsidiary Livzon
                                                                                         Group was allocated the shares of Beam
                                                                                         Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: BEAM) originally
Financial assets held                                                                    held by SCC VENTURE VII 2018-C, L.P. pursuant
                             189,909,950.41           28,328,748.72           570.38
for trading                                                                              to the investment agreement, as a result of the
                                                                                         proposed deregistration of SCC VENTURE VII
                                                                                         2018-C, L.P. in which Livzon Group made
                                                                                         Mainly due to the increase in procurement amounts
Prepayments                  522,396,275.49          209,926,040.57           148.85
                                                                                         and costs prepaid for materials.
                                                                                         Mainly due to the receipt of consideration for the
Non-current assets
                                  8,634,022.41        19,934,376.07           -56.69     transfer of some equity interest in a controlling
due within one year
                                                                                         subsidiary of the subsidiary Livzon Group.
                                                                                         Mainly due to the subsidiary Livzon Group’s
Long-term equity                                                                         acquisition of 40% equity interest in Tianjin
                           1,418,022,709.96          628,279,599.73           125.70
investments                                                                              Tongrentang Group Co., Ltd. (天津同仁堂集团股
Other non-current                                                                        Mainly due to the increase in prepayment for
                             608,764,830.86          373,557,910.72            62.96
assets                                                                                   engineering equipment.
Financial liabilities                                                                    Mainly due to the increased losses from foreign
                                    39,018.28                212.07         18298.77
held for trading                                                                         exchange forward contracts owned by Livzon Group
                                                                                         Mainly due to the payment for the special funds of
Employee benefits
                             280,937,529.46          476,521,798.51           -41.04     the “Medium to Long-term Business Partner Share
                                                                                         Ownership Scheme”.
                                                                                         Mainly due to some contract amounts received in
Other current                                                                            advance were transferred to revenue upon fulfilling
                                  3,343,666.92         6,267,034.79           -46.65
liabilities                                                                              the conditions for revenue recognition, and the
                                                                                         decrease in tax for items pending for settlement.
                                                                                         Mainly due to the new bank borrowings of the
Long-term loans              688,100,000.00          360,324,027.48            90.97
                                                                                         subsidiary Livzon Group.
                                                                                         Mainly due to the subsidiary Livzon Group’s
                                                                                         reclassification of leasing liabilities due within one
Leasing liabilities               6,042,261.51         9,817,780.04           -38.46
                                                                                         year to non-current liabilities due within one year
                                                                                         caused by the change in credit period.
                                                                                         Mainly due to Livzon Group’s transfer of other
Other comprehensive                                                                      comprehensive income recognized in the previous
                              25,758,615.13          116,300,559.28           -77.85
income                                                                                   period into retained earnings after the disposal of
                                                                                         investment in other equity instruments.
                                                                       Change in
 Income Statement           2021 Jan-Sep            2020 Jan-Sep       proportion                           Main Reason
                                                                                         Mainly due to the increase in selling expenses in line
                                                                                         with a prominent growth in the sales revenue of drug
Selling expenses           3,820,420,328.92         2,933,764,220.56           30.22
                                                                                         preparation products during the Period, as a result of
                                                                                         the Company’s increased marketing efforts for

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         Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                             2021 Third Quarterly Report

                                                                                      Inhalation, gastroenterology and psychiatry products
                                                                                      during the Period.
                                                                                      Mainly due to an increase in R&D investment, as a
                                                                                      result of actively advancing the R&D progress of
Research and
                                                                                      project of innovative drug “Recombinant
Development(“R&D”)         959,056,925.14         695,722,058.28            37.85
                                                                                      SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Protein Vaccine” and the
                                                                                      expansion of the scientific research team during the
                                                                                      Mainly due to an increase in interest expenses as a
                                                                                      result of an increase in loans during the Period and
Finance expenses              -43,302,001.92        -92,039,637.31             N/A    lower interest income than the previous period as a
                                                                                      result of a decrease in deposit interest rate and no
                                                                                      interest settled for some unexpired deposits.
                                                                                      Mainly due to the the subsidiary Livzon Group’s
                                                                                      income from the disposal of the equity interest in
Investment income              69,260,277.50        140,803,971.20           -50.81
                                                                                      Jiangsu Ni Ke Medical Device Co., Ltd. (江苏尼科
                                                                                      医疗器械有限公司) in the previous period.
                                                                                      Mainly due to fluctuations in the market value of
Gains from changes in
                              -18,014,545.96          6,163,867.32         -392.26    investment in securities held by the subsidiary
fair value
                                                                                      Livzon Group.
Credit impairment                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in the expected credit
                              -10,549,870.63         -3,974,299.64           165.45
loss                                                                                  loss of receivables.
                                                                                      Mainly due to the increase in the provision for
Asset impairment loss         -35,798,711.62        -26,883,492.66            33.16
                                                                                      inventory depreciation.
Gains from disposal                                                                   Mainly due to the gains from the external disposal of
                               18,357,859.21             -43,950.50            N/A
of assets                                                                             Land use rights during the Period.
                                                                      Change in
Cash Flow Statement         2021 Jan-Sep          2020 Jan-Sep        proportion                           Main Reason
                                                                                      Mainly due to the subsidiary Livzon Group’s
Subtotal of cash                                                                      payment of consideration for the Livzon’s
outflow from                1,739,746,862.49        618,514,702.58           181.28   acquisition of 40% equity interest in Tianjin
investing activities                                                                  Tongrentang Group Co., Ltd. (天津同仁堂集团股
                                                                                      Mainly due to the subsidiary Livzon Group’s
Net cash flow from                                                                    payment of consideration for the acquisition of 40%
                           -1,509,334,937.50       -402,448,366.98             N/A
investing activities                                                                  equity interest in Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co.,
                                                                                      Ltd. (天津同仁堂集团股份有限公司).
Effect of changes in                                                                  Mainly due to the decrease of the subsidiary Livzon
foreign exchange rates                                                                Group’s exchange losses on cash held in foreign
                              -20,822,588.77        -36,878,975.00             N/A
on cash and cash                                                                      currencies, as a result of the changes in exchange
equivalents                                                                           rates.
                                                                                      Mainly due to the subsidiary Livzon Group’s
Net increase in cash                                                                  payment of consideration for the acquisition of 40%
                           -1,692,759,711.75       -655,783,619.10             N/A    equity interest in Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co.,
and cash equivalents
                                                                                      Ltd. (天津同仁堂集团股份有限公司).

        II     Shareholders' Information

               (I) Table of the total number of ordinary shareholders, the number of preferred shareholders with

        resumed voting rights and shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                                                   Unit: Shares
                                                               Total number of preferred shareholders
  Total number of ordinary shareholders at
                                                     111,259   with resumed voting rights at the end of                                  0
  the end of the Reporting Period
                                                               the Reporting Period (if any)
                                                 Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders
                                                Nature of        Number of      Percentage   Number of
             Name of shareholders                                                                              Pledge, mark or lock-up
                                               shareholders       shares           (%)       shares held

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       Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                  2021 Third Quarterly Report

                                                                                                with selling      Share
                                                                                                restrictions                     Number
Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co.,
                                             non-state-owned     895,653,653           47.01               0      Pledge           95,679,725
                                               legal person
Hong Kong Securities Clearing
                                                 Unknown           88,941,864            4.67              0    Unknown
Company Limited
Might Seasons Limited                         Overseas legal
                                                                   71,859,334            3.77              0    Unknown
(鸿信行有限公司)                                 person
108 portfolio of national social security
                                                 Unknown           12,461,721            0.65              0    Unknown
16011 portfolio of basic endowment
                                                 Unknown           12,119,743            0.64              0    Unknown
insurance fund
                                              Overseas legal
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority                                     12,018,189            0.63              0    Unknown
Hua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. -
                                                 Unknown            9,112,618            0.48              0    Unknown
proprietary investment account
Bosera Funds Management Co., Ltd. -
                                                 Unknown            8,732,946            0.46              0    Unknown
419 portfolio of social security funds
                                             Domestic natural
He Zhong                                                            7,650,024            0.40              0    Unknown
Agricultural Bank of China Limited -
China 500 Exchange Traded Open-End                Unknown              6,295,902           0.33               0 Unknown
Index Securities Investment Fund (ETF)
                                       Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders without selling restrictions
                                               Number of tradable shares held without selling                Class and number of shares
Name of shareholders
                                                                  restrictions                                 Class                 Number
Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co.,                                                                        Ordinary shares
                                                                                  895,653,653                                       895,653,653
Ltd.*(深圳市百业源投资有限公司)                                                                     denominated in Renminbi
Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                                             Ordinary shares
                                                                                    88,941,864                                       88,941,864
Company Limited                                                                                     denominated in Renminbi
Might Seasons Limited                                                                                     Ordinary shares
                                                                                    71,859,334                                       71,859,334
(鸿信行有限公司)                                                                                    denominated in Renminbi
108 portfolio of national social security                                                                 Ordinary shares
                                                                                    12,461,721                                       12,461,721
fund                                                                                                denominated in Renminbi
16011 portfolio of basic endowment                                                                        Ordinary shares
                                                                                    12,119,743                                       12,119,743
insurance fund                                                                                      denominated in Renminbi
                                                                                                          Ordinary shares
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority                                                      12,018,189                                       12,018,189
                                                                                                    denominated in Renminbi
Hua Life Insurance Co., Ltd. -                                                                            Ordinary shares
                                                                                     9,112,618                                        9,112,618
proprietary investment account                                                                      denominated in Renminbi
Bosera Funds Management Co., Ltd. -                                                                       Ordinary shares
                                                                                     8,732,946                                        8,732,946
419 portfolio of social security funds                                                              denominated in Renminbi
                                                                                                          Ordinary shares
He Zhong                                                                             7,650,024                                        7,650,024
                                                                                                    denominated in Renminbi
Agricultural Bank of China Limited -
                                                                                                          Ordinary shares
China 500 Exchange Traded Open-End                                                   6,295,902                                        6,295,902
                                                                                                    denominated in Renminbi
Index Securities Investment Fund (ETF)
                                                   There was no connection or acting-in-concert relationship between Shenzhen Baiyeyuan
Description of connection or
                                              Investment Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company, and other shareholders;
acting-in-concert relationship of the
                                              whether there is connection or acting-in-concert relationship among other shareholders is
above shareholders
Description of the participation of the top
10 shareholders and the top 10
                                                   Shareholder He Zhong held 850,000 shares through an ordinary securities account and
shareholders without selling restriction in
                                              6,800,024 shares through a customer's margin account, namely 7,650,024 shares in total.
securities margin trading and securities
financing (if any)
                                                   As at the end of the Reporting Period, the special repurchase account of the Company
Notes on the special repurchase account
                                              (special securities repurchase account of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.)
among the top 10 shareholders
                                              owned 17,459,813 shares in total, accounting for 0.92% of total share capital of the Company.

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                     2021 Third Quarterly Report

III Other Information
Other key information on the operations of the Company during the Reporting Period to which investors
should be reminded to pay attention

     √Applicable □N/A

     1. Use of Proceeds

     According to the Reply to the Approval of Share Allotment of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group

Industry Co., Ltd. issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2018] No.

1284), the Company allotted 365,105,066 new shares to the original shareholders. The total amount of

actual proceeds from the allotment was RMB 1,715,993,810.20; the deducted distribution expenses were

RMB 46,253,565.29; the net amount of proceeds was RMB 1,669,740,244.91. As at October 16, 2018,

the said proceeds were in place, which was validated by the Capital Verification Report of Joincare

Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. issued by Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (Rui Hua Yan

Zi [2018] No. 40060006).

     As at September 30, 2021, the use of proceeds was as follows:
                                                                                                Unit: RMB 10,000
                                           Total     Total amount    Use of proceeds as   Balance of proceeds
           Project name                  amount of    of proceeds    at September 30,     as at September 30,
                                        investment      invested            2021                  2021
Zhuhai Health Industry Base
                                         98,066.84       76,974.02             3,386.29             73,587.73
Construction Project
Haibin Pharma Pingshan
Pharmaceutical Industrialization Base   125,471.35       90,000.00            63,350.74             26,649.26
Total                                   223,538.19      166,974.02            66,737.03            100,236.99

     Pursuant to the Resolution on the Temporary Replenishment of Working Capital with Idle Proceeds

considered and approved at the 37th Meeting of the 7th Session of the Board of the Company on 30

December 2020, it was agreed that the Company temporarily replenished the working capital with no

more than RMB 900 million of idle proceeds from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, so as to

improve the use efficiency of proceeds and reduce financial expenses of the Company. Pursuant to the

Resolution on Cash Management with Idle Proceeds considered and approved, it was agreed that the

Company carried out cash management with no more than RMB 250 million of idle proceeds and

purchased principal-guaranteed bank cash management products with high security and good liquidity or

deposit products with high investment incomes, without prejudice to the implementation of projects

invested with proceeds and the use of proceeds. Duration of the said cash management was from January

1, 2021 to December 31, 2021; the funds may be used on revolving basis within the approved limit.

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                2021 Third Quarterly Report

     As at the date of disclosure of the Report, the balance for temporary replenishment of working

capital was RMB 860 million. The outstanding balance for cash management with idle proceeds was

RMB 130 million.

     2. Matters About Equity Incentives

     Pursuant to the Resolution relating to Cancellation of Certain Share Options under the 2018 Share

Option Incentive Plan considered and approved at the 52nd Meeting of the 7th Session of the Board and

the 38th Meeting of the 7th Session of the Supervisor Committee of the Company on August 10, 2021,

share options under the first grant and reserved grant that have been granted but not yet exercised due to

resignation of some Incentive Participants or other reasons were canceled. The number of Incentive

Participants for the first grant was adjusted from 233 to 211, while the number of unexercised share

options under the first grant was adjusted from 9,505,859 to 8,827,859, with 678,000 share options

canceled; the number of Incentive Participants for the reserved grant was adjusted from150 to 142, and

the number of unexercised share options under the reserved grant was adjusted from 3,370,472 to

3,210,472, with 160,000 share options canceled. See the Announcement on the Cancellation of Certain

Share Options of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. Granted but Not Yet Exercised under

the 2018 Share Option Incentive Plan (Lin 2021-098) disclosed by the Company on August 11, 2021 for

details. The Company completed the above stock option cancellation on August 17, 2021; the

cancellation was validated and confirmed by Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and

Clearing Corporation Limited.

      The Resolution on Fulfillment of Exercise Conditions for the Second Exercise Period of the

Reserved Grant under the 2018 Share Options Incentive Scheme was considered and approved at the

53rd Meeting of the 7th Session of the Board and the 40th Meeting of the 7th Session of the Supervisory

Committee of the Company on August 25, 2021. The independent directors of the Company voiced

independent opinions on the resolution and the supervisors voiced opinions on approval of the resolution.

The number of exercisable options during the second exercise period of the reserved grant under the

2018 Share Options Incentive Scheme of the Company was 2,935,000 and the exercise period was from

September 23, 2021 to September 22, 2022. The share options may be exercised on a voluntary basis.

See the Announcement on Fulfillment of Exercise Conditions for the Second Exercise Period of the

Reserved Grant under the 2018 Share Options Incentive Scheme of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                               2021 Third Quarterly Report

Industry Co., Ltd. (Lin 2021-107) disclosed by the Company on August 26, 2021 for details.

    As at the end of the Reporting Period, the number of options cumulatively exercised and

completing share transfer registration under the first grant and reserved grant of the 2018 Share Options

Incentive Scheme of the Company was 22,459,801. In 2021 Q3, the paid-in capital for exercise was

RMB 16,219,524.94, among which, the newly registered capital was RMB 1,899,922, and RMB

14,319,602.94 was recognized as capital reserve (additional paid in capital). The exercise this time did

not impose a heavy impact on the financial status and operating results of the Company. See the

Announcement on 2021 Q3 Voluntary Exercise Results of the 2018 Share Options Incentive Scheme of

Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. & Changes in Shares (Lin 2021-124) disclosed by the

Company on October 9, 2021 for details.

     3. Matters About Share Repurchase

    Pursuant to the Resolution on Share Repurchase Scheme by Way of Centralized Price Bidding and

other resolutions considered and approved at the 41st Meeting of the 7th Session of the Board and the

2021 First Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on February 9, 2021 and February 25, 2021,

respectively, it was approved that the Company repurchased company shares by way of centralized price

bidding with its own funds or self-raised funds; the total amount of repurchase funds should be no less

than RMB 350 million (inclusive) and no more than RMB 700 million (inclusive); the repurchase price

should be no more than RMB 20/share (inclusive); the repurchase term should be no more than 12

months from the date when the repurchase scheme was approved by the General Meeting of the

Company. See the Announcement of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on the Share

Repurchase Scheme by Way of Centralized Price Bidding (Lin 2021-016) and the Announcement on the

Resolution of the 2021 First Extraordinary General Meeting of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry

Co., Ltd. (Lin 2021-025) disclosed by the Company on February 10, 2021 and February 26, 2021 for

details. The Repurchase Report of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on Share

Repurchase by Way of Centralized Price Bidding (Lin 2021-027) was disclosed by the Company on

March 5, 2021.

    As at September 14, 2021, the Company cumulatively repurchased 55,135,296 shares by way of

centralized price bidding, representing 2.81% of total share capital of the Company (1,959,977,436

shares); the maximum repurchase price was RMB 16.92/share; the minimum repurchase price was RMB

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                              2021 Third Quarterly Report

10.80/share; the average repurchase price was RMB 12.69/share; and the total amount paid was RMB

699,900,526.87 (including commissions). The Company completed the cancellation of repurchased

shares with the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited on

September 16, 2021. See the Announcement of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on the

Results of Share Repurchase & Changes in Shares (Lin 2021-122) disclosed by the Company on

September 16, 2021 for details.

    4. Medium to Long-term Business Partner Share Ownership Scheme

    Pursuant to the Resolution on the First Phase Ownership Scheme under Medium to Long-term

Business Partner Share Ownership Scheme of the Company and its Summary considered and approved

at the 48th Meeting of the 7th Session of the Board on June 10, 2021 and the 2021 Second Extraordinary

General Meeting on June 29, 2021, the Company compiled the First Phase Ownership Scheme under

Medium to Long-term Business Partner Share Ownership Scheme of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group

Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as this "Scheme") and its Summary to guide the

implementation of this Scheme. The participants of this Scheme include senior management of the

Company and core R&D, production, sales and management personnel who have made outstanding

contribution to the Company during the performance appraisal period or have a significant impact on the

future performance of the Company. The total number of participants in the phase shall not exceed 41,

and the final participants shall be determined according to the actual subscription. The source of funds

shall be the special fund for the Scheme as withdrawn by the Company, in amount totaling RMB


    According to the "Confirmation Letter on Securities Transfer and Registration" received from

China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited on August 5, 2021, 2,430,800 shares held

in the Company's special security repurchase account had been transferred to the Company's first phase

share ownership scheme account by way of non-trade transfer on August 4, 2021 at a price of RMB

12.75/share, representing 0.12% of the total share capital of the Company (1,959,507,007 shares). The

shares acquired by employees under the Scheme will be locked up for 36 months, from August 4, 2021

to August 3, 2024. See the Announcement of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on

Completion of the Non-Trade Transfer of Shares under the First Phase Ownership Scheme under

Medium to Long-term Business Partner Share Ownership Scheme (Lin 2021-091) disclosed by the

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                            2021 Third Quarterly Report

Company on August 6, 2021 for details.

    The 1st meeting of participants of the First Phase Share Ownership Scheme under Medium to

Long-term Business Partner Share Ownership Scheme (hereinafter referred to as the "First Phase Share

Ownership Scheme") was held on August 10, 2021, at which, the management committee for the First

Phase Share Ownership Scheme was established and three members were elected. The management

committee was authorized to handle matters related to the Scheme. See the Announcement of Joincare

Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on Resolution of the 1st Meeting of Participants of the First

Phase Share Ownership Scheme under Medium to Long-term Business Partner Share Ownership

Scheme (Lin 2021-092) disclosed by the Company on August 11, 2021 for details.

IV Quarterly Financial Statements

    (I) Audit Opinion

    □Applicable √N/A

    (II)   Financial statements

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                   2021 Third Quarterly Report

                                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                             At 30 September 2021

Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.

                                                                Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB Unaudited

                           Item                           30 September 2021           31 December 2020
Current assets:
  Monetary fund                                                10,550,971,638.68             12,289,098,613.19
  Financial assets held for trading                               189,909,950.41                 28,328,748.72
  Bills receivables                                             1,733,017,107.76              1,343,013,818.54
  Accounts receivables                                          3,018,237,975.29              2,447,406,222.52
  Receivables financing
  Prepayments                                                    522,396,275.49                 209,926,040.57
  Other receivables                                              213,796,272.84                 177,240,162.81
Of which: Interest receivable
          Dividends receivable
  Inventories                                                   1,855,536,544.45              1,831,509,012.27
  Contract assets
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within one year                            8,634,022.41                 19,934,376.07
  Other current assets                                             69,332,467.13                 58,098,049.20
     Total current assets                                      18,161,832,254.46             18,404,555,043.89
Non-current assets:
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables                                               584,284.36                    584,284.36
  Long-term equity investments                                  1,418,022,709.96                628,279,599.73
  Other equity instrument investments                           1,405,665,198.19              1,576,391,663.13
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                                             6,191,475.43                  6,191,475.43
  Fixed assets                                                  4,531,137,755.33              4,380,285,156.93
  Construction in progress                                        811,363,845.40                648,478,042.42
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                              15,403,116.86                 18,030,132.69
  Intangible assets                                               468,512,047.53                468,087,916.05
  Development expenditure                                         467,080,044.56                399,119,603.78
  Goodwill                                                        614,468,698.73                614,468,698.73
  Long-term deferred expenses                                     196,581,636.02                170,049,601.98
  Deferred income tax assets                                      449,029,594.13                468,898,469.23
  Other non-current assets                                        608,764,830.86                373,557,910.72
     Total non-current assets                                  10,992,805,237.36              9,752,422,555.18
       Total assets                                            29,154,637,491.82             28,156,977,599.07
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loans                                              1,854,753,015.63              2,110,942,804.06
  Financial liabilities held for trading                               39,018.28                        212.07
  Bills payables                                                1,411,712,620.87              1,087,759,353.31
  Accounts payables                                               868,649,376.95                832,632,206.53
  Receipts in advance
  Contract liabilities                                            96,384,826.19                 133,422,354.03
  Employee benefits payables                                     280,937,529.46                 476,521,798.51
  Tax and surcharge payables                                     276,034,461.08                 298,342,182.44

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                      2021 Third Quarterly Report

   Other payables                                                 3,272,120,955.95               2,847,688,065.59
   Of which: Interest payable
           Dividends payable                                        40,826,174.22                    8,418,590.50
   Held-for-sale liabilities
   Non-current liabilities due within one year                        9,821,001.35                   8,539,077.05
   Other current liabilities                                          3,343,666.92                   6,267,034.79
      Total current liabilities                                   8,073,796,472.68               7,802,115,088.38
Non-current liabilities:
   Long-term loans                                                 688,100,000.00                  360,324,027.48
   Notes payables
   Leasing liabilities                                                6,042,261.51                   9,817,780.04
   Long-term payables
   Long-term employee benefits payables
   Deferred gains                                                   454,618,399.79                 467,562,770.49
   Deferred income tax liabilities                                  188,101,595.20                 202,259,855.68
   Other non-current liabilities                                     78,000,000.00                  78,000,000.00
      Total non-current liabilities                               1,414,862,256.50               1,117,964,433.69
        Total liabilities                                         9,488,658,729.18               8,920,079,522.07
Owners’ (or shareholders’) equity
   Paid-in capital (or share capital)                             1,905,357,843.00               1,952,780,764.00
   Other equity instruments
   Of which: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserve                                                2,061,174,342.81               2,533,288,674.28
   Less: Treasury shares                                            222,644,454.50                 253,637,154.50
   Other consolidated earnings                                       25,758,615.13                 116,300,559.28
   Special reserve
   Surplus reserve                                                  515,941,465.20                 515,941,465.19
   Undistributed profits                                          7,028,492,804.87               6,231,451,582.26
   Total owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
                                                                 11,314,080,616.51              11,096,125,890.51
attributable to equity holders of the parent company
   Minority interests                                             8,351,898,146.13               8,140,772,186.49
      Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                  19,665,978,762.64              19,236,898,077.00
        Total liabilities and owners’ (or
                                                                 29,154,637,491.82              28,156,977,599.07
shareholders’) equity

Person-in-charge of the                    Person-in-charge of the              Person-in-charge of the
Company: Zhu Baoguo                        Company’s accounting work:          accounting department:
                                           Qiu Qingfeng                         Qiu Qingfeng

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                            2021 Third Quarterly Report

                                         Consolidated Income Statement
                                                January to September, 2021

Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB Unaudited
                                                     First three quarters of 2021        First three quarters of 2020
                                                     (January to September)             (January to September)
I. Total revenues                                                  11,933,648,988.85                   10,103,029,326.93
Of which: operating revenues                                       11,933,648,988.85                   10,103,029,326.93
II. Total operating costs                                           9,728,395,382.69                    7,866,803,182.98
Of which: Operating costs                                           4,202,628,262.24                    3,580,932,722.96
          Tax and surcharge                                           138,588,360.34                      117,469,489.45
          Selling expenses                                          3,820,420,328.92                    2,933,764,220.56
          Administrative expenses                                     651,003,507.97                      630,954,329.04
          R&D expenses                                                959,056,925.14                      695,722,058.28
          Finance expenses                                            -43,302,001.92                      -92,039,637.31
          Of which: Interest expenses                                  73,581,421.29                       22,518,905.86
                  Interest income                                     111,786,015.39                      139,660,448.43
    Add: Other income                                                 177,015,688.29                      202,763,992.92
      Investment income (“-” represents
                                                                        69,260,277.50                    140,803,971.20
      Of which: Income from investments in
                                                                        11,789,322.81                      7,593,871.51
associates and joint ventures
      Gains from terminated recognition of
financial assets measured at amortized cost
(“-” represents losses)
      Gains from hedging net exposure (“-”
represents losses)
      Gains from changes in fair value (“-”
                                                                        -18,014,545.96                     6,163,867.32
represents losses)
      Credit impairment loss (“-” represents
                                                                        -10,549,870.63                     -3,974,299.64
      Asset impairment loss (“-” represents
                                                                        -35,798,711.62                   -26,883,492.66
      Gains from disposal of assets (“-”
                                                                        18,357,859.21                         -43,950.50
represents losses)
III. Operating profit (“-” represents losses)                       2,405,524,302.95                 2,555,056,232.59
    Add: non-operating income                                             5,662,349.74                     5,112,433.42
    Less: non-operating expenditure                                      19,120,502.95                    25,809,994.34
IV. Total profit (“-” represents net losses)                        2,392,066,149.74                 2,534,358,671.67
    Less: income tax expenses                                           316,486,740.44                   354,387,233.65
V. Net profit (“-” represents net losses)                           2,075,579,409.30                 2,179,971,438.02
      (I) Classified by continuing operations:
      1.Net profit from continuing
                                                                      2,075,579,409.30                 2,179,971,438.02
operations (“-” represents net losses)
      2.Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” represents net losses)
      (II) Classified by attribution to ownership:
      1. Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the parent company (“-”                             1,008,675,184.73                   927,470,889.00
represents net losses)
      2. Profit and loss attributable to
minority interests (“-” represents net                              1,066,904,224.57                 1,252,500,549.02

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                          2021 Third Quarterly Report

Ⅵ. Other comprehensive net income after
                                                                 -177,089,388.22                       -31,992,939.62
     (I)Other comprehensive net income
after taxation attributable to shareholders                        -90,541,944.15                      -28,845,456.03
of the parent company
     1. Other comprehensive income not to
                                                                   -55,197,967.72                       -9,381,197.73
be reclassified into profit or loss
     (1)Changes in re-measurement of
defined benefit plans
     (2)Other comprehensive income not
to be reclassified into profit or loss under                        -3,992,639.64
equity method
     (3)Changes in fair value of other
                                                                   -51,205,328.08                       -9,381,197.73
equity instruments
     (4)Changes in fair value of
enterprise’s own credit risk
     2. Other comprehensive income to be
                                                                   -35,343,976.43                      -19,464,258.30
reclassified as profit or loss
     (1)Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit or loss under
equity method
     (2)Changes in fair value of other
debt investments
     (3)Financial assets reclassified into
other comprehensive income
     (4)Credit impairment provision for
other debt investments
     (5)Reserve for cash flow hedging
     (6)Translation difference of financial
statements denominated in foreign                                  -35,343,976.43                      -19,464,258.30
   (II)Other comprehensive net income
after taxation attributable to minority                            -86,547,444.07                       -3,147,483.59
Ⅶ. Total comprehensive income                                   1,898,490,021.08                    2,147,978,498.40
     (I)Total comprehensive income
attributable to shareholders of the parent                        918,133,240.58                       898,625,432.97
     (II)Total comprehensive income
                                                                  980,356,780.50                     1,249,353,065.43
attributable to minority interests
Ⅷ. Earnings per share:
     (I)Basic earnings per share                                        0.5154                               0.4788
     (II)Diluted earnings per share                                     0.5142                               0.4763

Person-in-charge of the                     Person-in-charge of the                 Person-in-charge of the
Company: Zhu Baoguo                         Company’s accounting work:             accounting department:
                                            Qiu Qingfeng                            Qiu Qingfeng

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                         2021 Third Quarterly Report

                                        Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                           January to September, 2021

Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                            Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB Unaudited
                        Item                            First three quarters of 2021   First three quarters of 2020
                                                         (January to September)       (January to September)
I、Cash flow from operating activities:
   Cash received from sale of goods and services
                                                                   11,899,181,183.24                9,671,345,406.05
   Refund of taxes and levies                                        117,304,422.29                    99,308,914.72
   Cash received relating to other operating
                                                                     357,722,261.48                   510,886,420.13
     Subtotal of cash inflow from operating
                                                                   12,374,207,867.01               10,281,540,740.90
   Cash paid for purchase of goods and services
                                                                    3,161,363,236.72                2,588,418,331.36
   Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                          1,546,737,299.97                1,126,745,210.15
   Payments for various taxes and levies                            1,263,867,720.70                1,008,790,561.58
   Cash paid relating to other operating activities                 4,781,069,905.04                3,573,070,935.44
     Subtotal of cash outflow from operating
                                                                   10,753,038,162.43                8,297,025,038.53
         Net cash flow from operating activities                    1,621,169,704.58                1,984,515,702.37
II、Cash flow from investing activities:
   Cash received from disposal of investments                        110,302,936.39                   157,344,429.75
   Cash received on investment income                                 93,348,249.99                    30,382,854.27
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                        8,684,509.74                    1,630,636.20
intangible assets and other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries
                                                                        3,311,220.53                    5,339,063.95
and other operating units
   Cash received relating to other investing
                                                                       14,765,008.34                   21,369,351.43
   Sub-total of cash inflow from investing activities                230,411,924.99                   216,066,335.60
   Cash payments for acquisition of fixed assets,
                                                                     960,679,392.16                   516,342,226.37
intangible assets and other long-term assets
   Cash payments for investments                                     774,000,000.00                    94,514,395.92
   Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and
other operating units
   Cash paid relating to other investing activities                     5,067,470.33                    7,658,080.29
   Sub-total of cash outflow from investing
                                                                    1,739,746,862.49                  618,514,702.58
   Net cash flow from investing activities                         -1,509,334,937.50                 -402,448,366.98
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
   Cash received from absorption of investments                      521,836,124.79                   397,884,596.14
   Of which: Cash received by subsidiaries from
                                                                     324,225,000.00                     8,000,000.00
investments of minority interests
   Cash received from borrowings                                    2,354,753,015.63                1,853,579,914.03
   Cash received relating to other financing
                                                                       34,430,100.74                    5,582,663.82
   Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities               2,911,019,241.16                2,257,047,173.99
   Cash paid on repayment of debts                                  2,282,684,146.53                2,929,711,030.60
   Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profit
                                                                    1,211,553,686.47                1,031,200,679.92
or interest payments
   Of which: Dividends and profits paid to minority                  846,741,767.14                   673,935,179.07

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                     2021 Third Quarterly Report

interests by subsidiaries
   Cash paid relating to other financing activities              1,200,553,298.22                 497,107,442.96
   Sub-total of cash outflow from financing
                                                                 4,694,791,131.22               4,458,019,153.48
   Net cash flow from financing activities                      -1,783,771,890.06              -2,200,971,979.49
IV. Effect of changes in foreign exchange rates
                                                                   -20,822,588.77                 -36,878,975.00
on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                    -1,692,759,711.75                -655,783,619.10
    Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                12,122,781,311.49              10,940,305,225.81
the beginning of the period
VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the
                                                                10,430,021,599.74              10,284,521,606.71

Person-in-charge of the                    Person-in-charge of the             Person-in-charge of the
Company: Zhu Baoguo                        Company’s accounting work:         accounting department:
                                           Qiu Qingfeng                        Qiu Qingfeng

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                 2021 Third Quarterly Report

     (III) Information on adjustment to relevant items in the financial statements at the beginning of the

year of first implementation in respect of the new leasing standards adopted for the first time starting

from 2021

     □Applicable √N/A

      Notice is hereby given.

                                                         Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.

                                                                                         October 26, 2021

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