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                        Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.             Interim Report 2023

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2023

                                              Important Notice

Ⅰ The Board of Directors (the “Board”), the Board of Supervisors and directors, supervisors and
senior management of the Company hereby warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness
of the contents of the interim report (the “Report”), and that there are no false representations,
misleading statements or material omissions contained in the Report, and severally and jointly
accept responsibility.

Ⅱ All the directors of the Company attended the Board meeting.

Ⅲ The interim report of the Company is unaudited.

Ⅳ Mr. Zhu Baoguo (朱保国), the person-in-charge of the Company, and Mr. Qiu Qingfeng (邱庆
丰), the person-in-charge of the Company's accounting work and the person-in-charge of the
accounting department (the head of the accounting department), declare that they hereby warrant
the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements contained in the Report.

Ⅴ Profit distribution plan or plan for conversion of capital reserve to share capital approved by
the Board during the Reporting Period

Not applicable

VI Risk declaration for the forward-looking statements
√Applicable □N/A

The Report contains forward-looking statements which involve the future plans, development strategies,
etc. of the Company, yet do not constitute substantive undertakings of the Company to investors.
Investors should exercise caution prior to making investment decisions.

VII Whether there is non-operating use of funds by the controlling shareholder and their related


VIII Whether there is a violation of the prescribed decision-making procedures to provide
external guarantees


IX Whether more than half of directors cannot warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and
completeness of the Report disclosed by the Company


X Significant risk warnings

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2023

There is no exceptionally significant risk that will have a material impact on the productions and
operations of the Company during the Reporting Period. The Company has described various risks
related to productions and operations that the Company may face and the corresponding response
measures taken. Please refer to “Risks” in Chapter 3 “Management Discussion and Analysis”.

XI Others
□Applicable √N/A

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                            Interim Report 2023

                                                         Table of Contents

Financial Highlights .............................................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 1 Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 7

Chapter 2 Company Profile and Major Financial Indicators ........................................................... 9

Chapter 3 Management Discussion and Analysis............................................................................. 13

Chapter 4 Corporate Governance ..................................................................................................... 49

Chapter 5 Environmental and Corporate Social Responsibility..................................................... 51

Chapter 6 Major Events ..................................................................................................................... 85

Chapter 7 Changes in Equity and Shareholders .............................................................................. 97

Chapter 8 Information on Preferred Shares................................................................................... 101

Chapter 9 Information on Bonds ..................................................................................................... 102

Chapter 10 Financial statements ..................................................................................................... 103

                                      The Financial Statements signed and sealed by the person-in-charge of the
                                      Company, the person-in-charge of the Company's accounting work and the
                                      person-in-charge of the accounting department (the head of the accounting
     List of documents
   available for inspection
                                      The original copies of all documents and announcements of the Company which
                                      have been disclosed to the public on the website designated by CSRC (China
                                      Securities Regulatory Commission) during the Reporting Period

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                                               Financial Highlights

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                   Interim Report 2023

                                            Financial Highlights

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                      Interim Report 2023

                                           Chapter 1 Definitions
     In this Report, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the
following meanings:
 Definitions of common terms
 CSRC                          Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission
 SSE                           Refers to Shanghai Stock Exchange
 Baiyeyuan or the                          Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd. * (深圳市百业源
                               Refers to
 Controlling Shareholder                   投资有限公司)
 Company or the                            Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. * (健康元
                               Refers to
 Company                                   药业集团股份有限公司)
 GDR                           Refers to Global Depository Receipts
                                           Center For Drug Evaluation (国家药品监督管理局药品审
 CDE                           Refers to
 FDA                           Refers to U.S Food and Drug Administration
 GMP                           Refers to Good Manufacturing Practice
 GSP                           Refers to Good Supply Practice
 BE                            Refers to Bioequivalence
 MVR                           Refers to Mechanical Vapor Recompression
 QC                            Refers to Quality Control
 ROI                           Refers to Return on Investment
 R&D                           Refers to Research and Development
                                           Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.* (丽珠医药集团股份有
 Livzon Group                  Refers to
                                           Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.* (深圳市海滨制
 Haibin Pharma                 Refers to
                                           Xinxiang Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. * (新乡海滨药业
 Xinxiang Haibin               Refers to
                                           Shenzhen Taitai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. * (深圳太太药业
 Taitai Pharmaceutical         Refers to
                                           Joincare Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.* (健康元海滨药业
 Joincare Haibin               Refers to
                                           Shenzhen Taitai Genomics Inc. Co., Ltd. * (深圳太太基因
 Taitai Genomics               Refers to
                                           Jiaozuo Joincare Bio Technological Co., Ltd.* (焦作健康元
 Jiaozuo Joincare              Refers to
 Topsino                       Refers to Topsino Industries Limited * (天诚实业有限公司)
                                           Shenzhen Fenglei Electric Power Investment Co., Ltd. * (深
 Fenglei Electric Power        Refers to
                                           Health Pharmaceutical (China) Co., Ltd. * (健康药业(中
 Health China                  Refers to
                                           Shanghai Frontier Health Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,
 Shanghai Frontier             Refers to
                                           Ltd. * (上海方予健康医药科技有限公司)
 Joincare Research                         Henan Joincare Biomedical Research Institute Co., Ltd.*(河
                               Refers to
 Institute                                 南省健康元生物医药研究院有限公司)
                                           Livzon MABPharm Inc. * (珠海市丽珠单抗生物技术有限
 Livzon MAB                    Refers to
                                           Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics Inc. * (珠海丽珠试剂股份有限
 Livzon Diagnostics            Refers to

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                               Interim Report 2023

                                                   Livzon Group Xinbeijiang Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
 Livzon Xinbeijiang               Refers to
                                                   Inc.* (丽珠集团新北江制药股份有限公司)
                                                   Livzon Group (Ningxia) Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co.,
 Ningxia Pharmaceutical           Refers to
                                                   Ltd.* (丽珠集团(宁夏)制药有限公司)
                                                   Gutian Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. * (古田福兴医药有
 Gutian Fuxing                    Refers to
                                                   Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.* (丽
 Fuzhou Fuxing                    Refers to
                                                   Zhuhai FTZ Livzon Hecheng Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
 Livzon Hecheng                   Refers to
                                                   Co., Ltd. * (珠海保税区丽珠合成制药有限公司)
                                                   Livzon Group Limin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Factory
 Livzon Limin                     Refers to
                                                   * (丽珠集团利民制药厂)
 Livzon Pharmaceutical                             Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory * (丽珠集团
                                  Refers to
 Factory                                           丽珠制药厂)
                                                   Shanghai Livzon Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. *
 Shanghai Livzon                  Refers to
                                                   Sichuan Guangda Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. *
 Sichuan Guangda                  Refers to
                                                   Jiaozuo Livzon Hecheng Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co.,
 Jiaozuo Hecheng                  Refers to
                                                   Ltd. * (焦作丽珠合成制药有限公司)
                                                   Jiaozuo Jinguan Jiahua Electric Power Co., Ltd. * (焦作金冠
 Jinguan Electric Power           Refers to
                                                   Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co., Ltd. * (天津同仁堂集团股
 Tianjin Tongrentang              Refers to
 COVID-19 pandemic or                              The outbreak of the disease caused by a new coronavirus
                                  Refers to
 pandemic                                          called SARS-CoV-2
 Reporting Period                 Refers to        From 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023
 End of the Reporting
                                  Refers to        30 June 2023
 Currency or unit                 Refers to        RMB unless otherwise specified

     *For identification purpose only

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                           Interim Report 2023

            Chapter 2 Company Profile and Major Financial Indicators

I Company profile
Chinese name of the Company                        健康元药业集团股份有限公司
Abbreviation of the Chinese name                   健康元
English name of the Company                        Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd
Abbreviation of the English name                   Joincare
Legal representative of the Company                Zhu Baoguo

II Contact persons and contact details
                             Board Secretary                         Representative of Securities Affairs
Name             Zhao Fengguang (赵凤光)                         Li Hongtao (李洪涛), Luo Xiao (罗逍)
                 Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Building, No.     Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Building, No.
Address          17, Langshan Road, North District, Hi-tech      17, Langshan Road, North District, Hi-tech
                 Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen                Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Telephone        0755-86252656, 0755-86252388                    0755-86252656, 0755-86252388
Fax              0755-86252165                                   0755-86252165
E-mail           zhaofengguang@joincare.com

III Introduction of the Company's basic information
                            Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Building, No. 17, Langshan Road, North
Registered address
                            District, Hi-tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
                            Registered at B5, Hengfeng Industrial City, Hezhou Community, Huangtian
                            Village, Xin’an Town, Bao’an County on 18 December 1992
                            Changed its registered address to 4-5/F, Dongpeng Building, Shangmeilin
                            Industrial Area, Futian District, Shenzhen on 25 May 1994
                            Changed its registered address to 24/F, Block B, Fujian Building, Caitian South
                            Road, Futian District, Shenzhen on 4 July 1995
                            Changed its registered address to 23/F, Diwang Building, Shun Hing Square, No.
                            333, Shennan East Road, Shenzhen on 20 June 1997
Historical changes in       Changed its registered address to Taitai Pharmaceutical Industrial Building, the
registered address          5th Industrial Area, Nanshan District, Shenzhen on 22 September 2000
                            Changed its registered address to 23/F, Diwang Building, Shun Hing Square, No.
                            5002, Shennan East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen on 4 June 2003
                            Changed its registered address to Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Building, No.
                            17, Langshan Road, North District, Hi-tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen on
                            29 January 2008
                            Changed its registered address to Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Building, No.
                            17, Langshan Road, North District, Hi-tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen on
                            27 November 2012
                            Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Building, No. 17, Langshan Road, North District,
Office address
                            Hi-tech Zone, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Postal code of Office
Website                     http://www.joincare.com
E-mail                      joincare@joincare.com
Index for query of changes
                            There was no change during the Reporting Period
during the Reporting Period

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IV Introduction of changes in information disclosure and places for inspection
Name of designated newspapers
                                         China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Securities Daily, and
for information disclosure by the
                                         Shanghai Securities News
Website for publication of the
interim report
Place for inspection of the interim
                                         Office address of the Company
report of the Company
Index for query of changes during
                                         There was no change during the Reporting Period
the Reporting Period

V Company stock profile
                                                                                                Stock abbreviation
  Class of stock             Listed on             Stock Abbreviation          Stock code
                                                                                                  prior to change
                    Shanghai Stock
A Share                                                 健康元                   600380       太太药业, S健康元
                                               Joincare Pharmaceutical
GDR                 SIX Swiss Exchange                                           JCARE             /
                                               Group Industry Co., Ltd.

VI Other relevant information
□Applicable √N/A

VII Principal accounting data and financial indicators of the Company
(I) Principal accounting data
                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency RMB
                                                                                           Increase/decrease for
                                     Reporting Period              Same Period of Last    the Reporting Period as
Principal accounting data
                                  (From January to June)                  Year             compared to the same
                                                                                            period last year (%)
Revenues                                    8,719,741,599.23           8,564,945,285.55                       1.81
Net profit attributable to
Shareholders of the listed                    815,434,734.90             801,268,519.50                         1.77
Net profit attributable to
Shareholders of the listed
                                              781,744,142.18             803,994,432.03                        -2.77
company after deduction the
extraordinary gain or loss
Net cash flow from
                                            1,257,207,685.54           1,902,953,224.79                       -33.93
operating activities
                                                                                            Increase/decrease as at
                                                                                                the end of the
                                    As at the End of the           As at the End of the
                                                                                             Reporting Period as
                                     Reporting Period                   Last Year
                                                                                            compared to the end of
                                                                                                 last year (%)
Net assets attributable to
Shareholders of the listed                13,234,183,227.97           13,121,820,410.55                         0.86
Total assets                              36,241,438,930.34           35,729,253,651.41                         1.43

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 (II) Principal Financial Indicators
                                                                                        Increase/decrease for the
                                                Reporting Period
                                                                   Same Period of         Reporting Period as
        Principal Financial Indicators           (From January
                                                                     Last Year           compared to the same
                                                    to June)
                                                                                          period last year (%)
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                      0.4264             0.4235                           0.68
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                    0.4251             0.4232                           0.45
Basic earnings per share after deducting
the extraordinary gain or loss                            0.4088             0.4249                            -3.79
                                                                                                 Decreased by 0.36
Weighted average return on net assets (%)                   6.29               6.65
                                                                                                  percentage points
Weighted average return on net assets
                                                                                                 Decreased by 0.64
after deducting the extraordinary gain or                   6.03               6.67
                                                                                                  percentage points
loss (%)

 Description of principal accounting data and financial indicators of the Company
 √Applicable □N/A

 The net cash flow from operating activities was RMB1,257 million, representing a year-on-year
 decrease of 33.93%, this decrease was mainly due to the increased collection of promissory notes,
 decreased cash collections, and increased cash payments for purchasing goods during the Reporting

 VIII Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards
 □Applicable √N/A

 IX Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                       Unit Yuan Currency: RMB
     Items of Extraordinary Gains and
                                                      Amounts                    Notes (If applicable)
  Gains and losses on disposal of non-
                                                          -342,359.46   Gains from disposal of fixed assets
  current assets
  Government grants as included in the
  profit or loss for the Period, however,
  except for those which are closely related
  to the normal business of an enterprise,                              Government grants as included in the
  comply with the policies of the State and                             profit and loss for the Period
  are continuously entitled with specific
  amount or quantity according to certain
  Gains and losses on fair value changes
  derived from holding of financial assets
  held for trading, derivative financial
  assets, financial liabilities held for                                Gains and losses arising from changes in
  trading, derivative financial liabilities,                            fair value of financial assets/liabilities
  and investment income generated on                   -45,351,392.03   held for trading, and investment gains
  disposal of financial assets held for                                 from holding and disposal of financial
  trading, derivative financial assets,                                 assets/liabilities held for trading
  financial liabilities held for trading,
  derivative financial liabilities and other
  debt investments, except for effective

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                         Interim Report 2023

 hedging activities related to the ordinary
 operating business of the Company
                                                                   Other non-operating income and non-
 Other non-operating income and
                                                   -5,612,578.23   operating expenses apart from the above
 expenses apart from the above items
 Less: Effect of income tax                        12,031,185.95   Effect of the above items on income tax
                                                                   The portion of the above items to which
       Effect of minority equity (after tax)       26,316,635.89
                                                                   minority shareholders are entitled
      Total                                        33,690,592.72

Explanations for the Company’s extraordinary gain or loss items as defined in the “Explanatory
Announcement No.1 for Public Company Information Disclosures – Extraordinary Gains or Losses”,
and the extraordinary gain or loss items as illustrated in the “Explanatory Announcement No.1 for Public
Company Information Disclosures – Extraordinary Gains or Losses” which has been defined as its
recurring gain or loss items.
□Applicable √N/A

X Others
□Applicable √N/A

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                   Interim Report 2023

                     Chapter 3 Management Discussion and Analysis

I Description of the industry in which the Company operates and principal businesses of the
Company during the Reporting Period
(I) Principal businesses and products of the Company

The Company is primarily engaged in the R&D, production and sales of pharmaceutical products and
health care products. The business scope of the Company covers chemical pharmaceuticals, biologics,
chemical active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and intermediates, traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM), diagnostic reagents and equipment, health care products, etc. The enriched product series and
mix provide larger market and growth opportunities for the Company. Main products of the Company
are as follows:

(II) Business model of the Company

With the stable operation and rapid development over the years, the Company has become an integrated
pharmaceutical group that is driven by scientific research and innovation, integrating the R&D,
production, sale and service of pharmaceutical and health care products. It has complete systems of
R&D, procurement, production and sale. Main business models of the Company are as follows:

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                      Interim Report 2023

1. R&D

Taking independent R&D as the mainstay and combining external introduction and cooperative
development, the Company has been paying attention to the cutting-edge technology and unmet clinical
needs, with efforts focused on innovative drugs and high-barrier complex formulations, and has
established an efficient R&D innovation management model. In terms of independent innovation, the
Company has a diversified and multi-dimensional R&D organization with mature R&D teams for
chemical pharmaceuticals, biologics, TCM drugs, APIs, diagnostic reagents and health care products.
Based on technology platform construction, the Company has built a clear product R&D pipeline
centering on key areas such as respiratory, tumor immunity and psychiatry. In terms of cooperative
innovation, the Company has launched technical cooperation with domestic and foreign scientific
research institutions by way of commissioned development or cooperative development, and has
introduced new technologies and products that meet the strategic development goal of the Company
through technology transfer or license-in to implement industrial transformation, so as to reinforce and
strengthen our position and strategy in the leading and emerging fields.

2. Procurement

In terms of procurement, the Company pays strict attention to effectiveness, quality and cost of
procurement and has established long-term and stable partnership with many suppliers. Active
pharmaceutical ingredients, supplementary materials, and packaging materials were purchased and
stocked up by manufacturers according to production schedules. The Company has developed strict
quality standards and procurement management systems, and required subordinate manufacturers to
make procurements in accordance with the GMP. Meanwhile, the Company established long-term
strategic partnerships with bulk material suppliers, and strengthened the management of supply quality
and cost control based on strict quality standards. The Company has established an internal evaluation
system and files of market prices so as to promptly acquire market information for procurement through
comparisons of quality and price.

3. Production

In terms of production, the Company adopts the principle of market demand-oriented approach paying
attention to real market demand. Specifically, the Sales Department of the Company investigated market
demands, made sales plans, and comprehensively considered factors such as the product inventory
quantity and capacity of production lines of the Company so as to determine the monthly production
quantities and specifications. Moreover, the purchase orders of raw materials are determined according
to the production schedule and the inventory levels of raw materials. The final production plans are
issued upon approval of the management of the Company and implemented by the Production and
Technology Departments of the Company.

The Company has been carrying out production in strict accordance with the GMP. The Company and
its affiliates have established a sound quality management system and implemented the qualified-person

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system. In terms of quality control, the Company has established a strict and sound production quality
assurance system, and is geared to international standards and subject to international certification while
in compliance with national standards. The Company conducts annual GMP self-inspection, ISO9001
internal and external audits, and is subject to various external audits. It actively pursued the
internationally advanced GMP management, and implemented whole-process quality control over
supplier selection, audit, incoming material inspection, production process, product release from factory,
and market tracking. The system is running well.

4. Sales

(1) Drug formulation products

End customers of drug formulation products (chemical pharmaceuticals, biologics, traditional Chinese
medicine) of the Company are mainly hospitals, clinics, and retail pharmacies. In line with the
pharmaceutical industry practice and the sales model of most peers in the industry, the Company has
conducted sales of drug formulation products through drug distribution enterprises. The Company
carried out selection and centralized management of qualified drug distribution enterprises (with Drug
Supply Certificate, GSP Certification, etc.) according to their distribution capability, market familiarity,
financial strength, credit record, and operation scale. General sales process: After end customers place
purchase orders to distribution enterprises, drug distribution enterprises will send those orders to the
Company according to their inventories, distribution agreements and conditions; then, the Group will
deliver products to drug distribution enterprises and do the revenue recognition.

(2) APIs and intermediates

Main target customers of APIs are large pharmaceutical manufacturers. The selling prices are
determined based on a set of integrated factors such as costs of production, inventory levels, industry
rivalry and market trend. Specific pricing method: The sales and marketing department conduct weekly
or bi-weekly meetings to analyze the current market conditions, the trends and drivers of prices. The
selling prices are determined based on a set of comprehensive factors such as costs of production,
inventory levels, industry rivalry and market conditions. The selling prices will be effective once they
are reported by the managers of the sales department to our management team and get approvals.

Specific sales methods of APIs include: ① Domestic market: The Company directly signs product
sales contracts with large manufacturers to directly sell products to customers. Meanwhile, the Company
also sells products through distributors. ② Foreign market: The Company directly sells products in the
foreign market, and products are sold through distributors in areas with high market and political risks;
At present, products of the Company are mainly exported to over 60 countries and regions in Asia,
Europe, North America, and Africa.

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(3) Diagnostic reagents and equipment

Diagnostic reagents and equipment are sold by the Company both domestically manufactured and
imported. Main end customers are hospitals, centers for disease control and prevention, and health
departments. The Company mainly sells those products in combination with direct sales and sales
through drug distribution enterprises.

The Company has an experienced sales team responsible for the sales of diagnostic reagents and
equipment, with provision of marketing support for some drug distribution enterprises. The Company
carried out selection and centralized management of qualified drug distribution enterprises (with Drug
Supply Certificate, GSP Certification, etc.) according to their distribution capability, market familiarity,
financial strength, credit record, and operation scale.

(4) Health care products

The sales model of health care products is mainly distributor management model. Product promotion,
price control, and channel carding are managed and improved with the distributor distribution channels
and terminal coverage capability. At present, the Company has set up 27 provincial branches and 37
subordinate offices across China and maintained long-term partnership with distributors with better area
coverage capability for stable strategic alliance and common development. The Company has
cooperated with about 103 first-level/primary distributors in total, including 1,260 businesses in drug
distribution line and approximately 29 businesses in food distribution line, with more than 450,000
subordinate secondary businesses and terminal businesses in drug and food distribution lines. Products
are well managed and promoted through the tiered marketing channels. In addition to the traditional
distribution management model, the Company realizes synergetic development through online channels.
At present, the Company has set up official flagship stores on mainstream e-commerce platforms such
as Tmall (天猫), Jingdong(京东), Douyin(抖音), Kuaishou (快手) and Pinduoduo(拼多

(III) Analysis of industry development

The pharmaceutical industry is a national strategic emerging industry bearing on the national economy
and people's livelihood, and an important part of the national economy. According to the “14th Five-
Year Plan for the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry”(《“十四五”医药工业发展规划》), the
overall development of the pharmaceutical industry will reach a new level. During the "13th Five-Year
Plan" period, the average annual growth rate of the added value of pharmaceutical industry above
designated scale was 9.5%, 4.2 percentage points higher than the overall industrial growth rate, and the
proportion of the total added value of the pharmaceutical industry to that of all industries increased from
3.0% to 3.9%; the average annual growth rates of the operating revenues and total profit of enterprises
above designated scale were 9.9% and 13.8%, respectively, being at the forefront of various industries
in terms of growth rates. At the same time, the scale of leading pharmaceutical manufacturers has further
expanded with the steadily increasing industry concentration. In the first half of 2023, with the

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deepening reform of the national medical and healthcare system and increasing improvement in the
innovation environment, the pharmaceutical industry continued to advance towards high-quality
development featuring transformation, upgrading and encouraging innovation. As China's population
ages and urbanization rates continue to rise, from the long-term and holistic perspective, China's
pharmaceutical industry will continue on a promising trajectory.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of 2023, enterprises in the
pharmaceutical manufacturing industry above designated scale in China have realized revenues of
RMB1,249.6 billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 2.9%; operating costs were RMB713.01
billion, representing a year-on-year decrease of 1.8%; total profits reached RMB179.45 billion,
representing a year-on-year decrease of 17.1%.

(IV) Industry status of the Company

Through years of development, the Company has become an integrated pharmaceutical enterprise
covering multiple sectors including chemical pharmaceuticals, chemical APIs and intermediates,
traditional Chinese medicine, diagnostic reagents and equipment as well as health care products.
chemical pharmaceuticals are the largest revenue generator of the Company, among which drugs for
gastroenterology and gonadotropic hormones are traditional competitive products of the Company, with
key products securing a long-term leading position in national pharmaceutical formulation market
segment, and respiratory and psychiatry products have been the strategic focus of the Company, with
key products maintaining a strong sales growth momentum.

During the Reporting Period, the Company, leveraging its robust R&D and production capabilities and
steady marketing presence, the Company ranked Top 10 in “2022 Annual Ranking of Top 100 Chinese
Chemical Drug Enterprises”.

(V) Performance drivers in the Reporting Period
In the first half of 2023, amid the macro environment of weak recovery of domestic economy and
tightening of industry regulation and access policy, the growth rate in the Company's performance
slowed down due to factors such as a decrease in the volume-based procurement price of its key product
Meropenem for injection and intensified competition in the APIs market. During the reporting period,
the Company steadfastly the dual-driver strategy of "innovative drugs + high-barrier complex
formulations", focusing on unmet clinical needs to accelerate its transformation into an innovative
pharmaceutical company. While strengthening its independent R&D capabilities, the Company had
introduced multiple new medicine projects through external acquisitions and co-development,
comprehensively expanding the layout of its R&D pipeline. This strategic approach continuously
reinforces the company's leading position in areas such as respiratory and gastroenterology.

II Analysis of core competitive strengths during the Reporting Period
√Applicable □N/A

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                          Interim Report 2023

1. PRC’s leading integrated pharmaceutical company under continuous innovation and

The Company is primarily engaged in the R&D, production and sale of pharmaceutical products and
health care products. The business scope of the Company covers chemical pharmaceuticals, chemical
APIs and intermediates, traditional Chinese medicine, diagnostic reagents and equipment, as well as
health care products, enabling the Company to establish an advantageous market position cross various
therapeutic fields such as respiratory, anti-infection, assisted reproduction, gastroenterology, psychiatry,
and tumor immunity. 1) Innovative R&D drives growth: The Company has developed and launched a
number of blockbuster products and high-barrier complex formulation products, strengthening the
Group’s product portfolio and drug candidates in the pipeline. 2) The Company has first-rate
commercialization ability, and its sales network covers all provinces in China and over 80 countries and
regions in the world. The Company emphasizes scientific promotion and evidence-based marketing. By
building a professional marketing team, a fine marketing development system has been formed, and
market education and brand building have been deeply strengthened through digital marketing. With
such efforts, a diversified marketing system has been established. Leveraging our well-established sales
channels, broad end-user coverage, leading digital marketing and strong brand awareness, the Company
efficiently realizes large-scale sales post-product approval. 3) Cross-industry and multi-specialist
innovative R&D and coordinated development: On the one hand, the Company actively adapts to the
changes in the pharmaceutical market and constantly adjusts its product strategy and R&D direction
according to policies and clinical needs, achieving the ongoing iteration and upgrade of main products;
On the other hand, the Company fully utilizes external scientific research and commercial resources,
such as strategic collaboration with Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tencent Quantum Lab and other
scientific research institutes and innovative companies, and invests in cutting-edge biotechnology
companies to expand the Company's product matrix and R&D pipeline, ultimately achieving the
Company's sustainable development.

2. Strong R&D capability, diversified product matrix and leading commercialization capabilities

Focusing on innovative drugs and high-barrier complex formulations, the Company has formed
diversified product matrix. With the huge clinical demand and high product quality, it has established
market competitive advantages in many pharmaceutical segments. The Company's chemical
pharmaceuticals cover gastroenterology diseases, assisted reproduction, infectious diseases, respiratory
diseases, psychiatric and neurological diseases, tumor and other disease treatment fields, among which
alimentary canal proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs, gonadotropic hormones drugs, and inhalation
formulations for respiratory system diseases have an advantageous market position. Relying on APIs,
the Company’s core products, together with chemical APIs and intermediates, form a stable
pharmaceutical industry chain of “APIs-formulations vertical integration”. Meanwhile, the Company
actively develops overseas markets, and its products are marketed and distributed worldwide, facilitating
strategic cooperation with many internationally renowned pharmaceutical companies. In addition, the

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Company also has a number of traditional Chinese medicine and in vitro diagnostic reagent products,
and has accumulated resources and wide brand influence in health care products for many years.

3. Making breakthroughs in the key R&D and industrialization technologies of complex

The technology platform, which has been developed over the years in the field of innovative drugs and
high-barrier complex formulations, enables the Company to address the complex process problems in
the R&D and production of relevant drugs. Guided by clinical value, the Company develops R&D
projects with high short-term certainty and cutting-edge technologies with long-term growth potential
(such as AI-driven drug molecular design, proteolysis targeted chimera (PROTAC), synthetic biology,
gene editing and cell therapy). All in all, the Company's R&D system covers through-cycle of drug
development and production. Based on the mature R&D platform of innovative drugs and high-barrier
complex formulations, the Company has designed a rich pipeline in fields with significant clinical
demand such as respiratory, gastroenterology, assisted reproduction, psychiatry and tumor.

4. A stable senior management and R&D team with expertise, long-term vision and commitment
to corporate social responsibility

The Company has a stable, visionary and experienced, results-oriented management team and an
outstanding talent team. Outstanding leaders are the key to the Company's rapid development. The
founder of the Company has over 30 years of expertise in the pharmaceutical industry as well as a global
vision and a strategic mindset. With a deep industry insight, the founder has led us developing platform
technologies centered on high-barrier complex formulation, which has established leading position of
the Group with sustainable development in the broader healthcare industry

The senior management team of the Company has over 20 years of industry experience on average, with
an average of more than 10 years of service in the Company, and has a thorough understanding of market
demand, industry development and growth opportunities. Each key R&D field of the Company is led
by industry-leading scientists and accompanied by an efficient R&D management team. In addition, the
Company has upheld the core value of “Putting People First, Valuing Workmanship and Quality,
Pursuing Innovation and Truth, Promoting Cooperation and Sharing” and laid emphasis on talent team
training to build a diversified talents pool with global vision, advanced knowledge, strong execution
capability and sense of ownership. Driven by the corporate culture of pursuing excellence, the talent
team works diligently and conscientiously to jointly contribute to the sustainable development of the
enterprise through teamwork and collaboration.

III Discussion and analysis of business conditions

1. Main business conditions during the Reporting Period

During the Reporting Period, the Company realized revenues of RMB8,720 million, representing a year-
on-year increase of approximately 1.81%; a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company

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of RMB815 million, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 1.77%, and a net profit
attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting the extraordinary gains or loss of
RMB782 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of approximately 2.77%. Business development
of various segments of the Company is as follows:

(1) Livzon Group (excluding Livzon MAB)

As at the End of the Reporting Period, the Company directly and indirectly held 44.77% equity interest
in Livzon Group (000513.SZ, 01513.HK). During the Reporting Period, Livzon Group (excluding
Livzon MAB) realized revenues of RMB6,678 million, representing a year-on-year increase of
approximately 6.08%; and thus it contributed a net profit of approximately RMB607 million attributable
to shareholders of the Company.

During the Reporting Period, the sales of the chemical pharmaceuticals segment of Livzon Group
maintained stable growth, and recorded the stable growth in the proportion and profitability of high-end
specialty APIs in the API segment. The sales of its products in the key therapeutic areas are as follows:
Gastroenterology products realized revenues of RMB1,625 million, representing a year-on-year
decrease of approximately 7.75%; gonadotropic hormones products realized revenues of RMB1,376
million, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 2.71%; and psychiatry products realized
revenues of RMB278 million, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 5.31%.

(2) Livzon MAB

As at the end of the Reporting Period, the Company held 55.90% equity interest in Livzon MAB, which
contributed the amount of approximately RMB-241 million to the Company's net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company for the current period.

Livzon MAB continued to focus on new molecules, new targets and differentiated molecular designs in
the fields such as autoimmune diseases, vaccines, oncology and assisted reproduction to consistently
push forward the R&D of key projects. During the Reporting Period, the progress in R&D of biological
products was set out as below:

The application for launch on Tocilizumab Solution for Injection (Atvtia) (托珠单抗注射液(安维泰

 )) had been approved for indications include rheumatoid arthritis, cytokine release syndrome (CRS)
and juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA). Recombinant Human Choriogonadotropin alfa for Injection (注
射用重组人绒促性素) was approved for launching in 2021 and had started sales, which is the first
generic drug of its kind in China. Livzon MAB continued to actively promote overseas registrations; the
drug had been approved for launching in Tajikistan, and its submission of registration materials had
been completed in Indonesia, Pakistan, five countries in Central and South America and two countries
in Central Asia. Recombinant Human Follitropin Alfa Solution for Injection (重组人促卵泡激素注射
液) and Recombinant Anti-human IL-17A/F Humanized Monoclonal Antibody Injection (重组抗人 IL-
17 A/F 人源化单克隆抗体注册液) have conducted phase III clinical trial. Recombinant Anti-human

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IL-17A/F Humanized Monoclonal Antibody Injection (重组抗人 IL-17 A/F 人源化单克隆抗体注册
液) is the first drug to be compared with IL-17A marketed drug for positive control phase III clinical
trial in China. The results of phase II clinical trial show that the product has the clinical advantages of
faster onset of action, better and longer duration of efficacy, showing better efficacy as compared with
IL-17A single-target agents (IL-17A 单靶点药物) and is expected to provide a potentially better
solution for the psoriasis treatment in China. In July 2023, the Recombinant SARS-COV-2 Bivalent
(Original/Omicron XBB) Fusion Protein Vaccine (CHO Cell) (重組新型冠状病毒融合蛋白二价(原
型株/Omicron XBB 变异株)疫苗(CHO 细胞)) was approved for clinical trial.

With the successive approvals for market launch of its products, LivzonMAB has enriched relevant
teams such as pharmacovigilance, production quality and production-sales connection, gradually
improved the GMP system and industrialization capabilities and enhanced the overall operational

(3) Joincare (excluding Livzon Group and Livzon MAB)

During the Reporting Period, Joincare (excluding Livzon Group and Livzon MAB) realized revenues of
RMB2,194 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of approximately 7.48%, and realized a net
profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of RMB445 million, representing a year-on-year
increase of approximately 5.70%. Joincare realized a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
company after deducting the extraordinary gains and losses of RMB435 million, representing a year-
on-year increase of approximately 5.01%. Key results of the main business segments and core products
are as follows:

①Prescription medicines

During the Reporting Period, Joincare (excluding Livzon Group and Livzon MAB) realized sales
revenues of RMB923 million from prescription drug segment, representing a year-on-year decrease of
approximately12.88%. Among which, the sales revenues and year-on-year change of key therapeutic
areas are as follows: the revenues generated from the field of respiratory totaled RMB809 million,
representing a year-on-year increase of 44.08%; the revenues generated from the field of anti-infection
totaled RMB102 million, representing a year-on-year decrease of 79.17%.

In the first half of 2023, the Company continued to accelerate the formation of the national sales team
in respiratory line, and further established the four-level fine management system of regional managers,
provincial general managers, provincial managers and development managers. The Company actively
took various measures to accelerate the development of its key products, especially its exclusive product,
Tobramycin Inhalation Solution (妥布霉素吸入溶液), and thus drive sales volume of such products:
firstly, it enhanced the assessment of the coverage rate and fulfillment rate, accelerated the development
of various respiratory products, and in the first half of the year, the Company developed 559 hospitals
above grade II, so that its respiratory products covered over 3,800 hospitals above grade II; secondly, it
seized the opportunity of the inclusion of the Levosalbutamol Hydrochloride Nebulizer Solution (盐酸

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左沙丁胺醇雾化吸入溶液) in the regular national reimbursement drug list to continue the rapid
coverage and sales growth; thirdly, it continuously advanced construction of digital marketing platforms,
utilizing digital methods to expedite the marketing process and comprehensively promoted the brand
via the platform of “Respiratory Experts' Views” (呼吸专家说); fourthly, it refined the distribution
management, and currently, there are 2 main warehouses and 10 regional warehouses nationwide, with
the same day delivery within the province and 2-day delivery in the neighbouring provinces, which
effectively ensured the timely and efficient distribution of drugs.

The key R&D projects of the Company's inhalation formulations made progress in stages: Formoterol
Fumarate Inhalation Solution (富马酸福莫特罗吸入溶液), Indacaterol Maleate Powder for Inhalation
(马来酸茚达特罗吸入粉雾剂), and Fluticasone Propionate Inhalation Suspension (丙酸氟替卡松雾
化吸入用混悬液) had been in the stage of launch application review, of which Formoterol Fumarate
Inhalation Solution was approved for launching in July 2023. Salmeterol Xinafoate-Fluticasone
Propionate Powder for Inhalation (沙美特罗替卡松吸入粉雾剂) was applied for production, which
was the first domestic generic drug to submit a registration application after the publication of the new
inhaled formulation BE guidance principles since 2020. In terms of medical devices, the Company
continued to develop medical devices compatible with its owned inhalation formulations, Mini360+, a
mesh nebulizer designed for used with Tobramycin Solution for Inhalation, had obtained the registration
certificate of Class II medical device. Futhermore, while ploughing into advantageous technology
platforms such as inhalation formulations, the Company was actively expanding other high-barrier
complex formulation platforms, The successful completion of the bioequivalence study for Meloxicam
Nanocrystalline Injection ( 美 洛 昔 康 纳 米 晶 注 射 液 ) marks a significant breakthrough in the
nanocrystalline technology platform.

While continuously strengthening independent innovation, the Company also continued to deepen the
core areas of varieties of cooperative development and licensing introduction to leverage on the global
advantageous resources and cutting-edge technologies to strengthen the Company's commercialization
and integration capabilities. During the Reporting Period, the Company made significant progress in the
field of business development (BD), introducing multiple innovative medicines, expanding into other
indications in the respiratory system and accelerating the Company's transformation into an innovative
pharmaceutical company. Among these endeavors, TG-1000 is an innovative PA endonuclease inhibitor,
capable of effectively inhibiting both influenzas A and B viruses; It has completed Phase II clinical
studies and is poised to enter Phase III clinical trials. XYP-001, a modified new drug for the treatment
of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), is currently in Phase I clinical trials, continues to advance in its
clinical study efforts.

②APIs and intermediates

During the Reporting Period, Joincare (excluding Livzon Group and Livzon MAB) realized sale
revenues of RMB1,060 million from APIs and intermediates segment, representing a year-on-year
decrease of approximately 7.82%.

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During the Reporting Period, in the API segment, Joincare adhered to the management concept of “green
production, cost reduction and efficiency enhancement”, focused on the transformation and upgrading
of production equipment, enhanced the establishment of the quality management system and
strengthened the construction of safety and environmental management, guaranteeing the steady
improvement in the production and yield of key products of the Company. In terms of marketing, the
price of the Company's key product 7-ACA declined, and the Company maintained its advantage
position in market share by strengthening the in-depth cooperation with strategic customers and actively
expanding domestic and international markets. Another key product, Meropenem Trihydrate (美罗培
南混粉), is facing challenges such as intensified international market competition and pricing pressures.
The Company had taken active measures to maintain its existing market share, at the same time, the
Company also actively expanded its overseas business to carry out a number of applications for the
registration of Meropenem aseptic powder and crude product so as to enhance the Company's
profitability. Furthermore, the Company leveraged on its advantages of APIs - formulations vertical
integration, actively expanded the domestic API market. It has established collaborations with several
domestic manufacturers to minimize the impacts of volume-based drug procurement.

In terms of APIs R&D, the Company focused on its R&D activities in two cutting-edge fields, synthetic
biology and biocatalysis: in the construction of synthetic biology platform, the Company further
strengthened the research of system biology and synthetic biology mainly against Escherichia coli,
filamentous fungi and streptomycetes, completed the research of the modification and screening of over
10 genes of high-yield L-phenylalanine strains, and substantially increased the positive rate of the
protoplasmic transformation screening of the filamentous fungi, which significantly shortened the
research and development cycle of genetic modification experiments for the filamentous fungi like
cephalosporium acremonium, and thus laid down a technological foundation for further development of
multi-genetic modification methods of cephalosporium acremonium. In the construction of biocatalytic
platform, the Company prepared the primary version of SOP for protein structure prediction using
AlphaFold 2, and completed the structure prediction of 60% key proteins on the anabolic pathway of
CPC in cephalosporium acremonium by using the cloud computing platform. Meanwhile, the Company
completed the computer simulations for key genes by applying a computer-aided protein engineering
technology platform. As at the end of the Reporting Period, Joincare Research Institute had applied for
a total of 11 national invention patents (with 1 granted), 8 utility model patents (with 4 granted), 1
software copyright. Moreover, the Company published 2 high-level academic papers.

③Health care products and OTC drugs
During the Reporting Period, Joincare (excluding Livzon Group and Livzon MAB) realized revenues of
RMB202 million from health care products and OTC segment, representing a year-on-year increase of
approximately 33.17%.

During the Reporting Period, the Company had established user-centric data-driven digital marketing
system as the core, leading to steady growth in sales performance. In terms of content marketing, the

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Company promoted its performance growth by content marketing and cooperation with top steamers,
and the ROI had reached a record high under the model of combining short video and flagship broadcast.
Dexamethasone Acetate (意可贴) had a total exposure of 220 million in the first half of the year. The
view counts of video had broken 100 million on Douyin (抖音), the brand word for mouth ulcer ranked
first on the RED (小红书), and the flagship broadcast for Taitai (太太), Eagle’s (鹰牌) and Jingxin (静
心) were gaining popularity. In terms of online sales channels, the Company recovered the right to self-
operation on JD.com, expanding the sales channels on Douyin to improve the efficiency of content
conversion, and expand the gift-giving audiences through the development of large-size gift boxes. In
terms of offline channel sales, the Company cultivated new users through the cooperation of offline
chains to carry out brand project-based activities and patient education, and it re-deployed the drug line
channels and new retail channels, the targeted cooperating chains for the drug line channels had reached
over 3,900 with more than 1,000 pure sales distributors and 11 national-scale major chain stores, fully
covering the top 50 chain stores. In terms of new offline retail channels, in the first half of the year, the
Company developed its present in five cities in three provinces, covering more than 2,800 outlets with
additional 819 new shops. At the same time, the Company had established the benchmark chains for its
offline sales channels, such as Walmart, FamilyMart, LAWSON, 7-11 and other convenience store
system, which significantly increasing the channel penetration rate, and thereby boosting the brand sales.

2.Business plans in the second half of 2023

In the second half of 2023, the major tasks in various business segments of the Company are set out as

(1) R&D Center
R&D and innovation is the source to maintain corporate vitality and the core driver for the Company’s
sustainability. In the second half of 2023, the Company will continuously beef up and improve its in-
house development capabilities with a focus on the core fields such as respiratory, gastroenterology,
psychiatry, assisted reproduction and antitumor, and firmly and fully execute its dual-drive strategy of
developing platforms of both innovative medicines and high-barrier complex formulation to effectively
facilitate the research and clinical development of existing core products including TG-1000, XYP-001,
and Recombinant Anti-human IL-17A/F Humanized Monoclonal Antibody for Injection (重组抗人 IL-
17A/F 人源化单克隆抗体注射液), to build a differentiated product pipeline. The Company will
accelerate the establishment of R&D platforms, and redouble efforts to advance the commercialization
of innovative medicines, inhalation products, sustained-release microspheres, monoclonal antibody drug,
micro-nanocrystals formulations and other technology platforms. In addition, by focusing on its
advantageous fields and paying close attention to the cutting-edge technologies and business
opportunities in the international markets, the Company will enhance external cooperation through
cooperative development, licensing-in and other means, to introduce more innovative drug projects and
improve the construction of product portfolio in its advantageous fields.

(2) Production Center

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The Company will ensure workplace safety and product quality by constant improving quality
management system and implementing product quality-centered risk control. While emphasizing
checking raw and auxiliary materials, production sites and production process will also be inspected.
According to six detecting systems in GMP to identify workplace safety risks, the Company will
continuously optimize the production process by introducing green synthetic technology and synthetic
biology technology. Additionally, it will develop the employee training system for improving their
professional skills to further ensure product stability and quality. The Company will keep reducing costs
and improving efficiency through introducing advanced technology and equipment, production
optimization, system improvement and lean management, to effectively improve the production and
operation. The Company will adhere to green development, uphold and promote the concept of green,
healthy and sustainable development. To effectively implement energy conservation, emission reduction
and green production, the Company will enhance the environmental protection and quality standards
and requirements, set environmental protection targets, and strengthen monitoring of energy
consumption, pollutant emissions and other environmental information in the production and operation.
The Company will also keep optimizing production capacity, advance the construction of the new
production line and Jiaozuo Jianfeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. as planned, follow up the establishment
of supporting facilities and capacity planning, and improve the technology transformation capacity of
new products to meet the increased market demand for new and existing products.

(3) Sales Center

The key work deployments in marketing of prescription drugs are as follows: 1. Promote the hospital
coverage of core brands and enhance evaluation for fulfillment rate of absolute indicators to ensure the
achievement of goal of the whole year; 2. With the objective of brand building, the company aims to
enhance the practical capability and overall quality of marketing teams, continuing to expand and
reinforce the sales team of hospital channels and attracting excellent talents to join the sales team; 3.
Boost efforts in commerce, production, end-users and other links, rapidly increase market share and
raise brand awareness in all aspects; 4. Continue to advance construction of digital marketing platform
and support for end-user market activities, effectively combine online and offline methods, and enhance
in-depth brand recognition among doctors and patients; 5. Follow up in real time national medical
reform-related policies, strengthen clinical and pharmacoeconomic research of launched products , and
actively respond to medical insurance policy adjustments and volume-based procurement. The
Company will formulate plans and prepare for the National Reimbursement Drug List negotiations of
its key products including Tobramycin Inhalation Solution (妥布霉素吸入溶液), Ilaprazole Sodium for
Injection (注射用艾普拉唑纳) and Triptorelin Acetate Microspheres for Injection (注射用醋酸曲普

In terms of marketing and promotion of APIs and intermediates, the Company will further strengthen
construction of sales team, make full use of OKR and strengthen objectives management, to build a
vigorous and highly efficient sales team; continue to deepen cooperation with global strategic customers,

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pursue further development in segments, actively develop customer resources, maintain partnership,
give full play to the strength of the company brand, and establish a long-term, stable and win-win
cooperation model with strategic partners. Moreover, the Company will build good brand reputation in
global market through close cooperation with world-class enterprises. In addition, the Company will
pay close attention to changes in exchange rates and market conditions and promptly adjust sales

On-line sales of our health care products have seen a steady growth since the implementation of digital
marketing system. In terms of offline channels for drugs, we have completed organizational structure
reform, deepened the distribution channels and struck strategic cooperation with top 50 pharmacy chains
in China. The Company will empower its sales through brand campaigns, patient education, benchmark
chains building, new product development and other means, with an aim for increasing yields. In terms
of off-line sales of healthcare products, the Company will boost sales by exploring new channels and
building benchmark terminals in light of product strategies. For online channels, in addition to further
implementing digital marketing system with a focus on enhancing overall operational efficiency, the
Company will drive off-site traffic and enhance on-site linkage, while proactively participating big sales
events and delivering festival gift boxes to boost online sales. In terms of content marketing, in the
second half of 2023, the Company will strengthen word of mouth marketing, mainly through
recommendation in social media and endorsement by medical professionals, and constantly expand
brand exposure via vertical KOLs’ livestreaming. In terms of brand marketing and building, we will
continue to deepen the cooperation with industry associations and professional forums, strengthen the
professional building of brands, and carry out corresponding joint cooperation in platform promotion
and festival marketing to expand brand exposure and enhance brand sales. In addition, we will continue
to increase investment in user operations. We have established a special user operation team to attract,
activate and operate users through Wecom. We will improve our WeChat digital mall, loyalty points
and content operation system, cultivate original users through user operation, and develop loyal fans
belonging to the brand.
(4) Functions and strategies
The key function tasks of the Company are as follows: Firstly, we will continue to improve the
organizational structure and institutions in subsidiaries of the Group to increase the management
efficiency and fully advance lean management. Secondly, we will continue to strengthen talent and
policy construction, implement the management by objective system with OKRs and KPIs in tandem,
conduct quarterly rolling dynamic tracking and adjustment under close cooperation and full support of
every department so as to provide powerful service and support for R&D, production and sales. Thirdly,
we will continue to drive corporate cultural construction, increase efforts to communicate corporate
culture and put them into practices in the Group and its subsidiaries to strengthen the cohesion. Fourthly,
we actively give full play to resource advantages of internal and external business cooperation, make
investment strategies, and introduce innovative products and technologies to improve strategic planning

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 of the Company. Fifthly, we actively fulfill corporate social responsibility, endeavor to improve
 corporate governance level, and promote high-quality and sustainable development.

 Material changes in business conditions of the Company during the Reporting Period and matters
 occurred during the Reporting Period that had and are expected to have significant impacts on
 business conditions of the Company
 □Applicable √N/A

 IV Overview of business operations during the Reporting Period

 (I) Analysis of principal businesses

 1      Table for analysis of changes in items related to financial statements
                                                                                         Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                    Amount in the current    Amount in the same
                          Item                                                                          Change (%)
                                                           period            period of last year
     Revenues                                             8,719,741,599.23         8,564,945,285.55             1.81
     Operating costs                                      3,273,420,227.03         3,054,392,703.20             7.17
     Selling expenses                                     2,399,063,230.20         2,512,369,792.45            -4.51
     Administrative expenses                               434,867,895.32           529,828,311.93            -17.92
     Financial expenses                                    -122,587,587.38         -130,401,047.67              N/A
     R&D expenses                                          765,166,559.76           707,433,078.44              8.16
     Net cash flow from operating activities              1,257,207,685.54         1,902,953,224.79           -33.93
     Net cash flow from investing activities               -509,260,181.38         -433,259,385.19              N/A
     Net cash flow from financing activities               -904,436,444.00          -656,811,058.44             N/A
 Reasons for changes in net cash flow from operating activities: Mainly due to the increased collection
 of promissory notes, decreased cash collections, and increased cash payments for purchasing goods
 during the Reporting Period.

 Reasons for changes in net cash flow from financing activities: Mainly due to the significant decrease
 in borrowings during the Period.

 Details of material changes in business type, components or source of profits during the Period
 □ Applicable √N/A

 3      Analysis of revenues and costs

 Principal businesses by industry, product and region
                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                            Principal business by industry
                                                             Gross        YoY          YoY
                                                             profit    change in     change in        YoY change in gross
By industry             Revenues         Operating costs
                                                            margin     revenues      operating         profit margin (%)
                                                              (%)          (%)       costs (%)

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                                                                                                        Decreased by1.92
manufacturing        8,651,505,930.92      3,225,087,576.49        62.72       1.95        7.48
                                                                                                        percentage points
                                                                                                         Increased by 4.39
Service industry         1,288,056.69             420,402.81       67.36     -78.64      -81.17
                                                                                                         percentage points
                                               Principal business by product
                                                               Gross        YoY         YoY
                                                                profit   change in    change in     YoY change in gross
   By product            Revenues           Operating costs
                                                               margin     revenues    operating      profit margin (%)
                                                                 (%)         (%)      costs (%)
Chemical                                                                                                Decreased by 1.06
                       4,477,996,443.20        922,208,230.73      79.41      -4.56        0.61
pharmaceuticals                                                                                          percentage points
Chemical APIs                                                                                           Decreased by 2.58
                       2,682,754,623.59      1,757,162,775.91      34.50      -3.20        0.77
and intermediates                                                                                        percentage points
Traditional                                                                                             Decreased by 3.49
                        985,591,533.02         315,931,826.92      67.94      91.60      115.01
Chinese medicine                                                                                         percentage points
                                                                                                         Increased by 2.55
reagents and            297,994,623.29         133,676,710.13      55.14     -13.88       -18.52
                                                                                                         percentage points
                                                                                                       Decreased by 44.68
Biologics               113,409,489.23          59,602,491.18      47.44       5.93      607.32
                                                                                                        percentage points
Health care                                                                                             Increased by 1.35
                          87,265,994.18         32,129,014.01      63.18      59.41       53.76
products                                                                                                percentage points
                                                Principal business by region
                                                                Gross        YoY        YoY
                                                                profit    change in   change in     YoY change in gross
   By region             Revenues           Operating costs
                                                               margin      revenues   operating      profit margin (%)
                                                                 (%)         (%)      costs (%)
                                                                                                        Decreased by 2.64
Domestic             7,274,024,825.06      2,345,678,968.90        67.75       4.30       13.59
                                                                                                         percentage points
                                                                                                        Decreased by 2.02
Overseas             1,378,769,162.55        879,829,010.40        36.19      -9.15       -6.19
                                                                                                         percentage points

    Description of principal businesses by industry, product and region

    During the Reporting Period, the Company’s principal businesses generated revenues of RMB8,653
    million, representing a year-on-year increase of RMB161 million or 1.89%. Chemical pharmaceuticals
    achieved revenues of RMB4,478 million, representing a decrease of 4.56% year-on-year. Among them,
    the sales revenues in the field of gastroenterology reached RMB1,625 million, dropping by 7.75% year-
    on-year; the sales revenues in the field of gonadorelin hormones amounted to RMB1,376 million,
    increasing by 2.71% year-on-year; the sales revenues in the field of respiratory reached RMB809 million,
    a year-on-year increase of 44.08%; the sales revenues in the field of anti-infection was RMB300 million,
    dropping by 56.00% year-on-year; the sales revenues of psychiatry products was RMB278 million, a
    year-on-year increase of 5.31%. Chemical APIs and intermediates achieved revenues of RMB2,683
    million, a year-on-year decrease of 3.20%. Traditional Chinese Medicine achieved revenues of RMB986
    million, a year-on-year increase of 91.60%. Diagnostic reagents and equipment achieved revenues of
    RMB298 million, a year-on-year decrease of 13.88%. Biological achieved revenues of RMB113 million,
    a year-on-year increase of 5.93%. Health care products achieved revenues of RMB87 million, a year-
    on-year increase of 59.41%.

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4. Investment in R&D

(1) Table for investment in R&D
                                                                            Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
 Expensed investment in R&D during the Period                                         566,960,057.64
 Capitalized investment in R&D during the Period                                      179,120,655.17
 Total investment in R&D                                                              746,080,712.81
 Total amount of investment in R&D as a percentage of
 revenues (%)

(2) Description

During the Reporting Period, total investment in R&D of the Company amounted to RMB746.0807
million, accounting for 8.56% of total revenues. The Company places a strong emphasis on R&D and
innovation, continuously boosted efforts in independent R&D and improved the efficiency of the
conversion of technological results. Meanwhile, the Company strengthened external cooperation and
introduced a number of innovative medicine projects through cooperative development and licensing,
among other means, to consolidate its existing competitive edges and enrich its product pipeline. As of
the disclosure date of this report, the overall R&D efforts of the Company in different segments were as

1) Chemical pharmaceuticals

① High-barrier complex formulation: There were a total of 50 projects in development, of which, 2
had been launched to the market, 6 had been applied for production, 9 were under the clinical/BE study
and 1 had been approved for clinical trials. The progress of the major projects was as follows:

Inhalation formulations: Formoterol Fumarate Inhalation Solution (富马酸福莫特罗吸入溶液) had
been launched; Indacaterol Maleate Powder for Inhalation (马来酸茚达特罗吸入粉雾剂), Salmeterol
Xinafoate-Fluticasone Propionate Powder for Inhalation ( 沙 美 特 罗 替 卡 松 吸 入 粉 雾 剂 ) and
Fluticasone Propionate Inhalation Suspension (丙酸氟替卡松雾化吸入用混悬液) had been applied for
production. For class 2 new drug XYP-001, the Company carried out phase I clinical trials.

Sustained-release microspheres: The project of Triptorelin Acetate Microspheres for Injection
(Weibaoning)(注射用醋酸曲普瑞林微球(维宝宁) (1-month sustained release) for prostate cancer
was approved for market launch; endometriosis project had completed the phase III clinical trial and the
central precocious puberty indication is under preparation of materials for communication with CDE.
Aripiprazole Microspheres for Injection (注射用阿立哌唑微球) (1-month sustained release) completed
phase I clinical trial, Octreotide Acetate Microspheres for Injection (注射用醋酸奥曲肽微球) (1-month
sustained release) and Leuprorelin Acetate Microspheres for Injection (注射用醋酸亮丙瑞林微球) (3-
month sustained release) were undergoing BE trials; Alarelin Microspheres for Injection (注射用丙氨
瑞林 微球) (1-month sustained release) had completed phase I clinical trial; Triptorelin Pamoate

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Microspheres for Injection (注射用双羟萘酸曲普瑞林微球) (3-month sustained release) was prepared
for phase I clinical trials.

Other high-barrier complex formulations: Meloxicam Nanocrystal Injection (美洛昔康纳米晶注射
液) was undergoing BE trials. Goserelin Acetate Sustained-release Implant (醋酸戈舍瑞林缓释植入
剂 ) (1-month sustained-release) had carried out the bridging study of pilot-scale and full-scale

② Other key projects in development: There were a total of 40 projects in development, of which, 5
had been launched to the market, 5 had been applied for production, 6 were under the clinical/BE study.
The progress of the major projects was as follows: Long Chain Fat Emulsion Injection (长链脂肪乳注
射液) (OO), Biapenem for Injection (注射用比阿培南), Voriconazole for Injection (注射用伏立康唑)
and Blonanserin Tablets(布南色林片) were approved for market launch and Ilaprazole Sodium for
injection ( 注 射 用 艾 普 拉 唑 钠 ) with new indication had been approved; Voriconazole for Oral
Suspension (伏立康唑干混悬液), Perospirone Hydrochloride Tablets (盐酸哌罗匹隆片), Lurasidone
Hydrochloride Tablets (盐酸鲁拉西酮片) and Progesterone Injection(黄体酮注射液) had been applied
for production. For class 1 new drug TG-1000, the Company completed phase II clinical trials and will
carry out phase III clinical study soon. Cetrorelix Acetate for Injection ( 注射用醋酸西曲瑞克)
submitted a reply to the defect letter to the FDA. LZ001, Ilaprazole Enteric-coated Pellets (艾普拉唑微
丸肠溶片) and Asenapine Transdermal patch (阿塞那平透皮贴剂) had been approved for phase I
clinical trials. Elagolix Sodium Tablets (艾拉戈利钠片) had been submitted the clinical trial application.

③ Consistency evaluation:There were a total of 10 projects in development, of which 4 projects have
been approved, 3 projects had made application. Imipenem and Cilastatin Sodium for Injection (注射
用亚胺培南西司他丁钠), Cyclosporine Softgels (环孢素软胶囊) (50mg), Vancomycin Hydrochloride
for Injection (注射用盐酸万古霉素) and Bismuth Potassium Citrate Capsule (枸橼酸铋钾胶囊)had
been approved; and Bismuth Potassium Citrate Granules (枸橼酸铋钾颗粒) and Rabeprazole Sodium
Enteric-coated Tablets (雷贝拉唑钠肠溶片) have applied for registration.


There were a total of 8 projects in development, of which 2 projects were approved for market launch,
1 project was approved for emergency use, 1 project had applied for conditional market launch, 3
projects were in the phase III clinical trials and 1 project was in the phase I clinical trial.

Therapeutic biological products: Tocilizumab Injection(Atvtia) (托珠单抗注射液(安维泰)) was
approved for market launch in China; Recombinant Human Choriogonadotropin alfa for Injection (注
射用重组人绒促性素) was approved for market launch in China in 2021, and was currently under
overseas registration; Lipustobart for Injection ( 注 射 用 利 普 苏 拜 单 抗 ) was in preparation for
application for conditional market launch; Phase III clinical trials of Semaglutide Injection (司美格鲁
肽注射液) has completed enrollment; Recombinant Anti-human IL-17A/F Humanized Monoclonal
Antibody Injection ( 重 组 抗 人 IL-17A/F 人 源 化 单 克 隆 抗 体 注 射 液 ) and Recombinant Human

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Follitropin AlfaSolution for Injection (重组人促卵泡激素注射液) had commenced the phase III
clinical trials.

Preventive biological products: Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Protein Vaccine (Likang) (重组
新型冠状病毒融合蛋白疫苗(丽康)) was approved for emergency use for heterologous booster
vaccination in China in June 2022 and was included in the national immunization program in September
2022, and has been vaccinated in 27 provinces and cities across the country. Recombinant SARS-CoV-
2 Fusion Protein Bivalent (Prototype Strain /Omicron XBB variant) Vaccine (CHO Cell) (重组新型冠
状病毒融合蛋白二价(原型株/Omicron XBB变异株疫苗)(CHO 细胞)) obtained drug clinical
trial approval in July 2023.

3)APIs and intermediates

There were a total of 41 projects in development, of which 24 were new product R&D projects and 17
were tech-upgradation projects of existing products. For new product R&D projects, the API of
Biapenem (比阿培南) had been approved for launching, and the registration application for the API of
Meloxicam (美洛昔康) and the API of Caspofungin Acetate (醋酸卡泊芬净)were submitted. For
technological upgrading projects of existing products, the key project Cephalosporin C-High Producing
Mutant Strains ( 头 孢 菌 素 C 高 产 突 变 株 ) was progressing smoothly. After screening, the scale
production verification of the strains had been completed, and the average unit yield had been steadily
increased; in the development and selection project of new L-phenylalanine – High Producing Strains
(L- 苯 丙 氨 酸 新 型 高 产 菌 株 ) driven by IBT technology, strain modification and selection was
proceeding and shake-flask cultivation has achieved initial results. In addition, the Company also
completed the establishment of Escherichia coli genome missing-at-random platform based on the
mediation of transposons and CRISPR/Cas9, to screen and evolve L-phenylalanine with the minimum
genome to synthesize advantageous strain in combination with the continuous evolution platform.

4)Traditional Chinese medicine

There were a total of 9 projects in the development track for new TCM, of which, SXSHL gel, a new
improved TCM, had completed the preclinical experiment research, and its application materials were
under preparation and collation. TGDX granules, a class 1.1 new TCM, had completed the in-hospital
preparations single-centre clinical trial and its clinical trial summary report was finished.

5) Diagnostic reagents and equipment

There were a total of 73 projects in development in diagnostic reagents and equipment, 11 projects at
clinical stage (including evaluation), 8 projects in alteration or technical renovation, and 5 projects in
development in operation equipment. Livzon Diagnostics’ 8 diagnostic kits for anti-phospholipid
syndrome-related autoantibody were successively approved, further enriching the project list of the
immunochemiluminescence system. So far, a total of 21 supporting diagnostic kits for the single-person
chemiluminescence analyzer have been approved. Livzon Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRA)

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       Test Kit (Chemiluminescence Immunoassay) (结核感染T细胞测定试剂盒(化学发光法)), which is
       adapted to the high-speed chemiluminescence analyzer, was approved on 10 April, and Passive Particle
       Agglutination Test for Detection of Antibodies to Treponema Pallidum (梅毒螺旋体抗体检测试剂盒
       (凝集法)) and Diagnostic Kit for Measurement of Antibodies to Mycoplasma Pneumonia (Passive
       Particle Agglutination) (肺炎支原体抗体检测试剂盒(被动凝集法)) were also approved.

       (II) Description of material changes in profits arising from non-principal businesses

       √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                   Item             Amount            of total                        Cause
                                                                                                                      or not
                                                    profits (%)
                                                                    Mainly due to changes in the profit and
        Investment                                                  loss from investments in associates and
                                 56,854,039.45              2.91                                                        No
        income                                                      receipt of dividends from other equity
                                                                    instrument investments
        Gains or losses
                                                                    Mainly due to fluctuations in market
        from changes in          -39,314,888.38            -2.01                                                        No
                                                                    value of the securities investment held
        fair value
        Losses of credit                                            Mainly due to expected credit losses on
                                 -22,209,391.69            -1.14                                                        No
        impairment                                                  accounts receivable
        Impairment of                                               Mainly due to the impairment provision
                                 -30,171,594.37            -1.55                                                        No
        assets                                                      for inventories
        Non-operating                                               Mainly due to the income from disposal
                                   1,757,450.18             0.09                                                        No
        income                                                      of scrap items
        Non-operating                                               Mainly due to donation expenditure,
                                   7,370,028.41             0.38                                                        No
        expenses                                                    etc.
                                                                    Mainly due to the government grants
        Other income            125,925,260.26              6.45                                                        Yes

       (III) Analysis of assets and liabilities

       √Applicable □N/A

       1.     Analysis of assets and liabilities
                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan
                                                                                               Change in
                                              Ending                             Ending
                                                                                               the ending
                             Ending         balance of        Ending           balance of
                                                                                               balance of
       Item               balance of the   the period to   balance of last    last year to                           Explanations
                                                                                              the period to
                             period          the total         year             the total
                                                                                               that of last
                                            assets (%)                         assets (%)
                                                                                                year (%)
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the current
                                                                                                              announcement of profit
                                                                                                              distribution plan by the
Other receivables         105,444,746.96           0.29     52,535,740.14             0.15          100.71    invested equity joint venture,
                                                                                                              as the dividend payment has
                                                                                                              not been received as of the
                                                                                                              balance sheet date.
Financial                                                                                                     Mainly due to the changes in
liabilities held           21,644,248.86           0.06        755,634.43             0.00        2,764.38    fair value of foreign currency
for trading                                                                                                   forward contracts.

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                                                                                                              Mainly due to some contract
                                                                                                              performance obligations
                                                                                                              during the current period,
Contract liabilities      92,547,832.12            0.26     292,977,730.74             0.82          -68.41   which satisfies the conditions
                                                                                                              for revenue recognition and
                                                                                                              results in the carrying
                                                                                                              forward of revenue.
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the repurchase
Treasury shares          717,135,581.08            1.98     347,176,561.29             0.97          106.56   of A shares of the Company
                                                                                                              during the Period.
Other                                                                                                         Mainly due to the translation
comprehensive             35,886,298.52            0.10       4,704,473.53             0.01          662.81   of the financial statements in
income                                                                                                        foreign currency.

      2.     Overseas assets

      √Applicable □N/A

      (1) Asset size

      Among them: Overseas assets were 45.59 (Unit: 100 million, Currency: RMB), representing 12.58% of

      the total assets.

      (2) Statement on high proportion of overseas assets

      □Applicable √N/A

      3.     Restrictions on assets entitlements as at the end of the Reporting Period

      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                          Carrying value at the end of
                       Item                                                                   Cause for restriction
                                                  the period
                                                                              Letters of credit, bank acceptances and forward
        Other monetary funds                                3,713,052.25
                                                                              exchange settlement deposits, etc.
                                                                              Notes pool business and pledge of notes
        Notes receivable                                  530,641,682.69
        Total                                             534,354,734.94

      4.     Others
      □Applicable √N/A

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                  (IV)Analysis of investment

                  Overall analysis of equity investments

                  √Applicable □N/A

                  During the Reporting Period, the Company carried out strategic investments according to development plans and schedules as follows:

                  1. Major equity investments

                  √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: 10,000 Yuan Currency: RMB
                                          the target                                                   In the      Item on the                                                                     Impact    Litigat
                                              is                                     Percentage    Consolidation     financial   Source                  Investment    Status as of   Expected     of gain     ion     Disclosure   Disclosure
   Name of             Principal                        Investment     Investment                                                          Partner (if
                                          primarily                                      of         scope of the    statement      of                     period (if     balance      return (if   or loss   involv     date (if     index (if
   investee            business                           method         amount                                                            applicable
                                         engaged in                                 shareholding   Company or           (if      funds                      any)        sheet date       any)      for the    ed or       any)         any)
                                         investment                                                     not        applicable)                                                                     period      not
                   Engaged in
                   activities with its
Wuhan Kangli       own funds; asset
Health                                                                                                                                                                 Capital
Investment                                                                                                                                                             contribution
                   services invested
Management                                                                                                         Long-term                                           of RMB                                          Please see   Please see
                   with its own                        New                                                                       Own      Livzon
Co., Ltd. (武汉                             No                           100,000        66.86%         Yes         equity                                Long term     100                -        -0.0017   No        Note 1 for   Note 1 for
                   funds; corporate                    establishment                                                             funds    Group
                                                                                                                   investment                                          thousand                                        details      details
康丽健康投资       management;
管理有限公         entrepreneurship
司)                investment and
Lijian             Engaged in                                                                                                                                          Capital
(Guangdong)        production of                                                                                   Long-term                                           contribution                                    Please see   Please see
                                                       New                                                                       Own      Livzon
Animal             veterinary               No                            20,000        71.83%         Yes         equity                                Long term     of RMB 75          -        -284.41   No        Note 2 for   Note 2 for
Healthcare                                             establishment                                                             funds    Group
                   medicine;                                                                                       investment                                          million was                                     details      details
Co., Ltd. (丽健    operation of                                                                                                                                        completed

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(广东)动物       veterinary
保健有限公         medicine; import
司)                and export of
                   goods and
                   technology and
                   sale of
                   chemicals) and
                   animal health
                   services on
                   animal breeding,

                   production, sale,
                   import and
                   export of TCMs,
Macau Livzon       proprietary
Traditional        Chinese
Chinese            medicine, food,
Medicine           medical
Modernization      machinery,                                                               Long-term
                                                New                                                      Own                       contribution
Technology         chemical and         No                            8.52   44.77%   Yes   equity               N/A   Long term                  -   -       No       N/A      N/A
                                                establishment                                            funds                     was not yet
Co., Ltd. (澳门    industrial items                                                         investment
                   for daily use,
化科技有限公       cosmetics and
司)                health products,
                   formula food for
                   special medical
                   use and gifts,
Shanghai           Technical
Zhongtuo                                                                                                                           Capital
Pharmaceutical                                                                                                                     contribution
                   technology                                                               Long-term
Technology                                                                                               Own                       of RMB
                   transfer,            No      Acquisition          2,500   22.83%   Yes   equity               N/A   Long term                  -   -       No       N/A      N/A
Co., Ltd. (上海                                                                                          funds                     22.50
                   technical                                                                investment
                                                                                                                                   million was
中拓医药科技       advisory and
有限公司)          technology

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                   services in the
                   industry, R&D
                   and design of
                   medical devices,
                   R&D of
                   preparations, etc.
                   Import and
                   export of drugs;
                   wholesale of
                   drugs; retail of
                   drugs; sale of                                                                               Zhuhai
                   healthcare food;                                                                             Houpu
                   general items:                                                                               Hefeng
                   technical                                                                                    Investment
                   services,                                                                                    Management
                   technical                                                                                    Partnership
                   development,                                                                                 (Limited
                   technical                                                                                    Partnership)
                   advisory,                                                                                    (珠海市厚
Chengdu Jinrui     technical                                                                                    朴合丰投资
Jiye                                                                                                                                        Capital
                   communications,                                                                              管理合伙企
Biotechnology                                                                             Other                                             contribution
                   technology                                                                                   业(有限合
Co., Ltd. (成都                                 Capital                                   equity        Own                                 of RMB
                   transfer and         No                           2,000   1.61%   No                                         Long term                  -   -       No       N/A      N/A
                                                injection                                 instrument    funds   伙)),                       20.00
                                                                                          investments           Shenzhen                    million was
科技有限公         promotion; sale
司)                of special
                   chemical                                                                                     Biological
                   products                                                                                     Investment
                   (excluding                                                                                   Co., Ltd. (深
                   dangerous                                                                                    圳金瑞生物
                   chemicals);                                                                                  投资有限公
                   information                                                                                  司), Lai
                   advisory                                                                                     Xintian, Wei
                   services                                                                                     Nongnong,
                   (excluding                                                                                   etc.

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         services; social
         and economic
         services; import
         and export of
         technical R&D
         for biological
         and chemical
         domestic trade
         agency; health
         diagnosis and
         research, test
         and development
Total             /               /               /         124,508.52                /          /               /           /            /              /              /             -       -284.4117    -           -    -
        Note 1: For details, please refer to the Announcement of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on the Establishment of the Joint Venture with Livzon Group, a Controlling Subsidiary (Lin 2022-142)
        disclosed by the Company on 13 December 2022;
        Note 2: For details, please refer to the Announcement on Investment in the Establishment of the Joint Venture with Joincare, the Controlling Shareholder and Connected Transaction disclosed by Livzon Group
        (000513.SZ, 01513.HK) on 17 January 2023.

        2. Major non-equity investment


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3. Financial assets measured at fair value

√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                                 Amount of
                               Amount at the         Gain or loss on                                        Impairment                                   Amount of disposal                      Amount at the
                                                                                Change in fair value                             investment                                        Other
   Type of asset               beginning of the    change in fair value                                     provision for                             / redemption during                           end of the
                                                                                 included in equity                              during the                                        change
                                   period            for the period                                          the period                                      the period                              period
 Shares                           235,534,124.87         -13,003,336.17                 2,137,552.45                        -      6,183,753.83                               -            -      230,852,094.98
 Funds                            688,053,816.62                  9,573.79            -23,706,468.49                        -                     -            5,646,082.27                -      658,710,839.65
 Derivatives                        5,432,511.57          -5,432,511.57                               -                     -                     -                           -            -                     -
 Others                           373,954,090.97                         -                            -                     -     20,000,000.00                    31,257.75      1,986.75        393,924,819.97
          Total                 1,302,974,544.03         -18,426,273.95               -21,568,916.03                        -     26,183,753.83                5,677,340.02       1,986.75      1,283,487,754.61

Information on investment in securities

√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                     Carrying      Gain or loss on                          Amount of           of                         Carrying
                                                       Initial                                                         Change in fair                                      Profit or
  Type of         Securities         Securities                       Source      amount at the    change in fair                           investment      disposal                     amount at the        Accounting
                                                     investment                                                        value included                                       loss for
 securities         code            abbreviation                      of fund      beginning of     value for the                           during the       during                       end of the             item
                                                        cost                                                              in equity                                       the period
                                                                                    the period         period                                 period           the                          period
 Shares           00135           Kunlun Energy      4,243,647.64                   4,975,513.90          703,882.90                    -             -            -      260,579.14        5,679,396.80   assets held for
                                  Huadong                              Own
 Shares           000963                                39,851.86                  15,425,841.60       -1,130,569.16                    -             -            -       95,587.48      14,295,272.44    assets held for
                                  Medicine                             funds
 Shares           BEAM            Beam              31,117,151.47      Own         82,218,236.97      -12,576,649.91                    -             -            -               -      69,641,587.06    Financial

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             (US)         Therapeutics, Inc.                    funds                                                                                                               assets held for
                                                                                                                                                                                    Other equity
                          Elicio                                Own
 Shares      ELTX(US)                           35,363,302.05            34,823,014.36                -   -25,735,299.31              -          -            -      9,087,715.05   instruments
                          Therapeutics, Inc.                    funds
                                                                                                                                                                                    Other equity
                          Carisma                               Own
 Shares      CARM(US)                           38,807,266.00            34,821,295.50                -    4,515,821.53    6,183,753.83          -            -     45,520,870.86   instruments
                          Therapeutics, Inc.                    funds
             LLAI                                                                                                                                                                   Other equity
 Shares                   LungLife Ai, Inc.     58,837,745.24             9,615,483.94                -    -6,473,409.41                         -            -      3,142,074.53   instruments
             (LME)                                            funds
                          Beijing Luzhu                                                                                                                                             Other equity
 Shares      02480        Biotechnology         30,000,000.00            53,654,738.60                -   29,830,439.64               -           -            -    83,485,178.24   instruments
                          Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                 investment
 Funds       206001       Penghua Fund             150,000.00              934,289.94         9,573.79                 -              -           -            -      943,863.73    assets held for
 Others                                             27,978.31                29,271.00                -                -              -   31,257.75     1,986.75                -   assets held for
   Total     /                                 198,586,942.57     /     236,497,685.81   -12,993,762.38    2,137,552.45    6,183,753.83   31,257.75   358,153.37   231,795,958.71   /

Statement of investments in securities

□Applicable √N/A

Information on investment in private equity fund

√Applicable □N/A
The Company had no new private equity fund investments during the reporting period. As at the end of the reporting period, the book balance of private equity funds
invested by the Company amounted to approximately RMB393 million.

Information on investment in derivatives
√Applicable □N/A

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  Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                      Interim Report 2023

                                                                                                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                              Percentage of
 Name of                 Is this a                        Initial
                                                                                          Investment         Amount of                                         Investment investment amount
    the                  related         Type of        investment                                                            Amount of       Impairment                                       Actual gain
              Related                                                 Commence Maturity amount at the        investment                                        amount at to the net assets of
operator of               party        derivatives       amount of                                                          disposal during   provision (if                                   or loss for the
            relationship                                              ment date date    beginning of the     during the                                         the end of the Company at the
derivatives              transac       investment       derivatives                                                            the period        any)                                             period
                                                                                            period             period                                          the period end of the period
investment                 tion                         investment
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange              587.60 2022/7/5    2023/1/30        607.17             0.00            588.55             0.00          0.00                0.00          -7.15
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange            2,138.20 2022/8/2     2023/2/3       2,183.36            0.00          2,145.79             0.00          0.00                0.00         -21.21
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange            5,403.44 2022/9/5    2023/2/24       5,376.80            0.00          5,278.45             0.00          0.00                0.00        200.05
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange           10,670.51 2022/10/8    2023/4/4      10,392.16            0.00         10,232.19             0.00          0.00                0.00        527.26
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange           11,661.47 2022/11/1   2023/4/20      11,361.13            0.00         11,332.91             0.00          0.00                0.00        328.36
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange            8,952.88 2022/12/2   2023/6/26       8,939.17            0.00          8,894.39             0.00          0.00                0.00         -17.37
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange           17,187.80 2023/1/4    2023/7/10           0.00       17,187.81         17,257.98             0.00       277.47                 0.01        -544.67
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange           31,642.59 2023/2/1    2023/7/20           0.00       31,642.59         24,818.61             0.00     7,745.86                 0.36        -675.13
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange            6,316.38 2023/3/1    2023/7/17           0.00        6,316.38          2,953.20             0.00      3,606.58                0.17        -110.93
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)
                                     Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                            No          exchange           19,128.56 2023/4/3    2023/10/16          0.00       19,128.57          7,756.10             0.00     12,058.96                0.55        -243.45
institution   party
                                      contract (sell)

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                                       Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                                No        exchange            16,311.15 2023/5/5       2023/10/16                0.00         16,311.15           3,862.70              0.00    12,858.51                    0.59        -112.92
institution   party
                                        contract (sell)
                                       Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                                No        exchange            14,720.11 2023/6/2        2023/12/1                0.00         14,720.11               0.00              0.00    14,881.71                    0.68            0.00
institution   party
                                        contract (sell)
                                       Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                                No        exchange              1,358.88 2022/9/22      2023/3/21            1,355.92               0.00          1,338.73              0.00          0.00                   0.00          -20.33
institution   party
                                        contract (buy)
                                       Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                                No        exchange               448.42 2022/11/14 2023/2/15                   461.69               0.00           452.26               0.00          0.00                   0.00           -0.40
institution   party
                                        contract (buy)
                                       Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                                No        exchange              5,412.27 2022/12/2      2023/6/26            5,436.52               0.00          5,411.65              0.00          0.00                   0.00         117.96
institution   party
                                        contract (buy)
                                       Forward foreign
Financial     Non-related
                                No        exchange              1,667.70 2023/1/6       2023/7/28                0.00          1,667.70           1,227.53              0.00       430.66                    0.02          -23.94
institution   party
                                        contract (buy)
                          Total                              153,607.97        -             -              46,113.94        106,974.30        103,551.04               0.00    51,859.75                    2.38        -603.85
Source of funds for derivatives investment                Own funds
Litigation involved (if applicable)                       Not applicable
Disclosure date of the announcement in relation to the
approval of investment in derivatives by the Board (if    7 April 2023
Disclosure date of the announcement in relation to the
approval of derivatives investment by the general         Not applicable
meeting of shareholders (if any)

                                                           To effectively manage the uncertainty of exchange rate fluctuations on assets denominated in foreign currency of the Company, foreign exchange forward contracts
                                                           and other financial derivatives are employed to lock relevant exchange rates for the purpose of hedging. The Company has formulated the Management System for
                                                           Financial Derivatives Trading (《金融衍生品交易业务管理制度》) in relation to the operation and control of foreign exchange derivatives: 1. Market risk: the
Risk analysis of derivatives position held during the uncertainty of exchange rate fluctuations in the foreign exchange market has led to higher market risk in foreign exchange forward business. Control measures: The
Reporting Period and explanation of control measures Company’s foreign exchange forward business is entered into for hedging exchange rate risk associated with assets denominated in US dollar and lock the future
(including but not limited to market risk, liquidity risk, exchange settlement price of such assets. It is designed to be used as a hedging instrument. Such foreign exchange derivatives shall not be used for speculative
credit risk, operational risk, legal risk, etc.)           trading. The principle of prudence and conservation shall be observed so as to effectively prevent market risk. 2. Operational risk: operational risk arises from
                                                           imperfect internal process, improper operation, system failure and other factors. Control measures: The Company has formulated the corresponding management
                                                           measures, clearly defined the responsibilities of all parties, improved the review and approval process and established supervisory mechanism, so as to effectively
                                                           reduce operational risk. 3. Legal risk: The Company’s foreign exchange forward business is subject to applicable laws and regulations, and shall clearly stipulate the
                                                           relationship of rights and obligations with financial institutions. Control measures: In addition to strengthening the knowledge of laws and regulations and market

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                                                       rules in the Company’s responsible department, the Company’s legal department shall also strictly review various business contracts, agreements and other
                                                       documents, specify the rights and obligations, and strengthen compliance inspection, so as to ensure that the Company’s investment and operation in derivatives
                                                       have met the requirements of applicable laws and regulations as well as the Company’s internal systems.

                                                       In order to manage the uncertainty risk caused by price fluctuations of bulk commodities on the purchase cost of raw materials of the Company, financial derivatives
                                                       such as commodity futures contracts are employed to hedge raw materials. The Company has formulated the Internal Control System for Commodity Futures
                                                       Hedging Business (《商品期货套期保值业务内部控制制度》) to standardize the management and risk control of commodity futures derivatives: 1. Market risk:
                                                       the uncertainty of price changes of bulk commodities has led to greater market risk in futures business. Control measures: The Company’s futures hedging business
                                                       shall not carry out speculative trading, the operation principle of prudence and conservation shall be observed, the number of hedging transactions shall be strictly
                                                       limited, such that it does not exceed the actual number of spot transactions, and the futures position shall not exceed the spot volume for hedging purpose. 2.
                                                       Operational risk: operational risk arises from imperfect internal process, improper operation, system failure and other factors. Control measures: The Company has
                                                       formulated the corresponding management system, clearly defined the division of responsibilities and approval process, and established an improved supervisory
                                                       mechanism, so as to effectively reduce operational risk through risk control of business process, decision-making process and transaction process. 3. Legal risk: The
                                                       Company’s commodity futures hedging business is subject to applicable laws and regulations, and shall clearly stipulate the relationship of rights and obligations
                                                       with financial institutions. Control measures: In addition to strengthening the knowledge of laws and regulations and market rules in the Company’s responsible
                                                       department, the Company’s legal department shall also strictly review various business contracts, agreements and other documents, specify the rights and obligations,
                                                       and strengthen compliance inspection, so as to ensure that the Company’s investment and operation in derivatives have met the requirements of applicable laws and
                                                       regulations as well as the Company’s internal systems.
Change in market price or fair value of the derivatives
invested during the Reporting Period, the specific
                                                        Gains and losses arising from change in fair value of the forward foreign exchange contracts, option contracts and commodity futures contracts during the Reporting
method, related assumptions and parameters used in
                                                        Period were RMB-26.3211 million.
the analysis of the fair value of derivatives shall be
Explanation as to whether there has been a material
change in the accounting policy and accounting
principles for the Company’s derivatives during the No
Reporting Period as compared with the previous
reporting period
                                                        Due to the growing import and export business of the Company, a large amount of foreign exchange transactions is required. To avoid and prevent foreign exchange
                                                        risk, we are of the view that the forward foreign exchange derivatives trading business carried out by the Company and its subsidiaries are in line with the actual
Specific opinion of independent Directors on
                                                        development needs of the Company. When the Board reviewed this proposal, the relevant decision-making procedures were in compliance with the Company Law,
investment in derivatives and risk control of the
                                                        the Securities Law, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other relevant laws and regulations and the provisions in the
                                                        Articles of Association of the Company. In view of above, we concurred that the Company conducted foreign exchange derivatives trading business with its own
                                                        funds within the limit approved by the Board.

 (V)Sale of major assets and equity

 □Applicable √N/A

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(VI) Analysis of major controlled and invested companies
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                                             Unit: 10,000 Yuan
                       Nature of                                                                Registered                                              Operating
    Company                                        Main product and service                                  Asset size    Net assets    Revenues                    Net profit
                       business                                                                  capital                                                 profit
                                      R&D, production and sales of oral liquids, tablets
                                      (hormones), aerosols (hormones containing),
                        Industry      inhalation preparations (solution for inhalation)           10,000       49,560.63     39,868.22    12,650.94       3,420.14      3,238.50
                                      (hormones containing), nasal spray (hormones
                                      containing), and TCM extraction workshop
                                      Powder injection (including penicillin), tablets,
                                      hard capsules, APIs, and sterile APIs. Import and
                                      export businesses and domestic trade (excluding
  Haibin Pharma         Industry                                                                  70,000      221,744.67    163,578.67    54,121.86       8,124.02      5,775.83
                                      commodities under exclusive rights, commodities
                                      under special government control, and monopolized
                                      Manufacturing and sale of pharmaceutical products,
 Xinxiang Haibin        Industry                                                                  17,000       95,579.48     40,584.76    38,443.15       2,677.80      2,576.82
                                      intermediates and other chemical products
                                      Production and sale of self-produced Eagle's food,
   Health China         Industry      health care food, traditional Chinese medicine            HKD7,317       14,276.24      9,542.04     1,644.73         341.78        189.40
                                      decoction pieces, and drug products
                                      R&D of new pharmaceutical products, health care
                                      products, medical devices, diagnostic reagents,
Shanghai Frontier       Industry      pharmaceutical intermediates, and provision of               5,000       17,342.56     12,114.47     4,075.53         622.69        654.43
                                      relevant technical consulting, technical service and
                                      technical transfer
                                      R&D, production and sale of pharmaceutic
                                      preparations, chemical APIs, biological APIs,
 Jiaozuo Joincare       Industry                                                                  50,000      143,617.21     98,440.93    71,884.81      11,644.99     10,353.55
                                      pharmaceutical intermediates, and biological
     Topsino           Commerce       Investment and trade                                      HKD89,693     215,256.66    158,256.22              -    26,948.00     26,836.34
                                      R&D, production, storage, transport and sale of
                                      chemical APIs (including intermediates) and
 Joincare Haibin        Industry                                                                  50,000      107,090.87     95,238.77    29,581.31      15,193.20     13,105.10
                                      pharmaceutic preparations. Import and export
                                      businesses and domestic trade (excluding

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                                        commodities under exclusive rights, commodities
                                        under special government control, and monopolized
   Livzon Group           Industry      Drug R&D, production, manufacturing and sale              93,555         2,572,612.72      1,424,982.52     668,991.81      142,843.20      117,407.08
Notes: 1. The companies listed above are companies where the Company directly or indirectly held 100% equity interest, except for Livzon Group and Shanghai Frontier; financial data thereof

are data of individual accounting statements and that attributed to parent companies; as there are transactions between subsidiaries or between a subsidiary and the Company, data of individual
financial statements are not separately analyzed.

       2. For business conditions of Livzon Group, please refer to the 2023 Interim Report of Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.

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(VII) Structured entities controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √N/A

V.   Other matters for disclosure
(I) Potential risks
√Applicable □N/A

1.   Risks of changes in industrial policies

The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is significantly affected by changes in industrial policies.
The pharmaceutical industry will face great challenge in development in the future with continuous
deepening of medical reform, advancement of supply-side structural reform in the industry, revision of
Drug Administration Law, acceleration of consistency evaluation of generic drugs, adjustment of the
new edition of National Reimbursement Drug List, expansion of volume-based procurement, centralized
rectification of the pharmaceutical industry and other industrial policies that have been successively
launched. In July 2022, the Company’s key product Meropenem for Injection (注射用美罗培南) was
selected in the seventh batch of volume-based drug procurement organized by the State. This is expected
to be implemented in November 2022 and will have a great impact on the sales price and market share
of this product. Levosalbutamol Hydrochloride Nebulizer Solution (盐酸左沙丁胺醇雾化吸入溶液),
a key product of the Company, met the standards on being included in the national volume-based
procurement. It is expected to have impact on the sales of such product should being included in the list
of volume-based procurement.

Response measures: The Company will pay close attention to industry dynamics and reforms, cope
with major changes in policies of the pharmaceutical industry through early planning, transformation
and compliance, and further establish and improve its compliant operation mechanism and system. It
will actively strengthen new product R&D and innovation and constantly improve its core competitive
strengths. Meanwhile, the Company actively engages in the access to the national reimbursement drug
list and negotiation, and continue to increase the coverage of hospitals and sales, to realize the objective
of “price for quantity”, so as to reduce the impact of price adjustment on the Company’s steady growth.
Moreover, the volume-based drug procurement is becoming a regular practice. In the face of the seventh
batch of volume-based drug procurement and the possible impact on the business performance of the
Company, the Company will continue to enhance its innovative efforts, boost its competitive edge, and
strive to ensure the stable operation of the business. With the Company’s new high-barrier complex
formulations, represented by inhalation formulations, being launched on the market, commercialization
will gradually enter a stable contribution period. The Company’s product structure will be further
optimized, and the reliance on specific products will also gradually reduce.

The Company will continue to innovate and develop clinically needed innovative drugs with substantial
added value, as well as high-barrier complex formulations. It will delve into products with market
potential and technological barriers, actively advance post-market evaluations for key products, and

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conduct consistency evaluations for related products. The Company will continuously optimize its
product portfolio while actively exploring and expanding into international markets.

2.   Market risk

With advancement of supply-side structural reform in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and
two-invoice policy in circulation domain, pharmaceutical market structure is deeply changed. With the
gradual standardization and centralization of the market, competition in the pharmaceutical industry
becomes increasingly fierce. Affected by increasingly stricter drug regulation, policy-based drug price
reduction, price cutting during bidding, medical insurance premium control, and minimum procurement
commitment of the pharmaceutical industry in current stage, bid winning price of drugs will be further
lowered, competition among enterprises in the industry will be intensified, and price war will occur
frequently, thus the Company will be at the risk of drug price reduction.

Response measures: The Company will establish a more rational market-oriented system through strict
compliance operation so as to maintain its dominant position and core competitive strengths; and the
Company will ensure the sustainable and steady development and improve its profitability by
reinforcing marketing efforts. Meanwhile, the Company will offset the impact of product price reduction
by means of increasing sales volumes, and optimize technical process and reduce production costs
through internal exploration and transformation. Moreover, the Company will speed up the R&D,
expedite the process of bringing products to market and spread risks of the Company while expanding
the range of existing products in segment markets In the future, the augmentation of product variety
will drive sales growth and foster new sources of profits.

3.   Risk of safety and environmental protection

The Company is an integrated pharmaceutical manufacturing enterprise. During production, it
implements relevant chemical synthesis process and uses a large number of acid and alkali and other
chemical components, which are inflammable, explosive, toxic, irritant and corrosive, and have hidden
hazards of fire, explosion and poisoning, posing certain risks to the production and operation of the
Company. As environmental protection policies and regulations have been constantly issued in recent
years, environmental protection standards have become more stringent, and the state has strengthened
its control over pollutants, and thus risks of environmental protection of the Company are increasing.

Response measures: The Company has always obeyed the safety work concept of “Putting People First”
and the guideline of “Safety First, Precaution Crucial and Comprehensive Management”. It will
strengthen the construction of safe production infrastructure and ensure a sound environment for safe
production of the Company through regular internal audit of safety and environment systems and
employee safety education and training. The Company will carry out discharge after treatment and
reaching standards in accordance with environmental protection provisions, actively accept supervision
and inspection of environmental protection authorities, and try to reduce emission and increase
expenditures in environmental protection by improving production process and promptly updating

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environmental protection technology.

4.   Risk in price and supply of raw materials

There is a larger fluctuation in the supply price of some raw materials of the Company due to changes
in material prices, especially the materials of traditional Chinese medicine, causing greater volatility or
rise in production costs of the Company. Meanwhile, the quantity and category of raw material suppliers
of the Company are various, thus quality of final products of the Company will be directly affected by
the selection of raw material suppliers and the guarantee and control of quality of raw materials.

Response measures: In terms of selection of suppliers, the Company will conduct an open tendering
and bidding based on the principle of selecting qualified suppliers, strengthen audit of suppliers, and
eliminate the adulteration of adverse suppliers. The Quality Assurance Department and Supply
Department of the Company will directly conduct process control of products provided by suppliers of
key raw materials and carry out quality inspection and control of final products.

5.   Quality control risk

The quality of pharmaceutical products is directly related to people’s lives and health. The requirements
of drug regulatory authorities on the production quality are increasingly strict and pharmaceutical
manufacturers bear significant responsibility. As pharmaceutical manufacturing involves numerous
aspects such as the supply of raw materials, production technique, process control, equipment conditions,
production environment, transportation conditions, storage conditions and inspection, the quality control
for drugs covers the full lifecycle of products.

Response measures: The Company rigorously oversees the quality of products, gradually improve and
strengthen the long-term mechanisms on product quality management and the comprehensive quality
management systems. On such basis, the Company will coordinate the work of various relevant
departments such as the R&D department, the production and quality management department, establish
information-based systems and improve all SOP processes. It will strengthen process control and risk
management on new products, improve the quality of operation and fully guarantee the quality of drugs
through refining the quality management system. Meanwhile, it will continue to promote outstanding
performance management models, introduce advanced international concepts and methods, strengthen
the application of quality management instruments, and continuously propel and improve the
international level of the quality management system.

6.   Risk of R&D for new drugs

New drug R&D is characterized by high input, high risk and long period. The State has frequently issued
drug R&D related policies in recent years to further enhance approval work requirements of new drugs
for marketing, thus bringing certain risks for new drug R&D of the Company. Meanwhile, post-launch
promotion of drugs is influenced by national regulations, industry policies, market environment and
competitive intensity, potentially leading to lower-than-expected post-launch revenues. This exposes the

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company to risks associated with product R&D.

Response measures: The Company will further improve the R&D and innovation systems, introduce
and develop high-end talents, proactively carry out cooperation and introduction of overseas innovative
medicines, strengthen market research and evaluation of varieties, reinforce the process regulation and
risk management of the initiation of R&D projects, and concentrate efforts and make key breakthroughs
in the R&D of core products. At the same time, the Group’s advantages in APIs will be fully utilized to
reinforce the integration of API and drug formulations to ensure the long-term sustainable development
of the Company.

(II) Other matters for disclosure

□Applicable √N/A

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    Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                   Interim Report 2023

                                     Chapter 4 Corporate Governance

    I        Introduction of general meetings
   Meeting                               Query index of
                   Date of meeting                             Disclosure date                  Meeting resolution
   sessions                            designated website
                                                                                 The Resolution on the Proposal on Cancellation
2023 First                                                                       of Treasury Shares Previously Repurchased was
Extraordinary                                                                    considered and approved. See the Announcement
                     19 May 2023         www.sse.com.cn         20 May 2023
General                                                                          on Resolutions of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group
Meeting                                                                          Industry Co., Ltd. at the 2023 First Extraordinary
                                                                                 General Meeting (Lin 2023-056) for details
                                                                                 Nine (9) resolutions were considered and
                                                                                 approved, including the 2022 Annual Work
                                                                                 Report of the Supervisory Committee, 2022
                                                                                 Annual Work Report of the Board of Directors,
2022 Annual                                                                      2022 Annual Profit Distribution Scheme, and
General              9 June 2023         www.sse.com.cn         10 June 2023     2021 Annual Report of Joincare Pharmaceutical
Meeting                                                                          Group Industry Co., Ltd. (Full Text and Abstract).
                                                                                 See the Announcement on Resolutions of
                                                                                 Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                 at the 2022 Annual General Meeting (Lin 2023-
                                                                                 061) for details

    Holders of preferred shares with resumed voting rights requesting to hold extraordinary general


    □Applicable √ N/A

    Description of General Meetings

    □Applicable √ N/A

    II       Changes in directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company

    □Applicable √ N/A

    Description of changes in directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company

    □Applicable √ N/A

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III Profit distribution plan and plan for conversion of capital reserve into share capital
Profit distribution plan and plan for conversion of capital reserve into share capital proposed
for the first six months of 2023
Distribution or conversion or not                                                                              No
Number of bonus shares to be distributed for every ten shares (share)                                          N/A
Dividend amount to be distributed for every ten shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                   N/A
Number of shares to be converted into share capital for every ten shares (share)                               N/A
       Description of profit distribution plan and plan for conversion of capital reserve into share capital

IV Equity incentive scheme, employee share ownership scheme or other employee incentives of

the Company and their effect

(I) Matters related to equity incentive scheme have been disclosed in the Provisional

Announcements with no progress or change in subsequent implementation

□Applicable √ N/A

(II) Incentives not disclosed in the Provisional Announcements or with subsequent progress

Equity incentives

□Applicable √N/A


□Applicable √N/A

Employee share ownership scheme

□Applicable √N/A

Other incentive program

□Applicable √N/A

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                                                  Chapter 5 Environmental and Corporate Social Responsibility

 I Environmental information

 (I) Environmental issues of companies and their major subsidiaries belonging to key pollutant discharging units as announced by the environmental
 protection department

 √Applicable □N/A

 1.     Pollution discharge information

 √Applicable □N/A
i.Jiaozuo Joincare
       Name of          Name of major                            Number of                                Discharge        Pollutant discharge     Total amount    Total amount of
                                                 Mode of                         Distribution of                                                                                        Excessive
      company or         pollutants and                          discharge                              concentration          standards           of discharge       discharge
                                                discharge                       discharge outlets                                                                                       discharge
      subsidiary       specific pollutants                        outlets                                  (mg/L)          implemented (mg/L)          (t/a)       approved (t/a)
                       Chemical oxygen
       Jiaozuo                                  Continuous                      Master outlet for              119.7              220                379.24            942.1               Nil
                          demand                                    1
       Joincare                                                                     sewage
                       Ammonia nitrogen         Continuous                                                     17.8                35                  56.4            105.3               Nil

ii. Taitai Pharmaceutical
                            Name of major                          Number of        Distribution of            Discharge     Pollutant discharge    Total amount   Total amount of
   Name of company                                  Mode of                                                                                                                             Excessive
                            pollutants and                          discharge         discharge            concentration         standards          of discharge      discharge
       or subsidiary                               discharge                                                                                                                            discharge
                          specific pollutants                        outlets            outlets                 (mg/L)      implemented (mg/L)          (t/a)       approved (t/a)
                           Chemical oxygen
                                                                                                                 40.12              345                0.143            19.34              Nil
          Taitai          Biochemical oxygen                                        Master outlet
                                                  Intermittent          1                                         8.15              150                 0.014             /                Nil
      Pharmaceutical           demand                                                for sewage
                           Ammonia nitrogen                                                                      0.124               35                0.0062             /                Nil
                             Total Nitrogen                                                                       3.32               47                 0.01              /                Nil

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                           Total Phosphorus                                                                    1.31               5.2                0.006             /                Nil
                         Suspended Substance                                                                    4                250                 0.014             /                Nil
                            Sulfur dioxide                                      Discharge outlet               0.82               50                0.0055             /                Nil
                            Nitrogen oxide        Intermittent           1      of boiler exhaust              9.80              150                 0.067             /                Nil
                          Particulate matter                                           gas                     13.4               20                 0.088             /                Nil

iii. Haibin Pharma
      Name of          Name of major                             Number of                                  Discharge     Pollutant discharge    Total amount   Total amount of
                                                Mode of                        Distribution of                                                                                       Excessive
     company or         pollutants and                           discharge                              concentration         standards          of discharge      discharge
                                                discharge                     discharge outlets                                                                                      discharge
     subsidiary       specific pollutants                         outlets                                    (mg/L)      implemented (mg/L)          (t/a)       approved (t/a)
                       Chemical oxygen
                                                                                                               67                500                 2.24            41.65              Nil
                           demand                                             Master outlet for
                      Ammonia nitrogen                                            sewage                       0.55               45                0.018           3.7485              Nil
                        Total Nitrogen                                                                         3.82               70                0.128           5.831               Nil
                         Total volatile        Intermittent                  Discharge outlet of
       Pharma                                                        1                                         2.6               100                0.0068           0.504              Nil
                      organic compounds                                      boiler exhaust gas
                                                                             Discharge outlet of
                                                                     1         exhaust gas in                   6                 60                0.159             5.04              Nil
                                                                               sewage station

iv. Xinxiang Haibin
      Name of          Name of major                             Number of                             Discharge        Pollutant discharge     Total amount    Total amount of
                                                Mode of                       Distribution of                                                                                        Excessive
     company or         pollutants and                           discharge                           concentration          standards           of discharge       discharge
                                               discharge                     discharge outlets                                                                                       discharge
      subsidiary      specific pollutants                         outlets                               (mg/L)          implemented (mg/L)          (t/a)       approved (t/a)

                      Chemical oxygen
      Xinxiang                                 Continuous                    Master outlet for          108.795                220                 8.787            14.81               Nil
                           demand                                   1
       Haibin                                                                    sewage
                      Ammonia nitrogen         Continuous                                                   5.374               35                 0.431             1.66               Nil

v. Fuzhou Fuxing

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                      Name of major
      Name of                                                Number of                                                           Discharge            discharge             Total        Total amount
                       pollutants and        Mode of                                                                                                                                                        Excessive
    company or                                                discharge         Distribution of discharge outlets           concentration             standards        amount of         of discharge
                          specific           discharge                                                                                                                                                      discharge
     subsidiary                                                 outlets                                                           (mg/L)            implemented       discharge (t)     approved (t/a)
                      oxygen demand                                                                                               16.00                  100                10.78           102.19             Nil
                           (COD)           Intermittent            1            The northwest side of the factory
                                                                                                                                   0.06                    15               0.04            10.22              Nil
       Fuzhou               SO2                                    1                            RTO                                11.3              200mg/m3               0.636             2.6              Nil
       Fuxing               NOx                                    1                            RTO                                8.33              200mg/m3               0.527             2.6              Nil
                                                                                    RTO, fermentation workshop,
                                             Organized                              environmental friendly sewage
                           VOCs                                    7                   station, regulating pool,                   3.72               60mg/m3               2.158           30.19              Nil
                                                                                Workshop 2 (East), Workshop 2
                                                                                       (West), QC department
  Note: The discharge concentration represents the actual discharge concentration, and the standards implemented represent the standards for discharge to the environment by Jiangyin Sewage Treatment Plant (江阴污水
  处理厂) (i.e. COD ≤ 100 mg/L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 15 mg/L), and the agreed standard for discharge from Fuzhou Fuxing to Jiangyin Sewage Treatment Plant shall be the standards for discharge to the environment by
  Jiangyin Sewage Treatment Plant (江阴污水处理厂) (i.e. COD ≤ 500mg/L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 60mg/L, total phosphorus ≤ 8mg/L, total nitrogen ≤ 70mg/L, SS ≤ 400mg/L) . For the discharge of non-methane total
  hydrocarbons, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, the adopted standard was the standard limits stipulated in the Air Pollutant Discharge Standards for Pharmaceutical Industry (《制药工业大气污染
  物排放标准》) (GB 37823-2019).

vi. Livzon Xinbeijiang
        Name of            Name of major                               Number of                                    Discharge              Pollutant discharge    Total amount        Total amount of
                                                    Mode of                                Distribution of                                                                                                  Excessive
      company or            pollutants and                             discharge                                   concentration               standards          of discharge           discharge
                                                    discharge                            discharge outlets                                                                                                  discharge
       subsidiary        specific pollutants                              outlets                                       (mg/L)             implemented (mg/L)         (t)             approved (t/a)

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                         Chemical oxygen                                                 Sewage
        Livzon                                                                                                     66.3                   240                   34.85               213.6               Nil
                              demand             Intermittent            1              treatment
                        Ammonia nitrogen                                                workshop                   7.7                     70                    4.06                24.5               Nil
  Note: The discharge concentration represents the concentration of discharge into Qingyuan Henghe Sewage Treatment Plant (清远横荷污水处理厂), while the standard adopted for discharge represents the standard
  stipulated in the pollutant discharge license of the company, i.e. COD ≤ 240 mg/L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 70 mg/L. The data was obtained from Qingyuan Environmental Protection Bureau. The boiler emission follows
  the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Boiler 《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》(DB 44/765-2019); the waste gas emission from the workshops follows the Air Pollutant Discharge Standards for Pharmaceutical
  Industry (《制药工业大气污染物排放标准》) (GB 37823-2019) and the Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants (《恶臭污染物排放标准》(GB 14554-93).

vii. Livzon Hecheng
                                                                                                                                    Pollutant discharge
      Name of            Name of major                               Number of        Distribution of          Discharge                                      Total amount       Total amount
                                                   Mode of                                                                               standards                                                   Excessive
     company or           pollutants and                              discharge          discharge           concentration                                     of discharge       of discharge
                                                   discharge                                                                       implemented (mg/L)/                                               discharge
     subsidiary        specific pollutants                             outlets            outlets          (mg/L)/(mg/m3)                                         (t)          approved (t/a)
                        Chemical oxygen
                                                                                       Wastewater                   78                      192                   8.049              26.68               Nil
                                                  Intermittent            1              treatment
                       Ammonia nitrogen
                                                                                          station                   4.4                      40                   0.463               5.48               Nil
                         Sulphur dioxide                                  3            Boiler room                   4                       50                   0.059                 /                Nil
                         Nitrogen oxides                                  3            Boiler room                 61.1                     150                    0.48                 /                Nil
       Livzon            Smoke and dust                                   3            Boiler room                 1.56                      20                   0.018                 /                Nil
      Hecheng          Hydrogen chloride                                  7             Workshop                   7.38                     100                    2.06                 /                Nil
                                               continuous                 7             Workshop                   19.96                     60                    6.03                                  Nil
                                               emission                                                                                                                              77.76
                                                                          1                RTO                     10.6                      60                    1.07                                  Nil
                         Nitrogen oxides                                  1                RTO                     7.88                     200                    0.81                 /                Nil
                         Sulphur dioxide                                  1                RTO                      2.5                     200                   0.265                 /                Nil

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   Notes: 1. The discharge concentration of pollutants in wastewater represents the average concentration by online monitoring from the master discharge outlet by the company into South District Sewage Treatment Plant,
   while the standard adopted for discharge represents the standard stipulated in the pollutant discharge license of the company, i.e. COD ≤ 192 mg/L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 40 mg/L.
   2. The discharge concentration of pollutants in the discharge outlets of waste gas represents the average concentration detected by a qualified third party engaged, of which the boiler exhaust adopted the Emission
   Standards for Boiler Air Pollutants in Guangdong Province (《广东省锅炉大气污染物排放标准》) (DB 44/765-2019), the waste gas of the workshop and wastewater treatment station complied with the Air Pollutant
   Discharge Standards for Pharmaceutical Industry (《制药工业大气污染物排放标准》) (GB 37823-2019).

viii. Gutian Fuxing
        Name of            Name of major                              Number of                                    Discharge            Pollutant discharge        Total amount        Total amount of
                                                    Mode of                              Distribution of                                                                                                    Excessive
      company or            pollutants and                            discharge                                  concentration               standards             of discharge           discharge
                                                    discharge                           discharge outlets                                                                                                   discharge
       subsidiary        specific pollutants                            outlets                                        (mg/L)          implemented (mg/L)                (t)            approved (t/a)
                          Chemical oxygen                                              Southeastern part
                                                                                                                       49.382                   120                    5.216                113.9              Nil
     Gutian Fuxing             demand              Continuous              1              of the factory
                         Ammonia nitrogen                                                     zone                     9.595                     35                    1.139                39.88              Nil
   Note: Wastewater discharge follows the Discharge Standards of Water Pharmaceutical Industry Fermentation Products Category (《发酵类制药工业水污染物排放标准》)(GB21903-2008). The discharge concentration
   represents the concentration of ultimate discharge into the environment, while the discharge standards stipulated in the pollutant discharge license are COD ≤ 120 mg/L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 35 mg/L.

 ix. Livzon Limin
        Name of            Name of major                              Number of                                   Discharge            Pollutant discharge        Total amount         Total amount of
                                                     Mode of                             Distribution of                                                                                                    Excessive
      company or            pollutants and                             discharge                                concentration                standards             of discharge           discharge
                                                    discharge                           discharge outlets                                                                                                   discharge
       subsidiary         specific pollutants                            outlets                                    (mg/L)            implemented (mg/L)                (t)            approved (t/a)
                          Chemical oxygen
                                                                                           Wastewater                  13.00                    110                    2.364                 Nil               Nil
     Livzon Limin              demand              Intermittent             1
                                                                                        treatment station
                         Ammonia nitrogen                                                                              0.28                      15                    0.051                 Nil               Nil
   Note: The production process of Livzon Limin is required to comply with the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the PRC ( 《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》), the Air Pollution Prevention and Control
   Law of the PRC ( 《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》), the Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the PRC ( 《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》 ), “Integrated Wastewater Discharge
   Standard of the PRC National Standard (GB 8978-1996)” (《中华人民共和国国家标准污水综合排放标准(GB 8978-1996)》), the “Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Boiler (GB13271-2014)” ( 《锅炉大气
   污染物排放标准(GB 13271-2014)》), the Measures for Pollutant Discharge Permitting Administration (For Trial Implementation) ( 《排污许可管理办法(试行)》 ) and other laws, regulations and industry

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  standards. The wastewater of Limin Factory was discharged into Shaoguan Second Sewage Treatment Plant (韶关市第二污水处理厂) and the standard adopted for pollutant discharge represented the standard stipulated
  in the pollutant discharge license of the company, i.e. COD ≤ 110 mg/L, ammonia nitrogen ≤ 15 mg/L, while the data detected by third party inspection firm was adopted as the discharge concentration.

x. Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory
                              Name of major                             Number of         Distribution of             Discharge         Pollutant discharge       Total amount        Total amount of
    Name of company                                    Mode of                                                                                                                                               Excessive
                               pollutants and                            discharge           discharge            concentration              standards             of discharge          discharge
       or subsidiary                                  discharge                                                                                                                                              discharge
                            specific pollutants                            outlets             outlets                 (mg/L)          implemented (mg/L)               (t)           approved (t/a)
                             Chemical oxygen
                                                                              1              treatment                 21.09                    120                    1.17                 Nil                 Nil
   Livzon                         demand
   Pharmaceutical                                    Intermittent
   Factory                       Ammonia
                                                                              1              treatment                   0.2                     20                   0.012                 Nil                 Nil
  Note: The discharge concentration of pollutants in the wastewater discharge outlet represents the average concentration detected by a qualified third party engaged, by implementing the strictest of water pollutant
  discharge concentration limits for newly-built enterprises of the “Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Pharmaceutical Industry Mixing/Compounding and Formulation Category” ( 《混装制剂类制药工业水污
  染物排放标准》 (GB 21908-2008)), water pollutant discharge concentration limits for newly-built enterprises of the “Discharge Standards of Water Pollutants for Pharmaceutical Industry Bio-pharmaceutical Category”
  (《生物工程类制药工业水污染物排放标准》 ) (GB 21907-2008), or the level 1 of phase II standard of “Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants” ( 《水污染物排放限值》) (DB 44/26-2001) of Guangdong Province.

xi. Ningxia Pharmaceutical
                                                                                                                                            Pollutant discharge
                            Name of major                                                                               Discharge
         Name of                                                    Number of                                                                    standards                Total         Total amount
                             pollutants and         Mode of                              Distribution of               concentration                                                                         Excessive
       company or                                                    discharge                                                                 implemented              amount of        of discharge
                                specific            discharge                           discharge outlets               (mg/L)/                                                                            discharge
        subsidiary                                                     outlets                                                                   (mg/L)/            discharge (t)     approved (t/a)
                               pollutants                                                                               (mg/m3)
                                                                                        Sewage treatment                   116                        200                  58.4               Nil               Nil
   Ningxia                  oxygen demand
                                                  Continuous              1            workshop on north
   Pharmaceutical              Ammonia
                                                                                       side of factory zone                0.25                       25                   0.12               Nil               Nil

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                             Sulfur dioxide                                                                                   78                        200                  20.19            156.816              Nil
                                                                                        Boiler workshop on
                             Nitrogen oxide                                                                                  121                        200                  31.17            156.816              Nil
                                                                           1            north side of factory
                                                                                                 zone                            7                      30                       1.57          23.522              Nil
                                                                                             4 outlets for
                            Volatile organic                                           fermentation, 3 outlets
                                                                           9                                                 7.03                       100                      4.04          79.535              Nil
                               compounds                                                  for refinery and 2
                                                                                         outlets for sewage
  Notes: 1. The discharge concentration of wastewater represents the concentration of ultimate discharge to the environmental protection control center of Ningxia Xin’an Technology Co., Ltd. (宁夏新安科技有限公司)
  (“Xin’an Company”) (COD ≤200mg/m, ammonia nitrogen ≤25mg/m), the standard adopted for discharge was the standard stipulated in the pollutant discharge license of the company (protocol standard) and the amount
  of discharge was calculated by the amount received by Xin’an Company. In respect of the total amount of approved discharge, since Ningxia Pharma adopted indirect discharge, the local government of Ningxia cancelled
  the limitation of total discharge of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen of all indirect discharge enterprises, and the total amount index was directly allocated to sewage treatment plants in the pharmaceutical
  industrial park established by the government after the renewal of the pollution discharge license.
      2. The air emission concentration of boilers represents the self-monitoring average concentration throughout the year, the standard adopted for discharge was the emission limits of coal-fired boilers in Schedule 3 of
  Emission Standards for Boiler Air Pollutants (《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》表 3) (GB13271-2014) (sulfur dioxide ≤ 200mg/m, nitrogen oxides ≤ 200mg/m, particulate matter ≤ 30mg/m) and the amount of discharge
  was calculated by the amount indicated by online monitoring. The concentration of volatile organic compounds represents the concentration of ultimate discharge to the environment (self-monitoring concentration), the
  adopted standard was the standard limits stipulated in Schedule I of the Air Pollutant Discharge Standards for Pharmaceutical Industry (《制药工业大气污染物排放标准》) (GB 37823-2019) and the amount of discharge
  was calculated by the amount of waste gas emissions and the discharge concentration recorded by the monitoring report.

xii. Jiaozuo Hecheng
       Name of            Name of major                              Number of                                          Discharge        Pollutant discharge        Total amount        Total amount of
                                                    Mode of                               Distribution of                                                                                                      Excessive
     company or            pollutants and                             discharge                                    concentration               standards             of discharge          discharge
                                                   discharge                             discharge outlets                                                                                                     discharge
      subsidiary        specific pollutants                             outlets                                          (mg/L)         implemented (mg/L)                 (t)           approved (t/a)
                         Chemical oxygen                                                 Master outlet in
                                                                                                                         97.84                    220                    4.274                60.8                 Nil
    Jiaozuo                   demand                                                         industrial
                                                 Continuous                1
    Hecheng                  Ammonia                                                        wastewater
                                                                                                                          4.27                     35                    0.151                 8.8                 Nil
                              nitrogen                                                       workshop

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   Note: The discharge concentration and the total amount of discharge represent the concentration and total amount of ultimate discharge into the downstream sewage treatment plant, and the source is online monitoring
   data. Replacement of hazardous waste signs and labels in pipelines follows the latest Technical Specifications for the Setting of Hazardous Waste Identification Signs(《危险废物识别标志设置技术规范》).

xiii. Shanghai Livzon
        Name of           Name of major                               Number of        Distribution of                                  Pollutant discharge        Total amount       Total amount
                                                    Mode of                                                    concentration                                                                               Excessive
      company or          pollutants and                               discharge          discharge                                   standards implemented        of discharge        of discharge
                                                   discharge                                                     (mg/L)/                                                                                 discharge
       subsidiary       specific pollutants                             outlets             outlets                                   (mg/L)/(mg/m3)                 (t)          approved (t/a)
                        Chemical oxygen
                                                                                                                     36.63                      500                     4.10              6.1738              Nil
                              demand                                                   Master outlet in
                                                Intermittent               1
                             Ammonia                                                       the park
                                                                                                                     1.88                        40                     0.21              0.8747              Nil
    Shanghai                                                                             No. 5 and 6
    Livzon              Particulate matter                                 2             outlet on the                 -                          -                    0.008              0.054               Nil
                                                                                        No. 1-4, 7-10
                         Volatile organic       discharge
                                                                           8            outlets on the               1.42                        60                     0.23             0.88325              Nil
   Note: The discharge concentration was the average of monthly third-party monitoring data, and the amount of discharge was the cumulative sum of monthly discharge. The discharge of VOCs and particulate matter were
   in accordance with the “Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Pharmaceutical Industry” (《制药工业大气污染物排放标准》) (GB 37823-2019), and the discharge of COD and ammonia nitrogen were implemented
   in accordance with the “Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard” (《污水综合排放标准》)(DB 31/199-2018). Air pollutants discharge follows “Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Pharmaceutical Industry”
   (《制药工业大气污染物排放标准》) (DB31/310005-2021),“Integrate Emission Standards of Air Pollutants” (《大气污染物综合排放标准》) (DB31/933-2015) and “Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants” (《恶
   臭(异味)污染物排放标准》) (DB31/1025-2016). Water pollutant discharge follows the “Pollutant Discharge Standard for the Biopharmaceutical Industry” (《生物制药行业污染物排放标准》) (DB31/373-2010).
   Shanghai Livzon was among other key pollutant discharge units, but not among the key pollutant discharge units of water environment and atmospheric environment

xiv. Livzon MAB

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       Name of            Name of major                             Number of                                  Discharge            Pollutant discharge       Total amount        Total amount of
                                                   Mode of                            Distribution of                                                                                                    Excessive
     company or            pollutants and                            discharge                                concentration              standards             of discharge          discharge
                                                  discharge                          discharge outlets                                                                                                   discharge
      subsidiary        specific pollutants                           outlets                                    (mg/L)            implemented (mg/L)               (t)            approved (t/a)
                         Chemical oxygen                                                Wastewater
                                                                         1                                          21.09                   120                    1.541                 Nil                Nil
                              demand                                                 treatment station
    Livzon MAB                                   Intermittent
                        Ammonia nitrogen                                 1                                           0.2                     20                   0.0146                 Nil                Nil
                                                                                     treatment station
  Note: The discharge concentration of pollutants in the wastewater discharge outlet represents the average concentration detected by a qualified third party engaged, by implementing the strictest of Water Pollutant
  Discharge Concentration Limits for Newly-Built Enterprises (新建企业水污染物排放浓度限值) of the Emission Standard for Pharmaceutical Industrial Water Pollutants from Mixing and Formulation Category (《混
  装制剂类制药工业水污染物排放标准》) (GB 21908-2008), Water Pollutant Discharge Concentration Limits for Newly-Built Enterprises (新建企业水污染物排放浓度限值) of the Discharge Standards for
  Biopharmaceutical Industrial Wastewater (《生物工程类制药工业水污染物排放标准》) (GB 21907-2008), or the level 1 of phase II standard of Guangdong Provincial Capping on Polluted Effluents Discharge (《水
  污染物排放限值》) (DB 44/26-2001).

xv. Livzon Diagnostics
                                                                                                                                     Pollutant discharge                          Total amount of
        Name of             Name of major                              Number of                                    Discharge                                  Total amount
                                                      Mode of                             Distribution of                                  standards                                 discharge          Excessive
      company or             pollutants and                             discharge                                concentration                                  of discharge
                                                     discharge                           discharge outlets                               implemented                                 approved            discharge
       subsidiary         specific pollutants                             outlets                                    (mg/L)                                          (t)
                                                                                                                                            (mg/L)                                      (t/a)
                           Chemical oxygen                                                    Sewage
                                                                                                                       16                     500                   0.02                 Nil                Nil
         Livzon                 demand                                                   treatment station
                                                    Intermittent             1
      Diagnostics                                                                             Sewage
                          Ammonia nitrogen                                                                            0.09                    Nil                 0.00012                Nil                Nil
                                                                                         treatment station
  Note: The sewage treated by Livzon Diagnostics was discharged into the South District Sewage Treatment Plant in Zhuhai (珠海市南区水质净化厂), and the waste water discharge was carried out in accordance with
  the “Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants of Guangdong Province Standards” (《广东省地方标准 水污染物排放限量值》) (DB 44/26-2001).

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2.    Construction and operation of pollution preventive facilities
√Applicable □N/A

  Name of company or
                                              Construction and operation of pollution preventive facilities
                                Exhaust gas: The treatment process of “tertiary spray + mist eliminator + dry filter +
                           adsorption concentrator + RCO” + “secondary alkali spray” was adopted for fermentation exhaust
                           gas. The treatment process of “bag type dust collector” was adopted for proportioning process
                           dust-laden exhaust gas. The treatment process of “secondary alkali spray” was adopted for exhaust
                           gas treatment facilities in wastewater treatment station. The treatment process of “alkali
                           adsorption” was adopted for process acid waste gas. The treatment process of “tertiary finned
                           condenser + bag type dust collector + secondary alkali spray + RTO”/“-20 ℃ condensation +
                           activated carbon adsorption device (including regenerating device) + RTO”/“adsorption device
                           (including regenerating device) + secondary alkali spray + biological uptake + secondary alkali
     Jiaozuo Joincare      spray”/“secondary alkali spray + biological uptake + secondary alkali spray” was adopted for
                           process organic exhaust gas. 15 discharge outlets were constructed. All of them enable stable and
                           up-to-standard discharge through self-monitoring in the first half of 2023.
                                Wastewater: The treatment process of “regulating pool + hydrolysis acidification pool +
                           UASB + (CASS + air flotation) / modified A/O + secondary settling tank + coagulating
                           sedimentation” was primarily adopted. Standard wastewater outlets were set; online automatic
                           monitoring control system was installed at outlets for real-time monitoring of COD, ammonia
                           nitrogen, total nitrogen, pH, fluorion and flow. Wastewater treatment process sections can be
                           stably operated. Moreover, wastewater control factors can be stably emitted in compliance with
                           the required standard.

 Taitai Pharmaceutical          No new pollution preventive facilities were set up and all facilities functioned properly.
                                No new pollution preventive facilities were set up. All pollution preventive facilities
     Haibin Pharma
                           functioned properly and ensured up-to-standard discharge.
                                Wastewater: The wastewater treatment system with daily processing capacity of 600 tons
                           through A/O process designed by East China University of Science and Technology started
                           operation in April 2016 and has been functioning properly in the first half of 2023. Moreover,
                           indicators can be stable and satisfy the required discharge standard. A set of MVR concentration
                           wastewater treatment plant was added in April 2020, which has been functioning properly in the
                           first half of 2023. From the second half of 2021 to March 2022, a set of lift aerator system and a
                           set of magnetic levitation blower were added in the biochemical system, and they have been put
                           into operation and functioning properly. A new sewage anaerobic treatment system was built in
     Xinxiang Haibin       2022.
                                Exhaust gas: The 40,000 m/h regenerative oxidation exhaust gas treatment system designed
                           by Jiangsu Ruiding started operation on 2 November 2019 and has been functioning properly in
                           the first half of 2023. Moreover, factors achieved ultra-low discharge. After reconstruction of dry
                           tail gas self-circulating process, the activated carbon adsorption pre-treatment device for high
                           concentration waste gas designed by Beijing Rixin Daneng Technology Co., Ltd. has been
                           functioning properly in the first half of 2023. After photo-oxidative catalyzation + alkali spray +
                           water spray treatment with a treatment capacity of 30,000 m/h, the waste gas from biochemical
                           aerobic process of wastewater treatment was emitted in compliance with the required standard,

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                         Interim Report 2023

                          which has been functioning properly in the first half of 2023. A set of tetrahydrofuran membrane
                          recovery system was added for high concentration exhaust gas treatment of six workshops, which
                          has been functioning properly in the first half of 2023. The resin adsorption pre-treatment facility
                          of exhaust gas was added and is currently under construction.
                               The company strictly complies with the “Three Simultaneous” system of environmental
                          protection by collecting and treating “Three Wastes (wastewater, waste gas and solid waste)”
                          according to requirements, and employs an advanced wastewater treatment process known as
                          “Regulating pool + Hydrolysis acidification tank + Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge
                          Process (SBR) and Cyclic Activated Sludge System (CASS) + Air float”. After the wastewater
                          from production has gone through the above treatment process, all indicators are stable and satisfy
                          the discharge standard. After meeting the discharge standards, the wastewater is discharged to
    Fuzhou Fuxing         Jiangyin Sewage Treatment Plant operated by Fujian Huadong Water Treatment Co., Ltd. (福建
                          华东水务有限公司) via sewage pipe network at the industrial park area for further treatment. In
                          2022, the waste gas treatment facilities for Fenton pool and regulating pool have been added, and
                          the waste gas was treated by secondary spraying. The RTO annual maintenance has been
                          completed in the first half of 2023. In the first half of 2023, the COD concentration was
                          5634.46mg/L, the ammonia nitrogen concentration was 219.1mg/L; the COD concentration and
                          ammonia nitrogen concentration discharged into Jiangyin Sewage Treatment Plant (江阴污水处
                          理厂) were 219.53mg/L and 25.45mg/L respectively.
                               The “Three Wastes” were collected and treated effectively in strict compliance with the
                          “Three Simultaneous” system. The sewage treatment facilities with an investment amount of over
                          RMB30 million have a designed processing capacity of 3,000t/d and adopt the treatment process
                          of “Pre-treatment + Aerobic pool + Hydrolysis acidification tank + SBR + Catalytic oxidation +
                          Air float”. The effluent water quality constantly met the standard; the COD concentration of the
                          influent water in the regulating pool was about 2000mg/L, and the actual COD concentration
                          discharged after treatment was about 90mg/L (the discharge standard is ≤ 240mg/L), and the COD
                          treatment efficiency reached 95.5%. The waste gas emitted from sewage treatment was treated
  Livzon Xinbeijiang      using a biological deodorization box + 3-level high-efficiency sodium hypochlorite and lye spray
                          + 1-level alkali spray treatment process; the waste gas emission constantly met the standard. For
                          the organic waste gas, the refining workshop adopts the most advanced RTO treatment process,
                          which conveys the waste gas to the RTO furnace chamber at about 800℃ for high-temperature
                          oxidation and decomposes the volatile organic gases into CO2 and water. In 2023, the fourth round
                          of environmental protection improvement and renovation was carried out, including a series of
                          noise reduction measures such as installing sound-proof glass for the shutters on the third floor of
                          the fermentation department 2, adding an enclosure to the fan on the roof of the refining workshop
                          and enclosing the MVR and RTO areas with sound-absorbing cotton panels.
                               The “Three Wastes” were treated in a centralized and effective manner in strict compliance
                          with the “Three Simultaneous” system and the maintenance and management of pollution
                          prevention & treatment facilities were enhanced to ensure that pollutant discharge was stable and
                          in compliance with the required standard. For wastewater,the treatment process of “pre-treatment
    Livzon Hecheng
                          of drainage from the production process + hydrolytic acidification + Upflow Anaerobic Sludge
                          Bed (UASB) + advanced oxidation + Cyclic Activated Sludge System (CASS) process + air
                          floatation/ozonation advanced treatment” was adopted. Treated sewage was discharged into
                          Zhuhai Leaguer Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. (珠海力合环保有限公司) (water purification

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                          plant in the South District) through the municipal sewage pipeline network. The waste gas was
                          treated by spray tower, activated carbon adsorption, condensation, liquid nitrogen cryogenic, RTO
                          and other comprehensive treatment technologies to ensure all kinds of pollutants were effectively
                          treated and discharged in compliance with the standards.
                               At the same time when the enterprise started production, the “Three Wastes” were collected
                          and treated effectively in accordance with the requirements of the “Three Simultaneous” system
                          of environmental protection. This involves a designed sewage treatment capacity of 1,200t/d,
                          adoption of the advanced “Anaerobic-Oxic activated sludge process (A/O) + SBR + nitrogen
                          removal by denitrification + Fenton decolorizing + air flotation” wastewater treatment process,
                          6,000 m3 of effective reservoir capacity of the treatment system and more than 20 sets of treatment
                          equipment with 350 KW installed capacity to improve the water treatment process, thus ensuring
                          that all wastewater treatment indicators are stable and satisfy the discharge standard. The COD
     Gutian Fuxing        concentration and ammonia nitrogen of untreated wastewater were 2000mg/L and 400mg/L
                          respectively; the COD concentration and ammonia nitrogen were lowered to 49.382mg/L and
                          9.59mg/L after treatment, with the removal rate as high as 97.5%. Treated sewage that reaches the
                          grade II discharge standard is directly discharged into Minjiang River. The hazardous waste of the
                          company is entrusted to qualified companies for compliant disposal according to the requirements
                          of environmental impact assessment and acceptance inspection opinions. The boiler exhaust
                          treatment facilities were upgraded, with the high-efficiency waste gas treatment facility of “SNCR
                          denitrification + cyclone dust removal + dry desulfurization + bag dust removal + wet
                          desulfurization” adopted.
                               The “Three Simultaneous” system was strictly implemented by the company for the treatment
                          of “Three Wastes” by collecting and treating the “Three Wastes” effectively. The original sewage
                          treatment plant with an investment amount of over RMB13 million has a designed processing
                          capacity of 1,500t/d and adopts the treatment process of “Pre-treatment + Hydrolysis acidification
                          tank + Facultative tank + Aerobic pool + Secondary sedimentation”, and the sewage after treatment
                          was discharged into Shaoguan Second Sewage Treatment Plant ( 韶关市第二污水 处理厂 )
                          through the municipal pipeline network. The key pollution indicators are chemical oxygen demand
                          and ammonia nitrogen; the concentrations at water inlets were 3004mg/L and 14mg/L respectively
                          in 2022, while the average discharge concentrations at water outlets were 19.64mg/L and
     Livzon Limin
                          0.4592mg/L respectively, far lower than the relevant limits stipulated in the pollutant discharge
                          license and the removal rates reached 93.45% and 54.08% respectively. In respect of waste gas
                          treatment, biomass boilers were all replaced by gas boilers. The technical transformation project
                          of the R&D center has installed waste gas treatment facilities such as activated carbon adsorption
                          and acid mist spray tower. The key pollution indicators are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and
                          particulate matter. The emission concentrations were 0.125mg/m 87.1mg/mand 2.19mg/m
                          respectively in 2022, far lower than the relevant limits stipulated in the pollutant discharge license.
                          In respect of control of noise pollution, investment was made to construct noise segregation wall
                          to reduce noise pollution.
                               The “Three Wastes” were collected and treated effectively by the Pharmaceutical Factory.
                          For wastewater: an investment of over RMB10 million was made for phase I and phase II sewage
 Livzon Pharmaceutical
                          treatment station with a designed processing capacity of 1,000t/d, which adopted the CASS
                          process for phase I and the A/O process for phase II. The indicator of treated wastewater was
                          approximately 50% of the standard limit requirement and the sewage after treatment was

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                          discharged into sewage treatment plants through the municipal pipeline network. For waste gas:
                          currently, the company uses purchased steam and uses the boilers as backups, greatly reducing air
                          emissions (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides). The waste gas of the wastewater treatment stations is
                          treated by a combination of first-level spray towers, Ultra Violet (UV) photoion equipment and
                          second-level spray towers, and the treated waste gas was far below the national standard limit
                               Through strict enforcement of the “Three Simultaneous” system, the “Three Wastes” were
                          collected and treated effectively. The designed total processing capacity of sewage treatment was
                          7,500 m3/d (including one plant with capacity of 5,000 m3/d and one plant with capacity of 2,500
                          m3/d), and the actual total treatment amount was 2,800 m3/d.
                               Waste gas treatment: 4 sets of fermentation and 2 sets of refining waste gas treatment adopt
                          the treatment process of “sodium hypochlorite spray + water spray + two-way superoxide water
                          spray + micro-nano bubble spray”; 2 sets of waste water treatment tank odor collection and
                          treatment facilities adopt the treatment process of “three-level spray absorption (level 1: alkaline
                          water spray absorption + level 2: sodium hypochlorite spray absorption + level 3: sulfuric acid
                          spray absorption); 1 set of RTO (regenerative thermal oxidizer) waste gas treatment facility adopts
                          incineration method; two 40-ton circulating fluidized bed boilers (one in operation and one on
Ningxia Pharmaceutical
                          standby) were in normal operation, adopting the treatment process of “bag dust removal + double
                          alkali desulfurization + alkaline water spraying and demisting”. General solid waste: slag and
                          sludge were entrusted for landfill disposal; styrene-acrylic slag is sold as organic fertilizer; styrene-
                          acrylic mother liquor was outsourced for recycling; styrene-acrylic spent activated carbon and
                          Lova waste activated carbon were sent to boilers for incineration. Hazardous waste: mycophenolic
                          acid and Dora waste slag are put into boilers for incineration; spent activated carbon, waste and
                          empty reagent bottles, waste packaging bags, etc. were all entrusted to qualified companies for
                          disposal. In 2023, the following pollution prevention measures were mostly completed: 1.
                          decommissioning the former Xinbeijiang sewage treatment system to abate the source of
                          malodorous gas generation; 2. carrying out comprehensive cleaning and maintenance of the
                          existing 9 sets (30 units) of waste gas treatment facilities spray tower.
                               The “Three Wastes” were collected and treated effectively in strict compliance with the
                          “Three Simultaneous” system. The designed sewage treatment capacity was 3,000t/d, the
                          treatment process of “hydrolytic acidification tank + UASB + aerobic pool + materialized
                          treatment” was adopted, the treated wastewater would be discharged into the sewage treatment
                          plant of Xiuwu Branch of Kangda Water Co., Ltd. (康达水务有限公司修武分公司) through the
                          municipal pipeline network. The sewage treatment facilities were under normal operation with
                          compliant discharge.
                               In 2023, an operation and maintenance contract in relation to online continuous monitoring
   Jiaozuo Hecheng
                          system for water quality was signed with Jiaozuo Lansheng Environmental Technology Service
                          Co., Ltd. (焦作市蓝晟环保及时服务有限公司). For waste gas: In 2023, dichloride module
                          equipment was added in the recycling section, and the waste gas was discharged after being treated
                          and the standard limit met; The waste gas generated from technical process in the production zone
                          would be collected and treated by adopting two sets of processes of “spray + activated carbon +
                          spray + RTO incineration equipment and -20℃ condensation + dichloride module + spray +
                          activated carbon + spray + RTO incineration equipment” and then discharged after reaching the
                          required standard. Solid waste and hazardous waste would be stored in the hazardous waste station

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                          constructed in compliance with the requirements of “Three Protections” (protection against leaks,
                          erosion and rain) according to the requirements under the (Pilot) Guidelines for Standardized
                          Management of Hazardous Waste in Henan Province (《河南省危险废物规范化管理工作指南
                          (试行)》). In 2023, hazardous waste disposal contracts were signed with qualified companies
                          Anyang Zhongdan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.(安阳中丹环保科技有限公
                          司), Luoyang Dezheng Waste Resources Reuse Co. Ltd. (洛阳德正废弃资源再利用有限公
                          司)and Qinyang GTC Jidong Environmental Protection Technology Co. Ltd. (沁阳金隅冀东
                          环保科技有限公司) for regular disposal of hazardous waste. Other general solid waste would
                          be disposed of in compliance with the relevant requirements. In January 2023, a self-monitoring
                          and automatic monitoring equipment comparison contract was signed with Henan Chenjian
                          Inspection Technology Co. Ltd. (河南晨颉检验技术有限公司) to regularly monitor the
                          company's discharge outlets.
                                 The company designed and built a sewage treatment station with a processing capacity of 200
                          m3/d   in 2018. The company’s wastewater was treated by such sewage treatment station and then
                          entered the park’s sewage treatment station for secondary treatment, and finally discharged into
                          the municipal pipeline network. The company had the hazardous waste station in compliance with
                          the requirements of “Three Preventions” to store hazardous waste and appointed a qualified
                          company for compliant disposal. The company’s main discharge outlets were treated with
                          activated carbon adsorption and filtration, and the activated carbon was replaced every half a year
   Shanghai Livzon
                          to ensure that the air emission met the standards. In January 2022, the company demolished the
                          solid preparation workshop on the third floor and transformed it into a microsphere workshop, and
                          there is no particulate matter emission from the No. 5 and No.6 discharge outlets accordingly. In
                          order to meet the regulatory requirements under the new environmental impact assessment (at least
                          one emission reduction measure to be replaced with a new one), the 4# exhaust stack was upgraded
                          in March 2023 , upgrading the secondary activated carbon adsorption equipment and the
                          monitoring platform processing equipment.
                                 The “Three Simultaneous” system was strictly implemented by Livzon MAB for the
                          treatment of “Three Wastes” by collecting and treating the “Three Wastes” effectively. For
                          wastewater (relying on the wastewater treatment of Pharmaceutical Factory in the park): an
                          investment of over RMB10 million was made for phase I and phase II sewage treatment station
                          with designed processing capacity of 1,000t/d, which adopted the CASS process for phase I and
     Livzon MAB
                          the A/O process for phase II, and the sewage after treatment was discharged into sewage treatment
                          plants through the municipal pipeline network. For waste gas: currently, the company uses
                          purchased steam and takes the boilers as backups, greatly reducing air emissions. The waste gas
                          of the wastewater treatment stations is treated by a combination of first-level spray towers, Ultra
                          Violet (UV) photoion equipment and second-level spray towers.
                                 The “Three Simultaneous” system was strictly implemented by Livzon Diagnostics. The
                          company has sewage treatment facilities, which started construction in 2017 and were completed
                          and passed the acceptance inspection for use in June 2018. The treatment processes include
                          sedimentation tanks, regulating tanks, anaerobic tanks, contact oxidation, secondary settling tanks,
  Livzon Diagnostics
                          etc. The sewage after being treated and met the standard was discharged into the South District
                          Sewage Treatment Plant (南区水质净化厂) through the municipal sewage pipeline. Hazardous
                          waste and general industrial solid waste generated by Livzon Diagnostics were entrusted to a
                          qualified third-party company for disposal.

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3.    Environmental impact assessment of construction projects and other environmental

protection administrative licensing

√Applicable □N/A
     Name of company or           Environmental impact assessment of construction projects and other environmental
          subsidiary                                        protection administrative licensing
                                   Jiaozuo Joincare was listed in the mandatory clean production directories on key
       Jiaozuo Joincare       industries in 2023. Currently, the preliminary scheme for this initiative has been finalized.
                              Feasibility analysis and the implementation of the plan are progressing as scheduled.
     Taitai Pharmaceutical         The Environmental Impact Report for two new products are currently under review.
                                   No environmental impact assessment project was required in the first half of 2023; with
                              strict enforcement of the “Three Simultaneous” system in the production process and
        Haibin Pharma
                              implementation of the environmental protection measures required under the environmental
                              impact assessment, the environmental protection facilities have been functioning properly.
                                   Approval of Environmental Impact Report on 20 Tonnes/Year Meropenem
                              Pharmaceutical Intermediate Project (Yu Huan Jian [2005] No. 84), Opinions on
                              Environmental Protection Inspection and Acceptance for 20 Tonnes/Year Meropenem
                              Pharmaceutical Intermediate F9 Project (Yu Huan Bao Yan [2008] No. 89), Approval of
                              Environmental Impact Report on 100 Tonnes/Year Meropenem Pharmaceutical Intermediate
                              Expansion Project (Yu Huan Shen [2014] No. 564), Independent acceptance of Approval of
                              Environmental Impact Report on 100 Tonnes/Year Meropenem Pharmaceutical Intermediate
       Xinxiang Haibin
                              Expansion Project on 24 March 2019, Opinions of Comprehensive Supervision and
                              Enforcement Bureau of High-tech Zone on Approval of Environmental Impact Report on
                              Technical Center Expansion Project of Xinxiang Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Xin Gao
                              Zong Jian Zi [2020] No. 26) and Reply to the Environmental Impact Assessment Report for
                              the Peinan Series API Development Project of Xinxiang Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (Xin
                              Huan Shu Shen [2021] No. 24). It reapplied for the pollutant discharge license in the first half
                              of 2023 and obtained the certificate on 20 June 2023.
                                   The “Environmental Impact Report on the Phase III High-end Antibiotics Project of
                              Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.” was approved on 23 August 2021.
                              The Environmental Impact Report on the Phase IV High-end Antibiotics Project of Livzon
                              Group Fuzhou Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was approved on 12 October 2022. In March
                              2023, the second phase, the third phase, the second stage and the third stage of environmental
                              inspection have been completed. The company strictly implements the “Three Simultaneous”
        Fuzhou Fuxing         system and takes environmental protection measures required for environmental assessment,
                              with the environmental protection facilities under normal operation. Approval was granted for
                              the application of a new national pollutant discharge license on 27 December 2017 and the
                              renewal of the national pollutant discharge license was completed in December 2020. The
                              company has been discharging pollutants in strict compliance with the licensing and
                              administrative requirements. The pollutant discharge license was updated in March 2023 with
                              a validity period from 27 December 2020 to 26 December 2025.

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                                   The “Environmental Impact Report on Current Status of Projects of Livzon Group
                              Xinbeijiang Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Inc. (《丽珠集团新北江制药股份有限公司项
                              目现状环境影响报告书》)” was approved and filed on 6 December 2016; with strict
                              enforcement of the “Three Simultaneous” system and implementation of the environmental
          Livzon              protection measures required under the environmental impact assessment, the environmental
        Xinbeijiang           protection facilities have been functioning properly. The first application for a new national
                              discharge permit was applied on 29 December 2017, and the renewal of the discharge permit
                              was processed on 29 December 2022, with a validity period until 28 December 2027. The
                              discharge permit for the new plant in Shijiao was changed on 8 May 2023 and is valid until 7
                              May 2028.
                                   The Environmental Impact Assessment Report on Current Status of the Product Structure
                              and Production Capacity Adjustment Project of Zhuhai FTZ Livzon Hecheng Pharmaceutical
                              Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (《珠海保税区丽珠合成制药有限公司产品结构及产能调整项目
                              现状环境影响评价报告》) was approved in December 2016. In 2021, the environmental
                              impact assessment for expansion of 14 new products including paliperidone palmitate (棕榈
                              酸帕利哌酮), aripiprazole (阿立哌唑), bismuth potassium citrate (枸櫞酸鉍鉀), i.e. the
                              “Environmental Impact Assessment Report on Technological Renovation and Expansion
      Livzon Hecheng          Project of Zhuhai FTZ Livzon Hecheng Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd.” (《珠海保
                              税区丽珠合成制药有限公司技改扩建项目环境影响评价报告》), passed the expert
                              review, and obtained approval on 20 January 2022. The company strictly enforced the “Three
                              Simultaneous” system and implemented environmental protection measures as required under
                              environmental impact assessment with normal operation of the environmental protection
                              facilities. In 2022, it was awarded the green card enterprise of environmental credit rating by
                              Zhuhai Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau. In March 2022, the revision and filing
                              of the emergency plan for environmental emergencies was completed.
                                   The company passed the environmental impact assessment on 30 June 1999 and the
                              inspection and acceptance upon completion of construction carried out by Environmental
                              Protection Bureau of Fujian Province on 5 June 2000. The company re-prepared its post-
                              environmental impact assessment report in 2019 and passed the inspection and acceptance
                              carried out by experts on 11 June 2019. The company strictly enforced the “Three
                              Simultaneous” system and implemented the environmental protection measures as required
       Gutian Fuxing
                              under environmental impact assessment, with normal operation of the environmental
                              protection facilities. In September 2022, the clean production passed the on-site inspection
                              and acceptance of the Ecology and Environment Bureau, and in October 2022, it obtained the
                              inspection and acceptance opinions of the Ningde Environmental Protection Science Research
                              Institute. The existing pollutant discharge license was applied on 26 November 2020 with a
                              validity period from 29 December 2020 to 28 December 2025.
                                   The Environmental Impact Report on the Technological Reform Project for the R&D
                              Center of Livzon Group Limin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Factory (《丽珠集团利民制
                              药厂研发中心技改项目环境影响报告表》) was approved on 6 December 2019. A review
       Livzon Limin           expert meeting was held on 24 April 2021, and independent review was completed. The
                              Environmental Impact Report for Workshop II of Small-capacity Injection (《小容量注射剂
                              二车间项目环境影响报告表》) was approved on 23 November 2020. On 15 September
                              2021, a review expert meeting was held, and independent review was completed. The national

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                              pollutant discharge license was updated on 22 October 2021. The “Three Simultaneous”
                              system was strictly enforced to implement the environmental protection measures required
                              under the environmental impact assessment, with normal operation of the environmental
                              protection facilities. In September 2022, Limin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Factory passed
                              the on-site review on clean production by the expert group. In the future, it will continue to
                              explore the potential of energy conservation and emission reduction, establish and improve
                              the clean production mechanism and continuously enhance the level of clean production. It
                              was recognized as a green enterprise in the environmental credit rating by Shaoguan
                              Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau consecutively from 2019 to 2022. The pollutant
                              discharge license was renewed in 2021 with a validity period from 22 October 2021 to 21
                              October 2026.
                                   The Environmental Impact Report Form for the Newly-added Wet Granulation Line
                              Project P07 of Pharmaceutical Factory (《丽珠集团丽珠制药厂 P07 新增湿法制粒线项目
                              环境影响报告表》) was approved on 18 May 2022. Pharmaceutical Factory updated the
                              pollutant discharge license in June 2022. The Environmental Impact Report Form for New
                              Boilers and Boiler Low-nitrogen Transformation Project (《新增锅炉及锅炉低氮改造项目
                              环境影响报告表》) was approved on 19 August 2022. The company will strictly enforce the
   Livzon Pharmaceutical      “Three simultaneous” system to implement the environmental protection measures as required
          Factory             by the environmental assessment. The Expansion Project for Production Line of lyophilized
                              Powder Injection of Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory (《丽珠集团丽珠制药厂
                              冻干粉针剂生产线扩建项目》) completed its independent acceptance in June 2022, and the
                              Small-capacity Workshop Construction Project of Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical
                              Factory (《丽珠集团丽珠制药厂小容量车间建设项目》) completed its independent
                              acceptance in August 2022. Pharmaceutical Factory updated the pollutant discharge license
                              in June 2022, with a validity period from 9 June 2022 to 8 June 2027.
                                   The renewal application for the discharge license was completed in December 2020 and
                              the license is valid until 28 December 2025. The environmental protection inspection for
                              completion of doramectin expansion project was completed in March 2021. In September
                              2021, expert review and government filing were completed for the environmental impact
                              evaluation of project work upon optimized disposal of the company’s solid waste. The
                              company applied to change its pollutant discharge permit and passed the review of the Pingluo
                              Branch of Shizuishan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau in December 2021. In
                              December 2022, the company passed the identification of Shizuishan municipal green plant
                              and prepared an environmental impact assessment report on the increase of phenylalanine
  Ningxia Pharmaceutical
                              production capacity (currently under review by experts). The company reported to the national
                              pollution discharge license management information platform (pollution discharge
                              implementation report) and the ecological environment statistics business system (enterprise
                              environment statistics report) quarterly. In 2022, the company also completed the second
                              round of rectification of non-compliance under the supervision of central environmental
                              protection authorities, independent acceptance and government acceptance. The company
                              strictly enforced the “Three Simultaneous” system to implement the environmental protection
                              measures as required by environmental assessment, and the environmental protection
                              facilities were in normal operation.

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                                   The “Environmental Impact Assessment Report on Current Status of Jiaozuo Livzon
                              Hecheng Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd” (《焦作丽珠合成制药有限公司现状环
                              境影响评估报告》) was approved and filed on 15 December 2016, the “Three Simultaneous”
                              system was strictly enforced, the environmental protection measures as required by
                              environmental assessment were implemented and the environmental protection facilities were
                              in normal operation. The application for the national pollutant discharge license was
                              completed in December 2020, the environmental protection policies were strictly enforced
                              and various management tasks were implemented. In 2023, the “one enterprise, one policy”
      Jiaozuo Hecheng
                              plan for Jiaozuo Hecheng, a VOCs discharge enterprise, was formulated in accordance with
                              the “Summer Ozone Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan” (《夏季臭氧污染防治
                              攻坚战行动方案》 ). In accordance with the “Notice Requirements on Conducting Special
                              Enforcement Inspections for Enterprises in Volatile Organic Compounds Industry” by
                              provincial department in 2023 (《省厅 2023 年关于开展涉挥发性有机物行业企业专项执
                              法检查的通知要求》), comprehensively self-inspection VOCs inspections were carried out,
                              a list of issues was compiled and active rectifications were made. In March 2023, the current
                              round of clean production audit work was kicked off.
                                   The company passed the environmental assessment review of the Leuprorelin Acetate
                              Microspheres for Injection Industrialization Project (《注射用醋酸亮丙瑞林微球产业化项
                              目》) on 11 October 2010, obtained the approval for the Environmental Impact Report on
                              Supporting Engineering and Laboratory Projects of Shanghai Livzon Pharmaceutical
                              Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (《上海丽珠制药有限公司配套工程及实验室项目环境影响报
                              告 》 ) on 10 January 2020, and completed the construction and passed the acceptance
                              inspection in September 2020. The renovation of powder injection workshop 2 had completed
                              in 2022, with the Environmental Impact Statement of Construction Project (《建设项目环境
      Shanghai Livzon         影响报告表》) filed in October 2022 and the Approval Opinion of Shanghai Pudong New
                              Area Ecological Environment Bureau on the Environmental Impact Statement of the
                              Reconstruction and Expansion Project of Shanghai Livzon Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
                              Co., Ltd. (《上海市浦东新区生态环境局关于上海丽珠制药有限公司改扩建项目环境影
                              响报告表的审批意见》) obtained in March 2023. The company strictly implements the
                              “Three Simultaneous” system and takes environmental protection measures required for
                              environmental assessment, with the environmental protection facilities under normal
                              operation. The new Pollutant Discharge License was obtained on 30 May 2023 with a validity
                              period until 29 May 2028.
                                   The Environmental Impact Assessment Report on the V01 Industrialization Project of
                              Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory was approved in April 2021; the Environmental
                              Impact Report Form for the Expansion Preparation Line 3 of the Large-scale Production
                              Capacity Building Project of Recombinant SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Protein Vaccine (重組新型
       Livzon MAB
                              冠状病毒融合蛋白疫苗) was approved in March 2022. The company updated the pollutant
                              discharge permit in November 2022. The company strictly enforced the “Three Simultaneous”
                              system to implement the environmental protection measures as required by environmental
                                   Livzon Diagnostics prepared the “Environmental Impact Report on Engineering and
    Livzon Diagnostics        Production Projects of the New Plant” (《新厂工程及生产项目环境影响报告书》) in 2017,
                              which was approved by Zhuhai Environmental Protection Bureau on 6 February 2018. The

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                               environmental protection acceptance inspection was completed in June 2018. In 2020,
                               according to the Catalogue of Classified Management of Discharge Permit for Stationary
                               Pollution Sources ( 固定污染源排污许可分类管理名录》)(2019 version) and the Measures
                               for Pollutant Discharge Permitting Administration (Trial) (《排污许可管理办法(试行)》),
                               the pollutant discharge license was canceled and the pollutant discharge registration and
                               filling were carried out.

4.      Environmental emergency contingency plan

√Applicable □N/A
Name of company
                                                    Environmental emergency contingency plan
     or subsidiary
                          Revision of the environmental emergency contingency plan of Jiaozuo Joincare Pharmaceutical
                     Industry Co., Ltd. was completed in May 2022 and was filed in the Macun Branch of Ecological
Jiaozuo Joincare     Environment Bureau of Jiaozuo City on 19 May 2022.
                          Revision of the environmental emergency contingency plan for hazardous waste pollution accident
                     of Jiaozuo Joincare was completed in December 2020.

        Taitai            The environmental plan is under reevaluation. It has passed experts’ review and is under
 Pharmaceutical      environmental protection approval.
                          The Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan was filed (File No. 440308-2020-0029M).
                     Trainings and drills on emergency responses were provided for employees to improve the capability of
 Haibin Pharma
                     the Company for dealing with environmental emergencies. In the first half of 2023, two emergency drills
                     for environmental emergencies were held.

Xinxiang Haibin         The environmental emergency contingency plan completed filing on 25 August 2022.
                          Pursuant to relevant provisions and requirements, the Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan
                     of Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (《丽珠集团福州福兴医药有限公司突发
                     环境事件应急预案》) was prepared based on the principles of “prevention-oriented, self-help-oriented,
                     unified command, and division of responsibility”, which has been filed on 15 April 2022 (File No. 350181-
                          After environmental emergencies occur, immediate, quick, effective and orderly emergency rescue
 Fuzhou Fuxing       actions shall be taken to control and prevent the spread of accident and contamination, protect the
                     surrounding environment and safeguard life and property of all employees, the company and nearby
                     communities. In accordance with the contents and requirements of the plan, the company provides
                     trainings and drills for its employees to get them well-prepared for environmental emergencies, so that
                     timely rescue can be taken and the accident can be controlled in a short period of time in case of any
                     environmental emergencies. A comprehensive emergency drill was conducted in June 2023 for Phase II
                     Workshop 1 leakage and fire incident.
                          Based on the principles of “prevention-oriented, On-alert all the time; classified management,
                     Response by Tiers; cross-department cooperation, Responsibility by Levels; Scientific Prevention and
                     Efficient handling”, Livzon Xinbeijiang entered into the issued “Environmental Emergency Contingency
                     Plan of Livzon Group Xinbeijiang Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Inc.”(《丽珠集团新北江制药股份有
                     限公司突发环境事件应急预案》)(File No. 441802-2021-0162-H) again on 30 September 2021, which
                     was verified and filed by the Qingyuan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau on 22 October 2021.
                     Livzon Xinbeijiang regularly identifies environmental factors and sources of hazards and conducts drills

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                    on the emergency contingency plan. An environmental emergency contingency drill was conducted in
                    June 2023 to improve the operability thereof, enhance the performance level of the emergency rescue staff,
                    responsiveness of the rescue team as well as coordination and collaboration of different tasks.
                       Pursuant to relevant provisions and requirements, the Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan of
                    Zhuhai FTZ Livzon Hecheng Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(《珠海保税区丽珠合成制药有
                    限公司突发环境事件应急预案》) was prepared based on the principles of “Focus on Prevention, Aim
                    at Self-rescue, Centralized Command, and Division of Responsibility (预防为主、自救为主、统一指挥、
                    分工负责)”, which has been approved for filing and formally announced with file reference number
Livzon Hecheng
                    440462-2019-001-M. Trainings on emergency events and disposal measures were held regularly for
                    employees to enable implementation of safety measures in a timely, fast, effective and orderly manner to
                    control and prevent the worsening of condition and pollution when encountering any occurrence of
                    environmental emergency cases, so as to alleviate or eliminate the consequences effectively and resume
                    orderly production as soon as possible.
                         Pursuant to relevant provisions and requirements, the Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan
                    of Gutian Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(《古田福兴医药有限公司突发环境事件应急预案》) (File
                    No.: 352200-2017-005-L) was prepared based on the principles of “Focus on Prevention, Aim at Self-
                    rescue, Centralized Command and Division of Responsibility (预防为主、自救为主、统一指挥、分工
                    负责)”, which was approved in May 2017. The second amendment of the contingency plan was made in
                    June 2020, which passed expert review and completed filing (File No.: 350922-2020-002-M). The third
                    amendment of the contingency plan was made in June 2023, which passed expert review and completed
                    filing (File No.: 350922-2023-012-M).
 Gutian Fuxing           According to the plan, the company will conduct an emergency drill for sudden hydrochloric acid
                    leakage in August 2023, and after environmental emergency incidents occur, immediate, quick, effective
                    and orderly emergency rescue actions can be taken to control and prevent accidents and the spread of
                    contamination, protect the surrounding environment effectively and ensure the personal life and property
                    safety of all employees, the company and the nearby communities. In accordance with the contents and
                    requirements of the plan, the company provides trainings for its employees. The company is well-prepared
                    for environmental emergency incidents, so that rescue actions could be taken in a timely manner and
                    incidents could be controlled effectively in a short period of time in case of any environmental emergency
                       The principles of occupational health and safety and the environment administrative system were
                    followed, including occupational protection to ensure health, risk control to ensure safety, prevention and
                    control of pollution to protect the environment, and compliance with discipline and law for continuous
                    improvement. Identification of environmental factors was performed seriously and preventive measures
                    were adopted for significant environmental factors, while the governance of the “Three Wastes” was
                    strengthened to enhance the ability of control over the “Three Wastes” and ensure that the discharge of
                    the “Three Wastes” had reached the discharge standards. The Environmental Emergency Contingency
 Livzon Limin
                    Plan of Livzon Group Limin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Factory(《丽珠集团利民制药厂突发环境
                    事件应急预案》) (File No.: 440203-2021-009-L) was prepared in accordance with the criteria of the
                    environmental management system and the occupational health and safety administrative system. The plan
                    was issued in May 2021. According to the requirements of the contingency plan, an environmental
                    accident emergency drill was conducted on 24 September 2021, and a specific drill summary was made.
                    Identification of environmental factors and sources of hazards and drills for emergency were conducted
                    internally in the company on a regular basis to improve the operability of the contingency plan, enhance

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                    the performance level of the emergency rescue staff, responsiveness of the rescue team as well as
                    coordination and collaboration of different tasks.
                       Pursuant to relevant provisions, the Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan of Livzon Group
                    Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory (《丽珠集团丽珠制药厂突发环境事件应急预案》)was updated by
                    Pharmaceutical Factory in 2021, and has been approved for filing approval and announced, with the filing
                    number 440404-2021-0212-L. The Pharmaceutical Factory conducted a special emergency response drill
                    for hazardous waste leakage on 16 June 2023, to train the emergency response team and enhance the
    Factory         emergency response and execution abilities of the participants, further clarify the responsibilities and tasks
                    of relevant personnel, improve the emergency linkage mechanism, improve the awareness of risk
                    prevention and the ability of self-rescue and mutual rescue.
                       The Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan of Livzon Group (Ningxia) Pharmaceutical
                    Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(《丽珠集团(宁夏)制药有限公司突发环境事件应急预案》) was verified,
                    filed and issued in May 2019 (File No.: 640221-2019-005-II). Identification of environmental factors and
                    sources of hazards and drills for emergency were conducted internally in the company on a regular basis
                    to improve the operability of the contingency plan, enhance the performance level of the emergency rescue
                    staff, and enhance the responsiveness and coordination of the rescue team in terms of integrated
                    coordination and collaboration capabilities. The Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan was
                    amended in May 2021, and passed expert review and was reviewed by and filed with government
                    environmental department in August 2021(File No.: 640221-2021-054-H).
                       The Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan of Jiaozuo Livzon Hecheng Pharmaceutical
                    Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(《焦作丽珠合成制药有限公司突发环境事件应急预案》)was prepared in
                    accordance with the relevant provisions and requirements and based on the principles of “Focusing on
                    Prevention, On-alert all the time; Management by Classification, Response by Tiers, Cooperation among
                    Departments, Responsibility by Levels; Scientific Prevention and Efficient Disposal”. The contingency
                    plan was approved for announcement and filing in April 2021 (File No.: 4108042018005L). The
                    Hazardous Waste Environmental Pollution Emergency Contingency Plan of Jiaozuo Livzon Hecheng
                    Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(《焦作丽珠合成制药有限公司危险废物环境污染事故应急
Jiaozuo Hecheng
                    预案》)was compiled and was approved for filing in January 2018. Identification of environmental factors
                    and sources of hazards and drills for emergency were conducted internally in the company on a regular
                    basis to improve the operability of the contingency plan, enhance the performance level of the emergency
                    rescue staff, and enhance the responsiveness and coordination of the rescue team in terms of integrated
                    coordination and collaboration capabilities. In 2023, the company newly formulated the Environmental
                    Protection Assessment System (《环保考核制度》), Jiaozuo Livzon EHS Environmental Protection
                    Assessment System (《焦作丽珠 EHS 环保考核制度》) and Jiaozuo Livzon Potential Safety Hazard
                    Screening Responsibility System (《焦作丽珠隐患排查责任制度》).
                       In March 2022, the Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan of Shanghai Livzon Pharmaceutical
                    Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(《上海丽珠制药有限公司突发环境事件应急预案》) (File No.: 02-310115-
                    2022-108-L) was filed by the company. The company conducts drills and reviews of the plan every year
                    to improve its emergency response capabilities through regular training on the plan. On 22 May 2023,
Shanghai Livzon
                    Shanghai Livzon completed the filing and registration of the General Emergency Response Plan for Work
                    Safety Incidents (《生产安全事故综合应急预案》) (File No.: 3101150000002023052200058), in order
                    to improve the emergency response capabilities for production safety accidents through training on the
                    emergency response plan.

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                       Pursuant to relevant provisions, the Environmental Emergency Contingency Plan of Livzon MAB(《丽
                    珠单抗突发环境事件应急预案》)was prepared by Livzon MAB in 2022. In April 2023, the company
 Livzon MAB
                    conducted an emergency drill for hazardous waste leakage in the hazardous goods warehouse to enhance
                    emergency response capabilities of staff, so as to alleviate or eliminate the impact of the consequences.
                       In accordance with relevant regulations, Livzon Diagnostics carried out a risk assessment of
                    environmental emergencies and emergency resources survey in 2021, and prepared the Environmental
                    Emergency Contingency Plan of Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics Inc. (《珠海丽珠试剂股份有限公司突发环
       Livzon       境事件应急预案》) which was approved for filing and announced. Regular training on emergency

     Diagnostics    response and disposal measures was provided to employees to equip them skills of executing safety
                    measures timely, rapidly, effectively and orderly in environmental emergencies, in order to control and
                    prevent the spread of risk and pollution, reduce or eliminate the impact of the consequences, and resume
                    the production as soon as possible.

5.     Environmental self-monitoring program

√ Applicable □ N/A
      Name of
     company or                                    Environmental self-monitoring program
                         In accordance with the self-monitoring program for pollutant discharge licenses, Jiaozuo Joincare
                    completed the self-monitoring program for wastewater and waste gas for the year 2023 at the beginning
                    of the year. The self-monitoring activities were carried out in accordance with the self-monitoring plan.
                    As of the end of June, the self-monitoring for wastewater and waste gas for the first half of 2023 has been
Jiaozuo Joincare
                    successfully conducted as scheduled.
                         The company is a key enterprise in terms of soil management, and is required to carry out self-
                    monitoring of soil annually. The company has completed the preparation, on-site sampling and review of
                    self-monitoring program on soil as of June and the samples are under testing currently.
                         Wastewater was monitored once a quarter; boiler exhaust gas and plant boundary noise were
       Taitai       monitored once a year; exhaust gases generated from technical process was monitored once half a year;

 Pharmaceutical     online monitoring facilities of wastewater and boiler exhaust gas were additionally installed and
                    functioning well.
                         A third party is entrusted to conduct regular monitoring strictly in compliance with the relevant
                    national laws and regulations and local requirements and ensure the accuracy, validity and authenticity of
 Haibin Pharma      the monitoring data. Online wastewater monitoring equipment was installed and connected to
                    environmental monitoring stations at municipal and district levels in accordance with environmental
                    monitoring technical standards. Data was promptly uploaded on the national monitoring platform.
                       A self-monitoring program was prepared, quarterly self-monitoring of exhaust gas and wastewater in
Xinxiang Haibin
                    accordance with the pollutant discharge license and annual self-monitoring of soil has been completed.
                         According to the relevant requirements of the “Measures for Self-Monitoring and Information
                    Disclosure by Enterprises subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the State (Trial Implementation)
                    (《国家重点监控企业自行监测及信息公开办法(试行)》)” and the “Self-monitoring Technology
 Fuzhou Fuxing
                    Guidelines for Pollution Sources–Pharmaceutical Industry Fermentation Products Category (HJ 882-
                    2017) (《排污单位自行监测技术指南发酵类制药工业(HJ 882-2017)》)”, the company has completed
                    the establishment of the self-monitoring program based on its own situation in a timely manner and made

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                    the program available to the public after being examined by and filed with Fuqing Environment Protection
                    Bureau and Fuzhou Environment Protection Bureau. The analysis methods of the monitoring program
                    comply with the national environmental monitoring technical standards and methods; the monitoring and
                    analysis instruments have been examined and calibrated in strict compliance with the relevant national
                    requirements; the automated monitoring equipment has been installed in accordance with the requirement
                    of environmental assessment technical standards, which are connected to relevant environmental
                    protection authorities and have passed the inspection and acceptance of the relevant environmental
                    protection authorities. The automated monitoring equipment has been functioning properly and the
                    monitoring information is accurate, valid and authentic. In May2023, the work on leakage detection and
                    repair (LDAR) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) was completed. Information publicity website:
                         According to the relevant requirements of the “Measures for Self-Monitoring and Information
                    Disclosure by Enterprises subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the State (Trial Implementation)
                    (《国家重点监控企业自行监测及信息公开办法(试行)》 )”, the company has completed the
                    establishment of the self-monitoring program based on its own situation in a timely manner and made the
                    program available to the public after being examined by and filed with Qingyuan Environment Protection
                    Bureau. The analysis methods of the monitoring program comply with the national environmental
                    monitoring technical standards and methods; the monitoring and analysis instruments have been examined
                    and calibrated in strict compliance with the relevant national requirements. The automated monitoring
    Livzon          equipment for wastewater (COD, ammonia nitrogen, pH, flow) and waste gas (non-methane

  Xinbeijiang       hydrocarbons) has been installed in accordance with the requirement of environmental assessment
                    technical standards, and the connection between online information and national development platform
                    and Qingyuan municipal platform has been completed. Online monitoring equipment for wastewater has
                    passed the inspection and acceptance of relevant environmental protection authorities. The automated
                    monitoring equipment has been functioning properly and the monitoring information is accurate, valid and
                    authentic. In accordance with the requirements of the specification, a third party is hired to conduct LDAR
                    every six months for workshops that use VOCs. Livzon Xinbeijiang Pharma conducts monitoring of
                    diffusive volatile organic compounds around the workshop of the first refinery division on a semiannual
                    basis, and the monitoring results for the first half of 2023 met the standards.
                         Through self-monitoring, the requirements under the Technical Standards for Application and
                    Issuance of Pollutant Discharge License for the Pharmaceutical Industry – Active Pharmaceutical
                    Ingredient Manufacturing (HJ858.1-2017) (《排污许可证申请与核发技术规范制药工业 - 原料药制
                    造(HJ858.1-2017)》) were strictly implemented, and the monitoring and analysis instruments were
                    examined and calibrated in strict compliance with relevant provisions. The automated monitoring
Livzon Hecheng
                    equipment was installed in accordance with the requirements of environmental assessment technical
                    standards, while online monitoring equipment for non-methane hydrocarbons, COD, ammonia nitrogen
                    and pH level were installed and connected with the national development platform as required. In 2022, a
                    third party was entrusted to conduct LDAR inspection, discharge outlet inspection, factory boundary noise
                    monitoring and soil inspection on a regular basis, and all inspection results met the required standards.
                         According to the relevant requirements of the “Measures for Self-Monitoring and Information
                    Disclosure by Enterprises subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the State (Trial Implementation)
 Gutian Fuxing      ( 《 国 家 重 点 监 控 企 业 自 行 监 测 及 信 息 公 开 办 法 ( 试 行 ) 》 )”, the company has completed the
                    establishment of the self-monitoring program based on its own situation in a timely manner and made the
                    program available to the public after being examined by and filed with Ningde Ecology and Environment

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                    Bureau and Ningde Gutian Ecology and Environment Bureau. The analysis methods of the monitoring
                    program comply with the national environmental monitoring technical standards and methods; the
                    monitoring and analysis instruments have been examined and calibrated in strict compliance with the
                    relevant national requirements; the automated monitoring equipment has been installed in accordance with
                    the requirements of environmental assessment technical standards, connected to the network of competent
                    environmental protection authorities and passed the acceptance inspection conducted by the competent
                    environmental protection authorities. The automated monitoring equipment was sound, and the monitoring
                    information was accurate, valid and authentic. In June and December 2022, a qualified third party was
                    engaged on two occasions to complete the leakage detection and repair (LDAR) work of volatile organic
                    compounds and relevant reports were obtained. Information publicity website: http://wryfb.fjemc.org.cn
                         An entity with national qualification on inspection was engaged to conduct monitoring strictly in
                    compliance with the relevant national laws and regulations and standards. By considering its own specific
                    conditions, the company appointed the inspection party to carry out water pollutant detection monitoring
                    every quarter, boiler waste gas monitoring every month and R&D Center VOCs waste gas monitoring
                    every six months, each time the monitoring would be conducted strictly in compliance with the relevant
 Livzon Limin       national requirements to ensure the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the monitoring data. The online
                    monitoring equipment for COD and ammonia nitrogen in water passed the acceptance inspection and the
                    equipment was put into operation in January 2021, and it will perform monitoring every 2 hours. Data
                    should be completed and filed to the Pollutant Source Sharing Data Platform of the Shaoguan Municipal
                    Ecology and Environment Bureau on a timely basis, and the relevant data would be announced to the
                    public after being reviewed by the Shaoguan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau.
                         Inspection party with national qualification on inspection was engaged to conduct monitoring strictly
                    in compliance with the relevant national laws and regulations and standards. By considering its own
                    specific conditions, the company appointed the inspection party to carry out monitoring on wastewater
                    and waste gas every month, each time the monitoring would be conducted strictly in compliance with the
                    relevant national requirements to ensure the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the monitoring data.
    Factory         The installation and commissioning of the online sewage monitoring equipment was completed and it was
                    put into use at the beginning of 2021. All test parameters were within normal ranges for the first half of
                         The company formulated the self-monitoring program for 2022, which was reviewed by and filed
                    with Shizuishan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau. Monthly and quarterly monitoring was
                    carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of the program, which focused primarily on
                    organized air emissions, air emissions from boilers, wastewater, underground water, soil, diffusive
                    environmental air, noise and recycled water TOC at plant boundary. The monitoring results would be
                    announced to the public through the System of National Pollution Sources Monitoring Information
                    Management and Sharing Platform (《全国污染源监测信息管理与共享平台系统》) and the System of
                    Self-monitoring Information Open Platform for Enterprises in Shizuishan (《石嘴山市企业自行监测信
                    息公开平台系统》). The leakage detection and repair (LDAR) work of volatile organic compounds was
                    carried out. The automated monitoring equipment was passed the inspection and acceptance conducted by
                    the competent environmental protection authority and connected to the network of the competent
                    environmental protection authority. The automated monitoring equipment was sound, and the monitoring
                    data was accurate, valid and authentic.
                         According to the relevant requirements of the Measures for Self-Monitoring and Information
Jiaozuo Hecheng
                    Disclosure by the Enterprises subject to Intensive Monitoring and Control of the State (Trial

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                    Implementation) (《国家重点监控企业自行监测及信息公开办法(试行)》), the company implemented
                    and completed the self-monitoring program based on its own situation in a timely manner and made the
                    program available to the public after being examined by and filed with relevant competent environmental
                    protection authorities. The analysis methods of the monitoring program comply with the national
                    environmental monitoring technical standards and methods. The monitoring and analysis instruments have
                    been examined and calibrated in strict compliance with the relevant national requirements. The leakage
                    detection and repair (LDAR) of volatile organic compounds was completed in June 2023. The inspection
                    of equipment and facilities such as solvent pipes and flanges in the workshop was conducted and
                    maintenance and rectification were carried out on the places where there was leakage. According to the
                    requirements of environmental testing technical specifications, the company has installed online automatic
                    sewage monitoring equipment, and also installed online monitoring equipment for COD, ammonia
                    nitrogen, pH value, flow rate and total nitrogen, which were connected to the Guofa platform (国发平台)
                    as required. The company carried out monitoring on a monthly and quarterly basis in strict compliance
                    with the requirements of the self-testing scheme, which focused primarily on organized air emissions,
                    wastewater, diffusive environmental air and noise at plant boundary.
                         In accordance with the relevant requirements of the General Rules for the Self-Monitoring Technical
                    Guidelines for Pollutant Discharge Units (《排污单位自行监测技术指南总则》) (HJ 819-2017) and the
                    pollutant discharge license, the company organized self-monitoring and information disclosure of the
                    pollutants it has discharged, and formulated the self-monitoring program. In 2022, the company monitors
Shanghai Livzon     main air emission outlets once a month, common discharge outlets once half a year, noise once every
                    quarter and wastewater once a month. The monitoring items and frequency shall meet the requirements of
                    the pollutant discharge license. The other three enterprises in the park and the third-party sewage treatment
                    company in the park enter into an agreement to install an online monitoring comparator at the main
                    discharge outlet for effective monitoring of sewage discharge.
                         The company entrusted an agency with national testing qualifications to carry out monitoring in strict
                    compliance with relevant national laws, regulations and standards. By considering its own specific
                    conditions, the company entrusted the inspection party to carry out monitoring on wastewater and waste
 Livzon MAB
                    gas on a regular basis in accordance with the requirements of the implementation plan of the pollutant
                    discharge permit, and each time the monitoring was conducted strictly in compliance with the relevant
                    national requirements to ensure the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the monitoring data.
                         Wastewater: An agency with national testing qualifications was entrusted to carry out monitoring in
                    strict compliance with relevant national laws, regulations and standards. The testing agency conducts
                    quarterly inspections on water quality indicators such as chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen and
                    suspended solids in strict accordance with the relevant national regulations to ensure the data collected
                    from daily monitoring is accurate, valid, true, and meets the emission standards. Waste gas and noise: An
                    inspection of noise and waste gas at the plant boundary is undertaken annually to ensure the monitoring
                    data is accurate, valid, true, and meets the emission standards.

6.     Administrative penalties imposed for environmental issues during the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ N/A

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7.     Other environmental information to be disclosed

□ Applicable √ N/A

(II) Statement on environmental protection measures of companies except for key pollutant

discharge units

√ Applicable □ N/A
The rest subsidiaries of the Company strictly implemented and obeyed the Environmental Protection Law of
the People's Republic of China, Cleaner Production Law of the People's Republic of China and other
environmental protection and safe production laws and regulations. We constantly increased investment in
environmental protection, continuously invested in energy conservation and consumption reduction projects,
actively promoted cleaner production, improved comprehensive utilization efficiency of resources, and
reduced and prevented the generation of pollutants, all while safeguarding the mental and physical health of
employees. These efforts are directed towards achieving a coordinated and sustainable development of
economic, environmental and social benefits.

1.      Administrative penalties imposed for environmental issues
□ Applicable √ N/A

2.      Refer to other environmental information disclosed by key pollutant discharge units
□ Applicable √ N/A

3.      Reason for non-disclosure of other environmental information
□ Applicable √ N/A

(III) Statement on subsequent progress or change in environmental information disclosed during
the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √ N/A

(IV) Relevant information contributing to ecological protection, pollution prevention and control,
and fulfillment of environmental responsibilities

√ Applicable □ N/A
                        Relevant information contributing to ecological protection, pollution prevention and control,
 Name of company
                                               and fulfillment of environmental responsibilities

     Jiaozuo Joincare        Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR)work in the first half of 2023was completed.

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                             Self-monitoring of soil and groundwater, as well as detection and treatment of hidden hazards
                        were carried out in 2023.
                             Carbon emission verification for the year 2022 was completed.

        Taitai               It was listed on the positive list of enforcement by the Nanshan Management Bureau of the

   Pharmaceutical       Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment.
                             Consumables of exhaust gas prevention and treatment facilities were replaced as scheduled to
   Haibin Pharma        guarantee the treatment efficiency of exhaust gas; MBR films for waste water treatment were
                        replaced and guaranteed the discharge of waste water under standards.
                             The Letter of Undertaking for Environmental Protection was submitted by the Company to the
                        competent authority.
  Xinxiang Haibin
                             LDAR leak detection and repair for the first half of the year was completed.
                             Environmental taxes were paid in full and on time.
                           In terms of the comprehensive utilization of rainwater, it introduced the design concept of sponge
   Joincare Haibin      city in the design and construction to achieve the maximum use of water resources. It adopted
                        centralized heat supply to reduce the emission of waste gas from boilers.
                           LDAR leak detection and repair was completed; unorganized emission of VOCs was reduced;
                        construction of phase II (Paromomycin, Telavancin, Pentostatin, Teicoplanin and Kanamycin
                        Monosulfate), phase III (Pasiniazid and Polymyxin B), stage II (Emodepside, Dalbavancin and
                        Moxidectin) and stage III (Afoxolaner, Fluralaner, Cyclosporine and Selamectin) were completed
                        and the acceptance inspection on environmental protection was passed in 2023. In the environmental
   Fuzhou Fuxing
                        credit evaluation completed, the company was rated as an environmentally credible enterprise. The
                        monthly and quarterly self-monitoring on waste water, waste gas and noise was completed as
                        required. The detection results met the emission standards. The annual maintenance on the equipment
                        for RTO exhaust was completed to ensure its safe operation and the emission of exhaust gas within
                        the emission standards.
                           Leakage detection and repair (LDAR) was completed as required in the first half and unorganized
                        emission of VOCs was reduced; a series of noise control and improvement measures, such as
                        installing soundproof glass in the louvers on 3/F of Workshop II of Fermentation to block the
                        fermentation and stirring noises and using sound-absorbing cotton panels to surround the MVR to
 Livzon Xinbeijiang     block the noise from the operation of the MVR; other equipment with loud noises in the factory has
                        been surrounded by sound-absorbing cotton panels to reduce noise. The self-monitoring plan of the
                        whole year was completed and the results of waste water, exhaust gas and noise met the emission
                        standards. A qualified third party is entrusted to dispose of the waste in compliance with laws and
                           Two rounds of LDAR leak detection and repair were completed in the first half of 2023;
                        unorganized emission of VOCs was reduced; approval for bidding and procurement of the new
                        equipment for RTO exhaust was completed and the equipment is under installment and one of the
                        new and existing equipment for RTO exhaust will be under use while the other will stand by after the
  Livzon Hecheng        completion of installment to ensure its safe operation and the emission of exhaust gas within the
                        emission standards; replacement and upgrading of treatment facilities for exhaust gases generated
                        from technical processes of the refining workshop and 103 workshop were completed; waste water
                        treatment systems were under stable operation and the discharge was within the emission standards;
                        qualified units were entrusted to treat hazardous waste with a compliance treatment rate of 100%.

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

                        The self-monitoring program was completed and environmental responsibilities were fulfilled as
                           Volatile organic matter leak detection and repair (LDAR) for the first half of 2023 was completed
                        and a report was obtained; cover and sealing were added to pools with high concentration and primary
                        sedimentation pools for sewage treatment and waste gas was collected and treated so as to avoid odor
                        emit; HV frame was replaced in the sewage treatment workshop; water content of sludge was
                        reduced; total volume of sludge was reduced; sludge generated was entrusted to qualified units for
                        treatment; the collection, recovery, treatment of VOCs were completed and online monitoring
                        facilities was installed and put into operation to reduce the random emission of VOCs; and the
   Gutian Fuxing
                        entrusted testing of waste water, waste gas, soil and groundwater for the first half of 2023 was
                        completed, with the results showing they all met standards. The construction of the 12-tonne biomass
                        boiler and the upgrading and reconstruction of boiler tail gas treatment facilities were completed. The
                        efficient exhaust gas treatment facilities with “SNCR denitration + cyclone dust removal + dry
                        desulfurization + cloth bag dust removal + wet desulfurization” were adopted. Hazardous waste was
                        entrusted to qualified companies for compliant treatment to reduce the risk of environmental
                           1. Pollutants were discharged according to the standards in the pollution discharge license and
                        the annual self-monitoring of pollution discharge plan was formulated; a third-party environmental
                        detection company was entrusted to conduct regular environmental test on the factory. Test results
                        showed that there was no excessive discharge for the period of January to June 2023; 2. The measures
                        on energy conservation and emission reduction were formulated according to ESG objectives in
                        2023; 3. Facilities and equipment at waste water treatment stations were regularly maintained; 4.
                        Post-treated waste water was used for watering flowers, trees and grass in the factory in three lines.
                        The recycling of waste water is expected to be approximately 400 tonnes each month and
                        approximately 4,800 tonnes each year; 5. Soil testing and underground water testing were carried out
    Livzon Limin
                        on hazardous waste warehouses and the test results were in line with the standards; 6. Identification
                        and updating of environmental factors were carried out in the whole factory. A total of 4,304
                        environmental factors were identified, including 3,442 general environmental factors and 862 key
                        environmental factors; 7. Argumentation on the comprehensive use of waste alcohol was carried out
                        and it will be recycled and reused in waste water treatment stations to improve the treatment effect
                        of waste water. The fees on supplementing carbon resources at waste water treatment stations were
                        approximately RMB148,200 each year and the fees on the treatment of waste alcohol at TCM
                        workshops I, II and III were approximately RMB35,910. Relevant fees were approximately
                        RMB184,110 for the whole year.
                           Online monitoring on waste water treatment stations was carried out as required; a qualified third
                        party was entrusted to detect waste water and waste gas; the monthly and quarterly self-monitoring
       Livzon           of the enterprise was completed as required. Compliant treatment of hazardous wastes was made to
   Pharmaceutical       reduce the risk of environmental pollution. Environmental impact assessment was conducted for new

       Factory          workshops and acceptance of environmental protection project of the newly-built workshop was
                        completed as required. The facilities and exhaust gas equipment at the waste water treatment station
                        were renovated and buildings near the waste water treatment station were renovated.
                           Suspended the use of the waste water treatment system of the former Xinbeijiang while ensuring
                        the compliant treatment and discharge of waste water within the standards and reduced sources of
                        odor gas; conducted comprehensive washing and maintenance of the spraying towers of the current

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                        9 sets (30) exhaust gas treatment facilities; replaced DN300 drainage pipes with a length of 600
                        meters (the original pipes leaked due to corrosion); obtained the recognition as a green factory at the
                        level of the autonomous region; obtained the rating as a “green card” enterprise in the appraisal on
                        the environment and credit and enterprises in the autonomous region in 2022; obtained the honor of
                        an outstanding enterprise in pollutants treatment in Pingluo county in 2022; entrusted a third party to
                        conduct repair, maintenance and operation of online monitoring equipment on VOCs in the exhaust
                        gas from the RTO; completed LDAR detection and repair as required; completed self-inspection of
                        the enterprise as required;
                           Carried out automation construction; completed the repair and inspection of LDAR in the first
                        half and retested in the workshop in July; Exhaust gas: dichloro film equipment was added in the
                        recycling stage in 2023 and exhaust gas was emitted after treatment and meeting the standards; two
                        techniques, namely “spraying + activated carbon + spraying + RTO incinerator equipment” and “-
                        20℃ condensation + dichloro films + spraying + activated carbon + spraying + RTO incinerator
                        equipment”, were adopted to conduct collection and treatment of exhaust gas from processes in
                        production areas and achieve emission under standards. Certain exhaust gas treatment equipment was
                        replaced to ensure the treatment effect; hazardous waste was entrusted to a qualified unit for disposal,
                        and the compliance disposal rate reached 100%; a qualified third party was entrusted to detect the
                        exhaust gas; a qualified third party was entrusted to provide operation and maintenance services for
  Jiaozuo Hecheng
                        wastewater system equipment; the implementation of “one policy for one plant” for emergency
                        emission reduction in heavily polluted weather by the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau
                        was completed and the RTO incinerator equipment was operated normally this year; participated in
                        various trainings organized by the municipal and district ecological and environmental bureaus;
                        replaced logos and labels of hazardous waste based on the latest Technical Specifications on the
                        Setting of Identification Logos of Hazardous Waste 《危险废物识别标志设置技术规范》). In 2023,
                        the Company newly formulated the Appraisal System on Environmental Protection (《环保考核制
                        度》), the Appraisal System on EHS Environmental Protection of Jiaozuo Livzon (《焦作丽珠 EHS
                        环保考核制度》) and the Responsibility System on Inspection of Hidden Dangers of Jiaozuo Livzon
                           The company has completed the Filing and Registration of the Contingency Plan for Emergent
                        Environmental Incidents; completed the VOCs emission reduction milestone of “one plan for one
                        factory” in accordance with the plan; discharged pollutants in strict accordance with the Sewage
                        Discharge Permit System obtained, formulated the annual emission self-monitoring programme at
                        the beginning of the year and implemented emission self-monitoring according to the programme,
                        and completed the annual implementation report of the emission permits without any violations of
                        laws or regulations. Meanwhile, we strengthened the daily supervision of the operation of the waste
                        gas treatment facilities and sewage treatment stations, and entrusted a third party to test the emissions
  Shanghai Livzon
                        of waste gas and sewage every month to ensure the effective operation of the equipment and facilities.
                        The safety facilities, occupational disease protection facilities and pollution prevention facilities of
                        the “Preparation Line 3 and Assembly Line 2 Purification Plant and Utility System” project were
                        designed, constructed and put into production and use at the same time as the workshop renovation
                        project. In order to reduce the emission concentration of exhaust gas and reduce the emission of
                        VOCs, double activated carbon was added and installed to exhaust funnel 4 and it can reduce the
                        emission concentration of exhaust gas and reduce the emission of VOCs after one more treatment.
                        Water purifiers were replaced to improve the efficiency of making water with purifiers.

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                           Entrusted a qualified third party CTI to test the waste water and waste gas according to the
                        requirements of the pollutant discharge license, and entrusted a qualified entity, Dongjiang
                        Environmental-protection Doumen Yongxingsheng Environmental-protection, Co., Ltd. of
                        Dongjiang Environmental Protection (东江环保斗门永兴盛环保公司), to dispose of hazardous
    Livzon MAB          wastes in accordance with the regulations, so as to reduce the risk of environmental pollution. Carried
                        out the environmental impact assessment of the new workshop according to the requirements of
                        “Three Simultaneities” for construction of workshops newly built, rebuilt and expanded. The
                        production and R&D sewage was uniformly discharged into the sewage station of Livzon
                        Pharmaceutical Factory in Livzon Industrial Park for treatment and discharge up to the standard.
                           Waste water: an entity with national qualification on inspection was engaged to conduct
                        monitoring strictly in compliance with the relevant national laws and regulations and standards. The
                        inspection party carried out routine environmental monitoring on chemical oxygen demand, ammonia
                        nitrogen, suspended solids and other indicators on water quality. The inspection is carried out on a
 Livzon Diagnostics     quarterly basis with every monitoring strictly in compliance with the relevant national requirements
                        to ensure the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the monitoring data and meeting the discharge
                        standards. Exhaust gas and noise: an entity was engaged to conducting testing on exhaust gas and
                        noise at the factory boundary each year and the monitoring data was accurate, valid and authentic
                        and met the emission standards.

(V) Measures taken add effects on carbon emission reduction during the Reporting Period
√Applicable □N/A

Name of company or
                            Measures taken and effects on carbon emissions reduction during the Reporting Period
                             Invested over RMB0.98 million to update the CASS aeration system, reducing the load of fans
   Jiaozuo Joincare     and saving 257,000 kWh of electricity each year, equivalent to reducing the carbon dioxide emission
                        by approximately 135tCO2.
                             1. Lighting facilities in the park were replaced with “energy-saving lamps” in response to the
                        call of the municipal government, producing prominent energy-saving effect;
                             2. The high-power motor in the factory was replaced with the efficient energy-saving motor in
                        accordance with energy-saving requirements of the government and frequency conversion devices
Taitai Pharmaceutical
                        were installed to maximize energy conservation;
                             3. Low-NOx burner of the 4T boiler was upgraded in response to the call of “Green Shenzhen”;
                             4. Employees were organized to learn energy conservation knowledge so as to achieve energy
                        conservation and emission reduction in routine work by turning off lamps and machines timely.
                             Adjusted production plans and conducted centralized production to reduce the energy
   Haibin Pharma
                        consumption of unit product.
                             With energy-saving pumps provided by Xinxiang Sanjiang Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. (新乡
                        市三江冷气有限公司), the energy-saving benefits are shared by the two parties. It saved electricity
                        with the electricity fees saved sharing by the two parties. The use time of each pump is subject to
   Xinxiang Haibin
                        time totalizers and electricity meters. The equipment shall belong to Xinxiang Haibin and the sharing
                        of benefits shall terminate after the accumulated operation time of each equipment reaches 52,560

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                             Formulated plans based on new standard energy-saving equipment in the purchase process,
                        developed the habit and thinking of saving electricity and turning off lights when leaving; refused
                        waste and advocated civilized dining; promoted low-carbon travelling in green and environmental
   Joincare Haibin      manners; saved natural gas and carried out multiple maintenance in daily use of boiler, and
                        frequently inspected pipelines, took good insulation measures, and used pure electric cars to save
                        fuel when going out. Adopted solar water heater in the dormitory, reduced plastics, conducted green
                        consumption; advocated for online working and paper saving, etc.
                             Used photovoltaic power generation to reduce power consumption; renovated high-energy
                        consuming pumps for energy conservation to effectively reduce energy consumption; replaced with
   Fuzhou Fuxing        high-efficiency motor water pumps to save energy consumption; vigorously promoted energy
                        conservation and consumption reduction, and called on employees to realize the concept of “turning
                        off lights, air conditioners and computers before leaving office” during their daily work.
                             Used photovoltaic power generation to reduce power consumption; used water kinetic energy
                        instead of electric motors to drive the cooling tower fans to reduce the electric energy consumption
                        while ensuring the cooling effect; used LED lights to reduce power consumption, and raising
 Livzon Xinbeijiang
                        employees’ awareness in power conservation and safety; promoted to set the temperature of the air
                        conditioner to not lower than 26C; promoted green travels by encouraging the use of public
                        transportation thereby reducing the use of private cars.
                             Maintained and updated chiller units to make more rational use of energy and saved electricity
                        consumption for production through more reasonable production scheduling by the production
                        department; used natural gas as fuel for canteens and boilers; replaced sewage treatment Roots
                        blowers in the environmental protection center with magnetic levitation blowers with an energy
                        saving rate of about 30%, saving about 107,000 kWh of electricity consumption per year; replaced
   Livzon Hecheng       the ultra-low-nitrogen boiler has increased thermal efficiency by 10%, saved 10 cubic meters of
                        natural gas per ton of steam consumption, and reduced nitrogen oxide emissions by 80%; called on
                        all employees of the factory to respond to electricity conservation, turn off lights and air conditioners
                        before leaving office, and limited the minimum temperature of air conditioners; promoted green
                        travel, encouraged the use of public transportation when going out to work, and set up shuttle buses
                        to transport employees to and from work.
                             Installed 4 air compressors with a capacity of 130 m3/min to replace the original air compressor
                        with high power consumption to reduce power consumption; replaced one chiller unit to reduce
                        electricity consumption; replaced a 100 m3/min air suspension blower and three 55KW Roots air
    Gutian Fuxing
                        compressors to reduce power consumption and on-site noise; called on all employees to “save every
                        drop of water, save every kilowatt of electricity”, so that the lights are turned off and the equipment
                        is powered off before people leaving office.
                             1. Installed an online remote automatic data monitoring system in the boiler room to analyze
                        and judge the instantaneous flow rate monitoring of the flowmeter in the boiler room, checked
                        whether the steam traps and exhaust valves in the factory were in sound condition, and thereby
                        reduced the waste of steam. The average steam loss in the public pipelines of the factory was 15.6%.
    Livzon Limin        The steam loss was reduced to 11% via the relevant renovation of steam pipelines and it was
                        expected that 1,242 tons of steam could be saved thereby; 2. The steam pipelines in the animal room
                        of the research and development center were re-insulated and the steam traps were remodeled to
                        prevent the occurrence of long-time steam exhaust due to the failure of water valves; 3. In the first
                        and second traditional Chinese medicine extraction workshops, a total of 23 drainage devices were

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                        added to all condensate drainage pipelines with steam heating equipment to realize automatic
                        drainage and improve the utilization rate of steam. It was expected that approximately 100 tons of
                        steam could be saved thereby per year; in the first and second traditional Chinese medicine extraction
                        workshops, the cooling method of purified water circulation system was changed from cooling by
                        drinking water to cooling by recycled chilled water in order to reduce the consumption of drinking
                        water. It was expected that the consumption of water could be thereby reduced by approximately
                        3,000 tons per year; 4. In the first traditional Chinese medicine extraction workshop, the existing n-
                        butanol recovery SOP was improved and refined and the powder collection amount of Panax
                        Notoginsenosides-XST was enhanced with an aim to reduce the unit consumption of n-butanol.
                        Based on a production of 20 batches per year, approximately RMB24,800 could be saved per year.
                             Carried out low-nitrogen transformation for boilers to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions; reduced
                        operation costs by combining the operation of refrigeration stations, and discontinued P06 large air
                        compressor system when P06 workshop stopped production, and supplied individual equipment with
       Livzon           gas through small air compressors, which could save about 15,000 kWh of electricity and reduce
   Pharmaceutical       energy consumption; regularly switched on and off the air conditioners in QC, warehouses and other

       Factory          departments according to their needs, which could save about 700 kWh of electricity per day; further
                        strengthened the energy-saving management of functional departments, and advocated employees
                        to turn off the lights during the lunch break, and encouraged them to turn off the lights and shut
                        down their computers when they leave their seats and the office to save electricity.
                             The project of recovering waste heat from air compressors as heat source to heat water for
                        heating in winter was completed and would be put into operation in winter. It was expected that
       Ningxia          5,000 tons of steam could be saved thereby; the high-efficiency and energy-saving transformation

   Pharmaceutical       of fermentation circulating water pump in workshop 103 was completed, saving 1.04 million kWh
                        of electricity annually; the recycling test of solid waste (slag, sludge) was completed and solid waste
                        would no longer be landfilled when relevant facilities were put into use.
                             Collected and reused steam condense to reduce steam consumption, so as to reduce carbon
                        emissions; changed the packaging equipment to automatic packaging to improve production
                        efficiency; vigorously promoted energy saving and consumption reduction internally, called on all
                        employees to “save every drop of water, save every kilowatt of electricity”, and uniformly managed
                        the paint in the workshop to eliminate waste; installed additional mirrors behind the steam pipeline
  Jiaozuo Hecheng       drainage valves to observe whether there is steam loss; led the steam condense to the production
                        auxiliary system of the hot water tank and the crystallization tank to reduce the use of steam; changed
                        the lighting in the common areas of the workshop, corridors, etc. to sound– or light-controlled
                        switches and gradually replaced the workshop lighting with LED lights; gradually replaced high
                        energy consuming equipment and facilities in workshops with low energy consuming or automated
                        interlocking devices.
                             Further strengthened the daily energy-saving management according to the established energy-
                        saving plan, effectively improved the energy-saving awareness of employees through inspection,
                        publicity and other means, and cultivated good habit of saving water and electricity among
                        employees; optimized the peptide splicing process, increased the peptide splicing yield by more than
   Shanghai Livzon
                        10%, thus reducing the power consumption per unit of product; transformed the solid preparation
                        workshop into the powder injection workshop which produces less waste and conserves electricity;
                        while comfortable air conditioning unit (cooling) utilized the chilled water unit in the power room,
                        the multi-expansion air conditioning unit was placed outdoors to use air cooling, saving cooling

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                        capacity and reducing energy consumption. In order to reduce the exhauste mission concentration
                        and VOCs emissions, double-stage activated carbon was installed to the No. 4 exhaust funnel. After
                        one more step of treatment, both the exhaust emission concentration and the VOCs emissions could
                        be reduced. In order to improve the efficiency of pure water production, the pure water equipment
                        was replaced.
                             Formulated energy-saving and emission reduction measures in accordance with the ESG targets
                        of the Company and made reasonable use of recycled wastewater; introduced purchased steam to
                        reduce steam consumption effectively. Effectively improved the energy-saving awareness of
    Livzon MAB          employees through inspection, publicity and other means, and cultivated good habit of saving water
                        and electricity among employees; used LED lights to reduce electricity consumption, and
                        encouraged employees to turn off lights and computers to save electricity before leaving office. Set
                        up shuttle buses to transport employees to and from work.
                             Entrusted a third party to carry out routine monthly maintenance of sewage treatment facilities
                        to ensure that the wastewater treatment system was functioning properly. The water quality was up
 Livzon Diagnostics     to standard, and the discharge did not exceed the limit. Formulated an energy management system
                        to save energy and reduce emissions and strengthened daily energy-saving management to improve
                        the Company’s performance in energy saving.

II Consolidation and expansion of achievements in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization
√Applicable □N/A
1. Industrial revitalization

The Company guiding principles of the CPC Central Committee and the General Secretary. In accordance
with the relevant requirements, we have established and implemented the plan of “Astragalus Root (黃芪)
Industry Revitalization”. Through adopting the model of “Company + Base” and “Company + Professional
Cooperative”, we are driving local cultivation and processing of Astragalus and developing the astragalus
root industry with reference to the local conditions to make it a pillar industry for poverty relief in the long-
term. The Group will establish a sustainable and pivotal industry that creates wealth, forging a new path for
the development of the distinctive Astragalus industry and promoting the construction of the “Chinese
Medicine Ecological Base”.

“Astragalus Root (黃芪) Industry Revitalization” has been in place since 2017. Datong Livzon Qiyuan
Medicine Co., Ltd. ( 大 同 丽 珠 芪源 有限 公司 ) (“Datong Livzon”), a subsidiary of the Livzon, has
established its own planting bases in Hunyuan County of Datong City in Shanxi Province and Zizhou County
of Yulin City in Shaanxi Province, respectively, and built astragalus root planting bases together with 12
cooperatives and 3 individuals in Tianzhen County of Datong City and Ying County of Shuozhou City in
Shanxi Province and Yulin City of Shaanxi Province. The total area of the self-built bases and jointly
constructed bases is about 33,000 mu and a total of 265 people have been assisted. This program has
effectively boosted the economy of corresponding areas in Shanxi and Shaanxi.

During the Reporting Period, based on the national “rural revitalization strategy”, Datong Livzon launched
the “Joint Construction by Villages and Enterprises” project in cooperation with the village committee of

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Mazhuang Village, Guan’er Town, Hunyuan County, Datong City, Shanxi Province to renovate and
reconstruct the primary processing plant in the origin of astragalus root planting base which has met the
requirements on the primary processing and storage of astragalus root. In addition, Datong Livzon trained
approximately 15 managers and planters of the co-built base in Zizhou County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province
on the new version of GAP (Good Agricultural Practices), conducted on-site technical guidance and practical
training on the traceability of traditional Chinese medicinal materials. These efforts aimed to assist in the
preliminary land plot planning for achieving traceability of Chinese medicinal materials.

2. Access to public welfare for chronic diseases prevention and treatment

In supporting consolidation and expansion of achievements in poverty alleviation and rural revitalization and
In order to respond positively to the call of national policy, Joincare have launched “Access to Public Welfare
for Chronic Diseases Prevention and Treatment (普惠慢病防治公益项目)” program by combining our own
industrial advantages. The program targets at common chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia,
cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and treatment drugs have been donated to remote areas,
including Pravastatin Capsules (普伐他汀钠胶囊), Amlodipine Besylate Capsules (苯磺酸氨氯地平胶囊),
Valsartan Capsules (缬沙坦胶囊), and Isosorbide Bononitrate Tablets ( 单硝酸异山梨酯片), which could
be worth millions of RMB. These drugs can really help families in remote areas, make it convenient for
patients in the regions to take drugs nearby, help the families with patients to alleviate medical pressures, and
provide timely assistance. Based on actual conditions, the project regularly makes continuous drug donations
to remote areas and helps the families with patients in such regions. The project also helps to promote local
development of rural revitalization.

Since late 2018 onwards, with the support of local government agencies and relevant authorities at all levels,
we carried out the “Inclusive Chronic Disease Prevention and Control Public Welfare Project” successively
in areas including Chaotian District of Guangyuan City, Songpan County, Jiange County and Pingwu County
of the Autonomous Prefecture of Aba Zangs and Qiangs in Sichuan Province, Hunyuan County, Guangling
County and Lingqiu County of Datong City in Shanxi Province, Dongxiang County, Tianzhu County, Linze
County and Shandan County in Gansu Province, Xianghai national nature reserve in Jilin Province, Chayu
County in Tibet Autonomous Region, Macun District of Jiaozuo City in Henan Province, Huangshan District
of Huangshan City in Anhui Province, Suining County of Hunan Province, and Fenyi County of Jiangxi
Province, bringing benefits to many patients. In recognition of these efforts, the Company was honored with
a number of awards, including the “ESG Practice Excellence Model Award (ESG 践行卓越典范奖)” and
“2022 China Pharmaceutical CSR Media Watch Pioneer Award (2022 中国医药社会责任媒体观察责任先
锋)” for its excellent projects supporting urban revitalization.

As at 30 June 2023, the project covered 8 provinces and 2 autonomous regions, including 19 remote areas
requiring assistance and 2 natural reserves at state level. This initiative has aided over 17,700 low-income
patients. In 2023, there are plans to further donate drugs to additional areas in need.

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                                               Chapter 6 Major Events
    I      Fulfillment of undertakings
    (I) Undertakings fulfilled during the Reporting Period or not yet fulfilled as of the Reporting

    Period by the parties to the commitment such as de facto controllers, shareholders, related parties,

    acquirers of the Company and the Company

    √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                              Specific     Next plan
                                                                              Whether        Whether           reasons      should be
                                                              Time and        there is a   commitment        for failure     stated in
Commitment       Commitment                    Commitment
                                   Subject                  time limit of    time limit      is strictly      in timely       case of
background          type                         content
                                                            commitment           for        fulfilled in     fulfillment    failure in
                                                                            fulfillment         time           shall be       timely
                                                                                                                given      fulfillment
                  Settlement                   Please see   30 April
                 of horizontal   Baiyeyuan     Note 1 for   2001, long-         No             Yes                -              -
                 competition                   details      term
Commitment                         de facto
  related to                     controllers
initial public    Settlement         and       Please see   10 January
   offering        of horizon      persons     Note 2 for   2014, long-         No             Yes                -              -
                  competition     acting-in    details      term
                                   and the
                                                            From 8
                                                            March 2016
                                                            to the date
                                     The                    completion
                                 Company       Please see   of remedial
                    Others         and de      Note 3 for   measures in        Yes             Yes                -              -
                                    facto      details      connection
                                 controllers                with the
                                                            offering of
                                                            From 11
                                                            May 2017
                                                            to the date
 related to
 seasoned                        Baiyeyuan
                                               Please see   completion
 offerings                       and the de
                    Others                     Note 4 for   of remedial        Yes             Yes                -              -
                                               details      measures in
                                                            with rights
                                                            issue of
                                                            From the
                                                            date of
                                                            proceeds for
                                               Please see   issuance of
                    Others                     Note 5 for   the Rights          No             Yes                -              -
                                               details      issue in
                                                            place to the
                                                            date of

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                                                                 of use of
 made to the                                   Please see
                                    The                         December
  minority         Others                      Note 6 for                            No             Yes              -              -
                                  Company                       2008, long-
shareholders                                   details
   of the

   Note 1: Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company, undertook that it would not be
   directly or indirectly engaged in or cause subsidiaries and branches under its control to be engaged in any business or activity
   constituting horizontal competition with the Company after the founding of the Company, including but not limited to the
   research, production and sales of any products that were the same as or similar to products under research, production and sales
   of the Company, and was willing to undertake compensation responsibility for economic losses to the Company arising from
   violation of the said commitment.

   Note 2: Whereas the domestically listed foreign shares of Livzon Group, a controlled subsidiary of the Company, sought listing
   on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, in order to fully ensure smooth completion of the said event
   and in compliance with relevant requirements of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, the controlling shareholders, de
   facto controller of the Company and the Company entered into relevant undertakings with Livzon Group as follows: 1. The
   controlling shareholders, de facto controller and persons acting-in-concert of the Company, the Company and its controlled
   subsidiaries except for Livzon Group did not or would not be, directly or indirectly, engaged in any business that constituted
   competitive relation or potential competitive relation with drug research, development, production and sale businesses
   (“Restricted Businesses”) of Livzon Group from time to time. For the avoidance of doubt, the scope of Restricted Businesses
   did not cover products that were researched, developed, manufactured and sold on the date of relevant letter of undertaking by
   the controlling shareholders and de facto controller of the Company, the Company and its controlled subsidiaries except for
   Livzon Group; 2. If any new business opportunity was found to constitute competitive relation with Restricted Businesses, the
   controlling shareholders, de facto controllers and persons acting-in-concert of the Company, the Company and its controlling
   subsidiaries except for Livzon Group would inform Livzon Group in written form immediately and firstly provide Livzon
   Group with the business opportunity in accordance with reasonable and fair terms and conditions. If Livzon Group gave up the
   business opportunity, the controlling shareholders and de facto controllers of the Company, the Company and its controlled
   subsidiaries except for Livzon Group may accept the business opportunity in accordance with the terms and conditions that
   were not superior to those offered to Livzon Group; 3. If assets and businesses that directly or indirectly constituted competitive
   relation and potential competitive relation with Restricted Businesses were intended to be transferred, sold, leased, licensed to
   use or otherwise transferred or allowed to use (these Sales and Transfers), the controlling shareholders and de facto controllers
   of the Company, the Company and its controlled subsidiaries except for Livzon Group would provide the right of first refusal
   for Livzon Group under the same condition. If Livzon Group gave up the right of first refusal, the controlling shareholders, de
   facto controllers and persons acting-in-concert of the Company, the Company and its controlled subsidiaries except for Livzon
   Group would carry out these Sales and Transfers to a third party in accordance with main terms that were not superior to those
   offered to Livzon Group; 4. The controlling shareholders, de facto controllers and persons acting-in-concert of the Company,
   the Company and its controlled subsidiaries except for Livzon Group would not be engaged in or involved in any business that
   might damage the interests of Livzon Group and other shareholders through the relation with shareholders of Livzon Group or
   the identity of shareholders of Livzon Group; 5. The controlling shareholders, de facto controllers and persons acting-in-concert
   of the Company, the Company and its controlled subsidiaries except for Livzon Group would not or cause its contact persons
   (except for Livzon Group) to directly or indirectly: (1) induce or attempt to induce any director, senior management or
   consultant of any member of Livzon Group to terminate his/her employment with or to be an employee or consultant of Livzon
   Group at any time (whichever is applicable), no matter if relevant acts of the person were against the Employment Contract or

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Consultancy Agreement (if applicable); (2) Within three years after any person terminated to be the director, senior
management or consultant of any member of Livzon Group, employ the person who had or might have any confidentiality
information or business secret in relation to Restricted Businesses (except for the director, senior management or consultant of
the Company and/or its controlling subsidiaries except for Livzon Group on the date of issuance of relevant letter of
undertaking); (3) Recruit or lobby any person carrying out business in any member of Livzon Group, accept orders, or carry
out business separately, through any other person or as any person, firm, or manager, advisor, consultant, employee, agent or
shareholder of any company (competitor of any member of Livzon Group), or lobby or persuade the person making transaction
with Livzon Group or negotiating with Livzon Group on Restricted Businesses to terminate its transaction with Livzon Group
or reduce its normal business volume with Livzon Group, or ask for more favorable transaction terms to any member of Livzon
Group. 6. The controlling shareholders, de facto controllers and persons acting-in-concert of the Company, the Company and
its controlled subsidiaries except for Livzon Group further undertook that: (1) They would allow and cause relevant contact
persons (except for Livzon Group) to allow independent directors of Livzon Group to review if the Company and its controlled
subsidiaries except for Livzon Group obeyed the Letter of Undertaking at least once a year; (2) They would provide all the data
required for annual review and implementation of the Letter of Undertaking for independent directors of Livzon Group; (3)
They would allow Livzon Group to disclose the decision on whether the controlling shareholders and de facto controllers of
the Company, the Company and its controlled subsidiaries except for Livzon Group obeyed and implemented the Letter of
Undertaking reviewed by independent directors of Livzon Group through the annual report or announcement; (4) The
controlling shareholders, de facto controllers and persons acting-in-concert of the Company, the Company (and its controlled
subsidiaries except for Livzon Group) would provide Livzon Group with the Letter of Confirmation in relation to compliance
with clauses of the Letter of Undertaking every year so as to be included in the annual report of Livzon Group. 7. The controlling
shareholders, de facto controllers and persons acting-in-concert of the Company, and the Company promise that they would
bear corresponding legal responsibility and consequence arising from violation of any clause by the Company (or the
Company's controlled subsidiaries except for Livzon Group or its contact persons), starting from the date of issuance of relevant
letter of undertaking. 8. The said undertakings would terminate in case of the following circumstances (whichever is earlier):
(1) The controlling shareholders, de facto controllers and persons acting-in-concert of the Company, the Company and any of
its controlled   subsidiaries were not the controlling shareholders of Livzon Group anymore; (2) Livzon Group terminated the
listing of its shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and other overseas stock exchanges (except that shares of Livzon Group
stopped to be traded temporarily for any reason).

Note 3: Do not interfere in the operation and management activities of Livzon Group or encroach on the interests of Livzon

Note 4: Pursuant to the Guiding Opinions on Matters Relating to the Dilution of Current Returns as a Result of Initial Public
Offering, Refinancing and Major Asset Restructuring (Announcement of CSRC [2015] No. 31), the company shall undertake
to adopt specific remedial measures relating to dilution of current returns as a result of the company's initial public offering,
refinancing of the listed company, or major asset restructuring and shall fulfill such undertaking. Pursuant to relevant provisions
of CSRC, Zhu Baoguo, the de facto controller of Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd., a controlling shareholder:1. Do
not intervene in the operation and management activities or encroach on the interests of the company; 2. If CSRC issued other
new regulatory provisions on the remedial measures in relation to returns and the relevant undertakings and the aforesaid
undertakings did not conform to such provisions from the date of issuance of the undertaking to the completion of IPO share
allotment, the Company/the de facto controller would undertake to issue a supplemental undertaking in accordance with the
latest provisions of CSRC; 3. The Company/the de facto controller undertook to practically take the remedial measures in
relation to returns formulated by the company and fulfill the undertaking concerning the remedial measures. In case of violation
of the undertaking, causing losses to the company or investors, the Company/the de facto controller was willing to assume
compensation responsibilities to the company or investors in accordance with law. In case of violation of the said undertakings

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or rejection to fulfill the said undertakings, as one of the liability subjects relating to the remedial measures concerning returns,
it was agreed that relevant punishment shall be imposed on or relevant management measures shall be taken against the
Company/the de facto controller by CSRC, the SSE and other securities regulators in accordance with relevant provisions and
rules set or issued by them.

Note 5: After the proceeds for issuance of allotment were in place, the Company would use them according to the disclosure
in the announcement, and carry out the policies, including deposit in special account, approval by specially-assigned person,
and special use of special funds in accordance with management measures for proceeds of the Company. The Board of the
Company would regularly check the progress of projects invested with proceeds, issue a special report on deposit and use of
proceeds, engage an accounting firm during the annual audit to issue a verification report on deposit and use of proceeds, would
be supervised by regulators and sponsors at any time, and would not make major investment, asset purchase or similar financial
investment though proceeds in disguise.

Note 6: (1) While transferring tradable shares subject to selling restrictions held by the company in Livzon Group, the company
shall strictly obey relevant provisions of Guidelines of Listed Companies on Transfer of Stock Shares Subject to Selling
Restrictions ([2008] No. 15); (2) If the Company had shares subject to selling restrictions held by it in Livzon Group that were
planned to be sold through the bid trading system of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and reduced more than 5% shares within six
months from the first share reduction, the Company would pass the Announcement on Sales disclosed by Livzon Group within
two trading days before the first share reduction.

II      Non-operating use of funds by the controlling shareholder and their related parties during
the reporting period
□Applicable √N/A

III Information on Illegal guarantees
□Applicable √N/A

IV Audit of interim report
□Applicable √N/A

V       Information on changes and handling of matters related to non-standard audit opinions in
the annual report for the previous year
□Applicable √N/A

VI Matters related to bankruptcy reorganization
□Applicable √N/A

VII Material Litigation and Arbitration Matters
□During the Reporting Period, the Company had material litigation and arbitration matters.
√ During the Reporting Period, the Company did not have any material litigation or arbitration matters.

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VIII Information on punishment and rectification of the listed company and its directors,
supervisors, senior management, controlling shareholders, and de facto controllers due to
violations of laws and regulations
□Applicable √N/A

IX       Integrity of the Company and its controlling shareholders and de facto controllers during
the Reporting Period
□Applicable √N/A
X       Substantial related transactions
(I) Related transactions in the ordinary course of business
1.      Provisional Announcements without progress or change in subsequent implementation
√Applicable □N/A
                                     Overview                                                    Query index
     Pursuant to the “Resolution on Related Transactions in the Ordinary
     Course of Business of the Controlling Subsidiaries of Jiaozuo Joincare   See the “Announcement on Resolutions
     and Jinguan Electric Power” considered and approved at the 23rd         Considered and Approved at the 23th Meeting
     Meeting of the 8th Session of the Board on 7 April 2023, Jiaozuo         of the 8th Session of the Board of Joincare
     Joincare intended to purchase no more than RMB280 million                Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.” (Lin
     (inclusive) of steam and power from Jinguan Electric Power in 2023       2023-030) and the “Announcement of Joincare
     so as to satisfy the demands of Jiaozuo Joincare for steam and power     Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on
     in the process of production and operation. The independent directors    the Connected Transactions in the Ordinary
     of the Company gave prior approval opinions on the Resolution and        Course of Business of the Majority-owned
     gave opinions on the approval at the Board meeting. Both parties         Subsidiaries of Jiaozuo Joincare and Jinguan
     referred to the market price to fix a price of the said related          Electric Power” (Lin 2023-036) disclosed by
     transactions. During the Reporting Period, the actual amount of the      the Company on 11 April 2023 for details.
     said related transactions was RMB127.9266 million.

2.      Matters that have been disclosed in the provisional announcements with progress or change
in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √N/A

3.      Matters that have not been disclosed in the provisional announcements
□Applicable √N/A

(II)     Related transactions relating to assets or equity acquisition and sale
1.      Provisional announcements without progress or change in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √N/A
2.      Matters that have been disclosed in the provisional announcements with progress or change
in subsequent implementation
□Applicable √N/A

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        3.      Matters that have not been disclosed in the provisional announcements
        □Applicable √N/A
        4.      In case of performance agreement, information on performance realization during the
        Reporting Period shall be disclosed
        □Applicable √N/A

        (III)     Substantial related transactions of joint outbound investment
        1.      Provisional announcements without progress or change in subsequent implementation
        □Applicable √N/A
        2.      Matters that have been disclosed in the provisional announcements with progress or change
        in subsequent implementation
        □Applicable √N/A
        3.      Matters that have not been disclosed in the Provisional Announcements
        □Applicable √N/A

        (IV) Credits and debts with related parties
        1.      Provisional announcements without progress or change in subsequent implementation
        □Applicable √N/A
        2.      Matters that have been disclosed in the provisional announcements with progress or change
        in subsequent implementation
        □Applicable √N/A
        3.      Matters that have not been disclosed in the provisional announcements
        √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                   Unit:Yuan Currency:RMB
                                                           Offer funds to related parties                      Receive funds from related parties
                             Relationship with Balance at the Amount incurred                          Balance at the     Amount
      Related par ty                                                                   Balance at the                                  Balance at the end
                               related party   beginning of the    in the current                      beginning of incurred in the
                                                                                     end of the period                                    of the period
                                                    period             period                           the period     current period
Jiaozuo Jinguan Jiahua
Electric Power Co., Ltd.        Associated
                                                  75,724,913.57       -8,480,203.79    67,244,709.78
(焦作金冠嘉华电力有限            company
Guangdong Blue Treasure
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.          Others           9,282,804.29        7,641,565.47    16,924,369.76     117,760.00      1,825,280.00       1,943,040.00
Jiangsu One Winner
Medical Technology Co.,
                                  Others                    0.00         670,000.00       670,000.00
Ltd. (江苏一赢家医疗科
Subsidiaries of Sichuan
Healthy Deer Hospital
Management Co., Ltd. (四          Others             497,828.30           -4,410.00       493,418.30       20,947.89        83,329.36         104,277.25
Shenzhen Youbao
Technology Co., Ltd. (深圳        Others             188,100.00          141,578.00       329,678.00
Zhongshan Renhe Health
Products Co., Ltd. (中山市        Others             469,895.78                0.00       469,895.78
Zhuhai Sanmed Biotech             Others             211,200.00                0.00       211,200.00

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      Inc. (珠海圣美生物诊断技
      Zhuhai Sanmed Gene
      Diagnostics Ltd. (珠海市圣
                                           Others               101,526.98               134.20        101,661.18
      Shenzhen Health Deer
      Technology Co., Ltd. (深圳
                                           Others                 4,680.00           -4,680.00                  0.00
                             Total                          86,480,948.92           -36,016.12 86,444,932.80            138,707.89     1,908,609.36      2,047,317.25
      Reason for occurrence of credits and debts with
                                                           During the Reporting Period, the Company had regular operating fund transactions with related parties
      related parties
      Effect of credits and debts with related parties
                                                           The said credits and debts with related parties mentioned above are operating fund transactions; there was no
      on the operating results and financial position of
                                                           non-operating use of funds of the Company by shareholders and related parties
      the Company

               (V) Financial businesses among the Company, related financial companies, financial companies
               controlled by the Company, and related parties
               □Applicable √N/A

               (VI) Other substantial related transactions
               □Applicable √N/A

               (VII) Others
               □Applicable √N/A

               XI Material contracts and their fulfilments
               1. Custodianship, contracting and leasing
               □Applicable √N/A
               2.      Major guarantees that have been performed and outstanding during the Reporting Period
               √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                  Unit: 10,000 Yuan Currency: RMB

                                                  External guarantees of the Company (excluding guarantees to its subsidiaries)
            Relationship                                                                                                                               Guarante
                                                   Date of                                                                                   Whether
            between the                                                                                                                                ed for a
                         Secured     Amount of guarantee (date Guarantee Start Guarantee           Guarantee     Fulfilled   Overdue Overdue there's a
 Guarantor Guarantor and                                                                                                                                related Relationship
                          party      guarantee of signature of      date       Maturity date         type         or not      or not amount counter-
              the listed                                                                                                                               party or
                                                 agreement)                                                                                  guarantee
              company                                                                                                                                     not
           Headquarter   Jinguan                                                                      Joint
Joincare   of the        Electric     4,000.00      2022/7/11        2022/7/11       2023/7/11      liability      No          No        0       Yes      Yes
           Company        Power                                                                    guarantee
           Headquarter   Jinguan                                                                      Joint
Joincare   of the        Electric     3,000.00      2022/7/11        2022/7/11       2023/7/11      liability      No          No        0       Yes      Yes
           Company        Power                                                                    guarantee
           Headquarter   Jinguan                                                                      Joint
Joincare   of the        Electric     2,000.00      2022/7/15        2022/7/15       2023/7/15      liability      No          No        0       Yes      Yes
           Company        Power                                                                    guarantee
           Headquarter   Jinguan                                                                      Joint
Joincare   of the        Electric     3,000.00       2022/8/8         2022/8/8        2023/8/8      liability      No          No        0       Yes      Yes
           Company        Power                                                                    guarantee
           Headquarter   Jinguan                                                                      Joint
Joincare   of the        Electric     3,200.00      2022/9/16        2022/9/16       2023/9/16      liability      No          No        0       Yes      Yes
           Company        Power                                                                    guarantee
           Headquarter   Jinguan                                                                      Joint
Joincare   of the        Electric     3,800.00      2022/10/9        2022/10/9       2023/10/9      liability      No          No        0       Yes      Yes
           Company        Power                                                                    guarantee

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            Headquarter       Jinguan                                                                     Joint
Joincare    of the            Electric    3,200.00      2022/10/12       2022/10/12       2023/10/12    liability     No          No        0         Yes        Yes
            Company            Power                                                                   guarantee
            Headquarter       Jinguan                                                                     Joint
Joincare    of the            Electric    2,045.01      2023/6/12        2023/6/12        2023/10/13    liability     No          No        0         Yes        Yes
            Company            Power                                                                   guarantee
            Headquarter       Jinguan                                                                     Joint
Joincare    of the            Electric    3,000.00      2022/11/24       2022/11/24       2023/11/24    liability     No          No        0         Yes        Yes
            Company            Power                                                                   guarantee
            Headquarter       Jinguan                                                                     Joint
Joincare    of the            Electric    2,183.85      2023/6/12        2023/6/12        2023/12/12    liability     No          No        0         Yes        Yes
            Company            Power                                                                   guarantee
            Headquarter       Jinguan                                                                     Joint
Joincare    of the            Electric    2,000.00      2023/6/16        2023/6/16        2023/12/12    liability     No          No        0         Yes        Yes
            Company            Power                                                                   guarantee
            Headquarter       Jinguan                                                                     Joint
Joincare    of the            Electric    4,640.00      2022/12/19       2022/12/19       2023/12/16    liability     No          No        0         Yes        Yes
            Company            Power                                                                   guarantee
            Wholly-           Jinguan                                                                     Joint
Jiaozuo                                                                                                                                                                   Associated
            owned             Electric    2,000.00      2022/12/14       2022/12/14       2023/12/14    liability     No          No        0         Yes        Yes
Joincare                                                                                                                                                                   company
            subsidiary         Power                                                                   guarantee
Total guaranteed amount occurred during the Reporting Period (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries)                                                                           6,228.86
Total guaranteed amount as of the end of the Reporting Period (A) (excluding guarantees to
                                                         Guarantee provided by the Company and its subsidiaries to subsidiaries

Total amount of guarantees to subsidiaries during the Reporting Period                                                                                                     133,364.31
Total amount of guarantees to subsidiaries as of the end of the Reporting Period (B)                                                                                       306,780.16
                                                     Total guaranteed amount of the Company (including guarantees to subsidiaries)

Total guaranteed amount (A+B)                                                                                                                                            344,849.02
Percentage of total guaranteed amount in the Company's net assets (%)                                                                                                          15.84
In which:

Amount of guarantees provided to shareholders, de facto controllers and their related parties (C)                                                                                0.00
Amount of debt guarantee directly or indirectly provided to a guaranteed party with a liability-to-
asset ratio exceeding 70% (D)
Portion of total guaranteed amount exceeding 50% of net assets (E)                                                                                                               0.00
Total guaranteed amount of the above three items (C+D+E)                                                                                                                 192,093.20
Statement on the contingent joint liability that might be assumed in connection with outstanding
                                                                                                            The above connected guarantees are detailed in Note X 5(4) to the Financial
Statement on guarantees
                                                                                                                                                             Statements of this report.

                 3.      Other material contracts

                 □Applicable √N/A

                   XII Explanation of other significant events
                 √Applicable □N/A

                 1.      Use of proceeds

                 Pursuant to the Reply to the Approval of Share Allotment of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry
                 Co., Ltd. issued by CSRC (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2018] No. 1284), the Company allotted 365,105,066
                 shares to original shareholders. The planned proceeds from the share allotment amounted to RMB2,000
                 million; the total actual proceeds amounted to RMB1,715.9938 million; after deducting distribution
                 expenses of RMB46.2536 million, the net proceeds amounted to RMB1,669.7402 million. As at 16
                 October 2018, the said proceeds were in place and validated by the Capital Verification Report of

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. issued by Ruihua Certified Public Accountants (Rui
Hua Yan Zi [2018] No. 40060006).

Pursuant to the Resolution on the Temporary Replenishment of Working Capital with Idle Proceeds
considered and approved at the 21st Meeting of the 8th Session of the Board and the 18th Meeting of
the 8th Session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company on 29 December 2022, it was agreed that
the Company temporarily replenished the working capital with no more than RMB500 million of idle
proceeds from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 so as to improve the use efficiency of proceeds and
reduce financial expenses of the Company. For details, please refer to the “Announcement on the
Temporary Replenishment of Working Capital with Certain Idle Proceeds of Joincare Pharmaceutical
Group Industry Co., Ltd.” (Lin 2022-146).

For details about deposit and actual use of proceeds in the first half of 2023, please refer to the Special
Report of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on Deposit and Actual Utilization of
Proceeds for first half of 2023 disclosed by the Company on 24 August 2023.

2. Matters about share cancellation and share repurchase

(1) Share Cancellation

On 10 February 2020, the Company held the twenty-first meeting of the seventh session of the Board of
Directors, at which it considered and approved proposals including the Proposal for the Repurchase of
Shares through Centralized Price Bidding; and on 14 February 2020, the Company disclosed the Report
on the Repurchase of Shares through Centralized Price Bidding. The Company planned to repurchase
the shares of the Company with its own funds through centralized price bidding with the total fund of
not less than RMB150 million (inclusive) and not more than RMB300 million (inclusive). The share
repurchase price was not more than RMB15 per share (inclusive), and the repurchase period was set as
not more than 12 months from the date on which repurchase plan was considered and approved by the
Board of Directors. The repurchased shares shall be used for employee stock ownership plans and share
incentive plans, with 40% of the repurchased shares allocated to employee stock ownership plans and
60% allocated to share incentive plans.

The implementation of the share repurchase plan had been completed by the Company on 12 July 2020,
and 19,890,613 shares of the Company, accounting for 1.02% of the total share capital (1,947,537,633
shares) of the Company at that time, were repurchased through centralized price bidding. Pursuant to
the arrangement for use of repurchased shares mentioned above, on 4 August 2021, the Company
transferred 2,430,800 shares previously repurchased and held in special securities account for
repurchases to the account of the Company for first phase ownership scheme by non-trading transfer.
As of now, the number of shares previously repurchased and held in special securities account for
repurchases is 17,459,813.

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Pursuant to the relevant requirements of the Company Law (《公司法》), the Self-regulatory Guidelines
for the Companies Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange No. 7–Repurchase of Shares (《上海证券
交易所上市公司自律监管指引第 7 号—回购股份》) and share repurchase plan of the Company, the
shares were repurchased for employee stock ownership plans and share incentives, and if the
repurchased shares are not fully utilized by the Company within 36 months after the completion of the
share repurchase, the unutilized shares repurchased shall be cancelled.

The twenty-fifth meeting of the eighth session of the Board of Directors and the first extraordinary
general meeting of 2023 were convened by the Company on 28 April 2023 and 19 May 2023,
respectively, at which the Resolution on the Cancellation of Treasury Shares Previously Repurchased
was considered and approved. As the three-year term for the share repurchase conducted by the
Company in 2020 will expire soon and the Company has no plan to use remaining shares held in special
securities account for repurchases for share incentive plans or employee stock ownership plans in the
near future, it was agreed that the Company should cancel the remaining 17,459,813 shares previously
repurchased and held in special securities account for repurchases.

On 4 July 2023, the aforesaid remaining shares and the special securities account for repurchase were
cancelled by the Shanghai Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Company Limited. Upon
the completion of the share cancellation, the total share capital of the Company changed from
1,929,189,374 shares to 1,911,729,561 shares.

(2) Share Repurchase

Pursuant to the Resolution on Share Repurchase Scheme by Way of Centralized Bidding Transactions
and other resolutions considered and approved at the 17th Meeting of the 8th Session of the Board and
the 2022 Fourth Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on 14 October 2022 and 18 November
2021, it was approved that the Company repurchased company shares by way of centralized bidding
transactions with its own funds, and the repurchased shares will be used to reduce the registered capital;
the total amount of repurchase funds should be no less than RMB300 million (inclusive) and no more
than RMB600 million (inclusive); the repurchase price should be no more than RMB16/share (inclusive);
the repurchase term should be from 18 November 2022 to 17 November 2023. For details, please refer
to the “Announcement of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on the Share Repurchase
Scheme by Way of Centralized Bidding Transactions” (Lin 2022- 121) and the “Repurchase Report of
Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on Share Repurchase by Way of Centralized Bidding
Transactions” (Lin 2022-137).

On 14 December 2022, the Company initially repurchased 348,400 shares by way of centralized bidding
transactions, representing 0.02% of the total share capital of the Company. For details, please refer to
the “Announcement of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on Initial Share Repurchase
by Way of Centralized Bidding Transactions” (Lin 2022-144).

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As of 30 June 2023, the Company has repurchased a total number of 40,662,579 shares by way of
centralized bidding transactions, representing 2.11% of the total share capital of the Company. The total
amount paid was RMB494.4911 million (including handling fee). For details, please refer to the
Announcement of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on the Progress of Share
Repurchase by Way of Centralized Bidding Transactions (Lin 2023-065). As of 14 August 2023, the
Company has repurchased a total number of 45,957,211 shares by way of centralized bidding
transactions, representing 2.40% of the total share capital of the Company. The total amount paid was
RMB557.9157 million (including handling fee). For details, please refer to the Announcement of
Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on the Progress of Share Repurchase by Way of
Centralized Bidding Transactions (Lin 2023-080).

3. GDRs of the Company issued and listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange

On 26 September 2022, the Company’s GDRs were listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange in an offering of
6,382,500 GDRs representing 63,825,000 underlying A shares, representing 3.31% of the Company’s
total share capital at that time, at an issue price of USD$14.42 per GDR, with the final gross proceeds
of approximately USD$92.04 million.

The lock-up restriction period for the redemption of the GDRs issued by the Company is from 26
September 2022 (Swiss time) to 23 January 2023 (Swiss time). As 23 January 2023 falls in the Chinese
New Year holiday, the transfer and settlement of A shares in relation to the cross-border conversion of
GDRs cannot proceed during the period from 23 January to 27 January 2023. In accordance with the
relevant regulations on stock connect, the GDRs with the expiry of the lock-up restriction period for the
redemption can be converted into A shares of the Company from 30 January 2023 (Beijing time). As of
the closing of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on 30 January 2023, the number of A shares of the Company
represented by the outstanding GDRs was less than 50% of the number of underlying A shares
represented by the GDRs actually issued by the Company as approved by the CSRC.

The proceeds from the Company’s issuance of GDRs, after deducting the issuance fees, are intended for
the business development and strategic investments of the Company, aimed at improving the Company's
capabilities of global research and development, industrialization and commercialization, thus further
deepening the international business presence and replenishing the working capitals of the Company.
For details about deposit and actual use of GDR proceeds in the first half of 2023, please refer to the
Special Report of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. on Deposit and Actual Utilization
of Proceeds for first half of 2023 disclosed by the Company on 24 August 2023.

4. Overall relocation and expansion project of Sichuan Guangda

On 6 March 2019, after review and approval by the Board of the Livzon Group, the controlling
subsidiary of the Company, considered and approved that Livzon Group entered into the Investment
Agreement for the “Overall Relocation and Expansion Project of Sichuan Guangda Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing”(《四川光大制药整体搬迁调迁扩建项目投资协议书》 (the “Investment Agreement”)

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and the “Supplemental Agreement I with Sichuan Chengdu Pengzhou Municipal People's
Government”(四川省成都市彭州市人民政府). Pursuant to the Investment Agreement, the Livzon
Group will inject capital of RMB646 million for investment in construction of the overall relocation and
expansion project (the “Project”) of Sichuan Guangda, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company.
Pursuant to the Supplemental Agreement I, Pengzhou Municipal People's Government has agreed to
pay a compensation for demolition of RMB90 million and grant total incentive of not more than
RMB125.8 million for the construction of new plantsto the Company.

As at 30 June 2023, the total investment of the specific contracts entered into for the Project amounted
to RMB548.5066 million, and the sum of subsidies received from government authorities at various
levels amounted to RMB174.4317million, the construction works for all production plants and
supporting production facilities were completed, and the construction works for the office buildings,
dormitories and canteens were completed. The new plant of Sichuan Guangda was officially put into
operation on 12 July 2023.

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                      Chapter 7 Changes in Equity and Shareholders

I Changes in share capital
(I) Changes in shares
1. Changes in shares
During the Reporting Period, there was no change in the total number of shares and share capital
structure of the Company.
2. Description of changes in shares
□ Applicable √N/A

3. Impact of changes in shares on earnings per share, net assets per share and other financial
indicators from the Reporting Period to the date of disclosure of the interim report (if any)
□ Applicable √N/A

4. Other information deemed necessary by the Company or as required by the securities regulators
□ Applicable √N/A

(II) Changes in shares with selling restrictions
□ Applicable √N/A
II Shareholders
(I) Total number of shareholders:
 Total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the Reporting Period                                      80,960
 Total number of shareholders of preferred shares with resumed voting rights at the
                                                                                                       Not applicable
 end of the Reporting Period

(II) Shareholdings of the Top 10 shareholders and the Top 10 shareholders of tradable shares (or

shareholders without selling restrictions) at the End of the Reporting Period
                                                                                                            Unit: shares
                                        Shareholdings of the Top 10 shareholders
                                                                    Number of      Pledge, mark or lock-
                                        Number of
    Name of                                                            shares               up
                  Change during the     shares held Percentage                                              Nature of
  shareholder                                                        held with
                   reporting period    at the end of      (%)                       Share                  Shareholder
  (Full name)                                                         selling                  Number
                                         the Period                                 status
 Shenzhen                                                                                                  Domestic
 Baiyeyuan                                                                                                 non-state
                         17,380,900    895,653,653         46.43             0      Pledge    75,679,725
 Investment                                                                                                owned
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                 entity
 Hong Kong                                                                   0
 Clearing               -23,328,015     89,928,152          4.66                   Unknown                 Unknown

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Might Seasons                                                               0                              Foreign
                        -16,001,259     41,486,175          2.15                 Unknown
Limited                                                                                                    entity
Huaxia Life                                                                 0
Insurance Co.,
                          2,578,400     11,854,118          0.61                 Unknown                   Unknown
                        10,840,000      11,800,000          0.61            0    Unknown                   Unknown
Xiaofeng No.
2 Zhixin Fund
China Foreign
Economy and
Trade Trust
Co., Ltd.–
TRUST–Gaoyi            10,799,948      11,759,948          0.61            0    Unknown                   Unknown
Fund Trust
Bank of
Shanghai Co.,
CSI Innovative
Drug Industry
                          5,294,500      8,972,896          0.47            0    Unknown                   Unknown
Trading Open-
end Index
Abu Dhabi
Investment                2,207,629      8,127,971          0.42            0    Unknown                   Unknown
108 portfolio
of national
                          6,446,000      7,803,721          0.40            0    Unknown                   Unknown
social security
He Zhong                          0      7,800,024          0.40            0    Unknown                   natural
                           Shareholdings of the Top 10 shareholders without selling restrictions
                                        Number of tradable shares held               Class and number of shares
        Name of shareholder
                                           without selling restrictions              Class                 Number
                                                                                    Ordinary shares
Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment
                                                             895,653,653            denominated in          895,653,653
Co., Ltd. *
                                                                                    Ordinary shares
Hong Kong Securities Clearing
                                                               89,928,152           denominated in           89,928,152
Company Limited
                                                                                    Ordinary shares
Might Seasons Limited                                          41,486,175           denominated in           41,486,175
                                                                                    Ordinary shares
Huaxia Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-
                                                               11,854,118           denominated in           11,854,118
Equity fund                                                                                Renminbi
Perseverance Asset Management                                                       Ordinary shares
L.L.P–Gaoyi Xiaofeng No. 2 Zhixin                             11,800,000           denominated in           11,800,000
Fund                                                                                       Renminbi
China Foreign Economy and Trade
                                                                                    Ordinary shares
Trust Co., Ltd.–Foreign TRUST–
                                                               11,759,948           denominated in           11,759,948
Gaoyi Xiaofeng Hongyuan
Collection Fund Trust Plan

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 Bank of Shanghai Co., Ltd.-
                                                                                        Ordinary shares
 Yinhua CSI Innovative Drug
                                                                   8,972,896            denominated in               8,972,896
 Industry Trading Open-end Index                                                             Renminbi
 Securities Investment Fund
                                                                                        Ordinary shares
 Abu Dhabi Investment Authority                                    8,127,971             denominated in              8,127,971
                                                                                        Ordinary shares
 108 portfolio of national social
                                                                   7,803,721             denominated in              7,803,721
 security fund
                                                                                        Ordinary shares
 He Zhong                                                          7,800,024             denominated in              7,800,024
 Notes on the special repurchase           As at the end of the Reporting Period, the special repurchase account of the
 account among the top 10                  Company (special securities repurchase account of Joincare Pharmaceutical Group
 shareholders                              Industry Co., Ltd.) owned 58,122,392 shares in total, accounting for 3.01%.
 Description of the above
 shareholders involved in
                                           Not applicable
 entrustment/entrusted voting right
 and waiver of voting right
                                           There was no connection or acting-in-concert relationship between Shenzhen
 Description of connection or acting-
                                           Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd., a controlling shareholder of the Company, and
 in-concert relationship of the above
                                           other shareholders; whether there is connection or acting-in-concert relationship
                                           among other shareholders is unknown
 Description of holders of preferred
 shares with resumed voting rights         Not applicable
 and number of preferred shares
Note: As of the end of the Reporting Period, 17,380,900 shares lent by Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd. (深圳市百
业源投资有限公司), a controlling shareholder of the Company, by participating in the refinancing business were matured and
collected in full, and the ownership transfer of such shares did not take place.

Number of shares held by the Top 10 shareholders with selling restrictions and selling restrictions
□ Applicable √N/A

(III) Strategic investors or general legal persons who became Top 10 shareholders through placement
of new shares
□ Applicable √N/A

III Information on directors, supervisors, and senior management
(I) Changes in shareholdings of current directors, supervisors, and senior management and those who
resigned during the Reporting Period
□ Applicable √N/A

Description of other information
□ Applicable √N/A

(II) Equity incentive granted to directors, supervisors, and senior management during the Reporting
□ Applicable √N/A

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(III) Others
□ Applicable √N/A

IV Changes in controlling shareholders or de facto controllers
□ Applicable √N/A

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                         Chapter 8 Information on Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √N/A

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                                 Chapter 9 Information on Bonds

I Enterprise bonds, corporate bonds, and non-financial enterprise debt financing instruments

□ Applicable √N/A

II Information on convertible corporate bonds

□ Applicable √N/A

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                                     Chapter 10            Financial statements

  I.      Auditor's report
  □Applicable √N/A

  II. Financial statements
                                                Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                          30 June 2023

  Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                            Item                                Note      30 June 2023         31 December 2022
Current assets:
Cash and bank balances                                          V.1      14,459,790,383.84       14,808,488,110.96
Financial assets held for trading                               V.2           90,560,120.03          109,015,664.98
Notes receivable                                                V.3       2,170,075,201.62         1,959,985,016.85
Accounts receivable                                             V.4       3,193,959,089.23         3,103,758,850.15
Receivables financing
Prepayments                                                     V.5          365,293,699.87          364,265,142.57
Other receivables                                               V.6          105,444,746.96           52,535,740.14
Including: Interests receivables
              Dividends receivables                                           40,304,700.46
Inventories                                                     V.7       2,850,415,298.45         2,561,869,999.57
Contract assets
Assets held-for-sale
Non-current assets due within one year                          V.8           55,066,666.67           54,048,611.11
Other current assets                                            V.9          179,667,019.96          163,539,900.32
Total current assets                                                     23,470,272,226.63       23,177,507,036.65
Non-current assets:
Debt investment
Other debt investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment                                     V.10      1,430,177,915.97         1,419,882,594.59
Other equity instrument investments                             V.11      1,192,927,634.58         1,193,958,879.05
Other non-current financial assets
Investment properties                                           V.12           6,191,475.43            6,191,475.43
Fixed assets                                                    V.13      5,203,199,498.59         5,265,200,110.91
Construction in progress                                        V.14         942,008,555.30          811,300,068.96
Productive biological assets
Oil & gas assets
Right-of-use assets                                             V.15          40,253,482.25           41,843,133.97

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Intangible assets                                         V.16       747,107,448.45           802,115,125.75
Development cost                                          V.17       428,365,307.98           428,284,884.17
Goodwill                                                  V.18       636,339,503.82           614,468,698.73
Long-term prepaid expenses                                V.19       283,004,625.91           277,867,716.95
Deferred tax assets                                       V.20       523,128,551.94           533,861,743.26
Other non-current assets                                  V.21      1,338,462,703.49        1,156,772,182.99
Total non-current assets                                           12,771,166,703.71      12,551,746,614.76
Total assets                                                       36,241,438,930.34      35,729,253,651.41
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans                                          V.22      2,126,000,000.00        2,126,050,615.06
Financial liabilities held for trading                    V.23        21,644,248.86               755,634.43
Notes payable                                             V.24      1,729,003,530.95        1,635,906,989.22
Accounts payable                                          V.25       824,340,189.33           943,905,580.91
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities                                      V.26        92,547,832.12           292,977,730.74
Employee benefits payable                                 V.27       429,497,292.92           573,010,571.46
Taxes payable                                             V.28       291,260,187.96           337,702,273.73
Other payables                                            V.29      4,070,004,397.43        3,680,334,360.88
Including: Interests payables
           Dividends payables                                        439,505,017.15            12,252,074.84
Liabilities held-for-sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year               V.30        62,798,499.68            63,077,260.98
Other current liabilities                                 V.31        89,741,502.82           101,276,714.35
Total current liabilities                                           9,736,837,682.07        9,754,997,731.76
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans                                           V.32      3,963,263,438.94        3,230,844,042.88
Bonds payable
Lease liabilities                                         V.33        17,678,294.69            23,482,486.07
Long-term payables
Long-term payroll payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income                                           V.34       426,374,081.37           384,537,267.55
Deferred tax liabilities                                  V.20       240,208,214.99           231,164,425.48
Other non-current liabilities                             V.35        90,000,000.00            84,000,000.00
Total non-current liabilities                                       4,737,524,029.99        3,954,028,221.98
Total liabilities                                                  14,474,361,712.06      13,709,025,953.74
shareholders' equity
Share capital                                             V.36      1,929,189,374.00        1,929,189,374.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve                                           V.37      2,314,216,904.87        2,343,693,215.99

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 Less: Treasury shares                                      V.38          717,135,581.08           347,176,561.29
 Other comprehensive income                                 V.39           35,886,298.52             4,704,473.53
 Special reserve
 Surplus reserve                                            V.40          734,766,581.50           734,766,581.50
 Undistributed profits                                      V.41         8,937,259,650.16        8,456,643,326.82
 Total shareholders' equity attributable to the parent               13,234,183,227.97         13,121,820,410.55
 Minority shareholder's equity                                           8,532,893,990.31        8,898,407,287.12
 Total shareholders' equity                                          21,767,077,218.28         22,020,227,697.67
 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity (or
                                                                     36,241,438,930.34         35,729,253,651.41
 shareholder's equity)

Person-in-charge of the Company:           Person-in-charge of the               Person-in-charge of the accounting
Zhu Baoguo                                 Company’s accounting work:           department: Qiu Qingfeng
                                           Qiu Qingfeng

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                                       Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                                   30 June 2023

  Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                Item                        Note              30 June 2023              31 December 2022
Current assets:
Cash and bank balances                                             1,987,536,896.86          3,148,933,185.29
Financial assets held for trading
Notes receivable                                                    250,442,507.70             249,617,024.89
Accounts receivable                                                 244,301,554.81             291,630,857.74
Receivable financing
Prepayments                                                           51,899,253.54            542,966,676.99
Other receivables                                                  1,157,913,625.25            785,307,024.78
Including: Interests receivables
            Dividends receivables                                   926,892,488.80             544,999,500.00
Inventories                                                          26,487,443.91              63,656,837.97
Contract assets
Assets held-for-sale
Non-current assets due within one
                                                                     55,066,666.67              54,048,611.11
Other current assets
Total current assets                                               3,773,647,948.74          5,136,160,218.77
Non-current assets:
Debt investment
Other debt investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment                                        3,560,411,562.84          3,524,184,512.63
Other equity instrument
                                                                    160,833,887.86             141,562,064.27
Other non-current financial assets
Investment properties                                                 6,191,475.43               6,191,475.43
Fixed assets                                                         45,166,334.04              46,410,672.12
Construction in progress                                             18,820,158.10              15,330,867.65
Productive biological assets
Oil & gas assets
Right-of-use assets                                                   5,505,524.52               7,570,096.21
Intangible assets                                                    18,553,395.99              20,154,211.97
Development cost                                                    132,361,980.23              92,797,615.87
Long-term prepaid expenses                                               382,796.81                552,795.74
Deferred income tax assets                                            87,900,288.11             88,792,276.83
Other non-current assets                                           1,029,681,135.02            815,024,705.98
Total non-current assets                                           5,065,808,538.95          4,758,571,294.70
Total assets                                                       8,839,456,487.69          9,894,731,513.47
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans                                                    200,000,000.00             100,091,666.67
Financial liabilities held for
Notes payable                                                       617,708,743.41             924,199,480.81
Accounts payable                                                    134,395,769.85             257,832,649.19
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 Receipts in advance
 Contract liabilities                                                 11,304,465.08                  53,648,681.36
 Employee benefits payable                                           129,575,813.68                 139,895,738.09
 Taxes payable                                                        17,071,042.80                  10,549,309.54
 Other payables                                                      862,895,522.46               1,303,649,356.48
 Including: Interests payables
             Dividends payables                                      175,574,399.22
 Liabilities held-for-sale
 Non-current liabilities due within
                                                                      43,190,338.37                  47,152,440.47
 one year
 Other current liabilities                                              1,026,096.80                  3,007,795.91
 Total current liabilities                                          2,017,167,792.45              2,840,027,118.52
 Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term loans                                                    1,141,000,000.00              1,154,000,000.00
 Bonds payable
 Lease liabilities                                                       1,438,947.60                 3,729,020.22
 Long-term payables
 Long-term payroll payable
 Estimated liabilities
 Deferred income                                                      20,091,800.00                  20,534,000.00
 Deferred tax liabilities                                              1,349,792.53                     997,675.94
 Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                      1,163,880,540.13              1,179,260,696.16
 Total liabilities                                                  3,181,048,332.58              4,019,287,814.68
 shareholder's equity:
 Share capital                                                      1,929,189,374.00              1,929,189,374.00
 Other equity instruments
 Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserve                                                    1,693,043,177.98              1,678,414,507.96
 Less: Treasury shares                                                717,135,581.08                347,176,561.29
 Other comprehensive income                                               107,626.77                    726,576.72
 Special reserve
 Surplus reserve                                                      646,164,633.12                646,164,633.12
 Undistributed profits                                              2,107,038,924.32              1,968,125,168.28
 Total shareholders' equity
                                                                    5,658,408,155.11              5,875,443,698.79
 attributable to the parent
 Total liabilities and shareholders'
                                                                    8,839,456,487.69              9,894,731,513.47

Person-in-charge of the Company:           Person-in-charge of the                Person-in-charge of the accounting
Zhu Baoguo                                 Company’s accounting work:            department: Qiu Qingfeng
                                           Qiu Qingfeng

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     Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2023

                                           Consolidated Income Statement
                                                January to June, 2023

Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                      Item                              Note         First half of 2023      First half of 2022
 I. Total Revenues                                      V.42            8,719,741,599.23        8,564,945,285.55
 Including: Operating revenues                          V.42            8,719,741,599.23        8,564,945,285.55
 II. Total operating costs                                              6,852,636,758.88        6,767,945,476.66
 Including: Cost of operations                          V.42            3,273,420,227.03        3,054,392,703.20
 Taxes and surcharges                                   V.43              102,706,433.95           94,322,638.31
 Selling expenses                                       V.44            2,399,063,230.20        2,512,369,792.45
 Administrative expenses                                V.45              434,867,895.32          529,828,311.93
 Research and development expenses                      V.46              765,166,559.76          707,433,078.44
 Financial expenses                                     V.47             -122,587,587.38         -130,401,047.67
 Including: Interest expenses                                              70,061,146.58           60,979,386.68
              Interest income                                             135,947,800.19          117,501,999.50
 Add: Other income                                      V.48              125,925,260.26           97,242,254.03
 Investment income("-" for loss)                       V.49               56,854,039.45           51,014,159.00
 Including: Gains from investments in
                                                                          44,824,481.29           41,208,487.80
 associates and joint ventures
 Gain from derecognition of financial
 assets at amortized cost("-" for loss)
 Gain from net exposure of hedging("-"
 for loss)
 Gains from changes in fair values("-" for
                                                        V.50             -39,314,888.38          -95,479,537.15
 Credit impairment loss("-" for loss)                  V.51             -22,209,391.69           -2,805,440.83
 Assets impairment loss("-" for loss)                  V.52             -30,171,594.37          -27,834,495.93
 Gains from disposal of assets("-" for
                                                        V.53                -342,359.46             -510,518.91
 III. Operating profit("-" for loss)                                  1,957,845,906.16        1,818,626,229.10
 Add: Non-operating income                              V.54               1,757,450.18            4,470,914.88
 Less: Non-operating expenses                           V.55               7,370,028.41            6,741,606.85
 IV. Total profit("-" for loss)                                       1,952,233,327.93        1,816,355,537.13
 Less: Income tax expenses                              V.56             324,663,062.10          271,175,329.55
 V. Net profit("-" for net loss)                                      1,627,570,265.83        1,545,180,207.58
 (I) Classified by continuity of operations:
 Including: Net profit from continuing
                                                                       1,627,570,265.83        1,545,180,207.58
 operations("-" for net loss)
               Net profit from discontinued
 operations("-" for net loss)
 (II) Classified ownership:
 Including: Net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the parent("-" for net                                 815,434,734.90          801,268,519.50
              Net profit attributable to
                                                                         812,135,530.93          743,911,688.08
 minority interests("-" for net loss)
 VI. Other comprehensive income – net
                                                                          30,080,133.76          -25,063,137.51
 of tax

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 (I) Other comprehensive income
 attributable to shareholders of the parent,                               31,181,824.98          -42,998,857.20
 net of tax
 1. Other comprehensive income not
 reclassified into profit or loss                                         -11,322,857.19          -79,078,918.80
 (1) Changes in remeasurement of defined
 benefit plan
 (2) Share of other comprehensive income
 of the equity method investments
 (3) Changes in fair value of other equity
                                                                          -11,322,857.19          -80,188,888.79
 instruments investment
 (4) Changes in fair value of the
 Company's own credit risks
 2. Other comprehensive income that will
 be reclassified into profit or loss                                       42,504,682.17           36,080,061.60
 (1) Share of other comprehensive income
 of associates and joint ventures under
 equity method
 (2) Changes in the fair value of other
 debt investments
 (3) Reclassification of financial assets
 recognised as other comprehensive
 (4) Credit impairment loss of other debt
 (5) Cash flow hedging reserve
 (6) Translation of foreign currency
                                                                           42,504,682.17           36,080,061.60
 financial statements
 (7) Others
 (II) Other comprehensive income
 attributable to minority interests, net of                                -1,101,691.23           17,935,719.69
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                      1,657,650,399.59          1,520,117,070.07
      (I) Total comprehensive income
                                                                          846,616,559.88          758,269,662.30
 attributable to shareholders of the parent
      (II)Total comprehensive income
                                                                          811,033,839.70          761,847,407.77
 attributable to minority interests
 Ⅷ. Earnings per share
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                               0.4264                    0.4235
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                            0.4251                    0.4232

Person-in-charge of the Company:            Person-in-charge of the             Person-in-charge of the accounting
Zhu Baoguo                                  Company’s accounting work:         department: Qiu Qingfeng
                                            Qiu Qingfeng

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     Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                      Interim Report 2023

                                     Income Statement of the Parent Company
                                               January to June, 2023

Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                     Item                               Note         First half of 2023      First half of 2022
 I. Total Revenues                                                      1,089,533,681.48        1,177,100,137.17
    Less: Cost of operations                                              562,374,480.65          788,887,001.95
 Taxes and surcharges                                                       9,684,525.66             7,310,543.59
 Selling expenses                                                         401,053,309.98          347,794,247.66
 Administrative expenses                                                   43,383,375.37          106,346,117.92
 Research and development expenses                                         29,929,993.32           30,185,363.06
 Financial expenses                                                       -58,939,252.75            -7,269,224.74
 Including: Interest expenses                                              17,039,482.75             7,190,074.41
             Interest income                                               52,611,530.57           15,043,357.51
 Add: Other income                                                          2,329,988.11               874,278.66
 Investment income("-" for loss)                                         381,330,039.01          315,106,835.25
 Including: Gains from investments in
                                                                            -562,949.79               576,377.39
 associates and joint ventures
 Gain from derecognition of financial
 assets at amortized cost("-" for loss)
 Gain from net exposure of hedging("-"
 for loss)
 Gains from changes in fair values("-" for
 Credit impairment loss("-" for loss)                                       768,574.70             1,514,532.04
 Assets impairment loss("-" for loss)
 Gain from disposal of assets("-" for
 II. Operating profit("-" for loss)                                     486,475,851.07           221,341,733.68
        Add: Non-operating income                                             25,293.97                94,336.14
        Less: Non-operating expenses                                          36,018.67                23,452.93
 III. Total profit("-" for loss)                                        486,465,126.37           221,412,616.89
        Less: Income tax expenses                                         10,759,313.57           -22,775,639.86
 IV. Net profit("-" for net loss)                                       475,705,812.80           244,188,256.75
 (I) Net profit from continuing operations
                                                                         475,705,812.80           244,188,256.75
 ("-" for net loss)
 (II) Net profit from discontinued
 operations("-" for net loss)
 V. Other comprehensive income, net of
                                                                            -618,949.95           -80,895,061.60
 (I). Other comprehensive income not
 reclassified into profit or loss                                           -618,949.95           -80,895,061.60
 1. Changes in remeasurement of defined
 benefit plan
 2. Share of other comprehensive income
 of the equity method investments
 3. Changes in fair value of other equity
                                                                            -618,949.95           -80,895,061.60
 instruments investment
 4. Changes in fair value of the
 Company's own credit risks

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     Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                       Interim Report 2023
 (II) Other comprehensive income that
 will be reclassified into profit or loss
 1. Share of other comprehensive income
 of associates and joint ventures under
 equity method
 2. Changes in the fair value of other debt
 3. Reclassification of financial assets
 recognised as other comprehensive
 4. Credit impairment loss of other debt
 5. Cash flow hedging reserve
 6. Translation of foreign currency
 financial statements
 7. Others
 VI. Total comprehensive income                                           475,086,862.85           163,293,195.15
 VII. Earnings per share
 (I) Basic earnings per share
 (II) Diluted earnings per share

Person-in-charge of the                         Person-in-charge of the                    Person-in-charge of the
Company: Zhu Baoguo                             Company’s accounting                      accounting department:
                                                work: Qiu Qingfeng                         Qiu Qingfeng

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     Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                            Interim Report 2023

                                          Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                 January to June, 2023

Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                Item                    Note                        First half of 2023           First half of 2022
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of
                                                                              8,906,333,555.96        9,266,508,015.60
 goods or rendering of services
 Tax refund received                                                             90,738,446.12          167,531,739.91
 Other cash received relating to
                                        V.57                                    389,179,917.76          320,066,884.87
 operating activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                    9,386,251,919.84        9,754,106,640.38
 Cash paid for goods and services                                             3,008,508,020.45        2,686,391,136.11
 Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                              1,280,962,434.80        1,283,240,953.21
 Payments of all types of taxes                                               1,016,910,155.51          862,562,844.21
 Other cash paid relating to
                                        V.57                                  2,822,663,623.54        3,018,958,482.06
 operating activities
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                   8,129,044,234.30        7,851,153,415.59
 Net cash flows from operating
                                                                              1,257,207,685.54        1,902,953,224.79
 II. Cash flows from investing activities:
 Cash received from disposal of
                                                                                374,334,588.68          216,970,980.42
 Cash received from returns on
                                                                                 26,682,920.81          121,544,073.53
 Net cash received from disposal
 of fixed assets, intangible assets                                                 335,824.60              931,662.20
 and other long-term assets
 Cash received from disposal of
 subsidiaries and other business
 Other cash received relating to
                                        V.57                                    297,725,238.13           12,984,186.55
 investing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                      699,078,572.22          352,430,902.70
 Cash paid to acquire fixed
 assets, intangible assets and                                                  541,421,314.72          739,956,798.62
 other long-term assets
 Cash paid to acquire investments                                               429,194,136.52           30,338,557.45
 Cash paid to acquire subsidiaries
 and other business units
 Other cash paid relating to
                                        V.57                                    215,261,350.77           15,394,931.82
 investing activities
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                   1,208,338,753.60          785,690,287.89
 Net cash flows from investing
                                                                               -509,260,181.38         -433,259,385.19
 III. Cash flows from financing activities :
 Cash received from capital
                                                                                  6,700,000.00           61,420,564.63
 Including: Cash received from
 investment by minority interests                                                 6,700,000.00           22,444,277.37
 of subsidiaries
 Cash received from borrowings                                                2,272,549,701.83        3,620,437,809.48

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     Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                         Interim Report 2023

 Cash received relating to other
                                            V.57                              20,000,000.00            3,124,846.38
 financing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                              2,299,249,701.83           3,684,983,220.49
 Cash repayments of amounts
                                                                        1,435,273,289.94           2,583,795,608.09
 Cash payments for interest
 expenses and distribution of                                           1,119,156,231.94           1,219,425,266.74
 dividends or profits
 Including: Dividend paid to
                                                                             881,913,452.00          900,571,289.90
 minority interests of subsidiaries
 Other cash payments relating to
                                            V.57                             649,256,623.95          538,573,404.10
 financing activities
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                             3,203,686,145.83           4,341,794,278.93
 Net cash flows from financing
                                                                         -904,436,444.00            -656,811,058.44
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange
 rate changes on cash and cash                                                82,691,655.27          105,379,819.98
 V. Net increase in cash and
                                                                             -73,797,284.57          918,262,601.14
 cash equivalents
 Add: Opening balance of cash
                                                                       14,178,465,686.40         11,697,518,141.18
 and cash equivalent
 VI. Closing balance of cash
                                                                       14,104,668,401.83         12,615,780,742.32
 and cash equivalents

Person-in-charge of the Company:           Person-in-charge of the               Person-in-charge of the accounting
Zhu Baoguo                                 Company’s accounting work: Qiu       department: Qiu Qingfeng

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     Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                         Interim Report 2023

                                      Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company
                                               January to June, 2023

Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                   Item                      Note                   First half of 2023          First half of 2022
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
 Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                                        1,186,543,577.01           1,627,134,774.34
 rendering of services
 Tax refund received
 Other cash received relating to
                                                                         675,490,295.47            1,361,915,765.88
 operating activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                              1,862,033,872.48           2,989,050,540.22
 Cash paid for goods and services                                         520,976,342.45           1,220,271,835.02
 Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                         110,926,580.85              171,079,267.11
 Payments of all types of taxes                                            78,549,138.25              59,188,798.29
 Other cash paid relating to operating
                                                                        1,608,207,704.80             747,239,926.63
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                             2,318,659,766.35           2,197,779,827.05
 Net cash flows from operating
                                                                         -456,625,893.87             791,270,713.17
 II. Cash flows from investing activities:
 Cash received from disposal of
 Cash received from returns on
 Net cash received from disposal of
 fixed assets, intangible assets and                                           10,500.00                   13,000.00
 other long-term assets
 Cash received from disposal of
 subsidiaries and other business units
 Other cash received relating to
                                                                         291,590,000.00                  158,470.77
 investing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                               291,600,500.00              620,493,642.92
 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
 intangible assets and other long-term                                      3,629,530.81               3,688,331.00
 Cash paid to acquire investments                                          56,790,000.00
 Cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and
 other business units
 Other cash paid relating to investing
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                              260,419,530.81                3,688,331.00
 Net cash flows from investing
                                                                           31,180,969.19             616,805,311.92
 III. Cash flows from financing activities :
 Cash received from capital
 Cash received from borrowings                                           300,000,000.00              750,000,000.00
 Cash received relating to other
 financing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                               300,000,000.00              791,190,917.14

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     Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                     Interim Report 2023

 Cash repayments of amounts
                                                                      217,000,000.00             650,000,000.00
 Cash payments for interest expenses
 and distribution of dividends or                                     178,476,531.68             281,112,849.39
 Other cash payments relating to
                                                                      370,702,308.51             520,332,751.22
 financing activities
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                           766,178,840.19           1,451,445,600.61
 Net cash flows from financing
                                                                      -466,178,840.19           -660,254,683.47
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
 changes on cash and cash                                              20,771,674.01                    1,150.86
 V.Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                      -870,852,090.86            747,822,492.48
 Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                                                     2,858,062,020.22          1,370,906,734.13
 cash equivalent
 VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                                                     1,987,209,929.36          2,118,729,226.61
 cash equivalents

Person-in-charge of the Company:           Person-in-charge of the             Person-in-charge of the accounting
Zhu Baoguo                                 Company’s accounting work: Qiu     department: Qiu Qingfeng

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       Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                              Interim Report 2023

                                                           Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owner's Equity
                                                                           January to June, 2023
      Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                              First half of 2023
                                                                                        Owner's equity attributable to the parent company
       Item                                 Other equity instruments                                                Other                                       General                                           Minority
                                                                                             Less: Treasury                         Special        Surplus                Undistributed                                             shareholders'
                       Share capital                                      Capital reserve                       comprehensive                                     risk                           Subtotal         interests
                                         Preferred   Perpetual                                   shares                             reserve        reserve                  profits                                                    equity
                                                                 Others                                            income                                       reserve
                                           share      bonds
I.Balance at end
                      1,929,189,374.00                                    2,343,693,215.99     347,176,561.29       4,704,473.53               734,766,581.50             8,456,643,326.82   13,121,820,410.55   8,898,407,287.12   22,020,227,697.67
of previous year
Add: Changes in
Correction of
prior period errors
under common
II. Balance at
beginning of          1,929,189,374.00                                    2,343,693,215.99     347,176,561.29       4,704,473.53               734,766,581.50             8,456,643,326.82   13,121,820,410.55   8,898,407,287.12   22,020,227,697.67
III. Movement
over the period                                                             -29,476,311.12     369,959,019.79      31,181,824.98                                           480,616,323.34      112,362,817.41    -365,513,296.81      -253,150,479.39
("-" for loss)
comprehensive                                                                                                      31,181,824.98                                           815,434,734.90      846,616,559.88     811,033,839.70     1,657,650,399.59
contribution or
                                                                            14,628,670.02      369,959,019.79                                                                                  -355,330,349.77     -73,940,616.66     -429,270,966.43
reduction from
contribution from
                                                                                               369,959,019.79                                                                                  -369,959,019.79       6,700,000.00     -363,259,019.79
2. Capitals
invested by other
equity instrument
3. Increase in
equity resulted                                                             14,628,670.02                                                                                                       14,628,670.02                          14,628,670.02
from share-based
4. Others                                                                                                                                                                                                          -80,640,616.66      -80,640,616.66

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       Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                   Interim Report 2023

Appropriation of                                                                                                               -336,792,056.76      -336,792,056.76   -1,123,591,995.09   -1,460,384,051.85
1.Transfer to
surplus reserve
2.Transfer to
general risk
3.Distributions to
                                                                                                                               -336,792,056.76      -336,792,056.76   -1,123,591,995.09   -1,460,384,051.85
(IV) Transfer
                                                                                                                                   1,973,645.20        1,973,645.20       2,434,430.12         4,408,075.32
1.Capital reserve
converting into
share capital (or
2.Surplus reserve
converting into
share capital (or
3.Surplus reserve
cover the deficit
4.Changes of
equity from the
revaluation of
defined benefit
                                                                                                                                   1,973,645.20        1,973,645.20       2,434,430.12         4,408,075.32
income transfer to
retained earnings
for the period
2.Used in the
period("-" for
(VI) Others                                                 -44,104,981.14                                                                           -44,104,981.14      18,551,045.12       -25,553,936.02
IV. Balance at
                     1,929,189,374.00                     2,314,216,904.87   717,135,581.08   35,886,298.52   734,766,581.50   8,936,012,274.69   13,234,183,227.97   8,528,725,362.28    21,767,077,218.28
end of period

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  Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                 Interim Report 2023

                                                                                                                                     First half of 2022
                                                                                   Owner's equity attributable to the parent company
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Minority             Total
     Item                                Other equity instruments                            Less:              Other                                      General
                                                                                                                              Special        Surplus                 Undistributed                           shareholder's      shareholders'
                   Share capital     Preferred Perpetual               Capital reserve     Treasury        comprehensive                                     risk                           Subtotal
                                                              Others                                                           reserve       reserve                   profits                                  equity             equity
                                      shares       bonds                                    shares             income                                      reserve
I. Balance at
end of            1,907,727,908.00                                     2,265,357,311.92   222,644,454.50       5,387,545.97              640,821,179.08              7,223,644,166.22   11,820,293,656.69   8,359,317,322.63   20,179,610,979.32
previous year
Add: Changes
in accounting
Correction of
prior period
under common
II. Balance at
beginning of      1,907,727,908.00                                     2,265,357,311.92   222,644,454.50       5,387,545.97              640,821,179.08              7,223,644,166.22   11,820,293,656.69   8,359,317,322.63   20,179,610,979.32
III. Movement
over the year
                      4,812,759.00                                       51,003,487.03    520,332,751.22     -42,998,857.20                 8,617,763.68              601,270,760.95      102,373,162.24    -181,707,712.31       -79,334,550.07
("-" for
comprehensive                                                                                                -42,998,857.20                                           801,268,519.50      758,269,662.30     761,847,407.77     1,520,117,070.07
contribution or
                      4,812,759.00                                       34,163,528.26    520,332,751.22                                                                                  -481,356,463.96     16,410,217.23      -464,946,246.73
reduction from
                      4,812,759.00                                       34,163,528.26    520,332,751.22                                                                                  -481,356,463.96     16,410,217.23      -464,946,246.73
from ordinary
2. Capitals
invested by
other equity
3. Increase in
equity resulted
from share-
based payments
4. Others
Appropriation                                                                                                                                                        -277,557,631.65      -277,557,631.65   -967,251,289.90    -1,244,808,921.55
of profits
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  Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                       Interim Report 2023

1.Transfer to
surplus reserve
  2.Transfer to
general risk
                                                                                                                           -277,557,631.65      -277,557,631.65   -967,251,289.90    -1,244,808,921.55
to shareholders
(IV) Transfer
                                                                                                            8,617,763.68     77,559,873.10       86,177,636.78                          86,177,636.78
converting into
share capital
(or capital)
converting into
share capital
(or capital)
reserve cover
the deficit
4. Changes of
equity from the
revaluation of
defined benefit
income transfer                                                                                             8,617,763.68     77,559,873.10       86,177,636.78                          86,177,636.78
to retained
(V) Specific
for the period
2.Used in the
period("-" for
(VI) Others                                            16,839,958.77                                                                             16,839,958.77        7,285,952.59      24,125,911.36
IV. Balance at
                  1,912,540,667.00                   2,316,360,798.95   742,977,205.72   -37,611,311.23   649,438,942.76   7,824,914,927.17   11,922,666,818.93   8,177,609,610.32   20,100,276,429.25
end of period

 Person-in-charge of the Company: Zhu Baoguo                    Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting work:        Person-in-charge of the accounting department: Qiu
                                                                Qiu Qingfeng                                               Qingfeng

                                                                                             119 / 265
            Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                             Interim Report 2023

                                                          Statement of Changes in Owner's Equity of the Parent Company
                                                                              January to June, 2023
        Prepared by: Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                                     First half of 2022
                                                                           Other equity instruments                                                     Other
                      Item                                                                                                     Less: Treasury                           Special                     Undistributed      Total shareholders'
                                                    Share capital     Preferred     Perpetual               Capital reserve                         comprehensive                 Surplus reserve
                                                                                                   Others                          shares                               reserve                       profits                equity
                                                                        share          bonds                                                           income
I. Balance at end of previous year                 1,929,189,374.00                                         1,678,414,507.96    347,176,561.29            726,576.72              646,164,633.12    1,968,125,168.28     5,875,443,698.79
Add: Changes in accounting policies
Correction of errors
II. Balance at beginning of period                 1,929,189,374.00                                         1,678,414,507.96    347,176,561.29            726,576.72              646,164,633.12    1,968,125,168.28     5,875,443,698.79
III. Movement over the period("-" for
                                                                                                              14,628,670.02     369,959,019.79            -618,949.95                                138,913,756.04       -217,035,543.68
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                            -618,949.95                                475,705,812.80        475,086,862.85
(II) Capital contribution or reduction from
                                                                                                              14,628,670.02     369,959,019.79                      -                                                     -355,330,349.77
1.Capital contribution from shareholders                                                                                        369,959,019.79                                                                            -369,959,019.79
2.Capitals invested by other equity instrument
3.Increase in shareholders' equity resulted from
                                                                                                              14,628,670.02                                                                                                 14,628,670.02
share-based payments
4. Others
(III) Appropriation of profits                                                                                                                                                                       -336,792,056.76      -336,792,056.76
1.Transfer to surplus reserve
2.Distributions to shareholders                                                                                                                                                                      -336,792,056.76      -336,792,056.76
(IV) Transfer within shareholders' equity
1.Capital reserve converting into share capital
(or capital)
2.Surplus reserve converting into share capital
(or capital)
3.Surplus reserve cover the deficit
4.Changes of equity from the revaluation of
defined benefit plan
5.Other comprehensive income transfer to
retained earnings
(V) Specific reserve
1.Appropriation for the period
2.Used in the period("-" for loss)
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at end of period                       1,929,189,374.00                                         1,693,043,177.98    717,135,581.08            107,626.77          -   646,164,633.12    2,107,038,924.32     5,658,408,155.11

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            Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                Interim Report 2023

                                                                                                                                      First half of 2022
                                                                            Other equity instruments                                                      Other
                       tem                                                                                                      Less: Treasury                              Special                      Undistributed     Total shareholders'
                                                     Share capital     Preferred     Perpetual               Capital reserve                          comprehensive                   Surplus reserve
                                                                                                    Others                          shares                                  reserve                        profits               equity
                                                                         share         bonds                                                             income
I. Balance at end of previous year                  1,907,727,908.00                                         1,605,482,128.64   222,644,454.50          77,015,953.08                 552,219,230.70    1,400,174,178.18     5,319,974,944.10
Add: Changes in accounting policies
Correction of errors
II. Balance at beginning of year                    1,907,727,908.00                                         1,605,482,128.64   222,644,454.50             77,015,953.08              552,219,230.70    1,400,174,178.18     5,319,974,944.10
III. Movement over the period("-" for
                                                        4,812,759.00                                           36,426,888.30    520,332,751.22             -80,895,061.60                8,617,763.68     44,190,498.20       -507,179,903.64
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                             -80,895,061.60                                244,188,256.75       163,293,195.15
(II) Capital contribution or reduction from
                                                        4,812,759.00                                           34,163,528.26    520,332,751.22                                                                                -481,356,463.96
1.Capital contribution from shareholders                4,812,759.00                                           34,163,528.26    520,332,751.22                                                                                -481,356,463.96
2. Capitals invested by other equity instrument
3.Increase in shareholders' equity resulted from
share-based payments
4. Others
(III). Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                              -277,557,631.65       -277,557,631.65
1. Transfer to surplus reserve
2. Distributions to shareholders                                                                                                                                                                        -277,557,631.65       -277,557,631.65
3. Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -
(IV) Transfer within shareholders' equity                                                                                                                                                8,617,763.68     77,559,873.10         86,177,636.78
  1.Capital reserve converting into share capital
(or capital)
2.Surplus reserve converting into share capital
(or capital)
3.Surplus reserve cover the deficit
4.Changes of equity from the revaluation of
defined benefit plan
5.Other comprehensive income transfer to
                                                                                                                                                                                         8,617,763.68     77,559,873.10         86,177,636.78
retained earnings
(V) Specific reserve
1.Appropriation for the period
2.Used in the period("-" for loss)
(VI) Others                                                                                                      2,263,360.04                                                                                                    2,263,360.04
IV. Balance at end of period                        1,912,540,667.00                                         1,641,909,016.94   742,977,205.72              -3,879,108.52             560,836,994.38    1,444,364,676.38     4,812,795,040.46

        Person-in-charge of the Company: Zhu Baoguo                                   Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting work:                          Person-in-charge of the accounting department: Qiu
                                                                                      Qiu Qingfeng                                                                 Qingfeng

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                 Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd
                               Notes to the financial statements
                          (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

I Company Profile

1.   Overview
√Applicable □N/A

The Company is formerly known as Shenzhen Aimier Food Co., Ltd. (深圳爱迷尔食品有限公司), was
a Sino-foreign joint venture officially established on 18 December 1992 with the approval from
Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce.

On 24 November 1999, the Company was reorganized as a joint stock limited company.

On 6 February 2001, the Company was approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission to
issue domestically listed shares (A shares) to the public. On 8 June 2001, shares of the Company were
listed and traded on Shanghai Stock Exchange.

As of 30 June 2023, the total share capital of the Company was RMB 1,929,189,374 and the total number
of shares of the Company was 1,929,189,374. The controlling shareholder of the Company is Shenzhen
Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd. (深圳市百业源投资有限公司), and the ultimate controlling party is
Zhu Baoguo (朱保国).

The Company is engaged in the integrated pharmaceutical industry.

The Company and its subsidiaries primarily engaged in the R&D, production and sale of pharmaceutical
products and healthcare products, which covered drug preparation products, active pharmaceutical
ingredients (“APIs”) and intermediates, diagnostic reagents and equipment as well as healthcare

2. Scope of consolidated financial statements
√Applicable □N/A

The information of subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidation for the first six months of 2023
refer to Note VII “Equity in other entities” and the information of the changes in scope of consolidation
during the period refer to Note VI “Changes in scope of consolidation”.

II Basis of Preparation for the Financial Statements

1. Basis of preparation

The Company's financial statements have been prepared on the going-concern basis.

2. Continuing operation

√Applicable □N/A

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China (“MOF”) and its application
guidance, interpretations and the other related provisions (collectively, the “Accounting Standards for

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Business Enterprises”). In addition, the Company also discloses relevant financial information in
accordance with the Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Offering Securities
to the Public No. 15 – General Provisions on Financial Reporting (2014 Revision) issued by the China
Securities Regulatory Commission.

The financial statements have been prepared on the going-concern basis.

The Company's accounting is measured on an accrual basis. Except for certain financial instruments,
the financial statements are generally measured at historical cost. Non-current assets held for sale are
stated at the lower of fair value less estimated selling costs and their original carrying amount if they
qualify as held for sale. In case of asset impairment, the Company shall make provisions for impairment
in accordance with applicable provisions.

III Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates
Specific accounting policies and accounting estimate tips:

√Applicable □N/A

The Company determines the depreciation of fixed assets, amortisation of intangible assets,
capitalisation condition of R&D expenses and revenue recognition policies on the basis of its production
and operation characteristics. Details of accounting policies are set out in Note III.16, Note III.20, Note
III.21 and Note III.28.

1. Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, which gave a
true and complete view of the consolidated and the Company's financial positions as at June 30, 2023,
and the consolidated and the Company’s operating results and the consolidated and the Company’s cash
flows and other relevant information for the 6 months period ending June 30, 2023.

2. Accounting period

The fiscal year of the Company is from 1 January to 31 December in each calendar year.

3. Business cycle

√Applicable □N/A

The Company’s operating cycle is 12 months.

4. Functional currency

The functional currency of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries is Renminbi (“RMB”). Overseas
subsidiaries of the Company usually recognise HK dollar, Macau Pataca and US dollar as their
functional currencies according to the primary economic environment of which these subsidiaries
operate. The Company prepares its financial statements in RMB.

5. Accounting treatment for business combinations involving enterprises under common control
and business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

√Applicable □N/A

(1). Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

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For the business combination involving entities under common control, the assets acquired and liabilities
assumed are measured based on their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements of the
ultimate controlling party as at the combination date, except the adjustment made due to different
accounting policies. The difference between the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the
combination and the net assets acquired is adjusted against share premium in the capital reserve, with
any excess adjusted against retained earnings.

Business combination involving enterprises under common control and achieved in a number of

In the separate financial statements, the initial investment cost will be recognised at the carrying amount
of the Company's share in the combined party's net assets in the consolidated financial statements of the
ultimate controlling party on the date of combination. The difference between the initial investment cost
and the sum of the carrying amount of the investment held and the carrying amount of consideration
paid for the combination at the combination date is adjusted against share premium in the capital reserve,
with any excess adjusted against retained earnings.

In the consolidated financial statements, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed are measured based
on their carrying amounts in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party as at
the combination date, except the adjustment made due to different accounting policies. The difference
between sum of the carrying amount of the investment held and the carrying amount of the consideration
paid for the combination and the carrying amount of the net assets acquired is adjusted against share
premium in the capital reserve, with any excess adjusted against retained earnings. For long-term equity
investment held before the control over the combined party is obtained, profit or loss, other
comprehensive income and other changes to equity interest attributable to the owners recognised from
the later of the acquisition of the original equity interest and the date when the combing party and the
combined party are placed under common control until the date of combination shall be offset against
retained profit at the beginning of the period of the comparative financial statements or profit or loss of
the period respectively.

(2). Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

For the business combinations involving enterprises not under common control, the combination cost
shall be the fair value of the assets transferred, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities
issued by the acquirer for acquisition of control in the acquiree on the acquisition date. The assets,
liabilities and contingent liabilities acquired or assumed on the date of acquisition are recognised at fair

Where the combination cost exceeds the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets in the business
combination, the difference is recognised as goodwill and is subsequently measured at cost less
accumulated impairment provisions. Where the combination cost is less than the fair value of the
acquiree's identifiable net assets in the business combination, the difference shall be included in profit
or loss for the period after review.

Business combination involving enterprises not under common control and achieved in a number of

In the separate financial statements, the initial cost of the investment is the sum of the carrying amount
of the acquiree's equity investment held before the acquisition date and the additional investment cost
on the acquisition date. In respect of the equity investment held prior to the acquisition date, other
comprehensive income will not be recognised using equity method on the acquisition date, and such

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investment will be accounted for on the same accounting treatment as direct disposal of relevant asset
or liability by the investee at the time of disposal. Shareholder's equity recognised due to the changes of
other shareholder's equity other than the changes of net loss and profit, other comprehensive income and
profit distribution shall be transferred to profit or loss for current period when disposed. If the equity
investment held prior to the acquisition date is measured at fair value, the cumulative changes in fair
value recognised in other comprehensive income shall be transferred to profit or loss for current period
when accounted for using cost method.

In the consolidated financial statements, the combination cost is the sum of consideration paid on the
acquisition date and fair value of the acquiree's equity held prior to the acquisition date. The equity of
the acquirees held before the acquisition date is re-measured at the fair value of the equity on the
acquisition date and the differences between the fair value and the carrying amount are recognised in
the income for the current period; in respect of any other comprehensive income attributable to the
equity interest in the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date and any changes of other shareholder's
equity shall be transferred to investment profit or loss for current period on the acquisition date, except
for the other comprehensive income incurred due to the changes arising from remeasuring net assets or
net liabilities of defined benefit plan attributable to the acquiree.

(3). Transaction fees attribution during the combination

The intermediary and other relevant administrative expenses such as audit, legal and valuation advisory
for business combinations are recognised in profit or loss when incurred. Transaction costs of equity or
debt securities issued as the considerations of business combination are included in the initial recognition

6. Preparation of consolidated financial statements

√Applicable □N/A

(1) Scope of consolidation

The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined based on control. Control means the
Company has exposures or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee and the
ability to affect those returns through power over such investee. Subsidiaries are the entities controlled
by the Company (including enterprises, a dividable part of investees and structured entities).

(2) Method for preparation of the consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of the Company and its
subsidiaries, and are prepared by the Company in accordance with other relevant information. In
preparing the consolidation financial statements, the Company and its subsidiaries are required to apply
consistent accounting policy and accounting period, intra-group transactions and balances shall be offset.

A subsidiary or a business acquired through a business combination involving entities under common
control in the reporting period shall be included in the scope of the consolidation of the Company from
the date when it is under control of the ultimate controlling party, and then its operating results and cash
flows will be included in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash flow statement,

For a subsidiary or a business acquired through a business combination involving entities not under
common control in the reporting period, its income, expenses and profits are included in the consolidated
income statement, and its cash flows are included in the consolidated cash flow statement from the
acquisition date to the end of the reporting date.

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The shareholders' equity of the subsidiaries that are not attributable to the Company shall be presented
under shareholders' equity in the consolidated balance sheet as minority interests. The portion of net
profit or loss of subsidiaries for the period attributable to minority interest is presented in the
consolidated income statement under the “profit or loss of minority interest”. When the amount of loss
attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds the minority shareholders' portion of
the opening balance of owners' equity of the subsidiary, the excess amount shall be allocated against
minority interest.

(3) Purchase of the minority stake in the subsidiary

The difference between the long-term equity investments costs acquired by the purchase of minority
interests and the share of the net assets that the subsidiaries have to continue to calculate from the date
of purchase or the date of consolidation in proportion to the new shareholding ratio, and the difference
between the disposal of the equity investment without losing control over its subsidiary and the disposal
of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the share of the net assets of the subsidiaries from
the date of purchase or the date of consolidation, shall be adjusted to the capital reserve (or share
premium), if the capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess will be adjusted to retained earnings.

(4) Treatment of loss of control of subsidiaries

Where the Company loses its control over the original subsidiary due to the disposal of some equity
investment or other reasons, the remaining equity is re-measured at its fair value on the date when the
Company loses its control. The difference between the sum of the consideration acquired due to the
disposal of the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity, and the Company's share in the sum of
carrying value of net assets of the original subsidiary and goodwill calculated on an ongoing basis from
the acquisition date based on the original shareholding proportion is recognised in the investment income
for the current period when the control is lost.

Other comprehensive income in relation to the original subsidiary's equity investment are transferred to
profit or loss for the current period when control ceases, except for those arising from re-measuring net
assets or net liabilities of defined benefit plan by the investee.

(5) Treatment of disposal through several transactions until the loss of control of subsidiaries

Where the Company disposes of the equity interests in the subsidiary through several transactions until
it loses control, and the transaction terms, conditions and economic effects satisfy one or several of the
following circumstances, such several transactions shall be deemed as a basket of transactions in
accounting treatment:

① Such transactions are entered into simultaneously or upon the consideration of the mutual impacts;

② No complete commercial result will be realised without such transactions as a whole;

③ The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least another transaction;

④ The result of an individual transaction is not economical, but it would be economical after taken into
account of other transactions in the series.

In the separate financial statements, where the Company disposes of the equity investment in the
subsidiary through several transactions until the loss of control, and such transactions are not regarded
as “a basket of transactions”, the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment involving each
disposal will be carried forward, with the difference between the disposal price and the carrying amount
of the long-term equity investment involving the disposal being accounted into the investment incomes

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for the current period; where the transactions constitute “a basket of transactions”, the difference
between the consideration of each disposal and the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment
involving the disposal before the loss of the control, is recognised as the other comprehensive income
and will be carried forward to the profit or loss for the current period when the control is lost.

In the consolidated financial statements, where the Company disposes of the equity investment in the
subsidiary through several transactions until the loss of control, the measurement of the remaining equity
interest and the accounting treatment of the losses and gains of the disposal will be made with reference
to the “Treatment of loss of control of subsidiaries” as described above. For the difference between the
consideration of each disposal before the loss of the control and the carrying amount of the Company's
share in the net assets involving the disposal of such subsidiary calculated on an on-going basis from
the acquisition date, the treatment will be made as follows:

① In case the transactions are “a basket of transactions”, such difference is recognised as the other
comprehensive income and will be carried forward to the profit or loss for the current period when the
control is lost.

② In case the transactions are not “a basket of transactions”, such difference is accounted into the
capital reserve (or share premium) as equity, and shall not be carried forward to the profit or loss for the
current period when the control is lost.

7. Classification of joint arrangement and accounting treatment for joint operation

√Applicable □N/A

A joint arrangement is an arrangement jointly controlled by two or more parties. The Company's joint
arrangement is classified into the joint operation and the joint venture.

(1) Joint operation

A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the Company have rights and obligations to the relevant
assets and liabilities.

The Company recognises the following items in relation to its interest in a joint operation, and makes
corresponding accounting treatment in accordance with relevant accounting standards:

A. The solely-held assets, and the share of any assets held jointly;

B. The solely-assumed liabilities, and its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;

C. Its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;

D. Its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the joint operation;

E. The solely-incurred expenses, including its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

(2) Joint ventures

A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the Company only entitled to the net assets of the

The Company's investment in joint ventures is accounted for using the equity method according to the
rules of the long-term equity investment.

8. Standards for determination of cash and cash equivalents

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Cash and cash equivalents of the Company include cash on hand, bank deposit readily available for
payment and those investments held by the Company that are short-term (normally due in three months
since the acquisition date), highly liquid, readily convertible into known amounts of cash and subject to
an insignificant risk of change in value.

9. Foreign currency transactions and translation of financial statements in foreign currency

√Applicable □N/A

(1) Foreign currency transactions

Foreign currency transactions incurred by the Company are translated to the functional currency at the
spot exchange rates on the date of the transactions upon initial recognition.

Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated to functional currency at the spot
exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from the differences between the
spot exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date and those spot rates used on initial recognition
or at the previous balance sheet date are recognised in profit or loss for the current period; non-monetary
items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at historical cost are translated using the spot
exchange rate on the transaction date. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are
measured at fair value are translated using the spot exchange rate on the date the fair value is determined;
the resulting exchange differences between the amounts in functional currency upon translation and in
original functional currency are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

(2) Translation of financial statements in foreign currency

At the balance sheet date, when translating the foreign currency financial statements of overseas
subsidiaries, the assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate at the
balance sheet date; all items except for “Retained earnings” of the shareholders' equity are translated at
the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

The revenue and expenses in profit or loss are translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction

All items in the statement of cash flows are translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.
The effect of exchange difference on cash is adjusted and separately presented as “Effect of changes in
foreign exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents” in the cash flow statement.

The exchange differences arising from translation of the financial statements are presented as the “other
comprehensive income” in the shareholders' equity of the balance sheet.

When the Company disposes of the overseas operation and loses control, the differences arising from
the translation of the financial statements in foreign currency that have been presented under the
shareholders' equity in the balance sheet and involving such overseas operation are carried forward to
the profit or loss for the current period in whole or in the proportion of the disposal of the overseas

10. Financial instruments

√Applicable □N/A

Financial instruments are contracts creating financial assets of a party and financial liabilities or equity
instruments of other parties.

(1) Recognition and De-recognition of financial instruments

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A financial asset or financial liability is recognised when the Company becomes one of the parties under
a financial instrument contract.

The financial assets will be derecognised if any of the following conditions is satisfied:

① The contractual right to receive the cash flow of the financial assets is terminated;

② The financial assets have been transferred and the transferred financial asset satisfies the following
conditions of derecognition.

If the current obligation of a financial liability (or a part thereof) has been discharged, the financial
liability (or that part of the financial liability) will be derecognised. When the Company (as the debtor)
and the lender have signed an agreement which uses a new financial liability to replace the existing
financial liability, and the contract terms of the new financial liability are substantially different with
the original financial liability, the original financial liability shall be de-recognised, and the new
financial liability shall be recognised at the same time.

The regular transactions of the financial assets are recognised and derecognised at the transaction date.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

The Company classifies financial assets into three categories: financial assets at amortised cost; financial
assets at fair value through other comprehensive income; and financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss based on the business model for managing financial assets and their contractual cash flow
characteristics upon initial recognition.

Financial assets at amortised cost
The Company shall classify financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated
as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period as financial assets measured
at amortised cost:

A. The Company's business model for managing the financial assets is to collect contractual cash flow;

B. The terms of the financial asset contract stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is
only the payment for principal and interest accrued on the outstanding principal.

After initial recognition, these financial assets are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest
method. Gains or losses arising from financial assets which are measured at amortised cost and not part
of any hedging relationship are included in the profit and loss of the current period upon de-recognition,
amortisation using the effective interest method, or impairments recognition.

Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

The Company shall classify financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated
as financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss for the current period as financial assets
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

A. The Company's business model for managing the financial assets is both to collect contractual cash
flows and to sell the financial assets;

B. The terms of the financial asset contract stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is
only the payment for principal and interest accrued on the outstanding principal

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After initial recognition, these financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest,
impairment losses or gains and exchange losses and gains calculated using the effective interest method
are recognised in profit or loss for the current period, while other gains or losses are recognised in other
comprehensive income. The cumulative profit or loss previously included in other comprehensive
income will be transferred to the profit or loss for the current period upon derecognition of the financial

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period

In addition to the above financial assets which are measured at amortised cost or at fair value through
other comprehensive income, the Company classifies all other financial assets as financial assets
measured at fair value through profit or loss for the current period. When initial recognition, in order to
eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, the Company irrevocably designates some
financial assets that should have been measured at amortised cost or at fair value through other
comprehensive income as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period.

After initial recognition, these financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the profits
or losses (including interest and dividend income) generated from which are recognised in profit or loss
for the current period, unless the financial assets are part of the hedging relationship.

However, with respect to non-trading equity instrument investments, the Company may irrevocably
designate them as financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income at initial
recognition. The designation is made on the basis of individual investment, and the relevant investment
conforms to the definition of equity instruments from the issuer's point of view.

After initial confirmation, financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividend income
that meets the requirements is recognised in profit and loss, and other gains or losses and changes in fair
value are recognised in other comprehensive gains. When derecognised, the accumulated gains or losses
previously recognised in other comprehensive gains are transferred from other comprehensive gains to
retained earnings.

The business model of managing financial assets refers to how the Company manages financial assets
to generate cash flow. The business model decides whether the source of cash flow of financial assets
managed by the Company is to collect contract cash flow, sell financial assets or both of them. Based
on objective facts and the specific business objectives of financial assets management decided by key
managers, the Company determines the business model of financial assets management.

The Company evaluates the characteristics of the contract cash flow of financial assets to determine
whether the contract cash flow generated by the relevant financial assets on a specific date is only to
pay principal and interest based on the amount of unpaid principal. Among them, principal refers to the
fair value of financial assets at the time of initial confirmation; interest includes the consideration of
time value of money, credit risk related to the amount of unpaid principal in a specific period, and other
basic borrowing risks, costs and profits. In addition, the Company evaluates the terms and conditions of
the contracts that may lead to changes in the time distribution or amount of cash flow in financial asset
contracts to determine whether they meet the requirements of the above contract cash flow's

Only when the Company changes its business model of managing financial assets, all the financial assets
affected shall be reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after the business model changes,
otherwise, financial assets shall not be reclassified after initial confirmation.

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Financial assets are measured at fair value on initial recognition. The relevant transaction cost of
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss is directly recognised in profit or loss for the current
period, and that of other types of financial assets is included in the initially recognised amount. Trade
receivables or notes receivable arising from sales of goods or rendering services, without significant
financing component, are initially recognised based on the transaction price expected to be entitled by
the Company.

(3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

On initial recognition, the Company's financial liabilities are classified into financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss and financial liabilities at amortised cost. For financial liabilities not
classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, the relevant transaction costs are
included in the initially recognised amount.

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include financial liabilities held for trading and
financial liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition. Such financial
liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, all gains and losses arising from changes in fair value
and dividend and interest expense relative to the financial liabilities are recognised in profit or loss for
the current period.

Financial liabilities at amortised cost

Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest
method; gains and losses arising from derecognition or amortisation is recognised in profit or loss for
the current period.

Distinction between financial liabilities and equity instruments

The financial liability is the liability that meets one of following criteria:

① Contractual obligation to deliver cash or other financial instruments to another entity.

② Under potential adverse condition, contractual obligation to exchange financial assets or financial
liabilities with other parties.

③ A contract that will or may be settled in the entity's own equity instruments and is a non-derivative
for which the entity is or may be obliged to deliver a variable number of the entity's own equity

④ A derivative that will or may be settled other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or
another financial asset for a fixed number of the entity's own equity instruments.

An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after
deducting all of its liabilities.

If the Company cannot unconditionally avoid fulfilling a contractual obligation by delivering cash or
other financial assets, the contractual obligation meets the definition of financial liability.

If a financial instrument must or are able to be settled by the Company's own equity instrument, the
Company should consider whether the Company's equity instrument as the settlement instrument is a
substitute of cash or other financial assets or the residual interest in the assets of the Company after

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deducting all of its liabilities. If the former, the tool is the Company's financial liability; if the latter, the
tool is the equity instrument of the Company.

(4) Derivative financial instruments and embedded derivatives

The Company's derivative financial instruments include forward foreign exchange contracts, and are
initially measured at fair value on the date of the derivative contract signed and are subsequently
measured at fair value. A derivative with positive fair value shall be recognised as an asset, otherwise
that with negative fair value shall be recognised as a liability. Any profit or loss arising from changes of
fair value and not compliance with the accounting provision of hedge shall be recognised as profit or
loss for current period.

For the hybrid instrument which includes embedded derivatives, where the host contract is a financial
asset, requirements in relation to the classification of financial assets shall apply to the hybrid instrument
as a whole. Where the host contract is not a financial asset, and the hybrid instrument is not measured
at fair value and its changes are included in the profit and loss for the current period for accounting
purposes, there is no close relation between the embedded derivatives and the host contract in terms of
economic features and risks, and the instrument that has the same condition with the embedded
derivatives and exists independently meets the definition of derivatives, the embedded derivatives shall
be separated from the hybrid instrument and treated as a separate derivative financial instrument. If it is
unable to separately measure the embedded derivatives upon acquisition or on the subsequent balance
sheet date, the hybrid instrument shall be entirely designated as the financial assets or financial liabilities
measured at fair value and whose movements are included in the profit and loss of the current period.

(5) Fair value of the financial instrument

The methods for determining the fair value of the financial assets or financial liabilities are set out in
Note III.11.

(6) Impairment of financial assets

The following items are subject to impairment accounting and recognition of loss allowances based on
expected credit losses:

A. Financial assets measured at amortised cost;

B. Receivables and debt investments that are measured at fair value through other comprehensive

C. Contract assets as defined in the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 – Revenue;

D. Lease receivables;

E. Financial guarantee contracts, except for those carried at fair value through profit or loss, those which
the transfer of financial assets does not satisfy the derecognition condition or those formed as a result of
continued involvement of the transferred financial assets.

Measurement of expected credit loss (ECLs)

The ECL is a weighted average of credit losses on financial instruments weighted at the risk of default.
Credit loss is the difference between all receivable contractual cash flows according to the contract and
all cash flows expected to be received by the Company discounted to present value at the original
effective interest rate, i.e. the present value of all cash shortfalls.

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The Company takes into account reasonable and valid information on past events, current conditions
and forecasts of future economic conditions, with the risk of default as the weight, to calculate the
probabilistic weighted amount of the present value of the difference between the cash flow receivable
from contract and the expected cash flow to be received and recognise the expected credit loss.

The Company respectively measures the expected credit losses of financial instruments by different
stages. If the credit risk of the financial instrument does not increase significantly since the initial
recognition, it would be classified in Stage 1, the Company would measure loss allowance according to
the future 12-month expected credit losses. If the credit risk of a financial instrument has significantly
increased since the initial recognition but not yet credit-impaired, it would be classified in Stage 2, the
Company would measure loss allowance according to the lifetime expected credit losses of that
instrument. If the financial instrument has credit-impaired since the initial recognition, it would be
classified in Stage 3, and the Company would measure loss allowance according to the lifetime expected
credit losses of that instrument.

For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that its
credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, and measures loss allowance
according to the 12-month expected credit losses.

Lifetime ECLs are the ECLs that result from all possible default event over the expected life of a
financial instrument. Future 12-month ECLs are the portion of ECL that results from default events on
a financial instrument that are possible within the 12 months after the balance sheet date (or the expected
life of the instrument, if it is less than 12 months).

The maximum period considered when estimating ECLs is the maximum contractual period over which
the Company are exposed to credit risk (including the option to renew).

For the financial instruments classified in Stage 1 and Stage 2 and those with lower credit risk, the
Company would measure the interest income by the book balance (that is, without deduction for credit
allowance) and the effective interest rate. For financial instruments classified in Stage 3, the Company
would measure the interest income by the amortised cost (that is, book balance less impairment
allowance) and the effective interest rate.

For notes receivable, trade receivables and contract assets, regardless whether it has significant financing
components or not, the Company has always measured its loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime
expected credit losses.

If the expected credit losses of one individual financial asset cannot be estimated at a reasonable cost,
the Company classifies notes receivable and trade receivables into portfolios based on credit risk
characteristics, and measures expected credit losses on portfolios basis to determine portfolios by the
following basis:

A. Notes receivable

 Bills receivable portfolio 1: Bank acceptance bills

 Bills receivable portfolio 2: Commercial acceptance bills

B. Accounts receivables

 Accounts receivables portfolio 1: Amount due from domestic customers

 Accounts receivables portfolio 2: Amount due from overseas customers

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 Accounts receivables portfolio 3: Receivables of consolidated companies

Contract assets

Contract assets portfolio: Sale of products

For bills receivable classified as portfolio, the Company measures expected credit losses based on the
risk exposures of default and lifetime expected credit losses rate with reference to the historical credit
loss experience, current situation and forecasts of future economic conditions.

For accounts receivables classified as portfolio, the Company measures expected credit losses through
preparing a table of concordance between the aging of trade receivables and lifetime expected credit
losses rate with reference to the historical credit loss experience, current situation and forecasts of future
economic conditions.

Other receivables

The Company classifies other receivables into certain portfolios based on credit risk characteristics, and
measures expected credit losses on portfolios basis to determine portfolios by the following basis:

 Other receivables portfolio 1: Receivables of export tax refund

 Other receivables portfolio 2: Receivables of deposits under guarantee and security deposits and lease

 Other receivables portfolio 3: Other receivables

 Other receivables portfolio 4: Receivables of consolidated companies

For other receivables classified as portfolios, the Company measures expected credit losses based on the
risk exposures of default and future 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses rate.

Long-term receivables

The Company's long-term receivables include finance lease receivables and equity transfer receivables.

The Company classifies finance lease receivables and equity transfer receivables into certain portfolios
based on credit risk characteristics, and measures expected credit losses on portfolios basis to determine
portfolios by the following basis:

A. Finance lease receivables

 Portfolio of finance lease receivables: other receivables

B. Other long-term receivables

 Portfolio of other long-term receivables: equity transfer receivables

For finance lease receivables and equity transfer receivables, the Company measures expected credit
losses based on the risk exposures of default and lifetime expected credit losses rate with reference to
the historical credit loss experience, current situation and forecasts of future economic conditions.

For other receivables and long-term receivables other than finance lease receivables and equity transfer
receivables that are classified as portfolio, the Company measures expected credit losses based on the
risk exposures of default and future 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses rate.

Debt investments and other debt investments

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For debt investments and other debt investments, the Company measures expected credit losses based
on the nature of investments, counterparties and various types of risk exposures and the risk exposures
of default and future 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses rate.

Assessment of significant increase in credit risk

By comparing the risk of default of financial instruments occurring on the balance sheet date and on the
initial recognition date, the Company determines the relative changes in risk of default over the expected
life of financial instruments and assesses whether the credit risk of financial instruments have increased
significantly since the initial recognition.

When determine whether credit risks have significantly increased since the initial recognition, the
Company considers information that is reasonable and supportable, including forward-looking
information that is available without undue cost or effort. The information considered by the Company

 Failure to make payments of principal or interest on debtors' contractually due dates;

 An actual or expected significant deterioration in a financial instrument's external or internal credit
rating (if any)

 An actual or expected significant deterioration in the operating results of debtors;

 Existing or forecast changes in the technological, market, economic or legal environment that have
significant adverse effect on the debtors' abilities to repay to the Company.

Depending on the nature of the financial instruments, the Company assesses whether credit risks have
significantly increased on either an individual financial instrument basis or a collective financial
instrument basis. When the assessment is performed on a collective financial instrument basis, the
Company can classify the financial instruments based on the shared credit risk characteristics, such as
past due information and credit risk ratings.

The Company determines that the credit risk on a financial instrument has increased significantly if it is
more than 30 days past due.

Credit-impaired financial assets
The Company assesses whether financial assets at amortised cost and debt investments measured at fair
value through other comprehensive income are credit-impaired at balance sheet date. A financial asset
is 'credit-impaired' when one or more events that have an adverse impact on the estimated future cash
flows of the financial asset have occurred. Evidence that a financial asset is credit-impaired includes the
following observable information:

 Significant financial difficulty of the issuer or debtor;

 A breach of contract by debtor, such as a default or delinquency in interest or principal payments;

 For economic or contractual reasons relating to the borrower's financial difficulty, the Company having
granted to the borrower a concession that would not otherwise consider;

 It is probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;

 The disappearance of an active market for that financial asset because of financial difficulties

Presentation of allowance for ECL

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The Company re-measures the ECLs on each balance sheet date to reflect changes in the financial
instruments' credit risk since initial recognition, and the increase or reversal of the loss provision resulted
therefrom is recognised as an impairment gain or loss in profit or loss. For financial assets measured at
amortised cost, the loss provision is offset against their carrying amounts in the balance sheet. For debt
investments at FVOCI, the Company recognises the loss provision in other comprehensive income and
does not deduct the carrying amount of the financial assets.


The gross carrying amount of a financial asset is written off (either partially or in full) to the extent that
there is no realistic prospect of recovery. A write-off constitutes a derecognition event. This is generally
the case the Company determines that the debtor does not have assets or sources of income that could
generate sufficient cash flows to repay the amounts subject to the write-off. However, financial assets
that are written off could still be subject to enforcement activities in order to comply with the Company's
procedures for recovery of amounts due.

Subsequent recoveries of an asset that was previously written off are recognised as a reversal of
impairment in profit or loss in the period in which the recovery occurs.

(7) Transfer of financial assets

Transfer of financial assets refers to the transfer or delivery of financial assets to the other party (the
transferee) other than the issuer of financial assets.

The Company derecognises a financial asset only if it transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; the Company should not derecognise a financial asset
if it retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset.

The Company neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership, shows
as the following circumstances: if the Company has forgone control over the financial assets,
derecognise the financial assets and verify the assets and liabilities; if the Company retains its control
of the financial asset, the financial asset is recognised to the extent of its continuing involvement in the
transferred financial asset and recognise an associated liability is recognised.

(8) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

When the Company has the legal right to offset recognised financial assets and financial liabilities, and
the legal right can be executed at present, and the Company has a plan to settle the financial assets and
financial liabilities at the same time or at net amount, the financial assets and financial liabilities can be
presented on the balance sheet after offsetting. Except for the above circumstances, financial assets and
financial liabilities cannot be offset and shall be presented separately on the balance sheet.

11. Fair value measurement

The fair value is defined as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability
in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.

The Company measures the relevant assets or liability at fair value supposing the orderly transaction of
asset selling or liability transferring incurring in a principal market of relevant assets or liabilities. In the
absence of a principal market for the asset or liability, the Company assumes that the transaction takes
place at the most advantageous market of relevant asset or liability. A principal market (or the most
advantageous market) is the transaction market that the Company can enter into at measurement date.

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The Company implements the hypothesis used by the market participants to realise the maximum
economic benefit in assets or liabilities pricing.

If there exists an active market for the financial assets or financial liabilities, the Company uses the
quotation on the active market as its fair value. For those in the absence of active market, the Company
uses valuation technique to recognise its fair value. However, under limited circumstances, the Company
may use all information about the results and operation of the investee obtained after the date of initial
recognition to determine whether cost represents fair value. Cost may represent the best estimate of fair
value of the relevant financial asset within the scope of distribution, and such cost represents the
appropriate estimate of fair value within the scope of distribution.

For non-financial assets measured at fair value, the Company should consider the capacity of the market
participants to put the assets into optimal use thus generating the economic benefit, or the capacity to
sell assets to other market participants who can put the assets into optimal use and generate economic

The Company implements the valuation technique suitable for the current condition and supported by
enough available data and other information, gives priority in use of relevant observable inputs, only the
observable inputs cannot be obtained or impracticable before using unobservable inputs.

For the assets and liabilities measured or disclosed at fair value on financial statements, fair value
hierarchies are categorized into three levels as the lowest level input that is significant to the entire fair
value measurement: Level 1: inputs are quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets
and liabilities. Level 2: inputs are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are
observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 3: inputs are unobservable inputs
for the asset or liability.

At each balance sheet date, the Company re-evaluates the assets and liabilities recognised to be measured
at fair value on the financial statements to make sure whether conversion occurs between fair value

12. Inventories

√Applicable □N/A

(1) Classification of inventories

The Company's inventories include raw materials, packaging materials, finished goods, work-in-
progress, low-value consumables, subcontracting materials, inventory goods and expendable
biological assets.

(2) Method of costing

The method of costing of the Company's inventories: Cost of finished goods are measured at planned
cost, and material cost differences are carried forward at the end of the period to adjust planned cost to
actual cost; other inventories are measured at actual cost on acquisition and raw materials received are
accounted for by the weighted-average method; low-value consumables and packaging materials are
amortised in full upon the use.

(3) Method in the determination and the basis of provision for diminution in net realisable value of

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On the balance sheet date, the inventories are calculated at the lower of cost and the net realisable
value. When the net realisable value is lower than the cost, the provision for diminution in value of
inventories is made on an item-by-item basis at the excess of the cost of the inventory over its net
realisable value. For large volume inventories with low unit price, the provision for diminution in the
value of inventories is made by categories. Inventories that are related to a product line manufactured
and sold in the same region, have the same or similar end use or purpose, and are difficult to measure
separately from other items are consolidated the provision for diminution in the value of inventories.

(4) Inventory system

The Company maintains a perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortisation methods of consumables

Low-value consumables and packaging materials of the Company are amortised in full when used.

13. Assets held for sale

√Applicable □N/A

(1) Category and measurement of non-current assets or the disposal group held for sale

Non-current assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale if the Company recovers its book
value mainly by selling (including the exchange of nonmonetary assets with commercial substance)
rather than continuing to use it.

The aforesaid non-current assets do not include investment property measured with the basis of fair
value; the biological assets measured with the basis of fair value less selling costs; the assets formed by
employee benefits; financial assets and the right arising from deferred income tax assets and insurance

A disposal group is a group of assets to be disposed through sale or other means as a whole in a single
transaction, and liabilities directly associated with those assets that will be transferred in the transaction.
In certain circumstance, disposal groups include the goodwill obtained through business combination.

Non-current assets and disposal groups that meet the following conditions are classified as held for sale:
according to the practice of disposing of this type of assets or disposal groups in a similar transaction, a
non-current asset or disposal group is available for immediate sale at its present condition; the sale is
likely to occur, that is, a decision has been made on a sale plan and a determined purchase commitment
is made, and the sale is expected to be completed within one year. Where the loss of control over the
subsidiaries is due to the sales of investment in subsidiaries, no matter whether the Company retains part
of the equity investment after selling or not, the investment in subsidiaries shall be classified as held for
sale in the separate financial statements when it satisfies the conditions for category of held for sale; all
assets and liabilities of subsidiaries shall be classified as held for sale in the consolidated financial

The difference between carrying amount of non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for
sale and the net amount of fair value less selling costs shall be recognised as impairment loss on assets
upon initial measurement or when such noncurrent assets or disposal groups are remeasured at the
balance sheet date. For the amount of impairment loss on assets recognised in disposal groups, the
carrying amount of disposal groups' goodwill shall be offset against first, and then offset against the

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carrying amount of non-current assets according to the proportion of carrying amount of the individual
non-current assets in the disposal groups.

If on a subsequent balance sheet date, the net amount of the fair value of a held-for-sale disposal group
less its selling costs increases, the amount reduced previously shall be recovered, and reversed in the
asset impairment loss recognised on the noncurrent asset which is applicable to the measurement
requirements of Held-For-Sale Standards after the non-current asset is classified into held-for-sale
category. The reversed amount is credited to current profit or loss. The carrying value of goodwill which
has been offset cannot be reversed.

No depreciation or amortisation is provided for the non-current assets in the held-for-sale and the assets
in the disposal group held for sale. The interest on the liabilities and other costs in the disposal group
held for sale is recognised continuously. As far as all or part of investment in the associates and joint
ventures is concerned, for the part classified into the held-for-sale category, the accounting with equity
method shall be stopped, while the remaining part (which is not classified into the held for- sale category)
shall still be accounted for using the equity method. When the Company loses the significant influence
on the associates and joint venture due to the sale, the use of equity method shall be ceased.

When certain non-current asset or disposal group classified into the held-for-sale category no longer
meets the classification criteria for held-for-sale category, the Company shall stop classifying it into the
held-for-sale category and measure it according to the lower of the following two amounts:

① The carrying amount of the asset of disposal group before it was classified into the held-for-sale
category after being adjusted with the depreciation, amortisation or impairment that could have been be
recognised if it was not classified into the held-for-sale category;

② The recoverable amount.

(2) Discontinued operation

Discontinued operation refers to the component meeting one of the following conditions that has been
disposed of by the Company or classified by the Company into the held-for-sale type and can be
identified separately:

① The component represents an independent principal business or a separate principal business place.

② The component is a part of the related plan for the contemplated disposal of an independent principal
business or a separate principal business place.

③ The component is a subsidiary acquired exclusively for the purpose of resale.

(3) Presentation

The Company presents the non-current assets held for sale and the assets in the disposal group held for
sale under “assets classified as held for sale”, and the liabilities in the disposal group held for sale under
“liabilities classified as held for sale” in the balance sheet.

The Company presents the profit and loss for continuing operation and profit and loss for discontinued
operation in the income statement, respectively. The impairment loss and reversal amount and disposal
profit and loss of the non-current assets held for sale or disposal group not meeting the definition of
discontinued operation will be presented as the profit and loss of continuing operation. The operating
profit and loss (such as impairment loss and reversal amount) and disposal profit and loss of the
discontinued operation will be presented as the profit and loss of the discontinued operation.

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The disposal group proposed for retirement rather than sale and meeting the condition about the relevant
component in the definition of the discontinued operation will be presented as discontinued operation
from the date of retirement.

For the discontinued operation reported in the current period, the information formerly presented as
profit and loss of continuing operation will be presented as the profit and loss of discontinued operation
for the comparable accounting period in the financial statement of the current period. If the discontinued
operation no longer meets the classification criteria for held for- sale category, the information formerly
presented as profit and loss of discontinued operation will be presented as the profit and loss of
continuing operation for the comparable accounting period in the financial statement of the current

14. Long-term equity investment

√Applicable □N/A

The long-term equity investment includes the equity investment in the subsidiary, joint ventures and
associates. The investee over which the Company has significant influence is the associates of the

(1) Determination of initial investment cost

The long-term equity investment resulting from corporate merger: For the long-term equity investment
resulting from merger of companies under the same control, the carrying amount of the ownership equity
of the merged party obtained on the merger date presented in the consolidated financial statement of the
final controlling party will be used as the investment cost. For the long-term equity investment resulting
from merger of companies under different controls, the merger cost will be used as the investment cost
of the long-term equity investment.

The long-term equity investment obtained by other means: For the long-term equity investment obtained
by paying cash, the actually paid purchase price will be used as the initial investment cost. For the long
term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of the issued equity securities
will be used as the initial investment cost.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition method of profit or loss

The investment in subsidiary will be accounted for using cost method, unless the investment meets the
criteria of held-for-sale category. The investment in associates and joint venture will be accounted with
equity method.

For the long-term equity investment accounted for using cost method, except for the price actually paid
upon the investment or the cash dividend or profit in the consideration that has been declared but not
released, the cash dividend or profit declared and distributed by the investee is recognised as the
investment income and recorded into the profit and loss for the current period.

For the long-term equity investment accounted for using equity method, the investment cost of the long-
term equity investment shall not be adjusted if the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment is higher than the Company's share in the fair value of the identifiable net value of the
investee at the time of investment; if the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment is
lower than the Company's share in the fair value of the identifiable net value of the investee at the time

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of investment, the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment will be adjusted, with the
difference recorded into the profit and loss for the current period of investment.

When accounted for using the equity method, return on investment and other comprehensive income are
recognised according to the share in the investee's realised net profit or loss and other comprehensive
income respectively, and the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment is adjusted. The
carrying amount of the long-term equity investment will be deducted according to the profit distribution
declared by the investee or cash dividend attributable to the Company. The carrying amount of long
term equity investment will be adjusted for changes to equity interest attributable to the owners of the
investee other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, and recorded
into capital reserve (other capital reserve). The Company's share of the net profit or loss of the investees
will be recognised after adjustment of the net profit of the investees according to the accounting policy
and accounting period of the Company on the basis of fair value of all identifiable assets of the investee
on acquisition.

If the Company is able to exert significant influence or implement joint control (which does not
constitute control) on the investee through additional investment or other reason, the sum of the fair
value of the original equity plus the additional investment cost will be used as the initial investment cost,
which will be accounted for with equity method, on the conversion date. The difference between the fair
value of the original equity on the conversion date and its carrying amount, and the accumulated change
of fair value recorded into other comprehensive income will be transferred into the profit and loss for
the current period, which will be accounted for using equity method.

If an entity loses joint control or has no significant influence over investees due to the elimination of
parts of the equity investment, the surplus equity after disposal shall be recognised in accordance with
“Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial
Instruments”, and the difference between fair value and carrying amount should be recognised as profit
or loss for current period. Other comprehensive income of original equity investment recognised under
equity method shall be recognised in accordance with the same foundation used by the investees when
dispose the relevant assets or liabilities directly in the termination of equity method. Other changes of
owners' equity related to the original equity investment shall be transferred into profit or loss for current

If an entity loses control over investees due to the elimination of parts of the equity investment, the
surplus owners' equity that is able to implement joint control or have significant influence over investees
shall be measured at equity method and are deemed to be recognised under equity method since the
acquisition date. The surplus owners' equity that are unable to implement joint control or have no
significant influence over investees shall be processed in accordance with “Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments”, and the
difference between fair value and carrying amount at the day of loss of control shall be recognised as
profit or loss for current period.

If the shareholding ratio of the Company is reduced due to the increase of capital of other investors, and
thus the control is lost, but the joint control or significant influence can be exerted on the invested entity,
the Company should recognise net asset according to the new shareholding ratio. The difference between
the original book value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the decrease in the
shareholding ratio should be included in the current profit and loss; then, according to the new
shareholding ratio, the equity method is used to adjust the investment.

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The Company recognises the unrealised profit or loss of intra-transaction between the joint ventures or
associates that belongs to itself according to the proportion of the shares and recognises the investment
income or loss after offset. However, the loss arising from the unrealised intra-transaction between the
Company and investees, which belongs to the impairment loss of assets transferred, cannot be offset.

(3) Basis of determining common control and significant influence on the investee

Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an arrangement under which the
decisions relating to any activity require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. In
determining whether there is a joint control, the first judge is to determine whether the relevant
arrangement is controlled collectively by all the parties involved or the group of the parties involved.
Secondly, and then determine whether the decisions related to the basic operating activities should
require the unanimous consent of the parties involved. If the parties involved or the group of the parties
involved must act consistently to determine the relevant arrangement, it is considered that the parties
involved or the group of the parties involved control the arrangement. If two or more parties involve in
the collectively control of certain arrangement, it shall not be considered as joint control. Protection of
rights shall not be considered in determining whether there is joint control.

Significant influence refers to the power to participate in the decision making process for financial and
operational policies of the investees without control or common control over the formulation of such
policies. When determining whether it has significant influence over the investee, the influence of the
voting shares of the investee held by the investor directly and indirectly and the potential voting rights
held by the investor and other parties which are exercisable in the current period and converted to the
equity of the investee, including the warrants, stock options and convertible bonds that are issued by the
investee and can be converted in the current period, shall be taken into account.

When the Company owns directly or indirectly through its subsidiaries more than 20% (including 20%)
but less than 50% of the voting shares of the investee, it is generally considered to have significant
influence over the investee, unless there is clear evidence that it cannot participate in the production and
operation decisions of the investee and does not have a significant influence under such circumstances.
When the Company owns less than 20% (excluding) of the voting shares of the investee, it is generally
not considered to have significant influence on the investee unless there is clear evidence that it can
participate in the production and operation decisions of the investee and have significant influence under
such circumstances.

(4) Held-for-sale equity investment

Refer to Note III. 13 for the relevant accounting treatment of the equity investment to joint ventures or
associates all or partially classified as assets held for sale.

The surplus equity investments that are not classified as assets held for sale shall be accounted for using
equity method.

The equity investment to joint ventures or associates already classified as held for sale no longer meets
the conditions of assets held for sale shall be adjusted retroactively using equity method from the date
of being classified as assets held for sale.

(5) Impairment test and impairment provision

Refer to note III. 22 for investment to subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures and the impairment
provision of assets.

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15. Investment properties

Investment properties are properties held to earn rental or capital appreciation or both. The investment
properties of the Company include land use rights that have already been leased out, land use rights that
are held for the purpose of sale after capital appreciation, buildings that have already been leased out,

Investment properties of the Company are measured initially at cost upon acquisition, and subject to
depreciation or amortisation in the relevant periods according to the relevant provisions on fixed assets
or intangible assets.

The Company adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of the investment properties. The
method for asset impairment provision is set out in note III. 22.

The balance after the disposal income from the disposal, transfer, scrapping or destruction of the
investment properties deducts the book value and the relevant taxes shall be recorded into the profit and
loss for the current period.

16. Fixed assets

(1) Conditions for recognition of fixed assets

√Applicable □N/A

The Company's fixed assets represent the tangible assets held by the Company using in the production
of goods, rendering of services, rent and for operation and administrative purposes with useful life
over one year.

The fixed asset can be recognised only when the economic benefit related to the fixed asset is probable
to flow into the company and the cost of the fixed asset can be reliably measured.

The Company's fixed assets are initially measured at the actual cost at the time of acquisition.
(2) Method of depreciation

√Applicable □N/A
                 Category                    Useful years (year)   Annual depreciation    Residual rate
        Properties and Buildings                     20               4.5%-4.75%            5%-10%
        Machine and equipment                        10                 9%-9.5%             5%-10%
       Transportation equipment                      5                 18%-19%              5%-10%
     Electric equipment and others                  5-10               18%-19%              5%-10%

Where, for the fixed assets for which depreciation provision is made, to determine the depreciation
rate, the accumulated amount of the fixed asset depreciation provision that has been made shall be

(3) Refer to note III. 22 for the impairment testing and the impairment provision of fixed assets.

(4) Recognition basis, valuation and depreciation method of financial leased fixed assets

When the Company's leased fixed assets meet one or more of the following criteria, it is recognized as
finance leased fixed assets:

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① At the expiration of the lease term, the ownership of the leased assets is transferred to the Company.

② The Company has the option to purchase leased assets. The agreed purchase price is expected to be
much lower than the fair value of the leased asset when the option is exercised. Therefore, it can be
reasonably determined that the Company will exercise this option on the lease start date.

③ Even if the ownership of the asset is not transferred, the lease term occupies most of the useful life
of the leased asset.

④ The present value of the Company's minimum lease payment on the lease start date is almost
equivalent to the fair value of the leased assets on the lease start date.

⑤The leased assets are of special nature, and only our company can use them if they don't undergo
major transformation.

For fixed assets leased by finance leases, the lower of the fair value of the leased assets on the lease start
date and the present value of the minimum lease payment shall be the entry value. The minimum lease
payment is taken as the entry value of the long-term payable, and the difference is taken as the
unrecognized financing expense. In the process of lease negotiation and signing of the lease contract,
the initial direct costs attributable to the lease item, such as handling fees, attorney fees, travel expenses,
stamp duty, etc., are included in the value of the leased asset. The unrecognized financing costs shall be
amortized by the effective interest method during each period of the lease term.

The fixed assets acquired by finance lease adopt the same policy as self-owned fixed assets to calculate
the depreciation of leased assets. If it can be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased
asset will be obtained at the end of the lease term, depreciation shall be accrued on the useful life of the
leased asset; if it cannot be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased asset will be obtained
at the end of the lease term, depreciation is accrued in the shorter of the lease period and the useful life
of the leased asset.

(5) The Company reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of fixed asset and the
depreciation method applied annually at each of the period end.

The useful lives of fixed asset are adjusted if their expected useful lives are different from the original
estimates; the estimated net residual values are adjusted if they are different from the original estimates.

(6) Overhaul costs

The overhaul costs occurred in regular inspection of fixed assets are recognised in the cost of property,
plant and equipment if there is undoubted evidence to confirm that they meet the recognition criteria of
fixed assets, otherwise, the overhaul costs are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Property,
plant and equipment are depreciated during the intervals of the regular overhaul.

17. Construction in progress

√Applicable □N/A

Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises necessary project expenditure
incurred during construction, borrowing cost that are eligible for capitalisation and other necessary cost
incurred to bring the fixed assets ready for their intended use.

Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use.

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For provision for impairment of construction in progress, refer to note III. 22.

In the balance sheet, the ending balance of construction materials is presented under “construction in

18. Borrowing costs

√Applicable □N/A

(1) Recognition principle of capitalisation of borrowing costs

For borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a
qualifying asset, they shall be capitalised and included in the cost of related assets; other borrowing
costs are recognised as expenses and included in profit or loss when incurred. Capitalisation of such
borrowing costs can commence only when all of the following conditions are satisfied:

① Expenditures for the asset incurred, capital expenditure includes the expenditure in the form of cash
payment, transfer of non-cash assets or the interest bearing liabilities for the purpose of acquiring or
constructing assets eligible for capitalisation;

② Borrowing costs incurred;

③ Activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to
prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced.

(2) Capitalisation period of borrowing costs

Capitalisation of such borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying assets being acquired, constructed or
produced become ready for their intended use or sale. The borrowing cost incurred after that is
recognised as an expense in the period in which they are incurred and included in profit or loss for the
current period.

Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or
production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally and when the interruption is for a continuous
period of more than 3 months; the borrowing costs in the normally interrupted period continue to

(3) Calculation of the capitalisation rate and amount of borrowing costs

The interest expense of the specific borrowings incurred at the current period, deducting any interest
income earned from depositing the unused specific borrowings in bank or the investment income arising
from temporary investment, shall be capitalised. The capitalisation rate of the general borrowing is
determined by applying the weighted average effective interest rate of general borrowings, to the
weighted average of the excess amount of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the amount of
specific borrowings.

During the capitalisation period, exchange differences on foreign currency special borrowings shall be
capitalised; exchange differences on foreign currency special borrowings shall be recognised as current
profits or losses.

19. Biological assets

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√Applicable □N/A

(1) Determination of biological assets

Biological assets refer to assets comprising living animals and plants. No biological asset shall be
recognised unless it meets the conditions as follows simultaneously:

① An enterprise possesses or controls the biological asset as a result of past transaction or event;

② The economic benefits or service potential concerning this biological asset are likely to flow into
the enterprise;

③ The cost of this biological asset can be measured reliably.

(2) Classification of biological assets

The Company’s biological assets are consumable biological assets which include traditional Chinese
medical herbal plant species.

The consumable biological assets refer to the biological assets held for sale, or biological assets to be
harvested as agricultural products in the future, consisting of growing traditional Chinese medical herbal
plant species. The consumable biological asset is initially measured at cost. The cost of any consumable
biological assets by way of self-planting, self-cultivating, self-breading is the necessary cost directly
attributable to this asset prior to the harvest, consisting of borrowing costs that meet the conditions of
capitalisation. The subsequent expenses for the maintenance, protection and cultivation of a consumable
biological asset after the harvest shall be included in the current profits or loss.

The cost of a consumable biological asset shall, at the time of harvest or sale, be carried over at its book
value by the weighted average method.

(3) Impairment of biological assets

If the net realisable value of the consumable biological assets is lower than their carrying amount,
provision of impairment loss is made and recognised in the profit or loss for the current period as the
excess of the carrying amount over the net realisable value. If the factors affecting the impairment of
consumable biological assets no longer exist, the amount of write-down shall be resumed and shall be
reversed from the original provision for the impairment loss before being recognised in the profit or loss
for the current period.

20. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing methods, useful lives and impairment tests

√Applicable □N/A

An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance owned or controlled
by the Company. An intangible asset is recognised only when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the intangible assets will flow to the enterprise;
The cost of the intangible asset can be reliably measured. Intangible assets are initially measured at
actual cost.

The Company's intangible assets include land use rights, patents and proprietary technologies, software,
trademark rights, etc.

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Intangible assets are initially measured at historical cost, and the Company shall make judgement to
determine the useful life of intangible assets upon acquisition. Intangible assets with finite useful life
are amortised in the profit or loss over the estimated useful life, using the method that reflects the
expected realisation of economic benefits associated with the asset, and if the expected realisation cannot
be reliably determined, it is amortised using the straight-line method. Intangible assets with indefinite
useful life is not amortised.

Amortisation of intangible assets with finite useful life is as follows:
             Category                    Expected useful life         Amortisation method            Note
 Land use rights                              30-50years                 Straight-line
 Patent and technical know-how                1-10 years                 Straight-line
 Trademark rights                             2-10 years                 Straight-line
 Others                                         5 years                  Straight-line

The useful life for an intangible asset with a finite useful life and the method of amortisation are
reviewed at least once at the end of each financial year. If the useful life and amortisation method for
the intangible assets are different from the previous estimate, the change of amortisation is recognised
prospectively as the change of accounting estimate.

When the Company estimates an intangible asset can no longer bring future economic benefits to the
Company at the end of a period, the carrying amount in which should be reversed to profit or loss for
the current period.

Please refer to note III. 22 for the provision of impairment of intangible assets.

21. Research and development expenditures

√Applicable □N/A

Expenditures on an internal research and development project are classified into expenditures on the
research phase and expenditures on the development phase.

Expenditures on the research phase shall be recognised in profit or loss for the current period when

Expenditures on the development phase will be capitalised only when all of the following conditions are
satisfied: it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or
sale; the Company intends to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it; it can be demonstrated how
the intangible asset will generate economic benefits, including proving that the intangible assets or the
products produced by it will have markets, or the intangible assets for internal use will be useful; there
are adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and the Company is
able to use or sell the intangible assets; and expenditures on the development phase attributable to the
intangible assets can be reliably measured. The development expenditures that do not satisfy the above
conditions shall be recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

Our research and development projects enter the development stage after meeting the above conditions
and forming the project through the technical and economic feasibility studies.

Capitalised expenditures on the development phase are shown as development expenditures on the
balance sheet and reclassified as intangible assets on the date the project meets the intended purpose.

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Capitalisation conditions for specific research and development projects are as follows:

① For research and development projects that are not required to obtain clinical approvals, the period
from the beginning of research and development to the pilot phase is treated as the research phase, and
all expenditures shall be recognised in profit or loss for the current period when incurred; the period
from the pilot phase to the obtaining of production approvals is treated as the development phase, and
all expenditures shall be recognised as development expenditures and reclassified as intangible assets
after the obtaining of production approvals.

② For research and development projects that require clinical approval, the period from the beginning
of research and development to the obtaining of clinical approval is treated as the research phase, and
all expenditures incurred shall be recognised in profit or loss for the current period when incurred; the
period from the obtaining of clinical approval to the obtaining of production approval is treated as the
development phase, and the expenditures shall be recognised as development expenditures and
reclassified as intangible assets after the obtaining of production approval.

③ External technology transfer fees and the cost of purchasing clinical approvals can be recognised
directly as development expenditures, and subsequent expenditures are accounted for in accordance with
① and ② above.

④ The Company reviews the latest research and development status of each project at the end of each
year and if the research and development project no longer qualifies for the development stage, the
corresponding development expenditure are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

⑤ Where it is impossible to differentiate the expenditures on the research phase and the expenditures
on the development phase, all the research and development expenditures are recognised in profit or
loss for the current period.

Please refer to note III.22 for the impairment testing methodology and impairment provision for
intangible assets.

22. Impairment of assets

The impairment of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures in the long-term equity investments,
investment properties subsequently measured at cost, fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use
assets, intangible assets, etc. (Excluding inventories, investment properties measured at fair value,
deferred income tax assets and financial assets) are determined as follows:

At the balance sheet date, the Company determines whether there may be evidence of impairment, if
there is any, the Company will estimate the recoverable amount for impairment, and then test for
impairment. For goodwill arising from a business combination, intangible assets with indefinite useful
life and the intangible assets that have not yet ready for use are tested for impairment annually regardless
of whether such evidence exists.

The recoverable amount of an asset is determined by the higher amount of fair value deducting disposal
costs and net present value of future cash flows expected from the assets. The Company estimates the
recoverable amount based on individual asset; for individual asset which is difficult to estimate the
recoverable amount, the recoverable amount of the asset group is determined based on the asset group
involving the asset. The identification of the asset group is based on whether the cash flow generated
from the asset group is independent of the major cash inflows from other assets or asset groups.

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When the asset or asset group’s recoverable amount is lower than its carrying amount, the Company
reduces its carrying amount to its recoverable amount, the reduced amount is included in profit or loss,
while the provision for impairment of assets is recognised.

In terms of impairment test of the goodwill, the carrying amount of the goodwill, arising from business
combination, shall be allocated to the related asset group in accordance with a reasonable basis at
acquisition date. Those that are difficult to be allocated to related assets shall be allocated to related asset
group. Related assets or assets group refer to those that can benefit from the synergies of business
combination and are not larger than the Company’s recognised reporting segment.

When there is an indication that the asset and asset group are prone to impair, the Company should test
for impairment for asset and asset group excluding goodwill and calculate the recoverable amount and
recognise the impairment loss accordingly. The Company should test for impairment for asset or the
asset group including goodwill and compare the asset or asset group’s recoverable amount with its
carrying amount, provision for impairment of assets shall be recognised when the recoverable amount
of assets is lower than its carrying amount.

Once impairment loss is recognised, it cannot be reversed in subsequent accounting periods.

23. Long-term deferred expenses

√Applicable □N/A

The Company’s long-term deferred expenses measured at cost actually incurred and evenly amortised
on straight-line basis over the expected beneficial period. For the long-term deferred expense items that
cannot benefit in subsequent accounting period, their amortised value is recognised through profit or

24. Employee compensation

(1)      The scope of employee compensation

Employee compensation are all forms of remuneration and compensation given by the Company in
exchange for service rendered by employees or the termination of employment. Employee compensation
include short-term employee compensation, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other
long-term employee benefits. Employee compensation include benefits provided to employees’ spouses,
children, other dependants, survivors of the deceased employees or to other beneficiaries.

According to liquidity, employment compensations are presented separately as “accrued payroll” item
and “long-term employment compensation payable” item in the balance sheet.

(2)      Short-term employee compensation

√Applicable □N/A

During the accounting period in which the employees render the related services, wages, bonuses, social
security contributions (including medical insurance, injury insurance, maternity insurance, etc.) and
house funding are recognised as liability and included in the profit or loss for the current period or
related asset costs. If the liability cannot be wholly settled within twelve months after the end of the
annual reporting period in which the employees render the related service and have significant financial
impact, the liability shall be measured as the discounted amounts.

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(3)      Post-employment benefits

√Applicable □N/A

Post-employment benefit plans mainly includes defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans.
Defined contribution plans include the basic pension insurance, unemployment insurance, etc., and the
contributions to defined contribution plans are recognised and included in profit or loss for the current
period or related asset costs.

(4)      Termination benefits

√Applicable □N/A

The liability of employee compensation arising from termination benefits is recognised and included in
profit or loss for the current period in the earlier date of the followings: The Company cannot unilaterally
withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an employment termination plan or a curtailment
proposal; the Company recognises costs or expenses related to the restructuring that involves the
payment of termination benefits.

For the implementation of the internal retirement plan for employees, the economic compensation before
the official retirement date is a termination benefit. The wage of and social insurance contributions for
the internally retired employee which would have incurred from the date on which the employee cease
rendering services to the Company to the scheduled retirement date will be included in the profit or loss
for the current period. Economic compensation after the official retirement date (such as normal pension)
should be treated as post-employment benefits.

(5)      Other long-term employee benefits
√Applicable □N/A

When other long-term employee benefits provided to the employees by the Company are satisfied the
conditions of a defined contribution plan, those benefits shall be accounted for in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the above defined contribution plans. When the benefits are satisfied the
conditions of a defined benefit plan, those benefits shall be accounted for in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the above defined benefit plans, except that the “change in remeasurement of the net
liability or net assets of the defined benefit plans” in the cost of the related employee compensation shall
be included in profit or loss for the current period or related asset costs.

25. Provision for liabilities

√Applicable □N/A

An obligations related to a contingency is recognised as a provision when all of the following conditions
are satisfied:

(1) The obligation is a present obligation of the Company;

(2) It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation;

(3) The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

Provisions are initially measured at the best estimate of the payment to settle the associated obligations
and consider the relevant risk, uncertainty and time value of money. If the impact of time value of money

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is significant, the best estimate is determined as its present value of future cash outflow. The Company
reviews the carrying amount of provisions at the balance sheet date and adjusts the carrying amount to
reflect the best estimate.

If the expenses for clearing of provisions is fully or partially compensated by a third party, and the
compensated amount can be definitely received, it is recognised separately as asset. The compensated
amount recognised shall not be greater than the carrying amount of the liability recognised.

26. Share-based payment and equity instruments

√Applicable □N/A

 (1) Accounting treatment of share-based payment

Share-based payments are transactions in which equity instruments are granted or liabilities are assumed
on the basis of equity instruments in order to obtain services from employees or other parties. Share-
based payment is classified into equity-settled share-based payment and cash-settled share-based

① Equity-settled share-based payment

Equity-settled share-based payment is measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to
employees. If vesting is conditional upon completion of services in the pending period or fulfilment of
performance conditions, at each balance sheet date during the pending period, based on the best
estimates of the number of vested equity instruments, the services received for the period are recognised
as the costs or expenses on a straight-line basis. Instruments which are vested immediately upon the
grant are included in relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of equity instruments on the date of
grant and capital reserves are increased accordingly.

At each balance sheet date during the pending period, the Company makes the best estimate and revises
the number of equity instruments expected to be exercisable based on subsequent information such as
changes in the number of exercisable employees obtained from the latest available information. The
effect of the above estimates is recognised as the relevant cost or expense in the current period, and
capital surplus is adjusted accordingly.

For the equity instruments granted under an equity-settled share-based payment for services from other
parties, if the fair value of services received from other parties can be measured reliably, the fair value
of the equity instruments is measured at the fair value of services from other parties on the grant date; if
the fair value of services received from other parties cannot be measured reliably but the fair value of
the equity instruments can be measured reliably, the fair value of the equity instruments on the date on
which services are received shall be recognised as related costs or expenses, with a corresponding
increase in owners' equity.

② Cash-settled share-based payment

Cash-settled share-based payments are measured at the fair value of the liabilities (share-based or other
equity instrument-based) assumed by the Company. Instruments which are vested immediately upon the
grant are included in relevant costs or expenses at the fair value of liabilities assumed by the Company
on the date of grant and liabilities are increased accordingly. If vesting is conditional upon completion
of services in the pending period or fulfilment of performance conditions, at each balance sheet date
during the pending period, based on the best estimates of the vesting situation, the services received for

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the period are recognised as the costs or expenses and corresponding liabilities at fair value of the
liabilities assumed by the Company.

At each balance sheet date and settlement date before the relevant liabilities are settled, the fair value of
liabilities is re-measured and the resulting changes are included in the profit and loss for the current

(2) Accounting treatment for amendment and termination of share-based payments

When the Company modifies the share-based payment plan, and if such modification increases the fair
value of the equity instruments granted, the increase in services received will be recognised accordingly
following the increase in fair value of the equity instruments; if such modification increases the number
of equity instruments granted, the increase in fair value of the equity instruments is recognised as a
corresponding increase in service achieved. The increase in fair value of the equity instruments refers
to the difference in fair value on the date of modification before and after the modification in respect of
the equity instruments. If the modification reduces the total fair value of the share-based payments or
adopts any form that is unfavorable to employees to modify the terms and conditions of the share-based
payment plan, accounting treatment will be continued to be conducted in respect of the services received
and the modification will be deemed to have never occurred, unless the Company had cancelled part or
all of the equity instruments granted.

During the pending period, if the equity instruments granted are cancelled (except for failure to meet the
non-market conditions of the vesting conditions), the Company will undertake an accelerated vesting in
respect of the cancelled equity instruments that had been granted, include the remaining amount that
shall be recognised during the pending period in the current profit and loss immediately and recognise
capital reserve accordingly. Where employees or other parties are permitted to choose to fulfil non-
vesting conditions but have not fulfilled during the pending period, the Company will treat the granted
equity instruments as cancelled.

(3) Accounting treatment for share-based payments involving the Company and the shareholders or the
de facto controller of the Company

For share-based payment transactions involving the Company and the shareholders or the de facto
controller of the Company, the settlement enterprise and the enterprise receiving services (one under the
Company while another external to the Company) shall follow the requirements below to conduct
accounting treatment in the Company’s consolidated financial statements:

① For settlement enterprises settling through their own equity instruments, such share-based payment
transaction will be treated as equity-settled share-based payment; except for this, such share-based
payment transaction will be treated as cash-settled share-based payment.

Where a settlement enterprise is an investor of an enterprise receiving services, the fair value of the
equity instruments on the date of grant or the fair value of the liabilities that shall be assumed are
recognised as long-term equity investment in the enterprise receiving services, at the same time, capital
reserve (other capital reserve) or liabilities are recognised.

② Where an enterprise receiving services has no settlement obligations or grants its own equity
instruments to employees, such share-based payment transaction will be treated as equity-settled share-
based payment; where an enterprise receiving services has settlement obligations and grants equity
instruments (other than its own) to employees, such share-based payment transaction will be treated as
cash-settled share-based payment.

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For a share-based payment transaction occurring among enterprises under the Company where the
enterprise receiving services and the settlement enterprise are not the same enterprise, such share-based
payment transaction shall be recognised and measured in each of the respective financial statements of
the enterprise receiving services and the settlement enterprise by reference to the above principles.

27. Preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments

√Applicable □N/A

 (1) Classification of financial liabilities and equity instruments

The Company classifies the financial instrument or its components as financial assets, financial
liabilities or equity instruments at the initial recognition based on the contract terms of the issued
financial instrument and the economic substance it reflects, instead of only in legal form, and combine
the definition of financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.

(2) Accounting treatment of preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments

The financial instruments issued by the Company are initially recognised and measured in accordance
with the financial instrument standards; thereafter, interest or dividends are accrued or distributed on
each balance sheet date and processed in accordance with relevant specific accounting standards for
enterprises. That is, on the basis of the classification of the financial instrument issued, the accounting
treatment of interest expenses or dividend distributions of the instrument is determined. For financial
instruments classified as equity instruments, interest expenses or dividend distributions are treated as
profit distribution of the Company, and repurchases and cancellations are treated as changes in equity;
for financial instruments classified as financial liabilities, interest expenses or dividend distributions are
in principle treated according to borrowing costs, and gains or losses arising from repurchase or
redemption are credited to profit or loss for the current period.

The transaction costs such as charges and commissions incurred by the Company when issuing financial
instruments, if classified as debt instruments and measured at amortised cost, are included in the initial
measurement amount of the issued instrument; if classified as equity instruments, are deducted from

28. Revenue

√Applicable □N/A

The Company shall recognise revenue when the Company satisfies the performance obligation of the
contract, that is, the customer obtains control of relevant goods or services.

When the contract contains two or more performance obligations, on the effective date of the contract,
the Company allocates the transaction price to each performance obligation based on the percentage of
respective unit price of a good or service guaranteed by each performance obligation, and the revenue
is measured according to the transaction price allocated to each performance obligation.

If one of the following conditions is fulfilled, the Company satisfies a performance obligation over time;
otherwise, it satisfies a performance obligation at a point in time:

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① When the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company
when the Company performs its obligations under the contract.

② When the customer is able to control the commodity in progress in the course of performance by the
Company under the contract.

③ The product produced by the Company under the contract is irreplaceable and the Company has the
right to payment for performance completed to date during the term of the contract.

For a performance obligation satisfied over time, the Company shall recognise revenue over time by
measuring the process towards complete satisfaction of the performance obligation. When the progress
of performance cannot be reasonably determined, if the costs incurred by the Company are expected to
be recoverable, the revenue will be recognised to the extent of the costs incurred until the progress of
performance can be reasonably determined.

For a performance obligation satisfied at a point in time, the Company shall recognise revenue when the
customer obtains control of relevant goods or services. When determining whether the customer has
obtained control of the goods and services, the Company will consider the following indications:

① The Company has the current right to receive payment for the goods or services, which is when the
customers have the current payment obligations for the goods.

② The Company has transferred the legal title of the goods to the client, which is when the client
possesses the legal title of the goods.

③ The Company has transferred the physical possession of goods to the customer, which is when the
customer obtains physical possession of the goods.

④ The Company has transferred all of the substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to
the customer, which is when the client obtains all of the substantial risks and rewards of ownership of
the goods to the customer.

⑤ When the customer has accepted the goods or services.

⑥ When other information indicates that the customer has obtained control of the goods.

A contract asset represents the Company’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that
it has transferred to a customer when that right is conditioned on factors other than passage of time, for
which the loss allowances for expected credit loss is recognised (see Note III.10(6) ). The Company
shall present any unconditional (i.e. if only the passage of time is required) rights to consideration
separately as a receivable. A contract liability is the Company’s obligation to transfer goods or services
to a customer for which the Company has received consideration (or the amount is due) from the

The contract assets and liabilities under the same contract shall be shown on a net basis. If the net amount
stated in debit balance, it will be presented under the items of “Contract assets” or “Other non-current
assets” according to its mobility; If the net amount stated in credit balance, it will be presented under
the items of “Contract liabilities” or “Other non-current liabilities” according to its mobility.

The Company enters into sales contracts with customers. Revenue from sales is recognised according
to the invoiced amount upon the delivery of goods to the designated carrier or purchaser according to
the orders received from customers; revenue from export sales is recognised mainly by adopting FOB

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mode according to custom declaration upon making declaration for goods and completing the export

29. Contract costs

√Applicable □N/A

Contract costs are either the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a customer or the costs to
fulfil a contract with a customer.

Incremental costs of obtaining a contract are those costs that the Company incurs to obtain a contract
with a customer that it would not have incurred if the contract had not been obtained e.g. an incremental
sales commission. The Company recognises as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract
with a customer if it expects to recover those costs. Other costs of obtaining a contract are expensed
when incurred.

If the costs to fulfil a contract with a customer are not within the scope of inventories or other accounting
standards, the Company recognises an asset from the costs incurred to fulfil a contract only if those costs
meet all of the following criteria:

① The costs relate directly to an existing contract or to a specifically identifiable anticipated contract,
including direct labour, direct materials, allocations of overheads (or similar costs), costs that are
explicitly chargeable to the customer and other costs that are incurred only because the Company entered
into the contract;

② The costs generate or enhance resources of the Company that will be used in satisfying (or in
continuing to satisfy) performance obligations in the future;

③ The costs are expected to be recovered.

Assets recognised for the incremental costs of obtaining a contract and assets recognised for the costs
to fulfil a contract (the “assets related to contract costs”) are amortised on a systematic basis that is
consistent with the transfer to the customer of the goods or services to which the assets relate and
recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

The Company recognises an impairment loss in profit or loss to the extent that the carrying amount of
an asset related to contract costs exceeds:

① Remaining amount of consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for the goods
or services to which the asset relates;

② The cost estimated to be happened for the transfer of related goods or services.

The costs of contract performance recognised as assets, if the amortisation period is less than one year
or a normal operating cycle upon the initial recognition, are presented as “Inventories” item, and if the
amortisation period is more than one year or a normal operating cycle upon the initial recognition, are
presented as “Other non-current assets” item.

The contract obtaining costs recognised as assets, if the amortisation period is less than one year or a
normal operating cycle upon the initial recognition, are presented as “Other current assets” item, and if
the amortisation period is more than one year or a normal operating cycle upon the initial recognition,
are presented as “Other non-current assets” item.

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30. Government grants

√Applicable □N/A

A government grant shall be recognised only when the enterprise can comply with the conditions
attaching to the grant and the enterprise can receive the grant.

If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, the item is measured at the amount
received. If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a non-monetary asset, the item is measured
at fair value, when fair value is not reliably determinable, the item is measured at a nominal amount of

Government grant related to assets represents the government grant received for acquisition and
construction of long term assets, or forming long term assets in other ways. Except for these, all are
government grant related to income.

Regarding to the government grant not clearly defined in the official documents and can form long term
assets, the part of government grant which can be referred to the value of the assets is classified as
government grant related to assets and the remaining part is government grant related to income. For the
government grant that is difficult to distinguish, the entire government grant is classified as government
grant related to income.

The government grant related to assets is recognised as deferred income and would be transferred to
profit or loss in reasonable and systematic manner within the period of use of the relevant assets. The
government grant related to income which is used to compensate the relevant costs or losses incurred
should be recognised in the profit or loss for the current period; the government grant related to income
which is used to compensate the relevant costs or losses for the subsequent period is recognised as
deferred income and shall be recognised in profit or loss during the relevant cost or loss confirmation
period. Government grants measured in nominal terms are directly included in the profit or loss for the
current period. The Company has adopted a consistent approach to the same or similar government grant

The government grants related to daily activities are recognised as other gains in accordance with the
substance of economic business. Government grants that are not related to daily activities are recognised
as non-operating income and expenses.

If the recognised government grants need to be refunded, adjust the carrying amount of assets when the
carrying amount of assets is offset at the time of initial recognition; the balance of deferred income is
offset against the carrying amount of the balance of deferred income and the excess is recognised in the
profit or loss for the current period. Other circumstances, it is directly recognised in the profit or loss for
the current period.

31. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

√Applicable □N/A

 (1) Current tax

At the balance sheet date, for the current tax liabilities (or assets) arising from the current period and the
previous period, should be measured by the tax of the estimated payable (returnable) amount which is
calculated according to the regulations of the tax law. The amount of the tax payable which is based by
the calculation of the current tax expenses, are according to the result measured from the corresponding

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adjustment of the pre-tax accounting profit of the current period in accord to the relevant regulations of
the tax law.

(2) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

The difference between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax basis, as well as the
temporary differences arising from differences between the carrying amount and tax basis of items that
are not recognised as assets and liabilities but in accordance with the tax law, can be recognised as
deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities by adopting the balance sheet liability method.

No deferred tax liability is recognised for a temporary difference arising from the initial recognition of
goodwill the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a business
combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). Besides, no
deferred tax assets well be recognised for the taxable temporary differences related to the investments
in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, if the Company can control the time of the reverse of
temporary differences as well as the temporary differences are unlikely to be reversed in the foreseeable
future. Except for the above exceptions, the Company recognises all deferred income tax liabilities
arising from other taxable temporary differences.

The deductible temporary differences the initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from
transactions that are neither a business combination, nor do they affect accounting profits and taxable
income (or deductible losses), will not be recognised as related deferred income tax assets. In addition,
as for the taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures, if the Company is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences, and
the temporary differences may not be reversed in the foreseeable future, the related deferred income tax
assets will also not be recognised. Except for the above exceptions, the Company recognises a deferred
tax asset arising from other deductible temporary differences, to the extent that it is probable that taxable
income will be available against which the deductible temporary differences.

The Company recognises a deferred tax asset for the carry-forward of deductible losses and tax credits
to subsequent periods, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against
which deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates
that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled in accordance
with the provisions of the tax law.

At the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the carrying amount of a deferred tax asset. If it is
probable that sufficient taxable profits will not be available in future periods to allow the benefit of the
deferred tax asset to be utilised, the carrying amount of the deferred tax asset is reduced. Any such
reduction in amount is reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

(3) Tax expenses

The tax expenses comprise current tax and deferred tax.

The rest current tax and deferred tax expenses or revenue should be included into current gains and
losses expect for the current tax and the deferred tax related to the transaction and events that be
confirmed as other comprehensive income or be directly included in the shareholders’ equity which
should be included in other comprehensive income or shareholders’ equity as well as the book value for
adjusting the goodwill of the deferred income tax occurs from the business combination.

(4) Offset of tax

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The current tax assets and liabilities of the Company should be listed by the written-off net amount
which intend to execute the net amount settlement as well as the assets acquiring and liabilities
liquidation at the same time while owns the legal rights of settling the net amount.

The deferred tax assets and liabilities of the Company should be listed as written-off net amount when
having the legal rights of settling the current tax assets and liabilities by net amount and the deferred tax
and liabilities is relevant to the tax which is collected from the same taxpaying bodies by the same tax
collection and administration department or is relevant to the different taxpaying bodies but during each
period which there is significant reverse of the deferred income assets and liabilities in the future and
among which the involved taxpaying bodies intend to settle the current income tax and liabilities by net
amount or are at the same time acquire the asset as well as liquidate the liabilities.

32. Leases

(1) Accounting treatment method of finance leases

√Applicable □N/A

In a financial lease, the Company uses the net investment in leases as the carrying amount of finance
lease receivables at the inception of a lease. The net investment in leases is the sum of the unguaranteed
residual value and the present value of the outstanding lease payment at the inception of a lease,
discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. The Company, as the lessor, calculates and
recognises the interest income over each period of the lease term at a fixed periodic interest rate. Variable
lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability, which are obtained by the
Company as a lessor, are recognised in profit or loss as incurred.

The termination of recognition and impairment of financial lease receivables is accounted for in
accordance with the provisions of “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition
and Measurement of Financial Instrument” and “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23
– Transfer of Financial Assets”.

(2) Accounting treatment method of operating lease

√Applicable □N/A

For the rental of operating leases, the Company recognises it in the profit or loss for the current period
on a straight- line basis over each period of the lease term. The initial direct cost incurred in connection
with an operating lease shall be capitalised and amortised on the same basis for recognition of rental
income during the lease term, and shall be included in instalments in the profit or loss for the current
period. The variable lease payment, which is obtained in connection with an operating lease and not
included in the lease receivables, shall be included in the profit and loss for the current period when they
actually occur.

(3) Determination method and accounting treatment method of lease under the new lease standards

√Applicable □N/A

(1) Identification of leases

At the inception of a contract, the Company, as a lessee or lessor, assesses if the customer in a contract
has the right to obtain substantially all the economic benefits from use of the identified assets and the
right to direct the use of the identified assets in the period of use. The Company would identify that a

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contract is a lease, or contains a lease if a party of the contract transfers the right to control the use of
one or more identified assets for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

(2) The Company as the lessee

At the inception of a lease, the Company recognises all its leases as the right-of-use assets and lease
liabilities, except for the short-term leases and the leases of low-value assets which are treated with a
simplified approach.

For the accounting policies on the right-of-use assets, please refer to Note III.33.

Lease liabilities are initially measured based on the present value of outstanding lease payment at the
inception of a lease, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease or the incremental borrowing
rate. Lease payment include: fixed payments and in-substance fixed payments, less any lease incentives
(if there is a lease incentive) ; variable lease payment that are based on an index or a rate; the exercise
price of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise that option; payments of penalties
for terminating the lease option, if the lease term reflects that the lessee will exercise that option; and
amounts expected to be payable under the guaranteed residual value provided by the lessee. The
Company shall subsequently calculate the interest expenses of lease liabilities over the lease term at the
fixed periodic interest rate, and include it into the profit or loss for the current period. Variable lease
payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are charged to profit or loss in the period
in which they actually arise.

Short-term lease

Short-term lease refers to the lease that the lease term does not exceed 12 months from the inception of
a lease, and the lease that includes the option of purchase is not a short-term lease.

The Company recognises the amount of lease payments of short-term lease in the cost of the related
asset or the profit or loss for the current period, on a straight-line method over each period of the lease

Leases of low-value assets

For the Leases of low-value assets, the Company chooses to adopt the above simplified treatment
method in accordance with the specific conditions of each lease.

The Company recognised the lease payments for the leases of low-value assets in the relevant asset cost
or the profit or loss for the current period on a straight-line basis over each period of the lease term.

(3) The Company as the lessor

When the Company is the lessor, the lease that substantially transfers all the risks and rewards related
to the ownership of assets is recognised as a finance lease, and leases other than finance leases are
recognised as operating leases.

33. Right-of-use assets

√Applicable □N/A

 (1) Recognition condition of right-of-use assets

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The right-of-use assets of the Company are defined as the right of underlying assets in the lease term for
the Company as a lessee.

Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost as at the commencement date of the lease, which
consists of: the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability; any lease payments made at or
before the commencement date of the lease less any lease incentives received if any; initial direct
expenses incurred by the Company as a lessee; costs to be incurred by the Company as a lessee in
dismantling and removing a leased asset, restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the leased
assets to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease. The Company as a lessee
recognises and measures the costs of demolition and restoration according to “Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No.13 – Contingencies”, and subsequently adjusts for any remeasurement of lease

(2) Depreciation method of right-of-use assets

The Company calculates depreciation on a straight-line basis. Right-of-use assets in which the Company
as a lessee is reasonably certain to obtain ownership of the underlying leased assets at the end of the
lease term are depreciated over the remaining useful life. Otherwise, right-of-use assets are depreciated
over the shorter of the lease term and its remaining useful life.

(3) For methods of impairment testing and provision for impairment for right-of-use assets, please refer
to note III. 22.

34. Repurchase of shares

Prior to cancellation or transfer of shares repurchased, the Company recognises all expenditures arising
from share repurchase as cost of treasury shares in the treasury share account. Considerations and
transaction fee incurred from the repurchase of shares shall lead to the elimination of owners’ equity
and does not recognise profit or loss when shares of the Company are repurchased, transferred or

The difference between the actual amount received and the carrying amount of the treasury stock are
recognised as capital reserve when the treasury stocks are transferred, if the capital reserve is not
sufficient to be offset, the excess amount shall be recognised to offset surplus reserve and undistributed
profit. When the treasury stocks are cancelled, the capital shall be eliminated according to the number
of shares and par value of cancellation shares, the difference between the actual amount received and
the carrying amount of the treasury stock are recognised as capital reserve, if the capital reserve is not
sufficient to be offset, the excess amount shall be recognised to offset surplus reserve and undistributed

35. Restricted Shares

If the Company grants the restricted shares to incentive participants under the Share Options Incentive
Scheme, the incentive participants subscribe for the shares first. If the unlocking conditions stipulated
in the Share Options Incentive Scheme cannot be fulfilled subsequently, the Company repurchases the
shares at the predetermined price. If the registration and other capital increase procedures for the
restricted shares issued to employees are completed in accordance with relevant regulations, the
Company recognises share capital and capital reserve (or capital premium) based on the subscription
money received from the employees on the grant date; and recognises treasury shares and other payables
for repurchase obligation.

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36. Other significant accounting judgements and estimates

√Applicable □N/A

Significant accounting estimates and critical assumptions adopted by the Company are continually
evaluated based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that
are believed to be reasonable. The significant accounting estimates and critical assumptions that have a
significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within
the next accounting year are set out below:

(1) Classification of financial assets

Significant judgements involved in determining the classification of financial assets include analysis of
business mode and characteristics of the contractual cash flows.

Factors considered by the Company in determining the business model of financial assets management
for a group of financial assets include past experience on how financial asset’s performance is evaluated
and reported to key management personnel, how risks affecting the performance of financial asset are
assessed and managed and how managers of related businesses are compensated.

When assessing whether the contractual cash flows of financial assets are consistent with basic lending
arrangement, the Company adopts the following significant judgements: whether the time distribution
or amounts of the principal within the duration may change due to early repayment and other reasons;
whether the interest includes only the time value of money, credit risk, other basic lending risks and the
consideration for cost and profit. For example, the amounts of early repayment only reflect principal
unpaid, the interest based on principal unpaid and reasonable compensation paid for early termination
of a contract.

(2) Measurement of ECL for accounts receivables

The Company calculates ECL of accounts receivables according to their exposure at default and ECL
rate, and determines ECL rate based on probability of default and loss given default. When determining
ECL rate, the Company adopts data like historical credit loss experience in combination with current
situation and forward-looking information to adjust historical data. When considering forward-looking
information, the Company uses indicators including the risk of economic downturn, external market
environment, technology environment and changes on customer situation. The Company periodically
monitors and reviews assumptions relevant to the measurement of ECL.

(3) Impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets (other than goodwill)

The Company determines at the balance sheet date whether there are signs of possible impairment of
non-current assets other than financial assets. For intangible assets that have not yet reached usable
condition, in addition to the annual impairment test, when there are signs of impairment, the impairment
test is also carried out. Other non-current assets, other than financial assets, are tested for impairment
when there are indications that their carrying amount is not recoverable. An impairment occurs when
the carrying amount of an asset or group of assets is higher than the recoverable amount, which is the
present value of the fair value net of disposal costs and projected future cash flows. The net amount of
fair value less disposal costs, is determined by referencing to the agreed sale price or observable market
value of a similar asset in an arm's length transaction, less incremental costs directly attributable to the
disposal of that asset. When projecting the present value of future cash flows, management must estimate
the projected future cash flows of the asset or group of assets and select an appropriate discount rate to
determine the present value of future cash flows.

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(4) Impairment of goodwill

The Company evaluates whether goodwill is impaired at least once a year. This requires an estimate of
the value in use of the asset groups to which the goodwill is allocated. In estimating the value in use, the
Company needs to estimate the future cash flows generated from the asset groups and also to choose an
appropriate discount rate in order to calculate the present value of the future cash flows.

(5) Development costs

Determining the amounts to be capitalised requires the management to make assumptions regarding the
expected future cash flows generated from the relevant assets, discount rates to be applied and the
expected period of benefits.

(6) Deferred tax assets

The deferred income tax assets will be recognised for all unused tax losses to the extent that it is probable
that there will be sufficient taxable profits against which the loss is utilised. This requires the
management to exert numerous judgments to estimate the timing and amount of the future taxable profits
so as to determine the amount of deferred income tax assets to be recognised with reference to the tax
planning strategy.

(7) Revenue recognition

As stated in note III. 28, the Company makes the following significant accounting judgements and
estimates in terms of revenue recognition: identifying customer contracts; estimating the recoverability
of the considerations that are entitled to be obtained by transferring goods to customers; identifying the
performance obligation in the contract; estimating the variable consideration in the contract and
cumulative revenue recognised where it is highly probable that a significant reversal therein will not
occur when the relevant uncertainty is resolved; assessing whether there is a significant financing
component in the contract; estimating the individual selling price of the individual performance
obligation in the contract, etc. The Company makes judgments primarily based on historical experiences
and works. Changes in these significant judgments and estimates may have significant impacts on the
operating income, operating costs, and profit or loss of the current or subsequent periods.

(8) Determination of the fair value of unlisted equity investment

The fair value of unlisted equity investments represents the expected future cash flows discounted at the
prevailing discount rate of items with similar terms and risk characteristics. It requires the Company to
estimate the expected future cash flows and discount rates, and therefore there is uncertainty. Under
limited circumstances, if the information used to determine the fair value is insufficient, or the possible
estimated amount of fair value is widely distributed, and cost represents the best estimate of the fair
value within such scope, the cost may represent an appropriate estimate of the fair value within such
distribution scope.

37. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates and correction to
accounting errors
(1)Changes in significant accounting policies
□Applicable √N/A
(2)Changes in significant accounting estimates
□Applicable √N/A

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 IV. Taxation
 1. Major taxes and their tax rates
 √Applicable □N/A
                 Tax category                    Basis of taxation                Statutory tax rate
   Value added tax                           Taxable revenue                                   3%, 6%, 13%
   Urban maintenance and construction tax Turnover tax to be paid                               1%, 5%, 7%
   Education surcharges                      Turnover tax to be paid                                    3%
   Local education surcharge                 Turnover tax to be paid                                 Note 1
   Enterprise income tax                     Taxable profit                                          Note 2
 Note 1: The Company and its subsidiaries that are incorporated in Shenzhen and Zhuhai shall pay local
 education surcharges that are charged as 2% of the turnover tax payable. Other subsidiaries shall pay local
 education surcharges according to the tax rate as specified at their places of incorporation on the basis of
 turnover tax payable.

 Note 2: The implementation of enterprise income tax rate is as follows:

 Disclosure of taxpayers (if any) with different rates of enterprise income tax
 √Applicable □N/A
                                    Taxpayer                                         Rate of enterprise income tax (%)
Hong Kong Health Pharmaceutical Industry Company Limited (香港健康药业有限
公司), Livzon Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (丽珠医药生物科技有限公
司), Lian (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (丽安香港有限公司), Livzon Biologics Hong
Kong Limited (丽珠生物科技香港有限公司)
                                                                                  0 or 12 (Tax rate is 12% where the
Companhia de Macau Carason Limitada (澳门嘉安信有限公司), Li Zhu (Macau)          taxable income is MOP600,000 or more;
Limitada (丽珠(澳门) 有限公司);Macau Livzon Traditional Chinese Medicine         for those with taxable income less than
Modernization Technology Co., Ltd.(澳门丽珠中药现代化科技有限公司)              MOP600,000, they are exempted from
                                                                                  income taxes.)
The Company and Shenzhen Taitai Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. (深圳太太药
业有限公司), Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (深圳市海滨制药有限公
司), Xinxiang Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (新乡海滨药业有限公司), Jiaozuo
Joincare Bio Technological Co., Ltd. (焦作健康元生物制品有限公司), Shanghai
Frontier Health Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. (上海方予健康医药科技有限
公司), Guangzhou Joincare Respiratory Medicine Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
(广州健康元呼吸药物工程技术有限公司), Joincare Haibin Pharmaceutical Co.,
Ltd. (健康元海滨药业有限公司);Livzon Group (丽珠集团) and subsidiaries of
Livzon Group, Livzon Group Limin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Factory (丽珠集
团利民制药厂) . Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory (丽珠集团丽珠制药
厂) . Zhuhai FTZ Livzon Hecheng Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (珠海保
税区丽珠合成制药有限公司), Shanghai Livzon Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co.,
Ltd. (上海丽珠制药有限公司), Livzon Group Xinbeijiang Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Inc. (丽珠集团新北江制药股份有限公司). Sichuan Guangda
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (四川光大制药有限公司), Zhuhai Livzon
Diagnostics Inc. (珠海丽珠试剂股份有限公司), Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing

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Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (丽珠集团福州福兴医药有限公司), Shanghai Livzon
Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (上海丽珠生物科技有限公司), Livzon Group (Ningxia)
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (丽珠集团(宁夏) 制药有限公司), Livzon
MABPharm Inc. (珠海市丽珠单抗生物技术有限公司), Zhuhai Lihe Medical
Diagnostic Products Co., Ltd. (珠海丽禾医疗诊断产品有限公司), Zhuhai Livzon
Chinese Medicine Modern Technology Co., Ltd. (珠海市丽珠中药现代化科技有限
Livzon MAB Pharm (US) Inc. (丽珠单抗生物技术(美国) 有限公司)                                                                  21
                                                                                      17 or 24 (registered capital of less than
                                                                                      MYR 2.5 million, the tax rate is 17% on
                                                                                      the first profit less than MYR 600,000;
                                                                                      the registered capital exceeds MYR 2.5
                                                                                      million or the profit exceeds MYR
                                                                                      600,000, the tax rate is 24%)
Health Investment Holdings Ltd, Joincare Pharmaceutical GroupIndustry Co.,Ltd.,
Livzon International Ventures, Livzon International Ventures I, LivzonInternational                                    0 (Note1)
Ventures II
Other subsidiaries                                                                                                            25
 Note 1: Companies registered in the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands are not subject to
 enterprise income tax.

 2.     Tax incentives

 √Applicable □N/A

 (1) Preferential value added tax

 In accordance with the Announcement on Value Added Tax on Biological Products Sold by Pharmaceutical
 Operation Enterprises issued by the State Administration of Taxation (Announcement of State
 Administration of Taxation 2012 No. 20) and the Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the General
 Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation and the State Drug Administration on the
 Value-Added Tax Policies for Anti-Cancer Drugs (Caishui [2018] No. 47), the biological products sold by
 the Company are subject to value added tax at 3% by the simple approach.

 (2) Preferential enterprise income tax

 The Company enjoys the preferential income tax policy for high-tech enterprises for the 3 years from 2022;
 The Company's subsidiaries, Shenzhen Taitai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (深圳太太药业有限公司), Shenzhen
 Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (深圳市海滨制药有限公司), Xinxiang Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (新
 乡海滨药业有限公司) and Shanghai Frontier Health Medicine Technology Co., Ltd. (上海方予健康医药
 科 技 有 限 公司 ) have re-applied for high-tech enterprise certification in this period. Joincare Haibin
 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (健康元海滨药业有限公司) entitled to enjoy preferential income tax policies
 applicable to high and new technology enterprises for 3 years with effective from 2021. Jiaozuo Joincare Bio

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Technological Co., Ltd. ( 焦 作 健 康 元 生 物 制 品 有 限 公 司 ), Guangzhou Joincare Respiratory Drug
Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (广州健康元呼吸药物工程技术有限公司) have re-applied for high-tech
enterprise certification in this period. Livzon Group and its subsidiaries—Livzon Group Limin
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Factory (丽珠集团利民制药厂), Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical
Factory (丽珠集团丽珠制药厂), Zhuhai FTZ Livzon Hecheng Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (珠
海保税区丽珠合成制药有限公司), Shanghai Livzon Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (上海丽珠
制药有限公司), Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (丽珠集团福州福兴医药有限公
司) and Sichuan Guangda Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (四川光大制药有限公司) have re-
applied for high-tech enterprise certification in this period. Shanghai Livzon Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (上海
丽珠生物科技有限公司) are entitled to preferential income tax policies applicable to high and new
technology enterprises for 3 years with effective from 2021. Livzon Group Xinbeijiang Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Inc. (丽珠集团新北江制药股份有限公司), Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics Inc. (珠海丽珠试剂
股份有限公司) and Livzon MABPharm Inc. (珠海市丽珠单抗生物技术有限公司) entitled to enjoy
preferential income tax policies applicable to high and new technology enterprises for 3 years with effective
from 2022. Livzon Group (Ningxia) Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (丽珠集团(宁夏) 制药有限
公司) was approved to enjoy the enterprise taxation preference of the Encouraged Industries in Western
China. The above companies were subject to enterprise income tax rate of 15% for the period.

In accordance with Article 27 of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and
Article 86 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's
Republic of China, the business of planting Chinese herbal medicines engaged by the subsidiaries of the
Livzon, Datong Livzon Qiyuan Medicine Co., Ltd. (大同丽珠芪源药材有限公司) and Longxi Livzon
Shenyuan Medicine Co., Ltd. (陇西丽珠参源药材有限公司) are exempted from enterprise income tax.

According to the "Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the
Preferential Policies for Enterprise Income Tax in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone"
(Cai Shui [2022] No. 19), enterprise income tax is levied at a reduced rate of 15% for qualified industrial
enterprises located in the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep Cooperation Zone. The Livzon Group’s
subsidiaries, Zhuhai Lihe Medical Diagnostic Products Co., Ltd. (珠海丽禾医疗诊断产品有限公司) and
Zhuhai Livzon Chinese Medicine Modern Technology Co., Ltd. (珠海市丽珠中药现代化科技有限公司)
meet the relevant conditions and are subjected to 15% enterprise income tax rate for the current period.

According to the preferential tax policies for small low-profit enterprises, the portion of annual taxable
income of a small low profit enterprise which does not exceed RMB1 million is subject to enterprise income
tax at a tax rate of 5%.

3.   Others
□Applicable √N/A

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V. Notes to the items of consolidated financial statements
1.Cash and bank balances
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                 Items                     Balance at End of the Period    Balance at Beginning of the Period
 Cash on hand                                               410,711.67                            231,883.95
 Bank deposits                                       14,439,410,683.45                     14,792,867,005.08
 Other monetary funds                                    19,968,988.72                         15,389,221.93
                 Total                               14,459,790,383.84                     14,808,488,110.96
 Including: total overseas deposits                   1,553,615,124.00                      1,491,900,539.35

Other descriptions:

① Other monetary funds are mainly deposits for investments, deposits under guarantee of letter of
guarantee, issuing letters of credit and foreign exchange forward contracts, etc.

② Restricted funds relating to issuing letters of credit and foreign exchange forward contracts, etc. in
other monetary funds were deducted from cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement. Apart
from these restricted funds, there is no other charge, pledge or lock up on the balance of cash at bank
and on hand that may limit its use, is kept outside China and may have probable risks in its collection.
Below are the details of the use of restricted monetary funds:
                     Item                                   30 June 2023                   31 December 2022
 Deposits for letter of credit                                       2,436,523.26                      444,032.37
 Deposits for bank acceptance bills                                  1,275,408.99                      947,255.39
 Deposits for other business                                             1,120.00                        1,120.00
                     Total                                           3,713,052.25                   1,392,407.76

2. Financial assets held for trading
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                   Balance at the End of the      Balance at the Beginning of
                                                            Period                        the Period
 Financial asset measured at fair value
                                                                  90,560,120.03               109,015,664.98
 through profit or loss
    Debt instrument investments                                      943,863.73                   934,289.94
    Equity instrument investments                                 89,616,256.30               102,648,863.47
    Derivative financial assets                                            0.00                 5,432,511.57
                    Total                                         90,560,120.03               109,015,664.98
Other descriptions:
√Applicable □N/A

① The Company's investments in equity instruments and debt instruments for financial assets held for
trading at the End of the Period were listed for trading on Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock
Exchange and NASDAQ in the United States. The fair value was determined based on the closing price

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on the last trading day in the Reporting Period.

② Derivative financial assets represent foreign currency forward contracts, futures contracts and
gains from unexpired contracts measured at fair value which were recognised as financial assets as at
the balance sheet date.

(1)No restrictive financial asset measured at fair value through profit or loss was realised in the
closing balance.

(2)No hedging instruments in the closing balance and no hedging transactions have occurred
during the period.

3. Notes receivable
(1) Classified presentation of notes receivable
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
            Category               Balance at the End of the Period    Balance at the Beginning of the Period
Bank acceptance bills                               2,170,075,201.62                          1,959,985,016.85
Bad debts                                                       0.00                                        0.00
              Total                                 2,170,075,201.62                          1,959,985,016.85

(2) Notes receivable pledged at period end
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                         Category                                      Amount pledged at year end
  Bank acceptance bills                                                                       530,641,682.69
                           Total                                                               530,641,682.69
As at 30 June 2023, bank acceptance bills with carrying amount of RMB 530,641,682.69(31
December 2022: RMB469,659,266.19) have been used as pledge for opening of bills.

(3) Bills endorsed or discounted to other parties but not yet expired at balance sheet date
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                  Derecognised amount at the End        Amount not derecognised at the
                                            of the Period                      End of the Period
 Bank acceptance bills not yet
                                                    526,352,414.45                                 0.00
 mature but already endorsed
 Bank acceptance bills not yet
                                                    153,755,208.00                                 0.00
 mature but already discounted
              Total                                 680,107,622.45                                 0.00

In the current period, the Company discounted bank acceptance bills of RMB 206,754.53 thousand
(previous year: RMB714,219.83 thousand). Since the major risks and rewards such as interest rate risk

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             related to these bank acceptance bills have been transferred to the bank, the Company derecognizes the
             discounted unexpired bank acceptance bills. Factoring expenses incurred was RMB 1,494.62 thousand
             (previous year: RMB 6,657.46 thousand).

             (4) Bills transferred into account receivables for non-performance by the issuer as at balance sheet
             date of the period
             □Applicable √N/A

             (5) Disclosure by method of provision for bad debts
             √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                               Balance at the End of the Period                                    Balance at the Beginning of the Period
                                                             Provision for bad
                                  Book balance                                                            Book balance               Provision for bad debts
                                                                        Expected      Carrying value                                              Expected      Carrying value
                                                 Ratio                                                                   Ratio
                               Amount                       Amount credit loss                           Amount                       Amount      credit loss
                                                  (%)                                                                        (%)
                                                                        rate (%)                                                                   rate (%)

Provision for bad debts
                                        0.00         0.00       0.00          0.00               0.00             0.00        0.00         0.00          0.00               0.00
on individual item

Bank acceptance bills                   0.00         0.00       0.00          0.00               0.00             0.00        0.00         0.00          0.00               0.00

Provision for bad debts
                            2,170,075,201.62      100.00 0.00          0.00          2,170,075,201.62 1,959,985,016.85 100.00              0.00          0.00 1,959,985,016.85
on portfolio basis

Bank acceptance bills       2,170,075,201.62      100.00        0.00          0.00 2,170,075,201.62 1,959,985,016.85 100.00                0.00          0.00 1,959,985,016.85

         Total              2,170,075,201.62      100.00        0.00          0.00 2,170,075,201.62 1,959,985,016.85 100.00                0.00          0.00 1,959,985,016.85

             Provision for bad debts on individual item:
             □ Applicable √ N/A

             Provision for bad debt on a collective basis:
             √ Applicable □ N/A
             Name combination provision project:Bank acceptance bills
                                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                       Balance at the End of the Period
                                                     Notes receivable                     Provision for bad debts               Expected credit loss rate (%)
              Within 1 year                                 2,170,075,201.62                                             0                                              0
                          Total                             2,170,075,201.62                                             0                                              0

             Recognition criteria and instructions for withdrawing bad debts by combination
             □ Applicable √ N/A

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       If the provision for bad debts is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses,
       please refer to other receivables disclosure:
       □Applicable √N/A

       (6) Provision for bad debts
       □Applicable √N/A

       (7) Actual write-off of notes receivable in the period
       □Applicable √N/A

       4. Accounts receivable
       (1) Disclosed by aging
       √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                               Aging                                                  Balance at the End of the Period
        Subtotal within 1 year:                                                                                                3,224,390,323.16
        1-2 years                                                                                                                   28,693,652.96
        2-3 years                                                                                                                    4,656,372.91
        3-4 years                                                                                                                    2,160,501.98
        4-5 years                                                                                                                   11,192,993.98
        Over 5 years                                                                                                                15,746,072.78
                                Total                                                                                          3,286,839,917.77
       According to the credit policy of the Company, the Company usually grants a credit period ranging
       from 30 to 90 days to customers.

       (2) Disclosure by method of provision for bad debts
       √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                           Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                      Balance at the End of the Period                                 Balance at the Beginning of the Period
                           Book balance       Provision for bad debts                         Book balance         Provision for bad debts
      Category                                                 Expected                                                             Expected
                                         Ratio                  credit   Carrying value                      Ratio                   credit     Carrying value
                          Amount                 Amount                                      Amount                   Amount
                                         (%)                   loss rate                                     (%)                    loss rate
                                                                 (%)                                                                  (%)
Provision for bad
debts on individual       9,854,599.67    0.30 5,657,914.46       57.41     4,196,685.21    10,454,599.67     0.33   6,257,914.47      59.86      4,196,685.20
Receivables from
                          9,709,854.02    0.30 5,513,168.81       56.78     4,196,685.21    10,454,599.67     0.33   6,257,914.47      59.86      4,196,685.20
domestic customers
Receivables from
                           144,745.65     0.00   144,745.65      100.00             0.00              0.00    0.00           0.00        0.00              0.00
overseas customers
Provision for bad
debts on portfolio    3,276,985,318.10   99.70 87,222,914.08       2.66 3,189,762,404.02 3,165,780,437.19    99.67 66,218,272.24         2.09 3,099,562,164.95
Receivables from
                      2,725,925,374.52   82.93 79,148,008.90       2.90 2,646,777,365.62 2,659,276,844.47    83.66 60,180,304.43         2.26 2,599,096,540.04
domestic customers
Receivables from
                       551,059,943.58    16.77 8,074,905.18        1.47   542,985,038.40   506,503,592.72    16.01   6,037,967.81        1.19   500,465,624.91
overseas customers
        Total         3,286,839,917.77 100.00 92,880,828.54        2.83 3,193,959,089.23 3,176,235,036.86 100.00 72,476,186.71           2.28 3,103,758,850.15

       Provision for bad debt on individual item:

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√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                               Closing balance
       Name                    Book        Provision for       Expected credit
                                                                                     Reason of provision
                              balance        bad debts          loss rate (%)
Purchase of goods          9,854,599.67     5,657,914.46                  57.41 Not expected to be recoverable
      Total                9,854,599.67     5,657,914.46                  57.41                /

Descriptions of Provision for bad debt on individual item:
□Applicable √N/A

Provision for bad debts on portfolio basis:
√Applicable □N/A

Provision for bad debts on portfolio basis: Receivables from domestic customers
                                                                                          Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                      Closing balance
                  Ageing                       Account                Provision for              Expected credit loss
                                             receivables                bad debt                       rate (%)
 Within 1 year:                              2,673,370,500.41               52,207,197.80                             1.95
 1 to 2 years (inclusive of 2 years)           28,686,427.16               5,142,859.52                              17.93
 2 to 3 years (inclusive of 3 years)               4,656,372.91            2,678,783.10                              57.53
 3 to 4 years (inclusive of 4 years)               2,160,501.98            2,097,208.02                              97.07
 4 to 5 years (inclusive of 5 years)               2,594,611.32            2,564,999.72                              98.86
 Over 5 years                                      14,456,960.74            14,456,960.74                           100.00
                  Total                    2,725,925,374.52               79,148,008.90                               2.90

Standards of provision for bad debts on portfolio basis and descriptions thereof:
□Applicable √N/A

Provision for bad debts on portfolio basis: Receivables from overseas customers
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                      Closing balance
               Ageing                          Account                  Provision for              Expected credit loss
                                              receivables                 bad debt                       rate (%)
 Within 1 year:                                    551,052,717.78              8,073,460.02                           1.47
 1 to 2 years (inclusive of 2 years)                     7,225.80                    1,445.16                        20.00
                  Total                            551,059,943.58              8,074,905.18                           1.47

Standards of provision for bad debts on portfolio basis and descriptions thereof:
□Applicable √N/A

If the provision for bad debts is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses,
please refer to other receivables disclosure:
□Applicable √N/A

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(3) Provision for bad debts
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                   Changes for the current period
                      Beginning                                                                      Closing
    Category                                          Recovery Removal/write-
                       balance           Provision                                    Others         balance
                                                      or reversal         off
 Provision for
                    72,476,186.71     20,935,155.87          0.00     537,700.06     7,186.02     92,880,828.54
 bad debts
     Total          72,476,186.71     20,935,155.87          0.00     537,700.06     7,186.02     92,880,828.54

At 30 June 2023 and 31 December 2022, the Company had no overdue but not impaired accounts

Significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provision for the current period:
□Applicable √N/A

(4) Actual write-off of accounts receivable in this period
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                         Item                                          Amount written-off
 Accounts receivable actually written off                                                           537,700.06

Significant accounts receivable that are written off:
□Applicable √N/A

Descriptions of write-off of accounts receivable:
□Applicable √N/A

(5) Accounts receivable due from the top five debtors
√Applicable □N/A

As of 30 June 2023, the total amount of the top five debtors in closing balance is RMB321,299,912.04,
accounting for 9.78% of the total amount of closing balance of accounts receivable, and the corresponding
closing balance of provision for bad debts is total RMB7,349,948.86.

(6) Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets in each reporting period.
□Applicable √N/A

(7) Assets or liabilities formed by the continuing involvement of transferred accounts receivables in each
    reporting period.
□Applicable √N/A

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

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5. Prepayments
(1) Disclosure of prepayments by aging analysis
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                           Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                          Balance at the End of the Period                  Balance at the Beginning of the Period
                         Amount                 Ratio (%)                    Amount                Ratio (%)
Within 1 year           305,775,902.09                      83.71          343,457,382.98                        94.29
1 to 2 years             53,870,750.44                      14.75           16,867,695.41                         4.63
2 to 3 years              2,277,462.13                       0.62              948,519.54                         0.26
Over 3 years              3,369,585.21                       0.92            2,991,544.64                         0.82
      Total             365,293,699.87                     100.00          364,265,142.57                       100.00

(2) Prepayments due from the top five debtors
√Applicable □N/A

As of 30 June 2023, the total amount of the top five prepayments in closing balance is
RMB123,487,227.51, accounting for33.80% of the total amount of closing balance of prepayments.

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

6. Other receivables
Line items
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
             Item                       Balance at the End of the Period            Balance at the Beginning of the Period
 Dividends receivable                                             40,304,700.46                                       0.00
 Other receivables                                                65,140,046.50                             52,535,740.14
             Total                                               105,444,746.96                             52,535,740.14
Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

Dividends receivable
(1) Dividends receivable
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                   Balance at the End of the
                     Item                                                         Balance at the Beginning of the Period
 Kunlun Energy Company Limited                                    264,700.46                                          0.00
 Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co., Ltd.                          40,040,000.00                                           0.00
 Total                                                        40,304,700.46                                           0.00
(2) Significant dividends receivable aged over 1 year.
□Applicable √N/A

(3) Provision made for bad debts
√Applicable □N/A

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At the End of the Period, provision for bad debts on those in first stage:
                                               Expected credit loss rate for      Provision for      Carrying
          Category            Book balance                                                                               Reason
                                                 the next 12 months(%)              bad debts        amount

Provision for bad debts
                              40,304,700.46                               0.00              0.00 40,304,700.46
on individual item

                                                                                                                   Expected to be
  Dividends receivable        40,304,700.46                               0.00              0.00 40,304,700.46

           Total              40,304,700.46                               0.00              0.00 40,304,700.46

Other receivables
□Applicable √N/A

Other receivables
(1) Disclosed by aging
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                               Aging                                                 Balance at the End of the Period
 Subtotal within 1 year                                                                                              62,129,686.89
 1 to 2 years                                                                                                         3,885,765.11
 2 to 3 years                                                                                                         3,346,403.49
 3 to 4 years                                                                                                         2,182,615.17
 4 to 5 years                                                                                                            744,277.02
 Over 5 years                                                                                                        32,254,415.62
                               Total                                                                                104,543,163.30

(2) Disclosure by nature
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                       Balance at the End of         Balance at the Beginning of
                                                                               the Period                       the Period
 Security deposits, deposits and rental fees                                       10,995,397.90                     12,668,692.36
 Reserved fund and advances                                                        36,198,615.71                     25,494,468.62
 Related party balances                                                             1,552,455.94                        1,097,855.07
 External entities balances                                                        10,936,496.20                     13,226,352.58
 Tax refund on exports                                                             11,068,188.29                     16,539,609.68
 Treasury bonds and security deposits                                              17,968,386.04                     17,968,386.04
 Others                                                                            15,823,623.22                        3,812,338.32
                                Total                                             104,543,163.30                     90,807,702.67

(3) Information of provision for bad debts
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                        First stage          Second stage                   Third stage
                                                         Expected credit loss
    Provision for bad debt              Expected                                       Expected credit loss              Total
                                                        for lifetime (no credit
                                        credit loss                                     for lifetime (credit
                                                        impairment occurred)

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                                     within 12                                            impairment has
                                      months                                                occurred)
 Beginning balance                           0.00                 9,793,858.02                28,478,104.51               38,271,962.53
 Movement of beginning
 balance during the period
 --transfer to second stage                    0.00                       0.00                            0.00                     0.00
 --transfer to third stage                     0.00                -223,851.98                      223,851.98                     0.00
 --Reverse to second stage                     0.00                       0.00                            0.00                     0.00
 --Reverse to first stage                      0.00                       0.00                            0.00                     0.00
 Provision for the year                        0.00               1,300,635.82                            0.00             1,300,635.82
 Reversal in the year                          0.00                       0.00                       26,400.00                26,400.00
 Transfer in the year                          0.00                       0.00                            0.00                     0.00
 Write-off in the year                         0.00                       0.00                      223,851.98               223,851.98
 Other movement                                0.00                  15,580.93                       65,189.50                80,770.43
 Closing balance                               0.00              10,886,222.79                   28,516,894.01            39,403,116.80

At the End of the Period, No provision for bad debts on those in first stage.

At the End of the Period, provision for bad debts on those in second stage:
                                                           Expected credit
                                                                                    Provision for bad
            Category                 Book balance          loss rate for the                                Carrying amount Reason
Provision for bad debts on
                                                  0.00                       0.00                    0.00                 0.00
individual item
Provision for bad debts on
                                       76,026,269.29                      14.32         10,886,222.79          65,140,046.50
portfolio basis
  Export tax refund receivable         11,068,188.29                         3.32          367,132.06          10,701,056.23
  Security deposits, deposits and
                                       10,995,397.90                      26.03          2,862,178.09           8,133,219.81
rental receivable
  Other receivables                    53,962,683.10                      14.19          7,656,912.64          46,305,770.46
               Total                   76,026,269.29                      14.32         10,886,222.79          65,140,046.50

At the End of the Period, provision for bad debts on those in third stage:
                                                 Expected credit loss
                                                                      Provision for bad            Carrying
        Category                Book balance         rate for the                                                         Reason
                                                                            debts                  amount
Provision for bad debts on
                                 28,516,894.01                   100.00         28,516,894.01                0.00
individual item
                                                                                                                    Not expected to be
Other receivables                28,516,894.01                   100.00         28,516,894.01                0.00
Provision for bad debts on
                                          0.00                     0.00                   0.00               0.00
portfolio basis
Total                            28,516,894.01                   100.00         28,516,894.01                0.00

As of 31 December 2022, information of provision for bad debts:

As of 31 December 2022, No Provision for bad debts on those in first stage.

As of 31 December 2022, Provision for bad debts on those in second stage:
                                                         Expected credit
                                                                               Provision for bad
           Category                 Book balance         loss rate for the                            Carrying amount            Reason
Provision for bad debts on
                                                 0.00                 0.00                    0.00                    0.00
individual item
Provision for bad debts on
                                      62,329,598.16                 15.71            9,793,858.02           52,535,740.14
portfolio basis
  Export tax refund receivable        16,539,609.68                   1.76             290,344.77           16,249,264.91
  Security deposits, deposits
                                      12,668,692.36                 28.52            3,613,600.49            9,055,091.87
and rental receivable
  Other receivables                   33,121,296.12                 17.78            5,889,912.76           27,231,383.36

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                                                         Expected credit
                                                                              Provision for bad
           Category                   Book balance       loss rate for the                           Carrying amount       Reason
             Total                     62,329,598.16                15.71          9,793,858.02        52,535,740.14

As of 31 December 2022, Provision for bad debts on those in third stage:
                                                         Expected credit
                                                                              Provision for bad        Carrying
           Category                   Book balance       loss rate for the                                               Reason
                                                                                    debts              amount
Provision for bad debts on
                                         28,478,104.51              100.00        28,478,104.51               0.00
individual item
                                                                                                                     Not expected to
Other receivables                        28,478,104.51              100.00        28,478,104.51               0.00
                                                                                                                     be recoverable
Provision for bad debts on
                                                  0.00                 0.00                   0.00            0.00
portfolio basis
             Total                       28,478,104.51              100.00        28,478,104.51               0.00

Descriptions of the significant changes in the gross carrying amount of other receivables for which the
changes in loss allowance occur for the current period:
□Applicable √N/A

Provision for bad debts in the current period and the basis for assessing whether the credit risk of
financial instruments have increased significantly:
□Applicable √N/A

(4) Actual written-off of other receivables in this period
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                               Item                                                        Amount written off
Other receivables actually written off                                                                                    223,851.98

Significant other receivables that are written off:
□Applicable √N/A

Descriptions of write-off of other receivables:
□Applicable √N/A

(5) Other receivables due from the top five debtors
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                              Other                                Proportion to    Provision for
       Name of entity                    Nature            receivables            Ageing             total other      bad debts
                                                         Closing balance                          receivables (%) Closing balance
                                 Treasury bonds and
Hua Xia Securities Co., Ltd.                              17,968,386.04        Over 5 years                 17.19      17,968,386.04
                                 security deposits
Tax refund on exports            Export tax refund        11,068,188.29       Within 2 years                10.59         367,132.06
Guangzhou Yinhe Sunshine
                              Loan                         5,000,000.00        Over 5 years                  4.78       5,000,000.00
Biological Products Co., Ltd.

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       Suzhou Sino Imp.& Exp.
                                         Security deposits        2,150,000.00    Over 3 years               2.06          74,250.00
       Co., Ltd.
       Jiaozuo Yangsen Trading
                                         Security deposits       1,174,630.34     Over 5 years               1.12      1,174,630.34
       Co., Ltd.
                  Total              /                           37,361,204.67                              35.74     24,584,398.44

      (6) Receivables involving government subsidies
      □Applicable √N/A

      (7) Other receivables derecognised due to the transfer of financial assets
      □Applicable √N/A

      (8) Assets or liabilities formed by the continuing involvement of transferred other receivables:
      □Applicable √N/A

      Other descriptions
      □Applicable √N/A

      7. Inventories
      (1) Inventories by category
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                              Balance at the End of the Period                           Balance at the Beginning of the Period
                                    Provision for                                                      Provision for
                    Book balance      diminution        Carrying amount            Book balance         diminution      Carrying amount
                                       in value                                                          in value
Raw materials       632,393,396.16    28,682,906.99         603,710,489.17          642,893,858.16      37,543,320.41      605,350,537.75
                    134,682,255.54       11,249,787.36        123,432,468.18         137,488,629.87     11,191,692.58       126,296,937.29
Goods in process
and Proprietary
                    798,166,154.01       86,722,717.73        711,443,436.28         649,362,917.78     65,482,989.52       583,879,928.26
                    103,244,084.59          260,524.03        102,983,560.56          80,473,347.95        495,743.41        79,977,604.54
Finished goods
                  1,305,985,264.09       23,279,507.09       1,282,705,757.00      1,138,363,946.23     22,354,857.60      1,116,009,088.63
and stock goods
                      1,952,145.59                 0.00           1,952,145.59         2,318,531.50                 0.00      2,318,531.50
                     14,671,473.02                 0.00          14,671,473.02        13,692,837.04                 0.00     13,692,837.04
biological assets
Goods in transit      9,515,968.65             0.00              9,515,968.65         34,344,534.56              0.00         34,344,534.56
      Total       3,000,610,741.65   150,195,443.20          2,850,415,298.45      2,698,938,603.09    137,068,603.52      2,561,869,999.57

      (2) Provision for diminution in value of inventories and provision for diminution in value of contract
      performance costs
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                             Balance at the        Increase during the Period       Decrease during the Period     Balance at the
             Item             Beginning                                              Reversal or                    End of the
                             of the Period           Provision          Others                          Others        Period
        Raw materials         37,543,320.41           2,995,579.91         0.00      11,855,993.33          0.00   28,682,906.99
                              11,191,692.58           2,027,096.21         0.00        1,969,001.43        0.00      11,249,787.36

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 Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

  Goods in
  process and
  Proprietary            65,482,989.52         23,859,293.66          0.00        2,619,565.45         0.00       86,722,717.73
                              495,743.41        1,158,623.99          0.00        1,393,843.37         0.00         260,524.03
  Finished goods
                         22,354,857.60         10,015,530.95          0.00        9,090,881.46         0.00       23,279,507.09
  and stock goods
  Total                 137,068,603.52         40,056,124.72          0.00       26,929,285.04         0.00    150,195,443.20

 Provision for decline in value of inventories (Continued)
                                                                                        Reason for reversal or written-off of
                               Basis in determination of net recoverable                  provision for decline in value of
                             amount/residual value and cost to be incurred            inventories/ Provision for impairment of
                                                                                             contract performance cost
                       The estimated selling price less the estimated costs of
Raw materials                                                                     Processing, sale of finished goods and discard
                       completion, selling expenses and related taxes
                       The estimated selling price less the estimated costs of
Packaging materials                                                               Processing, sale of finished goods and discard
                       completion, selling expenses and related taxes
Goods in process
                       The estimated selling price less the estimated costs of
and Proprietary                                                                   Processing of finished goods and discard
                       completion, selling expenses and related taxes
semi-finished goods
                       The estimated selling price less the related taxes         Used or discard
Finished goods and     The estimated selling price less the estimated selling
                                                                                  Sale and discard
stock goods            expenses and related taxes

 (3) Descriptions at the End of the Period of inventories including capitalised amount of borrowing costs
 □Applicable √N/A

 (4) Description of amortization amount of contract performance cost in the current period
 □Applicable √N/A

 Other descriptions:
 □Applicable √N/A

 8. Non-current assets due within one year
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                     Balance at the End of the    Balance at the Beginning of
                                                                              Period                      the Period
  Long-term receivables due within one year                                               0.00                           0.00
  Time deposits due within 1 year                                                55,066,666.67                  54,048,611.11
                             Total                                               55,066,666.67                  54,048,611.11

 Significant debt investments and other debt investments at the end of the period:
 □Applicable √N/A

 9. Other current assets
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                             Balance at the Beginning of the
                      Item                         Balance at the End of the Period

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                   Input VAT pending deduction /Input tax
                                                                                                       51,349,452.39                                       35,679,462.66
                   pending for verification
                   Prepaid income tax                                                                  14,773,784.81                                       17,665,709.39
                   Cash Management                                                                     98,970,691.50                                       92,815,738.44
                   Cost of returns receivable                                                          12,043,428.52                                       12,043,428.52
                   Others                                                                               2,529,662.74                                        5,335,561.31
                                        Total                                                         179,667,019.96                                  163,539,900.32

                  10. Long-term equity investment
                  √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                          Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                   Movement during the Period
                       Balance at                                   Investment       Adjustment in                  Announced
                                                       Decrease                                        Changes                        Provision              Balance at the      balance of
    Investee         the Beginning     Additions in                gain or loss          other                     distribution of
                                                          in                                           of other                          for      Others     End of the Period   provision for
                      of the Period    investment                  under equity      comprehensive                 cash dividend
                                                      investment                                        equity                       impairment                                  impairment
                                                                      method            income                        or profit
I. Subsidiaries
Renhe Health
                        6,337,823.35           0.00         0.00            0.00               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00         6,337,823.35    6,337,823.35
Products Co.,
Hiyeah Industry         1,949,893.45           0.00         0.00            0.00               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00         1,949,893.45    1,949,893.45
Co., Ltd.
Subtotal                8,287,716.80           0.00         0.00            0.00               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00         8,287,716.80    8,287,716.80
II. Associates
Livzon Medical
Equipment               1,200,000.00           0.00         0.00            0.00               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00         1,200,000.00    1,200,000.00
(Plant) Co.,
Blue Treasure
                      93,084,766.28            0.00         0.00    7,123,513.81               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00      100,208,280.09             0.00
Co. Ltd.
Shenzhen City
                        1,496,595.40           0.00         0.00     160,208.11                0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00         1,656,803.51            0.00
Co., Ltd.
Therapeutics          13,767,260.06            0.00         0.00   -1,011,802.73               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00        12,755,457.33            0.00
Biopharma, Co.        13,903,676.49            0.00         0.00     -657,044.41               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00        13,246,632.08            0.00
Zhuhai Sanmed
                      61,291,769.61            0.00         0.00   -9,964,795.62               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00        51,326,973.99            0.00
Biotech Inc.
Biotheraphy,          16,034,314.68            0.00         0.00     -452,987.59               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00        15,581,327.09            0.00
Jiangsu Atom
Bioscience and
                      92,803,409.42            0.00         0.00   -3,635,306.07               0.00    10,840.09             0.00          0.00     0.00        89,178,943.44            0.00
Co., Ltd.
Tongrentang          726,580,281.08            0.00         0.00   48,579,279.42               0.00         0.00   40,040,000.00           0.00     0.00      735,119,560.50             0.00
Group Co., Ltd.
                      18,857,727.08            0.00         0.00     -698,434.04               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00        18,159,293.04            0.00
Co. Ltd.
Biomedical              6,000,000.00   4,000,000.00         0.00      -37,820.11               0.00                          0.00          0.00     0.00         9,962,179.89            0.00
Co., Ltd.
Jiaozuo Jinguan
Jiahua Electric      285,538,495.52            0.00         0.00    3,807,951.04               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00      289,346,446.56             0.00
Power Co., Ltd.
                      27,179,209.51            0.00         0.00     -158,884.43               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00        27,020,325.08            0.00
Co., Ltd.
Feellife Health
                      15,303,495.74            0.00         0.00    1,179,937.17               0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00        16,483,432.91            0.00
Jiangsu Baining
                      28,732,381.11            0.00         0.00     837,520.76                0.00         0.00             0.00          0.00     0.00        29,569,901.87            0.00

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Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Sheo
                       19,309,212.61          0.00       0.00     -246,854.02           0.00         0.00            0.00         0.00      0.00     19,062,358.59           0.00
Co., Ltd.
Precision Parts
                                0.00   1,500,000.00      0.00            0.00           0.00         0.00            0.00         0.00      0.00       1,500,000.00          0.00
(Taicang) Co.,
Ltd.(Note 1)
Subtotal            1,421,082,594.59   5,500,000.00      0.00   44,824,481.29           0.00    10,840.09   40,040,000.00         0.00      0.00   1,431,377,915.97   1,200,000.00
Total               1,429,370,311.39   5,500,000.00      0.00   44,824,481.29           0.00    10,840.09   40,040,000.00         0.00      0.00   1,439,665,632.77   9,487,716.80

                  Other descriptions:

                  Note 1: On 15 March 2021, Shanghai Frontier Health Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. (上海方予健康医药科技有限公
                  司) (“Shanghai Frontier”), a subsidiary of the Company, signed an investment agreement with Haisong Precision Parts (Taicang)
                  Co., Ltd. (海嵩精密零部件(太仓)有限公司) (“Haisong Precision”). Shanghai Frontier proposes to contribute RMB3,230,000
                  and hold 35% equity of Haisong Precision (with the Phase-I contribution of RMB1,500,000). Pursuant to the shareholder
                  agreement and the articles of association, Shanghai Frontier will appoint one director of Haisong Precision. As Shanghai
                  Frontier can have significant effect on Haisong Precision, the investment in Haisong Precision is accounted as long-term equity

                  11. Other equity instrument investments
                  (1) Descriptions of other equity investment
                  √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                            Balance at the Beginning of the
                                               Item                               Balance at the End of the Period
                   Shanghai Yunfeng Xinchuang Equity Investment
                                                                                                     67,932,735.87                             67,935,704.36
                   Shanghai JingYi Investment Center                                                 72,891,151.99                             73,616,359.91
                   Qianhai Equity Investment Fund                                                   251,543,869.00                            243,378,742.17
                   Apricot Forest, Inc                                                              120,788,500.00                            120,788,500.00
                   Chengdu JinRui Foundation Biotechnology Co.,
                                                                                                     20,000,000.00                                         0.00
                   Zhuhai China Resources Bank Co., Ltd.                                            158,400,000.00                            158,400,000.00
                   GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCE                                                            246,961,521.36                            271,980,388.15
                   Nextech V Oncology S.C.S., SICAV-SIF                                              18,034,888.35                             23,996,121.32
                   Yizun Biopharmaceutics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                       30,513,209.27                             30,513,209.27
                   ELICIO THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                          9,087,715.05                             34,823,014.36
                   CARISMA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                        45,520,870.86                             34,821,295.50
                   Beijing Luzhu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.                                             83,485,178.24                             53,654,738.60
                   Shanghai Keentai Biotechnology Co., Ltd.                                          12,000,000.00                             12,000,000.00
                   Others                                                                            55,767,994.59                             68,050,805.41
                                         Total                                                    1,192,927,634.58                          1,193,958,879.05

                  (2) Descriptions of investments in non-trading equity instruments
                  √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                                                Reason for
                                                  Dividend                                                                                    transfer as fair
                                                                                                       from other            Reason for
                                                   income        Cumulative         Cumulative                                                 value through
                            Item                                                                     comprehensive               the
                                               recognized for      gains              losses                                                       other
                                                                                                        income to            designation
                                                 the Period                                                                                   comprehensive
                   Shanghai Yunfeng
                   Xinchuang Equity                      0.00              0.00            0.00                   0.00      non-trading
                   Investment Center
                   Shanghai JingYi
                                                         0.00              0.00            0.00                   0.00      non-trading
                   Investment Center

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 Qianhai Equity
                                  0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 Investment Fund
 Apricot Forest, Inc              0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 Chengdu JinRui
                                  0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 Biotechnology Co.,
 Zhuhai China
 Resources Bank                   0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 Co., Ltd.
 HEALTH                  17,709,895.19             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 Nextech V
 Oncology S.C.S.,                 0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
                                  0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 (Shanghai) Co.,
 THERAPEUTICS,                    0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 THERAPEUTICS,                    0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 Beijing Luzhu
 Biotechnology Co.,               0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 Shanghai Keentai
 Biotechnology Co.,               0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
 Others                           0.00             0.00          0.00               0.00   non-trading
        Total            17,709,895.19             0.00          0.00               0.00

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

12. Investment properties
Measurement of investment properties
(1) Investment properties measured at cost
                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                        Item                                Housing and buildings                        Total
 I. Book value:
 1. Beginning balance                                                   61,914,754.28                        61,914,754.28
 2.Increase                                                                         0.00                              0.00
 3.Decrease                                                                         0.00                              0.00
 4.Closing balance                                                      61,914,754.28                        61,914,754.28
 II. Accumulated depreciation and amortisation
 1.Beginning balance                                                    55,723,278.85                        55,723,278.85
 2.Increase                                                                         0.00                              0.00
 (1) Amortisation for the year
 3.Decrease                                                                         0.00                              0.00
 (1) Disposal
 4. Closing balance                                                     55,723,278.85                        55,723,278.85

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  III. Provision for impairment
  1.Beginning balance                                                                   0.00                                0.00
  2.Increase                                                                            0.00                                0.00
  (1) Provision                                                                         0.00                                0.00
  3. Decrease                                                                           0.00                                0.00
  (1) Disposal                                                                          0.00                                0.00
  4.Closing balance                                                                     0.00                                0.00
  IV. Carrying amount
  1.Carrying value at period end                                             6,191,475.43                           6,191,475.43
  2.Carrying value at beginning of the period                                6,191,475.43                           6,191,475.43

 (2) Investment properties whose title certificate has not completed:
 □Applicable √N/A

 Other descriptions:
 □Applicable √N/A

 13. Fixed assets
 Line items
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                                 Balance at the Beginning
                      Item                         Balance at the End of the Period
                                                                                                       of the Year
  Fixed assets                                                      5,203,199,498.59                            5,265,200,110.91
  Fixed assets for disposal                                                     0.00                                        0.00
                      Total                                         5,203,199,498.59                            5,265,200,110.91

 Fixed assets
 (1) Details of fixed assets
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                         Housing and            Machinery and
       Item                                                         Motor vehicles        equipment and            Total
                          buildings              equipment
I. Book value:
1.Beginning balance      4,305,054,019.02       5,637,544,484.73       106,291,576.88      856,552,473.06         10,905,442,553.69
2.Increase                  14,409,214.37         212,826,051.65         6,316,978.34       41,725,652.00            275,277,896.36
(1) Purchase                 1,178,647.55          45,700,594.29         5,063,095.64       17,254,796.59             69,197,134.07
(2) Transfer from
construction in               13,230,566.82       167,125,457.36                 0.00          19,244,917.18         199,600,941.36
(3) Changes in
                                        0.00                 0.00         805,832.74            5,193,524.57           5,999,357.31
business merger
(4) Others                              0.00                0.00           448,049.96              32,413.66             480,463.62
3.Decrease                        225,272.42        6,055,902.27         2,358,365.71           3,878,689.30          12,518,229.70
(1) Disposal or
                                  225,272.42        6,055,902.27         2,358,365.71           3,878,689.30          12,518,229.70
(2) Others                           0.00                   0.00                                     0.00
4.Closing balance        4,319,237,960.97       5,844,314,634.11       110,250,189.51      894,399,435.76         11,168,202,220.35

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II. Accumulated
1.Beginning balance       1,806,888,229.17      3,109,967,392.10        82,170,130.55    538,254,242.39           5,537,279,994.21
2.Increase                   95,783,017.77        189,528,756.68         5,049,519.17     43,078,940.54             333,440,234.16
(1) Provision                95,783,017.77        189,528,756.68         3,998,932.75     39,103,823.83             328,414,531.03
(2) Changes in
                                      0.00                   0.00          602,536.46          3,942,703.05           4,545,239.51
business merger
(3)Other increase                    0.00                    0.00          448,049.96             32,413.66             480,463.62
3.Decrease                     202,745.18            3,947,374.74        2,036,893.14          2,474,867.09           8,661,880.15
(1) Disposal or
                               202,745.18            3,947,374.74        2,036,893.14          2,474,867.09           8,661,880.15
(2) Others                            0.00                  0.00                 0.00              0.00                       0.00
4.Closing balance         1,902,468,501.76      3,295,548,774.04        85,182,756.58    578,858,315.84           5,862,058,348.22
III. Provision for
1.Beginning balance         26,474,491.83           57,549,501.09                0.00     18,938,455.65             102,962,448.57
2.Increase                           0.00                    0.00                0.00              0.00                       0.00
(1) Provision                        0.00                    0.00                0.00              0.00                       0.00
3.Decrease                           0.00               17,897.06                0.00            177.97                  18,075.03
(1) Disposal or
                                      0.00             17,897.06                 0.00               177.97               18,075.03
4.Closing balance           26,474,491.83           57,531,604.03                0.00     18,938,277.68             102,944,373.54
IV. Carrying
1.Carrying value at
                          2,390,294,967.38      2,491,234,256.04        25,067,432.93    296,602,842.24           5,203,199,498.59
period end
2.Carrying value at
beginning of the          2,471,691,298.02      2,470,027,591.54        24,121,446.33    299,359,775.02           5,265,200,110.91

 (2) Fixed assets with temporary idle
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                         Accumulated           Provision for
             Item                  Book value                                                       Carrying amount       Note
                                                         depreciation           impairment
   Housing and buildings            23,926,279.99          15,096,166.69          5,155,770.80         3,674,342.50
   Machinery and
                                   157,053,168.18         107,108,974.67         35,957,973.60        13,986,219.91
   Electronic equipment
                                     2,529,359.60           2,064,729.22           167,401.17            297,229.21
   and others
            Total                  183,508,807.77         124,269,870.58         41,281,145.57        17,957,791.62

 (3) Fixed assets held under finance leases
 □Applicable √N/A

 (4) Fixed assets leased out under operating leases
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                            Item                                                   Carrying Amount
  Housing and buildings                                                                                            1,388,823.73

 (5) Fixed assets without property certificate
 √Applicable □N/A

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                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                Item                    Carrying Amount                     Reason for pending for certificate of ownership
       Housing and buildings             167,321,294.13                                 Application in progress

      Other descriptions
      □Applicable √N/A

      Disposal of fixed assets
      □Applicable √N/A

      14. Construction in progress
      Line items
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                   Item                    Balance at the End of the Period             Balance at the Beginning of the Period
       Construction in progress                                941,543,760.31                                        810,835,273.97
       Construction materials                                      464,794.99                                            464,794.99
                   Total                                       942,008,555.30                                        811,300,068.96

      Construction in progress
        (1) Descriptions of construction in progress
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                         Balance at the End of the Period                   Balance at the Beginning of the Period
            Item                                  Provision for                                          Provision for
                                  Book balance                     Net book value        Book balance                   Net book value
                                                   impairment                                             impairment
Haibin Pharma Pingshang
                                  169,982,198.67 11,068,266.54      158,913,932.13       133,771,969.05 11,068,266.54       122,703,702.51
New Factory
Guangda New Factory
                                  404,619,421.41            0.00    404,619,421.41       360,963,893.27              0.00   360,963,893.27
Fuxing Company Phase I &
                                    30,491,744.08           0.00      30,491,744.08       38,842,449.73              0.00     38,842,449.73
II Projects and others
Project of Shijiao New
                                    23,806,304.97           0.00      23,806,304.97       12,409,895.73              0.00     12,409,895.73
Transformation Project of
Pharmaceutical Factory              74,126,138.66           0.00      74,126,138.66       70,972,186.23              0.00     70,972,186.23
Construction Project for
Microsphere Workshop
(including Gose) of Livzon          38,727,287.07           0.00      38,727,287.07       39,976,590.91              0.00     39,976,590.91
Group Livzon
Pharmaceutical Factory
P06 Construction Project of
Livzon Group Livzon                          0.00           0.00                 0.00        180,053.79              0.00        180,053.79
Pharmaceutical Factory
Project of lyophilized powder
                                             0.00           0.00                 0.00      1,157,559.47              0.00      1,157,559.47
injection workshop
P04/P05 Construction Project
of Livzon Group Livzon               1,586,060.52           0.00       1,586,060.52                 0.00             0.00               0.00
Pharmaceutical Factory
Technology transformation
project for Microsphere             15,364,843.69           0.00      15,364,843.69        1,560,960.52              0.00      1,560,960.52
Phase II of Shanghai Livzon

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Jiaozuo new factory
                                        36,513,524.20                    0.00       36,513,524.20            34,677,843.69                    0.00        34,677,843.69
relocation project
Others                                 157,563,844.04    169,340.46               157,394,503.58           127,559,478.58    169,340.46                 127,390,138.12
             Total                     952,781,367.31 11,237,607.00               941,543,760.31           822,072,880.97 11,237,607.00                 810,835,273.97

       (2) Changes in significant construction in progress
     √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                 Balance                                                                               Proportion of
                                                                                                                                    Balance at the
                                                                  at the                            Transfer to       Other                             cumulative
               Project item                     Budget                            Increase                                           End of the
                                                               Beginning                            fixed assets     decrease                             input to
                                                              of the Period                                                                              budget %
    Haibin Pharma Pingshang New
                                         1,436,107,400.00    133,771,969.05 93,985,923.16 55,735,456.28 2,040,237.26 169,982,198.67                        75.24
    Guangda New Factory Project            536,882,000.00    360,963,893.27 43,655,528.14                    0.00            0.00 404,619,421.41           80.96
    Fuxing Company Phase I & II
                                           378,090,800.00     38,842,449.73 23,745,621.59 32,061,560.52               34,766.72 30,491,744.08              95.38
    Projects and others
    Project of Shijiao New Factory         377,005,000.00     12,409,895.73 11,396,409.24                    0.00            0.00 23,806,304.97            92.94
    Transformation Project of
                                           306,558,388.48     70,972,186.23 47,400,607.13 44,246,654.70                      0.00 74,126,138.66            76.63
    Pharmaceutical Factory Workshop
    Construction Project for
    Microsphere Workshop
                                           262,445,000.00     39,976,590.91        893,805.33       2,143,109.17             0.00 38,727,287.07            89.71
    (including Gose) of Livzon Group
    Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory
    P06 Construction Project of Livzon
    Group Livzon Pharmaceutical            117,710,000.00        180,053.79        331,155.40         511,209.19             0.00              0.00        95.3
    Project of lyophilized powder
                                           143,500,000.00      1,157,559.47        426,344.85       1,583,904.32             0.00              0.00        95.4
    injection workshop
    P04/P05 Construction Project of
    Livzon Group Livzon                    126,880,000.00      1,560,960.52          25,100.00               0.00            0.00     1,586,060.52         1.25
    Pharmaceutical Factory
    Technology transformation project
    for Microsphere Phase II of             40,500,000.00     34,677,843.69          31,000.00 19,344,000.00                 0.00 15,364,843.69            85.7
    Shanghai Livzon
    Jiaozuo new factory relocation
                                           159,981,900.00                 0.00 36,513,524.20                 0.00            0.00 36,513,524.20            22.82
    Others                                             -     127,559,478.58 81,175,675.65 43,975,047.18 7,196,263.01 157,563,844.04                             -
                     Total             3,885,660,488.48      822,072,880.97 339,580,694.69 199,600,941.36 9,271,266.99 952,781,367.31                       /

                                                                                                    Including: interest
                                                                           Cumulative amount                               Interest capitalisation     Source of
                       Project item                        Progress                                  capitalised in the
                                                                          of interest capitalised                           rate for the year (%)        fund
                                                         Completion of
      Haibin Pharma Pingshang New Factory                                                    0.00                   0.00                      0.00     and funds
                                                         some projects
      Guangda New Factory Project                                                            0.00                   0.00                      0.00 Self-funding
      Fuxing Company Phase I & II Projects and           Completion of
                                                                                             0.00                   0.00                      0.00 Self-funding
      others                                             some projects
                                                         Completion of
      Project of Shijiao New Factory                                                         0.00                   0.00                      0.00     and funds
                                                         some projects
      Transformation Project of Pharmaceutical           Completion of
                                                                                             0.00                   0.00                      0.00 Self-funding
      Factory Workshop                                   some projects
      Construction Project for Microsphere                                                                                                            Self-funding
                                                         Completion of
      Workshop (including Gose) of Livzon Group                                              0.00                   0.00                      0.00     and funds
                                                         some projects
      Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory                                                                                                                      raised
      P06 Construction Project of Livzon Group
                                                          Completed                          0.00                   0.00                      0.00 Self-funding
      Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory
      Project of lyophilized powder injection
                                                          Completed                          0.00                   0.00                      0.00     and funds
      P04/P05 Construction Project of Livzon Group           Under
                                                                                             0.00                   0.00                      0.00 Self-funding
      Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory                       construction
      Technology transformation project for              Completion of
                                                                                             0.00                   0.00                      0.00 Self-funding
      Microsphere Phase II of Shanghai Livzon            some projects
      Jiaozuo new factory relocation project                                                 0.00                   0.00                      0.00 Self-funding
      Others                                                    -                            0.00                   0.00                      0.00 Self-funding
                           Total                                                             0.00                   0.00                      0.00 -

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                        Interim Report 2023

Other decrease is mainly transferred to long-term deferred expenses.

(3). Provision for impairment of construction in progress in the current period
□Applicable √N/A

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

15. Right-of-use assets
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
 Item                                              Housing and buildings              Total
 I. Book value:
 1.Beginning balance                                              78,335,855.53               78,335,855.53
 2.Increase                                                       14,230,427.76               14,230,427.76
 (1) Leasing                                                      14,230,427.76               14,230,427.76
 3.Decrease                                                        3,505,411.89                3,505,411.89
 4. Closing balance                                               89,060,871.40               89,060,871.40
 II. Accumulated depreciation
 1.Beginning balance                                              36,492,721.56               36,492,721.56
 2.Increase                                                       15,820,079.48               15,820,079.48
 (1) Provision                                                    15,820,079.48               15,820,079.48
 3.Decrease                                                        3,505,411.89                3,505,411.89
 4.Closing balance                                                48,807,389.15               48,807,389.15
 III. Provision for impairment
 1.Beginning balance                                                       0.00                        0.00
 2.Increase                                                                0.00                        0.00
 3.Decrease                                                                0.00                        0.00
 4.Closing balance                                                         0.00                        0.00
 IV. Carrying amount
 1.Carrying value at period end                                   40,253,482.25               40,253,482.25
 2.Carrying value at beginning of the period                      41,843,133.97               41,843,133.97

Other descriptions:
As of 30 June 2023, the Company recognised lease expenses related to short-term leases and the leases of
low value assets of RMB314.73 million.

16. Intangible assets
(1) Details of intangible assets
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

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   Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                   Interim Report 2023

                                              Patent and
            Item          Land use rights   technical know-        Software                           Others                  Total

I. Book value

1.Beginning balance       442,251,561.19    1,015,955,570.54      93,252,884.14   62,769,716.98     10,985,294.53         1,625,215,027.38

2.Increase                           0.00     179,140,231.36        228,532.13               0.00              0.00        179,368,763.49

(1) Purchase                         0.00         100,000.00        228,532.13               0.00              0.00            328,532.13

(2) Internal R&D                     0.00     179,040,231.36               0.00              0.00              0.00        179,040,231.36

3.Decrease                           0.00       5,524,303.12       1,933,014.92              0.00              0.00           7,457,318.04

4.Closing balance         442,251,561.19    1,189,571,498.78      91,548,401.35   62,769,716.98     10,985,294.53         1,797,126,472.83

II. Accumulated


1.Beginning balance       132,119,481.74      542,409,896.29      63,402,361.15   62,765,668.27      6,682,720.82          807,380,128.27

2.Increase                   4,709,915.83     225,024,874.61       4,092,149.76         235.86        549,264.73           234,376,440.79

Provision                    4,709,915.83     225,024,874.61       4,092,149.76         235.86        549,264.73           234,376,440.79

3.Decrease                           0.00       5,524,303.12       1,933,014.92              0.00              0.00           7,457,318.04

4.Closing balance         136,829,397.57      761,910,467.78      65,561,495.99   62,765,904.13      7,231,985.55         1,034,299,251.02

III. Provision for


1.Beginning balance            981,826.94      14,737,946.42               0.00              0.00              0.00         15,719,773.36

2.Increase                           0.00                  0.00            0.00              0.00              0.00                   0.00

Provision                            0.00                  0.00            0.00              0.00              0.00                   0.00

3.Decrease                           0.00                  0.00            0.00              0.00              0.00                   0.00

4.Closing balance              981,826.94      14,737,946.42               0.00              0.00              0.00         15,719,773.36

IV. Carrying amount

1.Carrying value at
                          304,440,336.68      412,923,084.58      25,986,905.36        3,812.85      3,753,308.98          747,107,448.45
period end

2.Carrying value at
                          309,150,252.51      458,807,727.83      29,850,522.99        4,048.71      4,302,573.71          802,115,125.75
beginning of the period

   The proportion of intangible assets created due to the internal R&D in the balance of intangible assets at the
   End of the Period is 48.26%

   (2) Intangible assets pending for certificates of ownership
   □Applicable √N/A

   Other descriptions
   √Applicable □N/A
   The land use rights represent the state-owned land use rights obtained by the Company in accordance with
   PRC laws in China, and the term of grant will be 50 years commencing from the date of obtaining the land
   use rights

   17. Development Costs
   √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                         Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

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                                                 Increase for the Period                     Decrease for the Period
                        Balance at the                                                                                               Balance at the
                                                 Internal                                                    Recognised in
        Item             Beginning of                                  Other         Recognized as                                     End of the
                                              development                                                    profit or loss in
                           the Period                                increase       intangible assets                                      Period
                                                  costs                                                          the year
                        136,857,815.87        178,549,474.93               0.00       24,807,895.94                         0.00     290,599,394.86
 Biologics              238,227,636.57                       0.00          0.00      145,802,628.07                         0.00      92,425,008.50
 APIs and others         53,199,431.73             571,180.24              0.00        8,429,707.35                         0.00      45,340,904.62
        Total           428,284,884.17        179,120,655.17               0.00      179,040,231.36                         0.00     428,365,307.98

     Other descriptions:
                                     Time for commencement of                                                Progress of research and development
                Item                                                   Specific basis of capitalisation
                                           capitalisation                                                                    at year end
Chemical pharmaceuticals                   Clinical trial            Obtain approval for clinical trial                     Clinical stage
Biologics                                  Clinical trial            Obtain approval for clinical trial                     Clinical stage
APIs and others                              Pilot stage             Pilot related information                           Post-pilot stage

     18. Goodwill
     (1) Book value of goodwill
     √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                  Increase for the Period         Decrease for the Period
                                          Balance at the                                                                              Balance at
   Name of investee or matter from                              Formation by
                                          Beginning of                                                                                the End of
       which goodwill arose                                       business          Others        Disposal          Others
                                           the Period                                                                                 the Period
 Shanghai Livzon Pharmaceutical
                                             2,045,990.12                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00              2,045,990.12
 Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
 Zhuhai FTZ Livzon Hecheng
 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co.,           3,492,752.58                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00              3,492,752.58
 Sichuan Guangda Pharmaceutical
                                            13,863,330.24                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00          13,863,330.24
 Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
 Livzon Group Xinbeijiang
                                             7,271,307.03                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00              7,271,307.03
 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Inc.
 Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing
                                            46,926,155.25                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00          46,926,155.25
 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
 Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical
                                            47,912,269.66                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00          47,912,269.66
 Livzon Group                              395,306,126.41                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00         395,306,126.41
 Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical Co.,
                                            91,878,068.72                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00          91,878,068.72
 Joincare Daily-Use & Health Care
                                             1,610,047.91                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00              1,610,047.91
 Co., Ltd.
 Shenzhen Taitai Pharmaceutical Co.,
                                               635,417.23                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00                635,417.23
 Health Pharmaceuticals (China)
                                            23,516,552.65                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00          23,516,552.65
 Shenzhen Hiyeah Industry Co., Ltd           6,000,000.00                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00              6,000,000.00
 Jiaozuo Joincare Bio Technological
                                                92,035.87                0.00          0.00               0.00           0.00                 92,035.87
 Co., Ltd.
 Shanghai Zhongtuo Pharmaceutical
                                                      0.00      21,870,805.09          0.00               0.00           0.00          21,870,805.09
 Technology Co., Ltd.
                 Total                     640,550,053.67       21,870,805.09          0.00               0.00           0.00         662,420,858.76

     (2) Provision for impairment of goodwill
     √Applicable □N/A

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                                                                                            Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                    Balance at the                              Decrease for the      Balance at the
  Investee or matters formed the                     Increase for the Period
                                    Beginning of                                     Period             End of the
                                     the Period      Provision      Others     Disposal     Others       Period
 Livzon Group Xinbeijiang
 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing        7,271,307.03           0.00        0.00       0.00       0.00     7,271,307.03
 Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing
                                    11,200,000.00           0.00        0.00       0.00       0.00    11,200,000.00
 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
 Shenzhen Hiyeah Industry Co.,
                                     6,000,000.00           0.00        0.00       0.00       0.00     6,000,000.00
 Joincare Daily-Use & Health
                                     1,610,047.91           0.00        0.00       0.00       0.00     1,610,047.91
 Care Co., Ltd.
              Total                 26,081,354.94           0.00        0.00       0.00       0.00    26,081,354.94

(3) Relevant information regarding the asset portfolio and set of asset portfolios to which the goodwill
√Applicable □N/A

Goodwill of the Company arose from its business combination involving enterprises not under common

(4) Descriptions of the process of goodwill impairment testing, key parameters (such as the growth rate
of the forecast period, the growth rate of the stable period, the profit rate, the discount rate and the
forecast period, etc. when the present value of future cash flows are expected, if applicable) and the
recognition method of the impairment losses on goodwill
√Applicable □N/A

On the balance sheet date, the Company conducts an impairment test on goodwill. When estimating the
recoverable amount of input costs, it uses an assets group related to goodwill to estimate the present
value of future cash flows.

The estimated future cash flow of asset groups is calculated according to the five-year financial budget
plan made by the management, the cash flows in the years beyond the five-year budget plan remain

Key assumptions of discounted future cash flow for goodwill impairment test are as follows:

For the calculation of estimated present value of future cash flow of the asset groups related to goodwill
of Livzon Group, key assumptions are a gross margin of 63.27%-63.46% and a business revenue growth
rate of 0-9.08% as well as a cash flow discount rate of 12.21%. The management took into account
historical conditions and predictions for future market development in making the above assumptions.

For the calculation of estimated present value of future cash flow of the asset groups related to goodwill
of Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (深圳市海滨制药有限公司), key assumptions are a gross
margin of 38.91%-40.11% and a business revenue growth rate of -9.19~2.79% as well as a cash flow
discount rate of 11.78%. The management took into account historical conditions and predictions for
future market development in making the above assumptions.

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For the calculation of estimated present value of future cash flow of the asset groups related to goodwill
of Livzon Group Livzon Pharmaceutical Factory(丽珠集团丽珠制药厂), key assumptions are a gross
margin of 82.19%-83.33% and a business revenue growth rate of 0~7.83% as well as a cash flow
discount rate of 14.72%. The management took into account historical conditions and predictions for
future market development in making the above assumptions.

For the calculation of estimated present value of future cash flow of the asset groups related to goodwill
of Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (丽珠集团福州福兴医药有限公司), key
assumptions are a gross margin of 63.43%-64.44% and a business revenue growth rate of 0~11.80% as
well as a cash flow discount rate of 15.04%. The management took into account historical conditions
and predictions for future market development in making the above assumptions.

As tested, the management of the Company expects that no impairment provision is needed during the

(5) The impact of goodwill impairment test
□Applicable √N/A

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

19. Long-term deferred expenses
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                       Balance at the
                                                                                                   Other          Balance at the End
          Item        Beginning of the              Increase             Amortisation
                                                                                                 decrease           of the Period
 Renovation costs
                         32,404,898.26              1,882,339.34             3,287,024.57                  0.00       31,000,213.03
 of offices
 Renovation costs
                       177,270,511.39           15,024,467.04               17,436,584.11                  0.00      174,858,394.32
 of plants
 Others                  68,192,307.30          40,341,777.00               31,388,065.74                  0.00       77,146,018.56
         Total         277,867,716.95           57,248,583.38               52,111,674.42                  0.00      283,004,625.91

20. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
(1) Deferred tax assets before offsetting
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                       Balance at the End of the Period                     Balance at the Beginning of the Period
              Item                     Deductible                                       Deductible timing
                                                               Deferred tax assets                                 Deferred tax assets
                                  timing differences                                          differences
Provision for impairment of
                                        337,089,020.61              51,580,954.99              336,502,793.26           51,790,732.85

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                     Interim Report 2023

Accrued expenses                    902,905,879.26         135,624,380.46         965,912,234.46         145,014,131.32
Deductible tax loss                 418,979,415.49           64,476,849.75        399,128,528.63           61,021,514.54
Deferred income                     370,621,002.86           55,608,150.43        329,970,021.95           49,511,503.29
Unrealised gains from intra-
                                    501,321,768.50           75,328,292.69        694,726,037.62         104,182,311.29
company transactions
Changes in fair value of
other equity instrument             179,876,717.01           44,924,244.73        146,540,719.40           36,635,179.85
Deductible difference
arising from share incentive        150,186,553.14           22,602,225.48        107,474,309.53           16,149,104.44
Changes in fair value of
financial assets held for             28,168,669.24           4,660,606.50           7,298,819.37           1,234,418.76
Other deductible temporary
                                    455,485,646.12           68,322,846.91        455,485,646.11           68,322,846.92
             Total                 3,344,634,672.23        523,128,551.94        3,443,039,110.33        533,861,743.26

(2) Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                   Balance at the End of the Period           Balance at the Beginning of the Period
              Item              Taxable timing           Deferred tax         Taxable timing           Deferred tax
                                  difference               liabilities          difference               liabilities
 Changes in fair value of
 financial assets held for          14,753,682.98           2,213,052.45          20,269,315.67           3,216,065.39
 Accelerated depreciation
                                 1,127,824,349.83         170,134,703.63       1,094,571,545.41         167,757,444.03
 of fixed assets
 Changes in fair value of
 other equity instrument           274,168,629.71          47,069,458.91         242,925,303.81          39,399,916.06
 Unrealised gains from
 intra-company                     105,940,000.00          20,791,000.00         105,940,000.00          20,791,000.00
             Total               1,522,686,662.52         240,208,214.99       1,463,706,164.89         231,164,425.48

(3) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed as net amount after offset
□Applicable √N/A

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                     Item                  Balance at the End of the Period     Balance at the Beginning of the Period

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     Deductible temporary difference                                     301,489,517.89                                   239,109,485.46
     Deductible tax losses                                             3,241,798,031.09                               2,804,958,759.64
                          Total                                        3,543,287,548.98                               3,044,068,245.10

    (5) Expiry of deductible tax losses in subsequent period
    √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                         Balance at the End of the       Balance at the Beginning of
                  Year                                                                                                Note
                                                  Period                            the Period
     2023                                           181,799,154.76                      182,300,762.40                    /
     2024                                           385,138,859.92                      385,139,111.62                    /
     2025                                           262,456,724.50                      253,044,280.36                    /
     2026                                           398,033,727.51                      390,203,263.39                    /
     2027                                         1,452,004,008.76                    1,485,158,186.92                    /
     2028                                           442,037,468.37                                 0.00                   /
     Indefinite                                     120,328,087.27                      109,113,154.95                    /
                  Total                           3,241,798,031.09                    2,804,958,759.64

    Other descriptions:
    □Applicable √N/A

    21. Other non-current assets
    √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                  Balance at the End of the Period                           Balance at the Beginning of the Period
     Item                                    Provision for
                          Book Balance                       Carrying amount            Book Balance           for        Carrying amount
Term deposit
                     1,037,535,481.51                0.00     1,037,535,481.51           812,562,286.58            0.00          812,562,286.58
and interests
VAT carry
                            3,338,552.19             0.00            3,338,552.19          3,338,552.19            0.00            3,338,552.19
Prepayment for
acquisition of
                          295,988,669.79             0.00       295,988,669.79           340,456,344.22            0.00          340,456,344.22
project and
Prepayment for
acquisition of
                            1,600,000.00             0.00            1,600,000.00            415,000.00            0.00              415,000.00
technical know-
      Total          1,338,462,703.49                0.00     1,338,462,703.49         1,156,772,182.99            0.00        1,156,772,182.99

    22. Short-term loans
    (1) Short-term loans by category
    √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                  Item                     Balance at the End of the Period                 Balance at the Beginning of the Period
    Unsecured loans                                            2,116,000,000.00                                        2,089,585,755.20
    Guaranteed loans                                                 10,000,000.00                                            36,464,859.86

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           Total                                         2,126,000,000.00                                           2,126,050,615.06

(2) Overdue short-term loans
□Applicable √N/A

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

23. Financial liabilities held for trading
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                               Balance at the                                                          Balance at
                   Item                       Beginning of the           Increase               Decrease               the End of
                                                   Period                                                              the Period
 Financial liabilities held for trading             755,634.43           20,888,614.43                     0.00       21,644,248.86
   Derivative financial liabilities                 755,634.43           20,888,614.43                     0.00       21,644,248.86
                   Total                            755,634.43           20,888,614.43                     0.00       21,644,248.86
Other descriptions:

Derivative financial liabilities represent foreign currency forward contracts. The loss from unexpired
onerous contracts measured at fair value on balance sheet date was recognised as financial liabilities
held for trading.

24. Notes payable
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
               Type                       Balance at the End of the Period               Balance at the Beginning of the Period
Bank acceptance bills                                            1,729,003,530.95                                   1,635,906,989.22
               Total                                             1,729,003,530.95                                   1,635,906,989.22
The total of bills payable due but not yet paid during the period is RMB 0.00.

25. Accounts payable
(1) Presentations of accounts payable
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
               Item                       Balance at the End of the Period               Balance at the Beginning of the Period
 Within 1year                                                    766,124,196.07                                      815,158,453.21
 Over 1 year                                                      58,215,993.26                                      128,747,127.70
               Total                                             824,340,189.33                                      943,905,580.91

(2) Significant accounts payable aged aging over one year
□Applicable √N/A

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Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

26. Contract liabilities
(1) Descriptions of contract liabilities
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                              Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
               Item                   Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Beginning of the Period
 Within 1 year                                               64,934,759.90                              260,935,024.18
 Over 1 year                                                 27,613,072.22                               32,042,706.56
               Total                                         92,547,832.12                              292,977,730.74

(2) Significant changes in the carrying amount during the Reporting Period and reasons therefor
□Applicable √N/A

Other descriptions:
√Applicable □N/A

As at the End of the Period, there was no significant contract liabilities with ageing for more than 1 year
at the end of the period. The amount of contract liabilities at beginning of the period recognised as
revenue during the period is RMB189,613,046.02.

27. Employee benefits payables
(1) Descriptions of employee benefits payables
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                              Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                      Balance at the
                                                                                                     Balance at the End
                 Item                Beginning of the          Increase            Decrease
                                                                                                       of the Period
 I. Short-term employee benefits       571,143,205.10       1,064,732,405.44    1,207,934,749.24        427,940,861.30
 II. Post-employment benefits -
                                            584,624.36         78,848,885.81       79,159,820.55            273,689.62
 Defined contribution plans
 III. Termination benefits                1,282,742.00          3,606,117.44        3,606,117.44          1,282,742.00
                Total                  573,010,571.46       1,147,187,408.69    1,290,700,687.23        429,497,292.92

(2) Descriptions of Short-term employee benefits
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                            Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                       Balance at the                                                 Balance at the
                                                            Increase for the    Decrease for the
                 Item                 Beginning of the                                                 End of the
                                                                Period              Period
                                          Period                                                         Period
 Ⅰ Salaries, bonus and allowances
                                        375,067,929.19       958,354,048.92      1,100,233,701.81       233,188,276.30
 and subsidies
 Ⅱ Staff welfare                         5,794,481.17         35,772,678.18         36,387,299.70        5,179,859.65
 Ⅲ Social insurances                     1,244,430.44         35,893,920.68         36,039,229.46        1,099,121.66
 Including: Medical insurance             1,153,030.82         32,970,467.46         33,097,333.80        1,026,164.48

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           Work injury insurance              51,322.84         1,975,068.85           1,986,360.07             40,031.62
           Maternity insurance                40,076.78           948,384.37             955,535.59             32,925.56
 Ⅳ Housing fund                           2,223,574.48        31,548,429.02          32,145,023.54          1,626,979.96
 Ⅴ Union funds and staff
                                            418,905.96           3,163,328.64           3,129,494.73           452,739.87
 Ⅵ Stock Ownership Plan Special
                                         186,393,883.86                    0.00                  0.00      186,393,883.86
               Total                     571,143,205.10     1,064,732,405.44       1,207,934,749.24        427,940,861.30

(3) Defined contribution plans
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                      Balance at the
                                                                                                        Balance at the End
               Item                  Beginning of the           Increase             Decrease
                                                                                                           of the Period
 Post-employment benefits
 Including: 1. Basic pension
                                            545,595.12         76,509,184.46         76,806,285.48             248,494.10
   2. Unemployment insurance                 39,029.24           2,339,701.35         2,353,535.07               25,195.52
               Total                        584,624.36         78,848,885.81         79,159,820.55             273,689.62

Other descriptions:
√Applicable □N/A

The Company participates in pension insurance and unemployment insurance plans established by the
government in accordance with relevant requirements. According to the plans, the Company makes
contributions to these plans in accordance with relevant requirements of the local government. Save for
the above contributions, the Company no longer undertakes further payment obligation. The
corresponding cost is charged to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of relevant assets
when it occurs.

28. Taxes payable
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                  Item                      Balance at the End of the Period      Balance at the Beginning of the Period
Value added tax                                                 102,092,047.04                              166,151,353.61
Urban maintenance and construction tax                            9,994,708.09                               14,374,197.97
Enterprise income tax                                           150,824,573.52                              124,039,899.44
Property tax                                                    10,241,088.83                                  7,992,927.81
Land use tax                                                     2,995,400.14                                  2,847,286.45
Individual income tax                                             2,993,114.20                                7,524,584.67
Stamp duty                                                       3,140,814.03                                  2,904,260.39
Education surcharges                                             6,775,591.04                                  9,613,697.69
Others                                                           2,202,851.07                                  2,254,065.70
                  Total                                         291,260,187.96                              337,702,273.73

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29. Other payables
Line items
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                              Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
            Item                    Balance at the End of the Period              Balance at the Beginning of the Period
 Dividends payable                                       439,505,017.15                                       12,252,074.84
 Other payables                                         3,630,499,380.28                                   3,668,082,286.04
            Total                                       4,070,004,397.43                                   3,680,334,360.88

Dividends payable
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                              Balance at the End of the       Balance at the Beginning of the
                                                                       Period                             Period
Common shares dividend                                                     412,156,930.98                          20,174.46
Dividends payable--Qingyuan Xinbeijiang (Group)
                                                                               1,200,710.00                    1,200,710.00
Dividends payable--Other legal persons and individual
                                                                            14,355,461.84                      6,682,964.50
shares of subsidiaries
Dividends payable--Staff shares of subsidiaries                             11,791,914.33                      4,348,225.88
                            Total                                          439,505,017.15                     12,252,074.84

Other payables
(1) Other payables by nature
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                    Item                    Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Beginning of the Period
 Office expenses                                                 72,936,759.45                                69,513,003.38
 Security deposit                                                72,154,822.13                                89,750,329.22
 Promotion fees                                               1,948,108,687.80                             1,722,993,407.82
 Technology transfer fees                                        10,000,000.00                                10,000,000.00
 Accrued expenses                                             1,442,602,987.10                             1,714,076,189.32
 others                                                          84,696,123.80                                61,749,356.30
                    Total                                     3,630,499,380.28                             3,668,082,286.04

The obligations of repurchasing restricted shares of the directors, the senior management and their
spouses amounted RMB0.00 at the End of the Period.

(2) Significant other payables aged over 1 year
□Applicable √N/A

Other descriptions:
√Applicable □N/A

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Of which, the breakdown of accrued expenses was as follows:
                                                                                  31 December         Reason for outstanding
                          Item                            30 June 2023
                                                                                      2022            at the End of the Period
 Utility bill                                               46,855,809.21          28,378,759.70              Unpaid
 Research expenses                                          30,285,873.37          61,153,064.06              Unpaid
 Business development and promotion expenses             1,273,381,492.64        1,517,084,251.92             Unpaid
 Audit and information disclosure expenses                    5,872,694.75          4,775,560.70              Unpaid
 Others                                                     86,207,117.13         102,684,552.94              Unpaid
                          Total                          1,442,602,987.10        1,714,076,189.32

30. Non-current liabilities due within one year
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                  Item                       Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Beginning of the Period
Lease liabilities due within one year                            23,951,826.07                                   19,415,779.34
Long-term loans and interest due
                                                                 38,846,673.61                                   43,661,481.64
within one year
                  Total                                          62,798,499.68                                   63,077,260.98

31. Other current liabilities
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                  Item                       Balance at the End of the Period         Balance at the Beginning of the Period
Output VAT pending for transfer                                  6,301,133.87                                    17,734,822.42
Payable refunds                                                 83,440,368.95                                    83,440,368.95
Others                                                                    0.00                                       101,522.98
                  Total                                         89,741,502.82                                   101,276,714.35

Change of short-term bonds payable
□Applicable √N/A

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

32. Long-term loans
(1) Classification of long-term loans
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

                     Item                     Balance at the End of the Period    Balance at the Beginning of the Period

Unsecured loans                                            2,025,232,389.91                              1,475,974,398.32
Guaranteed loans                                           1,976,877,722.64                              1,798,531,126.20
Less: Long-term loans due within one year                     38,846,673.61                                 43,661,481.64
                    Total                                  3,963,263,438.94                              3,230,844,042.88

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      Other descriptions, including interest rate range:
      √Applicable □N/A

      The interest rate range of credit loan is 2.25%-3.45%, and the interest rate range of guaranteed loan is

      33. Lease liabilities
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                            Item                           Balance at the End of the Period                  Balance at the Beginning of the Period
      Lease payments payable                                                          41,630,120.76                                         42,898,265.42
      Lease liabilities due within one year                                           -23,951,826.07                                       -19,415,779.35
                            Total                                                     17,678,294.69                                         23,482,486.07

      Other descriptions:

      Interest expenses accrued on lease liabilities during the 6-month period ended 30 June 2023 was
      RMB1,469,700, which was recorded in financial expenses-interest expense.

      34. Deferred income
      Deferred income
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                    Balance at the
                                                                                                             Balance at the End
               Item                Beginning of the           Increase                 Decrease                                      Reason of formation
                                                                                                               of the Period
      Government grants                384,537,267.55       71,872,232.48              30,035,418.66             426,374,081.37                 /
               Total                   384,537,267.55       71,872,232.48              30,035,418.66             426,374,081.37                 /

      Projects involving government grants:
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                        Charged to
                                                                                                                                                        Related to
                                    Beginning        Additions in                          Transfer to           Other                                    assets/
     Projects with grants                                                operating                                                Closing balance
                                     balance          the period                          other income          movement                                Related to
                                                                        income for
                                                                         the period
2020 Shanghai Professional
Technology Platform Capacity
Enhancement Project (2020 年                                                                                                                            Related to
                                    1,000,000.00                    0             0        1,000,000.00                    0                        0
Research on Common Co-
construction Technology of
Pharmaceutical Inhalation
Preparations (开发区财政局拨                                                                                                                            Related to
                                    4,800,000.00                    0             0                      0                 0         4,800,000.00
款创业领军人才项目: 药品
Key technology research and
                                                                                                                                                        Related to
development of budesonide           2,158,333.29                    0             0          175,000.02                    0         1,983,333.27
nebulized inhalation solution

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High-growth small and micro
                                                                                                          Related to
innovation enterprises (高成长       400,000.00          0        0              0    0     400,000.00
Project Subsidy of Marine
                                                                                                          Related to
mollusk kinetic protein (海洋       4,278,000.00         0        0      442,200.00   0    3,835,800.00
Laboratory project of
respiratory system inhalation
preparation engineering                                                                                   Related to
                                    1,885,450.00         0        0      808,050.00   0    1,077,400.00
laboratory project (呼吸系统
Research and development of
respiratory system drug and
clinical research technology
service platform project talent                                                                           Related to
                                    1,550,000.00         0        0       50,000.00   0    1,500,000.00
funding (呼吸系统药物研发和                                                                                assets
R&D of active substances with
bone and joint repair and health
care functions(具有骨关节修                                                                               Related to
                                     837,943.68          0        0       59,853.12   0     778,090.56
Science and technology help
the economy key special                                                                                   Related to
                                     500,000.00          0        0      500,000.00   0              0
projects (科技助力经济重点                                                                                 assets
Leulu total sterone project (漏                                                                           Related to
                                    2,500,000.00         0        0              0    0    2,500,000.00
芦总甾酮项目)                                                                                              assets
Construction of an integrated
production line for fully
automatic blister-type dry
powder inhalant micro-filling                                                                             Related to
                                     685,666.62          0        0      121,000.02   0     564,666.60
and winding (全自动泡罩型干                                                                                assets
City Service Development                                                                                  Related to
                                     800,000.00          0        0              0    0     800,000.00
Special (市服务发展专项)                                                                                   assets
Government funding for small
                                                                                                          Related to
molecule peptide project (政拨       239,999.76          0        0       40,000.02   0     199,999.74
Innovation coupon (Jingjin
                                                                                                          Related to
filter press equipment) (创新券      153,332.75          0        0              0    0     153,332.75
(景津压滤设备) )
Construction of a recycling
production base for
carbapenem products (碳青霉                                                                               Related to
                                    3,625,000.00         0        0              0    0    3,625,000.00
Glucocorticoid inhalation
                                                                                                          Related to
suspension project (糖皮质混        7,200,000.00         0        0              0    0    7,200,000.00
Return of land holding tax (土                                                                            Related to
                                    3,460,631.62         0        0      703,111.26   0    2,757,520.36
地使用税返还)                                                                                              assets
Xinxiang High-tech Project
                                                                                                          Related to
Fund Support (新乡高新技术          1,804,713.72         0        0       28,198.68   0    1,776,515.04
New inhalation drug
formulation creation project                                                                              Related to
                                   20,908,374.88         0        0      920,106.30   0   19,988,268.58
Large-scale development
subsidy for new inhalation                                                                                Related to
                                    1,680,000.00         0        0              0    0    1,680,000.00
preparations (新型吸入制剂规                                                                               assets
Subsidies for the development
of pharmaceutical APIs                                                                                    Related to
                                   39,522,162.26         0        0              0    0   39,522,162.26
industry (医药原料药行业发                                                                                 assets
Zhimu total sapogenin project                                                                             Related to
                                    8,900,000.00         0        0              0    0    8,900,000.00
(知母总皂甙元项目)                                                                                         assets
                                                                                                          Related to
Patent funding (专利资助)            200,000.00          0        0              0    0     200,000.00

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Shenzhen Sponge City
Construction Fund Award*
Shenzhen Water Affairs                                                                                               Related to
                                     760,947.20          0        0        22,380.78            0      738,566.42
Bureau (深圳市海绵城市建设
资金奖励* 深圳市水务局)
Atmospheric environmental
                                                                                                                     Related to
quality improvement subsidy          157,915.02          0        0        10,766.94            0      147,148.08
Technology giant (科技小巨                                                                                           Related to
                                    1,200,000.00         0        0      1,200,000.00           0               0
人)                                                                                                                   assets
First application for corporate
postdoctoral project research                                                                                        Related to
                                     120,000.00          0        0                0            0      120,000.00
funding (首次申请企业博士后                                                                                           assets
R&D and industrialization of
innovative Ilaprazole series (艾                                                                                     Related to
                                   11,168,166.21         0        0      2,455,000.02           0     8,713,166.19
普拉唑系列创新药物研发及                                                                                              assets
Strategic emerging industries
in 2014 (sustained release                                                                                           Related to
                                   16,700,000.00         0        0                0            0    16,700,000.00
microspheres) (2014 年战略性                                                                                          assets
新兴产业 (缓释微球)
Fund for industrialization of
prolonged-action microsphere                                                                                         Related to
                                   12,550,000.00         0        0                0            0    12,550,000.00
preparation (长效微球制剂的                                                                                           assets
Construction project for
industrialization of prolonged-
action microsphere preparation                                                                                       Related to
                                   18,314,195.60         0        0      1,202,654.94           0    17,111,540.66
(phase I) (长效微球制剂产业
化建设项目 (一期工程)
Project subsidy from the
Ministry of Industry and                                                                                             Related to
                                    2,400,000.00         0        0                0            0     2,400,000.00
Information Technology (工业                                                                                          assets
Project subsidy from the
Ministry of Industry and                                                                                             Related to
                                    1,135,750.00         0        0       115,500.00            0     1,020,250.00
Information Technology (工业                                                                                          assets
Construction of Drug
Conformity Evaluation
Research Center Platform (药                                                                                         Related to
                                     880,000.18          0        0        79,999.98            0      800,000.20
R&D and Commercialisation
of Mouse Nerve Growth Factor                                                                                         Related to
                                   29,485,857.65         0        0      5,280,044.64   183,600.00   24,022,213.01
for Injection (注射用鼠神经生                                                                                         assets
Demonstration project on the
application of solar                                                                                                 Related to
                                    1,353,499.35         0        0       551,000.04            0      802,499.31
photovoltaic architecture (太阳                                                                                       assets
Subsidy for the Tender of
Technology Upgrade Project
for PVC Soft Bag Supported                                                                                           Related to
by Provincial Finance               2,299,785.26         0        0       190,182.90            0     2,109,602.36
Departments (省财政支持技改
招标项目补助金 PVC 软袋)
Technical transformation
project of Shenqi Fuzheng                                                                                            Related to
                                   11,852,941.22         0        0      1,911,764.70           0     9,941,176.52
Injection with flexible bag (软                                                                                       assets
Provision for technology
transformation funds and                                                                                             Related to
                                    4,329,992.36         0        0       564,781.68            0     3,765,210.68
subsequent grants (技术改造                                                                                           assets
Provision for technology
transformation funds and                                                                                             Related to
                                    5,576,302.33         0        0       891,684.24            0     4,684,618.09
subsequent grants (技术改造                                                                                           assets
Energy Saving and Emission
Reduction Program                                                                                                    Related to
                                     332,000.00          0        0        24,000.00            0      308,000.00
Distribution Transformer                                                                                              assets
Energy Efficiency

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Improvement (节能减排项目
R&D and industrialization
team of chemical drug liquid                                                                                    Related to
                                     1,710,833.60   240,000.00        0        28,999.92    0    1,921,833.68
preparation (化药液体制剂研                                                                                      assets
Innovation capacity building of
technology center (antibody                                                                                     Related to
                                     4,288,140.60           0         0       222,877.68    0    4,065,262.92
laboratory) (技术中心创新能                                                                                      assets
力建设 (抗体药物实验室)
Innovation capacity building of
technology center (antibody                                                                                     Related to
                                      159,691.94            0         0        37,665.18    0     122,026.76
laboratory) (技术中心创新能                                                                                      income
力建设 (抗体药物实验室)
Achievement transfer of blood
screening (BCI) nucleic acid
detection testing (血液筛查                                                                                     Related to
                                     3,329,659.71           0         0                0    0    3,329,659.71
(BCI) 核酸检测试剂成果转
Technological upgrading and
transformation projects of
workshop for acarbose APIs
for α-glucosidase inhibitor (α-                                                                               Related to
                                      357,142.96            0         0        53,571.42    0     303,571.54
葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂类原料药                                                                                         assets
Scientific technology award
and subsidy for technological                                                                                   Related to
                                     2,200,000.00           0         0                0    0    2,200,000.00
innovative project (科学技术                                                                                     income
Zhuhai industrial enterprise
“cloud and platform” service
coupons supporting funds (珠                                                                                    Related to
                                       63,891.00            0         0        12,770.42    0      51,120.58
海市工业企业 “云上平台”服
Commissioner workstation (特                                                                                    Related to
                                       25,000.00            0         0        25,000.00    0              0
派员工作站)                                                                                                      assets
Industrial revitalisation
                                                                                                                Related to
supporting funds (产业振兴扶         1,287,500.01           0         0       579,000.00    0     708,500.01
Government grant for
                                                                                                                Related to
industrial transformation (工业       108,333.83            0         0        83,333.44    0      25,000.39
New industrialization
                                                                                                                Related to
development grant (新型工业          5,035,866.34           0         0       191,666.54    0    4,844,199.80
Policy fund for leading
industrial enterprises loan                                                                                     Related to
                                      166,666.53            0         0       100,000.02    0      66,666.51
Interests (工业龙头企业贷款                                                                                      assets
Supporting funds for five
advantageous industrial                                                                                         Related to
                                      200,000.24            0         0        49,999.98    0     150,000.26
clusters and one high-tech                                                                                       assets
industry (五优一新扶持资金)
Capital project for innovation
and entrepreneurship team                                                                                       Related to
                                    11,750,000.00           0         0                0    0   11,750,000.00
funding program (创新创业团                                                                                      assets
2020 Zhuhai City Innovation
and Entrepreneurship Team                                                                                       Related to
                                     5,000,000.00           0         0                0    0    5,000,000.00
(Nanocrystalline) (2020 年度                                                                                     assets
Application of artificial
intelligence in triptorelin long-
acting microsphere preparation                                                                                  Related to
                                               0            0         0        -80,000.00   0      80,000.00
Key projects of industrial core
and key technologies of Zhuhai
(Dantrolene) (珠海市产业核心                                                                                    Related to
                                     3,000,000.00           0         0      3,000,000.00   0              0
Data-driven industrial chain                                                                                    Related to
                                     2,920,000.00           0         0       365,000.00    0    2,555,000.00
collaboration platform                                                                                           assets

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      Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                 Interim Report 2023

demonstration project (数据驱
Fund for key projects of
industrial core and key
technologies of Zhuhai (2nd                                                                                            Related to
batch) (珠海市产业核心和关         2,000,000.00              0         0              0           0     2,000,000.00
(第二批) )
Innovative drug of Ilaprazole
                                                                                                                       Related to
sodium for injection (创新药注     2,280,000.00              0         0      120,000.00          0     2,160,000.00
Technological transformation
projects of new Cefuroxime                                                                                             Related to
                                   1,533,100.00              0         0              0           0     1,533,100.00
(新型头孢粉针剂技术改造项                                                                                               assets
Advanced Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Internet                                                                                                 Related to
                                    585,000.00               0         0       45,000.00          0      540,000.00
Benchmarking Project (先进药                                                                                            assets
Cleaner Production Audit                                                                                               Related to
                                    170,000.12               0         0        4,999.98          0      165,000.14
Project (清洁生产审核项目)                                                                                              assets
                                                                                                                       Related to
Green factory (绿色工厂)           1,001,666.75              0         0       64,999.98          0      936,666.77
HCG Project Construction                                                                                               Related to
                                   2,992,185.88              0         0      197,824.98          0     2,794,360.90
(HCG 项目建设)                                                                                                          assets
Sewage treatment system
                                                                                                                       Related to
upgrade project (污水处理系          56,209.88               0         0        4,015.02          0       52,194.86
R&D and industrialization of
Recombinant Human
Chorionic Gonadotropin for                                                                                             Related to
                                    987,500.00               0         0       75,000.00          0      912,500.00
Injection (注射用重组人绒促
Development and
Industrialization of
Cyclosporin Self-emulsifying
Soft Capsules with High                                                                                                Related to
                                    786,000.00               0         0       28,000.00   80,000.00     678,000.00
Technology Barriers (高技术                                                                                             assets
Project on the building of scale
production capability on
Recombinant SARS-CoV-2
Fusion Protein Vaccine (V-                                                                                             Related to
                                             0    22,921,500.00        0      238,765.63          0    22,682,734.37
01)(重组新型冠状病毒融合蛋                                                                                              assets
Special Fund for Foreign
Economic and Trade                                                                                                     Related to
                                             0       32,232.48         0              0           0       32,232.48
Development (外经贸发展专                                                                                               assets
Guangdong Provincial Key
Laboratory of Characteristic
Drug R&D Enterprises (广东                                                                                             Related to
                                    941,666.69      300,000.00         0       54,999.98          0     1,186,666.71
Subsidies for online monitoring
equipment and installations of                                                                                         Related to
                                     60,000.00               0         0       11,250.00          0       48,750.00
coal fired boilers (燃煤锅炉在                                                                                          assets
Funds for joint R&D and
industrialization of integrated
platform for molecular                                                                                                 Related to
diagnostics (集成一体化分子          53,916.31               0         0              0           0       53,916.31
化) 资金)
Project supporting fund for the
first batch of special funds for
scientific and technological                                                                                           Related to
innovation in 2019 (2019 年度       600,000.00               0         0              0           0      600,000.00
Provincial industrial innovation                                                                                       Related to
                                     79,229.73               0         0              0           0       79,229.73
(provincial enterprise                                                                                                  assets

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technology center) project in
2019 (2019 年度省产业创新
(省级企业技术中心) 项目)
Pre-appropriation of special
grants for industrialization of
diagnostic reagents for                                                                                                        Related to
COVID-19 (新型冠状病毒检              4,089,721.57              0         0                 0            0      4,089,721.57
Xiangzhou District equipment
purchase subsidy supporting
funds (Special funds for
epidemic prevention and                                                                                                        Related to
                                          9,150.21              0         0                 0            0          9,150.21
control) (香洲区采购设备补                                                                                                      assets
贴扶持资金 (疫情防控专项
Zhuhai innovation and
enterprising team and high-
level talent enterprising project                                                                                              Related to
Phase I funds (珠海市创新创          12,000,000.00              0         0                 0            0     12,000,000.00
Overall relocation and
                                                                                                                               Related to
deployment expansion project         50,000,000.00   30,000,000.00        0                 0            0     80,000,000.00
Environmental protection
                                                                                                                               Related to
bureau RTO project special             159,999.92               0         0         10,000.02            0       149,999.90
funds (环保局 RTO 项目资金)
optimization of marine
microorganisms and evaluation                                                                                                  Related to
of antitumor activity (海洋微            99,209.17              0         0         99,209.17            0                0
R&D and demonstration of key
technologies for the
development and utilization of
swim bladder (golden oyster)                                                                                                   Related to
marine traditional Chinese             750,000.00      250,000.00         0                 0            0      1,000,000.00
medicine resources (鱼鳔(黄金
鮸) 海洋中药资源开发与利
2022 Special funds for the
reconstruction of the industrial
base and the high-quality
development of the                                                                                                             Related to
manufacturing industry from          27,965,416.69    9,828,500.00        0       4,609,789.46           0     33,184,127.23
the central finance (2022 年中
National Science and
Technology Major Special
Project Subsidy Fund LZM009                                                                                                    Related to
                                      2,382,806.91              0         0        190,799.56            0      2,192,007.35
助资金 LZM009)
Funds for scientific and
technological cooperation in                                                                                                   Related to
                                                0      300,000.00         0                 0            0       300,000.00
Guangdong-Hong Kong-                                                                                                            assets
Macau (粤港澳科技合作资金)
Phase-II support fund for
innovation and
entrepreneurship teams in                                                                                                      Related to
Zhuhai in 2019 (2019 年珠海                     0     8,000,000.00        0                 0            0      8,000,000.00
Xiangzhou District actively
responds to the impact of the
epidemic and maintains
stability, innovation drives                                                                                                   Related to
                                      1,644,800.00              0         0                 0            0      1,644,800.00
technology industry project (香                                                                                                 assets
               Total                384,537,267.55   71,872,232.48        0      29,771,818.66   263,600.00   426,374,081.37
      Other descriptions:

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      □Applicable √N/A

      35. Other non-current liabilities
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                     Item                          Balance at the End of the Period           Balance at the Beginning of the Period
The overall relocation and expansion project
of Sichuan Guangda Pharmaceutical                                         90,000,000.00                                    84,000,000.00
                     Total                                                90,000,000.00                                    84,000,000.00

      36. Share capital
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                              Changes for the Period (+ -)
                          Balance at the                             Conversion                                     Balance at the
                          Beginning of     Issuance of    Stock          from                                        End of the
                           the Period                                                  Others        Subtotal          Period
                                           new shares    dividend       capital
       I. Tradable
       shares subject
       to selling
       1. Domestic
       legal person                    0             0            0              0              0               0               0
       2. Domestic
       natural person                  0             0            0              0              0               0               0
       3. Overseas
       legal person                    0             0            0              0              0               0               0
       shares subject
       to selling                      0             0            0              0              0               0               0
       restrictions in
       II. Tradable
       1. Ordinary
                          1,929,189,374              0            0              0              0               0   1,929,189,374
       denominated in
       listed foreign                  0             0            0              0              0               0               0
       shares in          1,929,189,374              0            0              0              0               0   1,929,189,374
       Total number
                          1,929,189,374              0            0              0              0               0   1,929,189,374
       of shares

      37. Capital reserve
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                       Balance at the
                                                                                                          Balance at the End of
                  Item                Beginning of the           Increase                 Decrease
                                                                                                               the Period

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         Capital premium (Share
                                               2,221,682,284.77                            0.00           64,111,240.69                2,157,571,044.08
         Other capital reserve                   122,010,931.22                 34,634,929.57                      0.00                  156,645,860.79
                    Total                      2,343,693,215.99                 34,634,929.57             64,111,240.69                2,314,216,904.87

        Other descriptions, including changes for the current period and reasons therefor:

        The decrease in capital premium was due to: 1. After the stock options are exercised, the difference between
        the tax deductible expenses according to tax regulations and the accrued expenses increases the income tax
        payable by RMB234,356.35, which decreased the share premium accordingly. 2. The Company’s subsidiary,
        Livzon Group, repurchased shares, and the capital premium is reduced by RMB63,876,884.34

        The increase in other capital reserve was due to: 1. The Company and its subsidiary, Livzon Group, accrued
        share incentive expenses RMB28,752,796.67. 2. The Company’s subsidiary, Livzon Group, made non-
        proportional capital contribution to an investee under equity accounting method that led to change in
        shareholding ratio and other equity, the capital reserve is increased by RMB1,706,551.56. 3. The repurchase
        by the Company’s subsidiary, Livzon Group, caused the changes in the shareholding held by the Company
        and led to the change in other equity, the capital reserve is decreased by RMB4,175,581.34.

        38. Treasury shares
        √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                          Balance at the
                                                                                                                                     Balance at the End
                              Item                       Beginning of the             Increase                 Decrease
                                                                                                                                       of the Period
         Repurchase of shares due to Share
         Ownership Scheme and Share Options                 222,644,454.50                        0.00                        0.00       222,644,454.50
         Incentive Scheme
         Repurchase of shares to be cancelled               124,532,106.79           369,959,019.79                           0.00       494,491,126.58
                          Total                             347,176,561.29           369,959,019.79                           0.00       717,135,581.08

        Other descriptions, including changes for the current period and reasons therefor:
        The increase in Treasury shares during the current period represents the total amount of funds used by the
        Company to repurchase 29,705,344 shares of the Company cumulatively through centralized bidding

        39. Other comprehensive income
        √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                      For the Period
                              Balance at the                      transferred to                             Amount               Amount           Balance at the
           Item               Beginning of      Amount before    profit or loss in    Less: Income        attributable to      attributable to      End of the
                               The Period           tax          current year or      tax expenses       parent company       minority interests      Period
                                                                     retained                                after tax            after tax
I. Other comprehensive
income not reclassified
                               16,979,631.87    -17,160,840.71     4,408,075.32        6,154,772.69      -11,322,857.19         -16,400,831.54       5,656,774.68
into profit or loss
Other comprehensive
income not reclassified to
                                8,775,200.25             0.00                0.00              0.00                 0.00                   0.00      8,775,200.25
profit or loss under equity

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Changes in fair value of
other equity instrument        8,204,431.61    -17,160,840.71     4,408,075.32     6,154,772.69     -11,322,857.19       -16,400,831.54   -3,118,425.57
II. Other comprehensive
income that will be
                              -12,275,158.33   57,803,822.48              0.00              0.00     42,504,682.17       15,299,140.31    30,229,523.84
reclassified into profit or
loss subsequently
comprehensive income
that will be transferred to      274,411.50             0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00                0.00      274,411.50
profit or loss under equity
Translation difference of
foreign currency financial    -12,549,569.84   57,803,822.48              0.00              0.00     42,504,682.17       15,299,140.31    29,955,112.33
Total of other
                               4,704,473.53    40,642,981.77      4,408,075.32     6,154,772.69      31,181,824.98        -1,101,691.23   35,886,298.52
comprehensive income

        40. Surplus reserve
        √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                         Balance at the                                                                     Balance at the
                    Item                                                Increase                   Decrease
                                     Beginning of the Period                                                               End of thePeriod
         Statutory surplus
                                                693,451,984.13                     0.00                        0.00             693,451,984.13
         Discretionary surplus
                                                  40,210,642.44                    0.00                        0.00              40,210,642.44
         Reserve funds                            1,103,954.93                     0.00                        0.00               1,103,954.93
                  Total                         734,766,581.50                     0.00                        0.00             734,766,581.50

        41. Undistributed profits
        √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                    Item                                         For the Period                  For the Previous Period
         Retained earnings in previous period before
                                                                                          8,456,643,326.82                    7,223,644,166.22
         Adjustments to opening balance of retained earnings
                                                                                                       0.00                               0.00
         (increase +, decrease -)
         Opening balance of retained earnings after adjustments                           8,456,643,326.82                    7,223,644,166.22
         Add: Net profit attributable to parent company for the
                                                                                           815,434,734.90                     1,502,595,840.48
         current year
            Gains from disposal of other equity instruments
                                                                                             1,973,645.20                       101,906,354.19
         Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserve                                              0.00                      93,945,402.42
         Appropriation of discretionary surplus reserve                                                0.00                               0.00
         Appropriation for dividends to ordinary shares                                    336,792,056.76                       277,557,631.65
         Dividend converted to share capital of ordinary shares                                        0.00                               0.00
         Closing balance of undistributed profits                                         8,937,259,650.16                    8,456,643,326.82

        42. Operating income and operating cost
        (1) The information of operating income and operating cost
        √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                      Item                           For the Period                                    For the Previous Period

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                                 Income                     Cost                      Income                        Cost
  Primary operations        8,652,793,987.61            3,225,507,979.30             8,492,047,759.72           3,002,949,330.38
  Other operations             66,947,611.62              47,912,247.73                72,897,525.83               51,443,372.82
           Total            8,719,741,599.23            3,273,420,227.03             8,564,945,285.55           3,054,392,703.20

Other descriptions:
(2) Breakdown information of principal activities income
①Segregation by products
                                                    For the Period                              For the Previous Period
                                            Income                    Cost                    Income                  Cost
  Chemical pharmaceuticals               4,477,996,443.20          922,208,230.73       4,692,194,805.98          916,659,504.15
  Chemical APIs and
                                         2,682,754,623.59       1,757,162,775.91        2,771,577,889.05        1,743,742,075.65
  Traditional Chinese medicine            985,591,533.02           315,931,826.92            514,402,423.73       146,937,126.69
  Biologics                               113,409,489.23            59,602,491.18            107,058,620.30         8,426,569.04
  Health care products                      87,265,994.18           32,129,014.01             54,741,880.51        20,894,995.01
  Diagnostic reagents and
                                          297,994,623.29           133,676,710.13            346,042,443.87       164,056,563.15
  Others                                     6,493,224.41            4,376,527.62                      0.00                  0.00
  Subtotal of pharmaceutical
                                         8,651,505,930.92       3,225,087,576.49        8,486,018,063.45        3,000,716,833.69
  Service industry                           1,288,056.69             420,402.81               6,029,696.27         2,232,496.69
                Total                    8,652,793,987.61       3,225,507,979.30        8,492,047,759.72        3,002,949,330.38

②Segregation by operating location
                                     For the Period                                      For the Previous Period
                            Income                       Cost                       Income                        Cost
  Domestic               7,274,024,825.06           2,345,678,968.90            6,974,358,565.54                2,065,054,349.09
  Overseas               1,378,769,162.55             879,829,010.40            1,517,689,194.18                  937,894,981.29
      Total              8,652,793,987.61           3,225,507,979.30            8,492,047,759.72                3,002,949,330.38

③Segregation by timing of revenue recognition
                                                 For the Period                               For the Previous Period
                                        Income                     Cost                  Income                     Cost
  Commodities (recognised
                                     8,652,793,987.61        3,225,507,979.30         8,492,047,759.72          3,002,949,330.38
  at a point of time)
              Total                  8,652,793,987.61        3,225,507,979.30         8,492,047,759.72          3,002,949,330.38

④Information of top five customers of business revenue
                                  Total operating income of the top five        Proportion to primary operating income in the
                                                  customers                                        period (%)
  January to June 2023                                      804,489,272.38                                                   9.30
  January to June 2022                                      784,737,990.71                                                   9.24

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⑤ Segregation by other operations
                                                    For the Period                                    For the Previous Period
                                           Income                      Cost                      Income                    Cost

  Sales of raw materials                   16,840,657.33             11,419,476.82               32,752,345.84            20,358,443.93

  Processing fees                            931,674.96                 787,254.35                  1,336,854.96                546,940.37

  Rental fees                               6,337,567.62                951,349.22                  5,928,780.42                930,025.57

  Power fees                                5,264,050.06               4,942,696.45                 6,434,386.87            6,293,501.06

  Others                                   37,573,661.65             29,811,470.89               26,445,157.74            23,314,461.89

            Total                          66,947,611.62             47,912,247.73               72,897,525.83            51,443,372.82

43. Taxes and surcharges
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                    Item                                      For the Period                              For the Previous Period
Urban construction tax                                                           43,298,169.40                             40,929,152.73
Education surcharge                                                              32,598,533.87                             30,058,369.58
Property tax                                                                     13,997,948.34                             11,993,989.59
Land use tax                                                                      5,285,696.16                               5,195,628.85
Stamp duty and others                                                             7,526,086.18                               6,145,497.56
                    Total                                                     102,706,433.95                               94,322,638.31

Other descriptions:

The bases of calculations for major taxes and surcharges are set out in Note IV. Taxation.

44. Selling expenses
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                            Item                                              For the Period                  For the Previous Period
 Marketing and promotional expenses                                                  2,076,537,470.48                  2,183,934,600.06
 Staff salaries                                                                        251,267,240.73                    260,162,330.69
 Entertainment and travel expenses                                                      28,223,785.21                     20,988,461.23
 Conference fees                                                                        10,768,435.82                       8,609,021.92
 Others                                                                                 32,266,297.96                     38,675,378.55
                            Total                                                    2,399,063,230.20                  2,512,369,792.45

45. Administrative expenses
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                    Item                                           For the Period             For the Previous Period
 Staff salaries                                                                       183,700,164.99                     276,280,216.68

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 Depreciation and amortization                                                59,970,975.61                    52,062,021.03
 Loss on suspension of operations                                                       0.00                   83,168,875.94
 Shares incentive expenses                                                    49,817,409.23                    10,488,471.09
 Advisory, consultancy and information disclosure fees                        13,669,675.15                    12,483,135.10
 Quality project expenses                                                     22,174,736.40                    11,250,121.78
 Office, entertainment and travelling expenses                                26,242,650.31                    22,601,820.05
 Repair of utilities, transportation and miscellaneous expenses               18,490,663.47                    16,250,836.91
 Recruitment and staff training expenses                                       3,245,797.53                     2,548,844.21
 Others                                                                       57,555,822.63                    42,693,969.14
                              Total                                          434,867,895.32                  529,828,311.93

46. R&D expenses
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                          Item                                       For the Period               For the Previous Period
 Material fees                                                               108,389,222.80                  146,857,218.55
 Staff salaries                                                              217,004,623.19                  207,091,826.90
 Shares incentive expenses                                                     1,139,264.69                     9,799,989.00
 Testing fee                                                                 121,552,481.88                  205,299,479.02
 Depreciation and amortization                                               267,976,579.13                    67,800,559.34
 Others                                                                       49,104,388.07                    70,584,005.63
                          Total                                              765,166,559.76                  707,433,078.44

47. Finance expenses
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                          Item                                       For the Period               For the Previous Period
 Interest expenses                                                            70,061,146.58                    60,979,386.68
 Interest income                                                            -135,947,800.19                  -117,501,999.50
 Exchange (gains)/losses                                                     -60,395,256.87                   -77,672,355.34
 Bank charges and others                                                       3,694,323.10                     3,793,920.49
                          Total                                             -122,587,587.38                  -130,401,047.67

48. Other income
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                  Item                     For the Period         For the Previous Period Related to assets/ Related to income
Government grants                              29,702,173.89                33,869,358.52           Related to assets
Government grants                              93,642,570.39                60,315,844.07          Related to income
Handling fees for tax withholding                2,579,796.37                 3,025,074.11
Tax refund on super-deduction                         719.61                     31,977.33
                  Total                       125,925,260.26                97,242,254.03
Other descriptions:

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For specific information on government grants, please refer to Note V. 61. Government grants for details.

49. Investment income
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                     Item                                    For the Period           For the Previous Period
 Investment income from financial assets held for trading during
                                                                                        356,166.62                306,527.56
 the holding period

 Investment income from disposal of financial assets held for
                                                                                     -6,036,503.65             -3,456,991.56

 Dividend income from other equity instrument investments                            17,709,895.19              8,713,730.74
 Long-term equity investments income under equity method                             44,824,481.29             41,208,487.80
 Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
                                                                                              0.00              4,242,404.46

                                     Total                                           56,854,039.45             51,014,159.00

50. Gains from changes in fair value
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
 Sources of gains from changes in fair value              For the Period                       For the Previous Period
 Financial assets held for trading                                     -18,426,273.95                         -89,596,630.72
 Including: Debt instruments investment                                      9,573.79                              13,515.95
           Equity instruments investment                               -13,003,336.17                         -80,056,904.18
           Derivative financial assets                                  -5,432,511.57                          -9,553,242.49
 Financial liabilities held for trading                                -20,888,614.43                          -5,882,906.43
 Including: Derivative financial liabilities                           -20,888,614.43                          -5,882,906.43
                      Total                                            -39,314,888.38                         -95,479,537.15

51. Credit impairment loss
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                        Item                                    For the Period                  For the Previous Period
 Bad debts of accounts receivable                                       -20,935,155.87                           -933,002.92
 Bad debts of other receivables                                           -1,274,235.82                        -1,872,437.91
                       Total                                            -22,209,391.69                         -2,805,440.83

52. Asset impairment losses
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                              Item                                  For the Period               For the Previous Period
 I. Losses on bad debts                                                              0.00                                  0.00

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 II. Losses on decline in value of inventories and on
                                                                         -30,171,594.37                    -27,834,495.93
 impairment of contract performance costs
 III. Losses on impairment of long-term equity
                                                                                      0.00                            0.00
 IV. Losses on impairment of property                                                 0.00                            0.00
 V. Losses on impairment of fixed assets                                              0.00                            0.00
 VI. Losses on impairment of project materials                                        0.00                            0.00
 VII. Losses on impairment of construction in progress                                0.00                            0.00
 VIII. Losses on impairment of bearer biological assets                               0.00                            0.00
 IX. Losses on impairment on oil and gas assets                                       0.00                            0.00
 X. Losses on impairment of intangible assets                                         0.00                            0.00
 XI. Losses on impairment of goodwill                                                 0.00                            0.00
 XII. Others                                                                          0.00                            0.00
                            Total                                        -30,171,594.37                    -27,834,495.93

53. Gains on disposal of assets
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                            Item                                     For the Period            For the Previous Period
Gain from disposal of fixed assets (“-” for Loss)                            -342,359.46                      -510,518.91
Gain from disposal of intangible assets (“-” for Loss)                                0.00                             0.00
                            Total                                              -342,359.46                      -510,518.91

54. Non-operating income
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                               Amount included in non-
                    Item                         For the Period      For the Previous Period
                                                                                               recurring gains and losses
 Gain from retirement of non-current
                                                       463,655.86                 774,200.18                   463,655.86
 Including: Gain from disposal of fixed
                                                       463,655.86                 774,200.18                   463,655.86
 Income from scraps                                    475,611.19               1,368,658.80                   475,611.19
 Waiver of payables                                    185,479.70                 651,801.74                   185,479.70
 Compensation income                                   305,178.31                 122,240.53                   305,178.31
 Others                                                327,525.12               1,554,013.63                   327,525.12
                   Total                              1,757,450.18              4,470,914.88                 1,757,450.18

Government grants included in current profit or loss
□Applicable √N/A

55. Non-operating expenses
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

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                                                                             For the Previous       Amount included in non-
                    Item                         For the Period
                                                                                  Period            recurring gains and losses
 Loss on retirement of non-current assets                1,210,440.54              2,249,701.49                   1,210,440.54
 Including: Loss from disposal of fixed
                                                         1,210,440.54             2,249,701.49                    1,210,440.54
 Donation expenses                                       3,107,267.57             3,675,341.69                    3,107,267.57
 Others                                                  3,052,320.30               816,563.67                    3,052,320.30
                   Total                                 7,370,028.41             6,741,606.85                    7,370,028.41

56. Income tax expenses
(1) Table of income tax expenses
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                     Item                                   For the Period                        For the Previous Period
Current income tax                                                       304,266,559.25                          357,374,828.74
Deferred income tax                                                       20,396,502.85                          -86,199,499.19
                    Total                                                324,663,062.10                          271,175,329.55

(2) Reconciliation between income tax expenses and accounting profits
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                  Item                                                        For the Period
Profit before tax                                                                                              1,952,233,327.93
Income tax expenses calculated at statutory (or applicable) tax rates                                            488,058,331.98
Impact from tax preferential rate in certain subsidiaries                                                           -539,309.30
Effect of tax reduction and exemption                                                                           -257,591,017.66

Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                                3,144,882.49
Effect of deductible tax losses for which no deferred tax assets were recognised in prior periods                     -75,126.10
Effect of deductible tax losses or deductible temporary differences for which no deferred tax asset
was recognised in the current period

Others                                                                                                           -8,615,526.34
Income tax expenses                                                                                              324,663,062.10

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

57. Notes to cash flows statement
(1) Other cash received relating to operating activities
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                      Item                                    For the Period                      For the Previous Period
Government grants                                                         166,304,476.76                         135,472,208.17
Interest income                                                           132,299,641.10                          99,798,243.58
Security deposits                                                            1,333,286.78                         18,200,506.40
Current accounts and others                                                89,242,513.12                          66,595,926.72

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                      Total                                     389,179,917.76                    320,066,884.87

(2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                       Item                         For the Period                 For the Previous Period
Business promotion expenses                                    2,238,980,138.14                 2,410,016,519.70
Research and development expenses                               278,035,606.39                    314,240,104.94
Bank charges                                                      3,454,431.81                      3,538,284.90
Letter of credit and bank acceptance bill
                                                                    628,328.60                      1,164,843.92
deposit, etc.
current accounts and others                                     271,627,636.18                     10,960,309.52
Other expenses paid                                              29,937,482.42                    279,038,419.08
                      Total                                    2,822,663,623.54                 3,018,958,482.06

(3) Other cash received relating to investing activities
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                      Item                          For the Period                 For the Previous Period
Tiantong Securities bankruptcy distribution                                 0.00                      158,470.77
Security deposits                                                     135,238.13                    6,825,715.78
Compensation for demolition                                         6,000,000.00                    6,000,000.00
Time deposits                                                     291,590,000.00                               0.00
                      Total                                       297,725,238.13                   12,984,186.55

(4) Other cash paid relating to investing activities
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                      Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                      Item                          For the Period                 For the Previous Period
Security deposits                                                     633,989.87                    5,303,620.21
Foreign exchange forward contract losses                           14,627,360.90                   10,091,161.61
Time deposits                                                     200,000,000.00                               0.00
Others                                                                      0.00                             150.00
                      Total                                       215,261,350.77                   15,394,931.82

(5) Other cash received relating to financing activities
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                      Item                          For the Period                 For the Previous Period
Bill discounting                                                 20,000,000.00                             0.00
Collection and advance payment of individual
                                                                            0.00                    3,124,846.38
income tax
                    Total                                          20,000,000.00                    3,124,846.38

(6) Other cash paid relating to financing activities

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√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                      Item                                      For the Period                  For the Previous Period
Repurchase of shares                                                        512,626,059.45                    520,433,907.64
Discount bill redemption                                                    120,415,088.50                                 0.00
Rent                                                                         15,457,825.06                     16,902,285.66
Collection and advance payment of individual
                                                                                  14,362.22                     1,237,210.80
income tax
Others                                                                           743,288.72                                0.00
                      Total                                                 649,256,623.95                    538,573,404.10

58. Supplemental to cash flow statement
(1) Supplemental to cash flow statement
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                 Supplemental information                              For the Period            For the Previous Period
 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating activities:
 Net profit                                                                1,627,570,265.83                1,545,180,207.58
 Add: Assets impairment loss                                                  30,171,594.37                   27,834,495.93
         Credit impairment loss                                               22,209,391.69                    2,805,440.83
 Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas
                                                                             328,414,531.00                  297,357,229.58
 assets, depreciation of productive biological assets
 Amortization of right-of-use assets                                          15,820,079.48                   16,158,894.05
 Amortization of intangible assets                                           234,376,440.79                   29,104,955.65
 Long-term prepaid expenses amortization                                      52,111,674.42                   24,818,590.37
 Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                  342,359.46                     510,518.91
 and other long-term assets (Gain as in “-”)
 Loss on retirement of fixed assets (Gain as in “-”)                            746,784.68                   1,475,501.31
 Losses on changes in fair value (Gain as in “-”)                           39,314,888.38                   95,479,537.15
 Financial expenses (Gain as in “-”)                                        29,379,861.81                    4,262,214.38
 Investment losses (Gain as in “-”)                                        -56,854,039.45                  -51,014,159.00
 Decrease in deferred tax assets (Increase as in “-”)                       19,022,256.19                  -84,323,187.15
 Increase in deferred tax liabilities (Decrease as in “-”)                     1,374,246.66                 -1,876,312.04
 Decrease in inventories (Increase as in “-”)                             -318,716,893.25                 -201,059,238.14
 Decrease in operating receivables (Increase as in “-”)                    814,112,912.19                  559,085,768.30
 Increase in operating payables (Decrease as in “-”)                     -1,633,858,286.87                -393,594,247.88
 Others                                                                       51,669,618.16                   30,747,014.96
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                  1,257,207,685.54                1,902,953,224.79
 2. Significant investment or finance activities not involving cash:
 Conversion of debt into capital                                                         0.00                              0.00
 Convertible bonds mature within one year                                                0.00                              0.00
 Newly added use right assets in the current period                           14,230,427.76                                0.00
 3. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents:

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 Cash and bank balance as at end of period                               14,104,668,401.83                     12,615,780,742.32
 Less: cash and bank balance at beginning of period                      14,178,465,686.40                     11,697,518,141.18
 Add: cash equivalents at end of period                                                0.00                                 0.00
 Less: cash equivalents at beginning of period                                         0.00                                 0.00
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                  -73,797,284.57                        918,262,601.14

(2) Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries during the period
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
 Cash or cash equivalents paid during the Period for business combinations in
 the Period
 Including: Shanghai Zhongtuo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  22,500,000.00
 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the acquisition date

 Including: Shanghai Zhongtuo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      38,048.41
 Add: Cash or cash equivalents paid during the Period for business
 combinations in previous periods
 Including: Shanghai Zhongtuo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
 Net cash paid on the acquisition of subsidiaries                                                                  22,461,951.59

(3). Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries during the period
□Applicable √N/A

(4). Details of cash and cash equivalents
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                           Balance at the End of      Balance at the Beginning
                                                                                the Period                 of the Period
 I. Cash                                                                       14,104,668,401.83            14,178,465,686.40
 Including: Cash on hand                                                               410,711.67                   231,883.95
 Cash at bank readily available for payment                                    14,088,001,753.69            14,164,236,988.28
 Other monetary fund readily available for payment                                 16,255,936.47                 13,996,814.17
 II. Cash equivalents                                                                        0.00                         0.00
 Including: bonds investment mature within 3 months                                          0.00                         0.00
 III. Cash and cash equivalents as at closing balance                          14,104,668,401.83            14,178,465,686.40

Other descriptions:
√Applicable □N/A

Cash and cash equivalents do not include any cash and cash equivalents that are restricted in use.

59. Ownership or using rights of assets subject to restriction
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
          Item                Carrying value at period end                             Reason of restriction
Other monetary funds                                3,713,052.25 Security deposits of letters of credit, bank acceptance bills

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                                                              and forward settlement
Notes receivable                             530,641,682.69 Bills pool business, pledge notes receivable
         Total                               534,354,734.94                                  /

60. Items in foreign currencies
(1). Items in foreign currencies
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan
                                           Balance in foreign                                     Equivalent RMB balance
                   Item                                                  Conversion rate
                                          currency at year end                                          at year end
 Cash and bank balances
 Including: HKD                                1,155,062,479.39                         0.92198         1,064,944,504.75
            EUR                                         94,230.96                        7.8771               742,266.70
            USD                                    238,326,165.22                        7.2258         1,722,097,204.65
            MOP                                      6,391,169.00                        0.8997              5,750,134.75
            JPY                                    301,142,397.00                      0.050094             15,085,427.24
            GBP                                          1,690.10                        9.1432                 15,452.92
 Accounts receivable
 Including: USD                                     75,882,763.03                        7.2258            548,313,669.11
            MOP                                       166,738.45                         0.8997               150,014.58
 Dividend receivable
 Including: HKD                                       287,100.00                        0.92198               264,700.46
 Other receivables
 Including: HKD                                      2,268,906.00                       0.92198              2,091,885.96
            MOP                                       179,548.00                         0.8997               161,539.34
 Other current assets
 Including: USD                                     13,696,849.00                        7.2258             98,970,691.50
 Short-term loans
 Including: USD                                     13,696,849.00                        7.2258             98,970,691.50
 Accounts payable
 Including: USD                                       126,001.27                         7.2258               910,459.98
            EUR                                          5,665.41                        7.8771                 44,627.00
            JPY                                    195,820,821.22                      0.050094              9,809,448.22
 Dividends payable
 Including: HKD                                    255,415,684.50                       0.92198            235,488,152.80
 Other payables
 Including: HKD                                      2,700,522.79                       0.92198              2,489,828.00
            USD                                      3,760,505.65                        7.2258             27,172,661.73

(2). Descriptions of overseas operating entities, including disclosure of the main overseas business
locations, functional currency and the basis for selection of important overseas operating entities, and
the reasons for changes in functional currency (if any)
□Applicable √N/A

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             61. Government grants
             (1) Basic information of government grants
             √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                Amount included in profit or
                          Category                       Amount                         Line item
                                                                                                                 loss for the current period
             Related to assets                                 29,702,173.89          Other income                             29,702,173.89
             Related to income                                 93,642,570.39          Other income                             93,642,570.39

             (2) Return of government grants
             □Applicable √N/A

             Other descriptions
             (1). Government grants recorded as deferred income and measured at gross amount method subsequently

                                                                                                                                       Item       Related to
                                        Beginning      Additions in    Charged to      Transfer to    Other          Closing       presented in     assets/
  Projects with grants     Category
                                         balance        the period    Non-operating   other income   movement        balance         income       Related to
                                                                                                                                    statement      income
2020 Shanghai
Technology Platform
Capacity Enhancement       Financial                                                                                                  Other       Related to
                                        1,000,000.00              0               0   1,000,000.00          0                  0
Project (2020 年度上海     allocation                                                                                                income        assets
Research on Common
Technology of
Inhalation Preparations    Financial                                                                                                  Other       Related to
                                        4,800,000.00              0               0              0          0       4,800,000.00
(开发区财政局拨款创        allocation                                                                                                income        assets
业领军人才项目: 药品
Key technology
research and
development of
budesonide nebulized       Financial                                                                                                  Other       Related to
                                        2,158,333.29              0               0     175,000.02          0       1,983,333.27
inhalation solution (布    allocation                                                                                                income        assets
High-growth small and
micro innovation           Financial                                                                                                  Other       Related to
                                         400,000.00               0               0              0          0         400,000.00
enterprises (高成长小微    allocation                                                                                                income        assets
Project Subsidy of
Marine mollusk kinetic     Financial                                                                                                  Other       Related to
                                        4,278,000.00              0               0     442,200.00          0       3,835,800.00
protein (海洋软体动物      allocation                                                                                                income        assets
Laboratory project of
respiratory system
inhalation preparation     Financial                                                                                                  Other       Related to
engineering laboratory                  1,885,450.00              0               0     808,050.00          0       1,077,400.00
                           allocation                                                                                                income        assets
project (呼吸系统吸入
Research and
development of
respiratory system drug
and clinical research      Financial                                                                                                  Other       Related to
technology service                      1,550,000.00              0               0      50,000.00          0       1,500,000.00
                           allocation                                                                                                income        assets
platform project talent
funding (呼吸系统药物

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R&D of active
substances with bone
and joint repair and       Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
health care functions(具                  837,943.68             0          0     59,853.12   0     778,090.56
                           allocation                                                                             income      assets
Science and technology
help the economy key       Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                          500,000.00             0          0    500,000.00   0              0
special projects (科技助   allocation                                                                             income      assets
Leulu total sterone
                           Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
project (漏芦总甾酮项                    2,500,000.00            0          0            0    0    2,500,000.00
                           allocation                                                                             income      assets
Construction of an
integrated production
line for fully automatic
blister-type dry powder
inhalant micro-filling     Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                          685,666.62             0          0    121,000.02   0     564,666.60
and winding (全自动泡      allocation                                                                             income      assets
City Service
Development Special        Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                          800,000.00             0          0            0    0     800,000.00
                           allocation                                                                             income      assets
Government funding for
small molecule peptide     Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                          239,999.76             0          0     40,000.02   0     199,999.74
project (政拨款用于小      allocation                                                                             income      assets
Innovation coupon
(Jingjin filter press      Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                          153,332.75             0          0            0    0     153,332.75
equipment) (创新券(景      allocation                                                                             income      assets
津压滤设备) )
Construction of a
recycling production
base for carbapenem        Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
products (碳青霉烯类                     3,625,000.00            0          0            0    0    3,625,000.00
                           allocation                                                                             income      assets
inhalation suspension      Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                         7,200,000.00            0          0            0    0    7,200,000.00
project (糖皮质混悬液      allocation                                                                             income      assets
Return of land holding     Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                         3,460,631.62            0          0    703,111.26   0    2,757,520.36
tax (土地使用税返还)       allocation                                                                             income      assets
Xinxiang High-tech
Project Fund Support       Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                         1,804,713.72            0          0     28,198.68   0    1,776,515.04
(新乡高新技术项目资        allocation                                                                             income      assets
New inhalation drug
formulation creation       Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                        20,908,374.88            0          0    920,106.30   0   19,988,268.58
project (新型吸入给药      allocation                                                                             income      assets
development subsidy for
new inhalation             Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                         1,680,000.00            0          0            0    0    1,680,000.00
                           allocation                                                                             income      assets
preparations (新型吸入
Subsidies for the
development of
pharmaceutical APIs        Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                        39,522,162.26            0          0            0    0   39,522,162.26
                           allocation                                                                             income      assets
industry (医药原料药行
Zhimu total sapogenin
                           Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
project (知母总皂甙元                    8,900,000.00            0          0            0    0    8,900,000.00
                           allocation                                                                             income      assets
Patent funding (专利资     Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                          200,000.00             0          0            0    0     200,000.00
助)                        allocation                                                                             income      assets
Shenzhen Sponge City
Construction Fund
Award* Shenzhen            Financial                                                                               Other     Related to
                                          760,947.20             0          0     22,380.78   0     738,566.42
Water Affairs Bureau       allocation                                                                             income      assets

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environmental quality
improvement subsidy        Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                          157,915.02             0          0      10,766.94            0      147,148.08
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
Technology giant (科技     Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                         1,200,000.00            0          0    1,200,000.00           0               0
小巨人)                    allocation                                                                                        income      assets
First application for
corporate postdoctoral
project research funding   Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                          120,000.00             0          0              0            0      120,000.00
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
R&D and
industrialization of
innovative Ilaprazole      Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                        11,168,166.21            0          0    2,455,000.02           0     8,713,166.19
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
series (艾普拉唑系列创
Strategic emerging
industries in 2014
(sustained release         Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
microspheres) (2014 年                  16,700,000.00            0          0              0            0    16,700,000.00
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
战略性新兴产业 (缓释
Fund for
industrialization of
prolonged-action           Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
microsphere preparation                 12,550,000.00            0          0              0            0    12,550,000.00
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
Construction project for
industrialization of
microsphere preparation    Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                        18,314,195.60            0          0    1,202,654.94           0    17,111,540.66
(phase I) (长效微球制      allocation                                                                                        income      assets
剂产业化建设项目 (一
期工程 )
Project subsidy from the
Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology     Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                         2,400,000.00            0          0              0            0     2,400,000.00
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
Project subsidy from the
Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology     Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                         1,135,750.00            0          0     115,500.00            0     1,020,250.00
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
Construction of Drug
Conformity Evaluation
Research Center            Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
Platform (药物一致性                      880,000.18             0          0      79,999.98            0      800,000.20
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
R&D and
Commercialisation of
Mouse Nerve Growth         Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
Factor for Injection (注                29,485,857.65            0          0    5,280,044.64   183,600.00   24,022,213.01
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
Demonstration project
on the application of
solar photovoltaic         Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                         1,353,499.35            0          0     551,000.04            0      802,499.31
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
architecture (太阳能光
Subsidy for the Tender
of Technology Upgrade
Project for PVC Soft
Bag Supported by           Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
Provincial Finance                       2,299,785.26            0          0     190,182.90            0     2,109,602.36
                           allocation                                                                                        income      assets
Departments (省财政支
金 PVC 软袋)
Technical                  Financial                                                                                          Other     Related to
                                        11,852,941.22            0          0    1,911,764.70           0     9,941,176.52
transformation project     allocation                                                                                        income      assets

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of Shenqi Fuzheng
Injection with flexible
bag (软袋参芪扶正注
Provision for
transformation funds         Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
and subsequent grants                     4,329,992.36            0          0    564,781.68   0   3,765,210.68
                             allocation                                                                           income      assets
Provision for
transformation funds         Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
and subsequent grants                     5,576,302.33            0          0    891,684.24   0   4,684,618.09
                             allocation                                                                           income      assets
Electricity distribution
enhancement for
energy-saving and            Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
emission reduction                         332,000.00             0          0     24,000.00   0    308,000.00
                             allocation                                                                           income      assets
projects (Energy-saving
and emission reduction
projects (节能减排项目
R&D and
industrialization team of
chemical drug liquid         Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
preparation (化药液体                     1,710,833.60   240,000.00          0     28,999.92   0   1,921,833.68
                             allocation                                                                           income      assets
Innovation capacity
building of technology
center (antibody             Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
laboratory) (技术中心                     4,288,140.60            0          0    222,877.68   0   4,065,262.92
                             allocation                                                                           income      assets
创新能力建设 (抗体药
Innovation capacity
building of technology
center (antibody             Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
laboratory) (技术中心                      159,691.94             0          0     37,665.18   0    122,026.76
                             allocation                                                                           income      income
创新能力建设 (抗体药
Achievement transfer of
blood screening (BCI)
nucleic acid detection       Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
testing (血液筛查                         3,329,659.71            0          0            0    0   3,329,659.71
                             allocation                                                                           income      assets
(BCI) 核酸检测试剂成
upgrading and
transformation projects
of workshop for
acarbose APIs for α-        Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
glucosidase inhibitor (α-                 357,142.96             0          0     53,571.42   0    303,571.54
                             allocation                                                                           income      assets
Scientific technology
award and subsidy for
technological innovative     Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
                                          2,200,000.00            0          0            0    0   2,200,000.00
                             allocation                                                                           income      income
project (科学技术奖及
Zhuhai industrial
enterprise “cloud and
platform” service
coupons supporting           Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
                                            63,891.00             0          0     12,770.42   0     51,120.58
funds (珠海市工业企业        allocation                                                                           income      income
                             Financial                                                                             Other     Related to
workstation (特派员工                       25,000.00             0          0     25,000.00   0             0
                             allocation                                                                           income      assets

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Industrial revitalisation
                            Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
supporting funds (产业                    1,287,500.01           0          0     579,000.00    0     708,500.01
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
Government grant for
industrial transformation   Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
                                           108,333.83            0          0      83,333.44    0      25,000.39
(工业转型政府扶持资         allocation                                                                              income      assets
New industrialization
                            Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
development grant (新                     5,035,866.34           0          0     191,666.54    0    4,844,199.80
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
Policy fund for leading
industrial enterprises
loan Interests (工业龙      Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
                                           166,666.53            0          0     100,000.02    0      66,666.51
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
Supporting funds for
five advantageous
industrial clusters and     Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
                                           200,000.24            0          0      49,999.98    0     150,000.26
one high-tech industry      allocation                                                                              income      assets
Capital project for
innovation and
entrepreneurship team       Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
funding program (创新                    11,750,000.00           0          0              0    0   11,750,000.00
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
2020 Zhuhai City
Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Team       Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
(Nanocrystalline) (2020                   5,000,000.00           0          0              0    0    5,000,000.00
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
团队 (纳米晶)
Application of artificial
intelligence in
triptorelin long-acting
microsphere preparation     Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
                                                    0            0          0      -80,000.00   0      80,000.00
(人工智能在曲普瑞林         allocation                                                                              income      income
Key projects of
industrial core and key
technologies of Zhuhai
(Ryanodex) (珠海市产        Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
                                          3,000,000.00           0          0    3,000,000.00   0              0
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
关方向项目 (丹曲林
Data-driven industrial
chain collaboration
platform demonstration      Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
project (数据驱动的产                     2,920,000.00           0          0     365,000.00    0    2,555,000.00
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
Fund for key projects of
industrial core and key
technologies of Zhuhai
(2nd batch) (珠海市产       Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
                                          2,000,000.00           0          0              0    0    2,000,000.00
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
关方向项目资金 (第二
批) )
Innovative drug of
Ilaprazole sodium for       Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
                                          2,280,000.00           0          0     120,000.00    0    2,160,000.00
injection (创新药注射       allocation                                                                              income      assets
transformation projects
of new Cefuroxime (新       Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
                                          1,533,100.00           0          0              0    0    1,533,100.00
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets
Manufacturing Internet      Financial                                                                                Other     Related to
Benchmarking Project                       585,000.00            0          0      45,000.00    0     540,000.00
                            allocation                                                                              income      assets

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Cleaner Production
                           Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
Audit Project (清洁生                    170,000.12               0           0      4,999.98          0      165,000.14
                           allocation                                                                                       income      assets
Green factory (绿色工      Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
                                        1,001,666.75              0           0     64,999.98          0      936,666.77
厂)                        allocation                                                                                       income      assets
HCG project
                           Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
construction (HCG 项目                  2,992,185.88              0           0    197,824.98          0     2,794,360.90
                           allocation                                                                                       income      assets
Sewage treatment
system upgrade project     Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
                                          56,209.88               0           0      4,015.02          0       52,194.86
(污水处理系统升级改        allocation                                                                                       income      assets
R&D and
industrialization of
Recombinant Human
Chorionic Gonadotropin     Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
                                         987,500.00               0           0     75,000.00          0      912,500.00
for Injection (注射用重    allocation                                                                                       income      assets
Development and
Industrialization of
Cyclosporin Self-
emulsifying Soft
Capsules with High         Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
                                         786,000.00               0           0     28,000.00   80,000.00     678,000.00
Technology Barriers (高    allocation                                                                                       income      assets
Project on the building
of scale production
capability on
Recombinant SARS-
CoV-2 Fusion Protein       Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
                                                  0    22,921,500.00          0    238,765.63          0    22,682,734.37
Vaccine (V-01) (重组新     allocation                                                                                       income      assets
Special Fund for
Foreign Economic and       Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
                                                  0       32,232.48           0            0           0       32,232.48
Trade Development (外      allocation                                                                                       income      assets
Guangdong Provincial
Key Laboratory of
Characteristic Drug        Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
R&D Enterprises (广东                    941,666.69      300,000.00           0     54,999.98          0     1,186,666.71
                           allocation                                                                                       income      assets
Subsidies for online
monitoring equipment
and installations of       Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
coalfired boilers (燃煤                   60,000.00               0           0     11,250.00          0       48,750.00
                           allocation                                                                                       income      assets
Funds for joint R&D
and industrialization of
integrated platform for
molecular diagnostics      Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
                                          53,916.31               0           0            0           0       53,916.31
(集成一体化分子诊断        allocation                                                                                       income      assets
业化) 资金)
Project supporting fund
for the first batch of
special funds for
scientific and             Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
technological innovation                 600,000.00               0           0            0           0      600,000.00
                           allocation                                                                                       income      assets
in 2019 (2019 年度第一
Provincial industrial
innovation (provincial
enterprise technology
center) project in 2019    Financial                                                                                         Other     Related to
                                          79,229.73               0           0            0           0       79,229.73
(2019 年度省产业创新       allocation                                                                                       income      assets

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Pre-appropriation of
special grants for
industrialization of
diagnostic reagents for     Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
                                          4,089,721.57              0           0              0    0    4,089,721.57
COVID-19 (新型冠状          allocation                                                                                  income      assets
Xiangzhou District
equipment purchase
subsidy supporting
funds (Special funds for    Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
epidemic prevention and                       9,150.21              0           0              0    0        9,150.21
                            allocation                                                                                  income      assets
control) (香洲区采购设
备补贴扶持资金 (疫情
Zhuhai innovation and
enterprising team and
high-level talent
enterprising project        Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
Phase I funds (珠海市                    12,000,000.00              0           0              0    0   12,000,000.00
                            allocation                                                                                  income      assets
Overall relocation and
deployment expansion        Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
                                         50,000,000.00   30,000,000.00          0              0    0   80,000,000.00
project (整体搬迁调迁       allocation                                                                                  income      assets
protection bureau RTO       Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
                                           159,999.92               0           0      10,000.02    0     149,999.90
project special funds (环   allocation                                                                                  income      assets
保局 RTO 项目资金)
optimization of marine
microorganisms and
evaluation of antitumor     Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
                                            99,209.17               0           0      99,209.17    0              0
activity (海洋微生物构      allocation                                                                                  income      income
R&D and demonstration
of key technologies for
the development and
utilization of swim
bladder (golden oyster)
marine traditional          Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
                                           750,000.00      250,000.00           0              0    0    1,000,000.00
Chinese medicine            allocation                                                                                  income      income
resources (鱼鳔(黄金
鮸) 海洋中药资源开发
2022 Special funds for
the reconstruction of the
industrial base and the
development of the
manufacturing industry      Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
                                         27,965,416.69    9,828,500.00          0    4,609,789.46   0   33,184,127.23
from the central finance    allocation                                                                                  income      assets
(2022 年中央财政产业
National Science and
Technology Major
Special Project Subsidy     Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
Fund LZM009 (国家科                       2,382,806.91              0           0     190,799.56    0    2,192,007.35
                            allocation                                                                                  income      assets
助资金 LZM009)
Funds for scientific and
cooperation in              Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
Guangdong-Hong                                      0      300,000.00           0              0    0     300,000.00
                            allocation                                                                                  income      assets
Kong-Macau (粤港澳科
Phase-II support fund
for innovation and          Financial                                                                                    Other     Related to
                                                    0     8,000,000.00          0              0    0    8,000,000.00
entrepreneurship teams      allocation                                                                                  income      assets
in Zhuhai in 2019 (2019

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Xiangzhou District
actively responds to the
impact of the epidemic
and maintains stability,
innovation drives            Financial                                                                                                                            Other         Related to
                                                 1,644,800.00                  0                    0                0                    0       1,644,800.00
technology industry          allocation                                                                                                                          income          assets
project (香洲区积极应
           Total                             384,537,267.55       71,872,232.48                     0    29,771,818.66    263,600.00           426,374,081.37

               (2). Government grants recognized in income for the period by gross method

                                                                                   Amount recognised in      Amount recognised in
                                                                                                                                                Presented in     Related to assets/
                 Projects with grants                           Category           profit or loss in prior    profit or loss in the
                                                                                                                                              income statement   Related to income
                                                                                          period                    period
     Job stabilization subsidy (稳岗补贴)               Financial allocation                  577,232.17                 350,819.74            Other income      Related to income
     Maternity benefits (生育津贴)                      Financial allocation                  278,357.04                 559,167.10            Other income      Related to income
     Talent quality improvement project (人才
                                                        Financial allocation                  100,000.00                              0        Other income      Related to income
     2022 High-tech Enterprise Cultivation
     Funding (2022 年高新技术企业培育资                 Financial allocation                1,000,000.00                              0        Other income      Related to income
     Water Saving Carrier Incentive Fund (节水
                                                        Financial allocation                  153,203.50                              0        Other income      Related to income
     2022 Industrial "Carbon Peak" Subsidy
                                                        Financial allocation                  100,000.00                              0        Other income      Related to income
     (2022 年工业"碳达峰“补贴)
     Amortization of special funds for
     engineering laboratories (工程实验室专项           Financial allocation                  808,050.00                 808,050.00            Other income      Related to assets
     Industrial Development Fund (Green
     Factory) Project Funding (产业发展资金             Financial allocation                  200,000.00                              0        Other income      Related to income
     (绿色工厂) 项目资助经费)
     Expansion and improve efficiency (扩产增
                                                        Financial allocation                  620,000.00              2,840,000.00             Other income      Related to income
     Production line project funding (生产线项
                                                        Financial allocation                2,045,300.00                              0        Other income      Related to income
     Project funding for enterprises that meet
     the standards for value-added growth (增           Financial allocation                1,145,100.00                              0        Other income      Related to income
     Insurance premium subsidy for export (出
                                                        Financial allocation                1,020,497.00                 160,000.00            Other income      Related to income
     Major special project injection lipid
     research funding (重大专项项目注射脂质             Financial allocation                  500,000.00                              0        Other income      Related to assets
     China Patent Award Supporting Award (中
                                                        Financial allocation                  200,000.00                              0        Other income      Related to income
     Carbon Peak work pilot demonstration
     project funding (“碳达峰”工作试点示范            Financial allocation                  500,000.00                              0        Other income      Related to income
     Industrial development funds in Yantian
                                                        Financial allocation                             0            1,574,275.12             Other income      Related to income
     District (盐田区产业发展基金)
     2020 Enterprise R&D Financial Subsidy
     Special Subsidy Fund District Matching
                                                        Financial allocation                1,400,000.00                 280,000.00            Other income      Related to income
     Fund (2020 年企业研发财政补助专项补

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Funds to support business development (扶
                                              Financial allocation     1,503,000.00   1,200,000.00   Other income    Related to income
Return of land holding tax (土地使用税返
                                              Financial allocation      703,111.26     703,111.26    Other income     Related to assets
Second tranche of high-level subsidies
(40%) in 2019 (2019 年认定高企补贴第          Financial allocation      400,000.00              0    Other income    Related to income
二笔(40%) )
Funding for pilot demonstration projects of
industrial carbon peaking work (工业碳达      Financial allocation      100,000.00              0    Other income    Related to income
Government Subsidy of Special Fund for
Scientific and Technological Innovation       Financial allocation               0     863,994.00    Other income    Related to income
Subsidies for high and new technology
enterprises and high and new technology
                                              Financial allocation               0    1,150,000.00   Other income    Related to income
products (高新技术企业及高新技术产品
“Specialized and new” subsidy ( “专精特
                                              Financial allocation               0     300,000.00    Other income    Related to income
Support plan on technological innovation
                                              Financial allocation               0    2,000,000.00   Other income    Related to income
projects (技术创新项目扶持计划)
Government incentive funds for full-load
production of industrial above designated
                                              Financial allocation               0     200,000.00    Other income    Related to income
scale (规模上工业满负荷生产财政奖励
Demonstration project on the preparation
of marine mollusk kinetic protein and its
                                              Financial allocation               0     442,200.00    Other income     Related to assets
application (海洋软体动物功能蛋白肽制
Special support plan on promoting the
high-quality development of life
technology industries in Nanshan District     Financial allocation               0    1,000,000.00   Other income    Related to income
Science and technology help the economy
key special projects (科技助力经济重点        Financial allocation               0     500,000.00    Other income     Related to assets
2020 Shanghai Professional Technology
Platform Capacity Enhancement Project
                                              Financial allocation               0    1,000,000.00   Other income     Related to assets
(2020 年度上海市专业技术平台能力提
2022 Shanghai Technology giant (2022 年
                                              Financial allocation               0    1,200,000.00   Other income     Related to assets
Incentive funds for high-quality
development of industries in Jiaozuo in
                                              Financial allocation               0     250,000.00    Other income    Related to income
2023 (2023 年焦作市工业高质量发展奖
Special support for market access of drugs
and medical devices (药品和医疗器械市         Financial allocation               0     736,044.78    Other income    Related to income
Support program on upgrading of
industrialization technology (产业化技术      Financial allocation               0     665,900.00    Other income    Related to income

Green and low-carbon development of
                                              Financial allocation               0     300,000.00    Other income    Related to income
enterprises (企业绿色低碳发展)

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“Specialized and new” Enterprise reward
                                              Financial allocation               0      300,000.00    Other income    Related to income
projects ( “专精特新” 企业奖励项目)
New inhalation drug formulation creation
                                              Financial allocation               0      920,106.30    Other income     Related to assets
project (新型吸入给药制剂创制项目)
Export credit insurance subsidy (出口信保
                                              Financial allocation     1,110,960.80     751,524.46    Other income    Related to income

R&D subsidy (研究开发费补助)                  Financial allocation      950,440.00       70,300.00    Other income    Related to income
Research and development funds for new
drug for Class I Treatment of Necrosis
Factor in Human Tumour from Human             Financial allocation     5,924,000.00              0    Other income    Related to income
Source (I 类治疗用人源化抗人肿瘤坏死
因子 α 单克隆抗体新药的研制资金)
Government Subsidy for Long-acting
Microspheres Major New Drug Creation          Financial allocation     1,202,654.94    1,202,654.94   Other income     Related to assets
R&D and industrialization of innovative
Ilaprazole Series (艾普拉唑系列创新药物       Financial allocation    16,265,800.32    2,455,000.02   Other income     Related to assets
Fiscal Subsidy and Operating Subsidy (财
                                              Financial allocation    21,859,039.00   42,998,690.80   Other income    Related to income
R&D and Commercialisation of Mouse
Nerve Growth Factor for Injection (注射用     Financial allocation     5,280,044.64    5,280,044.64   Other income     Related to assets
Import discount and supporting funds (进
                                              Financial allocation      211,356.00               0    Other income    Related to income
Promoting Imports of Foreign Trade
Development Special Fund (外贸经济发          Financial allocation     1,230,271.00     190,505.51    Other income    Related to income
Technical transformation project of Shenqi
Fuzheng Injection with flexible bag (软袋     Financial allocation     1,911,764.70    1,911,764.70   Other income     Related to assets
(参芪扶正注射液) 技改项目)
Demonstration project on the application
of solar photovoltaic architecture (太阳能    Financial allocation      551,000.04      551,000.04    Other income     Related to assets
Subsidies for high and new technology
enterprises and high and new technology
                                              Financial allocation      100,000.00      418,004.00    Other income    Related to income
products (高新技术企业及高新技术产品
Funds for market exploration by SMEs (中
                                              Financial allocation               0     2,139,156.30   Other income    Related to income
Provision for technology transformation
funds and subsequent grants (技术改造资       Financial allocation     3,687,400.00              0    Other income    Related to income
Provision for technology transformation
funds and subsequent grants (技术改造资       Financial allocation     1,257,556.68    1,257,556.68   Other income     Related to assets
Scientific technology award and subsidy
for technological innovative project (科学    Financial allocation     1,140,000.00     -100,000.00   Other income    Related to income
Patent (Intellectual Property) Support Fund
                                              Financial allocation               0      457,096.00    Other income    Related to income
Industrial revitalisation supporting funds
                                              Financial allocation      579,000.00      579,000.00    Other income     Related to assets

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Employment Assurance and Re-
employment and Attraction to Graduates of
Tertiary Academic Institutions Subsidy (企     Financial allocation     1,690,234.86     398,303.65    Other income    Related to income
Enterprise Technology Center Innovation
Capacity Development (Antibody
                                               Financial allocation      222,877.68      222,877.68    Other income     Related to assets
Laboratory) 企业技术中心创新能力建设

Special fund from the Ministry of Industry
and Information Technology (工业和信息         Financial allocation               0      223,500.00    Other income    Related to income

Supporting subsidy for “Talents Plan” and
subsidy for talents introduction and
                                               Financial allocation      583,774.23      638,700.00    Other income    Related to income
cultivation ( “人才计划”配套补贴及引才
Rewards for the integration of
informatization and industrialization (两化    Financial allocation      500,000.00               0    Other income    Related to income
Special funds for key leading enterprises in
the 13th Five-Year Plan (2019) (十三五重       Financial allocation     5,503,400.00    8,501,100.00   Other income    Related to income
点领军企业专项资金 (2019 年))
Special capital replenishment for industrial
enterprise Restructuring (工业企业结构调       Financial allocation     1,000,000.00              0    Other income    Related to income

Special Funds for Promoting High-quality
Economic Development (促进经济高质量           Financial allocation               0     4,609,789.46   Other income     Related to assets

Special Funds for Promoting High-quality
Economic Development (促进经济高质量           Financial allocation               0    11,837,821.00   Other income    Related to income

“Specialized and new” subsidy ( “专精特
                                               Financial allocation      950,000.00      300,000.00    Other income    Related to income
National special funds for foreign trade in
2020 appropriated by the Department of
Science and Technology of Guangdong            Financial allocation      741,000.00               0    Other income    Related to income
Province (广东省科学技术厅拨来 2020
Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Deep
Cooperation Zone Factory Rental Subsidy        Financial allocation      345,012.00               0    Other income    Related to income
National Science and Technology Major
Special Project Subsidy Fund LZM009 (国
                                               Financial allocation     2,171,293.53     190,799.56    Other income     Related to assets
Data-driven industrial chain collaboration
platform demonstration project (数据驱动       Financial allocation      365,000.00      365,000.00    Other income     Related to assets
Key projects of industrial core and key
technologies of Zhuhai (Dantrolene) (珠海
                                               Financial allocation               0     3,000,000.00   Other income     Related to assets
(丹曲林钠) )
Project funds for promoting the
development of the biomedical industry         Financial allocation               0     9,415,420.00   Other income    Related to income

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Application of artificial intelligence in
triptorelin long-acting microsphere
                                                Financial allocation                     0              -479,813.48      Other income        Related to income
preparation (人工智能在曲普瑞林长效微
Others                                          Financial allocation           2,051,204.73            2,503,218.61      Other income         Related to assets

Others                                          Financial allocation           1,446,266.47            1,152,061.41      Other income        Related to income

                    Total                                                     94,185,202.59          123,344,744.28

         Ⅵ. Change to Consolidation Scope
         1.Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
         □Applicable √N/A

         2.Business combination involving enterprises under common control
         □Applicable √N/A

         3.Reverse purchase
         □Applicable √N/A

         4. Disposal of subsidiaries
         Was there any circumstance under which a single disposal of the investment in subsidiaries will lose
         □Applicable √N/A

         Other descriptions:
         □Applicable √N/A

         5. Changes in scope of consolidation due to other reasons
         Descriptions of changes in scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (such as establishment of a
         new subsidiary and liquidation of a subsidiary, etc.) and their relevant information:
         √Applicable □N/A
         Change to scope of consolidation in the subsidiary Livzon Group
         (1) Business combination involving enterprises not under common control
         ①       Business combination involving enterprises not under common control during the Period
                                                                                                                       Revenue of        Net profit of
                                    Time of      Cost of        Proportion   Method of                 Basis for      acquiree from     acquiree from
           Name of acquiree        obtaining    obtaining        of equity   obtaining               determining       the purchase      the purchase
                                    equity        equity         obtained     equity                 purchase date    date to the end   date to the end
                                                                                                                      of the Period     of the Period
           Zhongtuo                                                                                  Completion
           Pharmaceutical           2023.3.6   25,000,000.00           100   Purchase    2023.3.6      of asset           483,018.86       -988,386.12
           Technology Co.,                                                                             delivery

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②      Combination cost and goodwill
                              Item                                 Shanghai Zhongtuo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
 Combination cost:
 Cash                                                                                                         25,000,000.00
 Total combination cost                                                                                       25,000,000.00
 Less: Share of the fair value of identifiable net assets
 Goodwill                                                                                                     21,870,805.09

③ The purchaser can identify the assets and liabilities on the purchase date
                                                            Shanghai Zhongtuo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                  Fair value at the purchase date         Book value at the purchase date
 Current assets                                                           3,133,248.41                         3,133,248.41
 Non-current assets                                                       1,454,117.80                         1,454,117.80
 Current liabilities                                                      1,458,171.30                         1,458,171.30
 Net assets                                                               3,129,194.91                         3,129,194.91
 Less: Minority interests
 Net assets acquired by consolidation                                     3,129,194.91                         3,129,194.91

(2) Other changes
On 1 February 2023, the Company and Livzon Group established Lijian (Guangdong) Animal Healthcare
Co., Ltd. (丽健(广东)动物保健有限公司) with a registered capital of RMB200 million, of which, Livzon
Group contributed RMB102 million, accounting for 51% of its registered capital; and the Company
contributed RMB98 million, accounting for 49% of its registered capital.

On 8 February 2023, the Company and Livzon Group established Wuhan Kangli Health Investment
Management Co., Ltd. (武汉康丽健康投资管理有限公司) with a registered capital of RMB1,000 million,
of which, Livzon Group contributed RMB600 million, accounting for 60% of its registered capital; and the
Company contributed RMB400 million, accounting for 40% of its registered capital.

On 13 April 2023, Zhuhai Livzon Traditional Chinese Medicine Modernization Technology Co., Ltd., a
subsidiary of Livzon Group, and Livzon Group Limin Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Factory established
Macau Livzon Traditional Chinese Medicine Modernization Technology Co., Ltd. (澳门丽珠中药现代化
科技有限公司) with a registered capital of MOP100,000, each of them accounting for 70% and 30% of its
registered capital, respectively.

On 15 March 2023, Gongshan Livzon Pharmaceutical Technology Limited (贡山丽珠药源科技有限公司),
a subsidiary of Livzon Group, was deregistered.
6. Others
□Applicable √N/A

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    Ⅶ Equity in Other Entities
    1. Interests in subsidiaries
    (1). Group structure
    √Applicable □N/A
                                      Main operating        Place of                            Shareholding (%)
        Name of subsidiary                                                   Business nature                                     Acquisition method
                                        location          registration                         Direct         Indirect
Topsino Industries Limited (Topsino
                                       Hong Kong          Hong Kong             Business                100               0      Set-up by investment
Shenzhen Taitai Genomics Inc. Co.,
                                        Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Industry                75               25      Set-up by investment
Ltd. (Taitai Genomics)
Shenzhen Taitai Pharmaceutical
Industry Co., Ltd. (Taitai              Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Industry                100               0      Set-up by investment
Health Investment Holdings Ltd.     The British Virgin The British Virgin
                                                                               Investment                 0          100         Set-up by investment
(Health Investment)                      Islands            Islands
Joincare Pharmaceutical Group       The British Virgin The British Virgin
                                                                               Investment                 0          100         Set-up by investment
Industry Co.,Ltd.(BVI) *                 Islands            Islands
Joincare Pharmaceutical Group
Industry Co.,Ltd. (CAYMAN            Cayman Islands     Cayman Islands         Investment                 0          100         Set-up by investment
Xinxiang Haibin Pharmaceutical
                                     Henan Xinxiang Henan Xinxiang              Industry                  0          100         Set-up by investment
Co., Ltd. (Xinxiang Haibin)
Shenzhen Fenglei Electric Power
Investment Co., Ltd. (Fenglei           Shenzhen           Shenzhen            Investment               100               0      Set-up by investment
Electric Power)
Jiaozuo Joincare Bio Technological
                                     Henan Jiaozuo      Henan Jiaozuo           Industry                75               25      Set-up by investment
Co., Ltd.(Jiaozuo Joincare)
Shanghai Frontier Health
Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,          Shanghai           Shanghai             Industry                65                0      Set-up by investment
Ltd.(Shanghai Frontier)
Shenzhen Taitai Biological
Technology Co., Ltd. (Taitai            Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Industry                100               0      Set-up by investment
Guangzhou Joincare Respiratory
Medicine Engineering Technology        Guangzhou          Guangzhou             Industry                  0              26      Set-up by investment
Co., Ltd.(Joincare Respiratory)
Guangdong Taitai Forenstic Test
                                        Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Business                  0          100         Set-up by investment
Institute (Forenstic Test)
Joincare Haibin Pharmaceutical Co.,
                                        Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Industry                25               75      Set-up by investment
Ltd (Joincare Haibin)
Shenzhen Haibin Pharmaceutical                                                                                                 Business combination not
                                        Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Industry            97.87           2.13
Co., Ltd. (Haibin Pharma)                                                                                                       under common control
Joincare Daily-Use & Health Care                                                                                               Business combination not
                                        Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Business                80               20
Co., Ltd. (Joincare Daily-Use)                                                                                                  under common control
Health Pharmaceutical (China)                                                                                                  Business combination not
                                         Zhuhai             Zhuhai              Industry                  0          100
Limited (Health China)                                                                                                          under common control
Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Inc.                                                                                               Business combination not
                                         Zhuhai             Zhuhai              Industry            23.66          21.11
(Livzon Group) *Note 1                                                                                                          under common control
Hong Kong Health Pharmaceutical                                                                                                Business combination not
                                       Hong Kong          Hong Kong            Investment                 0          100
Industry Company Limited                                                                                                        under common control
Health Pharmaceutical Industry                                                                                                 Business combination not
                                       Hong Kong          Hong Kong            Investment                 0          100
Company Limited                                                                                                                 under common control
Shenzhen Hiyeah Industry Co., Ltd                                                                                              Business combination not
                                        Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Business            97.58           2.42
(Hiyeah Industry )                                                                                                              under common control
Guangzhou Hiyeah Industry Co.,                                                                                                 Business combination not
                                       Guangzhou          Guangzhou             Industry                  0          100
Ltd.                                                                                                                            under common control
Zhongshan Renhe Health Products                                                                                                Business combination not
                                       Zhongshan          Zhongshan             Industry                  0          100
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                       under common control
Shenzhen Jiekang Health Care Co.,                                                                                              Business combination not
                                        Shenzhen           Shenzhen             Industry                  0          100
Ltd.                                                                                                                            under common control
Joincare (Guangdong) Special
medicine Food Co., Ltd. ( Joincare      Shaoguan           Shaoguan             Industry                100               0      Set-up by investment
Special medicine Food)

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                                      Main operating       Place of                               Shareholding (%)
        Name of subsidiary                                                  Business nature                                     Acquisition method
                                        location         registration                            Direct        Indirect
Henan Joincare Biomedical Research
                                         Jiaozuo          Jiaozuo              Industry                    0         70.13     Set-up by investment
Institute Co., Ltd.
Jiaozuo Jianfeng Biotechnology Co.,
                                         Jiaozuo          Jiaozuo              Industry                    0          66.5     Set-up by investment

    *Note 1: Invested subsidiaries of the Company controlled by Livzon Group

    (1)Shanghai Frontier Health Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. (上海方予健康医药科技有限公司) and the
    Company's subsidiary Livzon Group established Shanghai Liyu Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. (上海丽予生
    物医药技术有限责任公司) on 30 March 2021. Livzon Group holds 55% of the shares and Shanghai Frontier
    Health Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd holds 45%.

    (2) On 1 February 2023, the Company and Livzon Group established Lijian (Guangdong) Animal Healthcare Co.,
    Ltd. (丽健(广东)动物保健有限公司) with Livzon Group and the Company holding 51% and 49% of equity
    interests, respectively.

    (3) On 8 February 2023, the Company and Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. established Lijian
    (Guangdong) Animal Healthcare Co., Ltd. (武汉康丽健康投资管理有限公司) with Livzon Group and the
    Company holding 60% and 40% of equity interests, respectively.

    (4)Zhuhai Livzon Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (珠海市丽珠生物医药科技有限公司) is a subsidiary within the
    scope of Livzon Group's consolidation. It was originally 100% indirectly held by Livzon Group. Due to the
    restructuring of the shareholding structure of the subsidiary, Livzon Group holds 51% of its shares, the Company
    holds 33.07% of the shares, YFPharmab Limited holds 8.43% of the shares, and Hainan Lishengjuyuan Investment
    Partnership (Limited Partnership) (海南丽生聚源投资合伙企业(有限合伙)) holds 7.50%

    Other descriptions:
    Subsidiaries not included in the scope of consolidation in the current period:
                    Name of subsidiary                           Registered Capital           Actual investment                 Interest held
  Guangzhou Hiyeah Industry Co., Ltd.                                       3,000,000.00                  3,000,000.00                          100%
  Zhongshan Renhe Health Products Co., Ltd.                                   500,000.00                   500,000.00                           100%

    Guangzhou Hiyeah Industry Co., Ltd. (广州市喜悦实业有限公司), Zhongshan Renhe Health Products Co., Ltd.
    (中山市仁和保健品有限公司), are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Shenzhen Hiyeah. They entered the liquidation
    process in 2008, and has been out of business for many years, and completed the tax cancellation procedures, so
    they were not included in the scope of the consolidated.

    (2). Significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries
    √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                 Profit or loss                                           Balance of minority
            Name of               Shareholding of                                             Dividend paid to
                                                           attributable to minority                                        interests at period
           subsidiary             minority interest                                           minority interest
                                                                    interest                                                       end
      Livzon Group                             55.2266              626,584,628.11                817,351,995.09             7,407,755,714.92

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             Descriptions of the difference between the shareholding ratio of minority shareholders and their proportion
             of voting rights in a subsidiary:
             □Applicable √N/A

             Other descriptions:
             □Applicable √N/A

             (3). Principal financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries
             √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                          Unit: 100,000,000 Yuan Currency: RMB
                                             Closing balance                                                                               Beginning balance
Name of                   Non-                                                                                          Non-
              Current                    Total      Current       Non-current          Total           Current                         Total        Current      Non-current      Total
subsidiary               current                                                                                        current
               assets                    assets     liabilities    liabilities       liabilities       assets                          assets      liabilities    liabilities   liabilities
                          assets                                                                                        assets
               179.27         77.99      257.26          82.39            32.37         114.76          169.87            78.78        248.65           73.97           25.32       99.29

                                                           Current period                                                              Prior Period
                                                                                        Cash flow                                                                Cash flow
                  Name of                                             Total                                                                      Total
                                                                                          from                                                                     from
                 subsidiary           Revenue     Net profit      Comprehensive                           Revenue          Net profit        Comprehensive
                                                                                        operating                                                                operating
                                                                     income                                                                     income
                                                                                        activities                                                               activities
              Livzon Group              66.90           11.74                11.77             12.27            63.03              11.18                11.51         14.26

             (4). Significant restrictions on the use of enterprise group assets and settlement of enterprise
             group debts:
             □Applicable √N/A

             (5). Financial supports or other supports offered for the structured entities included in the
             scope of consolidated financial statements:
             □Applicable √N/A

             Other descriptions:
             □Applicable √N/A

             2. Changes in share of owners' equity in subsidiaries and still controls the subsidiaries
             □Applicable √N/A

             3. Interests in joint arrangements or associates
             √Applicable □N/A
             (1). Significant joint arrangements or associates
             √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                             Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
               Name of joint               Main                                                                  Shareholding(%)
                                                             Place of                 Business                                                  Accounting treatment of
              arrangements or           operating
                                                           registration                nature               Direct                Indirect         joint investment
                 associates              location

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 Jiaozuo Jinguan    Jiaozuo         Jiaozuo City,
 Jiahua Electric    City, Henan     Henan                                        0.00      49        Equity method
 Power Co., Ltd.    Province        Province
                                                        Manufacture of
 Tongrentang        Tianjin         Tianjin                                      0.00      40        Equity method
 Group Co., Ltd.

(2). Key financial information of significant joint arrangements
□Applicable √N/A

(3). Main financial information of significant associates
√Applicable □N/A
①    Jinguan Electric Power
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                    Closing balance / Amount for the    Beginning balance / Amount for
                     Item                                        period                         the prior period
                                                         Jinguan Electric Power             Jinguan Electric Power
 Current assets                                                       983,674,798.10                     1,034,890,763.04
 Including: Cash and cash equivalents                                 145,046,368.84                       193,286,823.41
 Non-current assets                                                   293,533,049.66                       274,836,800.49
 Total assets                                                       1,277,207,847.76                     1,309,727,563.53
 Current liabilities                                                  694,019,787.24                       734,194,376.70
 Non-current liabilities                                                12,284,097.25                       12,419,097.25
 Total liabilities                                                    706,303,884.49                       746,613,473.95
 Net assets                                                           570,903,963.27                       563,114,089.58
 Including: Minority interests                                                   0.00                                0.00
            Owners’ equity attributable to
                                                                       570,903,963.27                    563,114,089.58
 parent company
 Share of net assets calculated based on
                                                                       279,742,942.00                    275,925,903.89
 shareholding ratio
 Adjustment items                                                        9,603,504.56                       9,612,591.63
        Unrealized profit on internal
         Others                                                          9,603,504.56                       9,612,591.63
 Carrying value of equity investment in
                                                                       289,346,446.56                    285,538,495.52
 Fair value of publicly quoted equity
 investments of associates
 Operating income                                                      425,894,049.32                    545,919,608.69
 Financial expenses                                                        874,470.98                      5,790,628.01
 Income tax expenses                                                     2,568,597.39                              0.00
 Net profit                                                              7,789,873.69                      1,656,551.92
 Net profit from discontinued operations
 Other comprehensive income
 Total comprehensive income                                              7,789,873.69                      1,656,551.92
 Net cash flows from operating activities                              -31,462,568.89                    120,800,417.88
 Dividends received from joint ventures in the
 current period

②Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                 Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co., Ltd.
 Owners’ equity attributable to parent company                                                             591,654,692.05
 Share of net assets by shareholding                                                                        236,661,876.82
  Including: Goodwill                                                                                       498,457,683.68
 Carrying value of equity investment in associates                                                          735,119,560.50
 Fair value of publicly quoted equity investments
                                                                                  Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        Amount for the period
 Operating income                                                                                          577,306,842.17
 Dividends received by the company from associates in the current

Other descriptions:
√Applicable □N/A

The Company calculated share of assets by shareholding ratio based on the amount attributable to the parent
company in the associates’ consolidated financial statements. The amounts of associates on the consolidated
financial statements take into account the fair value of net identifiable assets and liabilities of the associate
when acquiring the investment and the effect of unifying accounting policies. The above data of Tianjin
Tongrentang is based on the performance forecast.

(4). Summary of financial information of other insignificant associates
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                             Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                           Closing balance/ Current
                                                                                    Beginning balance/Prior period

 Total carrying amount of investment                          405,711,908.91                                389,448,001.30
 The following amount are calculated on the basis of shareholding ratio
 Net profit                                                    -7,562,749.17                                 -5,650,897.40
 Other comprehensive income                                               0.00                                          0.00
 Total comprehensive income                                    -7,562,749.17                                 -5,650,897.40

(5) Description of significant restrictions on the ability of joint ventures or associates to transfer funds
to the company
□Applicable √N/A

(6) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associates
□Applicable √N/A

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(7) . Unconfirmed commitments related to joint venture investment
□Applicable √N/A

(8) . Contingent liabilities related to investments in joint ventures or associates
□Applicable √N/A

4. Important joint operations
□Applicable √N/A

5. Equity in structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements
Relevant descriptions of structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements:
□Applicable √N/A

6. Others
□Applicable √N/A

Ⅷ. Risks Management of Financial Instruments
√Applicable □N/A

The major financial instruments of the Company include cash, bills receivable and accounts receivable,
other receivables, non-current assets due within one year, other current assets, financial assets held for
trading, other equity instrument investments, long-term receivables, bills payable and accounts payable,
other payables, short-term borrowings, financial liabilities held for trading, non-current liabilities due
within one year, short-term borrowings, bonds payable and long-term payables. The details of these
financial instruments are disclosed in the respective notes. The financial risk of these financial
instruments and financial management policies used by the Company to minimize the risk are disclosed
as below. The management of the Company manages and monitors the exposure of these risks to ensure
the above risks are controlled in the limited range.

1.   Management objectives and policies of risks

The operation activities of the Company are subject to various financial risks: market risks (mainly
including foreign exchange risks and interest rate risks), credit risks and liquidity risks. The Company
formulates an overall risk management plan with respect to the unforeseeability of the financial market
in order to minimise the potential adverse impacts on the financial performance of the Company.

(1) Foreign exchange risks

The Company conducts its operation primarily in China. Substantially all of the transactions were
denominated and settled in Renminbi. However, the Company still has certain imports and exports
businesses regarding APIs and diagnostic reagents that are settled in U.S. dollar, Euro and Japanese Yen.
The Company’s businesses outside China (mainly in Hong Kong, India, Europe) are settled in Hong

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Kong dollars, U.S. dollar and Euro dollar. In addition, the Company will have foreign currency loans
according to the operating needs. In respect of the above, the Company still exposes to certain foreign
exchange risks. Taking into account the foreign exchange risks acceptable by the Company, the
Company adopted Derivative instruments to control foreign exchange risk. However, as to the foreign
exchange risk in loans, the Company shall closely monitor the trend of the exchange rate of Renminbi,
and timely adjust the extent of borrowings, so as to minimise its risks.

Financial assets and liabilities in foreign currencies held by the Company expressed in Renminbi are
stated below:

① As at 2023.06.30
                                                                                                                        Unit: 1,000 Yuan
             Item                    HKD                    USD                   EUR             JPY            GBP             MOP
Financial assets in foreign
currency —
Cash and bank balances              1,064,944.50             1,722,097.20             742.27      15,085.43          15.45       5,750.13
Financial assets held for
                                      75,320.98                         0.00            0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
Accounts receivable                        0.00               548,313.67                0.00            0.00           0.00          150.01
Dividends receivable                     264.70                     0.00                0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
Other receivables                      2,091.89                     0.00                0.00            0.00           0.00          161.54
Other current assets                       0.00                98,970.69                0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
Other equity instruments
                                     441,193.91                         0.00            0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
Subtotal:                           1,583,815.98             2,369,381.56             742.27      15,085.43          15.45       6,061.69
Financial liabilities in
                                              0.00                      0.00            0.00            0.00           0.00            0.00
foreign currency —
Accounts payable                           0.00                      910.46            44.63       9,809.45            0.00            0.00
Dividends payable                    235,488.15                        0.00             0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
Other payables                         2,489.83                   27,172.66             0.00           0.00            0.00            0.00
Subtotal:                            237,977.98                   28,083.12            44.63       9,809.45            0.00            0.00

②As at 2022.12.31
                                                                                                                        Unit: 1,000 Yuan
                    Item                             HKD              USD               EUR       JPY          GBP      MOP       CHF
Financial assets in foreign currency —
Cash and bank balances                           689,008.76 1,795,183.72                 702.84 18,052.98      16.29 4,272.78           0.00
Financial assets held for trading                    87,193.75                 0.00        0.00      0.00       0.00          0.00      0.00
Accounts receivable                                        0.00      498,180.41            0.00      0.00       0.00 1,097.96           0.00
Other receivables                                     2,849.00                 0.15        0.00      0.00       0.00     504.53         0.00
Other current assets                                       0.00       92,815.74            0.00      0.00       0.00          0.00      0.00
Other equity instruments investment              524,464.51                    0.00        0.00      0.00       0.00          0.00      0.00
Subtotal:                                       1,303,516.02 2,386,180.02                702.84 18,052.98      16.29 5,875.27           0.00
Financial liabilities in foreign currency—
Short-term loan                                            0.00       13,464.86            0.00      0.00       0.00          0.00      0.00
Accounts payable                                           0.00         3,569.18          42.05 14,627.29       0.00          0.00    141.89
Other payables                                        2,583.45        27,967.54            0.00      0.00       0.00          0.00      0.00
Subtotal:                                             2,583.45        45,001.58           42.05 14,627.29       0.00          0.00    141.89

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As at 30 June 2023, in respect of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies such as Hong Kong dollar, U.S. dollar, Euro dollar, Japanese Yen and Macau Pataca, should the
value of RMB appreciate or depreciate by 5% against foreign currencies such as Hong Kong dollar, U.S.
dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen and Macau Pataca, and other factors remain unchanged, the Company would be
subject to an increase or decrease in profit of approximately RMB184,959.36 thousand (31 December 2022:
approximately RMB182,597.36 thousand).

(2). Interest rate risk

The Company’s exposures to interest rate risk are mainly arising from interest-bearing liabilities such as bank
borrowings and bonds payables. The interest rates are affected by the macro monetary policies of China;
hence the Company will face the risks arising from fluctuation of interest rates in the future.

The finance department of the head office of the Company continues to monitor the level of interest rate of
the Company. The rise in the interest rate will increase the cost of additional interest-bearing liabilities and
the interest expenses of the Company’s outstanding interest-bearing liabilities of which the interests are
calculated at floating rates, and impose material adverse impact on the financial results of the Company. The
management will make timely adjustment based on the updated market conditions. The directors of the
Company consider that the future changes in the interest rate will have no material adverse impact on the
operating results of the Company.

(3). Credit risk

Credit risk is primarily attributable to cash and cash equivalents, restricted funds, accounts receivables and
other receivables. In respect of cash at banks, they were placed at several banks with good reputations, for
which the credit risk was limited. In respect of receivables, the Company shall assess the credit limit granted
to customers for credit purpose. Moreover, as the customer base of the Company is large, the credit risk on
accounts receivables is not concentrated. In terms of bills receivable settlement, external payments are settled
with bills receivable with priority and most of the remaining bills are high-quality bills with maturity within
three months; thus none expected major credit risk exits. In addition, the provision made on the impairment
of accounts receivables and other receivables are adequate to manage the credit risk.

Among the accounts receivable of the Company, the accounts receivable of the top five customers accounted
for 9.78% (31 December 2022: 11.98%); among the other receivables of the Company, the other receivables
of the top five customers accounted for 35.74% (31 December 2022: 46.23%).

(4). Liquidity risk

The Company adopts prudent liquidity risk management for the sufficient supply of monetary funds and
liquidity. It secures readily available credit loans from banks mainly by maintaining adequate monetary funds
and banking facilities. Apart from indirect financing from banks, a number of financing channels were
available, such as direct financing by inter-bank market including short-term financing bills and medium-
term financing bills, corporate bonds etc. These instruments can effectively reduce the effects of scale of

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financing and the macro monetary policies of China on indirect bank financing, which shall secure adequate
funds in a flexible manner.

As at the date of the balance sheet, the contractual cash flows of financial assets and financial liabilities are
presented below by term of maturity:
①As at 2023.06.30
            Item              Within a year           1-2 years           2-5 years       Over 5 years              Total
Financial assets:
Cash and bank balances        14,459,790,383.84                   0.00            0.00               0.00       14,459,790,383.84
Financial assets held for
trading                           90,560,120.03                   0.00            0.00               0.00          90,560,120.03

Notes receivable               2,170,075,201.62                   0.00            0.00               0.00        2,170,075,201.62
Accounts receivable            3,193,959,089.23                   0.00            0.00               0.00        3,193,959,089.23
Other receivables                105,444,746.96                   0.00            0.00               0.00         105,444,746.96
Non-current assets               111,489,549.76                   0.00            0.00               0.00         111,489,549.76
Subtotal:                     20,131,319,091.44                   0.00            0.00               0.00       20,131,319,091.44
Financial liabilities:
Short-term loans               2,126,000,000.00                   0.00            0.00               0.00        2,126,000,000.00
Financial liabilities held
for trading                       21,644,248.86                   0.00            0.00               0.00          21,644,248.86

Notes payable                  1,729,003,530.95                   0.00            0.00               0.00        1,729,003,530.95
Accounts payable                 824,340,189.33                   0.00            0.00               0.00         824,340,189.33
Other payables                 4,070,004,397.43                   0.00            0.00               0.00        4,070,004,397.43
Other current liabilities         83,440,368.95                   0.00            0.00               0.00          83,440,368.95
Non-current liabilities
due within one year               62,798,499.68                   0.00            0.00               0.00          62,798,499.68

Lease liabilities                             0.00    12,104,847.17       5,573,447.52               0.00          17,678,294.69
Long term loans                               0.00 1,608,118,419.41 2,355,145,019.53                 0.00        3,963,263,438.94
Subtotal:                      8,917,231,235.20 1,620,223,266.58 2,360,718,467.05                    0.00       12,898,172,968.83

②As at 2022.12.31
             Item              Within a year           1-2 years           2-5 years          Over 5 years           Total
 Financial assets:
 Cash and bank balances       14,808,488,110.96                    0.00                0.00              0.00   14,808,488,110.96
 Financial assets held for
 trading                         109,015,664.98                    0.00                0.00              0.00      109,015,664.98

 Notes receivable              1,959,985,016.85                    0.00                0.00              0.00     1,959,985,016.85
 Accounts receivable           3,103,758,850.15                    0.00                0.00              0.00     3,103,758,850.15
 Other receivables                52,535,740.14                    0.00                0.00              0.00       52,535,740.14
 Non-current assets              104,859,166.96                    0.00                0.00              0.00      104,859,166.96
 Subtotal:                    20,138,642,550.04                    0.00                0.00              0.00   20,138,642,550.04
 Financial liabilities:
 Short-term loans              2,126,050,615.06                    0.00                0.00              0.00     2,126,050,615.06
 Financial liabilities held
 for trading                         755,634.43                    0.00                0.00              0.00          755,634.43

 Notes payable                 1,635,906,989.22                    0.00                0.00              0.00     1,635,906,989.22
 Accounts payable                943,905,580.91                    0.00                0.00              0.00      943,905,580.91

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            Item                 Within a year        1-2 years          2-5 years          Over 5 years           Total
Other payables                   3,680,334,360.88                 0.00               0.00             0.00     3,680,334,360.88
Other current liabilities           83,541,891.93                 0.00               0.00             0.00        83,541,891.93
Non-current liabilities due
within one year                     63,077,260.98                 0.00               0.00             0.00        63,077,260.98

Lease liabilities                            0.00     14,509,839.81       8,972,646.26                0.00        23,482,486.07
Long term loans                              0.00    907,182,927.81 2,323,661,115.07                  0.00     3,230,844,042.88
Subtotal:                        8,533,572,333.41    921,692,767.62 2,332,633,761.33                  0.00    11,787,898,862.36

2.    Capital management

The capital management policies are made to keep the continuous operation of the Company, to enhance
the return to shareholders, to benefit other stakeholders and to maintain the best capital structure to
minimize the cost of capital.

For the maintenance or adjustment of the capital structure, the Company might adjust financing method,
the amount of dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares and other
equity instruments or make an asset disposal to reduce the liabilities.

The Company monitors the capital structure with gearing ratio (calculated by dividing total liabilities
by total assets). On 30 June 2023, the Company’s gearing ratio is 39.94% (31 December 2022: 38.37%).

3.    Transfer of financial assets

(1). Financial assets which are transferred but have not been derecognised in their entirety


(2). Financial assets which have been transferred and ceased to be recognised but still have involvement
with the transferor

During the Period, the Bank discounted bank acceptance bills to the bank of RMB206,754,529.57
(previous period: RMB407,822,740.99). Since the principal risks and rewards, such as interest rate risks
associated with these bank acceptance bills, have been transferred to the banks, the Company
derecognizes discounted unmatured bank acceptance bills. According to the discount agreement, if the
bank acceptance bills are not accepted when due, the bank has the right to require the Company to pay
the outstanding balance. As a result, the Company continued to engage in discounted bank acceptance
bills, which amounted to RMB153,755,208.00 (31 December 2022: RMB422,899,944.56) as at 30 June

As of 30 June 2023, the Company’s carrying amounts of bank acceptance bills undue and endorsed to
suppliers      for    settling     account       payables    is    RMB526,352,414.45            (31    December        2022:
RMB542,620,475.62); the Company has no commercial acceptance bills undue and endorsed to
suppliers for settling account payables in the period (31 December 2022: Nil). In accordance with the
Negotiable Instruments Law, the holders of the bills have a right of recourse against the Company if

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payment is refused by the bank of acceptance (the “Continuing Involvement”). In the opinion of the
Company, the Company has transferred substantially all risks and rewards. Accordingly, their full
carrying amounts and the corresponding account payables have been derecognised. The maximum loss
and the undiscounted cash flows from the Continuing Involvement and repurchasing is equal to their
carrying amounts. In the opinion of the Company, the fair values of the Continuing Involvement are not

During the 6-month period ended 30 June 2023, no gain or loss was generated by the Company on the
date of transfer of the bills. The Company had no current or accumulated gain or loss arising from the
continuing involvement in financial assets which had been derecognised. The endorsement was incurred
evenly throughout the period.

Ⅸ. Fair Value
1.Closing balance of the fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                       Closing balance of fair value
                                                                   Level 2 fair
                   Item                       Level 1 fair value                   Level 3 fair value
                                                                      value                                     Total
                                                measurement                          measurement
I. Recurring fair value measurement
(Ⅰ)Financial assets held for trading         103,583,153.41       5,432,511.57                 0.00       109,015,664.98
   1. Financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss
(1)Debt instruments investment                    934,289.94               0.00                 0.00           934,289.94
(2)Equity instruments investment              102,648,863.47               0.00                 0.00       102,648,863.47
(3)Derivative financial assets                          0.00       5,432,511.57                 0.00         5,432,511.57
   2. Financial asset designated as at fair
value through profit or loss
(1)Investments in debt instruments
(2)Investments in equity instruments
  (II) Other debt investments
  (III) Other investments in equity
                                                141,235,838.68               0.00     1,051,691,795.90     1,192,927,634.58
  (IV) Investment properties
   1. A land use right that is used to be
leased out.
   2. A building that is leased out.
   3. A land use right held for transfer
upon capital appreciation
  (V) Biological asset
   1. Consumable biological assets
   2. Productive biological assets
Total assets measured at fair value on
                                                244,818,992.09       5,432,511.57     1,051,691,795.90     1,301,943,299.56
a recurring basis
(VI) Financial liabilities held for trading
1. Financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss
Including: Issued tradable bonds
         Derivative financial liabilities                   0.00   21,644,248.86                  0.00        21,644,248.86
2. Financial liabilities designated as at
fair value through profit or loss

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Total liabilities measured at fair value
                                                           0.00    21,644,248.86                    0.00         21,644,248.86
on a recurring basis
II. Non-recurring fair value
  (Ⅰ) Assets held-for-sale                                0.00              0.00                   0.00                   0.00
Total assets measured at fair value on a
                                                           0.00              0.00                   0.00                   0.00
non-recurring basis
Total liabilities measured at fair value
                                                           0.00              0.00                   0.00                   0.00
on a non-recurring basis

During January to June 2023, ELICIO THERAPEUTICS, INC. and Carisma Therapeutics, Inc., in
which Livzon Group, a subsidiary of the Company, holds investments, were listed on the NASDAQ
Stock Exchange, and Beijing Luzhu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (北京绿竹生物技术股份有限公司), in
which the Company holds investments, was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. As a result, the
fair value measurement of this investment in other equity instruments transferred from level 3 to level
1; except for this investment in other equity instruments, there were no transfers of the fair value
measurements between level 1 and level 2 and no transfers into or out of level 3.

2.Basis for determining the market price of continuous and non-continuous level 1 fair value
measurement items
√Applicable □N/A

The basis for determining the market price of level 1 fair value measurement items is when listed and
traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange and
the United States, its fair value is determined by the closing price on the last trading day of the reporting

3.Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters adopted
for continuous and non-continuous level 2 fair value measurement items
√Applicable □N/A

For the items in level 2 fair value measurement which uses valuation techniques and qualitative and
quantitative information of important parameters to determine the fair value. For derivative financial
instruments such as foreign exchange forward contracts, the fair value is determined based on the quoted
forward exchange rate corresponding to the expiring contract.

                                           Fair value at the End
                 Item                                                                 Valuation techniques
                                              of the Period
                                                                    Calculated and determined based on the quoted forward
  Derivative financial assets                       5,432,511.57
                                                                    exchange rate corresponding to the expiring contract
                                                                    Calculated and determined based on the quoted forward
  Derivative financial liabilities                21,644,248.86
                                                                    exchange rate corresponding to the expiring contract

4.Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of key parameters adopted for
continuous and non-continuous level 3 fair value measurement items
√Applicable □N/A

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For the items in level 3 fair value measurement uses valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative
information of important parameters to determine the fair value. For some other equity instruments held,
the fair value is based on the cost or the present value of the estimated future net cash flow as the best

5.Reconciliation between opening and closing carrying amounts and sensitivity analysis of
unobservable parameters for continuous level 3 fair value measurement items
√Applicable □N/A

                                                                     Fair value at the end of the
                                Item                                                              Valuation techniques
Other equity instruments investment-Shanghai Yunfeng Xinchuang
                                                                                 67,932,735.87        Net assets
Equity Investment Centre (上海云锋新创股权投资中心)
Other equity instruments investment-Shanghai JingYi Investment
                                                                                 72,891,151.99        Net assets
Centre (上海经颐投资中心)
Other equity instruments investment-Qianhai Equity Investment Fund
                                                                                251,543,869.00        Net assets
Other equity instruments investment- PANTHEON D ,L.P.                               164,827.73        Net assets
Other equity instruments investment-Apricot Forest, Inc (杏树林)                120,788,500.00     Income method
Other equity instruments investment-Zhuhai China Resources Bank
                                                                                158,400,000.00      Market method
Co., Ltd. (珠海华润银行股份有限公司)
Other equity instruments investment-Yizun Biopharmaceutics
                                                                                 30,513,209.27      Market method
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (羿尊生物医药(上海) 有限公司)
Other equity instruments investment-Zhuhai Medpha Biotechnology
                                                                                 32,099,443.70 Recent financing price
Co., Ltd. (珠海麦得发生物科技股份有限公司)
Other equity instruments investment- Xiangrong (Shanghai)
                                                                                 19,613,667.00 Recent financing price
Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (享融(上海)生物科技有限公司)
Other equity instruments investment-GLOBAL HEALTH SCIENCE                       246,961,521.36        Net assets
Other equity instruments investment-SCC VENTURE VI 2018-B,L.P.                      237,981.63        Net assets
Other equity instruments investment-Nextech V Oncology S.C.S.,
                                                                                 18,034,888.35        Net assets
Other equity instruments investment- Others                                      32,510,000.00           Cost

6. In case of transfers among levels for the current period, explain the transfer reasons and policies
for determining transfer time point for continuous fair value measurement items
□Applicable √ N/A

7.Changes in valuation techniques for the current period and reasons for changes
□Applicable √ N/A

8.Fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value
□Applicable √ N/A

□Applicable √ N/A

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1. Information of parent company
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                             Shareholding ratio     Voting right by
  Name of parent         Place of                                           Registered
                                             Nature of business                                  by parent          parent company
    company            registration                                          capital
                                                                                               company (%)                (%)
                                         Investment and
                                         establishment of industry,
                       Shenzhen          domestic commerce, and           80,000,000.00                  46.43                46.43
  Investment Co.,
                                         material supply and
Notes to the parent company of the Company:
The parent company of the Company is Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd., which was established
on 21 January 1999, and its main business scope is investment and establishment of industry, domestic
commerce, and material supply and marketing.

The ultimate controller of the Company: Zhu Baoguo

Other descriptions:
(1) Registered capital of parent company and its changes
                                                                      Increase for the      Decrease for the
       Name of parent company                  2022.12.31                                                              2023.06.30
                                                                          Period                Period
  Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment
                                                80,000,000.00                      0.00                 0.00            80,000,000.00
  Co., Ltd.

(2) Shares of the company held by the parent company and its changes
                                                                        Increase for
 Name of parent company               2022.12.31          Ratio                            for the      2023.06.30            Ratio
                                                                         the Period
Shenzhen Baiyeyuan
                                      878,272,753.00      45.53%         17,380,900            0.00    895,653,653.00          46.43%
Investment Co., Ltd.
On 21 March 2023, 17,380,900 shares lent by Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd. (深圳市百业源投
资有限公司) for participating in the refinancing securities lending business were returned.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company
Details of subsidiaries refer to Note
√Applicable □N/A
Please refer to notes Ⅶ.1. for the details of subsidiaries.

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company
For details of the significant joint ventures or associates of the Company, please see the notes.
√Applicable □N/A
Details of significant joint ventures or associates refer to Note Ⅴ. 11 and Note VII. 2.

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Other joint ventures or associates entered into transactions with the Company during the period, or
during the prior period with remaining closing balance were as follows:
√Applicable □N/A
                     Name of joint ventures and associates                   Relationship with the Company
 Jiaozuo Jinguan Jiahua Electric Power Co., Ltd.                                        Associate
 Guangdong Blue Treasure Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                       Associate
 Shenzhen City Youbao Technology Co., Ltd.                                              Associate
 AbCyte Therapeutics Inc.                                                               Associate
 L&L Biopharma, Co. Ltd.                                                                Associate
 Zhuhai Sanmed Biotech Inc.                                                             Associate
 Aetio Biotherapy Inc                                                                   Associate
 Jiangsu Atom Bioscience and Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                   Associate
 Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co., Ltd.                                                    Associate
 Infinite Intelligence Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.                                          Associate
 Shenzhen Kangti Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.                                        Associate
 Shanghai Sheo Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.                                      Associate
 Zhuhai Sanmed Gene Diagnostics Ltd.                                         Entity controlled by an associate
 Zhuhai Hengqin Weisheng Precision Medicine Technology Co., Ltd.             Entity controlled by an associate

Other descriptions
□Applicable √ N/A

4. Other related parties of the Company
√Applicable □N/A
                            Name of other related parties                       Relationship with the Company
 Shenzhen Taitelixing Investment Development Co., Ltd.                                      Others
 Zhuozhou Jingnan Yongle Golf Club Co., Ltd.                                                Others
 Shenzhen Healthy Deer Information Technology Co., Ltd.                                     Others
 Sichuan Healthy Deer Hospital Management Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries                    Others
 Zhuhai Medpha Biotechnology Co., Ltd.                                                      Others
 Zhuhai Xianghetai Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership)                  Others
 Zhuhai Zhong Hui Yuan Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership)                         Others
 Zhuhai Liying Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership)                      Others
 Jiangsu Yiyingjia Medical Technology Co., Ltd.                                             Others
 Directors, Supervisors and other senior management personnel                               Others

5. Related party transactions
(1). Sales and purchase of goods, rendering and receipt of services
Purchase of goods, receipt of services
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                       Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB

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                                                                                                Whether the
      Name of related parties         Nature of transaction   Current period                      amount is     Prior period
                                                                                amount (if
                                                                                                exceeded (if
Guangdong Blue Treasure
                                     Raw materials              1,615,292.04                                     1,458,973.45
Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Jiangsu Yiyingjia Medical            Finished goods,
                                                                  611,361.00                                      368,692.00
Technology Co., Ltd.                 Modern service
Zhuhai Sanmed Biotech Inc.           Testing                             0.00                                       53,443.40
Shenzhen Youbao Technology Co.,
                                     Modern service               643,255.00                                      871,765.00
Beijing Infinite Intelligence
Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,       R&D                          693,069.31                                      339,805.83
Jiaozuo Jinguan Jiahua Electric
                                     Electricity, steam       127,926,603.34 280,000,000           No          129,081,366.42
Power Co., Ltd.

Sales of goods/rendering of services
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB
    Name of related parties            Nature of transaction              Current period                 Prior period
Guangdong Blue Treasure        Finished goods, water and
                                                                                22,816,768.72                   15,282,052.21
Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.        electricity, power
                               Finished goods, water and
Zhuhai Sanmed Biotech Inc.                                                        232,007.99                      194,261.12
                               electricity, power and others
Zhuhai Sanmed Gene Diagnostics Finished goods, water and
                                                                                  274,234.26                      325,180.92
Ltd.                           electricity, power and others
Subsidiaries of Sichuan Healthy Deer
                                     Finished goods                              1,280,329.37                    1,987,679.87
Hospital Management Co., Ltd.
Tianjin Tongrentang Group Co.,
                                   Modern service                                 283,018.87                             0.00

Descriptions of related party transactions with respect to the sales and purchase of goods, rendering
and receipt of services
□Applicable √ N/A

(2). Related entrusted management/contracting and entrusting management/outsourcing
Table of the entrusted management/contracting of the Company:
□Applicable √ N/A

Descriptions of related trusteeship/outsourcing
□Applicable √ N/A

Table of the entrusting management/outsourcing of the Company:
□Applicable √ N/A

Descriptions of related management/outsourcing
□Applicable √ N/A

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(3). Related party leases
The Company as a lessor
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                   Type of leased Lease income recognized in Lease income recognized in
                Name of lessee
                                                       assets           the current period            the previous period
Zhuhai Sanmed Biotech Inc.                     Buildings                           1,113,149.50                 1,113,149.50
Zhuhai Sanmed Gene Diagnostics Ltd.            Buildings                            120,000.00                    120,000.00
Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment Co., Ltd.        Buildings                              9,445.88                       9,445.88
Shenzhen Taitelixing Investment Development
                                               Buildings                              9,360.00                       9,360.00
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Healthy Deer Information
                                               Buildings                              8,587.16                       8,587.16
Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen City Youbao Technology Co., Ltd.      Buildings                              8,587.16                       8,587.16

The Company as a lessee:
□Applicable √ N/A

Descriptions of related leases
□Applicable √ N/A

(4). Related party guarantees
The Company as the guarantor
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                             Unit: 10,000 Yuan Currency: RMB
   Name of guaranteed party         Guarantee amount            Effetive date      Expiration date        Fullfilled or not
Jinguan Electric Power                         4,000.00                2022/7/11           2023/7/11             No
Jinguan Electric Power                         3,000.00                2022/7/11           2023/7/11             No
Jinguan Electric Power                         2,000.00                2022/7/15           2023/7/15             No
Jinguan Electric Power                         3,000.00                 2022/8/8            2023/8/8             No
Jinguan Electric Power                         3,200.00                2022/9/16           2023/9/16             No
Jinguan Electric Power                         3,800.00                2022/10/9           2023/10/9             No
Jinguan Electric Power                         3,200.00               2022/10/12         2023/10/12              No
Jinguan Electric Power                         2,045.01                2023/6/12         2023/10/13              No
Jinguan Electric Power                         3,000.00               2022/11/24         2023/11/24              No
Jinguan Electric Power                         2,183.85                2023/6/12         2023/12/12              No
Jinguan Electric Power                         2,000.00                2023/6/16         2023/12/12              No
Jinguan Electric Power                         4,640.00               2022/12/19         2023/12/16              No
Jinguan Electric Power                         2,000.00               2022/12/14         2023/12/14              No

The Company as the guaranteed party
□Applicable √ N/A

Descriptions of guarantees with related parties
√Applicable □N/A

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① In order to ensure the stable development of production and operation of Jinguan Electric Power, the
Company and its controlling subsidiary Jiaozuo Joincare jointly provided a revolving guarantee facility with
balance of no more than RMB350 million (inclusive) for Jinguan Electric Power (specific guarantors shall
be specified in the guarantee contracts) according to “the Resolution on Providing Loan Guarantee for
Jinguan Electric Power by the Company and Its Controlling Subsidiary Jiaozuo Joincare” considered and
approved at the First Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company on 6 July 2016, with the guarantee
period starting from the date when the resolution was considered and approved to 31 December 2019.
Pursuant to “the Resolution on Providing Loan Guarantee for Jinguan Electric Power by the Company and
Its Controlling Subsidiary Jiaozuo Joincare” considered and approved at the 2017 Annual General Meeting
of the Company on 22 May 2018, the Company and its controlling subsidiary Jiaozuo Joincare jointly
provided a revolving guarantee facility with balance of no more than RMB350 million (inclusive) for Jinguan
Electric Power (specific guarantors shall be specified in the guarantee contracts), with the guarantee period
starting from the date when the resolution was considered and approved to 31 December 2022. In order to
ensure the stable development of production and operation of Jinguan Electric Power, the revolving guarantee
facility with balance of no more than RMB350 million (inclusive) for Jinguan Electric Power (specific
guarantors shall be specified in the guarantee contracts) considered and approved at the 2017 General
Meeting of the Company was changed to the revolving guarantee facility with balance of no more than
RMB450 million (inclusive) on 10 May 2019 due to the actual business needs of Jinguan Electric Power,
with the guarantee period starting from the date when the resolution was considered and approved to 31
December 2022. On 18 May 2022, the "Proposal on the Company and its subsidiary Jiaozuo Joincare in
Providing Loan Guarantee for Jinguan Electric Power" was reviewed and approved by the Company's 2021
annual general meeting, the Company and its subsidiary Jiaozuo Joincare jointly provided a guarantee for
Jinguan Electric Power on its revolving loans facility with a balance of not more than RMB 450 million
(including RMB 450 million) (the specific guarantor will be specified in each guarantee contract), and the
term is from the date of approval of this guarantee proposal at the Company’s annual general meeting to 31
December 2025.

As at 30 June 2023, the Company provided Jinguan Electric Power with guarantees for loans of
RMB380.6886 million; of which RMB254.2886 million in Shenzhen Branch of China Everbright Bank,
RMB60 million in Shenzhen Branch of Zheshang Bank, RMB46.40 million in Shenzhen Branch of Nanyang
Commercial Bank and RMB20 million in Jiaozuo Branch of China CITIC Bank.

In order to ensure the safety of secured loans, Jinguan Electric Power provided counter guarantees for the
said guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiary, Jiaozuo Joincare, based on its owned assets,
and undertook that it would unconditionally provide mutual guarantees for the Company or its controlling
subsidiary designated with total facility of no more than RMB450 million (inclusive) whenever the Company
deemed necessary.
② Another shareholder of Livzon MABPharm Inc. (珠海市丽珠单抗生物技术有限公司) – the Company
has issued a "Counter Guarantee Commitment", promising that it will share the joint and several guarantee
liability to the extent of 33.07% of the scope of guarantee responsibility in relation to the guarantee provided

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      to Livzon MABPharm Inc. (珠海市丽珠单抗生物技术有限公司), and the counter guarantee period will
      expire on the date when the Company's guarantee responsibility expiry.
      ③ Zhuhai Zhong Hui Yuan Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (珠海中汇源投资合伙企业(有
      限合伙), being another shareholder of Livzon Group Xinbeijiang Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Inc. (丽珠
      集团新北江制药股份有限公司) has issued a "Counter Guarantee Commitment", promising that it will share
      the joint and several guarantee liability to the extent of 8.44% of the scope of guarantee responsibility
      incurred by the Company in relation to the guarantee provided to Livzon MABPharm Inc. (珠海市丽珠单
      抗生物技术有限公司), and the counter guarantee period will expire on the date when the Company's
      guarantee responsibility expiry.

      (5). Lending funds of related parties
      □Applicable √N/A

      (6). Asset transfer and debt restructuring between related parties
      □Applicable √N/A

      (7). Remuneration of key management personnel
      √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                       Unit: 10,000 Yuan Currency: RMB
                           Item                    Amount for the current period           Amount for the prior period
       Remuneration of key management
                                                                              782.04                                799.59

      For the 6-month period ended 30 June 2023
                                                                                       Unit: 10,000 Yuan Currency: RMB
                                               Wages and          Social
             Item                 Supervisor                                Housing fund   Bonus    Severance pay    Others     Total
                                               allowances        security
Zhu Baoguo (朱保国)                   162.50             0.00        3.17           1.40     0.00            0.00        0.00   167.07
Liu Guangxia (刘广霞)                 162.50             9.65        4.82           1.40     0.00            0.00        0.00   178.37
Yu Xiong (俞雄)                         0.00        130.00           0.00           0.00     0.00            0.00        0.00   130.00
Qiu Qingfeng (邱庆丰)                   0.00         67.50           3.86           1.40     0.00            0.00        0.00    72.76
Lin Nanqi (林楠棋)                      0.00         67.50           3.86           1.40     0.00            0.00        0.00    72.76
Cui Liguo (崔利国)                      6.00             0.00        0.00           0.00     0.00            0.00        0.00     6.00
Huo Jing (霍静)                         6.00             0.00        0.00           0.00     0.00            0.00        0.00     6.00
Qin Yezhi (覃业志)                      6.00             0.00        0.00           0.00     0.00            0.00        0.00     6.00
Peng Juan (彭娟)                        6.00             0.00        0.00           0.00     0.00            0.00        0.00     6.00
Yu Xiaoyun (余孝云)                     2.40         19.08           3.54           1.12     0.00            0.00        0.00    26.14
Peng Jinhua (彭金花)                    2.40             0.00        0.00           0.00     0.00            0.00        0.00     2.40
Xing zhiwei (幸志伟)                    2.40         28.88           3.44           1.05     0.00            0.00        0.00    35.77
Other senior management:

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                                              Wages and           Social
             Item             Supervisor                                    Housing fund   Bonus   Severance pay     Others   Total
                                              allowances         security
Zhao Fenguang (赵凤光)               0.00            67.50           3.86           1.40    0.00            0.00       0.00    72.76
             Total                 356.20           390.11          26.56           9.17    0.00            0.00       0.00   782.04

      Note: Mr. Zhu Baoguo (朱保国) serves as the chairman of Livzon, a controlled subsidiary of the Company;
      and Mr. Yu Xiong (俞雄) and Mr. Qiu Qingfeng (邱庆丰) serve as non-executive directors of Livzon. The
      remuneration presented in above does not include the portion paid by Livzon.

      For the 6-month period ended 30 June 2021
                                                                                           Unit: 10,000 Yuan Currency: RMB
                                              Wages and          Social
             Item             Supervisor                                    Housing fund   Bonus    Severance pay    Others   Total
                                              allowances         security
Zhu Baoguo (朱保国)                162.50                0.00        3.42           1.25    0.00              0.00     0.00   167.17
Liu Guangxia (刘广霞)              162.50                9.03        4.51           1.25    0.00              0.00     0.00   177.29
Yu Xiong (俞雄)                       0.00          130.00           0.00           0.00    0.00              0.00     0.00   133.00
Qiu Qingfeng (邱庆丰)                 0.00           67.50           3.60           1.25    0.00              0.00     0.00    72.36
Lin Nanqi (林楠棋)                    0.00           67.50           3.60           1.25    0.00              0.00     0.00    72.36
Cui Liguo (崔利国)                    5.54               0.00        0.00           0.00    0.00              0.00     0.00     5.54
Huo Jing (霍静)                       5.54               0.00        0.00           0.00    0.00              0.00     0.00     5.54
Qin Yezhi (覃业志)                    5.54               0.00        0.00           0.00    0.00              0.00     0.00     5.54
Peng Juan (彭娟)                      5.54               0.00        0.00           0.00    0.00              0.00     0.00     5.54
Yu Xiaoyun (余孝云)                   2.40           19.23           3.46           1.12    0.00              0.00     0.00    26.21
Peng Jinhua (彭金花)                  2.40               0.00        0.00           0.00    0.00              0.00     0.00     2.40
Xing zhiwei (幸志伟)                  0.57           32.00           3.36           1.05    0.00              0.00     0.00    36.98
Xie Youguo(谢友国)
                                      1.83           18.46           0.00           0.00    0.00              0.00     0.00    20.29
Other senior management:
Zhao Fenguang (赵凤光)                0.00           67.50           3.60           1.25    0.00              0.00     0.00    72.36
             Total                 354.37           411.23          25.55           8.44    0.00              0.00     0.00   799.59
      Note: Mr. Zhu Baoguo serves as the chairman of Livzon, a controlled subsidiary of the Company; and Mr. Yu
      Xiong and Mr. Qiu Qingfeng serve as non-executive directors of Livzon. Xie Youguo has resigned. The
      remuneration listed above does not include the part paid by Livzon.

      (8). Other related transactions
      □Applicable √N/A

      6. Receivables and payables with related parties
      (1). Receivables from related parties
      √Applicable □N/A

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                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan   Currency: RMB
                                                      Balance at the End of the Period           Balance at the Beginning of the Period
     Item             Name of related parties                         Provision for bad                              Provision for bad
                                                     Book balance                                Book balance
                                                                            debts                                          debts
Bills              Guangdong Blue Treasure
                                                      12,738,589.00                       0.00        3,893,820.00                    0.00
receivables        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Accounts           Guangdong Blue Treasure
                                                       3,121,800.00                  31,218.00        4,781,500.00               47,336.85
receivables        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Accounts           Zhuhai Sanmed Gene
                                                          83,081.78                    830.82            85,731.98                  840.17
receivables        Diagnostics Ltd.
                   Subsidiaries of Sichuan Healthy
                   Deer Hospital Management Co.,         493,418.30                 138,748.58          497,828.30              103,325.48
Prepayments        Zhuhai Sanmed Biotech Inc.            211,200.00                       0.00          211,200.00                    0.00
                   Shenzhen Youbao
Prepayments                                              329,678.00                       0.00          188,100.00                    0.00
                   Technology Co., Ltd.
                   Jiangsu Yiyingjia Medical
Prepayments                                              670,000.00                       0.00                  0.00                  0.00
                   Technology Co., Ltd.
                   Jiaozuo Jinguan Jiahua
Prepayments                                           67,244,709.78                       0.00       75,724,913.57                    0.00
                   Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Other              Zhongshan Renhe Health
                                                         469,895.78                 469,895.78          469,895.78              469,895.78
receivables        Products Co., Ltd.
Other              Shenzhen Health Deer
                                                                0.00                      0.00            4,680.00                   74.38
receivables        Technology Co., Ltd.
Other              Guangdong Blue Treasure
                                                       1,063,980.76                  10,639.81          607,484.29                6,925.32
receivables        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Other              Zhuhai Sanmed Gene
                                                          18,579.40                    123.49            15,795.00                  170.59
receivables        Diagnostics Ltd.

    (2). Payables to related party
    √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                       Balance at the End of    Balance at the Beginning of
            Item                            Related parties
                                                                                            the Period                  the Period
     Contract           Subsidiaries of Sichuan Healthy Deer Hospital
                                                                                                  104,277.25                     12,011.72
     liabilities        Management Co., Ltd.
     Bills payables     Guangdong Blue Treasure Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                         1,943,040.00                         0.00
                        Guangdong Blue Treasure Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                 0.00                   117,760.00
                        Subsidiaries of Sichuan Healthy Deer Hospital
     Other payables                                                                                      0.00                     8,936.17
                        Management Co., Ltd.

    Ⅺ. Share-Based Payment
    1. General information about share-based payment
    √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                        Unit: Share Currency: RMB
      Total equity instruments granted during the Current Period by the Company
      Total equity instruments exercised during the Current Period by the Company
      Total equity instruments of the Company expired during the Current Period
      Range of exercise price of share option of the Company outstanding and
                                                                                                                                 Note 1
      remaining term of contract as at the End of the Period

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 Range of exercise price of other equity instruments of the Company and
 remaining term of contract as at the End of the Period
Note 1: Share Option

① On 29 August 2022, the Company held the third extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2022,
and reviewed and approved the "Proposal on the Company's 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Draft) and
its Summary", "Proposal on the Company's 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan Implementation Appraisal
Management Measures" and "Proposal on Requesting the Company's Shareholders' Meeting to Authorize
the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to Shares Incentive". The Company held the 16th meeting
of the eighth board of directors on 5 September 2022, and reviewed and passed the "Proposal on First Time
Granting Stock Options to Incentive Participants". With 5 September 2022 as the grant date, 49.45 million
stock options were granted to 423 incentive participants at a price of RMB11.24 per share. The date of
completion and effective date of registration of stock options granted is 16 September 2022.

The exercise period of the options granted this time and the exercise time schedule for each period are shown
in the following table:
    Vesting period                                          Vesting date                                     Vesting ratio
                            From the first trading day 12 months after the first grant date to the last
First vesting period                                                                                                   40%
                            trading day within 24 months from the first grant date
                            From the first trading day 24 months after the first grant date to the last
Second vesting period                                                                                                  30%
                            trading day within 36 months from the first grant date
                            From the first trading day 36 months after the first grant date to the last
Third vesting period                                                                                                   30%
                            trading day within 48 months from the first grant date

Company-level performance appraisal requirements: The stock options granted by this incentive plan are
subject to annual performance appraisal and vesting. To achieve the performance appraisal target as the
vesting condition for incentive participants, the annual performance appraisal targets for the first-time grant
are shown in the table below:
     Vesting period                                         Performance appraisal targets
                            Based on the net profit in 2021, the compound growth rate of net profit in 2022 shall not be
First vesting period
                            less than 15%;
                            Based on the net profit in 2021, the compound growth rate of net profit in 2023 shall not be
Second vesting period
                            less than 15%;
                            Based on the net profit in 2021, the compound growth rate of net profit in 2024 shall not be
Third vesting period
                            less than 15%.

The calculation of the above "net profit" and "net profit growth rate" indicators is based on the net profit
attributable to shareholders of listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses, and excluding
the impact of share-based payments in this incentive plan. If the Company fails to meet the above-mentioned
performance appraisal targets, all incentive participants whose stock options are exercisable in the year
corresponding to the appraisal shall not be exercised and shall be canceled by the Company.
 (2) The Company’s subsidiary, Livzon Group
 Total amount of equity instruments granted during the year (shares)
 Total amount of equity instruments exercised during the year (shares)
 Total amount of equity instruments forfeited during the year (shares)
 Range of exercise price and residual life of outstanding share options at the end of the year                          Note 2
 Range of exercise price and residual life of outstanding other equity instruments at the end of the year               Note 3
Note 2: Share Option

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① On 14 October 2022, Livzon Group’s 2022 Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, 2022 Second
A-Share Class Shareholders’ Meeting and 2022 H-Share Class Shareholders’ Meeting reviewed and
approved the “Proposal on the Company's 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan (Revised Draft) and Its
Summary", "Proposal on the company's 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan Implementation Appraisal
Management Measures", "Proposal on submitting to the company's general meeting of shareholders to
authorize the board of directors to handle matters related to the 2022 stock options incentive plan". On 7
November 2022, the 39th meeting of the 10th Board of Directors of Livzon Group reviewed and approved
the "Proposal on Matters Related to the First Time Grant of the 2022 Stock Option Incentive Plan". With 7
November 2022 as the grant date, 17,973,500 stock options were granted to 1,026 incentive participants at a
price of RMB31.31 per A share. The date of completion and effective date of registration of stock options
granted is 23 November 2022.

The exercise period of the options granted this time and the exercise time schedule for each period are shown
in the following table:
    Vesting period                                          Vesting date                                     Vesting ratio
First vesting period of    From the first trading day 12 months after the completion of the first time
stock options granted      grant registration to the last trading day within 24 months from the                        40%
for the first time         completion of the first time grant registration
Second vesting period      From the first trading day 24 months after the completion of the first time
of stock options granted   grant registration to the last trading day within 36 months from the                        30%
for the first time         completion of the first time grant registration
Third vesting period of    From the first trading day 36 months after the completion of the first time
stock options granted      grant registration to the last trading day within 48 months from the                        30%
for the first time         completion of the first time grant registration

Livzon Group performance appraisal requirements: The stock options granted by this incentive plan are subject to
annual performance appraisal and vesting during the 3 fiscal years of the vesting period. To achieve the performance
appraisal target as the vesting condition for incentive participants, the annual performance appraisal targets for the
first-time grant are shown in the table below:

             Vesting period                                            Performance appraisal targets
 First vesting period of stock options      Based on the net profit in 2021, the compound growth rate of net profit in 2022
 granted for the first time                 shall not be less than 15%;
 Second vesting period of stock options     Based on the net profit in 2021, the compound growth rate of net profit in 2023
 granted for the first time                 shall not be less than 15%;
 Third vesting period of stock options      Based on the net profit in 2021, the compound growth rate of net profit in 2024
 granted for the first time                 shall not be less than 15%.

The calculation of the above "net profit" and "net profit compound growth rate" indicators is based on the net
profit attributable to shareholders of listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses, and
excluding the impact of share-based payments in this incentive plan. If the Company fails to meet the above-
mentioned performance appraisal targets, all incentive participants whose stock options are exercisable in the
year corresponding to the appraisal shall not be exercised and shall be canceled by the Company.

Note 3: Other equity incentive

Pursuant to “ the Resolution on the Disposal of Certain Equity of a Holding Subsidiary and Connected
Transaction” considered and approved at the 34th Meeting of the 9th Session of the Board of Livzon Group
on 8 November 2019, it was agreed that 9.5% equity interests (totally 8,382,100 shares) in Zhuhai Livzon
Diagnostics Inc. (珠海丽珠试剂股份有限公司) held by Livzon Group shall be transferred to Zhuhai Liying
Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) (珠海丽英 投资管理合伙企业(有限合伙))
at the consideration of RMB21,122,892. Pursuant to the Assets Appraisal Report on the Valuation of the

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Shareholders'. According to “Assets evaluation report of all shareholders' equity value project of Zhuhai
Livzon Diagnostics Inc. (珠海丽珠试剂股份有限公司) involved in the proposed transfer of equity by
Livzon Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.”. (Huaya Zhengxin Appraisal Report [2019] No. A02-0011), the
valuation of all shareholders’ equity of Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics Inc. as at 30 June 2019 was RMB647.3075
million, and the above equity transfer price was lower than its fair value, therefore it constitutes a share-based
payment. The total share-based payment of the transaction is RMB40.4017 million, which should be
amortized within 5 years according to the partnership agreement and share incentive expenses were
recognised due to the share-based payment as a result of the change in the shareholding of the shareholders
of Zhuhai Liying Investment Management Partnership (Limited Partnership).

Pursuant to “the Resolution on the Implementation of Employee Equity Incentive Scheme by a Holding
Subsidiary” considered and approved at the 34th Meeting of the 9th Session of the Board of Livzon Group
on 8 November 2019, the total number of shares of new issuance by Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics Inc. for
implementation of employee equity incentive scheme shall not be more than 4,643,839 shares, and the
scheme participants shall contribute a total of RMB11,702,474.28 to directly subscribe for the above shares
or indirectly subscribe for the such shares through the holding of the limited partnership shares of the
employee shareholding platform. In December 2019, pursuant to the Capital Increase Agreement of Zhuhai
Livzon Diagnostics Inc., the total shares of Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics Inc. increased from 88,232,932 shares
to 92,876,771 shares with par value of RMB1 per share. The increased number of shares were subscribed for
by Zhuhai Haoxun Enterprise Management Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) (珠海豪汛企业管
理咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)), Zhuhai Yichen Enterprise Management Consulting Partnership (Limited
Partnership) (珠海熠臣企业管理咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)) and Zhuhai Qijing Enterprise Management
Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) (海启靖企业管理咨询合伙企业(有限合伙)) at the
consideration of RMB11,702,474. The subscription price is lower than the fair value, therefore it constitutes
a share-based payment. The total share-based payment of the transaction is RMB20,709,000, which should
be amortized within 5 years according to the Partnership Agreement, and share incentive expenses were
recognized due to the share-based payment as a result of the change in the shares/shareholding of the
shareholders or employee stock ownership platform of Zhuhai Livzon Diagnostics Inc.

On 31 August 2021, the general meeting of Livzon Bio considered and approved the Equity Incentive Scheme
of Zhuhai Livzon Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (珠海市丽珠生物医药科技有限公司), granting 66,666,667
restricted shares of Livzon Biologics to incentive participants, among which 42 million shares were granted
in the first batch and 24,666,667 shares were reserved. Incentive participants indirectly subscribed for the
above shares through the holding of the limited partnership shares of the employee shareholding platform.
The subscription price is lower than the fair value, therefore it constitutes a share-based payment. The total
share-based payment of the transaction is RMB33.6 million, which should be amortized during the lock-up
period according to the Equity Incentive Scheme of LivzonBio and the Grant Agreement and RMB4.76
million was amortized in the 6-month period ended 30 June 2023.

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2. Equity settled share-based payments
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
 Method in determining the fair value of equity instruments at the date of grant        Black-Scholes Model, market price
 Basis for determining quantity of exercisable equity instruments                                                       -
 Reasons for significant discrepancies between estimate for the Period and
 Previous Period
 Accumulated amount of equity settled share-based payments included in
 capital reserve
 Total expense recognised for equity settled share-based payments for the

3. Cash settled share-based payments
□Applicable √N/A

Ⅻ. Commitments and Contingencies
1. Significant commitments
√Applicable □N/A
Significant commitments to outsiders as of the balance sheet data, and their nature and amount

(1) Capital commitments
     Capital commitments entered into but not recognized in the
                                                                             Closing balance           Beginning balance
                        financial statements
  Commitments in relation to acquisition of long-term assets                       380,762,082.33            455,161,816.72
  Commitments in relation to external investment                                     8,000,000.00             12,000,000.00
  Commitments in relation to research and development
                                                                                   206,451,500.00                      0.00

(2) Other commitments

(3) Performance of previous commitments
The Company has duly performed the capital expenditure commitments and the operating lease
commitments and the other commitments as at 30 June 2023.

2. Contingencies
(1). Significant contingencies as of the balance sheet date
□Applicable √N/A

(2). Please also make explanations thereof if the Company has no significant contingency to be
□Applicable √N/A

3. Others
□Applicable √N/A

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ⅩⅢ. Events after the Balance Sheet Date
1. Significant non-adjustment events
□Applicable √N/A

2. Profit distribution
□Applicable √N/A

3. Sales returns
□Applicable √N/A

4. Descriptions of other events after the balance sheet date
□Applicable √N/A

ⅩⅣ. Other significant events
1、Other significant events
√Applicable □N/A

The Company had adopted a simplified approach for short-term leases and leases of low value assets and
did not recognized right-of-use assets and lease liabilities. The expense of short-term leases, leases of
low value assets and variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are
included in the expenses in the current period as follows:
                              Item                                          Amount for the Period
 Short-term leases                                                                                   3,147,259.24

As at 30 June 2023, save as the disclosed above, there were no other significant matters required to be
disclosed by the Company.

ⅩⅤ. Notes to the Key Components of Financial Statements item of the Parent Company

1. Notes receivables
                          Balance at the End of the Period               Balance at the Beginning of the Period
                                     Provision                                         Provision
                   Book balance       for bad      Carrying value    Book balance       for bad      Carrying value
                                       debts                                             debts
 acceptance        250,442,507.70          0.00    250,442,507.70    249,617,024.89         0.00      249,617,024.89
 acceptance                   0.00         0.00               0.00             0.00         0.00                  0.00
        Total      250,442,507.70          0.00    250,442,507.70    249,617,024.89         0.00      249,617,024.89

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     (1)Notes receivable pledged at the end of the period
                                 Category                                                 Amount pledged at the End of the Period
       Bank acceptance bills                                                                                                         165,392,453.42

     (2)Notes receivable endorsed or discounted to other parties but not yet expired at balance sheet date
                                                              Amount derecognised at the End              Amount not derecognised at the End
                                                                      of the Period                                 of the Period
       Bank acceptance bills not yet mature but
       already endorsed
       Bank acceptance bills not yet mature but
       already discounted
       Total                                                                           49,342,163.84

     (3)There were no bills transferred into accounts receivables for non-performance by the issuer at the
     End of the Period.

     (4)Classification by the method of bad debt provision
                                     Balance at the End of the Period                                  Balance at the Beginning of the Period
                                                     Provision for                              Provision for                                   Provision for
                          Book balance                                                                                     Book balance
    Category                                          bad debts            Book balance           bad debts                                      bad debts
                                     Percentage             Percentage       Amount                       Percentage               Percentage     Carrying
                       Amount                     Amount                                     Amount                      Amount
                                         (%)                   (%)                                            (%)                     (%)          value
Provision for bad
debt on an
individual basis
Provision for bad
debt on a           250,442,507.70       100.00      0.00            0.00 250,442,507.70 249,617,024.89         100.00      0.00          0.00 249,617,024.89
collective basis
                    250,442,507.70       100.00      0.00            0.00 250,442,507.70 249,617,024.89         100.00      0.00          0.00 249,617,024.89
acceptance bills
      Total         250,442,507.70       100.00      0.00            0.00 250,442,507.70 249,617,024.89         100.00      0.00          0.00 249,617,024.89
     (5)Provision for bad debt made, recovered or reversed during the Period

     (6)There are no bills receivables actually written-off for the Period.

     2. Accounts receivables
     (1). Disclosure using the aging analysis method
     √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB
                                        Aging                                                    Balance at the End of the Period
       Within 1 year                                                                                                         243,755,283.87
       1-2 years                                                                                                                2,382,422.30
       2-3 years                                                                                                                1,149,664.82
       3-4 years                                                                                                                   71,587.93
       4-5 years                                                                                                                  171,734.61
       Over 5 years                                                                                                             8,115,871.79
       Total                                                                                                                 255,646,565.32

     (2). Classification by the method of bad debt provision

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   √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan         Currency: RMB
                                   Balance at the End of the Period                                    Balance at the Beginning of the Period
                                                  Provision for                                                          Provision for
                      Book balance                                                          Book balance
                                                   bad debts                                                              bad debts
  Category                                                   Expected    Carrying                                                   Expected    Carrying
                                 Percentage                   credit      value                        Percentage                    credit      value
                   Amount                      Amount                                    Amount                       Amount
                                    (%)                        loss                                       (%)                         loss
                                                             rate (%)                                                               rate (%)
Provision for
bad debts on
                   771,300.68          0.30    771,300.68      100.00            0.00    771,300.68           0.25    771,300.68      100.00            0.00
from domestic      771,300.68          0.30    771,300.68      100.00            0.00    771,300.68           0.25    771,300.68      100.00            0.00
from overseas             0.00         0.00           0.00        0.00           0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00        0.00           0.00
Provision for
bad debts on 254,875,264.64           99.70 10,573,709.83         4.15 244,301,554.81 302,839,357.89        99.75 11,208,500.15          3.70 291,630,857.74
portfolio basis
from domestic 254,875,264.64          99.70 10,573,709.83         4.15 244,301,554.81 302,839,357.89        99.75 11,208,500.15          3.70 291,630,857.74
from overseas             0.00         0.00           0.00        0.00           0.00           0.00          0.00           0.00        0.00           0.00
    Total       255,646,565.32       100.00 11,345,010.51         4.44 244,301,554.81 303,610,658.57          100 11,979,800.83          3.95 291,630,857.74

   Provision for bad debts on individual item:
   √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                         Balance at the End of the Period
             Name                                                 Provision for bad     Expected credit
                                     Book balance                                                          Reason for provision made
                                                                        debts            loss rate (%)
    Purchase of goods                         771,300.68                 771,300.68               100.00 Not expected to be recoverable
          Total                               771,300.68                 771,300.68               100.00 /

   Statements of provision for bad debt on individual basis:
   □Applicable √N/A

   Provision for bad debts on portfolio basis:
   √Applicable □N/A
   Item on portfolio basis: Due from domestic customers
                                                                                                                        Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                             Balance at the End of the Period
                                              Accounts receivables             Provision for bad debts                   Provision Ratio(%)
    Within 1 year                                 243,788,178.90                              2,612,778.20                                1.07
    1-2 years (inclusive of 2 years)                 2,382,422.30                               119,121.12                                5.00
    2-3 years (inclusive of 3 years)                 1,149,664.82                               344,899.45                               30.00
    3-4 years (inclusive of 4 years)                    71,587.93                                35,793.97                               50.00
    4-5 years (inclusive of 5 years)                   111,468.01                                89,174.41                               80.00
    Over 5 years                                     7,371,942.68                             7,371,942.68                              100.00

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 Total                                 254,875,264.64                    10,573,709.83                       4.15

Standards of provision for bad debts made by portfolio and descriptions thereof:
□Applicable √N/A

If the provision for bad debts is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses,
please refer to other receivables disclosure:
□Applicable √N/A

(3). Provision for bad debts
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                           Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                   Balance at the                    Changes for the current period                    Balance at the
      Item         Beginning of                      Recovery                             Other         End of the
                                       Provision                   Removal/write-off
                    the Period                       or reversal                         changes          Period
                    11,979,800.83      -634,790.32          0.00                0.00          0.00     11,345,010.51
      Total         11,979,800.83      -634,790.32          0.00                0.00          0.00     11,345,010.51
As at 30 June 2023 and 31 December 2022, the Company had no accounts receivables that are past due but
not impaired.

Significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provision for the current period:
□Applicable √N/A

(4). Accounts receivable actually written off for the current period
□Applicable √N/A

(5). The top five balances of accounts receivable by debtors as at the End of the Period
√Applicable □N/A

As of 30 June 2023, the total amount of the top five debtors in closing balance is RMB39,253,456.12,
accounting for 15.35% of the total amount of closing balance of accounts receivable, and the corresponding
closing balance of provision for bad debts is total RMB392,534.56.

(6). Derecognised accounts receivables in the Company due to the transfer of financial assets.
□Applicable √N/A

(7). Amount of assets or liabilities for which accounts receivable have been transferred but
involvement continues in the Company.
□Applicable √N/A

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

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3. Other receivables
Line items
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan   Currency: RMB
                  Item                        Balance at the End of the Period   Balance at the Beginning of the Period
Dividends receivable                                              926,892,488.80                        544,999,500.00
Other receivables                                                 231,021,136.45                        240,307,524.78
                  Total                                         1,157,913,625.25                        785,307,024.78

Other descriptions:
□Applicable √N/A

(1). Dividends receivable
Dividends receivable
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                                                                                           Balance at the Beginning of the
                    Item                           Balance at the End of the Period
 Topsino                                                              524,999,500.00                         524,999,500.00
 Livzon Group                                                         381,892,988.80                                    0.00
 Fenglei Electric Power                                                20,000,000.00                           20,000,000.00
                    Total                                             926,892,488.80                         544,999,500.00

Other receivables
(2). Disclosure by aging
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan   Currency: RMB
                                 Aging                                                Balance at the End of the Period
 Subtotal within 1 year                                                                                       230,926,374.00
 1-2 years                                                                                                          48,152.00
 2-3 years                                                                                                         210,597.40
 3-4 years                                                                                                         148,186.44
 4-5 years                                                                                                         138,912.04
 Over 5 years                                                                                                   19,124,794.21
                                 Total                                                                        250,597,016.09

(3). Disclosure by nature of the amount
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan   Currency: RMB
                                                                                          Balance at the Beginning of the
                  Item                       Balance at the End of the Period
 Other receivables of each company
                                                                   225,864,474.22                             238,041,400.41
 within the scope of combination
 Treasury bonds and security deposits                               17,968,386.04                              17,968,386.04
 External entities balances                                            799,416.83                               1,384,240.83
 Security deposits                                                     822,373.90                                 973,098.11
 Others                                                              5,142,365.10                               1,650,063.41
                   Total                                           250,597,016.09                             260,017,188.80

(4). Provision made for bad debts
√Applicable □N/A

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                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB
                                     First stage               Second stage                 Third stage
                                                           Expected credit losses
                                   Expected credit                                    Expected credit losses
   Provision for bad debts                                   over the lifetime                                          Total
                                   losses over the                                    over the lifetime (with
                                                          (without impairment of
                                   next 12 months                                     impairment of credit)
 Balance at the Beginning
                                               0.00                 1,741,277.98                 17,968,386.04      19,709,664.02
 of the Period
 Movement of beginning
 balance during the period
 -- Transferred to Second
                                               0.00                           0.00                          0.00                0.00
 -- Transferred to third
                                               0.00                           0.00                          0.00                0.00
 -- Reversed to second
                                               0.00                           0.00                          0.00                0.00
 -- Reversed to first stage                    0.00                           0.00                          0.00                0.00
 Provisions made for the
                                               0.00                  -133,784.38                            0.00      -133,784.38
 Reversals for the Period                      0.00                           0.00                          0.00                0.00
 Write-off for the Period                      0.00                           0.00                          0.00                0.00
 Settlement for the Period                     0.00                           0.00                          0.00                0.00
 Other changes                                 0.00                           0.00                          0.00                0.00
 Balance at the End of the
                                               0.00                 1,607,493.60                 17,968,386.04      19,575,879.64

As at the End of the Period, provision for bad debts in first stage:
                                                            Expected credit
                                                                               Provision for
            Category                  Book balance        losses rate over the               Carrying value            Reason
                                                                                 bad debts
                                                          next 12 months (%)
Provision for bad debt on
                                                   0.00                   0.00          0.00                 0.00
individual item
Provision for bad debt on
                                       225,864,474.22                     0.00          0.00      225,864,474.22
portfolio basis
Other receivables of each
                                                                                                                    Expected to be
company within the scope of            225,864,474.22                     0.00          0.00      225,864,474.22
               Total                   225,864,474.22                     0.00          0.00      225,864,474.22

As at the End of the Period, provision for bad debts in second stage:
                                                    Expected credit
                                                                       Provision for bad
            Category                 Book balance losses rate over the                   Carrying value                Reason
                                                      lifetime (%)
Provision for bad debt on
individual item
Provision for bad debt on
                                     6,764,155.83                   23.76        1,607,493.60       5,156,662.23
portfolio basis
Receivables of security deposits       822,373.90                   33.18          272,840.51         549,533.39
  Other receivables                  5,941,781.93                   22.46        1,334,653.09       4,607,128.84
               Total                 6,764,155.83                   23.76        1,607,493.60       5,156,662.23

As at the End of the Period, provision for bad debts in third stage:
                                                      Expected credit
                                                                            Provision for       Carrying
            Category                 Book balance     losses rate over                                              Reason
                                                                             bad debts           value
                                                      the lifetime (%)
Provision for bad debt on
                                     17,968,386.04               100.00     17,968,386.04            0.00
 individual item

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                                                                                                            Not expected to be
  National debt and Margin         17,968,386.04            100.00       17,968,386.04             0.00
Provision for bad debt on
                                            0.00               0.00                  0.00          0.00
portfolio basis
               Total               17,968,386.04            100.00       17,968,386.04             0.00

As at 31 December 2022, provision made for bad debts:

As at 31 December 2022, provision for bad debts in first stage:
                                                        Expected credit          Provision
            Category                Book balance      losses rate over the        for bad      Carrying value         Reason
                                                      next 12 months (%)           debts
Provision for bad debt on
                                               0.00                      0.00          0.00                 0.00
individual item
Provision for bad debt on
                                    238,041,400.41                       0.00          0.00    238,041,400.41
portfolio basis
Other receivables of each
                                                                                                                   Expected to be
company within the scope of         238,041,400.41                       0.00          0.00    238,041,400.41
               Total                238,041,400.41                       0.00          0.00    238,041,400.41

As at 31 December 2022, provision for bad debts in second stage:
                                                  Expected credit
                                                                     Provision for bad
            Category               Book balance losses rate over the                   Carrying value                 Reason
                                                    lifetime (%)
Provision for bad debt on an
                                            0.00                 0.00                   0.00                0.00
individual basis
Provision for bad debt on a
                                   4,007,402.35                43.45            1,741,277.98     2,266,124.37
collective basis
Receivable deposits and deposits
                                     973,098.11                36.42             354,429.35        618,668.76
and rental fees
  Other receivables                3,034,304.24                45.71            1,386,848.63     1,647,455.61
               Total               4,007,402.35                43.45            1,741,277.98     2,266,124.37

As at 31 December 2022, provision for bad debts in the third stage:
                                                  Expected credit
                                                                     Provision for bad          Carrying
            Category               Book balance losses rate over the                                                Reason
                                                                           debts                 value
                                                    lifetime (%)
Provision for bad debt on an
                                   17,968,386.04               100.00        17,968,386.04           0.00
individual basis
                                                                                                              Not expected to be
  Treasury bonds and Margin        17,968,386.04               100.00        17,968,386.04           0.00
Provision for bad debt on a
                                             0.00                 0.00                  0.00         0.00                           --
collective basis
               Total               17,968,386.04               100.00        17,968,386.04           0.00

Descriptions of the significant changes in the gross carrying amount of other receivables for which the
changes in loss allowance occur for the current period:
□Applicable √N/A

Provision for bad debts in the current period and the basis for assessing whether the credit risk of

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 financial instruments have increased significantly:
 □Applicable √N/A

 (5). Actual written-off of other receivables at the End of the Period
 □Applicable √N/A

 (6) Other receivables due from the top five debtors at the End of the Period
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                 Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB
                                                                                             Proportion to total
                                                                                                                     Balance of provision
                                                       Balance at the End                   other receivables at
     Name of entity          Nature of receivables                            Ageing                                 for bad debts at the
                                                         of the Period                     the End of the Period
                                                                                                                      End of the Period
 Shenzhen Fenglei         Other receivables of each
 Electric Power           company within the scope       129,956,104.29      2-3 years                     51.86                     0.00
 Investment Co., Ltd.     of combination
 Shenzhen Haibin          Other receivables of each
                                                                            Within one
 Pharmaceutical Co.,      company within the scope        21,470,539.48                                       8.57                   0.00
 Ltd.                     of combination
 Huaxia Securities Co., Treasury bonds and security                         Over 5 years
                        deposits                          17,968,386.04                                       7.17          17,968,386.04
 Joincare Haibin          Other receivables of each
                                                                            Within one
 Pharmaceutical Co.,      company within the scope        17,491,868.69                                       6.98                   0.00
 Ltd.                     of combination
 Joincare (Guangdong) Other receivables of each                             Within two
 Special Medicine     company within the scope            16,757,913.91                                       6.69                   0.00
 Food Co., Ltd.       of combination
         Total                         /                 203,644,812.41          /                         81.26            17,968,386.04

 (7). Other receivables derecognised due to the transfer of financial assets
 □Applicable √N/A

 (8). Assets and liabilities generated by the transfer of other receivables and continuing
 involvement therein
 □Applicable √N/A

 Other descriptions:
 □Applicable √N/A

 4.Long-term equity investments
 √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB
                               Balance at the End of the Period                   Balance at the Beginning of the Period
       Item                             Provision for                                          Provision for
                        Book balance                     Carrying value       Book balance                     Carrying value
                                         impairment                                             impairment
Investments in
                       3,453,138,312.11 7,010,047.91    3,446,128,264.20     3,453,138,312.11 7,010,047.91       3,446,128,264.20

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       Investments in
       associates and                114,283,298.64               0.00          114,283,298.64             78,056,248.43                0.00          78,056,248.43
       joint ventures
              Total                 3,567,421,610.75 7,010,047.91            3,560,411,562.84           3,531,194,560.54 7,010,047.91            3,524,184,512.63

         (1). Investments in subsidiaries
         √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                                      Provision            Balance of
                                         Balance at              Increase                Decrease               Balance at               for             provision for
                  Investee             the Beginning            during the               during the             the End of           impairment           impairment
                                         of the Year              Period                  Period                the Period             for the           at the End of
                                                                                                                                       Period              the Period
           Livzon                       608,741,654.08                        0.00                0.00         608,741,654.08                0.00                  0.00
           Haibin Pharma                783,054,186.38                        0.00                0.00         783,054,186.38                0.00                  0.00
           Joincare Daily-
                                          24,116,498.56                       0.00                0.00           24,116,498.56                 0.00       1,610,047.91
           Topsino                      813,552,689.31                        0.00                0.00         813,552,689.31                  0.00                 0.00
           Taitai Genomics               37,500,000.00                        0.00                0.00          37,500,000.00                  0.00                 0.00
                                        105,939,709.72                        0.00                0.00         105,939,709.72                  0.00                 0.00
           Shenzhen Hiyeah              170,100,000.00                        0.00                0.00         170,100,000.00                  0.00       5,400,000.00
           Fenglei Electric
                                        100,763,433.06                        0.00                0.00         100,763,433.06                  0.00                 0.00
           Jiaozuo Joincare             375,000,000.00                        0.00                0.00         375,000,000.00                  0.00                 0.00
                                          32,500,000.00                       0.00                0.00           32,500,000.00                 0.00                 0.00
           Taitai Biological              4,832,950.00                        0.00                0.00           4,832,950.00                  0.00                 0.00
           Joincare Haibin              100,000,000.00                        0.00                0.00         100,000,000.00                  0.00                 0.00
           Joincare Special
                                           3,000,000.00                       0.00                0.00             3,000,000.00                0.00                 0.00
           medicine Food
                                        294,037,191.00                        0.00                0.00         294,037,191.00                  0.00                 0.00
                  Total               3,453,138,312.11                        0.00                0.00      3,453,138,312.11                   0.00       7,010,047.91

           (2) Investment in associates and joint ventures
         √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                                Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB

                                                                             Change during the Period                                                               Balance of
                                                                                                             Cash                                                   provision
                      Balance                                 Investment        Adjustment
                                                     Decre                                                 dividend                                 Balance             for
                        at the                                 profit and         in other       Other                   Provision
   Investee                            Increased      ased                                                 or profit                           at the End of the   impairment
                     Beginning                                 loss under       comprehens       equity                     for      Others
                                       investmen     invest                                                distributi                                Period         at the End
                     of the Year                               the equity            ive        changes                 Impairment
                                                      ment                                                     on                                                      of the
                                                                 method           income
                                                                                                           declared                                                   Period
Ⅱ Associates
Biological          27,179,209.51             0.00    0.00     -158,884.43              0.00        0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00      27,020,325.08            0.00
Medicine Co.,
Feellife Health
                    12,402,324.22             0.00    0.00     786,621.90               0.00        0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00      13,188,946.12            0.00
Jiangsu Baining
Medical             28,732,381.11             0.00    0.00     837,520.76               0.00        0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00      29,569,901.87            0.00
Technology Co.,
Shanghai Sheo
                     9,742,333.59             0.00    0.00      -88,165.30              0.00        0.00        0.00          0.00     0.00        9,654,168.29           0.00
Technology Co.,

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Animal                      0.00    36,750,000.00     0.00    -1,940,032.85             0.00           0.00    0.00           0.00     0.00      34,809,967.15   0.00
Healthcare Co.,
Wuhan Kangli
Investment                  0.00       40,000.00      0.00            -9.87             0.00           0.00    0.00           0.00     0.00          39,990.13   0.00
Co., Ltd.
      Total        78,056,248.43    36,790,000.00     0.00     -562,949.79              0.00           0.00    0.00           0.00     0.00     114,283,298.64   0.00

         5. Operating income and operating cost
         (1). Operating income and operating cost
         √Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB
                                                                       For the Period                                      For the Previous Period
                                                              Income                            Cost                    Income                    Cost
           Principal activities                          1,077,437,728.28                554,833,929.81          1,169,331,881.23             785,770,845.75
           Other activities                                  12,095,953.20                     7,540,550.84             7,768,255.94             3,116,156.20
                            Total                        1,089,533,681.48                562,374,480.65          1,177,100,137.17             788,887,001.95
         Other descriptions:

         (2). Descriptions of operating income
         ①Operating income and operating cost presented by product types
                                                                 For the Period                                          For the Previous Period
                                                      Income                                Cost                       Income                  Cost
                                                     965,727,948.21                    492,012,624.44             1,091,103,688.17            735,913,959.70
           Traditional Chinese
                                                       31,093,955.39                    18,301,781.00                   23,819,263.50          13,860,751.57
           Health care products                        80,615,824.68                    44,519,524.37                54,408,929.55             35,996,134.48
                     Total                          1,077,437,728.28                   554,833,929.81             1,169,331,881.23            785,770,845.75

         ②Operating income and operating cost presented by major operating regions
                                                      For the Period                                                  For the Previous Period
                                         Income                               Cost                            Income                            Cost
             Domestic                 1,077,437,728.28                   554,833,929.81                       1,169,331,881.23                785,770,845.75
                  Total               1,077,437,728.28                   554,833,929.81                       1,169,331,881.23                785,770,845.75

         ③ Operating income and operating cost presented by time of income recognition
                                                               For the Period                                           For the Previous Period
                                                       Income                          Cost                     Income                          Cost
             Commodities (transferred
                                                    1,077,437,728.28            554,833,929.81                1,169,331,881.23                785,770,845.75
             at a point in time)
                          Total                     1,077,437,728.28            554,833,929.81                1,169,331,881.23                785,770,845.75

         (3) Descriptions of other activities
                                                               For the Period                                          For the Previous Period
                                                     Income                          Cost                       Income                          Cost

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  Rental fees                       4,513,807.00                 583,020.25                 5,325,285.20               781,055.72
  Others                            7,582,146.20               6,957,530.59                 2,442,970.74             2,335,100.48
  Total                            12,095,953.20               7,540,550.84                 7,768,255.94             3,116,156.20

6. Investment income
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                             Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB
                          Item                                                For the Period      For the Previous Period
 Long-term equity investments income under cost method                         381,892,988.80              310,288,053.40
 Long-term equity investments income under equity
                                                                                    -562,949.79                      576,377.39
 Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
                                                                                              0.00                  4,242,404.46
                          Total                                                 381,330,039.01                    315,106,835.25

7. Others
□Applicable √N/A

ⅩⅥ Supporting Information
1. Statement of non-recurring profit or loss
√Applicable □N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Yuan     Currency: RMB
                                            Item                                                           Amount
 Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets                                                                       -342,359.46
 Return, exemption and discharge of taxes resulting from approving ultra vires, or
 without formal approval or incidentally incurred
 Government grants as included in the current profit or loss, however, except for
 those which are closely related to the normal business of an enterprise, comply
 with the policies of the State and are continuously entitled with specific amount or
 quantity according to certain standards
 Funds occupation fees charged from non-financial enterprises                                                                0.00
 Gains resulting from the investment cost of the enterprise for the purpose of
 acquisition of the subsidiaries, joint operation and joint ventures is lower than the
 fair value of net identifiable assets of the investee as entitled at the time of receipt
 of the investment
 Profit or loss from exchange of non-monetary assets                                                                         0.00
 Profit or loss from investment or management of assets by the others                                                        0.00
 Provision for impairment of assets accrued due to force majeure factors, such as
 natural disasters
 Profit or loss from debts restructuring                                                                                     0.00
 Enterprise restructuring fees, such as the expenses for employees’ settlement and
 the integration fees
 Profit or loss exceeding the fair value and generated from the transaction of which
 the transaction price is obviously unfair
 Net profit or loss over the current period of the subsidiaries as a result of business
 combination under common control from the beginning of the year to the date of                                              0.00
 Profit or loss from contingent issues irrelevant to the Company’s normal business                                          0.00
 Except for the efficient hedging related to the Company’s normal business, profit
 or loss from changes in fair value as generated from financial assets and financial

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Joincare Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd.                                                          Interim Report 2023

 liabilities held for trading and gains from investment as a result of the disposal of
 financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading and debt investments
 Reversals of provision for impairment of accounts receivable with individual
 impairment test
 Profit or loss from entrusted loans                                                                                    0.00
 Gains or losses from changes in the fair values of investment properties
 that are subsequently measured using the fair value model
 Impact of a one-time adjustment on current profit and loss according to the
 requirements of tax and accounting laws and regulations
 Custody fees of entrusted operation                                                                                    0.00
 Other non-operating income and expenses besides the above items                                               -5,612,578.23
 Other items that conform to the definition of non-recurring profit or loss                                             0.00
 Less: Effect of income tax                                                                                    12,031,185.95
         Effect of minority equity(After tax)                                                                  26,316,635.89
 Total                                                                                                         33,690,592.72

Provide explanations for classifying non-recurring profit and loss items defined in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 for Public Company Information Disclosures –Non-recurring Profits and Losses, and
for classifying non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 for Public
Company Information Disclosures –Non-recurring Profits and Losses as recurring profit and loss item.
□Applicable √N/A

2. Rate of return on net assets and earnings per share
√Applicable □N/A
                                                  Weighted average return on                    Earnings per share
       Profit for the Reporting Period
                                                         equity (%)                      Basic EPS            Diluted EPS
 Net loss attributable to the Company’s
                                                                            6.29                 0.4264              0.4251
 ordinary shareholders
 Net profit attributable to the parent
 company’s shareholders, excluding non-                                    6.03                 0.4088              0.4075
 recurring profit or loss

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards
□Applicable √N/A

4. Others
□Applicable √N/A

                                                                                                   Chairman: Zhu Baoguo
                                                    Date of Submission Approved by the Board: 23 August 2023

Revised information
□Applicable √N/A

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