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                                                             The Third Quarter Report in 2021

Stock Code: 603605                                                                   Short Name: PROYA

                   Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
                The Third Quarter Report in 2021
 The Board of Directors and all directors of the Company warrant that the contents
 herein are free from misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions,
 and they will be jointly and severally liable for the authenticity, accuracy and
 completeness thereof.

Important Note:

The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and officers of the Company
warrant that the contents of the Quarterly Report are authentic, accurate and complete without any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions, and they will be jointly and
severally liable therefor.

The Chairman, the chief financial officer and the head of the accounting organization warrant that
the financial statements herein is authentic, accurate and complete.

Whether the third quarter financial statements have been audited.

□Yes    √No

I. Main Financial Data

(I) Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators
                                                                             Unit: Yuan        Currency: RMB
                                                                                                YOY change in
                                                                              From the          the period from
                                                   YOY change in
                                                                          beginning of the       the beginning
                                The Reporting               the
            Item                                                          year to the end of     of the year to
                                    Period            Reporting
                                                                           the Reporting         the end of the
                                                      Period (%)
                                                                               Period             Reporting
                                                                                                  Period (%)
Operating income
                              1,094,533,358.54                    20.71   3,012,251,856.14                31.48

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                                       The Third Quarter Report in 2021

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
                                   138,195,475.24              30.09       364,296,789.10                27.82
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company after deducting            136,116,085.45              28.64       356,396,478.73                23.63
non-recurring profit or loss
Net cash flows from
operating activities                         N/A                 N/A       490,488,496.76               137.07
Basic earnings per share
(RMB/share)                                  0.69              30.19                    1.82             28.17
Diluted earnings per share
(RMB/share)                                  0.69              30.19                    1.81             27.46

Weighted average return                              An increase of                             An increase of
on equity (%)                                5.42                                     14.50
                                                      0.49 ppts yoy                              1.31 ppts yoy
                                                                                                change at the
                                                                                                 end of the
                                    End of the                                                   Reporting
            Item                                              End of prior year
                               Reporting Period                                                Period over the
                                                                                                   end of
                                                                                               prior year (%)
Total assets
                               3,709,067,852.42                           3,636,882,185.29                  1.98
Owner’s equity
attributable to shareholders
                               2,614,643,878.27                           2,391,535,435.94                  9.33
of the listed company

Note: “The Reporting Period” shall refer to the 3-month period ended September 30, 2021, as follow.

(II) Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss
                                                                              Unit: Yuan       Currency: RMB

                                                             Amount in the period
                                       Amount in the         from the beginning of
               Item                                                                              Note
                                      Reporting Period       the year to the end of
                                                              the Reporting Period
Gains or losses from disposal                                               -1,416.28
of non-current assets
(including the write-off part of
the provision for asset
Unauthorized examination and
approval, or lack of official
approval documents, or
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                                    The Third Quarter Report in 2021

occasional tax revenue return
and abatement
Government grants recognized            2,455,332.50              11,825,652.31   The YOY increase
in profit or loss for the current                                                 was mainly due to
period (excluding government                                                      the increase in
grants that are closely related                                                   government grants
to the Company’s business                                                        such as tax revenue
operations and gained at a                                                        returns received
fixed amount or quantity
according to national uniform
Capital occupation fees
charged to the non-financial
enterprises and included in
profit or loss for the current
Gains when the investment
cost of acquiring a subsidiary,
an associate and a joint
venture is less than the fair
value of the identifiable net
assets of the investee
Gains or losses from exchange
      of non-monetary assets
Gains or losses from entrusting
others with investment or asset
Asset impairment provision
made resulting from force
majeure such as natural
Gains or losses from debt
Enterprise restructuring fees,
such as staffing expenses and
integration fees
Gains or losses that exceeds
the fair value in transaction
with unfair price
Current net gains or losses of
subsidiaries established by
business combination
involving enterprises under
common control from the
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beginning of the period to the
combination date
Gains or losses on
contingencies that have no
relation with the normal
operation of the Company
Gains or losses from change in
fair value by held-for trading
financial assets and liabilities,
derivative financial assets,
held-for-trading financial
liabilities and derivative
financial liabilities, and
investment income from
disposal of held-for-trading
financial assets, derivative
financial assets,
held-for-trading financial
liabilities, derivative financial
liabilities and other debt
investments, excluding the
effective hedging businesses
related with normal operations
of the Company
Reversal of impairment
provision of
accounts receivable and
contract assets that have
undergone impairment test
Gains or losses from outward
entrusted loaning
Gains or losses from changes
in the fair values of investment
properties that are
subsequently measured using
the fair value model
Impact of a one-time
adjustment on current profit
and loss according to the
requirements of tax and
accounting laws and
Custody fees of entrusted
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Other non-operating income                    28,377.44                   546,155.51   The YOY increase
and expenses besides the                                                               was mainly due to
above items                                                                            the large amount of
                                                                                       expenses such as
                                                                                       external donations in
                                                                                       the same period of
Other items that conform to
the definition of non-recurring
profit or loss
Less: Effect of income tax                   404,323.30                2,627,255.54
      Effect of minority equity                      -3.15             1,842,825.63
(after tax)
             Total                         2,079,389.79                7,900,310.37

Descriptions on classifying non-recurring profit and loss items defined in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 for Public Company Information Disclosures - Non-recurring Profit and Loss as
recurring profit and loss items.

 Applicable √ N/A

(III) Changes in Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators and Main Cause

√ Applicable  N/A

Note: All figures on the table are on the YOY bases.

            Item                  Change ratio (%)                         Primary cause
                                                        July to September:
                                                        1. The operating income increased by 20.71% , of
                                                        which the primary operating income online
Net profit attributable to                              increased by 71.59%, and the overall consolidated
shareholders of the listed                              gross profit margin was 66.10%, an increase of 1.61
company (the Reporting                                  ppts yoy;
Period)                                                 2. The sales expense ratio was 41.56%, an increase
                                                        of 1.73 ppts yoy;
                                                        3. The net profit margin was 12.65%, an increase of
                                                        1.36 ppts yoy.
Basic earnings per share                                The specific reasons are the same as above.
(RMB/share) (the                              30.19
Reporting Period)

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Diluted earnings per share                               The specific reasons are the same as above.
(RMB/share) (the                               30.19
Reporting Period)
                                                         January to September:
                                                         The operating income increased by 31.48% , of
Operating income (from                                   which the primary operating income increased by
the beginning of the year                                31.29% :
to the end of the Reporting                              Online: an increase by 74.25%, accounting for
Period)                                                  81.85%;
                                                         Offline: a decrease by 37.83%, accounting for
                                                         January to September:
                                                         An increase of RMB 284 million, or 137.07%:
                                                         1. Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the
                                                         rendering of services increased by RMB 999
                                                         million or 42.09% ; Of which, the operating income
Net cash flow from                                       increased by 31.48% , and the accounts receivable
operating activities (from                               and receivable financing decreased by RMB 84
the beginning of the year                     137.07     million in comparison to the beginning of the year;
to the end of the Reporting                              2. Cash payments for the purchase of goods and
Period)                                                  received taxable services increased by RMB 103
                                                         million or 10.92%;
                                                         3. Other cash payments relating to operating
                                                         activities increased by RMB 502 million or 67.46%,
                                                         mainly due to the increase in image publicity and
                                                         promotion expenses.

II. Shareholders Information

(I) Total Number of Common Shareholders, Number of Preferred Shareholders with Voting Rights, and
the Shareholding of Top Ten Shareholders
                                                                                                     Unit: share

Total number of common                                 Total number of preferred shareholders
shareholders by the end of the           13,645        with voting rights by the end of the                             0
                                                       Reporting Period (if any)
Reporting Period
                                     Shareholding of top ten shareholders

                                                                                     Number      Pledge, marking or

                                  Nature of       Number of         Shareholding        of                freezing
      Name of shareholder
                                 shareholder      shares held         ratio (%)     restricted   Share
                                                                                      shares                   Number

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HOU Juncheng                         Domestic
                                                        71,771,631           35.69           0    None
                                   natural person
FANG Yuyou                           Domestic
                                                        40,566,691           20.17           0   Pledge     9,210,000
                                   natural person
Hong Kong Securities Clearing
                                       Other            38,946,885           19.37           0    None
Company Limited
CAO Liangguo                         Domestic
                                                         3,769,938             1.87          0    None
                                   natural person
XU Junqing                           Domestic
                                                         2,313,499             1.15          0    None
                                   natural person
LI Xiaolin                           Domestic
                                                         2,188,310             1.09          0    None
                                   natural person
Industrial and Commercial Bank
of China Limited - Jingshun
Changcheng Emerging Growth             Other             1,700,000             0.85          0    None
Hybrid Securities Investment
Industrial and Commercial Bank
of China Limited - GF
Multi-factor Flexible Allocation       Other             1,633,302             0.81          0    None
Hybrid Securities Investment
Aberdeen Standard Investment
Management (Asia) Co., Ltd. -
                                       Other             1,499,323             0.75          0    None
Aberdeen Standard - China
A-share Equity Fund
China Construction Bank Co.,
Ltd. - E Fund Vision Growth
                                       Other             1,018,651             0.51          0    None
Hybrid Securities Investment
                                   Shareholding of top ten unrestricted shareholders
                                     Number of unrestricted                    Type and number of shares
       Name of shareholder
                                     outstanding shares held                 Type                        Number
HOU Juncheng                                        71,771,631       RMB common stock                      71,771,631
FANG Yuyou                                          40,566,691       RMB common stock                      40,566,691
Hong Kong Securities Clearing
                                                    38,946,885       RMB common stock                      38,946,885
Company Limited
CAO Liangguo                                         3,769,938       RMB common stock                       3,769,938
XU Junqing                                           2,313,499       RMB common stock                       2,313,499
LI Xiaolin                                           2,188,310       RMB common stock                       2,188,310

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Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China Limited - Jingshun
                                                   1,700,000       RMB common stock                     1,700,000
Changcheng Emerging Growth
Hybrid Securities Investment Fund
Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China Limited - GF Multi-factor
                                                   1,633,302       RMB common stock                     1,633,302
Flexible Allocation Hybrid
Securities Investment Fund
Aberdeen Standard Investment
Management (Asia) Co., Ltd. -
                                                   1,499,323       RMB common stock                     1,499,323
Aberdeen Standard - China
A-share Equity Fund
China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.
- E Fund Vision Growth Hybrid                      1,018,651       RMB common stock                     1,018,651
Securities Investment Fund
Description of the association
                                      FANG Yuyou is the younger brother of HOU Juncheng’s spouse FANG Aiqin, so
relationship or concerted action of
                                      HOU Juncheng and FANG Yuyou are related.
the above shareholders
Description of the participation of
the top 10 shareholders and the top
10 unrestricted shareholders in the   None
margin trading and refinancing
business (if any)

III. Other Reminders

Other important information about the Company’s business during the Reporting Period for the
attentions of investors

 Applicable √ N/A

IV. Quarterly Financial Statements

(I) Type of Audit Opinion

 Applicable √ N/A

(II) Financial Statements

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                                       The Third Quarter Report in 2021

                                        Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                            September 30, 2021

Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

                                                    Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB   Audit Type: Unaudited

               Item                          September 30, 2021           December 31, 2020
Current assets:
     Cash and bank balances                          1,389,265,414.72              1,416,654,640.93
    Balances with clearing
     Placements with banks and
other financial institutions
     Held-for-trading financial
     Derivative financial assets
     Notes receivable
     Accounts receivable                               203,098,599.96               284,878,419.58
     Receivable financing                                3,806,628.60                  5,531,997.32
     Prepayments                                        96,383,659.58                82,742,815.92
     Premiums receivable
     Amounts receivable under
reinsurance contracts
     Reinsurer’s share of insurance
contract reserves
     Other receivables                                  51,308,116.89                48,733,527.35
     Including: Interest receivable
     Dividends receivable
    Financial assets purchased
under resale agreements
     Inventories                                       478,074,579.65               468,641,017.75
     Contract assets
     Held-for-sale assets
     Non-current assets due within
one year
     Other current assets                               40,301,160.54                35,235,811.27
       Total current assets                          2,262,238,159.94              2,342,418,230.12
Non-current assets:
     Loans and advances to
     Debt investments
     Other debt investments
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     Long-term receivables
     Long-term equity investments                       186,713,508.52       58,220,059.60
     Other investments in equity                         20,580,000.00       20,580,000.00
     Other non-current financial
     Investment properties                               71,099,928.39       72,237,610.10
     Fixed assets                                       556,073,781.13      565,864,152.62
     Construction in progress                           116,507,623.22       47,324,523.36
     Bearer biological assets
     Oil and gas assets
     Right of use assets
     Intangible assets                                  418,582,847.65      314,643,323.97
     Development expenditure
     Goodwill                                                                31,034,161.20
     Long-term prepaid expenses                          32,417,009.92       50,576,793.53
     Deferred income tax assets                          39,406,469.63       46,660,550.76
     Other non-current Assets                              5,448,524.02      87,322,780.03
       Total non-current assets                       1,446,829,692.48     1,294,463,955.17
       Total assets                                   3,709,067,852.42     3,636,882,185.29
Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                              200,000,000.00      299,280,435.09
     Loans from the central bank
     Taking from banks and other
financial institutions
      Held-for-trading financial
     Derivative financial liabilities
     Notes payable                                       40,624,882.02       64,580,000.00
     Accounts payable                                   562,255,365.84      515,832,031.27
     Receipts in advance
     Contract liabilities                                49,240,151.14       30,618,778.99
     Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements
     Customer deposits and
deposits from banks and other
financial institutions
    Funds from securities trading
     Funds from underwriting
securities agency
     Employee benefits payable                           65,849,995.93       70,828,239.70

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     Taxes payable                                      70,285,767.83       71,335,290.77
     Other payables                                     73,347,099.26       75,546,323.32
     Including: Interest payable
       Dividends payable
    Fees and commissions
     Amounts payable under
reinsurance contracts
     Held-for-sale liabilities
     Non-current liabilities due
within one years
     Other current liabilities                            2,062,864.84       1,439,262.02
       Total current liabilities                     1,063,666,126.86     1,129,460,361.16
Non-current liabilities:
     Insurance contract reserves
     Long-term borrowings
     Bonds payable
     Including: Preferred stock
               Perpetual bonds
     Lease liabilities
     Long-term payables
    Long-term employee benefits
     Provisions                                           7,089,282.95      10,190,099.22
     Deferred income                                      6,936,035.83       8,495,353.33
     Deferred income tax liabilities                      5,781,937.93       6,874,105.45
     Other non-current liabilities
       Total non-current liabilities                    19,807,256.71       25,559,558.00
       Total liabilities                             1,083,473,383.57     1,155,019,919.16
Owner’s equity (or shareholders’ equity ):
     Paid-in capital (or share                         201,116,925.00      201,116,925.00
     Other equity instruments
     Including: Preferred stock
               Perpetual bonds
     Capital reserve                                   836,092,076.05      837,034,836.69
     Less: Treasury shares                                7,361,933.60      12,653,905.25
     Other comprehensive income                          -1,002,437.91        -269,066.13
     Special reserve
     Surplus reserve                                   100,634,780.00      100,634,780.00
     General risk reserve
     Retained profits                                1,485,164,468.73     1,265,671,865.63

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Total owners’ equity (or                           2,614,643,878.27                  2,391,535,435.94
shareholders’ equity) attributable
to equity holders of the parent
     Minority interests                                10,950,590.58                     90,326,830.19
       Total owners’ equity (or                    2,625,594,468.85                  2,481,862,266.13
shareholders’ equity)
        Total liabilities and                       3,709,067,852.42                  3,636,882,185.29
owners’ equity (shareholders’

Chairman: HOU Juncheng            Chief Financial Officer: WANG Li       Head of the Accounting
Department: WANG Li

                                      Consolidated Income Statement
                                        January to September, 2021

Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

                                                 Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB        Audit Type: Unaudited

                                                      First three quarters of   First three quarters of
                       Item                                    2021                      2020
                                                           (Jan. to Sep.)            (Jan. to Sep.)
I. Total operating income                                    3,012,251,856.14         2,291,070,947.47
Including: Operating income                                  3,012,251,856.14         2,291,070,947.47
             Interest income
             Premiums earned
             Fee and commission income
II. Total operating costs                                    2,570,351,426.19         1,901,928,563.23
Including: Operating costs                                   1,066,572,027.42           877,111,667.51
             Interest expenses
             Fee and commission expenses
            Claims and policyholder benefits
(net of amounts recoverable from reinsurers)
             Charges in insurance contract
reserves (net of reinsurers’ share)
             Insurance policyholder dividends
             Expenses for reinsurance accepted

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              Taxes and levies                                    26,755,664.49     21,237,762.78
              Selling expenses                                  1,262,122,598.38   818,606,103.63
              General and administrative                         165,503,097.12    140,638,551.57
              Research and development expenses                   52,455,578.02     53,653,016.11
              Financial expenses                                   -3,057,539.24    -9,318,538.37
              Including: Interest expenses                         7,219,717.71      5,423,653.63
                        Interest income                           17,843,073.35     13,995,639.90
      Add: Other income                                           12,758,859.43      9,715,292.80
            Investment income (Loss is indicated                   -5,257,778.42     1,575,595.65
by “-”)
          Including: Income from investments in                    -5,254,232.18      -937,095.68
associates and joint ventures
                Income from derecognition of
financial assets measured at amortized cost
          Foreign exchange gains (Loss is
indicated by “-”)
          Net exposure hedging income (Loss is
indicated by “-”)
           Income from changes in fair value
(Loss is indicated by “-”)
          Impairment losses of credit (Loss is                     -2,144,694.51   -22,446,199.48
indicated by “-”)
          Impairment losses of assets (Loss is                    -20,365,487.85   -13,787,628.20
indicated by “-”)
           Income from disposal of assets (Loss                        -1,416.28        14,405.47
is indicated by “-”)
III. Operating profit (Loss is indicated by “-”)               426,889,912.32    364,213,850.48
      Add: Non-operating income                                      144,171.60       581,866.88
      Less: Non-operating expenses                                     63,373.82    16,183,979.14
IV. Total profit (Total loss is indicated by “-”)              426,970,710.10    348,611,738.22
      Less: Income tax expenses                                   79,816,536.07     72,530,863.59
V. Net profit (Net loss is indicated by “-”)                   347,154,174.03    276,080,874.63
(I) Categorized by the nature of continuing operation
     1. Net profit from continuing operations                    347,154,174.03    276,080,874.63
(Net loss is indicated by “-”)
     2. Net profit from discontinued operations
(Net loss is indicated by “-”)
(II) Categorized by ownership
     1. Net profit attributable to shareholders of               364,296,789.10    284,999,721.17
the parent company (Net loss is indicated by “-”)
     2. Profit or loss attributable to minority                   -17,142,615.07    -8,918,846.54
interests (Net loss is indicated by “-”)

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VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                        -733,371.78              -337,434.36
   (I) Other comprehensive income attributable                    -733,371.78              -337,434.36
to owners of the parent company, net of tax
     1. Other comprehensive income that cannot
be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss
(1) Changes from re-measurement of defined
benefit plans
(2) Other comprehensive income that cannot be
reclassified to profit or loss under the equity
(3) Changes in fair value of other investments in
equity instruments
(4) Changes in fair value of enterprises’ own
credit risks
   2. Other comprehensive income that will be                     -733,371.78              -337,434.36
reclassified to profit or loss
(1) Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified to profit or loss under the equity
(2) Changes in fair value of other debt
(3) Amounts of financial assets reclassified into
other comprehensive income
(4) Provision for credit impairment of other debt
(5) Reserve for cash flow hedges
(6) Translation differences of financial                          -733,371.78              -337,434.36
statements denominated in foreign currencies
(7) Others
   (II) Other comprehensive income attributable
to minority interests, net of tax
VII. Total comprehensive income                                346,420,802.25           275,743,440.27
      (I) Total comprehensive income                           363,563,417.32           284,662,286.81
attributable to owners of the parent company
      (II) Total comprehensive income                          -17,142,615.07            -8,918,846.54
attributable to minority interests
VIII. Earnings per share
     (I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                            1.82                      1.42
     (II) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                         1.81                      1.42

For business combinations involving enterprises under the common control in the current period, the net
profit realized by the acquirees before the combinations is: RMB0.00, and the net profit realized thereby
in the prior period is: RMB0.00.
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Chairman: HOU Juncheng             Chief Financial Officer: WANG Li               Head of the Accounting
Department: WANG Li

                                   Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                          January to September 2021

Prepared by: Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

                                                  Unit: Yuan Currency: RMB          Audit Type: Unaudited

                   Item                           First three quarters of         First three quarters of
                                                           2021                            2020
                                                       (Jan. to Sep.)                  (Jan. to Sep.)
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash receipts from the sale of goods                      3,372,200,521.00          2,373,276,017.51
and the rendering of services
     Net increase in customer deposits
and deposits from banks and other
financial institutions
     Net increase in loans from the
central bank
     Net increase in taking from other
financial institutions
     Cash payments for claims and
policyholders’ benefits under direct
insurance contracts
     Net cash receipts from reinsurance
     Net cash receipts from
policyholders’ deposits and investment
contract liabilities
   Cash receipts from interest, fees and
     Net increase in taking from banks
and other financial institutions
    Net increase in financial assets sold
under repurchase arrangements
     Net cash received from securities
trading agency
     Receipts of tax refunds                                     18,501,241.84                5,905,584.80
    Other cash receipts relating to                              59,335,619.38              41,790,311.05
operating activities
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       Sub-total of cash inflows from                          3,450,037,382.22   2,420,971,913.36
operating activities
     Cash payments for goods purchased                         1,046,478,917.19    943,473,030.33
and services received
     Net increase in loans and advances
to customers
     Net increase in balance with the
central bank and due from banks and
other financial institution
     Cash payments for claims and
policyholders’ benefits under direct
insurance contracts
    Net increase in placements with
banks and other financial institutions
   Cash payments for interest, fees and
     Cash payments for insurance
policyholder dividends
    Cash payments to and on behalf of                           329,997,403.51     265,981,057.75
     Payments of various types of taxes                         336,370,801.47     260,143,803.59
    Other cash payments relating to                            1,246,701,763.29    744,477,741.05
operating activities
       Sub-total of cash outflows from                         2,959,548,885.46   2,214,075,632.72
operating activities
             Net cash flow from operating                       490,488,496.76     206,896,280.64
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
     Cash receipts from disposals and                                              211,450,000.00
recovery of investments
    Cash receipts from investment                                                    4,145,309.14
     Net cash receipts from disposals of                               1,000.00
fixed assets, intangible assets and other
long-term assets
     Net cash receipts from disposals of
subsidiaries and other business entities
     Other cash receipts relating to
investing activities
        Sub-total of cash inflows from                                 1,000.00    215,595,309.14
investing activities
     Cash payments to acquire or                                163,266,984.07      61,017,722.22
construct fixed assets, intangible assets

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                                       The Third Quarter Report in 2021

and other long-term assets
     Cash payments to acquire                                   34,206,800.00      66,580,000.00
     Net increase in pledged loans
     Net cash payments for acquisitions
of subsidiaries and other business units
     Other cash payments relating to                            61,087,857.19       1,579,710.89
investing activities
        Sub-total of cash outflows from                        258,561,641.26     129,177,433.11
investing activities
             Net cash flow from investing                     -258,560,641.26      86,417,876.03
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
     Cash receipts from capital                                    450,000.00       1,466,300.00
     Including: cash receipts from capital                         450,000.00       1,466,300.00
contributions from minority owners of
     Cash receipts from borrowings                             200,000,000.00     299,000,000.00
     Other cash receipts relating to
financing activities
       Sub-total of cash inflows from                          200,450,000.00     300,466,300.00
financing activities
     Cash repayments of borrowings                             299,000,000.00     212,186,065.10
     Cash payments for distribution of                         151,549,422.10     126,023,183.02
dividends or profits or settlement of
interest expenses
     Including: payments for distribution
of dividends or profits to minority owners
of subsidiaries
     Other cash payments relating to                             1,647,883.50
financing activities
       Sub-total of cash outflows from                         452,197,305.60     338,209,248.12
financing activities
             Net cash flow from financing                     -251,747,305.60      -37,742,948.12
IV. Impact of foreign exchange rate                               -733,371.78        -337,434.36
changes on cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash                                -20,552,821.88    255,233,774.19
     Add: Opening balance of cash and                         1,299,818,901.99   1,099,092,785.07
cash equivalents

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                                   The Third Quarter Report in 2021

VI. Closing balance of cash and cash                      1,279,266,080.11            1,354,326,559.26

Chairman: HOU Juncheng         Chief Financial Officer: WANG Li         Head of the Accounting
Department: WANG Li

(III) In 2021, the company restates financial statements for the beginning of the year due to the
implementation of the new lease standards

 Applicable √N/A

Please be notified of above.

                                                           Board of Director of Proya Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

                                                                        October 27, 2021

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