2022 Annual Report Stock Code: 603833 Stock Abbr: Oppein Home Group Oppein Home Group Inc. 2022 Annual Report 1/259 2022 Annual Report Important Statements I. The board of directors, the board of supervisors, directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents of the annual report, and there are no false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and bear individual and joint legal liabilities. II. All directors of the Company attend the meeting of the board of directors. III. Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership) has issued a standard unqualified audit report for the Company. IV. Yao Liangsong, the person in charge of the Company, Yao Liangsong, the person in charge of accounting, and Wang Huan, the person in charge of accounting institutions (Accounting Supervisor), declare that the financial report in the annual report is true, accurate and complete. V. Profit distribution plan or provident fund conversion into share capital plan approved by the board of directors during the reporting period The Company intends to distribute a total cash dividend of CNY 1.075 billion (tax inclusive) to all shareholders based on the total share capital on the registration date of equity distribution less the number of shares in the Company's share repurchase account, accounting for 40% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in 2022. If the total share capital of the Company changes before the equity registration date for the implementation of equity distribution, the Company intends to maintain the total profit distribution unchanged and adjust the profit distribution ratio per share accordingly. VI. Risk statements for forward-looking statements √ Applicable □ Not applicable The forward-looking statements such as the company's future plans and development strategies involved in this report do not constitute the company's substantial commitment to investors, and investors are advised to emphasize investment risks. VII. Is there any non-operating occupation of funds by controlling shareholders and other related parties No VIII. Is there any violation of the prescribed decision-making procedures to provide guarantees to the outside world No IX. Whether more than half of the directors can not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the annual report disclosed by the Company No X. Major risk warning For details, see "VI. Discussion and analysis of the Company's future development (IV) possible risks" in "Section III Management Discussion and Analysis" of this report. XI. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2/259 2022 Annual Report Contents Section I Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Section II Company profile and key financial indicators ................................................................................... 4 Section III Management discussion and analysis .................................................................................................. 9 Section IV Corporate governance ........................................................................................................................ 45 Section V Environmental and social responsibility........................................................................................... 64 Section VI Important matters .............................................................................................................................. 68 Section VII Changes in shares and shareholders ................................................................................................. 96 Section VIII Preferred shares................................................................................................................................ 102 Section IX Bonds ................................................................................................................................................. 102 Section X Financial Reports .............................................................................................................................. 104 1. Accounting statements bearing the signatures and seals of the person in charge of the Company, the person in charge of accounting work and the person in charge of accounting institutions. List of documents for future 2. During the reporting period, the originals of all company documents and reference announcements publicly disclosed on the information disclosure carrier designated by the CSRC. 3. The original audit report bearing the seal of the accounting firm and the signature and seal of the certified public accountant. 3/259 2022 Annual Report Section I Definitions I. Definitions In this report, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings: Definition of common words The Company, company, the joint stock company, Oppein Group, Group, Oppein means Oppein Home Group Inc. Home, Oppein, Oppein Home Group Oppein Integration means Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. Oppein Sanitary means Guangzhou Oppein Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. Tianjin Oppein means Tianjin Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. Wuxi Oppein means Wuxi (Jiangsu) Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. Qingyuan Oppein means Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. Chengdu Oppein means Chengdu Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd. Oppolia means Guangzhou Oppolia Smart Home Co., Ltd. Ouboni means Guangzhou Ouboni Integration Home Co., Ltd. Owell means Guangzhou Owell Decoration Material Co., Ltd. Company Law means Company Law of the People's Republic of China Securities Law means Securities Law of the People's Republic of China Articles of Association means Articles of Association of Oppein Home Group Inc. Rules of Procedure of the Board of Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors of Oppein Home means Directors Group Inc. Rules of Procedure of the Board of Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors of Oppein means Supervisors Home Group Inc. Rules of Procedure of General Meetings Rules of Procedure of General Meetings of the Shareholders of means of Shareholders Oppein Home Group Inc. Prospectus of Oppein Home Group Inc. Prospectus means for Public Offering of Convertible Company Bond CSRC means China Securities Regulatory Commission Guotai Junan Securities means Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. Accountant, Huaxing, Huaxing Certified Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General means Public Accounts LLP Partnership) SSE means Shanghai Stock Exchange China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai CSDC means Branch Convertible bonds means Convertible corporation bonds Current reporting period, current period means January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and current year Previous period means January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 Section II Company profile and key financial indicators I. Company information Chinese name of the Company Oppein Home Group Inc. Chinese abbreviation of the Company Oppein Home English name of the Company Oppein Home Group Inc. English abbreviation of the Company OPPEIN Legal representative of the Company Yao Liangsong II. Contacts and contact information Secretary of the board Securities representative Name Ou Yingying Ou Yingying Contact address No. 366 Guanghua Third Road, Baiyun No. 366 Guanghua Third Road, District, Guangzhou Baiyun District, Guangzhou Tel. 020-36733399 020-36733399 Fax 020-36733645 020-36733645 E-mail oppeinir@oppein.com oppeinir@oppein.com 4/259 2022 Annual Report III. Basic information Registered address of the Company No. 366 Guanghua Third Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou Historical changes in the registered address of None the Company Office address of the Company No. 366 Guanghua Third Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou Postal code of office address of the Company 510450 Company website www.oppein.com E-mail oppeinir@oppein.com IV. Disclosure and storage location Media name and website of where the Company China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, discloses its annual report Securities Times and Securities Daily Website of the stock exchange where the Company www.sse.com.cn discloses its annual report Storage location of the Company's annual report Office of Securities Affairs Department of the Company V. Company stock profile Company stock profile Stock listing Stock abbreviation Stock class Stock abbreviation Stock code exchange before change Shanghai Stock A shares Oppein Home 603833 N/A Exchange VI. Other relevant information Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special Name General Partnership) Accounting firm hired by the F/7-9, Tower B, Zhongshan Tower, No. 152 Hudong Office address Company (domestic) Road, Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province Name of signatory Feng Jun, Fu Peng accountant Name Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd. F/43, New World Center, No. 6009 Yitian Road, Office address Futian District, Shenzhen Sponsor performing continuous Name of sponsor supervision duties during the representative Xia Qi, Li Ning reporting period signing Period of continuous September 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023 supervision VII. Main accounting data and financial indicators in the past three years (I) Key accounting data Unit: CNY Increase or decrease in the current Key accounting data 2022 2021 period 2020 over the same period last year (%) Operating income 22,479,503,474.56 20,441,604,591.50 9.97 14,739,690,238.09 Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed 2,688,425,483.50 2,665,588,441.38 0.86 2,062,629,441.88 companies Net profit attributable to 2,592,339,337.77 2,510,354,529.21 3.27 1,935,193,531.48 5/259 2022 Annual Report shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring profits and losses Net cash flows from 2,409,760,167.55 4,045,966,670.39 -40.44 3,889,455,693.03 operating activities Increase or decrease at the end of the At the end of 2022 At the end of 2021 period At the end of 2020 over the end of the same period last year (%) Net asset attributable to shareholders of listed 16,508,147,251.70 14,408,790,729.40 14.57 11,925,427,990.33 companies Total assets 28,611,007,188.61 23,392,733,365.23 22.31 18,843,631,132.18 (II) Key financial indicators Increase or decrease in the current period Key financial indicators 2022 2021 2020 over the same period last year (%) Basic earnings per share (CNY/share) 4.41 4.40 0.23 3.47 Diluted earnings per share (CNY/share) 4.38 4.40 -0.45 3.47 Basic earnings per share after deducting non-recurring profits and losses 4.26 4.14 2.90 3.26 (CNY/share) Weighted average return on net assets Decrease by 17.37 20.14 19.26 (%) 2.77% Weighted average after deducting non- Decrease by recurring profits and losses 16.75 18.97 18.07 2.22% Return on equity (%) Description of main accounting data and financial indicators of the Company in the first three years at the end of the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable VIII. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards (I) The difference between net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies in financial reports disclosed in accordance with International Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards □ Applicable √ Not applicable (II) The difference between net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies in financial reports disclosed in accordance with Overseas Accounting standards and Chinese Accounting Standards □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Explanation of differences between domestic and foreign accounting standards: □ Applicable √ Not applicable IX. Main financial data by quarter in 2022 Unit: CNY First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter 6/259 2022 Annual Report (January-March) (April-June) (July-September) (October-December) Operating income 4,144,232,594.92 5,549,128,458.83 6,575,349,522.57 6,210,792,898.24 Net profit attributable to shareholders of 253,132,676.23 765,145,238.65 972,190,528.01 697,957,040.61 listed companies Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after 233,509,316.79 747,526,059.30 939,524,185.96 671,779,775.72 deducting non- recurring profits and losses Net cash flows from -323,902,855.05 1,266,097,134.70 1,021,443,443.69 446,122,444.21 operating activities Explanation of differences between quarterly data and disclosed periodic report data □ Applicable √ Not applicable X. Items and amounts of non-recurring profits and losses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Notes (if Non-recurring profits and losses Amount in 2022 Amount in 2021 Amount in 2020 applicable) Profits and losses on disposal of non- -267,179.73 / -6,782,217.94 87,230.83 current assets Ultra vires examination and approval, or no formal approval documents, or / occasional tax return, reduction and exemption Government subsidies included in the current profits and losses, except those closely related to the normal business of the Company, which are in line with 106,255,630.20 / 85,902,420.45 79,335,865.73 national policies and regulations and continue to be enjoyed in accordance with certain standards or quotas Capital occupancy fees charged to non- financial enterprises included in current / profits and losses The investment cost of subsidiaries, associates and associated enterprise obtained by the enterprise is less than the / income from the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the investee at the time of obtaining the investment Profits and losses on non-monetary asset / exchange Profits and losses from entrusting others / to invest or manage assets Provision for impairment of assets due to force majeure, such as natural / disasters Profits and losses on debt restructuring / Enterprise restructuring costs, such as expenses for resettling employees and / integration costs Profits and losses exceeding fair value arising from transactions with / significantly unfair transaction prices Current net profits and losses of / 7/259 2022 Annual Report subsidiaries arising from business merger under the same control from the beginning of the period to the merger date Profits and losses arising from contingencies unrelated to the normal / business operation of the Company In addition to the effective hedging business related to the normal business of the Company, the profits and losses from changes in fair value arising from the holding of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities and derivative -15,064,653.29 / 77,026,005.71 61,144,309.96 financial liabilities, as well as the investment income from the disposal of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other creditor's rights investments Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables and contract assets subject / to independent impairment test Profits and losses from entrusted loans / Profits and losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment real / estate measured subsequently using the fair value model The impact of one-time adjustment of current profits and losses on current profits and losses according to the / requirements of tax, accounting and other laws and regulations Custody fee income from entrusted / operation Other non-operating income and 11,468,590.83 / 14,929,914.65 5,345,460.23 expenses other than the above items Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and 19,781,431.38 / 5,339,654.99 7,190,026.21 losses Less: income tax impact 26,077,389.56 / 21,181,865.70 25,666,982.56 Minority shareholders' equity impact 10,284.10 / (after tax) Total 96,086,145.73 / 155,233,912.16 127,435,910.40 The reasons shall be explained for the non-recurring profits and losses defined by the Company in accordance with the definition of Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses, and the non-recurring profits and losses listed in Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses as recurring profits and losses. □ Applicable √ Not applicable XI. Items measured at fair value √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amount of impact Item Beginning balance Ending balance Current changes on current profits Trading financial 1,677,354,882.08 803,050,958.90 -874,303,923.18 11,627,612.42 assets 8/259 2022 Annual Report Investment in other equity 310,310,218.60 369,234,888.05 58,924,669.45 6,251,775.00 instruments Other non- current financial 60,339,938.23 18,968,837.07 -41,371,101.16 -36,815,234.41 assets Total 2,048,005,038.91 1,191,254,684.02 -856,750,354.89 -18,935,846.99 XII. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable Section III Management discussion and analysis I. Business discussion and analysis 2022 was an extremely difficult year. During the reporting period, the downward pressure on the national real estate market was unprecedented. Although the central and local governments continued to release positive signals to stabilize the real estate market, favorable policies were introduced, and the housing credit environment was continuously optimized, the policy effect was not yet appeared in the short term; faced with the interweaving impact of multiple external unexpected adverse factors such as the continuous downturn of the real estate industry and the slowdown of economic growth, the expectations and sentiment of home buyers were constantly suppressed; consumer online shopping habits had been strengthened in the past three years, a new home appliances and services retail format of attracting clients online, experiencing the product and placing the order offline is forming accelerately. Faced with the business environment of real estate development risk spillover and in-depth adjustment, intensified competition in the home industry, fluctuations in raw material supply, economic downturn and diversification of home channels, Oppein still shows strong combat effectiveness, and strives for steady progress through the effective implementation of large home furnishing business model innovation, intelligent manufacturing and organizational structure optimization throughout the year. During the reporting period, the Company realized business income of CNY 22.480 billion, an increase of 9.97% over the same period last year, and realized net profit of CNY 2.688 billion, an increase of 0.86% over the same period last year. (I) During the reporting period, the marketing system was not afraid of the storm, guarding the existing market, grabbing new market share and increasing average client purchase value, and made every effort to break the ice under the background of the overall cold of real estate. The Company's operating income achieved a rare year-on-year nearly double-digit positive growth 1. The leading position of the whole house marketing business (wardrobe) industry is more prominent and stable, which is the main engine driving the growth of the Company's operating income in the current period: First, the breakthrough upgrading of net aldehyde 3.0, realizing the transformation from net aldehyde in the whole wardrobe to net aldehyde in space (wardrobe door wall integration), building a more environmentally friendly living space, and starting a wave of health and environmental protection upgrading; second, creatively putting forward the 2.0 strategy of whole home customization, customizing the overall solutions of the six spaces of the whole house for users, and leading the industry to upgrade from whole house customization to the era of whole house customization; third, sensitively capturing the market consumption trend, providing consumers with more diversified product package upgrade series, and breaking through the whole single value ceiling; fourth, constantly exploring the innovation of integrated marketing model, and continuously carrying out online and offline linkage sales activities throughout the year to drive terminal sales; fifth, multi-dimensional development of new channels and new models, bag check/home decoration/whole house decoration/new retail/online cloud stores etc., enabling terminals to broaden the traffic acquisition entrance. 2. Kitchen marketing business fought with challenges, and achieved the annual internal management objectives in a hard way: First, the channel layout is multipronged to enhance market share, including 440+ new decoration stores in retail channels, 4,000+ cooperative decoration enterprises in retail system, 170+ new stores in integrated kitchen business model, and 100+ cities with supermarket large home furnishing; second, deeply cultivate the field of cabinet specialization, develop space solutions for like living room and dining room, transform old kitchens, and deepen kitchen supply chain cooperation; third, promote the process of large home furnishing, integrate kitchen and bathroom marketing and pan large home furnishing business, and create the second growth curve; fourth, create products that meet the needs of consumers, such as "Healthy Kitchen 3.0" and "Oppein Changeable Western Kitchen", to lead the high-quality development of people's living standards. 3. The whole house decoration & furnishing business is flying, and the annual performance is growing rapidly: First, driven by the dual brands of Oppein and Baunis, it dances with the head decoration enterprises, consolidates 9/259 2022 Annual Report the Company's leading position in the whole decoration track, and opens up a new blue ocean of growth; second, we will continue to promote the innovation of V8 operation system and "operation 1+8" system, comprehensively help decoration enterprises innovate traffic acquisition methods, model tactics and operation capabilities, enable decoration enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and enhance market competitiveness; third, we will continue to promote the core of Oppein/Baunis whole house decoration & furnishing customization products + supply chain product integration + two leading enterprises alliance product upgrading, meet the needs of users for "decorating a home", and build a moat of supporting capabilities for decoration enterprises; fourth, we will create, share, achieve win-win and co-evolute with decoration enterprises, steadily promote the strategies of "strong business", "supporting new business" and "fine investment" throughout the year, and constantly consolidate and expand the Company's leading advantages in the field of whole decoration. 4. For bulk business, we will strictly control risks, be calm and down-to-earth, and good at balance to ensure that the Company's overall revenue achieves quality growth: First, we will give full play to the advantages of multi-category R&D and large home furnishing supporting, cooperate with high-quality strategic customers to upgrade from products to content, and actively promote the whole case hardcover loading business; second, we will give full play to the advantages of large-scale non-standard manufacturing, constantly broaden the width of product application scenarios, and extend from traditional hardcover housing to various public construction projects such as schools, hospitals and industrial parks; third, we will continue to cultivate new bulk projects such as talent housing, affordable housing and the transformation of old residential areas. 5. Oppolia's business closely follows the market trend, continues to give full play to its natural ability to integrate categories into large home furnishing, and grows healthily: First, through live broadcasting, design of master IP live broadcasting activities, variety, high-quality KOL&KOC recommendation matrix and so on, we can raise the strength of brand in an all-round way and continuously enhance the brand's strength; second, we will actively lay out localization empowerment, and firefly plan and pilot plan to effectively empower dealers to enhance their online customer acquisition and transformation capabilities; third, the e-commerce channel is strongly enabled to distribute orders for terminals 300,000+ times, boosting the continuous improvement of performance; fourth, we will continue to strengthen the design ability of the whole case, and the newly developed products won many awards such as the 2022 Italian A'Design Award; fifth, during the reporting period, Oppolia opened 1,000 stores for the first time, reaching 1,054, and comprehensively optimized the layout and display, followed the trend of whole decoration, developed projects such as bag check, 1,000 residential buildings and 100 orders, as well as 10 million output value projects frequently, helping the steady growth of performance. 6. Ouboni leads the industry trend of door, wall and cabinet integration and achieves steady growth in performance: First, deepen the professional strength of products, first promote formaldehyde free wooden doors, set off the environmental protection upgrading of doors and walls, continue to consolidate the six core functions of noise prevention, fire prevention, moisture prevention, theft prevention and intelligence, and build a professional moat; second, expand the category map horizontally, and complete the brand leap with "door and wall customization, overall home furnishing, new luxury entry door"; third, marketing efforts, complete a number of Star Tour Live Broadcast and top anchor live broadcasting with goods annually, establish TikTok self-broadcast system, to achieve online and offline reputation and order performance transformation; fourth, continue to optimize the product structure, develop and produce wood wall products suitable for the strategic layout of the Company's large home furnishing, help the business expansion of bulk and integrated home decoration channels, continuously improve production efficiency, and achieve high-quality growth of performance. 7. Oppein retail large home furnishing business sets sail against the trend and embarks on a new journey: First, the Company's Large Home Furnishing Marketing Department has led the retail system to climb the new peak of large home furnishing by transforming the whole decoration track through innovative store formats, standard displays, sales model building and other enabling retail systems. By the end of 2022, Oppein retail system had started the construction of 102 large home furnishing stores; second, the Company innovatively puts forward the "decoration housekeeper" model, with the theme of "solving decoration pain points for end consumers and eliminating decoration phobia", implementing policies according to the city and cooperating with manufacturers to build an "independent third- party" platform supervision system with Oppein as the core. During the reporting period, the average net recommendation value of large home furnishing store customers exceeded 9 points (out of 10 points); third, the original P9 decoration sales system will gradually standardize the highly non-standard "home decoration design" and "construction organization", so that retail dealers who "do not understand, do not want and do not dare to engage in decoration" can easily enter the whole decoration. (II) During the reporting period, the manufacturing system improved production efficiency and effectively controlled the total cost through the effective implementation of organizational streamlining, lean improvement, 10/259 2022 Annual Report intelligent manufacturing, large home furnishing and information strategy, met the increasingly stringent needs of customers for quality, price and delivery time, and provided a strong guarantee for the realization of the Company's performance objectives 1. Comprehensively build precise delivery of orders and professional enabling terminals: First, the promotion of direct delivery model has achieved remarkable results, greatly alleviating the shortage of base resources and reducing operating costs, where: the direct delivery rate of integrated retail multi category (full set) is close to 50%, the on-time rate is nearly 98%, the project direct delivery rate is more than 96%, and the on-time rate is more than 93%; second, the deepening of dry warehouse distribution model and the promotion and application of TIMS have achieved new phased results: The national network service capacity has exceeded 50%; TIMS system has completed the full coverage of dry warehouse distribution business; third, the market-oriented service model and engineering gold nanny service have been unanimously praised by dealers. 2. R&D and design lead the industry leading level: First, the Company won 9 domestic and foreign design awards, such as "Guangzhou High-level Enterprise Research Institute" and Muse Design Gold Award in the United States, A'desig in Italy and IF in Germany; second, the Company has successfully completed the research and development of 600+ new products in 2023, while reducing the R&D cycle of new products; third, the Company establishes a new track for door, wall and cabinet integration, builds standards, builds systems, and helps new products take off; fourth, the product system has been upgraded in an all-round way, greatly integrated and streamlined, and the proportion of product series and material color reduction exceeds double digits. 3. Significant improvement effect of manufacturing management: First, new breakthroughs have been made in the standardization of the whole single level and cabinet level of kitchen cabinets, which greatly improves the cost and shortens the delivery time; second, the wardrobe has been upgraded to the whole cabinet net aldehyde and space net aldehyde, comprehensively promoting product standardization, greatly shortening the launch cycle of new products, and the project of door, wall and cabinet integration has achieved remarkable results to achieve the full integration of wardrobe and wood door; third, the level of door panel powder spraying and UV manufacturing has been continuously improved, and new technologies such as laser engraving, "industrialization" and "flexible" printing have been developed and mass-produced; fourth, the operation improvement of major bases has achieved remarkable results. 4. Continue to promote automation and intelligent upgrading and transformation, improve efficiency and reduce costs: First, the wardrobe has completed the automation improvement of robot electronic cutting saw, edge sealing wiring, automatic loading and unloading wiring of row drill, automatic sorting and packaging line of cabinet body, and back plate suit cut, so as to further promote the specialized production model of cabinet body, door plate and back plate; second, kitchen cabinets and bathrooms have completed the promotion, upgrading and transformation of the automation of edge sealing and drilling lines, and kitchen appliances have achieved the industry's first laser automatic welding, grinding free and single piece continuous production process; third, the rhythm of wood door paint free automation production line has been improved by double digits, some base paint free 3.0 automation workshops have been put into operation, and the automation level of door and wall production has been significantly improved; fourth, in terms of door panels, blister upgrades one-driven-three processing centers, spray glue connection automation process, spray powder investment in the flexible processing technology of double powder rooms in the accumulation chain, solving the industry problems of color change difficulties. 5. Fruitful achievements in information construction: First, achieve the opening of design and production of the whole category, helping to promote the implementation of large home furnishing strategy; second, the efficiency of order circulation has been greatly improved, with the first pass rate of design exceeding 95% and the exemption rate exceeding 85%; third, the background service is pre-positioned to vigorously improve the design quality and break through the bottleneck of terminal empowerment; fourth, fully realize the delivery of orders in the whole chain and online collaboration of capital settlement; fifth, new breakthroughs have been made in the benchmarking of PLM/MRP/MPCS projects, large versions of the basic framework of core systems such as BPM/MSCS have been upgraded, and 100 billion scale information infrastructure support capacity building has been planned. 6. Won the 7th Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award The Company has been consumer centered to improve products and services, build an integrated quality assurance system, make breakthroughs in self-developed informatization, patent application and localization of testing technology, lead environmental protection upgrading, compile industry standards, upgrade supply chains, and promote the quality improvement of customized product chains. During the reporting period, the review expert group of "Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award" evaluated and discussed the Company in multiple dimensions through listening 11/259 2022 Annual Report to reports, consulting materials, on-site visits and on-site communication. With its outstanding performance in leadership, quality, innovation, brand and efficiency, the Company stands out among many manufacturing enterprises and won the 7th Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award, the highest honor in the provincial quality system. (III) During the reporting period, the Company's functional system has always maintained a sense of vigilance and worry, facing difficulties, firmly believing in moving forward, self-reflection, reform and innovation, and did not hesitate to seek all opportunities for development All departments of the functional system perform their respective duties and become a strong guarantee, support, energy storage and transmission base for the marketing and manufacturing system. First, optimize the total remuneration and compilation control rules, refine dynamic control, and effectively balance the relationship between human cost and personnel growth rate; second, establish a multi-dimensional and multi-perspective financial operation analysis system to help business reduce costs and save consumption, continue to build intelligent and automated financial management, and promote 20+ information projects as a whole; third, in extreme environments, ensure the supply of raw materials by multiple means, implement procurement cost control by multiple measures, and establish and optimize a number of key procurement systems and processes; fourth, innovate and establish a system process integration management model that fits the reality of Oppein, complete a comprehensive sorting of business process architecture, and clarify 200+ cross business domain process interfaces; fifth, strengthen institutional governance, legal management and regulatory verification functions, firmly abide by the bottom line of compliance, and strive to create a compliance culture with Oppein characteristics; sixth, improve and upgrade service software and hardware, introduce a number of innovative service projects, and provide high-quality service guarantee for 20,000+ employees of the Company. II. Industry situation of the Company during the reporting period (I) Basic situation of the industry 1. According to the Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities (GB/T4754-2017) issued by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2019, the Company is engaged in wood furniture manufacturing industry (C211) in furniture manufacturing industry (C21). 2. Affected by the pressure of economic growth, real estate sales and other factors, from January to December 2022, the total retail sales of furniture in China was CNY 163.5 billion, down 7.5% year-on-year, and the year-on-year growth rate of various categories of commodity retail temporarily ranked last. Meanwhile, the annual operating income of furniture manufacturing enterprises above designated size in 2022 was CNY 762.41 billion, down 8.1% year-on-year from 2021. With the transition of the furniture industry from a period of rapid development to a period of mature development, the overall growth rate of the industry has slowed down. Affected by the "three red lines" control of the early real estate financing policy, the new development investment of real estate on the supply side shows a downward trend. In 2022, the national real estate development investment was CNY 13,289.5 billion, down 10.0% from the same period last year; Among them, residential investment was CNY 10,064.6 billion, down 9.5% year-on-year; the completed residential area was 625.39 million m2, down 14.3% year-on-year. The real estate development boom index dropped from 100.28 in December 2021 to 94.35 in December 2022, showing a rapid decline in the early stage and a slow decline in the later stage. Affected by the slowdown in the growth of a number of real estate data, furniture companies have contracted and controlled their engineering business layout. Figure: Real Estate Development Boom Index 12/259 2022 Annual Report February May July January 2022 March December 2021 September October November December April June August Source: National Bureau of Statistics Customized home furnishing industry is moving from single category sales to multi-category integration. Non- standard customized wood furniture products, standardized building materials products and personalized soft decoration products penetrate each other, and the category melee has escalated again. With the youth of the main group of home decoration consumption and the frequent demand for decoration, it further promotes the transformation from simple product integration to more complex decoration service integration. Products and services are no longer a separate link in the whole chain of home decoration services, cross-border integration has become an industry trend, and the single value of customers and the flat efficiency of single stores have been improved to a certain extent. The category boundary of customized furniture industry is further blurred, showing category diversification and channel diversification, and the industry competition pattern is constantly changing and updating. 3. Online and offline integrated sales model has become a trend. From the perspective of BHI national building materials home terminal store prosperity index, affected by multiple factors such as economic downturn, real estate downturn and purchasing power decline, BHI showed a trend of "stability previously and decline later" in 2022. Customized home enterprises enhance the popularity of terminal stores through new retail formats of online promotion and traffic acquisition, offline experience and turnover of customer stores. (II) Industry characteristics 1. Cyclical and seasonal Customized furniture is optional consumer goods and is part of the home building material market. From the perspective of cyclical characteristics, the industry is affected by macroeconomic growth, industry policies, real estate related policies and investment and financing, changes in consumer ideas, intergenerational changes in the main consumption force, and life cycle differences in various categories of customized furniture. The growth rate of furniture retail sales is closely related to the growth of completed housing area, which has a strong periodicity. Figure: Relationship between the Year-On-Year Growth of Furniture Retail Sales and the Year-On-Year Growth of Completed House Construction Area 13/259 2022 Annual Report China: retail sales: furniture: China: completed housing area: cumulative year-on-year (%) cumulative year-on-year (%) Source: WIND From the perspective of seasonal characteristics, affected by the traditional Spring Festival, the climate differences between South and North China and the differences in living habits, the decoration has certain seasonal characteristics, which will lead to the delay of installation and delivery and the delayed release of purchase demand at a specific time and environment, so there are also some seasonal fluctuations at the performance level. 2. Low industry concentration The market pattern of customized furniture industry as a whole is relatively dispersed. According to the estimates of securities firms and industry data, by the end of 2021, CR8 (caliber of listed companies) was 10.73%. Although the market share of leading enterprises is gradually increasing, it is still relatively low compared with mature industries such as home appliances, the regional decentralization of dealers, the large number of market participants, the low threshold of industry entry and exit, the passenger flow dispersion continue to intensify, and the industry concentration needs to be further improved. In the future, with the promotion of the whole decoration business and the concentration of dispersed passenger flow, it is expected to further increase the market share of leading enterprises. 3. Blurring of industry boundaries In recent years, the industry has shown a trend of multi-category and multi-brand integrated sales, and has gradually become the mainstream and consensus of the industry. In the traditional furniture stores with customized furniture enterprise layout, customization, soft decoration, electrical appliances and other categories fully meet the one-stop shopping demand of consumers through package integration, supporting product sales and other forms. In terms of multi- brand, it is mainly divided into two forms: cultivation within the system and integration outside the system. In terms of cultivation within the system, it expands the second and third brands by expanding the target consumer groups, extending the price band and building a new brand image, so as to achieve the expansion and layout of new growth points; in terms of integration outside the system, multi-brand layout is realized through brand strategic alliance or brand integration. Meanwhile, through the change of channel model, it can achieve in-depth cooperation with home decoration and decoration companies, pre-position the marketing and customer acquisition process, and provide customers with one-stop whole process services covering home decoration, building materials, furniture, soft decoration, electrical appliances and so on. Customized furniture industry companies are no longer limited to selling a single whole house customized cabinet, soft decoration and other categories, but to expand the direction of integrated sales of decoration services and products. (III) Industry position of the Company The Company is a leading one-stop high-quality home integrated service provider in China. Its operating income and net profit scale are in the leading position in the same industry. It leads the industry in an all-round way in terms of forward-looking strategic layout. It is a pioneer in the expansion of new models and the excavation of new channels in the industry. It dares to be the first among the multiple changes and uncertainties in the industry and firmly moves forward to the direction of large home furnishing. In terms of categories, by the end of 2022, the Company's cabinet and wardrobe revenue scale ranked first in the industry. The growth rate of the Company's operating income is not limited to the driving force of the new real estate cycle, but more reflected in the promotion and development of its own strategic cycle through channel expansion (cooperation with whole decoration companies) sales, multi-brand cooperation and cross category sales. The brand influence of "Oppein" has been continuously strengthened among various categories, and the competitive advantage has been continuously highlighted. Figure: Relationship between the Growth Rate of the Company's Operating Income and the Growth Rate of Completed House Construction Area and Sales Area 14/259 2022 Annual Report Growth rate of Growth rate of Oppein Growth rate of sales area (%) completed area (%) home revenue (%) Source: the Company's periodic report data and WIND (IV) The newly announced laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and industry policies have a significant impact on the industry 1. China continues to promote high-quality quantification, production and manufacturing informatization and industrial cluster of home industry products. In April 2022, the General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Further Releasing Consumption Potential and Promoting Sustainable Recovery of Consumption to cultivate and strengthen new consumption formats such as "Internet+home decoration"; vigorously develop green home decoration, and encourage consumers to replace or buy new green energy-saving home appliances, environmental protection furniture and other household products. In August 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the Action Plan to Promote High-quality Development of Home Furnishing Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan). The Action Plan proposes that by 2025, the innovation ability of the home industry will be significantly enhanced, the supply of high-quality products will be significantly increased, and a higher level virtuous circle of supply creating demand and demand pulling supply will be initially formed. Innovative platforms such as manufacturing innovation center and digital transformation promotion center will be cultivated in household appliances, lighting appliances and other industries, the integration level of key industries will reach 65%, and a number of 5G fully connected factories, intelligent manufacturing demonstration factories and excellent application scenarios will be cultivated. The proportion of personalized customization such as reverse customization, whole house customization and scenario integrated customization has steadily increased, the supply of green, intelligent and health products has increased significantly, and new formats such as smart home have accelerated their development. About 50 well-known brands and 10 home ecological brands will be cultivated in the home industry, a number of excellent products will be promoted, 500 smart home experience centers will be established, and 15 high-level characteristic industrial clusters will be cultivated, so as to promote the quality consumption of home brands with high-quality supply. 2. In order to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, under the premise of unchanged positioning of "no speculation in housing", China continued to introduce a number of policies on the implementation of guaranteed delivery, financing needs of high-quality credit real estate enterprises, and rigid and improved housing needs in 2022. 15/259 2022 Annual Report (1) "Guarantee the delivery of buildings" was written into the meeting documents of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC for the first time. In July 2022, the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC stressed the need to "consolidate the responsibilities of local governments, guarantee the delivery of buildings and stabilize people's livelihood". Since August, Shijiazhuang, Zhengzhou and other places have introduced relevant measures to "guarantee the delivery of buildings", including "one-on-one assistance", the establishment of bail- out funds, the acquisition of unsalable housing as resettlement housing and so on. (2) The financing policy of real estate enterprises continued to relax, the "16 financial articles" were introduced, and real estate welcomed the strongest policy support in 2022. Taking November 2022 as a watershed, the regulatory attitude towards the financing of real estate enterprises was fundamentally shifted, and the direction of relief changed from "saving projects" to "saving projects and saving enterprises". First of all, three arrows supporting real estate enterprises: the "first arrow" credit financing field, the "second arrow" bond issuance, and the "third arrow" equity financing. Meanwhile the "16 financial articles" were introduced, involving a total of 16 measures, such as real estate development loans, personal loans, stock financing extension, trust financing, bond financing, special loans for "guarantee the delivery of buildings", personal credit protection, extension of loan centralization, and housing rental finance. (3) Real estate has once again become a "pillar industry", boosting industry confidence. In December 2022, vice premier Liu He pointed out that "real estate is the pillar industry of the national economy. In view of the current downward risks, we have issued some policies and are considering new measures to improve the assets and liabilities of the industry and guide market expectations and confidence to recover." (4) Reduce the interest rates of personal commercial loans and provident fund loans. In terms of commercial loans, LPR was lowered three times in 2022, the largest number of times since 2019. In January 2022, the one-year LPR decreased by 10 basis points to 3.70%, and five-year LPR decreased by 5 basis points to 4.60%. In May, the five-year+ LPR was sharply reduced by 15 basis points to 4.45%. In August, the one-year LPR was lowered from 3.70% to 3.65%, and the five-year LPR was lowered from 4.45% to 4.3%. In September, the People's Bank of China and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission made it clear that eligible city governments could independently decide to maintain, lower or abolish the lower limit of commercial mortgage interest rates for the first set of housing. In terms of provident fund loans, the People's Bank of China announced its decision to lower the interest rate of the first personal housing provident fund loan by 0.15% from October 1, 2022. (5) Some cities have liberalized the purchase restriction policy to varying degrees. In December 2022, Tianjin, Chengdu, Chongqing and other cities successively issued real estate policies: Dongguan and Foshan fully liberalized purchase restrictions, Chongqing, Tianjin and other places loosened policies in terms of long rent of their own housing not included in the number of units, and loosening of the upper limit of housing provident fund loans. Shaoxing proposes to continue to promote housing demolition and reform and the use of housing purchase tickets, implement the role of bail- out funds, make every effort to guarantee the delivery of buildings, and extend the application time of some real estate policies to the end of 2023. III. Business of the Company during the reporting period (I) Main business of the Company Founded in 1994, Oppein Home is a leading one-stop high-quality home integrated service provider in China. The Company is mainly engaged in personalized design, R&D, production, sales, installation and interior decoration services of whole house home products. The Company started from customized cabinets and extended from cabinets to whole house products, covering the overall kitchen, overall wardrobe (whole house customization), overall bathroom, customized wood door system, metal doors and windows, soft decoration, furniture matching and other overall home products. The Company is committed to customizing a unique home for each family, so that more families can enjoy high-quality home life experience. Integrated cabinets 16/259 2022 Annual Report Customized wardrobes (whole house customization) Customized wardrobes (whole house customization) Oppein large home furnishing 17/259 2022 Annual Report Ouboni door and wall system Whole bathroom customization (II) The Company's main business model The products operated by the Company mainly adopt the order based production model, and "customization" is the core of the Company's business model. The staff of the Company's exclusive stores designs corresponding solutions according to customers' housing space layout and size, personalized preferences, functions and other needs, and renders renderings through the Company's self-developed information sales system for customers to make consumption decisions; after the customer confirms the design scheme, the order is directly transmitted to the Company's Production Department through the information system. The Company organizes production according to the content of the order, and finally realizes the delivery and installation of customized home products. The Company adopts a vertically integrated business model, covering raw material procurement, design and development, production and manufacturing, brand building, product sales and other links, to achieve effective control of the whole industrial chain. Build Oppein into a world excellent home furnishing enterprise 18/259 2022 Annual Report Fair and Pursuit of bright perfection Technol Product Talent ogy Home and Love Mech Business Continuous innovation anism philosoph Service y Model Steer Manage ment Interlocking hearts brings love to families Agile Personali Order Full set Worry Flexibilit Warm R&D ty Analysis Distributi free y Installati Design Quality on Quality Manufact on After- Quality Quality sales ure Quality Quality Quality Consumer centered, home building in the spirit of building aircraft System capability Self-developed informatization Oppein lean six sigma 1. Procurement model (1) The Company's procurement process and procurement links The Company has formulated a complete management system and standard system for the procurement process to realize the unification of internal material specifications and procurement technology and quality standards, so as to form the basis of large-scale procurement; establish a two-level procurement model between headquarters and bases, improve the effectiveness of comprehensive supply chain management, strengthen procurement plan management, timely and effectively supply, and reduce sluggish materials. The products purchased by the Company mainly include plates, functional hardware and other production raw materials, product accessories, as well as kitchen appliances and other household supporting products. From the perspective of purchasing links, the Company's purchasing business can be subdivided into front end business and back end business. The Supply Chain Management Center and the Procurement Center of the Group are responsible for the front-end business. The Supply Chain Management Center is responsible for the selection, assessment and evaluation of suppliers and the management of purchase prices, so as to realize the unification of supply channels for the same kind of materials in various business sectors. For materials and equipment whose annual consumption reaches a certain scale, the Company adopts on-site bidding to issue Invitation for Bid to qualified suppliers. Through on-site bidding, the best is selected from the best, achieving the expected purchase objectives; the Procurement Center is responsible for classifying and summarizing the consumption of materials in the Group, coordinating the implementation of centralized purchase in each production base, and giving full play to the scale advantages of purchase. The back end business of purchase is the execution of specific purchase orders and material acceptance, which is mainly implemented by the Material Control Department under each product manufacturing line. (2) Raw material inventory arrangement In order to strengthen the management of raw materials, ensure the continuous supply of materials, reasonably control inventory, standardize the warehousing process, and maintain the safety and integrity of assets, the Company has formulated relevant systems for raw material inventory management. According to the Company's purchase implementation management measures, the Material Management Department sets up safety stocks. The person in charge of inventory shall analyze the rationality and effectiveness of the arrival of materials through data and inventory arrangement. If there is any abnormality, he shall feed back to the Purchase Department in time to modify the relevant material items, so as to ensure that the inventory of each material is controlled in the best state that neither production "shutdown for materials" nor material inventory expansion are allowed, and ensure that the turnover times of stored materials meet the predetermined requirements. Meanwhile, we should strengthen the management of inventory period, set effective storage period for all kinds of raw materials and materials, distribute materials in strict accordance with the principle of first in first out, and strictly follow the 5S management and safety management norms in the warehouse in daily work. In the ex-warehouse management link, each production workshop 19/259 2022 Annual Report counts the material demand according to the daily production task, and the Inventory Management Department issues the material after receiving the valid collection certificate. 2. R&D model Market Trial New Product Sample Market research productio Product sample planning promotion sample n of new review introducti samples on R&D process of Oppein home products The Company has set up a home product R&D center to coordinate the Company's new product R&D and technology development management. At the same time, the Company's overall kitchen cabinet, overall wardrobe, overall bathroom, customized wooden doors, doors and windows and whole decoration large home furnishing and other business sectors have established product planning and R&D departments. As the leader of the domestic customized home furnishing industry, the Company's annual R&D expenditure is in the forefront of the industry, so that the Company's customized home furnishing products can always lead the industry. The Company attaches great importance to the construction of R&D team, with more than 3,000 R&D personnel, forming a R&D team with high education and pioneering spirit. Relying on strong R&D capabilities, Oppein Home has built up the core competitiveness of its own product and process innovation, which can quickly respond to the demand for new materials downstream and provide new impetus for the Company's sustained growth. The Company has always adhered to original design. In addition to having a number of high-level design teams inside, it has set up a R&D and Design Center in Milan, Italy, and actively promoted external exchanges and industry- university-research cooperation. For example, Columbus, a professor at the University of Milan, Italy, has been hired in the field of technology to guide the structural problems of furniture technology. In the field of stone, experts in automatic production and formulation of quartz from South Korea have been hired to carry out automatic line process design and formula re-sorting, carry out basic research with South China University of Technology on the utilization of quartz waste residue, reach strategic cooperation alliances with many famous Italian designers in the field of design, and continuously launch customized home products according to market needs (including overseas markets). The Company has a CNAS certification laboratory, and in recent years has won the titles of National Industrial Design Center, Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award, and Guangzhou High-level Enterprise Research Institute and so on. Mature product R&D management system and perfect R&D process design make the Company's R&D level and innovation ability always at the leading level in the customized home industry, and rely on Oppein's "National Industrial Design Center" to continuously innovate product design and development model, enhance the core technology of product design, drive Guangdong China customized home design to the world, and create Guangdong China design business card. 3. Production model 20/259 2022 Annual Report Full case top-level Product & service dual track promotion design Product integrationDesign integration Service uniformity Package solution Style Spatial Consistent Whole home planning uniformity integration positioning Unified brand setting Design trends, pop Hot selling house Image products, main and planning colors type, lifestyle sales products Category integration Integration Share and Multi-category Kitchen and bathroom Cabinet electricity interconnection collaborative R&D integration, wardrobe and integration, door wall Material share and process Integration design and wood door integration cabinet integration interconnection underlying unification Home House Cabinet Furniture Single category appliances accessories Hard decoration professional platform Full case design Category basic process Customized module Soft decoration Bathroom and balcony Door and Functional platform wall Unlike the production of standard home products, customized home enterprises generally have a series of difficulties in order processing, high information requirements, huge amount of data and high accuracy of processing requirements in the production and manufacturing process, resulting in a high threshold for large-scale home customization production. Meanwhile, with the arrival of the era of digital integration, the division of labor in the industrial chain is more in-depth, and intelligent manufacturing has become a new development direction of the customized home industry. In order to conform to the development trend of modern manufacturing industry, break through the bottleneck of production, focus on the 2025 pattern of Oppein manufacturing, and achieve another breakthrough in information construction, Oppein fully absorbs the production model of TPS; based on the characteristics of customized home industry, around the three end-to-end processes of product engineering data flow (from product design to production), production information flow (from customer demand to production instructions) and production process flow (from incoming materials to finished product shipment), and taking the self-developed information management system as a link to open up, it opens up and integrates efficiently. To achieve the opening up of design and digital production and manufacturing, the integration of the whole business chain information system, the integration of production process, equipment automation and intellectualization, and maintain the leading advantage of Oppein manufacturing informatization in the home industry. 4. Sales model 21/259 2022 Annual Report The Company adopts a compound sales model dominated by dealer exclusive stores, supplemented by bulk business, direct stores and exports. (1) Dealer exclusive store sales model a. Traditional dealer model The sales model of dealers' exclusive stores is the main sales model in the customized home furnishing industry. It refers to that manufacturers select and cultivate dealers who recognize their own brand value, strong financial strength, good market reputation and rich market experience, sign the Cooperation Agreement with them, authorize them to set up exclusive stores to sell the products produced by enterprises in specific areas, and the dealers bear the operational risks themselves. In the process of production and operation, the Company timely gives assistance and empowerment to dealer personnel in terms of training, operation and management. The advantage of the dealer exclusive store model is that enterprises can make full use of the experience and social resources of dealers, quickly build sales channels and networks, refine market terminal marketing, and form a marketing strategy highly in line with the local market environment, which is conducive to the rapid expansion of market share. b. Whole decoration large home furnishing model With the continuous development and growth of domestic decoration business, as a more advanced demand flow entrance, the impact and diversion of demand flow in the traditional retail channels of the furniture industry are becoming more and more obvious. In order to lay out the whole decoration channel and broaden the source of customers, the Company took the lead in cultivating the whole decoration channel business in the industry, and began to pilot and promote the business model of the whole decoration large home furnishing in 2018. At present, the Company's double brand operation of the whole decoration large home furnishing is "Oppein" and "Baunis" to meet the differentiated needs of different channel partners and users. Oppein's whole decoration large home furnishing refers to the Company's direct selection of high-quality home decoration companies with large scale and good reputation to carry out agency and distribution cooperation, make full use of the Company's advantages such as high brand awareness, rich customized product categories and supply chain platform, supplemented by the Company's mature information sales system, quickly introduce the terminals of decoration enterprises, greatly improve terminal efficiency, shorten the running-in period, and carry out synchronous empowerment of brand, flow, management and products. In the whole customer service link, the Company is responsible for the production, manufacturing and marketing support of products, and the home decoration company is responsible for providing customized home design and installation services and home decoration design landing construction. The expansion of the whole decoration business is conducive to the Company to expand passenger flow channels and seize market share in the new market environment. The Company actively implemented measures such as traffic acquisition and marketing assistance for decoration dealers to speed up the development of decoration channels and the construction of marketing terminal model. Meanwhile, the Company actively guides traditional retail dealers to carry out various forms of business cooperation with local home decoration and whole decoration channel companies, promotes retail and decoration dealers to join hands to activate the consumption of customized home products in the local market, and strives to complete the sales expansion of the local home market of Oppein and enhance the overall share of Oppein brand. (2) Direct-sale store sales model The sales model of direct-sale stores refers to the business model in which the Company uses its own funds to open "Oppein", "Oppolia" and "Oubonii" series brand exclusive stores in large-scale stores, shopping centers and street storefronts to sell the Company's products (including Oppein cabinets, Oppein wardrobes, Oubonii bathroom, Oubonii whole house, Oppolia whole house customization, etc.). At present, the Company has opened direct-sale stores in some areas of Guangzhou and Dongguan, Guangdong Province. (3) Bulk business sales model In this business, the Company signs product supply and installation contracts with real estate developers or engineering contractors. The Company is responsible for the production of goods involved in the contract, and the engineering service provider is the actual operator of project performance, responsible for the design, transportation, installation and after-sales of related products. The Company signs agreements with engineering service providers, and supervises engineering service providers to implement projects according to the contract and deliver products according 22/259 2022 Annual Report to the Company's quality standards. (4) Export sales model Product exports mainly include foreign bulk business sales and foreign retail sales. Foreign bulk business sales refer to the Company's independent participation in project negotiation, contract conclusion and performance; foreign retail sales refer to the Company's whole home products sold through retail channels or by choosing foreign dealers. 5. Brand building model The Company attaches great importance to the construction of series brands of Oppein Home, which is mainly conducted through several aspects: (1) Brand planning. Based on the research of enterprises, brands, industries and consumers, the Company's brand building is elevated to the height of enterprise business strategy, and the medium and long-term development strategy of enterprise brand is put forward to guide the specific brand marketing tactics in the future. Deeply tap the core value system of the brand, take it as the center, establish a strong brand identification system, and bring strong associations to consumers. (2) Brand publicity. In order to standardize the Company's brand publicity, improve brand management, promote brand development, effectively protect the brand and maximize brand value, the Company has formulated a detailed brand management system, implemented various public welfare brand publicity advertisements, hard advertisements and soft news publicity in various media channels, and actively participated in various public welfare sponsorship activities, and has organized various celebrations, press conferences, promotion and exhibition activities. (3) Channel layout and promotion. It fully implements the "10+1" terminal business model, displays the overall image of the Company through a wide range of distribution stores, unified and tidy design and decoration and well-trained professionals, and improve the popularity and reputation of "Oppein", "Oppolia", "Ouboni", "Baunis" and "miform" series brands. The Company has a complete assessment, supervision and early warning mechanism for the operating results and service quality of dealers to maximize the protection of the interests of end consumers and maintain the reputation of Oppein brand. The Company's dealer management level has always been ahead of the same industry. 6. Sales logistics and warehousing model In order to standardize the internal and external logistics processes of various products of the Company, the Company has formulated relevant systems covering warehousing, shipping, trunk line and distribution management, and set up logistics centers under the manufacturing system to be responsible for the logistics management of the whole link of the Group's products. Meanwhile, in view of the lack of in-transportation management in the industry, the high transportation damage caused by multiple trans-shipments and the problem of wrong and missing goods, the Company actively explores a new logistics business model for customized home products by means of informatization. IV. Analysis of core competitiveness during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable (I) Strong brand influence Since its establishment 29 years ago, Oppein has always regarded consumer satisfaction as the essence of enterprise survival and adhered to consumer centered improvement of products and services. "Oppein" brand has occupied brand awareness and influence in the hearts of consumers, and is gradually transforming into reputation and trust. The advertising language of "home, love and Oppein" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. From 2016 to 2022, Oppein was selected into the list of China's Top 500 Brand Value Enterprises for seven consecutive years by virtue of its strong brand strength. In 2023, the Company was listed on the list of China's Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in 2022 with a brand value of CNY 57.806 billion, and the brand value increased year by year. In addition, the Company has been selected as one of Chinese Manufacturing 500 Strong and the Top 500 Private Enterprises in Hurun China for four consecutive years, and as one of the Top 500 Private Manufacturing Enterprises in China for six consecutive years. (II) Strong terminal sales system After years of channel investment and construction, the Company has established the largest marketing service network in the home industry, which cooperates closely with the Group, grows together and spreads all over the country, and has the most powerful dealer (service provider) resources in the industry, with 7,000+ distribution stores. In terms of terminal management, since its establishment, the Company has adhered to the concept of dealer roots, pioneered and effectively implemented perfect dealer management systems such as 1,000 point assessment mechanism, "10+1" Oppein terminal marketing system, double 50 theory and store 4S management. Meanwhile, the Company conforms to the development trend of the industry, deepens the omni-channel development strategy, and builds a more mature channel operation model with retail and whole decoration channels as the backbone, engineering and e-commerce channels as the two wings, and direct-sale and foreign trade channels as the important support. (III) Advantages of informatization, customization and intellectualization 23/259 2022 Annual Report Chairman Yao Liangsong of the Company said that "first-class informatization may not achieve first-class enterprises, and first-class enterprises must have first-class informatization". As the world's largest single product customized cabinet and whole house customized double champion manufacturer, after five years of enterprise transformation and upgrading, Oppein has provided the whole process of information transformation and construction, established a global and capable information development team including the Group's Marketing Information Center, Manufacturing Information Center, Functional Information Center and professional software company (Beijing Jiaju Science and Technology), and independently created marketing support software MTDS, design software CAXA, MSCS, MOM\MES, TIMS and other core systems mark that the intelligent technology platform with cloud design, big data application and robot flexible manufacturing as the core has entered the stage of practical application, and informatization, customization and intellectualization will promote "building Oppein into a world excellent home group". In the past five years, Oppein informatization has taken the integration of informatization and intellectualization of product design and manufacturing as its R&D direction, focusing on the construction goal of "design and manufacturing integration, centralized planning and multi-base collaborative production, intelligent manufacturing system support". The Company has successfully built a large-scale non-standard customized home intelligent manufacturing support technology platform and industrial Internet platform, and built a full three-dimensional information model integrating large home furnishing design, display and manufacturing, and established the data middleground and business middleground of marketing and manufacturing. It has realized the comprehensive informatization and cloudization of marketing, design, production and delivery links, formed a closed-loop data link, and realized the informatization management of the whole process from design to after-sales of customized products through the digital intelligence center. (IV) Mature and efficient systematic operation advantages The Company attaches great importance to system construction and implementation, with a total of more than 700 business systems, covering three major system businesses of function, manufacturing and marketing. Based on the customization attributes of the Company's products, in order to cope with the personalized needs of customers and the rapid changes in channels, the Company timely adjusts its business strategy to obtain first mover advantages at the time of channel reform, integration and industry shuffling, and takes the systematic collaborative guarantee mechanism oriented by front-line marketing demand as the terminal to escort product competition, channel occupation, strategy adjustment and management upgrading, and continues to empower, and always maintain the strong competitiveness of the Oppein system. Mr. Yao Liangsong, the controlling shareholder of Oppein Home, and the core management of the Company have rich industry experience in the home industry, and have a good judgment and grasp of the strategic trend of the industry, the development direction of the enterprise, the employment mechanism and incentive measures. With the increasing stability of the Company's leading position in the industry, the Company's talent introduction strategy of "nesting and attracting phoenix" has also been carried out smoothly, attracting more high-quality industry talents to join Oppein, and working together to achieve the grand goal of "building Oppein into a world excellent home enterprise". (V) Strong R&D and innovation capabilities of products and processes The Company adheres to innovation to promote development, constantly develops independently, gets rid of the stale and brings forth the fresh, and unremittingly develops new products, new materials, new processes and new technologies, so that the Company's process and R&D level are always in the forefront of the industry. In order to meet the market demand, the Company has continuously studied and explored in the fields of product process structure design, new material development and application, process quality management and so on. The Company's leading technology level provides a strong technical guarantee for the production of high-quality customized furniture products. The Company continuously improves and innovates production technology, takes informatization as a tool and means to promote the improvement of process technology, establishes an incentive and assessment mechanism for technical personnel guided by results, and establishes a perfect process level process control system. After years of efforts, the Company's product development has gradually transitioned from single product customization to whole home customization and whole home customization, and from single new product design to new product design, extension design and functional design. As of December 31, 2022, the Company and its holding subsidiaries have 798 patents and 92 computer software copyrights. (VI) Flexible large-scale non-standard customization production capacity In the early 1990s, Oppein took the lead in introducing the concept of European "integrated kitchen" into China, creating a precedent for China's industrial production of modern cabinets, and is known as the advocate of China's "kitchen revolution". With the Company's continuous R&D investment for many years, deep technological reserves, leading household R&D strength, upstream and downstream bargaining power of the industrial chain, the Company has explored a large-scale non-standard customized product manufacturing model with Oppein characteristics. At present, the total production scale of the Company's customized furniture products ranks first in the industry. The Company's capacity design is based on the national layout and large home furnishing strategy, and relying on production and manufacturing, it builds four major production bases in the East (Wuxi Base), the South (Qingyuan Base), the West (Chengdu Base) and the North (Tianjin Base), forming a national production capacity radiating East, South, West and North China. 24/259 2022 Annual Report V. Main operating conditions during the reporting period During the reporting period, the operating income was CNY 22.480 billion, an increase of 9.97% over the same period last year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was CNY 2.688 billion, an increase of 0.86% over the same period last year. (I) Main business analysis 1. Analysis of Changes in Related Subjects in Profit Statement and Cash Flow Statement Unit: CNY Amount of the same Change ratio Subject Current period balance period last year (%) Operating income 22,479,503,474.56 20,441,604,591.50 9.97 Operating cost 15,374,184,716.14 13,978,340,522.59 9.99 Selling expenses 1,678,894,114.14 1,385,772,778.03 21.15 Administrative expenses 1,335,732,876.37 1,131,445,694.80 18.06 Financial expenses -247,399,167.99 -115,480,875.88 -114.23 R&D expense 1,123,248,931.13 907,758,166.73 23.74 Net cash flows from operating 2,409,760,167.55 4,045,966,670.39 -40.44 activities Net cash flows from investing -7,146,174,752.94 -2,065,130,017.73 -246.04 activities Net cash flows from financing 2,985,316,174.67 -187,037,166.66 1,696.11 activities Reasons for changes in sales expenses: The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in advertising and publicity fees and employee remuneration Reasons for changes in financial expenses: The decrease over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in interest income. Reasons for changes in R&D expenses: The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in R&D investment. Reasons for changes in net cash flow from operating activities: The decrease over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in cash paid for purchasing goods and receiving services Reasons for changes in net cash flow from investment activities: The decrease over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in cash paid for investment. Reasons for changes in net cash flow from financing activities: The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to the issuance of convertible bonds. Detailed description of major changes in the Company's business type, profit composition or profit source in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Revenue and cost analysis √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the reporting period, the Company's main business income was CNY 22,000,522,428.80, an increase of 9.21% over the same period last year, and the main business cost was CNY 15,144,117,735.57, an increase of 9.54% over the same period last year. (1) Main business by industry, product, region and sales model Unit: CNY Main business by industry Increase Increase or Increase or or decrease in decrease in Gross decrease operating gross profit profit By industry Operating income Operating cost in costs over margin over margin operating the the previous (%) income previous year over the year (%) (%) 25/259 2022 Annual Report previous year (%) Furniture Decrease by 22,000,522,428.80 15,144,117,735.57 31.16 9.21 9.54 manufacturing 0.20% Main business by product Increase or Increase or Increase or decrease Gross decrease in decrease in in profit operating gross profit By product Operating income Operating cost operating margin costs over margin over income (%) the previous the previous over the year (%) year (%) previous year (%) Kitchen Decrease by 7,173,091,365.63 4,732,790,483.06 34.02 -4.73 -4.26 cabinets 0.33% Wardrobes Decrease by and 12,139,192,500.13 8,281,753,525.39 31.78 19.34 20.07 0.41% accessories Increase by Bathroom 1,034,631,973.88 763,599,926.60 26.20 4.63 3.51 0.80% Wood Increase by 1,345,660,384.59 1,125,190,957.38 16.38 8.85 5.62 door 2.56% Increase by Other 307,946,204.57 240,782,843.14 21.81 40.64 32.33 4.91% Decrease by Total 22,000,522,428.80 15,144,117,735.57 31.16 9.21 9.54 0.20% Main business by region Increase or Increase or Increase or decrease Gross decrease in decrease in in profit operating gross profit By region Operating income Operating cost operating margin costs over margin over income (%) the previous the previous over the year (%) year (%) previous year (%) Decrease by East China 7,046,147,510.89 4,766,040,886.99 32.36 10.86 11.32 0.28% South Decrease by 3,985,127,886.24 2,590,868,114.75 34.99 8.89 9.40 China 0.30% North Decrease by 3,040,585,260.42 2,164,221,878.52 28.82 8.90 9.50 China 0.39% Central Decrease by 2,343,241,631.60 1,675,242,197.43 28.51 14.57 15.15 China 0.36% Southwest Decrease by 2,773,369,636.04 1,984,564,458.12 28.44 7.43 8.06 China 0.41% Northeast Decrease by 1,055,540,913.25 753,916,966.05 28.58 -8.62 -8.07 China 0.42% Northwest Decrease by 1,538,342,253.09 1,081,853,088.58 29.67 13.92 14.84 China 0.56% Overseas Increase by 218,167,337.27 127,410,145.13 41.60 6.47 -12.48 regions 12.64% Decrease by Total 22,000,522,428.80 15,144,117,735.57 31.16 9.21 9.54 0.20% Main business by sales model Sales Gross Increase Increase or Increase or Operating income Operating cost model profit or decrease in decrease in 26/259 2022 Annual Report margin decrease operating gross profit (%) in costs over margin over operating the previous the previous income year (%) year (%) over the previous year (%) Stores Increase by 18,287,627,470.08 12,496,049,191.05 31.67 12.42 12.19 Total 0.14% Direct-sale Decrease by 705,526,346.13 314,290,952.36 55.45 20.12 49.16 stores 8.67% Dealership Increase by 17,582,101,123.95 12,181,758,238.69 30.72 12.13 11.48 stores 0.41% Bulk Decrease by 3,494,727,621.45 2,520,658,399.39 27.87 -4.85 -0.83 business 2.92% Online 0.00 0.00 / / / / sales Increase by Other 218,167,337.27 127,410,145.13 41.60 6.47 -12.48 12.64% Decrease by Total 22,000,522,428.80 15,144,117,735.57 31.16 9.21 9.54 0.20% Description of main business by industry, product, region and sales model In 2022, the Company's main business income accounted for 97.87% of its business income, where: From the perspective of products, the sales income of integrated kitchen cabinets, wardrobes and supporting furniture products is the main source of the Company's main business income, accounting for more than 85% of the main business income; regionally, 99% of the Company's main business income mainly comes from domestic; in terms of channels, the operating income contributed by the sales channels of dealer exclusive stores accounts for nearly 80% of the main business income. (2) Analysis of Production and Sales √ Applicable □ Not applicable Increase Increase Increase or or or decrease decrease decrease in in sales in Main products Unit Production Sales volume Inventory production over the inventory over the previous over the previous year previous year (%) year (%) (%) Integrated Set 829,141.00 850,845.00 9,501 -9.74 -4.65 -69.55 cabinets Wardrobes and supporting Set 3,176,281.00 3,271,426.00 37,505.00 8.40 15.79 -71.73 furniture products Integrated Set 642,080.00 627,889.00 19,248.00 7.82 3.14 280.62 bathroom Integrated wood Nos. 1,099,655.00 1,096,858.00 8,206.00 7.06 7.01 51.71 door (3) Performance of major purchase contracts and major sales contracts □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Cost analysis Unit: CNY By industry Cost Amount of Proportio Amount of the Proportio Change Informatio By industry component current period n of same period last n of total proportio n note 27/259 2022 Annual Report items current year cost in n of period to the same current total cost period amount (%) last year over the (%) same period last year (%) 12,149,585,944. 10,948,675,149. Material 80.23 79.19 10.97 / 46 93 Furniture 1,337,334,677.1 1,329,237,132.5 manufacturi Labor 8.83 9.61 0.61 / 8 4 ng Manufactu 1,657,197,113.9 1,547,642,487.8 10.94 11.19 7.08 / re cost 3 0 15,144,117,735. 13,825,554,770. Total 100.00 100.00 9.54 / 57 27 By product Change proportio Proportio Proportio n of n of total n of current Cost Amount of the cost in Amount of current amount Informatio By product component same period last the same current period period to over the n note items year period total cost same last year (%) period (%) last year (%) 3,637,835,955.4 3,827,216,585.6 Material 24.02 27.68 -4.95 — 9 1 Cabinet Labor 372,514,707.48 2.46 382,168,118.82 2.76 -2.53 — Manufactu 722,439,820.09 4.77 733,873,366.67 5.31 -1.56 — re cost Wardrobes 6,943,967,793.6 5,678,210,364.5 Material 45.85 41.07 22.29 — and 7 8 supporting Labor 713,262,042.15 4.71 702,118,015.47 5.08 1.59 — furniture Manufactu 624,523,689.57 4.12 516,961,134.63 3.74 20.81 — products re cost Material 616,046,961.56 4.07 597,116,971.32 4.32 3.17 — Labor 78,849,365.48 0.52 77,026,772.43 0.56 2.37 — Bathroom Manufactu 68,703,599.57 0.45 63,548,966.66 0.46 8.11 — re cost Material 724,054,798.02 4.78 675,563,682.60 4.89 7.18 — Labor 162,473,264.71 1.07 158,448,875.90 1.15 2.54 — Wood door Manufactu 238,662,894.65 1.58 231,339,475.09 1.67 3.17 — re cost Material 227,680,435.73 1.50 170,567,545.82 1.23 33.48 — Labor 10,235,297.36 0.07 9,475,349.92 0.07 8.02 — Other Manufactu 2,867,110.05 0.02 1,919,544.75 0.01 49.36 — re cost 15,144,117,735. 13,825,554,770. Total 100.00 100.00 9.54 — 57 27 (5) Changes in the scope of consolidation due to changes in equity of major subsidiaries during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (6) Major changes or adjustments in the Company's business, products or services during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (7) Major sales customers and major suppliers A. Major sales customers of the Company 28/259 2022 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not applicable The sales of the top five customers were CNY 1,336.398 million, accounting for 5.94% of the total annual sales; among the top five customers, the sales of related parties were CNY 0.00, accounting for 0.00% of the total annual sales. During the reporting period, the proportion of sales to a single customer exceeded 50% of the total, and there were new customers in the top five customers or serious dependence on a small number of customers □ Applicable √ Not applicable B. Main suppliers of the Company √ Applicable □ Not applicable The purchase amount of the top five suppliers was CNY 2,066,225,500, accounting for 16.02% of the total annual purchasing amount; among the top five suppliers, the purchase amount of related parties is CNY 0.00, accounting for 0.00% of the total annual purchase amount. During the reporting period, the proportion of purchases from a single supplier exceeded 50% of the total, and there were new suppliers in the top five suppliers or serious dependence on a small number of suppliers □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Expenses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Year-on-year increase or Item 2022 2021 Description of changes decrease (%) Mainly due to the Selling increase in advertising 1,678,894,114.14 1,385,772,778.03 21.15 expenses and publicity fees and employee remuneration Administrative 1,335,732,876.37 1,131,445,694.80 18.06 / expenses Mainly due to the R&D expense 1,123,248,931.13 907,758,166.73 23.74 increase in R&D investment Mainly due to the Financial -247,399,167.99 -115,480,875.88 -114.23 increase in interest expenses income 4. R&D investment (1) Table of R&D investment √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Current costed R&D investment 1,123,248,931.13 Current capitalized R&D investment 0.00 Total R&D investment 1,123,248,931.13 Proportion of total R&D investment in 5.00 operating income (%) Proportion of R&D investment capitalization 0.00 (%) (2) Table of R&D personnel √ Applicable □ Not applicable Number of R&D personnel 3,024 Proportion of R&D personnel in the total number of the Company (%) 12.33 Education structure of R&D personnel Education structure category Number of people of education structure 29/259 2022 Annual Report PhD 0 Master's degree 70 Bachelor's degree 1,450 Junior college 1,493 High school and below 11 Age structure of R&D personnel Age structure category Number of people of age structure Under 30 years old (excluding 30) 1,173 30 - 40 years old (including 30 years old, excluding 40 years old) 1,546 40 - 50 years old (including 40 years old, excluding 50 years old) 266 50 - 60 years old (including 50 years old, excluding 60 years old) 38 60 years old and above 1 (3) Information note □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Reasons for major changes in the composition of R&D personnel and their impact on the Company's future development □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. Cash flow √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Year-on-year Amount in the previous increase or Item Closing balance year decrease (%) Sub-total of cash inflow from 25,003,315,997.04 24,959,794,327.17 0.17 operating activities Sub-total of cash outflow from 22,593,555,829.49 20,913,827,656.78 8.03 operating activities Net cash flows from operating 2,409,760,167.55 4,045,966,670.39 -40.44 activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 7,182,276,346.74 3,406,213,978.12 110.86 investing activities Sub-total of cash outflow from 14,328,451,099.68 5,471,343,995.85 161.88 investing activities Net cash flows from investing -7,146,174,752.94 -2,065,130,017.73 -246.04 activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 8,483,617,108.80 3,677,975,159.74 130.66 financing activities Sub-total of cash flows from 5,498,300,934.13 3,865,012,326.40 42.26 financing activities Net cash flows from financing 2,985,316,174.67 -187,037,166.66 1,696.11 activities (1) Net cash flow from operating activities: The decrease over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in cash paid for purchasing goods and receiving services. (2) Subtotal of cash inflow from investment activities: The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in cash received from investment recovery. (3) Subtotal of cash outflow from investment activities: The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in cash paid for investment. (4) Net cash flow from investment activities: The decrease over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in cash paid for investment. (5) Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities: The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to the increase in cash received from absorbing investment and the increase in cash received from obtaining loans. (6) Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities: The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to the 30/259 2022 Annual Report increase in cash paid for debt repayment. (7) Net cash flow from financing activities: The increase over the same period last year was mainly due to the issuance of convertible bonds. (II) Description of significant changes in profits caused by non-main business □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Analysis of assets and liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Assets and liabilities Unit: CNY Change proportion Proportion Proportion of amount of ending of ending at the end balance of balance of of the Ending balance of the Ending balance of the current Information Item Name the current period current the last period previous period note period in period in over the total total end of the assets (%) assets (%) previous period (%) Mainly due to the public issuance of convertible corporation Cash and bank bonds, the 8,269,801,977.25 28.90 6,561,937,418.36 28.05 26.03 balances accumulation of operating results and the increase of short-term loans. Mainly due to the decrease in Trading the purchase of 803,050,958.90 2.81 1,677,354,882.08 7.17 -52.12 financial assets corporate financial products Due to the decrease in bill settlement Notes volume 110,434,205.93 0.39 206,073,671.76 0.88 -46.41 receivable adopted by the Company and engineering customers Mainly due to the increase in Accounts accounts 1,356,804,850.55 4.74 1,011,693,187.67 4.32 34.11 receivable receivable from engineering customers Mainly due to the decrease of Prepayments 107,436,378.36 0.38 148,345,992.40 0.63 -27.58 prepaid land transfer fees, 31/259 2022 Annual Report materials and advertising fees Mainly due to Other the increase in 197,101,668.61 0.69 95,586,738.83 0.41 106.20 receivables margin receivable Mainly due to the increase in Non-current long-term fixed assets due 922,210,739.68 3.22 - - / time deposits within one year due within one year Mainly due to the increase of Other current VAT input tax 199,747,707.68 0.70 78,826,684.25 0.34 153.40 assets to be deducted and certified by the Company Mainly due to the decrease in investment Long-term profits and equity 10,518,308.44 0.04 15,543,367.11 0.07 -32.33 losses investments recognized under the equity method Mainly due to Other non- the decrease in current 18,968,837.07 0.07 60,339,938.23 0.26 -68.56 foreign equity financial assets investment Mainly due to the increase in Construction in 1,430,244,831.22 5.00 347,455,504.19 1.49 311.63 investment in progress base construction Mainly due to Right-of-use 143,259,299.38 0.50 24,976,072.05 0.11 473.59 the increase in assets store leasing Mainly due to the increase in Long-term decoration prepaid 100,563,403.28 0.35 79,715,027.09 0.34 26.15 expenses to be expenses amortized at the current period Mainly due to the increase of Other non- fixed time 3,964,225,445.14 13.86 2,143,540,620.17 9.16 84.94 current assets deposits for more than one year Mainly due to the increase in Short-term 4,584,695,003.58 16.02 2,389,126,170.93 10.21 91.90 bill financing loans loans and liquidity loans Mainly due to the decrease of Notes payable 70,366,124.74 0.25 139,951,771.71 0.60 -49.72 the Company's bill business 32/259 2022 Annual Report Mainly due to the decrease in Receipts in 364,393,984.51 1.27 885,811,485.23 3.79 -58.86 advance advance receipts from dealers Mainly due to Contract the increase in 782,289,860.99 2.73 1,202,994,206.12 5.14 -34.97 liabilities customer order conversion Mainly due to Other payables 840,531,618.28 2.94 667,841,099.64 2.85 25.86 the increase in margin payable Non-current Mainly due to liabilities due 241,730,653.70 0.84 13,286,652.37 0.06 1,719.35 the increase in within one year store leasing Mainly due to Other current the decrease of 98,158,653.53 0.34 144,631,995.61 0.62 -32.13 liabilities VAT to be resold Mainly due to the increase in Long-term 5,122,020.57 0.02 - - / borrowing for loans more than one year Mainly due to Debentures the issuance of 1,601,701,819.31 5.60 - - / payable convertible bonds Mainly due to Lease 101,476,366.50 0.35 12,665,970.28 0.05 701.17 the increase in liabilities store leasing Mainly due to the increase in interest Deferred provision for income tax 134,412,062.70 0.47 96,615,466.91 0.41 39.12 fixed time liabilities deposits and financial management Mainly due to Other equity the issuance of 424,351,185.44 1.48 - - / instruments convertible bonds Mainly due to the increase in Other investment comprehensive 111,426,682.00 0.39 59,580,680.56 0.25 87.02 gains on non- income tradable equity instruments 2. Overseas assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable (1) Asset size Including: overseas assets 362,779,065.34 (Unit: CNY), accounting for 1.27% of the total assets. (2) Relevant instructions on the relatively high proportion of overseas assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Restrictions on major assets by the end of the reporting period 33/259 2022 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending book value Reasons for restriction Bank acceptance bill margin, letter of credit margin, letter of guarantee margin, external guarantee margin, Cash and bank balances 312,566,682.72 court ruling to freeze, restricted funds used by e- commerce platforms There is a redemption period and a closure period for Trading financial assets 803,050,958.90 financial products Fixed assets 49,699,840.67 There is mortgage guarantee for house property Intangible assets 39,497,528.36 There is mortgage guarantee for intangible assets Notes receivable 39,114,681.94 Pledged for business needs Total 1,243,929,692.59 — 4. Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable (IV) Industry operational information analysis √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company is engaged in wood furniture manufacturing industry (C211) in furniture manufacturing industry (C21). Analysis of operational information in furniture manufacturing industry 1 Physical stores during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Number at the Newly opened Number at the Closed this year Store type end of last year this year end of this year (Nos.) (Nos.) (Nos.) (Nos.) Oppein kitchen cabinet (including 2,459 361 341 2,479 kitchen and wardrobe) Oppein wardrobe (whole home 2,201 352 343 2,210 customization) Oppein Sanitary 805 73 62 816 Direct-sale stores of the Company 47 16 5 58 Oppolia 989 266 201 1,054 Ouboni 1,021 242 207 1,056 Note: The statistical caliber of Oppein kitchen cabinet stores and dealers includes Oppein kitchen cabinet single category dealers, kitchen cabinet stores and comprehensive dealers and kitchen cabinet and wardrobe comprehensive stores acting for Oppein kitchen cabinets and wardrobes at the same time. (1) Store and dealer information during the reporting period Unit: nos. Number of Number of Number of dealers at Number of dealers Category stores at the end stores at the end the end of 2021 at the end of 2022 of 2021 of 2022 Oppein kitchen cabinet (including kitchen and 1,609 1,516 2,459 2,479 wardrobe) Oppein wardrobe (whole 1,079 1,062 2,201 2,210 home customization) Oppolia 852 899 989 1,054 Oppein Sanitary 641 655 805 816 Ouboni 931 902 1,021 1,056 (2) Oppein dealers and stores by market level Unit: nos. 34/259 2022 Annual Report Oppein kitchen cabinet (including Oppein wardrobe Ouboni Market level kitchen and wardrobe) (independent) Dealer Store Dealer Store Dealer Store A 67 517 29 428 84 169 B 355 756 226 602 311 365 C 1,094 1,206 807 1,180 507 522 Total 1,516 2,479 1,062 2,210 902 1,056 Oppein Sanitary Oppolia Market level Dealer Store Dealer Store A 30 44 28 103 B 259 337 196 244 C 366 435 675 707 Total 655 816 899 1,054 (3) Store and dealer information by region Unit: nos. Oppein kitchen cabinet Oppein wardrobe (including kitchen and Ouboni Region (independent) wardrobe) Dealer Store Dealer Store Dealer Store East China 338 638 258 544 247 273 Central China 297 447 225 388 149 159 South China 160 297 116 257 75 94 North China 222 341 144 343 161 198 Northwest 112 189 93 204 93 119 China Southwest 278 397 177 338 108 128 China Northeast 109 170 49 136 69 85 China Total 1,516 2,479 1,062 2,210 902 1,056 Oppein Sanitary Oppolia Region Dealer Store Dealer Store East China 176 223 243 298 Central China 116 135 159 175 South China 79 90 84 93 North China 88 116 163 180 Northwest China 26 42 52 72 Southwest China 116 153 130 153 Northeast China 54 57 68 83 Total 655 816 899 1,054 2 Profitability of each product type during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Increase Increase or or Increase or decrease in decrease Gross decrease in gross in Product profit operating profit Operating income Operating cost operating type margin costs over the margin income (%) previous year over the over the (%) previous previous year (%) year (%) 35/259 2022 Annual Report Kitchen 7,173,091,365.63 4,732,790,483.06 34.02 -4.73 -4.26 -0.33 cabinets Wardrobes and 12,139,192,500.13 8,281,753,525.39 31.78 19.34 20.07 -0.41 accessories Bathroom 1,034,631,973.88 763,599,926.60 26.20 4.63 3.51 0.80 Wood 1,345,660,384.59 1,125,190,957.38 16.38 8.85 5.62 2.56 door Other 307,946,204.57 240,782,843.14 21.81 40.64 32.33 4.91 3 Production and sales of each product type during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Increase or Purchased Self-produced Outsourced decrease in finished Other sources Sales volume Product type products production sales over the products ('0,000 nos.) ('0,000 nos.) ('0,000 nos.) ('0,000 nos.) previous year ('0,000 nos.) (%) Integrated 82.91 / / / 85.08 -4.65 cabinets Wardrobes and supporting 317.63 / / / 327.14 15.79 furniture products Integrated 64.21 / / / 62.79 3.14 bathroom Integrated 109.97 / / / 109.69 7.01 wood door 4 Profitability of each brand during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit:CNY '0,000 Operating Operating Increase or income ratio cost ratio decrease in Gross profit Increase or Increase or gross profit Brand Operating income Operating cost margin decrease in decrease in margin over the (%) the previous the previous previous year year year (%) (%) (%) Oppein 1,881,382.29 1,280,613.87 31.93 7.77 8.68 -0.58 Oppolia 184,110.84 121,278.81 34.13 29.13 27.27 0.96 Ouboni 134,559.11 112,519.10 16.38 8.85 5.62 2.56 5 Profitability of each sales channel during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit:CNY ‘0,000 Increase or Increase or Increase or decrease in Gross decrease in decrease in gross profit Operating profit operating operating margin Sales channel Operating cost income margin income over costs over the over the (%) the previous previous year previous year (%) (%) year (%) Total stores 1,828,762.75 1,249,604.92 31.67 12.42 12.19 0.14 Direct-sale 70,552.63 31,429.10 55.45 20.12 49.16 -8.67 stores 36/259 2022 Annual Report Dealership 1,758,210.11 1,218,175.82 30.72 12.13 11.48 0.41 Bulk business 349,472.76 252,065.84 27.87 -4.85 -0.83 -2.92 Online sales / / / / / / Other 21,816.73 12,741.01 41.60 6.47 -12.48 12.64 Total 2,200,052.24 1,514,411.77 31.16 9.21 9.54 -0.20 (V) Investment analysis Overall analysis of foreign equity investment √ Applicable □ Not applicable I. The Company has set up 12 holding subsidiaries and sub-subsidiaries such as Chengdu Oppein Creative Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. and Handan Oppein Large Home Furnishing Sales Co., Ltd., with a total investment amount of about CNY 51 million (calculated according to the investment obligations of each company's registered capital). II. Oppein (Hong Kong) International Trade Company Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, completed the purchase of 100% equity interest in FORMER S.R.L. held by FASA S.R.L. of Italy at a transaction consideration of 4.63 million euros. 1. Significant equity investments □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Significant non-equity investments √ Applicable □ Not applicable "Oppein Home Intelligent Manufacturing Base in Central China" plans to build a new smart home production line and supporting facilities such as cabinets, wardrobes, wooden doors and bathrooms. About CNY 630 million was invested in the reporting period. Where: In terms of infrastructure construction, 1. The main structure or secondary structure of most factories has been completed; the secondary structure construction of some factories is in progress; the wall decoration of some factories has been completed and is in the stage of installation engineering; 2. The main body of the three-dimensional warehouse and the steel structure roof have been completed, and the secondary mechanism construction is being implemented; 3. The construction of external wall related works of some supporting facilities has been completed, and the construction of waterproof works has been completed; some supporting facilities are still in the main construction stage. In terms of equipment purchase progress, the equipment such as cutting and edge sealing required for the production of wardrobes and kitchen cabinets has been paid in the early stage, and the performance of the equipment purchase contract is normal. 37/259 2022 Annual Report 3. Financial assets measured at fair value √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Profits and losses Cumulative Impairment Sale/redemption Asset on changes in fair changes in fair accrued in Purchase amount in Beginning balance amount in the Other changes Closing balance category value in the value recognized the current the current period current period current period in equity period Other 1,677,354,882.08 3,050,958.90 1,100,000,000.00 1,977,354,882.08 803,050,958.90 Other 310,310,218.60 143,805,165.93 5,572,715.38 64,497,384.83 369,234,888.05 Other 60,339,938.23 -36,815,234.41 1,000,000.00 5,555,866.75 18,968,837.07 Total 2,048,005,038.91 -33,764,275.51 143,805,165.93 0.00 1,101,000,000.00 1,988,483,464.21 64,497,384.83 1,191,254,684.02 Notes: 1. The first line of "other": other trading financial assets, bank financial product data; 2. The second line of "other": other are investments in other equity instruments, where "other changes" are 64.4974 million fair value changes included in other comprehensive income in the current period 3. The third line of "other": other are other non-current financial assets. 38/259 2022 Annual Report Securities investment □ Applicable √ Not applicable Private equity investment □ Applicable √ Not applicable Derivatives investment □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Specific progress of major asset restructuring and integration during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (VI) Disposal of material assets and equity □ Applicable √ Not applicable (VII) Analysis of major holding and shareholding companies √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY, '0,000 Principal Registered Total Operating Operating Net assets Net profit activities Capital assets income profit Tianjin Oppein Integration Manufacturing 5,000.00 179,799.96 102,097.30 235,452.26 18,498.67 16,688.49 Home Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Oppein Manufacturing 10,000.00 782,199.72 243,966.06 884,835.34 65,326.00 57,112.50 Integration Home Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Oppein Creative Design service 1,000.00 214,484.40 158,362.86 95,516.24 40,766.62 34,958.41 Home Design Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Oppein Creative Home Design service 1,000.00 121,511.18 100,484.59 75,050.61 55,873.72 47,697.80 Design Co., Ltd. (VIII) Structured subjects controlled by the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI. Discussion and analysis of the Company's future development (I) Industry structure and trend √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. With the adjustment of demand structure, the proportion of stock housing market gradually increases According to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, the growth of the new housing market has declined, and the users of stock housing and second-hand housing have become the growth point of the furniture industry. The "14th five year plan" proposes that the urbanization rate of China's permanent population will increase to 65%, and by the end of 2022, the urbanization rate of China's population was 65.22%, an increase of 0.50% over 2021. China's rapid urbanization exceeds the expected progress of the original target, forming a good foundation for the support of the demand side. China's average building age of the stock houses continues to rise, the demand for demolition also increases accordingly. According to the data of the seventh census, by 2020, households living in houses with housing age of less than 10 years/11-20 years/21-30 years/31-40 years/41-50 years/above 50 years accounted for 36.7%/32.03%/19.65%/8.63%/1.91%/1.08% respectively. From the perspective of the facilities of stock houses, according to the data of the seventh national census, the proportion of stock houses without kitchens or shared kitchens with other households in houses was 4.23%, and the proportion of stock houses without piped tap water was 3.50%. At present, there is still lots of room for optimization of the quality of some houses, and the demand for inventory renovation is expected to provide new incremental demand for the home decoration industry. 39/259 2022 Annual Report Figure: Stock Housing Facilities in 2020 No bathing facilities in the house No flush toilet in the house No kitchen or sharing with other households in the house No piped tap water in the house Source: China Census Yearbook 2020, National Bureau of Statistics, compiled by Beike Research Institute According to the calculation of Beike Research Institute, during 2022-2030, the total demand for housing decoration in China will be between 3-5 billion m2 per year. Under neutral conditions, the total demand for housing decoration in China will reach 3.971 billion m2 in 2025 and 4.596 billion m2 in 2030. According to the hard decoration data of complete sets of housing in SD Home Decoration covered cities and the adjustment calculation of Beike Research Institute, the average expenditure of home decoration in China in 2022 is CNY 1,040 per m2 from the beginning of decoration to the completion and occupancy. Based on the forecast of demand and decoration unit price, in the neutral case, the scale of China's home decoration market will reach CNY 4.78 trillion in 2025 and CNY 7.06 trillion in 2030. Table: Forecast of Home Decoration and Home Furnishing Market Size Year 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E 2028E 2029E 2030E Market Conservative 3.51 3.88 4.30 4.51 4.80 5.12 5.42 5.78 6.58 scale of Neutral 3.69 4.12 4.52 4.78 5.12 5.47 5.80 6.19 7.06 home decoration and home Optimistic 3.88 4.35 4.79 5.06 5.42 5.80 6.23 6.62 7.54 furnishing (CNY trillion) Source: Calculation of Beike Research Institute According to the classification of CBN The Rising Lab, Beike Research Institute divides cities into six categories: first tier, new first tier, second tier, third tier, fourth tier and fifth tier cities. According to the forecast of regional market scale, the home decoration market in third tier cities is the largest and the main source of demand. Under the neutral assumption, the third tier home decoration market will be CNY 1.23 trillion in 2025 and CNY 1.82 trillion in 2030. In addition, the decoration of stock house has become the main source of demand in the home decoration market, and its proportion in the total market size has continued to increase. In the neutral case, the market size of incremental house decoration will reach CNY 1.50 trillion in 2025 and CNY 1.92 trillion in 2030. Table: Forecast of Market Size of Incremental House and Stock House Decoration Year 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E 2026E 2027E 2028E 2029E 2030E Market size Conservative 1.12 1.13 1.20 1.24 1.26 1.32 1.35 1.41 1.43 of Neutral 1.30 1.37 1.42 1.50 1.58 1.67 1.73 1.82 1.92 incremental housing Optimistic 1.49 1.60 1.70 1.78 1.89 2.00 2.15 2.25 2.39 decoration (CNY 40/259 2022 Annual Report trillion) Market size of stock 2.39 2.75 3.09 3.28 3.54 3.80 4.07 4.37 5.15 housing decoration Source: Calculation of Beike Research Institute 2. The demand for one-stop decoration continues to increase, and the whole home and decoration have gradually become the mainstream and consensus of the industry Passenger flow structure continues to adjust, traditional channel growth is under pressure, and the integration of traffic fragmentation has become a medium and long-term trend; in terms of categories, many categories are integrated and penetrated into each other, and the boundaries between categories are gradually blurred. One stop decoration can "fast and economically" solve the decoration needs of consumers, allow consumers choose from a certain number of principal and auxiliary material brands and colors and materials, and effectively reduce the cost of information search. Meanwhile, it can reduce the information asymmetry between consumers, decoration enterprises and building materials brands, shorten the decision-making cycle and promote the transformation of transactions, and make the whole home customization and whole decoration gradually develop from market cultivation to market popularization. The whole decoration channel has become an important direction in the development planning of many customized home furnishing enterprises. The whole decoration companies and customized home furnishing enterprises promote the market share from scattered long-tail to concentration in the form of professional division of labor. In order to meet the needs of stock house, second-hand house user renovation and consumer one-stop decoration, the Company, with its outstanding capabilities in product R&D, supply chain integration, efficient channel operation, digital marketing, large-scale intelligent manufacturing and other aspects precipitated for many years, has put forward "one-stop good appearance whole home customized decoration solutions". In 2022, the Company quickly iterated the whole home customization to "the whole home customization 2.0", upgraded the model of "six space consulting planning of the whole home + cabinet, door and wall products + menu pricing", and truly solved the pain points of consumers' whole home demand. The Company's whole home brand "Baunis" took the lead in putting forward the vision of "one- stop super integrated service provider" in the industry, and continued to open up a new path and model for whole decoration large home furnishing on the basis of "increasing traffic, expanding channels and increasing unit value". Meanwhile, the Company cooperates with pan-home head brands, including the whole chain of home appliances, principal materials, base materials, soft decoration and other home products, to provide consumers with big brands and cost-effective products. In 2023, the Company will build a system to serve decoration enterprises, increase the expansion of whole decoration channels, and comprehensively launch the "thousand cities and ten billion yuan" plan to help the output value of decoration enterprises continue to break through. In addition to strengthening the advantages of customized kitchen cabinets, customized wardrobes and other core categories, the Company continues to expand in integrated kitchens, soft decoration facilities, kitchen appliances and other aspects. 3. The furniture industry is extending from "industry brand" to "consumer brand" Furniture industry is a durable consumer goods with low frequency and high unit price. Consumers' awareness of brand is still gradually building, and the industry as a whole is developing from "industry brand" to "consumer brand". At present, the furniture industry is showing a situation of brand melee. In different types of target markets and consumer groups, there are many brands competing with each other, and companies seize market share and hope to stabilize their position. Multi-brand strategy is an important measure for home enterprises to open up the growth ceiling and break through their original boundaries. Based on their own strategic advantages, management advantages, product advantages, channel advantages and other comprehensive competitiveness, the Company continues to break through in building consumer brands in the furniture industry, and strengthens the core brand image of "Oppein style". At the same time, according to the structure of different consumer groups, it launched high-end, mid-to-high end, younger and other brands with different levels of user needs, such as Oppolia, Baunis, FITZCARL, miform and other series, to further expand the coverage of market segments and end consumers, provide full choices for consumers, and further enhance the comprehensive strength of market competition, which will help to open up the growth space in an all-round way. 4. Informatization helps to upgrade experience, improve the efficiency of the whole process, and continue to tap the space for cost reduction and efficiency enhancement With the continuous promotion of the furniture industry, the development of informatization, which goes deep into all links and businesses of the furniture industry chain, is a key factor to improve the operating efficiency of enterprises and reduce production costs. To a certain extent, it can help the landing and implementation of enterprise development strategies, and the importance of building strong informatization capabilities and barriers is becoming increasingly prominent. Informatization capacity is an important basis for the upgrading and improvement of the whole process of furniture consumption experience. The construction of informatization capacity in the furniture industry continues to advance from the design and rendering of front end renderings, the optimization of disassembly and review processes, the design drawings to the one-click connection at the factory end, and provides customized furniture users with WYSIWYG, efficient and timely response, process improvement and other high-quality experiences. After years of 41/259 2022 Annual Report development and market cultivation, the work efficiency of front end designers has been greatly improved, and consumers can see design drawings close to the real scene and effect in a relatively short period of time, which promotes the transformation from intended customers to transaction customers to a certain extent. In the future, the development of informatization will further focus on the production links at the factory side, through the transformation and upgrading of machinery, equipment and production systems, process sorting and efficiency optimization, it will fully tap the optimization space, transfer more profits excavated at the back end to consumers, and promote the further improvement of the cost performance ratio of consumers' home consumption. Around informatization, the Company designs a marketing service management system with the help of MTDS terminal to realize the transformation from "human command machine" to "machine command machine", reduce dependence on people and further improve human efficiency. The Company's informatization advantages are reflected in active investment and comprehensive opening up, from catching up to surpassing, and continuously driving the efficiency improvement and cost optimization of front and back end order design and production and all links of the whole category. (II) Company development strategy √ Applicable □ Not applicable "Home, love and Oppein" is not only a well-known advertising slogan, but also the glory and goal of our 29-year struggle. The Company's corporate vision is positioned to "build Oppein into a world excellent home furnishing enterprise". Looking at the present, in the face of the rapid change of the industry and the world of great change, only by following the trend can we remain in the forefront. To this end, the Company will continue to work around the "three horses and one vehicle" strategy: 1. Informatization strategy: The successful application of Oppein informatization, first, improves the user experience, users can feel the future home through three-dimensional model browsing, high-definition rendering, 720°rendering and small video in the design stage; second, the direct application of design data greatly improves the accuracy and efficiency of quotation, ordering, splitting, technical review, price review and settlement; third, the improvement of the accuracy and efficiency of these links means the shortening of order design, order conversion cycle, product delivery cycle, and fewer errors. In addition, Oppein informatization conforms to the development needs of the future decoration business of the whole Group. In the future, Oppein informatization will also empower dealers to expand new formats through innovative technological means such as Internet, big data, cloud computing, AI artificial intelligence and supply chain collaboration, reconstruct the business ecology, industry chain and value chain of large home furnishing, innovate and transform the traditional customization model and upgrade it into a modern, one-stop delivery and new generation of large home furnishing business model. 2. Building a large home furnishing model: Oppein is the first enterprise in the industry to put forward a breakthrough development strategy for large home furnishing. The core of the strategy is to grow from a single product provider to a home integration solution provider to solve the demand pain points of consumers and channel providers. Driven by the dual advantages of first mover advantage and enterprise organization and operation coordination ability, Oppein's large home furnishing strategy will continue to move forward: On the one hand, we will quickly perceive and deepen the research and building of various large home furnishing models, and explore a large home furnishing development path that conforms to the situation of Oppein and adapts to the market situation; on the other hand, we will continue to explore innovative business models for the integration of cabinets and bathrooms, the customization of good appearance whole home, whole decoration large home furnishing, retail large home furnishing and other categories. 3. Oppein manufacturing 2025: Based on the Company's informatization strategy and large home furnishing strategy, the manufacturing side efficiently realizes the continuous evolution of products from single channel to multi-channel, from whole home customization to whole case customization, effectively promotes the landing of large home furnishing strategy from the source of products and services, continuously deepens the integration of design and production, and continuously upgrades the underlying architecture of CAXA to create an integrated design software more suitable for large home furnishing scenarios, comprehensively improves the overall level of intelligent and automated manufacturing, focuses on the construction of digital factory cloud, and builds Oppein manufacturing 2025 digital lighthouse factory. 4. Comprehensive optimization of terminals: While maintaining the advantages and status of the original channels, the Company will actively lay out home decoration, whole decoration, bag check, online and foreign trade channel business, channel management, system management and innovation management in parallel, constantly optimize management methods, pilot new models multi-dimensionally, and constantly enrich and upgrade terminal sales forms. 5. Brand building: At present, the main home decoration and home furnishing consumers show outstanding characteristics such as youth, branding, health, intellectualization and one-stop, which is the new direction of brand promotion strategy in the future. The Company will gradually build the original "product brand" to "platform brand". As one of the core elements of enterprise development, brand reputation will bring better customer stickiness to the products and services of brand enterprises, and also bring broader imagination space to the development of brand enterprises. The Company will continue to carry out brand building and management through multiple channels and forms, so as to make "home, love and Oppein" more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. 42/259 2022 Annual Report (III) Business plan √ Applicable □ Not applicable Entering 2023, we are pleased to see that the production and living order of the whole society has gradually returned to normal, governments at all levels have introduced various economic stimulus and protection policies, and consumption will probably gradually recover. Faced with the current situation, we generally maintain cautious optimism, and Oppein people will work towards the same goal, gather the strength of the masses, and strive to break through! In 2023, the Company strives to achieve a year-on-year increase in operating income of 10%-15% and a year-on-year increase in net profit of 10%-15%. (Special note: The above indicators are intended to clarify the Company's operating and internal management control objectives, and do not represent the Company's performance guidance or profit forecast for 2023, let alone its performance commitment to investors. Whether the above objectives can be achieved is affected by many factors, such as macroeconomic environment, market conditions, industry development and management team efforts, and there are certain uncertainties. Investors are advised to pay attention to risks.) The specific plans are as follows: 1. Continuously deepen management innovation, use "system" to stimulate the vitality of the whole organization and cope with various changes and challenges "Extreme climate will force extreme pressure, and under extreme pressure, most enterprises will be crushed into the dust of history, and only a few enterprises will undergo atomic deconstruction and remodeling, just as graphite carbon becomes diamond"! In 2022, the extreme operating pressure forced the Company to reflect deeply and comprehensively. Based on a series of in-depth self-analysis, the Company launched a new round of comprehensive reform. In 2023, the Company will continue to practice, revise and enhance the support capacity of middleground operation, and consolidate the foundation of high-quality development management: First, the Company should strengthen the construction and reform of the system and incentive mechanism more thoroughly and sparingly, and use the "system" to stimulate and activate the whole organization to cope with various changes and challenges. The Company will fully activate the organization by implementing measures such as the reform of incentive mechanism for timed posts, functional assessment at the Group level and the reform and optimization of incentive policies, stimulate the maximum creativity of various posts, and form a joint force of enterprises to overcome difficulties in overall competitiveness; second, the Company should build a systematic operation capability that matches the strategy with process governance, so as to achieve the construction of end-to-end business capability and support capability of organizational strategic objectives. 2. Continue to explore and practice the road of climbing the peak of large home furnishing strategy on both sides. Oppein whole decoration large home furnishing and a wider range of retail large home furnishing are the two sides of the peak of large home furnishing and the main way to reach the top (1) Oppein/Baunis whole decoration large home furnishing "advances forward with two wings and collaborates globally". First, the Company should further give full play to the system advantages of the Company's large home furnishing production and management, create a "new whole decoration" strategy, and continue to lead cross-industry integration breakthroughs; second, the Company should fully enable terminals, continue to promote the innovation of V8 operation system and "operation 1+8" system, and enhance terminal traffic acquisition and operation capabilities; third, the Company should further optimize investment promotion, cooperate with the existing business model and enabling system through investment promotion, and transport them to more potential high-quality partners; fourth, product extension, on the premise of having a better sales foundation for kitchen cabinets and wardrobes, through product R&D, package integration, mechanism guidance to increase the sales proportion of wooden doors, bathrooms, supporting products and other products in the whole decoration channel, so as to promote the sustained growth of performance. (2) Retail large home furnishing is divided into two ways, one way to the Red Sea and the other way to the blue sea. First, conform to the trend of home passenger flow fragmentation, promote online and offline integration, extend the customer acquisition scenarios of traditional stores through "1+N+X", and enhance the customer acquisition ability in all dimensions; second, speed up the integration of categories, provide consumers with the convenience of integrated design, one-stop purchase and package completion of home space through the integration of kitchen and bathroom and the further upgrading of the whole business, enhance the competitive threshold of home industry, and accelerate the expansion of the Company's leading edge; third, the "professional+service" enabling retail system of Oppein large home furnishing is transformed into the whole decoration track, so as to further consolidate and promote Oppein retailer to become the leader of the whole decoration track (blue sea). 3. Forge ahead and deepen the road of Oppein informatization First, continue to deepen the integration of design and production, upgrade the underlying architecture of CAXA, and build an integrated design software more suitable for large home furnishing scenarios; second, focus on the construction of digital factory cloud and build Oppein manufacturing 2025 digital lighthouse factory; third, comprehensively plan, design, develop and deep integrate automatic sorting, testing, transshipment, packaging, warehousing, processing data acquisition modules and work division management in the workshop; fourth, promote the 43/259 2022 Annual Report transformation of loading and unloading automation, robot electronic saw transformation, drilling line, sorting/packaging automation transformation and other projects, and comprehensively improve the overall level of intelligent manufacturing. 4. Strengthen the core competitiveness of products, continue to iterate and upgrade, and timely meet the needs of consumers for the appearance, function, supporting, quality, cost performance and delivery time of home products First, increase R&D and reserves of technology and process, and effectively transform products; second, build a complete delivery management system for the whole category, and establish a plan management model and delivery service standards to meet customer needs; third, reconstruct the quality management system in an all-round way, focusing on promoting the Group's quality reform project, terminal design and installation quality assistance and design problem prevention system construction project. (IV) Possible risks √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Risk of changes in market demand In 2023, throughout the international community, the economic downturn in the past three years, the haze of risk spillover in the domestic real estate industry has not yet completely dispersed, the economic situation is still in a relatively weak state, the society has begun to be active due to circulation, and the economy has gradually recovered due to activity, but the operating environment and supply chain of domestic and foreign markets also face uncertainty, which will bring uncertainty to the Company's production and operation objectives in 2023. Through the analysis of consumer demand portraits, the Company will accurately grasp the "consumer demand for the transformation of second-hand houses and stock houses" and "consumer demand for new houses (rough, partial decoration, fine decoration)", through the rectification of the whole house, local rectification, hard decoration and bag check, with the whole home package as the starting point, Oppein whole decoration large home furnishing and retail large home furnishing models should be carried out simultaneously to provide consumers with integrated design, one-stop matching and a package of services, to meet the needs of consumers for "better, faster and more economically", improve the consumption experience of home decoration consumers, and stimulate and awaken their consumption demand. 2. Risk of increased market competition The Company's customized furniture industry belongs to the furniture subdivision industry. As the industry leader, the Company has strong advantages in design and development, brand, service and channel. However, due to the fact that the customized furniture industry is in a shift period from high speed to medium-high speed growth, coupled with the increase of cross-border entrants in the industry, the release of production capacity of listed companies' investment projects, and the fragmentation of passenger flow, the change of internal and external factors will lead to the industry competition from the low-level competition of product price to the compound competition level composed of brand, network, service, talent, management and scale. The Company will continue to promote the iteration of business model, optimize its organizational structure, meet the whole decoration business, improve the layout of industrial chain, implement the Company's large home furnishing strategy in multiple dimensions, constantly polish product packages to meet the needs of traditional retail customers, and increase cooperation with decoration enterprises based on the general direction of "product decoration", seize traffic entrances in multiple directions, and obtain incremental traffic. 3. Risk of fluctuations in raw material prices The raw materials of customized furniture products produced by the Company include particleboard, MDF, functional hardware, quartz plate and some purchased electrical appliances. In the past three years, the Company's direct material cost accounts for a high proportion of production cost, and the change of raw material price has a greater impact on the Company's production cost. Since the end of 2020, the prices of major raw materials have risen, and up to now they are still running at a high level. If the purchase prices of raw materials fluctuate sharply in the future, it may have an uncertain impact on the Company's profitability. As the largest enterprise in the production and marketing of kitchen cabinets and wardrobes (whole house customization) in the world, under the adverse procurement situation of fluctuations in raw materials and commodity markets in recent years, the Company actively employs its advantages of large purchase scale and abundant operating cash flow to expand and innovate a variety of cost control ideas. The supply chain management center focuses on the four major aspects of "lock strategy", "control rhythm", "optimize structure" and "sustainability" to control the direct impact of sharp fluctuations in raw material prices on the Company's purchase costs. 4. Dealer management risk Dealer exclusive store sales are the main sales model in the customized furniture industry. The sales model of dealer 44/259 2022 Annual Report exclusive stores is conducive to customized furniture enterprises to expand their marketing network with the help of the regional resource advantages of dealers, effectively penetrate the markets at all levels and improve the market share of products. Although the Company and dealers have agreed on each other's rights and obligations in the cooperation agreement signed, and have unified management of dealers in terms of store image design, personnel training and product pricing, if individual dealers fail to sell and publicize in accordance with the agreement, it may have an uncertain impact on the Company's brand image. The Company is in a cooperative relationship with dealers. On the premise of conforming to the changing trend of the market and combining with the overall business promotion of the Company, the Company will provide all-round empowerment and supervision for the daily operation and customer service of distributors in a multi-dimensional way, including but not limited to flow empowerment, management empowerment, model empowerment and strategic empowerment. At present, the Company has a relatively perfect dealer introduction, assessment and withdrawal system guarantee, operating in long term, continuously upgrading and iterating on the premise of respecting the law of market change, effectively implementing and landing, which is conducive to more efficient, closer and stable cooperation between headquarters and dealers to jointly provide consumers with better products and services. In addition, the Company has formulated an early warning mechanism for abnormal operation of dealers, and when there are abnormal indications, there will be timely management measures to follow up and effectively safeguard the rights and interests of consumers. (V) Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable VII. The Company fails to disclose the situation and reasons in accordance with the standards due to non application of the standards or special reasons such as state secrets and trade secrets □ Applicable √ Not applicable Section IV Corporate governance I. Notes on corporate governance √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the reporting period, the Company strictly complied with the requirements of laws, regulations, departmental rules and normative documents such as the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Guidelines for the Governance for Listed Companies, the Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, and the Rules for the Listing of Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In line with the actual situation of the Company, the Company continuously improved the corporate governance structure, strengthened the management of insider information, strengthened the awareness of responsibility for information disclosure, attached importance to the management of investor relations and earnestly safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and shareholders. There is no difference between the corporate governance status and the requirements for Guidelines for the Governance for Listed Companies, as follows: (I) About shareholders and general meetings of shareholders The Company shall convene the general meetings of shareholders in strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Guidelines for the Governance for Listed Companies, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of Shareholders. The deliberation procedures of various proposals shall be open and transparent, the decision-making shall be fair and equitable, and the resolutions shall be legal and effective. There is no situation in which major matters of the Company have not been deliberated by the general meetings of shareholders, nor is there a situation in which they are implemented first and then deliberated. During the reporting period, the Company held three general meetings of shareholders in 2022, and the specific resolutions are detailed in the "Brief introduction to the general meeting of shareholders". Each meeting adopted a combination of on-site voting and online voting to facilitate the participation of minority shareholders in decision-making, ensure the right of minority shareholders to know, participate and vote on major matters of the Company, and fully protect the interests of the majority of minority investors. (II) About the Company and controlling shareholders The controlling shareholders of the Company enjoy the rights of investors through the general meetings of shareholders in accordance with the law, and do not directly or indirectly interfere with the Company's production decisions and business activities beyond the general meetings of shareholders. The Company has independent business and independent operation ability, the controlling shareholders can strictly regulate their own behavior, the Company has no related party transactions with the controlling shareholders, the Company and the controlling shareholders have achieved complete independence in personnel, assets, business, institutions, finance and other aspects, and the Company's board of directors, board of supervisors and internal institutions can operate independently. Since the listing of the Company, there was no situation that major shareholder occupies the Company's funds and assets. 45/259 2022 Annual Report (III) About directors and the board of directors During the reporting period, the board of directors of the Company was able to conscientiously perform its duties, make prudent and scientific decisions, and effectively implement the relevant decisions of the general meetings of shareholders in strict accordance with the provisions of the Company Law, the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors. During the reporting period, the board of directors held 12 meetings, and the convening of each meeting met the requirements of relevant regulations. During the reporting period, the Company completed the election of the new board of directors, and the fourth board of directors was composed of 7 directors, including 3 independent directors. The selection and appointment procedures shall be carried out in strict accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, and the number and composition of the board of directors of the Company shall meet the requirements of laws and regulations. The board of directors has four committees: Strategy Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration and Assessment Committee. In accordance with the provisions of their respective rules of work, the special committees shall fulfill their duties diligently, conscientiously and responsibly, and promote the scientific decision- making and standardized operation of the board of directors. During the reporting period, the resolutions of the board of directors and each committee of the Company are detailed in "relevant information of the board of directors held during the reporting period" and "special committees under the board of directors". (IV) About supervisors and the board of supervisors During the reporting period, in line with the attitude of being responsible to the Company and all shareholders, the board of supervisors conscientiously performed its duties in accordance with the relevant provisions and requirements of the Company Law, the Articles of Association, the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors and other relevant provisions and requirements, attended the general meetings of shareholders and the board of directors, convened the board of supervisors, and exercised its supervisory powers in accordance with the law, supervised corporate governance, material matters, financial condition and compliance with the duties performed by directors, managers and other senior managers of the Company and promoted the legitimate and standardized operation of the Company. In 2022, the Company held 11 meetings of the board of supervisors, and the convening of each meeting met the requirements of relevant regulations. During the reporting period, the Company conducted a new election of the board of supervisors, and the fourth board of supervisors set up three supervisors, including one employee representative supervisor. The structure of the members of the board of supervisors is reasonable, and the qualifications and selection procedures meet the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association. (V) About information disclosure and transparency The Company's information disclosure work has been evaluated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange for class A again, and has been evaluated by class A for four consecutive years. During the reporting period, the Company also implemented stock option incentive plans, employee stock ownership plans, re-public issuance of convertible bonds and other major projects. The above projects and other daily temporary announcements are in strict accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, and the Rules for the Listing of Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the Articles of Association, the Management System for Information Disclosure of Oppein Home Group, and the Regulations on the Administration of Major Information Submission within Oppein Home Group, fulfill the obligation of information disclosure, and manage the registration and submission of insider information at various stages according to regulations. (VI) About investor relations management Temporary announcements are an important channel for investors to learn about the daily operation of the Company and the progress of major matters, and periodic reports are an important reference for investors to make value judgments and investment decisions on the Company's stock. During the reporting period, the Company disclosed periodic reports and various temporary announcements in accordance with regulations, which would truthfully, accurately, completely, timely and fairly disclose information that may have a significant impact on the Company's production and operation and on the Company's stock price. In each periodic report and quarterly report, the Company combines the industry policy and market dynamics, deeply compares and analyzes the Company's industry development trend, business model, core competitiveness, business plan and other industry and operational information, and discloses the social responsibility report (Chinese and English Edition) to the market for the first time in 2022 to further convey the Company's value to domestic and foreign investors. After the disclosure of each periodic report and quarterly report, the Company held a performance presentation by combining live network broadcasting with telephone access, with the active participation of the president of the Company, the person in charge of finance and other management, so that investors can have a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of the Company's current operation. The total number of views viewed by online investors at each performance presentation exceeded 100,000. During the reporting period, the Company won the new wealth annual best 46/259 2022 Annual Report IR team award, outstanding IR enterprise, performance presentation diligence award, excellent IR team, small and medium-sized investor relations interaction award and best new media operation award. In 2022, the Company did not fulfill the review procedures for important matters or timely fulfill the information disclosure procedures. Whether there are significant differences between corporate governance and laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the CSRC on the governance of listed companies; if there are major differences, the reasons shall be explained □ Applicable √ Not applicable II. Specific measures taken by the controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the Company to ensure the independence of the Company's assets, personnel, finance, institutions and business, as well as solutions, work progress and follow-up work plans taken to affect the independence of the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable The controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other units under their control engage in the same or similar business as the Company, as well as the impact of horizontal competition and major changes in interbank competition on the Company, the solutions taken, the progress of solutions and the follow-up solutions □ Applicable √ Not applicable III. Brief introduction to general meetings of shareholders Disclosure Search index of designated date Session Date websites published in the published Resolution of the meeting resolution in the resolution The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Adjusting the Application of the Company and Its Holding Subsidiaries for Comprehensive Credit Line from Banks in 2021-2022 The first 2. Proposal on the First Phase of Excellent provisional Shanghai Stock Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) of general February Exchangewww.sse.com.cn, February Oppein Home Group Inc. and its summary meeting of 16, 2022 Announcement No.: 2022- 17, 2022 3. Proposal on the Measures for the shareholders 012 Administration of the First Phase of in 2022 Excellent Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) of Oppein Home Group Inc. 4. Proposal on Submitting to the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to the First Phase of the Company's Excellent Employee Stock Ownership Plan The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Report on the Work of the Board of Directors of the Company in 2021 2. Report on the Work of the Board of Supervisors of the Company in 2021 3. Proposal on the Annual Report of the Annual Shanghai Stock Exchange Company for 2021 and Its Summary General May 27, www.sse.com.cn, May 28, 4. Annual Financial Statement of the Meetings of 2022 Announcement No.: 2022- 2022 Company for 2021 Shareholders 037 5. Financial Budget Report of the 2021 Company for 2022 6. Proposal on Profit Distribution Plan of the Company for 2021 7. Proposal on Determining the External Guarantee Quota of the Company and Its Holding Subsidiaries 8. Proposal on Confirming the 47/259 2022 Annual Report Remuneration of Non-independent Directors of the Company in 2021 9. Proposal on the Renewal of Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership) as the Company's Audit Institution in 2022 The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Allowance for Independent Directors of the Fourth Board of Directors 2. Proposal on Reformulating the Management System of Raised Funds of Oppein Home Group Inc. The second 3. Proposal on Providing Performance provisional Shanghai Stock Exchange Guarantee for Wholly-owned Subsidiaries general September www.sse.com.cn, September 4. Proposal on Amending Some Provisions meeting of 29, 2022 Announcement No.: 2022- 30, 2022 of the Articles of Association shareholders 080 5. Proposal on Amending Some Provisions in 2022 of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors of Oppein Home Group Inc. 6. Proposal on the Election of Non- independent Directors 7. Proposal on the Election of Independent Directors 8. Proposal on the Election of Supervisors Preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restored request the convening of a provisional general meeting of shareholders □ Applicable √ Not applicable Information note of general meetings of shareholders √ Applicable □ Not applicable The convening procedures of the above-mentioned general meetings of shareholders shall comply with the relevant laws, regulations, normative documents such as the Company Law, the Rules for General Meetings and the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association; the qualifications of the personnel attending the meeting and the convener are legal and effective; the voting procedures and results of each general meeting of shareholders are legal and effective. 48/259 2022 Annual Report IV. Directors, supervisors and senior managers (I) Shareholding changes and remuneration of current and resignation directors, supervisors and senior managers during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: nos. Total pre-tax remuneration Whether to Number of Number of Increase and Reasons received from obtain Term started Term ended shares held at shares held at decrease of for the Company remuneration Name Post (note) Gender Age on on the beginning the end of the shares in the increase or during the from related of the year year year decrease reporting parties of the period (CNY Company '0,000) Yao Chairman Male 58 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 403,200,000 403,200,000 0 / 96.71 No Liangsong Tan Vice Male 58 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 1,444,380 1,444,380 0 / 929.65 No Qinxing chairman Yao Vice Male 53 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 51,578,316 51,578,316 0 / 195.64 No Liangbai chairman Liu Director Male 46 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 16,544 16,544 0 / 36.42 No Shunping Independent Qin Shuo Male 54 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 0 0 0 / 12.83 No director Independent Jiang Qi Male 42 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 0 0 0 / 12.83 No director Li Independent Male 55 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 0 0 0 / 3.75 No Xinquan director Chairman of Zhu board of Male 44 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 0 0 0 / 33.34 No Yaojun supervisors Zhao Lili Supervisor Female 45 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 0 0 0 / 26.27 No Employee Meng representative Male 37 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 0 0 0 / 9.38 No Qingwei supervisor Wang Financial Female 51 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 307,251 307,251 0 / 136.27 No Huan administrator Ou Secretary of Female 42 2022/9/29 2025/9/29 800 800 0 / 9.33 No Yingying the board 49/259 2022 Annual Report Independent Chu director Male 67 2019/9/30 2022/9/29 0 0 0 / 9.08 No Xiaoping (resignation) Chairman of Zhong the board of Male 54 2019/9/30 2022/9/29 558,719 558,719 0 / 374.92 No Huawen supervisors (resignation) Supervisor Xie Hang Male 58 2019/9/30 2022/5/27 0 0 0 / 209.11 No (resignation) Employee representative Li Lan Female 41 2019/9/30 2022/9/29 0 1,000 1,000 / 74.71 No supervisor (resignation) Secretary of Yang the board of Male 58 2019/9/30 2022/9/29 664,617 664,617 0 / 107.91 No Yaoxing directors (resignation) Total / / / / / 457,770,627 457,771,627 1,000 / 2,278.17 / Notes: 1. The "total pre-tax remuneration received from the Company during the reporting period" in the above Table is calculated on the basis of the actual working hours of directors, supervisors and senior executives; the difference in total is due to rounding. 2. The "number of shares held at the beginning of the year" in the above Table is based on the actual tenure of directors, supervisors and senior executives. Name Major work experience Male, born in August 1964, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, graduated from Beihang University in 1986, with a bachelor's degree in machinery manufacturing, a senior manager. He was a teacher of Jingdezhen (Jiangxi Province) Changhe Aircraft Manufacturing Factory Technical School, director of Guangzhou Office of Yanliang (Xi'an) Wireless Power Plant, chairman of Guangzhou Kexin New Technology Development Co., Yao Ltd., chairman of Oppein Kitchen Cabinet, vice chairman of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, executive chairman of the Liangsong China Furniture & Decoration Chamber of Commerce, chairman of the Kitchen Cabinet Professional Committee of the China Furniture & Decoration Chamber of Commerce, founding chairman of the Guangdong Furnishing Industry Federation, vice chairman of Guangdong Entrepreneurs Council and vice chairman of Guangzhou General Chamber of Commerce. He is currently the chairman and president of the Company. Male, born in April 1964, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, bachelor of aircraft manufacturing engineering. He was deputy director and senior engineer of Aircraft Technology Department of Jingdezhen (Jiangxi) Changhe Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd., general manager and Tan Qinxing manufacturing president of Kitchen and Wardrobe Business Department of Oppein Home Group. He is currently the vice chairman, vice president and executive president of the Company. Male, born in April 1969, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, bachelor of philosophy. He was a teacher of Guangdong Yao Liangbai Institute for Nationalities (now Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University), director of Administrative Department and assistant president of Oppein Home Group. He is currently secretary of the party committee, vice chairman and vice president of the Company. Male, born in August 1976, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, master of business administration, China Europe Liu Shunping International Business School. He once served as general manager of Cabinet Business Department of Oppein Home Group, general manager of marketing of 50/259 2022 Annual Report Oppein Home Group, general manager of Whole Decoration Large Home Furnishing Business Department of Oppein Home Group and vice president of Marketing of Oppein Home Group; He is currently the general manager of the Whole Home Marketing Department of Oppein. Male, born in December 1968, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, bachelor of arts, doctor of management. He was the editor in chief of Guangzhou South Wind Window magazine, the editor in chief of Yicai Media Group and the general manager of Shanghai China Business Qin Shuo News Media Co., Ltd. He is currently an independent director of the Company, CEO of Shanghai Nalati Network Technology Co., Ltd. and an independent director of China Industrial Securities International Financial Group Limited. Male, born in July 1980, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, bachelor of law. He was a certified public accountant of Guangdong Branch of Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (Special General Partnership). He is currently a partner of Guangzhou Chenchang Accounting Firm (General Jiang Qi Partnership). In addition to serving as an independent director of the Company, Mr. Jiang Qi is also an independent director of Shenzhen Xinyichang Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Sie Consulting Co., Ltd. Male, born in November 1967, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, master of arts. He was deputy secretary general of Guangzhou Municipal Committee, secretary of Shufu County Committee, member of the Standing Committee of Qingyuan Municipal Committee, executive vice mayor, member of the Party Group and deputy director of Human Resources and Social Security Department of Guangdong Province, vice chairman of Li Xinquan Guangdong Federation of Trade Unions (part-time) and deputy general manager of CAS Venture Capital; He is currently an independent director of the Company, the chairman and general manager of Guoke Life Sciences (Guangdong) Co., Ltd., and the chairman of Guoao (Guangdong) Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Male, born in January 1978, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, bachelor of engineering. He was deputy general Zhu Yaojun manager of bathroom manufacturing of Oppein Home Group, general manager of cabinet manufacturing of Oppein Home Group and general manager of Integrated Home Business Department of Oppein Home Group; He is currently the chairman and vice president of the board of supervisors of the Company. Female, born in December 1977, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, bachelor of economics and master of business Zhao Lili administration. He was the chief financial officer of Xiwei (China) Investment Co., Ltd. in China; He is currently a supervisor of the Company and an administrative assistant to the president of the Group. Male, born in June 1985, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Manchu, bachelor of law. He was the legal manager of Honz Meng Qingwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; He is currently the employee representative supervisor, company lawyer and Legal Department manager of Oppein Home Group. Female, born in November 1971, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, bachelor's degree, major in financial management. He was deputy Wang Huan financial manager, financial manager and deputy general manager of Financial Center of Oppein Home, and is currently the general manager of Financial Center of the Company. Female, born in August 1980, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, master's degree, bachelor of law and master of Ou Yingying business administration. He was the chief of the Securities Department of Guangzhou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and the manager of the Securities Affairs Department of Oppein Home Group. He is currently the secretary of the board of directors and the director of the Securities Affairs Department of the Company. Male, born in September 1955, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, doctor of management, professor and doctoral supervisor. He was once a professor, vice president and dean of Business School of Shantou University, an independent director of Guangzhou Baiyunshan Chu Xiaoping Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., Ltd., an independent director of Lafang Household Chemicals Co., Ltd., a professor and doctoral supervisor of Lingnan College (resignation) Sun Yat-Sen University. During the reporting period, he served as an independent director of the third board of directors of the Company, an independent director of Guangdong Shengyi Technology Co., Ltd., an independent director of Guangzhou Golden Sea Professional Equipment Ltd. and an independent director of Times Neighborhood Holdings Limited. Zhong Born in March 1968, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, bachelor of machinery manufacturing technology and Huawen equipment. He was the technical director of Changzheng Machinery Factory of Sichuan Academy of Aerospace Technology, the factory director of Hong Kong (resignation) Qingfa Lighting Co., Ltd., the manager of the Production Department of Jiangmen Yeebo Semiconductor Co., Ltd. and the general manager of Oppein Home 51/259 2022 Annual Report Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturing. During the reporting period, he served as the chairman of the third board of supervisors of the Company and is currently the vice president of the Group. Male, born in August 1964, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, double bachelor's degree in literature and law. He Xie Hang worked in the Meizhou municipal government department. During the reporting period, he served as a supervisor of the third board of supervisors of the (departing) Company. Female, born in December 1981, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, once served as director of property control of Li Lan Oppein Home Kitchen Cabinet, director of administrative and internal affairs of Supply Chain Management Department and manager of Supply Chain Planning, (resignation) Management and Operation Department. During the reporting period, he served as the employee representative supervisor of the third board of supervisors and is currently the manager of Qingyuan Purchase Department. Male, born in April 1964, Chinese nationality, without permanent overseas residency, Han nationality, bachelor's degree, master's degree in business administration, engineer, senior economist. He was an engineer of the Planning and Control Department of Guangzhou Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., secretary of the Yang Yaoxing Party Committee Office, deputy manager of the Securities Department, deputy director of the General Manager Office, director of the Work Department of the (resignation) board of directors and secretary of the board of directors of the Company. During the reporting period, he served as secretary of the board of directors of the third board of directors and is currently the deputy general manager of administration, the chairman of the Labor Union and the instructor of master's degree students of Guangzhou University. Other information note √ Applicable □ Not applicable In accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, as well as the Articles of Association of Oppein Home Group Inc., the Company held the second provisional general meeting of shareholders in 2022 on September 29, 2022, at which the directors of the fourth board of directors and non-employee representative supervisors of the fourth board of supervisors of the Company were elected. On the same day, the Company held the first meeting of the fourth board of directors and the first meeting of the fourth board of supervisors, completed the election of chairman and vice chairman of the fourth board of directors and chairman of supervisor meeting, confirmed the composition of special committees of the board of directors and appointed senior managers. For details, see the Announcement of Oppein Home on the Completion of the General Election of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors and the Appointment of Senior Managers (announcement No.: 2022-083). 52/259 2022 Annual Report (II) Current and resignation directors, supervisors and senior managers during the reporting period 1. Employment in shareholders □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Employment in other companies √ Applicable □ Not applicable Positions held in Name of employee Name of other companies Term started on Term ended on other companies Guangzhou Ouerben Yao Liangsong Supervisor March 2016 - Investment Co., Ltd. Beijing Jiaju Technology Yao Liangsong Chairman January 2019 - Co., Ltd. Legal Meizhou Yuanling representative, Yao Liangbai Investment Industry Co., August 2018 - manager and Ltd. executive director Guangzhou Red Star Yao Liangbai Macalline Expo Home Plaza Chairman November 2019 - Co., Ltd. Zhongju Hejia (Beijing) Yao Liangbai Investment Fund Director October 2017 - Management Co., Ltd. Legal Shanghai Nalati Network Qin Shuo representative and September 2015 - Technology Co., Ltd. executive director China Taiping Insurance Qin Shuo Director February 2019 - Holdings Company Limited Ningbo Lanfan Jingshuo Legal Qin Shuo Venture Capital Partnership representative and March 2017 - (Limited Partnership) partner Shanghai Jiai Hospital Qin Shuo Director December 2017 - Management Co., Ltd. China Industrial Securities Independent Qin Shuo International Financial July 2016 - director Group Limited Guangzhou Mircrodream Qin Shuo Media Culture Director December 2015 - Communication Co., Ltd. Qin Shuo Wind Information Co., Ltd. Director October 2007 - Guangzhou Wan'gong Qin Shuo Enterprise Management Director February 2018 - Consulting Co., Ltd. Wanxun Network Qin Shuo Technology (Guangzhou) Supervisor March 2018 - Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Yuanchuan Qin Shuo Information Technology Supervisor September 2016 - Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Chenchang Jiang Qi Accounting Firm (General Executive partner August 2018 - Partnership) Guangzhou Runyan Jiang Qi Information Technology Supervisor October 2021 - Co., Ltd. Guangdong Zhenyuan Jiang Qi Private Equity Fund Supervisor April 2021 - Management Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Runyan Jiang Qi Supervisor October 2021 - Enterprise Management 53/259 2022 Annual Report Positions held in Name of employee Name of other companies Term started on Term ended on other companies Consulting Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Runyan Jiang Qi Supervisor January 2018 - Consulting Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Zhonggong Jiang Qi Intellectual Property Service Supervisor April 2017 - Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Xinyichang Independent Jiang Qi June 2019 - Technology Co., Ltd. director Guangdong Phonpa Home Independent Jiang Qi August 2020 - Technology Co., Ltd. director Guangzhou Tongxin Sports Independent Jiang Qi December 2020 - Co., Ltd. director Guangdong Tongli Independent Jiang Qi July 2020 - Customization Corp Ltd. director Huizhou Dongjin Independent Jiang Qi March 2022 - Agriculture Co., Ltd. director Guangzhou Sie Consulting Independent Jiang Qi March 2022 - Co., Ltd. director Chu Xiaoping Guangdong Shengyi Independent April 2017 - (resignation) Technology Co., Ltd. director Chu Xiaoping Guangzhou Golden Sea Independent July 2019 July 2022 (resignation) Professional Equipment Ltd. director Guangzhou Baiyunshan Biological Products Co., Chu Xiaoping Ltd. (formerly known as Director September 2020 - (resignation) Guangzhou Nuocheng Biological Products Co., Ltd.) Chu Xiaoping Times Neighborhood Independent December 2019 - (resignation) Holdings Limited director Explanation of employment in other None units (III) Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers √ Applicable □ Not applicable The remuneration of non-independent directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company is related to their employment in the Company. The Company shall implement it in accordance with the relevant systems and regulations such as the Remuneration Management System of Oppein Home Group, the Measures for the Administration of Remuneration and Performance Decision-making procedures for Appraisal of Directors (Non-independent directors) and Senior Managers of remuneration of directors, the Company, and its remuneration shall be submitted to the board of directors supervisors and senior managers and the general meeting of shareholders of the Company for deliberation and determination after approval by the Remuneration and Assessment Committee of the Company; non-independent directors and supervisors of the Company have no post allowance; the allowance for independent directors was deliberated and determined by the second provisional general meeting in 2019 and the second provisional general meeting in 2022. The remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company is related to their employment in the Company, and the remuneration is determined by combining basic remuneration with performance Basis for determining the remuneration. The basic remuneration is determined by referring to the remuneration of directors, remuneration level of the same industry and combining the position, ability and supervisors and senior managers work intensity; performance compensation is based on the remuneration management system, combined with the Company's performance, personal performance, work completion and contribution. The allowance for 54/259 2022 Annual Report independent directors shall be determined by reference to the allowance level for independent directors of listed companies and other factors. Actual payment of remuneration of The remuneration of non-independent directors, supervisors and senior directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company shall be paid on a monthly basis; the allowance for managers independent directors is paid quarterly. Total actual remuneration received by all directors, supervisors and CNY 22.7817 million senior managers at the end of the reporting period (IV) Changes in directors, supervisors and senior managers of the Company √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name Positions held Changes Reasons for changes Liu Shunping Non-independent director Election General election Li Xinquan Independent director Election General election Chu Xiaoping Independent director Resignation General election Chairman of board of Zhu Yaojun Election General election supervisors Zhao Lili Supervisor Election General election Employee representative Meng Qingwei Election General election supervisor Chairman of board of Zhong Huawen Resignation Term expires supervisors Xie Hang Supervisor Resignation Resigned on May 27, 2022 Employee representative Li Lan Resignation Term expires supervisor Yang Yaoxing Secretary of the board Resignation Term expires Ou Yingying Secretary of the board Appointment General election (V) Explanation of punishment by securities regulatory authorities in the past three years □ Applicable √ Not applicable (VI) Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable V. Relevant information of the board of directors held during the reporting period Session Date Resolution of the meeting The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Adjusting the Plan for the Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds by the Company; 2. Proposal on the Plan for the Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds by the Company (Revised Draft); 3. Proposal on the Feasibility Analysis Report on the Use of Funds Raised by the Company's Public Issuance of Convertible Corporation Bonds (Revised Draft); 4. Bill on the Dilution of Spot Returns and Filling Measures for the Public Issuance of Convertible Corporate Bonds by the The 20th meeting of Company and the Commitments of Relevant Subjects (Revised Draft); 5. January 24, the third board of Proposal on Adjusting the Application of the Company and Its Holding 2022 directors Subsidiaries for Comprehensive Credit Line from Banks in 2021-2022; 6. Proposal on the First Phase of Excellent Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) of Oppein Home Group Inc. and its summary; 7. Proposal on the Measures for the Administration of the First Phase of Excellent Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) of Oppein Home Group Inc.; 8. Proposal on Submitting to the General Meeting of Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Handle Matters Related to the First Phase of the Company's Excellent Employee Stock Ownership Plan; 9. Proposal on Convening the First Provisional General Meeting in 2022. 55/259 2022 Annual Report The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Report on the Work of the Board of Directors of the Company in 2021; 2. Business Report of the General Manager of the Company in 2021; 3. Report on the Work of Independent Directors of the Company in 2021; 4. Report on the Performance of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company in 2021; 5. Proposal on the Annual Report of the Company for 2021 And Its Summary; 6. Annual Financial Statement of the Company for 2021; 7. Financial Budget Report of the Company for 2022; 8. Proposal on Profit Distribution Plan of the Company for 2021; 9. Internal The 21st meeting of Control Evaluation Report of the Company in 2021; 10. Proposal on the third board of April 21, 2022 Determining the External Guarantee Quota of the Company and Its directors Holding Subsidiaries; 11. Proposal on Determining the Amount of Cash Management by the Company and Its Holding Subsidiaries Using Their Own Funds; 12. Proposal on Confirming the Remuneration of Non- independent Directors of the Company in 2021; 13. Proposal on Confirming the Remuneration of Senior Managers of the Company in 2021; 14. Proposal on the Renewal of Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership) as the Company's Audit Institution in 2022; 15. Social Responsibility Report 2021; 16. Proposal on Convening the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in 2021. The 22nd meeting of The Proposal on the First Quarter Report of the Company in 2022 was the third board of April 28, 2022 deliberated and approved directors The 23rd meeting of The Proposal on Granting Reserved Stock Options for the 2021 Stock the third board of June 23, 2022 Option Incentive Plan to Incentive Targets was deliberated and approved directors The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Amending the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Oppein Home Group Inc. and Some Provisions of Its Summary; 2. Proposal on Adjusting the Exercise Price of the Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2021; 3. The 24th meeting of Proposal on the Achievement of Exercise Conditions in the First Exercise the third board of July 13, 2022 Period of the First Grant of Stock Options under the Company's Stock directors Option Incentive Plan in 2021; 4. Proposal on Cancellation of Some Stock Options First Granted by the Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2021; 5. Proposal on Reformulating the Investor Relations Management System of Oppein Home Group Inc. The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Further Clarifying the Plan for the Public Issuance of Convertible The 25th meeting of Corporation Bonds by the Company; 2. Proposal on the Public Issuance the third board of August 2, 2022 and Listing of Convertible Corporation Bonds by the Company; 3. directors Proposal on Opening A Special Account for Raising Funds by Publicly Issuing Convertible Corporation Bonds and Signing A Regulatory Agreement. The 26th meeting of August 19, Proposal on the Use of Idle Raised Funds for Cash Management was the third board of 2022 deliberated and approved directors The 27th meeting of August 29, Proposal on the Company's Semi Annual Report for 2022 And Its the third board of 2022 Summary was deliberated and approved directors The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on the General Election of the Board of Directors; 2. Proposal on Allowance for Independent Directors of the Fourth Board of Directors; 3. Proposal on reformulating the fund raising management system of Europa home furnishing Group Co., Ltd; 4. Proposal on Amending Some Provisions of The 28th meeting of September 13, the Guidelines for the Management of Shareholdings and Changes of the third board of 2022 Directors, Supervisors and Senior Managers of Oppein Home Group Inc.; directors 5. Proposal on Providing Performance Guarantee for Wholly-owned Subsidiaries; 6. Proposal on Amending Some Provisions of the Articles of Association; 7. Proposal on Amending Some Provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors of Oppein Home Group Inc.; 8. Proposal on Convening the Second Provisional General Meetings of 56/259 2022 Annual Report Shareholders the Company in 2022. The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Proposal on Electing Yao Liangsong as Chairman of the Fourth Board of Directors of the Company; 2. Proposal on Electing Tan Qinxing as Vice Chairman of the Fourth Board of Directors of the Company; 3. Proposal on Electing Yao Liangbai as Vice Chairman of the Fourth Board of Directors of the Company; 4. Proposal on Renewing Yao Liangsong as General Manager The 1st meeting of September 29, (President) of the Company; 5. Proposal on Renewing Tan Qinxing as the fourth board of 2022 Deputy General Manager (Vice President) of the Company; 6. Proposal directors on the Appointment of Yao Liangbai as Deputy General Manager (Vice President) of the Company; 7. Proposal on Renewing Wang Huan as the Financial Administrator of the Company; 8. Proposal on the Appointment of Ou Yingying as Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Company; 9. Proposal on the Election of Members of Special Committees under the Fourth Board of Directors. The following proposals were deliberated and approved: 1. Report of the The 2nd meeting of Third Quarter of 2022 of Oppein Home Group Inc.; 2. Proposal on the October 27, the fourth board of Use of Raised Funds to Replace Self-raised Funds Invested in Advance; 3. 2022 directors Proposal on the Scheme of Repurchasing Shares by Means of Centralized Bidding Transactions. The 3rd meeting of November 10, Proposal on Not Downward Amending the Conversion Price of "Oppein the fourth board of 2022 22 Convertible Bonds" was deliberated and adopted directors VI. Performance of directors' duties (I) Directors' attendance in board meetings and general meetings of shareholders Attendance in the general Attendance in the board of directors meetings of shareholder s Independen Name of Number Whether t director or director of board to fail to Number of not Number Number of Number of Number attend attendance of attendance by of director of meeting in general attendanc means of attendanc s absence s in meetings of e in communicatio e by meeting s person shareholder person n proxy s due twice in s this year a row Yao Liangson No 12 12 7 0 0 No 2 g Tan No 12 12 7 0 0 No 2 Qinxing Yao No 12 12 7 0 0 No 3 Liangbai Liu No 3 3 2 0 0 No 1 Shunping Qin Shuo Yes 12 12 12 0 0 No 2 Jiang Qi Yes 12 12 11 0 0 No 2 Li Yes 3 3 2 0 0 No 1 Xinquan Chu Yes 9 9 9 0 0 No 0 Xiaoping Instructions for failing to attend the meeting of the board of directors in person for two consecutive times □ Applicable √ Not applicable 57/259 2022 Annual Report Number of meeting of the board of directors held during 12 the year Including: number of on-site meetings 0 Number of meetings held by means of communication 7 Number of meetings held on site in combination with 5 communication (II) Objections raised by directors to relevant matters of the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable VII. Special committees under the board of directors √ Applicable □ Not applicable (1) Members of special committees under the board of directors Category of special committee Name of member Audit Committee Jiang Qi, Yao Liangbai, Li Xinquan Nomination Committee Qin Shuo, Tan Qinxing, Li Xinquan Remuneration and Assessment Li Xinquan, Jiang Qi, Liu Shunping Committee Strategy Committee Yao Liangsong, Yao Liangbai, Qin Shuo (2) During the reporting period, the Audit Committee held 4 meetings Important Other comments Date Meeting content performance and of duties suggestions Proposal on the Annual Report of the Company for 2021 and Its Expressed Summary, Internal Control Evaluation Report of the Company in 2021 explicit April 21, and Proposal on the Renewal of Huaxing Certified Public Accounts agreement / 2022 LLP (Special General Partnership) as the Company's Audit Institution with each in 2022 were deliberated and approved proposal Expressed April 28, The Proposal on the First Quarter Report of the Company in 2022 explicit / 2022 was deliberated and approved agreement Expressed August 29, Proposal on the Company's Semi Annual Report for 2022 And Its explicit / 2022 Summary was deliberated and approved agreement Expressed October Report of the Third Quarter of 2022 of Oppein Home Group Inc. was explicit / 27, 2022 deliberated and approved agreement (3) During the reporting period, the Remuneration and Assessment Committee held 5 meetings Important Other comments Date Meeting content performance and of duties suggestions Proposal on the First Phase of Excellent Employee Stock Ownership Expressed Plan (Draft) of Oppein Home Group Inc. and Its Summary and Related explicit January Proposal on the Measures for the Administration of the First Phase of directors agreement 24, 2022 Excellent Employee Stock Ownership Plan (Draft) of Oppein Home recuse from with each Group Inc. of Oppein Home Group Inc. were deliberated and voting proposal approved Proposal on Confirming the Remuneration of Non-independent Expressed Related April 21, Directors of the Company in 2021 and Proposal on Confirming the explicit directors 2022 Remuneration of Senior Managers of the Company in 2021 were agreement recuse from 58/259 2022 Annual Report deliberated and approved with each voting proposal Proposal on the List of Incentive Targets Reserved for Grant under the Expressed June 23, Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2021 was deliberated and explicit / 2022 approved agreement Proposal on the Achievement of Exercise Conditions in the First Related Expressed July 13, Exercise Period of the First Grant of Stock Options under the directors explicit 2022 Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2021 was deliberated and recuse from agreement approved voting Expressed September Proposal on Allowance for Independent Directors of the Fourth Board explicit / 13, 2022 of Directors was deliberated and approved agreement (4) During the reporting period, the Nomination Committee held 1 meeting Important Other comments Date Meeting content performance and of duties suggestions Expressed September Proposal on the General Election of the Board of Directors was explicit / 13, 2022 deliberated and approved agreement (5) Details of objections □ Applicable √ Not applicable VIII. Description of risks found by the board of supervisors □ Applicable √ Not applicable The board of supervisors has no objection to the supervision matters during the reporting period. IX. Employees of the parent company and major subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period (I) Employees Number of active employees of the parent company 3,836 Number of active employees in major subsidiaries 20,691 Total number of active employees 24,527 Number of retired employees to be borne by the parent 63 company and major subsidiaries Specialty composition Specialty composition category Number of people of specialty composition Production personnel 15,525 Sales personnel 3,231 Technical personnel 3,024 Financial personnel 174 Administrative personnel 2,573 Total 24,527 Education background Education background category Quantity (person) Master's degree and above 147 Bachelor's degree 4,343 Junior college 3,970 High school and technical secondary school 1,434 Junior school or below 14,633 Total 24,527 (II) Remuneration policy √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company's overall remuneration policy is closely related to the achievement of the Company's strategic objectives. In order to give full play to the incentive of Remuneration, the Company implements different incentive 59/259 2022 Annual Report policies for employees of different categories and positions. The remuneration of employees not only reflects the value of the post, but also is closely related to the achievement of personal performance and the performance objectives of their business scope. By establishing a remuneration management and performance appraisal system, the Company fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of employees, so that the actual income of employees is highly related to the Company's performance, personal performance and incentive objectives. The higher the target achievement rate, the higher the income of employees, and vice versa. The income level of the Company's employees is highly competitive in the market, and the remuneration payment meets the requirements of relevant national laws and regulations. (III) Training plan √ Applicable □ Not applicable In 2022, according to the overall deployment of Human Resources Center and related key work requirements, the Group's training work continued to rely on the "6+1" model, made every effort to create a "double engine" for training and development, refined talent training, and further promoted the construction of talent echelon; through innovative empowerment, it focused on the pain points of marketing and manufacturing business, quickly builded a business talent training system close to business and efficient empowerment, and helped business units improve their ability to undertake business plans to better support the realization of performance objectives; it continuously improved the "whole process, targeted and three-dimensional" talent learning and development ecosystem with perfect system and remarkable results, and by taking talents as the cornerstone, business as the driving force and value as the orientation, it supported the realization and transcendence of organizational objectives and personal achievements. In 2023, the training work took "talent delivery, organizational management upgrading and comprehensive market- oriented operation" as its new orientation, focused on the three key words of "talent empowerment, skill empowerment and business empowerment", comprehensively cultivated the internal training system, and constantly explored external services, so as to build a more systematic, scientific, precise and market-oriented training and development work. Internally, it strengthened the basic training management by means of "rammed earth wall", realized the upgrading of internal management system in line with the times, and gradually covered the dealer system and enabled terminals; it carried out the business of "entering Oppein" and "grading and certification of skilled talents" to achieve the comprehensive output of curriculum system, evaluation system and examination system, flexibly carried out various practical training projects, improved the quality of internal talent supply for key positions, efficiently enabled business development, and enhanced the internal "hematopoietic" ability of enterprises. (IV) Labor outsourcing □ Applicable √ Not applicable X. Profit distribution or capital reserve conversion plan (I) Formulation, implementation or adjustment of cash dividend policy √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Formulation of profit distribution policy In order to improve the Company's scientific, sustained, stable and transparent dividend policy and supervision mechanism, and actively and effectively return investors, according to relevant laws and regulations, the Company has formulated relevant provisions on profit distribution in the Articles of Association, clarified the specific conditions, proportion, distribution form and stock dividend distribution conditions of the Company's profit distribution, especially cash dividend, and clarified the decision-making procedures and mechanisms of the Company's profit distribution, and the adjustment principle of profit distribution policy, which strengthens the protection mechanism of the rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors. 2. Profit distribution decisions for the year The Company intends to distribute a total cash dividend of CNY 1.075 billion (tax inclusive) to all shareholders based on the total share capital on the registration date of equity distribution less the number of shares in the Company's share repurchase account, accounting for 40% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in 2022. If the total share capital of the Company changes before the equity registration date for the implementation of equity distribution, the Company intends to maintain the total profit distribution unchanged and adjust the profit distribution ratio per share accordingly. (II) Special instructions on cash dividend policy √ Applicable □ Not applicable Whether it conforms to the provisions of the Articles of Association or the requirements of √ Yes □ No the resolution of the general meetings of shareholders Are the dividend standard and proportion clear √ Yes □ No 60/259 2022 Annual Report Are the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms complete √ Yes □ No Whether independent directors perform their duties and play their due role √ Yes □ No Whether minority shareholders have the opportunity to fully express their opinions and √ Yes □ No demands, and whether their legitimate rights and interests have been fully protected (III) If it makes profits during the reporting period and the profits available to shareholders of the parent company are positive, but no cash profit distribution plan is put forward, the Company shall disclose in detail the reasons and the purpose and use plan of the undistributed profits □ Applicable √ Not applicable (IV) Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserve into equity during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Number of bonus shares per 10 shares (share) 0 Dividend per 10 shares (CNY) (tax inclusive) 17.68 Increase per 10 shares (share) 0 Cash dividend amount (tax inclusive) 1,075,370,193.40 Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of listed 2,688,425,483.50 companies in the consolidated statement of dividend year Ratio to net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders 40 of listed companies in the consolidated statements (%) Amount of shares repurchased in cash to be included in 0 the cash dividend Total dividend amount (tax inclusive) 1,075,370,193.40 Ratio of the total dividend amount to net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of listed companies 40 in the consolidated statements (%) Notes: 1. Parameter basis for calculation of relevant data in the above Table: (1) On March 31, 2023, the total share capital of the Company was 609,152,327 shares; (2) On March 31, 2023, the Company repurchased 837,180 shares in the special account for shares; 2. If the total share capital of the Company changes before the equity registration date for the implementation of equity distribution, the Company intends to maintain the total profit distribution unchanged and adjust the profit distribution ratio per share accordingly. XI. The situation and impact of the Company's equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentive measures (I) Relevant incentives have been disclosed in the interim announcement and there is no progress or change in the follow-up implementation √ Applicable □ Not applicable Overview Query index The Announcement of Oppein Home on Granting Reserved Stock Options for the On June 23, 2022, the reserved stock options of the 2021 stock 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan to option incentive plan were granted to the incentive targets, with a Incentive Targets (2022-039) and the number of 1,232,055 granted, a grant price of CNY 146.97 yuan per Announcement of the Resolution of the 15th share and 174 people granted. Meeting of the Third Board of Supervisors of Oppein Home (2022-040) disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange. The 24th meeting of the third board of directors was held on July 13, Announcement on the Resolution of the 24th 2022. The following proposals were deliberated and approved: (1) Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Proposal on Amending the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan of Oppein Home (2022-045), Announcement on Oppein Home Group Inc. and Some Provisions of Its Summary; (2) the Summary of Oppein Home's 2021 Stock Proposal on Adjusting the Exercise Price of the Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan (Revised Draft) (2022- Option Incentive Plan in 2021, agreeing that the exercise price of the 046), Announcement on the Adjustment of incentive plan will be adjusted from CNY 146.97 per share to CNY the Exercise Price of Oppein Home's 2021 145.22 per share; (3) Proposal on the Achievement of Exercise Stock Option Incentive Plan (2022-047), 61/259 2022 Annual Report Conditions in the First Exercise Period of the First Grant of Stock Announcement of Oppein Home on the First Options under the Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2021, Exercise Period of the First Grant of Stock agreeing that 439 incentive targets meet the exercise conditions in Options under the Company's Stock Option the first exercise period and 1,042,576 stock options are exercisable. Incentive Plan in 2021 Meeting the Exercise This stock option adopts the independent exercise model, and the Conditions (2022-048), Announcement of exercisable date is from the date of completion of relevant Oppein Home on the Cancellation of Some procedures; (4) Proposal on Cancellation of Some Stock Options Stock Options First Granted under the First Granted by the Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2021, agreeing to cancel a total of 1,841,982 stock options. After the 2021 (2022-049), Announcement of completion of the cancellation, the incentive targets first granted by Resolutions of the 16th Meeting of the Third the Company's stock option incentive plan in 2021 will be changed Board of Supervisors of Oppein Home from 500 to 452; the number of initial stock options granted will be (2022-050) changed from 5,290,951 to 3,448,969. Announcement of Oppein Home on the Completion of the Cancellation of Some The Company completed the cancellation of 1,841,982 first granted Stock Options First Granted by the stock options. Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2021 (2022-051) disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange On July 27, 2022, the registration of reserved grant was completed. During the period from the date of this reserved grant to the Announcement of Oppein Home on the completion of the registration of stock option grant, three incentive Completion of Registration of Reserved targets lost their qualifications to participate in the incentive plan due Grant Stock Options for 2021 Stock Option to resignation and other reasons, involving a total of 21,358 stock Incentive Plan (2022-053) disclosed on the options. The actual number of grants was 171, and the actual number website of Shanghai Stock Exchange of shares granted was 1,210,697. On September 21, 2022, 439 incentive targets who met the exercise Announcement on the Implementation of the conditions in the first exercise period of the first grant of options First Exercise Period of the First Grant of under the Company's stock option incentive plan in 2021 were Stock Options under the Company's Stock eligible for exercise. The exercise method was independent exercise, Option Incentive Plan in 2021 (2022-077) the exercise price was CNY 145.22 per share, and the number of disclosed on the website of Shanghai Stock exercises was 1,042,576. Exchange During the period from September 21, 2022 to September 30, 2022, Announcement on Quarterly Independent the number of exercise and completion of share transfer registration Exercise Results and Share Changes of the of stock option incentive targets was 6 shares, accounting for Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 0.0006% of the total number of exercisable stock options in that 2021 (2022-084) period. Combined with the disclosure plan of the Company's third quarter Indicative Announcement of Oppein Home report in 2022, the Company's restricted exercise period is from on the Restricted Exercise Period of the October 18, 2022 to October 27, 2022, during which all incentive Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in targets will be restricted. 2021 (2022-085) Combined with the disclosure plan of the Company's annual Indicative Announcement of Oppein Home performance forecast for 2022, the restricted exercise period is from on the Restricted Exercise Period of the January 7, 2023 to January 16, 2023, during which all incentive Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in targets will be restricted. 2021 (2022-105) (II) Incentives not disclosed in the provisional announcement or with follow-up progress Equity incentives □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable Employee stock ownership plans □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other incentives □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Equity incentives granted to directors and senior managers during the reporting period 62/259 2022 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: share Number Number of Stock Number Market of stock new stock Exercisable option Exercise of stock price at options options shares exercise price of options the end held at Name Post granted during the shares stock held at of the the during the reporting during the options the end reporting beginning reporting period reporting (CNY) of the period of the period period period (CNY) year Vice Tan chairman and 94,923 0 23,023 0 145.22 70,484 121.53 Qinxing vice president Liu Director 47,462 0 14,160 0 145.22 37,891 121.53 Shunping Deputy general manager of Yang administration 25,629 0 3,520 0 145.22 16,334 121.53 Yaoxing and secretary of the board of directors Ou Secretary of 9,018 0 2,273 0 145.22 6,782 121.53 Yingying the board Total / 177,032 0 42,976 0 / 131,491 / (IV) Evaluation mechanism for senior managers during the reporting period, as well as the establishment and implementation of incentive mechanism √ Applicable □ Not applicable Combined with the Company's business philosophy and management model, the Company has established a set of fair, transparent and effective performance evaluation standards and incentive and restraint mechanisms. During the reporting period, the Company conducted a comprehensive evaluation of senior managers in accordance with the relevant systems and regulations such as the Remuneration Management System of Oppein Home Group, the Performance Management Regulations of Oppein Home Group, the Measures for the Administration of Remuneration and Performance Appraisal of Directors (Non-independent directors) and Senior Managers of the Company. The Human Resources Center of the Group will comprehensively formulate its remuneration plan for this year in combination with the Company's performance, the completion of senior managers' personal performance work and their contribution, which will be reviewed and approved by the Company's Remuneration and Assessment Committee and then submitted to the board of directors and general meeting of shareholders the Company for deliberation and determination. XII. Construction and implementation of internal control system during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable In order to continuously promote the implementation of the internal control system and the improvement of the internal control management level, the Company takes the management of the business approval process as the starting point, and realizes the integration of business, system, process and IT by implementing the information control process and implementation, so as to promote the effective integration of the Company's system and process. 2022 is the first year for the Company to start process construction. On the one hand, the Company pays attention to "management, approval and governance" to improve "management efficiency" and on the other hand, it pays attention to "business process governance". On the basis of existing system construction, it breaks through from 0 to establish an internal control management model integrating system and process that suits the Company's actual situation. In 2022, the Company innovated three staffing models in system design to help business departments improve system quality: ① Establish the guidance model of "structured compilation of system content elements", ② Pilot the model of "cross departmental project system improvement team"; ③ Design "similar system compilation framework model" to further strengthen and enhance the institutionalization, normalization and standardization of business management, so as to continuously enhance the Company's overall business synergy and risk resistance. In terms of system implementation and control, the Company regularly carries out system review, and gradually carries out business structure development, system construction, formulation of establishment, reform and abolishment plan, and revision of management systems based on "company strategic planning/business control mode → following system construction model", so as to 63/259 2022 Annual Report effectively promote the scientific and effective implementation of various systems. Description of major defects in internal control during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable XIII. Management control of subsidiaries during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company implements the important principle of "compliance with the system is also an important competitiveness" from top to bottom, and has always attached importance to system construction and system governance. This year, the Company and its subsidiaries strictly followed the existing internal system of the Group and the newly issued process management supporting mechanism, adhered to risk prevention as the orientation, process improvement and management efficiency as the goal, and grasped the three cores of "accountability, efficiency enhancement and downstream" through decentralization and accountability, streamline administration and institute decentralization, ineffectiveness cleanup and consumption reduction and low value, so as to realize the internal control management model of system and process integration, thus, the effective operation of the Company's internal management can be standardized, and the overall operation efficiency and anti-risk ability of the Company can be improved. During the reporting period, there was no loss of control of subsidiaries. XIV. Description of internal control audit report □ Applicable √ Not applicable Whether to disclose the internal control audit report: Yes Type of opinion on internal control audit report: standard unqualified opinion XV. Rectification of self-inspection problems in special actions for governance of listed companies None XVI. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable Section V Environmental and social responsibility I. Environmental information Whether to establish environmental protection related Yes mechanisms Environmental protection funds invested during the 3,308 reporting period (Unit: CNY '0,000) (I) Environmental protection information of the Company and its main subsidiaries belonging to the key pollutant discharge units announced by the Environmental Protection Department √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the reporting period, among the Company and its holding subsidiaries, Qingyuan Oppein, Tianjin Oppein and Wuxi Oppein were among the key pollutant discharge units announced by the Environmental Protection Department. 1. Pollutant discharge information √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Wastewater treatment: The Company has formulated a sewage discharge management system to strictly control domestic sewage and production wastewater, regularly monitor the operation and maintenance of sewage treatment facilities, and actively apply new sewage treatment equipment and online water quality monitoring technology to ensure that the concentration and total amount of pollutants discharged meet national and local standards. A. Domestic sewage: The domestic sewage in the living area is discharged into the municipal sewage pipe network after being pretreated by the septic tank in the living area (The oily sewage in the canteen is first separated by the oil separation tank) and the domestic sewage in the production area is discharged into the municipal sewage pipe network after being pretreated by the septic tank in the production area, and then discharged after centralized treatment by the sewage treatment plant in the industrial park. B. Production wastewater: The painting wastewater of the painting line is recycled in the water curtain paint mist treatment system and replaced regularly. The replacement wastewater is treated by the self-built painting sewage treatment station (adopting the treatment process of "pre-treatment system (coagulation reaction + air flotation) - pre- 64/259 2022 Annual Report physical and chemical treatment system (Fenton oxidation + coagulation reaction precipitation) - biochemical treatment system (hydrolytic acidification + contact oxidation) - post physical and chemical coagulation and precipitation"). After being treated by the self-built stone wastewater precipitation treatment system, the wastewater generated in the production process of the table is reused in other links except water knife cutting, and is discharged regularly. The production wastewater of quartz blank plate workshop is discharged into the precipitation treatment system set outside the plant for flocculent precipitation treatment, and then recycled without being discharged. 2. Waste gas treatment: The main air pollutants discharged by the Company in production and operation include dust, organic waste gas (VOCs, toluene and xylene, styrene, etc.) and kitchen fumes. Wood processing dust generated in the production process is collected by the central dust collection system after being collected by the gas collecting hood, and the central dust collection device uses the bag dust removal process to control the dust and then passes through the exhaust funnel to meet the standard; spray paint waste gas is treated by automatic water curtain cabinet and paint mixing waste gas. After drying, the waste gas is collected and treated by "multistage filtration + runner adsorption concentration + RTO treatment system" before being discharged at high altitude. The kitchen fumes in the living area is planned to be treated by the electrostatic oil smoke removal process, which will be led to the roof of the building by a special smoke exhaust pipe after reaching the standard of the Emission Standard of Cooking Fume (GB18483-2001). 3. Noise treatment: The Company's noise pollution sources mainly come from the cutting, polishing, air compressor operation and motor vehicle operation in the production process, and the operation of fans and water pumps in sewage treatment stations. In view of the noise from different sources, the Company and its subsidiaries take different control measures to control the noise, including selecting low-noise production equipment and taking silencing and sound insulation measures for individual high-noise equipment; high noise equipment shall be kept away from the plant boundary as far as possible; greening and isolation shall be implemented around the plant boundary. 4. Solid waste treatment: The harmless solid waste generated by the Company includes domestic waste and general industrial solid waste. Household waste is collected in garbage cans and handed over to the Environmental Sanitation Department for transportation, treatment and disposal. General industrial solid wastes such as wood scraps, dust, glass, table scraps and aluminum scraps are classified and temporarily stored in the general industrial solid waste temporary storage warehouse, and regularly handed over to qualified solid waste treatment units for treatment. At the same time, the storage site is standardized for construction, maintenance and use in accordance with the requirements of the Standards for Pollution Control on the Storage and Disposal Site for General Industrial Solid Wastes (GB18599-2001). The hazardous wastes generated by the Company include hazardous wastes in the National List of Hazardous Wastes, such as waste paint slag, waste activated carbon, grinding dust and sludge from sewage treatment stations, which are classified and temporarily stored in the temporary storage of hazardous wastes in the plant area, and are transported and disposed of by units with hazardous waste treatment qualifications every month. The temporary storage of hazardous waste is designed in strict accordance with the requirements of the Standard for Pollution Control of Hazardous Waste Storage (GB 18597-2001), all of which are subject to anti-seepage and anti-corrosion treatment, and are equipped with trenches or cofferdams after anti-seepage and anti-corrosion treatment. 2. Construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Key pollutant discharge units affiliated to the Company shall carry out feasibility study approval, project approval and construction in accordance with national laws and regulations; all of them apply for pollutant discharge licenses in accordance with the regulations, and discharge pollutants in accordance with the types of pollutants, control indicators and prescribed methods approved by the licenses. As of the disclosure date of this report, the environmental protection facilities of the Company and its subsidiaries are operating normally. 3. Environmental impact assessment of construction projects and other administrative permits for environmental protection √ Applicable □ Not applicable Key pollutant discharge units affiliated to the Company have obtained environmental impact assessment reports and obtained the approval of local environmental protection departments. 4. Emergency plan for environmental emergencies √ Applicable □ Not applicable All units affiliated to the Company have formulated corresponding emergency plans for environmental emergencies and submitted them to the local competent authorities for filing. 5. Environmental self-monitoring program 65/259 2022 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not applicable According to the requirements of the environmental self-monitoring guidelines, the Company formulated a self- monitoring plan to clarify the testing points and monitoring frequency. Units lacking self-monitoring conditions shall adopt the method of entrusted monitoring, and carry out self-monitoring in strict accordance with the requirements of the national environmental monitoring technical specifications and environmental monitoring management regulations. The automatic monitoring equipment adopted has passed the acceptance of the Environmental Protection Department, and regularly upload the environmental monitoring results to the pollution source monitoring data release platform for environmental information disclosure. 6. Administrative penalties for environmental problems during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the reporting period, the Company and its subsidiaries were not subject to administrative penalties for environmental problems. 7. Other environmental information that should be made public □ Applicable √ Not applicable (II) Statement on environmental protection of companies other than key pollutant discharge units √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Administrative penalties for environmental problems □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Disclosure of other environmental information with reference to key pollutant discharge units √ Applicable □ Not applicable Other subsidiaries of the Company conscientiously implement laws and regulations related to environmental protection in their daily production and operation, effectively implement environmental protection measures and fulfill environmental protection responsibilities. 3. Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Relevant information conducive to protecting ecology, preventing and controlling pollution and fulfilling environmental responsibilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable This year, the Company began to introduce the environmental assessment dimension to screen new suppliers, with a screening ratio of 14.84% (142/957). In the introduction stage, the Company requires suppliers to provide environmental management system and environmental assessment documents during plant audit, conducts a secondary plant audit for suppliers who change their plant sites to investigate the environmental protection data certification and environment of their new sites. For suppliers with poor environment and no strict environmental protection control system, measures shall be taken to rectify, re-evaluate or not adopt. (IV) Measures taken to reduce its carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects Whether to take carbon reduction measures Yes Reduce carbon dioxide emission equivalent 21,460 (unit: ton) Types of carbon reduction measures (such as After the Company put into use the roof photovoltaic power station using clean energy to generate electricity, of Wuxi Base Plant in 2018, Qingyuan base plant roof photovoltaic using carbon reduction technologies in the power station and Tianjin base plant roof photovoltaic power station production process, R&D and production of were also officially put into operation in 2022. new products to help reduce carbon, etc.) Specific statement √ Applicable □ Not applicable In 2021, Oppein cooperated with CEEC Guangdong Institute to pilot the construction of roof photovoltaic power generation project in Qingyuan base, with a total investment of about CNY 76.5388 million and an area of 180,000m2, which is the largest roof photovoltaic project ever completed in Guangdong Province. The installed capacity of the project is about 4,266.1kWp, and the generated electricity is preferentially supplied to Oppein for use, adopting the model of 66/259 2022 Annual Report "self-use and surplus electricity on the grid". The project is expected to be connected to the grid at full capacity by May 1, 2023. In 2022, the total power generation of roof photovoltaic equipment in Qingyuan, Wuxi and Tianjin bases of the Company was about 37,632,880 kWh, which was equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about 21,460 tons. II. Social responsibility work (I) Are social responsibility reports, sustainability reports or ESG reports disclosed separately √ Applicable □ Not applicable For details, please refer to the ESG Report for 2022 disclosed by the Company on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on the same day. (II) Details of social responsibility work √ Applicable □ Not applicable External donations and public welfare Quantity/content Information note projects Total investment (CNY '0,000) 140.00 - Including: capital (CNY '0,000) 140.00 - Material discount (CNY - - '0,000) Number of beneficiaries (person) - - Specific statement √ Applicable □ Not applicable In 2022, the Company helped Liujia Village, Huaqi Town, Zhijin County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, to promote rural revitalization through Guangzhou Oppein Public Welfare Foundation, directionally helped Xiaosheng Town, Fengshun County, Meizhou City, to repair rural internal roads, and donated to Guyuan No. 1 Middle School. III. Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization □ Applicable √ Not applicable Specific statement □ Applicable √ Not applicable 67/259 2022 Annual Report Section VI Important matters I. Performance of commitments (I) Commitments made by the actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, acquirers and the Company during the reporting period or continuing into the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Whether If it fails to If it fails to it is Is there a perform in time, perform in carried Commitment Commitment Commitment Commitment time time limit the specific time, the Commitment content out in a context type party and period for reasons for the next step timely performance failure to perform plan shall be and strict shall be explained explained manner During the period During my tenure as director and supervisor Yao of serving as of the Company, the number of shares of the Commitments Liangsong, director, Company held by me shall not exceed 25% related to Share controlling supervisor and of the total shares of the Company held by Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public restrictions shareholder senior manager of me every year, and I will not transfer the offerings of the the Company and shares of the Company held by me within six Company within six months months of my resignation. after resignation, Yao if the Company's shares are reduced within Commitments Liangsong, two years after the expiration of the lockup Within two years related to controlling period, the reduction price shall not be lower Other after the lockup Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public shareholder than the issue price. The commitment shall period expires offerings of the not be terminated due to job change or Company resignation. During the period During my tenure as director, supervisor and of serving as Yao senior manager of the Company, the number Commitments director, Liangbai, of shares of the Company held by me shall related to Share supervisor and shareholder not exceed 25% of the total shares of the Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public restrictions senior manager of of the Company held by me every year, and I will offerings the Company and Company not transfer the shares of the Company held within six months by me within six months of my resignation. after resignation, Commitments Yao if the Company's shares are reduced within Within two years related to Other Liangbai, two years after the expiration of the lockup after the lockup Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public shareholder period, the reduction price shall not be lower period expires 68/259 2022 Annual Report offerings of the than the issue price. The commitment shall Company not be terminated due to job change or resignation. During the period During my tenure as director, supervisor and Wang Huan, of serving as senior manager of the Company, the number Commitments a shareholder director, of shares of the Company held by me shall related to Share who is a supervisor and not exceed 25% of the total shares of the Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public restrictions senior senior manager of Company held by me every year, and I will offerings manager of the Company and not transfer the shares of the Company held the Company within half a year by me within six months of my resignation. of resignation During the period During my tenure as director, supervisor and of serving as Tan Qinxing, senior manager of the Company, the number Commitments director, a shareholder of shares of the Company held by me shall related to Share supervisor and who is a not exceed 25% of the total shares of the Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public restrictions senior manager of director of Company held by me every year, and I will offerings the Company and the Company not transfer the shares of the Company held within half a year by me within six months of my resignation. of resignation During the period Yang During my tenure as director, supervisor and of serving as Yaoxing, a senior manager of the Company, the number Commitments director, shareholder of shares of the Company held by me shall related to Share supervisor and who is a not exceed 25% of the total shares of the Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public restrictions senior manager of senior Company held by me every year, and I will offerings the Company and manager of not transfer the shares of the Company held within half a year the Company by me within six months of my resignation. of resignation During the period During my tenure as director, supervisor and Zhong of serving as senior manager of the Company, the number Commitments Huawen, a director, of shares of the Company held by me shall related to Share shareholder supervisor and not exceed 25% of the total shares of the Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public restrictions who is a senior manager of Company held by me every year, and I will offerings supervisor of the Company and not transfer the shares of the Company held the Company within half a year by me within six months of my resignation. of resignation 69/259 2022 Annual Report The issuer The prospectus and its abstract do not Commitments and all its contain false records, misleading statements related to directors, Other or major omissions, and bear individual and Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public supervisors joint legal liabilities for its authenticity, offerings and senior accuracy and completeness. managers If the prospectus of the Company is determined by the relevant regulatory authorities to have false records, misleading statements or major omissions, which has a significant and substantial impact on judging whether the Company meets the issuance conditions stipulated by law, the Company will repurchase all the new shares of the initial public offering according to law at the issuance price. The specific procedures shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the CSRC and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. If the Company's prospectus Commitment contains false records, misleading related to the statements or major omissions, resulting in Other Issuer Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public losses to investors in securities trading, it offering will compensate investors for losses according to law. The qualification of investors entitled to compensation, the identification of the scope of investor losses, the division of liability among the subjects of compensation and the reasons for exemption shall be implemented in accordance with the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Hearing Civil Compensation Cases Arising from False Statements in the Securities Market (FS [2003] No. 2) and other relevant laws and regulations. 70/259 2022 Annual Report If the prospectus of the Company is determined by the relevant regulatory authorities to have false records, misleading statements or major omissions, which has a significant and substantial impact on judging whether the Company meets the issuance conditions prescribed by law, I will repurchase the transferred original restricted shares according to law. The specific procedures shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of the CSRC and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. If the issuer's prospectus contains false records, Commitments Yao misleading statements or major omissions, related to Liangsong, Other resulting in losses to investors in securities Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public controlling trading, I will compensate investors for offerings shareholder losses in accordance with the law. The qualification of investors entitled to compensation, the identification of the scope of investor losses, the division of liability among the subjects of compensation and the reasons for exemption shall be implemented in accordance with the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Hearing Civil Compensation Cases Arising from False Statements in the Securities Market (FS [2003] No. 2) and other relevant laws and regulations. If the prospectus of the Company is The issuer determined by the relevant regulatory Commitments directors, authorities to have false records, misleading related to Other supervisors statements or major omissions, resulting in Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public and senior losses to investors in securities trading, I will offerings managers compensate investors for losses in accordance with the law. Commitments Shareholders There are two shareholders holding more Long term or related to holding more than 5% of the Company's shares, Yao within two years Other Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public than 5% of Liangsong, the controlling shareholder, and after the lockup offerings the shares Yao Liangbai, the shareholder. Yao period expires 71/259 2022 Annual Report Liangsong and Yao Liangbai issued commitments on their shareholding intention and reduction intention respectively, as follows: 1. I intend to hold the Company's shares for a long time; 2. If I intend to reduce my holdings after the expiration of the lockup period, I will conscientiously abide by the relevant provisions of the CSRC and the stock exchange on shareholder reduction, prudently formulate a share reduction plan in light of the Company's needs to stabilize stock prices, carry out business and capital operation, and gradually reduce my holdings after the expiration of the lockup period; 3. The reduction of the Company's shares shall comply with the provisions of relevant laws, regulations and rules, including but not limited to the centralized bidding trading mode, bulk trading mode and agreement transfer mode of the exchange; 4. Before reducing the Company's shares, I shall make an announcement three trading days in advance, and fulfill the obligation of information disclosure in a timely and accurate manner in accordance with the rules of the stock exchange; unless I hold less than 5% of the Company's shares; 5. If, within two years after the expiration of the lockup period, I intend to reduce my shareholding, the reduction price shall not be lower than the issue price (referring to the issue price of the issuer's initial public offering of shares. If the Company distributes cash dividends, shares, equity conversion, additional issuance of new shares and other reasons after listing, it shall be treated as ex-rights and ex-dividend in accordance with the relevant provisions of the stock exchange). Within two years after the expiration of the 72/259 2022 Annual Report lockup period, the total number of shares of the Company held by me shall not exceed 9% of the total number of shares registered in my name on the last trading day of the previous year. If the Company's shares in the Company change due to equity distribution, capital reduction and stock reduction, the base of shares transferred in the corresponding year shall be changed accordingly; 6. If I fail to fulfill the above intention to reduce my holdings, I will publicly explain the specific reasons for my failure to fulfill my commitments at the general meetings of shareholders and the disclosure media designated by the CSRC, and apologize to the shareholders of the Company and public investors; 7. If I fail to fulfill the above reduction intention, my shares in the Company shall not be reduced within six months from the date of my failure to fulfill the above reduction intention. Yao Liangsong, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company, leased 5.12 mu (3,411m2) and 3.50 mu (2,333m2) of land next to the Company's plant area, and built employee No. 3 canteen and employee Yao dormitory, covering a total area of about Solve land Commitments Liangsong, 1,902m2. The two buildings have not yet and other related to controlling applied for the property ownership property Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public shareholder certificate. In view of the above situation, rights offerings and actual Yao Liangsong, the controlling shareholder defects controller and actual controller of the Company, promised: "if the issuer is punished by the relevant administrative departments for the employee canteen and employee dormitory, I will unconditionally bear the responsibility for paying the relevant fines or losses." 73/259 2022 Annual Report Some houses leased by the issuer and its subsidiaries have not yet obtained the property ownership certificate, or have not yet gone through the filing and registration of house leasing. In view of this situation, Yao Liangsong, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company, promised: "During the lease term, if the house leased by Oppein Group or its Yao Solve land subsidiaries is subject to relevant ownership Commitments Liangsong, and other disputes, overall planning demolition, related to controlling property administrative penalties or other Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public shareholder rights circumstances affecting the normal offerings and actual defects operation of the Company, resulting in the controller inability of Oppein Group or its subsidiaries to continue to use the house normally or suffer losses, I will bear the losses caused by Oppein Group or its subsidiaries, including but not limited to all direct and indirect losses caused by the litigation or arbitration, suspension of production or termination of business, finding alternative places, relocation or punishment. " 1. As at the date of this letter of commitment, neither I nor my immediate family/other economic entities controlled by me or my Yao immediate family have produced or Liangsong, developed any products that compete or the actual potentially compete with products produced controller of by Oppein Group and its subsidiaries, or Commitments Resolving the directly or indirectly operate any business related to horizontal Company, that competes or potentially competes with Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public competition and his the existing business of Oppein Group and offerings brothers Yao its subsidiaries, or invested in any other Liangbai and enterprise that competes or potentially Yao competes with the existing business and Liangsheng products of Oppein Group and its subsidiaries. 2. From the date of this letter of commitment, I and my immediate family/other economic entities controlled by 74/259 2022 Annual Report me and my immediate family will not produce or develop any products that compete or potentially compete with the products produced by Oppein Group and its subsidiaries, not directly or indirectly operate any business that competes or potentially competes with the business of Oppein Group and its subsidiaries, and not participate in investing in any other enterprise that competes or potentially competes with the products or operations of Oppein Group and its subsidiaries. 3. From the date of signing this letter of commitment, if Oppein Group and its subsidiaries further expand their products and business scope in the future, and the expanded products compete with the business scope and other economic entities of me and my immediate family/controlled by me and my immediate family in terms of products or business, then I and my immediate family/other economic entities controlled by me and my immediate family will actively take the following measures to avoid horizontal competition: (1) Stop the production of competitive or potentially competitive products; (2) Cease to operate a competing or potentially competing business; (3) Incorporate competing or potentially competing businesses into the business system of Oppein Group; (4) Transfer competing or potentially competing businesses to unrelated independent third-party for operations. 4. This letter of commitment shall come into force as of the date of signing and shall remain valid and irrevocable during the period when Yao Liangsong is the actual controller of Oppein Group. If the interests and other shareholders' rights and interests of Oppein Group are damaged due 75/259 2022 Annual Report to the violation of the above commitments by me and my immediate family/other economic entities controlled by me and my immediate family, I agree to bear the corresponding liability for damages. 1. I and my immediate family/other economic entities controlled by me and my immediate family will avoid and minimize related party transactions with Oppein Group; 2. For related party transactions that cannot be avoided or occur for reasonable reasons, I and my immediate family members/other economic entities controlled by me and my immediate family members will follow the commercial principles of equality, voluntariness, equivalence and compensation, and strictly follow the relevant provisions on related party transactions in laws, regulations and normative documents such as the Articles of Yao Association (Draft) of Oppein Home Group Actual controller Commitments Resolve Liangsong, Inc. and the Measures for the Administration of Oppein related to related party actual of Related Party Transactions. By signing a Group/during his Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public transactions controller of formal related party transaction agreement tenure in Oppein offerings the Company with Oppein Group, the price of related party Group transactions is guaranteed to be fair and the transactions are carried out under fair, reasonable and normal commercial transaction conditions. I and my immediate family/other economic entities controlled by me and my immediate family will not require or accept more favorable transaction conditions from Oppein Group than independent third parties in the course of the transaction, so as to effectively safeguard the actual interests of Oppein Group and other shareholders. 3. I guarantee that I will not use my position in Oppein Group to damage the interests of Oppein Group and the legitimate rights and interests of other 76/259 2022 Annual Report shareholders through related party transactions. 4. If I and my immediate family/other economic entities controlled by me and my immediate family violate the above commitments, resulting in damage to the interests of Oppein Group or the legitimate rights and interests of other shareholders, I will bear the corresponding liability for compensation according to law. The above commitments shall remain in force while I am the actual controller of Oppein Group/in Oppein Group. As the actual controller of Oppein Group, Yao Liangsong makes the following commitments on avoiding the occupation of Oppein Group's funds: I will strictly abide by the requirements and provisions of relevant laws, regulations, normative documents and articles of association, and ensure that the assets and resources of Oppein Group will not be occupied or transferred in any way (including but not limited to loans, debt compensation and advances, etc.). I will Yao cause other economic entities, if any, that I Commitments Liangsong, directly or indirectly control to comply with As the actual related to controlling the above commitments. If I or other Other controller of Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public shareholder economic entities under my control violate Oppein Group offerings and actual the above commitments, resulting in damage controller to the rights and interests of Oppein Group or its shareholders, I will bear the corresponding liability for compensation according to law. During the period when I am the controlling shareholder and actual controller of Oppein Group, the above commitments shall remain valid. This letter of commitment shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China, shall come into force as of the date of signing, and shall remain valid and irrevocable during my period as the actual controller of Oppein 77/259 2022 Annual Report Group. 78/259 2022 Annual Report Yao Liangsong, the controlling shareholder and actual controller, issued the Letter of Commitment on Employees of Oppein Group to Pay Social Security and Housing Provident Fund: "(1) I will urge Oppein Group and its subsidiaries to fully implement the relevant systems of housing provident fund, maternity, pension, unemployment, industrial injury and medical insurance (hereinafter referred to as "five social insurances and one housing Yao fund") stipulated in laws, regulations and Commitments Liangsong, rules, establish accounts for all registered related to controlling Other employees of Oppein Group and its Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public shareholder subsidiaries and deposit "five social offerings and actual insurances and one housing fund"; (2) If controller Oppein Group and its subsidiaries are required to make up the unpaid or underpaid "five social insurances and one housing fund" for their employees, or are punished by relevant government departments due to the payment of "five social insurances and one housing fund", I will bear all direct and indirect losses caused by the supplementary payment or punishment in full, and ensure that Oppein Group and its subsidiaries will not suffer any losses as a result. 1. I will urge Oppein Group and its subsidiaries to fully implement the current effective Interim Provisions on Labor Dispatch and the relevant provisions of Yao relevant laws and regulations; 2. If Oppein Commitments Liangsong, Group and its subsidiaries are punished by related to Other actual relevant government departments for failing Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public controller of to comply with the relevant provisions of the offerings the Company Interim Provisions on Labor Dispatch in the past or in the future, I will bear all direct and indirect losses incurred due to the punishment in full, and ensure that Oppein Group and its subsidiaries will not suffer any 79/259 2022 Annual Report losses as a result. 1. I will not transfer benefits to other units or individuals free of charge or under unfair conditions, nor will I damage the interests of the Company in other ways. 2. I will strictly abide by the budget management of the Company, and any consumption behavior of my position will occur within the scope necessary to perform my duties, and strictly accept the supervision and management of the Company to avoid waste or excessive consumption. 3. I will not use the Company's assets to engage in investment and consumption activities unrelated to the Commitments All directors performance of my duties. 4. I will exercise related to Other and senior due diligence to link the remuneration Long term Yes Yes N/A N/A initial public managers system established by the board of directors offerings or the compensation committee to the implementation of the Company's measures to fill returns. 5. I will exercise my due diligence to link the exercise conditions, if any, of the Company's equity incentives to be announced by the Company in the future to the implementation of the Company's measures to fill returns. 6. I will do my best to promote the realization of the Company's measures to fill the immediate return, will support the relevant bills linked to the implementation of the Company's measures to fill returns, and am willing to vote in favor 80/259 2022 Annual Report (if entitled to vote). After the date of issuance of this commitment, if the regulatory authorities make other requirements for the relevant provisions on measures to fill returns and their commitments, and the above commitments fail to meet the relevant requirements of the regulatory authorities, I promise to issue supplementary commitments in accordance with the relevant provisions at that time. In order to ensure that the Company's measures to fill returns can be effectively implemented, all directors and senior managers of the Company make the following commitments: 1. Promise not to transfer benefits to other units or individuals free of charge or under unfair conditions, nor to damage the interests of the Company in other ways; 2. Promise to restrict my job consumption behavior; 3. Promise not to use the Company's assets to engage in investment and consumption activities unrelated to the performance of their duties; Directors and 4. Promise that the remuneration system Commitments During the senior formulated by the board of directors or the related to Other duration of Yes Yes N/A N/A managers of Remuneration and Assessment Committee refinancing convertible bonds the Company will be linked to the implementation of the Company's measures to fill returns; 5. If the Company implements a new equity incentive plan in the future, it is promised that the exercise conditions of the equity incentive plan to be announced will be linked to the implementation of the Company's remuneration measures. As one of the responsible subjects for measures to fill returns, if I violate the above commitments or refuse to fulfill the above commitments, I agree to bear the relevant penalties or management measures imposed on me by the securities regulatory authorities 81/259 2022 Annual Report such as the CSRC and the Shanghai Stock Exchange in accordance with the relevant provisions and rules formulated or issued by them, and am willing to bear the corresponding legal liabilities. In order to ensure that the Company's measures to fill returns can be effectively implemented, the controlling shareholders and actual controllers of the Company make the following commitments: "I will not interfere with the operation and management activities of listed companies beyond my authority and will not infringe on the Controlling interests of listed companies. As one of the shareholder During the responsible subjects for measures to fill Other and actual duration of Yes Yes N/A N/A returns, if I violate the above commitments controller of convertible bonds or refuse to fulfill the above commitments, I the Company agree to bear the relevant penalties or management measures imposed on me by the securities regulatory authorities such as the CSRC and the Shanghai Stock Exchange in accordance with the relevant provisions and rules formulated or issued by them, and am willing to bear the corresponding legal liabilities." 82/259 2022 Annual Report 1. After confirmation on the first day of the issuance of convertible bonds (the announcement date of the prospectus), I will inspect whether I and my spouse, parents and children have reduced their holdings of the issuer's shares within six months before the first day of issuance by myself: (1) If there is a reduction, I and my spouse, parents and children will not participate in the issuance and subscription of convertible bonds, nor will I entrust other subjects to participate in the issuance and subscription of convertible bonds; (2) If there is no reduction, I or my Shareholders, spouse, parents and children will participate Commitment directors, in the issuance and subscription of period before supervisors Commitments convertible bonds. If the subscription is confirmation on and senior related to Other successful, I, my spouse, parents and the first day of Yes Yes N/A N/A managers refinancing children will strictly abide by the relevant issuance of holding more provisions of short-term trading, that is, not convertible than 5% of to reduce the issuer's shares and convertible bonds: long term the shares corporation bonds issued within six months from the first day of the issuance of convertible bonds. 2. If I or my spouse, parents or children reduce our holdings in violation of regulations, the proceeds thus obtained shall belong to the issuer and we will bear the legal liabilities arising therefrom in accordance with the law. 3. I guarantee that I, my spouse, parents and children will strictly abide by the Securities Law and the relevant provisions of the CSRC and the Shanghai Stock Exchange on short- term trading. will not provide loans and other forms of Commitments Validity period of financial assistance for incentive targets to related to The stock option Other obtain relevant stock options under this Yes Yes N/A N/A equity Company incentive plan in incentive plan, including providing incentives 2021 guarantees for its loans. 83/259 2022 Annual Report If the Company does not conform to the arrangement for granting rights and interests or exercising rights and interests due to false records, misleading statements or major Stock option Validity period of omissions in the information disclosure incentive stock option Other documents, the incentive targets shall return Yes Yes N/A N/A targets in incentive plan in all the benefits obtained from the equity 2021 2021 incentive plan to the Company after the relevant information disclosure documents are confirmed to have false records, misleading statements or major omissions. 1. Directors, supervisors and senior managers undertake to: (1) Abide by and urge the Company to abide by laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, etc., and fulfill the obligations of loyalty and diligence; (2) Comply with and The fourth cause the Company to comply with these board of rules and other provisions of the Exchange During the term of directors, and accept the supervision of the Exchange; office of the Other board of (3) Comply with and cause the Company to fourth board of Other Yes Yes N/A N/A commitments supervisors comply with the Articles of Association; 2. directors and and senior The supervisors undertake to supervise board of managers of directors and senior managers to abide by supervisors the Company their commitments. 3. The senior managers undertake to report to the board of directors in a timely manner any matters arising from the operation or finance of the Company that may have a greater impact on the trading price of the Company's shares and their derivatives. (II) If there is a profit forecast for the Company's assets or projects, and the reporting period is still in the profit forecast period, the Company shall explain whether the assets or projects meet the original profit forecast and the reasons □ Met □ Not met √ Not applicable (III) Completion of performance commitments and its impact on goodwill impairment test □ Applicable √ Not applicable II. Non operating occupation of funds by controlling shareholders and other related parties during the reporting period 84/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable III. Illegal guarantee □ Applicable √ Not applicable 85/259 2022 Annual Report IV. Description of the board of directors of the Company on the "non-standard opinion audit report" of the accounting firm □ Applicable √ Not applicable V. The Company's analysis and description of the reasons and impact of changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates or corrections of major accounting errors (I) The Company's analysis and description of the reasons and impact of changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates √ Applicable □ Not applicable This change in accounting policy is a reasonable change made by the Company in accordance with the requirements of the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 15 (CK [2021] No. 35) and the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 16 (CK [2022] No. 31) issued by the Ministry of Finance. The changed accounting policy can more objectively and fairly reflect the Company's financial situation, operating results and cash flow, which is in line with the interests of the Company and all shareholders. This change in accounting policy does not involve retrospective adjustment of the Company's previous years, has no significant impact on the Company's financial situation, operating results and cash flow, and does not damage the interests of the Company and all shareholders, especially minority shareholders. (II) Analysis and description of the Company's reasons and impact for the correction of major accounting errors □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Communication with previous accounting firms □ Applicable √ Not applicable (IV) Other instructions □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI. Appointment and dismissal of accounting firms Unit: '0,000 Currency: CNY Current appointment Name of domestic accounting firms Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership) Remuneration of domestic accounting firms 234 Audit years of domestic accounting firms 3 Name of certified public accountant of domestic Feng Jun, Fu Peng accounting firms Continuous years of audit services provided by certified 3 public accountant of domestic accounting firms Note: Feng Jun, an accountant, provides audit services for the Company for one consecutive year. Name Remuneration Internal control audit accounting Huaxing Certified Public Accounts 80 firms LLP (Special General Partnership) Description of the appointment and dismissal of accounting firms √ Applicable □ Not applicable On May 27, 2022, the Company held the 2021 annual general meetings of shareholders, which deliberated and approved the Proposal on the Renewal of Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership) as the Company's Audit Institution in 2022, and the Company hired Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP (Special General Partnership) as the audit institution for 2022. Description of the change of accounting firm during the audit period □ Applicable √ Not applicable VII. Situations at risk of delisting (I) Reasons for delisting risk warning □ Applicable √ Not applicable 86/259 2022 Annual Report (II) Measures to be taken by the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Circumstances and reasons for termination of listing □ Applicable √ Not applicable VIII. Matters related to bankruptcy reorganization □ Applicable √ Not applicable IX. Major litigation and arbitration matters □ The Company has major litigation and arbitration matters this year √ The Company has no major litigation and arbitration matters this year (I) The litigation and arbitration matters have been disclosed in the interim announcement and there is no follow- up progress □ Applicable √ Not applicable (II) Litigation and arbitration that are not disclosed in the interim announcement or have follow-up progress □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Other notes □ Applicable √ Not applicable X. Listed companies and their directors, supervisors, senior managers, controlling shareholders and actual controllers are suspected of violating laws and regulations, being punished and rectified □ Applicable √ Not applicable XI. Description of the integrity of the Company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the reporting period, the Company, the controlling shareholder and the actual controller of the Company, Mr. Yao Liangsong, did not have bad faith such as outstanding debts due. XII. Material related party transactions (I) Related party transactions related to day-to-day operation 1. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement and have no progress or change in subsequent implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement but have progress or change in subsequent implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Matters not disclosed in the provisional announcement □ Applicable √ Not applicable (II) Related party transactions arising from the acquisition and sale of assets or equity 1. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement and have no progress or change in subsequent implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement but have progress or change in subsequent implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Matters not disclosed in the provisional announcement □ Applicable √ Not applicable 87/259 2022 Annual Report 4. If the performance agreement is involved, the performance realization during the reporting period shall be disclosed □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Major related party transactions of joint foreign investment 1. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement and have no progress or change in subsequent implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement but have progress or change in subsequent implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Matters not disclosed in the provisional announcement □ Applicable √ Not applicable (IV) Related creditor's rights and debts 1. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement and have no progress or change in subsequent implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement but have progress or change in subsequent implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Matters not disclosed in the provisional announcement □ Applicable √ Not applicable (V) Financial business between the Company and related financial companies, the Company's holding financial companies and related parties □ Applicable √ Not applicable (VI) Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable XIII. Major contracts and their performance (I) Trusteeship, contracting and leasing 1. Trusteeship □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Contracting □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Leasing □ Applicable √ Not applicable 88/259 2022 Annual Report (II) Guarantees √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY External guarantees of the Company (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries) Guarante Whether Relationsh e Guarante Has the Is the Guarante to ip between Guarante occurrenc Guarante Type of Counter Relevance Guarant Guarantee e Collatera guarante guarante e guarante guarantor e e date e start guarante guarante relationshi or d party expiratio l, if any e been e overdue e for and listed amount (agreeme date e e p n date fulfilled overdue amount related company nt signing parties date) Total amount of guarantees incurred during the reporting period (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries) Total guarantee balance at the end of the reporting period (A) (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries) Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries to subsidiaries Total amount of guarantees to subsidiaries during the reporting period 2,204,332,837.12 Total guarantee balance to subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period (B) 988,765,204.81 Total guarantee amount of the Company (including guarantee to subsidiaries) Total guarantee (A+B) 988,765,204.81 Proportion of total guarantee to net assets of the Company (%) 5.99 Of which: Amount of guarantee provided for shareholders, actual controllers and their 0.00 related parties (C) Amount of debt guarantee directly or indirectly provided for the guaranteed 18,385,260.74 object with an asset liability ratio of more than 70% (D) Amount of the total guarantee exceeding 50% of the net assets (E) 0.00 Total amount of the above three guarantees (C+D+E) 18,385,260.74 Description of possible joint and several liability for repayment of unexpired None guarantee Guarantee description None 89/259 2022 Annual Report (III) Entrust others to manage cash assets 1. Entrusted financial management (1) General situation of entrusted financial management √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit:CNY ‘0,000 Type Source of funds Amount incurred Outstanding balance Overdue uncollected amount Bank financing Own funds 55,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 Bank financing Fund raising 55,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 Other circumstances □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Single entrusted financial management √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit:CNY ‘0,000 Is there Whether Amount Amount Start date Terminati Actu an Remunerat Expect it has of of of on date of Sour al entrusted Type of entrusted Capital ion ed Actual gone provisio entrusted entrusted entrusted ce of Annuali gains financial Trustee financial investm determinat earnin recover through n for financial financial financial fund zed yield or managem management ent ion gs (if y legal impairm managem managem managem s losse ent plan method any) procedu ent (if ent ent ent s in the res any) future China China Merchants Merchant Bank Company Own s Bank 2021/5/2 2021/12/ 431. Recove Dingding A Type fund Contract 4.00% - Yes Yes - Guangzh 6 9 78 ry 65170 financial s ou management plan Branch 20,000.00 China China Merchants Merchant Bank Company Own s Bank 2021/5/2 2022/1/1 69.9 Recove Dingding A Type fund Contract 4.00% - Yes Yes - Guangzh 6 0 3 ry 65170 financial s ou management plan Branch 90/259 2022 Annual Report China China Merchants Merchant Bank Company Own s Bank 2021/5/2 2022/2/1 Recove Dingding A Type fund Contract 4.00% - Yes Yes - Guangzh 6 4 ry 65170 financial s ou management plan Branch ICBC wealth management Wi shful life core ICBC preferred fixed Guangzh income closed net Own ou value special 2021/7/2 2022/7/2 603. Recove 30,000.00 fund Contract 3.80% - Yes Yes - Tianpingj account 1 0 00 ry s ia Sub- customized branch wealth management products (21GS5309) Bank of China Guangzh Own Linked structured 2021/8/2 194. Recove ou 10,000.00 2022/3/1 fund Contract 3.80% - Yes Yes - deposits 6 68 ry Jianggao s Sub- branch ICBC wealth management. Core preferred ICBC fixed income Guangzh closed net value Own ou 2021/8/3 2022/8/2 318. Recove special account 20,000.00 fund Contract 3.80% - Yes Yes - Tianpingj 0 9 00 ry customized s ia Sub- wealth branch management products 21GS5256 China China Own 2021/9/2 103. Recove Construct Construction 10,000.00 2022/1/5 fund Contract 3.61% - Yes Yes - 2 85 ry ion Bank Bank "Qianyuan - s 91/259 2022 Annual Report Guangzh Huizhong" ou (Purchase by Jianggao daily subscription Sub- and redemptions branch are made quarterly) open net value CNY financial products China Bohai China Bohai Bank Bank No. 21060 Own Tianjin closed fixed 2021/9/2 2022/3/2 414. Recove 20,000.00 fund Contract 4.20% - Yes Yes - Pilot Free income non-net 9 8 25 ry s Trade value financial Zone products Branch China Construction China Bank "Qianyuan - Construct Huizhong" ion Bank (Purchase by Own Guangzh 2021/10/ 140. Recove daily subscription 15,000.00 2022/1/5 fund Contract 3.63% - Yes Yes - ou 12 19 ry and redemptions s Jianggao are made Sub- quarterly) open branch net value CNY financial products China Construction China Bank "Qianyuan - Construct Huizhong" ion Bank (Purchase by Own Guangzh 2021/10/ 225. Recove daily subscription 25,000.00 2022/1/5 fund Contract 3.63% - Yes Yes - ou 12 09 ry and redemptions s Jianggao are made Sub- quarterly) open branch net value CNY financial products China China 25,000.00 2021/10/ 2022/1/5 Own Contract 3.63% - 225. Recove Yes Yes - 92/259 2022 Annual Report Construct Construction 12 fund 09 ry ion Bank Bank "Qianyuan - s Guangzh Huizhong" ou (Purchase by Jianggao daily subscription Sub- and redemptions branch are made quarterly) open net value CNY financial products CGB's "salary increase No.16" W Type 99th CNY structural CGB Own deposit in 2021 2021/12/ 2022/1/2 Recove Qingyuan 5.00 fund Contract 3.25% - 0.02 Yes Yes - (institutional 23 7 ry Branch s version) (linked to Euro - dollar euro binary bearish structure) Ping An Bank's public structured Ping An deposits (100% Bank principal Own 2022/7/2 Recove Guangzh guaranteed linked 5,000.00 2022/8/4 fund Contract 1.82% - 1.99 Yes Yes - 9 ry ou interest rate) s Branch rolling open 7- day 2020 Issue 01 TGA20000001 China Construct ion Bank CNY customized Own Guangzh structured 50,000.00 2022/9/2 2023/3/6 fund Contract 3.55% - - — Yes Yes - ou deposits s Jianggao Sub- branch China China Merchants 2022/9/2 2022/12/ Fund 142. Recove 20,000.00 Contract 2.85% - Yes Yes - Merchant Bank Zhihui 0 20 raisi 11 ry 93/259 2022 Annual Report s Bank series aggressive ng Guangzh bearish three-tier ou interval three- Branch month structural deposits China Merchants Bank Zhihui series aggressive bearish three-tier China interval one- Merchant month structural Fund s Bank 2022/11/ 2022/12/ 11.4 Recove deposit product 5,000.00 raisi Contract 2.70% - Yes Yes - Guangzh 11 12 7 ry description ng ou structured deposit Branch product description (Product Code: FGZ00011) China Merchants China Bank Zhihui Merchant series bullish Fund s Bank three-tier interval 2022/12/ 2023/1/3 30,000.00 raisi Contract 2.90% - - — Yes Yes - Guangzh 33-day structural 28 0 ng ou deposit risk Branch disclosure FGZ00012 Other circumstances □ Applicable √ Not applicable 94/259 2022 Annual Report (3) Provision for impairment of entrusted financial management □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Entrusted loan (1) General situation of entrusted loan □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other circumstances □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Single entrusted loan □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other circumstances □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Provision for impairment of entrusted loan □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Other circumstances □ Applicable √ Not applicable (IV) Other major contracts □ Applicable √ Not applicable XIV. Descriptions of other major matters that have a significant impact on investors' value judgments and investment decisions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 95/259 2022 Annual Report Section VII Changes in shares and shareholders I. Changes in equity (I) Statement of Changes in Shares 1. Statement of changes in shares Unit: nos. Before this change Increase or decrease in this change (+, -) After this change Provident Proportion New Sub- Proportion Quantity Dividend fund Other Quantity (%) issue total (%) conversion I. Shares with limited 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 conditions of sale 1. Shares held 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 by State 2. Shares held by State-owned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 legal persons 3. Shares held by other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 domestic capital Including: shares held by domestic non 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 state-owned legal persons Shares held by domestic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 natural persons 4. Foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 shareholding Including: shares held by 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 overseas legal persons Shares held by overseas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 natural person II. Unrestricted 609,151,948 100 6 0 0 0 6 609,151,954 100 tradable shares 1. CNY 609,151,948 100 6 0 0 0 6 609,151,954 100 ordinary share 2. Domestic listed foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 share 3. Overseas listed foreign 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 share 4. Other 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 III. Total shares 609,151,948 100 6 0 0 0 6 609,151,954 100 2. Description of changes in shares √ Applicable □ Not applicable 96/259 2022 Annual Report During the period from September 21, 2022 to September 30, 2022, the number of incentive targets who met the exercise conditions and completed the registration of share transfer in the first exercise period of stock options granted by the Company for the first time was 6 shares, accounting for 0.0006% of the total number of exercisable stock options in that period. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Quarterly Independent Exercise Results and Share Changes of the Company's Stock Option Incentive Plan in 2021 (2022-084) disclosed by the Company on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange. 3. Impact of share changes on financial indicators such as earnings per share and net assets per share in the latest year and the latest period (if any) √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the reporting period, due to the impact of stock option exercise, the Company's total equity at the end of the period increased by 6 shares compared with the total equity at the beginning of the period, which had little dilution effect on earnings per share and net assets per share in the latest period. 4. Other contents deemed necessary by the Company or required to be disclosed by the securities regulatory authority □ Applicable √ Not applicable (II) Changes in restricted shares □ Applicable √ Not applicable II. Securities issuance and listing (I) Securities issuance as of the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: share Currency: CNY Number of Issue price Transaction Types of stocks and Number of transactions Issue date (or interest Listing date termination their derivatives issues approved for rate) date listing Convertible corporation bonds and convertible bonds with separate transactions Oppein 22 August 5, September 1, August 4, 100 20 million 20 million convertible bonds 2022 2022 2028 Other derivative securities Option for the first exercise period of September September 145.22 1,042,576 1,042,576 July 1, 2023 the first grant of 21, 2022 21, 2022 stock options Notes on the issuance of securities during the reporting period (please explain separately for bonds with different interest rates during the duration): √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. With the approval of "ZJXK [2022] No.1328" of CSRC, the Company publicly issued 20 million convertible corporation bonds on August 5, 2022, with a face value of CNY 100 each and a total issuance amount of CNY 2 billion. The term of the bonds is six years from the date of issuance (from August 5, 2022 to August 4, 2028). The coupon rate of the bonds is 0.30% in the first year, 0.50% in the second year, 1.00% in the third year, 1.50% in the fourth year, 1.80% in the fifth year and 2.00% in the sixth year. On September 1, 2022, "Oppein 22 convertible bonds" (Bond Code: 113655) were listed and traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The initial conversion price of "Oppein 22 convertible bonds" was CNY 125.46 per share, and the conversion time was from February 13, 2023 to August 4, 2028 (in case of legal holidays or rest days, it was postponed to the first working day thereafter). 2. In the first exercise period of the first grant of stock options under the Company's stock option incentive plan in 2021, 439 incentive targets met the exercise conditions, totaling 1,042,576 exercisable stock options. The exercise time was from September 21, 2022 to July 1, 2023. The exercise method was independent exercise, and the exercise price was CNY 145.22 per share. During the period from September 21, 2022 to September 30, 2022, the number of exercise and completion of share transfer registration of stock option incentive targets was 6 shares, accounting for 0.0006% of the total number of exercisable stock options in that period. 97/259 2022 Annual Report (II) Changes in the total number of shares and shareholder structure of the Company and changes in the structure of assets and liabilities of the Company √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the reporting period, due to the impact of stock option exercise, the Company's total equity at the end of the period increased by 6 shares compared with the total equity at the beginning of the period, which had little impact on the Company's asset and liability structure. (III) Existing internal employee stocks □ Applicable √ Not applicable III. Shareholders and actual controllers (I) Total shareholders Total number of ordinary shareholders (nos.) by the end 9,668 of the reporting period Total number of ordinary shareholders (nos.) at the end of 10,365 the previous month before the disclosure date of the annual report Total number of preferred shareholders whose voting 0 rights were restored by the end of the reporting period (nos.) Total number of preferred shareholders whose voting 0 rights were restored at the end of last month before the disclosure date of the annual report (nos.) (II) By the end of the reporting period, the shareholding of the top ten shareholders and the top ten circulating shareholders (or shareholders with unlimited selling conditions) Unit: share Shareholding of the top ten shareholders Number Pledge, marking or Increase or Number of of shares freezing Name of decrease holdings at Proportion with Nature of shareholder (full during the the end of the (%) limited Share shareholder name) reporting Quantity period conditions status period of sale Domestic Yao Liangsong 0 403,200,000 66.19 0 None 0 natural person Domestic Yao Liangbai 0 51,578,316 8.47 0 None 0 natural person Hong Kong Securities -16,562,487 27,504,266 4.52 0 None 0 Unknown Clearing Company Limited Agricultural Bank of China Limited - Yifangda -450,002 8,607,719 1.41 0 None 0 Other consumer industry stock securities investment fund ICBC - Guangfa steady growth 1,300,000 6,800,000 1.12 0 None 0 Other securities investment fund National Social Security Fund 115 1,450,000 5,350,000 0.88 0 None 0 Other portfolio Social Security 526,195 2,853,322 0.47 0 None 0 Other 98/259 2022 Annual Report Fund of the People's Republic of China 114 portfolio Basic endowment insurance fund 350,000 2,650,000 0.44 0 None 0 Other 805 portfolio ICBC - Guangfa steady return 914,120 2,316,620 0.38 0 None 0 Other hybrid securities investment fund Kuwait Investment 1,529,251 1,763,212 0.29 0 None 0 Other Authority - own funds Shareholding of the top ten shareholders with unlimited selling conditions Number of tradable shares with Class and number of shares Name of shareholder unrestricted conditions Classification Quantity CNY ordinary Yao Liangsong 403,200,000 403,200,000 share CNY ordinary Yao Liangbai 51,578,316 51,578,316 share Hong Kong Securities Clearing CNY ordinary 27,504,266 27,504,266 Company Limited share Agricultural Bank of China Limited - Yifangda consumer CNY ordinary 8,607,719 8,607,719 industry stock securities share investment fund ICBC - Guangfa steady growth CNY ordinary 6,800,000 6,800,000 securities investment fund share National Social Security Fund 115 CNY ordinary 5,350,000 5,350,000 portfolio share Social Security Fund of the CNY ordinary People's Republic of China 114 2,853,322 2,853,322 share portfolio Basic endowment insurance fund CNY ordinary 2,650,000 2,650,000 805 portfolio share ICBC - Guangfa steady return CNY ordinary 2,316,620 2,316,620 hybrid securities investment fund share Kuwait Investment Authority - CNY ordinary 1,763,212 1,763,212 own funds share Description of repurchase account N/A among the top ten shareholders Description on the entrusting voting rights, entrusted voting rights and waiver of voting rights Unknown of the above-mentioned shareholders Among the top ten shareholders with unlimited selling conditions, Yao Liangsong is the actual controller of the Company, Yao Liangbai is a close Description of the above family member of Yao Liangsong, and Yao Liangsong and Yao Liangbai shareholder's association or constitute a relationship. The Company does not know whether there is a concerted action related relationship between other social shareholders, nor does it know whether other social shareholders belong to the concerted actors stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of the Acquisition of Listed Companies. Description of preferred shareholders with voting rights N/A restored and the number of shares held Number of shares held by the top ten shareholders with limited selling conditions and restricted selling conditions 99/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Strategic investors or general legal persons become the top 10 shareholders due to the placement of new shares □ Applicable √ Not applicable IV. Controlling shareholders and actual controllers (I) Controlling shareholders 1 Legal person □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2 Natural Persons √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name Yao Liangsong Nationality China Have you obtained residency in other No countries or regions Main occupation and position Chairman and president of the Company 3 Special description about no controlling shareholder of the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4 Description of changes in controlling shareholders during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5 Block diagram of property rights and control relationship between the Company and controlling shareholders √ Applicable □ Not applicable Yao Liangsong Oppein Home Group Inc. (II) Actual controllers 1 Legal person □ Applicable √ Not applicable 100/259 2022 Annual Report 2 Natural Persons √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name Yao Liangsong Nationality China Have you obtained residency in other No countries or regions Main occupation and position Chairman and general manager Domestic and foreign listed companies N/A that have controlled in the past 10 years 3 Special description about no actual controller of the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4 Description of changes in the Company's control rights during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5 Block diagram of property rights and control relationship between the Company and actual controller √ Applicable □ Not applicable Yao Liangsong Oppein Home Group Inc. 6 The actual controller controls the Company through trust or other asset management methods □ Applicable √ Not applicable (III) Other information about controlling shareholders and actual controllers □ Applicable √ Not applicable V. The controlling shareholder or the largest shareholder of the Company and its concerted actors have pledged more than 80% of the Company's shares □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI. Other corporate shareholders holding more than 10% of the shares □ Applicable √ Not applicable VII. Description of share restriction and reduction □ Applicable √ Not applicable 101/259 2022 Annual Report VIII. Specific implementation of share repurchase during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Oppein Home's plan to repurchase the Company's shares through centralized Name of share repurchase plan bidding transactions Disclosure time of share October 28, 2022 repurchase plan Number of shares to be repurchased and proportion in 0.27 total equity (%) Proposed repurchase amount ≥ CNY 125,000,000 and ≤ CNY 250,000,000 Within 12 months from the date of approval of the share repurchase plan at the Proposed repurchase period second meeting of the fourth board of directors Repurchase purpose Employee stock ownership plan, equity incentive, convertible bond conversion Number of repurchased shares 0 Proportion of repurchased quantity to the underlying shares — involved in the equity incentive plan (%) (if any) Progress of the Company's reduction of repurchased shares — by means of centralized bidding transactions Note: "The number of shares to be repurchased and the proportion (%) to the total equity" is calculated based on the repurchase price not exceeding CNY 155 per share. If all shares are repurchased, it is estimated that the number of repurchased shares will be about 1,612,903 shares, accounting for about 0.27% of the Company's total equity. Section VIII Preferred shares □ Applicable √ Not applicable Section IX Bonds I. Corporate bonds, corporation bonds and non-financial corporate debt financing instruments □ Applicable √ Not applicable II. Convertible corporation bonds √ Applicable □ Not applicable (I) Issuance of convertible bonds √ Applicable □ Not applicable With the approval of "ZJXK [2022] No.1328" of CSRC, the Company publicly issued 20 million convertible corporation bonds on August 5, 2022, with a face value of CNY 100 each and a total issuance amount of CNY 2 billion. The term of the bonds is six years from the date of issuance (from August 5, 2022 to August 4, 2028). The coupon rate of the bonds is 0.30% in the first year, 0.50% in the second year, 1.00% in the third year, 1.50% in the fourth year, 1.80% in the fifth year and 2.00% in the sixth year. On September 1, 2022, "Oppein 22 convertible bonds" (Bond Code: 113655) were listed and traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The initial conversion price of "Oppein 22 convertible bonds" was CNY 125.46 per share, and the conversion time was from February 13, 2023 to August 4, 2028 (in case of legal holidays or rest days, it was postponed to the first working day thereafter). (II) Holders and guarantors of convertible bonds during the reporting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name of convertible corporation Oppein 22 convertible bonds bonds Number of convertible bond holders 11,313 at the end of the period 102/259 2022 Annual Report Guarantor of the Company's None convertible bonds The top ten convertible bond holders are as follows: Name of convertible corporation Number of bonds held at the end of Holding ratio (%) bond holders the period (CNY) Yao Liangsong 1,323,706,000 66.19 Yao Liangbai 169,332,000 8.47 Agricultural Bank of China Limited - Yifangda consumer industry stock 32,002,000 1.60 securities investment fund CNPC enterprise annuity plan - Industrial and Commercial Bank of 19,544,000 0.98 China Limited PSBC Wealth Management Co., Ltd. - PSBC wealth bonds issue 299, 13,589,000 0.68 2018 (bimonthly fixed growth net value type) China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. - Huabao convertible bond securities 11,923,000 0.60 investment fund China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. - Zheshang Fengli enhanced bond 10,000,000 0.50 securities investment fund Harvest new opportunity fixed income pension product - China 10,000,000 0.50 Construction Bank Co., Ltd. China Life Asset Management - PSBC - CLAM - steady profit and 8,353,000 0.42 fixed income enhanced 2276 asset management products Agricultural Bank of China - 8,056,000 0.40 Dacheng bond investment fund (III) Changes in convertible bonds during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Cumulative conversion of convertible bonds during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (IV) Previous adjustments to conversion prices □ Applicable √ Not applicable (V) The Company's liabilities, credit changes and cash arrangements for debt repayment in future years √ Applicable □ Not applicable At the end of the reporting period, the Company's total liabilities were CNY 12.097 billion, of which current liabilities were CNY 9.675 billion, non-current liabilities were CNY 2.422 billion, and the balance of liabilities to be repaid in the next year was CNY 6.977 billion. As of December 31, 2022, the monetary funds that can be withdrawn at any time were CNY 3.631 billion, the time deposits were CNY 8.877 billion, with small liquidity risk. The Company's operation is stable in all aspects, its asset structure is reasonable, and its credit standing is good, which can provide stable and sufficient funds for the payment of convertible corporation bonds interest or the repayment of bond principal in the coming years. (VI) Other information on convertible bonds □ Applicable √ Not applicable 103/259 2022 Annual Report Section X Financial Reports I. Audit report √ Applicable □ Not applicable All shareholders of Oppein Home Group Inc.: I. Opinion We have audited the financial statements of Oppein Home Group Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Oppein Home"), including the consolidated and parent company's balance sheet as of December 31, 2022, the consolidated and parent company's profit statement, the consolidated and parent company's cash flow statement, the consolidated and parent company's Statement of Changes in Equity and notes to relevant financial statements as of 2022. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises in all material aspects and fairly reflect the consolidation of Oppein Home and parent company's financial position as of December 31, 2022, as well as the consolidation and parent company's operating results and cash flows as of 2022. II. Basis for Opinion We performed the audit in accordance with the Chinese Certified Public Accountants Auditing Standards. The section of "CPA's Responsibility for Auditing Financial Statements" of the audit report further elaborated our responsibilities under these standards. We are independent of Oppein Home in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("CICPA Code"), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the CICPA Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for issuing an audit opinion. III. Key audit matters Key audit matters are the most important matters we believe to audit the current financial statements according to our professional judgment. The response to these matters is based on the audit of the financial statements as a whole and the formation of an audit opinion, and we do not express an opinion on these matters separately. (I) Revenue recognition 1. Description of matters As described in Section X Financial report "V. Important accounting policies and accounting estimates 38. Revenue" and "Section X Financial report VII. Notes to major items in the consolidated financial statements 61. Operating income and operating costs", Oppein Home sales model is mainly divided into dealer exclusive store sales model, direct-sale exclusive store sales model, bulk user business model and export sales model. In 2022, the operating income was CNY 22.480 billion, and compared with the previous year, operating income increased by 9.97%. As income is the key operating indicator of Oppein Home, there is an inherent risk that management manipulates revenue recognition in order to achieve specific goals or expectations. Therefore, we identify revenue recognition as a key audit item. 2. Audit response The main audit procedures we performed for the revenue recognition of Oppein Home include, but are not limited to: (1) Understand and evaluate the internal control design related to Oppein Home income, and test the effectiveness of the implementation of internal control; (2) For different sales models, identify the relevant contract terms and conditions related to the transfer of commodity control, and evaluate whether the revenue recognition time of different sales models meets the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises; (3) Analytically review the different product categories, sales models and regional sales of Oppein Home, and analyze the rationality of changes in sales revenue and gross profit margin; (4) Check the supporting documents related to revenue recognition, including sales contracts, orders, sales invoices, product delivery orders and logistics transportation documents; (5) Sample the current sales and balance of customers to verify the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of revenue; (6) Perform a cutoff test on revenue and confirm whether revenue is included in the correct accounting period. (II) Book value of fixed assets and construction in progress 104/259 2022 Annual Report 1. Description of matters As described in Section X Financial report "V. Important accounting policies and accounting estimates 23. Fixed assets, 24. Construction in progress" and "VII. Notes to major items in the consolidated financial statements 21. Fixed assets, 22. Construction in progress", as of December 31, 2022, the total book value of fixed assets and construction in progress of Oppein Home was CNY 8.119 billion, accounting for 28.38% of the total assets of Oppein Home, mainly the plant, equipment and engineering of six production bases in Guangzhou, Qingyuan, Tianjin, Wuxi, Chengdu and Wuhan, which are an important part of Oppein Home assets. As the determination of the book value of fixed assets and construction in progress involves management judgment and has a significant impact on the financial statements, we determine the book value of fixed assets and construction in progress of Oppein Home as a key audit item. 2. Audit response For the book value of fixed assets and construction in progress, our main audit procedures include but are not limited to: (1) Understand and test the effectiveness of key internal control design and operation related to the integrity, existence and accuracy of fixed assets and construction in progress; (2) Check the project acceptance report or project progress report to evaluate whether the fixed assets are confirmed in an appropriate period; (3) Check the new project cost in this period, check the project contract, settlement documents, progress payment application, invoices and payment vouchers, and check whether the amount of construction in progress is accurate; check the new fixed assets in the current period, and check the supporting documents such as contracts, invoices and acceptance certificates; (4) Check the construction in progress and fixed assets on the spot, implement the fixed assets supervision procedures, check the status and use of construction in progress and fixed assets, understand whether the construction in progress has reached the usable status, understand whether there are problems such as backward technology and long-term idleness of fixed assets, and value about the load rate of fixed assets; (5) Evaluate the management's estimate of the economic useful life and residual value rate of fixed assets, recalculate the cumulative depreciation provision amount of fixed assets and check the book records, and check the accuracy of the cumulative depreciation provision amount; (6) Check the rationality and accuracy of capitalized expenditure and expensed expenditure, check the capitalized expenditure incurred during the reporting period by checking the capitalized expenditure with relevant supporting documents, and evaluate whether it meets the relevant conditions of capitalization. IV. Other information The management of Oppein Home (hereinafter referred to as the management) is responsible for other information. The other information comprises the information included in the 2022 Report of Oppein Home, but does not include the financial statements and our audit report thereon. Our audit opinions published in the financial statements do not cover other information and we do not publish any form of assured conclusion on other information. In combination with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read other information. In the process, we consider whether there is significant inconsistency in other information with the financial statements or what we have learned during the audit process, or other material misstatement existed. Based on the work we have performed, if we determine that there is a material misstatement of other information, we should report that fact. In this regard, we have nothing to report. In this regard, we have nothing to report. V. Responsibilities of management and governance for the financial statements The management is responsible for the preparation of financial statements that give a fair view in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Oppein Home's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern assumption unless the management either intends to liquidate Oppein Home or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. The governance is responsible for overseeing Oppein Home's financial reporting process. VI. CPA's responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements 105/259 2022 Annual Report Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an audit report containing an audit opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high-level assurance, but it does not guarantee that an audit performed in accordance with auditing standards can always be discovered when a major misstatement exists. Misstatement may be caused by fraud or error and is generally considered material if it is reasonably expected that the misstatement, individually or collectively, may affect the economic decisions made by the users of the financial statements on the basis of the financial statements. In the process of conducting audit work in accordance with auditing standards, we use professional judgment and maintain professional suspicion. At the same time, we also perform the following tasks: At the same time, we also perform the following tasks: (1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Since fraud may involve collusion, falsification, intentional omission, misrepresentation or override of internal controls, the risk of failing to detect a material misstatement due to fraud is higher than the risk of failure to detect a material misstatement due to an error. (2) Understand the audit-related internal control to design appropriate audit procedures. (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies selected by the Management Layer and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures. (4) Conclude on the appropriateness of Management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on Oppein Home's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that there is material uncertainty, audit standards require us to bring the relevant disclosures in the financial statements to the attention of the users of the statements in the audit report; if the disclosure is insufficient, we should issue a modified opinion. Our conclusions are based on the information available as of the date of the audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause Oppein Home to cease to continue as a going concern. (5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. (6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within Oppein Home to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for directing, supervising and executing the audits on the Group and assume full responsibility for audit opinions. We communicated with the governance layer of CCCC First Navigation Co., Ltd. on planned audit scope, schedule, and major audit findings, including communication of the internal control deficiencies that we identified during the audit. We also provide a statement to the management that we have complied with ethical requirements related to independence and communicate with the management all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be considered to affect our independence, as well as related precautions, if applicable. From the matters communicated with the governance, we determine which matters are most important to the audit of the current financial statements, thus constituting key audit matters. We describe these matters in the audit report unless laws and regulations prohibit public disclosure of these matters, or in rare cases, if the negative consequences of communicating a matter in the audit report are reasonably expected to exceed the benefits in the public interest, we determine that the matter should not be communicated in the audit report. Huaxing Certified Public Accounts LLP Certified Public Accountant of China: Feng (Special General Partnership) Jun (Project partner) Certified Public Accountant of China: Fu Peng Fuzhou, China April 24, 2023 II. Financial statements Consolidated Balance Sheet December 31, 2022 106/259 2022 Annual Report Prepared by: Oppein Home Group Inc. Unit: CNY Item Notes December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Current assets: Cash and bank balances 8,269,801,977.25 6,561,937,418.36 Balances with clearing companies Loans to banks and other financial institutions Trading financial assets 803,050,958.90 1,677,354,882.08 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 110,434,205.93 206,073,671.76 Accounts receivable 1,356,804,850.55 1,011,693,187.67 Financing of accounts receivable Prepayments 107,436,378.36 148,345,992.40 Premiums receivable Reinsurance accounts receivable Reinsurance contract reserves receivable Other receivables 197,101,668.61 95,586,738.83 Including: Interest receivable Dividend receivable Financial assets purchased under resale agreements Inventories 1,414,007,319.05 1,463,127,856.96 Contract assets Assets held for sale Non-current assets due within 922,210,739.68 one year Other current assets 199,747,707.68 78,826,684.25 Total current assets 13,380,595,806.01 11,242,946,432.31 Non-current assets: Disbursement of loans and advances Debt investment Investment in other creditor's rights Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 10,518,308.44 15,543,367.11 Investment in other equity 369,234,888.05 310,310,218.60 instruments Other non-current financial assets 18,968,837.07 60,339,938.23 Investment properties 1,298,575,277.50 1,334,165,016.86 Fixed assets 6,688,959,701.47 6,648,220,021.88 Construction in progress 1,430,244,831.22 347,455,504.19 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 143,259,299.38 24,976,072.05 Intangible assets 1,060,621,773.48 1,064,392,442.29 Capitalized development expenditure Goodwill Long-term prepaid expenses 100,563,403.28 79,715,027.09 Deferred income tax assets 145,239,617.57 121,128,704.45 Other non-current assets 3,964,225,445.14 2,143,540,620.17 107/259 2022 Annual Report Item Notes December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Total non-current assets 15,230,411,382.60 12,149,786,932.92 TOTAL ASSETS 28,611,007,188.61 23,392,733,365.23 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 4,584,695,003.58 2,389,126,170.93 Borrowings from central bank Loans from other banks and other financial institutions Trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 70,366,124.74 139,951,771.71 Accounts payable 1,908,743,254.29 2,018,248,874.11 Receipts in advance 364,393,984.51 885,811,485.23 Contract liabilities 782,289,860.99 1,202,994,206.12 Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements Absorption of deposits and interbank deposits Receivings from vicariously traded securities Receivings from vicariously sold securities Employee benefits payable 514,648,710.27 561,430,166.62 Taxes payable 269,205,746.47 261,332,987.33 Other payables 840,531,618.28 667,841,099.64 Including: Interest payable Dividend payable Handling charges and commissions payable Accounts payable for reinsurance Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due within 241,730,653.70 13,286,652.37 one year Other current liabilities 98,158,653.53 144,631,995.61 Total current liabilities 9,674,763,610.36 8,284,655,409.66 Non-current liabilities: Reserves for insurance contracts Long-term loans 5,122,020.57 Debentures payable 1,601,701,819.31 Of which: preferred shares Perpetual bond Lease liabilities 101,476,366.50 12,665,970.28 Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits payable Estimated liabilities 43,770.00 59,715.00 Deferred income 469,701,073.18 471,292,317.05 Deferred income tax liabilities 134,412,062.70 96,615,466.91 Other non-current liabilities 109,986,691.00 118,488,814.29 Total non-current liabilities 2,422,443,803.26 699,122,283.53 TOTAL LIABILITIES 12,097,207,413.62 8,983,777,693.20 Owners' equity (or stockholders' equity): Paid-in capital (or equity capital) 609,151,954.00 609,151,948.00 Other equity instruments 424,351,185.44 Of which: preferred shares Perpetual bond 108/259 2022 Annual Report Item Notes December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Capital reserve 4,360,144,069.29 4,361,363,807.54 Less: treasury stock Other comprehensive income 111,426,682.00 59,580,680.56 Special reserve Surplus reserve 304,575,977.00 304,575,974.00 General risk reserve Undistributed profits 10,698,497,383.97 9,074,118,319.30 Owners' equity (or shareholders' 16,508,147,251.70 14,408,790,729.40 equity) attributable to the parent company Non-controlling interests 5,652,523.29 164,942.64 Total owners' equity (or 16,513,799,774.99 14,408,955,672.04 stockholders' equity) Total liabilities and owners' 28,611,007,188.61 23,392,733,365.23 equity (or stockholders' equity) Principal of the Company: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting institution: Wang Huan 109/259 2022 Annual Report Balance Sheet of Parent Company December 31, 2022 Prepared by: Oppein Home Group Inc. Item Notes December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Current assets: Cash and bank balances 6,557,734,232.20 5,229,686,023.69 Trading financial assets 300,071,506.85 971,205,892.83 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 109,434,205.93 206,073,671.76 Accounts receivable 1,213,959,851.27 952,202,553.97 Financing of accounts receivable Prepayments 67,726,582.85 59,493,828.98 Other receivables 6,733,661,374.43 5,433,781,485.95 Including: Interest receivable Dividend receivable Inventories 308,854,288.51 405,727,821.66 Contract assets Assets held for sale Non-current assets due within 271,289,972.61 one year Other current assets 62,619,813.82 37,934,970.98 Total current assets 15,625,351,828.47 13,296,106,249.82 Non-current assets: Debt investment Investment in other creditor's rights Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments 1,135,214,838.43 726,910,984.40 Investment in other equity 1,015,000.00 1,015,000.00 instruments Other non-current financial assets Investment properties 1,298,575,277.50 1,334,165,016.86 Fixed assets 559,154,142.42 582,971,078.72 Construction in progress 18,547,824.67 6,851,735.24 Productive biological assets Oil and gas assets Right-of-use assets 16,364,613.01 10,764,315.24 Intangible assets 108,516,973.13 111,757,531.13 Capitalized development expenditure Goodwill Long-term prepaid expenses 15,382,947.15 17,614,583.37 Deferred income tax assets 45,622,433.68 37,265,949.79 Other non-current assets 2,670,545,901.40 773,392,446.15 Total non-current assets 5,868,939,951.39 3,602,708,640.90 TOTAL ASSETS 21,494,291,779.86 16,898,814,890.72 Current liabilities: Short-term loans 738,607,920.25 1,015,126,170.93 Trading financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 2,885,404,773.60 1,251,055,572.70 Accounts payable 870,752,585.97 790,524,285.54 Receipts in advance 197,885,660.31 427,872,118.87 Contract liabilities 373,876,519.62 577,505,868.61 110/259 2022 Annual Report Item Notes December 31, 2022 December 31, 2021 Employee benefits payable 144,113,112.86 137,160,220.43 Taxes payable 51,253,871.73 88,494,253.07 Other payables 5,382,917,460.93 4,373,451,321.57 Including: Interest payable Dividend payable Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due within 206,984,890.59 6,645,581.30 one year Other current liabilities 48,849,360.04 69,444,917.14 Total current liabilities 10,900,646,155.90 8,737,280,310.15 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loans Debentures payable 1,601,701,819.31 Of which: preferred shares Perpetual bond Lease liabilities 8,953,901.07 4,790,224.81 Long-term payables Long-term employee benefits payable Estimated liabilities 43,770.00 59,715.00 Deferred income 53,562,327.24 75,137,379.17 Deferred income tax liabilities 31,434,480.85 11,683,357.75 Other non-current liabilities 109,986,691.00 118,488,814.29 Total non-current liabilities 1,805,682,989.47 210,159,491.02 TOTAL LIABILITIES 12,706,329,145.37 8,947,439,801.18 Owners' equity (or stockholders' equity): Paid-in capital (or equity capital) 609,151,954.00 609,151,948.00 Other equity instruments 424,351,185.44 Of which: preferred shares Perpetual bond Capital reserve 4,347,036,614.94 4,348,256,353.19 Less: treasury stock Other comprehensive income Special reserve Surplus reserve 304,575,977.00 304,575,974.00 Undistributed profits 3,102,846,903.11 2,689,390,814.35 Total owners' equity (or 8,787,962,634.49 7,951,375,089.54 stockholders' equity) Total liabilities and owners' 21,494,291,779.86 16,898,814,890.72 equity (or stockholders' equity) Principal of the Company: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting institution: Wang Huan 111/259 2022 Annual Report Consolidated Profit Statement January - December 2022 Unit: CNY Item Notes 2022 2021 I. Revenue from operations 22,479,503,474.56 20,441,604,591.50 Of which: operating income 22,479,503,474.56 20,441,604,591.50 Interest income Premium earned Revenue from handling charges and commissions II. Total operating cost 19,432,679,782.07 17,430,601,165.22 Of which: operating cost 15,374,184,716.14 13,978,340,522.59 Interest expense Expenses from handling charges and commissions Surrender value Net amount of compensation payout Net provisions for policy reserves Policy dividend expenses Reinsurance expenses Tax and surcharge 168,018,312.28 142,764,878.95 Selling expenses 1,678,894,114.14 1,385,772,778.03 Administrative expenses 1,335,732,876.37 1,131,445,694.80 R&D expense 1,123,248,931.13 907,758,166.73 Financial expenses -247,399,167.99 -115,480,875.88 Of which: interest expenses 152,770,445.92 132,807,862.73 Interest income 380,881,220.85 266,051,753.30 Add: other income 119,639,886.58 91,106,575.44 Return on investment ("-" for loss) 23,426,338.55 20,576,163.13 Including: return on investment in -1,525,058.67 -6,461,645.66 associates and joint ventures Income from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Exchange gains (loss expressed with "-") Net exposure hedging income (loss expressed with "-") Income from change in fair value ("- -33,764,275.51 52,292,566.27 " for loss) Credit impairment loss (loss -99,787,553.98 -108,305,951.75 expressed with "-") Asset impairment loss (loss expressed with "-") Asset disposal income (loss -267,179.73 -6,782,217.94 expressed with "-") III. Operating profit ("-" for loss) 3,056,070,908.40 3,059,890,561.43 Add: non-operating income 26,533,945.10 32,385,628.55 Less: non-operating expenses 14,919,954.27 17,320,213.90 IV. Total profit ("-" for loss) 3,067,684,899.23 3,074,955,976.08 Less: income tax expenses 385,171,835.08 410,802,592.06 V. Net profit ("-" for net loss) 2,682,513,064.15 2,664,153,384.02 (I) Classification by business continuity 1. Net profit from continuing 2,682,513,064.15 2,664,153,384.02 operations (net loss expressed with "-") 2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss expressed with "-") 112/259 2022 Annual Report Item Notes 2022 2021 (II) Classification by ownership 1. Net profit attributable to 2,688,425,483.50 2,665,588,441.38 shareholders of the parent company (net loss expressed with -) 2. Minority shareholders' profit and -5,912,419.35 -1,435,057.36 loss (net loss expressed with "-") VI. Other comprehensive income - after tax 53,815,494.61 29,623,688.67 (I) Net after tax of other 53,815,494.61 29,623,688.67 comprehensive income attributable to the owner of the parent company 1. Other comprehensive income that 50,342,531.78 29,903,289.16 cannot be reclassified into profits and losses (1) Remeasurement of changes in defined benefit plans (2) Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit and loss under equity method (3) Change in fair value of other equity 50,342,531.78 29,903,289.16 instrument investments (4) Change in fair value of enterprise's own credit risk 2. Other comprehensive income to be 3,472,962.83 -279,600.49 reclassified into profits and losses (1) Other comprehensive income of transferable profit and loss under equity method (2) Change in fair value of other debt investments (3) Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income (4) Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments (5) Cash flow hedging reserve (6) Translation difference of foreign 3,472,962.83 -279,600.49 currency financial statements (7) Other (II) Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders VII. Total comprehensive income 2,736,328,558.76 2,693,777,072.69 (I) Total comprehensive income 2,742,240,978.11 2,695,212,130.05 attributable to owners of the parent company (II) Total comprehensive income -5,912,419.35 -1,435,057.36 attributable to minority shareholders VIII. Earnings per share (EPS): (I) Basic earnings per share (CNY/share) 4.41 4.40 (II) Diluted earnings per share (CNY/share) 4.38 4.40 In the event of a business merger under the same control in the current period, the net profit realized by the merged party before the merger is CNY 0.00, and the net profit realized by the combined party in the previous period is CNY 0.00. Principal of the Company: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting institution: Wang Huan 113/259 2022 Annual Report Profit Statement of Parent Company January - December 2022 Unit: CNY Item Notes 2022 2021 I. Operating revenue 11,328,325,920.48 10,741,019,908.28 Less: operating cost 9,026,484,085.30 8,335,436,524.34 Tax and surcharge 48,513,540.77 41,081,445.16 Selling expenses 867,008,084.54 653,092,411.77 Administrative expenses 260,061,063.81 246,076,265.62 R&D expense 404,196,243.18 340,632,238.04 Financial expenses -208,351,097.19 -80,190,047.66 Of which: interest expenses 111,591,807.97 84,369,868.45 Interest income 291,122,527.61 179,494,407.47 Add: other income 20,602,877.38 16,074,419.51 Return on investment ("-" for loss) 704,642,873.65 -3,745,892.24 Of which: return on investment in -4,149,938.51 -6,461,645.66 associates and joint ventures Income from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost Net exposure hedging income (loss expressed with "-") Income from change in fair value ("-" 71,506.85 15,911,156.14 for loss) Credit impairment loss (loss expressed -76,213,355.39 -103,599,879.64 with "-") Asset impairment loss (loss expressed with "-") Asset disposal income (loss expressed 73,596.50 265,524.11 with "-") II. Operating profit (loss expressed with "- 1,579,591,499.06 1,129,796,398.89 ") Add: non-operating income 14,180,566.07 22,062,774.96 Less: non-operating expenses 5,492,773.23 8,553,000.88 III. Total profits (total losses expressed with 1,588,279,291.90 1,143,306,172.97 "-") Less: income tax expenses 108,807,291.14 157,970,798.95 IV. Net profit (net loss expressed with "-") 1,479,472,000.76 985,335,374.02 (I) Net profit from continuing 1,479,472,000.76 985,335,374.02 operations (net loss expressed with "-") (II) Net profit from discontinued operations (net loss expressed with "-") V. Net of tax of other comprehensive income (I) Other comprehensive income not reclassified into profit or loss subsequently 1. Remeasure changes in defined benefit plans 2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit or loss under the equity method 3. Change in fair value of other equity instrument investments 4. Changes in fair value of the Company's own credit risk (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit or loss 1. Other comprehensive income that 114/259 2022 Annual Report Item Notes 2022 2021 can be converted to profit or loss under the equity method 2. Change in fair value of other debt investments 3. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income 4. Provision for credit impairment of other creditor's right investment 5. Cash flow hedging reserve 6. Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements 7. Other VI. Total comprehensive income 1,479,472,000.76 985,335,374.02 VII. Earnings per share: (I) Basic earnings per share (CNY/share) (II) Diluted earnings per share (CNY/share) Principal of the Company: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting institution: Wang Huan 115/259 2022 Annual Report Consolidated Cash Flow Statement January - December 2022 Unit: CNY Item Notes 2022 2021 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of goods or 24,493,758,108.70 24,453,251,450.26 rendering of services Net increase in deposits from customers and deposits in banks and other financial institutions Net increase in borrowings from central bank Net increase in loans from other financial institutions Cash received from receiving insurance premiums of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase in deposits and investments from policyholders Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions Net increase in loans from banks and other financial institutions Net capital increase in repurchase business Net cash received from vicariously traded securities Tax refunds 21,099,815.48 Cash received relating to other 488,458,072.86 506,542,876.91 operating activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 25,003,315,997.04 24,959,794,327.17 operating activities Cash paid to purchase goods or 15,650,359,672.31 14,937,583,277.60 accept labor services Net increase in loans and advances to customers Net increase in deposits in central bank and other banks and financial institutions Cash paid for original insurance contract claims Net increase in loans to banks and other financial institutions Cash paid for interest, handling charges and commissions Cash paid for policy dividends Cash paid to and for employees 3,805,430,961.82 3,254,598,408.64 Taxes and fees paid 1,419,087,955.16 1,302,770,073.53 Other cash payments relating to 1,718,677,240.20 1,418,875,897.01 operating activities Sub-total of cash outflow from 22,593,555,829.49 20,913,827,656.78 operating activities Net cash flows from operating 2,409,760,167.55 4,045,966,670.39 activities II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from disposal of 7,048,238,715.44 3,320,615,263.32 116/259 2022 Annual Report Item Notes 2022 2021 investments Cash received from returns on 31,543,690.29 38,736,831.64 investments Net cash received from the disposal 10,996,064.30 3,463,541.11 of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long term assets Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities Other cash received relating to 91,497,876.71 43,398,342.05 investing activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 7,182,276,346.74 3,406,213,978.12 investing activities Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, 2,257,299,834.51 1,234,793,995.85 intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid to acquire investments 11,937,991,000.00 4,236,550,000.00 Net increase in pledge loans Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries 33,160,265.17 and other business units Other cash paid relating to investing 100,000,000.00 activities Sub-total of cash outflow from 14,328,451,099.68 5,471,343,995.85 investing activities Net cash flows from investing -7,146,174,752.94 -2,065,130,017.73 activities III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from capital 2,006,400,871.32 1,600,000.00 contribution Of which: cash received by the 11,400,000.00 1,600,000.00 subsidiary from absorbing the investments of minority stockholders Cash received from borrowings 6,473,997,889.26 3,675,893,338.14 Other cash received relating to 3,218,348.22 481,821.60 financing activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 8,483,617,108.80 3,677,975,159.74 financing activities Cash paid for settlement of debt 4,071,309,737.10 2,920,830,972.93 Cash payments for interest expenses 1,229,680,952.88 843,199,431.22 and distribution of dividends or profits Of which: dividends and profits paid to minority stockholders by the subsidiary Other cash payments relating to 197,310,244.15 100,981,922.25 financing activities Sub-total of cash flows from financing 5,498,300,934.13 3,865,012,326.40 activities Net cash flows from financing 2,985,316,174.67 -187,037,166.66 activities IV. Effect of exchange rate changes 39,711,066.92 -10,450,359.35 on cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash -1,711,387,343.80 1,783,349,126.65 equivalents Add: opening balance of cash and 5,341,817,438.33 3,558,468,311.68 cash equivalents VI. Closing balance of cash and cash 3,630,430,094.53 5,341,817,438.33 equivalents Principal of the Company: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting 117/259 2022 Annual Report institution: Wang Huan 118/259 2022 Annual Report Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company January - December 2022 Unit: CNY Item Notes 2022 2021 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of goods or 12,088,681,859.20 11,890,961,591.54 rendering of services Tax refunds Cash received relating to other 216,180,891.80 2,216,632,556.05 operating activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 12,304,862,751.00 14,107,594,147.59 operating activities Cash paid to purchase goods or 8,090,005,136.27 8,337,870,244.46 accept labor services Cash paid to and for employees 828,168,197.12 703,592,135.61 Taxes and fees paid 478,460,499.69 453,102,031.63 Other cash payments relating to 1,077,760,152.58 603,108,750.87 operating activities Sub-total of cash outflow from 10,474,393,985.66 10,097,673,162.57 operating activities Net cash flows from operating 1,830,468,765.34 4,009,920,985.02 activities II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from disposal of 5,771,620,536.68 1,938,615,263.32 investments Cash received from returns on 715,939,088.46 6,028,835.62 investments Net cash received from the disposal 9,682,417.77 6,995,814.43 of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long term assets Net cash received from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities Other cash received relating to 91,497,876.71 43,398,342.05 investing activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 6,588,739,919.62 1,995,038,255.42 investing activities Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, 169,420,688.89 433,805,436.45 intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid to acquire investments 10,900,841,000.00 2,646,100,000.00 Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid relating to investing 100,000,000.00 activities Sub-total of cash outflow from 11,170,261,688.89 3,079,905,436.45 investing activities Net cash flows from investing activities -4,581,521,769.27 -1,084,867,181.03 III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from capital 1,995,000,871.32 contribution Cash received from borrowings 2,627,997,889.26 2,301,893,338.14 Other cash received relating to financing activities Sub-total of cash inflow from 4,622,998,760.58 2,301,893,338.14 financing activities Cash paid for settlement of debt 2,696,576,242.49 2,122,830,972.93 Cash payments for interest expenses 1,150,984,625.97 793,484,789.52 119/259 2022 Annual Report Item Notes 2022 2021 and distribution of dividends or profits Other cash payments relating to 123,016,539.83 72,676,433.65 financing activities Sub-total of cash flows from financing 3,970,577,408.29 2,988,992,196.10 activities Net cash flows from financing 652,421,352.29 -687,098,857.96 activities IV. Effect of exchange rate changes 39,495,530.91 -10,130,340.77 on cash and cash equivalents V. Net increase in cash and cash -2,059,136,120.73 2,227,824,605.26 equivalents Add: opening balance of cash and cash 4,061,868,195.49 1,834,043,590.23 equivalents VI. Closing balance of cash and cash 2,002,732,074.76 4,061,868,195.49 equivalents Principal of the Company: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting institution: Wang Huan 120/259 2022 Annual Report Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity January - December 2022 Unit: CNY 2022 Owners' equity attributable to the parent Other equity instruments Less Gen Non- Paid-in : Other Spe Total Item eral controlli capital Prefer Perpe Capital treas comprehe cial Surplus Undistribut Ot owners' risk Sub-total ng (or equity ence tual Other reserve ury nsive rese reserve ed profits her equity reser interests capital) shares bond stoc income rve ve k I. Closing balance of 609,151, 4,361,363, 59,580,6 304,575, 9,074,118,3 14,408,790, 164,942. 14,408,955, previous 948.00 807.54 80.56 974.00 19.30 729.40 64 672.04 year Add: Change in accounting policy Correction of previous errors A business combinati on involving enterprises under common control Other II. Balance at the 609,151, 4,361,363, 59,580,6 304,575, 9,074,118,3 14,408,790, 164,942. 14,408,955, beginning 948.00 807.54 80.56 974.00 19.30 729.40 64 672.04 of this year III. 6.00 424,351, - 51,846,0 3.00 1,624,379,0 2,099,356,5 5,487,58 2,104,844,1 121/259 2022 Annual Report Amount 185.44 1,219,738. 01.44 64.67 22.30 0.65 02.95 increase/d 25 ecrease of the current period ("-" for decreases) (I) Total - comprehen 53,815,4 2,688,425,4 2,742,240,9 2,736,328,5 5,912,41 sive 94.61 83.50 78.11 58.76 9.35 income (II) Contributi - on and 424,351, 423,131,45 11,400,0 434,531,45 6.00 1,219,738. withdrawa 185.44 3.19 00.00 3.19 25 l of capital by owners 1. Common stock 424,351, 424,352,05 11,400,0 435,752,05 6.00 865.32 contribute 185.44 6.76 00.00 6.76 d by owners 2. Capital invested by holders of other equity instrument s 3. Share- based - - - payment 1,220,603. 1,220,603.5 1,220,603.5 recognized 57 7 7 in owners' equity 4. Others (III) Profit - - - 3.00 distributio 1,066,015,9 1,066,015,9 1,066,015,9 122/259 2022 Annual Report n 12.00 09.00 09.00 1. Provision 3.00 -3.00 for surplus reserve 2. Withdrawa l of general risk reserves 3. Distributio - - - n to 1,066,015,9 1,066,015,9 1,066,015,9 owners (or 09.00 09.00 09.00 shareholde rs) 4. Others (IV) Internal - 1,969,493.1 carryover 1,969,49 7 of owner's 3.17 equity 1. Capital surplus transfer to capital (or equity capital) 2. Surplus reserve transfer to capital (or equity capital) 3. Surplus reserve offsetting losses 123/259 2022 Annual Report 4. Changes in defined benefit plans carried forward to retained earnings 5. Retained income carried - 1,969,493.1 forward 1,969,49 7 from other 3.17 comprehen sive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Withdraw of the current period 2. Use of the current period (VI) Others IV. Ending balance of 609,151, 424,351, 4,360,144, 111,426, 304,575, 10,698,497, 16,508,147, 5,652,52 16,513,799, current 954.00 185.44 069.29 682.00 977.00 383.97 251.70 3.29 774.99 period 124/259 2022 Annual Report 2021 Owners' equity attributable to the parent Other equity instruments Less Gen Non- Paid-in : Other Spe Total Item eral controlli capital Prefer Perpe Capital treas compreh cial Surplus Undistribu Ot owners' risk Sub-total ng (or equity ence tual Other reserve ury ensive rese reserve ted profits her equity reser interests capital) shares bond stoc income rve ve k I. Closing balance of 601,531,9 112,041,7 3,743,673, 29,956,9 288,523,4 7,149,700, 11,925,427, 11,925,427, previous 02.00 43.43 599.49 91.89 69.29 284.23 990.33 990.33 year Add: error correction in the early stage of accounting policy change A business combinatio n involving enterprises under common control Other II. Balance at the 601,531,9 112,041,7 3,743,673, 29,956,9 288,523,4 7,149,700, 11,925,427, 11,925,427, beginning 02.00 43.43 599.49 91.89 69.29 284.23 990.33 990.33 of this year III. Amount - increase/de 7,620,046 617,690,20 29,623,6 16,052,50 1,924,418, 2,483,362,7 164,942 2,483,527,6 112,041,7 crease of .00 8.05 88.67 4.71 035.07 39.07 .64 81.71 43.43 the current period ("-" 125/259 2022 Annual Report for decreases) (I) Total - comprehen 29,623,6 2,665,588, 2,695,212,1 2,693,777,0 1,435,0 sive 88.67 441.38 30.05 72.69 57.36 income (II) Contributi on and 7,620,046 617,690,20 625,310,25 1,600,0 626,910,25 withdrawal .00 8.05 4.05 00.00 4.05 of capital by owners 1. Common stock 7,620,046 605,954,75 613,574,79 1,600,0 615,174,79 contribute .00 1.65 7.65 00.00 7.65 d by owners 2. Capital invested by holders of other equity instrument s 3. Share- based payment 11,735,456 11,735,456. 11,735,456. recognized .40 40 40 in owners' equity 4. Others (III) Profit - - - 16,052,50 distributio 741,170,40 725,117,90 725,117,90 4.71 n 6.31 1.60 1.60 1. - Provision 16,052,50 16,052,504 for surplus 4.71 .71 reserve 126/259 2022 Annual Report 2. Withdrawa l of general risk reserves 3. Distributio - - - n to 725,117,90 725,117,90 725,117,90 owners (or 1.60 1.60 1.60 shareholde rs) 4. Others (IV) Internal carryover of owner's equity 1. Capital surplus transfer to capital (or equity capital) 2. Surplus reserve transfer to capital (or equity capital) 3. Surplus reserve offsetting losses 4. Changes in defined benefit plans carried 127/259 2022 Annual Report forward to retained earnings 5. Retained income carried forward from other comprehen sive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Withdraw of the current period 2. Use of the current period - - - (VI) 112,041,7 112,041,74 112,041,74 Others 43.43 3.43 3.43 IV. Ending balance of 609,151,9 4,361,363, 59,580,6 304,575,9 9,074,118, 14,408,790, 164,942 14,408,955, current 48.00 807.54 80.56 74.00 319.30 729.40 .64 672.04 period Principal of the Company: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting institution: Wang Huan 128/259 2022 Annual Report Statement of Changes in Equity of the Parent Company January - December 2022 Unit: CNY 2022 Paid-in Other equity instruments Speci Less: Other Item capital (or al Surplus Undistributed Total owners' Preferen Perpetu Capital reserve treasur comprehensi equity Other reserv reserve profits equity ce shares al bond y stock ve income capital) e I. Closing 609,151,948. 4,348,256,353. 304,575,974. 2,689,390,814. 7,951,375,089. balance of 00 19 00 35 54 previous year Add: Change in accounting policy Correctio n of previous errors Other II. Balance at 609,151,948. 4,348,256,353. 304,575,974. 2,689,390,814. 7,951,375,089. the beginning 00 19 00 35 54 of this year III. Amount increase/decrea se of the 424,351,185. 6.00 - - -1,219,738.25 - - - 3.00 413,456,088.76 836,587,544.95 current period 44 ("-" for decreases) (I) Total 1,479,472,000. 1,479,472,000. comprehensive 76 76 income (II) Contribution 424,351,185. and withdrawal 6.00 -1,219,738.25 423,131,453.19 44 of capital by owners 1. Common 424,351,185. 6.00 865.32 424,352,056.76 stock 44 129/259 2022 Annual Report contributed by owners 2. Capital invested by holders of other equity instruments 3. Share-based payment -1,220,603.57 -1,220,603.57 recognized in owners' equity 4. Others - - (III) Profit 3.00 1,066,015,912. 1,066,015,909. distribution 00 00 1. Provision for 3.00 -3.00 surplus reserve 2. Distribution - - to owners (or 1,066,015,909. 1,066,015,909. shareholders) 00 00 3. Others (IV) Internal carryover of owner's equity 1. Capital surplus transfer to capital (or equity capital) 2. Surplus reserve transfer to capital (or equity capital) 3. Surplus reserve offsetting losses 4. Changes in defined benefit plans carried 130/259 2022 Annual Report forward to retained earnings 5. Retained income carried forward from other comprehensive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Withdraw of the current period 2. Use of the current period (VI) Others IV. Ending 609,151,954. 424,351,185. 4,347,036,614. 304,575,977. 3,102,846,903. 8,787,962,634. balance of 00 44 94 00 11 49 current period 2021 Paid-in Other equity instruments Speci Less: Other Item capital (or al Surplus Undistributed Total owners' Preferen Perpetu Capital reserve treasur comprehensi equity Other reserv reserve profits equity ce shares al bond y stock ve income capital) e I. Closing 601,531,902. 112,041,743. 3,730,566,145. 288,523,469. 2,445,225,846. 7,177,889,106. balance of 00 43 14 29 64 50 previous year Add: Change in accounting policy Correctio n of previous errors Other 131/259 2022 Annual Report II. Balance at 601,531,902. 112,041,743. 3,730,566,145. 288,523,469. 2,445,225,846. 7,177,889,106. the beginning 00 43 14 29 64 50 of this year III. Amount increase/decrea - se of the 16,052,504.7 7,620,046.00 112,041,743. 617,690,208.05 244,164,967.71 773,485,983.04 current period 1 43 ("-" for decreases) (I) Total comprehensive 985,335,374.02 985,335,374.02 income (II) Contribution and withdrawal 7,620,046.00 617,690,208.05 625,310,254.05 of capital by owners 1. Common stock 7,620,046.00 605,954,751.65 613,574,797.65 contributed by owners 2. Capital invested by holders of other equity instruments 3. Share-based payment 11,735,456.40 11,735,456.40 recognized in owners' equity 4. Others (III) Profit 16,052,504.7 - - distribution 1 741,170,406.31 725,117,901.60 1. Provision 16,052,504.7 for surplus -16,052,504.71 1 reserve 2. Distribution - - to owners (or 725,117,901.60 725,117,901.60 shareholders) 132/259 2022 Annual Report 3. Others (IV) Internal carryover of owner's equity 1. Capital surplus transfer to capital (or equity capital) 2. Surplus reserve transfer to capital (or equity capital) 3. Surplus reserve offsetting losses 4. Changes in defined benefit plans carried forward to retained earnings 5. Retained income carried forward from other comprehensive income 6. Others (V) Special reserve 1. Withdraw of the current period 2. Use of the current period - - (VI) Others 112,041,743. 112,041,743.43 43 133/259 2022 Annual Report IV. Ending 609,151,948. 4,348,256,353. 304,575,974. 2,689,390,814. 7,951,375,089. balance of 00 19 00 35 54 current period Principal of the Company: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting: Yao Liangsong Principal of accounting institution: Wang Huan 134/259 2022 Annual Report III. Basic information of the Company 1. Company overview √ Applicable □ Not applicable Oppein Home Group Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "company"), formerly known as Guangzhou Kangjie Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd., was invested and established by Hu Xuhui and Yao Liangbai with monetary funds of CNY 450,000 and CNY 50,000 respectively on July 1, 1994. In May 1997, Yao Liangsong increased his capital by CNY 1 million with monetary funds, and the registered capital of the Company was changed to CNY 1.5 million after the capital increase; in October 1997, Hu Xuhui transferred CNY 350,000 and CNY 100,000 of his CNY 450,000 shares to Yao Liangsong and Yao Liangbai respectively. After this equity change, Yao Liangsong and Yao Liangbai held 90% and 10% respectively. From 2001 to 2011, Yao Liangsong and Yao Liangbai increased their capital by CNY 88.65 million and CNY 9.85 million respectively, and the registered capital after the capital increase was CNY 100 million, of which Yao Liangsong invested CNY 90 million, accounting for 90.00% of the registered capital of the Company, and Yao Liangbai invested CNY 10 million, accounting for 10.00% of the registered capital of the Company. The name of the Company was changed to Guangdong Oppein Home Group Co., Ltd., with the registration number of enterprise legal person business license of 440101000002519. In October 2013, according to the approved sponsor agreement and articles of association, Yao Liangsong and Yao Liangbai, the former shareholders, were the sponsors to reorganize Guangdong Oppein Home Group Co., Ltd. into a joint stock limited company. The Company converted audited net assets as of August 31, 2013 into 320 million shares, with a par value of CNY 1 per share. After the change, the registered capital of the Company was CNY 320 million, of which Yao Liangsong contributed CNY 288 million, accounting for 90.00% of the Company's registered capital, and Yao Liangbai contributed CNY 32 million, accounting for 10.00% of the Company's registered capital. In November 2013, other 111 natural persons including Yao Liangbai increased their capital by CNY 23,503,096.00, and the registered capital after the increase was CNY 343,503,096.00. Including: Yao Liangsong contributed CNY 288,000,000.00, accounting for 83.8420% of the registered capital after the change; Yao Liangbai contributed CNY 36,841,654.00, accounting for 10.7253% of the registered capital after the change; other 110 natural persons including Tan Qinxing contributed CNY 18,661,442.00, accounting for 5.4327% of the registered capital after the change. In December 2013, Hongxing Xizhao Investment Co., Ltd., Ganzhou Tianou Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) and Beijing MidSky Investment Management Co., Ltd. increased their capital by CNY 18,641,697.00, CNY 7,886,872.00 and CNY 3,549,447.00 respectively, and the cumulative paid in capital after the increase was CNY 373,581,112.00. Including: Yao Liangsong contributed CNY 288,000,000.00, accounting for 77.0917% of the registered capital after the change; Yao Liangbai contributed CNY 36,841,654.00, accounting for 9.8618% of the registered capital after the change; Hongxing Xizhao Investment Co., Ltd. contributed CNY 18,641,697.00, accounting for 4.9900% of the registered capital after the change; Ganzhou Tianou Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) contributed CNY 7,886,872.00, accounting for 2.1112% of the registered capital after the change; Beijing MidSky Investment Management Co., Ltd. contributed CNY 3,549,447.00, accounting for 0.9501% of the registered capital after the change; 110 natural persons including Tan Qinxing contributed CNY 18,661,442.00, accounting for 4.9952% of the registered capital after the change. In March 2017, according to the Reply on the Approval of the Initial Public Offering of Shares of Oppein Home Group Inc. issued by the CSRC (ZJXK [2017] No. 311), the Company publicly issued 41,510,000.00 CNY ordinary shares (A shares) to the public, and the Company's share capital was changed to 415,091,112.00 shares after issuance. In June 2017, according to the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders and the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, the Company granted 5,505,352.00 shares of CNY restricted shares to 835 equity incentive targets, and the share capital of the Company was changed to 420,596,464.00 shares after the grant. In June 2018, the Company repurchased and cancelled 313,010 restricted shares granted to 48 resignation incentive targets but not yet lifted the restrictions on sales, and completed the registration procedures for industrial and commercial changes to reduce registered capital in October 2018. After the completion of this repurchase, the Company's share capital was changed to 420,283,454.00 shares. In January 2019, the Company repurchased and cancelled 91,903 restricted shares granted to 33 resignation incentive targets but not yet lifted the restrictions on sales, and completed the registration procedures for industrial and commercial changes to reduce registered capital in March 2019. After the completion of this repurchase, the Company's share capital was changed to 420,191,551.00 shares. In May 2019, the Company repurchased and cancelled 21,386 restricted shares granted to 8 resignation incentive targets but not yet lifted the restrictions on sales, and completed the registration procedures for industrial and commercial 135/259 2022 Annual Report changes to reduce registered capital in November 2019. After the completion of this repurchase, the Company's share capital was changed to 420,170,165.00 shares. In August 2019, with the approval of "ZJXK [2019] No. 475" of the CSRC, the Company publicly issued 14.95 million convertible corporation bonds with a total issuance amount of CNY 1.495 billion. The "Oppein convertible bonds" issued this time can be converted into shares from February 24, 2020. In 2020, a total of 13,292,696.00 convertible bonds were converted into shares. In July 2020, according to the profit distribution plan for 2019 deliberated and approved by the general meeting of shareholders of the Company, the Company increased 0.4 shares per share and 168,069,041.00 shares to all shareholders based on the total capital stock of the Company before the implementation of the profit distribution plan of 420,172,603 shares (including the number of convertible bonds converted before the implementation of the profit distribution plan). At the end of 2020, after the Company's equity distribution and convertible bond conversion, the Company's share capital was changed to 601,531,902.00 shares. In 2021, the Company's convertible bonds were converted into 7,620,046 shares, and after the conversion, the Company's total share capital increased to 609,151,948.00 shares. In July 2021, according to the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders and the resolution of the board of directors of the Company, the Company granted stock options to the incentive targets. In September 2022, the incentive targets exercised 6 shares, and the Company's share capital was changed to 609,151,954.00 shares after exercise. 2. Scope of consolidated financial statements √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company includes all subsidiaries in the scope of consolidated financial statements. In 2022, 12 newly established subsidiaries of the Company were included in the scope of consolidated financial statements from the date of establishment, one subsidiary was acquired and included in the scope of consolidated financial statements from the date of acquisition, and there was no cancellation of subsidiaries in the current period. For details, see "Section X Financial report VIII. Change of consolidation scope" and "Section X Financial report IX. Rights and interests in other entities". IV. Basis of preparation of financial statements 1. Basis of preparation On the basis of continuous operation, according to the actual transactions and events, the Company shall recognize and measure them in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic Standards and other specific accounting standards, application guidelines, interpretation of standards and other relevant provisions (hereinafter collectively referred to as the accounting standards for business enterprises). On this basis, the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Rules for the Compilation and Reporting of Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities Publicly No.15 - General Provisions on Financial Reporting (revised in 2014) of the CSRC. 2. Going concern √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company has the ability to continue as a going concern for at least 12 months from the end of the reporting period, and there are no major events affecting the ability to continue as a going concern. V. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates Tips on specific accounting policies and accounting estimates: √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company determines the specific accounting policies and accounting estimates according to the actual production and operation characteristics, which are mainly reflected in Section X Financial report V. Bad debt provision method of receivables in important accounting policies and estimates, inventory valuation and provision for depreciation, depreciation of fixed assets and amortization of intangible assets, revenue recognition, etc. 1. Statement on Compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of the accounting standards for business enterprises and truly and completely reflect the financial situation and operating results, changes in shareholders' equity, cash flow and other information. 2. Accounting period 136/259 2022 Annual Report The fiscal year of the Company is from January 1 to December 31 of the Gregorian calendar. 3. Operating cycle √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company takes 12 months as a business cycle. 4. Functional currency The Company's bookkeeping V base currency is CNY. 5. Accounting treatment methods of business merger under the common control and not under the common control √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Business merger under the same control: The assets and liabilities obtained by the Company in the business merger shall be measured according to the book value of the assets and liabilities of the merged party (including the goodwill formed by the acquisition of the merged party by the final controller) in the consolidated financial statements of the final controller on the merger date. The difference between the book value of net assets obtained in the merger and the book value of the merger consideration paid (or the total face value of the shares issued) shall be adjusted for the capital premium or equity premium in the capital reserve. If the capital premium or equity premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained income shall be adjusted. 2. Business merger not under the same control: On the acquisition date, the Company shall measure the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed as the consideration for business combination at fair value, and the difference between the fair value and its book value shall be included in the current profits and losses. The Company recognizes the difference between the merger cost and the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger as goodwill; the difference between the merger cost and the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger shall be reviewed for the fair value of the assets and liabilities obtained in the merger, the non- cash assets as merger consideration or the equity securities issued. The review results show that the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities determined is appropriate. The difference between the cost of business merger and the fair value share of the identifiable net assets obtained by the acquiree shall be included in the non-operating income of the current period of merger. The business merger not under the same control is realized step by step through multiple transactions, and the merger cost is the sum of the consideration paid on the acquisition date and the fair value of the equity of the acquiree held before the acquisition date on the acquisition date; the equity of the acquiree held before the acquisition date shall be re measured at the fair value on the acquisition date, and the difference between the fair value and its book value shall be included in the current investment income. Other comprehensive income of the long-term equity investment of the acquiree held before the acquisition date under the equity method shall be accounted for on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee. Changes in shareholders' equity other than net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred to the current profits and losses on the acquisition date. For other equity instrument investments held by the acquiree before the acquisition date, the changes in fair value of the equity instrument investment accumulated in other comprehensive income before the acquisition date are transferred to retained profits and losses. 3. Treatment of related expenses in business merger: Intermediary expenses such as audit, legal services, evaluation and consultation and other related management expenses incurred in business merger shall be included in the current profits and losses when incurred; the transaction costs of equity securities or debt securities issued as merger consideration are included in the initial recognition amount of equity securities or debt securities. 6. Preparation method for the consolidated financial statements √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Scope of preparation of consolidated statements The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control, including not only subsidiaries determined based on voting rights (or similar rights) themselves or in combination with other arrangements, but also structured entities determined based on one or more contractual arrangements. Control means the investor has the power over the investee and enjoys the variable return through participating in activities related to the investee, and has the ability to the investor's return by using the power over the investee. 2. Procedures for consolidation The consolidated financial statements are prepared on the basis of the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries and in accordance with other relevant information. 137/259 2022 Annual Report The Company unifies the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by subsidiaries to make the accounting policies and accounting periods adopted by subsidiaries consistent with the Company. In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, the principle of materiality shall be followed to offset the internal transactions, intra- transactions and equity investment projects between the parent company and subsidiaries, and between subsidiaries and subsidiaries. The equity and profits and losses attributable to minority shareholders of subsidiaries are listed separately under the owner's equity item in the consolidated balance sheet and the net profit item in the consolidated income statement. If the current losses shared by a minority shareholder of a subsidiary exceed the balances arising from the shares enjoyed by the minority shareholder in the owners' equity of the subsidiary at the beginning of the period, minority equity will be offset accordingly. (1) Increase subsidiaries or business During the reporting period, the opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted when the consolidated balance sheet is prepared for subsidiaries or businesses increased due to business merger under the same control; when preparing the profit statement, the income, expenses and profits of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated profit statement; when consolidating the cash flow statement, the cash flow of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated cash flow statement; at the same time, the relevant items of the comparative statement shall be adjusted, and the consolidated reporting entity shall be deemed to have existed since the time when the final controller began to control. During the reporting period, the opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet shall not be adjusted when the consolidated balance sheet is prepared for subsidiaries or businesses increased by business merger or other means not under the same control. When preparing the income statement, the income, expenses and profits of the subsidiary or business from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated income statement. When preparing the cash flow statement, the cash flow of the subsidiaries from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated cash flow statement. The Company prepares the consolidated financial statements based on the amount of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the basis of fair value on the acquisition date as reflected in the individual financial statements of subsidiaries on the balance sheet date of the current period. The difference between the merger cost and the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger is recognized as goodwill. The difference between the merger cost and the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger shall be included in the current profits and losses after review. If the business merger not under the same control is realized step by step through multiple transactions, in the consolidated financial statements, the equity of the acquiree held before the acquisition date shall be re-measured according to the fair value of the equity on the acquisition date, and the difference between the fair value and its book value shall be included in the current investment income. Other comprehensive income of the long-term equity investment of the acquiree held before the acquisition date under the equity method shall be accounted for on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee. Changes in shareholders' equity other than net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred to the current profits and losses on the acquisition date. For other equity instrument investments held by the acquiree before the acquisition date, the changes in fair value of the equity instrument investment accumulated in other comprehensive income before the acquisition date are transferred to retained profits and losses. (2) Disposal of subsidiaries or businesses A. General treatment method During the reporting period, if the Company disposed of a subsidiary or business, the income, expenses and profits of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period to the disposal date were included in the consolidated income statement; the cash flow of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of the period to the disposal date is included in the consolidated cash flow statement. If the Company loses its control over the original subsidiary due to the disposal of part of the equity investment and other reasons, in the consolidated financial statements, the remaining equity shall be re-measured at its fair value on the date of loss of control. The difference between the sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of equity and the fair value of the remaining equity minus the share of the net assets of the original subsidiary continuously calculated from the acquisition date or the merger date calculated according to the original shareholding ratio shall be included in the investment income of the current period when the control right is lost, and the goodwill shall be offset. Other comprehensive income related to equity investment in the original subsidiary shall be accounted for on the same basis as the direct disposal of related assets or liabilities by the subsidiary when the control right is lost. Shareholders' equity recognized due to changes in other shareholders' equity related to the original subsidiary other than net profit and loss, 138/259 2022 Annual Report other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred to current profits and losses when the control right is lost. B. Disposal of equity step by step to loss of control Where an enterprise disposes of equity investment in a subsidiary step by step through multiple transactions until it loses control, if the transactions of disposing of equity investment in a subsidiary until it loses control belong to a package transaction, the transactions shall be accounted for as a transaction of disposing of a subsidiary and losing control; however, before the loss of control, the difference between each disposal price and the share of net assets of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal of investment shall be recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements, and shall be transferred to the profits and losses of the current period when the control is lost. If the terms, conditions and economic impact of the disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries conform to one or more of the following circumstances, it usually indicates that multiple transactions should be accounted for as a package transaction: (A) These transactions were entered into simultaneously or with mutual influence in mind; (B) These transactions as a whole can achieve a complete business outcome; (C) The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction; (D) One transaction is uneconomical when considered alone, but it is economical when considered with other transactions. (3) Purchase of minority shares of subsidiaries The difference between the long-term equity investment newly obtained by the Company due to the purchase of minority equity and the share of identifiable net assets attributable to the subsidiary calculated according to the new shareholding ratio from the purchase date (or the merger date) shall be adjusted for the capital premium or equity premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet. If the capital premium or equity premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. (4) Disposal of partial equity investment in subsidiaries without loss of control Without losing control, the difference between the disposal price obtained from the partial disposal of long-term equity investment in subsidiaries and the share of net assets continuously calculated by subsidiaries from the acquisition date or the merger date corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted for the capital premium or equity premium in the capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet. If the capital premium or equity premium in the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted. 7. Classification of joint venture arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations √ Applicable □ Not applicable A joint venture arrangement is an arrangement jointly controlled by two or more participants. Joint arrangement can be classified into joint operations and joint ventures. 1. Joint operation refers to the joint venture arrangement in which the Company enjoys the assets related to the arrangement and undertakes the liabilities related to the arrangement. The following items related to the quantum of interest in joint operation are recognized by the Company: (1) Recognize the assets held separately and the assets held jointly according to their shares; (2) Recognize the liabilities assumed separately and the liabilities assumed jointly according to their shares; (3) Recognize the income generated by the sale of its share of joint operating output; (4) Recognize the income generated by the sale of output in the joint operation according to its share; (5) Recognize the expenses incurred separately and the expenses incurred in joint operation according to their share. 2. A joint venture refers to a joint venture arrangement in which the Company has rights only to the net assets of the arrangement. The Company shall account for the investment of joint ventures in accordance with the provisions of equity method accounting for long-term equity investment. 8. Determination standards for cash and cash equivalents When preparing the cash flow statement, the Company recognizes the cash on hand and deposits that can be used for payment at any time as cash. Investments with short term (generally due within three months from the purchase date), strong liquidity, easy conversion to known amounts of cash and little risk of value change are recognized as cash equivalents. Restricted bank deposits are not used as cash and cash equivalents in the cash flow statement. 139/259 2022 Annual Report 9. Accounting method and translation method for foreign currency transactions and statements √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Foreign currency business When foreign currency business occurs, the amount of foreign currency is converted into CNY at the spot exchange rate on the date of transaction, and foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary items are treated according to the following methods at the end of the period: (1) Foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The exchange difference arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate on the initial recognition or the previous balance sheet date shall be included in the current profits and losses. (2) Non-monetary items in foreign currencies measured at historical cost shall still be converted at the spot exchange rate on the date of transaction, and the amount of their functional currency shall not be changed. (3) Non-monetary items in foreign currencies measured at fair value shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the date of determination of fair value, and the difference between the amount of the converted bookkeeping functional currency and the amount of the original bookkeeping functional currency shall be included in the current profits and losses or other comprehensive income according to the nature of non monetary items. (4) Foreign currency exchange gains and losses, except for exchange gains and losses arising from special foreign currency borrowings related to the purchase and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, shall be included in the cost of assets eligible for capitalization before the assets reach the expected usable or saleable state, and the rest shall be included in the current profits and losses. 2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements (1) The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date; except for the "undistributed profit" item, other items of owner's equity are converted at the spot exchange rate at the time of occurrence. (2) The income and expense items in the profit statement are translated at the approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate. (3) The translation difference of foreign currency financial statements arising from the above conversion is included in other comprehensive income. Upon the disposal of overseas businesses, the translation differences of foreign currency financial statements related to overseas businesses should be transferred from owners' equity to the disposal of current profit and loss. (4) The cash flow statement is translated at the approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash is listed separately in the cash flow statement as a reconciliation item. 10. Financial instruments √ Applicable □ Not applicable When the Company becomes a party to the financial instrument contract, a financial asset or financial liability related to it is recognized. 1. Classification, recognition basis and measurement method of financial assets According to the business model of the financial assets under management and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial assets, the Company divides the financial assets into three categories: financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income, and financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses. Financial assets are measured at fair value on initial recognition. For financial assets measured at fair value through current profits and losses, the related transaction expense is directly recognized in current profits and losses. For other types of financial assets, related transaction costs are included in the initial recognition amount. If the accounts receivable initially recognized by the Company does not include a significant financing component as defined in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues or does not consider the financing component in a contract not exceeding one year in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues, the initial measurement shall be made according to the transaction price of the consideration expected to be entitled to receive. (1) Financial assets measured at amortized costs The Company's business model for managing such financial assets is to collect contract cash flow, and the cash flow generated on a specific date is only the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount. The Company adopts the effective interest rate method for such financial assets, which are subsequently measured at amortized 140/259 2022 Annual Report cost, and the gains or losses arising from amortization or impairment are included in the current profits and losses. (2) Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income The Company's business model for managing such financial assets is to target both the receipt of contract cash flow and the sale, and the cash flow generated on a specific date is only the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount. Such financial assets are measured at fair value and the changes are included in other comprehensive income, but impairment losses or gains, exchange gains and losses and interest income calculated according to the effective interest rate method are included in the current profits and losses. For non-tradable equity instrument investments, the Company may irrevocably designate them as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income at initial recognition. The designation is made on the basis of a single investment, which conforms to the definition of equity instruments from the perspective of the issuer. The Company includes the dividend income related to such financial assets in the current profits and losses, and the change in fair value in other comprehensive income. When the financial assets are derecognised, the accumulated gains or losses previously recognised in other comprehensive income are transferred from other comprehensive income to retained earnings, which are not recognised in current profits or losses. (3) Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses Except for the above-mentioned financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income, the Company classifies all other financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in current profits and losses. In addition, at the time of initial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, the Company designates some financial assets as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and changes in fair value are included in current profits and losses. 2. Classification, recognition basis and measurement method of financial liabilities At the time of initial recognition, the Company's financial liabilities are classified as: financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses, and other financial liabilities. For financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profits and losses, the related transaction expense is directly recognised in current profits and losses. The related transaction expense of other financial liabilities is included in the initial recognition amount. (1) Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses include trading financial liabilities (including derivatives belonging to financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses. Transactional financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) are subsequently measured at fair value. In addition to related to hedge accounting, changes in fair value are recognised in current profits and losses. At the time of initial recognition of financial liabilities, the Company is designated as financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses, Changes in fair value caused by changes in the Company's own credit risk are included in other comprehensive income, and when the liability is terminated, the cumulative changes in fair value caused by changes in its own credit risk included in other comprehensive income are transferred to retained earnings. Other changes in fair value are included in the current profits and losses. If the impact of changes in the credit risk of such financial liabilities is treated in the above manner, which will cause or expand the accounting mismatch in profits and losses, the Company will include all gains or losses of such financial liabilities (including the amount affected by changes in the credit risk of the enterprise itself) in the current profits and losses. (2) Other financial liabilities Financial liabilities other than financial liabilities and financial guarantee contracts formed by the transfer of financial assets that do not meet the conditions for termination of recognition or continue to be involved in the transferred financial assets are classified as financial liabilities measured at amortized cost, which are subsequently measured at amortized cost, and the gains or losses arising from termination of recognition or amortization are included in the current profits and losses. 3. Determination method of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities For a financial instrument with active market, its fair value shall be recognized based on its price in the active market. For a financial instrument without active market, its fair value shall be recognized by adopting the estimation technique. During estimation, the Company adopts the estimation technique that is currently applicable and is supported by sufficient available data and other information, and selects the input value with characteristics consistent with the assets or liabilities 141/259 2022 Annual Report considered by market participants in relevant transactions of assets or liabilities. The related observable input value is preferred. The non-observable input value can be used only when it is impossible or not feasible to obtain relevant observable input value. 4. Recognition basis and measurement method of transfer of financial assets Recognition of transfer of financial assets . Recognition results Almost all the risks and rewards of ownership of transferred financial assets Termination of recognition of the It abandons its control of the financial asset (recognition of new financial asset assets/liabilities) It neither transfers nor retains Relevant assets and liabilities are almost all the risks and rewards of It does not abandon its control over recognized according to the degree of ownership of financial assets the financial asset continued involvement in the transferred financial assets It retains almost all the risks and It continues to recognize the financial asset and recognizes the consideration rewards of ownership of financial received as a financial liability assets The Company divides the transfer of financial assets into entire transfer and partial transfer. (1) If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for termination of recognition, the difference between the following two amounts shall be included in the current profits and losses: The book value of the transferred financial assets on the date of termination of recognition; the sum of the consideration received from the transfer of financial assets and the cumulative amount of changes in fair value originally directly included in other comprehensive income (The financial assets involved in the transfer are classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income in Article 18 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments). (2) If a part of a financial asset is transferred and the transferred part as a whole meets the conditions for termination of recognition, the overall book value of the financial asset before transfer shall be apportioned between the part of termination of recognition and the part of continuing recognition (In this case, the retained service assets shall be regarded as part of continuing recognition of financial assets) according to their respective relative fair values on the transfer date, and the difference between the following two amounts shall be included in the current profits and losses: the book value of the part whose recognition is terminated on the date of recognition; the consideration received for the derecognition portion (including all new assets acquired less all new liabilities assumed), and the sum of the amount corresponding to the termination of recognition in the cumulative amount of changes in fair value originally included in other comprehensive income (financial assets involving partial transfer are classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income in Article 18 of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments). If the transfer of financial assets does not meet the conditions for termination of recognition, the overall financial assets transferred shall continue to be recognized, and the consideration received shall be recognized as a financial liability. 5. Conditions for termination of recognition of financial liabilities If the current obligation of a financial liability (or part of it) has been discharged, the recognition of the financial liability (or part of it) shall be terminated. If the following conditions exist: (1) Where the Company transfers assets used to repay financial liabilities to an institution or establishes a trust, and the obligation to repay debts still exists, the recognition of the financial liabilities shall not be terminated. (2) If the Company (borrower) enters into an agreement with the lender to replace the original financial liability (or part of it) by assuming a new financial liability, and the terms of the contract are substantially different, the Company shall terminate the recognition of the original financial liability (or part of it) and recognize a new financial liability. Where a financial liability (or part of it) is derecognized, the Company shall include the difference between its book value and the consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred out or liabilities assumed) in the current profits and losses. 6. Impairment of financial assets (1) Recognition method of impairment provision The Company conducts impairment accounting treatment and recognizes loss reserves for financial assets (including 142/259 2022 Annual Report receivables) measured at amortized cost, debt instrument investments and lease receivables measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income on the basis of expected credit losses. In addition, for contract assets, loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts, provision for impairment and recognition of credit impairment losses are also made in accordance with the accounting policies described in this part. Expected credit losses refer to the weighted average value of credit losses of financial instruments weighted by the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable from the contract and all cash flows expected to be received by the Company at the original effective interest rate, that is, the present value of all cash shortages. Except for financial assets purchased or originated that have suffered credit impairment, the Company assesses whether the credit risk of related financial assets has increased significantly since initial recognition on each balance sheet date. If the credit risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition and is in the first stage, the Company measures the loss reserve according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial asset in the next 12 months; if the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition but has not been impaired, it is in the second stage, the Company shall measure the loss reserve according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial asset throughout its life; if a financial asset has suffered credit impairment since its initial recognition, it is in the third stage, and the Company measures the loss reserve according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss during the whole duration of the financial asset. In assessing the expected credit losses, the Company considers reasonable and evidence-based information about past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions, including forward-looking information, which can be obtained without unnecessary additional costs or efforts at the balance sheet date. The expected credit loss in the next 12 months refers to the expected credit loss caused by the possible default of financial assets within 12 months after the balance sheet date (if the expected duration of financial assets is less than 12 months, it is the expected duration), which is part of the expected credit loss for the whole duration. For financial instruments with lower credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that its credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, and measures the loss according to the expected credit losses in the next 12 months. For financial assets in the first and second stages and with low credit risk, the Company calculates interest income according to their book balance and effective interest rate without deducting impairment provisions. For financial assets in the third stage, interest income shall be calculated according to the amortized cost and effective interest rate of their book balance minus the provision for impairment. (2) Financial assets that have been impaired When one or more events that the expected future cash flow of a financial asset has an adverse impact occur, the financial asset becomes a financial asset with credit impairment. Evidence of credit impairment of financial assets includes the following observable information: A. Significant financial difficulties of the issuer or the debtor; B. The debtor violates the contract, such as default or overdue payment of interest or principal; C. The creditor grants concessions that the debtor would not otherwise make for economic or contractual reasons related to the debtor's financial difficulties; D. The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring; E. The financial difficulties of the issuer or the debtor lead to the disappearance of the active market of the financial asset; F. A financial asset is purchased or originated at a substantial discount that reflects the fact that a credit loss has occurred. The credit impairment of financial assets may be caused by the joint action of multiple events, not necessarily by individually identifiable events. (3) Purchased or originated financial assets with credit impairment For financial assets purchased or originated by the Company that have suffered credit impairment, only the cumulative changes in expected credit losses during the whole duration after initial recognition are recognized as loss reserves on the balance sheet date. On each balance sheet date, the change amount of expected credit loss during the whole duration shall be included in the current profits and losses as impairment losses or gains. Even if the expected credit loss determined on the balance sheet date for the whole duration is less than the amount of the expected credit loss reflected in the estimated cash flow at the time of initial recognition, the favorable change in the expected credit loss is recognized as impairment gains. 143/259 2022 Annual Report (4) Criteria for a significant increase in credit risk If the probability of default of a financial asset during the expected duration determined on the balance sheet date is significantly higher than the probability of default during the expected duration determined at the time of initial recognition, it indicates that the credit risk of the financial asset has increased significantly. Except for special circumstances, the Company adopts the change of default risk in the next 12 months as a reasonable estimate of the change of default risk in the whole duration to determine whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition. (5) Methods for evaluating expected credit losses of financial assets The Company assesses the expected credit losses of financial assets based on individual and portfolio. Credit risk is assessed individually for financial assets with significantly different credit risks, such as accounts receivable from related parties; receivables from government agencies; receivables that have obvious signs that the debtor is likely to be unable to fulfill its repayment obligations. In addition to financial assets for which credit risk is assessed individually, the Company divides financial assets into different groups based on common risk characteristics, and assesses the credit risk on the basis of such groups. (6) Accounting treatment of impairment of financial assets The Company calculates the estimated credit losses of various financial assets on the balance sheet date, and the increase or reversal of loss reserves thus formed is included in the current profits and losses as impairment losses or gains. If the Company actually incurred credit losses and determined that the relevant financial assets could not be recovered and approved to be written off, the book balance of the financial assets shall be directly written down. If the written down financial assets are recovered later, they shall be included in the profits and losses of the current period as a reversal of impairment losses. 7. Financial guarantee contract A financial guarantee contract refers to a contract in which the issuer pays a specific amount to the contract holder who has suffered losses when the debtor is unable to pay its debts at maturity in accordance with the terms of the original or revised debt instrument. Financial guarantee contracts are measured at fair value at the time of initial recognition. Financial guarantee contracts that are not designated as financial liabilities measured at fair value and whose changes are included in the current profits and losses shall be subsequently measured according to the balance of the expected credit loss reserve amount determined on the balance sheet date and the initial recognition amount after deducting the accumulated amortization amount determined in accordance with the revenue recognition principle, whichever is higher. 8. Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities Financial assets and financial liabilities are listed separately in the balance sheet and do not offset each other. However, if the following conditions are met at the same time, the net amount after mutual offset shall be listed in the balance sheet: (1) The Company has the legal right to offset the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities, and such legal right is now enforceable; (2) The Company plans to settle at a net amount, or realize the financial assets and settle the financial liabilities at the same time. 9. Equity instruments Equity instruments refer to contracts that can prove the ownership of the Company's remaining equity in assets after deducting all liabilities. The issuance (including refinancing), repurchase, sale or cancellation of equity instruments by the Company shall be treated as changes in equity. The Company does not recognize changes in fair value of equity instruments. Transaction costs related to equity transactions are deducted from equity. The Company's various distributions to the holders of equity instruments (excluding stock dividends) shall be used as profit distribution to reduce the owner's equity. The stock dividend issued does not affect the total owner's equity. 10. Determination method of fair value of financial instruments The Company measures the fair value of related assets or liabilities at the price of the main market. If there is no main market, the Company measures the fair value of related assets or liabilities at the price of the most favorable market. The main market refers to the market with the largest trading volume and the highest trading activity of related assets or liabilities; the most favorable market refers to the market that can sell related assets at the highest amount or transfer related liabilities at the lowest amount after considering transaction costs and transportation costs. The Company adopts the assumptions used by market participants to maximize their economic benefits when pricing the asset or liability. 144/259 2022 Annual Report (1) Valuation technology The Company adopts valuation technologies applicable in the current situation and supported by sufficient available data and other information, and the valuation technologies used mainly include market method, income method and cost method. The Company uses one or more valuation technologies to measure fair value. If multiple valuation technologies are used to measure fair value, considering the rationality of each valuation result, the amount that can best represent fair value in the current situation is selected as fair value. In the application of valuation technology, the Company gives priority to the use of relevant observable inputs, and only when the relevant observable inputs can not be obtained or are not feasible can the unobservable inputs be used. Observable input value refers to the input value that can be obtained from market data. This input value reflects the assumptions used by market participants in pricing related assets or liabilities. Unobservable input values refer to input values that cannot be obtained from market data. The input value is obtained based on the best information available on the assumptions used by market participants in pricing related assets or liabilities. (2) Fair value hierarchy The Company divides the input values used in fair value measurement into three levels, and first uses the first level of input values, followed by the second level of input values, and finally uses the third level of input values. The first level of input is an unadjusted quote for the same asset or liability that can be obtained on the measurement date in an active market. The second level input value is an input value that is directly or indirectly observable for related assets or liabilities other than the first level input value. Input value at Hierarchy III refers to unobservable input value of relevant assets or liabilities. 11. Notes receivable Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of notes receivable √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company measures the loss provision for bills receivable according to the expected credit loss amount during the entire duration. The Company believes that the acceptance bank credit rating of the bank acceptance bill held by it is high, there is no significant credit risk, and no provision for loss is made. The determination method and accounting treatment method of the expected credit loss of the commercial acceptance bills held by the Company are consistent with the determination method and accounting treatment method of the expected credit loss of accounts receivable. Based on the credit risk characteristics of bills receivable, they are divided into different portfolios: Item Basis for determining portfolio Notes receivable portfolio 1 Bank acceptance draft Notes receivable portfolio 2 Commercial acceptance draft 12. Accounts receivable Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of accounts receivable √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company shall measure its loss reserve at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss during the whole duration of the receivables specified in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues and excluding major financing components (including the financing components in contracts not exceeding one year according to the standards). Based on the common risk characteristics, the Company divides accounts receivable into different groups according to the common credit risk characteristics such as customer categories: Item Basis for determining portfolio Accounts receivable portfolio 1 Franchised dealers Accounts receivable portfolio 2 Engineering clients Accounts receivable portfolio 3 Other clients Accounts receivable portfolio 4 Related parties within the scope of consolidation 13. Receivables financing √ Applicable □ Not applicable 145/259 2022 Annual Report Receivables financing reflects notes receivable and accounts receivable measured at fair value at the balance sheet date and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income. For the accounting treatment method, please refer to 10. Financial instruments of this accounting policy, which are classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income. 14. Other receivables Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of other receivables √ Applicable □ Not applicable For other receivables, the expected credit loss is determined according to historical experience data and forward- looking information. The Company adopts the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss in the next 12 months or the whole duration to measure the impairment loss according to whether the credit risk of other receivables has increased significantly since initial recognition. Based on the common risk characteristics, the Company divides other receivables into different groups: Item Basis for determining portfolio Other receivables portfolio 1 Interest receivable Other receivables portfolio 2 Dividend receivable Other receivables portfolio 3 Margin receivable Other receivables portfolio 4 Reserve for business receivables Other receivables portfolio 5 Deposit receivables Other receivables portfolio 6 Receivables from consolidated related parties Other receivables portfolio 7 Other receivables 15. Inventory √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Classification of inventory The Company's inventory refers to the materials or supplies held for sale in the process of production and operation, or still in the process of production, or will be consumed in the process of production or provision of labor services, including all kinds of raw materials, products in progress, finished products (inventory commodities), issued commodities, etc. 2. Valuation method for acquisition and delivery of inventory Cost method is employed for initial measurement of inventories. Inventory costs include purchase cost, processing cost and other costs. Borrowing costs that shall be included in inventory costs shall be treated in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 17 - Borrowing Costs. The cost of inventory invested by an investor shall be determined according to the value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement, except that the value stipulated in the contract or agreement is unfair. Valuation method of issued inventory: Weighted average method is adopted for accounting. 3. Inventory taking system A perpetual inventory system is adopted. 4. Amortization method of low-value consumables and packaging materials The "one-time amortization method" is adopted for accounting. 5. Basis for determining the net realizable value of inventory and method for withdrawing inventory depreciation reserves Inventory at the end of the period shall be valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value. If the net realizable value of inventory at the end of the period is lower than the book cost, the provision for inventory depreciation shall be made according to the difference. Net realizable value refers to the amount of the estimated selling price of inventory in daily activities after deducting the estimated cost to be incurred at completion, the estimated selling expenses and related taxes. (1) Basis for determining the net realizable value of inventory: materials held for production, etc., the net realizable value of finished products produced by them is higher than the cost, and the materials are still measured at cost; if the decline in the price of materials indicates that the net realizable value of finished products is lower than the cost, the 146/259 2022 Annual Report materials shall be measured at the net realizable value. The net realizable value of inventories held for the execution of sales contracts or labor contracts shall be calculated on the basis of the contract price. If the quantity of inventory held by the enterprise is more than the quantity ordered in the sales contract, the net realizable value of the excess inventory shall be calculated on the basis of the general sales price. (2) Provision method for inventory falling price reserves: Provision for inventory falling price shall be made according to the lower of the cost and net realizable value of a single inventory item; however, for inventory with large quantity and low unit price, provision for inventory depreciation shall be made according to inventory category. 16. Contract assets (1) Recognition method and standard of contract assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Contract assets refer to the right of the Company to receive consideration for the transfer of goods to customers, and the right depends on other factors other than the passage of time. (2) Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of contract assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable For contract assets, whether they contain significant financing components, the Company always measures its loss reserve at an amount equivalent to the expected credit loss during the whole duration, and the increase or reversal of the loss reserve thus formed is included in the current profits and losses as impairment losses or gains. The Company calculates the expected credit loss of contract assets on the balance sheet date, and if the expected credit loss is greater than the carrying amount of the current provision for impairment of contract assets, the difference is recognized as an impairment loss; the expected credit loss is remeasured on each balance sheet date, and the reversal amount of the loss provision thus formed is recognized as impairment gains. 17. Held-for-sale assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Basis for classification as held-for-sale The Company recognizes the components (or non-current assets) that meet the following conditions as held-for-sale categories at the same time: (1) In accordance with the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, they can be sold immediately under current conditions; (2) The sale is likely to occur, that is, the enterprise has made a decision on a sale plan and obtained a definite purchase commitment, and the sale is expected to be completed within one year. If the relevant provisions require the approval of the relevant authorities or regulatory authorities of the enterprise before it can be sold, it shall have been approved. The determined purchase commitment refers to the legally binding purchase agreement signed between the enterprise and other parties, which contains important clauses such as transaction price, time and sufficiently severe penalty for breach of contract, so that the possibility of major adjustment or cancellation of the agreement is extremely small. 2. Accounting treatment of held-for-sale When the Company initially measures or remeasures the non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale on the balance sheet date, if the book value is higher than the net value of fair value minus selling expenses, the book value shall be written down to the net value of fair value minus selling expenses, and the amount written down shall be recognized as asset impairment loss and included in the current profits and losses. At the same time, provision for impairment of assets held for sale shall be made. If the net amount of the fair value of non-current assets held for sale minus the selling expenses increases on the subsequent balance sheet date, the amount previously written down shall be restored and reversed within the amount of asset impairment loss recognized after being classified as held for sale, and the reversed amount shall be included in the current profits and losses. The impairment loss of assets recognized before being classified as held for sale shall not be reversed. For the amount of asset impairment loss recognized by the disposal group held for sale, the book value of goodwill in the disposal group shall be offset first, and then the book value of non-current assets in the disposal group shall be offset proportionally according to the proportion of the book value of non-current assets in the disposal group. The subsequent reversal amount of asset impairment losses recognized by the disposal group held for sale shall be increased proportionally according to the proportion of the book value of non-current assets other than goodwill in the disposal 147/259 2022 Annual Report group. The non-current assets held for sale or the non-current assets of the disposal group are not depreciated or amortized, and the interest on debt and other fees of the disposal group held for sale shall be recognized further. When the Company terminates the recognition of non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale, the unrecognized gains or losses shall be included in the current profits and losses. When non-current assets or disposal groups are no longer classified as held for sale categories or non-current assets are removed from the disposal groups held for sale because they no longer meet the classification conditions of held for sale categories, they shall be measured according to the lower of the following two: (1) The book value before being classified as held for sale is adjusted according to the depreciation, amortization or impairment that should have been recognized under the assumption that it is not classified as held for sale; (2) Recoverable amount. 18. Debt investment (1) Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of creditor's rights investment √ Applicable □ Not applicable For creditor's rights investment and other creditor's rights investment, the Company determines the expected credit loss on each balance sheet date according to the various types of counterparties and risk exposures, taking into account historical defaults and industry forward-looking information or various external actual and expected economic information. For the determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss, please refer to 10. Financial instruments of accounting policy. 19. Other debt investments (1) Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of other creditor's rights investment √ Applicable □ Not applicable For creditor's rights investment and other creditor's rights investment, the Company determines the expected credit loss on each balance sheet date according to the various types of counterparties and risk exposures, taking into account historical defaults and industry forward-looking information or various external actual and expected economic information. For the determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss, please refer to 10. Financial instruments of accounting policy. 20. Long-term receivables (1) Determination method and accounting treatment method of expected credit loss of long-term receivables □ Applicable √ Not applicable 21. Long-term equity investments √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Basis for determining joint control and significant impact on the investee Joint control refers to the common control over an arrangement in accordance with relevant agreements, and the relevant activities of the arrangement must be agreed upon by the participants sharing control rights before decisions can be made. In judging whether there is joint control, we shall first judge whether all participants or a combination of participants collectively control the arrangement. If all participants or a group of participants must act together to determine the relevant activities of an arrangement, all participants or a group of participants are considered to collectively control the arrangement. Secondly, it is judged whether the decision-making of the activities related to the arrangement must be unanimously agreed by the participants who collectively control the arrangement, and joint control can be formed only when the decision-making of the activities requires the unanimous consent of the participants who collectively control the arrangement. If there are two or more combinations of participants who can collectively control an arrangement, it does not constitute joint control. When determining whether there is joint control, the protective rights enjoyed are not taken into account. Significant impact means that the investor has the power to participate in the decision-making of the financial and operating policies of the investee, but is not able to control or jointly control the formulation of these policies with other parties. When determining whether it can exert significant impact on the investee, the impact of the investor's direct or indirect holding of the voting shares of the investee and the current enforceable potential voting rights held by the investor and other parties on the assumption of conversion into equity of the investee, including the impact of the current 148/259 2022 Annual Report convertible warrants, share options and convertible corporation bonds issued by the investee. When the foreign investment meets the following conditions, it is generally determined to have a significant impact on the investor: ① Send representatives to the board of directors or similar authorities of the investee; ② Participate in the formulation process of financial and operating policies of the investee; ③ Important transactions with the investee; ④ Dispatch managers to the investee; ⑤ Provide key technical data to the investee. It is generally considered to have a significant impact on the investee when it directly or indirectly owns more than 20% but less than 50% of the voting shares of the invested enterprise through subsidiaries. 2. Determination of initial investment cost (1) Long-term equity investment formed by business merger A. For the business merger under the same control, if the consideration of the merger is to pay cash, transfer non- cash assets or bear debts, and to issue equity securities, the share of the book value of the owner's equity of the merged party in the consolidated financial statements of the final controller shall be regarded as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment on the merger date. If the investee under the same control can be controlled due to additional investment and other reasons, the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment shall be determined on the merger date according to the share of the book value of the net assets of the merged party in the consolidated financial statements of the final controller after the merger. The difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment on the merger date and the sum of the book value of the long-term equity investment before the merger plus the book value of the new payment consideration for the shares obtained on the merger date shall be adjusted for the capital premium or equity premium. If the capital premium or equity premium is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be offset. B. For the business merger not under the same control, the merger cost determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 20 - Business Merger on the acquisition date shall be regarded as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment. If the investee not under the same control can be controlled due to additional investment and other reasons, the sum of the book value of the equity investment originally held and the new investment cost shall be regarded as the initial investment cost calculated according to the cost method. (2) In addition to the long-term equity investment formed by the business merger, the initial investment cost of long- term equity investment obtained by other means shall be determined in accordance with the following provisions: A. A long-term equity investment obtained by paying cash shall be regarded as the initial investment cost according to the actual purchase price paid. The initial investment cost includes expenses, taxes and other necessary expenses directly related to the acquisition of long-term equity investment. B. For long-term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of issuing equity securities shall be regarded as the initial investment cost. C. The initial investment cost of long-term equity investment obtained through the exchange of non-monetary assets shall be determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of Non- monetary Assets. D. The initial investment cost of long-term equity investment obtained through debt restructuring shall be determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.12 - Debt Restructuring. 3. Subsequent measurement and profit and loss recognition method (1) Cost method accounting: long-term equity investment that can control the investee shall be accounted for by cost method. When the cost method is adopted for accounting, the cost of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted by adding or recovering investment. For long-term equity investments accounted for by the cost method, in addition to the declared but not yet distributed cash dividends or profits included in the actual payment or consideration when obtaining the investment, the Company shall recognize the investment income according to the cash dividends or profits declared by the investee, and no longer divide whether it belongs to the net profit realized by the investee before and after investment. (2) Equity method accounting: For long-term equity investment jointly controlled or significantly affected by the investee, in addition to equity investment in associated enterprises, part of which is indirectly held through venture capital institutions, mutual funds, trust companies or similar entities including investment linked insurance funds, regardless of whether the above entities have a significant impact on this part of investment. In accordance with the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, the Company chooses to measure this part of the investment indirectly held at fair value and the changes are included in profits and losses, and adopts the equity method for accounting. When the equity method is adopted for accounting, after the Company obtains the long-term equity investment, the investment income and other comprehensive income shall be recognized respectively according to the share of net profit and loss and other comprehensive income realized by the 149/259 2022 Annual Report investee that should be enjoyed or shared, and the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted; the Company shall calculate the attributable part according to the profits or cash dividends declared to be distributed by the investee, and reduce the book value of long-term equity investment accordingly; the Company shall adjust the book value of long-term equity investment and include it in the owner's equity for other changes in the owner's equity of the invested entity other than net profits and losses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution. The Company recognizes the net loss incurred by the investee to the extent that the book value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term rights and interests that substantially constitute the net investment in the investee are written down to zero, except where the Company has the obligation to bear additional losses. If the investee realizes net profit in the future, the Company shall resume the recognition of income sharing after the income sharing makes up for the unrecognized loss sharing. When the Company confirms its share of the net profit and loss of the investee, it shall adjust the net profit of the investee on the basis of the fair value of the identifiable assets of the investee at the time of acquisition of investment, and offset the internal transaction gains and losses between the Company and associates and joint ventures, on which the investment profits and losses are recognized. Internal transaction losses between the Company and the investee shall be recognized in full if they belong to asset impairment losses in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Asset Impairment and other provisions. If the accounting policy and accounting period adopted by the investee are inconsistent with those of the Company, the financial statements of the investee shall be adjusted in accordance with the accounting policy and accounting period of the Company, and the investment profits and losses shall be recognized. For the long-term equity investment in associates and joint ventures held before the first execution date, if there is a debit balance of equity investment related to the investment, it shall be amortized according to the straight line method of the original remaining period, and the amortization amount shall be included in the current profits and losses. (3) For the disposal of long-term equity investment, the difference between its book value and the actual price obtained shall be included in the current profits and losses. If a long-term equity investment accounted for by the equity method is included in the owner's equity due to other changes in the owner's equity of the investee other than the net profits and losses, the part originally included in the owner's equity shall be transferred to the current profits and losses according to the corresponding proportion when disposing of the investment, except for other comprehensive income arising from the change of net liabilities or net assets of the newly measured and defined benefit plan by the investee. 22. Investment properties (1) If the cost measurement model is adopted: Depreciation or amortization method Investment properties refer to the assets holding for capital appreciation or lease earning as well as the aims of both. It mainly includes leased land use rights, land use rights held and ready to be transferred after appreciation, and leased buildings. When the Company can obtain rental income or value-added income related to investment real estate and the cost of investment real estate can be reliably measured, the Company will initially measure it according to the actual expenditure on purchase or construction. The Company adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment real estate on the balance sheet date. Under the cost model, the Company measures, depreciates or amortizes investment real estate in accordance with 23. Fixed assets and 29. Intangible assets of this accounting policy. When an investment real estate is disposed of, or permanently withdrawn from use and is not expected to obtain economic benefits from its disposal, the recognition of the investment real estate shall be terminated. When the Company sells, transfers or scraps investment real estate or damages investment real estate, the amount of disposal income after deducting its book value and relevant taxes and fees shall be included in the current profits and losses. 23. Fixed assets (1) Confirmation conditions √ Applicable □ Not applicable Fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for the production of commodities, the provision of labor services, the rental or operation and management with a service life of more than one fiscal year. (2) Depreciation method √ Applicable □ Not applicable Depreciable life Annual depreciation Category Depreciation method Residual value rate (years) rate Property and Straight-line method 20 years 3-10 4.5-4.85 building 150/259 2022 Annual Report Machinery and Straight-line method 10 years 3-10 9-9.70 equipment Transportation Straight-line method 5 years 3-10 18-19.40 equipment Other equipment Straight-line method 5 years 3-10 18-19.40 At the end of each year, the Company reviews the service life, estimated net residual value and depreciation method of fixed assets. (3) Recognition basis, valuation and depreciation method of fixed assets under financing lease □ Applicable √ Not applicable 24. Construction in progress √ Applicable □ Not applicable Construction in progress is valued at actual cost. Where the loan interest expenditure and foreign currency conversion difference incurred for construction projects shall be capitalized or included in the current profits and losses in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 17 - Borrowing Costs. From the date when the construction in progress reaches the expected state of use, whether the final settlement of the project is handled, it will be transferred to fixed assets, and the adjustment will be made after the completion settlement procedures are handled. For the recognition standard and provision method of provision for impairment of construction in progress, please refer to 30. Notes on impairment of long-term assets of this accounting policy. 25. Borrowing costs √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of discounts or premiums incurred on borrowings and ancillary costs, as well as exchange differences incurred on foreign currency borrowings. Borrowing costs incurred by the Company that can be directly attributable to the purchase, construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization shall be capitalized and included in the cost of related assets; other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses according to the amount incurred and included in the current profits and losses. Assets that meet the capitalization conditions include fixed assets, investment real estate, inventory and other assets that require considerable time for purchase and construction or production activities to reach the intended usable or saleable state. Borrowing costs shall be capitalized when the following conditions are met at the same time: (1) Asset expenditure has occurred, including expenditure incurred in the form of cash payment, transfer of non-cash assets or assumption of interest bearing debts for the purchase and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization; (2) Borrowing costs have been incurred; (3) The acquisition and construction or production activities necessary to make the assets reach the expected usable or saleable state have begun. 2. Period of capitalization of borrowing costs Borrowing costs incurred for the acquisition and construction or production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions shall be included in the cost of the asset if they meet the above capitalization conditions and occur before the asset reaches the intended usable or saleable state. If the acquisition and construction or production activities of the asset are interrupted abnormally for more than three consecutive months, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended and recognized as current expenses, until the acquisition and construction of assets or production activities resume; when the assets purchased, constructed or produced reach the expected usable or sales state, the capitalization of their borrowing costs shall be stopped. Borrowing costs incurred after reaching the expected usable or saleable state are directly included in financial expenses in the current period. 3. Calculation methods for capitalized amount of borrowing costs During the capitalization period, the capitalization amount of interest (including amortization of discount or premium) in each accounting period shall be determined in accordance with the following provisions: (1) Where a special loan is borrowed for the purchase and construction or production of assets eligible for 151/259 2022 Annual Report capitalization, it shall be determined by the amount of the interest expenses actually incurred in the current period of the special loan minus the interest income obtained by depositing the unused loan funds in the bank or the investment income obtained by temporary investment. (2) If a general loan is occupied for the purchase and construction or production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions, the interest amount that should be capitalized on the general loan shall be calculated and determined according to the weighted average of the asset expenditure of the part of the cumulative asset expenditure exceeding the special loan multiplied by the capitalization rate of the general loan occupied. 26. Biological assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable 27. Oil and gas assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable 28. Right of use assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company, as the lessee, recognizes the right to use the leased assets during the lease term as the right of use assets, except for short-term leases and low value asset leases. 1. The recognition of right of use assets is based on the initial measurement of right of use assets at cost, which includes: (1) The initial measurement amount of the lease liability; (2) For the lease payment paid on or before the beginning date of the lease term, if there is a lease incentive, the relevant amount of the lease incentive that has been enjoyed shall be deducted; (3) Initial direct costs incurred; (4) The costs expected to occur for the purpose of dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the site where the leased assets are located or restoring the leased assets to the agreed state of the lease terms, except for those incurred for the production of inventory. 2. Depreciation method and impairment of right of use assets (1) The Company adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of right of use assets. (2) The Company adopts the straight line method for depreciation of various right of use assets. If the Company can reasonably determine the ownership of the leased assets at the expiration of the lease term, depreciation shall be accrued within the remaining service life of the leased assets; if it is impossible to reasonably determine that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained at the expiration of the lease term, depreciation shall be accrued within the shorter of the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset. If the right of use assets are impaired, the Company shall make subsequent depreciation according to the book value of the right of use assets after deducting impairment losses. (3) When the Company remeasures the lease liabilities according to the present value of the changed lease payment and adjusts the book value of the right of use assets accordingly, if the book value of the right of use assets has been reduced to zero, but the lease liabilities still need to be further reduced, the remaining amount shall be included in the current profits and losses. (4) For the impairment test method and impairment provision method of right of use assets, please refer to Item (26) Impairment of long-term assets of this accounting policy. 29. Intangible assets (1) Valuation method, service life and impairment test √ Applicable □ Not applicable Intangible assets are measured at actual cost. The cost of purchased intangible assets includes the purchase price, relevant taxes and other expenses directly attributable to the intended use of the assets. If intangible assets are purchased by installments, and the price of intangible assets purchased is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions, which actually has the nature of financing, the cost of intangible assets is the present value of the purchase price. The cost of intangible assets invested by investors shall be determined according to the value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement. If the value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement is unfair, it shall be recorded according to the fair value of intangible assets. The initial investment cost of intangible assets obtained through the exchange of non- 152/259 2022 Annual Report monetary assets shall be determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of Non-Monetary Assets. The initial investment cost of intangible assets obtained through debt restructuring shall be determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.12 - Debt Restructuring. The entry value of intangible assets obtained by absorption and merger of enterprises under the same control shall be determined according to the book value of the merged party; the entry value of intangible assets obtained by absorption and merger of enterprises not under the same control shall be determined at fair value. The Company shall analyze and judge the service life of intangible assets when obtaining them. Intangible assets with limited service life are amortized averagely by stages using the straight line method from the time when the intangible assets are available for use to the time when they are no longer recognized as intangible assets, and are included in profits and losses. Intangible assets with uncertain service life are not amortized. At the end of each year, the Company reviews the service life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life. If the service life and amortization method of intangible assets are different from previous estimates, the amortization period and amortization method shall be changed. The Company reviews the service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life in each accounting period. If there is evidence that the service life of intangible assets is limited, its service life shall be estimated and disposed of in accordance with the above provisions. For the impairment test method and impairment provision method of intangible assets, please refer to Item (26) Related notes on impairment of long-term assets of this accounting policy. (2) Accounting policy for internal R&D expenditure √ Applicable □ Not applicable Criteria for dividing research stage expenditure and development stage expenditure of R&D projects: research stage expenditure refers to the expenditure incurred by original and planned investigation to acquire and understand new scientific or technological knowledge; expenditure in the development stage refers to the expenditure incurred in applying research results or other knowledge to a plan or design to produce new or substantially improved materials, devices and products before commercial production or use. The expenditure of intangible assets independently developed by the Company in the research stage of R&D projects shall be included in the current profits and losses when incurred. Expenditures in the development stage of development projects can be recognized as intangible assets only if the following conditions are met at the same time: (1) It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it can be used or sold; (2) It has the intention to complete the intangible assets for use or sale; (3) The ways in which intangible assets generate economic benefits include proving that there is a market for the products produced by using the intangible assets or for the intangible assets themselves, and that the intangible assets will be used internally, their usefulness shall be proved; (4) There are sufficient technical, financial and other resources to complete the development of the intangible assets, and is the ability to use or sell the intangible assets; (5) The expenditure attributable to the development stage of the intangible asset can be reliably measured. The expenditure of the development stage that has been costed in the previous period will not be adjusted. 30. Long-term assets impairment √ Applicable □ Not applicable If long-term equity investment, investment real estate, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets, right of use assets and other long-term assets measured by cost model show signs of impairment on the balance sheet date, impairment test shall be carried out. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its book value, an impairment provision shall be made according to the difference and included in the impairment loss. The recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value of the asset less disposal costs and the present value of the asset's estimated future cash flows. The provision for asset impairment shall be calculated and recognized on an individual basis. If it was difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of any individual asset, its recoverable amount shall be determined based on the asset group to which the concerned asset belongs. The group of assets is the minimum group of assets forming a cash-generating unit. Goodwill is tested for impairment at least at the end of each year. The Company conducts goodwill impairment test. The book value of goodwill due to a business combination is amortized to a related asset group using a reasonable method at the acquisition date; where it is not possible for the book value of goodwill to be amortized to related asset groups, the book value thereof is amortized to related portfolio of asset groups. When the book value of goodwill is apportioned to the relevant asset group or asset group portfolio, it shall be apportioned according to the proportion of the fair value of each asset group or asset group portfolio to the total fair value of the relevant asset group or asset group portfolio. If the 153/259 2022 Annual Report fair value is difficult to measure reliably, it shall be apportioned according to the proportion of the book value of each asset group or asset group portfolio to the total book value of the relevant asset group or asset group portfolio. When conducting impairment tests on the related asset portfolio or portfolio of asset groups that contain(s) goodwill, if there are indications of impairment, test the asset groups or groups of asset groups that do(es) not contain goodwill firstly and calculate the recoverable amount, and compare it with the related book value to confirm the corresponding impairment loss. Then conduct an impairment test on the asset group or asset group portfolio containing goodwill, and compare the book value (including the book value of the apportioned goodwill) of these relevant asset groups or asset group portfolios with their recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount of the relevant asset group or asset group portfolios is lower than its book value, the impairment loss of goodwill shall be recognized. Once the above asset impairment losses are recognized, they shall not be reversed in subsequent accounting periods. 31. Long-term unamortized expenses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Long-term unamortized expenses refer to the expenses incurred by the Company but should be shared in the current and subsequent periods with an amortization period of more than one year, which are recorded as actual expenses and amortized by the straight line method within its expected benefit period. If the long-term unamortized expense item can not benefit the subsequent accounting period, the amortized value of the item that has not yet been amortized will be transferred to the current profits and losses. 32. Contractual liabilities (1) Recognition method of contract liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Contract liabilities reflect the obligation of the Company to transfer goods to customers for consideration received or receivable from customers. If the customer has paid the contract consideration or the Company has obtained the right to collect the contract consideration unconditionally before the Company transfers the goods to the customer, the contract liabilities shall be recognized according to the amount received or receivable at the earlier of the actual payment by the customer and the due payment. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented on a net basis, and those under different contracts are not offset. 33. Employee remuneration (1) Accounting treatment of short-term remuneration √ Applicable □ Not applicable Employee remuneration refers to various forms of remuneration or compensation given by the Company to obtain services provided by employees or terminate labor relations. The welfare provided by the enterprise to the spouses, children, dependents, survivors of deceased employees and other beneficiaries of employees also belongs to the employee remuneration. Employee remuneration mainly includes short-term remuneration, post employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits. Accounting treatment of short-term remuneration: Short-term remuneration refers to the remuneration of employees that the Company needs to pay in full within 12 months after the end of the annual reporting period for employees to provide relevant services, except for post employment benefits and termination benefits. During the accounting period when employees provide services, the Company recognizes the short-term remuneration actually incurred as liabilities, and includes it in the relevant asset costs and expenses according to the beneficiary of the services provided by employees. (2) Accounting treatment of post employment benefits √ Applicable □ Not applicable Post employment benefits refer to various forms of remuneration and benefits provided by the Company after the retirement of employees or the termination of labor relations with the Company in order to obtain the services provided by employees, except short-term remuneration and termination benefits. The post employment welfare plan includes a defined contribution plan and a defined benefit plan. Where the defined contribution plan is a post employment welfare plan in which the Company will no longer assume further payment obligations after paying fixed fees to an independent fund; a defined benefit plan refers to a post employment benefit plan other than a defined contribution plan. (1) Defined contribution plan The defined contribution plan includes basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance. During the 154/259 2022 Annual Report accounting period when employees provide services to the Company, the amount payable shall be calculated according to the payment base and proportion stipulated locally, recognized as liabilities, and included in the current profits and losses or related asset costs. During the accounting period when employees provide services, the amount payable calculated according to the defined contribution plan is recognized as a liability and included in the current profits and losses or related asset costs. (2) Defined benefit plan The Company shall attribute benefit obligations under a defined benefit plan to periods of service provided by employees according to the formula determined by projected unit credit method, and include them in current profits and losses or the related cost of assets. The cost of employee remuneration caused by the Company's defined benefit plan includes the following components: A. Service costs include current service costs, past service costs and settlement gains or losses. Where the current service cost refers to the increase in the present value of the obligations of the defined benefit plan caused by the provision of services by employees in the current period; the past service cost refers to the increase or decrease in the present value of the obligations of the defined benefit plan related to the services of employees in the previous period caused by the revision of the defined benefit plan. B. The net interest on the net liabilities or assets of the defined benefit plan includes the interest income of the plan assets, the interest expenses of the defined benefit plan obligations and the interest affected by the asset ceiling. C. Changes in net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are remeasured. Unless other accounting standards require or allow the cost of employee welfare to be included in the cost of assets, the Company will include Items A and B above in the current profits and losses; Item C is included in other comprehensive income and will not be reversed to profits and losses in subsequent accounting periods, but these amounts recognized in other comprehensive income can be transferred within equity. (3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits √ Applicable □ Not applicable Termination benefits refer to the compensation given to employees by the Company to terminate the labor relationship with employees before the expiration of their labor contracts, or to encourage employees to voluntarily accept layoffs. If the Company provides termination benefits to employees, the employee remuneration liabilities arising from termination benefits shall be recognized as soon as possible, whichever is the following, and shall be included in the current profits and losses: When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the termination benefits provided due to the termination of labor relations plans or layoffs; when the Company confirms the costs or expenses related to the reorganization involving the payment of termination benefits. (4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits √ Applicable □ Not applicable Other long-term employee benefits refer to all employee remuneration except short-term salaries, post employment benefits and termination benefits, including long-term paid absenteeism, long-term disability benefits, long-term profit sharing plans, etc. Other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to employees that meet the conditions of the defined contribution plan shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the defined contribution plan; for other long-term employee welfare except for the above circumstances, the net liabilities or net assets of other long-term employee welfare shall be recognized and measured in accordance with the relevant provisions of the defined benefit plan. At the end of the reporting period, the Company attributed the welfare obligations arising from other long- term employee welfare to the period when employees provided services and included them in the current profits and losses or related asset costs. 34. Lease liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the present value of the unpaid lease payments as a lease liability, except for short-term leases and low-value asset leases. In calculating the present value of the lease payment, the Company, as the lessee, adopts the embedded interest rate of the lease as the discount rate; if the embedded interest rate of the lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing rate of the Company shall be used as the discount rate. The Company calculates the interest expense of the lease liabilities during each period of the lease term at a fixed cyclical interest rate and includes it in the current profits and losses. The amount of variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities is included in the current profits and losses when actually incurred. 155/259 2022 Annual Report After the beginning date of the lease term, when the substantial fixed payment changes, the estimated amount payable of the guaranteed residual value changes, the index or ratio used to determine the lease payment changes, the evaluation results or actual exercise of the purchase option, renewal option or termination option changes, the Company remeasures the lease liabilities according to the present value of the changed lease payment. 35. Estimated liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable If the Company's obligations related to contingencies meet the following conditions at the same time, they will be recognized as liabilities: (1) The obligation is the current obligation undertaken by the Company; (2) The performance of this obligation may lead to the outflow of economic benefits; (3) The amount of the obligation can be reliably measured. It is expected that all or part of the expenses required for liabilities will be compensated by a third party or other parties, and the amount of compensation will be recognized separately as an asset when it is basically determined that it can be received, and the amount of compensation recognized will not exceed the book value of the recognized liabilities. The estimated liabilities are initially measured according to the best estimate of the expenditure required to fulfill the relevant current obligations, and factors such as risks, uncertainties and time value of money related to contingencies are taken into account. If the time value of money has a significant impact, the best estimate is determined by discounting the relevant future cash outflows. On the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the book value of estimated liabilities, and if there is conclusive evidence that the book value cannot truly reflect the current best estimate, the book value shall be adjusted according to the current best estimate. 36. Share-based payments √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Types of share-based payments The share-based payment of the Company is divided into cash settled share-based payment and equity settled share- based payment. The share-based payment settled by equity shall be measured at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to employees. If the right is exercisable immediately after the grant, it shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses according to the fair value of the equity instruments on the grant date, and the capital reserve shall be increased accordingly. If the right can be exercised only after completing the services within the waiting period or meeting the prescribed performance conditions, on each balance sheet date within the waiting period, the services obtained in the current period shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses and capital reserves on the basis of the best estimate of the number of equity instruments exercisable and according to the fair value on the grant date of equity instruments. After the exercisable date, the recognized relevant costs or expenses and the total amount of owner's equity will not be adjusted. Cash settled share-based payments are measured at the fair value of the liabilities assumed by the Company calculated and determined on the basis of shares or other equity instruments. If the right is exercisable immediately after the grant, the fair value of the Company's liabilities shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses on the date of grant, and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly. For cash settled share-based payment that can be exercised only after completing the services in the waiting period or meeting the prescribed performance conditions, on each balance sheet date in the waiting period, based on the best estimate of the exercisable rights, the services obtained in the current period shall be included in the cost or expense and the corresponding liabilities according to the fair value amount of the Company's liabilities. On each balance sheet date and settlement date before the settlement of relevant liabilities, the fair value of liabilities shall be re-measured, and the changes shall be included in the current profits and losses. 2. Accounting treatment for the implementation, modification and termination of share-based payment plans No matter how the terms and conditions of the equity instruments granted are modified, or even the grant of the equity instruments is cancelled or the equity instruments are settled, the Company shall at least recognize the corresponding services obtained by measuring the fair value of the equity instruments granted on the grant date, unless the right is not exercisable due to the failure to meet the exercisable conditions of the equity instruments (except market conditions). If the Company cancels the granted equity instruments or settles the granted equity instruments during the waiting period (except those cancelled due to failure to meet the exercisable conditions), the treatment is as follows: (1) Cancel or settle as accelerated exercisable and immediately confirm the amount that should have been confirmed in the remaining waiting period. (2) All payments to employees at the time of cancellation or settlement shall be treated as repurchase of equity, and the part paid for repurchase that is higher than the fair value of the equity instrument on the repurchase date shall be 156/259 2022 Annual Report included in the current expenses. (3) If a new equity instrument is granted to an employee and it is determined on the grant date of the new equity instrument that the new equity instrument granted is used to replace the cancelled equity instrument, the Company shall deal with the granted alternative equity instrument in the same way as the terms and conditions of the original equity instrument are amended. 37. Preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments □ Applicable √ Not applicable 38. Revenue (1) Accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and measurement √ Applicable □ Not applicable Revenue is the total inflow of economic benefits formed in the daily activities of the Company, which lead to the increase of owner's equity and are unrelated with the capital invested by the owner. The Company recognizes revenue when it performs its performance obligations under the contract, that is, when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods. Obtaining control of relevant goods means being able to dominate the use of the goods and obtain almost all economic benefits from it, including the ability to prevent other parties from dominating the use of the goods and obtaining almost all economic benefits from it. The transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be entitled to receive as a result of the transfer of goods to customers, excluding payments received on behalf of third parties and payments that the Company expects to return to customers. In determining the contract transaction price, if there is a variable consideration, the Company determines the best estimate of the variable consideration according to the expected value or the most likely amount, and includes it in the transaction price at an amount not exceeding the amount that is most likely not to be significantly reversed when the relevant uncertainties are eliminated. If there is a significant financing component in the contract, the Company will determine the transaction price according to the amount payable in cash when the customer obtains the control over the goods. The difference between the transaction price and the contract consideration will be amortized by the effective interest rate method during the contract period. If the interval between the customer obtaining the control over the goods and the customer paying the price is not more than one year, the Company will not consider the financing component. When the consideration that the Company is entitled to collect from the customer due to the transfer of goods is in the form of non-cash, the Company shall determine the transaction price according to the fair value of the non-cash consideration on the contract start date. Where the fair value of the non-cash consideration cannot be reasonably estimated, the Company indirectly determines the transaction price with reference to the separate selling price of the goods it undertakes to transfer to customers. The Company expects to refund the amount to the customer by offsetting the consideration payable against the transaction price in addition to obtaining other clearly identifiable goods from the customer. If the consideration payable to customers exceeds the fair value of clearly distinguishable goods obtained from customers, the excess amount shall be used as the consideration payable to customers to offset the transaction price. If the fair value of clearly distinguishable goods obtained from customers cannot be reasonably estimated, the Company will offset the transaction price in full with the consideration payable to customers. In the accounting treatment of the transaction price offset by the consideration payable to customers, the Company offsets the current income at the later of the recognition of relevant income and the payment (or commitment to pay) of customer consideration. If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall, on the commencement date of the contract, apportion the transaction price to each individual performance obligation according to the relative proportion of the individual selling price of the goods promised by each individual performance obligation, and measure the income according to the transaction price apportioned to each individual performance obligation. In case of subsequent changes in the transaction price, the Company shall apportion the amount of such subsequent changes to the performance obligations in the contract on the basis adopted on the commencement date of the contract. The transaction price will not be redistributed due to the change of the separate selling price after the contract start date. If one of the following conditions is met, the Company shall fulfill its performance obligations within a certain period of time; otherwise, it belongs to the performance obligation at a certain point: (1) Customers obtain and consume the economic benefits brought by the Company's performance at the same time as the Company's performance; (2) Customers can control the goods under construction in the process of performance of the Company; (3) The goods produced in the process of performance by the Company have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payments for the accumulated performance so far during the whole contract period. 157/259 2022 Annual Report For the performance obligations within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes the revenue in accordance with the performance progress during the period, except that the performance progress cannot be determined reasonably. The Company determines the performance progress of providing services in accordance with the investment method. When the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined, if the cost incurred by the Company is expected to be compensated, the revenue shall be recognized according to the amount of cost incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably determined. For the performance obligations performed at a certain time point, the Company recognizes revenue at the time when the customer obtains control over the relevant goods. In determining whether customers have obtained control of goods, the Company will consider the following signs: (1) The Company enjoys the current collection right in respect of the goods, that is, the customer has the current payment obligation in respect of the goods; (2) The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the customer has owned the legal ownership of the goods; (3) The Company has transferred the physical goods to the customer, that is, the customer has occupied the physical goods; (4) The Company has transferred the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the customer has obtained the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods; (5) The customer has accepted the product; (6) Other signs that customers have gained control of the goods. 2. Specific recognition methods related to the main activities of the Company to obtain revenue The Company's sales model is mainly divided into four modes: dealer exclusive store sales, direct-sale exclusive store sales, bulk user business sales and export sales. The specific methods for recognizing sales revenue are as follows: (1) Dealer exclusive store sales: sales through exclusive stores opened by dealers. After receiving customer orders and collecting a certain proportion of deposits from customers (the proportion of deposits shall be decided by the dealers themselves), the exclusive stores opened by the dealers shall send the sales orders confirmed by customers to the Company, and pay all the payment to the Company according to the settlement price. The Company will begin to organize production according to the orders. After the Company completes the production of products, the products are transported to the delivery place designated by the logistics company corresponding to the dealers, that is, the sales revenue is recognized; dealers in the Pearl River Delta region can choose to pick up their own products according to their own resource allocation conditions, and the Company recognizes sales revenue when delivering products. (2) Direct exclusive store sales: sales through exclusive stores established by the Company as subsidiaries and branches. After collecting a certain proportion of the deposit, the direct exclusive store sends the sales order confirmed by the customer to the Company, and the Company arranges production according to the order. The direct exclusive store shall notify the Company to deliver the goods after receiving the remaining payment from the customer, and the Company shall be responsible for the installation. After the Company receives all the payment for goods, the revenue is recognized when the installation is completed. (3) Bulk user business sales: the Company produces and sells supporting overall household products for large-scale real estate projects. The Company recognizes revenue when the customer obtains control of the goods and the Company has actually obtained the inflow of economic benefits related to the goods. (4) Export sales: The Company shall recognize the sales revenue when it has completed the customs declaration procedures, the goods have crossed the ship's rail (the contract stipulates that the goods have been traded at FOB), obtained the bill of lading and completed the delivery procedures with the bank. (2) The adoption of different business models in similar businesses leads to differences in accounting policies for revenue recognition □ Applicable √ Not applicable 39. Contract costs √ Applicable □ Not applicable Contract costs include incremental costs incurred in obtaining contracts and contract performance costs. The incremental cost incurred to obtain the contract refers to the cost (such as sales commission) that will not occur if the Company does not obtain the contract. If the cost is expected to be recovered, the Company recognizes it as an asset as the cost of contract acquisition. Other expenses incurred by the Company for the acquisition of contracts other than the 158/259 2022 Annual Report incremental costs expected to be recovered shall be included in the current profits and losses when incurred. If the cost incurred for the performance of the contract is not applicable to the scope of relevant standards such as inventory, fixed assets or intangible assets, and the following conditions are met at the same time, the Company shall recognize it as an asset as the cost of contract performance: (1) The cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costs clearly borne by the customer and other costs incurred solely as a result of the contract; (2) This cost increases the resources that the enterprise will use to fulfill its performance obligations in the future; (3) The cost is expected to be recovered. The assets recognized at the cost of contract acquisition and the assets recognized at the cost of contract performance are amortized on the same basis as the recognition of goods or services related to the assets and included in the current profits and losses. If the book value of assets related to contract costs is higher than the difference between the following two items, the Company shall make provision for impairment of the excess part and recognize it as an asset impairment loss: (1) The remaining consideration expected to be obtained by the enterprise due to the transfer of goods related to the asset; (2) The estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of the related goods. If the factors of impairment in the previous period change after that, so that the difference between (1) and (2) is higher than the book value of the asset, the original provision for asset impairment shall be reversed and included in the current profits and losses, but the book value of the asset after the reversal shall not exceed the book value of the asset on the reversal date assuming that no provision for impairment is made. 40. Government subsidies √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Types of government subsidies Government subsidies refer to monetary assets or non-monetary assets obtained by the Company from the government free of charge, including government subsidies related to assets and government subsidies related to income. Government subsidies related to assets refer to government subsidies obtained by the Company for purchase and construction or other forms of long-term assets. The government subsidies related to income refer to other government subsidies other than those related to assets. 2. Recognition principle and time point of government subsidies Recognition principle of government subsidies: (1) The Company can meet the conditions attached to government subsidies; (2) The Company can receive government subsidies. Government subsidies can only be recognized when the above conditions are met at the same time. 3. Measurement of government subsidies (1) If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, the Company shall measure it according to the amount received or receivable; (2) If the government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, the Company shall measure it at fair value; if the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it shall be measured at the nominal amount (the nominal amount is 1 yuan). 4. Accounting treatment of government subsidies (1) Government subsidies related to assets shall be offset against the book value of related assets or recognized as deferred income at the time of acquisition. If it is recognized as deferred income, it shall be included in profits and losses by stages in accordance with a reasonable and systematic method within the service life of the relevant assets. Government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts are directly included in the current profits and losses. (2) Government subsidies related to income shall be handled according to the following circumstances: A. If it is used to compensate the Company for related costs or losses in subsequent periods, it shall be recognized as deferred income at the time of acquisition, and shall be included in the current profits and losses or offset related costs 159/259 2022 Annual Report during the period when the relevant costs or losses are recognized. B. If it is used to compensate the relevant costs or losses incurred by the Company, it shall be directly included in the current profits and losses or offset the relevant costs at the time of acquisition. (3) For government subsidies included in both asset related parts and income related parts, if they can be distinguished, they will be accounted for separately in different parts; those that are difficult to distinguish are classified as income related government subsidies as a whole. (4) Government subsidies related to the daily operation of the Company shall be included in other income or offset against related costs and expenses according to the essence of economic business. Governmental subsidies unrelated to the Company's daily activities are included in non-operating income and expenditure. If the finance allocates the discount funds directly to the Company, the Company will offset the relevant borrowing costs with the corresponding discount. (5) If the confirmed government subsidies need to be returned, they shall be dealt with according to the following circumstances: A. If the book value of the relevant assets is offset at the time of initial recognition, the book value of the assets shall be adjusted. B. If there are relevant deferred income, the book amount of relevant deferred income shall be offset, and the excess part shall be included in the current profits and losses. C. In other cases, it shall be directly included in the current profits and losses. 41. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company shall determine its tax basis when obtaining assets and liabilities. If there is a temporary difference between the book value of assets and liabilities and their tax basis, the resulting deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized in accordance with the regulations. 1. Recognition of deferred income tax assets (1) The Company recognizes the deferred income tax assets arising from the deductible temporary differences to the extent that it is likely to obtain the taxable income used to offset the deductible temporary differences. However, deferred income tax assets arising from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in transactions with the following characteristics are not recognized: ① The transaction is not a business merger; ② At the time of transaction, neither accounting profit nor taxable income (or deductible loss) will be affected. (2) The Company shall recognize the corresponding deferred income tax assets if the deductible temporary differences related to the investment of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures meet the following conditions at the same time: ① The temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future; ② It is likely to obtain the taxable income used to deduct the deductible temporary difference in the future. (3) For the deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried forward to subsequent years in accordance with the tax law, they shall be treated as deductible temporary differences, and the corresponding deferred income tax assets shall be recognized to the extent that it is likely to obtain future taxable income to offset the deductible losses and tax credits. 2. Recognition of deferred income tax liabilities (1) Except for the deferred income tax liabilities arising from the following transactions, the Company recognizes all deferred income tax liabilities arising from taxable temporary differences: ① Initial recognition of goodwill; ② Initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from transactions that meet the following characteristics at the same time: The transaction is not a business merger; at the time of transaction, neither accounting profit nor taxable income (or deductible loss) will be affected. (2) The Company recognizes corresponding deferred income tax liabilities for taxable temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures. However, except that the following conditions are met at the same time: ① The investment enterprise can control the time for the reversal of temporary differences; ② The temporary difference is likely not to reverse in the foreseeable future. 42. Leasing (1) Accounting treatment of operating leasing □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Accounting treatment of financial leasing 160/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Determination method and accounting treatment method of lease under the new lease standards √ Applicable □ Not applicable Lease refers to a contract in which the lessor transfers the right to use assets to the lessee for consideration within a certain period of time. 1. Identification of leases On the commencement date of the contract, the Company evaluates whether the contract is a lease or includes a lease. A contract is a lease or includes a lease if a party transfers the right to control the use of one or more identified assets for a period of time in exchange for consideration. In order to determine whether the contract transfers the right to control the use of the identified assets within a certain period of time, the Company makes the following assessment: (1) Whether the contract involves the use of the identified assets. The identified asset may be explicitly designated by contract or implicitly designated when the asset is available for use by the customer, and the asset is physically distinguishable, or if part of the production capacity or other parts of the asset are physically indistinguishable but represent substantially all of production capacity of the asset, thus enabling the customer to obtain almost all the economic benefits arising from the use of the asset. If the supplier of the asset has the right to substantially replace the asset throughout the use period, the asset is not an identified asset; (2) Whether the lessee is entitled to almost all the economic benefits arising from the use of the identified assets during the use period; (3) Whether the lessee has the right to dominate the use of the identified assets during the use period. 2. Spinoff and consolidation of leases If the contract includes multiple separate leases at the same time, the Company will split the contract and conduct accounting treatment for each separate lease. If the following conditions are met at the same time, the right to use the identified assets constitutes a separate lease in the contract: (1) The lessee may profit from the use of the asset alone or in conjunction with other readily available resources; (2) The asset is not highly dependent or highly related to other assets in the contract. 3. As lessee (1) Right of use assets See Item (24) Right of use assets of this accounting policy for determination method and accounting treatment method of right of use assets. (2) Lease liabilities See item (30) Lease liabilities of this accounting policy for the determination method and accounting treatment method of lease liabilities. (3) Assessment of lease term The lease term is the irrevocable period during which the Company, as the lessee, has the right to use the leased assets. The Company has a renewal option, that is, the right to choose to renew the asset, and if it is reasonably determined that the option will be exercised, the lease term also includes the period covered by the renewal option. The Company has the option to terminate the lease, that is, the option to terminate the lease of the asset, but it is reasonably determined that the option will not be exercised, and the lease period includes the period covered by the option to terminate the lease. If a material event or change occurs within the Company's control and affects whether the Company reasonably determines that it will exercise the corresponding option, the Company reassesses whether it reasonably determines that it will exercise the renewal option, the purchase option or not to exercise the termination option. (4) Lease change If the lease changes and meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company will treat the lease change as a separate lease for accounting treatment: A. The lease change expands the scope of the lease by increasing the right to use one or more leased assets; B. The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount of the separate price for most of the expansion of the 161/259 2022 Annual Report lease adjusted for the circumstances of the contract. (5) Short-term leases and low-value asset leases Short-term lease refers to a lease with a lease term of no more than 12 months and excluding the purchase option on the beginning date of the lease term. Low value asset lease refers to the lease with lower value when the single leased asset is a brand-new asset. Where the Company sublets or expects to sublet leased assets, the original lease does not belong to the lease of low-value assets. The Company chooses not to recognize the right of use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and low- value asset leases, and the relevant lease payments are included in the current profit and loss or relevant asset costs according to the straight-line method in each period of the lease term. 4. As lessor On the lease commencement date, the Company divides the lease into financial lease and operating lease. Finance lease refers to a lease that essentially transfers almost all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of leased assets regardless of whether the ownership is finally transferred or not. Operating leases refer to leases other than finance leases. When the Company is the sublessee lessor, the sublease is classified based on the use right assets generated from the original lease. (1) Accounting treatment of for operating leasing The lease receipts from operating leases are recognized as rental income on a straight-line basis in each period of the lease term. The Company capitalizes the initial direct expenses related to operating leases, and allocates them into the current profits and losses on the same basis as the recognition of rental income during the lease term. The amount of variable lease payments not included in the lease receipts shall be included in the current profits and losses when actually incurred. (2) Accounting treatment of financial leasing On the lease commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance lease receivables for the finance lease and terminates the recognition of the finance lease assets. When the Company initially measures the finance lease receivables, the net amount of the lease investment is taken as the entry value of the finance lease receivables. The net lease investment is the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the present value of the lease receipts not received on the beginning date of the lease term discounted at the interest rate embedded in the lease. The Company calculates and recognizes the interest income of each period within the lease term according to the fixed periodic interest rate. For the termination of recognition and impairment of financial leasing receivables, please refer to 10. Notes on financial instruments of this accounting policy. The amount of variable lease payments not included in the measurement of net lease investment shall be included in the current profit and loss when it actually occurs. 5. After-sale leaseback transactions The Company assesses and determines whether the transfer of assets in the after-sale leaseback transaction is a sale in accordance with the provisions of 38. Revenue recognition method of this accounting policy. (1) As lessee If the transfer of assets in the after-sale leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company measures the right of use assets formed by the after-sale leaseback according to the part of the book value of the original assets related to the right of use obtained by the leaseback, and only recognizes the relevant gains or losses on the rights transferred to the lessor. If the fair value of the sale consideration is different from the fair value of the asset, or the lessor does not collect rent at the market price, the Company will account for the amount of the sale consideration lower than the market price as prepaid rent, and the amount higher than the market price as additional financing provided by the lessor to the lessee; at the same time, the relevant sales gains or losses are adjusted according to the fair value. If the transfer of assets in the after-sale leaseback transaction does not belong to sales, the Company will continue to recognize the transferred assets and recognize a financial liability equivalent to the transfer income. (2) As lessor If the transfer of assets in the after-sale leaseback transaction belongs to sales, the Company shall conduct corresponding accounting treatment according to the purchase of assets, and shall conduct accounting treatment for the lease of assets according to the leasing standards. If the fair value of the sales consideration is different from the fair value of the asset, or the Company does not collect rent at the market price, the Company will account for the amount of the sales consideration lower than the market price 162/259 2022 Annual Report as rent received in advance, and the amount higher than the market price as additional financing provided by the Company to the lessee; at the same time, the rental income is adjusted according to the market price. If the transfer of assets in the after-sale leaseback transaction does not belong to sales, the Company recognizes a financial asset equal to the transfer income. 43. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates √ Applicable □ Not applicable Other comprehensive income refers to the gains and losses that the Company has not recognized in the current profits and losses in accordance with other accounting standards. They are presented in the following two categories: 1. Other comprehensive income items that cannot be reclassified into profits and losses in subsequent accounting periods mainly include changes caused by the re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans, the share of other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profits or losses in the investee's subsequent accounting periods accounted for in accordance with the equity method, and changes in the fair value of financial assets designated to be measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income. 2. Other comprehensive income items that will be reclassified into profits and losses when the prescribed conditions are met in the subsequent accounting period mainly include the share of other comprehensive income that the investee will be classified into profits and losses when the prescribed conditions are met in the subsequent accounting period, the part of gains or losses arising from cash flow hedging instruments that belongs to effective hedging, and the translation difference of foreign currency financial statements. 44. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (1) Changes in significant accounting policies √ Applicable □ Not applicable Remarks (name and amount of Contents and reasons for changes in accounting policies Approval procedure statement items significantly affected) In December 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 15 (CK [2021] No. 35) (hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No.15"). The contents of "Accounting According to the relevant See other treatment of products or by-products produced before fixed provisions of the Rules for the instructions assets reach the predetermined usable state or during Listing of Stocks on the (1) research and development" and "Judgment on loss-making Shanghai Stock Exchange contracts" shall come into force as of January 1, 2022. The (revised in February 2023), if Company shall implement it from the date of regulation. the accounting policy is In November 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued the changed in accordance with Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business laws and regulations or the Enterprises No. 16 (CK [2022] No. 31) (hereinafter referred requirements of the unified to as "interpretation No.16"). The contents of "accounting national accounting system, it treatment of the income tax impact on dividends related to may be directly announced See other financial instruments classified by the issuer as equity without the deliberation of the instructions instruments" and "accounting treatment of the enterprise's board of directors and the (2) modification of stock payment settled in cash into stock general meeting of shareholders payment settled in equity" shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation. The Company shall implement it from the date of regulation. Others (1) On December 30, 2021, the Ministry of Finance issued Interpretation No.15, "accounting treatment for the external sales of products or by-products produced by enterprises before their fixed assets reach the expected usable state or in the process of R&D" and "judgment on loss contracts", which shall be implemented by the Company from January 1, 2022. A. Accounting treatment of trial operation sales 163/259 2022 Annual Report Interpretation No. 15 clarifies the accounting treatment and presentation of the external sales of products or byproducts produced before the fixed assets reach the expected usable state or in the process of R&D, and stipulates that the net amount of revenue related to trial operation sales after offsetting the relevant costs shall not be used to offset the cost of fixed assets or R&D expenditure. The provisions shall come into force on January 1, 2022, and retroactively adjust and compare the financial statements for trial sales between the beginning of the earliest period for the presentation of financial statements and January 1, 2022. B. Judgment on loss making contracts Interpretation No. 15 clarifies that the "cost of performing the contract" considered by an enterprise in judging whether a contract constitutes a loss making contract shall include the incremental cost of performing the contract and the apportionment amount of other costs directly related to the performance of the contract. The provisions shall come into force on January 1, 2022, and shall be implemented for contracts that have not fulfilled all their obligations on January 1, 2022. The cumulative impact shall be adjusted to the retained earnings and other related financial statement items at the beginning of the year on the implementation date, and the data of comparative financial statements in the previous period shall not be adjusted. The adoption of Interpretation No. 15 by the Company has not had a material impact on the financial position and results of operations of the Company. (2) On November 30, 2022, the Ministry of Finance issued the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises Interpretation No. 16 (hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No. 16"), and the Company shall implement the contents of "accounting treatment on the income tax impact of dividends related to financial instruments classified by the issuer as equity instruments" and "accounting treatment on the revision of cash settled share-based payment by enterprises to equity settled share-based payment" from the date of promulgation. A. Accounting treatment on the income tax impact of dividends related to financial instruments classified as equity instruments by the issuer Interpretation No. 16 clarifies that for financial instruments classified as equity instruments, if the relevant dividend expenditure is deducted before enterprise income tax in accordance with the relevant provisions of tax policies, the enterprise shall recognize the income tax impact related to dividends when confirming dividends payable. The provisions shall come into effect on November 30, 2022. If the dividends payable of financial instruments classified as equity instruments were recognized before January 1, 2022 and the recognition of related financial instruments was not terminated on January 1, 2022, retrospective adjustment and comparison of financial statements shall be made. B. Accounting treatment of amending cash settled share-based payment to equity settled share-based payment Interpretation No. 16 clarifies that if the terms and conditions of the cash settled share-based payment agreement are amended to make it an equity settled share-based payment, on the date of amendment, the enterprise shall measure the equity settled share-based payment at the fair value on the date of grant of equity instruments, record the services obtained into the capital reserve, and terminate the recognition of the liabilities recognized on the date of amendment for cash settled share-based payment. The difference between the two is included in the current profits and losses. The provisions shall come into force on November 30, 2022, and the cumulative impact shall be adjusted to the retained earnings and other related financial statement items on January 1, 2022, and the information of comparable periods shall not be adjusted. The adoption of Interpretation No. 16 by our company did not have a significant impact on the Company's financial condition and operating results. (2) Changes in significant accounting estimates □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) The first implementation of new accounting standards or standard interpretations starting from 2022 involves adjusting the financial statements at the beginning of the year of the first implementation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 45. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable VI. Taxation 1. Main taxes and tax rates Main taxes and tax rates √ Applicable □ Not applicable Taxes Tax calculation basis Tax rates 164/259 2022 Annual Report Value added generated during the Value added tax process of selling goods or providing 6%, 9%, 13% taxable services Urban maintenance and Value added tax payable 5%, 7% construction tax Corporate income tax Taxable income 15%, 8.25%, 20%, 24%, 25% Education surcharges Value added tax payable 3% Local education surcharges Value added tax payable 2% Where there are taxpayers with different enterprise income tax rates for tax payment, the disclosure is as follows: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name of Taxpayer Income Tax Rate (%) Remarks Oppein Home Group Inc. 15 Note 1 Tianjin Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin 15 Note 2 Oppein") Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 15 Note 3 "Guangzhou Integration") Dongguan Oppein Integration Home Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Dongguan Oppein Sales") Dongguan Oppein Integration Home Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Dongguan Oppein Design") Guangzhou Oppein Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dongguan 25 Oppein Sanitary Ware") Guangzhou Ouboni Integration Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Ouboni") Oppein (Guangzhou) Soft Decoration Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Oppein Soft Decoration") Oppein (Hong Kong) International Trade Company Limited (hereinafter referred 8.25 Note 4 to as "Oppein (Hong Kong) ") FORMER S.R.L. 24 Note 8 Jiangsu Wuxi Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 15 Note 5 "Wuxi Oppein") Jiangsu Oppein Overall Custom Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Jiangsu Oppein Custom") Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 15 Note 6 "Qingyuan Oppein") Guangzhou Oppolia Smart Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Guangzhou Oppolia") Guangzhou Owell Decoration Material Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Gunagzhou Owell") Wuhan Oppein Mingda Home Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 20 Note 11 "Wuhan Countertop Factory") Xi'an Oulian Home Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Xi'an 20 Note 11 Countertop Factory") Oppein United (Tianjin) Home Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Oppein United") Guangzhou Oppein Creative Home Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 15 Note 7 "Oppein Creative") OPPEIN ITALY ACADEMY S.R.L. (hereinafter referred to as "ITALY 24 Note 8 ACADEMY") Chengdu Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chengdu 15 Note 9 Oppein") Nanchang Oupai Home Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanchang 20 Note 11 Countertop Factory") Kunming Oppolia Smart Home Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 20 Note 11 "Kunming Countertop Factory") Chengdu Shuangliu Oppein Loading and Unloading Service Co., Ltd. 25 (hereinafter referred to as "Chengdu Loading and Unloading") 165/259 2022 Annual Report Name of Taxpayer Income Tax Rate (%) Remarks Meizhou Oppein Investment Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Meizhou Oppein") Meizhou Zheling Investment Industry Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Meizhou Zheling") Guangzhou Oppein Home Design Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Guangzhou Design Institute") Zhuhai Oppein Creative Home Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 15 Note 10 "Zhuhai Oppein") Hangzhou Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Hangzhou Large Home Furnishing") Chengdu Oppein Creative Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter 25 referred to as "Chengdu Large Home Furnishing") Chongqing Oppein Large Home Furnishings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Chongqing Large Home Furnishings") Handan Oppein Large Home Furnishing Sales Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to 25 as "Handan Large Home Furnishing") Luzhou Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Luzhou Large Home Furnishing") Nanning Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Nanning Large Home Furnishing") Guangzhou Huadu Oppein Creative Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter 25 referred to as "Huadu Large Home Furnishing") Shenzhen Oppein Creative Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 25 "Shenzhen Large Home Furnishing") Xingpai Commercial Property Management (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter 25 referred to as "Xinpai Property") Wuhan Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wuhan 25 Oppein") 2. Tax incentives √ Applicable □ Not applicable Note 1: The Company was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in November 2011 (YKG Zi [2012] No. 47). In December 2020, the Company passed the review and audit of high-tech enterprises and obtained the Certificate of High- tech Enterprise (No. GR202044001249). According to the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Measures for the Determination of High and New Tech Enterprises issued in 2007, starting from January 1, 2020, the enterprise income tax shall be calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate of 15% for three years. Note 2: Tianjin Oppein was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in November 2016. In November 2022, the Company passed the review and audit of high-tech enterprises and obtained the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise (No. GR202212000723). According to the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Measures for the Determination of High and New Tech Enterprises issued in 2007, starting from January 1, 2022, the enterprise income tax shall be calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate of 15% for three years. Note 3: Guangzhou Integration was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in October 2014. In December 2020, the Company passed the review and audit of high-tech enterprises and obtained the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise (No. GR202044007253). According to the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Measures for the Determination of High and New Tech Enterprises issued in 2007, starting from January 1, 2020, the enterprise income tax shall be calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate of 15% for three years. Note 4: According to the Taxation (Amendment) (No. 3) Ordinance 2018 (Amendment Ordinance) in Hong Kong, the first profit of HKD 2 million from Hong Kong Oppein should be taxed at 8.25%, and subsequent profits should continue to be taxed at 16.50%. Note 5: Wuxi Oppein was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in November 2021 and obtained the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise (No. GR202132010146). According to the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Measures for the Determination of High and New Tech Enterprises issued in 2007, starting from January 1, 2021, the enterprise income tax shall be calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate of 15% for three years. 166/259 2022 Annual Report Note 6: Qingyuan Oppein was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in December 2019. In December 2022, the Company passed the review and audit of high-tech enterprises and obtained the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise (No. GR202244005073). According to the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Measures for the Determination of High and New Tech Enterprises issued in 2007, starting from January 1, 2022, the enterprise income tax shall be calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate of 15% for three years. Note 7: Oppein Creative was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in December 2021 and obtained the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise (No. GR202144004151). According to the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Measures for the Determination of High and New Tech Enterprises issued in 2007, starting from January 1, 2021, the enterprise income tax shall be calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate of 15% for three years. Note 8: ITALY ACADEMY and FORMER S.R.L. pay enterprise income tax (IRES) at a tax rate of 24.00% in accordance with relevant Italian tax laws. Note 9: Chengdu Oppein was recognized as a high-tech enterprise in October 2021 and obtained the Certificate of High-tech Enterprise (No. GR202151000449). According to the relevant provisions of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and the Administrative Measures for the Determination of High and New Tech Enterprises issued in 2007, starting from January 1, 2021, the enterprise income tax shall be calculated and paid at a reduced tax rate of 15% for three years. Note 10: According to the Notice of the Public Finance Department and the State Taxation Bureau on Forwarding the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Preferential Enterprise Income Tax Policies and the Catalogue of the Enterprise Income Tax Preferences for Guangdong Hengqin New Area, Fujian Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, and Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone (CS [2014] No. 26) (hereinafter referred to as the "Preferential Catalogue") issued by the Public Finance Department and the State Taxation Bureau, the encouraged industrial enterprises located in Hengqin New Area, Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone, and Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone will be subject to corporate income tax at a reduced rate of 15%, and Zhuhai Oppein will calculate and pay corporate income tax at a 15% tax rate accordingly. Note 11: According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Implementing the Preferential Income Tax Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households (Announcement No. 8 of the State Administration of Taxation in 2021) and the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration on Further Implementing the Preferential Income Tax Policies for Micro and Small Enterprises (Announcement No. 13 of the State Administration of Taxation in 2022), Wuhan Countertop Factory and Kunming Countertop Factory are small and low-profit enterprises that meet the conditions. The annual taxable income does not exceed CNY 1 million, and is included in the taxable income at a reduced rate of 12.5%. The enterprise income tax is paid at a 20% tax rate. Wuhan Countertop Factory and Kunming Countertop Factory are small and low-profit enterprises that meet the conditions. For the portion of taxable income that does not exceed CNY 1 million per year, a reduction of 12.5% will be included in the taxable income and corporate income tax will be paid at a 20% tax rate; and the portion of annual taxable income exceeding CNY 1 million but not exceeding CNY 3 million shall be included in the taxable income at a reduced rate of 25%, and enterprise income tax shall be paid at a tax rate of 20%. 3. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 1. Monetary fund √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Cash in hand 12,648.66 7,433.29 Bank deposit 7,961,430,489.83 6,377,833,798.29 Other monetary fund 308,358,838.76 184,096,186.78 Total 8,269,801,977.25 6,561,937,418.36 Of which: Total amount of 17,055,935.38 4,496,288.33 funds deposited abroad Others 167/259 2022 Annual Report 1. The ending balance of bank deposits includes time deposits that can be withdrawn at any time. 2. The ending balance of bank deposits increased by CNY 1,583,596,691.54 or 24.83% compared to the beginning balance, mainly due to the public issuance of convertible corporation bonds, the accumulation of operating results and the increase of short-term loans. 3. Bank deposits are deposited in the name of the Company and its subsidiaries within the scope of the consolidated financial statements at financial institutions such as banks. 4. The ending balance of other monetary funds includes loan deposit of CNY 284,100,000.00, bank acceptance deposit of CNY 3,256,052.63, securities account fund of CNY 4,991,193.63, guarantee deposit of CNY 1,456,807.71, and e-commerce platform balance of CNY 12,539,901.88. The Company carries out the "Pudong Development Bank Quick Loan" business, where the Company recommends merchant loans to the bank and assumes a prudent recommendation obligation of CNY 2,014,882.91 for the recommended merchant's repayment ability. 5. The Company's subsidiary Tianjin Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. was involved in a contract dispute case for the plaintiff filed an application for property preservation, and the court ruled to freeze the Company's CNY 13,805,779.47. As of December 31, 2022, this payment is still in a frozen state. 6. Due to a contract dispute, the plaintiff filed an application for property preservation, and the court ruled to freeze the company for CNY 4,062,160.00. As of December 31, 2022, this payment is still in a frozen state. 7. The Company's subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Creative Home Design Co., Ltd. was involved in a contract dispute case for the plaintiff filed an application for property preservation, and the court ruled to freeze the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Creative Home Design Co., Ltd. for CNY 2,800,000.00. As of December 31, 2022, this payment is still in a frozen state. 8. The total amount of CNY 1,071,000.00 in the e-commerce platform of the company and its subsidiaries, Guangzhou Oppolia Smart Home Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Oppein Creative Home Design Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Ouboni Integration Home Co., Ltd., and Guangzhou Oppein Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. is the platform transaction deposit, which is limited in use. 2. Trading financial assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Financial assets at fair value through profit or 803,050,958.90 1,677,354,882.08 loss Of which: Financial products 803,050,958.90 1,677,354,882.08 Total 803,050,958.90 1,677,354,882.08 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Derivative financial assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Notes receivable (1) Notes receivables listed by category √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Banker's acceptance 15,064,465.16 34,973,540.89 Trade acceptance 95,369,740.77 171,100,130.87 Total 110,434,205.93 206,073,671.76 (2) Notes receivable pledged by the company at the end of the period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Pledged amount at the end of the period 168/259 2022 Annual Report Banker's acceptance 2,549,874.14 Trade acceptance 36,564,807.80 Total 39,114,681.94 (3) Notes receivable which have been endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period but not yet due on the balance sheet date √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amount derecognized at the end of Amount not derecognized at the end Item the period of the period Banker's acceptance 9,500,000.00 2,549,874.14 Trade acceptance 0.00 37,368,780.23 Total 9,500,000.00 39,918,654.37 (4) Notes transferred to accounts receivable by the Company due to the issuer's failure to perform at the end of the period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Closing amount transferred to accounts receivable Trade acceptance 134,976,515.03 Total 134,976,515.03 (5) Classified disclosure by bad debt provision method √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision Book value Perc Perc enta enta Categor Prop ge Prop ge y Amou ortio of Book value ortio of Amount Amount Amount nt n prov n prov (%) isio (%) isio n n (%) (%) Withdr awing bad debt 22,570 18.0 6,771,106.3 30.0 15,799,248.2 33,782,604.4 13.8 23,647,823. 70.0 10,134,781.3 reserve ,354.5 5 7 0 1 2 4 09 0 3 s by 8 individ ual item Of which: Bad debt reserve 102,48 81.9 7,847,411.4 94,634,957.7 210,269,400. 86.1 14,330,510. 195,938,890. withdra 2,369. 7.66 6.82 5 5 2 88 6 45 43 wn by 17 portfoli o Of which: Bank 15,064 accepta 12.0 15,064,465.1 34,973,540.8 14.3 34,973,540.8 ,465.1 nce 5 6 9 3 9 6 draft Comme 87,417 rcial 69.9 7,847,411.4 79,570,492.5 175,295,859. 71.8 14,330,510. 160,965,349. ,904.0 8.98 8.18 accepta 0 5 6 99 3 45 54 1 nce 169/259 2022 Annual Report draft 125,05 14,618,517. 110,434,205. 244,052,005. 37,978,333. 206,073,671. Total 2,723. / / / / 82 93 30 54 76 75 Withdrawing bad debt reserves by individual item: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Name Percentage of Book balance Bad debt provision Reason for provision provision (%) Some bill acceptors Received commercial are unable to repay acceptance bills from 22,570,354.58 6,771,106.37 30.00 their due debts or engineering clients have a downgrade in their credit rating Total 22,570,354.58 6,771,106.37 30.00 / Explanation of withdrawing bad debt reserves by individual item: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Provision for bad debts by combination: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Combined provision item: commercial acceptance bill Unit: CNY Ending balance Name Percentage of provision Notes receivable Bad debt provision (%) Commercial acceptance 87,417,904.01 7,847,411.45 8.98 draft Total 87,417,904.01 7,847,411.45 8.98 Recognition criteria and instructions for withdrawing bad debts by combination □ Applicable √ Not applicable If the provision for bad debts is made based on the expected credit loss general model, refer to the disclosure of other accounts receivable: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (6) Information of bad debt reserves √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Current period change amount Category Beginning balance Write-off or Ending balance Provision Return or reversal cancellation Commercial 37,978,333.54 23,359,815.72 14,618,517.82 acceptance draft Total 37,978,333.54 23,359,815.72 14,618,517.82 The amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in the current period is significant: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (7) Actual verification of notes receivable in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others 170/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. Accounts receivable (1) Disclosure by aging √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Aging Closing book balance within 1 year Where: sub items within 1 year within 1 year 1,115,026,340.54 Subtotal within 1 year 1,115,026,340.54 1-2 years 358,934,902.76 2-3 years 83,519,413.38 More than 3 years 3-4 years 36,953,939.54 4-5 years 8,416,004.78 Over 5 years 9,212,352.30 Total 1,612,062,953.30 (2) Classified disclosure by bad debt provision method √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Book Book balance Bad debt provision Book balance Bad debt provision value Categor Perce Perce y ntage ntage Propor Book value Propor of of Amount tion Amount Amount tion Amount provi provi (%) (%) sion sion (%) (%) Single item 28,199,712. 43,944,407. 30,761,08 13,183, provisio 97,449,570.08 6.05 69,249,857.96 71.06 3.83 70.00 12 15 5.00 322.15 n for bad debts Of which: Bad debt reserve 1,514,613,383. 1,328,605,1 1,103,564,9 105,055,0 998,509 withdra 93.95 186,008,244.79 12.28 96.17 9.52 22 38.43 46.13 80.61 ,865.52 wn by portfolio Of which: 1,011,6 1,612,062,953. 1,356,804,8 1,147,509,3 135,816,1 Total 100.00 255,258,102.75 15.83 100.00 11.84 93,187. 30 50.55 53.28 65.61 67 Withdrawing bad debt reserves by individual item: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Name Percentage of Book balance Bad debt provision Reason for provision provision (%) Some engineering clients are unable to Engineering clients 97,449,570.08 69,249,857.96 71.06 repay their due debts or have a downgrade in their credit rating Total 97,449,570.08 69,249,857.96 71.06 / Explanation of withdrawing bad debt reserves by individual item: 171/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable Provision for bad debts by combination: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Portfolio provision item: expected credit loss Unit: CNY Ending balance Name Percentage of provision Accounts receivable Bad debt provision (%) Engineering clients 1,250,065,123.08 144,280,363.72 11.54 Franchised dealers 171,999,455.19 21,568,270.28 12.54 Other clients 92,548,804.95 20,159,610.79 21.78 Total 1,514,613,383.22 186,008,244.79 12.29 Recognition criteria and instructions for withdrawing bad debts by combination: □ Applicable √ Not applicable If the provision for bad debts is made based on the expected credit loss general model, refer to the disclosure of other accounts receivable: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Situation of bad debt reserves √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Current period change amount Return Category Beginning balance Write-off or Other Ending balance Provision or cancellation changes reversal Single item provision for 30,761,085.00 38,488,772.96 69,249,857.96 bad debts Bad debt reserve 105,055,080.61 83,117,123.31 2,163,959.13 186,008,244.79 withdrawn by portfolio Total 135,816,165.61 121,605,896.27 2,163,959.13 255,258,102.75 The amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in the current period is significant: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Actual verification of accounts receivable in the current period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Write-off amount Accounts receivable actually written off 2,163,959.13 Important accounts receivable verification status □ Applicable √ Not applicable Explanation of accounts receivable verification: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Accounts receivable from top five borrowers classified based on the ending balance √ Applicable □ Not applicable 172/259 2022 Annual Report Unit: CNY Proportion in the total Bad debt provision of Company name Ending balance ending balance of accounts ending balance receivable (%) Shanghai Aifeidi Building 33,956,605.00 2.11 4,910,032.29 Materials Trading Co., Ltd Shenzhen Evergrande Materials and Equipment 33,878,453.40 2.10 23,714,917.38 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Lingchao Supply Chain Management 32,873,802.16 2.04 2,034,888.35 Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Yuantong E- commerce Technology 24,445,569.47 1.52 1,513,180.75 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Science & 22,208,196.28 1.38 1,374,687.35 Technology Group Co., Ltd. Total 147,362,626.31 9.15 33,547,706.12 (6) Accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable (7) The amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring accounts receivable and continuing to be involved □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6. Receivables financing □ Applicable √ Not applicable 7. Prepayments (1) Advances to suppliers under the aging analysis method are as follow √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Aging Amount Proportion (%) Amount Proportion (%) within 1 year 104,762,057.64 97.51 143,531,786.66 96.75 1-2 years 1,301,987.85 1.21 2,118,049.05 1.43 2-3 years 549,360.96 0.51 937,046.99 0.63 More than 3 822,971.91 0.77 1,759,109.70 1.19 years Total 107,436,378.36 100.00 148,345,992.40 100.00 (2) Prepayments of the top five ending balances collected by prepayment object √ Applicable □ Not applicable Proportion to the total Company name Ending balance ending balance of prepayments (%) Jiaxing Milan Image Furniture Co., Ltd. 5,683,525.47 5.29 Wuxi Power Supply Branch of State Grid Jiangsu 4,054,223.12 3.77 Electric Power Co., Ltd. Chongqing Tianhe Yiren Film and Television 2,918,632.09 2.72 Culture Media Co., Ltd. 173/259 2022 Annual Report Tianfu New Area Power Supply Company of State 2,738,794.57 2.55 Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company Jinran China Resource Gas Co., Ltd. 2,625,359.36 2.44 Total 18,020,534.61 16.77 Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 8. List of other receivables √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Interest receivable 0.00 0.00 Dividend receivable 0.00 0.00 Other receivables 197,101,668.61 95,586,738.83 Total 197,101,668.61 95,586,738.83 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Interest receivable (1) Classification of interest receivable □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Significant overdue interest □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Provision for bad debts □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Dividend receivable (1) Dividend receivable □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Important dividends receivable with an aging of over 1 year □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Provision for bad debts □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other receivables (1) Disclosure by aging √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Aging Closing book balance within 1 year Where: sub items within 1 year Within 1 year 178,299,635.44 Subtotal within 1 year 178,299,635.44 174/259 2022 Annual Report 1-2 years 11,499,228.40 2-3 years 9,110,309.20 More than 3 years 3-4 years 5,237,756.66 4-5 years 1,112,663.85 Over 5 years 3,569,329.66 Total 208,828,923.21 (2) Classification by nature of funds √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Nature of payment Closing book balance Opening book balance Deposit 168,106,198.55 68,787,540.41 Business reserve fund 5,284,935.96 4,782,114.52 Security Deposits 25,098,863.80 19,650,038.22 Other 10,338,924.90 12,543,422.77 Total 208,828,923.21 105,763,115.92 (3) Provision for bad debts √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Phase I Phase Ⅱ Phase Ⅲ ECL over the Expected credit loss Expected credit Bad debt provision entire duration (no within whole duration Total loss (ECL) in the credit impairment (credit impairment has next 12 months occurs) occurred) Balance as of January 1, 9,726,968.76 0.00 449,408.33 10,176,377.09 2022 Balance as of January 1, 2022 in the current period - Transfer to Phase Ⅱ - Transfer to Phase Ⅲ - Return to Phase Ⅱ - Return to Phase I Provision in current 2,107,700.65 96,000.00 2,203,700.65 period Reversals in the current 647,823.14 5,000.00 652,823.14 period Write-off in current period Canceled after verification in the current period Other changes Balance as of December 11,186,846.27 540,408.33 11,727,254.60 31, 2022 Explanation of significant changes in the book balance of other accounts receivable with changes in loss provisions in the current period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable The basis for calculating the amount of bad debt reserves for the current period and evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments has significantly increased: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Information of bad debt reserves √ Applicable □ Not applicable 175/259 2022 Annual Report Unit: CNY Current period change amount Beginning Write-off Category Return or Other Ending balance balance Provision or reversal changes cancellation Bad debt reserve 9,726,968.76 2,107,700.65 647,823.14 11,186,846.27 withdrawn by portfolio Single item provision for 449,408.33 96,000.00 5,000.00 540,408.33 bad debts Total 10,176,377.09 2,203,700.65 652,823.14 11,727,254.60 The significant amount of bad debt reserves reversed or recovered in the current period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Other accounts receivable actually written off in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (6) Other accounts receivable with the top five ending balances collected by the debtor √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Proportion to the total ending Bad debt Nature of balance of Company name Ending balance Aging provision of payment other ending balance accounts receivable (%) Guangzhou Hejing Deposit 145,000,000.00 within 1 year 69.43 Holding Group Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Red Star Security Within 3 Macalline Expo Home 5,667,862.40 2.71 1,133,572.48 Deposits years Plaza Co., Ltd. Beijing Easyhome Joint Investment Management Other 2,957,085.20 within 1 year 1.42 591,417.04 Center (L.P.). Xiaoshan Branch of GREENTOWN REAL Deposit 2,092,419.90 2-3 years 1.00 313,862.99 ESTATE GROUP CO, LTD. Nanchang New Huarui Security 1,756,708.80 3-4 years 0.84 351,341.76 Clothing Co., Ltd. Deposits Total / 157,474,076.30 / 75.40 2,390,194.27 (7) Receivables involving government subsidies □ Applicable √ Not applicable (8) Other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable (9) The amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring other receivables and continuing to be involved □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions 176/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable 9. Inventory (1) Inventory classification √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Inventory Inventory falling falling price price provision / provision / provision provision Item Book balance for Book value Book balance for Book value impairmen impairmen t of t of contract contract performan performan ce cost ce cost Raw 1,110,361,485.2 1,110,361,485. 849,290,050.96 849,290,050.96 materials 6 26 Products 134,747,487.38 134,747,487.38 128,460,954.78 128,460,954.78 in process Inventory / / / / goods Finished 168,898,346.41 168,898,346.41 485,376,851.22 485,376,851.22 goods 1,414,007,319.0 1,414,007,319. Total 1,463,127,856.96 1,463,127,856.96 5 05 (2) Inventory depreciation reserves and contract performance cost impairment reserves □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Explanation of the capitalized amount of borrowing costs included in the ending balance of inventory □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Explanation of the current amortization amount of contract performance cost □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 10. Contract assets (1) Contract asset situation □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Amount and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Provision for impairment of contract assets in this period □ Applicable √ Not applicable If the provision for bad debts is made based on the expected credit loss general model, refer to the disclosure of other accounts receivable: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 11. Held-for-sale assets 177/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable 12. Non-current assets due within one year √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Long-term fixed deposits and interest 922,210,739.68 0.00 provision Total 922,210,739.68 0.00 Important debt investments and other debt investments at the end of the period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 13. Other current assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Prepaid corporate income tax 1,742,358.04 80,151.80 Bank financial products 0.00 0.00 Input tax for value-added tax to be 135,348,001.07 43,757,286.00 deducted and certified Short-term fixed deposits and interest 62,619,813.82 34,878,627.65 provision Other prepaid taxes and fees 37,534.75 110,618.80 Total 199,747,707.68 78,826,684.25 14. Debt investment (1) Debt investment situation □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Important debt investments at the end of the period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Provision for impairment □ Applicable √ Not applicable The basis for calculating the amount of provision for impairment or the current period and evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments has significantly increased □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 15. Other debt investments (1) Information of other debt investments □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Other important debt investments at the end of the period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Provision for impairment □ Applicable √ Not applicable The basis for calculating the amount of provision for impairment or the current period and evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments has significantly increased □ Applicable √ Not applicable 178/259 2022 Annual Report Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 16. Long-term receivables (1) Long-term receivables □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Provision for bad debts □ Applicable √ Not applicable The basis for calculating the amount of bad debt reserves for the current period and evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments has significantly increased □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Long-term receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) The amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring long-term receivables and continuing to be involved □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 17. Long-term equity investments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Increase or decrease in current period Investm Closing ent gains The Other Cash balance Beginni and Chan investe Additi comprehe divide Impair of Negative losses ges in Ending d ng onal nsive nds or ment Oth balance impair investme recogniz other compan balance invest income profits provisi er ment nt ed under intere y ment adjustmen declar on provisi the sts ts ed to on equity pay method I. Joint ventures Guangz hou Red Star - Macalli 12,328,75 3,500,00 8,828,75 ne Expo 6.91 0.00 6.91 Home Plaza Co., Ltd. - Sub- 12,328,75 3,500,00 8,828,75 total 6.91 0.00 6.91 II. Associated enterprise Beijing Jiaju Technol 3,214,610 7,303,69 10,518,30 ogy .20 8.24 8.44 Co., Ltd. Sub- 3,214,610 7,303,69 10,518,30 total .20 8.24 8.44 - 15,543,36 3,500,00 10,518,30 Total 1,525,05 7.11 0.00 8.44 8.67 179/259 2022 Annual Report 18. Other equity instrument investments (1) Investment in other equity instrument √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Keeson Technology Corporation Limited 23,806,462.00 48,177,180.00 Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank 1,015,000.00 1,015,000.00 Tianhai Oukang Technology Information (Xiamen) 0.00 0.00 Co., Ltd. Harbin Sayyas Windows Co., Ltd. 46,125,000.00 31,123,051.57 Zhongju Hejia (Beijing) Investment Fund 4,811,404.66 1,885,380.04 Management Co., Ltd. Fernz (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. 0.00 0.00 Guangzhou Lazy Cat Wood Balcony Decoration 0.00 0.00 Engineering Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Qingtai Investment Development Co., 782,280.12 843,417.88 Ltd. Guangdong Deerma Technology Co., Ltd. 113,846,741.27 104,884,825.51 DeRucci Healthy Sleep Co., Ltd. 178,848,000.00 122,381,363.60 Total 369,234,888.05 310,310,218.60 (2) Investment in non-trading equity instruments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Reasons Reasons for for the Amount designation as Dividend transfer transferred measured at income of other from other fair value with recognized Accumulated Accumulated compreh Item comprehens changes in the profits losses ensive ive income recognized in current income to retained other period to earnings comprehensive retained income earnings Keeson Based on the Technology 1,813,858.6 management's Equity 745,200.00 11,379,177.38 Corporation 9 intention to disposal Limited hold TIANHAI OUKANG Based on the TECHNOLOGY management's 25,000,000.00 None INFORMATION intention to (XIAMEN) Co., hold Ltd. Based on the Harbin Sayyas management's Windows Co., 23,607,562.50 None intention to Ltd. hold Zhongju Hejia Based on the (Beijing) management's Investment Fund 2,811,404.66 None intention to Management hold Co., Ltd. Based on the Guangzhou Rural management's Commercial None 106,575.00 intention to Bank hold 180/259 2022 Annual Report Based on the Fernz management's Equity (Guangzhou) 17,000,000.00 155,634.48 intention to disposal Co., Ltd. hold Guangzhou Lazy Cat Wood Based on the Balcony management's 6,170,000.00 None Decoration intention to Engineering Co., hold Ltd. Guangzhou Based on the Qingtai management's Investment 217,719.88 intention to None Development hold Co., Ltd. Guangdong Based on the Deerma management's 53,846,741.27 None Technology Co., intention to Ltd. hold Based on the DeRucci Healthy 5,400,000.0 management's 100,548,000.00 None Sleep Co., Ltd. 0 intention to hold 6,251,775.0 1,969,493.1 Total 192,192,885.81 48,387,719.88 0 7 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 19. Other non-current financial assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Beijing Easyhome Joint Investment 17,968,837.07 60,339,938.23 Management Center (L.P.). Wuxi Craftsman Huiyu Management 1,000,000.00 Consulting Partnership (LP) Total 18,968,837.07 60,339,938.23 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 20. Investment properties Measurement model of investment real estate (1) Investment property adopting cost measurement model Unit: CNY Houses and Construction Item Land use right Total buildings in progress I. Original book value 1. Beginning Balance 917,156,576.08 522,803,394.00 1,439,959,970.08 2. Increase in this period 19,829,632.78 19,829,632.78 (1) Outsourcing (2) Transferred from 19,829,632.78 19,829,632.78 inventory, fixed assets, and 181/259 2022 Annual Report construction in progress (3) Increase in business merger 3. Current decrease 317,308.39 317,308.39 amount (1) Disposal (2) Other transfers out 317,308.39 317,308.39 4. Ending balance 916,839,267.69 542,633,026.78 1,459,472,294.47 II. Accumulated depreciation and accumulated amortization 1. Beginning Balance 105,794,953.22 105,794,953.22 2. Increase in this period 44,482,093.92 10,619,969.83 55,102,063.75 (1) Provision or 44,482,093.92 10,619,969.83 55,102,063.75 amortization 3. Current decrease amount (1) Disposal (2) Other transfers out 4. Ending balance 44,482,093.92 116,414,923.05 160,897,016.97 III. Provision for impairment 1. Beginning Balance 2. Increase in this period (1) Provision 3. Current decrease amount (1) Disposal (2) Other transfers out 4. Ending balance IV. Book value 1. Ending book value 872,357,173.77 426,218,103.73 1,298,575,277.50 2. Beginning book value 917,156,576.08 417,008,440.78 1,334,165,016.86 (2) Investment real estate without completed property ownership certificate □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 21. List of fixed asset items √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Fixed assets 6,688,959,701.47 6,648,220,021.88 Liquidation of fixed assets 0.00 Total 6,688,959,701.47 6,648,220,021.88 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Fixed assets (1) Fixed assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Property and Machinery and Transportatio Other equipment Total 182/259 2022 Annual Report building equipment n vehicles I. Original book value: 1. Beginning 4,663,561,018.23 3,759,095,701.70 45,407,670.93 331,806,497.45 8,799,870,888.31 Balance 2. Increase in this 190,613,651.93 470,726,598.68 1,787,134.74 38,796,299.69 701,923,685.04 period (1) Purchase 3,099,916.74 48,266,223.83 1,787,134.74 37,045,679.78 90,198,955.09 (2) Transferred from 161,657,702.55 419,704,916.95 1,433,109.08 582,795,728.58 construction in progress (3) Increase in 25,856,032.64 2,755,457.90 317,510.83 28,929,001.37 business merger 3. Current 939,564.29 21,653,528.88 1,878,351.03 6,083,806.91 30,555,251.11 decrease amount (1) Disposal or 939,564.29 21,653,528.88 1,878,351.03 6,083,806.91 30,555,251.11 retirement 4. Ending 4,853,235,105.87 4,208,168,771.50 45,316,454.64 364,518,990.23 9,471,239,322.24 balance II. Accumulated depreciation 1. Beginning 761,727,065.92 1,159,968,567.95 29,196,574.35 200,758,658.21 2,151,650,866.43 Balance 2. Increase in this 229,393,507.17 367,739,696.85 4,425,027.01 46,980,000.85 648,538,231.88 period (1) Provision 229,393,507.17 367,739,696.85 4,425,027.01 46,980,000.85 648,538,231.88 3. Current 490,446.78 10,807,814.74 1,680,630.65 4,930,585.37 17,909,477.54 decrease amount (1) Disposal or 490,446.78 10,807,814.74 1,680,630.65 4,930,585.37 17,909,477.54 retirement 4. Ending 990,630,126.31 1,516,900,450.06 31,940,970.71 242,808,073.69 2,782,279,620.77 balance III. Provision for impairment 1. Beginning Balance 2. Increase in this period (1) Provision 3. Current decrease amount (1) Disposal or retirement 4. Ending balance IV. Book value 1. Ending book 3,862,604,979.56 2,691,268,321.44 13,375,483.93 121,710,916.54 6,688,959,701.47 value 2. Beginning 3,901,833,952.31 2,599,127,133.75 16,211,096.58 131,047,839.24 6,648,220,021.88 book value (2)Temporarily idle fixed assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Fixed assets leased through financial leasing □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Fixed assets leased out through operating leases □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Fixed assets with incomplete property rights certificates 183/259 2022 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Reasons for not completing the Item Book value property rights certificate The property certificate is currently Property and building 1,671,016,594.40 being handled Other descriptions √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. The mortgage situation is detailed in the relevant explanations of "Section X Financial Report VII, Notes to major items in the consolidated financial statements 32, Short-term Loans" and "Section X Financial Report VII, Notes to major items in the consolidated financial statements 45, Long-term Loans". 2. As of December 31, 2022, the Company does not have any temporarily idle or held fixed assets for sale. 3. The original value of fixed assets transferred from construction in progress in 2022 was CNY 582,795,728.58. 4. The depreciation amount included in operating (inventory) costs, sales expenses, management expenses, and research and development expenses in 2022 is CNY 648,538,231.88. 5. The Company conducted an itemized inspection of fixed assets at the end of the period and did not find any situations where impairment provisions need to be made due to damage, lack of production capacity and transfer value, long-term idleness, or outdated technology being eliminated. Liquidation of fixed assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable 22. Construction in process List of items √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Construction in progress 1,430,244,831.22 347,455,504.19 Total 1,430,244,831.22 347,455,504.19 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Construction in progress (1) Information of construction in progress √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Item Impairmen Impairmen Book balance Book value Book balance Book value t provision t provision Constructio 1,430,244,831.2 1,430,244,831.2 347,455,504.1 347,455,504.1 n in 2 2 9 9 progress 1,430,244,831.2 1,430,244,831.2 347,455,504.1 347,455,504.1 Total 2 2 9 9 (2) Current changes in important ongoing construction projects √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Bu Amount Other Prop Engi Accumula Where: C S Beginnin Increase in Ending Item Name dg transferr decreases in ortio neeri ted current ur o g balance this period balance et ed to the current n of ng amount of interest re u 184/259 2022 Annual Report am fixed period accu prog interest capitalizat nt r ou assets in mula ress capitalizat ion in c nt the ted ion amount te e current proj re o period ect st f inve ca f stme pi u nt to ta n budg li d et za s (%) ti o n ra te ( % ) S el f- fi Tianjin 25,667,9 200,757,68 94,667, 22,441,918. 109,316,077. n Engineerin 39.74 2.45 626.80 01 38 a g Project n ci n g S el f- Jianggao fi and other 18,651,0 71,292,788 47,118, 42,824,936.0 n engineerin 87.13 .85 939.98 0 a g projects n ci n g Oppein 80 Smart 0 Manufactu 45,616,6 181,042,15 226,658,801. 28.3 30.0 mi ring 49.06 2.82 88 3 0 lli Innovation on Project Self- raise Wuxi 22,402,851. 150,971,987.9 117,620,15 d/rai Engineering 54 1 6.04 55,754,683.41 sed Project fund s Self- raise Qingyuan 150,369,619 196,614,814.4 252,422,20 d/rai Engineering .06 6 9.68 94,562,223.84 sed Project fund s Self- raise Chengdu 2,113 20,580,958. 208,167,872.0 70,966,796 25,461,136.7 d/rai Engineering millio 5,186,667.99 152,595,366.90 81.39 80.00 97 1 .08 2 sed Project n fund s Self- Huangbian 930 55,351,010. fina Engineering millio 54,233,510.62 109,584,521.60 11.78 15.00 98 ncin Project n g Self- raise Wuhan 2,500 8,815,387.7 630,132,832.4 23,809,027.0 23,809,027.0 d/rai Engineering millio 638,948,220.21 25.56 25.00 2 9 4 4 sed Project n fund s 6.343 347,455,504 1,693,213,641 582,795,72 1,430,244,831.2 49,270,163.7 23,809,027.0 Total billio 27,628,586.00 / / / / .19 .61 8.58 2 6 4 n 185/259 2022 Annual Report (3) Current provision for impairment of construction in progress □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable Engineering materials (1) Engineering material situation □ Applicable √ Not applicable 23. Productive biological assets (1) Productive biological assets using cost measurement models □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Productive biological assets using fair value measurement model □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 24. Oil and gas assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable 25. Right of use assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Property and building Total I. Original book value 1. Beginning Balance 39,357,930.49 39,357,930.49 2. Increase in this period 166,270,067.44 166,270,067.44 (1) New lease 166,270,067.44 166,270,067.44 3. Current decrease amount 9,578,038.78 9,578,038.78 (1) Reduce lease 9,578,038.78 9,578,038.78 4. Ending balance 196,049,959.15 196,049,959.15 II. Accumulated depreciation 1. Beginning Balance 14,381,858.44 14,381,858.44 2. Increase in this period 47,986,840.11 47,986,840.11 (1) Provision 47,986,840.11 47,986,840.11 3. Current decrease amount 9,578,038.78 9,578,038.78 (1) Disposal (2) Reduce lease 9,578,038.78 9,578,038.78 4. Ending balance 52,790,659.77 52,790,659.77 III. Provision for impairment 1. Beginning Balance 2. Increase in this period (1) Provision 3. Current decrease amount (1) Disposal 4. Ending balance IV. Book value 1. Ending book value 143,259,299.38 143,259,299.38 2. Beginning book value 24,976,072.05 24,976,072.05 186/259 2022 Annual Report 26. Intangible assets (1) Information of intangible assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Patent Non-Patent Item Land use right Software Total rights Technology] I. Original book value 1. Beginning 1,138,425,747.00 105,194,441.62 1,243,620,188.62 Balance 2. Increase in this 33,335,524.21 8,983,134.67 42,318,658.88 period (1) Purchase assets 19,841,687.63 8,983,134.67 28,824,822.30 (2) Internal R&D assets (3) Increase in 13,493,836.58 13,493,836.58 business merger 3. Current decrease 6,572,458.51 2,166,829.38 8,739,287.89 amount (1) Disposal 2,166,829.38 2,166,829.38 (2) Other decreases 6,572,458.51 6,572,458.51 4. Ending balance 1,165,188,812.70 112,010,746.91 1,277,199,559.61 II. Accumulated amortisation 1. Beginning 98,621,691.40 80,606,054.93 179,227,746.33 Balance 2. Increase in this 23,177,636.32 16,077,696.72 39,255,333.04 period (1) Provision 23,177,636.32 16,077,696.72 39,255,333.04 3. Current decrease 777,740.92 1,127,552.32 1,905,293.24 amount (1) Disposal 1,127,552.32 1,127,552.32 (2) Other decreases 777,740.92 777,740.92 4. Ending balance 121,021,586.80 95,556,199.33 216,577,786.13 III. Provision for impairment 1. Beginning Balance 2. Increase in this period (1) Provision 3. Current decrease amount (1) Disposal 4. Ending balance IV. Book value 1. Ending book 1,044,167,225.90 16,454,547.58 1,060,621,773.48 value 2. Beginning book 1,039,804,055.60 24,588,386.69 1,064,392,442.29 value The proportion of intangible assets formed through internal research and development of the company to the balance of intangible assets at the end of this period is 0.00% (2) Information of land use rights without completed property rights certificates □ Applicable √ Not applicable 187/259 2022 Annual Report Other descriptions: √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. The details of intangible assets pledged at the end of the period are as follows: Category Original value of collateral Net value of collateral Land use right 50,524,976.60 39,497,528.36 The mortgage is detailed in the relevant explanations of "Section X Financial Report VII, Notes to major items in the consolidated financial statements 32, Short-term Loans" and "Section X Financial Report VII, Notes to major items in the consolidated financial statements 45, Long-term Loans". 2. The amortization amount of intangible assets of the company in 2022 is CNY 39,255,333.04. 3. As of December 31, 2022, the Company has no intangible assets formed through internal research and development. 4. As of December 31, 2022, the Company has no land use rights that have not yet obtained property rights certificates. 5. At the end of the period, the Company conducted an itemized inspection of intangible assets and did not find any circumstances requiring provision for impairment. 27. Development expenditure □ Applicable √ Not applicable 28. Goodwill (1) Original book value of goodwill □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Provision for impairment of goodwill □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Information related to the asset group or combination of asset groups where goodwill is located □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Describe the goodwill impairment test process, key parameters (such as the growth rate in the forecast period, the growth rate in the stable period, the profit rate, the Discount rate, the forecast period, if applicable) and the recognition method of goodwill impairment loss □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Impact of goodwill impairment testing □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 29. Long-term amortizing expenses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amortization Other Beginning Increase in this Item amount for the reduced Ending balance balance period current period amounts Decoration 63,456,311.19 71,445,144.07 49,641,471.68 0.00 85,259,983.58 fee Advertisement 15,138,669.97 0.00 11,779,954.44 0.00 3,358,715.53 fee Other 1,120,045.93 13,316,353.84 2,491,695.60 0.00 11,944,704.17 Total 79,715,027.09 84,761,497.91 63,913,121.72 0.00 100,563,403.28 30. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities 188/259 2022 Annual Report (1) Deferred income tax assets not offset √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Deductible Deductible Item Deferred income Deferred income temporary temporary tax assets tax assets difference difference Provision for impairment 281,568,752.78 43,736,719.79 183,919,942.56 28,051,877.29 of assets Unrealized profits from 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 internal transactions Deductible losses 77,811,726.38 19,150,200.81 72,796,846.40 13,206,977.38 Deferred income 469,701,073.18 79,127,887.86 471,292,317.05 79,427,200.69 Other 19,630,895.84 3,224,809.11 2,461,558.50 442,649.09 Total 848,712,448.18 145,239,617.57 730,470,664.51 121,128,704.45 (2) Non-offsetting deferred income tax liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Item Taxable temporary Deferred income Taxable temporary Deferred income difference tax liabilities difference tax liabilities Valuation and appreciation of assets in the business 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 merger not under the same control Changes in fair value of other creditor's right 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 investment Changes in fair value of other equity instrument 143,805,165.93 35,951,291.49 79,422,401.06 19,855,600.26 investments Tax accelerated 333,332,694.69 50,595,395.14 288,270,559.44 43,937,337.70 amortization Internal transaction 97,809,755.28 13,053,177.09 39,350,394.99 5,902,559.25 capitalization amount Changes in fair value of 3,050,958.90 457,643.84 15,920,145.40 2,388,021.82 trading financial assets Changes in fair value of other non-current financial 3,174,703.82 793,675.96 39,989,938.23 9,997,484.56 assets Withdrawal of fixed deposit and wealth 223,739,194.61 33,560,879.18 96,896,422.16 14,534,463.32 management interest Total 804,912,473.23 134,412,062.70 559,849,861.28 96,615,466.91 (3) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed at net amount after offset □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Details of unconfirmed deferred income tax assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Deductible temporary difference 0.00 0.00 Deductible losses 7,666,055.40 4,883,636.12 189/259 2022 Annual Report Provision for impairment of assets 37,368.59 50,933.68 Total 7,703,423.99 4,934,569.80 (5) The deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax assets will expire in the following years □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions: √ Applicable □ Not applicable The unrecognized deferred income tax assets of the company are all formed by subsidiaries Oppein (Hong Kong) and ITALY ACADEMY. According to relevant regulations, the operating losses of subsidiaries Oppein (Hong Kong) and ITALY ACADEMY can be offset indefinitely. 31. Other non-current assets √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Item Impairmen Impairmen Book balance Book value Book balance Book value t provision t provision Advance payment for 175,316,804.03 175,316,804.03 212,922,825.66 212,922,825.66 equipment engineerin g Fixed deposit and interest 3,788,908,641.1 3,788,908,641.1 1,912,017,794.5 1,912,017,794.5 provision 1 1 1 1 for more than one year Prepaid land 18,600,000.00 18,600,000.00 payment 3,964,225,445.1 3,964,225,445.1 2,143,540,620.1 2,143,540,620.1 Total 4 4 7 7 32. Short-term loan (1) Classification of short-term loan √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Pledge borrowings 3,785,114,681.94 1,443,427,291.26 Mortgage Loan 0.00 37,210,338.01 Guaranteed Loan 100,087,083.33 150,127,500.00 Credit borrowings 699,493,238.31 758,361,041.66 Total 4,584,695,003.58 2,389,126,170.93 Explanation of short-term loan classification: 1. As of December 31, 2022, the balance of the Company's pledged loans was CNY 3,785,114,681.94, of which CNY 22,658,614.59 was a loan formed by discounting the commercial acceptance bill received by the company from Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank co. Ltd., and the Company provided CNY 22,658,614.59 of commercial acceptance bill as collateral guarantee; CNY 13,906,193.21 was a loan formed by discounting the commercial acceptance bill received by the company from Guangzhou Airport Road Branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. and the Company provided CNY 13,906,193.21 of commercial acceptance bill as collateral; CNY 2,549,874.14 was a loan 190/259 2022 Annual Report formed by discounting the received bank acceptance bill from the Foshan Branch of Guangzhou Bank Co., Ltd. and the Company provided CNY 2,549,874.14 of bank acceptance bill as collateral; CNY 25,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Chengdu Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the Company to China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Jianggao Branch; CNY 300,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Chengdu Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd. discounting a domestic letter of credit issued by the company to Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., and the company provided a deposit of CNY 30,000,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 400,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the company to the Kong Gang Economic Zone Branch of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, and the Company provided a deposit of CNY 40,000,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 500,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting the domestic letter of credit issued by the Company to Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., and the company provided a deposit of CNY 50,000.00 as collateral; CNY 390,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Wuxi (Jiangsu) Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a domestic letter of credit issued by the Company to Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., and the Company provided a deposit of CNY 39,000,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 200,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Wuxi (Jiangsu) Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting the domestic letter of credit issued by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. to Guangzhou Airport Road Branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.; CNY 32,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Oppein United (Tianjin) Home Sales Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the Company to Guangzhou Branch of China Minsheng Bank Co., Ltd.; CNY 200,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the Company to Guangzhou Baiyun Branch Bank of China Limited, and the Company provided a deposit of CNY 10,000,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 480,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the Company to Guangzhou Branch of Ping An Bank Co., Ltd., and the Company provided a deposit of CNY 48,000,000.00 as collateral; CNY 150,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the Company to Guangzhou Jianggao Branch of Agricultural Bank of China Limited, and the Company provided a deposit of CNY 15,000,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 500,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a domestic letter of credit issued by the Company to Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., and the Company provided a deposit of CNY 50,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 320,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting the bank acceptance bill issued by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. to Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., and the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. provided a deposit of CNY 32,000,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 250,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. to Guangzhou Branch of Ping An Bank Co., Ltd., and the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. provided a deposit of CNY 25,000,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 200,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a domestic letter of credit issued by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. to Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., and the Company provides a deposit of CNY 20,000,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 350,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the discount of a bank acceptance bill issued by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd., received by the subsidiary Tianjin Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd., to the Guangzhou Baiyun Branch of Bank of China Limited, and provided by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. with a deposit of CNY 17,500,000.00 as collateral guarantee; CNY 298,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Tianjin Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the Company to Guangzhou Branch of China Minsheng Bank Co., Ltd.; and CNY 150,000,000.00 was a loan formed by the subsidiary Tianjin Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. discounting a bank acceptance bill issued by the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. to Guangzhou Baiyun Branch of Bank of China Limited, and the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. provided a deposit of CNY 7,500,000.00 as collateral guarantee. 2. As of December 31, 2022, the Company's guaranteed loan balance of CNY 100,087,083.33 was borrowed by its subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. from Guangzhou Tianpingjia Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited, and the Company provided joint and several liability guarantees. 3. As of December 31, 2022, the Company's credit loan balance was CNY 699,493,238.31, of which CNY 100,086,111.10 was borrowed by the Company from Guangzhou Sanyuanli Branch of Agricultural Bank of China Limited; and CNY 599,407,127.21 was a loan from Guangzhou Tianpingjia Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited. 4. As of December 31, 2022, the Company does not have any overdue short-term loans. (2) Information of overdue and unpaid short-term loans □ Applicable √ Not applicable 191/259 2022 Annual Report The important outstanding short-term loans that have been overdue are as follows: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 33. Trading financial liabilities □ Applicable √ Not applicable 34. Derivative financial liabilities □ Applicable √ Not applicable 35. Notes payable (1) List of notes payable √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Classification Ending balance Beginning balance Commercial acceptance draft 0.00 0.00 Bank acceptance draft 70,366,124.74 131,915,607.89 Usance credit 0.00 8,036,163.82 Total 70,366,124.74 139,951,771.71 The total amount of unpaid notes payable at the end of this period is CNY 0.00. As of December 31, 2022, the balance of bank acceptance bills was CNY 70,366,124.74, of which the balance of bank acceptance bills opened by the Company at Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. was CNY 21,357,986.17, and the Company provided a deposit of CNY 2,135,799.00; the balance of bank acceptance bills issued by the Company at Guangzhou Yihe Branch Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited was CNY 38,046,787.43, with joint liability guarantee provided by its subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd.; the balance of bank acceptance bills issued by subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. at Qingyuan Branch of Guangfa Bank Co., Ltd. was CNY 6,367,520.82, and the subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. provided a deposit of CNY 636,752.08, and the Company provided joint liability guarantee; and the balance of bank acceptance bills issued by subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. at Guangzhou Branch of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. was CNY 4,593,830.32, and the subsidiary Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd. provided a deposit of CNY 459,383.03, and the Company provided joint liability guarantee. 36. Accounts payable (1) Listing of accounts payable √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Accounts payable 1,908,743,254.29 2,018,248,874.11 Total 1,908,743,254.29 2,018,248,874.11 (2) Significant accounts payable with the aging over 1 year □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 37. Advance receipts (1) List of advance receipts √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance 192/259 2022 Annual Report Receipts in advance 364,393,984.51 885,811,485.23 Total 364,393,984.51 885,811,485.23 (2) Important advance payments with an aging of over 1 year □ Applicable √ Not applicable Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 38. Contract liabilities (1). Contract liability √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Advances on sales 782,289,860.99 1,202,994,206.12 Total 782,289,860.99 1,202,994,206.12 (2) Amount and reasons for significant changes in book value during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 39. Payroll payable (1) List of employee compensation payable √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Beginning Increase in current Decrease in the Ending balance balance period current period I. Short term payroll 561,430,166.62 3,542,939,704.04 3,589,721,160.39 514,648,710.27 II. Post-employment benefit - 189,541,072.26 189,541,072.26 defined contribution plan III. Dismissal benefit 26,699,487.78 26,699,487.78 IV. Other welfares due within one year Total 561,430,166.62 3,759,180,264.08 3,805,961,720.43 514,648,710.27 (2) List of short-term compensation √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Beginning Increase in current Decrease in the Item balance period current period Ending balance I. Wages, salaries, bonuses, 560,629,985.50 3,308,644,119.56 3,354,964,296.77 514,309,808.29 allowances and subsidies II. Employee benefits 557,531.00 74,724,364.79 75,281,895.79 0.00 III. Social insurance premium 0.00 110,176,840.72 110,176,840.72 0.00 Including: medical insurance premium 0.00 91,684,979.36 91,684,979.36 0.00 Industrial injury insurance 0.00 7,878,379.00 7,878,379.00 0.00 Birth insurance premium 0.00 6,554,864.75 6,554,864.75 0.00 Other social insurance 0.00 4,058,617.61 4,058,617.61 0.00 IV. Housing fund 0.00 47,756,250.71 47,756,250.71 0.00 V. Labor union funds and 242,650.12 1,638,128.26 1,541,876.40 338,901.98 employee educationfunds VI. Short-term compensated 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 193/259 2022 Annual Report absence VII. Short-term profit sharing plan 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 561,430,166.62 3,542,939,704.04 3,589,721,160.39 514,648,710.27 (3) Presentation of defined contribution plan √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Beginning Increase in current Decrease in the current Ending balance period period balance 1. Basic endowment insurance expense 0.00 183,792,200.50 183,792,200.50 0.00 2.Unemployment insurance 0.00 5,748,871.76 5,748,871.76 0.00 3. Corporate annuity payment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 189,541,072.26 189,541,072.26 0.00 Other descriptions √ Applicable □ Not applicable As of December 31, 2022, the Company has no outstanding employee compensation payable. 40. Taxes and dues payable √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Value added tax 64,081,546.00 35,494,240.63 Corporate income tax 163,516,753.96 202,982,320.76 Individual income tax 10,116,026.05 9,594,793.44 Urban maintenance and construction 5,387,000.99 5,061,796.85 tax Education surcharges 3,866,414.36 3,741,373.47 Other 22,238,005.11 4,458,462.18 Total 269,205,746.47 261,332,987.33 41. List of other payables List of items√ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Interest Payable 0.00 0.00 Dividend payable 0.00 0.00 Other payables 840,531,618.28 667,841,099.64 Total 840,531,618.28 667,841,099.64 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Interest Payable (1) Listed by category □ Applicable √ Not applicable Dividend payable (1) Listed by category □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other payables (1) Other accounts payable listed by nature of payment 194/259 2022 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Margin for bulk business 269,351,758.62 226,257,342.16 Franchisee performance bond 286,299,620.77 236,359,065.56 Supplier quality guarantee deposit 274,205,622.44 197,973,074.57 Other 10,674,616.45 7,251,617.35 Total 840,531,618.28 667,841,099.64 (2) Other material accounts payable aged over 1 year □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 42. Liabilities held for sale □ Applicable √ Not applicable 43. Non-current liabilities due within one year √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Long-term loans due within one year 202,047,638.24 0.00 Lease liabilities due within one year 39,683,015.46 13,286,652.37 Total 241,730,653.70 13,286,652.37 44. Other current liabilities Other current liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Value added tax to be transferred for sale 97,354,681.10 144,631,995.61 Unrecognized bills 803,972.43 0.00 Total 98,158,653.53 144,631,995.61 Increase or decrease in short-term payable bonds: □ Applicable √ Not Applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 45. Long-term loan (1) Classification of long-term loan √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Pledge borrowings 0.00 0.00 Mortgage Loan 6,986,325.48 0.00 Guaranteed Loan 0.00 0.00 Credit borrowings 200,183,333.33 0.00 Less: long-term loan due within one year 202,047,638.24 0.00 195/259 2022 Annual Report Total 5,122,020.57 0.00 Explanation of classification of long-term loan: 1. As of December 31, 2022, the Company's credit loan balance was CNY 200,183,333.33, which was a loan from China Construction Bank Corporation, Guangzhou Baiyun Branch. 2. As of December 31, 2022, the balance of the Company's mortgage loans was CNY 6,986,325.48, of which CNY 5,946,700.98 is a loan from the subsidiary FORMER S.R.L. to Cassa Rurale ed Artigiana SOC.COOP.CRL, which is provided by the subsidiary FORMER S.R.L. as collateral for the house and land use rights; and CNY 1,039,624.50 is a loan from INTESA SANPAOLO SPA by FORMER S.R.L., which is secured by its subsidiary, FORMER S.R.L., with the right to use the house and land as collateral. Other explanations, including interest rate range: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 46. Bonds payable (1) Bonds payable √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Convertible corporation bonds 1,601,701,819.31 0.00 Total 1,601,701,819.31 0.00 (2) Increase or decrease in payable bonds: (excluding preferred stocks, perpetual bonds, and other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities) √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY B e gi B n o ni Issu n n Accruing Amortization Bond Face Ending e d Issue amount g Current issue interest at of excess and Name value balance date d b face value discount u al ra a Curre ti n nt o c repay n e ment Oppein 22 6 converti Aug y 100.0 2,000,000,000.0 1,990,871,567.8 2,500,000.0 32,681,436.9 1,601,701, ble ust e 0 0 3 0 2 819.31 bonds 5, ar (113655 202 s ) 2 2,000,000,000.0 1,990,871,567.8 2,500,000.0 32,681,436.9 1,601,701, Total / / / 0 3 0 2 819.31 (3) Explanation of conversion conditions and conversion time for convertible corporation bonds √ Applicable □ Not applicable With the approval of "ZJXK [2022] No.1328" of CSRC, the Company publicly issued 20,000,000.00 convertible corporation bonds on August 5, 2022, with a face value of CNY 100 each and a total issuance amount of CNY 2,000,000,000.00. The term of the bonds is six years. The coupon rate of the bonds issued by the Company is 0.3% in the first year, 0.5% in the second year, 1.0% in the third year, 1.5% in the fourth year, 1.8% in the fifth year and 2.0% in the sixth year. The convertible corporation bonds issued this time adopt an annual interest payment method, and the starting date for interest calculation is the first day of the convertible corporation bond issuance. The annual interest payment date is the day of each full year from the first day 196/259 2022 Annual Report of the issuance of convertible corporation bonds. The conversion period starts from the first trading day six months after the end of the issuance of convertible corporation bonds and ends on the maturity date of convertible corporation bonds. The initial conversion price for convertible corporation bonds at the time of issuance is CNY 125.46 per share. (4) Description of other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities Basic information of preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments issued to the public at the end of the period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Statement of changes in financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds issued to the public at the end of the period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Description of the basis for dividing other financial instruments into financial liabilities: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 47. Lease liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Lease liabilities 101,476,366.50 12,665,970.28 Total 101,476,366.50 12,665,970.28 48. Long-term accounts payable List of items □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Long-term payables (1) Long-term accounts payable listed by nature of payment □ Applicable √ Not applicable Special accounts payables (1) List special accounts payable by nature □ Applicable √ Not applicable 49. Long-term employee compensation payable □ Applicable √ Not applicable 50. Estimated liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Beginning Ending Item balance balance Cause of formation The Company carried out the carries out the "Pudong Development Bank Quick Loan" business to recommend merchants to banks for loans, and assumed a prudent Estimated 59,715.00 43,770.00 recommendation obligation to banks for the recommended liabilities merchants' repayment ability. The Company referred to the bank's provision for loan impairment of 1.5% for normal loans, and prudently recommended liability losses. 197/259 2022 Annual Report Total 59,715.00 43,770.00 / Other descriptions, including important assumptions and estimation explanations related to important estimated liabilities: As of December 31, 2022, the estimated balance of liabilities is CNY 43,770.00, for that the Company carried out the carries out the "Pudong Development Bank Quick Loan" business to recommend merchants to banks for loans, and assumed a prudent recommendation obligation to banks for the recommended merchants' repayment ability. The Company referred to the bank's provision for loan impairment of 1.5% for normal loans, and prudently recommended liability losses. 51. Deferred income Information of deferred income √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Beginning balance Increase in current Decrease in the Ending balance Cause of period current period formation Government subsidies 471,292,317.05 61,519,100.00 63,110,343.87 469,701,073.18 Total 471,292,317.05 61,519,100.00 63,110,343.87 469,701,073.18 / Items involving government subsidies: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amoun t include Amount d in included in Beginnin Newly added non- Related to Liability other Ending g subsidy amount operati Other changes assets/related items income in balance balance in this period ng to returns the current income period for the current period Project construction 254,152, 16,981,68 286,547,3 Assets- 49,376,400.00 support 674.50 5.83 88.67 related funds Special funds for technologic 214,470, 32,243,04 180,778,0 Assets- 12,142,700.00 13,592,407.50 al 771.59 6.20 17.89 related transformati on Special funds for 2,668,87 293,204.3 2,375,666. Assets- pollution 0.96 4 62 related prevention and control Other descriptions √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Projects supported by project construction support funds: 198/259 2022 Annual Report Amount included Amount Newly added in non- included in Beginning subsidy operating Other Liability items other income Ending balance balance amount in this income changes in the current period for the Related to period current assets/related period to returns Construction of the "Investment Agreement" Project by the Management Assets- 40,116,973.84 3,769,686.12 36,347,287.72 Committee of related Tianjin Jinghai Economic Development Zone Support funds Wuxi Huishan District People's Government's Assets- Investment 29,678,515.88 2,012,102.88 27,666,413.00 related Agreement Project Construction Support Fund Funds for the Oppein Chengdu Assets- Base Site Leveling 60,440,447.92 1,320,877.20 59,119,570.72 related and Fixed Asset Subsidy Project Chengdu Oppein Smart Home Project Assets- 3,416,666.54 500,000.04 2,916,666.50 Construction related Phase I Support Fund Special funds for industrial co- construction 70,500,070.32 35,896,400.00 9,158,005.63 97,238,464.69 projects in the Assets- southern base related Construction Phase I Support Assets- Fund of Wuhan 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 related Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd. Paid-in Registered Capital Award of Assets- Wuhan Oppein 8,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 related Smart Home Co., Ltd. Special funds for affordable rental 5,480,000.00 221,013.96 5,258,986.04 Assets- housing related Total 254,152,674.50 49,376,400.00 16,981,685.83 286,547,388.67 2. Projects subsidized with special funds for technological transformation: Amount included Newly Amount in non- added included in Beginning operating Other Liability items subsidy other income Ending balance balance income changes amount in in the current for the Related to this period period current assets/related period to returns Quartz stone 20,320,700.32 8,780,133.95 11,540,566.37 Assets- 199/259 2022 Annual Report countertop related flexible manufacturing intelligent upgrade and transformation project Furniture Production Line Distributed Assets- Workshop Top 9,001,133.19 1,986,023.88 7,015,109.31 related ES System Technical Renovation Project Technical renovation project for a flexible customized Assets- production line 21,648,917.21 3,651,887.40 17,997,029.81 related with an annual output of 150,000 sets of furniture products Expansion of production technology transformation Assets- 10,055,723.87 3,112,108.57 6,943,615.30 project for related high-end bathroom products Subsidy for customized furniture intelligent Assets- 4,904,911.67 769,872.69 4,135,038.98 production line related technology transformation project Technical Transformation Project for Expanding Production and Assets- Construction of 13,083,371.45 1,373,999.76 11,709,371.69 related 500,000 sets of High end Wardrobe Products per Year Technical Transformation Project for Expanding the Assets- 607,002.80 100,374.60 506,628.20 Production of related 150,000 sets of Cabinets Per Year 200/259 2022 Annual Report Amount Amount included Newly included in non- Related added in other Beginning operating to Liability items subsidy income in Other changes Ending balance balance income assets/r amount in the for the elated this period current current to period period returns Technical Transformatio n Project for the Construction 385,408.2 Assets- 2,203,339.26 1,817,931.06 of Automatic 0 related Blister Door Panel Production Line Customized Furniture Product Automation Flexible 101,253.6 Assets- Spraying 696,239.13 594,985.53 0 related Production Line Upgrade Technology Transformatio n Project High-End Wooden Door Product Flexible Manufacturing 1,322,204. Assets- 8,179,547.32 6,857,343.28 Production 04 related Line Technology Transformatio n Project Technical Transformatio n Project of Home 738,817.5 Assets- 4,767,986.61 4,029,169.05 Furnishing 6 related Product Production Line Technical Renovation Project for the Production Line of 219,371.8 Assets- 2,102,717.38 1,883,345.50 500,000 sets of 8 related Kitchen Electrical Appliances Per Year Oppein Home Furnishing Enterprise 1,212,771. 8,489,403.39 7,276,631.43 Research 96 Institute Assets- Project related Large-scale Non-standard 1,258,892. Assets- Customized 8,237,816.71 6,978,924.55 16 related Packaged Cabinet 201/259 2022 Annual Report Flexible Production Line Technology Transformatio n Project Tianjin Intelligent 1,132,413. 7,059,310.40 5,926,896.68 Manufacturing 72 Assets- Special Fund related Modern Industrial Development Fund Project - 604,032.9 Assets- 4,499,356.76 3,895,323.77 Enterprise 9 related Intelligent Transformatio n Project Wuxi City Technical 406,048.3 Transformatio 2,950,125.33 2,544,077.01 2 n Guidance Assets- Fund related Upgraded Technical Transformatio n Project for 104,117.6 Assets- 1,099,797.08 995,679.44 the Production 4 related Line of Blister Door Panels (Guangzhou) Guangzhou City Development Housing 1,838,199. Assets- Rental Market 62,223,021.00 13,592,407.50 46,792,414.50 00 related Special Fund Award and Supplement Project Special Funds for the Renovation Project of the Rapid Coating Assets- 783,635.29 88,952.04 694,683.25 Production related Line for Cabinet Furniture Paint Products Special Funds for the Technical Transformatio n Project of Flexible 2,364,371. Assets- 20,332,232.47 17,967,860.71 Production 76 related Line with an Annual Output of 1.5M sets of Wooden Door Products Automation Technology 106,948.4 Assets- Transformatio 982,175.26 875,226.82 4 related n Project for Blister Door 202/259 2022 Annual Report Panel Production Line Amount included Amount in non- included in Newly added Liability operating other Ending Related Beginning balance subsidy amount Other changes items income income in balance to in this period for the the current assets/rel current period ated to period returns Special funds for the third batch of municipal Assets- 242,307.69 83,076.84 159,230.85 industrial related developmen t fund projects Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Assets- 2,182,700.00 18,189.17 2,164,510.83 Technology related 2021 Citywide Technical Transformat ion Subsidy Special funds for the first batch of provincial- Assets- level 3,180,000.00 3,180,000.00 related industrial developmen t fund projects Intelligent Manufacturi ng and 483,576.0 Industrial 6,780,000.00 6,296,423.97 3 Internet Developme Assets- nt Project related 32,243,04 80,778,017.8 Total 214,470,771.59 12,142,700.00 13,592,407.50 6.20 9 3. Projects subsidized by special funds for pollution prevention and control: Newly Amount added Amount included in Related subsidy included in non- other Ending to Liability items Beginning balance amount in operating income in balance assets/rel this income for the the current Other ated to period current period period changes returns Tianjin Atmospheric 2,040,000 Physics Prevention 2,295,000.00 255,000.00 .00 and Control Special Assets- Fund related Special Funds for 335,666.6 Assets- Construction of 373,870.96 38,204.34 2 related VOCs Waste Gas 203/259 2022 Annual Report Treatment System in Wooden Door Factory 2,375,666 Total 2,668,870.96 293,204.34 .62 52. Other non-current liabilities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Red Star Macalline Pazhou Project Purchase Deposit 109,986,691.00 118,488,814.29 Total 109,986,691.00 118,488,814.29 Other descriptions The deposit for purchasing a house by Red Star Macalline is a deposit received by the Company in advance for the purchase of part of the property rights of the Pazhou Oppein headquarters building by Red Star Macalline. 53. Equity √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Increase/decrease in this change (+, -) New issue Provident Beginning balance Sub- Ending balance Dividend fund Other total conversion Total 609,151,948.00 6.00 6.00 609,151,954.00 Shares Other descriptions The new shares issued by the Company in this period are due to the exercise of stock options granted by employees in the previous period. Please refer to the relevant explanation in Section X "III. Basic Information of the Company 1. Company Overview" for details. 54. Other equity instruments (1) Basic information of preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial instruments issued to the public at the end of the period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Beginning Increase in the current Decrease in the Ending balance balance period current period Item Book Book Quantity Quantity Book value Quantity Quantity Book value value value Oppein 22 20 convertible 424,351,185.44 20 million 424,351,185.44 million bonds 20 Total 424,351,185.44 20 million 424,351,185.44 million (2) Statement of changes in financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds issued to the public at the end of the period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Explanation of the current increase or decrease in other equity instruments, the reasons for the changes, and the basis for relevant accounting treatment: □ Applicable √ Not Applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 204/259 2022 Annual Report 55. Capital reserve √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Increase in current Decrease in the Item Beginning balance Ending balance period current period Capital premium (share capital 4,349,628,351.14 925.83 0.00 4,349,629,276.97 premium) Other capital 11,735,456.40 0.00 1,220,664.08 10,514,792.32 reserve Total 4,361,363,807.54 925.83 1,220,664.08 4,360,144,069.29 Other descriptions, including changes in current period and reasons for changes: The increase of CNY 925.83 in share capital premium is due to employees exercising stock options granted in the previous period, and the amount of paid capital exceeding the share capital is CNY 865.32. After the exercise, other capital reserves recognized by the company due to equity incentive expenses in the previous period of CNY 60.51 are transferred to the capital premium; and other capital reserves decreased by CNY 1,220,664.08, except for the impact of employee stock option exercise mentioned above, due to the Company's failure to meet the non market unlocking conditions in the second phase of the 2021 employee stock option incentive plan, and the company's reversal of previously recognized share-based payment expenses. 56. Treasury stock □ Applicable √ Not applicable 57. Other comprehensive income √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amount incurred in current period Less: the net Less: amount Previous that is period included included in other in other Amount Beginni comprehe comprehe Attributable to incurred before Ending Item ng nsive nsive Less: income parent income tax in balance balance profits of income, tax expenses company after Attribu the current prior current tax table to period period and period minorit transferre transferre y d into the d to shareh current retained older profits and earnings after loss tax I. Other comprehen sive income that cannot 59,480, 2,625,990 16,124,346.2 107,853,87 67,123,375.72 48,373,038.61 be 835.83 .89 2 4.44 transferred to profit or loss Where: Re- measureme nt of changed amount of defined benefit plan Other comprehen 205/259 2022 Annual Report sive income that cannot be transferred to profit or loss under the equity method Changes in fair value of other equity 59,480, 2,625,990 16,124,346.2 107,853,87 67,123,375.72 48,373,038.61 instrument 835.83 .89 2 4.44 investment s Changes in the fair value of the Company's own credit risk II. Other comprehen sive income 99,844. 3,572,807. that will be 3,472,962.83 3,472,962.83 73 56 reclassified into profit or loss Where: Other comprehen sive income that can be transferred to profits or losses under the equity method Changes in fair value of other creditor's right investment Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehen sive income Provision for credit impairment of other creditor's right investment 206/259 2022 Annual Report Amount incurred in current period Less: the net amount that is included Less: Previous Amount in other period included incurred comprehens in other before Beginning ive profits of comprehensive Attributable to Ending Item income Less: income balance prior period income, current parent company balance tax in tax expenses and period after tax Attributa the transferred transferred to ble to current into the retained minority period current earnings sharehold profits and er after loss tax Cash flow hedgi ng reserv e Trans lation differ ence of foreig 3,472,9 3,572,80 n 99,844.73 3,472,962.83 62.83 7.56 curre ncy finan cial state ments Total of other comp 59,580,680. 70,596, 111,426, 2,625,990.89 16,124,346.22 51,846,001.44 rehen 56 338.55 682.00 sive inco me 58. Special reserve □ Applicable √ Not applicable 59. Special reserve √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Increase in current Decrease in the Item Beginning balance period current period Ending balance Legal surplus reserve 304,575,974.00 3.00 0.00 304,575,977.00 Discretionary surplus reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Reserve funds 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Enterprise expansion fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 304,575,974.00 3.00 0.00 304,575,977.00 Other descriptions of surplus, including changes in current period and reasons for changes: The surplus reserve is formed by withdrawing 10% of the parent company's net profit from the statutory surplus reserve, and the withdrawal amount is limited to 50% of the Company's share capital 207/259 2022 Annual Report 60. Undistributed profit √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Current period Previous period Undistributed profits before adjustment at end of the previous period 9,074,118,319.30 7,149,700,284.23 Total undistributed profits in the adjustment beginning period (increase in +, decrease in 0.00 0.00 –) Undistributed profit at the end of the adjustment period 9,074,118,319.30 7,149,700,284.23 Plus: Net profits attributable to parent 2,688,425,483.50 2,665,588,441.38 company in this period Item Current period Previous period Plus: Income from disposal of equity designated as measured at fair value with 1,969,493.17 0.00 changes recognized in other comprehensive income Less: withdrawal of legal surplus reserves 3.00 16,052,504.71 Withdrawal of discretionary surplus reserve 0.00 0.00 Withdrawal of general risk reserves 0.00 0.00 Dividends payable on ordinary shares 1,066,015,909.00 725,117,901.60 Common stock dividends converted into share capital 0.00 0.00 Undistributed profit at the end of the period 10,698,497,383.97 9,074,118,319.30 Details of undistributed profits at the beginning of the adjustment period: 1. Due to the retrospective adjustment of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and related new regulations, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was affected by CNY 0.00. 2. Due to changes in accounting policies, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was CNY 0.00. 3. Due to significant accounting error correction, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was CNY 0.00. 4. Due to changes in the scope of consolidation caused by the same control, the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was CNY 0.00. 5. The total impact of other adjustments on the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period was CNY 0.00. 61. Operating income and operating cost (1) Operating income and operating cost √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current period Amount incurred in last period Item IncomIncomee Cost IncomIncomee Cost Main 22,000,522,428.80 15,144,117,735.57 20,144,967,469.42 13,825,554,770.27 business Other 478,981,045.76 230,066,980.57 296,637,122.08 152,785,752.32 businesses Total 22,479,503,474.56 15,374,184,716.14 20,441,604,591.50 13,978,340,522.59 208/259 2022 Annual Report (2) Information of income generated by the contract □ Applicable √ Not applicable Description of income generated by the contract: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Description of performance obligations √ Applicable □ Not applicable As of December 31, 2022, the corresponding transaction price for performance obligations that have been signed but have not yet been fulfilled or completed was CNY 1,009,019,870.23. Revenue is expected to be recognized between 2023 and 2024. (4) Description of allocation to remaining performance obligations □ Applicable √ Not applicable 62. Tax and surcharges √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Item period Amount incurred in last period Urban maintenance and construction tax 59,228,200.76 53,309,354.32 Education surcharges 25,424,444.24 23,349,776.47 Local education surcharges 16,903,221.26 15,566,517.66 Property tax 45,739,904.54 36,690,061.98 Land use tax 5,983,879.81 4,986,531.00 Stamp duty 13,724,195.34 8,716,003.29 Other 1,014,466.33 146,634.23 Total 168,018,312.28 142,764,878.95 63. Sales expense √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Item period Amount incurred in last period Advertising exhibition fees 643,925,038.82 507,928,041.71 Employee benefits 734,218,701.43 613,653,488.05 Business office expenses 185,165,124.31 171,737,452.68 Rental and decoration fees 101,244,607.38 71,485,160.83 Export expenses 6,860,613.20 12,653,476.45 Other 7,480,029.00 8,315,158.31 Total 1,678,894,114.14 1,385,772,778.03 64. Administrative expenses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Amount incurred in last Item period period Employee benefits 752,197,741.76 609,625,156.76 Office expenses 236,940,805.62 193,125,060.25 Depreciation and amortization expenses 256,642,914.27 253,992,293.81 Car expenses 19,416,712.27 17,104,917.30 Other 71,755,306.02 45,862,810.28 Equity incentive expenses -1,220,603.57 11,735,456.40 209/259 2022 Annual Report Total 1,335,732,876.37 1,131,445,694.80 65. R&D expenses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Amount incurred in last Item period period Employee benefits 592,127,705.37 468,891,799.33 Material consumption 432,410,933.68 345,504,415.91 Depreciation and amortization expenses 42,224,204.93 40,009,867.45 Other 56,486,087.15 53,352,084.04 Total 1,123,248,931.13 907,758,166.73 66. Financial expenses √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Amount incurred in last Item period period Interest expense 152,770,445.92 132,807,862.73 Less: interest income 380,881,220.85 266,051,753.30 Exchange profits and losses -33,261,629.49 9,717,426.37 Other 13,973,236.43 8,045,588.32 Total -247,399,167.99 -115,480,875.88 67. Other income √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item The amount incurred in current Amount incurred in last period period Government subsidies related to assets 49,517,936.37 39,990,918.13 Grants related to income 56,592,293.83 45,776,002.32 Refund of individual income tax handling fee 2,411,938.79 1,802,824.49 Value added tax reduction and exemption 11,117,717.59 3,536,830.50 Total 119,639,886.58 91,106,575.44 Other descriptions: 1. The details of government subsidies included in the current profits and losses during the reporting period are as follows: The amount Amount incurred in No. Name of government subsidy project incurred in current last period period Support Fund for Construction of the Investment Agreement 1 Project by the Management Committee of Tianjin Jinghai 3,769,686.12 3,769,686.12 Economic Development Zone Furniture Production Line Distributed Workshop MES System 2 1,986,023.88 2,000,878.40 Technical Renovation Project Technical renovation project for a flexible customized 3 production line with an annual output of 150,000 sets of 3,651,887.40 3,651,887.40 furniture products Technical Transformation Project of Home Furnishing Product 4 738,817.56 738,817.56 Production Line Expansion of production technology transformation project for 5 3,112,108.57 2,536,588.87 high-end bathroom products 210/259 2022 Annual Report The amount Amount incurred in No. Name of government subsidy project incurred in current last period period High-End Wooden Door Product Flexible Manufacturing 6 1,322,204.04 1,095,524.69 Production Line Technology Transformation Project Wuxi Huishan District People's Government's Investment 7 2,012,102.88 2,012,102.88 Agreement Project Construction Support Fund Subsidy for customized furniture intelligent production line 8 769,872.69 840,087.86 technology transformation project 9 Wuxi City Technical Transformation Guidance Fund 406,048.32 395,946.72 Funds for the Oppein Chengdu Base Site Leveling and Fixed 10 1,320,877.20 1,320,877.20 Asset Subsidy Project Chengdu Oppein Smart Home Project Construction Phase I 11 500,000.04 500,000.04 Support Fund Quartz Stone Countertop Flexible Manufacturing Intelligent 12 8,780,133.95 8,801,812.72 Upgrade and Transformation Project Technical Renovation Project for the Production Line of 13 311,514.48 242,407.53 500,000 sets of Kitchen Electrical Appliances Per Year 14 Oppein Home Furnishing Enterprise Research Institute Project 1,212,771.96 1,212,771.96 Upgraded Technical Transformation Project for the Production 15 164,958.84 119,220.57 Line of Blister Door Panels (Guangzhou) Technical Transformation Project for Expanding Production 16 and Construction of 500,000 sets of High end Wardrobe 1,373,999.76 1,373,999.76 Products per Year Technical Transformation Project for the Construction of 17 385,408.20 385,408.20 Automatic Blister Door Panel Production Line Technical Transformation Project for Expanding the Production 18 100,374.60 100,374.60 of 150,000 sets of Cabinets Per Year Customized Furniture Product Automation Flexible Spraying 19 101,253.60 101,253.60 Production Line Upgrade Technology Transformation Project Large-scale Non-standard Customized Packaged Cabinet 20 1,258,892.16 1,258,892.20 Flexible Production Line Technology Transformation Project Special Funds for the Renovation Project of the Rapid Coating 21 88,952.04 88,952.04 Production Line for Cabinet Furniture Paint Products Transfer of the Third Batch of Tianjin Intelligent Manufacturing 22 1,132,413.72 1,132,413.74 Special Fund in 2019 Special Funds for the Technical Transformation Project of 23 Flexible Production Line with an Annual Output of 1.5 million 2,364,371.76 1,857,767.53 sets of Wooden Door Products Automation Technology Transformation Project for Blister 24 106,948.44 17,824.74 Door Panel Production Line Special funds for industrial co-construction projects in the 25 9,158,005.63 3,585,429.68 southern base Special funds for the third batch of municipal industrial 26 83,076.84 27,692.31 development fund projects Tianjin Atmospheric Physics Prevention and Control Special 27 255,000.00 255,000.00 Fund Special Funds for Construction of VOCs Waste Gas Treatment 28 38,204.34 6,129.04 System in Wooden Door Factory Modern Industrial Development Fund Project - Enterprise 29 604,032.99 561,170.17 Intelligent Transformation Project Guangzhou City Development Housing Rental Market Special 30 1,685,215.20 Fund Award and Supplement Project Special Funds for Intelligent Manufacturing and Industrial 31 483,576.03 Internet Development 32 Special funds for affordable rental housing 221,013.96 33 2021 Citywide Technical Transformation Subsidy 18,189.17 Subtotal of government subsidies related to assets 49,517,936.37 39,990,918.13 34 Internship subsidy 46,896.00 87,596.00 211/259 2022 Annual Report The amount Amount incurred in No. Name of government subsidy project incurred in current last period period Subsidy for 2018 Tianjin Intelligent Manufacturing Special 35 437,900.00 Encourage Enterprises to Increase R&D Investment Projects 36 Guangzhou High-tech Enterprises Recognized and Awarded 900,000.00 37 Stabilization allowance 11,814,932.88 13,259,077.32 38 Advance Subsidy for New Apprenticeship Training 302,500.00 1,559,150.00 39 Subsidy for Job Training 67,000.00 1,439,994.00 40 Work as training subsidy 20,898,660.00 41 Huishan District Qianzhou Street Pioneer Talent Funding Fund 440,000.00 42 One-time Employment Subsidies for College Graduates 24,000.00 43 Other Employment Subsidies 15,000.00 Intellectual Property Award from the Finance Bureau of 44 15,925.00 Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City 45 Subsidy for Skill Training for Millions of Workers 338,500.00 46 Industrial Technology Development Subsidies 1,200,000.00 47 Rewards for Supporting Key Enterprises 2,000,000.00 48 Headquarters Enterprise Reward Funds 4,350,000.00 509,200.00 Reward and Subsidy Funds for High-end Professional Service 49 30,000.00 Industry Subsidy for Intelligent Renovation of Modern Industrial 50 240,000.00 Development in Qianzhou Street 51 Unemployment Dynamic Detection and Investigation Fee 1,000.00 52 Tax preferential support for Qianzhou Street 27,125,000.00 2,039,000.00 Qianzhou Street Enterprise Supporting Action Subsidy (Top 10 53 180,000.00 Value Added Tax Paid in Current Year) 54 Subsidy Funds for Promoting Rural Revitalization 71,000.00 55 Special Funds for Foreign Economic and Trade Development 140,000.00 64,683.00 Special Fund for Business Development in Guangzhou (Import 56 25,317.00 and Export Fair Trade Matters) 57 Tax Preferential Support for Jinghai County, Tianjin 5,000,000.00 58 The 7th Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award 2,000,000.00 Funds for the full process data management and display 59 platform of customized home furnishings based on the new big 1,820,000.00 data framework 60 Recruitment subsidies 1,042,474.41 Guangdong Province Employment and Entrepreneurship 61 482,149.51 Subsidy 62 Vocational Skills Training Subsidies 409,200.00 63 One-time Job Expansion Subsidy 403,044.06 212/259 2022 Annual Report The amount Amount incurred in No. Name of government subsidy project incurred in current last period period 64 Employment Subsidy for Poverty Alleviation Population 162,408.07 Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award Reward 65 300,000.00 Fund Huishan District Science and Technology Bureau's Second 66 Batch of Provincial High-tech Enterprise Cultivation Funds for 300,000.00 2021 2022 Wuxi Industrial Transformation and Upgrading Fund 67 250,000.00 (Second Batch) Support Project Fund Chengdu Industrial Enterprise Stable Production and Increasing 68 218,300.00 Production Incentive Project Reward for the "Shuangliu Growth of 50 Items" Project 69 Management Team 100,000.00 70 Subsidy for Standard Formulation and Revision 57,000.00 Rewards for enterprises above the designated quota added to the 71 wholesale industry with special funds for business development 50,000.00 in Guangzhou in 2021 72 Rural revitalization and poverty alleviation subsidy 39,600.00 Subsidy for employment and entrepreneurship of college 73 graduates and those facing employment difficulties in 39,586.71 Guangdong Province 74 Financial counterpart assistance funds 30,000.00 75 Technology insurance premium subsidy 20,300.00 Filing and registration of social security subsidies for 76 15,238.04 impoverished labor force 77 Patent funding 4,500.00 78 Subsidy for dynamic monitoring of unemployment in 2022 1,200.00 79 Stamp duty refund 964.15 Subtotal of government subsidies related to income 56,592,293.83 45,776,002.32 Total 106,110,230.20 85,766,920.45 2. All government subsidy projects mentioned above are included in non-recurring profits and losses. 68. Income from investment √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in Amount incurred in Item current period last period Long-term equity investment income accounted by Equity method -1,525,058.67 -6,461,645.66 Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investment 0.00 0.00 Investment income during the holding of transactional financial assets 0.00 0.00 Dividend income obtained from other equity instrument investments during the holding period 6,251,775.00 893,000.00 Interest income obtained from debt investments during the holding period Bet returns on performance obtained during the holding period of 0.00 1,034,631.75 other equity instrument investments Dividend income obtained from other non current financial assets during the holding period 795,116.38 376,737.60 Other interest income obtained from debt investments during the holding period Investment income from disposal of trading financial assets 7,040,900.10 24,733,439.44 Investment income from disposal of other equity instrument investments Investment income from disposal of debt investments 213/259 2022 Annual Report Investment income from disposal of other debt investments Profits on debt restructuring Investment income from disposal of other non-current financial 10,863,605.74 0.00 assets Total 23,426,338.55 20,576,163.13 69. Net exposure hedging income □ Applicable √ Not applicable 70. Income from changes in fair value √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Sources of income from changes in fair The amount incurred in current value period Amount incurred in last period Trading financial assets 3,050,958.90 24,395,812.07 Where: Income from changes in fair value generated by derivative financial 0.00 0.00 instruments Trading financial liabilities 0.00 0.00 Investment real estate measured at fair value 0.00 0.00 Other non-current financial assets -36,815,234.41 27,896,754.20 Total -33,764,275.51 52,292,566.27 71. Credit impairment loss √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item The amount incurred in current Amount incurred in last period period Bad debt loss on notes receivable 23,359,815.72 -24,992,807.49 Bad debt loss on accounts receivable -121,602,989.43 -81,720,232.63 Bad debt losses on other receivables -1,544,380.27 -1,592,911.63 Impairment losses on debt investments 0.00 0.00 Impairment losses on other debt investments 0.00 0.00 Bad debt losses on long-term receivables 0.00 0.00 Impairment loss from contract assets 0.00 0.00 Total -99,787,553.98 -108,305,951.75 72. Assets impairment loss □ Applicable √ Not applicable 73. Asset disposal income √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Item period Amount incurred in last period Income from disposal of fixed assets -2,205,162.14 -6,782,217.94 Income from disposal of intangible assets 1,937,982.41 0.00 Total -267,179.73 -6,782,217.94 74. Non-operating income Information of non-operating income √ Applicable □ Not applicable 214/259 2022 Annual Report Unit: CNY Amount included in current The amount incurred in Amount incurred in Item non-recurring profit and current period last period loss Total gains on disposal of non- current assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 Including: fixed asset disposal gains 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gains from disposal of intangible assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gains from non-monetary asset exchange 0.00 0.00 0.00 Donations 0.00 0.00 0.00 Government subsidies 145,400.00 135,500.00 145,400.00 Penalty income 11,980,057.86 13,331,742.43 11,980,057.86 Other 14,408,487.24 18,918,386.12 14,408,487.24 Total 26,533,945.10 32,385,628.55 26,533,945.10 Governmental subsidies recognized in profits and losses of current period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amount incurred in Amount incurred in Related to assets/related to Subsidy Item current period the previous period returns Statistics office subsidies 1,400.00 1,300.00 Earning-related Funding for the election work of the congress 84,200.00 Earning-related Funding for Party building work in two new party organizations 144,000.00 50,000.00 Earning-related Total 145,400.00 135,500.00 Other descriptions: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 75. Non-operating expenditure √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amount included in current The amount incurred in Amount incurred in Item non-recurring profit and current period last period loss Total loss on disposal of non current assets 8,750,883.65 14,141,159.49 8,750,883.65 Where: loss on disposal of fixed assets 8,750,883.65 14,141,159.49 8,750,883.65 Amount included in current The amount incurred in Amount incurred in Item non-recurring profit and current period last period loss Loss on disposal of intangible assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 Loss on exchange of non monetary assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 External donations 1,400,000.00 105,836.30 1,400,000.00 Other 4,769,070.62 3,073,218.11 4,769,070.62 Total 14,919,954.27 17,320,213.90 14,919,954.27 76. Income tax expenses 215/259 2022 Annual Report (1) Income tax expense statement √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Item period Amount incurred in last period Current income tax expense 383,796,557.60 442,085,157.84 Deferred income tax expense 1,375,277.48 -31,282,565.78 Total 385,171,835.08 410,802,592.06 (2) Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred Item in current period Total profits 3,067,684,899.23 Income tax expenses calculated based on statutory/applicable tax rates 460,152,734.87 The impact of different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries -4,889,136.17 The impact of adjusting previous period income tax -7,401,943.81 The impact of non-taxable income -2,485,079.10 The impact of non-deductible costs, expenses, and losses 5,430,433.13 The impact of deductible losses on unrecognized deferred income tax assets in the prior period of use -1,243.12 The impact of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses on unrecognized deferred income tax assets in the current period 396,622.53 The impact of additional deductions on expenses -66,030,553.25 Income tax expense 385,171,835.08 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 77. Other comprehensive income √ Applicable □ Not applicable See Notes for details The amount incurred Amount incurred in Item in current period last period Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to the 53,815,494.61 29,623,688.67 shareholders of the parent company (I) Other comprehensive income not reclassified into profit or loss 50,342,531.78 29,903,289.16 subsequently Where: Profits and losses from changes in fair value of other equity 50,342,531.78 29,903,289.16 instrument investments 216/259 2022 Annual Report The amount incurred Amount incurred in Item in current period last period (II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit 3,472,962.83 -279,600.49 or loss Where: Translation difference of foreign currency financial 3,472,962.83 -279,600.49 statements After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes attributable to 0.00 0.00 the minority shareholders Total 53,815,494.61 29,623,688.67 78. Cash flow statement items (1) Other cash received related to operating activities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Item period Amount incurred in last period Interest income 268,525,515.81 214,805,909.58 Government subsidies 118,256,793.83 227,947,955.82 Deposit and business deposit 71,784,879.33 27,714,279.54 Other 29,890,883.89 36,074,731.97 Total 488,458,072.86 506,542,876.91 (2) Other cash paid relating to operating activities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Amount incurred in last Item period period Advertising expenses paid in cash 643,925,038.82 507,928,041.71 Other sales expenses other than advertising expenses paid in cash 237,226,035.92 243,070,146.64 Management expenses paid in cash 333,854,765.45 256,092,787.83 Other 503,671,400.01 411,784,920.83 Total 1,718,677,240.20 1,418,875,897.01 (3) Other cash received related to investment activities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Item period Amount incurred in last period Red Star Macalline Pazhou Project Purchase Deposit 91,497,876.71 43,398,342.05 Total 91,497,876.71 43,398,342.05 (4) Other cash paid relating to investment activities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Amount incurred in last Item period period Refund of Red Star Macalline Pazhou Project Purchase Deposit 100,000,000.00 Total 100,000,000.00 217/259 2022 Annual Report (5) Other cash received related to financing activities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item The amount incurred in current Amount incurred in last period period Financing margin 3,218,348.22 481,821.60 Total 3,218,348.22 481,821.60 (6) Other cash paid in connection with financing activities √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Item period Amount incurred in last period Financing margin 139,824,778.24 86,367,619.17 Payment of fees related to convertible bond issuance 4,128,432.17 0.00 Repayment of principal and interest on lease liabilities 53,357,033.74 14,614,303.08 Total 197,310,244.15 100,981,922.25 79. Supplementary information of cash flow statement (1) Supplementary information of cash flow statement √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amount of previous Further information Amount of current period period 1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities: Net profit 2,682,513,064.15 2,664,153,384.02 Plus: provision for asset impairment 0.00 Losses from credit impairment 99,787,553.98 108,305,951.75 Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas assets, 648,451,950.83 592,561,143.97 and depreciation of productive biological assets Depreciation of right of use assets 47,986,840.11 14,381,858.44 Depreciation and amortization of investment real estate 55,102,063.75 881,624.61 Amortization of intangible assets 39,254,700.85 54,429,214.59 Amortisation of long-term unamortized expense 63,913,121.72 48,602,717.91 Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and 267,179.73 6,782,217.94 other long-term assets ("-" for gains) Fixed asset retirement loss (gains expressed with "-") 8,750,883.65 14,141,159.49 Loss on change in fair value (gains expressed with "-") 33,764,275.51 -52,292,566.27 Financial cost (gains expressed with "-") 130,315,284.45 144,219,819.00 Investment losses (gains expressed with "-") -23,426,338.55 -20,576,163.13 Decrease of deferred income tax assets ("-" for increases) -20,325,627.08 -25,258,212.43 Increases of deferred income tax liabilities ("-" for gains) 21,700,904.56 -6,024,353.35 Decrease of inventory ("-" for increases) 49,491,682.91 -654,467,996.69 218/259 2022 Annual Report Further information Amount of current period Amount of previous period Decreases of operational receivables ("-" for increases) -525,861,893.35 -700,134,584.78 Increases of operating payables ("-" for decreases) -893,864,603.43 1,862,704,145.36 Other -6,840,272.67 -18,178,146.44 Incentive expenses of restricted stock -1,220,603.57 11,735,456.40 Net cash flows from operating activities 2,409,760,167.55 4,045,966,670.39 2. Major investment and financial activities not involving cash: Conversion of debt into capital 0.00 0.00 Convertible corporate bonds due within one year 0.00 0.00 Financing leased fixed assets 0.00 0.00 3. Changes of cash and cash equivalents: Closing balance of cash 3,630,430,094.53 5,341,817,438.33 Less: opening balance of cash 5,341,817,438.33 3,558,468,311.68 Plus: closing balance of cash equivalents 0.00 0.00 Less: opening balance of cash equivalents 0.00 0.00 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -1,711,387,343.80 1,783,349,126.65 (2) Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries in the current period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: EUR FORMER S.R.L. Amount Cash or cash equivalents paid for business merger in the current period 4,632,499.38 Where: FORMER S.R.L. 4,632,499.38 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by the Company on the date of purchase 13,275.56 Where: FORMER S.R.L. 13,275.56 Cash or cash equivalents paid for business combinations in previous periods 0.00 Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries 4,619,223.82 (3) Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Formation of cash and cash equivalents √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance I. Cash 3,630,430,094.53 5,341,817,438.33 Including: cash in hand 12,648.66 7,433.29 Bank deposit that can be used for payment at any time 3,613,957,350.36 5,312,904,437.86 Other monetary fund available for payment at any time 16,460,095.51 28,905,567.18 Available fund that is deposited into the Central Bank for payment 0.00 0.00 Interbank deposits 0.00 0.00 Interbank loans 0.00 0.00 II. Cash equivalents 0.00 0.00 Including: investment in bonds to be matured in 3 months 0.00 0.00 III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 3,630,430,094.53 5,341,817,438.33 Including: restricted cash and cash equivalents used by 0.00 0.00 parent company or subsidiaries of the group 219/259 2022 Annual Report Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 80. Notes to items in the statement of changes in owner's equity Explain the names and adjusted amounts of "other" items that have been adjusted to the ending balance of the previous year: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 81. Assets with restricted ownership or use right √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending book value Reasons for restriction Cash and bank Bank acceptance bill margin, letter of credit margin, letter of balances 312,566,682.72 guarantee margin, external guarantee margin, court ruling to freeze, restricted funds used by e-commerce platforms Trading financial There is a redemption period and a closure period for financial 803,050,958.90 assets products Fixed assets 49,699,840.67 There is mortgage guarantee for house property Intangible assets 39,497,528.36 There is mortgage guarantee for intangible assets Notes receivable 39,114,681.94 Pledged for business needs Total 1,243,929,692.59 / 82. Foreign currency monetary items (1) Foreign currency monetary items √ Applicable □ Not applicable Closing foreign Converted exchange Closing balance Item currency balance rate converted into CNY Cash and bank balances - - Where: USD 66,503,492.26 6.9646 463,170,222.20 EUR 264,704.49 7.4229 1,964,874.95 HKD 147,748.55 0.8933 131,983.78 AUD 571,899.28 4.7138 2,695,818.83 Accounts receivable - - Where: USD 2,369,413.15 6.9646 16,502,014.85 EUR 40,727.75 7.4229 302,318.01 GBP 5,980.01 8.3941 50,196.80 AUD 56,946.86 4.7138 268,436.10 NZD 9,543.60 4.4162 42,146.45 Other receivables - - Where: EUR 113,321.16 7.4229 841,171.64 AUD 7,299.00 4.7138 34,406.03 Accounts payable Where: USD 4,298.56 6.9646 29,937.75 EUR 865,208.81 7.4229 6,422,358.48 Other payables - - Where: EUR 27,549.53 7.4229 204,497.41 HKD 46,500.00 0.8933 41,538.45 Non-current liabilities due within one year Where: EUR 251,155.87 7.42 1,864,304.91 Long-term loans - - Where: EUR 690,029.58 7.4229 5,122,020.57 220/259 2022 Annual Report (2) Description of overseas operating entities, including for important overseas operating entities, disclosure of their main overseas operating location, recording currency, and selection basis. Reasons for changes in the recording currency should also be disclosed √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name of Subsidiaries Main business place Functional currency Oppein (Hong Kong) International Trade Company Limited Hong Kong HK$ OPPEIN ITALY ACADEMY S. R.L. Italy EUR FORMER S.R.L. Italy EUR The above-mentioned subsidiaries have chosen to use the main local circulating currency as their accounting base currency, and there have been no changes during the reporting period. When preparing consolidated financial statements, the financial statements of overseas operating entities of the enterprise are translated into the parent company's bookkeeping currency, and the conversion exchange rate used is listed as follows: Assets and liability items on the Income and expense items in Item Paid-in capital balance sheet the income statement Converted Spot exchange rate on the balance Approximate exchange rate Historical spot exchange exchange sheet date on transaction date rate rate 83. Hedging □ Applicable √ Not applicable 84. Government subsidies (1) Information of government subsidies √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amount included in Classification Amount Listed items current profits and losses Assets-related 61,519,100.00 Deferred income, other income 49,517,936.37 Other income, non-operating Earning-related 56,737,693.83 income 56,737,693.83 (2) Return of government subsidies √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Amount Reasons Guangzhou City Development Refund of pre allocated bonus funds, Housing Rental Market Special Fund and subsequent application for 13,592,407.50 Award and Supplement Project allocation according to payment nodes 85. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable VIII. Change of Merger range 1. Business merger not under common control √ Applicable □ Not applicable (1) Business merger under the different control in the current period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: EUR Name of Time point Cost for Percentage Mea Acquisition Determination Revenu Net profit of the acquiree for equity equity of acquired ns date basis for e of the the acquiree 221/259 2022 Annual Report acquisition acquisition equity (%) for acquisition date acquire from the equit e from acquisition y the date to the acqui acquisit end of term sition ion date to the end of term FORMER May 10, 4,632,499.38 100.00 Purc May 10, ① The equity -381,597.54 S. R. L. 2022 hase 2022 transfer agreement has been signed; ② The equity transfer payment has been paid; ③ The industrial and commercial change registration has been completed; (2) Merger costs and goodwill □ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: EUR Merger costs FORMER S.R.L. --Cash 4,632,499.38 -- Fair value of non-cash assets -- Fair value of debt issued or assumed -- Fair value of equity securities issued -- Fair value of contingent consideration -- Fair value of equity(held prior to acquisition date) on acquisition date -- Other Merger cost in total 4,632,499.38 Less: fair value shares of obtained net identifiable assets 4,632,499.38 The amount of goodwill/merger cost less than the fair value share of identifiable net assets obtained (3) The identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on acquisition date √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: EUR FORMER S.R.L. Fair value on the acquisition date Book value at the acquisition date Asset: 6,796,625.00 6,796,625.00 Cash and bank balances 13,275.56 13,275.56 Accounts receivable 40,633.91 40,633.91 Inventories 50,000.00 50,000.00 Fixed assets 4,150,145.09 4,150,145.09 Intangible assets 1,935,821.39 1,935,821.39 Other receivables 97,150.00 97,150.00 Other current assets 1,058.00 1,058.00 Deferred income tax assets 508,541.05 508,541.05 Liabilities: 2,164,125.62 2,164,125.62 Long-term loans 1,044,516.38 1,044,516.38 Payables 919,072.58 919,072.58 Deferred income tax 0.00 0.00 liabilities 222/259 2022 Annual Report Taxes payable 200,536.66 200,536.66 Net assets 4,632,499.38 4,632,499.38 Minus: minority interest 0.00 0.00 Acquired net asset 4,632,499.38 4,632,499.38 (4) Gains or losses arising from remeasuring equity held before the purchase date at fair value Is there any transaction that achieves business merger through multiple transactions and obtains control during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Description on the inability to reasonably determine the merger consideration or the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date or at the end of the merger period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (6) Other descriptions: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Business merger under common control □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Counter purchase □ Applicable √ Not applicable 223/259 2022 Annual Report 4. Disposal of subsidiaries Is there a situation where a single disposal of investment in a subsidiary results in loss of control □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons Description of changes in the scope of consolidation caused by other reasons (for example, establishing new subsidiaries, liquidating subsidiaries, etc.) and their related situations: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment during the reporting period Actual Consoli Registered contribution dated Date of Registration Businessnatur capital at the end of Shareholdi Voting rights financi Name of company Establishment place e (CNY the period ng (%) ratio (%) al '0,000) (CNY stateme '0,000) nts Dongguan Oppein Integration Home Sales Co., Consoli March 4, 2022 Dongguan City Sales 200.00 110.00 70 70 Ltd. dation Dongguan Oppein Integration Home Design Technical Consoli March 4, 2022 Dongguan City 100.00 30.00 70 70 Co., Ltd. service dation Jiangsu Oppein Overall Custom Home Co., Consoli July 14, 2022 Wuxi City Sales 1,000.00 70.00 100 100 Ltd. dation Chengdu Shuangliu Oppein Loading and Residential Consoli January 11, 2022 Chengdu City 5.00 Unloading Service Co., Ltd. services 100.00 100 100 dation Hangzhou Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Consoli August 16, 2022 Hangzhou City Sales 480.00 Ltd. 800.00 80 80 dation Chengdu Oppein Creative Large Home Consoli May 25, 2022 Chengdu City Sales 800.00 568.00 71 71 Furnishing Co., Ltd. dation Chongqing Oppein Large Home Furnishing Chongqing Consoli October 21, 2022 Sales 130.00 Co., Ltd. Municipality 600.00 80 80 dation Handan Oppein Large Home Furnishing Sales Consoli June 17, 2022 Handan City Sales 600.00 468.00 78 78 Co., Ltd. dation Luzhou Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Consoli October 20, 2022 Luzhou City Sales 700.00 195.00 65 65 Ltd. dation Nanning Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., July 20, 2022 Nanning City Sales 600.00 432.00 72 72 Consoli 224/259 2022 Annual Report Actual Consoli Registered contribution dated Date of Registration Businessnatur capital at the end of Shareholdi Voting rights financi Name of company Establishment place e (CNY the period ng (%) ratio (%) al '0,000) (CNY stateme '0,000) nts Ltd. dation Guangzhou Huadu Oppein Creative Home Guangzhou Consoli July 14, 2022 Sales 600.00 370.00 70 70 Furnishing Co., Ltd. City dation Shenzhen Oppein Creative Home Furnishing Consoli July 15, 2022 Shenzhen City Sales 600.00 330.00 55 55 Co., Ltd. dation Various newly established subsidiaries of the Company will be included in the scope of financial statement consolidation from the date of their establishment. 6. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable 225/259 2022 Annual Report IX. Interest in other entities 1. Equities in Subsidiaries (1) Composition of the enterprise group √ Applicable □ Not applicable Main Acquisitionmet Registration Businessnatur Shareholding (%) Name of Subsidiaries business hod place e place Direct Indirect Establishment Tianjin Oppein Integration Manufacturin Tianjin Tianjin 100 of capital Home Co., Ltd. g contribution Establishment Guangzhou Oppein Guangz Guangzhou Manufacturin 70 30 of capital Integration Home Co., Ltd. hou City g contribution Dongguan Oppein Establishment Donggu Dongguan Integration Home Sales Co., Sales 70 of capital an City Ltd. contribution Dongguan Oppein Establishment Donggu Dongguan Technical Integration Home Design 70 of capital an City service Co., Ltd. contribution A business combination Guangzhou Oppein Sanitary Guangz Guangzhou Manufacturin involving 100 Ware Co., Ltd. hou City g enterprises under common control Establishment Guangzhou Ouboni Guangz Guangzhou Manufacturin 100 of capital Integration Home Co., Ltd. hou City g contribution Establishment Oppein (Guangzhou) Soft Guangz Guangzhou Manufacturin 100 of capital Decoration Design Co., Ltd. hou City g contribution Oppein (Hong Kong) Establishment Hong International Trade Hong Kong Trade 100 of capital Kong Company Limited contribution A business combination involving FORMERS.R.L. Italy Italy Sales 100 enterprises not under common control Establishment Wuxi (Jiangsu) Oppein Manufacturin Wuxi Wuxi City 100 of capital Integration Home Co., Ltd. g contribution Establishment Jiangsu Oppein Overall Wuxi Wuxi City Sales 100 of capital Custom Home Co., Ltd. contribution Establishment Qingyuan Oppein Integration Qingyua Qingyuan Manufacturin 100 of capital Home Co., Ltd. n City g contribution Establishment Guangzhou Oppolia Smart Guangz Guangzhou Sales 100 of capital Home Co., Ltd. hou City contribution Guangzhou Owell Establishment Guangz Guangzhou Decoration Material Co., Sales 100 of capital hou City Ltd. contribution Establishment Wuhan Oppein Mingda Manufacturin Wuhan Wuhan City 100 of capital Home Products Co., Ltd. g contribution 226/259 2022 Annual Report Establishment Xi'an Oulian Home Products Manufacturin Xi'an Xi'an City 100 of capital Co., Ltd. g contribution Establishment Oppein United (Tianjin) Tianjin Tianjin City Sales 100 of capital Home Sales Co., Ltd. contribution Establishment Guangzhou Oppein Creative Guangz Guangzhou Technical 100 of capital Home Design Co., Ltd. hou City service contribution Technical Establishment OPPEINITALYACADEMY Italy Italy services and 100 of capital S.R.L. trade contribution Establishment Chengdu Oppein Smart Chengd Manufacturin Chengdu City 100 of capital Home Co., Ltd. u g contribution Establishment Nanchang Oppein Home Nanchan Nanchang Manufacturin 100 of capital Products Co., Ltd. g City g contribution 227/259 2022 Annual Report Establishment Kunming Oppolia Smart Kunmin Kunming Manufacturin 100 of capital Home Products Co., Ltd. g City g contribution Chengdu Shuangliu Oppein Establishment Chengd Residential Loading and Unloading Chengdu City 100 of capital u services Service Co., Ltd. contribution Establishment Meizhou Oppein Investment Commercial Meizhou Meizhou City 100 of capital Industry Co., Ltd. services contribution Establishment Meizhou Zheling Investment Commercial Meizhou Meizhou City 100 of capital Industry Co., Ltd. services contribution Establishment Guangzhou Oppein Home Guangz Guangzhou Residential 100 of capital Design Institute Co., Ltd. hou City services contribution Establishment Zhuhai Oppein Creative Residential Zhuhai Zhuhai City 100 of capital Home Design Co., Ltd. services contribution Establishment Hangzhou Oppein Large Hangzh Hangzhou Sales 80 of capital Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. ou City contribution Chengdu Oppein Creative Establishment Chengd Large Home Furnishing Co., Chengdu City Sales 71 of capital u Ltd. contribution Establishment Chongqing Oppein Large Chongqi Chongqing Sales 80 of capital Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. ng Municipality contribution Establishment Handan Oppein Large Home Handan Handan City Sales 78 of capital Furnishing Sales Co., Ltd. contribution Establishment Luzhou Oppein Large Home Luzhou Luzhou City Sales 65 of capital Furnishing Co., Ltd. contribution Establishment Nanning Oppein Large Nanning Nanning City Sales 72 of capital Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. contribution Guangzhou Huadu Oppein Establishment Guangz Guangzhou Creative Home Furnishing Sales 70 of capital hou City Co., Ltd. contribution Establishment Shenzhen Oppein Creative Shenzhe Shenzhen Sales 55 of capital Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. n City contribution Xingpai Commercial Establishment Guangz Guangzhou Commercial Property Management 68 of capital hou City services (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. contribution Establishment Wuhan Oppein Smart Home Manufacturin Wuhan Wuhan City 100 of capital Co., Ltd. g contribution Other descriptions 1. The Company directly holds 70% of the equity of Guangzhou Integration, and indirectly holds 30% of the equity of Guangzhou Integration through Oppein (Hong Kong), resulting in a voting rights ratio of 100%. 2. The Company indirectly holds 70% equity in Dongguan Oppein Integration Home Sales Co., Ltd. and Dongguan Oppein Integration Home Design Co., Ltd. through its subsidiary Guangzhou Integration; indirectly holds 100% equity in FORMERS.R.L. through its subsidiary Oppein (Hong Kong); indirectly holds 100% equity of Jiangsu Oppein Overall Custom Home Co., Ltd. through its subsidiary Wuxi Oppein; indirectly holds 100% equity of Guangzhou Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Owell Decoration Material Co., Ltd. through its subsidiary Qingyuan Oppein, a subsidiary of Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., Ltd.; indirectly holds 100% equity of Nanchang Oupai Home Products Co., Ltd. and Chengdu Shuangliu Oppein Loading and Unloading Service Co., Ltd. through its subsidiary Chengdu Oppein; indirectly holds 100% equity of Meizhou Zheling Investment Industry Co., Ltd. through its subsidiary 228/259 2022 Annual Report Meizhou Oppein; and indirectly holds 80% equity of Hangzhou Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., 71% equity of Chengdu Oppein Creative Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., 80% equity of Chongqing Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., 78% equity of Handan Oppein Large Home Furnishing Sales Co., Ltd., 65% equity of Luzhou Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., 72% equity of Nanning Oppein Large Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., 70% equity of Guangzhou Huadu Oppein Creative Home Furnishing Co., Ltd., and 55% equity of Shenzhen Oppein Creative Home Furnishing Co., Ltd. through its subsidiary Zhuhai Creative. Wuhan Oppein Mingda Home Products Co., Ltd. and Xi'an Oulian Home Products Co., Ltd. are subsidiaries of Guangzhou Owell Decoration Material Co., Ltd. Kunming Oppolia Smart Home Products Co., Ltd., originally a subsidiary of Guangzhou Owell Decoration Material Co., Ltd., transferred 100% of its equity to Chengdu Oppein Smart Home Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oppein Home in 2022. (2) Important partly-owned subsidiaries □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Main financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Significant restrictions on the use of enterprise group assets and the repayment of enterprise group debts □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Financial or other support provided to structured entities included in the scope of consolidated financial statements □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Transactions where the share of owner's equity in a subsidiary changes and the subsidiary is still controlled □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Equity in joint ventures or associates √ Applicable □ Not applicable (1) Important joint ventures or associates □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Main financial information of important joint ventures □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Major financial information of the important associated enterprise □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Summary financial information of unimportant joint ventures and associated enterprises √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Closing balance/current amount Opening balance/amount incurred in incurred the previous period Joint venture: Total investment book value 0.00 12,328,756.91 The total number of the following items calculated based on shareholding ratio -- Net profit -8,828,756.91 -2,258,529.79 -- Other comprehensive income --Total comprehensive incomes -8,828,756.91 -2,258,529.79 Associated enterprise: Total investment book value 10,518,308.44 3,214,610.20 The total number of the following items calculated based on shareholding ratio -- Net profit 7,303,698.24 -4,203,115.87 -- Other comprehensive income 229/259 2022 Annual Report --Total comprehensive incomes 7,303,698.24 -4,203,115.87 (5) Description of significant limitations on the ability of joint ventures or associated enterprises to transfer funds to the company □ Applicable √ Not applicable (6) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associated enterprises √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Accumulated unrecognized Unrecognized losses in the Accumulated Name of joint venture or losses current period (or net profit unrecognized losses at the associated enterprise accumulated in the shared in the current period) end of this period previous period Guangzhou Red Star Macalline 4,851,707.11 4,851,707.11 Expo Home Plaza Co., Ltd. (7) Unrecognized commitments related to joint venture investments □ Applicable √ Not applicable (8) Contingent liabilities related to investments in joint ventures or associates □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Important joint operations □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. Equity in structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements Description of structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6. Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable X. Risks related to financial instruments √ Applicable □ Not applicable The Company faces various risks related to financial instruments during its operation, mainly including credit risk, market risk, and liquidity risk. The management team of the Company is fully responsible for determining risk management objectives and policies, and assumes ultimate responsibility for risk management objectives and policies. The overall goal of risk management is to develop risk management policies that minimize risks as much as possible without excessively affecting the Company's competitiveness and resilience. 1. Credit risk The Company's bank deposits are mainly deposited in state-owned banks and other large and medium-sized listed banks. It is expected that there will be no significant credit risk in the Company's bank deposits. The Company has established a management system for accounts receivable and product sales, which clearly stipulates pricing principles, credit standards and distribution conditions, payment methods, and the responsibilities and authorities of institutions and personnel involved in sales business. As of December 31, 2022, the book value of accounts receivable was CNY 1,356,804,900, accounting for 4.74% of the total assets. During the reporting period, the Company continuously strengthened its management of accounts receivable, mainly consisting of engineering accounts receivable from bulk business customers. The installation and after-sales service of bulk business have been transferred to dealers, and after linking the payment collection with the dealer's business deposit, efforts have been increased to collect accounts receivable, to ensure that the overall credit risk of the Company is within a controllable range. 2. Market risk (1) Interest rate risk Fixed interest rate financial instruments: 230/259 2022 Annual Report Unit: CNY '0,000 Ending balance Beginning balance Item Effective Amount Effective interest rate Amount interest rate Financial assets: Cash and bank 1.70% 79,500.00 0.66% 2,500.00USD balances Cash and bank 3.80% 115,000.00 0.75% 1,300.00USD balances Cash and bank 3.85% 265,000.00 3.65% 60,000.00 balances Cash and bank 4.83% 5,500.00USD 3.70% 190,000.00 balances Cash and bank 5.26% 700.00USD 4.00% 45,000.00 balances Cash and bank 4.18% 5,000.00 balances 231/259 2022 Annual Report Ending balance Beginning balance Item Effective Amount Effective interest rate Amount interest rate Non-current assets 3.57% 40,000.00 due within one year Non-current assets 3.62% 10,000.00 due within one year Non-current assets 3.65% 35,000.00 due within one year Other non-current assets 3.20% 10,000.00 2.75% 50,000.00 Other non-current assets 3.25% 90,000.00 3.57% 40,000.00 Other non-current 3.298% 30,000.00 3.62% 10,000.00 assets Other non-current assets 3.40% 60,000.00 Other non-current assets 3.45% 20,000.00 Other non-current assets 3.60% 30,000.00 3.65% 35,000.00 Other non-current assets 3.80% 20,000.00 3.80% 20,000.00 Other non-current 3.85% 110,000.00 3.85% 30,000.00 assets Total 957,680.52 509,227.66 Financial liabilities: Short-term loans 1.45% 60,000.00 0.94% 10,000.00 Short-term loans 1.50% 40,000.00 1.11% 9,500.00 Short-term loans 1.55% 20,000.00 1.30% 20,400.00 Short-term loans 1.60% 32,000.00 1.34% 22,000.00 Short-term loans 1.65% 15,000.00 2.42% 5,900.00 Short-term loans 1.70% 15,000.00 2.60% 9,600.00 Short-term loans 1.75% 56,500.00 2.80% 45,000.00 Short-term loans 1.80% 52,000.00 2.82% 15,000.00 Short-term loans 1.85% 7,000.00 3.06% 15,012.75 Short-term loans 2.25% 20,000.00 3.35% 79,557.14 Short-term loans 2.28% 25,000.00 4.40% 384.85 Short-term loans 2.30% 32,000.00 Short-term loans 2.50% 100.00 4.50% 398.42 Short-term loans 2.85% 65,445.57 4.80% 4,910.35 Short-term loans 2.95% 4,503.85 5.90% 1,249.12 Short-term loans 3.10% 10,008.61 Short-term loans 4.50% 118.64 Short-term loans 4.60% 1,271.98 Short-term loans 4.80% 2,265.86 Non-current liabilities due within 3.30% 20,018.33 one year Non-current liabilities due within 5.45% 17.97EUR one year Non-current liabilities due within 6.12% 7.14EUR one year Long-term loans 6.12% 69.00EUR Total 478,931.41 238,912.63 Floating rate financial instruments: 232/259 2022 Annual Report Unit: CNY '0,000 Ending balance Beginning balance Item Effective interest Amount Effective interest rate Amount rate Financial assets: Trading financial assets 1.65%-2.90% 30,007.15 1.52%-3.80% 10,132.22 Trading financial assets 1.80%-3.55% 50,297.95 1.50%-3.25% 5.00 Closed end private Trading financial assets equity financing 81,978.03 Open net worth wealth Trading financial assets management 75,620.24 Total 80,305.10 167,735.49 Financial liabilities: Debentures payable 0.30%-2.00% 160,170.18 Total 160,170.18 The finance department of the company continuously monitors the group's interest rate level. An increase in interest rates will increase the cost of new interest bearing debt and affect the level of financial returns on idle funds of the Company. The management will make timely adjustments based on the latest market conditions. (2) Exchange rate risks The amount of foreign currency financial assets and foreign currency financial liabilities converted into CNY of the Company is listed as follows: Unit: CNY '0,000 Ending balance Item USD HK$ EUR AUD GBP NZD Total Foreign currency financial assets Cash and bank balances 46,317.02 13.20 196.49 269.58 46,796.29 Accounts receivable 1,650.20 30.23 26.84 5.02 4.21 1,716.50 Other accounts receivable 84.12 3.44 87.56 Total 47,967.22 13.20 310.84 299.86 5.02 4.21 48,600.35 Foreign currency financial liabilities Accounts payable 2.99 642.24 645.23 Other payables 4.15 20.45 24.60 Non-current liabilities due 186.43 186.43 within one year Long-term loans 512.20 512.20 Total 2.99 4.15 1,361.32 1,368.46 (Continued) Beginning balance Item USD HK$ EUR AUD GBP NZD Total Foreign currency financial assets Cash and bank 44,726.99 8.42 234.97 354.35 45,324.73 balances Accounts 54.15 4.16 58.31 receivable Other accounts 25.47 3.37 28.84 233/259 2022 Annual Report receivable Total 44,726.99 8.42 314.59 357.72 45,411.88 Foreign currency financial liabilities Accounts payable 2.74 683.22 685.96 Notes payable 803.62 803.62 Other payables 24.48 24.48 Total 2.74 1,511.32 1,514.06 The Company's board and functional hardware are mainly imported from abroad, and payment is generally made through letter of credit. The Company's products are exported in small quantities to foreign countries, and import and export transactions are settled in foreign currencies. The impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the Company's operating results is limited. As of December 31, 2022, the main foreign currency assets will increase or decrease by CNY 23,982,114.96 if the CNY depreciates or appreciates by 5% against the USD while all other variables remain unchanged; and the Company's assets will increase or decrease by CNY 525,240.84 if the CNY appreciates or depreciates by 5% against the EUR. (3) Other price risks The main raw materials required for the Company's production are sheet metal, functional hardware, and supporting electrical appliances. When the price of raw materials increases, the Company can increase the selling price of the product, and when it decreases, the Company will lower the selling price of the product. Therefore, with the determination of production capacity and sales volume, there is a risk that the Company's operating income may fluctuate due to fluctuations in the prices of major raw materials. 3. Liquidity risk The various financial liabilities of the Company are presented as undiscounted contract cash flows at maturity as follows: Unit: CNY '0,000 Ending balance Beginning balance Item within 1 year More than 1 year within 1 year More than 1 year Short-term loans 458,469.50 238,912.62 Notes payable 7,036.61 13,995.18 Accounts payable 172,769.80 18,165.59 198,305.08 3,519.81 Other payables 39,190.94 44,862.22 52,559.74 14,224.37 Non-current liabilities 20,204.76 due within one year Long-term loans 512.20 Total 697,671.61 63,540.01 503,772.62 17,744.18 As of December 31, 2022, the balance of various liabilities to be repaid within the next year was CNY 6,976,716,100; as of December 31, 2022, the monetary funds that can be withdrawn at any time was CNY 3,631,141,100, and the fixed deposit was CNY 8,876,805,200, indicating a relatively low liquidity risk. XI. Disclosure of fair value 1. Ending fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Fair value at the end of the period Third level fair Item First level fair value Second level fair value Total measurement value measurement measurement I. Continuous fair value measurement (I) Trading financial 803,050,958.90 803,050,958.90 assets 234/259 2022 Annual Report Fair value at the end of the period Third level fair Item First level fair value Second level fair value Total measurement value measurement measurement 1. Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses (1) Debt instrument investment (2) Equity instrument investment (3) Derivative financial assets (4) Bank financial products 803,050,958.90 803,050,958.90 2. Financial assets designated at fair value through profits or losses (1) Debt instrument investment 235/259 2022 Annual Report Fair value at the end of the period Third level fair Item First level fair value Second level fair value Total measurement value measurement measurement (2) Equity instrument investment (II) Other debt investments (III) Other equity 248,779,462.00 113,846,741.27 6,608,684.78 369,234,888.05 instrument investments (IV) Investment properties 1. Land use rights for lease 2. Leased buildings 3. Land use rights held and prepared for transfer after appreciation (V) Biological assets 1. Consumable biological assets 2. Productive biological assets (VI) Other non-current 17,968,837.07 1,000,000.00 18,968,837.07 financial assets Total assets continuously measured 248,779,462.00 934,866,537.24 7,608,684.78 1,191,254,684.02 at fair value (VI) Trading financial liabilities 1. Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses Where: Trading bonds issued Derivative financial liabilities Other 2. Financial liabilities designated at fair value through profits or losses Total liabilities continuously measured at fair value II. Continuous fair value measurement (I) Held-for-sale assets Total assets measured at fair value non- continuously Total liabilities measured at fair value non-continuously 2. Basis for determining the market value of continuous and non-continuous first level fair value measurement items √ Applicable □ Not applicable 236/259 2022 Annual Report The Company holds 1,975,600 shares of Keeson Technology Corporation Limited, with the fair value at the end of the period determined to be CNY 23,806,462.00 based on the closing price of CNY 12.05 in the securities market on December 30, 2022 (December 31, 2022 is a non-trading day); the Company holds 1.5 million shares of Harbin Sayyas Windows Co., Ltd., with the fair value at the end of the period determined to be CNY 46,125,000.00 based on the closing price of CNY 30.75 in the securities market on December 30, 2022; and the Company holds 5.4 million shares of DeRucci Healthy Sleep Co., Ltd., with the fair value at the end of the period determined to be CNY 178,848,000.00 based on the closing price of CNY 33.12 in the securities market on December 30, 2022. 3. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters used for continuous and non-continuous second level fair value measurement items √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters used Important parameters Fair value at the end of Valuation Item Qualitative information Quantitative the period techniques information Income Contract or comparable Trading financial assets 803,050,958.90 Rate approach expected return Investment in other 113,846,741.27 Market Recent financing prices P/E ratio equity instruments approach Other non-current Market value of listed Closing price of Market financial assets 17,968,837.07 companies/recent securities market approach financing prices /P/E ratio/net assets 2. The Company holds CNY 803,050,958.90 of floating income financial products at the end of period, with a yield linked to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. At the end of the period, according to the contract agreement, the applicable rate of return is determined based on the volatility of the linked target, and the fair value at the end of the period is calculated. 3. The Company holds 1.90% of the shares of Guangdong Deerma Technology Co., Ltd. At the end of the period, the value of the target company's equity held by the Company is calculated based on the P/E ratio of the most recent equity transfer of the investee and the net profit of the invested unit in 2022. 4. The Company holds 10% of the shares of the Beijing Easyhome Joint Investment Management Center (L.P.) fund. The companies invested by the partnership include both listed and unlisted companies, and the value of the shares invested by listed companies is recognized based on the closing price of the securities market on December 31, 2022; and the value of shares invested by unlisted companies is calculated based on the price to earnings ratio of the most recent equity transfer, as well as the net profit and net assets for the year 2022. The Company calculates the equity value of the partnership enterprise held by the Company based on the ratio of the overall share value of the fund company's external investment to the Company's investment in the partnership enterprise. 4. Qualitative and quantitative information on valuation techniques and important parameters used for continuous and non-continuous third level fair value measurement items √ Applicable □ Not applicable Fair value at the end Unobservable Item Valuation techniques of the period input value Investment in other equity instruments 6,608,684.78 Income approach Net assets Other non-current financial assets 1,000,000.00 Income approach Net assets 5. Continuous third level fair value measurement items, adjustment information between opening and closing book values, and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6. Continuous fair value measurement items that undergo conversion between different levels during the current period, the reasons for conversion, and the policy for determining the conversion time point □ Applicable √ Not applicable 7. Changes in valuation techniques and reasons for such changes during the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable 8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value 237/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable 9. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable XII. Related parties and related transactions 1. Information of the parent company of this enterprise □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Information of subsidiaries of this enterprise Refer to the notes for the details of the subsidiaries of this enterprise √ Applicable □ Not applicable The situation of the Company's subsidiaries is detailed in "Section III Management Discussion and Analysis V. Main operating conditions during the reporting period (V) Investment Analysis". 3. Information of joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company Important joint ventures or associates of the Company are detailed in the notes □ Applicable √ Not applicable Related party transactions with the Company occurred in the current period, the information of other joint ventures or associated enterprises that have formed balances through related party transactions with the Company in the early stage is as follows √ Applicable □ Not applicable Name of joint venture or associated enterprise Relationship with the Company Guangzhou Red Star Macalline Expo Home Plaza The Company holds 50% of its shares Co., Ltd. Beijing Jiaju Technology Co., Ltd. The Company holds 41% of its shares Others □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Conditions of other related parties √ Applicable □ Not applicable Names of other related parties Relationship between other related parties and the Company Companies controlled by Yao Liangbai, a shareholder holding Meizhou Yuanling Investment Industry Co., Ltd. more than 5% of the shares Wind Information Co., Ltd. Company where independent director Qin Shuo serves as a director 5. Related party transactions (1) Related party transactions for purchasing and selling goods, providing and receiving labor services Table of Purchasing Goods/Accepting Labor Services √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Does it Approved The amount exceed the Content of related transaction Amount incurred Related parties incurred in current transaction party transaction limit (if in last period period limit (if applicable) applicable) Software service fee and 50,343,882.60 No 24,801,432.51 Beijing Jiaju information Technology Co., Ltd. service fee Wind Information Software service No 64,150.95 Co., Ltd. fee 238/259 2022 Annual Report Guangzhou Red Star Property fees, Macalline Expo Home publicity fees, and 1,856,783.69 No Plaza Co., Ltd. electricity fees Total 52,200,666.29 24,865,583.46 Selling goods/rendering labor service √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Content of related party The amount incurred in Amount incurred in last Related parties transaction current period period Guangzhou Red Star Property management Macalline Expo Home Plaza fees, electricity fees, water 10,108,204.08 60,534.59 Co., Ltd. fees, and service fees Total 10,108,204.08 60,534.59 Description of related party transactions for purchasing and selling goods, providing and receiving labor services □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Related entrusted management/contracting and entrusted management/outsourcing situation Table of entrusted management/contracting situation of the Company: □ Applicable √ Not applicable Description of related custody/contracting situation □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company's Entrusted Management/Outsourcing Situation □ Applicable √ Not applicable Description of related management/outsourcing situation □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Related leasing situation As the lessor, the Company: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Confirmed rental Rental income Types of leased Name of leasee income in the current recognized in the assets period previous period Meizhou Yuanling Investment Industry Co., Ltd. Transport means 49,646.04 49,646.01 Guangzhou Red Star Macalline Expo Home Plaza Houses and Co., Ltd. parking spaces 9,868,363.29 0.00 Total 9,918,009.33 49,646.01 As the leasee, the Company: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Variable lease payments Interest Types Simplified rental fees not expense Increased of for short-term leases included Name of lessor Rent paid on lease use rights leased and low value asset in the liabilities assets assets leases (if applicable) measurem assumed ent of lease liabilities 239/259 2022 Annual Report (if applicable ) The The The Am am Am Am am Am am Am oun oun oun oun oun oun oun oun t t t t t t t t The amount inc inc inc The amount inc inc inc inc inc incurred in urre urre urre incurred in urre urre urre urre urre current period d in d in d in current period d in d in d in d in d in last curr last last curr last curr last peri ent peri peri ent peri ent peri od peri od od peri od peri od od od od Guangzhou Red Star Booth Macalline 2,083,605.88 2,083,605.88 rental Expo Home Plaza Co., Ltd. Information of related leasing situation □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Information of related party guarantee As the guarantor, the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable As the guarantor, the Company □ Applicable √ Not applicable Description of related party guarantees □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Related party fund borrowing and lending □ Applicable √ Not applicable (6) Asset transfer and debt restructuring of related parties □ Applicable √ Not applicable (7) Compensation for key management personnel √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Amount incurred in last Item The amount incurred in current period period Compensation for key management personnel 22,781662.23 22,403,023.49 (8) Other related party transactions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6. Accounts receivable and payable to related parties (1) Accounts receivable √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Item Name Related parties Bad debt Bad debt Book balance Book balance provision provisio 240/259 2022 Annual Report n Guangzhou Red Star Accounts Macalline Expo Home 19,322,987.20 4,167,968.34 0.00 / receivable Plaza Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Red Star Prepayment Macalline Expo Home 139,928.10 / 0.00 / s Plaza Co., Ltd. Prepayment Beijing Jiaju Technology 349,433.96 / 0.00 / s Co., Ltd. Other Guangzhou Red Star receivables Macalline Expo Home 5,667,862.40 1,133,572.48 0.00 / Plaza Co., Ltd. Other Meizhou Yuanling receivables Investment Industry Co., 56,100.00 11,220.00 0.00 / Ltd. (2) Accounts payable √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Name Related parties Closing book balance Opening book balance Receipts in Guangzhou Red Star Macalline 0.00 692,893.04 advance Expo Home Plaza Co., Ltd. 7. Related party commitments □ Applicable √ Not applicable 8. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable XIII. Share-based payments 1. Overall information of share-based payment √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: share Currency: CNY The total amount of various equity instruments granted by 1,210,697.00 the Company in this period The total amount of various equity instruments exercised by 6.00 the Company in the current period The total amount of various equity instruments that have 4,853,794.00 expired in the current period of the Company The 16th meeting of the third board of directors of the Company reviewed and approved the Proposal on Adjusting the List of Incentive Targets and Number of Options Granted The range of exercise for the First Time in the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan, the Proposal on Adjusting the prices for stock options Exercise Price of the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan and the Proposal on Granting Stock issued by the Company Options to Incentive Targets for the First Time, agreed to grant 5,367,837 stock options to at the end of the period 510 incentive recipients on July 2, 2021, with an exercise price of CNY 146.97 per share. and the remaining term The exercise period is divided into two stages. Provided that the exercise conditions set by of the contract the company are met, from the first trading day 12 months after the completion date of the initial authorization of the stock option to the last trading day within 24 months after the completion date of the initial authorization of the stock option, the incentive targets may 241/259 2022 Annual Report exercise 50% of the total number of incentive stock options granted; from the first trading day 24 months after the grant date to the last trading day within 36 months from the grant date, the remaining 50% of the exercisable rights shall remain. During the period from the first grant date to the completion of stock option grant registration, 10 incentive recipients lost their eligibility to participate in this incentive plan due to reasons such as resignation, involving a total of 76,886 stock options. Therefore, the actual number of incentive recipients granted for the first time in this incentive plan is 500, and the actual number of stock options granted for the first time is 5,290,951. Where: a total of 2,645,604 stock options were granted to the incentive targets during the first stage of exercise, Due to resignation and unsatisfactory performance evaluation, 1,603,028 shares were cancelled. In the first stage, the non market unlocking conditions met the standards, and a total of 1,042,576 million shares were planned to be exercised. The exercise period was from September 21, 2022 to July 1, 2023, and 6 shares had been exercised as of December 31, 2022; In the second stage, a total of 2,645,347 stock options were issued. Due to resignation, 238,954 stock options in the second stage have been cancelled in 2022. As of December 31, 2022, all 2,406,393 pharmaceutical products have become invalid due to non market unlocking conditions not meeting the standards. The 23rd meeting of the third board of directors of the Company reviewed and approved the Proposal on Granting Reserved Stock Options for the 2021 Stock Option Incentive Plan to Incentive Targets, and agreed to grant CNY 1,232,055 pre reserved stock options to 174 incentive objects on June 23, 2022 as the grant date. During the period from the reserved grant date to the completion of stock option grant registration, three incentive objects lost their eligibility to participate in this incentive plan due to resignation or other reasons, involving a total of 21,358 stock options. Therefore, the actual number of incentive recipients granted this time is 171, and the actual number of stock options granted is 1,210,697, with an exercise price of CNY 145.22 per share. The exercise period is divided into two stages, provided that the exercise conditions set by the company are met. From the first trading day 12 months after the completion date of the initial authorization of the stock option to the last trading day within 24 months after the completion date of the initial authorization of the stock option, the incentive targets may exercise 50% of the total number of incentive stock options granted; from the first trading day 24 months after the grant date to the last trading day within 36 months from the grant date, the remaining 50% of the exercisable rights shall remain. Where: in the first stage, a total of 605,419 copies were released, but due to non market unlocking conditions not meeting the standards, they have all become invalid as of December 31, 2022. The range of exercise prices for other equity instruments issued by the Company at the end of the period and the remaining term of the contract 2. Equity settled share-based payments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Method for determining the fair value of equity instruments The fair value of stock options is estimated using the on the grant date Black-Scholes stock option model 242/259 2022 Annual Report On each balance sheet date, the number of equity instruments that can be unlocked is confirmed based on subsequent information such as the latest changes in the Basis for determining the number of exercisable equity number of incentive targets who have obtained feasible instruments rights, assessment status, etc. After the implementation of the equity incentive plan, the expected number of unlocked equity instruments is consistent with the actual number of unlocked instruments. Reasons for significant differences between the current None estimate and the previous estimate Accumulated amount of equity settled share-based 10,514,852.83 payments recognized in capital reserve The total amount of expenses recognized for equity settled -1,220,603.57 share-based payments in this period 3. Cash settled share-based payments □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Modification and termination of share-based payment □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable XIV. Commitment and contingency 1. Important commitments □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Contingencies (1) Significant contingencies on the balance sheet date □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) The company should also provide a description if there are no important contingencies that need to be disclosed: √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1. Other contingent liabilities and their financial impact The Company and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. carry out the "Pudong Development Bank Quick Loan" business, where the Company recommends merchants to the bank and assumes a prudent recommendation obligation to the bank regarding the recommended merchant's repayment ability. If the loan of the merchant is overdue for 60 days (inclusive), it is deemed that the Company has not fulfilled the obligation of prudent recommendation, which constitutes a breach of contract. The bank has the right to directly deduct the prudent recommendation performance bond deposited by the Company to pay liquidated damages. The cumulative total amount of liability for breach of contract shall not exceed 2% of the cumulative total amount of loans of the merchant actually recommended by the bank to the Company. As of the end of the reporting period, the cumulative loan amount recommended by the Company to the bank for merchants was CNY 21.17 million. There has been no default on matured loans, and the outstanding loan balance was CNY 2,918,000. The Company has made a prudent recommendation liability loss based on the bank's provision for 1.5% loan impairment on normal loans. The provision amount is detailed in "Section X Financial Report VII, Notes to major items in the consolidated financial statements 50- Estimated Liabilities". 2. As of December 31, 2022, there are no other contingencies that need to be disclosed by the Company. 3. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable XV. Events After the Balance Sheet Date 1. Important non adjustment matters □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Profit distribution situation 243/259 2022 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: '00 million Currency: CNY Proposed profits or dividends to be distributed 10.75 Profit or dividend declared for distribution after / review and approval According to the profit distribution plan for 2022 passed at the board meeting of the company on April 25, 2023, the Company intends to distribute a total cash dividend of CNY 1.075 billion (tax inclusive) to all shareholders based on the total share capital on the registration date of equity distribution less the number of shares in the Company's share repurchase account, accounting for 40% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in 2022. If the total share capital of the Company changes before the equity registration date for the implementation of equity distribution, the Company intends to maintain the total profit distribution unchanged and adjust the profit distribution ratio per share accordingly. This plan still needs to be reviewed and approved by the general meeting of shareholders. 3. Sales return □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Description of other events after the balance sheet date □ Applicable √ Not applicable XVI. Other important items 1. Correction of accounting errors in previous period (1) Retrospective restatement □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Prospective application □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Debt restructurings □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Asset replacement (1) Exchange of non-monetary assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Replacement of other assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Pension plan □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. Discontinued operations □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6. Segment information (1) Basis for determining reporting segments and accounting policies □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Financial information of the reporting segment □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) If the Company has no reporting segments or cannot disclose the total assets and liabilities of each reporting segment, the reason should be explained √ Applicable □ Not applicable The reasons why the Company did not prepare and present segment information reports are as follows: 1. The Company's main business is the production and sales of products such as cabinets, wardrobes, wooden doors, bathrooms, etc. According to the Industrial Classification for National Economic Activities issued by the National Bureau 244/259 2022 Annual Report of Statistics in 2017, the industry the Company is engaged in is the wooden furniture manufacturing industry (C211) in the furniture manufacturing industry (C21), and the company does not have multiple business situations; 2. The products produced by the company are all different products of customized furniture, with similar economic characteristics. The management considers this type of business to be managed as a whole, and some business expenses are incurred benefiting from various categories of products, making it impossible to evaluate the specific operating results of individual products. (4). Other descriptions: □ Applicable √ Not applicable 7. Other important transactions and matters that have an impact on investor decision-making □ Applicable √ Not applicable 8. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable XVII. Notes to Main Items of the Parent Company's Financial Statements 1. Accounts receivable (1) Disclosure by aging √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Aging Closing book balance within 1 year Where: sub items within 1 year within 1 year 978,445,389.08 Subtotal within 1 year 978,445,389.08 1-2 years 336,454,977.23 2-3 years 79,523,378.72 More than 3 years 3-4 years 28,453,949.63 4-5 years 8,253,722.47 Over 5 years 8,553,285.59 Total 1,439,684,702.72 (2) Classified disclosure by bad debt provision method √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Bad debt Bad debt Book balance Book balance provision provision Per Per cen cen Cate Prop tag Pro tag Book gory Book value ortio e of port e of value Amount Amount Amount Amount n pro ion pro (%) visi (%) visi on on (%) (%) Singl e item provi 94,518.2 68,124,1 72. 26,394,074. 43,592,586. 4.0 30,514,81 70. 13,077,775 6.57 sion 66.26 92.24 08 02 33 4 0.43 00 .90 for bad debts 245/259 2022 Annual Report Of which: Bad debt reser ve 1,345,16 93.4 157,600,6 11. 1,187,565,7 1,036,445,8 95. 97,321,11 9.3 939,124,77 with 6,436.46 3 59.21 72 77.25 94.40 96 6.33 9 8.07 draw n by portf olio Of which: 1,439,68 100. 225,724,8 15. 1,213,959,8 1,080,038,4 127,835,9 11. 952,202,55 100 Total 4,702.72 00 51.45 68 51.27 80.73 26.76 84 3.97 Withdrawing bad debt reserves by individual item: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Name Percentage of Book balance Bad debt provision provision (%) Reason for provision Some engineering clients are unable to Engineering clients 94,518,266.26 68,124,192.24 72.08 repay their due debts or have a downgrade in their credit rating Total 94,518,266.26 68,124,192.24 72.08 / Description of withdrawing bad debt reserves by individual item □ Applicable √ Not applicable Provision for bad debts by combination: √ Applicable □ Not applicable Portfolio provision item: expected credit loss Unit: CNY Ending balance Name Accounts receivable Bad debt provision Percentage of provision (%) Engineering clients 1,222,050,018.19 139,524,468.74 11.42 Franchised dealers 64,275,805.01 8,289,718.47 12.90 Other clients 58,840,613.26 9,786,472.00 16.63 Total 1,345,166,436.46 157,600,659.21 11.72 Recognition criteria and instructions for withdrawing bad debts by combination: □ Applicable √ Not applicable If the provision for bad debts is made based on the expected credit loss general model, refer to the disclosure of other accounts receivable: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Situation of bad debt reserves √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY 246/259 2022 Annual Report Current period change amount Ret urn Othe Category Beginning balance or Write-off or r Ending balance Provision rev cancellation chan ers ges al Accounts receivable with single 30,514,810.43 37,609,381.81 68,124,192.24 provision for bad debts Bad debt reserve 97,321,116.33 61,804,592.76 1,525,049.88 157,600,659.21 withdrawn by portfolio Total 127,835,926.76 99,413,974.57 1,525,049.88 225,724,851.45 The amount of bad debt reserves recovered or reversed in the current period is significant: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Actual verification of accounts receivable in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable Important accounts receivable verification status □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Accounts receivable from top five borrowers classified based on the ending balance √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Proportion in the total Bad debt provision of Company name Ending balance ending balance of accounts ending balance receivable (%) Shanghai Aifeidi Building 33,956,605.00 2.32 4,910,032.29 Materials Trading Co., Ltd Shenzhen Evergrande Materials and Equipment 33,878,453.40 2.31 23,714,917.38 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Lingchao Supply Chain Management Co., 32,873,802.16 2.24 2,034,888.35 Ltd. Guangzhou Yuantong E- commerce Technology 24,445,569.47 1.67 1,513,180.75 Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Science & 22,208,196.28 1.52 1,374,687.35 Technology Group Co., Ltd. Total 147,362,626.31 10.06 33,547,706.12 (6) Accounts receivable derecognized due to transfer of financial assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable (7) The amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring accounts receivable and continuing to be involved □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. List of other receivables 247/259 2022 Annual Report List of items √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Ending balance Beginning balance Interest receivable 0.00 0.00 Dividend receivable 0.00 0.00 Other receivables 6,733,661,374.43 5,433,781,485.95 Total 6,733,661,374.43 5,433,781,485.95 Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Interest receivable (1) Classification of interest receivable □ Applicable √ Not applicable (2) Significant overdue interest □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Provision for bad debts □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Dividend receivable (4) Dividend receivable □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Important dividends receivable with an aging of over 1 year □ Applicable √ Not applicable (6) Provision for bad debts □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other receivables (1) Disclosure by aging √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Aging Closing book balance within 1 year Where: sub items within 1 year within 1 year 4,544,819,743.26 Subtotal within 1 year 4,544,819,743.26 1-2 years 1,432,560,353.41 2-3 years 661,358,189.62 More than 3 years 3-4 years 97,776,776.45 4-5 years 868,619.25 Over 5 years 2,927,230.68 Total 6,740,310,912.67 (2) Classification by nature of funds 248/259 2022 Annual Report √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Nature of payment Closing book balance Opening book balance Transactions with affiliated subsidiaries 6,558,275,532.55 5,354,618,237.38 Deposit 164,849,609.41 67,301,239.61 Business reserve fund 2,571,679.97 1,896,820.79 Security Deposits 8,392,507.56 8,616,326.79 Other 6,221,583.18 7,839,203.08 Total 6,740,310,912.67 5,440,271,827.65 (3) Provision for bad debts √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Phase I Phase Ⅱ Phase Ⅲ ECL over the entire Expected credit loss Expected credit Bad debt provision duration (no credit within whole duration Total loss (ECL) in the impairment occurs) (credit impairment has next 12 months occurred) Balance as of January 1, 2022 6,090,933.37 399,408.33 6,490,341.70 Balance as of January 1, 2022 in the current period - Transfer to Phase Ⅱ - Transfer to Phase Ⅲ - Return to Phase Ⅱ - Return to the Phase I Provision in current period 68,196.54 96,000.00 164,196.54 Reversals in the current period 5,000.00 5,000.00 Write-off in current period Canceled after verification in the current period Other changes Balance as of 6,159,129.91 490,408.33 6,649,538.24 December 31, 2022 Description of significant changes in the book balance of other accounts receivable with changes in loss provisions in the current period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable The basis for calculating the amount of bad debt reserves for the current period and evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments has significantly increased: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (4) Information of bad debt reserves √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Current period change amount Beginning Return or Write-off Category Other Ending balance balance Provision reversal or changes cancellatio 249/259 2022 Annual Report n Single item provision for 399,408.33 96,000.00 5,000.00 490,408.33 bad debts Bad debt reserve 6,090,933.37 68,196.54 6,159,129.91 withdrawn by portfolio Total 6,490,341.70 164,196.54 5,000.00 6,649,538.24 The significant amount of bad debt reserves reversed or recovered in the current period: □ Applicable √ Not applicable (5) Other accounts receivable actually written off in the current period □ Applicable √ Not applicable (6) Other accounts receivable with the top five ending balances collected by the debtor √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Proportion to Bad debt the total ending Nature of provision Company name Ending balance Aging balance of other payment of ending accounts balance receivable (%) Qingyuan Oppein Transactions Within 2 Integration Home Co., with affiliated 2,837,802,925.65 42.10 years Ltd. subsidiaries Chengdu Oppein Transactions Within 4 Smart Home Co., Ltd. with affiliated 1,357,874,413.14 20.15 years subsidiaries Wuxi (Jiangsu) Transactions Within 2 Oppein Integration with affiliated 1,162,880,489.29 17.25 years Home Co., Ltd. subsidiaries Tianjin Oppein Transactions within 1 Integration Home Co., with affiliated 393,786,809.62 5.84 year Ltd. subsidiaries Guangzhou Oppein Transactions Within 3 Home Design Institute with affiliated 391,426,000.00 5.81 years Co., Ltd. subsidiaries Total 6,143,770,637.70 91.15 (7) Receivables involving government subsidies □ Applicable √ Not applicable (8) Other receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets □ Applicable √ Not applicable (9) The amount of assets and liabilities formed by transferring other receivables and continuing to be involved □ Applicable √ Not applicable Other descriptions □ Applicable √ Not applicable 3. Long-term equity investments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Ending balance Beginning balance Item Im Im Book balance Book value Book balance Book value pa pa 250/259 2022 Annual Report ir ir m m en en t t pr pr ov ov isi isi on on Investment in 1,124,696,529.99 1,124,696,529.99 711,367,617.29 711,367,617.29 subsidiaries Investment in affiliated and 10,518,308.44 10,518,308.44 15,543,367.11 15,543,367.11 joint ventures Total 1,135,214,838.43 1,135,214,838.43 726,910,984.40 726,910,984.40 (1) Investment in subsidiaries √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Pr ov isi on Cl fo os r in im g pa ba ir la m nc Decrease in Increase in current en e The invested company Beginning balance the current Ending balance period t of period in im th pa e ir cu m rr en en t t pr pe ov ri isi od on Tianjin Oppein Integration Home Co., 56,706,428.19 61,111.72 56,645,316.47 Ltd. Guangzhou Oppein Integration Home Co., 53,817,062.09 44,274.90 53,772,787.19 Ltd. Guangzhou Oppein Sanitary Ware Co., 17,448,629.40 170,605.07 17,278,024.33 Ltd. Guangzhou Ouboni Integration Home Co., 8,688,544.94 91,186.75 8,597,358.19 Ltd. Oppein (Guangzhou) Soft Decoration 3,515,365.72 78,389.66 3,436,976.06 Design Co., Ltd. Oppein (Hong Kong) International Trade 21,432,084.32 21,432,084.32 Company Limited Wuxi (Jiangsu) Oppein 52,101,428.58 30,701.23 52,132,129.81 251/259 2022 Annual Report Integration Home Co., Ltd. Qingyuan Oppein Integration Home Co., 100,658,748.30 158,743.81 100,500,004.49 Ltd. Oppein United (Tianjin) Home Sales 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 Co., Ltd. OPPEINITALYACA 2,568,895.00 2,568,895.00 DEMYS.R.L. Guangzhou Oppein Creative Home Design 3,682,525.33 55,759.36 3,738,284.69 Co., Ltd. Chengdu Oppein 100,197,905.42 3,235.98 100,194,669.44 Smart Home Co., Ltd. Meizhou Oppein Investment Industry 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 Co., Ltd. 252/259 2022 Annual Report Guangzhou Oppein Home Design Institute 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 Co., Ltd. Xingpai Commercial Property Management 3,400,000.00 3,400,000.00 (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Wuhan Oppein Smart 86,150,000.00 413,850,000.00 500,000,000.00 Home Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Oppein Creative Home Design Co., Ltd. Total 711,367,617.29 413,936,460.59 607,547.89 1,124,696,529.99 (2) Investment in affiliated and joint ventures √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Increase or decrease in current period O th er C co Clo h m sin A a pr g dd n eh Decl bal iti Investment g Im en are anc on gains and es pair si cash e of Beginning al losses in me Ending Investor Negative ve divid Oth imp balance in recognized ot nt balance investment in ends er air ve under the h pro co or me st equity er visi m profi nt m method in on e ts pro en te ad visi t re ju on st st s m en ts I. Joint ventures Guangz hou Red Star Macalli - ne Expo 12,328,756.91 3,500,000.00 0.00 8,828,756.91 Home Plaza Co., Ltd. Sub- - total 12,328,756.91 3,500,000.00 8,828,756.91 II. Associated enterprise Beijing Jiaju 10,518,308.4 Technol 3,214,610.20 7,303,698.24 4 ogy Co., Ltd. Sub- 10,518,308.4 total 3,214,610.20 7,303,698.24 4 - 10,518,308.4 Total 15,543,367.11 3,500,000.00 1,525,058.67 4 253/259 2022 Annual Report 4. Operating income and operating cost (1) Operating income and operating cost √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current period Amount incurred in last period Item IncomIncomee Cost IncomIncomee Cost Main 10,835,087,887.82 8,542,342,870.66 10,268,664,320.18 7,889,158,909.12 business Other 493,238,032.66 484,141,214.64 472,355,588.10 446,277,615.22 businesses Total 11,328,325,920.48 9,026,484,085.30 10,741,019,908.28 8,335,436,524.34 254/259 2022 Annual Report (2) Information of income generated by the contract □ Applicable √ Not applicable (3) Description of performance obligations √ Applicable □ Not applicable As of December 31, 2022, the corresponding transaction price for performance obligations that have been signed but have not yet been fulfilled or completed was CNY 600,606,528.86. Revenue is expected to be recognized between 2023 and 2024. (4) Description of allocation to remaining performance obligations □ Applicable √ Not applicable 5. Investment income √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY The amount incurred in current Item period Amount incurred in last period Income from long-term equity investment accounted with cost method 0.00 0.00 Long-term equity investment income accounted by Equity method -1,525,058.67 -6,461,645.66 Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investment 0.00 0.00 Investment income during the holding of 0.00 0.00 transactional financial assets Dividend income obtained from other equity instrument investments during the holding 106,575.00 203,000.00 period Interest income obtained from debt 0.00 0.00 investments during the holding period Other interest income obtained from debt 0.00 0.00 investments during the holding period Investment income from disposal of trading 6,061,357.32 2,512,753.42 financial assets Investment income from disposal of other 0.00 0.00 equity instrument investments Investment income from disposal of debt investments 0.00 0.00 Investment income from disposal of other debt investments 0.00 0.00 Profits on debt restructuring 0.00 0.00 Cost method accounting for dividend income during the holding period of long-term equity 700,000,000.00 0.00 investments Total 704,642,873.65 -3,745,892.24 6. Other □ Applicable √ Not applicable XVIII. Further information 1. Detailed statement of profits and losses and losses for the current period √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: CNY Item Amount Notes Profits and losses on disposal of non-current assets -267,179.73 / Ultra vires examination and approval, or no formal approval documents, tax / 255/259 2022 Annual Report Item Amount Notes return, reduction and exemption Government subsidies included in the current profits and losses (closely related to enterprise business, except for government subsidies enjoyed in accordance 106,255,630.20 / with national unified standards or quotas) Capital occupancy fees charged to non-financial enterprises included in current profits and losses / The investment cost of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures obtained by the enterprise is less than the income from the fair value of the identifiable net / assets of the investee at the time of obtaining the investment 256/259 2022 Annual Report Item Amount Notes Profits and losses on non-monetary asset exchange / Profits and losses from entrusting others to invest or manage assets / Provision for impairment of assets due to force majeure, such as natural disasters / Profits and losses on debt restructuring / Enterprise restructuring costs, such as expenses for resettling employees and / integration costs Profits and losses exceeding fair value arising from transactions with significantly unfair transaction prices / Current net profits and losses of subsidiaries arising from business merger under the same control from the beginning of the period to the merger date / Profits and losses arising from contingencies unrelated to the normal business operation of the Company / In addition to the effective hedging business related to the normal business of the Company, the profits and losses from changes in fair value arising from the holding of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, as well as the investment income -15,064,653.29 / from the disposal of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other creditor's rights investments Reversal of provision for impairment of receivables and contract assets subject to independent impairment test / Profits and losses from entrusted loans / Profits and losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment real estate / measured subsequently using the fair value model The impact of one-time adjustment of current profits and losses on current profits and losses according to the requirements of tax, accounting and other laws and / regulations Custody fee income from entrusted operation / Other non-operating income and expenses other than the above items 11,468,590.83 / Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses 19,781,431.38 / Less: income tax impact 26,077,389.56 / Minority interest impact 10,284.10 / Total 96,086,145.73 / The reasons shall be explained for the non-recurring profits and losses defined by the Company in accordance with the definition of Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses, and the non-recurring profits and losses listed in Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure of Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses as recurring profits and losses. □ Applicable √ Not applicable 2. Net return on assets and earnings per share √ Applicable □ Not applicable Weighted average Earnings per share Profit during the reporting period return on net assets (%) Basic EPS Diluted EPS Net profit attributable to common 17.37 4.41 4.38 shareholders of the Company Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company after 16.75 4.26 4.22 deducting non-recurring profits and losses 3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards □ Applicable √ Not applicable 4. Other 257/259 2022 Annual Report □ Applicable √ Not applicable Chairman: Yao Liangsong Approval and submission date of the board of directors: April 24, 2023 Revision Information □ Applicable √ Not applicable 258/259