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                        2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report   2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告   1
关于本报告                                                                                   ABOUT THIS REPORT
                                                                                             This report is the eighth Environmental, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal &
本报告是中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司发布的第八份社会责任报告暨环境、社会及管治报告,本着客   Communication Co., Ltd. Based on objective, comprehensive, regulative and transparent principles, this
观全面、规范透明的原则,详细阐述2020年度公司环境、社会及管治工作的管理理念、亮点实践及年度   Report expounds management ideas, key practices and annual achievements for environmental, social and

                                                                                             governance work of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd. in 2020. This Report is compiled in
                                                                                             Chinese and English versions. Should there be any minor content difference, the Chinese version prevails.

报告范围:                                                                                   Scope of the Report:
除特殊说明外,本报告涵盖中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司总部、分支机构及附属公司,与《中国铁路   Unless otherwise stated, this Report includes China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.’s headquarters,

                                                                                             all its branches and subsidiaries, with the same scope of 2020 CRSC Annual Report.
                                                                                             The reporting period is from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Some contents are sourced from
时间范围为2020年1月1日至2020年12月31日,部分内容超出此范围。                                 historical data.

参考标准:                                                                                   Reference Standards:
                                                                                             The Sustainability Reporting Guidelines issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
全球报告倡议组织《可持续发展报告标准(GRI Standards)》
                                                                                             The Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility of State-owned Key Companies issued by State-owned
国务院国资委《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》                                           Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council
中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南(CASS-CSR4.0)》                                      The Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report Preparation Guide (CASS-CSR4.0) by the
香港联合交易所主板上市规则附录二十七《环境、社会及管治报告指引》                             Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
上海证券交易所《上市公司环境信息披露指引》                                                   Appendix 27 Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide of the Rules Governing the Listing of
                                                                                             Securities on HKEX (Listing Rules)

                                                                                             The Guidelines on Environmental Information Disclosure of Listed Companies issued by Shanghai Stock

本报告为年度报告,于每年3-4月发布。                                                          Reporting Cycle:
                                                                                             This is an annual report released in March or April.

                                                                                             Reporting Specification:
司”。                                                                                       For the convenience of expression, “China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.” may be expressed as
                                                                                             “CRSC”, the “Company” and “we”.

数据说明:                                                                                   Data Specification:
本报告关键财务绩效来自《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2020年年度报告》,其他数据来自公司内     All key financial performance data disclosed in this Report are collected from China Railway Signal &
部管理体系。                                                                                 Communication Co., Ltd.’s 2020 Annual Report, and other data are mainly sourced from internal management
                                                                                             systems of the Group.

可靠性保证:                                                                                 Reliability Guarantee:

                                                                                             The Board of Directors of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd. promises to supervise the contents
                                                                                             of this Report and makes sure that it is free of false records, misleading statements or material omissions.

报告获取:                                                                                   Access to the Report:

本报告提供纸质版和电子版两种形式。您可以登陆中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司门户网站“投资者     This Report is provided in Chinese and English versions. You may browse or download the Report at the

                                                                                             official website of CRSC (Investors Relations - Regular Reports) or at the website of Hong Kong Exchanges.

董事长致辞                                  6                                关于我们                                      16                                                                                      ESG指标索引                        116
                                                                             About Us                                                                                                                              HKEX ESG Reporting Guide
Chairman’s Statement

2020中国通号十大要闻                       10                              可持续发展管理                                  32                                                                                      意见反馈                           120
CRSC’s Top Ten Highlights in 2020                                         Sustaianble Deveopment Management                                                                                                       Feedback

创新驱动发展                      38      服务创造价值                       62         绿色驱动未来                    76       乐业汇聚英才                       88   偕行共促发展                    98        助力社会和谐                       106
Innovation Drives                         Service Creates Value                         Green Creates Bright                     Good Environment for                    Cooperation Promotes                      Facilitating Social
Development                                                                             Future                                   Talents                                 Development                               Harmony

科技创新战略                         40   可靠产品与服务                      64        节约能源资源                       78    员工构成                           90   助力“一带一路”                    100   助力脱贫攻坚                       108
Technological innovation strategy         Reliable products and services                Saving energy resources                  Employee mix                            Empowering the BRI                        Facilitating poverty alleviation

提升创新能力                         42   推进数字化转型                      69        温室气体减排                       80    员工权益                           92   开展战略合作                        102   抗击新冠疫情                       112
Enhancing innovation capabilties          Promoting digital transformation              Reducing emissions of greenhouse         Employees’ rights and interests        Engaging in strategic cooperation         Fighting against COVID-19

创新成果转化                         51   安全生产与应急管理                  73        减少“三废”排放                   83    成长发展                           93   打造责任供应链                      104   开展志愿活动                       114
Transformation of technological           Safe production and emergency                 Reducing emissions of “Three Wastes”   Growth and development                  Building responsible supply chain         Conducting volunatry activities
innovations                               management

推动行业进步                         59                                                 提供绿色解决方案                   86    员工关爱                           96
Advancing industrial progress                                                           Providing green solutions                Caring for employees
6   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                             2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          7


                                                                             刚刚过去的2020年是极为不平凡的            我们沉着应对困难挑战,经营业绩再创新高。面对新冠肺炎疫情给生产经营带来的严峻挑
                                                                             一年。面对新冠肺炎疫情防控和企            战,中国通号党委统筹谋划,各企业迅速行动,干部员工积极响应,有力有序推进疫情防控
                                                                             业改革发展双重任务、双重挑战,中          和复工复产,应对疫情常态化,在确保国内国外400余个项目、2万余名干部职工实现“零感
                                                                             国通号坚决贯彻落实党中央、国务            染、零疑似、零确诊”的同时,实现新签合同额、利润总额、净资产正增长,净利润实现高位数
                                                                             院各项决策部署,坚定信心、迎难而          增幅,完成“两个力争”目标任务。
                                                                                                                       Our business performance has reached a new high as we calmly dealt with challenges. In face
                                                                                                                       of the grave challenge posed by COVID-19, all subsidiaries and staff of CRSC responded to the
                                                                             质量发展取得了新成效。                    overall plans made by the CPC Committee of CRSC swiftly, making sure the pandemic was strictly
                                                                                                                       under control as we returned to work. Not only did we ensure that there were “zero infection, zero
                                                                             2020 was an unusual year for all of us.   suspected case and zero confirmed case” among our 20,000 staff working for over 400 domestic
                                                                             In face of the challenges posed by the    and overseas projects as the pandemic became a new norm, but we also achieved growth of newly
                                                                             COVID-19 pandemic and the need for        signed contracts, gross profit and net assets. The net profit achieved a high growth as required by
                                                                             corporate reform and development,         the “Two Pursuits” task.
                                                                             CRSC implemented the decisions
                                                                             made by the CPC Central Committee
                                                                             and State Council resolutely, and
                                                                             embraced the challenges confidently       我们坚定推进自主创新,核心技术攻关取得新进展。中国通号坚持“研发一代、应用一代、储
                                                                             to promote our key tasks in terms         备一代”,主动对接国家重大战略和未来科技发展趋势,推动关键核心技术攻关、加大前瞻性
                                                                             of COVID-19 control, production &
                                                                             operation, reform & development,
                                                                             marking a new milestone for CRSC’s
                                                                             high-quality development.                 制系统装备在合安高铁开通应用。

                                                                                                                       Our key technical research has seen progress as we firmly insist on independent R&D. CRSC
                                                                                                                       insists on the policy of “always have one generation under R&D, one generation applied, and
                                                                                                                       one generation reserved”. We actively engage ourselves in national key strategies as well as the

                                                                                             董事长:周志亮            technological trends, and we aim to tackle down the difficulties of key technologies, and strengthen
                                                                                                                       the investment in the R&D of insightful and leading technologies. A total of 1.96 billion yuan was
                                                                                           Chairman:Zhou Zhiliang     invested in technological R&D with 825 research projects on the way all year round. In 2020,
                                                                                                                       CRSC has completed the development of track circuit based on China-designed chips as well as
                                                                                                                       a transponder product, which have been certified by a third party. A fully China-developed train
                                                                                                                       operation and control system has been used along the Hefei-Anqing High-Speed Railway.
8   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司          China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                    2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告   9

     我们持续夯实质量安全,提升品牌竞争力。我们不断完善高铁测试案例库,推进地铁测试案                        我们践行可持续发展承诺,积极履行企业社会责任。中国通号坚持源头把关和过程控制并重
     例库共享,建立工业产品案例库,积累自动驾驶案例库,以案例库建设提升解决问题、保障安                      的原则,将节能环保意识融入设计研发、生产制造与工程建设全流程,努力提升能源效益、
     全的能力。2020年,全系统事故故障率同比下降25.8%,有力保障全国14.6万公里铁路,3.8                        降低“三废”及温室气体排放。同时,中国通号深入探索城市绿色解决方案,为建设美丽中国
     万公里高铁安全稳定运行;全年安全优质开通合安、通沪、太焦、福平等高铁、普速铁路3,515                     做出应有贡献。在社会公益方面,中国通号积极承担定点扶贫任务,开展产业、消费、教育、健
     公里,车站326个;开通城市轨道交通20条,391.9公里,其中自动驾驶线路127公里,稳居业                       康、民生、党建六大帮扶举措,助力社旗县顺利实现脱贫摘帽。在湖北省疫情严峻时期,以集
     内第一。                                                                                                团公司名义捐款3,000万元助力抗击新冠疫情。

     Our brand competitiveness has been improved as we continue focusing on quality control. We              Our role as a socially responsible enterprise has been fulfilled as we honor our commitment to develop
     continue to improve the high-speed rail test case base, share the base of subway test cases,            sustainably. CRSC adheres to the principle of equal emphasis on both source and process control,
     establish a base of industry-wide product cases, and accumulate more auto-drive cases in their          and integrates the awareness of energy-saving and environmental protection into the entire process of
     base, hoping to improve trouble-shooting and safety level with case base building. In 2020, system-     design, R&D, manufacturing and engineering, improving energy efficiency and reducing the emissions
     wide failure rate dropped by 25.8% on a year-on-year basis, guaranteed the safety of over 146,000       of the “three wastes” and greenhouse gases. At the same time, CRSC is making contributions to a
     km of railways and 38,000 km of high-speed railways all over the country. High-speed rail lines such    greener China by exploring urban green solutions. As a socially responsible enterprise, CRSC actively
     as Hefei-Anqing,Shanghai-Suzhou-Nantong, Taiyuan-Jiaozuo, and Fuzhou-Pingtan; 3,515 km of               undertakes poverty alleviation tasks targeting at fixed locations, launching six major measures in
     general-speed railways, and 326 railway stations have come into service safely last year. Also, a       industry, consumption, education, health, livelihood, and CPC building, and helped Sheqi County
     total of 20 urban transit lines, stretching 391.9 km have come into service too, among which 127 km     overcome poverty. CRSC has made a donation worth of 30 million yuan in the name of CRSC Group to
     are of auto-drive line, ranking first all over the industry.                                            the COVID-19 control efforts in Hubei when the pandemic was still rampant.

     我们响应“一带一路”倡议,高质量推进海外项目建设。中国通号持续完善亚太、南部非洲、                      2021年,是实施“十四五”规划、开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程的第一年。中国通
     北部非洲、欧洲及中东、美洲五大区域经营布局,为全球轨道交通事业贡献“中国方案”。2020                    号将继续坚持稳中求进工作总基调,以推动高质量发展为主题,以深化供给侧结构性改革为
     年,中国通号成功签订磨万铁路万象-万象南段、泰国复线铁路华富里-北榄坡段、孟加拉帕德玛                    主线,以改革创新为根本动力,以满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要为根本目的,更好统筹发
     大桥铁路连接线、埃及斋月十日城等项目;有序推进欧洲匈塞铁路、印尼雅万高铁、泰国复线铁                    展和安全,扎实推进科技创新、深化改革、质量安全、产业升级、风险化解、党的建设各项重
     路等项目建设;成功助力巴基斯坦拉合尔橙线项目开通运营。                                                  点任务,坚定不移做强做优做大中国通号,以持续健康的经营业绩回报股东、以高质量的项目
     Our overseas projects have been efficiently promoted as we respond to the “Belt and Road”
     Initiative. CRSC continues to improve its business in its five major regions, Asia Pacific, Southern    2021 is the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, and the beginning of a new journey to our goal
     Africa, Northern Africa, Europe and the Middle East, and the Americas, contributing “Chinese           of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country. CRSC will continue to ensure all
     solutions” to global railway traffic. In 2020, CRSC has successfully undertaken projects such as the   works to advance in an increasing but steady manner. Our theme is high-quality development, our
     Vientiane- South Vientiane section of the Mohan-Vientiane Railway, the Lopburi-Pak Lampo section        main job is deepening the supply-side structural reform, our fundamental motivation is reform and
     of the double-track railway in Thailand, the Padma Bridge connection line in Bangladesh, and the        innovation, and our purpose is to meet the needs of people’s demand for a better life. We will make
     10th Ramadan Project in Egypt; the construction of the Hungary-Serbia Railway in Europe, Jakarta-       plans and ensure safety, and complete all sorts of key tasks including technological innovation,
     Bandung High-speed Railway in Indonesia, and double-track railway project in Thailand have been         reform deepening, quality control, industry upgrade, risk settling and CPC building. We will firmly
     continuously promoted; and assisted the operation of the Orange Line in Lahore, Pakistan.               insist on developing CRSC into a better and more powerful enterprise, and provide continuous and
                                                                                                             sustainable returns to shareholders, high-quality project services to clients, and join hands with
                                                                                                             stakeholders with a stronger sense of responsibility to promote the sustainable development of our
                                                                                                             economy, society and environment.
 10      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                      2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report        2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        11

2020 中国通号十大要闻

疫情防控阻击战成果持续巩固              2020年,中国通号坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于统筹推进疫情防控和社会                  “两个力争”攻坚战彰显央企担当              全系统坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于复工复产的重要讲话和指示批示精
CRSC constantly consolidated its        经济发展的重要讲话和指示批示精神,第一时间向湖北捐款3,000万元,公司                  CRSC’s “Two Pursuits” demonstrated      神,落实国资委党委“两个力争”工作要求,迎难而上挖潜力,千方百计稳增
                                        党委以对职工群众生命安全和身体健康高度负责的态度,投入疫情防控专项                                                              长,全年主营业务合同额稳中有升,营业收入与去年基本持平。股份实现净利
achievements in the fight against                                                                                            state-owned enterprises’ sense of
                                        资金2,000余万元,有力有效应对近在咫尺的新发地疫情,扎实推进疫情防控                                                             润42.39亿元,同比增长1.49%,经营现金净流入达到30亿元。

                                                                                                                                                                        CRSC resolutely implemented the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important
                                                                                                                                                                        speech and instructions on resumption of work and production, fulfilled the
                                                                                                                                                                        SASAC Party Committee’s working requirements for “Two Pursuits”, grasped
                                        In 2020, CRSC insisted on implementing President Xi Jinping’s important
                                                                                                                                                                        the nettle, tapped the potentials and tried every means to stabilize the growth.
                                        speech and instructions on promoting epidemic prevention and social and
                                                                                                                                                                        For the whole year of 2020, CRSC’s main business contract amounts went up
                                        economic development, and donated 30 million RMB to Hubei in the first time.
                                                                                                                                                                        steadily and its operating income was basically flat compared to that of last
                                        CRSC Party Committee invested over 20 million RMB to a dedicated fund
                                                                                                                                                                        year. It earned a net profit of 4.239 billion RMB, with a year-on-year growth of
                                        for epidemic prevention and control so as to safeguard the staff’s safety and
                                                                                                                                                                        1.49%, and its net operating cash flow reached 3 billion RMB.
                                        health in a high responsible manner, effectively fighting the Xinfadi Market
                                        epidemic right under its nose, and steadily advancing the normalized epidemic
                                        prevention and control. CRSC achieved “zero infection, zero suspected case
                                        and zero confirmed case” among over 400 domestic and overseas projects and
                                        more than 20,000 staff.

                                                                                                                             深化改革攻坚战全面推向深入                 全系统坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于全面深化改革的重要讲话和指示批示
党建引领作用成果显著                    2020年,中国通号以“中央企业党建巩固深化年”专项行动为抓手,坚持党                   CRSC deepened the reform in an all-        精神,两家“双百”企业、两家“科改示范”企业深化改革提速见效,科技型企
                                        建与生产经营深度融合。领导班子成员深入12家联系点企业开展十九届五中                                                              业科研激励措施加快落地,子企业经理层任期制和契约化管理全面推行,获
CRSC’s Party building played a                                                                                              round way.

                                        全会精神宣讲,建成中国通号“三重一大”决策和运行监管系统,并推动全级                                                            得国资委“双百企业”三项制度改革专项评估A级评价;中国通号启动对标世
significant leading role.

                                        次58家法人企业全覆盖,全系统空白班组、软弱涣散党组织“双清零”,一个                                                            界一流管理提升工作,动员部署中国通号对标提升行动,明确目标任务,精准
                                        党支部获评中央企业基层示范党支部,广泛设置党员先锋岗、划分党员责任                                                              开展对标提升,系统推动管理改革,确保全系统管理体系和管理能力全面提
                                        区、组建党员突击队,党员示范引领作用在各岗位得到有力彰显。                                                                      升取得扎实成效。

                                        In 2020, driven by the dedicated action of “the Year of Consolidating and                                                      CRSC was determined to implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important
                                        Deepening Party Building of Central Enterprises”, CRSC insisted on in-depth                                                    speech and instructions on deepening the reform in an all-round way. The efforts
                                        integration of party building, production and business operation. CRSC                                                          in deepening the reform of two enterprises under “Double-Hundred Action” and
                                        leaders went to convey the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th                                                      two enterprises under “Science Reform Demonstration Action” have sped up and
                                        Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 12 subsidiaries, set                                                       yielded results, and the incentive measures for hi-tech enterprises were being
                                        up the “Three Importance and One Greatness” decision-making, operating                                                        developed and launched. The manager tenure and contract management system
                                        and supervising system of CRSC, covered all 58 incorporated enterprises and                                                     in subsidiaries was fully carried out, earning Grade A in the special assessment
                                        achieved “dual elimination” of idle shifts and weak and lax Party organizations                                               of three institutional reforms of enterprises under “Double-Hundred Action” by the
                                        in the entire system. Furthermore, one of CRSC’s Party branches was hailed as                                                  SASAC; In order to align its contract management with world-class management
                                        a basic demonstrative Party branch of state-owned enterprises. By vigorously                                                    level, CSRC mobilized and deployed targeted enhancement action by specifying
                                        setting up Party member pioneer posts, dividing areas of responsibility for                                                     goals and tasks. Through accurate targeted enhancement and systematic
                                        Party members and organizing Party member commandoes, CRSC’s Party                                                             implementation of management reforms, CRSC ensured that its system-wide
                                        members fully exhibited their leading roles at their respective posts.                                                          management system and management capacities were steadily reinforced.
 12     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                         2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        13

科技创新持续取得重要突破               2020年,中国通号自主研发“一种轨道电路”专利获北京市发明专利特等奖;                 安全质量保卫战成效持续巩固                    全系统坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全 生产的重要讲话和指示批 示
CRSC made consistent breakthroughs     发明专利“列车运行控制方法、装置、车载设备及列控系统”获中国专利银奖                 CRSC tasted riper fruits in safety and        精神,守住底线、红线,开展安全质量专项巡视,全年事故故障率同比下降
                                       表彰;国家铁路局认证的首批铁路行业科技创新基地“列车自主运行智能控制                                                               25.8%,有力保障全国14.6万公里铁路,3.8万公里高铁安全稳定运行。全年
in S&T innovations.                                                                                                         quality assurance.

                                       铁路行业工程研究中心”落户中国通号;企业重大科技专项——《轨道交通电                                                               安全优质开通合安、通沪、太焦、福平等高铁、普速铁路3,515公里,车站326
                                       磁环境效应研究与测试平台建设》项目启动;装备中国通号自主研发FAO系统                                                                个。开通城市轨道交通20条,391.9公里,其中自动驾驶线路127公里,稳居业
                                       达到国际最高自动化等级GOA4级的全自动运行天津试验线顺利通过专家组                                                                   内第一。
                                                                                                                                                                          By resolutely carrying out the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important speech
                                                                                                                                                                          and instructions on safe production, CRSC held the bottom line and red line,
                                       3TSI认证后,中国通号列控系统各产品全部通过欧盟基线3TSI认证,为支撑中                                                               and conducted special inspection tour on safety and quality. For the whole year
                                       国高端列控装备以CTCS标准或ETCS标准“走出去”奠定了坚实基础。                                                                       of 2020, its accident failure rate experienced a year-on-year decline of 25.8%,
                                                                                                                                                                          effectively safeguarding the safe and stable operation of 146,000 km ordinary
                                       In 2020, CRSC independently developed “a track circuit” patent, which won the                                                    railway and 38,000 km high-speed railway across China. A total of 3,515 km safe
                                       Grand Prize of Beijing Municipal Invention Patent; its patent “Train Operation                                                    and premium high-speed and ordinary railway was put into operation, such as
                                       Control Method, Device, On-board Equipment and Train Control System” was                                                          Hefei-Anqing High-speed Railway, Shanghai-Suzhou-Nantong Railway, Taiyuan-
                                       awarded a Silver Prize of Chinese Patent; moreover, “Engineering Research                                                         Jiaozuo Railway and Fuzhou-Pingtan Railway, covering 326 stations. Not only that,
                                       Center of Automated Train Operation in the Intelligent Railway Control Industry”,                                                 20 urban rails were also opened, with a total length of 391.9 km, including 127 km
                                       one of the first batch of railway industry science and technology innovation base                                                  autopilot line , ranking Top 1 in the rail industry.
                                       certified by National Railway Administration of the People’s Republic of China,
                                       settled down in CRSC; a key technology project Electromagnetic Environment
                                       Effects of Rail Transportation and Testing Platform Construction was initiated;
                                       the fully automated Tianjin test line equipped with CRSC’s independently
                                       developed FAO system that has achieved the highest international automation                                                        全年事故故障率同比下降                                 The accident failure rate
                                       level GOA4 smoothly passed the assessment of the panel; TRANAVI QijiTM, the                                                                                                               experienced a year-on-year
                                       independently developed Train Automated Control System (“TACS”) was released,                                                                                                           decline of 25.8%
                                       bridged the gap of commercial TACS system; after our independently developed
                                       400T on-board products was certified by ETCS 3TSI, all train control systems of
                                       CRSC have fully passed the certification of ETCS 3TSI, laying a solid foundation
                                       for supporting Chinese high-class train control devices to go globally at CTCS or
                                       ETCS standards.                                                                      定点扶贫攻坚战取得圆满成功                    2020年,中国通号全系统坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于决战决胜脱贫攻坚
                                                                                                                            CRSC scored a great victory in the            的重要讲话和指示批示精神,落实精准扶贫政策,加大定点帮扶力度,助力
                                                                                                                            targeted fight against poverty.


                                                                                                                                                                          In 2020, in order to resolutely implement the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s
                                                                                                                                                                          important speech and instructions on gaining a decisive victory against poverty,
                                                                                                                                                                          CRSC carried out targeted poverty alleviation policies, offered greater targeted
                                                                                                                                                                          support, and helped Sheqi County of Henan Province to smoothly get rid of
                                                                                                                                                                          poverty, ranking No. 1 among the poverty alleviation achievement assessment
                                                                                                                                                                          in Nanyang City, Henan Province. Since it began to offered targeted support
                                                                                                                                                                          for Sheqi County in 2003, CRSC Party Committee took multiple measures
                                                                                                                                                                          simultaneously against poverty, contributing its power to facilitating Sheqi County
                                                                                                                                                                          to get rid of poverty and helping poverty-stricken grassroots shake off poverty and
                                                                                                                                                                          become prosperous.
 14      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司    China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                            2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report        2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         15

选先树模工作成果显著                     2020年11月,中国通号基层员工、高级技师柯晓宾荣获“全国劳动模范”光                         企业对外形象展示持续取得新突破              2020年3月,由中央电视台制作的十集纪录片《百年京张“升级路”》在央视
CRSC enjoyed a bumper harvest in
                                         荣称号;中国通号扶贫干部曾华杰荣获“全国脱贫攻坚先进个人”荣誉称号;                       CRSC enhanced its corporate image           科教频道(CCTV10)“创新进行时”栏目播出。节目前七集走进中国通号高
                                         中国通号员工李敏辉获“中央企业抗击新冠疫情‘先进个人’”荣誉称号;11                                                                   铁列车运行控制系统实验室、装备制造基地和京张高铁建设现场,采访中
model setting.                                                                                                                      and expanded its visibility.

                                         月,中国通号旗下通号工程局集团喜获“全国文明单位”荣誉称号;12月,中                                                                   国通号技术专家和现场技术人员,向社会公众全面展示中国高铁智能技术
                                         国通号旗下研究设计院集团、北京工业集团双双入选国家工业和信息化部、                                                                     的发展,展示中国通号以自主创新助力智能铁路建设的央企担当;11月,在
                                         中国工业经济联合会在全国范围内评选出90家“制造业单项冠军”企业;中                                                                     第三届中国国际进口博览会上,中国通号交易分团采购签约活动取得圆满
                                         国通号6名科研技术人员荣获“2019年度‘茅以升铁道工程师奖’”。                                                                          成功,参展成果再创新突破,签约项目量、质均全面超过前两届。中国通号
                                         In November 2020, CRSC’s grassroots staff and senior technician Ke Xiaobin
                                         won the honorary title of “National Model Worker”; Our poverty alleviation cadre
                                         Zeng Huajia was awarded the title of “National Advanced Individual for Poverty                                                        In March 2020, the ten-episode documentary Upgrading of Century-old Beijing-
                                         Alleviation”; CRSC’s staff Li Minhui was praised as “State-owned Enterprises                                                        Zhangjiakou Railway filmed by CCTV was broadcasted on “Innovations in
                                         Advanced Individual against COVID-19”; in November, CRSC Engineering Group                                                            Progress” of CCTV Science and Education Channel (CCTV10). In the first seven
                                         Company Ltd. was rated as “National Civilized Unit”; in December, both CRSC                                                          episodes, at CRSC High-speed Railway Operation Control System Laboratory,
                                         Research & Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. and CRSC (Beijing) Industry Group                                                          Equipment Manufacturing Base and Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway Construction
                                         Co., Ltd. were listed as two of the 90 enterprises of “Individual Manufacturing                                                       Site, they interviewed CRSC’s technical experts and field technicians to present
                                         Champion” chosen by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the                                                            China’s intelligent high-speed railway technology developments to the world
                                         People’s Republic of China and China Federation of Industrial Economics; 6                                                            and display CRSC’s contribution to the construction of intelligent railways with
                                         scientific researchers of CRSC won “2019 Mao Yisheng Railway Engineer Award”.                                                        its independent innovations; In November, at the Third China International
                                                                                                                                                                                Import Expo, CRSC Delegation Purchase and Contracting Activity made a great
                                                                                                                                                                                success, and the participating results created a record high, which outperformed
                                                                                                                                                                                the previous sessions in terms of quantity and quality of contracted projects.
                                                                                                                                                                                CRSC continued to expand its cooperation field and cooperation size with
                                                                                                                                                                                overseas outstanding enterprises, drove the development of automated train
持续深化企业社会责任履责                 2020年初,中国通号自主研发的红外体温筛查系统投入使用,并对火车站、                                                                     control technologies and served the global rail transportation construction,

CRSC proceeded with its fulfillment of                                                                                                                                          enhancing CRSC’s brand value and enlarging CIIE’s spillover effect.

corporate social responsibilities.


                                         In early 2020, infrared body temperature screening system independently
                                         developed by CRSC was put into use, which were donated to railway stations,
                                         airports, some enterprises in Fengtai Science Park and other regions, contributing
                                         its wisdom and power to the epidemic prevention and control; CRSC Party
                                         Secretary and Chairman Zhou Zhiliang was invited to attend the Joint Release
                                         Conference of CSR for State-owned Enterprises hosted by SASAC, and
                                         exchanged their performance of CSR by centering on topics like “securing
                                         bottom and red lines of safety and quality and protecting the life safety of people”,
                                         “facilitating convenient travel fueled by technologies and efficiency” and “mastering
                                         core technologies to help China’s high-speed railway technologies and standards
                                         go globally”, thus sharing the new development results of state-owned enterprises
                                         and depicting the new scroll of paying back to the society.
16    中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                       2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report        2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          17

关于我们                                                                                                                              公司简介 Company Profile
ABOUT US                                                                                                                              中国通号是以轨道交通控制技术为特色的高科技产业服务商,是中国轨道交
                                        Net profit                                                                                    2015年8月7日,公司成功登陆香港联合交易所。2019年7月22日,公司在上海证
                                                                                 截至2020年末                                         券交易所科创板上市,成为登陆科创板的首家大型央企和A+H股的科创板上市
                                        42.39    亿元人民币
                                                                                 As of the end of 2020,
                                        4.239    billion RMB
                                        同比增长     1.49%                       及服务所覆盖的总中标里程居世界
                                                                                                                                      China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
                                        with a year-on-year growth of                                                                 referred to as CRSC) is a hi-tech service provider featured by railway signal and

 Revenue                                                                                                                              communication technology, the leader in China rail transit control industry, and

                                                                                                                                      an internationally leading rail transit system provider. We provide specialized
 401.24      亿元人民币                                                          CRSC ranks   No. 1 in total                          one-stop solution of design and integration, equipment manufacturing and system
 40.124                                 Overall new contract
             billion RMB                                                         winning mileage among all core                       implementation services for rail transportation control systems to our clients,
                                        amount in the year
                                                                                 products and services of high-speed                  and serve as the responsible department of rail transit control system equipment
              3.65%                              亿元人民币
 with a year-on-year decline of
                                        714.5                                    rail control systems across the globe.               modes, technology standards and product standards in the PRC, as well as the

                                        7.145    billion RMB                                                                          only authorized reviewer of rail control systems and communication signal product
                                                                                                                                      standards by National Railway Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
 资产总额                               同比增长     1.2%                                                                             On August 7, 2015, CRSC was successfully listed on HKEX. On July 22, 2019,
                                        with a year-on-year growth of
 Total Assets                                                                                                                         CRSC was listed on STAR Market of Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE), and

 1,053.28 亿元人民币                                                                                                                  became the first state-owned enterprise and the first A+H company on SSE STAR
                                                                                                                                      Market (stock code: 688009.SH, 03969.HK).
 105.328 billion RMB
 同比增长     8.01%
 with a year-on-year growth of
18   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司      China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                      2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告            19

业务与技术                                                                                                                      公司战略
                                       中国通号坚持“一业为主、相关多元”,不断完善产业产品结构,打造“上下延                                                     中国通号实施“一个使命、两个加快、三个突破、四个领先”的总体发展战略:坚持
                                       伸、关联拓展、产业协同”的七大板块体系,推进产业转型升级,实现可持续                                                       以质量安全为生命,肩负国家铁路通信信号民族产业走向世界的使命,加快科技自
                                       发展。                                                                                                                     主创新步伐,加快高质量发展进程,发挥产业链一体化优势,重点实现培育产业生
Businesses &                                                                                                                    Corporate                         态集群的战略性突破、新一代自主核心技术引领全球的历史性突破、中国标准与世
Technologies                           CRSC sticks to the idea of “Giving Priority to One Major Industry While Developing
                                                                                                                                Strategies                        界铁路相互融合的国际化突破,基本实现在同行业领域“科技创新世界领先、安全
                                       Other Relevant Ones”, constantly improves industrial products structure, creates
                                       a seven-module system of “Extension between upstream and downstream,                                                      管控世界领先、产业发展世界领先、综合实力世界领先”,最终发展成为以轨道交
                                       Development within related areas, Collaboration among industries”, accelerates                                            通控制技术为特色的世界一流的跨国产业集团。
                                       the transformation and upgrade of industries and pushes forward a sustainable
                                       development.                                                                                                               CRSC implements overall development strategies of “One Mission, Two Accelerations,
                                                                                                                                                                  Three Breakthroughs and Four Leadings”: insisting on quality and safety as top

                                      业务板块 Business Modules
                                                                                                                                                                  priorities, shouldering the mission of leading China’s railway communication signal
                                                                                                                                                                  industry to the world, accelerating the pace of independent technological innovations,

                                       通信信号                  信息工程                电力电气                 工程总承包
                                                                                                                                                                  accelerating the high-quality development process, giving full play to the advantages of
                                                                                                                                                                  integrated industrial chain, giving priority to strategic breakthrough of industrial eco-
                                       Signalling &              Information             Power Supply &           General
                                       Communication             Engineering             Electrification          Contracting                                     cluster, historical breakthrough of a new generation of independent core technologies
                                                                                                                                                                  that dominate the global market and international breakthrough of integration of Chinese
                                                                                                                                                                  standards and international railways, basically achieving “a leading role in technological
                                                                                                                                                                  innovations, safety control, industrial development and comprehensive strengths across

                                                    资本运营                 海外业务                      新兴业务                                               the globe”, and ultimately developing into a world-class multinational industrial group

                                                    Capital                  Overseas                      Emerging
                                                                                                                                                                  featured by rail transport control technologies.
                                                    Operation                Business                      Business

八大核心技术 Eight core technologies

         中国高铁列控系统                                             中国高铁自动驾驶系统                                            城市轨道交通列控系统                                               城际铁路自动驾驶系统
            (CTCS-3)                                                      (CTCS-3+ATO)                                                    (CBTC)                                                      (CTCS-2+ATO)
 China’s Train Control System for HSRs                          China’s    Automatic    Train     Operation                    Train Control System for Urban Transit                            Train Automatic Train Operation System
               (CTCS -3)                                            System for HSRs (CTCS-3 + ATO)                                               (CBTC)                                                     for ICRs (CTCS-2 + ATO)

      中低速磁悬浮控制系统                                            货运编组站自动化系统                                       铁路综合智能运行维护管理系统                                            综合运输调度指挥系统
             (MATC)                                                           (CIPS)
                                                                                                                                 Integrated Intelligent Railway Operation                          Integrated Transportation Dispatching &
                                                                                                                                    Maintenance Management System                                             Commanding System
 Train Control System for Medium and Low                         Automation System for Freight Marshalling
         Speed Maglev (MATC)                                                    Yards (CIPS)
20    中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司      China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                     2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report            2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         21

企业文化与精神                            使命      Mission                                                                    核心价值观           Core Values

                                           发展轨道交通民族产业           以安全 适用的轨道交            持续实现价值创造
Corporate                                                                                                                             以人为本                      创新求进                     安全至上                     共创价值
                                                                          通 控 制系统技术服 务
Culture and                                                               于国内外用户
                                                                                                                                    People-Oriented           Innovation & Progress              Safety-First            Joint Value Creation

Spirit                                     Develop National               Provide Domestic and           Achieve Continuous
                                           Industry of Rail               Foreign Users with Safe        Value Creation       人是公司发展最大的资本。
                                           Transportation                 and Suitable Control                                CRSC advocates people-first approach.
                                                                          System Technologies for
                                                                          Rail Transportation                                 公司视人为企业的第一资源,坚持以人为本、共同发展的准则。公司善待员工,切实维护员工的根本

                                                                                                                              Talent is the biggest capital for a company’s development. Our company regards people’s talents as its
                                                                                                                              major resources, upholding a “people-oriented” principle and seeking common development. The company

                                                                                                                              treats employees well by protecting their fundamental interests. We are also customer-centered by making
                                                    Vision                                                                    every effort to fulfill their needs and to grant them satisfaction. Moreover, we respect our cooperative
                                                                                                                              partners, adhering to win-win cooperation and mutual benefits.
                                           全球轨道交通控制技             轨 道交 通 控 制技术为         世界知名企业
                                           术的领导者                     特 色 的 世界 一 流 跨 国                           自主创新是公司发展的不竭动力。
                                                                          产业集团                                            Independent innovation is the momentum for CRSC’s development.

                                           Global Leader in Rail          World-Class                    World-Famous         公司坚持技术创新,致力于民族产业的技术进步;公司坚持管理创新和技术创新双轮驱动,助力企业
                                           Transportation Control         Multinational Industrial       Enterprise
                                           Technology                     Group Featuring Rail
                                                                          Transportation Control                              We stick to technological innovation and endeavor to promote technological progress of national industries.
                                                                          Technology                                          We also continually encourage our management innovation to strive to be stronger and better.

                                                                                                                              Quality and safety are the cornerstones for CRSC’s development.


企业精神      Corporate Spirit                                                                                                是公司最重要的政治责任、经济责任和社会责任。“质量是生命,安全大于天”始终是我们的核心价

                                                                                                                              The most important political, economic and social responsibility for us is to provide safe, stable and reliable

          求实                        创新                          拼搏                             奉献
                                                                                                                              technologies and products for our customers, which in turn can ensure the safety of rail transportation and the
                                                                                                                              security of people’s lives and properties. “Quality is Life, Safety Is Paramount” is our core value proposition.

          Realism                    Innovation                    Endeavor                      Dedication
                                                                                                                              Value creation is the eternal pursuit of CRSC.

作风严谨,尊重科学,遵章守纪,追求实绩。             Rigorous attitude and scientific         Compliance with regulation
                                                     spirit                                                                   益提高,经营风险降低,发展潜力增强,更表现为政治和社会责任的有效履行,与股东、客户、社会共
                                                                                              Openness and cooperation
开放合作,勇于攀登,精益求精,追求卓越。             Pursuit of results                       Strive for perfection
                                                     Courage and efforts                      Poised but not arrogant         Our company shoulders great political, economic and social responsibility in the country’s social and

泰而不骄,败而不馁,敢打硬仗,无私无畏。             Aspire for excellence                                                    economic development. Creating values is not only represented by increasing economic benefits, reducing
                                                                                              Selfless and fearless
                                                                                                                              operation risks, and enhancing development potential, but also by fulfilling responsibilities. Creating values
                                                     Failed but not discouraged               Ambitious and serve the         also means to jointly create and share values with shareholders, customers and society.
恪尽职守,勇于担当,励精图治,产业报国。             Devoted and responsible                  country
 22      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司      China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                       2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report       2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          23

公司治理                                   治理架构 Governance Framework
                                           中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国公司法》《中华人民共和国证券法》《上                 According to the requirements of the Rules and Guidance on Listing Matters, the Company Law of the People’s Republic of
Corporate                                  市公司治理准则》等相关法律法规,构建了以“三会一层”为代表的现代公司                 China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China and other laws and regulations, CRSC set up modern corporate

Governance                                 治理架构,明确具体职责,制定科学有效的议事规则和工作程序,确保公司运
                                                                                                                                governance architecture represented by Three Committees and Boards and One Layer, specified relevant responsibilities, and
                                                                                                                                formulated scientific and efficient rules of procedure and working processes to ensure legitimate and coordinated corporate
                                           行规范、运转协调。                                                                   operations.

董事会                                                                                                                          高管团队
Board of Directors                                                                                                              Top Management
                                                                 Zhou Zhiliang
                                                                 Secretary of CPC, Chairman,
                                                                 Executive Director

                                                                                                                                                                    胡少峰                          赵晓东                          姚希春
                                                                                                                                                                    党委常委、总会计师              党委常委、副总裁                党委常委、纪委书记
                                                                                                                                                                    Hu Shaofeng                     Zhao Xiaodong                   Yao Xichun
                                                                                                                                                                    Party Committee Member,         Party Committee Member,         Party Committee Member,
                                                                                                                                                                    Chief Accountant                Vice President                  Secretary of Commission for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Discipline Inspection

                      徐宗祥                                                                   杨永胜                                                  黄卫中                                     张志辉                                           邱巍
                      党委副书记、总裁、执行董事                                               党委副书记、执行董事                                    党委常委、                                 党委常委、                                       董事会秘书
                      Xu Zongxiang                                                             Yang Yongsheng                                          副总裁                                     副总裁、                                         Qiu Wei
                      Deputy Secretary of CPC,                                                 Deputy Secretary of CPC,                                                                           总工程师                                         Secretary of
                      President, Executive                                                     Executive Director                                      Huang Weizhong                                                                              the Board of
                      Director                                                                                                                                                                    Zhang Zhihui
                                                                                                                                                       Party Committee                                                                             Directors
                                                                                                                                                       Member, Vice                               Party Committee
                                                                                                                                                       President                                  Member, Vice President,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chief Engineer

                                                                                                                                Board of

王嘉杰                           陈津恩                            陈嘉强                                  姚桂清
独立非执行董事                   独立非执行董事                    独立非执行董事                          独立非执行董事
                                                                                                                                                                    孔宁                            李铁南                          陈世奎
                                                                                                                                                                    监事会主席                      股东代表监事                    职工代表监事
Wang Jiajie                      Chen Jin'en                       Chen Jiaqiang                           Yao Guiqing
                                                                                                                                                                    Kong Ning                       Li Tienan                       Chen Shikui
Independent Non-                 Independent Non-                  Independent Non-                        Independent Non-
Executive Director               Executive Director                Executive Director                      Executive Director                                       Chairman of the Board of        Shareholder Supervisor          Shareholder Supervisor
24   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司                                                                         China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                  2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report   2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告   25

                                                                                                                                                                            CRSC Research & Design Institute Group Co., Ltd

                                                                                                                                   (简称:研究设计院集团)                  (Research & Design Institute Group)

                                                                                                                                   通号城市轨道交通技术有限公司             CRSC Urban Rail Transit Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                   通号通信信息集团有限公司                 CRSC Information & Communication Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                   通号(北京)轨道工业集团有限公司         CRSC (Beijing) Industry Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                   (简称:北京工业集团)                    [(Beijing) Industry Group]

                                                                                                                                   通号(西安)轨道交通工业集团有限公司     CRSC (Xi’an) Industry Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                   (简称:西安工业集团)                    [(Xi’an) Industry Group]

                                                                                                                                   通号电缆集团有限公司                     CRSC Cable Group Co., Ltd.
        Branches and Subsidiaries under China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.(Major)

                                                                                                                                                                            (Cable Group)

                                                                                                  中       全资
                                                                                                                                   通号工程局集团有限公司                   CRSC Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.

                                                                                                  国    Wholly Owned               (简称:通号工程局集团)                  (Engineering Group)
                                                                                                  铁                               中国铁路通信信号上海工程局集团有限公司
                                                                                                                                                                            CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                  通                                                                        CRSC Construction Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                  信                               (简称:通号建设集团)                    (Construction Group)

                                                                                                  信                               通号(长沙)轨道交通控制技术有限公司     CRSC (Changsha) Rail Transit Control Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                            CRSC Innovation Investment Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                  份                               通号(北京)招标有限公司                 CRSC (Beijing) Tendering Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                            CRSC international Holdings Limited

                                                                                                  公                               中国通号国际公司                         CRSC International Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  司                               通号创新浙江建设投资有限公司             CRSC Innovation Zhejiang Construction Investment Co., Ltd

                                                                                                   业                              卡斯柯信号有限公司
                                                                                                                                                                            CASCO Signal Ltd.

                                                                                                   织                              (简称:卡斯柯公司)                      (CASCO)
                                                                                                   构                              通号(郑州)电气化局有限公司             CRSC (Zhengzhou) Electrification Bureau Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   主                              郑州中原铁道工程有限责任公司             Zhengzhou Zhongyuan Railway Engineering Co., Ltd
                                                                                                   要      控股
                                                                                                   )    Controlled                通号万全信号设备有限公司                 CRSC Wanquan Signal Equipment Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                   吉首通号华泰管廊项目管理有限责任公司     Jishou CRSC Huatai Pipe Gallery Project Management Co., Ltd

                                                                                                                                   吉首通号腾达项目管理有限责任公司         Jishou CRSC Tengda Project Management Co., Ltd

                                                                                                                                   通号(江苏)智慧城市建设开发有限公司     CRSC (Jiangsu) Smart City Research Institute Co., Ltd.
26    中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司      China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                    2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report               2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告             27

合规运营                         中国通号坚持“全面覆盖、全员参与、全业务融合、全面协同监督”的合规管理原
                                                                                                                           风险防控      中国通号持续建设完善全面风险防控管理体系,将风险管控制度化,建立基本制度与专项
                                 则,建立“事前有标准、事中有监控、事后有评价、事件有追责、持续有改善”的合                              制度相结合的层级有序、重点明确、标准明晰的风险防控管理制度体系。并通过开展定期

Compliant                        规风险管控机制。2020年先后修定《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司管控权力清                    Risk          和专项的风险排查,全面防范化解重大风险。

Operations                       单》《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司合规性评价管理办法》等多项合规管理制
                                                                                                                           and Control
                                                                                                                                         CRSC continued to improve its risk control management system by systemizing risk control, establishing
                                                                                                                                         a structured risk control and management system with clear priorities and standards that combines basic
                                 文件,健全了股份公司合规管理体系。根据合规管理工作的需要,中国通号及时调                                and dedicated mechanisms and conducting regular and special risk identification work, thus preventing,
                                 整了法治合规建设领导机构。在各项合规管理具体工作中,充分发挥部门合规联                                  controlling and eliminating major risks in a comprehensive manner.

                                 Upholding the compliance management principles of “Full Coverage, Full Participation,                  册》,与公司业务经营情况、机构设置保持一致,明确了72项关键业务管控流程、237个
                                 Full Business Integration and Comprehensive and Coordinated Supervision”, CRSC
                                 established the compliant risk control mechanisms of “predesigned standards and
                                 sufficient and continuous supervision, assessment, accountability and enhancement”. In                 铁路通信信号股份有限公司重大经营风险事件报告管理办法》,确定对重大经营风险事
                                 2020, CRSC successively revised the List of Regulated Power of China Railway Signal                     件“全面预警、及时报告、快速反应和全过程动态管理”的管理原则。
                                 & Communication Co., LTD., Administrative Measures on Compliance Assessment of
                                 China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD. and other compliance management                          In 2020, CRSC revised Comprehensive Risk Control and Internal Control Manual for China

                                 systems. For key businesses and key links, CRSC Labor Compliance Guidelines and                         Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD. to align with its business operations and institutional

                                 other dedicated compliance guidance documents were released, improving CRSC’s                          settings, specified 72 key business control processes, 237 key business control nodes and

                                 compliance management systems. In accordance with the needs of compliance                               230 business risks, giving full play to the control and guidance effects of the Manual in real life.

                                 management, CRSC adjusted the governance institutions of legal compliance                               CRSC also formulated and released Administrative Measures on Reporting of Major Business

                                 construction in a timely manner. In the process of performing various compliance                        Risk Events for China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD. to specify the management

                                 management work, compliance officers of relevant departments enhanced the efficiency                    principles for major business risk events, namely, “comprehensive warning, immediate reporting,

                                 of compliance work. CRSC set up a high-level compliance talent pool and effectively                     quick response and full-process dynamic management”.

                                 integrated legal compliance talent resources, providing professional workforce
                                 guarantee for comprehensive and in-depth implementation of compliance work.
 合规管理原则                                                                                                                            按季度对企业重大风险管控及变化情况进行跟踪和更新。通过对重大风险的跟踪监测,
 The compliance management principles

                 全面覆盖                            全业务融合                                                                          CRSC established quarterly normalized tracking and monitoring mechanisms for major risks,
                                                     Full Business Integration                                                           incorporated the progress of countermeasures and the disposal of new risks and risk events into
                 Full Coverage
                                                                                                                                         the monitoring scope based on its annual major risk ledger, and tracked and updated major risk
                                                                                                                                         control and relevant changes on a quarterly basis. By tracking and monitoring major risks, CRSC
                                                                                                                                         improved its internal control system for full communication and wide coverage.


                                     全员参与                                    全面协同监督                                            In order to enhance its ability of preventing, controlling and eliminating major risks and construct an

                                                                                 Comprehensive and Coordinated                           integrated risk management system, CRSC set up the Risk Control Center of China Railway Signal &
                                     Full Participation
                                                                                 Supervision                                             Communication Co., LTD. in Beijing and three subcenters in Shanghai, Xi’an and Changsha, respectively.
28   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司    China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                             2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report        2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告           29

党建工作                        中国通号以“中央企业党建巩固深化年”专项行动为抓手,面对新冠肺炎疫情防控                                              In order to further enhance the organization of Party organizations at all levels, CRSC

                                和企业改革发展双重任务、双重挑战,强化党建引领,充分发挥党组织的领导核心                                              perfected its organizational system and party building system, promoted the appraisal

Party Building                  和政治核心作用,加快推动党建工作提质增效升级,为企业改革发展提供了坚强
                                                                                                                                                      of party building accountability system, strengthened the guidance on the construction
                                                                                                                                                      of Party branches, advanced strict ruling over the Party. In terms of Party affairs, CRSC
                                有力的政治保证。                                                                                                      urged the general election of Party organizations at secondary enterprises, enhanced the
                                                                                                                                                      construction of frontline S&T, production and engineering Party organizations, found out
                                On the occasion of “the Year of Consolidating and Deepening Party Building of Central
                                                                                                                                                      weak and slack basic-level Party organizations and implemented rectifications. CRSC
                                Enterprises”, challenged by the prevention and control of COVID-19 and corporate
                                                                                                                                                      also engaged in the construction of “Three Basics”, increased the education on Party
                                reforms, CRSC strengthened the party building, gave full play to the leading and political
                                                                                                                                                      members, and managed the Party membership dues, urged the developments of Party
                                roles of Party organization, and sped up the quality and efficiency of party building work,
                                                                                                                                                      members, and fully implemented the general requirements of party building in the new era.
                                providing powerful political guarantee for its reforms and developments.

                                学习贯彻党的十九届五中全会精神                                                                                        Appraising party building accountability system
                                Studying and implementing the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central
                                Committee of the Communist Party of China
                                导班子成员深入所属12家企业开展十九届五中全会精神宣讲,号召各级党组织把                                                In order to push forward the implementation of party building accountability system,
                                思想和行动高度统一到以习近平同志为核心的党中央决策部署上来,科学把握新                                                Party committee of CRSC established an appraisal and assessment work leading

                                                                                                                                                      group to develop appraisal schemes, specify appraisal rules, standardize appraisal

                                                                                                                                                      procedures, check the implementation of party building accountability system at
                                                                                                                                                      secondary enterprises, and advanced strict ruling over the Party to the grassroots.

                                The Party Committee of CRSC convened a theoretical learning group to study the spirit
                                of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of

                                China in the first time, distributed and publicized relevant working plans for deployments
                                and implementations. In 2020, all 8 leaders of CRSC went to 12 subsidiaries to publicize                              公司深入开展反腐倡廉建设,制定《职工违纪违规处理规定》《领导干部廉政档案
                                the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist                                管理办法(试行)》《对领导干部进行提醒、函询和诫勉的实施细则》《关于落实

                                                                                                                              Anti-corruption         党风廉政建设监督责任的意见》等管理办法,构建从管理人员到一线员工的全方
                                Party of China, and summoned Party organizations at all levels to level up their ideology

                                                                                                                              and Integrity           位、立体化反腐败管理体系,通过不断执行、审查和提升,优化反腐败、反贿赂体系
                                and behavior to uniform height in accordance with the decisions and deployments

                                of the Party Central Committee led by President Xi Jinping. CRSC grasped the new
                                development stages in a scientific manner, deepened the implementation of new                                         的有效性。2020年,公司未发生腐败相关诉讼事件,未发生舞弊诉讼案件,人均反
                                development ideas, promoted the construction of new development patterns, and made                                    腐败培训5.9小时。
                                great efforts to advance reforms, scientific innovations, party building and other work.
                                                                                                                                                      CRSC deepened the construction of combating corruption and building a clean
                                                                                                                                                      government, formulated the Measures on Dealing with Employees’ Violations of
                                                                                                                                                      Disciplines and Regulations, Administrative Measures on Integrity Files of Leading
                                提升基层党建工作质量                                                                                                  Cadres (trial edition), the Implementing Rules for Reminders, Inquiry, Admonition
                                                                                                                                                      and Encouragement of Leading Cadres, the Opinions on the Implementation of
                                Enhancing the quality of basic-level party building work
                                                                                                                                                      Supervisory Responsibilities for Construction of Party Style and Clean Government
                                                                                                                                                      and other administrative measures, constructed all-round three-dimensional anti-

                                为进一步提升各级党组织的组织力,中国通号健全组织体系,完善党建制度,推动                                              corruption management systems from management to frontline employees, and

                                                                                                                                                      optimized the effectiveness of anti-corruption and anti-bribery systems through constant
                                                                                                                                                      implementation, review and enhancement. In 2020, no corruption-related and fraud-
                                二级企业党组织换届选举;加强科技、生产、工程一线基层党组织建设;摸排软弱                                              related lawsuits occurred in CRSC, and each employee averagely received 5.9 hours of
                                涣散基层党组织,并推进整改;开展“三基”队伍建设、加强党员教育、做好党员发                                            anti-corruption trainings.

 30      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司          China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                        2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report      2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告           31

中国通号贪污防范措施                                                                                                                                                                             中国通号反贪污举报及受理程序
 CRSC Corruption Prevention Measures                                                                                                                                                             CRSC Anti-corruption Reporting and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Acceptance Procedures

健全“三不腐”体制机制                                              做实做细监督工作                                                  推动“大监督”工作格局运转                                 受理 Acceptance
Perfecting the mechanism of “No                                    Refining supervision work                                         Promoting the “general                                    收到信访举报后,负责信访工作人员分类编号,在信访举报拟办单上登
Dare, No Access and No Desire”                                                                                                       supervision” over working                                 记举报人、被举报人的基本信息,填写反映问题摘要,登记本级信访举

system                                                                                                                                patterns                                                   报台账。

                                                                                                                                                                                                 After receiving the reporting letters, responsible personnel shall
                                                                                                                                                                                                 classify and number these letters, register basic information
开展执纪审查,落实“三个区分开来”,贯通运用监                      开展境外腐败、利益输送、设租寻租和化公为私四个专                  定期召开党风廉政建设和反腐败协调小                         of the informer and the person being reported against on the

督执纪“四种形态”,推动咬耳扯袖、红脸出汗成为                      项整治,着力解决靠企吃企问题。                                    组会议,统筹解决跨部门工作,落实协
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Reporting Letter Form, fill in the reporting abstract, and make
                                                                                                                                                                                                 corresponding reporting ledger.
常态。                                                              Conduct four specialized rectifications against overseas          调联动和线索移交机制,促进监督检查

Carry out discipline review, implement “Three                      corruption, benefits transfer, setting up obstacles for seeking   结果互认互用,共享监督资源,形成监                         研判 Studying and Coming to a Decision
Distinguishments” and “Four Forms” of supervision                private benefits and appropriating public property so as to       督合力,为防范腐败问题发生提供机制                         落实信访举报反映问题研判机制,成立研判小组,根据受理范围和
                                                                    fundamentally solve the problem of playing their own game
and discipline, and push forward the normalization of                                                                                                                                            权限,提出报送上级、本级办理、下级办理、受理范围外移交有关单
                                                                    and making private profit from CRSC.
supervision measures like ear biting, sleeve pulling, red
                                                                                                                                      Convene group meetings on Party style
face and sweating.
                                                                                                                                      and incorrupt government construction                      实、暂存待查、予以了结四类方式提出进一步的处置建议。
                                                                    开展领导干部个人及亲属违规经商办企业专项整治工                    and anti-corruption coordination on a                      In order to develop a mechanism of studying the reporting
及时 制 定、修 订党 风 廉 政 建设 制度,持 续扎 牢 制               作,严查隐瞒不报、报而不实、拒不纠正等行为。                      regular basis, make overall arrangements                   letter and coming to a decision, establish a dedicated group,
度“笼子”;深化以案促改,注重发挥纪律检查建                        Conduct specialized rectifications against illegal business
                                                                                                                                      of cross-department work, implement the                    and based on the scope and permissions of acceptance,

                                                                                                                                      coordination, linkage and clue transfer                    propose the disposal opinions including reporting to superior
                                                                    operations of leading cadres and their relatives, and
                                                                                                                                      mechanisms, promote the mutual
洞。                                                                investigate strictly into behaviors like concealing the                                                                      levels, being handled at the current level, being assigned to
                                                                                                                                      recognition and use of supervision and                     next level, transferring to other relevant units or departments
                                                                    information, reporting untrue information and refusal to
Formulate and revise the party style and incorrupt                                                                                    inspection results, share supervision                      for those letters beyond the acceptance scope, retaining
                                                                    make rectifications.
government construction system in a timely manner,                                                                                    resources and make joint efforts in                        repeated reporting letters etc., and put forward further disposal
constantly tighten the system “cage”; deepen the                                                                                    supervision, thus providing guarantee                      suggestions in accordance with four disposals: interviewing and
rectifications through cases, give play to the roles of             聚焦疫情防控和复工复产、追逃追赃、脱贫攻坚等重点                  mechanism for corruption prevention.                       inquiry, preliminary check, setting aside for further checking and
discipline inspection proposal as “a sharp weapon”,
                                                                    事项,聚焦“关键少数”,聚焦“三重一大”事项决策和                                                                           closing the case.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 承办 Undertaking
implement its main responsibilities and plug up the
loopholes in management rules.
坚持在全系统召开警示教育大会,用身边事教育身                                                                                                                                                     索处置方式规定的程序开展工作。

                                                                    Focus on epidemic prevention and control, resumption
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Undertaking departments groping for clues shall conduct their
                                                                    of production, recovering the stolen money or goods,
月活动,利用公司官网、智慧党建等渠道及时发布                        poverty alleviation and other major issues, pay attention
                                                                                                                                                                                                 work in accordance with the approval opinion of competent

                                                                                                                                                                                                 leaders of discipline inspection authorities and the regulations on
                                                                    to “critical minority” and the decisions of “Three Majors
                                                                                                                                                                                                 the disposal of cluses to the above four classifications.
                                                                    and One Large” and their implementations, as well as S&T
Insist on convening warning education meetings, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 办结 Closing
                                                                    innovations, selection and appointment of talents, materials
educate employees with their own stories; advance
                                                                    procurement, labor subcontracting and other key fields and
the construction of incorruptible culture, organize the
                                                                    links, and further enhance the supervision efforts through                                                                   问题线索处置完毕,经承办部门报批后,问题线索办结。信访工作人
education month activity of Party style and incorrupt
government construction, release anti-corruption
                                                                    effective corruption risk prevention and supervision.                                                                        员按要求进行归档。

information through official website, Smart Party                                                                                                                                                After the disposal of the clues and the approval of undertaking
Building and other channels, and create a clean                                                                                                                                                  departments, the cases are closed. Responsible reporting
development environment for CRSC.                                                                                                                                                                letter personnel shall place on files in accordance with relevant
              32                     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                             2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        33

        可持续发展理念                                                坚持依法经营,诚实守信。模范遵守法律法规和社会公德、商业道德以及                       推进自主创新和技术进步。建立完善技术创新机制,加大科技投入,提升原始创新、集成创新和引进消化
                                                                      行业规则,及时足额纳税,维护投资者和债权人权益,忠实履行合同,恪守                     吸收再创新能力。以建立中国高速铁路列车控制系统和配套产品体系为重点,加快科技创新基地与基础
                                                                      商业信用,反对不正当竞争,杜绝商业活动中的腐败行为。                                   设备研发平台建设。加快既有产品更新换代,加快技术装备改造。加强知识产权保护,健全知识产权保护
         Concept                                                      Running business with integrity and abiding by law. CRSC is committed to the
                                                                      legal operation and highest standards of integrity, business ethics and industry       作用和对中国通号可持续发展的支撑作用。
                                                                      regulation when working with all stakeholders, including investors and creditors.
                                                                                                                                                             Promoting independent innovation and technology progress. CRSC is committed to establishing and optimizing its
                                                                      CRSC embraces the value of paying taxes in full amount, committing to the
                                                                                                                                                             technological innovation mechanism by sharpening its capacity to be more originally innovative, integrated creative
                                                                      execution of contract, and keeping commercial credit. We are against unfair
                                                                                                                                                             and re-innovative after introduction, digestion and absorption of other technologies. CRSC is focused on the system
                                                                      competition and business corruption.
                                                                                                                                                             building of Chinese high-speed railway train control system and auxiliary products by speeding up the construction
                                                                                                                                                             of technological innovation bases and basic equipment research and development platforms. We are making efforts
                                                                      不断提高盈利能力。完善公司治理,提高管理水平。推进实施集团发展战                       to speed up the product upgrading and technical equipment modification. CRSC is devoted to protecting intellectual

                                                                      略,突出做强主业,突出科技创新。合理配置资源,降低经营成本,加强风                     property rights, improving the protection of intellectual property rights system and accelerating the formation of a

                                                                                                                                                             core technology and product system equipped with proprietary intellectual property rights and relatively complete
                                                                                                                                                             kit, thus playing as a role model in the industry development and CRSC’s sustainability.
                                                                      Improving profitability. CRSC is dedicated to perfect the corporate governance
                                                                      and enhance management level. We consistently carry forward the

                                                                      implementation of CRSC Group’s development strategy by highlighting the               保障生产安全。严格落实安全生产责任制,加大安全生产投入,严防重、特大安全事故发生。建立健全应
                                                                      strength of main business and technological innovation. CRSC has always been

                                                                      devoted to the rational allocation of resources to reduce operating cost with the
                                                                      precaution of risk prevention. Consequently, CRSC’s production has gradually
                                                                      been more cost-effective, and its market competitive edge has been sharpened.          Guaranteeing safe production. CRSC strictly sticks to the system of responsibility in safe production, increases
                                                                                                                                                             input to ensure safety and prevents big or extraordinarily serious safety-related accidents. CRSC is also

                                                                                                                                                             dedicated to building an emergency management system to increase its capability to face sudden events.

                                                                                                                                                             CRSC is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment. We equip employees with products
                                                                                                                                                             and equipment that are safe for use. We also focus on implementing and improving processes and controls for

                                                                                                                                                             preventing work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses.

                                                                      Committing to product quality and service level. CRSC is committed to
                                                                      the implementation of the management system which integrates quality,

                                                                      environment and vocational safety. CRSC values the quality awareness in
                                                                      every aspect of its business from product design, manufacturing, construction,         年龄等各种歧视。加强职业教育培训,创造平等发展机会。为社会创造就业机会。加强职代会制度建设,

                                                                      installation to customer service. We seek to deliver these core values to every
                                                                      employee, and at the same time CRSC strives to enhance the performance,
                                                                                                                                                             Focusing on employee’s legal rights. CRSC signs labor contracts with employees according to the law. We

                                                                      reliability and security of products to meet the requirement of railway and mass
                                                                                                                                                             ensure and reasonably adjust the salaries according to the corporate profitability and pay social insurance in
                                                                      transportation to the largest extent.
                                                                                                                                                             full amount. CRSC respects and cares for employees and treats everyone fairly without discrimination against

                                                                                                                                                             their gender, nationality, religion, and age. We embrace the value of vocational training and providing equal
                                                                      加强资源节约和环境保护。认真落实节能减排责任,带头完成节能减排任                       opportunities for them. CRSC strives to create more job opportunities for society and pays attention to the
                                                                      务。发展循环经济,提高各类资源综合利用效率。增加环保投入,改进工艺                     formation of employee representative congress mechanism. CRSC is open to democratic management, and we
                                                                      流程,降低污染物排放,改进施工工法,减少占地,保护植被,实施清洁生                     care about every employee’s mentality and try to solve their problems together with them.


                                                                      Enhancing resources utilization and reducing our environmental impact. CRSC            参与社会公益事业。积极承担和热心参与扶贫、助困、捐助、志愿者等社会公益事业,关心支持教育、文
                                                                      Seriously implements the responsibility of energy conservation and emission
                                                                      reduction, takes the lead in completing the related task and develops a circular
                                                                      economy and improve the efficiency of comprehensive utilization of various
                                                                      resources. CRSC will increase environmental protection investment, improve             Participating in public welfare undertakings. CRSC is actively taking part in public welfare undertakings such as
                                                                      process flow, reduce pollutant discharge, improve construction methods, reduce         poverty alleviation, donations and volunteering, and public welfare services in the areas of education, culture
                                                                      land occupation, protect vegetation, and implement clean production, adhering to the   and sanitation. During natural disasters and sudden events, CRSC is a firm supporter of local government and
                                                                      development path of low input, low consumption, low emissions and high efficiency.     railway authorities by proactively providing manpower, financial and material resources.
34    中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司        China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                                  2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         35

利益相关方沟通                                   中国通号重视与利益相关方的沟通,建立并完善沟通渠道及方式,积极
                                                                                                                                                                 CRSC emphasized on the communication with stakeholders, established and enhanced communication
                                                                                                                                                                 channels and means, positively responded to the expectations and appeals of stakeholders, and conveyed

                                                                                                                                                                 our dynamics to all stakeholders in a timely manner, thus improving its operational transparency.



                          政府机构                   股东与投资者                         客户                     员工                     供应商                      合作伙伴                        行业                       环境                  社区与公众
                          Government                  Shareholders and                  Clients                 Employees                  Suppliers               Cooperation Partners               Industry                 Environment                Community

                       贯彻宏观政策                  良好的经营业绩              合同履约                   保障员工权益               诚信守法                      诚信守法                    公平竞争                    遵守环境法律法规           参与社区建设
                       诚信守法经营                  资产保值增值                产品质量安全               保障职业发展               阳光采购                      遵守商业道德                科技创新研发                践行节能减排               社会公益服务
                       依法纳税                      信息合规披露                提供优质服务               员工生活关怀               扶持供应商成长                合作共赢                    助力行业进步                资源节约利用
                       促进就业                      降低经营风险                保障客户隐私               保障薪酬福利               信息保密                                                                              环保意识提升
                       带动地方经济发展              股东权益保护                                           加强海外员工管理
       and Appeals

                       To implement macro            Good operation              To perform contracts       To protect staff           To be honest and              To be honest and obey       Fair competition            To abide by laws           To take part

                       policies                      performance                 To guarantee product       interests                  trustworthy                   the law                     Technology innovation       and regulations of         in community
                       To operate honestly           To preserve or add the      quality and safety         To clear the career        To guarantee open, fair       To abide by business        research                    environment                construction
                       and legally                   asset value                 To offer premium service   development route          and legal procurement         ethics                      To promote the              To save energy and         Public welfare
                       To pay taxes according        To disclose information     To protect clients’       To offer staff caring      To support suppliers’        To achieve win-win          industrial development      reduce emissions           activities
                       to law                        To reduce operation risks   information                To offer rational salary   development                   cooperation                                             To save resources
                       To promote                    To protect the interests                               and welfare                To keep information                                                                   To improve the
                       employment                    of shareholders and                                    To enhance the             confidential                                                                          awareness of
                       To drive local economic       investors                                              management of                                                                                                    environment mental
                       development                                                                          overseas staff                                                                                                   protection

                       工作汇报                      企业定期报告及公告          客户拜访                   职工代表大会               公开招标                      高层互访                    加强同业交流                环保技术应用               社区沟通宣传
                       参加会议                      业绩发布会                  客户满意度调查             员工培训宣教               开展合作                      定期沟通交流                参加行业论坛                环保理念宣贯               开展公益活动
                       监督检查                      股东大会                    电话、邮件、信件及在       日常沟通                   行业沟通与交流                协议合同执行                考察互访                    环境信息公开
                       信息报送                      投资者见面会                线反馈


 通                    Work report                   Corporate annual            Clients visiting and       General meeting of staff   Open tendering                High-level visit            Enhancing                   Application of energy      Community

 方                    Conferences                   report, middle              communication              representatives            Carrying out                  exchanges                   communication with          saving technology          publicity
 式                    Supervision and               term report and             Satisfaction survey        Training and education     cooperation                   Regular communication       peers                       Publicity of               Organizing public
                       inspection                    announcements               Telephone, e-mail,         Daily communication        Industrial                    and exchanges               Industrial forums and       environmental              welfare activities
                       Information reporting         Performance                 letter, and on-line                                   communication and             Execution of                conference                  protection conceptions
                                                     conference                  feedback                                              exchanges                     agreements or               Research tours and          Environmental
                                                     General meeting of                                                                                              contracts                   visits                      information disclosure
                                                     Investors conference
                                                     Reporting and
36   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                                  2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report       2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告       37

董事会参与                          公司董事会对环境、治理、社会策略及报告承担责任,负责评估有关ESG风
                                                                                                                          实质性议题识别                                        2020年,公司梳理宏观政策导向,研究分析ESG报告标准要求,结合公司
                                    理方针、策略及目标。此外,董事会对利益相关方沟通结果及重大议题判定                                                                          关系、影响程度等原则,比较、分析不同ESG议题对利益相关方的影响及对
Participation                       进行审批,对报告内容进行审核,参与ESG信息披露。2020年,公司共召开
                                                                                                                          Identification of                                     公司发展的重要性,开展实质性议题分析调研,就16个实质性议题进行评
of Board of                         治理会议15次,其中股东大会2次,董事会7次,监事会6次。                                 Material Issues                                       估、优次排列,议题及分析结果见下图。相关分析结果呈报董事会讨论,并
Directors                           CRSC’s Board of Directors is responsible for developing ESG strategies and                                                                 将相关反馈纳入可持续发展战略规划,分解到各部门执行。
                                    their reporting, assessing relevant ESG risks, and formulating ESG management
                                                                                                                                                                                In 2020, CRSC studied the orientations of macro policies, explored and
                                    guidelines, strategies and goals for issues that possibly affect its businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                analyzed the standards and requirements of ESG reports. In combination with
                                    and operations or that arouse the attention of stakeholders. Moreover, the Board
                                                                                                                                                                                its development strategies and issues that arouse the attention of stakeholders,
                                    of Directors is also responsible for reviewing and approving the communication
                                                                                                                                                                                based on the dependency on, the relationships between rights and responsibilities
                                    results with stakeholders and the determination of material issues, auditing
                                                                                                                                                                                for and the influence on stakeholders and other principles, CRSC comparatively
                                    the reporting contents and engaging in ESG information disclosure. In 2020,
                                                                                                                                                                                dissected the influence and the importance of different ESG issues on/to its
                                    CRSC convened 15 governance conferences, including 2 general meetings of
                                                                                                                                                                                development, conducted surveys on material issues, and assessed and prioritized
                                    shareholders, 7 board meetings and 6 supervisory board meetings.
                                                                                                                                                                                16 material issues. The issues concerned and analytical results are shown below.
                                                                                                                                                                                These results were submitted to the Board of Directors for discussion and relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                feedbacks were incorporated into strategic plans for sustainable development, and
                                                                                                                                                                                then decomposed to various departments for implementation.

                                        治理议题 Governance Issues                 社会议题 Social Issues                                                      对

                                                                                                                                  Importance to stakeholders
                                       1. 守法合规                                 11. 员工权益保障                                                            益                                                                                  4
                                       2. 廉洁从业                                 12. 员工培养与职业发展                                                      相
                                       3. 资产保值增值                             13. 社会公益
                                                                                   14. 海外履责
                                       1. Legal compliance                                                                                                     的
                                       2. Practice of integrity                    11. Safeguarding employees’ rights                                         重                                                                                  5
                                                                                       and interests                                                           要                                                                     1
                                       3. Asset preservation and
                                                                                                                                                               性                                                                                  2
                                           appreciation                            12. Employee cultivation and career
                                       经济议题 Economic Issues
                                                                                   13. Social welfare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              9       6            12
                                                                                   14. Performing overseas
                                       4. 科技创新                                     responsibilities                                                                                                         13
                                       5. 科技成果转化                                                                                                                                                                                8
                                       6. 数字化与智能化                                                                                                                                                                                     11
                                                                                   环境议题 Environmental Issues
                                       7. 产品质量与安全                                                                                                                                                                             14
                                       8. 优质服务
                                       9. 供应链管理                               15. 节能减排                                                                                                     15
                                       10. 安全生产                                16. 应对气候变化

                                       4. Technological innovation                 15. Energy conservation and emission
                                       5. Transformation of technological              reduction

                                           achievements                            16. Tackling climate changes

                                       6. Digitalization and intelligentization
                                       7. Quality and safety of products
                                       8. Quality services
                                       9. Supply chain management                                                                                                                                                                 对企业可持续发展的重要性
                                       10. Safe production                                                                                                                                                        Importance to CRSC’s sustainable development
38   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report       2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         39

                                                                                                   Innovation Drives Development


                                                                                                   Technological innovation is the primary driving force for development. CRSC
                                                                                                   gave play to the leading role of technological innovation in comprehensive
                                                                                                   innovations, perfected its innovation mechanisms, stimulated innovation
                                                                                                   vigor, enhanced innovation capability, and comprehensively accelerated the
                                                                                                   advancement of innovation work centering on “consolidating its dominance in
                                                                                                   the industry, safeguarding quality and safety, expanding supporting businesses
                                                                                                   and promoting international transformation”, thus constantly increasing its
                                                                                                   overall scientific and technological strengths and core competitiveness.
                                                                                                   Meanwhile, CRSC upheld social public benefits, valued safety and quality
                                                                                                   control in the research of new technologies and the design and application
                                                                                                   of new equipment, contributing its power to maintaining the safe operation of
                                                                                                   railway system.

                                                                                                   科技创新战略                                                                   40
                                                                                                   Technological Innovation Strategy

                                                                                                   提升创新能力                                                                   42
                                                                                                   Enhancing Innovation Capabilities

                                                                                                   创新成果转化                                                                   51
                                                                                                   Transformation of Technical Innovations

                                                                                                   推动行业进步                                                                   59
                                                                                                   Advancing Industrial Progress
 40      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司    China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                        2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report      2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         41

科技创新战略                            构建一个体系                                引领三个高地                              建设四个平台                                                  实现五大突破
                                        Constructing One System                     Leading Three Highlands                   Shaping Four Platforms                                        Achieving Five Breakthroughs

Technological                           构建以核心技术为方向、科技创新平台          全球的轨道交通控制技术研发、制            国家工程研究中心、国家产业创新中心为代表的                    新一轮的全面科技管理改革取得重大突破
Innovation                              为依托、创新人才为基础,企业内上下          造、施工一体化服务的技术和服务            国家级技术创新和科研成果转化平台
                                        游协同、国内政产学研用结合、研发资          模式输出高地
Strategy                                                                                                                      符合国际标准的具有第三方独立检测认证评估能
                                                                                    轨道交通通信信号高端人才创新              力的检验检测试验平台
                                        创体系                                                                                                                                              中国高铁标准与产业输出取得产品市场全球化、技术品牌国
20 20 年,中国 通号梳 理“十四                                                                                                面向全球的专注于轨道交通通信信号新技术孵化
                                        Constructing a scientific and                                                                                                                       际化的突破
五”时期科技创新工作思路,明                                                        全球的轨道交通知识产权和标准              和创投培育平台
                                        technological innovation system
确 科 技创新工作发 展目标 和路                                                      创造、运用、服务和转移高地
                                        driven by the missions in the new
径。中国通号科技创新总体战略            era, oriented by core technologies,
                                                                                    Technical and service mode output
                                                                                                                                                                                            Major breakthrough in a new round of comprehensive scientific
                                                                                                                              National transformation platforms of technological
                                        relying on technological innovation                                                                                                                 and technological management reforms
                                                                                    highland that integrates the research,
                                        platforms, grounding on innovative                                                    innovations and scientific achievements represented
二个 中 心 、三个 高 地 、四 个 平
                                                                                    development, manufacturing and                                                                          Historic breakthrough in a new round of core technologies and
                                        talents, which achieves upstream                                                      by National Engineering Research Center and National
                                                                                                                                                                                            in-depth autonomy
                                                                                    construction of global rail transport
                                        and downstream collaboration within                                                   Industrial Innovation Center
                                                                                    control technologies                                                                                    Strategic breakthrough in the exemplary application of rail
通号建设 成为以轨 道交 通 控 制         CRSC, the combination of government-                                                  Inspection and testing platforms with third-party
                                                                                                                                                                                            transport safety control technologies in other industries
                                                                                    Innovation clustering highland that
系统技术为特 色的世界一流的
                                        industry-university-research-application                                              independent testing and certification assessment
                                                                                    attracts high-end rail transport and                                                                    International breakthrough in China’s high-speed railway
                                        in the domestic market and the global                                                 capabilities in line with international standards
                                                                                    communication talents                                                                                   standards and industrial outputs in occupying global market.
                                        allocation of research and development
                                                                                                                              New technology incubation and venture development
                                        resources                                   The highland of creating, applying,                                                                     Critical breakthrough in constantly inspiring scientific and
                                                                                                                              platforms with a global perspective for the rail
                                                                                    serving and transferring global rail                                                                    technological innovations, cultivating and attracting core talents
                                                                                                                              transport and communication signal industry
In 2020, CRSC organized its ideas                                                   transport-related intellectual property
on technological innovations in                                                                                               Academic exchange and talent cultivation platforms
                                                                                    rights and standards
the “Fourteenth Five-Year Plan”,                                                                                            with a global perspective

and specified the development
goals and paths of technological
innovations. CRSC set up overall        Building Two Centers
strategic goals for technological
innovations: fully building “One       具有全球竞争力的轨道交通控制技术
System, Two Centers, Three              创新中心
Highlands and Four Platforms”,
achieving “Five Breakthroughs”,       具有全球影响力的通信信号产业创新
constructing itself into a world-       中心
class multinational industrial
                                        A rail transport control technology
group featured by rail transport
                                        innovation center with global
control systems and technologies
so that its overall scientific and
                                        A communication signal industry
technological strengths will rank
                                        innovation center with global influence
the top across the globe.

                                                                                                                                                                                    General Laboratory of CRSC Urban Rail Transport Train Control Systems
 42      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司          China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                      2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告           43

提升创新能力                                                                                                                             中国通号启动《轨道交通电磁环境效应研究与测试平台建设》重大科技专项                                    案例
                                                                                                                                         CRSC launched a major scientific and technological project of Electromagnetic
                                                                                                                                         Environment Effects of Rail Transportation and Testing Platform Construction
Enhancing Innovation Capabilities
增强、智能调度指挥等一批核心技术,形成了产品种类多元化、主要产品谱系化、核心产品自主化、产品层次差异化的                                 2020年8月,中国通号携手国铁集团及院士专家搭建产学研用合作平台,推进《轨道交通电磁

列控系统装备;掌握了基于复杂枢纽下的运营高铁既有线改造换装的成套关键技术、轨道交通通信信号装备产业化和                                   环境效应研究与测试平台建设》,聚焦高铁复杂电磁环境对列控装备的影响,解决目前行业内

工程化关键技术,为解决列控系统全球适应性难题积累了中国智慧和中国方案。                                                                   存在的电磁兼容难题,提升核心安全装备的可靠性,并推动相关研究成果服务于铁路运输,服
跑行业技术发展,全年科技投入19.6亿元,全年开展科研项目825项。                                                                            Improving the safety and reliability of core equipment is an eternal task of CRSC. At present, the
                                                                                                                                         electromagnetic compatibility problems faced by the high-speed train control system still exist, and it
CRSC constantly enhanced innovation management system, increased inputs into research and development, strengthened the                  is urgent to gather domestic superior resources to jointly tackle key problems to ensure the safe and
introduction and cultivation of high-tech talents, accelerated the tackling of core technologies and the transformation of scientific    efficient operation of high-speed trains.
achievements, increased technological innovation capabilities and core competitiveness, fully overcame technical difficulties in         In August 2020, CRSC teamed up with China Railway Group and academicians to build an
automatic train protection, autopilot, range and velocity measurements in complicated situations, enhanced safety of train control       industry-university-research cooperation platform to promote the "Electromagnetic Environment
systems, intelligent dispatching etc., and formed train control systems and devices with diversified product types, structured fist      Effects of Rail Transportation and Testing Platform Construction", focusing on the impact of the
products, independently-developed core products and differentiated product hierarchy; CRSC grasped a complete set of key                 complex electromagnetic environment of high-speed rail on train control equipment, and solving the
technologies for refitting old high-speed railways in the complex hub, as well as core technologies for industrialized and engineered    electromagnetic compatibility problems in the industry in the current situation, improving the reliability
rail transport and communication signal devices, providing Chinese wisdom and schemes for the solving of global adaptation               of core safety equipment, and promotes related research results to serve railway transportation and
difficulties in train control systems.                                                                                                   serve the safe and efficient operation of the national railway network.
In 2020, CRSC accelerated the tackling of core technologies, deployed the research and development of prospective technologies,
constantly reinforced its technical advantages in the signal field, improved independent innovation capabilities, and took the lead in
the technological developments. It invested 1.96 billion RMB into scientific and technological research in 2020, and engaged in 825
scientific and technological programs for the whole year.

      CRSC’s Research Inputs and Scientific Research Programs during the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”

                          指标                               单位
                                                                            2016         2017         2018        2019         2020
                      Indicator                              Unit

                                                         100 million        14.90        16.61       17.97        19.25        19.6
               Annual research inputs

      National scientific research programs                                    3           1            2            3           8

  Provincial and ministerial research programs                                23          13            5           10          12

                   新增国家级奖励                             项
                                                                               1           2            1            1           1
                New national awards                          piece

                   新增省部级奖励                             项
                                                                              20           8           21           20          38
      New provincial and ministerial awards                  piece
 44      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司          China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                         2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report             2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          45

中国通号为京张高速铁路安上“千里眼”                                                                                                                                                                                                                 案例
CRSC installed "Clairvoyance" on Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway

                                                                                                                                 Innovation of Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway Integrated Surveillance Cloud System
该系统能够通过一张“网”看清京张高铁全线各个角落,第一时间将旅客行为异常、异物侵入、设备故障等情况报                                   Train intelligent recognition technology
                                                                                                                                       High-speed rail trains run fast, and it is difficult to adjust the operating status and location of a specific train
                                                                                                                                       by manually searching. Train intelligent recognition technology can automatically identify, automatically
The Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway is China's first intelligent high-speed railway. It is a practitioner and pioneer
                                                                                                                                       switch, and automatically play the high-speed trains in the monitoring screen, helping the operation
of artificial intelligence, cloud computing and other grounded railways, leading the development direction of China's
                                                                                                                                       management unit to quickly lock the train position and continue to track it.
railways. Among the many high technologies of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway, CRSC Communications and
Information Group has specially developed an integrated comprehensive video surveillance cloud system for innovation,

which has become the "clairvoyance" of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway. This is also the first appearance of
the system on the rail line.
                                                                                                                                       Video network management system
The system can see all corners of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed rail line through a "net", and immediately notify

abnormal passenger behavior, foreign body intrusion, equipment failure, etc. to the railway dispatching, mixed passenger
and freight station, public works, electricity, power supply, maintenance, vehicles, information and public security and other
business system professional departments, so that risks and hidden dangers can be quickly addressed and dealt with,                    视频网管系统,就像人体的防疫系统,能够实时采集、分析、展示来自摄像机、交换机、服务器、视
thereby ensuring the safety of high-speed rail operations. This is also the first time in the rail line to adopt an integrated         频服务等各个有机体的数据指标,判断这些有机体的健康状态,帮助预先发现风险并及时处理隐
comprehensive video surveillance network that integrates integrated video and professional video. The integrated                       患,保障了一体化综合视频监控云系统的稳定运行。
comprehensive video surveillance system has set up 8 cloud nodes in Beijing North, Qinghe, Changping, Badaling, Huailai,
                                                                                                                                       Traditional video network management has a single method of collecting data, and the data is not
Xiahuayuan North, Taizicheng, and Zhangjiakou across the Beijing-Zhangjiakou line to ensure the personal safety and
                                                                                                                                       comprehensive, and it is often impossible to find the cause of the fault in time. The video network
property safety of passengers at all times.
                                                                                                                                       management system newly used in Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway is like a human body's
                                                                                                                                       epidemic prevention system. It can collect, analyze, and display data indicators from various organisms
                                                                                                                                       such as cameras, switches, servers, and video services in real time. It can judge the health status of these
                                                                                                                                       organisms and help identify risks in advance and deal with hidden dangers in time, ensuring the stable
                                                                                                                                       operation of the integrated comprehensive video surveillance cloud system.

                                                                                                                                       Interconnection and data sharing


                                                                                                                                       The Beijing-Zhangjiakou integrated comprehensive video surveillance cloud system is connected to more
                                                                                                                                       than 3,000 high-definition cameras, and the video image storage scale reaches more than 5,000 TB.
                                                                                                                                       In order to use these image data efficiently and maximize the value of the data, the Beijing-Zhangjiakou
                                                                                                                                       integrated comprehensive video surveillance cloud system is interconnected with the professional power
                                                                                                                                       supply system, station travel service management and control platform, disaster monitoring system and
                                                                                                                                       other systems to share data to the greatest extent and greatly improve operational ability and efficiency of
                                                                                                                                       each business department.
46      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司              China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                       2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report            2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告             47

科技创新平台                                 中国通号推进创新平台和示范建设,推动创新要素汇聚和创新资源优化配置,形
                                                                                                                                      科研人才队伍                               中国通号全面深化科技体制机制改革,健全优化员工激励奖励机制、激发创新动
                                             成“3468+N”的科技创新平台和示范格局,为高质量创新发展提供平台支撑,也                                                              能,主要企业全部建立了涉及技术创新、知识产权等奖励机制。同时,积极推动企

Technological                                为引进、培育创新人才奠定基础。截至2020年底,公司共拥有3个博士后科研流动                  Scientific                                 业科技创新人才队伍建设,加强科技人才队伍选、用、育、留,激发企业创新活力。

                                                                                                                                      Research                                   截至2020年底,公司共有研发人员4,310人。2020年,中国通号新增6名茅以升铁道

Platform                                                                                                                              Talents
                                             部级重点实验室/工程技术研究中心/工程实验室。                                                                                        工程师奖获得者,新增1人获詹天佑成就奖,1人获詹天佑青年奖,2人获评2020年
                                             CRSC promotes the construction of innovation platforms and demonstrations,
                                             promotes the convergence of innovation elements and the optimal allocation of
                                             innovation resources, and forms a "3468+N" technological innovation platform
                                             and demonstration pattern, providing platform support for high-quality innovation
                                             development, and also laying the foundation for the introduction and cultivation of                                                 CRSC has comprehensively deepened the reform of the science and technology

                                             innovative talents. As of the end of 2020, the company has 3 post-doctoral research                                                 system and mechanism, improved and optimized the employee incentive and reward

                                             mobile workstations, 4 academician workstations, 6 national innovation platforms,                                                   mechanism, and stimulated innovation momentum. All major companies have

                                             8 national innovation demonstration titles, and 26 provincial and ministerial key                                                   established incentive mechanisms involving technological innovation and intellectual

                                             laboratories/engineering technology research centers/engineering experiments room.                                                  property rights. At the same time, CRSC actively promoted the construction of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 enterprise's scientific and technological innovation talent team, strengthened the
                                                                                                                                                                                 selection, adoption, cultivation and retention of the scientific and technological talent
                                                                                                                                                                                 team, and stimulated the innovation vitality of the enterprise. As of the end of 2020, the
                                                                                                                                                                                 company has a total of 4,310 R&D personnel. In 2020, CRSC added 6 new winners of
                                                                                                                                                                                 Mao Yisheng Railway Engineer Award, 1 person won the Zhan Tianyou Achievement
                                                                                                                                                                                 Award, 1 person won the Zhan Tianyou Youth Award, 2 people won the 2020 Most
                                                                                                                                                                                 Beautiful Railway Technologists, 2 People were awarded the "Young Talents in
                                                                                                                                                                                 Transportation Science and Technology" by the Ministry of Transport, 2 were awarded
                                                                                                                                                                                 the title of "Beijing Outstanding Young Engineers", and 1 was supported by the China
                                                                                                                                                                                 Association for Science and Technology Young Talents Support Project.

                                                                                                                                      研究设计院集团深化科研分配机制改革                                                                                             案例
                                                                                                                                      CRSC Research & Design Institute Group deepened the reform of scientific research distribution mechanism

截至2020年底         As of the end of 2020                                                                                            积极推行风险抵押、项目分红、业务跟投等中长期激励,提升科技人才的创新成就,有效提升职工科技研发积极性、能

                                                                                                                                      CRSC Research & Design Institute Group, a core subsidiary of CRSC, is a technology-based enterprise that masters
                                                                                                                                      the core technologies of high-speed rail train control and communication signals. In 2018, it was included in the "Double

     3个                           4个                       6个                    8个                             26 个
                                                                                                                                      Hundred Action" for the reform of state-owned enterprises. In 2020, in order to further stimulate vitality and improve
                                                                                                                                      scientific and technological innovation capabilities, the Research and Design Institute Group organized and issued a series
                                                                                                                                      of systems such as the "Scientific Research Risk Mortgage, Project Dividends, Business Co-investment Incentive Plan
     博士后科研                    院士工作站                国家级创               国家级创新                      省部级重          (Interim)", "Detailed Rules for the Management of the Performance Distribution of Indirect Costs for Scientific Research
     流动工作站                                              新平台                 示范称号                        点实验室          Projects", "Administrative Measures for Incentives for Scientific and Technological Innovation", actively implemented
                                                                                                                                      medium and long-term incentives such as risk mortgage, project dividends, business follow-up investment, etc., to
     post-doctoral                 academician               national               national innovation             provincial and
                                                                                                                                      enhance the innovation achievements of scientific and technological talents, and effectively enhance the enthusiasm and
     research mobile               workstations              innovation             demonstration titles            ministerial key
                                                                                                                                      motivation of employees in scientific and technological research and development. At the same time, CRSC speeded
     workstations                                            platforms                                              laboratories
                                                                                                                                      up the construction and management of scientific and technological talents, and cultivated and brought up a group of
                                                                                                                                      international-level strategic scientific and technological talents, scientific and technological leaders, young scientific and
                                                                                                                                      technological talents and high-level innovative teams.
48   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report             2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告              49

前瞻技术融合                    中国通号坚持“应用一代、研发一代、储备一代”,潜心研究高铁绕行既有线列控          CRSC insisted on "always have one generation under R&D, one generation applied, and one generation reserved", and

                                技术,让通铁路的城市就能通高铁,让我国3.8万公里高铁与14.6万公里普速铁路           concentrated on researching high-speed rail bypassing existing line train control technology, so that cities with railways can be

                                                                                                                  connected to high-speed rail, so that the intercommunication of our country's 38,000 kilometers of high-speed rail and 146,000

                                                                                                                  kilometers of normal-speed railways becomes possible, and the railway transportation artery is further connected. At the same
                                系统核心装备的设计开发、系统设计等关键核心技术攻关;基于5G、北斗、区块链          time, CRSC speeded up the design and development of the core equipment of the high-speed train control system, system

                                等新技术,展开轨道交通控制信息技术、电磁安全防护技术、智能检测和诊断技            design and other key core technologies; based on new technologies such as 5G, Beidou, and blockchain, it has launched

Application of
                                术等研究。                                                                        rail transit control information technology, electromagnetic safety protection technology, intelligent detection, and diagnostic



                               中国通号开展基于北斗的下一代列控系统研发                                                                                                                                                                              案例
                               CRSC conducted research and development of next generation of Beidou-based train
                               control system

                               北斗卫星导航系统是中国自行研制的全                                                                                                                   The Beidou satellite navigation system is a global satellite

                               球卫星导航系统,是继美国GPS、俄罗斯                                                                                                                  navigation system developed by China itself. It is the third

                                                                                                                                                                                    mature satellite navigation system after the United States
                                                                                                                                                                                    GPS and Russian GLONASS. In July 2020, the Beidou-3
                               统。2020年7月,北斗三号全球卫星导航系                                                                                                                global satellite navigation system was officially opened. With
                               统正式开通。随着全球组网的成功,北斗卫                                                                                                               the success of global networking, the international application

                               星导航系统的国际应用空间不断扩展。                                                                                                                   space of Beidou satellite navigation system continues to
                               2020年8月,国铁集团颁布《新时代交通强                                                                                                                In August 2020, the National Railway Group issued the "Outline
                               国铁路先行规划纲要》,明确提出到2035                                                                                                                 of the Advanced Railway Planning for a Powerful Country in

                                                                                                                                                                                    the New Era", which clearly stated that by 2035, it will be the

                                                                                                                                                                                    first to complete the intelligent railway network, and the national
                                                                                                                                                                                    railway network will reach about 200,000 kilometers in length, of
                               7万公里左右;高铁列车将拥有基于北斗卫                                                                                                                which high-speed rail will occupy about 70,000 kilometers; the
                               星导航系统、5G通信技术的空天地一体化                                                                                                                 high-speed rail train will have a "super brain" based on Beidou

                               的“超级大脑”。                                                                                                                                     satellite navigation system and 5G communication technology
                                                                                                                                                                                    that integrates space, sky and ground.
                               中国通号前瞻性参与基于北斗卫星定位的                                                                                                                 CRSC proactively participated in the research and development
                               列控系统研发,储备研发更高效、更智能、                                                                                                               of the train control system based on Beidou satellite positioning,

                                                                                                                                                                                    and reserved and researched and developed of a more
                                                                                                                                                                                    efficient, smarter and more environmentally friendly train control
                                                                                                                                                                                    system-the CTCS-4 new generation train control system.

                               通过融合北斗的多源定位技术,实施移动                                                                                                                 By integrating Beidou system’s multi-source location

                               闭塞实现列车高效 追 踪 。该系统可适 应
                                                                                                                                                                                    technology, CRSC implemented moving block and efficient
                                                                                                                                                                                    tracking of trains. The system is well-adapted to electrified/
                               电气化/非电气化区段,以及特长隧道、高                                                                                                                nonelectrified segments, as well as regions with harsh
                               原、山区、戈壁等环境恶劣地区,满足高可                                                                                                               environment, such as extra-long tunnels, plateaus, mountains,

                               靠、高可用和少维护需要。达到提高线路运                                                                                                               and deserts, thus effectuating high reliability, high availability,

                                                                                                                                                                                    and minimal maintenance. After being put into operation, the
                                                                                                                                                                                    system would help to enhance line transportation capacity and
                                                                                                                                                                                    achieve the goal of reducing Kwh per capita.
50      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司          China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         51

知识产权                             中国通号在深耕研发的同时,不断完善知识产权管理体系。根据《中华人民共和国专利              CRSC continued to improve its intellectual property management system while deepening research and development. In

                                     法》《中华人民共和国著作权法》《企业知识产权管理规范》等相关法律法规,制定知识            accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China, The Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China,

Intellectual                         产权管理办法及制度文件,持续开展知识产权创造、管理、保护、运用,在保障自有知识
                                                                                                                               Enterprise Intellectual Property Management Regulations and other relevant laws and regulations, CRSC formulated

                                                                                                                               intellectual property management measures and system documents, and continued to carry out the creation, management,
                                     产权不被侵犯的同时尊重他人知识产权。截至2020年12月31日,公司累计有效授权专利              protection, and use of intellectual property rights, ensuring our own intellectual property rights are not violated while respecting

Rights (IPR)
                                     2,571项,累计软件著作权1,391项。                                                          the intellectual property rights of others. As of December 31, 2020, the company has a total of 2,571 valid authorized patents
                                                                                                                               and a total of 1,391 software copyrights.

                    In 2020, the work progress of CRSC to regulate intellectual property rights
                                                                                                                                                                                  Patents of CRSC in 2020

                                                                                                                                   779           件 piece                     256           件 piece                       1,055              件 piece

                                                                                                                                   新增授权专利                                新增授权发明专利                             新增申请专利
     In 2020, the number of new patents exceeded 1,000 for the first time and reached 1,055. Among them, there were
     622 applications for invention patents, with a year-on-year growth of 39%; moreover, 80 new PTC patents were
     applied in Europe, the Asia-Pacific Region, and other regions. By cultivating high-value patents, CRSC is leading a
                                                                                                                                   Newly licensed patents                      Newly licensed patents of invention          Newly applied patents
     patent trend from quantity-focused to quality-focused.

     Intellectual property rights management                                                                                       622           件 piece                     80         件 piece                          14         件 piece

     制定并发布了知识产权发展规划(2020-2022),组织开展国家《企业知识产权管理规范》的对标和认证                                   新增申请发明专利                            新增海外专利申请                             新增海外专利授权
                                                                                                                                   Newly applied patents of invention          Newly applied overseas patents               Newly licensed overseas patents

     CRSC developed and released Intellectual Property Develop Plan (2020-2022), and engaged in benchmarking and
     certification of Enterprise Intellectual Property Management Specifications. It also organized various trainings on
     a regular basis, cultivated and shape an intellectual property team with sufficient talents, optimized structure, well-
     deployed layout and high quality.

     Intellectual property rights creation

     CRSC paid close attention to effective docking of standard preparation and patent deployment, thus forming
     standard-essential patents, and enhancing patents’ commercial value.CRSC incorporated patent information query,
                                                                                                                               创新成果转化                                  列车运行控制系统是国家科技实力的重要体现。近年来,中国通号坚持技术
     patent literature transmission and patent intelligence analysis into routine work, expanded the research innovation                                                     重点产品产业化,发展成为全球规模最大的轨道交通控制系统解决方案供
     ideas of scientific researchers, and enhanced research innovation efficiency.                                             Transformation                                应商。

                                                                                                                               of Technical
     Intellectual property rights protection                                                                                   Innovations                                   Train operation control system is an important manifestation of national scientific
                                                                                                                                                                             and technological strength. In recent years, CRSC has adhered to technological

                                                                                                                                                                             achievements, marketization of results, and market efficiency, achieved a

                                                                                                                                                                             number of major scientific and technological innovations, actively promoted the
                                                                                                                                                                             industrialization of key products, and developed into the world's largest rail transit
     CRSC has been improving its risk identification, warning and protection mechanisms for intellectual property, and                                                       control system solution provider.
     constantly diving into warning analysis of overseas intellectual property rights.
52                                                                                                                 中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司    China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                               2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report       2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告            53

                                                                                                                                           高铁领域                                                                                        城际铁路领域                                                        地铁领域
                                                                                                                                           High-speed rail                                                                                 Intercity railway                                                   Subway

                                                                                                                                           成功研发出自主知识产权的CTCS-3级列车控制系统和自动驾驶系统(C3+ATO)并完                        成功打造全球首条自动驾驶铁路,实现城际列车最高                      自主研发的地铁CBTC系统具备全时、全程无人驾驶功能,
                                                                                                                                           成上道应用,满足高铁列车最高时速350公里、最小运行间隔3分钟的运营要求,让高                      时速200公里下自动驾驶、精准停车,助力我国城际铁                     助力全球首条互联互通地铁的顺利开通。
     CRSC Application of Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements During “the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”

                                                                                                                                           铁运营更加自主可控、更加智能高效。                                                              路跨入公交化运营时代。

                                                                                                                                           Successfully developed the CTCS-3 train control system and automatic driving system             Successfully built the world's first self-driving railway,          The self-developed subway CBTC system has full-time and full-
                                                                                                                                           (C3+ATO) with independent intellectual property rights and completed the on-track               realized automatic driving and precise parking of intercity         range unmanned driving functions, promoting the successful
                                                                                                                                           application, meeting the operating requirements of high-speed trains with a maximum speed       trains at a maximum speed of 200 kilometers per hour,               opening of the world's first interconnected subway.
                                                                                                                                           of 350 kilometers per hour and a minimum running interval of 3 minutes, making high-speed       and helped our country's intercity railways enter the era of
                                                                                                                                           rail operations more autonomous and controllable, more intelligent and efficient.               public transportation operation.

                                                                                                                         国                货运领域                                                                                        中低速磁悬浮领域                                                   既有线改造领域
                                                                                                                         通                Freight transport                                                                               Medium and low speed magnetic levitation                           Existing cable transformation
                                                                                                                                           自主研发的编组站综合自动化系统(CIPS),实现货车调度、管理、作业的全盘自动                      装备中国通号中低速磁 悬浮列车运行控制系统                          完美实施京津城际列控改造工程,开创全球高铁列控系统

                                                                                                                         十                化。郑州北站可日均办理货车编组3.6万辆,使我国铁路货运一天的办理量相当于欧                       (MATC)的北京S1线,成为国内首条实现自动驾驶的                     全线一次性升级换装新模式。

                                                                                                                         三                洲一个月的装车量。                                                                              磁悬浮线。
                                                                                                                         五                The self-developed marshalling station integrated automation system (CIPS) realizes             Beijing S1 line equipped with CRSC's low- and medium-              Perfectly completed the Beijing-Tianjin intercity train control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           speed maglev train operation control system (MATC) became          transformation project, creating a new model of one-time upgrade
                                                                                                                                           the full automation of truck dispatching, management and operation. Zhengzhou North

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the first maglev line in China to realize automatic driving.       and replacement of global high-speed train control systems.
                                                                                                                                           Railway Station can handle an average of 36,000 truck formations per day, making the

                                                                                                                                           daily handling capacity of our country's railway freight is equivalent to the monthly loading
                                                                                                                                           capacity of Europe.
                                                                                                                         新                                                                                                                通信信息领域                                                       运维领域
                                                                                                                         成                基础产品领域                                                                                    Communication information                                          Operation and maintenance
                                                                                                                                           Basic products
                                                                                                                         应                                                                                                                自主研发的铁路综合视频监控系统已成功应用于国铁                     成功开发完全自主知识产权的智能运维系统,能够实现对
                                                                                                                         用                完成高速铁路移频脉冲轨道电路、高速道岔转换系统、电加热道岔融雪系统、自主化                      集团核心节点,并在11个铁路局集团实现视频全接入                     铁路运维的一体化分析、一致性校核、风险告警等功能,

                                                                                                                                           欧标应答器、S系列应答器等信号基础设备的研发和推广应用。                                         应用,助力我国铁路“千里眼”。                                     有效保障高铁和城轨在轨设备的安全稳定运行。

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The self-developed railway integrated video surveillance           Successfully developed an intelligent operation and maintenance
                                                                                                                                           Completed the research and development and application of signal basic equipment such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           system has been successfully applied to the core nodes             system with completely independent intellectual property
                                                                                                                                           as high-speed railway frequency shift pulse track circuit, high-speed turnout conversion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of the National Railway Group, and the full video access           rights, which can realize the functions of integrated analysis,
                                                                                                                                           system, electric heating turnout snow melting system, autonomous European standard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           application has been implemented in 11 railway bureau              consistency check, and risk warning of railway operation
                                                                                                                                           transponder, S series transponder, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           groups, promoting our country's railway "clairvoyance".            and maintenance, effectively guaranteed the safe and stable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              operation of high-speed rail and urban rail equipment.

                                                                                                                                           生产制造领域                                                                                    施工领域
                                                                                                                                           Manufacturing                                                                                   Construction

                                                                                                                                           加速智能制造工厂建设,建成高速铁路列控系统设备智能化柔性加工中心,技术装                        实施施工标准化和智能化,弘扬“工匠”精神,施工工
                                                                                                                                           备和制造工艺达到国际同行业先进水平。                                                            艺水平在轨道交通通信信号行业中保持最高水准。

                                                                                                                                           Accelerated the construction of intelligent manufacturing plants and built an intelligent       Implemented construction standardization and
                                                                                                                                           flexible processing center for high-speed railway train control system equipment, making        intelligence, promoted the "craftsman" spirit, and
                                                                                                                                           the technical equipment and manufacturing process have reached the international                maintained the highest level of construction technology in
                                                                                                                                           advanced level of the same industry.                                                            the rail transit communication signal industry.
54     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司     China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                        2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report              2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告            55

                                  中国通号自主研制车载产品通过欧盟认证                                                        案例   中国通号全自主 FAO 系统亮相世界智能大会                                                                                   案例
                                                                                                                              Case                                                                                                                                Case
                                  CRSC's independent development of on-vehicle products passed EU                                    CRSC's fully automated FAO system appeared at the World Intelligence Conference

                                  2020年12月,中国通号自主研制的400T车载(列车自动防护)产品通过欧盟基线                             的全自动运行天津试验线作为本次峰会的唯一实体展示平台参展,该套系统已达到国际最高自动化等级
                                  3TSI认证,获得整系统安全SIL4级、DMI安全SIL2级、TSICB及CD全部4个证书,成                            GOA4级。
                                  的列控车载产品。至此,中国通号列控系统各产品(ATP、RBC、LEU、应答器)已                            全自动运行天津试验线是中国通号城交公司联合天津轨道交通集团、中车唐山机车车辆于2019年开展三方

                                  全部通过欧盟基线2和基线3 TSI认证。                                                                 科研合作并共同建立的项目。该试验线既可以满足全自动运行信号系统及车辆现场测试验证,还可为天津
                                  设备,即将装备于雅万高铁,也是我国首个通过欧盟TSI认证的列控核心产品,已                            登上该试验线上的实验列车,可以体验全自动运行系统控制下列车唤醒(高低压上电、自检、静动态测试)、

                                  获得欧洲订单,即将在德国、瑞士等欧洲五国应用。                                                     列车出库、无人驾驶、进站停车、站台发车、终点清客、折返换端、列车回库、清扫、休眠等正常运行场景以及
                                  In December 2020, the 400T on-vehicle (automatic train protection) product
                                  independently developed by CRSC passed the EU baseline 3TSI certification and                      From June 23 to 26, 2020, the Intelligent Transportation Summit of the 4th World Intelligent Conference was held
                                  obtained all four certificates of system safety SIL4, DMI safety SIL2, TSICB and                   in Tianjin. The fully automated Tianjin test line equipped with the FAO system independently developed by CRSC
      400T车载设备                CD, Which means the train control on-vehicle products from China was approved                      was exhibited as the only physical display platform of this summit. The system has reached the highest international
                                  by the European authoritative testing organization and passed the EU baseline 2                    automation level GOA4.
the 400T on-vehicle equipment
                                  and baseline 3 dual baseline TSI certification for the first time. So far, all products of         The fully automatic operation of the Tianjin test line is a project jointly established by the China Railway Transportation
 我国首个通过欧盟TSI认            CRSC's train control system (ATP, RBC, LEU, transponder) have all passed the EU                    Company, Tianjin Rail Transit Group and CRRC Tangshan Locomotives in 2019 to carry out a tripartite scientific research
 证的列控核心产品                 baseline 2 and baseline 3 TSI certification.                                                       cooperation. The test line can not only meet the requirements of fully automatic operation signal system and vehicle
                                  The 400T on-vehicle equipment is our country’s first autonomous C3 on-vehicle                     field test verification, but also provide a practical platform for the operation and management of Tianjin fully automatic
 China's first train control
                                  equipment that has completed technological innovation, product development and                     operation line.
 core product that has
                                  field testing. It is about to be equipped on the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail,                  Boarding the experimental train on the test line, you can experience demonstration of normal operation scenes and
 passed the EU TSI
                                  and it is also our country's first train control core product that has passed the EU               failure scenes such as the fully automatic operation system to control the wake-up of the trains (high and low voltage
                                  TSI certification. It has received European orders and will soon be applied in five                power-on, self-check, static and dynamic test), train out of the warehouse, unmanned driving, inbound and stop, platform
                                  European countries including Germany and Switzerland.                                              departure, terminal clearance, turn-back and exchange terminals, train return, cleaning, sleep etc.It fully demonstrated
                                                                                                                                     the automated and intelligent rail transit control system solution capabilities of CRSC Urban Transportation Company.

                                       小知识 Tips

                                       TSI(Technical Specification for Interoperability):欧盟互联互通技术规范,是欧盟关于




                                       TSI (Technical Specification for Interoperability):European Union
                                       Interoperability Technical Specification is the European Union's
                                       regulations on railway products. Any railway product entering the EU
                                       country must have this certification. In the field of rail transit, European
                                       standards are the source of most international standards, and being
                                       recognized by the European Union means obtaining a "passport" to
                                       enter the global market including the European Union.
 56     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司     China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                  2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         57

卡斯柯公司基于车车通信的列车自主运行系统完成现场多车无人驾驶测试验证                                                                                                                                                                                案例
CASCO's vehicle-to-vehicle communication-based automated train running system completed the unmanned driving test on
several vehicles

2020年6月,卡斯柯公司基于车车通信的列车自主运行系统(TACS)完成在上海地铁宝山路站3/4号线上的无人驾驶测                 In June 2020, CASCO's vehicle-to-vehicle communication-based automated train running system (TACS) completed the

试验证,验证关键功能和性能指标,包括分岔性能、汇合性能、折返间隔、任意站穿梭、任意点折返等,所有验证指标               unmanned driving test on No.3 and No.4 subway lines at Baoshan Station of Shanghai Metro, during which key functions

                                                                                                                       and performance indicators were validated, including turnout performance, convergence performance, turning-back
                                                                                                                       interval, shuttling through any station, turning back at any point, etc. All indicators validated satisfied the expected goals.
着该系统已具备商用条件,将为各城市的轨道交通新建项目以及既有线路的升级改造提供新的选择方案。                           During this test, all trains adopted UTO unmanned driving mode for the whole trip. The test results signified that this system
                                                                                                                       can be commercialized, providing a new choice for newly built rail transport programs and the upgrading and transformation
车车通信TACS系统作为城轨高效能列控的突出代表,具有安全、高效、灵活、经济、易部署等特点。相对于传统CBTC                 of existing routes in various cities.
系统,车车通信TACS系统设备更加精简,架构更加扁平,各系统高度融合,车与车之间直接进行信息交互,可显著提升               As a prominent representative of efficient control system for urban rails, vehicle-to-vehicle communication-based TACS
系统性能和轨交运能,并能提供灵活多样的行车组织模式,有助于应对各种故障和突发情况。此外,车车通信TACS系                 system is safe, efficient, flexible, economical and easily deployable. Compared to traditional CBTC system, TACS system
统在应用场景上还能为既有线路的延伸改造和扩容增能提供新的选择,使系统生命周期的运维成本进一步降低。                     boasts more concise size and flattened architecture with highly integrated systems. Information is directly interchanged
                                                                                                                       between vehicles, which significantly enhances system performance and rail transport capacity and provides flexible
                                                                                                                       vehicle organization modes, contributing to the responses to various faults and emergencies. Moreover, in terms of
                                                                                                                       application scenarios, TACS system offers new choices for the extension, transformation and capacity expansion of existing

                                                                                                                       routes, further reducing the operation and maintenance costs of the system during its life cycle.

  Onsite demonstration of tested train
 58      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司         China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                      2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          59

中国通号首次中标磁浮机电总承包项目                                                                                              案例
                                                                                                                                       推动行业进步                           中国通号积极参与中国铁路通信信号领域国家标准制定,并主导编制行业领
CRSC won the bid of maglev-based mechanical and electrical EPC project for the first time
                                                                                                                                       Advancing                              施工安装、运营维护等全产业链业务水平的提升。
                                                                                                                                                                              CRSC took an active part in formulating national standards for China’s railway
                                                                                                                                                                              communication signal, led the compilation of standards and specifications for key
                                                                                                                                                                              products, engineering technologies and services, conducted technical exchanges
2021年与张吉怀高铁凤凰站同步开通运营。一期工程以张吉怀高铁凤凰站为起点到民俗园站,线路全长9.121公                                                                             with research institutions and industry associations, promoted the enhancement
里,拟设车站4座,车辆段1处,预留车站2座,设计行车时速为100km/h。建成后,将有效助力湖南旅游新升级,打                                                                          of the entire industrial chain related to rail transport and communication signals,
造轨道旅游新业态。                                                                                                                                                            including formulation of standards, research, development and design, production
                                                                                                                                                                              and manufacturing, construction and installation, operation and maintenance.
                                                                                                                                       行业标准制定                           中国通号是国家铁路局技术标准的归口单位。截至2020年底,中国通号共归

In June 2020, CRSC successfully won the bid of “Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Procurement and Installation EPC
Project under Fenghuang Maglev Culture Tourism Project (Phase I)”, signaling that CRSC officially entered domestic EPC                                                       铁集团标准10项。公司加强标准研究制定工作,全面完成公司 C3 列控系统和

                                                                                                                                       Industry                               自主化CBTC系统技术标准体系建设。公司积极参加国际标准化组织铁路应
project of middle and low-speed maglev train.

                                                                                                                                       Standards                              用技术委员会相关工作,参与国际标准研究制定,助力国际铁路质量管理和
Fenghuang Maglev Culture Tourism Project, located at Fenghuang County, Western Hunan Tujia and Miao Autonomous
Prefecture, Hunan Province, is the first project that combines maglev, culture and tourism in China, and is expected to
put into operation together with Fenghuang Station of Zhangjiakou-Jishou-Huaihua High-speed Railway in 2021. Phase I                                                          技术标准体系不断完善。
Project starts from Fenghuang Station of Zhangjiakou-Jishou-Huaihua High-speed Railway and ends at Folk Park Station,
                                                                                                                                                                              CRSC is the responsible department of technical standards for National Railway
with a full length of 9.121km. It is proposed that 4 stations, 1 depot and 2 reserved stations will be built, with a designed
                                                                                                                                                                              Administration of the People’s Republic of China. As of the end of 2020, CRSC
traffic speed of 100km/h. After being built, the Project will effectively facilitate the upgrading of Hunan tourism business,
                                                                                                                                                                              participated in the centralized management of a total of 186 prevailing valid
and build a new format of rail tourism.
                                                                                                                                                                              industry standards, and 22 in-process standards. As the chief editor, it released
CRSC is responsible for full-line communication, signaling, power supply, FAS, BAS, security and door access, ventilation,
                                                                                                                                                                              6 industry standards and 10 China Railway standards. CRSC strengthened the
air-conditioning, water supply and drainage, firefighting, automatic fare collection, auxiliary station equipment, detailed
                                                                                                                                                                              research and formulation of standards, and fully completed the construction of
design of mechanical and electrical at depot, equipment procurement, installation and commissioning, technical guidance,
                                                                                                                                                                              technical standards for C3 train control system and automated CBTC system. It
training, integrated test and commissioning and other contents for Fenghuang Maglev Culture Tourism Project (Phase I).
                                                                                                                                                                              also actively participated in the work of Railway Application Technical Committee
                                                                                                                                                                              of International Organization for Standardization, engaged in the research and
                                                                                                                                                                              formulation of international standards, and constantly improved international
                                                                                                                                                                              railway quality management and technical standard system.

                                                                                                                                       CRSC’s Participation in the Compilation of National and Industry Standards during “the Thirteenth Five-
                                                                                                                                                                                           Year Plan”

                                                                                                                                                   指标                       单位                                                                         累计
                                                                                                                                                                                             2016        2017        2018         2019        2020
                                                                                                                                                 Indicator                    Unit                                                                        Total

                                                                                                                                              主参编国家标准                   件
                                                                                                                                                                                               6           0            8           2           1             17
                                                                                                                                             National standards               piece

                                                                                                                                            主参编行业技术标准                 件
                                                                                                                                                                                              100          34          42          13           9          198
                                                                                                                                             Industry standards               piece
60     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司        China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                     2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        61

                                  中国通号主导、主编的铁路行业技术标准                                                         行业技术交流        作为中国铁道学会通信信号分会的挂靠单位,中国通号大力支持通信信号分会创条

                  Technical Standards for Railway Led or Compiled by CRSC as Chief Editor

中国铁路列车运行控制系统(CTCS)——最顶层的控制技术方案                                                                       Industry            会议;集聚铁路行业通信领域专家力量组织开展《下一代承载网应用技术白皮书》

Chinese Train Control System (CTCS) - the top-level control technology solution                                                Technologies        《智能铁路通信云技术白皮书》编制工作并在中国铁路通信信号创新发展论坛上进
《铁路列控系统(CTCS)总体技术要求》                             《CTCS-3级列控系统总体技术方案》                                                  技术应用。
  General Technical Requirements of Railway Train Control         Overall Technical Scheme of CTCS-3 Train Control System
                                                                                                                                                   As an attached institution of the Communications Signal Branch of China Railway
  System (CTCS)
                                                                                                                                                   Society, CRSC offered vigorous support for the Communications Signal Branch to create
                                                                                                                                                   conditions, build platforms, promote services, advanced technical exchanges and the
《铁路数字移动通信系统(GSM-R)总体技术要求》                   《CTCS-3级列车运行控制系统与铁路数字移动通信系                                     construction of technical brands. In 2020, CRSC hosted Innovative Development Forum
  General Technical Requirements of Railway Digital Mobile        统(GSM-R)接口规范》                                                            on China Railway Communication Signal, the Seventh Technical Seminar on ZPW-2000
  Communication System (GSM-R)                                    Interface Specification between CTCS-3 Train Control                             Track Circuit and other exchange conferences; it also brought together the experts in
                                                                  System and Railway Digital Mobile Communication                                  the railway communication field to organize the compilation of Technical White Paper for
                                                                  System (GSM-R)                                                                   Next Generation of Bearer Network Applications and Technical White Paper for Intelligent
                                                                                                                                                   Railway Communication Cloud, and released them on Innovative Development Forum

                                                                                                                                                   on China Railway Communication Signal in an attempt to promote the technological
                                                                                                                                                   development of railway communication bearer network and business network and push
CTCS-3 Train Control System - the core technical equipment                                                                                         forward the applications of railway bearer network and communication cloud.

  《调整集中系统技术条件》(CTC)                                 《无线闭塞中心技术规范》(RBC)
  Technical Conditions of Centralized Traffic Control (CTC)       Technical Specifications of Radio Block Center (RBC)

  《铁路车站计算机联锁安全原则》(CBI)                           《CTCS-3级列控系统车载设备技术条件》(ATP)
  Safety Principles of Computer Based Interlocking (CBI) in       Technical Conditions of CTCS-3 Onboard Equipment (ATP)
  Railway Stations

  《临时限速服务器技术条件》(TSRS)                              《铁路信号安全数据网》
  Technical Conditions of Temporary Speed Restriction             Railway Signal Safety Data Network
  Server (TSRS)

                                                                  《铁路信号系统内部接口》                                                         10月24日,中国铁道学会通信信号分会、中国通号联合主办“轨道交通智能化发
  Technical Conditions of Train Control Center (TCC)              Internal Interfaces of Railway Signal System                                     展-通信信号创新发展”论坛
                                                                                                                                                   On October 24, 2020, the Communications Signal Branch of China Railway Society and CRSC co-

                                                                                                                                                   hosted “Intelligent Rail Transport Development-Communication Signal Innovation Development”

China Railway Signal - the most fundamental safety equipment

  《ZPW-2000轨道电路技术条件》                                    《铁路信号符号》
  Technical Conditions of ZPW-2000 Track Circuit                  Railway Signaling Symbols

  《列控系统应答器应用原则》                                      《铁路信号设计规范》
  Application Principles of Transponders for Train Control Systems Railway Signal Design Specifications

  《铁路道岔转撤机》系列规范                                      《铁路信号故障-安全原则》
  Series of Specifications of Railway Switch Machines             Railway Signal Fault-Safety Principles

  《铁路信号计轴设备》                                            《铁路通信、信号、信息工程施工安全技术规程》
  Railway Signal Axle Counter                                     Technical Specification for Construction Safety of Railway                       白皮书现场发布仪式
                                                                  Communication, Signal and Information Engineering                                Onsite Launch of White Papers
62   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          63

                                                                                                   Service Creates Value


                                                                                                   Railway communication signal system is a core technology of railways, an
                                                                                                   important guarantee for the safe and efficient operations of railways, and an
                                                                                                   intensive embodiment of high-end railway technologies. CRSC always adheres
                                                                                                   to its corporate spirits of “realism, innovation, endeavor and dedication”, and
                                                                                                   provides safe and appropriate rail transport control systems, technologies
                                                                                                   and services for domestic and overseas clients, thus creating continuous
                                                                                                   value. CRSC entrenches the concept of “Quality is Life, Safety is Paramount”,
                                                                                                   strengthens the red-line thinking of safety and quality bottom-line, focuses on
                                                                                                   the construction of safety and quality culture, and significantly enhances its
                                                                                                   safety and quality control level. CRSC’s systems, technologies and devices are
                                                                                                   widely applied in 146,000 km ordinary speed railways, 38,000 km high-speed
                                                                                                   railways and over 100 urban subways in China, providing safe, convenient and
                                                                                                   intelligent transportation for the public.

                                                                                                   可靠产品与服务                                                                      64
                                                                                                   Reliable Products and Services

                                                                                                   推进数字化转型                                                                      69
                                                                                                   Promoting Digital Transformation

                                                                                                   安全生产与应急管理                                                                  73
                                                                                                   Safe Production and Emergency Management
64    中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司           China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                         2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告           65

可靠产品与服务                            中国通号致力于以全方位的产品和全生命周期的服务,为安全运营提供保障。
                                                                                                                   CRSC is dedicated to providing guarantee for safe operations of railways with a complete set of products and full-lifecycle
                                                                                                                   services. It kept quality promises, strictly followed the Product Quality Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Product

                                                                                                                   Quality and Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China and other applicable laws and regulations, formulated a series of
Reliable                                                                                                           quality management systems like Quality Control Rules, Administrative Measures on Product Quality Inspection, Administrative
Products and
                                                                                                                   Measures on Product Quality Supervision and Inspection, Administrative Measures on Product Quality and Safety Accidents
                                          列质量管理制度,明确质量责任、加强质量安全控制,建立起“一级总部质量     (Faults) and Safety and Quality Interviewing Methods, clarified quality accountability, strengthened quality and safety control,
Services                                  安全监管中心——二级集团或专业化公司质量安全管理中心——三级业务实施     and established a three-level quality and safety control system, namely, “the first-level quality and safety supervision center at

                                                                                                                   the Headquarters, the second-level quality and safety management centers at secondary groups or specialized companies,
                                                                                                                   and the third-level quality and safety centers at various business units”, thus making overall planning of quality management
                                          装、集成调试、运营维护全产业链统筹质量管理。2020年,公司完成通用产品     of the entire industrial chain including product research, device manufacturing, engineering installation, integration and
                                          安全认证11项、通用应用安全认证42项、特殊应用安全认证114项。              commissioning, and operation and maintenance. In 2020, CRSC completed 11 safety certifications of general productions, 42
                                                                                                                   safety certifications of general applications and 114 safety certifications of special applications.
                                                                                                                   Over the same period, based on system integration, research, development and design, manufacturing, construction and other
                                          业业务体系,切实履行客户隐私保护责任,不断创新服务方式,为客户提供卓     business systems, CRSC earnestly performed its responsibility of protecting client privacy, and constantly innovated its service
                                          越服务。                                                                 modes to provide excellent services for clients.

                                 2020年,公司产品质量安全目标全面实现                                                                                           中国通号全方位质量管理体系
                       In 2020, CRSC’s product quality and safety goals were fully realized                                                          CRSC Comprehensive Quality Management System

                No general category-B and above railway traffic liability accident
                                                                                                                     产品研发 Product R&D                               设备制造 Equipment Manufacturing

                                                                                                                   明确关键质量控制点及控制要求,进行                 出台《产品质量检验工作管理办法》,设立产品质量检验部门,完成产品入场、
          02                                                                                                       可靠性、安全 性计算与分析,保证产品                生产、出厂全流程的严格检验,建立产品质量检验档案,禁止不合格产品流出
                    No general and above engineer quality liability accident                                       满足相应等级安全标准
                                                                                                                                                                      Administrative Measures on Product Quality Inspection, setting up product

                                                                                                                   Specifying key quality control points              quality inspection department, strictly inspecting the whole process of entry,
           03                                                                                                      and control requirements, conducting               production and delivery of products, establishing product quality inspection
                      No major quality issue                                                                                                                          records, prohibiting the outflow of unqualified products
                                                                                                                   reliability and safety calculation and
                                                                                                                   analysis, ensuring products meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                      工程安装 Engineering Installation
                                                                                                                   corresponding levels of safety
                        The acceptability of product quality supervision and inspection and engineering one-       standards
                        time delivery and acceptance of 100%                                                                                                                                        严格按照施工安装标准,加强施工安装过程安全
               05                                                                                                                                                                                   Strictly following construction installation
                        Third-party quality safety assessment implemented for all newly developed safety                                                                                            standards, strengthening safety analysis and
                        critical products and urban rail signal integration systems                                                                                                                 quality control during construction installation

           06                                                                                                      运营维护 Operation & Maintenance                                                   集成调试 Integration & Commissioning
                      Independent safety tests implemented for all safety critical products
                                                                                                                   细化产品使用说明书及培训教材,制定安全管                                         提供产品检验、测试工作,识别并有效应对集成调
                    全系统较大及以上质量事故数为0                                                                  控措施                                                                           试存在的管理与技术问题
                    No major and above quality accident
                                                                                                                   Detailing product instruction manuals                                            Providing product inspection and test, identifying
                                                                                                                   and training materials, formulating safety                                       and efficiently handling management issues and
                在轨系统设备安全可靠运行,质量安全持续平稳                                                         prevention and controlling measures                                              technical troubles existing in integration and
                Safe and reliable operation of on-track system equipment, continuous stability of quality safety                                                                                    commissioning
66   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                               2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report        2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告           67

安全质量体系                        截至2020年底,公司及旗下子企业均完成ISO9001(质量)管理体系认证;工程

Safety and                          推进IRIS国际铁路行业标准、CMMI、安全保障体系的充分融合,形成一体化

Quality                             质量安全管理体系。

System                              As of the end of 2020, CRSC and all its subsidiaries passed ISO 9001 (Quality)
                                    Management System certification. Engineering construction enterprises passed
                                    GB/T50430:2017 new version of the standard version upgrade certification. All
                                    CRSC enterprises further promoted the full integration of IRIS, CMMI and safety
                                    guarantee system, forming an integrated quality and safety management system.

产品可靠性管理                      公司细化可靠性、可用性、可维护性和安全性(RAMS)技术要求、失效模式与

Product                             强产品可靠性管理。全年完成通用安全产品认证、通用应用安全认证、特殊应

Reliability                         用安全认证在内的167项认证,安全认证项目认证通过率100%。

Management                          CRSC detailed quality tools applications like reliability, availability, maintainability
                                    and safety (RAMS), and technical requirements, failure mode and effect analysis

                                    (FMEA), fully carried out the RAMS analysis and design of safety products
                                    and strengthened product reliability management. In 2020, CRSC passed 167

                                                                                                                                Building of
                                    certifications including general safety product certification, general application safety
                                    certification and special application safety certification. The passing rate of safety                                   万多个专属测试案例和10万余个测试项点,建立起轨道交通建设运营的突出优

                                                                                                                                Test Case                    势。2020年,中国通号进一步总结、提炼既有测试过程、技术、方法,根据用户需
                                    certification items reached 100%.

                                                                                                                                Repository                   求和系统及设备技术标准,设计各种可能的站场类型和特殊工程数据,完善系统

产品检验检测                        中国通号严格产品检验、检测管理,制定了产品质量检验工作管理办法、产品

                                                                                                                                                             Relying on the construction experience of more than 30,000 kilometers of high-
                                    质量监督抽查管理办法等,旗下企业建立检验、检测程序、产品和服务质量问                                                     speed rail and over 2,000 kilometers of subway, CRSC accumulated the world’s
                                    题程序、全生命周期可追溯管理程序等。组织接受国家铁路局、国铁集团产                                                       largest train control development and simulation testing case repository and product

                                    品质量监督检查,加强企业级产品质量控制,严把质量关。                                                                     manufacturing test inspection item bases with the maximum quantity of cases,

                                                                                                                                                             owned more than 40, 000 exclusive test cases and over 100, 000 testing items and
                                    CRSC strictly managed product inspection and testing management, and                                                     built outstanding advantages of rail transit construction and operation. In 2020,

Testing and                         formulated Administrative Measures on Product Quality Inspection, Administrative                                         CRSC further summarized and simplified existing test procedures, technologies and

                                    Measures on Product Quality Supervision and Inspection. Its subsidiary                                                   methods, designed various possible types of station yards and special engineering

                                    enterprises set up the inspection and testing procedure, the product and service                                         data and completed test case repository based on user demand and system and
                                    quality issue procedure, the full-lifecycle traceable management procedure, etc.                                         equipment technical standards, like system function base, safety function base,
                                    CRSC organized and accepted product quality supervision inspection conducted                                             operation scenario base and fault base to lay a solid foundation for quality control
                                    by National Railway Administration of the People’s Republic of China and                                                in critical sections like product R&D, design changes, system integration and fault
                                    China Railway, strengthened enterprise-level product quality control and strictly                                        analysis and provide basic data for system and product reliability improvement and
                                    controlled quality.                                                                                                      safety risk reduction.
 68      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司         China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                      2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        69

卡斯柯公司助力上海地铁 2 号线升级为“双卡双待”                                                                                案例
                                                                                                                                      推进数字化转型          中国通号深刻认识信息化、数字化技术对企业转型、高质量发展的重要性,强
CASCO boosted Shanghai metro line 2 upgrading to Dual SIM Dual Standby (DSDS)
                                                                                                                                      Promoting               产运营智能化、用户服务敏捷化,切实提高安全质量管理水平和效能。
设备的日趋老化,系统的稳定性和安全性逐                                                                                                Transformation          国有企业数字化转型工作打好基础;与数字化转型工作专家进行咨询交流,
2014年,申通地铁开始研究2号线的信号改造                                                                                                                       作”,帮助企业发现数字化建设过程中存在的问题,摸清发展现状同时为企
方案。根据既有经验,对既有线路信号升级,                                                                                                                      业提供短板和问题点诊断,为全面数字化转型过程提供决策依据。
                                                                                                                                                              CRSC had a deep understanding of the importance of information, digitized
针对69列既有信号制式列车的改造正式启动。改造完成后,将有共计100列具有“双卡双待”功能的2号线列车整装                                                          information technology for enterprise transformation and high-quality
待发,运营间隔将被缩减至2分钟,为高峰期间地铁运营能力提供更为可靠的保障。                                                                                     development, strengthened data-driven, integration innovation and actively
                                                                                                                                                              promoted the application of the new generation of information technology including
该创新方案有效解决了分段改造的难题,改造工期缩短一年以上,对2号线既有运营的影响也被降到最低。同时,                                                           AI and Beidou communication. All levels of enterprises actively explored new
改造后的系统将更具智能性和安全性,系统冗余性、稳定性、可维护性均得到增强,还可实现远程技术诊断,维护                                                          technology promotion adapting to business characteristics and development

效率大大提升。                                                                                                                                                demands, promoted the intelligent production and operation and user services
                                                                                                                                                              agility and effectively improved the level and efficiency of safety and quality

As one of the most important backbone metro lines in Shanghai rail network, Shanghai metro line 2 has served for 20 years                                     CRSC fully deployed digital transformation, conducted in-depth study of relevant
since its launching. It’s difficult for the aging equipment and devices and the stability and safety of systems to meet the                                  policies, standards and requirements to lay a solid foundation for fully promoting
increasing demand of passenger transport.                                                                                                                     the digital transformation of state-owned enterprises. CRSC also consulted and
                                                                                                                                                              communicated with digital transformation experts, organized the investigation of
In 2014, Shanghai Metro started to study signal upgrade scheme for metro line 2. According to existing experience, for
                                                                                                                                                              digital transformation procedures and means, conducted digital transformation
existing metro line signal upgrading, either the original signal system or a brand-new signal system should be used to
                                                                                                                                                              diagnosis of state-owned enterprises, helped enterprises find problems existing
replace existing metro line signal system. However, the continued use of the original signal system was not in line with the
                                                                                                                                                              in digitalization construction, figured out development situation and meanwhile
trend of technical development. For the replacement with a brand-new signal system, signal cuting and replacement must
                                                                                                                                                              provided weakness and problem diagnosis for enterprises to offer decision basis
be completed once, and the sectional replacement was impossible to be conducted. For Shanghai metro line 2 with long
                                                                                                                                                              for comprehensive digital transformation.
length, lots of trains and high operation pressure, it was an impossible mission. Finally, CASCO exclusively developed the
third scheme, i.e., “dual signal system”, realizing DSDS for Shanghai metro line 2.                                                                         CRSC actively promoted information construction, organized its subordinate
                                                                                                                                                              enterprises sorting safety quality information procedures and requirements,
After five years’ continuous technological breakthrough and upgrading, a critical scheme breakthrough was realized in
                                                                                                                                                              built a four-module safety quality information management system covering all
October 2020: the installation and commissioning of 31 newly purchased trains were completed, and the upgrading of
                                                                                                                                                              level-2 and 3 enterprises, including safety, quality, specialized management and
69 trains with original signal system was officially launched. After upgrading, a total of 100 metro line 2 trains with DSDS
                                                                                                                                                              supervision, conducted information management covering safety risk and potential
function would be fully equipped for operation with the operating interval shortening to two minutes, which provided reliable
                                                                                                                                                              risk identification, production safety accidents and product quality issues, accident
guarantee for subway operation capability in rush hours.
                                                                                                                                                              and fault information and supplier quality issues, set up online supervision of
The innovation scheme effectively solved the problem of sectional upgrading, which shortened the construction period
                                                                                                                                                              specialized tasks and record management of projects under construction and
for more than a year and minimized the impact on current operation of metro line 2. Meanwhile, the upgraded system was
                                                                                                                                                              preliminarily built the safety quality information management platform which was
intelligent and safe. System redundancy, stability and maintainability were enhanced. Remote technical diagnosis was also
                                                                                                                                                              put into trial operation in November 2020.
realized, and maintenance efficient was greatly improved.
70      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司          China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                     2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report       2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          71


        CRSC Digital
   Transformation Cases
                                                                                                                                                                         CRSC provided trainings for technicians of through advanced railway VR training system

通号建设集团                                                       北京工业集团北信公司                                         西安工业集团西信公司                                                      通号工程局集团
CRSC Construction Group                                            CRSC(Beijing) Rail Industry Group                            CRSC (Xi'an) Rail Transit Industry Group                                  CRSC Engineering Group

推进BIM技术(建筑信息模型建造技术)在工程项目安                    加快提升产品生产智能化水平,借助MES系统(制造企              以提升产品质量、满足用户需求及提高生产效率为目标,建立                    开发基 于北 斗 技术的 铁 路营业线 施 工安 全 防 护
全质量管控中的应用。充分利用BIM和VR技术,创建危                    业生产过程执行管理系统)整体上线运行,实现PLM(产            信号基础装备智能化柔性生产线,通过整合立体仓库、AGV系                     预警系统,可对施工人员位置和活动轨迹进行监
大工程模型,三维场地模型、自动生成图片和动画视频                   品生命周期管理)、ERP(管理信息系统)、MES三个平             统、智能搬运机械手、自动化专机和智能物流输送系统,将数                    控,对人员侵限及列车接近进行预警,已在京津城
等,创新管理模式和手段,为重大项目提供完整的、与实                 台的互联互通,达到平台整合、业务整合、数据整合,实           控加工、组装设备、计算机控制系统形成柔性制造单元,实现                    际、京张高铁、连徐客专项目投入应用。
际情况一致的建筑工程信息库,提高安全技术交底效果                   现全部电子元器件物料批次追溯信息化,关键工艺及过             可根据制造任务或生产环境的变化迅速进行调整,适用于多品
和工程质量,降低安全风险。                                         程质量参数电子化,生产过程防呆防错智能化。                   种、中小批量产品生产。

Promoted the application of BIM technology (Building               Accelerated the promotion of product production              With the goal of improving product quality, meeting user needs            Developed the railway line construction safety
Information Modeling Technology) in engineering project            intelligence level, realized interconnectivity of PLM, ERP   and increasing production efficiency, constructed the intelligent         protection and early warning system based on Beidou
safety quality prevention and control. Fully utilized BIM          and MES relying on the overall online operation of MES,      flexible production line for signal infrastructure, formed numeric        technology, monitored the position and movement
and VR technologies, created dangerous engineering                 achieved platform integration, business integration and      control machining, mounting equipment and computer control                track of construction personnel, gave early warning
modules, 3D site module, automatic generation of images            data integration and realized traceability informatization   system into a flexible manufacturing cells by integrating                 to personnel intrusion and train approaching. The
and animated videos, innovated management models and               of all electronic components and materials batches,          stereoscopic warehouse, AGV system, intelligent handling                  system has been used in Beijing-Tianjin inter-city
means, provided a complete construction engineering                electronization of key technology and process parameters     manipulator, automatic aircraft and intelligent logistics delivery        high-speed railway, Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed
information database consistent with the actual situation for      and intelligence of error proof and mistake proof.           system, realized rapid adjustment based on the changes of                 Railway and Xuzhou-Lianyungang High-speed
major projects, improved safety technical disclosure effect                                                                     manufacturing tasks production environment, suitable for the              Railway.
and engineering quality and reduced safety risks.                                                                               production of multi-type, small and medium batch products.
72   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司      China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                     2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report              2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告              73

                 中国通号轨道交通 BIM 创新应用                                                                      案例
                 BIM innovative application of CRSC

                                                                                                                           Safe Production and Emergency Management
                 的创新应用,为企业高质量发展提供技术支撑。                                                                中国通号持续推进全员安全生产责任体系建设,修订完善《安全生产责任制》,明确责任清单,安全管理与业务工作
                                                                                                                           CRSC continued to advance the construction of safe production accountability system, revised Safe Production Accountability
                 轨道交通通信信号工程BIM模型库包括通信模型、信号模型以及典型车站配置模板,涵盖设                           System, specified the list of responsibilities, integrated safety management and business work, and implemented safety and

                 备、板卡、模块、支架、电缆等,模型精度全部达到运维等级,满足设计、施工、运维阶段应用                      quality accountability. In 2020, CRSC cumulatively inputted 410 million RMB of funds for safe production. No minor or major

                                                                                                                           production safety accidents and no special equipment accident or fire occurred in CRSC; there was also no occupational
                                                                                                                           disease or occupational poisoning. From 2018 to 2020, no employee died of occupational injury or caught occupational disease
                 的建模难度,推动BIM技术在通信信号专业的普及应用,提高建模效率,为施工方案优化、精细                       or occupational poisoning.

                 CRSC continually deepened the application of BIM technology, exploited the potential of BIM
                                                                                                                           强化安全生产                      中国通号制定安全生产监督管理办法、安全生产检查制度等,明确安全生产工作体系、

                 technology, led the innovative application of BIM technology in the railway communication and signal                                        责任体系,考核机制等,确保安全生产。中国通号及系统子企业根据市场要求,全部通
                 field and provided technical support for high-quality development of enterprises.

                 In July 2020, with the launching of BIMMAKE1.0, China’s first homemade BIM basic modeling

                                                                                                                           Safe Production
                 software, the “rail transit communication signal engineering BIM model base” equipped with the first
                 home-made software “Dongfeng” officially online and solely developed by CRSC Engineering Group                                            定各级岗位人员安全职责、责任范围,实现安全责任全面覆盖;与18家二级企业签订安
                 Company Ltd. was officially launched.
                 The rail transit communication signal engineering BIM model base included communication model,                                              CRSC formulated administrative measures on supervision of safe production, safe production
                 signal model and typical station configuration template and covered equipment, board cards,                                                 checking system and other regulations to specify safe production working, accountability and
                 models, brackets, cables and so on. The accuracy of all models reached the level of operation and                                           appraisal systems and make sure production safety. In accordance with market requirements,
                 maintenance and met application requirements in design, construction, operation and maintenance                                             CRSC and its subsidiaries fully passed the certification of ISO45001:2018 (Occupational
                 periods. The model base has obtained the copyright registration certificate issued by National                                              Health and Safety System). In 2020, CRSC urged the Safety Directors of 13 subsidiaries
                 Copyright Administration. The establishment of the model base greatly lowered the level of difficulty                                       to recruit sufficient qualified staff. 62 incorporated enterprises revised and perfected Safe
                 of communication signal modeling, popularized the use of BIM technology in communication signal                                             Production Accountability System, specified the safety responsibilities and responsibility
                 area, improved modeling efficiency and provided new methods for the optimization of construction                                            scope of staff, and achieved full coverage of safety responsibilities; CRSC also signed safety
                 plans and fine construction.                                                                                                                and quality responsibility agreements with 18 subsidiaries to shift forward the gateway of
                                                                                                                                                             safety and quality risk prevention and control and achieve source controls.

                                                                                                                           推进安全生产                      2020年,中国通号按照国家、行业和属地规定,结合业务特点,公司旗下各企业加强风


                                                                                                                           Advancing Dual


                                                                                                                           Mechanism on
                                                                                                                                                             In 2020, by following national, industrial and local regulations, taking into account business

                                                                                                                           Safe Production
                                                                                                                                                             characteristics, CRSC required all of its subsidiaries to enhance recognition and assessment of
                                                                                                                                                             risks, establish a database on hazard sources and safe production risks, set up hierarchical control
                                                                                                                                                             mechanisms of safe production risks, implement safe production risk management and control
                                                                                                                                                             measures, sort out potential accident identification standards, exert efforts for safety inspection
                                                                                                                                                             and hazard identification, build dual prevention mechanisms for safe production, and effectively
                                                                                                                                                             enhanced safety management level. In 2020, CRSC organized 2,230 safe production inspections
                                                                                                                                                             and hazard identifications, and potential safety issues and hazards identified have all been rectified.
74   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                     2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         75

                                                                                                                        应急管理             中国通号制定《安全生产应急管理办法》,明确应急管理工作原则、责任要求及应

                                                                                                                        Emergency            预防为主、预防与应用相结合的原则,公司加强事故灾难前期预防措施,制定应急

                                                                                                                        Management           预案、加大预案演练和评估,加强一线从业人员应急知识和技能培训,规范应急

                                                                                                                                             CRSC formulated Safe Production Emergency Management Methods to specify
                                                                                                                                             emergency management work principles, responsibility requirements and response
                                                                                                                                             mechanisms, to standardize emergency management of accidents and disasters, and to

开展安全生产专项                    发布中国通号《安全生产专项整治三年行动方案》,各企业按照2个专题和3
                                                                                                                                             set up scientific and efficient emergency management mechanisms. In 2020, according

                                                                                                                                             to the principle of prevention upfront and combination of prevention and application,
                                    个专项整治实施方案,结合自身业务制定本企业的具体实施计划,共确定整                                       CRSC enhanced preliminary prevention measures for accidents and disasters, developed
                                    改事项1,070项,2020年已完成245项,其他事项正在逐步扎实推进。                                             emergency plans, increased emergency plan exercises and evaluations, promoted

Launching Three-
                                                                                                                                             emergency knowledge and skill trainings on frontline practitioners, standardized

year Dedicated
                                    CRSC released the Three-year Dedicated Rectification Actions for Safe                                    emergency management and guaranteed safe operations. As of the end of 2020, CRSC
                                    Production, and developed 2 special topics and 3 dedicated rectification                                 set up a total of 1,775 comprehensive emergency plans, dedicated contingency plans,

                                    implementation schemes for each subsidiary based on their own business. A total                          onsite disposal schemes, emergency disposal cards and other emergency plans; it also

Actions for Safe
                                    of 1,070 rectification matters have been confirmed. 245 of them were completed in                        organized 347 emergency capability trainings for frontline practitioners.
                                    2020, and the remaining matters are being implemented step by step.

                                                                                                                        应急预案演练         应急演练是检验应急预案、锻炼应急队伍、磨合应急机制的有效措施。2020年,

安全生产培训                        中国通号成立以董事长为主任的安全生产管理委员会,制定安全生产决策,
                                                                                                                        Exercise and
                                    安全生产检查制度》等管理办法,对安全生产工作及考核机制做出规定。同                  Assessment           Emergency exercises are effective measures to test emergency plans, hone emergency

Safe Production
                                    时,加强员工安全培训及教育,为员工提供安全健康工作环境,提高全员安全                of Emergency         teams and coordinate emergency mechanism. In 2020, CRSC organized its subsidiaries

Trainings and
                                                                                                                                             to engage in 475 scenario-based emergency exercises against fire, electric shock,
                                                                                                                                             mechanical injury and falling from high etc., and assessed the emergency plans through

Education                           各企业共进行安全生产内部培训2,727期,58,854人次参加,人均安全生产培
                                                                                                                                             exercise effects. In case that any problem was identified, CRSC would revise onsite disposal

                                                                                                                                             schemes to improve the scientificalness, practicability and operability of emergency plans.


                                    CRSC established a safe production management committee with the Chairman of
                                    the Board as the Director, formulated safe production decisions, set up top-down
                                    safe production supervision mechanism, and enhance its essential safety. It also
                                    developed administrative measures like CRSC Safe Production Checking System,
                                    and specified regulations on safe production work and its appraisal mechanism.
                                    Meanwhile, CRSC also strengthened safe trainings and education on employees,
                                    created a safe and healthy working environment and improved safety awareness
                                    and safety quality of all employees.
                                    All subsidiaries under CRSC conducted 2,727 internal safe production trainings,
                                    involving 58,854 participants, and each employee averagely received 10 hours

                                    of safe production training; 1,098 second-time trainees attended the trainings
                                    on external special equipment and special operation posts, with a second-time
                                                                                                                                             CRSC conducted emergency exercises at the site of Hungary-Serbia Railway Project in
                                    training rate of 100%. Moreover, CRSC also organized two trainings by external
                                                                                                                                             accordance with Serbia’s standards
                                    experts, which attracted 1,255 participants.
76   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          77

                                                                                                    Green Creates Bright Future


                                                                                                    Green mountains and clear water are as valuable as mountains of gold
                                                                                                    and silver. CRSC insisted on getting the maximum product outputs with the
                                                                                                    minimum resources and energy consumption, and reducing the influence of
                                                                                                    its own production and operations on the environment; By means of technical
                                                                                                    innovations, communication technology solutions and other methods, CRSC
                                                                                                    facilitated the construction of ecological civilization and the realization of low-
                                                                                                    carbon economy with green solutions.

                                                                                                    节约能源资源                                                                     78
                                                                                                    Saving Energy Resources

                                                                                                    温室气体减排                                                                     80
                                                                                                     Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases

                                                                                                    减少“三废”排放                                                                 83
                                                                                                    Reducing Emissions of “Three Wastes”

                                                                                                    提供绿色解决方案                                                                 86
                                                                                                    Providing Green Solutions
78        中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司                                                              China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                                                        2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告      79

节约能源资源                                                                                        中国通号严格遵循《中华人民共和国环境保护法》《中华人民共和国清洁生
                                                                                                    产促进法》及所在运营地的环保法律、法规及标准,公司各企业全部完成环                                                                                      中国通号2018-2020年度能源资源消耗情况
                                                                                                    境管理体系ISO14001的认证。公司制定《中国通号能源节约与生态环境保护                                                                                              CRSC Energy Consumption in 2018-2020
Saving Energy                                                                                       管理办法》,细化分工要求,明确统计检测要求,坚持源头把关和过程控制并
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              电力           液化气              汽油        柴油             热力            天然气
Resources                                                                                           重的原则,倡导节能减排技术应用、开发高效能节能环保产品,将节能环保意
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  能源类型                  Electricity   Liquefied gas         Gasoline    Diesel        Heating power      Natural gas
                                                                                                    识融入设计研发、生产制造与工程建设全流程。公司每年对各企业节能减排                                                  Energy type                          兆瓦时          立方米               吨          吨            百万千焦           立方米
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MWH              m3                 tons       tons           million KJ             m3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2018       19,236.9        83,174.0            3,147.5     2,476.7         14,989.9         130,365.0
                                                                                                    CRSC strictly followed the Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic
                                                                                                    of China, the Clean Production Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China                                                              2019       19,078.4        89,775.6            2,819.0     2,738.3         16,898.0         153,522.9
                                                                                                    and local environmental laws, regulations and standards, and all of its subsidiaries      Construction
                                                                                                    have fully completed the certification of ISO14001. CRSC formulated CRSC                                                                     2020       19,536.5        79,506.1            3,076.4     1,003.4         20,259.2         187,293.7
                                                                                                    Administrative Methods on Energy Conservation and Ecological Environmental
                                                                                                    Protection, specified the requirements for division of labor and statistical and                                                             2018       32,707.3          0.0                158.3       47.2           70,157.0        1,183,900.0
                                                                                                    testing requirements, attached the same importance to source control and process           生产制造
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2019       41,350.0          0.0                118.1       38.1           63,593.0        1,504,000.0
                                                                                                    control, advocated the application of energy-saving and emission-reduction               Manufacturing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2020       35,452.0          0.0                99.48       33.8           43,777.0        1,089,356.0
                                                                                                    technologies and the development of efficient and energy-saving products, and
                                                                                                    integrated energy conservation and environmental protection awareness into full
                                                                                                    processes of design, research, development, manufacturing and construction.                                                                  2018       36,663.0        33,366.9            1,097.4      12.5           2,134.9         1,873,107.3
                                                                                                    CRSC collected, analyzed and assessed the energy conservation and emission
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2019       31,788.4        59,516.5            1,060.0      10.2           4,711.6         1,336,783.3
                                                                                                    reduction data of all subsidiaries on a yearly basis, and urged relevant subsidiaries
                                                                                                    to constantly improve management and enhance efficiency.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2020       25,730.6        7,648.1              672.2        0.0           58,447.4         953,537.3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2018       88,607.0       116,541.0            4,403.3    2,536.4          87,281.7        3,187,372.3
          CRSC Packing Material Consumption for Finished Products in 2018-2020

                                                                                                                  生产制造包装用料                           建筑工程包装用料
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2019       92,216.8       149,292.1            3,997.1     2,786.6         85,202.6        2,994,306.2
                                                                                                               Manufacturing packing                           Construction
     中                                                                                                              material                                 packing material
     国                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2020       80,719.1        87,154.2            3,847.2     1,037.2        122,483.6        2,230,187.0
     号                                                                           包装材料类型
                                                                                 Packing material      纸箱             木材               塑料             塑料              金属              中
                                                                                       type          Carton            Timber           Plastics          Plastics           Metal              国

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 用水量               用水强度             综合能源消耗量            综合能源消耗强度
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Water                   Water              Comprehensive            Comprehensive

                                                                                                                                                                                                     CRSC Energy Consumption in 2018-2020
                                                                                                        吨                吨                吨                吨               吨
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             consumption            consumption                energy             energy consumption
                                                                                                       tons             tons              tons              tons              tons                                                           能源类型                                 intensity             consumption                intensity

     度                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Energy type
     制                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              吨                吨/万元                 吨标煤                    吨标煤/万元
     成                                                                               2018            238.6            3,055.2            41.4               68.0            114.0
     品                                                                                                                                                                                         年                                                                tons          tons/10,000 RMB                     tce               tce/10,000 RMB
     包                                                                                                                                                                                         度
     装                                                                                                                                                                                         能
     消                                                                                                                                                                                         源                                             2018           1,691,950.8                 0.4                 28,896.3                      0.01

                                                                                      2019            321.5            3,849.1            37.3               8.2             109.8              资
     量                                                                                                                                                                                         源
                                                                                                                                                                                                消                                             2019           1,449,785.8                 0.3                 28,848.3                      0.01
                                                                                      2020            293.3            3,339.7            34.0              38.9             119.9              情
                                                                                                                                                                                                况                                             2020           796,981.91                  0.2                 20828.63                      0.01
80     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司          China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                           2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         81

  中国通号集团下属                               研究设计院集团加强用电管理,对公司供电照明系统全年定期巡查,                          西安工业集团启动雨污分离系统改造项目,对排水                         电缆集团对2台每月消耗电能10万千瓦时的螺杆式
  企业节能减排降碳                               采用节能产品,及时更换照明设备。倡导节能减排,鼓励员工利用自然光                       管网进行改造,实现雨水、污水分流排放。在雨污分                       空压机进行变频节能改造,使空压机能达到自动化
  措施(部分)                                   源,减少灯光照明时间及区域;午休和办公区域无人时关闭灯光;公共区                      离项目的同时,完成地下综合管网改造,有效解决地                       控制的同时,可以根据生产需求选择运行不同容量
                                                 域仅使用必要的基础照明;合理设定办公区域空调温度等措施。                              沟内老旧能源管道锈蚀渗漏问题,减少能源浪费。                         空压机,实现节电、节能。
  CRSC Energy-saving,
  Emissions-reduction and                        CRSC Research & Design Institute Group strengthened power usage                       CRSC (Xi’an) Rail Transit Industry Group Co., Ltd.                  CRSC Cable Group conducted frequency conversion
                                                 management, conducted regular patrolling of its power supply and lighting             initiated the Transformation Project of Rain and Sewage              restructuring on 2 screw compressors with a monthly
  Carbon-reduction Measures
                                                 systems, made use of energy-saving products and replaced lighting                     Diversion System to transform the drainage pipe                      power consumption of 100,000 KWH for energy
  (to name just a few)
                                                 equipment in a timely manner. It also advocated energy conservation and               network and achieve the diversion and discharge of                   conservation so that different capacity of compressors
                                                 emissions reduction, encouraged employees to take advantage of natural                rain and sewage. At the same time, it completed the                  would be operated based on production needs to
                                                 light, and reduced the lighting time and area. Lights are turned off during           transformation of underground comprehensive pipe                     achieve electricity and energy conservation while
                                                 noon break and when there is nobody in the office area; only necessary                networks to effectively solve the pipe corrosion and                 achieving automation control.
                                                 fundamental lighting is utilized in public areas; the air-conditioner in the office   leakage of old energy pipes in trenches and reduce
                                                 area is also set up at an appropriate temperature.                                    energy waste.

温室气体减排                                应对气候变化是人类共同的事业。中国政府已承诺,二氧化碳排放力争于
                                                                                                                                              生产制造方面        Manufacturing

Reducing                                    设施损坏、施工项目延期、影响铁路信号的稳定性等问题,从而导致中国通
                                                                                                                                          Make use of highly environmental-friendly facilities and systems;

Emissions of                                号业务经济损失;气温上升还会导致电力消耗的增加等。中国通号认为,有需
Greenhouse                                  要在业务中,减少碳足迹及提升能源效益,以助力减缓气候变化。中国通号
                                                                                                                                          Strengthen the control over production process and reduce energy consumption while guaranteeing product quality and
Gases                                                                                                                                     enhancing product performance;

                                            Fighting climate changes is a common cause for human beings. Chinese
                                            Government has promised to achieve peak emission of carbon dioxide before 2030
                                            and carbon neutrality before 2060. Climate changes raise higher requirements                      工程建设方面        Construction

                                            for our business operations and pose more severe threats. Extreme climates may
                                            lead to the damage of railway infrastructure, the postponement of construction
                                                                                                                                          Strengthen the management and control of suppliers, and adopt lower-carbon and more environmentally-friendly materials;
                                            projects, the weakening of the stability of railway signals and other problems, thus
                                            causing economic losses to CRSC business; temperature rise will also bring about
                                            increased power consumption and other issues. CRSC believes that it is necessary
                                            to reduce carbon footprints and enhance energy efficiency during business                         办公及物业方面         Administration

                                            operations to slow down the speed of climate changes. In combination with energy
                                            conservation work arrangements, CRSC strives to enhance energy efficiency and
                                            reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.                                                     Promote the use of LED lights;

                                                                                                                                          Adopt sound and light control systems in public corridors;
We took the following countermeasures:

      研发设计      Research, development and design                                                                                      采用更集约的空调系统、控制空调运作时间;

                                                                                                                                          Adopt more intensive air-conditioning systems and control the operation time of air-conditioners;

   Increase the collection of the data under different climate conditions to enrich data repository;
   研发绿色出行解决方案,通过技术优化,助力低碳排放;                                                                                     Promote green office, and turn off unnecessary lighting, ventilation system, displays, lighting lamps, boilers and other
   Develop green travel solutions, and facilitate low-carbon emissions through optimized technologies;                                    systems in a timely manner, etc.
 82      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司          China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        83

中国通号2018-2020年度温室气体排放情况                                                                                                      减少“三废”排放                  中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》《中华人民共和国水
CRSC Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2018-2020
                                                                                2018                 2019                  2020            Emissions of
                                                                                                                                                                             CRSC has strictly complied with relevant laws and regulations such as the Law

                                                                                                                                           “Three Wastes”
                                                                                                                                                                             of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric

                                                                                                                                                                             Pollution, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Water Pollution Prevention
                                                                             104,744.4            113,283.7              91,481.5                                            and Control and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention
Total greenhouse gas emissions (tons)                                                                                                                                        and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste to control the emissions of
                                                                                                                                                                             "Three Wastes".
                                                                                 0.03                 0.03                  0.03
Greenhouse gas discharge intensity (tons/10,000 RMB)

                                                                              29,067.2             28,433.6              20,336.6                  废气治理:按照《挥发性有机物无组织排放控制标准》的要求,持续对生产过程中挥发有机物进行
Category One: Greenhouse gas emissions(tons)
范畴二:温室气体排放量(吨)                                                                                                                       废气收集设施等,确保治理之后挥发性有机物按照有组织排放要求达标排放。
                                                                              75,677.2             84,850.1              71,144.9
Category Two: Greenhouse gas emissions (tons)
                                                                                                                                                   Exhaust gas treatment: In accordance with the requirements of Control Standards for Fugitive Emissions
                                                                                                                                                   of Volatile Organic Compounds, CRSC continued with the governance of volatile organic compounds
                                                                                                                                                   (VOCs) during the production process, strengthened the monitoring and management of operations
放因子》,2020年参考《2019年度减排项目中国区域电网基准线排放因子》等文件排放因数,进行统计核算。                                                   of VOCs disposal facilities, and ensured that VOCs are emitted pursuant to organized emission
For CRSC’s greenhouse gas emissions, please refer to 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and Baseline Emission           requirements after the governance by installing VOCs recycling and disposal devices, cable-coded
Factors of China Regional Power Grid in 2017(which was used for the year of 2018 & 2019 )/2019(which was used for 2020) Emission               exhaust gas collection devices and other facilities through electronic assembly.
Reduction Projects for statistical calculations.

电缆集团强化用电管理                                                                                                            案例               废水治理:生产及生活废水排放方式以循环利用为主,经设备处理达标后统一排放,并按照要求
CRSC Cable Group strengthened power usage management                                                                                               进行水质污染物自行监测与第三方抽检。

电缆集团持续加强“动态无功补偿及谐波治理”设备更新改造,确保公司供配电系统安全可靠运行,及时跟踪动态                                               Wastewater treatment: For recycling purpose, industrial and domestic wastewater is uniformly discharged

                                                                                                                                                   after being processed into standard wastewater by dedicated devices, and self-inspection and third-party
                                                                                                                                                   spot inspection will be conducted on water quality pollutants in accordance with relevant requirements.
CRSC Cable Group continued to strengthen the updating and transformation of “Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation
and Harmonic Suppression Equipment”, so as to guarantee safe and reliable operations of power supply and distribution
systems, track dynamic reactive power compensation and harmonic suppression devices in a timely manner, improved                                   等)。开展生活垃圾分类工作、既有生活垃圾清运工作,购置垃圾分类垃圾桶,针对垃圾桶摆放、垃
power factor and power usage quality, and effectively suppressed harmonics. In 2020, CRSC’s power factor always                                   圾投放、垃圾清运等问题组织全员进行宣传教育。
maintained within 0.96-0.99. It also implemented segmented power pricing assessment for various manufacturing
departments to reduce the peak power usage, reduce power consumption expenses and enhance their initiative in energy                               Solid waste: Regular collection and standard treatment of general waste such as office waste,

conservation; meanwhile, in accordance with the requirements of the Letter on Soliciting Opinions on Henan Provincial                              construction waste, packaging materials; storage by area, and hazardous waste (including hazardous

Special Pilot Programs for Electric Power System Reforms and the Notice on Further Reducing Enterprises’ Power Usage                              chemicals produced by manufacturing, electroplating sludge, Organic solvents, emulsions, etc.)

Costs released by Henan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, CRSC signed contracts with relevant power                                    treated by the qualified third party. Household garbage is sorted, cleared and transported to dedicated

energy companies and transformed the capacity-based power costs into the demand-based power costs, which achieved                                  sites. Sortable garbage bins are purchased, and publicity and education are provided on garbage bin

remarkable power-saving effect in just half a year, 365,000 RMB power costs were saved.                                                            placement, garbage throwing, garbage clearing and transporting and other relevant issues.
84     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司    China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                              2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         85

CRSC Emissions of General Wastes in 2018-2020

                                                    生产制造                                        工程建设                                                                   办公场所
                                                 Manufacturing                                    Construction                                                             Administration

                         木材          塑料             金属          纸箱              其他     建筑垃圾处理量              废纸                    废旧灯管                  电子垃圾                  硒鼓等打印耗材                   灯泡
                         Timber       Plastics          Metal        Carton             Others    Construction             Waste paper              Waste lamps               Electronics                 Toner cartridge                 Bulbs
一般废弃物类型                                                                                    waste disposal                                                                 waste                   and other printing

                                                                                                     amount                                                                                                consumables

 waste type

                          吨            吨               吨            吨                吨              吨                  千克                       根                        台                             个                        个
                         tons          tons             tons          tons              tons            tons                  kg                       piece                     piece                         piece                     piece

     2018                215.3        246.5          1,506.2          95.5              93.9        48,929.0               17,810.9                   2,454                       628                          5,926                       60

     2019                118.8        344.1          1,425.1          72.5              138.5       51,528.9               24,054.7                   3,166                      1,146                         7,325                     1,046

     2020                107.2        330.7          1,355.9          99.0              133.5       6,040.6               49,292.5                    6,660                       617                          5,113                      889

中国通号2018-2020年度排放物情况                                                                                    西安工业集团沈信公司电镀工序退出                                                                                             案例
CRSC Emissions in 2018-2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Case
                                                                                                                   Shenyang Railway Signal Co., Ltd. under CRSC (Xi’an) Rail Transit Industry Group Co., Ltd. exited
                                                                                                                   out of plating section
                                                 2018                        2019                2020
        Emission type                                                                                              2020年,为从根本上消除电镀工序重金属污染物排放,从公司战略发展和环保要求,西工集团沈信公司决定将涂装
                                                  0.2                        0.02                0.016             公司将涉及重金属的电镀生产线全部关停,取消剧毒化学品、易制爆化学品使用。同时向沈阳市生态环境局铁西分
     Sulfur dioxide (tons)

        氮氧化物(吨)                                                                                             有相应经营资质的单位对电镀污泥、电镀废液等进行转移处置。
                                                  0.5                         1.0                0.749
     Nitrogen oxides (tons)                                                                                        In 2020, in order to fundamentally eradicate the emissions of heavy metal pollutants of plating process, in line with CRSC’s
                                                                                                                   strategic development and environmental protection requirements, Shenyang Railway Signal Co., Ltd. under CRSC (Xi’an)
                                                  2.2                         3.4                 1.1
                                                                                                                   Rail Transit Industry Group Co., Ltd. decided to gradually outsource the plating process of its Coating Center. By studying
Chemical oxygen demand (tons)                                                                                      new coating material and process, driven by the goal of pursuing product quality and environmental protection, Shenyang
                                                                                                                   Railway Signal Co., Ltd. shut off plating production lines involving heavy metals, and cancelled the use of highly toxic and

            氨氮(吨)                                                                                             easily explosive chemicals. Meanwhile, “Plating Process Production Stoppage Report” was submitted to Tiexi Branch of
                                                  0.6                         0.6                 0.26
 Ammoniacal nitrogen (tons)
                                                                                                                   Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, which was reviewed and confirmed immediately; the remaining
                                                                                                                   hazardous wastes are disposed in a safe way in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and the units with relevant

                                                                                                                   qualifications were entrusted to transfer and dispose of electroplating sludge, electroplating effluent and other matters.
                                                 167.7                      168.5                154.6
   Hazardous wastes (tons)
86   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                              2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         87

提供绿色解决方案                    中国通号紧密结合当今世界铁路科技发展的趋势,通过新一代信息技术与先
                                                                                                                                Casco improved ATO on-board system algorithm for energy conservation

Providing                           加高效,更加绿色环保,更加便捷舒适。                                                        卡斯柯针对准点运行与节能运行这两个目标,改进ATO节能时间调整策略,设计速度偏离算法用于离线生成不同运
Green                                                                                                                           营等级的速度曲线。搭建TRANAVI系统仿真环境,在离线ATO仿真过程中,考虑真实线路场景约束以及列车牵引制
Solutions                           Strictly following the development trends of current railway technologies, by virtue
                                    of the integration of a new generation of information technologies and advanced             动延时响应模型,以保证离线规划的速度曲线能够贴合实际。在地铁运营非高峰时段,增加列车惰行比例,通过增
                                    railway technologies, CRSC successfully achieved enhanced intelligentization level          加用户可以接受的站间旅行时间来达到节能目的。同时为了列车能够准点到达,需要在不同运营等级之间进行动
                                    of railway transport, including intelligent dispatching, intelligent driving, intelligent   态时间调整,列车以最大加速度启动,到达目标调整速度之后采取惰行或巡航方式,站间调整时根据剩余时间计
                                    manufacturing, intelligent construction and intelligent operation and maintenance.
                                    In this way, operation and construction of railways become more efficient, more
                                    environmental-friendly and more convenient and comfortable.

                                                                                                                                For the purpose of running on time and energy-saving running, Casco improved the adjustment strategies for ATO energy
                                                                                                                                conservation time, and designed speed deviation algorithm for offline generation of speed curves at different operational
                                                                                                                                levels. With the help of TRANAVI simulation environment, during the offline ATO simulation process, true route scenario
                                                                                                                                constraints and train traction, braking and delayed response model are taken into account to make sure that the planned
                                                                                                                                speed curves through offline channels fits well with the reality. During off-peak periods of subways, coasting ratio of
                                                                                                                                trains is increased, and the travel time between stations acceptable to the users is also increased to achieve the goal of
                                                                                                                                energy conservation. Meanwhile, to make sure that the train will arrive on time, dynamic time adjustments shall be made
                                                                                                                                between different operational levels; the trains start the maximum acceleration, and adopt coasting or cruising mode
                                                                                                                                after reaching the targeted adjusted speed. When making adjustments between stations, the targeted adjusted speed is
                                                                                                                                calculated in accordance with the remaining time for inlet parking at the maximum deceleration. Currently, the onboard
                                                                                                                                system deployed with this energy-saving strategy has been put into use in projects like No. 17 subway line in Shanghai
                                                                                                                                and Fangshan Line in Beijing, effectively pushing forward the realization of goals like energy conservation, emission
                                                                                                                                reduction and green travel of subway.


                                    CRSC gives play to its core technology advantages in railway transport,
                                    enhances process techniques, develops emerging energy-saving and efficient
                                    products, extends to emerging environmental-friendly industries, and guides
                                    the green and intelligent development of railway transport equipment industry.
                                    CRSC continuously integrates solutions for green transportation and updates
                                    technologies in the areas of energy grading and utilization, industrial parks
                                    transformation and upgrading, information-based monitoring and intelligent
                                    management, online simulation control, and intelligent and green buildings, etc.
                                    We have launched Sponge City, monitoring and alarm system for underground
                                    pipe gallery, integrated application system for intelligent building, intelligent
                                    building solution, centralized monitoring system for power and environment,
                                    railway infrastructure equipment such as screen door, PM2.5 air purifier (device),
                                    high-speed railway turnout conversion equipment like digital simulation platform,
                                    and so on.
88   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report        2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        89

                                                                                                    Good Environment for Talents


                                                                                                    CRSC regards employees as its most precious treasure. By adhering to the
                                                                                                    talent strategy of “open access and elite concentration”, CRSC guarantees
                                                                                                    basic rights and interests of employees, facilitates their rapid growth and
                                                                                                    development, shows care for their work and life, and creates a friendly and
                                                                                                    interdependent atmosphere.

                                                                                                    员工构成                                                                      90
                                                                                                    Employee Mix

                                                                                                    员工权益                                                                      92
                                                                                                    Employees’ Rights and Interests

                                                                                                    成长发展                                                                      93
                                                                                                    Growth and Development

                                                                                                    员工关爱                                                                      96
                                                                                                    Caring for Employees
 90      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司              China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                            2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report           2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告   91

                                                                                                                                                           类别                                            Types
Employee Mix                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Numbers

                                                                                                                                                       劳动合同员工                                                                                       21,063
                                                                                                                                                                                                Under employment contract

                                                                                                                     按员工类型划分雇佣人员总数        劳务协议员工                                                                                         67
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Under labor agreement

                                                                                                                           By employee type

保密制度和回避制度,确保招聘工作公                                                                                                                                                       Dispatched by third parties (including labor
                                                                                                                                                                                         dispatching and shareholder dispatching)

                                                                                                                                                          ≥55岁                                                                                           1,242
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ≥55 years old

                                                                                                                                                          51-54岁                                                                                         1,150
                                                                                                                                                                                                       51-54 years old

失率为5.03%。                                                                                                        按年龄结构划分的员工数量
                                                                                                                                                          41-50岁                                      41-50 years old                                    3,982
                                                                                         CRSC Employee Mix in 2020

                                                                                                                               By age
CRSC formulated Recruitment Management
System of China Railway Signal &                                                                                                                          31-40岁                                      31-40 years old                                     7,868
Communication Co., LTD. to standardize
personnel recruitment procedures, enhance                                                                                                                 ≤30岁                                        ≤30 years old                                    6,821
talent recruitment effects and optimize
talent structure. In strict accordance with

                                                                                                                                                       高级管理人员                                                                                        311
standard procedures, CRSC obeyed
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Senior management
recruitment discipline, and implemented
confidentiality and avoidance systems to                                                                               按层级划分的员工数量
                                                                                                                                                       中层管理人员                              Middle-level management                                  1,577
                                                                                                                         By employee level
make sure fair and equitable recruitment.
Meanwhile, our recruitment work was subject
to the supervision of employees, discipline                                                                                                              普通员工                                   Ordinary employees                                    19,175
inspection and supervision authorities and
all walks of life, and violations of regulations
occurring during the recruitment process
                                                                                                                                                            男                                              Male                                          15,951
were dealt with in a timely manner. At the
end of the reporting period, CRSC has a
                                                                                                                             By gender
                                                                                                                                                            女                                                                                             5,112
total of 21,063 employees with 100% labor
contract signing rate and 100% social
security coverage rate.CRSC lost 1,060
employees whole year,and the staff turnover
rate is 5.03%.
                                                                                                                                                         中国内陆                                      China Mainland                                     20,991

                                                                                                                                                          港澳台                               Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan                                   1
                                                                                                                             By region

                                                                                                                                                           国外                                           Overseas                                          71
92   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        93

员工权益                            中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国劳动法》《女职工劳动保护特别规定》
                                                                                                                           成长发展                               中国通号关注员工成长、尊重员工工作成果,努力为员工提供符合职业发展
Employees’                         制或强迫劳动现象,杜绝一切性别、民族、宗教、年龄等歧视现象,尊重和保
                                                                                                                           Growth and                             CRSC puts value on the growth of employees, shows respect for their work

Rights and                          障员工各项合法权益,积极构建和谐劳动关系。                                             Development                            results and strives to provide them with dedicated trainings satisfying their career
                                                                                                                                                                  development needs and to cultivate talents; it also establishes long-term inventive
Interests                           In strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Labor Law of
                                                                                                                                                                  mechanisms to attract and retain talents.

                                    the People’s Republic of China, and Special Provisions for the Work Protection
                                    of Female Employees, CRSC formulated Administrative Measures on Labor

                                    Protection of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD. and other
                                    regulations to improve employee management, safeguard employees’ rights and
                                    interests, insist on equal pay for equal work, forbid the employment of child labors                                          需的专项培训,助力员工激发潜能、提升员工素质,助力员工成长成才,实
                                    and compulsory or forced labor, prevent all discriminations against gender, race,                                             现“人尽其才”。
                                    religion and age, respect and guarantee legal rights of employees and take an
                                    active part in constructing harmonious labor relations.                                                                       Employee trainings: CRSC builds career development platforms for their
                                                                                                                                                                  employees, provides them with dedicated trainings satisfying their career
                                                                                                                                                                  development needs, taps their potentials, enhances their quality, facilitates their
                                                                                                                                                                  growth and development, and achieves “giving full scope to the talents”.

                                                                                                                                                                 CRSC Employee Trainings in 2020

                                    Remuneration and benefits: Formulate remuneration and benefits systems                                            类别                                   员工培训百分比(%)           人均培训时长 (小时)
                                    such as the Administrative Measures for Salaries of CRSC Headquarters and
                                                                                                                                                      Type                                     Training Rate (%)          Average Training Hours (h)
                                    Interim Measures for the Administration of Attendance and Vacation of CRSC
                                    Employees, set up fair and reasonable remuneration incentive systems with market
                                    competitiveness, strictly implement various social security systems, pay social
                                    insurances for employees, and provide various benefits like legal holidays and paid                                                                              85.3                            29.6
                                    annual leave.                                                                                                                     Male
                                                                                                                                   By gender
                                                                                                                                                                                                     81.7                            26.9

                                                                                                                                                                                                      100                            73.8
                                    Democratic communication: CRSC improves democratic management systems                                                      Senior management
                                    with the workers’ congress as the basic form; all subsidiaries generally establish

                                    collective contract and collective consultation systems, guarantee employees’
                                    rights to know, to participate and to supervise, and enhance their belongingness
                                    and sense of responsibility.                                                                   培训情况                                                           100                            35.4
                                                                                                                                                             Middle-level management
                                                                                                                                By employee level

                                                                                                                                                               Ordinary employees                    81.7                            27.3
 94     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司         China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                       2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report        2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         95

中国通号举办项目经理培训班                                                                                                 案例
CRSC held a project manager training workshop

In October 2020, in order to strengthen project managers’ awareness of safe production accountability and lean                               才双向流动职业发展通道的实施意见》,分类员工职业发展通道,构建人尽
management and enhance cost and safety risk control capabilities, CRSC held a project manager training workshop in                            其才、各展其才的人才发展格局;制定下发《干部选拔任用工作二十六条》,
Beijing. Authoritative industry experts were invited to give lectures and organize exams from the perspectives of credit
assessment and management, engineering project cost management, railway safety management and risk control, and
engineering project management and development trends.                                                                                        Development incentives: In order to further attract and retain outstanding talents,
                                                                                                                                              CRSC enhanced top-level design for talent work, formulated Talent Development
                                                                                                                                              Outline of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD. and 2020-2022 Talent
                                                                                                                                              Training Plan of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD., and determined
                                                                                                                                              the strategic position of priority for talent development. In 2020, CRSC developed
                                                                                                                                              administrative measures on the assessment of management, research and
                                                                                                                                              technical talents, and specified the development pathways of selection, appraisal
                                                                                                                                              and promotion; it also preliminarily formulated the Implementing Opinions on
                                                                                                                                              Establishing and Improving Two-way Career Development Pathway of Technical
                                                                                                                                              and Management Talents to classify employees’ career development pathways
                                                                                                                                              and construct a talent development pattern of giving full scope to the talents and
                                                                                                                                              tapping their potentialities to the fullest; moreover, CRSC also formulated and
                                                                                                                                              distributed 26 Provisions for Selection and Appointment of Cadres to standardize
                                                                                                                                              the selection and appointment procedures of cadres.


                                                                                                                                              In October 2020, CRSC held a Training Workshop in Normal Operations
                                                                                                                                              of Board of Directors and Director Capability Enhancement among all
96   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                       2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         97

员工关爱                            中国通号着力为员工营造有利于身心健康的工作环境,重视员工工作与生活

Caring for                          CRSC is committed to creating a favorable working environment for employees

Employees                           for the sake of their physical and mental health, puts value on the balance of their
                                    work and life, and constantly improves their satisfaction.

                                                                                                                           中国通号党委领导慰问退休员工                                                           为一线职工送去慰问品和暖心问候
                                    生的伤亡、职业病和急性职业中毒,保障员工以健康的身体状态参加工作。安                   CRSC’s Party Committee Leaders were expressing                                        CRSC brought gift bags and warm

                                                                                                                           solicitude for retired employees                                                       greetings to frontline employees


                                    Occupational Health: CRSC strictly followed national and local laws and
                                    regulations on labor protection for employees, created safe, clean and comfortable
                                    working conditions, prevented and eliminated possible injuries, fatalities,
                                    occupational diseases and acute occupational poisoning during labor production
                                    process, and guaranteed that the employees participated in the work with a healthy                                               女性员工关怀:公司制定《女职工劳动保护实施办法》,建立和完善性别平等制
                                    status. Safety supervision departments and other departments responsible for                                                     度机制;推进建设女职工“爱心屋”,为在职女职工购买特殊疾病互助保障。
                                    labor protection shall inspect and implement their labor protection work within
                                    the scope of their responsibilities, and the labor union shall supervise the labor                                               Caring for Female Employees: CRSC formulated the Measures for the
                                    protection work on behalf of the employees.                                                                                      Implementation of Labor Protection for Female Employees, established and
                                                                                                                                                                     perfected gender equality mechanisms, advanced the construction of “Love Room”
                                                                                                                                                                     for female employees, and purchased special disease mutual-aid insurance for
                                                                                                                                                                     on-duty female employees.
                                    Abundant Sports and Cultural Activities: CRSC puts high value on humanistic
                                    care for employees, and successively organized different kinds of activities like
                                    “Chinese Dream, Railway Complex, and Beauty of Work”, “Book Fair on March 8”
                                    and “National Fitness Day” to nourish the employees’ mental health.
                                                                                                                                                                     Caring for Front-line Workers: CRSC exerted efforts to improve the production
                                                                                                                                                                     and living conditions for frontline employees, organized activities to build “Home
                                                                                                                                                                     of Staff”, formulated the advancement schemes of Three-Kinds-of-Employee
                                                                                                                                                                     Constructions for key projects, appropriated dedicated construction funds, and
                                                                                                                                                                     insisted on bringing warmth and coolness to employees at right seasons.


                                                                                                                                                                     Caring for Needy Employees: CRSC formulated the Measures for the
                                                                                                                                                                     Implementation of Aids and Reliefs by Labor Union, and helped employees to solve

                                                                                                                                                                     their difficulties in life, health care and children raising and other respects through
                                                                                                                                                                     festival allowance, reliefs for diseased or needy employees and other activities. In
                                    In October 2020, CRSC held Setting-up Exercises Competition among employees                                                      2020, CRSC distributed 1,496,000 RMB worth of materials to those diseased or
                                    in Beijing                                                                                                                       needy employees.
98   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report      2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         99

                                                                                                    Cooperation Promotes


                                                                                                    As one of the important member units of China's high-speed rail "going out"
                                                                                                    alliance, CRSC actively contributes to the creation of the "China High-speed
                                                                                                    Rail" business card and promotes international infrastructure construction
                                                                                                    and interconnection. The company continues to improve its supply chain
                                                                                                    management system and cooperates with local governments, enterprises, and
                                                                                                    academic institutions to help build a more responsible, fairer, more open and
                                                                                                    more sustainable industry ecosystem.

                                                                                                    助力“一带一路”                                                             100
                                                                                                    Empowering the BRI

                                                                                                    开展战略合作                                                                 102
                                                                                                    Engaging in Strategic Cooperation

                                                                                                    打造责任供应链                                                               104
                                                                                                    Building Responsible Supply Chain
100     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司     China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                      2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report             2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告         101

助力“一带一路”                         秉持开放、合作、团结、共赢的信念,中国通号为项目所在地提供中国轨道交
                                                                                                                           Upholding the beliefs of openness, cooperation, unity, and win-win, CRSC provides China rail transit solutions and products
                                                                                                                           for project locations, enabling digitalization, automation, electrification, and informatization smart technology solutions to help

                                                                                                                           local railway, rail transit and other infrastructures realize interconnection. As of the end of 2020, the company has established
Empowering                               亚太、南部非洲、北部非洲、欧洲及中东、美洲五大区域中心,境外经营机构
                                                                                                                           five regional centers in Asia Pacific, Southern Africa, Northern Africa, Europe and the Middle East, and the Americas, with 15

the BRI
                                                                                                                           overseas operating organizations.
                                                                                                                           In 2020, in the context of the global impact of COVID-19, the company steadily promoted the resumption of work and production

                                                                                                                           of overseas projects such as Indonesia's Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, the old section of the Hungary-Serbia railway,
                                                                                                                           and the reconstruction of the Thai double-track railway under the premise of preventing and controlling overseas epidemics,
                                         稳步推进印尼雅万高铁、匈塞铁路贝旧段、泰国复线铁路改造等海外项目复                made every effort to ensure that the Lahore Orange Line project in Pakistan opens and operates, successfully signed projects
                                         工复产,全力保障巴基斯坦拉合尔橙线项目开通运营,成功签订磨万铁路万                such as the Boten-Vientiane railway Vientiane-Vientiane southern section, the Lopburi-Nak Lampo section of the Thai
                                         象-万象南段、泰国复线铁路华富里-北榄坡段、孟加拉帕德玛大桥铁路连接                double-track railway, the railway connection line of the Padma Bridge in Bangladesh, and the 10th of Ramadan City of Egypt

                                                                                                                           etc., promoting the integration of own technology with the characteristics and needs of various countries, and promoting the

                                                                                                                           internationalization of high-speed rail technology. At present, CRSC's independently developed technology is compatible with
                                                                                                                           European standards, and its core products have obtained EU certification.

中国通号自主技术与核心装备助力匈塞铁路改造升级                                                                                                                                                                                                              案例
CRSC's independent technology and core equipment helped the upgrading of the Hungary-Serbia railway

匈塞铁路项目是我国在欧盟实施的首个铁路基础设施项目,是中国—中东欧合作的旗舰项目。匈塞铁路自塞尔维亚首都                   The Hungary-Serbia railway project is our country's first railway infrastructure project implemented in the EU, and is the

贝尔格莱德市至匈牙利首都布达佩斯市,全长352公里。原线路始建于19世纪末,经现代化改造之后,匈塞铁路将成为客                  flagship project of China-Central and Eastern Europe cooperation. The Hungary-Serbia Railway runs from Belgrade, the

                                                                                                                           capital of Serbia, to Budapest, the capital of Hungary, with a total length of 352 kilometers. The original line was built at the
                                                                                                                           end of the 19th century. After modernization, the Hungary-Serbia Railway will become a shared electrified double-track

                                                                                                                           railway for passenger and freight. The designed maximum speed is 200 kilometers per hour. The journey between Belgrade
                                                                                                                           and Budapest will be shortened from 8 hours to within 3 hours.
盟铁路互联互通技术规范要求。                                                                                               At the end of 2018, CRSC undertook the integration and service of the communication, information and information
                                                                                                                           professional system of the Belgrade Center-Old Pazova section (hereinafter referred to as Belgrade-Old section) in Serbia.
2019年6月,中国通号为匈塞高铁量身打造的ETCS-2系统实验室在贝尔格莱德落成,该实验室可以展示完整的调度指                      The line length is 34.5 kilometers. The signal system of this section is upgraded to ETCS-2 level train control system, on-

挥和列车运行控制功能,并具备开展系统功能测试、接口测试、互联互通测试和列控数据交付测试等功能,可以大大                     line and off-line facilities and equipment all meet the requirements of EU railway interconnection technical specifications.

                                                                                                                           In June 2019, the ETCS-2 system laboratory tailored by CRSC for the Hungary-Serbia high-speed rail was completed in
当地铁路运营维护技术人员提供培训环境。                                                                                     Belgrade. The laboratory can display complete dispatch command and train operation control functions, and has the ability
                                                                                                                           to carry out system function tests and interface tests, interoperability testing and train control data delivery testing, which
2020年,继全电子联锁、调度集中系统(CTC)、集中监测系统(CSM)等设备在匈塞铁路进行现场实施后,中国通号自                   can greatly reduce the workload of on-site testing and provide core technical support for the construction of the Hungary-
主研发的高铁列车运行控制地面系统核心装备再次获得认可,中标匈塞铁路贝旧段,落地欧洲市场。                                   Serbia high-speed railway. At the same time, it can also serve as a base for the operation and maintenance of the Hungary-
                                                                                                                           Serbia railway signal equipment for local railway operations, providing a training environment for local railway operation and
中国通号项目执行团队在集成设计、产品认证、施工安装等方面工作均取得阶段性进展。在参建各方的共同努力下,贝                   maintenance technicians.
                                                                                                                           In 2020, following the on-site implementation of equipment such as fully electronic interlocking, centralized dispatching
                                                                                                                           system (CTC), and centralized monitoring system (CSM) on the Hungary-Serbia Railway, the core equipment of the high-
                                                                                                                           speed rail train operation control ground system independently developed by CRSC was once again recognized, won the
                                                                                                                           bid for the old Belgrade section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway and landed in the European market.

                                                                               塞尔维亚总统武契奇在中国通号施工            The CRSC project executive team has made phased progress in integration design, product certification, construction and
                                                                                                 工艺展板前听取讲解        installation. With the joint efforts of all parties involved in the construction, the left line of Belgrade-Old section was officially
                                                                                                                           opened on October 27, 2020.
                                                                     Serbian President Vucic listened to the explanation
                                                                     before the construction technology exhibition board
102      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司         China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                            2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report      2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        103

开展战略合作                            中国通号积极与政府、优秀企业、科研院校等展开合作,对接人才、资本、技术、
                                        信息等要素,通过优势互补,创造共同价值,服务经济社会发展。2020年,中国通                                      中国通号与华为签署战略合作协议
Engaging                                企业北斗产业协同发展平台,推动北斗系统深化应用;与四川交投、中华保险、华
                                                                                                                                                      CRSC signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Huawei

in Strategic                            为、北京交通大学等达成战略合作,共谋发展。                                                    2020年10月,中国通号与华为技术有限公司签署战略合作

Cooperation                                                                                                                           协议。根据协议,中国通号将与华为在联合创新、平台建
                                        CRSC actively cooperates with the government, outstanding enterprises, scientific

                                        research institutions, etc., connecting talents, capital, technology, information and other
                                        elements, through complementary advantages, creating common value, and serving
                                        economic and social development. In 2020, CRSC continued to cooperate fully with
                                        related enterprises in China's high-speed rail industry chain to implement major projects;
                                        initiated and participated in the state-owned enterprise Beidou industry collaborative
                                                                                                                                      In October 2020, CRSC signed a strategic cooperation
                                        development platform to promote the deepening of the application of the Beidou
                                                                                                                                      agreement with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. According
                                        system. It has reached strategic cooperation with Sichuan Transportation Investment,
                                                                                                                                      to the agreement, CRSC will cooperate in-depth with
                                        China Insurance, Huawei, Beijing Jiaotong University and others to seek common
                                                                                                                                      Huawei in joint innovation, platform construction, application
                                                                                                                                      demonstration, technical exchanges, etc., to jointly create
                                                                                                                                      joint innovative solutions for railways, urban rail transit, and

                                                                                                                                      smart cities.

              CRSC and Beijing Jiaotong University signed a strategic cooperation agreement

大学的应用基础研究作用、发挥中国通号企业平台作用,强强联合,打造校企合作的样板与标杆,为发展国家轨道                                  中国通号的“进博会”时间                                                                                                 案例
交通产业协同发力。                                                                                                                    CRSC showed presence on the Third China International Import Expo

In December 2020, CRSC signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Beijing Jiaotong University. The signing of this
strategic cooperation agreement between the two parties will continue to push the two parties to strengthen in-depth
cooperation in industry, university and research, and promote the comprehensive development of national rail transit                  日本、奥地利等各国企业就ATP特殊部件、输入输出板、司机显示单元、编码里程计、车载板卡、计轴系统等物资设备
independent technologies. The two parties will take this cooperation as an opportunity, led by technological innovation,              进行合作签约。中国通号交易分团采购签约活动取得圆满成功,参展成果再创新突破,签约项目量、质均全面超过前
play the role of Beijing Jiaotong University in applied basic research, play the role of the CRSC enterprise platform, join           两届。
forces and create a model and benchmark for school-enterprise cooperation, making concerted efforts to develop the
national rail transit industry.                                                                                                       中国通号秉承“开放创新、合作共赢”的理念,坚持扩大与国外优秀企业的合作领域与合作规模,深化交流合作,实现

                                                                                                                                      In November 2020, on the Third China International Import Expo, Casco, CRSC Beijing Railway Signal Co., Ltd. and CRSC
                                                                                                                                      (Xi’an) Rail Transit Industry Group under CRSC signed contracts with enterprises from countries like Germany, France,
                                                                                                                                      Switzerland, Japan and Austria in terms of ATP special parts, input/output boards, driver display units, coding odometer,
                                                                                                                                      vehicle-mounted boards, axle counter system and other materials and devices. CRSC procurement team signing activities
                                                                                                                                      were successfully held, the participating results made new breakthroughs, and the number and quality of signed projects
                                                                                                                                      outperformed those on the first two China International Import Expo.

                                                                                                                                      CRSC upholds the philosophy of “openness, innovation and win-win cooperation”, insists on expanding the cooperation with
                                                                                                                                      overseas outstanding enterprises, deepening exchange and cooperation and realizing achievement sharing, continues to
                                                                                                                                      promote the improvement of CRSC’s value chain and supply chain, achieves high-quality development, advances the global
                                                                                                                                      rail transport construction of independent train control technologies and services, and enhances the brand value of CRSC.
104   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司    China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                             2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report     2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告      105

打造责任供应链                        中国通号制定供应商、承包商专项管理办法,并制定供应商信用评价管理
                                                                                                                                                                      CRSC Suppliers in 2020
Building                              设。2020年,中国通号加快推进采购电商平台建设,推进传统供应链的智慧
Responsible                           化转型。
Supply Chain                          CRSC formulated specialized management systems for suppliers and contractors,            中国                             欧洲                        北美                      亚洲(除中国)
                                      developed supplier credit evaluation and management measures, blacklist                 China                            Europe                 North America              Asia (excluding China)
                                      management measures and other relevant systems, established procurement
                                      management systems, and advanced the construction of credit system by
                                      strengthening supplier qualification review, establishing dynamic appraisal
                                      mechanisms for suppliers and enhancing supply chain management. In 2020,                 3,689                                 23                        6                              2
                                      CRSC accelerated the construction of procurement e-commerce platform, and
                                      advanced the smart transformation of traditional supply chain.

            01                                    02                                            03                                            04                                                             05

        阳光采购                           供应商准入                                  供应商质量评估                               供应商信用评价                                                     供应商成长
  Sunshine procurement                     Supplier access                        Supplier quality assessment                   Supplier credit evaluation                                            Supplier growth

  制 定 采 购 工作目标 及            综合资质、财务状况、技术                  强化供应商产品质量安全风险考核         开展供应商信用等级评价,全系统通报信用评                         建立责任供应链激励机制,定期举办供应商大
  考核指标,全面监督开               能 力、产品 及 服 务质 量等               力度,对关键及重要供应商实施年         价结果,对出现不良行为供应商采取降低信用                         会、供方质量沟通会,用心倾听供应商的困惑
  标、评标等重点采购环               多项 因 素,范 采 购 物 料质              度审查,对供应商技术工艺、生产         评级、退出合格供应商名录,一定期限内不再                         与诉求,为供应商提供专业指导和支持,助其
  节,定期开展单一采购               量 控 制,加强 供 应 商资格               作业过程质量进行监督检查。2020         允许申请加入。2020年公司通报供应商产品质                         提高产品和服务质量,改善自身经营管理。
  自查自纠,杜绝不合理               条 件审核,严 禁 不 符合 程               年,对3,404家生产建设物资供应          量潜在不良行为14家、一般不良行为1家、较大
  单一来源采购。                     序和规定要求的厂家进入                    商开展年度评价工作,与存在不良         不良行为1家,均采取相应措施并落实整改。
                                     合格供方名录。                            行为的供应商调整了合作关系。

  Formulate procurement              Take into account                         Strengthen the efforts on appraising   Conduct credit evaluations of suppliers, report                  Establish a responsible supply chain incentive
  goals and evaluation               qualifications, financial                 quality and safety risks of products   credit evaluation results throughout the system,                 mechanism, regularly organize supplier meetings
  indicators,                        status, technical capabilities,           from suppliers, carry out annual       and take downgrades of credit ratings and                        and supplier quality communication meetings,
  comprehensively                    product and service                       review of key and important            withdraw from qualified suppliers' lists for                     listen to suppliers' concerns and demands,
  supervise key                      quality, and other factors to             suppliers, and supervise the           suppliers with bad behavior. Application for joining             provide professional guidance and support for
  procurement links such             standardize quality control               supplier's technical processes,        is no longer allowed within a certain period. In                 suppliers, and help them improve product and
  as bid opening and                 over procured materials                   quality supervision and inspection     2020, CRSC identified 14 suppliers with potential                service quality and self-management.
  evaluation, and regularly          and to strengthen the                     of production operations. In 2020,     poor quality behaviors, 1 supplier with ordinary
  conduct self-examination           supplier qualification review;            CRSC conducted annual assessment       bad behavior and 1 supplier with major bad
  and correction of single           suppliers that do not conform             on 3,404 suppliers of production and   behavior, and took corresponding measures to
  procurement to prevent             to procedural and regulatory              construction materials, and adjusted   rectify these bad behaviors.
  unreasonable single-               requirements are not allowed              the cooperation with those suppliers
  source procurement.                to be listed on Qualified                 with bad behaviors.
                                     Supplier Directory.
106   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.   2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告          107

                                                                                                     Facilitating Social Harmony


                                                                                                     CRSC always insisted on feedbacking society and actively responded to
                                                                                                     national calls to undertake poverty alleviation tasks when pursuing self-
                                                                                                     development and created economic profits. It facilitated Sheqi County,
                                                                                                     Henan province overcoming poverty from industry, consumption, education,
                                                                                                     healthcare and people’s livelihood. CRSC facilitated social harmony in a
                                                                                                     variety of ways, such as taking practical actions to support anti-epidemic
                                                                                                     activities and fight the flood and provide relief and carrying out all kinds of
                                                                                                     volunteer service activities in project sites.

                                                                                                     助力脱贫攻坚                                                                      108
                                                                                                     Facilitating Poverty Alleviation

                                                                                                     抗击新冠疫情                                                                      112
                                                                                                     Fighting Against COVID-19

                                                                                                     开展志愿活动                                                                      114
                                                                                                     Conducting Voluntary Activities
108   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司       China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                        2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report     2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告    109

助力脱贫攻坚                       扶贫开发事关人民福祉,事关国家长治久安。自2003年定点帮扶河南省社旗县以
                                                                                                                                CRSC Poverty Alleviation Record (2003 - 2020)
Facilitating                       坚“组合拳”,为社旗县脱贫摘帽和贫困群众脱贫致富贡献力量。2020年,中国通
Poverty                            号集团公司投入扶贫资金500万元,累计投入无偿扶贫资金1,513万元,引进无偿
Alleviation                        帮扶资金33万元。在中国通号和各方力量的共同帮扶下,社旗县于2020年2月正式                                    累计投入资金                                    其中:入股中央企业贫困地区产业投资基金

                                   Poverty alleviation development relates a lot to the well-being of the people and long-                   6,950万元                                                     5,000万元
                                   term political stability. Since CRSC undertook the task of targeted poverty alleviation
                                   of Sheqi, Henan in 2003, it bore in mind its mission, strengthen organization and
                                   leadership, strictly responsibility implementation, conscientiously implemented the
                                   targeted poverty alleviation strategy and took a combination of measures like poverty             Accumulative investment amount                     Shareholding of The Industrial Investment Fund of Central
                                   alleviation by developing industries, consumption, education and healthcare to                                                                                Enterprises in Poverty-Stricken Areas
                                   contribute its share to help Sheqi County lift out of its poverty hat and poor people cast
                                   off poverty to get rich. In 2020, CRSC invested poverty alleviation funds of 5,000,000
                                   RMB,invested non-reimbursable poverty alleviation funds of 15.13 million RMB in total,
                                                                                                                                          69.5 million RMB                                                50 million RMB
                                   and introduced free assistance funds 330,000 RMB .Under the cooperative support
                                   of CRSC and other organizations, Sheqi County formally withdrew from the national
                                   poverty-stricken counties list.

                                                                                                                                          选派扶贫干部                         实施扶贫项目                            消费扶贫采购农产品

                                                                                                                                             13名                                40+个                                     575万元

                                                                                                                                     Quantity of Designated              Quantity of the implemented        Consumption amount of agricultural products
                                                                                                                                   cadres for poverty alleviation        poverty alleviation programs

                                                                                                                                               13                                 >40                                 5.75 million RMB

                                                                                                                                       帮助社旗县销售农产品                           培训基层干部                            培训农业技术人员

                                                                                                                                            225万元                                     719名                                     817名

                                                                                                                                 Sales amount of agricultural products     Number of trained grass-roots cadres       Number of trained agro-technicians

                                                                                                                                       2.25 million RMB                                 719                                       817
  In September 2020, Zhou Zhiliang, Secretary of CPC, Chairman, was conducting a filed survey of poverty alleviation
  of Sheqi County
110      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司     China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report         2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告       111

Measures Taken by CRSC for Targeted Poverty Alleviation of Sheqi County

                                  CRSC labor unions purchased agricultural products from poor counties like Sheqi County.                                    Developed agricultural cooperatives, constructed poverty alleviation workshops,
                                                                                                                                                             founded family farms and carried out other measures to facilitate Sheqi County

                                  在员工超市设立“扶贫产品展销柜台”,引导职工参与购买                                                                       strengthening its capabilities

                                  Established a “sales counter for poverty alleviation products” and guided
                                  employees buy them

           消费扶贫               扶贫干部积极拓宽销售渠道,动员社会力量参与扶贫                                                                             售一体化产业发展
      Poverty alleviation by      Poverty alleviation cadres actively expanded sales channels and mobilized social forces                                    Cooperated with local poverty alleviation enterprises to establish Zhongtong Great Love
         consumption                                                                                                           Poverty alleviation by
                                  to take part in poverty alleviation                                                                                        Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., overall planned local agricultural and sideline products
                                                                                                                               developing industries
                                                                                                                                                             processing enterprises, agricultural cooperatives, integrated characteristic agricultural
                                                                                                                                                             and sideline products, registered the trademark of “Laojia Shedian” and drove industrial
                                                                                                                                                             development integrating agricultural product planting, processing and sales
                                  Invested to improve key infrastructure of poor villages

                                                                                                                                                            Successively endowed eight primary and secondary schools, denoted money and goods
                                  Improved hygiene environment of poor villages, helped construct sewage disposal
                                                                                                                                                            of more than 1.35 million yuan and improved over 4, 000 students’ study environment
                                  facilities, purchased garbage pickup trucks, etc.

           民生扶贫                                                                                                                                         开展“金秋助学”“慈孤救助”活动,出资173万元资助785名贫困家庭大学生、219
      Poverty alleviation by
       people’s livelihood       Raised money to help poor villages construct livelihood projects including culture square,        教育扶贫
                                                                                                                                                            Carried out “Autumn Edu-Aid” and “Orphan Rescue” activities and invested 1.73
                                  leisure corridor, exercise plaza, etc.                                                       Poverty alleviation by       million yuan to subsidize 785 university students from poor families and 219 rural
                                                                                                                                                            orphans to study

                                  助贫困地区完善医疗设施,解决看病难的问题                                                                                   拨付专项党费帮助贫困村加强党组织建设
                                  Totally invested 2.1 million yuan, constructed health centers, donated medical devices,                                    Special Party funds were appropriated to help poor villages strengthen party building
                                  made advance payment for people in straitened circumstances, actively improved

                                  medical facilities in poor areas to solve the difficulty of getting medical service

                                                                                                                                                             Subordinate enterprise party organization established partner assistance with party
                                                                                                                                                             branches of poor villages

                                  Constantly conducted “Hand-in-Hand Project – Central Government Participating in
           健康扶贫               Emergency Rescue” activities, totally subsidized 480 thousand yuan to 96 poverty-                党建扶贫
                                                                                                                               Poverty alleviation by        Organized training courses for grass-roots cadres, leaders for getting rich and technicians
                                  stricken people due to diseases and disasters
      Poverty alleviation by
                                                                                                                                Party construction
                                  坚持开展“献爱心、送温暖”活动,累计走访慰问贫困家庭1,100户                                                                组织全县村党支部书记到兰考县、濮阳西辛庄村考察学习脱贫攻坚经验
                                  Insisted in carrying out “Charitable Contribution” activities and totally visited and                                    Organized all party branch secretaries of the county to visit Lankao county and West
                                  expressed condolences to 1,100 poor families                                                                               Xinzhuang Village, Puyang to learn poverty alleviation experience
112   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                         2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告        113

抗击新冠疫情                         新冠肺炎疫情是百年来全球发生的最严重的传染病大流行,是新中国成立
                                                                                                                           技术研发                     复工复产关键时期,各公共场所因返程高峰人流量激增,做好体温监测、疫情
                                     共卫生事件。中国通号抓紧布置、靠前指挥,第一时间行动,统筹做好抗击疫                  科技助力抗疫                 验,及视频识别、红外探测等方面的丰富技术积累,根据疫情防控需要,将技
Fighting                             情、复工复产各项任务,与全国人民一起并肩作战,千方百计降低疫情对经济
                                                                                                                           Engaging in
against                              社会发展影响。                                                                                                     团自主研发的红外体温筛查系统投入使用,大大提高测温准确定和效率。同
COVID-19                                                                                                                   technological                时,为更好地满足不同用户的需要,研究设计院集团还推出适用于不同场景
                                     COVID-19 was the worst global infectious disease pandemic in recent 100 years
                                                                                                                           research and                 的三档红外体温筛查系统产品,由用户自行选择配置成本,达到广泛应用的
                                                                                                                           development for
                                     as well as a major public health emergency with the fastest transmission speed,

                                                                                                                           scientific fighting
                                     the widest infection scope and the greatest difficulty in epidemic prevention and
                                     control. CRSC promptly made arrangement, commanded near the frontline, took                                        事业单位捐赠了测温系统,用通号科技实力助力抗击疫情。

                                                                                                                           against the
                                     immediate actions, coordinated to fight against the epidemic and fulfilled tasks of

                                     resumption of work and production, and fought COVID-19 epidemic side by side                                       In the critical periods of resumption of work and production, body temperature
                                     with the rest of the country to reduce the impact of the epidemic on economic and                                  monitoring and epidemic prevention and control became essential due to a surge
                                     social development by all means.                                                                                   in return traffic at travel peak in public places. Relying on experience in developing
                                                                                                                                                        power and signal patrol inspection robots and rich technology accumulation
                                                                                                                                                        of video recognition and infrared detection, CRSC quickly transformed its
                                                                                                                                                        technologies and devoted into the development of body temperature screening

迅速响应                             中国通号迅速成立疫情防控领导小组,全面领导疫情防控工作。第一时间学
                                                                                                                                                        system to meet epidemic prevention and control demands. In February 2020,

                                                                                                                                                        CRSC Research & Design Institute Group launched third-gear infrared body

                                                                                                                                                        temperature screening systematic products applicable to different scenarios. Users
                                     要点,对疫情防控工作进行系统部署,提出明确要求,统筹开展疫情防控和                                                 could choose configuration cost, and the products were widely used. CRSC also

                                     生产经营工作。中国通号各企业迅速行动,成立疫情防控小组,狠抓落实,切                                               donated body temperature monitoring system to government departments and

quickly and
                                                                                                                                                        enterprise and public enterprises like Fengtai District Government of Beijing and
                                                                                                                                                        China Academy of Space Technology, using CRSC technological strength to help

fulfilling                           CRSC quickly set up the epidemic prevention and control leading group to conduct                                   combat COVID-19 epidemic.

                                     the overall leadership of epidemic prevention and control. CRSC also learned

of Epidemic                                                                                                                同心战疫
                                     and conveyed the Central Committee's essential points in the first place to timely
                                     investigate epidemic prevention and control, focused on the overall situation                                      在抗击新冠肺炎疫情的关键时刻,中国通号以集团公司名义通过国务院国资

Prevention and
                                     of epidemic prevention and control and its main points, made systematical

                                     arrangements and clear requests and planned epidemic prevention and control

                                                                                                                           Combating the
                                     and production and operation as a whole. CRSC enterprises promptly took actions
                                     and established epidemic prevention and control groups to do substantial work and                                  In the critical periods of fighting against COVID-19 epidemic, CRSC donated 30

                                                                                                                           epidemic with one
                                     effectively protected the life safety and health of employees.                                                     million yuan to Hubei province in the name of CRSC Group via the special account

                                                                                                                           heart, manifesting
                                                                                                                                                        of SASAC of the State Council to help Hubei win the blocking action of epidemic

                                                                                                                           our sense of
                                                                                                                                                        prevention and control. CRSC party members and cadres totally donated 1.85

防控疫情                             在疫情严峻大考面前,中国通号在做好防控的同时,复工复产、主动作为,在
                                                                                                                                                        million yuan; and the league members donated more than 240 thousand yuan.

                                     员工零感染的前提下,2月10日起公司具备条件的二级企业相继复工复产,并                   responsibility
                                     于2月底实现全系统复工复产率达到100%。疫情防控步入常态化后,中国通                                                  罩、消毒液、纸巾等防疫物资;各级工会开展职工队伍稳定风险排查,并制定应

                                     号实现“零感染”防线的持续巩固。                                                                                   对措施,与员工开展谈心谈话,为员工提供心理支持;组织开展劳动竞赛,鼓舞

epidemic                             Facing the test brought by the serious epidemic, CRSC did well in epidemic

prevention and
                                     prevention and control and meanwhile aced proactively to arrange resumption
                                                                                                                                                        To guarantee employees’ physical and mental health, CRSC spent special funds

control for orderly
                                     of work and production. On the premise of zero infection of employees, qualified
                                                                                                                                                        of 20.65 million yuan on epidemic prevention and control, purchasing epidemic
                                     second-class CRSC enterprises successively resumed to work and production

                                                                                                                                                        prevention materials including face masks, disinfectant and tissues. Local labor
                                     from February 10, and the resumption rate of the whole system reached 100% by

of work and
                                                                                                                                                        unions at all levels conducted employee team stability risk investigation, formulated
                                     the end of February. After the normalization of epidemic prevention and control,
                                                                                                                                                        corresponding measures and talked with employees to provide them mental

                                     CRSC realized continuous consolidation of the “zero infection” defense line.
                                                                                                                                                        support. CRSC also organized labor emulation to encourage employee morale
                                                                                                                                                        and take actual actions together with employees to facilitate the “dual victory” of
                                                                                                                                                        epidemic prevention and control and economic development.
114      中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司    China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                       2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report        2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告    115

开展志愿活动                             中国通号积极组织、开展公益实践活动,并鼓励、引导下属企业及员工参与社

Conducting                               CRSC actively organized and carried out public benefit practical activities and

Voluntary                                encouraged and guided subordinate enterprises and employees to participated in
                                         voluntary activities to serve communities, warm people’s heart and contribute to
Activities                               community development with practical actions.

                                         CRSC volunteers staying on the frontline of epidemic prevention and
                                         control                                                                              2020年10月,中国通号卡斯柯与深圳地铁携手组织“共同守护 海洋家园”净滩活动,志愿者们共清理393.81公斤海洋
                                         志愿者主动请缨,积极加入疫情防控工作中。他们奋战在一线,付出在一线,                 In October 2020, CRSC CASO cooperated with Shenzhen Metro to organize the coast cleanup activity themed on “Joint

                                                                                                                              Protection of Ocean Home”. Volunteers totally cleaned up marine trash of 393.81 kilograms, devoting themselves to “Cleaning
                                                                                                                              up the Ocean” with practical actions

                                         In 2020, the whole country immediately went into the war of epidemic prevention
                                         and control once the call to prevent and control the epidemic was raised. CRSC
                                         volunteers volunteered to take the responsibility and actively took part in the
                                         epidemic prevention and control work. They worked hard at the frontline, made
                                         great contributions and manifested CRSC people’s responsibilities in the blocking
                                         action of epidemic prevention and control.

                                                                                                                              中国通号拉林铁 路项目经 理部与当地 藏 族同胞开展 座谈                “六一”儿童节,中国通号拉林铁路项目经理部看望
                                                                                                                              会,了解需求                                                         藏族同胞小朋友

                                                                                                                              Project Manager Department of CRSC Lhasa-Linzhi Railway              On Children’s Day, Project Manager Department of
                                                                                                                              held seminars with local Tibetan compatriots to understand their     CRSC Lhasa-Linzhi Railway visited Tibetan compatriots’
                                                                                                                              needs                                                                children
中国通号北京工业集团上通公司迅           通号建设集团湖北分公司员工李敏辉在疫情期间担任武汉应急仓库管理负责
速行动,招募志愿者,成立了10人防         人,参与一线抗疫
                                         Li Minhui, an employee of CRSC Construction Group Hubei branch, acted as
                                         Wuhan emergency warehouse management person in charge during COVID-19                                                                                    CRSC Huailiu Project Department conducted the voluntary
                                         epidemic and fought against COVID-19 epidemic in the frontline                                                                                           activity of visiting the elderly
CRSC Beijing Railway Signal Co.,
Ltd. Shanghai branch promptly took
actions to recruit volunteers and
established a ten-member epidemic
prevention volunteer service team to
provide services like visitor guidance
in railway stations
116    中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司         China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                     2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告    117

HKEX ESG Reporting Guide
                                                     指标披露                                                         页码                                                           指标披露                                                        页码
                                          General Disclosures and KPIs                                               Page No.                                             General Disclosures and KPIs                                              Page No.

范畴:环境                                                                                                                      A3:环境及天然资源
A: Environment                                                                                                                  Aspect A3: Environment and natural resources

A1:排放物                                                                                                                      一般披露
Aspect A1: Emissions                                                                                                            General disclosure

一般披露                                                                                                                                   描述业务活动对环境及天然资源的重大影响及已采取管理有关影响的行动
General disclosure                                                                                                              A3.1       Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources and               P78
                                                                                                                                           the actions taken to manage them
A1.1                                                                                                                      P84
        The types of emissions and respective emissions data                                                                    A4.气候变化
                                                                                                                                Aspect A4: Climate Change
A1.2    Greenhouse gas emissions(in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production                  P82   一般披露
        volume, per facility)                                                                                                   General disclosure

        所产生有害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)                                                   描述已经及可能会对发行人产生影响的重大气候相关事宜,及应对行动
A1.3    Total hazardous waste produced (in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production           P84   A4.1                                                                                                                       P80
                                                                                                                                           Description of the significant climate issues that have and may affect the issuer, and actions
        volume, per facility)                                                                                                              taken to address them

        所产生无害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)                                        范畴:社会
A1.4    Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g.per unit of                   P84   B: Society
        production volume, per facility)
A1.5                                                                                                                      P80   Employment and Labor Standards
        Describe emission targets set and the steps taken to achieve these goals

        描述处理有害及无害废弃物的方法及描述所订立的减废目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤                                        B1:雇佣
A1.6    Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, the waste reduction goals set                  P83   Aspect B1: Employment

        and the steps taken to achieve these goals

A2:资源使用                                                                                                                    General disclosure

Aspect A2: Use of resources

一般披露                                                                                                                        B1.1       Total workforce by gender, employment type(e.g. full-time or part-time), age group and                        P90-91
General disclosure                                                                                                                         geographical region

        按类型划分的直接及╱或间接能源(如电、气或油)总耗量(以千个千瓦时计算)及密度(如以每产                                           按性别、年龄组别及地区划分的雇员流失比率
                                                                                                                                B1.2                                                                                                                     P90-91
                                                                                                                                           Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and geographical region
A2.1                                                                                                                      P78
        Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in '000s)                B2:健康与安全
        and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
                                                                                                                                Aspect B2: Health and safety
A2.2                                                                                                                      P79   一般披露
        Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
                                                                                                                                General disclosure
A2.3                                                                                                                      P79              过去三年(包括汇报年度)每年因工亡故的人数及比率
        Description of energy use efficiency initiatives and steps taken to achieve these targets                               B2.1                                                                                                                       P73
                                                                                                                                           Number and rate of work-related fatalities in the past three years (including the reporting year)
                                                                                                                                           因工伤损失工作日数                                                                                              P73
A2.4    Description of issues(if any)in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water use efficiency initiatives        P78
        and steps taken to achieve these targets                                                                                           Lost days due to work injury

        制成品所用包装材料的总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)每生产单位占量                                                                     描述所采纳的职业健康与安全措施,以及相关执行及监察方法
                                                                                                                                B2.3                                                                                                                     P64-75
A2.5                                                                                                                      P78              Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they are implemented and monitored
        Total packaging material used for finished products (in tons) and, if applicable, with reference to
        per unit produced
118    中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司        China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                                                         2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report          2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告    119

                                                          指标披露                                                      页码                                                                   指标披露                                                页码
                                                General Disclosures and KPIs                                           Page No.                                                     General Disclosures and KPIs                                     Page No.

B3:发展及培训                                                                                                                                描述与维护及保障知识产权有关的惯例
                                                                                                                                     B6.3                                                                                                                   P50-59
Aspect B3: Development and training                                                                                                           Description of practices relating to observing and protecting intellectual property rights

一般披露                                                                                                                                      描述质量检定过程及产品回收程序
                                                                                                                                     B6.4                                                                                                                   P62-75
General disclosure                                                                                                                            Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures

          按性别及雇员类别(如高级管理层、中级管理层)划分的受训雇员百分比                                                                    描述消费者资料保障及私隐政策,以及相关执行及监察方法
                                                                                                                                     B6.5                                                                                                                   P62-75
B3.1      The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category (e.g. senior management,                    P93-95              Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies,implementation and monitoring methods

          middle management)

          按性别及雇员类别划分,每名雇员完成受训的平均时数                                                                           Aspect B7: Anti-corruption
B3.2                                                                                                                      P93-95
          The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category

B4:劳工准则                                                                                                                         General disclosure
Aspect B4: Labor guidelines                                                                                                                   于汇报期内对发行人或其雇员提出并已审结的贪污诉讼案件的数目及诉讼结果
                                                                                                                                     B7.1                                                                                                                     P29
一般披露                                                                                                                                      Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against the issuer or its
                                                                                                                                              employees during the reporting period and the outcomes of the cases
General disclosure
B4.1                                                                                                                      P90-91     B7.2     Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they are                               P29-31
          Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labor
                                                                                                                                              implemented and monitored
B4.2                                                                                                                      P90-91              描述向董事及员工提供的反贪污培训
          Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discovered                                                     B7.3                                                                                                                   P29-31
                                                                                                                                              Description of the anti-corruption training provided to directors and staff
Operational practices
Aspect B5: Supply chain management
                                                                                                                                     Aspect B8: Community investment
General disclosure
                                                                                                                                     General disclosure
B5.1                                                                                                                        P105              专注贡献范畴(如教育、环境事宜、劳工需求、健康、文化、体育)
                                                                                                                                     B8.1                                                                                                              P107-115
          Number of suppliers by geographical region
                                                                                                                                              Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labor
          描述有关聘用供货商的惯例,向其执行有关惯例的供货商数目,以及有关相关执行及监察方法                                                  needs,health, culture, sport)
B5.2                                                                                                                    P104-105
          Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers where the practices                                    在专注范畴所动用资源(如金钱或时间)
          are being implemented, how they are implemented and monitored                                                              B8.2                                                                                                              P107-115
                                                                                                                                              Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area
B5.3      Description of practices relating to identifying environmental and social risks at each link of the supply    P104-105
          chain, how they are implemented and monitored

B5.4      Description of management promoting the use of environmental products and services in selecting               P104-105
          selection, how they are implemented and monitored

Aspect B6: Product responsibility

General disclosure

B6.1                                                                                                                           P64
          Percentage of total products sold or shipped subject to recalls for safety and health reasons

B6.2                                                                                                                           P64
          Number of products and service-related complaints received and how they are dealt with
120     中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司      China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.                                     2020 Environmental, Social and Governance Report   2020 年度环境、社会及管治报告   121




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122   中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司   China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.