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传音控股:传音控股2022 年度环境、社会及管治(ESG)报告【英文版】2023-04-26  

                                      01                                      02                                     03
About This Report               01            OPERATION RESPONSIBILITY               PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITY                  ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY
About Transsion                 02            Lean Development                       Technology                              Green and
Message from Chairman           03                                                   Empowerment                             Low-Carbon Operation
2022 ESG Performance            05    ESG governance                     11   Product quality assurance         27   Green and low-carbon operation   39
Responsibility Topic: Educate   07    Stakeholder communication          12   Guarantee of product safety       30   Green technology empowerment     48
for Africa,for Future                and engagement
                                                                              Product optimization and          33
                                      Identication and analysis of       13   innovation
Appendix I                      93    material issues
Appendix II                     99    Regulatory governance and          15
Feedback Form                   102   risk control

                                      Business ethics and anti-cor-      18

                                      04                                      05                                     06
                                              EMPLOYEES’ RESPONSIBILITIES           PARTNER RESPONSIBILITIES                COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES

                                              Vital Development                      Win-win Results                         Harmony
                                      Employee interests protection      55   Responsible supply chain          75   Rural revitalization             85
                                      Employee training and              63                                          Public welfare and charity       87
                                      development                             Responsible procurement           77

                                      Occupational health and            69   Promote industry development      77
01 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                           2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 02

About This Report                                                                                                         About Transsion
This report is the 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance (hereinafter referred to as “ESG”) Report (here-
inafter referred to as “ESG Report” or “the Report”) ,released by Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd. (here-
                                                                                                                          Company Prole
inafter referred to as “Transsion Holdings”, “Transsion”, “we” or “the company”). It mainly discloses Transsion   Transsion Holdings is committed to becoming the most popular provider
Holdings’ ESG ideas, important progress, and performance in 2022.                                                        of smart devices and mobile services for consumers in global emerging
                                                                                                                          markets. The company is best known for its highquality multi-brand
                                                                                                                          smart devices. Mobile phones are its core products, while it also oers
Basis of Preparation                                                                                                      mobile Internet services based on a self-developed operating system and
This Report is prepared mainly according to the GRI Sustainable Development Report Standards (GRI Stan-                   trac entrance. Transsion’s brand portfolio comprises leading mobile
dards) issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (hereinafter referred to as “GRI”) and the relevant regulations,       phone brands in emerging markets, including TECNO, itel and Innix, as
guidelines and other requirements in China.                                                                               well as oraimo for smart accessories, Syinix for home appliances and
                                                                                                                          Carlcare for after-sales services. The company’s products have entered
                                                                                                                          more than 70 countries and regions around the world.
Scope of This Report
                                                                                                                          Transsion Holdings was listed on the SSE Star Market in 2019 and has
Unless otherwise specied, this Report covers the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 (“this
                                                                                                                          been included in the MSCI China A Index, MSCI China A Onshore Index,
year”, the “Reporting Period”) and covers Transsion Holdings and its subsidiaries and branches.
                                                                                                                          MSCI China All Shares Index, CSI STAR Entrepreneurship 50 Index, SSE
Unless otherwise specied, the amounts involved in this Report are denominated in RMB.                                     STAR 50 Index, etc. In recent years, Transsion Holdings won various
                                                                                                                          honors including “China Top 500 Enterprises”,“China Top 500 Private
                                                                                                                          Enterprises”, “China Top 100 Leading Enterprises in strategic emerging
Data Source                                                                                                               Industries“,”China Top 500 Private Manufacturing Enterprises”,“Fortune
                                                                                                                          China 500”, “China Manufacturing Champion Demonstration Enter-
All the data used in this Report is from the company’s ocial documents, relevant reports and statistical                 prise”, “50 Smartest Companies” by MIT Technology Review.

                                                                                                                          Value system
Availability of This Report
                                                                                                                               Philosophy       Together we can
This Report is prepared in Chinese and English. If there is any dierence between the versions, the Chinese
version shall prevail.                                                                                                         Vision           To become the most popular provider of smart devices and mobile services for consum-
The electronic version of the Report is available and downloaded from the website of SSE (www.sse.com.cn)                                       ers in global emerging markets
and the company’s website (www.transsion.com).
                                                                                                                               Mission          To improve the lives of as many people as possible through technology and innovation

                                                                                                                               Core Values Customers                                            Respect
                                                                                                                                                are both the starting point and the end denes how we treat each other and our
                                                                                                                                                point for all work of Transsioners.             dierences.
Should you have any questions or feedback on this Report and contents hereof, please contact us by:
                                                                                                                                                Openness                                        Innovation
Address: 1702-1703, 17/F (natural oor 15/F), Desay Building, No.9789 Shennan Road, Yuehai                                                       staying open connects us to the future and is essential to achieving breakthroughs on
Sub-district, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China                                                                                                 its possibilities.                              dierent levels, both personal and organi-
Tel.: 0755-33979932
                                                                                                                                                Sharing                                         Bottom line
Fax: 0755-33979211                                                                                                                              invites every “I” to become “We”.           we always show compassion, even if it
Email: investor@transsion.com                                                                                                                                                                   puts us at a disadvantage.
03 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                            2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 04

                                           Message from Chairman                                           Continuous protection of employee rights and interests, support
                                                                                                           for employee development, and transmission of employee care
                                           In 2022, Transsion Holdings upholded the philosophy of
                                           “Together we can”, adhered to highly valuing corporate
                                                                                                           Transsion highly values the health and safety of employees, and is committed to providing employees with a
                                           governance, continuously improved the company's compli-
                                                                                                           healthy, safe, and comfortable working environment. We strictly implement safety checks on oce areas, regu-
                                           ance risk control system, continuously optimized and
                                                                                                           larly promote knowledge of re safety, rst aid, and other aspects to employees; pay attention to the physical
                                           upgraded strategic concepts, and integrated sustainable
                                                                                                           and mental health of employees at all times, provide employees with annual physical examinations, supplemen-
                                           development strategies into daily business management
                                                                                                           tary medical insurance, and organize cultural and entertainment activities to care for the physical and mental
                                           activities to achieve common growth of the company,
                                                                                                           health of employees. In addition, Transsion values talent cultivation and pays attention to talent development.
                                           customers, employees, shareholders and other stakehold-
                                                                                                           It provides professional training for all employees through Transsion College and continuously expands the
                                           ers, maintained a healthy and sustainable development
                                                                                                           professional skills of various teams. In addition to providing competitive salaries to employees, Transsion has
                                           trend, and fullled Transsion Holdings' responsibility to the
                                                                                                           established a short, medium, and long-term incentive system, continuously improving employee satisfaction.
                                           environment and society.
George Zhu
                                                                                                           Actively participate in public welfare and adhere to corporate
Chairman of the Company                    Using technological innovation
                                           to help consumers practice
                                           low-carbon living                                               In 2022, Transsion participated in and supported the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
                                                                                                           (UNHCR) Refugee Higher Education Scholarship Program, providing higher education and employment oppor-
                                           In implementing the ESG concept, Transsion continuously         tunities for African refugee youth, helping them unleash their potential, and then returning to African society
                                           optimized product functions, upgraded product matrices,         for a brighter future.
                                           and always adhered to the concept of sustainable develop-
                                           ment, incorporating low-carbon energy conservation and          "Gathering Transsion's strength to help rural revitalization" in 2022, Transsion continued to promote the "rural
                                           emission reduction, cost reduction and eciency enhance-         revitalization" special plan, took practical actions to help rural revitalization, participated in social welfare, and
                                           ment, and climate change response into company opera-           insisted on giving back to society.
                                           tions, products, and services. We continued to fulll our
                                           mission of "To improve the lives of as many people as possi-
                                                                                                           Continuously promote low-carbon development of enterprises
                                           ble through technology and innovation" and provided
                                           better products and experiences for consumers in global         Transsion actively undertakes corporate environmental responsibilities, continuously promotes low-carbon
                                           emerging markets through innovation in technology, prod-        development of enterprises, and helps achieve the national "dual carbon" goals. In the production and manu-
                                           ucts, and operating models.                                     facturing process, Transsion carries out energy conservation and emission reduction work from management
                                                                                                           optimization, technological improvement, and other aspects, improves resource utilization eciency, and
                                           In response to the demands and characteristics of consum-
                                                                                                           continuously strengthens the company's green low-carbon operation.
                                           ers in global emerging markets, the company continued to
                                           increase investment in the technology race track of
                                                                                                           As an enterprise with a high sense of social responsibility, Transsion always practices the concept of green
                                           dark-skinned portrait photography, multi-language AI
                                                                                                           development, advocates green operation, promotes the application of green technology, and is committed to
                                           voice assistants, chip customization, folding, AIoT intercon-
                                                                                                           becoming an environment and resource-friendly provider of intelligent terminal products and mobile Internet
                                           nection, and fast charging, creating localized innovative
                                           product values and enhancing product competitiveness. At
                                           the same time, the company developed passive innovative         Looking forward to the future, Transsion will uphold the corporate mission of "To improve the lives of as many
                                           materials and low-carbon environmentally friendly new           people as possible through technology and innovation", with a long-term perspective, the ability to seize the
As of December 31, 2022,                   materials, incorporating the concept of low-carbon into         moment, the driving force of technological leadership, and the vitality to embrace change, step by step, solidly
Transsion employed                         product design. The company adhered to creating products        fulll social responsibilities, and promote sustainable development of the enterprise.
                                           with warmth and used technology and innovation to create

16,232         people worldwide
                                           a better life.
05 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                             2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 06

2022 ESG Performance                                                                 Honors for 2022

Responsibilities for 2022
                                                                                             China Top 500 Enterprises                  China Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises
Economic indicators
                                                                                          China Enterprise Confederation and              China Enterprise Confederation and China
                                                                                           China Entrepreneurs Association                       Entrepreneurs Association
    Indicator                               Unit                            Data

    Operating revenue                       RMB million                 46,595.90

    Net prot attributable to shareholders   RMB million                 2,483.80
    of the listed company                                                                  China Top 100 Innovative Large                  China Top 100 Leading Enterprises in
                                                                                                    Enterprises                               Strategic Emerging Industries
    Net cash ow from operating activities   RMB million                  1,979.38
                                                                                       China Enterprise Confederation and China           China Enterprise Confederation and China
    Taxes paid                              RMB million                  1,429.82
                                                                                              Entrepreneurs Association                          Entrepreneurs Association
    Cash dividend                           RMB million                   1,447.11

                                                                                                                                          China Top 500 Private Manufacturing
                                                                                         China Top 500 Private Enterprises                            Enterprises
Social indicators
                                                                                     All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce      All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

    Indicator                               Unit                            Data

    Total number of employees               Person                         16,232

    Total training attendance               Person-time                    41,366
                                                                                          China Manufacturing Champion
    Total investment in employee training   RMB million                     14.75           Demonstration Enterprise                                 Fortune China 500

    Total investment in occupational        RMB million                     18.27         Ministry of Industry and Information                          Fortune China
    health and safety measures                                                         Technology, China Federation of Industrial

                                                                                        Guangdong Top 500 Manufacturing
Environmental indicators

    Indicator                               Unit                            Data        Guangdong Manufacturers Association,
                                                                                        Guangdong Provincial Development and
    Total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions    tCO2e                         12,312.9              Reform Commission
    (including Scope 1 and Scope 2)

    GHG emission intensity                  tCO2e/RMB billion revenue       264.2

    Total water consumption                 ton                         107,583.0

    Overall energy consumption              tce                           2,660.7

    Overall energy consumption intensity    tce/RMB billion revenue           57.1
07 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                            2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 08

Responsibility Topic: Education for Africa,                                                                       Refugee student Yves
for Future
                                                                                                                  Yves, who was born in Burundi, Africa, came to Zimbabwe with his family in 1998 to escape a life of
                                                                                                                  wandering and displacement. With a strong interest in science, he worked hard and successfully
Education is a basic human right that is particularly precious for refugees who have experienced disasters and    applied for a higher education scholarship of the UNHCR supported by Transsion. As a scholarship
displacement. Education provides refugees with knowledge and skills, enabling them to have a productive,          recipient, he has completed a bachelor's degree in fuel and energy engineering and successfully
fullling, and independent live. Education can improve mental health and provide a stable and safe environ-        obtained an internship in the solar energy industry. In addition, in his life and studies, he noticed the
ment for those who need it most. Education also helps refugee youth build a better future for themselves, their   living conditions of refugees in Zimbabwe and the issues related to energy and climate. He then found-
families, and their communities. Access to higher education can help refugee youth broaden knowledge,             ed a local welfare organization for sustainable development and actively participated in local
improve skills, plan careers, and better their lives through exploration and innovation.                          construction. He also vigorously promoted sustainable development and clean energy in refugee
                                                                                                                  camps and Dongdao communities, providing training for various groups. Yves uses his knowledge and
On June 20, 2022, Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd. announced it continued the cooperation with the           achievements to advocate and implement sustainable energy projects, contributing to the sustainable
UNHCR, with its TECNO brand, supporting the "Refugee Higher Education Scholarship Program" - the Albert           development of refugee communities.
Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI). This program is the longest-running and largest-scale
refugee higher education scholarship project in the world. In 2022, Transsion donated $272,640 to the UNHCR.
This cooperation aimed to provide higher education and employment opportunities for African refugee youth,
support them full potential, and ultimately contribute to educational equity with corporate power.

                                       The pictures are from the UNHCR
                             Operation Responsibility
                                                                                Response to SDGs Indicators

                              for Lean Development
                                                                                 Response to GRI Indicators
Transsion implements lean management, continues to standardize corporate

governance, improves and enhances risk management and control, attaches

importance to commercial moral construction, cultivates integrity culture and

cement the foundation for sustainable development of the enterprise.
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Honors in 2022                                                                                                    Stakeholder communication and
               The Best ESG Company                                The Most Valuable Listed Company
                 on the STAR Market                                      on the STAR Market
                                                                                                                  We put a high value on the two-way communication with stakeholders, understand the concerns of stakehold-
          Cailian Press STAR Market Daily                           Cailian Press STAR Market Daily               ers via various communication channels, and constantly improve our management and practice in the commu-

           China Top 30 Listed Companies
                on the STAR Market                                  Most Valuable Listed Companies
                                                                            for Investment
                                                                                                                                                    Continuous and steady business            Regularly disclose operating and nancial
                  Securities Times                                                                                                                  growth                                    information
      (The 16th value selection of China’s listed                      Securities Market Weekly                              Shareholders/
                                                                                                                                                    Compliant operation                       Comply with relevant laws and regulations
                     companies)                                                                                               Investors
                                                                                                                                                    Protection of shareholders’ rights and   General meeting of shareholders, regular
                                                                                                                                                    interests                                 and routine communication with investors

       Responsibility, Enterprising, Excellence                          Socially Responsible                                                       Compensation and benets                   Establish a fair and just remuneration
                                                                        Outstanding Enterprises                                                                                               system
                                                                                                                                                    Occupational health and safety
      Sina Finance(2022 China Corporate ESG                                                                                   Employees                                                       Strengthen occupational health and safety
                                                            Sina Finance(2022 China Corporate ESG Golden                                            Employee training and development         management
       Golden Responsibility Award Selection)
                                                                    Responsibility Award Selection)
                                                                                                                                                                                              Carry out diversied training, and keep
                                                                                                                                                                                              employee development channels open

                                                                                                                                                    Fair procurement                          Establish fair and transparent procurement

ESG governance
                                                                                                                                                                                              principles and processes
                                                                                                                                                    Long-term and stable cooperation
                                                                                                                              Suppliers                                                       Carry out regular communication with and
                                                                                                                                                    Business ethics and anti-corruption       training of suppliers

                                                                                                                                                                                              Advocate the responsible supply chain
Transsion Holdings attaches great importance to the sustainable development of the company, and carries out
the sustainable development of the company surrounding the operational responsibility, product responsibili-
                                                                                                                                                    Responsible products                      Enhance the product responsibility
ty, environmental responsibility, employee responsibility, partner responsibility and community responsibility.               Industry-university                                             consciousness
                                                                                                                              -research partners    Product optimization and innovation
We fully integrate the environmental, social and corporate governance matters into our development strategy                                                                                   Strengthen the industry-university-research
and business activities, continuously improve the ESG management structure and clarify the division of                                                                                        project cooperation

responsibilities to standardize the governance mechanism, protect rights and interests of stakeholders and
                                                                                                                                                    Win-win cooperation                       Expand cooperation and exchange channels
practice sustainable development.
                                                                                                                                                    High-quality products and services        Keep product and service feedback channels
                                                                                                                              Distributors                                                    open
In the future, we will continue to improve the ESG management structure, optimize the ESG information                                               Business ethics and anti-corruption
                                                                                                                                                                                              Strictly comply with laws and regulations of
sorting work ow, and carry out ESG work under the leadership of the Board of Directors; we will improve the                                                                                   each place where we operate
review and decision-making on major ESG matters by the Board of Directors, such as the special review of the
annual ESG report; we will improve the ESG management function and hold the Board Secretary’s Oce                                                  Product optimization and innovation       Maintain communication with the media
accountable for coordinating ESG related matters, such as collection of ESG related information and prepara-                                        Compliant operation                       Timely disclose necessary information
tion of ESG reports; we will also improve the centralized management and practical implementation of various
ESG issues of each functional department, report or give relevant proposals to the management in due time                                           Information security and privacy          Strengthen the information security and
                                                                                                                                                    protection                                privacy protection measures
to enhance the ESG performance of the company.                                                                                Consumers
                                                                                                                                                    High-quality products and services        Keep consumer feedback channels open
The company includes major risk indicators in the corresponding performance evaluation system of its execu-
tives, and will undertake the corresponding risk responsibilities for the respective business modules.                                              Compliant operation                       Conduct integrity management and pay
                                                                                                                              The government                                                  taxes in accordance with the law
                                                                                                                              and regulators
                                                                                                                                                    Enterprise’s sustainable development     Lean management and sustainable develop-
 Honors of Transsion Holdings on corporate governance in 2022
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                     2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Identication and analysis of material
issues                                                                                                                            Transsion's 2022 ESG Materiality Matrix

Taking the GRI Standards as the basis, the company identied and screened the material ESG issues of Trans-
sion for this year, referring to the relevant regulations, guidelines and other requirements in China, and taking
into account the company’s business model, the industry development and national policies. We carried out an
extensive questionnaires survey targeting all stakeholders in order to enhance the pertinence and materiality
of the Report, and conducted analysis on material ESG issues according to the feedback from each stakehold-
er. The company hopes to pointedly select key issues of high materiality through this procedure, and continu-
ously improve its ESG management accordingly, in an eort to better meet the expectations and demands of

Step 1 Identication of ESG issues
Based on the company’s business model, and taking into account the national policy guidelines, industry devel-
opment situation and concerns of stakeholders, we have identied 13 ESG issues, namely responsible prod-
ucts, employee health and safety, information security and privacy protection, business ethics and anti-cor-
ruption, human resources development, corporate governance, risk management, responsible supply chain                                                                                                Environment
management, public welfare and charity, green products, waste management, climate change and GHG man-                                                                                                Governance
agement, and energy management in three major areas of environment, society and governance.

Step 2 Investigation of stakeholders
                                                                                                                    Highly important issues       Moderately important issues     Generally important issues
The members of the Board of Directors participated in this year’s assessment on the material ESG issues of
Transsion Holdings. We also collected a total of 658 answered questionnaires from investors, suppliers,
                                                                                                                       Information security and      Responsible supply chain         Climate change and GHG
government authorities, distributors, consumers, employees and other stakeholders to fully understand and
collect internal and external stakeholders’ assessment on the importance of the ESG issues of Transsion Hold-         privacy protection            management                       management

ings for the year.
                                                                                                                       Responsible products          Public welfare and charity       Energy management

                                                                                                                       Employee health and           Green products

Step 3 Importance analysis                                                                                             safety
                                                                                                                                                     Waste management
Based on the materiality principle, we ranked the ESG issues from two dimensions of “importance to the                Human resources
company” and “importance to stakeholders” based on the results of the questionnaire survey, and drew up a           development
matrix of material issues.
                                                                                                                       Business ethics and

Step 4 Conrmation by the management                                                                                    Corporate governance

The Board of Directors and management reviewed the results of the importance analysis and conrmed the                  Risk management
important ESG issues and the issue matrix for the year.
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                        2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

                                                                                                                        Compliance information disclosure
                                                                                                                        Transsion actively fullls its information disclosure obligations and discloses relevant information to all share-

Focus on corporate governance                                                                                           holders, investors and the public timely and completely in accordance with the principles of openness, justice
                                                                                                                        and fairness, allowing investors to be fully informed of the company’s nance, operation, human resources and
The company attaches importance to the regulation of governance, strictly follows the Company Law of the                other material matters. The company also maintains good communication with investors and the public by
People’s Republic ofofChina, Securities Law ofof the People’s Republic ofof China, Regulations on the Governance of
                                                                                                                   of   establishing various communication channels, and standardizes investor relations management behaviors to
Listed Companies, Rules for Listing Shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange STAR Market and relevant regula-              ensure honesty, responsibility, and respect to investors.
tions of regulatory authorities such as the CSRC, and eectively implements the Articles of Association, Rules
of Procedure for General Meeting ofof Shareholders, Rules ofofProcedure ofofthe Board ofofDirectors and Rules of
Procedure for the Board ofof Supervisors etc., so as to continuously improve the corporate governance of the
                                                                                                                        Strengthening risk control
company, perfect the internal control system, actively regulate the operation of the company, strive to reduce
risks and ensure the eective operation of the corporate governance structure.                                           Transsion strives to improve the risk control process and mechanism, and constantly lifts the risk control capa-
                                                                                                                        bility to ensure the stable operation of the company. By strengthening the coverage of legal professionals,
                                                                                                                        optimizing the system and process guarantee, promoting standardized construction and management, and

    Corporate Govermance Framework of Transsion Holdings
                                                                                     In 2022, the company held          establishing special communication mechanisms for major issues, the company reinforces the risk control in
                                                                                                                        multiple dimensions and applies the risk control process to all aspects of its management and operation.The
                                                  Strategy Committee                 general meetings of Shareholders   company has established a risk control committee at the corporate level, which will comprehensively identify
                General Meeting of
                  Shareholders                                                                                          and evaluate risks in all aspects of the company's operations in a specialized form, and improve and rectify
                                                  Audit Committee                                                       them based on the identication and evaluation results.
                                                                                     meetings of the Board of
    Board of Supervisors   Board of Directors                                        Directors                          In 2022, Transsion adopted its major risk prevention and control mechanism in a multidimensional way, and no
                                                  Nomination Committee
                                                                                                                        major risk event occurred throughout the year.

                             Management           Remuneration and                   meetings of the Board of
                                                  Evaluation Committee                                                                          According to the principle of comprehensive business coverage, for all kinds of business, there
                                                                                     Supervisors                        Strengthening the       were legal personnel of the company responsible for business connection and embedding,
                                                                                                                        coverage of personnel   sorting out risks in various businesses such as employment risk, outsourced factory risk and
                                                                                                                                                property insurance risk, and providing special solutions.
The Board of Directors of the company has set up Strategy Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Com-
mittee, and Remuneration and Evaluation Committee. Each committee performs its own duties to fully ensure
the rationality of internal resource allocation and the eciency of operation decision-making. The appoint-                                      The Legal Department of the company issued and implemented the online approval process
                                                                                                                        Optimizing the system   of contract signing and verication and the recovery and management mechanism of
ment of Board members fully considers diversied factors, including but not limited to professional, experi-                                     contract les to ensure that the signing of all kinds of contracts is subject to necessary
                                                                                                                        and process
ence, education background, age, gender, etc.                                                                           management              business approval and approval of professional legal department and other relevant depart-
                                                                                                                                                ments, thereby preventing risks and standardizing the operation process.
As of December 31, 2022, Transsion had 9 members of the Board of Directors totally, including 6 executive
directors and 3 independent directors. The 9 directors have rich industry experience and professional abilities
                                                                                                                                                The company's legal department formulates and iterates various standard contract texts
in communication, technology, nance and other elds, one of the independent directors is an expert in nan-               Implementing            and demonstration texts, and gradually establishes various risk libraries. At the same time, it
                                                                                                                        Standardized            actively improves the training and publicity of business-related legal knowledge, and through
cial management and has a professional background in nancial risk management.
                                                                                                                        management              standardized measures, improves business eciency and enhances the compliance aware-
                                                                                                                                                ness and risk identication capabilities of all employees, thereby reducing legal risks.

Protection of the rights and interests of minority shareholders
                                                                                                                        Establishing special    Regarding various major issues and risk issues, special communication and handling mecha-
Transsion fully respects the rights and interests of all shareholders and attaches particular importance to             communication           nisms were established, and relevant departments were coordinated to follow up on and deal
safeguarding the equal status enjoyed by minority shareholders. In accordance with the Articles of Associa-             mechanisms for major    with the key issues, and form a closed loop to avoid potential risks.
tion, the company publishes an announcement according to the relevant information disclosure requirements
of the stock exchange before convening a general meeting to disclose the matters to be deliberated at the
meeting as well as the date and venue of the meeting. The general meeting adopts a method of on-site voting
and online voting in combination to ensure that all shareholders can fully exercise their rights. Meanwhile, it                                 Transsion Holdings’s Risk Management Process
discloses the results of separate vote counting from minority shareholders in the announcement of
resolutions of the general meeting for relevant proposals involving separate vote counting from minority                 Risk                   Risk                      Risk                      Risk                   Supervision and
                                                                                                                         prevention             identication              assessment                response               improvement
shareholders, to fully reect the opinions of minority shareholders.
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                    2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Improving the compliance system                                                                                      Business ethics and anti-corruption
Transsion lays stress on law-based corporate governance, and steadily promotes corporate compliance man-
agement by continuously improving the company’s compliance management system and making comprehen-
sive arrangements for the building of a law-based culture. Transsion constantly establishes and improves the
                                                                                                                     Business ethics
company’s compliance management system and perfect relevant system in terms of fair competition, labor              Transsion attaches great importance to business ethics management, and promotes eective management
security, intellectual property protection, consumer protection, incorruptible management, contract and              mechanism. The Board of Directors is responsible for the supervision and management of the overall opera-
business compliance management and case compliance management and other elds to ensure the legality                  tional risks, the Audit and Supervision Department carries out internal business ethics and integrity manage-
and standardization of its commercial activities.                                                                    ment, and the Procurement Department carries out targeted business ethics and integrity management of
                                                                                                                     procurement personnel and suppliers.
In accordance with compliance requirements, the company issued the Contract Management Measures, Law
suit Management Measures, Case Disclosure and Reporting Management Process and other rules and regula-               Transsion strictly observes the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China the Anti-Unfair Compe-
                                                                                                                                                                       of                        of
tions, and constantly updated and improved the relevant compliance system and institutional process based                                                                                                     of
                                                                                                                     tition Law of the People’s Republic of China, and the Interim Provisions on Prohibition of Commercial Bribery
on compliance requirements and business development.                                                                 issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, as well as other laws and regulations related
                                                                                                                     to business ethics. It has established and implemented Transsion Holdings Red Line Management System
The company focused on standardized management in the areas of export control, data privacy and informa-
                                                                                                                     and other regulations, and published Transsion Holdings’s Ethics of Business Operation on its ocial website
tion security, as well as anti-monopoly, anti-money laundering and other elds, and gradually improves the
                                                                                                                     to standardize and guide the construction of our business ethics.
company's compliance governance mechanisms and systems through special forms, eectively preventing
compliance risks. In terms of data privacy, the company has established a data privacy committee, issued
                                                                                                                       Information disclosure
relevant supporting regulations, and promoted comprehensive implementation throughout the company. In                According to applicable regulations and major industry
terms of export control, the company has successively formulated relevant regulations on export control,             practices, information about business activities, organi-
improved the compliance assessment process, and focused on promoting various training on compliance                  zational structure, nancial condition and performance
awareness.                                                                                                           is made public. All information disclosed has been
                                                                                                                     reviewed by the Board Secretary’s Oce and other
                                                                                                                     relevant departments to ensure the authenticity, accura-

Emphasizing compliance training and publicity                                                                        cy and integrity of the information.

In order to strengthen employees’ compliance awareness, the company carried out diversied compliance                  Arm’s length transaction
training and publicity. In 2022, we optimized and updated the Transsion Holdings Red Line Management                 Applicable fair competition laws and antitrust laws are
                                                                                                                     strictly followed. No employee shall manipulate or use
System to enhance employees' compliance awareness. At the same time, in 2022, a new “sunshine reporting
                                                                                                                     privilege information, or otherwise obtain unfair benets
channel” was established to facilitate employees to actively report the interests and red line behaviors in their
                                                                                                                     in an unfair manner. The company adheres to the
work processes, standardize employee behavior, and eectively strengthen the company's probity gover-
                                                                                                                     standards of fair trade, advertising and competition.
                                                                                                                        Operation in good faith
                                                                                                                     The company adheres to the strict good faith standard in
                                                                                                                     all business interactions and prohibits any form of
                                                                                                                     bribery, corruption, extortion and embezzlement.

                                                                                                                       Intellectual property rights
                                                                                                                     Intellectual property rights are respected. Information
                                                                                                                     security is well protected, and condential or personal
                                                                                                                     information about the company, customers or suppliers
                                                                                                                     shall not be disclosed to others.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Publicity Signs for Strengthening the
                                                                                                                     Transsion Holdings persistently carries out business                  Construction of Business Ethics
                                                                                                                     ethics audit. In 2022, a total of 16 special audits were
                                                                                                                     conducted, covering manufacturing, sales, procurement,
                                                                                                                     after-sales and other areas.. Based on the audit results,
                                                                                                                     the company provided opinions to further standardize
                                                                                                                     the company’s operation.
                        Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                         2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Reporting handling procedure
In order to foster a clean environment, the company claries the acceptance procedure of reporting and super-
vision to practice corporate management of transparency, integrity and self-discipline.
The company handles reported information according to the following process:

                                 Acceptance Process of Reporting and Supervision of Transsion Holdings
 Reporting acceptance

                                       Relevant information           Whether it is              Signed and conrmed          Information
                          Reporting                                   eligible for
                                       registration by the                                       by the relevant             archiving and
                                       reporting register                                        responsible person of       feedback to the
                                                                                                 Audit and Supervision       reporter
                                                                  Reporting acceptance

                                                                 Whether it involves                                                           Reporting channels
                                                                 information security.human
                                                                 resources and legal aairs
                                                                                                                                               We regard integrity and honesty as essential qualities for self-discipline and compliance of Transsioners, and

                                                                                                                                               accept the supervision from the society. Transsion Holdings has disclosed various reporting channels on the
                                                                                                                                               company’s website, including email, letters, telephone calls and face-to-face interviews, so as to widely
                                                   Designate an investigation leader to            Establish a joint investigation team        receive opinions on the company’s integrity building from all walks of life.
                                                   set up an investigation team                    and designate the person in charge

                                                                                                                                               Supervision and reporting channels
                                                   Develop investigation procedures                Develop investigation procedures
                                                   and carry out the investigation                 and carry out the investigation
                                                                                                                                                       Email: Ad@transsion.com

                                                                                                                                                       Tip-o hotline: 15618156753

                                                   Obtain evidence and issue investigation ndings                        Conrmation by
                                                                                                                         the management
                                                                                                                                                       Address: 23rd Floor, Building B-1, Block 9, Shenzhen Bay Technology Ecological Park,
                                                   Prepare an investigation report                                                                     Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

                                                                                                                     Refer to justice for      Moreover, we have also topped the announcement of supervision and reporting on the company’s internal
                                                                              Whether the case needs to
                                                                              be referred to the justice             handling                  OA system to dene the scope and content of supervision and reporting, as well as the reporting methods.
                                                                                                                                               If the report is proved true after investigation, the reporter will be given a reward. All employees are welcome

                                                                                                                                               to participate in supervision to prevent and stop all violations and ensure the healthy development of the
                                                              Issue opinions on awards or punishments in accordance
                                                              with the Company’s relevant regulations

                                                                                                                                               Reporter protection
                                                                Announce the opinions on awards or punishments
                                                                                                                                               We attach great importance to the protection of the legal rights of reporters, and maintain condentiality
                                                                                                                                               for and protect their identity information. To ensure the interests of reporters, all reported information will

                                                                                                                                               be kept condential to the person being reported against. For reported matters involving its executives,
                                                                           Close and archive the case                                          communication will be made directly with the Audit Committee to ensure the interests of the reporter.
                          Product responsibility and
                                                                                                                                                      Response to SDGs Indicators

                          Technology Empowerment
                                                                                                                                                       Response to GRI Indicators
In Transsion, product quality and safety are always the top priority, for which we relentlessly improve our product quality management system,
strengthen our risk management capability against quality risk, strive for excellence, and devote to innovative R&D. With these in mind, we develop                       GRI418
high-quality products that are more intelligent and caring for customers.
25 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                           2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 26

Honors in 2022

01                                                                                     06   Google, KANTAR

           TECNO, itel and Innix ranked 6th, 15th, and 25th on the 2022 Top 100 Most        Innix won the “KANTAR BrandZTM Chinese Global Brand Builders 2022 Top 20
           Admired Brands in Africa                                                         Rising Stars”

02         Global Brands Magazine                                                      07   Asian Business Review

           TECNO won the“Most Innovative Mobile Phone Manufacturing Brand”                Innix won the “Marketing & Brand Initiative of the Year - China”
                                                                                            and the “Technology Innovation of the Year - China”

           TECNO Phantom X, CAMON 19 Pro won the 2022 iF DESIGN AWARD
                                                                                            Itel won the “Africa’s Most Committed Brand to Humanitarian Services”

04         International Awards Associates

           TECNO CAMON 19 Pro ART Edition won the “MUSE Design Awards 2022 Silver

05         The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, Internation-
           al Council of Graphic Design Associations & Associazione per il Diseg-
           no Industriale

           TECNO CAMON 19 Pro ART Edition and TECNO TH300 (Smart Home Security
           Camera) won the A' Design Award

27 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                                 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 28

Product quality assurance                                                                                         For the purpose of product quality enhancement, Transsion engaged in several special improve-
                                                                                                                  ment projects in the above aspects in 2022.

Transsion strictly observes laws and regulations in connection with product quality management, enhances             R&D process quality
its capability in quality risk management and continuously improves its product quality management system
to ensure the top product quality.                                                                                   The company iteratively optimized the IPD operation manual and process, and incorporated it into a
                                                                                                                     trial run of new projects; optimized the end-to-end quality management process of product, and
                                                                                                                     improved the dierentiated management rules for technology development and product development;
                                                                                                                     strengthened the quality control of agship new technologies through measures such as strict stan-
Quality management system                                                                                            dards and early-stage architecture intervention.

Transsion has put in place a well-established product quality management system and has been in strict
compliance with the                                                            and other laws and regulations        Incoming material quality
that govern in the places where we operate. Transsion Holdings, Shenzhen Tecno Technology and Chongqing
Transsion Technology have all passed the ISO 9001 quality management system certication and have devel-              The company completed 187 specic improvements including screen, CAM, structural components, etc,
oped comprehensive quality management system processes and management systems based on the ISO 9001                  further ensuring the quality level of incoming materials.
quality management system standard framework. According to the requirements of business development
and internal and external audits, the company continuously optimizes and updates relevant processes and
systems every year, clarifying the quality inspection requirements and standards for various materials or prod-
ucts. The company has established a quality standard department to unify the quality standards and testing           Manufacturing process quality
plans for R&D, manufacturing, testing, and suppliers. In 2022, the company exported and iterated more than
150 quality standards.                                                                                               The company took measures such as importing MES control functions and strengthening performance
                                                                                                                     management of key positions in the factory to ensure the quality of the product manufacturing

                                                                                                                     Product certication and testing

                                                                                                                     The company improved and updated the reliability standards of various components, built compo-
                                                                                                                     nent-level testing capabilities, and introduced LCM and CAM to increase power-on testing capabilities;
                                                                                                                     digitalized testing process and data; developed an automatic testing APK to improve accuracy; added
                                                                                                                     IPX3/IPX4 waterproof testing capabilities.

                                                                                                                  Product quality training

        Shenzhen Transsion Holdings       Shenzhen Tecno Technology      Chongqing Transsion Technology           The company has been committed to improving its in-house quality management by conducting training relat-
           ISO 9001 Certication             ISO 9001 Certication             ISO 9001 Certication                 ing to product quality management systems, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001, and other training
                                                                                                                  to upgrade internal auditors’ inspection skills. To improve the quality awareness and quality improvement
                                                                                                                  capability of all employees in the company, we have conducted multiple training sessions on product quality
In addition, Transsion has developed corresponding management systems and control procedures in multiple          management and product inspection, covering quality awareness, quality management thinking, quality prob-
aspects of product quality management, in an eort to improve product management capability in a full and          lem solving tools and methods, continuous improvement methods, and other basic and advanced quality train-
all-round scale, covering R&D process, incoming material quality, manufacturing process, product certication      ing. In 2022, the company totally carried out more than 70 sessions of product quality management training,
and testing, and other processes.                                                                                 to scale up the product quality from R&D, supplied material, manufacturing processes, etc.
29 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                                   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 30

Quality risk management
                                                                                                                   Guarantee of product safety
The company gives top priority to managing potential risks in respect of product quality, for which we have
                                                                                                                   In Transsion, safety is deemed as a key component in the life-cycle of a product. We have strictly observed the
established and complied with the Control Procedures for Process Risk Identication and Evaluation the
                                                                                                                   laws and regulations in connection with product safety in the countries or regions where we operate. By
Procedures for Risk and Opportunity Response Planning and other internal risk management policies. By
                                                                                                                   continuously improving internal policies and standards of safety management, we strengthen the basis for
doing so, we have put the quality risk identication processes in place, and evaluated and made countermea-
                                                                                                                   secured operation, and further standardize our management standards in product safety, information securi-
sures on such risks.
                                                                                                                   ty, and other sectors. Besides, we also energetically carry out safety culture activities in order to continuously
                                                                                                                   deepen employees’ safety awareness and further improve our management of product safety.

Quality review
                                                                                                                   In 2022, there were no major incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of prod-
                                                                                                                   ucts and services.
Guided by the industrial standards, we carry out an internal audit over quality management system and orga-
nize external reviews by professional third parties on a regular basis. In 2022, we successively carried out ISO
9001 quality management system certication for all our domestic factories, and with the guidance of ISO
9001 standards, we evaluated the related work of internal quality management. To address any potential risks       Product safety and reliability
or non-compliance identied during evaluation, we implemented specic measures to improve our manage-
ment in the furtherance of quality assurance.                                                                      We have established several reliability labs and imaging labs at home and abroad, and build and shape the
                                                                                                                   capabilities of complete set reliability test, raw material certication, standard formulation, among others,
                                                                                                                   targeting smart mobile devices and peripheral products. Our testing capability covers GB/T 2423, GB/T 17626,
Product inspection                                                                                                 GB/T 4208, GB/T 1539 and other national and international standards. We adopt multiple tests relating to
                                                                                                                   product safety, including drop test, high and low temperature environment test, leakage test, waterproof test,
Transsion has established inspection norms of the supplied materials, manufacturing processes, and nished          ame retardant test, high-temperature short circuit, heavy impact, extrusion, high voltage resistance, light-
products for its own plants, central warehouses, and outsourcing factories.                                        ning surge, and high voltage on and o.

                                                                                                                   Moreover, we apply the stringent standards to defend the battery safety bottom-line and protect product
Product recall                                                                                                     safety. We prefer long-life battery component materials, meet integrated requirements for environmental
                                                                                                                   protection, recyclability, ame resistance, etc., endeavor to prolong the service life of batteries, thus further
Transsion has always attached great importance to after-sales services and consumer rights and interests,          implementing the requirements of battery safety and environmental protection.
and established a management mechanism for product recall. To standardize the workow of product recalls,
we have developed internal policies, including the Control Measures of Product Recall. In addition, the company
has set up a product tracing system at the device level to ensure accurate product identication upon product
                                                                                                                   Information security management
recall, and solve the problem thereof swiftly and properly.
                                                                                                                   We have a key focus on information security management and private data protection by strictly conforming
We value the management of product recall and have established a well-rounded product rvecall management           to the laws and regulations in connection with information security and privacy protection in China and other
process with full coverage of closed-loop recall management including pre-recall preparation, recall implemen-     countries and regions where we operate, such as the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China the
                                                                                                                                                                                         of                        of
tation, and recall summary. In 2022, there was no product recall event arising from product quality.               Administrative Measures for the Graded Protection ofof Information Security and the Nigeria Data Protection
                                                                                                                   Regulation The company has established and published security management policies on data security, priva-
                        Product Recall Management Process of Transsion Holdings                                    cy assessment and contingency response, including the Administrativetrative Measures forData Encryption, the
                                                                                                                   Administrative Measures for Security of Digital Assets the Management Procedures for Privacy Impact
         01 Collection of feedback
                                                02 Set up a product                  03 Determine the              Assessment the Norms for Response to Users’ Personal Information Rights the Administrative Procedures for
                                                   recall group                      scope of the recall
                                                                                                                   Information Security and Privacy Incidents etc., which have specied and standardized the process for infor-
                                                                                                                   mation security handling and privacy protection.
         06 Process the products          05 Recall products and implement
                                                                               04 Release recall announcement
                recalled                         reassurance policy
                                                                                                                   With the standardized and comprehensive construction in the eld of information security, Transsion has
                                                                                                                   obtained the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Management System certication and ISO/IEC
                                                                                                                   27701:2019 Privacy Information Management System certication issued by the international authoritative
         07 Correct and prevent                 08 Maintain records
                                                                                                                   organization BSI in 2021, with the certication scope covering multiple areas such as mobile product design
31 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                                                         2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 32

openness, OS operating system, and mobile internet application development. In 2022, the product certica-                           In 2022, the company conducted 18 sessions of regular training on information security and 12 sessions of
tion scope was further expanded, and Transsion has obtained the ISO 27018 Public Cloud Personal Identiable                          specialized training on data security and privacy protection. In November 2022, the company organized a
Information (PII) Information Security Management System Certication.                                                               large-scale information and privacy security culture week activity to further strengthen the management of
                                                                                                                                    information security and privacy protection.
In addition, Transsion’s OA system, SRM (Supplier Relationship Management) system, ocial website and
XHR system have passed the Level 2 certication of classied protection of information security. In 2022, the
company did not record any data security incident or major incident that leaked the private information of
employees and customers.
                                                                                                                                         Strengthening security defense line: Transsion held the second Infor-
                                                                                                                                         mation and Privacy Security Culture Week activity

                                                                                                                                         To further strengthen the awareness of security compliance and
                                                                                                                                         privacy protection, the company held the second Information and
                                                                                                                                         Privacy Security Culture Week activity (referred to as "Security
                                                                                                                                         Week" below) from 2022 November 7th to 18th. A total of more than
                                                                                                                                         2,600 employees from Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chongqing, and
                                                                                                                                         overseas participated in this event. The second Security Week not
                                                                                                                                         only upgraded the form and content of online prize knowledge
                                                                                                                                         quizzes, security interactive games, and privacy protection live
                                                                                                                                         training, but also added security technology forums and on-site
      ISO 27001 Information Security         ISO 27701 Private Information Manage-     ISO 27018 Public Cloud Personal Identi-
                                                                                                                                         security risk demonstration. Through a series of diversied and
      Management System Certicate                   ment System Certicate             able Information (PII) Information Security
                                                                                          Management System Certication                  interesting activities both online and oine, it helped employees
                                                                                                                                         quickly master the relevant knowledge of information and privacy
                                                                                                                                         protection, and enhance their ability to prevent and handle informa-
To strengthen the development of internal information security management, Transsion has set up an infor-
                                                                                                                                         tion security risks.
mation security and privacy management structure to further underpin the data and information security
management. Transsion established the GSPC (Global Security and Privacy Committee) to coordinate the
strategy, planning, and policies in the eld of information security. In terms of management processes, in 2022,
Transsion ocially launched the process of product and data cooperation privacy compliance review. By using
                                                                                                                                    Through a series of measures to enhance the information management mechanism, we protect the security of
its self-developed privacy compliance and security testing tools, Transsion ensures the development and
                                                                                                                                    customer information, employee privacy and other data.
design of products and applications, and integrates security control into every aspect of the product develop-
ment life-cycle.
                                                                                                                                      Hierarchical and          We set up dierent information classication according to dierent levels of information and
                                                                                                                                      classied manage-          carry out strictly hierarchical and classied management through permission settings.
  Information security                                                                                                                ment
                               Composition                           Principal responsibilities
  management structure
                                                                                                                                      Dedicated personnel       A dedicated team is established to manage information and data security.
  Global Security and          The committee is chaired by           Responsible for developing and managing global                   management
  Privacy Committee            the director                          information security and privacy protection strat-
                                                                     egies, plans, policies, and driving the implementa-
  (GSPC)                                                                                                                              Encryption and            A series measures are taken with reference to related security norms, e.g., mandatory
                                                                     tion and achievement of information security and
                                                                     privacy strategies                                               desensitization           encryption over condential eld in database; Production database which contains personal
                                                                                                                                      management                privacy information requires de-identication before export.

  Information Security         There are dedicated sta in Process    Responsible for the data security and emergency
  Department                   and Information Center, Mobile        response work of Transsion's information system,                                           We conduct internet application security assessment and penetration tests over systems
                                                                                                                                      Proactive risk
                               Internet Center and Software          and providing guidance and supervision for the                                             that have been launched, and x any issues identied on a timely basis.
                               Engineer Center                       implement of various information security manage-
                                                                     ment work                                                                                  New system or major version iteration cannot go live without passing strict security tests.

  Privacy Compliance           There are dedicated sta in            Responsible for identifying the legal and regula-                                          For key core information systems, we conduct security grading protection assessments
                                                                     tory requirements for data security and privacy                                            based on the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China, and organize contingency
  Department                   legal department
                                                                     compliance in domestic and foreign key business                                            drill at least annually.
                                                                     countries/regions, and guiding and supervising
                                                                                                                                                                Production databases are accessed through bastion host and strict measures are imple-
                                                                     the development of privacy protection manage-
                                                                                                                                                                mented for permission control to prevent data leakage risk.
                                                                     ment work
33 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                                  2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 34

Product optimization and innovation
                                                                                                                   Intelligent Photography and Image Competition. The team's research papers have been successfully accepted
                                                                                                                   by the 2022 ACM Multimedia, an international top conference in the multimedia eld. The team has also
                                                                                                                   successfully obtained ITU-T approval for several international standards in the eld of mobile terminal compu-
Innovation and R&D represent the core competitive edge to drive Transsion to forge ahead. With unremittivng        tational photography and is continuously promoting standardization, systematic construction, and develop-
eorts, we are committed to improving our R&D capability, and oering customers with more high-quality               ment in the mobile terminal computational photography eld.
                                                                                                                   Currently, Transsion has successfully built a key technology research and development platform for smart
                                                                                                                   imaging, achieved breakthroughs in several mobile imaging technologies, and continuously promoted the appli-
Guarantee product innovation                                                                                       cation of research and development results. In the future, Transsion will continue to focus on user needs for
                                                                                                                   local innovation, promote the application of high-end technology, and enable emerging market users to fully
By upholding the development philosophy of “Think Globally, Act Locally”, Transsion furthers its local R&D and   enjoy the achievements of global leading mobile technology.
innovation strategy with a focus on users in emerging markets. The company continues to maintain its leading
market position in several key technical areas, including photography technology designed for dark skin and
innovative application of new hardware material.                                                                   Protect intelligent properties (“IPs”)
In 2022, Transsion sustained a heavy investment in R&D and focused on technical reserve. By continuous invest-     Transsion continues to invest in R&D, attaches great importance to technological innovation and IP protection,
ment in new materials, processes, functions and platforms, we created more dierentiated values for users in        continuously improves the company's technology, product and IP competitiveness, in order to support the
the emerging markets. Meanwhile, we have established unique dierentiated advantage in R&D by making                company's business development. While focusing on protecting its own IPs, Transsion also respects the IPs of
substantial investment in key technical areas including dark skin imaging, AI algorithm, AI language cognition     others and promotes cooperation with industry parties on the basis of compliance with industry IP rules. By
and material innovation. Transsion’s active eorts of applying patented technology and technological results       embedding IP protection, risk investigation and response mechanisms in its main business activities such as
into ITU (International Telecommunication Union) standard and relevant patents guarantee the development of        procurement, research and development, and sales, Transsion has established a sound intellectual property
product innovation.                                                                                                management system. In 2022, the company conducted over 160 training and interviews on IP protection,
                                                                                                                   continuously improving the overall awareness and management level of IP protection of the company.

                                             2021                             2022
                                                                                                                   In 2022, the company added 858 new patent applications and copyrights, and obtained 644 new authorized
  R&D investment (RMB million)               1,510.88                         2,078.04                             patents and copyrights, including 151 new authorized invention patents.

  Proportion of R&D investment in
  operating income                           3.06%                            4.46%
                                                                                                                   Enhance technology inclusion
  Number of R&D personnel (Person)           2,845                            3,901

                                                                                                                   Barrier Free Design

Dark Skin Imaging                                                                                                  Transsion always upholds the mission of improving the lives of as many people as possible through technology
                                                                                                                   and innovation. To assist less educated group, the elderly and the group with poor eyesight or the blind people
As an emerging market intelligent terminal product and mobile internet service provider, Transsion continues to    to read all the texts on mobile phones, including menus, phone numbers, short messages, contacts and other
develop its mobile terminal imaging technology, continuously innovating in areas such as computational             non-xed texts, and solve their troubles when using mobile phones, we adopted NLP intelligent solution to
photography and dark skin imaging. Through continuous technological innovation, we aim to create dierenti-         develop intelligent voice reading software for feature phones. ROM and RAM occupied by traditional NLP tend
ated product advantages, while promoting the systematization and standardization of the industry, and              to be more than the hardware capacity of feature phones, making it dicult to import NLP intelligent solution.
promoting the development of the industry ecosystem.                                                               As a result, Transsion worked with its partners to develop a space optimization solution, making NLP intelli-
                                                                                                                   gent solution available to users, assisting users to interact with mobile phones through auditory sense. This
Based on its algorithmic technology advantage in the eld of dark skin imaging, Transsion has built an AI-pow-
                                                                                                                   represents Transsion’s commitment to fullling its social responsibilities.
ered dark skin imaging data service platform for the "Belt and Road" regions, providing basic support for
research and application of dark skin imaging technology. In recent years, Transsion has achieved a series of
accomplishments in the eld of mobile terminal imaging, including successfully selected for the 2019 Shanghai       AI Language Cognition
Economic and Information Technology Commission's Special Project for Innovation and Development of AI and
passing the acceptance inspection; winning prizes including the 10th Wu Wen Jun AI Science & Technology            Transsion is committed to building an AI voice technology platform covering various indigenous African
Award (Enterprise Technology Innovation Engineering Project), the championship of the CVPR 2020 LIP Inter-         languages, improving the intelligent interaction experience of local languages in vertical elds, promoting the
national Competition for Dark Skin Portrait Segmentation, and the second prize in the 2022 ECCV MIPI Mobile        industrialization of AI voice technology in African languages, and its extensive application in the intelligenteld.
35 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                          2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 36

This enables intelligent voice services to penetrate all aspects of local life, and allows local languages to
become a new link connecting African users with intelligent life.

In vast emerging markets such as Africa, the development of AI voice technology is slow due to reasons such as
complex local languages, scarce speech data resources, and a shortage of language experts. Faced with this
technological gap and market demand, and based on the company's intelligent terminal production and R&D
platform, as well as local language resources, Transsion has further developed core technologies such as voice
recognition, semantic understanding, knowledge graph, and speech synthesis in minority languages. It has
built an intelligent understanding and dialogue system that spans many segmented life elds and covers
multiple languages, empowering Transsion's multi-scenario applications of intelligent terminal products and
mobile Internet services, and forming a localized AI content service ecosystem.

     Deeply cultivating AI voice technology, Transsion-Tongji team won the rst
     prize in the China-Africa Entrepreneurship Competition
     In November 2022, at the 2022 Hubei International Technology Exchange Conference, the results of
     the Sino-African Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition were announced. The "African
     Local Language AI Speech Technology Pioneer" project, jointly led by Transsion AI Technology
     Department and Tongji University, won the rst prize of the competition.

     The project aims to develop a smart human-computer interaction system for the Hausa language,
     based on AI voice technology, with African indigenous language research and development as the
     link, achieving a closed loop of Hausa language voice recognition, natural language understanding,
     and speech synthesis technology. Drawing on the experience of protecting Chinese ethnic languages,
     the project uses AI voice technology to protect African human civilization heritage, making it easier
     for linguists and more people to understand and invest in the study of African indigenous languages.

     Currently, Transsin AI voice technology has been extensively adopted, supporting voice dialing, music
     listening, alarm setting, photo taking, notepad, news, and other functions and content ecologies,
     allowing African people to enjoy intelligent life based on their own languages. In the future, based on
     Transsion's massive mobile phone user resources in Africa, by relying on voice technology talent
     reserves, African data base resources, and the academic advantages of Tongji University, Transsion
     will continuously promote project development, supporting more than 25 major local languages in
                                         Response to SDGs Indicators

      Environmental Responsibility for
03.   Green and Low-Carbon Operation
                                          Response to GRI Indicators
                                            GRI 301-2     GRI 303-2
                                            GRI 301-3     GRI 303-4
                                            GRI 301-4     GRI 303-5
                                            GRI 301-5     GRI 306
                                            GRI 303-1     GRI 307
39 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                           2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 40

Green and low-carbon operation                                                                                Green and environmental protection management
                                                                                                              To practice the management concept of green and environmental protection, we carry out energy-saving
Transsion practices the green development concept, establishes and improves the environmental manage-
                                                                                                              equipment upgrading, improve the energy eciency, standardize waste management, reduce pollutant emis-
ment system, strengthens energy management and control, and actively promotes the management and
                                                                                                              sions, advocate the green operation and green oce, and fully implement the green and environmental protec-
recycle of electronic wastes. Shenzhen Transsion Holdings, Shenzhen Tecno Factory and Chongqing Transsion
                                                                                                              tion management.
Technology passed the certication of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System.

                                                                                                              Water resources management
Environmental management system                                                                               Complying with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution and

We have set up the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Management Committee, as the leading body of          the local emission standards, Transsion actively advocates water conservation, strengthens water resource
environment, occupational health and safety management of Transsion, to actively promote the company to       recycling and utilization, and vigorously promotes water resources management concept. We entrusted a
make continuous progress in the green and low-carbon production and operation.                                third-party testing agency to conduct tests on the concentration of water pollutants, and the test results were
                                                                                                              far below the emissions standards stipulated by relevant departments.
In terms of management standards, we strictly comply with the local relevant laws and regulations and the
                                                                                                              In daily work, we adopted positive measures to save water and measures are implemented as follows:
industry standards for emissions in our daily operation, timely obtain necessary environmental permits,
approval documents and registration certicates, and develop multiple internal management systems includ-
ing the Agreement on Hazardous Waste Disposal, the Solid Waste Management Regulations and the Manag-
                                                                                                                      The factory realizes the recycling and reuse of air-conditioning condensate water through the
ement Regulations for Oce Environment Safety, so as to implement the company’s environmental manage-
                                                                                                                      method of recycling condensate water, which eciently reduces the consumption of domestic
ment requirements and standards.
In terms of management practices, all factories under the company strictly implement the external discharge
                                                                                                                      We change toilet ushing faucets to water-saving valves, and regularly inspect and repair water
standards conforming to local laws and regulations, and carry out management practices complying with the
                                                                                                                      facilities to reduce the water consumption per unit.
local environmental assessment standards in the production process. We have also formulated a series of
response plans for environmental emergencies, and organize routine emergency drills to ensure environmental           We post water saving signs thoroughly to proactively advocate water conservation.

There’s no major incident of non-compliance with environmental protection laws and regulations this year.

                                                                                                                  Recycling system of condensate water

                                                                                                                  The Shenzhen Tecno Factory promotes to use the recycling system of central air-conditioning conden-
                                                                                                                  sate water, and realizes the chilled water recycling of the air-cooled air-conditioning main frame and
                                                                                                                  the condensate water recycling of air-conditioning terminal equipment, thus further reducing the
                                                                                                                  water consumption eectively.

     Shenzhen Transsion Holdings        Shenzhen Tecno Technology       Chongqing Transsion Technolo-
       ISO 14001 Certication              ISO 14001 Certication           gy ISO 14001 Certication
41 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                          2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 42

Waste management
                                                                                                                  Shenzhen Tecno Factory and Transsion Chongqing Factory won honors
                                                                                                                  related to green manufacturing respectively

                                                                                                                  Shenzhen Tecno Factory was selected as the "Sixth Batch of National Green Factories" by the Minis-
                                                                                                                  try of Industry and Information Technology of China.

         For hazardous waste: We set up a specialized warehouse to store hazardous waste, and entrust the
         third party with the professional qualication for unied transfer and disposal.

         For general waste: We set up a specialized warehouse to store general waste. We sign agreements
         with resource recyclers to carry out eective recycling of general waste such as waste that can be
         recycled and reprocessed to achieve the eectiveness of recycling.

         For kitchen waste: We implement classied management in line with the government requirement,
         and then the property management company hands it over to the municipal department for unied
         transfer or disposal.

Exhaust gas management
Transsion implements the relevant requirements of environmental laws and regulations, improves the management
measures for the exhaust gas generated in the production process and ensures that all emissions meet the local
emission standards.

         The two domestic factories set up self-built facilities for exhaust gas treatment in strict accordance
         with the environmental impact assessment requirements. With the application of the two-stage
         treatment process of UV photolysis + activated carbon adsorption, after collected, the organic
         exhaust gas with low concentration produced in the workshop is introduced into the UV photocatalyt-
                                                                                                                  Transsion Chongqing Factory was selected in the "2021 Chongqing Green Manufacturing System
         ic oxidation decomposition device on the roof through pipes, fans and exhaust pipes, which can eec-
                                                                                                                  Demonstration List" by the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology.
         tively decomposes the organic pollutants in the exhaust gas, and then the exhaust gas is introduced
         into a high-eciency activated carbon adsorber through pipes and fans, which can separates the
         particulate pollutants in the exhaust gas, thus achieving the eect of meeting emission standards.
         Transsion carries out regular replacement of the absorbing materials in the activated carbon absorb-
         er to guarantee the eective operation of facilities.

         We Regularly entrust the third-party institutions to test the exhaust gas emission concentration to
         meet the exhaust gas emission standards applicable to the factories.

                                       Exhaust gas purication device
43 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                  2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 44

Recycling of electronic waste                                                                                       Recycling operation

                                                                                                                    We partner with professional environment protection agencies to drive the building of electronic waste
                                                                                                                    recycling networks. As of the end of 2022, we has established cooperation relationship with local qualied
                                                                                                                    environmental protection agencies in Nigeria, India, Kenya, Bangladesh and many other countries and regions,
                                                                                                                    which signicantly increased the specialization and eciency of electronic products recycling.

Recycling scope of products

 Transsion’s own brands

Mobile Phone: Including the single phones, PCBA mainboards, batteries, screens, chips, etc., and providing
repair service.

Digital Accessories and Home Appliances: Including televisions, laptops, refrigerators, air conditioners, speaker
hosts, motherboards, screens, etc., and providing repair service.

 Non-Transsion’s own brands

                                                                                                                      The publicity of environmental                Recycling certicate of environmental protection
Mobile Phone: Setting recycle bins on the site, marking recycling of mobile phones of all brands for consumers to    protection recycling of electronic                    recycling agency (example in Egypt)
voluntarily discard their products, including the single phones, PCBA mainboards, batteries, screens, chips, etc.       waste carried out in India

                                                                                                                        Carlcare has launched an after-sales service technician training program to
Recycling mode                                                                                                          improve the level of electronic waste recycling in Nigeria

Direct pick-up by Carlcare, or onsite collection.                                                                       Adhering to the corporate mission of " To improve the lives of as many people as possible through
                                                                                                                        technology and innovation", the Transsion Nigeria after-sales service team actively communicated
                                                                                                                        with local governments and obtained corresponding technical training qualications in order to
                                                                                                                        improve the overall after-sales service level of communication equipment in Nigeria. By the end of
Treatment measures
                                                                                                                        2022, the Transsion Nigeria after-sales service team has held 15 technical training sessions, trained
                                                                                                                        more than 120 technicians, and taught relevant after-sales management knowledge to improve the
We maintain the cooperation with local designated resource processors or recycling vendors who have profes-
                                                                                                                        service management level of the technical team.
sional qualications, carry out unied collection of waste electronic equipment in accordance with environ-
mental protection requirements, and then classify electronic waste and recycle resources.

Recycling advocacy

We advocate recycling of electronic waste across the globe, set recycling plans and carry out environmental
protection publicity at irregular intervals, promoting environmental protection recycling of electronic products
to consumers, so that the electronic waste can be recycled and treated eectively in local places.
45 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                  2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 46

Response to climate change                                                                                       Promotion of green oce
The company is well aware of the important impact on sustainable development of extreme disastrous weath-
er, global warming, and other eects due to climate change. By actively practicing the green sustainable devel-
opment philosophy, we fully investigate the local natural environment and ecological environment in the facto-
ry construction state, and assess the impact of the factories on the natural environment and ecological
environment. We are committed to helping the green and low-carbon development through the management
renement, in order to duly contribute to the mitigation of global climate change.

Management of GHG emissions
                                                                                                                 In 2022, The company implemented a special energy-saving and environmental protection plan, and carried out
                                                                                                                 promotion and inspection activities simultaneously. Through ubiquitous communication and reminders, the
We are committed to promoting technological innovation in an active manner in the process of product design,
                                                                                                                 company aimed to raise awareness of environmental protection. A regional responsibility system was estab-
manufacturing and use, and through technical methods, improve energy utilization eciency, reduce GHG
                                                                                                                 lished to incentive employees with rewards and penalties, encouraging them to cultivate good environmental
emission, and gradually introduce renewable energy sources.
                                                                                                                 protection habits and reduce energy waste.
In addition, we rene the internal management, properly track and record energy consumption in relevant
workplaces to advance and enforce energy management, thus controlling the GHG emissions.
                                                                                                                 Green oce measures

Mechanism for response to extreme weather                                                                                           Paperless oce                                           Energy-saving oce

We formulated emergency response plans for various types of extreme weather like rainstorm, typhoon and
                                                                                                                       Adopt intelligent collaborative oce software                Post prompt signs such as Save Water, Save
earthquake, from multiple aspects such as early warning and reporting mechanism, employee evacuation,
                                                                                                                       and advocate paperless oce, such as collabo-                Electricity, Save Paper, Turn O Lights When
protection of various corporate assets and coordination of resources, to minimize the damages arising from
                                                                                                                       rative online documentation, electronic seal and            Leaving, and Control the Temperature of
extreme weather, and protect the life and health of employees and the property safety.
                                                                                                                       online document signing, etc.                               Air-conditioning at 26 °C in oces and public
                                                                                                                       Set the printer to print in black and white on
                                                                                                                       both sides by default                                       Make sure that the lights, air conditioners and
                                                                                                                                                                                   primary air systems are turned o in unmanned
                                                                                                                       Place waste paper recycling bin in the printing             areas after work
                                                                                                                       room, encourage recycling of recycled paper
                                                                                                                       that does not contain sensitive information                 Replace the lighting system with energy saving
                                                                                                                                                                                   lamps according to the standards for produc-
                                                                                                                                                                                   tion needs

                                                                                                                                                                                   Regularly inspect and repair water equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                   to reduce leakage

                     Warm reminders and precautions during extreme weather
47 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                      2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 48

                                                                                                         Green technology empowerment
    The "Green Warrior Invasion Plan" of Transsion
                                                                                                         Transsion actively responds to the call of the national ve development concepts of “innovation, coordination,
    In 2022, the company implemented the "Green Warrior Invasion Plan" in the oce areas of Shanghai      green, openingup and sharing”, and seeks and creates new technological assistance. In daily operation, we
    and Shenzhen. Through posting environmental tips, advocacy and promotion, dedicated inspections,     improve operational eciency, save energy and reduce consumption by applying the big data, the Internet of
    and publicizing results, the company aimed to cultivate good environmental habits among employees,   Things, etc. In the production and manufacture process, we proactively carry out energy conservation and
                                                                                                         emission reduction from aspects such as management optimization and technological improvement, strictly
    such as consciously turning o electrical appliances in unmanned areas, saving paper and water, and
                                                                                                         control pollutant emissions, and provide the market with green and environmentally friendly products.
    collecting recyclable waste through proper sorting.

                                                                                                         Application of energy-saving technology
                                                                                                         We take the initiative to eliminate backward production equipment and processes, actively introduce produc-
                                                                                                         tion equipment with lower energy consumption, improve production management, and drive clean production,
                                                                                                         to improve the comprehensive utilization of resources and reduce pollutant emissions.

                                                                                                         In terms of energy saving of production equipment, we apply new frequency conversion air compressors and
                                                                                                         pure electric forklifts, of which the new frequency conversion air compressors adjust the gas consumption
                                                                                                         through frequency conversion to achieve the purpose of saving electricity consumption, and the pure electric
                                                                                                         forklifts eectively reduce the use of diesel in logistics and transportation of the factories. For example, by
                                                                                                         introducing the new frequency conversion air compressors, the Shenzhen Tecno Factory allowed the real-time
                                                                                                         adjustment of the working frequency of air compressors according to production demands, realizing a reduc-
                                                                                                         tion in the monthly energy consumption of the air compressor system.

                                                                                                         In terms of energy saving in production management, we further reduce energy consumption by optimizing
                                                                                                         management measures and rening management standards. We adopt the plan of air-conditioning o-peak
                                                                                                         water cool storage. During the peak electricity price period, the air-conditioning main frames are kept o as
                                                                                                         much as possible, and the excess valley power of the grid at night is used for cooling through the cool storage
                                                                                                         tank, which eectively saves the energy consumption.

                                                                                                         New frequency conversion air               Pure electric forklift          Water cool storage air-condi-
                                                                                                                 compressor                                                                   tioning

                                                                                                         In 2022, as the data volume of Transsion's mobile internet business continued to grow, the huge amount of
                                                                                                         data and computing power requirements posed signicant challenges to various capabilities of big data.
                                                                                                         Transsion choosed a low-carbon cloud solution and took energy-saving and consumption reduction as import-
                                                                                                         ant measures when selecting cloud service providers.

                                                                                                         Regarding big data management, we have developed a systematic management plan from data collection to
                                                                                                         upper-level services. This includes measures such as not collecting invalid data, reducing the collection of
                                                                                                         low-eciency data, and maximizing the use of high-eciency data, in order to reduce the resource consump-
                                                                                                         tion of redundant services. At the same time, we have taken a series of energy-saving and optimization
                                                                                                         actions, such as adopting classied storage.
49 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                       2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 50

Create green products                                                                                                      Product packaging

                                                                                                                            We optimize packaging design to minimize the use of packaging consumables.
Transsion is committed to providing environmentally friendly products, incorporating the concept of green and
environmental protection into the whole-life cycle of products, including raw material procurement, R&D,
design, production, packaging, use and recycling. We strive to manufacture products with less reliance on                   We optimize the packaging volume, increase the number of items packed, and reduce the consumption of
resources extracted from nature, increase the use of recycled or sustainable materials, continuously improve                transportation resources.
the product life-cycle loop through reverse logistics and other supply chain cycles, and work towards creating
green products.
                                                                                                                            We use materials that can be recycled or degraded such as cardboards, cartons, plastic woven bags, foam,
                                                                                                                            and pearl wool bags, and try to avoid the use of plastic materials. For some products, we replace traditional
Raw material procurement                                                                                                    plastic blister packaging with paper-plastic materials or paper folding methods, and try to replace plastic
                                                                                                                            hooks with paper-mounted methods.
  We optimize raw materials focusing on the packaging used for supply of raw materials, by reducing the proportion of
  original plastic wrapping materials, and extending the recycling of skids, pallets and other materials.
                                                                                                                            We utilize packaging materials that have been certied by the RoHS 2.0 standard, including paper, ink, lm,
  We introduce recyclable grey boards for materials of color boxes, to cut carbon emission from the raw material            and adhesive, etc.
  procurement and design stages.
                                                                                                                            We collect and sort waste packaging materials, which will be recycled by qualied resource recyclers.

                                                                                                                           Product use
Product design
                                                                                                                            We have CNAS-Level laboratories for reliability and safety test, and products undergo stringent tests
  The use of environmentally friendly recycled materials We extract bers from recycled ocean
                                                                                                                            before delivery.
  materials and re-aggregate them into recycled materials, which are then made into recycled ber leather
  phone battery covers. Each phone reduces carbon emissions by approximately 2.4g;Our glass ber materi-
  al phones are made from recycled waste glass.                                                                             Products have no surface additional process, are good in anti-broken performance and weather resistance,
                                                                                                                            and their color is not easy to fade.
  The use of harmless materials:We use silicone-based polymers as the main material to produce
  organic silicone leather phone battery covers without solvents throughout the process, while retaining the
                                                                                                                            We select long-life materials for batteries that meet safety, reliability, environmental protection and ame
  soft touch of leather;We replace the PVC outer material of some products with environmentally friendly
                                                                                                                            retardant requirements, which can extend the battery life.
  material TPE for charging cables, and add CA65 certication to some materials to strengthen the control
  of harmful substances, especially lead content.
                                                                                                                            We continuously improve the durability of mobile phone casing materials and extending the service life of
  Lightweight design:Under the premise of ensuring product quality, material reduction design is adopted                   mobile phone casings.
  to bring users an ultra-thin experience. The traditional glued mobile phone battery cover uses a 0.6mm
  plastic substrate for bonding, while our current technology uses a 0.3mm berglass material as the                         We provide continuous product support and regular updates to system and software. Through a widely
  substrate for bonding, reducing the amount of materials used.                                                             covered service network and VOC management, users are provided with convenient, ecient, and diversi-
                                                                                                                            ed after-sales services. Meanwhile, multiple protection measures, such as screen damage insurance and
  New function design:We adopt new function designs such as the passive photochromic technology that                       extended warranty, are oered in dierent regions to extend the product lifespan.
  produces color changes under natural light and the passive photoluminescent technology that emits light
  after absorbing light, and apply them to our mobile phone products. This not only achieves fashionable
  appearance eects, but also realizes zero energy consumption and zero pollution emissions.                                Product recycling

Product production                                                                                                          Promote the recycling of discarded mobile phones:We carry out recycling and trade-in services in
                                                                                                                            thousands of stores (including sales stores and Carlcare sites) in Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, India and other
  We extensively use non-spray aesthetic materials as phone shells, eliminating the painting process, eectively             countries. We also operate an online platform to facilitate consumers to obtain evaluation quotations and
  controlling the generation of VOC, and reducing the emission of harmful gases and waste water.                            get in touch with us, which improves the convenience and enthusiasm of users' participation in the activity.
                                                                                                                            The collected devices will be properly handled through environmental protection processing and other
  We increase the use of recyclable materials, using a large amount of secondary materials as xtures during production.     methods.

  We introduce eco-friendly cleaning agents that eectively eliminate toxic substances such as 1,2-dichloroethane, ensur-
  ing that no harmful gases are emitted during use, and hire professional organizations to conduct testing.
51 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                    2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 52

                                                                                                               Low-carbon Lifestyle                                                   Diversied Eects
                                                                                                              38% Carbon Reduction
                                                                                                                                                                                  The unique mold texture breaks
                                                                                                                Each product produced                                              the boundary of conventional
                                                                                                              using recycled polymer ber                                         texture design, achieving exibili-
                                                                                                               materials reduces carbon                                           ty and diversication in product
                                                                                                                emissions by about 2.4g                                              design and manufacturing

                                                                                                            Environmental Protection                                                     High Durability
                                                                                                                 40% Regenerated
                                                                                                                                                                                    When the product drops, it
                                                                                                            Extracting bers from recycled                                           can eectively protect the
                                                                                                             materials recovered from the                                          product and prevent damage
                                                                                                            ocean and re-aggregating them                                                to the product
                                                                                                              into regenerated materials

                                                                                                                                                                                           Rich Texture
                                                                                                            Recycling and Regeneration
                                                                                                                                                                                      Nano-level surface tactile
                                                                                                                   50% Recycling                                                     coating makes the recycled
                                                                                                                                                                                  material present a delicate and
                                                                                                               More than 50% of the raw                                           silky feel, exquisite and full of a
                                                                                                              materials in the shell of each                                      sense of luxury, bringing users a
                                                                                                              product can be recycled and                                                  silky experience
                                           “Trade-In” activities

    The application of low-carbon and environmentally friendly materials

    We innovatively develop a soft-touch, low-carbon, and environmentally friendly material that uses
    recyclable materials in its design and production, and apply it to our consumer electronics products.
    We strictly control every link from raw material extraction, design, production to end-users, and
    comprehensively promote sustainable environmental development. Our innovatively developed
    low-carbon and environmentally friendly materials have more slip-resistant, wear-resistant, dirt-re-
    sistant, and durable characteristics compared to other traditional soft-touch materials. At the same
    time, it brings users a brand new natural ber touch experience. In the initial design stage, we also
    considered the full-cycle recycling concept of the product. Every product recycled from the user can
    be disassembled and recycled for raw materials, implementing the concept of harmonious unity of
    economy and ecological environment and integrating the green development concept into daily
    business management.

    We applied our innovative low-carbon and environmentally friendly materials to our PHANTOM X2
    Pro 5G eco-version, creating a new industry ecosystem through waste recycling and reuse. This
    smartphone has been veried by the international "Global Recycling Standards" at every stage from
    recycling to manufacturing, demonstrating the sustainable design concept of PHANTOM's caring for
    the marine environment and practicing environmental protection.
                                                                                                               Honorable Mention - Products | Sustainable      Design For Society - Eco-Sustainable Design -
                                                                                                               Product Design-LOOP Design Awards 2022               Bronze Awards- IDA Design Awards
                            Employees’ Responsibilities
                                                                                                             Response to SDGs Indictors

                              for Vital Development
                                                                                                             Response to GRI Indicators
We believe that employees are the core pillars for the continuous development of Transsion. Only by focus-
ing on the core value of talents can we better create the value of Transsion. We formulate and implement
the employment policies in accordance with laws and regulations, fully protect the employees’ interests
through multiple elaborate plans, attach importance to employee safety and health, and help with the
long-term development of talents through incentives, guidance and training.
      Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                          2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Honors for 2022

                                                                                                                    Social recruitment
                                                                                                                    Transsion worked with many recruitment platforms and industry resource channels, including 51job,
                                                                                                                    Liepin and LinkedIn, to introduce middle and senior management personnel with excellent back-
                                                                                                                    ground and rich experience.
                                                                               Guangdong Outstanding
      Top Graduate Employers             Global Employer of Choice               Employer of the Year
                                                                                                                    Campus recruitment
     51job.com & yingjiesheng.com                  LinkedIn                             liepin.com
                                                                                                                    Through the Rookie Plan and Gyrfalcon Plan, we recruit excellent graduates and strengthen coopera-
                                                                                                                    tion with local universities overseas. We also recruit local graduates and training. In the 2023 Autumn
                                                                                                                    Campus Recruitment Project of Transsion Holdings, we signed contracts with a total of 265 students
                                                                                                                    at home and abroad in 2022.

     MAX Annual "A Company Worth Going To"
                                                                                                                    As of December 31, 2022, Transsion employed 16,232 people worldwide, including personnel in produc-
       Outstanding Employer in South China                 “King’s Ark” Best Employer in Talent Care             tion, sales, R&D, nance and administration.

                       Maimai.cn                                               zhipin.com                                           By Gender                                   By Educational Background
                                                                                                                                                           5,020                                                   7,229

Employee interests protection
                                                                                                                     11,212                                                7,358
Transsion is deeply aware that talents are the power of enterprise development. We strive to create a safe,
healthy, equal and inclusive work environment for the employees. Transsion strictly complies with the Labor
Law ofof the People’s Republic ofofChina the Labor Contract Law ofof the People’s Republic ofofChina the Minors
                                                                                                                                    Female        Male                 Junior College and under          Undergraduate
Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labor and other
laws and regulations, fully respects the applicable laws and regulations of the company’s operating places and                                                        Postgraduate and above
the international practices, and formulates talent management processes, policies and measures covering
                                                                                                                                       By Age                                              By Region
multiple aspects such as employee recruitment, employment, and compensation and benets, etc.
                                                                                                                        1,607                                              6,865

Legal employment
Talents are the cornerstone of enterprise development. Based on the demands of strategic plan and business
plan of Transsion, we formulate recruitment tasks and goals that cater the enter prise development, and take                                                                                                        9,367
                                                                                                                    7,113                                   7,512
such tasks and goals as the budget basis of talent recruitment demands to further promote the implementa-
tion of relevant recruitment policies. We standardize recruitment process through the recruitment manage-
ment system, and recruit talents through various channels such as social recruitment, campus recruitment and
internal recommendation. In addition, we also reached cooperation with a third-party talent management                      Age 29 and under       Age 30-39               China (including Hong Kong,         Overseas
platform to establish a recruitment management system specic to Transsion, build a dynamic and circulating                                                                 Macao and Taiwan)
                                                                                                                            Age 40 and above
talent pool, and fully integrate and retain candidate resumes, in order to conduct deep mining of talents and
ensure the security and stability of the recruitment system.                                                                                   Employment of Transsion Holdings in 2022
    Honors of Transsion in talent development in 2022
   Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                      2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

We respect and protect human rights in the global operations. Based on the principles of the Labor Law of
the People’s Republic ofof China the Law on the Protection ofof Minors and other regulations, Transsion has
                                                                                                                        Democratic communication
developed the Corporate Social Responsibility Statement the Employee Handbook etc. The Corporate                        Transsion attaches importance to the opinions from employees, and has established various communication
Social Responsibility Statement undertakes that we comply with the national laws and regulations on                     channels to address their demands promptly and safeguard their rights to know and participate.
labor, health and safety and other social responsibilities, and abide by the relevant standards recognized
internationally and other applicable industry standards and international conventions.                                  Keep communication channels open
                                                                                                                        We attach great importance to communication with our employees, set up diverse communication channels,
                    The human rights protection commitments of Transsion Holdings                                       and promote an open and democratic communication atmosphere within the company through the internal
                                                                                                                        communication channel, “Transsion Knows” platform and its operation principle of “No Deletion of Posts,
    Human rights protection is the minimum standard for providing an equal working environment. We make the             Respect Every Voice of Employees”; we promote direct communication between the management and the
    following human rights protection commitments in the Social Responsibility Statement and the Employee               grassroots employees and timely response to employees through diversied approaches like promoting discus-
    Handbook The commitments are applicable to all directors, managers and employees of Shenzhen Transsion              sion and dialogue at all levels, monthly meetings between departments, new employee communication meet-
    Holdings and its subsidiaries and branches, whether they work for the company on a full-time, part-time or          ings and trade unions. We also respect employees’ advice and suggestions, respect employees’ willingness to
    otherwise temporary basis.                                                                                          participate in company management and construction, and investigate their positivity and motility, enhancing
                                                                                                                        their sense of belonging.
       Free Employment
       Do not force, do not bind by contract, do not enslave or trac in labor. It is forbidden to ask employees to      In 2022, the company launched the “Open Administration Platform” as a permanent window for collecting
       pay the deposit or to leave the identity card in company.                                                        administrative opinions. It opened up online questionnaires, oine symposiums, and hundreds of one-on-one
       Non-discrimination                                                                                               interviews to fully understand the needs of employees and the pain points of business. Combining employee
                                                                                                                        feedback, benchmarking within the industry and company of the same scale , as well as external learning, the
       We promise to protect our employees from harassment and discrimination; the recruitment, wage, training
       opportunity, promotion, working arrangement (including working overtime) and dismissal are based on the          company will continuously optimize its employee services.
       ability of employee and the need of position. We are against and shall never allow any discriminations           Transsion has set up a trade union to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all employees in accordance
       related to race, social class, nationality, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership
                                                                                                                        with the law. The trade union has formulated the Management Policy of the Trade Union Committee of Shen-
       and politics status.
                                                                                                                        zhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd. to participate in the formulation of corporate democratic resolutions related
       Compensation and Welfare                                                                                         to the vital interests of employees from the perspective of employees, and provide suggestions and opinions
       The company pays the employee according to local laws and regulations and the wage should not be below           to the management on strengthening employee diversity, safeguarding employee health and safety, enhanc-
       the minimum wage standard. The salary detail should be listed clearly through the les, and corresponding         ing employee welfare, etc.
       holidays, wages, overtime pay as well as insurance should be provided.

       Prohibit Child Labourer
                                                                                                                        Enrich communication content
       It is prohibited to employ child labourer in any section of manufacturing. All the employees must be over the
       age of 16. Employees under the age of 18 shall not be arranged to do works which may endanger the health
                                                                                                                               Transsion has set up a HR Business Partner (BP) system, where the BP builds bridges for communi-
       or safety of juveniles.
                                                                                                                               cation between departments, collects and coordinates various business needs and helps depart-
       Freedom of Association                                                                                                  ments improve employee satisfaction. Employees can not only make requests or suggestions
       Employees have the rights to join unions freely; unions can negotiate with the company on behalf of the                 directly through the online Enterprise WeChat or Feishu administrative service platform, but also
       employees.                                                                                                              communicate and receive answers to their questions face-to-face through the oine service desk
                                                                                                                               for employees.
       Humane Treatment
       To ensure the physical and mental health of employees, and to protect their personality and dignity, any                In terms of communication on performance appraisal, employees’ opinions are understood through
       kind of sexual harassment, sexual abuse, physical punishment, physical or mental oppression, verbal abuse               performance communication, and performance communication coaching and attendance system
       and violent threats are strictly prohibited.                                                                            sharing meetings are conducted to deepen employees’ understanding of the remuneration and
                                                                                                                               performance system and help them perform better.

In terms of the working hours of employees, Transsion has stipulated working hours in the Employee Hand-                       In terms of policy communication, we help employees to better understand and safeguard their
book the Attendance Management Regulations and the Labor Contract and the company shall not force                              rights and interests by conducting policy communication sessions on various topics such as social
employees to work overtime. The company applies standard working hour system at the headquarters,                              security, housing provident fund, settlement policy and the company’s commercial insurance.
while the domestic and overseas oces can exibly adjust their working hours according to the actual                             Transsion has opened multiple communication channels such as communication workshops at the
situation without violating local labor laws and relevant regulations, and report to the HR Center.                            theory-discussing meeting and forums for new employees to understand employees in a targeted
                                                                                                                               manner, actively listen to their opinions and build a smooth communication bridge between the
    In 2022, there were no major personnel changes, no major labor disputes and no complaints on                               management and employees.
    human rights.
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                      2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Compensation and benets                                                                                                                     Benets
We comply with the Labor Contract Law ofof the People’s Republic ofofChina the Special Provisions on Labor                                 The company provides a number of benets for employees, and has purchased overseas commercial
Protection for Female Employees the Social Insurance Law and the local regulations, and have formulated the                                 insurance for employees based overseas and on an overseas business trip.
Measures for Employee Performance Management and the Measures for Compensation Management which
set the principles of ranking by post, paying by ability and rewarding by performance.                                                           Mandated benets                         Basic benets                     Special benets

Compensation and performance                                                                                                                  In accordance with national         Employees enjoy:                     Employees who meet
In terms of compensation and performance, Transsion has formulated the Measures for Compensation Man-                                         or local regulations, we                                                 conditions can enjoy:
                                                                                                                                                                                   Leaves other than statutory
agement applicable to employees of Transsion Holdings and its subsidiaries and branches, providing a                                          provide our employees with:
                                                                                                                                                                                   holidays, including sick leave,       Marriage and family
market-competitive compensation package for all employees, including xed and variable compensation. We
                                                                                                                                                National statutory holidays        work-related injury leave,            welfare
follow the principle of “Equal Pay For Equal Work”, and determine salaries based on post requirements and
                                                                                                                                                                                   personal leave, marriage
employees’ individual abilities, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, political stand, marital status and other                          Social insurance, including                                              Work-related injury
                                                                                                                                                                                   leave, condolence leave,
factors. We adhere to a compensation strategy of putting employees’ performance rst while taking into                                          basic pension insurance,                                                 insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                   prenatal check-up leave,
account the spirit of hard work and innovation, and favoring key positions.                                                                     medical insurance, unemploy-
                                                                                                                                                                                   maternity leave, paternity            Commercial insurance
                                                                                                                                                ment insurance, work-related
We conduct regular performance appraisals, establish appraisal criteria from company development, employ-                                                                          leave, breastfeeding leave            Accidental injury
                                                                                                                                                injury insurance, etc.
ees’ individual performance, work ability, potential and other aspects, and determine the appraisal cycle                                                                         and annual leave,etc.                insurance
                                                                                                                                                Housing provident fund
according to the needs in dierent development stages and the responsibilities of each department, which is                                                                         Holiday cash gifts or presents        Expat subsidies
divided into quarterly, semi-annual and annual appraisals. After the performance appraisal of employees, the                                    Other statutory employee           for traditional festivals such
company conducts enhanced incentives and improvement guidance through interviews and provides feedback                                          benets                             as Chinese New Year Festival
on employees’ performance. If the appraisee holds an objection, he/she could attempt to resolve grievances                                                                        and Mid-Autumn Festival
with his/her immediate supervisor. In the event the attempts to resolve the grievance are not successful and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Cash gifts or presents for
the appraisee wishes to pursue the matter, he/she could present the grievance in writing to the HR Center. We
                                                                                                                                                                                   employee birthday
guarantee that the employees will receive eective feedback and timely response to their opinions.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Meal allowance

                                                                                                                                                                                   Communication allowance

                                                                                                             Global employees at Transsion Holdings
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Employee care
Transsion adheres to the principle of "People-Oriented" and creates a pleasant working environment for
employees to help them balance work and life. We care for special employees and are committed to meeting
the needs of every employee by providing barrier-free restrooms, nursing rooms, tness rooms and other
public facilities in the oce building. The company regularly holds a variety of cultural activities for employees,
including sports, entertainment, parenting and more. In addition, the company has established various themed
clubs such as basketball, football, tness, English corners, and book clubs. The company also holds themed
events on various festivals to oer caring greetings, eectively enhancing employee happiness and sense of

              Monthly Birthday Party                                    Holiday-themed events

                                                                                                                                Free Chinese Medicine Clinic                             Employee Birthday Party
   The company held monthly birthday party for                In 2022, the company organized various theme
   employees. Colleagues celebrating their birth-             activities such as “Be Like a Child” for
   days in the same month enjoy a delicate tea                Children's Day, “Moon Palace Carnival” for
   break together, make birthday wishes and feel              Mid-Autumn Festival, and “Not Alone on
   the ceremonial atmosphere of being the birth-              Double Celebration” for Christmas and New
   day stars. Moreover, birthday gifts are given              Year. The implementation of these activities
   out on site.                                               not only enlivened the working atmosphere but
                                                              also greatly enhanced employee happiness and
                                                              cohesion, further promoting the implementa-
                                                              tion of the company's corporate culture.

                       Clubs                                        100-day weight loss challenge

   Employees can participate in various activities                                                                           Not Alone on Double Celebration                               Moon Palace Canival
                                                              In 2022, the company held a 100-day weight
   for free, including swimming, reading, football,
                                                              loss competition, which motivated employees
   basketball,     traditional Chinese     culture,
                                                              to develop good exercise habits while working.
   badminton, tennis, board games, English,
                                                              After the event, many employees gained new
   music, tness, calligraphy, ower arrange-
                                                              sports skills, healthier dietary habits and
   ment, yoga, stand-up comedy, and improv
                                                              achieved their ideal body shape.
   clubs. These activities are organized on a
   weekly basis, with more than 300 events held
   by various clubs throughout the year, attract-
   ing over 5,000 participants.

             Free Chinese Medicine Clinic

    In 2022, the company held two Traditional
                                                                                                                                                              Annual Kick o Meeting
    Chinese Medicine free consultation events;
    thoes two events focused on spinal health
                                                                                                                     Transsion has formulated and released the Employee Mutual Aid Fund Management Measures and estab-
    and occupational diseases related to oce
                                                                                                                     lished the "Yin. Weiai" Employee Mutual Aid Special Fund to provide assistance to company employees who
    work respectively, providing popular science
    education and on-site consultation.                                                                              have diculties in medical treatment due to major illnesses, accidents and other reasons. In 2022, the "Yin.
                                                                                                                     Weiai" Employee Mutual Aid Special Fund distributed a total of 355,800 yuan of mutual aid funds.
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                               2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Employee training and development                                                                                                                                     Production Line for Talent Replication

By implementing career management and establishing a “dual-channel” promotion mechanism, Transsion has
achieved multidimensional development of employees through management and professional channels in
parallel. In the meantime, by virtue of a plenty of training resources of Transsion College, we help our employ-
ees improve their professional ability and career competence, providing a wide space for their career develop-
ment.                                                                                                                                     Leading              Product       R&D                      Coures                        Extractor
                                                                                                                                                     brand                              Instructor                Coach    Mentor
                                                                                                                                           talent              manager      manager                  developer                          ...

Talent development
                                                                                                                                           Supply    Local      Local
Through the establishment of the Transsion College responsible for overall planning of the training and devel-                              chain    retail    marketing
opment of employees, Transsion has built a three-level management structure of “company – department/di-                                manager   manager    manager

vision – second-tier department”, with managers at all levels being responsible for the training of their teams.                                                                              Externally                  Intemally
                                                                                                                                                                                                 generic                    exclusive

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Production line
                                                                                                                     Talent replication
                                                                                                                                                         New cadres
Transsion has developed a comprehensive development plan for talents at dierent levels, and boosts the                                                                                      Form courses,cases,experience articles,etc.
development of reserve talents; we assign new employees a career mentor who pays close attention to the
employee’s work status and provides necessary guidance at any time.                                                                            Eagle              Leading eagle

Since 2019, Transsion has explored the talent development mode of “Integration of Selection and Training” for
the cultivation of “core talent” reserve force by combining the development needs and practices of the compa-
ny. Beneting from the talent development project, trainees can maintain timely communication with compa-                                                New employee                                      Demand scene
ny executives and obtain eective feedback through face-to-face communication with company executives, so
that trainees can be guided in their development direction and improvement space more pertinently. In 2022,                                                      Training for new
a new form of online and oine training camp was innovatively used for the cultivation of key talents in R&D                                    Rookie          employees from social                  Foster suitable demand
and subsidiaries' grassroots cadre training, the Manufacturing Center's Strong Foundation Plan, product                                                            recruitment

managers, national managers and other projects. Approximately 250 employees participated in the training
                                                                                                                                                  Development(selection and training integration)-Connection(create an atmosphere,
program in 2022.                                                                                                                              build a platform, strengthen both supply and demand, accumulate organizational capacity)

Talent development plan of Transsion:

        Talent development plan for fresh graduates
        Rookie Program for fresh graduates, Gyrfalcon Program for management trainees, Blue Bird Program
        for interns

        Leadership development program
        Eagle Program for grassroots managers, Leading Eagle Program for middle managers and Future
        Leaders Training Camp for reserved senior managers

        Key talent development program
        Product Manager Training Camp, National Manager Development Training Camp, Local Talent Devel-
        opment Training Camp, Supply Chain Elite Development Training Camp, Financial Reserve Talent Man-
        agement Training Camp

        For all employees
        We have set up the Transsion E-learning System (TES) and Transsion Hall to share generic skills and
        technologies, and each department also has internal sharing mechanisms focusing on experience shar-
        ing and knowledge accumulation in business areas
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                               2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Diversied training                                                                                                In addition, Transsion supports employees to pursue skill improvement and career development by encouraging
                                                                                                                  them to obtain educational upgrade and qualications on the job through continuing education based on their
We are committed to building a comprehensive training system to provide targeted training for employees in        professional background. Transsion has formulated the Training Management Measures to encourage employ-
dierent positions, consolidate their business foundation, and enrich and enhance their professional skills. We    ees to participate in training programs related to their job skills improvement and provides assistance such as
have formulated policies such as the Training Management Measures and the College Annual Training Plan to         expense reimbursement. We have formulated the Management Measures for Advanced Study of Company
coordinate the company’s training plans, manage progress dynamically through TES, clarify the training oper-     Executives to provide support for the advanced study for degrees such as MBA. The company provides compa-
ation procedures and instructor responsibilities, and establish a sound training management mechanism.            ny executives with assistance including study resources recommendation and partial reimbursement of tuition
                                                                                                                  fees. For language learning, we have formulated the Implementation Rules for Foreign Language Learning
                                                                                                                  Incentive, reimbursing expenses such as the examination registration fees for English, Arabic, French and other
    TES (Transsion Education System)
                                                                                                                  languages required for the current business, in a view to encouraging employees to improve their foreign
    TES serves the business needs of all levels of Transsion. The system is operated by the Transsion             language skills.
    College, with support from the Process and Information Center, Human Resources Center, and Trans-
    sion College. It is a self-owned mobile learning platform covering the entire business landscape of
    Transsion. In 2022, the platform launched a series of special courses to meet the learning needs of               "Belbin Team Role" Training
    employees, such as "TES Learning Management", "UCW Unlimited Case Works", "Just-in-time Learn-                    The "Belbin Team Role" is a training course introduced by the company. Based on scientic assessment
    ing-Transsion Campus Recruitment Training", "TED on TES", "Video Library", "Product Innovation                    and diagnosis of the real feedback of team members, it helps lead teams to better understand them-
    Study Group", and "Transsion Business Course".                                                                    selves and their colleagues, cooperate more eectively, and become higher-performing teams. In 2022,
                                                                                                                      the company has conducted more than 10 learning and discussion sessions, covering relevant depart-
                                                                                                                      ments such as R&D, supply chain, and manufacturing.

    Oine training workshops
    To meet the needs of diverse learning scenarios of business departments, Transsion College has
    launched workshop programs that can be delivered by internal teams. For example, The "Belbin Team
    Role" gathers the advantages of team members through evaluation and presents them in a radial
    graph, which facilitates ecient teamwork and team management. "Mentorship Ability Develop-
    ment" is a customized development program designed for mentors to better train fresh graduates to
    quickly adapt to their job positions. "Design Thinking Workshop" is a customized workshop product
    based on innovative demands from various business departments, which leads learners to generate
    innovative solutions from the user's perspective in a real business scenario. It is designed to be as close
    to the business working environment as possible, promoting "learning by doing" and better supporting
    internal talent to meet business challenges.                                                                  School-enterprise co-development
                                                                                                                  Transsion deeply understands that, in the eld of mobile communications and the Internet, the core of enter-
                                                                                                                  prise competition lies in the competition for cutting-edge technology and talent. We have entered into indus-
                                                                                                                  try-university-research cooperation agreements with Shanghai Jiaotong University Huazhong University of
    Corporate culture publicity                                                                                   Science and Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and other universities to develop in-depth
                                                                                                                  cooperation in talent training, technological cooperation, and talent exchange and supply. Based on the coop-
    The company have successively organized several culture seminars, inviting employees from dierent
                                                                                                                  eration framework, Transsion and the universities have given full play to respective technical and resource
    businesses, functions and levels including core executives, HR team, procurement, nance, and R&D, to
                                                                                                                  advantages, and focused on the elds such as mobile phone product hardware, software, mobile Internet and
    participate in open workshops to express and exchange their true ideas via open workshops, to allow
                                                                                                                  articial intelligence, to carry out cutting-edge exploration and gradually build an industry-university-research
    the Transsion culture to take root in the knowledge, belief and behaviors of Transsioners; We have set
    up a special course of culture tour for new employees to experience the Transsion style with fun and          cooperation system, establishing a long-term and stable partnership.
    attitude at the induction; We have created 6 IPs of Transsion values and, with the help of peripheral         We have also teamed up with University of Ibadan and University of Nairobi to explore new models of
    carriers of “Culture Creativity π”, integrate them into employees’ daily work and life and spread the     school-enterprise cooperation and strengthen all-round school-enterprise cooperation in professional
    corporate culture to every corner; We have called on and run a culture ambassador team consisting all
                                                                                                                  exchange, student practice and graduate employment.
    business departments to embed the culture into business and nurture the culture with business
    through the two-way idea of empowerment and practice, and to continuously intensify the core of               We expect that deepening school-enterprise cooperation will help Transsion strengthen its R&D deployment,
    Transsion culture.                                                                                            target market demand and opportunities, and continuously enhance the product value, while creating a
                                                                                                                  healthy ecosystem for talent development to empower business development.
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                             2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Reasonable promotion                                                                                            Employee incentives
To ensure fair promotion of employees is an important factor for the stable development of an enterprise.
                                                                                                                In order to cultivate and motivate the entrepreneurial spirit of Transsion employees, Transsion has implement-
Transsion Holdings has formulated the Promotion Program of Professional Serial Certication, the Cadre
                                                                                                                ed a restricted Stock Incentive Plan for 2022 in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as the Man-
Promotion Program and other system to standardize and guide the promotion management, and adheres to
                                                                                                                agement Measures for the Equity Incentive ofofListed Companies The total amount of this incentive is 17.18
the promotion principles of “Fairness and Impartiality, Scientic Selection and Merit-based Admission” to
                                                                                                                million shares, and on September 13, 2022, the rst grant of 13.75 million restricted stocks was completed to
select talent in line with the company’s culture and team development needs. Transsion Holdings is committed
                                                                                                                926 incentive objects.
to boosting a promotion mechanism with clearer appointment and promotion requirements and a more
specic bottom line, selecting on merit and ensuring a smoother development channel for employees with           For employees with high value contributions, Transsion provides them with market-competitive remuneration
outstanding performance and ability.                                                                            rewards to attract and retain the company’s core talent through diversied and dierentiated incentive mech-

    Promotion mechanism
    Transsion has implemented a “dual-channel” mechanism, with management channel and profession-                                      Dierentiated Incentive Mechanisms of Transsion
    al channel in parallel to achieve multi-dimensional development of employees.

                                                                                                                          Short-term incentive              Mid-term incentive                Long-term incentive

    Appraisal criteria
                                                                                                                            Incentive for Sales              Performance Unit                  stock incentive plan
    Transsion has developed tailored promotion programs for dierent targets, such as professional                                                            Plan (PUP)
    serial promotion and cadre promotion, and the main factors to be considered include performance
                                                                                                                            virtual project incen-                                             The medi-
    and working ability.                                                                                                                                     R&D value incentive
                                                                                                                            tives                                                              um-to-long-term
                                                                                                                                                                                               incentive manage-
                                                                                                                            Performance-based                Incentice for manage-             ment measures
                                                                                                                            incentives                       ment trainee
    Supervision of promotion
    Cadres are required to undergo assessments such as the leadership assessment and defenses,
    demonstrate their work results, receive the audit by judges and review for certication, and depart-
    ment announcement. If there are no objections, their promotion will be submitted to the company for
    Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                 2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Occupational health and safety
Transsion strictly complies with the laws and regulations such as the Work Safety Law of the People’s Republic
of China the Law ofof the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control ofof Occupational Diseases and
the Management Measures for the Production Safety Accident Contingency Plan and has formulated internal
policies such as the Regulations on the Management of Environmental Safety in Oces, which provide specic
regulatory guidelines on the safety and health of employees.

Ensure occupational safety and health

       Standardizing operating requirements
       Employees are required to strictly comply with labor discipline, work safety rules and regulations,
       operating guidelines on work safety, etc.
                                                                                                                  Transsion Holdings ISO        Shenzhen Tecno ISO 45001   Chongqing Transsion Technology
       Providing a safe environment                                                                                45001 Certication                  Certication              ISO 45001 Certication
       Transsion takes corresponding measures to ensure that the workplace complies with regulations in
       terms of drinking water, sanitation, re safety, lighting, and ventilation, providing a healthy and
       safe working and living environment for employees.

       Furnished with safety equipment
       Transsion equips employees with the labor protection supplies required for their work and regularly
       distributes necessary pandemic prevention materials to employees during the pandemic.

       Regular health check-ups
       Transsion pays attention to the health of employees and organizes regular health check-ups.

       Organizing healthy sports activities
       Employees can participate in various sports clubs such as swimming, football, basketball, badmin-
       ton, tennis, yoga and tness for free. The clubs hold nearly 400 activities throughout the year,                  Transsion Basketball Match                           Yoga Club
       attracting more than 5,000 participants. At the end of the year, each club holds a New Year Cup
       competition to allow employees to experience the passion of sports competition. The company also
       holds a 100-day weight loss challenge to encourage employees to develop good tness habits while
       working. In addition, the company provides tness rooms, yoga rooms, and leisure sports areas for

       Organizing health lectures
       The company organizes employees to participate in lectures and training on oce safety, comput-
       er virus prevention and treatment, extreme weather travel safety, occupational disease preven-
       tion, common and frequently-occurring disease prevention through online and oine methods,
       which shows the company's care for the physical and mental health of its employees.

       Transsion Holdings, Shenzhen Tecno and Chongqing Transsion Technology have been awarded the
       Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certicate.
   Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                       2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Focus on safety training
                                                                                                             Transsion held a training session on re safety training and re evacuation drill
The company has established a sound EHS management structure and system. It organizes safety knowl-
edge and emergency skills training in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations and practi-   In July, August and December 2022, Transsion held re safety training and re escape drills in Shang-
cal needs, deploys emergency materials that meet compliance requirements, and organizes regular contin-      hai and Shenzhen to help employees master re safety knowledge, conduct orderly evacuation
gency plan drills of various security themes to ensure the eectiveness.                                      exercises, and improve their ability to respond to extreme situations.

In 2022, two domestic factories carried out more than 320 training sessions concerning EHS, with more
than 17,000 training attendance, covering 100% factory workers.

                                                                                                             Transsion organizes employees to participate in the Red Cross rst aid certicate
                                       Safety Training in Factories                                          training in Shanghai

                                                                                                             In October 2022, Transsion organized employees to participate in the rst-aid training organized by
                                                                                                             the Shanghai Red Cross Society, and obtained the rst-aid certicate, which helps employees to
                                                                                                             improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to CPR, trauma rescue, escape and

                                       Emergency Drill in Factories
                        Partner Responsibility
                                                                                                                                                  Response to SDGs Indicators

                         For Win-win Results
Transsion upholds the principle of win-win cooperation, actively seeks to establish long term partnerships of mutual trust and benet with rele-
                                                                                                                                                   Response to GRI Indicators
vant providers in the industry chain, and joins hands with domestic and foreign partners to share the fruits of sustainable development.


75 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                                   2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 76

Responsible supply chain management                                                                                  proof of salary payment and interviewing employees, and are concerned about the occupational health
                                                                                                                     and safety of suppliers’ employees. We require suppliers to pay basic salary and corresponding benets
                                                                                                                     as required by local laws and regulations, and pay corresponding overtime fees according to local laws
Suppliers are important partners of Transsion. Transsion and the suppliers jointly comply with the laws and
                                                                                                                     and regulations.
regulations and generally accepted international standards or conventions in the places of product manufac-
turing and operation. To establish a standardized supplier management procedure and system for the compa-
ny, we have developed a series of internal policies such as the Process for Introducing New Suppliers, Supplier
Feedback Management Process, Transsion’s Integrity Statement and Procurement Agreement to shape a                   Audit and assessment of supplier’s contract performance
healthy and sustainable responsible supply chain. Moreover, Transsion has set up a mandatory supplier intro-
duction standard, the Supplier Mandatory Criteria Assessment Form which clearly sets out the “zero toler-           We conduct regular audits of suppliers’ contract performance and have established audit standards for
ance” criteria related to the environmental and social responsibility of suppliers.                                 environmental, re and safety management of suppliers, including ISO 9000 quality management
                                                                                                                     system, ISO 14001 environmental management system, ISO 45001 occupational health management
                                                                                                                     system, RoHS hazardous substances management system, conict minerals management, 27001 infor-
Supply chain management process                                                                                      mation security management system and other standards. In addition, we have developed the Supplier
                                                                                                                    Performance Evaluation Process and Supplier Incentive Management Measures to evaluate suppliers in
                                                                                                                     terms of labor management, environmental management and other aspects and provide monetary and
   Supplier identication and introduction                                                                            honorary incentives to suppliers with excellent performance in comprehensive dimensions.

   We have established strict supplier introduction approval criteria to apply corresponding standards to
                                                                                                                  In 2022, we audited all new suppliers to be introduced and suppliers that were on the Approved Vendor List
   all introduced suppliers, including but not limited to requiring suppliers to have sound corporate quali-
                                                                                                                  (AVL) to be audited annually, and supplier audit results all met internal management standards.
   cations, matching professional qualications and service capabilities, and usually adopt an open
   platform to provide registration and ensure a fair and transparent supplier registration process.
                                                                                                                           Proportion of suppliers signing the Supplier Integrity and Honesty Commitment Letter, Decla-
   Transsion has developed the Process for Introducing New Suppliers requiring new suppliers introduced
   to enter into agreements such as the Safety and Environmental Protection Agreement and the Agree-
                                                                                                                           ration of Supplier Interests   100%
   ment on Not Using Prohibited Substances with the company when new suppliers are introduced. In addi-
   tion, we have developed a Supplier Assessment Form - QSA to check suppliers’ compliance in environ-
   mental and occupational health and safety to safeguard the green procurement from the supply chain
   and the personal and property safety of laborers, and we will rst select suppliers with excellent perfor-
                                                                                                                  Communication with supplier
                                                                                                                  We conduct business reviews through annual supplier conferences and quarterly, annual and unscheduled
                                                                                                                  communications between middle and senior management among suppliers, putting forward green procure-
                                                                                                                  ment, delivery, technology, quality and other demands and promoting improvement. In 2022, over 100 supplier
   Supplier introduction audit                                                                                    QBR/YBR (quarterly/annual) communication meetings were completed.

                                                                                                                  In addition, we also publicize and arrange for shortlisted suppliers to sign the Transsion Integrity Statement
   We set up a supplier review panel to conduct strict inspections of suppliers’ qualications, product qual-
                                                                                                                  during supplier audits, and require partner suppliers to sign the Supplier Integrity and Honesty Commitment
   ity, social responsibility, labor rights and interests, and other areas. We have developed and implement-
                                                                                                                  Letter and the Declaration of Supplier Interests in a bid to further strengthen the integrity publicity to suppliers.
   ed a Supplier Mandatory Criteria Assessment Form as the assessment criteria to conduct strict assess-
   ments on corporate quality system assessment (QSA), quality process audit (QPA), trade safety and
   other aspects. Qualied suppliers can be introduced into the resource pool as reserve.
                                                                                                                       “Walk Hand in Hand, Go Far and Wide” Supplier Conference
   We also actively focus on the practices of suppliers in respect of environmental protection and labor
                                                                                                                      In November 2022, we held the “Walk Hand in Hand, Go Far and
   management and advocate the establishment of eective labor, health and safety management
                                                                                                                      Wide” supplier conference to exchange ideas with partners partici-
   systems by them when assessing supplier admission. We set “not using child labor and forced labor” and
                                                                                                                      pating in the conference on “the subsequent strategic development
   “not providing false information”as mandatory criterias in Supplier Mandatory Criteria Assessment
                                                                                                                      direction of Transsion’s various product businesses”, in which more
   Form We have formulated environmental, re and safety audit projects when assessing supplier
                                                                                                                      than 200 major suppliers of approximately 90 core components
   admission. We require compliance in the use of labor, ensure compliance by reviewing the supplier’s
   employee list, sampling employee information and employment contracts, requiring suppliers to provide
77 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                                      2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 78

Responsible procurement
                                                                                                                      Transsion continues to keep abreast of the development trends of the industry, attaches importance to
                                                                                                                      exchanges and cooperation within and outside the industry, actively participates in various activities in the
                                                                                                                      industry, and strives to innovate and deliver value with all partners. In 2022, Transsion actively built platforms
                                                                                                                      for cooperation and sharing, strengthened cooperation with universities, industry associations and other
Transsion follows the strict standards of integrity in all business interactions, prohibits any form of bribery,
                                                                                                                      stakeholders while extensively taking active part in international cooperation and exchange, and continuously
corruption, extortion and embezzlement of public funds, and adheres to a green and sustainable procurement
                                                                                                                      promoted the standardized development of industry technology.
philosophy to achieve responsible procurement.

                                                                                                                      Deepen the industry-university-research-application coopera-
Optimize conict minerals management                                                                                   tion system
In terms of conict minerals management, Transsion complies with the conict minerals reporting and other               Transsion continues to broaden talent recruitment system by leveraging advantageous enterprise resources to
requirements under section 1502 of the US Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the              cooperate with well-known universities at home and abroad in support to the ecient development of
Dodd-Frank Act) and irregularly conducts supplier conict minerals survey and collects conict minerals                 business and achieve a win-win situation with the academic community. In 2022, Transsion cooperated with
reports from suppliers to ensure that conict minerals from illegal mines are not used in the supply chain.            Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tongji University, and by virtue of their unique advantages in the introduc-
Meanwhile, Transsion has released a statement on conict minerals management on its website.                           tion and training of talents, promoted the cooperation in technology and projects, accelerated the indus-
                                                                                                                      try-university-research results transformation and the training of innovative talent, and will maintain
                                                                                                                      long-term win-win partnership with the academics in the future.

Green and clean procurement
Based on the concept of sustainable development, Transsion regulates green procurement and strengthens the                The "Key Technologies and Applications for Mobile Image Quality Evalua-
assessment control of the information about suppliers’ environmental and social factors. Transsion has                   tion" project jointly applied by Transsion and Shanghai Jiao Tong University
improved the supplier collaboration platform, where the environmental protection agreements signed by
                                                                                                                          won the rst prize of the Technical Invention Award of the Chinese Society of
suppliers and the information related to environment and labor health and safety involved in supplier audits
are available.                                                                                                            Image and Graphics in 2022.

                                                                                                                          In 2022, Transsion will continue to deepen its expertise in mobile terminal imaging. Transsion and
Transsion pays attention to transparent procurement. In 2022, Transsion and its suppliers signed the contrac-
                                                                                                                          Shanghai Jiao Tong University have collaborated in the eld of mobile imaging, and the jointly
tual documents such as the Supplier Integrity and Honesty Commitment Letter and Declaration of Supplier
                                                                                                                          applied project "Key Technologies and Applications for Mobile Image Quality Evaluation" was
Interests Suppliers shall guarantee not to promise or agree to provide, or authorize any third party to provide,
                                                                                                                          awarded the rst prize of the Technical Invention Award of the China Society of Image and Graphics
or pay any fees, loans, donations, anything of value or improper advantage to our employees and their spouses,
                                                                                                                          in 2022.
their children and children’s spouses and other relatives directly or indirectly, or other specic/interested
parties for the purpose of obtaining other improper business benets, and not to give any kickbacks, commis-
sions, gifts or other benets to our managers, employees, agents or other related parties in any form. In addi-
tion, we established integrity and honesty provisions in the Procurement Agreement and organized internal
integrity training and publicized anti-corruption cases to internal employees and suppliers on an irregular basis.

Transsion requires supplier partners to fulll the obligation to inform it in the event of a request for a bribe. In
the event of bribery during the cooperation, Transsion will terminate all cooperation with it, regardless of
whether an improper benet is actually obtained.

Promote industry development
79 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                      2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 80

Engage in Industry conversations and exchanges
                                                                                                              Innix, a mobile phone brand of Transsion, released an industry white paper
Transsion Holdings has vigorously expanded cooperation areas and promoted diversied strategic coopera-        Prospects for the Entry-level 5G Mobile Phone Market together with CCS
tion featuring mutual complementarity. In 2022, many brands of Transsion conducted cooperation with third
                                                                                                              Insight, a well-known global industry analysis institution.
parties and engage in industry conversations.

                                                                                                              In 2022, Innix jointly with the globally renowned analyst rm CCS Insight, released a report Pros-
        Transsion's innovative technology brand TECNO teamed up with globally renowned third-party            pects for the Entry-level 5G Mobile Phone Market. The report analyzed the chip supply and the
        analysis institution Counterpoint to jointly host an online industry seminar titled "Moving Towards   current development of the global smartphone market, evaluated and predicted the future pros-
        High-end: Smartphones Demand Transformation and Technological Drivers".                               pects of 5G smartphones in emerging markets, and elaborated on growth opportunities and respec-
                                                                                                              tive advantages faced by smartphone brands represented by Innix.
        Innix, a mobile phone brand of Transsion, released an industry white paper Prospects for the
        Entry-level 5G Mobile Phone Market together with CCS Insight, a well-known global industry analysis

        Transsion made an appearance at VALSE 2022, discussing the development and application of
        cutting-edge technology in mobile terminal computing and photography.

        Innix, a mobile phone brand of Transsion, continued a partnership with the Royal Observatory          Transsion made an appearance at VALSE 2022, discussing the development
        Greenwich, London, to help people better understand and explore the universe.                         and application of cutting-edge technology in mobile terminal computing
                                                                                                              and photography.

                                                                                                              The Visual and Learning Young Scholars Conference (VALSE 2022), hosted by the Chinese Associa-
     Transsion's innovative technology brand TECNO teamed up with globally                                    tion of Articial Intelligence, was grandly held at the Tianjin National Convention Center from
     renowned third-party analysis institution Counterpoint to jointly host an                                August 22nd to 24th, 2022. Numerous domestic experts, scholars, university professors and

     online industry seminar titled "Moving Towards High-end: Smartphones                                     students, as well as innovative technology companies, gathered together. Transsion showcased its
                                                                                                              research achievements in the eld of mobile terminal computational photography at this conference,
     Demand Transformation and Technological Drivers".                                                        and discussed the development and application of cutting-edge technology with domestic experts
                                                                                                              and scholars. At the conference, Transsion's image research and development team delivered a
    On November 22, 2022, TECNO, the innovative technology brand of Transsion, and the globally
                                                                                                              keynote speech on "Development and Application of Mobile Terminal Computational Photography
    renowned third-party analysis institution Counterpoint jointly held an online industry seminar titled
                                                                                                              Technology". The speech introduced the development of mobile phone photography and video tech-
    "Moving Towards High-end: Smartphones Demand Transformation and Technological Drivers".
                                                                                                              nology, and shared the denition, system architecture, key technologies and characteristics covered
    Experts from various elds of global smartphones gathered together to explore the changing
                                                                                                              by mobile terminal computational photography, as well as the many applications brought about by
    demands of high-end smartphone consumers and emerging technology development trends. The
                                                                                                              the improvement of the imaging devices and computing algorithms of mobile phones, and future
    seminar invited globally renowned enterprises MediaTek and the international leading media group
                                                                                                              trends in technological development.
    Forbes, to participate together.
81 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                        2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 82

                                                                                                         Advance the development of industry standards
    Innix, a mobile phone brand of Transsion, continues to explore the universe
    in partnership with the Royal Observatory Greenwich, empowering young                                We actively promote relevant standardization research, continue to enhance Transsion’s inuence in interna-
                                                                                                         tional organizations for standards, and cooperate with ecological partners in the industry to contribute to the
                                                                                                         development of the industry. Over the years, Transsion has developed a long-term R&D plan around the main-
                                                                                                         stream industry trend of computational photography technology and product applications, and continued to
    In September 2022, Innix announced that it had further strengthened its partnership with the Royal   increase investment in technology R&D. Transsion has also exported research results through standardized
    Observatory Greenwich in the UK, donating over 90,000 US dollars in repair funds to the observato-   methods to establish a deep connection between R&D and industry.
    ry's observation equipment, the Annie Maunder Astrographic Telescope, to support the astronomi-
    cal cause of the observatory.

                                                                                                              A Number of International Standards Led by Transsion are Approved by
                                                                                                              ITU-T, Deepening the Establishment of an International Standard System
                                                                                                              for Computational Photography

           Royal Observatory Greenwich                        Annie Maunder Astrographic
         (News release pictures for Innix)                            Telescope
                           Community Responsibilities
                                                                                                                                                            Response to SDGs Indicators

                                for Harmony
                                                                                                                                                             Response to GRI Indicators
As an enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, we actively respond to the national appeals, oer assistance to “rural revitalization”, partici-
pate in public welfare undertakings and give back to society to deeply assume corporate social responsibility.
85 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                                     2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 86

Adhering to the philosophy of “Together we can”, Transsion takes an active part in public welfare undertakings,
keeps up with the national development strategies, positively assumes corporate social responsibility, and
continues to create a positive impact on the local communities.

          In 2022, the total amount of donations to external organizations, public welfare,
          and rural rexitalization by Transsion was about RMB                     million.

Rural revitalization
As China declared comprehensive victory in the tough battle against poverty, rural revitalization has become
an important strategy to continue to promote the development of rural areas and the increase of people’s
income. As an enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, Transsion has always attached great importance
                                                                                                                             Transsion was thanked by the leadership group of counterpart assistance of Nanshan
to promoting local industry development and increasing people’s income to make them rich through corporate
development. After the national rural revitalization strategy was put forward, Transsion took active actions to                              District, Shenzhen City for supporting rural revitalization.
deeply assume corporate social responsibility by combining industrial revitalization with talent revitalization
based on the business landscape.
                                                                                                                       Transsion not only continued consumption assistance, but also focused on talent revitalization and rural
“Gather Transsion’s power to fuel up rural revitalization.” In 2022, in active response to the national strategy,   education. It has joined hands with the Amity Foundation to launch the "Small Desks in the Mountains" project
Transsion Holdings continued to lay out the special plan for “rural revitalization”. In terms of consumption         to provide educational assistance in Dege County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province.
assistance, Transsion helped Bama County in Guangxi and Wuxi County in Chongqing, eectively promoting                  This project aims to improve the teaching conditions of rural children and promote social education equity.
the rural revitalization with practical actions.

                                                                                                                           Talent revitalization — "Small Desks in the Mountains" project
    Consumption Assistance Contributed to Rural Revitalization
                                                                                                                          In 2022, Transsion partnered with Amity Foundation to launch the "Small Desks in the Mountains"
    In 2022, Transsion Holdings purchased agricultural products from designated poverty alleviation
                                                                                                                          project, donating about RMB 420,000 to the Amity Foundation. The funds were mainly used to
    companies in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, with a total purchase amount of about RMB 1.57 million,
                                                                                                                          donate student-specic desks and chairs to six schools in Dege County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous
    to support the industries and employment in Bama County, Guangxi and Wuxi County, Chongqing.
                                                                                                                          Prefecture, providing children with adjustable desks and chairs that are scientically designed and
                                                                                                                          suitable for their physical development, helping them to learn happily and grow healthily. In addition
                                                                                                                          to donating desks and chairs, Transsion also provided the children with art education picture books
                                                                                                                          and calligraphy sets.

       Transsion helped Bama County, Guangxi and Wuxi County, Chongqing by consumption.
87 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                              2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 88

Public welfare and charity                                                                                          TECNO and Innix, the mobile phone brands of Transsion, and the
                                                                                                                    after-sales service brand, Carlcare, provided assistance to the disaster
“Practice corporate social responsibility and give back to the local community in Africa” and “Be a brand with
                                                                                                                    areas in Pakistan and donated money for charity.
care”. All mobile phone brands of Transsion help the local disadvantaged, support education with technology
and ght the pandemic through material/fund donations in the places where they operate.                              In 2022, Pakistan suered from a rare ood disaster. Transsion's mobile phone brands TECNO and
                                                                                                                    Innix, as well as after-sales service brand Carlcare, provided assistance to the disaster area in
                                                                                                                    Pakistan and donated funds.

    “Little Library” donation program of Transsion’s mobile phone brand - itel                                   Transsion TECNO division and the local team in Pakistan drove nearly 300 kilometers to the disaster
                                                                                                                    area and donated essential supplies such as our and oil, with a total value of about 1.75 million
    In 2022, itel called on 13 countries to participate in the "Little Library" public welfare initiative, donat-   Pakistani Rupees, to alleviate the urgent needs of the victims. This donation has received attention
    ing books, bookshelves, learning and living supplies to chidren in impoverished areas in Nigeria, Cte           from local newspapers, TV stations, and technology media. The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan also
    d'Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Kenya,etc., and                      praised this donation through social media.
    helped children achieve their dream to go to school. As of 2022, the project has helped more than
                                                                                                                    Innix, a mobile phone brand of Transsion, has formed a convoy to support the disaster areas and
    60,000 school children and families, established more than 350 little libraries and involved a total
                                                                                                                    provided needs for the victims.
    donation of RMB 980,000.
                                                                                                                    Carlcare, an after-sales service brand of Transsion, has been closely monitoring the situation in the
    The project has gained high recognition from all sectors of society and itel has won three brand                disaster areas of Pakistan. In September 2022, it actively organized ood rescue operations and
    awards and certications in 2022: Africa’s Most Committed Brand to Humanitarian Services, Award                 distributed materials to the aected people, donating about 500,000 Pakistani Rupees worth of
    of Recognition of Outstanding Impact and Certicate of Appreciation for sponsorship.                             materials. Carlcare also cooperated with the Alkhidmat Foundation to launch the "Carlcare ood
                                                                                                                    relief" campaign, providing food, water, mosquito nets, and other daily necessities to the severely
                                                                                                                    aected Punjab Province, alleviating the problem of material shortages in the disaster area and
                                                                                                                    helping the people there get through the diculties.

                                          “Little Library” Activities

                                                                                                                                   TECNO donated to the disaster      The Chinese Embassy in Pakistan praised the
                                                                                                                                             areas.                         donation through social media.

     “Little Library” program receives Africa’s Most Committed Brand to Humanitarian Services, Award
           of Recognition of Outstanding Impact and Certicate of Appreciation for sponsorship.                                      Innix donated and rushed to support       Carlcare went to the disaster area
                                                                                                                                              the disaster areas.                to distribute daily necessities.
89 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                      2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 90

    Donation of mobile phones to help groups in need improve current life by                                Transsion’s mobile phone brand - TECNO teamed up with Manchester City
    Transsion’s mobile phone brand - TECNO                                                                 Football Club to launch the "Stop At Nothing" program to help aspiring
                                                                                                            sports journalists achieve their dreams through internships.
    In 2022, TECNO Philippines team collaborated with local KOLs to donate 50 units of POVA NEO,
    worth about 5,093 US dolloars, to the city health oce, elderly aairs oce, and students in the
                                                                                                            In the 2022 season, TECNO once again joined hands with Manchester City to launch the "Stop At
    capital of the province of Bulacan, Malolos City, in order to give back to the community and show the
                                                                                                            Nothing" internship sports journalist dream plan in the Indian market, providing valuable internship
    brand inuence of TECNO. In addition, the TECNO Philippines team partnered with GRAB to donate
                                                                                                            and employment opportunities for young people with sports news ideals in the world's top sports
    65 units of POVA NEO, worth about 6,620 US dollars to young workers and labor groups who contin-
                                                                                                            media GOAL. Qualiers will become exclusive interns sports journalists of GOAL, receiving real-time
    ued to contribute to the city's operations. TECNO actively takes on social responsibility and helps
                                                                                                            training from GOAL's global and local editorial teams, learning sports writing, event analysis, and
    people in need to improve their current lives through the combination of love and technology.
                                                                                                            interview skills, and fully covering Manchester City's hottest matches. They will also have the oppor-
                                                                                                            tunity to have close conversations with Manchester City players, legends, and sports professionals.

                                                                                                            Transsion's accessory brand oraimo launched "oraimo Cares For Explor-
                                                                                                            ers" charity project.

                                                                                                            In December 2022, oraimo Nigeria partnered with the Blessing Omolafe Foundation charity to bring
                                                                                                            the "oraimo Cares for Explorers" to the slums of Nigeria. They provided Christmas gifts to women
                                                                                                            and children and donated funds to improve the living environment of local women and children, as
                                                                                                            well as to provide high-quality education for vulnerable groups and youth in the impoverished area.

    "Show Me LOVE" activity of Transsion’s mobile phone brand - TECNO

    During “TECNO Blue Valentine's Day” in February 2022, TECNO Nigeria launched "Show Me LOVE"
    activity, visiting Adonai Orphanage in northern Nigeria, and giving baby products, hygiene products,
    and branded gifts to the children in the orphanage.
91 Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                                                          2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 92

   Transsion’s mobile phone brand - TECNO launched a women's health-themed
   activity in partnership with the welfare organization JCI.
                                                                                                                Before Christmas 2022, Transsion collaborated with
    In March 2022, Transsion’s Mobile Phone Brand - TECNO launched a women's health-themed activity            Shikhar Foundation, a public welfare organization dedi-
    with the welfare organization JCI(Jeune Chambre International). The focus of the activity was on            cated to empowering girls in India through education, to
    cervical cancer screening and prevention. To help women in impoverished areas of Senegal under-             collect Christmas wishes from some of the girls through
    stand cervical cancer, TECNO and JCI jointly organized a theme activity in remote towns in Senegal,         a wish tree and deliver the gifts they hoped for to their
    promoting protective knowledge and conducting on-site health checkups. Through distributing                 hands. In addition, they awarded itel smartphones to
    promotional brochures, free on-site checkups, donations and other means, they called for greater            10th grade students who excelled in their midterm
    attention to women's health from society. In total, six theme activities were held in six cities in Sene-   exams.
    gal in 2022, and hundreds of women received on-site health checkups.

                                                                                                                Transsion’s mobile phone brand - Innix held a campus music festival
                                                                                                                to inspire young people to pursue their music dreams.

                                                                                                                In September 2022, Innix sponsored the Rising Star campus music festival in three Kenyan universi-
                                                                                                                ties - University of Nairobi, Moi University, and Mombasa Technical University - with a total sponsor-
                                                                                                                ship of over 6,000 US dollars. The event brought together original music, rap, local songs, and popu-
                                                                                                                lar western styles, igniting young people's music dreams.

    Joining hands with Prerna to care for impoverished children.

    In February 2022, Transsion partnered with the social welfare organization Prerna, which focuses on
    improving the lives of impoverished children in India. They spontaneously donated cash, books, note-
    books, stationery, various snacks, and other items to children living in slums in the Batikoy Mine area
    and southern Delhi, with a total value of approximately 1 Lacs Rupees.
  Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                       2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Appendix I Content Index of Global                                                                             Indicator                Indicator Description                                          Section

Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards                                                                                           102-24   Nominating and selecting the highest governance body

                                                                                                                                        Conict of interest

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Not applicable

                                                                                                                               102-26   Role of highest governance body in setting purpose,
                                                                                                                                        values and strategy                                         About Transsio
  Indicator                   Indicator Description                                        Section
                                                                                                                               102-27   Collective knowledge of the highest governance body                /
                  102-1       Name of organization                                    About this Report
                                                                                                                               102-28   Evaluating the highest governance body’s performance              /
                  102-2       Activities, brands, products and services                About Transsion

                                                                                                                               102-29   Identifying and managing economic, environmental               Operation
                  102-3       Location of headquarters                                About this Report                                 and social impacts                                           responsibility
                  102-4       Location of operations                                   About Transsion
                                                                                                                               102-30   Eectiveness of risk management process                       responsibility
                  102-5       Ownership and legal form                                         /

                  102-6       Markets served                                           About Transsion                         102-31   Review of economic, environmental and social topics            Operation
                  102-7                                                               Responsibilities for
 Organizational               Scale of organization                                      employees
    prole                                                                                                                      102-32   Highest governance body’s role in                             Operation
                                                                                                                                        sustainability reporting                                     responsibility
                  102-8       Information on employees and other workers              Responsibilities for    Governance
                                                                                                                               102-33   Communicating critical concerns                                Operation
                  102-9                                                                    Partner
                              Supply chain                                              responsibility
                                                                                                                               102-34                                                                  Operation
                                                                                           Partner                                      Nature and total number of critical concerns                 responsibility
                              Signicant changes to the organization and its supply
                  102-10      chain                                                     responsibility
                                                                                                                               102-35   Remuneration policies                                              /
                  102-11      Precautionary principles or approach                      Not applicable
                                                                                                                               102-36   Process for determining remuneration                               /
                  102-12      External initiatives                                      Not applicable

                  102-13      Membership of associations                                Not applicable                         102-37   Stakeholders’ involvement in remuneration                         /

                  102-14                                                                Message from                           102-38   Annual total compensation ratio                                    /
                              Statement from senior decision-maker
   Strategy                                                                                                                             Percentage increase in annual total
                                                                                          Operation                            102-39   compensation ratio                                                 /
                  102-15      Key impacts, risks and opportunities

                                                                                       About Transsion                         102-40   List of stakeholder groups                              Operation responsibility
                  102-16      Values, principles, standards and norms of behavior         Operation
   Ethics and                                                                           responsibility
    Integrity                                                                                                                  102-41   Collective bargaining agreement                                    /
                  102-17      Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics           responsibility        Participation
                                                                                                             of Stakeholders   102-42   Identifying and selecting stakeholders                  Operation responsibility

                  102-18      Governance structure                                         Operation
                                                                                         responsibility                        102-43   Approach to stakeholder engagement                      Operation responsibility

                                                                                           Operation                           102-44   Key topics and concerns raised                          Operation responsibility
                  102-19      Delegating authority                                       responsibility

                              Executive-level responsibility for economic, environ-        Operation                           102-45   Entities included in the consolidated nancial                      /
                  102-20      mental and social topics                                   responsibility                                 statements
                              Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental           Operation
                  102-21      and social topics                                          responsibility                                 Dening report content and topic
                                                                                                             Report Practice   102-46   boundaries                                                About this Report

                              Composition of the highest governance body and its           Operation
                  102-22      committees                                                 responsibility                        102-47   List of material topics                                 Operation responsibility

                  102-23      Chair of the highest governance body                             /                               102-48   Restatement of information                                  Not applicable
  Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                  2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

   Indicator                  Indicator Description                                          Section         Indicator              Indicator Description                                        Section

                   102-49     Changes in reporting                                        Not applicable                    301-2   Recycled input materials used                              Environmental
                   102-50     Reporting period                                           About this Report    Materials
                                                                                                                            301-3                                                          Environmental responsi-
                                                                                                                                    Reclaimed products and their packaging materials               bility
                   102-51     Date of the most recent report                             About this Report

                                                                                                                            302-1   Energy consumption within the                                Appendix II
                   102-52     Reporting cycle                                            About this Report                          organization                                             Performance Form

 Report Practice              Contact information for questions regarding the                                               302-2   Energy consumption outside of the                                 /
                   102-53                                                                About this Report                          organization

                              Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI                                   Energy       302-3   Energy intensity                                             Appendix II
                   102-54                                                                About this Report                                                                                   Performance Form

                   102-55                                                                    Appendix                       302-4   Reduction of energy consumption                            Environmental
                              GRI content index                                                                                                                                                responsibility

                   102-56     External assurance                                                 /                                  Reduction in energy requirements of                        Environmental
                                                                                                                                    products and services                                      responsibility
                   103-1      Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries           Operation
                                                                                           responsibility                                                                                      Environmental
                                                                                                                            303-1   Interactions with water of the organization
  Management                                                                                 Operation
    Method         103-2      Management approach and its components
                                                                                           responsibility                                                                                      Environmental
                                                                                                                            303-2   Management of water discharge-related impacts
                   103-3      Evaluation of the management approach                          Operation
                                                                                           responsibility     Water         303-3   Water withdrawal                                                  /
                   201-1      Direct economic value generated and distributed                    /                          303-4                                                              Environmental
                                                                                                                                    Water discharge

                   201-2      Financial implications and other risks and opportuni-              /
   Economic                   ties due to climate change                                                                    303-5   Water consumption                                          Environmental
  Performance                                                                                                                                                                                  responsibility

                   201-3      Dened benet plan obligations and other retirement                  /
                              plans                                                                                                 Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or
                                                                                                                            304-1   adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high             Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    biodiversity value outside protected areas
                              Financial assistance received from
                   201-4      government                                                         /
                                                                                                             Biodiversity           Signicant impacts of activities, products, and             Not applicable
                                                                                                                            304-2   services on biodiversity
                              Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender
                   202-1      compared to local minimum wage                                     /
     Market                                                                                                                 304-3   Habitats protected or restored                             Not applicable
                              Proportion of senior management hired from the local                                                  IUCN Red List species and national conservation list
                   202-2      community                                                          /                          304-4                                                              Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    species with habitats in areas aected by operations

    Indirect       203-1      Infrastructure investments and services supported                  /                                                                                               Appendix II
                                                                                                                            305-1   Direct (Scope1) GHG emissions
Economic Impacts                                                                                                                                                                             Performance Form
                   203-2      Signicant indirect economic impacts                                /
                                                                                                                            305-2   Energy indirect (scope 2) GHG emissions                      Appendix II
  Procurement                                                                                                                                                                                Performance Form
    Practice       204-1      Proportion of spending on local suppliers                          /
                                                                                                                            305-3   Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions                            /
                   205-1                                                                     Operation
                              Operations assessed for risks related to corruption          responsibility
                                                                                                             Emissions      305-4   GHG emissions intensity                                      Appendix II
                                                                                                                                                                                             Performance Form
 Anti-corruption   205-2      Communication and training about anti-corruption               Operation
                              policies and procedures                                      responsibility
                                                                                                                            305-5   Reduction of GHG emissions                                        /

                   205-3      Conrmed incidents of corruption and actions taken              Operation
                                                                                           responsibility                   305-6   Emission of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)                      /

Anti-competitive              Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust,       Operation                      305-7   Nitrogen oxides (NOX), sulfur oxides (SOX) and other              /
    behavior       206-1                                                                                                            signicant air emissions
                              and anti-monopoly practices                                  responsibility

                                                                                                               Waste        306-1   Waste generation and signicant waste-related               Environmental
   Materials       301-1      Materials used by weight or volume                                 /                                  impacts                                                    responsibility
   Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                              2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

    Indicator                  Indicator Description                                           Section               Indicator                  Indicator Description                                          Section

                      306-2    Management of signicant waste-related impacts                Environmental
                                                                                            responsibility               Anti-          406-1   Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions        Responsibilities for
                                                                                                                    discrimination              taken                                                        employees
                      306-3    Waste generated                                              Environmental
                                                                                             responsibility      Freedom of Associa-            Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom    Responsibilities for
      Waste                                                                                                       tion and Collective   407-1
                                                                                                                                                of association and collective bargaining may be at risk      employees
                                                                                            Environmental             Bargaining
                      306-4    Waste diverted from disposal
                                                                                                                     Child Labor        408-1   Operations and suppliers at signicant risk for            Responsibilities for
                                                                                            Environmental                                       incidents of child labor                                     employees
                      306-5    Waste directed to disposal
  Environmental                Non-compliance with environmental laws and                   Environmental            Forced or          409-1   Operations and suppliers at signicant risk for            Responsibilities for
                      307-1                                                                                       Compulsory Labor              incidents of forced or compulsory labor                      employees
   Compliance                  regulations                                                   responsibility

                      308-1    New suppliers that were screened using environmental             Partner               Security                  Security personnel trained in human rights policies or
    Supplier                   criteria                                                      responsibility                             410-1                                                                       /
                                                                                                                      Practices                 procedures
   Assessment         308-2    Negative environmental impacts of supply chain and               Partner
                               actions taken                                                 responsibility           Rights of                 Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous
                                                                                                                 Indigenous Peoples     411-1                                                               Not applicable
                      401-1                                                                   Appendix II
                               New employee hires and employee turnover rate              Performance Form                                      Operations that have been subject to human rights         Responsibilities for
                                                                                                                                        412-1   reviews or impact assessments
   Employment                  Benets provided for full-time employees (excluding         Responsibilities for                                                                                               employees
                      401-2    temporary or part-time employees)                             employees

                      401-3    Parental leave                                                      /                Human Right         412-2   Employee training on human right policies or              Responsibilities for
                                                                                                                    Assessment                  procedures                                                   employees
Labor/Management      402-1    Minimum notice periods regarding                             Not applicable
     Relations                 operational changes
                                                                                                                                                Signicant investment agreements and contracts that
                               Occupational health and safety                             Responsibilities for                          412-3   include human rights clauses or that underwent human                /
                               management system                                             employees                                          rights screening

                      403-2    Hazard identication, risk assessment, and incident         Responsibilities for
                               investigation                                                 employees
                                                                                                                                        413-1   Operations with local community engagement, impact            Community
                                                                                          Responsibilities for                                  assessment and development programs                         responsibilities
                      403-3    Occupational health services                                                            Local
                               Worker participation, consultation and communication       Responsibilities for                                  Operations with signicant actual and potential                Community
                      403-4    on occupational health and safety                                                                        413-2
                                                                                             employees                                          negative impacts on local communities                       responsibilities

                      403-5                                                               Responsibilities for
                               Worker training on occupational health and safety             employees                                                                                                           Partner
  Occupational                                                                                                                          414-1   New suppliers that were screened using social criteria        responsibility
Health and Safety                                                                                                  Supplier Social
                      403-6    Promotion of worker health                                 Responsibilities for      Assessment
                                                                                                                                        414-2   Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions          Partner
                               Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and       Responsibilities for                                  taken                                                         responsibility
                      403-7    safety impacts directly linked by business relationships      employees
                                                                                                                     Public Policy      415-1   Political contributions                                     Not applicable
                      403-8    Workers covered by an occupational health and safety       Responsibilities for
                               management system                                             employees
                                                                                                                                        416-1   Assessment of the health and safety impacts of                  Product
                      403-9    Work-related injuries                                          Appendix II                                       product and service categories                                responsibility
                                                                                          Performance Form           Customer
                                                                                                                  Health and Safety
                                                                                          Responsibilities for                          416-2   Incidentsofnon-complianceconcerningthehealthand                 Product
                      403-10   Work-related ill health                                                                                          safetyimpactsofproductsandservices                            responsibility

                      404-1    Average hours of training per year per employee                     /                                            Requirements for product and service information and
                                                                                                                                        417-1                                                                       /
   Training and                Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition      Responsibilities for
    Education         404-2                                                                                        Marketing and                Incidents of non-compliance concerning products and
                               assistance programs                                           employees                                  417-2                                                                       /
                                                                                                                     Labeling                   services information and labeling
                               Percentage of employees receiving regular perfor-          Responsibilities for
                      404-3    mance and career development reviews                          employees                                  417-3   Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing                    /
                                                                                          Responsibilities for
                      405-1    Diversity of governance bodies and                             employees               Customer                  Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of                 Product
                               employees                                                      Appendix II                               418-1
                                                                                                                       Privacy                  customer privacy and loss of customer data                   responsibility
Diversity and Equal                                                                       Performance Form
                               Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to                                  Socio-economic       419-1   Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social      Not applicable
                      405-2                                                                        /                                            and economic area
                               men                                                                                  Compliance
  Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                      2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

Appendix II Performance Form                                                                                             ESG Indicator Category                              Unit                 Data of 2022

                                                                                                                         Number of male employees                            Person                        5,020
Environmental Indicator
                                                                                                                         Junior college and under                            Person                         7,229

                  ESG Indicator Category                       Unit                Data of 2022                          Undergraduate                                                                      7,358

                  Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)               tCO2e                        189.3
                                                                                                                         Postgraduate and above                             Person                          1,645

                  Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)             tCO2e                      12,123.7
                                                                                                                         Aged 29 and under                                  Person                          7,512
                  Total GHG emissions                          tCO2e                      12,312.9
                                                                                                                         Aged 30-39                                         Person                          7,113

                  GHG emission intensity                       tCO2e/RMB billion            264.2
                                                                                                                         Aged 40 and above                                  Person                          1,607
Water Resources   Total water consumption                      Ton                      107,583.0
                                                                                                                         China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)      Person                          9,367
                  Packaging cartons used                       Packaging cartons            730.3
   Materials                                                                                                             Overseas                                           Person                         6,865

                  Packaging plastic bags usage                 Ton                          108.9
                                                                                                                         Manager (M1-M5) turnover rate                      %                                14.0

                  Total hazardous waste                        Ton                            3.8
                                                                                                                         Number of female employees in                                                           92
                                                                                                                         management                                         Person

                  Total other hazardous waste                  Ton                            0.6
                                                                                                                         Number of female employees in senior manage-                                             1
                                                                                                                         ment                                               Person
                  Kitchen waste weight                         Ton                          369.5      Diversity and
                                                                                                          Equal          Number of female employees among new employ-
                                                                                                       Opportunity       ees                                                Person                          1,419
                  Oce paper usage                              Ton                            11.7
                                                                                                                         Chinese ethnic minority employees                  Person                              619
                  Gasoline usage                               L                            933.3
                                                                                                                         Foreign employees                                  Person                         6,899

                  Pipeline natural gas usages                  CBM                      86,400.0                         Number of employee deaths related to work in the
                                                                                                                         past three years                                   Person                                0
                                                                                                     Health and Safety
                  Outsourced electricity usage                 kWh                   20,866,880.0
    Energy                                                                                                               Total investment in occupational health and         RMB million                        18.3
                                                                                                                         safety measures
                  Comprehensive energy consumption             tce                        2,660.7
                                                                                                                         Total training attendance                          Person-time                    41,366
                                                                                                       Training and
                                                               tce/RMB billion                          Education
                  Comprehensive energy consumption intensity                                  57.1                       Total investment in employee training              RMB million

                                                                                                                         Number of annual supplier evaluations (internal
                                                                                                                                                                             Time                                93
Social performance                                                                                   Supplier Environ-

                                                                                                       Assessment        The signing rate of honesty agreement by mobile
                                                                                                                         phone raw material suppliers in mainland China      %                                  100
                  ESG Indicator Category                       Unit                Data of 2022
                                                                                                                         Number of concluded corruption
                                                                                                                         lawsuits brought against the company or its         Case                                 0
                                                                                                           Anti-         employees
                  Total number of employees                    Person                      16,232       corruption
                                                                                                                         Number of special internal audits (within the
  Employment                                                                                                             company)                                            Time                                25

                  Number of male employeest                    Person                       11,212        Local                                                                                             1,041
                                                                                                                         Volunteer Activity Participation                    Person
     Shenzhen Transsion Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                            2022 Environmental, Social and Governance Report

                   ESG Indicator Category                               Unit                 Data of 2022
     Local         Donations to external organizations,public
  Communities      welfare and rural revitalization                     RMB million                       5.7     Valued readers,
                   Number of complaints received about products
                                                                        Case                            3,261     Thank you for reading this Report. This is our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report 2022. We
                   and services
                                                                                                                  sincerely hope that you could evaluate this Report and provide valuable comments to help us make continu-
                   Complaint closing rate                               %                               98.9      ous improvement.
Customer Service
                   Total number of information security breaches or
                   other network security incidents                     Case                               0
                                                                                                                  Should you have any comments or suggestions on the ESG Report of Transsion Holdings, please feel free to
                   Number of data leakage                               Case                               0
                                                                                                                  email us by investor@transsion.com.
                   Total number of complaints due to customer
                   privacy breaches                                     Time                               0
                                                                                                                  Your information
                   Number of patents granted (including utility
                   models, inventions and designs)                      PCS                              385
   Intellectual                                                                                                   Name
     Property      Number of copyrights (including software and
    Protection     work copyright)                                      PCS                              259
                                                                                                                  Work Unit
                   Total number of patents applied (including utility
                                                                        PCS                              621
                   models, inventions and designs)                                                                Tel
 Product Quality   Total number of product recalls                      Case                               0
1. Environmental indicator data only includes the relevant data of Transsion’s two factories in Shenzhen and     Your comments on this Report: (please tick  where appropriate)
Chongqing and the administrative oces in mainland China;
                                                                                                                  1. Do you think this Report has highlighted the important information about Transsion in terms of environ-
2. In accordance with ISO 14064 GHG emission standards, direct GHG emissions (Scope 1) refer to the GHG           ment, society and governance?
emissions from sources owned and controlled by the organization, such as its own vehicles; indirect GHG emis-     2. Do you think the information and indicators disclosed in this Report are clear, accurate and complete?
sions (Scope 2) refer to GHG emissions from indirect sources of energy, such as the outsourced electricity;       3. Do you think the content arrangement and style design of the Report are convenient for reading?

3. Direct GHG emissions from gasoline, liqueed petroleum gas and pipeline natural gas were calculated                                Good          Average           Poor       Relatively poor    Very poor
according to the Guidelines for Compiling Provincial GHG Lists published by the Department of Climate
Change of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Appendix II: Guidelines for Reporting
Environmental Key Performance Indicators published by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in How to Prepare                         1.
Environmental, Social and Governance Reports;
4. The indirect GHG emissions from outsourced electricity were calculated according to the national grid emis-
sion factor (0.5810tCO2/MWh) listed in the Guidelines for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emis-
sions of Enterprises Power Generation Facilities (2022 revision) issued by The Ministry of Ecology and Environ-
ment of the People’s Republic of China;
                                                                                                                  Which part of the Report are you most interested in?
5. The total energy consumption was converted into standard coal according to the Chinese standard GB/T
2589-2020 General Rules for Comprehensive Energy Consumption Calculation;

6. The manager (M1-M5) turnover rate was calculated based on the following formula:
                                                                                                                  What information you think you need to know is not reected in the Report?

                      Number of employees leaving during the reporting period
Turnover rate =                                                                               x 100%
                       Number of employees at the beginning of the reporting
                                                                                                                  Do you have any other suggestions for us to issue the environmental, social and governance report in the
                       period + Number of employees during reporting period

7. The complaint closing rate is the data of the company as of December 31, 2022.