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                                               2024 Interim Report

Stock Code: 688516                           Abbreviation: ATW

          Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd.
                2024 Interim Report

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                                            2024 Interim Report

                                        Important Notice
I. The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Management of
the Company Undertake That the Information in this Report Contains No False Record, Misleading
Statement of Material Omission, and Assume Individual and Joint and Several Liability for the
Authenticity, Accuracy and Completeness of the Information in This Report.

II. Notice of Material Risks
The Company has elaborated in the Report on all sorts of risks that it may face in operations and
countermeasures. For details, please refer to “V. Risk Factors” in Section III “Management Discussion
and Analysis”.

III. All Directors of the Company Attended the Board Meeting.

IV. This Interim Report is Unaudited.

V. Mr. Ge Zhiyong, the Company’s Chairman, Mr. Yin Zhe, the Person in Charge of Accounting,
and Mr. Li Kai, the Head of the Accounting Department (Chief Accountant) Hereby Warrant the
Authenticity, Accuracy, and Completeness of the Financial Statements in this Report.

VI. The Profit Distribution Plan or the Plan on Converting Capital Reserves to Share Capital in
This Reporting Period Adopted by the Board of Directors.
      The Company intends to distribute a total cash dividend of RMB270.41 Million to all shareholders
at the rate of RMB8.6 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares on the basis of 314,433,169 shares as the total capital
share from the date of the notice on convening the board meeting (August 11, 2024). The Company
plans neither to distribute bonus shares, nor to convert reserve fund into its share capital prior to the
registration date for shares eligible for the planned distribution. In the event of any change in the
Company’s total share capital stemming from debt-to-equity swap, share repurchase, buyback and
cancellation of shares used for equity incentives, buyback and cancellation of shares arising from
reorganization of major assets, etc., the Company plans to adjust the cash dividend per share to keep the
total amount of distribution unchanged, and will announce separately the details of the adjustment.

VII. Existence of Such Significant Events as Special Arrangements on Corporate Governance
 Applicable √ N/A

VIII. Forward-Looking Statements on Risks
√ Applicable    N/A

 Forward-looking statements such as future plans mentioned in this Report do not constitute actual
commitments of the Company to the investors. The investors and related parties should be fully aware of
the risks.

IX. Existence of Fund Occupied by Controlling Shareholders and Other Related Parties for
Non-operational Purposes

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X. Existence of External Guarantee Provided in Violation of the Company’s Decision-making

XI. Existence of a Case Where More Than Half of the Directors Fail to Ensure the Authenticity,
Accuracy, and Completeness of This Interim Report Disclosed by the Company


XII. Others
√ Applicable  N/A
In case of any discrepancies between the Chinese version and the report, the Chinese version shall prevail.

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                                                Table of Contents
SECTION I DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 6
SECTION III MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS .................................................... 19
SECTION IV CORPORATE GOVERNANCE .................................................................................... 63
SECTION V ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................69
SECTION VI SIGNIFICANT EVENTS ................................................................................................72

SECTION VIII PREFERRED SHARES ............................................................................................130.
SECTION IX BONDS ...........................................................................................................................131
SECTION X FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ........................................................................................138

                                   Financial statements bearing the signatures and seals of the Company’s
                                  chairman, the person in charge of accounting, and the head of the accounting
List of documents for             department (chief accountant)
      reference                   Originals of all corporate documents and announcements disclosed by the
                                  Company on websites designated by the China Securities Regulatory
                                  Commission (CSRC) during the reporting period

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                                      Section I Definitions

In this Report, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall convey the meanings as
set out below:

Definitions of frequently used terms
Company, the Company,             Refers to      Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd., a joint-stock
joint-stock         company,                     company changed from Wuxi Autowell Technology
Autowell, Autowell Co., Ltd.                     Corporation as a whole.
Intelligent Equipment             Refers to      Wuxi Autowell Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., a
                                                 subsidiary controlled by the Company
Supply Chain Company             Refers to       Wuxi Autowell Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.,
                                                 a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
Optics Application               Refers to       Wuxi Autowell Optics Application Co., Ltd., a
                                                 subsidiary controlled by the Company
SCEC                             Refers to       Wuxi Songci Electromechanical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary
                                                 controlled by the Company
Coshin Technology                Refers to       Wuxi Autowell Coshin Semiconductor Technology
                                                 Co., Ltd., a subsidiary controlled by the Company
XuRi Technology                  Refers to       Wuxi Autowell XuRi Technology Co., Ltd., a
                                                 subsidiary controlled by the Company
Leddo Technology                 Refers to       Wuxi Leddo Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary
                                                 controlled by the Company
Wuxi Zhiyuan                     Refers to       Wuxi Autowell Zhiyuan Equipment Co., Ltd., a
                                                 subsidiary controlled by the Company
Jiexin Technology                Refers to       Wuxi Autowell Jiexin Technology Co., Ltd., a
                                                 subsidiary controlled by the Company
Polar New Energy                 Refers to       Polar New Energy (Bengbu) Co., Ltd., a
                                                 wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
Wuxi Polar                       Refers to       Wuxi Polar New Energy Co., Ltd., a subsidiary
                                                 controlled by the Company
AUTOWELL Japan                   Refers to       AUTOWELL Japan Corporation, a wholly-owned
                                                 subsidiary of the Company
Autowell (Singapore)             Refers to       Autowell (Singapore) PTE. LTD., a wholly-owned
                                                 subsidiary of the Company
Qinhuangdao Zhiyuan              Refers to       Qinhuangdao Autowell Zhiyuan Equipment Co., Ltd, a
                                                 holding sub-subsidiary controlled by the Company
Autowell (Malaysia)              Refers to       AUTOWELL (MALAYSIA) SDN., BHD., a holding
                                                 sub-subsidiary controlled by the Company
Songyu Technology                Refers to       Wuxi Songyu Technology Co., Ltd., a company held
                                                 by the Company
Optech                           Refers to       Shanghai Optech Science and Technology Co., Ltd., a
                                                 companyheld by the Company
Greenstone                       Refers to       Wuxi Greenstone Automation Equipment Co., Ltd., a
                                                 company held by the Company
I-TEK OptoElectronics            Refers to       Hefei I-TEK OptoElectronics Co., Ltd. a company
                                                 held by the Company
Actual Controller                Refers to       Persons acting in concert, namely, Ge Zhiyong and Li
Wuxi Woshine                     Refers to       Wuxi Woshine Safety Equipment Co., Ltd., a
                                                 company controlled or significantly influenced by the
                                                 Company’s directors, supervisors, or senior
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Wuxi Aochuang                    Refers to      Wuxi Aochuang Investment Partnership (L.P.), a
                                                shareholding platform for the Company’s employees
Wuxi Aoli                        Refers to      Wuxi Aoli Investment Partnership (L.P.), a
                                                shareholding platform for the Company’s employees
A-shares                         Refers to      RMB ordinary shares listed in Chinese mainland
Shareholders’         General   Refers to      Shareholders’ general meeting of Wuxi Autowell
Meeting                                         Technology Co., Ltd.
Board of Directors               Refers to      Board of Directors of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.,
Board of Supervisors             Refers to      Board of Supervisors of Wuxi Autowell Technology
                                                Co., Ltd.
Articles of Association          Refers to      Articles of Association of Wuxi Autowell Technology
                                                Co., Ltd.
Reporting Period                 Refers to      The period from January 1, 2024 to June 30, 2024
Yuan, million Yuan               Refers to      RMB, RMB million
CSRC                             Refers to      China Securities Regulatory Commission
SSE                              Refers to      Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)
Stringer                         Refers to      A machine used for string soldering, including
                                                conventional stringers and MBB PV Cell ones.
MBB PV Cell Soldering            Refers to      A machine used for soldering MBB PV cells with
Stringer                                        more than six busbars
Laser Cutting Machine            Refers to      A cutting machine used to cut full-sized cells into
                                                half-cut or smaller (like1/3-cut and 1/4-cut) cells. It
                                                can be used together with the Company’s soldering
                                                stringer, or individually. It is applied to half-cut cell
                                                soldering, smaller cell soldering, negative spacing
                                                soldering, etc.
Wafer Inspection System          Refers to      A system used for sorting wafers in the production of
                                                PV wafers, provided with intelligent functions
                                                including deep learning, machine vision, and fault
PV     Cell   Firing  and        Refers to      A furnace seamlessly connecting the light induced
Passivation Furnace (Light                      zone to the firing zone based on the existing firing
Induced)                                        technology so as to reduce the footprint and enegry
                                                consumption of the machine, while improving the
                                                efficiency of N-type cell. It may adjust the Fermi level,
                                                control the total amount and valence state of hydrogen,
                                                and enhance the hydrogen passivation, to suppress the
                                                LID & LeTID effect of P-type cells or increase the
                                                conversion efficiency of N-type cells.
Monocrystal            Growth    Refers to      A machine used to produce mono silicon ingots
Furnace                                         required in the production of cells. It is an automated
                                                machine that can melt the silicon materials via the
                                                graphite resistance heater in an inert atmosphere and
                                                then grow dislocation-free monocrystal silicon ingots
                                                through the CZ method automatically.
Semiconductor             Wire   Refers to      Machines employed in the back-end assembly and
Bonder/Aluminum           Wire                  testing processes in the production of semiconductors,
Bonder                                          and aluminum wires, gold, silver, and copper wires or
                                                aluminum strips are used to connect Pad with lead
                                                wires via soldering.
Screen Printing Line             Refers to      A printing section where metalized busbars are printed
                                                onto blue wafers, covering blue wafer feed, printing,
                                                drying, firing and light-induced annealing, inspection,
                                                and sorting, thus ensuring that the final cells can
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                                             generate power in a high-efficiency way. Moreover,
                                             cells are sorted and inspected according to their
                                             performance indicators, so as to provide energy
                                             carriers for the subsequent module assembly.
ESS Module /PACK              Refers to      A production line that assembles multiple individual
Assembly Line                                cells into a specific battery modules via series-parallel
                                             connection according to specific requirements, which
                                             is intended for the ESS market, and a production line
                                             that assembles a specific battery pack with multiple
                                             battery modules via series-parallel connection as per
                                             specific requirements. Each of the SSE Module
                                             Assembly Line and the PACK Assembly Line can be
                                             sold separately or in combination.
LEM                           Refers to      A machine designed to significantly improve the
                                             efficiency of TOPcon cells by enhancing the contact
                                             between their metal fingers and silicon after firing and
                                             light-induced annealing.
AOI Machine                   Refers to      A machine used to detect quality defects in the process
                                             of Die Bonding (DB), Wire Bonding (WB) and Pin
                                             insertion during IC assembly and testing, as well as
                                             visual and dimensional defects of die, wire, bond, and
                                             DBC. It is mainly applied to the inspection of
                                             framework and module-based products.
Semiconductor Dicing Saw      Refers to      A machine used for fully automated dicing in sectors
                                             such as semiconductor wafers, integrated circuits,
                                             optical communications devices, and LED. It is
                                             primarily used to dice silicon wafers, lithium niobate,
                                             ceramics, glass, quartz, aluminum oxide, and PCB
                                             boards and other materials.
Die Bonder                    Refers to      A machine used for die bonding in the process of
                                             semiconductor device assembly, where die is pasted
                                             onto leadframes or substrates. It is mainly applied to
                                             integrated circuits and power devices.
CMP Machine                   Refers to      A machine used in the planarization of wafers. Both
                                             mechanical friction and chemical corrosion are
                                             employed to remove in a high-efficiency way excess
                                             materials on the surface of wafers so that nanoscale
                                             planarization can be achieved overall.
BC    Adhesive     Printing   Refers to      A machine used for pretreatment units prior to the
Machine                                      welding of BC modules, employing the printing
                                             technology to print insulating and conductive
                                             adhesives onto cells to make welding reliable.
BC Printing Line              Refers to      A process used for metalization in the production of
                                             BC cells, including cell printing, firing, and sorting, to
                                             ensure cells are prepared in a metalized manner.

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           Section II Company Profile and Major Financial Indicators

I. Company Profile

Chinese name of the Company                     无锡奥特维科技股份有限公司
Chinese abbreviation of the Company             奥特维
English name of the Company                     Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd.
English abbreviation of the Company             Autowell
Legal representative of the Company             Ge Zhiyong
Registered address                              No. 3, Xinhua Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi
Changes in the Company’s registered            Modified from No. 25, Zhujiang Road, Wuxi to No. 3,
address                                         Xinhua Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi in September, 2022
Office address                                  No. 3, Xinhua Road, Xinwu District, Wuxi
Post code of office address                     214000
Corporate website                               http://www.wxautowell.com/
Email                                           investor@wxautowell.com

II. Contact Persons and Contact Details

                                 Board secretary (domestic              Securities affairs representative
                               representative for information
Name                       Zhou Yongxiu                              Li Cuifen
Contact address            No. 3, Xinhua Road, Xinwu District,       No. 3, Xinhua Road, Xinwu District,
                           Wuxi                                      Wuxi
Tel                        0510-82255998                             0510-82255998
Fax                        0510-81816158                             0510-81816158
Email                      investor@wxautowell.com                   investor@wxautowell.com

III. Information Disclosure and Filing Place

Newspapers chosen by the Company for            China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News,
information disclosure                          Securities Daily, and Securities Times
Website for publication of the interim report   www.sse.com.cn
Place of filing of the Company’s interim
                                                Office of the Company’s Board of Directors

IV. Profile of Corporate Stock/Depository Receipts

  (i) Profile of corporate stock
√ Applicable  N/A

                                        Profile of corporate stock
    Stock class        Stock exchange         Short name              Stock code         Pre-modification
                          and sector                                                        short name
        A-share          SSE STAR                 ATW                   688516                 N/A

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(ii) Profile of corporate depository receipts
 Applicable √ N/A

V. Other Information
 Applicable √ N/A

VI. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

 (i) Major accounting data

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                           This reporting
                                                                   The same period of increase/decrease
        Major accounting data                  period
                                                                    the previous year     in the reporting
                                                                                             period (%)
Operating income                            4,417,698,117.26          2,517,486,369.86               75.48
Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                              769,082,688.50           522,523,778.99                47.19
of the listed company
Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company after deduction         772,461,286.17           502,569,575.73                53.70
of non-recurring profit or loss
Net cash flows from operating
                                                -9,711,098.51          268,896,252.11                 N/A
                                            The end of the           The end of the      increase/decrease
                                           reporting period          previous year        at the period end
Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                            4,044,277,936.80         3,664,156,771.29                10.37
of the listed company
Total assets                               14,947,288,228.54        15,617,486,444.78                -4.29

 (ii) Major financial indicators
                                           This reporting                                    YoY
                                                                 The same period
                                               period                                 increase/decrease
      Major financial indicators                                  of the previous
                                           (January-June)                              in the reporting
                                                                                          period (%)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                  2.45                 1.66                   47.59
Diluted      earnings       per     share
                                                       2.35                 1.66                 41.57
Basic earnings per share after
deduction of non-recurring profit or                   2.46                 1.60                 53.70
loss (Yuan/share)
Weighted average return on net assets                                                      Up by 0.28
                                                     19.23                 18.95
(%)                                                                                   percentage point
Weighted average return on net assets
                                                                                           Up by 1.09
after deduction of non-recurring profit              19.32                 18.23
                                                                                      percentage point
or loss (%)
Ratio of R&D expenses to operating                                                      Down by 1.13
                                                       4.03                 5.16
income (%)                                                                           percentage points
Note: The earnings per share in the same period of the previous year are recalculated based on the share
capital by the end of this reporting period.

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Explanatory notes on the Company’s major accounting data and financial indicators
√ Applicable  N/A
1. Operating income increased by 75.48% year on year, mainly attributable to steady growth in sales
     thanks to continuous acceptance inspections for orders in hand, continued competitive edges of core
     products and improved operating efficiency.
2. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company gained 47.19% year on year, mainly
     attributable to growth in net profit as a result of more operating income.
3. Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deduction of non-recurring profit
     or loss added 53.70% from the previous year, mainly attributable to growth in net profit as a result
     of more operating income, and less non-recurring profit or loss.
4. Net cash flows from operating activities saw a sharp decline from the previous year, mainly
     attributable to the fact that growth in sales income actually received was outnumbered by the
     increase in purchase payments and payrolls.

VII. Accounting Data Difference Under Chinese and Foreign Accounting Standards
 Applicable √ N/A

VIII. Non-recurring Profit and Loss Items and Amounts
√ Applicable  N/A

                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
         Non-recurring profit and loss items                  Amount                 Note (if applicable)
Profit or loss arising from the disposal of illiquid
assets, including write-off of provision for asset                  -164,407.40
Government subsidies included in the current
profit or loss (except for those that are closely
related to the Company’s normal business
operations, as required by national policies,                      5,397,451.34
entitled in accordance with established standards,
and have a sustained impact on the Company's
profit or loss)
Apart from hedging instruments relating to the
normal operations of the Company, profit or loss
from change in fair value of financial assets and
financial liabilities held by non-financial
enterprises and investment income from disposal
of financial assets and financial liabilities
Capital occupation fees charged to non-financial
enterprises, included in the current profit or loss
Profit or loss from entrusted investments or assets
Profit or loss from consignment loans
Loss of assets arising from force majeure such as
natural calamities
Reversal of impairment provision for receivables
subject to a separate impairment test
Profit arising from investment costs for the
acquisition of subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures less than the revenue generated from
their identifiable net assets of the invested entity
at fair value at the time of acquisition
Current net profit or loss of subsidiaries resulting
from the merger of enterprises under common
control from the beginning of the period to the
date of the merger
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Profit or loss from non-monetary asset swap
Profit or loss from debt restructuring                            1,134,950.39
Non-recurring fees resulting from halted
operations, such as employee placement
One-off impact of adjustments of laws and
regulations on taxation and accounting on the
current profit or loss
One-off share-based payment arising from
cancellation or modification of equity incentives
Profit or loss from changes in fair value of payroll
payable after vesting date for share-based
payment in cash
Profit or loss from changes in fair value of
investment properties using the fair value model
for subsequent measurement
Profit from the excess over the fair value in a
transaction at an obviously unfair price
Profit or loss from contingencies irrelevant to the
normal operations of the Company
Custodian fee income from entrusted operations
Other non-operating income and expenses beyond
the aforesaid items
Other profit or loss items falling within the
definition of non-recurring profit or loss
Deduction: effect of income tax                                     -263,166.53
     Impact on minority interests (after tax)                      1,714,842.25
                       Total                                      -3,378,597.67

An explanation shall be made with regard to the Company's considerations for classifying items not
included in the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities
to the Public No. 1 — Non-Recurring Profits and Losses as non-recurring profit and loss items involving
large amounts, and non-recurring profit and loss items included in the above Announcement as recurring
profit and loss items.

 Applicable √ N/A

IX. Explanatory Notes on Performance Indicators Under Non-generally Accepted Accounting
 Applicable √ N/A

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                  Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Introduction to the Company’s Industry and Main Business in the Reporting Period

 (i) Main business, major products or services
     1. Main business
     The Company specializes in R&D, manufacturing and sales of high-end equipment. It is a new and
high-tech enterprise with independent R&D and sustainable innovation capacity, committing to
providing its clients with high-performance and cost-effective high-end equipment and solutions.

      2. Major products and services
      The Company’s products are primarily used in PV, lithium-ion battery/energy storage industries
and semiconductor assembly and testing. Its main products consist of PV equipment such as large,
ultra-speed PV Cell MBB Soldering Stringer (including OBB/BC Soldering Stringer), large, ultra-speed
Wafer Inspection System, BC Adhesive Printing Machine, BC Printing Line, Screen Printing Line, PV
Cell Light Induced Annealing Furnace, Low Oxygen Monocrystal Growth Furnace, power/ESS Module,
PACK Line, as well as PV Cell Cutting Machine for semiconductor assembly and testing, Aluminum
Wire Bonder and AOI Machine, etc.
      Moreover, the Company also refits, upgrades, and provides spare parts for its clients’ existing

  (ii) Main business model
1. Profit-making model
       The Company mainly makes a profit from income from sales of equipment (mainly PV equipment,
lithium-ion battery/ESS equipment, semiconductor assembly and testing equipment in the reporting
period) and ancillary and spare parts as well as equipment transformation among other technical services,
after deduction of costs and expenses.

2. R&D model
    After unremitting exploration, the Company currently has put in place a sound project-based R&D
model, which is briefly set forth in the following diagram:

                                                                        Product R&D

 Sales contract                        Customization

  Corporate       Product              Independent                          Project
   strategy       planning                R&D                             management


                                           Technological           Platform
                                               R&D               development


     The Company’s R&D activities involve product R&D and technological development. Product
R&D activities in the Company comprise product planning, product optimization and client
contract-based independent R&D, R&D for improvement and customization. Technological

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development includes forward-looking technology R&D (for technical reserve and proof of principles,
and platform-based development targeting modules/types that can be widely applied.

3. Purchasing model
     The Company purchases raw materials in accordance with material requirements planning
generated from the master production schedule (MPS) that is formed based on sales orders/preliminary
     As production in the Company involves a wide variety of raw materials, they are divided into
purchased parts and processed parts.
     The Company’s purchasing division is split into the Purchase Strategy Department and the
Purchase Implementation Department. The former is responsible for supplier development, management,
maintenance, and price negotiation while the latter is tasked with fulfillment of purchase plans and
material tracking. The Company has set up a logistics department to take charge of the storage, issue,
and receipt of materials.
     Furthermore, the Company has laid down such regulations and procedures as procedures for
Supplier Development and Approval, Material Planning, Implementation of Purchases, Administration
for Material Receipt, and Material Issue, to regulate in a strict manner the implementation of every
purchasing procedure.

4. Production model
  (1) In-house production
      In the reporting period, the Company manufactures products based on both sales volume and sales
forecast. In general cases, the Company determines its purchase plan and production schedule in
accordance with orders placed by clients. In circumstances where orders from some clients are large and
involve short lead time, given a certain period of time is required for purchase, production, and delivery
of equipment products, the company may, after receipt of approval, implement some sort of production
of relatively standardized products based on forecasts with an aim to maintain the continuity and scale of
      The main process of production in the Company is as follows: it generates the MPS in accordance
with orders or forecast-based applications as well as product delivery planning and material supply
scheduling, and follows the MPS to work out production scheduling, material requirements planning and
outsourcing planning; the production department is tasked to finish installation, debugging, inspection of
finished products and product receipt; at the time of delivery, to make transportation easier, the
Company’s products may be split into smaller modules which are then assembled and tested after arrival
at client sites.

  (2) Outsourcing
      The Company’s products are primarily made by itself. To arrange production scheduling in a more
flexible manner, and improve production efficiency, the Company follows the MPS to work out
outsourcing planning, according to which part of work such as electrical assembly is outsourced after
price comparison and other procedures are fulfilled.

5. Sales model
     Domestic sales by the Company are achieved mainly through direct sales, while overseas sales are
through both direct sales and distribution. The procedures of direct sales in the Company mainly
comprise order taking, production, shipment (including customs clearance for exports), on-site
installation and commissioning, equipment inspection for acceptance, quality assurance, etc.
     Distribution experiences the following procedures. After production, the Company transports
equipment to the domestic address as stipulated in the contract. Then the distributor is tasked to finish
customs clearance for exports and arrange subsequent transportation. After the arrival of equipment at
the client site, the Company is responsible for on-site installation and commissioning, equipment
inspection for acceptance, and quality assurance (some distributors may offer assistance).

 (iii) Industry landscape
1. Industrial development stage, basic features and major technical thresholds
1.1 PV equipment industry

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       (1) The development of PV equipment industry in recent years
      Countries across the world attach great importance to the development of the PV industry, which is
a top priority in the transformation of the global energy mix. China has led the world for many years in a
row in newly installed capacity of PV power. Data from China’s National Energy Administration show
that from January to June 2024, China’s newly installed capacity of PV increased by 30.7% year-on-year
to 102.48GW, and the figure in June alone amounted to 23.33GW, up by 35.6% year on year and 22.5%
month on month. Despite the increasing installed capacity, the PV industry currently faces a stark
challenge from excess capacity. The PV industry in the first half of 2024 presented a mixed picture.
While capacity in the PV sector continued to ratchet up, related products suffered price declines. Poly-Si
and wafer prices have shed over 40%, compared with a more than 15% decline in cell and module prices.
The value of output (excluding inverters) across the industry chain declined 36.5% from the previous
year while the export amount dropped 35.4% year on year. Still and all, the PV industry is expected to
have a promising future in the long run. With continuing technological advances and declining costs, PV
energy will be widely promoted and applied, and its leadership in clean energy solutions will be further
      A. Introduction to PV equipment industry
      Increased installed capacity in the PV sector has led to production expansion across the industry
chain. Furthermore, continuous technological progress in all PV procedures accelerates production
capacity replacement. Market demand for equipment derives from the need for production expansion
and replacement. Since the PV industry faces overproduction for the time being, demand for PV
equipment is subdued in some way. While technological iteration can trigger new demand for equipment
in some procedures, demand for equipment has shrunk moderately, as equipment technological iteration
for the above equipment usually consumes a long time.
      B. The effect of technological advances on the PV equipment industry
      The development of China’s PV equipment industry is closely related to technological progress. To
make progress in the PV industry, it is always crucial to improve photoelectric conversion efficiency and
cut production costs. In 2024, LECO/LIF, which performs well in efficiency improvement, is universally
applied in the production of TOPCON; cell- and module-side SMBB/OBB have been further promoted
and used; a number of companies have rolled out BC cells over time; perovskite and perovskite
lamination technology have garnered growing attention. New technologies and processes can mature and
be popularized rapidly. A well-developed new technology or process can see increasing penetration in a
short time. Therefore, PV equipment suppliers need to launch new products in line with prevalent
technologies in the PV industry to make technological progress.

(2) Trends of technological innovation in the PV equipment industry
      Improving photoelectric conversion efficiency and cutting production costs is not only a technical
priority, but also an approach to future development in the PV industry. Likewise, new products should
be launched on a continual basis in the PV equipment industry so as to cater to the need for
technological advances in the PV industry. In years to come, technological innovations in the PV
industry will be mainly hallmarked by the following trends:
      A. N-type cells and corresponding equipment will draw market attention over time
      According to the forecast of CPIA on changes in average conversion efficiency of cell technologies
of all kinds from 2021 to 2030, as PERC cells’ conversion efficiency continues to improve and draws
near to the theoretical limit, N-type cell technology, which excels in efficiency, will be prioritized
among other technologies. N-type cells mainly comprise TOPCon Mono-Si Cell, HJT Cell, and XBC
      B. Cell processing methods will co-exist, with PV cell efficiency equipment being the focus
      Due to market requirements for cost reduction and efficiency improvement, new equipment aimed
at efficiency improvement will emerge as PV technology continues to evolve. Such equipment failed to
work under outdated technology, while with technological advances in the PV industry, such equipment
will start to play a role in helping N-type technology become more efficient, and demand for such
equipment in the industry will be boosted.
      C. Busbar printing technology will continue to progress, and new printing technologies will
      Currently, almost all metallic cell busbars are prepared through screen printing, which will remain
the mainstream technique in the years to come. Busbar manufacturers and equipment makers have begun
to develop other metallic printing technologies such as stencil printing, electroplating, laser transfer
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                                           2024 Interim Report

printing and inkjet printing. As cost reduction and efficiency improvement are pursued in the industry,
demand for more competitive types with high aspect ratios such as OBB will continue to pick up, and
new technologies to prepare cell busbars will emerge.

1.2 Lithium-ion battery/ESS Module/PACK line industry
    Due to the accelerated transformation of renewable energy across the world, ESS policies, and a
better market environment, ESS market demand continues to rise globally. GGII forecasts that the
shipment of lithium-ion batteries for energy storage for 2024 is expected to surpass 240GWh, with
electrical energy storage to be the largest driver for 2024 growth. In the domestic market, the installed
capacity of wind and PV power sustained a high growth. According to data from the National Energy
Administration, China’s newly installed capacity of wind and PV power from January to June 2024
gained 26.5% year on year to 128.3 GW. As shown in the statistics by China Energy Storage Alliance
(CESA), China’s newly installed capacity of new types of energy storage from January to June 2024 hit
26.4 GWh, up by 48.5% year on year. In overseas markets, the USA accelerates the pace of energy
storage projects and sees robust growth in large-sized installations thanks to the improved economical
performance and higher demand for renewable energy. Europe is now one of the fastest-growing
markets as many countries have rolled out support policies and a few GWh-level large energy storage
projects are underway.

1.3 Domestic semiconductor assembly and testing equipment industry
     According to the SEMI report, the back-end equipment sector is expected to recover in the second
half of 2024 following two years of contraction stemming from weak semiconductor demand. The sales
of semiconductor testing equipment in 2024 are estimated to increase by 7.4% to USD6.7 billion, while
the figure for assembly equipment is projected to rise by 10.0% to USD4.4 billion. Additionally,
back-end niche markets are expected to gain momentum in 2025 when the sales of testing equipment
and assembly equipment will surge by 30.3% and 34.9%, respectively. Growth in these niche markets
will be bolstered by the increasing complexity of semiconductor devices used for high-performance
computing as well as anticipated recovery in demand from end-use markets such as automobile, industry
and consumer electronics. The global sales of semiconductor manufacturing equipment in 2024 are
estimated to hit USD109 billion, edging up by 3.4% year on year. In 2024, the semiconductor assembly
equipment industry sees intensifying competition as the market size gets bigger. In the process, large
international companies, which now enjoy competitive advantages, will face rivalry from China’s local
players. China’s assembly equipment companies are still reliant on imports for manufacturing equipment
such as bonders, cutters, die bonders and AOI, so the imported equipment remains to be replaced by
domestic products.

2. Analysis of the Company’s industry position and its changes
      1. Market position of the Company’s PV equipment products
      The Company is a niche market leader in the PV equipment industry. Its major products in the
reporting period comprised the large, ultra-speed PV Cell MBB Soldering Stringers, the large,
ultra-speed Wafer Inspection System, the Screen Printing Line, the Laser-assisted Firing Furnace, the
BC Adhesive Printing Machine, the BC Printing Line, the PV Cell Light Induced Annealing Furnace,
the Low Oxygen Monocrystal Growth Furnace among other PV equipment. Among them, large,
ultra-speed PV Cell Soldering Stringer and Wafer Inspection System, two flagship products, boast
remarkable competitive advantages in separate niche markets, Low Oxygen Monocrystal Growth
Furnace begins to stand out in market competition, and Screen Printing Line secures an increasing
market share.
       (1) Market position of the Company’s Soldering Stringer
      Soldering stringer is an essential piece of equipment in the production of PV modules. With a
market share of over 60%, the Company is a market leader that has supplied soldering stringers for more
than 600 production bases across the world. All the global top ten suppliers of PV modules were the
Company’s clients in the reporting period.
       (2) Market position of the Company’s Wafer Inspection System
      To satisfy the varied needs of clients, the Company never ceases to pursue innovation in its Wafer
Inspection System, whose outstanding performance is recognized by clients across the world. All major
wafer manufacturers globally such as LONGi, Gokin Solar and HY Solar buy wafer inspection systems
from the Company.
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   2. Market position of the Company’s Lithium-ion battery/ESS Module/PACK Line
   The Company’s module/PACK line for lithium-ion battery energy storage has been bought by
CRRC Zhuzhou Institute, Hyper Strong, Highstar (US), etc.

     3. Market position of the Company’s semiconductor assembly and testing equipment
     As for Aluminum Wire Bonder and AOI, in the first half of 2024, the Company continued to
receive bulk orders, and saw a remarkable rise in orders and increasing repeated purchases.
3. Development of new technologies, sectors, business types, and models in the reporting period
and future trends
     3.1 New technologies
     Against the backdrop of accelerating advances in the PV cell technology, the Company prioritizes
the development of OBB and BC techniques for N-type cells as well as the laser-assisted firing
technique that can help improve conversion efficiency. The application of such techniques has paved a
solid technical foundation for the Company to develop new products.

     3.2 Development of new sectors, business types and models, and future trends
     After more than a decade of development, the PV industry has emerged as one of the few strategic
industries that boast international competitive advantages and end-to-end autonomous control, and will
hopefully lead the high-quality development drive. Furthermore, the sector plays an important role in
accelerating China’s energy transformation. China’s PV industry currently ranks among the top in the
world in terms of manufacturing scale, industrialization technology, application expansion, and building
of industrial systems.
     As for product efficiency, the conversion efficiency of prevalent N-type cells has topped 25.0%.
With the reduction in production costs and yield enhancement in the future, the N-type cell technology
will be prioritized among other technologies, and efficiency will be improved rapidly.

     In regard to technical routes, the technology aimed at minimizing/stopping the use of silver paste
will be further promoted, and the lab efficiency of perovskite/perovskite laminated cells will be

II. Core Technology and R&D Progress

1. Core technologies and their advanced nature, and changes in the reporting period
     The Company, an R&D-driven company, has channeled enormous resources into R&D on a
continual basis to put in place an R&D system, which is composed of four core fundamental
technologies and eight core applied technologies. These technologies are applied to make several core
products in the Company’s main business, helping shape the system of its core products on PV wafers,
cells, and modules. To keep its core technologies advanced, the Company works unremittingly to follow
technological dynamics across such industry chains as PV, electrochemical energy storage, and
semiconductor assembly and testing, and focus on new technologies in downstream application
industries. After years of continuous R&D input and technology accumulation, the Company has
established core technology systems on series welding for PV modules, laser cutting, PV cell processing,
precision inspection for wafers, Mono-Si ingot growth, lithium-ion battery/ESS module assembly, visual
inspection for cell, semi-conductor wire bonding technology, etc. The Company’s core technologies are
set out in the following table:

                            Core fundamental technologies applied          Application sectors     Sources of
                      Low-stress high-speed closed-loop infrared welding                         self-developed

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                                           Precision liquid spraying                                      self-developed
                                Precision mechanical design technology for                                self-developed
                                             intelligent equipment
  Advanced      PV     cell    Multi-axis high-speed motion control technology           PV module        self-developed
soldering technologies                                                                   equipment
                                Intelligent inspection and positioning technology                         self-developed
                               for machine vision that applies to specified targets
                                 The technology of high-speed transfer by robots                          self-developed
                                          that applies to special materials
                                   Industrial sensor application technology for                           self-developed
                                                 specified scenarios
                              Precision laser welding technology for PV modules                           self-developed
                               Laser transfer and coding technology for PV glass                          self-developed
                               Self-adaptive resonance high-frequency induction                           self-developed
                                                 welding technology
                                    Micron-level high-precision laser-cutting                             self-developed
                                       Precision liquid spraying technology                               self-developed
                              Low-stress high-speed closed-loop infrared welding                          self-developed
Negative spacing soldering                                                               PV module
                                   Precision mechanical design technology for                             self-developed
      technologies                                                                       lamination
                                                intelligent equipment
                                Multi-axis high-speed motion control technology                           self-developed
                                Intelligent inspection and positioning technology                         self-developed
                               for machine vision that applies to specified targets
                                 The technology of high-speed transfer by robots                          self-developed
                                          that applies to special materials
                                   Industrial sensor application technology for                           self-developed
                                                 specified scenarios
                              Industrial software design technology for intelligent                       self-developed
                                         equipment operation surveillance
                                    High-speed and multi-protocol industrial                              self-developed
                                      communication application technology
                                    Micron-level high-precision laser-cutting                             self-developed
                                   Precision mechanical design technology for                             self-developed
                                                intelligent equipment
                                Multiaxis high-speed motion control technology                            self-developed
   PV cell laser cutting
       technology               Intelligent inspection and positioning technology                         self-developed
                               for machine vision that applies to specified targets
                                   Industrial sensor application technology for                           self-developed
                                                 specified scenarios
                                    The technology of precision splitting with                            self-developed
                                            laser-induced thermal stress
                                   Precision mechanical design technology for                             self-developed
                                                                                      PV cell equipment
                                                intelligent equipment
                                Multi-axis high-speed motion control technology                           self-developed
                                   Industrial sensor application technology for                           self-developed
                                                 specified scenarios
                              Industrial software design technology for intelligent                       self-developed
    Advanced PV cell
                                         equipment operation surveillance
 processing technologies
                                  Low-invasive or non-destructive laser scoring                           self-developed
                                  Low-invasive or non-destructive laser doping                            self-developed
                              High-precision dual galvanometer scanning control                           self-developed
  Mono-Si ingot growth            Image analysis and processing technology for           PV wafer         self-developed
 technologies through CZ                           machine visual                        equipment
         method               Mono-Si growth technology under PID temperature                             self-developed

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                                    Thermal analysis technology for fluids
                            Industrial software design for intelligent equipment                    self-developed
                                             operation surveillance
                                         Intelligent feeding technology                             self-developed
                                 High-speed precision optical and electrical                        self-developed
   PV wafer precision                        inspection technology                   PV wafer
 inspection technology                                                               equipment
                                  High-speed flying laser coding technology                         self-developed
                                Multiple self-adaptive precision laser welding                      self-developed
                             Dual-waveform multi-point high-speed resistance                        self-developed
                                               welding technology
                                 High-speed precision optical and electrical                        self-developed
                                             inspection technology
                                 Precision mechanical design technology for                         self-developed
                                              intelligent equipment
                              Multi-axis high-speed motion control technology                       self-developed
Lithium-ion battery/ESS
        module                Intelligent inspection and positioning technology      Lithium-ion    self-developed
                             for machine vision that applies to specified targets    battery/ESS
                               The technology of high-speed transfer by robots        equipment     self-developed
                                        that applies to special materials
                                 Industrial sensor application technology for                       self-developed
                                               specified scenarios
                            Industrial software design technology for intelligent                   self-developed
                                       equipment operation surveillance
                                  High-speed and multi-protocol industrial                          self-developed
                                    communication application technology
Li-ion battery appearance        High-speed precision optical and electrical                        self-developed
 inspection technologies                     inspection technology
                             High-speed and high-frequency ultrasonic welding                       self-developed
                                Precision electrical inspection technology for                      self-developed
                                      complicated industrial environment
                                 Precision mechanical design technology for                         self-developed
                                              intelligent equipment
  Semi-conductor wire                                                               Semiconductor
                              Multiaxis high-speed motion control technology                        self-developed
  bonding technologies                                                                equipment
                              Intelligent inspection and positioning technology                     self-developed
                             for machine vision that applies to specified targets
                                 Industrial sensor application technology for                       self-developed
                                               specified scenarios
                            Industrial software design technology for intelligent                   self-developed
                                       equipment operation surveillance

       The Company continues to develop more advanced and newer technologies on the back of the above
   technologies, has high technical thresholds, and maintains its technical strength. In addition, these core
   technologies didn’t experience unfavorable changes in the reporting period.

   Whether the Company has received any national science and technology awards?
    Applicable √ N/A

   Whether the Company has been rated as a national-level Little Giant Enterprise of SRDI or an enterprise
   leading an individual field of the manufacturing industry?
    Applicable √ N/A

   2. R&D achievements in the reporting period
        In the first half of 2024, the Company obtained 193 pieces of intellectual property including 100
   invention patents, 74 utility model patents, and 11 software copyrights. By June 30, 2024, the Company

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      has been granted a cumulative total of 1,808 pieces of intellectual property including 211 invention
      patents, 1,296 utility model patents, 117 software copyrights, and 3 industrial design patents.

      Statistics of intellectual property obtained in the reporting period

                               Additions in the reporting period                             Cumulative total
                                Number of            Number of                        Number of           Number of
                               applications         ratifications                    applications        ratifications
      Invention patents                     65                   100                            611                   211
      PCT international
                                               2                            0                    10                    0
      Utility     model
                                           219                              74                1,597                1,296
      Industrial design
                                               1                            0                     9                    3
                                            13                              11                  120                  117
      Others                                13                            8                     194                  181
      Total                                313                          193                   2,541                1,808

      3. Statistics of R&D inputs

                                                                                                               Unit: Yuan
                                        Amount in the reporting                  Amount in the same    Rate of change (%)
                                               period                              period of the
                                                                                   previous year
      R&D expenses                                  178,114,245.75                   130,002,217.29                  37.01
      Capitalized R&D input                                      0                                 0                     0
      Total R&D inputs                              178,114,245.75                   130,002,217.29                  37.01
      Ratio of total R&D input to                                                                         Down by 1.13
                                                               4.03%                          5.16%
      operating income (%)                                                                             percentage points
      Share of capitalized R&D                                          0                          0                     0
      input (%)

      Any reason behind a drastic change in total R&D inputs compared with the previous year?

      √ Applicable  N/A
       The Company’s R&D input saw a year-on-year increase of 37.01% in the first half of 2024, mainly
      attributable to the Company’s decision to step up R&D input and introduce high-level R&D personnel,
      the increase in the number of R&D personnel from 777 to 922, and the rise in the remuneration of R&D
      personnel from RMB84.15 million to RMB125.88 million, gaining RMB41.73 million or up by 49.58%
      from the previous year.

      Any reason behind a drastic change in the share of capitalized R&D input and justification?
       Applicable √ N/A

      4. Details of projects under ongoing R&D
      √ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                                       Unit: million Yuan
                     Est.    Invest   Cumul        Progres                                                       Prospectiv
No.     Project      total    ment     ative         s or        Intended targets                                     e
                    inves    in the   invest       outcom                                                         applicatio
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                                           2024 Interim Report

               tmen   reporti    ment      es                                                            n
                 t      ng      amoun
                      period       t
1   Large      3.30   0.33      0.33    Prototy     1.     Full     cells   1.     Full     cells   PV
    cell                                pe          production              production              module
    Solderin                            being       capacity:     10,800    capacity: >10,800       soldering
    g                                   on trial    half-cut cells/hour     half-cut cells/hour
    Stringer                                        2.       Compatible     2. Applicable cells:
                                                    cells:        PERC,     PERC,       TOPCon
                                                    TOPCon and HJT          and HJT
                                                    3. Cell spec: 158 –    3. Cell spec: 158 –
                                                    230mm,                  230mm,
                                                    rectangular             rectangular
                                                    4.     Number      of   4.    Number       of
                                                    busbars: 6 – 24BB      busbars: 6 – 24BB
2   PV Back    24.6   3.54      18.99   Prototy     1.     Full     cells   1.     Full     cells   PV
    Contact    2                        pe          production              production              module
    Cell                                being       capacity: 7,200 full    capacity: 6500 full     soldering
    Stringer                            on trial    cells/hour/dual-line    cells/hour/dual-line
                                                    2.       Compatible     2.       Compatible
                                                    cells: P-type and       cells: P-type and
                                                    N-type BC cells         N-type BC cells
                                                    3. Crack ratio: ≤      3. Crack ratio: ≤
                                                    0.1% 4. Cell spec:      0.1%
                                                    163 – 230mm,           4. Cell spec: 163 –
                                                    compatible      with    230mm,
                                                    rectangular cells       compatible       with
                                                    5.     Number      of   rectangular cells
                                                    busbars: 6 – 24BB      5.    Number       of
                                                                            busbars: 6 – 24BB
3   Automat    3.52   0.65      0.65    Mass        1. Repair tempo≤       1. Repair tempo ≤      PV string
    ic    PV                            product     40S/piece 2. Repair     40S/piece 2. Repair     repair
    String                              ion         yield≥95%              yield≥95%
    Repair                                          3. Compatible cell      3. Compatible cell
    Machine                                         spec: 156 – 230mm      spec: 156 – 230mm
                                                    4. Compatible cell      4. Compatible cell
                                                    thickness≥110μm       thickness≥110μm
4   Cell       63.1   6.20      35.28   Stage       1. CT≤0.80s            1. CT≤0.80s            Printing
    Line       9                        of          2.           Printing   2.           Printing   equipment
    Equipme                             verifica    accuracy: ≤ ±         accuracy: ≤ ± 6um     for cells of
    nt                                  tion        6um                     3.        Maximum       all kinds
                                                    3.       Maximum        printing speed: ≤
                                                    printing speed: ≤      600mm/s
                                                    700mm/s                 4. Crack ratio:
                                                    4. Crack ratio:         Grade A Mono-Si
                                                    Grade A Mono-Si         ≤0.1%
5   Cell       27.8   4.64      5.46    Stage       1. CT≤0.8s             1. CT≤0.85S            Printing
    Screen     5                        of          2. Crack ratio ≤       2. Crack ratio ≤       and
    Printing                            verifica    0.08%                   0.1%                    adhesive
    Line                                tion        3. Uptime>98%           3. Uptime>98%           printing
    Equipme                                                                                         scenarios
    nt                                                                                              for cells of
                                                                                                    all kinds
6   Cell       17.8   2.14      13.44   Applic      1. Production           1.       Production     Metalizati
    Annealin   3                        ation                                                       on      and
                                                   20 / 236
                                         2024 Interim Report

     g                                expansi     capacity:       ≥      capacity:       ≥      efficiency
     Equipme                          on          9600Pcs/h@182 2.        9200Pcs/h@182 2.        increase
     nt                                           Uptime≥99%             Uptime≥99%             for N-type
                                                  3. Crack ratio ≤       3. Crack ratio ≤       cells
                                                  0.01%@182       4.      0.01%@182       4.
                                                  Efficiency gain ≥      Efficiency gain ≥
                                                  0.2%                    0.2%
7    Metalize    9.42   4.39   7.81   Stage       1. CT≤0.75s            1. CT≤0.75s            Metalizati
     d    and                         of          2. Efficiency gain      2. Efficiency gain      on      and
     Advance                          verifica    ≥0.35%                 ≥0.3%                  efficiency
     d Laser                          tion                                                        increase
     Processi                                                                                     for N-type
     ng                                                                                           cells
8    Wire        14.7   3.10   3.88   Stage       1. UPH: 11K             1. UPH: ≥11K           Semicond
     Bonder      2                    of          2. Wire bonding         2. Bonding area:        uctor
                                      develo      area: 80*100mm          80*100mm                bonding
                                      pment       3. Wire bonding         3.         Bonding
                                                  accuracy:               material: 4 – 20mil
                                                  3μm@3sigma             aluminum        wire,
                                                  4. Wire bonding         80*10mil
                                                  material: 4 – 20mil    aluminum tape and
                                                  aluminum        wire,   5 – 20mil copper
                                                  80*10mil                wire
                                                  aluminum tape, and
                                                  5 – 20mil copper
9    Semicon     29.4   0.99   4.03   Stage       1. UPH:16k              1. UPH:14k              Semicond
     ductor      9                    of          2. Wafer: 8/12 inch     2. Wafer: 8/12 inch     uctor
     Die                              develo      3.     Chip     size:   3.   Chip      size:    assembly
     Bonder                           pment       0.5*0.5mm-10*10         1*1mm-10*10mm
10   Semicon     17.5   1.97   7.06   Mass        1. UPH:2D          ≥   1. UPH:2D ≥            Semicond
     ductor      4                    product     2000mm/S3D ≥           2000mm/S3D ≥           uctor
     Inspectio                        ion         500mm/S                 500mm/S                 assembly
     n System                                     2.     Items      for   2.     Items      for   inspection
                                                  inspection:       die   inspection:       die
                                                  position,         die   position,         die
                                                  appearance, solder      appearance, solder
                                                  defects,      boding    defects,     boding
                                                  wire defects and        wire defects and
                                                  substrate defects       substrate defects
                                                  3.        Inspection    3.        Inspection
                                                  precision:              precision:
                                                  ±5μm@3σ              ±5μm@3σ
11   Semicon     14.3   3.09   6.70   Prototy     1. Processed wafer      1. Processed wafer      Semicond
     ductor      6                    pe          size       310mmm       size       300mmm       uctor
     Cutting                          being       round shaped            round shaped            cutting
     Machine                          on trial    2. Y-axis visual        2. Y-axis visual
                                                  accuracy≤1um           accuracy≤1um
                                                  3.            X-axis    3.            X-axis
                                                  straightness            straightness
                                                  accuracy≤3um           accuracy≤3um
                                                  4. Y-axis accuracy      4. Y-axis accuracy
                                                  ≤2um                   ≤2um
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                                                  5. Compatible with      5. Compatible with
                                                  12-inch and smaller     12-inch and smaller
                                                  wafers                  wafers
12   Semicon    47.5   9.19   15.60   Prototy     1. Removal after        1. Removal after        Final
     ductor     0                     pe          processing: 300 –      processing: 300 –      polishing
     CMP                              develo      500nm                   500nm                   for
     Equipme                          pment       2. Variation in total   2. Variation in total   12-inch
     nt                                           thickness: -25 –       thickness: -25 –       silicon
                                                  +40nm                   +40nm                   substrates
                                                  3. Site flatness: -10   3. Site flatness: -10
                                                  – +15nm                – +15nm
                                                  4. Edge crimpness:      4. Edge crimpness:
                                                  -100 – +10             -100 – +10
                                                  5.                      5. Nanotopography
                                                  Nanotopography(0.       (0.5×0.5):≤4
                                                  5×0.5):≤4             6. Metal residue:
                                                  6. Metal residue:       <1E9
13   Cutting    50.0   7.41   22.67   Stage       1.    Polar     piece   1.    Polar    piece    Laminatio
     and        0                     of          processing capacity     processing capacity     n        for
     Folding                          verifica    ≤0.15s/p               ≤0.16s/p               positive
     All-in-o                         tion        2.            Central   2.           Central    and
     ne                                           alignment metrics       alignment metrics       negative
     Machine                                      for laminated pole      for laminated pole      polar
                                                  pieces≤±0.5mm         pieces≤±0.5mm         pieces
14   Monocry    74.4   8.70   34.75   Applic      1. Average              1.          Average     PV
     stal       8                     ation       isometric pulling       isometric pulling       Mono-Si
     Growth                           expansi     rate: 12-inch rod ≥    rate: 12-inch rod ≥    rod
     Furnace                          on          1.7mm/min,              1.6mm/min,
                                                  10-inch rod ≥          10-inch rod ≥
                                                  2.0mm/min               1.9mm/min
                                                  2. Compatible with      2. Compatible with
                                                  hot zone 32 – 40       hot zone 32 – 40
                                                  inches                  inches
                                                  3. The diameter of      3. The diameter of
                                                  compatible       rods   compatible      rods
                                                  can be extended to      can be extended to
                                                  350mm                   350mm
                                                  4. Rod diameter         4. Rod diameter
                                                  fluctuation range:      fluctuation range:
                                                  ±0.5mm                 ±0.5mm
                                                  5. Oxygen content       5. Oxygen content
                                                  reduction≤6ppm         reduction≤7ppm
15   Continu    6.42   0.29   0.47    Stage       1. Loading volume       1. Loading volume       Real time
     ous                              of          800 kg for standard     600       kg      for   loading in
     Loder                            develo      types,                  customized types        the
                                      pment       customization           2.       One-to-one     process of
                                                  acceptable              setting         with    crystal
                                                  2. Loading speed:       Mono-Si Furnace,        growth
                                                  350g/min,               automatic loading       through
                                                  ±10g/min               can be achieved in      Mono-Si
                                                  3.        One-to-one    the process of          Furnace
                                                  setting          with   crystal growth
                                                  Mono-Si Furnace,        3.    Loading      of
                                                  automatic loading       granular silicon can
                                                  can be achieved in      be met
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                                                        the process of
                                                        crystal growth
                                                        4.    Loading     of
                                                        granular silicon can
                                                        be met
16     Semicon    27.3     1.19     6.23     Stage      Silicon      carbide   Silicon     carbide    Silicon
       ductor     2                          of         crystal growth:        crystal growth:        carbide
       Mono-Si                               develo     1. Silicon carbide     1. Silicon carbide     crystal
       Furnace                               pment      growth size: 8 inch    growth size: 6 inch    growth for
                                                        2. Pulling range ≥    2. Pulling range ≥    the third
                                                        350mm                  350mm                  generation
                                                        3. Required pulling    3. Required pulling    of
                                                        speed:                 speed:                 semicondu
                                                        0.01-30mm/h            0.01-20mm/h            ctors
                                                        Semiconductor          Semiconductor
                                                        crystal growth:        crystal growth:
                                                        4.     Magnetically    4.     Magnetically
                                                        pulled          rod:   pulled          rod:
                                                        Φ360-Φ600mm,         Φ360-Φ600mm,
                                                        length≥3,300mm        length≥3,000mm
Tot    /          431.     57.82    183,36   /          /                      /                      /
al                55

      5. Details of R&D personnel

                                                                   Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                        Basic information
                                                     Amount in the current      Amount in the same
                                                           period                  period last year
 Number of R&D personnel in the Company            922                        777
 Share of R&D personnel in total headcount (%)     18.85                      17.17
 Total remuneration of R&D personnel               125.88                     84.15
 Average remuneration of R&D personnel             0.14                       0.12

                                          Educational background
 Degrees                                          Number                           Percentage (%)
 Doctor’s degree                                 6                                0.65%
 Master’s degree                                 170                              18.44%
 Bachelor’s degree                               576                              62.47%
 Junior college education                         167                              18.11%
 Below junior college education (excluding junior 3                                0.33%
 college education)
 Total                                            922                              100.00%
                                          Age composition
 Age range                                        Number                           Percentage (%)
 Aged below 30 (excluding 30)                     344                              37.31%
 Aged 30-40 (including 30, excluding 40)          526                              57.05%
 Aged 40-50 (including 40, excluding 50)          40                               4.34%
 Aged 50-60 (including 50, excluding 60)          8                                0.87%
 Aged over 60                                     4                                0.43%
 Total                                            922                              100.00%

      6. Other notes
       Applicable √ N/A
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III. Analysis of Core Competitiveness in the Reporting Period

(i)      Analysis of core competitiveness
√ Applicable  N/A

1.Technological strength
      (1) The Company has scored abundant technological achievements
      The Company, which is a new and high-tech enterprise specializing in R&D, production, and sales
of high-end intelligent equipment and highly values R&D input and technological innovation, has set up
a large R&D team composed of experienced personnel and reaped numerous technological achievements
with proprietary intellectual property rights. By June 30, 2024, the Company had 922 R&D staff
members, representing 18.85% of the total number of employees. By June 30, 2024, the Company has
been granted a cumulative total of 1,808 pieces of intellectual property including 211 invention patents,
1,296 utility model patents, 117 software copyrights, and 3 industrial design patents.
       (2) The Company is technically competent to have existing products quickly iterated and launch
      new products in a forward-looking manner
      Pursuing “high production capacity, high accuracy, high compatibility, and high stability” during
its R&D and leveraging its profound technical accumulation, the Company has achieved quick iteration
and forward-looking planning for technologies by making prompt responses to realistic and potential
needs from clients and continuing with intensive R&D input.
      Firstly, the Company has upgraded its existing products to improve production performance.
Beyond conventional types, its Soldering Stringer, Wafer Inspection System, Low Oxygen Mono-Si
Furnace, etc. have all seen a substantial improvement in performance, accuracy, and efficiency.
      Secondly, the Company has worked hard to develop new equipment aimed at cost reduction and
efficiency increase. In the first half of this year, the Company launched OBB Soldering Stringer, which
consumes 10% less silver paste, thus providing a new option for clients to cut costs and improve
      Thirdly, the Company has rolled out more core equipment for semiconductor assembly and testing
to meet client needs for full lines. The Company developed the 12-inch Wafer Laser Cutter and the
12-inch Epoxy Die Bonder in 2023 to broaden the range of its assembly and testing products and meet
client demand for full assembly and testing lines.
      Through quick iteration of existing products and forward-looking planning for new products, the
Company has not only become more competitive in the market but also helped its clients create added
value, thus facilitating technological advances in the downstream industry.
2. Product strength
       (1) The Company’s products excel in performance
      The Company continues its efforts to develop cutting-edge technologies, prioritizes high output,
high yield, application of intelligent technology and compatibility to pursue innovation in a complete
range of products, and enjoys overall technical leadership in the industry. The Company’s products are
characterized by high production capacity per machine, high yield, and more intelligent operation. The
Company’s latest MBB Soldering Stringer is consistently able to process 10,800 half-cut wafers/h
(calculated in accordance with welding 210-inch wafers after cut into halves). Furthermore, it has rolled
out products that integrate cutting, layup, and stacking in order to accomplish high yield apart from high
production capacity. With a capacity of 18,000 pieces/h (calculated in accordance with 182 mm wafers),
the Wafer Inspection System is provided with the smart ability to analyze in a systemic way shutdown
time, maldistribution, downtime, etc. The Low Oxygen Mono-Si Furnace, whose pulling rate has hit
1.6mm/min (calculated based on 12-inch rods), can attain oxygen content at 6-7 ppm to improve the
quality of crystals and enable one-click crystal growth. Boasting a capacity of 15-20 PPM, the ESS
Module/PACK Line prides itself on an automation rate of 95%. The Company’s products, which feature
stable performance and high yield, can meet client requirements for high production capacity and quality,
and help its clients to reduce production costs.

    (2) The Company’s products perform well in compatibility and allow quick switchover.
    Taking into full consideration trends in technological development and special application
scenarios that clients may face, the Company’s product designs are very flexible and compatible,

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allowing quick switchover between technologies of different kinds. Meanwhile, innovative studies of the
conformity of OBB technology are made on the existing technical platforms. The Wafer Inspection
System, whose inspection modules can be assembled in different ways depending on what technology a
client uses, can apply to both full and half-cut waders through testing, so as to satisfy some special client
requirements. The Company’s standard Module PACK Line can realize rapid changeover within two
hours, thereby contributing to production ramp-up and efficiency improvement in the ESS sector.
3. Strength in comprehensive global services
      Machines manufactured by the Company are key assets that its clients rely on in production and
operation. If these machines break down, clients may suffer halts across all production lines. How they
perform has significant effects on client production and operation. Upgrades in clients’ products are also
significantly subject to fast-paced technological iteration and the rate of applying new crafts, materials,
and technologies in the PV sector. Therefore, clients mainly consider service capability, transformation
ability, and response time when choosing a supplier.
      The Company never ceases to improve its sales services for old clients. Aimed at serving more than
600 production bases its clients have located in over 40 countries and regions, the Company sends
engineers to client sites for equipment installation and commissioning. Given varied client situations, the
Company also arranges for engineers to offer technical services such as remote instruction, on-site
inspection, operation and maintenance, and professional training. Furthermore, the Company also
provides equipment transformation services to help its clients to adapt to technological progress. In this
connection, the Company has built a highly skilled team of engineers, the number of whom by June 30,
2024 reached 1,476, representing 30% of its headcount.
      In the process of providing comprehensive services to clients, the Company can not only make
clients more engaged and satisfied, but also acquaint itself with market demand and technical trends to
spur product R&D and upgrades.
4. Strength in client relations
      The Company has established long-term partnerships with domestically and internationally known
PV companies including Jinko Solar, Tongwei Co., Ltd., TrinaSolar, LONGi, JA Solar, Hanwha Group,
POLY-GCL, Canadian Solar Inc., DAS Solar, ADANI Group and Silfab Solar.
      Sound partnerships have been built between the Company and famous energy storage players such
as CRRC Zhuzhou Institute, Hyper Strong, and High-Star Corporation.

     As its semiconductor equipment continues to improve, the Company has beefed up efforts to
expand business with semiconductor clients. To explore the semiconductor assembly equipment market,
the Company cooperated with small clients prior to receiving bulk orders from medium and large clients.
In the first half of 2024, the Company secured orders from and established friendly cooperation with
IGBT and AOI clients such as Ncepower, FM Superchip, and Chippacking.

 (ii) Impact analysis and responses: events undermining the Company’s core competitiveness in
the reporting period
 Applicable √ N/A

IV. Operational Discussion and Analysis
 (i) Business performance in the reporting period:
     In the first half of 2024, the Company’s core products, including the large, ultra-speed MBB
Soldering Stringer, the Wafer Inspection System, the Screen Printing Line, the BC Adhesive Printing
Machine, and the BC Printing Line among other PV equipment, won high recognition from clients; the
ESS Module PACK Line received a continuous stream of orders; the Semiconductor Wire Bonder and
the AOI Machine saw a sharp rise in the order quantity, and the first batch of orders for Semiconductor
Cutting Machine was taken.

 (ii) Operating results in the reporting period:
      1. Main operating results
      In the reporting period, the Company generated RMB4,417.70 million in operating income, surging
75.48% from the previous year, RMB769.08 million in net profit attributable to shareholders of the
parent company, up by 47.19% year on year, with the earnings per share amounting to RMB2.45, a
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year-on-year rise of 47.59%. By the end of the reporting period, the Company’s total assets were
RMB14,947.29 million declining by 4.29% from the beginning of the year, while the equity attributable
to shareholders of the parent company gained 10.37% from the beginning of the year to RMB4,044.28
     Expenses incurred by the Company in the reporting period increased. To be specific, administrative
expenses amounted to RMB157.71 million, increasing by RMB48.23 million or 44.05% year on year;
R&D expenses reached RMB178.11 million, adding by RMB48.11 million or 37.01% year on year;
sales expenses declined by RMB5.93 million or 7.02% year on year to RMB78.52 million; and financial
expenses surged by RMB7.10 million or 135.04% year on year to RMB12.36 million.

     2. Major business performance
     In the reporting period, all business areas of the Company sustained proper growth. As its products
find enormous favor with clients, the Company signed RMB6.285 billion (tax inclusive) worth of new
orders from January to June 2024, rising by 8.74% year on year. As of June 30, 2024, the Company’s
orders in hand were worth RMB14.341 billion (tax inclusive), up by 41.11% from the same period of the
previous year.

     3. Intensified R&D efforts strengthens core competitiveness
     In the reporting period, the Company spent RMB178.11 million on R&D, increasing by RMB48.11
million or 37.01% from the same period last year. With a focus on client requirements, the Company
worked harder on core equipment in the PV industry chain to widen product categories, and took full
advantage of core technological R&D platforms to integrate resources and improve R&D efficiency. The
Company coordinated R&D efforts across both the upstream and downstream sectors to deepen
cooperation on the industry chain. As a consequence, its core competitiveness continued to improve.
     In the reporting period, the Company scored plentiful R&D achievements. As of June 30, 2024, the
Company had 16 ongoing projects under R&D. The Company has become more competitive in wafer
fabrication equipment, thanks to the outstanding client-side performance of its Low oxygen Mono-Si
Furnace. Semiconductor Bonder and AOI Machine were upgraded continuously in performance through
client-side verifiable and trial tests. The Company’s Wire Bonder and AOI Machine have continued to
receive bulk orders from clients, with a sharp rise in orders in the first half of 2024.

Major operational changes and events that have significant effects on operating results in the
reporting period or are expected to exert significant effects in the future
 Applicable √ N/A

V. Risk Factors
√ Applicable  N/A

 (i) Risks for core competitiveness
1. Technical risks
       (1) Risks of misalignment between R&D planning and downstream industrial trends
     The Company’s downstream sectors are experiencing rapid technological iteration. Therefore, prior
to R&D and technical reserve, the Company needs to channel enormous resources towards technology
and market studies targeting the downstream sectors. In case of misalignment between R&D planning
and development trends in the downstream sectors, the Company may waste R&D resources and miss
opportunities for development, or even face adverse circumstances such as loss of its leadership in niche
markets. All these consequences could undermine the Company’s competitiveness and sustained

     (2) Risks of project R&D failure or unsuccessful commercialization of R&D results
    The Company spends heavily on R&D, the expenses of which from January to June 2024 amounted
to RMB178.11 million, representing 4.03% of the operating income over the same period. The above
R&D expenses contributed significantly to improving the performance of existing products and

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developing new products, R&D failures and unsuccessful commercialization of R&D results also took
     The Company will continue to spend generously on R&D of innovative technologies. If the
Company experiences a lot of R&D failures or unsuccessful commercialization of R&D achievements
resulting from high technical thresholds, technical economy, demand shift, or other factors, the
Company may not only see more period expenses and report weaker profitability, but also suffer adverse
effects in varying degrees on its prospects.

      (3) Risks of core personnel turnover and loss of technical confidentiality
     The Company, which was rated as a national new and high-tech enterprise as early as 2015, has
accumulated a lot of technologies. The accumulation is critical for the Company to sustain its operations.
Core technologies of the Company are primarily developed by its R&D team, in which key technical
personnel play a pivotal role. In case of core personnel turnover or loss of technical confidentiality, the
operating results of the Company may be subject to adverse effects.

      (4) Risks of technical infringements
     Through product R&D efforts, the Company has accumulated some core technologies that have
been successfully applied. As of June 30, 2024, the Company has been granted a cumulative total of
1,808 pieces of intellectual property including 211 invention patents, 1,296 utility model patents, 117
software copyrights, and 3 industrial design patents.
     In the event that the above patents and other intellectual property rights held by the Company are
deemed void, or competent authorities declare the Company infringes on patents or technologies, or
other companies file lawsuits on the intellectual property against the Company as a business strategy, the
Company may not only involve itself in litigation or disputes but also suffer adverse effects on its
operating results due to affected product sales.

 (ii) Operating risks
       (1) Risks of unfavorable changes in major clients
      The Company derives the lion’s share of income from the production of wafers, cells, and modules
in the PV industry chain. These niche markets are highly concentrated. Likewise, the Company’s sales
revenue was also highly concentrated from January to June 2024, with the top five clients accounting for
46.37% of the total income. Due to lower profitability across the main PV industry chain, some clients
of the Company experienced adverse changes in operating performance and financial position and
became loss-making from January to June this year. If the PV industry fails to recover in the short term,
some clients may go bankrupt. Such circumstances may adversely impact the Company’s operating

       (2) Risks of fluctuations in gross margin of products
     Over recent years, gross margins of the Company’s PV equipment and lithium-ion battery
equipment have been fluctuating in some way due to market competition, industrial policies, technical
level, etc. Notably, against the backdrop of lower profitability across the main PV industry chain, it is
not possible to exclude such circumstances where major products of the Company experience cutting
prices, rising costs, and declining gross margin due to price negotiations with downstream clients,
industry competition and adverse changes in support policies, thus causing adverse effects to the
Company’s results.

       (3) Risks of managerial decision-making mistakes
     Managerial decision-making in the Company is susceptible to trends in technological development,
policy changes, market competition environment, macroeconomic fluctuations, etc. As the Company’s
products are primarily applied in emerging industries such as PV and NEVs, where industry
development changes rapidly because of instability, it is difficult for the Company to make managerial
     By cooperating with other firms through strategic investment and joint R&D, the Company can
swiftly seize market opportunities to bolster its core competitiveness and sustain its competitiveness in
the mid to long term. However, such corporate behaviors as strategic investment and joint R&D require
better managerial decision-making.

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     Therefore, while the Company has taken many measures to make decisions in a well-conceived
manner, it cannot exclude the possibility of mistakes in managerial decision-making, which may cause
significant adverse effects.

      (4) Risks of contract compliance and execution
     As of June 30, 2024, the Company had RMB14.341 (tax inclusive) worth of orders in hand. In
cases of slower-than-expected contract execution, or even suspension of contract performance or
contract cancellation due to fluctuations in the downstream sectors, significant unfavorable operational
changes of major clients who contribute orders in hand, etc., the Company’s business reserves and
operating results may be exposed to adverse effects.

 (iii) Financial risks

       (1) Risks of inventory price declines
     The Company has a large sum of inventory, whose book value by the end of June 2024 amounted
to RMB7,340.25 million. Products shipped in transit occupied a large proportion. By the end of the
reporting period, the book value of products shipped in transit reached RMB6,147.07 million,
representing 83.74% of the total inventory, mainly attributable to the long period of time required for
installation, commissioning, and trial operation of the Company’s equipment products from delivery to
client acceptance. While the Company has made provisions for the drop in inventory prices in
accordance with accounting policies and reality, the possibility of failed sales of inventories or a sharp
decline in inventory prices due to market changes or other unforeseeable reasons cannot be excluded,
thus exposing the Company to risks from a drop in inventory value.

      (2) Risks of a lengthy cycle from inventory delivery to client acceptance
     In the first half of 2024, the Company primarily derived income from sales of equipment products.
Such products involve a long period of time from delivery to client acceptance. If clients don’t accept
products shipped by the Company in a timely manner, income volatility of the Company will rise
because of affected confirmation of sales income, and inventories will occupy funds longer and
collection of payments for products will be postponed, thus mounting liquidity risks.

       (3) Risks of collection of receivables
     The Company has a large sum of receivables, the book value of which by the end of the reporting
period amounted to RMB2,197.03 million, comprising 14.70% of the total assets. In the reporting period,
the failure of some downstream clients to pay for products according to contractual terms led to a few
overdue receivables. As an increasing number of companies in the PV sector suffer from losses, and
operations in corporate clients worsen, the Company is likely to see a further rise in receivables and
overdue receivables. If receivables cannot be collected timely in full or even none can be reclaimed, the
Company will face adverse effects in terms of operating results and cash flows.

       (4) Risks of the Company deriving the lion’s share of income from PV equipment products
     In the reporting period, PV equipment products contributed more than 90% of the Company’s
operating income. PV companies were hard hit by severe losses in the reporting period. If this situation
persists or worsens, the Company’s results may be subject to significant adverse effects.

      (5) Risks of preferential tax
     Equipment made by the Company is operated or controlled by independently developed or
designed software. As of June 30, 2024, the Company has obtained 117 copyrights of computer software
and launched 63 software products in regard to these pieces of software. In accordance with the Notice
of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the VAT Policies for Software
Products (Finance No.100 [2011]) and other documents, independently developed operating system
software, that is installed in the Company’s equipment for sale, is entitled to enjoy the real-time VAT
rebate policy as an embedded software product.
     The Company was rated as a new and high-tech enterprise as early as 2015 and retained the title
through the re-inspection in 2021 (certificate number: GR202132005383). As stipulated in the
Administrative Measures for the Identification of New and High-tech Enterprises, the certificate is valid
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for three years from the date of issuing, and certificate holders should file an application for
re-inspection before the expiry date to have the certificate extended by another term of three years once
passing the re-inspection. In accordance with preferential tax policies for new and high-tech enterprises,
the above qualified companies can enjoy preferential business income tax at the rate of 15% in specified
     If the above preferential tax policies are abolished or become less favorable, or the Company’s title
as a new and high-tech enterprise experiences significant unwelcome changes, the Company’s operating
results will suffer adverse effects.

       (6) Risks of mounting costs
     The Company is likely to face increasing raw material and transportation costs. Over recent years,
the cost of labor in China has climbed at a fast pace over these years, due to economic growth and
demographic shifts. To cut production costs, clients in the downstream sectors require equipment
manufacturers to improve product performance and capacity. This may drive up the per-unit cost that
equipment manufacturers have to bear. If the above costs rise, the Company may be exposed to adverse
effects in terms of product cost, gross margin, and operating results.

 (iv) Industry risks
      1. Risks of weaker market demand
      In the reporting period, the Company’s clients mostly engage in PV and energy storage battery
sectors. If industrial policies and international trade policies experience drastic unfavorable changes,
sectors such as PV and NEVs may be exposed to adverse effects, then the Company’s sales and
operating results will be affected negatively. Therefore, in the event of unfavorable fluctuations such as
sliding demand in these sectors, particularly the PV industry, production and operations in the Company
will face significant adverse effects.

     2. Risks of drastic changes in key technologies or technical routes in the downstream sectors
     The Company specializes in the R&D, design, production, and sales of high-end intelligent
equipment that mainly targets such downstream sectors as crystalline silicon PV, electrochemical energy
storage, and semiconductor assembling and testing. Key technologies or technical routes in these
downstream sectors are prone to drastic changes.
     In the event of drastic changes in key technologies or technical routes in the downstream sectors,
supply-demand relations for current products are likely to change, thus affecting or radically changing
production and operations in the Company.

     3. Risks of fast-growing production capacity in the downstream sectors
     The PV industry, a main downstream sector for the Company, has seen rapid capacity ramp-up in
recent years, leading to periodic overcapacity and low capacity utilization. If the PV industrial
technologies stagnate or if new demands driven by technological advances and the need to upgrade
existing capacity shrink, the Company will be exposed to significant adverse effects in regard to product
market size and sales.

 (v) Macro environmental risks
     1. Risks of cyclical fluctuations in the macroeconomy
     The Company falls into the special-purpose equipment manufacturing sector, in which the interplay
between supply and demand is closely related to fixed asset investment scale and growth in the
downstream sectors. Susceptible to changes in national macro economy and industrial policies, demand
for fixed asset investment in the downstream sectors shows a moderate level of volatility. This may
affect demand for the core products of the Company.

     2. Risks of exchange rate fluctuations
     The Company not only engages in product export, but also buys raw materials and parts from
overseas. Such types of business are mainly priced and settled in USD. As various factors may affect the
RMB exchange rate, its fluctuations face uncertainties in some way. If exchange rates experience
unwelcome changes, the Company’s exports and operating results will be affected negatively.

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       3. Risks of force majeure

    Natural calamities such as earthquakes, typhoons, and tsunamis as well as public emergency events
can cause damage to the Company’s property and casualties and disrupt normal production and
operations, thus leading to direct economic loss or declines in profitability.

VI. Business Performance in the Reporting Period
     Please refer to “I. Introduction to the Company’s industry and main business in the reporting period”
in Section III above.

 (i) Analysis of main business
1. Analysis of main items in financial statements

                                                                      Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
Item                                                                Amount in the
                                       Amount in the current
                                                                   same period last       Change (%)
Operating income                             4,417,698,117.26      2,517,486,369.86                 75.48
Operating costs                              2,924,028,824.33      1,595,013,807.86                 83.32
Selling expenses                                78,521,303.44         84,452,859.24                 -7.02
Administrative expenses                        157,714,200.42        109,488,543.37                 44.05
Financial expenses                              12,363,463.19          5,260,176.11               135.04
R&D expenses                                   178,114,245.75        130,002,217.29                 37.01
Net cash flows from operating
                                                -9,711,098.51        268,896,252.11                    N/A
Net cash flows from investment
                                               375,734,820.11        136,359,005.73                 175.55
Net cash flows from financing
                                              -216,097,289.58       -443,974,089.04                  51.33

Explanation of reasons for changes in operating income: it saw a year-on-year increase of 75.48%,
mainly due to a steady rise in sales income resulting from continuous acceptance of orders in hand and
sustained competitive advantages in core products.
Explanation of reasons for changes in operating costs: it saw a year-on-year increase of 83.32%, mainly
due to higher costs from sales growth, and the transfer of current-period quality assurance deposits from
selling expenses to operating costs in accordance with the 2024 Application Guides for Enterprise
Accounting Standards.
Explanation of reasons for changes in administrative expenses: it saw a year-on-year increase of
44.05%, mainly due to rises in the remuneration of management and depreciation and amortization.
Explanation of reasons for changes in financial expenses: it saw a year-on-year surge of 135.04%,
mainly due to increases in current-period long-term borrowings and short-term borrowings, and accrued
interest for its convertible bonds.
Explanation of reasons for changes in R&D expenses: it saw a year-on-year increase of 37.01%, mainly
due to ramped-up R&D efforts and a rise in the remuneration of R&D personnel.
Explanation of reasons for changes in net cash flows from operating activities: it declined year on year,
mainly due to increases in payments for purchasing and remuneration.
Explanation of reasons for changes in net cash flows from investment activities: it saw a year-on-year
surge of 175.55%, mainly due to reduced purchases of wealth management products.
Explanation of reasons for changes in net cash flows from financing activities: it saw a year-on-year
increase of 51.33%, mainly due to increased borrowings.

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2.    Detailed explanations of the Company’s significant changes in business types, profit
composition, or sources of profit in this period
 Applicable √ N/A

(ii) Explanation of drastic changes in profit from non-main business
 Applicable √ N/A

  (iii) Analysis of assets and liabilities
√ Applicable  N/A
1. Details of assets and liabilities

                                                                                                    Unit: Yuan
                                       Percentage                              Percentage
                                       of amount                               of amount
                  Amount at the           at the       Amount at the last       at the last
    Item                                                                                      amount      Notes
                   period end          period end        period end            period end
                                                                                               at the
                                         in total                                in total
                                       assets (%)                              assets (%)
financial           220,055,388.89            1.47       1,013,130,849.65             6.49      -78.28
Receivables       2,197,025,477.43           14.70       1,591,755,715.37           10.19       38.03
                    593,758,687.62            3.97       1,399,734,854.14             8.96      -57.58
current             118,975,380.81            0.80          78,299,342.53             0.50      51.95
Projects in
                    593,113,483.75            3.97         152,486,136.51             0.98     288.96
current               8,569,188.87            0.06              4,333,632.85          0.03      97.74
                    319,027,747.75            2.13         141,007,258.34             0.90     126.25
                     32,355,137.07            0.22          20,642,029.65             0.13      56.74

Other remarks

1. Tradable financial assets decreased by 78.28% from the end of the last year, mainly due to reduced
purchases of wealth management products.
2. Receivables increased by 38.03% from the end of the last year, mainly due to income increases.

3. Receivables financing decreased by 57.58% from the end of the last year, mainly due to the receipt of
fewer notes.
4. Other current assets rose by 51.95% from the end of the previous year, mainly due to more input VAT
to be deductible.
5. Projects in progress surged by 288.96% from the end of the last year, mainly due to continuous
spending on new factory buildings.
6. Other current liabilities grew by 97.74% from the end of the last year, mainly due to more output tax
to be transferred.
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7. Long-term borrowings gained 126.25% from the end of the last year, mainly due to new borrowings.
8. Estimated liabilities increased by 56.74% from the end of the last year, mainly due to more accrued
quality assurance expenses on account of higher income.
2. Details of overseas assets
√ Applicable  N/A
(1) Asset size
      Among them, overseas assets amounted to RMB25,708,194.94, comprising 0.17% of total assets.
  (2) Explanation of a high proportion of overseas assets
 Applicable √ N/A

Other remarks

3. Details of restricted assets as of the end of the reporting period
√Applicable  N/A

      As of the end of the current period, RMB304.60 million in book value of restricted monetary
capital and RMB596.04 million in book value of restricted notes receivable totaled RMB900.64 million.
The above restrictions were attributable to L/C guarantee deposits, deposits for bank acceptance bills,
notes receivable used as collateral, and unconfirmed endorsed notes or immature notes on discounts.

4. Other remarks
 Applicable √ N/A

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  (iv) Analysis of investment details
Aggregate analysis of external equity investment
√ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                                                                     Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
   Investment in the reporting period (million Yuan)           Investment in the same period last year                                    Change
                                                                           (million Yuan)
                                                   30.47                                           64.00      -52.40%

1. Significant equity investments
 Applicable √ N/A

2. Significant non-equity investments
 Applicable √ N/A

3. Financial assets measured at fair value
√ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                                                                     Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                         Profit or loss    Cumulative fair     Provision
                   Amount at the                                                                      Purchase       Sales/redemption
                                        on fair value       value changes     impairment                                                                    Amount at the
  Asset class         period                                                                       amount during      amount during       Other changes
                                       changes during        recorded in       during the                                                                    period end
                    beginning                                                                        the period         the period
                                          the period            equity           period
Others                      1,013.13                0.13                 0                   0            2,074.00             2,866.00             -1.20            220.06
Others                      1,399.73                   0                 0                   0            2,274.93             2,954.25                 0            720.42
Others                        185.27              -24.14                 0                   0                   0                    0                 0            161.13
         Total              2,598.14              -24.01                 0                   0            4,348.93             5,820.25             -1.20          1,101.60

Details of portfolio investment
√ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                  33 / 236
                                                                               2024 Interim Report

                                                                                                                                          Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                                    or loss
                                                                                                 Cumulative                                                    Book
                                                                       Book         on fair                                            Sold         Profit
                                              Initial       Source                                fair value         Purchased                                value at
                                                                      value at      value                                             during       and loss               Accounting
   Types          Code     Short name       investment         of                                  changes           during the                                 the
                                                                       period      changes                                              the           on                    items
                                               cost          funds                               recorded in           period                                  period
                                                                     beginning      during                                            period       disposal
                                                                                                    equity                                                      end
Chinese and                                                                                                                                                               Other
foreign stocks
                 836414   Optech                  14.00
                                                                           24.36       -14.16                  0                  0            0          0       10.20
                                                            funds                                                                                                         financial
Chinese and                                                                                                                                                               Other
foreign stocks
                 873860   Greenstone              10.02
                                                                           10.02           0                   0                  0            0          0       10.02
                                                            funds                                                                                                         financial
Chinese and                                                                                                                                                               Other
foreign stocks
                                                                           28.32        -9.98                  0                  0            0          0       18.34
                          OptoElectronics                   funds                                                                                                         financial
Total               /              /              64.02         /          62.70       -24.14                  0                  0            0          0       38.56         /

Investment in derivatives
 Applicable √ N/A
4. Details of private equity (PE) fund investment
√ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                                                                          Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                 Agree                  Total    Investm       Paid-in    Identity     Ratio of      Whethe                  Whethe      Underly           Impact    Impact
                          Investm                                                                                  Account
                  ment                 intende    ent in       investm       in        investm        r the                      r         ing                on        on
   Name                   ent                                                                                         ing
                 signin                   d        the          ent at   participat     ent at       Compa                   correlati    assets            profit accumula
                          purpose                                                                                   items
                 g date                investm   reportin        the        ion          the           ny                       on       for the            in the ted profit

                                                                                      34 / 236
                                                                  2024 Interim Report

                                 ent     g period   period                period    controls                    exists       fund   reporti
                                                     end                 end (%)       the                                            ng
                                                                                     fund or                                        period
Phase                                                                                           Other
                      value                                                                                              Industri
Venture      Februa                                                                             non-curr
                      and                                    Limited                                                     al
Capital      ry 26,              20.00         0     20.00                   1.96   No          ent         No                           0    0.97
                      investm                                partner                                                     investm
Investmen    2021                                                                               financial
                      ent                                                                                                ent
t                                                                                               assets
p (limited
   Total        /            /   20.00         0     20.00   /               1.96   /               /       /            /               0    0.97

Other remarks

                                                                       35 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

(v) Sales of material assets and equity
 Applicable √ N/A

(vi) Analysis of major controlled subsidiaries and invested companies
√ Applicable  N/A

Company name        Main business             Shareholding      Registered   Total assets   Net     assets
                                              percentage        capital       (million      (million
                                                                (million      Yuan)         Yuan)
                    manufacturing, sales
Intelligent         of        lithium-ion
                                              82.37%            36.42        703.81         -113.04
Equipment           battery equipment,
                    and          technical
                    Supply           chain
Supply Chain
                    management                100%              10.00        1,492.68       98.97
                    development        and    76.92%            13.00        79.53          -45.17
                    Manufacturing and
XuRi                sales      of      PV
                                              72.00%            30.00        2,065.20       -94.54
Technology          equipment          and
                    Manufacturing and
                    sales of dedicated
                    equipment           for   71.50%            20.00        151.44         0.62
                    manufacturing, and
                    sales                of
SCEC                electromechanical         40.63%            20.86        2,927.73       204.08
                    equipment such as
                    Monocrystal Growth
                    Electric machinery
Wuxi Zhiyuan        and        equipment      70%               20.00        109.35         13.23
                    manufacturing, and
                    sales                of   70.55%            25.28        44.97          37.45
                    dicing saw
                    Electric machinery
Polar         New
                    and        equipment      100%              154.43       389.59         243.04
                    Electric machinery
Wuxi Polar          and        equipment      61%               50.00        62.58          24.52
                    manufacturing, and        62%               25.00        36.96          36.57
                    sales                of
                                                     36 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

                   polishing machines
                   for semiconductor
                   R&D and sales of
                   PV                and
                   semiconductor           100%            14.66            13.25          13.22
                   equipment         and
                   auxiliary materials
                   administration, and
Autowell           services related to
                                           100%            109.50           12.46          11.30
(Singapore)        automation
                   equipment         and
                   correlated projects
                   equipment including
Songyu             PV equipment and
                                           6.78%           32.21            2,208.70       331.90
Technology         semiconductor
                   R&D and sales of
Optech                                     2.10%           66.67            375.03         311.20
                   PV equipment
                   R&D,          design,
                   manufacturing, and
Greenstone                                 4.70%           77.22            488.98         225.55
                   sales of automation
                   Design,        R&D,
                   manufacturing, and
                   sales of industrial 0.80%               68.00            1,542.53       1,472.46
                   machine        vision
                   imaging components
Notes: 1. Data on Songyu were not audited.
2. Data on Optech came from its first quarterly report dated April 26, 2024, and were not audited. Share
capital in Optech increased to 79,748,171 shares as converted its capital reserve into share capital at a
rate of 2 shares for every 10 shares in an equity distribution. For details, please refer to the
Announcement of Implementation Methods for 2023 Annual Equity Distribution (No. 2024-043).
However, the industrial and commercial registration of changes was not concluded in the reporting
3. Data on I-TEK OptoElectronics came from its first quarterly report dated April 19, 2024, and were not
4. Data on Greenstone derived from its first quarterly report and were not audited.
5. The registered capital of AUTOWELL (Japan) and Autowell (Singapore) is JPY300 million and
USD15 million, respectively.

(vii) Structured entities controlled by the Company
 Applicable √ N/A

VII. Other information required for disclosures
 Applicable √ N/A

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                                         2024 Interim Report

                           Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Profile of Shareholders’ General Meeting
                                                                     Date of
                                        Specified website for     disclosure for
     Session         Date of meeting                                                  Resolution
                                        resolution publishing       resolution
The first            January 26, 2024   Website of Shanghai     January 27, 2024   The Resolution
extraordinary                           Stock Exchange                             on Revising the
shareholders’                          (SSE)                                      Rules for
general meeting in                      (www.sse.com.cn)                           Independent
2024                                                                               Directors of
                                                                                   Wuxi Autowell
                                                                                   Technology Co.,
                                                                                   Ltd., the
                                                                                   Resolution on
                                                                                   Revising Rules
                                                                                   and Regulations
                                                                                   in Wuxi Autowell
                                                                                   Technology Co.,
                                                                                   Ltd., the
                                                                                   Resolution on
                                                                                   Revising the
                                                                                   Articles of
                                                                                   Association of
                                                                                   Wuxi Autowell
                                                                                   Technology Co.,
                                                                                   Ltd., and the
                                                                                   Resolution on
                                                                                   Changing the
                                                                                   Use of
                                                                                   Shares, and
                                                                                   Canceling and
                                                                                   Capital were
                                                                                   deliberated and
                                                                                   adopted in the
The 2023 annual      April 16, 2024     Website of Shanghai     April 17, 2024     The following
shareholders’                          Stock Exchange                             resolutions were
general meeting                         (SSE)                                      deliberated and
                                        (www.sse.com.cn)                           adopted in the
                                                                                   including the
                                                                                   Resolution on the
                                                                                   Company’s 2023
                                                                                   Annual Report
                                                                                   and its Summary,
                                                                                   the Resolution on
                                                                                   2023 Report of
                                                                                   Board of
                                                                                   Directors, the
                                                                                   Resolution on
                                               38 / 236
2024 Interim Report

                      2023 Report of
                      Board of
                      Supervisors, the
                      Resolution on
                      2023 Financial
                      Report, the
                      Resolution on
                      2023 Proposed
                      Plan for Profit
                      Distribution and
                      Conversion of
                      Capital Reserves
                      into Share
                      Capital, the
                      Resolution on
                      Continuing to
                      Hire Lixin
                      Zhonglian Public
                      Firm (special
                      partnership) as
                      Its Auditor for
                      2024, the
                      Resolution on
                      Amount of
                      Transactions for
                      2024, the
                      Resolution on
                      Remuneration of
                      Directors for
                      2024, the
                      Resolution on
                      Remuneration of
                      Supervisors for
                      2024, the
                      Resolution on
                      Application for a
                      General Credit
                      Line from
                      Banks, the
                      Resolution on
                      Guarantee Limit
                      Provided to
                      Granted Bank
                      Credit Lines, and
                      the Resolution on
                      Bringing for
                      Approval to the
     39 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

                                                                                        General Meeting
                                                                                        to Authorize
                                                                                        Board of
                                                                                        Directors to
                                                                                        Issue Shares to
                                                                                        Recipients in

Any request from holders of preferred shares with restored rights to convene an extraordinary
shareholders’ general meeting
 Applicable √ N/A

Notes on details of shareholders’ general meeting
√ Applicable  N/A

     In the reporting period, the Company held two shareholders’ general meetings, including an annual
shareholders’ general meeting, and an extraordinary meeting. In the above meetings, all resolutions
submitted were adopted, and none of them were vetoed. The convening, proposals, notifications,
attendance, deliberation, voting, resolutions, and minutes pertaining to the above shareholders’ meetings
were all performed in accordance with laws, regulations, and stipulations in the Articles of Association
and the Rules of Procedures for Shareholders’ General Meetings. All resolutions adopted in the
meetings were legal and valid.

II. Changes in the Company’s Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management, and Core Technical
 Applicable √ N/A

Details of changes in the Company’s directors, supervisors, senior management and core technical
 Applicable √ N/A

Detailed ways to identify core technical personnel
 Applicable √ N/A

III. Proposed Plan for Profit Distribution or Capital Reserve Conversion
Proposed semi-annual plan for profit distribution and capital reserve conversion
Whether distributed or converted                  Yes
Number of bonus shares per 10 shares (shares)        0
Dividend payout per 10 shares (RMB) (tax 8.6
Number of shares converted per 10 shares (shares) 0
          Any remarks on the proposed plan for profit distribution or capital reserve conversion

IV. Implementation of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan
(ESOP), or Other Employee Incentive Measures and Their Effects

(i) Any equity incentive-related matters that have been disclosed in provisional announcements
and subject to no subsequent development or changes
 Applicable √ N/A

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                                        2024 Interim Report

(ii) Any incentives undisclosed in provisional announcements or subject to subsequent
Details of equity incentive
 Applicable √ N/A

Other remarks
 Applicable √ N/A

Details of employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)
 Applicable √ N/A

Other incentives
 Applicable √ N/A

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                                          2024 Interim Report

              Section V Environmental and Social Responsibilities
I. Environmental Information
Whether a mechanism for environmental protection                                                  Yes
has been put in place
Funds earmarked for environmental protection in                                                  5.78
the reporting period (million Yuan)

(i) Details of environmental protection efforts in companies and their main subsidiaries which are
designated as key polluters by competent environmental protection authorities
 Applicable √ N/A

(ii) Details of environmental protection efforts in companies that are not key polluters
√ Applicable  N/A

1. Administrative penalties for environmental pollution
 Applicable √ N/A

2. Reference to other environmental information disclosed by key polluters
√ Applicable  N/A

      Neither the Company nor its subsidiaries engage in heavily polluting sectors and generate grave
pollutants in all business procedures. Hazardous wastes generated by the Company in production are set
out in the following table.

 Solid Property Waste-generatin Form Hazardous Category Code Est.          Disposal
waste            g procedure          characteristic               outpu
                                            s                         t
Cuttin Hazardou Manufacturing   Liqui T              900-006-0 HW0 8t    To        hire
g fluid s waste                 d                    9         9         qualified
waste                                                                    organization
                                                                         s for the

     To reduce and prevent environmental risks, the Company has drawn up a contingency plan for
environmental emergencies, which stipulates preventive measures for potential accidents and critical
situations and has been filed with competent authorities (filing No.: 320-214-2023-038-L).
     In accordance with laws and regulations on environmental protection, the Company in the reporting
period neither experienced any environmental pollution accident in operations nor received any penalty
from competent administrative departments due to violations of environmental laws and regulations.

3. Reasons for not disclosing other environmental information
 Applicable √ N/A

(iii) Subsequent development or changes in environmental information disclosed in the reporting
 Applicable √ N/A

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                                            2024 Interim Report

(iv) Contribution to ecological conservation, pollution control and prevention, and environmental
√ Applicable  N/A
     As required by the Wuxi Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment, the Company insures itself
against environmental pollution liabilities, and works harder to screen out and address latent perils in the
environment. The Company insists on using non-toxic and innocuous or low-toxicity and low-hazard,
degradable or recyclable materials, continues to improve designs, uses clean energy and materials,
adopts advanced technologies and equipment, improves its management through holistic utilization of
materials, and employs pollution control and prevention technologies to meet national standards for
discharge of pollutants and targets for total pollutant discharge control.

(v) Measures for carbon emission reduction in the reporting period and their effects
 Whether measures for carbon emission Yes
reduction have been taken
Carbon dioxide equivalence of reduced                                                    2.59
emissions (Unit: 100 million tons)
Measures for carbon emission reduction The Company, whose main products contribute to carbon
(power generation by clean energy, emission reduction, has currently put in place measures to
adoption of carbon emission-reducing carbon emissions in production and life.
technology in production, R&D, and
production of new products that can
facilitate carbon emission reduction, etc.)

Specific remarks
√ Applicable  N/A

      Keeping a foothold in PV, lithium-ion batteries/ESS, and semiconductor sectors, the Company
produces equipment to bolster the new energy industry, and stays committed to technological advances,
cost reduction, and efficiency improvement, thus playing an important role in helping achieve China’s
goal of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and reaching carbon neutrality by 2060. The Company boasts
a rationally designed power supply and distribution system, prefers energy-efficient transformers, and
achieves an economical load ratio. To reduce the consumption of electric energy, solar street lamps are
installed in factories, and new energy-efficient lighting products are used in offices. Solar PV power
stations are built atop roofs in factories to make energy utilization more efficient and reduce the use of
electricity. All outer walls of the Company’s self-built workshops are insulated to achieve an economical
use of energy. To prevent the waste of timbers and reduce the use of wood resources, the Company
rented all auxiliary wooden materials for the building of new workshops, which would be recycled by
the lessor after use. In the reporting period, the Company opened more than ten shuttle lines for
employee commuting and advocated less use of private cars to help reduce carbon emissions.

II. Building on Achievements of Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization
 Applicable √ N/A

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                                                                         2024 Interim Report

                                                           Section VI Significant Events
I.   Performance of Commitments
(i) Commitments that have been completed by parties concerned such as the actual controllers, shareholders, related parties, and acquirers of the
Company and the Company during the reporting period or were still underway before the end of the reporting period
√ Applicable  N/A

                                                                                                                                                   Any plans, if
                                                                                                                      Strictly     Reasons if
                        Type of                                                           Existence      Term of                                   commitment
   Commitment                               Made by            Content        Date                                    fulfilled   commitment
                      commitment                                                           of term     commitment                                   not timely
                                                                                                                      on time     not fulfilled
                      Dividend        The Company              Note 1     2020.05.21     Yes          Long standing   Yes         N/A             N/A
                      Dividend        Actual controllers       Note 2     2020.05.21     Yes          Long standing   Yes         N/A             N/A
                                      Ge Zhiyong and Li
                      Addressing      Actual controllers       Note 3     2020.05.21     Yes          Long standing   Yes         N/A             N/A
                      horizontal      Ge Zhiyong and Li
                      competition     Wen
                      Addressing      Actual controllers       Note 4     2020.05.21     Yes          Long standing   Yes         N/A             N/A
                      horizontal      Ge Zhiyong and Li
                      competition     Wen
                      Others          Actual controllers       Note 5     2020.05.21     Yes          Long standing   Yes         N/A             N/A
IPO-related                           and directors GE
commitment                            Zhiyong and Li Wen
                      Others          The shareholder          Note 6     2020.05.21     Yes          Long standing   Yes         N/A             N/A
                                      Wuxi Aoli and
                                      parties acting in
                                      concert of actual
                      Others          The Company,             Note 7     2020.05.21     Yes          Long standing   Yes         N/A             N/A
                                      actual controllers,
                                      directors (excluding
                                      directors), and senior
                                                                              44 / 236
                                                                 2024 Interim Report

                      Others    The Company and         Note 8    2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                actual controllers Ge
                                Zhiyong and Li Wen
                      Others    The Company             Note 9    2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                      Others    Actual controllers      Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                Ge Zhiyong and Li       10
                      Others    All directors and       Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                senior management       11
                      Others    The Company             Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                      Others    Actual controllers      Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                Ge Zhiyong and Li       13
                      Others    All directors,          Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                supervisors, and        14
                                senior management
                      Others    The Company             Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                      Others    Actual controllers      Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                Ge Zhiyong and Li       16
                      Others    All directors,          Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                supervisors, and        17
                                senior management
                      Others    All core technical      Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                personnel               18
                      Others    Ren Jun, indirect       Note      2020.05.21     Yes   Long standing   Yes   N/A   N/A
                                shareholder and         19
                                relative of actual
                                controller Li Wen
                      Lock-up   Ge Zhiyong and          Note      2022.8.21      Yes   18 months       Yes   N/A   N/A
Refinancing-related   period    party acting in         20                             from the
commitment                      concert Li Wen,                                        completion of
                                Wuxi Aoli, and                                         the offering
                                                                      45 / 236
                                                                          2024 Interim Report

                                         Wuxi Aochuang
                       Lock-up           Ge Zhiyong, target      Note       2022.8.21      Yes         36 months          Yes         N/A               N/A
                       period            of offering             21                                    from the
                                                                                                       completion of
                                                                                                       the offering
                       Others            Zhang Hong and          Note       2022.8.21      Yes         Long standing      Yes         N/A               N/A
                                         Wang Huaiqian,          22
                                         lenders of
                                         subscription fund
                       Others            Ge Zhiyong, target      Note       2022.8.21      Yes         Long standing      Yes         N/A               N/A
                                         of offering             23
                       Others            Board of Directors      Note       2022.8.21      Yes         Long standing      Yes         N/A               N/A
                                         of the issuer           24
                       Others            The Company’s          Note       2023.8.10      Yes         Long standing      Yes         N/A               N/A
                                         directors, senior       25
                                         management, and
                                         actual controllers
                       Others            Shareholders,           Note       2023.8.10      Yes         Long standing      Yes         N/A               N/A
                                         directors,              26
                                         supervisors, and
                                         senior management
                                         holding over 5%
                                         stake in the
Other commitment       Others            Actual controllers      Note       2024.6.21      Yes         Between June       Yes         N/A               N/A
                                         Ge Zhiyong and Li       27                                    21, 2024 and
                                         Wen                                                           December 31,
     Note 1:
     To protect the interests of small and medium investors, the Company will adhere to the relevant decision-making procedures and distribute profits by strictly
following the policies (including cash dividend policies) specified in the Articles of Association of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. and related regulations.
     Note 2:
     As an actual controller of the Company, I hereby commit to voting on profit distribution decisions at shareholders’ general meetings from the perspective of
protecting the interests of small and medium investors, in accordance with the profit distribution policies (including cash dividend policies) specified in the Articles

                                                                                46 / 236
                                                                          2024 Interim Report

of Association of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. and related regulations. I will also supervise the Company in profit distribution based on relevant rules and
      Note 3:
      In the event that products produced or businesses engaged in by my wholly-owned, controlled, or affiliated enterprises in the future might compete with or
constitute competition against the Company, I hereby commit to taking the following measures to avoid horizontal competition: (1) Cease the production of
products that constitute competition or stop engaging in business activities that constitute competition; (2) Upon the Company’s request, I hereby commit to
transferring all of my investment or equity in the aforementioned enterprises. I also commit to granting the Company the right of first refusal on such investment or
equity and will make every effort to ensure that the price of the relevant transaction is determined based on fair and reasonable terms, and is similar to those in
normal commercial transactions with independent third parties.
      If, in the future, the business opportunities obtained by myself or the enterprises I invest in compete with or may potentially compete with the main business
activities of the Company or its controlled enterprises, I will immediately notify the Company and make every effort to ensure that my invested enterprises prioritize
offering such business opportunities to the Company or its controlled enterprises on open and reasonable terms, to ensure that the interests of the Company and its
shareholders are not jeopardized.
      If any loss is incurred by the Company due to my violation of this Letter of Commitment, I agree to bear all the losses caused to the Company as a result.
      Note 4:
      (1) Except for related-party transactions that have been disclosed in writing to the relevant intermediary agencies, there are no other related-party transactions
between me as well as other enterprises under my control and the Company as well as its controlled enterprises, which, according to laws, regulations, or the
relevant rules of the CSRC or the SSE, shall be disclosed but have not been disclosed.
      (2) I will strive to minimize and regulate related-party transactions with the Company and its controlled enterprises. For related-party transactions that are
necessary and unavoidable, other enterprises under my control and I will, on the basis of equality and voluntariness, sign relevant agreements with the Company or
its controlled enterprises in accordance with the principles of fairness, impartiality, and compensation for equal value. I will follow the transaction decision-making
procedures and fulfill information disclosure obligations. I will not request, nor will I accept, any conditions from the Company or its controlled enterprises that are
more favorable than those offered to third parties in any market transactions.
      (3) I will strictly comply with the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association to avoid appropriating the Company’s funds or requesting the Company to
provide guarantees illegally. I will also urge the Company’s shareholders and directors to exercise their rights as shareholders and directors in accordance with the
law, and to abstain from voting on related-party transactions at shareholders’ general meetings and Board of Directors.
      (4) I hereby commit not to leveraging related-party transactions to transfer or divert profits, and will not leverage my position as the actual controller of the
Company to jeopardize the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and other shareholders through related-party transactions.
      (5) I guarantee that the abovementioned declarations and commitments made during my tenure as the actual controller of the Company are irrevocable. If other
enterprises under my control and I violate these declarations and commitments, I will immediately cease related-party transactions with the Company and take
necessary corrective measures. At the same time, other enterprises under my control and I shall be liable for compensating the Company for all the losses and
consequences resulting from the violation of these commitments.
      Note 5:
      A. I will comply with the lock-up period requirements specified in the Company’s initial public offering (IPO) prospectus and various commitments made by
me, and strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations by not reducing my holdings of the Company’s stock during the lock-up period.

                                                                                47 / 236
                                                                         2024 Interim Report

      B. If I intend to reduce my holdings of the Company’s stock, I will report this to the Company two trading days before the reduction and announce the
reduction plan on the website of the SSE. The reduction will be conducted within six months after the announcement through relevant securities exchanges in block
trades, auction trading, or other methods recognized by the CSRC.
      C. When reducing my holdings of the Company’s stock, I will announce the specific reduction plan in accordance with China’s Securities Law, China’s
measures for the administration of the acquisition of listed companies, provisions on share reduction by shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior management
of listed companies (CSRC Announcement [2017] No. 9), SSE’s implementation rules for share reduction by shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior
management of listed companies on the SSE (Shang Zhen Fa [2017] No. 24), SSE’s stock listing rules for the SSE STAR Market (Shang Zhen Fa [2019] No. 22),
and other relevant laws, regulations, and normative documents, and ensure that the reduction complies with the regulations of the CSRC and the SSE regarding
reduction methods, reduction ratio, reduction price, and information disclosure.
      D. If I do not fulfill the above commitments, the proceeds from the reduction of the Company’s shares will belong to the Company.
      E. If the CSRC or the SSE issues new regulations or different opinions regarding the reduction of shareholders’ shares, I agree to revise and implement the
reduction-related commitments according to the new regulations or opinions issued by the CSRC or the SSE.
      Note 6:
      A. I will comply with the lock-up period requirements specified in the Company’s IPO prospectus and various commitments made by me, and strictly adhere to
relevant laws and regulations by not reducing my holdings of the Company’s stock during the lock-up period.
      B. If I intend to reduce my holdings of the Company’s stock, I will report this to the Company two trading days before the reduction and announce the
reduction plan on the website of the SSE. The reduction will be conducted within six months after the announcement through relevant securities exchanges in block
trades, auction trading, or other methods recognized by the CSRC.
      C. When reducing my holdings of the Company’s stock, this Company will announce the specific reduction plan in accordance with China’s Securities Law,
China’s measures for the administration of the acquisition of listed companies, provisions on share reduction by shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior
management of listed companies (CSRC Announcement [2017] No. 9), SSE’s implementation rules for share reduction by shareholders, directors, supervisors, and
senior management of listed companies on the SSE (Shang Zhen Fa [2017] No. 24), SSE’s stock listing rules for the SSE STAR Market (Shang Zhen Fa [2019] No.
22), and other relevant laws, regulations, and normative documents, and ensure that the reduction complies with the regulations of the CSRC and the SSE regarding
reduction methods, reduction ratio, reduction price, and information disclosure.
      D. If this Company does not fulfill the above commitments, the proceeds from the reduction of the Company’s shares will belong to the Company.
      E. If the CSRC or the SSE issues new regulations or different opinions regarding the reduction of shareholder shares, this Company agrees to revise and
implement the reduction-related commitments according to the new regulations or opinions issued by the CSRC or the SSE.
      Note 7:
      When the conditions for stabilizing the Company’s stock price are met, if the Company, actual controllers, directors (excluding independent directors), and
senior management do not take specific measures to stabilize the stock price, they agree to the following restrictive measures:
      (1) The Company, actual controllers, directors, and senior management will publicly explain the specific reasons for not taking the above-mentioned measures
to stabilize the stock price at the Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and on the disclosure media designated by the SSE or the CSRC, and apologize to the
Company’s shareholders and public investors.
      (2) The actual controllers of the Company commit that if the conditions for stabilizing the stock price are met and the actual controllers do not take the
above-mentioned measures, the Company has the right to withhold or deduct dividends payable to the actual controllers to fulfill the commitment of increasing

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holdings, with the deducted amount not exceeding the upper limit of the committed increase. At the same time, the actual controllers’ shares in the Company cannot
be transferred until the corresponding stock price stabilization measures are taken and completed according to the plan.
      (3) Directors (excluding independent directors) and senior management commit that if the conditions for stabilizing the stock price are met and they do not take
the specific measures, the Company has the right to deduct their salaries or allowances to fulfill the commitment of increasing holdings, with the deducted amount
not exceeding the upper limit of the committed increase. At the same time, their shares in the Company cannot be transferred until the corresponding stock price
stabilization measures are taken and completed according to the plan.
      (4) If the listing rules or other securities regulations regarding the minimum holding ratio for public shareholders prevent the Company, actual controllers,
directors (excluding independent directors), or senior management from fulfilling their stock price stabilization obligations within a certain period, the relevant
responsible parties may be exempt from the above restrictive measures, but they should proactively take other reasonable and feasible measures to stabilize the stock
      Note 8:
      The Company’s IPO and listing on the SSE STAR Market do not involve any fraudulent circumstances.
      If the Company fails to meet the issuance and listing conditions and fraudulently obtained the issuance approval and has already been listed, the Company will
initiate a share repurchase procedure within five working days after the CSRC or other competent authorities confirm the fraudulent issuance, so as to repurchase all
the newly issued shares.
      Note 9:
      To ensure effective use and prevent dilution of immediate returns while improving future returns, the issuer commits to the following measures:
      (1) Strengthening the management of raised funds and accelerating the implementation of funded projects
      The Company will follow internal rules and relevant laws and regulations to standardize the use and management of raised funds, ensure that the funds are used
specifically for their intended purposes, promptly deposit the raised funds into designated accounts, and strictly use the funds to ensure they are fully and effectively
utilized as originally intended. The projects funded by the raised proceeds will focus on the Company’s main business, which will help enhance profitability. After
the funds are in place, the Company will accelerate the construction of the funded projects to realize the expected benefits as soon as possible.
      (2) Enhancing the Company’s R&D capabilities and improving product competitiveness
      R&D innovation represents the core competitiveness of the Company. The Company will leverage the raised funds to further improve its R&D capabilities, and
enhance product performance and competitiveness. The Company will continue to innovate its products based on market demands and improve production
processes and technologies to reduce production costs through continuous technological innovation, thus enhancing overall technical capabilities and operational
efficiency on the back of stronger R&D.
      (3) Enhancing market expansion capabilities and increasing market share
      The Company is leading the industry with its strong competitive advantages in product R&D, technologies, branding, and customer resources. The Company
will strengthen brand building for its products and services, further improve its market expansion capabilities, and increase customer recognition of its products and
services. While cementing cooperation with existing customers, the Company will continuously expand new customers to further increase its market share.
      (4) Improving the Company’s dividend distribution policy and enhancing investor returns and protection
      The Company will further improve its dividend distribution policy and make institutional arrangements in documents such as the Articles of Association (Draft)
applicable after going public to specify the conditions, ratio, and form of dividend distribution, thus establishing a well-conceived, sustainable, and stable
shareholder return mechanism to ensure the timeliness and continuity of shareholder returns and protect investor interests.

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      Note 10:
      (1) I hereby commit not to overstepping my authority in the Company’s management activities and will not infringe on the Company’s interests.
      (2) I hereby commit to faithfully fulfilling the Company’s dilution mitigation measures and my associated commitments. If I violate these commitments or
refuse to fulfill them, I will publicly explain and apologize at the shareholders’ general meeting of the Company and in the newspaper designated by the SSE or the
CSRC. If this causes losses to the Company or shareholders, I will bear the legal responsibility for compensating the Company or shareholders.
      Note 11:
      (1) I hereby commit not to transferring benefits to other units or individuals gratuitously or under unfair conditions, nor jeopardizing the Company’s interests
by other means.
      (2) I will fully support and cooperate with the Company’s efforts to regulate the consumption behaviors of directors and senior management. Any of my
work-related consumption will take place within the necessary scope of fulfilling my responsibilities to the Company. I will adhere to the Company’s supervision
and management to avoid waste or excessive spending.
      (3) I will strictly adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and requirements from the CSRC and the SSE as well as the regulations on the conduct of directors and
the senior management of the Company. I will not use company assets for investments or consumption activities unrelated to my duties.
      (4) I will diligently ensure that the compensation system formulated by the Board of Directors or the Compensation Committee is linked to the Company’s
performance measures, and will vote in favor of the compensation system proposal when it is reviewed by the Board of Directors and shareholders’ general meeting.
      (5) If the Company would provide equity incentives for its employees in the future, I will fully support the coupling of the exercise conditions of such
incentives with the implementation of the Company’s compensation measures, and will vote in favor of the employee equity incentive proposal when reviewed by
the Board of Directors or shareholders’ general meeting (if I have voting rights).
      (6) If I violate the above commitments, I will publicly explain and apologize at the shareholders’ general meeting of the Company and in the newspaper
designated by the SSE or the CSRC. I voluntarily accept self-disciplinary measures imposed by the SSE and the industrial associations governing listed companies.
If my violation causes losses to the Company or shareholders, I will bear the legal responsibility for compensation.
      Note 12:
      The Company’s IPO prospectus and other disclosure materials for listing on the SSE STAR Market do not contain false records, misleading statements, or
major omissions. The Company assumes both individual and joint legal responsibility for their truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness.
      If the IPO prospectus and other disclosure materials contain false records, misleading statements, or major omissions that cause investors to suffer losses in
securities trading of the Company’s stock, the Company will compensate the investors for their losses according to the law. The specific measures are: after CSRC
issues a formal administrative penalty decision and confirms the Company’s violation of the above regulations, the Company will register public investors who
make claims and will promptly pay compensation after verifying their qualifications and amount of loss.
      If the Shanghai Stock Exchange, securities regulatory authorities, or other competent authorities determine that the IPO prospectus and other disclosure
materials contain false records, misleading statements, or major omissions, and such circumstances significantly and substantially affect the determination of
whether the Company meets the conditions for the IPO and listing as prescribed by laws, regulations, and normative documents, the Company commits to
repurchasing all newly issued shares from the Company’s IPO in accordance with the law through the following measures:
      (1) Under legally permitted circumstances, if the above situations occur during the period between the completion of the issuance of the Company’s new shares
in its initial public offering and their listing for trading, and are confirmed by the SSE, CSRC, or other competent authorities, the Company will, within 30 working

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days from the date of such confirmation, repurchase all newly issued shares of the IPO from online and offline investors at the issue price plus interest at bank
deposit rates for the same period.
     (2) Under legally permitted circumstances, if the above situations occur after the newly issued shares have been listed for trading, and are confirmed by the
SSE, CSRC, or other competent authorities, the Company will, within five working days from the date of such confirmation, formulate a share repurchase plan and
submit it for approval at the shareholders’ general meeting. The repurchase will be implemented through the SSE trading system at a price based on the issue price
and adjusted according to relevant market factors. Any dividend distributions, bonus shares, capitalized capital reserves, or similar adjustments after the listing will
be reflected in the issue price.
     When implementing the share repurchase, if there are other legal, regulatory, or normative provisions, those provisions shall prevail.
     Note 13:
     The prospectus and other disclosure materials related to the IPO and listing of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. on the SSE STAR Market do not contain
any false records, misleading statements, or major omissions. I assume corresponding legal responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the
content in the prospectus and other disclosure materials.
     If the SSE, CSRC, or other competent departments determine that the IPO prospectus and other disclosure materials contain false records, misleading
statements, or major omissions, and such circumstances significantly and substantially affect the determination of whether the Company meets the conditions for the
IPO and listing as prescribed by laws, I hereby commit to making every effort to ensure the Company repurchases all its newly issued shares in accordance with the
     If the IPO prospectus and other disclosure materials contain false records, misleading statements, or major omissions that cause investors to suffer losses in
securities trading of the Company's stock, I will compensate the investors for their losses according to the law.
     Note 14:
     The prospectus and other disclosure materials related to the IPO and listing of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. on the SSE STAR Market do not contain
any false records, misleading statements, or major omissions. I assume corresponding legal responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the
content in the prospectus and other disclosure materials.
     If the Shanghai Stock Exchange, CSRC, or other competent departments determine that the IPO prospectus and other disclosure materials contain false records,
misleading statements, or major omissions, and such circumstances significantly and substantially affect the determination of whether the Company meets the
conditions for the IPO and listing as prescribed by laws, I hereby commit to making every effort to ensure the Company repurchases all its newly issued shares in
accordance with the law.
     If the IPO prospectus and other disclosure materials contain false records, misleading statements, or major omissions that cause investors to suffer losses in
securities trading of the Company’s stock, I will compensate the investors for their losses according to the law.
     Note 15:
     In the third extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting in 2019, the Company passed a resolution on the proposal for the Company to issue related letters of
commitment and propose corresponding restrictive measures in relation to its initial public offering of ordinary shares (A-shares) and listing on the SSE STAR
Market. To fully protect the interests of the Company’s shareholders, if the Company fails to fulfill, is unable to fulfill, or is unable to fulfill on time the
commitments it made (except for situations caused by uncontrollable objective reasons such as changes in relevant laws, regulations, policies, natural disasters, and
other force majeure events), the Company voluntarily assumes the corresponding legal consequences and civil compensation responsibilities. The Company makes
the following commitments regarding the restrictive measures for not fulfilling the commitments made during the listing process:

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      (1) The Company will strictly fulfill all obligations and responsibilities related to the public commitments made during the IPO and listing on the SSE STAR
      (2) The Company will promptly and fully disclose the specific reasons for any failure to fulfill, inability to fulfill, or delay in fulfilling the commitments.
      (3) If the Company fails to fulfill its obligations or responsibilities in the commitments, the Company will publicly explain and apologize to shareholders and
public investors in shareholders’ general meetings and in newspapers designated by the CSRC. The Company will disclose the reasons for the failure to fulfill the
commitments, propose supplementary or alternative commitments, and assume relevant legal responsibilities, including compensation amount. Shareholders and
public investors have the right to request through legal means that the Company fulfill its commitments.
      (4) The Company shall not increase the salaries or allowances of directors, supervisors, and senior management in any form until all adverse effects of the
unfulfilled commitments have been completely eliminated.
      Note 16:
      I will strictly fulfill all obligations and responsibilities related to all the public commitments made during the initial public offering of shares and listing of
Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) on the SSE STAR Market.
      If I fail to fully and effectively fulfill the obligations or responsibilities related to the aforementioned commitments due to reasons other than force majeure, I
hereby commit to taking the following measures depending on the specific circumstances:
      (1) I will publicly explain the reasons for failing to fully and effectively fulfill the commitments and apologize to shareholders and public investors at the
      Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and in media designated by the SSE or the CSRC.
      (2) I will compensate public investors with my own capital for direct losses incurred due to reliance on the commitments for trading. The compensation amount
will be determined through negotiation with the investors or as decided by securities regulatory authorities or judicial bodies.
      (3) The lock-up period for shares I hold directly or indirectly in the Company will be automatically extended until all adverse effects resulting from my failure
to fulfill the relevant commitments are completely eliminated, except in cases of mandatory transfer due to enforcement, corporate restructuring, or commitments to
protect investor interests.
      (4) I will not receive any dividends or bonus shares distributed by the Company, directly or indirectly, until all adverse effects resulting from my failure to
fulfill the relevant commitments are completely eliminated.
      (5) Any gains obtained by me due to failure to fully and effectively fulfill the commitments will belong to the Company. I shall pay such gains to the
Company’s designated account within five working days from the date of receipt.
      If I fail to fully and effectively fulfill the public commitments due to force majeure, after the force majeure event ceases to exist, I will publicly explain the
specific circumstances of the force majeure event that caused the failure to fulfill the commitments and apologize to the Company’s shareholders and public
investors at the Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and in media designated by the SSE or the CSRC. Additionally, I will promptly seek solutions to
minimize investor losses and protect the interests of the Company and its investors. I will also clarify whether the original commitments will continue after the force
majeure ceases to exist. If not, I will propose new commitments based on the actual situation.
      Note 17:
      I will strictly fulfill all obligations and responsibilities related to all the public commitments made during the initial public offering of shares and listing of
Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) on the SSE STAR Market.
      If I fail to fully and effectively fulfill the obligations or responsibilities related to the aforementioned commitments due to reasons other than force majeure, I
hereby commit to taking the following measures depending on the specific circumstances:

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      (1) I will publicly explain the reasons for failing to fully and effectively fulfill the commitments and apologize to shareholders and public investors at the
Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and in media designated by the SSE or the CSRC.
      (2) I will compensate public investors with my own capital for direct losses incurred due to reliance on the commitments for trading. The compensation amount
will be determined through negotiation with the investors or as decided by securities regulatory authorities or judicial bodies.
      (3) The lock-up period for shares I hold directly or indirectly in the Company will be automatically extended until all adverse effects resulting from my failure
to fulfill the relevant commitments are completely eliminated, except in cases of mandatory transfer due to enforcement, corporate restructuring, or commitments to
protect investor interests.
      (4) I will not receive any dividends or bonus shares distributed by the Company, directly or indirectly, until all adverse effects resulting from my failure to
fulfill the relevant commitments are completely eliminated.
      (5) Any gains obtained by me due to failure to fully and effectively fulfill the commitments will belong to the Company. I shall pay such gains to the
Company's designated account within five working days from the date of receipt.
      If I fail to fully and effectively fulfill the public commitments due to force majeure, after the force majeure event ceases to exist, I will publicly explain the
specific circumstances of the force majeure event that caused the failure to fulfill the commitments and apologize to the Company’s shareholders and public
investors at the Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and in media designated by the SSE or the CSRC. Additionally, I will promptly seek solutions to
minimize investor losses and protect the interests of the Company and its investors. I will also clarify whether the original commitments will continue after the force
majeure ceases to exist. If not, I will propose new commitments based on the actual situation.
      Note 18:
      I will strictly fulfill all obligations and responsibilities related to all the public commitments made during the initial public offering of shares and listing of
Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) on the SSE STAR Market.
      If I fail to fully and effectively fulfill the obligations or responsibilities related to the aforementioned commitments due to reasons other than force majeure, I
hereby commit to taking the following measures depending on the specific circumstances:
      (1) I will publicly explain the reasons for failing to fully and effectively fulfill the commitments and apologize to shareholders and public investors at the
      Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and in media designated by the SSE or the CSRC.
      (2) I will compensate public investors with my own capital for direct losses incurred due to reliance on the commitments for trading. The compensation amount
will be determined through negotiation with the investors or as decided by securities regulatory authorities or judicial bodies.
      (3) The lock-up period for shares I hold directly or indirectly in the Company will be automatically extended until all adverse effects resulting from my failure
to fulfill the relevant commitments are completely eliminated, except in cases of mandatory transfer due to enforcement, corporate restructuring, or commitments to
protect investor interests.
      (4) I will not receive any dividends or bonus shares distributed by the Company, directly or indirectly, until all adverse effects resulting from my failure to
fulfill the relevant commitments are completely eliminated.
      (5) Any gains obtained by me due to failure to fully and effectively fulfill the commitments will belong to the Company. I shall pay such gains to the
Company's designated account within five working days from the date of receipt.
      If I fail to fully and effectively fulfill the public commitments due to force majeure, after the force majeure event ceases to exist, I will publicly explain the
specific circumstances of the force majeure event that caused the failure to fulfill the commitments and apologize to the Company’s shareholders and public
investors at the Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and in media designated by the SSE or the CSRC. Additionally, I will promptly seek solutions to

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minimize investor losses and protect the interests of the Company and its investors. I will also clarify whether the original commitments will continue after the force
majeure ceases to exist. If not, I will propose new commitments based on the actual situation.
      Note 19:
      I will strictly fulfill all obligations and responsibilities related to all the public commitments made during the initial public offering of shares and listing of
Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) on the SSE STAR Market.
      If I fail to fully and effectively fulfill the obligations or responsibilities related to the aforementioned commitments due to reasons other than force majeure, I
hereby commit to taking the following measures depending on the specific circumstances:
      (1) I will publicly explain the reasons for failing to fully and effectively fulfill the commitments and apologize to shareholders and public investors at the
      Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and in media designated by the SSE or the CSRC.
      (2) I will compensate public investors with my own capital for direct losses incurred due to reliance on the commitments for trading. The compensation amount
will be determined through negotiation with the investors or as decided by securities regulatory authorities or judicial bodies.
      (3) The lock-up period for shares I hold directly or indirectly in the Company will be automatically extended until all adverse effects resulting from my failure
to fulfill the relevant commitments are completely eliminated, except in cases of mandatory transfer due to enforcement, corporate restructuring, or commitments to
protect investor interests.
      (4) I will not receive any dividends or bonus shares distributed by the Company, directly or indirectly, until all adverse effects resulting from my failure to
fulfill the relevant commitments are completely eliminated.
      (5) Any gains obtained by me due to failure to fully and effectively fulfill the commitments will belong to the Company. I shall pay such gains to the
Company's designated account within five working days from the date of receipt.
      If I fail to fully and effectively fulfill the public commitments due to force majeure, after the force majeure event ceases to exist, I will publicly explain the
specific circumstances of the force majeure event that caused the failure to fulfill the commitments and apologize to the Company’s shareholders and public
investors at the Company’s shareholders’ general meeting and in media designated by the SSE or the CSRC. Additionally, I will promptly seek solutions to
minimize investor losses and protect the interests of the Company and its investors. I will also clarify whether the original commitments will continue after the force
majeure ceases to exist. If not, I will propose new commitments based on the actual situation.
      Note 20:
      Ge Zhiyong and his concerted parties, Li Wen, Wuxi Aoli, and Wuxi Aochuang, commit not to transferring their shares held before this issuance for a period of
18 months starting from the end of the issuance.
      Note 21:
      The shares subscribed through this issuance shall not be transferred for a period of thirty-six months from the end of the issuance. Shares acquired by Ge
Zhiyong from this issuance due to stock dividends, capitalized capital reserves, or other similar methods must also comply with the above lock-up arrangement.
      Ge Zhiyong agrees to a lock-up commitment for the shares subscribed through this issuance in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, the CSRC, the SSE,
and the company’s requirements, and handles the relevant share lock-up matters. If laws and regulations specify a different lock-up period, those provisions shall
apply. Transfers after the lock-up period will be subject to the relevant regulations of the CSRC and SSE.
      Note 22:
      I am aware that the funds being lent are for Ge Zhiyong to subscribe for the shares issued by ATW. This lending of funds indeed constitutes a loan, and I will
adhere to the terms and interest rate specified in the Loan Cooperation Agreement of Intent, Supplementary Agreement to the Loan Cooperation Agreement of Intent,

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and Supplementary Agreement to the Loan Cooperation Agreement of Intent (II), which state a term of 24 months, and that one month before the term expires, Ge
Zhiyong may request in writing to extend the term by six months under the same conditions before the original term expires, and with my consent, an additional
six-month extension may be granted. The interest rate is 9% per annum (simple interest). I do not have any arrangements for entrusted shareholding or other
interests with the borrower Ge Zhiyong, and the related parties under his control. I am willing to accept relevant regulatory inspections regarding the above
commitments. If these commitments are violated, any related benefits from the violations will belong to ATW.
     Note 23:
     The funds lent indeed constitute a loan. Neither I nor the related parties under my control have any arrangements for entrusted shareholding, compensation,
promised returns, or other interests with the lender. I am willing to accept relevant regulatory inspections regarding the above commitments. If these commitments
are violated, any related benefits from the violations will belong to the listed company.
     Note 24:
     1. Specific measures for filling the gap in returns
    To protect the interests of investors, reduce the risk of immediate return dilution, and enhance shareholders’ returns, the Company plans to take various
measures to address the gap. However, the Company emphasizes that the measures outlined do not guarantee future profits.
     (1) Strengthen management to ensure proper and effective use of the funds raised
      According to China’s Company Law, Securities Law, the regulations on the management and use of funds raised by listed companies laid out by CSRC, SSE’s
stock listing rules for the SSE STAR Market (Shang Zhen Fa [2019] No. 22), and other relevant laws and regulations, the Company has established a reality-based
fund management system. This system outlines clear regulations on dedicated account management, including its usage and purpose changes, as well as the
supervision of raised funds. After the funds raised from this issuance are put in place, the Company’s Board of Directors will continuously supervise the dedicated
management of these funds, ensure their use for designated investment projects, conduct regular internal audits, and cooperate with regulators, banks, and sponsors
for inspections and supervision to ensure proper and compliant use.
     (2) Enhance business management and improve operational efficiency
      After the funds from this issuance are in place, the Company will continue to improve internal operational management, optimize business processes and
internal controls, reduce operational costs, and enhance asset utilization efficiency. Additionally, the Company will advance its talent development system, optimize
incentive mechanisms, and work to improve the motivation and creativity of all employees. These measures aim to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and
boost overall business performance.
     (3) Further refine profit distribution policies to optimize investor returns
      The Company will improve its profit distribution system in accordance with the CSRC’s regulations and guidelines on cash dividends of listed companies.
This will strengthen the investor return mechanism to ensure the protection of shareholders’ interests, especially minority shareholders. The Company has developed
an effective mechanism represented by its Three-Year Plan for Shareholder Dividend Policies of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd., 2021 – 2023. The plan
emphasizes reasonable returns to investors and maintains the stability and continuity of profit distribution policies. After issuing shares to specific investors, the
Company will strictly adhere to relevant laws and the shareholder return plan to protect investors’ interests.

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     2.   Commitments to mitigate immediate return dilution from share issuance to specific investors
     (1) Commitments from the Company’s directors and senior management
      A. I hereby commit not to transferring benefits to other units or individuals gratuitously or under unfair conditions, nor jeopardizing the Company’s interests
by other means.
     B. I will impose restrictions on the official spending behaviors of directors, including myself, and the senior management.
      C. I will strictly adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and requirements from the CSRC and the SSE as well as the regulations on the conduct of directors and
the senior management of the Company. I will not use company assets for investments or consumption activities unrelated to my duties.
     D. I will diligently ensure that the compensation system formulated by the Board of Directors or the Compensation and Evaluation Committee is linked to the
implementation of the Company’s dilution mitigation measures, and will vote in favor of such compensation proposals at the Board of Directors and shareholders’
general meeting.
     E. If the Company would provide equity incentives for its employees in the future, I will fully support the coupling of the exercise conditions of such incentives
with the implementation of the Company’s compensation measures, and will vote in favor of the employee equity incentive proposal when reviewed by the Board of
Directors or shareholders’ general meeting (if I have voting rights).
     F. If I violate the above commitments, I will publicly explain and apologize at the shareholders’ general meeting of the Company and in the newspaper
designated by the SSE or the CSRC. I voluntarily accept self-disciplinary measures imposed by the SSE and the industrial associations governing listed companies.
If my violation causes losses to the Company or shareholders, I will bear the legal responsibility for compensation.
     (2) Commitments from the Company’s actual controllers
     A. I hereby commit not to interfering with the Company’s management activities beyond my authority and not to encroaching upon the Company’s interests.
      B. I hereby commit to faithfully fulfilling the Company’s dilution mitigation measures and my associated commitments. If I violate these commitments or
refuse to fulfill them, I will publicly explain and apologize at the shareholders’ general meeting of the Company and in the newspaper designated by the SSE or the
CSRC. If this causes losses to the Company or shareholders, I will bear the legal responsibility for compensating the Company or shareholders.
     Note 25:
     (1) Commitments from the Company’s directors and senior management
      A. I hereby commit not to transferring benefits to other units or individuals gratuitously or under unfair conditions, nor jeopardizing the Company’s interests
by other means.
     B. I will impose restrictions on the official spending behaviors of directors, including myself, and the senior management.
      C. I will strictly adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and requirements from the CSRC and the SSE as well as the regulations on the conduct of directors and
the senior management of the Company. I will not use company assets for investments or consumption activities unrelated to my duties.
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     D. I will diligently ensure that the compensation system formulated by the Board of Directors or the Compensation and Evaluation Committee is linked to the
implementation of the Company’s dilution mitigation measures, and will vote in favor of such compensation proposals at the Board of Directors and shareholders’
general meeting.
     E. If the Company would provide equity incentives for its employees in the future, I will fully support the coupling of the exercise conditions of such
incentives with the implementation of the Company’s compensation measures, and will vote in favor of the employee equity incentive proposal when reviewed by
the Board of Directors or shareholders’ general meeting (if I have voting rights).
     F. If I violate the above commitments, I will publicly explain and apologize at the shareholders’ general meeting of the Company and in the newspaper
designated by the SSE or the CSRC. I voluntarily accept self-disciplinary measures imposed by the SSE and the industrial associations governing listed companies.
If my violation causes losses to the Company or shareholders, I will bear the legal responsibility for compensation.
     (2) Commitments from the Company’s actual controllers
     A. I hereby commit not to interfering with the Company’s management activities beyond my authority and not to encroaching upon the Company’s interests.
      B. I hereby commit to faithfully fulfilling the Company’s dilution mitigation measures and my associated commitments. If I violate these commitments or
refuse to fulfill them, I will publicly explain and apologize at the shareholders’ general meeting of the Company and in the newspaper designated by the SSE or the
CSRC. If this causes losses to the Company or shareholders, I will bear the legal responsibility for compensating the Company or shareholders.
       Note 26:

      ① I will decide whether to participate in the subscription of the Company's convertible bonds (CBs) based on relevant regulations such as China’s Securities
     (1) Commitments from shareholders holding more than 5% stake, directors (excluding independent directors), supervisors, and senior management

Law and the CSRC’s Administrative Measures for Convertible Corporate Bonds, as well as the market conditions at the time of issuance. I will strictly fulfill the

     ② If the interval between the date of the issuance of the Company’s convertible bond and the last date on which I, my spouse, parents, or children reduced our
corresponding information disclosure obligations.

holdings in the Company’s stock is less than six months (inclusive), neither I nor my spouse, parents, or children will participate in the subscription of the

      ③ If I, my spouse, parents, or children participate in the Company’s convertible bond issuance, we will not reduce our holdings in the Company’s stock or the
Company’s convertible bonds.

      ④ I will strictly adhere to the relevant regulations of China’s Securities Law regarding the trading of listed company stocks and convertible bonds, and will
issued convertible bonds in any way within six months from the completion of the subscription.

not engage in any behavior that violates Article 44 of the Securities Law, including trading through auction trading, block trading, or negotiated transfer, nor will I
engage in direct or indirect short-term trading or other illegal activities.

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      ⑤ I voluntarily make the above commitments and agree to be bound by this Letter of Commitment. If I, my spouse, parents, or children violate these
commitments by reducing holdings of the Company’s stock or convertible bonds, all gains from such reductions will belong to the Company, and I will bear the
legal responsibilities arising from this according to the law.

     ① I hereby commit that neither I, my spouse, parents, nor children will participate in the subscription of the Company’s convertible bonds issued to
    (2) Commitments from independent directors

      ② I guarantee that my spouse, parents, and children will strictly comply with the regulations on short-term trading and will bear the legal responsibilities
unspecified parties, nor will we entrust others to participate in the subscription.

     ③ If I violate the above commitments, I will bear the legal responsibilities arising from this according to the law.
arising from this.

     Note 27:
     From June 21, 2024, to December 31, 2024, the Company’s actual controllers, Mr. Ge Zhiyong and Mr. Li Wen, will not reduce their directly held shares in
any form. During this commitment period, if there are any circumstances that result in the issuance of additional shares due to capitalized capital reserves, stock
dividends, or rights issues, this non-reduction commitment will also apply. If the aforementioned parties violate this commitment, all gains obtained from the
reduction of shares will belong to the Company.

II. Appropriation of Funds for Non-operating Purposes by Controlling Shareholders and Other Related Parties
 Applicable √ N/A

III. Illegal External Guarantees
 Applicable √ N/A

                                                                                58 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

IV. Audit of Interim Reports
 Applicable √ N/A

V. Changes and Handling of Issues Related to Non-standard Audit Opinions in the Annual Report
 Applicable √ N/A

VI. Bankruptcy and Reorganization
 Applicable √ N/A

VII. Material Legal Proceedings and Arbitrations
 The Company was involved in material legal proceedings or arbitrations during the reporting period.
√ The Company was not involved in any material proceedings or arbitrations during the reporting

VIII. Alleged Violations, Penalties, And Rectification Measures Involving the Listed Company, Its
Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management, Controlling Shareholders, and Actual Controllers
□ Applicable √ N/A

IX. Integrity of the Company, Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller in the Reporting
□ Applicable √ N/A

X. Significant Related Party Transactions
(i) Related party transactions in daily operations
1. Matters disclosed in interim announcements that have not shown any progress or changes
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Matters disclosed in interim announcements that have had subsequent progress or changes in
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Matters not disclosed in interim announcements
□ Applicable √ N/A

(ii) Related party transactions regarding the acquisition or sales of assets or equity
1. Matters disclosed in interim announcements that have not shown any progress or changes
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Matters disclosed in interim announcements that have had subsequent progress or changes in
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Matters not disclosed in interim announcements
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. For matters involving performance commitments, the achievement of performance during the
reporting period should be disclosed
□ Applicable √ N/A

(iii) Related party transactions arising from joint investments in external parties
1. Matters disclosed in interim announcements that have not shown any progress or changes
□ Applicable √ N/A
                                               59 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

2. Matters disclosed in interim announcements that have had subsequent progress or changes in
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Matters not disclosed in interim announcements
□ Applicable √ N/A

(iv) Related creditor’s rights and debts
1. Matters disclosed in interim announcements that have not shown any progress or changes
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Matters disclosed in interim announcements that have had subsequent progress or changes in
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Matters not disclosed in interim announcements
□ Applicable √ N/A

(v) Financial transactions between the Company and related financial companies, as well as
between the financial companies under the Company’s control and their related parties
□ Applicable √ N/A

(vi) Other significant related party transactions
□ Applicable √ N/A

(vii) Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

XI. Major Contracts and Fulfillment
(i) Trusteeship, contracting and leasing
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                60 / 236
                                                                                                      2024 Interim Report

               (ii) Major guarantees performed and ongoing during the reporting period

               √ Applicable  N/A
                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                             External guarantees by the Company (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries)
               Relationship                                                                                                                                                                              Guarantee
                                                                     Contractual                                              Major     Collateral (if   Completion                Overdue    Counter
 Guarantor      with listed     Guaranteed party     Amount                          Start date     End date      Type                                                Overdue                            for related Relationship
                                                                        date                                                  debts      applicable)       status                  amount    guarantee
                company                                                                                                                                                                                     party

Total guarantee amount during the reporting period (excluding those for subsidiaries)
Balance of guarantee amount at the period end (A) (excluding those for subsidiaries)

                                                                             Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries for subsidiaries

                    Relationship                                 Relationship
                    between the                                  between the
                                                                                                   Contractual                                                        Completion                   Overdue        Existence of
  Guarantor        guarantor and        Guaranteed party       guaranteed party      Amount                            Start date        End date          Type                      Overdue
                                                                                                      date                                                              status                     amount       counter guarantee
                  listed company                                  and listed

                                     Songci                    Controlled                                                                      Joint
                                                                                                                                      September 17,
The Company      Headquarters                                                            404.58 April 4, 2023     April 4, 2023                                       No            No                       - Yes
                                     Electromechanical         subsidiary                                                             2024     liability
The Company                                                    Controlled                                                                      Joint
                 Headquarters       Xurui Technology                                     296.19 July 17, 2023     July 17, 2023 March 19, 2025                        No            No                       - Yes
                                                               subsidiary                                                                      liability
The Company                                                    Controlled                       December 19,      December      November 16, Joint
                 Headquarters       Coshin Technology                                      2.82                                                                       No            No                       - Yes
                                                               subsidiary                       2023              19, 2023      2024           liability
The Company                         Autowell Intelligent       Controlled                       November 15,      November      September 26, Joint
                 Headquarters                                                             18.49                                                                       No            No                       - No
                                    Equipment                  subsidiary                       2023              15, 2023      2024           liability
Total guarantee amount for subsidiaries during the reporting period                                                                                                    586.19
Balance of guarantee amount for subsidiaries at the period end (B)                                                                                                     722.08
                                                                            Total guarantees provided by the Company (including those for subsidiaries)
Total guarantee amount (A+B)
Total guarantee amount as a percentage of the Company’s net assets (%)                                                                                                                                                     17.34

                                                                                                            61 / 236
                                                                                                       2024 Interim Report

Of which:
Amount of guarantees provided for shareholders, actual controllers, and their related parties (C)
Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly for entities with a liability-to-asset ratio over 70%                                                                      722.08
Portion of the total guarantee amount in excess of 50% of net assets (E)                                                                                                                 0

Total amount of the three kinds of guarantees above (C+D+E)                                                                                                                          722.08

Joint responsibilities possibly borne for undue guarantees
Explanation of guarantees

               (iii) Other significant contracts
               √ Applicable □ N/A
               1. The Company has signed a contract with Trina Solar Co., Ltd. for the supply of PV cell soldering stringer. Additionally, the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary,
               Wuxi Autowell Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., has signed a contract with Trina Solar’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Trina Solar US Manufacturing Module 1,
               LLC, for the same stringer. As of the date of this report, the products are being delivered gradually (the Company publicly disclosed the important contract on
               January 4, 2024).
               2. The Company has signed a procurement contract for PV cell soldering stringer and other equipment with a leading photovoltaic enterprise. As of the date of this
               report, the products have been delivered and are pending acceptance (the Company publicly disclosed the important contract on January 18, 2024).
               3. The Company and its controlled subsidiary, Xurui Technology, have signed a contract with LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. for the supply of PV cell
               soldering stringer and BC adhesive printing machine. As of the date of this report, the products are being delivered gradually (the Company publicly disclosed the
               bid-winning on February 23, 2024).

                                                                                                             62 / 236
                                                                                           2024 Interim Report

         XII. Progress Report on the Use of Raised Funds
         √ Applicable  N/A
         (i) Overall use of raised funds
         √ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                                        Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB

                                                                                                          Of which:                      Progress of
                                                              Promised                    Amount of                      Progress of                                                           t of
                                               Net amount                                                Amount of                       excessively
                                                             investment     Excessive    raised funds                   raised funds                                             Annual       raised
                  Time for                         after                                                 excessively                    raised funds
  Source of                         Total                     amount in      amount       invested as                    invested as                      Annual               investment     funds
                  receipt of                    deduction                                               raised funds                     invested as
 raised funds                      amount                        the        raised (3)       of the                     of the period                   investment             (%)(9)=(8)/    with a
                    funds                      of issuance                                               invested as                    of the period
                                                             prospectus     = (1)- (2)    period end                    end (%) (6)=                                               (1)       change
                                                 fees (1)                                               of the period                   end (%) (7)=
                                                                 (2)                          (4)                           (4)/(1)                                                              d
                                                                                                           end (5)                          (5)/(3)

issuance to       August 22,
                                     530.00        524.47        524.47              -         285.95               -        54.52%                 -        20.46                  3.90%           -
specific              2022
Issuance of
                  August 16,
convertible                        1,140.00       1,132.91     1,132.91              -         212.37               -        18.75%                 -       161.79                 14.28%           -
     Total                     /   1,670.00       1,657.38     1,657.38                        498.32                               /               /       182.25                       /

         (ii) Details of projects funded by raised funds
         √ Applicable □ N/A
         1. Detailed breakdown of the use of raised funds
         √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                                                                         Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
 Source                                          Projects    Change       Planned    Annual      Cumula      Progres     Expect     Compl      Progre    Reas Benef Benef Major            Surplu
   of           Project name                     promise        in        investm    investm       tive        s of        ed        etion      ss in     ons     its in its or change       s
 raised                                            d in      investm        ent        ent       investm     cumulat      date      status      line      for      this   R&D       in     amoun
                                                                                                 63 / 236
                                                                           2024 Interim Report

 funds                                     prospec    ent   amount    amount      ent        ive        for          with   delay   year   result   feasibili   t
                                             tus              (1)               amount     investm    reachi         plan                     s        ty;
                                                                                 as of     ent (%)      ng                                 realiz   reasons
                                                                                  the      (3)=(2)/   usable                                 ed      if any
                                                                                period        (1)     conditi
                                                                                end (2)                 on
Stock      R&D and
issuanc    industrialization
e to       of advanced         R&D         Yes       No     290.00      18.46      79.48    27.41%              No   Yes
specific   intelligent
targets    equipment
e to                           Others      Yes       No     150.00       2.00    122.00     81.33%              No   Yes
           reserve funds
           Replenishment of                                                                  100.00
e to                           Others      Yes       No      84.47          -      84.47                        No   Yes
           working capital                                                                       %
Issuanc    advanced
                               on &                         1,032.9
e of       intelligent                     Yes       No                159.29    209.71     20.30%              No   Yes
                               construct                          1
CBs        equipment and
           smart factories
           Lab for advanced
Issuanc    metalization
e of       technology and      R&D         Yes       No      60.00       1.70       1.86     3.09%              No   Yes
CBs        equipment for
           PV cells
           R&D and
e of                           R&D         Yes       No      40.00       0.80       0.80     2.01%              No   Yes
           of optical
                                                                                64 / 236
                                                                                               2024 Interim Report

            equipment for
Total       /                       /             /           /                           182.25      498.32            /   /          /           /         /                   /         /
        Note: 1. The progress of the R&D and industrialization of the advanced intelligent equipment project is slightly behind schedule, mainly due to:
        (1) TOPCon battery equipment project: The TOPCon technology has undergone rapid progress in recent years. The Company plans to evaluate the addition of new technological modules and
        equipment products for R&D on top of the original investment plan for TOPCon battery equipment.
        (2) Core semiconductor packaging and testing equipment project: As the semiconductor market enters a new growth cycle, there is emerging demand for related products. The Company plans
        to explore the application of these products in power devices on top of the original R&D plan. Additionally, the Company intends to further adjust the product performance specifications in the
        design of the project plan to better align with market conditions and improve the overall project planning.
          2. The Company is continuing refining the R&D plans for labs of advanced metalization technology and equipment for PV cells and R&D and industrialization of optical inspection
        equipment for advanced semiconductor packaging. The Company plans to increase investment gradually as the projects advance.

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                                            2024 Interim Report

2. Breakdown of the use of funds raised above the quota
□ Applicable √ N/A

(iii) Changes or termination of projects invested by raised funds during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ N/A

(iv) Other uses of raised funds during the reporting period
1. Advance investment in funded projects, and replacement of such investment
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Temporary replenishment of working capital with idle raised funds
√ Applicable □ N/A

On March 25, 2024, at the 50th meeting of the third Board of Directors and the 44th meeting of the third
Board of Supervisors, the Company reviewed and approved the Proposal on Using a Portion of Idle
Raised Funds to Temporarily Replenish Working Capital. The boards agreed to use up to RMB600
million of idle raised funds to temporarily replenish working capital, solely for production and
operations related to the Company’s main business. The term is no more than nine months from the date
of the Board of Directors’ approval. As of June 30, 2024, RMB200 million of the idle raised funds had
been used to replenish working capital.

3. Cash management and investment in related products using idle raised funds

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                    Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
  Date of        Effective amount of                                       Balance of cash
                                                                                                exceeding the
 review by           raised funds          Beginning                          management
                                                              End date                         approved quota
  Board of        approved for cash          date                            amount at the
                                                                                                  during the
 Directors          management                                                 period end
                                                                                               reporting period
November 8,                              November 8,        November
                                    13                                                    220 No
2023                                     2023               7, 2024

      On November 8, 2023, the Company held its fourth extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of
2023, and approved the proposal on the Cash Management Using Idle Raised Funds. The Company is
authorized to use up to RMB1.3 billion of temporarily idle raised funds for cash management, provided
that this does not affect the normal progress of the original investment plans. The funds are to be
invested in low-risk products that meet principal protection requirements and offer good liquidity,
including but not limited to principal-protected financial products, structured deposits, negotiated
certificates of deposit, time deposits, and call deposits. The term is 12 months from the date of the
approval of the shareholders’ general meeting. Within the approved amount and term, funds can be
reused. For detailed information, please refer to the Company’s announcement titled Announcement on
Cah Management Using Temporarily Idle Raised Funds (Announcement No.: 2023-103) disclosed on
October 20, 2023 on the Shanghai Stock Exchange website (www.sse.com.cn) and other designated
      As of June 30, 2024, the Company had RMB220 million of idle raised funds invested in financial
products that have not yet matured.

1. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

XIII. Other Significant Events
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                 66 / 236
                                                2024 Interim Report

         Section VII Changes in Shares and Particulars of Shareholders

I. Changes in Equity
(i) An overview of changes in shares
1. Statement of changes in shares
                                                                                                       Unit: Share
                       Before             Increase/decrease in the reporting period (+/-)              After
                                                Bonu Conversi
                                        New       s      on from
                   Shares       (%)                                    Others     Subtotal         Shares
                                       issues share       capital                                               (%)
                                                  s      reserve
I. Restricted      115,616,7    51.4                                      -98,336,5   -91,424,46   24,192,31
                                            0        0     6,912,090                                            7.69
shares                   80        3                                            55             5           5
1. State-owned
                            0     0         0        0                0                                     0     0
2. Shares held
by state-owned              0     0         0        0                0                                     0     0
3. Shares held
by other           115,616,7    51.4                                      -98,336,5   -91,424,46   24,192,31
                                            0        0     6,912,090                                            7.69
domestic                 80        3                                            55             5           5
Including shares
held by
                   14,128,80                                              -14,128,8   -14,128,80
domestic                        6.28        0        0                0                                     0     0
                           0                                                    00             0
Shares held by
                   101,487,9    45.1                                      -84,207,7   -77,295,66   24,192,31
domestic natural                            0        0     6,912,090                                            7.69
                         80        4                                            55             5           5
4. Shares held
by foreign                  0     0         0        0                0          0            0             0     0
Including shares
held by foreign             0     0                                                           0             0     0
legal persons
Shares held by
foreign natural             0     0                                                           0             0     0
                   109,194,4    48.5   584,29                             97,536,08   181,046,3    290,240,7    92.3
Non-restricted                                       0    82,925,936
                         60        7        0                                     9         15           75        1
RMB-denomina       109,194,4    48.5   584,29                             97,536,08   181,046,3    290,240,7    92.3
                                                     0    82,925,936
ted ordinary             60        7        0                                     9         15           75        1
2. Domestically
listed foreign              0     0         0        0                0          0            0             0     0
3. Overseas
listed foreign              0     0         0        0                0          0            0             0     0
4. Others                   0     0         0        0                                        0             0     0
III. Total
                   224,811,2           584,29                                         89,621,85    314,433,0
number of                       100                  0    89,838,026      -800,466                              100
                         40                 0                                                 0          90

2. Reasons for changes in shares
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                     67 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

      1. On January 5, 2024, the Company issued the ATW Announcement on the Results of the Second
Vesting Period of the Reserved Grant of the 2021 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan, the First Vesting
Period of the Reserved Grant of the 2022 Restricted Stock Plan, and the Listing of Shares
(Announcement No.: 2024-003). Following this vesting, the number of the Company’s total share capital
increased from 224,811,240 to 224,892,432.
      2. On March 15, 2024, the Company issued the ATW Announcement on the Repurchase and
Cancellation of Shares and Changes in Share Capital (Announcement No.: 2024-024). After the
completion of this repurchase and cancellation, the number of the Company’s total share capital
decreased from 224,892,432 to 224,092,126.
      3. On April 3, 2024, the Company issued the Announcement on the Results of Convertible Bond
Conversion and Changes in Share Capital (Announcement No.: 2024-042). After the conversion of
convertible bonds, the number of the Company’s total share capital increased from 224,092,126 to
      4. On April 20, 2024, the Company issued the ATW Announcement on the Results of the Second
Vesting Period of the Initial Grant of the 2022 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan and the Listing of Shares
(Announcement No.: 2024-046). Following this vesting, the number of the Company’s total share capital
increased from 224,092,158 to 224,595,064.
      5. On May 14, 2024, the Company issued the Announcement on the Implementation of the 2023
Annual Equity Distribution (Announcement No.: 2024-054). The new unrestricted tradable shares were
listed on May 20, 2024. After this equity distribution, the number of the Company’s total share capital
increased from 224,595,064 to 314,433,090.

3. Impacts (if applicable) of changes in shares on earnings per share, net assets per share of the Company,
and other financial indicators between the end of the reporting period and the disclosure date of the
interim report
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Other information disclosure deemed necessary by the Company or required by securities regulatory
□ Applicable √ N/A

(ii) Changes in restricted shares
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Share
                 Balance of      Restricted     Increase of
                                                                 Balance of
                 restricted         shares       restricted
  Name of                                                         restricted        Reasons for      Date of
                shares at the    relieved in     shares in
shareholders                                                    shares at the        lock-up         relieve
                   period         reporting      reporting
                                                                 period end
                 beginning         period          period
Ge Zhiyong        60,566,841     44,367,902      6,479,576        22,678,515    Issuance of        September
                                                                                shares to          1, 2025
                                                                                restrictions and
                                                                                of reserves
Li Wen            39,839,853     39,839,853                 0              0    -
Wuxi               9,461,250      9,461,250                 0              0    -
Wuxi Aoli          4,667,550        4,667,550               0              0    -
Targets of         1,081,286               0      432,514          1,513,800    Equity             August 29,
                                                 68 / 236
                                                      2024 Interim Report

          2023 equity                                                                    incentives with      2024
          incentive                                                                      lock-up            August 29,
          plan                                                                           restrictions and     2025
                                                                                         capitalization     August 29,
                                                                                         of reserves          2026

          Total            115,616,780      98,336,555      6,912,090       24,192,315          /                /

           II. Shareholders
           (i) Total number of shareholders
           Total number of ordinary shareholders at the period end                                           13,479
           Total number of preferred shareholders with restored voting rights at the period end                   0
           Total number of shareholders holding shares with special voting rights at the period end               0

           Number of depositary receipt holders
           □ Applicable √ N/A

           (ii) Table of the top ten shareholders and top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares at the
           period end
           Top ten shareholders that hold shares through both regular securities accounts and margin
           trading accounts
           √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                           Unit: Share
              Holdings of the top ten shareholders (excluding shares lent through securities financing transactions)
                                                                                              Shares pledged,
                                                                                                                     Type of
                                                                                                 marked or
                 Increase or                                                                      frozen
 Name of                                                                            Num
                 decrease of    Holding at                         Number of
sharehold                                      Shareholding                       ber of
                shares during the period                          restricted
 ers (full                                          ratio                         shares
                the reporting       end                             shares                               Num
  name)                                                                            lent       Status
                   period                                                                                 ber

Ge                24,376,812   85,318,840                27.13    22,678,515         0          No           0   Domestic
Zhiyong                                                                                                          natural
Li Wen            15,964,921   55,877,225                17.77                 0     0          No           0   Domestic
Wuxi               3,784,500   13,245,750                 4.21                 0     0          No           0   Others
nt LLP
Zhu                2,038,388    7,187,558                 2.29                 0     0          No           0   Domestic
Xionghui                                                                                                         natural
Hong               2,853,927    6,562,705                 2.09                 0     0          No           0   Others
Wuxi               1,867,020    6,534,570                 2.08                 0     0          No           0   Others
                                                             69 / 236
                                                      2024 Interim Report

nt LLP
China            2,729,579       5,460,213               1.74                0      0          No            0 Others
s Bank
Co., Ltd.
nt Fund
China               557,188      3,133,025               1.00                0      0          No            0 Others
ion Bank
on – E
n Hybrid
nt Fund
Tianjin             747,481      2,616,183               0.83                0      0          No            0 Others
ent Co.,
Ltd. –
No. 2
nt Fund
Agricultu        1,206,541       1,730,421               0.55                0      0          No            0 Others
ral Bank
of China
Limited –
CSI 500
d Index
nt Fund
        Holdings of the top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares (excluding shares lent through securities financing
                   Name of shareholders                        Number of                  Type and number of shares
                                                            70 / 236
                                                     2024 Interim Report

                                                                                         Type                     Number
                                                              shares held
Ge Zhiyong                                                                        Renminbi ordinary
                                                                    62,640,325                                         62,640,325
Li Wen                                                                            Renminbi ordinary
                                                                    55,877,225                                         55,877,225
Wuxi Aochuang Investment LLP                                                      Renminbi ordinary
                                                                    13,245,750                                         13,245,750
Zhu Xionghui                                                                      Renminbi ordinary
                                                                      7,187,558                                         7,187,558
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited                                     Renminbi ordinary
                                                                      6,562,705                                         6,562,705
Wuxi Aoli Investment LLP                                                          Renminbi ordinary
                                                                      6,534,570                                         6,534,570
China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. – Foresight Growth                                Renminbi ordinary
                                                                      5,460,213                                         5,460,213
Value Hybrid Securities Investment Fund                                                shares
China Construction Bank Corporation – E Fund                                     Renminbi ordinary
Innovation-Driven Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities               3,133,025        shares                           3,133,025
Investment Fund
Tianjin Huaren Investment Management Co., Ltd. –                                 Renminbi ordinary
Huaren Huacheng No. 2 Private Securities Investment                   2,616,183        shares                           2,616,183
Agricultural Bank of China Limited – CSI 500                                     Renminbi ordinary
Exchange-Traded Open-End Index Securities Investment                  1,730,421        shares                           1,730,421
Dedicated accounts for share buyback among top 10             N/A
Explain if any of the shareholders above are involved in      N/A
entrusting/being entrusted with voting rights or
waiving voting rights
Related parties or parties acting in concert among the        Ge Zhiyong and Li Wen are parties acting in concert. Ge
shareholders above                                            Zhiyong is the general partner and executive managing partner
                                                              of Wuxi Aochuang and Wuxi Aoli. Apart from these, the
                                                              Company is unaware of any related party relationships among
                                                              the aforementioned shareholders, or whether the
                                                              aforementioned shareholders are acting in concert as defined by
                                                              China’s measures for the administration of the acquisition of
                                                              listed companies.
Preferred shareholders with restored voting rights, and
their shareholding volume

         Securities lending through securities financing transactions by shareholders holding 5% or more, top 10
         shareholders, and top 10 shareholders of tradable shares
         □ Applicable √ N/A

         Changes in the top 10 shareholders and top 10 shareholders of tradable shares compared with the
         previous period due to securities lending through financing transactions or return of lent securities
         □ Applicable √ N/A

         Top 10 shareholders with restricted shares, the number of shares held, and lock-up conditions
         √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                              Unit: Share
                                                                       Trading status of restricted shares
                                                 Number of
                  Name of shareholders with                                                   Number of             Lock-up
          No.                                    restricted           Trading eligibility
                     restricted shares                                                      shares eligible        conditions
                                                 shares                      date
                                                                                              for trading
                                                           71 / 236
                                                        2024 Interim Report

            1       Ge Zhiyong                         22,678,515       September 1,                    036 months from
                                                                        2025                             the completion of
                                                                                                         the private
            Related parties or parties acting in   Ge Zhiyong and Li Wen are parties acting in concert. Ge Zhiyong is the
            concert                                general partner and executive managing partner of Wuxi Aochuang and
                                                   Wuxi Aoli.

            Table of the top ten domestic depository receipt holders at the period end
            □ Applicable √ N/A

            Securities lending through securities financing transactions by holders of 5% or more depository receipts,
            top 10 depository receipt holders, and top 10 holders of tradable depository receipts

            □ Applicable √ N/A

            Changes in the top 10 holders of depository receipts and top 10 holders of tradable depository receipts
            compared with the previous period due to securities lending or return through securities financing

            □ Applicable √ N/A

            Top 10 holders with restricted depository receipts, the number of depository receipts held, and
            lock-up conditions

            □ Applicable √ N/A

            (iii) Top ten shareholders by voting rights at the period end
            □ Applicable √ N/A

            (iv) Strategic investors or general legal entities becoming top ten shareholders due to new
            shares/depository receipts
            □ Applicable √ N/A

            III. Board of Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management and Core Technical Personnel
            (i) Changes in shareholding of current and former directors, supervisors, senior management, and
            core technical personnel during the reporting period
            √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                     Unit: Share
                                                                              Changes in
                                             Shares held at
                                                            Shares held at    number of
     Name                   Position           the period                                        Reasons for the change
                                                            the period end shares during
                                                                              the period
                    Chairman and general
Ge Zhiyong                                       60,942,028    85,318,840      24,376,812 Capitalized capital reserves
                    Director and deputy
Li Wen                                           39,912,304    55,877,225      15,964,921 Capitalized capital reserves
                    general manager
                                                                                             Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Director and financial
Yin Zhe                                              17,219         37,352         20,133 vesting of Type II restricted
                    Director and Secretary                                                   Capitalized capital reserves /
Zhou Yongxiu        of the Board of                  25,194         48,517         23,323 vesting of Type II restricted
                    Directors                                                                shares
                                                                                             Capitalized capital reserves /
Liu Shiting         Director                         10,911         19,691           8,780 vesting of Type II restricted

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                                            2024 Interim Report

Jia Yinghua         Director                    0                 0       0    N/A
Sun Xinwei          Independent director        0                 0       0    N/A
Bo Yuming           Independent director        0                 0       0    N/A
Yang Jianhong       Independent director        0                 0       0    N/A
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Deputy general
Liu Hantang                                17,219           37,352    20,133   vesting of Type II restricted
                    Chairman of Board of
Chen Xia                                        0                 0       0    N/A
Lv Jie              Supervisor                  0                 0       0    N/A
Xu Zhongqiu         Supervisor                  0                 0       0    N/A
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical
Ji Binbin                                  11,201           20,097     8,896   vesting of Type II restricted
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical                                             vesting of Type II restricted
Liu Wei                                     6,497           10,065     3,568
                    personnel                                                  shares / secondary market
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical                                             vesting of Type II restricted
Ma Hongwei                                  6,207             9,939    3,732
                    personnel                                                  shares / secondary market
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical
Zhu Youwei                                  6,207           11,339     5,132   vesting of Type II restricted
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical                                             vesting of Type II restricted
Jiang Xuan                                  1,160             5,717    4,557
                    personnel                                                  shares / secondary market
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical                                             vesting of Type II restricted
Xie Zhijun                                  3,342             2,030   -1,312
                    personnel                                                  shares / secondary market
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical                                             vesting of Type II restricted
Tang Zhaoji                                 5797              9,505    3,708
                    personnel                                                  shares / secondary market
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical
Yin Qinghui                                10,476           19,082     8,606   vesting of Type II restricted
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical
Wang Mei                                    6,371           11,392     5,021   vesting of Type II restricted
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical
Jiang Weiguang                              6,371           11,392     5,021   vesting of Type II restricted
                                                                               Capitalized capital reserves /
                    Core technical                                             vesting of Type II restricted
Jiang Xiaolong                              5,108             8,814    3,706
                    personnel                                                  shares / secondary market

              Other disclosures
               Applicable √ N/A

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(ii) Equity incentives granted to directors, supervisors, senior management, and core technical
personnel during the reporting period
1. Stock options
 Applicable √ N/A

2. Type I restricted shares
 Applicable √ N/A

3. Type II restricted shares
 Applicable √ N/A

(iii) Other remarks
 Applicable √ N/A

IV. Changes of Controlling Shareholders or Actual Controllers
 Applicable √ N/A

V. Implementation and Changes in Depositary Receipt Arrangements During the Reporting Period
 Applicable √ N/A

VI. Shares with Special Voting Rights
 Applicable √ N/A

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                         2024 Interim Report

                     Section VIII Preferred Shares
 Applicable √ N/A

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                                             Section IX Bonds
I. Corporate Bonds (Including Enterprise Bonds) and Non-financial Corporate Debt Financing
 Applicable √ N/A

II. Convertible Bonds
√ Applicable  N/A
(i) Issuance of convertible bonds
      On July 22, 2023, the Company released an announcement to request approval from the CSRC for
the issuance of convertible bonds to unspecific investors, and then received the approval from the CSRC,
which was disclosed in another announcement – CSRC Approval No. [2023] 1523.
      On August 10, 2023, the Company released the Indicative Announcement on the Issuance of
Convertible Bonds to Unspecific Investors by Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. On August 10, 2023,
the Company issued 11.4 million convertible bonds to unspecific investors, with a nominal value of
RMB100 per bond and totaling RMB1.14 billion. After the approval was granted in the self-disciplinary
decision document from the SSE [2023] No. 196, the Company’s convertible bonds, totaling RMB1.14
billion were listed for trading on the SSE starting September 1, 2023, under the bond name “Autowell
Convertible Bond” and bond code “118042”.
(ii) Holders and guarantors of convertible bonds during the reporting period
Name of convertible bonds                                                     Autowell Convertible Bond
Number of CB holders at the period end                                                              8,972
Guarantors of CBs                                                                                    N/A
Significant changes in the guarantor's profitability,
assets, and credit conditions
Top ten CB holders
                         CB holders                         Bonds held at the period        Ratio (%)
Ge Zhiyong                                                              161,473,000                 14.16
Li Wen                                                                   112,223,000                 9.84
Northwest Investment Management (HK) Limited –                           54,912,000                 4.82
Northwest Feilong Fund Limited
Wuxi Aochuang Investment LLP                                              48,278,000                 4.24
China Minsheng Bank Co., Ltd. – Essence Stable                           40,202,000                 3.53
Growth Flexible Allocation Hybrid Securities
Investment Fund
UBSAG                                                                     36,776,000                 3.23
DKMSFPI (Cayman) Ltd. – QFII                                             34,821,000                 3.05
China Construction Bank Corporation – E Fund                             33,244,000                 2.92
Double Bond Enhanced Bond Securities Investment
Agricultural Bank of China Limited – Penghua                             31,205,000                 2.74
Convertible Bond Securities Investment Fund
Huaneng Guicheng Trust Co., Ltd. – Huaneng Trust                         25,999,000                 2.28
Xiyuan Yuexiang No.1 Collective Investment Trust

(iii) Changes in convertible bonds during the reporting period
                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                    Before the                          Changes                           After the
Name of CBs
                      change         Conversion        Redemption       Repurchase         change
Autowell           1,140,000,000          24,000                    0              0    1,139,976,000

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   (iv) Cumulative conversion of CBs during the reporting period

   Names of CBs                                                           Autowell Convertible Bond
   Value of bonds converted during the reporting period (RMB)                                    24,000
   Number of shares converted during the reporting period                                           269
   Cumulative number of shares converted                                                            269
   Cumulative conversion as a percentage of the total number of
   shares issued before the conversion (%)
   Unconverted amount (RMB)                                                                 1,139,976,000
   Unconverted CBs as a percentage of total issuance (%)                                       99.997895

   (v) Adjustments in conversion prices
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
Names of CBs                                          Autowell Convertible Bond
  Date       conversion                     Disclosure media                     Explanation
November         180.74    November       http://www.sse.com.cn     On October 31, 2023, the Company
2, 2023                    2, 2023                                  completed the registration of shares
                                                                    for the second vesting period of the
                                                                    initial grant under the 2021
                                                                    Restricted Stock Incentive Plan and
                                                                    the first vesting period of the second
                                                                    reserved grant. This led to an
                                                                    increase in the Company’s total share
                                                                    capital from 154,827,261 to
                                                                    155,045,493. Starting from
                                                                    November 2, 2023, the conversion
                                                                    price was adjusted from RMB180.90
                                                                    per share to RMB180.74 per share.
November          124.65   November       http://www.sse.com.cn     The Company’s plan for converting
17, 2023                   17, 2023                                 capital reserve into shares in the first
                                                                    half of 2023 is as follows. Based on
                                                                    the total share capital recorded on the
                                                                    equity distribution registration date
                                                                    and excluding shares held in the
                                                                    repurchase special account, the
                                                                    Company plans to increase its capital
                                                                    by 4.5 shares for every 10 shares
                                                                    held by all shareholders. The equity
                                                                    registration date for the distribution
                                                                    is November 16, 2023, and the
                                                                    ex-rights and ex-dividend date is
                                                                    November 17, 2023. Due to this
                                                                    capital increase involving
                                                                    differentiated allotment, the
                                                                    proportion of change in circulating
                                                                    shares is calculated as 0.44997 after
                                                                    adjusting for the total share capital
                                                                    dilution. Starting from November 17,
                                                                    2023, the conversion price was
                                                                    adjusted from RMB180.74 per share
                                                                    to RMB124.65 per share.
January 9,        124.62   January 9,     http://www.sse.com.cn     As the Company completed the
2024                       2024                                     registration of shares for the second
                                                                    vesting period of the first reserved

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                                                                    grant and the first vesting period of
                                                                    the reserved grant under the 2022
                                                                    Restricted Stock Plan on January 4,
                                                                    2024, the Company’s share capital
                                                                    increased from 224,811,240 shares to
                                                                    224,892,432 shares. Starting from
                                                                    January 9, 2024, the conversion price
                                                                    was adjusted from RMB124.65 per
                                                                    share to RMB124.62 per share.
March 19,          124.75    March 16,    http://www.sse.com.cn     The Company changed the usage of
2024                         2024                                   the 800,466 shares held in the
                                                                    repurchase special account and
                                                                    canceled them. After this
                                                                    cancellation was completed, the
                                                                    Company’s total share capital
                                                                    decreased from 224,892,592 shares
                                                                    to 224,092,126 shares. Starting from
                                                                    March 19, 2024, the conversion price
                                                                    was adjusted from RMB124.62 per
                                                                    share to RMB124.75 per share.
May     20,         87.56    May    14,   http://www.sse.com.cn     As the Company completed the
2024                         2024                                   registration of shares for the second
                                                                    vesting period of the initial grant
                                                                    under the 2022 Restricted Stock
                                                                    Incentive Plan on April 18, 2024, the
                                                                    Company’s total share capital
                                                                    increased from 224,092,158 shares to
                                                                    224,595,064 shares. In light of the
                                                                    Company’s implementation of the
                                                                    2023 annual equity distribution plan,
                                                                    the Company capitalized its capital
                                                                    reserves based on the total share
                                                                    capital recorded on the equity
                                                                    distribution record date. Starting
                                                                    from May 20, 2024, the conversion
                                                                    price was adjusted from RMB124.75
                                                                    per share to RMB87.56 per share.
Latest conversion price                                                                               87.56
as of the reporting period

   (vi) The Company’s debts, credit changes, and cash arrangements for future debt repayment
         1. Debts
         As of the end of the reporting period, the Company’s total asset was RMB14,947.29 million, total
   liability was RMB10,781.85 million, and the debt-to-asset ratio was 72.13%.
         2. Changes in credit
         Based on a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the Company’s operating conditions and
   related industrial performance, CSCI Pengyuan Credit Rating Limited issued the 2024 Rating Tracking
   Report for 2023 Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. Convertible Bond (Rating Tracking Report No.
   [2024] Tracking No. [390] 01) on June 24, 2024. The rating results are as follows. The Company’s
   credit rating was AA-, with a stable outlook. The rating for the Autowell Convertible Bonds was also
   AA-. There was no change in the rating results compared with the previous assessment.
         3. Cash arrangements for future debt repayment
         In the future, the funds for repaying the principal and interest of these convertible bonds will
   mainly come from the cash flows generated by the Company’s operating activities. Currently, the
   company is operating normally with a relatively reasonable asset structure, and faces low financial
   pressure overall with no repayment risk.

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(vii) Other disclosure for the convertible bonds
      On May 28, 2024, the Company released the Announcement of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd.
Regarding Not Lowering the Conversion Price of Autowell Convertible Bonds. As of May 27, 2024, the
Company’s stock price had triggered the downward adjustment clause for the conversion price of the
“Autowell Convertible Bonds”. After deliberation by the Company’s third Board of Directors at its 53rd
meeting, the board decided not to lower the conversion price of the “Autowell Convertible Bonds” at
this time. Additionally, within the next six months (from the date of this announcement until November
27, 2024), if the conditions for a downward adjustment of the conversion price are met again, no
adjustment proposal will be made.

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                                   Section X           Financial Report
I. Audit Report
 Applicable √ N/A

II. Financial Statements

                               Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                      June 30, 2024
Prepared by无锡奥特维科技股份有限公司
                                                                                   Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Item                   Note               June 30, 2024                  December 31, 2023
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents        VII.1                     1,986,152,007.20              1,831,908,759.02
   Settlement provisions
   Placements with banks and
other financial institutions
   Trading financial assets         VII.2                      220,055,388.89               1,013,130,849.65
   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable
   Accounts receivable              VII.5                     2,197,025,477.43              1,591,755,715.37
   Accounts receivable              VII.7
                                                               593,758,687.62               1,399,734,854.14
   Advances to suppliers            VII.8                      168,103,926.36                 148,511,350.80
   Premium receivable
   Reinsurance receivable
   Reserves receivable under
reinsurance contracts
   Other receivables                VII.9                          49,474,649.42               66,611,598.53
   Of which: Interest receivable
          Dividends receivable
   Financial assets under resale
   Inventories                      VII.10                    7,340,248,121.92              7,629,583,282.50
Of which: Data resources
   Contract assets

  Assets held for sale

  Non-current assets due within
one year
  Other current assets              VII.13                      118,975,380.81                 78,299,342.53
     Total current assets                                    12,673,793,639.65             13,759,535,752.54
Non-current assets:
  Issuing of loans and advances
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity                  VII.17
                                                                    3,336,396.44                3,340,670.41
  Other equity investments
  Other non-current financial       VII.19
                                                               161,131,813.17                 185,271,024.08
  Investment property
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  Fixed assets                       VII.21                     915,271,218.04        942,742,926.56
  Construction in progress           VII.22                     593,113,483.75        152,486,136.51
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                VII.25                      98,971,710.54        111,527,510.58
  Intangible assets                  VII.26                     179,488,910.12        183,348,881.80
  Of which: Data resources
  Development expenditure
  Of which: Data resources
  Goodwill                           VII.27                         63,617,712.01      63,617,712.01
  Long-term deferred expenses        VII.28                         70,240,619.89      65,333,228.01
  Deferred income tax assets         VII.29                      137,826,831.79        109,367,225.11
  Other non-current assets           VII.30                       50,495,893.14         40,915,377.17
     Total non-current assets                                  2,273,494,588.89      1,857,950,692.24
        Total assets                                          14,947,288,228.54     15,617,486,444.78
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings              VII.32                     664,740,197.66        519,737,547.82
  Borrowings from the central
  Placements from banks and
other financial institutions
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                      VII.35                    1,636,788,317.21      2,333,742,472.90
  Accounts payable                   VII.36                    3,235,214,998.79      3,243,847,123.75
  Advances from customers
  Contract liabilities               VII.38                    3,261,471,207.28      3,906,972,602.22
  Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements
  Due to customers and banks
  Customer brokerage deposits
  Securities underwriting
brokerage deposits
  Employee benefits payable          VII.39                     140,291,789.18        184,008,109.90
  Taxes payable                      VII.40                     144,798,157.22        155,412,912.46
  Other payables                     VII.41                      91,318,741.58        116,701,241.64
  Of which: Interest payable
          Dividends payable                                          2,300,000.00
  Fees and commissions
  Reinsurance payables
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due        VII.43
                                                                129,549,089.73        145,205,892.87
within one year
  Other current liabilities                                        8,569,188.87          4,333,632.85
     Total current liabilities                                 9,312,741,687.52     10,609,961,536.41
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserves
  Long-term borrowings               VII.45                     319,027,747.75        141,007,258.34
  Bonds payable                      VII.46                     998,084,628.12        969,066,247.00
  Of which: Preferred shares
          Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                  VII.47                         47,729,397.47      55,020,903.15

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   Long-term payables
   Long-term employee benefits
   Provisions                     VII.50                  32,355,137.07                  20,642,029.65
   Deferred income                VII.51                    1,728,852.96                  1,974,389.69
   Deferred income tax            VII.29
                                                          70,179,374.41                  75,825,231.59
   Other non-current liabilities
      Total non-current
                                                       1,469,105,137.78               1,263,536,059.42
         Total liabilities                            10,781,846,825.30              11,873,497,595.83
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity):
   Paid-in capital (or share      VII.53
                                                         314,433,090.00                 224,811,240.00
   Other equity instruments       VII.54                 155,721,138.64                 155,724,995.61
   Of which: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserves               VII.55               1,307,482,433.37               1,408,941,067.90
   Less: Treasury shares          VII.56                  74,571,400.00                 143,163,605.08
   Other comprehensive income VII.57                       -1,442,470.28                    401,818.53
   Special reserves               VII.58                  12,858,441.36                   8,543,300.96
   Surplus reserves               VII.59                 157,216,545.00                 112,405,620.00
   Provisions for general risks
   Undistributed profits          VII.60               2,172,580,158.71               1,896,492,333.37
   Total equity attributable to
equity holders of the parent
company (or shareholders’                             4,044,277,936.80               3,664,156,771.29
equity attributable to the parent
   Non-controlling interests                             121,163,466.44                  79,832,077.66
      Total owners’ equity (or
                                                       4,165,441,403.24               3,743,988,848.95
shareholders’ equity)
         Total liabilities and
owners’ equity (or                                   14,947,288,228.54              15,617,486,444.78
shareholders’ equity)
Company representative: 葛志勇              Chief accountant: 殷哲              Head of the accounting
department: 李锴

                           Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
                                      June 30, 2024
Prepared by无锡奥特维科技股份有限公司
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
              Item                 Note               June 30, 2024               December 31, 2023
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                              1,231,141,661.71              985,319,543.87
   Trading financial assets                                 220,055,388.89            1,001,099,444.44
   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable
   Accounts receivable           XIX.1                    1,595,643,642.63            1,184,707,353.14
   Accounts receivable
                                                            355,600,402.08              835,453,200.46
   Advances to suppliers                                     55,441,374.74               27,245,799.70
   Other receivables             XIX.2                    1,503,138,972.94            1,169,349,500.49
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  Of which: Interest receivable
          Dividends receivable
  Inventories                                                 3,008,607,384.30      3,845,809,410.02
  Of which: Data resources
  Contract assets
  Assets held for sale
  Non-current assets due within
one year
  Other current assets                                            1,269,854.05
     Total current assets                                     7,970,898,681.34      9,048,984,252.12
Non-current assets:
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity                   XIX.3
                                                               590,082,131.95        523,401,796.42
  Other equity investments
  Other non-current financial
                                                               161,131,813.17        185,271,024.08
  Investment property
  Fixed assets                                                 807,174,727.85        827,915,209.08
  Construction in progress                                     587,492,228.86        146,864,008.79
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                           51,760,450.72         64,564,617.48
  Intangible assets                                            129,443,656.48        131,385,467.65
  Of which: Data resources
  Development expenditure
  Of which: Data resources
  Long-term deferred expenses                                    31,645,833.15         27,308,498.16
  Deferred income tax assets                                     54,832,616.02         48,399,593.58
  Other non-current assets                                       25,930,014.79         27,438,193.77
     Total non-current assets                                 2,439,493,472.99      1,982,548,409.01
       Total assets                                          10,410,392,154.33     11,031,532,661.13
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                        378,149,483.57        312,851,615.95
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                 960,588,488.48      1,409,662,258.54
  Accounts payable                                            1,456,826,750.56      1,733,125,929.44
  Advances from customers
  Contract liabilities                                        1,512,764,123.29      1,992,068,329.33
  Employee benefits payable                                      81,146,668.28        110,988,159.37
  Taxes payable                                                 118,886,284.90        135,719,986.12
  Other payables                                                124,160,897.95        119,030,837.35
  Of which: Interest payable
          Dividends payable
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due
                                                                   86,912,619.87     113,839,333.42
within one year
  Other current liabilities
     Total current liabilities                                4,719,435,316.90      5,927,286,449.52
Non-current liabilities:
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                                         2024 Interim Report

   Long-term borrowings                                  319,027,747.75               141,007,258.34
   Bonds payable                                         998,084,628.12               969,066,247.00
   Of which: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
   Lease liabilities                                      29,881,843.03                33,555,099.76
   Long-term payables
   Long-term employee benefits
   Provisions                                             22,286,981.29                15,405,188.20
   Deferred income                                            635,840.46                  881,377.19
   Deferred income tax
                                                          53,387,900.75                61,234,880.67
   Other non-current liabilities
      Total non-current
                                                       1,423,304,941.40             1,221,150,051.16
         Total liabilities                             6,142,740,258.30             7,148,436,500.68
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity):
   Paid-in capital (or share
                                                         314,433,090.00               224,811,240.00
   Other equity instruments                              155,721,138.64               155,724,995.61
   Of which: Preferred shares
            Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserves                                    1,263,854,468.61             1,365,266,540.25
   Less: Treasury shares                                  74,571,400.00               143,163,605.08
   Other comprehensive income
   Special reserves                                         8,332,298.36                5,835,898.59
   Surplus reserves                                      157,216,545.00               112,405,620.00
   Undistributed profits                               2,442,665,755.42             2,162,215,471.08
      Total owners’ equity (or
                                                       4,267,651,896.03             3,883,096,160.45
shareholders’ equity)
         Total liabilities and
owners’ equity (or                                   10,410,392,154.33            11,031,532,661.13
shareholders’ equity)
Company representative: 葛志勇              Chief accountant: 殷哲            Head of the accounting
department: 李锴

                                   Consolidated Income Statement
                                         January–June 2024
                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                   Item                     Note            Semi-Annual 2024     Semi-Annual 2023
Ⅰ. Total operating income                                    4,417,698,117.26      2,517,486,369.86
Of which: Operating income              VII.61                4,417,698,117.26      2,517,486,369.86
         Interest income
         Earned premiums
         Income from fees and
Ⅱ. Total operating costs                                      3,381,419,367.38      1,955,254,543.88
Of which: Operating costs               VII.61                 2,924,028,824.33      1,595,013,807.86
         Interest expenditure
         Expenditure of fees and
         Refunded premiums
         Net claims paid
                                                 84 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

          Net provision for insurance
liability reserves
          Policyholder dividends paid
          Reinsurance expenses
          Taxes and surcharges               VII.62                  30,677,330.25    31,036,940.01
          Selling expenses                   VII.63                  78,521,303.44    84,452,859.24
          Administrative expenses            VII.64                 157,714,200.42   109,488,543.37
          R&D expenses                       VII.65                 178,114,245.75   130,002,217.29
          Financial expenses                 VII.66                  12,363,463.19     5,260,176.11
          Of which: Interest expenses                                22,306,651.86    10,825,832.63
                  Interest income                                     6,806,134.18     3,442,183.96
     Add: Other income                       VII.67                  97,792,783.11    72,288,115.01
          Investment income (losses          VII.68
                                                                      4,604,756.63    10,261,424.43
indicated by “-”)
          Of which: Share of profits of
associates and joint ventures
                 Gains on derecognition
of financial assets measured at
amortized cost (losses indicated by
          Foreign exchange gains (losses
indicated by “-”)
          Net hedging gains (losses
indicated by “-”)
          Gains on fair value changes        VII.70
                                                                    -24,009,988.68     3,541,871.52
(losses indicated by “-”)
          Credit impairment losses           VII.72
                                                                    -79,917,190.37   -19,165,340.18
(losses indicated by “-”)
          Asset impairment losses            VII.73
                                                                    -86,934,706.66   -26,919,530.72
(losses indicated by “-”)
          Gains on disposal of assets        VII.71
(losses indicated by “-”)
Ⅲ. Operating profit (losses indicated
                                                                    947,659,506.47   602,238,366.04
by “-”)
     Add: Non-operating income               VII.74                     795,790.15       795,498.02
     Less: Non-operating expenditure         VII.75                   1,187,306.29     7,853,480.51
Ⅳ. Total profit (total loss indicated by
                                                                    947,267,990.33   595,180,383.55
     Less: Income tax expenses               VII.76                 143,679,306.72    80,142,101.93
Ⅴ. Net profit (net loss indicated by
                                                                    803,588,683.61   515,038,281.62
(i) Classified by continuity of operations
       1. Net profit from continuing
                                                                    803,588,683.61   515,038,281.62
operations (net loss indicated by “-”)
       2. Net profit from discontinued
operations (net loss indicated by “-”)
(ii) Classified by ownership
       1. Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the parent company                                  769,082,688.50   522,523,778.99
(net loss indicated by “-”)
       2. Profit or loss attributable to
non-controlling interests (net loss                                  34,505,995.11    -7,485,497.37
indicated by “-”)
Ⅵ. Other comprehensive income, net
of tax

                                                      85 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

   (i) Other comprehensive income          VII.57
attributable to equity holders of the                                1,442,470.28
parent company, net of tax
      1. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified to profit or
(1) Changes in remeasurements of
defined benefit plans
(2) Other comprehensive income
under equity method that cannot be
reclassified to profit or loss
(3) Changes in fair value of other
equity investments
(4) Changes in fair value due to own
credit risk
      2. Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to profit or                               1,442,470.28
(1) Other comprehensive income
under the equity method that can be
reclassified to profit or loss
(2) Changes in fair value of other debt
(3) Amounts recorded under other
comprehensive income due to
reclassification of financial assets
(4) Provision for credit impairment of
other debt investments
(5) Cash flow hedge reserves
(6) Foreign currency translation
(7) Others
   (ii) Other comprehensive income
attributable to non-controlling
interests, net of tax
Ⅶ. Total comprehensive income                                    805,031,153.89          515,038,281.62
   (i) Total comprehensive income
attributable to equity holders of the                             770,525,158.79          522,523,778.99
parent company
   (ii) Total comprehensive income
                                                                    34,505,995.10           -7,485,497.37
attributable to non-controlling interests
VIII. Earnings per share:
   (i) Basic earnings per share
                                                                             2.45                    1.66
   (ii) Diluted earnings per                                                 2.35                    1.66
Earnings per share for the half year of 2023 represents the amount recalculated on the basis of the
company’s share capital as at the end of the current period.
In the current period, a business combination under common control occurred, and the net profit realized
by the acquiree before the combination was RMB0, and the net profit realized by it in the previous
period was RMB0.
Company representative: 葛志勇                  Chief accountant: 殷哲           Head of the accounting
department: 李锴

                                                86 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

                                Income Statement of the Parent Company
                                           January–June 2024
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                     Item                        Note           Semi-Annual 2024     Semi-Annual 2023
Ⅰ. Operating income                         XIX.4                3,328,114,043.88      2,060,728,910.40
     Less: Operating costs                   XIX.4                2,136,182,672.72      1,254,386,022.42
           Taxes and surcharges                                      21,349,151.57         26,717,715.20
           Selling expenses                                          47,489,784.02         64,541,861.72
           Administrative expenses                                  105,562,114.85         83,443,196.06
           R&D expenses                                              75,172,832.83         64,449,609.72
           Financial expenses                                        -8,397,017.21          4,935,616.67
           Of which: Interest expenses                               15,437,179.12          6,718,438.07
                   Interest income                                   24,663,324.81          2,431,692.32
     Add: Other income                                               62,338,112.53         63,815,554.10
           Investment income (losses         XIX.5
                                                                      4,285,536.94          6,515,476.86
indicated by “-”)
           Of which: Share of profits of
associates and joint ventures
                 Gains on derecognition
of financial assets measured at
amortized cost (losses indicated by
           Net hedging gains (losses
indicated by “-”)
           Gains on fair value changes
                                                                    -24,009,988.68          3,339,129.85
(losses indicated by “-”)
           Credit impairment losses
                                                                    -66,046,037.65        -14,908,995.79
(losses indicated by “-”)
           Asset impairment losses
                                                                    -23,362,220.03         -3,599,671.02
(losses indicated by “-”)
           Gains on disposal of assets
(losses indicated by “-”)
II. Operating profit (losses indicated
                                                                    903,805,010.77       617,416,382.61
by “-”)
     Add: Non-operating income                                          458,837.20            541,133.40
     Less: Non-operating expenditure                                  1,144,165.09          7,716,498.48
III. Total profit (total loss indicated by
                                                                    903,119,682.88       610,241,017.53
        Less: Income tax expenses                                   129,674,535.38         88,945,265.31
IV. Net profit (net loss indicated by
                                                                    773,445,147.50       521,295,752.22
     (i) Net profit from continuing
                                                                    773,445,147.50       521,295,752.22
operations (net loss indicated by “-”)
     (ii) Net profit from discontinued
operations (net loss indicated by “-”)
V. Other comprehensive income, net of
     (i) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified to profit or
        1. Changes in remeasurements of
defined benefit plans
        2. Other comprehensive income
under equity method that cannot be
reclassified to profit or loss

                                                     87 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

      3. Changes in fair value of other
equity investments
      4. Changes in fair value due to
own credit risk
   (ii) Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to profit or
      1. Other comprehensive income
under the equity method that can be
reclassified to profit or loss
      2. Changes in fair value of other
debt investments
      3. Amounts recorded under other
comprehensive income due to
reclassification of financial assets
      4. Provision for credit impairment
of other debt investments
      5. Cash flow hedge reserves
      6. Foreign currency translation
      7. Others
Ⅵ. Total comprehensive income                                      773,445,147.50          521,295,752.22
VII. Earnings per share:
      (i) Basic earnings per share
      (ii) Diluted earnings per

Company representative: 葛志勇               Chief accountant: 殷哲                 Head of the accounting
department: 李锴

                                  Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                          January–June 2024
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                Item                       Note              Semi-Annual 2024      Semi-Annual 2023
Ⅰ. Cash flows from operating
    Cash received from sales of
                                                                 3,050,053,201.78          2,093,832,526.85
goods and rendering of services
    Net increase in customer
deposits and deposits from other
    Net increase in borrowings
from the central bank
    Net increase in placements
from other financial institutions
    Cash received from premiums
under original insurance contracts

   Net cash received from
reinsurance business
   Net increase in policyholder
deposits and investments
                                                  88 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

   Cash received from interest,
fees, and commissions
   Net increase in placements
from banks and other financial
   Net increase in proceeds from
repurchase transactions
   Net cash received from
customer brokerage deposits
   Cash received from tax refunds                                  149,664,652.21      98,071,947.58
   Cash received from other            VII.78
                                                                    76,996,871.33      56,016,037.53
operating activities
      Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                                  3,276,714,725.32   2,247,920,511.96
operating activities
   Cash paid for purchasing goods
                                                                  2,134,430,902.65   1,090,823,951.94
and receiving services
   Net increase in customer loans
and advances
   Net increase in deposits with
the central bank and other banks
   Cash paid for claims under
original insurance contracts
   Net increase in placement with
banks and other financial
   Cash paid for interest, fees, and
   Cash paid for policyholder
   Cash paid to and for employees                                  546,187,396.25     404,057,565.36
   Cash paid for taxes                                             415,227,105.10     322,533,186.29
   Cash paid for other operating       VII.78
                                                                   190,580,419.83     161,609,556.26
      Subtotal of cash outflows
                                                                  3,286,425,823.83   1,979,024,259.85
from operating activities
         Net cash flows from
                                                                     -9,711,098.51    268,896,252.11
operating activities
Ⅱ. Cash flows from investing
   Cash received from the disposal
                                                                  2,866,000,000.00   4,261,900,000.00
of investments
   Cash received from investment
                                                                    16,859,229.38      15,233,134.23
   Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets,                                      6,000.00          33,290.00
and other long-term assets
   Net cash received from the
disposal of subsidiaries and other
   Cash received from other            VII.78
investing activities
      Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                                  2,882,865,229.38   4,286,861,516.26
investing activities
   Cash paid for acquisition and
construction of fixed assets,                                      406,367,781.11     320,862,510.53
intangible assets, and other
                                                 89 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

long-term assets
   Cash paid for investments                                     2,100,762,628.16          3,829,640,000.00
   Net increase in pledged loans
   Net cash paid for acquiring
subsidiaries and other operations
   Cash paid for other investing
      Subtotal of cash outflows
                                                                 2,507,130,409.27          4,150,502,510.53
from investing activities
         Net cash flows from
                                                                  375,734,820.11            136,359,005.73
investing activities
III. Cash flows from financing
   Cash received from equity
                                                                    7,983,308.00             27,715,382.00
   Of which: Cash received by
subsidiaries from equity
                                                                    6,483,308.00             27,715,382.00
investments by non-controlling
   Cash received from borrowings                                  317,976,242.40            119,500,000.00
   Cash received from other           VII.78
                                                                   25,375,480.36             26,708,085.76
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                                  351,335,030.76            173,923,467.76
financing activities
   Cash paid for repayment of
                                                                   77,220,000.00            191,200,000.00
   Cash paid for dividends, profit
                                                                  455,240,307.66            251,441,204.44
distributions, or interest payments
   Of which: Dividends and
profits paid by subsidiaries to
non-controlling shareholders
   Cash paid for other financing      VII.78
                                                                   34,972,012.68            175,256,352.36
      Subtotal of cash outflows
                                                                  567,432,320.34            617,897,556.80
from financing activities
         Net cash flows from
                                                                 -216,097,289.58           -443,974,089.04
financing activities
Ⅳ. Effects of exchange rate
fluctuation on cash and cash                                       10,867,322.50               1,134,727.34
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                  160,793,754.52             -37,584,103.86
   Add: Opening balance of cash
                                                                 1,520,761,970.93           597,816,992.50
and cash equivalents
Ⅵ. Closing balance of cash and
                                                                 1,681,555,725.45           560,232,888.64
cash equivalents
Company representative: 葛志勇                 Chief accountant: 殷哲               Head of the accounting
department: 李锴

                           Cash Flows Statement of the Parent Company
                                        January–June 2024
                                                                      Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Item                      Note           Semi-Annual 2024     Semi-Annual 2023
Ⅰ. Cash flows from operating
                                                 90 / 236
                                     2024 Interim Report

   Cash received from sales of
                                                           2,416,515,866.24   1,552,869,252.19
goods and rendering of services
   Cash received from tax refunds                            51,117,053.57      60,713,050.02
   Cash received from other
                                                             48,425,237.05      81,845,396.67
operating activities
     Subtotal of cash inflows
                                                           2,516,058,156.86   1,695,427,698.88
from operating activities
   Cash paid for purchasing
                                                           1,311,805,982.81    729,314,252.80
goods and receiving services
   Cash paid to and for
                                                            321,889,379.17     254,275,210.96
   Cash paid for taxes                                      317,393,554.57     300,388,712.12
   Cash paid for other operating
                                                            114,755,520.38     147,738,908.87
     Subtotal of cash outflows
                                                           2,065,844,436.93   1,431,717,084.75
from operating activities
   Net cash flows from operating
                                                            450,213,719.93     263,710,614.13
Ⅱ. Cash flows from investing
   Cash received from the
                                                           2,700,000,000.00   3,838,900,001.00
disposal of investments
   Cash received from investment
                                                             16,412,264.76      14,268,687.53
   Net cash received from
disposal of fixed assets,
                                                                  5,325.00          29,270.00
intangible assets, and other
long-term assets
   Net cash received from the
disposal of subsidiaries and other
   Cash received from other
                                                             10,000,000.00      66,500,000.00
investing activities
     Subtotal of cash inflows
                                                           2,726,417,589.76   3,919,697,958.53
from investing activities
   Cash paid for acquisition and
construction of fixed assets,
                                                            401,575,285.97     310,956,237.17
intangible assets, and other
long-term assets
   Cash paid for investments                               1,977,466,754.16   3,437,390,000.00
   Net cash paid for acquiring
subsidiaries and other operations
   Cash paid for other investing
                                                            256,500,000.00     112,000,000.00
     Subtotal of cash outflows
                                                           2,635,542,040.13   3,860,346,237.17
from investing activities
         Net cash flows from
                                                             90,875,549.63      59,351,721.36
investing activities
III. Cash flows from financing
   Cash received from equity
   Cash received from
                                                            216,276,242.40      69,600,000.00
   Cash received from other
                                                             25,375,480.36      26,708,084.76
financing activities
                                          91 / 236
                                     2024 Interim Report

      Subtotal of cash inflows
                                                            241,651,722.76         96,308,084.76
from financing activities
   Cash paid for repayment of
                                                             51,300,000.00        128,200,000.00
   Cash paid for dividends, profit
distributions, or interest                                  452,076,647.44        249,626,418.57
   Cash paid for other financing
                                                             21,201,753.51        165,062,115.56
      Subtotal of cash outflows
                                                            524,578,400.95        542,888,534.13
from financing activities
         Net cash flows from
                                                           -282,926,678.19       -446,580,449.37
financing activities
Ⅳ. Effects of exchange rate
fluctuation on cash and cash                                      8,817.29               1,085.45
V. Net increase in cash and
                                                            258,171,408.66       -123,517,028.43
cash equivalents
   Add: Opening balance of cash
                                                            820,719,064.27        487,231,217.84
and cash equivalents
Ⅵ. Closing balance of cash and
                                                           1,078,890,472.93       363,714,189.41
cash equivalents
Company representative: 葛志勇         Chief accountant: 殷哲             Head of the accounting
department: 李锴

                                          92 / 236
                                                                                                    2024 Interim Report

                                                                                 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
                                                                                              January–June 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                          Semi-Annual 2024

                                                                     Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company

                                 Other equity
              Paid-in            instruments                                                                                                                                                       Non-contro         Total

                                                                                                                                           Provisions for

                                                                                                                                           general risks
              capital                                                         Less:                                                                         Undistrib                                 lling          owners’

                                                             Capital                        comprehen        Special         Surplus                                                                interests         equity
                (or                                                          Treasury                                                                         uted                    Subtotal

                                                 Othe       reserves                            sive        reserves         reserves


               share                                                          shares                                                                         profits
                                                  rs                                          income
Ⅰ. Closing
balance of                                       155,7
              224,811,                                    1,408,941,067.9   143,163,605.0                                  112,405,620.0                    1,896,492,                3,664,156,                   3,743,988,848.9
the                                              24,99                                       401,818.53    8,543,300.96                                                                            79,832,077.66
                240.00                                                  0               8                                              0                        333.37                    771.29                                 5
previous                                          5.61
Changes in
                                                                                                                                                                                               -                                 -
ction of
prior                                                                                                                                                                                          -                                 -
                                                                                                                                                                                               -                                 -
Ⅱ. Opening
balance of    224,811,                                    1,408,941,067.9   143,163,605.0                                  112,405,620.0                    1,896,492,                3,664,156,                   3,743,988,848.9
                             -               -   24,99                                       401,818.53    8,543,300.96                              -                            -                79,832,077.66
the current     240.00                                                  0               8                                              0                        333.37                    771.29                                 5
Amount of
during the
              89,621,8                           -3,856                     -68,592,205.0   -1,844,288.8                                                    276,087,82                380,121,1
current                      -               -            -101,458,634.53                                  4,315,140.40    44,810,925.00             -                            -                41,331,388.78   421,452,554.29
                 50.00                              .97                                 8              1                                                          5.34                    65.51
by “-”)
(i) Total                                                                                   -1,844,288.8                                                    769,082,68                767,238,3    34,505,995.11   801,744,394.80
                                                                                                           93 / 236
                                                                             2024 Interim Report

comprehen                                                                      1                                            8.50           99.69
(ii) Capital
               584,290.           -3,856                                                                                                56,751,56
or                        -   -             59,192,562.25    3,021,431.70      -              -                -   -            -   -               8,038,925.21    64,790,488.79
                     00              .97                                                                                                     3.58
by owners
1. Ordinary
shares         584,098.                                                                                                                 26,413,17
                                            28,850,511.76    3,021,431.70                                                                           7,983,308.00    34,396,486.06
contributed          00                                                                                                                      8.06
by owners
2. Capital
by holders
of other        192.00                          23,658.81                                                                               19,993.84                       19,993.84
d payments                                                                                                                              30,318,39
                                            30,318,391.68                                                                                           2,733,013.34    33,051,405.02
recognized                                                                                                                                   1.68
as owners’
4. Others                                                                                                                                       -   -2,677,396.13    -2,677,396.13
(iii) Profit                                                                                                           -492,994,8       -448,183,                   -450,483,938.1
                      -   -   -        -                 -               -     -              -    44,810,925.00   -                -               -2,300,000.00
distribution                                                                                                                63.16          938.16                                6
1. Transfer
to surplus                                                                                         44,810,925.00                                -                                -
2. Transfer
to general
                                                                                                                                                -                                -
ns to                                                                                                                  -448,183,9       -448,183,                   -450,483,938.1
owners (or                                                                                                                  38.16          938.16                                6
4. Others                                                                                                                                       -                                -
Transfers      89,037,5                                      -71,613,636.7
                          -   -        -   -160,651,196.78                     -              -                -   -            -   -           -               -                -
within            60.00                                                  8
1. Capital
reserves                                    -89,838,026.00                                                                                      -                                -

                                                                                   94 / 236
                                                                                   2024 Interim Report

to capital
(or share
2. Surplus
                                                                                                                                                       -                                 -
to capital
(or share
3. Surplus
used to                                                                                                                                                -                                 -
ments of
benefit                                                                                                                                                -                                 -
to retained
5. Other
income                                                                                                                                                 -                                 -
to retained
6. Others     -800,466                                     -71,613,636.7
                                         -70,813,170.78                                                                                                -                                 -
                   .00                                                 8
(v) Special                                                                                                                                   4,315,140.
                     -   -   -       -                 -               -              -   4,315,140.40               -   -            -   -                 1,086,468.46     5,401,608.86
reserves                                                                                                                                              40
in the                                                                                    6,440,251.47                                                      1,086,468.46     7,526,719.93
                                                                                          -2,125,111.0                                        -2,125,11
in the                                                                                                                                                                       -2,125,111.07
                                                                                                     7                                             1.07
(vi) Others                                                                                                                                            -                                 -
Ⅳ. Current                      155,7
              314,433,                   1,307,482,433.3                   -1,442,470.2   12,858,441.3   157,216,545.0       2,172,580,       4,044,277,   121,163,466.4   4,165,441,403.2
closing                  -   -   21,13                     74,571,400.00                                                 -                -
                090.00                                 7                              8              6               0           158.71           936.80               4                 4
balance                           8.64

                                                                                          95 / 236
                                                                                                                              2024 Interim Report

                                                                                                                                             Semi-Annual 2023

                                                                                Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company

                                          Other equity

                                                                                                                                                                  Provisions for general
                                                                                                   Other comprehensive
       Item                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Non-controllin   Total owners’
                      Paid-in capital                                                                                                Other                                                                                                      g interests        equity


                                                                                  Less: Treasury                                                     Surplus                                       Undistributed

                        (or share                            Capital reserves                                                     comprehensiv                                                                                  Subtotal


                                                                                      shares                                                         reserves                                         profits


                         capital)                                                                                                   e income

Ⅰ. Closing
                      154,470,010.0                          1,418,290,574.8                                                                       77,235,005.0                                                              2,571,348,088.0                    2,589,054,897.8
balance of the                                                                                                                                                                                     921,352,498.22                              17,706,809.80
                                  0                                        0                                                                                  0                                                                            2                                  2
previous year
Add: Changes in
accounting                                                                                                                                                                                            430,386.33                 430,386.33        41,926.81        472,313.14
of prior period
Ⅱ. Opening
                      154,470,010.0                          1,418,290,574.8                                                                       77,235,005.0                                                              2,571,778,474.3                    2,589,527,210.9
balance of the                                                                                                                                                                                     921,782,884.55                              17,748,736.61
                                  0                                        0                                                                                  0                                                                            5                                  6
current year
Ⅲ. Amount of
changes during
the current                                                                       149,845,276.5
                         357,251.00                            62,755,950.29                                                      4,188,034.01      178,625.50                                     276,401,539.73            194,036,123.99    28,541,273.94    222,577,397.93
period                                                                                        4
indicated by “-”)
(i) Total
comprehensive                                                                                                                                                                                      522,523,778.99            522,523,778.99     -7,485,497.37   515,038,281.62
(ii) Capital
contributed or                                                                    149,845,276.5
                         357,251.00                            62,755,950.29                                                                                                                                                  -86,732,075.25   35,596,371.36    -51,135,703.89
withdrawn by                                                                                  4
1. Ordinary
shares                                                                            149,845,276.5
                         357,251.00                            26,350,833.76                                                                                                                                                 -123,137,191.78   42,198,927.80    -80,938,263.98
contributed by                                                                                4
2. Capital
contributed by
holders of other

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                                    2024 Interim Report

3. Share-based
                    28,092,917.25                                                    28,092,917.25    1,709,641.84     29,802,559.09
recognized as
owners’ equity
4. Others            8,312,199.28                                                      8,312,199.28   -8,312,198.28              1.00
(iii) Profit
                                                     178,625.50   -246,122,239.26   -245,943,613.76                   -245,943,613.76
1. Transfer to
                                                     178,625.50      -178,625.50
surplus reserves
2. Transfer to
general risk
3. Distributions
to owners (or                                                     -245,943,613.76   -245,943,613.76                   -245,943,613.76
4. Others
(IV) Transfers
within equity
1. Capital
transferred to
capital (or share
2. Surplus
transferred to
capital (or share
3. Surplus
reserves used to
offset losses
s of defined
benefit plans
transferred to
5. Other
transferred to
6. Others
(v) Special
                                      4,188,034.01                                     4,188,034.01     430,399.95       4,618,433.96
1. Provision in
                                      4,188,034.01                                     4,188,034.01     430,399.95       4,618,433.96
the current
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2. Utilization in
the current
(vi) Others
Ⅳ. Current            154,827,261.0                     1,481,046,525.0     149,845,276.5                                 77,413,630.5            1,198,184,424.2            2,765,814,598.3                        2,812,104,608.8
                                                                                                           4,188,034.01                                                                            46,290,010.55
closing balance                    0                                   9                 4                                            0                          8                          4                                      9

Company representative: 葛志勇                                Chief accountant: 殷哲                             Head of the accounting department: 李锴

                                                                                    Statement of Changes in Equity of the Parent Company

                                                                                                           January–June 2024
                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                                Semi-Annual 2024
                                           Paid-in                     Other equity instruments                                        Less:          Other                                                              Total
                    Item                                                                                             Capital                                           Special         Surplus        Undistribute
                                          capital (or                                                                                Treasury      comprehensi                                                          owners’
                                                           Preferred          Perpetual                             reserves                                           reserves        reserves        d profits
                                        share capital)                                            Others                              shares        ve income                                                            equity
                                                            shares             bonds
Ⅰ. Closing balance of the previous     224,811,240.                                         155,724,995.6        1,365,266,54      143,163,605.                                    112,405,620.     2,162,215,47     3,883,096,16
year                                              00                                                     1                0.25                08                                              00             1.08             0.45
Add: Changes in accounting policies
      Correction of prior period
Ⅱ. Opening balance of the current      224,811,240.                                         155,724,995.6        1,365,266,54      143,163,605.                                    112,405,620.     2,162,215,47     3,883,096,16
year                                              00                                                     1                0.25                08                                              00             1.08             0.45
Ⅲ. Amount of changes during the
                                        89,621,850.0                                                              -101,412,071     -68,592,205.0                                    44,810,925.0     280,450,284.     384,555,735.
current period (decreases indicated                                                               -3,856.97                                                          2,496,399.77
                                                   0                                                                        .64                8                                               0               34               58
by “-”)
(i) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                       773,445,147.     773,445,147.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               50               50
(ii) Capital contributed or withdrawn                                                                             59,239,125.1                                                                                        56,798,126.4
                                          584,290.00                                              -3,856.97                         3,021,431.70
by owners                                                                                                                    4                                                                                                   7
1. Ordinary shares contributed by                                                                                 28,850,511.7                                                                                        26,413,178.0
                                          584,098.00                                                                                3,021,431.70
owners                                                                                                                       6                                                                                                   6
2. Capital contributed by holders of
                                               192.00                                             -3,856.97          23,658.81                                                                                           19,993.84
other equity instruments
3. Share based payments recognized                                                                                30,364,954.5                                                                                        30,364,954.5
as owners’ equity                                                                                                           7                                                                                                   7
4. Others
(iii) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                           44,810,925.0       -492,994,86    -448,183,938
                                                                                                                                                                                               0              3.16              .16
1. Transfer to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                     44,810,925.0      -44,810,925.
                                                                                                                                                                                               0                00
2. Distributions to owners (or                                                                                                                                                                         -448,183,93    -448,183,938
shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                                 8.16              .16

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3. Others
(iv) Transfers within equity            89,037,560.0                                                         -160,651,196    -71,613,636.7
                                                   0                                                                   .78               8
1. Capital reserves transferred to      89,838,026.0                                                          -89,838,026.
capital (or share capital)                         0                                                                    00
2. Surplus reserves transferred to
capital (or share capital)
3. Surplus reserves used to offset
4. Remeasurements of defined
benefit plans transferred to retained
5. Other comprehensive income
transferred to retained earnings
6. Others                                                                                                    -70,813,170.    -71,613,636.7
                                                                                                                       78                8
(v) Special reserves                                                                                                                                       2,496,399.77                                 2,496,399.77
1. Provision in the current period                                                                                                                         3,773,853.36                                 3,773,853.36
                                                                                                                                                           -1,277,453.5                                 -1,277,453.5
2. Utilization in the current period
                                                                                                                                                                      9                                            9
(vi) Others
Ⅳ. Current closing balance             314,433,090.                                       155,721,138.6     1,263,854,46     74,571,400.0                                157,216,545.   2,442,665,75   4,267,651,89
                                                  00                                                   4             8.61                0                                          00           5.42           6.03

                                                                                                                          Semi-Annual 2023
                                           Paid-in                   Other equity instruments                                    Less:          Other                                                      Total
                 Item                                                                                           Capital                                      Special        Surplus      Undistribute
                                          capital (or                                                                          Treasury      comprehensi                                                  owners’
                                                         Preferred          Perpetual                          reserves                                      reserves       reserves      d profits
                                        share capital)                                          Others                          shares        ve income                                                    equity
                                                          shares             bonds
Ⅰ. Closing balance of the previous     154,470,010.                                                         1,410,132,72                                                 77,235,005.0   1,143,151,67   2,784,989,41
year                                              00                                                                 5.05                                                            0           4.39           4.44
Add: Changes in accounting
                                                                                                                                                                                          390,323.35      390,323.35
      Correction of prior period
Ⅱ. Opening balance of the current      154,470,010.                                                         1,410,132,72                                                 77,235,005.0   1,143,541,99   2,785,379,73
year                                              00                                                                 5.05                                                            0           7.74           7.79
Ⅲ. Amount of changes during the
                                                                                                             55,077,276.2     149,845,276.                                               275,173,512.   183,859,338.
current period (decreases indicated       357,251.00                                                                                                       2,917,949.30    178,625.50
                                                                                                                        3               54                                                         96             45
by “-”)
(i) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                           521,295,752.   521,295,752.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   22              22
(ii) Capital contributed or                                                                                  55,077,276.2     149,845,276.                                                               -94,410,749.
withdrawn by owners                                                                                                     3               54                                                                         31
1. Ordinary shares contributed by                                                                            26,350,833.7     149,845,276.                                                              -123,137,191
owners                                                                                                                  6               54                                                                        .78

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 2. Capital contributed by holders of
 other equity instruments
 3. Share-based payments                                                                 28,726,442.4                                                                   28,726,442.4
 recognized as owners’ equity                                                                      7                                                                              7
 4. Others
 (iii) Profit distribution                                                                                                                               -246,122,23    -245,943,613
                                                                                                                                                                9.26              .76
 1. Transfer to surplus reserves                                                                                                           178,625.50    -178,625.50
 2. Distributions to owners (or                                                                                                                          -245,943,61    -245,943,613
 shareholders)                                                                                                                                                  3.76              .76
 3. Others
 (iv) Transfers within equity
 1. Capital reserves transferred to
 capital (or share capital)
 2. Surplus reserves transferred to
 capital (or share capital)
 3. Surplus reserves used to offset
 4. Remeasurements of defined
 benefit plans transferred to retained
 5. Other comprehensive income
 transferred to retained earnings
 6. Others
 (v) Special reserves                                                                                                      2,917,949.30                                 2,917,949.30
 1. Provision in the current period                                                                                        2,917,949.30                                 2,917,949.30
 2. Utilization in the current period
 (vi) Others
 Ⅳ. Current closing balance             154,827,261.                                    1,465,210,00   149,845,276.                      77,413,630.5   1,418,715,51   2,969,239,07
                                                   00                                            1.28             54                                 0           0.70           6.24

Company representative: 葛志勇                          Chief accountant: 殷哲          Head of the accounting department: 李锴

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III. Basic Corporate Information

1. Company profile
√ Applicable  N/A
         Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company” or the “Parent
         Company,” or the “Company”) was established on February 1, 2010. The legal representative of
         the Company is Ge Zhiyong
     The registered address of the Company is No. 3 Xinhua Road, New District, Wuxi. The Company’s
shares were listed and traded on May 21, 2020 on the STAR Market.
     The Company now holds a business license with unified social credit code 913202005502754040,
and as of June 30, 2024, the Company has a registered capital of RMB 314,433,090 with a total number
of 314,433,090 shares (par value RMB 1 per share). Among them, 24,192,315 are outstanding shares
restricted, while 290,240,775 are unrestricted.
     The operating period of the Company: From February 1, 2010 to an indefinite period
     The business scope of the Company: R&D, manufacturing, sales, and technical services of
industrial automatic control systems, special equipment for the electronics industry, photovoltaic
equipment and components; processing, manufacturing, and sales of mechanical parts; sales of general
machinery and accessories; software development; import and export of various commodities and
technologies (except for those that are restricted or prohibited by the government) as principal or agent,
subject to approval by competent authorities for items requiring specific authorization. Licensed items:
power generation, transmission, and distribution services, subject to approval by competent authorities
for items requiring specific authorization. General items: technological services for solar power
generation (Except for items requiring government approval, the business entity may operate the
activities listed on the business license at its discretion.)

     The actual controllers of the Company are Ge Zhiyong and Li Wen.
     The financial statements have been authorized for issuance by the Board of Directors on August 22,

VI. Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements

1. Basis of preparation
     The financial statements are prepared on the basis of going concern.

2. Going concern
√ Applicable □ N/A
     The Company has adequately evaluated its ability to continue as a going concern for the 12 months
from the end of the reporting period, and the evaluation results indicate that there are no matters that cast
significant doubt on its ability to continue as a going concern.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates
Notes on specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:
√ Applicable □ N/A

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    The Company determines accounting policies and accounting estimates appropriate for its businesses,
including policies for accounts receivable, accounts receivable financing, valuation of inventories,
depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets, depreciation of right-of-use assets, the
timing of revenue recognition, and share-based payments; as well as accounting estimates for
impairment of inventories and bad debt provisions for receivables.
     The following disclosures cover specific accounting policies and accounting estimates formulated
by the Company in accordance with the actual production and operating characteristics.

1. Declaration of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
    The financial statements prepared by the Company comply with the requirements of the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and present true and complete information on the financial positions,
operating results, changes in equity, and cash flows of the Company.

2. Accounting period
The Company adopts the calendar year from January 1 to December 31 as its accounting year.

3. Operating cycle
√ Applicable □ N/A
The Company’s operating cycle is 12 months.

4. Functional currency
    The Company adopts RMB as its functional currency. The Company’s subsidiaries determine their
functional currencies based on the primary economic environment in which they operate, with Autowell
Japan Co., Ltd.’s functional currency being the Japanese yen, Autowell (Singapore) Pte Ltd.’s functional
currency being the U.S. dollar, and Autowell (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd’s functional currency being the ringgit.
The financial statements are presented in RMB.

5. Method and basis for determining the materiality criteria
√ Applicable □ N/A
                     Item                                     Materiality criteria
Material receivables that require provision for Items representing more than 0.03% of           the
bad debt on an individual basis                 original value of accounts receivable at        the
                                                end of the period
Material construction in progress               Items representing more than 1% of              the
                                                original value of fixed assets at the end of    the
Material receivables with an age of more than Items representing more than 0.1% of              the
one year or overdue                             original value of total assets at the end of    the

6. Accounting treatment method for the combination of businesses under or not under the same
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Combination of businesses under the same control: The assets and liabilities acquired by the
acquirer, including goodwill resulting from the acquisition of the acquiree by the ultimate controller, are
measured on the basis of the carrying values as recorded in the ultimate controller’ consolidated
financial statements for the acquiree’s assets and liabilities on the date of the combination. The
difference between the carrying value of the net assets acquired in the combination and the carrying
value of the consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value of the shares issued) is
adjusted to equity premium in capital reserves, and the retained earnings is adjusted to the extent that the
equity premium in the capital surplus is not sufficient to eliminate the difference.
     Combination of businesses not under the same control: The costs of combination refer to the fair
value of the assets surrendered, the liabilities incurred or assumed, and the equity securities issued by the
acquirer on the acquisition date for gaining control over the acquiree. The difference between the higher
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combination costs and the share of fair value of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree is recognized
as goodwill. If the combination costs are less than the share of the fair value of the acquiree’s
identifiable net assets obtained from the combination, the difference is included in the current profit or
loss. Each of the identifiable assets, liabilities, and contingent liabilities of the acquiree acquired in the
combination that meets the conditions for recognition is measured at fair value at the date of acquisition.
      Costs incurred directly due to the combination are recorded into current profit or loss at the time of
occurrence. The transaction costs incurred for issuing equity securities or debt securities for the
combination are included in the initial amount recognized for the equity securities or debt securities.

7. Criteria for determining control and methods for preparing consolidated financial statements
√ Applicable □ N/A
               1. Criteria for determining control
     The Company and all its subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements based on
control. Control refers to the cases where the Company has power over the investee, has rights to
variable returns from participating in the relevant activities of the investee, and can use the power over
the investee to influence its return amount.

               2. Procedures of consolidation
     The Company regards the entire group of businesses as one accounting entity and prepares
consolidated financial statements in accordance with unified accounting policies to reflect the financial
position, results of operations, and cash flows of the business group. The effects of intra-group
transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries, as well as among subsidiaries, are eliminated.
Where an intra-group transaction indicates an impairment loss of relevant assets, the full amount of such
loss is recognized. If the accounting policies or accounting periods adopted by subsidiaries are
inconsistent with those of the Company, necessary adjustments are made to align with the Company’s
accounting policies and accounting periods when preparing the consolidated financial statements.
     The portion of equity, net profit or loss, and total comprehensive income attributable to
non-controlling shareholders is separately presented under the owners’ equity section in the consolidated
balance sheet and under the net profit item and total comprehensive income item in the consolidated
income statement. If the share of losses attributable to non-controlling shareholders in a subsidiary in the
current period exceeds the non-controlling interest in the shareholders’ equity of the subsidiary at the
beginning of the period, the excess is charged against non-controlling shareholders’ equity.
     (1) Addition of subsidiaries or businesses
     In the reporting period, if a subsidiary or business is added due to a business combination under
common control, the operating results and cash flows of the subsidiary or business from the beginning of
the period to the end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated financial statements.
Additionally, the opening balances and comparative figures in the consolidated financial statements are
adjusted to reflect the assumption that the reporting entity, as a combined entity, has been part of the

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consolidated group since the date when the ultimate controlling party began to exercise control.
     If control over an investee under common control is obtained due to additional investment or other
reasons, any gains or losses, other comprehensive income, and other changes in net assets recognized in
relation to the equity investment held prior to gaining control, from the later of the date the original
equity was acquired or the date the acquirer and the acquiree were under common control until the date
of the combination, are reversed and adjusted against the opening retained earnings or current profit or
loss in the comparative period of the consolidated financial statements.
     During the reporting period, the addition of subsidiaries or businesses as a result of a non-common
control business combination is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date of
purchase on the basis of the fair value of each identifiable asset, liability, and contingent liability
determined at the date of purchase.
     If control over an investee not under common control is obtained due to additional investment or
for other reasons, the equity interest held in the acquiree prior to the acquisition date is remeasured at its
fair value on the acquisition date. The difference between the fair value and the carrying value is
recognized in the current period’s investment income. Any other comprehensive income and other
changes in equity that were recognized in relation to the equity interest held prior to the acquisition date,
which may be reclassified to profit or loss in future periods, are reclassified to investment income in the
current period as of the acquisition date.
     (2) Disposal of subsidiaries
     ① General treatment
     When control over an investee is lost as a result of the disposal of a portion of the equity investment
or for other reasons, the remaining equity interest after disposal is remeasured at its fair value on the date
of loss of control. The difference between the sum of the consideration received from the disposal and
the fair value of the remaining equity interest, less the share of the net assets of the original subsidiary
attributable to the proportion of equity previously held (including goodwill) from the acquisition date or
combination date, is recognized as investment income in the period when control is lost. Any other
comprehensive income and changes in equity recognized under the equity method that are related to the
original subsidiary’s equity investment and can be reclassified into profit or loss in future periods are
reclassified into current period investment income at the time of loss of control.
  ② Stepwise disposal of subsidiaries
     When a subsidiary’s equity investment is disposed of in stages through multiple transactions until
control is lost, if the terms, conditions, and economic impact of each transaction meet one or more of the
following criteria, it typically indicates that these transactions are accounted for as a single package deal:
     i. The transactions are entered into simultaneously or in contemplation of one another;

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     ii. The transactions as a whole achieve a complete commercial result;
     iii. The realization of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one of the other
transactions; or
     iv. One transaction is not economically justified when viewed in isolation, but is economically
justified when considered together with other transactions.
     If the transactions are considered as a single package deal, they are accounted for as a single
disposal of the subsidiary which causes the loss of control over the subsidiary. The difference between
each disposal price before the loss of control and the share of the subsidiary’s net assets corresponding to
the disposed investment is recognized in other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial
statements, and upon loss of control, this cumulative amount is reclassified into profit or loss for the
period in which control is lost.
     If the transactions are not considered as a single package deal, each disposal before the loss of
control is accounted for as a partial disposal of the subsidiary’s equity investment without loss of control.
Upon loss of control, the general treatment for the disposal of subsidiaries is applied.
     (3) Purchase of non-controlling interests in subsidiaries
     When additional long-term equity investment is acquired due to the purchase of non-controlling
interests, the difference between the newly acquired long-term equity investment and the share of the
subsidiary’s net assets attributable to the proportion of newly acquired shares, calculated cumulatively
from the acquisition date or combination date, is adjusted against the share premium in the capital
reserves in the consolidated balance sheet. If the capital reserves are insufficient to offset the difference,
retained earnings are adjusted.
     (4) Partial disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries without loss of control
     The difference between the consideration received from the disposal and the share of the
subsidiary’s net assets attributable to the disposed long-term equity investment, calculated cumulatively
from the acquisition date or combination date, is adjusted against the share premium in the capital
reserves in the consolidated balance sheet. If the capital reserves are insufficient to offset the difference,
retained earnings are adjusted.

8. Classification of joint venture arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations
□ Applicable √ N/A

9. Determination criteria of cash and cash equivalents
     Cash equivalents refer to investments held by businesses with short term (generally refer to a period
within 3 months from the purchasing date), highly liquid, readily convertible to cash with known amount,
and with small risk of value fluctuation.

10. Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency statements
√ Applicable □ N/A
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           1. Foreign currency transactions
        Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the spot exchange rate on the date of
the transaction for accounting purposes.
        On the balance sheet date, the balances of foreign currency monetary items are translated at the spot
exchange rate on that date. The resulting exchange differences, except for those arising from foreign
currency-specific borrowings related to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets, which are
treated by the principles of capitalizing borrowing costs, are recognized in the current period’s profit or
           2. Translation of foreign currency financial statements
        The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance
sheet date. For equity items, other than “undistributed profits,” the historical exchange rates at the time
of the transactions are used for translation. Income and expense items in the income statement are
translated using the spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction.
        Upon disposal of a foreign operation, the cumulative translation differences related to that foreign
operation, which were previously recognized in equity, are reclassified to profit or loss in the period of

11. Financial instruments
√ Applicable □ N/A
        The Company recognizes a financial asset, financial liability, or equity instrument when it becomes
a party to a financial instrument contract.
             1. Classification of financial instruments
        Based on the Company’s business model for managing financial assets and the characteristics of the
contractual cash flows, financial assets are classified at initial recognition as financial assets measured at
amortized cost, financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVOCI),
and financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss (FVTPL).
        The Company classifies financial assets as measured at amortized cost if both of the following
conditions are met and the financial assets are not designated as at FVTPL:
        – The business model aims to hold the asset to collect the contractual cash flows;
        – The contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount
        The Company classifies financial assets as at FVOCI (debt instruments) if both of the following
conditions are met and the financial assets are not designated as at FVTPL:
        – The business model aims both to collect contractual cash flows and to sell the financial asset;
        – The contractual cash flows are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount

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     For investments in equity instruments that are not held for trading, the Company may, at initial
recognition, irrevocably designate them as at FVOCI (equity instruments). This designation is made on
an individual investment basis, and the related investment meets the definition of an equity instrument
from the issuer’s perspective.
     In addition to the financial assets measured at amortized cost and FVOCI mentioned above, the
Company classifies all other financial assets as at FVTPL. At initial recognition, if it eliminates or
significantly reduces an accounting mismatch, the Company may irrevocably designate a financial asset
that would otherwise be classified as measured at amortized cost or at FVOCI as a financial asset
measured at FVTPL.
     Financial liabilities are classified at initial recognition as either financial liabilities at FVTPL or at
amortized cost.
     A financial liability may be designated at FVTPL at initial recognition if it meets one of the
following conditions:
     1) The designation eliminates or significantly reduces an accounting mismatch.
     2) The financial liability is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis,
following the Company’s documented risk management or investment strategy, and information about
the financial liability is provided internally on that basis to key management personnel.
     3) The financial liability contains an embedded derivative that needs to be separated.
          2. Basis for recognizing and measuring financial instruments
     (1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost
     Financial assets measured at amortized cost include notes receivable, accounts receivable, other
receivables, long-term receivables, debt investments, etc. These assets are initially measured at fair value,
with related transaction costs included in the initial recognition amount. Accounts receivable that do not
contain a significant financing component and those for which the Company has decided not to consider
the financing component of one year or less are initially measured at the contractual transaction price.
     Interest calculated using the effective interest method during the holding period is recognized in the
current profit or loss.
     Upon recovery or disposal, the difference between the consideration received and the carrying
value of the financial asset is recognized in the current profit or loss.
     (2) Financial assets at FVOCI (debt instruments)
     Financial assets measured at FVOCI (debt instruments) include accounts receivable financing, other
debt investments, etc. These assets are initially measured at fair value, with related transaction costs
included in the initial recognition amount. Subsequently, these financial assets are measured at fair value,

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with changes in fair value, except for interest calculated using the effective interest method, impairment
losses or gains, and foreign exchange gains or losses, recognized in other comprehensive income.
        Upon derecognition, the cumulative gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive
income are transferred from other comprehensive income to current profit or loss.
        (3) Financial assets at FVOCI (equity instruments)
        Financial assets at FVOCI (equity instruments) include investments in other equity instruments, etc.
These assets are initially measured at fair value, with related transaction costs included in the initial
recognition amount. Subsequently, these financial assets are measured at fair value, with changes in fair
value recognized in other comprehensive income. Dividends received are recognized in current profit or
        Upon derecognition, the cumulative gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive
income are transferred from other comprehensive income to retained earnings.
        (4) Financial assets at FVTPL
        Financial assets at FVTPL include financial assets held for trading, derivative financial assets, and
other non-current financial assets. These assets are initially measured at fair value, with related
transaction costs recognized in current profit or loss. Subsequently, these financial assets are measured at
fair value, with changes in fair value recognized in current profit or loss.
        (5) Financial liabilities at FVTPL
        Financial liabilities at FVTPL include financial liabilities held for trading, derivative financial
liabilities, etc. These liabilities are initially measured at fair value, with related transaction costs
recognized in current profit or loss. Subsequently, these financial liabilities are measured at fair value,
with changes in fair value recognized in current profit or loss.
        Upon derecognition, the difference between the carrying value and the consideration paid is
recognized in the current profit or loss.
        (6) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost
        Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost include short-term borrowings, notes payable,
        accounts payable, other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payable, and long-term payables.
        These liabilities are initially measured at fair value, with related transaction costs included in the
        initial recognition amount.
        Interest calculated using the effective interest method during the holding period is recognized in the
current profit or loss.
        Upon derecognition, the difference between the consideration paid and the carrying value of the
financial liability is recognized in the current profit or loss.

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         3. Criteria and measurement methods for derecognition and transfer of financial assets
     The Company derecognizes a financial asset when one of the following conditions is met:
     – The contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire;
     – The financial asset has been transferred, and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership
of the financial asset have been transferred to the transferee;
     – The financial asset has been transferred, although the Company has neither transferred nor
retained substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership, it has not retained control over the financial
     If the Company and a counterparty modify or renegotiate a contract in a way that results in a
substantial modification, the original financial asset is derecognized, and a new financial asset is
recognized based on the modified terms.
     If, in a transfer of a financial asset, the Company retains substantially all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset, the asset is not derecognized.
     In assessing whether a financial asset transfer meets the above derecognition criteria, the Company
applies the principle of substance over form.
     The Company distinguishes between transfers of the financial assets as a whole and transfers of a
portion of a financial asset. If the transfer of financial assets as a whole meets the derecognition criteria,
the difference between the following two amounts is recognized in profit or loss in the current period:
     (1) The carrying value of the transferred financial asset; and
     (2) The sum of the consideration received from the transfer and any cumulative gain or loss
previously recognized in other comprehensive income that is associated with the transferred financial
asset (in cases where the financial asset is a debt instrument measured at FVOCI).
     If the transfer of a portion of a financial asset meets the derecognition criteria, the carrying value of
the financial assets as a whole is allocated between the portion that is derecognized and the portion that
is not derecognized, based on their relative fair values. The difference between the following two
amounts is recognized in profit or loss in the current period:
     (1) The carrying value of the portion that is derecognized; and
     (2) The sum of the consideration received for the portion that is derecognized and the cumulative
gain or loss previously recognized in other comprehensive income that is associated with the portion that
is derecognized (in cases where the financial asset is a debt instrument measured at FVOCI).
     If the transfer of a financial asset does not meet the derecognition criteria, the Company continues
to recognize the financial asset and recognizes the consideration received as a financial liability.
         4. Derecognition of financial liabilities
     A financial liability, or part of it, is derecognized when the obligation specified in the contract is

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discharged. If the Company enters into an agreement with a creditor to replace an existing financial
liability with a new financial liability, and the terms of the new financial liability are substantially
different from those of the existing financial liability, the existing financial liability is derecognized and
a new financial liability is recognized.
     If the terms of an existing financial liability are substantially modified, the existing financial
liability, or part of it, is derecognized, and the modified financial liability is recognized as a new
financial liability.
     When a financial liability is fully or partially derecognized, the difference between the carrying
value of the derecognized financial liability and the consideration paid (including any transferred
non-cash assets or new financial liabilities assumed) is recognized in profit or loss in the current period.
     If the Company repurchases a portion of a financial liability, the carrying value of the financial
liability is allocated on the repurchase date between the portion that continues to be recognized and the
portion that is derecognized, based on their relative fair values. The difference between the carrying
value allocated to the derecognized portion and the consideration paid, including any transferred
non-cash assets or new financial liabilities assumed, is recognized in profit or loss in the current period.
         5. Methods for determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
     For financial instruments with active markets, the fair value is determined based on quoted prices in
those active markets. For financial instruments for which no active market exists, fair value is
determined using valuation techniques. In applying valuation techniques, the Company uses valuation
methods that are appropriate under the current circumstances and are supported by sufficient and reliable
data and other relevant information. The inputs used in the valuation are consistent with the
characteristics of the asset or liability considered by market participants in the transaction, with a
preference given to observable inputs when available. Unobservable inputs are used only when relevant
observable inputs are not available or are impractical to obtain.
         6. Impairment testing and accounting treatment for financial instruments
     The Company accounts for the impairment of financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial
assets at FVOCI (debt instruments), and financial guarantee contracts based on expected credit losses.
     The Company considers reasonable and supportable information about past events, current
conditions, and forecasts of future economic conditions in assessing credit risk and calculating the
present value of the difference between the contractual cash flows and the expected cash flows. This
present value is weighted by the probability of default to determine the expected credit loss.
     For receivables and contract assets arising from transactions governed by Accounting Standard for
Business Enterprises No. 14—Revenue, the Company measures the loss allowance based on the expected
credit losses over the entire lifetime of the asset, regardless of whether a significant financing component

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     For lease receivables arising from transactions governed by Accounting Standard for Business
Enterprises No. 21—Leases, the Company also measures the loss allowance based on the expected credit
losses over the entire lifetime of the lease.
     For other financial instruments, the Company assesses changes in credit risk since initial
recognition at each balance sheet date.
     The Company evaluates whether the credit risk of a financial instrument has significantly increased
since initial recognition by comparing the risk of default on the balance sheet date with the risk of
default at initial recognition, to assess relative changes in default risk over the expected lifetime of the
financial instrument. Generally, if a financial instrument is more than 30 days past due, the Company
considers that the credit risk has increased significantly unless there is strong evidence that the credit
risk has not increased significantly since initial recognition.
     If the credit risk of a financial instrument is low on the balance sheet date, the Company considers
that the credit risk has not significantly increased since initial recognition.
     If the credit risk of a financial instrument has significantly increased since initial recognition, the
Company measures the loss allowance based on the expected credit losses over the entire lifetime of the
financial instrument. If the credit risk has not significantly increased, the Company measures the loss
allowance based on the expected credit losses for the next 12 months. The increase or reversal of the loss
allowance is recognized as impairment loss or gain in profit or loss in the current period. For financial
assets measured at FVOCI (debt instruments), the loss allowance is recognized in other comprehensive
income, and the impairment loss or gain is recognized in profit or loss in the current period, without
reducing the carrying value of the financial asset presented in the balance sheet.
     If there is objective evidence that a receivable has been credit-impaired, the Company recognizes
an impairment loss on that receivable on an individual basis.
     For financial instruments other than the receivables for which individual impairment has been
recognized, the Company groups financial instruments based on credit risk characteristics and
determines expected credit losses on a collective basis. The categories and basis for determining
expected credit losses for accounts receivable, accounts receivable financing, and other receivables are
as follows:

                   Item                         Category                          Determination basis
                                                                             Expected credit losses are
          Accounts     receivable,
                                       Aging category                   calculated and an aging schedule of
          other receivables
                                                                           other receivables against the

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                  Item                         Category                         Determination basis
                                                                         expected credit loss rate prepared
                                                                        by referring to historical credit loss
                                                                         experience, combined with current
                                                                         conditions and forecasts of future
                                                                                economic conditions.
                                                                             Expected credit losses are
                                                                        calculated and an aging schedule of
                                                                            other receivables against the
        Accounts         receivable                                      expected credit loss rate prepared
                                       Note type
        financing                                                       by referring to historical credit loss
                                                                         experience, combined with current
                                                                         conditions and forecasts of future
                                                                                economic conditions.

     If the Company no longer reasonably expects to recover the contractual cash flows of a financial
asset in full or in part, the carrying amount of the financial asset is written off directly.

12. Notes receivable
□ Applicable √ N/A

13. Accounts receivable
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Please refer to “11. Financial instruments” in “V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting
Estimates” in this section.

14. Accounts receivable financing
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Please refer to “11. Financial instruments” in “V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting
Estimates” in this section.

15. Other receivables
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Please refer to “11. Financial instruments” in “V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting
Estimates” in this section.

16. Inventories
√ Applicable □ N/A
Categories of inventories, inventory valuation method, inventory system, and amortization method
for low-value consumables and packaging materials
√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. Classification and cost of inventories
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     Inventories are classified into raw materials, work in progress, self-produced semi-finished goods,
finished goods, goods dispatched, and materials consigned for processing.
     Inventories are initially measured at cost. The cost of inventories includes purchase costs,
processing costs, and other expenditures incurred to bring the inventories to their current location and

     2. Inventory valuation method
     Inventories are valued at the weighted average cost method when issued.

     3. Inventory system
     The perpetual inventory system is adopted.

     4. Amortization method for low-value consumables and packages
     (1) Low-value consumables are amortized using the one-time write-off method;
     (2) Packaging materials are amortized using the one-time write-off method.

Recognition criteria and methods for provision for inventory write-downs
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value on the balance sheet date.
When the cost of inventories exceeds their net realizable value, a provision for inventory write-downs is
recognized. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the
estimated costs of completion, estimated selling expenses, and relevant taxes.
     For finished goods, merchandise, and materials held for sale directly, the net realizable value is
determined by the estimated selling price less estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes in the
normal production and operation process. For materials that require processing, the net realizable value
is determined by the estimated selling price of the finished goods produced, less the estimated costs of
completion, estimated selling expenses, and relevant taxes in the normal production and operation
process. For inventories held to fulfill sales contracts or service contracts, the net realizable value is
calculated based on the contract price. If the quantity of inventories held exceeds the quantity ordered
under the sales contract, the net realizable value of the excess inventory is based on the general selling

Categories and criteria for provision for inventory write-downs based on grouped inventories, and
the basis for determining the net realizable value of different types of inventories
√ Applicable □ N/A

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          Inventory grouping                                            The basis for determining the net
                                             Grouping basis
               categories                                                        realizable value
        Raw materials - Grouped                                          Net realizable value determined
                                        Inventory aging
        by aging                                                         based on aging
        Merchandise - Grouped                                            Net realizable value determined
                                        Inventory aging
        by aging                                                         based on aging
                                                                         Net realizable value determined
        semi-finished    goods      -   Inventory aging
                                                                         based on aging
        Grouped by aging

Methods and basis for calculating the net realizable value of inventories grouped by aging
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                          Calculation methods for the net realizable value
                                                                           of inventories
        Within 2 years                                    100% of the carrying amount
        2–3 years                                        50% of the carrying amount
        Over 3 years                                      0% of the carrying amount

17. Contract assets
√ Applicable □ N/A
Methods and criteria for recognizing contract assets
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Contract assets or contract liabilities are presented in the balance sheet based on the relationship
between the fulfillment of performance obligations and customer payments. The right to consideration
for goods or services transferred to a customer, which is conditional on factors other than the passage of
time, is presented as a contract asset. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are
presented on a net basis. The Company’s unconditional right to consideration from customers, which
depends solely on the passage of time, is presented separately as receivables.

Categories and criteria for provision for bad debts based on credit risk characteristics
□ Applicable √ N/A

Method for calculating aging-based credit risk characteristics for contract assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

Determination of individual provisions for bad debts and criteria for individual provisions
□ Applicable √ N/A

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18. Non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale
□ Applicable √ N/A

Criteria for classification and accounting treatment of non-current assets or disposal groups held
for sale
□ Applicable √ N/A

Recognition criteria and presentation of discontinued operations
□ Applicable √ N/A
19. Long-term equity investments
√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. Criteria for determining joint control and significant influence
     Joint control refers to the shared control over an arrangement in accordance with relevant
agreements, where decisions about the relevant activities of the arrangement require the unanimous
consent of the parties sharing control. Where the Company and other joint venture partners jointly
control an investee and have rights to the investee’s net assets, the investee is considered as a joint
venture of the Company.
     Significant influence refers to the power to participate in the financial and operating policy
decisions of an investee, but not control or jointly control with other parties the formulation of those
policies. If the Company can exert significant influence over an investee, the investee is considered an
associate of the Company.
     2. Determine the initial investment cost
     (1) Long-term equity investments arising from business combinations
     For long-term equity investments in subsidiaries arising from business combinations under
common control, the initial investment cost is determined based on the share of the carrying value of the
equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the
combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost and the carrying value of the
consideration paid is adjusted against the share premium in the capital reserves. If the share premium is
insufficient to offset the difference, retained earnings are adjusted. When control over an investee under
common control is obtained due to additional investment or other reasons, if the initial investment cost
of the long-term equity investment recognized under the above principles is different from the sum of
the carrying value of the long-term equity investment before the combination and the carrying value of
the additional consideration paid on the combination date, the difference is adjusted against the share
premium. If the share premium is insufficient to offset the difference, it is deducted from retained
     For long-term equity investments in subsidiaries arising from business combinations not under
common control, the initial investment cost is determined based on the acquisition cost as of the
acquisition date. When control over an investee not under common control is obtained due to additional

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investment or for other reasons, the initial investment cost is determined based on the carrying value of
the previously held equity investment plus the cost of the additional investment.
     (2) Long-term equity investments acquired through means other than business combinations
     For long-term equity investments acquired through cash payments, the initial investment cost is
determined based on the actual purchase price paid.
     For long-term equity investments acquired through the issuance of equity securities, the initial
investment cost is determined based on the fair value of the equity securities issued.
     3. Subsequent measurement and the recognition of profit or loss
     (1) Long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method
     The Company accounts for long-term equity investments in subsidiaries using the cost method,
unless the investment is classified as held for sale. Except for the portion of the purchase price or
consideration paid that includes declared but unpaid cash dividends or profits at the time of acquisition,
the Company recognizes the current investment income based on the share of the declared cash
dividends or profits distributed by the investee.
     (2) Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method
     Long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for using the equity
method. Where the initial investment cost exceeds the share of the fair value of the identifiable net assets
of the investee at the time of the investment, the excess is not adjusted to the initial investment cost of
the long-term equity investment. If the initial investment cost is less than the share of the fair value of
the identifiable net assets of the investee at the time of the investment, the difference is recognized in
profit or loss for the period and the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted accordingly.
     The Company recognizes its share of the net profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the
investee, to which it is entitled or for which it is responsible, as investment income and other
comprehensive income, respectively, while adjusting the carrying value of the long-term equity
investment. The carrying value of the long-term equity investment is reduced by the portion of profits or
cash dividends declared by the investee that is attributable to the Company. For other changes in the
equity of the investee, aside from net profit or loss, other comprehensive income, and profit distributions
(referred to as “other equity changes”), the carrying value of the long-term equity investment is adjusted
and the change is recognized in owners’ equity.
     When recognizing the share of the investee’s net profit or loss, other comprehensive income, and
other equity changes, the Company bases these amounts on the fair value of the identifiable net assets of
the investee at the time the investment was acquired. Adjustments are made to align the investee’s net
profit and other comprehensive income with the Company’s accounting policies and reporting periods
before recognition.

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     Unrealized gains and losses from internal transactions between the Company and its associates or
joint ventures are eliminated in proportion to the Company’s share, and investment income is recognized
on that basis, except where the transferred or sold assets constitute a business. Unrealized internal
transaction losses with the investee are fully recognized if they are related to asset impairment losses.
     If the investee incurs net losses, the Company reduces the carrying value of the long-term equity
investment and any other long-term interests that substantially form part of the net investment in the
investee up to zero, except when the Company shall bear additional losses. If the associate or joint
venture subsequently generates net profits, the Company resumes recognizing its share of profits after
covering any unrecognized losses.
     (3) Disposal of long-term equity investments
     When disposing of a long-term equity investment, the difference between its carrying value and the
actual proceeds received is recognized in profit or loss in the current period.
     For partial disposals of long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, if the
remaining equity interest is still accounted for using the equity method, the portion of other
comprehensive income previously recognized under the equity method is reclassified proportionately,
based on the same basis as if the investee had directly disposed of related assets or liabilities. Other
changes in owners’ equity are reclassified proportionately to profit or loss for the period.
     When the disposal of equity investments results in the loss of joint control or significant influence
over the investee, any other comprehensive income previously recognized under the equity method is
accounted for based on the same principles as if the investee had directly disposed of related assets or
liabilities when the equity method is discontinued. All other changes in owners’ equity are reclassified to
profit or loss upon discontinuation of the equity method.
     When the disposal of a portion of an equity investment results in the loss of control over the
investee, and in the preparation of individual financial statements, if the remaining equity interest allows
the Company to exert joint control or significant influence over the investee, the remaining equity
interest is accounted for using the equity method. The remaining equity interest is adjusted as if it were
accounted for using the equity method from the date of acquisition. The portion of other comprehensive
income recognized before obtaining control over the investee is reclassified proportionately, based on
the same basis as if the investee had directly disposed of related assets or liabilities. Other changes in
owners’ equity recognized under the equity method are reclassified proportionately to profit or loss for
the period. If the remaining equity interest does not allow the Company to exert joint control or
significant influence over the investee, it is recognized as a financial asset, and the difference between its
fair value on the date control is lost and its carrying value is recognized in profit or loss for the period.
All other comprehensive income and changes in owners’ equity recognized prior to the acquisition of

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control over the investee are reclassified in full.
     When control over a subsidiary is lost due to the stepwise disposal of equity investments through
multiple transactions, and these transactions are part of a single package deal, all such transactions are
accounted for as a single transaction that results in the disposal of the subsidiary’s equity investment and
the loss of control. The difference between the disposal price and the carrying value of the equity
investment corresponding to each disposal, prior to the loss of control, is recognized as other
comprehensive income in the individual financial statements, and reclassified in full to profit or loss in
the period when control is lost. If the transactions are not part of a single package deal, each transaction
is accounted for separately.
20. Investment property

21. Fixed assets
(1) Recognition criteria
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for use in the production of goods, provision of services,
rental, or managing operations, with a useful life exceeding one accounting period. Fixed assets are
recognized when they simultaneously meet the following criteria:
     (1) It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the fixed asset will flow to the
     (2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.
     Fixed assets are initially measured at cost (taking into account the effect of estimated dismantling
     Subsequent expenditures related to fixed assets are included in the cost of the fixed assets when it is
probable that the economic benefits related to them will flow to the enterprise and their cost can be
reliably measured; the carrying value is derecognized for the replaced parts. All other subsequent
expenditures are recognized in profit or loss for the period in which they are incurred.
(2) Depreciation method
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Fixed assets are depreciated by the straight-line method, classified according to the categories of
fixed assets, estimated useful life, and estimated residual value rate to determine the depreciation rate.
For fixed assets that have recognized impairment losses, depreciation is calculated in future periods
based on the carrying value after deducting the impairment provision and considering the remaining
useful life. If different parts of a fixed asset have different useful lives or provide economic benefits to
the enterprise in different ways, different depreciation rates or methods are selected, and depreciation is
calculated separately.

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     The depreciation methods, depreciable period, residual value rates, and annual depreciation rates
for each category of fixed assets are as follows:
                           Depreciation        Depreciable period     Residual value          Annual
                              method                (year)                 rate          depreciation rate
   Buildings and         Straight-line        20                      5.00               4.75
   structures            method
   Machinery             Straight-line        10                      5.00               9.50
   equipment             method
   Office equipment      Straight-line        5                       5.00               19.00
   Transportation        Straight-line        4                       5.00               23.75
   equipment             method
   Electronic            Straight-line        3                       5.00               31.67
   equipment             method
   Other equipment       Straight-line        5                       5.00               19.00
     When a fixed asset is disposed of or is expected to generate no future economic benefits from its
use or disposal, it is derecognized. The amount of the proceeds from the sale, transfer, retirement, or
destruction of a fixed asset, net of its carrying value and related taxes and fees, is recognized in profit or
loss in the current period.

22. Construction in progress
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Construction in progress is measured at actual costs. The actual costs include construction costs,
installation costs, borrowing costs that qualify for capitalization, and other necessary expenditures
incurred to bring the construction in progress to the intended usable state. When construction in progress
reaches the intended usable state, it is transferred to fixed assets and depreciation begins in the following
month. The Company’s criteria and timing for transferring construction in progress to fixed assets are as

            Categories                        Criteria and timing for transfer to fixed assets
                                 (1) The main construction and ancillary works have been substantially
                                 completed; (2) The construction has met the intended design
                                 requirements and has been inspected and accepted by survey, design,
                                 construction, supervision, and other relevant units; (3) The
        Buildings        and     construction has passed inspection by external parties such as fire
        structures               safety, land, and planning authorities; (4) If the construction project
                                 has reached the intended usable state but the final settlement of
                                 accounts has not yet been completed, the actual cost of the project is
                                 estimated and transferred to fixed assets from the date the intended
                                 usable state is reached.

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               Categories                        Criteria and timing for transfer to fixed assets
                                    (1) The relevant equipment and other supporting facilities have been
           Machinery                fully installed; (2) The equipment has been tested and can operate
           equipment     to    be   normally and stably for a period of time; (3) The production
           installed          and   equipment can produce qualified products consistently over a period
           commissioned             of time; (4) The equipment has been inspected and accepted by asset
                                    management personnel and users.

23. Borrowing costs
√ Applicable □ N/A
           1. Principles for recognizing capitalization of borrowing costs
        Borrowing costs incurred by the Company that are directly attributable to the acquisition,
construction, or production of qualifying assets are capitalized and included in the cost of the relevant
assets. Other borrowing costs are recognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred and are
included in profit or loss in the current period.
        Qualifying assets refer to assets such as fixed assets, investment properties, and inventories that
necessarily take a substantial period to get ready for their intended use or sale.
           2. Capitalization period of borrowing costs
        The capitalization period refers to the time from the commencement of capitalization of borrowing
costs until the point at which capitalization ceases, excluding any period during which capitalization is
        Borrowing costs begin to be capitalized when all of the following conditions are met:
        (1) Expenditures for the asset have been incurred, including cash payments, the transfer of non-cash
assets, or the assumption of interest-bearing liabilities for the acquisition, construction, or production of
qualifying assets;
        (2) Borrowing costs have been incurred;
        (3) Activities necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale are in progress.
        Capitalization of borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset is ready for its intended use or
           3. Suspension of capitalization
        If there is an abnormal interruption in the acquisition, construction, or production process of a
qualifying asset, and the interruption lasts for more than three consecutive months, capitalization of
borrowing costs is suspended. If the interruption is necessary to bring the qualifying asset to its intended
usable or saleable condition, capitalization of borrowing costs continues. Borrowing costs incurred

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during the interruption are recognized as profit or loss in the current period, and capitalization resumes
when the acquisition, construction, or production activities recommence.
        4. Calculation method for the capitalization rate and capitalization amount of borrowing
     For specific borrowings obtained for the acquisition, construction, or production of qualifying
assets, the amount of borrowing costs to be capitalized is determined by subtracting the interest income
earned from the unused borrowed funds deposited in the bank or the investment income earned from
temporary investments, from the actual borrowing costs incurred during the period.
     For general borrowings used for the acquisition, construction, or production of qualifying assets,
the amount of borrowing costs to be capitalized is calculated by applying the capitalization rate to the
weighted average of the asset expenditures that exceed the specific borrowings. The capitalization rate is
determined based on the weighted average actual interest rate of the general borrowings.
     During the capitalization period, exchange differences on foreign currency-specific borrowings,
including both principal and interest, are capitalized and included in the cost of the qualifying assets.
Exchange differences on the principal and interest of other foreign currency borrowings, except for
foreign currency-specific borrowings, are recognized in profit or loss in the current period.
24. Biological assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

25. Oil and gas assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

26. Intangible assets

     Valuation method for intangible assets
     (1) The Company initially measures intangible assets at cost upon acquisition.
     The cost of purchased intangible assets includes the purchase price, related taxes, and other
expenditures directly attributable to bringing the asset to its intended use.
     (2) Subsequent measurement
     When acquiring an intangible asset, the Company assesses and determines its useful life.
     Intangible assets with a finite useful life are amortized over the period during which they are
expected to generate economic benefits for the Company. If the period during which the intangible asset
is expected to generate economic benefits for the Company cannot be reasonably estimated, the asset is
classified as having an indefinite useful life and is not amortized.

(1) Useful life and the basis for its determination, estimation, amortization method, or review
√ Applicable □ N/A

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     1. Estimation of useful life for intangible assets with a finite useful life

           Item       Estimated useful life                         Basis for determining estimated useful life
      Software        5                         Straight-line       Estimated benefit period
      Land            50                        Straight-line       Estimated benefit period
                                                Straight-line       Estimated benefit period
      Patents         10
                                                Straight-line       Estimated benefit period
      Others          3
      Non-patented                              Straight-line       Estimated benefit period
      technology                                method

     2. Criteria for determining the indefinite useful life of intangible assets and procedures for
     reviewing useful life
     If the period during which the intangible asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the
Company cannot be reasonably estimated, the asset is classified as having an indefinite useful life and is
not amortized. The Company does not have any intangible assets with an indefinite useful life during the
reporting period.

(2) Scope of aggregation and accounting treatment for R&D expenditures
√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. Scope of aggregation for R&D expenditures
     The Company aggregates all expenses directly related to the R&D activities, including employee
benefits for R&D personnel, expenses related to equity incentives, material input costs, depreciation and
amortization expenses, and costs for outsourced R&D activities.

     2. Specific criteria for differentiating the research phase and the development phase
     Expenditures on internal R&D projects are classified into research phase expenditures and
development phase expenditures.
     Research phase: This stage involves original and planned investigations undertaken to acquire and
understand new scientific or technical knowledge.
     Development phase: This stage involves applying research findings or other knowledge to a plan or
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design for the production of new or substantially improved materials, devices, products, etc., before
commencing commercial production or use.

     3. Specific conditions for capitalizing development phase expenditures
     Expenditures during the research phase are included in the profit or loss of the current period when
they occur. Development phase expenditures are capitalized as intangible assets when all of the
following conditions are met; otherwise, they are included in the current profit or loss:
     (1) The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it can be utilized or sold is
     (2) There is an intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
     (3) There is evidence of how the intangible asset will generate economic benefits, including
demonstrating the existence of a market for the products produced using the intangible asset or for the
intangible asset itself, or if it is to be used internally, demonstrating its usefulness;
     (4) There are adequate technical, financial, and other resources available to complete the
development of the intangible asset and to use or sell it;
     (5) The expenditures attributable to the development phase of the intangible asset can be reliably
     If it is not possible to distinguish between the expenditures attributable to the research phase and
the development phase, all R&D expenditures are recognized in profit or loss as incurred.

27. Impairment of long-term assets
 √ Applicable □ N/A
     For long-term assets such as long-term equity investments, fixed assets, construction in progress,
right-of-use assets, intangible assets with finite useful lives, and oil and gas assets, an impairment test is
conducted if there are indications of impairment as of the balance sheet date. If the impairment test
indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying value, the impairment provision
is made according to the difference and included in the impairment loss. The recoverable amount is the
higher of the asset’s net fair value after deducting disposal costs or the present value of the expected
future cash flows from the asset. Provision for impairment is calculated and recognized on an individual
asset basis. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable
amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs is determined. An asset group is the smallest
identifiable group of assets that generates cash inflows independently.
     For goodwill arising from business combinations, intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, and
intangible assets that are not yet ready for use, impairment tests are conducted at least annually,
regardless of whether there are indications of impairment.

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     When conducting a goodwill impairment test, the carrying value of goodwill resulting from the
business combination is allocated to the relevant asset group or groups on a reasonable basis from the
acquisition date. If it is difficult to allocate the goodwill to the relevant asset group, it is allocated to a
group of asset groups. The relevant asset group or combination of asset groups are those that are
expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination.
     When performing an impairment test on an asset group or combination of asset groups that include
goodwill, if there are indications of impairment for the asset group or combination of asset groups that
are associated with the goodwill, an impairment test is first conducted on the asset group or combination
of asset groups without considering the goodwill. The recoverable amount is calculated and compared
with the carrying value, and any impairment loss is recognized. The impairment test is then conducted
on the asset group or combination of asset groups that include the goodwill. If the recoverable amount is
less than the carrying value, the impairment loss is first allocated to reduce the carrying value of the
goodwill allocated to the asset group or group of asset groups. Any remaining impairment loss is then
allocated proportionally to reduce the carrying values of the other assets in the asset group or
combination of asset groups based on the relative carrying values of those assets.
Once an impairment loss is recognized for the above assets, it is not reversed in subsequent accounting

28. Long-term deferred expenses
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Long-term deferred expenses refer to expenditures that have already been incurred but should be
amortized over the current and subsequent periods, with an amortization period of more than one year.
     The amortization period and method for each expense item are as follows:

                  Item                         Amortization method                  Amortization period
      Renovation costs                Straight-line method                       Estimated benefit period
      Others                          Straight-line method                       Estimated benefit period

29. Contract liabilities
√ Applicable □ N/A
     Contract assets or contract liabilities are presented in the balance sheet based on the relations
between the fulfillment of performance obligations and customer payments. The obligation to transfer
goods or provide services to a customer, for which consideration has been received or is receivable, is
presented as a contract liability. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are
presented on a net basis.

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30. Employee benefits
     (1) Accounting treatment of short-term benefits
√ Applicable □ N/A
     The Company recognizes the actual amount of short-term benefits incurred during the accounting
period in which employees provide services to the Company as a liability and includes it in the current
period’s profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets.
     The Company calculates and determines the amount of employee benefits for social insurance
contributions and housing provident funds, as well as union fees and employee education expenses,
based on the prescribed accrual basis and provision ratio during the accounting period in which
employees render services.
     Employee welfare expenses incurred by the Company are recognized in profit or loss or the cost of
relevant assets based on the actual amount incurred when they occur, with non-monetary benefits
measured at fair value.

     (2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
√ Applicable □ N/A
     (1) Defined contribution plans
     The Company contributes to basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance for employees
following the relevant local government regulations. The contributions are calculated based on the
prescribed contribution base and percentage and are recognized as a liability and included in the current
period’s profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets during the accounting period in which employees
render services. Additionally, the Company participates in enterprise annuity plans/supplementary
pension insurance funds approved by the relevant national authorities. Contributions to the annuity
plans/local social insurance agencies, calculated as a percentage of total employee wages, are recognized
as expenses in the current period’s profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets.
     (2) Defined benefit plans
     The Company attributes the benefit obligations arising from defined benefit plans to the period
during which employees render services based on a formula determined by the projected unit credit
method and recognizes the expenses in the current period’s profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets.
     The present value of defined benefit plan obligations, minus the fair value of defined benefit plan
assets, results in a deficit or surplus that is recognized as a net defined benefit liability or asset. If a
surplus exists in the defined benefit plan, the Company measures the net asset of the defined benefit plan
at the lower of the surplus or the asset ceiling.
     All obligations under defined benefit plans, including those expected to be settled within twelve
months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the employees render services, are

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discounted using the market yield of government bonds or high-quality corporate bonds in an active
market with maturity and currency that match the defined benefit plan obligations as of the balance sheet
        Service costs arising from defined benefit plans and the net interest on the net defined benefit
liability or asset are recognized in the current period’s profit or loss or the cost of relevant assets.
Changes resulting from remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability or asset are recognized in
other comprehensive income and are not reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent accounting periods.
Upon termination of the original defined benefit plan, amounts previously recognized in other
comprehensive income are reclassified to undistributed profits within equity.
        When a defined benefit plan is settled, the difference between the present value of the defined
benefit plan obligations as of the settlement date and the settlement price is recognized as a gain or loss
on settlement.

     (3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits
√ Applicable □ N/A
        When the Company provides termination benefits to employees, it recognizes a liability for
employee benefits arising from termination benefits and includes it in the current period’s profit or loss
at the earlier of the following dates: when the Company is unable to unilaterally withdraw the offer of
termination benefits due to the termination plan or layoff proposal; or when the Company recognizes
costs or expenses related to restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits.

     (4) Accounting treatment of other long-term employee benefits
□ Applicable √ N/A

31. Provisions
√ Applicable □ N/A
        The Company recognizes a provision for an obligation related to a contingent event when all of the
following conditions are met:
        (1) The obligation is a present obligation assumed by the Company;
        (2) It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation;
        (3) The amount of the obligation can be reliably estimated.

        Provisions are initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the
present obligation.

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     In determining the best estimate, the Company takes into account the risks, uncertainties, and the
time value of money associated with the contingent event. Where the effect of the time value of money
is significant, the best estimate is determined by discounting the expected future cash outflows.
     If there is a continuous range of possible outcomes and each outcome within that range is equally
likely, the best estimate is the midpoint of the range; in other situations, the best estimate is determined
as follows:
     If the contingency involves a single item, the most likely amount is used;
     If the contingency involves multiple items, the estimate is calculated by weighing all possible
outcomes by their associated probabilities.
     Where the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to be reimbursed, in whole or in
part, by a third party, the reimbursement is recognized as a separate asset when it is virtually certain that
the reimbursement will be received. The amount recognized for reimbursement does not exceed the
carrying value of the provision.
     The Company reviews the carrying value of provisions at each balance sheet date and adjusts them
to reflect the current best estimate if there is evidence that the carrying value does not reflect the best
     The provision recognized by the Company includes the estimated cost for post-sale quality
maintenance of products, which is accrued at 1.2% of the total sales revenue of the complete products.

32. Share-based payments
 √ Applicable □ N/A
      The Company engages in share-based payment transactions, granting equity instruments or
incurring liabilities based on equity instruments in exchange for services provided by employees or other
parties. Share-based payments are classified as either equity-settled or cash-settled.
     1. Equity-settled share-based payments
     For equity-settled share-based payments in exchange for services provided by employees, the fair
value of the equity instruments granted is measured at the grant date. For transactions where the equity
instruments are vested immediately upon granting, the cost or expense is recognized on the grant date at
the fair value of the equity instruments, with a corresponding increase in capital reserves. For
transactions where the equity instruments are vested after completing a service period or achieving
specific performance conditions during the vesting period, the Company recognizes the services
received during the vesting period based on the best estimate of the number of equity instruments
expected to vest, measured at the fair value at the date of grant, with a corresponding increase in capital
reserves at each balance sheet date.

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     If the terms of an equity-settled share-based payment are modified, the Company recognizes, at a
minimum, the services received as if the terms had not been modified. In addition, any increase in the
fair value of the equity instruments resulting from the modification, or any modification that benefits the
employees as of the modification date, is recognized as an additional cost of the services acquired.
     If an equity-settled share-based payment is canceled during the vesting period, the Company
accounts for the cancellation as an acceleration of vesting, recognizing immediately the amount that
would otherwise have been recognized for services received over the remainder of the vesting period,
with a corresponding increase in capital reserves. However, if a new equity instrument is granted as a
replacement for the canceled equity instrument and is identified as a replacement on the grant date, the
replacement equity instrument is treated as a modification of the original equity instrument, and the
Company accounts for it accordingly.

     2. Cash-settled share-based payments
     For cash-settled share-based payments, the liability is measured at the fair value of the liability
incurred based on the Company’s shares or other equity instruments. For transactions where the liability
is vested immediately upon granting, the Company recognizes the cost or expense at the grant date,
measured at the fair value of the liability, with a corresponding increase in liabilities. For transactions
where the liability is vested after completing a service period or achieving specific performance
conditions during the vesting period, the Company recognizes the services received during the vesting
period based on the best estimate of the vested liability, measured at the fair value of the liability, with a
corresponding increase in liabilities at each balance sheet date. The fair value of the liability is
remeasured at each balance sheet date and on the settlement date, with any changes recognized in profit
or loss in the current period.
  If the terms and conditions of a cash-settled share-based payment are modified to become
equity-settled, the Company measures the equity-settled share-based payment at the fair value of the
equity instruments granted on the modification date, regardless of whether the modification occurs
during or after the vesting period. The Company recognizes the services received up to the modification
date as capital reserves, while derecognizing the liability for the cash-settled share-based payment
previously recognized on the modification date. The difference between the two is recognized in profit
or loss in the current period. If the vesting period extends or shortens as a result of the modification, the
Company accounts for the transaction over the revised vesting period.

33. Other financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds
□ Applicable √ N/A

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34. Revenue
(1) Disclosure of accounting policies used for revenue recognition and measurement by business
√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. Accounting policies used for revenue recognition and measurement
     The Company recognizes revenue when it fulfills its performance obligations under a contract, i.e.,
when the customer obtains control of the related goods or services. The customer obtains control of the
related goods or services when it can direct the use of and obtain substantially all the economic benefits
from the goods or services.
     If a contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company allocates the transaction
price to each performance obligation based on the relative standalone selling prices of the goods or
services promised in the contract. The Company measures revenue based on the transaction price
allocated to each performance obligation.
     The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in
exchange for transferring goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third
parties and amounts expected to be refunded to the customer. The Company determines the transaction
price based on the contract terms and its customary business practices, considering factors such as
variable consideration, the existence of a significant financing component in the contract, non-cash
consideration, and consideration payable to the customer. The Company determines the transaction price
including variable consideration at an amount that is not expected to materially reverse cumulative
revenue recognized when the uncertainty is resolved. If a significant financing component exists in the
contract, the Company determines the transaction price as the amount payable by the customer in cash at
the point in time when the customer obtains control of the goods or services, and the difference between
the transaction price and the contract consideration is amortized over the contract period using the
effective interest method.
     A performance obligation is fulfilled over time if one of the following conditions is met; otherwise,
it is fulfilled at a point in time:
           The customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the Company’s
performance as the Company performs.
           The customer controls the asset as the Company creates or enhances it.
           The asset being created has no alternative use to the Company, and the Company has an
enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date, cumulatively, throughout the term of
the contract.
     For performance obligations satisfied over time, the Company recognizes revenue based on the
progress toward complete satisfaction of the performance obligation during the period, except when the

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progress cannot be reasonably measured. The Company determines the progress toward satisfaction of
the performance obligation using an output method or an input method, depending on the nature of the
goods or services. When progress cannot be reasonably measured, but costs incurred are expected to be
recoverable, the Company recognizes revenue to the extent of the costs incurred until progress is
reasonably determinable.
       For performance obligations fulfilled at a point in time, the Company recognizes revenue when the
customer obtains control of the related goods or services. In determining whether a customer has
obtained control of the goods or services, the Company considers the following indicators:
           The Company has a present right to payment for the goods or services, meaning the customer
has a present obligation to pay for the goods or services.
           The Company has transferred the legal title of the goods to the customer, meaning the
customer has obtained legal ownership of the goods.
           The Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the customer, meaning the
customer has taken physical possession of the goods.
           The Company has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to
the customer, meaning the customer has obtained the primary risks and rewards of ownership of the
           The customer has accepted the goods or services.
       The Company determines whether it acts as a principal or an agent in a transaction by assessing
whether it controls the goods or services before transferring them to the customer. If the Company
controls the goods or services before transferring them to the customer, it acts as a principal and
recognizes revenue based on the gross amount of consideration received or receivable. Otherwise, the
Company acts as an agent and recognizes revenue based on the amount of commission or fee to which it
expects to be entitled.

       2. Disclosure of specific revenue recognition methods and measurement approaches by business
       (1) Revenue from the sale of automated equipment
       The Company’s main products are automated equipment. After the Company signs an equipment
sales contract with a customer, the Company delivers the completed equipment to the customer for
acceptance. The Company also arranges for personnel to install, commission, and test the equipment
until it passes trial operation. After the customer confirms acceptance on the product acceptance form
and other documents, the Company recognizes the corresponding sales revenue and transfers the cost of
the equipment sold and the cost of the services provided.

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     (2) Revenue from the sale of spare parts related to equipment
     The Company recognizes revenue from the sale of spare parts related to equipment when the goods
are delivered to the customer and the customer signs the receipt.
     (3) Revenue from equipment modification services
  The Company provides equipment modification services. Revenue is recognized by the Company
after the modification and installation are completed and the customer confirms acceptance on the
modification project acceptance form and other documents. The Company also carries forward the cost
of modification materials and the cost of the services provided.

(2) Different revenue recognition methods and measurement approaches involving different
operating models for similar business activities
 □ Applicable √ N/A

35. Contract costs
□ Applicable √ N/A

36. Government grants
√ Applicable □ N/A
     1. Types
     Government grants refer to the monetary or non-monetary assets that the Company receives from
the government without compensation. These grants are categorized as either asset-related government
grants or income-related government grants.
     Asset-related government grants are those that the Company receives to acquire, construct, or
otherwise form long-term assets. Income-related government grants refer to all government grants other
than those related to assets.
     The specific criteria for classifying government grants as asset-related are as follows: Government
grants used to construct or otherwise form long-term assets are classified as asset-related government
     The specific criteria for classifying government grants as income-related are as follows: All
government grants that are not asset-related are classified as income-related government grants.
     For government grants where the government documents do not clearly specify the target, the
Company determines whether the grant is asset-related or income-related based on the following
judgment criteria:
     (1) If the government document specifies a particular project that the grant targets, the Company
allocates the grant based on the relative proportion of expenditures that will form assets versus those that
will be expensed. This allocation ratio is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted if necessary.
     (2) If the government document only generally states the purpose without specifying a particular

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     project, the grant is classified as income-related.

     2. Recognition timing
     Income-related government grants: For government grants obtained by the Company based on a
fixed quota, they are measured at the receivable amount and recognized when the Company meets the
attached conditions and it is certain that the government grant will be received. For government grants
not obtained by the Company based on a fixed quota, they are recognized when the Company meets the
attached conditions and actually receives the government grant funds.
     Asset-related government grants: These are recognized when the Company meets the attached
conditions and actually receives the government grant funds.

     3. Accounting treatment
     Asset-related government grants are either deducted from the carrying value of the related asset or
recognized as deferred income. If recognized as deferred income, the amount is systematically amortized
into profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset using a reasonable method. If the grant is
related to the Company’s normal activities, it is included in other income; if unrelated to the Company’s
normal activities, it is included in non-operating income.
     If the grant is used to compensate for future costs, expenses, or losses of the Company, it is
recognized as deferred income and included in profit or loss during the period in which the related costs,
expenses, or losses are recognized. If related to the Company’s normal activities, it is included in other
income; if unrelated to the Company’s normal activities, it is included in non-operating income or is
used to offset the related costs, expenses, or losses. If the grant is used to compensate for costs, expenses,
or losses already incurred by the Company, it is directly included in the profit or loss in the current
period. If related to the Company’s normal activities, it is included in other income; if unrelated to the
Company’s normal activities, it is included in non-operating income or is used to offset against the
related costs, expenses, or losses.

37. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
√ Applicable □ N/A
      Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. Except for income tax arising
from business combinations and transactions or events directly recognized in equity (including other
comprehensive income), the Company recognizes current income tax and deferred income tax in profit
or loss for the period.
     Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are recognized based on the

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differences (temporary differences) between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying
     Deferred income tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences to the extent that it
is probable that future taxable income will be available against which the deductible temporary
differences can be utilized. Deferred income tax assets are also recognized for deductible losses and tax
credits that can be carried forward to future years, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable
income will be available against which these deductible losses and tax credits can be utilized.
     Deferred income tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences, except in certain
specific circumstances.
     Specific circumstances where deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities are not
recognized include:
           The initial recognition of goodwill;
           Transactions or events that are not business combinations and, at the time of the transaction,
          do not affect accounting profit or taxable income (or deductible loss), and do not result in
          taxable or deductible temporary differences.
           For taxable temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint
          ventures, deferred income tax liabilities are recognized, except when the Company can control
          the timing of the reversal of the temporary differences, and probably, the temporary differences
          will not reverse in the foreseeable future. For deductible temporary differences related to
          investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures, deferred income tax assets are
          recognized when the temporary differences will probably reverse in the foreseeable future and
          sufficient taxable income will be available to utilize the deductible temporary differences.
     At the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are
measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset is realized or the liability
is settled, based on the tax laws.
     The Company reviews the carrying value of deferred income tax assets at each balance sheet date.
If it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income will be available to utilize the benefits of the
deferred income tax assets, the carrying value of the deferred tax assets is written down accordingly. The
write-downs are reversed when it is more likely than not that sufficient taxable income will be available
to allow the benefits of the deferred tax assets to be utilized.
     When there is a legally enforceable right to offset current income tax assets against current income
tax liabilities and the intention to settle on a net basis, or to acquire the assets and settle the liabilities
simultaneously, current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities are presented on a net basis
after offsetting.

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     At the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are
presented on a net basis after offsetting when the following conditions are simultaneously met:
          The taxable entity has a legal right to settle current income tax assets against current income
         tax liabilities;
          The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities relate to income taxes levied
         by the same taxation authority on the same taxable entity, or on different taxable entities that
         intend to settle current tax assets and liabilities on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle
         the liabilities simultaneously in each future period when material amounts of deferred income
         tax assets or liabilities are expected to reverse.

38. Leases
√ Applicable □ N/A
Simplified treatment for short-term leases and low-value asset leases as a lessee: judgment criteria
and accounting treatment
√ Applicable □ N/A
     (1) Right-of-use assets
     At the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes right-of-use assets for leases
other than short-term leases and low-value asset leases. Right-of-use assets are initially measured at cost.
The cost includes:
          The initial measurement amount of the lease liability;
          Lease payments made on or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives
          Initial direct costs incurred by the Company;
          Costs expected to be incurred by the Company for dismantling and removing the leased asset,
          rehabilitating the site on which the asset is located, or restoring the leased asset to the
          condition required by the lease terms, excluding costs incurred to produce inventory.
     The Company subsequently depreciates the right-of-use assets using a straight-line method over the
lease term. If the ownership of the leased asset can be reasonably determined by the end of the lease
term, the right-of-use asset is depreciated over the remaining useful life of the leased asset; otherwise,
the leased asset is depreciated over the shorter of the lease term or the remaining useful life of the leased
     The Company determines whether the right-of-use asset has been impaired by the principles set
forth in “27. Impairment of long-term assets” and accounts for any identified impairment losses

     (2) Lease liabilities
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     At the commencement date of the lease, the Company recognizes lease liabilities for leases other
than short-term leases and low-value asset leases. Lease liabilities are initially measured at the present
value of the lease payments that have not yet been paid. Lease payments include:
          Fixed payments (including in-substance fixed payments), net of amounts related to any lease
          Variable lease payments that depend on an index or rate;
          Amounts expected to be payable under residual value guarantees;
          The exercise price of a purchase option, if the Company is reasonably certain to exercise that
          Payments for terminating the lease provided the lease term reflects the exercise of a
          termination option.
     The Company uses the interest rate implicit in the lease as the discount rate, or if that rate cannot be
readily determined, the Company uses its incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate.
     The Company calculates the interest expense on the lease liability over the lease term at a fixed
periodic rate of interest and recognizes it in profit or loss or as part of the cost of the related asset.
     Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the lease liability are recognized in
profit or loss or as part of the cost of the related asset in the period in which the event or condition that
triggers those payments occurs.
     After the commencement date of the lease, the Company remeasures the lease liability and adjusts
the corresponding right-of-use asset under the following circumstances. If the carrying value of the
right-of-use asset has been reduced to zero and a further reduction in the lease liability is required, the
difference is recognized in profit or loss in the current period:
          When there is a change in the assessment of a purchase option, renewal option, or termination
          option, or when the actual exercise of such an option differs from the previous assessment, the
          Company remeasures the lease liability based on the present value of the revised lease
          payments using the revised discount rate.
          When there is a change in the amount of in-substance fixed payments, the expected amount
          payable under a residual value guarantee, or the index or rate used to determine lease
          payments, the Company remeasures the lease liability at the present value of the revised lease
          payments using the original discount rate. However, if the change in lease payments results
          from a change in a floating interest rate, the present value is calculated based on the revised
          discount rate.
     (3) Short-term leases and low-value asset leases
     The Company elects not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases

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and low-value asset leases. Instead, the related lease payments are recognized in profit or loss or as part
of the cost of the related asset on a straight-line basis over the lease term. A short-term lease is defined as
a lease that, at the commencement date, has a lease term of 12 months or less and does not contain a
purchase option. A low-value asset lease refers to a lease where the value of the underlying asset is low
when it is new. If the Company subleases or expects to sublease the leased asset, the original lease does
not qualify as a low-value asset lease.
     (4) Lease modifications
     If a lease modification meets both of the following conditions, the Company accounts for the lease
modification as a separate lease:
          The lease modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more
          underlying assets;
          The increased consideration for the lease modification is comparable to the standalone price
          for the increase in scope adjusted to reflect the circumstances of the contract.

     If a lease modification is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Company reallocates the
consideration in the modified contract, reassesses the lease term, and remeasures the lease liability at the
present value of the revised lease payments using a revised discount rate as of the effective date of the
     If the lease modification results in a reduction in the scope of the lease or a shortening of the lease
term, the Company reduces the carrying value of the right-of-use asset and recognizes any gain or loss
related to the partial or full termination of the lease in profit or loss in the current period. For other lease
modifications that result in the remeasurement of the lease liability, the Company adjusts the carrying
value of the right-of-use asset accordingly.

Criteria for lease classification and accounting treatment as a lessor
 √ Applicable □ N/A
     At the commencement date of the lease, the Company classifies leases as either finance leases or
operating leases. A finance lease refers to a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards
incidental to ownership of the leased asset, regardless of whether the title is eventually transferred. An
operating lease refers to a lease other than a finance lease. When the Company acts as an intermediate
lessor, the classification of a sublease is based on the right-of-use asset arising from the original lease.
     (1) Accounting treatment for operating leases
     Lease payments received under operating leases are recognized as lease income on a straight-line
basis over the lease term. Initial direct costs incurred by the Company related to operating leases are
capitalized and apportioned to profit or loss on the same basis as the lease income. Variable lease
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payments not included in the lease receipts are recognized in profit or loss when they occur. When an
operating lease is modified, the Company accounts for it as a new lease from the effective date of the
modification. Lease receipts or amounts receivable related to the lease before the modification are
regarded as receipts under the new lease.
     (2) Accounting treatment for finance leases
     At the commencement date of a finance lease, the Company recognizes finance lease receivables
and derecognizes the leased asset. When initially measuring finance lease receivables, the Company
records them at the net investment in the lease. The net investment in the lease is the sum of the present
value of the lease payments not yet received and the unguaranteed residual value at the commencement
date of the lease term, discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease.
     The Company calculates and recognizes interest income over the lease term using a constant
periodic rate of return on the net investment in the lease. The derecognition and impairment of finance
lease receivables are accounted for in accordance with the principles outlined in “11. Financial
instruments” under the subsection “V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.”
     Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the net investment in the lease are
recognized in profit or loss in the period when they occur.
     If a finance lease modification meets both of the following conditions, the Company regards the
modification as a separate lease:
          The modification increases the scope of the lease by adding the right to use one or more
          underlying assets;
          The consideration for the lease modification is equivalent to the standalone price for the
          increase in scope adjusted to reflect the circumstances of the contract.
     If a finance lease modification is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Company handles the
modified lease as follows:
          If the lease would have been effective and classified as an operating lease at the
          commencement date based on the modified terms, the Company accounts for the lease as a
          new lease from the effective date of the modification, using the net investment in the lease as
          the carrying value of the leased asset as of the modification date.
          If the lease would have been effective and classified as a finance lease at the commencement
          date based on the modified terms, the Company applies the accounting policies for contract
          modifications as described in “11. Financial instruments” under the subsection “V. Significant
          Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.”

     Sale and leaseback transactions

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     The Company evaluates whether the transfer of an asset in a sale and leaseback transaction
qualifies as a sale based on the principles outlined in “34. Revenue” in these notes.
     (1) As a lessee
     If the transfer of an asset in a sale and leaseback transaction qualifies as a sale, the Company, as the
lessee, measures the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback at the proportion of the previous
carrying value of the asset that relates to the right of use retained by the Company. The Company
recognizes only the gain or loss related to the rights transferred to the lessor.
     If the transfer of an asset in a sale and leaseback transaction does not qualify as a sale, the Company,
as the lessee, continues to recognize the transferred asset and recognizes a financial liability equal to the
transfer proceeds. The accounting for the financial liability is detailed in “11. Financial instruments”
under the subsection “V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.”
     (2) As a lessor
     If the transfer of an asset in a sale and leaseback transaction qualifies as a sale, the Company, as the
lessor, accounts for the asset purchase in accordance with the policies described in “2. The Company as
a lessor” and accounts for the leaseback in accordance with the lease classification criteria and
accounting treatment for leases. If the transfer of an asset in a sale and leaseback transaction does not
qualify as a sale, the Company, as the lessor, does not recognize the transferred asset but instead
recognizes a financial asset equal to the transfer proceeds. The accounting for the financial asset is
detailed in “11. Financial instruments” under the subsection “V. Significant Accounting Policies and
Accounting Estimates.”

39. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
√ Applicable □ N/A
Repurchase of the Company’s own shares:
     When the Company repurchases its own shares, whether for reducing registered capital or for
employee incentives, the amount actually paid for the shares are accounted for as treasury stock and
recorded in a memorandum account. If the repurchased shares are subsequently canceled, the difference
between the total par value of the shares canceled (based on the number of shares and their par value)
and the actual repurchase payment is deducted from the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is
insufficient to offset the difference, the remaining amount is deducted from retained earnings. If the
repurchased shares are granted to employees as part of an equity-settled share-based payment
arrangement, the cost of the treasury shares delivered to the employees and the accumulated amount in
the capital reserve (other capital reserves) during the vesting period are derecognized upon the
employees exercising their rights to purchase the shares. The difference is adjusted in the capital reserve

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(share premium).

Debt restructuring
     The Company as a creditor
     The Company derecognizes a receivable when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the
receivable expire. For debt restructuring involving the settlement of debt through the transfer of assets or
conversion of debt into equity instruments, the Company recognizes the relevant assets when they meet
the definition and recognition criteria.
     For debt restructuring in the form of settlement of debt through the transfer of non-financial assets,
the Company initially measures the acquired non-financial asset at cost. The cost of inventory includes
the fair value of the relinquished receivable and any other directly attributable costs such as taxes,
transportation fees, loading and unloading fees, and insurance costs incurred to bring the asset to its
present location and condition. The cost of investments in associates or joint ventures includes the fair
value of the relinquished receivable and any other directly attributable costs such as taxes. The cost of
investment property includes the fair value of the relinquished receivable and any other directly
attributable costs such as taxes. The cost of fixed assets includes the fair value of the relinquished
receivable and any directly attributable costs such as taxes, transportation fees, loading and unloading
fees, installation fees, and professional service fees incurred before the asset is brought to its intended
use. The cost of biological assets includes the fair value of the relinquished receivable and any directly
attributable costs including taxes, transportation fees, and insurance costs. The cost of intangible assets
includes the fair value of the relinquished receivable and any directly attributable costs such as taxes
incurred to bring the asset to its intended use. For debt restructuring involving the conversion of debt
into equity instruments, where the creditor converts the debt into an investment in an associate or joint
venture, the Company measures the initial investment cost based on the fair value of the relinquished
receivable and any directly attributable costs such as taxes. The difference between the fair value of the
relinquished receivable and its carrying value is recognized in profit or loss in the current period.
     For debt restructuring involving the modification of other terms, the Company recognizes and
measures the restructured receivable under the principles set out in “11. Financial instruments” under the
subsection “V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.”
     For debt restructuring involving the settlement of debt through the transfer of multiple assets or a
combination of methods, the Company first recognizes and measures the acquired financial assets and
restructured receivables under “11. Financial instruments” under the subsection “V. Significant
Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.” Then, the Company allocates the net amount of the fair
value of the relinquished receivable, after deducting the amounts recognized for the acquired financial

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assets and restructured receivables, based on the proportionate fair values of the other acquired assets,
and determines the costs of these assets using the aforementioned methods. The difference between the
fair value of the relinquished receivable and its carrying value is recognized in profit or loss in the
current period.
     The Company as a debtor
     The Company derecognizes a liability when the present obligation for the liability is discharged.
     For debt restructuring in the form of the settlement of debt through the transfer of assets, the
Company derecognizes the liability when the transferred assets and the extinguished debt meet the
derecognition criteria. The difference between the carrying value of the extinguished debt and the
carrying value of the transferred assets is recognized in profit or loss in the current period.
     For debt restructuring in the form of the conversion of debt into equity instruments, the Company
derecognizes the liability when the extinguished debt meets the derecognition criteria. The Company
measures the initial recognition of the equity instruments at their fair value. If the fair value of the equity
instruments cannot be reliably measured, the Company measures them at the fair value of the
extinguished debt. The difference between the carrying value of the extinguished debt and the
recognized amount of the equity instruments is recognized in profit or loss in the current period.
     For debt restructuring in the form of the modification of other terms, the Company recognizes and
measures the restructured debt in accordance with the principles set out in “11. Financial instruments”
under the subsection “V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates.”
     For debt restructuring in the form of the settlement of debt through the transfer of multiple assets or
a combination of methods, the Company recognizes and measures the equity instruments and
restructured debt following the methods described above. The difference between the carrying value of
the extinguished debt and the carrying value of the transferred assets, along with the recognized amounts
of the equity instruments and restructured debt, is recognized in profit or loss in the current period.

40. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
(1) Changes in significant accounting policies
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Adjustment of the financial statements at the beginning of the year of initial implementation of
new accounting standards or interpretations in 2024
□ Applicable √ N/A

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41. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

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1. Major tax categories and tax rates
Major tax categories and tax rates
√ Applicable □ N/A

          Category                          Tax base                              Tax rate
Value added tax (VAT)          The output tax is calculated based
                               on the sales of goods and taxable
                               service income calculated
                               according to tax laws. After
                                                                     5.00%, 6.00%, 9.00%, 13.00%
                               deducting the input tax that can be
                               deducted in the current period, the
                               difference is the payable
                               value-added tax.
Urban maintenance and          It is calculated and paid based on
construction tax               the actual value-added tax and        7.00%
                               consumption tax paid.
Corporate income tax           It is calculated and paid based on    15.00%, 17.00%, 20.00%,
                               taxable income                        23.20%, 24%, 25.00%
Educational surcharge          It is calculated and paid based on
                               the actual value-added tax and        3.00%
                               consumption tax paid.
Local educational surcharge    It is calculated and paid based on
                               the actual value-added tax and        2.00%
                               consumption tax paid

√ Applicable □ N/A

                Taxable entity                                       Income tax rate (%)
Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd.                                                             15.00

Wuxi Autowell Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                  15.00
Wuxi Autowell Optical Application Co., Ltd.                                                    25.00
Wuxi Autowell Supply Chain Management Co.,                                                     25.00
Wuxi Songci Electromechanical Co., Ltd.                                                        15.00
Wuxi Autowell XuRi Technology Co., Ltd.                                                        15.00
Wuxi Autowell Coshin Semiconductor Technology                                                  25.00
Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Autowell Zhiyuan Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                      25.00
Qinhuangdao Autowell Zhiyuan Equipment Co.,                                                    20.00
Wuxi Leddo Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                20.00
Wuxi Autowell Jiexin Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      20.00
AUTOWELL Japan Corporation.                                                                    23.20
Autowell (Singapore) PTE. LTD.                                                                 17.00
Wuxi Polar New Enegry Co., Ltd.                                                                20.00
AUTOWELL (MALAYSIA) SDN. BHD.                                                                  24.00
Polar New Enegry (Bengbu) Co., Ltd.                                                            15.00
Wuhu Polar Photovoltaic Power Generation Co.,                                                  25.00
Beijing Linkong Polar Energy Management Co.,                                                   20.00
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Polar New Enegry (Foshan) Co., Ltd.                                                                20.00
Zhengzhou Polar New Enegry Co., Ltd.                                                               20.00
Anhui Hengzhi Copper-Indium-Gallium-Selenium                                                       15.00
Technology Co., Ltd.

2. Tax incentives
√ Applicable □ N/A

     According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on VAT
     Policies for Software Products (CS [2011] No. 100), general taxpayers who sell their
     self-developed software products shall be subject to an immediate refund policy for any portion of
     their actual VAT liability exceeding 3% after being levied at the time of declaration. The software
     products as mentioned in this Notice refer to information processing programs and related
     documents and data, including computer software products, information systems, and embedded
     software products. Embedded software products refer to the software products that are embedded in
     computer hardware and machinery equipment, sold together with them, and form part of the
     computer hardware or machinery equipment. The embedded software products produced by the
     Company align with the above tax incentive policy. The Company has obtained a notice of
     qualification for tax incentives issued by Wuxi Municipal Tax Service, State Taxation
     Administration, and the tax incentive policy has taken effect since January 1, 2011.

     According to the Announcement on Filing for the Second Batch of High-tech Enterprises Identified
     in Jiangsu Province in 2021 issued by the National Leading Group Office for the Administration of
     High-tech Enterprise Identification, Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., Ltd. was reviewed and
     approved as a high-tech enterprise in 2021 and obtained a certificate of high-tech enterprise on
     November 30, 2021 with the certificate number of GR202132005383. The qualification is valid for
     three years, and its corporate income tax would be calculated at a reduced rate of 15% from 2021 to
     2023 according to tax provisions.
     According to the Announcement on Filing for the Third Batch of High-tech Enterprises Identified in
     Jiangsu Province in 2022 issued by the National Leading Group Office for the Administration of
     High-tech Enterprise Identification, Wuxi Autowell Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. was reviewed
     and approved as a high-tech enterprise in 2022 and obtained a certificate of high-tech enterprise on
     November 18, 2022 with the certificate number of GR202232009007. The qualification is valid for
     three years, and its corporate income tax is reduced by 15% from 2022 to 2024 according to tax
     According to the Announcement on Filing for the Second Batch of High-tech Enterprises Identified
     in Jiangsu Province in 2023 issued by the National Leading Group Office for the Administration of

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High-tech Enterprise Identification, Wuxi Songci Electromechanical Co., Ltd. was reviewed and
approved as a high-tech enterprise in 2023, with the certificate number of GR202332000273. The
qualification is valid for three years, and its corporate income tax is reduced by 15% from 2023 to
2025 according to tax provisions.
According to the Announcement on Filing for the First Batch of High-tech Enterprises Identified in
Anhui Province in 2022 issued by the National Leading Group Office for the Administration of
High-tech Enterprise Identification, Polar Photovoltaics (Bengbu) Co., Ltd. was reviewed and
approved as a high-tech enterprise in 2022 and obtained a certificate of high-tech enterprise on
October 18, 2022 with the certificate number of GR202234000834. The qualification is valid for
three years, and its corporate income tax is reduced at 15% from 2022 to 2024 according to tax
According to the Announcement on Filing for High-tech Enterprises Identified in Anhui Province at
the end of 2022 issued by the National Leading Group Office for the Administration of High-tech
Enterprise Identification, Anhui Hengzhi Copper-Indium-Gallium-Selenium Technology Co., Ltd.
reviewed and approved as a high-tech enterprise in 2022 and obtained a certificate of high-tech
enterprise on October 18, 2022 with the certificate number of GR202234003486. The qualification
is valid for three years, and its corporate income tax is reduced by 15% from 2022 to 2024
according to tax provisions.
According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation
on Further Implementing Preferential Policies for Income Taxes of Small and Micro Enterprises
(Announcement No. 13, 2022 by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation),
for small low-profit enterprises with annual taxable income exceeding RMB1 million but no more
than RMB3 million from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024, the portion shall be included in
the taxable income at a reduced rate of 25%, and their corporate income tax shall be paid at a rate
of 20%.
According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation
on Preferential Policies for Income Taxes of Small and Micro Enterprises and Individual
Businesses (Announcement No. 6, 2023 by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of
Taxation), for small low-profit enterprises with annual taxable income of no more than RMB1
million from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024, the portion shall be included in the taxable
income at a reduced rate of 25%, and their corporate income tax shall be paid at a rate of 20%.
The subsidiaries of the Company, including Wuxi Autowell Zhiyuan Equipment Co., Ltd.,
Qinhuangdao Autowell Zhiyuan Equipment Co., Ltd., Wuxi Leddo Technology Co., Ltd., Wuxi
Autowell Jiexin Technology Co., Ltd., Wuxi Polar New Enegry Co., Ltd., Beijing Linkong Polar

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     Energy Management Co., Ltd., Polar New Enegry (Foshan) Co., Ltd. and Zhengzhou Polar New
     Enegry Co., Ltd., are eligible for the preferential policies for small low-profit enterprises in 2023.
     For the portion with an annual taxable income not exceeding RMB1 million, it is included in the
     taxable income at a reduced rate of 25%, and corporate income tax is paid at the rate of 20%; for
     the portion with an annual taxable income exceeding RMB1 million but no more than RMB3
     million, it is included in the taxable income at a reduced rate of 25%, and corporate income tax is
     paid at the rate of 20%.

3. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary funds
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

           Item                       Closing balance                          Opening balance
Cash on hand                                         394,157.19                               387,917.07
Cash in banks                                  1,681,161,568.26                         1,516,171,305.90
Other monetary funds                             304,596,281.75                           315,349,536.05
Deposits due from                                             -                                        -
financial companies
Total                                          1,986,152,007.20                          1,831,908,759.02
Of which: Total amount                            13,192,742.88                              2,348,432.99
due from overseas

Other notes
Other monetary fund items:
            Item                        Closing balance                   Closing balance of last year
   Margin on bank
                                                    292,606,828.41                      260,008,526.56
   acceptance bill
   Cash for investment
                                                                     -                    4,202,747.96
   Performance bond                                   8,334,747.34                       51,138,261.53
   Frozen fund                                        3,654,706.00
   Total                                            304,596,281.75                      315,349,536.05

2. Trading financial assets
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                                  Specified reasons and
             Item                    Closing balance          Opening balance
Financial assets at fair value                                                                         /
through profit or loss
Of which:
Designated financial assets             220,055,388.89            1,013,130,849.65
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measured at fair value through
profit or loss in the current
Of which:
              Total                      220,055,388.89             1,013,130,849.65                   /
Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Derivative financial assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Notes receivable
                (1) Classification of notes receivable
□ Applicable √ N/A

                (2) Notes receivable pledged by the Company at the end of the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

                (3) Notes receivable not yet matured on the balance sheet date that have been
                endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

                (4) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on individual item:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

Basis for classification at different phases and provision ratio for bad debts

Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of accounts receivable with changes in loss
provisions in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                (5) Provision for bad debts
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

                (6) Notes receivable actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

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                  Of which, significant notes receivable written off:
                  □ Applicable √ N/A

                  Notes to the write-off of notes receivable:
                  □ Applicable √ N/A

                  Other notes:
                  □ Applicable √ N/A

                  5. Accounts receivable
                  (1) Disclosure by aging
                  √ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                              Aging                                         Closing balance                          Opening balance
                  Within 1 year
                  Of which: sub-items within 1 year
                                                                                     2,170,091,311.00                            1,583,764,305.97
                  Subtotal of accounts within 1                                      2,170,091,311.00                            1,583,764,305.97
                  1 to 2 years                                                         203,849,637.91                              150,428,366.49
                  2 to 3 years                                                          67,006,098.16                               41,321,786.08
                  Over 3 years                                                          67,659,804.98                               48,078,490.10
                  Less: Provision for bad debts                                        311,581,374.62                              231,837,233.27
                                Total                                                2,197,025,477.43                            1,591,755,715.37

                                  (2) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
                  √ Applicable □ N/A
                                                Closing balance                                                                Opening balance
    Type               Carrying amount          Provision for bad debts                               Carrying amount          Provision for bad debts
                                                                                Carrying value                                                                 Carrying value
                                      Ratio                    Provision                                             Ratio                    Provision
                       Amount                     Amount                                              Amount                     Amount
                                      (%)                      ratio (%)                                              (%)                     ratio (%)
Provision for          132,740,164.67 5.29      132,740,164.67    100.00                         -    100,049,103.70 5.49      100,049,103.70    100.00                         -
bad      debts
based      on
Of which:
Provision for          132,740,164.67    5.29   132,740,164.67     100.00                        -    100,049,103.70    5.49   100,049,103.70     100.00                        -
bad      debts
based      on

Provision for         2,375,866,687.38 94.71    178,841,209.95           7.53    2,197,025,477.43    1,723,543,844.94 94.51    131,788,129.57           7.65    1,591,755,715.37
bad      debts
based on the
of items
Of which:
Provision for         2,375,866,687.38 94.71    178,841,209.95           7.53    2,197,025,477.43    1,723,543,844.94 94.51    131,788,129.57           7.65    1,591,755,715.37
bad      debts
based on the
of credit risk

    Total             2,508,606,852.05   /      311,581,374.62       /           2,197,025,477.43    1,823,592,948.64   /      231,837,233.27       /           1,591,755,715.37

                                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

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Provision for bad debts based on individual items:
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

                                                               Closing balance
              Name                     Carrying         Provision for     Provision         Provision
                                       amount             bad debts        ratio (%)         reasons
                                          761,966.00          761,966.00        100.00   On the verge of
Customer 1
Customer 2                                405,369.80          405,369.80        100.00   Bankruptcy
                                          762,559.59          762,559.59        100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 3                                                                               payment
                                          135,750.00          135,750.00        100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 4                                                                               payment
Customer 5                                200,000.00           200,000.00       100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 6                                790,959.00           790,959.00       100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 7                              3,113,451.05         3,113,451.05       100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 8                              6,009,191.50         6,009,191.50       100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 9                                816,760.00           816,760.00       100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 10                             1,979,760.13         1,979,760.13       100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 11                            17,987,500.00        17,987,500.00       100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 12                             1,572,512.86         1,572,512.86       100.00   Under prosecution
                                              737.82               737.82       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 13                                                                              payment
                                        1,111,894.00         1,111,894.00       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 14                                                                              payment
                                          602,000.00          602,000.00        100.00   Difficulty in
ustomer 15                                                                               payment
Customer 16                             2,273,337.06         2,273,337.06       100.00   Bankruptcy
                                        1,592,000.00         1,592,000.00       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 17                                                                              payment
Customer 18                             1,112,000.00         1,112,000.00       100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 19                             2,514,000.00         2,514,000.00       100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 20                               670,828.99           670,828.99       100.00   Under prosecution
                                       15,119,600.27        15,119,600.27       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 21                                                                              payment
Customer 22                             5,022,400.00         5,022,400.00       100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 23                             9,590,631.73         9,590,631.73       100.00   Bankruptcy
                                           15,500.00            15,500.00       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 24                                                                              payment
                                        1,018,267.50         1,018,267.50       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 25                                                                              payment
Customer 26                             1,827,230.76         1,827,230.76       100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 27                               640,000.00           640,000.00       100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 28                               150,000.00           150,000.00       100.00   nder prosecution
                                           17,385.00            17,385.00       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 29                                                                              payment
Customer 30                               771,000.00           771,000.00       100.00   Bankruptcy
                                        6,524,000.00         6,524,000.00       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 31                                                                              payment
                                        1,640,000.00         1,640,000.00       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 32
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Customer 33                               3,000,000.00         3,000,000.00      100.00   Under prosecution
                                          7,518,700.00         7,518,700.00      100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 34                                                                               payment
                                         12,373,833.24        12,373,833.24      100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 35                                                                               payment
                                            928,000.00          928,000.00       100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 36                                                                               payment
                                          3,840,000.00         3,840,000.00      100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 37                                                                               payment
Customer 38                               1,969,200.00         1,969,200.00      100.00   Bankruptcy
                                            227,020.50           227,020.50      100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 39                                                                               payment
                                          3,941,537.07         3,941,537.07      100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 40                                                                               payment
                                          2,939,377.30         2,939,377.30      100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 41                                                                               payment
                                          1,325,903.50         1,325,903.50      100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 42                                                                               payment
Customer 43                                 888,000.00           888,000.00      100.00   Under prosecution
                                          7,040,000.00         7,040,000.00      100.00   Difficulty in
Customer 44                                                                               payment
               Total                   132,740,164.67    132,740,164.67          100.00            /
Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
√ Applicable □ N/A

Combination provision item: Provision for bad debts based on the combination of credit risk
                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                         losing balance
                           Accounts receivable      Provision for bad debts       Provision ratio (%)
Within 1 year                      2,127,564,460.45             106,085,298.72                      5.00
1 to 2 years                         184,379,691.69              26,740,810.90                     15.00
2 to 3 years                          35,814,869.80              17,907,434.90                     50.00
Over 3 years                          28,107,665.43              28,107,665.43                   100.00
         Total                     2,375,866,687.38             178,841,209.95
Notes to provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

Basis for classification at different phases and provision ratio for bad debts

Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of accounts receivable with changes in loss
provisions in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                  149 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

                (3) Provision for bad debts
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                            Amount of change for the period
                   Opening                          Amount         charged                  Closing
   Type                                                                         Other
                   balance          Provision     recovered or      off or                  balance
                                                    reversed       written
Provision       100,049,103.70     45,372,333.30 12,627,272.33 54,000.00                 132,740,164.67
for bad
debts based
Provision       131,788,129.57    85,774,067.22 38,720,986.84                                178,841,209.95
for bad
debts based
of items
    Total       231,837,233.27 131,146,400.52 51,348,259.17 54,000.00                    - 311,581,374.62
Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                (4) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                     Item                                           Amount written off
Accounts receivable actually written off                                                   54,000.00

Of which, significant accounts receivable written off
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                       Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                                   Whether the
                  Nature of                                      Write-off          payment is
                                   Amount        Write-off
 Entity name       accounts                                     procedures       generated from
                                  written off     reasons
                  receivable                                    performed          related party
Jiangsu Jingke   Payment for        54,000.00 A reduction of Approved by the   No
Tiansheng        goods                        RMB54,000      Management
Energy Co., Ltd.

    Total                 /          54,000.00             /             /                    /

Notes to the write-off of accounts receivable:
□ Applicable √ N/A

(5) Top five accounts receivable and contract assets by closing balance of debtor
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                   150 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

                                                                                Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                            Ratio of the
                                                                            total closing
                                        Closing         Closing balance
                 Closing balance                                             balance of     Closing balance
  Entity                               balance of         of accounts
                   of accounts                                                accounts      of provision for
  name                                  contract        receivable and
                   receivable                                                receivable        bad debts
                                         assets         contract assets
                                                                            and contract
Customer 1        198,032,188.21                         198,032,188.21              7.90      9,905,109.41
Customer 2        184,356,718.17                         184,356,718.17              7.35      9,217,835.91
Customer 3        163,903,309.73                         163,903,309.73              6.53     11,355,541.13
Customer 4        146,293,522.83                         146,293,522.83              5.83      9,627,159.13
Customer 5        140,497,111.71                         140,497,111.71              5.60      8,655,989.73
   Total          833,082,850.65                    -    833,082,850.65             33.21     48,761,635.30

Other notes

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     6. Contract assets
     (1) Contract assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (2) Amount and reasons for significant changes in carrying value during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

Basis for classification at different phases and provision ratio for bad debts

Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of contract assets with changes in loss provisions in
the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (4) Provision for bad debts on contract assets in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                  151 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

     (5) Contract assets actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant contract assets written off
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off contract assets:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     7. Receivable financing
     (1) Classification of receivable financing
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Item                           Closing balance                     Opening balance
Notes receivable                                      593,758,687.62                     1,399,734,854.14
               Total                                  593,758,687.62                     1,399,734,854.14

     (2) Receivable financing pledged by the Company at the end of the period
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                       Item                                   Pledged amount at the end of the period
Notes receivable                                                                            170,332,260.22
                       Total                                                                170,332,260.22

     (3) Receivable financing not yet matured on the balance sheet date that have been endorsed
     or discounted by the Company at the end of the period

√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                    Amount derecognized at the end       Amount not yet derecognized at
                                            of the period                    the end of the period
Notes receivable                                    217,848,735.88                       425,709,101.20
             Total                                  217,848,735.88                       425,709,101.20

     (4) Disclosure by bad debt provision method

□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                  152 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

Basis for classification at different phases and provision ratio for bad debts

Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of receivable financing with changes in loss
provisions in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (5) Provision for bad debts
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

     (6) Receivable financing actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant receivable financing written off:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of receivable financing:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (7) Changes in capital period and fair value of accounts receivable:
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
Item           As at end of last   Increase             Derecognized        Total     Closing         Accumulated
               year                                     amount              increase balance          provision for
                                                                                                      recognized in
Notes          1,399,734,854.14    2,148,270,507.93     2,954,246,674.45           - 593,758,687.62               -
Total          1,399,734,854.14    2,148,270,507.93     2,954,246,674.45          -   593,758,687.62              -

                                                   153 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

     (8) Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     8. Prepayments
     (1) Prepayments by aging
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                              Closing balance                            Opening balance
                      Amount                Ratio (%)              Amount               Ratio (%)
Within 1 year        157,024,220.08                   93.40       143,368,856.76                  96.53
1 to 2 years             9,859,926.01                  5.87         3,349,468.35                   2.26
2 to 3 years             1,219,292.27                  0.73         1,586,850.77                   1.07
Over 3 years                   488.00                  0.00           206,174.92                   0.14
      Total          168,103,926.36                  100.00       148,511,350.80                100.00
Reasons for delayed settlement of significant prepayments with an aging of over 1 year:

     (2) Top five prepayments by closing balance of supplier
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
Entity name                       Closing balance                   Ratio of total closing balance of
Supplier 1                                          10,989,000.00                                6.54
Supplier 2                                           8,171,467.30                                4.86
Supplier 3                                           7,153,440.00                                4.26
Supplier 4                                           6,850,095.50                                4.07
Supplier 5                                           6,519,048.00                                3.88
Total                                               39,683,050.80                               23.61

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

     9. Other receivables
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                Item                         Closing balance                  Opening balance
Interest receivable                                                -                               -
Dividends receivable                                               -                               -
Other receivables                                      49,474,649.42                   66,611,598.53
                Total                                  49,474,649.42                   66,611,598.53
Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Interest receivable
                                               (1) Classification of interest receivable
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                               154 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

                                                  (2) Significant overdue interest
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                  (3) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                  (4) Provision for bad debts
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

                                                  (5) Interest receivable actually written off in the
                                                  current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant interest receivable written off:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of interest receivable:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Dividends receivable
                     (1) Dividends receivable
□ Applicable √ N/A

                       (2) Significant dividends receivable with an aging of over 1 year
□ Applicable √ N/A

                       (3) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on individual items:

                                                  155 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

                       (4) Provision for bad debts
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

                       (5) Dividends receivable actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of dividends receivable:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other receivables
                       (1) Disclosure by aging
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Aging                             Closing balance                  Opening balance
Within 1 year
Of which: sub-items within 1 year
                                                           40,414,114.09                     63,611,380.34
Subtotal of receivables within 1                           40,414,114.09                     63,611,380.34
1 to 2 years                                               10,508,316.20                      5,902,447.12
2 to 3 years                                                3,780,000.00                      3,406,518.75
Over 3 years                                                1,081,403.50                      1,081,403.50
Less: Provision for bad debts                               6,309,184.37                      7,390,151.18
               Total                                       49,474,649.42                     66,611,598.53

                       (2) Classification by nature of receivables
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

                                                    156 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

      Nature of receivables                   Closing balance                        Opening balance
Provision for bad debts based on                           859,023.95                            859,023.95
individual items
Provision for bad debts based on                            54,924,809.84                      73,142,725.76
the combination of credit risk
                Total                                       55,783,833.79                      74,001,749.71

                       (3) Provision for bad debts
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                  Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                          Phase 1                Phase 2                    Phase 3
                                            Expected credit            Expected credit
Provision for       Expected credit
                                          loss over the entire       loss over the entire         Total
  bad debts       loss for the next 12
                                           lifetime (without            lifetime (with
                                          credit impairment)         credit impairment)
Balance as at              6,531,127.23                       -               859,023.95          7,390,151.18
January      1,
Balance as at                         -                          -                     -                     -
January      1,
2024, in the
current period
-- Carry over                         -                          -                     -                     -
to Phase 2
-- Carry over                         -                          -                     -                     -
to Phase 3
-- Carry over                         -                          -                     -                     -
to Phase 2
-- Carry over                         -                          -                     -                     -
to Phase 1
Provision                  1,406,638.54                          -                    -          1,406,638.54
Reversal                   2,487,605.35                          -                    -          2,487,605.35
Charge-off                            -                          -                    -                     -
Write-off                             -                          -                    -                     -
Other change                          -                          -                    -                     -
Balance as at              5,450,160.42                          -           859,023.95          6,309,184.37
June 30, 2024

Basis for classification at different phases and provision ratio for bad debts

Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of other receivables with changes in loss provisions
in the current period:
√ Applicable □ N/A

The amount of provision for bad debts in the current period and the basis for evaluating whether the
credit risk of financial instruments has significantly increased:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                       (4) Provision for bad debts
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                     157 / 236
                                               2024 Interim Report

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                               Amount of change for the period
                   Opening                             Amount         charged                 Closing
     Type                                                                           Other
                   balance             Provision    recovered or       off or                 balance
                                                       reversed       written
Provision for       859,023.95                   -               -            -         -     859,023.95
bad debts
based on
Provision for     6,531,127.23    1,406,638.54     2,487,589.52            -     -15.83     5,450,160.42
bad debts
based on
of items
     Total        7,390,151.18    1,406,638.54     2,487,589.52            -     -15.83     6,309,184.37
Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
                       (5) Other receivables actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant receivables written off:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of other receivables:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                       (6) Top five other receivables by closing balance of debtor
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                 Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                         Ratio of total                                      Closing balance
                        Closing         closing balance                                      of provision for
 Entity name                                                      Nature         Aging
                        balance             of other                                            bad debts
                                        receivables (%)
Institution 1           7,969,538.42                 16.10
                                                                              Within 1 year
Institution 2           2,970,000.00                  6.00      Rental bond   2 - 3 years        1,485,000.00
Institution 3           2,020,000.00                  4.08      Bid bond      Within 1 year        101,000.00
                                                                              Within 1 year
Institution 4           1,912,298.00                  3.87      Rental bond                        176,813.20
                                                                              to 1-2 years
Institution 5           1,650,000.00                  3.34      Rental bond   1 - 2 years          247,500.00
     Total             16,521,836.42                 33.39            /              /           2,010,313.20

                       (7) Presented as other receivables due to centralized fund management
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A
                                                    158 / 236
                                                 2024 Interim Report

     10. Inventory
     (1) Classification of inventory
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                Closing balance                                        Opening balance
                                  Provision for                                          Provision for
                                   inventory                                              inventory
                               impairment/provis                                      impairment/provis
   Item         Carrying                                Carrying       Carrying                            Carrying
                                     ion for                                                ion for
                amount                                   value         amount                               value
                                 impairment of                                          impairment of
                                    contract                                               contract
                               performance costs                                      performance costs
Raw           309,508,719.3                           289,243,626.8 374,137,100.6                            355,943,359.5
                                      20,265,092.48                                        18,193,741.13
materials                 7                                       9             5                                        2
Goods in      686,865,440.0                           678,664,363.8 976,796,067.5                            970,301,489.0
                                       8,201,076.25                                          6,494,578.45
progress                  8                                       3             2                                        7
Commodit      171,436,481.3                           159,681,408.6
                                      11,755,072.65                 68,265,331.71            8,887,853.40 59,377,478.31
y stocks                  4                                       9
              6,306,205,547.                          6,147,068,983. 6,266,820,333.                         6,166,297,745.
shipped in               81
                                                                 73             22
processing    24,658,783.31                       - 24,658,783.31 48,602,221.22                         - 48,602,221.22
semi-finish   42,687,830.28            1,756,874.81 40,930,955.47 30,920,063.46              1,859,074.10 29,060,989.36
ed goods
   Total      7,541,362,802.
                                                      7,340,248,121. 7,765,541,117.
                         19                                      92             78                                     50

     (2) Data resources recognized as inventory
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Provision for inventory impairment and provision for impairment of contract
     performance cost
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                     Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                               Increase                       Decrease
                     Opening                                           Amount                        Closing
                     balance             Provision        Others     reversed or       Other         balance
                                                                     charged off
                    18,193,741.13        6,203,152.23            -    1,359,942.88       2,771,858.00        20,265,092.48
Goods in
                      6,494,578.45       1,706,497.80            -                -                 -         8,201,076.25
                      8,887,853.40       3,588,177.55            -                -       720,958.30         11,755,072.65
shipped in         100,522,588.20       76,556,833.34            -                -     17,942,857.46       159,136,564.08
Self-made             1,859,074.10        -102,199.29            -                -                 -         1,756,874.81

                                                         159 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

   Total         135,957,835.28     87,952,461.63           -   1,359,942.88   21,435,673.76   201,114,680.27

Reasons for reversal or charge-off of provision for inventory impairment in the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for inventory impairment based on the combination of items
□ Applicable √ N/A

Criteria on provision for inventory impairment based on the combination of items
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (4) Capitalized amount of borrowing costs included in the closing balance of inventory and its
     calculation criteria and basis

□ Applicable √ N/A

     (5) Notes to amortized amount of contract performance cost in the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     11. Held-for-sale assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

     12. Non-current assets due within one year
□ Applicable √ N/A

Debt investments due within one year
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other debt investments due within one year
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes to non-current assets due within one year

     13. Other current assets
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                 Item                           Closing balance                     Opening balance
Contract acquisition cost                                               -                                -
Cost of returned goods receivable                                       -                                -
Withholding income tax                                         216,838.33                        15,737.67
Input tax to be deducted                                   118,758,542.48                    78,283,604.86
                Total                                      118,975,380.81                    78,299,342.53
Other notes:

                                                    160 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

     14. Debt Investments
     (1) Debt investments
□ Applicable √ N/A

Change in the provision for impairment of debt investments in the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (2) Significant debt investments at the end of the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Provision for impairment
□ Applicable √ N/A

Basis for classification at different phases and provision ratio for impairment:

Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of debt investments with changes in loss provisions
in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

The amount of provision for impairment for the period and the basis for evaluating whether the credit
risk of financial instruments has significantly increased:

□ Applicable √ N/A

     (4) Debt investments actually written off in the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant debt investments written off
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of debt investments:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

     15. Other debt investments
     (1) Other debt investments
□ Applicable √ N/A

Change in the provision for impairment of other debt investments in the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (2) Significant other debt investments at the end of the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Provision for impairment
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                   161 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

     (4) Other debt investments actually written off in the period

□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant other debt investments written off
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of other debt investments:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

□ Applicable √ N/A
     16. Long-term receivables
     (1) Long-term receivables
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (2) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Provision for bad debts
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

     (4) Long-term receivables actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant long-term receivables written off:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of long-term receivables:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                    162 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

17. Long-term equity investments
     (1) Long-term equity investments
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                 Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

                                                      Adjus                                                  Closi
                                                      tment      Oth                                           ng
          Openi                       Investment                        distri
  The                                                   of        er              Provi                      balan
            ng     Addit     Redu      gains and                        butio                     Closing
investe                                               other      equi              sion                       ce of
          balanc    ional     ced        losses                          n of             Other   balance
   d                                                  comp        ty                for                      impai
             e     invest   invest    recognized                         cash               s
 entity                                               rehen      cha              impai                      rment
                    ment     ment      under the                        divid
                                                       sive      nge              rment                      provi
                                     equity method                       ends
                                                       inco        s                                          sion
Subtot         -        -        -                -         -       -        -        -       -         -
Bengb     3,340,   -             -       -4,273.97          -       -        -        -       -   3,336,3         -
u Reno     670.4                                                                                    96.44
Vacuu          1
Subtot    3,340,        -        -       -4,273.97          -       -        -        -       -   3,336,3         -
al         670.4                                                                                    96.44
          3,340,        -        -       -4,273.97          -       -        -        -       -   3,336,3         -
Total      670.4                                                                                    96.44

     (2) Impairment testing of long-term equity investments
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes

                                                163 / 236
                                                        2024 Interim Report

     18. Other equity investments
     (1) Other equity investments
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (2) Notes to derecognition in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

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                                            2024 Interim Report

     19. Other non-current financial assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                   Item                            Closing balance                 Opening balance
Financial assets at fair value through                   161,131,813.17                   185,271,024.08
profit or loss
Of which: Debt investments                                    20,969,754.40                 20,969,754.40
Equity investments                                           140,162,058.77                164,301,269.68
                  Total                                      161,131,813.17                185,271,024.08
Other notes:

     20. Investment properties
Measurement model for investment properties
          (1) Impairment testing of investment properties using cost measurement model
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

     21. Fixed assets
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                Item                           Closing balance                    Opening balance
Fixed assets                                           915,271,218.04                     942,742,926.56
Disposal of fixed assets                                            -                                  -
                Total                                  915,271,218.04                     942,742,926.56
Other notes:

Fixed assets
          (1) Fixed assets
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Buildings                                            Electronic     Other
                             Machinery Means of        Office
    Item          and                                               equipment equipment         Total
                             equipment transport     equipment
I. Original
       1.   848,381,122.75 79,672,765.2 19,442,339.3 13,006,214.1 24,216,722.2 50,919,708.8 1,035,638,872.7
Opening                               8            7            5            9            7               1
     2.       5,715,544.96 1,007,870.84 718,839.82      76,721.54 2,014,752.53 1,247,796.60   10,781,526.29
        (1)   5,715,544.96 1,007,870.84 718,839.82      76,721.54 2,014,752.53 1,247,796.60   10,781,526.29
                                                 165 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

        (2)              -            -            -            -            -              -                -
n in
        (3)              -            -            -            -            -              -                -
Increase of
      3.                 - 882,416.81              -    10,994.69 353,445.88      106,651.32      1,353,508.70
        (1)              - 882,416.81              -    10,994.69 353,445.88      106,651.32      1,353,508.70
Disposal or
     4.     854,096,667.71 79,798,219.3 20,161,179.1 13,071,941.0 25,878,028.9   52,060,854.1 1,045,066,890.3
Closing                               1            9            0            4              5               0
II.                                                                                                  -
     1.      36,381,823.05 18,762,376.4 11,058,084.2 3,458,784.30 11,701,135.2   11,533,742.8    92,895,946.15
Opening                               6            8                         6              0
     2.      23,320,765.70 2,725,397.55 1,487,851.91 1,164,518.11 3,725,053.96   4,896,108.53    37,319,695.76
        (1) 23,320,765.70 2,725,397.55 1,487,851.91 1,164,518.11 3,725,053.96    4,896,108.53    37,319,695.76
     3.           5,108.22 203,176.19              -       522.25 204,442.17        6,720.82       419,969.65
        (1)       5,108.22 203,176.19              -       522.25 204,442.17        6,720.82       419,969.65
Disposal or
     4.      59,697,480.53 21,284,597.8 12,545,936.1 4,622,780.16 15,221,747.0   16,423,130.5   129,795,672.26
Closing                               2            9                         5              1
III.                                                                                                 -
     1.                  -            -            -            -            -              -                -
     2.                  -            -            -            -            -              -                -
        (1)              -            -            -            -            -              -                -
     3.                  -            -            -            -            -              -                -
        (1)              -            -            -            -            -              -                -
Disposal or
     4.                  -            -            -            -            -              -                -
                                                 166 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

IV.                                                                                                 -
     1.      794,399,187.18 58,513,621.4 7,615,243.00 8,449,160.84 10,656,281.8 35,637,723.6   915,271,218.04
Closing                                9                                      9            4
     2.      811,999,299.70 60,910,388.8 8,384,255.09 9,547,429.85 12,515,587.0 39,385,966.0   942,742,926.56
Opening                                2                                      3            7

          (2) Temporarily idle fixed assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

          (3) Fixed assets leased under operating lease
□ Applicable √ N/A

          (4) Fixed assets without certificate of title
□ Applicable √ N/A

          (5) Impairment testing of fixed assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Disposal of fixed assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

     22. Construction in progress
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Item                            Closing balance                    Opening balance
Construction in progress                               593,113,483.75                     152,486,136.51
Construction materials                                              -                                  -
               Total                                   593,113,483.75                     152,486,136.51
Other notes:

Construction in progress
          (1) Construction in progress
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                       Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                           Closing balance                          Opening balance
                Carrying      Provision                    Carrying     Provision
                   amount        for      Carrying value      amount        for     Carrying value
                             impairment                                impairment
Platform-    209,019,558.94            - 209,019,558.94 112,705,043.63            - 112,705,043.63

                                                 167 / 236
                                                                                      2024 Interim Report

                  and smart
                  Specialized 378,472,669.92                                 - 378,472,669.92                    34,158,965.16                          - 34,158,965.16
                  lithium ion
                  and R&D
                  Other          5,621,254.89                                -          5,621,254.89               5,622,127.72                         -      5,622,127.72
                       Total   593,113,483.75                                - 593,113,483.75 152,486,136.51                                            - 152,486,136.51

                            (2) Changes in significant construction projects in progress in the period
                  √ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                                                       Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                                                                  Ratio of
                                                Increase in the                                                   project                             Of which:
                                                                  Fixed assets                                                       Accumulated                    capitalization
  Project                          Opening                                             Other        Closing     investment                            capitalized                     Source of
                   Budget                           current       carried over                                              Progress    interest                     ratio in the
   name                            balance                                            decrease      balance       in total                          interest in the                     funds
                                                    period        in the period                                                      capitalization                    current
                                                                                                                  budget                            current period
                                                                                                                                                                     period (%)
Platform-      1,059,419,000.00   112,705,043.63 209,019,558.94                   -            - 321,724,602.57       30.37 70%      20,657,407.91 15,431,086.89           100.00 Capital raised
based                                                                                                                                                                              from others
and smart
Specialized    1,041,909,500.00    34,158,965.16 231,608,661.13                   -           - 265,767,626.29          25.51 70%       1,564,750.62 1,564,750.62            100.00 Self-financing
lithium ion
and R&D
    Total                     -   146,864,008.79 440,628,220.07                   -           - 587,492,228.86      /          /       22,222,158.53 16,995,837.51       /               /

                            (3) Provision for impairment of construction in progress
                  □ Applicable √ N/A

                            (4) Impairment testing of construction in progress
                  □ Applicable √ N/A

                  Other notes
                  □ Applicable √ N/A

                  Construction materials
                  □ Applicable √ N/A

                       23. Productive biological assets
                              (1) Productive biological assets using cost measurement model
                  □ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                                            168 / 236
                                         2024 Interim Report

            (2) Impairment testing of productive biological assets using cost measurement model
□ Applicable √ N/A

            (3) Productive biological assets using fair-value measurement model
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

     24. Oil and gas assets
     (1) Oil and gas assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (2) Impairment testing of oil and gas assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

     25. Right-of-use assets
     (1) Right-of-use assets
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

                                    Buildings and              Transportation
               Item                                                                     Total
                                     structures                  equipment
I. Original carrying value
1. Opening balance                     169,560,129.16                 802,150.79     170,362,279.95
     2. Increase                        14,843,870.62                          -      14,843,870.62
        - New leasing                   14,843,870.62                          -      14,843,870.62
     3. Decrease                         3,717,538.62                          -       3,717,538.62
        - Disposal                       3,717,538.62                          -       3,717,538.62
      4. Closing balance               180,686,461.16                 802,150.79     181,488,611.95
II. Accumulated depreciation
      1. Opening balance                58,634,231.67                 200,537.70      58,834,769.37
      2. Increase                       27,204,636.08                  40,137.14      27,244,773.22
         (1) Provision                  27,204,636.08                  40,137.14      27,244,773.22
      3. Decrease                        3,562,641.18                          -       3,562,641.18
         (1) Disposal                    3,562,641.18                          -       3,562,641.18
      4. Closing balance                82,276,226.57                 240,674.84      82,516,901.41
III. Provision for impairment
      1. Opening balance                              -                         -                 -
      2. Increase                                     -                         -                 -
         (1) Provision                                -                         -                 -
      3. Decrease                                     -                         -                 -
         (1) Disposal                                 -                         -                 -
      4. Closing balance                              -                         -                 -
IV. Carrying value

                                              169 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

1. Closing carrying value                 98,410,234.59                     561,475.95         98,971,710.54
2. Opening carrying value                110,925,897.49                     601,613.09        111,527,510.58

     (2) Impairment testing of right-of-use assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

     26. Intangible assets
     (1) Intangible assets
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                 Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                Land use                                                        Non-patente
   Item                           Patents        Software          Others                          Total
                  right                                                         d technology
I. Original
1. Opening     139,156,777.      31,550,208.    23,282,373.       311,245.6     11,730,000.     206,030,604.
balance                  58              49             11                1              00               79
      2.                  -                -    1,853,368.2               -               -     1,853,368.29
Increase                                                  9
(1)                          -              -   1,853,368.2                 -             -     1,853,368.29
Procuremen                                                9
(2) Internal                 -              -                -              -             -          -
(3) Increase                 -              -                -              -             -                -
of business
(4)                          -              -                -              -             -                -
3. Decrease                  -              -                -              -             -                -
         (1)                 -              -                -              -             -                -
4. Closing     139,156,777.      31,550,208.    25,135,741.       311,245.6     11,730,000.     207,883,973.
balance                  58              49             40                1              00               08
II.                                                                                                        -
      1.       4,907,035.47      4,580,060.8    12,607,425.       196,201.3      391,000.00     22,681,722.9
Opening                                    4            32                6                                9
      2.       1,565,836.99      1,169,955.5    2,044,624.7       34,513.28      898,409.40     5,713,339.97
Increase                                   9              1
         (1)   1,565,836.99      1,169,955.5    2,044,624.7       34,513.28      898,409.40     5,713,339.97
Provision                                  9              1
      3.                     -             -              -                 -             -                -
         (1)                 -              -                -              -             -                -

                                                 170 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

     4.        6,472,872.46     5,750,016.4      14,652,050.     230,714.6     1,289,409.4   28,395,062.9
Closing                                   3              03              4               0              6
III.                                                                                                    -
     1.                     -              -                 -           -               -              -
     2.                     -              -                 -           -               -              -
        (1)                 -              -                 -           -               -              -
     3.                     -              -                 -           -               -              -
        (1)                 -              -                 -           -               -              -
     4.                     -              -                 -           -               -              -
IV.                                                                                                     -
1. Closing     132,683,905.     25,800,192.      10,483,691.     80,530.97     10,440,590.   179,488,910.
carrying                 12             06               37                             60             12
2. Opening     134,249,742.     26,970,147.      10,674,947.     115,044.2     11,339,000.   183,348,881.
carrying                 11             65               79              5              00             80

The proportion of intangible assets produced through the Company’s internal R&D to the balance of
intangible assets is 0% at the end of the period

      (2) Data resources recognized as intangible assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Land use right without the certificate of title
□ Applicable √ N/A

    (4) Impairment testing of intangible assets
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     27. Goodwill
     (1) Original carrying value of goodwill
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
    Name of the         Opening                Increase                      Decrease            Closing

                                                 171 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

 invested entity or    balance        Formed                                                                            balance
   formation of                        due to
                                                            Others             Disposal           Others
     goodwill                         business
Songci                20,371,470                 -                       -                -                      -     20,371,47
Electromechanical            .55                                                                                            0.55
Leddo Technology      19,369,760                 -                       -                -                      -     19,369,76
                             .40                                                                                            0.40
Polar New Enegry      33,880,285                 -                       -                -                      -     33,880,28
                             .98                                                                                            5.98
                      73,621,516                 -                       -                -                      -     73,621,51
                             .93                                                                                            6.93

     (2) Provision for impairment of goodwill
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                       Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
   Name of the                                  Increase                          Decrease
invested entity or     Opening
                                                                                                             Closing balance
  formation of         balance         Provision           Others            Disposal         Others
Leddo                  9,608,936.17                  -               -              -                  -             9,608,936.17
Polar New               394,868.75                   -               -              -                  -              394,868.75
      Total           10,003,804.92                  -               -              -                  -         10,003,804.92

     (3) Relevant information about the asset group or portfolio of asset groups that contains
√ Applicable □ N/A

                          Composition and
                                                         Operating division             Whether it is consistent with
        Name              basis of the asset
                                                             and basis                       previous years
                         group or portfolio
Songci                  Long term assets             Photovoltaic                                          Yes
Electromechanical       and goodwill; the            equipment segment
                        products produced
                        by the asset group
                        that         contains
                        goodwill, with an
                        active market, can
                        independent cash
                        flows, which can be
                        recognized as a
                        separate asset group
Leddo Technology        Long term assets             Semiconductorsegme                                    Yes
                        and goodwill; the            nt
                        products produced
                        by the asset group
                        that         contains
                        goodwill, with an
                        active market, can
                        independent cash
                                                 172 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

                          flows, which can be
                          recognized as a
                          separate asset group
Polar New Enegry          Long term assets        Photovoltaic                        Yes
                          and goodwill; the       equipment segment
                          products produced       and             power
                          by the asset group      generation station
                          that        contains
                          goodwill, with an
                          active market, can
                          independent cash
                          flows, which can be
                          recognized as a
                          separate asset group

Changes in an asset group or asset group portfolio
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (4) Specific method for determining recoverable amount
The recoverable amount is determined based on the net fair value after deducting disposal expenses
□ Applicable √ N/A

The recoverable amount is determined based on the present value of expected future cash flows
□ Applicable √ N/A

Reasons for the significant differences between the aforementioned information and the information
used in previous years' impairment testing or external information
□ Applicable √ N/A

Reasons for the significant discrepancy between the information used by the Company for impairment
testing and the actual situation in the previous years
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (5) Performance commitment and corresponding impairment of goodwill
When goodwill is formed, there is a performance commitment, and the reporting period or the previous
period is within the performance commitment period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

     28. Long-term deferred expenses
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                  Opening                                Amortized                            Closing
    Item                               Increase                           Other decrease
                   balance                                 amount                             balance
Renovation       48,222,043.21       10,668,231.73      10,202,931.02         271,017.70 48,416,326.22
Others           17,111,184.80       11,317,920.00       6,604,811.13                 -     21,824,293.67
    Total        65,333,228.01       21,986,151.73      16,807,742.15        271,017.70     70,240,619.89
                                                  173 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

Other notes:

     29. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
     (1) Undeducted deferred income tax assets
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                       Closing balance                        Opening balance
          Item                 Deductible                              Deductible
                                                Deferred income                         Deferred income
                                temporary                              temporary
                                                   tax assets                              tax assets
                               differences                             differences
Provision for impairment      234,790,478.39      36,212,505.35       172,802,851.32      26,236,297.08
of assets
Unrealized profits from         4,340,476.33          651,071.45          982,453.48           147,368.03
internal transactions
Deductible losses             188,684,692.92       35,117,961.83      132,492,161.32     24,075,388.04
Credit impairment losses      284,106,864.29       44,411,285.52      206,156,735.64     33,660,930.35
Estimated liabilities          31,260,862.31        4,689,129.34       18,750,246.20      2,812,536.93
Deferred income                   635,840.46           95,376.07          881,377.19        132,206.58
Share payment                   6,500,915.26          975,137.29       42,764,329.03      6,414,649.35
Lease liabilities             101,782,104.77       15,674,364.94      103,976,963.34     15,887,848.75
            Total             852,102,234.74      137,826,831.79      678,807,117.52    109,367,225.11

     (2) Undeducted deferred income tax liabilities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                       Closing balance                       Opening balance
          Item                  Taxable                                 Taxable
                                                Deferred income                       Deferred income
                               temporary                               temporary
                                                  tax liabilities                        tax liabilities
                               differences                            differences
Change in fair value of        66,367,226.99        9,955,084.05      91,581,898.67       13,740,425.32
financial assets
Appreciation of                62,647,052.58        9,397,057.89      55,137,721.47           8,270,658.22
consolidated assets of
different controlling
enterprises after
Accelerated depreciation       72,998,434.53       10,949,765.18      82,285,569.83          12,342,835.47
of fixed assets
Right-of-use assets           91,774,070.22        14,152,281.99     101,599,597.11          15,518,294.13
Initial measurement and      171,501,235.35        25,725,185.30     173,020,122.99          25,953,018.45
amortization of
convertible bonds
           Total             465,288,019.67        70,179,374.41     503,624,910.07          75,825,231.59

     (3) Deferred income tax assets or liabilities presented at net value after offsetting
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (4) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Item                        Closing balance                    Opening balance
                                                174 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

Deductible temporary                                                 -                                   -
Deductible losses                                    478,568,539.66                         383,746,232.72
             Total                                   478,568,539.66                         383,746,232.72

     (5) The deductible losses of unrecognized deferred Income tax assets will be due in the
     following years
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
         Year                Closing balance            Opening balance at            Remarks
2024                                5,242,848.48                5,242,848.48
2025                                8,130,424.71                8,130,424.71
2026                               35,808,068.44              35,808,068.44
2027                               41,231,584.82              41,231,584.82
2028                               84,143,947.70              84,143,947.70
2029                               61,572,983.56              11,817,613.11
2030                                5,173,709.05                5,099,027.64
2031                               59,852,589.14              59,852,589.14
2032                             101,380,226.72              102,527,871.15
2033                               28,795,553.11              29,892,257.53
2034                               47,236,603.93                           -
         Total                   478,568,539.66              383,746,232.72               /

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     30. Other non-current assets
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                               Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                                  Provision                                             Provision
     Item           Carrying                        Carrying             Carrying                      Carrying
                                     for                                                   for
                    amount                           value               amount                         value
                                 impairment                                            impairment
Contract                     -              -                   -                 -               -             -
Contract                      -             -                   -                 -             -               -
Cost         of               -             -                   -                 -             -               -
Contract                      -             -                   -                 -             -               -
Earnest           11,184,500.00             -    11,184,500.00      12,553,250.00               -   12,553,250.00
money       for
Prepaid           39,311,393.14             -    39,311,393.14      28,362,127.17               -   28,362,127.17
                                                 175 / 236
                                                       2024 Interim Report

    Total          50,495,893.14                        -   50,495,893.14        40,915,377.17                           -   40,915,377.17
Other notes:

     31. Assets with restricted ownership or right of use
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                               Closing balance                                                Opening balance
  Item      Carrying amount   Carrying value   Restrict     Restrictio   Carrying amount     Carrying value   Restrict       Restrictio
                                               ion type         ns                                            ion type           ns
Monetary     304,596,281.75   304,596,281.75 Others         Security      311,146,788.09     311,146,788.09 Others           Security
funds                                                       deposit                                                          deposit
Receivabl    170,332,260.22   170,332,260.22   Pledge       Pledge        856,879,803.37     856,879,803.37     Pledge       Pledge
Receivabl    425,709,101.20   425,709,101.20   Others       Endorsed      167,409,902.56     167,409,902.56     Others       Endorsed
e                                                           or                                                               or
financing                                                   discounte                                                        discounte
                                                            d                                                                d
  Total      900,637,643.17   900,637,643.17       /             /       1,335,436,494.02   1,335,436,494.02       /              /

Other notes:

     32. Short-term borrowings
     (1) Classification of short-term borrowings
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

               Item                        Closing balance                                        Opening balance
Guaranteed borrowings                             222,327,275.83                                         152,572,134.15
Unsecured borrowings                              209,862,541.67                                         199,755,511.11
Receivable financing not yet                      232,550,380.16                                         167,409,902.56
              Total                               664,740,197.66                                               519,737,547.82
Notes to the classification of short-term borrowings:

     (2) Short-term borrowings that are overdue but not yet repaid
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     33. Trading financial liabilities
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     34. Derivative financial liabilities
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                            176 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

     35. Notes payable
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
           Type                      Closing balance                           Opening balance
Trade acceptance                                                  -                                    -
Bank acceptance                                 1,636,520,306.81                        2,333,573,500.10
L/C                                                    268,010.40                             168,972.80
           Total                                1,636,788,317.21                        2,333,742,472.90
The total amount of unpaid notes payable is 0 yuan at the end of this period.

     36. Accounts payable
     (1) Disclosure of accounts payable
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

             Item                         Closing balance                    Opening balance
Within 1 year                                   3,197,318,431.85                     3,229,334,831.38
1 - 2 years                                        37,552,801.08                        12,946,275.37
2 - 3 years                                            73,906.30                           152,774.16
Over 3 years                                          269,859.56                         1,413,242.84
             Total                              3,235,214,998.79                     3,243,847,123.75

     (2) Significant accounts payable with an aging of over 1 year or overdue
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     37. Advances from customers
    (1) Disclosure of advances from customers
□ Applicable √ N/A

    (2) Significant advances from customers with an aging of over 1 year

□ Applicable √ N/A

    (3) Amount and reasons for significant changes in carrying value during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     38. Contract liabilities
         (1) Contract liabilities
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

              Item                         Closing balance                    Opening balance
                                                177 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

Advances on sales                                   3,261,471,207.28                     3,906,972,602.22
            Total                                   3,261,471,207.28                     3,906,972,602.22

     (2) Significant contract liabilities with an aging of over 1 year
□ Applicable √ N/A

         (3) Amount and reasons for significant changes in carrying value during the reporting
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     39. Staff remuneration payable
     (1) Disclosure of staff remuneration payable
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

           Item                                         Increase          Decrease        Closing balance
I. Short-term remuneration     184,008,109.90       478,945,566.54     522,662,710.05     140,290,966.39
II. Termination benefits -                  -        22,118,748.32      22,117,925.53             822.79
defined contribution plan
III. Severance pay                            -          770,138.10        770,138.10                   -
IV. Other benefits due                        -                   -                 -                   -
within one year
            Total              184,008,109.90       501,834,452.96     545,550,773.68     140,291,789.18

     (2) Disclosure of short-term remuneration
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

           Item                                         Increase          Decrease        Closing balance
  I. Salary, bonuses,          183,884,575.58       429,279,929.50     473,241,244.84     139,923,260.24
allowances, and subsidies
Ⅱ. Employees’ welfare                       -       16,279,904.02      16,279,904.02                  -
Ⅲ. Social insurance                          -       10,949,681.34      10,949,681.34                  -
Of which: Medical                             -        9,352,580.96       9,352,580.96                  -
         Work-related injury                  -          608,972.55        608,972.55                   -
         Maternity insurance                  -          988,127.83         988,127.83                 -
Ⅳ. Housing provident                         -       21,162,925.31      21,152,342.36         10,582.95
Ⅴ. Trade union outlays and         123,534.32         1,273,126.37       1,039,537.49        357,123.20
employee education outlays
VI. Short-term paid absence                   -                    -                 -                  -
VII. Short-term                               -                    -                 -                  -
profit-sharing plan
              Total            184,008,109.90       478,945,566.54     522,662,710.05     140,290,966.39
                                                  178 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

     (3) Disclosure of defined contribution plans
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
            Item                                        Increase           Decrease       Closing balance
1. Basic pension insurance                    -       21,425,055.39       21,424,356.65             698.74
2. Unemployment insurance                     -          693,692.93          693,568.88             124.05
3. Annuity payment                            -                   -                   -                  -
           Total                              -       22,118,748.32       22,117,925.53             822.79

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     40. Tax payable
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

               Item                         Closing balance                     Opening balance
VAT                                                  30,393,180.74                        60,273,475.01
Consumption tax                                                   -                                   -
Business tax                                                      -                                   -
Corporate income tax                                106,318,605.66                        82,758,361.80
Personal income tax                                    1,437,773.58                        1,908,417.14
Urban maintenance and                                  1,977,119.84                        3,806,546.78
construction tax
Urban garbage disposal costs                                57,736.00                          56,860.00
Educational surcharge                                    1,412,975.52                       2,719,709.06
Stamp tax                                                1,364,605.65                       1,702,536.75
Urban land use tax                                          73,304.40                         268,359.39
Environment tax                                            111,498.42                         206,349.12
Property tax                                             1,651,357.41                       1,704,499.33
Others                                                              -                           7,798.08
              Total                                    144,798,157.22                     155,412,912.46
Other notes:

     41. Other payables
     (1) Item list
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

                 Item                         Closing balance                     Opening balance
Interest payable                                                      -                                -
Dividends payable                                          2,300,000.00                                -
Other payables                                            89,018,741.58                   116,701,241.64
Total                                                     91,318,741.58                   116,701,241.64

Interest payable
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                  179 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

Dividends payable
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
              Item                           Closing balance                   Opening balance
Dividends of ordinary shares                            2,300,000.00                                -
              Total                                     2,300,000.00                                -
Other notes, including important dividends payable that have not been paid for more than one year,
should disclose the reasons for failure of payment:

Other payables
          (1) Disclosure of other payables by nature of payment
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                         Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Item                       Closing balance                  Opening balance
Obligation for repurchase of                       74,571,400.00                      74,571,400.00
restricted shares
Investment funds to be paid                                      -                     27,000,000.00
Engineering retention money,                          9,170,568.78                      8,830,425.82
quality assurance deposit,
earnest money, and security
Equity incentive funds pending                                   -                      4,059,129.40
Others                                               5,276,772.80                       2,240,286.42
              Total                                 89,018,741.58                     116,701,241.64

           (2) Other significant payables with an aging of over 1 year or overdue
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                       Reasons for non-repayment or
               Item                        Closing balance
Engineering retention money,                          6,513,440.00 Long term cooperation, with
quality assurance deposit,                                           extended payment term
earnest money, and security
               Total                                  6,513,440.00                   /

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     42. Held-for-sale liabilities
□ Applicable √ N/A

     43. Non-current liabilities due in one year
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                         Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
             Item                         Closing balance                  Opening balance
Long-term borrowings due                            76,830,239.17                     93,763,615.82
within one year
Bonds payable due within one                                      -                                 -
Long-term payables due within                                     -                                 -
one year
                                               180 / 236
                                                    2024 Interim Report

Lease liabilities due within one                                 50,818,850.56                                    50,682,277.05
Interest on bonds payable due                                     1,900,000.00                                      760,000.00
within one year
               Total                                            129,549,089.73                                145,205,892.87
Other notes:

     44. Other current liabilities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
            Item                               Closing balance                                   Opening balance
Output tax for charge off                                  8,569,188.87                                      4,333,632.85
             Total                                         8,569,188.87                                      4,333,632.85

Change in short-term bonds payable:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     45. Long-term borrowings
     (1) Classification of long-term borrowings
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                Item                          Closing balance                                    Opening balance
Pledged borrowings                                                -                                                     -
Mortgaged borrowings                                              -                                                     -
Guaranteed borrowings                                             -                                                     -
Unsecured borrowings                                 319,027,747.75                                        141,007,258.34
               Total                                 319,027,747.75                                        141,007,258.34
Notes to the classification of long-term borrowings:

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

     46. Bonds payable
     (1) Bonds payable
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Item                                  Closing balance                             Opening balance
Convertible corporate bonds                                   998,084,628.12                               969,066,247.00
              Total                                           998,084,628.12                               969,066,247.00

     (2) Details of bonds payable: (excluding preferred shares, perpetual bonds and other financial
     instruments classified as financial liabilities)
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                        Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                 Bonds     Interes   Amort     Transf   Repay
                                                       Openi                                                        Closin
        Nomin   Coupo    Date              Amou                  issued       t      ization   er-in      ment               Defau
Bond                                                     ng                                                           g
          al    n rate     of      Tenor      nt                  in the   accrue     based    of        In the               lt or
name                                                   balanc                                                       balanc
        value    (%)     issue             issued                current     d at      on      non-c    current                not
                                                          e                                                            e
                                                                 period      par     premiu    urrent   period

                                                         181 / 236
                                                    2024 Interim Report

                                                                          value      m or    liabilit
                                                                                    discou   ies
                                                                                      nt     due
Autow     100          0.2   2023/8   6 年6    1,140,   969,06        -    1,140,   29,038    -1,140    -19,99   998,08    否No
ell                             /10   years   000,00    6,247.            000.00    ,374.9    ,000.0      3.84    4,628.
Conve                                            0.00       00                           6          0                 12
 Total    /        /           /        /      1,140,   969,06        -    1,140,   29,038              -19,99   998,08       /
                                              000,00    6,247.            000.00    ,374.9                3.84    4,628.
                                                 0.00       00                           6                            12

      (3) Notes to convertible corporate bonds
√ Applicable □ N/A
                Item                  Equity conversion conditions                                   Time.
Wuxi Autowell Technology Co., 2. Holders of convertible bonds                          Start and end dates: from
Ltd. issues convertible corporate may exercise the right to convert                    February 19, 2024 to August 9,
bonds to unspecified parties        the convertible bonds to shares of                 2029 (the original start date of
                                    the Company at the current price                   February 16, 2024 was a
                                    during the period from the first                   statutory holiday, but according
                                    trading day after six months from                  to the Prospectus, it should be
                                    the date of issuance of the                        postponed to the first trading
                                    convertible bonds to the maturity                  day thereafter, which is
                                    date of the convertible bonds.                     February 19, 2024).

Basis for accounting treatment and judgment of equity conversion
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (4) Notes to other financial instruments classified as financial liabilities
Basic information about other outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual
bonds at the end of the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Changes in outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the end of
the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the basis for classification of other financial instruments as financial liabilities
□ Applicable √ N/A
Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     47. Lease liabilities
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Item                                     Closing balance                         Opening balance
Leasing payment                                                   49,110,800.96                           57,305,281.98
Less: Unrecognized financing costs                                 1,381,403.49                            2,284,378.83
              Total                                               47,729,397.47                           55,020,903.15
Other notes:

                                                          182 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

     48. Long-term payables
Item list
□ Applicable √ N/A

Long-term payables
□ Applicable √ N/A

Special payables
□ Applicable √ N/A

     49. Long-term staff remuneration payable
□ Applicable √ N/A

     50. Estimated liabilities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
            Item              Opening balance            Closing balance         Reasons for formation
External guarantees                               -                          -
Pending actions                                   -                          -
Product quality                     20,642,029.65              32,355,137.07 Product quality
assurance                                                                      assurance
Obligation of                                     -                          -
Loss-bearing contracts                            -                          -
to be executed
Refunds payable                                   -                          -
Others                                            -                          -
           Total                    20,642,029.65              32,355,137.07                /
Other notes, including major assumptions, estimates and explanations related to significant estimated

     51. Deferred income
Deferred income
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                       Opening                                                              Reasons for
      Item                               Increase            Decrease    Closing balance
                        balance                                                              formation
Government             1,974,389.69                   -       245,536.73    1,728,852.96 Government
grants                                                                                         grants
      Total          1,974,389.69                     -       245,536.73    1,728,852.96          /
Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     52. Other non-current liabilities
□ Applicable √ N/A

     53. Share capital
□ Applicable √ N/A
                                                                                    Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
              Opening                                     Increase/decrease (+,-)                               Closing

                                                    183 / 236
                                                   2024 Interim Report

                 balance                                            Shares                                                     balance
                                                   Bonus          converted
                                     of new                                            Others            Subtotal
                                                   shares       from surplus
   Total    224,811,240.00 584,290.00                                  -800,466.00 89,621,850.00 314,433,090.00
Other notes:
      1. On January 5, 2024, the Company released the Announcement of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.,
Ltd. on the Second Attribution Period of the First Reserved Grant of the 2021 Restricted Share Incentive
Plan and the Attribution Results for the First Attribution Period of the 2022 Restricted Share Plan, and
the Listing of Shares (Announcement No. 2024-003). Upon the completion of attribution and share
incentive registration, the total share capital of the Company was changed from 224,811,240 shares to
      2. On March 15, 2024, the Company released the Announcement of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.,
Ltd. on Implementing Share Repurchase Cancellation and Share Changes (Announcement No.
2024-024). Upon the completion of share repurchase cancellation, the total share capital of the Company
was changed from 224,892,432 shares to 224,092,126 shares.

      3. On April 3, 2024, the Company released the Announcement of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.,
Ltd. on the Results of Convertible Bond Conversion and Share Changes (Announcement No. 2024-042).
Upon the completion of convertible bond conversion, the total share capital of the Company increased
from 224,092,126 shares to 224,092,158 shares.
      4. On April 20, 2024, the Company released the Announcement of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.,
Ltd. on the Attribution Results for the Second Attribution Period of the First Grant of the 2022
Restricted Share Incentive Plan and the Listing of Shares (Announcement No. 2024-046). Upon the
completion of attribution, the total share capital of the Company increased from 224,092,158 shares to
      5. On May 14, 2024, the Company released the Announcement of Wuxi Autowell Technology Co.,
Ltd. on Implementing the 2023 Annual Equity Distribution (Announcement No. 2024-054). The listing
date for the newly unrestricted negotiable shares would be May 20, 2024. After the completion of equity
distribution, the total share capital of the Company increased from 224,595,064 shares to 314,433,090

     54. Other equity instruments
     (1) Basic information about other outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares
     and perpetual bonds at the end of the period
√ Applicable □ N/A
     The Company has issued 11,400,000 pieces of convertible corporate bonds, each with a par value
of RMB100. During the reporting period, a total of RMB24,000 bonds were converted. As of June 30,
2024, the balance of convertible corporate bonds reached RMB1,139,976,000. The changes in other
equity instruments in the current period are detailed in Note VII, 46 Bonds Payable of the Consolidated
Financial Statements.
     (2) Changes in outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual
     bonds at the end of the period
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
Ou                                           Increas
tsta                                         e in the
                 Opening balance                      Decrease in the current period              Closing balance
ndi                                          current
 ng                                           period
                                             Nu rry
        Number              Carrying value   mb ing Number         Carrying value        Number               Carrying value
                                             er val
                                                         184 / 236
                                                2024 Interim Report


Iss      11,400,000.00     155,724,995.61           240.00            3,856.97   11,399,760.00   155,721,138.64
         11,400,000.00     155,724,995.61   -   -   240.00            3,856.97   11,399,760.00   155,721,138.64

Changes in other equity instruments in the current period, the reasons for such changes, and the basis for
relevant accounting treatments:
√ Applicable □ N/A
The convertible corporate bonds issued by the Company in August 2023, at the initial measurement,
amounted to RMB949,707,330.36 after deducting the corresponding issuance costs from the fair value
of the liability portion, which were included in the bonds payable; and the fair value of the
corresponding equity portion, after deducting the corresponding issuance costs, reached
RMB183,205,877.19. At the same time, a deferred income tax liability of RMB27,480,881.58 was
recognized and included in other equity instruments of RMB155,724,995.61. The amortized cost of the
adjusted liability portion for the period was RMB29,038,374.96, calculated based on the effective
interest rate method. As of June 30, 2024, a total of 269 shares of bonds were converted, with the fair
value of RMB24,000 at the time of conversion writing down the bonds payable, the interest adjustment
of RMB4,006.16 writing down the bond interest payable, and the fair value of RMB3,856.97 of equity
instruments writing down other equity instruments.

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     55. Capital reserve
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
        Item           Opening balance            Increase              Decrease         Closing balance
Capital premium
                         1,121,820,728.38         55,185,710.65        160,651,196.78     1,016,355,242.25
(equity premium)
Other capital
                           287,120,339.52         30,364,954.57         26,358,102.97       291,127,191.12
        Total            1,408,941,067.90         85,550,665.22        187,009,299.75     1,307,482,433.37
Other notes, including changes in the current period and reasons for the changes:
Note 1: The reasons for the increase of RMB55,185,710.65 in capital premium (equity premium) in the
period are as follows: (1) A subsidiary (Autowell Intelligent Equipment) received capital increase from
non-controlling shareholders, resulting in an increase of RMB1,893,450.45 in capital reserve.
(2) A subsidiary (XuRi Technology) received capital increase from non-controlling shareholders,
resulting in an increase of RMB793,000.00 in capital reserve.
(3) The second attribution for the first grant of share incentives in 2022 could meet the prescribed
conditions for exercise, with RMB23,625,089.63 transferred from other capital reserve to equity
(4) The second attribution for the first reserved grant of share incentives in 2021 and the first attribution
for the reserved grant of share incentive in 2022 could meet the prescribed conditions for exercise,
resulting in an increase of RMB3,977,937.40 in capital reserve due to the exercise of share incentives.
The second attribution for the first grant of share incentives in 2022 could meet the prescribed conditions
for exercise, resulting in an increase of RMB24,872,574.36 in capital reserve due to the exercise of share
(5) The conversion of convertible bonds to shares resulted in an increase of RMB23,658.81 in capital
                                                     185 / 236
                                                      2024 Interim Report

Note 2: The reasons for the decrease of the capital reserve by RMB160,651,196.78 in the period are
stated as follows:
(1) The conversion of capital reserve to share capital in the period resulted in a decrease of
RMB89,838,026.00 in capital reserve.(2) The write-off of treasury shares by the Company in the period
resulted in a decrease of RMB70,813,170.78 in capital reserve. Note 3: The reasons for the increase of
capital reserve by RMB30,364,954.57 in the period are stated as follows: (1) The Company’s restricted
share incentive plan resulted in an increase of RMB30,342,541.47 in other capital reserve due to the
inclusion of the corresponding service amount in profit or loss based on the fair value of equity
instruments on the grant date.
(2) It is expected that the recognized share-based payment costs for the period would exceed the pre-tax
deductible share-based payment costs pursuant to tax laws, and the deferred income tax assets
recognized for the excess would be reversed, resulting in an increase of RMB22,413.10 in other capital
Note 4: The reduction of other capital reserve by RMB26,358,102.97 in the period was caused by the
transfer from other capital reserves to share capital due to the restricted share incentives meeting the
prescribed exercise conditions.

     56. Treasury shares
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
       Item                 Opening balance                Increase                     Decrease        Closing balance
Share repurchase              143,163,605.08                3,021,431.70                71,613,636.78       74,571,400.00
       Total                  143,163,605.08                3,021,431.70                71,613,636.78       74,571,400.00

Other notes, including changes in the current period and reasons for the changes:

     57. Other comprehensive income
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                             Amount incurred in the period
                                               Less:              Less:
                                            previously        previously
                                            included in       included in
                  Opening      Amount          other              other       Less:       Attributed to    Attributed to    Closing
     Item         balance       before   comprehensive     comprehensive     income        the parent     non-controlling   balance
                               income      income, and       income, and       tax          company        shareholders
                                 tax     carried over to    transferred to  expenses        after tax        after tax
                                          profit or loss        retained
                                          in the current   earnings in the
                                              period       current period
I. Other
income that
cannot be
into profit or
Of which:
the amount of
changes in the
defined benefit
income that
cannot be
carried over to
profit or loss
under the
equity method
   Changes in
fair value of

                                                            186 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

her equity
   Changes in
fair value of
credit risk
II. Other
income that
will be           401,818.53   -            -                -     -   -1,844,288.81         -   -1,442,470.28
into profit or
Of which:
income that
can be carried
over to profit
or loss under
the equity
   Changes in
fair value of
other debt
   Amount of
assets included
in other
for credit
impairment of
other debt
reserve for
cash flows
difference on
translating       401,818.53                                           -1,844,288.81             -1,442,470.28
comprehensive     401,818.53   -            -                -     -   -1,844,288.81         -   -1,442,470.28
income in total

Other notes, including the adjustment of the effective portion of cash flow hedging gains and losses to
the initially recognized amount of the hedged item:
The amount of other comprehensive income incurred in the period is the exchange rate difference
resulting from the translation of original currency statements of overseas subsidiaries into RMB

     58. Special reserve
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
       Item           Opening balance            Increase             Decrease         Closing balance
Safe production
                            8,543,300.96          6,440,251.47         2,125,111.07        12,858,441.36
       Total                8,543,300.96          6,440,251.47         2,125,111.07        12,858,441.36
Other notes, including changes in the current period and reasons for the changes:
The increase in special reserves is due to the provision of safe production expenses during this period in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Administrative Measures for Withdrawal and Use of
Enterprise Safe Production Expenses (CZ [2022] No. 136) issued by the Ministry of Finance.

                                                 187 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

     59. Surplus reserves
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
       Item           Opening balance           Increase             Decrease            Closing balance
Statutory surplus
                       112,405,620.00         44,810,925.00                               157,216,545.00
surplus reserves
Reserve fund                                                                                           -
development fund
Others                                                                                                 -
       Total           112,405,620.00         44,810,925.00                       -       157,216,545.00
Notes to surplus reserves, including changes in the current period and reasons for the changes:
Statutory surplus reserves: the increase is due to the increase in additional reserve set aside by the
     60. Undistributed profit
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                          Amount incurred in the current
                  Item                                                      Amount incurred in last year
Undistributed profit at the end of last
                                                         1,896,492,333.37                    921,352,498.22
period before adjustment
Adjustment of total undistributed profit
at the beginning of period (increase                                                             430,386.33
+/decrease -)
Undistributed profit at the beginning of
                                                         1,896,492,333.37                    921,782,884.55
period after adjustment
Add: net profit attributable to the owner
                                                            769,082,688.50                 1,255,823,677.58
of parent company
Less: statutory surplus reserves                             44,810,925.00                    35,170,615.00
      Discretionary surplus reserves
      General risk reserve
      Ordinary share dividends payable                      448,183,938.16                   245,943,613.76
      Ordinary share dividends
converted to share capital
Undistributed profit at the end of the
                                                          2,172,580,158.71                 1,896,492,333.37
Adjustment of undistributed profit at the beginning of period:
1. Due to the retrospective adjustments under the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and
related new regulations, undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is affected by RMB0.
2. Due to the changes in accounting policies, undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is
affected by RMB0.
3. Due to the correction of significant accounting errors, undistributed profit at the beginning of the
period is affected by RMB0.
4. Due to the changed scope of consolidation caused by the same control, undistributed profit at the
beginning of the period is affected by RMB0.
5. The overall impact of other adjustments on the undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is

                                                 188 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

     61. Operating income and operating cost
     (1) Operating income and operating cost
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                    Amount incurred in the current period          Amount incurred in the previous period
                      Income                   Cost                   Income                   Cost
                    4,411,838,105.04      2,922,360,744.33         2,517,107,488.04      1,594,808,333.75
                        5,860,012.22           1,668,080.00              378,881.82           205,474.11
   Total            4,417,698,117.26      2,924,028,824.33         2,517,486,369.86      1,595,013,807.86

     (2) Details of operating income and operating cost
 √ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                Contract type
                                                Operating income                   Operating cost
Product type

     Photovoltaic equipment                          3,898,311,833.88                    2,600,112,679.40
     Lithium battery/energy storage
                                                       131,450,792.92                      86,653,453.25
     Semiconductor                                       8,711,504.26                       4,534,093.32
     Renovation and services                           373,363,973.98                     231,060,518.36
     Other business                                      5,860,012.22                       1,668,080.00
By operating area
     Domestic                                        3,698,113,283.03                    2,522,014,732.93
     Overseas                                          719,584,834.23                      402,014,091.40
By sales channels
     Distribution                                      275,205,534.60                      152,408,034.26
     Direct sales                                    4,142,492,582.66                    2,771,620,790.07
                  Total                              4,417,698,117.26                    2,924,028,824.33

Others notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Notes to the performance obligation
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (4) Notes to the performance obligation of amortizing to the remainder
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (5) Major contract changes or significant transaction price adjustments
□ Applicable √ N/A

Others notes:

     62. Taxes and surcharges
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                  189 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                     Amount incurred in the current     Amount incurred in the previous
                Item                           period                              period

Consumption tax
Business tax
Urban maintenance and
                                                        13,662,146.25                     14,650,281.22
construction tax
Educational surcharge                                    9,758,675.91                     10,463,736.35
Resource tax                                                        -                                 -
Property tax                                             3,531,033.92                      2,179,317.50
Land use tax                                               536,718.78                         76,024.47
Vehicle and vessel use tax                                  14,520.00                          8,954.00
Stamp tax                                                2,874,964.30                      2,836,230.16
Environment tax                                            283,456.02                        822,396.31
Others                                                      15,815.07                                 -
              Total                                     30,677,330.25                     31,036,940.01
Others notes:

     63. Sales expenses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                  Amount incurred in the        Amount incurred in the
                                                     current period                 previous period
Staff remuneration                                           26,997,087.31                17,515,182.25
Equity incentive expenses                                     2,375,367.22                 2,452,351.74
Warranty costs                                                           -                27,975,501.87
Business entertainment expenses                              14,088,604.57                13,269,098.66
Transportation and travel expenses                            4,615,612.06                 5,279,016.06
Freight and insurance                                         2,422,561.23                 1,136,605.69
Maintenance expenses for trial period                        10,635,168.15                 3,900,098.59
Exhibition expenses                                           5,695,581.86                 2,930,131.73
Depreciation expenses                                           409,928.72                   370,411.57
Others                                                       11,281,392.32                 9,624,461.08
                   Total                                     78,521,303.44                84,452,859.24
Others notes:

     64. Overheads
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                       Item                        Amount incurred in the       Amount incurred in the
                                                      current period                previous period
Staff remuneration                                           72,738,567.25                51,966,865.74
Service charges                                              17,818,243.35                11,264,107.23
Equity incentive expenses                                     7,897,190.12                 9,947,272.20
Leasing expenses                                              3,510,145.32                     42,337.14
Depreciation expenses                                        30,288,570.50                15,915,596.60
Business entertainment expenses                               6,208,438.61                 6,275,931.39
Transportation and travel expenses                            4,383,471.23                 3,530,571.09
Office expenses                                               1,552,151.72                 1,921,085.88
Utilities                                                     1,375,810.95                 1,680,039.65
                                                 190 / 236
                                         2024 Interim Report

Training expenses                                            1,219,951.91                     906,108.67
Postal and telecommunications expenses                         555,170.33                     501,821.43
Taxes                                                        1,328,963.79                      13,764.13
Others                                                       8,837,525.34                   5,523,042.22
                   Total                                   157,714,200.42                 109,488,543.37

Others notes:

     65. R&D expenses
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                         Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                    Item                        Amount incurred in the      Amount incurred in the
                                                   current period               previous period
Staff remuneration                                       125,919,520.05               85,365,609.11
Material consumption costs                                23,816,585.64               24,282,011.56
Equity incentive expenses                                  6,853,244.23               10,395,691.50
Technical service costs                                         3,960.40                 209,551.82
Depreciation expenses                                     13,225,315.98                2,980,210.48
Transportation and travel expenses                         4,932,379.63                4,727,512.12
Royalties and license fees                                 1,468,881.29                1,122,208.22
Others                                                     1,894,358.53                  919,422.48
                    Total                                178,114,245.75              130,002,217.29

Others notes:

     66. Financial expenses
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                    Item                        Amount incurred in the            Amount incurred in the
                                                   current period                     previous period
Interest expenses                                         22,306,651.86                     10,825,832.63
Of which: interest expenses on lease                       1,704,023.13                      2,305,215.43
Less: interest income                                          -6,806,134.18                -3,442,183.96
Exchange gains or losses                                       -4,457,157.60                -4,029,387.19
Others                                                          1,320,103.11                 1,905,914.63
                    Total                                      12,363,463.19                 5,260,176.11

Others notes:

     67.Other income
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                By nature                     Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred in the
                                                 current period                  previous period
Government grants                                        5,485,478.51                   6,049,172.81
VAT refunded upon being levied                         57,538,979.77                   66,238,942.20
Value-added tax incentives                             34,768,324.83                                -
                  Total                                97,792,783.11                   72,288,115.01

                                              191 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

Others notes:

      68. Investment income√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                              Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in the
                                                 current period                     previous period
Income from long-term equity
                                                                  -4,273.97                             -
investment based on equity method
Investment income generated from
                                                                          -                             -
disposal of long-term equity investments
Investment income from trading
financial assets during the holding                                       -                             -
Dividend income obtained from other
equity instrument investments during                                      -                             -
the holding period
Interest income obtained from debt
                                                                          -                             -
investments during the holding period
Interest income obtained from other debt
                                                                          -                             -
investments during the holding period
Investment income obtained from
                                                                          -                             -
disposal of trading financial assets
Investment income obtained from
disposal of other equity instrument                                       -                             -
Investment income obtained from
                                                                          -                             -
disposal of debt investments
Investment income obtained from
                                                                          -                             -
disposal of other debt investments
Debt restructuring income                                   1,134,950.39                                -
Investment income from financial
                                                            2,744,796.98                   10,219,424.43
Investment income from other
non-current financial assets during the                          729,283.23                    42,000.00
holding period
                   Total                                    4,604,756.63                   10,261,424.43
Others notes:

     69. Net hedging gains
□ Applicable √ N/A

     70. Gains on fair value changes
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
    Sources of gains on fair value         Amount incurred in the              Amount incurred in the
                changes                       current period                       previous period
Trading financial assets                                  129,222.23                         3,183,787.80
Of which: gains on fair value
changes generated by derivative
financial instruments
Trading financial liabilities
Investment properties measured at
                                                192 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

fair value
Other non-current financial assets                       -24,139,210.91                        358,083.72
               Total                                     -24,009,988.68                      3,541,871.52

Others notes:

     71. Income from disposal of assets
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                Item                  Amount incurred in the current       Amount incurred in the previous
                                                period                                period
Gains or losses on disposal of                                         -
fixed assets
Gains or losses on disposal of                               -154,897.44
right-of-use assets
               Total                                         -154,897.44

Others notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     72. Credit impairment losses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                               Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in the
                                                  current period                     previous period
Bad debt losses on notes receivable
Bad debt losses on accounts receivable                       -80,998,141.35                -18,739,586.91
Bad debt losses on other receivables                           1,080,950.98                   -425,753.27
Impairment losses on debt investments
Impairment losses on other debt
Bad debt losses on long-term
Impairment losses related to financial
                 Total                                       -79,917,190.37                -19,165,340.18
Others notes:

     73. Asset impairment losses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                           Amount incurred in the          Amount incurred in the previous
                                              current period                          period
I. Impairment losses of contract
II. Inventory impairment losses and
contract performance cost                             -86,934,706.66                       -26,919,530.72
impairment losses
III. Impairment losses of long-term
equity investments
                                                 193 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

IV. Impairment losses of
investment properties
V. Impairment losses of fixed assets
VI. Impairment losses of construction
VII. Impairment losses of
construction in progress
VIII. Impairment losses of productive
biological assets
IX. Impairment losses of oil and gas
X. Impairment losses of intangible
XI. Impairment losses of goodwill
XII. Others
                 Total                                -86,934,706.66                    -26,919,530.72
Others notes:

     74. Non-operating income
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                                  Amount included in
                         Amount incurred in the       Amount incurred in the
        Item                                                                     non-recurring gains or
                            current period              previous period
Total gains on
disposal of
non-current assets
Of which: gains on
disposal of fixed
        Gains on
disposal of intangible
Gains on debt
Gains on exchange of
non-monetary assets
Receipt of donations
Government grants
Compensation income                      64,645.41                         -                 64,645.41
Others                                  731,144.74                795,498.02                731,144.74
         Total                          795,790.15                795,498.02                795,790.15

Others notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     75. Non-operating expenses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
        Item             Amount incurred in the       Amount incurred in the      Amount included in
                                                 194 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

                                current period                previous period       non-recurring profits or
Total losses on
disposal of                                9,509.96                   216,908.89                   9,509.96
non-current assets
Of which: losses on
disposal of fixed                          9,509.96                             -                  9,509.96
        Losses on
disposal of intangible                            -                             -                          -
 Losses on debt
                                                  -                             -                          -
Losses on exchange
of non-monetary                                   -                             -                          -
External donations                    1,083,850.00                  1,149,950.00               1,083,850.00
Penalty for late
                                         93,946.33                  6,475,845.16                  93,946.33
Others                                           -                     10,776.46                          -
        Total                         1,187,306.29                  7,853,480.51               1,187,306.29
Others notes:

     76. Income tax expenses
     (1) Table of income tax expenses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                        Amount incurred in the current Amount incurred in the previous
                                                  period                          period
Income tax expenses                                    177,762,357.48                 100,385,955.17
Deferred income tax expenses                           -34,083,050.76                  -20,243,853.24
              Total                                    143,679,306.72                   80,142,101.93

     (2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expenses
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                         Item                                  Amount incurred in the current period
Total profit                                                                                947,267,990.33
Income tax expenses calculated at
statutory/applicable tax rates
Impact of different tax rates on subsidiaries                                                   -713,885.21
Impact of adjusting income tax for previous
Impact of non-taxable income                                                                               -
Impact of non-deductible costs, expenses, and
Impact of using deductible losses on deferred tax
assets not recognized previously
Impact of deductible temporary differences or
deductible losses on deferred tax assets                                                     26,172,168.55
unrecognized in the current period
Tax incentives for R&D expenses                                                              -27,515,236.39
                                                  195 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

Income tax expenses                                                                          143,679,306.72

Others notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

      77. Other comprehensive income
√ Applicable □ N/A
Please refer to “57. Other Comprehensive Income” in “VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statement”
of this Chapter for details.

     78. Items on cash flow statement
     (1) Cash relating to operating activities
Other cash received relating to operating activities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                 Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                  Item                    Amount incurred in the current         Amount incurred in the
                                                    period                           previous period
Current accounts and advances                            10,142,553.18                         7,808,157.10
Recovery of margin                                       53,447,469.53                        40,362,285.39
Special subsidies and grants                               6,007,079.50                        5,697,262.71
Interest income                                            6,608,565.78                        1,741,991.19
Non-operating income                                         791,203.34                          406,341.14
                 Total                                   76,996,871.33                        56,016,037.53

Notes to other cash received relating to operating activities:

Other cash paid relating to operating activities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                 Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                  Item                    Amount incurred in the current         Amount incurred in the
                                                    period                           previous period
Current accounts and advances                            75,313,062.77                        53,680,965.66
Payment of margin                                        14,328,400.00                        31,417,949.21
Sales expenses                                           43,477,860.91                        35,920,501.14
Overheads                                                55,122,439.79                        31,917,324.64
Non-operating expenses                                     1,090,000.00                        7,462,483.63
Bank charges                                               1,248,656.36                        1,210,331.98
                Total                                   190,580,419.83                       161,609,556.26

Notes to other cash paid relating to operating activities:

     (2) Cash relating to investing activities
Significant cash received relating to investing activities√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                 Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                 Item                         Amount incurred in the              Amount incurred in the
                                                 current period                       previous period
Cash and cash equivalents of                                                                    9,695,092.03
subsidiaries on purchase date                                            -
                 Total                                                                         9,695,092.03

Significant cash received relating to investing activities
                                                   196 / 236
                                                         2024 Interim Report


Significant cash paid relating to investing activities
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other cash received relating to investing activities
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other cash paid relating to investing activities
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Cash relating to financing activities
Other cash received relating to financing activities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                    Item                              Amount incurred in the current               Amount incurred in the
                                                                period                                 previous period
Share incentive funds received                                        25,375,480.36                             26,708,085.76
                 Total                                                25,375,480.36                             26,708,085.76

Notes to other cash received relating to financing activities:

Other cash paid relating to financing activities
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                    Item                              Amount incurred in the current               Amount incurred in the
                                                                period                                 previous period
Payment for share repurchase                                            3,021,431.70                          149,845,276.54
Payment for lease liabilities                                         31,950,580.98                             25,411,075.82
                Total                                                 34,972,012.68                           175,256,352.36

Notes to other cash paid relating to financing activities:

Changes in various liabilities arising from financing activities
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                         Increase in the current period                     Decrease
   Item       Opening balance                                                                                       Closing balance
                                    Cash change          Non-cash change       Cash change       Non-cash change
Short-term      519,737,547.82       156,500,000.00           503,291,703.32     75,700,000.00     312,432,993.75     791,396,257.39
Long-term       234,770,874.16       161,476,242.40            1,591,994.03       1,520,000.00         461,123.67     395,857,986.92
due within
  one year
   Bonds        969,066,247.00                                29,042,381.12                             24,000.00     998,084,628.12
Dividends                       -                           450,483,938.16      448,183,938.16                          2,300,000.00
   Other         74,571,400.00                                                                                         74,571,400.00
payables -

                                                               197 / 236
                                                   2024 Interim Report

   Lease        105,703,180.20                         24,795,648.81       31,950,580.98                         98,548,248.03
 and lease
due within
  one year
    Total      1,903,849,249.18   317,976,242.40    1,009,205,665.44      557,354,519.14   312,918,117.42      2,360,758,520.46

     (4) Notes to cash flows presented on a net basis
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (5) Significant activities and financial impacts that do not involve current cash inflows and
     outflows in the current period, but may affect the financial condition of the Company or
     potentially impact its future cash flows
□ Applicable √ N/A

     79. Supplementary information for cash flow statement
     (1) Supplementary information for cash flow statement
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                    Amount incurred in the                  Amount incurred in the
         Supplement information
                                                       current period                            previous period
1. Adjusting net profit to cash
flows from operating activities:
Net profit                                                        803,588,683.61                            515,038,281.62
Add: Provision for impairment of
                                                                       86,934,706.66                         26,919,530.72
Credit impairment losses                                               79,917,190.37                         19,165,340.18
Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion
of oil and gas assets, depreciation of
                                                                       37,319,695.76                         17,126,663.24
productive biological assets

Amortization of right-of-use assets                                    27,244,773.22                         21,428,971.05
Amortization of intangible assets                                       5,713,339.97                          2,955,317.82
Amortization of long-term deferred
                                                                       16,807,742.15                           6,299,173.90
Losses on disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                                    154,897.44                                          -
assets (gains indicated by “-”)
Losses on scrapping of fixed assets
                                                                            9,509.96                            216,908.89
(gains indicated by “-”)
Losses on change in fair value (gains
                                                                       24,009,988.68                          -3,541,871.52
indicated by “-”)
Financial expenses (gains indicated by
                                                                       22,306,651.86                         10,825,832.63
Investment losses (gains indicated by
“-”)                                                                 -4,604,756.63                         -10,261,424.43

Decrease of deferred income tax
                                                                    -28,459,606.68                           -23,339,938.17
assets (increase indicated by “-”)
Increase of deferred income tax
                                                                       -5,645,857.18                           7,028,125.38
liabilities (decrease indicated by “-”)
Decrease of inventories (increase
                                                                  224,178,315.59                       -2,117,925,179.73
indicated by “-”)
Decrease of operating receivable                                  181,113,828.90                            -504,254,413.69
                                                        198 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

items (increase indicated by “-”)
Increase of operating payable items
                                                     -1,346,852,119.57              2,267,480,334.68
(decrease indicated by “-”)
Others                                                 -133,448,082.62                 33,734,599.54
Net cash flows from operating
                                                           -9,711,098.51              268,896,252.11
2. Major investing and financing
activities without involving cash
receipt and payment
Conversion of debts to capital
Convertible corporate bonds due
within one year
Fixed assets leased under finance
3. Net increase/decrease in cash and
cash equivalents:
Closing balance of cash                              1,681,555,725.45                 560,232,888.64
Less: opening balance of cash                        1,520,761,970.93                 597,816,992.50
Add: closing balance of cash
Less: opening balance of cash
Net increase in cash and cash
                                                       160,793,754.52                 -37,584,103.86

     (2) Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiary in the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (3) Net cash received for disposal of subsidiary in the period
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (4) Composition of cash and cash equivalents
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                           Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                Item                           Closing balance                  Opening balance
  I. Cash                                            1,681,555,725.45               1,520,761,970.93
Of which: cash on hand                                     394,157.19                     387,917.07
Bank deposits ready for payment                      1,681,161,568.26               1,516,171,305.90
Other monetary funds ready for
                                                                       -                4,202,747.96
Funds due from central bank
available for payment
Due from banks and other financial
Interbank borrowings
II. Cash equivalents
Of which: bond investments due
within three months
III. Cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                      1,681,555,725.45              1,520,761,970.93
end of the period
Of which: cash and cash equivalents
                                                                       -                           -
with restrictions for the parent
                                               199 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

company or subsidiaries of the Group

     (5) The situation where the scope of use is limited but still presented as cash and cash
□ Applicable √ N/A

     (6) Monetary funds not classified as cash and cash equivalents
□ Applicable √ N/A

Others notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     80. Notes to the statement of changes in owner’s equityProvide the items of “others” adjusting
     the closing balance of the previous year and the adjusted amount:
□ Applicable √ N/A

     81. Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies
     (1) Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                                           Unit: Yuan
                                  Closing balance of                              Translated closing
             Item                                               Exchange rate
                                  foreign currencies                               balance of RMB
Monetary funds                                      -                         -       101,197,760.49
Of which: USD                           12,488,775.17                    7.1268        89,005,002.90
EUR                                         32,749.15                    7.6617            250,914.16
HKD                                                 -                    0.9127                      -
JPY                                     43,337,821.00                  0.044738          1,938,847.44
       SGD                                  39,950.00                     5.279            210,896.05
       MYR                               6,487,070.37                    1.5095          9,792,099.94
Accounts receivable                                 -                         -        52,585,246.95
Of which: USD                            7,378,521.49                    7.1268        52,585,246.95
EUR                                                 -                    7.6617                      -
HKD                                                 -                    0.9127                      -
Other receivables                                   -                         -          1,065,994.45
Of which: USD                                       -                    7.1268                      -
EUR                                                 -                    7.6617                      -
HKD                                                 -                    0.9127                      -
MYR                                        706,200.00                    1.5095          1,065,994.45
Accounts payable                                    -                         -          3,379,992.91
Of which: USD                              310,939.90                    7.1268          2,216,006.48
EUR                                                 -                    7.6617                      -
HKD                                                 -                    0.9127                      -
JPY                                     19,440,000.00                  0.044738            869,706.72
MYR                                        194,954.42                    1.5095            294,279.71
Notes payable                                       -                         -            230,617.17
Of which: USD                                       -                    7.1268                      -
EUR                                         30,100.00                    7.6617            230,617.17
HKD                                                 -                    0.9127                      -
Long-term borrowings                                -                         -                      -
Of which: USD                                       -                    7.1268                      -
EUR                                                 -                    7.6617                      -
HKD                                                 -                    0.9127                      -
                                               200 / 236
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Others notes:

(2) Notes to overseas operating entities, including disclosure of principal operating location,
functional currency, and selection basis for important overseas operating entities. In case of any
change in functional currency, the reasons should also be disclosed
□ Applicable √ N/A

     82. Lease
(1) As a lessee
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                              Amount incurred     Amount incurred
                          Item                                 in the current       in the previous
                                                                   period                period
Interest expenses on lease liabilities                             1,704,023.13          4,579,834.34
Short-term lease expenses with simplified treatment
included in relevant asset costs or current profits and              805,669.72       7,656,749.05
Income from subleasing right-of-use assets                                     -         40,856.87
Total cash outflows relating to lease                              39,682,798.88     39,517,553.82

Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
□ Applicable √ N/A

Lease expenses for short-term leases or low-value assets with simplified treatment
□ Applicable √ N/A

Sale-leaseback transactions and judgment criteria
□ Applicable √ N/A

Total cash outflows relating to lease with total amount of RMB39,682,798.88

(2) As a lessor
Operating lease as a lessor
□ Applicable √ N/A

Financing lease as a lessor
□ Applicable √ N/A

Adjustment statement for undiscounted lease receipts and net lease investments
□ Applicable √ N/A

Undiscounted lease receipts for the next five years
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Profit or loss of financing lease sales recognized as a manufacturer or distributor
□ Applicable √ N/A

Others notes

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                         2024 Interim Report

     83. Data resource
□ Applicable √ N/A

     84. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

                              202 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

VIII.     R&D expenses
(1) Listed by type of cost
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                    Item                        Current amount incurred        Amount incurred in the
                                                                                    previous period
Staff remuneration                                          125,919,520.05                85,365,609.11
Material consumption costs                                   23,816,585.64                24,282,011.56
Equity incentive expenses                                     6,853,244.23                10,395,691.50
Technical service costs                                           3,960.40                   209,551.82
Depreciation expenses                                        13,225,315.98                 2,980,210.48
Transportation and travel expenses                            4,932,379.63                 4,727,512.12
Royalties and license fees                                    1,468,881.29                 1,122,208.22
Others                                                        1,894,358.53                   919,422.48
                     Total                                  178,114,245.75               130,002,217.29
Of which: expensed research & development
                                                            178,114,245.75              130,002,217.29
        Capitalized research & development

Other notes:

(2) R&D project development expenses that meet the requirements for capitalization
□ Applicable √ N/A

Important capitalized research & development projects
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for impairment of development expenses
□ Applicable √ N/A


(3) Important outsourced research items
□ Applicable √ N/A

IX. Change in the scope of consolidation
1. Merger of enterprises not under common control
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Merger of enterprises under common control
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Reverse purchase
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                               203 / 236
                                                                             2024 Interim Report

4. Disposal of subsidiaries
Is there any transaction or event involving the loss of control of a subsidiary in this period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Whether there is a case where investments in subsidiaries are disposed of in stages through multiple transactions and control is lost in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

5. Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons
Notes to the changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons (such as the establishment of new subsidiaries, liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and their
relevant information:
□ Applicable √ N/A

6. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                                  204 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

X. Equity in other entities
1. Equity in subsidiaries
(1) Composition of enterprise groups
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                    Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                        Main                                                    Shareholding
                       busines                 Registe                            ratio (%)
                                 Registered                                                      sition
  Subsidiary name         s                      red       Business nature
                                  capital                                                        metho
                       locatio                 address                         Direct Indirect
Intelligent            Wuxi            36.42   Wuxi        Research &          82.37            Acqui
Equipment              City                    City        development,                         sition
                                                           sales, and
                                                           services of
                                                           lithium battery
Optical Applications   Wuxi            13.00   Wuxi        Technical           76.92            Establ
                       City                    City        development                          ishme
                                                           and services                         nt
Supply Chain           Wuxi            10.00   Wuxi        Supply chain       100.00            Establ
Management             City                    City        management                           ishme
                                                           services                             nt
Songci                 Wuxi            20.86   Wuxi        Research and       40.625            Acqui
Electromechanical      City                    City        experiment              8            sition
XuRi Technology        Wuxi            30.00   Wuxi        Technology          72.00            Establ
                       City                    City        promotion and                        ishme
                                                           application                          nt
                                                           service industry                     throu
Coshin Technology      Wuxi            20.00   Wuxi        Research and        71.50            Establ
                       City                    City        experiment                           ishme
                                                           development                          nt
Leddo Technology       Wuxi            25.28   Wuxi        Research and        70.55            Acqui
                       City                    City        experiment                           sition
Zhiyuan Equipment      Wuxi            20.00   Wuxi        Electrical          70.00            Establ
                       City                    City        machinery and                        ishme
                                                           equipment                            nt
                                                           manufacturing                        throu

                                               205 / 236
                                     2024 Interim Report

                                                      industry                             gh
Qinhuangdao            Qinhua     20.00   Qinhua      Electrical                   70.00   Establ
Zhiyuan                ngdao              ngdao       machinery and                        ishme
                       City               City        equipment                            nt
                                                      manufacturing                        throu
                                                      industry                             gh
Jiexin Technology      Wuxi       25.00   Wuxi        Technology          62.00            Establ
                       City               City        promotion and                        ishme
                                                      application                          nt
                                                      service industry                     throu
Wuxi Polar             Wuxi       50.00   Wuxi        Manufacturing       61.00    20.00   Establ
                       City               City        of photovoltaic                      ishme
                                                      equipment and                        nt
                                                      components                           throu
Polar New Enegry       Bengbu    154.43   Bengbu      Lithium ion        100.00            Purch
                       City               City        battery                              ase
Wuhu Polar             Wuhu       10.00   Wuhu        Solar                       100.00   Purch
Photovoltaic Power     City               City        photovoltaic                         ase
Generation Co., Ltd.                                  power
                                                      generation and
                                                      power sales
Beijing Linkong        Beijing    20.00   Beijing     Solar                       100.00   Purch
Polar Energy           City               City        photovoltaic                         ase
Management Co.,                                       power
Ltd.                                                  generation and
                                                      power sales
Polar New Enegry       Foshan     10.00   Foshan      Research &                  100.00   Purch
(Foshan) Co., Ltd.     City               City        development,                         ase
                                                      and system
                                                      integration of
                                                      power supply
Zhengzhou Polar                    5.00   Zhengz      Engineering and             100.00
New Enegry Co.,        Zhengz             hou         technical                            Purch
Ltd.                   hou                City        research and                         ase
                       City                           experiment
Anhui Hengzhi          Bengbu     40.00   Bengbu      Solar                        42.50   Purch
Copper-Indium-Galli    City               City        photovoltaic                         ase
um-Selenium                                           power
Technology Co., Ltd                                   generation and
                                                      power sales
AUTOWELL Japan         Japan      14.66   Japan       Research &         100.00            Establ

                                          206 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

                                                                development                             ishme
                                                                and sales of                            nt
                                                                photovoltaic,                           throu
                                                                semiconductor                           gh
                                                                equipment and                           invest
                                                                supporting                              ment
Autowell                 Singap          109.50    Singap       Trade,              100.00              Establ
(Singapore)              ore                       ore          management,                             ishme
                                                                and services of                         nt
                                                                automated                               throu
                                                                equipment and                           gh
                                                                related items                           invest
AUTOWELL                 Malays          0.0030    Malays  Research &                       85.00       Establ
(Malaysia)               ia                        ia      development,                                 ishme
                                                           production, and                              nt
                                                           sales of                                     throu
                                                           automated                                    gh
                                                           equipment and                                invest
                                                           related                                      ment
                                                           hardware and
Notes to the difference between the shareholding ratio and voting rights ratio in subsidiaries:

The basis for holding half or less of the voting rights but still controlling the invested entity, and for
holding more than half of the voting rights but not controlling the investee:
The number of directors dispatched exceeds 50% of the total number of directors.

For important structured entities included in the consolidation scope, the basis for control is:

The basis for determining whether a company is an agent or a principal:

Other notes:
AUTOWELL Japan Co., Ltd. Registered capital: JPY300 million;
Autowell (Singapore) PTE. LTD. Registered capital: USD15 million;
AUTOWELL (MALAYSIA) SDN.BHD. Registered capital: MYR2,000. On July 24, 2024, the
registered capital of AUTOWELL (Malaysia) was changed to MYR7,626,294.

(2) Important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                           Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                        Shareholding         Gains and losses          Dividends declared
                                                                                              Closing balance
                            ratio              attributable to          for distribution to
                                                                                            of non-controlling
Subsidiary name        non-controlling        non-controlling            non-controlling
                         shareholder        shareholders in the        shareholders in the
                             (%)               current period             current period
Intelligent                 17.6265%
                                                               -1.87                    -               -19.96
Optical                     23.0769%
                                                               -4.72                    -               -10.94
Songci                      59.3742%                           60.21                    -               117.68
                                                   207 / 236
                                                        2024 Interim Report

XuRi Technology              28.0000%                   -12.28                     -               -28.16
Coshin                       28.5000%
Technology                                               -2.70                     -                 -1.22
Leddo                        29.4500%
                                                         -1.32                     -                12.23
Wuxi Zhiyuan                 30.0000%                    -0.73                     -                  3.27
Jiexin Technology            38.0000%                    -4.52                     -                13.90
Wuxi Polar                   81.0000%                    -0.25                     -                  1.25
Notes to the difference between the shareholding ratio of non-controlling shareholders in a subsidiary
and the voting rights ratio:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Main financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                        Closing balance                               Opening balance
Subsidi Cur Non-               Curre Non-cu                                    Curre Non-c
                                                Total Curre Curre                             Total
   ary     rent curre Total      nt     rrent                          Total     nt   urrent
                                               liabilit   nt     nt                           liabili
  name    asse     nt assets liabili liabiliti                         assets liabili liabili
                                                 ies    assets assets                           ties
            ts assets           ties      es                                    ties    ties
Equipmen      663.1
t                       40.69     703.81     806.20    10.66       816.85      666.47    50.50    716.97    812.66      16.34    829.00

Applicatio    76.12      3.40      79.53     124.69         -      124.69       83.09     3.39      86.48   111.63           -   111.63
              2,894               2,927.7    2,706.3                           2,460.9            2,482.4   2,375.5              2,383.8
Electrome               32.73                          17.34      2,723.65               21.45                           8.39
                 .99                    3          0                                 8                  3         0                    9
              2,019               2,065.2    2,154.1                           1,891.0            1,930.6   1,978.4              1,984.4
Technolog               45.74                            5.65     2,159.75               39.64                           6.07
                 .46                    0          0                                 6                  9         0                    7
Technolog               11.46     151.44     150.81         -      150.81      126.23     7.06    133.28    124.21       0.00    124.21
Technolog     39.26      5.70      44.97       7.52         -         7.52      40.43     4.37      44.80     2.86       0.01      2.87
              95.35     14.00     109.35      94.53      1.59       96.12       30.24    10.47      40.71    22.90       2.15     25.05
Technolog      8.52     28.44      36.96       0.39         -         0.39      24.77    23.90      48.67     0.20           -     0.20
              62.33      0.24      62.58      38.06         -       38.06

                        Amount incurred in the current period                     Amount incurred in the previous period
                                                         Cash                                                      Cash
                                                          flow                                                      flow
 Subsidiary           Operatin Net         Total         from                   Operatin Net          Total        from
   name                  g     profi comprehensi operatin                          g      profi comprehensi operatin
                      income     t      ve income           g                   income      t      ve income          g
                                                        activitie                                                 activitie
                                                            s                                                         s
Intelligent              143.80     -10.60             -10.60          -6.86         184.74      2.37                 2.37         3.17

                                                                208 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

                       1.05   -20.44        -20.44         -20.07     0.22    -8.80         -8.80       25.65
Electromechanic    607.56     101.41        101.41         -22.05   156.89    -3.42         -3.42       57.30
                   334.72     -43.85        -43.85        -119.06   105.41   -14.97        -14.97       -39.16
                    11.18      -9.46         -9.46         -16.90     8.13    -3.21         -3.21       -29.04
                       0.99    -4.48         -4.48          -9.08     0.00    -0.37         -0.37       -11.14
Wuxi Zhiyuan           3.73    -2.44         -2.44           3.12        -    -0.80         -0.80        0.15
                          -   -11.90        -11.90         -12.52        -        -             -            -
Wuxi Polar                -    -1.31         -1.31          -1.01        -        -             -            -
Other notes:

(4) Major restrictions on the use of enterprise group assets and the liquidation of enterprise group
□ Applicable √ N/A

(5) Financial or other support provided for structured entities included in the scope of consolidated
financial statements:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Transactions in which the owner's equity share of a subsidiary changes and they are still
controlling the subsidiary
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Equity in joint ventures or associates
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Important joint operation
□ Applicable √ N/A

5. Equity in structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements
Notes to structured entities not included in the scope of consolidated financial statements:
□ Applicable √ N/A

6. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

XI. Government grants
1. Government grants recognized as accounts receivable at the end of the report period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Reason for not receiving the expected amount of government grants at the expected time
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Debt projects involving government grants
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Government grants included in current gains and losses
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                     209 / 236
                                                   2024 Interim Report

                                                                                       Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                        Amount incurred in the current              Amount incurred in the previous
                                                  period                                       period
Related to assets                                           245,536.73                                   246,731.02
Related to income                                        97,547,246.38                               72,041,383.99
             Total                                       97,792,783.11                               72,288,115.01

Other notes:
XII. Risks related to financial instruments
1. Risk of financial instruments
√ Applicable □ N/A

      The Company is exposed to various financial risks in the operation, including credit risk, market
risk, and liquidity risk. The board of directors of the Company is fully committed to identifying risk
management objectives and policies, and bears ultimate responsibility for risk management objectives
and policies. The internal auditors of the Company also audit risk management policies and procedures,
and report relevant findings to the audit committee.
      The overall objective of the Company’s risk management is to develop risk management policies
that minimize risks without excessively affecting its competitiveness and adaptability.
(i) Credit risk
      Credit risk refers to the risk that one party of a financial instrument fails to fulfill its obligations,
resulting in financial losses for the other party. The Company mainly faces customer credit risk caused
by credit sales. Before signing a new contract, it will assess the credit risk of new customers, including
external credit ratings and, in some cases, bank credit certificates (when this information is available).
(ii) Liquidity risk
      Liquidity risk refers to the risk of a shortage of funds when an enterprise fulfills its obligation to
settle by delivering cash or other financial assets. The Company is committed to ensuring sufficient cash
to repay maturing debts. Liquidity risk is centrally controlled by the finance department of the Company.
The finance department ensures that the Company has sufficient funds to repay its debts under all
reasonable predictions by monitoring cash balances, readily convertible securities, and rolling forecasts
of cash flows for the next 12 months.
      As of June 30, 2024, various financial liabilities of the Company are presented as follows based on
undiscounted contract cash flows and maturity dates:
                                                                                   Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

                                                             Closing balance
 Item          Within 1 year          1-2 years              2-5 years             Over 5 years       Total
 Accounts        3,235,214,998.79                        -                     -                  -      3,235,214,998.79
 Other                91,318,741.59                      -                     -                  -            91,318,741.59
 Non-curre         133,506,681.24                        -                     -                  -           133,506,681.24
 due within
 one year
 Lease                            -       47,625,117.14          14,346,909.39                    -            61,972,026.53
 Total           3,460,040,421.62         47,625,117.14          14,346,909.39                    -      3,522,012,448.15

                                                  Year-end balance of the previous year
               Within 1 year          1-2 years              2-5 years             Over 5 years       Total
 Accounts        3,243,847,123.75                        -                     -                  -      3,243,847,123.75
 Other             116,701,241.64                        -                     -                  -           116,701,241.64
                                                         210 / 236
                                                         2024 Interim Report

 Non-curre            147,298,187.75                          -                    -                -         147,298,187.75
 due within
 one year
 Lease                                -          63,411,824.65        10,144,243.16                 -          73,556,067.81
 Total               3,507,846,553.14            63,411,824.65        10,144,243.16                 -        3,581,402,620.95

(iii) Market risk
      The market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk of fluctuations in the fair value or future
cash flows of financial instruments due to changes in market prices, including exchange rate risk,
interest rate risk, and other price risks.
1. Interest rate risk
      Interest rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuations in the fair value or future cash flows of financial
instruments due to changes in market interest rates. The interest rate risk facing the Company mainly
comes from short-term bank loans. The Company is committed to identifying the relative proportion of
fixed rate and floating rate contracts based on the market environment then. Although this policy cannot
completely steer the Company away from the risk of interest rates payment exceeding current market
rates, nor can it completely eliminate the cash flow risk associated with fluctuations in interest payment,
the management believes that this policy achieves a reasonable balance between these risks.
2. Exchange rate risk
      Exchange rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuations in the fair value or future cash flows of financial
instruments due to changes in foreign exchange rates. Our Company strives to match foreign currency
income with foreign currency expenses as much as possible to reduce exchange rate risk. In addition, the
Company may also sign forward foreign exchange contracts or currency swap contracts to avoid
exchange rate risks. During the reporting period, the Company did not sign any forward foreign
exchange contracts or currency swap contracts.
     The exchange rate risk facing the Company mainly comes from financial assets and liabilities
denominated in US dollars. The amount of foreign currency financial assets and liabilities converted into
RMB is listed as follows:

It                             Closing balance                                  Year-end balance of the previous year
e              USD                Other foreign              Total             USD         Other foreign         Total
m                                   currencies                                              currencies
M              89,005,002.90          12,192,757.59       101,197,760.49   301,124,050.73     2,380,322.76     303,504,373.49
A              52,585,246.95                         -     52,585,246.95   111,668,163.25                -     111,668,163.25
O                          -              1,065,994.45      1,065,994.45        14,165.40         2,901.56          17,066.96
                                                              211 / 236
                                                2024 Interim Report

ac           2,216,006.48        1,163,986.43      3,379,992.91       6,055,885.21   3,096,216.45     9,152,101.66
T          139,374,243.37       12,094,765.61    151,469,008.98   406,750,494.17     -712,992.13    406,037,502.04

3. Other price risks
     Other price risk refers to the risk of fluctuations in the fair value or future cash flows of financial
instruments due to market price changes other than exchange rate risk and interest rate risk.

2. Hedging
(1) The Company conducts hedging business for risk management
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) The Company conducts eligible hedging business and applies hedging accounting
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) The Company carries out hedging business for risk management and expects to achieve risk
management goals but does not apply hedge accounting
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Financial asset transfer
(1) Classification of Transfer Methods
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Financial assets that have been derecognized due to transfer
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Transfer of financial assets continuously involved
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

XIII. Disclosure of fair value
                                                     212 / 236
                                               2024 Interim Report

1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                                        Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                       Fair value at the end of the period
                                        First-level Second-level fair
               Item                                                      Third-level fair
                                        fair value       value                                  Total
                                                                       value measurement
                                       measurement measurement
I. Continuous fair value
(i) Trading financial assets                   0.00               220.06            0.00          220.06
1. Financial assets measured at
fair value with changes included               0.00               220.06            0.00          220.06
in current profits and losses
(1) Debt instrument investment                 0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
(2) Equity instrument investment               0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
(3) Derivative financial assets                0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
(4) Others
                                               0.00               220.06            0.00          220.06

2. Designated as financial
liabilities measured at fair value
                                               0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
with changes recognized in
current profits and losses
(1) Debt instrument investment                 0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
(2) Equity instrument investment               0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
(ii) Accounts receivable
                                               0.00                  0.00         593.76          593.76
(iii) Other non-current financial
                                              28.54                  0.00         132.59          161.13
1. Designated as financial
liabilities measured at fair value
                                              28.54                  0.00         132.59          161.13
with changes recognized in
current profits and losses
(1) Debt instrument investment                 0.00                  0.00          20.97           20.97
(2) Equity instrument investment              28.54                  0.00         111.62          140.16
(iv) Other debt investments                    0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
(v) Other equity instrument
                                               0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
(vi) Investment properties                     0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
1. Land use rights for rental
                                               0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
2. Rented buildings                            0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
3. Land use rights held and
prepared for transfer after                    0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
(vii) Biological assets                        0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
1. Consumable biological assets                0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
2. Productive biological assets                0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
Total assets continuously
                                              28.54               220.06          726.35          974.95
measured at fair value
(viii) Trading financial liabilities           0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
1. Financial liabilities measured
at fair value with changes                     0.00                  0.00           0.00            0.00
included in current profits and
                                                      213 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

Of which: Issued trading bonds             0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00
         Derivative financial
                                           0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00
         Others                            0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00
2. Designated as financial
liabilities measured at fair value
                                           0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00
with changes recognized in
current profits and losses
Total liabilities continuously
                                           0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00
measured at fair value
II. Non-continuous fair value
                                           0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00
(i) Holding assets for sale                0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00
Total amount of assets not
continuously measured at fair              0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00
Total liabilities not
continuously measured at fair              0.00                   0.00              0.00              0.00

2. Basis for determining the market value of continuous and non-continuous first-level fair value
measurement items
√ Applicable □ N/A
The Company’s other non-current financial assets are listed company stocks, and their fair value is the
closing price on the stock exchange.

3. The valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of important parameters
adopted in the continuous and non-continuous second-level fair value measurement items
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                 Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
       Item          Closing fair value       Valuation               Important parameters
                                             techniques          Qualitative        Quantitative
                                                                information          information
     Financial            220.06          Discounted cash       Contract or          Interest rate
     products                               flow method         comparable
                                                              expected rate of

4. The valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information of important parameters
adopted in the continuous and non-continuous third-level fair value measurement items
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                 Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
          Item             Closing fair value     Valuation techniques       Unobservable input
Accounts      receivable                 593.76     Carrying value                  N/A
Equity      of     Wuxi                  101.60 Recent Financing Price Recent financing prices
Songyu       Technology                                 Method
Co., Ltd.
Equity of Xiamen                           20.97    Net asset value                 N/A
Fuhai New Materials
Phase III Venture
Capital      Partnership
                                                  214 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

Enterprise    (Limited
Equity     of    Wuxi                         10.02            Carrying value            N/A
Automation Equipment
Co., Ltd.

5. Adjustment information between opening and closing carrying values, and sensitivity analysis of
unobservable parameters in continuous third-level fair value measurement items
□ Applicable √ N/A

6. In the case of conversion between different levels during the current period, the reasons for the
conversion and the policy for determining the transition time point for continuous fair value
measurement items
□ Applicable √ N/A

7. Valuation technology changes that occurred in the current period and the reasons for the
□ Applicable √ N/A

8. Fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value
□ Applicable √ N/A
9. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

XIV. Related parties and transactions
1. The information on the parent company of the Company
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. The information on the subsidiaries of the Company
See the notes for details about the subsidiaries
√ Applicable □ N/A
See “Note 10: Equity in Other Entities” for the details about the subsidiaries.

3. Information on joint ventures and associates of the Company
See the notes about important joint ventures or associates of the Company
□ Applicable √ N/A

The information on other joint ventures or associates that have had related party transactions with the
Company in the current period, or have formed balances from related party transactions with the
Company in the previous period, is as follows
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Information on other related parties
√ Applicable □ N/A
          Other related party names              Relations between other related parties and the Company
Liu Jian                                         The spouse of the actual controller Ge Zhiyong
Ge Zhibin                                        Brother of actual controller Ge Zhiyong
Liu Ying                                         The spouse of the actual controller Li Wen
                                                 The spouse of Ge Zhibin (the elder brother of the actual
Feng Ye
                                                 controller Ge Zhiyong)
                                                 The younger brother of Liu Jian (the spouse of the actual
Liu Zhuangzhi
                                                 controller Ge Zhiyong)
                                                   215 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

Li Xiao                                         The brother of the actual controller Li Wen
                                                Enterprises controlled or significantly influenced by
Anhui Woshine Safety Equipment Co., Ltd         directors, supervisors, and senior management of the
                                                A company where a director serves as the general
Wuxi Woshine Safety Equipment Co., Ltd
Wuxi Songyu Technology Co., Ltd                 The Company holds more than 5% of its equity
                                                The actual controller Ge Zhiyong holds 46.087% of its
Wuxi WIT Data Technology Co., Ltd
                                                equity, and Li Wen 21.7391%

Other notes

5. Related party transactions
(1) Related transactions involving the purchase and sale of goods, provision and receipt of services
Table on procurement of goods/acceptance of labor services
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                         Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                      Whether the
                                                        Approved                         Amount
                       Content on       Current                        transaction
                                                       transaction                    incurred in the
  Related parties     related party     amount                       limit has been
                                                         limit (if                       previous
                       transaction     incurred                       exceeded (if
                                                       applicable)                        period
Anhui Woshine       Procurement         461,999.57                                       995,845.92
Safety              of raw
Equipment Co.,      materials
Anhui Woshine       Purchase of           8,849.56                                         22,123.89
Safety              fixed assets
Equipment Co.,
Anhui Woshine       Acceptance of                                                           8,849.56
Safety              labor services
Equipment Co.,
Wuxi Woshine        Purchase of         259,524.37                                       269,596.47
Safety              labor
Equipment Co.,      protection
Ltd.                equipment
Wuxi WIT Data Purchase of               707,964.60                                                  -
Technology Co., raw materials

Table on sales of goods/provision of services
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                         Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                            Content on related party Amount incurred in the Amount incurred in the
      Related parties
                                   transaction             current              previous period
Wuxi WIT Data               Electricity bill                     23,118.10                21,671.29
Technology Co., Ltd         settlement

Notes to related transactions for purchase of goods on credit, and provision and acceptance of labor
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Related entrusted management/contracting and entrusted management/outsourcing
                                                 216 / 236
                                           2024 Interim Report

Table on the entrusted management/contracting by the Company:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to related trusteeship/contracting
□ Applicable √ N/A

Table on the Company’s entrusted management/contracting
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to association management/outsourcing
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Related lease
The Company serves as the lessor:
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                        Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                            Lease income recognized in Lease income recognized in
    Leaseholder      Types of leased assets
                                                the current period         the previous period
Wuxi WIT Data        Lease of houses                        134,174.33                   134,174.33
Technology Co.,

                                                217 / 236
                                    2024 Interim Report

The Company serves as the lessee:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to related lease
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                         218 / 236
                                               2024 Interim Report

(4) Related guarantee
The Company serves as the guarantor
□ Applicable √ N/A

Our Company serves as the secured party
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to related guarantee
□ Applicable √ N/A

(5) Related party fund lending
□ Applicable √ N/A

(6) Related party asset transfer and debt restructuring
□ Applicable √ N/A

(7) Compensation for key management personnel
□ Applicable √ N/A
                                                                       Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                             Amount incurred in the current        Amount incurred in the
                                                       period                         previous period
Compensation for key management                                          4.49                          4.20

(8) Other related transactions
□ Applicable √ N/A

6. Accounts receivable, accounts payable, related parties and other unsettled items
(1) Accounts receivable
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                         Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                      Closing balance                     Opening balance
       Item       Related parties Carrying      Provision for                    Allowance for bad
                                                               Carrying amount
                                   amount         bad debts                            debts
                  Wuxi WIT           5,904.01
                  Co., Ltd.
                  Wuxi Songyu                                          4,866.90              243.35
                  Co., Ltd.

(2) Items payable
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                  Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
         Item                    Related parties         Closing balance              Opening balance
Accounts payable
                          Wuxi Woshine Safety                        287,334.12                   80,640.00
                          Equipment Co., Ltd
                          Anhui Woshine Safety                       648,606.19                  964,957.75
                                                    219 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

                            Equipment Co., Ltd

(3) Other items
□ Applicable √ N/A

7. Related party commitment
□ Applicable √ N/A

8. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

XV. Share-based payment
1. Various equity instruments
√ Applicable □ N/A

                                                   Quantity unit: Stock amount, Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
G                                                             ing in
      in the
ra                     Exercise in the current period           the      Invalidity in the current period
nt                                                           current
ob                                                           period
je   Q                                                       Q
          A                                                         A
ct   ua                                                      ua
          m                                                         m
ty   nt                 Quantity             Amount          nt            Quantity            Amount
          ou                                                       ou
pe   it                                                      it
          nt                                                        nt
     y                                                       y
C     -    -                 584,298 29,434,609.53            -      -          47,267 2,382,642.92
 T    -    -
ot                           584,298    29,434,609.53         -    -        47,267     2,382,642.92

Stock options or other equity instruments issued at the end of the period
√ Applicable □ N/A
                       Stock options issued at the end of the      Other equity instruments issued at the
                                      period                                 end of the period
  Grant object type
                      Range of exercise Remaining term of Range of exercise Remaining term of
                            Prices             the contract             prices             the contract
Core employees                                                    RMB33.26/share       26 months
Core employees                                                    RMB34.62/share       30 months
Core employees                                                    RMB47.84/share       38 months

Other notes
    On May 11, 2024, the Company disclosed the Announcement on Adjusting the 2023 Profit
Distribution and Capital Reserve-to-Share Capital Conversion Plan, which distributed a cash dividend
of RMB1.99552 (including tax) per share and converted 0.4 shares of capital reserve to all shareholders
                                                  220 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

per share. The exercise price of the restricted stock incentive plan for 2021 was adjusted to RMB33.26,
and that of the plan for 2022 to RMB34.62.

2. Share-based payment settled in equity
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB

Method for determining the fair value of equity           Restricted stocks are measured at their fair value
instruments on the grant date                             on the grant date using the Black Scholes Options
                                                          Model (B-S Model)
Important parameters for fair value of equity
instruments on the grant date
Basis for determining the number of feasible equity       Estimation is made based on the performance
instruments                                               evaluation criteria of each attribution period and
                                                          the evaluation results of incentive objects
Reasons for significant differences between this
estimate and the previous estimate
Accumulated amount of share-based payment                                                    155,932,139.67
settled in equity included in capital reserves
Other notes
3. Share-based payments settled in cash
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Share-based payment expenses in the current period
√ Applicable □ N/A Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
        Grant object type            Share-based payment fees               Share-based payment fees
                                         settled in equity                       settled in cash
Core personnel                                      27,609,528.13                                        -
              Total                                 27,609,528.13                                        -

Other notes

5. Modification and termination of share-based payment
□ Applicable √ N/A

6. Other
□ Applicable √ N/A

XVI. Commitment and contingent events
1. Important commitments
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Contingent events
(1) Important contingent events on the balance sheet date
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) It is required to give explanations if there are no material contingent events that need to be
disclosed for the Company:
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                   221 / 236
                                              2024 Interim Report

3. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

XVII. Subsequent events of the balance sheet
1. Important non-adjustment events
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                          The influence number      Reasons for inability to
           Item                       Content             on financial conditions    estimate the influence
                                                           and operating results            number
Issuance of stocks and        Restricted stock                                N/A N/A
bonds                         repurchase and
Important outbound
Important debt
Natural disaster
Important changes in
foreign exchange rates
1. On June 24, 2024, the Company held the 54th meeting of the third board of directors and the 48th
meeting of the third board of supervisors, and approved the Proposal on Repurchasing and Canceling
Some Restricted Stocks in the 2023 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan. There are a total of 34,388 shares to
be cancelled, and the Company’s total share capital will be reduced from 314,433,090 shares to
314,398,702 shares after write-off.
2. The Company held the 54th meeting of the third board of directors and the 48th meeting of the third
board of supervisors on June 24, 2024, and approved the “Proposal on the Acquisition and Merger of
Holding Subsidiaries”. It is proposed to arrange for the holding subsidiary, Coshin Technology, to
acquire and merge Optical Applications. As of the disclosure date of this report, the deadline for
notifying creditors to declare their creditors’ rights has expired, and tax and business affairs are currently
being handled as planned.

2. Profit distribution
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
Profit or dividends to be distributed                                                       270,412,525.34
Profits or dividends declared for                                                           270,412,525.34
distribution after review and approval

3. Sales returns
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Notes to other subsequent events of the balance sheet
□ Applicable √ N/A

XVIII. Other important events
Correction of accounting errors in the previous period
(1) Retrospective restatement method
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Prospective application
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Important debt restructuring

                                                   222 / 236
                                        2024 Interim Report

□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Asset replacement
(1) Non-monetary asset exchange
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Other asset replacement
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Pension plan
□ Applicable √ N/A

5. Termination of operations
□ Applicable √ N/A

6. Information on reportable segment
(1) Basis for determining reportable segments and accounting policies
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Financial information of reportable segments
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) If the Company has no any reportable segments or cannot disclose the total assets and
liabilities of each reportable segment, the reasons should be explained
□ Applicable √ N/A

(4) Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

7. Other important transactions and events that have an impact on investors’ decision-making
□ Applicable √ N/A

8. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

XIX. Notes to major items in the financial statements of the parent company
1. Accounts receivable
(1) Disclosure by aging
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                        Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
            Aging                        Closing balance                  Opening balance
Within 1 year
Of which: sub-items within 1 year
                                                 1,583,839,093.97                 1,154,106,167.00
Subtotal of receivables within 1
                                                 1,583,839,093.97                 1,154,106,167.00
1 to 2 years                                       131,675,420.46                  147,817,265.53
2 to 3 years                                        73,671,989.75                   17,728,108.25
Over 3 years                                        26,665,351.44                   19,410,249.61
Less: Provision for bad debts                      220,208,212.99                   154,354,437.25
              Total                              1,595,643,642.63                 1,184,707,353.14

(2) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                              223 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                         Closing balance                                   Opening balance
              Carrying     Provision for bad                    Carrying     Provision for bad
              amount             debts                          amount             debts
  Type                                Provis Carrying                                   Provis Carrying
                       Rat                                               Rat
                                        ion   value                                       ion    value
             Amount io Amount                                  Amount io Amount
                                       ratio                                             ratio
                      (%)                                               (%)
                                        (%)                                               (%)
n for bad
debts     105,195,29 5.7 105,195,2 100.0                      71,583,866 5.3 71,583,86 100.0
                                                          -                                               -
based on        3.06 9       93.06     0                             .54 5        6.54     0
l items
Of which:
n for bad
debts     105,195,29 5.7 105,195,2 100.0                      71,583,866 5.3 71,583,86 100.0
                                                          -                                               -
based on        3.06 9       93.06     0                             .54 5        6.54     0
l items

n for bad
based on 1,710,656, 94. 115,012,9                1,595,643, 1,267,477, 94. 82,770,57            1,184,707,
                                         6.72                                            6.53
the           562.56 21      19.93                  642.63     923.85 65        0.71               353.14
ion    of
Of which:
n for bad
based on
          1,710,656, 94. 115,012,9               1,595,643, 1,267,477, 94. 82,770,57            1,184,707,
combinat                                 6.72                                            6.53
              562.56 21      19.93                  642.63     923.85 65        0.71               353.14
ion    of

            1,815,851,       220,208,2           1,595,643, 1,339,061,       154,354,4          1,184,707,
  Total                /                 /                             /                  /
                855.62           12.99              642.63     790.39            37.25             353.14

Provision for bad debts based on individual items:
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                           Closing balance
          Name                                  Provision for bad    Provision ratio
                           Carrying amount                                              Provision reasons
                                                      debts               (%)
Customer 1                      761,966.00            761,966.00              100.00 On the verge of
Customer 2                      405,369.80            405,369.80              100.00 Bankruptcy
Customer 3                      762,559.59            762,559.59              100.00 Difficulty in
                                                  224 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

                                                                           payment collection
Customer 4                    135,750.00             135,750.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 5                    200,000.00            200,000.00    100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 6                    790,959.00            790,959.00    100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 7                  3,113,451.05          3,113,451.05    100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 8                  6,009,191.50          6,009,191.50    100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 9                    816,760.00            816,760.00    100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 10                 1,979,760.13          1,979,760.13    100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 11                17,987,500.00         17,987,500.00    100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 12                 1,572,512.86          1,572,512.86    100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 13                       737.82                737.82    100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 14                  1,111,894.00          1,111,894.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 15                   602,000.00             602,000.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 16                  2,273,337.06          2,273,337.06   100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 17                  1,592,000.00          1,592,000.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 18                 1,112,000.00          1,112,000.00    100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 19                 2,514,000.00          2,514,000.00    100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 20                   670,828.99            670,828.99    100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 21                15,119,600.27         15,119,600.27    100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 22                  5,022,400.00          5,022,400.00   100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 23                  9,590,631.73          9,590,631.73   100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 24                     15,500.00             15,500.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 25                  1,018,267.50          1,018,267.50   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 26                  1,827,230.76          1,827,230.76   100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 27                    640,000.00            640,000.00   100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 28                    150,000.00            150,000.00   100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 29                     17,385.00             17,385.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 30                    771,000.00            771,000.00   100.00   Bankruptcy
Customer 31                  6,524,000.00          6,524,000.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 32                  1,640,000.00          1,640,000.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 33                  3,000,000.00          3,000,000.00   100.00   Under prosecution
Customer 34                  7,518,700.00          7,518,700.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 35                   888,000.00             888,000.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
Customer 36                  7,040,000.00          7,040,000.00   100.00   Difficulty in
                                                                           payment collection
         Total             105,195,293.06       105,195,293.06    100.00             /
Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
√Applicable □N/A

                                                 225 / 236
                                                2024 Interim Report

   Combination provision item: Provision for bad debts based on the combination of credit risk
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                           Closing balance
                              Accounts receivable      Provision for bad debts      Provision ratio (%)
       Within 1 year               1,504,413,913.41               74,995,700.53                          5
        1 to 2 years                  95,873,347.19               14,121,115.83                         15
        2 to 3 years                  30,254,298.15               15,127,149.07                      50.00
        Over 3 years                  10,768,954.50               10,768,954.50                    100.00
            Total                  1,641,310,513.25              115,012,919.93
   Notes to provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
   □ Applicable √ N/A

   Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
   □ Applicable √ N/A

   Basis for classification at different phases and provision ratio for bad debts

   Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of accounts receivable with changes in loss
   provisions in the current period:

   □ Applicable √ N/A

   (3) Provision for bad debts
   √Applicable □N/A

                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                              Amount of change for the period
                   Opening                                              charged                   Closing
   Type                                          Amount recovered                      Other
                   balance         Provision                             off or                   balance
                                                    or reversed                      changes
 Provision       71,583,866.54    45,797,123.63      12,131,697.11 54,000.00                   105,195,293.06
   for bad
debts based
 Provision       82,770,570.71    60,057,820.16           27,815,470.94                          115,012,919.93
   for bad
debts based
    on the
  of items
    Total     154,354,437.25     105,854,943.79           39,947,168.05     54,000.00        -   220,208,212.99

   Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:

   □ Applicable √ N/A

   Other notes

   (4) Other receivables actually written off in the current period
                                                     226 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                            Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                     Item                                             Amount written off
Accounts receivable actually written off                                                     54,000.00

Of which, significant accounts receivable written off

√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                                         Whether the
                  Nature of                                            Write-off          payment is
                                   Amount             Write-off
 Entity name       accounts                                           procedures       generated from
                                  written off         reasons
                  receivable                                          performed          related party
                Payment for             54,000 Reduction           Approved by the   No
Jiangsu         goods                                              Management
Energy Co.,
     Total                /          54,000.00             /               /                   /

Notes to the write-off of accounts receivable:
□ Applicable √ N/A

(5) Top five accounts receivable and contract assets by closing balance of debtor
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                          Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                                      Ratio of the
                                                                      total closing
                                     Closing       Closing balance
                 Closing balance                                       balance of     Closing balance
   Entity                           balance of       of accounts
                    of accounts                                         accounts      of provision for
    name                             contract      receivable and
                    receivable                                         receivable        bad debts
                                      assets       contract assets
                                                                      and contract
                                                                       assets (%)
  Customer 1       194,273,554.14              -    194,273,554.14            10.71      9,713,677.71
  Customer 2       155,683,720.41              -    155,683,720.41             8.57     10,944,561.66
  Customer 3       139,522,380.12              -    139,522,380.12             7.68      8,607,253.15
  Customer 4       126,616,177.64              -    126,616,177.64             6.97      8,643,291.87
  Customer 5        86,019,003.43              -      86,019,003.43            4.74      4,618,990.00
    Total          702,114,835.75              -    702,114,835.74            38.67     42,527,774.39
Other notes

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Other receivables
Item List
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                 Item                            Closing balance                  Opening balance
Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
                                                   227 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

Other receivables                                       1,503,138,972.94               1,169,349,500.49
               Total                                    1,503,138,972.94               1,169,349,500.49

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Interest receivable
(1) Classification of interest receivable
□ Applicable √ N/A

(2) Significant overdue interest
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

(4) Provision for bad debts
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

(5) Interest receivable actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant interest receivable written off
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of interest receivable:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Dividends receivable
(1) Dividends receivable
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                  228 / 236
                                            2024 Interim Report

(2) Significant dividends receivable with an aging of over 1 year
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Disclosure by bad debt provision method
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to provision for bad debts based on individual items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the combination of items:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Provision for bad debts based on the general model of expected credit losses
□ Applicable √ N/A

(4) Provision for bad debts
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:

(5) Dividends receivable actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant write-offs of dividends receivable therein
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of dividends receivable:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other receivables
(1) Disclosure by aging
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
               Aging                         Closing balance                      Opening balance
Within 1 year
Of which: sub-items within 1 year
Within 1 year                                        1,494,882,110.82                     773,267,647.38
Subtotal of receivables within 1                     1,494,882,110.82                     773,267,647.38
1 to 2 years                                             8,162,542.66                     397,451,395.16
2 to 3 years                                             3,780,000.00                       3,377,876.58
Over 3 years                                               747,408.00                         747,408.00
Subtotal                                             1,507,572,061.48                   1,174,844,327.12
                                                  229 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

Less: Provision for bad debts                             4,433,088.54                         5,494,826.63
              Total                                   1,503,138,972.94                     1,169,349,500.49

(2) Classified by the nature of receivables
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                 Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
       Nature of payment                      Closing balance                       Opening balance
Provision for bad debts based on                           299,200.00                            299,200.00
individual items
Provision for bad debts based on                      1,507,272,861.48                     1,174,545,127.12
the combination of credit risk
                Total                                 1,507,572,061.48                     1,174,844,327.12

(3) Provision for bad debts
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                          Phase 1               Phase 2                  Phase 3

                                          Expected credit loss     Expected credit loss
Provision for bad     Expected credit                                                           Total
                                             over the entire           over the entire
      debts             loss for the
                                           lifetime (without       lifetime (with credit
                      next 12 months
                                          credit impairment)            impairment)
Balance as at
                         5,195,626.63                                       299,200.00         5,494,826.63
January 1, 2024
Balance as at
January 1, 2024,
in the current
-- Carry over to
Phase 3
-- Carry over to
Phase 3
-- Carry over to
Phase 2
-- Carry over to
Phase 1
Provision in the
                           834,098.05                                                           834,098.05
current period
Reversal in the
                         1,895,836.14                                                          1,895,836.14
current period
Charge-off in the
current period
Write-off                                                                                                 -
Other changes                                                                                             -
Balance as at June
                         4,133,888.54                                       299,200.00         4,433,088.54
30, 2024

Basis for classification at different phases and provision ratio for bad debts

Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of other receivables with changes in loss provisions
in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

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                                               2024 Interim Report

The amount of provision for bad debts in the current period and the basis for evaluating whether the
credit risk of financial instruments has significantly increased:
□ Applicable √ N/A

(4) Provision for bad debts
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                             Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                               Amount of change for the period
                       Opening                        Amount         charged                  Closing
      Type                                                                         Other
                       balance         Provision   recovered or       off or                  balance
                                                      reversed       written
Provision for          299,200.00                                                            299,200.00
bad debts based
on individual
Provision for        5,195,626.63      834,098.05        1,895,836.14                                  4,133,888.54
bad debts based
on the
combination of
      Total          5,494,826.63      834,098.05        1,895,836.14               -              -   4,433,088.54

Of which, significant amount of provision for bad debts recovered or reversed in the current period:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes

(5) Other receivables actually written off in the current period
□ Applicable √ N/A

Of which, significant receivables written off:
□ Applicable √ N/A

Notes to the write-off of other receivables:
□ Applicable √ N/A

(6) Top five other receivables by closing balance of debtor
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                    Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                 Ratio in total
                                                    closing                                               Closing
                                                   balance of         Nature of                         balance of
   Entity name          Closing balance                                                  Aging
                                                     other            Payment                          provision for
                                                  receivables                                            bad debts
Wuxi Autowell             472,235,000.57                  31.41      Internal           Within 1
XuRi Technology                                                      transactions       year
Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Songci               370,555,419.73                  24.65      Internal           Within 1
Electromechanical                                                    transactions       year
Co., Ltd.
Wuxi Autowell             333,198,656.61                  22.17      Internal           Within 1
Intelligent                                                          transactions       year
                                                    231 / 236
                                             2024 Interim Report

Equipment Co.,
Wuxi Autowell              117,685,351.83                 7.83        Internal            Within 1
Coshin                                                                transactions        year
Technology Co.,
Wuxi Autowell              107,722,841.10                 7.17        Internal            Within 1
Optical                                                               transactions        year
Application Co.,
      Total               1,401,397,269.84              93.23                 /              /                     -

(7) Presented as other receivables due to centralized fund management
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

3. Long term equity investment
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                                     Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                Closing balance                                      Opening balance
                                   Provision                                            Provision
     Item              Carrying                                             Carrying
                                      for     Carrying value                               for     Carrying value
                       amount                                               amount
                                  impairment                                           impairment
Investment in
                   590,082,131.95            - 590,082,131.95 523,401,796.42                         - 523,401,796.42
Investment in
joint ventures                                                   -                    -              -                 -
and associates
      Total        590,082,131.95            - 590,082,131.95 523,401,796.42                         - 523,401,796.42

(1) Investment in subsidiaries
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: million Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                                         Decrease                               for       Closing
                                         Increase in
                           Opening                         in the             Closing      impairment    balance of
 The invested entity                     the current
                           balance                        current             balance         in the    impairment
                                                          period                             current     provision
                                 36.42           4.10                0.00          40.52             0.00          0.00
Optical Applications             10.61           0.42                0.00          11.03             0.00          0.00
Supply Chain
                                 11.26           0.16                0.00          11.42             0.00          0.00
                                 50.66           2.07                0.00          52.73             0.00          0.00
XuRi Technology                  29.03           1.59                0.00          30.63             0.00          0.00
                                 19.20           0.84                0.00          20.04             0.00          0.00
Leddo Technology                 50.00           0.00                0.00          50.00             0.00          0.00
Zhiyuan Equipment                14.00           0.00                0.00          14.00             0.00          0.00
Jiexin Technology                44.56           0.00                0.00          44.56             0.00          0.00

                                                  232 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

Polar New Enegry               243.00        27.00              0.00       270.00         0.00          0.00
Wuxi Polar                       0.00        18.33              0.00        18.33         0.00          0.00
AUTOWELL Japan                  14.66         0.00              0.00        14.66         0.00          0.00
                                 0.00        12.17              0.00        12.17         0.00          0.00
       Total                   523.40        66.68              0.00       590.08         0.00          0.00

(2) Investment in joint ventures and associates
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Impairment testing of long-term equity investments
□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes:
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Operating income and operating cost
(1) Operating income and operating cost
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                              Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                 Amount incurred in the current period            Amount incurred in the previous period
                   Income                   Cost                      Income                  Cost
Main                                                               2,048,527,945.02      1,242,289,824.67
                  3,303,172,850.50      2,111,925,203.31
Other                                                                  12,200,965.38       12,096,197.75
                       24,941,193.38      24,257,469.41
   Total          3,328,114,043.88      2,136,182,672.72           2,060,728,910.40     1,254,386,022.42

(2) Information on decomposition of operating income and operating costs
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                             Unit: YuanUnit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
      Contract type
                                  Operating income                      Operating cost
Product type
                                           3,300,181,700.05                      2,110,395,238.69
     Others                                    27,932,343.83                        25,787,434.03
          Total                            3,328,114,043.88                      2,136,182,672.72

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Notes to performance obligation
□ Applicable √ N/A

(4) Notes to the performance obligation of amortizing to the remainder
□ Applicable √ N/A

(5) Major contract changes or significant transaction price adjustments
□ Applicable √ N/A

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                                            2024 Interim Report

Other notes:

5. Investment income
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                                               Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in the
                                                  current period                     previous period
Income from long-term equity                                                                            -
investment based on equity method
Investment income generated from                                                            -2,999,999.00
disposal of long-term equity investments
Investment income of trading financial                                                                  -
assets during the holding period
Dividend income obtained from other                                                                     -
equity instrument investments during
the holding period
Interest income obtained from debt                                                                      -
investments during the holding period
Interest income obtained from other debt                                                                -
investments during the holding period
Investment income obtained from                                                                         -
disposal of trading financial assets
Investment income obtained from                                                                         -
disposal of other equity instrument
Investment income obtained from                                                                         -
disposal of debt investments
Investment income obtained from                                                                         -
disposal of other debt investments
Debt restructuring income                                    1,134,950.39                               -
Investment income from financial                             2,421,303.32                    9,473,475.86
Investment income of other non-current                            729,283.23                   42,000.00
financial assets during the holding
Total                                                        4,285,536.94                    6,515,476.86

Other notes:
6. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

XX. Supplementary Information
1. Statement of non-recurring gains and losses in the current period
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                                                               Unit: Yuan, Currency: RMB
                        Item                                  Amount                        Note
Gains and losses from the disposal of non-current
assets, including the write-off portion of                          -164,407.40
impairment provisions already made for assets
Government grants included in the gains and
losses in the current period, except those closely                 5,397,451.34
related to the Company’s normal business
                                                 234 / 236
                                               2024 Interim Report

operations, in compliance with national policies
and regulations, enjoyed according to established
standards, and having a sustained impact on the
Company’s gains and losses
Gains and losses from changes in fair value of
financial assets and liabilities by non-financial
enterprises’ holding financial assets and liabilities               -20,540,182.44
as well as gains and losses from their disposing of
the assets and liabilities
Funds occupancy fees charged to non-financial
enterprises included in the gains and losses in the
current period
Gains and losses from entrusting others to invest
in or manage assets
Gains and losses obtained from external entrusted
Losses of various assets due to force majeure
factors, such as natural disasters
Reversal of impairment provision for accounts
receivable separately tested for impairment
The gains generated from the fair value of the
identifiable net assets of the investee the
enterprise should enjoy when the investment cost
of its acquiring subsidiaries, associates, and joint
venture is less than the investment obtained
Net gains and losses of subsidiaries in the current
period arising from mergers of enterprises under
common control from the beginning of the period
to the merger date
Gains and losses from non-monetary asset
Gains and losses from debt restructuring                              1,134,950.39
One-time costs incurred by enterprises due to the
discontinuation of relevant business activities,
such as expenses on employee resettlement, etc.
The one-time impact of adjustments to tax,
accounting, and other laws and regulations on the
gains and losses in the current period
One-time confirmation of share-based payment
expenses due to write-off or modification of
equity incentive plans
For cash settled share based payments, gains or
losses arising from changes in fair value of staff
remuneration payable after the exercise date
Gains and losses arising from changes in fair
value of investment properties measured
subsequently via the fair value model
Gains generated from transactions with
significantly unfair transaction prices
Gains and losses arising from contingent items
unrelated to the normal operation of the
Company’s business
Custody fee income obtained from entrusted
Other non-operating income and expenses except
those mentioned above
                                                    235 / 236
                                          2024 Interim Report

Other gains and losses items that meet the
definition of non-recurring gains and losses
Less: Amount under the impact of income tax                      -263,166.53
     Amount under the impact of non-controlling
shareholders’ equity (after tax)
                        Total                                   -3,378,597.67

In the case where the Company classifies items not listed in the “Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure of Publicly Issued Securities Companies—Non-recurring Gains and Losses” as
items of non-recurring gains and losses with significant amounts, and defines items of non-recurring
gains and losses listed in the Explanatory Announcement as recurring items of gains and losses, the
relevant reasons should be explained.

□ Applicable √ N/A

Other notes
□ Applicable √ N/A

2. Return on equity and earnings per share
√ Applicable □ N/A
                                Weighted average                       Earnings per share
    Profit during the reporting
                                 return on equity          Basic earnings per     Diluted earnings per
                                       (%)                       share                    share
Net profit attributable to
common shareholders of the                 19.23%                          2.45                    2.35
Net profit attributable to
common shareholders of the
                                           19.32%                          2.46                    2.36
Company after deducting
non-recurring gains and losses

3. Differences in accounting data under the accounting standards at home and abroad
□ Applicable √ N/A

4. Others
□ Applicable √ N/A

                                                                            Chairman: Ge Zhiyong
                              Date of submission approved by the Board of Directors: August 22, 2024

Revision information
□ Applicable √ N/A

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