2015 年年度报告 Company code: 600618 Company name: Chlor-Alkali Chemical Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report Important Notice 1. The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the the Company ensure the content of this Annual Report is true, accurate and integrative, not having any false statement, misleading representation or significant omission, and will take joint and several legal responsibilities for the Report. 2. All the Directors of the Company attended the Board meeting. 3. BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP issued an auditor's report with standard and unqualified opinion for the Company. 4. Mr. Huang Dailie, principal of the Company, Mr. Zhang Weimin, principal in charge of accounting of the Company, and Mr. Lai Yonghua, head of accounting department (accounting officer) declare to guarantee the truth, accuracy and integrity of the financial report in this Annual Report. 5. The proposal on profit distribution and proposal on capital reserve transferring into share capital examined by the Board of Directors According to the 2015 annual financial audit report issued by BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP engaged by the Company, in 2015 the net profit of the parent company is RMB 143,024,579.55 and the undistributed profit at beginning of the year is RMB - 757,961,086.06. After making up the loss in the undistributed profit, the profit available for distribution at end of the year should be RMB - 614,936,506.51. Therefore, the Company is not capable of distributing profit for 2015 or transferring the capital reserves into share capital. 6. The declaration on the risk for forward looking statement The future plan or other forward looking statement included in this Report shall not constitute the Company's substantial commitment to the investors, and we remind the investors to notice to the investment risks. 1 / 64 2015 年年度报告 7. Is there any non-operational fund occupation by the controlling shareholder or the related parties? No 8. Is there any guarantee for outside entities in violation of the stipulated decision-making process? No 9. Notice on important risks None 10. Other None 2 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Contents 1. Paraphrase ............................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Company Profile and Financial Highlights ............................................................................................. 5 3. Briefing on the Company's Business....................................................................................................... 7 4. Discussion and Analysis on the Management ......................................................................................... 9 5. Major Events ......................................................................................................................................... 21 6. Changes of Ordinary Shares and Particulars of Shareholders ............................................................... 31 7. Particulars of the Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Staff Members................................. 35 8. Company Governance ........................................................................................................................... 41 9. Particulars of Preference Shares............................................................................................................ 44 10. Particulars of the Company's Bonds ................................................................................................... 44 11. Financial Report .................................................................................................................................. 44 12. Documents for Reference .................................................................................................................... 64 3 / 64 2015 年年度报告 1. Paraphrase 1. Paraphrase In this Report, except otherwise indicated, these words and expressions shall have the meanings as follows: Paraphrase for generally-used expressions CSRC means China Securities Regulatory Commission SSRB means Shanghai Regulatory Bureau of China Securities Regulatory Commission Huayi Group means Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company The Company, Company, means Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. or Chlor-Alkali Chemical Sodium hydroxide means Molecular formula: NaOH; a strong soluble alkali. Sodium hydroxide is easy to be solved into water, has strong alkalinity, and can supply Na+ ion. These properties make it used widely in the industries such as soap-making, textile industry, printing and dyeing, blanching, papermaking, petroleum refining, metallurgy and other chemical industries. Chlorine means Molecular formula: Cl2. As an important chemical raw material, chlorine gas is widely used in the industries such as papermaking, printing and dyeing, pigment, bleaching powder, textile industry, chemical fiber, grease petroleum, rubber, plastic, pharmacy, disinfection, agricultural pesticide, metallurgy and electronic industry. EDC means Ethylene dichloride. Achromatic or yellowish transparent liquid with specific gravity of about 1.26 and odor similar to chloroform, insoluble in water, dissolve in ethyl alcohol and ethyl ether. Mainly used as the solvent for wax, fat and rubber, and also used in producing vinyl chloride and polycarbonate. PPVC means Paste resin. The Company's production for paste resin mainly adopts two processes, mixing method and seed emulsion polymerization, and the paste resin is mainly used in the products such as the artificial leather, floor leather, wall paper, toy and bottle cap. TPVC means Special resin. The special resin produced by the Company is mainly the customer specially-used material, the medical resin with high polymeric level such as plasma bag, infusion tube and the seal with high elasticity and the resin specially used for primary coating in automobiles. CPVC means Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. Mainly used in various pipes with different caliber and the related fittings such as elbow and T-joint, the valve body and the wig. 4 / 64 2015 年年度报告 2. Company Profile and Financial Highlights 1. Company information Chinese name of the Company 上海氯碱化工股份有限公司 Short form 氯碱化工 English name of the Company SHANGHAI CHLOR-ALKALI CHEMICAL CO.,LTD. Abbreviation SCAC Legal representative of the Company Mr. Huang Dailie 2. Contact information Secretary of the Board of Directors Securities representative Name Xu Peiwen Chen Lihua Contact address 4747 Longwu Rd., Shanghai 4747 Longwu Rd., Shanghai Tel. 021-64342640 021-64342640 Fax 021-64341438 021-64341438 E-mail shxpw@126.com amychen0131@126.com 3. Basic information Registered address of the Company 4747 and 4800 Longwu Rd., Shanghai Zip code of registered address 200241 Business address of the Company 4747 Longwu Rd., Shanghai Zip code of business address of the Company 200241 Website www.scacc.com E-mail dshmss@scacc.com 4. Information disclosure and filing site Newspapers for information disclosure selected China Securities News, Shanghai Securities News, by the Company Securities Post and Hong Kong Commercial Daily Website appointed by China Securities www.sse.com.cn Regulatory Commission for carrying annual report Site for filing annual report 4747 Longwu Rd., Shanghai 5. The Company's share The Company's share Type of share Stock exchange for listing Share name Share Share name of share code before change A share Shanghai Stock Exchange Chlor-Alkali Chemical 600618 B share Shanghai Stock Exchange Chlor-Alkali B Share 900908 6. Other relevant information Name BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP Public accounting Business address 4th Floor, New Huangpu Financial Plaza, No. firm engaged by the 61, East Nanjing Rd., Shanghai, China Company (domestic) Name of the Gu Xuefeng, Ling Min accountant for signing 5 / 64 2015 年年度报告 7. Main accounting data and financial indexes of previous 3 years before end of the report period 1) Main accounting data Unit: RMB Increase or decrease than Main accounting data 2015 2014 2013 same period of last year (%) Operating income 6,170,874,223.67 7,015,409,267.56 -12.04 6,974,211,654.53 Net profit attributable to 95,615,030.34 -592,502,499.95 Not applicable 16,623,782.76 shareholders of the listed Company Net profit attributable to -31,416,638.26 -262,177,332.00 Not applicable -139,868,977.14 shareholders of the Company, after non-recurring profit and loss Net cash flow from operating 305,852,432.45 -29,059,999.83 Not applicable 580,026,390.02 activities Increase or End of 2015 End of 2014 End of 2013 decrease (%) Net assets attributable to 2,261,545,045.54 2,164,655,507.39 4.48 2,848,201,003.60 shareholders of the listed Company Total assets 4,847,854,403.79 5,754,717,626.22 -15.76 5,992,581,029.65 Total share capital at end of the 1,156,399,976.00 1,156,399,976.00 0.00 1,156,399,976.00 repord period 2) Main financial indexes Increase or decrease than Main financial indexes 2015 2014 2013 same period of last year (%) Basic earnings per share 0.0827 -0.5124 Not applicable 0.0144 Diluted earnings per share 0.0827 -0.5124 Not applicable 0.0144 Basic earnings per share after non-recurring profit -0.0272 -0.2267 Not applicable -0.121 and loss (RMB/share) Return on net assets, weighted average (%) Increase by 28.76 4.313 -24.4467 0.5857 percentage points Return on net assets, weighted average, after Increase by 9.40 percentage -1.4171 -10.8175 -4.9279 recurrent profit and loss (%) points 8. Difference of accounting data between domestic and overseas accounting standards 1) The difference of net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company between the international accounting standard and Chinese accounting standards □Applicable √Not applicable 2) The difference of net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company between the overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards □Applicable √Not applicable 9. Main financial data for quarters in 2015 Unit: RMB 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter (Jan.-March) (Apr.-Jun.) (July-Sept.) (Oct.-Dec.) Operating income 1,540,819,806.42 1,630,089,231.04 1,711,565,084.48 1,288,400,101.73 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed 4,057,976.87 -52,696,263.14 3,967,144.79 140,286,171.82 Company Net prrearit attributable to shareholders of the Company, 53,895,146.66 -8,086,538.19 32,103,078.21 -109,328,324.94 after non-recurring profit and loss Net cash flow from operating -52,610,580.45 114,040,798.82 32,061,368.67 212,360,845.41 activities 6 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Note on differences between the data of the quarters and that of the period report disclosed □Applicable √Not applicable 10. Items of non-recurring profit and loss √Applicable □Not applicable Unit: RMB Items of non-recurrent profit and Amount of Amount of Note (if applied) Amount of 2014 loss 2015 2013 Mainly acquired from sale of the Profit or loss from disposal of 257,772,690.18 equity of 1,111,822.13 71,743,954.84 non-current assets subsidiaries and sale of buildings Tax return and exemption approved by the authority beyond its right or with no official 1,120,000.00 approval file, or occasionally happened Government subsidy attributable to profit and loss of current period, except such government subsidy closely related to the Company's normal business 41,118,941.72 5,732,560.40 111,427,687.60 operation, meeting the regulation of national policy and enjoyed constantly in certain quota or quantity according to a certain standard Other non-operating revenue and expenditure other than above 3,081,055.74 6,572,403.12 7,086,532.41 items Compensation for personnel placement and related loss on Other profit or loss items meeting work stoppage the definition of non-recurring -174,731,937.80 -343,652,815.90 -35,532,990.89 caused by profit and loss adjustment of the industrial structure in Wujing Base Impact of minority interests -199,632.57 50,515.48 -32,543.41 Impact of income tax -9,448.67 -139,653.18 680,119.35 Total 127,031,668.60 -330,325,167.95 156,492,759.90 11. Items measured with fair value Unit: RMB Beginning Closing Change in Impact on the profit Item balance balance current period of current period Salable financial assets 14,914,742.76 50,765,875.23 35,851,132.47 36,415.17 Total 14,914,742.76 50,765,875.23 35,851,132.47 36,415.17 3. Briefing on the Company's Business 1. Main business, operating mode and industrial status for the Company during the report period 1) Main business: The Company mainly produces and sells sodium hydroxide, chlorine, chlorine products, polyvinyl chloride plastics resin and the products. Now the Company's annual production capacity for sodium hydroxide is 720,000 tons, for ethylene dichloride, 720,000 tons and for liquid chlorine, 600,000 tons. 7 / 64 2015 年年度报告 2) Operating mode: The Company makes close cooperation with the international chemical magnate to establish an integrated operation mode with completed devices and pipe-line transportation in the chemical industry zone. The integrated operation mode has enhanced the Company's capability of long-term stable existing and development and has also provided guarantee for the downstream customers to obtain stable and reliable chlor-alkali products in long period, realizing mutual benefit and win-win. 3) Status of the industry: Due to the impact of weak macro economy and excess capacity on China's chlor-alkali industry, the market continues to slump, the downstream demand recovery is slow, cost rising factors increase, the original profit mode of "using alkali profit to cover the loss in chlorine in domestic chlor-alkali industry has been changed due to loss in both alkali and chlorine happened, and the industry has entered a difficult adjustment period. 2. Note on significant changes in prime assets of the Company in the report period Unit: RMB Increase or decrease Item 2015 2014 Remark than previous year (%) Mainly caused by the repayment of loan and Monetary fund 240,425,945.13 402,636,250.64 -40.29 decrease of the consolidation range Advance Mainly caused by the advance payment of projects 136,446,799.31 220,825,719.39 accounts -38.21 and decrease of power payment Mainly caused by the increase of the revolving Other fund and the export rebates receivable in present receivables 3,561,716.78 1,895,445.80 87.91 period Deferred income Mainly caused by reducing of the consolidation 20,529.71 1,229,186.56 tax assets -98.33 range Employees' Mainly caused by the decrease of dismissal salary payable 780,802.00 28,052,005.16 -97.22 benefit appropriated Caused by reducing of the value added tax unpaid Tax payable 14,824,741.55 27,392,973.52 -45.88 in present period Other payables 441,394,365.43 713,938,238.76 Mainly caused by return of loan of Huayi Group -38.17 Long-term Mainly caused by return of loan of Huayi Group payables 645,000,000.00 950,000,000.00 -32.11 Deferred income Caused by change of fair value in current period tax liabilities 11,653,477.05 2,274,880.65 412.27 3. Analysis on the core competitive power in the report period 1) The improvement on the new-round integrated operating mode Through 10 years' running in the chemical industry zone by the Company, the integrated operating mode has fully demonstrated the merits of the cooperative win-win pricing mechanism, removing the cost rising factors reasonably with market means. With this mode the Company can also sell sodium hydroxide in certain ratio while selling chlorine products, and the established compensation mechanism for contract implementing risk can make constraint on both the buyer and the seller to stabilize the supply status. The integrated operation mode has enhanced the Company's capability of long-term stable existing and development and has also provided guarantee for the downstream customers to obtain stable and reliable chlor-alkali products in long period, realizing mutual benefit and win-win. The new-round negotiation for the 10-year supply and sale contract in the chemical industry zone adopts the idea of cooperation and win-win and considers fully the growth, relevance and interaction of the industrial chain. Therefore, the Company's profitability predominance due to the integrated operating mode in the chemical industry zone can continue to exist. 2) The achievement of new technique in chlorine producing has boosted to establish the industrial chain with circulating economy In this year the Company will continue the improvement on the technique for producing chlorine gas with hydrogen chloride catalytic oxidation process. It has completed the preparing of the first draft of 8 / 64 2015 年年度报告 the feasibility report for the project to set solid basis for the industrialization of the technique for chlorine gas produced with oxidation of chlorine hydride. 3) With the reservation of a batch of R&D achievements such as the PVC chlorinated with water phase method self-developed, in 2015 the Company completed the reform for R&D platform for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin and the research and application development for the formulation of the fire pipe material and plumbing with chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin and formed a series products of mixed chlorinated polyvinyl chloride used for spraying in fire control. So it has got the predominance in market. 4) It has a powerful marketing platform As the enterprise exporting sodium hydroxide earliest in China, the Company owns powerful international marketing platform and import base for raw salt and this means it is of distinct advance predominance. With respect to domestic trade, the Company is at the in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the most developed area in China, with the best consumption and logistics. Its product brands and marketing have high reputation in market. Moreover, the Company has strived to explore the big market strategy and the reform for related marketing system, making the marketing mode fitting to structure of big trade. 4. Discussion and Analysis on the Management 1. Discussion and analysis on the management In the report period, China's chlor-alkali industry suffered the impact of weak macro economy, excess capacity and other factors, market continued to be slow, loss existed generally among this industry, the severe over capacity in the industry produced enormous pressure of destocking. The two leading products, sodium hydroxide and PVC, are in front of the problem of off-capacity, The capacity of sodium hydroxide has decreased by 0.95% than last year, the first time of negative growth. And the capacity of PVC has got negative growth consecutively for two years. Faced with the difficult business environment, the Company has fully implemented the strategy of " innovation, upgrading and transformation". Based on the requirements of optimizing the operation and reducing the loss, it has stabilized the production operation in the work area, enhanced the profitability of chlorine production, boosted the upgrading of the chemical industry. It has promoted the reform of the organization structure and management function, and accelerated the disposal for existing assets in Wujing and the adjustment in Wujing area to reduce the cost and enhance efficiency. It has strived to innovate the development mode, continued to implement the strategy of "going out" firmly, explored the chances for strategic cooperation and investment in global market and sought new space for the Company's development. With the safe and stable operation of its production operation in the whole year, the Company has realized operating income of RMB 6,170,000,000 and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company of RMB 95,615,000. 1) Accelerate the industrial agglomeration and upgrading of the chemical industry zone (1) Accelerate to boost the project construction in the chemical industry zone and set the development basis with new projects and new technique. The Company adheres to the strategy of "high-end agglomeration in the chemical industry zone" and focuses on the optimization of the structure to boost the constructing of key projects. Firstly, it accelerates to boost the construction of the project of storage and transportation device for low temperature ethylene, taking effective measures to guarantee the project progress and the quality. This project was delivered on October 30, 2015. This means the device can be put into operation with ample storage power for ethylene. Secondly, it strives to boost the construction of CPVC project. At present the Company is just making the work for selecting the location. Thirdly, it strives to develop the circulating economy. It uses its self-developed technique for chlorine gas produce with oxidation of chlorine hydride to meet the demand of the enterprises in the chemical industry zone for liquid chlorine. At present it has completed the industrial process packet for chlorine gas produced through oxidation of chlorine hydride with annual capacity of 100,000 tons, and completed the preparing of the first draft of the feasibility report. In consideration of the transformation of this technique into actual production capacity and time matching of the downstream MDI for the demand for increasing of the chlorine, the Company has also planned to introduce the technique of oxygen cathode ion-exchange 9 / 64 2015 年年度报告 membrane electrolyzer. The development or utilization of these two techniques has, to the greatest extent, realized the reutilization and reproduction of the chemical medium, forming the industrial chain mode of circulation economy. (2) Boost the investment in new material field in the chemical industry zone. In 2014 the Company decided to participate in the construction of MDI project in the chemical industry zone. The investment for this project shall be divided into seven phases. In 2015 it totally invested the fund of RMB 40,466,400. It is also seeking the deep cooperation with the multinational companies in the chemical industry zone in the downstream of MDI and TDI. (3) Accelerate the operation arragement in the chemical industry zone and the transfer of the center of production and management. In the chemical industry zone the Company has got the annual capacity of 720,000 tons for sodium hydroxide and 720,000 tons for EDC. In 2015 its income in the chemical industry zone reached RMB 3,881,600,000 with the gross profit of RMB 486,000,000, accounting for 103% in its total gross profit. In Wujing area, its income was only RMB 61,240,000 and the gross profit was - RMB 15,880,000. With the profit mostly coming from the chemical industry zone, the Company's strategic objective of centralizing into the chemical industry zone has initially been realized. In company with the transfer of the Company's production center transferred to the chemical industry zone, the Company's function departments will also be transferred to the chemical industry zone on schedule. 2) Accelerate the adjustment in Wujing area (1) Do good work on personnel placement and promote the organizational optimization In 2015, with the halt of the main production plants in Wujing area, the Company strived to boost the personnel placement of second round, reducing 321 employees calmly. Meanwhile, in order to adapt to the development strategy and enhance the management efficiency, the Company made significant adjustment for original organizational structure, integrating 24 departments into 14 departments for management on devices and business. (2) Focus on the development of main business and boost the integration of assets On demand of the Company for strengthening the main business, the Company boosted the stripping of the assets of non main business orderly. In 2015 in order to strengthen further the transfer of the assets of non main business, the Company transferred the 90% equity interest of Dakai Company and 44% equity interest of Tiantan Company to the enterprise development company of Huayi Group and the buildings in the ground of Huayi Group in Wujing area to Huayi Group, totally getting cash flow of RMB 610,000,000 and income of RMB 230,000,000. At present it continues to boost the whole withdrawal of the Company from the production base in Wujing area. (3) Boost the reutilization of the inefficient assets and make use of the economic benefits of the assets In 2015 the Company made the reutilization and disposal of the assets in Wujing area as key management project. It made cooperation with all relevant parties to revitalize the stock of assets, boost the disposal of inefficient assets commonly and make use of the economic benefit of the inefficient assets to the greatest extent. It organized the sale and transfer of partial assets with the value of reutilization and proceeded to the negotiation for the assets with the intention of transfer. At present it has successfully completed the safe dismantlement of F1 type devices, sale of wasted material and transfer of partial equipment, increasing the income of more than RMB 10,000,000 totally for the Company. 3) Accelerate the step of "going out" and seek the industrial transformation and upgrading The Company adheres to the strategy of "going out", striving for the chance of assets reorganization in international and domestic markets. In this year, it contacted 9 enterprises, 3 industrial zones and 4 consultant institutions, conducted research and review work pertinently, selected the enterprises in new material field, and strived for the projects possibly improving its product chain or increasing the adjustment space for the products. The Company has established the investment committee office to strengthen the research the investment and cooperation in China and abroad through periodic meeting, intelligence collection, business discussion, on-the-spot investigation and report preparing, getting progress in exploring the realization of the extending, upgrading and transformation of the Company's industrial chain. 4) Adopt firm and flexible measures to enhance the operation and management level 10 / 64 2015 年年度报告 (1) Continue to enhance HSE management and ensure safety The Company adheres to the principle of "building the defense line firmly, holding the bottom line and consolidating the line", advocates the safety culture of "self awareness, sensitivity and working efficiently" and enhances continuously HSE management level to provide powerful guarantee for its adjustment and development. In 2015 the Company established the idea of "safety first" and conduct various HSE work based on self features. The enterprises in the chemical industry zone make the stabilization and safety of production and the safety of overhaul as the object. The PVC plant focuses on the safety and fire control of the halt devices, and the investment program department focus on the safety of projects construction. The Company thus ensures its safety and environment protection in all aspects. (2) Grasp the market chance keenly and boost the differentiated sales For the slow market of sodium hydroxide, the Company adjusted initiatively the structure of the products for sale, conducted the optimization of products types timely and strived to adjust the area structure to maximize the profit of sodium hydroxide products. For general loss of resin products, the Company, based on the analysis on the marginal contribution of products, strengthen the sale of ethylene dichloride. It focused on high-end products market, optimized the area structure and customer structure of the products, and strengthened the quality improvement and promotion for the special resins and new material CPVC resin with all the technical and marketing force. In 2015, the domestic market remained in the doldrums, new projects were halted, and the demand for industrial pipes was reduced greatly. It is difficult to make breakthrough in other application fields in the short period, so the Company focused on export markets, develop the markets in Middle East, South America, Africa and other areas and got good sales performance. 5. Prepare the "13th Five-Year" plan and design the future development blueprint The Company's "13th Five-Year" plan is prepared under the situation with multiple pressures that China's economic development has entered a new normal status, economic growth is slowing, deep-seated contradictions and structural problems appear, business operation is facing the changeable situation, the production units in Wujing area are halted and employees need to be dismissed. Therefore, in 2015 the Company set the direction and goal through thinking, went to many domestic enterprises and industrial parks to make investigations time after time based on the development strategy of "going out" and organized various professional departments to revise the plan based on requirements of the Group to complete the preparing of the plan on schedule. It is estimated that in 2016 the global economy will continue to show the trend of weak recovery, the lack of demand of developed economies and low long-term growth rate will coexist, the declining trend of the overall growth rate of emerging economies will be difficult to be prevented, and the chlor-alkali industry will continue to get loss. 2016 is the starting year of the "13th Five-Year" plan and also the key year for the Company to "make adjustment for survival and win the future through transformation development". Therefore, the Company will continue to accelerate the withdrawal from Wujing area and boost the concentration and upgrading in the chemical industry zone through unified thought and erected confidence, strengthen the technical research and development to accelerate the development of new chemical materials, develop the green circulating economy and win its position in the field of new chemical industry, focus on the market demand to adjust the product structure and demonstrate the competitive advantage of its good products to achieve effective supply, adhere to the "going out" strategy to seek strategic cooperation and investment opportunities in global market to expand new space for the Company's development, and optimize the Company's governance in all aspects through regulating of all the management systems and creating a professional and competent management team. 2. Main operating status in the report period In the report period the Company realized the operating income of RMB 6,170,874,200, decreasing by RMB 844,535,000 or 12.04% than same period of last year, the gross profit of RMB 109,561,900, increasing by RMB 692,529,900 than same period of last year, and the net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed Company of RMB 95,615,000, increasing by RMB 688,117,500 than same period of last year (- RMB 592,502,500). 11 / 64 2015 年年度报告 1) Analysis on the main business Analysis on Changes in Relevant Items in the Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement Unit: RMB Item Current period Same period of Change ratio (%) amount last year Operating income 6,170,874,223.67 7,015,409,267.56 -12.04 Operating cost 5,559,439,778.97 6,375,944,582.66 -12.81 Selling cost 199,911,085.12 205,248,898.35 -2.60 Management expenses 402,196,032.57 633,388,738.66 -36.50 Financial expenses 140,436,053.89 121,456,535.42 15.63 Net cash flow from operating activities 305,852,432.45 -29,059,999.83 Not applicable Net cash flow from investment activities 462,369,445.87 -495,001,156.50 Not applicable Net cash flow from financing activities -930,062,240.97 353,435,963.67 -363.15 R&D expenditure 36,893,630.81 40,756,284.35 -9.48 (1) Analysis on revenue and cost a) Main business divided by sector, product and area Unit: RMB Main business by sector Increase or Increase or Gross decrease of Increase or decrease decrease of profit operating of gross profit rate Sector Operating income Operating cost operating cost rate income than than previous year than previous (%) previous (%) year (%) year (%) Industry 4,151,317,229.89 3,556,630,124.12 14.33 -14.96 -17.05 Increase by 2.16 percentage points Construction 33,362,397.27 29,647,816.81 11.13 23.49 16.50 Increase by 5.33 percentage points Trade 1,939,874,817.55 1,932,174,066.11 0.40 -2.69 -2.46 Decrease by 0.24 income percentage point Total 6,124,554,444.71 5,518,452,007.04 9.90 -11.27 -12.32 Increase by 1.09 percentage points Main business by product Increase or Increase or Gross decrease of decrease of Increase or decrease profit operating operating Product Operating income Operating cost of gross profit rate rate income than cost than than previous year (%) (%) previous previous year (%) year (%) PVC 494,916,263.20 575,229,431.08 -16.23 -17.04 -32.51 Increase by 26.64 percentage points Sodium 1,282,836,609.51 940,728,848.52 26.67 -5.85 -3.67 Decrease by 1.66 hydroxide percentage points Chlorine 2,147,385,018.64 1,895,920,517.00 11.71 -17.99 -14.85 Decrease by 3.26 products percentage points Other 2,199,416,553.36 2,106,573,210.44 4.22 -5.39 -5.90 Increase by 0.51 percentage point Total 6,124,554,444.71 5,518,452,007.04 9.90 -11.27 -12.32 Increase by 1.09 percentage points Main business by area Increase or Increase or Gross decrease of decrease of Increase or decrease profit operating operating Area Operating income Operating cost of gross profit rate rate income than cost than than previous year (%) (%) previous previous year (%) year (%) China 5,821,380,551.51 5,208,231,369.33 10.53 -11.40 -12.79 Increase by 1.43 percentage points 12 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Other 303,173,893.20 310,220,637.71 -2.32 -8.70 -3.62 Decrease by 5.39 countries percentage points Total 6,124,554,444.71 5,518,452,007.04 9.90 -11.27 -12.32 Increase by 1.09 percentage points b) Analysis on production and sale Increase or Increase or Increase or Sales Stock Output decrease of decrease of decrease of volume balance Main products ('0000 output than sales volume stock balance ('0000 ('0000 tons) previous than previous than previous tons) tons) year (%) year (%) year (%) PVC product 7.65 7.67 0.63 -11.49 -3.25 -10.13 Sodium 68.78 66.25 1.52 -5.82 -3.44 -28.58 hydroxide product Chlorine product 142.91 131.47 8.14 37.35 -1.45 23.42 c) Cost analysis Unit: RMB By sector Items of Ratio in Ratio in Amount in current Amount in same Change ratio Sector cost total cost total cost period period of last year (%) structure (%) (%) Industry Direct 2,860,008,053.66 48.73 3,614,263,644.00 57.42 -20.87 material Direct 96,854,436.74 1.65 92,817,782.97 1.47 4.35 labour Power 244,563,736.73 4.17 249,017,879.57 3.96 -1.79 Manufacture 355,203,896.99 6.05 331,797,420.12 5.27 7.05 cost Total 3,556,630,124.12 60.60 4,287,896,726.66 68.13 -17.05 Construction Direct 2,220,503.52 0.04 1,397,498.74 0.02 58.89 material Direct 3,688,472.71 0.06 1,581,052.08 0.03 133.29 labour Manufacture 23,738,840.58 0.40 22,470,081.24 0.36 5.65 cost Total 29,647,816.81 0.51 25,448,632.06 0.40 16.50 Trade Purchase 1,932,174,066.11 35.01 1,980,812,658.24 31.47 -2.46 income cost By product Items of Ratio in Ratio in Amount in current Amount in same Change ratio Product cost total cost total period period of last year (%) structure (%) cost (%) PVC Direct 382,641,803.88 6.52 593,100,331.68 9.42 -35.48 material Direct 17,460,930.59 0.30 22,641,881.58 0.36 -22.88 labour Power 95,674,768.66 1.63 108,524,507.82 1.72 -11.84 Manufacture 79,451,927.95 1.35 128,110,613.58 2.04 -37.98 cost Total 575,229,431.08 9.80 852,377,334.66 13.54 -32.51 Sodium Direct 729,098,699.59 12.42 846,403,320.03 13.45 -13.86 hydroxide material Direct 15,627,153.42 0.27 4,283,945.16 0.07 264.78 labour Power 94,463,749.19 1.61 86,798,377.75 1.38 8.83 Manufacture 101,539,246.32 1.73 39,077,055.00 0.62 159.84 cost Total 940,728,848.52 16.03 976,562,697.94 15.52 -3.67 Chlorine Direct 1,690,759,223.40 28.81 2,043,905,626.27 32.47 -17.28 13 / 64 2015 年年度报告 product material Direct 32,201,251.85 0.55 21,048,519.55 0.33 52.99 labour Power 43,801,478.39 0.75 42,051,606.32 0.67 4.16 Manufacture 129,158,563.36 2.20 119,573,405.43 1.90 8.02 cost Total 1,895,920,517.00 32.31 2,226,579,157.57 35.38 -14.85 (2) Expenses Unit: RMB Item 2015 2014 Increase or decrease (%) Selling cost 199,911,085.12 205,248,898.35 -2.60 Management expenses 402,196,032.57 633,388,738.66 -36.50 Financial expenses 140,436,053.89 121,456,535.42 15.63 Income tax expense 4,672,427.26 4,622,713.67 1.08 Analysis on reason for change of the expenses: a) The management expenses decreased by 36.50% than same period of last year, and this is mainly caused by the big decrease of the employees' dismissal benefit than previous year. b) The financial expenses increased by 15.63% than same period of last year, and this is mainly by the paid interest of new loan increased in current period. (3) Investment in R&D Details of R&D investment Unit: RMB Expense investment in R&D in current period 26,417,262.01 Capitalized investment in R&D in current period 10,476,368.80 Total of investment in R&D 36,893,630.81 Ratio of total investment in R&D in the operating income (%) 0.60 Number of R&D personnel in the Company 407 Ratio of R&D personnel in total employees of the Company (%) 27.37 Ratio of capitalized investment in R&D (%) 28.40 Note: In 2015 the Company still continued to focus on the advanced chlorine making process and new material technique to make R&D. The main projects included "the improvement on chlorine making with hydrogen chloride catalytic oxidation", "the research on quality improvement and processing application for the chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin" and "the development and application of the power-saving technology for electrolyzer". For the project of "the improvement on chlorine making with hydrogen chloride catalytic oxidation", the Company, based on the completed process package for the industrialized unit with the annual capacity of 100,000 tons and the suggestion of the specialists for evaluating the process package, conducted the research on the mono-tube exothermic character and the suitability of the raw material in the chemical industry zone to optimize further the performance of the catalyst. For the project of "the research on quality improvement and processing application for the chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin", the Company conducted quality tracing and evaluation to enhance the quality of the chlorinated polyvinyl chloride resin while making research on the process formula for the tubing and plumbing of the chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. (4) Cash flow Unit: RMB Item 2015 2014 Difference Net cash flow from operating activities 305,852,432.45 -29,059,999.83 334,912,432.28 Net cash flow from investment activities 462,369,445.87 -495,001,156.50 957,370,602.37 14 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Net cash flow from financing activities -930,062,240.97 353,435,963.67 -1,283,498,204.64 Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -162,165,661.15 -170,749,479.51 8,583,818.36 Note: a) The increase in net cash flow from operating activities is mainly caused by the decrease in the expenditure for employee's dismissal benefits and the increase in the income from government subsidies. b) The increase in cash flow from investing activities is mainly caused by the increase in the cash inflow from equity transfer and sale of buildings in current period. c) The decrease in net cash flow from financing activities is mainly caused by the increase in the outflow of funds due to return of loan in current period. 2) Note on significant changes in the profit caused by non main business √Applicable □Not applicable During the report period, the Company transferred its 90% equity interest in Dakai Company and 44% equity interest in Tiantan Company, and Wujing regional idly construction building transfer of assets, equity transfer and the transfer of assets total revenue RMB 230 million. Including the assets transfer of the building in idle land in Wujing area, the Company has totally got income of RMB 230,000,000. The reason for transfer: (1) strip non main business stripping to focus on development of the main business in the chemical industry zone; (2) revitalize the stock assets, improve the Company's assets structure, and release the liquidity of the stock assets. 3) Analysis on assets and liabilities Status of Assets and Liabilities Unit: RMB Ratio in Ratio in Closing balance Closing balance Change total total Item of current of previous ratio Remark assets assets period period (%) (%) (%) 240,425,945.13 402,636,250.64 Mainly caused by the Monetary repayment of loan and 4.96 7.00 -40.29 fund change of the consolidation range 136,446,799.31 220,825,719.39 Mainly caused by the Advance advance payment of projects 2.81 3.84 -38.21 accounts and decrease of power payment 3,561,716.78 1,895,445.80 Mainly caused by the Other increase of the revolving 0.07 0.03 87.91 receivables fund and the export rebates receivable in present period Deferred 20,529.71 1,229,186.56 Mainly caused by reducing income tax 0.00 0.02 -98.33 of the consolidation range assets Employees' 780,802.00 28,052,005.16 Mainly caused by the salary 0.02 0.49 -97.22 decrease in dismissal benefit payable appropriated 14,824,741.55 27,392,973.52 Caused by reducing of the Tax payable 0.31 0.48 -45.88 value added tax unpaid in present period Other 441,394,365.43 713,938,238.76 Mainly caused by return of 9.10 12.41 -38.17 payables loan of Huayi Group Long-term 645,000,000.00 950,000,000.00 Mainly caused by return of 13.30 16.51 -32.11 payables loan of Huayi Group Deferred 11,653,477.05 2,274,880.65 Caused by change of fair income tax 0.24 0.04 412.27 value in current period liabilities 15 / 64 2015 年年度报告 4) Analysis on operational information of the industry In 2015, the chlor-alkali industry entered the critical period of transition and upgrading. Due to the low economic environment, the global petrochemical industry strived continuously to adapt to the new trend. China's chlor-alkali industry also experienced severe situation and challenge. Due to the sharp problem of excess production capacity, less downstream market demand and low price of the main products, in 2015, the chlor-alkali market was very poor in general. In recent years, the growth rate of the productive capacity of sodium hydroxide has been decreasing rapidly, and even negative in this year. By the end of 2015, the production capacity of sodium hydroxide in China was 38,730,000 tons, decreasing by 0.95% than 2014 (39,100,000); the growth rate has got the inflection point. In the deepening reform with industrial restructuring and elimination of backward production capacity, the total capacity of PVC in China is 23,480,000 tons, again a negative growth, in which the increased production capacity including the paste resin is 780,000 tons and the capacity declared officially to be withdrawn is 1,190,000 tons, a net decrease of 410,000 tons. Domestic PVC production capacity continues the way of optimization and reorganization. 16 / 64 2015 年年度报告 5) Analysis on investment status (1) General analysis on the equity investments in outside entities Unit: RMB Closing Beginning Increase or Increase or decrease than same Item balance balance decrease period of last year (%) Long-term equity investment 28,885.54 27,073.64 1,811.90 6.69 Salable financial assets 42,407.82 34,985.57 7,422.26 21.22 Incl.: Measured with fair value 5,076.59 1,491.47 3,585.12 240.37 Measured as per cost 37,331.23 33,494.09 3,837.14 11.46 Analysis on the reason for change in equity investment: 1) Long-term equity investment increased by 6.69% year on year, mainly due to the new investment income in Huntsman confirmed in current period. 2) Measured with fair value the salable financial assets increased by 240.37% than same period of last year, mainly because the cost measurement changed to the fair value measurement due to lift of the tradable shares in current period. 3) Measured as per cost, the salable financial assets increased by 11.46% than same period of last year and this is mainly caused by the investment in Lianheng Company in creased in current period. a) Financial assets measured at fair value Unit: RMB Initial Closing balance of book Profit or loss in Change in owner's equity Accounting Source of Stock code Stock name investment cost value the report period in the report period subject share Double Coin Salable Legal person 600623 690,000.00 2,709,850.00 21,450.00 336,481.50 Share financial assets share Salable Legal person 600636 3F 360,000.00 8,972,805.60 5,398.80 542,947.32 financial assets share Shanghai Salable Legal person 600688 900,000.00 2,916,000.00 620,775.00 Petrochemical financial assets share Salable Legal person 600610 ZYD 2,095,000.00 32,586,840.00 22,868,880.00 financial assets share 17 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Salable Legal person 600637 Oriental Pearl 86,967.00 3,295,179.63 9,566.37 652.25 financial assets share Haitai Salable Legal person 600082 20,000.00 285,200.00 7,800.00 Development financial assets share Total 4,151,967.00 50,765,875.23 36,415.17 24,377,536.07 / / 6) Sales of important assets and equities Unit: RMB'0000 Difference between the disposal price and The amount of other composite Ratio of Price for Way for Time point of Basis for the time the shared part in the subsidiary's net income transferred to the profit or Name of equity equity equity losing control point of losing assets in the consolidated financial loss on investments related to the subsidiary disposal disposal disposal right control right statement corresponding to the disposed equity investment in original (%) investment subsidiary Change of Transferred Shanghai Dakai registration in the 10,814.42 90 through Dec. 14, 2015 1,981.17 912.30 Plastics Co., Ltd. Industry & agreement Commerce Bureau Change of Shanghai Tiantan Transferred registration in the Auxiliaries Co., 11,603.00 44 through Dec. 21, 2015 5,376.14 Industry & Ltd. agreement Commerce Bureau 7) Analysis on main controlled companies and participated companies (1) Operating performance of main controlled companies Unit: RMB'0000 Company name Business nature Registered capital Assets volume Net profit Shanghai Jinyuan Tap Water Co., Ltd. Tap water 900 1,574.35 175.32 Maintenance of petrochemical devices and Shanghai Chlor-Alkali machinery Co., Ltd. 3,000 2,789.74 653.04 engineering construction Shanghai Ruisheng Enterprise Co. Ltd. Trade 500 4,958.78 83.14 Shanghai Luwei Plastics Co., Ltd. Productioin of CPVC tubing and pipe fittings 5,000 3,156.52 -477.29 18 / 64 2015 年年度报告 (2) Influence of the net profit of the controlled subsidiary or the income of the participated subsidiary on the Company's net profit Unit: RMB'0000 Investment income Main products or Main business Main business Company name Business nature Net profit contributed by the service income profit participated company Sale of chemical Shanghai Ruisheng Enterprise Co. Ltd. Trade 28,786.44 1,225.93 83.14 83.14 material and products Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Machinery Co., Industry Machine manufacturing 10,430.18 2,353.31 653.04 544.18 Ltd. Shanghai Jinyuan Tap Water Co., Ltd. Industry Tap water 834.72 453.97 175.32 148.33 Production of CPVC Shanghai Luwei Plastics Co., Ltd. Chemical production and sale 1,414.60 -6.23 -477.29 -334.10 tubing and pipe fittings MDI refining and Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethane Co., Ltd. Chemical production and sale 296,015.09 23,293.98 14,865.88 4,459.76 polymer 3. Discussion and analysis on the Company's future development 1) Industrial competition pattern and development trend While the two leading products of chlor-alkali industry, sodium hydroxide and PVC, have changed from rapid development to the status of negative growth and capacity removing, the chlor-alkali industry has been fully aware of the importance of transformation, upgrading and innovation. With the implementation of a series of industrial policies, the efforts to integrate the chlor-alkali industry in the future will continue to increase, the product structure will be more reasonable, and the pace of going out will also be accelerated. The future development of the chlor-alkali industry will be facing great challenges, but also bears new chances, in which the industrial upgrading will be the greatest chance. In recent years, the government has issued a series of standards and norms for safety, environmental protection and energy consumption of the chlor-alkali industry, and has put forward new constraint requirements. In order to adapt to the new situation, the chlor alkali industry has also got some positive changes, the cooperation between the upstream and downstream will also be increasingly enhanced, and the strong enterprises will achieve the extension of the industrial chain and the complementation between areas through acquisition, merger and other means. 2) Development strategy of the Company Driven by two means: (1) The optimization and upgrading of the industrial chain of circulating economy in the chemical industry zone will be made through the self-developed of new technology for chlorine making, making the increasing demand of chlorine in the downstream of the chemical industry zone satisfied by cyclic utilization of the chlorine medium. At the same time, the Company will make use of the development and application of the power-saving technology for electrolyzer to enhance the technical content of the operating devices in the chemical industry zone, reduce the unit consumption and obtain better benefits. (2) The Company will strive to explore the way for industrial transformation and upgrading and mergers and acquisitions. It will build new production base through mergers and acquisitions in the area with cost advantage, extend the product chain, achieve the transformation and upgrading and increase the new profit growth point. It will strive to seek low-cost aand high-quality raw material market and advanced chemical technology abroad to master the 19 / 64 2015 年年度报告 internationally-advanced chemical technology, expand international raw materials market and sales market, implement the strategy of "going out from the chlor-alkali industry", "going out from Shanghai" and "going out from China" and promote the company's "innovation, upgrading and transformation to achieve new development. 3) Operating plan Faced with the situation of coexistence between chances and challenges and between pressure and power, the Company will take advantage of the situation to adapt to the new status of the economic development, promote the optimization of economic structure, promote the steady growth of business performance, boost the reform into depth, make steady progress, accelerate the transformation of development, and strive to achieve more e fficient and more sustainable development of higher quality. (1) Adhere to the green development as the premise to ensure safety and environmental protection controlled in all aspects. The Company will reshape the HSE management system to ensure system running effectively, strengthen the safety management measures and safety to enhance the intrinsic safety with great efforts, implement the responsibility, strengthen the examination with strict award and penalty to enhance the HSE execution force, and improve the environmental management system to achieve green chemical industry and social caring with responsibility of caring. (2) Strive to remove the loss and get profit and ensure all the measuress for reducing cost and enhancing efficiency implemented. The Company will stabilize the daily production and operation to ensure the high load operation of the profitable devices, optimize the sales structure to reduce procurement cost and seek to maximize the benefits, reduce the cost of public utilities costs to strengthen the efforts for implementing energy-saving and emission reducing projects and control strictly the three expenses and manufacturing cost to reduce the cost and improve the efficiency. (3) Accelerate the restructuring of Wujing and reform the organization structure to ensure to seize the opportunity and move forward in the restructuring. The Company will optimize and integrate the organizational structure to improving the performance appraisal system and the organization competitive power, complete the organizating of the commercial company to strengthen the trade and get value increasing in trade, accelerate the final adjustment of Wu Jing base to accelerate the disposal of assets and strive to make operation with no burden. (4) The Company will actively make planning in advance. For some idle or inefficient stock assets and strategic assets, the Company will introduce the third party cooperation, develop the third party service and take other measures to share the cost, revitalize the stock and enh ance the revenue. 4) Possible risks (1) Policy risk and industrial risk. The central committee of CCP has clearly put forward the general requirements of insisting on maintaining stability while stepping forward and the five tasks, removing productive capacity, removing the inventories, deleveraging, reducing cost and make up for weaknesses, in the economic work conference. The chlor-alkali industry has severe oversupply of productive capacity, so it must proceed to remove the excess productive capacity. (2) Product price risk. The over capacity in the chlor-alkali industry causes the risk of the product price falling down in 2016. Domestic and foreign sodium hydroxide market is still in a downward channel. The low cost competition in the international market makes the price of sodium hydroxide is lower than domestic market. The domestic downstream industries of sodium hydroxide, such as chemical fiber, papermaking, printing and dyeing and alumina, are in weakness of demand, so the price of sodium hydroxide is still in low position. This will affect the profitability of the Company’s leading product sodium hydroxide. 20 / 64 2015 年年度报告 (3) Raw material risk. Impacted by cold chain transportation, the Company's main raw material ethylene is of the unique commercial attributes, high fluctuations in price, and being easy to rise and difficult to fall. This will deviate from the production cost and bring risk to the control of the production cost of the Company's product ethylene dichloride. The electricity needed for sodium hydroxide is made as part of the raw material, but it is difficult to get policy favour for the price of the electricity for electrolysis under the guidance of existing location economy. Countermeasure (1) Further strengthen the policies and actions for achieving the object of the operating plan. (2) In the process of removing the productive capacity of PVC, seek the production base for producing the differentiated PVC with low cost raw material and enhance the competitive power in the process of transferring the paste resin production. (3) The Company will establish a commercial company to optimize the mode of purchase and sales, further expand the market, strengthen the efforts for product differentiation and the channel for purchase of raw material, and improve the anti-risk ability through reducing the raw material cost and increasing product sales price. 4) Note on the status and causes not disclosed as per criteria due to not being applicable to the provisions of the criteria or special causes □Applicable √Not applicable 5. Major Events 1. Proposal on profit distribution of ordinary shares or transfer of capital reserves 1) The formulation, implementation or adjustment of the cash dividend policy In 2012 the Company, according to relevant regulations of China Securities Regulatory Commission, Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau and Shanghai Stock Exchange, made amendment on relevant provisions related to profit distribution in the Articles of Association, further improved relevant decision-making process and mechanism, clarified the profit distribution form, the actual conditions and proportion of the cash dividend, the use principle of undistributed profit and other specific policies. During the report period, the Company, strictly in accordance with relevant provisions, executed the decision-making process of profit distribution and implemented the profit distribution plan. The Company's 2013 profit distribution plan: with the Company's total share capital of 1,156,399,976 shares as of Dec. 31, 2013 as the basis, the Company would distribute cash dividend of RMB 0.05 (including tax) for every 10 shares held to all shareholders, totally issuing the dividend of RMB 5,781,999.88, and all the remained undistributed profit would be carried forward to future distribution. The cash dividends for the shareholders of B share would be paid after converted to US Dollars. The profit distribution plan was examined and passed in the Company's 2013 annual shareholders' meeting (annual meeting) on May 7, 2014, and implemented on Jun. 19, 2014. 21 / 64 2015 年年度报告 2) The Company's profit distribution plan for ordinary shares or proposal and the plan for capital reserves transferred to share capital or proposal in recent 3 years (including the report period) Unit: RMB Issued dividend for Shares Total amount of Net profit attributable to Ratio in the net profit The year for Bonus share every 10 shares increased for cash dividend shareholders of the listed Company attributable to shareholders of dividend for every 10 held (RMB) (tax every 10 issued (tax in the consolidated statements in the listed Company in the distribution shares held included) shares held included) the year for dividend distribution consolidated statements (%) 2015 0 0 0 95,615,030.34 0 2014 0 0 0 0 -592,502,499.95 0 2013 0 0.05 0 5,781,999.88 16,623,782.76 34.78 3) If the profit is positive in the report period and the profit distributable to common shareholders by the parent company is positive but the Company does not lodge the proposal for profit distribution in cash for ordinary shares, the Company shall disclose in detail the reasons and the purpose and use plan of the undistributed profit □Applicable √Not applicable 2. Implementation of the commitment √Applicable □Not applicable 1) Commitments of the Company, shareholders, actual controller, purchaser, Directors, Supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the report period or left to the report period Has deadline for Implemented Commitment Commitment Commitment Commitment Time and period of the commitment implementation strictly in time or background type party content or not not Director, Increase the Increase the shares held within 6 months after Other Other Supervisor and Company's July 10 and committed not decreasing the Yes Yes commitment senior executives shares held shares held within 6 months after then 3. Fund occupation and the liquidation in the report period □Applicable √Not applicable 22 / 64 2015 年年度报告 4. Note of the Board of Directors on the "non-standard auditor's report" of the public accounting firm 1) Note of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee on the "non-standard auditor's report" of the public accounting firm □Applicable √Not applicable 2) The analysis and explanation of the Board of Directors on the cause and influence of the changes in the accounting policy, accounting estimate or accounting method □Applicable √Not applicable 3) The analysis and explanation of the Board of Directors on the cause and influence of corrected significant errors in earlier period □Applicable √Not applicable 5. Engagement and dismissal of the public accounting firm Unit: RMB'0000 Now engage Name of the domestic public accounting firm BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP Reward of the domestic public accounting firm 88 Audit term of years of the domestic public 5 accounting firm Name Reward Public accounting firm for audit BDO China Shu Lun Pan 35.2 of internal control Certified Public Accountants LLP Note on the engagement and dismissal of the public accounting firm □Applicable √Not applicable 6. Risk of suspension of listing Cause for suspension of listing and the the Company's measures for removing the suspension of listing None 23 / 64 2015 年年度报告 7. Events related to bankruptcy and reorganization □Applicable √Not applicable 8. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations □Applicable √Not applicable 9. Penalties to the listed Company, Directors, Supervisors, senior executives, controlling shareholder, actual controller and purchaser and the corrections □Applicable √Not applicable 10. The Company's equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan and other incentives to the employees and the influences □Applicable √Not applicable 11. Significant related transactions √Applicable □Not applicable 1) The related transactions associated with routine operations (1) Events not disclosed by provisional announcements √Applicable □Not applicable Unit: RMB Ratio in total amount of Type of related Content of related Pricing principle for Amount of related Related transaction party Related relation the transactions of same transaction transaction related transaction transaction type (%) Shanghai Huayi Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 129.84 0.02 company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Tianyuan Chemical Controlled subsidiary of parent Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 83.47 0.01 Logistics Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Creation Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 762.01 0.13 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Group Equipment Wholly-owned subsidiary of Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 48.03 0.01 Engineering Co., Ltd. parent company negotiated price Shanghai Chemical Supply and Marketing Wholly-owned subsidiary of Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 20.93 0.00 Co., Ltd. parent company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi New Energy Chemical Wholly-owned subsidiary of Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 436.53 0.08 Sales Co., Ltd. parent company negotiated price 24 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Shanghai Huayi Information Technology Controlled subsidiary of parent Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 20.59 0.00 Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Group Huayuan Chemical Wholly-owned subsidiary of Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 11.69 0.00 Co., Ltd. parent company negotiated price Shanghai White Elephant & Swan Battery Controlled subsidiary of parent Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 0.12 0.00 Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Huayi Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Purchase goods Material purchase Settled through 18,115.59 3.20 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Chemical Industry Inspection & Wholly-owned subsidiary of Receive service Receive service Settled through 252.87 0.04 Detection Co., Ltd. parent company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Tianyuan Chemical Controlled subsidiary of parent Receive service Receive service Settled through 2,413.34 0.43 Logistics Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai New Tianyuan Chemical Transport Controlled subsidiary of parent Receive service Receive service Settled through 461.95 0.08 Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Creation Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Receive service Receive service Settled through 2,244.83 0.40 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Engineering Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Receive service Receive service Settled through 3,246.63 0.57 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Information Technology Controlled subsidiary of parent Receive service Receive service Settled through 145.42 0.03 Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai Pacific Chemica Equipment Controlled subsidiary of parent Receive service Receive service Settled through 22.22 0.00 Engineering Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent Sell goods Product sale Settled through 347.33 0.07 company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Group Huayuan Chemical Wholly-owned subsidiary of Sell goods Product sale Settled through 2.08 0.00 Co., Ltd. parent company negotiated price Shanghai 3F New Materials Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent Sell goods Product sale Settled through 36.23 0.00 company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Tianyuan Chemical Controlled subsidiary of parent Sell goods Product sale Settled through 4.9 0.00 Logistics Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Creation Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Sell goods Product sale Settled through 53.73 0.01 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Tianyuan Group Shengde Plastics Wholly-owned subsidiary of Sell goods Product sale Settled through 441.67 0.08 Co., Ltd. parent company negotiated price Shanghai Resin Plant Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Sell goods Product sale Settled through 25.98 0.00 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent Sell goods Product sale Settled through 344.87 0.06 company negotiated price Shanghai Chemical Supply and Marketing Wholly-owned subsidiary of Sell goods Product sale Settled through 162.74 0.03 Co., Ltd. parent company negotiated price Shanghai Sanaisi Reagent Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Sell goods Product sale Settled through 0.99 0.00 25 / 64 2015 年年度报告 parent company negotiated price Huayi Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Sell goods Product sale Settled through 1,190.30 0.22 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Yiping Pigment Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent Sell goods Product sale Settled through 34.92 0.01 company negotiated price Yixing Huayi Colourating Science and Controlled subsidiary of parent Sell goods Product sale Settled through 384.42 0.07 Technology Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Tianyuan Chemical Controlled subsidiary of parent Sell goods Provide service Settled through 584.35 0.11 Logistics Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Engineering Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Provide service Provide service Settled through 729.51 0.14 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Polymer Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of Provide service Provide service Settled through 194.20 0.04 parent company negotiated price Shanghai Huayi Information Technology Controlled subsidiary of parent Provide service Provide service Settled through 118.13 0.02 Co., Ltd. company negotiated price Double Coin Holdings, Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent Provide service Provide service Settled through 3.25 0.00 company negotiated price Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethane Co., Ltd. Affiliated company Provide service Provide service Settled through 13.38 0.00 negotiated price Total / 33,089.04 5.86 Particulars of big sale return Note on related transactions The transactions between the Company and the related parties is needed by the Company's routine operating activities for purchase of raw material and sale of products of the regular business activities, as well as the expenditures for payment of service and custody business produced from stripping the non recurring assets and non core business. These are necessary supplements for professional cooperations and mutual exchange of merits between the Company and the controlled shareholder and between partial subordinate enterprises, and such related transactions shall be continued in future. 2) Related transactions from acquisition and sale of assets or equity (1) Events disclosed already in the provisional announcement and having subsequent progress or change On October 19, 2015 the Company convened the 25th meeting of 8th Board of Directors, examined and passed the Motion on the Related Transaction for Transfer of 90% Equity Interests of Shanghai Dakai Plastics Co., Ltd. The Company should transfer the 90% equity interest of Dakai Company held to Shanghai 26 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Huayi Group Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. with the evaluated price of RMB 108,114,217.90. On Dec. 14, 2015 it completed the alteration of industrial & commercial registration. It examined and passed the Motion on the Related Transaction for Transfer of 44% Equity Interest of Shanghai Tiantan Auxiliaries Co., Ltd. The Company should transfer the 44% equity interest of Tiantan Company to Shanghai Huayi Group Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. with the evaluated price of RMB 117,295,649.81. On Dec. 21, 2015 it completed the alteration of industrial & commercial registration. On October 28, 2015 the Company convened the 26th meeting of 8th Board of Directors, which examined and passed the Motion on the Related Transaction for Transfer of the Building Assets in the Idle Land of Wujing area, transferring such assets to Shanghai Huayi Holdings Company. On November 24, 2015 it completed the signing of the transfer of the buildings. (2) Events not disclosed by provisional announcements □Applicable √Not applicable 3) Significant related transactions of common investment (1) Events not disclosed by provisional announcements □Applicable √Not applicable 4) Related creditor's rights and debts (1) Events not disclosed by provisional announcements √Applicable □Not applicable Unit: RMB’ Provide fund to the related party The related party provided fund to the listed Company Related party Related relation Beginning balance Amount Closing balance Beginning balance Amount Closing balance Shanghai Huayi Tianyuan Chemical Controlled subsidiary of parent 42.36 -8.79 33.57 111.89 -105.54 6.35 Logistics Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Creation Co., Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 17.37 -11.34 6.03 85.16 -33.51 51.65 Ltd. company Shanghai Resin Plant Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 6.87 -2.87 4.00 company Shanghai Tianyuan Group Shengde Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 2,200.33 -100.82 2,099.51 Plastics Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Dye Chemical Plant Controlled subsidiary of parent 37.62 -0.46 37.16 company Shanghai Huayi Engineering Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 2,954.20 -2,925.69 28.51 16.52 -5.10 11.42 company Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent 54.53 34.31 88.84 company Shanghai Huayi Fine Chemical Co. Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 0.47 0.00 0.47 (formerly Shanghai Paint Co,. Ltd.) company 27 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Shanghai Soap Making Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent 33.35 0.00 33.35 0.54 0.00 0.54 company Shanghai Huayi Energy Chemical Co., Controlled subsidiary of parent 241.56 -97.38 144.18 Ltd. company Shanghai 3F New Materials Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent 34.84 -12.96 21.88 company Shanghai Huayi Polymer Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 76.43 31.09 107.52 company Shanghai Peony Printing Ink Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent 1.86 -1.86 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.14 company Shanghai Yiping Pigment Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent 0.00 6.75 6.75 company Yixing Huayi Coloration Science and Controlled subsidiary of parent 0.00 303.40 303.40 Technology Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Huayi Information Controlled subsidiary of parent 0.00 65.93 65.93 9.91 -1.20 8.71 Technology Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Tiantan Auxiliaries Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent 0.00 0.81 0.81 company Shanghai Huayi New Energy Chemical Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 0.09 -0.09 0.00 Sales Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Chlor-alkali Creation Co., Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 0.00 1.05 1.05 Ltd. Fluorine Ware Branch company Shanghai New Tianyuan Chemical Controlled subsidiary of parent 25.37 -14.29 11.08 Transport Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Chemical Industry Inspection Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 7.84 -6.43 1.41 & Detection Co., Ltd. company Shanghai White Elephant & Swan Controlled subsidiary of parent 0.06 -0.06 0.00 Battery Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Chemical Supply and Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 25.12 -14.76 10.36 Marketing Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Huayi Group Equipment Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 0.00 12.20 12.20 Engineering Co., Ltd. company Huayi Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 0.00 3,730.85 3,730.85 company Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company Controlling shareholder 157,666.24 -57,980.50 99,685.74 Shanghai Shenyu Medicine Chemical Controlled subsidiary of parent 0.02 0.00 0.02 Co., Ltd. company Shanghai Huifeng Resin Plant Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent 5.14 0.00 5.14 company Shanghai Huayi Group Huayuan Controlled subsidiary of parent 2.61 -2.44 0.17 Chemical Co., Ltd. company 28 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Shanghai Sanaisi Reagent Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent 0.08 0.00 0.08 company Shanghai Dye Chemical Sales Co., Ltd. Controlled subsidiary of parent 0.03 -0.03 0.00 company Shanghai Huayi Group Finance Co., Affiliated company 51.02 -43.98 7.04 Ltd. Total 5,701.88 -2,718.92 2,982.96 158,007.69 -54,464.79 103,542.90 Cause for the related creditor's rights and debts Caused by purchase and sale in regular production and operation Influence of the related creditor's rights and debts on the Company Makes no influence on the Company's operating results and financial status 12. Important contracts and the implementation 1) Custody, contracting and leasing √Applicable □Not applicable (1) Custody □Applicable √Not applicable (2) Contracting □Applicable √Not applicable (3) Leasing √Applicable □Not applicable Unit: RMB'0000 Basis for Amount Related Name of leasing Leased Start date of End date of Income setting Name of lossor of leased transaction Related relation party assets leasing leasing on leasing leasing assets or not income Shanghai Settled Shanghai Huayi Chlor-Alkali Fixed through Controlled subsidiary Tianyuan Chemical 4,537.31 2015-1-1 2015-12-31 1,066.24 Yes Chemical Co., assets negotiated of parent company Logistics Co., Ltd. Ltd. price Shanghai Settled Shanghai Tianyuan Wholly-owned Chlor-Alkali Fixed through Group Shengde 689.38 01-01-2015 12-31-2015 690.00 Yes subsidiary of parent Chemical Co., assets negotiated Plastics Co., Ltd. company Ltd. price 29 / 64 2015 年年度报告 2) Guarantee □Applicable √Not applicable 3) Management on cash assets made through committing others (1) Financing through commitment □Applicable √Not applicable (2) Loan through commitment □Applicable √Not applicable (3) Other financing investment and derivative investment □Applicable √Not applicable 4) Other important contracts None 13. Note on other major events □Applicable √Not applicable 14. Fulfillment of social responsibility 1) Work on social responsibility For details, see 2015 Social Responsibility Report of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. announced in the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange: www.sse.com.cn on March 29, 2016. 15. Convertible bond of the Company □Applicable √Not applicable 30 / 64 2015 年年度报告 6. Changes of Ordinary Shares and Particulars of Shareholders 1. Changes of ordinary shares 1) Changes of ordinary shares (1) Changes of ordinary shares In the report period, the total number and share structure of the ordinary share were not changed. (2) Other content deemed necessary by the Company to be disclosed or required by the securities regulatory institution to be disclosed 2) Changes of the shares limited to be sold □Applicable √Not applicable 2. Issuing and listing of securities 1) Securities issuing in the report period Note on the securities issuing in the report period (for bonds with different interest rates, state respectively): There was no such instance during the report period. 2) Changes of the total number of the ordinary shares and structure of the shareholders and changes of the structure of the Company's assets and liabilities During the report period, the Company did not have any change in the total number and structure of the shares caused by bonus shares and rationed shares. 3) Existing internal staff shares The Company does not have any staff shares. 3. Particulars of the shareholders and the actual controller 1) Total number of shareholders Total number of ordinary shareholders as of end of the report period 80,974 Total number of ordinary shareholders at end of the previous month before the disclosing date of the 82,540 annual report 31 / 64 2015 年年度报告 2) Top 10 shareholders, top 10 holders of tradable shares (or shares with no limited sales condition) Unit: Share Top 10 shareholders Increase or Pledged or frozen status Shares held at Shares with decrease in Ratio Nature of Name of shareholder (in full) end of the limited sales the report (%) Share status Number shareholder report period condition period 0 State owned Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company 0 581,592,347 50.29 0 None legal person SCBHK A/C BBH S/A VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS 0 Overseas -789,500 7,859,532 0.68 0 None STOCK INDEX FUND legal person 0 State owned Central Huijin Asset Management Limited Liability Company 7,438,100 7,438,100 0.64 0 None legal person VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX 0 Overseas 1,717,000 4,252,800 0.37 0 None FUND legal person 0 Domestic Jin Zhangxian 4,080,000 4,080,000 0.35 0 None natural person 0 Domestic Miao Guoqing 3,730,000 3,730,000 0.32 0 None natural person 0 Domestic Fang Jianwei 1,683,511 3,402,987 0.29 0 None natural person 0 Domestic Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd.-Huaxia non state 2,622,057 2,622,057 0.23 0 None Leading Share Type Securities Investment Fund owned legal person 0 State owned Bank of China Wuxi Branch 0 2,605,981 0.23 0 None legal person 0 Domestic China Costruction Bank Corp. - Huaxia Advantage Growth non state 2,037,900 2,037,900 0.18 0 None Hybrid Securities Investment Fund owned legal person 32 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Top 10 holders with no limited sales condition Number of shares Type and number of shares Name of shareholder with no limited sales Type Number condition Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company 581,592,347 Renminbi ordinary share 581,592,347 SCBHK A/C BBH S/A VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK 7,859,532 Domestic listed foreign capital 7,859,532 INDEX FUND share Central Huijin Asset Management Limited Liability Company 7,438,100 Renminbi ordinary share 7,438,100 VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND 4,252,800 Domestic listed foreign capital 4,252,800 share Jin Zhangxian 4,080,000 Domestic listed foreign capital 4,080,000 share Miao Guoqing 3,730,000 Domestic listed foreign capital 3,730,000 share Fang Jianwei 3,402,987 Domestic listed foreign capital 3,402,987 share Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd.-Huaxia Leading Share 2,622,057 2,622,057 Renminbi ordinary share Type Securities Investment Fund Bank of China Wuxi Branch 2,605,981 Renminbi ordinary share 2,605,981 China Costruction Bank Corp. - Huaxia Advantage Growth Hybrid 2,037,900 2,037,900 Renminbi ordinary share Securities Investment Fund Note on the related relation or concerted actions for above shareholders The Company's shares have all been tradable since November 12, 2009, so it has no any holder of shares with no limited sales condition. It is unknown to the Company whether there is related relation or the concerted actor specified in the Management Method on Information Disclosure for Shareholding Change of the Shareholders of Listed Companies 4. Particulars of the controlling shareholder and the actual controller 1) Particulars of the controlling shareholder (1) Legal person Name Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company Unit principal or legal representative Liu Xunfeng Establishment date January 23, 1997 33 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Main business Operation and management of state-owned assets within authorized range, investment on industry, manufacture and sale for chemical and medical products and equipment, installation, maintenance and contracted service for projects of chemical and medical equipment. Shares held in other domestic or overseas During the report period Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company held 72.15% equity interest of Double Coin Holdings listed companies during the report period Limited and 31.53% equity interest of Shanghai 3F New Material Co., Ltd.. 2) Particulars of the actual controller (1) Legal person Name State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shanghai Municipal Government 34 / 64 2015 年年度报告 5. Note on the limitation of shares for reduction □Applicable√Not applicable 7. Particulars of the Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Staff Members 1. Changes in shareholding and particulars of rewards 1) Particulars of Directors, Supervisors and senior executives (including the ones leaving post during the report period) √Applicable □Not applicable Unit: Share Get reward Reward got from the from the Shares Increase Company during the Start date of End date of Shares held at Reason of Company's Name Position (note) Gender Age held at or report period office term office term year-beginning change related year-end decrease (RMB'0000)(before party or tax) not Bought Huang Chairman of the from Male 57 12-30-2014 12-20-2015 0 1,000 1,000 0 No Dailie Board secondary market Director, Party Bought Hu secretary and from Male 60 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 3,000 3,000 82.71 No Yongkang deputy general secondary manager market Bought Zhang Director, from Male 48 08-30-2015 12-20-2015 0 10,000 10,000 13.04 No Weiming general manager secondary market Wang Director Male 49 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 1,000 1,000 0 No Zengjin Bought Employee from Yu Zhaojun representative Male 57 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 2,000 2,000 62.55 No secondary Director market 35 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Li Independent Male 41 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 0 0 10 No Zengquan Director Zhang Independent Male 53 12-30-2014 12-20-2015 0 0 0 10 No Guoming Director Shao Independent Male 51 12-30-2014 12-20-2015 0 0 0 10 No Zhengzhong Director Bought Zhang Outside from Male 45 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 1,000 1,000 10 No Wenlei Director secondary market Chairman of Chen Yao Supervisory Male 52 09-17-2013 12-20-2015 0 0 0 0 No Committee Bought from Yu Bing Supervisor Male 41 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 1,000 1000 0 No secondary market Bought from Dong Yan Supervisor Female 42 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 1,000 1000 48.34 No secondary market Bought Employee Wang from representative Female 54 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 10,000 10000 38.35 No Mingchun secondary Supervisor market Bought Employee Wang from representative Male 53 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 1,000 1000 70.51 No Linzhao secondary Supervisor market Bought Chao from CFO Male 40 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 1,000 1000 56.65 No Jinrong secondary market Bought Yuan Deputy general Male 47 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 1,000 1,000 from 65.85 No Maoquan manager secondary 36 / 64 2015 年年度报告 market Bought Secretary of the from Xu Peiwen Board of Male 59 12-20-2012 12-20-2015 0 7,000 7,000 57.67 No secondary Directors market Bought Deputy general from Wang Hao Male 48 11-07-2014 12-20-2015 12,500 22,500 10,000 24.16 No manager secondary market Total / / / / / 12,500 62,500 50,000 / 559.83 / Name Main work experience He used to be the Deputy Party secretary, executive Director and general manager of Shanghai Huayi Group Enterprise Development Co., Ltd. and Huang Dailie manager of Enterprise Adjustment Department of Huayi Group. Now he is deputy secretary of CPC Committee of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company, chairman of trade union, employee Director and Chairman of the Board of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Hu He used to be general manager, Party secretary and Chairman of the Board of Shanghai Wujin Chemical Co., Ltd. and Party secretary and deputy Yongkang general manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the assistant of general manager and deputy general manager of Shanghai Huayi Acrylic Acid Co., Ltd., deputy general manager of Zhang economic operating department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and general manager of safety & environmental protection department and Weiming chief of armed security department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company. Now he is the Director and general manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the chief economist and assets controller of assets financial department, head of management department and deputy general manager of Tyre & Rubber Group Co., Ltd., routine vice director and director of Tyre Research Institute of Tyre & Rubber Group Co., Ltd., deputy general Wang manager of Double Coin Holdings Limited and general manager of assets management department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company. Now he Zengjin is the general manager of assets management department, member of CPC committee and deputy secretary of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be Party secretary of PVC factory of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the employee representative director, Deputy Yu Zhaojun Party secretary, secretary of Party discipline committee and chairman of trade union of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the professor and master's tutor in Accounting Institute of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, senior researcher and senior visiting scholar of Accounting Department of City University of Hong Kong, Independent Director of Bus Share, Independent Director of Haibo Share and financial consultation expert of Xuhui District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and has got the Li Zengquan title of Twilight Scholar. Now he is the vice dean of Accounting Institute of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, proofreader of Economic Research and many other authoritative periodicals, member of editorial board of China Journal of Accounting Research, Independent Director of Oriental Fortune, Independent Director of East China Computer, Independent Director of Shenneng Share and Independent Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. 37 / 64 2015 年年度报告 He used to be the deputy general manager of Shanghai Lianfa Property Management Development Company, executive director of Hong Kong Tianhe Asset Management Company, Independent Director of Shanghai Qiangsheng Holdings Co., Ltd and Chairman of the Board of Shanghai Zhang Jiaxiang Investment Co., Ltd. Now he is Chairman of the Board of Shanghai Nowei Investment Management Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Guoming Shanghai Dingli Refreshing Technology Co., Ltd., Independent Director of Dongfeng Electronic Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Independent Director of Shanghai Xinpeng Industrial Co., Ltd. and Independent Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the lecturer of material science department of Fudan University, the lecturer, associate professor, subdean and professor of polymer science department of Fudan University and associate professor of biology research institute of Aarhus University in Denmark. Now he is the Shao doctoral tutor in polymer science department of Fudan University. He is also the councilor of Shanghai Municipal Chemistry & Chemical Zhengzhong Engineering Association, subeditor of Journal of Materials Chemistry-B of Britain Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and member of multiple academic committees and the Independent Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be deputy chief of technical operation department, chief of general department and deputy secretary general of China Chlor-Alkali Zhang Industry Association. Now he is vice chairman and secretary general of China Chlor-Alkali Industry Association, routine councilor of China Wenlei Petrochemical Industry Association, vice chairman of China Chemical Environment Protection Association, Independent Director of Binhua Co., Ltd., Independent Director of Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Group Co., Ltd. and outside Director of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the manager of foreign cooperation department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company, Party secretary, deputy general manager of Double Coin Holdings Limited and secretary of discipline committee of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company. Now he is the member of CPC Chen Yao committee of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and depuby general manager of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Co., Ltd. and Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the deputy general manager, CFO, manager of finance department of Huayi Group Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., and deputy Yu Bin general manager of financial department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and general manager of Shanghai Minhang Huayi Petty Loan Co., Ltd. Now he is th deputy general manager of Shanghai Huayi Group Finance Co., Ltd. and Supervisor of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. She used to be the member of cadre section and allotment section of human resource department and chief of personnel wage section of Shanghai Tianyuan (Group) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., and the assistant manager and manager of human resource department Dong Yan of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now she is the Supervisor and deputy chief economic engineer of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be deputy Party secretary, secretary of Party disciplinary committee and chairman of trade union of PVC factory of Shanghai Wang Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., vice chairman of trade union of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. and secretary of CPC committee of Mingchun PVC factory. Now he is the employee representative Supervisor of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the manager of production control department of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., deputy general manager of Shanghai Wang Tianyuan Huasheng Chemical Co., Ltd., secretary of CPC general branch and factory director of Huasheng Chemical Plant. and production Linzhao controller of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the employee representative Supervisor and assistant of general manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the deputy manager of assets department of Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company and deputy general manager of Shanghai Huayi Cao Jinrong Group Investment Co., Ltd. Now he is CFO of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Yuan He used to be the assistant chief and routine deputy chief of technical center of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Company and deputy chief Maoquan engineer of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Now he is the deputy general manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. 38 / 64 2015 年年度报告 He used to be the Board Secretary of Shanghai Tianyuan (Group) Co., Ltd., and since 2000 he has been the Board Secretary and chief of the Board Xu Peiwen Secretary's office of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He used to be the manager of technical development department of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. and assistant general manager and Chen Jiang deputy general manager of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. He left the post in the Company in August 2015. 2) Equity incentive awarded to the Director, Supervisor and senior executives during the report period □Applicable√Not applicable 2. Particulars of Directors, Supervisors and senior executives (including the ones leaving post during the report period) 1) Position in shareholder's unit √Applicable □Not applicable Name Name of shareholder's unit Position in shareholder's unit Start date of office term Huang Dailie Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company Deputy secretary of CPC Committee, chairman of trade 12-02-0215 union and employee Director Chen Yao Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company Vice president 12-02-0215 2) Position in other unit √Applicable □Not applicable Name Name of other unit Position in other unit Start date of office term Zhang Weiming Shanghai Huntsman Polyurethane Co., Ltd. Director, Vice Chairman of the 08-20-2015 Board of Directors Zhang Weiming Shanghai Huayi Group Financial Responsibility Co., Ltd. Director 08-20-2015 Li Zengquan East Money Information Co., Ltd. Independent Director 01-22-2014 Li Zengquan Shanghai East China Computer Co., Ltd. Independent Director 04-19-2014 Li Zengquan Shenneng Co., Ltd. Independent Director 05-20-2014 Zhang Wenlei Binhua Group Co., Ltd. Independent Director 05-09-2014 Zhang Wenlei Tangshan Sanyou Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. Independent Director 09-15-2014 Wang Linzhao Shanghai Jinyuan Tap Water Co., Ltd. Director 07-01-2014 Wang Linzhao Shanghai Lianheng Isocyanic Acid Grease Co., Ltd. Director 01-10-2016 Cao Jinrong Shanghai Ruisheng Enterprise Co. Ltd. Executive Director 03-01-2012 39 / 64 2015 年年度报告 3. Rewards of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives Decision-making process for the rewards of the The rewards of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives shall be decided by the Company's salary & Directors, Supervisors and senior executives examination committee. Basis for deciding the rewards of the Directors, Issued according to the "Examination Measures for the Reward of the Directors, Supervisors and senior Supervisors and senior executives executives". Actual issuing of the rewards of the Directors, The Board of Directors decided the reward standard for the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives Supervisors and senior executives getting salary from the Company this year and paid the rewards monthly in accordance with the Company's unified salary management system and the annual performance review by the salary & checking committee of the Board of Directors. The standard for allowance to Independent Directors was examined and passed by the shareholders' meeting. Total reward got actually by all the Directors, RMB 5,598,300 Supervisors and Senior Executives at end of the report period 4. Changes of the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives Name Position Change Reason of change Zhang Director, general manager Engaged On August 14, 2015 he was engaged as the general manager by the 23rd meeting Weimin of 8 Board of Directors. On August 31, 2015, he was elected as the Director by the Company's first provisional shareholders' meeting of 2015. Chen Jiang Deputy general manager Leaved post In August 2015 he submitted the resignation for personal reason. 5. Punishment by the securities regulatory authorities in recent 3 years □Applicable √Not applicable 40 / 64 2015 年年度报告 6. Employees of the parent company and main subsidiaries 1) Particulars of employees Number of in-service employees of the parent company 1,117 Number of in-service employees of main subsidiaries 223 Total number of in-service employees 1,340 Number of retired employees borne by the parent company 4188 and main subsidiaries Profession structure Type of profession Number of people Production personnel 732 Sales people 46 Technical personnel 114 Finance personnel 19 Administrative personnel 206 Total 1,117 Educational status Type of educational status Number of people Bachelor or higher 283 Junior college 348 Senior high school (technical secondary school) 418 Lower than senior high school 68 Total 1,117 2) Salary policy The Company implements the "Position Level Salary Measures of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.". 3) Training plan In 2015 the Company made employee training for 5598 mentimes. The training includes 4418 mentimes for front-line employees, accounting for 78.92% in total training. The main training content: post operation training, all special work training (including the training for obtaining certificate of post), QHSE training, post change training, skill grade training (including the training for certificate), HSE training, team building training and the training for enhancing the management skill of first-line manager. The training includes 1180 mentimes for non front-line employees, accounting for 21.08% in total training. Main training content: Professional skill training for engineers, special topic lecture for specialized technical personnel, management and strategy course training, title and further education training, QHS training, HSE training and other post ability training. 8. Company Governance 1. Introduction for the Company's governance The Company kept on improving the Company's corporate governance structure, regulating its operation and strengthening its internal management strictly in accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Company Law, Securities Law and the Management Principle of the Listed Companies and the files for company's governance issued by China Securities Regulatory Committee and Shanghai Stock Exchange. 1) About the shareholders and the shareholders' meeting The Company convened the shareholders' meeting strictly according to relevant provisions and procedures in the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure of the Shareholders' Meeting. It can ensure the equal position and lawful rights and interests of all the shareholders, especially the middle and small shareholders, let them enjoy and exercise fully their rights. All of the Company's related transactions have been made strictly according to the principle of fair and equitable, the 41 / 64 2015 年年度报告 pricing principle are disclosed to the public, and the related Director and related shareholders avoided the voting. 2) The controlling shareholder and the listed Company The controlling shareholder exercises its right and bears the obligation according to law, not intervening directly or indirectly the Company's decision-making and operating activities without the authority of the shareholders' meeting. The Company and the controlling shareholder make Five Independence, i.e. assets, business, organization, finance and personnel. The Company's Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and the internal institutions can all make operation independently to ensure the Company making and implementing the significant decisions independently. 3) The Directors and the Board of Directors The Company elects the Directors strictly in accordance with the procedure specified in the Company Law and Articles of Association, the Board of Directors is of scientific composition, clear responsibilities and perfect systems. The Company establishes four special committees, i.e. strategy, audit, nomination and salary & checking, under the Board of Directors, and all these committees can work earnestly and diligently strictly in accordance with the Articles of Association and the Work Enforcement Regulations of the Special Committees under the Board of Directors. For the Company's significant decisions and investments all the Directors can well play their professional role, raise their professional opinions and proposals, provide great support to the Company's scientific policy-making, and perform their duties loyally, cautiously, earnestly and diligently. 4) Supervisors and the Supervisory Committee The Company's Supervisory Committee elects the Supervisors strictly in accordance with the procedure specified in the Company Law and the Articles of Association, and the convening procedure conforms to the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Committee and has intact and true meeting record. The Company's Supervisors can perform earnestly their duties, make supervision independently on the Company's finance and operation status and the legitimacy and compliance of the Company's Directors, managers and other senior executives based on the manner of being responsible to all the shareholders, and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the Company and the shareholders. 5) The performance appraisal and incentive and constraint mechanism The Company has established and gradually improved the performance appraisal standard and incentive and constraint mechanism for the Directors, Supervisors and senior executives, and the engagement of the senior executives is open and transparent and meets the requirements of relevant laws and statutes. 6) Information disclosure and transparence The Company has truly, accurately, completely and timely discloses relevant information strictly in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and codes and its own Management System on the Information Disclosure Affairs and the internal report system on Significant Information, and ensure all the investors can obtain effective information equally. In the report period, the Company totally completed 4 periodic reports and 31 provisional announcements, making the investors can learn the status of the Company timely, fairly, accurately and completely. 7) Management on insider information During the report period, the Company executed strictly the Management on Registration of the Persons in the Know of Insider Information, got down with the work on keeping secreat of the insider information and required to fill in the record file of the person in the know of the insider information to safeguard the interest of the shareholders. 2. Briefing on the shareholders' meeting Convening Index on the website specified for Date for disclosing The meeting date carrying the resolutions the resolutions 2014 shareholders' 06-26-2015 www.sse.com.cn 06-27-2015 meeting 2015 first provisional 08-31-2015 www.sse.com.cn 09-01-2015 shareholders' meeting 2015 2nd provisional 11-16-2015 www.sse.com.cn 11-17-2015 shareholders' meeting 42 / 64 2015 年年度报告 3. Duty performance of the Directors 1) Particulars of the Directors for joining the Board meetings and shareholders meeting Particulars of joining Particulars of joining the Board meetings the shareholders' meeting Independent Name of Whether not Director or Number Director attending in Number of not of Board Number of Number of Number of Number person the attendances meetings attendances attendances attendances of meeting in the in through through in person absences consecutively shareholders' current communication commitment for 2 times or meeting year not Huang No 10 10 0 0 0 No 3 Dailie Hu No 10 10 0 0 0 No 3 Yongkang Zhang No 2 2 0 0 0 No 1 Weiming Wang No 10 10 0 0 0 No 2 Zengjin Yu Zhaojun No 10 10 0 0 0 No 3 Li Yes 10 10 0 0 0 No 1 Zengquan Zhang Yes 10 10 0 0 0 No 2 Guoming Shao Yes 10 10 0 0 0 No 3 Zhengzhong Zhang No 10 10 0 0 0 No 2 Wenlei Number of Board meetings convened in current 10 year Incl.: Number of on-site meetings 1 Number of meetings convened through 9 communication Number of meetings convened on-site and through 0 communication 2) Objection of the Independent Directors on relevant events of the Company Note on objection of the Independent Directors for relevant events of the Company In the report period, the Independent Directors did not make any objection for relevant events. 4. Important opinions and proposals raised by the special committees under the Board of Directors while performing their duties in the report period, and if any objection exists, the details shall be disclosed In 2015 the special committee of the Company's Board of Directors, based on the provisions of the Enforcement Regulations of Special Committees under the Board of Directors, performed their duties earnestly, conducted work actively, gave full play to their own special skills and played active role on the decision-making of the Board of Directors for significant events. The audit committee could perform its duty earnestly in the work for annual report and relevant work, raised construction suggestions on the Company's periodic report, internal control systems, asset disposal and related transactions, and supervised the Company to make healthful, stable and rapid development furthermore. The salary & checking committee convened meeting to check the salary of the senior executives in 2014, and raised the checking plan on the salary of the senior executives in 2015. The nomination committee convened the meeting to discuss and make proposal for change of the Company's Directors. The Company lay stress on exerting the knowledge of the special committees 43 / 64 2015 年年度报告 under the Board of Directors in specialty and information to promote the decision-making of the Board of Directors more scientific and more effective. 5. Note of the Supervisory Committee on discovering the Company's risk The Supervisory Committee did not have any objection on the supervision events in the report period. 6. Note of the Company on being unable to ensure independence and self operation capability in business, assets, organization and finance with the controlling shareholder The Company did not have any event of being unable to ensure independence and self operation capability in business, assets, organization and finance with the controlling shareholder 7. Establishing and implementing of the check mechanism and incentive mechanism for the senior executives in the report period The Company implements the Checking Method on the Salary of Senior Executives of the Company, and the salary & checking committee under the Board of Directors made the annual performance review, decided the reward standard for the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives getting salary from the Company and paid the rewards monthly. 8. Whether disclose the internal control self-assessment report or not √Applicable □Not applicable For details of the Internal Control Self-assessment Report of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., see relevant announcement in the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange www.sse.com.cn on March 29, 2016. Note on significant deficiencies in the internal control during the report period □Applicable √Not applicable 9. Note on relevant status of the auditor's report for internal control For details of the Auditor's Report for Internal Control of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. in 2015, see relevant announcement in the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange www.sse.com.cn on March 29, 2016. Whether disclose the auditor's report for internal control or not: yes 9. Particulars of Preference Shares □Applicable √Not applicable 10. Particulars of the Company's Bonds □Applicable √Not applicable 11. Financial Report 1. Auditor's report √Applicable □Not applicable Auditor's Report XKSHBZ [2016] No. 111593 44 / 64 2015 年年度报告 To all the shareholders of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd.: We have audited the attached financial statements of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd., including the consolidated and the Company's balance sheets as of Dec. 31, 2015, the consolidated and the Company's income statements in 2015, the consolidated and the Company's cash flow statements, the consolidated and the Company's statements of changes in owner's equity and the notes on the financial statements. 1) The responsibility of the management To prepare the financial statements and make fair presentation in it is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Such responsibility shall include: (1) to prepare the financial statements and make fair presentation in them in accordance with the provisions of the enterprise accounting standard; (2) to design, execute and maintain necessary internal control to prevent the financial statements from making significant misreport caused by fraud or error. 2) Responsibility of the certified public accountants Our responsibility is to express audit opinion to the financial statements based on the execution of the audit work. We have made the audit work in accordance with the provisions in the audit standard of China certified public accountant. The audit standard of China certified public accountant requires us to observe the code of professional ethics of China certified public accountants, plan and execute the audit work and obtain the reasonable assurance for not making significant misreport in the financial statements. The audit work involves the implementation of audit procedure to obtain the amount of financial statements and disclosed audit evidences. The selection of the audit procedure depends on the judgment of the certified public accountants, including the evaluation to the risk of significant misreport of the financial statements caused by the fraud or error. While making risk evaluation, the certified public accountant shall consider the internal control related to the preparing of the financial statements and the fair presentation to design proper audit procedure, but the purpose is not to express opinion for the effectiveness of the internal control. The audit work shall also include to evaluate the suitability of the accounting policy selected by the management and the reasonableness of the accounting estimate and to evaluate the general presentation of the financial statements. 45 / 64 2015 年年度报告 We believe, the audit evidences we have obtained are adequate and proper and provide basis for express the audit opinion. 3) Audit opinion We deem that, the financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the enterprise accounting standard in all significant aspects, and have reflected the consolidated and the Company's financial status on Dec. 31, 2015 and the consolidated and the Company's operating results and cash flow in 2015. BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants LLP China certified public accountant: Gu Xuefeng China certified public accountant: Ling Min Shanghai, China March 25, 2016 2. Financial statements Consolidated Balance Sheet Dec. 31, 2015 Prepared by: Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Item Note Closing balance Beginning balance Current assets: Monetary capital 240,425,945.13 402,636,250.64 Settlement provisions Capital lent Financial assets measured with fair value and having change attributed to profit or loss of current period Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 336,221,352.79 313,867,535.80 Accounts receivable 259,044,580.24 321,902,440.07 Advance payment 136,446,799.31 220,825,719.39 Premium receivable Reinsurance accounts receivable Receivable deposit for reinsurance contract Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other receivables 3,561,716.78 1,895,445.80 Redemptory financial assets for sale Inventories 384,885,265.71 497,804,243.07 Assets held for sale Non-current assets due in 1 year Other current assets Subtotal of current assets 1,360,585,659.96 1,758,931,634.77 46 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Non-current assets: Loan and advances issued Salable financial assets 424,078,182.70 349,855,650.23 Held-to-maturity investments Long-term receivable Long-term equity investment 288,855,432.45 270,736,394.62 Investment real estate Fixed assets 2,132,521,000.23 2,727,746,278.61 Construction in progress 305,408,986.91 288,223,047.31 Engineering materials 1,381,336.82 1,173,259.66 Disposal of fixed assets Productive biological assets Oil gas assets Intangible assets 281,295,016.13 311,958,605.26 Development expenditure 30,247,277.15 25,794,289.58 Goodwill Long-term prepaid and deferred expenses 23,460,981.73 19,069,279.62 Deferred income tax assets 20,529.71 1,229,186.56 Other non-current assets Subtotal of non-current assets 3,487,268,743.83 3,995,785,991.45 Total of assets 4,847,854,403.79 5,754,717,626.22 Current liabilities: Short-term loan 620,000,000.00 868,531,399.29 Loan from central bank Absorbed deposit and interbank deposit Loan from other financial institutions Financial liabilities measured with fair value and having change attributed to profit or loss of current period Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 376,955,805.82 395,974,896.16 Advance receipts 253,175,587.07 304,022,294.89 Financial assets sold for repurchase Handling charges and commission payable Wages payable 780,802.00 28,052,005.16 Tax payable 14,824,741.55 27,392,973.52 Interest payable 2,788,929.31 3,916,313.32 Dividends payable 2,724,553.75 2,724,553.75 Other payables 441,394,365.43 713,938,238.76 Reinsurance accounts payable Provision for insurance contract Receipt from vicariously traded securities Receipt from vicariously underwriting securities Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due in 1 year Other current liabilities Subtotal of current liabilities 1,712,644,784.93 2,344,552,674.85 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loan Bonds payable Incl.: Preference share Perpetual debt Long-term payables 645,000,000.00 950,000,000.00 47 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Long-term wages payable 190,880,000.00 184,380,000.00 Specific payables 11,050,000.00 11,050,000.00 Estimated liabilities Deferred income 6,650,100.00 6,198,450.00 Deferred income tax liability 11,653,477.05 2,274,880.65 Other non-current liabilities Subtotal of non-current liabilities 865,233,577.05 1,153,903,330.65 Total of liabilities 2,577,878,361.98 3,498,456,005.50 Owner's equity Share capital 1,156,399,976.00 1,156,399,976.00 Other equity instruments Incl.: Preference share Perpetual debt Capital reserves 1,674,270,987.60 1,683,394,015.86 Less: Treasury stock Other composite income 12,317,916.44 1,920,380.37 Specific reserves Surplus reserves 11,329,760.39 11,329,760.39 General risk reserve Undistributed profit -592,773,594.89 -688,388,625.23 Subtotal of owner's equity attributable to parent 2,261,545,045.54 2,164,655,507.39 company Minority interest 8,430,996.27 91,606,113.33 Total of owner's equity 2,269,976,041.81 2,256,261,620.72 Total of liabilities and owner's equity 4,847,854,403.79 5,754,717,626.22 Legal representative: Mr. Huang Dailie Principle in charge of accounting: Zhang Weiming Head of accounting dept.: Lai Yonghua Balance Sheet of Parent Company Dec. 31, 2015 Prepared by: Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. Unit: RMB Item Note Closing balance Beginning balance Current assets: Monetary capital 212,133,296.30 361,841,267.49 Financial assets measured with fair value and having change attributed to profit or loss of current period Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 334,581,352.79 283,210,505.19 Accounts receivable 253,571,576.96 263,729,293.70 Advance payment 137,481,599.22 215,176,188.42 Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other receivables 10,766,735.59 7,971,011.77 Inventories 371,277,788.79 428,301,688.75 Assets held for sale Non-current assets due in 1 year Other current assets Subtotal of current assets 1,319,812,349.65 1,560,229,955.32 Non-current assets: Salable financial assets 413,190,044.22 338,978,781.42 Held-to-maturity investments 48 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Long-term receivable Long-term equity investment 355,444,207.96 454,050,813.30 Investment real estate Fixed assets 2,111,593,701.25 2,570,275,614.49 Construction in progress 302,075,871.66 270,291,468.93 Engineering materials 1,381,336.82 1,173,259.66 Disposal of fixed assets Productive biological assets Oil gas assets Intangible assets 259,886,963.38 265,269,075.06 Development expenditure 30,247,277.15 25,794,289.58 Goodwill Long-term prepaid and deferred expenses 23,152,249.71 16,525,841.24 Deferred income tax assets Other non-current assets 20,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 Subtotal of non-current assets 3,516,971,652.15 3,992,359,143.68 Total of assets 4,836,784,001.80 5,552,589,099.00 Current liabilities: Short-term loan 620,000,000.00 821,281,399.29 Financial liabilities measured with fair value and having change attributed to profit or loss of current period Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 370,153,498.98 357,965,113.50 Advance receipts 253,775,506.41 299,962,187.40 Wages payable 513,377.00 27,774,004.42 Tax payable 12,682,879.20 24,552,210.54 Interest payable 2,788,929.31 3,916,313.32 Dividends payable 1,189,676.90 1,189,676.90 Other payables 457,108,038.56 762,117,190.54 Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due in 1 year Other current liabilities Subtotal of current liabilities 1,718,211,906.36 2,298,758,095.91 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loan Bonds payable Incl.: Preference share Perpetual debt Long-term payables 645,000,000.00 950,000,000.00 Long-term wages payable 190,880,000.00 184,380,000.00 Specific payables 11,050,000.00 11,050,000.00 Estimated liabilities Deferred income 6,650,100.00 6,198,450.00 Deferred income tax liability 10,785,123.90 1,409,344.92 Other non-current liabilities Subtotal of non-current liabilities 864,365,223.90 1,153,037,794.92 Total of liabilities 2,582,577,130.26 3,451,795,890.83 Owner's equity: Share capital 1,156,399,976.00 1,156,399,976.00 Other equity instruments Incl.: Preference share Perpetual debt 49 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Capital reserves 1,690,068,638.82 1,690,068,638.82 Less: Treasury stock Other composite income 11,345,002.84 955,919.02 Specific reserves Surplus reserves 11,329,760.39 11,329,760.39 Undistributed profit -614,936,506.51 -757,961,086.06 Total of owner's equity 2,254,206,871.54 2,100,793,208.17 Total of liabilities and owner's equity 4,836,784,001.80 5,552,589,099.00 Legal representative: Mr. Huang Dailie Principle in charge of accounting: Zhang Weiming Head of accounting dept.: Lai Yonghua Consolidated Income Statement Jan. to Dec., 2015 Unit: RMB Amount in Amount in Item Note current period previous period 1. Gross operating income 6,170,874,223.67 7,015,409,267.56 Incl.: Operating income 6,170,874,223.67 7,015,409,267.56 Interest income Premium earned Income from handling charges and commission 2. Gross operating cost 6,427,713,999.83 7,674,426,880.15 Incl.: Operating cost 5,559,439,778.97 6,375,944,582.66 Interest cost Expenditure for handling charges and commission Surrender value Net expenditure for compensation Net provision for insurance contract appropriated Bonus payment for policy Reinsurance premium Business tax and surcharges 19,193,727.90 17,827,448.28 Selling cost 199,911,085.12 205,248,898.35 Management cost 402,196,032.57 633,388,738.66 Financial expenses 140,436,053.89 121,456,535.42 Loss from assets impairment 106,537,321.38 320,560,676.78 Plus: Income from change of fair value ("-" for loss) Investment income ("-" for loss) 147,125,155.93 62,632,834.28 Incl.: Investment income from affiliated enterprises and 44,597,649.84 46,522,824.01 joint ventures Income from currency exchange ("-" for loss) 3. Operating profit ("-" for loss) -109,714,620.23 -596,384,778.31 Plus: Non-operating income 220,140,784.81 13,543,603.10 Incl.: Net gain from disposal of non-current 175,597,261.11 1,152,634.58 assets Less: Non-operating expenditure 864,280.61 126,817.45 Incl.: Loss from disposal of non-current assets 520,754.37 40,812.45 4. Gross profit ("-" for gross loss) 109,561,883.97 -582,967,992.66 Less: Income tax cost 4,672,427.26 4,622,713.67 5. Net profit ("-" for net loss) 104,889,456.71 -587,590,706.33 Net profit attributable to owners of parent company 95,615,030.34 -592,502,499.95 50 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Minority interest income 9,274,426.37 4,911,793.62 6. Other composite income after tax 10,397,536.07 -17,770,996.38 Other composite income attributed to owners of parent 10,397,536.07 -17,770,996.38 company after tax 1) Other composite income unable to be reclassified -13,980,000.00 -20,380,000.00 into profit and loss afterwards (1) Change of net liabilities or net assets through -13,980,000.00 -20,380,000.00 remeasuring and setting beneficial plan (2) Part shared in other composite income unable to be reclassified into profit and loss in the invested unit under equity method 2) Other composite income to be reclassified into profit 24,377,536.07 2,609,003.62 and loss afterwards (1) Part shared in other composite income to be reclassified into profit and loss in the invested unit under equity method (2) Profit and loss from change of fair value of salable 24,377,536.07 2,609,003.62 financial assets (3) Profit and loss from held-to-maturity investments reclassified into salable financial assets (4) Effective part of the profit and loss from hedge of cash flow (5) Conversion difference of foreign currency in financial statement (6) other Other composite income attributed to minority shareholders after tax 7. Total amount of composite income 115,286,992.78 -605,361,702.71 Total composite income attributable to owners of 106,012,566.41 -610,273,496.33 parent company Total composite income attributable to minority 9,274,426.37 4,911,793.62 shareholders 8. Earnings per share: 1) Basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.0827 -0.5124 2) Diluted earnings per share (RMB) 0.0827 -0.5124 Legal representative: Mr. Huang Dailie Principle in charge of accounting: Zhang Weiming Head of accounting dept.: Lai Yonghua Income Statement of Parent Company Jan. to Dec., 2015 Unit: RMB Note Amount in Amount in Item current period previous period 1. Operating income 5,306,202,144.25 6,432,026,063.17 Less: Operating cost 4,779,946,815.88 5,885,413,772.01 Business tax and surcharges 16,200,534.43 14,534,262.10 Selling cost 184,902,755.30 187,923,372.52 Management cost 352,189,770.28 574,961,996.42 Financial expenses 139,259,008.16 118,604,257.55 Loss from assets impairment 104,311,645.14 314,225,426.94 Plus: Income from change of fair value ("-" for loss) Investment income ("-" for loss) 196,816,182.18 67,674,160.81 51 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Incl.: Investment income from affiliated enterprises 44,597,649.84 46,522,824.01 and joint ventures 2. Operating profit ("-" for loss) -73,792,202.76 -595,962,863.56 Plus: Non-operating income 217,277,438.15 9,552,010.09 Incl.: Net gain from disposal of non-current 175,459,449.37 1,139,551.41 assets Less: Non-operating expenditure 460,655.84 80,000.00 Incl.: Loss from disposal of non-current 376,422.17 assets 3. Gross profit ("-" for gross loss) 143,024,579.55 -586,490,853.47 Less: Income tax cost 4. Net profit ("-" for net loss) 143,024,579.55 -586,490,853.47 5. Other composite income after tax 10,389,083.82 -17,890,351.36 1) Other composite income unable to be reclassified -13,980,000.00 -20,380,000.00 into profit and loss afterwards (1) Change of net liabilities or net assets through -13,980,000.00 -20,380,000.00 remeasuring and setting beneficial plan (2) Part shared in other composite income unable to be reclassified into profit and loss in the invested unit under equity method 2) Other composite income to be reclassified into 24,369,083.82 2,489,648.64 profit and loss afterwards (1) Part shared in other composite income to be reclassified into profit and loss in the invested unit under equity method (2) Profit and loss from change of fair value of 24,369,083.82 2,489,648.64 salable financial assets (3) Profit and loss from held-to-maturity investments reclassified into salable financial assets (4) Effective part of the profit and loss from hedge of cash flow (5) Conversion difference of foreign currency in financial statement (6) other 6. Total amount of composite income 153,413,663.37 -604,381,204.83 7. Earnings per share: 1) Basic earnings per share (RMB) 2) Diluted earnings per share (RMB) Legal representative: Mr. Huang Dailie Principle in charge of accounting: Zhang Weiming Head of accounting dept.: Lai Yonghua Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Jan. to Dec., 2015 Unit: RMB Item Note Amount in Amount in current period previous period 1. Cash flow from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and 7,510,561,650.86 7,821,130,000.73 rendering of service Net increase of customers' deposit and interbank deposit Net increase of loan from central bank Net increase of loans from other financial institutions 52 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Cash received for premium of original insurance contract Net cash received for reinsurance business Net increase of deposit and investment of the insured Net increase of financial assets measured with fair value and having change attributed to profit or loss of current period Cash from receiving interest, handling charge and commission Net increase of loans from other financial institutions Net increase of fund for buy-back business Tax rebate received 1,550,381.55 640,058.18 Other cash received related to operating activities 176,962,786.84 156,646,472.25 Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities 7,689,074,819.25 7,978,416,531.16 Cash paid for purchase of commodities and accepting 6,546,749,918.62 6,943,640,631.86 of service Net increase of customer's loan and advances Net increase of deposit in central bank and interbank deposit Cash for payment of compensation for original insurance contract Cash for payment of interest, handling charge and commission Cash for payment of policy bonus Cash paid to or for employees 392,633,278.07 601,151,343.25 Cash paid for various taxes 209,497,530.89 203,873,014.61 Other cash paid related to operating activities 234,341,659.22 258,811,541.27 Subtotal of cash outflow from operating activities 7,383,222,386.80 8,007,476,530.99 Net cash flow from operating activities 305,852,432.45 -29,059,999.83 2. Cash flow from investment activities: Cash received from disinvestment Cash received from investment income 50,188,256.22 21,390,010.27 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, 366,988,374.84 38,134.62 intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and 201,393,475.46 other business units Other cash received related to investment activities 568,000.00 Subtotal of cash inflow from investment activities 619,138,106.52 21,428,144.89 Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed 116,302,260.65 404,176,849.64 assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for investment 40,466,400.00 112,202,451.75 Net increase of mortgage loan Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid related to investment activities 50,000.00 Subtotal of cash outflow from investment activities 156,768,660.65 516,429,301.39 Net cash flow from investment activities 462,369,445.87 -495,001,156.50 3. Cash flow from financing activities: Cash received from absorbing investment Incl.: Cash received by subsidiaries from absorption of minorities' investment Cash received from loan 2,487,739,713.32 1,909,331,399.29 Cash received from bond issuance Other cash received related to financing activities 12,160,000.00 53 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 2,487,739,713.32 1,921,491,399.29 Cash paid for redemption of debt 3,277,077,512.61 1,433,600,855.65 Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profit or 140,724,441.68 134,454,579.97 payment of interest Incl.: Cash paid to minority shareholders as dividend and profit by subsidiaries Other cash paid related to financing activities Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities 3,417,801,954.29 1,568,055,435.62 Net cash flow from financing activities -930,062,240.97 353,435,963.67 4. Impact of changes in exchange rate on cash and -325,298.50 -124,286.85 cash equivalents 5. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -162,165,661.15 -170,749,479.51 Plus: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 402,534,911.44 573,284,390.95 6. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 240,369,250.29 402,534,911.44 Legal representative: Mr. Huang Dailie Principle in charge of accounting: Zhang Weiming Head of accounting dept.: Lai Yonghua Cash Flow Statement of Parent Company Jan. to Dec., 2015 Unit: RMB Item Note Amount in Amount in current period previous period 1. Cash flow from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and 6,511,335,605.62 7,161,542,311.10 rendering of service Tax rebate received 279,357.64 Other cash received related to operating activities 156,904,899.36 168,932,480.24 Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities 6,668,519,862.62 7,330,474,791.34 Cash paid for purchase of commodities and accepting 5,714,454,512.78 6,466,432,119.57 of service Cash paid to or for employees 317,693,761.30 508,048,968.27 Cash paid for various taxes 182,897,891.76 170,218,563.80 Other cash paid related to operating activities 198,804,795.65 223,070,162.72 Subtotal of cash outflow from operating activities 6,413,850,961.49 7,367,769,814.36 Net cash flow from operating activities 254,668,901.13 -37,295,023.02 2. Cash flow from investment activities: Cash received from disinvestment Cash received from investment income 75,126,857.37 21,151,336.80 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, 366,829,419.15 intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and 224,174,251.71 other business units Other cash received related to investment activities 568,000.00 Subtotal of cash inflow from investment activities 666,698,528.23 21,151,336.80 Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed 75,105,899.49 376,753,836.62 assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for investment 40,466,400.00 112,202,451.75 Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other business units Other cash paid related to investment activities 50,000.00 Subtotal of cash outflow from investment activities 115,572,299.49 489,006,288.37 Net cash flow from investment activities 551,126,228.74 -467,854,951.57 3. Cash flow from financing activities: 54 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Cash received from absorbing investment Cash received from loan 2,373,595,009.82 1,761,781,399.29 Other cash received related to financing activities 12,160,000.00 Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 2,373,595,009.82 1,773,941,399.29 Cash paid for redemption of debt 3,189,876,409.11 1,308,850,855.65 Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profit or 137,950,238.68 118,874,246.53 payment of interest Other cash paid related to financing activities Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities 3,327,826,647.79 1,427,725,102.18 Net cash flow from financing activities -954,231,637.97 346,216,297.11 4. Impact of changes in exchange rate on cash and -1,271,463.09 -114,435.64 cash equivalents 5. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -149,707,971.19 -159,048,113.12 Plus: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 361,841,267.49 520,889,380.61 6. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 212,133,296.30 361,841,267.49 Legal representative: Mr. Huang Dailie Principle in charge of accounting: Zhang Weiming Head of accounting dept.: Lai Yonghua 55 / 64 2015 年年度报告 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity Jan. to Dec., 2015 Unit: RMB Current period Owner's equity attributable to parent company Item Total of owner's Minority interest Other equity instruments Less: General equity Other composite Share capital Capital reserves Treasury Specific reserves Surplus reserves risk Undistributed profit Preference Perpetual income Other stock reserve shares debt 1. Closing 1,156,399,976.00 1,683,394,015.86 1,920,380.37 11,329,760.39 -688,388,625.23 91,606,113.33 2,256,261,620.72 balance of last year Plus: Change of accounting policy Correction of previous errors Business merger under same control Other 2. Beginning 1,156,399,976.00 1,683,394,015.86 1,920,380.37 11,329,760.39 -688,388,625.23 91,606,113.33 2,256,261,620.72 balance of current year 3. Increase or -9,123,028.26 10,397,536.07 95,615,030.34 -83,175,117.06 13,714,421.09 decrease in current period ("-" for decrease) 1) Total amount 10,397,536.07 95,615,030.34 9,274,426.37 115,286,992.78 of composite income 2) Capital -9,123,028.26 -89,649,543.43 -98,772,571.69 increase and decrease by 56 / 64 2015 年年度报告 owners (1) Common share invested by the shareholder (2) Capital input by the holder of other equity instruments (3) Shares payment attributed to owners' equity (4) Other -9,123,028.26 -89,649,543.43 -98,772,571.69 3) Profit -2,800,000.00 -2,800,000.00 distribution (1) Appropriation of surplus reserves (2) Appropriation of provision for normal risk (3) Distribution -2,800,000.00 -2,800,000.00 to owners (or shareholders) (4) Other 4) Owners' equity carried forward internally (1) Capital reserves transferred into capital (or share capital) (2) Surplus 57 / 64 2015 年年度报告 reserves transferred into capital (or share capital) (3) Deficit covered by surplus reserves (4) Other 5) Specific reserve (1) Appropriated 14,426,417.80 14,426,417.80 in current period (2) Used in 14,426,417.80 14,426,417.80 current period 6) Other 4. Closing 1,156,399,976.00 1,674,270,987.60 12,317,916.44 11,329,760.39 -592,773,594.89 8,430,996.27 2,269,976,041.81 balance of current period Previous period Owner's equity attributable to parent company Item Total of owner's Less: General Minority interest Other equity instruments Other composite equity Share capital Capital reserves Treasury Specific reserves Surplus reserves risk Undistributed profit Preference Perpetual stock income reserve Other shares debt 1. Closing 1,156,399,976.00 1,586,284,015.86 6,971,376.75 11,329,760.39 87,215,874.60 93,414,319.71 2,941,615,323.31 balance of last year Plus: Change 12,720,000.00 -177,320,000.00 -164,600,000.00 of accounting policy Correction of previous errors Business merger under 58 / 64 2015 年年度报告 same control Other 2. Beginning 1,156,399,976.00 1,586,284,015.86 19,691,376.75 11,329,760.39 -90,104,125.40 93,414,319.71 2,777,015,323.31 balance of current year 3. Increase or 97,110,000.00 -17,770,996.38 -598,284,499.83 -1,808,206.38 -520,753,702.59 decrease in current period ("-" for decrease) 1) Total amount -17,770,996.38 -592,502,499.95 4,911,793.62 -605,361,702.71 of composite income 2) Capital increase and decrease by owners (1) Common share invested by the shareholder (2) Capital input by the holder of other equity instruments (3) Shares payment attributed to owners' equity (4) Other 3) Profit -5,781,999.88 -6,720,000.00 -12,501,999.88 distribution (1) Appropriation of surplus reserves (2) Appropriation of provision for normal risk (3) Distribution -5,781,999.88 -6,720,000.00 -12,501,999.88 to owners (or shareholders) (4) Other 4) Owners' equity carried forward internally (1) Capital 59 / 64 2015 年年度报告 reserves transferred into capital (or share capital) (2) Surplus reserves transferred into capital (or share capital) (3) Deficit covered by surplus reserves (4) Other 5) Specific reserve (1) Appropriated 21,814,745.60 21,814,745.60 in current period (2) Used in 21,814,745.60 21,814,745.60 current period 6) Other 97,110,000.00 97,110,000.00 4. Closing 1,156,399,976.00 1,683,394,015.86 1,920,380.37 11,329,760.39 -688,388,625.23 91,606,113.33 2,256,261,620.72 balance of current period Legal representative: Mr. Huang Dailie Principle in charge of accounting: Zhang Weiming Head of accounting dept.: Lai Yonghua Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity of Parent Company Jan. to Dec., 2015 Unit: RMB Current period Other equity instruments Less: Item Other composite Total of owner's Share capital Capital reserves Treasury Specific reserves Surplus reserves Undistributed profit Preference Perpetual income equity Other stock shares debt 1. Closing balance of last year 1,156,399,976.00 1,690,068,638.82 955,919.02 11,329,760.39 -757,961,086.06 2,100,793,208.17 Plus: Change of accounting policy Correction of previous errors Other 2. Beginning balance of 1,156,399,976.00 1,690,068,638.82 955,919.02 11,329,760.39 -757,961,086.06 2,100,793,208.17 current year 60 / 64 2015 年年度报告 3. Increase or decrease in 10,389,083.82 143,024,579.55 153,413,663.37 current period ("-" for decrease) 1) Total amount of composite 10,389,083.82 143,024,579.55 153,413,663.37 income 2) Capital increase and decrease by owners (1) Common share invested by the shareholder (2) Capital input by the holder of other equity instruments (3) Shares payment attributed to owners' equity (4) Other 3) Profit distribution (1) Appropriation of surplus reserves (2) Distribution to owners (or shareholders) (3) Other 4) Owners' equity carried forward internally (1) Capital reserves transferred into capital (or share capital) (2) Surplus reserves transferred into capital (or share capital) (3) Deficit covered by surplus reserves (4) Other 5) Specific reserve (1) Appropriated in current 14,426,417.80 14,426,417.80 period (2) Used in current period 14,426,417.80 14,426,417.80 6) Other 4. Closing balance of current 1,156,399,976.00 1,690,068,638.82 11,345,002.84 11,329,760.39 -614,936,506.51 2,254,206,871.54 period Previous period Other equity instruments Less: Item Other composite Total of owner's Share capital Capital reserves Treasury Specific reserves Surplus reserves Undistributed profit Preference Perpetual income equity Other stock shares debt 1. Closing balance of last 1,156,399,976.00 1,592,958,638.82 6,126,270.38 11,329,760.39 11,631,767.29 2,778,446,412.88 year Plus: Change of 12,720,000.00 -177,320,000.00 -164,600,000.00 61 / 64 2015 年年度报告 accounting policy Correction of previous errors Other 2. Beginning balance of 1,156,399,976.00 1,592,958,638.82 18,846,270.38 11,329,760.39 -165,688,232.71 2,613,846,412.88 current year 3. Increase or decrease in 97,110,000.00 -17,890,351.36 -592,272,853.35 -513,053,204.71 current period ("-" for decrease) 1) Total amount of -17,890,351.36 -586,490,853.47 -604,381,204.83 composite income 2) Capital increase and decrease by owners (1) Common share invested by the shareholder (2) Capital input by the holder of other equity instruments (3) Shares payment attributed to owners' equity (4) Other 3) Profit distribution -5,781,999.88 -5,781,999.88 (1) Appropriation of surplus reserves (2) Distribution to owners -5,781,999.88 -5,781,999.88 (or shareholders) (3) Other 4) Owners' equity carried - forward internally (1) Capital reserves transferred into capital (or share capital) (2) Surplus reserves transferred into capital (or share capital) (3) Deficit covered by surplus reserves (4) Other 5) Specific reserve (1) Appropriated in current 21,814,745.60 21,814,745.60 period (2) Used in current period 21,814,745.60 21,814,745.60 6) Other 97,110,000.00 97,110,000.00 4. Closing balance of current 1,156,399,976.00 1,690,068,638.82 955,919.02 11,329,760.39 -757,961,086.06 2,100,793,208.17 period Legal representative: Mr. Huang Dailie Principle in charge of accounting: Zhang Weiming Head of accounting dept.: Lai Yonghua 62 / 64 2015 年年度报告 63 / 64 2015 年年度报告 12. Documents for Reference 1. Financial statements signed and stamped by legal representative, principal Documents for reference in charge of accounting, CFO and head of accounting department; 2. The original auditor's report stamped by the public accounting firm and Documents for reference signed and stamped by the certified public accountant; 3. Articles of Association of Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Co., Ltd. during the Documents for reference report period 4. The formal version of all files and originals of the announcements Documents for reference disclosed in the newspapers appointed by China Securities Regulatory Committee during the report period; 5. The Company shall furnish the above documents for reference while China Securities Regulatory Committee and the stock exchange request to Documents for reference provide them and the shareholders request to consult them according to the requirements of the statute or the Articles of Association. Chairman of the Board: Huang Dailie Presenting date approved by the Board of Directors: March 29, 2016 64 / 64