华新水泥股份有限公司 600801 2010 年第二次临时 股东大会资料目 录 1、议程安排 2、关于延长公司非公开发行方案有效期并相应调整非公开发行方案的议案 3、关于公司与Holchin B.V.有限责任公司签订附条件生效股份认购合同的补充协议(二)的议案 4、关于延长股东大会授权董事会全权办理与本次非公开发行A 股股票有关的具体事宜有效期的议案 5、关于公司对外提供担保的议案 6、关于公司新增对外提供担保的议案 7、关于接受Paul O'Callaghan 先生辞去公司董事职务的议案 8、关于提名Roland Kohler 先生为公司第六届董事会董事的议案 9、关于将公司短期融资券发行计划调整为发行中期票据的议案华新水泥股份有限公司 Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. 2010 年第二次临时股东大会 Second Extraordinary Shareholders' General Meeting 2010 议程安排 Agenda 会议主席:陈木森 先生 2010 年12 月16 日 Chairman: Mr. Chen Musen December 16, 2010 时间 Time 议 程 Agenda 报告人 Speech by 9:00 1. 审议关于延长公司非公开发行方案有效期并相应调整非公开发行方案的议案; To review the Proposal in Respect of Extending the Valid Period of the Company’s A-share Private Placement and Correspondingly Modifying the Scheme on A-share Private Placement; 李叶青先生 Mr. Li Yeqing 2. 审议关于公司与Holchin B.V.有限责任公司签订附条件生效股份认购合同的补充协议 (二)的议案; To review the Proposal in Respect of Signing the Supplementary Agreement to the Share Subscription Agreement (II) by and between Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. & Holchin B.V. Subject to Condition Precedent; 李叶青先生 Mr. Li Yeqing 3. 审议关于延长股东大会授权董事会全权办理与本次非公开发行A股股票有关的具体事宜 有效期的议案; To review the Proposal in Respect of Extending the Valid Period of the Shareholders’ General Meeting to Fully Authorize the Board of Directors of Matters on A-share Private Placement; 李叶青先生 Mr. Li Yeqing 4. 审议关于公司对外提供担保的议案; To review the Proposal in Respect of External Guarantees Provided by the Company; 孔玲玲女士 Ms. Kong Lingling 5. 审议关于公司新增对外提供担保的议案; To review the Proposal in Respect of Newly Added External Guarantees Provided by the Company; 孔玲玲女士 Ms. Kong Lingling 6. 审议关于接受Paul O'Callaghan 先生辞去公司董事职务的议案; To review the Proposal in Respect of Accepting Mr. Paul O'Callaghan to Resign from the Position of Director; 卢迈先生 Mr. Lu Mai 7. 审议关于提名Roland Kohler 先生为公司第六届董事会董事的议案; To review the Proposal in Respect of Nominating Mr. Roland Kohler as the Director of the Sixth Board of Directors; 卢迈先生 Mr. Lu Mai 8. 关于将公司短期融资券发行计划调整为发行中期票据的议案。 Proposal in Respect of Replacing the Placement Scheme of Short-term Financing Bonds with Mid-term Notes. 孔玲玲女士 Ms. Kong Lingling 9. 股东发言 Shareholders’ discussion 10. 通过总监票人、监票人 Approve the selection of scrutineer in chief and scrutineers 陈木森先生 Mr. Chen Musen 11. 宣布大会表决结果 Note the voting result of the Meeting 陈木森先生 Mr. Chen Musen 12. 律师发表见证意见 Lawyer’s witnessing opinion 松之盛律师事务所 Sunshine Law Firm 12:00 13. 宣布大会结束 Termination 陈木森先生 Mr. Chen Musen关于延长公司非公开发行方案有效期 并相应调整非公开发行方案的议案 Proposal in Respect of Extending the Valid Period of the Company’s A-share Private Placement and Correspondingly Modifying the Scheme on A-share Private Placement 各位股东、各位代表: Shareholders and shareholder proxies: 鉴于公司2009 年第二次临时股东大会通过的非公开发行A 股方案正在中国证监会的审核过程中, 且该此股东大会决议的有效期将于2010 年12 月16 日期满,为保证非公开发行A 股股票工作的 顺利进行,拟将本次非公开发行A 股股票方案的股东大会决议有效期自2009 年第二次临时股东 大会有效期届满之日起延长十二个月,并相应调整本次非公开发行A 股股票的发行底价和发行数 量。拟调整内容如下: In view of the proposal of current A-share private placement approved by the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2009 is in the process of reviewing by CSRC(China Securities Regulatory Commission) and the validity of the resolution of this shareholders meeting will be expired by December 16, 2010, in order to proceed the application of private placement, the period of validity of the private placement will be extended for 12 months from the expiration of the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting, and correspondingly modifying the lowest issuing price and issuing amount of the A-share private placement. The adjustments are as follows: 1、原方案股东大会决议有效期从自2009 年第二次临时股东大会审议通过之日起12 个月,即 2010 年12 月16 日止,延长12 个月,至2011 年12 月16 日止; 1. The validity of the resolution will be extended for 12 months to December 16, 2011 from the expiration of the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2009, which is December 16, 2010; 2、原发行价格从不低于公司第六届董事会第八次会议决议公告前20 个交易日公司股票交易均价 的90%,及由于2009 年度利润分配方案,于2010 年6 月7 日进行除息调整后的20.29 元/股, 调整为不低于公司第六届董事会第二十次会议决议公告前20 个交易日公司股票交易均价的90%, 即19.02 元/股; 2. The original issuing price for this private placement shall not be lower than 90% of the average trading price during 20 trading days prior to the announcement of resolutions of the Eighth Meeting of the 6th Board of Directors, whose dividend was excluded on Jun. 7th ,2010 with the profit distribution plan, that is 20.29 Yuan per share(the lowest price), which will be adjusted to not be lower than 90% of the average trading price during 20 trading days prior to the announcement of resolutions of the Twentieth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors, that is 19.02 Yuan per share(the lowest price); 3、根据发行底价的调整,发行股票数量从原来的不超过1.363 亿股,调整为不超过1.02 亿股。 3. According to the adjustment for the lowest issuing price, the issuing amount will be changed from no more than 136.3 million to no more than 102 million. 调整后的情况如下: After the adjustments, they are as follows:原《关于调整公司2009 年非公开发行A 股股票方案的议案》及2010 年7 月30 日召开第六届董 事会第十五次会议审议通过的《关于对非公开发行A 股股票方案中募集资金使用金额进行调整的 议案》第3 条内容修改为: Article 3 inand < Proposal in Respect of Modifying the Amount of Using the Proceeds from Current A-share Private Placement> approved by the Fifteenth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors (convened on July 30) is revised to: 发行股票数量及募集资金额:本次发行股票数量不超过1.02 亿股,募集资金额不超过190,600 万 元。最终发行股数及募集资金额将提请公司股东大会授权董事会与保荐机构(主承销商)协商确定。 公司股票在董事会决议公告日至发行日期间如有派息、送股、资本公积金转增股本等除权除息事项, 将对发行股票数量进行相应调整。 Issuing amount and scale of raised funds: The amount of the placement is no more than 102 Million and the scale of raised funds is no more than 1,906 Million Yuan. The actual amount and scale of raised fund will be decided by the Board of Directors and the sponsor (head underwriter) based on the authorization of the Shareholders’ General Meeting. If the Company’s shares have dividend payments, bonus shares, capitalization of public reserves and other ex-dividend issues during the period between the announcement of Board of Directors’ resolution and the offering date, the number of shares will be adjusted accordingly; 原《关于调整公司2009 年非公开发行A 股股票方案的议案》第5 条内容修改为: Article 5 in is revised to: 发行价格及定价原则:本次发行价格不低于公司第六届董事会第二十次会议决议公告前20 个交易 日公司股票交易均价的90%,即19.02 元/股。公司股票在董事会决议公告日至发行日期间如有派 息、送股、资本公积金转增股本等除权除息事项,将对发行底价进行相应调整。最终发行价格将在 公司取得发行核准批文后,按照《上市公司非公开发行股票实施细则》的规定,根据竞价结果由公 司董事会与保荐机构(主承销商)协商确定。所有发行对象均以相同的最终发行价格进行认购; Issuing price & the principle of pricing: The issuing price for this private placement shall not be lower than 90% of the average trading price during 20 trading days prior to the announcement of resolutions of the twentieth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors, which is 19.02 Yuan per share (the lowest price). If the Company’s shares have dividend payments, bonus shares, capitalization of public reserves and other ex-dividend issues during the period between the announcement of Board of Directors’ resolution and the offering date, the lowest price will be adjusted accordingly. The final issuing price will be negotiated and determined by the Company’s Board of Directors and the sponsor (head underwriter) based on the bidding result in accordance with “Implementing Rules of Private Placement of Listed Companies” after receiving issuance approval. All target investors will subscribe for the shares at the same final issue price. 原《关于调整公司2009 年非公开发行A 股股票方案的议案》第7 条内容修改为: Article 7 in is revised to:决议的有效期:本次发行股票的决议有效期延长至2011 年12 月16 日。 Valid period of resolution: Valid period of resolution for this offering extends to December 16, 2011. 除上述调整内容外,公司第六届董事会第八次会议、2009 年度第二次临时股东大会审议通过的《关 于调整公司2009 年非公开发行A股股票方案的议案》及公司第六届董事会第十五次会议通过的《关 于对非公开发行A 股股票方案中募集资金使用金额进行调整的议案》其他内容不变。 Except the adjustment mentioned above, other parts of the approved by the Eighth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors, the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2009 and < Proposal in Respect of Modifying the Amount of Using the Proceeds from Current A-share Private Placement> approved by the Fifteenth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors remain unchanged. 本议案所涉及的关联交易事项,已经公司三名独立董事审阅并一致同意将该交易事项提交董事会讨 论。 The related transaction concerned by the Proposal is reviewed by the three Independent Directors of the Company who all agreed to submit it to the Board of Directors for discussion. 本议案经董事会审议通过后现提交股东大会审议,与本议案有利害关系的关联股东将在股东大会审 议该事项时回避表决。 The Proposal has been approved by the Board, it is now being submitted to the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting for consideration, and the related shareholders shall abandon the voting rights upon this Proposal. 2010 年12 月16 日 December 16, 2010关于公司与Holchin B.V.有限责任公司签订 附条件生效股份认购合同的补充协议(二)的议案 Proposal in Respect of Signing the Supplementary Agreement to the Share Subscription Agreement (II) by and between Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. & Holchin B.V. Subject to Condition Precedent 各位股东、各位代表: Shareholders and shareholder proxies: 公司2009 年第二次临时股东大会审议通过了《关于公司与Holchin B.V.有限责任公司签订附条件 生效股份认购合同的补充协议的议案》。鉴于公司拟延长非公开发行A 股股票方案的股东大会决 议有效期,并相应调整发行底价和发行数量,公司与第一大股东Holchin B.V.于2010 年11 月29 日签订了附条件生效的《华新水泥股份有限公司与Holchin B.V.有限责任公司关于2009 年非公开 发行A 股股票之股份认购合同的补充协议(二)》,协议全文见附件。 The has been approved by the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2009. In view that the Company is planning to extend the valid period of the private placement and correspondingly modify the lowest issuing price and issuing amount of the private placement, the Company and Holcim B.V. signed on November 29, 2010 the Subscription Contract between the Company and Holchin B.V. subject to condition precedent, “The Supplementary Agreement to the Share Subscription Agreement(II) on Private Placement of A-shares in the Year of 2009 by and between Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. And Holchin B.V.”, the full text of the agreement is attached as annex hereto. 本议案经董事会审议通过后现提交股东大会审议,与本议案有利害关系的关联股东将在股东大会审 议该事项时回避表决。 The Proposal has been approved by the Board, it is now being submitted to the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting for consideration, and the related shareholders shall abandon the voting rights upon this Proposal. 2010 年12 月16 日 December 16, 2010关于延长股东大会授权董事会全权办理与本次非公开发行A 股股票有关的具 体事宜有效期的议案 Proposal in Respect of Extending the Valid Period of the Shareholders’ General Meeting to Fully Authorize the Board of Directors of Matters on A-share Private Placement 各位股东、各位代表: Shareholders and shareholder proxies: 公司2009 年第二次临时股东大会审议通过了《关于提请股东大会授权董事会全权办理与本次非公 开发行A 股股票有关事宜的议案》。鉴于公司拟延长非公开发行A 股股票方案的股东大会决议有 效期,并调整发行底价和发行数量,公司董事会提请股东大会延长董事会全权决定和办理本次非公 开股票相关事宜的授权期限,具体授权期限自2009 年第二次临时股东大会决议有效期届满之日起 延长十二个月,即2011 年12 月16 日止。具体授权内容不变。 The Company passed the Proposal in Respect of Requesting the Shareholders’ General Meeting to Fully Authorize the Board of Directors in Respect of Matters on A-share Private Placement by the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2009. Since the Company is planning to extend the valid period of the private placement and correspondingly modify the lowest issuing price and issuing amount of the private placement, the Board of Directors proposes the Shareholders’ General Meeting to extend the valid period of fully authorizing the Board of Directors to handle all relevant matters concerning the A-share private placement for 12 months to December 16, 2011 from the expiration of the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2009. 以上议案,请予以审议。 Please review the above proposal. 2010 年12 月16 日 December 16, 2010关于公司对外提供担保的议案 Proposal in Respect of External Guarantees Provided by the Company (1)公司2009 年第六届董事会第三次会议已批准公司为万源项目固定资产借款19,000 万元提供 连带责任保证担保。受行业限制因素影响,万源项目借款未获得银行批准。为了尽快解决万源项目 的资金问题,有效筹集资金,华新水泥(万源)有限公司拟以融资租赁方式筹集资金,筹资总额不超 过20,000 万元,期限5-8 年。公司第六届董事会第十九次会议已批准为华新水泥(万源)有限公司 融资租赁业务提供连带责任保证担保,金额不超过20,000 万元,并授权公司在2012 年12 月31 日前签署相关保证合同。 (1) The Third Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors convened in 2009 has approved the Company providing guarantee (joint liability assurance) for the190 million Yuan fixed assets borrowing of Wanyuan Project. Due to industrial restriction, Wanyuan Project borrowing failed to get approval from the Bank. In order to solve its capital problem as soon as possible, Huaxin Cement (Wanyuan) Ltd. proposes to raise fund through finance leasing with a total amount of no more than 200 million Yuan and a term of 5-8 years. The Nineteenth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors has approved the Company providing guarantee (joint liability assurance) for the finance leasing of Huaxin Cement (Wanyuan) Ltd. with the total amount of no more than 200 million Yuan, and to authorize the Company to sign the relevant guarantee contract before December 31, 2012. (2))经公司2009 年第五届董事会第三十三次会议批准,公司为信阳4500T/D 熟料水泥生产线项 目的重要配套工程之一柳谭公路改造工程的承建方——信阳市浉河区公路工程有限责任公司的 1,800 万元贷款提供担保。该笔借款将于2011 年03 月09 日到期,信阳市浉河区公路工程有限责 任公司计划该笔借款到期后续借,由公司继续为该笔1800 万元贷款提供担保。为了给信阳公司营 造良好的生产运营环境,充分体现公司与信阳市、浉河区相互支持、合作共赢的指导思想,公司第 六届董事会第十九次会议已批准继续为信阳市浉河区公路工程有限责任公司提供1,800 万元连带 责任保证担保,并授权公司在2012 年12 月31 日前签署相关保证合同。 (2) Approved by the Thirty Third Meeting of the Fifth Board of Directors convened in 2009, the Company provided guarantee for the 18 million Yuan loan of Xinyang Shihe Road Engineering Company – the contractor of Liu Tan road reconstruction project, which is one of the important supporting projects of Xinyang 4500T/D clinker and cement production line project. Such loan will expire on March 9, 2011, Xinyang Shihe Road Engineering Company plans to renew the borrowing after the expiration and the guarantee is still provided by the Company. In order to create a good production and operation environment for Xinyang Company, and fully embody the spirit of mutual support and win-win cooperation among the Company, Xinyang City and Shihe District, the Nineteenth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors has approved the Company continuously providing guarantee (joint liability assurance) for the 18 million Yuan loan of the Xinyang Shihe Road Engineering Company, and to authorize the Company to sign the relevant guarantee contract before December 31, 2012. 截止2010年10月28日,公司已实际提供对外担保人民币328,093万元及美元1,350万元。若增加本 次议案需增加提供的对外担保额度人民币不超过21,800万元,则公司对外担保总额将超过最近一 期经审计的净资产的50%。根据上海证券交易所股票上市规则和公司章程的规定,此次对外担保应 当经股东大会审议通过。 As of October 28, 2010, the Company has already provided external guarantees of 3280.93 million Yuan and 13.5 million USD. If plus the newly added external guarantee of no more than 218 million Yuan, the total external guarantee amount will exceed 50% of the most recent audited net assets. According to the provisions stipulated in the Stock Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Articles of Association of the Company, the proposal shall be approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting.以上议案,请予以审议。 Please review the above proposal. 2010 年12 月16 日 December 16, 2010关于公司新增对外提供担保的议案 Proposal in Respect of Newly Added External Guarantees Provided by the Company 各位股东、各位代表: Shareholders and shareholder proxies: (1)2010 年11 月10 日本公司第六届董事会第十九次会议已批准公司收购房县钻石水泥有限责 任公司70%的股权。该公司现有固定资产借款余额16,000 万元。股权交割完成后,房县钻石水泥 有限责任公司将更名为华新水泥(房县)有限公司,原房县钻石水泥有限责任公司的上述16,000 万元借款将由华新水泥(房县)有限公司承接;另华新水泥(房县)有限公司拟向银行申请余热发 电固定资产借款3,500 万元及流动资金借款6,500 万元。为支持华新水泥(房县)有限公司的生产 经营,由本公司为华新水泥(房县)有限公司上述合计26,000 万元的银行借款按股权比例提供担 保,即本公司为华新水泥(房县)有限公司提供金额不超过18,200 万元的担保。 (1) The Nineteenth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors convened on November 10, 2010 has approved the Company acquiring 70% equity of Fangxian Zuanshi Cement Co., Ltd.. As of now, Zuanshi has 160 million Yuan fixed assets loans. After equity transfer, the name of Fangxian Zuanshi Cement Co., Ltd. shall be changed into Huaxin Cement (Fangxian) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Fangxian Company) and the above 160 million Yuan loans shall be borne by it thereafter; in addition, Fangxian Company proposes to apply to the Bank for its 35 million Yuan WHPG fixed assets loan and 65 million Yuan working capital loan. In order to support the production and operation of Fangxian Company, the Company shall provide guarantee for the aforesaid total 260 million Yuan bank loans of Fangxian Company according to its equity proportion, viz. the guarantee provided by the Company for Fangxian Company amounts to no more than 182 million Yuan. (2)2010 年11 月10 日本公司第六届董事会第十九次会议已批准公司收购湖北京兰集团三源水 泥有限公司100%的股权。该公司现有固定资产借款余额15,000 万元及流动资金借款余额3,000 万元。股权交割完成后,湖北京兰集团三源水泥有限公司将更名为华新水泥(长阳)有限公司,原 湖北京兰集团三源水泥有限公司的上述合计18,000 万元借款将由华新水泥(长阳)有限公司承接; 另华新水泥(长阳)有限公司拟向银行申请余热发电固定资产借款3,000 万元并新增流动资金借款 1,000 万元。为支持华新水泥(长阳)有限公司的生产经营,由本公司为华新水泥(长阳)有限公 司的4,000 万元流动资金借款及7,000 万元固定资产借款提供担保,其余借款以华新水泥(长阳) 有限公司资产作抵押,即本公司为华新水泥(长阳)有限公司提供金额不超过11,000 万元的担保。 (2) The Nineteenth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors convened on November 10, 2010 has approved the Company acquiring 100% equity of Hubei Jinglan Group Sanyuan Cement Co., Ltd.. As of now, Sanyuan has 150 million Yuan fixed assets loans and 30 million Yuan working capital loan. After equity transfer, the name of Hubei Jinglan Group Sanyuan Cement Co., Ltd. shall be changed into Huaxin Cement (Changyang) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Changyang Company) and the above totaled 180 million Yuan loans shall be borne by it thereafter; in addition, Changyang Company proposes to apply to the Bank for its 30 million Yuan WHPG fixed assets loan and 10 million Yuan newly added working capital loan. In order to support the production and operation of Changyang Company, the Company shall provide guarantee for the 40 million Yuan working capital loans and 70 million Yuan fixed assets loan of Changyang Company, the rest loans shall be mortgaged against the new company’s assets, viz. the guarantee provided by the Company for Changyang Company amounts to no more than 110 million Yuan. 第六届董事会第二十次会议已批准为以上借款提供担保,合计担保额为29,200 万元,并授权公司在 2012 年12 月31 日前签署相关保证合同。 The Twentieth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors has approved the Company providing guarantee for the aforesaid loans which totaled 292 million Yuan, and to authorize the Company to sign the relevant guarantee contracts before December 31, 2012.截止2010年10月31日,公司已实际提供对外担保人民币328,793万元及美元1,350万元。若增加本 次议案需增加提供的对外担保额度人民币29,200万元,则公司对外担保总额将超过最近一期经审 计的净资产的50%,根据上海证券交易所股票上市规则和公司章程的规定,此次对外担保应当经股 东大会审议通过。 As of October 31, 2010, the Company has already provided 3287.93 million Yuan and 13.5 million USD external guarantees. If plus the new 292 million Yuan external guarantee, the total external guarantee amount will exceed 50% of the most recent audited net assets. According to the provisions stipulated in the Stock Listing Rules of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Articles of Association of the Company, the proposal shall be approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting. 以上议案,请予以审议。 Please review the above proposal. 2010 年12 月16 日 December 16, 2010关于接受Paul O'Callaghan 先生辞去公司董事职务的议案 Proposal in Respect of Accepting Mr. Paul O'Callaghan to Resign from the Position of Director 各位股东、各位代表: Shareholders and shareholder proxies: Paul O'Callaghan 先生因工作原因,提出辞去本公司董事职务的请求。 Mr. Paul O'Callaghan has expressed to the Chairman of the Board his request to resign from the position of Director of the Company due to other commitments. 经研究,同意接受Paul O'Callaghan 先生辞去本公司董事职务。 After studying, the Company agrees to accept Mr. Paul O'Callaghan to resign from the position of Director. 以上议案,请予以审议。 Please review the above proposal. 2010 年12 月16 日 December 16, 2010关于提名Roland Kohler 先生为公司第六届董事会董事的议案 Proposal in Respect of Nominating Mr. Roland Kohler as the Director of the Sixth Board of Directors 各位股东、各位代表: Shareholders and shareholder proxies: 因Paul O'Callaghan 先生已提出辞去本公司董事职务,而股东方Holchin B.V.推荐Roland Kohler 先生出任本公司董事。 Mr. Paul O'Callaghan has expressed to the Chairman of the Board his request to resign from the position of Director of the Company; at the same time, shareholder Holchin B.V. recommends Mr. Roland Kohler to be a new director of the Company. 经研究,现提议Roland Kohler 先生出任本公司董事,任期与本届董事会相同。 After studying, the Company proposes that Mr. Roland Kohler become a new Director of the Company, and the term of office shall be the same with the current Board of Director. 以上议案,请予以审议。 Please review the above proposal. 2010 年12 月16 日 December 16, 2010 附:Roland Kohler 先生简历 Encl: Résumé of Mr. Roland KohlerRoland Kohler 先生简历 Encl: Résumé of Mr. Roland Kohler Roland Kohler 先生,57 岁,瑞士籍,毕业于苏黎世大学商业管理专业。1988 年加入瑞士 Hunziker 建材集团,负责财务和管理;1994 年任Holcim 管理顾问;1995-1998 年,负责公司管 控;1999-2001 年底,负责商业风险管理。从2002 年起,负责公司战略及风险管理。2005 年1 月1 日被提升为公司战略及风险管理经理。2010 年3 月1 日起,任Holcim 执行委员会委员,主 持Holcim Group Support Ltd.工作。 Roland Kohler, 57 years old, Swiss national, a graduate in business administration from the University of Zurich, joined building materials group Hunziker (Switzerland) in 1988 as Head of Finance and Administration and has transferred to Holcim as a management consultant in 1994. From 1995 to 1998, he was Head of Corporate Controlling and from 1999 to end 2001 Head of Business Risk Management. Since 2002, he has headed Corporate Strategy & Risk Management. Effective January 1, 2005, Roland Kohler has been promoted to Corporate Strategy & Risk Manager. Roland Kohler became a member of the EXCO of Holcim since March 1, 2010 and was in charge of the service and support functions of the Holcim Group Support Ltd. organization.关于将公司短期融资券发行计划调整为发行中期票据的议案 Proposal in Respect of Replacing the Placement Scheme of Short-term Financing Bonds with Mid-term Notes 各位股东、各位代表: Shareholders and shareholder proxies: 公司2010年第六届第十一次董事会及2009年年度股东大会审议通过了《关于申请发行中期票据及 续发短期融资券的议案》。公司于2010年9月8日发行了第一期中期票据6亿元,期限三年,计息方 式为附息式浮动利率,票面利率为一年期整存整取定期储蓄存款利率加上基本利差1.7%;于2010年 10月25日发行了第二期中期票据6亿元,期限五年,票面利率为一年期整存整取定期储蓄存款利率 加上基本利差2.3%,既拓宽了筹资渠道,又在一定程度上保证了公司资金的流动性,降低了资金 成本。 The Eleventh Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors in 2010 and Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting 2009 approved the Proposal in Respect of Applying for Placement of Mid-term Notes and Renewal of Short-term Financing Bonds. The Company issued the first tranche of 600 million Yuan mid-term notes, with a term of 3 years with floating interest rate, the coupon rate is 1 year savings rate plus interest margin of 1.7%; the second tranche of 600 million Yuan issued on October 25th of 2010 with a term of 5 years, the coupon rate is 1 year savings rate plus interest margin of 2.3%. The issuance not only expands financing channels but also secures the Company’s liquidity by lowering capital cost. 根据目前的资金及财务结构情况,公司拟取消续发6亿元短期融资券的计划。 The Company plans to cancel the issuance of the following 600 million Yuan of short-term financing bonds based on current situation of capital and financial structure. 为了更加有利于公司发展,进一步改善公司的债务结构,公司拟申请发行不超过8亿元的中期票据, 主要用于优化债务结构、补充营运资金或部分项目资金缺口,期限3-8年。 For further development and improvement of debt structure, the Company plans to issue no more than 800 million Yuan mid-term notes, with a term of 3-8 years, of which the main purpose is to improve debt structure and fulfill working capital gap or the financing gap of some projects. 以上议案,请予审议! Please review the above proposal. 2010 年12 月16 日 December 16, 2010