2011 年度第一次临时
目 录
Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd.
2011 年第一次临时股东大会
First Extraordinary Shareholders' General Meeting 2011
会议主席:陈木森 先生 2011 年 6 月 10 日
Chairman: Mr. Chen Musen June 10, 2011
时间 议 程 报告人
Time Agenda Speech by
1. 审议关于为华新金龙水泥(陨县)有限公司提供担保的议案 孔玲玲女士
9:00 To review the Proposal in Respect of Providing Guarantee for Huaxin
Jinlong Cement (Yunxian) Ltd. Ms. Kong Lingling
2. 股东发言
Shareholders’ discussion
3. 通过总监票人、监票人 陈木森先生
9:40 Approve the selection of scrutineer in chief and scrutineers Mr. Chen Musen
4. 宣布大会表决结果 陈木森先生
10:00 Note the voting result of the Meeting Mr. Chen Musen
5. 律师发表见证意见 松之盛律师事务所
10:20 Lawyer’s witnessing opinion Sunshine Law
6. 宣布大会结束 陈木森先生
10:30 Termination Mr. Chen Musen
Proposal in Respect of Providing Guarantee for Huaxin Jinlong Cement (Yunxian) Ltd.
Shareholders and shareholder proxies,
2011 年 1 月 17 日本公司第六届董事会第二十一次会议已批准公司收购陕西金龙水泥有限公司持
有的湖北金龙水泥有限公司 80%的股权。该股权交割完成后,原湖北金龙水泥有限公司已于 2011
年 2 月更名为华新金龙水泥(陨县)有限公司(以下简称华新金龙公司),原湖北金龙水泥有限
公司的 18,000 万元银行借款由华新金龙公司承接,其中 8000 万元需提供银行借款担保。另,华
新金龙公司根据当前的资金状况,拟向银行申请增加银行借款 5,000 万元,同步新增借款担保 5000
过 13,000 万元的银行借款提供担保,其余银行借款以资产抵押等担保方式办理,并授权公司在
2012 年 12 月 31 日前签署相关保证合同。
The Twenty First Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors convened on January 17, 2011 gave
the approval to the Company to acquire 80% equity of Hubei Jinlong Cement Co., Ltd. held by
Shaanxi Jinlong Cement Ltd. After such equity transfer, the original Hubei Jinlong Cement Co.,
Ltd. changed its name into Huaxin Jinlong Cement (Yunxian) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
Huaxin Jinlong Ltd.) in February 2011, thereafter Huaxin Jinlong Ltd. should bear the bank loan
of the original Hubei Jinlong Cement Co., Ltd.. The bank loan was 180 million Yuan, of which,
80 million Yuan bank loan should be guaranteed. In addition, Huaxin Jinlong Ltd. proposes to
apply for an additional 50 million Yuan loan from the bank according to its current capital status,
and this newly added 50 million Yuan loan also needs guarantee. In order to support the
production and operation of Huaxin Jinlong Ltd, Management of the Company hereby proposes
that the Board give approval to the Company to provide guarantee for the bank loan of Huaxin
Jinlong Ltd.. The total loan amount should be no more than 130 million Yuan. Moreover, the
Management also proposes that the Board authorize the Company to sign the relevant
guarantee contract before December 31, 2012. The rest of the bank loan shall be pledged by
its assets.
截止 2011 年 3 月 31 日,公司已实际提供对外担保人民币 316,662 万元及美元 1,350 万元。本议
As of March 31, 2011, the Company has already provided external guarantees of 3166.62 million
Yuan and 13.5 million USD. If we also consider the newly added external guarantee of no more
than 130 million Yuan, the total external guarantee amount will exceed 50% of the most recent
audited net assets. Guarantees involved in this Proposal have already been approved by the
Twenty Sixth Meeting of the Sixth Board of Directors, now it is presented to the Shareholders’
General Meeting for approval.
Please review the above proposal.
2011 年 6 月 10 日
June 10, 2011