华新水泥:华新水泥 独立董事2020年度工作报告2021-03-27
独立董事 Simon MacKinnon 2020年度工作报告
Annual Work Report 2020 of Independent Director Mr. Simon MacKinnon
2014 年 9 月,本人由华新水泥股份有限公司股东大会选举担任第七届董事会独立董事。
In September 2014 I was elected by the Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting as
one of the Independent Directors of the Seventh Board of Directors of Huaxin Cement
Co., Ltd. Since that time I have acted as an Independent Director strictly abiding by
relevant laws, rules and regulations as well as Articles of Association of the Company,
and under the principle of diligence. Acting on behalf of all shareholders, I faithfully
fulfilled my duties, actively attended relevant meetings and carefully reviewed all the
Board proposals, and gave independent opinions on issues relating to the Company
My detailed 2020 annual work is hereby reported as follows:
1. The Company convened 10 Board Meetings during 2020. I attended all the aforesaid
Board Meetings, including 6 Meetings through circular resolution. I also attended the
First extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2020, the Annual Shareholders’
General Meeting 2019 and the Second Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting
2020 convened on January 7, June 3 and September 25, 2020 respectively.
2. As an Independent Director acting on behalf of all shareholders I carefully reviewed,
considered and voted for all the proposals that were submitted to the Board objectively
and professionally. I did not vote “negative” or “abstention” on any of the proposals.
3、作为第九届董事会提名委员会的召集人,本人组织提名委员会对 4 名董事席位的候
选人资格进行审议。其中之一是提名陈婷慧女士为股东董事,另外 3 名是第十届董事
会独立董事席位。提名委员会通过现场或视频方式进行了 10 场次面试,并召开了后续
3. As the Convener of the Nomination Committee to the Ninth Board of Directors, I
organized the Nomination Committee to review the qualifications of candidates for 4
Director positions. One of these was the nomination as a shareholder director of Ms.
Tan Then Hwee. Three of these were for Independent Director positions of the Tenth
Board of Directors. Ten interviews were conducted in person or by video by the
Nominations Committee, with follow-up meetings by the Nominations Committee.
Nominations recommendations were presented to the Board for approval.
4. As the member of the Audit Committee and Remuneration and Assessment
Committee to the Board, I actively participated in all meetings, and gave independent
opinions and suggestions on the proposals and the development strategy of the
Company, on internal audit and on improvements to the Internal Control of the
5. As an Independent Director, during 2020 I reviewed and raised questions as part of
the approval process for (a) the issuance of overseas bonds; (b) the acquisition of a
business in Tanzania in Africa; (c) the Employee Stock Ownership programme, and (d)
the conversion of B to H shares.
6、在担任公司独立董事期间,未就下列事宜提出提议: (1)聘用或解聘会计事务所; (2)
6. While being the Independent Director of the Company, I did not make any proposal
on following issues:
(1) appointing or dismissing the Accounting Firm; (2) convening Extraordinary
Shareholders’ General Meetings; (3) convening Board Meetings.
In accordance with the regulations of the company at the end of the Ninth Board of
Directors, I will retire after serving two 3-year terms as an Independent Director.
华新水泥股份有限公司独立董事:Simon MacKinnon
Simon MacKinnon, Independent Director of Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd.
March 25, 2021