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华新水泥:华新水泥 董事会审计委员会2020年度履职情况报告2021-03-27  

                         Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd.
                 Audit Committee to the Board of Directors
                         2020 年度履职情况报告
                      Duty Performance Report 2020

报告期内,审计委员会召开了 3 次会议,分别审议了公司 2019 年度财务报告(草案)、
公司 2019 年度内部控制评价报告、会计政策变更、审计委员会 2019 年度履职情况报
告、公司 2020 年半年度财务报告、公司 2020 年审计计划报告等事项并形成相关决议
或审核意见。在调整公司 2020 年度财务预算报告、境外债券发行、公司内审内控计划
与总结、重大风险评估、续聘公司 2020 年度财务审计和内部控制审计会计师事务所、
During the reporting period, the Audit Committee convened meetings for three times,
reviewed the Financial report 2019 of the Company (draft), 2019 Internal Control
Assessment Report, Work Report 2019 of the Audit Committee, 2020 Half Year
Financial Report of the Company, Proposal on the Modification of Corporate
Accounting Policy, 2020 Audit Planning Report and formed relevant resolutions or
reviewing opinions. The Audit Committee also provided professional opinions and
suggestions on adjusting 2020 financial budget report, overseas bonds issuance,
internal audit and internal control planning and summary, major risk estimation,
reappointment of the accounting firm for 2020 financial audit and internal control audit,
and major related transactions.

Signatures of the Members of the Audit Committee:
          姓名                         职务                            签名
          Name                        Position                       Signature

王立彦                    召集人、独立董事
Wang Liyan                Convener,       Independent
刘艳                      委员、独立董事
Liu Yan                   Member, Independent Director
Simon Mackinnon           委员、独立董事
马西门                    Member, Independent Director
刘凤山                    委员、董事
Liu Fengshan              Member, Director
Geraldine Picaud          委员、董事
                          Member, Director

                                                                     2021 年 3 月 24 日
                                                                      March 24, 2021