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         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


2023 Financial Statements

          August 2023

                                                  Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

I. Auditor's report

Whether the interim report is audited
□ Yes  No
The financial statements for H1 2014 have not been audited.

II. Financial statements

Unit for statements in notes to financial statements: RMB yuan

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.
                                                         June 30, 2023
                                                                                                              In RMB

                    Item                                 June 30, 2023                   January 1, 2023
Current asset:
  Monetary capital                                                1,286,506,293.96                 1,238,754,216.50
  Settlement provision
  Outgoing call loan
  Transactional financial assets
  Derivative financial assets                                              77,586.17                       789,205.34
  Notes receivable                                                   53,200,336.92                   130,428,554.49
  Account receivable                                                639,885,280.36                   832,292,348.17
  Receivable financing                                                   9,703,929.82                  1,338,202.01
  Prepayment                                                         24,606,127.42                    20,631,650.59
  Insurance receivable
  Reinsurance receivable
   Provisions of Reinsurance contracts
  Other receivables                                                 163,623,479.94                   155,379,024.22
     Including: interest receivable
              Dividend receivable
  Repurchasing of financial assets
  Inventory                                                         676,008,744.99                   710,532,397.32
  Contract assets                                                 2,542,073,692.15                 2,158,860,658.43
  Assets held for sales
  Non-current assets due in 1 year                                  321,983,047.30
  Other current assets                                              227,624,785.92                   200,981,963.60
Total current assets                                              5,945,293,304.95                 5,449,988,220.67
Non-current assets:
  Loan and advancement provided
  Debt investment
  Other debt investment

                                            Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

  Long-term receivables
  Long-term share equity investment                         54,969,336.56                      54,969,042.14
  Investment in other equity tools                                                             11,968,973.86
  Other non-current financial assets                         7,515,217.28                       7,507,434.68
  Investment real estate                                 5,760,292,920.72                   5,760,517,577.11
  Fixed assets                                             636,359,361.87                     646,812,853.36
  Construction in process                                     272,641.50
  Productive biological assets
  Gas & petrol
  Use right assets                                          19,572,056.81                      19,449,693.40
  Intangible assets                                         94,437,660.64                      72,679,444.26
  R&D expense
  Long-term amortizable expenses                             8,167,568.78                       9,744,661.01
  Deferred income tax assets                               224,275,866.64                     220,060,976.88
  Other non-current assets                                 188,168,489.48                     491,486,416.65
Total of non-current assets                              6,994,031,120.28                   7,295,197,073.35
Total of assets                                         12,939,324,425.23                  12,745,185,294.02
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                                       1,575,882,917.01                   1,318,238,522.78
  Loans from Central Bank
  Call loan received
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities                           1,439,675.00                        293,400.00
  Notes payable                                            761,789,844.33                     734,890,208.56
  Account payable                                        1,687,628,665.10                   1,718,036,375.78
  Prepayment received                                        2,640,045.93                       1,439,653.84
  Contract liabilities                                     111,056,258.14                     207,993,671.55
  Selling of repurchased financial assets
  Deposit received and held for others
  Entrusted trading of securities
  Entrusted selling of securities
  Employees' wage payable                                   36,639,314.27                      67,150,863.91
  Taxes payable                                             59,751,167.49                      85,827,331.09
  Other payables                                           109,992,243.02                     113,425,377.70
     Including: interest payable
             Dividend payable
  Fees and commissions payable
  Reinsurance fee payable
  Liabilities held for sales
  Non-current liabilities due in 1 year                    118,865,039.42                      83,778,647.06
  Other current liabilities                                 50,689,992.84                      48,133,198.49

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Total current liabilities                                              4,516,375,162.55                     4,379,207,250.76
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract provision
  Long-term loans                                                      1,193,000,000.00                     1,263,500,000.00
  Bond payable
     Including: preferred stock
              Perpetual bond
  Lease liabilities                                                           8,553,119.00                      6,907,456.55
  Long-term payable                                                      204,640,219.18                       197,640,219.18
  Long-term employees' wage payable
  Anticipated liabilities                                                     5,520,119.55                      3,372,553.84
  Deferred earning                                                            8,716,557.86                      8,999,880.44
  Deferred income tax liabilities                                      1,060,525,339.35                     1,065,172,771.00
  Other non-current liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                                       2,480,955,354.94                     2,545,592,881.01
Total liabilities                                                      6,997,330,517.49                     6,924,800,131.77
Owner's equity:
 Share capital                                                         1,073,874,227.00                     1,073,874,227.00
 Other equity tools
   Including: preferred stock
           Perpetual bond
 Capital reserves                                                         11,459,588.40                        11,459,588.40
 Less: Shares in stock
 Other miscellaneous income                                               21,883,672.89                        31,986,716.79
  Special reserves
  Surplus reserve                                                         79,324,940.43                        79,324,940.43
  Common risk provisions
  Retained profit                                                      4,681,756,959.13                     4,553,295,402.30
Total of owner's equity belong to the
                                                                       5,868,299,387.85                     5,749,940,874.92
parent company
  Minor shareholders' equity                                              73,694,519.89                        70,444,287.33
Total of owners' equity                                                5,941,993,907.74                     5,820,385,162.25
Total of liabilities and owner's interest                             12,939,324,425.23                    12,745,185,294.02
Legal representative: Xiong Jianming        CFO: Lin Kebing        Accounting Manager: Wu Bohua

2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                       In RMB
                      Item                                    June 30, 2023                       January 1, 2023
Current asset:
  Monetary capital                                                        23,334,355.42                        87,710,288.64
  Transactional financial assets
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable
  Account receivable                                                           484,193.88                           647,944.58
  Receivable financing
  Prepayment                                                                    25,828.57                           277,763.31

                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

  Other receivables                                  1,073,141,303.92                   1,046,500,428.02
     Including: interest receivable
              Dividend receivable
  Contract assets
  Assets held for sales
  Non-current assets due in 1 year
  Other current assets                                   1,610,485.59                       1,395,020.37
Total current assets                                 1,098,596,167.38                   1,136,531,444.92
Non-current assets:
  Debt investment
  Other debt investment
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term share equity investment                  1,486,831,253.00                   1,457,331,253.00
  Investment in other equity tools                                                         11,968,973.86
  Other non-current financial assets                    30,000,001.00                      30,000,001.00
  Investment real estate                               333,236,768.00                     333,236,768.00
  Fixed assets                                          64,892,170.19                      66,203,194.37
  Construction in process
  Productive biological assets
  Gas & petrol
  Use right assets                                      10,201,006.25                      12,055,734.65
  Intangible assets                                       887,443.37                        1,038,211.65
  R&D expense
  Long-term amortizable expenses                          295,311.04                         393,807.16
  Deferred income tax assets                            34,531,293.77                      30,304,587.98
  Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets                          1,960,875,246.62                   1,942,532,531.67
Total of assets                                      3,059,471,414.00                   3,079,063,976.59
Current liabilities
  Short-term loans                                     300,050,833.33                     300,247,500.00
  Transactional financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Account payable                                         823,993.04                         803,645.08
  Prepayment received                                     788,550.45                         820,758.71
  Contract liabilities
  Employees' wage payable                                1,248,465.49                       3,444,985.79
  Taxes payable                                           868,784.39                         353,816.35
  Other payables                                       360,226,113.08                     308,443,521.52
     Including: interest payable

                                            Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

              Dividend payable
  Liabilities held for sales
  Non-current liabilities due in 1 year                      3,747,236.76                       3,613,300.13
  Other current liabilities                                     27,859.15                            25,213.92
Total current liabilities                                  667,781,835.69                     617,752,741.50
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loans
  Bond payable
     Including: preferred stock
              Perpetual bond
  Lease liabilities                                          7,481,056.95                       9,401,331.72
  Long-term payable
  Long-term employees' wage payable
  Anticipated liabilities
  Deferred earning
  Deferred income tax liabilities                           73,837,939.59                      74,007,022.67
  Other non-current liabilities
Total of non-current liabilities                            81,318,996.54                      83,408,354.39
Total liabilities                                          749,100,832.23                     701,161,095.89
Owner's equity:
 Share capital                                           1,073,874,227.00                   1,073,874,227.00
 Other equity tools
   Including: preferred stock
           Perpetual bond
 Capital reserves                                             360,835.52                         360,835.52
 Less: Shares in stock
 Other miscellaneous income                                -10,082,945.37                      -1,106,214.97
  Special reserves
  Surplus reserve                                           79,324,940.43                      79,324,940.43
  Retained profit                                        1,166,893,524.19                   1,225,449,092.72
Total of owners' equity                                  2,310,370,581.77                   2,377,902,880.70
Total of liabilities and owner's interest                3,059,471,414.00                   3,079,063,976.59

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                      In RMB
                                   Item                           H1 2023                  H1 2022
1. Total revenue                                                    2,078,846,877.32        1,613,063,315.30
  Incl. Business income                                             2,078,846,877.32        1,613,063,315.30
           Interest income
           Insurance fee earned
           Fee and commission received
2. Total business cost                                              1,877,202,076.89        1,492,648,248.55
  Incl. Business cost                                               1,624,230,468.63        1,259,515,842.60
           Interest expense
           Fee and commission paid

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

           Insurance discharge payment
           Net claim amount paid
           Net insurance policy responsibility reserves provided
           Insurance policy dividend paid
           Reinsurance expenses
           Taxes and surcharges                                                22,503,741.56            23,203,954.56
           Sales expense                                                       28,143,556.79            23,296,105.78
           Administrative expense                                              79,590,941.46            74,193,251.57
           R&D cost                                                            88,989,510.66            72,809,311.17
           Financial expenses                                                  33,743,857.79            39,629,782.88
             Including: interest cost                                          48,188,161.19            50,244,714.46
                     Interest income                                           12,097,319.82            19,918,179.96
  Add: other gains                                                              8,563,782.32             6,768,907.75
        Investment gains ("-" for loss)                                        -2,361,833.19             4,595,678.43
             Incl. Investment gains from affiliates and joint
                                                                                     294.42                -32,974.15
                     Financial assets derecognised as a result of
                                                                               -2,362,127.61            -1,859,057.85
amortized cost
        Exchange gains ("-" for loss)
        Net open hedge gains ("-" for loss)
        Gains from change of fair value ("-" for loss)                           129,892.00              1,180,840.01
        Credit impairment ("-" for loss)                                       20,274,577.59            25,016,298.34
        Investment impairment loss ("-" for loss)                             -14,673,904.92           -27,659,612.75
        Investment gains ("-" for loss)                                          373,352.08               -815,581.50
3. Operational profit ("-" for loss)                                          213,950,666.31           129,501,597.03
  Plus: non-operational income                                                   204,046.54               446,386.82
  Less: non-operational expenditure                                              569,862.59              2,578,001.31
4. Gross profit ("-" for loss)                                                213,584,850.26           127,369,982.54
  Less: Income tax expenses                                                    28,189,905.44            13,005,121.74
5. Net profit ("-" for net loss)                                              185,394,944.82           114,364,860.80
   (1) By operating consistency
     1. Net profit from continuous operation ("-" for net loss)               185,394,944.82           114,364,860.80
     2. Net profit from discontinuous operation ("-" for net loss)
   (2) By ownership
     1. Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the parent
                                                                              182,155,268.18           112,685,273.77
     2. Gains and losses of minority shareholders (net losses are
                                                                                3,239,676.64             1,679,587.03
shown in "-")
6. After-tax net amount of other misc. incomes                                -10,092,487.98              -427,835.59
   After-tax net amount of other misc. incomes attributed to
                                                                              -10,103,043.90              -450,330.27
parent's owner
     (1) Other misc. incomes that cannot be re-classified into
gain and loss
        1. Re-measure the change in the defined benefit plan
        2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be
transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
        3. Fair value change of investment in other equity tools               -8,976,730.40
        4. Fair value change of the Company's credit risk

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

        5. Others
     (2) Other misc. incomes that will be re-classified into gain
                                                                                    -1,126,313.50                    -450,330.27
and loss
        1. Other comprehensive income that can be transferred to
profit or loss under the equity method
        2. Fair value change of other debt investment
        3. Gains and losses from changes in fair value of
available-for-sale financial assets
        4. Other credit investment credit impairment provisions
        5. Cash flow hedge reserve                                                  -1,579,210.04                    -960,094.83
        6. Translation difference of foreign exchange statement                        452,896.54                     509,764.56
        7. Others
   After-tax net of other misc. income attributed to minority
                                                                                        10,555.92                      22,494.68
7. Total of misc. incomes                                                          175,302,456.84                113,937,025.21
   Total of misc. incomes attributable to the owners of the parent
                                                                                   172,052,224.28                112,234,943.50
   Total misc gains attributable to the minor shareholders                           3,250,232.56                   1,702,081.71
8. Earnings per share:
   (1) Basic earnings per share                                                              0.17                           0.10
   (2) Diluted earnings per share                                                            0.17                           0.10
Net profit contributed by entities merged under common control in the report period was RMB0.00, net profit realized by parties
merged during the previous period is RMB0.00.
Legal representative: Xiong Jianming      CFO: Lin Kebing        Accounting Manager: Wu Bohua

4. Income Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                             Item                                        H1 2023                            H1 2022
1. Turnover                                                                    12,358,317.34                       14,705,232.50
  Less: Operation cost                                                                   0.00                         418,824.01
       Taxes and surcharges                                                        659,523.84                         655,596.71
       Sales expense
       Administrative expense                                                  14,762,448.49                       15,050,027.61
       R&D cost
       Financial expenses                                                       3,690,612.01                        6,762,805.90
           Including: interest cost                                             3,898,333.33                        5,419,166.67
                  Interest income                                                  404,455.21                         216,667.03
  Add: other gains                                                                  78,916.83                          72,308.39
       Investment gains ("-" for loss)                                                                                431,992.15
           Incl. Investment gains from affiliates and joint
                 Financial assets derecognised as a result
of amortized cost ("-" for loss)
       Net open hedge gains ("-" for loss)
       Gains from change of fair value ("-" for loss)
       Credit impairment ("-" for loss)                                            398,974.45                         -12,016.02
       Investment impairment loss ("-" for loss)
       Investment gains ("-" for loss)                                                                                -26,723.69

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2. Operational profit ("-" for loss)                                        -6,276,375.72               -7,716,460.90
  Plus: non-operational income                                                 44,168.06                         0.84
  Less: non-operational expenditure                                            33,194.93                   47,636.27
3. Gross profit ("-" for loss)                                              -6,265,402.59               -7,764,096.33
  Less: Income tax expenses                                                 -1,403,545.41               -1,872,231.86
4. Net profit ("-" for net loss)                                            -4,861,857.18               -5,891,864.47
   (1) Net profit from continuous operation ("-" for net
                                                                            -4,861,857.18               -5,891,864.47
   (2) Net profit from discontinuous operation ("-" for net
5. After-tax net amount of other misc. incomes                              -8,976,730.40
      (1) Other misc. incomes that cannot be re-classified
into gain and loss
        1. Re-measure the change in the defined benefit
        2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be
transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
        3. Fair value change of investment in other equity
        4. Fair value change of the Company's credit risk
        5. Others
      (2) Other misc. incomes that will be re-classified into
gain and loss
        1. Other comprehensive income that can be
transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
        2. Fair value change of other debt investment
        3. Gains and losses from changes in fair value of
available-for-sale financial assets
        4. Other credit investment credit impairment
        5. Cash flow hedge reserve
        6. Translation difference of foreign exchange
        7. Others
6. Total of misc. incomes                                                  -13,838,587.58               -5,891,864.47
7. Earnings per share:
   (1) Basic earnings per share
   (2) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                               In RMB
                               Item                                         H1 2023                  H1 2022
1. Net cash flow from business operations:
   Cash received from sales of products and providing of services             1,920,455,087.38       1,404,641,263.99
  Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for brother
  Net increase of loans from central bank
  Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies
  Cash received against original insurance contract
  Net cash received from reinsurance business
  Net increase of client deposit and investment
  Cash received as interest, processing fee, and commission

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

  Net increase of inter-bank fund received
  Net increase of repurchasing business
  Net cash received from trading securities
  Tax refunded                                                                   4,515,868.70           13,589,221.42
  Other cash received from business operation                                    43,447,921.80         101,615,328.20
Sub-total of cash inflow from business operations                             1,968,418,877.88       1,519,845,813.61
  Cash paid for purchasing products and services                              1,366,927,959.80       1,218,828,059.03
  Net increase of client trade and advance
  Net increase of savings in central bank and brother company
  Cash paid for original contract claim
  Net increase in funds dismantled
  Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission
  Cash paid for policy dividend
   Cash paid to and for the staff                                               238,020,813.88         224,849,803.47
   Taxes paid                                                                   136,324,121.29          88,742,682.58
   Other cash paid for business activities                                      264,459,694.04         294,006,061.57
Sub-total of cash outflow from business operations                            2,005,732,589.01       1,826,426,606.65
Cash flow generated by business operations, net                                 -37,313,711.13        -306,580,793.04
2. Cash flow generated by investment:
   Cash received from investment recovery                                                            2,282,234,066.40
   Cash received as investment profit                                                                    2,513,790.26
   Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                    27,880.04            2,041,120.00
assets, and other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
operational units
   Other investment-related cash received
Sub-total of cash inflow generated from investment                                  27,880.04        2,286,788,976.66
   Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                60,206,301.90           19,887,603.68
other long-term assets
   Cash paid as investment                                                                           2,389,975,144.00
  Net increase of loan against pledge
   Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other operational
   Other cash paid for investment
Subtotal of cash outflows                                                        60,206,301.90       2,409,862,747.68
Cash flow generated by investment activities, net                               -60,178,421.86        -123,073,771.02
3. Cash flow generated by financing activities:
   Cash received from investment
   Incl. Cash received from investment attracted by subsidiaries
from minority shareholders
   Cash received from borrowed loans                                          1,173,858,273.98       1,168,411,688.20
   Other cash received from financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                             1,173,858,273.98       1,168,411,688.20
  Cash paid to repay debts                                                     946,000,000.00          328,500,000.00
  Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                  100,394,812.98          102,751,331.27
   Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minority
   Other cash paid for financing activities                                      68,686,816.10         609,596,798.70
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                            1,115,081,629.08       1,040,848,129.97
Net cash flow generated by financing activities                                  58,776,644.90         127,563,558.23
4. Influence of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                3,710,265.08           3,757,947.63
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    -35,005,223.01        -298,333,058.20
   Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of               783,677,929.06         892,251,071.59

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period              748,672,706.05          593,918,013.39

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                                              In RMB
                                 Item                                      H1 2023                  H1 2022
1. Net cash flow from business operations:
   Cash received from sales of products and providing of services               9,210,418.74           10,460,521.63
   Tax refunded
   Other cash received from business operation                               2,268,519,986.44       1,764,596,018.97
Sub-total of cash inflow from business operations                            2,277,730,405.18       1,775,056,540.60
   Cash paid for purchasing products and services                                1,697,321.13             981,699.47
   Cash paid to and for the staff                                               10,382,381.77          11,795,461.40
   Taxes paid                                                                      928,005.61           3,942,572.28
   Other cash paid for business activities                                   2,241,886,586.57       1,647,625,265.89
Sub-total of cash outflow from business operations                           2,254,894,295.08       1,664,344,999.04
Cash flow generated by business operations, net                                 22,836,110.10         110,711,541.56
2. Cash flow generated by investment:
   Cash received from investment recovery                                                             845,000,000.00
   Cash received as investment profit                                                                     431,992.15
   Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets, and other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
operational units
   Other investment-related cash received
Sub-total of cash inflow generated from investment                                                    846,106,992.15
   Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                                     1,350.00            113,230.00
other long-term assets
   Cash paid as investment                                                     29,500,000.00          845,000,000.00
   Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other operational
   Other cash paid for investment
Subtotal of cash outflows                                                       29,501,350.00         845,113,230.00
Cash flow generated by investment activities, net                              -29,501,350.00             993,762.15
3. Cash flow generated by financing activities:
   Cash received from investment
   Cash received from borrowed loans                                          300,000,000.00          300,000,000.00
   Other cash received from financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities                             300,000,000.00          300,000,000.00
   Cash paid to repay debts                                                   300,000,000.00          300,000,000.00
   Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                                 57,788,711.35           60,578,669.24
   Other cash paid for financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing activities                            357,788,711.35          360,578,669.24
Net cash flow generated by financing activities                               -57,788,711.35          -60,578,669.24
4. Influence of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                 78,018.03              -22,654.47
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                  -64,375,933.22           51,103,980.00
   Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of
                                                                               87,460,288.64          111,598,536.84
6. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period               23,084,355.42          162,702,516.84

7. Statement of Change in Owners' Equity (Consolidated)

Amount of the Current Term

                                                                                                              In RMB

                                               Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                   H1 2023
                                     Owners' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                       Other equity tools                  Oth                                                 Min     Tota
                                                   Less      er                                                 or     l of
    Item        Shar   Pref   Perp          Capi     :     misc     Spe      Surp          Reta                shar
                                                                                     on                                own
                  e                          tal   Shar     ella    cial      lus          ined   Oth   Subt   ehol
                       erre   etua                                                  risk                               ers'
                capi                 Oth    rese   es in    neo     rese     rese          prof   ers   otal   ders'
                        d       l                                                   prov                       equi    equi
                 tal                 ers    rves   stoc      us     rves      rve            it
                       shar   bon                                                   isio                        ty      ty
                        e      d                     k     inco
                1,07                        11,4           31,9              79,3          4,55         5,74   70,4    5,82
1. Balance at
                3,87                        59,5           86,7              24,9          3,29         9,94   44,2    0,38
the end of
                4,22                        88.4           16.7              40.4          5,40         0,87   87.3    5,16
last year
                7.00                           0              9                 3          2.30         4.92      3    2.25
Changes in
Correction of
n of entities
2. Balance at   1,07                        11,4           31,9              79,3          4,55         5,74   70,4    5,82
the             3,87                        59,5           86,7              24,9          3,29         9,94   44,2    0,38
beginning of    4,22                        88.4           16.7              40.4          5,40         0,87   87.3    5,16
current year    7.00                           0              9                 3          2.30         4.92      3    2.25
3. Change                                                     -
                                                                                           128,         118,           121,
amount in                                                  10,1                                                3,25
                                                                                           461,         358,           608,
the current                                                03,0                                                0,23
                                                                                           556.         512.           745.
period ("-"                                                43.9                                                2.56
                                                                                             83           93             49
for decrease)                                                 0
                                                                                           182,         172,           175,
(1) Total of                                               10,1                                                3,25
                                                                                           155,         052,           302,
misc.                                                      03,0                                                0,23
                                                                                           268.         224.           456.
incomes                                                    43.9                                                2.56
                                                                                             18           28             84
or decreasing
of capital by
1. Common
invested by
2. Capital
by other

                 Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

3. Amount of
shares paid
accounted as
4. Others
                                                      -           -            -
                                                   53,6        53,6         53,6
(3) Profit
                                                   93,7        93,7         93,7
                                                   11.3        11.3         11.3
                                                      5           5            5
1. Provision
of surplus
2. Common
                                                      -           -            -
                                                   53,6        53,6         53,6
                                                   93,7        93,7         93,7
to owners (or
                                                   11.3        11.3         11.3
                                                      5           5            5
4. Others
(4) Internal
carry-over of
of capital
reserves (or
share capital)
of surplus
reserves (or
share capital)
3. Surplus
reserves used
to cover
4. Retained
due to
change in set
5. Other
s income

                                               Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

6. Others
(5) Special
1. Provided
this year
2. Used this
(6) Others
                1,07                        11,4           21,8              79,3          4,68         5,86   73,6    5,94
4. Balance at
                3,87                        59,5           83,6              24,9          1,75         8,29   94,5    1,99
the end of
                4,22                        88.4           72.8              40.4          6,95         9,38   19.8    3,90
this period
                7.00                           0              9                 3          9.13         7.85      9    7.74
Amount of Last Year
                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                   H1 2022
                                     Owners' Equity Attributable to the Parent Company
                       Other equity tools                  Oth                                                 Min
                                                                                     Co                                Tota
                                                   Less      er                                                 or
                                                                                    mm                                 l of
    Item        Shar   Pref   Perp          Capi     :     misc     Spe      Surp          Reta                shar
                                                                                     on                                own
                  e    erre   etua           tal   Shar     ella    cial      lus          ined   Oth   Subt   ehol
                                     Oth                                            risk                               ers'
                capi    d       l           rese   es in    neo     rese     rese          prof   ers   otal   ders'
                                     ers                                            prov                               equi
                 tal   shar   bon           rves   stoc      us     rves      rve            it                equi
                                                                                    isio                                ty
                        e      d                     k     inco                                                 ty
                1,07                        11,4           35,3              79,3          4,32         5,52   67,1    5,59
1. Balance at
                3,87                        59,5           25,8              24,9          4,05         4,03   66,0    1,20
the end of
                4,22                        88.4           71.7              40.4          5,25         9,88   31.6    5,91
last year
                7.00                           0              8                 3          9.33         6.94      6    8.60
Changes in
Correction of
n of entities
2. Balance at   1,07                        11,4           35,3              79,3          4,32         5,52   67,1    5,59
the             3,87                        59,5           25,8              24,9          4,05         4,03   66,0    1,20
beginning of    4,22                        88.4           71.7              40.4          5,25         9,88   31.6    5,91
current year    7.00                           0              8                 3          9.33         6.94      6    8.60
3. Change
                                                              -                            58,9         58,5           60,2
amount in                                                                                                      1,70
                                                           450,                            91,5         41,2           43,3
the current                                                                                                    2,08
                                                           330.                            62.4         32.1           13.8
period ("-"                                                                                                    1.71
                                                             27                               2            5              6
for decrease)
(1) Total of                                                   -                           112,         112,   1,70    113,

                 Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

misc.                     450,                     685,        234,   2,08   937,
incomes                   330.                     273.        943.   1.71   025.
                            27                       77          50            21
or decreasing
of capital by
1. Common
invested by
2. Capital
by other
3. Amount of
shares paid
accounted as
4. Others
                                                      -           -             -
                                                   53,6        53,6          53,6
(3) Profit
                                                   93,7        93,7          93,7
                                                   11.3        11.3          11.3
                                                      5           5             5
1. Provision
of surplus
2. Common
                                                      -           -             -
                                                   53,6        53,6          53,6
                                                   93,7        93,7          93,7
to owners (or
                                                   11.3        11.3          11.3
                                                      5           5             5
4. Others
(4) Internal
carry-over of
of capital
reserves (or
share capital)
of surplus

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

reserves (or
share capital)
3. Surplus
reserves used
to cover
4. Retained
due to
change in set
5. Other
s income
6. Others
(5) Special
1. Provided
this year
2. Used this
(6) Others
                 1,07                          11,4            34,8             79,3            4,38          5,58   68,8    5,65
4. Balance at
                 3,87                          59,5            75,5             24,9            3,04          2,58   68,1    1,44
the end of
                 4,22                          88.4            41.5             40.4            6,82          1,11   13.3    9,23
this period
                 7.00                             0               1                3            1.75          9.09      7    2.46

8. Statement of Change in Owners' Equity (Parent Company)

Amount of the Current Term
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                      H1 2023
                              Other equity tools                           Other
                                                      Capita     Less:    miscel       Specia   Surplu
    Item                                                                                                 Retain               of
                 Share     Prefer   Perpet               l      Shares    laneou          l        s
                                                                                                          ed      Others    owner
                 capital    red       ual    Others   reserv       in        s         reserv   reserv
                                                                                                         profit               s'
                           share     bond               es       stock    incom          es        e
1. Balance at    1,073,                                                                          79,32   1,225,             2,377,
                                                       360,8               1,106,
the end of        874,2                                                                         4,940.    449,0              902,8
                                                       35.52                214.9
last year         27.00                                                                             43    92.72              80.70
Changes in
Correction of

                         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

2. Balance at                                    -
                1,073,                                      79,32   1,225,        2,377,
the                          360,8          1,106,
                 874,2                                     4,940.    449,0         902,8
beginning of                 35.52           214.9
                 27.00                                         43    92.72         80.70
current year                                     7
3. Change
                                                 -                       -             -
amount in
                                            8,976,                   58,55         67,53
the current
                                             730.4                  5,568.        2,298.
period ("-"
                                                 0                      53            93
for decrease)
                                                 -                       -             -
(1) Total of
                                            8,976,                  4,861,         13,83
                                             730.4                   857.1        8,587.
                                                 0                       8            58
or decreasing
of capital by
1. Common
invested by
2. Capital
by other
3. Amount of
shares paid
accounted as
4. Others
                                                                         -             -
(3) Profit                                                          53,69         53,69
allotment                                                           3,711.        3,711.
                                                                       35            35
1. Provision
of surplus
2.                                                                       -             -
Distribution                                                        53,69         53,69
to owners (or                                                       3,711.        3,711.
shareholders)                                                          35            35
3. Others
(4) Internal
carry-over of

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

of capital
reserves (or
share capital)
of surplus
reserves (or
share capital)
3. Surplus
reserves used
to cover
4. Retained
due to
change in set
5. Other
s income
6. Others
(5) Special
1. Provided
this year
2. Used this
(6) Others
4. Balance at    1,073,                                                                    79,32   1,166,             2,310,
                                                       360,8             10,08
the end of        874,2                                                                   4,940.    893,5              370,5
                                                       35.52            2,945.
this period       27.00                                                                       43    24.19              81.77
Amount of Last Year

                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                                  H1 2022
                              Other equity tools                         Other
                                                      Capita    Less:   miscel   Specia   Surplu
    Item                                                                                           Retain               of
                 Share     Prefer   Perpet               l     Shares   laneou      l        s
                                                                                                    ed      Others    owner
                 capital    red       ual    Others   reserv      in       s     reserv   reserv
                                                                                                   profit               s'
                           share     bond               es      stock   incom      es        e
1. Balance at    1,073,                                                      -             79,32   1,290,             2,443,
the end of        874,2                                                  520,7            4,940.    879,7              918,9
last year         27.00                                                  86.11                43    60.71              77.55
Changes in

                         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Correction of
2. Balance at
                1,073,                          -           79,32   1,290,        2,443,
the                          360,8
                 874,2                      520,7          4,940.    879,7         918,9
beginning of                 35.52
                 27.00                      86.11              43    60.71         77.55
current year
3. Change
                                                                         -             -
amount in
                                                                     59,58         59,58
the current
                                                                    5,575.        5,575.
period ("-"
                                                                        82            82
for decrease)
                                                                         -             -
(1) Total of
                                                                    5,891,        5,891,
                                                                     864.4         864.4
                                                                         7             7
or decreasing
of capital by
1. Common
invested by
2. Capital
by other
3. Amount of
shares paid
accounted as
4. Others
                                                                         -             -
(3) Profit                                                          53,69         53,69
allotment                                                           3,711.        3,711.
                                                                       35            35
1. Provision
of surplus
2.                                                                       -             -
Distribution                                                        53,69         53,69
to owners (or                                                       3,711.        3,711.
shareholders)                                                          35            35
3. Others
(4) Internal
carry-over of

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

of capital
reserves (or
share capital)
of surplus
reserves (or
share capital)
3. Surplus
reserves used
to cover
4. Retained
due to
change in set
5. Other
s income
6. Others
(5) Special
1. Provided
this year
2. Used this
(6) Others
4. Balance at    1,073,                                                         -               79,32   1,231,            2,384,
the end of        874,2                                                     520,7              4,940.    294,1             333,4
this period       27.00                                                     86.11                  43    84.89             01.73

III. General Information

      China Fangda Group Co., Ltd. (the "Company" or the "Group") is a joint stock company registered in Shenzhen,

Guangdong and was approved by the Government of Shenzhen with Document 深府办函 (1995) 194 号, and was founded, on the

basis of Shenzhen Fangda Construction Material Co., Ltd., by way of share issuing in October 1995. The unified social credit code

is: 91440300192448589C; registered address: Fangda Technology Building, Keji South 12th Road, South District, High-tech

Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen. Mr. Xiong Jianming is the legal representative.

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

      The Company issued foreign currency shares (B shares) and local currency shares (A shares) and listed in November 1995

and April 1996 respectively in Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Company received the Reply to the Non-public Share Issuance of

Fangda China Group Co., Ltd. (CSRC License [2016] No.825) to allow the Company to conduct non-public issuance of

32,184,931 A-shares in June 20116. According to the profit distribution plan for 2016 approved by the 2016 general shareholders'

meeting, the Company issued five shares for every ten shares to all shareholders through surplus capitalization based on the total

789,094,836 shares on December 31, 2016. The registered capital at the end of 2017 was RMB 1,183,642,254.00. The Company

repurchased and cancelled 28,160,568.00 B shares in August 2018, 32,097,497.00 B shares in January 2019, 35,105,238.00 B

shares in May 2020, 14404724.00 B shares in April 2021 and cancelled in April 2021. The existing registered capital is

RMB1,073,874,227.00 yuan.

      The Company has established the corporate governance structure of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of

Directors and the Board of Supervisors. At present, it has set up the President's Office, the Administration Department, the Human

Resources Department, the Enterprise Management Department, the Finance Department, the Audit and Supervision Department,

the Securities Department, the Legal Department, the Information Management Department, the Technology Innovation

Department, the Development Planning Department and other departments, and has Shenzhen Fangda Construction Technology

Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Fangda Construction Technology Co., Ltd.) Fangda Zhiyuan Technology Co., Ltd.

(hereinafter referred to as Fangda Zhiyuan Technology Co., Ltd.), Fangda Jiangxi New Materials Co., Ltd., Fangda Real Estate

Co., Ltd., Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd. and other subsidiaries.

      The business nature and main business activities of the Company and its subsidiaries include: (1) curtain wall division,

production and sales of curtain wall materials, design, production and installation of building curtain walls, and curtain wall testing

and maintenance services; (2) Rail transit branch, assembly and processing of subway screen doors, screen door detection and

maintenance services; (3) The real estate division is engaged in real estate development, operation and property management on

the land that has legally obtained the right to use; (4) New energy division, photovoltaic power generation and sales; R&D,

installation and sales of photovoltaic equipment, design and installation of photovoltaic power station project.

      Date of financial statement approval: This financial statement is approved by the Board of Directors of the Company on

August 25, 2023.

      The total number of subsidiaries included in the consolidation scope of the Company in this period is 34, and there are no

change and subsidiaries in consolidation scope in this period. Please refer to "Section X, VIII. Changes in the Consolidation

Scope" and "Section X, IX. Interests in Other Entities" for details.

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

IV. Basis for the preparation of financial statements

1. Preparation basis

      The Company prepares the financial statements based on continuous operation and according to actual transactions and

events, with figures confirmed and measured in compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other

specific account standards, application guide and interpretations. The Company has also disclosed related financial information

according to the requirement of the Regulations of Information Disclosure No.15 – General Provisions for Financial Statements

(Revised in 2014) issued by the CSRC.

2. Continuous operation

      The Company assessed the continuing operations capability of the Company for the 12 months from the end of the reporting

period. No matters were found that would affect the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. It is reasonable for the

Company to prepare financial statements based on continuing operations.

V. Significant Account Policies and Estimates

Specific accounting policy and estimate prompt:

      The following major accounting policies and accounting estimates shall be formulated in accordance with the accounting

standards of the enterprise. Unmentioned operations are carried out in accordance with the relevant accounting policies in the

enterprise accounting standards.

1. Statement of compliance to the Enterprise Accounting Standard

     These financial statements meet the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and truly and fully
reflect the Company's financial status, performance result, changes in shareholders' equity and cash flows.

2. Fiscal Period

      The Company The fiscal period ranges between January 1 and December 31 of the Gregorian calendar.

3. Operation period

      Our normal business cycle is one year

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

4. Bookkeeping standard money

       The Company's bookkeeping standard currency is Renminbi, and overseas subsidiaries are based on the currency of the

main economic environment in which they operate.

5. Accounting treatment of the entities under common and different control

       (1) Consolidation of entities under common control

       The assets and liabilities acquired by the Company in a business combination are measured at the book value of the

combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the date of combination. Among them,

if the accounting policy adopted by the merger party is different from that adopted by the Company before the merger, the

accounting policy is unified based on the principle of importance, that is, the book value of the assets and liabilities of t he merger

party is adjusted according to the accounting policy of the Company. If there is a difference between the book value of the net

assets acquired by the Company in the business combination and the book value of the consideration paid, first adjust the bal ance

of the capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium), the balance of the capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium)

If it is insufficient to offset, the surplus reserve and undistributed profits will be offset in sequence.

       For the accounting treatment method of business combination under the same control through step-by-step transactions, see

Chapter X, V. important accounting policies and accounting estimates. 6. Preparation method of consolidated financial statements

(5) accounting treatment of special transactions.

       (2) Consolidation of entities under different control

       All identifiable assets and liabilities acquired by the Company during the merger shall be measured at its fair value on the

date of purchase. Among them, if the accounting policy adopted by the merger party is different from that adopted by the

Company before the merger, the accounting policy is unified based on the principle of importance, that is, the book value of the

assets and liabilities of the merger party is adjusted according to the accounting policy of the Company. The merger cost of the

Company on the date of purchase is greater than the fair value of the assets and liabilities recognized by the purchaser in the

merger, and is recognized as goodwill. If the merger cost is less than the difference between the identifiable assets and the fair

value of the liabilities obtained by the purchaser in the enterprise merger, the merger cost and the fair value of the identifiable

assets and the liabilities obtained by the purchaser in the enterprise merger are reviewed, and the merger cost is still less than the

fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities obtained by the purchaser after the review, the difference is considered as the

profit and loss of the current period of the merger.

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       For the accounting treatment method of business combination not under the same control through step-by-step transactions,

see Chapter X, V. important accounting policies and accounting estimates. 6. Preparation method of consolidated financial

statements (5) accounting treatment of special transactions.

       (3) Treatment of related transaction fee in enterprise merger

     Agency expenses and other administrative expenses such as auditing, legal consulting, or appraisal services occurred relating
to the merger of entities are accounted into current income account when occurred. The transaction fees of equity certificates or
liability certificates issued by the purchaser for payment for the acquisition are accounted at the initial amount of the certificates.

6. Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

       (1) Consolidation scope

       The consolidated scope of the consolidated financial statements is determined on a control basis and includes not only

subsidiaries determined on the basis of voting rights (or similar voting rights) themselves or in conjunction with other

arrangements, but also structured subjects determined on the basis of one or more contractual arrangements.

       Control means the power possessed by the Company on invested entities to share variable returns by participating in related

activities of the invested entities and to impact the amount of the returns by using the power. The subsidiary company is the

subject controlled by the Company (including the enterprise, the divisible part of the invested unit and the structured subject

controlled by the enterprise, etc.). The structured subject is the subject which is not designed to determine the controlling party by

taking the voting right or similar right as the decisive factor.

       (2) Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements

       The Company prepares consolidated financial statements based on the financial statements of itself and its subsidiaries and

based on other relevant information.

       The Company compiles consolidated financial statements, regards the whole enterprise group as an accounting entity,

reflects the overall financial status, operating results and cash flow of the enterprise group according to the confirmation,

measurement and presentation requirements of the relevant enterprise accounting standards, and the unified accounting policy and

accounting period.

       ① Merge the assets, liabilities, owner's rights and interests, income, expenses and cash flow of parent company and

subsidiary company.

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       ② Offset the long-term equity investment of the parent company to the subsidiary company and the share of the parent

company in the ownership rights of the subsidiary company.

       ③ Offset the influence of internal transaction between parent company, subsidiary company and subsidiary company. If an

internal transaction indicates that the relevant asset has suffered an impairment loss, the part of the loss shall be confirmed in full.

       ④ adjust the special transaction from the angle of enterprise group.

       (3) Processing of subsidiaries during the reporting period

       ① Increase of subsidiaries or business

       A. Subsidiary or business increased by business combination under the same control

       (A) When preparing the consolidated balance sheet, adjust the opening number of the consolidated balance sheet and adjust

the related items of the comparative statement. The same report entity as the consolidated balance sheet will exist from the time of

the final control party.

       (B) When preparing the consolidated cash flow statement, the cash flows of the subsidiary and the business combination

from the beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated cash flow statement,

and the related items of the comparative statement are adjusted, which is regarded as the combined report body since the final The

controller has been there since the beginning of control.

       (C) When preparing the consolidated cash flow statement, the cash flows of the subsidiary and the business combination

from the beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting period are included in the consolidated cash flow statement,

and the related items of the comparative statement are adjusted, which is regarded as the combined report body since the final The

controller has been there since the beginning of control.

       B. Subsidiary or business increased by business combination under the same control

       (A) When preparing the consolidated balance sheet, the opening number of the consolidated balance sheet is not adjusted.

       (B) When preparing the consolidated profit statement, the income, expense and profit of the subsidiary company and the

business Purchase date and Closing balance shall be included in the consolidated profit statement.

       (C) When the consolidated cash flow statement is prepared, the cash flow from the purchase date of the subsidiary to the

end of the reporting period is included in the consolidated cash flow statement.

       ② Disposal of subsidiaries or business

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

      A. When preparing the consolidated balance sheet, the opening number of the consolidated balance sheet is not adjusted.

      B. When preparing the consolidated profit statement, the income, expense and profit of the subsidiary company and the

business opening and disposal date shall be included in the consolidated profit statement.

      C. When the consolidated cash flow statement is prepared, the cash flow from the Beginning of the period of the subsidiary

to the end of the reporting period is included in the consolidated cash flow statement.

      (4) Special considerations in consolidation offsets

      ① The long-term equity investment held by a subsidiary company shall be regarded as the inventory shares of the Company

as a subtraction of the owner's rights and interests, which shall be listed under the item of "subtraction: Stock shares" under the

item of owner's rights and interests in the consolidated balance sheet.

      The long-term equity investments held by the subsidiaries are offset by the shares of the shareholders of the subsidiaries.

      ② The "special reserve" and "general risk preparation" projects, because they are neither real capital (or share capital) nor

capital reserve, but also different from the retained income and undistributed profits, are restored according to the ownership of the

parent company after the long-term equity investment is offset by the ownership rights and interests of the subsidiary company.

      ③ If there is a temporary difference between the book value of assets and liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet and

the taxable basis of the taxpayer due to the offset of the unrealized internal sales gain or loss, the deferred income tax asset or the

deferred income tax liability is confirmed in the consolidated balance sheet, and the income tax expense in the consolidated profit

statement is adjusted, with the exception of the deferred income tax related to the transaction or event directly included in the

owner's equity and the merger of the enterprise.

      ④ The unrealized internal transaction gains and losses incurred by the Company from selling assets to subsidiaries shall be

fully offset against the "net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company". The unrealized internal trans action gains and

losses arising from the sale of assets by the subsidiary to the Company shall be offset between the "net profit attributable to the

owners of the parent company" and the "minority shareholder gains and losses" in accordance with the Company's distribution

ratio to the subsidiary. The unrealized internal transaction gains and losses arising from the sale of assets between subsidiaries

shall be offset between the "net profit attributable to the owners of the parent company" and the "minority shareholders' gains and

losses" in accordance with the Company's distribution ratio to the seller's subsidiary .

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       ⑤ If the current loss shared by the minority shareholders of the subsidiary exceeds the share of the minority shareholders in

the owner 's equity of the subsidiary at the beginning of the period, the balance should still be offset against the minority

shareholders 'equity.

       (5) Accounting treatment of special transactions

       ① Purchase minority shareholders' equity

       The Company purchases the shares of the subsidiaries owned by the minority shareholders of the subsidiaries. In the

individual financial statements, the investment costs of the newly acquired long-term investments of the minority shares shall be

measured at the fair value of the price paid. In the consolidated financial statements, the difference between the newly acquired

long-term equity investment due to the purchase of minority equity and the share of net assets that should be continuously

calculated by the subsidiary since the purchase date or the merger date should be adjusted according to the new shareholding ratio.

The product (capital premium or equity premium), if the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the surplus reserve and

undistributed profits are offset in turn.

       ② Step-by-step acquisition of control of the subsidiary through multiple transactions

       A. Enterprise merger under common control through multiple transactions

       On the date of the merger, the Company determines the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment in the

individual financial statements based on the share of the subsidiary 's net assets that should be enjoyed after the merger in the final

controller 's consolidated financial statements; the initial investment cost and the The difference between the book value of the

long-term equity investment before the merger plus the book value of the consideration paid for new shares acquired on the merger

date, the capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium) is adjusted, and the capital reserve (capital premium or equity

premium) is insufficient to offset Reduced, in turn offset the surplus reserve and undistributed profits.

       In consolidated financial statements, assets and liabilities obtained by the merging party from the merged party should be

measured at the book value in the final controlling party's consolidated financial statements other than the adjustment made due to

differences in accounting policies; adjust the capital surplus (share premium) according to the difference between the initial

investment cost and the book value of the held investment before merger plus the book value of the consideration paid on the

merger date. Where the capital surplus falls short, the retained income should be adjusted.

       If the merging party holds the equity investment before acquiring the control of the merged party and is accounted for

according to the equity method, the date of acquiring the original equity and the merging party and the merged party are in t he

same party's final control from the later date to the merger date The relevant gains and losses, other comprehensive income and

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

other changes in owner's equity have been confirmed between them, and the retained earnings at the beginning of the comparati ve

statement period should be offset separately.

       A. Enterprise merger under common control through multiple transactions

       On the merger day, in individual financial statements, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment on the

merger day is based on the book value of the long-term equity investment previously held plus the sum of the additional

investment costs on the merger day.

       In the consolidated financial statements, the equity of the purchaser held prior to the date of purchase is revalued according

to the fair value of the equity at the date of purchase, and the difference between the fair value and its book value is credited to the

current investment income; If the shares held by the purchaser prior to the date of purchase involve other consolidated gains under

the equity law accounting, the other consolidated gains related thereto shall be converted to the current gains on the date of

purchase, with the exception of the other consolidated gains arising from the remeasurement of the net assets or net liabilit ies of

the merged party. The Company disclosed in the notes the fair value of the equity of the purchased party held before the purchase

date and the amount of related gains or losses remeasured according to the fair value.

       (3) The Company disposes of long-term equity investment in subsidiaries without losing control

       The parent company partially disposes of the long-term equity investment in the subsidiary company without losing control.

In the consolidated financial statements, the disposal price corresponds to the disposal of the long-term equity investment. The

difference between the shares is adjusted for the capital reserve (capital premium or equity premium). If the capital reserve is

insufficient to offset, the retained earnings are adjusted.

       ④ The Company disposes of long-term equity investment in subsidiaries and loses control

       A. One transaction disposition

       If the Company loses control over the Invested Party due to the disposal of part of the equity investment, it shall remeasure

the remaining equity according to its fair value at the date of loss of control when compiling the consolidated financial statement.

The sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of equity and the fair value of the remaining equity minus the differ ence

between the share of the original subsidiary 's net assets that should be continuously calculated from the purchase date or the

merger date, calculated as the loss of control The investment income of the current period.

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       Other comprehensive income and other owner's equity changes related to the equity investment of the atomic company are

transferred to the current profit and loss when the control is lost, except for other comprehensive income arising from the

remeasurement of the net benefits or net assets of the defined benefit plan by the investee. .

       B. Multi-transaction step-by-step disposition

       In consolidated financial statements, you should first determine whether a step-by-step transaction is a "blanket transaction".

       If the step-by-step transaction does not belong to a "package deal", in the individual financial statements, for each

transaction before the loss of control of the subsidiary, the book value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to each

disposal of equity is carried forward, the price received and the disposal The difference between the book value of the long-term

equity investment is included in the current investment income; in the consolidated financial statements, it should be handled in

accordance with the relevant provisions of "the parent company disposes of the long-term equity investment in the subsidiary

without losing control."

       If a step-by-step transaction belongs to a "blanket transaction", the transaction shall be treated as a transaction that disposes

of the subsidiary and loses control; In individual financial statements, the difference between each disposal price before the loss of

control and the book value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the equity being disposed of is first recognized as

other consolidated gains and then converted to the current loss of control at the time of the loss of control; In the consolidated

financial statements, for each transaction prior to the loss of control, the difference between the disposition of the price and the

disposition of the investment corresponding to the share in the net assets of the subsidiary shall be recognized as other

consolidated gains and shall, at the time of the loss of control, be transferred to the loss of control for the current period.

       Where the terms, conditions, and economic impact of each transaction meet one or more of the following conditions,

usually multiple transactions are treated as a "package deal":

       (a) These transactions were concluded at the same time or in consideration of mutual influence.

       (b) These transactions can only achieve the business result as a whole;

       (c) The effectiveness of one transaction depends the occurance of at least another transaction;

       (d) A single transaction is not economic and is economic when considered together with other transactions.

       (5) Proportion of minority shareholders in factor companies who increase capital and dilute ownership of parent companies

       Proportion of Others ( minority shareholders in factor companies who increase capital , dilute Subsidiaries of parent

companies. In the consolidated financial statements, the share of the parent company in the net book assets of the former

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

subsidiary of the capital increase is calculated according to the share ratio of the parent company before the capital increase, the

difference between the share and the net book assets of the latter subsidiary after the capital increase is calculated according to the

share ratio of the parent company, the capital reserve (capital premium or capital premium), the capital reserve (capital premium or

capital premium) is not offset, and the retained income is adjusted.

7. Recognition of cash and cash equivalents

       Cash refers to cash in stock and deposits that can be used for payment at any time. Cash equivalents refer to investments

with a short holding period (generally referring to expiry within three months from the date of purchase), strong liquidity, easy to

convert to a known amount of cash, and little risk of value change.

8.Foreign exchange business and foreign exchange statement translation

       (1) Methods for determining conversion rates in foreign currency transactions

       When the Company's foreign currency transactions are initially confirmed, they will be converted into the bookkeeping

standard currency at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

       (2) Methods of conversion of foreign currency currency currency items on balance sheet days

       At the balance sheet date, foreign currency items are translated on the spot exchange rate of the balance sheet date. The

exchange differences caused by the difference in exchange rates on the balance sheet date and initial recognizing date or previous

balance sheet date are included in the current profits and losses. Non-monetary items accounted in foreign currency and on

historical costs are exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. Non-monetary items accounted in foreign

currency and on fair value are exchanged with the spot exchange rate on the determination date of the fair value. The exchange

difference between the accounting standard-currency amount and the original accounting standard-currency amount are included

in the current profits and losses.

       (3) Translation of foreign exchange statements

       Prior to the conversion of the financial statements of an enterprise's overseas operations, the accounting period and policy of

the overseas operations should be adjusted to conform to the accounting period and policy of the enterprise. The financial

statements of the corresponding currency (other than the functional currency) should be prepared according to the adjusted

accounting policy and the accounting period. The financial statements of the overseas operations should be converted according to

the following methods:

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       ① The assets and liabilities items in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date.

Except for the "undistributed profits" items, the owner's equity items are translated at the spot exchange rate when they occur.

       ② The income and expense items in the profit statement are converted at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date or

the approximate exchange rate of the spot exchange rate.

       ③ The foreign currency cash flow and the foreign subsidiary's cash flow are converted using the immediate exchange rate

or the approximate exchange rate at the date of the cash flow. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash should be used as an

adjustment item and presented separately in the cash flow statement.

       ④ During the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, the resulting foreign currency financial statement

conversion variance is presented separately under the owner's equity item in the consolidated balance sheet.

       When foreign operations are disposed of and the control rights are lost, the difference in foreign currency statements related

to the overseas operations that are listed in the shareholders' equity items in the balance sheet is transferred to the profi t or loss for

the current period, either in whole or in proportion to the disposal of the foreign operations.

9. Financial instrument

       Financial instrument refers to a company's financial assets and contracts that form other units of financial liabilities or

equity instruments.

       (1) Recognition and de-recognition of financial instrument

       The Company recognizes a financial asset or liability when it becomes one party in the financial instrument contract.

       Financial asset is derecognized when:

       ① The contractual right to receive the cash flows of the financial assets is terminated;

       ② The financial asset is transferred and meets the following derecognition condition.

       If the current obligation of a financial liability (or part of it) has been discharged, the Company derecognises the financial

liability (or part of the financial liability). When the Company (borrower) and lender enter into an agreement to replace the

original financial liabilities by undertaking new financial liabilities and the contract terms for the new financial liabilities are

essentially different from those for the original one, the original financial liabilities will be derecognized and new financial

liabilities will be recognized. Where the Company makes substantial amendments to the contract terms of the original financial

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

liability (or part thereof), it shall terminate the original financial liability and confirm a new financial liability in accordance with

the amended terms.

          Financial asset transactions in regular ways are recognized and de-recognized on the transaction date. The conventional sale

of financial assets means the delivery of financial assets in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions, at the time set

out in the regulations or market practices. Transaction date refers to the date when the Company promises to buy or sell financial


          (2) Classification and subsequent measurement of financial assets

          At initial recognition, the Company classifies financial assets into the following three categories based on the business

model of managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets: financial assets measured at

amortized cost are measured at fair value and their changes are included in other financial assets with current profit and loss and

financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss. Unless the Company changes the business model for managing

financial assets, in this case, all affected financial assets are reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after the

business model changes, otherwise the financial assets may not be initially confirmed.

          Financial assets are measured at the fair value at the initial recognition. For financial assets measured at fair value with

variations accounted into current income account, related transaction expenses are accounted into the current income. For other

financial assets, the related transaction expenses are accounted into the initial recognized amounts. Bills receivable and accounts

receivable arising from the sale of commodities or the provision of labor services that do not contain or do not consider significant

financing components, the Company performs initial measurement according to the transaction price defined by the income


          The subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification:

          ① Financial assets measured at amortized cost

          Financial assets that meet the following conditions at the same time are classified as financial assets measured at amortized

cost: The Company 's business model for managing this financial asset is to collect contractual cash flows as its goal; the contract

terms of the financial asset stipulate that Cash flow is only the payment of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal

amount. For such financial assets, the actual interest rate method is used for subsequent measurement according to the amortized

cost. The gains or losses arising from the termination of recognition, amortization or impairment based on the actual interest rate

method are included in the current profit and loss.

          ② Financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       Financial assets that meet the following conditions at the same time are classified as financial assets measured at fair value

and their changes are included in other comprehensive income: The Company's business model for managing this financial asset is

to both target the collection of contractual cash flows and the sale of financial assets. Objective; The contractual terms of the

financial asset stipulate that the cash flow generated on a specific date is only for the payment of principal and interest based on

the outstanding principal amount. For such financial assets, fair value is used for subsequent measurement. Except for impairment

losses or gains and exchange gains and losses recognized as current gains and losses, changes in the fair value of such financial

assets are recognized as other comprehensive income. Until the financial asset is derecognized, its accumulated gains or loss es are

transferred to current gains and losses. However, the relevant interest income of the financial asset calculated by the actual interest

rate method is included in the current profit and loss.

       The Company irrevocably chooses to designate a portion of non-tradable equity instrument investment as a financial asset

measured at fair value and whose variation is included in other consolidated income. Only the relevant dividend income is

included in the current profit and loss, and the variation of fair value is recognized as other consolidated income.

       ③ Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account

       The above financial assets measured at amortized cost and other financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes

are included in other comprehensive income are classified as financial assets measured at fair value and whose changes are

included in the current profit and loss. For such financial assets, fair value is used for subsequent measurement, and all changes in

fair value are included in current profit and loss.

       (3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

       The Company classifies financial liabilities into financial liabilities measured at fair value and their changes included in the

current profit and loss, loan commitments and financial guarantee contract liabilities for loans below market interest rates, and

financial liabilities measured at amortized cost.

       The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification:

       ① Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account

       Such financial liabilities include transactional financial liabilities (including derivatives that are financial liabilities) and

financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss. After the initial recognition, the financial liabilities are

subsequently measured at fair value. Except for the hedge accounting, the gains or losses (including interest expenses) are

recognized in profit or loss. However, for the financial liabilities designated as fair value and whose variations are included in the

profits and losses of the current period, the variable amount of the fair value of the financial liability due to the variati on of credit

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

risk of the financial liability shall be included in the other consolidated income. When the financial liability is terminated, the

cumulative gains and losses previously included in the other consolidated income shall be transferred out of the other consolidated

income and shall be included in the retained income.

       ② Loan commitments and financial security contractual liabilities

       A loan commitment is a promise that the Company provides to customers to issue loans to customers with established

contract terms within the commitment period. Loan commitments are provided for impairment losses based on the expected credit

loss model.

       A financial guarantee contract refers to a contract that requires the Company to pay a specific amount of compensation to

the contract holder who suffered a loss when a specific debtor is unable to repay the debt in accordance with the original or

modified debt instrument terms. Financial guarantee contract liabilities are subsequently measured based on the higher of the loss

reserve amount determined in accordance with the principle of impairment of financial instruments and the initial recognition

amount after deducting the accumulated amortization amount determined in accordance with the revenue recognition principle.

       ③ Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

       After initial recognition, other financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

       Except in special circumstances, financial liabilities and equity instruments are distinguished according to the following


       ① If the Company cannot unconditionally avoid delivering cash or other financial assets to fulfill a contractual obligation,

the contractual obligation meets the definition of financial liability. While some financial instruments do not explicitly contain

terms and conditions for the delivery of cash or other financial assets, they may indirectly form contractual obligations through

other terms and conditions.

       If a financial instrument is required to be settled with or can be settled with the Company's own equity instruments, the

Company's own equity instrument used to settle the instrument needs to be considered as a substitute for cash or other financial

assets or for the holder of the instrument to enjoy the remaining equity in the assets after all liabilities are deducted. If it is the

former, the instrument is the financial liabilities of the issuer; if it is the latter, the instrument is the equity instrument of the issuer.

In some cases, a financial instrument contract provides that the Company shall or may use its own instrument of interest, in which

the amount of a contractual right or obligation is equal to the amount of the instrument of its own interest which may be acq uired

or delivered multiplied by its fair value at the time of settlement, whether the amount of the contractual right or obligation is fixed

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

or is based entirely or in part on a variation of a variable other than the market price of the instrument of its own interest, such as

the rate of interest, the price of a commodity or the price of a financial instrument, the contract is classified as a financial liability.

       (4) Derivative financial instruments and embedded derivatives

       Derivative financial instruments are initially measured at the fair value of the day when the derivative transaction contract is

signed, and are subsequently measured at their fair values. Derivative financial instruments with a positive fair value are

recognized as asset, and instruments with a negative fair value are recognized as liabilities.

       The gains and losses arising from the change in fair value of derivatives are directly included in the profits and losses of the

current period, except that the part of the cash flow that is valid in the hedge is included in the other consolidated income and

transferred out when the hedged item affects the gain and loss of the current period.

       For a hybrid instrument containing an embedded derivative instrument, if the principal contract is a financial asset, the

hybrid instrument as a whole applies the relevant provisions of the financial asset classification. If the main contract is not a

financial asset, and the hybrid instrument is not measured at fair value and its changes are included in the current profit and loss

for accounting, the embedded derivative does not have a close relationship with the main contract in terms of economic

characteristics and risks, and it is If the instruments with the same conditions and exist separately meet the definition of derivative

instruments, the embedded derivative instruments are separated from the mixed instruments and treated as separate derivative

financial instruments. If the fair value of the embedded derivative on the acquisition date or the subsequent balance sheet date

cannot be measured separately, the hybrid instrument as a whole is designated as a financial asset or financial liability measured at

fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit or loss.

       (5) Financial instrument Less

       The Company shall confirm the preparation for loss on the basis of expected credit loss for financial assets measured at

amortization costs, creditor's rights investments measured at fair value, contractual assets, leasing receivables, loan commi tments

and financial guarantee contracts, etc.

       ① Measurement of expected credit losses of accounts receivable

       The expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial instruments that are weighted by the

risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows receivable from the contract and all cash

flows expected to be received by the Company at the original actual interest rate, that is, the present value of all cash shortages.

Among them, the financial assets which have been purchased or born by the Company shall be discounted according to the actual

rate of credit adjustment of the financial assets.

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       The expected lifetime credit loss is the expected credit loss due to all possible default events during the entire expected l ife

of the financial instrument.

       Expected credit losses in the next 12 months are expected to result from possible defaults in financial instruments within 12

months after the balance sheet date (or estimated duration of financial instruments if the expected duration is less than 12 months)

Credit losses are part of the expected lifetime credit loss.

       On each balance sheet day, the Company measures the expected credit losses of financial instruments at different stages.

Where the credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial confirmation of the financial instrument, it is in the first stage.

The Company measures the preparation for loss according to the expected credit loss in the next 12 months. Where the credit r isk

has increased significantly since the initial confirmation but the credit impairment has not occurred, the financial instrument is in

the second stage. Where a credit impairment has occurred since the initial confirmation of the financial instrument, it shall be in

the third stage, and the Company shall prepare for measuring the expected credit loss of the whole survival period of the


       For financial instruments with low credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that the credit risk has not

increased significantly since the initial recognition, and measures the loss provision based on the expected credit losses in the next

12 months.

       For financial instruments that are in the first and second stages and with lower credit risk, the Company calculates interest

income based on their book balances and actual interest rates without deduction for impairment provision. For financial

instruments in the third stage, interest income is calculated based on the amortized cost and the actual interest rate after the book

balance minus the provision for impairment.

       Regarding bills receivable, accounts receivable and financing receivables, regardless of whether there is a significant

financing component, the Company measures the loss provision based on the expected credit losses throughout the duration.

       Accounts receivable/contract assets

       Where there is objective evidence of impairment, as well as other receivable instruments, receivables, other receivables,

receivables financing and long-term receivables applicable to individual assessments, separate impairment tests are performed to

confirm expected credit losses and prepare individual impairment. For notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables,

financing of receivables, long-term receivables, and contract assets for which there is no objective evidence of impairment, or

when individual financial assets cannot be assessed at a reasonable cost, the Company divides bills receivable, accounts receivable,

other receivables, receivable financing, long-term receivables, and contract assets into several combinations based on credit risk

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

characteristics, and calculates expected credit losses on the basis of the combination. The basis for determining the combination is

as follows:

      The basis for determining the combination of notes receivable is as follows:

      Notes Receivable Combination 1 Commercial Acceptance Bill

      Notes Receivable Combination 2 Bank Acceptance Bill

      For Notes receivable divided into portfolios, the Company refers to historical credit loss experience, combined with current

conditions and predictions of future economic conditions, and calculates through default risk exposure and expected credit loss

rate within the next 12 months or the entire duration Expected credit losses.

      The basis for determining the combination of accounts receivable is as follows:

      Accounts receivable combination 1 Accounts receivable business

      Accounts receivable combination 2 Real estate receivable business

      Accounts receivable combination 3 Others receivable business

      Other receivable portfolio 4 Receivables from related parties within the scope of consolidation

      For the accounts receivable divided into a combination, the Company refers to the historical credit loss experience,

combined with the current situation and the forecast of the future economic situation, compiles the account receivable age and the

whole expected credit loss rate table, and calculates the expected credit loss.

      The basis for determining the combination of other receivables is as follows:

      Other receivable portfolio 1 Interest receivable

      Portfolio of other receivables 2 Dividends receivable

      Other combinations of receivables 3 Deposit and margin receivable

      Other receivable portfolio 4 Receivable advances

      Combination of other receivables 5 Value-added tax receivable is increased and refunded

      Other receivable portfolio 6 Receivables from related parties within the scope of consolidation

      Other receivables portfolio 7 Other receivables

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

      For other receivables divided into portfolios, the Company refers to historical credit loss experience, combined with current

conditions and predictions of future economic conditions, and calculates through default risk exposure and expected credit loss

rate within the next 12 months or the entire duration Expected credit losses.

      The basis for determining the combination of receivables financing is as follows:

      Receivables financing portfolio 1 bank acceptance bill

      For Notes receivable divided into portfolios, the Company refers to historical credit loss experience, combined with current

conditions and predictions of future economic conditions, and calculates through default risk exposure and expected credit loss

rate within the next 12 months or the entire duration Expected credit losses.

      The basis for determining the portfolio of contract assets is as follows:

      Contract assets portfolio 1 conditional collection right of sales

      Contract assets portfolio 2 Completed and unsettled project not meeting collection conditions

      Contract assets portfolio 3 Quality guarantee deposit not meeting collection conditions

      For contract assets divided into portfolios, the Company refers to historical credit loss experience, combined with current

conditions and predictions of future economic conditions, and calculates through default risk exposure and expected credit loss

rate within the next 12 months or the entire duration Expected credit losses.

      Other debt investment

      For other receivables divided into portfolios, the Company refers to historical credit loss experience, combined with current

conditions and predictions of future economic conditions, and calculates through default risk exposure and expected credit loss

rate within the next 12 months or the entire duration Expected credit losses.

      ② Lower credit risk

      If the risk of default on financial instruments is low, the borrower's ability to meet its contractual cash flow obligations in

the short term is strong, and even if the economic situation and operating environment are adversely changed over a long period of

time, it may not necessarily reduce the receivables' performance of their contractual cash. The ability of the flow obligation, the

financial instrument is considered to have a lower credit risk.

      ③ Significant increase in credit risk

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       The Company compares the default probability of the financial instrument during the expected lifetime determined by the

balance sheet date with the default probability of the expected lifetime during the initial confirmation to determine the relative

probability of the default probability of the financial instrument during the expected lifetime Changes to assess whether the credit

risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition.

       In determining whether the credit risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition, the Company considers

reasonable and evidenced information, including forward-looking information, that can be obtained without unnecessary

additional costs or effort. The information considered by the Company includes:

       A. Significant changes in internal price indicators resulting from changes in credit risk;

       B. Adverse changes in business, financial or economic conditions that are expected to cause significant changes in the

debtor's ability to perform its debt service obligations;

       C. Whether the actual or expected operating results of the debtor have changed significantly; whether the regulatory,

economic or technical environment of the debtor has undergone significant adverse changes;

       D. Whether there is a significant change in the value of the collateral used as debt collateral or the guarantee provided by a

third party or the quality of credit enhancement. These changes are expected to reduce the debtor's economic motivation for

repayment within the time limit specified in the contract or affect the probability of default;

       E. Whether there is a significant change in the economic motivation that is expected to reduce the debtor's repayment

according to the contractual deadline;

       F. Anticipated changes to the loan contract, including whether the expected violation of the contract may result in the

exemption or revision of contract obligations, granting interest-free periods, rising interest rates, requiring additional collateral or

guarantees, or making other changes to the contractual framework of financial instruments change;

       G. Whether the expected performance and repayment behavior of the debtor has changed significantly;

       H. Whether the contract payment is overdue for more than (including) 30 days.

       Based on the nature of financial instruments, the Company assesses whether credit risk has increased significantly on the

basis of a single financial instrument or combination of financial instruments. When conducting an assessment based on a

combination of financial instruments, the Company can classify financial instruments based on common credit risk characteristics,

such as overdue information and credit risk ratings.

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       If the overdue period exceeds 30 days, the Company has determined that the credit risk of financial instruments has

increased significantly. Unless the Company does not have to pay excessive costs or efforts to obtain reasonable and warranted

information, it proves that although it has exceeded the time limit of 30 days agreed upon in the Contract, credit risks have not

increased significantly since the initial confirmation.

       ④ Financial assets with credit impairment

       The Company assesses on the balance sheet date whether financial assets measured at amortized cost and credit investments

measured at fair value and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income have undergone credit impairment. When

one or more events that adversely affect the expected future cash flows of a financial asset occur, the financial asset becomes a

financial asset that has suffered a credit impairment. Evidence that credit impairment has occurred in financial assets includes the

following observable information:

       Major financial difficulties have occurred to the issuer or the debtor; Breach of contract by the debtor, such as payment of

interest or default or overdue of principal; (B) The concession that the debtor would not make under any other circumstances for

economic or contractual considerations relating to the financial difficulties of the debtor; The debtor is likely to be bankrupt or

undertake other financial restructuring; The financial difficulties of the issuer or debtor lead to the disappearance of the active

market for the financial asset; To purchase or generate a financial asset at a substantial discount, which reflects the fact that a

credit loss has occurred.

       ⑤ Presentation of expected credit loss measurement

       In order to reflect the changes in the credit risk of financial instruments since the initial recognition, the Company re-

measures the expected credit losses on each balance sheet date, and the increase or reversal of the loss provision resulting

therefrom is included as an impairment loss or gain. Current profit and loss. For financial assets measured at amortized cost, the

loss allowance offsets the book value of the financial asset listed on the balance sheet; for debt investments measured at fair value

and whose changes are included in other comprehensive income, the Company Recognition of its loss provisions in gains does not

offset the book value of the financial asset.

       ⑥ Canceled

       If it is no longer reasonably expected that the contract cash flow of the financial assets will be fully or partially recovered,

the book balance of the financial assets will be directly reduced. Such write-off constitute the derecognition of related financial

assets. This usually occurs when the Company determines that the debtor has no assets or sources of income that generate

sufficient cash flow to cover the amount that will be written down.

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       If the financial assets that have been written down are recovered in the future, the reversal of the impairment loss is included

in the profit or loss of the current period.

       (6) Transfer of financial assets

       The transfer of financial assets refers to the following two situations:

       A. Transfer the contractual right to receive cash flow of financial assets to another party;

       B. Transfers the financial assets to the other party in whole or in part, but reserves the contractual right to collect the cash

flow of the financial assets and undertakes the contractual obligation to pay the collected cash flow to one or more recipients.

       ① De-identification of transferred financial assets

       Those who have transferred almost all risks and rewards in the ownership of financial assets to the transferee, or have

neither transferred nor retained almost all the risks and rewards in the ownership of financial assets, but have given up control of

the financial assets, terminate the confirmation The financial asset.

       In determining whether control over the transferred financial asset has been waived, the actual capacity of the transferor to

sell the financial asset is determined. If the transferor is able to sell the transferred financial assets wholly to a third party that does

not have a relationship with them, and has no additional conditions to limit the sale, it indicates ds has waived control over the

financial assets.

       The Company pays attention to the essence of financial asset transfer when judging whether financial asset transfer meets

the condition of financial asset termination.

       If the overall transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for termination of confirmation, the difference between the

following two amounts is included in the current profit and loss:

       A. Continuing identification of transferred Book value;

       B. The sum of the amount received as a result of the transfer and the amount accrued as a result of the change in the fair

value of the transfer in respect of the termination recognized portion of the amount previously charged directly to the other

consolidated proceeds (the financial assets involved in the transfer are those classified in accordance with Article 18 of Enterprise

Accounting Standard No. 22 - Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement as measured by the fair value and whose

change is charged to the other consolidated proceeds).

       If the partial transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for derecognition, the book value of the entire transferred

financial assets will be included in the derecognized part and the unterminated part (in this case, the retained service assets are

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

regarded as part of the continued recognition of financial assets) Between them, they are apportioned according to their respective

relative fair values on the transfer date, and the difference between the following two amounts is included in the current pr ofit and


        A. Termination of the book value of the recognized portion on the date of derecognition;

        B. The sum of the amount received as a result of the transfer and the amount accrued as a result of the change in the fair

value of the transfer in respect of the termination recognized portion of the amount previously charged to the other consolidated

proceeds (the financial assets involved in the transfer are those classified in accordance with Article 18 of Enterprise Accounting

Standard No. 22 - Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement as measured by the fair value and whose change is charged

to the other consolidated proceeds).

        ② Continue to be involved in the transferred financial assets

        If neither transfer nor retain almost all the risks and rewards of the ownership of financial assets, and have not given up

control of the financial assets, the relevant financial assets should be confirmed according to the extent of their continued

involvement in the transferred financial assets, and the relevant liabilities should be recognized accordingly.

        The extent to which the transferred financial assets continue to be involved refers to the extent to which the enterprise

undertakes the risk or compensation of the value change of the transferred financial assets.

        (III) Continuing identification of transferred financial assets

        Where almost all risks and remuneration in relation to ownership of the transferred financial assets are retained, the whole

of the transferred financial assets shall continue to be recognized and the consideration received shall be recognized as a financial


        The financial asset and the recognized related financial liabilities shall not offset each other. In the subsequent accounting

period, the enterprise shall continue to recognize the income (or gain) generated by the financial asset and the costs (or losses)

incurred by the financial liability.

        (7) Deduction of financial assets and liabilities

        Financial assets and financial liabilities should be listed separately in the balance sheet, and cannot be offset against each

other. However, if the following conditions are met, the net amount offset by each other is listed in the balance sheet:

        The Company has a statutory right to offset the confirmed amount, and such legal right is currently enforceable;

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

        The Company plans to settle the net assets or realize the financial assets and liquidate the financial liabilities at the same


        The transferring party shall not offset the transferred financial assets and related liabilities if it does not meet the conditions

for terminating the recognition.

        (8) Recognition of fair value of Finance instruments

        For the method of determining the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities, see Chapter X, V. important

accounting policies and accounting estimates 34. Other important accounting policies and accounting estimates.

10. Notes receivable

See Chapter X, V, Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates 9. Financial Tools.

11. Account receivable

See Chapter X, V, Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates 9. Financial Tools.

The Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the decoration and decoration industry in the Guidelines for the
Self-discipline and Supervision of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure.

12. Receivable financing

See Chapter X, V, Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates 9. Financial Tools.

13. Other receivables

See Chapter X, V, Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates 9. Financial Tools.

14. Inventories

        (1) Classification of inventories

        Inventory refers to the finished products or commodities held by the Company for sale in daily activities, the products in

process of production, the materials and materials consumed in the process of production or providing labor services, including

entrusted processing materials, raw materials, products in process, materials in transit, stored goods, low value consumables,

development costs, development products and contract performance costs, etc.

        (2) Pricing of delivering inventory

        Inventories are measured at cost when procured. Raw materials, products in process and commodity stocks in transit are

measured by the weighted average method.

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       The inventory of real estate business mainly includes inventory materials, development costs, development products, etc.

The actual costs of development products include land transfer payment, infrastructure and facility costs, installation engineering

costs, borrows before completion of the development and other costs during the development process. The special maintenance

funds collected in the first period are included in the development overheads. When the control right of development products is

transferred, the individual valuation method is used to determine its actual cost.

       (3) Inventory system

       The Company inventory adopts the perpetual inventory system, counting at least once a year, the inventory profit and loss

amount is included in the current year's profit and loss.

       (4) Recognition of inventory realizable value and providing of impairment provision

       On the balance sheet date, inventories are accounted depending on which is lower between the cost and the net realizable

value. If the cost is higher than the net realizable value, the impairment provision will be made.

       The realizable net value of inventory should be recognized based on solid evidence with the purpose of the inventory and

after-balance-sheet-date events taken into consideration.

       (1) In the course of normal production and operation, the net realizable value of finished goods, commodities and materials

directly used for sale shall be determined by the estimated price of the inventory minus the estimated cost of sale and related taxes.

The inventory held for the execution of a sales contract or a labor contract shall be measured on the basis of the contract price as

its net realizable value; If the quantity held is greater than the quantity ordered under the sales contract, the net realiza ble value of

the excess inventory is measured on the basis of the general sales price. For materials used for sale, the market price shall be used

as the measurement basis for the net realizable value.

       ②In the normal production and operation process, the inventory of materials that need to be processed is determined by the

amount of the estimated selling price of the finished product minus the estimated cost to be incurred at the time of completion,

estimated sales expenses and related taxes Realize the net value. If the net realizable value of the finished product produced by it is

higher than the cost, the material is measured at cost; If the decrease in the price of the material indicates that the net realizable

value of the finished product is lower than the cost, the material is measured as the net realizable value and the inventory is

prepared for a decrease based on its difference.

       ③ Depreciation preparation of inventory is generally based on a single inventory item; For a large number of inventories

with a lower unit price, they are accrued by inventory type.

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

         ④ If the factors affecting the previous write-down of inventory value have disappeared on the balance sheet date, the

amount of the write-down will be restored and transferred back within the amount of inventory depreciation reserve that has been

accrued, and the amount returned will be included in the current profit and loss.

         (5) Methods of amortization of swing materials

         Low-value consumables are amortized on on-off amortization basis at using.

         Packages are amortized on on-off amortization basis at using.

15. Contract assets

         The Company presents contract assets or liabilities in the balance sheet according to the relationship between performance

obligation and customer payment. The consideration for which the Company is entitled to receive (subject to factors other than the

passage of time) for the transfer of goods or the provision of services to customers is listed as contract assets. The Company's

obligation to transfer goods or provide services to customers for consideration received or receivable from customers is listed as

contractual liabilities.

         For the determination method and accounting treatment method of the Company's expected credit loss of contract assets, see

9. Financial instruments in Chapter X, V. Important accounting policies and accounting estimates.

         Contract assets and contract liabilities are listed separately in the balance sheet. Contract assets and contract liabilities under

the same contract are listed in net amount. If the net amount is the debit balance, it shall be listed in "contract assets" or "other non

current assets" according to its liquidity; if the net amount is the credit balance, it shall be listed in "contract liabilities" or "other

non current liabilities" according to its liquidity. Contract assets and contract liabilities under different contracts cannot offset each


16. Contract costs

         Contract cost is divided into contract performance cost and contract acquisition cost.

         The cost incurred by the Company in performing the contract shall be recognized as an asset when the following conditions

are met simultaneously:

         The cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing expenses

(or similar expenses), clearly borne by the customer, and other costs incurred only due to the contract;

         ② This cost increases the Company's future resources for fulfilling its performance obligations.

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       ③ The cost is expected to be recovered.

       If the incremental cost incurred by the Company to obtain the contract is expected to be recovered, it shall be recognized as

an asset as the contract acquisition cost.

       The assets related to the contract cost shall be amortised on the same basis as the income from goods or services related to

the assets; however, if the amortization period of the contract acquisition cost is less than one year, the Company shall include it in

the current profit and loss when it occurs.

       If the book value of the assets related to the contract cost is higher than the difference between the following two items, the

Company will make provision for impairment for the excess part and recognize it as the loss of asset impairment, and further

consider whether the estimated liabilities related to the loss contract should be made:

       ① The residual consideration expected to be obtained due to the transfer of goods or services related to the asset;

       ② The estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of the relevant goods or services.

       If the above provision for impairment of assets is subsequently reversed, the book value of the asset after reversal shall not

exceed the book value of the asset on the reversal date without provision for impairment.

       The contract performance cost recognized as an asset with an amortization period of no more than one year or one normal

business cycle at the time of initial recognition shall be listed in the "inventory" item, and the amortization period of no more than

one year or one normal business cycle at the time of initial recognition shall be listed in the "other non current assets" item.

       The contract acquisition cost recognized as an asset shall be listed in the item of "other current assets" when the
amortization period does not exceed one year or one normal business cycle at the time of initial recognition, and listed in t he item
of "other non current assets" when the amortization period exceeds one year or one normal business cycle at the time of initial

17. Long-term share equity investment

       The Group's long-term equity investment includes control on invested entities and significant impacts on equity investment.

Invested entities on which the Group has significant impacts are associates of the Group.

       (1) Basis for recognition of common control and major influence on invested entities

       Common control refers to the common control of an arrangement in accordance with the relevant agreement, and the

relevant activities of the arrangement must be agreed upon by the participants who share control. In determining whether there is

common control, the first step is to determine whether all or a group of participants collectively control the arrangement, which is

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

considered collective control by all or a group of participants if all or a group of participants must act together to determine the

activities associated with the arrangement. Secondly, it is judged whether the decision on related activities of the arrangement must

be agreed by the participants who collectively control the arrangement. If there is a combination of two or more parties that can

collectively control an arrangement, it does not constitute joint control. When judging whether there is joint control, the protective

rights enjoyed are not considered.

        Major influence refers to the power to participate in decision-making of financial and operation policies of a company, but

cannot control or jointly control the making of the policies. When considering whether the Company can impose significant

impacts on the invested entity, impacts of conversion of shares with voting rights held directly or indirectly by the investor and

voting rights that can be executed in this period held by the investor and other party into shares of the invested entity should be


        If the Company directly or through subsidiaries holds more than 20% (inclusive) but less than 50% of the shares with voting

rights of the invested entity, unless there is clear evidence proving that the Company cannot participate the decision-making of

production and operation of the invested entity, the Company has major influence on the invested entity.

        (2) Recognition of initial investment costs

           Long-term equity investments formed by merger of enterprises shall be determined in accordance with the following

        A. In the case of an enterprise merger under the same control, where the merging party makes a valuation of the merger by

payment of cash, transfer of non-cash assets or undertaking liabilities, the share of the book value of the owner's interest in the

final controlling party's consolidated financial statements as the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment at the

date of the merger. The difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the cash paid, the

transferred non-cash assets and the book value of the debt assumed shall be adjusted to the capital reserve; if the capital reserve is

insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted;

        Long-term equity investment generated by enterprise merger: for long-term equity investment obtained by merger of

enterprises under common control, the obtained share of book value of the interests of the merged party's owner in the consolidate

financial statements on the merger date is costs; for long-term equity investment obtained by merger of enterprises not under

common control, the merger cost is the investment cost. Adjust the capital reserve according to the difference between the initial

investment cost of long-term equity investment and the total face value of the issued shares. If the capital reserve is insufficient to

offset or reduce, the retained income shall be adjusted;

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

        For merger of entities under different control, the merger cost is the fair value of the asset paid, liability undertaken, and

equity securities issued for exchanging of control power over the entities at the day of acquisition. Agency expenses and other

administrative expenses such as auditing, legal consulting, or appraisal services occurred relating to the merger of entities are

accounted into current income account when occurred.

           Long-term equity investments formed by merger of enterprises shall be determined in accordance with the following

        For long-term equity investment obtained by cash, the actually paid consideration is the initial investment cost. Initial

investment costs include expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly related to the acquisition of long-term equity


        B. Long-term equity investments acquired from the issuance of interest securities are the initial investment costs based on

the fair value of the issue interest securities;

        C. For long-term equity investments obtained through non-monetary asset exchanges, if the exchange has commercial

substance and the fair value of the exchanged assets or exchanged assets can be reliably measured, the fair value of the exchanged

assets and relevant taxes shall be used as the initial Investment cost, the difference between the fair value and book value of the

swapped-out asset is included in the current profit and loss; if the non-monetary asset exchange does not meet the above two

conditions at the same time, the book value of the swapped-out asset and relevant taxes will be used as the initial investment cost.

        D. Long-term equity investments acquired through debt restructuring determine their recorded value at the fair value of the

waived claims and other costs such as taxes directly attributable to the assets and account for the difference between the fair value

and the book value of the waived claims.

        (3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gain/loss

        The Company uses the cost method to measure long-term share equity investment in which the Company can control the

invested entity; and uses the equity method to measure long-term share equity investment in which the Company has substantial

influence on the invested entity.

        ① Cost

        For the long-term equity investment measured on the cost basis, except for the announced cash dividend or profit included

in the practical cost or price when the investment was made, the cash dividends or profit distributed by the invested entity are

recognized as investment gains in the current gain/loss account.

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.


      Gains from long-term equity investment measured by equity

      When the equity method is used to measure long-term equity investment, the investment cost will not be adjusted if the

investment cost of the long-term equity investment is larger than the share of fair value of the recognizable assets of the invested

entity. When it is smaller than the share of fair value of the recognizable assets of the invested entity, the book value will be

adjusted and the difference is included in the current gains of the investment.

      When the equity method is used, the current investment gain is the share of the net gain realized in the current year that ca n

be shared or borne, recognized as investment gain and other misc. income. The book value of the long-term equity investment is

adjusted accordingly. The book value of the long-term equity investment should be accordingly decreased based on the share of

profit or cash dividend announced by the invested entity; according to other changes in the owner's equity except for net profit and

loss, other misc income and profit distribution of the invested entity, adjust the book value of the long-term equity investment and

record it in the capital surplus (other capital surplus). When the share of the net gains that can be enjoyed is recognized, it is

recognized after the net profit of the invested entity is adjusted based on the fair value of the recognizeable assets of the invested

entity according to the Company's accounting policies and accounting period. Where the accounting policy and accounting period

adopted by the Invested unit are inconsistent with the Company, the financial statements of the Invested unit shall be adjusted in

accordance with the accounting policy and accounting period of the Company, and the investment income and other consolidated

income shall be recognized. Internal transaction gain not realized between the Company and affiliates is measured according to the

shareholding proportion and the investment gains is recoginzied after deduction. The unrealized internal transaction loss between

the Company and the invested entity is the impairment loss of transferred assets and should not be written off.

      Where substantial influence on invested entities is imposed or joint control is implemented due to increase in investment,

the sum of the fair value of the original equity and increased investment on the conversion date is the initial investment cost under

the equity method. If the equity investment originally held is classified as other equity instrument investment, the difference

between the fair value and the book value, as well as the accumulated gains or losses originally included in other comprehensive

income, shall be transferred out of other comprehensive income and included in retained income in the current period when the

equity method is adopted.

      Where joint control or substantial influence on invested entities is lost due to disposal of part of investment, the remaining

equity after the disposal should be treated according to the Enterprise Accounting Standard No.22 – Recognition and Measurement

of Financial Instruments from the date of losing the joint control or substantial influence. The difference between the fair value

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

and book value should be accounted the profit and loss of the current period. For other misc. incomes of original share equit y

investment determined using the equity method, when the equity method is no longer used, it should be treated based on the same

basis of the treatment of related assets or liability of the invested entities; the other owners' interests related to the original share

equity investment should be transferred to gain/loss of the current period.

      (4) Equity investment held for sale

      For the remaining equity investments not classified as assets held for sale, the equity method is adopted for accounting


      Equity investments classified as held for sale to associates that are no longer eligible to hold classified assets for sale are

retrospectively adjusted using the equity method starting from the date that they are classified as held for sale. The classi fication is

adjusted to hold the financial statements for the period to be sold.

      (5) Impairment examination and providing of impairment provision

      For the investment in subsidiaries and associated enterprises, the method of withdrawing asset impairment is shown in

Chapter X, V. important accounting policies and accounting estimates. 24. Impairment of long-term assets.

XVIII. Investment real estates

      (1) Classification of investment real estate

      Investment real estates are held for rent or capital appreciation, or both. These include, inter alia:

      ① Leased land using right

      (2) the right to use the land that is transferred after holding and preparing for the increment.

      ③ Leased building

      (2) Measurement of investment real estate

      For investment real estates with an active real estate transaction market and the Company can obtain market price and other

information of same or similar real estates to reasonably estimate the investment real estates' fair value, the Company will use the

fair value mode to measure the investment real estates subsequently. Variations in fair value are accounted into the current

gain/loss account.

      The fair value of investment real estate is determined with reference to the current market prices of same or similar real

estates in active markets; when no such price is available, with reference to the recent transaction prices and consideration of

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

factors including transaction background, date and district to reasonably estimate the fair value; or based on the estimated lease

gains and present value of related cash flows.

       For investment real estate under construction (including investment real estate under construction for the first time), if the

fair value cannot be reliably determined but the expected fair value of the real estate after completion i s continuously and reliably

obtained, the investment real estate under construction is measured by cost. When the fair value can be measured reliably or after

completion (the earlier one), it is measured at fair value. For an investment real estate whose fair value is proven unable to be

obtained continuously and reliably by objective evidence, the real estate will be measured at cost basis until it is disposed and no

residual value remains as assumed.

       If the cost model is used for subsequent measurement of investment real estate, depreciation or amortization is calculated

according to the straight-line method after the cost of investment real estate minus accumulated impairment and net residual value.

See this Chapter X V. Important accounting policies, for the method of accruing asset impairment 24. Impairment of long-term

assets in accounting estimates.

       The types of investment real estate, estimated economic useful life and estimated net residual value rate are determined as


                      Type                       Service year (year)                Residual rate %          depreciation
                                                                                                                rate %

              Houses & buildings                        20-50                           10.00                  1.80-4.50

19. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions

       Fixed assets are recognized at the actual cost of acquisition when the following conditions are met: (1) The economic
benefits associated with the fixed assets are likely to flow into the enterprise.

     ① The economic benefits related to this fixed asset are likely to flow into the enterprise.
     ② The cost of fixed assets can be reliably measured.

       Overhaul cost generated by regular examination on fixed assets is recognized as fixed assets costs when there is evidence
  proving that it meets fix assets recognition conditions. If not, it will be accounted into the current gain/loss account.

(2) Depreciation method

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                               Annual depreciation
         Type                Depreciation method             Service year               Residual rate
                                                                                                                    rate %
Houses & buildings         Average age                        20-50 years                   10%                     1.8%-4.5%
Mechanical equipment       Average age                            10                        10%                        9%
                           Average age                             5                        10%                          18%
Electronics and other
                           Average age                             5                        10%                          18%
PV power plants            Average age                            20                         5%                          4.75%

      For fixed assets for which depreciation provision is made, the depreciation rate will be determined after the accumulative

depreciation provision amount is deducted.

      At end of each fiscal year, verification will be made on the useful life, predicted retained value, and depreciation basis. The

useful life will be adjusted if the useful life is different from the predicted one; the net residual value will be adjusted if the net

residual value is different from the predicted one.

20. Construction in process

      (1) Construction in progress is accounted for by project classification.

      (2) Standard and timing for transferring construction in process into fixed assets

      The full expenditure incurred on the construction-in-progress project as a fixed asset is recorded as the value of the asset

before the asset is constructed to the intended usable state. This includes construction costs, the original cost of equipment, other

necessary expenditures incurred in order to enable the construction works to reach the intended usable status and the borrowing

costs incurred for the specific borrowing of the project and the general borrowing expenses incurred before the assets reach the

intended usable status. Construction in process will be transferred to fixed assets when it reaches the preset service condition. The

fixed assets that have reached the intended usable state but have not been completed shall be transferred to the fixed assets

according to the estimated value according to the estimated value according to the estimated value according to the project budget,

cost or actual project cost, etc. The depreciation of the fixed assets shall be accrued according to the Company's fixed assets

depreciation policy. The original estimated value shall be adjusted according to the actual cost after the completion.

XXI. Borrowing expenses

      (1) Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing expenses

      Borrowing expenses occurred to the Company that can be accounted as purchasing or production of asset satisfying the

conditions of capitalizing, are capitalized and accounted as cost of related asset.

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

      (1) Asset expenditure has occurred;

      ② The borrowing expense has already occurred;

      ③ Purchasing or production activity, which is necessary for the asset to reach the useful status, has already started.

      Other interest on loans, discounts or premiums and exchange differences are included in the income and loss incurred in the

current period.

      If the construction or production of assets satisfying the capitalizing conditions is suspended abnormally for over 3 months,

capitalizing of borrowing expenses shall be suspended. During the normal suspension period, borrowing expenses will be

capitalized continuously.

      When the asset satisfying the capitalizing conditions has reached its usable or sellable status, capitalizing of borrowing

expenses shall be terminated.

      (2) Calculation of the capitalization amount of borrowing expense

      Interest expenses generated by special borrowings less the interests income obtained from the deposit of unused borrowings

or investment gains from temporary investment is capitalized; the capitalization amount for general borrowing is determined based

on the capitalization rate which is the exceeding part of the accumulative assets expense over weighted average of the assets

expense of the special borrowing/used general borrowing.

      If the assets that are constructed or produced under the condition of capitalization occupy the general borrowing, the interest

amount to be capitalized in the general borrowing shall be calculated and determined by multiplying the capital rate of the general

borrowing by the weighted average of the asset expenditure of the accumulated assets whose expenditure exceeds that of the

specialized borrowing. The capitalization ratio is the weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.

22. Use right assets

 The term "right to use assets" refers to the right of the lessee to use the leased assets during the lease term.

     At the beginning of the lease term, the right of use assets are initially measured at cost. This cost includes:

     (1) The initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;

     (2) For the lease payment paid on or before the beginning of the lease term, if there is lease incentive, the relevant amount of

lease incentive enjoyed shall be deducted;

     (3) Initial direct expenses incurred by the lessee;

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     (4) The estimated cost incurred by the lessee for dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the site where the

leased assets are located or restoring the leased assets to the state agreed in the lease terms. The Company recognizes and measures

the cost in accordance with the recognition standards and measurement methods of estimated liabilities. See 29. Estimated

liabilities in Chapter X, V. important accounting policies and accounting estimates for details. If the above costs are incurred for

the production of inventories, they will be included in the cost of inventories.

       Depreciation of right of use assets is accrued by using the straight-line method. If it can be reasonably determined that the

ownership of the leased asset will be obtained at the expiration of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be determined

according to the asset category of the right to use and the estimated net residual value rate within the expected remaining service

life of the leased asset; If it is impossible to reasonably determine that the ownership of the leased asset will be obtained at the

expiration of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be determined according to the asset category of the right of use within the

shorter of the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset.

23. Intangible assets

(1) Pricing method, service life and depreciation test

      The valuation method of intangible assets: recorded at the actual cost at the time of acquisition.

      Amortization of intangible assets:

      ① Useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life

                   Item                  Estimated useful life                                     Basis

     Land using right                            Term                Use right assets

                                                                     Reference to determine the lifetime of a company for which it
     Trademarks and patents                        10
                                                                     can bring economic benefits

                                                                     Reference to determine the lifetime of a company for which it
     Proprietary technology                        10
                                                                     can bring economic benefits

                                                                     Reference to determine the lifetime of a company for which it
     Software                                  5. 10 years
                                                                     can bring economic benefits

      At the end of each year, the Company will reexamine the useful life and amortization basis of intangible assets with limited

useful life. Upon review, the service life and amortization methods of intangible assets at the end of the period are not different

from those previously estimated.

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       ② Intangible assets which cannot be foreseeable to bring economic benefits to enterprises shall be regarded as intangible

assets whose useful life is uncertain. For intangible assets with uncertain service life, the Company reviews the service life of

intangible assets with uncertain service life at the end of each year. If it is still uncertain after rechecking, it shall conduct an

impairment test on the balance sheet date.

       ③ Amortization of intangible assets

       For intangible assets with limited service life, the Company shall determine their service life at the time of acquisition, a nd

shall use the straight line method system to reasonably amortize their service life, and the amortization amount shall be included in

the profit and loss of the current period according to the beneficial items. The specific amortization amount is the amount after the

cost is deducted from the estimated residual value. For fixed assets for which depreciation provision is made, the depreciation rate

will be determined after the accumulative depreciation provision amount is deducted. The residual value of an intangible asset

with limited useful life is treated as zero, except where a third party undertakes to purchase the intangible asset at the end of its

useful life or to obtain expected residual value information based on the active market, which is likely to exist at the end of its

useful life.

       Intangible assets with uncertain service life will not be amortized. At the end of each year, the useful life of intangible assets

with uncertain useful life is reviewed, and if there is evidence that the useful life of intangible assets is limited, the useful life is

estimated and the system is reasonably amortized within the expected useful life.

(2) Accounting policies for internal R&D expenses

       Specific standard for distinguish between research and development stage:

       ① The Company takes the information and related preparatory activities for further development activities as the research

stage, and the intangible assets expenditure in the research stage is included in the current profit and loss period.

       ② The development activities carried out after the Company has completed the research stage as the development stage.

       Expenditures in the development phase can be recognized as intangible assets only when the following conditions are met:

       A. It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it can be used or sold;

       B. Have the intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

       C. The way intangible assets generate economic benefits, including the ability to prove that the products produced by the

intangible assets exist in the market or the intangible assets themselves exist in the market, and the intangible assets will be used

internally, which can prove their usefulness;

       D. Have sufficient technical, financial and other resource support to complete the development of the intangible asset, and

have the ability to use or sell the intangible asset;

        E. The expenditure attributable to the development stage of the intangible asset can be reliably measured.

24. Assets impairment

       The Group uses the cost mode to continue measuring the assets impairment to investment real estate, fixed assets

construction in progress, intangible assets and goodwill (except for the inventories, investment real estate measured by the fair

value mode, deferred income tax assets and financial assets). The method is determined as follows:

       The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet day. If such sign exists, the

Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test. Impairment test is conducted annually f or goodwill

generated by mergers and intangible assets that have not reached the useful condition no matter whether the impairment sign exists.

       The recoverable amount is determined by the higher of the net of fair value minus disposal expense and the present value of

the predicted future cash flow. The Company estimates the recoverable amount on the individual asset item basis; whether it is

hard to estimate the recoverable amount on the individual asset item basis, determine the recoverable amount based on the asset

group that the assets belong to. The assets group is determined by whether the main cash flow generated by the Group is

independent from those generated by other assets or assets groups.

       When the recoverable amount of the assets or assets group is lower than its book value, the Company writes down the book

value to the recoverable amount, the write-down amount is accounted into the current income account and the assets impairment

provision is made.

       For goodwill impairment test, the book value of goodwill generated by mergers is amortized through reasonable measures

since the purchase day to related asset groups; those cannot be amortized to related assets groups are amortized to related

combination of asset groups. The related asset groups or combination of asset groups refer to those that can benefit from the

synergistic effect of mergers and must not exceed to the reporting range determined by the Company.

       When the impairment test is conducted, if there is sign of impairment to the asset group or combination of asset groups

related to goodwill, first perform impair test for asset group or combination of asset groups without goodwill and calculate the

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recoverable amount and recognize the related impairment loss. Then conduct impairment test on those with goodwill, compare the

book value with recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value, recognize the impairment loss of the


         Once recognized, the asset impairment loss cannot be written back in subsequent accounting period.

25. Long-term amortizable expenses

         The long-term deferred expenses shall be used to calculate the expenses that have occurred but should be borne by the

Company in the current and subsequent periods with a amortization period of more than one year. The Company's long-term

deferred expenses are amortized averagely during the benefit period.

26. Contract liabilities

    See 15. Contract assets in Chapter X, V. Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates for details.

27. Staff remuneration

(1) Accounting of operational leasing

         ① Basic salary of employees (salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy)

         In the accounting period for which the staff and workers provide services, the Company shall confirm the actual short -term

remuneration as liabilities and shall account for the current income and loss, except as required or permitted by other accounting


         ② Employee welfare

         The employee benefits incurred by the Company shall be included in the current profit and loss or related asset costs

according to the actual amount incurred. Where the employee's benefit is non-monetary, it shall be measured on the basis of fair


         ③ Social insurance premiums and housing accumulation funds such as health insurance premiums, work injury premiums,

birth insurance premiums, trade union funds and staff and education funds

         The Company pays the medical insurance premiums, work injury insurance premiums, birth insurance premiums, etc. social

insurance premiums and housing accumulation funds for the staff and workers, as well as the union funds and the staff and

workers education funds according to the regulations, in the accounting period for which the staff and workers provide services,

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

the corresponding salary amount of the staff and workers, and confirms the corresponding liabilities, which are included in the

current profit and loss or related asset costs.

       ④ Short-term paid leave

       The Company accumulates the salary of the employees who are absent from work with pay when the employees provide

service, thus increasing their future right of absence with pay. The Company confirms the salary of the employee related to t he

absence of non-cumulative salary during the actual absence accounting period.

       ⑤ Short-term profit share program

       If the profit-sharing plan meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company shall confirm the salary payable to

the staff and workers:

       A. The legal or presumptive obligation of the enterprise to pay the remuneration of its employees as a result of past matters;

        B. The amount of employee compensation obligations due to the profit sharing plan can be reliably estimated.

(2) Accounting of post-employment welfare

     The Company's post-employment benefit plan is defined contribution plan. Defined contribution plans include basic
endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, etc. During the accounting period when employees provide services for them, the
Company shall recognize the deposit amount calculated according to the defined deposit plan as liabilities and include it in the
current profits and losses or related asset costs.

(3) Accounting of dismiss welfare

     If the Company provides termination benefits to employees, the employee compensation liabilities arising from the

termination benefits shall be recognized at the earliest of the following two and shall be included in the current profit and loss:

     ① When the enterprise cannot unilaterally withdraw the termination benefits provided due to the termination of labor

relations plan or layoff proposal; ② When the enterprise confirms the costs or expenses related to restructuring involving the

payment of dismissal benefits.

28. Lease liabilities

       The lease liabilities are initially measured Company shall according to the present value of the unpaid lease payments at the

beginning of the lease term. The lease payment includes the following five items:

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     (1) Fixed payment amount and substantial fixed payment amount. If there is lease incentive, the relevant amount of lease

incentive shall be deducted;

     (2) Variable lease payments depending on index or ratio;

     (3) The exercise price of the purchase option, provided that the lessee reasonably determines that the option will be exercised;

     (4) The amount to be paid for exercising the option to terminate the lease, provided that the lease term reflects that the le ssee

will exercise the option to terminate the lease;

     (5) The amount expected to be paid according to the residual value of the guarantee provided by the lessee.

     When calculating the present value of lease payments, the implicit interest rate of the lease is used as the discount rate. If the

implicit interest rate of the lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing interest rate of the company is used as the

discount rate. The difference between the lease payment amount and its present value is regarded as unrecognized financing

expenses, and the interest expenses are recognized according to the discount rate of the present value of the lease payment amount

during each period of the lease term and included in the current profit and loss. The amount of variable lease payments not

included in the measurement of lease liabilities shall be included in the current profit and loss when actually incurred.

     After the beginning date of the lease term, when the actual fixed payment amount changes, the expected payable amount of

the guaranteed residual value changes, the index or ratio used to determine the lease payment amount changes, the evaluation

results or actual exercise of the purchase option, renewal option or termination option changes, the Company remeasures the lease

liability according to the present value of the changed lease payment amount, And adjust the book value of the right to use assets


29. Anticipated liabilities

      (1) Recognition standards of anticipated liabilities

      When responsibilities occurred in connection to contingent issues, and all of the following conditions are satisfied, they ar e

recognized as expectable liability in the balance sheet:

      ① This responsibility is a current responsibility undertaken by the Company;

      ② Execution of this responsibility may cause financial benefit outflow from the Company;

      ③ Amount of the liability can be reliably measured.

      (2) Measurement of anticipated liabilities

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      Expected liabilities are initially measured at the best estimation on the expenses to exercise the current responsibility, and

with considerations to the relative risks, uncertainty, and periodic value of currency. On each balance sheet date, review the book

value of the estimated liabilities. Where there is conclusive evidence that the book value does not reflect the current best estimate,

the book value is adjusted to the current best estimate.

30. Revenue

The Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the decoration and decoration industry in the Guidelines for the
Self-discipline and Supervision of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure.

      (1) General principles

      Income is the total inflow of economic benefits formed in the daily activities of the Company, which will lead to the

increase of shareholders' equity and has nothing to do with the capital invested by shareholders.

      The Company has fulfilled the performance obligation in the contract, that is, the revenue is recognized when the customer

obtains the control right of relevant goods. To obtain the control right of the relevant commodity means to be able to dominate the

use of the commodity and obtain almost all the economic benefits from it.

      If there are two or more performance obligations in the contract, the Company will allocate the transaction price to each

single performance obligation according to the relative proportion of the separate selling price of the goods or services promised

by each single performance obligation on the start date of the contract, and measure the income according to the transaction price

allocated to each single performance obligation.

      The transaction price refers to the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be entitled to receive due to the

transfer of goods or services to customers, excluding the amount collected on behalf of a third party. When determining the

contract transaction price, if there is a variable consideration, the Company shall determine the best estimate of the variable

consideration according to the expected value or the most likely amount, and include it in the transaction price with the amount not

exceeding the accumulated recognized income when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated, which is most likely not to have a

significant reversal. If there is a significant financing component in the contract, the Company will determine the transaction price

according to the amount payable in cash when the customer obtains the control right of the commodity. The difference between

the transaction price and the contract consideration will be amortised by the effective interest method during the contract period. If

the interval between the control right transfer and the customer's payment is less than one year, the Company will not consider the

financing component Points.

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      If one of the following conditions is met, the performance obligation shall be performed within a certain period of time;

otherwise, the performance obligation shall be performed at a certain point of time:

      ① When the customer performs the contract in the Company, he obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by

the Company's performance;

      ② Customers can control the goods under construction during the performance of the contract;

      ③ The goods produced by the Company in the process of performance have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the

right to collect money for the performance part that has been completed so far during the whole contract period.

      For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall recognize the revenue

according to the performance progress within that period, except that the performance progress cannot be reasonably determined.

The Company determines the performance schedule of providing services according to the input method. When the progress of

performance cannot be reasonably determined, if the cost incurred by the Company is expected to be compensated, the revenue

shall be recognized according to the amount of cost incurred until the progress of performance can be reasonably determined.

      For the performance obligation performed at a certain time point, the Company recognizes the revenue at the time point

when the customer obtains the control right of relevant goods. In determining whether a customer has acquired control of goods or

services, the Company will consider the following signs:

      ① The Company has the right to receive payment for the goods or services, that is, the customer has the obligation to pay

for the goods;

      ② The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the customer has the legal

ownership of the goods;

      ③ The Company has transferred the goods in kind to the customer, that is, the customer has possessed the goods in kind;

      ④ The Company has transferred the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the

customer has obtained the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the goods;

      ⑤ The product has been accepted by the customer.

      Sales return clause

      For the sales with sales return clauses, when the customer obtains the control right of the relevant goods, the Company shall

recognize the revenue according to the amount of consideration it is entitled to obtain due to the transfer of the goods to the

customer, and recognize the amount expected to be returned due to the sales return as the estimated liability; at the same ti me, the

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Company shall deduct the estimated cost of recovering the goods according to the book value of the expected returned goods at the

time of transfer( The balance after deducting the value of the returned goods is recognized as an asset, that is, the cost of return

receivable, which is carried forward by deducting the net cost of the above assets according to the book value of the transferred

goods at the time of transfer. On each balance sheet date, the Company re estimates the return of future sales and re measures the

above assets and liabilities.

       Warranty obligations

       According to the contract and legal provisions, the Company provides quality assurance for the goods sold and the projects

constructed. For the guarantee quality assurance to ensure that the goods sold meet the established standards, the Company

conducts accounting treatment in accordance with the accounting standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 - contingencies. For

the service quality assurance which provides a separate service in addition to guaranteeing that the goods sold meet the established

standards, the Company takes it as a single performance obligation, allocates part of the transaction price to the service quality

assurance according to the relative proportion of the separate selling price of the goods and service quality assurance, and

recognizes the revenue when the customer obtains the service control right. When evaluating whether the quality assurance

provides a separate service in addition to assuring customers that the goods sold meet the established standards, the Company

considers whether the quality assurance is a statutory requirement, the quality assurance period, and the nature of the Company's

commitment to perform the task.

       Customer consideration payable

       If there is consideration payable to the customer in the contract, unless the consideration is to obtain other clearly

distinguishable goods or services from the customer, the Company will offset the transaction price with the consideration payable,

and offset the current income at the later time of confirming the relevant income or paying (or promising to pay) the customer's


       Contractual rights not exercised by customers

       If the Company advances sales of goods or services to customers, the amount shall be recognized as liabilities first, and then

converted into income when relevant performance obligations are fulfilled. When the Company does not need to return the

advance payment and the customer may give up all or part of the contract rights, if the Company expects to have the right to obtain

the amount related to the contract rights given up by the customer, the above amount shall be recognized as income in proportion

according to the mode of the customer exercising the contract rights; otherwise, the Company only has the very low possibility of

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

the customer requiring to perform the remaining performance obligations The relevant balance of the above liabilities is converted

into income.

         Contract change

         When the project contract between the Company and the customer is changed:

         ① If the contract change increases the clearly distinguishable construction service and contract price, and the new contract

price reflects the separate price of the new construction service, the Company will treat the contract change as a separate contract

for accounting;

         ② If the contract change does not belong to the above-mentioned situation (1), and there is a clear distinction between the

transferred construction service and the non transferred construction service on the date of contract change, the Company will

regard it as the termination of the original contract, and at the same time, combine the non performance part of the original

contract and the contract change part into a new contract for accounting treatment;

         ③ If the contract change does not belong to the above situation (1), and there is no clear distinction between the transferred

construction services and the non transferred construction services on the date of contract change, the Company will take the

contract change part as an integral part of the original contract for accounting treatment, and the resulting impact on the recognized

income will be adjusted to the current income on the date of contract change.

         (2) Specific methods

         The specific methods of revenue recognition of the Company are as follows:

     ① Commodity sales contract

         The commodity sales contract between the company and the customer includes the performance obligation of transferring

curtain wall materials, screen door materials, electric energy, etc., which belongs to the performance obligation at a certain time


         Revenue from domestic sales of products is recognized at the time when the customer obtains the right of control of the

goods on the basis of comprehensive consideration of the following factors: the Ccompany has delivered the products to the

customer according to the contract, the customer has accepted the goods, the payment for goods has been recovered or the receipt

has been obtained, and the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in, the main risks and rewards of the ownership of the

goods have been transferred, the legal ownership has been transferred;

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        The following conditions should be met for the recognition of export product revenue: the Company has declared the

product according to the contract, obtained the bill of lading, collected the payment for goods or obtained the receipt certificate,

and the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in, the main risks and rewards of the ownership of goods have been

transferred, and the legal ownership of goods has been transferred.

        ② Service contract

        The service contract between the Company and its customers includes the performance obligations of metro platform screen

door operation maintenance, curtain wall maintenance and property services. As the Company's performance at the same time, the

customers obtain and consume the economic benefits brought by the Company's performance, the Company takes it as the

performance obligation within a certain period of time and allocates it equally during the service provision period.

        ③ Engineering contract

        The project contract between the Company and the customer includes the performance obligations of curtain wall project

and metro platform screen door project construction. As the customer can control the goods under construction in the process of

the Company's performance, the Company takes them as the performance obligations within a certain period of time, and

recognizes the income according to the performance progress, except that the performance progress cannot be reasonably

determined. The Company determines the performance schedule of providing construction services according to the input method.

The performance schedule shall be determined according to the proportion of the actual contract cost to the estimated total contract


          ④ Real estate sales contract

        The income of the Company's real estate development business is recognized when the control of the property is

transferred to the customer. Based on the terms of the sales contract and the legal provisions applicable to the contract, the control

of the property can be transferred within a certain period of time or at a certain point in time. Only if the goods produced by the

Company during the performance of the contract have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payment for the

cumulative performance part that has been completed during the entire contract period, the performance obligation has been

completed during the contract period. The progress is recognized as revenue within a period of time, and the progress of the

completed performance obligations is determined in accordance with the ratio of the contract costs actually incurred to compl ete

the performance obligations to the estimated total cost of the contract. Otherwise, the income is recognized when the customer

obtains the physical ownership or legal ownership of the completed property and the Company has obtained the current right of

collection and is likely to recover the consideration. When confirming the contract transaction price, if the financing component is

significant, the Company will adjust the contract commitment consideration according to the financing component of the contract.

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     (3) Differences in revenue recognition accounting policies caused by different business models of similar businesses

     There is no difference in revenue recognition due to the adoption of different accounting policies for similar businesses.

31. Government subsidy

       (1) Government subsidy

       Government subsidies are recognized when the following conditions are met:

       ① Requirements attached to government subsidies;

       ② The Company can receive government subsidies.

       (2) Government subsidy

       When a government subsidy is monetary capital, it is measured at the received or receivable amount. None monetary capital

are measured at fair value; if no reliable fair value available, recognized at RMB1.

       (3) Recognition of government subsidies

       ① Assets-related

       Government subsidies related to assets are obtained by the Company to purchase, build or formulate in other manners long-

term assets; or subsidies related to benefits. If the asset-related government subsidy is recognized as deferred gain, should be

recorded in gain and loss in the service life. Government subsidy measured at the nominal amount is accounted into current

income account. If the relevant assets are sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of their useful life, the unallocated

relevant deferred income balance shall be transferred to the profit and loss of the current period of disposition of the assets.

       Gain-related government subsidy should be accounted as follows:

       The Company divides government subsidies into assets-related and earnings-related government subsidies. Gain-related

government subsidy should be accounted as follows:

       Subsidy that will be used to compensate related future costs or losses should be recognized as deferred gain and recorded in

the gain and loss of the current report and offset related cost;

       Subsidy that is used to compensate existing cost or loss should be recorded in the gain and loss of the current period or

offset related cost.

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       For government subsidies that include both asset-related and income-related parts, separate different parts for accounting

treatment; It is difficult to distinguish between the overall classification of government subsidies related to benefits.

       Government subsidy related to routine operations should be recorded in other gains or offset related cost. Government

subsidy not related to routine operations should be recorded in non-operating income or expense.

       ③ Policy preferential loan discount

       The policy-based preferential loan obtained has interest subsidy. If the government allocates the interest-subsidy funds to

the lending bank, the loan amount actually received will be used as the entry value of the loan, and the borrowing cost will be

calculated based on the loan principal and policy-based preferential interest rate.

       If the government allocates the interest-bearing funds directly to the Group, discount interest will offset the borrowing costs.

       ④ Government subsidy refund

       When a confirmed government subsidy needs to be returned, the book value of the asset is adjusted against the book value

of the relevant asset at initial recognition. If there is a related deferred income balance, the book balance of the related deferred

income is written off and the excess is credited to the current profit or loss; In other cases, it is directly included in th e current

profit and loss.

32. Differed income tax assets and differed income tax liabilities

       The Company uses the temporary difference between the book value of the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet day

and the tax base and the liabilities method to recognize the deferred income tax. 26. Deferred income tax assets and deferred

income tax liabilities

       (1) Deferred income tax assets

       For deductible temporary discrepancies, deductible losses and tax offsets that can be carried forward for future years, the

impact on income tax is calculated at the estimated income tax rate for the transfer-back period and the impact is recognized as

deferred income tax assets, provided that the Company is likely to obtain future taxable income for deductible temporary

discrepancies, deductible losses and tax offsets.

       At the same time, the impact on income tax of deductible temporary discrepancies resulting from the initial recognition of

assets or liabilities in transactions or matters with the following characteristics is inconclusive as deferred income tax assets:

       A. The transaction is not a business combination;

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        B. the transaction is not a merger and the transaction does not affect the accounting profit or taxable proceeds;

        In the event of temporary discrepancy of deductible investment related to subsidiaries, joint ventures and joint ventures, and

meeting the following two conditions, the amount of impact (talent) on income tax shall be deemed as deferred income tax assets:

        A. Temporary discrepancies are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future;

        B. In the future, it is likely to obtain taxable income that can be used to offset the deductible temporary differences;

        On the balance sheet date, if there is conclusive evidence that sufficient taxable income is likely to be obtained in the fut ure

to offset the deductible temporary differences, the deferred income tax assets that have not been recognized in the previous period

are recognized.

        On the balance sheet day, the Company re-examines the book value of the deferred income tax assets. If it is unlikely to

have adequate taxable proceeds to reduce the benefits of the deferred income tax assets, less the deferred income tax assets' book

value. When there is adequate taxable proceeds, the lessened amount will be reversed.

        (2) Deferred income tax assets

        All provisional differences in taxable income of the Company shall be measured on the basis of the estimated income tax

rate for the period of transfer-back and shall be recognized as deferred income tax liabilities, except that:

        At the same time, the impact on income tax of deductible temporary discrepancies resulting the initial recognition of assets

or liabilities in transactions or matters with the following characteristics is inconclusive as deferred income tax Liabilities:

        A. Initial recognition of goodwill;

        B. Initial recognition of goodwill, or of assets or liabilities generated in transactions with the following features: the

transaction is not a merger and the transaction does not affect the accounting profit or taxable proceeds;

        ② For the taxable temporary differences related to the investment of subsidiaries and associated enterprises, the impact on

income tax is generally recognized as deferred income tax liabilities, except that the following two conditions are met at th e same


        A. The Company is able to control the time of temporary discrepancy transfers;

        B Temporary discrepancies are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future;

        (3) Deferred income tax assets

        (1) Deferred income tax liabilities or assets associated with enterprise consolidation

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       Temporary difference of taxable tax or deductible temporary difference generated by enterprise merger under non-same

control. When deferred income tax liability or deferred income tax asset is recognized, related deferred income tax expense ( or

income) is usually adjusted as recognized goodwill in enterprise merger.

       ② Amount of shares paid and accounted as owners' equity

       Except for the adjustment goodwill generated by mergers or deferred income tax related to transactions or events directly

accounted into the owners' equity, income tax is accounted as income tax expense into the current gain/loss account. The impact of

temporary differences on income tax is included in the transactions or events of owner's equity, including: other comprehensi ve

income formed by changes in the fair value of other creditor's rights investment, retroactive adjustment method for changes in

accounting policies or retroactive restatement method for correction of previous (important) accounting errors, adjustment of

opening retained earnings, and mixed financial instruments containing both liability and equity components are included in

owner's equity at initial recognition.

       ③ Compensation for losses and tax deductions

       A. Compensable losses and tax deductions from the Company's own operations

       Deductible losses refer to the losses calculated and determined in accordance with the provisions of the tax law that are

allowed to be made up with the taxable income of subsequent years. The uncovered losses (deductible losses) and tax deductions

that can be carried forward in accordance with the tax law are treated as deductible temporary differences. When it is expected that

sufficient taxable income is likely to be obtained in the future period when it is expected to be available to make up for losses or

tax deductions, the corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized within the limit of the taxable income that is likely to

be obtained, while reducing the current period Income tax expense in the income statement.

       B. Compensable uncovered losses of the merged company due to business merger

       In a business combination, if the Company obtains the deductible temporary difference of the purchased party and does not

meet the deferred income tax asset recognition conditions on the purchase date, it shall not be recognized. Within 12 months after

the purchase date, if new or further information is obtained indicating that the relevant conditions on the purchase date already

exist, and the economic benefits brought about by the temporary difference are expected to be deducted on the purchase date,

confirm the relevant delivery. Deferred income tax assets, while reducing goodwill, if the goodwill is not enough to offset, the

difference is recognized as the current profit and loss; except for the above circumstances, the deferred tax assets related to the

business combination are recognized and included in the current profit and loss.

       ④Temporary difference caused by merger offset

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      If there is a temporary difference between the book value of assets and liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet and the

taxable basis of the taxpayer due to the offset of the unrealized internal sales gain or loss, the deferred income tax asset or the

deferred income tax liability is confirmed in the consolidated balance sheet, and the income tax expense in the consolidated profit

statement is adjusted, with the exception of the deferred income tax related to the transaction or event directly included in the

owner's equity and the merger of the enterprise.

      ⑤ Share payment settled by equity

     If the tax law provides for allowable pre-tax deduction of expenses related to share payment, within the period for which the
cost and expense are recognized in accordance with the accounting standards, the Company shall calculate the tax basis and
temporary discrepancy based on the estimated pre-tax deduction amount at the end of the accounting period and confirm the
relevant deferred income tax if it meets the conditions for confirmation. Of these, the amount that can be deducted before tax in the
future exceeds the cost related to share payment recognized in accordance with the accounting standards, and the excess income
tax shall be directly included in the owner's equity.

33. Leasing

      (1) Identification of lease

      On the commencement date of the contract, the company evaluates whether the contract is a lease or includes a lease. If one

party in the contract transfers the right to control the use of one or more identified assets within a certain period in exchange for

consideration, the contract is a lease or includes a lease. In order to determine whether the contract transfers the right to control the

use of the identified assets within a certain period, the company evaluates whether the customers in the contract have the ri ght to

obtain almost all the economic benefits arising from the use of the identified assets during the use period, and have the right to

dominate the use of the identified assets during the use period.

      (2) Separate identification of lease

      If the contract includes multiple separate leases at the same time, the company will split the contract and conduct accounting

treatment for each separate lease. If the following conditions are met at the same time, the right to use the identified asset

constitutes a separate lease in the contract: ① the lessee can profit from using the asset alone or together with other easily

available resources; ② The asset is not highly dependent or highly related to other assets in the contract.

      (3) Accounting treatment method of the Company as lessee

      On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the lease with a lease term of no more than 12 months and

excluding the purchase option as a short-term lease; When a single leased asset is a brand-new asset, the lease with lower value is

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

recognized as a low value asset lease. If the Company sublets or expects to sublet the leased assets, the original lease is not

recognized as a low value asset lease.

        For all short-term leases and low value asset leases, the Company will record the lease payment amount into the relevant

asset cost or current profit and loss according to the straight-line method (or other systematic and reasonable methods) in each

period of the lease term.

        In addition to the above short-term leases and low value asset leases with simplified treatment, the Company recognizes the

right to use assets and lease liabilities for the lease on the beginning date of the lease term.

        ① Use right assets

        The term "right to use assets" refers to the right of the lessee to use the leased assets during the lease term.

        At the beginning of the lease term, the right of use assets are initially measured at cost. This cost includes:

           The initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;
           For the lease payment paid on or before the beginning of the lease term, if there is lease incentive, the relevant amount of
           lease incentive enjoyed shall be deducted;
           Initial direct expenses incurred by the lessee;
           The estimated cost incurred by the lessee for dismantling and removing the leased assets, restoring the site where the
           leased assets are located or restoring the leased assets to the state agreed in the lease terms. The Company recognizes and
           measures the cost according to the recognition standard and measurement method of estimated liabilities. If the above
           costs are incurred for the production of inventories, they will be included in the cost of inventories.

        Depreciation of right of use assets is accrued by using the straight-line method. If it can be reasonably determined that the

ownership of the leased asset will be obtained at the expiration of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be determined

according to the asset category of the right to use and the estimated net residual value rate within the expected remaining service

life of the leased asset; If it is impossible to reasonably determine that the ownership of the leased asset will be obtained at the

expiration of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be determined according to the asset category of the right of use within the

shorter of the lease term and the remaining service life of the leased asset.

        ② Lease liabilities

        The lease liabilities are initially measured Company shall according to the present value of the unpaid lease payments at the

beginning of the lease term. The lease payment includes the following five items:

           Fixed payment amount and substantial fixed payment amount. If there is lease incentive, the relevant amount of lease
           incentive shall be deducted;

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

           Variable lease payments depending on index or ratio;
           The exercise price of the purchase option, provided that the lessee reasonably determines that the option will be
           The amount to be paid for exercising the option to terminate the lease, provided that the lease term reflects that the lessee
           will exercise the option to terminate the lease;
           The amount expected to be paid according to the residual value of the guarantee provided by the lessee.

     When calculating the present value of lease payments, the implicit interest rate of the lease is used as the discount rate. If the

implicit interest rate of the lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing interest rate of the company is used as the

discount rate. The difference between the lease payment amount and its present value is regarded as unrecognized financing

expenses, and the interest expenses are recognized according to the discount rate of the present value of the lease payment amount

during each period of the lease term and included in the current profit and loss. The amount of variable lease payments not

included in the measurement of lease liabilities shall be included in the current profit and loss when actually incurred.

     After the beginning date of the lease term, when the actual fixed payment amount changes, the expected payable amount of

the guaranteed residual value changes, the index or ratio used to determine the lease payment amount changes, the evaluation

results or actual exercise of the purchase option, renewal option or termination option changes, the Company remeasures the lease

liability according to the present value of the changed lease payment amount, And adjust the book value of the right to use assets


        (4) Accounting treatment method of the Company as lessor

        On the lease commencement date, the Company classifies leases that have substantially transferred almost all the risks and

rewards related to the ownership of the leased assets as financial leases, and all other leases are operating leases.

        ① Operating lease

        During each period of the lease term, the Company recognizes the lease receipts as rental income according to the straight-

line method (or other systematic and reasonable methods), and the initial direct expenses incurred are capitalized, amortized on the

same basis as the recognition of rental income, and included in the current profit and loss by stages. The variable lease payments

obtained by the Company related to operating leases that are not included in the lease receipts are included in the current p rofits

and losses when actually incurred.

        ② Finance lease

        On the lease beginning date, the Company recognizes the financial lease receivables according to the net amount of the

lease investment (the sum of the unsecured residual value and the present value of the lease receipts not received on the lease

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

beginning date discounted according to the lease embedded interest rate), and terminates the recognition of the financial lease

assets. During each period of the lease term, the Company calculates and recognizes the interest income according to the interest

rate embedded in the lease.

        The amount of variable lease payments obtained by the Company that are not included in the measurement of net lease

investment shall be included in the current profit and loss when actually incurred.

        (5) Accounting treatment of lease change

        ① Change of lease as a separate lease

        If the lease changes and meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company will treat the lease change as a

separate lease for accounting: a. the lease change expands the lease scope by increasing the use right of one or more leased assets;

B. The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount adjusted according to the conditions of the contract at the separate price

for most of the expansion of the lease scope.

        ② The lease change is not treated as a separate lease

        A. The Company as lessee

        On the effective date of the lease change, the Company reconfirmed the lease term and discounted the changed lease

payment at the revised discount rate to re-measure the lease liability. When calculating the present value of the lease payment after

the change, the implicit interest rate of the lease during the remaining lease period shall be used as the discount rate; If it is

impossible to determine the implicit interest rate of the lease for the remaining lease period, the incremental loan interest rate on

the effective date of the lease change shall be used as the discount rate.

        The impact of the above lease liability adjustment shall be accounted for according to the following circumstances:

           If the lease scope is reduced or the lease term is shortened due to the lease change, the book value of the right to use
           assets shall be reduced, and the relevant gains or losses of partial or complete termination of the lease shall be included
           in the current profits and losses;
           For other lease changes, the book value of the right to use assets shall be adjusted accordingly.

        The Company as leasor

        If the operating lease is changed, the Company will treat it as a new lease for accounting from the effective date of the

change, and the amount of lease receipts received in advance or receivable related to the lease before the change is regarded as the

amount of new lease receipts.

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        If the change of financial lease is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Company will deal with the changed lease under

the following circumstances: if the change of lease takes effect on the lease commencement date and the lease will be classified as

an operating lease, the Company will account for it as a new lease from the effective date of lease change, and take the net lease

investment before the effective date of lease change as the book value of leased assets; If the lease change takes effect on the lease

commencement date, the lease will be classified as a financial lease, and the Company will conduct accounting treatment in

accordance with the provisions on modifying or renegotiating the contract.

        (6) Sale and lease-back

        The Company assesses and determines whether the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is a sale in

accordance with the provisions of 30. Income in Chapter X, V, Important accounting policies and accounting estimates.

           The Company as seller (lessee)

     If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction does not belong to sales, the Company will continue to recognize the

transferred assets, recognize a financial liability equal to the transfer income, and conduct accounting treatment for the financial

liability in accordance with 9。 Financial instruments in Chapter X, V, Important accounting policies and accounting estimates. If

the asset transfer belongs to sales, the Company measures the right to use assets formed by sale and leaseback according to the part

of the book value of the original assets related to the right to use obtained by leaseback, and only recognizes the relevant gains or

losses on the rights transferred to the lessor.

           The Company as buyer (lessor)

     If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction does not belong to sales, the company does not recognize the
transferred asset, but recognizes a financial asset equal to the transfer income, and carries out accounting treatment on the financial
asset in accordance with 9. Financial instruments in Chapter X, V. Important accounting policies and accounting estimates. If the
asset transfer belongs to sales, the Company shall conduct accounting treatment for asset purchase and asset lease in accordance
with other applicable accounting standards for business enterprises.

34. Other significant accounting policies and estimates

        (1) Measurement of Fair Value

        Fair value refers to the amount of asset exchange or liabilities settlement by both transaction parties familiar with the

situation in a fair deal on a voluntary basis.

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

      The Company measures the fair value of related assets or liabilities at the prices in the main market. If there is no major

market, the Company measures the fair value of the relevant assets or liabilities at the most favorable market prices. The Group

uses assumptions that market participants use to maximize their economic benefits when pricing the asset or liability.

      The main market refers to the market with the highest transaction volume and activity of the related assets or liabilities. The

most favorable market means the market that can sell the related assets at the highest amount or transfer the related liabilities at the

lowest amount after considering the transaction cost and transportation cost.

      For financial assets or liabilities in an active market, The Company determines their fair value based on quotations in the

active market. If there is no active market, the Company uses evaluation techniques to determine the fair value.

      For the measurement of non-financial assets at fair value, the ability of market participants to use the assets for optimal

purposes to generate economic benefits, or the ability to sell the assets to other market participants that can be used for optimal

purposes to generate economic benefits.

      ① Valuation technology

      The Company adopts valuation techniques that are applicable in the current period and are supported by sufficient data and

other information. The valuation techniques used mainly include market method, income method and cost method. The Company

uses a method consistent with one or more of the valuation techniques to measure fair value. If multiple valuation techniques are

used to measure fair value, the reasonableness of each valuation result shall be considered, and the fair value shall be selected as

the most representative of fair value under the current circumstances. The amount of value is regarded as fair value.

      The The Company equipment are applicable in the current circumstances and have sufficient available data and other

information to support the use of the relevant observable input values prioritized. Unobservable input values are used only when

the observable input value cannot be obtained or is not feasible. Observable input values are input values that can be obtained from

market data. The Group uses assumptions that market participants use to maximize their economic benefits when pricing the asset

or liability. Non-observable input values are input values that cannot be obtained from market data. The input value is obtained

based on the best information available on assumptions used by market participants in pricing the relevant asset or liability.

      ②Fair value hierarchy

      This company divides the input value used in fair value measurement into three levels, and first uses the first level input

value, then uses the second level input value, and finally uses the third level input value. First level: quotation of same assets or

liabilities in an active market (unadjusted) The second level input value is a directly or indirectly observable input value of the

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

asset or liability in addition to the first level input value. The input value of the third level is the unobservable input value of the

related asset or liability.

       (2) Accounting of hedging

       (2.1) Classification of inventories

       The Company's hedge is a cash flow hedge.

       Cash flow hedging refers to the hedging of cash flow risk. The change in cash flow is derived from specific risks associated

with recognized assets or liabilities, expected transactions that are likely to occur, or with respect to the components of t he above-

mentioned project and will affect the profits and losses of the enterprise.

       (2.2) Hedging tools and hedged projects

       Hedging means a financial instrument designated by the Company for the purpose of hedging, whose fair value or cash flow

variation is expected to offset the fair value or cash flow variation of the hedged item, including:

       ① Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account Check-out options can

only be used as a hedging tool if the option is hedged, including those embedded in a hybrid contract. Derivatives embedded in a

hybrid contract but not split cannot be used as separate hedging tools.

       ② Non-derivative financial assets or non-derivative financial liabilities that are measured at fair value and whose changes

are included in the current profit and loss, but designated as fair value and whose changes are included in the current profit and

loss, and their own credit risk changes caused by changes in fair value except for financial liabilities included in other

comprehensive income.

       Own equity instruments are not financial assets or financial liabilities and cannot be used as hedging instruments.

       A hedged item refers to an item that exposes the Company to the risk of changes in fair value or cash flow and is designated

as the hedged object and can be reliably measured. The Company designates the following individual projects, project portfolios or

their components as hedged projects:

       ① Confirmed assets or liabilities.

       ② Confirmed commitments that have not yet been confirmed. Confirmed commitment refers to a legally binding agreement

to exchange a specific amount of resources at an agreed price on a specific date or period in the future.

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      ③ Expected transactions that are likely to occur. Anticipated transactions refer to transactions that have not yet been

committed but are expected to occur.

      ④ Net investment in overseas operations.

      The above-mentioned project components refer to the parts that are less than the overall fair value or cash flow changes of

the project. The Company designates the following project components or their combinations as hedged items:

      ① The part of the change in fair value or cash flow (risk component) that is only caused by one or more specific risks in the

overall fair value or cash flow changes of the project. According to the assessment in a specific market environment, the risk

component should be able to be individually identified and reliably measured. The risk component also includes the part where the

fair value or cash flow of the hedged item changes only above or below a specific price or other variables.

      ② One or more selected contractual cash flows.

      ③ The component of the nominal amount of the project, that is, the specific part of the whole amount or quantity of the

project, may be a certain proportion of the whole project, or may be a certain level of the whole project. If a certain level includes

early repayment rights and the fair value of the early repayment rights is affected by changes in the risk of the hedge, the le vel

shall not be designated as the hedged item of the fair value hedge, but in the measurement of the hedged item except when the fair

value has included the influence of the prepayment right.

      (2.3) Evaluation of hedging relationship

      When the hedging relationship is initially specified, the Group officially specifies the related hedging relationships with

official documents recording the hedging relationships, risk management targets and hedging strategies. This document sets out

the hedging tools, hedged items, the nature of hedged risks, and the Company's assessment of hedged effectiveness. Hedging

means a financial instrument designated by the Company for the purpose of hedging, whose fair value or cash flow variation is

offset the fair value or cash flow variation of the hedged item, including: Such hedges are continuously evaluated on and aft er the

initial specified date to meet the requirements for hedging validity.

      If the hedging instrument has expired, been sold, the contract is terminated or exercised (but the extension or replacement as

part of the hedging strategy is not treated as expired or contract termination), or the risk management objective changes, resulting

in hedging The relationship no longer meets the risk management objectives, or the economic relationship between the hedged

item and the hedging instrument no longer exists, or the impact of credit risk begins to dominate in the value changes caused by

the economic relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument, or when the hedge no longer meets the other

conditions of the hedge accounting method, the Company terminates the use of hedge accounting.

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       If the hedging relationship no longer meets the requirements for hedging effectiveness due to the hedging ratio, but the risk

management objective of the designated hedging relationship has not changed, the Company shall rebalance the hedging


       (2.4) Revenue the of revenue recognition and measurement

       If the conditions for applying hedge accounting method are met, it shall be handled according to the following methods:

       Cash flow hedging

       The part of hedging tool gains or losses that is valid for hedging is recognized as other comprehensive income as a cash

flow hedging reserve, and the part that is invalid for hedging (that is, other gains or losses after deducting other comprehensive

income), are counted Into the current profit and loss. The amount of cash flow hedging reserve is determined according to the

lower of the absolute amounts of the following two items: ①accumulated gains or losses of hedging instruments since the hedging.

The amount in the effective arbitrage is recognized by the accumulative gains or losses from the starting of arbitrage and

accumulative changes to the current value of future forecast cash flows from the start of arbitrage.

     If the expected transaction of the hedged asset is subsequently recognized as a non-financial asset or non-financial liability, or

if the expected transaction of the non-financial asset or non-financial liability forms a defined commitment to the applicable fair

value hedge accounting, the amount of the cash flow hedge reserve originally recognized in the other consolidated income is

transferred out to account for the initial recognized amount of the asset or liability. For the remaining cash flow hedges, during the

same period when the expected cash flow to be hedged affects the profit and loss, if the expected sales occur, the cash flow hedge

reserve recognized in other comprehensive income is transferred out and included in the current profit and loss.

     (3) Repurchase of the Company's shares

       (3.1) In the event of a reduction in the Company's share capital as approved by legal procedure, the Company shall reduce

the share capital by the total amount of the written-off shares, adjust the owner's equity by the difference between the price paid by

the purchased stocks (including transaction costs) and the total amount of the written-off shares, offset the capital reserve (share

capital premium), surplus reserve and undistributed profits in turn; A portion of a capital reserve (share capital premium) that is

less than the total face value and less than the total face value.

       (3.2) The total expenditure of the repurchase shares of the Company, which is managed as an inventory share before they

are cancelled or transferred, is converted to the cost of the inventory shares.

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       (3.3) Increase in the capital reserve (capital premium) at the time of transfer of an inventory unit, the portion of the transfer

income above the cost of the inventory unit; Lower than the inventory stock cost, the capital reserve (share capital premium),

surplus reserve, undistributed profits in turn.

       (4) Significant accounting judgment and estimate

       The Company continuously reviews significant accounting judgment and estimate adopted for the reasonable forecast of

future events based on its historical experience and other factors. Significant accounting judgment and assumptions that may lead

to major adjustment of the book value of assets and liabilities in the next accounting year are listed as follows:

       Classification of financial assets

       The major judgements involved in the classification of financial assets include the analysis of business model and contract

cash flow characteristics.

       The company determines the business mode of managing financial assets at the level of financial asset portfolio, taking into

account such factors as how to evaluate and report financial asset performance to key managers, the risks that affect financial asset

performance and how to manage it, and how to obtain remuneration for related business managers.

       When the company assesses whether the contractual cash flow of financial assets is consistent with the basic borrowing

arrangement, there are the following main judgments: whether the principal may change due to early repayment and other reasons

during the duration of the period or the amount of change; whether the interest Including the time value of money, credit risk,

other basic borrowing risks, and consideration of costs and profits. For example, does the amount paid in advance reflect onl y the

unpaid principal and the interest based on the unpaid principal, as well as the reasonable compensation paid for early termination

of the contract.

       Measurement of expected credit losses of accounts receivable

       The Company calculates the expected credit loss of accounts receivable through the risk exposure of accounts receivable

default and the expected credit loss rate, and determines the expected credit loss rate based on the default probability and the

default loss rate. When determining the expected credit loss rate, the Company uses internal historical credit loss experience and

other data, combined with current conditions and forward-looking information to adjust the historical data. When considering

forward-looking information, the indicators used by the Company include the risks of economic downturn, changes in the external

market environment, technological environment, and customer conditions. The Company regularly monitors and reviews

assumptions related to the calculation of expected credit losses.

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      Deferred income tax assets

      If there is adequate taxable profit to deduct the loss, the deferred income tax assets should be recognized by all the unused

tax loss. This requires the management to make a lot of judgment to forecast the time and amount of future taxable profit and

determine the amount of the deferred tax assets based on the taxation strategy.

      Income recognition

      The Company's revenue from providing curtain wall construction and metro platform screen door installation services is

recognized over a period of time. The recognition of the income and profit of such engineering installation services depends on the

Company's estimation of the contract results and performance progress. If the actual amount of total revenue and total cost is

higher or lower than the estimated value of the management, it will affect the amount of revenue and profit recognition of the

Company in the future.

      Engineering contract

      The management shall make relevant judgment to confirm the income and expenses of project contracting business

according to the performance progress. If losses are expected to occur in the project contract, such losses shall be recognized as

current expenses. The management of the Company estimates the possible losses according to the budget of the project contract.

The Company determines the transaction price according to the terms of the contract and in combination with previous customary

practices, and considers the influence of variable consideration, major financing components in the contract and other factors.

During the performance of the contract, the Company continuously reviews the estimated total contract revenue and the estimated

total contract cost. When the initial estimate changes, such as contract changes, claims and awards, the estimated total cont ract

revenue and the estimated total contract cost are revised. When the estimated total contract cost exceeds the total contract revenue,

the main business cost and estimated liabilities shall be recognized according to the loss contract to be executed.

      Estimate of fair value

      The Company uses fair value to measure investment real estate and needs to estimate the fair value of investment real estate

at least quarterly. This requires the management to reasonably estimate the fair value of the investment real estate with the help of

valuation experts.

35. Major changes in accounting policies and estimates

1. Changes in important accounting policies

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Changes in major accounting estimates

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

(3) Implementation of new accounting standards adjustment for the first time starting from 2023, and implementation of
financial statement related items at the beginning of the year for the first time

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

VI. Taxation

1. Major taxes and tax rates

                   Tax                                           Tax basis                           Tax rate
VAT                                             Taxable income                       1%, 3%, 5%, 6%, 9%, 13%
City maintenance and construction tax           Taxable turnover                     1%, 5%, 7%
Enterprise income tax                           Taxable income                       See the following table
Education surtax                                Taxable turnover                     3%
Local education surtax                          Taxable turnover                     2%
Tax rates applicable for different tax payers

                                            Tax payer                                                 Income tax rate
The Company                                                                                                               25%
Fangda Jianke                                                                                                             15%
Fangda Zhiyuan Technology                                                                                                 15%
Fangda Jiangxi New Material                                                                                               15%
Chengdu Fangda Construction Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Chengdu
Dongguan Fangda New Material Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Dongguan New Material)                                         15%
Fangda Property                                                                                                           25%
Fangda New Energy                                                                                                         25%
Shenzhen Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Property
Jiangxi Fangda Property Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Jiangxi Property
Pingxiang Fangda Luxin New Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Luxin New Energy)                                          25%
Nanchang Xinjian Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Xinjian New Energy)                                       25%
Dongguan Fangda New Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Dongguan New Energy)                                              25%
Shenzhen QIanhai Kechuangyuan Software Co., Lt.d (hereinafter Kechuangyuan Software)                                       25%
Fangda Zhiyuan Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd, (Fangda Zhiyuan Hong Kong)                                              16.50%
Fangda Zhiyuan Technology (Wuhan) Co., Ltd, (Fangda Wuhan Zhiyuan)                                                         25%
Fangda Zhiyuan Technology (Nanchang) Co., Ltd, (Fangda Nanchang Zhiyuan)                                                   25%
Fangda Zhiyuan Technology (Dongguan) Co., Ltd, (Fangda Dongguan Zhiyuan)                                                   25%
General Rail Technology Private Limited                                                                                    17%
Shihui International Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Shihui International)                                        16.50%
Shenzhen Hongjun Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Hongjun Investment)                                              25%
Fangda Australia Pty Ltd                                                                                                   30%
Shanghai Fangda Zhijian Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Fangda Shanghai
Zhijian company)
Shenzhen Fangda Yunzhi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Yunzhi)                                                   25%
Shanghai Fangda Jianzhi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Shanghai Jianzhi)                                        25%

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhongrong Litai Investment Co. Ltd. (Zhongrong Litai)                                                                  25%
Chengdu Fangda Curtain Wall Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Chengdu Curtain
Fangda Southeast Asia Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Southeast Asia)                                                             20%
Shenzhen Xunfu Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Fangda Xunfu Investment)                                        25%
Shenzhen Lifu Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Fangda Lifu Investment)                                          25%
Shenzhen Fangda Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as
Fangda Investment)
Fangda Jianke (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Jianke Hong Kong)                                                    16.50%
Shenzhen Fangda Yunzhu Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Fangda Yunzhu)                                                         15%
Shenzhen Yunzhu Testing Technology Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter Fangda Yunzhu Testing)                                                25%
Jiangxi Fangda Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
Fangda Intelligent Manufacturing Company)

2. Tax preference

       (1) On December 23, 2021, the subsidiary Fangda Jianke obtained the certificate of high-tech enterprise jointly issued by

Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Shenzhen Finance Bureau, State Administration of Taxation and

Shenzhen Taxation Bureau. The certificate number is GR202144200527. Within three years after obtaining the qualification of

high-tech enterprise (from 2021 to 2023), the income tax will be levied at 15%.

       (2) On December 23, 2021, the subsidiary Fangda Zhiyuan Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the certificate of high tech

enterprise jointly issued by Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Shenzhen Finance Bureau, State

Administration of Taxation and Shenzhen Taxation Bureau. The certificate number is GR202144205924. Within three years after

obtaining the qualification of high tech enterprise (from 2021 to 2023), the income tax will be levied at 15%.

       (3) On November 3, 2021, the subsidiary Fangda Jiangxi New Material Co., Ltd. obtained the certificate of high tech

enterprise jointly issued by Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Jiangxi Provincial Department of Finance,

State Administration of Taxation and Jiangxi Provincial Bureau of Taxation. The certificate number is GR202136000174. Within

three years after obtaining the qualification of high tech enterprise (2021-2023), the income tax will continue to be levied at 15%.

       (4) On December 3, 2020, the subsidiary Fangda Chengdu Technology obtained the certificate of high tech enterprise No.

GR202051002193 jointly issued by the Department of Science and Technology of Sichuan Province, the Department of Finance of

Sichuan Province, the State Administration of Taxation and the Sichuan Provincial Taxation Bureau. Within three years after

obtaining the qualification of high tech enterprise (2020 December-2023 December), the income tax will continue to be levied at


       (5) On December 22, 2022, the subsidiary Fangda Dongguan New Materials Co., Ltd. obtained the certificate of high tech

enterprise No.GR202244006622 jointly issued by Guangdong Provincial Department of science and technology, Guangdong

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Provincial Department of Finance and Guangdong Provincial Taxation Bureau. Within three years (from 2022 to 2024) after

obtaining the qualification of high tech enterprise, the income tax will be charged at 15%.

        (6) The subsidiary Kechuangyuan Software is an enterprise located in Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service

Industry Cooperation Zone. Its main business meets the conditions of Preferential Catalogue of Enterprise Income Tax in Qianhai

Shenzhen Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone (2021)(the Regulation shall be implemented from January 1,

2021 to December 31, 2025), and the income tax is levied at 15%.

        (7) On November 12, 2020, the subsidiary Fangda Shanghai Zhijian obtained the certificate of high tech enterprise

No.GR202031001525 jointly issued by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Shanghai Finance Bureau and Shanghai

Taxation Bureau. Within three years (from 2020 November to 2023 November) after obtaining the qualification of high tech

enterprise, the income tax will continue to be charged at 15%.

        (8) On December 11, 2020, the subsidiary Fangda Yunzhu Co., Ltd. obtained the certificate of high tech enterprise jointly

issued by Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, Shenzhen Finance Bureau, State Administration of Taxation

and Shenzhen Taxation Bureau. The certificate number is GR202044202438. Within three years after obtaining the qualification

of high tech enterprise (from 2020 December to 2023 December), the income tax will be levied at 15%.

     (9) According to the Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Further

Implementing Income Tax Preferential Policies for Small and Micro Enterprises (Announcement No. 13 of 2022) and the

Announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Income Tax Preferential Policies for Small

and Micro Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Households (Announcement No. 6 of 2023) issued by the

Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, some companies belong to small and micro profit enterprises in

2023, Their income shall be subject to corporate income tax in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned documents.

VII. Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1. Monetary capital

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                   Item                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance
Inventory cash:                                                               5,350.98                                    149.81
Bank deposits                                                          778,541,607.39                            809,288,523.64
Other monetary capital                                                 507,959,335.59                            429,465,543.05
Total                                                                1,286,506,293.96                          1,238,754,216.50
     Including: total amount deposited in
                                                                         40,703,365.79                            49,596,440.24

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

              The total amount of money
that has restrictions on use due to                                        537,833,587.91                            455,076,287.44
mortgage, pledge or freezing


   (1) The restricted funds used in the ending balance of bank deposits are RMB36,219,081.10, mainly

consisting of RMB20,435,919.19 in the special account for labor insurance and migrant worker wages, and

RMB15,454,841.23 in the loan supervision account; The restricted funds used in the ending balance of other

monetary funds are RMB501,614,506.81, mainly including deposit for bills of exchange and guarantee letter

issuance. In addition, there are no other funds in the monetary funds at the end of the period that have

restrictions on use and potential recovery risks due to mortgages, pledges or freezing.

   (2) In the preparation of the cash flow statement, the above-mentioned deposits and other restricted deposits

are not used as cash and cash equivalents.

   (3) At the end of the period, the Company's total amount deposited abroad was RMB40,703,365.79.

2. Derivative financial assets

                                                                                                                              In RMB
                  Item                                       Closing balance                            Opening balance
Forward foreign exchange contract                                                77,586.17                                 789,205.34
Total                                                                            77,586.17                                 789,205.34

3. Notes receivable

(1) Classification of notes receivable

                                                                                                                              In RMB
                  Item                                       Closing balance                            Opening balance
Bank acceptance                                                             19,796,134.07                             18,434,258.87
Commercial acceptance                                                       33,404,202.85                            111,994,295.62
Total                                                                       53,200,336.92                            130,428,554.49
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                    Closing balance                                              Opening balance
              Remaining book                                                    Remaining book
                                        Bad debt provision                                           Bad debt provision
  Type            value                                          Book               value                                     Book
                         Proporti                 Provisio       value                    Proporti              Provisio      value
            Amount                     Amount                                  Amount                Amount
                            on                     n rate                                    on                  n rate
Notes       53,788,0                   587,691.                 53,200,3       132,708,              2,280,16                130,428,
                         100.00%                      1.09%                               100.00%                  1.72%
receivab       28.76                        84                     36.92        717.05                   2.56                 554.49

                                                         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

le with
n for bad
debts by
               19,796,1                                          19,796,1      18,434,2                                            18,434,2
acceptan                     36.80%                                                           13.89%
                  34.07                                             34.07         58.87                                               58.87
cial           33,991,8                  587,691.                33,404,2      114,274,                    2,280,16                111,994,
                             63.20%                      1.73%                                86.11%                     2.00%
acceptan          94.69                       84                    02.85       458.18                         2.56                 295.62
               53,788,0                  587,691.                53,200,3      132,708,                    2,280,16                130,428,
Total                        100.00%                     1.09%                            100.00%                        1.72%
                  28.76                       84                    36.92       717.05                         2.56                 554.49
Provision for bad debts by combination: trade acceptance

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                                Closing balance
                                         Remaining book value                 Bad debt provision                      Provision rate
Commercial acceptance                                  33,991,894.69                          587,691.84                                1.73%
Provision for bad debts by combination: bank acceptance
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                                Closing balance
                                         Remaining book value                 Bad debt provision                      Provision rate
Bank acceptance                                        19,796,134.07                                0.00                                0.00%
If the provision for bad debts of bills receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please
refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose information about bad debts:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable

(2) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

Bad debt provision made in the period:
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                                       Change in the period
        Type                                                             Written-back                                       Closing balance
                          balance                   Provision                                 Canceled         Others
                                                                         or recovered
                          2,280,162.56                 -1,692,470.72                                                             587,691.84
Total                     2,280,162.56                 -1,692,470.72                                                             587,691.84

Including significant recovery or reversal:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable

(3) The Group has no endorsed or discounted immature receivable notes at the end of the period.

                                                                                                                                       In RMB
                      Item                                 De-recognized amount                          Not de-recognized amount

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Bank acceptance                                                                                                       19,496,134.07
Commercial acceptance                                                                                                    8,309,096.47
Total                                                                                                                 27,805,230.54

(4) Notes transferred to accounts receivable due to default of the issue at the end of period

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                                                       Amount transferred to accounts receivable at the end of the
Commercial acceptance                                                                                                 11,332,317.70
Total                                                                                                                 11,332,317.70

4. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable disclosed by categories

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                   Closing balance                                             Opening balance
            Remaining book                                                   Remaining book
                                       Bad debt provision                                           Bad debt provision
  Type          value                                          Book              value                                        Book
                        Proporti                 Provisio      value                   Proporti                Provisio       value
           Amount                     Amount                               Amount                  Amount
                           on                     n rate                                  on                    n rate
le for
           80,430,3                   74,382,6                6,047,64     89,501,8                83,454,2                  6,047,64
bad debt                  9.51%                      92.48%                              8.46%                   93.24%
              39.27                      98.73                    0.54        75.22                   34.68                      0.54
n is
made by
Custome    54,873,2                   54,873,2                             54,873,2                54,873,2
                          6.49%                  100.00%                                 5.19%                 100.00%
r1            23.21                      23.21                                23.21                   23.21
Custome    13,461,8                   13,461,8                             13,461,8                13,461,8
                          1.59%                  100.00%                                 1.27%                 100.00%
r2            34.96                      34.96                                34.96                   34.96
Custome    4,998,86                   2,499,43                2,499,43     4,998,86                2,499,43                  2,499,43
                          0.59%                      50.00%                              0.47%                   50.00%
r3             0.10                       0.06                    0.04         0.10                    0.06                      0.04
Custome    7,096,42                   3,548,21                3,548,21     7,096,42                3,548,21                  3,548,21
                          0.84%                      50.00%                              0.67%                   50.00%
r4             1.00                       0.50                    0.50         1.00                    0.50                      0.50
Custome                                                                    9,071,53                9,071,53
                                                                                         0.86%                 100.00%
r5                                                                             5.95                    5.95
le for
which      765,378,                   131,540,                633,837,     968,358,                142,113,                  826,244,
                        90.00%                       17.19%                             91.54%                   14.68%
bad debt    383.41                     743.59                  639.82       465.15                  757.52                    707.63
n is
made by

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Engineer    547,227,                121,260,                425,967,     714,451,                   128,787,                  585,664,
                         64.70%                  22.16%                                67.54%                     18.03%
ing          703.34                  383.44                  319.90       919.44                     757.87                    161.57
2: Real
            133,544,                6,959,84                126,584,     167,560,                   7,893,60                  159,666,
estate                   15.79%                    5.21%                               15.84%                       4.71%
             450.99                     4.99                 606.00       235.16                        5.97                   629.19
ation 3:    84,606,2                3,320,51                81,285,7     86,346,3                   5,432,39                  80,913,9
                         10.00%                    3.92%                                 8.16%                      6.29%
Other          29.08                    5.16                   13.92        10.55                       3.68                     16.87
            845,808,                205,923,                639,885,     1,057,86                   225,567,                  832,292,
Total                   100.00%                  24.35%                               100.00%                     21.32%
             722.68                  442.32                  280.36      0,340.37                    992.20                    348.17
Separate bad debt provision:

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                       Closing balance
                          Remaining book value         Bad debt provision             Provision rate                   Reason
                                                                                                               Customer credit status
1. Customer 1                      54,873,223.21             54,873,223.21                       100.00%       deteriorates and is hard
                                                                                                               to recover
                                                                                                               Customer credit status
2. Customer 2                      13,461,834.96             13,461,834.96                       100.00%       deteriorates and is hard
                                                                                                               to recover
                                                                                                               Customer credit status
3. Customer 3                       4,998,860.10                2,499,430.06                     50.00%
                                                                                                               Customer credit status
4. Customer 4                       7,096,421.00                3,548,210.50                     50.00%
Total                              80,430,339.27             74,382,698.73

Provision for bad debts by combination: Portfolio 1: Engineering business

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                          Closing balance
                                    Remaining book value                Bad debt provision                      Provision rate
Less than 1 year                               246,808,063.70                        4,837,438.05                               1.96%
1-2 years                                       97,695,067.95                        5,529,540.85                               5.66%
2-3 years                                       60,634,127.27                        7,736,914.64                              12.76%
3-4 years                                       33,524,474.50                        6,624,436.16                              19.76%
4-5 years                                       21,171,562.60                        9,137,646.42                              43.16%
Over 5 years                                    87,394,407.32                       87,394,407.32                             100.00%
Total                                          547,227,703.34                    121,260,383.44

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Group recognition basis:

See 9. Financial Tools in Chapter X, V, Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates for the recognition criteria and
instructions for withdrawing bad debt reserves by portfolio

Bad debt provision by portfolio: portfolio 2: real estate business funds
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                      Remaining book value                 Bad debt provision                   Provision rate
Less than 1 year                                   93,253,634.23                       932,536.35                                 1.00%
1-2 years                                              82,491.13                         4,124.55                                 5.00%
2-3 years                                              80,647.44                         4,032.37                                 5.00%
3-4 years                                          22,273,070.00                     3,340,960.50                                15.00%
4-5 years
Over 5 years                                       17,854,608.19                     2,678,191.22                                15.00%
Total                                             133,544,450.99                     6,959,844.99

Provision for bad debts by combination: portfolio 3: Others business

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                            Closing balance
                                      Remaining book value                 Bad debt provision                   Provision rate
Less than 1 year                                   57,933,653.13                       422,912.67                                0.73%
1-2 years                                          18,399,929.48                       386,398.53                                2.10%
2-3 years                                           3,371,027.41                       283,840.51                                8.42%
3-4 years                                           3,308,522.70                       819,851.93                               24.78%
4-5 years                                           1,371,649.28                     1,186,064.44                               86.47%
Over 5 years                                          221,447.08                       221,447.08                              100.00%
Total                                              84,606,229.08                     3,320,515.16

If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please
refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose information about bad debts:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
Account age

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                               Age                                                            Closing balance
Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                             397,995,351.06
1-2 years                                                                                                             116,177,488.56
2-3 years                                                                                                              64,518,448.43
Over 3 years                                                                                                          267,117,434.63
  3-4 years                                                                                                            59,106,067.20
  4-5 years                                                                                                            32,802,831.15
  Over 5 years                                                                                                        175,208,536.28
Total                                                                                                                 845,808,722.68

Accounts receivable with significant individual amounts over three years of age:
   Customer             Balance of accounts       Balance of provision for bad        Reason of the age         Whether there is a risk
                     receivable of over 3 years              debts                                                  of recovery
   Customer 1                                                                       Customer credit status              Yes
                                  54,873,223.21                    54,873,223.21
   Customer 2                                                                       Customer credit status               Yes
                                  25,647,044.22                    25,647,044.22

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

   Customer 3                                                                       Customer credit status              Yes
                                 17,374,148.42                   17,374,148.42
   Customer 4                                                                       Customer credit status              Yes
                                 13,461,834.96                   13,461,834.96
        Total                    111,356,250.81                 111,356,250.81

(2) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

Bad debt provision made in the period:
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                 Change in the period
        Type        Opening balance                             Written-back or                                    Closing balance
                                              Provision                               Canceled         Others
Separate bad
                        83,454,234.68                              9,071,535.95                                        74,382,698.73
debt provision
1. Portfolio 1:
                      128,787,757.87           -7,181,743.93                            345,630.50                   121,260,383.44
2. Portfolio 2:
Real estate
                         7,893,605.97             -933,760.98                                                           6,959,844.99
3. Combination
3: Other
                         5,432,393.68          -2,111,878.52                                                            3,320,515.16
Total                 225,567,992.20          -10,227,383.43       9,071,535.95         345,630.50                   205,923,442.32

Including significant recovery or reversal:

                                                                                                                              In RMB

           Entity                 Written-back or recovered amount                                   Method
                                                                           After applying for bankruptcy liquidation, the customer
Customer 1                                                 9,071,535.95    shall have priority to receive compensation and be
                                                                           recovered by bank transfer
Total                                                      9,071,535.95

  After the Company verified that 100% of the bad debt reserves were withdrawn in the early stage, it was difficult for the
management to recover the original accounts receivable in full. Subsequently, the company made unremitting efforts to obtain the
priority right of repayment of the project funds through litigation, application for bankruptcy liquidation of the customer, and
finally recovered the above funds through priority repayment after the bankruptcy liquidation of the customer 1.

(3) Written-off account receivable during the period

                                                                                                                              In RMB
                              Item                                                               Amount
Account receivable written off                                                                                            345,630.50

(4) Balance of top 5 accounts receivable at the end of the period

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                   Closing balance of accounts                                           Balance of bad debt provision
             Entity                                                          Percentage (%)
                                           receivable                                                       at the end of the period
No.1                                                54,873,223.21                             6.49%                      54,873,223.21
No.2                                                42,535,101.14                             5.03%                       6,043,225.96
No.3                                                31,500,000.00                             3.72%                       2,214,033.38
No.4                                                26,609,788.45                             3.15%                       1,492,136.53
No.5                                                26,002,530.93                             3.07%                      25,667,164.77
Total                                            181,520,643.73                            21.46%

(5) Receivables derecognized due to transfer of financial assets

                                                                                                                                In RMB
        Customer                  Way of transfer              De-recognized amount                   Gain or loss related to the de-
Customer 1                    Factoring                                        15,744,556.14                                -524,992.11
Customer 2                    Factoring                                        15,516,080.12                               -326,570.39
Customer 3                    Factoring                                        12,217,700.00                               -425,127.73
Customer 4                    Factoring                                         6,514,269.60                               -242,897.38
Customer 5                    Factoring                                         3,604,432.50                               -122,127.97
Customer 6                    Factoring                                         8,518,028.24                                116,089.38
Customer 7                    Factoring                                         4,838,904.94                               -193,501.09
Customer 8                    Factoring                                         7,631,987.06                               -241,849.95
Customer 9                    Factoring                                         2,000,000.00                                 -55,333.33
Customer 10                   Factoring                                         6,000,000.00                                 -74,375.00
Customer 11                   Factoring                                         3,318,734.36                               -121,175.29
Customer 12                   Factoring                                         4,096,559.14                               -133,820.93
Customer 13                   Factoring                                          524,197.43                                  -16,445.82
Total                                                                          90,525,449.53                             -2,362,127.61

5. Receivable financing

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                      Item                                 Closing balance                                Opening balance
Notes receivable                                                          9,703,929.82                                     1,338,202.01
Total                                                                     9,703,929.82                                     1,338,202.01

Increase or decrease in the current period of receivables financing and changes in fair value
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
If the provision for financing impairment of receivables is accrued in accordance with the general expected credit loss model,
please refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose the relevant information of the impairment provision:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

6. Prepayment

(1) Account ages of prepayments

                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                            Closing balance                                           Opening balance
                                   Amount                      Proportion                    Amount                   Proportion
Less than 1 year                    20,277,587.64                        82.41%               14,930,557.32                       72.37%
1-2 years                             1,046,199.43                          4.25%              2,913,056.11                       14.12%
2-3 years                               428,425.01                          1.74%               582,237.19                            2.82%
Over 3 years                          2,853,915.34                       11.60%                2,205,799.97                       10.69%
Total                               24,606,127.42                                             20,631,650.59

(2) Balance of top 5 prepayments at the end of the period

        The total of top5 prepayments in terms of the prepaid entities in the period is RMB7,008,762.08,

accounting for 28.48% of the total prepayments at the end of the period.

7. Other receivables

                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                    Item                                    Closing balance                                 Opening balance
Other receivables                                                         163,623,479.94                                155,379,024.22
Total                                                                     163,623,479.94                                155,379,024.22

(1) Other receivables

1) Other receivables are disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                  By nature                           Closing balance of book value               Opening balance of book value
Deposit                                                                   100,845,767.52                                 99,789,014.58
Construction borrowing and advanced
                                                                            38,500,146.40                                33,008,395.75
Staff borrowing and petty cash                                                2,347,718.13                                1,439,503.90
VAT refund receivable                                                         1,863,267.34                                1,946,422.08
Debt by Luo Huichi                                                                                                       11,242,291.48
Others                                                                      31,966,759.17                                30,122,981.20
Total                                                                     175,523,658.56                                177,548,608.99

2) Method of bad debt provision

                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                   First stage                 Second stage                   Third stage
   Bad debt provision           Expected credit           Expected credit loss for     Expected credit loss for               Total
                              losses in the next 12       the entire duration (no     the entire duration (credit

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                        months              credit impairment)        impairment has occurred)
Balance on January 1,
                                         2,063,971.54                 117,684.26                  19,987,928.97       22,169,584.77
Balance on January 1,
2023 in the current period
-- transferred to the
second stage
-- transferred to the third
-- transferred back to
second stage
-- transferred back to first
Provision                                 264,051.64                    -8,960.72                    754,598.59        1,009,689.51
Transferred back in the
                                                                                                     292,877.00          292,877.00
current period
Written off in the current
Canceled in the current
                                                                                                  10,992,291.48       10,992,291.48
Other change                                 5,811.34                                                    261.48            6,072.82
Balance on June 30, 2023                 2,333,834.52                 108,723.54                   9,457,620.56       11,900,178.62

Account age
                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                Age                                                            Closing balance
Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                             30,012,892.96
1-2 years                                                                                                              7,102,785.94
2-3 years                                                                                                             23,477,143.64
Over 3 years                                                                                                         114,930,836.02
  3-4 years                                                                                                            6,059,121.55
  4-5 years                                                                                                           82,166,283.63
  Over 5 years                                                                                                        26,705,430.84
Total                                                                                                                175,523,658.56

3) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

Bad debt provision made in the period:
                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                                                   Change in the period
        Type                                                Written-back or                                          Closing balance
                         balance            Provision                               Canceled           Others
Separate bad
                        15,026,957.59                            292,877.00      10,992,291.48                         3,741,789.11
debt provision
Provision for
bad debts by             7,142,627.18       1,009,689.51                                                  6,072.82     8,158,389.51

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Total                22,169,584.77         1,009,689.51        292,877.00        10,992,291.48             6,072.82      11,900,178.62

4) Other receivable written off in the current period

                                                                                                                               In RMB
                               Item                                                               Amount
Luo Huichi                                                                                                               10,992,291.48
Including significant other receivable:

                                                                                                                               In RMB

        Entity               Nature                Amount                  Reason                                   Related transaction
                                                                   enforcement of
                                                                   property, with          Approved by the
                      Debt by Luo
Luo Huichi                                        10,992,291.48    minimal                 senior                   No
                                                                   possibility of          management
Total                                             10,992,291.48

5) Balance of top 5 other receivables at the end of the period

                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                                                       Balance of bad
                                                                                                                      debt provision at
        Entity                 By nature            Closing balance                 Age           Percentage (%)
                                                                                                                       the end of the
Shenzhen Yikang                                            70,062,675.83    4-5 years
                      Deposit and prepaid
Real Estate Co.                                                                                            43.33%         1,133,333.87
                      expenses                              6,000,000.00    Less than 1 year
                      Deposit                              20,000,000.00    Over 5 years                   11.39%          298,000.00
(Shenzhen) Co.,
Rijiasheng Trading    Others                               18,708,945.57    2-3 years                      10.66%         3,741,789.11
Co., Ltd
Henggang Dakang       Deposit                               8,000,000.00    4-5 years                       4.56%          119,200.00
Co., Ltd.
China Merchants
Futures Brokerage     Deposit                               6,217,934.50    Less than 1 year                3.54%            92,647.22
Co., Ltd.
Total                                                     128,989,555.90                                   73.49%         5,384,970.20

6) Items involving government subsidies:

                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                                                                                  Estimated time,
          Entity               Governmental subsidy            Closing balance             Closing age          amount and basis of

                                                         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Tax Bureau
                                                                                                                 Full recovered in less
of State Administration     Receivable refund of VAT                       964,545.88     Less than 1 year
                                                                                                                 than 1 year
of Taxation

8. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with disclosure requirements of the real estate industry.

(1) Classification of inventories

                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                          Closing balance                                              Opening balance
                                            Provision                                                    Provision
                                                for                                                          for
                                            inventory                                                    inventory
                                            depreciati                                                   depreciati
        Item                                   on or                                                        on or
                    Remaining book                                               Remaining book
                                             contract         Book value                                  contract       Book value
                        value                                                        value
                                            performan                                                    performan
                                              ce cost                                                      ce cost
                                            impairme                                                     impairme
                                                 nt                                                           nt
                                            provision                                                    provision
Raw materials         102,216,693.48                          102,216,693.48       124,041,162.65                        124,041,162.65
Product in
                          58,413,723.22                        58,413,723.22        95,231,082.82                         95,231,082.82
Finished goods
                          11,448,102.53                        11,448,102.53            8,937,351.29                       8,937,351.29
in stock
performance               89,656,600.87                        89,656,600.87        88,165,638.94                         88,165,638.94
                          33,343,876.40                        33,343,876.40            1,675,486.58                       1,675,486.58
Low price
                            325,030.91                           325,030.91              193,880.28                          193,880.28
OEM materials             14,738,285.32                        14,738,285.32        22,479,288.26                         22,479,288.26
                      221,831,857.26                          221,831,857.26       219,112,637.71                        219,112,637.71
                      144,034,575.00                          144,034,575.00       150,695,868.79                        150,695,868.79
Total                 676,008,744.99                          676,008,744.99       710,532,397.32                        710,532,397.32

(2) Balance at the end of the period includes capitalization of borrowing expense

As of June 30, 2023, the capitalization amount of borrowing costs in the ending inventory balance is RMB5,626,053.35.

(3) Explanation of the current amortization amount of contract performance cost

The current amortization amount of contract performance costs is included in operating costs.

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

9. Contract assets

                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                                          Closing balance                                           Opening balance
        Item             Remaining          Impairment                              Remaining          Impairment
                                                              Book value                                                  Book value
                         book value          provision                              book value          provision
Completed and
project funds        2,582,968,526.                          2,391,107,394.        2,176,000,625.                        2,002,607,254.
                                          191,861,131.57                                             173,393,371.22
that fail to meet               03                                      46                    48                                    26
the collection
deposit that
                     119,839,601.21        16,134,937.67     103,704,663.54        133,413,895.62     19,336,873.48      114,077,022.14
fails to meet the
Sales funds
                      47,686,304.24           424,670.09      47,261,634.15         42,541,809.75        365,427.72       42,176,382.03
collection right
                     2,750,494,431.                          2,542,073,692.        2,351,956,330.                        2,158,860,658.
Total                                     208,420,739.33                                             193,095,672.42
                                48                                      15                    85                                    43
The amount and reasons for major changes in the book value of contract assets during the current period:
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                    Item                                    Change                                           Reason
                                                                                     This is mainly due to the unsettled project funds
                                                                                     with conditional collection rights arising from the
Completed and unsettled project funds                            388,500,140.20
                                                                                     revenue recognized in the project contract this
Total                                                            388,500,140.20                               ——

If the provision for impairment of contract assets is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please
refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose information about impairment:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
Provision made for bad debts of contract assets in this period
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                                         Transferred back in the        Written off in the
           Item                       Provision                                                                          Reason
                                                             current period              current period
Separate bad debt
Provision for bad debts
by combination
Total                                   15,325,066.91

10. Non-current assets due in 1 year

                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                    Item                                    Closing balance                                  Opening balance
Certificate of deposit                                                   321,983,047.30

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                321,983,047.30

11. Other current assets

                                                                                                                      In RMB
                    Item                                 Closing balance                          Opening balance
Reclassification of VAT debit balance
                                                                     205,783,723.96                           174,264,248.29
and input to be certified
Overpayment and prepayment of income
                                                                         4,706,850.28                            3,997,524.27
Other prepaid taxes                                                      4,136,441.06                            3,348,706.84
Payment to be collected on behalf of
                                                                         3,003,841.89                          12,015,367.57
Agencies                                                                 4,222,606.85                            2,064,871.00
Deferred discount expenses and others                                    5,771,321.88                            5,291,245.63
Total                                                                227,624,785.92                           200,981,963.60

12. Long-term share equity investment

                                                                                                                      In RMB
                                                          Change (+,-)
                                             Investm                                                                     of
                                             ent gain                                                                  impair
                                                         Other                Cash
               Opening     Incre             and loss                                                                   ment
Investe                            Decreas              miscell              dividen    Impair           Closing
                book        ased             recogni               Other                                              provisi
d entity                              ed                aneous                 d or      ment     Oth   book value
                value      inves               zed                equity                                                on at
                                   investm              income                profit    provisi   ers
                           tmen               using               change                                              the end
                                     ent                adjustm              announ       on
                              t                the                                                                     of the
                                                          ent                  ced
                                              equity                                                                   period
1. Joint venture
2. Associate
y Joint
               54,969,04                                                                                54,969,336.
Co.,                                          294.42
                    2.14                                                                                        56
ng Joint
ent Co.,
               54,969,04                                                                                54,969,336.
Subtota                                       294.42
                    2.14                                                                                        56

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

              54,969,04                                                                                     54,969,336.
Total                                         294.42
                   2.14                                                                                             56

13. Investment in other equity tools

                                                                                                                           In RMB
                   Item                                    Closing balance                            Opening balance
Unlisted equity instrument investment                                                                                 11,968,973.86
Total                                                                                                                 11,968,973.86

Sub-disclosure of non-tradable equity instrument investment in the current period
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                                                    Reason for
                                                                                     Amount of     measurement
                                                                                        other      at fair value
                                                                                                                       Reason for
                                Dividend                                            comprehens          with
                                                                                                                   transfer of other
        Project name          recognized in   Total gain          Total loss         ive income     variations
                                the period                                           transferred    accounted
                                                                                                                      into income
                                                                                     to retained   into current
                                                                                       earnings       income
Shenyang Fangda                                                   28,562,575.67
Shenzhen Huihai
Yirong Internet Service                                            3,779,277.52
Co., Ltd.

14. Other non-current financial assets

                                                                                                                           In RMB
                   Item                                    Closing balance                            Opening balance
Financial assets measured at fair value
with variations accounted into current                                    7,515,217.28                                 7,507,434.68
income account
Total                                                                     7,515,217.28                                 7,507,434.68

15. Investment real estates

(1) Investment real estate measured at costs

 Applicable □ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                       Item                                Houses & buildings                                 Total
I. Book value
     1. Opening balance                                                      17,388,824.39                              17,388,824.39
     2. Increase in this period
     3. Decrease in this period
     4. Closing balance                                                      17,388,824.39                              17,388,824.39

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

II. Accumulative depreciation and
     1. Opening balance                                                     7,702,419.40                                 7,702,419.40
     2. Increase in this period                                                224,656.39                                  224,656.39
           (1) Provision or amortization                                       224,656.39                                  224,656.39
     3. Decrease in this period
     4. Closing balance                                                     7,927,075.79                                 7,927,075.79
III. Impairment provision
     1. Opening balance
     2. Increase in this period
     3. Decrease in this period
     4. Closing balance
IV. Book value
     1. Closing book value                                                  9,461,748.60                                 9,461,748.60
     2. Opening book value                                                  9,686,404.99                                 9,686,404.99

(2) Investment real estate measured at fair value

 Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                     Item                                 Houses & buildings                                 Total
I. Opening balance                                                     5,750,831,172.12                              5,750,831,172.12
II. Change in this period                                                            0.00                                        0.00
     Add: external purchase
     Less: other transfer-out                                                  122,109.40                                  122,109.40
     Change in fair value                                                      122,109.40                                  122,109.40
III. Closing balance                                                   5,750,831,172.12                              5,750,831,172.12

16. Fixed assets

                                                                                                                           In RMB
                   Item                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance
Fixed assets                                                          636,359,361.87                                 646,812,853.36
Total                                                                 636,359,361.87                                 646,812,853.36

(1) Fixed assets

                                                                                                                           In RMB
                       Houses &            Mechanical      Transportation    Electronics and      PV power
        Item                                                                                                             Total
                       buildings           equipment          facilities      other devices        plants
I. Book value
1.     Opening
                     607,215,899.93    130,812,618.16      20,276,104.91        51,941,275.99   129,596,434.84       939,842,333.83
2. Increase in         1,341,577.70        2,245,168.14       252,718.76          553,624.55                           4,393,089.15

                                               Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

this period
(1) Purchase                          2,245,168.14     244,108.23      553,624.55                        3,042,900.92
(2) Transfer-in
of construction      1,341,577.70                                                                        1,341,577.70
in progress
(3)       Other
                                                          8,610.53                                           8,610.53
3. Decrease in
                                       785,123.03      312,615.00      207,052.91                        1,304,790.94
this period
(1) Disposal or
                                       785,123.03      312,615.00      207,052.91                        1,304,790.94
4.      Closing
                   608,557,477.63   132,272,663.27   20,216,208.67   52,287,847.63   129,596,434.84    942,930,632.04
Accumulative                                  0.00        2,883.60     540,740.68     40,654,236.34     41,197,860.62
1.     Opening
                   112,024,116.79    93,123,314.47   14,710,157.32   32,421,186.05    40,654,236.34    292,933,010.97
2. Increase in
                     7,705,395.54     2,163,460.35     536,514.46     1,198,861.38     3,074,220.06     14,678,451.79
this period
(1) Provision        7,705,395.54     2,163,460.35     530,207.91     1,198,820.16     3,074,220.06     14,672,104.02
(2)       Other
                                                          6,306.56          41.22                            6,347.77
3. Decrease in
                                       705,986.38      281,353.50      149,322.21                        1,136,662.09
this period
(1) Disposal or
                                       705,986.38      281,353.50      149,322.21                        1,136,662.09
4.      Closing
                   119,729,512.33    94,580,788.44   14,965,318.28   33,470,725.22    43,728,456.40    306,474,800.67
III. Impairment
1.     Opening
                                         79,843.20                      16,626.30                           96,469.50
2. Increase in
this period
3. Decrease in
this period
4.      Closing
                                         79,843.20                      16,626.30                           96,469.50
IV. Book value
1. Closing book
                   488,827,965.30    37,612,031.63    5,250,890.39   18,800,496.11    85,867,978.44    636,359,361.87
2.     Opening
                   495,191,783.14    37,609,460.49    5,565,947.59   19,503,463.64    88,942,198.50    646,812,853.36
book value

(2) Fixed assets without ownership certificate

                                                                                                             In RMB
                  Item                               Book value                               Reason

                                               Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Yuehai Office Building C 502                                           109,384.41    Historical reasons

17. Construction in process

                                                                                                                       In RMB
                    Item                             Closing balance                              Opening balance
Construction in process                                                272,641.50
Total                                                                  272,641.50

(1) Construction in progress

                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                                Closing balance                                  Opening balance

                Item                               Impairme
                                  Remaining                                         Remaining       Impairment         Book
                                                      nt          Book value
                                  book value                                        book value       provision         value
Fangda (Ganzhou) Low Carbon
Intelligent Manufacturing          272,641.50                      272,641.50
Headquarters Base
Total                              272,641.50                      272,641.50

18. Use right assets

                                                                                                                       In RMB
             Item                 Houses & buildings              Transportation facilities                 Total
I. Book value
     1. Opening balance                    37,907,485.94                          707,871.75                     38,615,357.69
     2. Increase in this period                7,581,754.91                     1,348,069.46                       8,929,824.37
     3. Decrease in this
                                               5,582,322.29                       707,871.75                       6,290,194.04
     4. Closing balance                    39,906,918.56                        1,348,069.46                     41,254,988.02
II. Accumulative depreciation
     1. Opening balance                    18,558,917.17                          606,747.12                     19,165,664.29
     2. Increase in this period                7,043,989.57                       326,658.11                       7,370,647.68
          (1) Provision                        7,043,989.57                       326,658.11                       7,370,647.68
     3. Decrease in this
                                               4,145,509.01                       707,871.75                       4,853,380.76
          (1) Disposal                         4,145,509.01                       707,871.75                       4,853,380.76
     4. Closing balance                    21,457,397.73                          225,533.48                     21,682,931.21
III. Impairment provision
     1. Opening balance
     2. Increase in this period
     3. Decrease in this
     4. Closing balance
IV. Book value

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     1. Closing book value                      18,449,520.83                     1,122,535.98                    19,572,056.81
     2. Opening book value                      19,348,568.77                       101,124.63                    19,449,693.40

Other note: The depreciation amount for the use rights assets from January to June 2023 is RMB7,370,647.68.

19. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                                         In RMB
            Item                 Land using right               Patent                                          Total
I. Book value
     1. Opening balance               80,404,737.13              9,013,772.69         23,529,100.66            112,947,610.48
     2. Increase in this
                                      24,179,649.75                  2,250.00             28,301.89             24,210,201.64
          (1) Purchase                24,179,649.75                  2,250.00             28,301.89             24,210,201.64
     3. Decrease in this
     4. Closing balance             104,584,386.88               9,016,022.69         23,557,402.55            137,157,812.12
II. Accumulative
     1. Opening balance               19,666,143.94              8,799,771.79         11,802,250.49             40,268,166.22
     2. Increase in this
                                       1,389,426.16                 64,971.56            997,587.54              2,451,985.26
          (1) Provision                1,389,426.16                 64,971.56            997,587.54              2,451,985.26
     3. Decrease in this
     4. Closing balance               21,055,570.10              8,864,743.35         12,799,838.03             42,720,151.48
III. Impairment provision
     1. Opening balance
     2. Increase in this
     3. Decrease in this
     4. Closing balance
IV. Book value
     1. Closing book value            83,528,816.78                151,279.34         10,757,564.52             94,437,660.64
     2. Opening book value            60,738,593.19                214,000.90         11,726,850.17             72,679,444.26

20. Long-term amortizable expenses

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                           Increase in this     Amortized amount
                Item                 Opening balance                                                   Closing balance
                                                               period             in this period
Sporadic decoration and                    3,915,832.11          434,690.73            859,924.60             3,490,598.24

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

renovation costs of Fangda City
Sporadic decoration and
renovation costs of Fangda                    1,069,259.56                               182,780.58           886,478.98
Xuanfeng Chayuan village and
Zhuyuan village land transfer                  972,425.54                                 28,050.78           944,374.76
Reconstruction project of sample
                                                115,713.78                                57,856.80               57,856.98
Membership fee                                 704,999.96                                145,000.02           559,999.94
Factory wall painting and rolling
                                               126,403.20                                 22,982.40           103,420.80
shutter door engineering
Plant ground reconstruction
                                               232,431.71                                 43,581.00           188,850.71
High voltage network access fee
                                               487,104.91                                153,822.66           333,282.25
of East China base
Management consulting service
                                                113,569.36                                32,448.36               81,121.00
Warehouse addition and
                                                 90,825.75                                30,275.22               60,550.53
renovation project
Others                                        1,916,095.13           95,284.04           550,344.58         1,461,034.59
Total                                         9,744,661.01          529,974.77         2,107,067.00         8,167,568.78

21. Differed income tax assets and differed income tax liabilities

(1) Non-deducted deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                             Closing balance                                    Opening balance
          Item             Deductible temporary          Deferred income tax      Deductible temporary    Deferred income tax
                               difference                       assets                difference                 assets
Assets impairment
                                     322,430,180.61             59,250,112.15           295,671,508.97              54,047,399.06
Unrealized profit of
                                     401,088,842.35             84,107,333.49
internal transactions                                                                   394,667,372.22              83,176,747.29
Deductible loss                      173,556,570.33             34,939,379.79           160,102,622.27              32,419,194.27
Credit impairment
                                     218,301,555.44             33,956,712.23           249,948,173.84              39,913,829.96
Anticipated liabilities                5,518,214.79                 827,732.22            3,372,553.84                505,883.08
Deferred earning                       3,511,556.86                 543,157.44            3,610,875.25                558,241.49
Change in fair value                   6,578,309.27                 990,583.24            5,433,747.37                815,062.11
Tax differences under
                                         386,406.38                  43,400.05            1,316,989.65                195,214.63
new lease criteria
Accrued and unpaid
                                      20,300,503.81                5,075,125.96          20,133,488.43               5,033,372.11
land tax
Reserved expense                      30,496,974.99                4,542,330.07          22,640,219.20               3,396,032.88
Total                               1,182,169,114.83           224,275,866.64         1,156,897,551.04            220,060,976.88

(2) Non-deducted deferred income tax liabilities

                                                                                                                         In RMB
            Item                                 Closing balance                                  Opening balance

                                                         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                    Taxable temporary            Deferred income tax           Taxable temporary          Deferred income tax
                                        difference                    liabilities                  difference                  liabilities
Change in fair value                    4,186,741,285.94              1,046,677,562.89             4,188,015,507.12           1,046,924,956.27
Acquire premium to form
                                             1,535,605.48                    383,901.37                 1,535,605.47                 383,901.37
Estimated gross margin
when Fangda City records
                                            23,383,161.34                  5,845,790.33               38,783,686.70                9,695,921.68
income, but does not reach
the taxable income level
Rental income                               30,472,339.02                  7,618,084.76               32,671,966.71                8,167,991.68
Total                                   4,242,132,391.78              1,060,525,339.35             4,261,006,766.00           1,065,172,771.00

(3) Net deferred income tax assets or liabilities listed

                                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                              Offset balance of            Deferred income tax            Offset balance of
                              Deferred income tax
                                                             deferred income tax          assets and liabilities at      deferred income tax
           Item              assets and liabilities at
                                                           assets or liabilities after     the beginning of the        assets or liabilities after
                              the end of the period
                                                                  offsetting                      period                      offsetting
Deferred income tax
                                                                    224,275,866.64                                              220,060,976.88
Deferred income tax
                                                                  1,060,525,339.35                                            1,065,172,771.00

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

                                                                                                                                         In RMB
                      Item                                     Closing balance                                   Opening balance
Deductible temporary difference                                                    330,995.20                                        146,089.64
Deductible loss                                                                18,653,471.92                                     16,177,447.74
Total                                                                          18,984,467.12                                     16,323,537.38

(5) Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years

                                                                                                                                         In RMB
               Year                        Closing amount                         Opening amount                           Remarks
2023                                                     4,575,983.46                        4,575,983.46
2024                                                     1,276,235.76                        1,276,235.76
2025                                                       213,129.83                          213,129.83
2026                                                     2,355,213.17                        2,355,213.17
2027                                                     7,756,885.52                        7,756,885.52
2028                                                     2,476,024.18
Total                                                18,653,471.92                          16,177,447.74

22. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                         Closing balance                                                 Opening balance
                        Remaining          Impairment            Book value              Remaining          Impairment            Book value

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                      book value       provision                          book value      provision
Contract assets       97,421,283.71    5,282,135.78      92,139,147.93   105,183,978.15   5,709,693.38     99,474,284.77
Prepaid house
and equipment                                                             73,077,190.00                    73,077,190.00
amount                94,025,341.55                      94,025,341.55
Certificate of
                                                                         316,929,580.18                   316,929,580.18
Others                 2,004,000.00                       2,004,000.00     2,005,361.70                      2,005,361.70
Total                193,450,625.26    5,282,135.78     188,168,489.48   497,196,110.03   5,709,693.38    491,486,416.65

23. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings

                                                                                                                 In RMB
                    Item                               Closing balance                      Opening balance
Guarantee loan                                                     179,944,444.40                         120,136,861.08
Credit borrow                                                      300,050,833.33                         300,247,500.00
Bank acceptance bill financing loan                                773,500,000.00                         797,889,951.95
Other financing loans                                              242,277,417.06                          59,903,587.53
Guarantee and pledge loan                                           80,110,222.22                          40,060,622.22
Total                                                            1,575,882,917.01                        1,318,238,522.78

24. Derivative financial liabilities

                                                                                                                 In RMB

                    Item                               Closing balance                      Opening balance
Futures contracts                                                    1,439,675.00                             293,400.00
Total                                                                1,439,675.00                             293,400.00

25. Notes payable

                                                                                                                 In RMB
                    Type                               Closing balance                      Opening balance
Commercial acceptance                                               15,736,648.36                          44,531,921.12
Bank acceptance                                                    746,053,195.97                         690,358,287.44
Total                                                              761,789,844.33                         734,890,208.56

26. Account payable

(1) Account payable

                                                                                                                 In RMB
                    Item                               Closing balance                      Opening balance
Account repayable and engineering
repayable                                                        1,183,404,419.50
Construction payable                                                25,890,280.89                          44,523,769.88

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Payable installation and implementation
                                                                     457,309,209.28                                  394,228,364.88
Others                                                                 21,024,755.43                                  19,710,144.73
Total                                                               1,687,628,665.10                              1,718,036,375.78

(2) Significant payables aging more than 1 year

                                                                                                                            In RMB
                   Item                                 Closing balance                                     Reason
Supplier 1                                                             26,934,513.76    Not mature
Total                                                                  26,934,513.76

27. Prepayment received

(1) Prepayment received

                                                                                                                            In RMB
                   Item                                 Closing balance                                 Opening balance
Rental                                                                  2,640,045.93                                   1,439,653.84
Total                                                                   2,640,045.93                                   1,439,653.84

28. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                            In RMB
                   Item                                 Closing balance                                 Opening balance
Project funds collected in advance                                   107,103,236.39                                  194,354,649.37
Material loan                                                          3,468,658.36                                   12,114,464.00
Real estate sales payment                                                                                                586,105.50
Others                                                                    484,363.39                                     938,452.68
Total                                                                 111,056,258.14                                 207,993,671.55

The amount and reason for the significant change in the book value during the reporting period
                                                                                                                            In RMB
         Item                             Change                                             Reason
Project funds collected                                        Mainly due to the gradual performance of engineering contract
in advance                                                     and its conversion into income
Total                                         -87,251,412.98                                     ——

29. Employees' wage payable

(1) Employees' wage payable

                                                                                                                            In RMB
                Item                  Opening balance              Increase                 Decrease              Closing balance
1. Short-term remuneration                  66,789,434.45         194,725,235.15            225,231,077.98            36,283,591.62
2. Retirement pension program-
                                              314,429.46            10,879,267.13            10,911,206.94                282,489.65
defined contribution plan
3. Dismiss compensation                        47,000.00               909,479.06                 883,246.06               73,233.00

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Total                                      67,150,863.91             206,513,981.34              237,025,530.98           36,639,314.27

(2) Short-term remuneration

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                Item                    Opening balance                    Increase                Decrease            Closing balance
1. Wage, bonus, allowance and
                                             64,995,965.84                 179,466,479.40        209,463,601.45           34,998,843.79
2. Employee welfare                              475,904.12                   5,132,401.54         5,522,948.92               85,356.74
3. Social insurance                              332,303.60                   4,793,845.56         4,998,340.12              127,809.04
Including: medical insurance                     279,363.18                   3,892,157.44         4,065,915.45              105,605.17
        Labor injury insurance                       6,383.71                  302,729.85               304,900.67             4,212.89
        Breeding insurance                        46,556.71                    471,206.27               499,772.00            17,990.98
        Medical insurance                                                      127,752.00               127,752.00
4. Housing fund                                  105,608.96                   4,602,759.10         4,505,425.09              202,942.97
5. Labor union budget and staff
                                                 544,359.10                    478,360.69               479,644.86           543,074.93
education fund
6. Short-term paid leave                         335,292.83                                               9,728.68           325,564.15
7. Short-term profit share
                                                                               251,388.86               251,388.86
Total                                        66,789,434.45                 194,725,235.15        225,231,077.98           36,283,591.62

(3) Defined contribution plan

                                                                                                                                In RMB
         Item                  Opening balance                  Increase                     Decrease                Closing balance
1. Basic pension                        306,672.38               10,521,088.20                10,551,938.71                  275,821.87
2. Unemployment
                                          7,757.08                  358,178.93                   359,268.23                    6,667.78
Total                                   314,429.46               10,879,267.13                10,911,206.94                  282,489.65

30. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                   Item                                    Closing balance                                 Opening balance
VAT                                                                          7,088,922.68                                 14,657,864.98
Enterprise income tax                                                       18,340,655.14                                 28,092,096.58
Personal income tax                                                          1,224,280.65                                  1,663,123.30
City maintenance and construction tax                                        1,346,649.54                                  1,651,960.05
Land using tax                                                                 495,167.14                                    256,490.15
Property tax                                                                 8,315,881.79                                  1,072,014.83
Education surtax                                                               665,251.02                                    805,376.76
Local education surtax                                                         304,777.82                                    397,447.79
Land VAT                                                                    21,453,843.28                                 36,201,588.58
Others                                                                         515,738.43                                  1,029,368.07

                                                  Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Total                                                              59,751,167.49                             85,827,331.09

31. Other payables

                                                                                                                    In RMB
                  Item                                Closing balance                          Opening balance
Other payables                                                    109,992,243.02                            113,425,377.70
Total                                                             109,992,243.02                            113,425,377.70

(1) Other payables

1) Other payables presented by nature

                                                                                                                    In RMB
                  Item                                Closing balance                          Opening balance
Performance and quality deposit                                    46,288,865.35                             44,484,884.33
Deposit                                                            26,948,685.34                             19,901,002.35
Reserved expense                                                    3,666,345.98                              5,871,887.95
Others                                                             33,088,346.35                             43,167,603.07
Total                                                             109,992,243.02                            113,425,377.70

(2) Significant payables aging more than 1 year

                                                                                                                    In RMB
                  Item                                Closing balance                              Reason
Shenzhen Yikang Real Estate Co. Ltd.                               26,044,709.60   Payment paid as agreed in the contract
Total                                                              26,044,709.60

32. Non-current liabilities due within 1 year

                                                                                                                    In RMB
                  Item                                Closing balance                          Opening balance
Long-term loans due within 1 year                                 107,165,815.07                             72,037,200.00
Lease liabilities due within one year                              11,699,224.35                             11,741,447.06
Total                                                             118,865,039.42                             83,778,647.06

33. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                    In RMB
                  Item                                Closing balance                          Opening balance
Unterminated notes receivable                                      27,805,230.54                             20,093,677.84
Substituted money on VAT                                           22,884,762.30                             28,039,520.65
Total                                                              50,689,992.84                             48,133,198.49

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

34. Long-term borrowings

(1) Classification of long-term borrowings

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                   Item                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance
Guaranteed and mortgage loans                                           429,596,438.36                          444,204,672.22
Guarantee, mortgage and pledge loan                                     870,569,376.71                          891,332,527.78
Less: Long-term loans due within 1 year                                 107,165,815.07                           72,037,200.00
Total                                                                 1,193,000,000.00                        1,263,500,000.00

Notes to classification of long-term borrowings:

The pledge in the above-mentioned guarantee, mortgage and pledge loans is pledged by the 99% equity of the subsidiary Fangda

Real Estate held by the Company, the 1% equity of the subsidiary Fangda Real Estate held by the subsidiary Hongjun Investment

Company and the rent receivable of the self-owned Dacheng rental property; The above guarantees and mortgage loans are

guaranteed by the Company and its subsidiary Fangda Real Estate, and the subsidiary Fangda Property Company provides

mortgage guarantees for part of the property of Fangda Property Company in Dacheng.

Other notes, including interest rate range: the interest rate period of long-term loans is 3%-6%.

35. Lease liabilities

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                   Item                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance
Lease payments                                                           21,009,104.91                           19,363,493.20
Less: unrecognized financing expenses                                       756,761.56                              714,589.59
Less: lease liabilities due within one year                              11,699,224.35                           11,741,447.06
Total                                                                      8,553,119.00                           6,907,456.55

36. Long-term payables

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                   Item                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance
Long-term payable                                                       204,640,219.18                          197,640,219.18
Total                                                                   204,640,219.18                          197,640,219.18

(1) Long term accounts payable listed by nature

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                   Item                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance
Disposal of equity repurchase                                           204,640,219.18                          197,640,219.18

37. Anticipated liabilities

                                                                                                                         In RMB

                                                         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                  Item                         Closing balance                      Opening balance                            Reason
Product quality warranty                                5,263,801.13                              3,108,521.87
Loss contract to be executed                              256,318.42                               264,031.97
Total                                                   5,520,119.55                              3,372,553.84

38. Deferred earning

                                                                                                                                           In RMB
           Item              Opening balance           Increase                   Decrease              Closing balance              Reason
Government                                                                                                                     See the following
                                  8,999,880.44                                       283,322.58                8,716,557.86
subsidy                                                                                                                        table
Total                             8,999,880.44                                       283,322.58                8,716,557.86

Items involving government subsidies:
                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                           Amount      included     Other misc.       Costs offset     Other
                                                                                                                                      Related to
    Liabilities          Opening balance   of new       in non-    gains recorded        in the       chang      Closing balance
                                           subsidy     operating   in this period       period          e
Railway transport
screen door
controlling system
                               20,940.89                                9,452.16                                       11,488.73   Assets-related
and information
Major investment
project prize from
Industry and Trade
Development                 1,452,381.50                               28,571.40                                    1,423,810.10   Assets-related
Division of
Dongguan Finance
Distributed PV
power generation
project subsidy
sponsored by                  318,750.29                               12,499.98                                      306,250.31   Assets-related
Dongguan Reform
and Development
Subsidized land
                              166,101.95                                1,862.82                                      164,239.13   Assets-related
Special subsidy for
transformation,               686,666.61                               40,000.02                                      646,666.59   Assets-related
upgrading and
subsidy project of
                              324,000.00                               24,000.00                                      300,000.00   Assets-related
Shenzhen Small
and Medium
Enterprise Service

                                                          Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

National Industry
Revitalization and
Technology                 5,070,254.90                               153,864.30                                  4,916,390.60     Assets-related
Renovation Project
Subsidy for new
                            960,784.30                                    13,071.90                                 947,712.40     Assets-related
Total                      8,999,880.44                               283,322.58                                  8,716,557.86

39. Capital share

                                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                                            Change (+,-)

                       Opening balance           Issued                                                                      Closing balance
                                                                 Bonus           Transferred                      Subto
                                                  new                                               Others
                                                                 shares         from reserves                      tal
Total of
                         1,073,874,227.00                                                                                        1,073,874,227.00
capital shares

40. Capital reserve

                                                                                                                                           In RMB
             Item                         Opening balance                 Increase                  Decrease                Closing balance
Capital premium (share
                                               10,005,491.05                                                                       10,005,491.05
capital premium)
Other capital reserves                          1,454,097.35                                                                         1,454,097.35
Total                                          11,459,588.40                                                                        11,459,588.40

41. Other miscellaneous income

                                                                                                                                           In RMB
                                                            Amount occurred in the current period
                                                     Less:           Less:
                                                    amount          amount
                                                  written into    written into                                       After-tax
                     Opening                      other gains     other gains                                         amount             Closing
    Item                            Amount                                               Less:        amount
                     balance                          and             and                                            attributed          balance
                                     before                                           Income tax     attributed
                                                  transferred     transferred                                       to minority
                                  income tax                                           expenses        to the
                                                      into            into                                          shareholder
                                                  gain/loss in    gain/loss in                                            s
                                                   previous        previous
                                                     terms           terms
I. Other
income that                   -             -                                                   -             -                                 -
will not be         16,224,478.   11,968,973.                                         2,992,243.4   8,976,730.3                       25,201,209.
subsequentl                 87             86                                                   7             9                               26
into profit

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

and loss
                            -              -                                        -              -                           -
change of
                  16,224,478.    11,968,973.                              2,992,243.4    8,976,730.3                 25,201,209.
                          87              86                                        6              9                         26
in other
equity tools
2. Other
                                           -                                                       -
that will be      48,211,195.                                                       -                                47,084,882.
                                 1,209,307.8    185,133.87                               1,126,313.5   10,555.92
re-                        66                                              278,684.13                                        15
                                           4                                                       1
into gain
and loss
     Cash                                  -                                                       -                           -
flow hedge        448,562.20     1,672,760.3    185,133.87                               1,579,210.0                 1,130,647.8
reserve                                    0                                                       4                           4
difference                 -
                                 463,452.46                                              452,896.53    10,555.92      300,035.49
of foreign        152,861.04
ent real
estate            47,915,494.                                                                                        47,915,494.
measured                  50                                                                                                 50
at fair
Other                                      -                                        -              -
                  31,986,716.                                                                                        21,883,672.
miscellane                       13,178,281.    185,133.87                3,270,927.6    10,103,043.   10,555.92
                          79                                                                                                 89
ous income                               70                                         0            90

42. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                         In RMB
           Item                  Opening balance               Increase                 Decrease           Closing balance
Statutory surplus
                                      79,324,940.43                                                                79,324,940.43
Total                                 79,324,940.43                                                                79,324,940.43

43. Retained profit

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                          Item                                      Current period                      Last period
Adjustment on retained profit of previous period                           4,553,295,402.30                  4,324,055,259.33
Total of retained profit at beginning of year adjusted
(+ for increase, - for decrease)
Retained profit adjusted at beginning of year                              4,553,295,402.30                  4,324,055,259.33
Plus: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent                        182,155,268.18                    112,685,273.77

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Common share dividend payable                                                  53,693,711.35                          53,693,711.35
Closing retained profit                                                     4,681,756,959.13                        4,383,046,821.75

44. Operational revenue and costs

                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                 Amount occurred in the current period                       Occurred in previous period
                                     Income                    Cost                      Income                        Cost
Main business                    1,994,095,251.72           1,613,648,910.68           1,523,656,283.61             1,238,697,976.76
Other businesses                      84,751,625.60            10,581,557.95              89,407,031.69               20,817,865.84
Total                            2,078,846,877.32           1,624,230,468.63           1,613,063,315.30             1,259,515,842.60

Income information:
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                            Segment 3 -
   Contract           Segment 1-       Segment 2 - rail                        Segment 4 -          Segment 5 -
                                                             real estate                                                   Total
 classification       curtain wall     transit division                        new energy          other segments
                    1,654,849,166.                                                                                    2,078,846,877.
Type of product                         291,615,462.85     115,913,190.77       8,947,285.78         7,521,771.30
                               62                                                                                                32
Curtain wall
                    1,654,849,166.                                                                                    1,654,849,166.
system and new
                               62                                                                                                62
Subway screen
door and                                291,615,462.85                                                               291,615,462.85
Real estate
rental and sales
                                                           115,913,190.77                                            115,913,190.77
and property
PV power
generation                                                                      8,947,285.78                            8,947,285.78
Others                                                                                               7,521,771.30       7,521,771.30
                    1,654,849,166.                                                                                    2,078,846,877.
Total                                   291,615,462.85     115,913,190.77       8,947,285.78         7,521,771.30
                               62                                                                                                 32

Information related to performance obligations:
For curtain wall materials, real estate and other commodity sales transactions, the Company completes the performance obligations
when the customer obtains the control of the relevant commodities; for providing building curtain wall, Metro screen door design,
production and installation and other service transactions, the Company confirms the completed performance obligations
according to the performance progress during the whole service period. The contract price of the Company is usually due within
one year, and there is no significant financing component.
Information related to the transaction price allocated to the remaining performance obligations:
The amount of revenue corresponding to the performance obligations that have been signed, but not yet performed or not yet
performed at the end of the reporting period is RMB7,808,210,644.67, of which RMB2,330,231,497.17 is expected to be
recognized in 2023 H2, and RMB3,451,005,032.62 is expected to be recognized in 2024, RMB2,026,974,114.88 is expected to be
recognized in 2025 and beyond.

                                               Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

45. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                           In RMB
                    Item                  Amount occurred in the current period   Occurred in previous period
City maintenance and construction tax                              4,446,267.60                        2,999,118.26
Education surtax                                                   2,918,968.56                        1,950,119.60
Property tax                                                       9,523,215.93                        6,877,755.11
Land using tax                                                       888,300.59                         661,851.40
Vehicle usage tax                                                     10,290.00                          14,640.00
Stamp tax                                                          1,554,773.97                         941,023.02
Land VAT                                                           2,802,673.55                       9,521,953.79
Others                                                               359,251.36                         237,493.38
Total                                                             22,503,741.56                      23,203,954.56

46. Sales expense

                                                                                                           In RMB
                    Item                  Amount occurred in the current period   Occurred in previous period
Labor costs                                                       13,183,424.46                      11,286,857.24
Sales agency fee                                                   1,773,126.99                       2,383,695.88
Entertainment expense                                              2,554,127.30                       1,534,727.49
Travel expense                                                     1,390,759.29                         440,012.56
Advertisement and promotion fee                                      830,068.74                         589,409.30
Amortization of right of use assets and
                                                                      83,983.81                         462,611.74
lease fees
Others                                                             8,328,066.20                       6,598,791.57
Total                                                             28,143,556.79                      23,296,105.78

47. Management expense

                                                                                                           In RMB
                    Item                  Amount occurred in the current period   Occurred in previous period
Labor costs                                                       51,557,093.96                      51,258,947.78
Agencies                                                           3,942,772.45                       2,977,450.48
Depreciation and amortization                                      7,282,563.56                       6,784,107.02
Office expense                                                     5,141,931.61                       4,110,000.28
Entertainment expense                                              2,551,085.91                       2,079,903.87
Amortization of right of use assets and
                                                                   1,904,893.13                       2,678,867.12
lease fees
Lawsuit                                                            2,954,790.97                         239,447.70
Travel expense                                                     1,575,151.34                         846,221.42
Others                                                             2,680,658.53                       3,218,305.90
Total                                                             79,590,941.46                      74,193,251.57

48. R&D cost

                                                                                                           In RMB
                    Item                  Amount occurred in the current period   Occurred in previous period
Labor costs                                                       48,716,037.44                      43,761,777.28

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Material costs                                                         29,157,592.26                               22,539,028.06
Agencies                                                                4,191,108.26                                4,002,025.54
Depreciation costs                                                        999,888.33                                  530,096.72
Amortization of intangible assets                                         497,817.82                                  495,249.97
Others                                                                  5,427,066.55                                1,481,133.60
Total                                                                  88,989,510.66                               72,809,311.17

49. Financial expense

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                   Item                        Amount occurred in the current period            Occurred in previous period
Interest expense                                                       48,188,161.19                               50,244,714.46
Less: interest capitalization
Less: discount government subsidies                                       308,700.00                                  308,700.00
Less: Interest income                                                  12,097,319.82                               19,918,179.96
Acceptant discount                                                      7,888,113.87                               11,494,770.87
Exchange gain/loss                                                    -11,140,562.06                               -3,678,984.41
Commission charges and others                                           1,214,164.61                                1,796,161.92
Total                                                                  33,743,857.79                               39,629,782.88

50. Other gains

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                           Amount occurred in the current
                          Source                                                                   Occurred in previous period
Government subsidies related to deferred income
                                                                                 283,322.58                           283,322.58
(related to assets)
Government subsidies directly included in current
                                                                               7,695,968.32                         5,945,520.73
profits and losses (related to income)
Other items related to daily activities and included in
                                                                                 584,491.42                           540,064.44
other income
Total                                                                          8,563,782.32                         6,768,907.75

51. Investment income

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                          Amount occurred in the current
                          Item                                                                     Occurred in previous period
Gains from long-term equity investment measured
                                                                                       294.42                          -32,974.15
by equity
Financial assets derecognised as a result of
                                                                              -2,362,127.61                         -1,859,057.85
amortized cost
Investment income from disposal of trading
financial assets
Interest income from debt investment during the
holding period
Others                                                                                                                651,054.19
Total                                                                         -2,361,833.19                         4,595,678.43

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

52. Income from fair value fluctuation

                                                                                                                          In RMB
Source of income from fluctuation of fair
                                               Amount occurred in the current period            Occurred in previous period
Investment real estate measured at fair
                                                                          122,109.40                                 1,068,328.60
Other non-current financial assets                                           7,782.60                                  -20,657.41
Transactional financial assets                                                                                         133,168.82
Total                                                                     129,892.00                                 1,180,840.01

53. Credit impairment loss

                                                                                                                          In RMB
                    Item                       Amount occurred in the current period            Occurred in previous period
Bad debt loss of other receivables                                       -716,812.51                                -1,581,252.49
Bad debt loss of accounts receivable and
                                                                       20,991,390.10                                26,597,550.83
notes receivable
Total                                                                  20,274,577.59                                25,016,298.34

54. Assets impairment loss

                                                                                                                          In RMB
                    Item                       Amount occurred in the current period            Occurred in previous period
Contract asset impairment loss                                        -14,673,904.92                               -27,659,612.75
Total                                                                 -14,673,904.92                               -27,659,612.75

55. Assets disposal gains

                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                     Amount occurred in the current
                     Source                                                                     Occurred in previous period
Gain and loss from disposal of fixed assets ("-"
                                                                           50,072.23                                  -815,581.50
for loss)
Gains or losses from the disposal of right-of-
use assets
Total                                                                     373,352.08                                  -815,581.50

56. Non-business income

                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                     Amount occurred in the           Occurred in previous          Amount accounted into the
                                        current period                      period                  current accidental gain/loss
Penalty income                                       106,311.57                    122,506.66                          106,311.57
Compensation received                                 39,036.80                      4,887.00                           39,036.80
Payable account not able to
be paid
Others                                                58,698.17                    203,638.36                           58,698.17
Total                                                204,046.54                    446,386.82                          204,046.54

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

57. Non-business expenses

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                     Amount occurred in the             Occurred in previous           Amount accounted into the
                                        current period                        period                   current accidental gain/loss
Donation                                              217,861.40                  2,338,000.00                            217,861.40
Loss from retirement os
                                                       23,473.88                    159,921.17                             23,473.88
damaged non-current assets
Penalty and overdue fine                               43,356.01                       79,324.94                           43,356.01
Lawsuit indemnity                                      53,158.01                                                           53,158.01
Others                                                232,013.29                          755.20                          232,013.29
Total                                                 569,862.59                  2,578,001.31                            569,862.59

58. Income tax expenses

(1) Details about income tax expense

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                      Item                     Amount occurred in the current period               Occurred in previous period
Income tax expenses in this period                                        33,781,299.25                                24,417,052.77
Deferred income tax expenses                                              -5,591,393.81                               -11,411,931.03
Total                                                                     28,189,905.44                                13,005,121.74

(2) Adjustment process of accounting profit and income tax expense

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                       Item                                               Amount occurred in the current period
Total profit                                                                                                         213,584,850.26
Income tax expenses calculated based on the legal (or applicable) tax rates                                            53,396,212.56
Impacts of different tax rates applicable for some subsidiaries                                                       -18,251,152.56
Impacts of income tax before adjustment                                                                                 4,357,682.86
Impacts of non-deductible cost, expense and loss                                                                        1,408,844.29
Deductible temporary difference and deductible loss of unrecognized deferred
income tax assets
Profit and loss of associates and joint ventures calculated using the equity
Impact of tax rate change on the opening balance of deferred income tax                                                      -200.45
Taxation impact of R&D expense and (presented with "-”)                                                              -13,138,854.97
Income tax expenses                                                                                                    28,189,905.44

59. Other miscellaneous income

See Note VII 41.

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

60. Notes to the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash inflow related to operation

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                    Item                       Amount occurred in the current period            Occurred in previous period
Interest income                                                          4,863,151.74                               1,798,697.05
Subsidy income                                                           6,530,882.67                               3,443,499.94
Retrieving of bidding deposits                                          20,253,140.27                              28,957,397.39
Other operating accounts                                                11,800,747.12                              67,415,733.82
Total                                                                   43,447,921.80                             101,615,328.20

(2) Other cash paid related to operation

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                    Item                       Amount occurred in the current period            Occurred in previous period
Oocket expenses                                                         25,234,094.43                              18,401,123.38
Bidding deposit paid                                                    17,035,960.19                              39,026,573.21
Net draft deposit net paid                                             199,180,751.42                             181,744,397.40
Other trades                                                            23,008,888.00                              54,833,967.58
Total                                                                  264,459,694.04                             294,006,061.57

(3) Other cash paid related to financing activities

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                    Item                       Amount occurred in the current period            Occurred in previous period
Bill discount financing deposit                                         60,589,831.95                             604,311,403.85
Principal and interest of lease liabilities                              8,096,984.15                               5,285,394.85
Total                                                                   68,686,816.10                             609,596,798.70

61. Supplementary data of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary data of cash flow statement

                                                                                                                         In RMB
                                                                                                        Amount of the Previous
                     Supplementary information                         Amount of the Current Term
1. Net profit adjusted to cash flow related to business operations:
  Net profit                                                                           185,394,944.82             114,364,860.80
  Plus: Asset impairment provision                                                      -5,600,672.67               2,643,314.41
       Fixed asset depreciation, gas and petrol depreciation,
                                                                                        14,896,760.41              15,224,319.96
production goods depreciation
        Depreciation of right to use assets                                              7,370,647.68               6,615,143.02
        Amortization of intangible assets                                                2,451,985.26               2,228,550.37
        Amortization of long-term amortizable expenses                                   2,107,067.00               1,578,076.52
        Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and
                                                                                          -373,352.08                 815,581.50
other long-term assets ("-" for gains)
        Loss from fixed asset discard ("-" for gains)                                       23,473.88                 159,921.17

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

          Loss from fair value fluctuation ("-" for gains)                                      -129,892.00                -1,180,840.01
          Financial expenses ("-" for gains)                                                  56,076,275.06                61,739,485.33
          Investment losses ("-" for gains)                                                        -294.42                 -6,454,736.28
          Decrease of deferred income tax asset ("-" for increase)                            -4,214,889.76                -8,571,096.06
          Increase of deferred income tax asset ("-" for increase)                            -4,647,431.65                -3,012,044.14
          Decrease of inventory ("-" for increase)                                            34,523,652.33                14,668,390.43
          Decrease of operational receivable items ("-" for increase)                    -149,791,569.44                 -293,658,104.04
          Increase of operational receivable items ("-" for decrease)                    -154,844,906.67                 -177,019,400.45
          Others                                                                          -20,555,508.88                  -36,722,215.57
          Cash flow generated by business operations, net                                 -37,313,711.13                 -306,580,793.04
2. Major investment and financing activities with no cash
  Debt transferred to assets
  Convertible corporate bonds due within one year
  Fixed assets under finance leases
3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents:
  Balance of cash at period end                                                           748,672,706.05                  593,918,013.39
  Less: Initial balance of cash                                                           783,677,929.06                  892,251,071.59
  Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents
  Less: Ending balance of cash equivalents
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                               -35,005,223.01                 -298,333,058.20

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                         Item                                    Closing balance                              Opening balance
I. Cash                                                                    748,672,706.05                                 783,677,929.06
Including: Cash in stock                                                           5,350.98                                      149.81
          Bank savings can be used at any time                             742,322,526.29                                 776,383,701.29
          Other monetary capital can be used at any
                                                                             6,344,828.78                                   7,294,077.96
2. Cash equivalents
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at end
                                                                           748,672,706.05                                 783,677,929.06
of term

62. Assets with restricted ownership or use rights

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                     Item                               Closing book value                                     Reason
Monetary capital                                                     537,833,587.91    Various deposits
Notes receivable                                                      27,805,230.54    Bills endorsed or discounted but not yet due
Fixed assets                                                          43,896,677.62    Loan by pledge
Account receivable                                                  39,547,042.05      Loan by pledge
Investment real estate                                           3,293,733,474.51      Loan by pledge
Non-current assets due in 1 year                                   321,983,047.30      Loan by pledge

                                            Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                            100% stake in Fangda Property Development
Equity pledge                                             200,000,000.00
                                                                            held by the Company
Total                                                    4,464,799,059.93

63. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                                In RMB
                              Closing foreign currency
               Item                                                  Exchange rate              Closing RMB balance
Monetary capital                                                                                          54,038,995.75
Including: USD                              4,889,797.02                         7.225800                 35,332,693.85
        Euro                                        0.86                         7.877100                          6.77
        HK Dollar                           5,873,247.95                         0.921980                  5,415,021.91
        INR                               52,090,006.86                          0.088025                  4,585,222.85
        Vietnamese currency               12,313,820.00                          0.000307                      3,774.78
        SGD                                  438,636.43                          5.344200                  2,344,160.81
        AUD                                1,324,828.05                          4.799200                  6,358,114.78
Account receivable                                                                                        25,680,970.40
Including: USD                              2,318,655.02                         7.225800                 16,754,137.44
       INR                                 7,058,471.00                          0.088025                    621,321.91
       AUD                                 1,251,541.83                          4.799200                  6,006,399.55
       Vietnamese currency             7,500,000,000.00                          0.000307                  2,299,111.50
Contract assets                                                                                          189,210,828.74
Including: USD                            17,057,897.01                          7.225800                123,256,952.22
       HK Dollar                          20,511,073.82                          0.921980                 18,910,799.84
       INR                                97,365,653.65                          0.088025                  8,570,611.66
       AUD                                   280,781.11                          4.799200                  1,347,524.70
       Euro                                4,713,021.33                          7.877100                 37,124,940.32
Other receivables                                                                                          1,869,208.96
Including: USD                               160,310.49                          7.225800                  1,158,371.54
       HK Dollar                             671,784.63                          0.921980                    619,372.00
       INR                                   931,430.68                          0.088025                     81,989.19
       SGD                                     1,773.18                          5.344200                      9,476.23
Account payable                                                                                           14,941,711.05
Including: USD                             1,223,641.16                          7.225800                  8,841,786.29
       INR                                22,669,594.77                          0.088025                  1,995,491.08
       HK Dollar                           4,451,760.00                          0.921980                  4,104,433.68
Other payables                                                                                               152,810.55
Including: USD                                 3,323.20                          7.225800                     24,012.78
       HK Dollar                             124,855.10                          0.921980                    115,113.91
       Vietnamese currency                44,638,518.52                          0.000307                     13,683.86

(2) The note of overseas operating entities should include the main operation places, book keeping
currencies and selection basis. Where the book keeping currency is changed, the reason should also be

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

64. Hedging

Hedging items and related tools, qualitative and quantitative information about hedging risks:

     Type                Hedged item            Hedging tools                             Hedged risk
                   Aluminum        material    Aluminum
                                                                  The price of raw materials has risen, leading to an
                   purchase        forward     futures
                                                                  increase in expected transaction procurement costs;
Cash        flow   transaction                 contract
hedging                                        Forward foreign
                   Forward         foreign                        The depreciation of foreign currency leads to the decrease
                   exchange transaction                           of actual collection

65. Government subsidy

(1) Government subsidy profiles

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                                                                                                          Amount accounted into
                       Type                                  Amount                     Item               the current gain/loss
 National Industry Revitalization and Technology
 Renovation Project fund                                   4,916,390.60           Deferred earning                 153,864.30
 Individual champion allocation from Shenzhen
 Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information
 Technology                                                2,000,000.00              Other gains                  2,000,000.00
 Value added tax immediate refund                          1,699,093.53              Other gains                  1,699,093.53
 R&D subsidy                                               1,326,100.00              Other gains                  1,326,100.00
 Major investment project prize from Industry and
 Trade Development Division of Dongguan
 Finance Bureau                                            1,423,810.10           Deferred earning                  28,571.40
 Award for stable growth of the construction
 industry in 2022                                          1,000,000.00              Other gains                  1,000,000.00
 Energy saving and environmental protection
 metal curtain wall production technology
 transformation project                                      947,712.40           Deferred earning                  13,071.90
 Special subsidy for industrial transformation,
 upgrading and development                                   646,666.59           Deferred earning                  40,000.02
 Hi-tech enterprise development subsidy and
 award                                                       500,000.00              Other gains                   500,000.00
 Support for steady industrial growth in Shenzhen            385,000.00              Other gains                   385,000.00
 Discount subsidy                                            308,700.00          Financial expenses                308,700.00
 Enterprise informationization subsidy project of
 Shenzhen Small and Medium Enterprise Service
 Agency                                                      300,000.00           Deferred earning                  24,000.00
 Shenzhen SME Service Bureau subsidy for
 specialized, refined, and emerging companies                200,000.00              Other gains                   200,000.00
 Outstanding contribution award of Nanchang
 high tech zone                                              200,000.00              Other gains                   200,000.00
 Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and
 Information technology award project for
 specialized, refined, and new enterprises                   200,000.00              Other gains                   200,000.00
                                                                                 Other gains/deferred
 Others                                                      211,626.32                 gains                      209,589.75
                        Total                              16,265,099.54                                          8,287,990.90

(2) Government subsidy refund

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

66. Others

       (1) The Company as leasee

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                               Item                                                      January-June 2023

Short term lease expenses with simplified treatment included in current profit and loss                                  23,422,339.52

Lease expenses of low value assets with simplified treatment included in current profit
and loss (except short-term lease)

Interest expense on lease liabilities                                                                                        465,093.28

Total cash outflow related to leasing                                                                                    31,647,316.58

       (2) The Company is the leasor

       Operating lease

     A.    Rental income

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                               Item                                                    January-June 2023

   Rental income                                                                                                      73,425,170.71

   Including: income related to variable lease payments not included in the
   measurement of lease receipts

     B.    Undiscounted lease receipts to be received in each of the five consecutive fiscal years after the balance sheet date, and
           the total undiscounted lease receipts to be received in the remaining years

                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                        Year                                                         Amount
    2023 H2                                                                                                          78,862,199.38

    2024                                                                                                            117,426,562.03

    2025                                                                                                             97,198,392.07

    2026                                                                                                             75,678,364.35

    2027                                                                                                             46,399,602.29

    2028                                                                                                             30,285,852.66

    Total undiscounted lease receipts to be received after 2028                                                      93,380,127.88

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

    Including Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                           18,574,513.57

    1-2 years                                                                                                     12,835,912.30

    2-3 years                                                                                                         9,976,941.56

    Over 3 years                                                                                                  51,992,760.45

VIII. Change to Consolidation Scope

1. Change to the consolidation scope for other reasons

Change in the consolidation scope due to other reasons (such as new subsidiaries and liquidation of subsidiaries) and the situations:

There has been no change in the scope of consolidation in this period.

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Group Composition

                           Place of        Registered                                              percentage            Obtaining
      Company                                                            Business
                           business         address                                                                       method
                                                                                                Direct     Indirect
                                                          Designing, manufacturing, and                                 Incorporatio
Fangda Jianke            Shenzhen         Shenzhen                                             98.66%        1.34%
                                                          installation of curtain walls                                 n
                                                          Production, processing and
Fangda Zhiyuan                                                                                                          Incorporatio
                         Shenzhen         Shenzhen        installation of subway screen                    83.10%
Technology                                                                                                              n
                                                          Prodution and sales of new-type
Fangda Jiangxi New                                                                                                      Incorporatio
                         Nanchang         Nanchang        materialsm composite materials       75.00%      25.00%
Material                                                                                                                n
                                                          and production of curtain walls
                                                          Real estate development and                                   Incorporatio
Fangda Property          Shenzhen         Shenzhen                                             99.00%        1.00%
                                                          operation                                                     n
                                                          Design and construction of PV                                 Incorporatio
Fangda New Energy        Shenzhen         Shenzhen                                             99.00%        1.00%
                                                          power plants                                                  n
Fangda Chengdu                                            Trusted processing of building                    100.00      Incorporatio
                         Chengdu          Chengdu
Technology                                                curtain wall materials                                %       n
                         Virgin           Virgin                                                100.00                  Incorporatio
Shihui International                                      Investment
                         Islands          Islands                                                   %                   n
Fangda Dongguan                                           Installation and sales of building                100.00      Incorporatio
                         Dongguan         Dongguan
New Material                                              curtain walls                                         %       n
Fangda Property                                                                                             100.00      Incorporatio
                         Shenzhen         Shenzhen        Property management
Management                                                                                                      %       n
Fangda Jiangxi
                                                          Real estate development and                       100.00      Incorporatio
Property                 Nanchang         Nanchang
                                                          operation                                             %       n
Fangda Luxin New                                          Design and construction of PV                     100.00      Incorporatio
                         Pingxiang        Pingxiang
Energy                                                    power plants                                          %       n
Fangda Xinjian New                                        Design and construction of PV                     100.00      Incorporatio
                         Nanchang         Nanchang
Energy                                                    power plants                                          %       n
Fangda Dongguan                                           Design and construction of PV                     100.00      Incorporatio
                         Dongguan         Dongguan
New Energy                                                power plants                                          %       n

                                              Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Kechuangyuan                                                                                            Incorporatio
                      Shenzhen    Shenzhen        Software development                         83.10%
Software                                                                                                n
Fangda Zhiyuan
Technology Hong       Hong Kong   Hong Kong       Metro screen door                            83.10%
Fangda Hongjun                                                                                          Incorporatio
                      Shenzhen    Shenzhen        Investment                          98.00%   2.00%
Investment                                                                                              n
                                                  Designing, manufacturing, and                100.00   Incorporatio
Fangda Australia      Australia   Australia
                                                  installation of curtain walls                    %    n
                                                  Technology development and
                                                  sales; Invest in industry;                   100.00   Incorporatio
Fangda Yunzhi         Shenzhen    Shenzhen
                                                  Operation management of                          %    n
                                                  science and technology park
Chengda Curtain                                   Building decoration and other                100.00   Incorporatio
                      Chengdu     Chengdu
Wall Company                                      construction industry                            %    n
Fangda Southeast                                  Designing, manufacturing, and                100.00   Incorporatio
                      Vietnam     Vietnam
Asia                                              installation of curtain walls                    %    n
Fangda Shanghai                                   Intelligent technology, new                           Incorporatio
                      Shanghai    Shanghai                                            30.00%   70.00%
Zhijian                                           energy, automated technology                          n
                                                  Construction technology,
                                                  intelligent technology,
Fangda Shanghai                                                                                100.00   Incorporatio
                      Shanghai    Shanghai        automation technology, design,
Jianzhi                                                                                            %    n
                                                  production and installation of
                                                  building curtain walls
Zhongrong Litai       Shenzhen    Shenzhen        Business service                             55.00%   Purchase
                                                  Project investment and                                Incorporatio
Fangda Investment     Shenzhen    Shenzhen                                            99.00%   0.52%
                                                  investment consultancy                                n
Fangda Lifu                                       Project investment and                                Incorporatio
                      Shenzhen    Shenzhen                                                     52.00%
Investment                                        investment consultancy                                n
Fangda Xunfu                                      Project investment and                       100.00   Incorporatio
                      Shenzhen    Shenzhen
Investment                                        investment consultancy                           %    n
Fangda Jianke Hong                                Design, sale and installation of             100.00   Incorporatio
                      Hong Kong   Hong Kong
Kong                                              building curtain wall                            %    n
                                                  Inspection, technical service and
                                                                                                        n of entities
                                                  consultation of building safety              100.00
Yunzhu Technology     Shenzhen    Shenzhen                                                              under
                                                  and building energy saving                       %
                                                  Inspection, technical service and
                                                                                                        n of entities
Fangda Yunzhu                                     consultation of building safety              100.00
                      Shenzhen    Shenzhen                                                              under
Testing                                           and building energy saving                       %
                                                  Production, processing and
General Metro                                                                                           Incorporatio
                      Singapore   Singapore       installation of subway screen                83.10%
Technology Co., Ltd                                                                                     n
                                                  Production, processing and
Fangda Zhiyuan                                                                                          Incorporatio
                      Wuhan       Wuhan           installation of subway screen                83.10%
Technology Wuhan                                                                                        n
Fangda Zhiyuan                                    Production, processing and
Technology            Nanchang    Nanchang        installation of subway screen                83.10%
Nanchang                                          doors
Fangda Zhiyuan                                    Production, processing and
Technology            Dongguan    Dongguan        installation of subway screen                83.10%
Dongguan                                          doors
Fangda Intelligent                                Prodution and sales of new-type                       Incorporatio
                      Ganzhou     Ganzhou                                             99.00%   1.00%
Manufacturing                                     materialsm composite materials                        n

                                                         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                and production of curtain walls

(2) Major non wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                               Shareholding of                                                    Dividend to be             Interest balance of
                                                         Profit and loss attributed
       Company                    minority                                                    distributed to minority      minority shareholders in
                                                         to minority shareholders
                                shareholders                                                        shareholders            the end of the period
Zhongrong Litai                           45.00%                            -34,438.52                                                 48,320,086.70
Fangda Zhiyuan
                                             5.96%                       3,274,458.52                                                   24,148,372.78

Note: In May 2021l the Company's subsidiaries Fangda Construction Technology Co., Ltd. and Jiangxi Fangda New Material Co.,
Ltd. transfer 10.9375% of the equity of Fangda Zhiyuan Technology Co., Ltd. because the Company cannot unconditionally avoid
performing its contractual obligations by delivering cash or other financial assets, the Company recognizes the contractual
obligations as financial liabilities, and accordingly does not recognize minority shareholders' equity.

(3) Financial highlights of major non wholly owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB
                                 Closing balance                                                            Opening balance

Compa                                        Curren        Non-                                                         Curren        Non-
                      Non-       Total                                  Total                    Non-        Total                                 Total
  ny      Curren                                 t       current                   Curren                                   t       current
                     current       of                                  liabiliti                current        of                                 liabiliti
          t assets                           liabiliti   liabiliti                 t assets                             liabiliti   liabiliti
                      assets     assets                                   es                     assets      assets                                  es
                                                es          es                                                             es          es
Zhong      209,53               209,86       102,24                    102,48      208,73                   209,10      101,34                    101,65
                     328,40                              243,13                                 371,74                              305,18
rong        7,112.              5,512.       4,408.                    7,542.      7,205.                   8,953.      9,268.                    4,452.
                       0.74                                3.99                                   7.97                                4.09
Litai          08                   82           38                        37          21                       18          59                        68
           806,58    152,60     959,18       537,09      16,912        554,01      770,73       135,42      906,16      540,84      15,118        555,96
           0,699.    4,545.     5,244.       9,105.      ,098.8        1,204.      9,460.       3,070.      2,531.      8,850.      ,392.7        7,242.
               09        70         79           97           3            80          72           69          41          07           1            78

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                        Amount occurred in the current period                                         Occurred in previous period

 Company                                           Total of           Business                                             Total of         Business
                Turnover        Net profit           misc.            operation       Turnover            Net profit         misc.          operation
                                                   incomes           cash flows                                            incomes         cash flows
                  55,045.86     -76,530.05        -76,530.05         101,149.87        82,951.18          -54,116.91      -54,116.91            -8,017.93
Fangda                                                                         -                                                                    -
               291,615,46      54,940,579.       55,117,691.                          300,269,75       28,566,000.       28,963,818.
Zhiyuan                                                              34,107,845.                                                           105,649,96
                     2.85              16                 94                                1.24               91                88
Technology                                                                   79                                                                  2.94

2. Interests in joint ventures or associates

(1) Financial summary of insignificant joint ventures and associates

                                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                               Closing balance/amount occurred in this         Opening balance/amount occurred in
                                                               period                                   previous period
Total book value of investment                                            54,969,336.56                                  54,969,042.14
Total shareholding
Net profit                                                                        294.42                                     -32,974.15
--Total of misc. incomes                                                          294.42                                     -32,974.15

X. Risks of Financial Tools

     The risks associated with the financial instruments of the Company arise from the various financial assets and liabilities
recognized by the Company in the course of its operations, including credit risks, liquidity risks and market risks.

     The management objectives and policies of various risks related to financial instruments are governed by the management of
the Company. The operating management is responsible for daily risk management through functional departments (for example,
the Company's credit management department reviews the Company's credit sales on a case-by-case basis). The internal audit
department of the Company conducts daily supervision of the implementation of the Company's risk management policies and
procedures, and reports relevant findings to the Company's audit committee in a timely manner.

     The overall goal of the Company's risk management is to formulate risk management policies that minimize the risks
associated with various financial instruments without excessively affecting the Company's competitiveness and resilience.

Credit risk

     Credit risk is caused by the failure of one party of a financial instrument in performing its obligations, causing the risk of
financial loss for the other party. The credit risk of the Company mainly comes from monetary capital, notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, receivables financing, contract assets, etc. The credit risk of these financial assets comes from the
default of the counterparties, and the maximum risk exposure is equal to the book amount of these instruments.

     The Company's money and funds are mainly deposited in the commercial banks and other financial institutions. The
Company believes that these commercial banks have higher reputation and asset status and have lower credit risk.

     For notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, receivables financing and contract assets, the Company sets
relevant policies to control credit risk exposure. The Group set the credit line and term for debtors according to their financial
status, external rating, and possibility of getting third-party guarantee, credit record and other factors. The Group regularly
monitors debtors' credit record. For those with poor credit record, the Group will send written payment reminders, shorten or
cancel credit term to lower the general credit risk.

(1) Significant increases in credit risk

     The credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased significantly since the initial confirmation. In determining
whether the credit risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition, the Company considers reasonable and evidenced
information, including forward-looking information, that can be obtained without unnecessary additional costs or effort. The
Company determines the relative risk of default risk of the financial instrument by comparing the risk of default of the financial
instrument on the balance sheet date with the risk of default on the initial recognition date to assess the credit risk of the fi nancial
instrument from initial recognition.

     When one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria are triggered, the Company believes that the credit
risk of financial instruments has increased significantly: the quantitative criteria are mainly the probability of default in the
remaining life of the reporting date increased by more than a certain proportion compared with the initial recognition; the

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

qualitative criteria are the major adverse changes in the operation or financial situation of the major debtors, the early warning of
customer list, etc.

(2) Definition of assets where credit impairment has occurred

     In order to determine whether or not credit impairment occurs, the standard adopted by our company is consistent with the
credit risk management target for related financial instruments, and quantitative and qualitative indicators are considered.

     Major financial difficulties have occurred to the issuer or the debtor; Breach of contract by the debtor, such as payment of
interest or default or overdue of principal; (B) The concession that the debtor would not make under any other circumstances for
economic or contractual considerations relating to the financial difficulties of the debtor; The debtor is likely to be bankrupt or
undertake other financial restructuring; The financial difficulties of the issuer or debtor lead to the disappearance of the active
market for the financial asset; To purchase or generate a financial asset at a substantial discount, which reflects the fact that a
credit loss has occurred.

     Credit impairment in financial assets may be caused by a combination of multiple events, not necessarily by events that can
be identified separately.

(3) Expected credit loss measurement

     Depending on whether there is a significant increase in credit risk and whether a credit impairment has occurred, the
Company prepares different assets for a 12-month or full expected credit loss. The key parameters of expected credit loss
measurement include default probability, default loss rate and default risk exposure. Taking into account the quantitative analysis
and forward-looking information of historical statistics (such as counterparty ratings, guaranty methods, collateral categories,
repayment methods, etc.), the Company establishes the default probability, default loss rate and default risk exposure model.


     The probability of default refers to the possibility that the debtor will not be able to fulfill its obligation to pay in the next 12
months or throughout the remaining period.

     Breach Loss Rate means the extent of loss expected by the Company for breach risk exposure. Depending on the type of
counterparty, the manner and priority of recourse, and the different collateral, the default loss rate is also different. The default loss
rate is the percentage of the risk exposure loss at the time of the default, calculated on the basis of the next 12 months or the entire

     Exposure to default is the amount payable to the Company at the time of default in the next 12 months or throughout the
remaining life. Prospective information credit risks significantly increased and expected credit losses were calculated. Through the
analysis of historical data, the Company has identified the key economic indexes that affect the credit risk of each business type
and the expected credit loss.

     The largest credit risk facing the Group is the book value of each financial asset on the balance sheet. The Group makes no
guarantee that may cause the Group credit risks.

     Among the Group's receivables, accounts receivable from top 5 customers account for 21.46% of the total accounts
receivable (beginning of the period: 26.41%); among other receivables, other receivables from top 5 customers account for 73.49%
of the total other receivables (beginning of the period: 72.10%).

Liquidity risk

     Liquidity risk is the risk of capital shortage when the Group needs to pay cash or settled with other financial assets. The
Company is responsible for the cash management of its subsidiaries, including short-term investments in cash surpluses and loans

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

to meet projected cash requirements. The Company's policy is to regularly monitor short and long-term liquidity requirements and
compliance with borrowing agreements to ensure adequate cash reserves and readily available securities.

    As of June 30, 2023, the maturity of the Company's financial liabilities is as follows:

                                                                                                          Amount: in RMB10,000

                                                                             June 30, 2023
                                         Less than 1 year      Within 1-3 years        Over 3 years           Total

     Short-term loans                           157,588.29                                                       157,588.29

     Derivative financial liabilities                143.97                                                            143.97

     Notes payable                               76,178.98                                                        76,178.98

     Account payable                            166,492.35               2,010.72                259.8           168,762.87

     Employees' wage payable                       3,663.93                                                        3,663.93

     Other payables                                6,960.25                967.87              3,071.10           10,999.22

     Non-current liabilities due in 1
                                                 11,886.50                                                        11,886.50

     Other current liabilities                     5,069.00                                                        5,069.00

     Long-term loans                                                    43,500.00             75,800.00          119,300.00

     Lease liabilities                                                     759.61                  95.7                855.31

     Long-term payable                                                                                            20,464.02

     Total liabilities                          427,983.27              67,702.22             79,226.60          574,912.09


                                                                         December 31, 2022
                                        Less than 1 year       Within 1-3 years        Over 3 years            Total

     Short-term loans                           131,823.85                                                       131,823.85

     Derivative financial liabilities                 29.34                                                             29.34

     Notes payable                               73,489.02                                                        73,489.02

     Account payable                            168,254.83               3,119.05               429.76           171,803.64

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     Employees' wage payable                        6,715.09                                                              6,715.09

     Other payables                                 7,228.45               1,099.12              3,014.97                11,342.54

     Non-current liabilities due in
                                                    8,377.86                                                              8,377.86
     1 year

     Other current liabilities                      4,813.32                                                              4,813.32

     Long-term loans                                                     63,146.28              63,203.72              126,350.00

     Lease liabilities                                                       681.92                   8.83                  690.75

     Long-term payable                                                   19,764.02                                       19,764.02

     Total liabilities                            400,731.76             87,810.39              66,657.28              555,199.43

Market risk

(1) Credit risks

     The exchange rate risk of the Company mainly comes from the assets and liabilities of the Company and its subsidiaries in
foreign currency not denominated in its functional currency. Except for the use of Hong Kong dollars, United States dollars,
Australian dollars, Vietnamese dong, euro, Indian rupees or Singapore currencies by its subsidiaries established in and outside the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, other major businesses of the Company shall be denominated in Renminbi.

     As of June 30, 2023, the Company's foreign currency financial assets and liabilities at the end of the period are listed in
Chapter X, VII, item note 63 of consolidated financial statements and description of foreign currency monetary items.

     The Company pays close attention to the impact of exchange rate changes on the Company's exchange rate risk. The
Company continuously monitors the scale of foreign currency transactions and foreign currency assets and liabilities to minimize
foreign exchange risks. To this end, the Company may avoid foreign exchange risks by signing forward foreign exchange
contracts or currency swap contracts.

(2) Exchange rate risk

     The Group's interest rate risk mainly arises from long-term interest-bearing debts such as long-term bank loans. Financial
liabilities with floating interest rate cause cash flow interest rate risk for the Group. Financial liabilities with fixed interest rate
cause fair value interest rate risk for the Group. The Group decides the proportion between fixed interest rate and floating interest
rate according to the market environment and regularly reviews and monitors the combination of fixed and floating interest rate

     The Group Finance Department of the Company continuously monitors the Group interest rate level. The rising interest rate
will increase the cost of the new interest-bearing debt and the interest expenditure on interest-bearing debt which has not yet been
paid by the Company at the floating rate, and will have a significant adverse effect on the Company's financial performance.
Management will make adjustments in time according to the latest market conditions.

     As of June 30, 2023, when other risk variables remain unchanged, if the borrowing interest rate calculated by floating interest
rate increases or decreases by 50 basis points, the net profit of the company in that year will decrease or increase by
RMB5,994,400 (December 31, 2022: RMB6,125,600).

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

XI. Fair Value

1. Closing fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                                                            Closing fair value
              Item                                              Second level fair         Third level fair
                                    First level fair value                                                              Total
                                                                     value                    value
1. Continuous fair value
                                              --                       --                          --                    --
(I) Transactional financial
                                                   77,586.17                                                               77,586.17
1. Financial assets measured at
fair value with variations
                                                   77,586.17                                                               77,586.17
accounted into current income
(1) Derivative financial assets                    77,586.17                                                               77,586.17
(2) Receivable financing                                                                          9,703,929.82          9,703,929.82
(3) Investment real estate                                        5,750,831,172.12                                5,750,831,172.12
1. Leased building                                                5,750,831,172.12                                5,750,831,172.12
(4) Other non-current financial
                                                                                                  7,515,217.28          7,515,217.28
Total assets measured at fair
                                                   77,586.17      5,750,831,172.12               17,219,147.10    5,768,127,905.39
value continuously
(5) Transactional financial
                                            1,439,675.00                                                                1,439,675.00
1. Derivative financial
                                            1,439,675.00                                                                1,439,675.00
Total assets measured at fair
                                            1,439,675.00                                                                1,439,675.00
value continuously
2. Discontinuous fair value
                                              --                       --                          --                    --

2. Recognition basis of market value of continuous and discontinuous items measured at first level fair

The Group determines the fair value using quotation in an active market for financial instruments traded in an active market;

3. Valuation technique and qualitative and quantitative information for key parameters of continuous
and discontinuous second level fair value items

For investment real estate, the Company adopts valuation technology to determine its fair value. The valuation techniques adopted
are mainly the market comparison method and the income method, and the rent and resale model. The input value of valuation
technology mainly includes comparable market unit price, market rent, vacancy rate, growth rate, rate of return, etc.

                                                         Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

4. Valuation technique and qualitative and quantitative information for key parameters of continuous
and discontinuous third level fair value items

If there is no active market, the Company uses evaluation techniques to determine the fair value. The valuation models are mainly
cash flow discount model and market comparable company model. The input value of valuation technology mainly includes risk-
free interest rate, benchmark interest rate, exchange rate, credit point difference, liquidity premium, lack of liquidity discount, etc.

5. Switch between different levels, switch reason and switching time policy

The Company takes the occurrence date of the events leading to the transition between levels as the time point to confirm the
transition between levels. In the period, there is no switch in the financial assets measured at fair value between the first and
second level or transfer in or out of the third level.

6. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

Financial assets and liabilities measured at amortized cost include: monetary capital, bills receivable, accounts receivable, other
receivables, short-term borrowings, notes payable, employee compensation payable, accounts payables, other payables, and long-
term payables.

XII. Related Parties and Transactions

1. Parent of the Company

                                                                                               Share of the parent    Voting power of
          Parent                                     Business           Registered capital         co. in the            the parent
                                                                                                   Company                company
Shenzhen Banglin
Technologies                    Shenzhen                               RMB30 million                        11.11%               11.11%
Development Co., Ltd.
Shengjiu Investment Ltd.        Hong Kong                              HKD1 million                         10.25%              10.25%
Particulars about the parent of the Company

① All of the investors of Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd., the holding shareholder of the Company, are
natural persons. Among them, Chairman Xiong Jianming is holding 85% shares, and Mr. Xiong Xi – son of Mr. Xiong Jianming,
is holding 15% of the shares.

②Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Banglin Technology Development Co., Ltd. and Shengjiu Investment Co., Ltd. are
parties action-in-concert with Xiong Jianming.

The final controller of the Company is Xiong Jianming.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

For details of subsidiaries of the enterprise, please refer to Note IX, rights and interests in other entities.

3. Joint ventures and associates

Information about other joint ventures or associates with related transactions in this period or with balance generated by related
transactions in previous period:

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                    Joint venture or associate                                        Relationship with the Company
Ganshang Joint Investment                                              Affiliates of the Company

4. Other associates

                       Other related parties                                          Relationship with the Company
Jiangxi Business Innovative Property Joint Stock Co., Ltd.             Affiliates of the Company
Gong Qing Cheng Shi Li He Investment Management                        Affiliated relationship with Shenzhen Banglin Technology
Partnership Enterprise (limited partner)                               Development Co., Ltd.
Shenyang Fangda                                                        Subsidiary in liquidation
Shenzhen Yikang Real Estate Co. Ltd.                                   Controlled subsidiaries
Shenzhen Qijian Technology Co., Ltd. (Qijian Technology)               Common actual controller
Director, manager and secretary of the Board                           Key management

5. Related transactions

(1) Related transactions for purchase and sale of goods, provision and acceptance of services

Sales of goods and services
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                          Amount occurred in the
       Affiliated party                 Related transaction                                              Occurred in previous period
                                                                             current period
                                   Property service and sales of
Qijian Technology                                                                         124,524.04                       112,319.60

(2) Related leasing

The Company is the leasor:
                                                                                                                              In RMB

                                                                         Rental recognized in the          Rental recognized in the
     Name of the leasee              Category of asset for lease
                                                                                  period                            period
Qijian Technology                  Houses & buildings                                     434,285.70                      434,285.70

(3) Related guarantees

The Company is the guarantor:
                                                                                                                       In RMB10,000

   Beneficiary party                                     Start date                        Due date                 Completed or not
                                                                                Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke                      24,000.00          March 9, 2022                                                       Yes
                                                                                date of debt performance
                                                                                Three years after the expiration
Fangda New Material                10,000.00          April 20, 2022                                                      Yes
                                                                                date of debt performance
                                                                                Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhijian                      7,000.00            June 1, 2022                                                      Yes
                                                                                date of debt performance
                                                                                Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhiyuan                     40,000.00            July 4, 2022                                                      Yes
                                                                                date of debt performance
                                                                                Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhiyuan                     15,000.00          March 9, 2022                                                       Yes
                                                                                date of debt performance

                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Yunzhu            600.00      May 10, 2022                                          Yes
                                                        date of debt performance
Total amount of
guarantee fulfilled
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          86,000.00   November 24, 2022                                       No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          39,000.00   December 9, 2022                                        No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda New Material    10,000.00     April 18, 2023                                        No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Yunzhu           1,000.00    March 30, 2023                                         No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda New Material     8,500.00   September 6, 2022                                       No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          15,000.00     May 23, 2022                                          No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhijian          7,000.00     May 15, 2023                                          No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          48,000.00   December 15, 2022                                       No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhiyuan         18,000.00    March 22, 2023                                         No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          50,000.00   September 20, 2022                                      No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          30,000.00    October 19, 2022                                       No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          30,000.00   September 20, 2022                                      No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke           4,000.00   September 8, 2022                                       No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke           4,000.00     May 15, 2023                                          No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          20,000.00    August 10, 2022                                        No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          60,000.00    January 21, 2023                                       No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration   No
Fangda Zhiyuan         36,000.00     June 20, 2023
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration   No
Fangda Jianke          24,000.00      May 5, 2023
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhiyuan         15,000.00      May 5, 2022                                          No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhiyuan         20,000.00    October 19, 2022                                       No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhiyuan         15,000.00   November 1, 2022                                        No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Zhiyuan         10,000.00     May 23, 2022                                          No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Yunzhu            600.00      May 11, 2023                                          No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Yunzhu            800.00     August 19, 2022                                        No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Three years after the expiration
Fangda Jianke          20,000.00    March 31, 2023                                         No
                                                        date of debt performance
                                                        Two years after the expiration
Fangda Property       135,000.00   February 25, 2020                                       No
                                                        date of debt performance
Fangda Property        47,000.00   December 16, 2020    Three years after the expiration   No

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                   date of debt performance
Fangda Jianke and                                                                  Two years after the expiration
                                    15,400.00          December 18, 2019                                                      No
Zhiyuan Technology                                                                 date of debt performance
Total amount of
guarantee being                    769,300.00

Description of related party guarantee: The above-mentioned guarantees are all associated guarantees within interested entities of
the Company.

(4) Remuneration of key management

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                    Item                           Amount occurred in the current period              Occurred in previous period
Directors, supervisors and senior
                                                                               4,799,048.45                                4,289,505.05

6. Receivable and payables due with related parties

(1) Receivable interest

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                 Closing balance                            Opening balance
   Project name            Affiliated party        Remaining book                                Remaining book
                                                                          Bad debt provision                          Bad debt provision
                                                       value                                         value
                       Qijian Technology                                                                   4,708.76                 47.09
Other receivables      Shenyang Fangda                                                                    42,877.00           42,877.00
                       Ganshang Joint
Other receivables                                       3,791,089.25               56,487.23          3,791,089.25            56,487.23
                       Shenzhen Yikang
Other receivables      Real Estate Co.                76,062,675.83            1,133,333.87         70,062,675.83          1,043,933.87

(2) Receivable interest

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                                                                                             Opening balance of book
        Project name                          Affiliated party           Closing balance of book value
                                    Shenzhen Yikang Real Estate
Other payables                                                                           26,044,709.60                    25,305,047.71
                                    Co. Ltd.
Other payables                      Qijian Technology                                            400.00                          400.00
Other payables                      Ganshang Joint Investment                                  3,355.36                        3,355.36

XIII. Contingent events

1. Major commitments

Major commitments that exist on the balance sheet day

     On November 6, 2017, Fangda Real Estate Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, and Bangshen Electronics (Shenzhen) Co.,
Ltd. signed the "Joint Development Agreement on Fangda Bangshen Industrial Park (Temporary Name) Urban Renewal Project",

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

and the two parties agreed to develop cooperatively. In order to develop urban renewing projects such as a "renovation project",
Fangda Real Estate provided Party A with property compensation through renovating and renovating the property allocation terms
agreed upon by both parties, and obtained independent development rights of the project. As of June 30, 2023, Fangda Real Estate
has paid a deposit of RMB 20,000,000.

     (2) In July 2018 ,the Company's subsidiary Fangda Real Estate Co. Ltd. (Party A) signed a contract with Shenzhen Yikang
Real Estate Co. Ltd. (Party B1) and Shenzhen Qianhai Zhongzheng Dingfeng No. 6 Investment Enterprise (Limited Partnership)
(Party B2), "Shenzhen Henggang Dakang Village Project Cooperation Agreement". Party B agrees to transfer the entire equity of
the project company it holds and the entire development interest of the project to Party A. Party A shall pay Party B a total of
RMB600 million for the cooperation price. As of June 30, 2023, Fangda Property has paid Party B and the project company
RMB50 million of security deposit, RMB20 million of service fee, RMB61,937,200 of equity transfer and RMB79,062,800 of
other related payments.

     In May 2021, the subsidiaries Fangda Jianke, Fangda Jiangxi New Material and CITIC Securities Investment Co., Ltd.,
Shenzhen Hi Tech Investment Venture Capital Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Qianhai Pengchen Investment Partnership (limited partnership),
Gongqingcheng Longrun Spring Investment Partnership (limited partnership), Shenzhen Jiayuan Capital Management Co., Ltd
and Gongqingcheng Huasheng Botai Investment Partnership (limited partnership) (hereinafter referred to as the "Transferee")
signed equity transfer agreements to transfer 10.9375% of the total equity of Fangda Zhiyuan Technology, with the transfer
amount of RMB 175 million. The agreement also stipulates that if Fangda Zhiyuan Technology fails to start and complete the
qualified listing before May 31, 2025, the transferee has the right to require Fangda Jianke and Fangda Jiangxi New Material to
repurchase or transfer all or part of the equity of Fangda Zhiyuan Technology held by the transferee.

       The Company has no other commitments that should be disclosed by June 30, 2023.

2. Contingencies

Significant contingencies on the balance sheet date:

(1) Contingent liabilities formed by material lawsuit or arbitration, and their influences on the financial position

     ① On June 19, 2019, Langfang Aomei Jiye Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Fangda Jianke in the
People's Court of Langfang Development Zone, demanding compensation of RMB19,721,315.00, and filed an application for
appraisal of quality, repair cost and uncompleted project cost on December 26, 2019; Fangda Jianke filed a counterclaim on
September 11, 2019, demanding payment of RMB13,939,863.27, and put forward the application for completed project cost
appraisal on November 22, 2019. As of the date of this report, the case is still under trial.

     ② In March 2022, Xiangheng Real Estate (Jinan) Co., Ltd. filed an arbitration with the Jinan Arbitration Commission,
requesting Fangda Jianke to bear the deduction, maintenance, rectification and rework costs of RMB8,956,563.81 and lawyer's
fees of RMB350,000.00 caused by the quality problems of the supply and installation of aluminum alloy doors and windows,
louvers and curtain walls of Jinan Kerry comprehensive development project (phase I and II); In April 2022, Fangda Construction
Technology Co., Ltd. filed an anti arbitration application, requiring Xiangheng Real Estate (Jinan) Co., Ltd. to pay a total of
RMB18,062,462.28 for the project funds and project expenses. As of the date of this report, the two cases are under joint trial.

     ③ In September 2022, Fangda Jianke Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Longhua District, requiring Longguang
Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. to pay the total principal and interest of the project funds of Longguang Jiuzuan Project Plot 05
and Plot 09 to Fangda Construction Technology Co., Ltd., totaling RMB33,197,543.00. As of the date of this report, the case of
the Jiuzhuan 05 plot project has been adjudicated in first instance, with Longguang Company being sentenced to pay the
engineering fee of RMB7,709,679.55, the quality assurance deposit of RMB6,033,911.38, and corresponding interest to Fangda
Construction Technology Company. Longguang Company has the priority right to be compensated for the sale and auction price

                                                      Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

of the curtain wall production and installation project of the project; Due to both parties filing appeals, it is currently in the second
instance. The Jiuzhuan 09 plot project is still under first instance review.

        ④ In October 2022, Fangda Jianke Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Danzhou City, Hainan Province,
requesting Danzhou Dongtuo Tourism Development Co., Ltd. to pay to Fangda Jianke Co., Ltd. a total of RMB27,863,564.06 of
the principal and interest of the project payment for the Hengda Huadao Project. As of the date of this report, the court has filed a
case and the case is currently under trial.

        ⑤ In October 2022, Fangda Jianke Co., Ltd. filed an application for arbitration with the Guiyang Arbitration Commission,
requiring Zhongtian Urban Investment Group Guiyang International Financial Center Co., Ltd. to pay Fangda Jianke Co., Ltd. a
total of RMB10,818,847.31 of the principal and interest of the curtain wall project of Building 7 and Building 9 in the first phase
of Guiyang International Financial Center Business District. As of the date of this report, the arbitration tribunal has filed a case
and held a hearing, waiting for an award.

        ⑥ In September 2022, Fangda Real Estate Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
requiring Shenzhen Hongtao Group Co., Ltd. to pay the total principal and interest of Fangda Real Estate Co., Ltd. to Fangda Real
Estate Co., Ltd. for the purchase of building 3 # in Fangda City, amounting to RMB56,527,427.01, and Hongtao Company's
counterclaim party, Dada Real Estate Co., Ltd., requested to cancel the signed Supplementary Agreement on Real Estate Sales and
pay the liquidated damages of RMB44,046,859.04 for overdue certificate processing. As of the disclosure date of this report, the
court has issued a first instance judgment, ruling that Hongtao Company shall pay Fangda Real Estate Company the purchase price
of RMB40,127,678.19 and overdue payment interest (temporarily calculated as RMB8,418,135.54 until June 30, 2022). The
subsequent interest shall be calculated based on RMB40,127,678.19 and continue to be calculated until the actual payment date
according to the loan market quotation interest rate standard published by the National Interbank Funding Center. Reject all
counterclaim requests from Hongtao Company. At present, both parties have filed an appeal and the case has entered the second
instance process.

        ⑦ In September 2022, Fangda Real Estate filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen City,
requesting the court to order the cancellation of the Shenzhen Real Estate Sales Contract (Cash Sale) signed by Fangda Real Estate
and Shenzhen Rijiasheng Trading Co., Ltd., and order Rijiasheng to pay the bank mortgage loan compensation of
RMB18,796,489.12 and interest of RMB3,800,495.61 to Fangda Real Estate, and the liquidated damages for contract cancellation
of RMB3,428,313.10, occupation fee Please refund the overdue fee. In September 2022, Shenzhen Rijiasheng Trading Co., Ltd.
filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Nanshan District, Shenzhen, requesting Fangda Real Estate to perform the obligation of
handling the certificate and bear the liquidated damages for overdue handling of the certificate. The provisional amount of
RMB3,669,046.43 is actually calculated until the certificate is completed. As of the date of this report, the court has issued first
instance judgments, with Fangda Real Estate Company v. Japan Jiasheng Company ruling supporting the termination of the
contract and paying the bank mortgage loan repayment of RMB18,708,945.57 and interest of RMB3,790,999.98, as well as paying
a breach of contract penalty of RMB1,714,156.55 and the occupancy and use fee of the house. The case of Rijia Sheng Company v.
Da Real Estate Company was ruled to reject all litigation requests. At present, both parties have filed an appeal and the case has
entered the second instance process.

        ⑧ In July 2022, Wang Weihong filed a lawsuit on the ground that Fang Dajianke Company constituted a preservation error
in the (2015) YYYZFMCZ No. 01205 case, claiming that Fang Dajianke Company compensated for the loss of RMB2,325,779.17,
and another lawsuit claimed that Fang Dajianke Company owed its project payment principal of RMB4.78 million and interest.
The court of first instance in both cases has ruled against all of Wang Weihong's claims. As of the date of this report, the second
instance court in the case of preservation error has revised the judgment that Fang Dajian Technology Company paid interest loss
of RMB44,197.44 to Wang Weihong, which has been fulfilled. The second instance court of the first and second instance of the
construction project dispute has ruled to remand the case for retrial, and currently has not received any information on the retrial

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

     ⑨ Fangda Zhiyuan Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen BYD Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
"BYD") have a purchase and sales contract dispute, and BYD has defaulted on payment for goods. Fangda Zhiyuan Technology
Co., Ltd. filed a lawsuit to the People's Court of Pingshan District on October 20, 2022, demanding payment of RMB5.4532
million for raw materials and storage and management fees. The case was accepted by the court on February 13, 2023, and as of
the date of this report, it has been settled through settlement.

     ⑩ In April 2023, Fangda Jianke Company filed a lawsuit with the Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court, demanding the
termination of the construction contract signed with Guangzhou Kaidar Investment Co., Ltd. for the Kaidar Hub International
Plaza project, and requiring Guangzhou Kaidar Investment Co., Ltd. to pay the principal amount of the project payment of
RMB113,529,244.60 and interest to Fangda Jianke Company, and claiming the priority right to receive compensation for the
construction project price. As of the date of this report, the court has filed a case and the case is currently under trial.

      In June 2023, Fangda Jianke Company filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Shapingba District, Chongqing,
demanding that Chongqing Longhu Jingnan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. pay Fangda Jianke Company the principal amount
of RMB9,754,668.59 and overdue interest for the Chongqing Longhu Shapingba project, and claim the priority right to receive
compensation for the construction project price. As of the disclosure date of this report, the court has filed and accepted the case,
and it is currently under trial.

     (2) Contingent liabilities formed by providing of guarantee to other companies' debts and their influences on financial

        By June 30, 2023, the Company has provided loan guarantees for the following entities:

                                                                                                                           In RMB10,000

 Name of guaranteed entity             Guarantee                   Amount                       Term                       Remarks
                                     Guarantee and
Fangda Property                                                       87,000.00        2020.03.13-2030.03.12
                                   mortgage guarantee
Fangda Property                        Guarantee                      42,850.00        2021.03.18-2031.03.18
                                     Guarantee and
Fangda Jianke                                                          4,000.00        2022.09.08-2023.09.03
                                   mortgage guarantee
Fangda Jianke                          Guarantee                       4,000.00        2023.02.27-2024.02.27
Fangda Jianke                          Guarantee                       5,000.00        2023.03.17-2024.03.17
                                     Guarantee and
Fangda Jianke                                                          4,000.00        2023.05.22-2024.05.16
                                   mortgage guarantee
Fangda Yunzhu                          Guarantee                            980.00     2022.05.18-2024.05.17
Fangda Jianke                          Guarantee                       5,000.00        2023.05.26-2024.05.25
Fangda Zhiyuan Technology              Guarantee                       3,000.00        2022.07.25-2023.07.25
Total                                                                155,830.00

Notes:: ① Providing debt guarantees to other units is all related guarantees between internal equity entities of the company.

  ② The Company's property business provides periodic mortgage guarantee for property purchasers. The term of the periodic
guarantee lasts from the effectiveness of guarantee contracts to the completion of mortgage registration and transfer of housing
ownership certificates to banks. By June 30, 2023, the Company has provided periodic guarantee of RMB13,102,400.

(3) Other contingent liabilities and their influences

     The Company has no other contingent events that should be disclosed by June 30, 2023.

                                                    Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

3. Others

        Status of non-revocation of company as at June 30, 2023:

                           Guarantee balance (original
         Currency                                                 Deposit (RMB)                 Credit line used (RMB)
CNY                                    775,140,903.15                          823,387.12                   774,317,516.03
INR                                      82,691,782.78                           46,099.32                    7,232,844.86
HKD                                      15,349,982.00                      15,000,000.00
USD                                       2,507,136.33                        1,483,068.77                   16,632,996.92
SGD                                       2,700,000.00                                                       14,429,340.00
AUD                                       2,388,000.00                                                       11,460,489.60
EUR                                       3,771,764.01                                                       29,710,562.28
Total                                                                       17,352,555.21                   853,783,749.69

XIV. Post-balance-sheet events

1. Notes to other issues in post balance sheet period

The Company has no issues in post balance sheet period that need to be disclosed on August 25, 2023 (report
date approved by the Board of Directors).

XV. Other material events

1. Segment information

(1) Recognition basis and accounting policy for segment report

        The Group divides its businesses into five reporting segments. The reporting segments are determined based on financial
information required by routine internal management. The Group's management regularly review the operating results of the
reporting segments to determine resource distribution and evaluate their performance.

        The reporting segments are:

        (1) Curtain wall segment, production and sales of curtain wall materials, construction curtain wall design, production and

        (2) Rail transport segment: assembly and processing of metro screen doors;

        (3) Real estate segment: development and operating of real estate on land of which land use right is legally obtained by the
Company; property management;

        (4) New energy segment: photovoltaic power generation, photovoltaic power plant sales, photovoltaic equipment R & D,
installation, and sales, and photovoltaic power plant engineering design and installation

        (5) Others

        The segment report information is disclosed based on the accounting policies and measurement standards used by the
segments when reporting to the management. The policies and standards should be consistent with those used in preparing the
financial statement.

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

(2) Financial information

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
     Item          Curtain wall      Rail transport     Real estate       New energy         Others          between              Total
                   1,657,229,55      291,615,462.      119,931,935.                        12,353,745.9     11,586,245.9       2,078,846,87
Turnover                                                                  9,302,428.34
                           1.12                85               09                                    1                9               7.32
external           1,654,849,16      291,615,462.      115,913,190.                                                            2,078,846,87
                                                                          8,947,285.78     7,521,771.30
transaction                6.62                85               77                                                                     7.32
segment                                                                                                     11,586,245.9
                   2,380,384.50               0.00     4,018,744.32           355,142.56   4,831,974.61
transaction                                                                                                            9
major              1,643,016,52      291,538,344.      52,962,063.4                                                            1,994,095,25
                                                                          9,302,428.34                      2,724,113.27
business                   9.06                20                 0                                                                    1.72
Operating          1,385,103,43      209,278,784.      28,749,363.2                                                            1,624,230,46
                                                                          3,936,675.50                      2,837,792.61
cost                       8.12                39                 3                                                                    8.63
                   1,378,141,69      209,278,784.      25,085,173.6                                                            1,613,648,91
major                                                                     3,936,675.50                      2,793,422.55
                           9.70                39                 5                                                                    0.68
business cost
Operation          141,557,736.      18,560,695.2      56,178,619.4                                                            240,665,742.
                                                                              361,845.62   8,595,089.34     15,411,756.1
cost                         53                 8                 8                                                                      38
Operating          130,484,288.      63,775,983.1      35,330,704.8                                         24,402,874.3       213,950,666.
                                                                          5,003,907.22     3,758,656.60
profit/(loss)                83                 8                 2                                                    4                 31
                   5,601,395,08      959,185,244.      6,244,489,44       189,418,976.     3,105,309,13     3,160,473,46       12,939,324,4
Total assets
                           8.68                79              9.25                 71             2.15             6.34              25.23
Total              3,458,793,62      554,011,204.      3,477,503,32       70,343,151.3     821,262,631.     1,384,583,41       6,997,330,51
liabilities                2.07                80              0.01                  4               09             1.82               7.49

(3) Others

Since 88.09% of the Group's revenue comes from Chinese customer and 90% of the Group's assets are in China, no detailed

regional information is needed.

XVI. Notes to Financial Statements of the Parent

1. Account receivable

(1) Account receivable disclosed by categories

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                     Closing balance                                                Opening balance
                 Remaining book                                                    Remaining book
  Type                                   Bad debt provision           Book                                Bad debt provision        Book
                     value                                                             value
                                                                      value                                                         value
                Amount    Proporti      Amount        Provisio                   Amount     Proporti      Amount    Provisio

                                                   Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                            on                    n rate                                 on                       n rate
le for
              538,064.               53,870.4                 484,193.    680,529.                  32,584.9                 647,944.
bad debt                 100.00%                  10.01%                              100.00%                      4.79%
                   33                       5                      88          54                          6                      58
n is
made by
              538,064.               53,870.4                 484,193.    680,529.                  32,584.9                 647,944.
3.                       100.00%                  10.01%                              100.00%                      4.79%
                   33                       5                      88          54                          6                      58
              538,064.               53,870.4                 484,193.    680,529.                  32,584.9                 647,944.
Total                    100.00%                  10.01%                              100.00%                      4.79%
                   33                       5                      88          54                          6                      58
Provision for bad debts by combination:
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                          Closing balance
                                     Remaining book value                Bad debt provision                     Provision rate
Portfolio 3. Others                                  538,064.33                         53,870.45                                10.01%
Total                                                538,064.33                         53,870.45

Group recognition basis:

See 9. Financial Tools in Chapter X, V, Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates for the recognition criteria and
instructions for withdrawing bad debt reserves by portfolio

If the provision for bad debts of accounts receivable is made in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, please
refer to the disclosure of other receivables to disclose information about bad debts:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
Account age

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                              Age                                                           Closing balance
Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                                  178,934.44
2-3 years                                                                                                                  222,666.00
3-4 years                                                                                                                  136,463.89
Total                                                                                                                      538,064.33

(2) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

Bad debt provision made in the period:
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                                    Change in the period
           Type                                                   Written-back or                                     Closing balance
                              balance           Provision                            Canceled          Others

                                                       Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Portfolio 3. Others             32,584.96              21,285.49                                                                 53,870.45
Total                           32,584.96              21,285.49                                                                 53,870.45

(3) Balance of top 5 accounts receivable at the end of the period

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                  Closing balance of accounts                                            Balance of bad debt provision
            Entity                                                            Percentage (%)
                                          receivable                                                        at the end of the period
Top five summary                                        538,064.33                         100.00%                               53,870.45
Total                                                   538,064.33                         100.00%

2. Other receivables

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                     Item                                   Closing balance                                  Opening balance
Other receivables                                                      1,073,141,303.92                                1,046,500,428.02
Total                                                                  1,073,141,303.92                                1,046,500,428.02

(1) Other receivables

1) Other receivables are disclosed by nature

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                By nature                            Closing balance of book value                 Opening balance of book value
Deposit                                                                        80,000.00                                     150,699.54
Debt by Luo Huichi                                                                                                        11,242,291.48
Others                                                                         64,732.30                                     396,561.98
Accounts between related parties within
                                                                       1,072,998,703.01                                1,046,003,558.83
the scope of consolidation
Total                                                                  1,073,143,435.31                                1,057,793,111.83

2) Method of bad debt provision

                                                                                                                                   In RMB
                                 First stage                  Second stage                     Third stage

  Bad debt provision                                     Expected credit loss for     Expected credit loss for                 Total
                            Expected credit losses
                                                         the entire duration (no     the entire duration (credit
                            in the next 12 months
                                                           credit impairment)        impairment has occurred)
Balance on January 1,
                                            7,515.33                                               11,285,168.48          11,292,683.81
Balance on January 1,
2023 in the current
Provision                                 -5,383.94                                                                              -5,383.94
Transferred back in the
                                                                                                      292,877.00               292,877.00
current period
Canceled in the current
                                                                                                   10,992,291.48          10,992,291.48

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Balance on June 30,
                                          2,131.39                                                                          2,131.39

Account age
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                              Age                                                          Closing balance
Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                           87,317,526.23
1-2 years                                                                                                          273,452,880.00
2-3 years                                                                                                          476,158,158.54
Over 3 years                                                                                                       236,214,870.54
     3-4 years                                                                                                     205,755,077.45
     4-5 years                                                                                                                  0.00
     Over 5 years                                                                                                   30,459,793.09
Total                                                                                                             1,073,143,435.31

3) Bad debt provision made, returned or recovered in the period

Bad debt provision made in the period:
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                 Change in the period
        Type        Opening balance                           Written-back or                                      Closing balance
                                             Provision                                  Canceled         Others
receivables and
                        11,292,683.81            -5,383.94        292,877.00         10,992,291.48                          2,131.39
bad debt
Total                   11,292,683.81            -5,383.94        292,877.00         10,992,291.48                          2,131.39

4) Other receivable written off in the current period

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                              Item                                                            Amount
Luo Huichi                                                                                                          10,992,291.48
Including significant other receivable:
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                                                                   Writing-off           Related
        Entity               Nature              Amount                    Reason
                                                                                                   procedure           transaction
                                                                  Impossible enforcement
                                                                                               Approved by
                      Debt by Luo                                 of property, with minimal
Luo Huichi                                      10,992,291.48                                  the senior         No
                      Huichi                                      possibility of subsequent
Total                                           10,992,291.48

5) Balance of top 5 other receivables at the end of the period

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                        Balance of bad
                                                                                                                        debt provision
          Entity                   By nature        Closing balance                 Age              Percentage (%)
                                                                                                                         at the end of
                                                                                                                          the period
                                                         74,529,980.00         Less than 1 year
                             Affiliated party           108,902,550.00            1-2 years
Fangda Property                                                                                             79.18%
                             payment                    460,489,120.00            2-3 years
                                                        205,755,077.45            3-4 years
                                                          2,500,000.00         Less than 1 year
Fangda Jiangxi               Affiliated party
                                                        164,550,000.00            1-2 years                 17.02%
Property Development         payment
                                                         15,589,038.54            2-3 years
                             Affiliated party
Shihui International                                       30,459,793.09        Over 5 years                 2.84%
                             Affiliated party
Yunzhu Technology                                          10,035,928.48       Less than 1 year              0.94%
Fangda Zhiyuan               Affiliated party
                                                             149,721.00        Less than 1 year              0.01%
Technology                   payment
Total                                                1,072,961,208.56                                       99.99%

3. Long-term share equity investment

                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                         Closing balance                                            Opening balance
        Item            Remaining          Impairment                              Remaining          Impairment
                                                               Book value                                                Book value
                        book value          provision                              book value          provision
Investment in          1,486,831,253.                         1,486,831,253.      1,457,331,253.                        1,457,331,253.
subsidiaries                      00                                     00                  00                                    00
                       1,486,831,253.                         1,486,831,253.      1,457,331,253.                        1,457,331,253.
                                  00                                     00                  00                                    00

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                              Change (+,-)                                                 Balance of
  Invested          Opening                                                                             Closing book
                                      Increased      Decreased        Impairment                                          provision at
    entity         book value                                                              Others          value
                                     investment      investment        provision                                         the end of the
Fangda             751,950,000.                                                                          751,950,000.
Jianke                       00                                                                                    00
                   74,496,600.0                                                                          74,496,600.0
Jiangxi New
                              0                                                                                     0
Fangda             198,000,000.                                                                          198,000,000.
Property                     00                                                                                    00
                       61,653.00                                                                           61,653.00
Fangda New         99,000,000.0                                                                          99,000,000.0
Energy                        0                                                                                     0
                   98,000,000.0                                                                          98,000,000.0
                              0                                                                                     0
Fangda             235,323,000.                                                                          235,323,000.

                                                        Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

Investment                    00                                                                                    00
Intelligent                            29,500,000.0                                                     30,000,000.0
Manufacturin                                      0                                                                0
                   1,457,331,25        29,500,000.0                                                     1,486,831,25
                           3.00                   0                                                             3.00

4. Operational revenue and costs

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                   Amount occurred in the current period                       Occurred in previous period
                                       Income                     Cost                    Income                         Cost
Other businesses                        12,358,317.34                                      14,705,232.50                     418,824.01
Total                                   12,358,317.34                                      14,705,232.50                     418,824.01

Income information:
                                                                                                                                In RMB
             Contract classification                      Segment 1 - other segments                            Total
Type of product
Other businesses                                                               12,358,317.34                             12,358,317.34
Total                                                                          12,358,317.34                             12,358,317.34

Information related to performance obligations:

The operating income of the parent company comes from property rental income.

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                    Item                          Amount occurred in the current period            Occurred in previous period
Investment gain of financial products                                                                                       431,992.15
Total                                                                                                                       431,992.15

XVII. Supplementary Materials

1. Detailed accidental gain/loss

 Applicable □ Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                          Item                                                  Amount                     Notes
Non-current asset disposal gain/loss (including the write-off part for which
assets impairment provision is made)
Government subsidies accounted into current gain/loss account, other than those
closely related to the Company's common business, comply with the national                          6,748,993.91
policy and continues to enjoy at certain fixed rate or amount.
Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional financial asset and                                 7,782.60

                                                     Interim Financial Statements 2023 of China Fangda Group Co., Ltd.

liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of transactional financial assets
and liabilities and sellable financial assets, other than valid period value
instruments related to the Company's common businesses
Write-back of impairment provision of receivables for which impairment test is
performed individually
Gain/loss from change of fair value of investment property measured at fair
value in follow-up measurement
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the above                                      -365,816.05
Less: Influenced amount of income tax                                                                1,835,470.87
     Influenced amount of minority shareholders' equity                                                130,276.06
Total                                                                                                9,670,931.43          --

Other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of non-recurring gain/loss account:
□ Applicable  Inapplicable
The Company has no other gain/loss items satisfying the definition of non-recurring gain/loss account
Circumstance that should be defined as recurrent profit and loss to Explanation Announcement of Information Disclosure No. 1 -
Non-recurring gain/loss
□ Applicable  Inapplicable

2. Net income on asset ratio and earning per share

                                                                                             Earning per share
                                           Weighted average net
        Profit of the report period                                       Basic earnings per share        Diluted Earnings per share
                                            income/asset ratio
                                                                                (yuan/share)                     (yuan/share)
Net profit attributable to common
                                                             3.14%                              0.17                            0.17
shareholders of the Company
Net profit attributable to the
common owners of the PLC after
                                                             2.97%                              0.16                            0.16
deducting of non-recurring

3. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

(1) Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the international
and Chinese account standards

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

(2) Differences in net profits and assets in financial statements disclosed according to the international
and Chinese account standards

□ Applicable  Inapplicable

(3) Differences in financial data using domestic and foreign accounting standards, the overseas institution
name should be specified if the difference in data audited by an overseas auditor is adjusted

