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                              37 Interactive Entertainment Network

                                           Technology Group Co., Ltd.

                                                   2023 Interim Report

                                                             August 2023

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

     The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of 37 Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy
and completeness of the contents of this Report, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
     Xu Zhigao, the Company’s legal representative, and Ye Wei, the Company’s Chief Financial
Officer & Board Secretary, hereby guarantee that the financial statements carried in this Report
are truthful, accurate and complete.
       All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report.
     Any plans, development strategies and other forward-looking statements in this Report
shall not be deemed as earnings forecasts or promises to investors. Investors and other
stakeholders shall be fully aware of the risk and understand the difference between plans,
forecasts and promises.
     Possible risks facing the Company and countermeasures have been detailed in “VII Risks
Facing the Company and Countermeasures” under “Part III Management Discussion and Analysis”
herein, which investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to.
     The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for listed companies engaged in
software and IT services.
      The Board has approved an interim dividend plan as follows: based on the total issued
share capital (exclusive of shares in the Company’s account for repurchased shares) on the date
of record, a cash dividend of RMB 4.5 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is planned to be distributed to
all the shareholders of the Company, with no bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                              Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions................................................................................................ 2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information............................................................................................5

Part III Management Discussion and Analysis.................................................................................................................... 8

Part IV Corporate Governance...........................................................................................................................................26

Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility............................................................................................................... 29

Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information....................................................................................................... 32

Part VII Financial Statements............................................................................................................................................ 37

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                     Term                                                                     Definition
CSRC                                               China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE/the Stock Exchange                            Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                   Wuhu Shunrong Auto Parts Co., Ltd./Wuhu Shunrong Sanqi Interactive Entertainment
Company/ the Company/ the Listed                   Network Technology Co., Ltd./ Wuhu 37 Interactive Entertainment Network
Company/ 37 Interactive Entertainment              Technology Group Co., Ltd./ 37 Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group
                                                   Co., Ltd.
Company Law                                        Company Law of the People's Republic of China
Securities Law                                     Securities Law of the People's Republic of China
                                                   Articles of Association of 37 Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group
Articles of Association
                                                   Co., Ltd.
                                                   Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi, expressed in tens of thousands of
RMB, RMB’0,000
Reporting Period/the Reporting Period              The period from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2023
Period-end/end of the Reporting Period             30 June 2023
                                                   Clientless or browser kernel-based micro-client games that are based on web
Browser games                                      development technologies and utilize standard protocols as basic transmission
                                                   modes. Game users can play browser games directly through an Internet browser
                                                   Games that are downloaded via mobile network and run on mobile phones or other
Mobile games
                                                   mobile terminals
EyuGame                                            Shanghai Eyu Network Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
StarUnion Interactive Entertainment                ChengDu StarUnion Interactive Entertainment Technology Co., Ltd.
Yanqu Network                                      Xiamen Yanqu Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Karma Game                                         Karma Game HK Limited and its business entities
Zhenshuo Network                                   Wuhu Zhenshuo Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Lihoo Network                                      Guangzhou Lihoo Network Co., Ltd.
Dobala                                             Shanghai Dobala Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Meng52                                             Beijing Meng52 Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Woowii Games                                       Shanghai Woowii Network Technology Co., Ltd.
UEGAME                                             Beijing UE Interactive Software Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
Chumen Network                                     Guangzhou Chumen Network Technology Co., Ltd.
Unknown Matrix                                     Guangzhou Unknown Matrix Network Co., Ltd.
91Act                                              Chengdu Gedou Technology Co., Ltd.
RPG                                                Role playing game
SLG                                                Strategy game
MMORPG                                             Massive multiplayer online role-playing game
                                                   The abbreviation of "Virtual Reality", which uses computers to simulate and produce
VR                                                 a three-dimensional virtual space. It provides users with sensory experience such as
                                                   realistic visual and auditory experience.
                                                   The abbreviation of "Augmented Reality", which uses computer technology to apply
AR                                                 virtual information to the real world, where the real environment and virtual objects
                                                   exist simultaneously in one picture or space through superimposition in real time.
                                                   The abbreviation of “Extended Reality”, a collective term for AR, VR, MR and other
XR                                                 technologies that are used to combine the real and the virtual through computers to
                                                   create a virtual environment that allows human-computer interaction
AI                                                 Artificial Intelligence
                                                   The abbreviation of “Artificial Intelligence Generated Content”, including images,
                                                   texts, audios, videos, etc.
5G                                                 5th generation mobile communication technology.
                                                   A mobile application data analytical company that specializes in mobile application
Sensor Tower                                       data analytics. It provides global mobile application economy with data at enterprise

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
            Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

                                              37 Interactive
 Stock name                                                                  Stock code                          002555
 Place of listing                             Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Company name in Chinese                      三七互娱网络科技集团股份有限公司
 Abbr. (if any)                               三七互娱
 Company name in English (if any)             37 INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO.,LTD.
 Legal representative                         Xu Zhigao

II Contact Information

                                                             Board Secretary                            Securities Affairs Representative
 Name                                         Ye Wei                                             Wang Sijie
                                              Room 7001, 7/F, Tower B1, Wanjiang                 Room 7001, 7/F, Tower B1, Wanjiang
 Office address                               Fortune Plaza, 88 Ruixiang Road, Wuhu              Fortune Plaza, 88 Ruixiang Road, Wuhu
                                              City, Anhui Province                               City, Anhui Province
 Tel.                                         0553-7653737                                       0553-7653737
 Fax                                          0553-7653737                                       0553-7653737
 Email address                                ir@37.com                                          ir@37.com

III Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

 Yes □ No
Reasons for the retrospective restatement:
Change to the accounting policies

                                                                                                  H1 2022                           Change (%)
                                                          H1 2023
                                                                                      Before                   Restated                  Restated
 Operating revenue (RMB)                               7,760,573,887.29           8,092,238,684.40         8,092,238,684.40                  -4.10%
 Net profit attributable to the Listed
                                                       1,226,061,335.07           1,695,164,644.39         1,695,164,644.39                 -27.67%
 Company’s shareholders (RMB)
 Net profit attributable to the Listed
 Company’s shareholders after
                                                       1,115,491,118.74           1,643,486,319.50         1,643,486,319.50                 -32.13%
 deducting non-recurring profits and
 losses (RMB)
 Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                       2,319,957,176.41           1,804,079,584.54         1,804,079,584.54                 28.60%
 Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                 0.55                       0.77                     0.77              -28.57%
 Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                               0.55                       0.77                     0.77              -28.57%
 Weighted average return on equity (%)                              9.54%                    14.72%                    14.72%                -5.18%
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                                                            31 December 2022                        Change (%)
                                                       30 June 2023
                                                                                      Before                   Restated                  Restated
 Total assets (RMB)                                   19,873,663,212.76          17,094,617,736.46        17,095,183,320.91                 16.25%
 Equity attributable to the Listed
                                                      12,543,776,012.49          12,183,346,432.51        12,184,007,604.82                   2.95%
 Company’s shareholders (RMB)

Reasons for the change to the accounting policies and the correction of accounting errors:
      The Ministry of Finance issued Interpretation No. 16 for the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (C.K. [2022] No.
31) on 30 November 2022, which stipulates the “accounting treatments for deferred income taxes associated with assets and
liabilities arising from a single transaction to which the initial recognition exemption does not apply”. For a single transaction that
is not a business combination and does not affect either accounting profit or taxable income (or deductible losses) at the time
the transaction occurs, and where the initial recognition of assets and liabilities results in taxable temporary differences and
deductible temporary differences in equal amounts (including lease transactions where the lessee initially recognises a lease
liability on the commencement date of the lease term and records it in the right-of-use assets, and transactions where a
provision is recognised and recorded in the cost of the relevant assets because of the existence of a disposal obligation for a fixed
asset, etc., hereinafter referred to as a “single transaction to which this Interpretation applies”), the provisions pertaining to
exemption from the initial recognition of deferred income tax liabilities and assets as stipulated in Articles 11.2 and 13 of
Accounting Standard No. 18 for Business Enterprises - Income Tax shall not apply. An enterprise shall recognise the corresponding
deferred income tax liabilities and deferred income tax assets at the time of the transaction in accordance with the relevant
provisions of Accounting Standard No. 18 for Business Enterprises - Income Tax and other relevant regulations for taxable
temporary differences and deductible temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets and liabilities in respect
of the transaction.
     The Company has implemented the said accounting policy since 1 January 2023, and has adjusted the cumulative effect to
the opening retained earnings and other related financial statement items, without adjusting the information in the comparable
period. For details of the adjusted items and amounts, please refer to “36. Changes to Significant Accounting Policies and
Accounting Estimates” under Item V of Part X herein.

IV Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
(CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No difference for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No difference for the Reporting Period.

V Non-recurring profits and losses

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                 Items                                                       Amount                              Note
 Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets (inclusive of
 impairment allowance write-offs)
 Government grants through profit or loss (exclusive of government                                                    Mainly due to
 grants consistently given in the Company’s ordinary course of                                                       government grants other
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
 business at fixed quotas or amounts as per governmental policies                                                     than the rebates of
 or standards)                                                                                                        value-added tax
 Gain or loss on fair-value changes on trading financial assets and
 liabilities & income from disposal of trading financial assets and
 liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets (exclusive of the                            73,618,264.81
 effective portion of hedges that arise in the Company’s ordinary
 course of business)
 Non-operating income and expenses other than the above                                           14,339,446.48
 Less: Income tax effects                                                                         16,736,793.45
       Non-controlling interests effects (net of tax)                                                 16,692.99
 Total                                                                                           110,570,216.33

Particulars about other gains and losses that meet the definition of non-recurring profits and losses:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases for the Reporting Period.
Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent a non-recurring profits and losses item listed in the Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Profits and
Losses Items:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                           Part III Management Discussion and Analysis

I Principal Operations of the Company in the Reporting Period

     Focusing on cultural and creative operations based on the development, publishing, and operation of online games, the
Company has been steadily advancing with the development strategy of “boutiqueization, diversification and globalization”,
adhering to the strategy of “integration of R&D and operation”, as well as driving high-quality development and boutiqueization.

     (I) Industry review
     In 2023, the industry actively responded to policy calls, implemented management requirements, and continued to develop
towards high-quality and premium games. According to the China's Game Industry Report from January to June 2023 (hereinafter
referred to as the "Report") jointly released by Game Publishing Committee of China Audio-video and Digital Publishing
Association (CADPA) and China Game Industry Research Institute, the domestic game market showed signs of recovery with user
growth reaching a new high in the first half of this year. From January to June 2023, the actual sales revenue of China's game
market was RMB144.263 billion, a year-over-year (YoY) decrease of 2.39% and an increase of 22.2% compared with the prior half
year, indicating an obvious recovery trend. During the same period, there were 668 million game users in China, with a YoY
increase of 0.35%, hitting a new record high.
     In overseas markets, from January to June 2023, the actual sales revenue of China's self-developed games in overseas
markets was USD8.206 billion, down 8.72% YoY. The US, Japan and South Korea remained the major overseas markets for China's
mobile games, accounting for 31.77%, 19.65% and 8.50%, respectively. The combined share of Germany, the UK and France
markets also approached 10%. Emerging markets in the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia continued to show
upward momentum. Against the backdrop of overall stagnation in the global game market, China's game industry is gradually
emerging from its low point and showing an upward trend.
     On the other hand, China's game industry thoroughly implemented the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress,
and actively engaged in the high-quality development of the industry, achieving outstanding results in many aspects, including
minor protection, user information security, technological innovation and application, traditional culture communication, and
overseas market expansion.
     Against this backdrop, the Company focused on its core business and continued to enhance its premium game development
capability and expand its core overseas advantages, steadily promoting high-quality and sustainable business growth to provide
premium cultural content to the public.
     In minor protection, the Company has always taken a proactive and diligent attitude to steadily advance various works on
the protection of minors online, paying attention to every aspect throughout the game R&D and operation process. From the
perspectives of preventing online addiction and improving online literacy, the Company strives to create a bright and healthy
online environment for minors. The Company took a leading role in drafting and issuing the group standard Management System
on Minors Online Protection for Internet Companies, and collaborated with industry associations to formulate group standards
including the Social Responsibility Management System of Video Game Industry Companies and the Guidelines for Ecological
Governance of Network Information Content. Meanwhile, the Company participated in the development of group standards
including the Evaluation Criteria for Premium Games, Game Innovation Metrics, Online-game Classification, and Norms for Game
Distribution and Promotion, providing guidance for corporate social responsibilities. In addition, the new version of the
Company's functional game Star Life Paradise (星星生活乐园) for training children with autism was officially launched during the
Reporting Period, breaking geographical and spatial limitations with games and providing assistance to autistic groups nationwide
on a larger scale.
     In terms of user information security, the Company continuously improved and optimised its systems related to entity

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
responsibility, data security, and the registration of new technologies and applications, and established relevant systems for
account management, network content security, and data security, along with ongoing enhancements and investments in
compliance. In terms of information security management and user privacy protection, based on strict management policies and
process system, the Company adopts industry-leading technologies and benchmark them against international standards, strictly
controls information security risks, and guarantees data security to ensure the security of users' personal information to the
maximum extent.
     In terms of technological innovation and application, the Company adheres to technology-driven innovation, closely follows
the latest trends in scientific and technological innovation, actively embraces cutting-edge technologies like generative AI, and
explores the potential for deep integration of AI and other emerging technologies with the Company's business, continuously
improving creative efficiency. At the same time, focusing on promoting the cross-industry integration of game technologies, the
Company launched a series of popular science games with rich themes covering medicine, traditional Chinese medicine,
aerospace, intangible cultural heritage, and more to maximise the positive social impact of games by leveraging the unique
interactivity and vividness of games. Furthermore, the Company also ventures into the fields of computing power, artificial
intelligence, optical displays, XR integrated devices, entertainment content, semiconductors and materials, space computing
engines, and the AIGC gaming and social platform, among other entertainment technology domains. By strategically embracing
"hard technology" investments and integrating ecological resources, the Company seizes opportunities for business innovation
brought by cutting-edge technology, thereby further propelling the high-quality development of its corporate ecosystem.
     In terms of promoting traditional culture, the Company focuses on youth-oriented expression, continuously excavating
historical and cultural resources, hoping to showcase the beauty of Chinese traditional culture in an integrated way through
"Games+". For example, the Company incorporated Peking opera facial makeup, Cantonese culture, and the ancient Maritime Silk
Road into its globally published game The Road to Be Shopkeeper ( 叫 我 大 掌 柜 ), helping overseas players gain a deeper
understanding of Chinese culture; the Company also built a metaverse space integrating intangible cultural heritage displays,
digital experiences, and interactive check-ins using techniques like digital modelling and the Unity engine, promoting the digital
communication and inheritance of traditional culture in the new era. By harnessing the power of digital technology, the Company
enables the realisation of cultural resonance and a more vibrant and multidimensional depiction of China's stories through
various means such as producing high-quality content, developing functional games with cultural elements, and integrating new
     As a socially responsible public company, 37 Interactive Entertainment thoroughly implements the spirit of the 20th CPC
National Congress, actively practicing socialist core values, and persists in using Party building to guide corporate development.
We fulfil corporate social responsibilities by assisting with rural talent revitalisation, promoting collaborative industrial poverty
alleviation, enabling positive value dissemination through digital empowerment, nurturing young talent through industry-
academia collaboration, and participating in charity to build a better society together.

       (II) The Company’s principal operations and products
     The Company specializes in the development and publishing of games for global players, with the excellent game
development brand “Three Seven Games”, as well as professional game publishing brands “37Mobile”, “37GAMES” and
“37Online”. The Company precisely grasped the industry development trends, made continuous improvements in operation, and
remained a top performer in the industry, while adhering to the "boutiqueization, diversification and globalization" strategy.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                       37 Interactive Entertainment

      Three Seven Games                               37Mobile                             37GAMES                                   37Online
     (game development)                        (publishing of mobile                 (overseas publishing)                  (publishing of mobile &
                                                       games)                                                                    browser games)

     1. Mobile game business

     During the Reporting Period, the Company's robust development was solidified by a portfolio of long-period games including
The Soul Land: Hun Shi Dui Jue (斗罗大陆:魂师对决), Puzzles & Survival, Song of the Castle in the Sky (云上城之歌), The Road
to Be Shopkeeper (叫我大掌柜), Underground Kingdom (小小蚁国), Peerless King (绝世仙王), among others. Newly launched
games such as Fan Ren Xiu Xian Zhuan: Ren Jie Pian (凡人修仙传:人界篇) and Zui Hou De Yuan Shi Ren (最后的原始人)
performed well, sustaining a strong long-term operational advantage and propelling the Company's business transformation and

     (1) Deeper integration of R&D and operation, as well as enhanced quality and efficiency through AI empowerment

     During the Reporting Period, the Company's advantage of "integration of R&D and operation" remained steadfast, with a
diverse range of high-quality products in its portfolio and a continuous enhancement of long-term operational capabilities. On a
global basis, the highest monthly gross billing of the Company’s mobile games exceeded RMB2 billion, the total number of newly
registered users surpassed 198 million, and the highest number of monthly active users (MAU) was over 49 million. As many as 7
existing games recorded more than RMB100 million of monthly average gross billing worldwide, and long-period product
categories accounted for over 50% of total revenue.

     As a benchmark for the R&D of innovative games in the industry, the Company's game development brand of “Three Seven
Games” established a network of R&D talent spanning multiple regions. A professional layout has been established in multiple
market segments like SLG, MMORPG, and card games, forming a continuously evolving next-gen product development system
that is inheritable and iterative.

     On one hand, the Company's R&D team avoids staying within comfort zones and actively expands into various categories,
developing products with a global perspective. The Company carefully worked out details regarding gameplay design, art quality,
music effects, etc., and continued to invest in product iteration, user experience and other aspects, remaining “Dedicated to
Making Premium Games”.

     On the other hand, the Company consistently explores the deep application of innovative technologies in games, translating
advanced digital technologies like big data and AI into productivity, allowing developers to focus on innovative gameplay while
refining game development management to be more precise and scientific. The Company has conducted a series of technological
research and applications, including AI balance testing, art material translation, AI imitation learning, game Q&A bots, NLP
sentiment analysis, and data trend forecasting, enhancing both efficiency and quality in R&D. For instance, the self-developed
mobile card game The Soul Land: Hun Shi Dui Jue (斗罗大陆:魂师对决) effectively utilised AI numerical balance testing to
improve player experiences and prolong the game's life cycle.

     Against this backdrop, the company's R&D capabilities continued to strengthen, delving deeper into advantageous tracks
and consistently expanding the boundaries of self-development capabilities. It has built a self-developed product portfolio that
includes high-quality mobile games such as The Soul Land: Hun Shi Dui Jue (斗罗大陆:魂师对决), Ba Ye (霸业), Fuyao Dream
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
(扶摇一梦), Kong Zhi Yong Zhe (空之勇者), Dragon and Alice (龙与爱丽丝) and Shi Luo Zhi Men: Xu Zhang (失落之门:序章),
driving further transformation in the Company's product structure.

     In addition to its homegrown brands, the Company also strengthens its self-development capability with the help of external
R&D teams, and cooperates with excellent game developers in a long-term and in-depth manner through its investments,
forming a rich external R&D reserve and diversifying the presence on the product supply side. With the strong advantages
created by the implementation of the "integration of R&D and operation" strategy over the years, the Company is able to
capitalize on its own experience to refine products together with other game developers. Meanwhile, feedback from the
operation department can be used to assist the R&D team in improving and refining products, so as to further improve the
success rate.

     Furthermore, the Company actively embraces the technological innovation brought about by digital technology,
continuously iterating and optimizing technologies through decision-based AI and generative AI in recent years. It has created a
comprehensive product portfolio embedded with AI and big data technologies, spanning the entire research and operation
process. This has led to the creation of a mature and complete game industrialisation pipeline, enabling the Company to achieve
optimal resource allocation during the game research and operation process, enhance game quality, and improve user

     For example, the Company actively explores the application of industrialised AI in gaming, integrating AIGC technology into
its self-developed art design platform called "Turing". This empowers the generation, storage, and management of design assets
such as text, images, audio, and video. Leveraging this system, artists can conveniently explore stylistic creativity and utilise
various accumulated art assets to train art models tailored to project needs. This approach gradually finds its way into the
production of multiple art scenes, including characters, scenes, UI, and promotional materials, enhancing overall asset reuse
efficiency and collaborative design production.

     (2) Accelerated diversification, and enhanced long-term operational capabilities

     During the Reporting Period, the Company brought diversified experiences to players through high-quality independently-
developed and agency games. Also, it explored innovative marketing with the younger consumers, improving publishing

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
efficiency through precise marketing methods such as interesting and sentimental marketing ideas and cross-sector
collaboration between games and IPs. Fan Ren Xiu Xian Zhuan: Ren Jie Pian (凡人修仙传:人界篇), Ba Ye (霸业), Zui Hou De
Yuan Shi Ren ( 最 后 的 原 始 人 ), and other premium games were launched, delivering differentiated and fresh experiences to
players, and accelerating the Company's diversification.

     Adapted from a novel of the same name, the blockbuster MMORPG mobile game Fan Ren Xiu Xian Zhuan: Ren Jie Pian (凡
人 修 仙 传 : 人 界 篇 ), which is developed by EyuGame under the Company and published by the Company, has garnered
attention in the market. Its respect for the original plot, creative and entertaining gameplay, and rich artistic expression have
resonated with players, making it a market hit. Additionally, the Company maximises its publishing and operational advantages,
strategically spreading the game's unique features and content highlights through targeted promotion and branding efforts.
With a combination of high-quality production, innovative gameplay, and comprehensive marketing strategies, the product
proved a success in the MMO track and won the hearts of many players.

     Ba Ye ( 霸 业 ), a self-developed Three Kingdoms-themed strategy mobile game showcasing top-notch artistic quality, has
exhibited steady performance since its June launch. Distinguished from other Three Kingdoms SLG mobile games in the industry,
it emphasises the true battle scenarios between the ancient Chinese kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu, creating a vivid "Three
Kingdoms world" for players. The prehistoric civilisation-themed card game Zui Hou De Yuan Shi Ren (最后的原始人) stands out
with its distinctive and engaging gameplay, captivating storyline, and entertaining pet collection and nurturing system. It offers
players a thrilling and challenging adventure in a primitive survival setting, immersing them in the unique charm of the primitive

     The Company consistently adheres to long-term operation, providing players with meticulous and comprehensive long-term
services. It deeply integrates the highlights of its intellectual property (IP) to continuously innovate in terms of reflow methods
and activities, consistently prolonging the product life cycle. Its existing products, including Puzzles & Survival, The Road to Be
Shopkeeper (叫我大掌柜), The Soul Land: Hun Shi Dui Jue (斗罗大陆:魂师对决), Peerless King (绝世仙王), Song of the Castle
in the Sky (云上城之歌), Underground Kingdom (小小蚁国), and Kong Zhi Yao Sai: Qi Hang (空之要塞:启航), continue to
exhibit strong vitality and potential. During the Reporting Period, they have contributed stable performance to the Company's
business development.

     Moreover, in response to industry development, the Company actively explores the small game channel, striving to break
the circle and match user preferences with innovative gameplay and themes. The Company refines its existing projects, adhering
to a multi-channel marketing approach of “branding + sales effects”. This approach helps expand user groups, tap into new
market potential, and cultivate new growth drivers.

     (3) With a global vision, the Company effectively explored markets and disseminated the essence of the traditional
Chinese culture.

     According to China's Game Industry Report from January to June 2023, the actual sales revenue of China's self-developed
games in overseas markets was USD8.206 billion, down 8.72% YoY. The main reasons are that the consumption willingness and
capacity of users in major overseas markets have been adversely affected by economic downturn, and the market competition
has become increasingly fierce, leading to higher overseas market marketing costs.

     Against this backdrop, the Company firmly stands among the top tier of Chinese game companies expanding overseas,
maintaining a robust trend in its overseas operations. During the Reporting Period, the Company achieved overseas operating
revenue of RMB3.027 billion. In the global market, it has established a product portfolio anchored in MMORPG, SLG, card games,
and simulation games. Multiple benchmark products for overseas expansion such as Puzzles & Survival, Song of the Castle in the
Sky (云上城之歌), The Road to Be Shopkeeper (叫我大掌柜), Peerless King ( M) (绝世仙王( M)), and Ant Legion have
shown steady performance.

     Supported by years of accumulation of experience in publishing games overseas, the Company now adopts the strategy of
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
"tailored games" to open up the global market, and deeply integrates the gameplay themes and promotional materials of its
products with excellent traditional Chinese culture. This approach creates a communication method that resonates with diverse
regional, national, and audience groups, promoting the global expression of Chinese stories.

     The domestically themed simulation game The Road to Be Shopkeeper (叫我大掌柜), launched by the Company in 2020,
adopted a localised distribution strategy in various regions worldwide. The Company collaborated with official cultural
institutions in Guangzhou to promote Cantonese culture, authentically representing the prosperity of the ancient Maritime Silk
Road. By incorporating elements of traditional Chinese culture such as the lion dance, traditional festivals, Dunhuang Caves, and
Peking Opera, players vividly experience the charm of ancient Chinese trade and culture, allowing overseas users to immerse
themselves in the beauty of Chinese culture and achieving a historic breakthrough for historical simulation games in the
European and American regions.

     The Company's phenomenal overseas product, Puzzles & Survival, deeply implements the strategy of "tailored games". By
continuously exploring local channels, refining creative elements, upgrading advertising creativity, and expanding the user base,
the product’s brand influence has grown. It becomes a classic case of SLG fusion game that successfully gains new user groups.
This game has won the "Best Gameplay Innovation" award for Asia Pacific by Sensor Tower, maintaining strong vitality since its
launch in 2020. From its launch to the end of the Reporting Period, Puzzles & Survival has accumulated approximately RMB8
billion in gross billing, achieving an innovative fusion of gaming categories and the integration of game themes and regional

     The different-world adventure theme MMORPG Song of the Castle in the Sky (云上城之歌) achieved remarkable results in
the Korean and Japanese markets through its combined marketing and operational strategy of branding + sales effects. It was
awarded the "APAC Awards Best Localization Mobile Game in Korea" by Sensor Tower in 2022, becoming the highest grossing
overseas game in the Korean market in 2022 and ranking 3rd in Sensor Tower's 2022 Grossing Chart of China Mobile Games on
the Japanese Market. Peerless King ( M) (绝世仙王( M)) stood out in the fiercely competitive MMORPG game market
in Korea due to its distinctive promotional strategies and differentiated gaming experience, gaining popularity among users.

     (4) Collaborating with partners for mutual growth, as well as creating a diverse and rich product pipeline

     The Company focuses on its core gaming business, continuously expanding the boundaries of self-development capabilities,
and delving into core genre tracks, with a rich pipeline of self-developed quality mobile games. Furthermore, the Company
consistently prioritises high-quality content as its strategic direction. Through multi-dimensional approaches such as financial
support, business assistance, and post-investment empowerment, the Company empowers numerous game developers with
strong product reputation. This includes in-depth collaborations with reputable game developers such as EyuGame, StarUnion,
Yanqu Network, Karma Game, Zhenshuo Network, Lihoo Network, Dobala, Meng52, Woowii Games, UEGAME, Chumen Network,
Unknown Matrix, 91Act, and others. These collaborations involve agency and customisation to enrich the Company's supply of
high-quality products and deepen the diversification of its product portfolio.

     Part of the Company's game pipeline is as follows:

                                                                                                                        Intended publishing
     Developer                        Name of game                            Game category, theme and style
                                Fuyao Dream (扶摇一梦)                             Ancient style MMORPG                         Global
                     Shi Luo Zhi Men: Xu Zhang (失落之门:序章)                   Western magic MMORPG                          Global
        Self-                                                                 Different-world adventure (Chibi
                              Kong Zhi Yong Zhe (空之勇者)                                                                      Global
     developed                                                                         3D) MMORPG
        Self-                                                                  Chinese comic oriental fantasy
                           Code Soul MMO (代号斗罗 MMO)                                                                         Global
     developed                                                                           MMORPG
                           Code Battle Song M (代号战歌 M)                        Western magic MMORPG                          Global
        Self-              Code Zheng Qi SLG (代号正奇 SLG)                     Realistic Three Kingdoms SLG                    Global
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                                                                                        Intended publishing
     Developer                        Name of game                            Game category, theme and style
                              Code Xiu Xian (代号休闲 SLG)                              Chibi war SLG                           Global
                                  Code G2N (代号 G2N)                         Realistic European Medieval SLG                   Global
                             Dragon and Alice (龙与爱丽丝)                             Myth card game                           Global
                                    Code RR (代号 RR)                                Chibi western magic                        Global
                           Code Little Game A (代号小游戏 A)                        Chibi oriental fantasy                      Global
                           Code Little Game B (代号小游戏 B)                        Chibi oriental fantasy                      Global
                           Code Little Game C (代号小游戏 C)                       Realistic western magic                      Global
      Agency                Shu Guang Ji Hua (曙光计划)                        Future technologies MMORPG                       Global
                     Zhu Shen Huang Hun: Zheng Fu (诸神黄昏:
       Agency                                                                     Western magic MMORPG                          Global
       Agency             Code Dragon Knight (代号龙骑士)                      Japanese-style Chibi MMORPG                     Domestic
       Agency           Hong Huang Yi Shou Lu (洪荒异兽录)                    Immortality cultivation MMORPG                   Domestic
       Agency                 Ping Xing Gui Ji (平行轨迹)                          Future city MMORPG                           Global
       Agency                 Li Huo Zhi Jing (离火之境)                         Oriental fantasy MMORPG                       Domestic
       Agency                       Puzzles & Chaos                                 Western magic SLG                          Overseas
       Agency                      Mecha Domination                                   Giant beast SLG                          Overseas
                       Yuan Ye Chuan Shuo: Shi Qian Wan Nian
       Agency                                                                    Prehistoric civilisation SLG                   Global
       Agency              Wan Sheng Zhi Guo (万乘之国)                             Multi-civilisation SLG                     Domestic
       Agency           Code Three Kingdoms (代号三国 CB)                         The Three Kingdoms SLG                       Domestic
       Agency                           Bugtopia                                         Insects SLG                           Overseas
       Agency         Homeland and New World (故土与新世界)                            Magic chibi SLG                         Domestic
       Agency           Code Er Ci Yuan ZQ (代号二次元 ZQ)                       Oriental fantasy card game                    Domestic
       Agency        Kong Zhi Yao Sai: Qi Hang (空之要塞:启航)                    Steampunk card game                         Overseas
       Agency                  Lost Star Ring (失落星环)                           Interstellar card game                       Global
       Agency              Dreamweaver Forest (织梦森林)                          Farming simulation game                       Global
       Agency             Gold Medal Partner (金牌合伙人)                     Business running simulation game                 Domestic
       Agency                      Yes Your Highness                             Medieval simulation game                      Overseas
       Agency                    Code Liu Li (代号琉璃)                         Ancient style simulation game                  Overseas
       Agency                  Code Leisure (代号休闲)                           Modern resort leisure game                    Overseas
     2. Browser game business

     According to China's Game Industry Report from January to June 2023, the actual sales revenue of browser games in China
decreased by 11.87% YoY to RMB2.385 billion during the period from January to June 2023, continuing the downward trend.
During the Reporting Period, the Company’s browser game business achieved operating revenue of RMB253 million, accounting
for more than 10% of the total revenue industry-wide, showing stable performance and aligning with the industry's overall trend.

      (III) The Company’s principal operations and business models

     The Company is principally engaged in the development, publishing, and operation of online games. The business models of
the Company’s online games mainly include independent operation and third-party joint operation.

     Under the independent operation mode, the Company obtains the licenses of games through independent R&D or being an
operator of other games, and publishes and operates these products through its own or third-party channels. The Company is fully
responsible for the operation, promotion and maintenance of the games; providing unified management services for online

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
promotion, online customer service and top-up payment; and updating games along with game developers based on the real-time
feedback of users and games.

     Under the third-party joint operation mode, the Company cooperates with one or more game operators or game application
platforms to jointly operate games. And the aforesaid parties are responsible for the management of their own channels, including
operation, promotion, the recharge and charge system, while the Company provides technical support services along with game

      (IV) The Company’s presence on the market and primary growth drivers

     Focusing on cultural and creative businesses based on the development, publishing, and operation of online games, the
Company is an excellent comprehensive entertainment provider in China’s A-stock market. It is one of the top 20 global public
game companies, key cultural export companies of China, companies nominated for “Top 30 Cultural Enterprises of China”,
civilized institutions in Guangdong Province, and Top 30 Cultural Enterprises of Guangzhou, and MSCI ESG A-rated Companies,
among others. With “bringing joy to the world” as its mission, the Company is dedicated to becoming an excellent and
sustainable entertainment provider.

     During the Reporting Period, the Company steadily advanced with the development strategy of “boutiqueization,
diversification and globalization”, adhered to the strategy of "dual engines at home and abroad", as well as continuously
promoted high-quality and sustainable development, with no significant changes to its primary growth drivers.

II Core Competitiveness Analysis

     The Company’s core competitiveness remained largely the same during the Reporting Period.

     1. Strong and efficient publishing capability——global vision and long-term development strategy

     The Company keeps exploring innovative ways of publishing, building a solid foundation in terms of publishing, and fully
empowering its partners to grow together. During the Reporting Period, the Company remained in the top five of the global revenue
ranking of China's mobile game publishers (according to Sensor Tower), with a strong publishing capability. The Company puts
forward the publishing idea of “branding + sales effects”, grasps the market changes to carry out high-quality publicity, and attracts
target users for better distribution results. It possesses strong capabilities for operation and optimization in numerical management,
process optimization, event planning, etc. By continuously improving the quality of games and attracting players with better
content, the Company is able to prolong the product life cycle effectively. In addition, various tools, data and algorithms are used to
optimise the distribution approaches. With intelligent and automated distribution, as well as high-quality content, the Company is
able to effectively control the marketing costs and improve the ability of precise distribution.

     Meanwhile, based on overseas market insights and years of rich publishing experience, the Company has adopted a strategy of
"tailored games" to open up the global market and bring players diversified gaming experience. Moving forward, the Company will
further leverage its first-mover advantage in overseas markets and continuously expand its overseas business to make new
contributions to promoting the development of China's cultural industry and boosting cultural confidence.

     2. Excellent industrywide icon for R&D——strong foundation built through hard work

     The Company carries on with its strategy of “integration of R&D and operation”, adheres to the strategy of “boutiqueization,
diversification and globalization”, as well as emphasizes R&D investments and talent cultivation. Its independently developed
products are characterized by high output, a high success rate and a long period, with a professional layout in multiple market
segments like MMORPG, card games, and SLG. The Company's R&D team is not confined to their comfort zone. They have been
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
actively working on diversified categories and developing products with a global vision. With sophisticated efforts in gameplay,
art quality, music and other details, as well as continued investments in product iteration and user experience, the Company
remains “Dedicated to Making Premium Games”, making it an icon for the R&D of quality games in the industry.

     Upholding the philosophy of long-term development, the Company has put in place a diversified talent system through internal
training and external recruitment, focuses on employee diversity, and opens up development channels for professionals. Moreover,
it focuses on the development of talent in innovation to achieve effective results and build an excellent team. The Company
vigorously refines the mechanism for R&D project approval, shortens the evaluation cycle and establishes diversified indicators, so
as to stimulate employees’ innovative vitality. At the same time, the Company has established a tiered incentive system with
diverse incentives for different categories of products to encourage employees to be creative and step out of their comfort zone.
The Company has also established a project lifecycle management process for game development, which runs through many links,
such as idea creation, project approval, process and review, to achieve the risk control of the entire R&D process. On top of
effectively controlling the costs, this process enables finer and more scientific game development and management, greatly
improves the success rate of product development, and helps lay a foundation for creating diverse, fine games. Additionally, the
personnel allocation approach of “specific producers for specific game categories” enables a producer to focus more on the game
category he or she is good at, which can help further pool resources and improve R&D efficiency.

     3. Stable, enterprising and practical team —— aiming high while being down-to-earth

      The Company has been deeply engaged in the cultural and creative industry for many years. Its core management team is
deeply involved in the front line of business, working hard together with all the employees. Always upholding the spirit of
marathon-like perseverance, the Company has been forging ahead with breakthroughs, as well as pursuing better financial results
and faster growth while maintaining sound operation. In the process of development, the Company constantly upgrades and
improves its talent development system. The scientific promotion mechanism, remuneration management system and incentive
mechanism enable clearer, more open and more transparent growth paths for employees, as well as motivate their enthusiasm
and creativity in a better way.

     The Company lays emphasis on the sharing of development achievements and is committed to improving the career
development level of employees. During the Reporting Period, the Company steadily carried on with the “Social Value Co-creation
Plan” for a further investment of RMB500 million in six directions, including the employee development plan before 2025, so as to
encourage employees to better strive and create value, as well as to achieve joint creation, responsibility sharing, growth sharing
and common prosperity between the Company and its employees.

     With “bringing joy to the world” as its mission, the Company is advancing towards the vision of “becoming an excellent and
sustainable entertainment provider”.

III Analysis of Principal Operations


See contents under the heading “I Principal Operations of the Company in the Reporting Period”.
Year-over-year changes in key financial data:
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                    H1 2023                 H1 2022             Change (%)                   Main reason for change
                                                                                                  This is primarily driven by the game
 Operating revenue             7,760,573,887.29         8,092,238,684.40               -4.10%     products in operation being at different
                                                                                                  stages of their life cycle. The games in
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                                                                  operation during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                  were mainly new games at an introduction
                                                                                                  stage, while those during the same period
                                                                                                  last year were mainly existing games at a
                                                                                                  mature stage, with a relatively stable gross
                                                                                                  Increased cost of royalties as a result of
 Cost of sales                 1,664,617,407.90         1,260,101,099.90              32.10%      increased revenue from agency games
                                                                                                  during the Reporting Period
 Distribution and
                               4,279,408,761.57         4,340,050,646.56               -1.40%
 selling expenses
 General and
                                                                                                  Increased remunerations and share-based
 administrative                   257,073,397.84          209,169,882.37              22.90%
                                                                                                  payments for the management
                                                                                                  Increased interest income from deposits
 Financial expenses              -111,641,061.71          -15,752,742.70            -608.71%      during the Reporting Period compared with
                                                                                                  the same period last year
                                                                                                  Expiry of tax preferences for certain
 Income tax expenses              205,127,044.68          176,029,935.00              16.53%
                                                                                                  subsidiaries during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                  In the second half of 2022, the Company
                                                                                                  optimised the structure of game categories
 Research and
                                                                                                  under development, reducing investment
 development                      388,284,125.67          496,920,352.58             -21.86%
                                                                                                  in some non-strategic categories and
                                                                                                  increasing investment in strategic
                                                                                                  Decreased payments for information
 Net cash flows from                                                                              service charges during the Reporting
                               2,319,957,176.41         1,804,079,584.54              28.60%
 operating activities                                                                             Period compared with the same period last
                                                                                                  Increased net cash flows used in the
 Net cash flows used                                                                              purchase and recovery of wealth
 in/from investing             -1,303,177,463.32       -1,200,993,676.79               -8.51%     management products and term deposits
 activities                                                                                       during the Reporting Period compared with
                                                                                                  the same period last year
                                                                                                  Combined effects of increased cash
 Net cash flows used                                                                              received from borrowings, increased
 in/from financing               -340,841,192.32         -631,142,239.07              46.00%      dividend payout and increased financings
 activities                                                                                       received with term deposits in pledge
                                                                                                  during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                  Increased net cash flows from operating
 Net increase in cash                                                                             and financing activities during the
                                  681,497,084.43            -7,427,387.19         9,275.46%
 and cash equivalents                                                                             Reporting Period compared with the same
                                                                                                  period last year
Significant changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company in the Reporting Period:
□Applicable  Not applicable
No such changes in the Reporting Period.
Breakdown of operating revenue:
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                  H1 2023                                          H1 2022
                                                        As % of operating                               As % of operating            Change (%)
                                        Amount                                           Amount
                                                           revenue (%)                                     revenue (%)
 Total operating revenue             7,760,573,887.29            100.00%             8,092,238,684.40            100.00%                    -4.10%
 By operating division
 Online games                        7,760,573,887.29                  100.00%       8,092,238,684.40                  100.00%              -4.10%

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
 By product category
 Mobile games                        7,476,618,498.58                   96.34%       7,738,933,571.90                   95.63%              -3.39%
 Browser games                         253,306,881.77                    3.26%         340,738,772.48                    4.21%             -25.66%
 Others                                 30,648,506.94                    0.39%          12,566,340.02                    0.16%             143.89%
 By operating segment
 Domestic                            4,733,223,812.70                   60.99%       5,059,634,965.68                   62.52%              -6.45%
 Overseas                            3,027,350,074.59                   39.01%       3,032,603,718.72                   37.48%              -0.17%
Operating division, product category or operating segment contributing over 10% of operating revenue or operating profit:
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                               Gross        YoY change in      YoY change in       YoY change in
                          Operating revenue           Cost of sales            profit         operating         cost of sales       gross profit
                                                                               margin        revenue (%)             (%)            margin (%)
 By operating division
 Online games               7,760,573,887.29         1,664,617,407.90           78.55%              -4.10%            32.10%                -5.88%
 By product category
 Mobile games               7,476,618,498.58         1,582,779,524.07           78.83%             -3.39%              37.29%               -6.27%
 Browser games                253,306,881.77            72,102,493.75           71.54%            -25.66%             -26.70%                0.41%
 By operating segment
 Domestic                   4,733,223,812.70           841,381,684.12           82.22%              -6.45%            14.81%                -3.30%
 Overseas                   3,027,350,074.59           823,235,723.78           72.81%              -0.17%            56.14%                -9.80%
Core business data restated according to the changed methods of measurement that occurred in the Reporting Period:
□Applicable  Not applicable

The Company is subject to the disclosure requirements for listed companies engaged in software and IT services as stated in
Guideline No. 3 of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-regulation of Listed Companies—Industry-specific Information Disclosure.

Operating division contributing over 10% of operating revenue or operating profit:
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                               Gross        YoY change in      YoY change in       YoY change in
                          Operating revenue            Cost of sales           profit         operating         cost of sales       gross profit
                                                                               margin        revenue (%)             (%)            margin (%)
 By operating division of customers
 Online games            7,760,573,887.29            1,664,617,407.90           78.55%              -4.10%             32.10%               -5.88%
 By product category
 Mobile games            7,476,618,498.58            1,582,779,524.07           78.83%             -3.39%              37.29%               -6.27%
 Browser games             253,306,881.77               72,102,493.75           71.54%            -25.66%             -26.70%                0.41%
 By operating segment
 Domestic                4,733,223,812.70              841,381,684.12           82.22%              -6.45%             14.81%               -3.30%
 Overseas                3,027,350,074.59              823,235,723.78           72.81%              -0.17%             56.14%               -9.80%

Breakdown of the cost of sales for principal operations:

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                               H1 2023                                             H1 2022
  Breakdown of cost                                                                                                                  Change (%)
                                 Amount              As % of cost of sales           Amount              As % of cost of sales
 Royalties                    1,495,733,421.12                    89.86%          1,141,980,274.76                    90.63%                30.98%
 Cost of servers                 97,763,750.37                      5.87%            94,340,256.68                     7.49%                 3.63%
 Amortization of
                                 45,617,203.76                         2.74%            13,850,699.29                    1.10%             229.35%
 copyright money

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
     Other costs                     25,503,032.65                       1.53%             9,929,869.17                     0.78%              156.83%
     Total                        1,664,617,407.90                     100.00%         1,260,101,099.90                   100.00%               32.10%
    Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why:
     Applicable □ Not applicable
    1. Cost of sales in the business of online games increased by 32.10% YoY, primarily driven by a 37.29% YoY increase in the cost of
    sales of mobile games. Royalties, in particular, increased by 30.98% YoY, mainly because the revenue from agency games such as
    Fan Ren Xiu Xian Zhuan: Ren Jie Pian ( 凡 人 修 仙 传 : 人 界 篇 ), Puzzles & Survival, and Underground Kingdom ( 小 小 蚁 国 )
    increased as a percentage of the total revenues during the Reporting Period.
    2. Overseas cost of sales increased by 56.14% YoY, primarily driven by the increased royalties.
    3. The amortizatized cost of copyright money increased by 229.35% YoY, primarily driven by the increased games with copyrights
    that were launched during the Reporting Period.
    4. Other costs, mainly labour cost and technical service cost, increased by 156.83% YoY, primarily driven by the increased labour

    IV Analysis of Non-principal Operations

     Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                          As % of profit
                                     Amount             before income tax                      Reason/source                       Recurrent or not
                                                                                  Mainly due to gains on investments from
                                                                                  disposal of equity investments, dividends
     Investment income               -3,937,725.83                  -0.28%        during the period of holding equity            No
                                                                                  investments, and wealth management
     Gain/loss on                                                                 Mainly due to changes in fair value of
                                    66,445,566.71                    4.70%                                                       No
     changes in fair value                                                        equity investments
     Impairment loss on
                                       350,866.28                    0.02%        Mainly due to impairment loss on credit        Yes
     Non-operating                                                                Mainly due to the write-off of inactive
                                    17,988,142.97                    1.27%                                                       No
     income                                                                       payables and compensation income
     Non-operating                                                                Mainly due to expenditure on donations
                                     3,648,696.49                    0.26%                                                       No
     expenses                                                                     and loss of security deposits
                                                                                                                                 Refund VAT is
                                                                                  Mainly due to refund of VAT and other
                                                                                                                                 recurrent while
     Other income                   67,310,526.91                    4.77%        government grants given in the
                                                                                                                                 other government
                                                                                  Company’s ordinary course of business
                                                                                                                                 grants are not.

    V Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

    1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                30 June 2023                         31 December 2022                    Change in
                                               As % of                           As % of total          percentage       Reason for any significant change
                          Amount                                   Amount
                                             total assets                           assets                  (%)
                                                                                                                         The ending balance was higher
                                                                                                                        than the beginning balance
Monetary funds       8,232,496,377.64             41.42%      5,129,481,882.65               30.01%          11.41%
                                                                                                                        mainly due to net cash flows
                                                                                                                        from operating activities. For

    Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                                                                                          further information, see “II 5.
                                                                                                                          Consolidated Cash Flow
                                                                                                                          Statement”, “53. Cash flow
                                                                                                                          statement items” and “54.
                                                                                                                          Supplementary information for
                                                                                                                          the cash flow statement” under
                                                                                                                          Note VII, in “Part X Financial
                       1,432,993,006.78              7.21%      1,433,563,842.43                8.39%          -1.18%     No significant change
equity                   606,075,958.69              3.05%        621,794,374.74                3.64%          -0.59%     No significant change
Fixed assets             834,923,391.50              4.20%        850,030,034.92                4.97%          -0.77%     No significant change
                                                                                                                          No significant change occurred to
                                                                                                                          this item as a percentage of total
                                                                                                                          assets, while the ending balance
                                                                                                                          was higher than the beginning
Construction in
                         326,705,519.85              1.64%        242,508,087.97                1.42%           0.22%     balance mainly due to the
                                                                                                                          investments in the Guangzhou
                                                                                                                          Headquarters Building
                                                                                                                          construction project during the
                                                                                                                          Reporting Period.
                                                                                                                           No significant change occurred
                                                                                                                          to this item as a percentage of
                                                                                                                          total assets, while the ending
                                                                                                                          balance was lower than the
                           26,401,292.25             0.13%          31,967,946.49               0.19%          -0.06%     beginning balance mainly due to
                                                                                                                          the depreciation provisions and
                                                                                                                          the termination of certain lease
                                                                                                                          contracts during the Reporting
                                                                                                                           Mainly due to the increased note
Short-term loans       1,929,285,500.00              9.71%        901,046,888.89                5.27%           4.44%     financings and bank loans during
                                                                                                                          the Reporting Period
                         240,892,166.88              1.21%        259,519,734.14                1.52%          -0.31%     No significant change
                                                                                                                          Mainly due to additional three-
Long-term loans          468,500,000.00              2.36%        323,000,000.00                1.89%           0.47%     year bank loan during the
                                                                                                                          Reporting Period
                                                                                                                          No significant change occurred to
                                                                                                                          this item as a percentage of total
                                                                                                                          assets, while the ending balance
                                                                                                                          was lower than the beginning
Lease liabilities           9,251,557.84             0.05%          16,786,536.53               0.10%          -0.05%
                                                                                                                          balance mainly due to the
                                                                                                                          decreased lease payables as a
                                                                                                                          result of rental payments made
                                                                                                                          during the Reporting Period.
                                                                                                                           Mainly because the Company
                                                                                                                          recovered mature bank’s wealth
Trading financial
                       1,881,228,387.25              9.47%      2,792,984,819.12              16.34%           -6.87%     management instruments and
                                                                                                                          structured deposits during the
                                                                                                                          Reporting Period
                                                                                                                          No significant change occurred to
                                                                                                                          this item as a percentage of total
                                                                                                                          assets, while the ending balance
Prepayments              961,831,277.89              4.84%        855,193,135.12                5.00%          -0.16%
                                                                                                                          was higher than the beginning
                                                                                                                          balance mainly due to the
                                                                                                                          increased prepayments for

      Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                                                                                              advertising as a result of new
                                                                                                                              game launches during the
                                                                                                                              Reporting Period.
                                                                                                                               Mainly due to the provisions for
    Intangible assets      1,056,362,674.08              5.32%      1,059,676,921.41                6.20%          -0.88%     amortizations of land use rights
                                                                                                                              and office software, etc.
    Goodwill               1,589,065,048.53              8.00%      1,589,065,048.53                9.30%          -1.30%     No significant change
                                                                                                                               Mainly due to the increased
    Other non-                                                                                                                balance of over-one-year
                           1,291,742,516.94              6.50%      1,024,113,999.86                5.99%           0.51%
    current assets                                                                                                            deposits purchased to increase
                                                                                                                              return on capital
                                                                                                                               Mainly due to the increased
    Accounts                                                                                                                  internet traffic costs payable as a
                           2,133,387,322.93             10.73%      1,648,560,259.52                9.64%           1.09%
    payable                                                                                                                   result of new game launches
                                                                                                                              during the Reporting Period

          2. Major Assets Overseas

           Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                 Manag       Control measures           Return           As % of the
        Asset             Source         Asset value (RMB)        Location       ement        to protect asset         generated         Company’s
                                                                                                                                                            ent risk
                                                                                 model             safety                (RMB)             equity
                                                                                                                                                             or not
                                                                                             A sound business
       Other          Investments in                               Kong in
                                                                                             mechanism and a
       equity            overseas           374,763,431.10          China,                                            26,116,193.19            2.99%      No
                                                                                             sound risk control
       assets           companies                                  Canada,
                                                                                              mechanism have
                                                                                             been put in place
                                                                                             A sound business
                                                                   Hong                         supervision
                       Income from
      Monetary                                                    Kong in                    mechanism and a
                        investments       1,533,603,734.57                                                                                    12.23%      No
       funds                                                     China, the                  sound risk control
                      and operations
                                                                  US, etc.                    mechanism have
                                                                                             been put in place

          3. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

           Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                        Gain/loss on                           Impairment
                                          fair-value                            allowance
                                                          Cumulative fair-                        Purchased in         Sold in the
                        Beginning        changes in                              made in                                                    Other              Ending
     Item                                                  value changes                         the Reporting         Reporting
                         amount               the                                   the                                                    changes             amount
                                                          through equity                             Period              Period
                                         Reporting                              Reporting
                                            Period                                Period
Financial assets
1. Trading
financial assets
(exclusive of        2,792,984,819.      66,445,566.                                            4,584,374,135.       5,565,650,000        3,073,865.      1,881,228,387
derivative                      12                71                                                        98                  .40              84                  .25
2. Other equity                                                        -                                                                  1,579,940.      271,570,153.4
investments                                               209,106,263.84                                                                         94                   5
3. Other non-        685,698,473.75                                                              60,000,000.00       24,171,912.50        3,010,574.      724,537,135.8
          Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
current                                                                                                                                              63                 8
financial assets
Total of the        3,748,673,505.       66,445,566.                   -                        4,644,374,135.       5,589,821,912        7,664,381.      2,877,335,676
above                          38                 71      209,106,263.84                                    98                  .90              41                  .58
                         -84,380.59                                                                                      -85,962.89        -1,582.30               0.00
          Contents of other changes:
          Other changes were incurred by exchange rate fluctuations, etc.
          Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:
          □ Yes  No

          4. Restricted Asset Rights as at the End of the Reporting Period

                             Item                          Ending carrying amount(RMB)                               Reason for restriction

        Monetary funds                                                        39,766,271.81      Money frozen by bank and security deposits
                                                                                                 Principals and interest of term deposits with a maturity
        Monetary funds                                                       828,731,432.35
                                                                                                 within one year as pledges
                                                                                                 Principals and interest of term deposits with a maturity
        Non-current assets due within one year                               176,927,777.97
                                                                                                 of over one year (due before 30 June 2024) as pledges
                                                                                                 Principals and interest of term deposits with a maturity
        Other non-current assets                                          1,098,749,010.30
                                                                                                 of over one year as pledges
        Fixed assets-buildings and constructions                             667,241,110.72      As collateral for bank loan to the Company

        Total                                                             2,811,415,603.15

          VI Principal Subsidiaries and Joint Stock Companies

           Applicable □ Not applicable
          Principal subsidiaries and joint stock companies with an over 10% effect on the Company’s net profit:

                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                      ip with       Principal activity     Registered                                                Operating          Operating
      Name                                                                   Total assets        Net assets                                                Net profit
                        the                                  capital                                                  revenue            profit
Anhui 37 Jiyu
                                    Development of
Network                                                    6,250,000.      2,341,245,041.      1,590,134,312        741,525,914.       395,759,642.       366,664,988.
                     Subsidiary     mobile and
Technology Co.,                                                    00                 82                  .66                 59                 54                 93
                                    browser games
37 Interactive
Entertainment                       Publishing and
                                                           10,000,000       15,366,065,51      5,476,585,393        7,758,505,95       991,252,080.       833,840,460.
(Shanghai)           Subsidiary     operation of
                                                                   .00               8.99                 .20               8.33                 34                 52
Technology Co.,                     mobile games
          Subsidiaries obtained or disposed of in the Reporting Period:
          √ Applicable □ Not applicable
                    Name of subsidiary                    How it was obtained or disposed of          Effects on the overall operations and performance
                                                                                                      No material effects on the overall operations and
         Chengdu Shouyin Technology Co., Ltd.            Transfer
                                                                                                      performance of the Company
          Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Other information on principal subsidiaries and joint stock companies:

VII Risks Facing the Company and Countermeasures

      1. Changes in industry policies, risks of violation and countermeasures

      In recent years, the authority in charge has attached great importance to the development of game industry, made a series of
major decisions and arrangements and issued a series of policies and measures to guide the industry to develop in a standardized
and healthy way. For example, clear new standards and requirements have been put forward for protection of minors and anti-
addiction of online games. Further strict management measures have been taken to promote standardized management of game
industry. At the same time, information security and protection of users' privacy have drawn much attention from the society. In
the long term, the regulation of the online game industry is becoming more and more standardized, which is conducive to the
healthy development of the industry. The enterprises with standardized operation will benefit from it. However, in the future, if the
Company fails to make corresponding adjustments timely in accordance with changes in industry policies or has a deviation in
understanding management regulations in its operation, there may be a risk that the Company will be punished by relevant
departments or the works will not go online as planned, which will have a significant negative impact on the Company's business
development and brand image. In this regard, the Company will strictly abide by various industry policies, rules and regulations,
actively implement relevant requirements for industry development, establish an internal sound quality management and control
mechanism, strengthen industry policy risk management capability, and fully reduce and avoid the business risks caused by changes
in industry policies.

      2. Market competition risks and countermeasures

      The online game industry is facing increasingly fierce competition as it gradually matures. At the same time, online game users
are maturing with higher quality demand for game products. The industry is characteristic of fast product transition, limited
product life cycle and volatile player preferences, among others. Intense market competition will challenge the Company’s
development in terms of products and market channels.

      In response, the Company will continue to implement the strategy of "boutiqueization, diversification and globalization". On
the one hand, it will strengthen its core competitiveness of its own business, pay continuous attention to self-research investment,
carry out R&D and innovation in product creativity, gameplay, theme, art and technology, and keep up with industry technology
development trend; at the same time, it will maintain close cooperation with excellent developers to guarantee the supply of
quality products, and continue to expand game categories through independently-developed and agency games to deepen the
competitive edge of "integration of R&D and operation". Meanwhile, the Company will speed up the pace of exporting, give full
play to the edges of it in overseas markets, face diversified operations of overseas markets, deepen the cultivation of key markets,
and broaden the categories of games and increase market share. In addition, the Company will dig deeper into operational data,
and timely adjust operational and R&D strategies, to meet the core demands of users, further play the role of new ideas of digital
marketing operation, deepen the business strategy of multi-channel marketing and long-term service, and continuously enhance
core competitiveness in the market.

      Facing the current industrial competition pattern, the top-performing enterprise has obvious edges in technology R&D ability,
channel operation ability, product promotion ability, user scale and market share. The Company will continue to consolidate and
cement its competitive edges, actively respond to changes in the industry, reduce market competition risks and seize market

      3. Risks of core personnel turnover and countermeasures

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
     A stable and high-quality talent team is an important guarantee for the Company to maintain its core competitive advantage.
If the Company fails to effectively build a core talent team, give reasonable incentives and manages the core personnel, the
employees’ enthusiasm and creativity will be affected, which will have an adverse impact on the Company’s core competitiveness.

     In response, much attention has been attached to cultivation and acquisition of professional talents. The Company creatively
builds a platform-based talent management mechanism, according to which excellent game producers are rewarded with high
project bonus, and given discretion of research and creation. In order to attract and retain outstanding management talents and
business elites, the Company has vigorously reformed the project mechanism, shortened the review cycle and established
diversified objectives, so as to stimulate the innovative vitality of employees. In terms of employee performance management, the
Company has set up diversified KPIs based on employees' contribution and ability, as well as reasonable team objectives to
encourage employees’ creativity. Through refining the remuneration system with diversified incentives such as employee stock
ownership plans, the Company increases the attractiveness to core staffs and R&D personnel. During the Reporting Period, the
Company continuously promoted the reform of rank system, ability system and development system, optimized talent structure,
differentiated talent management and activated talents.

     In addition, the Company cares about the long-term development of employees. The Company has established “37 Interactive
Entertainment Learning and Development Center” to provide sufficient training and learning opportunities for employees and help
them grow rapidly. The Company actively carried out training for newcomers and professional abilities such as "Marathon
Leadership Training Camp", "Huangpu New Army", "X+ Plan" and "37TALK", promoted talent upgrading to meet the needs of
business upgrading, paid attention to internal sharing, established a team of internal professional lecturers among employees,
spread culture of sharing, built a talent echelon and upgraded talent development system.

     Centering on the cultural concept of "health, happiness and sustainability", the Company upgraded colorful welfare system,
strengthened humanistic care and promoted retention of talents. The colorful welfare system encompasses interest-free loan, love
fund, commercial insurance and employee health management. In addition, seasonal activities on holidays, annual physical
examination, singles' fellowship, "Family Day", "Boss Face-to-Face", "37 Battle Talk", "Carnival", “Healthy 37ers” and other thematic
activities were regularly held. Inter-departments' team building promoted the connection between employees and their friends,
relatives and colleagues. In addition, the Company has established recreational clubs for employees, covering e-sports, table games,
dancing, badminton, footfall and yoga, created cultural atmosphere that meets the characteristics of the younger generation,
strengthened employees' sense of belonging, balanced employees' work and life, and took care of employees' physical and mental
health in various forms.

     4. Technology iteration and innovation risk and countermeasures

     The game industry has seen rapid technology iteration and faster changes in cutting-edge technologies, and demand for new
types of products has emerged among young users. Against this backdrop, if a game company fails to grasp the industry
development trend in a forward-looking manner and promptly innovate its technology and products, its R&D and application of key
technologies will be outdated, resulting in the risk of products falling behind the market.

     In response, the Company continued to focus on changes in the industry's cutting-edge technologies. First, it closely followed
industry changes and probed into cutting-edge technologies through investment layout to maintain sensitive to leading
technologies. Second, it intensified the incubation of internal technologies, valued investment in self-developed games, improved
self-development system, established an effective R&D system framework, and introduced diversified incentives to encourage
employees to explore new technologies. By taking these actions, the Company has reserved technologies and products for the
industry development trend.

     5. Risk associated with being investigated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission with no clear conclusion yet

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
     On 27 June 2023, the Company, Mr. Li Weiwei (the actual controller and Chairman of the Board of the Company), and Mr.
Zeng Kaitian (the Vice Chairman of the Board of the Company) received the "Notification of the China Securities Regulatory
Commission on Case Filing" (CSRC Case No. 03720230061, No. 03720230062, No. 03720230063) from the said commission
(hereinafter referred to as the "CSRC") respectively. For suspected information disclosure violations, according to the Securities
Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties and other applicable
laws and regulations, the CSRC decided to file a case against the Company, Li Weiwei and Zeng Kaitian.

     During the period of investigation, the Company will actively cooperate with the CSRC’s investigation and fulfil its
information disclosure obligations in strict accordance with applicable laws, regulations and regulatory requirements.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                 Part IV Corporate Governance

       I Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders Convened during the Reporting

       1. General Meetings of Shareholders Convened during the Reporting Period

                                                            Date of the       Date of
   Meeting                Type            participation                                                          Resolutions of the meeting
                                                             meeting         disclosure
                                                                                            1. The 2022 Work Report of the Board of Directors was
                                                                                            2. The 2022 Work Report of the Supervisory Committee was
                                                                                            3. The full 2022 Annual Report and its Summary were approved;
                                                                                            4. The 2022 Final Account Report was approved;
                                                                                            5. The 2022 Final Dividend Plan was approved;
                                                                                            6. The Proposal on Appointment of Independent Auditor for
                                                                                            Annual Financial Statements and Internal Control for 2023 was
The 2022 Annual     Annual General
                                                            23 May           24 May         approved;
General Meeting     Meeting of                   50.25%
of Shareholders     Shareholders                            2023             2023           7. The Proposal on the Expected Guarantee Line for Subsidiaries
                                                                                            in 2023 was approved;
                                                                                            8. The Proposal on the Remuneration Plan for Directors was
                                                                                            approved item by item.
                                                                                            (1) The Sub-proposal on the Remunerations for Non-
                                                                                            independent Directors; and
                                                                                            (2) The Sub-proposal on the Remunerations for Independent
                                                                                            9. The Proposal on the Amendments to the Management Rules
                                                                                            for External Investments was approved.

       2. Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with
       Resumed Voting Rights

       □ Applicable  Not applicable

       II Changes of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

        Applicable □ Not applicable
                  Name                       Office title               Type of change                Date of change              Reason for change
        Xu Zhigao                     General Manger                Appointed                     24 May 2023                  Job arrangements
        Li Weiwei                     General Manger                Resigned                      24 May 2023                  Job arrangements

       II Interim Dividend Plan

        Applicable □ Not applicable
       Bonus issue from profit (share/10 shares)                                                                                                      0
       Cash dividend/10 shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                                                4.5
       Share base (share)                                                                                                                2,217,864,281
       Cash dividends (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                                                                             998,038,926.45

       Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
      Cash dividends in other forms (such as share repurchase) (RMB)                                                                            0.00
      Total cash dividends (including those in other forms) (RMB)                                                                     998,038,926.45
      Distributable profit (RMB)                                                                                                    4,138,773,875.47
      Total cash dividends (including those in other forms) as % of total
      profit to be distributed
                                                            Applicable cash dividend policy
          If it is difficult to identify the development stage of the Company but it has a significant capital expenditure arrangement,
      when making profit distribution, cash dividends shall account for no less than 20% in the profit distribution.
                                                    Details of the cash and/or stock dividend plan
           Upon approval by the Board of Directors, the Company’s 2023 interim dividend plan is as follows: With a fixed dividend
      payout ratio, based on the total issued share capital (exclusive of shares in the Company’s account for repurchased shares) on the
      date of record, a cash dividend of RMB 4.5 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is planned to be distributed to all the shareholders of the
      Company, with the remaining undistributed profit carried forward to the next year; and there will be no bonus issue from either
      profit or capital reserves.
           The above interim dividend plan is consistent with the Company’s performance growth, and also in line with relevant
      provisions of the Company Law, the Securities Law, the Articles of Association and the Company’s shareholder return plan.
      Therefore, it is legal, valid and reasonable.

     IV Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures for

      Applicable □ Not applicable

     1. Equity Incentives


     2. Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans

      Applicable □ Not applicable

     Outstanding employee stock ownership plans during the Reporting Period:
                                       Number of        Total number                                                 As % of the total
       Awardee coverage                                                                    Change                                             Funding source
                                       awardees         of shares held                                                 share capital
The Third Employee Stock
                                                                            The Proposal on Extending the
Ownership Plan: the leadership                                                                                                                Shares under the
                                                                            Duration of the Third Employee
team of the Company (directors,                                                                                                               employee stock
                                                                            Stock Ownership Plan was
supervisors and senior                                                                                                                        ownership plan
                                                                            approved at the Eighth Meeting
management); chief officers and        No more th                                                                                             were transferred
                                                             1,279,486      of the Sixth Board of Directors                       0.06%
deputy chief officers; key                 an 400                                                                                             from
                                                                            on 27 April 2023. As such, it has                                 repurchased
management and technological
                                                                            been approved to extend the                                       shares for no
staff (mid-level employees); and
                                                                            duration of the said plan by 36                                   compensation.
other employees approved by
                                                                            months to 26 July 2026.
the Company
The Fourth Employee Stock
Ownership Plan: the directors                                                                                                                 Shares under the
(exclusive of independent                                                                                                                     employee stock
                                                                                                                                              ownership plan
directors), supervisors, senior
                                       No more th                                                                                             were transferred
management, key management                                  16,301,534      N/A                                                   0.74%
                                          an 650                                                                                              from
and staff who have direct and                                                                                                                 repurchased
substantial impact on and                                                                                                                     shares for no
contribution to the Company’s                                                                                                                compensation.
future operations and growth
     Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
   Shares held by directors, supervisors and senior management under employee stock ownership plans during the Reporting Period:
                                                                      Number of shares held         Number of shares held         As % of the total share
              Name                             Office title
                                                                       at the period-begin            at the period-end                   capital
Xu Zhigao, Yang Jun, Liu Jun, He        Directors, supervisors,
Yang, Cheng Lin, Liu Fengyong, Ye       and senior                                   1,485,000                     1,585,000                       0.07%
Wei, and Zhu Huaimin                    management
   Change of the asset management institution during the Reporting Period:
   □ Applicable  Not applicable
   Share ownership changes due to share disposal by holders and other reasons during the Reporting Period:
    Applicable □ Not applicable
   As at the end of the Reporting Period, 1,279,486 shares were held under the Third Employee Stock Ownership Plan, accounting
   for 0.06% of the total share capital.
   Exercise of shareholder rights during the Reporting Period:
   Other information about employee stock ownership plans during the Reporting Period:
    Applicable □ Not applicable
   (1) The Proposal on Extending the Duration of the Third Employee Stock Ownership Plan was approved at the Eighth Meeting of
   the Sixth Board of Directors on 27 April 2023. As such, it has been approved to extend the duration of the said plan by 36 months
   to 26 July 2026.
   (2) The first lock-up period of the Fourth Employee Stock Ownership Plan ended on 30 June 2023. As the 2022 annual operating
   results failed to reach the target, the unlockable shares of all the awardees in the first lock-up period of the Employee Stock
   Ownership Plan should not be unlocked.
   Changes in the members of the employee stock ownership plan management committee:
   □ Applicable  Not applicable
   Impact of employee stock ownership plans on the finance of the Company during the Reporting Period and the relevant
   accounting treatments:
    Applicable □ Not applicable
   As per the Accounting Standard No. 11 for Business Enterprises—Share-based Payments, the amortized share-based payments
   were approximately RMB76.0793 million for H1 2023.
   Termination of employee stock ownership plans during the Reporting Period:
   □ Applicable  Not applicable
   Other information:

   3. Other Incentive Measures for Employees

   □ Applicable  Not applicable

   Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                         Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I Material Environmental Issues

Indicate whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries falls into major pollutant-discharge entities published by environmental
protection authorities.
□ Yes  No
Administrative punishments received during the Reporting Period due to environmental issues:
      Name of the
                               Reason for                                                             Impact on the
      Company or                                  Regulation violated          Punishment                                        Rectification
                              punishment                                                                Company
N/A                     N/A                      N/A                     N/A                      N/A                      N/A
Other environmental information in relation to major pollutant-discharge entities:
Actions taken during the Reporting Period to reduce carbon emissions and the results:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

      37 Interactive Entertainment has incorporated sustainable development into its corporate vision and actively practiced
corporate citizenship responsibility in recent years. Collaborating with the industry, the company has taken proactive actions to
address climate change and promote zero-carbon transformation in line with its business ambitions.
      In June 2023, the company released its first TCFD Progress Report on Climate Risk Management, detailing its climate risk
management efforts in governance, strategy, risk management, performance metrics, and more. Through specific practices such
as refined operational management, green building design promotion, green power certificates, carbon market transactions, and
environmental protection-themed month initiatives, the Company demonstrated its interim achievements in advancing carbon
Reasons for the non-disclosure of other environmental information:
      The Company is not a major pollutant-discharge entity published by environmental protection authorities. During the
Reporting Period, the Company received no punishments due to violation of environmental protection laws and regulations.

II Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

      1. Continued support for rural talent revitalisation

      In 2014, 37 Interactive Entertainment initiated the establishment of the Guangdong Youxin Foundation, which continuously
focuses on promoting high-quality and balanced development of high school education in underdeveloped areas, as well as
nurturing young talent. The Company provides support to high school students in terms of financial resources, teaching materials,
and information resources, collaborating with teachers, schools, educational administrative departments, non-profit
organisations, and volunteers to create a diverse talent cultivation system.

      Through the Guangdong Youxin Foundation, the Company has carried out various programs, such as the "Youxin Peers" high
school education assistance program, the high school enrolment guarantee program for ethnic minority girls, the county high
school free reading program, the "Vocational Wisdom Calling" career program, and digital empowerment public courses. To
further cultivate high school students' interest in cutting-edge technology and enhance their scientific literacy, the Company's
employee volunteers have organised multiple sharing activities around themes like innovative technology and better living.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
     During the Reporting Period, 37 Interactive Entertainment spent RMB3,278 thousand in rural education support through the
Guangdong Youxin Foundation, helping 2,557 outstanding high school students.

      2. Collaboratively promoting special industry assistance

     In 2023, 37 Interactive Entertainment signed a Rural Revitalization Cooperation Memorandum with the Guangzhou
Municipal Commerce Bureau and formulated a special assistance plan for Huangjin Town, Fengshun County, Meizhou City, where
the Company is providing support, to collaborative advance the development of local characteristic industries. During the
Reporting Period, 37 Interactive Entertainment conducted multiple visits to Huangjin Town and leveraged its expertise in creative
content expression to launch a cultural and creative gift box featuring the local representative intangible cultural heritage
agricultural product "Huangjin Ginger Candy".

     To better showcase the rich opportunities for rural women's employment and income increase brought about by the
upgraded rural industry in the new era and help local town enterprises comprehensively demonstrate the iterative process of the
intangible heritage craftsmanship -- ginger candy-making, from traditional methods to large-scale production, the Company
created a special cultural promotional video titled Sweet "Ginger" Love, showcasing the phase achievements of rural
revitalisation and targeted assistance efforts. Under the guidance of relevant government departments, on the day of the video's
release conference, the Huangjin Ginger Candy production enterprises also reached cooperation intentions with several
participating companies, successfully expanding its sales channels.

     During the Reporting Period, 37 Interactive Entertainment spent RMB730 thousand to support the development of
characteristic industries such as tea and ginger in Anhui, Guizhou, Guangdong, and other regions.

      3. Digitally empowering positive value spreading

     37 Interactive Entertainment actively responds to policy requirements such as the Overall Plan for the Construction of Digital
China and the Opinions on Promoting the Implementation of the National Digital Cultural Strategy by creating high-quality digital
cultural products to facilitate the innovative dissemination of outstanding traditional Chinese culture and positive social values.

     During the Reporting Period, 37 Interactive Entertainment introduced the concept of "Responsibility Aesthetics" and
launched a series of cultural and artistic games that integrate the essence of traditional Chinese culture, national treasure-level
cultural symbols, and modern corporate social responsibility concepts; the Company also collaborated with the Guangdong
Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine to develop Xiao Shen Nong Xun Bai Cao ( 小 神 农 寻 百 草 ), a functional game that
promotes traditional Chinese medicine culture and knowledge to community residents; additionally, the Company released a
new version of the functional game Star Life Paradise ( 星 星 生 活 乐 园 ) to provide digital tool support for social interaction
training for children with autism; the Company also carried out the research and optimisation of the aerospace popular science
functional game Fly to the Sky: Dream of Soaring (飞天:梦想启航), aiming to provide a new channel for teenagers to revisit
high school physics knowledge and enhance their scientific literacy.

      4. Collaborative cultivation of young talents through industry-research cooperation

     37 Interactive Entertainment continues to deepen cooperation with more than ten renowned domestic universities,
including Sun Yat-sen University, Sichuan University, Lanzhou University, and Jinan University, to achieve resource sharing and
complementary advantages in the fields of industry-research integration skills training courses, innovation challenge
competitions, specialised research topics, and campus thematic sharing, providing comprehensive empowerment for outstanding
university students.

     To foster the sustainable development capabilities and innovative practical abilities of young talents, the Company organised
the second "SDG Sustainable Development Innovation Challenge", supporting students to express their understanding of topics
such as rural revitalisation, cultural heritage and promotion, carbon neutrality, and more through animation, public service videos,
and digital collections. A total of 344 students from 81 universities participated. Ultimately, three works from teams representing

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China Academy of Art, and Zhongnan University of
Economics and Law stood out.

     The Company also collaborated with six universities including Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology,
and South China Normal University to launch the University Student Empowerment Program, providing scholarships, support for
social practice, and innovative and entrepreneurial activities for 281 outstanding students.

      5. Charitable participation in building a better society

     During the Reporting Period, under the leadership of the Party Committee of 37 Interactive Entertainment, employees from
various business units actively participated in services related to companionship for children with special needs, condolences to
groups in difficulties, operation of charity supermarkets, and donation of outdoor worker supplies. A total of 2,266 volunteer
hours were contributed, actively conveying positive and benevolent forces to society.

     To further expand support for the cultivation of outstanding talents in society and promote the sustainable development of
clinical medical reserve talents and the national medical and health industry, 37 Interactive Entertainment intends to donate
RMB50 million to the First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University. The second-phase donation of RMB20 million was
completed during the Reporting Period.

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                               Part VI Share Changes and Shareholder Information

           I Share Changes

           1. Share Changes

                                                                                                                                                Unit: share
                                      Before                           Increase/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-)                                  After
                                                                                      Shares as
                                                                        Shares as
                                               Percenta      New        dividend                                                                                Percentage
                              Number                                                 converted         Other         Subtotal                  Number
                                                ge (%)      issues     converted                                                                                    (%)
                                                                                    from capital
                                                                      from profit
1. Restricted shares         582,338,908        26.26%                                              27,340,427      27,340,427                609,679,335          27.49%
   1.1 Shares held by
the government
   1.2 Shares held by
   1.3 Shares held by
other domestic               582,338,908        26.26%                                                   27,340,427        27,340,427         609,679,335          27.49%
      Including: Shares
held by domestic
held by domestic             582,338,908        26.26%                                                   27,340,427        27,340,427         609,679,335          27.49%
natural persons
   1.4 Shares held by
overseas investors
      Including: Shares
held by overseas
held by overseas
natural persons
2. Un-restricted
                           1,635,525,373        73.74%                                                   -27,340,427      -27,340,427       1,608,184,946          72.51%
2.1 RMB-
denominated                1,635,525,373        73.74%                                                   -27,340,427      -27,340,427       1,608,184,946          72.51%
common shares
   2.2 Domestically
listed foreign shares
   2.3 Overseas listed
foreign shares
   2.4 Others
3. Total shares            2,217,864,281       100.00%                                                               0                0     2,217,864,281         100.00%
           Reasons for share changes:
            Applicable □ Not applicable

           During the Reporting Period, the shares held by the newly appointed general manager in the Company were locked up according
           to applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents.

           Approval of share changes:

           □ Applicable  Not applicable

           Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
       Transfer of share ownership:

       □ Applicable  Not applicable

       Progress on share repurchases:

        Applicable □ Not applicable

       As of 30 June 2023, the Company had cumulatively repurchased 4,962,434 shares (or 0.22% of the total share capital) with its
       securities account for repurchased shares by the way of centralized bidding. With the highest trading price being
       RMB16.94/share and the lowest being RMB16.53/share, the total amount used was RMB83,094,240.93 (exclusive of transaction
       costs). And the total payment inclusive of the transaction costs stood at RMB83,105,950.55.

       The Proposal on the Adjusted Upper Price Limit for the Share Repurchase was approved at the 11th Meeting of the Sixth Board of
       Directors on 3 July 2023. As such, it was approved to adjust the upper price limit for the share repurchase from no more than
       RMB22.55/share to no more than RMB47/share.

       As of 31 July 2023, the Company had cumulatively repurchased 9,426,747 shares (or 0.43% of the total share capital) with its
       securities account for repurchased shares by the way of centralized bidding. With the highest trading price being
       RMB33.22/share and the lowest being RMB16.53/share, the total amount used was RMB223,137,102.94 (exclusive of
       transaction costs).

       Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by way of centralized bidding:

       □ Applicable  Not applicable

       Effects of share changes on the basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the
       Company’s common shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting period, respectively:

        Applicable □ Not applicable

       During the Reporting Period, the Company implemented share repurchases with its securities account for repurchased shares by
       the way of centralized bidding. For details of the repurchases, see the announcements on repurchase progress. As per the
       Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the aforesaid repurchased shares were excluded in the calculation of basic
       earnings per share.

       Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed:

       □ Applicable  Not applicable

       2. Changes in Restricted Shares

        Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                            Unit: share
                                          Shares with            Increase in
   Name of                             restriction lifted     restricted shares      Ending restricted       Reason for
                     restricted                                                                                                            Lifting date
 shareholder                           in the Reporting       in the Reporting            shares             restriction
                                            Period                  Period
                                                                                                                              Subject to regulations in respect
                                                                                                                              of changes in shareholdings of
                                                                                                            shares of
Li Weiwei            241,584,764                         0                      0         241,584,764                         directors, supervisors and senior
                                                                                                                              management in the Company
                                                                                                                              Law, etc.
                                                                                                            Locked-up         Subject to regulations in respect
                                                                                                            shares of         of changes in shareholdings of
Zeng Kaitian         184,008,280                         0                      0         184,008,280
                                                                                                            senior            directors, supervisors and senior
                                                                                                            management        management in the Company

       Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                                                                                                 Law, etc.
                                                                                                                                 Subject to regulations in respect
                                                                                                                                 of changes in shareholdings of
                                                                                                               shares of
Hu Yuhang               151,198,263                         0                      0         151,198,263                         directors, supervisors and senior
                                                                                                                                 management in the Company
                                                                                                                                 Law, etc.
                                                                                                                                 Subject to regulations in respect
                                                                                                                                 of changes in shareholdings of
                                                                                                               shares of
Xu Zhigao                            0                      0          27,340,427              27,340,427                        directors, supervisors and senior
                                                                                                                                 management in the Company
                                                                                                                                 Law, etc.
                                                                                                                                 Subject to regulations in respect
                                                                                                                                 of changes in shareholdings of
                                                                                                               shares of
Yang Jun                   1,575,000                        0                      0            1,575,000                        directors, supervisors and senior
                                                                                                                                 management in the Company
                                                                                                                                 Law, etc.
                                                                                                                                 Subject to regulations in respect
                                                                                                                                 of changes in shareholdings of
                                                                                                               shares of
Liu Jun                    3,972,601                        0                      0            3,972,601                        directors, supervisors and senior
                                                                                                                                 management in the Company
                                                                                                                                 Law, etc.
Total                   582,338,908                         0          27,340,427            609,679,335              --                           --

          II Issuance and Listing of Securities

          □ Applicable  Not applicable

          III Shareholders and Their Holdings as at the Period-End

                                                                                                                                               Unit: share
                                                                       Number of preferred shareholders with
 Number of common shareholders                                        78,778                                                                                      0
                                                                       resumed voting rights (if any) (see note 8)
                                        5% or greater common shareholders or the top 10 common shareholders
                                                                       Increase/decr                          Un-                           Pledged, marked or
                                          Shareholdin                                     Restricted
          Name of            Nature of                    Common         ease in the                       restricted                          frozen status
                                                 g                                        common
        shareholder         shareholder                  shares held     Reporting                         common
                                           percentage                                    shares held                                      Status         Shares
                                                                           Period                         shares held
 Li Weiwei                  natural             14.52% 322,113,019                   0   241,584,764       80,528,255
 Zeng Kaitian               natural             11.06% 245,344,374                   0   184,008,280       61,336,094
 Hu Yuhang                  natural              9.09% 201,597,684                   0   151,198,263       50,399,421                    Pledged        19,650,000
 Hong Kong
 Securities Clearing                                 8.01%      177,721,241            15,310,515                 0    177,721,241
 Company Ltd.
 Xu Zhigao                  natural                  1.64%       36,453,903                     0      27,340,427           9,113,476
 Wu Weihong                 natural                  1.59%       35,253,178         -36,314,684                   0        35,253,178
 China Minsheng
                            Other                    1.17%       25,872,061            21,630,461                 0        25,872,061
 Banking Corp., Ltd.
          Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
-China Securities
Cartoon Games
Trading Open-
ended Index
Investment Fund
Wu Weidong              natural                  1.01%       22,431,357         -38,165,200                   0      22,431,357
Management                                       0.90%       20,000,000         20,000,000                    0      20,000,000
37 Interactive
Technology Group         Other                   0.74%       16,301,534                     0                 0      16,301,534
Co., Ltd.-The Fourth
Employee Stock
Ownership Plan
Strategic investor or general
corporation becoming a top-10
common shareholder in a rights
issue (if any) (see note 3)
                                          1. Among the top 10 shareholders of the Company, Wu Weihong, Wu Weidong and Shanghai
                                          Dongyonghong Business Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) are shareholders acting in
Related or acting-in-concert parties
among the shareholders above
                                          2. The Company is not aware of whether there is, among the other top 10 shareholders, any related
                                          parties or acting-in-concert parties.
Explain if any of the shareholders
above was involved in
entrusting/being entrusted with           N/A
voting rights or waiving voting
Special account for share
repurchases (if any) among the top        N/A
10 shareholders (see note 11)
                                                        Top 10 un-restricted common shareholders
                                                                                                                               Shares by class
       Name of shareholder                                Un-restricted common shares held
                                                                                                                            Class               Shares
Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                                                        RMB-denominated
                                                                                                    177,721,241                               177,721,241
Company Ltd.                                                                                                         common shares
Li Weiwei                                                                                            80,528,255                                80,528,255
                                                                                                                     common shares
Zeng Kaitian                                                                                         61,336,094                                61,336,094
                                                                                                                     common shares
Hu Yuhang                                                                                            50,399,421                                50,399,421
                                                                                                                     common shares
Wu Weihong                                                                                           35,253,178                                35,253,178
                                                                                                                     common shares
China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd.
-China Securities Cartoon Games                                                                                     RMB-denominated
                                                                                                     25,872,061                                25,872,061
Trading Open-ended Index                                                                                             common shares
Securities Investment Fund
Wu Weidong                                                                                           22,431,357                                22,431,357
                                                                                                                     common shares
Shanghai Dongyonghong Business                                                                       20,000,000      RMB-denominated           20,000,000
      Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Management Partnership (Limited                                                                                      common shares
37 Interactive Entertainment
Network Technology Group Co.,                                                                                        RMB-denominated
                                                                                                     16,301,534                                16,301,534
Ltd.-The Fourth Employee Stock                                                                                       common shares
Ownership Plan
China Construction Bank
Corporation-Dongfanghong                                                                                            RMB-denominated
                                                                                                     13,274,100                                13,274,100
Qidong Three-year Mixed Securities                                                                                   common shares
Investment Fund
Related or acting-in-concert parties      1. Among the top 10 un-restricted common shareholders of the Company, Wu Weihong, Wu Weidong
among the top 10 un-restricted            and Shanghai Dongyonghong Business Management Partnership (Limited Partnership) are shareholders
common shareholders, as well as
                                          acting in concert.
between the top 10 un-restricted
                                          2. The Company is not aware of whether there is, among the other top 10 un-restricted common
common shareholders and the top
10 common shareholders                    shareholders and top 10 common shareholders, any related parties or acting-in-concert parties.
Top 10 common shareholders
engaged in securities margin              None
trading (if any) (see note 4)
      Indicate whether any of the top 10 common shareholders or the top 10 un-restricted common shareholders of the Company
      conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.
      □ Yes  No
      No such cases in the Reporting Period.

      IV Changes in the Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No such changes in the Reporting Period. For the relevant information, see the 2022 Annual Report.

      V Change of the Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controller

      Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No such cases in the Reporting Period.
      Change of the actual controller in the Reporting Period:
      □ Applicable  Not applicable
      No such cases in the Reporting Period.

      Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                           Part VII Financial Statements

I Independent Auditor’s Report

Are these interim financial statements audited by an independent auditor?
□ Yes  No
They are unaudited by such an auditor.

II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by 37 Interactive Entertainment Network Technology Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                 30 June 2023

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                              Item                                            30 June 2023                              1 January 2023
 Current assets:
       Monetary funds                                                                  8,232,496,377.64                        5,129,481,882.65
       Transaction settlement funds
       Loans to other banks
       Trading financial assets                                                        1,881,228,387.25                        2,792,984,819.12
       Derivative financial assets
       Notes receivable
       Accounts receivable                                                             1,432,993,006.78                        1,433,563,842.43
       Accounts receivable financing
       Prepayments                                                                       961,831,277.89                          855,193,135.12
       Premiums receivable
       Reinsurance receivables
       Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
       Other receivables                                                                  52,707,980.09                            87,419,373.81
          Including: Interest receivable
                     Dividends receivable
       Redemptory monetary capital for sale
       Contract assets
       Assets held for sale
       Non-current assets due within one year                                            279,376,846.42                          225,739,517.70
       Other current assets                                                               78,075,017.09                            62,124,622.63
 Total current assets                                                                12,918,708,893.16                        10,586,507,193.46
 Non-current assets:
     Loans and advances to customers

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
       Debt investments
       Other debt investments
       Long-term receivables
       Long-term equity investments                                                      606,075,958.69                          621,794,374.74
       Other equity investments                                                          271,570,153.45                          269,990,212.51
       Other non-current financial assets                                                724,537,135.88                          685,698,473.75
       Investment properties
       Fixed assets                                                                      834,923,391.50                          850,030,034.92
       Construction in progress                                                          326,705,519.85                          242,508,087.97
       Productive living assets
       Oil and gas assets
       Right-of-use assets                                                                26,401,292.25                            31,967,946.49
       Intangible assets                                                               1,056,362,674.08                        1,059,676,921.41
       Development expenditure
       Goodwill                                                                        1,589,065,048.53                        1,589,065,048.53
       Long-term deferred expenses                                                       128,031,967.87                            99,473,412.05
       Deferred income tax assets                                                         99,538,660.56                            34,357,615.22
       Other non-current assets                                                        1,291,742,516.94                        1,024,113,999.86
 Total non-current assets                                                              6,954,954,319.60                        6,508,676,127.45
 Total assets                                                                        19,873,663,212.76                        17,095,183,320.91
 Current liabilities:
       Short-term loans                                                                1,929,285,500.00                          901,046,888.89
       Loans from the central bank
       Loans from other banks
       Trading financial liabilities                                                                                                     84,380.59
       Derivative financial liabilities
       Notes payable                                                                   1,503,000,000.00                          555,000,000.00
       Accounts payable                                                                2,133,387,322.93                        1,648,560,259.52
       Advances from customers
     Contract liabilities                                                                240,892,166.88                          259,519,734.14
     Financial assets sold under repurchase
     Customer deposits and interbank deposits
       Payables for acting trading of securities
       Payables for underwriting of securities
       Employee benefits payable                                                         217,860,624.83                          374,469,366.73
       Taxes payable                                                                     247,166,060.59                          294,163,918.06
       Other payables                                                                    212,905,566.26                          210,926,206.25
          Including: Interest payable
                    Dividends payable
       Handling charges and commissions payable
       Reinsurance payables
       Liabilities held for sale
       Non-current liabilities due within one year                                        79,258,772.61                            45,909,085.65
       Other current liabilities                                                          71,118,462.53                            51,763,224.36
 Total current liabilities                                                             6,634,874,476.63                        4,341,443,064.19
 Non-current liabilities:
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
       Insurance contract reserve
       Long-term loans                                                                   468,500,000.00                          323,000,000.00
       Bonds payable
          Including: Preferred shares
                     Perpetual bonds
       Lease liabilities                                                                    9,251,557.84                           16,786,536.53
       Long-term payables
       Long-term employee benefits payable
       Deferred income
       Deferred income tax liabilities                                                   105,831,047.90                          101,348,616.16
       Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                                           583,582,605.74                          441,135,152.69
 Total liabilities                                                                     7,218,457,082.37                        4,782,578,216.88
 Shareholders' equity:
       Share capital                                                                   2,217,864,281.00                        2,217,864,281.00
       Other equity instruments
          Including: Preferred shares
                     Perpetual bonds
       Capital reserves                                                                2,852,169,276.30                        2,776,585,669.95
       Less: Treasury shares                                                              83,105,950.55                            83,105,950.55
       Other comprehensive income                                                        -99,115,449.05                         -153,044,746.45
       Special reserves
       Surplus reserves                                                                  666,869,940.33                          666,869,940.33
       General risk reserves
      Retained earnings                                                                6,989,093,914.46                        6,758,838,410.54
 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                                     12,543,776,012.49                        12,184,007,604.82
      Non-controlling interests                                                          111,430,117.90                          128,597,499.21
 Total shareholders' equity                                                          12,655,206,130.39                        12,312,605,104.03
 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity                                         19,873,663,212.76                        17,095,183,320.91

   Legal representative: Xu Zhigao                          Chief Financial Officer: Ye Wei                        Board Secretary: Ye Wei

2. Balance Sheet of the Company

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                             Item                                             30 June 2023                              1 January 2023
 Current assets:
       Monetary funds                                                                    781,432,619.92                          808,790,749.20
       Trading financial assets                                                          801,350,136.99                          802,418,630.14
       Derivative financial assets
       Notes receivable
       Accounts receivable
       Accounts receivable financing
       Prepayments                                                                            464,932.07

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
       Other receivables                                                               3,338,597,150.51                        3,829,192,595.78
          Including: Interest receivable
                     Dividends receivable
       Contract assets
       Assets held for sale
       Non-current assets due within one year
       Other current assets                                                                6,192,380.98                             5,937,414.70
 Total current assets                                                                  4,928,037,220.47                        5,446,339,389.82
 Non-current assets:
     Debt investments
     Other debt investments
     Long-term receivables
       Long-term equity investments                                                    9,688,222,755.95                        9,614,010,297.65
       Other equity investments
       Other non-current financial assets                                                 76,589,599.00                            76,589,599.00
       Investment properties
       Fixed assets
       Construction in progress
       Productive living assets
       Oil and gas assets
       Right-of-use assets                                                                 5,667,802.45                             6,730,515.43
       Intangible assets
       Development expenditure
       Long-term deferred expenses
       Deferred income tax assets
       Other non-current assets
 Total non-current assets                                                              9,770,480,157.40                        9,697,330,412.08
 Total assets                                                                        14,698,517,377.87                        15,143,669,801.90
 Current liabilities:
       Short-term loans                                                                  300,250,000.00
       Trading financial liabilities
       Derivative financial liabilities
       Notes payable
       Accounts payable
       Advances from customers
       Contract liabilities
       Employee benefits payable                                                               68,000.00                                 922,157.55
       Taxes payable                                                                       2,637,642.12                             9,115,058.72
       Other payables                                                                     40,843,776.85                            40,786,313.26
          Including: Interest payable
                     Dividends payable
       Liabilities held for sale
       Non-current liabilities due within one year                                        63,124,584.48                            30,122,770.55
       Other current liabilities

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
 Total current liabilities                                                               406,924,003.45                            80,946,300.08
 Non-current liabilities:
       Long-term loans                                                                   468,500,000.00                          323,000,000.00
       Bonds payable
          Including: Preferred shares
                     Perpetual bonds
       Lease liabilities                                                                   2,490,966.44                             4,983,409.97
       Long-term payables
       Long-term employee benefits payable
       Deferred income
       Deferred income tax liabilities                                                        288,849.68                                 803,191.39
       Other non-current liabilities
 Total non-current liabilities                                                           471,279,816.12                          328,786,601.36
 Total liabilities                                                                       878,203,819.57                          409,732,901.44
 Shareholders' equity:
       Share capital                                                                   2,217,864,281.00                        2,217,864,281.00
       Other equity instruments
          Including: Preferred shares
                     Perpetual bonds
       Capital reserves                                                                6,497,849,211.88                        6,421,769,953.60
       Less: Treasury shares                                                              83,105,950.55                            83,105,950.55
       Other comprehensive income                                                        -60,000,000.00                           -60,000,000.00
       Special reserves
       Surplus reserves                                                                1,108,932,140.50                        1,108,932,140.50
       Retained earnings                                                               4,138,773,875.47                        5,128,476,475.91
 Total shareholders' equity                                                          13,820,313,558.30                        14,733,936,900.46
 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity                                         14,698,517,377.87                        15,143,669,801.90

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                                H1 2023                                 H1 2022
 1. Total operating revenue                                                              7,760,573,887.29                      8,092,238,684.40
       Including: Operating revenue                                                      7,760,573,887.29                      8,092,238,684.40
                 Interest income
                 Premium income
                 Handling charge and commission income
 2. Total operating costs and expenses                                                   6,492,830,653.62                      6,306,032,404.23
       Including: Cost of sales                                                          1,664,617,407.90                      1,260,101,099.90
                 Interest expense
                 Handling charge and commission expenses
                 Net claims paid
                 Net amount provided as policy reserve
                 Expenditure on policy dividends

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                 Reinsurance premium expenses
                 Taxes and surcharges                                                        15,088,022.35                         15,543,165.52
                 Distribution and selling expenses                                       4,279,408,761.57                      4,340,050,646.56
                 General and administrative expenses                                       257,073,397.84                        209,169,882.37
                 Research and development expenses                                         388,284,125.67                        496,920,352.58
                 Financial expenses                                                       -111,641,061.71                         -15,752,742.70
                    Including: Interest expense                                              33,953,476.02                         14,221,315.74
                               Interest income                                             147,092,025.34                          54,966,479.25
       Add: Other income                                                                     67,310,526.91                         60,426,373.93
          Investment income (“-” for loss)                                                 -3,937,725.83                         52,339,291.74
           Including: Share of profits and losses of joint
                                                                                            -12,257,097.35                        -23,711,051.21
 ventures and associates
                  Gain on derecognition of financial assets
 measured at amortised cost (“-” for loss)
          Gain on exchange (“-” for loss)
            Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
            Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                                   66,445,566.71                        -34,650,521.66
            Impairment loss on credit (“-” for loss)                                          350,866.28                         -2,933,013.92
            Impairment loss on assets (“-” for loss)                                                                            -10,791,188.33
            Gain on disposal of assets (“-” for loss)                                         128,077.35                               328,439.88
 3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                                                    1,398,040,545.09                      1,850,925,661.81
       Add: Non-operating income                                                             17,988,142.97                          5,246,517.14
       Less: Non-operating expenses                                                           3,648,696.49                          2,771,389.41
 4. Profit before income tax expenses (“-” for loss)                                   1,412,379,991.57                      1,853,400,789.54
       Less: Income tax expenses                                                           205,127,044.68                        176,029,935.00
 5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                                      1,207,252,946.89                      1,677,370,854.54
    5.1 Classified by continuity of operations
      5.1.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for
                                                                                       1,207,252,946.89                      1,677,370,854.54
 net loss)
      5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for
 net loss)
    5.2 Classified by ownership of the equity
      5.2.1 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                                         1,226,061,335.07                      1,695,164,644.39
 Company (“-” for net loss)
      5.2.2 Net profit attributable to non-controlling
                                                                                            -18,808,388.18                        -17,793,789.85
 interests (“-” for net loss)
 6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                                   53,929,297.40                         48,589,829.86
    Other comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                                             53,929,297.40                         48,589,829.86
 shareholders of the Company, net of tax
      6.1 Other comprehensive income that will not be
 reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
                 6.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurement of
 defined benefit pension schemes
                 6.1.2 Share of the other comprehensive
 income of the investee accounted for using equity method
 that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
                 6.1.3 Changes in fair value of other equity
                 6.1.4 Changes in the fair value of the
 company's own credit risk
                 6.1.5 Others
      6.2 Other comprehensive income that will be
                                                                                             53,929,297.40                         51,589,829.86
 reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
               6.2.1 Share of the other comprehensive
 income of the investee accounted for using equity method                                      -524,693.70                               296,531.34
 that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
               6.2.2 Changes in fair value of other equity
               6.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising
 from the reclassification of financial assets
               6.2.4 Allowance for credit impairments in
 other debt investments
               6.2.5 Cash flow hedge reserve
               6.2.6 Exchange differences on translation of
                                                                                             54,453,991.10                         51,293,298.52
 foreign currency financial statements
               6.2.7 Others
    Other comprehensive income attributable to non-
 controlling interests, net of tax
 7. Total comprehensive income                                                           1,261,182,244.29                      1,725,960,684.40
      Total comprehensive income attributable to
                                                                                         1,279,990,632.47                      1,743,754,474.25
 shareholders of the Company
      Total comprehensive income attributable to non-
                                                                                            -18,808,388.18                        -17,793,789.85
 controlling interests
 8. Earnings per share:
       8.1 Basic earnings per share                                                                     0.55                                   0.77
       8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                                                   0.55                                   0.77
Where business combinations under common control occurred in the current period, the net profit achieved by the acquirees
before the combinations was RMB 0.00 with the amount for the same period of last year being RMB 0.00.

   Legal representative: Xu Zhigao                          Chief Financial Officer: Ye Wei                        Board Secretary: Ye Wei

4. Income Statement of the Company

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                Item                                                 H1 2023                                 H1 2022
 1. Operating revenue                                                                              9,433.96
      Less: Cost of sales
           Taxes and surcharges                                                                   40,349.85                               21,018.70
           Distribution and selling expenses
           General and administrative expenses                                                7,355,482.54                          4,287,012.24
           Research and development expenses
           Financial expenses                                                                -1,188,161.14                        -9,337,655.96
              Including: Interest expense                                                    11,116,569.01                         3,935,106.31
                        Interest income                                                      12,897,500.79                        13,798,152.46
      Add: Other income                                                                       4,454,284.28                         1,896,774.41
           Investments income (“-” for loss)                                                1,212,602.75                     3,199,148,357.25
            Including: Share of profits and losses of joint
 ventures and associates
                     Gain on derecognition of financial
 assets measured at amortised cost (“-” for loss)
           Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
           Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)                                     9,087,945.21                          5,867,726.04
           Impairment loss on credit (“-” for loss)                                                                                  -5,000.00
           Impairment loss on assets (“-” for loss)
           Gain on disposal of assets (“-” for loss)
 2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                                                         8,556,594.95                     3,211,937,482.72
      Add: Non-operating income                                                                   1,478.73                                 2.59
      Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                                                    31,234.89

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
 3. Profit before income tax expenses (“-” for loss)                                        8,558,073.68                     3,211,906,250.42
       Less: Income tax expenses                                                              2,454,842.97                         4,389,906.11
 4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                                                           6,103,230.71                     3,207,516,344.31
       4.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net
                                                                                              6,103,230.71                     3,207,516,344.31
       4.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for
 net loss)
 5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax
       5.1 Other comprehensive income that will not be
 reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
               5.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurement of
 defined benefit pension schemes
               5.1.2 Share of the other comprehensive
 income of the investee accounted for using equity method
 that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
               5.1.3 Changes in fair value of other equity
               5.1.4 Changes in the fair value of the
 company's own credit risk
               5.1.5 Others
       5.2 Other comprehensive income that will be
 reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
               5.2.1 Share of the other comprehensive
 income of the investee accounted for using equity method
 that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
               5.2.2 Changes in fair value of other equity
               5.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising
 from the reclassification of financial assets
               5.2.4 Allowance for credit impairments in
 other debt investments
               5.2.5 Cash flow hedge reserve
               5.2.6 Exchange differences on translation of
 foreign currency financial statements
               5.2.7 Others
 6. Total comprehensive income                                                                6,103,230.71                     3,207,516,344.31
 7. Earnings per share:
       7.1 Basic earnings per share
       7.2 Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                             Item                                                    H1 2023                                 H1 2022
 1. Cash flows from operating activities:
      Cash received from the sales of goods or rendering
                                                                                         8,013,861,147.65                      8,191,423,031.24
      Net increase in customer deposits and interbank
      Net increase in loans from the central bank
      Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
      Premiums received on original insurance contracts
      Net proceeds from reinsurance
      Net increase in deposits and investments of policy
      Interest, handling charges and commissions received
      Net increase in loans from other banks
      Net increase in proceeds from repurchase
Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
       Net proceeds from acting trading of securities
       Refunds of taxes and levies                                                           1,719,882.70                         13,071,839.40
       Cash received relating to other operating activities                                148,031,300.57                        102,190,719.08
 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                     8,163,612,330.92                      8,306,685,589.72
       Cash paid for purchases of goods and services                                     1,473,884,579.03                      1,248,044,739.23
       Net increase in loans and advances to customers
       Net increase in deposits in the central bank and other
 banks and financial institutions
       Payments for claims on original insurance contracts
       Net increase in loans to other banks
       Interest, handling charges and commissions paid
       Policy dividends paid
       Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                             887,376,046.67                        952,696,588.30
       Payments of taxes and levies                                                        379,073,806.45                        245,557,026.85
       Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                  3,103,320,722.36                      4,056,307,650.80
 Sub-total of cash outflows used in operating activities                                 5,843,655,154.51                      6,502,606,005.18
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                                2,319,957,176.41                      1,804,079,584.54
 2. Cash flows from investing activities:
       Cash received from disposal of investments                                          127,010,330.31                        174,210,882.65
       Cash received from investment income                                                 78,491,745.68                         36,747,137.98
       Cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                              1,499,959.98                               515,224.24
 assets and other long-term assets
       Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and
 other business units
       Cash received relating to other investing activities                              7,872,668,719.59                      5,576,074,659.14
 Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                     8,079,670,755.56                      5,787,547,904.01
       Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                           139,259,591.32                          55,905,510.45
 assets and other long-term assets
       Cash paid to acquire investments                                                    117,602,305.30                        163,561,411.21
       Net increase in pledged loans granted
       Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries and
 other business units
       Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                  9,125,959,732.86                      6,769,074,659.14
 Sub-total of cash outflows used in investing activities                                 9,382,848,218.88                      6,988,541,580.80
 Net cash flows from/used in investing activities                                       -1,303,177,463.32                     -1,200,993,676.79
 3. Cash flows from financing activities:
       Cash received from capital contributions                                                 320,000.00                         92,000,000.00
       Including: Cash received from capital contributions by
                                                                                                320,000.00                         92,000,000.00
 non-controlling interests of subsidiaries
       Cash received from borrowings                                                     1,426,000,000.00                        947,450,000.00
       Cash received relating to other financing activities                                 65,000,000.00
 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                     1,491,320,000.00                      1,039,450,000.00
       Cash repayments of borrowings                                                       222,250,000.00                        448,653,250.00
       Cash paid for interest and dividends                                              1,028,631,589.17                        827,115,684.90
       Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-
 controlling interests
       Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                    581,279,603.15                        394,823,304.17
 Sub-total of cash outflows used in financing activities                                 1,832,161,192.32                      1,670,592,239.07
 Net cash flows from/used in financing activities                                         -340,841,192.32                       -631,142,239.07
 4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and
                                                                                              5,558,563.66                         20,628,944.13
 cash equivalents
 5. Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                     681,497,084.43                          -7,427,387.19
       Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the
                                                                                         3,320,472,098.94                      4,618,393,735.38
 6. Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period                                       4,001,969,183.37                      4,610,966,348.19

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                              Item                                                   H1 2023                                 H1 2022
 1. Cash flows from operating activities:
       Cash received from the sales of goods or rendering
       Refunds of taxes and levies
       Cash received relating to other operating activities                              1,117,210,020.74                      1,218,682,414.28
 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                     1,117,220,020.74                      1,218,682,414.28
       Cash paid for purchases of goods and services
       Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                               1,501,203.60                          3,493,659.49
       Payments of taxes and levies                                                          3,912,982.44                          3,399,378.83
       Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                    627,828,879.40                      3,633,945,952.16
 Sub-total of cash outflows used in operating activities                                   633,243,065.44                      3,640,838,990.48
 Net cash flows from/used in operating activities                                          483,976,955.30                     -2,422,156,576.20
 2. Cash flows from investing activities:
       Cash received from disposal of investments
       Cash received from investment income                                                 17,239,041.11                      3,208,188,686.02
       Cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
 assets and other long-term assets
       Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and
 other business units
       Cash received relating to other investing activities                              2,400,000,000.00                      2,750,000,000.00
 Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities                                     2,417,239,041.11                      5,958,188,686.02
       Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible
 assets and other long-term assets
       Cash paid to acquire investments
       Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries and
 other business units
       Cash paid relating to other investing activities                                  2,380,000,000.00                      2,690,000,000.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows used in investing activities                                 2,380,000,000.00                      2,690,000,000.00
 Net cash flows from/used in investing activities                                           37,239,041.11                      3,268,188,686.02
 3. Cash flows from financing activities:
       Cash received from capital contributions
       Cash received from borrowings                                                       490,000,000.00                        640,000,000.00
       Cash received relating to other financing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                       490,000,000.00                        640,000,000.00
       Cash repayments of borrowings                                                        14,250,000.00                        350,500,000.00
       Cash paid for interest and dividends                                              1,006,413,029.76                        817,906,910.83
       Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                                                            2,816,160.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows used in financing activities                                 1,020,663,029.76                      1,171,223,070.83
 Net cash flows from/used in financing activities                                         -530,663,029.76                       -531,223,070.83
 4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
 5. Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                       -9,447,033.35                       314,809,038.99
       Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the
                                                                                           205,561,434.10                        998,498,059.53
 6. Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period                                         196,114,400.75                      1,313,307,098.52

Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
               7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

               H1 2023

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                          H1 2023
                                                                                  Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                       Other equity
                                                                                                                         Spec                           Gener                                                  Non-              Total
   Item                                 instruments                                    Less:            Other
                                                                   Capital                                                ial         Surplus           al risk     Retained       Othe                     controlling      shareholders'
                Share capital      Prefer Perpe Ot                                   Treasury       comprehensive                                                                           Sub-total
                                                                  reserves                                               rese        reserves           reserv      earnings        rs                       interests          equity
                                    red       tual  he                                shares           income
                                                                                                                         rves                             es
                                   shares bonds rs
1. Balance
as at the      2,217,864,281                                   2,776,585,669       83,105,950.                   -                666,869,940.                    6,758,177,238.          12,183,346,432    128,583,656    12,311,930,089.
end of prior              .00                                             .95              55       153,044,746.45                         33                                23                       .51            .71                22
for changed                                                                                                                                                          661,172.31               661,172.31      13,842.50         675,014.81

of previous

for business
s under

2. Balance
as at          2,217,864,281                                   2,776,585,669       83,105,950.                   -                666,869,940.                    6,758,838,410.          12,184,007,604    128,597,499    12,312,605,104.
beginning of              .00                                             .95              55       153,044,746.45                         33                                54                       .82            .21                03
               Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
3. Increase/
decrease in                                                                                                                                                                                          -
the period                                                      75,583,606.35                         53,929,297.40                                                       359,768,407.67   17,167,381.   342,601,026.36
(“-” for                                                                                                                                                                                          31
3.1 Total                                                                                                                                                                                            -
                                                                                                                                                         1,226,061,335.   1,279,990,632.                 1,261,182,244.2
comprehens                                                                                            53,929,297.40                                                                        18,808,388.
                                                                                                                                                                    07                47                               9
ive income                                                                                                                                                                                          18
3.2 Capital
withdrawal                                                      75,857,731.35                                                                                              75,857,731.35                  77,498,738.22
and                                                                                                                                                                                                        1,419,479.94
3.2.2 Capital
by holders
of other
3.2.3 Share-
                                                                75,857,731.35                                                                                              75,857,731.35   221,526.93     76,079,258.28
included in
s’ equity
3.2.4 Others
3.3 Profit                                                                                                                                                                             -
                                                                                                                                                         995,805,831.1                                   -995,805,831.15
distribution                                                                                                                                                              995,805,831.15
                Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
on to                                                                                                                                                             0.00
on to
general risk
Distribution                                                                                                                                                         -
to                                                                                                                                                       995,805,831.1                    -995,805,831.15
shareholder                                                                                                                                                          5
3.3.4 Others
3.4 Internal
s’ equity
3.4.1 Capital
into capital
(or share
into capital
(or share
reserves for
making up
Changes in
                Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
3.4.5 Other
ive income
3.4.6 Others
3.5 Special
Increase in
the period
3.5.2 Used
in the
3.6 Others                                                        -274,125.00                                                                                                              -274,125.00                       -274,125.00
4. Balance
as at the      2,217,864,281                                   2,852,169,276       83,105,950.                                    666,869,940.                  6,989,093,914.          12,543,776,012    111,430,117    12,655,206,130.
end of the                .00                                             .30              55                                              33                              46                       .49            .90                39
               H1 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                          H1 2022
                                                                                  Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                      Other equity                                                                                                      Gene
                                                                                                                         Speci                                                                               Non-              Total
    Item                               instruments                                     Less:            Other                                             ral
                                                                    Capital                                                al         Surplus                     Retained       Othe                     controlling      shareholders'
                Share capital     Prefer Perpe     Ot                                Treasury       comprehensive                                        risk                              Sub-total
                                                                   reserves                                              reser       reserves                     earnings        rs                       interests          equity
                                   red       tual  her                                shares           income                                           reser
                                  shares bonds      s                                                                                                    ves
1. Balance
                2,217,864,28                                   2,978,593,891       299,999,56                    -                 166,559,856.                 5,894,941,180.          10,773,716,314    83,619,695.    10,857,336,009.
as at the
end of prior            1.00                                             .37             3.27       184,243,331.38                           09                             68                      .49            37                 86
               Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
for changed

of previous

for business
s under

2. Balance
as at           2,217,864,28                                   2,978,593,891       299,999,56                    -                 166,559,856.         5,894,941,180.   10,773,716,314    83,619,695.   10,857,336,009.
beginning of            1.00                                             .37             3.27       184,243,331.38                           09                     68               .49            37                86
3. Increase/
decrease in                                                                -                -
                                                                                                                                                        880,586,428.0                      70,506,687.   1,018,249,485.0
the period                                                     281,433,023.5       299,999,56        48,589,829.86                                                       947,742,797.60
(“-” for                                                                                                                                                          0                               41                 1
                                                                           3             3.27
3.1 Total                                                                                                                                                                                            -
                                                                                                                                                        1,695,164,644.   1,743,754,474.                  1,725,960,684.4
comprehens                                                                                           48,589,829.86                                                                         17,793,789.
ive income                                                                                                                                                          39               25                                0
3.2 Capital
withdrawal                                                     20,053,189.87                                                                                              20,053,189.87                  108,759,069.22
by                                                                                                                                                                                                  35
3.2.1                                                                                                                                                                                      88,705,879.    88,705,879.35
               Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Common                                                                                                                                                                                            35
3.2.2 Capital
by holders
of other
3.2.3 Share-
                                                                20,053,189.87                                                                                             20,053,189.87                  20,053,189.87
included in
s’ equity
3.2.4 Others
3.3 Profit                                                                                                                                                                            -
                                                                                                                                                         814,578,216.3                    -405,402.09   -814,983,618.48
distribution                                                                                                                                                             814,578,216.39
n to surplus
n to general
risk reserves
Distribution                                                                                                                                                         -
to                                                                                                                                                       814,578,216.3                    -405,402.09   -814,983,618.48
shareholder                                                                                                                                                              814,578,216.39
3.3.4 Others
3.4 Internal                                                                    -               -

                Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
transfers                                                       299,999,563.2       299,999,56
within                                                                      7             3.27
s’ equity
3.4.1 Capital
into capital
(or share
into capital
(or share
reserves for
making up
Changes in
3.4.5 Other
ive income
                                                                            -                -
3.4.6 Others                                                    299,999,563.2       299,999,56
                                                                            7             3.27
                Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
3.5 Special
Increase in
the period
3.5.2 Used
in the period
3.6 Others                                                       -1,486,650.13                                                                                                           -1,486,650.13                        -1,486,650.13
4. Balance
as at the        2,217,864,28                                   2,697,160,867                                     -                 166,559,856.                6,775,527,608.          11,721,459,112     154,126,382      11,875,585,494.
end of the               1.00                                             .84                        135,653,501.52                           09                            68                      .09            .78                   87

                8. Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity of the Company

                H1 2023

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                    H1 2023
        Item                                       Other equity instruments                                                           Other
                                                                                                              Less: Treasury                              Special                                                        Total shareholders'
                            Share capital        Preferred Perpetual Oth               Capital reserves                           comprehensive                     Surplus reserves   Retained earnings    Others
                                                                                                                  shares                                 reserves                                                               equity
                                                  shares       bonds      ers                                                        income
 1. Balance as at the
                          2,217,864,281.00                                            6,421,769,953.60        83,105,950.55        -60,000,000.00                   1,108,932,140.50   5,128,334,381.00                  14,733,794,805.55
 end of prior year
 Adjustments for
                                                                                                                                                                                             142,094.91                          142,094.91
 changed accounting

 Adjustments for
 corrections of
 previous errors
 2. Balance as at
                          2,217,864,281.00                                            6,421,769,953.60        83,105,950.55        -60,000,000.00                   1,108,932,140.50   5,128,476,475.91                  14,733,936,900.46
 beginning of year
 3. Increase/
 decrease in the
                                                                                          76,079,258.28                                                                                 -989,702,600.44                     -913,623,342.16
 period (“-” for
                Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
3.1 Total
comprehensive                                                                                                                                            6,103,230.71      6,103,230.71
3.2 Capital
contribution and
                                                                                        76,079,258.28                                                                     76,079,258.28
withdrawal by
3.2.1 Common
shares contribution
and withdrawal by
3.2.2 Capital
contribution and
withdrawal by
holders of other
equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based
payments included
                                                                                        76,079,258.28                                                                     76,079,258.28
in shareholders’
3.2.4 Others
3.3 Profit
                                                                                                                                                       -995,805,831.15   -995,805,831.15
3.3.1 Appropriation
to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Distribution
                                                                                                                                                       -995,805,831.15   -995,805,831.15
to shareholders
3.3.3 Others
3.4 Internal
transfers within
3.4.1 Capital
transferred into
capital (or share
3.4.2 Surplus
transferred into
capital (or share
              Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
3.4.3 Surplus
reserves for making
up losses
3.4.4 Changes in
defined benefit
pension schemes
transferred into
retained earnings
3.4.5 Other
income transferred
into retained
3.4.6 Others
3.5 Special reserves
3.5.1 Increase in
the period
3.5.2 Used in the
3.6 Others
4. Balance as at the
                        2,217,864,281.00                                            6,497,849,211.88        83,105,950.55        -60,000,000.00                   1,108,932,140.50   4,138,773,875.47             13,820,313,558.30
end of the period
              H1 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                H1 2022
                                               Other equity instruments                                                               Other
      Item                                                                                                    Less: Treasury                            Special                                                   Total shareholders'
                         Share capital      Preferred Perpetual                       Capital reserves                           comprehensive                    Surplus reserves   Retained earnings   Others
                                                                    Others                                        shares                               reserves                                                          equity
                                             shares      bonds                                                                       income
1. Balance as at
the end of prior       2,217,864,281.00                                              6,622,294,870.41         299,999,563.27       -60,000,000.00                  608,622,056.26    1,888,900,038.53             10,977,681,682.93
Adjustments for

Adjustments for
corrections of

              Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
previous errors
2. Balance as at
                     2,217,864,281.00                                                6,622,294,870.41         299,999,563.27       -60,000,000.00      608,622,056.26   1,888,900,038.53   10,977,681,682.93
beginning of year
3. Increase/
decrease in the
                                                                                      -279,946,373.40        -299,999,563.27                                            2,392,938,127.92    2,412,991,317.79
period (“-” for
3.1 Total
comprehensive                                                                                                                                                           3,207,516,344.31    3,207,516,344.31
3.2 Capital
contribution and
                                                                                         20,053,189.87                                                                                        20,053,189.87
withdrawal by
3.2.1 Common
contribution and
withdrawal by
3.2.2 Capital
contribution and
withdrawal by
holders of other
3.2.3 Share-based
included in                                                                              20,053,189.87                                                                                        20,053,189.87
3.2.4 Others
3.3 Profit
                                                                                                                                                                         -814,578,216.39     -814,578,216.39
Appropriation to
surplus reserves
3.3.2 Distribution
                                                                                                                                                                         -814,578,216.39     -814,578,216.39
to shareholders
3.3.3 Others
3.4 Internal                                                                          -299,999,563.27        -299,999,563.27

              Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
transfers within
3.4.1 Capital
transferred into
capital (or share
3.4.2 Surplus
transferred into
capital (or share
3.4.3 Surplus
reserves for
making up losses
3.4.4 Changes in
defined benefit
pension schemes
transferred into
retained earnings
3.4.5 Other
transferred into
retained earnings
3.4.6 Others                                                                          -299,999,563.27        -299,999,563.27
3.5 Special
3.5.1 Increase in
the period
3.5.2 Used in the
3.6 Others
4. Balance as at
the end of the       2,217,864,281.00                                                6,342,348,497.01                              -60,000,000.00      608,622,056.26   4,281,838,166.45   13,390,673,000.72

              Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of this Report, the Chinese version shall prevail.