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                                          Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Stock code: 000037, 200037   Stock abbreviation: Shennandian A, Shennandian B    Announcement No.: 2023-031

                         Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                             The Semi-Annual Report 2023

                                         August 25, 2023

                                  Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

  Section I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Interpretations

     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors
and senior officers of the Company guarantee that the contents of the semi-
annual report are true, accurate and complete, and do not contain false

records, misleading statements or major omissions, and that they bear
individual and joint legal liabilities.

     Chairman Kong Guoliang, person in charge of accounting and GM Chen
Yuhui, CFO Zhang Xiaoyin and head of accounting department (chief
accountants) Lin Xiaojia declare that the financial reports in this semi-annual
report are true, accurate and complete.
     Except director Mr. Sun Huirong was unable to attend the Board Meeting
personally to review annual report due to work reasons, authorized director
Mr. Huang Qing to attend the meeting and exercise voting rights on his behalf.
All other directors attended the Board Meeting for annual report deliberation.

     The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares,
or increase share capital through capitalization of reserves.
     Any forward-looking statements in this semi-annual report, including

future plans, do not constitute a material commitment of the Company to
investors. Investors are kindly requested to pay attention to investment risks.
     The semi-annual report is prepared in Chinese and English respectively.

In case of any ambiguity between the two versions, the Chinese version shall
prevail. Investors are advised to read the full text of this semi-annual report

                                               Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                          Table of Contents
Section I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Interpretations ................. 2
Section II Company Profile and Financial Indicators ....................................... 6
Section III Management's Discussion and Analysis ........................................... 9
Section IV Corporate Governance....................................................................... 19
Section V Environment and Social Responsibilities .......................................... 21
Section VI Important Matters .............................................................................. 24
Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders .............................................. 28
Section VIII Preferred Shares .............................................................................. 33
Section IX Bonds.................................................................................................... 34
Section X Financial Report ................................................................................... 35

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                      List of Reference Documents

I. Original of the semi-annual report 2023 bearing the signature of the Company's legal representative.

II. Financial statements signed and sealed by the Company's legal representative, chief accountant (General Manager), CFO and

head of the accounting department (accounting officer).

III. The originals of all the Company's documents and announcements that have been publicly disclosed on the designated media

during the reporting period.

IV. Place of inspection: Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the office of the Company's Board of Directors.

                                       Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

         Item of interpretation                  Refers to                         Content of interpretation
Company, the Company, Shenzhen
                                                 Refers to                 Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
Nanshan Power, listed company
                                                                           Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co.,
New Power Company                                Refers to
Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company,                                           Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric
                                                 Refers to
Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant                                              Power Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Shenzhen Shennandian Turbine
Shen Nan Dian Engineering Company                Refers to
                                                                           Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection                                       Shenzhen Shen Nan Dian Environment
                                                 Refers to
Company                                                                    Protection Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Shenzhen Server Petrochemical
Server Company                                   Refers to
                                                                           Supplying Co., Ltd.
Singapore Company                                Refers to                 Shen Nan Energy (Singapore) Co., Ltd.
Xindesheng Company                               Refers to                 Hong Kong Xingdesheng Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Nanshan Power Warehousing               Refers to                 Zhongshan Shen Nan Dian Warehousing
Company                                                                    Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Nanshan Thermal Power Station of
Nanshan Thermal Power Station                    Refers to
                                                                           Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Currency units are RMB yuan, RMB ten
RMB yuan, RMB ten thousand yuan, and                                       thousand yuan, RMB one hundred
                                                 Refers to
RMB one hundred million yuan                                               million yuan, except for the currency
                                                                           units otherwise expressed.
Reporting period                                 Refers to                 From January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

               Section II Company Profile and Financial Indicators

I. Company profile

 Stock name                          Shen Nan Dian A, Shen Nan Dian B         Stock code                    000037、200037
 Stock exchange where the
                                     Shenzhen Stock Exchange
 Company's stocks are listed
 Chinese name of the Company         Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
 Chinese abbreviation of the
                                     Shen Nan Dian
 Company (if any)
 Foreign name of the Company
                                     Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
 (if any)
 Legal representative of the
                                     Kong Guoliang

II. Contact person and contact information

                                                   Secretary of the Board of Directors           Securities affairs representative
 Name                                         Zhou Yi
                                              16th and 17th Floor, Hantang Building,
 Contact address                              Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District,
                                              Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province
 Telephone                                    0755-26003611
 Fax                                          0755-26003684
 Email                                        investor@nspower.com.cn

III. Other information

1. Contact information of the Company

Whether the Company's registered address, office address, postal code, website, e-mail address, etc. have changed during the
reporting period
 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company's registered address, office address and postal code, website and e-mail address have not changed during the
reporting period. For details, please refer to the 2022 Annual Report.

2. Place of information disclosure and provision

Whether the place of information disclosure and provision has changed during the reporting period
 Applicable  Not applicable
The stock exchange website and the name and URL of the media where the Company discloses its semi-annual report, and the
place of provision of the Company's semi-annual report have not changed during the reporting period. For details, please refer to
the 2022 Annual Report.

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

3. Other relevant information

Whether other relevant information has changed in the reporting period
 Applicable  Not applicable

IV. Key accounting data and financial indicators

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
 Yes  No

                                        The reporting period              Same period last year                 Changes YoY
 Operating revenue (RMB)                          271,268,185.05                    229,243,542.07                            18.33%
 Net profit attributable to the
 shareholders of listed                            -37,240,739.56                    -94,098,149.09                           60.42%
 company (RMB)
 Net profit attributable to
 shareholders of the listed
                                                   -54,877,330.63                  -127,505,554.48                            56.96%
 company after deducting non-
 recurring profit or loss (RMB)
 Net cash flows from operating
                                                   -57,016,489.54                   200,588,083.30                          -128.42%
 activities (RMB)
 Basic earnings per share
                                                          -0.0618                           -0.1561                           60.41%
 Diluted earnings per share
                                                          -0.0618                           -0.1561                           60.41%
 Weighted average rate of
                                                           -2.59%                            -6.00%              Increasing by 3.41%
 return on net assets
                                     At the end of the reporting                                        Change compared to the end
                                                                         At the end of last year
                                               period                                                      of the previous year.
 Total assets (RMB)                             1,982,518,782.62                  2,606,216,345.99                            -23.93%
 Net assets attributable to
 shareholders of the listed                     1,418,108,591.22                  1,455,129,894.84                             -2.54%
 company (RMB)

V. Differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards

1. Differences in net profit and net assets in the financial reports disclosed in accordance with the
international accounting standards and the Chinese accounting standards

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period of the Company, there was no difference in net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed in
accordance with international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

2. Differences in net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed in accordance with both the
international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period of the Company, there was no difference in net profit and net assets in financial reports disclosed in
accordance with the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

                                                     Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

VI. Non-recurring profit or loss items and amounts

Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                     Item                                        Amount                                      Description
 Profit or loss on disposal of non-current
 assets (including write-off of provision                                      106,021.61
 for asset impairment)
 Government subsidies included in the
 current profit or loss (except for the
 government subsidies closely related to
                                                                                              Mainly apportionment of government
 the Company's normal business, in line                                      4,065,271.26
                                                                                              subsidies related to assets
 with national policies and regulations,
 and continuously enjoyed according to a
 certain standard quota or quantity)
 Profit or loss from changes in fair value
 arising from holdings of trading financial
 assets and trading financial liabilities and
 investment income from disposal of
 trading financial assets, trading financial                                 9,342,507.91     Mainly wealth management income
 liabilities and available-for-sale financial
 assets, except for the effective hedging
 business related to the Company's normal
 business operations
 Other non-operating revenue and                                                              Mainly power outage compensation and
 expenses other than the above items                                                          insurance claim compensation
 Less: Affected amount of minority equity
 (after tax)
 Total                                                                      17,636,591.07
Specific circumstances of other profit or loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss:
 Applicable Not applicable
The Company had no specific profit or loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss.
Notes on the definition of the non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the "Interpretive Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit or Loss" as recurring profit or loss items
 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company had no circumstances of definition of the non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the "Interpretive Announcement
No. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit or Loss" as recurring profit
or loss items.

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                  Section III Management's Discussion and Analysis

I. Main business engaged in by the Company during the reporting period

     According to data released by the China Electricity Council, in the first half of 2023, the national electricity consumption of
the whole society was 4.31 trillion kWh, up 5.0% year-on-year, and the growth rate was 2.1% higher compared to the same period
last year. The recovery and improvement of national economy in the first half of the year has driven a year-on-year increase in the
growth rate of electricity consumption. In terms of industries, the electricity consumption of the primary industry was 57.8 billion
kWh, up 12.1% year on year; The electricity consumption of the secondary industry was 2,867 billion kWh, up 4.4% year on year.
the electricity consumption of the tertiary industry was 763.1 billion kWh, up 9.9% year on year; The domestic electricity
consumption of urban and rural residents was 619.7 billion kWh, up 1.3% year on year. In the first half of the year, the power
generation output of power plants above designated size in China was 4.17 trillion kWh, up 3.8% year-on-year. Among them, the
hydropower generation output of power plants above designated size dropped by 22.9% year-on-year. Insufficient water storage in
the main reservoirs and persistent low precipitation since the beginning of this year, coupled with the factors such as a high base in
the same period of the previous year, have led to a continuous year-on-year decline in hydropower output since the beginning of
this year, and the decline has expanded, with hydropower output falling by 32.9% and 33.9% year-on-year in May and June,
respectively. In the first half of the year, the thermal power and nuclear power generation outputs of power plants above
designated size increased by 7.5% and 6.5% year-on-year, respectively Full-scale grid-connected wind power generation output
increased by 21.2% year-on-year. Coal-fired power output accounted for 58.5% of the total energy output, and coal-fired power
remains the primary source of electricity supply in China. It effectively compensates for the significant decline in hydropower
output and fully plays its role in ensuring basic power supply.
     The main business of the Company is production and operation of power supply and heat supply, technical consulting and
technical services related to power plants (stations). At the end of the reporting period, the Company had two wholly-owned and
controlled gas turbine power plants with a total of five set 9E gas-steam combined cycle generating units with a total installed
capacity of 900,000 kilowatts (including 3×180,000 kilowatts of Nanshan Thermal Power Station and 2×180,000 kilowatts of
Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant). Both gas turbine power plants are located in the electricity load center area of the Pearl River
Delta, are the main peak-shaving power sources in the region, and are currently in normal production and operation. On February
21, 2022, upon the deliberation and approval of the Fifth Interim Meeting of the Ninth Session of the Board of Directors of the
Company, the Company initiated the matter of the shutdown and decommissioning of the two 9E gas turbines of the Zhongshan
Nanlang Power Plant of Shenzhen Nanshan Thermal Power, and formally submitted an application for shutdown and
decommissioning of the units to the Energy Bureau of Guangdong Province on November 24, 2022. Before obtaining the relevant
approvals and opinions, the Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant will continue to carry out the electricity generation business, which
will have no material impact on the current production and operation of the Company and the Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant for
the time being.
     In the first half of 2023, the economic situations at home and abroad were grim. Facing an extraordinarily complex and
challenging environment, the Company diligently implemented the relevant requirements from competent government authorities
at all levels regarding the security and supply of energy and electricity, took effective and efficient measures, and spared no effort
to ensure the safety and reliability of power generation, thus providing robust electricity assurance for the development of the
economy and society. From January to June 2023, the two subordinate power generation enterprises of the Company generated a
total of 299 million kWh of actual on-grid power and 595 million kWh of settlement contract power. The respective power
generation outputs of the Company's subordinate enterprises are as follows: Nanshan Thermal Power Plant generated 255 million
kWh of on-grid power and 460 million kWh of settlement contract power. Zhongshan Nanlang Power Plant generated 44 million
kWh of actual on-grid power, and 135 million kWh of settlement contract power.

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for "power supply industry" as set out in "Self-Regulation and
Supervision Guidelines No. 3 for Shenzhen Stock Exchange-Listed Companies - Industry Information Disclosure ".

II. Core competitiveness analysis

     In recent years, the Company's main business has been facing increasing difficulties and challenges due to the
macroeconomic situation and common issues in the gas turbine power generation industry. However, the fundamental core
competitiveness formed over more than thirty years of operation and development, along with strong support from the major
shareholders, innovative management practices adopted by the Company's Board of Directors and management team, have laid a
necessary foundation for the Company's ongoing operations and pursuit of transformative development. During the reporting
period, the Company adopted "activating stocks, introducing increments, transforming development" as its business objectives,
and adhered to the management principles of being regulated, scientific, pragmatic, efficient and impartial, diligently carried out
various work, and made every effort to promote the high-quality development of the Company. The Company's core
competitiveness has been further consolidated and improved.
     1. A management culture of hard work and innovation. The Company has a group of operation and management talents with
innovative consciousness and hard working spirit. By deepening the human resources reform and building a performance-oriented
performance assessment and incentive mechanism, the Company advocates and fosters a management culture of unity, hard work,
innovation and progressiveness throughout the Company, In addition, the Company attaches great importance to and vigorously
promotes the construction of its institutional, management, and compliance systems. It adheres to a standardized management that
is law-abiding, regulation-compliant scientific, rigorous, efficient and orderly. Through refined and standardized management
guidance, the Company has established a solid foundation for deeply tapping into internal potential and actively seeking external
     2. Professional and enterprising technical talents. With over thirty years of dedicated efforts and the influence in the gas
turbine power generation industry, the company has attracted and cultivated a group of technical experts and professionals in the
gas turbine industry, and has accumulated rich experiences in the construction and operation management of gas turbine power
plants. In order to align with the market situation of deepened and progressive power marketization reform in Guangdong
Province , the company has established a professional power marketing team, carried out in-depth research on power trading
strategies, explored the construction of power marketing mathematical models, and accumulated a wealth of experience in power
marketing, which has laid a solid foundation for the company to participate in the construction of a new type of power market and
to integrate itself into the wave of power marketization reform. In addition, Shen Nan Dian Engineering Company has
cumulatively provided dozens of domestic and overseas gas turbine power stations with professional services such as technical
consulting, commissioning and operation guarantee; The Company's training center has successively undertaken the technical
personnel training business for dozens of domestic and foreign power plants, has become a well-known professional talent training
base in in the domestic gas turbine industry, and has established a good reputation and professional brand image in the same
     3. Professional technical expertise that keeps pace with the times. The Company has a number of independent utility model
patents and software copyrights, has jointly drafted and compiled one national standard, and has a number of invention patents that
under review by the State Intellectual Property Office. It has been recognized as a national high-tech enterprise on December 23,
2021. The Company's research and innovation work has been continuously carried out and has received unanimous recognition
from society. During the reporting period, the Company filed to the State Intellectual Property Office a total of 7 utility model
patents and 1 invention patent applications, of which 1 utility model patent has been granted. The Company has been granted a
total of 39 patents (including 4 invention patents) and 8 software copyrights, which has greatly enhanced the company's brand
image and industry competitiveness.
     4. Rich experiences in industrial exploration. The Company has fully leveraged its own advantages, accumulated experience
in the construction and operation of new energy industry projects such as electrochemical energy storage and photovoltaic, and

                                                     Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

actively explored technological projects such as virtual power station platforms. Through technical transformation, the company's
subordinate Nanshan Thermal Power Station has filled the gap in the application of energy storage systems in the field of "black
start" of 9E-grade units in China. Through the successful operation of black start projects, the preliminary work of independent
energy storage power stations and the construction and operation of photovoltaic projects, the Company has accumulated certain
experience in the preliminary preparation, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of energy storage projects, and
trained a group of professional talents. In addition, the company's talent reserves and technological advantages in the traditional
power industry have laid a solid foundation for the Company to continuously tap the existing potential and rely on the power
market and its technical strength to enter the field of new energy services.
     5. Leading environmental protection level. The Company's subordinate power plants all use gas-fired power generation units,
adopting natural gas as fuel, and the CO2 emission in the flue gas is about 42% of that of the coal-fired power plants, providing
strong support for the national "double carbon" (carbon peaking and carbon neutrality) construction, According to the
requirements of the "2018 'Shenzhen Blue' Sustainable Action Plan" of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, the
Company has fully completed the "Shenzhen Blue" transformation of #3, #10 and #1 gas turbines of Nanshan Thermal Power
Plant. After the transformation, the nitrogen oxides emissions of each unit have been reduced to less than 15mg/m3, reaching the
world's most advanced level. Nanshan Thermal Power Plant was also selected as the best power plant of the Top Plant Award by
Power Magazine, the most authoritative magazine in the global power industry, founded in 1882.

III. Main business analysis

Year-on-year changes in key financial data

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                              The reporting period       Same period last year       Year-on-year change         Reasons for changes
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                                               increase in power
                                                                                                               generation output and
 Operating revenue                   271,268,185.05              229,243,542.07                     18.33%
                                                                                                               the increase in
                                                                                                               electricity bill
                                                                                                               settlement revenue
 Operating costs                     285,367,929.90              282,486,432.21                      1.02%
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the
 Selling and distribution                                                                                      growth of electricity
                                          897,707.82                                               100.00%
 expenses                                                                                                      sales business and the
                                                                                                               increase in expenses
                                                                                                               Mainly due to reducing
                                                                                                               and eliminating losses,
 G&A expenses                         34,513,202.72               43,777,644.68                    -21.16%
                                                                                                               and strengthening cost
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                                               decrease in financing
 Financial expenses                     6,730,365.12              16,729,716.11                    -59.77%
                                                                                                               scale and the decrease
                                                                                                               in financing cost
 Income tax expenses                          479.55
                                                                                                               Mainly due to the
                                                                                                               cyclical impact of
 R&D input                            13,297,926.31               17,072,589.13                    -22.11%
                                                                                                               R&D project
 Net cash flow from                                                                                            Mainly due to VAT
                                     -57,016,489.54              200,588,083.30                   -128.42%
 operating activities                                                                                          credit refund received

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                            in the same period of
                                                                                                            the previous year, and
                                                                                                            no such cash inflow in
                                                                                                            the current year
                                                                                                            Mainly due to the
                                                                                                            increase in cash inflow
                                                                                                            from investing
                                                                                                            activities as a result of
                                                                                                            recovery of wealth
                                                                                                            management products
 Net cash flow from                                                                                         in the current period
                                     262,106,770.11          -730,434,844.43                   135.88%
 investing activities                                                                                       and the decrease in
                                                                                                            payments for
                                                                                                            investment in wealth
                                                                                                            management products
                                                                                                            in the same period

                                                                                                            Mainly due to the
 Net cash flow from
                                    -592,949,390.25           309,964,533.04                  -291.30%      decrease in financing
 financing activities
                                                                                                            Mainly due to the
                                                                                                            significant decrease in
                                                                                                            net cash flow from
 Net increase in cash
                                    -387,622,035.71          -219,586,524.40                      -76.52%   financing activities as
 and cash equivalents
                                                                                                            compared to the same
                                                                                                            period of the previous
Major changes in the Company's profit composition or profit sources during the reporting period
 Applicable  Not applicable
There were no major changes in the profit composition or profit source of the Company during the reporting period.
Composition of operating revenue
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                   The reporting period                      Same period last year
                                                 Percentage of                              Percentage of              change
                             Amount                                      Amount
                                               operating revenue                          operating revenue
 Total operating
                           271,268,185.05                  100%        229,243,542.07                  100%                  18.33%
 By industry
 Energy industry           260,794,861.20                 96.14%       205,738,094.27                 89.75%                 26.76%
                             9,833,593.03                 3.63%         22,901,068.56                  9.99%                -57.06%
 Others                        639,730.82                 0.24%            604,379.24                  0.26%                  5.85%
 By product
 Electricity sales         260,794,861.20                 96.14%       205,738,094.27                 89.75%                 26.76%
                             9,833,593.03                 3.63%         22,901,068.56                  9.99%                -57.06%
 Others                        639,730.82                 0.24%            604,379.24                  0.26%                  5.85%
 By region
 Domestic                  271,268,185.05                  100%        229,243,542.07                  100%                  18.33%
Industries, products or regions that account for more than 10% of the Company's operating revenue or operating profit
 Applicable  Not applicable

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                Gross                               Year-on-year          Year-on-year
                                                                                change in
                     Operating revenue    Operating costs       profit                              change in             change in gross
                                                                margin                              operating costs       profit margin
 By industry
 Energy industry        260,794,861.20       281,263,633.98         -7.85%               26.76%                4.64%              22.80%
 By product
 Electricity sales      260,794,861.20       281,263,633.98         -7.85%               26.76%                4.64%              22.80%
 By region
 Domestic               271,268,185.05       285,367,929.90         -5.20%               18.33%                1.02%              18.03%
Under the circumstances that the calculation method of the Company's main business data is adjusted during the reporting period,
the Company's main business data for the latest period is adjusted according to the calculation method at the end of the reporting
 Applicable  Not applicable

IV. Non-primary business analysis

 Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                          Percentage of total                                           Whether it is
                                    Amount                                            Formation reasons
                                                                profit                                                  sustainable
                                                                                    Mainly wealth
                                                                                    management income
                                                                                                                 companies' equity
                                                                                    and shareholding
 Investment income                    19,725,870.53                   -46.21%                                    investment income
                                                                                    companies' equity
                                                                                                                 (including dividends) is
                                                                                    investment income
                                                                                    (including dividends)
                                                                                    Mainly power outage
 Non-operating revenue                 4,994,213.17                   -11.70%                                    No
 Non-operating                                                                      Non-current asset
                                           6,208.32                      -0.01%                                  No
 expenses                                                                           retirement losses, etc.

V. Analysis of assets and liabilities

1. Major changes in asset composition

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                     At the end of the reporting period          At the end of last year                                  Explanation of
                                         Percentage of                            Percentage of                            significant
                        Amount                                 Amount                               se in percentage
                                          total assets                             total assets                             changes
                                                                                                                          Mainly due to
 Cash and cash                                                                                                            the increase in
                     293,314,664.92             14.80%      675,496,266.40              25.92%                -11.12%
 equivalents                                                                                                              debt
                     144,831,860.55              7.31%      135,833,492.64                 5.21%               2.10%
 Contract assets          89,848.39              0.00%          217,009.58                 0.01%               -0.01%
 Inventories          84,996,198.57              4.29%       85,279,298.35                 3.27%               1.02%
 Investment            1,748,955.40              0.09%        1,833,344.20                 0.07%               0.02%

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 equity                 83,924,704.73             4.23%       83,496,098.24               3.20%            1.03%
 Fixed assets          578,426,240.23           29.18%       591,290,204.31           22.69%               6.49%
 Projects under
                         6,222,095.21             0.31%        4,861,062.16               0.19%            0.12%
                         4,987,282.16             0.25%        7,707,617.90               0.30%            -0.05%
                                                                                                                      Mainly due to
                       226,612,655.38           11.43%       879,957,857.44           33.76%              -22.33%     the decrease in
                                                                                                                      financing scale
                                 0.00             0.00%                0.00               0.00%            0.00%
                       105,274,084.45             5.31%       28,019,758.68               1.08%            4.23%
 Lease liabilities                                0.00%        2,262,160.03               0.09%            -0.09%
                                                                                                                      Mainly due to
                                                                                                                      the decrease in
 Trading                                                                                                              the liquidity
                       145,000,000.00             7.31%      440,013,571.10           16.88%               -9.57%
 financial assets                                                                                                     management
                                                                                                                      scale of idle
 Other current
                       238,256,408.74           12.02%       188,248,840.44               7.22%            4.80%

2. Main overseas assets

 Applicable  Not applicable

3. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

 Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                   Profit or
                                  loss from    Cumulative     Impairment       Amount
                                 changes in    changes in      provision      purchased
                     Opening                                                                sold in the      Other          Ending
      Item                        fair value    fair value       in the         in the
                     balance                                                                  current       changes         balance
                                    in the     included in      current        current
                                   current        equity        period          period
 1. Trading
                    440,013,57                                                              295,013,57                    145,000,00
                          1.10                                                                    1.10                          0.00
 2.                       0.00

                                                  Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 3. Other
 4. Other
 investment     300,615,00                                                                                               300,615,00
 s in equity          0.00                                                                                                     0.00
 Sub-total of
                740,628,57                                                               295,013,57                      445,615,00
                      1.10                                                                     1.10                            0.00
 Total of the   740,628,57                                                               295,013,57                      445,615,00
 above                1.10                                                                     1.10                            0.00
                        0.00                                                     0.00           0.00           0.00            0.00

Other changes


Whether there were significant changes in the measurement attributes of the Company's major assets during the reporting period
 Yes  No

4. Restrictions on asset rights as of the end of the reporting period

                 Item                              Ending balance (RMB)                   Balance at end of previous year (RMB)

Bank acceptance bill margin                                           27,474,594.34                                   27,474,594.34

Performance bond                                                        5,440,434.23

Total                                                                 32,915,028.57                                   27,474,594.34

VI. Investment status analysis

1. Overall situation

Applicable  Not applicable
  Investment amount during the reporting     Investment amount in the same period of
                                                                                                       Range of change
              period (RMB)                            previous year (RMB)
                                      0.00                            100,000,000.00                                      -100.00%

2. Major equity investments acquired during the reporting period

 Applicable Not applicable

                                                  Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

3. Major non-equity investments in progress during the reporting period

 Applicable  Not applicable

4. Investment in the financial assets

(1) Securities investment

 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company had no securities investment during the reporting period.

(2) Derivatives investment

 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company had no derivative investment during the reporting period.

5. Use of funds raised

 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company had no use of funds raised during the reporting period.

VII. Sale of major assets and equity

1. Sales of major assets

 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company did not sell major assets during the reporting period.

2. Sale of major equity

 Applicable  Not applicable

VIII. Analysis of major holding and shareholding companies

 Applicable  Not applicable
Major subsidiaries and shareholding companies with an impact of 10% or more on the Company's net profit
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                Com                               Register
  Company                                                                                    Operating     Operation
                pany         Main business          ed       Total assets   Net assets                                       Net profit
   name                                                                                       revenue       profit
                type                              capital
                         development of waste
                         heat utilization
                Subsi    (excluding restricted   RMB11                                                               -                -
 New Power                                                    124,581,81             -       94,131,560.
                diarie   projects): power        3.85                                                      27,851,853.      27,851,853.
 Industrial                                                         6.73    497,023.45               49
                s        generation by waste     million                                                           46               46
 Co., Ltd.
                         heat utilization; gas
                         turbine power
 Shen Nan       Subsi    Gas turbine power       RMB74        258,720,30                 -   43,549,971.               -                  -

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 Dian            diarie   generation, waste heat    6.8               6.42    524,787,26             34   28,135,239.    23,988,910.
 (Zhongsha       s        power generation,         million                         0.65                          81             88
 n) Electric              power supply and heat
 Power Co.,               supply (excluding
 Ltd.                     heat supply pipe
                          networks), wharves,
                          oil depots (excluding
                          refined oil, hazardous
                          chemicals and
                          flammable and
                          explosive products)
                          and lease of power
                          equipment and
                          facilities; land use
                          rights lease; non-
                          residential real estate
Information on acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
 Applicable  Not applicable
Notes to main holding and shareholding companies

Not applicable

IX. Structured entities controlled by the Company

 Applicable  Not applicable

X. Risks faced by the Company and countermeasures

     1. Main business: In the first half of 2023, the Guangdong Province continued to implement the trial operation of the spot
market of electricity in the south (starting with Guangdong). In a situation where the natural gas prices have not decreased
significantly compared to the same period last year, the two subordinate power plants of the Company were not only required to
fulfill their social responsibility of ensuring power supply with a high political stance, but also faced significant operational
pressure brought about by the inversion of power generation costs and electricity selling prices. In the face of the aforementioned
unfavorable policy and industry situations, in order to minimize the losses of the main business of electric power, the Company, on
the one hand, has relied on the Gas Turbine Special Committee, the natural gas Power Generation Supply Chain Special
Committee and other industry associations, to actively advocate to the relevant government departments for the implementation of
the gas-electricity price linkage mechanism and the promotion of policies such as capacity compensation and dual pricing system,
according to relevant documents as well as the actual operation situation. On the other hand, the two subordinate power plants
have continued to strengthen the overall planning of equipment management and economic operation, striving to enhance the
marginal contribution level of the power generation business.
     2. Safety management: in the context of a market-oriented electricity generation model, power plants will encounter more
flexible dispatching methods and stricter assessment policies, which places higher demands on the operation and maintenance of
the aging power generation equipment. By formulating scientific and reasonable maintenance and technical transformation plans,
and allocating corresponding funds and technical resources, the Company will continuously improve the maintenance and
governance level of equipment, implement the main responsibility for work safety, and ensure the safe and stable operation of
production facilities. At the same time, it will further strengthen training and emergency response capacity building to achieve
"five in place", namely, putting work safety responsibilities, management, investment, training and emergency rescue in place, to

                                                      Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

ensure that no human-induced work safety accidents occur in the company system, and continue to play the supporting role of the
key peak-shaving power point.
     3. Fuel procurement: in the first half of 2023, demand for natural gas was weak and supply was abundant. Meanwhile,
domestic natural gas prices weakened due to factors such as the downward trend of international natural gas prices, and the
Company's natural gas purchase price was slightly lower than that of the same period last year. Taking into account factors such as
increased demand during the traditional peak power generation period and winter heating demand reserves, the Company's natural
gas purchase price is expected to remain at the current level or slightly higher in the second half of 2023. Under the electricity spot
trading rules, the estimated power generation output cannot match the actual power generation output. Since the natural gas
purchase contract must be signed in advance, and the contracted gas volume has been determined at the time of signing, it is
difficult to match the contracted natural gas volume with the actual extracted volume. If the gas cannot be extracted as agreed due
to factors such as electricity spot trading in a later period, it may lead to related risks such as default of under-extraction of contract
volume or an increase in incremental gas prices. The Company will continue to optimize the upstream and downstream
partnerships, and exert its best efforts to reduce natural gas procurement costs while ensuring to meet the gas demand for power
     4. Land of Nanshan Thermal Power Station: according to the announcement, 2023 Urban Renewal and Land Preparation Plan
of Shenzhen City and the relevant content of its exhibits, issued by Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural
Resources, the 2023 Urban Renewal and Land Preparation Plan of Shenzhen City still includes the land acquisition and reserve as
well as related content of the Nanshan Thermal Power Station, a subordinate unit of the Company. The Company will closely
maintain communication with the relevant functional departments of Shenzhen and Nanshan District and the Shenzhen Qianhai
Administration Bureau, actively follow up on the progress of the government's relevant land preparation plan, conduct diligent
studies to formulate response strategies and work programs, and make every effort to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests
of the listed company and all shareholders.

                                                      Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                 Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Relevant information of the annual general meeting and extraordinary general meeting
held during the reporting period

1. General meetings during the reporting period

                                                           Date of           Date of
      Session          Meeting type      attendance                                               Resolution of the meeting
                                                          convening         disclosure
                                                                                          For details, please refer to the
                                                                                          Announcement on the Resolution of the
 The First
                                                                                          First Extraordinary General Meeting in
 Extraordinary       Extraordinary                      March 23,        March 23,
                                            38.36%                                        2023 (Announcement No.: 2023-011)
 General             general meeting                    2023             2023
                                                                                          disclosed by the Company on March
 Meeting in 2023
                                                                                          23, 2023 in the Securities Times and
                                                                                          For details, please refer to the
                                                                                          Announcement on the Resolution of the
 2022 Annual                                                                              2022 Annual General Meeting
                     Annual general
 General                                    38.40%      May 05, 2023     May 05, 2023     (Announcement No.: 2023-022)
 Meeting                                                                                  disclosed by the Company on May 5,
                                                                                          2023 in the Securities Times and

2. The preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restored requested to convene an
extraordinary general meeting.

 Applicable  Not applicable

II. Changes in the Company's directors, supervisors and senior officers

 Applicable  Not applicable
          Name                      Position                  Change type                  Date                        Reason
                            Chairman of the Board
 Zhai Baojun                                             Elected                   March 23, 2023
                            of Supervisors
                            Chairman of the Board
 Ye Qiliang                                              Resigned                  February 27, 2023         Retired
                            of Supervisors
                            Deputy General
 Zhang Jie                                               Resigned                  March 20, 2023            Retired

III. Profit distribution and conversion of capital reserves into share capital during the
reporting period

 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has planned not to distribute cash dividends, bonus shares or convert capital reserves into share capital in the half

                                                 Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

IV. Implementation of the Company's equity incentive plans, employee stock ownership
plans or other employee incentive measures

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee
incentive measures and their implementation.

                                                        Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                 Section V Environment and Social Responsibilities

I. Major environmental protection issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries are among the key pollutant discharge entities announced by the environmental
protection department
 Yes  No
Environmental protection related policies and industry standards

    The Company operates in the Sub-category 4411 thermal power generation industry as defined in the Industrial Classification
for National Economic Activities (GB/T 4754-2017), and currently implements the Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for
Thermal Power Plants (GB-13223-2011). Meanwhile, its affiliate, Nanshan Thermal Power Station, strictly controls nitrogen oxide
emissions in accordance with the relevant requirements of the 2018 "Shenzhen Blue" Sustainable Action Plan.

Environmental protection administrative licensing

    The Company's affiliate, Nanshan Thermal Power Station, has obtained the pollutant discharge license issued by Nanshan
Administration Bureau of the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Shenzhen City with the license number:
91440300764983799T001P. The Company's affiliate, Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd. has obtained the
pollutant discharge license issued by the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Zhongshan City, license number:

             Type of     Name of
 Name of       main        main
                                                                               Emissio         e                              Exceedi
    the      pollutant   pollutant                  Number        Distribut                                       Approve
                                      Emissio                                      n       pollutant    Total                    ng
 Compan       s and       s and                        of          ion of                                          d total
                                        n                                      concentr    discharg    emission               emission
   y or      particula   particula                  emission      emission                                        emission
                                      method                                   ation/int       e          s                   standard
 subsidiar       r           r                       outlets       outlets                                            s
                                                                                ensity     standard                               s
    ies      pollutant   pollutant
                 s           s
                                                                  In the
                                     Centraliz                                             "Shenzh
 Shenzhe                                                          plant site
                                     ed                                                    en Blue"
 n                                                                of
             Nitrogen    Nitrogen    emission                                  <15         emission               457.5
 Nanshan                                            2             Nanshan                              22 tons                0
             oxides      oxides      through                                   mg/m        standard               tons/year
 Power                                                            Thermal
                                     boiler                                                < 15
 Co., Ltd.                                                        Power
                                     stack                                                 mg/m
                                                                  In the
 Shenzhe                             Centraliz                                             "Shenzh
                                                                  plant site
 n New                               ed                                                    en Blue"
 Power       Nitrogen    Nitrogen    emission                                  <15         emission    7.18       228.75
                                                    1             Nanshan                                                     0
 Industria   oxides      oxides      through                                   mg/m        standard    tons       tons/year
 l Co.,                              boiler                                                < 15
 Ltd.                                stack                                                 mg/m
 Shen                                Centraliz                    Within
 Nan                                 ed                           Zhongsh
 Dian        Nitrogen    Nitrogen    emission                     an           <50         GB1322      6.7523     803.06
                                                    2                                                                         0
 (Zhongs     oxides      oxides      through                      Nanlang      mg/m        3           tons       tons/year
 han)                                boiler                       Power
 Electric                            stack                        Plant

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 Co., Ltd.
Treatment of pollutants

     The Company and its controlling subsidiaries have 5 sets of 9E units, Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. has 2 sets of 9E
units and Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd. has 1 set of 9E units, all with GE DLN1.0 + low nitrogen combustion system.
Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd. has two sets of 9E units with GE DLN1.0 low nitrogen combustion system.

     During the reporting period, the Company and its controlling subsidiaries strictly complied with the national laws and
regulations on environmental protection, and all the pollutants emitted met the national emission standards. There was no
environmental pollution accident, nor was there any punishment imposed by the relevant departments due to major environmental
protection issues.

Emergency plan for unexpected environmental events

     The emergency plan for environmental emergencies has been filed with the Department of Ecology and Environment of
Guangdong Province and corresponding municipal environmental protection bureaus.

Investment in environmental governance and protection and relevant information on payment of environmental protection tax

     The Company attaches great importance to the environmental protection work, and strengthens on-site management by
carrying out special work such as investigation of environmental risks and standardized management of hazardous waste. In
addition, the Company has continuously increased its investment in the maintenance of environmental protection facilities,
continuously improved and perfected the environmental protection infrastructure, and continuously improved the level of pollution
prevention and control.
     The Company has paid environmental protection tax in strict accordance with the Chairman Order No. 61 for the
Environmental Protection Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations.

Environmental self-monitoring plan

     The Company has prepared environmental self-monitoring plan which has been reviewed and approved by competent
environmental protection department; it has timely disclosed the monitoring data on the website of the environmental protection

Administrative penalties imposed due to environmental problems during the reporting period
Other environmental information that should be disclosed


Measures taken to reduce its carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects
 Applicable  Not applicable
     During the reporting period, the Company’s affiliated power stations continuously improved the efficiency of unit and
reduced carbon emissions by taking technical transformation measures such as technical transformation of unit condenser.

Other information related to environmental protection


The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for "power supply industry" as set out in "Self-Regulation and
Supervision Guidelines No. 3 for Shenzhen Stock Exchange-Listed Companies - Industry Information Disclosure ".

Environmental protection related accidents occurred in the listed company

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.


II. Undertaking of social responsibilities

     In 1H23, despite of significant challenges in production, operation, and management it faced, the Company bravely assumed
social responsibility, actively ensured electricity supply against of the inversion of power generation costs and sales prices, and
conscientiously fulfilled its social responsibilities within its capabilities. In terms of work safety, the Company strictly complied
with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Work Safety and other relevant laws and regulations. In accordance with the
principle of "common responsibility among the party and administration teams, dual responsibilities for one position, joint
management and involvement, and accountability for dereliction of duty", the Company took multiple measures to strengthen
safety management, allocated safety responsibilities to all levels layer by layer, and continued to maintain the "five-without" safety
goals. In terms of environmental protection, the Company strictly abided by the national and local environmental protection laws
and regulations, always adhered to the concept of clean power generation and recyclable economy development, and all
environmental protection work has been effectively implemented. The environmental protection emission standards have been met,
and no environmental pollution accidents have occurred. In terms of caring assistance, the Company actively implemented the
consumption poverty alleviation policy of Shenzhen, and participated in consumption poverty alleviation totaling an amount of
RMB72,000 during the reporting period, and actively fulfilled social responsibilities within its capablities.

                                                     Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                      Section VI Important Matters

I. Commitments made by the Company's actual controller, shareholders, related parties,
acquirers, the Company and other related parties that have been fulfilled within the
reporting period and those that have not been fulfilled within the time limit as of the end of
the reporting period

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, there were no commitments that were made by the actual controllers, shareholders, related parties,
acquirers, and other related parties of the Company to be fulfilled during the reporting period but failed to be fulfilled as of the end
of the reporting period.

II. Non-operational occupation of funds by the controlling shareholders and other related
parties of the listed company

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, there were no non-operational funds occupied by the controlling shareholders and other related parties
for the listed company.

III. Illegal external guarantees

 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company had no illegal external guarantee during the reporting period.

IV. Appointment and dismissal of accounting firms

Whether the semi-annual report has been audited.
 Yes  No
The Company's semi-annual report has not been audited.

V. Explanation of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on the "modified
report" of the accounting firm during the Reporting Period

 Applicable  Not applicable

VI. Explanation of the Board of Directors on the "modified report" of the previous year

 Applicable  Not applicable

VII. Bankruptcy and restructuring related matters

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no bankruptcy restructuring related matters.

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

VIII. Litigation

Major litigation and arbitration matters
 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no major litigation or arbitration matters.
Other matters of litigation
 Applicable  Not applicable

IX. Penalties and rectification

 Applicable  Not applicable

X. Integrity status of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual controller

 Applicable Not applicable

During the reporting period, the Company did not fail to comply with effective court judgments or incur significant debts that were
not repaid upon maturity, and its integrity was in good condition. During the reporting period, the Company had no controlling
shareholder or actual controller.

XI. Major related party transactions

1. Related party transactions related to daily operations

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no related party transactions related to daily operations.

2. Related party transactions arising from the acquisition and sale of assets or equity

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no related party transactions arising from the acquisition or sale of assets or equity.

3. Related party transactions arising from joint foreign investment

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no related party transactions arising from joint external investment.

4. Related claims and debts

 Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no related debt transactions.

5. Information on transactions with finance companies with association

 Applicable  Not applicable
There was no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the Company and the finance companies with association
and their related parties.

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

6. Transactions between the Company's holding finance companies and its related parties

 Applicable  Not applicable
There was no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the Company's holding finance companies and its related

7. Other major related transactions

 Applicable  Not applicable
The Company had no other major related transactions during the reporting period.

XII. Major contracts and their performance

1. Custody, contracting and lease matters

(1) Custody

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had nothing under custody.

(2) Contracting

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no contracting.

(3) Lease

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company had no leases.

2. Significant guarantees

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no significant guarantees.

3. Entrusted wealth management

   Applicable  Not applicable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB10,000

                        Sources of funds                                                                           uncollected
                                                  Amount of                                  Delinquent
                          for entrusted                                                                             amount of
    Specific type                              entrusted wealth       Undue balance          uncollected
                             wealth                                                                              financial assets
                                                 management                                    amount
                          management                                                                            with provision for
 Bank wealth
 management            Self-owned fund                21,001.37                       0                    0                     0

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 Total                                                21,001.37                      0                     0                      0

Specific conditions of high-risk entrusted wealth management with significant single amount, low safety and poor liquidity
 Applicable  Not applicable
Entrusted wealth management that may fail to recover the principal or other circumstances that may lead to impairment
 Applicable  Not applicable

4. Other major contracts

 Applicable  Not applicable

XIII. Explanation of other major matters

Applicable  Not applicable

     Nanshan Thermal Power Station's land-related matters: in Jun. 2023, the Company learned the Notice of the Shenzhen
Planning and Natural Resources Bureau on Issuing the 2023 Urban Renewal and Land Preparation Plan for Shenzhen on the
website of the Shenzhen Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources. According to the relevant contents of the attached table, the
land preparation project of Qianhai Cooperation Zone in 2023 still includes the land purchase and storage of the Company's
affiliated Nanshan Thermal Power Station and other related contents. (For details, please refer to the Announcement on the
Issuance of the 2023 Urban Renewal and Land Preparation Plan for Shenzhen by the Shenzhen Bureau of Planning and Natural
Resources (Announcement No.: 2023-023) disclosed by the Company in the Securities Times and CNINF.)
    Except for the above matters, there was no progress or change in the refundable funds of the Company's "Project Technical
Transformation Benefit Fund" during the reporting period.

XIV. Major matters of the Company's subsidiaries

 Applicable  Not applicable

                                                 Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                       Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                          Unit: share
                            Before the change            Increase or decrease in this change (+, -)             After the change
                                                            Bon      ion of
                                                             us     provide
                          Quantity      Ratio      s                              Others      Sub-total       Quantity       Ratio
                                                            issu    nt fund
                                                              e       into
I. Shares with
restrictive conditions      12,994     0.0022%                                       4,331            4,331     17,325      0.0029%
for sales
  1. State-owned
  2. Shares held by
the state-owned legal
  3. Other domestic
                            12,994     0.0022%                                       4,331            4,331     17,325      0.0029%
     Including: shares
held by domestic legal
     Shares held by
domestic natural            12,994     0.0022%                                       4,331            4,331     17,325      0.0029%
  4. Foreign
     Including: shares
held by overseas legal
     Shares held by
overseas natural
II. Shares without
                          602,749,6                                                                           602,745,2
restrictive conditions                99.9978%                                      -4,331        -4,331                  99.9971%
                                02                                                                                  71
for sales
  1. RMB ordinary         338,895,1                                                                           338,890,8
                                      56.2236%                                      -4,331        -4,331                  56.2229%
shares                          56                                                                                  25
   2. Foreign shares      263,854,4                                                                           263,854,4
                                      43.7742%                                                                            43.7742%
listed domestically             46                                                                                  46
   3. Foreign shares
listed overseas
  4. Others

                                                        Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

III. Total number of        602,762,5                                                                            602,762,5
                                          100.00%                                            0              0                     100.00%
shares                            96                                                                                   96

Reasons for changes in shares
 Applicable  Not applicable

On March 20, 2023, Ms. Zhang Jie resigned from the position of the Company's Deputy General Manager due to reaching the
statutory retirement age, and all the 17,325 A-shares of the Company held by her were locked within 6 months from the date of her

Approval of changes in shares
 Applicable  Not applicable
Transfer of changes in shares
 Applicable  Not applicable
Implementation progress of share repurchase
 Applicable  Not applicable
Implementation progress of reducing and repurchasing shares through centralized bidding
 Applicable  Not applicable
Effect of changes in shares on financial indicators such as basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share in the latest year
and the latest period, and net assets per share attributable to the Company's ordinary shareholders
 Applicable  Not applicable
Other contents deemed necessary by the Company or required by the securities regulators to be disclosed
 Applicable  Not applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares

 Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                                                                Unit: share

               Beginning                       in         Ending
  Shareh                     restricted
               number of                   restricted    number of                                                Date of lifting sales
   older                       shares                                     Reasons for sales restriction
               restricted                  shares in     restricted                                                   restrictions
   name                       lifted in
                 shares                   the current      shares
                            the current
                                                                                                                All the 17,325 A-shares
                                                                                                                held by Ms. Zhang Jie
                                                                      On March 20, 2023, Ms. Zhang Jie          will be locked within
                                                                      resigned from the position of the         half a year from the date
                                                                      Company's Deputy General                  of her resignation, and
                                                                      Manager of the Company due to             she still needs to
                  12,994             0         4,331        17,325    reaching the statutory retirement         comply with the
                                                                      age, and all the 17,325 A-shares of       relevant provisions on
                                                                      the Company held by her were              the restriction of the
                                                                      locked within 6 months from the           sale of shares of
                                                                      date of her resignation.                  directors, supervisors
                                                                                                                and senior officers after
                                                                                                                half a year.
  Total           12,994             0         4,331        17,325                     --                                  --

                                                  Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

II. Issuance and listing of securities

 Applicable  Not applicable

III. Number of the Company's shareholders and shareholding status

                                                                                                                       Unit: share

 Total number of ordinary                                    Total number of preferred shareholders with
 shareholders at the end of                        78,421    restoration of voting rights at the end of the                      0
 the reporting period.                                       reporting period (if any) (see Note 8)
                 Shareholdings of ordinary shareholders or top 10 ordinary shareholders holding 5% or more shares
                                              Quantity of                  Quantity of        Number of       Pledge, marking or
                                               ordinary       Change         ordinary       ordinary shares        freezing
 Shareholder     Shareholder    Sharehol      shares held    during the    shares with          without
    name           nature       ding ratio   at the end of   reporting      restrictive        restrictive    Share
                                             the reporting     period      conditions        conditions for               Quantity
                                                 period                      for sales            sales
 NAM HOI        Foreign
                                  15.28%      92,123,248                                         92,123,248
 (INTERNA       legal person
 Guangju        State-owned
                                  12.22%      73,666,824                                         73,666,824
 Industrial     legal person
 Co., Ltd.
 Energy         State-owned
                                  10.80%      65,106,130                                         65,106,130
 Group Co.,     legal person
 SECURITI       Foreign
                                   2.34%      14,104,038       -5,000                            14,104,038
 ES             legal person
 Zeng Ying      natural            1.19%        7,159,600                                         7,159,600
 Securities     Foreign
                                   0.90%        5,425,628      -5,100                             5,425,628
 (Hong          legal person
 Kong) Co.,
 and                               0.87%        5,223,200                                         5,223,200
                owned legal
 Co., Ltd.
 l Securities   Foreign
                                   0.65%        3,908,357                                         3,908,357
 Company        legal person

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                natural                0.64%      3,866,500                                        3,866,500
Li Baoqin       natural                0.51%      3,048,150                                        3,048,150
Strategic investors or general legal
persons becoming the top 10
ordinary shareholders due to              None
placement of new shares (if any)
(see Note 3)
                                          1. Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd., holds 100% equity of the HONG KONG NAM HOI
Association or concerted action of        (INTERNATIONAL) LTD.
the above shareholders                    2. The Company does not know whether the above-mentioned other public shareholders
                                          have any association or are persons acting in concert.
Explanation of the above
shareholders' involvement in
entrusting/being entrusted voting
rights and waiver of voting rights
Special explanation for the
existence of repurchase accounts
among the top 10 shareholders (if
any) (see Note 11)
                      Shareholding of the top 10 ordinary shareholders without restrictive conditions for sales
                                          Ending number of ordinary shares                       Classes of shares
         Shareholder name                 without restrictive conditions for
                                                         sales                      Classes of shares                Quantity

HONG KONG NAM HOI                                                              Foreign shares listed
                                                                92,123,248                                               92,123,248
(INTERNATIONAL) LTD.                                                           domestically
Shenzhen Guangju Industrial Co.,
                                                                73,666,824     RMB ordinary shares                       73,666,824
Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd.                                 65,106,130     RMB ordinary shares                       65,106,130
                                                                               Foreign shares listed
SECURITIES                                                      14,104,038                                               14,104,038
                                                                               Foreign shares listed
Zeng Ying                                                         7,159,600                                               7,159,600
China Merchants Securities (Hong                                               Foreign shares listed
                                                                  5,425,628                                               5,425,628
Kong) Co., Ltd.                                                                domestically
Meiyi Investment and Property Co.,
                                                                  5,223,200    RMB ordinary shares                        5,223,200
                                                                               Foreign shares listed
International Securities Company                                  3,908,357                                               3,908,357
Limited-Account Client
Huang Yilong                                                      3,866,500    RMB ordinary shares                        3,866,500
                                                                               Foreign shares listed
Li Baoqin                                                         3,048,150                                               3,048,150
Description of association or
concerted action among the top 10         1. Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd., holds 100% equity of the HONG KONG NAM HOI
ordinary shareholders without             (INTERNATIONAL) LTD.
restrictive condition for sales and       2. The Company does not know whether the above-mentioned other public shareholders
that between the top 10 ordinary          have any association or are persons acting in concert.
shareholders without restrictive

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 condition for sales and the top 10
 ordinary shareholders
 Description of the top 10 ordinary
 shareholders' participation in
 margin financing and securities         None
 lending business (if any) (see Note

Whether the Company's top 10 ordinary shareholders and the top 10 ordinary shareholders without restrictive condition for sales
conduct any agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period
 Yes  No
The Company's top 10 ordinary shareholders, and top 10 ordinary shareholders without restrictive condition for sales did not
conduct any agreed repurchase transaction during the reporting period.

IV. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior officers

 Applicable  Not applicable
There were no changes in the shareholdings of the Company's directors, supervisors and senior officers during the reporting period.
For details, please refer to the 2022 Annual Report.

V. Changes in the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

Changes in controlling shareholders during the reporting period
 Applicable  Not applicable
There was no change in the controlling shareholder of the Company during the reporting period.
Changes in actual controller during the reporting period
 Applicable  Not applicable
There was no change in the actual controller of the Company during the reporting period.

                                                  Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                    Section VIII Preferred Shares

 Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no preferred shares.

                               Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                              Section IX Bonds

 Applicable  Not applicable

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                         Section X Financial Report

I. Auditor's report

Whether the semi-annual report has been audited.
 Yes  No
The Company's semi-annual report has not been audited.

II. Financial statements

The unit in the notes to the financial statements is: RMB

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                      Item                                  June 30, 2023                           January 1, 2023
 Current assets:
    Cash and cash equivalents                                          293,314,664.92                           675,496,266.40
    Settlement reserve
    Loans to other banks and other
 financial institutions
    Trading financial assets                                           145,000,000.00                           440,013,571.10
    Derivative financial assets
    Notes receivable
    Accounts receivable                                                144,831,860.55                           135,833,492.64
    Receivables financing
    Advances to suppliers                                               53,931,606.71                            45,448,287.86
    Premium receivable
    Reinsurance accounts receivable
    Reinsurance contract reserves
    Other receivables                                                   18,852,212.98                            18,314,003.84
      Including: interest receivable
              Dividends receivable
    Purchase of financial assets under
 resale agreements
    Inventories                                                         84,996,198.57                            85,279,298.35
    Contract assets                                                         89,848.39                                 217,009.58
    Assets held for sale
   Non-current assets maturing within
 one year

                                        Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

  Other current assets                                     238,256,408.74                           188,248,840.44
Total current assets                                       979,272,800.86                         1,588,850,770.21
Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances
  Claim investments
  Other claim investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                              83,924,704.73                            83,496,098.24
   Other investments in equity
                                                           300,615,000.00                           300,615,000.00
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                                      1,748,955.40                             1,833,344.20
  Fixed assets                                             578,426,240.23                           591,290,204.31
  Projects under construction                                6,222,095.21                             4,861,062.16
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                        4,987,282.16                             7,707,617.90
  Intangible assets                                         19,454,429.10                            19,799,355.12
  R&D expenses
  Long-term deferred expenses                                  970,463.62                             1,219,129.18
  Deferred tax assets                                        1,172,366.49                             1,172,366.49
  Other non-current assets                                   5,724,444.82                             5,371,398.18
Total of non-current assets                              1,003,245,981.76                         1,017,365,575.78
Total assets                                             1,982,518,782.62                         2,606,216,345.99
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                    226,612,655.38                           879,957,857.44
  Borrowing from the Central Bank
   Borrowings from banks and other
financial institutions
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                            137,298,902.17                           137,298,902.17
  Accounts payable                                           4,121,762.97                             5,227,836.22
  Advances from customers
  Contract liabilities
  Sale of financial assets under
repurchase agreements
   Deposits from customers and
  Funds from vicariously traded
  Funds from vicariously underwritten

                                               Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

   Employee compensation payable                                     29,287,941.48                            29,296,815.07
   Taxes payable                                                      7,269,477.80                             5,107,666.73
   Other payables                                                    22,785,089.94                            22,997,466.80
      Including: Interest payable
              Dividends payable
   Service fee and commission payable
   Reinsurance premium payable
   Liabilities held for sale
   Non-current liabilities maturing within
                                                                      5,495,936.70                             6,014,119.95
 one year
   Other current liabilities                                             12,787.72                                21,600.00
 Total current liabilities                                          432,884,554.16                         1,085,922,264.38
 Non-current liabilities:
   Reserves for insurance contracts
   Long-term borrowings                                             105,274,084.45                            28,019,758.68
   Bonds payable
      Including: preferred shares
              Perpetual bond
   Lease liabilities                                                                                           2,262,160.03
   Long-term payables
   Long-term employee compensation
   Estimated liabilities                                             15,000,000.00                            15,000,000.00
   Deferred income                                                   78,966,632.06                            82,145,596.60
   Deferred tax liabilities
   Other non-current liabilities                                         45,112.54                                47,511.72
 Total non-current liabilities                                      199,285,829.05                          127,475,027.03
 Total liabilities                                                  632,170,383.21                         1,213,397,291.41
 Owner's equity:
  Share capital                                                     602,762,596.00                          602,762,596.00
  Other equity instruments
    Including: preferred shares
            Perpetual bond
  Capital reserves                                                  362,770,922.10                          362,770,922.10
  Less: treasury stock
  Other comprehensive income                                          -2,500,000.00                           -2,500,000.00
   Special reserves                                                     219,435.94
   Surplus reserves                                                 332,908,397.60                          332,908,397.60
   General risk reserves
   Undistributed profit                                             121,947,239.58                          159,187,979.14
 Total equity attributable to the owners of
                                                                   1,418,108,591.22                        1,455,129,894.84
 parent company
   Minority equity                                                   -67,760,191.81                          -62,310,840.26
 Total owner's equity                                              1,350,348,399.41                        1,392,819,054.58
 Total liabilities and owners' equity                              1,982,518,782.62                        2,606,216,345.99
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief accountant: Chen Yuhui    CFO: Zhang Xiaoyin   Head of the accounting department: Lin

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2. Balance sheet of the parent company

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Item                      June 30, 2023                            January 1, 2023
 Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                               264,152,583.51                           652,703,545.21
   Trading financial assets                                145,000,000.00                           440,013,571.10
   Derivative financial assets
   Notes receivable
   Accounts receivable                                      54,764,958.01                            47,995,982.82
   Receivables financing
   Advances to suppliers                                    22,319,802.97                            29,715,650.29
   Other receivables                                       919,550,297.33                           851,189,111.89
      Including: interest receivable
              Dividends receivable
   Inventories                                              79,038,144.88                            79,504,053.32
   Contract assets
   Assets held for sale
   Non-current assets maturing within
 one year
   Other current assets                                    230,188,501.37                           180,501,049.31
 Total current assets                                    1,715,014,288.07                         2,281,622,963.94
 Non-current assets:
   Claim investments
   Other claim investments
   Long-term receivables
   Long-term equity investments                            352,264,960.27                           352,171,153.27
    Other investments in equity
                                                           160,615,000.00                           160,615,000.00
   Other non-current financial assets
   Investment properties
   Fixed assets                                            272,700,853.74                           279,587,315.87
   Projects under construction                                 3,337,206.33                           1,976,173.28
   Productive biological assets
   Oil and gas assets
   Right-of-use assets                                         4,987,282.16                           7,707,617.90
   Intangible assets                                            168,431.13                                193,607.19
   R&D expenses
   Long-term deferred expenses                                  902,817.19                            1,106,385.13
   Deferred tax assets
   Other non-current assets
 Total of non-current assets                               794,976,550.82                           803,357,252.64

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Total assets                                                 2,509,990,838.89                         3,084,980,216.58
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                        226,612,655.38                           285,705,357.36
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                137,298,902.17                           737,298,902.17
  Accounts payable                                               1,590,154.08                             3,759,009.04
  Advances from customers
  Contract liabilities
  Employee compensation payable                                 21,000,126.20                            18,905,560.54
  Taxes payable                                                  3,154,830.93                             1,203,569.67
  Other payables                                               167,052,061.36                           170,451,537.10
     Including: Interest payable
               Dividends payable
  Liabilities held for sale
  Non-current liabilities maturing within
                                                                 5,495,936.70                             6,014,119.95
one year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                      562,204,666.82                         1,223,338,055.83
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                         105,274,084.45                            28,019,758.68
  Bonds payable
     Including: preferred shares
               Perpetual bond
  Lease liabilities                                                                                       2,262,160.03
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee compensation
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income                                               47,245,826.04                            48,978,528.78
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                  152,519,910.49                            79,260,447.49
Total liabilities                                              714,724,577.31                         1,302,598,503.32
Owner's equity:
 Share capital                                                 602,762,596.00                           602,762,596.00
 Other equity instruments
   Including: preferred shares
           Perpetual bond
 Capital reserves                                              289,963,039.70                           289,963,039.70
 Less: treasury stock
 Other comprehensive income
  Special reserves                                                 219,435.94
  Surplus reserves                                             332,908,397.60                           332,908,397.60
  Undistributed profit                                         569,412,792.34                           556,747,679.96
Total owner's equity                                         1,795,266,261.58                         1,782,381,713.26

                                              Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 Total liabilities and owners' equity                            2,509,990,838.89                         3,084,980,216.58
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief accountant: Chen Yuhui CFO: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the accounting department: Lin

3. Consolidated income statement

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                    Item                                  1H23                                     1H22
 I. Total revenue                                                 271,268,185.05                           229,243,542.07
   Including: operating revenue                                   271,268,185.05                           229,243,542.07
            Interest income
            Premiums earned
         Income from service fee and
 II. Total operating costs                                        342,848,838.47                           362,962,644.74
   Including: operating costs                                     285,367,929.90                           282,486,432.21
            Interest expenses
         Expenses on service fee and
            Surrender value
            Net amount of compensation
           Net change in insurance
 contract reserves
            Policy dividend payout
            Cost of reinsurance
            Taxes and surcharges                                    2,041,706.60                             2,896,262.61
            Selling and distribution
            G&A expenses                                           34,513,202.72                            43,777,644.68
            R&D expenses                                           13,297,926.31                            17,072,589.13
            Financial expenses                                      6,730,365.12                            16,729,716.11
              Including: interest expenses                         11,768,338.22                            20,539,845.79
                      Interest income                               3,020,964.70                             3,594,848.74
   Plus: other income                                               4,065,271.26                             4,440,645.78
        Investment income (loss
                                                                   19,725,870.53                            27,741,227.07
 expressed with "-")
             Including: income from
 investment in associates and joint                                 1,643,156.49                             -1,471,602.77
                     Gain from
 derecognition of financial assets
 measured at amortized cost
        Foreign exchange gains (loss
 expressed with "-")
          Net exposure hedging gains (loss

                                                Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

expressed with "-")
        Gains from changes in fair value
(losses expressed with "-")
        Credit loss (loss expressed with
       Asset impairment loss (loss
expressed with "-")
        Gains from disposal of assets
(losses expressed with "-")
III. Operation profit (loss expressed with
                                                                   -47,677,616.41                          -101,537,229.82
  Plus: non-operating revenue                                        4,994,213.17
  Less: non-operating expenses                                           6,208.32                               228,495.85
IV. Total profit (total loss expressed with
                                                                   -42,689,611.56                          -101,765,725.67
  Less: income tax expenses                                                479.55
V. Net profit (net loss expressed with "-
                                                                   -42,690,091.11                          -101,765,725.67
   (i) Classified as per business
      1. Net profit from continuing
                                                                   -42,690,091.11                          -101,765,725.67
operations (net loss expressed with "-")
      2. Net profit from discontinued
operations (net loss expressed with "-")
   (II) Classified as per attribution of
      1. Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the parent company (net                            -37,240,739.56                            -94,098,149.09
loss expressed with "-")
      2. Minority interest (net loss
                                                                    -5,449,351.55                             -7,667,576.58
expressed with "-")
VI. Net after-tax amount of other
comprehensive income
   Net amount of other comprehensive
income after tax attributed to parent
company owners
      (i) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into the profit
or loss
         1. Changes arising from re-
measurement of defined benefit plans
         2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be transferred to profit or loss
under the equity method
         3. Other changes in fair value of
investments in equity instruments
         4. Changes in fair value of the
enterprise's own credit risk
         5. Others
      (ii) Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified into profit or loss
         1. Other comprehensive income
of convertible profit or loss under the
equity method

                                                   Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

          2. Changes in fair value of other
 claim investments
          3. Amount of financial assets
 reclassified into the other comprehensive
          4. Credit provision for
 impairment of other claim investments
          5. Hedging reserves for cash flow
          6. Differences arising from
 foreign currency financial statements
          7. Others
    Net amount of other comprehensive
 income after tax attributable to minority
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                         -42,690,091.11                             -101,765,725.67
    Total comprehensive income
 attributable to the owner of the parent                                 -37,240,739.56                              -94,098,149.09
    Total comprehensive income
                                                                          -5,449,351.55                                -7,667,576.58
 attributable to the minority shareholders
 VIII. Earnings per share:
    (I) Basic earnings per share                                                -0.0618                                      -0.1561
    (II) Diluted earnings per share                                             -0.0618                                      -0.1561
In case of any business combination under the same control in the current period, the net profit realized by the combinee before the
combination was RMB0.00, and the net profit realized by the combinee in the previous period was RMB0.00.

Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief accountant: Chen Yuhui CFO: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the accounting department: Lin

4. Income statement of the parent company

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                    Item                                        1H23                                         1H22
 I. Operating revenue                                                   167,763,232.36                               129,074,352.66
    Less: operating costs                                               167,385,274.90                               153,243,699.14
          Taxes and surcharges                                              797,742.96                                  1,561,901.55
          Selling and distribution expenses                                 333,513.64
          G&A expenses                                                   13,560,282.42                                14,624,528.90
          R&D expenses                                                     8,859,406.25                               11,637,676.90
          Financial expenses                                             -15,313,487.00                                 1,145,966.46
            Including: interest expenses                                   6,443,539.09                               18,356,302.31
                   Interest income                                       -22,272,424.92                               17,449,061.98
    Plus: other income                                                     2,014,744.97                                 2,453,965.18
        Investment income (loss
                                                                         17,708,671.86                                28,915,295.59
 expressed with "-")
          Including: income from
 investment in associates and joint                                        1,308,357.00
                  Gains from
 derecognition of financial assets
 measured by amortized cost (losses

                                                Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

expressed with "-")
       Net exposure hedging gains (loss
expressed with "-")
        Gains from changes in fair value
(losses expressed with "-")
        Credit loss (loss expressed with
       Asset impairment loss (loss
expressed with "-")
        Gains from disposal of assets
(losses expressed with "-")
II. Operation profit (loss expressed with
                                                                    11,823,916.01                            -21,770,159.52
  Plus: non-operating revenue                                          847,884.24
  Less: non-operating expenses                                           6,208.32                               218,495.85
III. Total profit (total losses expressed
                                                                    12,665,591.93                            -21,988,655.37
with "-")
  Less: income tax expenses                                                479.55
IV. Net profit (net losses expressed with
                                                                    12,665,112.38                            -21,988,655.37
   (I) Net profit from continuing
                                                                    12,665,112.38                            -21,988,655.37
operations (net losses expressed with "-")
   (II) Net profit from discontinued
operations (net losses expressed with "-")
V. Net after-tax amount of other
comprehensive income
      (i) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into the profit
or loss
         1. Changes arising from re-
measurement of defined benefit plans
         2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be transferred to profit or loss
under the equity method
         3. Other changes in fair value of
investments in equity instruments
         4. Changes in fair value of the
enterprise's own credit risk
         5. Others
      (ii) Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified into profit or loss
         1. Other comprehensive income
of convertible profit or loss under the
equity method
         2. Changes in fair value of other
claim investments
         3. Amount of financial assets
reclassified into the other comprehensive
         4. Credit provision for
impairment of other claim investments
         5. Hedging reserves for cash flow
         6. Differences arising from
foreign currency financial statements

                                              Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

         7. Others
 VI. Total comprehensive income                                   12,665,112.38                            -21,988,655.37
 VII. Earnings per share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share
   (II) Diluted earnings per share
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief accountant: Chen Yuhui CFO: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the accounting department: Lin

5. Consolidated statement of cash flows

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                    Item                                  1H23                                     1H22
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
    Cash received from sales of goods and
                                                                 296,915,732.81                           210,746,338.10
 rendering of services
    Net increase in deposits from
 customers and due from other banks and
 financial institutions
   Net increase in borrowings from the
 Central Bank
   Net increase in borrowings from banks
 and other financial institutions
    Cash received from receiving
 insurance premium of original insurance
   Net cash receipts from reinsurance
   Net increase in policyholders' deposits
 and investments
   Cash receipts from interest, service fee
 and commission
   Net increase in loans from banks and
 other financial institutions
   Net increase in funds from repurchase
   Net cash receipts from acting trading
   Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                                         321,785,326.40
   Other cash receipts relating to
                                                                  12,296,599.09                            45,493,756.61
 operating activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                                 309,212,331.90                           578,025,421.11
    Cash paid for purchase of goods and
                                                                 280,708,443.46                           283,749,702.63
 receiving of services
   Net increase in customer loans and
    Net increase in deposits with central
 bank and other banks and financial
   Cash payments for original insurance
 contract claims
   Net increase in loans to banks and

                                              Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

other financial institutions
  Cash payments for interest, service fee
and commission
  Cash payments for policyholder
   Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                  54,829,117.40                            64,322,418.53
   Cash payments for taxes                                        12,312,023.45                             7,023,037.32
   Cash paid for other operating activities
                                                                  18,379,237.13                            22,342,179.33
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                                 366,228,821.44                           377,437,337.81
operating activities
Net cash flow from operating activities                          -57,016,489.54                           200,588,083.30
II. Cash flows from the investing
   Cash receipts from investment
   Cash received from the investment
                                                                  29,300,616.97                            19,707,290.27
   Net cash received from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other                            550,880.00
long-term assets
   Net cash received from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Other cash received in connection with
investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                                                 314,861,717.34                            19,707,290.27
   Cash paid for acquiring and
constructing fixed assets, intangible                              2,754,947.23                             2,242,860.09
assets and other long-term assets
   Cash paid for investments                                                                              747,899,274.61
  Net increase in pledged loans
   Net cash paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash paid for other investing activities                       50,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                                  52,754,947.23                           750,142,134.70
Net cash flow from investing activities                          262,106,770.11                          -730,434,844.43
III. Cash flows from the financing
   Cash received from the absorption of
   Including: Cash received from
absorption of investments of minority
shareholders by subsidiaries
   Cash received from borrowings                                 265,878,587.77                         1,021,949,358.06
   Cash received in connection with other
financing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
                                                                 265,878,587.77                         1,021,949,358.06
  Cash paid for debt repayments                                  847,229,358.05                           706,518,623.08
   Cash paid for the distribution of
dividends and profits or the payment of                            6,158,185.74                             5,466,201.94
  Including: dividends and profits paid

                                               Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 to minority shareholders by subsidiaries
    Cash paid for other financing activities                        5,440,434.23
 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                                  858,827,978.02                            711,984,825.02
 financing activities
 Net cash flow from financing activities                         -592,949,390.25                            309,964,533.04
 IV. Effect of fluctuation in exchange rate
                                                                      237,073.97                                295,703.69
 on cash and cash equivalents
 V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                 -387,622,035.71                           -219,586,524.40
    Plus: beginning balance of cash and
                                                                  648,021,672.06                            689,604,633.59
 cash equivalents
 VI. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                  260,399,636.35                            470,018,109.19
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief accountant: Chen Yuhui CFO: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the accounting department: Lin

6. The statement of cash flows of the parent company

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                     Item                                 1H23                                      1H22
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
    Cash received from sales of goods and
                                                                  238,785,052.21                            195,459,447.73
 rendering of services
    Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                                          317,508,755.71
    Other cash receipts relating to
                                                                   56,464,858.58                            882,162,936.47
 operating activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating
                                                                  295,249,910.79                           1,395,131,139.91
    Cash paid for purchase of goods and
                                                                  169,853,255.01                            139,104,100.10
 receiving of services
    Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                   33,292,463.79                             42,760,321.94
    Cash payments for taxes                                         4,813,280.65                                366,550.16
    Cash paid for other operating activities
                                                                  129,718,913.30                            358,690,786.29
 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                                  337,677,912.75                            540,921,758.49
 operating activities
 Net cash flow from operating activities                          -42,428,001.96                            854,209,381.42
 II. Cash flows from the investing
    Cash receipts from investment
    Cash received from the investment
                                                                   27,618,217.79                             19,707,290.27
    Net cash received from the disposal of
 fixed assets, intangible assets and other
 long-term assets
    Net cash received from the disposal of
 subsidiaries and other business units
    Other cash received in connection with
 investing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows from investing
                                                                  312,628,438.16                             19,707,290.27
    Cash paid for acquiring and
 constructing fixed assets, intangible                              2,608,372.23                                780,194.99
 assets and other long-term assets

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

    Cash paid for investments                                                                                           747,899,274.61
    Net cash paid for acquisition of
 subsidiaries and other business units
    Cash paid for other investing activities                             63,500,000.00
 Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
                                                                         66,108,372.23                                  748,679,469.60
 Net cash flow from investing activities                                246,520,065.93                              -728,972,179.33
 III. Cash flows from the financing
    Cash received from the absorption of
    Cash received from borrowings                                       265,878,587.77                                  439,191,858.06
    Cash received in connection with other
 financing activities
 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
                                                                        265,878,587.77                                  439,191,858.06
    Cash paid for debt repayments                                       847,229,358.05                                  706,518,623.08
    Cash paid for the distribution of
 dividends and profits or the payment of                                   6,155,786.56                                   5,466,201.94
    Cash paid for other financing activities                             10,578,867.57
 Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                                                        863,964,012.18                                  711,984,825.02
 financing activities
 Net cash flow from financing activities                                -598,085,424.41                             -272,792,966.96
 IV. Effect of fluctuation in exchange rate
                                                                                1,964.51                                      1,767.29
 on cash and cash equivalents
 V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                        -393,991,395.93                             -147,553,997.58
    Plus: beginning balance of cash and
                                                                        625,228,950.87                                  592,751,213.88
 cash equivalents
 VI. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                        231,237,554.94                                  445,197,216.30
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief accountant: Chen Yuhui CFO: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the accounting department: Lin

7. Consolidated statement of changes in owner's equity

Current amount

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                           Owner's equity attributable to the parent company
                              Other equity                       Oth                                                              Tota
                              instruments                Less     er                              Und                               l
                                                                                           Gen                            Min
     Item         Shar                           Capi       :    com     Spe     Surp             istri                   ority   own
                          Pref    Perp                                                     eral
                    e                             tal    treas   preh    cial     lus             bute    Oth   Sub-      equi    er's
                          erre    etua                                                     risk
                  capi                    Oth    rese     ury    ensi    rese    rese               d     ers   total      ty     equi
                           d        l                                                      rese
                   tal                    ers    rves     stoc    ve     rves    rves             prof                             ty
                          shar    bon                                                      rves
                                                            k    inco                               it
                           es       d                             me
                  602,                            362,              -            332,             159,          1,45              1,39
 I. Ending                                                                                                                 62,3
                  762,                            770,           2,50            908,             187,          5,12              2,81
 balance last                                                                                                              10,8
                  596.                            922.           0,00            397.             979.          9,89              9,05
 year                                                                                                                      40.2
                   00                              10            0.00             60               14           4.84              4.58

                         Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

changes of
justments for
correction of
errors in
prior year
under the
same control
                 602,   362,            -           332,           159,          1,45           1,39
II. Beginning                                                                           62,3
                 762,   770,         2,50           908,           187,          5,12           2,81
balance this                                                                            10,8
                 596.   922.         0,00           397.           979.          9,89           9,05
year                                                                                    40.2
                  00     10          0.00            60             14           4.84           4.58
III. Current                                                          -             -              -
increases/dec                                219,                  37,2          37,0           42,4
reases ("-"                                  435.                  40,7          21,3           70,6
for                                           94                   39.5          03.6           55.1
decreases)                                                            6             2              7
                                                                      -             -              -
(I) Total                                                          37,2          37,2           42,6
comprehensi                                                        40,7          40,7           90,0
ve income                                                          39.5          39.5           91.1
                                                                      6             6              1
(II) Capital
or reduced
by owners
1. Ordinary
by owners
2. Capital
by holders of
other equity
3. Amounts
of share-
included in
the owner's
4. Others
(III) Profit

                 Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

of surplus
of general
risk reserves
3. Profit
distributed to
owners (or
4. Others
(IV) Internal
forward of
of capital
reserves into
capital (or
share capital)
of surplus
reserves into
capital (or
share capital)
3. Making up
losses with
4. Carry-
forward of
changes in
benefit plans
to retained
5. Carry-
forward of
ve income to
6. Others
                                     219,                                219,           219,
(V) Special
                                     435.                                435.           435.
                                       94                                  94             94
                                     5,08                                5,08           5,08
                                     6,97                                6,97           6,97

                                                  Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 Withdrawal                                                            3.52                                3.52            3.52
 in this period
                                                                       4,86                                4,86            4,86
 2. Use in this
                                                                       7,53                                7,53            7,53
                                                                       7.58                                7.58            7.58
 (VI) Others
                    602,                        362,              -           332,           121,          1,41            1,35
 IV. Ending                                                            219,                                        67,7
                    762,                        770,           2,50           908,           947,          8,10            0,34
 balance in                                                            435.                                        60,1
                    596.                        922.           0,00           397.           239.          8,59            8,39
 this period                                                            94                                         91.8
                     00                          10            0.00            60             58           1.22            9.41
Amount last year

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                         Owner's equity attributable to the parent company
                              Other equity                     Oth                                                         Tota
                              instruments              Less     er                           Und                   Min       l
        Item        Shar                       Capi       :    com    Spe     Surp           istri                 ority   own
                           Pref   Perp                                                eral
                      e                         tal    treas   preh   cial     lus           bute    Oth   Sub-    equi    er's
                           erre   etua                                                risk
                    capi                 Oth   rese     ury    ensi   rese    rese             d     ers   total    ty     equi
                            d       l                                                 rese
                     tal                 ers   rves     stoc    ve    rves    rves           prof                           ty
                           shar   bon                                                 rves
                                                          k    inco                            it
                            es      d                           me
                    602,                        362,              -           332,           319,          1,61            1,57
 I. Ending                                                                                                         36,9
                    762,                        770,           2,50           908,           351,          5,29            8,34
 balance last                                                                                                      51,2
                    596.                        922.           0,00           397.           219.          3,13            1,91
 year                                                                                                              20.0
                     00                          10            0.00            60             81           5.51            5.44
 changes of
 justments for
 correction of
 errors in
 prior year
 under the
 same control
                    602,                        362,              -           332,           319,          1,61            1,57
 II. Beginning                                                                                                     36,9
                    762,                        770,           2,50           908,           351,          5,29            8,34
 balance this                                                                                                      51,2
                    596.                        922.           0,00           397.           219.          3,13            1,91
 year                                                                                                              20.0
                     00                          10            0.00            60             81           5.51            5.44
 III. Current                                                                                   -             -       -       -
 increases/dec                                                                               94,0          94,0    7,66    101,
 reases ("-"                                                                                 98,1          98,1    7,57    765,

                 Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

for                                                        49.0          49.0   6.58    725.
decreases)                                                    9             9            67
                                                              -             -              -
(I) Total                                                  94,0          94,0           101,
comprehensi                                                98,1          98,1           765,
ve income                                                  49.0          49.0           725.
                                                              9             9            67
(II) Capital
or reduced
by owners
1. Ordinary
by owners
2. Capital
by holders of
other equity
3. Amounts
of share-
included in
the owner's
4. Others
(III) Profit
of surplus
of general
risk reserves
3. Profit
distributed to
owners (or
4. Others
(IV) Internal
forward of
of capital
reserves into
capital (or

                                                  Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 share capital)
 of surplus
 reserves into
 capital (or
 share capital)
 3. Making up
 losses with
 4. Carry-
 forward of
 changes in
 benefit plans
 to retained
 5. Carry-
 forward of
 ve income to
 6. Others
 (V) Special
 in this period
 2. Use in this
 (VI) Others
                  602,                          362,               -          332,            225,          1,52            1,47
 IV. Ending                                                                                                        44,6
                  762,                          770,            2,50          908,            253,          1,19            6,57
 balance in                                                                                                        18,7
                  596.                          922.            0,00          397.            070.          4,98            6,18
 this period                                                                                                       96.6
                   00                            10             0.00           60              72           6.42            9.77
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief accountant: Chen Yuhui CFO: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the accounting department: Lin

8. Statement of changes in owner's equity of parent company

Current amount

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                            Other equity instruments                      Other
                                                       Capita     Less:              Specia   Surplu   Undist              Total
     Item                                                                 compr
                  Share     Prefer   Perpet               l      treasu                 l        s     ribute             owner'
                                                                          ehensi                                Others
                  capital    red      ual     Others   reserv      ry                reserv   reserv      d                  s
                            shares   bond                es      stock                 es       es     profit             equity

                         Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

I. Ending        602,7         289,9                               332,9    556,7             1,782,
balance last     62,59         63,03                               08,39    47,67              381,7
year              6.00          9.70                                7.60     9.96              13.26
changes of
justments for
correction of
errors in
prior year
II. Beginning    602,7         289,9                               332,9    556,7             1,782,
balance this     62,59         63,03                               08,39    47,67              381,7
year              6.00          9.70                                7.60     9.96              13.26
III. Current
increases/dec                                                                12,66             12,88
reases ("-"                                                                 5,112.            4,548.
for                                                                             38                32
(I) Total                                                                    12,66             12,66
comprehensi                                                                 5,112.            5,112.
ve income                                                                       38                38
(II) Capital
or reduced
by owners
1. Ordinary
by owners
2. Capital
by holders of
other equity
3. Amounts
of share-
included in
the owner's
4. Others
(III) Profit
of surplus

                         Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

2. Profits
distributed to
owners (or
3. Others
(IV) Internal
forward of
of capital
reserves into
capital (or
share capital)
of surplus
reserves into
capital (or
share capital)
3. Making up
losses with
4. Carry-
forward of
changes in
benefit plans
to retained
5. Carry-
forward of
ve income to
6. Others
(V) Special                                               219,4                               219,4
reserves                                                  35.94                               35.94
1.                                                       3,810,                               3,810,
Withdrawal                                                328.3                                328.3
in this period                                                2                                    2
                                                         3,590,                               3,590,
2. Use in this
                                                          892.3                                892.3
                                                              8                                    8
(VI) Others
IV. Ending       602,7         289,9                               332,9    569,4             1,795,
balance in       62,59         63,03                               08,39    12,79              266,2
this period       6.00          9.70                                7.60     2.34              61.58

                                                    Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Amount last year

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                              Other equity instruments                     Other
                                                         Capita    Less:   compr    Specia   Surplu   Undist              Total
        Item        Share     Prefer   Perpet               l     treasu   ehensi      l        s     ribute             owner'
                    capital    red      ual     Others   reserv     ry       ve     reserv   reserv      d                  s
                              shares   bond                es     stock    incom      es       es     profit             equity
 I. Ending           602,7                                289,9                               332,9    562,7             1,788,
 balance last        62,59                                63,03                               08,39    39,67              373,7
 year                 6.00                                 9.70                                7.60     6.37              09.67
 changes of
 justments for
 correction of
 errors in
 prior year
 II. Beginning       602,7                                289,9                               332,9    562,7             1,788,
 balance this        62,59                                63,03                               08,39    39,67              373,7
 year                 6.00                                 9.70                                7.60     6.37              09.67
 III. Current
                                                                                                            -                 -
                                                                                                        21,98             21,98
 reases ("-"
                                                                                                       8,655.            8,655.
                                                                                                           37                37
                                                                                                            -                 -
 (I) Total
                                                                                                        21,98             21,98
                                                                                                       8,655.            8,655.
 ve income
                                                                                                           37                37
 (II) Capital
 or reduced
 by owners
 1. Ordinary
 by owners
 2. Capital
 by holders of
 other equity
 3. Amounts
 of share-

                 Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

included in
the owner's
4. Others
(III) Profit
of surplus
2. Profits
distributed to
owners (or
3. Others
(IV) Internal
forward of
of capital
reserves into
capital (or
share capital)
of surplus
reserves into
capital (or
share capital)
3. Making up
losses with
4. Carry-
forward of
changes in
benefit plans
to retained
5. Carry-
forward of
ve income to
6. Others
(V) Special

                                              Full text of The Semi-Annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

 in this period
 2. Use in this
 (VI) Others
 IV. Ending       602,7                              289,9                              332,9    540,7             1,766,
 balance in       62,59                              63,03                              08,39    51,02              385,0
 this period       6.00                               9.70                               7.60     1.00              54.30
Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief accountant: Chen Yuhui CFO: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the accounting department: Lin

              Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.
     Notes to the 2023 Semi-Annual Financial Statements
                     (Expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)

I.    Basic information of the Company
     1. Company profile
      Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company") is a joint stock
      limited company restructured and established by foreign-invested enterprises on
      November 25, 1993 with the approval of the document Shen Fu Ban Fu [1993] No.897
      issued by the General Office of the People's Government of Shenzhen.
      Upon the approval of the document (Shen Zheng Ban Fu [1993] No. 179) issued by the
      Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Office, the Company issued 40 million RMB ordinary
      shares and 37 million domestically listed foreign shares to domestic and overseas
      investors respectively on January 3, 1994. On July 1, 1994 and November 28, 1994, the
      Company's RMB ordinary shares (A shares) and domestically listed foreign shares (B
      shares) were listed and traded in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange successively.
      The Company is headquartered at the 16th and 17th floors of Hantang Building, Overseas
      Chinese Town, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.
      The financial statements have been approved by the Company's Board of Directors for
      disclosure on August 23, 2023.

     2. Scope of financial statements
      a)   There are 9 subsidiaries included in consolidated financial statements in this period,

                          Name of subsidiaries                                              Remarks
                                                                            ratio %
      Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric Power Co., Ltd.
      ("Zhongshan Electric Power")
       Shenzhen Shennandian Turbine Engineering Technology Co.,
      Ltd. ("Engineering Company")
      Shenzhen Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Co., Ltd.
      ("Environmental Protection Company")
      Shenzhen Server Petrochemical Supplying Co., Ltd. ("Shenzhen
      Shenzhen New Power Industrial Co., Ltd. ("New Power")                        100.00
      Shen Nan Energy (Singapore) Co., Ltd. (the "Singapore
      Hong Kong Hing Tak Shing Limited ("Hing Tak Shing")                          100.00

                               Notes to the financial statements Page 1
                          Name of subsidiaries                                                Remarks
                                                                              ratio %
        Zhongshan Shennan Electric Storage Co., Ltd. ("Shennan
        Zhuhai Hengqin Zhuozhi Investment Partnership (Limited
        Partnership) (" Zhuhai Hengqin")
         See Notes "6. Changes in the scope of consolidation" and "7. Equity in other entities" for
        details of the scope of the current consolidated financial statements and the changes.

II.     Basis of preparation for the financial statements
       1. Basis of preparation
        Based on the continuing operation and according to the actual transactions and events, the
        Company prepares the financial statements in accordance with "the Accounting Standards
        for Business Enterprises - Basic Standards " promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and
        various specific accounting standards, application guidelines for accounting standards for
        business bnterprises, interpretations and other relevant provisions for accounting
        standards for business enterprises (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Accounting
        Standards for Business Enterprises"), as well as the disclosure provisions by " General
        Provisions on Financial Reporting, No. 15 of the Rules for Information Disclosure and
        Presentation by Companies that Publically Issue Securities" issued by the China
        Securities Regulatory Commission.

       2. Continuing operation
        The Company has the ability of continuing operation for at least 12 months as of the end
        of the reporting period, and there are no major events may affect the ability of continuing

III.    Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
        The Company and its subsidiaries are engaged in electricity and thermal power
        production, power station construction, fuel oil trading, engineering and technical
        consulting and sludge drying business. The Company and its subsidiaries have formulated
        several specific accounting policies and accounting estimates for revenue recognition and
        other transactions and events according to the actual production and operation
        characteristics and the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business
        Enterprises. See Note III.XXIV "Revenue" and other descriptions for details.

       1. Statement in compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

                                 Notes to the financial statements Page 2
 The financial statements comply with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
 promulgated by the Ministry of Finance, and truly and completely reflect the Company's
 financial position, operating results, changes in owners' (shareholders') equity, cash flows
 and other relevant information during the reporting period.
2. Accounting period
 The fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31 of each calendar year.
3. Operating cycle
 The Company takes 12 months as a normal operating cycle, and as the classification
 standard for the liquidity of assets and liabilities.
4. Recording currency
 The Company adopts RMB as its recording currency.
5. Accounting treatment method of business combination under the same control and
    not under the same control
 Business combination under the same control: the assets and liabilities acquired by the
 combining party in the business combination are measured at the book value of the assets
 and liabilities (including the goodwill formed by the acquisition of the combined party by
 the ultimate controller) of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of
 the ultimate controller on the combination date. The difference between the book value of
 net assets acquired from the combination and the book value of the consideration paid for
 the combination (or the total nominal value of shares issued) shall be adjusted to the
 capital stock premium in the capital reserves, and the retained earnings shall be adjusted if
 the capital stock premium in the capital reserves is insufficient to be offset.
 Business combination not under the same control: the acquirer shall, on the acquisition
 date, measure the assets surrendered and liabilities incurred or assumed as the
 consideration for the business combination at the fair value, and the difference between
 the fair value and its book value shall be included in the current profit or loss. The
 difference of the combination cost in excess of the acquiree's share of fair value of net
 identifiable assets is recognized as goodwill. The difference of the combination cost in
 short of the share of fair value of net identifiable assets of the acquiree obtained in the
 combination shall be included in the current profit or loss.
 Costs directly attributable to the business combination shall be included in the current
 profit or loss as occurred; Transaction costs for the issuance of equity securities or debt
 securities for the business combination shall be included in the initially recognized
 amount of the equity securities or debt securities.
                          Notes to the financial statements Page 3
6. Preparation method of the consolidated financial statements
 a)    Scope of consolidation
       The scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control,
       including the Company and all subsidiaries.
 b)    Procedures of consolidation
       The Company prepares the consolidated financial statements based on the financial
       statements of the Company and all subsidiaries with reference to other relevant
       materials. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Company treats
       the whole enterprise group as an accounting entity to reflect the overall financial
       position, operating results and cash flows of the enterprise group in accordance
       with the recognition, measurement and presentation requirements of the relevant
       Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and in accordance with the unified
       accounting policies.
       The accounting policies and accounting period adopted by all subsidiaries included
       in the scope of the consolidated financial statements shall be consistent with those
       of the Company; if not inconsistent with those of the Company, necessary
       adjustments shall be made according to the accounting policies and accounting
       period of the Company at preparation. For subsidiaries acquired from business
       combination not under the same control, the financial statements shall be adjusted
       on the basis of the fair value of the identifiable net assets on the acquisition date.
       For subsidiaries acquired from business combination under the same control,
       adjustments shall be made to the financial statements based on the book value of its
       assets and liabilities (including the goodwill formed by the acquisition of the
       subsidiary by the ultimate controller) in the financial statements of the ultimate
       The owner's equity, current net profit or loss and share attributable to minority
       shareholders in current comprehensive income of subsidiaries shall be separately
       presented under the owner's equity in the consolidated balance sheet, net profit and
       total comprehensive income in the consolidated income statement. The balance
       resulting from the excess of the minority shareholders' share of the current loss of a
       subsidiary over the minority's share of the subsidiary's owners' equity at the
       beginning of the period is eliminated to reduce the minority equity.
       (1) Addition of subsidiaries or business
       During the reporting period, if there is a new subsidiary or business due to the
                        Notes to the financial statements Page 4
business combination under the same control, the beginning amount of
consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted; The revenues, expenses and profits
from the beginning of the consolidation period to the end of the reporting period of
the subsidiary or business shall be included in the consolidated income statement;
The cash flow of subsidiaries or business combination from the beginning of the
current period to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the
consolidated statement of cash flows, and the relevant items of the comparative
statements shall be adjusted as if the consolidated reporting entity has always
existed since the time point when the ultimate controller begins to control it.
Where the Company can exercise control over the investee under common control
due to additional investment or other reasons, adjustments shall be made as if all
parties involved in the combination exist at the beginning of the control by the
ultimate controller. For equity investments held prior to the acquisition of control
of the combinee, the related gains or losses, other comprehensive income and other
changes in net assets recognized between the later of the date of acquisition of the
original equity interest and the date on which the combining party and the
combinee are under the same control and the date of consolidation are eliminated
against retained earnings at the beginning of the comparative statement period or
against current profit or loss, respectively.
During the reporting period, if there is a new subsidiary or business due to business
combination not under the same control, the beginning amount of the consolidated
balance sheet will not be adjusted. The revenues, expenses and profits of the
subsidiary or business from the purchase date to the end of the reporting period
shall be included in the consolidated income statement. The cash flow of the
subsidiaries or business from the purchase date to the end of the reporting period
shall be included in the consolidated statement of cash flows.
Where the Company can exercise control over the investee not under the same
control due to additional investment or other reasons, the Company shall re-
measure the equity of the acquiree held before the purchase date at the fair value of
the equity on the purchase date, and the difference between the fair value and the
book value shall be included in the current investment income. If the equity of the
acquiree held before the purchase date involves the other comprehensive income
under the accounting by equity method and changes in owners' equity other than
net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, other
                  Notes to the financial statements Page 5
comprehensive income and other changes in owners' equity shall be transferred to
the investment income of the period to which the purchase date belongs, except for
other comprehensive income arising from the investee's re-measurement of
changes in net liabilities or net assets under defined benefit plans.
(2) Disposal of subsidiaries or business
① General treatment methods
During the reporting period, if the Company disposes of subsidiaries or business,
the revenues, expenses and profits of such subsidiaries or business shall be
included in the consolidated income statement from the beginning of the period to
the disposal date. The cash flow from the beginning period of the subsidiaries or
business to the disposal date shall be included in the consolidated statement of cash
When the Company loses the right of control over the investee due to disposal of
part of the equity investments or other reasons, the remaining equity investments
after disposal will be re-measured by the Company at their fair value on the date of
loss of control. The difference between the sum of the consideration obtained from
disposal of equities and the fair value of the remaining equities, less the sum of the
share of net assets and goodwill of the original subsidiaries calculated continuously
from the purchase date or combination date according to the original shareholding
ratio, shall be included in the investment income at the period of loss of control.
Other comprehensive incomes related to the original equity investments in
subsidiaries or changes in owner's equity other than net profit or loss, other
comprehensive income and profit distribution are transferred to the current
investment income at loss of control, except for other comprehensive income
arising from the investee's re-measurement of changes in net liabilities or net assets
under defined benefit plans.
Where the decrease in the Company's shareholding ratio leads to loss of control
due to the increase of capital by other investors in the subsidiaries, the accounting
treatment shall be carried out in accordance with the above principles.
② Disposal of subsidiaries step by step
Where the equity investments in subsidiaries are disposed of step by step through
multiple transactions until the loss of control, and the terms, conditions and
economic impact of the disposal on various transactions of the equity investments
in subsidiaries meet one or more of the following circumstances, it generally
                 Notes to the financial statements Page 6
indicates that multiple transactions shall be taken as a package of transactions for
accounting treatment:
i. The transactions are concluded at the same time or under the consideration of
mutual effect;
ii. The transactions can reach a complete business result only as a whole;
iii. One transaction occurs on the precondition of the occurrence of one or more
iv. One single transaction is uneconomical but it is economical when considered
together with other transactions.
If a transaction to dispose of an equity investment in a subsidiary up to the point of
loss of control is a package transaction, the Company accounts for the transaction
as a single transaction to dispose of a subsidiary and lose control; However, before
the loss of control, the difference between each disposal price and the share of net
assets of the subsidiaries corresponding to the disposal of investments shall be
recognized as other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements
and transferred to the current profit or loss at the time of loss of control.
Where the disposal of various transactions from the equity investments in
subsidiaries until the loss of control are not a package deal, before the loss of
control, accounting treatment shall be carried out according to the relevant policies
on partial disposal of equity investments of subsidiaries without loss of control;
When loss of control, the accounting treatment shall be carried out in accordance
with the general treatment of the disposal of subsidiaries.
(3) Purchase of minority interest in the subsidiaries
The capital stock premium in the capital reserves in the consolidated balance sheet
shall be adjusted at the difference between the long-term equity investments
acquired by the Company for the purchase of minority interests and the share of net
assets of the subsidiaries calculated continuously from the purchase date (or
combination date) according to the newly increased shareholding ratio; if the
capital stock premium in the capital reserves is insufficient to be offset, the retained
earnings shall be adjusted.
(4) Partial disposal of equity investments to the subsidiaries without loss of control
The capital stock premium in the capital reserves in the consolidated balance sheet
will be adjusted at the difference between the disposal price obtained from partial
disposal of long-term equity investments to the subsidiaries without loss of control
                  Notes to the financial statements Page 7
       and the share of net assets of the subsidiaries calculated continuously from the
       purchase date or combination date corresponding to the disposal of the long-term
       equity investments; if the capital stock premium in the capital reserve is insufficient
       to be offset, the retained earnings will be adjusted.

7. Classification and accounting treatment method of joint venture arrangements
 The joint venture arrangements are divided into joint operation and joint ventures.
 When the Company is the joint venturer of the joint venture arrangements, enjoys the
 relevant assets and assumes the relevant liabilities of the arrangement, it is a joint
 The Company recognizes the following items related to the share of interests in the joint
 operation, and carries out accounting treatment in accordance with the relevant
 accounting standards for business enterprises:
 (1) To recognize the assets held separately, and to recognize the assets held jointly by the
 shares of the Company;
 (2) To recognize the liabilities held separately, and to recognize the liabilities held jointly
 by the shares of the Company;
 (3) To recognize the revenue arising from the sale of the share of output from joint
 operations owned by the Company;
 (4) To recognize the revenue arising from the sale of output from joint operations on a
 share basis of the Company;
 (5) To recognize expenses incurred separately and expenses incurred by joint operations
 on a share basis.
 See Note "III.XIII Long-term equity investments" for the accounting policies of the
 Company's investment in the joint ventures.
8. Recognition criteria for cash and cash equivalents
 For the purpose of preparing the statement of cash flows, the cash on hand and the
 deposits that can be readily available for payment of the Company are recognized as cash.
 The term "cash equivalents" refers to short-term (maturing within three months from
 acquisition) and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts
 of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

9. Translation of foreign currency transactions and financial statements denominated
    in foreign currency
                          Notes to the financial statements Page 8
 a)    Foreign currency transactions
       Foreign currency transactions of the Company are translated into RMB and
       recorded in the recording currency translated at the spot exchange rates on the
       transaction date.
       The foreign currency monetary items on the balance sheet date are translated at the
       spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The exchange differences arising
       from the difference between the spot exchange rate on that date and the spot
       exchange rate on the initial recognition or the previous balance sheet date are
       included in current profit or loss, except for the exchange differences arising from
       special borrowings in foreign currencies related to the acquisition and construction
       of assets eligible for capitalization are recognized in profit or loss for the current
       period in accordance with the principle of capitalization of borrowing costs.
 b)    Conversion of foreign currency financial statements
       The assets and liabilities items in the balance sheet shall be converted at the spot
       exchange rate on the balance sheet date. And the owner's equity shall be converted
       at the spot exchange rate when the transactions occur except for the "undistributed
       profits".   The revenue and expense items in the income statement shall be
       converted at the spot exchange rate when the transactions occur.
       On disposal of foreign operations, the translation difference of foreign currency
       financial statements related to the foreign operations shall be transferred from the
       item of owner's equity to the profit or loss of the current period of disposal.
10. Financial instruments
 The financial instruments include the financial assets, financial liabilities and equity
 a)    Classification of financial instruments
       According to the business model of the Company's management of financial assets
       and the contract cash flows characteristics of financial assets, financial assets are
       classified into: financial assets measured at amortized cost, the financial assets
       measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments) and
       financial assets measured at fair value through current profit or loss.
       If the business model is aimed at collecting contract cash flows and the contract
       cash flows are only for the payment of principal and interest based on the
       outstanding principal amount, it is classified as financial assets measured at the
       amortized cost. Financial assets (debt instruments) whose business model is aimed
                           Notes to the financial statements Page 9
     at both collecting contract cash flows and selling the financial assets, and whose
     contract cash flows are only for the payment of principal and interest based on the
     outstanding principal amount, are classified as the financial assets measured at fair
     value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments). Other financial
     assets are classified as financial assets measured at fair value through current profit
     or loss.
     For non-trading investments in equity instruments, the Company determines
     whether to designate them as the financial assets (equity instruments) measured at
     fair value through other comprehensive income.
     Financial liabilities are classified at initial recognition as: financial liabilities
     measured at fair value through current profit or loss and financial liabilities
     measured at amortized cost upon initial recognition.
     The financial liabilities meeting one of the following conditions may be designated
     as the financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profit or loss at
     initial measurement:
     1) Such designation can eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches.
     2) According to the enterprise risk management or investment strategies stated in
     formal written documents, the Company manages and evaluates the performance of
     the financial liabilities portfolio or the portfolio of financial assets and financial
     liabilities on the basis of the fair value, and reports to the key officers within the
     enterprise on this basis.
     3) The financial liabilities contain embedded derivative instruments that need to be
     separately split.
     In accordance with the above conditions, such financial liabilities designated by the
     Company mainly include: (specifically describe the circumstances specified)
b)   Recognition basis and measurement method of financial instruments
     (1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost
     Financial assets measured at amortized cost include notes receivable, accounts
     receivable, other receivables, long-term receivables, claim investments, etc., which
     are initially measured at the fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are
     included in the initially recognized amount. The accounts receivable excluding the
     significant financing component and the accounts receivable that the Company
     decides not to consider the financing component of less than one year shall be
     initially measured at the contract price.
                         Notes to the financial statements Page 10
The interest calculated by using the effective interest method during the holding
period is included in the current profit or loss.
Upon recovery or disposal, the difference between the purchase price obtained and
the book value of the financial assets is included in the current profit or loss.

(2) The financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive
income (debt instruments)
The financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
(debt instruments) include receivables financing and other claim investments, etc.,
which are initially measured at the fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are
included in the initially recognized amount. Such financial assets are subsequently
measured at fair value. changes in fair value are included in the other
comprehensive income, except for interest income calculated using the effective
interest method, impairment loss or gains and foreign exchange profit or loss.
Upon derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in the
other comprehensive income shall be transferred out of the other comprehensive
income and included in current profit or loss.

(3) Financial assets (equity instruments) measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income
Financial assets (equity instruments) measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income include other investments in equity instruments, which are
initially measured at the fair value, and the relevant transaction costs shall be
included in the initially recognized amount. Financial assets shall be subsequently
measured at the fair value and changes in fair value shall be included in the other
comprehensive income. The dividends obtained shall be included in current profit
or loss.
Upon derecognition, the cumulative gains or losses previously included in the other
comprehensive income shall be transferred out of the other comprehensive income
and included in the retained earnings.
(4) Financial assets measured at fair value through current profit or loss
Financial assets measured at fair value through current profit or loss include trading
financial assets, derivative financial assets, other non-current financial assets, etc.,
which are initially measured at the fair value, and the relevant transaction costs are
                 Notes to the financial statements Page 11
     included in current profit or loss. Financial assets shall be subsequently measured
     at fair value, and changes in fair value shall be included in the current profit or loss.
     (5) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profit or loss
     Financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profit or loss include
     trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities, etc., which are initially
     measured at the fair value, and the relevant transaction costs shall be included in
     current profit or loss. Financial liabilities shall be subsequently measured at fair
     value, and changes in fair value shall be included in current profit or loss.
     Upon derecognition, the difference between the book value and the consideration
     paid shall be included in the current profit or loss.
     (6) Financial liabilities measured at the amortized cost
     Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost include short-term borrowings,
     notes payable, accounts payable, other payables, long-term borrowings, bonds
     payable and long-term payables, which are initially measured at fair value and the
     relevant transaction costs shall be included in the initially recognized amount.
     The interest calculated by using the effective interest method during the holding
     period is included in the current profit or loss.
     Upon derecognition, the difference between the consideration paid and the book
     value of the financial liabilities shall be included in the profit or loss of the current
c)   Recognition basis and measurement method of transfer of financial assets
     When a financial asset is transferred, the Company assesses the extent of the risks
     and rewards associated with the ownership of the financial assets it retains, and
     deals with them according to the following circumstances:
     (1) Where the Company transfers substantially all the risks and rewards related to
     the ownership of a financial assets, the financial assets shall be derecognized, and
     the rights and obligations arising from or retained in the transfer shall be separately
     recognized as assets or liabilities.
     (2) If the Company retains nearly all the risks and rewards related to the ownership
     of the financial assets, the financial assets shall continue to be recognized.
     (3) Where the Company neither transfers nor retains almost all the risk and reward
     on the ownership of the financial assets (i.e. other circumstances except for (1) and
     (2) of this Article), they shall be treated according to the following circumstances
     according to whether the Company retains the control over the financial assets:
                      Notes to the financial statements Page 12
1) If the Company doesn't retain the control over the financial assets, the financial
assets shall be derecognized, and the rights and obligations arising from or retained
in the transfer shall be separately recognized as assets or liabilities.
2) If the Company retains the control over the financial assets, it shall continue to
recognize the relevant financial assets according to the extent of its continuous
involvement in the transferred financial assets, and recognize the relevant liabilities
accordingly. The degree of continuous involvement in the transferred financial
assets refers to the degree of the risk or reward of changes in the value of
transferred financial assets undertaken by the Company.
The principle of substance over form shall be adopted when judging whether the
transfer of financial assets satisfies the above-mentioned derecognition criteria of
financial assets. The Company divides the transfer of financial assets into the
overall transfer and the partial transfer of financial assets.
(1) If the overall transfer of the financial assets meets the derecognition criteria, the
difference between the following two amounts shall be included in the current
profit or loss:
1) The book value of the transferred financial assets on the derecognition date.
2) The sum of the consideration received from the transfer of financial assets and
the amount corresponding to the derecognized portion of the accumulated amount
of changes in fair value originally and directly included in the other comprehensive
income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are classified as the financial
assets measured at fair value through the other comprehensive income).
(2) If the financial assets are partially transferred and the transferred portion
satisfies the derecognition criteria as a whole, the entire book value of the financial
assets before the transfer shall be amortized between the derecognized portion and
the continuously recognized portion (in this case, the retained service assets shall
be deemed as part of the continuously recognized financial assets) according to
their respective relative fair values on the transfer date, and the underecognized
part according to their respective relative fair values on the transfer date, and then
the difference between the following two amounts shall be recorded into the
current profit or loss:
1) The book value of the derecognized portion on the derecognition date.
2) The sum of the consideration received from the derecognized portion and the
corresponding amount of derecognized portion in the accumulated amount of
                  Notes to the financial statements Page 13
     changes in fair value originally included in the other comprehensive income (the
     financial assets involved in the transfer are classified as the financial asset
     measured at fair value through other comprehensive income).
     If the transfer of financial assets does not satisfy the derecognition criteria, the
     financial assets shall continue to be recognized, and the consideration received
     shall be recognized as a financial liability.
d)   Derecognition criteria of financial liabilities
     If the current obligation of the financial liability or part thereof has been discharged,
     the financial liabilities or part thereof shall be derecognized. If the Company enters
     into an agreement with a creditor to replace the existing financial liabilities by
     undertaking a new financial liabilities, and the new financial liabilities is
     substantially different from the contract terms of the existing financial liabilities,
     the existing financial liabilities shall be derecognized, and the new financial
     liabilities shall be recognized at the same time.
     Where substantial modification is made to all or part of the contract terms of the
     existing financial liabilities, the existing financial liabilities or part thereof shall be
     derecognized, and the financial liabilities with the modified terms shall be
     recognized as a new financial liability.
     When financial liabilities are derecognized in whole or in part, the difference
     between the book value of the derecognized financial liabilities and the
     consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred out or new financial
     liabilities borne) shall be included in the current profit or loss.
     If the Company repurchases part of the financial liabilities, the entire book value of
     the financial liabilities will be allocated on the repurchase date according to the
     relative fair value of the continuously recognized part and the derecognized portion.
     The difference between the book value allocated to the derecognized portion and
     the consideration paid (including non-cash assets transferred out or new financial
     liabilities assumed) shall be included in the current profit or loss.
e)   Determination method of the fair value of financial assets and financial
     Where there is an active market for financial instruments, the fair value shall be
     determined based on the quoted price in the active market. Where there is no active
     market for financial instruments, the fair value thereof shall be determined by using
     valuation techniques. At the time of valuation, the Company adopts the techniques
                       Notes to the financial statements Page 14
     that are applicable in the current situation and supported by enough available data
     and other information, selects the input values that are consistent with the features
     of assets or liabilities as considered by market participants in relevant asset or
     liability transactions, and gives priority to use relevant observable inputs.
     Unobservable input values are used only when relevant observable input values
     cannot be available or such values obtained are impracticable.
f)   Test method and accounting treatment method of financial assets impairment
     The Company considers all reasonable and well-founded information, including
     forward-looking information, and estimates the expected credit loss of financial
     assets measured at amortized cost and the financial assets measured at fair value
     through other comprehensive income (debt instruments) in an individual or
     combined manner. The measurement of expected credit loss depends on whether
     there has been a significant increase in credit risk of financial assets since initial
     If the credit risk of the financial instrument has increased significantly since the
     initial recognition, the Company shall measure its provision for losses at the
     amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial instruments during
     the entire duration. If the credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased
     significantly since the initial recognition, the Company measures its provision for
     losses at the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss of the financial
     instruments in the next 12 months. The increase or reversal amount of the provision
     for losses arising therefrom shall be included in the current profit or loss as
     impairment loss or profit.
     Generally, if it is overdue for more than 30 days, the Company shall consider that
     the credit risk of the financial instrument has increased significantly, unless there is
     conclusive evidence to prove that the credit risk of the financial instrument has not
     increased significantly since the initial recognition.
     If the credit risk of the financial instrument on the balance sheet date is low, the
     Company considers that the credit risk of the financial instruments has not
     increased significantly since the initial recognition.
     For notes receivable, accounts receivable, receivables financing, whether
     significant financing component is included or not, the Company always measures
     its provision for losses at the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss during
     the entire duration.
                      Notes to the financial statements Page 15
        For the lease receivables and the long-term receivables formed by the Company
        through the sale of goods or rendering of services, the Company chooses to always
        measure its provision for losses at the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss
        during the entire duration.
        For notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, receivables financing
        and long-term receivables applicable to individual assessment, if there is objective
        evidence that they are impaired, separate impairment test shall be made; expected
        credit loss shall be recognized and provision for impairment shall be made; For
        notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, receivables financing for
        which there is no objective basis for impairment, or when there is sufficient
        evidence that the expected credit loss cannot be evaluated at reasonable cost at the
        level of individual instruments, the Company divides the notes receivable, accounts
        receivable, other receivable, receivables financing and long-term receivables into
        several portfolios according to the characteristics of credit risk by reference to the
        experience of historical credit losses, in combination with the current situation and
        the judgment on future economic conditions, and calculates the expected credit loss
        on the basis of the portfolio. The details are as follows:
       (1) Notes receivable

Name of portfolios                                     Methods of measuring credit losses
                                         For the notes receivable classified into bank acceptance bill
Bank acceptance bill of state-owned      portfolio, the management evaluates that such funds have low
banks                                    credit risk and low expected credit loss rate, so no provision
                                         for impairment is made;

       (2) Accounts receivable

Name of portfolios                                     Methods of measuring credit losses
Receivables from electricity             For accounts receivable classified as electricity trading,
transactions                             engineering operation and maintenance, and environmental
Receivables from project operation and   protection services, our company refers to the experience of
maintenance                              historical credit losses, combining with the current situation
Receivables from environmental           and the forecast of future economic conditions, and calculates
protection services                      the expected credit loss.

       (3) Other receivables

          Name of portfolios                          Methods of measuring credit losses
Portfolio of export tax rebate, refund   Except for the portfolios of related parties within the
upon collection of VAT and other taxes   consolidation scope, tax refunds receivable and other
Portfolio of deposit, security deposit   receivables without significant recovery risks, for other
and reserve fund                         receivables classified into other portfolios, the Company

                          Notes to the financial statements Page 16
                                          calculates the expected credit loss by reference to the
 Other receivables and temporary          historical credit loss experience, combining the current
 payments except for the above            situation and the forecast of future economic conditions, and
 portfolios                               by default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate in
                                          the next 12 months or over the life.

         (4) Receivables financing

 Name of portfolios                                     Methods of measuring credit losses

 Bank acceptance bill with lower credit   The expected credit loss is calculated by reference to
 risk                                     historical credit loss experience, combined with current
                                          conditions and projections of future economic conditions,
 Trade accptance bill                     through default risk exposure and expected credit loss rate
                                          over the life.
11. Inventories
 a)      Classification of inventories
         Inventories mainly include fuel, raw materials, etc.
 b)      Pricing method of inventories dispatched
         Inventories are measured at the weighted average method when dispatched.
 c)      Basis for determining the net realizable value of different inventory categories
         For commodity inventories for direct sale, including finished goods, stock
         commodities and materials for sale, the net realizable value shall be recognized at
         the estimated selling price less the estimated selling and distribution expenses and
         the relevant taxes and surcharges of the inventories in the normal production and
         operation process. For material inventories to be processed, the net realizable value
         shall be recognized at the estimated selling price of finished goods less estimated
         costs to completion, estimated selling and distribution expenses and relevant taxes
         and surcharges in the normal production and operation process. The net realizable
         value of the inventories held for the execution of the sales contract or service
         contract shall be calculated on the basis of the contract price; if the quantity of the
         inventories held is more than the quantity ordered in the sales contract, the net
         realizable value of the excess inventories shall be calculated on the base of the
         general selling price.
         At the end of the period, the provision for inventory falling price reserves is made
         on an individual basis. However, for inventories with large quantity and low unit
         price, the provision for inventory falling price reserves shall be made according to
         the inventory categories. For inventories related to the series of products
         manufactured and sold in the same area, with the same or similar final use or
         purpose, and difficult to be measured separately from other items, the provision for

                           Notes to the financial statements Page 17
        inventory falling price reserves shall be made on a consolidated basis.
 d)     Inventory system of inventories
        Perpetual inventory system is adopted.
 e)     Amortization method of low-cost consumables and packaging materials
        (1) Low-value consumables adopt one-off amortization method;
        (2) Packaging materials adopt one-off amortization method
12. Contract assets
 Where the Company has transferred goods to the customer and has the right to receive
 consideration, and the right depends on factors other than the passage of time, it is
 recognized as contract assets. The Company's right to receive consideration from the
 customer unconditionally (i.e. subject only to the passage of time) is separately presented
 as accounts receivable.
 For the determination method and accounting treatment method of the Company's
 expected credit loss for contract assets, please refer to Note III.(X) 6. Test method and
 accounting treatment method for impairment of financial assets
13. Long-term equity investments
 a)     Judgement criteria for common control and significant influence
        The term "common control" refers to the control shared over an arrangement in
        accordance with the relevant provisions, and the relevant activities of the
        arrangement can be decided only after the unanimous consent of the participants
        sharing the right of control. Where the Company and other joint ventures jointly
        exercise common control on the investees and have the right to the net assets of the
        investees, the investees shall be the joint ventures of the Company.
        Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the
        financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but without the power to control
        or common control the formulation of these policies with other parties. Where the
        Company is able to exert significant influence on the investees, the investees shall
        be the associates of the Company.
 b)     Determination of the initial investment cost
        (1) Long-term equity investments formed by business combination
        Business combination under common control: if the Company makes payment in
        cash, transfers non-cash assets or bears debts and issues equity securities as the
        consideration for the business combination, the initial investment cost of the long-
        term equity investments shall be the book value share of the owner's equity of the
                           Notes to the financial statements Page 18
combinee in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller on the
combination date. Where control can be exercised over the investee under common
control due to additional investment or other reasons, the initial investment cost of
the long-term equity investments shall be determined at the book value share of the
net assets of the combinee in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controller on the combination date. The capital stock premium shall be adjusted
according to the difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term
equity investments on the combination date and the sum of the book value of the
long-term equity investments before the combination plus the book value of the
newly paid consideration for shares obtained on the combination date; if the share
premium is insufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be offset.
Business combination not under common control: the Company takes the
combination cost determined on the purchase date as the initial investment cost of
the long-term equity investments. Where the investees not under common control
can be controlled due to additional investment or other reasons, the sum of the
book value of the equity investment originally held and the newly increased
investment cost shall be recognized as the initial investment cost calculated under
the cost method.
(2) Long-term equity investments obtained by other means
For long-term equity investments acquired by making payments in cash, the
actually paid purchase price shall be taken as the initial investment cost.
Long-term equity investments obtained from the issuance of equity securities shall
be taken as the initial investment cost according to the fair value of the issuance of
equity securities.
On the premise that the exchange of non-monetary assets has commercial
substance and the fair values of both assets received and surrendered can be
measured reliably, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investments
received are determined based on the fair values of the assets surrendered and the
relevant taxes and surcharges payable, unless there is any conclusive evidence that
the fair values of assets received are more reliable. For exchange of non-monetary
assets that do not meet the above prerequisites, the book value of the assets
surrendered and the relevant taxes and surcharges payable shall be taken as the
initial investment cost of the long-term equity investments received.
For long-term equity investments acquired from debt restructuring, the entry value
                   Notes to the financial statements Page 19
     shall be recognized at the fair value of the creditor's right waived, taxes and other
     costs directly attributable to the asset, and the difference between the fair value of
     the creditor' s right waived and the book value shall be included in the current
     profit or loss.
c)   Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
     (1) Long-term equity investments calculated by cost method
     The Company adopts the cost method to account for the long-term equity
     investments of subsidiaries. Besides the actual price paid for acquisition of
     investment or the cash dividends or profits contained in the consideration that have
     been declared but not yet distributed, the Company recognizes the current
     investment income according to the cash dividends or profit declared to be
     distributed according to the investees.
     (2) Long-term equity investments calculated by equity method
     For the long-term equity investments of associates and joint ventures, equity
     method shall be adopted. If the initial investment cost is greater than the difference
     of the share of fair value of net identifiable assets of the investee at the time of
     investment, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investments shall not
     be adjusted. The difference between the initial investment cost and the share of fair
     value of net identifiable assets of the investee at the time of investment shall be
     included in current profit or loss.
     The Company shall respectively recognize the investment income and the other
     comprehensive income according to the net profit or loss realized by the investees
     and the share of the other comprehensive income to be enjoyed or shared, and
     adjust the book value of the long-term equity investments. The book value of the
     long-term equity investments shall be reduced correspondingly according to the
     profits declared to be distributed by the investees or the part to be enjoyed
     calculated by cash dividends; For other changes in owner's equity other than net
     profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution of the investees,
     the book value of long-term equity investments shall be adjusted and included in
     owners' equity.
     When recognizing the share of investees net profit or loss that shall be enjoyed, the
     Company shall recognize the net profit of the investees after adjustment based on
     the fair value of the identifiable net assets investees when the investment is
     obtained and in accordance with the Company's accounting policies and accounting
                       Notes to the financial statements Page 20
period. During the period of holding the investment, if the consolidated financial
statements are prepared by the investees, it shall be accounted for on the basis of
the net profit, other comprehensive income and the amount attributable to the
investees in the changes in other owners' equity in the consolidated financial
When the Company recognizes the losses incurred by the investees to be shared,
the treatment shall be carried out in the following order: firstly, the book value of
the long-term equity investments shall be offset. Secondly, if the book value of the
long-term equity investments is insufficient to offset, the investment losses shall
continue to be recognized to the extent of other long-term equity book value that
substantially constitute the net investment in the investees to offset the book value
of long-term receivables and other items. Finally, after the above treatment, if the
enterprise still undertakes additional obligations as agreed in the investment
contract or agreement, the estimated liabilities shall be recognized according to the
estimated obligations and included in the current investment loss.
(3) Disposal of long-term equity investments
For disposal of long-term equity investments, the difference between the book
value and the actual purchase price shall be included in the profit or loss of the
For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method,
accounting treatment shall be made for the part originally included in the other
comprehensive income according to the corresponding ratio on the same basis as
that for the investees to directly dispose of the relevant assets or liabilities when
disposing of the investment. Owners' equity recognized from investees changes in
other owners' equity other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and
profit distribution shall be carried forward to the current profit or loss by ratio,
except for other comprehensive income arising from the re-measurement of net
liabilities under defined benefit plans or changes in net assets by the investee.
Where common control or significant influence on the investees is lost due to
disposal of part of equity investments or other reasons, the remaining equity after
disposal shall be changed to be accounted for according to the recognition and
measurement standards of financial instruments, and the difference between the
fair value and the book value on the date of loss of common control or significant
influence shall be included in the current profit or loss. For the other
                 Notes to the financial statements Page 21
       comprehensive income of the original equity investments recognized by adopting
       the accounting by equity method, the accounting treatment shall be made on the
       same basis for the direct disposal of the relevant assets or liabilities by the
       investees when the accounting by equity method is terminated. Owner's equity
       recognized from the investee's changes in other owner's equity other than net profit
       or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution should all be
       transferred to the current profit or loss when the accounting by equity method is
       Where the Company loses the right of control over the investees due to the disposal
       of part of the equity investments, the decrease in the shareholding ratio of the
       Company due to the increase of capital by other investors in the subsidiaries and
       other reasons, in the preparation of individual financial statements, if the remaining
       equity can exercise common control or significant influence on the investees, the
       equity method shall be adopted, and the remaining equity shall be deemed to have
       been adjusted by using the accounting by equity method since acquisition. Where
       the remaining equity cannot common control or exert significant influence on the
       investees, it shall be subject to accounting treatment in accordance with the
       relevant provisions on the recognition and measurement standards of financial
       instruments, and the difference between its fair value on the date of loss of control
       and its book value shall be included in the current profit or loss.
       If the equity disposed of is acquired through business combination due to
       additional investment and other reasons, when preparing individual financial
       statements, if the remaining equity after disposal adopts the cost method or the
       accounting by equity method, the other comprehensive income recognized from the
       use of accounting by equity method for the equity investment held before the
       acquisition date and other owner's equity shall be carried forward in proportion. If
       the remaining equity after disposal is changed to be accounted for according to the
       recognition and measurement standards of the financial instruments, the other
       comprehensive income and other owner's equity shall be fully carried forward.
14. Investment properties
 Investment properties refer to the real estates held for earning rentals or capital
 appreciation, or both, including leased land use right, land use right held for transfer upon
 appreciation, and leased buildings (including self-constructed or developed buildings used
 for renting and buildings under construction to be used for renting in the future or in the
                        Notes to the financial statements Page 22
 process of development).
 The Company adopts the cost model to measure the existing investment properties. For
 investment properties measured under the cost model - buildings for lease shall adopt the
 same depreciation policy as the fixed assets of the Company, and the land use right for
 lease shall be subject to the same amortization policy as the intangible assets.

15. Fixed assets
 a)     Conditions for recognizing fixed assets
        Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets held for the purpose of producing
        commodities, providing services, renting or business management, and the service
        life exceeds one fiscal year. The fixed assets shall be recognized when all the
        following conditions are satisfied:
        (1) It is probable that the economic benefits related to the fixed assets will flow to
        the Company;
        (2) The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.

 b)     Method of depreciation
        Depreciation of fixed assets is provided on a category basis by using the straight-
        line method, and the depreciation rate is determined according to the category of
        fixed assets, estimated service life and estimated net residual value. If the
        components of the fixed assets have different service life or provide economic
        benefits for the enterprise in different ways, different depreciation rates or methods
        shall be selected to provide for depreciation separately.
        The depreciation methods, depreciation lives, residual value rates and annual
        depreciation rates of various types of fixed assets are as follows:

                               Method of        Depreciation life       Residual value
           Category                                                                      depreciation rate
                              depreciation          (year)                 rate (%)
  Houses and buildings                                   20 years                   10                 4.5
  Gas turbine generator         Units-of-
  unit of machinery            production                                           10
  equipment (Note)               method
  Machinery equipment
  (except for gas turbine                           15 - 20 years                   10               4.5-6
  generator unit)
  Means of transport                                      5 years                   10                 18
  Others                      Straight-line               5 years                   10                 18

                            Notes to the financial statements Page 23
                                Method of          Depreciation life     Residual value
          Category                                                                        depreciation rate
                               depreciation            (year)               rate (%)

      Note: the gas turbine generator unit is depreciated by the workload method; that is, the depreciation

 amount of power generation per hour of the gas turbine generator unit is determined according to the

 equipment value, estimated net residual value rate and total estimated hours of power generation. Details

 are set out as follows:

        Company name                          Fixed assets               Depreciation amount (RMB/hour)
                                        No. 1 generator unit                                        538.33
 The Company
                                        No. 3 generator unit                                        601.21

 New electricity                       No. 10 generator unit                                        520.61

                                        No. 1 generator unit                                        960.04
 Zhongshan Electric Power
                                        No. 3 generator unit                                        837.29

16. Projects under construction
 The initial book value of construction in progress is stated at necessary expenditures
 incurred before preparing the asset to reach the working condition for its intended use.
 Where the constructed fixed assets have reached their intended state of use, but the final
 accounts for completion have not been handled, they shall be transferred into the fixed
 assets at the estimated value according to the project budget, construction cost or actual
 cost, etc. from the date when the assets reach the working condition for their expected use,
 and the depreciation of the fixed assets shall be provided in accordance with the
 Company's fixed assets depreciation policy. After the final accounts for completion are
 handled, the original provisional estimated value shall be adjusted according to the actual
 cost, but the depreciation already provided will not be adjusted.

17. Borrowing costs
 a)       Recognition principles for capitalization of borrowing costs
          Borrowing costs, including interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or
          premiums on borrowings, auxiliary expenses and exchange differences arising
          from foreign currency borrowings.
          Where the borrowing costs incurred by the Company can be directly attributable to
          the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization,

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 24
     such costs shall be capitalized and included in the costs of relevant assets. Other
     borrowing costs are recognized as expenses at the amount incurred and included in
     the profit or loss of the current period.
     Assets eligible for capitalization refer to the fixed assets, investment properties,
     inventories and other assets that can reach the working conditions for their intended
     use or sales only after a long period of acquisition, construction or production
     The capitalization of borrowing costs shall commence when the following
     conditions are simultaneously met:
     (1) The asset disbursement has already occurred which includes expenditures in the
     form of cash payment, transferring non-cash assets, or assuming interest-bearing
     debts for the purchase, construction or production of assets that meet the conditions
     for capitalization;
     (2) The borrowing costs have been incurred;
     (3) Acquisition, construction or production activities for preparing the assets ready
     for their intended use or sale have begun.

b)   During the capitalization of borrowing costs
     Capitalization period refers to the period from the commencement of capitalization
     to the cessation of capitalization of borrowing costs, excluding the period of
     suspending capitalization of borrowing costs;
     When the acquired and constructed or produced assets eligible for capitalization
     have reached the working conditions for their intended use or sale, the
     capitalization of borrowing costs shall be ceased.
     When part of the acquired and constructed or produced assets eligible for
     capitalization are completed and can be used separately, the capitalization of the
     borrowing costs shall be ceased in terms of such part of assets.
     Where all parts of the acquired and constructed or produced assets are completed
     separately, but the assets cannot be used or sold externally until the overall
     completion, the capitalization of borrowing costs of such assets shall be ceased
     upon the overall completion.

c)   Period of suspension of capitalization
     Where the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
                      Notes to the financial statements Page 25
        capitalization are interrupted abnormally and the interruption lasts for more than
        three consecutive months, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended;
        If the interruption is a necessary procedure for the acquired and constructed or
        produced assets eligible for capitalization to reach the working conditions for their
        intended use or sale, the borrowing costs shall continue to be capitalized. The
        borrowing costs occurred during the interruption period are recognized as the
        current profit or loss and continue to be capitalized until the acquisition,
        construction or production activities of the assets restart.

 d)     Calculation method of the rate and amount of capitalization of borrowing
        As for special borrowings borrowed for acquiring and constructing or producing
        assets eligible for capitalization, the capitalization amount of borrowing costs
        should be recognized at the amount of borrowing costs of special borrowings
        actually incurred in the current period, less the interest income of unused
        borrowings deposited in bank or the investment income of temporary investment.
        As for general borrowings used for acquiring and constructing or producing assets
        eligible for capitalization, the amount of borrowing costs of general borrowings to
        be capitalized should be calculated based on the weighted average of accumulated
        expenditure on assets in excess of special borrowings, multiplied by the
        capitalization rate of used general borrowings. The capitalization rate is calculated
        and recognized as per the weighted average interest rate of general borrowing.

18. Intangible assets
 a)     Valuation method of intangible assets
        (1) The Company shall initially measure the intangible assets at cost when
        obtaining the same;
        The costs of an externally acquired intangible asset comprise its purchase price,
        relevant taxes and any other expenditure directly attributable to bringing the asset
        to its intended use. If the purchase price of an intangible asset is delayed beyond
        the normal credit conditions and is substantially in the nature of financing, the cost
        of the intangible asset shall be determined on the basis of the present value of the
        purchase price.
        For intangible assets obtained in debt restructuring by the debtor for repayment of
                          Notes to the financial statements Page 26
     debts, the book-entry value shall be recognized at the fair value of the waived
     creditor's rights and taxes and other costs directly attributable to preparing the
     assets for their intended use. The difference between the fair value of the waived
     creditors' rights and the book value shall be included in the current profit or loss.
     On the premise that the exchange of non-monetary assets has commercial
     substance and the fair value of both the assets received and surrendered can be
     measured reliably, the book-entry value of the intangible assets received from
     exchange of non-monetary assets is determined based on the fair value of the assets
     surrendered, unless there is any conclusive evidence that the fair value of the assets
     received is more reliable. If the exchange of non-monetary assets does not meet the
     above criteria, the book value of the assets surrendered and the relevant taxes
     payable shall be recognized as the cost of the intangible assets received, and no
     profit or loss will be recognized.
     (2) Subsequent measurement
     Analyze and judge the service life of the intangible assets when obtaining the same.
     Intangible assets with limited service life shall be amortized at the straight-line
     method within the period when it can bring economic benefits to the enterprise; If
     it is impossible to predict the period when the intangible assets can bring economic
     benefits to the enterprise, they are deemed as intangible assets with uncertain
     service life and shall not be amortized.

b)   Estimated service life of intangible assets with limited service life
     For intangible assets with limited service life, the accumulated amount of its
     original value less estimated net residual value and accrued provision for
     impairment shall be evenly amortized by using the straight-line method within the
     estimated service life from the date when it is available for use. The intangible
     assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized.
     At the end of the period, the service life and amortization method of the intangible
     assets with limited service life shall be reviewed, and any change shall be handled
     as a change in accounting estimates.

c)   Basis for determining intangible assets with uncertain service life and the
     procedures for reviewing the service life
     The service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life shall be reviewed,
                      Notes to the financial statements Page 27
              and if there is evidence that the period for the intangible assets to bring economic
              benefits to the enterprise is foreseeable, the service life shall be estimated and
              amortized in accordance with the amortization policy of intangible assets with
              limited service life.

        d)    Specific criteria for classifying research and development stages
              Internal research and development expenditures of the Company include those
              incurred in the research stage and those in the development stage.
              Research stage: the stage when creative and planned investigations and research
              activities are carried out to acquire and understand new scientific or technological
              Development stage: a stage in which research results or other knowledge are
              applied to a plan or design for obtaining new or substantially improved materials,
              apparatuses and products prior to commercial manufacture or use.
              Specific criteria for development expenditures eligible for capitalization
              Expenditures in the development stage of an internal research and development
              project shall be recognized as intangible assets when all the following conditions
              are met:
              1. It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets so that they can be
              used or sold;
              2. It has the intention to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them;
              3. The means of generating economic benefits by intangible assets, including being
              able to prove that there is a market for the products produced by applying the
              intangible assets or the intangible assets having their own market, and intangible
              assets to be used internally, being able to prove their usefulness;
              4. With the support of sufficient technology, financial resources and other
              resources, it is able to complete the development of the intangible assets, and it is
              able to use or sell the intangible assets;
              5. The expenditures attributable to the intangible assets in the development stage
can be measured reliably.

      19. Impairment of long-term assets
        For long-term equity investments, investment properties, fixed assets, construction in
        progress, intangible assets with limited service life and other long-term assets measured at
                                Notes to the financial statements Page 28
cost model, if there is any indication of impairment on the balance sheet date, an
impairment test shall be conducted. If the results of the impairment test show that the
recoverable amount of the assets is lower than the book value, the provision for
impairment shall be made at the difference and included in the impairment loss. The
recoverable amount is the higher of the net amount of the asset's fair value less the
disposal expenses and the present value of the asset's estimated future cash flow. The
provision for asset impairment shall be calculated and recognized on the basis of
individual assets. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual
assets, the recoverable amount of the asset group shall be determined at the asset group to
which the assets belong. The asset group is the minimum asset group that can
independently generate cash inflow.
Goodwill, intangible assets with uncertain service life and intangible assets that have not
reached the serviceable condition shall be tested for impairment at least annually at year
If the Company conducts an impairment test on goodwill, the book value of goodwill
arising from the business combination shall be amortized to the relevant asset group by a
reasonable method as of the purchase date. If it is difficult to apportion to the relevant
asset group, it shall be apportioned to the relevant portfolio of asset groups. When the
Company amortizes the book value of goodwill, it shall amortize it according to the
relative benefits that the relevant asset group or portfolio of asset groups can obtain from
the synergy effect of business combination, and a goodwill impairment test shall be
performed on this basis.
When an impairment test is performed on the relevant asset group or portfolio of asset
groups containing goodwill, if there is any indication that the asset group or portfolio of
asset groups related to the goodwill may be impaired, the asset group or portfolio of asset
groups excluding goodwill shall be tested for impairment first, and the recoverable
amount shall be calculated, and compared with the relevant book value to recognize the
corresponding impairment loss. Then an impairment test shall be performed on the asset
group or portfolio of asset groups containing goodwill and compare the book value of
these relevant asset group or portfolio of asset groups (including the book value of the
goodwill apportioned) with their recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount of the
relevant asset group or portfolio of asset groups is lower than their book value, the
impairment loss of goodwill will be recognized. The above-mentioned asset impairment
loss will not be reversed in subsequent accounting periods once recognized.
                       Notes to the financial statements Page 29
20. Long-term deferred expenses
 Long-term deferred expenses of the Company refer to the expenses that have been paid
 but have a benefit period of more than one year (excluding one year). Long-term deferred
 expenses are amortized by stages according to the benefit period of expense items. If an
 item of long-term deferred expenses cannot benefit the subsequent accounting periods, the
 amortized value of the item that has not been amortized shall be fully transferred to the
 current profit or loss.

21. Contract liabilities
 Contract liabilities refer to the obligations of the Company to assign goods or services to
 customers for which the Company has received or shall receive consideration from the
 customers. The contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract shall be
 presented on a net basis.

22. Employee compensation
 a)     Accounting treatment of short-term compensation
        During the accounting period when employees provide services for the Company,
        the Company recognizes short-term compensation actually incurred as liabilities
        and includes it in the current profit or loss or related asset costs.
        The social insurance premiums and housing provident funds paid by the Company
        for employees, as well as labor union dues and employee education funds
        withdrawn in accordance with the provisions, shall be calculated and determined
        according to the prescribed accrual basis and accrual ratio during the accounting
        period when employees provide services for the Company.
        If the employee welfare expenses are non-monetary benefits and can be reliably
        measured, they shall be measured at fair value.

 b)     Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
        (1) Defined contribution plans
        The Company pays basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance for
        employees according to the relevant provisions of the local government. During the
        accounting period when employees provide services for the Company, the amount
        payable calculated at the payment base and the ratio as stipulated in the local
                           Notes to the financial statements Page 30
provisions is recognized as liabilities and included in the current profit or loss or
related asset costs.
In addition to the basic endowment insurance, the Company has also set up
enterprise annuity system (supplementary endowment insurance)/corporate annuity
plan in accordance with relevant national policies on enterprise annuity system.
The Company pays premiums to the local social insurance institutions/annuity plan
at a certain ratio of the total wages of employees, and the corresponding expenses
are included in the current profit or loss or related asset costs.
(2) Defined benefit plans
According to the formula determined by the expected cumulative welfare unit
method, the Company attributes the welfare obligations arising from the defined
benefit plans to the period during which the employees provide services, and
includes them in the current profit or loss or relevant assets costs.
The deficit or surplus arising from the present value of obligations under the
defined benefit plans less the fair value of assets under the defined benefit plans is
recognized as net liabilities or net assets under defined benefit plans. If there is a
surplus in the defined benefit plans, the Company shall measure the net assets of
defined benefit plans at the lower of the surplus in the defined benefit plans and the
upper limit of assets.
All obligations under the defined benefit plans, including those expected to be paid
within 12 months after the end of the annual reporting period in which the
employees provide services, are discounted according to the market yield of
treasury bonds or high-quality corporate bonds in the active market that match the
term and currency of the obligations under the defined benefit plans on the balance
sheet date.
Service costs arising from the defined benefit plans and the net interest on the net
liabilities or net assets under defined benefit plans are included in the current profit
or loss or related asset costs. The changes arising from the re-measurement of net
liabilities or net assets under defined benefit plans are included in the other
comprehensive income, and will not be reversed to the profit or loss in the
subsequent accounting periods. When the original defined benefit plans terminates,
the part originally included in the other comprehensive income will be fully carried
forward to the undistributed profits to the extent of equity.
Upon the settlement of defined benefit plans, the settlement gains or losses shall be
                 Notes to the financial statements Page 31
        recognized according to the difference between the present value of obligations
        under the defined benefit plans and the settlement price determined on the
        settlement date.

 c)     Accounting treatment of dismissal welfare
        When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismission welfare provided
        due to the plan to terminate labor relations or the layoff proposal, or recognizes the
        costs or expenses related to the restructuring involving the payment of dismission
        welfare (whichever is earlier), the employee compensation liabilities arising from
        the dismission welfare are recognized and included in the current profit or loss.

23. Estimated liabilities
 a)     Criteria for recognition of estimated liabilities
        The obligations related to contingencies such as litigation, debt guarantee, onerous
        contract and restructuring matters shall be recognized as estimated liabilities by the
        Company when all the following conditions are met:
        (1) The obligation is the current obligation assumed by the Company;
        (2) The fulfillment of the obligation is likely to lead to outflow of economic
        benefits from the Company;
        (3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

 b)     Measurement methods of various types of estimated liabilities
        The Company's estimated liabilities shall be initially measured at the best estimate
        of the expenses required to fulfill the relevant present obligations.
        When determining the best estimate, the Company shall comprehensively consider
        the risks, uncertainties and time value of money and other factors related to
        contingencies. For those that have a significant impact on the time value of money,
        the best estimate shall be determined by discounting the relevant future cash
        The best estimate will be handled according to the following circumstances:
        If there is a continuous range (or interval) of the required expenses, and the
        probabilities of occurrence of all the outcomes within this range are the same, the
        best estimate shall be determined according to the middle value of this range, that
        is, the average of the upper and lower limit amounts.
                            Notes to the financial statements Page 32
       If there is no continuous range (or interval) of the required expenses, or the
       probabilities of occurrence of all the outcomes within this range are not the same
       although there is a continuous range, if the contingency involves a single item, the
       best estimate shall be determined according to the most likely amount; If the
       contingency involves more than one item, the best estimate shall be calculated and
       determined based on various possible outcomes and relevant probabilities.
       If all or part of the expenses required by the Company to pay off the estimated
       liabilities are expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation
       amount shall be separately recognized as an asset when it is basically certain that it
       can be received, and the recognized compensation amount shall not exceed the
       book value of the estimated liabilities.

24. Revenue
 General principles
       The Company has fulfilled the performance obligations in the contract; namely, the
       revenue is recognized when the customer obtains the right of control of the relevant
       goods or services. Performance obligations refer to the contractual commitments in
       which the Group transfers clearly distinguishable goods or services to the
       customers. "Obtaining the right of control of the relevant goods or services" refers
       to the ability to dominate the use of the goods or the provision of the services and
       obtain almost all the economic benefits from them.
       If one of the following conditions is met, it is the performance obligation to be
       fulfilled within a certain period of time, and the Company recognizes the revenue
       within a certain period of time according to the performance progress: (1) the
       customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the Company's
       performance at the same time as the Company performs the contract; (2) The
       customer can control the goods under construction during the performance of the
       Company; (3) The goods produced during the performance of the Company have
       irreplaceable uses, and the Company has the right to collect payment for the
       accumulated part that has been completed so far during the entire contract period.
       Otherwise, the Company will recognize revenue at the time when the customer
       obtains the right of control of the relevant goods or services.
       Variable consideration
       Some of the contracts between the Company and its customers have arrangements

                        Notes to the financial statements Page 33
for sales rebates, quantity discounts, commercial discounts, performance bonuses
and claims, which form the variable consideration. The Company determines the
best estimate of the variable consideration according to the expected value or the
most likely amount, but the transaction price including the variable consideration
does not exceed the amount of accumulated recognized revenue which is unlikely
to be significantly reversed when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated.
Significant financing component
If there is a significant financing component in the contract, the Company
determines the transaction price according to the payable amount that is assumed to
be paid in cash by the customer when the customer obtains the right of control of
the goods or services. The difference between the transaction price and the contract
consideration is amortized over the contract period by using the effective interest
On the commencement date of the contract, if the enterprise expects that the
interval between the customer's acquisition of the right of control of the goods and
the customer's payment will not exceed one year, significant financing components
existing in the contract will not be considered.
Non-cash consideration
If the customer pays non-cash consideration, the Company shall determine the
transaction price according to the fair value of the non-cash consideration. If the
fair value of the non-cash consideration cannot be reasonably estimated, the
Company shall indirectly determine the transaction price by reference to the
individual selling price of the goods promised to be transferred to the customer.
Where the fair value of a non-cash consideration changes due to reasons other than
the form of consideration, it shall be accounted for as a variable consideration in
accordance with the relevant provisions.
Consideration payable to customers
For the consideration payable to customers, the Company shall offset the
transaction price of the consideration payable to customers, and offset the current
revenue at the later of the recognition of the relevant revenue or the commitment to
pay the consideration, unless the consideration payable is for the purpose of
obtaining other clearly distinguishable goods from the customers.
Sales with sales return clauses
For sales with sales return clauses, when the customer obtains the right of control

                 Notes to the financial statements Page 34
of relevant goods, the Company recognizes the revenue according to the amount of
consideration expected to receive due to the transfer of goods to the customer (i.e.,
excluding the amount expected to be refunded due to the sales return) and
recognizes liabilities according to the amount expected to be returned due to the
sales return; At the same time, the balance of the book value of the expected goods
to be returned at the time of transfer after deducting the expected cost of recovering
the goods (including the impairment of the value of the returned goods) is
recognized as an asset. The net amount after deducting the cost of the above asset
will be transferred as cost based on the book value of the transferred goods. On
each balance sheet date, the future sales returns are re-estimated, and if there is any
change, it will be conducted with accounting treatment as a change in accounting
Sales with quality assurance clauses
For sales with quality assurance clauses, if the quality assurance provides a
separate service in addition to assuring the customer that the goods or services sold
meet the established standards, the quality assurance constitutes a single
performance obligation. Otherwise, the Company shall conduct accounting
treatment on the quality assurance responsibilities in accordance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.13 - Contingencies.
Principal responsible person and agent
The Company determines whether it is the principal responsible person or the agent
when engaging in the transaction based on whether it has the right of control of the
goods or services before transferring them to the customers. If the Company is able
to control the goods or services before transferring the goods or services to the
customers, the Company is the principal responsible person, and the revenue is
recognized according to the total consideration received or receivable. Otherwise,
the Company, as the agent, shall recognize revenue according to the amount of
commission or service fee expected to receive, which shall be determined
according to the net amount of the total consideration received or receivable after
deducting the price payable to other relevant parties, or according to the established
amount or ratio of commission.
Sales with additional call option for customers
For sales with additional call option for the customer, the Company evaluates
whether this option provides the customer with a significant right. If an enterprise

                 Notes to the financial statements Page 35
provides significant rights, it shall, as a single performance obligation, allocate the
transaction price to the performance obligations in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the standards, and recognize the corresponding revenue when the
customer exercises the call option to obtain the right of control of the relevant
goods in the future, or when the option expires. If the separate selling price of the
additional call option for customer cannot be directly observed, the Company shall
make a reasonable estimate after comprehensively considering all relevant
information such as the difference between the discounts that the customer can
obtain if he/she exercises or does not exercise the option, the possibility that the
customer exercises the option, etc. Although the customer has the option to
purchase additional goods, the price at the time when the customer exercises the
option to purchase the goods reflects the separate selling price of these goods and it
shall not be regarded as that the Company has provided the customer with a
significant right.
Grant of intellectual property license to customers
If the intellectual property license is granted to the customer, the Company shall
evaluate whether the intellectual property license constitutes a single performance
obligation in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Standards, and if it
constitutes a single performance obligation, it shall further determine whether it is
performed within a certain period of time or at a certain point in time.
When the following conditions are met at the same time, the relevant revenue shall
be recognized as a performance obligation to be fulfilled within a certain period of
time. Otherwise, the relevant revenue is recognized as a performance obligation
fulfilled at a certain point in time:
(I) The contract requires or the customers can reasonably expect that the enterprise
will engage in activities that have a significant impact on the intellectual property;
(II) The activity will have a favorable or unfavorable impact on the customers;
(III) The activity will not result in the transfer of a certain goods to the customer.
Transactions of sales with buyback agreements
For the transactions of sales with buyback agreements, the Company conducts
accounting treatment respectively under the following two circumstances:
(I) If the Company has the obligation to repurchase or the Company enjoys the
right to repurchase due to the existence of forward arrangements with customers,
the Company shall carry out corresponding accounting treatment as a lease

                     Notes to the financial statements Page 36
transaction or a financing transaction. In this case, if the repurchase price is lower
than the original selling price, it shall be deemed as a lease transaction, and
accounting treatment shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions
of the Standards; If the repurchase price is not lower than the original selling price,
it shall be regarded as a financing transaction, and the financial liabilities shall be
recognized when the customer's payment is received, and the difference between
the payment and the repurchase price shall be recognized as interest expenses, etc.
during the repurchase period. If the Company fails to exercise the repurchase right
upon expiration, the financial liabilities shall be derecognized upon the expiration
of the repurchase right, and the revenue shall be recognized at the same time.
(II) If the Company has the obligation to repurchase the goods at the request of the
customer, it shall assess whether the customer has a significant economic
motivation to exercise the right of request on the commencement date of contract.
If the customer has a significant economic motivation to exercise the right of
request, the enterprise shall take the sales with buyback agreements as a lease
transaction or a financing transaction and conduct accounting treatment in
accordance with the provisions of Item 1 of this Article; Otherwise, the Company
will treat it as a sales transaction with a sales return clause, and conduct accounting
treatment in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Standards.
Rights not exercised by customers
If the Company receives the payment for sales of goods from customers in advance,
it shall first recognize the payment as the liabilities, and then transfer it to the
revenue when the relevant performance obligations are fulfilled. When the advance
payment does not need to be returned, and the customer may waive all or part of
his/her contractual rights, the Company expects to be entitled to the amount related
to the contractual rights waived by the customer, the above amount shall be
recognized as the revenue at the ratio to the mode of the customer exercising the
contractual rights; Otherwise, the Company can only transfer the relevant balance
of the above liabilities to revenue when the possibility of the customer requiring it
to perform the remaining performance obligations is extremely low.
Initial costs no to be returned.
The non-refundable initial costs collected by the Company from the customer on
the commencement date of the contract (or close to the commencement date) shall
be included in the transaction price, and the Company shall assess whether the

                 Notes to the financial statements Page 37
      initial costs are related to the transfer of the promised goods to the customer. If the
      initial costs are related to the transfer of the promised goods to the customer, and
      the goods constitute a single performance obligation, the Company recognizes the
      revenue at the transaction price allocated to the goods when transferring the goods;
      If the initial costs are related to the goods promised to transfer to the customer, but
      the goods do not constitute a single performance obligation, the Company will
      recognize the revenue at the transaction price allocated to the single performance
      obligation when the single performance obligation containing the goods is fulfilled.
      If the initial costs are not related to the goods promised to transfer to the customer,
      it shall be used as an advance payment for the goods to be transferred in the future
      and shall be recognized as revenue when the goods are transferred in the future.
      If the Company has collected an initial cost that does not need to be returned and
      shall carry out initial activities to perform the contract, but these activities do not
      transfer the promised goods to the customer, the initial cost is related to the goods
      promised to be transferred in the future, and shall be recognized as revenue when
      transferring the goods in the future. The Company does not consider these initial
      activities when determining the progress of the contract. The Company's
      expenditures for such initial activities shall be recognized as an asset or included in
      the current profit or loss in accordance with the relevant provisions of the

Specific principles
      The Company has fulfilled the performance obligations in the contract; namely, the
      revenue is recognized when the customer obtains the right of control of the relevant
      goods or services. "Obtaining the right of control of the relevant goods or services"
      refers to the ability to dominate the use of the goods or the provision of the services
      and obtain almost all the economic benefits from them.
      (1) Revenue from sales of goods
      The sales contract between the Company and its customers generally includes only
      the performance obligations of the transferred goods. The Company usually
      recognizes revenue at a certain point in time on the basis of comprehensive
      consideration of the following factors: obtaining the current right to receive
      payment for the goods, the transfer of major risks and rewards in the ownership of
      the goods, the transfer of the legal ownership of the goods, and the transfer of the

                       Notes to the financial statements Page 38
physical asset of the goods and the customer's acceptance of the goods.
Revenue from sales of electricity
The Company produces electric energy through thermal power and sells it by
integrating it into the Guangdong power grid. For sales of electricity, the Company
shall recognize revenue when the electric energy has been produced and the
statistical form of net energy output confirmed by the electric power bureau has
been obtained.
(2) Revenue from the provision of service
Service contracts between the Company and the customers usually include
performance obligations such as operation and maintenance services, labor services,
The Company evaluates the contract on the contract commencement date,
identifies each single performance obligation contained in the contract, and
determines whether each individual performance obligation is performed within a
certain period or at a certain time point. If one of the following conditions is met, it
is a performance obligation performed within a certain period of time and the
Company recognizes revenue within a period of time according to the progress of
the contract:
(1) The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the
Company's performance at the same time as the Company's performance;
(2) The customer can control the goods under construction during the performance
of the Company;
(3) The goods produced during the performance of the Company have irreplaceable
uses, and the Company has the right to collect payment for the accumulated part
that has been completed so far during the entire contract period. Otherwise, the
Company will recognize revenue at the time when the customer obtains the right of
control of the relevant goods or services.
○1 Recognition of revenue from services provided by the Environmental Protection
The Company recognizes revenue based on the obtained sludge treatment
settlement statement jointly confirmed with the Transportation Company, the water
purification unit, and the Company.
○2 Specific standards for revenue recognition of the Engineering Company:
Commissioning projects: when the commissioning is successful, obtain the

                 Notes to the financial statements Page 39
        confirmation of successful commissioning, and recognize revenue according to the
        Operation and maintenance, management projects: monthly revenue is temporarily
        estimated and recognized based on attendance time and labor prices of attendants,
        and the temporarily estimated revenue will be adjusted after obtaining the monthly
        statement confirmed by the supplier's stamp and signature, the progress
        confirmation letter, and the attendance sheet.

25. Contract cost
 Cost of obtaining the contract
 If the incremental cost (that is, the cost that would not be incurred without obtaining the
 contract) incurred by the Company to obtain the contract is expected to be recovered, it
 will be recognized as an asset, amortized on the same basis as the revenue recognition of
 goods or services related to the asset for sales, and be included in the current profit or loss.
 If the asset amortization period does not exceed one year, the asset shall be included in the
 current profit or loss when it occurs. Other expenses incurred by the Group to obtain the
 contract will be included in the current profit or loss when incurred, except for those
 clearly borne by the customer.
 Cost of fulfilling the contract
 The cost incurred by the Company for the performance of the contract that does not fall
 within the scope of other accounting standards for business enterprises except the revenue
 standard and meets the following conditions at the same time is recognized as an asset: (1)
 the cost is directly related to a current or expected contract; (2) the cost increases the
 resources of the Group for fulfilling the performance obligations in the future; (3) The
 cost is expected to be recovered. The above-mentioned assets are amortized on the same
 basis as the recognition of the revenue of goods or services related to the asset and
 included in the current profit or loss.
 Contract cost impairment
 When the Company determines loss of impairment of assets related to the contract cost, it
 first determines the impairment loss of other assets related to the contract that are
 confirmed in accordance with other relevant accounting standards for business enterprises.
 Then, if the book value is higher than the difference between the remaining consideration
 expected to be obtained by the Company from the transfer of the asset-related goods and
 the estimated cost to be incurred for the transfer of the relevant goods, the excess shall be

                         Notes to the financial statements Page 40
 subject to provision for impairment and recognized as the asset impairment loss.
 If the factors of impairment in the previous period change after that, making the aforesaid
 difference higher than the book value of the asset, the provision for asset impairment that
 has been withdrawn shall be reversed and included in the current profit or loss, but the
 book value of the asset after reversal shall not exceed the book value of the asset on the
 reversal date assuming that no provision for impairment is made.
26. Government subsidies
 a)    Change type
       Government subsidies are monetary and non-monetary assets obtained by the
       Company from the government for free. They can be divided into government
       subsidies related to assets and government subsidies related to revenue.
       Government subsidies related to assets are government subsidies that the Company
       acquires for acquisition, construction, or otherwise forms long-term assets.
       Government subsidies related to revenue refer to government subsidies other than
       government subsidies related to assets. Government subsidies related to revenue
       refer to those other than government subsidies related to assets.

 b)    Timing of recognition
       If there is evidence at the end of the period that the Company can meet the relevant
       conditions stipulated in the financial support policy and is expected to receive
       financial support funds, the government subsidies will be recognized according to
       the amount receivable. In addition, all government subsidies shall be recognized
       when actually received.
       The government subsidies considered as monetary assets are measured at the
       amount received or receivable. If government subsidies are non-monetary assets,
       they will be measured at fair value. If the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it
       shall be measured at a nominal amount (RMB1). Government subsidies measured
       according to the nominal amount are directly included in current profit or loss.

 c)    Accounting treatment
       Government subsidies related to assets are used to offset the book value of relevant
       assets or recognized as deferred income. If they are recognized as a deferred
       income, they will be included in the current profit or loss by stages according to a
       reasonable and systematic method within the service life of the relevant assets (if
                        Notes to the financial statements Page 41
        they are related to the daily activities of the Company, they are included into other
        income; if irrelevant to the daily activities of the Company, they will be included
        into non-operating revenue).
        If the government subsidies related to revenue are used to compensate the
        Company's relevant costs or losses in subsequent periods, they are recognized as
        deferred income, and will be included in the current profit or loss (if they are
        related to the Company's daily activities, they are included in other income; if
        irrelevant to the Company's daily activities, they are included into the non-
        operating revenue) or offset the relevant costs or losses during the period when the
        relevant costs or losses are recognized; Those used to compensate the Company for
        the relevant costs or losses incurred will be directly included in the current profit or
        loss (those related to the Company's daily activities will be included in other
        income; those irrelevant to the Company's daily activities will be included in the
        non-operating revenue) or used to offset the relevant costs or losses.
        The discount interest of the policy-based preferential loans obtained by the
        Company will be accounted for respectively according to the following two
        (1) If the finance department appropriates the discount interest funds to the lending
        bank, and the lending bank provides the loan to the Company at the policy-based
        preferential interest rate, the Company shall take the loan amount actually received
        as the entry value of the loan, and calculate the relevant borrowing costs according
        to the loan principal and the policy-based preferential interest rates.
        (2) If the finance department directly appropriates the discount interest funds to the
        Company, the Company will offset the corresponding borrowing costs with the
        corresponding discount interest.
27. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
 Deferred tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences to the extent that
 they do not exceed the taxable income probably obtained in the future period that can be
 used to offset the deductible temporary differences. For deductible loss and tax credits
 that can be carried forward to subsequent years, the corresponding deferred tax assets
 arising therefrom are recognized to the extent that future taxable income will be probable
 to be available against deductible losses and tax credits.
 Taxable temporary differences are recognized as deferred tax liabilities, except for special
                         Notes to the financial statements Page 42
 Special circumstances in which deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities shall not be
 recognized include: the initial recognition of goodwill. Other transactions or matters
 excluding business combinations, which affect neither accounting profits nor taxable
 income (or deductible loss) when occurred.
 If the Company has the legal right of netting and intends to settle in net amount or to
 obtain assets and discharge liabilities simultaneously, the income tax assets and income
 tax liabilities of the Company for the current period shall be presented based on the net
 amount after offset.
 When the Company has the legal right to settle current income tax assets and current
 income tax liabilities on a net basis, and the deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
 are related to the income tax levied by the same tax collection authority on the same tax
 entity or to different tax entities, but in each future period when important deferred tax
 assets and liabilities are reversed, the involved tax entity intends to settle current income
 tax assets and liabilities on a net basis or to acquire assets and settle liabilities at the same
 time, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are listed and reported on a net basis
 after offsetting.

28. Lease
   Leases refers to a contract in which the lessor transfers the right to use the asset to the
   lessee for consideration within a certain period of time.
 a)     The Company as the lessee
        The Company recognizes the right-of-use assets on the lease commencement date
        and recognizes the lease liabilities at the present value of the outstanding lease
        payments. Lease payments include fixed payments and payments to be made in
        circumstances where it is reasonably certain that the call option or the right to
        terminate the lease will be exercised. The variable rent determined based on a
        certain ratio of sales is not included in the lease payment, and is included in the
        current profit or loss when it actually occurs.
        The Company's right-of-use assets include leased houses and buildings, machinery
        equipment, means of transport, computers and electronic equipment, etc.
        For short-term leases with a lease term of less than 12 months and low-value asset
        leases with a low value when a single asset is brand-new, the Company chooses not
        to recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities, and includes the relevant
        rental expenses into current profit or loss or the relevant asset cost in each period of
                          Notes to the financial statements Page 43
            the lease term according to the straight-line method.

 b)         The Company as the lessor
            Leases that substantially transfer substantially all of the risks and rewards
            associated with the ownership of leased assets are finance leases Other leases are
            operating leases.
       i.        Operating lease
            When the Company operates leased buildings, machinery and equipment, and
            means of transport, the rental revenue from operating leases shall be recognized in
            accordance with the straight-line method during the lease term. The Company will
            include variable rent determined based on a ratio of sales in rental revenue when it
            actually incurs.
      ii.        Financing lease
            On the lease commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance lease
            receivable for finance leases and derecognizes related assets. The Company
            presents the finance lease receivables as long-term receivables, and the finance
            lease receivables received within one year (including one year) from the balance
            sheet date are presented as non-current assets due within one year.

29. Special reserves
 The Group includes the work safety costs in accordance with the national provisions in
 the cost of the related products or the current profit or loss and in the account of "special
 reserves" at the same time. When the Group uses the special reserves, the special reserves
 shall be directly offset if it belongs to the expense. If fixed assets are formed, they shall be
 recognized as fixed assets when the relevant assets reach the working condition for their
 intended use. Meanwhile, special reserves shall be offset according to the costs of fixed
 assets and the accumulated depreciation of the same amount shall be recognized.
 Depreciation of such fixed assets will not be made in subsequent periods.

30. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
 a)         Changes in significant accounting policies
            There were no changes in significant accounting policies during the reporting

                               Notes to the financial statements Page 44
       b)      Changes in significant accounting estimates
               There were no changes in significant accounting estimates during the reporting

IV.    Taxation
      1. Major types of tax and tax rates

       Type of tax         Taxation basis                                                         Tax rate
                           The output tax is calculated on the basis of the sales of goods
                           and the taxable service income calculated in accordance with           13% 、 9% 、
                           the tax law, and the difference shall be the VAT payable after         6%、5%、3%
                           deducting the deductible input tax for the current period.
       maintenance and     Paid on the basis of the actual VAT and consumption tax paid           7%
       construction tax
                           Paid on the basis of the actual VAT and consumption tax paid           3%
       Local education
                           Paid on the basis of the actual VAT and consumption tax paid           2%
       Corporate                                                                                  25% 、 15% 、
                           Levied based on taxable income
       income tax                                                                                 16.5%、17%
                           Calculated and paid at RMB 2-8/square meter for the actual
       Urban and rural     land area occupied by the industrial land in Nanshan District,
       land use tax        Shenzhen; Calculated and paid at RMB1/square meter for the
                           actual land area occupied by the industrial land in Zhongshan.

       Remarks: refer to explanations (II) and (III) below for the rate of corporate income tax

      2. Notes to the rate of income tax of the corporate income tax taxpayers

       Name of taxpayer                                                             Income tax rate

       The Company                                                                                            15%

       New Power Company                                                                                      25%

       Shen Nan Dian Engineering Company                                                                      15%

       Server Company                                                                                         25%

       Shen Nan Dian Environment Protection Company                                                           25%

       Shen Nan Dian Zhongshan Company                                                                        25%

       Singapore Company                                                                                      17%

       Shenzhen Nanshan Power Warehousing Company                                                             25%

       Xindesheng Company                                                                                    16.5%

                                  Notes to the financial statements Page 45
     3. Preferential tax policies and basis
      1. Preferential policies for corporate income tax:
      (1) According to the Record-filing List of the Second Batch of High-tech Enterprises
      Recognized by Shenzhen in 2021, Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd. has obtained the
      National High-tech Enterprise Accreditation Certificate (No. GR202144204080), which is
      valid for 3 years. From 2021 to 2023, the Company will enjoy preferential policies for
      high-tech corporate income tax and its corporate income tax will be calculated and paid at
      a reduced rate of 15.00%.
      (2) According to the document Guo Ke Huo Zi (2020) No.46, Shenzhen Shennandian
      Turbine Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. has obtained the National High-tech Enterprise
      Accreditation Certificate (No. GR202044200352), which is valid for 3 years. From 2020
      to 2023, the Company will enjoy preferential policies for high-tech corporate income tax
      and its corporate income tax will be calculated and paid at a reduced rate of 15.00%.

      2. Preferential policies for VAT:

      Type of             Relevant regulations and       Approving       Approval     Exemptio      Term        of
      tax                 policy basis                  authority        number       n range       validity
                                                        Qianhai                       upon
                          Notice on the Catalogue
                Enviro                                  Office    of                  collection
                          of    VAT      Preferential
                nment                                   Shenzhen         SQSST        of VAT
                          Policies for Products and                                                 From
                al                                      Tax Service,     No.          for
      VAT                 Labor      Services    for                                                August 01,
                Protec                                  State            [2018]       comprehe
                          Comprehensive                                                             2020 to July
                tion                                    Taxiation        18302        nsive
                          Utilization of Resources                                                  31, 2023
                Comp                                    Administrati                  utilization
                          (CS No. [2015] 78)
                any                                     on                            of
                                                        Qianhai          Announce
                                                        Office    of     ment of      VAT
                          Administrative Measures
                Engin                                   Shenzhen         the State    exemption
                          for VAT Exemption for
                eering                                  Tax Service,     Taxation     for cross-
      VAT                 Cross-boarder    Taxable
                Comp                                    State            Administr    border
                          Activities of VAT in Lieu
                any                                     Taxiation        ation        taxable
                          of Business Tax
                                                        Administrati     [2016]       activities
                                                        on               No.29

V.    Notes to items of the consolidated financial statements
     1. Cash and cash equivalents

                         Item                            Ending balance              Ending balance last year

      Cash on hand                                                     30,624.14                     37,698.63

                                Notes to the financial statements Page 46
                     Item                            Ending balance           Ending balance last year

 Bank deposit                                              260,369,004.01                647,983,965.23

 Other cash and cash equivalents                            32,915,036.77                 27,474,602.54

                     Total                                 293,314,664.92                675,496,266.40

 Including: total amount of deposit abroad                    6,222,045.22                  6,016,949.57

 Details of the cash and cash equivalents which are restricted for use due to mortgage,
 pledge or freezing, and which are placed overseas with restrictions on fund repatriation
 are as follows:

                     Item                             Ending balance           Ending balance last year

 Bank acceptance bill margin                                 27,474,594.34                27,474,594.34

 Performance bond                                             5,440,434.23

                     Total                                   32,915,028.57                27,474,594.34

2. Trading financial assets

                      Item                            Ending balance           Ending balance last year
 Financial assets measured at fair value and
 the changes of which are included in the                    145,000,000.00              440,013,571.10
 current profit or loss
 Including: investment in debt instruments
          Investments in equity instruments
          Derivative financial assets
          Others                                             145,000,000.00              440,013,571.10
 Financial assets designated to be measured
 at fair value through current profit or loss
 Including: investment in debt instruments
 Investments in equity instruments
                     Total                                   145,000,000.00              440,013,571.10

3. Accounts receivable
 a)      Accounts receivable disclosed by aging

                 Aging                            Ending balance              Ending balance last year

 Within 1 year (including 1 year)                          88,354,422.85                 103,306,168.76

 1-2 years (including 2 years)                             58,189,402.12                  34,239,288.30

 2-3 years (including 3 years)                                           -

 More than 3 years                                          5,558,673.67                    5,558,673.67

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 47
                 Aging                              Ending balance                Ending balance last year

                Sub-total                                   152,102,498.64                   143,104,130.73

Less: provision for bad debts                                 7,270,638.09                      7,270,638.09

                  Total                                     144,831,860.55                   135,833,492.64

b)      Disclosure of accounts receivable by category based on provision method for
        bad debts

                                                            Ending balance

                                 Book balance                 Provision for bad debts
                                                                               Ratio of       Book value
                              Amount          Ratio (%)        Amount         provision
receivable     with
provision for bad             5,558,673.67         3.65       5,558,673.67        100.00                     -
debts made on an
individual basis
Provision for bad
debts by portfolio
                            146,543,824.97        96.35       1,711,964.42          1.17     144,831,860.55
of              risk
Including: low-
                            146,543,824.97        96.35       1,711,964.42          1.17     144,831,860.55
risk portfolio
       Total                152,102,498.64       100.00       7,270,638.09          4.78     144,831,860.55

                                                       Ending balance last year

                                   Book balance                Provision for bad debts
                                                                                Ratio of       Book value
                                Amount          Ratio (%)        Amount        provision
Accounts receivable
with provision for
                               5,558,673.67          3.88      5,558,673.67        100.00                    -
bad debts made on
an individual basis
Provision for bad
debts by portfolio of        137,545,457.06         96.12      1,711,964.42           1.24   135,833,492.64
risk characteristics
Including: low-risk
                             137,545,457.06         96.12      1,711,964.42           1.24   135,833,492.64
        Total                143,104,130.73        100.00      7,270,638.09           5.08   135,833,492.64

        Provision for bad debts accrued on an individual basis

                Name                                                 Ending balance

                              Notes to the financial statements Page 48
                                                                                   Ratio of
                                                 Book          Provision for                      Reason          for
                                                balance         bad debts                         provision
                                                                                     n (%)
Shenzhen Petrochemical            Products                                                        Estimated to    be
                                              3,474,613.06      3,474,613.06         100.00
Bonded Trading Co., Ltd.                                                                          irrecoverable
                                                                                                  Estimated to    be
China Soilbase Engineering Co., Ltd.          1,137,145.51      1,137,145.51         100.00
Shenzhen Fuhuade Electricity Co.,                                                                 Estimated to    be
                                                800,000.00        800,000.00         100.00
Ltd.                                                                                              irrecoverable
                                                                                                  Estimated to    be
Others                                          146,915.10        146,915.10         100.00
                   Total                      5,558,673.67      5,558,673.67         100.00

 c)       Provision, reversal or recovery of provision for bad debts in the current

                                                      Changes in current period
                           Ending balance
      Category                                                                                    Ending balance
                              last year                        Recovery
                                               Provision                          Others
                                                               or reversal
 receivable with
 provision for bad
                             5,558,673.67                                                           5,558,673.67
 debts made on
 an     individual
 Provision       for
 bad debts by
                             1,711,964.42                                                           1,711,964.42
 portfolio of risk
         Total               7,270,638.09                                                           7,270,638.09

 d)       Top 5 accounts receivable in terms of ending balances due from debtors

                                                                                                   Ending balance
                                                                     Ratio in the balance of
                                                                                                        of the
          Company name                        Book balance            accounts receivable
                                                                                                    provision for
                                                                                                      bad debts
 No.1                                               79,629,858.86                      52.35         1,711,964.42

 No.2                                               54,764,958.01                      36.01

 No.3                                                7,264,100.00                          4.78

 No.4                                                4,957,000.00                          3.26

 No.5                                                3,474,613.06                          2.28      3,474,613.06

                 Total                            150,090,529.93                       98.68         5,186,577.48

4. Advances to suppliers
 a)       Presentation of advances to suppliers by aging

                                 Notes to the financial statements Page 49
                                         Ending balance                      Ending balance last year
                                 Book balance         Ratio (%)            Book balance          Ratio (%)
 Within 1 year (including
                                  52,803,240.38              97.91           44,506,222.90               97.93
 1 year)
 1-2 years (including 2
                                     622,841.10               1.15                514,851.14              1.13
 2-3 years (including 3
                                     465,000.00               0.86                389,626.88              0.86
 More than 3 years                     40,525.23              0.08                 37,586.94              0.08

           Total                  53,931,606.71             100.00           45,448,287.86              100.00

 b)      Top 5 prepayments in terms of ending balance due to payee

                                                                                   Ratio in the balance of
           Company name                            Book balance
                                                                                     prepayments (%)
 No.1                                                      21,657,139.77                                  40.16

 No.2                                                      18,038,674.04                                  33.45

 No.3                                                      11,955,099.62                                  22.17

 No.4                                                         458,593.30                                     0.85

 No.5                                                         436,337.40                                     0.81

                   Total                                   52,545,844.13                                  97.43

5. Other receivables

                       Item                               Ending balance             Ending balance last year

 Interest receivable

 Dividends receivable

 Other accounts receivable                                        18,852,212.98                 18,314,003.84

                       Total                                      18,852,212.98                 18,314,003.84

 a)      Other accounts receivable
         (1) Disclosure by aging

                       Aging                              Ending balance             Ending balance last year

 Within 1 year                                                    5,052,627.80                   1,058,183.07

                               Notes to the financial statements Page 50
                    Aging                                 Ending balance           Ending balance last year

1-2 years                                                          842,636.66                     36,436.71

2-3 years                                                          172,169.92                    243,391.13

More than 3 years                                               44,825,166.21                 49,016,380.54

                  Sub-total                                     50,892,600.59                 50,354,391.45

Less: provision for bad debts                                   32,040,387.61                 32,040,387.61

                       Total                                    18,852,212.98                 18,314,003.84

        (2) Disclosure by category

                                                            Ending balance

                                  Book balance                Provision for bad debts
                                                                                 Ratio of   Book value
                               Amount         Ratio (%)        Amount           provision
receivable      with
provision for bad          32,328,502.39          63.52      32,040,387.61          99.11        288,114.78
debts made on an
individual basis
Provision for bad
debts based on
                           18,564,098.20          36.48                                       18,564,098.20
portfolio of credit
risk characteristics
Including: low-risk
                           18,564,098.20          36.48                                       18,564,098.20
       Total               50,892,600.59         100.00      32,040,387.61          62.96     18,852,212.98

                                                       Ending balance last year

                                  Book balance                Provision for bad debts
                                                                                 Ratio of   Book value
                               Amount         Ratio (%)        Amount           provision
receivable      with
provision for bad          32,328,502.39          64.20      32,040,387.61          99.11        288,114.78
debts made on an
individual basis
Provision for bad
debts based on
                           18,025,889.06          35.80                                       18,025,889.06
portfolio of credit
risk characteristics
Including: low-risk
                           18,025,889.06          35.80                                       18,025,889.06
       Total               50,354,391.45         100.00      32,040,387.61          63.63     18,314,003.84

        Provision for bad debts accrued on an individual basis

                               Notes to the financial statements Page 51
                                                                      Ending balance
               Name                                                             Ratio of
                                                             Provision for                        Reason for
                                            Book balance                       provision
                                                               bad debts                          provision
Huiyang County Kangtai Industrial                                                              Estimated to be
                                            14,311,626.70    14,311,626.70        100.00
Company                                                                                          irrecoverable
                                                                                               Estimated to be
Individual income tax                        2,470,039.76     2,470,039.76        100.00
                                                                                               Estimated to be
Dormitory amounts receivable                 1,736,004.16     1,736,004.16        100.00
Accounts        receivable       from                                                          Estimated to be
                                             7,498,997.87     7,498,997.87        100.00
individuals                                                                                      irrecoverable
                                                                                               Estimated to be
Jinan Power Equipment Co., Ltd.              3,560,000.00     3,560,000.00        100.00
Zuo Hao Garment (Shenzhen) Co.,                                                                Estimated to be
                                               43,068.31         43,068.31        100.00
Ltd.                                                                                             irrecoverable
Shenzhen Guanhua Printing and                                                                  Estimated to be
                                               53,591.75         53,591.75        100.00
Dyeing Co., Ltd.                                                                                 irrecoverable
Shenzhen Nanhua Printing and                                                                   Estimated to be
                                               41,407.01         41,407.01        100.00
Dyeing Co., Ltd.                                                                                 irrecoverable
Huizhou Bangdenong Ecological                                                                  Estimated to be
                                               25,788.00         25,788.00        100.00
Organic Fertilizer Co., Ltd.                                                                     irrecoverable
Huizhou Lvhuan Fertilizer Co.,                                                                 Estimated to be
                                               44,112.10         44,112.10        100.00
Ltd.                                                                                             irrecoverable
                                                                                               Estimated to be
Others                                       2,543,866.73     2,255,751.95         88.67
                Total                       32,328,502.39    32,040,387.61         99.11

         (3) Provision for bad debts

                           First stage            Second stage               Third stage
Provision for bad                              Expected credit loss     Expected credit loss
                        Expected credit                                                               Total
debts                                          over the whole life      over the whole life
                        loss for the next
                                                 (without credit            (with credit
                           12 months
                                                  impairment)              impairment)
                                                                              32,040,387.61       32,040,387.61
balance in the
current period
- Carried forward
to the second
- Carried forward
to the third stage
- Reversal to the
second stage
- Reversal to the
first stage
Provision in the
current period
Reversal in the
current period
Charge-off in the
current period
Write-off        in
current period

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 52
                            First stage            Second stage             Third stage
 Provision for bad                              Expected credit loss    Expected credit loss
                         Expected credit                                                            Total
 debts                                          over the whole life     over the whole life
                         loss for the next
                                                  (without credit           (with credit
                            12 months
                                                   impairment)             impairment)
 Other changes

 Ending balance                                                               32,040,387.61     32,040,387.61

          (4) Classification by the nature of payment

                                                                             Book balance at the end of the
        Nature of payment            Book balance at the end of period
                                                                                    previous year
 Deposit and security deposit                                1,654,712.69                        2,784,868.96

 Withholding payments                                        9,393,549.05                        8,077,850.31
 Accounts receivable        from
                                                            15,817,190.04                       14,740,501.44
 Huidong Server
 Current accounts and others                                24,027,148.81                       24,751,170.74

            Sub-total                                       50,892,600.59                       50,354,391.45

 Less: provision for bad debts                              32,040,387.61                       32,040,387.61

                Total                                       18,852,212.98                       18,314,003.84

          (5) Top 5 of other accounts receivable in terms of ending balances due from

                                                                              Ratio in the
                                                                             total ending      Ending balance
                        Nature of
 Company name                             Book balance          Aging         balance of       of the provision
                                                                               accounts         for bad debts
                                                                            receivable (%)
 No.1                                     14,911,484.45         1-3 years            29.30
                        Current                              More than 3
 No.2                                     14,311,626.70                              28.12       14,311,626.70
                        accounts                                   years
                        Security                             More than 3
 No.3                                        3,560,000.00                             7.00        3,560,000.00
                         deposit                                   years
                                                             More than 3
 No.4                   Deposit              1,460,919.00                             2.87
                        Current                              More than 3
 No.5                                        1,408,866.89                             2.77        1,408,866.89
                        accounts                                   years
        Total                             35,652,897.04                              70.06       19,280,493.59

6. Inventories
 a)       Classification of inventories

                              Notes to the financial statements Page 53
                                   Ending balance                                 Ending balance last year

      Item                           Inventory
                    Book                                                  Book            Inventory
                                    falling price     Book value                                             Book value
                   balance                                               balance         falling price
 Raw              144,075,420.62      59,079,222.05    84,996,198.57    144,000,440.38     59,079,222.05       84,921,218.33
 Sporadic                                                                  358,080.02                            358,080.02
 spare parts
      Total       144,075,420.62      59,079,222.05    84,996,198.57    144,358,520.40     59,079,222.05       85,279,298.35

 b)          Inventory falling price reserves

                                        Increase in the current        Decrease in the current
                 Ending balance                 period                         period
    Item                                                                                               Ending balance
                    last year                                          Reversal or
                                          Provision     Others                           Others
                  59,079,222.05                                                                            59,079,222.05
   Total          59,079,222.05                                                                            59,079,222.05

7. Contract assets

                          Item                                    Ending balance             Ending balance last year
 Operation and maintenance project settlement
 Quality guarantee deposit receivable                                         89,848.39                       217,009.58

                       Sub-total                                              89,848.39                       217,009.58

 Provision for contract assets impairment

                         Total                                                89,848.39                       217,009.58

8. Other current assets

                          Item                                    Ending balance             Ending balance last year

 Negotiable certificate of deposit                                      230,000,000.00                     180,000,000.00

 Input tax of VAT to be deducted                                          1,423,597.61                       1,103,481.37

 Prepaid income tax                                                       6,583,089.98                       6,583,089.98

 Interest receivable on time deposits                                       237,900.37                        496,849.31

 Others                                                                       11,820.78                         65,419.78

                          Total                                         238,256,408.74                     188,248,840.44

                                   Notes to the financial statements Page 54
        9. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                           Increase/decrease in the current period
                                                                                                                                                                                             balance of
                     Ending      balance                                   Profit or loss of   Adjustment of                    Cash dividends                                                   the
     Investees                                               Decrease                                             Changes                         Provision                Ending balance
                     last year             Additional                        investment            other                           or profits                                                provision
                                                                in                                                in other                           for      Others                             for
                                           investment                     recognized under     comprehensive                     declared and
                                                            investment                                             equity                        impairment                                 impairment
                                                                         the equity method        income                          distributed

1. Associates
Huidong Server
Company                 4,414,021.80                                          334,799.49                                                                                     4,748,821.29
referred to as the
Jiangsu Liaoyuan
Technology Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter     79,082,076.44                                         1,308,357.00                                       1,214,550.00                                79,175,883.44
referred to as
      Total           83,496,098.24                     -            -      1,643,156.49                     -             -   1,214,550.00               -            -   83,924,704.73

                                                                                  Notes to the financial statements Page 55
        10. Other investments in equity instruments
          a)       Details of other investments in equity instruments

                                 Ending balance of this year                               Ending balance last year
        Item            Original book     Changes in       Ending              Original book     Changes in
                                                                                                                Ending balance
                            value         fair value       balance                 value         fair value
Jiangxi      Nuclear
                         60,615,000.00                   60,615,000.00          60,615,000.00                         60,615,000.00
Power Co., Ltd.
Sunpower        Tech                                     140,000,000.0
                        140,000,000.00                                         140,000,000.00                     140,000,000.00
(Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.                                                  0
Petrochemical                                        -
                          2,500,000.00                                           2,500,000.00    2,500,000.0
Products     Bonded                       2,500,000.00
Trading Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Yuanzhi
Ruixin          New
Technology Private      100,000,000.00                                         100,000,000.00                     100,000,000.00
Equity Investments
Fund      Partnership
                                                     -   300,615,000.0
       Total            303,115,000.00                                         303,115,000.00    2,500,000.0      300,615,000.00
                                          2,500,000.00               0

          b)       Investment in non-trading equity instruments

                                                                                                                        for    the
                                                                                 transferre     Reasons      for
                               Dividend                                                                                 transfer
                                                                                 d     from     being designated
                               income                                                                                   of other
                                                                                 the other      to be measured
                               recognized     Cumulativ        Cumulative                                               comprehe
           Item                                                                  comprehe       at fair value
                               in      the    e gains            loss                                                   nsive
                                                                                 nsive          through    other
                               current                                                                                  income
                                                                                 income to      comprehensive
                               period                                                                                   into
                                                                                 retained       income
Jiangxi Nuclear Power                                                                           Planned to hold
Co., Ltd.                                                                                       for a long term
Shenzhen Petrochemical
                                                                                                Planned to hold
Products Bonded Trading                                        -2,500,000.00
                                                                                                for a long term
Co., Ltd.
Sunpower Tech (Jiangsu)                                                                         Planned to hold
Co., Ltd.                                                                                       for a long term
Shenzhen       Yuanzhi
Ruixin New Generation
Information Technology
                                                                                                Planned to hold
Private          Equity          340,206.13
                                                                                                for a long term
Investments       Fund
Partnership    (Limited
           Total               8,740,206.13                    -2,500,000.00

        11. Investment properties
          a)       Investment properties measured at the cost mode

                                         Notes to the financial statements Page 56
                      Item                        Houses and buildings               Total

 1. Original book value

 (1) Balance at the end of last year                        9,708,014.96                  9,708,014.96

 (2) Increase during the current period

 (3) Decrease during the current period

 (4) Ending balance                                         9,708,014.96                  9,708,014.96
 2.   Accumulated          depreciation    and
 (1) Balance at the end of last year                        7,874,670.76                  7,874,670.76

 (2) Increase during the current period                        84,388.80                     84,388.80

 (3) Decrease during the current period                                                                  -

 (4) Ending balance                                         7,959,059.56                  7,959,059.56

 3. Provision for impairment

 (1) Balance at the end of last year

 (2) Increase during the current period

 (3) Decrease during the current period

 (4) Ending balance

 4. Book value

 (1) Book value at the end of the period                    1,748,955.40                  1,748,955.40
 (2) Book value at the end of the previous
                                                            1,833,344.20                  1,833,344.20

12. Fixed assets
 a)      Fixed assets and disposal of fixed assets

                    Item                              Ending balance          Ending balance last year

 Fixed assets                                               577,934,944.24              591,290,204.31

 Disposal of fixed assets                                        491,295.99

                    Total                                   578,426,240.23              591,290,204.31

                              Notes to the financial statements Page 57
           b)     Details of fixed assets

                Item                        Houses and buildings        Machinery equipment              Means of transport       Others             Total

1. Original book value

(1) Balance at the end of last year                  424,154,183.71              2,725,092,344.93                  8,138,535.02     44,622,476.80   3,202,007,540.46
(2) Increase during the current
                                                                                     1,209,282.24                                     177,917.45       1,387,199.69
- Purchase                                                                                                                            177,917.45         177,917.45
- Transfer-in from projects under
                                                                                     1,209,282.24                                                      1,209,282.24
-Others                                                                                                                                                            -
(3) Decrease during the current
                                                                                                                   1,537,429.89        39,051.73       1,576,481.62
- Disposal or scrapping                                                                                            1,537,429.89        39,051.73       1,576,481.62

- Others                                                                                                                                                           -

(4) Ending balance                                   424,154,183.71              2,726,301,627.17                  6,601,105.13     44,761,342.52   3,201,818,258.53

2. Accumulated depreciation

(1) Balance at the end of last year                  294,778,055.90              1,912,442,654.22                  5,011,870.15     33,757,207.10   2,245,989,787.37
(2) Increase during the current
                                                        4,846,599.33                 7,215,954.91                   595,886.75       1,215,680.50     13,874,121.49
—Provision                                             4,846,599.33                 7,215,954.91                   595,886.75       1,215,680.50     13,874,121.49

(3) Decrease during the current
                                                                                                                   1,160,387.61        39,051.73       1,199,439.34
- Disposal or scrapping                                                                                            1,160,387.61        39,051.73       1,199,439.34

                                                                       Notes to the financial statements Page 58
                Item                  Houses and buildings        Machinery equipment              Means of transport       Others             Total


(4) Ending balance                             299,624,655.23              1,919,658,609.13                  4,447,369.29     34,933,835.87   2,258,664,469.52

3. Provision for impairment

(1) Balance at the end of last year              22,573,968.96               341,888,879.56                    53,176.48        211,523.78     364,727,548.78
(2) Increase during the current
(3) Decrease during the current
- Disposal or scrapping

(4) Ending balance                               22,573,968.96               341,888,879.56                    53,176.48        211,523.78     364,727,548.78

4. Book value
(1) Book value at the end of the
                                               101,955,559.52                464,754,138.48                  2,100,559.36      9,615,982.87    578,426,240.23
(2) Book value at the end of the
                                               106,802,158.85                470,760,811.15                  3,073,488.39     10,653,745.92    591,290,204.31
previous year

                                                                 Notes to the financial statements Page 59
 c)     Details of the fixed assets without certificate of title

                                                                                Reasons for failure to
              Item                                  Book value
                                                                                obtain the certificate of title
 Circulating water pump house                                    804,495.56         Procedures uncompleted

 Cooling tower                                                   673,259.25         Procedures uncompleted

 Complex building                                                443,246.19         Procedures uncompleted

 Canteen of the complex building                                 227,979.99         Procedures uncompleted
 Chemical    water       treatment
                                                                 232,960.00         Procedures uncompleted

 Main entrance mail room                                           57,339.98        Procedures uncompleted

              Total                                           2,439,280.97

13. Projects under construction
 a)     Projects under construction

                      Item                            Ending balance            Ending balance last year

 Projects under construction                                     6,222,095.21                  4,861,062.16

                      Total                                      6,222,095.21                  4,861,062.16

                              Notes to the financial statements Page 60
b)      Details of projects under construction

                               Ending balance                                  Ending balance last year
     Item                          Provision
                                                     Book            Book              for
                Book balance       for                                                                 Book value
                                                     value           balance           impairme
                   60,307,712.44     59,515,356.69     792,355.75      60,307,712.44   59,515,356.69       792,355.75
                    9,441,286.39      9,441,286.39                      9,441,286.39    9,441,286.39
renovation          7,034,739.46      1,605,000.00    5,429,739.46      5,673,706.41    1,605,000.00     4,068,706.41

     Total         76,783,738.29     70,561,643.08    6,222,095.21     75,422,705.24   70,561,643.08     4,861,062.16

                          Notes to the financial statements Page 61
         c)    Changes in significant projects under construction in the current period

                                                                                                                 Ratio of
                                                                                                                                                         ng:      Capital
                                                                     Amount        Other                                                               amount     ization
                                                                   transferred   decreases                                            Accumulated         of       rate of
                                   Ending                                                                         project                                                    Source
                   Budgeted                      Increase in the    into fixed     in the         Ending                    Rate of   capitalization   capitali   interest
Project name                     balance last                                                                    investm                                                        of
                    amount                       current period      assets in    current         balance                   progres    amount of         zed       in the
                                     year                                                                          ent in                                                     funds
                                                                   the current    period                                     s (%)       interest      interest   current
                                                                      period       (note)                                                               in the     period
                                                                                                                                                       current      (%)
                 60,000,000.00   60,307,712.44                                                60,307,712.44       100.51    100.00     6,476,185.46                          and
                                  9,441,286.39                                                  9,441,286.39                                                                 raised
Technical                                                                                                                                                                    Self-
renovation                        5,673,706.41    1,361,033.05                                  7,034,739.46                                                                 raised
project                                                                                                                                                                      funds
Total            60,000,000.00   75,422,705.24    1,361,033.05               -            -   76,783,738.29                            6,476,185.46           -

                                                                     Notes to the financial statements Page 62
  14. Right-of-use assets

Item                                                  Buildings                            Total
I. Original book value
1. Beginning balance                                       16,322,014.37                       16,322,014.37
2. Increase in the current period                                                                          -
3. Decrease in the current period                                                                          -
4. Ending balance                                          16,322,014.37                       16,322,014.37
II. Accumulated depreciation
1. Beginning balance                                        8,614,396.47                        8,614,396.47
2. Increase in the current period                           2,720,335.74                        2,720,335.74
(1) Provision                                               2,720,335.74                        2,720,335.74
3. Decrease in the current period
(1) Disposal
4. Ending balance                                          11,334,732.21                       11,334,732.21
III. Provision for impairment
IV. Book value
1. Book value at the end of period                          4,987,282.16                        4,987,282.16
2. Book value at the beginning of
the year
                                                            7,707,617.90                        7,707,617.90

    Note: the right-of-use assets in the current period refer to the Company's operating lease
    of the 16-17th floors of Hantang Building Property for office use.

  15. Intangible assets
    a)         Details of intangible assets

                Item                    Land use right       Patent right       Software             Total

1. Original book value
(1) Balance at the end of last
                                          60,813,994.76         138,625.07      3,782,983.49       64,735,603.32
(2) Increase during the current
- Purchase
(3) Decrease during the current

(4) Ending balance                        60,813,994.76         138,625.07      3,782,983.49       64,735,603.32

2. Accumulated amortization
(1) Balance at the end of last
                                          41,265,885.15           31,817.30     3,638,545.75       44,936,248.20
(2) Increase during the current
                                             311,314.80           10,133.06       23,478.16          344,926.02
—Provision                                  311,314.80           10,133.06       23,478.16          344,926.02

                                    Notes to the financial statements Page 63
              Item                  Land use right           Patent right       Software             Total
(3) Decrease during the current
- Disposal

(4) Ending balance                       41,577,199.95           41,950.36      3,662,023.91      45,281,174.22

3. Provision for impairment
(1) Balance at the end of last
(2) Increase during the current
(3) Decrease during the current
- Disposal

(4) Ending balance

4. Book value
(1) Book value at the end of
                                         19,236,794.81           96,674.71       120,959.58       19,454,429.10
the period
(2) Book value at the end of
                                         19,548,109.61         106,807.77        144,437.74       19,799,355.12
the previous year

   b)        Details of land use right without certificate of title

                                                                                     Reasons for failure to
                     Item                                    Book value              obtain the certificate of
   Land use right of the wharf and pipe
                                                                        482,221.57   Procedures uncompleted
                     Total                                              482,221.57

 16. Long-term deferred expenses

                     Ending                                  Amortization
                                           Increase in the                    Other            Ending
         Item        balance      last                       amount for the
                                           current period                     decreases        balance
                     year                                    current period
                       1,219,129.18                              248,665.56                        970,463.62
        Total          1,219,129.18                              248,665.56                        970,463.62

 17. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
   Non-offset deferred tax assets

              Item                          Ending balance                      Ending balance last year

                               Notes to the financial statements Page 64
                                  Deductible                                Deductible
                                                     Deferred     tax                       Deferred      tax
                                  temporary                                 temporary
                                                     assets                                 assets
                                  differences                               differences
 Provision for bad
                                     3,649,109.93         547,366.49        3,649,109.93          547,366.49
 Changes in fair value
 of investments in other             2,500,000.00         625,000.00        2,500,000.00          625,000.00
 equity instruments
          Total                      6,149,109.93       1,172,366.49        6,149,109.93        1,172,366.49

18. Other non-current assets

                     Item                                Ending balance             Ending balance last year

 Quality guarantee deposit for projects                           5,724,444.82                  5,371,398.18

                    Total                                         5,724,444.82                  5,371,398.18

19. Short-term borrowings
 a)      Classification of short-term borrowings

                     Item                               Ending balance              Ending balance last year

 Credit borrowings                                              226,482,574.59                885,229,358.05

 Accrued interest                                                   130,080.79                  1,806,895.30

 Interest on bill discounting                                                                  -7,078,395.91

                    Total                                       226,612,655.38                879,957,857.44

20. Notes payable

                  Category                              Ending balance              Ending balance last year

 Bank acceptance bills                                          137,298,902.17                137,298,902.17

                    Total                                       137,298,902.17                137,298,902.17

21. Accounts payable
 a)      List of accounts payable

                     Item                               Ending balance             Ending balance last year

 Payment for materials                                            393,610.51                      292,422.50

                                Notes to the financial statements Page 65
                        Item                              Ending balance               Ending balance last year

   Electricity charge                                              1,359,094.94                       937,613.72

   Service charge                                                  2,369,057.52                     3,997,800.00

                        Total                                      4,121,762.97                     5,227,836.22

   As at the end of the reporting period, the Company had no significant accounts payable
   with aging of over one year.

 22. Employee compensation payable
   a)        Presentation of employee compensation payable

                                Ending balance       Increase in the          Decrease in the
          Item                                                                                    Ending balance
                                   last year         current period           current period
                                  29,296,815.07        49,737,665.86             51,861,501.45      27,172,979.48
benefits    -     defined                               7,632,523.28              5,517,561.28       2,114,962.00
contribution plans
Dismissal welfare
Other benefits maturing
within one year
         Total                    29,296,815.07        57,370,189.14             57,379,062.73      29,287,941.48

   b)        List of short-term compensation

                                Ending balance       Increase in the       Decrease in the
         Item                                                                                    Ending balance
                                   last year         current period        current period
(1) Salaries, bonuses,
allowances           and          28,806,319.36        38,074,252.95            40,085,028.49      26,795,543.82
(2) Employee welfare
                                     107,277.20          3,032,981.38            3,140,258.58
(3) Social insurance
                                                         2,857,262.39            2,857,262.39
Including:      medical
                                                         2,570,908.59            2,570,908.59
insurance premiums
Work-related      injury
                                                           118,648.42              118,648.42
insurance premiums
Maternity     insurance
                                                           167,705.38              167,705.38
(4) Housing provident
                                                         4,960,520.44            4,960,520.44
(5) Union funds and
employee      education              383,218.51            812,648.70              818,431.55         377,435.66
(6)         Short-term
compensated absences
(7) Short-term profit
sharing plans
(8) Others

                                  Notes to the financial statements Page 66
                               Ending balance       Increase in the        Decrease in the
       Item                                                                                       Ending balance
                                  last year         current period         current period
       Total                     29,296,815.07        49,737,665.86          51,861,501.45         27,172,979.48

 c)       Presentation of defined contribution plans

                                     Ending balance      Increase in the     Decrease in the          Ending
                                        last year        current period      current period           balance
  Basic endowment insurance                                5,446,193.55            5,446,193.55
 Unemployment           insurance
                                                              71,367.73              71,367.73
 Enterprise annuity payment                                2,114,962.00                             2,114,962.00

               Total                                       7,632,523.28            5,517,561.28     2,114,962.00

23. Taxes payable

               Taxes and duties                         Ending balance                 Ending balance last year

 VAT                                                             3,938,360.24                       2,068,236.33

 Individual income tax                                                925,601.29                    1,825,992.00

 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                17,117.99                        2,464.98

 Education surcharges                                                   6,760.78                          630.08

 Local education surcharges                                             4,507.19                          420.06

 House tax                                                       1,957,288.05                         996,166.86

 Stamp duty                                                                                           170,883.69

 Environmental protection duty

 Others                                                               419,842.26                       42,872.73

                       Total                                     7,269,477.80                       5,107,666.73

24. Other payables

                       Item                             Ending balance                 Ending balance last year

 Interest payable

 Other payables                                                 22,785,089.94                      22,997,466.80

                       Total                                    22,785,089.94                      22,997,466.80

 a)       Other payables
                                 Notes to the financial statements Page 67
          (1) Presented by the nature of payment

                    Item                            Ending balance             Ending balance last year

 Project funds                                               8,463,575.53                   7,525,391.28

 Quality guarantee deposit                                   4,952,004.54                   6,973,652.54

 Accrued expenses                                            4,548,310.37                   7,429,154.13

 Payment for materials                                          52,087.65                      52,087.65

 Others                                                      4,769,111.85                   1,017,181.20

                    Total                                   22,785,089.94                  22,997,466.80

          (2) Top 5 of other payables

                                                                                Ratio in the balance of
              Company name                            Book balance
                                                                                 other payables (%)
 No.1                                                           3,108,638.60                       13.64

 No.2                                                           2,172,495.58                        9.53

 No.3                                                           1,280,336.71                        5.62

 No.4                                                             860,190.12                        3.78

 No.5                                                             387,621.83                        1.70

                   Total                                        7,809,282.84                       34.27

25. Non-current liabilities maturing within one year

                    Item                            Ending balance             Ending balance last year

 Lease liabilities maturing within one year                  5,624,540.90                   6,279,115.44

 Less: unrecognized financing expenses                         128,604.20                     264,995.49

                    Total                                    5,495,936.70                   6,014,119.95

26. Other current liabilities

                    Item                            Ending balance             Ending balance last year
 Output tax to be carried forward in the
                                                                12,787.72                      21,600.00
                    Total                                       12,787.72                      21,600.00

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 68
27. Long-term borrowings

                     Item                           Ending balance              Ending balance last year

 Credit borrowings                                        105,274,084.45                     28,019,758.68

                  Total                                   105,274,084.45                     28,019,758.68

28. Lease liabilities
 a)      Details of lease liabilities

                     Item                           Ending balance               Ending balance last year
 Lease liabilities                                                                              2,291,614.01
 Less: unrecognized financing expenses                                                             29,453.98
                   Total                                                    -                   2,262,160.03

 b)      Maturity analysis of lease liabilities

                     Item                           Ending balance               Ending balance last year

 1-2 years                                                                                      2,262,160.03

                  Total                                                     -                   2,262,160.03

29. Estimated liabilities

                 Ending balance       Increase in the     Decrease in the          Ending
      Item                                                                                        for
                    last year         current period      current period           balance
                     15,000,000.00                                              15,000,000.00
      Total          15,000,000.00                                              15,000,000.00

       Note: On November 29, 2013, Shenzhen Server and Jiahua Building Products (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

 ("Jiahua Building") signed a supplementary agreement to the equity transfer agreement with respect to

 the historical issues regarding the ownership and division of the equity of Yapojiao Wharf among

 Shenzhen Server, Huidong Server, Huidong Renshan Town Government and its subordinate Renshan

 Group. In order to solve the historical issues, Shenzhen Server deposited RMB 12,500,000.00 into the

 co-managed account for guarantee, and pledged 20% equity of Huidong Server held by it to Jiahua

 Building for two years, with the amount of claims guaranteed by pledge not exceeding RMB

 15,000,000.00. The Company predicted a loss related to this matter of RMB 27, 500,000.00, and the

 balance at the end of 2019 was RMB 26,646,056.28.

                            Notes to the financial statements Page 69
       On November 12, 2020, Huidong Server reached a preliminary settlement agreement with other

 relevant parties on the land disputes in the estimated liabilities, and Shenzhen Server reversed the

 estimated liabilities of RMB 6,584,816.78 accordingly. In 2020, Shenzhen Server bore the lawyer and

 other expenses of RMB 137,731.22 in accordance with the agreed ratio, and the total decrease in

 estimated liabilities in 2020 was RMB 6,722,548.00. The balance of RMB 19,923,508.28 is the

 repayment obligation that is likely to occur before the completion of the above matters.

       On November 12, 2020, Huizhou Commercial Construction and Development Company and

 Huidong Server Harbor Comprehensive Development Company signed the Agreement on Transfer of

 Claims and the record of enforcement and compromise of the People's Court of Huidong County,

 partially resolving the historical issues concerning the ownership and division of the equity of Yapojiao

 Wharf. On January 20, 2021, Shenzhen Server received the refund of RMB 5,000,000.00 from the co-

 managed account, and it reversed the estimated liabilities RMB 4,573,508.28 accordingly. In 2021,

 Shenzhen Server bore the legal and other expenses of RMB 350,000 in accordance with the agreed ratio,

 with a total decrease of RMB 4,923,508.28 in estimated liabilities in 2021. The balance of RMB

 15,000,000.00 is a repayment obligation likely to occur before the completion of the above matters.

30. Deferred income

                                       Increase in
                  Ending balance                         Decrease in the                       Reasons for
      Item                             the current                         Ending balance
                     last year                           current period                         formation
 Government                                                                                     Government
                    82,145,596.60                    -     3,178,964.54      78,966,632.06
 subsidies                                                                                        subsidies
     Total          82,145,596.60                    -     3,178,964.54      78,966,632.06

 Items involving government subsidies:

                                      New       included in
                    Ending         subsidies    the current
                                                                  Other       Ending           Related to
  Liabilities     balance last       in the    profit or loss
                                                                 changes      balance        assets/revenue
                      year          current        at the
                                    period        current
subsidies for
                                                                                               Related to
low nitrogen    23,615,664.69                    252,422.00                23,363,242.69
Subsidies for
the motor
                                                                                               Related to
energy              298,080.00                    17,280.00                   280,800.00

                            Notes to the financial statements Page 70
Support fund
for sludge
                                                                                                   Related to
drying project      5,510,265.19                   323,501.46                    5,186,763.73
                                                                                                   Related to
subsidies for       2,061,250.00                   127,500.00                    1,933,750.00
sludge drying
Special funds
for energy
                                                                                                   Related to
conservation         342,111.34                      57,018.66                     285,092.68
and emission
Subsidies for
of                                                                                                 Related to
                   49,330,169.80                  2,365,909.09                  46,964,260.71
atmospheric                                                                                         assets
quality in
Funding for
transformation                                                                                     Related to
                     988,055.58                      35,333.33                     952,722.25
investment                                                                                          assets
project in
                   82,145,596.60             -    3,178,964.54            -     78,966,632.06

31. Other non-current liabilities

                     Item                                Ending balance             Ending balance last year
 Equity of the other partners in the
                                                                    45,112.54                        47,511.72
                     Total                                          45,112.54                        47,511.72

32. Share capital

                                       Increase (+) or decrease (-) in the current period
                 Ending balance
    Item                            New                         of                              Ending balance
                    last year                    Bonus                                Sub-
                                   shares                   provident     Others
                                                 issue                                total
                                   issued                   fund into
 number of       602,762,596.00                                                                 602,762,596.00

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 71
33. Capital reserves

                          Ending balance       Increase in the        Decrease in the
          Item                                                                          Ending balance
                             last year         current period         current period
 Capital premiums
 (capital stock             233,035,439.62                                              233,035,439.62
 Other capital reserves     129,735,482.48                                              129,735,482.48

          Total             362,770,922.10                                              362,770,922.10

                          Notes to the financial statements Page 72
34. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                             Current amount
                                                                                                         Less: included
                                                                                       Less: included
                                                                                                             in other
                                                                           Amount          in other                                     Amount
                                               Ending                                                    comprehensive
                                                             Beginning     before      comprehensive                         Less:    attributable   Attributable     Ending
                   Item                      balance last                                                  income in
                                                              balance    income tax      income in                          income       to the       to minority     balance
                                                 year                                                     prior periods
                                                                            in the      prior periods                         tax        parent      shareholders
                                                                                                         and transferred
                                                                           current     and transferred                     expenses    company          after tax
                                                                                                           to current
                                                                           period        to current                                     after tax
                                                                                        profit or loss
  1. Other comprehensive income that
 cannot be reclassified into the profit or
 Including: changes in re-measurement
         of defined benefit plans
   Other comprehensive income that
  cannot be transferred to the profit or
      loss under the equity method
 Changes in fair value of investments in
                                             -2,500,000.00                                                                                                          -2,500,000.00
        other equity instruments
  Total of other comprehensive income        -2,500,000.00                                                                                                          -2,500,000.00

                                                                 Notes to the financial statements Page 73
35. Special reserves

                           Ending balance         Increase in the       Decrease in the
         Item                                                                                Ending balance
                              last year           current period        current period
 Work         safety
                                                     3,810,328.32          3,590,892.38           219,435.94
        Total                                        3,810,328.32          3,590,892.38           219,435.94

36. Surplus reserves

                           Ending balance         Increase in the       Decrease in the
         Item                                                                                Ending balance
                              last year           current period        current period
 Statutory    surplus
                            310,158,957.87                                                    310,158,957.87
                             22,749,439.73                                                     22,749,439.73
 surplus reserves
        Total               332,908,397.60                                                    332,908,397.60

37. Undistributed profit

                                                                                          Amount for the
                         Item                                Current amount
                                                                                          previous period
 Undistributed profit at the end of the previous
                                                                    159,187,979.14            319,351,219.81
 year before adjustment
 Total adjusted undistributed profit at the
 beginning of the year ("+" for increases and "-"
 for decreases)
 Adjusted undistributed profit at the beginning of
                                                                    159,187,979.14            319,351,219.81
 the year
 Plus: net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                    -37,240,739.56            -94,098,149.09
 company in the current period
 Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves

 Dividends payable for ordinary shares

 Undistributed profit at the end of period                          121,947,239.58            225,253,070.72

38. Operating revenue and operating costs

                                Current amount                          Amount for the previous period
                         Revenue                  Costs                 Revenue                 Costs
                        270,628,454.23        285,268,563.82           228,639,162.83        282,392,283.22
                           639,730.82               99,366.08              604,379.24             94,148.99
     Total              271,268,185.05        285,367,929.90           229,243,542.07        282,486,432.21

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 74
39. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                              Amount for the previous
                  Item                           Current amount
 House tax                                                  961,121.19                     1,521,117.59

 Vehicle and vessel tax                                        1,080.00

 Land use tax                                               376,969.53                       452,503.02

 Stamp duty                                                 150,371.40                       335,629.10
 Urban maintenance and construction
                                                            323,664.43                       335,501.06
 Education surcharges                                       136,671.47                       142,789.14

 Local education surcharges                                  91,114.32                        96,152.80

 Environmental protection tax                                     714.26                      12,569.90

                 Total                                    2,041,706.60                     2,896,262.61

40. Selling and distribution expenses

                                                                              Amount for the previous
                  Item                           Current amount
 Employee compensation                                       683,687.41

 Business entertainment expenses                               60,438.80

 Agency fee                                                    17,924.52

 Property premium                                                      0.00

 Others                                                      135,657.09

                 Total                                       897,707.82                                 -

41. G&A expenses

                                                                              Amount for the previous
                  Item                           Current amount
 Employee compensation                                     16,678,744.54                  20,629,642.95

 Lease fee                                                    149,208.80                   3,046,301.79

 Depreciation cost                                          5,836,834.84                   3,949,187.75

 Business entertainment expenses                              709,926.13                     913,815.31

 Agency fee                                                 1,040,133.44                     697,476.86

 Repair cost                                                  359,247.29                     218,372.10

 Environmental protection fee                                  63,096.10                      77,142.71

                           Notes to the financial statements Page 75
                                                                             Amount for the previous
                     Item                          Current amount
 Vehicle expenses                                               128,763.36               1,198,452.90

 Administrative expenses                                        195,789.57                 200,798.79

 Expenses of the Board of Directors                             227,754.47                 313,528.29

 Communication expenses                                         381,621.13                 521,423.22

 Amortization of intangible assets                               31,717.80                  36,421.38

 Property management fee                                        491,101.02                 493,842.17

 Travel expenses                                                304,075.94                  53,447.95

 Share certificate fee                                           19,713.42                 238,083.50

 Others                                                       7,895,474.87              11,189,707.01

                   Total                                     34,513,202.72              43,777,644.68

42. R&D expenses

                                                                             Amount for the previous
                     Item                          Current amount
 Employee compensation                                       11,392,275.80              15,356,997.69

 Depreciation cost                                              969,806.88               1,306,880.89

 Others                                                         935,843.63                 408,710.55

                   Total                                     13,297,926.31              17,072,589.13

43. Financial expenses

                                                                             Amount for the previous
                     Item                          Current amount
 Interest expenses                                          11,766,633.92               20,539,845.79

 Including: interest capitalized

          Expensed interest expense                         11,766,633.92               20,539,845.79

 Less: interest income                                       5,205,492.86                3,594,848.74
 Foreign exchange losses (gains are
                                                              -199,804.29                 -273,651.02
 listed with "-")
 Service fee                                                   203,183.08                   58,370.08
 Amortization of financing charges
                   Total                                     6,730,365.12               16,729,716.11

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 76
44. Other income

                                                                              Amount for the previous
                  Item                           Current amount
 Government subsidies                                      4,065,271.26                   4,440,645.78

                 Total                                     4,065,271.26                   4,440,645.78

 Government subsidies included in other income

                                                                       Amount for the    Related       to
              Subsidy items                   Current amount
                                                                       previous period   assets/revenue
 Subsidies for transformation of low                                                          Related to
                                                     252,422.00             234,909.80
 nitrogen projects                                                                                 assets
 Support fund for sludge drying project                                                       Related to
                                                     127,500.00             323,501.46
 circular economy                                                                                  assets
 Government bond subsidies for sludge                                                         Related to
                                                     323,501.46             127,500.00
 drying project                                                                                    assets
 Subsidies for the improvement of
                                                                                              Related to
 atmospheric environment quality in                 2,365,909.08          2,365,909.08
 Special funds for energy conservation                                                        Related to
                                                       57,018.66             57,018.66
 and emission reduction                                                                           assets
 Funding scheme for the motor energy                                                          Related to
                                                       17,280.00             17,280.00
 efficiency improvement                                                                           assets
 Funding for technological transformation                                                     Related to
                                                       35,333.34             22,333.32
 investment project in 2021-2022                                                                  assets
 National       high-tech      enterprises                                                    Related to
                                                     100,000.00             643,800.00
 multiplication plan                                                                            revenue
 Refund of personal income tax                                                                Related to
                                                       74,806.72            243,753.86
 Lump-sum subsidies for training of                                                           Related to
                                                                -           128,000.00
 workers on post                                                                                revenue
 Subsidies for pilot demonstration of                                                         Related to
                                                                -           200,000.00
 industrial "carbon peaking"                                                                    revenue
 Subsidies for stabilizing posts                                                              Related to
                                                     115,000.00              76,639.60
 Sci-tech innovation voucher                                                                  Related to
 Subsidies for supporting green and low-
                                                                                              Related to
 carbon     development    projects   of             300,000.00
                  Total                             4,065,271.26          4,440,645.78

45. Investment income

                                                                              Amount for the previous
                   Item                           Current amount
 Income      from      long-term    equity
 investments accounted for by using the                    1,643,156.49                   -1,471,602.77
 equity method
 Investment income during the holding
                                                           9,342,507.91                  29,212,829.84
 period of trading financial assets

                           Notes to the financial statements Page 77
                                                                                  Amount for the previous
                     Item                           Current amount
 Dividend income earned during the
 holding period of investments in other                       8,740,206.13
 equity instruments
                     Total                                   19,725,870.53                   27,741,227.07

46. Income from asset disposal

                                                                                       Amount charged to
                                                               Amount for the          the     non-recurring
              Item                     Current amount
                                                               previous period         profit or loss of the
                                                                                       current period
 Profit or loss from disposal of
                                             111,895.22                                         111,895.22
 fixed assets
             Total                           111,895.22                                         111,895.22

47. Non-operating revenue

                                                                                      Amount charged to
                                                               Amount for the         the     non-recurring
              Item                     Current amount
                                                               previous period        profit or loss of the
                                                                                      current period
 Compensation  for power
                                            4,335,500.00                                       4,335,500.00
 Indemnity from insurance
                                              432,328.93                                        432,328.93
 Others                                       226,384.24                                        226,384.24

             Total                          4,994,213.17                                       4,994,213.17

48. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                    Amount charged to
                                                               Amount for the       the      non-recurring
                Item                      Current amount
                                                               previous period      profit or loss of the
                                                                                    current period
 External donation                                                   10,000.00
 Losses due to damage and scrapping
                                                  5,873.61               880.34                  5,873.61
 of non-current assets
 Others                                             334.71          217,615.51                     334.71

                Total                             6,208.32          228,495.85                   6,208.32

49. Income tax expenses
Table of income tax expenses

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 78
                                                                                Amount for the previous
                   Item                              Current amount
 Income tax expenses of the current
 Deferred income tax expenses

                   Total                                             479.55

50. Earnings per share
 a)       Basic earnings per share
          Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the consolidated net profit
          attributable to ordinary shareholders of the parent company by the weighted
          average of the Company's outstanding ordinary shares:

                                                                                      Amount for the
                           Item                               Current amount
                                                                                      previous period
 Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                                  -37,240,739.56          -94,098,149.09
 shareholders of the parent company
 Weighted average of the Company's outstanding
                                                                  602,762,596.00          602,762,596.00
 ordinary shares
 Basic earnings per share                                                 -0.0618                -0.1561

 b)       Diluted earnings per share

                                                                                      Amount for the
                           Item                               Current amount
                                                                                      previous period
 Consolidated net profit (diluted) attributable to
                                                                  -37,240,739.56          -94,098,149.09
 ordinary shareholders of parent company
 Weighted average of the Company's outstanding
                                                                  602,762,596.00          602,762,596.00
 ordinary shares (diluted)
 Diluted earnings per share                                               -0.0618                -0.1561

51. Items of statement of cash flows
 a)       Other cash received related to operating activities

                                                                                      Amount for the
                           Item                              Current amount
                                                                                      previous period
 Interest income                                                    5,037,876.59            4,800,937.34

 Government subsidies                                                 693,966.28            1,048,439.60

 Current accounts received                                                      -          38,142,088.17

 Others                                                             6,564,756.22            1,502,291.50

                        Total                                      12,296,599.09           45,493,756.61

                              Notes to the financial statements Page 79
 b)      Cash paid for other operating activities related

                                                                                  Amount for the
                         Item                              Current amount
                                                                                  previous period
 Cash paid for G&A expenses, R&D expenses and
                                                                 17,969,237.13         21,958,179.33
 selling and distribution expenses
 Current accounts paid                                              410,000.00            384,000.00

                         Total                                   18,379,237.13         22,342,179.33

 c)      Cash paid for other investing activities

                                                                                  Amount for the
                         Item                              Current amount
                                                                                  previous period
 Cash paid for the purchase of negotiable
 certificates of deposit
 Cash paid for the disposal of fixed assets

                         Total                                   50,000,000.00

 d)      Cash paid for other financing activities related

                                                                                  Amount for the
                         Item                              Current amount
                                                                                  previous period
 Performance bond                                                  5,440,434.23

                         Total                                     5,440,434.23

52. Supplementary information to statement of cash flows
 a)      Supplementary information to statement of cash flows

                                                                                  Amount for the
 Supplementary information                                Current amount
                                                                                  previous period
 1. Adjust the net profit to the cash flow of
 operating activities
 Net profit                                                    -42,690,091.11        -101,765,725.67

 Plus: credit impairment loss

 Provision for asset impairment
 Depreciation and amortization of the investment
                                                                    84,388.80              91,318.80
 Depreciation of fixed assets                                   13,874,121.49          14,917,695.19

 Depreciation of right-of-use assets                             2,720,335.74

 Amortization of intangible assets                                 344,926.02             344,440.86

                            Notes to the financial statements Page 80
                                                                                    Amount for the
Supplementary information                                 Current amount
                                                                                    previous period
Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                        248,665.56                248,665.56
Losses from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets (gains are listed               -111,895.22
with "-")
Losses on write-off of fixed assets (gains are listed
                                                                        5,873.61                 880.34
with "-")
Losses from changes in fair value (gains are listed
with "-")
Financial expenses (gains are listed with "-")                  11,768,338.22             20,539,845.79

Investment loss (gains are listed with "-")                    -19,725,870.53            -27,741,227.07
Decreases in deferred tax assets (increases are
listed with "-")
Increases in deferred tax liabilities (decreases are
listed with "-")
Decreases in inventories (increases are listed with
                                                                   283,099.78              2,347,438.40
Decreases of operating receivables (increase are
                                                               -25,420,031.99            314,198,626.07
listed with "-")
Increase of operating payables (decrease are listed
                                                                 1,601,650.09            -22,593,874.97
with “-”)

Net cash flow from operating activities                        -57,016,489.54            200,588,083.30
2. Significant investing and financing activities
not involving cash inflows and outflows
Conversion of debt into capital
Convertible corporate bonds maturing within one
Fixed assets acquired under financing leases

3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents

Ending balance of cash                                         260,399,636.35            470,018,109.19

Less: beginning balance of cash                                648,021,672.06            456,751,614.75

Plus: Ending balance of cash equivalents

Less: beginning balance of cash equivalents                                    -         232,853,018.84

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                     -387,622,035.71           -219,586,524.40

b)        Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                    Ending balance last
                          Item                               Ending balance
I. Cash                                                          260,399,636.35          648,021,672.06

Including: cash on hand                                                 30,624.14             37,698.63

Bank deposit available for payment at any time                   260,369,004.01          647,983,965.23
Other cash and cash equivalents available for payment
                                                                             8.20                   8.20
at any time

                            Notes to the financial statements Page 81
                                                                                           Ending balance last
                            Item                                   Ending balance
   Deposits in the central bank available for payment

   Deposit of interbank amount

   Loans to banks and other financial institutions

   II. Cash equivalents
   Including: Bond investments maturing within three
   III. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                  260,399,636.35                648,021,672.06
   Including: cash and cash equivalents with restricted
   use by parent company or subsidiaries within the

 53. Assets with restrictions on the ownership or use right

                                        Book value at the end of
                 Item                                                          Reason for restriction
                                              the period
                                                                                  Note guarantee deposits and
   Cash and cash equivalents                         32,915,028.57
                                                                               performance guarantee deposits
                 Total                               32,915,028.57

 54. Monetary items in foreign currency
  a)       Monetary items in foreign currency

                                        Ending balance of        Exchange rate           Ending balance of
                                         foreign currency        of conversion            translated RMB
   Cash and cash equivalents

   Including: USD                                 836,529.86             7.22580                     6,044,597.46

   EUR                                                1,017.87           7.87710                         8,017.86

   HKD                                            268,947.70             0.92198                      247,964.40

   SGD                                                3,573.03             5.3442                       19,094.99

 55. Government subsidies
  a)       Government subsidies related to assets

                                          Items              Amount included in the current           Items
Category                  Amount          presented         profit or loss or used to offset the      included in
                                          on        the          losses of relevant costs             the current

                               Notes to the financial statements Page 82
                                                   balance                                                     profit  or
                                                   sheet                                                       loss    or
                                                                                                               used    to
                                                                                        Amount for the
                                                                   Current amount                              offset the
                                                                                        previous period
                                                                                                               losses of
Subsidies           for
                                                    Deferred                                                     Other
transformation of low            43,032,780.00                          252,422.00              234,909.80
                                                    income                                                      income
nitrogen projects
Support fund for
                                                    Deferred                                                     Other
sludge drying project            11,750,000.00                          127,500.00              323,501.46
                                                    income                                                      income
circular economy
Government        bond
                                                    Deferred                                                     Other
subsidies for sludge              5,100,000.00                          323,501.46              127,500.00
                                                    income                                                      income
drying project
Subsidies for the
improvement          of
                                                     Deferred                                                    Other
atmospheric                      70,977,273.00                         2,365,909.08        2,365,909.08
                                                     income                                                     income
environment quality
in Shenzhen
Special funds for
energy conservation                                  Deferred                                                    Other
                                  1,530,000.00                              57,018.66            57,018.66
and          emission                                income                                                     income
Funding scheme for
the motor energy                                     Deferred                                                    Other
                                   518,400.00                               17,280.00            17,280.00
efficiency                                           income                                                     income
Funding             for
                                                     Deferred                                                    Other
transformation                    1,060,000.00                              35,333.34            22,333.32
                                                     income                                                     income
investment project in
        Total                   133,968,453.00                         3,178,964.54        3,148,452.32

          b)      Government subsidies related to revenue

                                                      Amount included in the current profit
                                                                                                  Items included in the
                                                      or loss or used to offset the losses of
                                                                                                  current profit or loss
          Category                   Amount                       relevant costs
                                                                                                  or used to offset the
                                                                             Amount for the
                                                      Current amount                              losses of related costs
                                                                             previous period
National High Multiplication
                                      100,000.00             100,000.00           643,800.00                 Other income
Refund of personal income
                                       74,806.72                74,806.72         243,753.86                 Other income
Lump-sum subsidies for
                                                                                  128,000.00                 Other income
training of workers on post
Subsidies       for     pilot
demonstration of industrial                                                       200,000.00                 Other income
"carbon peaking"
Subsidies for stabilizing
                                      115,000.00             115,000.00             76,639.60                Other income
Sci-tech innovation voucher           296,500.00             296,500.00                                      Other income
Subsidies for supporting
green     and low-carbon
                                      300,000.00             300,000.00                                      Other income
development projects of

                                      Notes to the financial statements Page 83
                                                   Amount included in the current profit
                                                                                                   Items included in the
                                                   or loss or used to offset the losses of
                                                                                                   current profit or loss
          Category                 Amount                      relevant costs
                                                                                                   or used to offset the
                                                                          Amount for the
                                                   Current amount                                  losses of related costs
                                                                          previous period
            Total                   886,306.72            886,306.72           1,292,193.46

VI.       Changes in the scope of consolidation
          There were no changes to the companies included in the scope of consolidated statements
          during the reporting period.

VII.      Equity in other entities
        1. Equity in subsidiaries
          a)        Structure of the enterprise group

                                                                                          Shareholding ratio
                                                    Place of          Nature of                 (%)                 Method      of
       Name of subsidiaries         place    of
                                                  registration        business                                      acquisition
                                    business                                             Direct         Indirect
Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan)                                                  Electricity
                                    Zhongshan     Zhongshan                                  55.00         25.00    Establishment
Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Shennandian Turbine                                             Engineering
Engineering Technology Co.,         Shenzhen       Shenzhen                  service         60.00         40.00    Establishment
Shenzhen Shen Nan Dian                                                Sludge drying
Environment Protection Co.,         Shenzhen       Shenzhen                                  70.00         30.00    Establishment
Shenzhen Server Petrochemical                                            Energy trade
                                    Shenzhen       Shenzhen                                  50.00                  Establishment
Supplying Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen New Power Industrial                                              Electricity
                                    Shenzhen       Shenzhen                                  75.00         25.00    Establishment
Co., Ltd.
Shen Nan Energy (Singapore)                                               Investment
                                    Singapore      Singapore                                100.00                  Establishment
Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Xingdesheng Co.,            Hong              Hong              Investment
                                                                                                          100.00    Establishment
Ltd.                                  Kong              Kong
Zhongshan Shen Nan Dian                                                  Warehousing
                                    Zhongshan     Zhongshan                                                80.00    Establishment
Warehousing Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai      Hengqin      Zhuozhi                                          Investment
Investment           Partnership      Zhuhai          Zhuhai                                 99.96                  Establishment
Enterprise (Limited Partnership)

          b)        Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                             Current profit or
                                                         ratio of
                                                                            loss attributable to      Ending balance of
                     Name of subsidiaries                minority
                                                                                 minority              minority equity
          Shen Nan Dian (Zhongshan) Electric
                                                                 20.00            -4,797,782.18         -104,957,452.13
          Power Co., Ltd.

                                    Notes to the financial statements Page 84
c)        Key financial information of major non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                         Ending balance /RMB                                                                         Balance at the end of last year/RMB
Name         of
                                       Non-                                                Non-                                                                                                Non-
subsidiaries           Current                          Total            Current                          Total            Current         Non-current       Total            Current                          Total
                                       current                                             current                                                                                             current
                       assets                           assets           liabilities                      liabilities      assets          assets            assets           liabilities                      liabilities
                                       assets                                              liabilities                                                                                         liabilities
Shen Nan Dian
Electric Power Co.,    46,730,850.08   211,989,456.34   258,720,306.42   778,465,223.72    5,042,343.35   783,507,567.07   43,407,571.96    216,418,067.18   259,825,639.14   755,501,588.98   5,122,399.93    760,623,988.91
Ltd. ("Zhongshan
Electric Power")

                                                              Current amount/RMB                                                                    Amount for the previous period/RMB
Name                  of
                                                                     Total                                                                                             Total
subsidiaries               Operating                                                         Cash     flow      from       Operating                                                            Cash     flow      from
                                                 Net profit          comprehensive                                                               Net profit            comprehensive
                           revenue                                                           operating activities          revenue                                                              operating activities
                                                                     income                                                                                            income
Shen     Nan      Dian
(Zhongshan)    Electric
Power     Co.,    Ltd.        43,549,971.34        -23,988,910.88         -23,988,910.88                  -1,700,627.90         16,508,874.54       -30,324,465.11            -30,324,465.11                  -53,373,996.76
("Zhongshan    Electric

                                                                                 Notes to the financial statements Page 85
      2. Equity in the joint venture arrangements or associates
       a)      Significant joint ventures or associates

                                                                               Shareholding ratio (%)
       Name of joint       Main                                                                           treatment       for
                                         Place     of    Main       business
       ventures   or       place of                                                                       investment in joint
                                         registration    activities
       associates          business                                            Direct        Indirect     ventures         or
       Huidong Server
                           Renshan       Renshan
                           Town,         Town,
       Comprehensive                                     Wharf operation       40.00                      Equity method
                           Huidong       Huidong
                           County        County
       Environmental       Yixing,       Yixing,         Environmental
                                                                               9.935                      Equity method
       Protection          Jiangsu       Jiangsu         protection
       Technology Co.,

       b)      Key financial information of joint ventures or associates

                                                                                 Balance at the end of the previous
                                         Ending balance/Current amount
                                                                                year/Amount for the previous period
                                         Liaoyuan                                  Liaoyuan
                                       Environmental        Huidong Server      Environmental       Huidong Server
                                         Protection                               Protection
      Total of investment book
                                         79,175,883.44          4,748,821.29      79,082,076.44         4,414,021.80
      Total amounts of the
      following items calculated
      at shareholding ratio
      - Net profit                        1,308,357.00            334,799.49       6,208,396.44         -2,572,633.39
      - Other comprehensive
      - Total comprehensive
                                          1,308,357.00            334,799.49       6,208,396.44         -2,572,633.39

VIII. Risks associated with financial instruments
       The Company's main financial instruments include equity investments, notes receivable,
       long-term and short-term borrowings, accounts receivable, accounts payable, other
       payables, etc. See details of each financial instrument in related items of Note III (X).
       Risks associated with these financial instruments and the risk management policies
       adopted by the Group to mitigate these risks are described below. The Group's
       management manages and monitors these exposures to ensure that the risks are controlled
       within certain limits.
       The Company adopts the sensitivity analysis technique to analyze the possible impact of
       reasonable and possible changes in risk variables on the current profit or loss or

                                   Notes to the financial statements Page 86
 shareholders' equity. As any risk variable seldom changes in isolation, and the correlation
 between the variables will have a significant effect on the final affected amount of the
 change of a risk variable, the following contents are carried out under the assumption that
 the change of each variable is independently:

1. Credit risk
 The credit risk refers to the risk of financial loss to the other party due to the failure of one
 party to perform its obligations financial instruments. The Company mainly faces
 customer credit risks caused by sales on account. Prior to the conclusion of a new contract,
 the Company will evaluate the credit risk of the new customer, including external credit
 ratings and bank reference certificate under some circumstances (if it is readily available).
 The Company has set a credit limit for each customer, which is the maximum amount
 without additional approval.
 The Company ensures its overall credit risk remains within a controllable range through
 quarterly monitoring of existing customers' credit ratings and monthly review of accounts
 receivable aging analysis. When monitoring the customers' credit risks, the Company will
 divide them into groups by their credit characteristics. Customers classified as "high risk"
 are placed on the restricted customer list, and the Company can extend credit to them in
 future periods only with additional approval. Otherwise, the Company must request
 advance payment for the corresponding amounts.

2. Market risk
 Market risk associated with financial instruments refers to the risk that fair value or future
 cash flows of financial instruments fluctuate due to variations in market prices, and it
 includes exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risks.
 (1) Interest rate risk
 The Company's risk of changes in cash flows of financial instruments due to changes in
 interest rates is mainly related to bank borrowings with floating interest rates.
 Sensitivity analysis of interest rate risk:
 Sensitivity analysis of interest rate risk is based on the following assumptions:
 Changes in market interest rates affect the interest income or expenses of the variable rate
 financial instruments. For fixed-rate financial instruments measured at fair value, changes
 in market interest rates only affect their interest income or expenses. For derivative
 financial instruments designated as hedging instruments, changes in market interest rates
                          Notes to the financial statements Page 87
       affect their fair value and all interest rate hedges are highly effective. Changes in the fair
       value of derivative financial instruments and other financial assets and liabilities are
       calculated using the cash flow discount method at the market interest rate on the balance
       sheet date.
       As of June 30, 2023, the Company's bank loan interest calculated at floating interest rates
       amounted to RMB1,644,773.76. On the basis of the above assumptions and with other
       variables unchanged, it is assumed that the pre-tax impact of a 5% change in interest rate
       on the current profit or loss and shareholders' equity is as follows:

                                  Current amount                              Same period last year
       Change in
       interest rate                            Impact on                                      Impact on
                       Impact on profit                             Impact on profit
                                           shareholders' equity                           shareholders' equity
       by 5%
                            -82,238.69             -82,238.69           -188,647.52             -188,647.52
       by 5%
                             82,238.69              82,238.69               188,647.52          188,647.52

       (2) Exchange rate risk
       Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk of losses arising from the exchange rate
       fluctuation. The Company's exposure to foreign exchange risk is mainly related to US
       dollars. As at June 30, 2023, except for the balance of foreign currency monetary items in
       Note V(XLVI), the Company's assets and liabilities were the balance in RMB. The
       foreign exchange risk arising from the assets and liabilities of such foreign currency
       balances may have an impact on the Company's operating results.

      3. Liquidity risk
       The term "liquidity risk" refers to the risk of shortage of funds when an enterprise fulfills
       its obligations of settlement by delivery of cash or other financial assets. It is the
       Company's policy to ensure that it has sufficient cash to repay its debts as they fall due.
       The liquidity risk is under the centralized control of the Company's Finance Department.
       The Finance Department ensures that the Company has sufficient funds to repay its debts
       under all reasonable forecast circumstances by monitoring its cash balance, marketable
       securities that can be realized at any time and rolling forecast of the cash flow in the next
       12 months.

IX.    Related parties and related party transactions

                                Notes to the financial statements Page 88
     1. Parent company of the Company
      None of the shareholders of the Company holds a stake exceeding 50%, and control over
      the Company cannot be established through other means. Therefore, the Company does
      not have a parent company.

     2. Subsidiaries of the Company
      For details of the Company's subsidiaries, please refer to "VII. (I) Equity in Subsidiaries".

     3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company
      For details of significant joint ventures or associates of the Company, please refer to "VII.
      (II) Equity in joint venture arrangements or associates".

     4. Other related parties

                                                                  Relationships between other related parties
                     Name of other related parties
                                                                              and the Company
      Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred      Legal person holding more than 5% of the
      to as "Energy Group")                                      Company's shares
                                                                 Legal person holding more than 5% of the
      Shenzhen Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Company's shares
                                                                 Legal person holding more than 5% of the
                                                                 Company's shares
                                                                 Legal person who indirectly holds more than
      Shenzhen Capital Holdings Co., Ltd.                        5% of the Company's shares through Energy
      Directors, supervisors, senior officers of the Company     Key management personnel

     5. Receivables from and payables to related parties
      a)     Receivables

                                                        Book balance at the end of    Book balance at the end
      Project name               Related party
                                                                 period                of the previous year
                           Huidong Server                            14,911,484.45              14,740,501.44
                           Huidong Server        co-
                                                                        905,705.59                900,414.01
                           managed account
                                     Total                           15,817,190.04              15,640,915.45

X.    Commitments and contingencies

                                  Notes to the financial statements Page 89
        1. Significant commitments
        There were no commitments required to be disclosed by the Company as at June 30, 2023.

        2. Contingencies
         There were no contingencies required to be disclosed by the Company as at June 30, 2023.

XI.      Events after the balance sheet date
         The Company had no subsequent events that need to be disclosed as of the reporting date.

        1. Significant non-adjusting events

        2. Notes to other events after the balance sheet date

XII.     Other significant matters
         Segment information
       1、   Determination basis and accounting policies for reporting segments
                     According to the Company’s internal organizational structure, management
                     requirements and internal reporting system, the Company's operating business is
                     divided into three business divisions, i.e. electricity generation, electricity
                     engineering and other businesses. The Company’s management regularly evaluates
                     the business performance of these divisions to determine the allocation of resources
                     and evaluate their performance.
                     Information on segment reporting is disclosed according to the accounting policies
                     and measurement standards adopted by each segment when reporting to the
                     management, and these measurement bases are consistent with the accounting and
                     measurement bases when preparing the financial statements.

       2、   Financial information of reporting segments

                         Electricity generation
             Item                                  engineering     Other segments   Inter-segment offset      Total
                            260,912,625.36        19,368,926.99        550,285.74        9,563,653.04      271,268,185.05

                                            Notes to the financial statements Page 90
                              Electricity generation
            Item                                        engineering         Other segments       Inter-segment offset        Total
                                 281,278,611.26        13,411,721.57               84,388.80          9,406,791.73       285,367,929.90

       Total assets            1,970,158,049.37        96,168,091.09        396,943,342.40         480,750,700.24       1,982,518,782.62

                                 757,736,515.40        59,459,733.17         36,353,724.25         221,379,589.61        632,170,383.21

XIII. Notes to the main items of the parent company's financial statements
      1. Accounts receivable
       a)            Accounts receivable disclosed by aging

                                 Aging                                     Ending balance                       Ending balance last year

       Within 1 year                                                                 54,764,958.01                            47,995,982.82

       More than 3 years

       Sub-total                                                                     54,764,958.01                            47,995,982.82

       Less: provision for bad debts

                                  Total                                              54,764,958.01                            47,995,982.82

       b)            Disclosure of accounts receivable by category based on provision method for
                     bad debts

                                                                                     Ending balance

                                                       Book balance                     Provision for bad debts
                                                                                                          Ratio     of        Book value
                                             Amount                    Ratio (%)     Amount               provision
       Provision for bad
       debts accrued on an
       individual basis
       Provision for bad
       debts by portfolio of                     54,764,958.01              100                                               54,764,958.01
       risk characteristics
       Including: risk-free
                                                 54,764,958.01              100                                               54,764,958.01
                      Total                      54,764,958.01              100                                               54,764,958.01

                                                                               Ending balance last year
                                                        Book balance                         Provision for bad debts           Book value

                                                 Notes to the financial statements Page 91
                                                                                     Ratio     of
                               Amount             Ratio (%)       Amount             provision
 Provision for bad
 debts accrued on an
 individual basis
 Provision for bad
 debts by portfolio of           47,995,982.82            100                                         47,995,982.82
 risk characteristics
 Including:     risk-free
                                 47,995,982.82            100                                         47,995,982.82
          Total                  47,995,982.82            100                                         47,995,982.82

         Provision for bad debts made by portfolio:

                                                                Ending balance
                               Accounts receivable        Provision for bad debts         Ratio of provision (%)
 Electricity charges
        Total                           54,764,958.01

 c)      Top 5 accounts receivable in terms of ending balances due from debtors

                                                                              Ratio in the
                                                                                                    Ending balance
                                                                              balance of
            Company name                             Book balance                                   of the provision
                                                                                                     for bad debts
                                                                            receivable (%)
 No.1                                                    54,764,958.01                    100

                  Total                                  54,764,958.01                    100

2. Other receivables

                        Item                                Ending balance              Ending balance last year

 Interest receivable

 Dividends receivable

 Other accounts receivable                                          919,550,297.33                   851,189,111.89

                       Total                                        919,550,297.33                   851,189,111.89

 a)      Other accounts receivable
         (1) Disclosure by aging

                       Aging                               Ending balance               Ending balance last year

                                Notes to the financial statements Page 92
                       Aging                                 Ending balance            Ending balance last year

Within 1 year                                                     520,717,149.91                 452,449,473.00

1-2 years                                                          94,734,608.45                  94,733,821.40

2-3 years                                                              19,926.83                      19,926.83

More than 3 years                                                 331,408,255.58                 331,315,534.10

                      Sub-total                                   946,879,940.77                 878,518,755.33

Less: provision for bad debts                                      27,329,643.44                  27,329,643.44

                       Total                                      919,550,297.33                 851,189,111.89

        (2) Disclosure by category

                                                              Ending balance

                                    Book balance                 Provision for bad debts
                                                                                   Ratio of    Book value
                               Amount           Ratio (%)         Amount           provision
Provision      for
bad          debts
                            27,617,758.22             2.92      27,329,643.44         98.96          288,114.78
accrued on an
individual basis
Provision      for
bad debts by
                          919,262,182.55             97.08                                       919,262,182.55
portfolio of risk
Including: low-
                          919,262,182.55             97.08                                       919,262,182.55
risk portfolio
      Total               946,879,940.77               100      27,329,643.44          3.11      919,550,297.33

                                                         Ending balance last year

                                    Book balance                 Provision for bad debts
                                                                                    Ratio of      Book value
                               Amount           Ratio (%)         Amount           provision
Provision       for
bad          debts
                            27,617,758.22             3.14      27,329,643.44         98.96          288,114.78
accrued on an
individual basis
Provision       for
bad debts by
                           850,900,997.11            96.86                                       850,900,997.11
portfolio of risk
Including: low-
                           850,900,997.11            96.86                                       850,900,997.11
risk portfolio
      Total                878,518,755.33           100.00      27,329,643.44          3.11      851,189,111.89

                                  Notes to the financial statements Page 93
         Provision for bad debts made on an individual basis:

                                                              Ending balance
                                                       Provision for           Ratio of        Reason for
                                  Book balance
                                                         bad debts          provision (%)       provision
                                                                                               Estimated to be
Individual income tax                2,470,039.76        2,470,039.76              100.00
Dormitory      amounts                                                                         Estimated to be
                                     1,736,004.16        1,736,004.16              100.00
receivable                                                                                       irrecoverable
Huiyang         County
                                                                                               Estimated to be
Kangtai       Industrial            14,311,626.70      14,311,626.70               100.00
Accounts     receivable                                                                        Estimated to be
                                     7,498,997.87        7,498,997.87              100.00
from individuals                                                                                 irrecoverable
                                                                                               Estimated to be
Others                               1,601,089.73        1,312,974.95               82.01
          Total                     27,617,758.22      27,329,643.44                98.96

         (3) Provision for bad debts

                                   First stage         Second stage         Third stage
                                                       Expected credit      Expected
  Provision for bad debts          Expected credit     loss over the        credit loss over       Total
                                   loss for the next   whole       life     the whole life
                                   12 months           (without credit      (with     credit
                                                       impairment)          impairment)
Beginning balance                                                            27,329,643.44      27,329,643.44
Beginning balance      in the
current period
- Carried forward     to the
second stage
- Carried forward     to the
third stage
- Reversal to the     second
- Reversal to the first stage
Provision in the current
Reversal in the current
Charge-off in the current
Write-off in current period

Other changes

Ending balance                                                               27,329,643.44      27,329,643.44

         (5) Classification by nature of payment

                                Notes to the financial statements Page 94
                                                   Book balance at the end of            Book balance at the end of the
          Nature of payment
                                                            period                              previous year
Transactions beween related parties                             919,379,250.99                         850,503,678.18
Dormitory amounts receivable                                       1,736,004.16                              1,736,004.16
Deposits receivable                                                1,601,089.73                              1,601,089.73
Accounts           receivable        from
                                                                   7,591,575.29                              7,615,145.44
Others                                                            16,572,020.60                          17,062,837.82
                  Sub-total                                     946,879,940.77                         878,518,755.33
Less: provision for bad debts                                     27,329,643.44                          27,329,643.44
                   Total                                        919,550,297.33                         851,189,111.89

3. Long-term equity investments

                                     Ending balance                                      Ending balance last year
      Item                                                                                      Provision
                        Book          Provision for                             Book
                                                          Book value                               for             Book value
                       balance         impairment                              balance
 in                 718,091,322.09     445,002,245.26     273,089,076.83    718,091,322.09    445,002,245.26      273,089,076.83
 in     joint
 ventures            79,175,883.44                         79,175,883.44     79,082,076.44                         79,082,076.44
      Total         797,267,205.53     445,002,245.26     352,264,960.27    797,173,398.53    445,002,245.26      352,171,153.27

 a)       Investments in subsidiaries

                                                                                             Provision for
                                                                                                               Ending balance
                                            Increase in    Decrease in                        impairment
                        Ending balance                                                                             of the
      Investees                             the current    the current     Ending balance     made in the
                           last year                                                                            provision for
                                              period         period                             current
 Shenzhen Server
                           26,650,000.00                                    26,650,000.00
 Supplying     Co.,
 Shen Nan Energy
 (Singapore) Co.,           6,703,800.00                                     6,703,800.00
 Shenzhen      New
 Power Industrial          71,270,000.00                                    71,270,000.00                       13,709,556.49
 Co., Ltd.
 Shen Nan Dian
                        410,740,000.00                                     410,740,000.00                      410,740,000.00
 Electric    Power
 Co., Ltd.
                            6,000,000.00                                     6,000,000.00

                                  Notes to the financial statements Page 95
                                                                                   Provision for
                                                                                                   Ending balance
                                      Increase in   Decrease in                     impairment
                     Ending balance                                                                    of the
    Investees                         the current   the current   Ending balance    made in the
                        last year                                                                   provision for
                                        period        period                          current
Technology Co.,
Shenzhen     Shen
Nan          Dian
Environment           55,300,000.00                                55,300,000.00                    20,552,688.77
Protection    Co.,
Zhuhai Hengqin
Partnership          141,427,522.09                               141,427,522.09
      Total          718,091,322.09             -             -   718,091,322.09               -   445,002,245.26

                             Notes to the financial statements Page 96
        b)         Investments in associates, joint ventures

                                                                             Increase/decrease in the current period
                                                                 Profit or loss                                                                                             Ending
                                                                       of                                           Cash                                                   balance of
                          Ending                                                  Adjustment of
                                                     Decrease     investment                        Changes dividends or        Provision                                      the
    Investees           balance last   Additional                                      other                                                             Ending balance
                                                        in        recognized                        in other       profits         for      Others                         provision
                            year       investment                                 comprehensive
                                                    investment     under the                         equity     declared and   impairment                                      for
                                                                    equity                                       distributed                                              impairment
1. Associates
Jiangsu Liaoyuan
Protection             79,082,076.44                             1,308,357.00                                  1,214,550.00                               79,175,883.44
Technology Co.,
     Sub-total         79,082,076.44            -            -   1,308,357.00                  -           -   1,214,550.00             -            -    79,175,883.44
       Total           79,082,076.44            -            -   1,308,357.00                  -           -   1,214,550.00             -            -    79,175,883.44

                                                                       Notes to the financial statements Page 97
     4. Operating revenue and operating costs

                                          Current amount                       Amount for the previous period
                                  Revenue                  Costs               Revenue               Costs

      Main business             123,160,499.18        167,370,297.62           96,445,440.00      153,240,868.95

      Other business             44,602,733.18              14,977.28          32,628,912.66            2,830.19

             Total              167,763,232.36        167,385,274.90          129,074,352.66      153,243,699.14

     5. Investment income

                                                                                                Amount for the
                                  Item                                  Current amount
                                                                                                previous period
      Income from long-term equity investments accounted for
      by using the equity method
      Investment income from trading financial assets during the
                                                                               9,342,507.91        28,915,295.59
      holding period
      Dividend income earned during the holding period of
      investments in other equity instruments
      Dividends from long-term equity investments                              6,717,600.82

                                  Total                                       17,708,671.86        28,915,295.59

XIV. Supplementary information
     1. Breakdown of the current non-recurring profit or loss

                                  Item                                         Amount              Description

      Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets                          106,021.61
      Tax returns, deduction and exemption approved beyond
      the authority or without official approval documents
      Government subsidies included in the current profit or loss
      (except for government subsidies closely related to the
      enterprise business, obtained by quota or quantity at
      unified state standards)
      Expenses for using funds charged from non-financial
      enterprises and included in the current profit or loss
      Gains arising from the difference between the investment
      costs of acquiring subsidiaries, associates and joint
      ventures in short of the fair value of the identifiable net
      assets of the investees enjoyed by the enterprise at the time
      of acquiring investment
      Profit or loss from exchange of non-monetary assets
      Profit or loss from entrusting others to invest in or manage
      Various provision for asset impairment made due to force
      majeure factors, such as natural disasters
      Profit or loss from debt restructuring

                                  Notes to the financial statements Page 98
                              Item                                        Amount               Description
 Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee
 accommodation costs and integration expenses, etc.
 Profit or loss in excess of the fair value arising from
 transactions with obviously unfair transaction price
 Current net profit or loss of the subsidiaries from business
 combination under the same control from the beginning of
 the period to the merger date
 Profit or loss from contingencies unrelated to the
 Company's normal business
 Profit or loss from changes in fair value arising from
 holdings of trading financial assets and trading financial
 liabilities and investment income from disposal of trading
 financial assets, trading financial liabilities and available-              9,342,507.91
 for-sale financial assets, except for the effective hedging
 business related to the Company's normal business
 Reversal of provision for impairment of accounts
 receivable subject to separate impairment test
 Profit or loss from external entrusted loans
 Profit or loss from changes in fair value of investment
 properties subsequently measured using the fair value
 Impact of one-off adjustment to the current profit or loss in
 accordance with laws and regulations on taxation and
 accounting on the current profit or loss
 Revenue of trusteeship fees from entrusted operation
 Other non-operating revenue and expenses other than the
 above items
 Other profit or loss that meet the definition of non-
 recurring profit or loss
                           Sub-total                                       18,507,679.24

 Less: effect of income tax

 Less: minority equity impact                                                 871,088.17

                              Total                                        17,636,591.07

2. Rate of return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                                          Earnings per share (RMB)
                                           average rate of
 Profit during the reporting period
                                           return on net          Basic earnings per    Diluted earnings per
                                           assets (%)                   share                  share
 Net profit attributable to ordinary
                                                     -2.59                    -0.0618                -0.0618
 shareholders of the Company
 Net profit attributable to ordinary
 shareholders of the Company after
                                                     -3.82                    -0.0910                -0.0910
 deducting non-recurring profit or

                                                                  Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

                                                                                            August 23, 2023

                              Notes to the financial statements Page 99