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江 铃B:江铃汽车股份有限公司监事会决议公告(英文版)2023-05-26  

                                                    Share’s code: 000550         Share’s Name: Jiangling Motors      No.: 2023—016
                200550                         Jiangling B

               Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
   Public Announcement on Resolutions of the Supervisory Board

Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. and the members of its Supervisory Board
undertake that the information disclosed herein is truthful, accurate and
complete and does not contain any false statement, misrepresentation or major

I. Time, Place & Form of Holding the Meeting
The Supervisory Board meeting of Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as ‘JMC’) was held in form of paper meeting from May 21 to May 24,
2023. The procedure of convening and holding the meeting complied with the
stipulation of the relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of JMC.

II. Status of the Supervisors Attending the Meeting
Five Supervisors shall attend this meeting and five supervisors were present.

III. Resolutions
The Supervisors present at the meeting approved the following resolutions based on
their discussion:
i. The Supervisory Board expressed its opinions on JMC Year 2023-2025 Shareholder
Return Plan as follows:
The Shareholder Return Plan in the next three years formulated by the Board of the
Company accords with the interests of the listed Company and all the shareholders,
not only paying attention to investors’ reasonable return but also the Company’s
long-term and sustainable development, which benefits legal interest protection for
investors and does not hurt the interests of the Company and minority shareholders.

There were 5 votes in favor of this proposal, 0 vote against, and 0 abstention.

The aforesaid Shareholder        Return    Plan   was    published    in   the    website

ii. Given the three-year term of the Tenth Supervisory Board of JMC will soon expire
pursuant to the provision of the Articles of Association of JMC, the Supervisory
Board approved submitting to the Shareholders' Meeting the nominations of the
following personnel as candidates for the new Supervisory Board:

Nanchang Jiangling Investment Co., Ltd. nominated Mr. Xiao Hu and Mr. Zhang Jian
as candidates for Supervisor on the Eleventh Supervisory Board of JMC; and

Ford Motor Company nominated Mr. Zhang Yangyang as a candidate for Supervisor
on the Eleventh Supervisory Board of JMC.

Each of the above-mentioned supervisor candidates was presented as a separate
proposal to the Supervisory Board meeting for voting and there were 5 votes in favor
of the proposals, 0 vote against, and 0 abstention.

The resumes of the candidates for the new Supervisory Board are as follows:

Mr. Xiao Hu, born in 1968, holds a Bachelor ’s Degree in Radio from Information
Science & Electronic Engineering Department of Zhejiang University, and is a
member of the Standing Committee of the CPC, the secretary of Discipline Inspection
Commission and Chairman of Supervisory Board for Jiangling Motor Group Co., Ltd.,
and Chief Supervisor of JMC. Mr. Xiao Hu has served as a cadre in the General
Office of the Nanchang Municipal People's Government, Deputy Director of the
Office of the Working Committee of the Nanchang Hi-tech Industrial Development
Zone, Deputy Director of the Software Industry Office of the Nanc hang Hi-tech
Industry Development Zone Administrative Committee, Deputy Head of the
Organization Department of the Working Committee of Nanchang Hi-tech Industry
Development Zone, Deputy Director of the Personnel and Labor Bureau of the
Nanchang Hi-tech Industry Development Zone Administrative Committee, Head of
the Organization Department of the Working Committee of Nanchang Hi-tech
Industry Development Zone, and the Director of the Personnel Bureau of the
Nanchang Hi-tech Industry Development Zone Administrative Committee.

As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Xiao Hu did not hold any shares
of the Company. Except for the above mentioned position in the shareholder of the
Company, Mr. Xiao Hu has no relationship with the other shareholders holding more
than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as other
Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Xiao Hu has not
been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant
Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been
investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory
Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the
situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a Company Supervisor as stipulated in
the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Xiao Hu
meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental
rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock
Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of
"National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to
Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Xiao Hu does not belong to the person subject
to enforcement for trust-breaking.

Mr. Zhang Yangyang, born in 1979, holds a LLB Degree in International Law from
China Foreign Affairs University and a LLM Degree from the University of Michigan

Law School (Ann Arbor), is qualified to practice law in People’s Republic of China
and in the State of New York, the United States of America, and is currently serving as
a Director and General Counsel of Ford Motor (China) Ltd., Principle of Beijing
Branch for Ford Motor (China) Ltd., a Supervisor of Ford Electric Mache Technology
(Nanjing) Co., Ltd., a Supervisor of Ford Electric Mache Auto Sales (Shanghai) Co.,
Ltd. and a Supervisor of JMC. Mr. Zhang Yangyang previously assumed a series of
legal related positions within Ford including Managing Counsel for Ford China and
ASEAN region, Senior Counsel for Ford China Operations, etc.

As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Zhang Yangyang did not hold any
shares of the Company. Except for the above mentioned position in the shareholder of
the Company, Mr. Zhang Yangyang has no relationship with the other shareholders
holding more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as
well as other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Zhang
Yangyang has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other
relevant Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has
not been investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by C hina Securities
Regulatory Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is
no the situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a Company Supervisor as
stipulated in the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr.
Zhang Yangyang meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative
regulations, departmental rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of
Stock on Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company.
After the inquiry of "National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of
Persons Subject to Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Zhang Yangyang does not
belong to the person subject to enforcement for trust-breaking.

Mr. Zhang Jian, born in 1969, holds a College Degree in Secretarial Professional from
North China University of Technology, and is Chairman of Labor Union for Jiangling
Motor Group Co., Ltd., Chairman of Supervisory Board of Nanchang Jiangling
Investment Co., Ltd., and a Supervisor of JMC. Mr. Zhang Jian held various positions
including Deputy Chief and Chief of Political Affairs Department under JMC Engine
Plant, Chairman Secretary and Office Deputy Director of JMC, Director of Office,
Director of Communist Party Office, Chief of Publicity Department, Assistant to
General Manger, Senior Vice Chairman of Labor Union for Jiangling Motor Company
(Group), and Chairman of Supervisory Board of Jiangling Motor Holdings Co., Ltd.

As of the disclosure date of this announcement, Mr. Zhang Jian holds 40 shares of the
Company. Except for the above mentioned position in the shareholder of the
Company, Mr. Zhang Jian has no relationship with the other shareholders holding
more than 5% of the shares of the Company and their actual controllers, as well as
other Directors, Supervisors and senior executives of the Company. Mr. Zhang Jian
has not been punished by China Securities Regulatory Commission or other relevant
Departments or taken disciplinary action by the Stock Exchanges, and has not been
investigated by judicial organs for suspected crimes or by China Securities Regulatory

Commission on suspicion of violations of laws and regulations. There is no the
situation on which he is prohibited to serve as a Company Supervisor as stipulated in
the Company Law and the Articles of Association of the Company. Mr. Zhang Jian
meets the qualifications required in the laws, administrative regulations, departmental
rules, normative documents, Rules Governing Listing of Stock on Shenzhen Stock
Exchange and the Articles of Association of the Company. After the inquiry of
"National Court Information Disclosure and Inquiry Platform of Persons Subject to
Enforcement for Trust-breaking", Mr. Zhang Jian does not belong to the person
subject to enforcement for trust-breaking.

iii. The Supervisory Board approved the Notice on Holding 2022 Annual
Shareholders’ Meeting of JMC.

There were 5 votes in favor of this proposal, 0 vote against, and 0 abstention.

The full text of the Notice on Holding 2022 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of JMC
was published on May 26, 2023 in China Securities, Securities Times, Hong Kong
Commercial Daily and the website www.cninfo.com.cn.

The announcement hereby is published.

Supervisory Board
Jiangling Motors Corporation, Ltd.
May 26, 2023
